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Quarter 1 Grade 11 Integrated Project

Grade 11-A and 11-B are going to deal with Schools & High School Students
Around the World Models

 (5 groups in each class)

 The work should be divided among the group members.
 Each one in the group should get information about one of the five subjects.
 The Leader will choose one of them to take photos while the group is searching
for the information and making the model.
 The Leader in the group will choose one of them to put the information on
power point.
 The Leader in the group will choose one of them to do the power point.
 All the group will work on the project and present a model.

The information that should be covered for each subject :-

English: “ in this section” , students should search about information related to the
chosen country ,When do students begin their school year? How many semesters in
this school? What do the students wear? What are the subjects that high school
students take? How long do students spend in doing their Assignments?

Chemistry: “ in this section students will search about: Everything around us is matter.
And probably there’re tons of matter in schools. Choose a matter that’s greatly use at
school and discuss how can we recycle it.

Business: “in this section students will search about: How is funding allocated? Are
there other sources of revenue besides tuition fees?

*Marketing and enrollment: How does the school attract and retain students?
*Challenges and opportunities: Identify challenges the school may face, such as budget
constraints or challenges in the country which was chosen.
French/ German : “in this section students will search about by the advantages and
disadvantages of public and private schools in the chosen country.

Sociology: “in this section students will search about the social classes attending the
schools, The society also has a role in determining how education is funded. Cultural
norms can also influence education.

* Students will prepare one PowerPoint presentation covering the 5 subjects.

* Each subject 5 slides, and in the English section please include a documentary school
movie related to the chosen country.

* Introduction 2 slides including the name of the country and the names of each group.

* Conclusion 3 slides including, Why the group has chosen this country specifically
and also including photos for the group while working on the Model.

* Presentation will be on Tuesday 21\11\2023 with formal suits for

boys and girls (Black and White)

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