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16 Sep 2023

Adshumdhun Health Center is a healthcare facility located in a

rural area. Due to limited resources and technological

infrastructure, the center has been implementing a manual-based

system for managing its operations. This system involves the use

of paper-based records, manual documentation, and traditional

communication methods.

In terms of patient management, the health center relies on

physical files and folders to store medical records. Each patient

has a dedicated file containing their personal information,

medical history, test results, and treatment plans. This manual

system requires staff members to manually update and retrieve

patient records, which can be time-consuming and prone to


Appointment scheduling is also done manually at Adshumdhun

Health Center. Patients either visit the center in person or call to

book appointments. The staff uses a physical appointment book

to record and manage the schedule. This process can be

inefficient, leading to potential scheduling conflicts and longer

waiting times for patients.

In terms of inventory management, the health center relies on

manual stocktaking and ordering. Staff members manually record

the quantity of medical supplies and medications available, and

when supplies run low, they manually place orders with suppliers.

This manual process can lead to inaccuracies in inventory levels

and delays in restocking essential items.

Communication within the health center and with external

stakeholders is primarily done through traditional methods such

as phone calls, fax, and physical mail. This can result in delays in

sharing important information and can hinder collaboration and

coordination among staff members.

Overall, while the manual-based system at Adshumdhun Health

Center has been functional to some extent, it has limitations in

terms of efficiency, accuracy, and communication. The center

recognizes the need to upgrade its systems to improve patient

care, streamline operations, and enhance overall productivity.

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