Konten Speech (Cadangan)

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Does electronic cinema affect youth’s morale?

Good morning everybody my name is Ramadnai i’m standing here to share my thoughts
about this topic. I think electronic cinema can and do affect youth’s live. They often raise important
issues and thereby make us think, and they often raise those issues in vivid and memorable ways.
But, what is electronic cinema? Electronic cinema is the creation of movies in electronic
formats rather than film. In Indonesia electronic cinema is known as “sinetron”. But, does over
viewing electronic cinema can cause a problem in youth’smorale? As i already told you, yes it can.
But how? When youth’s watch electronic cinema, then they may be greatly impressed by some
electronic cinema and learned the skills from the some movie to commit crime.
When people in to something they like to watch they tend to mimic what theyve wathed. In
media, i have read some reports, in which it was disclosed by a criminal that they got impressed by
some electronic cinema and learned the skills from the some movie to commit crime.
On the other side, if elctronic cinema seen in teenage are good then it would inspire the
youth’s to become courageous and good citizen. However, when some one has attained maturnity
level, then electonic cinema become a source of entertaiment.
To stop problems that caused by electronic cinema is not easy if youth’s has already been
addicted. But we can avoid it easily by sorting and choose wisely. Cause not all electronic cinema
give bad impact to us. I know some electronic cinemas that i reccormend you to watch like as the
world turns that contain intresting story about family members and friends struggle to do the right
thing as they folow their heart.
As a conclusion, electronic cinema is just same as coins that have two sides. It depends how
we choose it. If we choose it wisely it can give good impacts in our morale. Thank you for your kind
attension. I really apreciate it !.

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