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PROFIT: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis

Vol. 17. No. 1, 2023

e ISSN: 2338-4654
p ISSN: 1978-743 X

The Influence of Working Capital to Total Asset, Debt to Equity Ratio,

And Inventory Turnover Ratio towards Profit Growth In Indonesia

Bernadetha Eveline Gabriella Purba1*, Nila Firdausi Nuzula2, Reika Happy Sugiastusti3
Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia1,2,3,,

This research used Working Capital to Total Asset (WCTA), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), and
Inventory Turnover Ratio (IT) as independent variables. This research’s goals are to know and to
explain the influence of WCTA on Profit Growth, the influence of DER on Profit Growth, the influence
of IT on Profit Growth and the influence of WCTA, DER, and IT simultaneously on Profit Growth. The
background of this research is the importance of companies to enhance profit from time to time as a
form of responsibility to the Investor. This study is an explanatory research with quantitative approach.
The object of this research is food and beverage companies that listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
(IDX) period 2017-2020. The sample selection is a purposive sampling and as a result, 16 companies
were chosen from total population of 30 companies. The results of this research show that the influence
of WCTA, DER, and IT simultaneously were significant on Profit Growth, and the influence IT also
showed a significant impact on Profit Growth even though in the different direction. On the otherhands,
WCTA and DER partially had an insignificantly influence on Profit Growth.

Keywords: Working Capital to Total Asset (WCTA), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Inventory Turnover
Ratio (IT), and Profit Growth.

Penelitian ini menggunakan variabel independent yang terdiri atas Working Capital to Total Asset
(WCTA), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), dan Inventory Turnover Ratio (IT). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mengetahui dan menjelaskan: Pengaruh WCTA secara parsial terhadap pertumbuhan laba, Pengaruh
DER secara parsial terhadap pertumbuhan laba, Pengaruh IT secara parsial terhadap pertumbuhan laba
dan Pengaruh WCTA, DER, dan IT secara simultan terhadap pertumbuhan laba. Latar belakang dari
penelitian ini adalah pentingnya bagi perusahaan dalam meningkatkan keuntungan (laba) dari waktu ke
waktu sebagai bentuk tanggungjawab kepada investor. Objek dalam penelitian ini ada perusahaan
makanan dan minuman yang telah terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode 2017-2020. Proses
pengambilan sampel menggunakan syarat tertentu, dan hasilnya terdapat 16 perusahaan terpilih dari
total 30 perusahaan. Jenis penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian penjelasan dengan
menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: Pengaruh WCTA
secara parsial menunjukkan tidak signifikan dan bernilai negatif terhadap pertumbuhan laba, Pengaruh
DER secara parsial menunjukkan tidak signifikan dan bernilai negatif terhadap pertumbuhan laba,
Pengaruh IT secara parsial menunjukkan signifikan dan bernilai positif terhadap pertumbuhan laba dan
Pengaruh WCTA, DER, dan IT secara simultan menunjukkan signifikan dan bernilai positif terhadap
pertumbuhan laba.

Kata Kunci: Working Capital to Total Asset (WCTA), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Inventory
Turnover Ratio (IT), dan Pertumbuhan Laba.

* Corresponding author : E-mail :

Profit: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis | Volume. 17 No. 1 2023| 1

Harjito and Martono (2014) stated that realization of profit growth that occurs in the
there are three (3) goals in creating a business: to company. The average investor has increased
achieve maximum profit, to prosper the from year to year, while the average profit
company owner or shareholders, and to growth has decreased. Investors have the hope
maximize company value. Profit is a reward for that the capital invested in the form of assets
the company's efforts in producing goods and within a certain period can provide an increase
services (Mery, 2017). Profit has an important in income from the investment activities carried
role for the company in financing the company's out (Hartono, 2017). Investors can see the
operations. The company is expected to make a company's profit growth by analyzing the
profit and generate profit growth. Soebangkit company's financial statements. Prihadi (2010)
(2016) explained that profit growth is a ratio that stated that financial statement analysis is a
shows the company's ability to increase net technique for analyzing associated data that
income compared to the previous year. provides useful estimates and conclusions for
Companies have an obligation to have businesses. This analysis can be done by using
good performance as a form of corporate financial ratios that compare one financial
responsibility to stakeholders, especially statement item with other financial items that
investors. The quality of company performance have a relevant relationship.
can be seen from the company's ability to print Liquidity ratio is a ratio that measures the
or generate profits in a period. Investors as company's ability to meet its short-term
owners of capital expect the company able to obligations that are due (Gitman & Zutter,
manage the funds invested properly so that the 2015:119) . This study will use Working Capital
company's profits can increase. The increase in to Total Assets (WCTA) to measure the level of
company profits (earnings growth) can company liquidity. WCTA measures a
determine the amount of return given by the company's ability to fulfil its obligations and
company to investors (Brigham & Houston, purchase assets to become a source of company
2014:30) . In addition, good profit growth can be income (Nelson, 2019:462).
the basis for decisions for potential investors to Leverage ratio according to Soebangkit
invest in the company. (2016) is a ratio used to measure how far the
company is financed by debt. The low level of
Investor Development Average leverage ratio indicates that the proportion of the
use of debt in funding sources is also low. In this
500 181,53 199,75 study, we will use the Debt to Equity Ratio
(DER) as a proxy to measure the leverage ratio
2017 2018 2019 2020 to profit growth. DER is a ratio that measures the
proportion of the use of total liabilities (debt) to
Figure 2 Average of Investor Development the total equity used in financing the company's
Source: Company Annual Report, data activities (Gitman and Zutter, 2015:126).
processed by researchers, 2022. Activity Ratio is a ratio that measures the
speed of conversion from various accounts into
F&B Profit Growth Average sales or cash, both cash inflows and cash
outflows (Gitman and Zutter, 2015:121) . This
0 study will use the Inventory Turnover Ratio
2017 2018 2019 2020 proxy to measure the level of company activity.
-2 Inventory Turnover Ratio (IT) is a ratio that
measures the level of inventory turnover in a
Figure 1 Profit Growth Average period by calculating the cost of goods sold
Source: Company Annual Report, data compared to the average inventory. Inventory is
processed by researchers, 2022. an important element for the ongoing operations
of the company and involves a large amount of
The data above shows that there is a working capital.
difference between the development of investors Based on the above background, the
in food and beverage companies and the researchers are interested in conducting research

Profit: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis | Volume. 17 No. 1 2023| 2

with the title "Analysis of the Effect of funds to increase the level of income (return) for
Working Capital to Total Assets, Debt to Equity company owners. The leverage ratio is a ratio
Ratio, and Inventory Turnover Ratio on Profit that measures how much debt is used in
Growth (Study on Food and Beverages Sub - company spending (Hasanah, 2019) . In this
Sector Companies listed on the Indonesia study, leverage ratio was calculated through the
Stock Exchange for the 2017 period). -2020)”. DER.

2. LITERATURE REVIEW Debt to Equity Ratio (DER)

a. Signalling Theory DER is a ratio that measures the
Signal are actions taken by the company proportion of debt to capital (equity). This
in providing instructions to investors about how calculation is used to determine the use of debt
management views the company's prospects as external funds with capital as the company’s
(Brigham & Houston, 2014:439) . Kurniawan & internal funds (Subramanyam, 2014:564).
Mawardi (2017) add that this signal contains
information about the actions that have been 𝐷𝑒𝑏𝑡
taken management in order to realize the wishes 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑡𝑦
of the owner. Investors can freely interpret or
translate the information received as a good e. Activity Ratio
signal (good news) when the company's profits Gitman & Zutter (2015) , activity ratio is
increase. On the other hand, a bad signal (bad a ratio that measures the speed of conversion
news) is indicated by a decrease in net profit from various accounts into sales or cash as well
earned by the company (Hapsari, 2007) . as cash inflows and cash outflows. In this study,
activity ratio was calculated through the IT.
b. Financial Ratio
Kasmir (2010:110) mentioned that Inventory Turnover Ratio (IT)
financial ratio is an index that compares the IT measures the average rate of speed at
numbers contained in the financial statements which inventories move through and out of a
and is obtained by dividing one number by company. This ratio will compare the total Cost
another. of Goods Sold (COGS) to average inventory
(Subramanyam, 2014:555).
c. Liquidity Ratio
Subramanyam (2014) said that Liquidity 𝐶𝑂𝐺𝑆
𝐼𝑇 =
ratio is the company's ability to generate cash to 𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐼𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦
meet short-term obligations and depends on the
company's cash flows and components of current
assets and liabilities. In this study, liquidity ratio f. Profit Growth
was calculated through the WCTA. Profit growth is a ratio that shows the
company's ability to increase net income
Working Capital to Total Asset (WCTA) compared to the previous year (Harahap, 2011).
WCTA is used to measure the level of
company’s liquidity. WCTA measures the Profit 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 𝑡 − 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 𝑡−1
company’s ability to meet its obligations and Growth 𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑖𝑡 𝑡−1
purchase assets in order to become a liquid and
non-liquid resource (Nelson, 2019:462)

𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐴𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑠 − 𝐶𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐿𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑒𝑠 g. Hypothesis Development

𝑊𝐶𝑇𝐴 = 1. WCTA has influence towards profit
WCTA is ratio that shows the working
d. Leverage Ratio capital ratio to the total assets of the company.
Adha & Sulasmiyati (2017) described that WCTA measures ability company in fulfilling its
leverage is the ratio used to describe the obligations and buying assets
company's ability to use fixed cost assets or in order to become liquid and non-liquid
resources (Nelson, 2019). Businesses in their

Profit: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis | Volume. 17 No. 1 2023| 3

operations generate current assets in excess of to buy the necessary supplies and pay trade debts
current debt, the highest level of corporate (Susanto et al., 2013). So that the purchase or
liquidity. The higher the level of liquidity, the investment of inventory plays a role influencing
smoother the company’s transactions to increase the amount of working capital used by the
sales. As sales increase, then the company’s company (Prihadi, 2010:246).
profits will also increase. Trade payables are debts arise due to the
purchase of inventory on credit (Wahyu,
2. DER has influence towards profit growth 2018:17). Purchases of inventory using the credit
Debt as a loan of money given by creditors system will increase the amount of inventory in
when repayment is made by the debtor by current assets, as well as add an account payable
regularly paying the principal and interest on the component. In the end the purchase of inventory
loan (Masdupi & Rahmiati, 2014). The higher will affect the total amount of the company’s
the DER value will show the higher the use of liabilities. Based on the explanation above, there
debt in operational financing company. is a relationship between Working Capital to
Total Assets, Debt to Equity Ratio, Inventory
3. IT has influence towards profit growth Turnover Ratio partially or simultaneously to
Inventory refers to merchandise or goods profit growth.
purchased by the company for resale (Hapsari,
2007). Stock in food and beverage companies 3. RESEARCH METHOD
have an important role in the production process. a. Type of Research
Food and beverage companies use a series of This research uses explanatory research
production processes to change raw materials using a quantitative approach. Explanatory
into food or other products for consumption by research is for research that explains the position
consumers. of the variables studied and causality between
The higher the Inventory Turnover Ratio, other variables (Sugiyono, 2017:32) . While the
the better the business will be at managing its quantitative approach is the activity of
inventory. This also has an impact on the collecting, processing and presenting data based
company’s performance as it is considered a on the number of samples tested to answer
business sale have gone well. On the other hand, hypotheses and develop general principles (Duli,
the lower the inventory turnover rate, the lower 2019:52). Object of this research is food and
the level of efficiency of the company’s beverage companies that listed in Indonesia
inventory management. This will have bad Stock Exchange (IDX) period 2017-2020. There
impact on the company because it will show that are 16 companies were selected as the sample of
the greater the cost of maintaining inventory will the research from the total population of 30
be borne by the company. companies.

4. WCTA, DER, and IT together have b. Research Sites

influence towards profit growth The research location in this study is the
Inventory is a component of current assets IDX (Indonesian Stock Exchange) site and the
that plays an important role in the survival of the sites of each company. The choice of the object
company, especially food and beverage of this research is because the two sites provide
companies. The business activities of food and sources of data needed by researchers and have
beverage companies are processing raw been audited by the Public Accounting Firm
materials into semi-finished goods and finished (KAP) as the company's external auditor.
goods for consumption by consumers. In this
food processing process, it does not only use one c. Research Variable
source of raw material but with various sources 1. Independent Variable
of raw materials. This causes the level of Sugiyono (2017:39) suggests independent
inventory variables as variables that influence or cause
management in the warehouse to store raw changes to the dependent variable.
materials and finished goods to be complex
(Liang, 2013). The role of working capital in the X1: Working Capital to Total Asset (WCTA)
company is needed to finance the company’s WCTA is used to measure the level of
operations. One of the roles of working capital is company’s liquidity. WCTA measures the

Profit: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis | Volume. 17 No. 1 2023| 4

company’s ability to meet its obligations and The picture above shows the normality
purchase assets in order to become a liquid and test after eliminating extreme data or outlier
non-liquid resource (Nelson, 2019:462) data. The results of this test show that the data is
normally distributed because the significance
X2: Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) value is 0.2 or greater than 0.05. Testing the
DER is a ratio that measures the proportion of normality of the data is also carried out using
debt to capital (equity). This calculation is used probability plot graphs and histogram graphs.
to determine the use of debt as external funds Both of these tests indicate that the data is
with capital as the company’s internal funds normally distributed.
(Subramanyam, 2014:564).
b. Multicollinearity Test
X3: Inventory Turnover Ratio (IT) Multicollinearity test is a test conducted
IT measures the average rate of speed at which to find whether there is a correlation between
inventories move through and out of a company. independent variables by calculating the value of
This ratio will compare the total Cost of Goods VIF and Tolerance (Ghozali, 2016:134).
Sold (COGS) to average inventory
(Subramanyam, 2014:555).

2. Dependent Variable
Sugiyono (2017:39) states that the
dependent variable is a variable due to the
independent variable.
Y= Profit Growth
Figure 4 Multicollinearity Test
Profit growth is a ratio that expresses the
Source: Output SPSS, 2022
percentage of profit increase or decrease in profit
in a period (Brigham & Houston, 2014:278). The figure above shows the VIF value of
the independent variables (WCTA, DER, and
d. Data Analysis IT) of less than 10. In addition, the tolerance
1. Descriptive Statistical Analysis value for each independent variable is greater
Descriptive statistics are statistics used to than 0.10. It can be said that the regression
analyze or describe data that have been obtained model in this study is free from multicollinearity
without drawing conclusions (Mundir, 2012:5). symptoms.

2. Inferential Statistical Analysis c. Autocorrelation Test

Inferential statistics are statistics that Autocorrelation test is a test carried out to
are used not only to present data but to draw see whether there is a correlation of errors in one
conclusions (Mundir, 2012:5). observation with previous observations or not
(Ghozali, 2016:137).
a. Normality Test
The normality test is carried out to test
whether in the regression model an independent
and dependent variable has a normal or abnormal
distribution (Ghozali, 2016:132).

Figure 5 Autocorellation Test

Source: Output SPSS, 2022

Figure 3 Normality Test This test was conducted with 50 samples

Source: Output SPSS, 2022 of research data (N) and 3 independent variables

Profit: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis | Volume. 17 No. 1 2023| 5

(K). The results of this test show the calculated constant, then profit growth will decrease or
Durbin Watson value of 2.188. After seeing the move negatively by 0.135.
calculated Durbin Watson value, the researcher 3. The X2 regression coefficient is -0.207,
saw Durbin Watson in the table with a meaning that if the DER value increases by
significance level of 5%. The Durbin Watson one unit and the others are considered
table shows that the upper limit value (du) is
constant, then profit growth will decrease or
1.673 and the lower limit value (dl) is 1.4206.
The data does not autocorrelate if it is in du < dw move negatively by 0.207.
< 4-du. The test results state that the data is free 4. The X3 regression coefficient is 0.423,
from autocorrelation symptoms. meaning that if the WCTA value increases by
one unit and the others are considered
d. Heteroscdasticity Test constant, then profit growth will decrease or
Heteroscedasticity test is a test carried out move negatively by 0.423.
to test whether in the regression model there is
an inequality of variance from one residual to f. Partial Test (t test)
another observation (Ghozali, 2016:137) . This
test is carried out using a scatterplot graph.

Figure 8 Partial Test

Source: Output SPSS, 2022
Figure 6 Heteroscdasticity Test
Source: Output SPSS, 2022 1. WCTA Variable
The t-test between WCTA and Profit
The pictures above show that on the Growth obtained a t-count value of -0.811 with
scatterplot graph spread randomly and do not a significance value of 0.422. This calculation
form a pattern. It can be said that in this study shows that the significance value is greater than
free from heteroscedasticity symptoms. the significant level, namely 0.422 > 0.005. The
calculated t value is smaller than the t table,
e. Multiple Regression Analysis namely -0.811 < 1.678. Based on the test results
above, the WCTA variable partially has no
significant effect on profit growth.

2. DER Variable
The t-test between DER and Profit
Growth obtained a t-count value of -1.187 with a
significance value of 0.241. This calculation
Figure 7 Multiple Regression Test shows that the significance value is greater than
Source: Output SPSS, 2022 the significant level, which is 0.241 > 0.05. The
calculated t value is smaller than the t table,
1. A constant of 0.023, meaning that if the namely -1.187 < 1.678. Based on the test results
values of WCTA, DER, and IT remain above, the DER variable partially has no
constant, profit growth will move positively significant effect on profit growth.
by 0.023.
2. The X1 regression coefficient is -0.135, 3. IT Variable
meaning that if the WCTA value increases by The t-test between IT and Profit
one unit and the others are considered Growth got a t-count value of 2.755 with a
significance value of 0.008. This calculation

Profit: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis | Volume. 17 No. 1 2023| 6

shows that the significance value is smaller than of the regression coefficient indicates that there
the t table, namely 0.008 < 0.05. Based on the is a bad influence of WCTA and profit growth.
test results above, the IT has no significant effect An increase of one uit of WCTA will reduce rate
on profit growth. of profit growth. This is because some of the
Working Capital is held back (not rotating) due
g. Simultaneous Test (F test) to the purchase of assets.

b. Influence DER towards Profit Growth

The second hypothesis proposed in this
study is that the variable of Debt to Equity Ratio
(DER) partially has a significant and negative
Figure 9 Simultaneous Test
Source: Output SPSS, 2022 effect on Profit Growth. However, based on the
test results show that DER has insignificant and
The figure above shows a significant negative effect to Profit Growth. The cause of
value of 0.034 and a calculated F value of 3.139. the insignificant DER is because the company’s
In addition, the picture above shows the value of debt management has not been able to become a
df 1 = 3 and df 2 = 46. The results of this mechanism in increasing profit growth. The
calculation obtained the F table value of 2.81. other cause of insignificant DER is components
Based on the data above, it can be seen that the in total debt consist of trade payables, lease
significant value of the F test is smaller than the payables, bonds payable. The increase or
level of significance, which is 0.034 <0.05. The decrease in the value of trade payables and other
calculation above also shows that the calculated debts does not directly affect profit growth
F value is greater than the F table, which is 3.19 because these debt do not cause a debt burden for
> 2.81. The results of this test can be concluded the company. It can be said that increase in trade
that the independent variable such as working payables in the company’s financial composition
capital to total assets, debt to equity ratio and cannot reduce profit receipts.
inventory turnover ratio together have
significant effect towards profit growth. c. Influence IT towards Profit Growth
The third hypothesis proposed in this
h. Coefficient of Determination Test (R2) study is that the variable of Inventory Turnover
The test results show the coefficient of Ratio (IT) partially has a significant and positive
determination (adjusted R2) is 0.116. It can be effect on Profit Growth. The test result above
said that the independent variables (WCTA, supports the proposed hypothesis. The higher the
DER, and IT) can affect the dependent variable value of the resulting inventory turnover, the
(profit growth) by 11.6% and the remaining better the company’s ability to convert its
88.4% is influenced by other variables not inventory into cash or a source of income. The
discussed in this study. company’s efficiency in managing inventor can
avoid losses due to damage and expiration of raw
5. DISCUSSION materials (Liang, 2013). The more damaged
a. Influence WCTA towards Profit Growth inventory will increase the cost of damaged
The first hypothesis proposed in this study materials and cause reduced profit receipts.
is that the variable of Working Capital to Total
Asset (WCTA) partially has a significant and d. Influence WCTA, DER, and IT toward
positive effect on Profit Growth. However, Profit Growth
based on the test results show that WCTA has The fourth hypothesis proposed in this
insignificant and negative effect to Profit study is that the variable of WCTA, DER, and IT
Growth. The cause of the insignificant effect of simultaneous have a significant effect on Profit
WCTA on profit growth is the existence of other Growth. The test result above supports the
funding sources such as long-term debt (e.g. proposed hypothesis. Inventory must be
bonds) and equity (both internal and external managed properly so as not to incur damage
capital) to purchase assets. These assets ca be in costs that can reduce profits. The company will
the form of land, buildings and machinery that process its inventory to produce products
can increase sales productivity an will affect according to the required demand. This
profit growth. While the resulting negative value production process is not possible to rely on only

Profit: Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis | Volume. 17 No. 1 2023| 7

one component, but many components are Recommendation
needed that synergize with each other produce a 1. For Companies: it is expected to manage and
product. Another important thing needed by the improve the effectiveness of working capital,
company is working capital. Working capital assets, debt and inventory turnover as well as
plays a role in financing the company’s possible because these variables have a
operations. The difference between current positive and significant influence on profit
assets and current liabilities will be used by the growth.
company assets such as inventory, land, 2. For Investors: it is expected to be the basis for
buildings, factories, machinery and others that making decisions to invest in food and
can support the company’s business (Mulyawan, beverage companies in order to get the
2017:163). expected return.
It is impossible for the company to rely 3. For the next researchers: it is expected to use
solely on internal capital to finance the other variable such as Total Asset Turnover,
company’s operations because the costs required Account Receivable Turnover which can
are very large. This makes the company take a contribute to Profit Growth.
number of strategic steps to obtain business
funds, such as selling the company’s ownership REFERENCES
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Conclusion Debt to Asset Ratio, dan Debt to Equity
1. WCTA partially has insignificant and Ratio terhadap Pertumbuhan Laba
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positive on Profit Growth. pengaruh profitabilitas keputusan investasi
4. WCTA, DER, and IT simultaneously have keputusan pendanaan dan kebijakan
significant on Profit Growth. dividen terhadap nilai perusahaan.

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