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tree vet\ots ...

A mtot whWi i~ lndependen+ of' i t ' ~

1 y JI y
loco.tised vet-ttr~
➔ u~ Q '~:etttn- G P is point ) tl\~n
Grderecl po Ir Cr., C\ ) i!> ca\\ ed to co. Hsftl
vethir o.t P. r
- ➔
G\ ~ PG.

Zero vettor
➔ ,~ vet.tor of \eriq-\n ' i.Ho ') OV\d haViY\9 ' OI/\~ d(fftti()v.i ls c~ ~
ioro veLtor or nv\\ vec,tor • tt ,~ de»oted by o.
~ A is CA point in spme , -tneYI A.A =-- o •
- -"t
-1( Ir
~ A non zero -Jel\·ur ,s m\\ed a proper vedor

Vector Addition
➔ tf Cl , b arethe tt-10 'lectors , -tren tllere eii~ts -ltl1tt points ~. tc
in spo.te &\Jch that :_.. AB = o: J el = b1 n.t\d deHVled tAS
a+b= AB-'"Bl=-Ac
-k \-\ere o'"b 1s ;;,l1€d resultant veLrOr of a~nd b ., ,, 1c; tc;nown as
tr,ungle law o vectors• Y._Jh
., A a B

fropertie~ ef "ettor AddHion

\f- i b Qre -two 'let tors ~ +htn
..ct+b.. ~ b~a
- ..
* lt ,~ kn wn as ?OfU\\etoqrom law of- veL\-Gr~.
·6e) AB t Be .;_ ~D ,. De --=- l\c
➔ i ' b, C Ore -lhree Vet tors ' tlJen ( ii t b) t C. : iit lb
If .-n
_. tr ~ \S any vedo., , then -\;~@Fe eti ~ -l- 0 : C + n° -:: ~
... H r O 15 lQ\led ttdddi~e idellh~y fol Veller,.
,. ·r any vetttr ., then -there .
o ~x,~ts
ll - - - -
, 1f ,
- .,
-!. "" "' :: o . T\1e n b ·IS tQl\t.d
a veltot -b
,~b - .. {, additi"" ·,i',
il fined ~~ b -=- - ll c. "
-~ de
I p

,) ( )~O

b ~re tWL vettHs ihen

. ,b, ~ , Q1 + 1b 1
). \~ -
c,ii) 1a_1 1 >
(I) ,, ~ ' ~ \ ~ I -+ \bl
IA • (1

1) b ~re 1~\0 \ethn-~ \IJ) ;\H, ' 1


,a tb\ '"'+lb\
~ r C\lc -~~..J0_ \:edCf Y) ;ne opp( c
\0-rb\:. \\ [ \ - \bl\

Sta\M mu\ti9\\caii~n - U\ 'm., be c, statn r

\~en mo \~ defined ~s fo\\OW~ -
lf m,. D , tben ffiO is mtor nf lfl\\lth m\QI and
same ll~ -that ~t a.
~ If m"C , then roo is G\ '7ettor
direttion oppo~ite -to th/At of 'i .
➔ \f m-: o , tnen rno == o.
➔ \rna I = l ~ I\ aI

➔ \f M is o. sudor ~nd o 15 'l ~ettor ,ne~ n ,
: - ln1 i) .
li) rn (hb) = m'i -t ~b ciiO~= n
tiO trn+n)li :,. mo + nii CJ

\Jn\~ vet\or l A C" ) ==- I l

-t ett~r of 1eng½n of ' one unit.,
Ir 0 tn e a
\ !A no, z. ro o,t vettcr I I

~os,\\on '/ettor
➔ Ui ' o1 be o fixe.d ~oint spate ta.\\e<i ns
in f
oti9\n . \f P i~ apoint in spo.tQ tnen oP \S
tt\lle d pu&ition vetnir of r with re\otl~e \o O·
~ \f ~ anel B are 1\\JC fc\nh ir1 tp~(e lnrn'
ij ij - 0~ 0

Cointt <1l vettors

Vettors M\:in~ the <oant in-Hal poinr ate cti\leJ toitth'o.\ 't't(1ors ,
t:i. AB , Ac , ~ D J • • • etc -

An9\e betweeh ~wo noV\ iero vettors

u1 Q, b be t\lo non zero vel1ors. Le-t 5 ~ oA b -=. OB . Then LAog J

htls ~b VOlv~ . Tue VCA\ves or L AuB Which du~ ndt,.te&J 1!0° IS'
called dt\9\e beiw een G ~ i . It rs de1 it~ by ( ci, -b) .

Profefties of a.~\e between 4wo non lero veuort

If eiil\et Q Or b ,~ l cero veitor Hie~ tilt Qft !le between { \ b i1 no1,
-- ca,b) = th , ~ )
➔ ( a b) -:.
I (-n· I - b)
~-(i,b)-= (-o.,b):: (li,b): (~0°" caJb)

Co\\ineQ~ Ytt1ors r (
__,, (iL b) = (rna,lib) : (~a, b) =- (a, nt) .
i ) PO' rH~ ... A1 ~ , G-!- l1 A8 ,~ t
Ci,) 1 '\t·~ a, 1;
1 _I

·~ · ram11e1 Hne,,.
... vetttir~1c1 qre ,qid_to be utU11€Qr or ~rollet (~ the-i ue on alillf or i .
tors ~ b re said 1e he 1
~ f\ if ~ b hc\'le ~Qme d11eu,ti11 ~ ([,p) otJ
iL b h0t\l pp~,n d,r~u,cri ~ (°', b)
"0 v, \.~or o, b' o. re ~~roie1 ( ~, 0 )
Dnlnlw>J r
tr I

. para
,nnar vector

'"'ir - c ~
. vr
.~ rs are said w be. toplana t ir -they lie i~
\\el ?1an es . Otnerwte -they 10 be
{.\ pl arie Or in
ti~n A. p\an~r.


Ri nt handed syste~ of_ th~ee t\on ~ploria.r ~~l\o~

1 t~ OA
- == - tii b oe, - c be th
C\ , D :;; > ree non Loplcuio.r 'leuots , 1htVJ ~e
te .. -_
1riad ~t veu·ors a_, 1, ', t is.~nid ~ rum n tiShl hllnd ed SJtiHn n
1he angle ~f ritailt ti Tmh'\ OA +& tB ·,n on+ktctki. i~e dtes llt t u,eeo
ito' vihen cbsminq trc1;, ec • Uherliise it it soid ~ forn, a le\} ~J~et
\ If a, ; -) c ~()rm °' n9nt hq ,drd Sp "rr , ,
for~ a r19nt hqnded ~ystem
nbo c\et- -- -+Ve
~ 1f ; , o c +orm a r19ht hOnd~d syst~m ) 1 "
~ c", b tor ~ lefr hancJQ d _system dtf - -v e

sy!.teM ot or+noY\onn~ ~tm

Q(~nt hahded
➔ ~ tri~ of 4~ree non t09lano, vet.tor~ , , \" k s<lid ,w be r,ghr Mr.1~
s1st~1v1 or orfunorn1ctl veitor.s ,r-
G' ; , } ,l
tiJrm o. ri ~• ht hl\nded sy~tt\)J ·
liq T, T, i C\fe Vt\i1 VHtc rs
c;J ~J ~ t T) ~ cro
,1;;) ~ ~-J

~ ~er~ 7 J i Clfe \,,n·rt venor~ ,n thl?

I 1 d~c1-1c:"\ r F :-- -'"' ~ =
re,pect1 ve I,.
f1 \f\-: ~ x_l r-y-~ t~ 2
hcry \Jeltor w1 be represented ~,~ a s.pate veLtu

- ~ ~ ?'\"" •
r = 0<., + yj -t 2 k.

'f inc per 1~1tt) Vl I tor uf P, G. (Jf €.. )y -r 1:~ +

~~ U1~e1y lh~n) \ PQJ
vl ~()yV~do r r::: 'X~ ...

~ (1. 2 ?<.1)1. -t

-zl l
' n.
Y; / ,~
J.11). I ...
'OJ \
i I' J
' r

Q,1d ( : J. t ' ~ \ ~, e de ~ l)f r

l't i \f\ fr\)
. ,u,~ u-r- ·'" f'J] Vl(J
b.1'-0 <n , A G\S D
ate s\ l'V\\\~r .

-~o -
f:\O ACi-i
- oei

= 2

/\0 -= 2.SD ~ C!)

v,o~in~ i st
"1ow +ne vo~i-tion 'H\\ar t)1 co~ w\fn n~pH~ ·h cc.,,
S ~ C.
-:; SS + ~ -= 2. s D
Q hso

l-HS ~ s~ .... s's ~ sc

-= SA.\-1S0

't\ ente 9 ro v~d · · ·

Pro1,n ~ l J
~cw ~os,Hon 'vet tor of '0 l w,'\n re~v~l"t
t() 'a 'ts,
on- c 5s .\- oc. ~ oe +- cR. = 1 oo
- I

L\-'S :. OPI t-~+-OC
~ -
OA ~ l,oC> --
- -0,. + l [61> -sol
-- o"' +- ~ ½- 205 -
-:::. .... -
OD t- ').OS

-= 20$

~l'llte. proved .•.

14 "\~ ' ,
11 I I [J
R t /

r r" ~ 1

r l'> ' p. ( \ t f\( fW \

'\,e vn1t- v do, tL 4t,t nHet \,c )

r; ~ r. r \t. b) r Jr 'r r

"r -= ar o
1 ~ T b:

OirecHoYl (osivie~ ~ Oirettlon tQttOS

.. Ot' s of ~ Ii ne ~re denoteJ by
± ( t, rn, n1 oR t ( O>s tt, LG& f" ~s ✓)
➔ '?. ~ mt + n'l = l ofl to~ 'l.Of. + tbt a.., + LOS.Y= l OR

s,niol t sin~ .. sin'" ✓ = 2

4 The Ot's

ti) '/.. t\x.iS - (,, o, o)

00 1 U,i.S - (O, \ ,DJ

or,) t. ~~\!) - (o,o., 1)
I -
~ l-1' c,, m, ~ are D('s of l Hne OP ~rd oP = r. lhen tne to-
ordiYll\,tes ot P are t \r, rnr , nr") .
If ihe toord\Mte of o. poin+ f (~, y, c) ~ OP : r -\he
0 l ~ o~ OP tlre. ( ~ '1 ' ~) .
➔ ~e .DRk oP o. line the t ic.o., kb, 1c.c) Me
ii lll, b, c) 4l&c
tatted or~ ot , ~ne. 1c. e- R-~o).
➔ ,~ li>., b, c,) t,re Dll'~ ot- Q I1ne ~en,

!( ~ Q':b'w• ' ~q•:~~t>- ' {;~~~)

➔ OR's f
o o [in~ ioininq ~ points It. (-t.,, y,·, 2 1') ~
B( 1t.J Y2.,r.zJ (ti-')(, ,y,.-y,, ~2.-"t,)
tine °A8 11re (')(..,_- ')L' , YJ. - ,, , Z.a..~~
·s cl tl
/ pl M A.8 ~9 j
ore -tne t>C/s and Q be itt ~ e bOrf~'fi

" If ~o lines are

(i) pQrtOle l -==) ~ = b, : c,
a.... .,,. c. 1,.

lii) perpendicular ,) 4,q'l. + b, b-i. + ~<.2. 2. o

~LU A. C..._,,y,,a,)~ S('ll.L,'12-,2:.,.")

be tWO toinfS Cll\d L = co be Cl

dire c\td tine. in me 5po.te . 1f-
M' N be -n1e.. pro1ettiOhS of A 'B
on L • 'R., be -the ~ro\tltions a f
~ 0~ &N. Ar\d c e) be +\Ile
<4tlld\f betwteh ~
Ae, tl."d -to .
ltlen U) \f 'e i6 \he ru19\e ob-twe

~ on LtLO)
liO \f '8 1 is cuute -\he NN i~ tal\e.t\ ~roiet\it>I'\ ef rtl
O'l L ltO)
~ frt\ettion of ~ on 2o lL) , 4.:. ~~·to\ '1
ftojet\iOY\ ot ~ OVL Cn. (L) \S

l(,c.1.--x.;) ..- m l'f2.-Y,) + n (1:1-~,)\erc ( '·, M, ll) ore. Dt' s of to .
""Y folnt on \~e. unt pClss,f\~ -\~rou,~ l-,(.,,'f,,~,1 Q.t\A
no.vtl\n nc.• l•
c~, +.l~f ----l
1 " s Cl, M, n) it of \'tle. torM ""r, ~\~'v
\1btre. r ,, -\fie. ~ r<t W\' •
l \flit ft).t t\Vlll 011glU wii'\ 111or4\M-'it 6lt5 11
,) 'tilt t\114' Aft,- ~e11Mttl. •tffl -« m-' ~1\) -
•~ ,-..e. ot's ol ~ titw. are ( 1 ~, 1. ¼; ,U6"\
tai) 'lie no- ol- '4,S art 1 · J
l11) 1bt no- o~ ,, nts 1re 4 ·
MDtmunt 1a\O£ ot \WW\. Cs .\..
m.tttiIIIV ffl 111 \ut 11t It trl Hl s ~
(\,, Wl., ni) j l\i,twh. ,nJ j (\~, ftli, nj) IR
1n11illdy petpentlitll\QI' \lf\l!i--.1 +\\en:..
Y\~1es w\\i\ ~ \\me. ,cw~ tit CI.
-,Gt Qn,t i\ QIS1~
m,, "t) ; l h.., mi , "J are ~J
OQ 's~l
cutu,(lf 1\t> these ""~ a teii&
J If (1,; 111,, VI,) : ( 11, 1111, ni) ~wo to11turieyi ~
are ocs ot
line i Hi en DP. s M' Ii Vl e bi ~WI n~ the ~n~I e bttkleen rh et'li
~ ( 11 t. h. , m, i mi. , n1 -t. 'lltJ
➔ ir \ht, projediDVI of I.\ \ine of 1e114\vl •d~ bn +ni'
toordihll~e o.~ts o.rt a,' di, a, therl
d"l.::: J? ird~ rdt
He~~gol'l 1111p0r\<1ll1' Problem
Q Prove ;e, ~ ~t -i- Ao + Af +- ~ = ;AO " (, AO
(ni~en: ij; = ~ _; St : : 1
-- ---- == -(l ~ b-
-- =- AB Jr f,G
Proof: AC. _.,-

- - -
AO ::: 2.Bl ~ 2.b - - 0 -
M ~ ij +ot ,, 2b+ c-li) :: 2.P-
jJ ,.. µ_. -1- €F ,.. 2h -1- t-lA) " £h - ~ ~ _
·:~+-~+AO +- ft -1-"j.F ,:; "i + ~ -1-b .\- 2h .\- it, - 6 + lb .q
:: b~::. c;cic-):: €,C,:o)
°"' 0 ( 2 ;;ii ) ::: 3/'0 ,. R.1-lS
mr :e c1et -o
l )
,,.~ tbtoU9h 8 po',nt I M~,,.,,
,ej,t ~ ,ect~r, m= ca, &, ,1 , .s
a C" - '>C.i) ♦ bt Y-Y i) Ii '1. -11 ;) :: b

t'GI' I\Ua"on of t\1e ~\&tle whot)e perptt1dic1t,, lii

rv~dicu\at' d\sta1lte ffai1\ """e Ol1qrn \\ t .

- A
r . " =f
1 t~
i, p • R~- ef ~fil~ 6t- p\'lne ...- 1erpe11drl1Mr
l. on,t qett1r = ( ,, m' nl ·(s
\1. -\- YYIY "' n~ = t

~n a, nbrma1 torm M •Hlt 9\ane •

end\tu,at di~,ante from m,~ln to -' e i
\ ~o-. \

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