Regional Government (Guntur)

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NAME : Guntur Tri Pamungkas

NIM : E1A019336

Regional government
Every country certainly has a government, because according to the principles of
International Law that a country is required must have three main elements, namely (1) the
people, (2) a certain area, (3) a sovereign government. Complementary elements are usually
added to the recognition by the international community or other countries.
The term government comes from the word "order". According to the Indonesian
General Dictionary, the command is interpreted to order to do something or something that
must be done. Government is a person, body or apparatus that issues or gives orders.
Government is a process, a method, an act of governing. Thus the government is a state tool
or the same as state equipment. Government is an act of governing, it means that it involves
the implementation of functions. JHA Logemann uses the term function in the narrow sense,
it limits the meaning of function only as a task or position and as a stakeholder.
In English, the concepts of government and government are included in one
government term, whereas in Dutch the terms regering, "bestuur" or "overheid" are used. The
Black Law Dictionary says government comes from the word gubernacullum, which means:
Significant the instrument, the helmet, where by the ship the state was compared, was
guided on its course by the "governor" or helmsman and in that view the government is ut but
on the agency of the state, distinguished as it must be in accurate thought from its scheme and
machinery of government. In the United States, government consistency of the executive,
legislative and judicial branches in addition to administrative agencies. In a broad sense
include the federal government and all its agencies and bureaus state and country government
city and township government.
Here the government is seen as the same instrument as the captain of the ship. Thus
the government is a state tool that must be edited from the government machinery.
Van Vollenhoven, as quoted by Ateng Syafrudin, defines state government in the
broad and narrow sense. In a broad sense in accordance with the theory of Chess Praja, he
divided the power of government into four, namely: (1). Bestuur, or government is the power
to carry out the objectives of the state; (2). Politie, is the power of the police to guarantee
security and public order in the state; (3). Rechtspraak, or justice, is the power to guarantee
justice within the state; (4). Regulations, or legislative arrangements are the power to make
general regulations in the country.
Government in the strict sense does not cover the powers of legislation, justice and
the police which in Dutch is used the term bestuur.
From the provisions of the 1945 Constitution, the opinions of experts as well as the
provisions of Law No.32 of 2004 can be identified in several senses, first, governance in the
broadest sense is the state's activity in exercising power including three bodies namely
legislative, executive, and judicial. Second, government in the strict sense is only a
government function, not including those who carry out the legislative and judicial functions,
according to the 1945 Constitution is the President assisted by State ministers, Non-Ministry
Institutions, Minister-level Institutions. Third, the Regional Government consists of the
Regional Head and Provincial and Regency / City DPRD. While the regional government is
the Regional Head and regional apparatus.
Pursuant to Law No. 32/2004 concerning Regional Government, regional
governments carry out governmental affairs under their authority, except governmental
affairs which are determined by these laws to be governmental affairs, which include: foreign
policy, defense, security, justice, monetary and national and religious fiscal. Regional
government affairs are divided into compulsory and optional affairs. Obligatory affairs are
very basic matters relating to the rights and basic services of citizens. While optional affairs
are matters that actually exist in the region and have the potential to improve the welfare of
the community according to conditions, uniqueness, and regional superior potential.

Difficult words
1. Certain = Tertentu
2. Sovereign = Berdaulat
3. Recognition = Pengakuan
4. Narrow = Sempit
5. Stakeholder = Pemangku jabatan
6. Distinguished = Dibedakan
7. Determined = Ditentukan
8. Pursuant = Berdasarkan
9. Compulsory = Wajib
10. Obligatory = Wajib
11. Affairs = Urusan
12. Provisions = Ketentuan
13. Welfare = Kesejahteraan
14. Arrangement = Pengaturan

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