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Service- Group 3
Course Code : MPU3492
Course Leader : Haysriq bin Thomeeran
Semester : September 2021
Event’s name : Fun-Raising for the Zoonimals
Table of Contents
No. Contents
1. Introduction
2. Pre, during and after event
3. Objectives
4. Expectation and reality of event
5. Challenges during the event
6. Solution for the challenges
7. Achievements and success from the event
8. Strategies on how we accomplish our goals
9. What have we learned from our event
10. Did our event impact the community?
11. What are the things we want to improve from this event
12. Conclusion
13. Pictures and Evidence of events
Committee Chart
Tinesh Waran: Project Information

Event name: Fun-raising for The Zoonimals

Event date : 14 November 2021
Time : 9:00 am to 10.20am
Venue : via Google Meet
Activities: Watch virtual tour about animals and Kahoot game
Aim of the event : to donate and raise awareness about the
endangered animals to the community
Maisarah Izzati : Pre, During and After event

• Before the event was conducted, we had thoroughly discussed about the strategies and plans.
• we came up with our target audience, number of participants, donations from participants and
the marketing plans.
• The target audience for our event are teenagers and adults which could be family, friends or
UNITAR students.
• The target number of participants we expected to join our event is around 100 participants.
• The target donations from the participants for this event is RM1000.
• For the marketing plans, the first marketing plan is to design an informative poster about the
event to attract the audience.
• The second marketing plan is advertising the event on social media platform such as Instagram,
Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp.
• We also created an Instagram page for our event which is @zoonimals_fun_raising.
• The date of the event which is on Sunday, 14th of November from 9: 00a.m to 10:20a.m.
• Reminding the participants about the allocated time of the event.
• The event was conducted online via Google Meet.
• The tentative program of our event are as follows:
 Opening remarks by Emcees, which are Aqeela Sofia and Nurul Fatin Amani
 Played the virtual tour video
 Kahoot Quiz session
 Announce the winner of the Kahoot Quiz
 Closing remarks by Emcees
 Picture session with participants
 Picture session with Quiz winners
 Participants fill in the feedback form for the event
 Event dismissed

• Totaled the amount of the donations from the participants, and group members.
• This event has managed to collect a total donation of RM1455.
• Distribute the zoo tickets for Kahoot winners using the donation money and
donate the rest of the money to WWF
Syuryani binti Jaban: Objective

• To engage students with the opportunity to have long lasting positive

impact to provide help to animals in need.
• Students are able to increase and spread awareness about the animals to
the community.
• To increase our awareness to protect, preserve and conserve the
endangered animals to the community.
Aqeela Sofia: Expectations and Reality of our event
No. Project Description Expectations Reality

• Conduct the event on our own

using the Google Meet
• Aqeela Sofia and Nurul Fatin
• Collaborate with Zoo
Amani become the host
organize the event
• Participants join the virtual
• Used one of Zoo Negara
1. Event tour in Facebook page
previous episodes and share
• Participants will participate
the screen
the quiz organized by the
• Kahoot quiz session
Zoo Negara
• Announce winner of the quiz
• Had picture session with the

2. Event’s platform Zoo Negara Facebook page Google Meet

No Project Description Expectations Reality

3. Target participants to give donation 100 people 117 people

4. Target donation RM 1000 RM 1455

5. Total hour of our event 1 hour 20 minutes 1 hour 20 minutes

6. Donation collected Donate to Zoo Negara Use the donation collected

to buy tickets for the top 3
RM455 – buy tickets Kahoot winners and also
RM1000 – donate to WWF donate the money to WWF
7. Interaction with participants - - able to have interactions
- have a photo session
8. Activities Quiz was supposedly Organized a Kahoot Quiz
handled by the Zoo which was controlled by
Negara Amani and hosted by
Nurul Fatin Amani and Amira Najwa: Challenges and Solution


 Before event:  Before Event

• Changes of plan made unexpectedly by zoo  Proceed with the event by organizing it on our
negara own
• Zoo Negara decline to accept our idea on how to  present the first episode of Zoo virtual tour and
run the event organize fun activity session through Kahoot
 During Event
 During event  Screen record the event using Amani’s laptop
 Recording issue  Have someone else to take over to present the
 Internet connection problem video immediately
 Photo taking during event  Other members help in capturing and screenshot
the event as a backup
 After event
 After Event
• Most participants are busy and unable to set a
 Never stop contacting/texting participants
date for us to purchase the tickets for them
 Change of plan and donate to WWF instead
Nur Alysa : Achievement and success of the event
1. Donation money
-each member need to donate rm10
- need to collect donation from 7/10/2021 until 13/11/2021
- donation collected : Rm1455
- feeling grateful and surprised

2. The number of participants

- our target is 100 participants but turns out we managed to get 117 participants
- only 40+ able to join event via google meet

3. Self-concept
- each members gained differences experience
- gain confidence
- enhance communication skills
- be responsible
- learn on attract people to join our event
- all of us can improve our skills in future event
1. each members required to find 10
4. created information poster

5. ask opinion from lecturer

2. posted on media social platforms
- Instagram
6. reach out to relatives or close
- WhatApps families to join our event

3. repost any posts that participants

post on their Instagram account.
-to show appreciatiation
Wong Poh Mee: What have we learned
from this event?
- We learned about the important of teamwork and good partnership.
- We need to understand our event and get to know about our audience.
- We need to find solution to problems we faced in the event.
- We must do anything that we could to conserve and preserve the animals.
- We learned about the value of donating and how it benefit the community.
- We learned that there are many responsibilities and honesty that needed to be
focused and emphasized on.
Sarah binti Safaruddin: Did our event impact the community?

- Give awareness to public on how does the zoo/animals able to survive during the
Because during pandemic people did cannot come to the zoo and zoo need to raise the
money to fund the animals in the zoo.
- Our event also have given an impact and inspire community to donate in the
- Bringing members of the community close together.
From this event we can have verbal interaction with the participants. When we combine
all the participants who do not know each other, in a way that brings to life a
harmonious atmosphere. For example, we can use a chat box, open a camera and so on.
Aqeela Sofia: What are the things that we want to improve
from this event?

Be more confident and

spontaneous as during the
Make the duration of event longer
beginning of event, the situation
was a little awkward and quiet.

Manage and set up the

Add more Kahoot questions plan of our event thoroughly
before confirming
Noraisyah Azani: Conclusion

• This event has a very positive impact on each party

involved, which is ourselves and the participants.
• We were able to gain new experience in holding and
engaging in community service programs.
• We are also able to establish a closer relationship
with each other, including the participants because
we can work together in the success of the program.
• Therefore, this community service program can
generate the formation of a group of young people
with high vision.
Screenshots of
During Event:
Number of participants who join the event:
Screenshot during Kahoot activity:
Screenshot during Kahoot activity:
Screenshot of the Kahoot winner:
Photo session with the participants:
Photo session with the Kahoot winner:
Photo session with the group members:
Summary of satisfaction survey
Summary of satisfaction survey
Feedbacks and suggestions from participants
Conversations with the top 3 Kahoot winners
Ticket receipt purchased from Farm in The City
Email from WWF:
Email from WWF:
Event Poster

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