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Poison in Soil*

Story start in Minister's House, Bari-bhramna, Jammu on 14 july 2022 Where a

lawyer sitting on a chair, on his opposite side a minister sit on a bed. Then Lawyer
and minister conversate with each other about a case. Then lawyer put a question to
minister that he hear about him that he was also a lawyer like him so what is the
story of his journey from his lawrence to ministry. Now Minister tell him his story: This
is the Story if a case that handed by him.
It is a matter of Hoshiarpur that there lived two brothers who belonged to different
mothers but had only one father (Surya Bhanu Singh). One is of muslim mother
another one is of hindu mother. The son of a Muslim mother (Sahana B) whose
name was 'Akram'.
Who was called by the name of Bhau. Bhau was 21 years old, his height was 173
cm and he was well built and his weight was 67 kg. Bhau loved to live the gangster
life but he had enmity with the son of his father's second wife who was a Hindu. The
dispute between these two brothers was over a 100 meter piece of land which was
not coming equally in distribution and this land was one of the most fertile and
expensive land in the world. Before I tell the story, first listen to the other brother's
intro who is the son of Hindu mother but of same father that of Bhau whose name
was 'Adhyan Sharma' but popularly known as 'Addy Bhai ' who is 19 years old and
his height is 172 cm, his body is lean and his weight is 52 kg. Even then Its liver is
not less than that of a lion, it is absolutely fearless and it has killed more than 40
people so far.He also had some psychological problems that's why people used to
call it a person living in a mad state. At the time when leader introduce Hindu
mother's son (Addy) at that time Addy is talking on the phone by killing a man in
which the man on the phone is asking to kill the enemy but Addy Bhai says that he
was dead 2 minutes 50 seconds ago .
After that, Addy starts washing his bloodied hands and also tells his henchman
"Stepney" that he himself is going to the police station because a case has been
registered against him and he is going to clear it. In his absence the buyer of some
land has come, asks Stepney to deal with them and leaves. Only then Bhau's scene
will be shown where Bhau's man named "styne" (black african as well as kung-fu
expert) will be rubbing weapon on the stone.And at that time, his lawyer is telling
Bhau that if the case is as big as it is, sell the land in whatever way you want and if
possible buy that land yourself. But he didn't mind at all. With this he will be
considered against the court and the case will fall in your (Bhau's) lap
Bhau agrees to this and asks his men (Saqib and Sajid) to go and buy the land. They
both leave from there. When they reach on the way, they come to know that already
a team is going to deal with Addy, so they both take that team captive, wear their
identity cards and clothes and go to Addy's base and are talking about the land. Only
then, when he comes back from the police station, both of them start leaving becase
Stepney show him thrice of price that Bhau suggest . But (on neglecting) Addy shoot
both of them when they leaving from the exit .
When Bhau got the news of the death of both of them, Bhau got very angry and he
himself came to meet at his place (haunt) .
At that time, both of them have a slight skirmish and a small fighting scene ensues
Then Bhau's Teammate takes out Stephanie's gun and points it at Addy's head, due
to which Bhau is able to leave from there. The same night while sleeping when Addy
remembers that the whole day has passed and he has not killed a single person and
it was only one hour till 12:00 then he flies and goes out with his disciple stephanie
first he gets to the lawyer's house because he could unable to win his case So he
goes to his house and kill him ..
Then in the morning Id wakes up and he realises that he has killed his lawyer. Then
he goes out in search of a new lawyer, If a lawyer refused to fight Addy's case, he
would kill him on the spot, . Some lawyers said yes, but they could not get the Addy
to win the case, they also lost their lives and those who had already refused the
Addy also could not live for long and many of the days went on like this. But after
atleast 8 days He saw a man named 'Adhrishya'. He is with fit and physical body just
like a body builder whose hieght is about 172 cm and 72 k.g. weight and speak Delhi
language . That time he dressed as a lawyer and sit on the bonnet of a car (Bolero)
comfortably eats chips and juice. When he is enjoying the taste, Addy goes to him
and asks if he is a lawyer or not , to which the man says yes, Addy's companions
pick him up and bring him to his base.
Addy is delighted to see the man's confidence even after being kidnapped and
begins to believe that he can make him win his case. After taking care of him, Addy
told him everything and the lawyer agreed for fight his case
There was a week to go to the court so he went to visit another city with the lawyer
then he likes a girl named Isha who is about 163 cm in hieght and is slim fit by body
and her weight is about 59 kg and he tells the lawyer as a friend that he likes her and
he should help her his future wife For making. Then the lawyer gives his glasses to
Addy and Addy goes to impress the girl, at that time the girl refuses him, but after
paying a week's salary, on the last day of the case, the girl says yes to Addy and
gives advice. That after the case is over, he will stop all the murders.
Blind in love, Addy agrees to everything and accepts all her conditions. Then the
next day he appears in the court and Addy wins 50% of the land in his favor, which
makes him very happy with his lawyer. That night, Audi throws a party with great
fanfare and invites the Bhau to burn her. On the lawyer calls , Babu accepted the
purposal and told that he would come to the party. Addy marries the girl in the
temple 2 hours before the party.
After marriage everyone is enjoying the party and Babu also comes in that party and
hugs the lawyer. Addy is unable to come to that side as he is busy meeting people,
then the lawyer takes care of Bhau and sits with him and enjoys meat and alcohol.
When Bhau sees Addy's wife, he tells the lawyer that she is his ex. But don't tell this
to Ady , his heart is sad. After listening to his words, the lawyer comes to know that
Bhau's heart is very good and he says that why not negotiate and divide half the land
among themselves, otherwise if the case is stuck then the land may go into the
hands of the trust. Neither will be benefited and both will be harmed. Babu says that
if Addy agrees to this, then I have no objection.
On the same night, partying at 11:00, when the Ady comes, he remembers that he
has not committed a single murder on this day,. So, then he took out the gun to kill
his old enemy used to pass through about 1 half an hour away . But as soon as he
starts leaving, his wife standing at the door fascinates him with the fire of her body.
Seeing this, Audi is unable to control himself and starts getting intimate with his wife.
During this, as soon as his eyes fall on the clock, he sees that only 5 minutes are left
for 12:00. He quickly wakes up and loads his gun and kills his own wife.
Just then the lawyer comes from outside and sees Audi being murdered. Seeing this
scene, the lawyer thinks that Adi has come to know everything that his wife was
Babu's ex, then he tells everything that happened in the party about what Bhau told
him about his wife to Ady. . Ady says that he did not know all this, he killed his wife
because he had not killed any person on this day. After that he sleeps at his house.
Waking up in the morning, he asks Eddie to reconcile with Bhau. But now he doesn't
listen to him, but after explaining for some time, he agrees. After that both go to
Bau.Audi does not accept the advice of the lawyer in front of Bhau and during this
both of them get into an argument. Seeing both of them quarreling, another way
comes in the mind of the lawyer to unite them, then he asks them to contest the
election and says that the one who wins by getting more votes will get more land and
the other may have to die. It is the will of the winner. But till then both of them will
have to live in one house without fighting and without arms and all their votes will be
in my hands so that no one can tamper with it.Both of them agree with this and get
their names registered in the election and start living together in a house. While living
in a house, there used to be little quarrel between them, but gradually the quarrel
started turning into love and hatred between them. And it started decreasing and
they started showing love to each other like brothers.On the day when the result of
the election was to come, both of them were sitting together in front of the TV, only
then they see in the result that the name of the winner is Arun Sharma. And seeing
that even both of them did not have votes in their share, they both are surprised and
start asking each other that who is Arun Sharma, then the door of their room opens
and the lawyer comes from inside and says that I am that 'Arun Sharma'. Hearing
this, the ground slips under the feet of both of them and they ask the lawyer that
"Why did you cheat us ?". Answering their question, Arun Sharma says that "I have
not cheated but I have done everything to get back my own land. The land for which
both of you were fighting was not your father's but my father's land". He was your
father's boss and your father cheated my father and transferred all his land, business
and everything to his own name . My mother shifted abroad with me so that it should
not affect me badly, .When I grew up, my mother told me everything and said that
you have to avenge your father, I just clenched her words. After practicing there, I
returned to India so that I can take revenge on your father. On your return, you came
to know that your father was dead and you are fighting for his land. After finding out
everything else I came to know that Addy needed a lawyer and then what was it I
came in front of you that kidnapping was not done by you that kidnapping was done
by me I was the person who advised you I had sent to you And in this way you got
trapped in my trap, I had taken the votes of both of you in my hands to fight the
election so that I could give all your votes in my vote and win.And the result was in
front of him. Hearing all this, Eddie gets angry and starts looking for the gun, but then
he realizes that the lawyer has hidden the gun etc. But still not giving up, he asks his
colleagues to attack the lawyer. But his companions stand pointing guns at him.
Seeing this, both of them get scared, then the lawyer tells all the men to tie them
both with a rope.They both ask the lawyer, "You wanted to take revenge from our
father, so why did you take it from us?" Hearing this, the lawyer says, "Those who
could not give land to their brother, they would have given it to me, so whatever
happens in the end, it is only for good. I will distribute this land among the poor."
Hearing this, Addy angrily says that once you leave me, I will not leave you
Hearing this, the lawyer says that "I will free you absolutely, but not from this rope,
but directly from this world." As soon as he says this, he shoots Addy and does not
kill him because of Bhau's good behavior but hands him over to the police because
of the murders committed by him. After completing all this work, the lawyer sells
some of his land and gives the money to the orphanage and he goes to his mother
and the mother is very happy for what he did and the story ends with this.

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