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Asia Pacific Fraud Journal

E-ISSN: 2502-695X, ISSN: 2502-8731

Volume 6, Nomor 1 (January-June) 2021
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Supervision of Student Organization Funds: An Academic Reality

Albertus Febri Christyawan, Aprina Nugrahesthy Sulistya Hapsari
Study Program of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business,
Satya Wacana Christian University, Salatiga, Indonesia


This study aims to describe the supervision function of student
Article History: organization fund management by the student executive and legislative
Received August 1, 2020 bodies at Faculty X, University ABC. Data are obtained through in-
Revised November 6, 2020 depth interviews with several informants, such as the committee and
Accepted 22 June 2021 functionaries of student organization. The results of this study show
that the supervision function of student organization fund management
has not been running optimally due to several factors. Those factors
are found at each phases of student organization fund management.
In planning phase, price standardization has not been updated for
10.21532/apfjournal.v6i1.195 few periods, which is a constraint in determining the nominal budget.
Furthermore, in implementation phase, the legislative institution is
not directly involved in disbursing and spending student organization
funds. Moreover, validity checking of expenditure evidences in the
accountability phase is limited to seeing the completeness of the bills
and receipts identities only, without making confirmation to the bills
and receipts issuer.
Keyword: Internal Control, Supervision, Student Organization Funds

1. INTRODUCTION of the Faculty of Industrial Technology,

According to monitoring conducted Islamic University of Indonesia for the
by Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), period 2016/2017 worth IDR 49,101,613.00
cases of fraud in education funds have a committed by a member of the Student
high proportion. This is evidenced by the Representative Council for the personal
discovery of cases of suspected corruption interest concerned (Satriadi, 2018). The
in higher education in Indonesia during case occurred due to leader’s excessive
the last 10 years, from 2006 to 2016 (Paat, trust in his/her members as well as a lack of
2016). Furthermore, the monitoring results coordination and intensive communication.
also showed that due to this fraud, the Fraud occurring in education is not only
state suffered a loss of IDR 218.804 billion in terms financial management, but also
and involved almost all elements of the in terms of academic affairs, such as the
academic community. Fraud in the field plagiarism case committed by lecturers
of education is carried out not only by who actually should have become an role
officials of educational institutions, but model for students. If this fraud continues,
also by students, such as the corruption it is possible that it will trigger fraud in
case of social assistance funds committed other areas (, 2017).
by students for their personal needs by These phenomena indicate that fraud
making fictitious proposals (Utami, 2013). can occur in various modes and is carried
The next is the case of misuse of out by all elements of the academic
student organization quarterly funds community, including students. The results

Corresponding author : Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE)
Email: Indonesia Chapter
Page. 65-81
66| Albertus F. C., & Aprina N. S. Hapsari, Supervision of Student Organization Funds

of research conducted by Puspitasari, management of zakat, infaq and shadaqah

Haryadi and Setiawan (2015) provide funds at the Jember Branch of the Al-
evidence that financial management of Falah Social Fund Foundation (YDSF)
student organizations refers to misuse has increased the trust of donors to
of assets and manipulation financial provide funds to YDSF management
accountability reporting. Many factors (Wardayati&Imaroh, 2015). The results
are suspected to be the cause of rampant of research conducted by Rahayu, Yudi,
cases of fraud in education, one of which Rahayu, and Ridwan (2018) also prove
is the weak internal control system of an that internal control of school financial
organization, including weak supervision management is important in achieving
of organizational operations (Zainuddin, quality education, considering that schools
2018). The internal control framework, receive the mandate to manage funds
according to COSO, also shows that sourced from government budgets as
monitoring or supervision is also a part well as funds from the community. This
of internal control components that can is also proven by the research conducted
support the achievement of organizational by Putri and Windyastuti (2018) that
goals. internal control has an effect on fraud
The importance of the supervisory role prevention in the management of School
is shown through several research results Operational Assistance (Indoensian: Ban-
Astarani and Angelita (2014) examined tuan Operasional Sekolah/BOS) funds in a
the influence of the supervisory agency on private elementary school in Yogyakarta.
accounting fraud committed in Pontianak Based on the results of studies mentioned
City cooperatives. The results show that the above, internal control is very important
increasingly effective role of supervisory for an organization, regardless of the
agency is able to minimize and reduce type of organization. Supervision is an
the level of potential accounting fraud. inseparable part of the internal control
Next, the results of research conducted by of an organization. Therefore, various
Husain (2014) show that the education and organizations have placed internal
teaching programs delivered by teachers auditors, internal supervisory units, audit
of a Public Junior High School in Kendari committees, and other supervisory bodies
City are less qualified due to the lack of to perform supervisory functions to ensure
maximum education supervisors. The that the organization’s internal control
importance of supervision is also evidenced runs effectively. In addition, supervision
by research conducted by Li, Makaew and can be used as a means to mitigate risks,
Winton (2014) that monitoring carried including the risk of fraud.
out by banks can reduce the tunneling Student organizations, as a forum
frequency of companies in China. The for students to channel their creativity,
existence of external supervision carried academic and non-academic talents/
out by financial analysts contributes interests, as well as a place to learn to
to the prevention of corporate fraud in organize, also require good supervision,
developing countries, so that it can provide especially in terms of managing student
benefits for shareholders and strengthen funds. Student funds need to be managed
business ethics (Chen, Cummings, Hou, & properly and can be accounted for
Lee, 2014) properly through good supervision with
Internal control is necessary for every the aim that all stakeholders in this student
type of organization. Research conducted organization can use information on the
by Yesinia, Yuliarti, and Puspitasari results of student fund management for
(2018) found that internal control system decision making. Based on the background
has a role in the accountability of village described above, this study intends to
fund management. The implementation describe the supervisory role carried out
of effective internal controls on the by the student executive and legislative
Asia Pacific Fraud Journal, 6(1) January-June 2021: 65-81 | 67

bodies at Faculty X, University ABC. The moral standards. Based on an instrumental

reason for choosing the object is that this approach, the organization should try to
faculty is one of the major faculties based reconcile the information that stakeholders
on the number of students and student need. In the instrumental approach,
activity units including the variety of providing quality information represents
student activities. the organization’s response to information
This study has theoretical benefits needed by stakeholders (Vitolla et al,
to add to the literature for academics 2019). Student organizations that also deal
that supervision can mitigate fraud. with stakeholders are required to provide
In addition, this study also serves as quality information to assist stakeholders
an evaluation material for the Faculty in making decisions. The management
X of University ABC’s legislative body of student funds will lead to activity
in carrying out its supervisory role accountability reports. This accountability
towards the faculty executive body, as the report should be accessible and can be
executor of student activities or manager used by stakeholders in making the right
of student funds, and the Student Affairs decisions, in this regard, the supervisory
Coordinator (Koorbidkem) as well as for a function is needed
representative of the Faculty X of University
ABC who oversees the implementation Management of Student Organization
of the supervisory function carried out Funds
by the legislative body of the Faculty X, Student organization fund management
University ABC. is defined as the activity of managing
funds given to finance activities that
2. LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPO- students participate in or activities held
THESIS by student organizations, either at the
Stakeholder’s Theory regional, national or international level
According to Freeman (1984), the survival at each university (Ristekdikti, 2019).
of an organization is very dependent on Hapsari and Seta (2019), explain that there
the success of management in establishing are at least three stages of university fund
relationships with stakeholders. The management including student funds. The
stakeholder theory approach was classified three stages are planning, implementation,
by Donaldson & Preston (1995), into three and accountability. Planning is the stage
different frames: descriptive approach, where a student organization prepares a
instrumental approach and normative budget plan for student funds from the
approach. Vitolla et al. (2019), explain that work program that has been agreed upon.
descriptive approach ensures the way The planning stage produces an output in
organizations use to consider the needs the form of a budget proposal containing
of stakeholders. Instrumental approach a budget for income and expenditure.
requires managers to be accountable The implementation of student funds is a
to stakeholder requests. Meanwhile, manifestation of activities that have been
normative approach states that ethical agreed upon based on a predetermined
principles are the basis for the theory of budget proposal. Every revenue and
interest. expenditure on budget execution must
In the normative approach, all be accompanied by complete and valid
stakeholders in an organization have evidence. This evidence will then form
the right to obtain information, not the basis for the accountability stage.
only on financial aspects but also on Accountability is the final stage in the
social, environmental and governance management of student funds, that is, the
aspects. The right of stakeholders to process of examining evidence supporting
obtain information is the responsibility of the budget that has been realized
reporting organizations that have ethical during the implementation stage. The
68| Albertus F. C., & Aprina N. S. Hapsari, Supervision of Student Organization Funds

accountability report will be the output of internal control can be achieved when
of the accountability stage containing the the components of internal control are
budget and realization of the budget. functioning effectively. COSO (2013)
frames the internal control component into
five components: (1) control environment,
(2) risk assessment, (3) control activities,
(4) information and communication and
(5) monitoring.
Monitoring as a component of internal
control, according to COSO, also has an
important role. COSO (2009) states that
effective monitoring can help streamline
the assessment process, but many
organizations do not understand how
important the monitoring component
is in internal control. Monitoring is
Figure 1. The Stages of Student defined as a process to assess the quality
Organization Fund Manage- of system performance over a period of
ment time. Monitoring can be carried out on
ongoing activities, separate evaluation or
Monitoring as a Component of COSO’s a combination of the two. Monitoring on
Internal Control ongoing activities means that monitoring
Internal control, according to COSO cited is carried out on ongoing activities which
by Utami (2019), is a process that is designed include management activities and regular
and carried out by all entity personnel, from monitoring activities and the actions of
the board of commissioners, management personnel in carrying out their duties.
to other personnel, to provide adequate Ongoing monitoring activities include all
confidence in achieving the objectives of components of internal control, including
effectiveness and efficiency of operations, activities that are unethical, uneconomical,
reliability of financial statements. as well inefficient or ineffective. Meanwhile, a
as compliance with applicable regulations. separate evaluation includes evaluating
The reliability of reporting internal and the effectiveness of the internal control
external financial and non-financial reports system and providing assurance that
is one of the objectives to be achieved internal control achieves the desired results
through the application of internal control (Pickett, 2010). Furthermore, monitoring
because it includes reliability, timeliness, can help to determine what policies and
transparency or various requirements procedures that have been designed and
set by regulators and recognized by the implemented by management but have not
entity’s standard and policy makers. been carried out effectively by employees
Sari, Ghozali, and Achmad (2017) define (Badara&Saidin, 2013).
internal control as policies and procedures Proper monitoring can provide benefits
that are established to protect company to the organization, such as (a) being able
assets from misuse and ensure that the to identify and correct internal control
business information presented is accurate problems on a time basis, (b) producing
and laws and regulations are adhered. more accurate and reliable information in
COSO (2009) explains that proper internal decision making, (c) being able to prepare
control can help an organization achieve its accurate financial reports and on time, and
goals. Internal control works by mitigating (d) be in a position to provide periodic
the risks that can cause an organization assertions of the effectiveness of internal
to fail to achieve its goals. The objectives control (COSO, 2009).
Asia Pacific Fraud Journal, 6(1) January-June 2021: 65-81 | 69

3. METHODS that have been successfully collected, so

Types of Research and Data Collection the results of the analysis can be more
Techniques objective.
This research was conducted at the
student organization of Faculty X, Figure 2. Qualitative Data Analysis Tech-
University ABC, a private university in nique and Triangulation
Central Java. This research design uses a Data
qualitative descriptive method. Sources Collection
of data used in this study are primary Data Display
data and secondary data. Primary data
is obtained by conducting in-depth
interviews with several sources, namely
student organization functionaries and
the committee. Meanwhile, secondary Reduction
data is obtained through documentation
of supporting evidence which shows the
role of the legislative / executive body in
carrying out its supervisory role. This study Conclusion
also uses data collection techniques in the
form of observation with the involvement
of researchers in the committee under the
student organization. Source: Miles and Huberman (1992)
Data Analysis Technique 4. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
The stages of data analysis in this study General Description of Research Objects
refer to Miles and Huberman (1992) The student organization of Faculty X,
who specifically explain the stages of ABC University is divided into executive
qualitative data analysis. In more detail, and legislative boards. The faculty
the stages of data analysis used in this executive board acts as a compiler and
study are: (1) reducing the data which the party proposing work programs and
includes summarizing the interview budgets that will be implemented during
data, observation and documentation one academic year period as well as
relevant to the research; (2) comparing implementing programs that have been
the suitability of data between interview mutually determined. Meanwhile, the
data, observation results and secondary legislative board acts as a supervisor and
data obtained; (3) presenting data which appraiser for the implementation of work
includes the process of displaying data programs and budgets for the executive
that has been compared so that the data faculty, which will then be submitted to the
is organized and easy to understand; executive branch at the university level.
(4) analyzing data which is a process of There are about forty members of the
finding the meaning of the data that has executive and legislative boards of Faculty
been presented by adjusting the events in X, each of whom are active students of
the field with the theory developed from Faculty X, ABC University. The executive
previous research; and (5) conclusion board consists of a chairperson, secretary,
which is the process of determining the treasurer, and four heads of fields and
results of the research after data analysis. members of the fields, while the legislative
In addition to the stages of the analysis board consists of a chairman, a secretary,
technique, this study also conducts data and four heads of the commission and
triangulation, by comparing answers members.
between sources with the same questions, In carrying out its work programs
and then comparing them with documents which are divided into humanistic (soft)
70| Albertus F. C., & Aprina N. S. Hapsari, Supervision of Student Organization Funds

skills and professional (hard) skills work budgeted. If there is a guest star, how much
programs, the executive board of Faculty X is the fee. Usually we also help with the
is in charge of the activity units which are formats, for example in making a proposal,
divided into each area of the executive board, what is contained in the table, about the
including: sports unit, journalism unit, header, and all kinds of things. Then we
nature lovers unit, spiritual unit, theater usually ask the Daily Administration
unit, and several study program student Unit, for example in the national seminar,
associations. Each activity unit consists of what goal he wants to achieve, the theme of
a chairman, treasurer, secretary, or what is the activity, who the guest star including
commonly called the Daily Administrator the fee.”
(Indonesian: Badan Pengurus Harian/
The statement of the executive treasurer
BPH) and members who are divided into
was supported by the chairman of one of
several divisions. The unit in charge of the
the study program student association
executive board will make a program of
units, as follows:
activities or events that are held annually.
“In the guidance unit, the budgeting is
The programs will then be carried out by
assisted, one of which is to allocate each
the committee consisting of students who
fund, for example the Student Organization
are not involved in student organizations.
Development. So in the guidance unit,
The committee members for each program
we explain the amount of nominal
are formed by each activity unit whose
contribution, what the participants get,
number varies depending on the size of
such as a seminar kit, certificate, food, so
the program to be held. Each committee
the Student Organization Development is
is led by a chairman who is assisted by a
not allowed to fund the three needs because
treasurer, secretary, and members who are
they are borne by the participants through
divided into sections. After being formed,
contributions. Sometimes in a budget
the committee will carry out a program
proposal there are unit columns with
of activities ranging from planning to
different names, there are boxes, there are
completion of the program.
people. So, under the guidance unit, they
The Role of Supervision of Student (the executive agency) clarify and examine
Organization at the Planning Stage us. Regarding the draft proposal, especially
The planning stage for the management since the event is the same, or may not be
of student funds begins with the process that different from the event that will be
of submitting units. Each unit under held in this period, if there are changes,
the executive board will propose work they (the executive board) can ask. So, we
programs that will be carried out during can explain it, too.”
the current period by presenting them to Before the guidance is carried out, the
the leaders of the executive board. The next treasurer of executive board will coordinate
stage is unit guidance, which is the stage with the faculty treasurer regarding the
for further discussion of work programs to nominal amount of bound student funds
be carried out by the unit together with the that the faculty will receive in the current
executive leader, and each unit will begin period. The nominal amount of bound
discussing the budget for each activity funds consisting of Student Organization
carried out, such as statement from the Development funds and Student Family
executive treasurer as follows: Contribution funds will then be distributed
“Assisted with the budgeting, and when we to each work program. Furthermore, the
met, they (Daily Administration Unit) had distribution of student funds is explained
already brought the rough draft of budget by the executive treasurer as follows:
proposal. The reference is the previous “The distribution of Student Organization
Accountability Report, let alone for annual Development for program activities
activities. We’ll see about whatever being consists of 40% for humanistic skills and
Asia Pacific Fraud Journal, 6(1) January-June 2021: 65-81 | 71

60% for professional skills as regulated in board, in this case the budget commission,
the mechanism. So, the one who determines does not play a direct role in the process
the Student Organization Development of distributing nominal funds to both units
and the Student Family Contribution is and work programs to be implemented.
indeed the executive treasurer. We will The nominal amount of bound funds that
look at considerations such as increased has been allocated to each unit will then
prices, the number of participants who will be given to the faculty legislative board,
join, and so on. The bound funds that we as explained by the representative of the
have distributed to the unit will then be legislative board’s budget commission:
distributed to each activity event by the unit “In this regard, we at it re asking how
treasurer himself because it is the authority much is allocated to the units. The
of the unit treasurer. Things that are also most important is that it must meet the
taken into consideration are the quantity requirements of 60% for professionals and
and quality targets. The quantity target is 40% for humanists. And at the beginning
related to the number of participants who of the period we will ask for transparency.”
will take part in the activity, while the
In addition to using bound funds,
quality target is related to the output, for
an activity also uses other funds, such as
example inviting competent speakers or
funds obtained from committee efforts
increasing prizes to attract participants. “
or commonly referred to as business
This statement is in line with that funds (Usda) and contributions from the
stated by representatives of budget activity participants themselves. Business
commissions in legislative board and funds and participant contributions are
activity unit. Furthermore, the bound used to cover the lack of funds for an
funds that have been distributed to the activity. Determination of the nominal
unit will be distributed to each activity amount of business funds and participant
program, as explained by the chairman of contribution is the authority of the
one of the study program association units committee, in this case the activity unit
as follows: and daily administrator. Coordination
“We look at the evaluation of the previous of determining the nominal amount of
period’s activities. Basically, when the business funds is carried out together with
unit treasurer distributes it, there must the treasurer of the executive board, as
be a reason given to us. In every event described in the following interviews with
there must be suggestions for additions or the treasurer of executive board:
subtractions. We discuss together the main “Regarding business funds and the
points. In addition, the quantity target and contribution of the participants, we, the
the quality target for each period must be executive board, just give suggestions
different.” whether they are sure with the amount of
the business funds and the contribution of
Based on the informant’s statement, it
participants. If the amount collected is that
can be seen that the distribution of bound
much, it will bet like this or like that, jus
funds to activity units is the right and
that. Surely we will give considerations,
authority of the treasurer of executive board
but the exact nominal is determined by the
because it is in accordance with the Student
activity unit and committee. So regardless
Development Pattern Scenario (SPPM)
of the nominal value, as long as they can
which regulates the functions of the faculty
give a reason why the nominal is that much,
executive board. The distribution of funds
we, executive board, don’t have a problem.”
is carried out with considerations, such as
the regulation of the nominal percentage This statement is in line with what
of funds for each type of activity, as well was said by representatives of the
as the quantity and quality targets to be legislative board and unit representatives
achieved for each activity. The legislative of one of the study program associations
72| Albertus F. C., & Aprina N. S. Hapsari, Supervision of Student Organization Funds

that the business funds and participant Work Mechanism reference that has
contributions are coordinated with the been made by the university. At the unit
treasurer of the executive board and the guidance stage, the treasurer of executive
treasurer of the executive board has the board will assist the activity unit under
right to ask and provide input on the it to prepare a budget for each activity to
nominal amount of business funds and be carried out using the nominal sources
the stipulated contribution. The reasons of funds that have been determined
for consideration of the nominal amount based on the established Executive Work
of business funds and contributions were Mechanism. The budgets will then be
explained by the unit representatives as discussed together at the Faculty’s Work
follows: Meeting (Raker) and working meetings at
“We also see the phenomena,what if the the university level with other faculties or
contribution is too big and what if it’s too what is commonly called the Coordination
small. If it is too big, we are afraid that Meeting (Rakor).
the potential participant’s interest will At the Working Meeting stage, the
decrease, but if it is too small, it will be budget will be corrected by the executive
burden for the committee to close out of and legislative boards of faculty, as stated
their business. This also applies to business by the treasurer of executive board as
funds, if the number of committee members follows:
is large it will be able to relieve business “During the model unit guidance, they
funds, but if the number of committee make a proposal. We prepare this unit
members is too large, we monitor that the guidance to be brought to the Work
job description for each committee is also Meeting. During the guidance of the unit,
difficult.” we help them prepare a budget, such as
helping to tidy up the format and all kinds
Based on the results of the interviews
of things. If the formats are correct, at the
described earlier, the amount of the budget
meeting we just need to correct them like
for an activity can change every period,
a nominal punctuation mark, or there are
especially for activities that tend to be
budgets that the unit has not discussed
held regularly every year. Many things are
yet, but it turns out that when the meeting
considered from changes in the nominal
they make a new addition, usually we,
amount of an activity’s budget, including
the executive board, will ask what is this
the quantity and quality targets an activity
budgeting for.”
wants to achieve. The quantity target is
related to the number of participants who Representative of the budget
will take part in the activity, while the commission of faculty legislative board
quality target is related to the output that also revealed the monitoring process
the participants will get by participating carried out at the Working Meeting stage:
in the activity. Each committee wants the “Yes, we check the nominal, whether it is
two targets to be achieved more than the in accordance with the Executive Working
event targets in the previous period, so Mechanism (MKE) or not, and whether the
this requires a different budget from the nominal in the budget is in accordance with
previous period. standardized prices or not. For example, if
The process of managing funds for the price of goods is budgeted higher than
a student activity refers to the Executive the standard price, we will reject it. “
Work Mechanism (MKE) to help create
Budgeting for goods or services needed
good organizational governance and to
in student activities at ABC University uses
prevent multiple interpretations, so that
standardized prices. Standardized price is
the unity of movement of all units can be
a benchmark for activity implementers in
realized. Therefore, the budgeting process
including the nominal value of each good
for an activity also uses the Executive
or service to be used, because standardized
Asia Pacific Fraud Journal, 6(1) January-June 2021: 65-81 | 73

price is the highest indicator of the price will re-correct the budget including the
of goods or services set by the university budget format, punctuation, budgeted
legislature based on a survey that has been item units and others. The revised budget,
conducted. In fact, the prices of goods and signed by the executive chairman and
services in the field are actually higher than treasurer and obtaining a memo from the
the price standard set by the university legislative board budget commission, can
legislature. All informants stated that then be corrected at the university level by
finding a higher price in the field than the university’s executive and legislative
standardized made it difficult to carry out boards, as well as the university’s finance
the budgeting process for an activity. department. Budget proposals that have
The budget that has been corrected been approved at the university level can
and ratified at the Work Meeting will then be used as a reference in the process
then be discussed with all faculties at the of disbursing funds.
Coordination Meeting to be reviewed and
corrected as was done during the Work The Role of Supervision of Student
Meeting at the faculty level. However, Organization at the Implementation
the one that will explain each budget is Stage
no longer an activity unit but the faculty The implementation stage of student fund
executive and legislative boards being management in the student organization
discussed with the university’s executive of ABC University is related to the process
and legislative boards.. of disbursing funds for approved budget
Changes in the budget often occur proposals and the spending process using
even though it has been passed together funds that have been disbursed.
at the Coordination Meeting. The bound Disbursement of funds in the student
funds that have been allocated to each organization of Faculty X is carried out in
student activity cannot change, unless two ways: the transfer system to vendors
there are important things that make it and cash disbursements. Disbursement
necessary to increase or decrease. The of funds using the transfer system will
addition or reduction of bound funds be carried out by the university’s finance
must be discussed by the chairman of department and only for expenses that
executive board and the chairman of have a large nominal value and are certain
legislative board, including discussing in nature or in other words, an invoice has
the constraints and reasons for the change been issued by the vendor. Meanwhile,
and signed by the chairman of executive cash disbursements are made for small or
board, the chairman of committee, and the uncertain expenses, for example coaching
faculty student coordinator. Unlike bound money as a prize for contestants who have
funds, business funds and participant not yet known the winners of the activity.
contributions are more flexible and can In addition to being used for uncertain
change according to conditions. expenses, cash disbursements can be used
After the budget is approved in the when the committee turns out to have
Coordination Meeting, then the unit can previously provided the funds using other
form a committee for each event to be funds they have.
held. The formation of the committee is In the process of disbursing bound
marked by the issuance of a Decree (SK) funds, the activity treasurer will be
on the formation of the committee. After accompanied by the treasurer of the
the decree is issued, the activity treasurer executive board, as explained by the
will complete the budget proposal that representatives of the legislative board’s
has been ratified at the Coordination budget commission:
Meeting to match the Executive Working “Regarding the disbursement of funds, the
Mechanism (MKE), and then the treasurers legislature does not participate. The one
of the executive and legislative boards who accompanies is the executive treasurer,
74| Albertus F. C., & Aprina N. S. Hapsari, Supervision of Student Organization Funds

because according to the scenario in SPPM, is forced to disburse but he must keep in
the activity treasurer coordinates with the contact with us. For the non-transfer
executive board, so they cannot go directly system, cash must be counted in front of the
to the legislative board.” student fund management. If they have left
the room and there is a shortage, it is beyond
This statement is in line with the
the responsibility of the fund manager, but
statement delivered by executive treasurer
becomes the affairs of the activity treasurer
as follows:
and the activity committee.”
“As much as possible, during the
disbursement, the committee is accompanied The disbursed student organization
by the executive treasurer, so that we can funds can then be used to spend for the
see the progress of the disbursement. The needs of the activities, as described by the
legislature is just knowing but not getting executive board as follows:
involved.” “The committee does not need to tell the
executive or legislative, because we will
The results of the interview explain that
see it at the Accountability Report. But,
in the process of disbursement of funds,
usually a few months before the event, we
the legislature does not have a direct role
will definitely ask whether a large nominal
in overseeing the disbursement of funds.
amount has been paid or not. In other
The supervisory process is carried out
words, just for the crucial budget. Not
by the executive board, in this case the
every purchase must be reported.”
treasurer. Furthermore, the treasurer of
executive board will notify the legislative This statement is in line with the
board. However, there is no provision statement made by the representative of
that regulates the reporting or notification the legislative board’s budget commission
process to the legislative board every time that the money to be spent is just enough
the funds are disbursed, as explained by to be told to the activity treasurer. The
the treasurer of executive board as follows: legislative board does not interfere with
“During the disbursement process, the committee’s spending because the
the committee does not report it to the committee understands the needs of
legislature. It doesn’t have to be the formal the event. Based on the results of the
reporting. From us, the executives, do not interview, it is clear that there is no form of
even inform formally to the legislative comprehensive supervision of the process
budget commission, it is only informal of spending student funds. The executive
information, just talk casually when you and legislative boards will continue to
meet them. The point is that there is no communicate regarding the expenditure of
legal obligation to make a written report on goods and services that are crucial or have
every disbursement of funds.” a large nominal value.
In reality, there are many things that
In the process of disbursing funds, the
could prevent the implementation process
activity treasurer is accompanied by the
from running properly, for example, the
treasurer of executive board and all forms
transfer of funds. This was further stated by
of cash that have been disbursed are the
the legislative board budget commission
full responsibility of the activity treasurer,
representatives as follows:
meaning that if something happens
“Not buying according to the proposal is
with the disbursed money, it will be the
okay, especially during a pandemic like
responsibility of the activity treasurer
this. There are activities that have been
and the activity committee. This is further
diverted and some were even canceled. As
explained by the treasurer of executive
long as theymake an official report that will
be attached to the accountability report
“So, as much as possible, we, the treasurers,
which contains information on why not
accompany the disbursement. If we can’t
buying according to the proposal, including
accompany, the activity treasurer himself
Asia Pacific Fraud Journal, 6(1) January-June 2021: 65-81 | 75

information on the reasons for not buying, accordance with applicable regulations if
what to buy, what nominal diverted or there is no further information from the
unused.” student fund management.
The accountability report that has
Based on the results of previous
been prepared by the executor of the
interviews, it is known that there is no
activity must be submitted to the faculty
overall supervision from the legislative
executive board one day after the activity
board to the activity treasurer when student
is carried out, and it is submitted to the
funds have been disbursed. Student funds
legislative board three days after the
disbursed in cash and in the hands of the
activity is completed and corrected by the
activity treasurer are fully the responsibility
executive board. In the executive board,
of the treasurer and the activity committee.
the accountability report will be corrected
Thus, when the disbursed student funds
by the treasurer of executive board as told
are reduced or lost, the treasurer and the
as follows:
activity committee will replace the money.
“The reference is a valid budget proposal.
The executive and legislative boards and
In the Accountability Report, there are
the university finance departments do
needs that are budgeted and not budgeted.
not participate in the process of replacing
At the bottom are things that have not
the lost money. Furthermore, there are
been budgeted for but are realized. We sort
no binding provisions or regulations
out it. Then also sort out the expenditure
regarding the condition of missing or
according to the use of the source of funds.”
reduced student funds, whether done
accidentally or deliberately by certain The accountability report relates to
individuals. evidence on the purchase of goods and
services during activities. Purchasing in
The Role of Supervision of Student the form of goods is evidenced by a note,
Organization at the Accountability Stage while spending for services is evidenced
At the accountability stage, activity by a receipt for payment. All evidence
implementers will make an accountability of expenditure must be attached and
report for the funds used for the activities submitted together with the accountability
they have carried out. The accountability report. All expenditure evidence will
report that has been made will be corrected also be corrected by the executive board,
by the executive board first, then by the as clearly expressed by the executive
legislative board. After being corrected treasurer as follows:
in the faculty student organization, the “All evidence will be attached by the activity
accountability report will then be corrected treasurer at HVS to the executive, so it can
by the university’s executive and legislative be checked right there before entering the
boards. The accountability report which legislature. The payment for services using
is declared correct and completed at the a receipt, we check whether there is a stamp,
student organization at the university nominal, signature, and phone number of
level is marked by the signing of the the person. For notes, there must be date,
accountability report by the chairman place, phone number, signature and shop
and treasurer of the executive board at stamp. For example, in the Accountability
the university level. After finishing at the Report, it is written IDR 50,000, but on
student organization, the accountability a note it is written IDR 40,000, it means
report will be submitted to the student that it must be corrected. The nominal in
fund management department according the Accountability Report must match the
to the type of fund. The student fund one on the existing note or receipt.”
management will then make corrections
again and then submit it to the university’s Correction of the accountability report
finance department. The accountability at the faculty legislative board level is the
report is stated to be correct and in same as that at the executive board level,
76| Albertus F. C., & Aprina N. S. Hapsari, Supervision of Student Organization Funds

as stated by the representative of the but the executive and legislative boards, as
legislative board’s budget commission as correctors of the accountability report, do
follows: not confirm to vendors or service providers
“On D + 3, the legislature has checked the the correctness of committee spending
Accountability Report and the evidence. transactions, as explained by the executive
The Accountability Report is checked based treasurer as follows:
on the budget proposal, then the notes are “The executive will not confirm to the
checked whether the date is correct or not, vendor. It’s just a matter of seeing the note
whether the nominal in the note is the same whether there is a letterhead or not, there is
as in the Accountability Report , including a telephone number and a signature or not.
the validity of the note, address, stamp, Or in other words, the identity of the notes
and others.” is complete or not. The executive will not
check or call the vendor one by one.”
The results of the interview explain that
the executive and legislative board will Regarding the validity of the note,
check the nominal conformity contained in representative of the legislative board from
the accountability report with evidence of the budget commission said as follows:
spending on goods and services required “There should be confirmation at the shop,
for activities. Budget proposals that have but from what has been taught by the
been approved at the planning stage will be seniors, wedo not need to make confirmation.
used by correctors to check the suitability Maybe confirmation will be made by the
of spending on goods and services with university’s finance department.”
budgeted goods and services. Goods
Based on the results of the interview,
and services that are not budgeted, but
the two correctors explained that in
are actually spent are allowed according
guaranteeing the validity of the notes,
to what has been described in the
they did not confirm to the vendor or
implementation stage. Goods and services
service provider related to the spending
that are not budgeted but are spent will be
transactions made by activity committee.
put on the accountability report after the
In fact, the faculty legislative board, that
goods and services spending part has been
should have confirmed this, did not
do it, because based on experience in
In addition to nominal suitability,
the legislative board, the alumni of the
the executive and legislative boards
legislative board said not to confirm it. So
will also check the validity of evidence
the functionaries of the faculty legislative
of expenditures for goods and services.
board, especially the budget commission,
On the note, the corrector will check the
did not confirm this.
completeness of the identity of the note,
In reality, there are often leftovers
such as the date of the note, name and
from student funds that are used in every
address of the vendor, telephone number,
activity, even though there is a policy
signature, and the vendor’s stamp.
that every income of student funds must
Meanwhile, checking payment receipts as
be the same as expenses. Regarding the
evidence of service purchase includes the
remaining student funds from an activity
amount submitted, the phone number of
implementation, the executive treasurer
the service provider that can be contacted,
explains as follows:
the signature of the service provider, and
“The remaining funds will be discussed
stamp duty according to the nominal
with the chairmen of the executive,
amount of money submitted. Checking the
legislative boards and Daily Administrator
validity of evidence of expenditures for
to find out where the remaining funds are
goods and services is only carried out to
from, where it will be taken. The point is
the extent of completing proof of identity,
Asia Pacific Fraud Journal, 6(1) January-June 2021: 65-81 | 77

there is clear communication regarding the as evidenced by the process of disbursing

real situation. For the bound funds given funds and spending funds. Source person
by the campus, if there is any remaining, from the legislative board says that the
the remaining funds must be returned” legislative board does not play a direct
role in the disbursement and expenditure
The results of the interview explain
process because it has been stipulated that
that when there is remaining funds from
the legislative board cannot coordinate
the implementation of an activity, it will
directly with the activity committee. The
be followed up based on the type of funds.
legislative board can only coordinate
The remaining funds from an activity must
with the executive board. The legislative
be communicated to the faculty executive
body cannot directly assist the process
and legislative boards, including where it
of disbursement of funds because there
is from and where will it be taken. If the
has been no regulation that regulates
remaining fund comes from bound fund
the reporting process for implementing
provided by the university, it will be
activities to the legislative board, at least as
returned to the university, whereas if it
a form of transparency to the supervisors
comes from business funds and participant
of the management of student funds. So
contributions, it will be followed up
far, the legislative board will only know
according to the agreement on the results
about an activity after disbursing funds
of communication with the executive and
from the executive treasurer as the party
legislative boards.
accompanying the activity treasurer during
DISCUSSION the fund disbursement process. However,
Based on the results of the interviews the notification of disbursement of funds
previously described, the supervisory given by the treasurer of executive board
function of the management of student to the legislative board is neither formal
funds carried out by the executive nor mandatory.
and legislative boards has not been Apart from not being able to assist
implemented optimally. The lack of the directly in the process of disbursing funds,
supervisory function can be seen in the the legislative board also does not have the
three stages of student fund management right to coordinate directly with the activity
due to several factors. committee regarding the expenditure of
At the planning stage, price disbursed student funds. The committee
standardization that has not been updated who wants to spend student funds for
is one of the factors causing the supervisory activities needs to simply tell the activity
function to not be optimally implemented. treasurer, without the need to report to
Even according to the source person, who the faculty executive or legislative boards,
has been treasurer of the executive board which in fact are the supervisors of every
for two periods, the price standardization movement of student funds. Again, this
has not been updated at all, even though is caused by the absence of regulations
there are higher prices in the field. This that specifically regulate this matter. The
made it a little difficult for both the faculty faculty executive and legislative boards
executive and legislative boards and the will only control expenditures that are
committee. The price standardization crucial and have a large nominal value,
which has not been updated has confused the rest will be checked on the committee’s
both the corrector and the committee, accountability report along with evidence
whether to use standardized prices or that supports the spending transactions
prices in the field, so that the planning that have been made. The legislative board
process can take longer. can be said to be passive during the process
Furthermore, at the implementation of disbursing and spending student funds
stage, the supervision conducted by the for an activity, whereas Puspitasari et al.
legislative board has not been maximal, (2015) found that fraud that occurred at
78| Albertus F. C., & Aprina N. S. Hapsari, Supervision of Student Organization Funds

the implementation stage of student fund committee is not at the actual nominal
management was quite diverse, such as reported in the accountability report. It
embezzlement of money and falsification could be lower or even higher for certain
of evidence of spending in the form of purposes. Such conditions will make the
improper nominal on notes or receipts, stakeholders of student organizations use
then the excess money spent would go unqualified information because it does
into the committee’s ‘pocket’ that spent the not reflect the actual conditions, so that it
item. In addition, there are no regulations is possible that the stakeholders of student
at ABC University that specifically regulate organizations will make inappropriate
if one day there is a finding of fraud at the decisions, for example for the university
student fund management stage that has as the provider of bound funds for student
the potential to harm the organization, one organizations. An accountability report
of which is at the implementation stage. that provides detailed information on
The supervision function of the the amount spent on committee funds
legislative board at the accountability stage for an activity in a period can be used by
for the management of student funds is also the university in determining the amount
not optimal. This is proven in the process of funds to be given in the next period.
of examining the accountability report Information on the amount of funds
prepared by the activity committee. In spent in the current period that does not
addition to checking the nominal suitability reflect the actual conditions will make
of the accountability report with evidence the university wrong to make decisions
of expenditure, the legislative board will in the provision of funds in the coming
also check the validity of evidence of period and this is contrary to the concept
goods and services spending in the form of of stakeholder theory.
notes and receipts of payment. Checking Supervision carried out by the
the validity of evidence of spending for executive and legislative boards should be
goods and services is limited to checking carried out in order to meet the information
the completeness of the identity of notes needs of student organization stakeholders
and receipts. The executive and legislative so that stakeholders are sure that the
boards do not confirm to vendors or management of student funds has been
service providers related to the accuracy of carried out properly and the information
spending transactions made by the activity generated from the accountability report
committee, even though Puspitasari et al. prepared by the activity committee can be
(2015) also found that at the accountability relied on by stakeholders to take the right
stage, activity implementers can falsify the decision, such as the addition or reduction
completeness of purchase evidence such as of student funds by the university for an
shop stamps using computer applications, activity program in the coming period.
and even cooperate with goods suppliers This is also in accordance with the
to simplify the process of accountability monitoring concept by COSO that the
for their events. existence of effective monitoring in this
The use of blank notes for accountability study in the form of supervision by the
purposes is also often carried out by those legislative and executive boards can help
implementing the activity, so that they can produce accurate and reliable information
write the nominal on the note as desired for student organization stakeholders in
(Salsabil, Utami, &Hapsari, 2019). So, there making decisions.
is a possibility that the complete identity
of the note or receipt which is used as 5. CONCLUSION
an indicator of the validity of evidence The supervisory function carried out over
expenditure does not reflect actual the management of student funds has
conditions. This can be an indication that not been maximal. The findings show
the spending information made by the that the factors causing the supervisory
Asia Pacific Fraud Journal, 6(1) January-June 2021: 65-81 | 79

function to be less than optimal include to be evaluated in order to provide clarity

price standardization that has not been of actions that need to be taken by the
updated even for several periods. Another legislative board as the supervisor at the
finding is obtained at the implementation accountability stage, such as the obligation
stage, in which when disbursing funds, to confirm any evidence of expenditure
the activity treasurer is only accompanied to related vendors. The mechanisms and
by the treasurer of executive board, so that regulations implemented should be able to
when the executive treasurer is absent, the strengthen the supervisory process for the
disbursement is carried out by the activity management of student organization funds,
treasurer himself. This is based on existing so as to reduce various fraudulent acts that
regulations that the coordination line for have the potential to harm the student
implementing activities cannot go directly organizations, faculties, and universities.
to the legislative board, which in fact is Faculties or universities can also form
the main supervisor of student funds. The an audit committee that is specifically
process of spending funds is also another tasked with overseeing the performance
finding at the implementation stage. of the executive and legislative boards
The executive and legislative boards are at each stage of student organization
not directly involved in every spending funds management. From a theoretical
made by the executor of activities, even perspective, this research supports that
though the potential for fraud in the the supervisory models can be carried
implementation stage is very likely to occur. out in ongoing activities. In the context of
In addition, this has not been regulated in student organization fund management,
the existing mechanism. The findings at this model is more appropriate to apply
the accountability stage are in the form considering that various acts of fraud
of checking the validity of the evidence actually occur when the program of
of expenditure to the extent that it is seen activities is planned and implemented.
from the completeness of the identity of Interviews were only conducted with
the existing notes or receipts only. The resource persons who were at faculty
legislative board is supposed to confirm to level student organizations, so that the
the vendor, but they do not do it because information obtained did not yet describe
they think the confirmation will be done the overall supervisory function of student
by the university’s finance department. fund management which also involved
Moreover, this has not been explained in university student organizations and the
the existing mechanism. This research has university finance department. Therefore,
practical implications that an effective it is hoped that future research can obtain
model for overseeing the management of information from parties directly related
student organization funds requires clear to the management of student funds at the
rules and mechanisms at each stage. The university level.
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