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As Secretary of the English Language Society, you are required to write a report on an English
Camp held in school during the school holidays.

Your report should include:

• The activities held during the English Camp
• What members learned from te camp

Write your report.

English Camp 2021

During the last school holidays, the English Language Society had organised an
English Camp at the school hall on the 4 to 5 December 2021from 8am to 5pm. Thirty
members of the English Language Society participated in this English Camp under the
supervision of two teachers.

All the members of the English Language Society gathered in the school hall at 8am
on Saturday. The teacher-in-charge gave a brief speech. Then, the committee members
divided the participants into groups and conducted language games such as Charade, Guess
the Word, Taboo Words and Letter Scramble. After lunch, there was a Treasure Hunt where
members need to solve riddles to look for clues.

On Sunday, participants were assigned to their new groups and each group worked
together to produce a short drama script. After that, the members practised and performed
their drama on stage with imaginary props. After lunch, we watched a movie and had a
discussion on topics based on the movie. Before we went home, each member was given the
opportunity to present a two-minutes speech on their feelings and opinions regarding the
English Camp.

Throughout the two days, members have improved their vocabulary by learning a lot
of new words. They had a lot of practice on their speaking skills too and were more confident
in speaking English with their friends. The English Camp has enabled them to learn language
the fun way.

The camp was a huge success and it is hoped that similar camps would be organised in
the future. It would benefit the members greatly.

Reported by,
Xin Er
English Language Society


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