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Once upon a time, there was a little girl Cinderella who lived

happily with her beloved parents. But one day, when her mother
died, Cinderella's father remarried Mrs. Tremaine, an evil woman
with two hateful daughters. When her father died, her stepmother
treated Cinderella like a servant in the house, and treating her
unfairly. Even though she worked hard all day, Cinderella still
couldn't please them. Therefore, living in the same house, she and
her mother and child had completely different lives. She had to
wore old clothes, and slept on a shabby bed of straw. In her most
lonely and pitiful moments, she had no one to comfort or talk to
other than gentle little animals.
Days went by until one day, the king decided to find a wife for his
son. So he held ball and invited all the unmarried girls to attend so
that the prince could choose the girl he liked best. Cinderella heard
the news and asked her stepmother. The stepmother told that she
must finish everything and have a suitable dress to go to the
party. While she was working, the mouse and bird secretly repaired
Cinderella's the old dress that belonged to her mother. The animals
took the necklace and piece of cloth that the two older sisters threw
away. When the carriage arrived to pick up everyone to go to the
party. Cinderella ran down and showed everyone her dress. The
stepmother said it was beautiful with a nasty attitude. The two older
sisters shouted that Cinderella stole their stuff. As they spoke, they
tore Cinderella's dress into pieces. The stepmother laughed and
closed the door then left Cinderella home alone. She was very sad
and cried a lot.
Suddenly, her godmother appeared, she used the magic to turn the
pumpkin into a carriage, the four mice into four white horses, the
horse into the driver and the dog into the waiter. Finally, she turned
Cinderella's dress into a shimmering and gorgeous dress, made her
look beautiful like a princess. That night at the palace, Cinderella
suddenly appeared. Her innocent, pure beauty made everyone
surprised. Even the stepmother and stepdaughters did not realize
that the mysterious princess was Cinderella. When the prince saw
Cinderella and was immediately captivated, her beauty had touched
his heart. He ran to her and asked her for a dance. They danced
together among beautiful and romantic melodies without paying
attention to everyone's admiring eyes and the prince fell in love
with Cinderella. But when the clock struck 12, Cinderella
remembered her fairy godmother's advice and quickly ran away,
leaving her glass shoe behind. She disappeared quickly, leaving the
prince in confusing with many questions.
After he magic disappeared, Cinderella returned as a poor girl. But
from now on, her "restless heart" begins to dream of the image of a
handsome and elegant prince with a kind heart and warm voice. As
for the prince, in order to find the girl of his dreams, he wants all
young girls to be allowed to try on shoes, and if they fit, they will
become his wife. Although her stepmother and two younger siblings
prevented her from breaking the shoe that the Prince kept,
Cinderella finally appeared with a second glass shoe. The story ends
happily like any other fairy tale, the prince and Cinderella get
married, and they live happily together forever.

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