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2023 2023

Force & Motion - According to the principle of conservation of momentum, total momentum in a system is always
1. (a) Impulse is the change in momentum. - Therefore, a same magnitude of upward momentum will be produced to propel the rocket upward
(b) (i) Force acting on the eggs in Diagram 4.2 > Diagram 4.1
(ii) The time of impact in Surface A > Surface B (d)

(iii) The change in momentum is the same.

(iv) When the time of impact decreases, the force produced increases.
(c) Sponge.
(d) - Pile driver with large and hard mass are used.
- The pile driver is released from a high position quickly.
- The heavy pile driver will hit the pile at high speed which create a large change in momentum
- The pile driver is made of metal which is hard and the time taken for the pile driver to hit the pile
is short.
- Thus, a large impulsive force is produced on the pile to drive into the ground.


2. (a) Momentum is the product of mass and velocity.

(b) (i) Total momentum before and after the bullet is fired is zero.
(ii) - Magnitude: Same
- Direction: Opposite to each other
(iii) Principle of conservation of momentum.
(c) - Liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen are mixed and pumped into the combustion chamber,
explosion occurs.
- Hot gases produced from combustion will be ejected out with high speed producing a large
downward momentum.


2023 2023
3. (a) When the car brakes are pressed suddenly, the driver will be thrown forward due to inertia. (c)
The seat belt can restrain the driver from being thrown forwards and getting injured.
(b) (i) Automatic Air bag.
(ii) It acts as a cushion to protect the head and body of the driver and passenger when their body
get thrown forward during accident.
(c) (i) Fabric // Reason: Able to absorb sweat/cooler.
(ii) Fibre // Reason: Does not break easily/durable.
(iii) Baby car seat is installed in the back seat // Reason: Reduces the risk of injury during accident
(v) Y
(d)(i) - Front crumple zone is designed to crumple easily upon impact.
- Airbag prolongs the time of impact.
- Both extend the impact time during collision.
- As a result, the magnitude of the impulsive force on the car and the driver is reduced.
(d)(ii) F =

F = -83310 N

4. (a)(i) Speed is a scalar quantity and velocity is a vector quantity.

(ii) Rate of change of displacement


2023 2023
5. (a) The mass of a body is a measure of the amount of matter it contains.
(b) (i) When the nett force acting on the car is zero, the car remains at rest if it was already at rest.
The car continues to move at constant velocity if it was already moving. 1. (a) (i) A force that makes an object to follow a circular path with direction always pointing
towards the centre of curvature
(ii) When the nett force is not zero, the movement of the car depends on the magnitude and
direction of the nett force. For a given mass of the car, the greater the nett force, the greater the (ii) Towards the centre of rotation
(b) (i)

(ii) 0.27 N
(c) a =

= 0.27 / 0.025
(d)(i) Decrease
(ii) The rubber stopper will continue moving tangentially
(e) (i)
(d) • For a given mass of the car. the greater the force, the greater the acceleration.
• For a given nett force, the greater the mass, the smaller the acceleration.
• In order to produce the same amount of acceleration, the greater the mass of the car, the greater
the thrust force produced by the engine is needed.
(e) (ii)

(iii) The thrower must cover more distance in a shorter amount of time. The thrower must
deliberately speed up the footwork to reduce the time taken.

2. (a) A satellite that is always at the same geographical spot when observed from the surface of
(b) - Orbital period is 24hours
- Orbit from West to East
(c) (i) x-axis = r
y-axis = g
(ii) 9.81 ms-2


2023 2023
(d) (i) 3. (a) - Kepler’s First Law: All planets move in elliptical orbits with the Sun at one focus (Law of
V =√ - Kepler’s Second Law: A line that connects a planet to the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal
times (Law of Areas).
6.67 𝑥 10−11 (5.97 𝑥 1024 )
=√ - Kepler’s Third Law: The square of the orbital period of any planet is directly proportional to the
4.23 𝑥 107
cube of the radius of its orbit (Law of Periods).
(b) (i) VY > VX > VZ
F = (ii) Planet is nearest to the Sun at point Y. Hence, the gravitational pull by the Sun is the strongest

6.67 𝑥 10−11 (5.97 𝑥 1024 )(1200) and the Planet will move with fastest orbital velocity. The planet is furthest from the Sun at point Z.
= Therefore, the gravitational pull is smallest, and planet will move the slowest.
(4.23 𝑥 107 )2

(e) The satellite will fall back to the surface of the Earth. (c) (i) 2 (ii) 1

𝑇2 𝑇2 (d)
(f) = 𝑟3
Choice Reason
272 12
= 𝑟3
384,400 0003
Shape of orbit must be circle Orbits the Earth with almost uniform speed

(g) Direction of motion should be same as the Always above the same geographical location
direction of Earth rotation of the Earth
Choice Reason
Orbital period is 24 hours Able to receive and send live telecast signals
Orbital period should be 24 hours or 1 day So that the satellite has the same orbital velocity as more effectively
Earth’s rotational speed
Orbital velocity must be less than the escape Will not escape into outer space and never
Altitude should be around 36000 km So that the satellite will be located at geostationary velocity from the Earth return to the Earth
Satellite X is chosen because the orbit is circular, moves in the same direction of Earth rotation,
Source of Energy should be Solar So that the satellite can collect and convert the solar orbital period is 24 hours and its orbital velocity is less than the escape velocity from the Earth
energy from Sun

Orbital direction should be West to East Orbit the same with Earth’s rotational direction, the (ii) Apart of the characteristics given in Table 2, suggest another one characteristics of GPS
satellite will appear to be at the same geographical satellites for better quality of navigation of road users in the city. Give a reason.
spot when observed from Earth. Types of antennas: Signals sent from the Earth to the communication satellites and vice versa
must be in a proper bandwidth and with minimum loss during transmission. [Or any other sensible
Therefore, most suitable satellite should be W because…


2023 2023
4. (a) Force towards the centre of a circle when a body is in circular motion. 5. (a) The time taken by the Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun.
(b) The size of planet X is larger than planet Y. (b) (i) The size of orbit of Jupiter is larger than the Earth
The radius of orbit of planet X is larger than planet Y. (ii) The orbital period ofJ upiter is longer than the Earth

The orbital period of planet X is longer than planet Y. (iii) The greater the size of orbit, the longer the orbital period

The radius of orbit increases, the orbital period increases. (iv) Kepler’s Third law

Kepler’s Third Law (c)

(c) - The satellite moves in a circular motion.

- There is a change in velocity.
(d) The linear speed from R to S is higher than the linear speed from T to U.
- Change in velocity = acceleration
Because the distance of RS is further than the distance of TU.
- Centripetal force is produced to keep the satellite moving around the Earth.
6. (a) Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation state that the gravitational force between two bodies
is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of
the distance between them.




2023 2023
(iii) The altitude and orbital speed are unchanged with greater mass of satellite since both are
unaffected by the mass of satellite.
(d) 1.


Gravitation Calculation Practices

a) Ans: 10N b) Ans: (i) A geostatationary satellite is a satellite that orbits the Earth in
the same direction as the Earth's rotation at its axis and its always
above the same geographical location when observed from Earth.

(ii) communication satellite for telecommunication purposes.

(c) (i) Diagram (a) : Sea breeze
(iii) 3.09 km s-1

c) Ans: 5014 m s-1 d) U = - 4.17x10 15J

Diagram (b) : Land breeze

v= 6.02 x 104ms-1 (ii)

e) g = 0.38 f) 21.3 days

g) 1.74 x 10 h) 4.2 x 104

i) 1 x 10 3 j) (i)1.0 x 103

(ii)T = 27

(iii) During daytime, the land is heated up faster than the water. The air above the land becomes
less dense and rises upward. The air pressure decreases. The difference in air pressure produces
a force to move the air from the sea to the land


2023 2023
(d) (e) - Low specific heat capacity of the ice cream container, so that its becomes cool quickly.
- Smaller size of the ice cream box, so that easier to carry.
- PVC plastic is used to make the outer container because it is a poor conductor of heat.
- Bright colour of outer container is used, so that it does not absorb heat from surrounding quickly.
- R is chosen, because of the low specific heat capacity of the ice cream container, smaller size of
the ice cream container, PVC plastic and bright colour of outer container is used.



2. (a) Temperature is the measure of the degree of hotness of an object.

(b)(i) - The thermometer is placed in the patient’s mouth.
- Heat is transferred from the patient’s body to the thermometer.
- Thermal equilibrium between the thermometer and the patient’s body is reached when the net
rate of heat transfer is zero.
- The thermometer reading shows the temperature of the patient’s body.
(ii) Constriction
(c) (i) Alcohol (ii) Safer / Non poisonous
(d) (i) Specific heat capacity, heat capacity

(iii) X to Y
(iv) Heat lost by X = heat gained by Y


2023 2023
4. (a) QR & ST (b) QR 6. (a) Charles’ Law
(c) Heat absorbed is used to overcome the force of attraction between the molecules so that it (b) (i) o C
changes the state from solid to liquid
(ii) Absolute temperature
(iii) Kelvin
(c) -273


6. (a) Temperature
(b) At a lower temperature, the average kinetic energy of the gas molecules is lower.
When temperature increases, the average kinetic energy of the gas molecules increase.
Since the pressure on the balloon in constant, the separation between the gas molecules
Therefore, the balloon expands and its volume increases.

(d) The heat energy absorbed from the sunlight causes some of the liquid propellant in the can to
This causes a large increase in the gas pressure in the can.
The high pressure may cause the can to explode.


2023 2023
1. (a) Longitudinal wave (b) Sound wave (c) X: compression
Y: rarefaction
(d) To check the growth of an unborn baby inside the mother’s womb.
To detect cracks in the metal structure of a car

2. (a) (i) Two crests or two troughs superpose and produce maximum amplitude.
(ii) The crest superposes with the trough and produce minimum amplitude
(b) (i) Nodal line (ii) Antinodal line
(c) (i) To produce two coherent waves
7. (a) The amount of heat required to raise the temperature by 1°C for 1 kg of material.
(ii) Waves that have the same frequency, same wavelength
(b) The wood has high specific heat capacity.
(d) Use monochromatic light
Good heat insulator
(e) (i) increases
(c) (i) More windows // Reason: More air flow
(ii) increases
(ii) (ii) High // Reason: Better air ventilation inside the house
(iii) the fringes formed on the screen will become rainbow color
(iii) Concrete tile // Reason: High specific heat capacity



2023 2023
3. (a) Diffraction of wave (d) i. motion of liner
(b) Rotating liner, Heat food evenly.
ii. locations of the microwave transmitter
at the centre of the back wall of the oven, microwave will be reflected evenly in all direction to
ensure that the food in the oven is cooked uniformly
iii. type of transformer used
Step up transformer, Increase voltage supply
iv. suitable material of the food tray
(c) (i) Wavelength and size of slit
The food tray is made of porcelain, so that it can withstand high temperatures doesn’t break
(ii) The wavelength in P is greater than the size of the slit. Therefore, the effect of diffraction is
obvious. The wavelength in Q is less than the size of the slit. Therefore, the effect of diffraction is v. hole of metal mesh door
not obvious.
smaller hole, to avoid microwave going out of the oven
(d) 1. Located at the bay
- calmer water/wave amplitude smaller at the bay
5. (a) To produce coherent source
2. Sloping wall
(b) (i) constructive interference occurs at X, amplitude of sound waves increased
- Speed/energy/amplitude of the water decreases when the depth of the water decreases.
(ii) V = f λ
3. Uneven surface
340 = 500λ
- More friction, reducing wave energy/speed
λ = 0.68 m
4. High retaining wall
(iii) λ = ax / D
- To protect the harbour from high waves
0.68 = 2x / 10
5. Wall C is chosen
x = 3.4 m
- It is located at the bay, it has a sloping wall, an uneven surface and is high.
(c) (i) decreased (ii) increased
4. (a) Microwave

(b) Microwave carries a lot of energy when it is emitted from the oven.
The wave passes through the food inside and the energy pass on to the water molecules inside
the food. The energy excites the water molecule and it heats up the food and cook the food slowly.
(c) (i) P: Ultraviolet ray
Q: Radio wave
(ii) Wave P and wave Q have the same velocity
(iii) Wave P and wave Q are able to undergo polarisation


2023 2023
6. (a) (i) The number of complete oscillations in one second (ii) 3
(ii) Ultrasonic waves (e)
(b) The sound waves have high energy and short wavelength so that less diffract and can travel Infrared Cost to generate infrared is cheaper // safer, do not
further cause harmful side effect to users
Range in the air is not long. Suitable distance for human to control the
(c) Reflection of sound wave
television from viewing distance // do not interfere
(d) with other infrared signal
Signal is not easily diffracted. Signal will not disturb other electronic devices

Smaller mass of the remote control portable, easier to handle / carry

Choice: R. It emits infrared, range in the air is 15 m, the signal is difficult being diffracted and the mass is


9. (a) transverse waves.

(b) (i) Same
(ii) Deep region > Shallow region
7. (a) Microwaves
𝑣 𝑣
(c) (i) 𝜆 = 𝜆
(b) i. X-rays
5 𝑣
ii. Ultraviolet =
0.015 0.01
iii. Infrared 𝑣
(ii) f = 𝜆
(c) Ultrasound is a longitudinal wave. Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves.
(d) (i)


2023 2023
(e) (i) • The resort is to be built near the bay (c)
• The waves at the bay are calmer than at the cape
(ii) • To reduce erosion, retaining walls are built
• to reflect the waves from the shore
(iii) • retaining wall with a gap in between are built at the designated area for children
• Waves passing through the gap will be diffracted in the children’s area. The smaller amplitude of
the diffracted waves causes the sea to be calmer.
(iv) • retaining wall built with concrete so that the wall does not corrode or rust by the sea water
(v) • lifeguard tower is built at the shore area. This is to ensure the lifeguard able to look over the
entire beach area at higher places and prevent tourist from drowning

1. (a) (i) Refraction of light
(ii) The angle of incidence of Diagram 10.1 is the same as Diagram 10.2 2. (a) - Light rays are refracted away from normal when coming out from water into air.
The angle of refraction of Diagram 10.1 is larger than Diagram 10.2 - Image of the fish is located nearer to the water surface.
The refractive index of glass is lower than the refractive index of diamond.
The greater the angle of refraction, the lower the refractive index
Snell’s law
(b) (i)

(c) He should aim his spear a few cm below the image of the fish.

(ii) The refractive index of water is higher than the refractive index of air.
The light propagates from water to air.
The velocity of light in the air increases.
So, the light is refracted away from the normal line.


2023 2023
3. (a) Prism Periscope 4. (a) (i)
(b) (i)


(ii) To ensure total internal reflection occurs

(c) (ii) upright
(iii) Optical fibre
(d) (iii) The incident angle is equal to the critical angle. This makes the angle of refraction to be 90°.
The refracted light ray thus travels along the air-water interface.


5. (a) Distance between focal point and optical center of a lens

(b) (i)

(ii) Upright / Magnified / Virtual

(c) (i) Small // Reason: Big linear magnification
(ii) Big // Reason: More light can enter.
(d) M


2023 2023
6. (a) Refraction of light (ii) Total internal reflection occurs.
(b) (i) (c)

(ii) P = 1/f
= 1/(-0.15m)
(iii) Diminished//Virtual//Upright
(d) - Thinner, lighter, and flexible//Cheaper to produce//More economical.
(c) The size of image bigger.
- Can carry more signals and information//More efficient transmission of information over long
7. (a) Virtual
(e) - Diamond has a higher refractive index compared to glass.
(b) (i) Object distance, u is smaller in Diagram 5.2 than in Diagram 5.1.
- The critical angle of diamond is much smaller than the critical angle of glass.
(ii) Image distance, v is smaller in Diagram 5.2 than in Diagram 5.1.
- Most of the light rays entering diamonds undergo total internal reflection and dispersion to make
(iii) Image size is larger in Diagram 5.2 than in Diagram 5.1. diamond sparkle.

(c) (i) When the object distance decreases/increases, the image distance decreases/increases. - Most of the light rays entering glass are refracted but not reflected so glass sparkles less.

(ii) When the object’s distance decreases/increases, the image size increases/decreases.
(d) (f)

8. (a) (i) Critical angle.




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