Đề Cương Rắc Nghiệm

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Question 1: The most common reason why administrators (quản trị viên) do not want to

decentralize is because không muốn phân quyền do

a. The ability of subordinates is good
b. Lack of trust in subordinates
c. Fear of subordinates doing the right thing
d. Fear of losing money

Verse 2: What role does the administrator perform when negotiating with partners about
increasing the processing unit price during contract discussions with them?
a. Liaison role
b. Negotiator role
c. The role of a leader (Leader)
d. Representative role (Figurehead)

Question 3: The difference between a manager and an employee is:

a. Take responsibility for the work of others
b. Take responsibility for your work
c. Responsible for Organizational Profits
d. Take responsibility for work goals

Question 4: The most necessary skills for senior managers (cấp cao)
a. Human Resources (Interpersonal skills)
b. Thinking (Conceptual skills)
c. Technical skills
d. Thinking skills (Conceptual skills) + Human resources (Interpersonal skills)

Question 5: How many skills (KN) do managers need?

a. 3 skills include: Conceptual skills: Thinking skills, Interpersonal skills: Human skills skills,
Technical skills: Technical skills.
b. 4 skills include: Conceptual skills: Thinking skills, Interpersonal skills: Human skills
skills, Technical skills: Technical skills, Political skills: Connection/political skills.
c. 3 skills include: Conceptual skills: Thinking skills, Interpersonal skills: Human skills,
Technical skills: Technical skills, Political skills: Connection skills
d. 4 skills include: Making Decisions skills: Decision making skills, Interpersonal skills:
Human Resources skills, Technical skills: Technical skills, Political skills: Connection skills

Question 6: Some are not in favor of planning, because they argue that:
a. Planning can create rigidity (sự cứng nhắc)
b. Formal plans can replace intuition and creativity.
c. Planning directs the manager's focus to the present, not the future, of the competitor.
d. All of the above.

Verse 7: Analyze the environment to identify the company's strengths and weaknesses as
well as the opportunities presented by the market and the challenges it may affect the
company so that we can make strategic decisions. corporate strategy, known as:
a. Industry environment analysis
b. Competitive environment analysis
c. SWOT analysis
d. Analysis of BCG

Verse 8: Which of the following is not part of an organization's external environment?

a. Society
b. Politics
c. Juridical (pháp lý)
d. Organizational culture

Verse 9: 6 things to pay attention to in organizational design:

a. Work specialization, Departmentalization, Authority and responsibility, Span of
control, Centralization and decentralization, Formalization (Standardization of
b. Work specialization, Departmentalization, Authority and responsibility, Span of control,
Numerous organizational rules, Clearly defined procedures covering work processes
c. Explicit job descriptions - Numerous organizational rules, Clearly defined procedures
covering work processes, Span of control term of governance), Centralization versus
decentralization (Centralization versus decentralization), Formalization (Standardization of
d. Work specialization, Departmentalization, Authority and responsibility, Explicit job
descriptions, Numerous organizational rules , Clearly defined procedures covering work

Question 10: The Organic Organization is suitable for:

a. Stable environment with little variation.
b. The environment has little change and the span of governance is low.
c. The environment is dynamic, but there is little change.
d. The environment is dynamic and uncertain.

Question 11: Divide work activities into separate tasks. Individuals specialize in a piece of
work in order to increase work output. The above is the definition of:
a. Division of Labor: division of labor.
b. Formalization (Standardization of Process).
c. Work specialization
d. Departmentalization

Verse 12: What is human resource planning:

a. Recruitment, assignment, training, evaluation, and transfer.
b. As the workload increases, more personnel are needed
c. It is an assessment of current human resources and future human resource needs.
Develop a plan to meet those needs.
d. Identification and selection of competent employees.

Verse 13: Teams are defined by the organization chart and consist of individuals who report
directly to certain managers.
a. Task Groups
b. Cross-Functional Teams
c. Command Groups
d. Self-Managed Teams

Verse 14: People's motives for action come from the strongest động cơ hành động của con
người xuất phát từ
a. Unsatisfied need (nhu cầu chưa được thoả mãn)
b. What the manager promises to reward after completion
c. Maslow's human needs
d. Higher level needs
Verse 15: According to Douglas McGregor's Theory Y, humans
a. Need close supervision
b. naturally want to work
c. Will avoid work when possible
d. avoid responsibility

Verse 16: Control is the operation:

a. Error detection and punishment.
b. monitoring activities to ensure that they are completely completed according to plan.
c. Monitor to ensure that work is completed as planned and correct any deviations
accordingly. (sửa chữa mọi sai lệch phù hợp)
d. Measure the success of the actual against the plan.

Verse 17: Control is the function to be performed

a. Interwoven with all other functions of administration (đan xen vào các chức năng
khác của quản trị)
b. After planning and organizing the work
c. When there is an unusual problem
d. To evaluate the results

Verse 18: To increase the efficiency and effectiveness of administration, administrators can
do it by
a. Reduced input costs and unchanged output
b. Costs at inputs remain unchanged and revenue increases at outputs
c. Reduce input costs while increasing output revenue
d. All the above ways
Verse 19: Macro-regulation of the Vietnamese economy through economic and financial
policies. That's the impact on business from
a. General environment
b. Economical factors
c. Political and legal factors
d. Industry environment

Verse 20: Legal authority of the administrator

a. From the regulations of the organization
b. Obtained from personal prestige
c. Depends on the level of the administrator
d. Obtained from the position

Verse 21: The downsides of personal decisions are:

a. Limited knowledge and news
b. The proposed solution is accepted by many people
c. Loss of democracy
d. Make decisions quickly.

Question 22: Human work motivation comes from

a. 5 levels of needs
b. Higher level needs
c. Unsatisfied need
d. What did the manager do for the employees?
Verse 23: "Planning to determine the goal to be achieved and set out...actions to achieve the
goal in each certain period"

a. Opinion
b. Solution
c. Limit
d. Budget

Verse 24: Which of the following statements is correct?

a. The difficulty is that workers tend to overestimate their own level of contribution and
appreciate the rewards others receive.
b. If workers think they are treated well, the reward is commensurate with their efforts;
they will be satisfied. From there, they will not work to their full potential.
c. If workers believe they are treated properly, rewards and remuneration are
commensurate with their efforts; they will increase their productivity.
d. If workers perceive that rewards and incentives are less than desirable; they will work
harder and harder.

Verse 25: Administration required for

a. For-profit and non-profit organizations
b. Enterprises engaged in production and business activities
c. Administrative and non-business units
d. Big companies

Verse 26: Fill in the blank “Governance directs the organization to achieve its goals with …
the highest and lowest costs”
a. Satisfaction b. Benefit c. Result d. Profit

Verse 27: The basic elements of management by MBO objectives include:

a. Commitment of senior management, cooperation of members, self-governance,

periodic control organization
b. Guaranteed resources, commitment of senior management, cooperation of members,
c. Stable mission, staff qualifications, commitment of senior management, cooperation
of members, voluntariness
d. All is incorrect

Verse 28: Management decision making aims to:

a. Choose the best option and make a decision
b. Discuss with others and make decisions
c. Solve 1 problem
d. Find a solution to the problem

Verse 29: The relationship between management level and skills is

a. The lower the position, the less technical skills
b. The higher the position, the less important the cultivation skill
c. Managers need all skills, but the higher the position, the more important thinking
skills are
d. All of the above are incorrect
Question 30: Administrators should:
a. Choose a decision model that has been successful before
b. Consider many factors to choose the right decision-making model
c. Using consultative models for decision making
d. Use the “collective decision making” model because it is the best model

II- Management situation (3 points)

Pharmaceutical company Pfizer is constantly looking for ways to help employees function
efficiently and effectively. The company is headed by the CEO, below is a deputy director
who manages the departments of Marketing, finance, accounting, production, research and
development, human resources, and information technology. Senior executives consider the
company to be organizationally inefficient, as the average Pfizer employee spends 20 percent
to 40 percent of their time on support work (creating documents, typing notes) , research, data
manipulation, scheduling meetings) and only 60 percent to 80 percent for knowledge work
(strategy, innovation, networking, collaboration, critical thinking) because the company Pfizer
hires staff from top universities and pays very high salaries, they want employees to save time
to focus on achieving superior revenue results, finding more contracts and customers. row .
Even the most senior employees are affected. Take, for example, David Cain, a global
director of engineering excellence. He enjoys work in assessment, environmental real estate
risk, facility management and multi-million dollar budget control. But he didn't enjoy going
through spreadsheets and combining Power Point. Now, however, with Pfizer's "magic
button," those pieces of responsibility have been passed on to individuals outside the

So what is this "Magic Button"? Employees will use a single button on their desktop. They
describe what they need on an online form, which is emailed to an Indian outsourcing
company. Upon receiving the request, a team member in India called a Pfizer employee to
clarify what was needed and when. The team member then re-emails the cost specifications
for the requested work. If a Pfizer employee decides to proceed, the associated costs will be
charged to the employee's department. Before this unique arrangement.
The number 66,500 illustrates how beneficial PfizerWorks is to the company. "Pfizer pays me
not to work tactically, but to work strategically."

Discussion questions:
a. Draw a diagram of Pfizer's organizational structure. What kind of structure is the
company applying? (0.5d)
b. Describe and rate what Pfizer is doing with Pfizerworks. 1 dong
c. Analyze the organizational structure factors related to this situation in terms of:
decentralization or centralization, work specialization, division of functional
departments, management scope.0.5 đ
d. Do you think this arrangement will work well for other organizations? Why yes or
Why not? 0.5 dong
e. What do you think efficiency and performance are? Detailed analysis.0.5đ

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