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A quarrel had occurred in the library. As a prefect, you have been asked by the school principal
to write a report on the incident.

Your report should include:

• How the quarrel started
• The action taken by the discipline teacher

Write your report.

A Quarrel in the School Library

On 16 October 2021, a quarrel between two students happened at the library. On that
day, it was quiet as usual. The librarians were arranging books on the shelves while a group
of students were reading at the tables. There was a queue of four students at the counter
waiting for their turns to borrow books. A librarian was attending to them patiently.

Suddenly, two boys from Form 4 Bestari started shouting at each other. They were
Shankar Kumar and Kenny Chua. They were in the queue too. One of the boys accused the
other of cutting the queue. They began to shout angrily at each other. However, the accused
insisted that he did not cut the queue. The heated argument between the two soon escalated
and they started shoving at each other.

I was walking along the corridor when I heard the commotion. I ran into the library
and tried to stop them. Meanwhile, the librarian, Zakiah binti Bakri, ran to call the
disciplinary teacher, Mr Thirusamy who came in and intervened. He noted the boys’ names
and the class they came from. Mr Thirusamy instructed me to accompany the boys back to
his room as he wanted to interrogate them.

Before leaving, Mr Thirusamy asked the other students if they had seen what caused
the quarrel. The students told him what had happened and he instructed the librarians to
monitor the queue carefully next time.

Reported by,
Hon Yong
SMK Seri Serdang


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