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Flow Behavior of Different Fluids

Mattingly Brennan – Team 3

BSEN 3310 – September 5, 2023


It is crucial to be able to identify properties of fluids and how to utilize them efficiently. Different

fluids have different purposes and that explains why their viscosity, flow behavior and

consistency all differ. In this lab report, data was produced from the Bohlin Rheometer and

analyzed. This data was provided to team 3. Meanwhile, team 3 used the Brookfield digital

(LVDV-E) viscometer to test different spindle sizes and speed to determine viscosity.

The results from the provided data concluded that canola oil is a Newtonian fluid with a viscosity

of 0.0624 Pa*s at 25 degrees Celsius. Although, temperature has an impact on the viscosity of

canola oil. As temperature increases, viscosity decreases. Chocolate syrup is a pseudoplastic,

which was confirmed through team 3’s data and the provided data. Chocolate syrup has a flow

behavior index of 0.5723. 54% starch water is a dilatant with a flow behavior index of 1.9428.

Dawn EZ Squeeze and Dawn normal are both Newtonian fluids. Dawn EZ Squeeze has a

viscosity of 0.7479 Pa*s and Dawn normal has a viscosity of 0.7091 Pa*s. The viscosities and

consistencies of different fluids can be used for industry benefit; therefore it is important to

analyze data and properties correctly.


Different fluids have different properties, and it is important to acknowledge these properties to

decide whether or not to utilize a fluid. There are many functions that companies look for when

using a fluid, therefore they have to compare multiple data sources to predict what fluid would

be most efficient. Other companies can also change slight aspects of fluids to create something

more efficient.

Shear stress and shear rate are two important aspects when analyzing fluid properties. Shear

stress is the force on a surface that is the tangential component. This can be solved by examining

the force acting on a certain area, F/A. Shear stress is a large factor because fluids never stop

deforming under this force. This would look the same for all fluids if we did not account for the

shear rate as well. The shear rate is the rate of change in the fluid in relation to time, this is

usually seen as du/dy.

An effective way to analyze this data is to plot shear rate and shear stress. This can tell us how

we can expect a fluid to act. A Newtonian fluid is a fluid in which the shear stress is directly

related to the shear strain rate. The relationship on a graph would be represented visually with a

completely linear line. Non-Newtonian fluids are the exact opposite of Newtonian fluids, they

have a non-linear relationship between shear stress and shear strain rate. To further classify

fluids, non-Newtonian fluids can be split between dilatant fluids and pseudoplastics. Dilatant

fluids, also known as shear thickening fluids, involve an increase in viscosity as there is an

increase in sheared fluid. On the other hand, a pseudoplastic fluid, also known as shear thinning

fluid, involves a decrease in viscosity as there is an increase in sheared fluid. Fluid properties can
also differ slightly based on temperature change (Cengal and Cimbala, 2006). This will be

analyzed in the lab report.

There are a number of fluids that are usually treated as non-Newtonian in industrial

circumstances. This includes multi-phase fluids such as slurries and foams. These fluids could be

defined as pseudoplastic, dilatant, Bingham plastic, thixioplastic, rheopectic or viscoelastic. Each

of these graphs would have different trendline shapes due to the differing relationships between

shear rate and shear stress. For example, Biogas plant substrate is being utilized as a new

renewable energy source and it is a non-Newtonian fluid. Biogas can be processed in a number

of different ways and each way produces different relationships between shear strain and shear

rate. This is due to the different densities and percent content of waste in each sample. Due to the

different trendlines, biogas plant substrate is treated as a non-Newtonian fluid to avoid incorrect

assumptions (Jankowska et al, 2023).


Determine and analyze flow behavior of different fluids and how each one can be utilized in

different settings. The fluids included: 54% starch water at 25 degrees Celsius, chocolate syrup,

pancake syrup, molasses, Dawn EZ Squeeze, Dawn normal dish soap, and canola oil at different



The data for all of these fluids was tested using the Bohlin Rheometer. This machine was created

to measure the flow behavior of a fluid by applying constant shear stress using rotating cylinders.

Before starting the machine, the user is able to control the temperature, shear stress, and shear
strain that the machine is applying to the fluid. The Bohlin readings were recorded for each

substance and provided prior to the lab. Viscosity, flow behavior index, and the consistency

coefficient were found using Microsoft Excel.

The Brookfield digital (LVDV-E) viscometer is a machine that uses different sizes of spindles

that rotate at different speeds to measure a fluid’s apparent viscosity, which can be found by

dividing the shear stress by the shear rate. Team 3 found the flow behavior index, shear rate, and

consistency coefficient of chocolate syrup by recording the data from the in-lab activity and

plotting it in Microsoft Excel. This activity involved testing different spindle sizes and speed

intervals. Team 3 would place a certain spindle size in and set the speed, we would then allow

the machine to run for one minute and then collect the data. This is how we could ensure that all

of the data had the same time to spin the fluid. Additionally, we pulled the spindle out and stirred

the mixture between each reading.


The curve of the graph for each fluid can tell us if the fluid is Newtonian or not. Newtonian

fluids have a linear relationship on the graph and the equation with that is y = mx +b. The slope

and viscosity are represented by ‘m’. Non-Newtonian fluids do not have a linear relationship on

the graph. The curves can look very different and the equation that comes with these is 𝑦 = 𝑘𝑥 𝑛 .

The consistency efficient is ‘k’ and ‘n’ is the flow behavior index. The flow behavior index can

tell us if a non-Newtonian fluid is a dilatant and pseudoplastic. If ‘n’ is larger than one then it is a

dilatant fluid and if it is less than one, it is pseudoplastic.

Chocolate Syrup

Starch Water

Canola Oil
Shear Stress (Pa)

150 Power (Chocolate Syrup)

y = 0.0039x1.9428 Power (Starch Water)

R² = 0.9536
Linear (Canola Oil )
y= 3.8658x0.5723
R² = 0.9857

y = 0.0624x
R² = 0.9999
0 50 100 150 200 250
Shear Rate (1/s)
Figure 1. Shear Stress and Shear Rate Graph for comparing flow behaviors of chocolate syrup, canola oil at 25 degrees Celsius,
and 54% starch water.

Based on Figure 1, it can be concluded that canola oil is a Newtonian fluid, 54% starch water is a dilatant,

and chocolate syrup is pseudoplastic. The canola oil has a linear relationship between shear rate and shear

stress and because the 𝑅2 value is so close to one, we can assume this is accurate data of a Newtonian

fluid. The 54% starch water has slope with an increasing rate, the exponent value is 1.9428 (n>1) so this

fluid is a dilatant. Chocolate syrup is considered a pseudoplastic because the exponent value is 0.5723

(n<1). We can assume that the trendlines for chocolate syrup and 54% starch water are accurate because
the 𝑅2 values are 0.9857 and 0.9536 respectively. These values are not as close to one as the canola oil

because these are non-Newtonian.

y = 0.1209x
10 C
25 C

7 40 C
55 C
Shear Stress (Pa)

70 C
y = 0.0624x
5 85 C
Linear (10 C)
Linear (25 C)
y = 0.0367x
3 Linear (40 C)
y = 0.0244x Linear (55 C)
y = 0.0183x Linear (70 C)
1 Linear (70 C)
y = 0.0142x
0 Linear (85 C)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Shear Rate (1/s)

Figure 2. Canola Oil Shear stress and shear rate at different temperatures

According to figure 2, canola oil is a Newtonian fluid, this can be shown by all of the linear lines. The

linear lines represent a constant change in shear rate versus shear stress. Although, the linear lines shift

down at higher temperatures. Therefore, it can be assumed that as temperatures rise, the viscosity of

canola oil decreases. Engine oil would differ from canola oil because engine oil viscosity has to adapt and

work at different temperatures, but the relationship for temperature is the same. This is a prime utilization

of a fluid. As the temperature rises, engine oil viscosity decreases. This is important because engine oil

has to be able to work in many different environments (cold and hot). If engine oil was Newtonian and

did not differ with respect to temperature, it would not be efficient for use all year round.


y = 1.3904x-1.01
Viscosity (Pa * s)






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Temperature (Celsius)

Figure 3. Canola Oil viscosity as a function of temperature

Figure 3 confirms that the viscosity of canola oil decreases as temperatures increase. The

exponent in the above y-equation does not indicate that canola oil is non-Newtonian. Since this

graph shows the relationship between viscosity and temperature, the exponent is just showing the

viscosity decrease. This differs from Figure 2, because the slope of those lines told us what the

viscosity was and if it was Newtonian or not.


y = 0.7479x


y = 0.7091x
Shear Stress (Pa)

Dawn EZ Squeeze
Dawn Normal
Linear (Dawn EZ Squeeze)
20 Linear (Dawn Normal)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Shear Rate (1/s)

Figure 4. Dawn Normal and Dawn EZ Squeeze data with shear rate versus shear stress

Figure 4 compares Dawn normal dish soap with Dawn EZ Squeeze dish soap. This data proves

that both soaps are Newtonian fluids. They both have proportional relationships between shear

stress and shear strain. Although these are both the same company, since they are two separate

products, they do not have the same viscosity. This is because they have different combinations

of ingredients and are meant for different actions. Dawn normal dish soap is not antibacterial,

while the EZ Squeeze contains antimicrobial ingredients. The U.S. Food and Drug

administration does not prefer one or the other. Soap is a broad term that includes antimicrobial

active ingredients (1% chloroxylenol) or just bland soap. It is seen that antimicrobial soaps

reduce the bacterial cell function by stopping reproduction of dangerous bacteria and regular

soap breaks the surface tension of the water causing oil and dirt to be removed. Both soaps are

efficient at cleaning. It was actually seen that the time spent lathering could help the efficacy of
bacterial removal. So, if there is more water than active ingredients in a soap (the bland soap), it

will have a lower viscosity and be very difficult to lather (Jenson et al, 2017).

Table 1. Chocolate Syrup Data and Calculations

Spindle Size Given Speed (rpm) Apparent Shear Rate Average

Spindle Viscosity (1/s) Shear Stress
Shear Rate (Pa*s) (Pa)
3 .21 2.5 8.49 0.525 4.4835

3 .21 2.5 8.59 0.525

3 .21 5.0 5.76 1.05 6.09525

3 .21 5.0 5.85 1.05

2 .212 2.5 7.99 0.53 4.23205

2 .212 2.5 7.98 0.53

2 .212 4.0 6.126 0.848 5.2682

2 .212 4.0 6.299 0.848

3 .21 6.0 5.20 1.26 6.6906

3 .21 6.0 5.42 1.26

3 .21 4.0 6.81 0.84 5.733

3 .21 4.0 6.84 0.84

Table 1 shows the data collected and given in the first 3 rows. Team 3 found the apparent

viscosity in centipoise, so I used a conversion factor (1cP = .001 Pa*s) to find it in useful units. I

found the shear rate for each spindle by multiplying speed (rpm) by the given spindle shear rate.

This allowed me to get the x-axis of Figure 5. I found the average shear stress by multiplying the

apparent viscosity by the shear rate for each of the two runs of identical speed and spindle size.

For each pair, I took the average of those numbers and that allowed me to get my y-axis in
Figure 5. The duplicates were very similar in most cases. I found that the first apparent viscosity

taken ended up being slightly less than the second identical point. This could be because the

spindle could have been coated with the chocolate syrup and so the shear rate felt by the fluid

was lower than the original data collected.

7 y = 5.9653x0.4904
R² = 0.9648
Shear Stress (Pa)

Chocolate Syrup

3 Power (Chocolate Syrup)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
Shear Rate (1/s)

Figure 5. Team 3 recorded data on a graph

According to the data above, chocolate syrup is considered a pseudoplastic fluid. I can assume

this because the exponent is below one, indicating pseudoplastic. This agrees with the data that

was provided from the Bohlin Rheometer. Therefore, I assume that the Brookfield Digital

viscometer can also take accurate data and provide correct readings. The 𝑅2 value is 0.9648,

which means that the trendline fits the data and our data is accurate. This can confirm why the

second point in each set is slightly higher because pseudoplastic liquids have increasing viscosity

as shear stress and shear rate increase.

In conclusion, plotting all data taken from both machines can help someone identify Newtonian

versus non-Newtonian fluids. If I had to recommend one machine to use more, it would be the

Bohlin Rheometer. This machine allows the user to have a lot more control and it can spit out a

lot of data. A downside is the price, it is very expensive and smaller corporations cannot afford it.

The Brookfield digital (LVDV-E) viscometer allows more room for user error. This machine

requires a user to physically switch spindles and capture different speeds and sometimes it

cannot even take the data. This machine is simpler to use so that is a benefit. This report

concludes that canola oil and both Dawn dish soaps are Newtonian fluids. This was represented

by a linear relationship. Chocolate syrup is pseudoplastic and 54% starch water is dilatant.

Çengel, Yunus A. & John M. Cimbala. Fluid mechanics: fundamentals and applications — 1st

ed. p. cm.— (McGraw-Hill series in mechanical engineering) ISBN 0–07–247236–7 1.

Fluid dynamics. I. Cimbala, John M. II. Title. III. Series.

Jankowska, H., Dzido, A., & Krawczyk, P. (2023). Determination of Rheological Parameters of

Non-Newtonian Fluids on an Example of Biogas Plant Substrates. Energies, 16(3), 1128.

MDPI AG. Retrieved from

Jensen, D. A., Macinga, D. R., Shumaker, D. J., Bellino, R., Shaffner, D. W., & Arbogast, J. W.

(2017). Retrieved from

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