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My Stress Journal

One of the ways to deal with any overwhelming emotion is to find a healthy way to express yourself. This makes a journal a helpful tool in
managing your mental health. Journaling can help you manage anxiety, reduce stress, and cope with depression.

Instructions: Use the template below for your stress journal. The template will give you clear examples of when and why stress might occur and
tips on how to begin to manage it. The journal will be a daily diary and will span four weeks. Feel free to add additional rows if needed. Use the
given example for reference.

sity Situation Triggering Emotional Was it handled
a How Did
of (circumstanc event Behavioral Reaction well? Moving
n You Handle the
Stres e, location, (preceding (your feelings about forward what are
d event?
s (1- people) event) the event) they going to do?
I texted my mother I handled it well
9/15/ at school to because I
22 I was playing immediately
I woke up too I got mad at my apologize for what
4 online games accepted that it was
late and missed mother for not waking I had done. really my mistake.
9:00 until 2:00 am. And promise that I
the first class me up.
am yesterday will never do it
I chose not to stay again.
up late.
Well yes, I handled it
I stayed up until I choose to claim myself well because I realized I
I missed my breakfast 3:00AM I am easily irritated all first, then eat, and then was wrong in the first
10/13/23 5
meal in the morning Watching K-drama morning after waking up. do my chores in the place, and I promise
series morning. myself not to do it again
next time.

I sweat a lot during I feel embarrassed at all After the practice I

It was hot and no air at
10/14/23 4 practice in PE exam because of sweat and immediately changed Yes, it is what it is.
all in the gym
and task performance triggering the smell too. clothes to freshen up.

I couldn’t finish my
I contacted my teacher if
assessment that was Yes I handled it right this
I was nervous because of there was an extension
due although I work Set unrealistic time for time, because I passed it
10/15/23 6 not being able to finish the for that assessment, and
very hard all morning. the assessments on time in the second
assessment on time. I finished it before the
It took longer to finish attempt.
than expected.

02 Task Performance 1 *Property of STI

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I played music in my phone I handled it well because it’s

Neighbor’s rooster keeps Kinda pissed off because I
10/16/23 4 Kinda upset to my neighbor. for it to blocked the crows just a small and simple thing
crawling can’t sleep properly.
and so I can sleep tight. to argue with.

I was concerned about the

assessments and keep on
I put off doing all my I think I hadled it well
muttering and complaining about
assessments until the last I used pomodoro technique because I provide
I have to many assessments having to many. When I think
10/17/23 7 minute, and now I have one to me to finished my procrastination. And I was
due by end of this weekend about having so many
week to complete them all assessments on time. relieved when I finished all
assessments to complete, my
under deadline pressure. my assessments.
head hurts and also my lower
back feels so much pain.

I drink water, ate and take a I handled it well because after

I goy head ache playing I was playing Farlight for I feel hungry and tired after I
10/18/23 5 nap to reduce the headache I played I take a nap and gain
Farlight 84. almost 4 hours straight. played.
and back pain. energy.

I ask my mom to give me I think I handled it well

My money was short when I ate a lot of street foods I feel anxious and nervous
10/19/23 6 coins to cover up may short because I quickly take an
I was going home. before I go home. because I was short in money.
money. solution to my problem.

02 Task Performance 1 *Property of STI

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