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Background of the Study

The Philippines was named the most exposed country in the

world to tropical storms in 2013, leading to potential dangers

such as leaning and damaging utility poles. To monitor the health

of the electric utility pole, a device to inspect its tilting angle is

needed, such as an accelerometer. Most researchers use

accelerometers to measure the tilt angle, which can be measured

by using components of gravitational acceleration. Tilted electric

poles are dangerous to living beings and could cause serious

damages if not fixed before conditions worsen. To monitor the

health of the electric utility pole, a device to inspect its tilting

angle is needed, such as an accelerometer.

The paper discusses the use of Micro Electro-Mechanical

Systems (MEMs) accelerometers as tilt sensors to measure all

possible positions with respect to gravity vectors. Qian et al.

proposed a tilt sensing scheme, Linear Model, to sense the tilting

angle accurately. Traditional line workers in the Philippines don't

use any device to detect slight movements on poles, so this work


aims to come up with an electronic device using an Arduino

board and micro electromechanical system accelerometer to be

manually installed on electric utility pole using an adjustable belt

for different pole sizes. After the attachment of the device, Line

workers will be able to conduct immediate solutions to resolve the

problem and prevent accidents concerning the safety of the


Conceptual Framework

On the basis of the theories presented and discussed

previously, the conceptual framework of this study has been

formulated. The study will undergo a procedure using the system

approach (Input-Process-Output) that presents the curator’s

process on how the product was created. This follows the steps

that the researcher goes through.

As shown in Figure 1.1, the input of the study is the research

and development of the digital device for pole alignment that

includes the planning and designing of the prototype. As for the

process, it will involve the development procedure (creation and

alpha testing) and material consideration such as the hardware,

building machines, and software. Finally, the expected output is

the developed digital device for pole alignment controlled via


Arduino that will undergo pilot testing to verify the workability of

the entire system under real-time operating conditions. All

procedures to be undertaken will receive feedback from the panel

of evaluators and expert engineers.


Research and Result
Developed Digital
1. Hardware Pole Alignment Device
 ADXL345 controlled via Arduino
1. Planning  Arduino Nano
 Needs  9v battery
Assessment  OLED
 Material  Battery
Survey connector
 Objectives  Plastic
2. Design of Container
digital pole  Adjustable Strap
alignment Multifunctioning
device 2. Building machines Testing/Maintenance
 Design 3. Software
Requirement  Programming
 Design Arduino IDE 1. Prototype Testing
 Windows  Control System
Planning and
(laptop/PC) Test
4. Alpha testing 2. Maintenance
5. Creation of  Daily Testing and
Prototype Monitoring


Figure 1.1 Block Diagram of the Study


Statement of the Problem

Utility pole installation tends to exist uneven. Problems

such as sedimentation, unbalanced stress, can cause the utility

pole situation to tilt or lean and are often occurring. The inclination

of the electric pole may also be directed to the tension of the

electric wire or telecommunication cables attached to it; hence,

natural or man-made incidents causes pulling apart of electrical

wires or telecommunication cables and brings imminent danger to

the power system and also to the community. The Philippines

experienced visual obstruction and hazard risks caused by poor

electric pole installation along the streets (Arsua, 2015). Along

this line of thought, the researcher aims to contribute a solution

associated to the cited problem by developing a digital device for

pole alignment that will be used as guide to monitor and correct

dangerous leaning utility poles.

Objectives of the Study

The research conceptualization of this study is based on

the following objectives:

1. Design a digital device for manual pole detection.

2. Make a device that is cheap and handy.

3. Test the device quality and efficiency.

Significance of the Study


The output of this study will redound to the benefit of the

society especially the distribution utility companies considering

that utility pole’s structural integrity is significant for the safety of

the community and to avoid unwanted power interruptions that

affects the economy. The Digital device for manual pole detection

will determine the proper alignment of utility poles, based on

standard and allowable allowances of degrees alignment and to

correct or apply immediate action to prevent further damages

caused by nature. Also, the device can also be used on

horizontally or vertically oriented structures as a replacement for

the traditional spirit level as an advanced tool with indicated

degrees accurately displayed in an OLED screen. On Utility pole

alignment, based on our research, the pole alignment is often

determined as 90 degrees from the ground by using only bare

sight, with this proposed tool it will correct the unnecessary errors

and helps in adjusting the alignment of poles aesthetically with a

strong structural system.

The following individuals would benefit from this study:

The Power and Telecommunication Utility Companies.

This study will help these utility companies use a device that

will inspect the structural integrity by the means of alignment of


their utility poles in order to improve their services.

The Buyers. This study will create and provide a digital

tool that will replace the traditional spirit level in measuring the

angles of alignment in the construction works.

The Community. This study will aid the utility companies

in the monitoring and maintenance of the poles that will lessen

the power and telecommunication interruptions and provides

efficient energy to supply the needs of the community.

The Future Researchers. This study will serve as a

reference and a basis for innovations and improvements in order

to improve the output and uses of digital technology being

merged with the modern tools.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The development of a Digital Device for Pole Alignment aims

to monitor the structural integrity of Electric Utility poles based on

their alignment to prevent further damage in case of emergencies;

also it will serve as a guide for inspectors and pole erectors to

attain proper alignment. The study examines the allowable

alignment from different angles with respect to tensions and other

forces involved that causes the leaning of poles. The location of

the study will be implemented along the vicinity of Iligan city, and

possible test subjects are ILPI poles with different sizes. The

gathering of data and inspection will happen in an estimated time

of 1 day with 10 pcs. of poles involved. The materials that will be

used for the creation of the device will be a Arduino Nano, a

compatible accelerometer module or ADXL345, a digital panel for

display of data’s, an adjustable strap that will serve as attachment

to the pole and a rigid container of the electronic modules that can

with stand all weather conditions.

The study does not cover any structural analysis on the

material used in poles including wood poles, concrete and steel.

Also, it is only limited to the alignment of poles without examining

the quality and integrity of soil that causes the misalignment.

Another limitation is that it only uses C++ computer language in

the algorithm to be used that is suitable for the Arduino board.

The study only focuses on developing a device that will determine

the angular position of the pole, where the device will be strapped

on poles and it will display the angles with respect to x axis and

other factors will not be included.

Definition of Terms

For easy understanding, the following terms are defined


Accelerometer. This term refers to a device that measures


the vibration, or acceleration of motion of a structure. The force

caused by vibration or a change in motion (acceleration) causes

the mass to "squeeze" the piezoelectric material which produces

an electrical charge that is proportional to the force exerted upon

it. Since the charge is proportional to the force, and the mass is a

constant, then the charge is also proportional to the acceleration

(Omega Editorial staff, 2018).

Arduino. This term refers to an open-source platform used for

building electronics projects. Arduino consists of both a physical

programmable circuit board (often referred to as a microcontroller)

and a piece of software, or IDE (Integrated Development

Environment) that runs on your computer, used to write and

upload computer code to the physical board (Ben, 2011).

Development. This term refers to the planning, designing, and

testing processes employed in the crafting of the digital pole

alignment device.

Efficiency. This term is defined as the ability to accomplish

something with the least amount of wasted time, money, and

effort or competency in performance (Gager, 2020).

Electronics. This term refers to a branch of science that deals

with the study of flow and control of electrons (electricity) and the

study of their behavior and effects in vacuums, gases, and

semiconductors, and with devices using such electrons (Das,


Microcontroller. This term refers to an integrated circuit (IC)

device used for controlling other portions of an electronic system,

usually via a microprocessor unit (MPU), memory, and some

peripherals. These devices are optimized for embedded

applications that require both processing functionality and agile,

responsive interaction with digital, analog, or

electromechanical components (Keim, 2019).

Sensor. This term refers to a device that detects and

responds to some type of input from the physical environment.

The specific input could be light, heat, motion, moisture, pressure,

or any one of a great number of other environmental phenomena.

The output is generally a signal that is converted to human-

readable display at the sensor location or transmitted

electronically over a network for reading or further processing

(Wigmore, 2018).

Utility pole. This term refers to a structure owned, operated,

or owned and operated by a public utility, local government, or the

Commonwealth that is designed specifically for and used to carry


lines, cables, or wires for communications, cable television, or

electricity (Law insider Editorial staff. 2019).

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