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Chapter 01: Snow Wind Continent

Night slowly settled in a quiet manner and bright stars

began to appear.

On the hillside, a child about six years old is standing in a

strange position. The child’s feet are stretched open, toes
touching the ground with the heels lifted, hands raised high
above the head, his head tilted up, and faint spiritual energy
constantly circled within his small body.

Moonlight shone down, enveloping the child's body.

The boy continued his practice in this bizarre position,

inhaling spiritual energy into his body, letting it flow along
the meridians.

Night slowly passed.

As the moonlight faded, replaced by the first rays of

sunshine, the child slowly lowered his palms. His eyes
opened to reveal deep, dark pupils that seemed to have a
sharp golden glint deep within them.

Huang Xiaolong breathed out a mouthful of foul air, his eyes

staring at the rising sun. From the day he was born till the
present day, it had been seven years since he came to this
world. He started practicing the Body Metamorphose
Scripture since he was three and now four years later, he
had managed to reach the Third Stage: Palm Propping the
Sky Gate.

In his previous life, his ancestors trained under the banner

of the Shaolin Temple and the Body Metamorphose Scripture
was an inheritance from his ancestors. Until now, Huang
Xiaolong has been unable to understand the reason why,
someone like him who was hailed as a prodigy of martial
arts in his time, was brought to this world.

And the matter that depressed Huang Xiaolong the most

was that he awoke in the body of a newborn baby.

Huang Xiaolong looked at his small thin arms and smiled

sourly. He had been seventeen, and after fourteen years of
hard work, he had managed to train in the Body
Metamorphose Scripture up till the Ninth stage, but never
could he have imagined that he would be starting all over

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong heard the soft rustle of

footsteps, coming from the direction of the hillside. Huang
Xiaolong knew who it was without having to look over his
shoulder and sure enough, soon a tender, childlike voice
cried out: "Big Brother, I know that you are here to see the
sunrise. Dad and Mom are looking for you.”

Huang Xiaolong turned over his shoulder and saw a lovely

little five-year-old girl, big round eyes and her hair braided
into two long braids coming up the small hill. This little girl
was Huang Xiaolong’s sister, Huang Min.

Other than Huang Min, Huang Xiaolong had another brother,

three years younger than him named Huang Xiaohai.

"Dad and Mom are looking for me?" Huang Xiaolong asked.
"What is the matter?"

"I don’t know." Huang Min’s voice was laced with innocence,
"Brother, let’s go back. If we are late, then Dad and Mom
will spank your backside!”

When Huang Xiaolong heard this, he smiled and squeezed

Huang Min’s cute little cheeks before saying, "Let’s go

Huang Min rubbed the spot where Huang Xiaolong pinched

her little face, pouted then said sulkily: "Brother, you are
truly hateful. I have told you, no pinching of my cheeks!”

However, just as Huang Min’s finished speaking, her cheeks

were once again pinched by Huang Xiaolong, who laughed
heartily as he made his escape. Huang Min chased after him
screaming, trying to catch up.

"Brother, don’t run!"

The siblings frolicked all the way down the hill until they got
back to the Huang Clan Manor situated at the foothills.

Although he was already seventeen in his previous life,

being with his sister Huang Min brought out the child in him.

Soon, the siblings got to the Huang Clan Manor.

Back in the manor, Huang Xiaolong headed straight to the

Eastern Courtyard’s main hall. When he arrived at the main
hall, there was a scholarly looking middle-aged man in his
mid-thirties dressed in a white robe sitting on the head seat,
and next to him was a pretty woman. This married couple
was Huang Xiaolong’s parents in this life, his father Huang
Peng, and his mother, Su Yan.

"Dad, Mom, you were looking for me?" Huang Xiaolong

asked as he walked into the hall.

Huang Peng raised his sharp, sword-like brows: "Where did

you run off to so early in the morning?"

"It’s fine. Don’t frighten the child." Su Yan interjected with a

smile: "Long’er, in a few days you will be seven years old.
It’s about time to awaken the Martial spirit in your body.
Your father and I are planning to bring you over to the
Martial Hall for the awakening ceremony.”

Martial spirit awakening? Huang Xiaolong blanked for a


In this world, humans have an existence termed as martial

spirits in their body. Human warriors’ strength was closely
related to the talents of these martial spirits, and they were
graded into low, average, and high; within each grade, they
are rated one to ten. Martial spirits graded ten and above
were considered as superb talent martial spirits, a heaven-
defying existence. The higher the talent the better the body
absorbs the world’s spiritual energy and become a strong

Nevertheless, there were also people born without martial

spirits or crippled martial spirits were unable to train. In
Martial Spirit World, these people were labeled as wastes!

Martial spirits….. A light flashed across Huang Xiaolong’s

eyes for he too wanted to know if he possessed any martial
spirit in his body and if he does what martial spirit would it

Thus, Huang Xiaolong was led by Su Yan and Huang Peng

went to the Martial Hall of the Huang Clan Manor. When they
arrived at the outer area of the scared hall, it was already
packed with people waiting with their children wanting to
awaken martial spirits; other than Huang Xiaolong, there
were also other brothers of the Huang Clan Manor who were

An imposing middle-aged man stood in the center of the
Martial Hall; he had a square face and thick, dense
eyebrows, and an oppressive aura came from him. This man
was Huang Peng’s older brother, Huang Ming. Also Huang
Xiaolong’s Uncle; and next to Huang Ming stood a boy the
same age as Huang Xiaolong; Uncle Huang Ming’s second
son, Huang Wei, also here for the martial spirit awakening

Huang Peng and Su Yan led Huang Xiaolong to the hall

center, greeting Huang Ming, Huang Peng called out: "Big

Huang Xiaolong followed, calling: “Uncle.”

When Huang Ming saw it was Huang Peng and Su Yan, his
expressionless deadpan face loosened slightly, he nodded
lightly and said: "You’re here."

In Huang Xiaolong’s memory, he had never seen this uncle

of his laugh. Huang Ming was in charge of the Huang Clan
Manor’s Punishment and Disciplinary hall; therefore, he was
a very strict person.

Huang Ming did not utter another word after that, and
Huang Peng knowing his brother's temperament, took no

Not long after Huang Xiaolong arrived, a hearty laughter

resounded from outside the hall. As Huang Xiaolong and the
others turned to look, a healthy looking old man surrounded
by a group of people entered the hall. This old man was
none other Huang Xiaolong’s grandfather, Huang Qide, the
Huang Clan Manor’s lord for the past forty years, the very
person who established the Huang Clan.

"Old Manor Lord!"

Upon Huang Qide’s arrival, residents of Huang Clan Manor
present in the hall quickly rushed over to pay their respects.

Huang Ming, Huang Peng, and Su Yan also moved forward

quickly: "Dad!”

Huang Xiaolong and Huang Wei both came forward:


Huang Qide smiled, nodded his head at Huang Ming’s group

before turning to face the rest of Huang Clan Manor’s
people-- he smiled and said: "Do not stand on ceremony.
Today, I came over just to have a look.” Usually, the Old
Manor Lord would not make an appearance during the
martial spirits awakening ceremony at the Martial Hall,
however, this year was special because of Huang Wei and
Huang Xiaolong. This, Old Manor Lord exited his closed-door
retreat earlier than planned.

Huang Qide walked to the front of the main hall, his eyes
swept over the crowd in the hall before finally stopping on
an old man in a gray robe standing next to him, laughing
amiably Huang Qide said: “Since everyone is already here,
let’s begin.”

"Yes, Manor Lord." The old man in gray-robe answered

respectfully, and then he walked to the center of the hall.

The old man in a gray robe was Huang Clan Manor’s Chief
Steward Chen Ying; Huang Xiaolong heard his father said
Chen Ying had been a follower of Grandfather Huang Qide
for a long time-- even before Huang Qide established the
Huang Clan Manor, he was already by grandfather’s side.

Chen Ying stood at the center of the hall, a light glowed in

his hands, spreading an overwhelming force around the hall.
Huang Xiaolong eyes flashed; is this power of a Ninth Order
Warrior’s battle qi? So strong! Even with the strength of his
previous life, having trained in the Body Metamorphose
Scripture till the ninth stage, he still would not be Chen
Ying’s opponent.

With Chen Ying’s channeling his battle qi, suddenly, in the

center of the hall, a bright hexagonal pattern shone, forming
a beam of light.

"Huang Wei, you first." Huang Qide looked to Huang Wei.

"Yes, Grandfather." Huang Wei answered and stepped

forward into the hexagonal pattern light beam. As the beam
of light fell on Huang Wei, the focus of everyone in the hall
was on Huang Wei who was now standing within the beam
of light. Huang Ming’s face which had always been
expressionless showed a faint trace of tension as he
watched his son.

The beam of light wrapped around Huang Wei for a brief

moment before a black light took over, and enveloped
around Huang Wei. Finally, the black shadow of a tiger
gradually emerged from behind Huang Wei. It was a black
tiger with three eyes. As the shape of the black tiger
condensed and become more real, a ferocious tiger’s roar
echoed in the main hall.

Everyone was stunned.

Huang Qide stared at the faint black shadow behind his

grandson Huang Wei; his eyes shone brightly as he let out a
big laugh, tremendously pleased.

"This is a grade ten martial spirit, the Three-Eyed Black

Tiger!" The Chief Steward Chen Ying cried out in a trembling
A Three-Eyed Black Tiger martial spirit was considered one
of the top among the high-grade martial spirits; it was
infinitely the closest to being a superb talent martial spirit.

Huang Wei’s martial spirits turned out to be a grade ten

martial spirits, the Three-Eyed Black Tiger!
Chapter 02: Grade Seven Martial Spirits?

"A grade ten Martial Spirits, it turned out to be a grade ten

martial spirit!"

A grade ten Martial Spirits was scarce, not only in Canglan

County but the entire kingdom.

Huang Ming looked the three-eyed black tiger floating

behind his son; both of his fists were clenched tightly barely
able to contain the excitement he felt at this moment, even
so, his body trembled slightly.

Huang Qide’s laughter continued to reverberate in the hall

for a while. He did not expect his impromptu visit to the
Martial Hall would give him such a wonderful surprise!

"Good, good, good!" Huang Qide repeated three times the

word ‘good’ with a wide smile. Inhaling deeply, he gathered
himself as he tried to suppress the excitement in his heart.

His eyes were full of joy as he looked lovingly at his

grandson possessing a grade ten martial spirit. He believed
with the support and cultivation from the Huang Clan Manor
in regards to his grandson’s practice, Huang Wei surely will
surpass him and achieve the realm that he could only
dream of in his life.

At this moment, Huang Peng walked towards Huang Ming to

offer his congratulations: "Congratulations Big Brother.”

Huang Ming looked at Huang Peng’s sincere face, Huang

Ming hand patted Huang Peng’s shoulders and said: "Thank
you, Second Brother. Let’s wait awhile, Xiaolong has yet to
awaken his martial spirit, there is a chance that he too
might possess a grade ten martial spirit.” However, those
who heard this understood that they were only words of
comfort. After all, grade ten martial spirits weren’t white

In the big hall, Huang Clan Manor Elders and some stewards
were busy congratulating Huang Ming.

"Wei’er, come here." At this time, Huang Qide at the center

of the hall laughed as he waved at Huang Wei.

“Yes, Grandfather." Huang Wei replied. Before arriving at

Huang Qide’s side, he passed in front of Huang Xiaolong,
and Huang Wei’s eyes inadvertently swept past Huang
Xiaolong, carrying obvious complacent and arrogance. This
little exchange went unnoticed by others however, it did not
escape Huang Xiaolong’s notice.

Grade ten martial spirit, Huang Xiaolong calmly looked back

at him.

Although Huang Wei was his cousin, the two of then weren’t
close. Two years ago, Huang Wei and several children of the
Elders were bullying his sister Huang Min and coincidentally,
Huang Xiaolong chance upon this scene. Thus the
consequence needed no explanation. Huang Wei and the
several Elders’ children were beaten up miserably, ever
since then Huang Wei has held a grudge.

Huang Wei came to stand in front Huang Qide, and Huang

Qide’s hand reached out to rub Huang Wei’s head, smiling
and filled with love. Laughing, he turned to Huang Ming and
said, “Huang Ming, you did a good job of giving birth to a
good grandson!”

On the other end, listening to his father’s praise, Huang

Ming felt a little embarrassed, ”Dad, don’t you think we
should first continue with the awakening ceremony?”
Huang Qide nodded in agreement; this was not the proper
time to discuss this matter, smiling amicably, he said,
“Right, let’s continue with the awakening ceremony.”

After Huang Wei, it was Huang Xiaolong’s turn. When Huang

Qide spoke, the elders, stewards, and disciples could not
help but turned to look at Huang Xiaolong. Huang Wei as
one of Huang Qide’s grandsons has a grade ten martial
spirit. What about Huang Xiaolong?

With the assembled clan members watching, Huang

Xiaolong calmly stepped into the hexagon-patterned light

Huang Peng and Su Yan could not help but hold each other’s
hand nervously, even their heartbeats quickened watching
their son, Huang Xiaolong stepping into the hexagonal light

Huang Xiaolong did not stay long inside the light beam area,
and just like Huang Wei, a black light also appeared around
Huang Xiaolong’s body. Seeing this scene the crowd stared
blankly, subsequently, a blue light suddenly appeared next
to the black light; two different lights flashed intermittently,
giving a devilish feeling.

Then, a black shadow and a blue shadow appeared behind

Huang Xiaolong’s head. Everyone saw a serpent-like
creature that has two heads − one with a black head, the
other a blue head.

The people around exchanged glances with each other.

A double-headed serpent martial spirit?!

Within their knowledge of beast type martial spirits, a

double-headed serpent was either red or yellow in color, but
this double-headed serpent appeared in black and blue.

Huang Qide looked at the martial spirit behind Huang

Xiaolong, his puzzled eyes were tinted with a trace of
disappointment. In his opinion, this grandson’s martial spirit
was nothing but a variation of the double-headed serpent
martial spirit. Some Huang Clan Manor disciples also
possess variation type of martial spirits. Therefore, the
emergence of variation martial spirit was not uncommon.
Even though a grade seven double-headed serpents was
considered as high-grade martial spirits, compared to Huang
Wei’s Three-Eyed Black Tiger the difference was like heaven
and earth.

Huang Peng and Su Yan looked at the martial spirit hovering

behind their son and Huang Peng’s expression differed not
from Huang Qide. Although compared to the majority of the
clan people a grade seven martial spirit’s talent was
considered high, Huang Peng was still a little disappointed
with the outcome. Which parents doesn’t wish the best for
their children?

"Old Manor Lord, what do you think?" Chief Steward Chen

Ying couldn’t help but refer to Huang Qide.

Huang Qide declared: "A variation of the double-headed

serpent, grade seven martial spirit."

All Elders and stewards present in the temple hall nodded

their heads, apparently agreeing with the Old Manor Lord’s

Grade seven martial spirits, a variation of the double-

headed serpent? Huang Xiaolong stepped out of from the
hexagonal patterned beam, his face calm. Only he knew his
martial spirit wasn’t as simple as a variation of the double-
headed serpent.
Seeing Huang Xiaolong’s martial spirit was only a grade
seven variant double-headed serpent, Huang Wei’s mouth
curved into a mocking sneer, his eyes provoking as they
directed at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong naturally noticed Huang Wei’s provoking

eyes, but he doesn’t mind in the least for he is too lazy to
play a staring game with a little kid.

The child after Huang Xiaolong was Elder Zhou Guang’s son,
Zhou Xuedong. Zhou Xuedong was one of the Huang Clan
Manor kids Huang Xiaolong beat up for bullying Huang Min.

Shortly, Zhou Xuedong’s martial spirits were revealed, a

grade six martial spirit − the Blood-Eyes Wolf. One by one,
more than a dozen of the Huang Clan Manor’s children
stepped into the light beam and had their martial spirits
awakened. Most of them possessed grade four martial
spirits, some five, and even a few of grade six martial
spirits. There were a number of waste martial spirits and
low-level ones.

In this round of martial spirits awakening ceremony, though

Huang Xiaolong’s martial spirits came in second, but there
were not much of a difference as he and the rest of the
Huang Clan Manor children were just a sideshow,
overshadowed by Huang Wei’s grade ten martial spirit.

After the awakening ceremony ended, Huang Qide smiled

and said to Huang Ming, Huang Peng, and the present
elders: "I will personally be advising Huang Wei’s practice
from now on.”

Personally advise? Everyone was astonished.

"Yes, Dad!" Huang Ming’s face bloomed, agreeing

Looking at his own son, Huang Peng sighed regretfully in his
heart after hearing his father’s plan to oversee Huang Wei's
cultivation personally.

After a while, the crowd dispersed and the Martial Hall was

Returning to the Eastern Courtyard, Su Yan’s heart was

brimming with dissatisfaction, "How could Dad show such
favoritism? He wants to oversee Huang Wei's practice
personally, what about our Xiaolong, is Xiaolong not his

Huang Peng frowned and waved his hand, his voice heavy
as he said: “Don’t mention this anymore. No one is allowed
to bring up this matter in the future.” However in his heart,
he too, felt aggrieved but with Huang Wei’s grade ten
martial spirit, it was granted that his father would want to
do so.

"Xiaolong, your talent is also good, put more effort into your
practice, achieving an Eighth Order Warrior will not difficult
for you.” Huang Peng turned towards Huang Xiaolong and

"I understand, Dad." Huang Xiaolong opened his mouth

wanting to tell Huang Peng and Su Yan that his martial spirit
shouldn’t be a grade seven, in the end, he could only reply
as such, and not say anything more.

Before Huang Xiaolong left, Huang Peng gave him a

cultivation technique for training battle qi and explained the
important points Huang Xiaolong should focus on during
practice. Huang Xiaolong listened attentively and
memorized them in his heart.
After leaving the Eastern Courtyard’s main hall, Huang
Xiaolong returned to his own small courtyard and began
practicing his battle qi according to the cultivation
technique his father gave to him. He sat down on the bed
and started absorbing the world’s spiritual energy according
to the first order instruction.

As Huang Xiaolong ran the cultivation technique, his martial

spirits came out of his body; the variant double-headed
serpent emerged behind Huang Xiaolong. The so-called
grade seven double-headed serpent in Huang Qide’s eyes
suddenly stretched its jaw wide and devoured the
surrounding spiritual energy at horrifying speed, attracting
the spiritual energy around Huang Xiaolong.

The spiritual energy devoured by the double-headed

serpent flowed into Huang Xiaolong’s body, traveling along
the meridians and gradually transformed into battle qi.

Night approached slowly, and moonlight came shining in

from the small courtyard window.

A short while later Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes. His face
wore an extremely weird expression. Earlier, he followed the
instructions from the cultivation technique his father gave
him, the Xuan Qin cultivation technique’s first layer, to
condense his battle qi by running spiritual energy along the
meridians, and he managed to direct the flow of spiritual
energy for one complete turn without obstacles or

Within these few hours, not only did he successfully convert

spiritual energy into battle qi, he broke through to First
Order Warrior!

Huang Xiaolong’s heart was filled with a sense of disbelief; if

he remembered correctly, his father mentioned that his
grandfather spent nearly six months before successfully
breaking through to First Order Warrior!

His grandfather, Huang Qide’s martial spirit is one of the top

grade eight martial spirits, the Six-winged Golden Ape!
Chapter 03: Only Xiaolong
Is Excluded
Chapter 03: Only Xiaolong is Excluded

If others knew got to know Huang Xiaolong not only

managed to convert battle qi but also breakthrough to
become a First Order Warrior in just a few hours’ time, it
probably would scare them half to death.

Even Huang Xiaolong himself found it hard to believe, much

less the others.

Although from early on Huang Xiaolong had the suspicion

that his martial spirit was not just some simple grade seven
martial spirit, still, this result was too heaven-defying.
According to his father, the higher the grade of a martial
spirit, the higher the cultivation talent and the faster one’s
cultivation speed. His grandfather Huang Qide possessed a
top-tier grade eight Six-winged Golden Ape martial spirit
and it took him half a year to breakthrough to the First Order
warrior whereas he had only spent a few hours. In other
words, his martial spirit’s grade was even higher than his

Grade ten martial spirit? No, grade ten martial spirits

cultivation speed wouldn’t be this terrifying, and then a
thought streaked across Huang Xiaolong’s mind...

Superb talent martial spirit!

Superb martial spirits existed only in myths and legends.

Above grade ten, it was said to exist grade eleven, even
twelve! Although people are unsure of the highest grade of
martial spirits that existed, it was certain that Huang
Xiaolong’s martial spirit was definitely above grade ten.

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong managed to calm down the

excitement in his heart and continued running the XuanQin
cultivation technique. The double-headed serpent once
again emerged behind him with their mouths wide open,
devouring the world’s spiritual energy while battle qi
circulates along Huang Xiaolong’s meridians following the
First Order Warriors’ meridian route.

This time around, the battle qi circulation speed was a lot

faster than before and Huang Xiaolong clearly noticed the
battle qi within his meridians had grown thicker. Although
the difference was not obvious but after circulating his
battle qi a dozen times, the battle qi’s thickness increased
by almost half of the original density.

By the time Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes the gentle

moonlight had dissipated and was replaced by a ray of
sunlight streaming in through the window onto his small

Under the warm morning sun, Huang Xiaolong stretched

lazily and got out from the bed. During last night’s practice,
not only did he breakthrough to a First Order Warrior but he
actually reached mid-First Order.

“Mid-First Order.” Huang Xiaolong’s deep eyes watched the

rising sun. According to this practice speed, within three
days he would be able to reach late-First Order, perhaps
even breakthrough to the Second Order warrior!

Huang Xiaolong walked out from the room to the small yard,
his small hands clenched into a fist, gathering his battle qi
in his fist, Huang Xiaolong punched towards a half-meter big
rock at the corner of the small yard.

"Boom!" The sound of an explosion rang out and the half-

meter big rock flew back and fell rolling a few meters away,
a corner of the rock crumbled into pieces and scattered on
the ground.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the result and nodded his head in

satisfaction. In general, late-First Order warriors’ battle qi
has the strength of one stone, while he was only a mid-First
Order but because he trained in the Body Metamorphose
Scripture, his attack power was comparable to a late-First

The power of one stone was calculated at one hundred and

twenty pounds.

Huang Xiaolong also noticed after one night of practicing

battle qi, the muscles in his body was stronger and firmer.

Warriors from the First to Third Order were group into the
initial stages of cultivation and in this initial stage when
battle qi flows along the meridians it would refine the body’s
muscles. By the time Huang Xiaolong reached the pinnacle
of the Third Order warrior, his muscles would be fully
developed, enhancing his reflexes, strength, and defense
several times higher compared to his current body.

At this moment, sounds of light footsteps came from outside

the yard; Huang Xiaolong was alerted and then shook his
head, he smiled when he knew the visitor was his little
sister Huang Min.

Sure enough, Huang Min’s innocent, tender voice sounded:

"Big Brother, Big Brother!
Huang Xiaolong turned around and saw Huang Min running
into the yard when she reached Huang Xiaolong, Huang Min
was panting heavily: "Big brother, Mom and Dad are

“Mom and Dad are arguing? What’s the matter?” Huang

Xiaolong was confused for a moment. In his memory, his
Dad and Mom have never quarreled.

"I don’t know the reason, but it seems it’s related to Uncle.”
Huang Min said.

"Uncle?" Huang Xiaolong frowned slightly, saying: "We’ll go

and see." Leaving the small courtyard with Huang Min, they
hurried to the Eastern Courtyard. However, even before they
reached the Eastern Courtyard’s hall, from some distance
away, the sound of their parents quarreling echoed out.

"Big Brother is too much!" Su Yan’s voice filled with anger

sounded. “After the martial spirit awakening ceremony, all
the children received a Battle Qi Dan except for our

Huang Xiaolong’s pace halted.

Battle Qi Dan?− a second-grade pellet. After awakening

martial spirit, if one could get a Battle Qi Dan, it speeds up
battle qi conversion and of course, for warriors belonging to
the initial stages, a Battle Qi Dan also aid in enhances battle
qi quality.

"Didn’t Big Brother already say the Manor’s supply of Battle

Qi Dan just ran out? He will compensate Xiaolong next
time.” Huang Peng’s irritated voice was heard coming from
inside the hall.
“There was a total of twenty-six children during the martial
spirit awakening ceremony and even those with low-level
and waste martial spirits received a Battle Qi Dan except for
our Xiaolong who is a grade seven martial spirit who didn’t
get any!” Su Yan raised her voice in anger.

“Why is it so? Our Xiaolong is his nephew!”

Huang Xiaolong brows creased into a furrow, listening to his

parents’ quarrel, he understood clearly – other than him, all
other children were given a Battle Qi Dan to aid their

Two years ago, when Huang Xiaolong seriously beat up

Huang Wei, at that time Huang Ming did not say anything,
now it was clear that Uncle Huang Ming’s resentment
towards him had been stewing for a long time.

Although his grandfather, Huang Qide had yet to pass the

Manor Lord position to his Uncle Huang Ming, it was
irrefutable that most matters of the manor were handled by
him, especially in recent years. Just like what his mother, Su
Yan said, even those with waste and low-level martial spirits
were given a Battle Qi Dan, only Huang Xiaolong, his
nephew, did not get any: this was blatant bullying!

No matter what, Huang Xiaolong was Huang Ming’s nephew-

- is it necessary for Huang Ming to act so crudely?

Huang Ming’s action not only proved he resented Huang

Xiaolong, it also equals to sweeping the face of Huang
Xiaolong’s parents, Huang Peng, and Su Yan, in front of all
the Huang Clan Manor Elders.

"This cannot be. I’m going to ask Dad to judge the fairness
of this matter!" Inside the hall, Su Yan said angrily for she is
unable to swallow this down.
"You come back here!" Huang Peng shouted furiously, "For
some small matter, you are going to trouble Father, do you
think that I haven’t lost enough face?”

Outside the hall, when Huang Xiaolong heard this, he

silently turned to leave. A small matter, is it? A glint flashed
across Huang Xiaolong eyes; his Uncle Huang Ming has not
yet to take over the Manor Lord’s position, but once he has
officially taken over then these types of small things will
become bigger!

Huang Min saw Huang Xiaolong remained silent and turned

to leave without a word; she could not help but dazed for a
moment before reacting. She tried to catch up to Huang
Xiaolong, "Big Brother, Big Brother!

Huang Xiaolong did not reply, the two of them left the
Eastern Courtyard. Coincidentally, just as he stepped out
they came face-to-face with Huang Wei. Trailing behind him
was his usual gang of brothers, the same group that bullied
Huang Min.

Seeing both Huang Xiaolong and his sister coming out from
the Eastern Courtyard, Huang Wei was startled for a bit
before he stepped towards Huang Xiaolong with the group.


Sweeping/Slapping face- actions of insult.
Chapter 04: The Annual
Clan Assembly
Chapter 4: The Annual Clan Assembly

Seeing Huang Wei and the several boys behind him walking
their way, Huang Min swiftly hid behind Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong stood there, his expression indifferent to

Huang Wei and the others who are approaching.

Huang Wei came to a stand in front of Huang Xiaolong, and

looked at him with condescending eyes saying, "Huang
Xiaolong, do you think you can protect your sister for a

Hearing this Huang Xiaolong revealed a sinister evil smile,

his eyes dotted red with a lust for blood, and retorted lightly:
"So what, do you want to fight?" His heart was already
fuming coming out of the Eastern Courtyard.

The eldest son of Elder Zhou Guang, Zhou Xuedong was

standing behind Huang Wei and was unhappy with Huang
Xiaolong’s attitude, “D*mn it, who do you think you…!”
Before his sentence finished, a pitiful cry rang out, and it
was due to Huang Xiaolong kicking Zhou Guang in the belly
so hard that he flew out, curling like a cooked shrimp.

Since Huang Xiaolong’s heart was on fire, so the power he

exerted in this kick was naturally not light. Zhou Xuedong
flew out, dropped to the ground and rolled six to seven
meters before coming to a stop; his hands clutched his belly
and his mouth was wide opened but no sound came out – it
was as if all his internal organs were burning in a sea of fire

After gasping a few breaths, Zhou Xuedong cried and

d*amn, it was an earth-shattering, ugly-looking looking of
cry. Huang Xiaolong glanced at the dust-covered Zhou
Xuedong, his face wet with tears coming down like a
waterfall, Huang Xiaolong curled his lips thinking; A little
brat is a little brat, tears just like piss, just touch it a little
and it will start leaking.

“You!” Huang Wei and his gang reacted at this moment. All
of them stared at Huang Xiaolong with shock and panic in
their eyes. Huang Wei didn’t expect Huang Xiaolong to be so
ruthless, even more so compared to two years ago.

"What about me?" Huang Xiaolong looked directly at Huang

Wei and the boys behind him, a brilliant smile surface "You
also want me to give you a kick?"

Hearing this, Huang Wei and the rest retreated a few steps
by reflex, looking warily at Huang Xiaolong’s right leg.

Huang Xiaolong laughed watching this scene, and Huang

Xiaolong’s laughter caused Huang Wei’s face to turn beet-
red with anger and shame; Fire raged in Huang Wei’s heart
and he shouted at Huang Xiaolong in order to cover to his
embarrassment, "Huang Xiaolong, you dare to assault an
Elder’s son without good reason, just wait for your

“Assault without reason?" Huang Xiaolong’s cold eyes swept

across Huang Wei, sharp as a knife.

Huang Wei did not dare to look directly at Huang Xiaolong

eyes, declared weakly with false bravado: "You, just you
wait until the end of the year’s annual assembly; I will let
you look good!" Then, Huang Wei left with the boys trailing
behind him in quick, panicky steps, not forgetting to bring
along Zhou Xuedong who is still clutching his belly.

"Big Brother, you hit Zhou Xuedong, if Huang Wei

complained about it to Eldest Uncle, at that time will he…?”
Huang Min asked with a worried expression, thinking how
their Eldest Uncle Huang Ming whipped people during
punishment, Huang Min couldn’t help but feel afraid.

"It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it." Huang Xiaolong said

without any concern as he looked at the awkward retreating
backs of Huang Wei’s group.

He was confident that his kick would not leave any

detectable bruises or injuries, even if Huang Ming or Zhou
Guang checked Zhou Xuedong’s body, they will not find any
evidence. Even if his Uncle Huang Ming wants to punish
him, he would still need to have some evidence-- just like
two years ago when Huang Xiaolong beat up Huang Wei and
that several Elders’ children miserably yet Huang Xiaolong
received no punishment.

At the end of the year’s Clan Assembly]]]]]]]]], Huang

Xiaolong muttered to himself after Huang Wei and his group
disappeared from view, a sharp light glinted in his eyes.

At the end of every year, the Huang Clan Manor will hold a
clan assembly where young people of Huang Clan Manor of
similar ages were allowed to spar with each other as a
learning experience.

It seems Huang Wei was planning to go against him during

the Clan Assembly at the end of the year, by doing so
Huang Wei will not only display his strength and talent in
front of everyone but also settle his grudge with Huang
Xiaolong in public.
There was still five months from now until the Clan
Assembly, and five months was enough for with Huang
Wei’s talent to reach late-First Order. Moreover, Huang Wei
has Grandfather Huang Qide’s support and advice in

Huang Xiaolong could not help but to laugh, albeit a little

sinisterly-- in that case, five months later he would beat up
Huang Ming’s son right in front of his face until even he
couldn’t recognize his own son.

"During the Annual Clan Assembly, Grandfather would

probably come to watch." In Huang Xiaolong’s opinion, since
Huang Wei was his valued grandson and under his personal
tutelage, he will certainly make an appearance.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong sent his sister back

before heading to the back mountain.

At the back of the mountain, Huang Xiaolong practiced the

Body Metamorphose Scripture before returning to his small

The Body Metamorphose Scripture was Hua Xia’s secret

martial art from his previous life. Even if Huang Xiaolong
does not cultivate battle qi, he will continue to train in the
Body Metamorphose Scripture. It was rumored that once
trained to the highest level, there was a mysterious force
hidden in the Body Metamorphose Scripture.

During last night’s battle qi practice, Huang Xiaolong

noticed the internal force inside his body circulated along
his meridians the same time as battle qi, complementing
each other. Huang Xiaolong reaching mid-First Order warrior
is due to his training in the Body Metamorphose Scripture
for four years, otherwise, even if Huang Xiaolong has a
superb talent martial spirits, it is impossible to reach mid-
First Order warrior in just one night.

Back in his small courtyard, Huang Xiaolong started running

the Xuan Qin’s cultivation technique and continued his
battle qi practice.

Three days passed quickly.

In these past three days, apart from eating and answering

nature’s call, every minute was spent in practicing. From
practicing battle qi in his yard and running to the back
mountain to train the Body Metamorphose Scripture.

On the fourth day.

The silvery moonlight shined in the dead silence of the


Like the past three nights, Huang Xiaolong sat on his bed
practiced according to the Xuan Qin cultivation technique.
The double-headed serpent martial spirit emerged behind
him, devouring heaven and earth’s spiritual energy at
horrifying speed and channeled them into Huang Xiaolong’s
body, converting into battle qi. Compared to three days
before, the thickness of Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi inside his
body had increased by ten folds. Running the cultivation
technique, battle qi surged along the meridians rapidly.

After three days of non-stop practice, Huang Xiaolong

reached the peak of late-First Order; he had a hunch that
tonight he will be able to breakthrough to the Second Order.

About one hour later as battle qi surged in Huang Xiaolong’s

meridians, the speed became faster and volatile like waves
stormy waves, inducing pain as they crashed against the
meridians but to Huang Xiaolong this level of pain was
nothing to him.

As battle qi crashed violently in his meridians, Huang

Xiaolong had a feeling of breakthrough but was it was
blocked a barrier, unable crossover akin to a giant wave
crashing against a solid wall, blocked.

Huang Xiaolong was not discouraged-- he knew it was

important to remain calm and continued to run the Xuan Qin
cultivation technique, circulating battle qi along his
meridians when suddenly, a sound that only he could hear
spread out from his body: the second barrier finally broke!

The first layer meridian broke like a cork unplugged, battle

qi instantly gushed into the second layer’s meridians

Huang Xiaolong was delighted; finally, after a few days of

hard work he broke through to the Second Order Warrior.


1. will let you look good - read as I will let you suffer
(tremendously) / You’ll for pay the consequences.
Chapter 05: Wants To Cripple Both Of My Arms?

Second Order Warrior!

From the first day of cultivation until the Second Order

Warrior, Huang Xiaolong spent no more than three days!
This was an unprecedented event.

In general, grade ten martial spirits required at least one

year’s time to breakthrough to Second Order; even if one
possesses a superb talent martial spirit, one needs at least
six months to achieve this result.

However, Huang Xiaolong only spent three days!

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Huang Xiaolong

continued to run the Xuan Qin cultivation technique so that
the second layer meridians flowed with battle qi, becoming
smoother and calmer.

If first layer battle qi meridians were akin to a small stream,

then the second layer battle qi meridians were comparable
to a small river, wider and larger, accommodating more
battle qi.

The night passed.

When the warm morning sunlight streamed through the

window onto Huang Xiaolong’s body, Huang Xiaolong ended
his practice for the night and opened his eyes; after one
night’s practice, he had stabilized his cultivation of Second
Order warrior.

Wonder how’s that little brat Huang Wei’s progress? Huang

Xiaolong thought, before jumping down from his bed and
heading out of the room. Huang Xiaolong stretched his limbs
lazily facing the sun.

In the little yard, Huang Xiaolong caught sight of the very

same half-meter sized big rock in the corner that he hit
several days prior. He couldn’t resist himself so he walked
up to the big rock while raising his right hand-- battle qi
wrapped around his palm as he lands a strike on the rock.
The big rock shook violently and small pieces of stones
crumbled down, scattering all over the place.

On the surface of the big rock, one can see minuscule crack
lines; retrieving his right hand, Huang Xiaolong scrutinized
the power of his palm, and nodded with satisfaction. As per
his expectation, after advancing to the Second Order, his
strength was comparable to a late-Second Order warrior--
that’s equivalent to the power of two stones.

Back on earth, if a seven-year-old kid has the strength of

two hundred pounds it would be an unbelievable marvel but
here in Martial Spirit World, it was nothing to be lauded.

Leaving his courtyard, Huang Xiaolong headed towards the

Eastern Courtyard.

But not far from his little courtyard, he heard several manor
guards’ gossiping.

“Gee, I heard Young Lord Huang Wei successfully converted

his battle qi in just three days! During our time, it took us
two months to convert our battle qi; at this rate, in less than
four months Young Lord Huang Wei will be able to
breakthrough to the First Order!”

“I wonder how Young Lord Xiaolong’s practice coming?”

“Young Lord Xiaolong? Although Young Lord Xiaolong’s
talent is not bad, but to successfully condensed battle qi, he
would require at least one month’s time; that is simply
incomparable to Young Lord Huang Wei’s speed. To
breakthrough to the First Order it would minimum of one
year’s time!

So, that little brat Huang Wei already succeeded in

converting his battle qi? Huang Xiaolong stood in the
corridor with his hand behind his back, looking like a little
adult as he watched the several manor guards walked away.

No longer bothered with the guards, Huang Xiaolong

continued onwards the Eastern Courtyard’s hall. A brief
moment later, after he entered the main hall, Huang
Xiaolong noticed besides his father and mother, there was
also his little sister, Huang Min, and his four-year-old little
brother, Huang Xiaohai, in the main hall.

“Dad, Mom.” Huang Xiaolong called out as he entered.

“Sit.” Huang Peng raised his head indicating a chair. It was

obvious there was a trace of worry on his face. Sitting down,
Huang Xiaolong found Su Yan’s expression carried the same
worry as his father’s, so he opened his mouth and asked:
“Dad, Mom, did something happen?”

“A few days ago, did you beat up Zhou Guang’s son?”

Huang Peng stared at his son and asked.

Huang Xiaolong directed his gaze towards his little sister,

Huang Min; without a doubt, his littlesister telltale on him.
Conscious that Huang Xiaolong was looking at her, Huang
Min stuck out her small tongue, afraid to look at Huang
“That kid was looking for a beating.” Huang Xiaolong replied

Huang Peng and Su Yan were taken aback, and exchanged a

look with each other.

“How is your practice these few days?” Ignoring his son’s

answer, Huang Peng changed the topic, no longer
questioning on the previous matter. These past few days,
Huang Xiaolong had been training day and night, regardless
of the time. Huang Peng and Su Yan had of course noticed
this, both of them felt comforted that Huang Xiaolong was
putting effort into his cultivation.

Hearing his father’s question about his practice, Huang

Xiaolong hesitated for a moment; should he tell the truth?
Or should he conceal part of his strength or reveal that he
already channel battle qi?

Seeing his son’s look of hesitation, Huang Peng comforted

him: “It’s only been a few days, it doesn’t matter if you
haven’t successfully condensed out battle qi-- I spent a
whole month before I could do it.”

“That’s right, Xiaolong, your talent is higher than your

Dad’s. You’ll definitely be able to condense battle qi after a
month.” Su Yan said.

The truth was, both Huang Peng and Su Yan saw the
hesitation on Huang Xiaolong’s face and that made them
think Huang Xiaolong was embarrassed to answer that he
had yet to condense battle qi.

Huang Xiaolong blanked for a moment listening to his

parent's words of ‘comfort’; however, after a little thinking,
he went along his parent's line of thought, saying: “Dad,
Mom, rest assured that one month later I will surely be able
to condense out battle qi.”

Listening to their son’s ‘oath’, both Huang Peng and Su Yan

were very pleased.

However, worry deepens on their faces about the

dubiousness of Huang Xialong’s oath and Huang Peng said:
“Xiaolong, the day before yesterday, Huang Wei announced
that he would cripple both of your arms during the annual
Clan Assembly!”

Huang Xiaolong finally understood the cause of worry on his

parents’ face.

Others might not dare to do so, but since Huang Wei dares
say as much, then during the clan assembly Huang Wei
probably will cripple his arms and claimed it was accidental.
At that time, even Grandfather Huang Qide will not penalize
him, just a few stern words at most.

“Cripple both of my arms?” Huang Xiaolong smiled while

under the surface a trace of hostility rose.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong look of unconcern, Su Yan was afraid

that Huang Xiaolong does not know the gravity of the
matter: “Xiaolong, Huang Wei has successfully condensed
battle qi and by the end of the year, he will be able to enter
late-First Order warrior. He’ll do what he said-- at that time,
he will definitely cripple both of your arms.” As Su Yan said
this, an image of Xiaolong’s hands being crippled flashed
across her mind and it made her eyes turned red.

“What should we do? What can we do?” Su Yan broke down

in tears.
Huang Peng looked his wife that was drowning in tears and
was extremely vexed: “Woman, why are you crying? Can
crying be of any help?”

Su Yan turned over with a face full of tears, “If Xiaolong is

disabled, what will you do then? If both of Xiaolong’s hands
are wasted, how will he continue to live? Huang Peng, why
don’t you seek Big Brother out, let him ask Huang Wei to let
off our Xiaolong!”

“Implore big brother?” Huang Peng frowned.

“I know this will cause you to lose face, but do you prefer to
see Xiaolong’s hands crippled?” Su Yan said, crying even

The two little ones, Huang Min and Huang Xiaohai saw Su
Yan crying so miserably, they both walked over to her side
and started crying together, all three of them lumped

Just when Huang Xiaolong wanted to say something,

suddenly Huang Peng stood up, gritting his teeth: “Okay, I‘ll
go!” After saying that, holding Huang Xiaolong’s small hand,
he led him towards the direction of the Northern Courtyard.

“Father, I--” Coming out from the Eastern Courtyard main

hall, Huang Xiaolong opened his mouth wanting to say it
was not necessary to look for Huang Ming, but he was
interrupted by Huang Peng: “Xiaolong, in front of your Uncle,
you must behave, understand?” After saying that, without
waiting for Huang Xiaolong’s reply, he and Huang Xiaolong
hurried to the Northern Courtyard.

When they reach the Northern Courtyard, Huang Ming and

Huang Wei, the father and son were in the main hall;
coincidentally, Zhou Guang and Zhou Xuedong were also


1 jin = 1.1023 pounds, weight/measurements rounded up

for easy understanding.
Chapter 06: It Is Useless
To Beg Me!
Chapter 06: It Is Useless to Beg Me!

Sitting in the hall, although Huang Ming finds Huang Peng

and Huang Xiaolong’s visit a little sudden, he remained
seated and did not rise when Huang Peng entered the hall.

"Second Manor Lord." Zhou Guang and his son, Zhou

Xuedong, seeing it was Huang Peng immediately stood up
and greeted Huang Peng, not daring to remain seated like
Huang Ming.

Huang Peng first nodded at the Zhou father and son pair
and then he turned to Huang Ming: "Big Brother.”

Huang Xiaolong followed with a somewhat reluctant voice:

"Eldest Uncle."

Huang Ming’s face was expressionless as usual and said:

"Second Brother, you’re here. Sit."

Huang Peng and Huang Xiaolong sat down on the chairs at

the side. As Huang Peng was sitting down, he was thinking
how he should word his request to Huang Ming.

"Second Brother, what brings you over here?" At this

moment, Huang Ming asked.

Huang Peng hesitated for a moment before honestly saying:

"Big brother, I heard that Huang Wei said at the end-of-the-
year annual Clan Assembly, he will cripple both of
Xiaolong’s arms, so…” Huang Peng’s words trailed off here.
"Oh, is there such a matter?" Huang Ming looked

Huang Xiaolong looking at his Uncle Huang Ming’s deadpan

expression and snickered inwardly; even his father, Huang
Peng, has heard about the matter which means the news
had already spread to the entire Huang Clan Manor-- there is
no way that Huang Ming does not know about it.

"Huang Wei, is there such a matter?" Huang Ming turned

over and asked his son, Huang Wei.

Huang Wei answered with unblinking eyes and unchanging

facial expression: “There is no such thing.” Glancing at
Huang Peng and Huang Xiaolong, Huang Wei continued: “In
my opinion, there are people who are deliberately using this
as an excuse to cause trouble for our Northern Courtyard.”

Huang Peng’s face was beet-red in anger when he heard

this. Does this mean that he and his son are idle people with
nothing better to do that they’ll run over here to cause
trouble for Huang Ming and his son?

Huang Xiaolong was watching Huang Ming and Huang Wei,

this pair of father and son’s ‘performance’ where one person
asks and the other answers, and he sneered in his heart.

"Big Brother, what do you say about matter?!" Holding back

his anger, Huang Peng turned to Huang Ming.

Huang Ming waved, still maintaining his deadpan

expression: "Well, Second Brother since there is no such
thing, you can go back now."

No such thing! The meaning behind Huang Ming’s words is

extremely clear-- that Huang Peng came over to look for
Repressing his rising anger, Huang Peng said: "Big brother,
you mean to say that us, father and son, have nothing
better to do that we came over here to make trouble for

Huang Ming frowned as his face turned cold: "Even if the

matter is true, what about it? Sparring between same ages
peers during the Clan Assembly is a common event.”

Huang Ming said this frivolously but he did not mention

anything about Huang Wei wanting to cripple both of Huang
Xiaolong’s arms.

Huang Peng stood up in a rage, staring at his Big Brother

Huang Ming: "Are you saying even if Huang Wei wasted both
of Xiaolong’s arms, this is normal?!"

With indifference on his face, Huang Ming said, "Then, are

you implying that I should ban the peer sparring event
during the annual Clan Assembly? The peer sparring event
is a rule set down by Father. Do you mean to say the rules
set by Father are wrong?”

A harsh light glinted in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. His father’s

intention is just to have Huang Ming advise his son Huang
Wei to let him off; everyone in the hall knows what his
father’s intention is, but Huang Ming twisted the facts,
claiming that Huang Peng is requesting him, Huang Ming, to
ban an event set by their Father to make things difficult for

Zhou Guang and Zhou Xuedong, both father and son, sat
there without speaking, but in their eyes, their gloating
pleasure is obvious.

Huang Peng face flushed red with anger, clenching both his
fists, taking a deep breath and said to Huang Ming,
"Xiaolong is your nephew!”

Huang Ming raised his eyebrow, glanced at Huang Xiaolong

and said to Huang Peng, "Do I need you to remind me about
this? Don’t I know he is my nephew? Even if he is my
nephew, it is useless for you to beg me!"

Huang Peng laughed despite his anger. "Good, good." Now,

he finally sees his big brother’s true face and a chilling
feeling filled his heart-- decades of brotherhood, yet they
are no better than strangers!

Huang Xiaolong couldn’t resist saying in a cold voice:

"Huang Ming, do you truly think that your son is capable of
crippling me during the Clan Assembly?

“Impudent!” Seeing a little brat like Huang Xiaolong daring

to refer to him by name in front of Zhou Guang, he furiously
stood up and he raised his palm to strike at Huang Xiaolong.
An overbearing battle qi was aimed towards Huang
Xiaolong’s chest, but suddenly a silhouette flashed, blocking
it for Huang Xiaolong.

"Hong!" An explosion resounded and the silhouette blocking

in front of Huang Xiaolong staggered back heavily with
“deng deng” sound.

"Dad, are you okay ?!" Huang Xiaolong was anxious and he
came to his father’s side.

Huang Peng waved his hand, shaking his head: "I'm fine.”

In the end, Huang Xiaolong is still Huang Ming’s nephew;

although he was angered, Huang Ming struck with control;
otherwise, with Huang Peng’s late-Sixth Order strength, it
would be insufficient to block a palm from Huang Ming, a
late-Seventh Order.
Huang Xiaolong seeing that his father is not injured,
breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time Huang Wei who was on the side came up and
said: "Second Uncle, if you want me to let Huang Xiaolong
off, it is not impossible as long as Huang Xiaolong kneels
down, kowtows three times loudly, and lets me slap him
twenty times at the end of the year Clan Assembly then I
will let him off!”

Kowtow three times and twenty slaps? Huang Peng’s brows

creased tightly and he looked at his son.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Huang Wei and said with a cold

voice, "In the past or now, I, Huang Xiaolong, kneel before
Heaven and kneel before Earth, but never before a person!”
Then, turning to Huang Peng he said, "Father, let’s go!”

Kneeling before Heaven, kneeling before Earth, but never

before a person! Huang Peng was startled but he smiled
appreciatively: "Good, son! Let's go!" Saying that, Huang
Peng and Huang Xiaolong turned to leave.

Huang Wei looked at Huang Peng and Huang Xiaolong’s

departing silhouettes and with anger rising in his heart, he
started yelling at Huang Xiaolong’s back: "Huang Xiaolong,
do you think I wouldn’t dare to cripple your arms during the
Clan Assembly?”

Huang Xiaolong didn’t even turn around as he left the

Northern Courtyard entrance with his father.

Huang Ming looked at the two disappearing figures, his face


“Eldest Manor Lord, this Huang Xiaolong just because of his

identity, was disrespectful to family elders, even daring to
refer to Eldest Manor Lord by name, this is too--" At this
time, Zhou Guang came up to him and said.

However, the words had yet to finish before Huang Ming’s

palm swept past Zhou Guang’s face, leaving behind a clear
red five-finger mark on his face.

Huang Ming looked at Zhou Guang, his face expressionless

but his eyes are like a knife: "This is something between us
our brothers, you are not qualified to butt in!"

"Yes, yes, Eldest Manor Lord, it is subordinate’s mistake,

subordinate’s mistake!" Zhou Guang panicked and
apologized over and over again.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong and his father, Huang Peng,

returned to the Eastern Courtyard. Su Yan knowing that
Huang Xiaolong and Huang Peng had returned, quickly
came up and asked in a worried voice: “How was it?”

Huang Peng did not know how to explain; instead, it was

Huang Xiaolong who said: "Mom, you don’t have to worry
about the Clan Assembly, I will be fine. Nothing will happen
to me.”

After hearing this, Su Yan thought Huang Wei had promised

to let Huang Xiaolong off during the Clan Assembly ‘s
sparring event and her worried heart was finally appeased.
Smiling, she said, "That's good, then all is good!"

Huang Peng opened his mouth wanting to say something,

but looking at his wife’s happy smile, in the end, he said
Chapter 07: An Odd Valley

Back in his small courtyard from the Eastern Courtyard,

Huang Xiaolong sat on the wooden bed thinking back to the
scene in the Northern Courtyard-- both Huang Wei and his
father’s arrogant, cold, and hypocritical performance caused
a trace of malice to emerge in his heart.

Initially, he had some scruples when he planned to beat up

Huang Wei miserably during the end of the year’s Clan
Assembly, but now it had completely evaporated.

“Presumably, Huang Ming thinks the position of the Main

Manor Lord will not slip from his fingers!” Huang Xiaolong

Ever since the awakening of Huang Wei’s martial spirit, the

majority of elders were trying to get closer to Huang Ming,
thus the incident with Battle Qi Dan and the Northern
Courtyard scene today.

A little while later, repressing his hostility, Huang Xiaolong

started running XuanQin cultivation technique to practice
his battle qi.

The double-headed serpent martial spirit floated behind

Huang Xiaolong, devouring the surrounding world’s spiritual
energy; Huang Xiaolong noticed after his advancement to
Second Order warrior, his martial spirit’s speed of absorbing
spiritual energy had increased substantially.

Aside from that, both of the previously palm-sized double-

headed serpent martial spirits had grown double in size, its
radiant black light and blue light becoming thicker and
brighter-- as the double-headed serpent martial spirit
devoured spiritual energy from the surroundings, its black
and blue lights shimmered constantly.

Multiple strands of spiritual energy are being absorbed into

Huang Xiaolong’s meridians, converting into battle qi
continuously, flowing in the second layer meridians over and
over again.

Quickly, few days passed just like that.

These past few days, Huang Xiaolong once again practiced

like crazy regardless of the time.

The result from these days of practice was that Huang

Xiaolong managed to reach the peak of Second Order.

During this period, Huang Peng and Su Yan came over on a

daily basis to Huang Xiaolong’s small courtyard; seeing their
son’s practice in such a crazed manner, both Huang Peng
and Su Yan are distressed. Su Yan had even started secretly
crying because even though Huang Peng and Huang
Xiaolong never mentioned in detail about what happened in
the Northern Courtyard, she still managed to find out from
the manor servants’ gossip what took place a few days ago.

Half a month passed.

In this half a month, Huang Xiaolong is either practicing

battle qi in his small courtyard or training in his Body
Metamorphose Scripture in the back mountain. As the Body
Metamorphose Scripture is a secret, he could only sneak out
to practice at the back mountain at night.

In the dark of night within the thick forest, stood a small

figure in a strange position.
The dark night, the dense forest trees, and a small figure
standing there in a strange position; this scene was
complete with the moonlight shining through the gaps of
foliage, marking the ground with soft silvery spots.

With hands above his head, Huang Xiaolong ran through the
Body Metamorphose Scripture law and the world’s spiritual
energy gathered, making it visible to the naked eye can be
seen gushing into Huang Xiaolong body’s meridians,
converting into internal force before converging in his
dantian under his navel.

The night gradually faded as light overtook the darkness,

when dew drops on the grass reflects the sunlight, and
Huang Xiaolong stops running the Body Metamorphose law
before opening his eyes.

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong gave a low shout waving both of

his palms, his silhouette leaps high up from the ground as
shadows of the palm strike fall heavily on the grass patch.

Energy swirled rapidly in the surrounding space, whistling

through the wind.

This superior martial skill was something inherited from

Huang Xiaolong's family from his previous life, the Ethereal

As Huang Xiaolong’s palms moves, his arms seemingly

impalpable and intangible, a palm print condensed of vapor
will be imprinted mid-air not dissipating even after a long
time every time his palm strikes.

Ethereal Palm’s highest level of mastery, condense without

dissipating, endless internal power.
In his previous life, Huang Xiaolong was known as martial
arts prodigy is not only because of his physique but also due
to his amazing comprehension ability.

Half an hour later, Huang Xiaolong gradually stopped.

After a few breaths time, trees in the surrounding area

tumbled down, a palm print visible on each tree trunk.

Looking at the palm prints on the tree trunks, Huang

Xiaolong brows wrinkled; if this is his previous life, his
Ethereal Palm would not be leaving any visible mark. In the
end, it was all because his internal force is still too weak.

“I wonder, what is the power of this Martial Spirit World’s

fighting skills?” Huang Xiaolong thought to himself.

Common clans’ regulations only allowed children who have

achieved at least mid-Fourth Order warrior to practice in the
clan’s battle skill because only by achieving this level of
foundation will they be able to display the power of the
battle skill; in the initial warrior stages, they are of little use.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong suddenly heard a strange noise

behind him-- turning around to look, he saw hanging on a
big tree not far away, a half meter in size creature violet in
color with light blue eyes.

“Violet Devourer Spirit Monkey!” Huang Xiaolong was


Huang Xiaolong had seen a drawing of it before, from his

previous life family’s old books-- the Violet Devourer Spirit
Monkey is a rare spirit beast.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong looking at itself, the little violet spirit

monkey grinned and squeaked “Zhi zhi”, his hands
gesturing towards Huang Xiaolong, then it turned around
and ran in the direction of the deeper parts of the

Huang Xiaolong hesitated for a second before following the

little violet monkey from behind into the depths of the

What surprised Huang Xiaolong was the speed of the Violet

Devourer Spirit Monkey as it weaves through the trees; if
not for Huang Xiaolong training in the Body Metamorphose
Scripture and using Sky Gyration Step, it would really be
hard keeping up with the little violet monkey’s speed.

Half an hour later, after crossing many a small stream and

forest area, Huang Xiaolong finally reached an odd valley,
following the little violet monkey. It was quiet inside the
valley with heavy yin qi that was spreading out from the
inner valley, making Huang Xiaolong furrow his brows.

“Zhi zhi zhi!” When Huang Xiaolong was uncertain if he

wanted to enter the valley, the little violet monkey ran back
out from within, squeaking at Huang Xiaolong; apparently, it
wants Huang Xiaolong to follow it into the valley.

After a brief moment of consideration, Huang Xiaolong lifted

his foot and stepped into the valley following behind the
little guy. Entering the valley, a wave of yin qi hit Huang
Xiaolong in the face, carrying an unpleasant odor. Not far
into the valley, there are piles and mountains of dead bones
scattered everywhere, belonging to an era long gone.

As they moved deeper into the valley, more and more

mountain of bones decorates the scene; even with Huang
Xiaolong’s experience of two lifetimes which makes his mind
stronger than most children his age, he’s unable to keep
calm in this situation.
However, when Huang Xiaolong was about to turn around
and leave, he suddenly came to a large turf of green grass
with exotic flowers’ fragrances permeating the air, a picture
of Eden. In the center of the turf, there is a turquoise lake.
Huang Xiaolong was dumbstruck looking at the valley; never
would he have imagined the front half of the valley was
littered with dead bones just like a scene from hell and the
other half a utopia.

At this moment, the little violet monkey came before a

mountain cliff, squeaking and gesturing towards Huang
Xiaolong pointing to the top of the cliff. Huang Xiaolong
walked over and looked towards the direction pointed by
those tiny fingers-- growing almost at the top of the cliff on
a short, thick, green vine was a few red colored fruit.

These red colored fruits make the one looking at it

disoriented, fragrance from the fruits wafts through the air,
mesmerizing their audience.

“This… could this be Yang fruit?” Huang Xiaolong was

stunned, truly surprised.

Yang fruit grows on lands of extreme yin, absorbing nine

types of yang qi between heaven and earth; if taken by
people who cultivates in battle qi, not only can it enhance
battle qi cultivation, it also purifies the marrow and tendon
strengthening effect, which will bring unimaginable benefits
to one’s future cultivation.


Ethereal Palm - skill base on the ability to manipulate the

‘soft/hidden’ internal force instead of the more direct
destructive power.

Initial stages warrior; First to Third Order Warrior (Chapter 3)

FYI: Huang Xiaolong’s name literal translation is Little
Chapter 08: Fortuitous
Adventure At The Bottom
Of The Lake
Chapter 08: Fortuitous Adventure at the Bottom of the Lake

Huang Xiaolong looked at the several pieces of Yang Fruit,

eyes aflame with want, his throat swallowed nervously, then
turned back to the Violet Devourer Spirit Monkey as he
finally understood why this little violet monkey brought him

The several pieces of Yang Fruit are about twenty to thirty

meters high on the cliff, this little guy can only look but
unable to eat, thus bringing him over to help him pick?

“Little guy, you brought me over here to help you pick this
Yang fruit?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

“Zhi Zhi Zhi!” Delight showed in the little violet monkey’s

eyes as it nodded enthusiastically.

Huang Xiaolong smiled, this little guy is really quite cute,

turning back towards the Yang fruit more than twenty
meters up on the cliff, and then surveyed the surroundings.

The cliff wall was smooth all the way up to the peak almost
with no gripping spot, to pick the fruits twenty meters high
up is no easy task especially for the current Huang Xiaolong.

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong leaped up reaching about

four to five meters up, his fingers clawed into the cliff wall,
however, the cliff wall was solid hard that his fingers only
managed to insert in a few millimeters, but it was enough to
support his small body, dangling in mid-air.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong shaped his left hand into a

claw and inserted it into the cliff wall, stabilizing his body,
just like this one step at a time, Huang Xiaolong slowly
climbed towards to Yang fruit.

Every step of the way, Huang Xiaolong needed to exert his

internal force to support his body making it extremely
strenuous, when he passed the ten-meter mark, he was
already panting heavily, his speed slowing down.

On the ground, the cheerful squeaking little violet monkey

quiets down, the pair of light blue eyed gazed worriedly at
Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette, as if he may tumble down at
any time.

Under the watchful eyes of the Purple Devourer Spirit

Monkey, Huang Xiaolong’s small thin body finally reaches
the Yang fruit after he climbed over twenty meters of height.
Looking at the five pieces of Yang fruit in front of him, his
eyes shined bright as he withdrew a small cloth prepared
earlier, gently picking the Yang fruit one by one placing it
into the small piece of cloth and wrapping it carefully before
leaping down to the ground.

In mid-air on the way down, Huang Xiaolong tapped his foot

a few times against the cliff wall to soften his landing on the

The little violet monkey seeing Huang Xiaolong successfully

picked the several Yang fruit started squeaking cheerfully,
gesturing with his little paws extremely happy. After
demonstrating his delight, the little violet monkey calmed
down and started staring at the cloth bundle containing
Yang fruit in Huang Xiaolong’s hand pitifully.

“Little guy, catch!” Huang Xiaolong could not help but laugh
at the antics of the little violet monkey, removing two pieces
of Yang fruit from the cloth bundle and threw it over. The
little violet monkey leaped up and caught both fruits, one in
each hand. Giving Huang Xiaolong a happy cry, it went to a
corner swallowed both fruits and sat down to absorb the
spiritual energy from the Yang fruit.

Seeing the little violet monkey running exercise law

absorbing the energy from the fruit, Huang Xiaolong does
not feel strange, most spiritual beasts can cultivate, not to
mention Violet Devourer Spirit Monkey is but a rare top-tier
spirit beast.

Without disturbing the little violet monkey, Huang Xiaolong

surveyed the surrounding valley, after determine that it was
safe, he sat too down on one side and took out a piece of
Yang fruit and swallowed it, running the XuanQin exercise
law to absorb the fruits energy.

When the energy from the Yang fruit dispersed within Huang
Xiaolong’s body, almost instantly around Huang Xiaolong’s
body emerged multiple strands of Nine Yangqi. Nine Yangqi
is the purest top-grade fire attribute spiritual qi in the world.

Submerged within the Nine Yangqi, Huang Xiaolong has an

extremely comfortable and warmth feeling, as if he was
soaking in hot springs and his the battle qi inside his
meridians flowed rapidly.

A few hours passed.

Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes, after a few hours he finally

absorb all the energy within that Yang fruit, the battle qi
within his body has become thicker by more than doubled,
advancing to late-Second Order warrior!

Originally, according to his estimation, to reach late-Second

Order he would need at least another one and a half month
but it’s already achieved now.

Huang Xiaolong is happy with this matter. At this moment, a

horrible smell assaulted his nose, looking down he found his
whole body covered with a layer of sticky black mud. In his
previous life, Huang Xiaolong had taken similar elixir like
Yang fruit, so he knows this sticky black mud is the
impurities inside his body.

Huang Xiaolong jumps up feeling refreshingly wonderful and

lite, stretching his limbs for a little bit. Huang Xiaolong saw
the little violet monkey was still absorbing the Yang fruit’s
energy he did not bother it and headed towards the lake in
the middle of the grass turf.

In front of the lake, Huang Xiaolong stripped naked, carefully

set aside the remaining two Yang fruit, with a splash he
jumped into the lake washing off the sticky black mud on his

Very quickly Huang Xiaolong cleaned himself up and was

about to get out from the lake he suddenly detected traces
of cold aura coming from the bottom of the lake, its hard to
notice when one is not paying attention, Huang Xiaolong’s
interest stirred and he dived down the lake.

Diving down a short distance later, Huang Xiaolong saw a

cave entrance too far ahead, where the cold aura came

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong came up in front of the cave

entrance and jumped in without hesitation.
Jumping through the cave entrance, Huang Xiaolong noticed
the walls were dry and not slippery wet as imagined, on one
side of the cave wall were inlaid with a Water Dispersing
Pearl the size of a goose egg.

If this pearl is taken out for an auction it’s worth more than
one hundred thousand gold coins.

Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help but be curious about this

cave, walking along the tunnel about ten meters in, he
came to an empty hall about a hundred square meter wide,
there is nothing inside the hall and it’s obvious with just
once glance. There are three rooms apart from the empty
hall. Huang Xiaolong walked towards the first room.

In the first room, Huang Xiaolong gained nothing. It was

empty, just like the hall outside.

Huang Xiaolong moved on to the second room, and it was

also empty.

“F**k, don’t tell me the third room is empty too?!” Huang

Xiaolong couldn’t help exclaiming.

Standing in front of the third room, Huang Xiaolong slowly

peeked inside, inside the third room there is a jade bed, on
top of the jade bed was a book made from unknown
materials, also hanging on the walls were a set of half-meter
long black sabers.

Pausing for a moment Huang Xiaolong’s eyes fell on the

book place on top the jade bed, then he walked over and
picked it up, the seemingly thin book once in Huang
Xiaolong’s hand was so heavy that his arms sank, startling
him. What material is it made of that it weighs close to
thirty pounds for such thin book?
Looking at the book cover three words are written in ancient
inscriptions ‘Asura Tactics’.

At this exact moment, a terrifying aura of crazed slaughter

spread out, within Huang Xiaolong’s mind as if there was an
explosion, his eyes flickered and he appeared around infinite
mountains of bones, surrounded by a boundless sea of

Standing on top of a mountain of bones, it was as if he was

the embodiment of Asura from hell.

Above the endless mountains of bones, ghastly apparitions

of resentful spirits trying to ‘invade’ Huang Xiaolong, feeling
the countless ghastly resentful spirits’ desire to swallow
him, lights flickered again in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes then he
was back in the third room of the cave.

Although only a brief moment but cold sweat drenched his

body, looking with trepidation at the book in his hand, Asura
Tactics, however on this second look the scene with the
mountains of bones and boundless sea of blood did not
appear again allowing Huang Xiaolong to breathe a heavy
sigh of relief.

Awhile later, repressing the shocked in his heart with slightly

trembling hands, he opened the first page of Asura Tactics.
Chapter 09: Sabers Of
Chapter 09: Sabers of Asura

Flipping to the first page of Asura Tactics, a pair of blood-red

eyes seems to jump out from the page. A humanoid
illustration of an Asura standing upright, bared upper body
of taut muscles with a head of white hair.

Studying the humanoid Asura illustration, a sensation of

being in hell crept up, mad slaughter and endless sea of
bodies awash Huang Xiaolong, his eyes turned blood-red,
confused and in pain as Huang Xiaolong starts to lose his
consciousness within the blood-thirsty madness, suddenly
behind him the double-headed serpent martial spirits
appeared roaring towards the sky - a roar so thunderous
that it shakes the heaven. The blood-red slowly faded from
his eyes regaining his conscious, his heart pounding like it’s
going to burst out from his chest.

At this time, the humanoid Asura illustration flew out from

the book page, in a bright flash entered between Huang
Xiaolong’s eyebrows. Inside Huang Xiaolong mind’s there’s
an addition of a new exercise law.

The first layer of Asura Tactics.

“The Origin of Hell, the beginning of evil…...” reciting the

first layer of Asura Tactics’s battle qi exercise law, Huang
Xiaolong finds it deeply profound and mysterious.
In Martial Spirit World, battle qi exercise law is categorized
into four ranks, namely Heaven, Earth, Mysterious and
Yellow and each rank is further divided into different grades;
low, mid and high-level. Wonder what rank is Asura Tactics
exercise law?

After a while, Huang Xiaolong turned to the second page. On

the second page, there is another humanoid illustration of
Asura, but this one is slightly different. On the second
illustration of Asura, there was a pair of devilish black wings
spread open, domineering and a taste for massacre.

Same as previous page’s experience, when he turned to the

second page an atmosphere as if originated from hell
surrounded Huang Xiaolong, the double-headed serpent
once again appeared behind him, suppressing the blood-
thirsty desire deluding Huang Xiaolong and the second layer
of Asura Tactics successfully imprinted inside his mind.

The third page, fourth page, fifth page…

Huang Xiaolong turned the pages one by one, with every

page turned, inside his mind will emerge another upper
layer of Asura Tactics exercise law, as Huang Xiaolong’s
page turning speed was slow it took him more than two
hours before he manage to reach the last page.

One last page, instead of an illustration, a line of flamboyant

calligraphy filled the page.

“Encumbered with Hell’s aura of slaughter, the one

receiving Asura Tactics is accepted as my pro-disciple,
governing over Asura Gate. When Asura appears, invincible

This line of words was left behind by the First Sovereign of

Asura Gate, Ren Wokuang.
When Asura appears, invincible throughout!

Huang Xiaolong was stunned! This Asura Gate’s First

Sovereign, Ren Wokuang is a little too mad, right? Between
heaven and earth, who dares to declare themselves as
invincible but this Ren WoKuang wrote after practicing Asura
Tactics, he will be invincible against all?!

A simple line of words, but extremely arrogant and


At this time, a piece of paper fell out from the spine of the
book, apart from the piece of paper there is also a dark-
colored ring. Surprised, Huang Xiaolong picked up both
items from the ground.

From the explanation on the paper, Huang Xiaolong got to

know that the ring is called Asura ring, and the two sharp
black sabers hanging on the wall is called Sabers of Asura.

What Huang Xiaolong did not imagine was, the Asura ring is
actually a spatial ring that only exists in legends; according
to his father in the whole of Luo Tong Kingdom, only the
Emperor has one, even his grandfather Huang Qide doesn’t
own one!

The appearance of a spatial ring can cause bloody


Moments later, suppressing the excitement in his heart,

according to the instruction stated, pricked his finger and
dripped a drop of blood onto Asura ring.

As the drop of fresh fell, a bright shone from the dark-

colored ring as it floated up and slipped onto Huang
Xialong’s ring finger on his left by itself, then disappearing
into Huang Xiaolong’s body. When Huang Xiaolong thinks of
it, it appears in his ring finger.

Sensing the large space within Asura, Huang Xiaolong was

delighted - it’s more than a few hundred square meters, and
with this Asura ring it will be more convenient for him to
carry things with him without worrying others will find out.

After that, Huang Xiaolong turned around gazing at the pair

of black sabers, with a small leap he took down both black
sabers. The saber body seemed to emanate a strange buzz
that penetrates into peoples’ mind bringing a cold prickly
sensation that creeps people out.

Huang Xiaolong examine the Sabers of Asura in his hand,

noticing on the body of the sabers fiendish current of black
flows faintly, indirectly forming a blurred image of a
terrifying image.

The longer Huang Xiaolong held the Sabers of Asura in

hands, the fonder he grew of them.

“Sabers of Asura, sabers of slaughter, great, from here

onwards you will accompany me to slaughter all my
enemies!” Huang Xiaolong said as he caresses the ridge of
the saber. As if able to understand the meaning of his
words, the sabers issued a cheerful hum.

Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong only grew fonder. Then, using

the same method as Asura ring, he dripped a few drops of
blood onto the sabers, as the drops of fresh blood meld into
the sabers, a blood-red light burst out as it flew, one to the
left and the other to the right of Huang Xialong’s arm. On
Huang Xiaolong’s arms emerged two tiny tattoo-like Sabers
of Asura.
Huang Xiaolong placed the piece of paper and Asura Tactics
book into Asura ring for safe keeping and prepared to leave
the room, however, he paused when he reached the door
and turned back looking at the jade bed. He took the cold
jade bed away.

Stepping out from the room, Huang Xiaolong circled once

around the cave, after confirming that he did not miss
anything he walks to the exit. He did not plan to remove the
inlaid Water Dispersing Pearl at the cave entrance for he
plans to use the cave in the future for his practice, as the
cave’s well hidden in the valley. That’s the reason why he
did not take the Water Dispersing Pearl, there are only
benefits keeping this cave.

Emerging from the lake, Huang Xiaolong swam to the side

and put on his clothes, keeping the Yang fruit into his ring.

“Zhi Zhi Zhi” Exactly at this moment, the little violet

monkey had finished absorbing the spiritual energy from the
Yang fruit came running towards Huang Xiaolong in a
cheerful gait.

Huang Xiaolong notices that after absorbing the Yang fruit,

the Violet Devourer Spirit Monkey’s fur became glossier, and
its eyes brighter however its body size remains the same.

“Little guy, I have to go back now, I’ll come to see you

again.” Huang Xiaolong leaned forwards and said to the
little violet monkey.

But, as Huang Xiaolong turned around to leave, the little

violet monkey cried out and in a flash appeared on Huang
Xiaolong’s shoulder sitting comfortably.

Huang Xiaolong dazed for a moment, laughingly said:” Little

guy, don’t tell me that you want to follow me home?”
Unexpectedly, the little violet monkey squeaked and nodded
its little head.

Huang Xiaolong did not expect that this little violet monkey
will be willing to follow him home, after a brief
consideration, he said with a smile: “Well then, let’s go.” A
boy and a monkey departed from the valley.

Passing through the green turf and the mountains of white

bones, Huang Xiaolong thinking to himself, Are all these
people killed by Ren Wokuang?”

Leaving the valley, Huang Xiaolong did not detour, headed

straight back to Huang Clan Manor.

By the time he reached Huang Clan Manor it was already

noon, just as he stepped into his small courtyard, he ran
into Huang Min, his sister that just stepped out from the
small courtyard.

“Big Brother, where did you go?” Huang Min asked, but it
was only up till here as her eyes widened in surprise when
she saw the little violet monkey on his shoulder, clapping
her hands gleefully, almost shouting: ”What a cute little
monkey! Big Brother, where did you buy it from?”


Ren Wokuang – lit. (to)Allow my mad(violence)

A little late but Huang Xiaolong’s name- Little Dragon
Chapter 10: Thousand Year Old Leirion Heart Grass

Buy from where?” Listening to his sister Huang Min’s gleeful

scream, Huang Xiaolong shakes his head and smile,
thinking, this Violet Devourer Spirit Monkey is a rare spirit
beast, something you can’t buy even if you have lots of

“Zhi Zhi Zhi!” The little violet monkey squeaked shrilly in

protest at Huang Min for calling him ‘little monkey’, scaring
Huang Min whose hand was reaching out wanting to pet it.

After being startled momentarily, Huang Min widened her

eyes and stared angrily at the Violet Devourer Spirit
Monkey, thus begins a little violet monkey and a little girl’s
staring contest.

With much difficulty awhile later, Huang Xiaolong managed

to escape from Huang Min, looking at Huang Min leaving
silhouette, Huang Xiaolong breathes out a heavy sigh of

Back in his room, removing the little monkey from his

shoulder, he took out the cold jade bed from the Asura
ring’s space, sitting cross-legged atop and started practicing
according to Asura Tactics first layer.

Shortly after running Asura Tactics exercise law, a nefarious

cold chill as it coming from the deepest nether of hell
shrouding Huang Xiaolong within, continuously being
swallowed by his double-headed serpent martial spirits
channeling it into Huang Xiaolong’ s meridians.

As the nefarious frigid cold enters Huang Xiaolong’s body,

he couldn’t help but shiver - feeling as if being buried under
a thousand feet glacier. Huang Xiaolong’s heart tightened,
quickly forging his mind and kept running Asura Tactics to
refine the cold frigid energy.

This cold frigid energy moves with extreme slowness inside

Huang Xiaolong’s meridians, every inch it passes Huang
Xialong’s blood were about to freeze up.

Gritting his teeth, he kept persisting, running Asura Tactics

first layer exercise law repeating over and over, gradually
the cold frigid energy inside his body refined into pure battle

The moment the cold frigid energy successfully refined into

battle qi, Huang Xiaolong realized that it only took half an
hour’s time, compared to XuanQin exercise law, the results
were ten times better!

This discovery is much to Huang Xiaolong’s liking: “Looks

like what the note says is true, although the netherworld’s
spiritual energy is hard to refine but once successful the
benefits are huge!”

The note, kept in the spine of Asura Tactics mentioned that

practicing Asura Tactics builds a connection with the
netherworld’s spiritual energy that tempers his physique.
That cold frigid air without a doubt is the so-called
netherworld’s spiritual energy.

Netherworld spiritual energy is one of the superior between

heaven and earth, the higher the quality of spiritual energy
the better it is to temper the physical body, the converted
battle qi is purer and more powerful.

This is the gap between exercise laws.

The higher the rank of an exercise law, the quality of

spiritual energy absorb is higher, the converted battle is
stronger. In Martial Spirit World, the ones practicing high-
rank exercise law are capable of leap-frog challenge
opponents are due to this.

Martial spirits determine a person’s strength and future

achievements, and the quality of exercise law practiced is
equally important.

Time flies and soon one month has passed.

In this one month, apart from practicing Huang Xiaolong

practices. The only difference is instead of XuanQin exercise
law given to him by Huang Peng he is practicing Asura
Tactics and the Body Metamorphose Scripture.

After replacing his exercise law, Huang Xiaolong’s practiced

speed increased, one month after returning from the valley,
he reached peak-Second Order, anytime soon he will be
able to breakthrough to Third Order warrior.

In the bewitching darkness, silvery moonlight streams down.

Huang Xiaolong sat cross-legged on the cold jade bed,

spiritual energy of the netherworld pours down from the
void devoured by the double-headed serpent martial spirits
with their jaws wide open.

The battle qi within Huang Xiaolong’s body kept swirling

violently like raging waves crashing, the same way he felt
when he was in peak-First Order breaking through to Second

However, breaking through to Third Order warrior is much

harder, the resistance barrier is thicker, but Huang Xiaolong
perseveres, his battle qi continue crashing against the
barrier, not knowing how much time has lapsed when
suddenly a minute crack appeared in the third-order barrier.
Aware that the third-order barrier is loosening, Huang
Xiaolong feels excited and starts to ‘attack’ the barrier more
aggressively, the barrier’s minute crack grew bigger when
finally a sound of explosion resounded within Huang
Xiaolong’s body.

Like a flash flood, battle qi rushes into the third layer

meridians in triumphant.

Third Order! Finally broke through to the Third Order warrior.

Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes, unable to hide the

jubilation in his heart.

Once breakthrough Third-Order, then Fourth Order is not far


“If advances to Fourth Order then can start practicing battle

skills, and once he reaches Fourth Order the martial spirits
will evolve, at that time there will be a martial spirits innate
talent!” Huang Xiaolong thought inwardly.

At age seven martial spirits awakens, however, the awaken

martial spirits is just in its infancy, only when battle qi
reaches the Fourth Order the martial spirits will evolve to
become stronger while the owner of the martial spirits will
gain the martial spirits innate talent ability or skills.

The higher the grade of the martial spirits, the innate talent
after evolving will be more powerful!

But the Fourth Order is only a general indication there are

some with low-level martial spirits grade one, two and three
due to the martial spirits natural limit, without some
fortuitous adventure, breaking through to Fourth Order will
be a tedious challenge. That’s why some people with low-
level martial spirits never gained a martial spirits innate
talent in their lifetime, for they are unable to reach the
Fourth Order thus their martial spirits are unable to go
through evolution.

Getting down from the cold jade bed, Huang Xiaolong left
his room.

At this time of the night, the air is foggy, under the

moonlight Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette disappeared in a
flash, appearing again in the back mountain. Running Asura
Tactics, his eyes turned a color of blood-red and his jet-black
hair fully turned white, black aura of slaughter rotates
around his body constantly.

This physique attained after practicing Asura Tactics - Body

of Asura, but this is only the initial stage transformation,
according to the explanation on the piece of note, once
Huang Xiaolong mastered the highest level of Asura Tactics
then he can transform into a real Asura.

After transforming into Body of Asura, Huang Xiaolong

movement under the moonlight is akin to a floating black
cloud, waving his hands suddenly a palm containing traces
of frigid air strikes towards a huge tree ahead, pierces
through coming out from the other end of the tree trunk,
into a second and a third tree.

On four trunks of the tree were embed with a child’s palm


Looking at the four palm print on the tree trunks, Huang

Xiaolong nodded his head in satisfaction. Entering the Third
Order combined with the nether battle qi, the damage
power of Ethereal Palm increased about four times and with
his current strength, he is capable of killing a late-Third
Order warrior.
Of course, after advancing to Third Order and the tempering
from the netherworld spiritual aura, Huang Xiaolong
physique is more developed and stronger.

Spending some time to practice The Body Metamorphose

Scripture in the back mountain, Huang Xiaolong only
returned to Huang Clan Manor when the sky brightens.

Once back in Huang Clan Manor, Huang Xiaolong was called

to the Eastern Courtyard hall by Huang Peng.

“Dad, Mom, you were looking for me?” Entering the Eastern
Courtyard’s hall, Huang Xiaolong asked as he sat down.

Huang Peng and Su Yan looked complicated and hesitant.

“Yesterday, Huang Wei advanced to First Order warrior.”

Huang Peng eventually opened his mouth and said.

Only then Huang Xiaolong understood his parents’ purpose

in calling him over, in short they are still worried about the
year end’s Clan Assembly.

But, less than two months’ time Huang Wei actually

advanced to First Order, so fast?! Logically speaking, even
though Huang Wei possesses a grade ten martial spirits, the
Three-Eyed Black Tiger, it’s still impossible to advance to
First Order in such short time.

“Dad spent a huge sum of money in the county’s auction

house to procure a stalk thousand years Leirion Heart
Grass!” Huang Peng went on to say.

A thousand years Leirion Heart Grass!

Huang Xiaolong was shocked then he sneered, no wonder in

less than two months’ time Huang Wei was able to advance
to First Order warrior. It is all due to Grandfather Huang Qide
spending a huge sum of money to get a thousand-year-old
Leirion Heart Grass for Huang Wei’s practice. One stalk of
one thousand-year-old Leirion Heart Grass is not something
cheap, and it’s obvious enough that Grandfather Huang
Qide thinks Huang Wei is the future pillar of Huang Clan
Manor, thus spending all resource and effort to culture him.
Whereas him though being a grandson to the same person,
disregarding the Leirion Heart Grass, Huang Xiaolong did
not even get a battle qi dan!
Chapter 11: How Did You Advanced To First Order?

“Even if Huang Wei possesses a grade ten martial spirits,

Dad’s action is too partial to him!” Su Yan said in a
dissatisfied manner: “Could it be at the end of the year’s
Clan Assembly our Xiaolong will really…?!” The words
stopped here as Su Yan’s eyes turned red.

“I’m going to have a talk with Dad!” At this moment, Huang

Peng stood up in anger and said.

“No need, Dad!” Huang Xiaolong abruptly said: “It’s not

necessary to look for Grandfather!”

Huang Peng and Su Yan turned to look at their son.

Just when Huang Peng opens his mouth about to say

something, on his son’s body, he saw a burst of battle qi’s
bright radiance.

“Battle qi, outward projection of battle qi?” After being

dazed for a moment, Huang and Su Yan blurted out in shock,
look of disbelief on their faces.

Outward projection of battle qi, then? A thought flashed

through Huang Peng and Su Yan’s mind, First Order warrior!
Only when reaching First Order warrior one can project
battle qi outside the body even if successfully condensing
battle qi are unable to project battle qi outwards.

“Xiaolong you, could it be that you have advanced to First

Order?” Huang Peng asked in a trembling voice, although he
witnessed it with his own eyes he dares not believe for it
might turn out to be an illusion.
“That’s right, Dad, Mom, I have already advanced to First
Order!” Huang Xiaolong nodded, he does not wish to see his
parents continue to worry about matters related to the Clan
Assembly that he decided to reveal part of his strength.

Hearing their son’s confirmation, Huang Peng and Su Yan

finally believes the truth in front of them. Joy took over their
faces, especially Su Yan after going through surprise and
excitement she ran over and hugged Huang Xiaolong
tightly: “Wonderful, my son finally advanced to First Order!’

Tears of joy rolled down Su Yan’s face.

Su Yan’s is quite voluptuous a woman, being hugged so

tightly Huang Xiaolong feels like he was about to suffocate,
he finally managed to break free with much difficulty. It is
only the First Order, is it necessary to make such a big fuss?
Huang Xiaolong thought dejectedly in his heart.

However, he can truly feel the love Huang Peng and Su Yan
have for him.

Huang Peng and Su Yan gradually calmed down from their

joy and excitement after some time.

“Xiaolong, how did you advance to First Order?” Huang Peng

voiced out the doubt in his heart, with Huang Xiaolong
grade seven martial spirits talent to advance to First Order
would take at least a year or so.

Su Yan also turned to look questioningly at her son obviously

she too has some doubts.

Instead of speaking, Huang Xiaolong withdrew two bright

red fruit from his chest under the astonished gaze of Huang
Peng and Su Yan.
The bright redness of the fruit bedazzles people.

“This, this is Yang fruit?!” Huang Peng and Su Yan exclaimed

in surprised

“Yes.” Huang Xiaolong laughed. “One month ago, I

accidentally found it in a valley at the back mountain, there
were five fruits in total, and I swallowed three of them.”

There was in truth five pieces of Yang fruit in the beginning,

but Huang Xiaolong only took one.

“Swallowed three fruits!” Huang Peng and Su Yan looked at

each other. They finally understood the ‘real reason’ their
son advanced to First Order.

“Good! Haha, Xiaolong unexpectedly you have such good

fortune. Yang fruit is a wonder fruit, its benefits are no less
compared to the Leirion Heart Grass that your Grandfather
bought for Huang Wei.” Huang Peng laughed merrily: “It is
also beneficial to your future cultivation.”

Even Su Yan is smiling from ear to ear.

“Dad, Mom, these two pieces Yang fruit, each of you

swallows one and cultivate.” Huang Xiaolong said.

Huang Peng and Su Yan’s smile stiffened on their faces and

was about to refuse when Huang Xiaolong interrupted: “I
have already taken three fruits, any more will only waste it
and will not bring more benefits to me. It is better if Dad and
Mom take it.”

Huang Peng and Su Yan no longer say anything.

Moments later, Huang Peng nodded his head in agreement:

“Fine.” Taking the two pieces of Yang fruit from Huang
Xiaolong’s hand, he inhaled deeply looking at them, making
an effort to suppress the excitement in his heart. He’s stuck
at late-Sixth Order for more than a year, with this piece of
Yang fruit he’s able to breakthrough to peak-Sixth Order in
two months’ time.

In truth, he really does need this piece of Yang fruit.

Looking at the Yang fruit in her palm, Su Yan’s expression

differs not from Huang Peng’s, with this piece of Yang fruit
there is hope for her to advance to Sixth order.

“Xiaolong, about your breakthrough to First Order, for the

time being don’t let others know.” Huang Peng said to his
son after regaining some clarity, continues: “Although you
breakthrough to First Order after swallowing Yang fruit, you
still need to make an effort in your practice, strive to reach
mid-First Order by the end of the year.”

In Huang Peng’s opinion, as long as his son breakthrough to

mid-First Order even if Huang Wei is late-First Order at that
time, to cripple both of his son’s hands is difficult.

The gap between mid-First Order and late-First Order is


“Dad, Mom, rest assure that I will not disappoint you.”

Huang Xiaolong said.

Huang Peng and Su Yan were comforted with those words.

A short while later Huang Xiaolong left the Eastern

Courtyard hall back to his small courtyard, and directly went
into practice mode. After advancing to Third Oder, the
double-headed martial spirits speed absorbing netherworld
spiritual aura has again increased, the battle qi inside his
body grew ever more powerful.
Almost on every other day basis, the battle qi inside his
body becomes thicker and more powerful.

The small courtyard Huang Xiaolong resides in is located at

the easternmost part of Huang Clan Manor, that’s why apart
from his parents and his sister Huang Min, rarely any people
passes by which is all the more convenient for Huang
Xiaolong to practice.

With Huang Xiaolong practicing in a crazed manner

regardless day or night, his battle qi and internal force
increased exponentially.

Peak early-Third Order, mid-Third Order, peak mid-Third

Order, late-Third Order!

By the time three months have passed, Huang Xiaolong’s

battle qi has reached peak late-Third Order, at any moment
he can breakthrough to Fourth Order, and there is only less
than two weeks till end of the year’s Clan Assembly.

However, Fourth Order is a dividing line, the fourth order’s

barrier is much thicker compared to the previous second
and third order, the difficulty is incomparable.

In Huang Clan Manor there are disciples possessing grade

seven martial spirits stuck at peak late-Third Order more
than two years unable to breakthrough to Fourth Order,
even those possessing grade eight martial spirits spends
more than one year’s at peak Late-Third Order before
advancing further.

Two weeks passed quickly.

With the approaching Clan Assembly, Huang Clan Manor is

in a lively, festive atmosphere because two days after the
Clan Assembly will the New Year Festival, the entire Huang
Clan Manor was decorated lavishly. In contrast with the rest
of the Huang Clan Manor, Huang Xiaolong’s small courtyard
seemed gloomy and lonely, only silence.

“Tomorrow’s the annual Clan Assembly.” Huang Xiaolong left

his room after more than a dozen days of hard penance,
eventually countering bottleneck at peak late-Third Order
the looks of it, it will take a while before he can cross over to
Fourth Order.

Huang Xiaolong walked out from the small courtyard.

“Tomorrow’s the Clan Annual Assembly, did you hear, this

time Old Manor Lord will make an appearance!”

“This year is Young Lord Huang Wei first time participating in

the Clan Assembly after awakening his martial spirits, of
course Old Manor Lord will be joining the gathering. Not only
that, I heard that Old Manor Lord even invited the Li Family’s
Old Patriarch over!”

“Then it means the Li Family’s Old Patriarch will be coming


The Li Family and Huang Clan Manor are considered Canglan

County’s major forces, the relationship between Old
Patriarch of the Li Family, Li Mu and Huang Xiaolong’s
Grandfather, Huang Qide, has always been good.
Chapter 12: The Annual Clan Assembly Begins

“This year’s Clan Assembly, Grandfather Huang Qide even

invited Li Mu, Li Family’s Old Patriarch over, he truly spent a
lot of effort and thought.” Huang Xiaolong thinks to himself.

He believes the reason Grandfather invited the Old Patriarch

of the Li Family over is not that simple.

Along the path heading to the Eastern Courtyard’s hall were

decorated with lanterns and colored banners, when the busy
guards and maids saw Huang Xiaolong passing by they
immediately stopped to salute: “Young Lord Xiaolong!”

Huang Xiaolong nodded as he walked by.

However, along the way he was able to feel the weird gazes
of the guards and maids behind him, seems like Huang
Wei’s intention of crippling Huang Xiaolong’s arms have
reached the ears of the guards and maids.

Huang Xiaolong reached the Eastern Courtyard.

Inside the main hall, both Huang Peng and Su Yan were

‘Dad, Mom.” Huang Xiaolong cried out as he entered the

main hall.

“Xiaolong, you’re here.” Su Yan pulled Huang Xiaolong to sit

next to her then asked: “Tomorrow’s the Clan Assembly,
how’s your practice coming along?”

Huang Peng on the other side also stares at Huang Xiaolong.

Letting out a small laugh, Huang Xiaolong said: “Dad, Mom,

don’t worry. Tomorrow I surely will not let you down.”
Unexpectedly, the moment his sentence ends, Su Yan
almost shouted out loud in surprise: ”Xiaolong, did you
breakthrough to mid-First Order?” Su Yan thought his
confidence came from him breakthrough to mid-First Order.

Huang Peng burst out laughing at this moment: “Good, my

son, you really did not disappoint Dad.”

When Huang Xiaolong heard his parents’ words, he reined

his smile within, could advancing to mid-First Order before
the annual Clan Assembly is the highest expectation his
parents have of him?

“Dad, I heard from the guards this year’s annual Clan

Assembly, the Old Patriarch of Li Family, Li Mu is coming?”
Huang Xiaolong asked, changing the topic.

Huang Peng nodded: “This time, other than the Li Family Old
Patriarch himself, he also brought his granddaughter Li Lu

“His granddaughter, Li Lu?” Huang Xiaolong was a little

bewildered then jokingly said: “Old Patriarch Li couldn’t be
bringing over his granddaughter for a matchmaking right?”

But Huang Peng answered seriously: “That is the purpose of

your Grandfather and Old Patriarch Li, after the Clan
Assembly is over, Huang Wei and Li Lu to be engaged and in
the future, Li Family and Huang Clan will be in-laws.”

Huang Xiaolong went blank.

“Hearsay that Li Lu’s talent is quite good, hers is a top grade

nine martial spirit, the Divine Dark Sword.” Su Yan added.

Top amongst grade nine martial spirits, Divine Dark Sword!

Huang Xiaolong was shocked for a moment for it was
unexpected that Li Mu’s granddaughter Li Lu’s martial spirit
is the Divine Dark Sword.

In Martial Spirit World, there are different forms of martial

spirits - beasts, weapons, plants and there are even people
with nature martial spirits such as lightning, wind, water and

And the Divine Dark Sword is one many types of weapon

martial spirits.

Of course, the majority of martial spirits in Martial Spirits

World exists in beast form, for instance Huang Wei’s Three-
eyed Black Tiger, Huang Qide’s Six-winged Golden Ape and
Huang Xiaolong’s variant double-headed serpent.

A short while later Huang Xiaolong returned to his small

courtyard and continued to practice Asura Tactics.

Slowly, night descended.

Huang Xiaolong stood on a hilltop at the back mountain, not

moving an inch but he wasn’t practicing, he was instead
looking at the vast sea in front of him. In truth with regards
to Huang Wei, Huang Xiaolong truly is not bothered.

Releasing the double-headed serpent martial spirits floating

behind him, Huang Xiaolong can clearly sense how powerful
his martial spirits are after advancing to Third Order and him
being the only person able to sense it.

“Looks like I need to make a trip to the library to see if I can

find out about my martial spirits.” Huang Xiaolong muttered
to himself.
However, Huang Clan Manor’s library only allows those who
had reached Fourth Order to enter that’s why he needs to
breakthrough to Fourth Order as soon as possible.

The moonlight stretches Huang Xiaolong’s small shadow on

the ground.

Darkness gradually fades as the light brightens the sky,

Huang Xiaolong’s figure dashed, heading back to Huang
Clan Manor.

“The Clan’s Annual Assembly finally begins!”

Clan’s Annual Assembly is about to begin.

Back to Huang Clan Manor, he moved straight towards the

Eastern Courtyard. When his parents, Huang Peng and Su
Yan saw him coming did not say much, the three of them
then walked to the main foyer.

The Main Foyer is double the size of Martial Temple easily

accommodating a thousand people. In front of the Main
Foyer is a martial stage, and chairs lined the perimeter of
the martial stage for the Huang Clan Manors’ elders and
housekeepers whereas the disciples can only stand at the
back area’s open space.

When Huang Peng and Su Yan came in along with Huang

Xiaolong, many of the elders and housekeepers were
already there.

“Second Manor Lord.”

“Second Manor Lord.”

The group of elders, housekeepers and disciples

immediately greeted Huang Peng.
Huang Peng nodded. Su Yan and Huang Xiaolong followed
from behind him arriving in front of a table and chairs and
sat down. Sitting down, Huang Xiaolong sense there is a
cold gaze staring at him, raising his head to find the source,
he saw Huang Wei who was sitting opposite.

At this moment, their eyes met – Huang Wei’s gaze was

arrogant, condescending, provoking and complacent.

Sitting beside Huang Wei is Huang Ming, forever with his

deadpan expressionless face. As Huang Peng sat down, he
did not greet Huang Ming. Since the Northern Courtyard
incident the two of them no longer speak to each other,
from brothers to strangers traveling on the same path.

Not long after the three of them arrived, from the outer hall
a hearty laugh rang out, hearing the sound of laughter
everyone inside the hall quickly stand up. Looking over
Huang Xiaolong saw his Grandfather Huang Qide, walking
into the hall with a face full of laughter and next to his
grandfather is a high-spirited old man with a head full of
silvery white hair about the same age Huang Xiaolong
immediately knows this is Old Patriarch Li, Li Mu. Following
closely behind Li Mu is a lovely girl with two braids and
bright round eyes curiously spinning around.

“Old Manor Lord.”

“Old Patriarch Li.”

Everyone present quickly greeted, and after that Huang

Ming, Huang Peng and Su Yan went up: ”Dad, Old Patriarch

“Grandfather, Old Patriarch Li.” Huang Wei and Huang

Xiaolong too went up, following from behind.
Huang Qide gave a chuckle and nodded, then said to Li Mu
while pointing at Huang Wei: ”This is my grandson, Huang
Wei.” But he only introduced Huang Wei without mentioning
Huang Xiaolong.

Li Mu looked at Huang Wei up and down, with a look of

appreciation said: “Not Bad. Good. Brother Qide, I heard
that your grandson practice less than two months already
successfully breakthrough First Order warrior, when it was
my time to breakthrough First Order I used more than five
months ah.”

Huang Qide laughed boisterously when he heard this: “Li Mu

Brother, please do advise and look after him in the future.”

“In the future, that is of course.” Li Mu laughed.

Awhile later, everyone returned to their seats.

Then, Chief Housekeeper Chen Ying stood up begin going

through the Annual Assembly’s program, after finishing he
turned over to looked at Huang Qide, seeing Huang Qide
nodding his head, he declared in a loud voice: “Annual Clan
Assembly begins!”

Chen Ying’s declaration met with a silent hall.

Following the rules of previous years, the first to get up on

the stage are usually the ones who awakened their martial
spirits this year.

Everyone couldn’t resist but to look at Huang Wei, everyone

knows the purpose Old Manor Lord attends this year’s clan
assembly, Huang Wei is destined to be the main focus of
“Huang Wei, go and show the result of your five months
effort, let everyone see your achievement.” Huang Qide said
to his grandson Huang Wei, eyes full of encouragement.

“Yes, Grandfather.” Huang Wei stood up and cried loudly he

then leaped up onto the center of the martial stage.

Landing atop the martial stage, Huang Wei runs the exercise
law, fully releasing his battle qi and his martial spirits, the
Three-Eyed Black Tiger floated out behind him emanating
quite a powerful aura.

“Peak late-First Order!”

Sensing the battle qi aura released by Huang Wei, elders of

Huang Clan Manor, housekeepers and disciples were greatly
shocked creating a ruckus. Just five short months of
practicing battle qi and yet Huang Wei has reached the peak
of late-First Order!


From brothers to strangers traveling on the same path –

from a close/intimate relationship to being strangers
traveling on the same road where you do not speak to each
other unless necessary.
Chapter 13: Hit Until Your
Dad Can’T Recognize You!
Chapter 13: Hit Until Your Dad Can’t Recognize You!

Peak of late-First Order!

Li Mu’s gazed looking at Huang Wei was just as surprised. In

his original opinion, although Huang Wei possesses grade
ten martial spirits, in five months’ time at the most he might
reach late-First Order but looking Huang Wei now, a peak
late-First Order and from the looks of it, he can
breakthrough to Second Order anytime!

This surprise Huang Wei gave him isn’t small!

In the beginning, he still has some doubts about the

engagement, but now all doubts vanquished as he looks at
Huang Wei on the stage, he grew more satisfied.

Observing of Li Mu’s expression Huang Qide felt complacent

with himself.

In these five months, he made every effort to train his

grandson Huang Wei, and his grandson did not disappoint
him, just like Li Mu, the more he looked at Huang Wei on
stage; the more pleased and satisfied he became.

Whereas both Huang Peng and Su Yan became increasingly

worried, Huang Wei is actually a peak late-First Order, then
what will happen to their son later?

Standing on the stage and listening to the shock whispers

around the stage, Huang Wei became even prouder and at
this moment, opened his mouth and requested from Huang
Qide: “Grandfather, I heard that Xiaolong was practicing
hard these few months’ time, I would like to spar with

When everyone present heard that, their expression filled

with colors of excitement and anticipation, every pair of
eyes zoomed towards Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Qide was surprised but nodded in agreement, said

with a smile: “Okay, just sparring for learning, don’t go

Huang Xiaolong’s expression was calm, if his martial spirits

was truly a grade seven, it’s a guarantee he won’t be able
to advance to First Order in a short five months’ time, and
going on the stage will only result in humiliation however,
Huang Qide knowing full well Huang Xiaolong will be
humiliated still agreed to Huang Wei’s request!

Huang Qide spared no thoughts about Huang Xiaolong’s


Hearing his Grandfather agreed, he turned over to look at

Huang Xiaolong, teasingly said: “Xiaolong, how about it?
Dare to come up? Don’t worry; I will give you a handicapped
and not use both of my hands.”

Huang Wei smiled dazzlingly.

“Xiaolong!” Huang Peng and Su Yan look worriedly at Huang

Xiaolong, and Huang Xiaolong shook his head, indicating
that they need not worry. Slowly standing up with a calm
face he walked up to the martial stage, standing straight in
front of Huang Wei.
Facing Huang Xiaolong, a touch of brutal fervor flashed
across his pupils:” Aren’t you feeling sorry and regretting
that you didn’t kneel down to beg me at that time?”

With a look of indifference, Huang Xiaolong said: “You

bullsh*t too much!” Just as Huang Wei was about to retort in
anger, Huang Xiaolong suddenly turned towards the other
end of the martial stage, looking at his Grandfather, Huang
Qide: “Grandfather, according to the annual Clan
Assembly’s rules, during the sparring event, other people
are not allowed to interfere, right?”

Huang Qide blanked for a moment, not understanding

Huang Xiaolong’s purpose in asking this question however
he still nodded and said: “That’s right.”

While everyone was still in a dazed wondering the reason

for Huang Xiaolong’s question, Huang Xiaolong suddenly
looked at Huang Wei and grinned: “In a moment, I will hit
until your dad can’t recognize you!”

Everyone was stunned when they heard this then shake

their heads while smiling.

Li Mu, who was sitting beside Huang Qide, smiled and said:
“Brother Qide, has this grandson of yours gone insane? He’s
the one possessing grade seven martial spirits Huang
Xiaolong right? Acting so arrogant without any real strength,
I don’t like children like this!”

Huang Qide felt his old face lost some shine, giving an
embarrassed laugh his gaze swept towards Huang Peng,
seems like it would do well to remind his second son to
discipline his son well, in order to prevent future troubles
during important occasions lest he shames the clan with his
Huang Wei chuckled loudly: “What did you say? Did I get it
wrong? You want to hit me until my Dad can’t recognize

Just as his words finished, a silhouette flashed shocking

Huang Wei, right in front of his shock-widened eyes a
gigantic looking fist sock into his left eye.

Sadly, it was too late for him to dodge, when he was about
to speak the gigantic looking fist slammed into his left eye
causing him to wailed loudly in pain, staggering back,
golden stars spinning in his eyes.

The laughs and ridicules around the martial stage from

relatives of Huang Clan Manor aiming at Huang Xiaolong
instantly died, dumbfounded eyes staring at Huang Wei who
was bawling in pain on the martial stage.

At this moment, frowning, Li Mu said: “Such a small age yet

already learned how to sneak attack, when he grows up
definitely is a sinister villain.”

Looking at Huang Xiaolong, Huang Qide’s brows also

creased into a furrow.

“You, you dare to hit me?” On the stage, Huang Wei raged
furiously at Huang Xiaolong, his left hand no longer covering
his left eye, revealing a black circle on the left eye just like a

Huang Xiaolong did not say anything as his silhouette

flashed a second time, appearing right in front of Huang
Wei, a fist aiming at his eye on the right side.


The second punch hits the mark!

Huang Wei screamed at the top of his lungs.

Looking at Huang Wei’s panda eyes, Li Lu who was sitting

beside Grandfather Li Mu could no longer control her
laughter, a charming laugh resounded in the Main Foyer;
two lovely dimples etched on her face.

Li Mu turned and gave his granddaughter a stern eye.

Li Lu tried her utmost to hold in her bubbling laughter, and

her strenuous effort shows clearly on her lovely face.

Below the stage, everyone had a weird expression on their


“Huang Xiaolong, I’m going to kill you!” Huang Wei’s fury

finally erupted as he roared loudly, releasing his battle qi
and a punch aimed straight towards Huang Xiaolong’s

Seeing Huang Wei’s fist about to hit upon Huang Xiaolong’

chest, Huang Peng and Su Yan’s heart misses a beat,
exclaimed aloud in worry. Huang Wei being the peak of late-
First Order, if just one of his punches landed on Huang
Xiaolong’s thin frame, how will he be able to bear it?

However, the Huang Qide sitting on the podium did not do

anything to prevent the happenings on the stage, from his
point of view, allowing Huang Wei to teach Huang Xiaolong
a lesson is a good thing.

Just when Huang Wei’s fist was about to land on Huang

Xiaolong’s chest, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette suddenly
disappeared, avoiding Huang Wei’s attack. Then, forming a
fist with his right hand, releasing his battle qi striking
against Huang Wei’s back. Huang Wei squalled and fell face
down on the stage.
“Outward projection of battle qi.”

“First Order Warrior!”

The big hall was in an uproar, everyone dumbstruck as the

stared at Huang Xiaolong, finding it hard to believe
including Huang Qide, Li Mu, and Huang Ming.

In five months, Huang Xiaolong managed to reach First

Order warrior!

The humiliated Huang Wei flipped his body upward coming

to a stand, his face beet-red with rage compare to others
surprise, his heart filled to the brim with fury, with blood-red
eyes he suddenly pounces on Huang Xiaolong, his only
thought is to cripple Huang Xiaolong, even pummeling him
to death!


Looking at the mad Huang Wei pouncing towards him

there’s only coldness in Huang Xiaolong’s pair of eyes. This
time he’s not planning to dodge, both of his fists in position
in front of his chest and released a peak late-First Order’s
amount of battle qi, under everyone’s very eyes met head-
on with Huang Wei’s fists.

Four fists collide, a “Bang!” resounded, and Huang Wei

staggered, stepping backward again and again whereas
Huang Xiaolong pretended to retreat backward.

“What? This, this!”

“Peak of late-First Order!”

The elders and housekeepers of Huang Clan Manor have yet

to recover from the shock of Huang Xiaolong advancing to
First Order, by now are all standing up from their seats.

Huang Qide, Li Mu, and Huang Ming also stood up in shock,

forgetting their manners, both Huang Peng and Su Yan’s
eyes were wide with surprise looking at their son, isn’t their
son’s cultivation at mid-First Order?

The next moment, Huang Peng smile bitterly inside this brat
really made him suffered a lot keeping this hidden! Even he
didn’t know that his son had already advanced to peak of
late-First Order!


1. Fell face down – The Author actually used ‘狗吃屎’ lit. means
‘dog eat shit’ which refers to the way Huang Wei falls face

2. Lost some shine – losing face (a little bit of it)
Chapter 14: Second Order Warrior!

The Peak of late-First Order!

Su Yan has the same expression as Huang Peng except that

her’s was more of happiness than surprise, looking at her
son on the stage suddenly misty-eyed: “This kid!”

A smile touches her face, and she finally understood what

her son meant when he said that he wouldn’t disappoint
them no matter what.

It turns out her son has already reached peak late-First

Order! No wonder he has been acting as if there’s nothing to

Huang Wei finally came to his sense after being pushed

back by Huang Xiaolong, lashing out angrily: “Impossible,
this is not possible; it’s impossible that you too advanced to
peak late-First Order!”

He possessed grade ten martial spirits, a son of Heaven,

and taken a thousand-year-old Leirion Heart Grass plus five
months of hard effort only manage to breakthrough to peak
late-First Order!

What about Huang Xiaolong? He’s only a seven grade

martial spirits!

Huang Qide, Huang Ming, and the others were thinking the
same thing as Huang Wei.

At this moment, Huang Peng went up to Huang Qide,

explained: “Dad, four months ago, Xiaolong found five
pieces of Yang fruit in a valley at the back mountain.”
“What? Yang fruit?!” Huang Qide and the others were
greatly surprised.

“Yes, Xiaolong swallowed three pieces, the remaining two

was given to Su Yan and me. I’m now a peak late-Sixth
Order!” Huang Peng nodded and released his battle qi of
peak late-Sixth Order.

“Swallowed three pieces of Yang fruit to cultivate.” Huang

Qide looked speechlessly Huang Xiaolong on the stage for
words fail him.

Everyone present was made known the ‘real reason’ of

Huang Xiaolong’s breakthrough to peak late-First Order.

Three pieces of Yang fruit ah!

Each piece of fruit is comparable to a stalk of Leirion Heart


“Didn’t expect Xiaolong to have such good fortune, this is a

good thing.” Huang Qide gave a small laugh, awkwardly.

If these three pieces of Yang fruit is given to Huang Wei

instead, he would have advanced to Second Order! Huang
Qide thinks to himself inwardly.

Even Li Mu, who was sitting next to Huang Qide thinks the
act of Huang Xiaolong absorbing three pieces of Yang fruit is

Gradually everyone recovered from their shock and slowly

seated down.

On the stage, Huang Wei filled with jealousy, hatefully fixed

his glare at Huang Xiaolong: “I say, so you ran into some
dog shit luck and swallowed three pieces of Yang fruit, thus
breakthrough to peak late-First Order!”

Smirking, Huang Xiaolong said: “So to say, the reason you

advanced to peak late-First Order is not due to the
thousand-year-old Leirion Heart Grass?”

Huang Wei’s face was red with shame, rushes forward

without any warning, directing a fist at Huang Xiaolong.
Huang Xiaolong unhurriedly lifts his fists and punched out
directly at Huang Wei’s incoming fist, pushing Huang Wei
back he then leaps up extending a kick on Huang Wei’s
stomach, and just like the Zhou Xuedong from a few months
earlier Huang Wei flew back screaming in the shape of a
bow – it was seven to eight meters before he finally stops.

Clutching his stomach, Huang Wei felt as if all of his internal

organs shifted positions, tears rolling down from the corner
of his eyes due to extreme pain.

Huang Xiaolong came up in front of Huang Wei, snickered

and said: “Five months ago didn’t you say that you will
cripple both of my arms during the Clan’s Assembly?” A foot
stamped on Huang Wei’s face as soon as the words were

Another miserable cry came out of Huang Wei.

Cripple both arms? On the main podium, a frowning Huang

Qide turned to look at his eldest son, Huang Ming for he’s
unaware of this matter. Faltering under his father’s
questioning eyes, Huang Ming shrinks his neck, tries to hide

At this time, Huang Wei’s miserable cry rang out again,

turning over to look, Huang Qide saw Huang Xiaolong
tromping another foot on Huang Wei’s face. Opening his
mouth wanting to stop Huang Xiaolong, the question his
grandson asked earlier ran across his mind if others are
allowed to interrupt during the sparring event? Unwillingly
kept his mouth, with a trace of bitterness in his heart, at
last, he understood the purpose of his grandson’s question.

All in all, Huang Xiaolong kicked three times. Huang Wei’s

original face which could be considered as above average
finally got turned into a pig-head. Seeing that his son was
beaten up till unrecognizable Huang Ming clenches his fists
tightly, his usual deadpan expression replaced with fury and
a cold, sharp light glimmered in his eyes.

“Ahh~!” Three continuous kicks from Huang Xiaolong drove

Huang Wei berserk just like a crazed beast, issuing a loud a
roar, battle qi around his body rose alarmingly, a different
aura rushed out from Huang Wei’s body.

This sudden change rendered everyone in a dazed, eyes

staring widely.

Sensing the abrupt change in his son’s, Huang Ming’s

expression of fury melted into ecstasy.

“Young Lord Huang Wei breakthrough!”

“Second Order, this is Second Order’s atmosphere!”

Some of the elders of Huang Clan Manor couldn’t help but

exclaim out loud.

Second Order!

With the sudden surge of battle qi around Huang Wei’s body

who broke through to the Second Order, Huang Peng and Su
Yan were once again on pins and needles; Huang Wei’s
breakthrough to Second Order, does this mean…?
“Good, good!” Huang Qide exclaimed in joy seeing his
grandson Huang Wei, laughing loudly. Huang Wei
unexpectedly advanced to Second Order during this year’s
Clan Assembly, truly a pleasant surprise ah!

Retreating a few steps back, looking at the newly

breakthrough Huang Wei, Huang Xiaolong too were slightly
taken by surprise.

“Second Order Warrior eh.” Huang Xiaolong’ expression was


At this moment, Huang Wei slowly stood up from the

ground, both eye blood-red murderously staring at Huang
Xiaolong, sensing an increase of power and battle qi within
his body, emphasizing every word: “In a while, I want you to
kneel down and lick my toes!” Only this way is able to wash
away his earlier humiliation and disgrace.

“Really?” Huang Xiaolong replied with indifference.

Screaming in rage, he instantly arrived in front of Huang

Xiaolong both fists beaming with battle qi, punching towards
Huang Xiaolong. After advancing to Second Order not only
his power has increased even his speed increased

With their hearts in their mouth, Huang Peng and Su Yan

was about to exclaim aloud, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong who
was standing on the stage raised both of his fists as battle
qi swirls around him, once again colliding straight against
Huang Wei’s fists.

“Bang!’ A louder noise resounded as Huang Wei’s figure flew


“What?! Impossible, how could this be?”

“Second Order Warrior! A Second Order warrior’s battle qi

Those Huang Clan Manor elders and housekeepers who just

sat back in their places just moments ago once again stood
up in shock, a look of disbelief on their faces as they stared
at Huang Xiaolong, eyes almost popping out from their

Both Huang Qide and Li Mu also stood up, eyes wide in

shock. This, what the f*ck is this? Isn’t this guy’s dog shit
luck a little too strong!

Huang Qide turned his head around to look at his son Huang
Peng, whereas the doubly shocked Huang Peng said bitterly
with a wry smile: “Dad, about this, I’m also in the dark.” Son
oh son, his son really made him worry too much! Never in
his wildest dreams would he expect that his son’s real
strength isn't peak late-First Order but Second Order.

Second Order, Second Order! As he looks at his son on the

stage, his body trembled with excitement, at this moment
he has an impulsive to rush up the stage to hug his son
tightly and cry.

A surge of pride emerged from within Huang Peng’s heart;

this young boy who only cultivated five months to reach
Second Order is his son, his Huang Peng’s son!

Su Yan stood rooted to the spot with her eyes slightly red
and her expression was the same as her husband’s.

“No, this cannot be, this can’t be true, this isn’t true!” On
the stage, Huang Wei screamed like he’s gone crazy, staring
fixedly at Huang Xiaolong, shaking his head in denial.

Dog shit luck (lit.) –unbelievable good fortune/luck

Kneel down and lick my toes (lit.) – meant to humiliate a

person’s especially dignity-wise, a popular line in most Hong
Kong gangster theme movies.

More or less - Pig head
Chapter 15: A Slipped Of Hand

Watching Huang Wei’s act of insanity, Huang Xiaolong

sneered and walked slowly towards him. Seeing the
increasingly near Huang Xiaolong, Huang Wei who was
muttering and screaming insanely suddenly stopped. Fear
crept up his eyes as he subconsciously steps back, however
just when he open his mouth wanting to admit defeat, a
shadow blurred and Huang Xiaolong’s fists slammed directly
in his face. Huang Wei cried out miserably and staggered

Taking advantage of the initial punch hitting the mark,

Huang Xiaolong moved closer, serving another punch.

After several punches, Huang Wei was already confused and

disoriented unable to tell east, west, north or south. His face
turned into an even bigger into pig head.

Watching his son’s pitiful end, Huang Ming who was below
the stage finally couldn't hold it in any longer, turn to his
father Huang Qide and said: “Dad, you see, shouldn’t

Hesitated for a moment, Huang Qide said: “That’s enough,


As he heard his Grandfather Huang Qide’s voice, Huang

Xiaolong exert a final heavy punch before stopping.

“You!” Huang Ming stared angrily.

Ignoring Huang Ming’s angry stare and said: “Eldest Uncle,

nephew had a slipped of hand, please forgive me!”

Slipped of hand?
Looking at Huang Wei whose had turned into a pig head,
everyone had a weird expression on their faces.

Li Lu sitting beside Li Mu could no longer keep her laughter

down and a sweet sound of laugh resonated through the hall
a second time.

Huang Qide’s brows furrowed as he looked at Huang

Xiaolong on the stage, opened his mouth but in the end did
not say anything, he could tell that Huang Xiaolong was
already lenient and Huang Wei’s injuries are just flesh

Huang Ming on the other hand, almost spit out blood from

At this moment, Huang Wei’s voice resurfaced woefully

sobbing, walking to Huang Ming’s side: “Dad, he hit me, he
really hit me!” His finger pointed at Huang Xiaolong, tears,
and snots streaming down his face.

In the end, Huang Wei is just a seven-year-old child, being

walloped by Huang Xiaolong, ended with a face that no
longer seems human.

The elders and housekeepers of Huang Clan Manor shake

their heads making Huang Ming extremely embarrassed.

This round’s sparring between Huang Wei and Huang

Xiaolong end with Huang Wei looking like a pig head. The
assembly continues with other disciples’ sparring.

But, compared to the excitement during the fight between

Huang Wei and Huang Xiaolong, the subsequent sparring
was lackluster.
A few hours later, the annual Clan Assembly comes to an

As everyone leaves, sighing incessantly inside their hearts,

the supposed star of this year’s Clan Assembly ended up as
a joke whereas Huang Xiaolong, whom no one has ever paid
any attention to became the most dazzling presence.

Northern Courtyard.

In the main hall, Huang Wei roared furiously: “If not for that
Huang Xiaolong running into some dog shit luck swallowing
three Yang fruits, just base on his martial spirits talent no
way he’ll be able to breakthrough to Second Order! I refused
to accept. Huang Xiaolong, I’ll pay you back for this during
next year’s Clan Assembly, I’ll definitely have my revenge.
This humiliation I will return it to you a hundred times over!”
His face, which was beaten up to resemble a pig-head, was
grim and twisted with anger.

Huang Ming sat there, expressionless but from time to time,

a sharp cold gleam flitted across his eyes.

This year’s Clan Assembly, Huang Xiaolong made him lost

face, totally.

Unlike the Northern Courtyard’s gloom, the Eastern

Courtyard was fill with laughter and cheer.

“Good son, this time, you did not disappoint your Dad!”
letting out a big laugh, Huang Peng said: “Refreshing, too
refreshing!” Thinking of his elder brother Huang Ming’s
furious expression on his deadpan face, his heart beamed
with delight.

“Xiaolong, come, let Mom look at you carefully.” Su Yan

pulled Huang Xiaolong in front of her, scrutinizing, smiled
and said: “You ah, never told us you break through to
Second Order, made Mon and Dad worried so much for so

Not knowing what to say, Huang Xiaolong only smiled.

If his parents were to find out that he actually isn’t Second

Order Warrior, wonder what reaction will they have? But
Huang Xiaolong decided to keep his strength a secret if his
Third Order battle qi strength were exposed, the coming
troubles might not be so simple.

His current strength being Second Order can be explained

away using three Yang fruits as an excuse but a peak late-
Third Order will raise suspicions, and if others know his
martial spirits being super martial spirits, it might bring
about a genocide catastrophe upon Huang Clan Manor.

In the eastern main hall, after being ‘nagged’ by his parents

for some time, at last, Huang Xiaolong returned to his small

As soon as he entered, a small figure rushed into his arms,

Huang Xiaolong did not dodge but smile and said: “Little
guy, where did you run off to these two days?”

This little figure happens to be the Violet Devourer Spirit


Half a year has passed the little Violet Devourer Spirit

Monkey’s body did not change much, apart from his eyes
being more astute, the pupils a dazzling bright ice blue.

“Zhi Zhi Zhi!” The little violet monkey shifted to Huang

Xiaolong’s shoulder, squeaking and gesturing.
“You’re saying, you want me to make a trip to the back
mountain with you?” Huang Xiaolong asked, accompanied
by this little violet monkey for half a year’s time, Huang
Xiaolong generally can understand the little monkey’s body

“Zhi Zhi Zhi!” Delight etched on the little monkey’s face as

it quickly nodded.

“Okay, let’s go!” Huang Xiaolong nodded his head in

agreement for there’s nothing much going on at the
moment. Exiting Huang Clan Manor with the little violet
monkey, they arrive at a hilly area under the guidance of
the little violet monkey; in front, there’s a python more than
ten meters long appeared. A huge Bara Floret Python!
Huang Xiaolong involuntarily inhaled a breath of cold air
looking at the huge Bara Floret Python, the reason the little
violet bringing him here finally dawned on him, he’s here to
deal with the obstacle!

Noticing Huang Xiaolong and the little violet monkey, the

Bara Floret Python suddenly raise its head, both eyes stared
Huang Xiaolong and the little monkey, its long tongue flicks
out once and instantly rushed out.

Huang Xiaolong looked dignified he could tell the Bara Floret

Python is a stage four wicked beast, although only a stage
four but for a peak late-Third Order Huang Xiaolong it is still
considered high risk.

Dodging the Bara Floret Python’s first attack, Huang

Xiaolong’s silhouette skirted to the side, and the little violet
monkey on his shoulder leaped up in the air, landing atop
the python’s head, two monkey’s paws strikes down.

Receiving a hit on the head, the Bara Floret Python uttered

a loud cry due to the pain; with a twist of its long body, its
mouth stretched deadly wide wanting to swallow the little
violet monkey. Huang Xiaolong’s heart missed a beat but
exactly at this moment, the little violet monkey swerved a
few meters off course right in mid-air, just barely brushing
past the python’s opened jaw, allowing Huang Xiaolong to
let out a breath of relief.

Running Asura Tactics, black threads aura, carrying an

atmosphere of slaughter emerged, swirls rapidly forming a
layer around Huang Xiaolong - his eyes turned blood-red
and hair wholly white. Huang Xiaolong did not attack
immediately instead stood on one side, blood-red eyes
never leaving the Bara Floret Python which is battling with
the Violet Devourer Spirit Monkey at the moment.

Just when the python was about to twist its body around,
suddenly Huang Xiaolong who has been standing on one
side made his move, from far away his body looked like a
group of black clouds under the sun as he flew up.
Unawarely, Blades of Asura appeared in his hands as he
appeared below the Bara Floret Python head and with a
wave of his hands, two black rays of light whizzed past.

A screamed escaped its mouth, fresh blood bursting like a

geyser as the Bara Flower Python’s head fell rolling the
ground, coming to a complete stop only after moments

His eyes and hair gradually revert to its original state, and
Huang Xiaolong retrieves the blades back into his arms,
walking past with the little violet monkey.
Chapter 16: Breakthrough Fourth Order

Standing before the corpse of the Bara Floret Python, the

little violet monkey jumped and landed on the python head,
a swipe of its sharp little claws made an opening, digging
out a tiny yellow bead.

When Huang Xiaolong saw the tiny yellow bead, his eyes
widened in surprise, beast core?

In general, the probability of a mid-level wicked beast to

condense a beast core is one in a thousand, only wicked
beast of seventh-grade could condense a beast core with a
hundred percent success rate, surprisingly, there’s a beast
core in this fourth-grade Bara Floret Python!

A fourth-grade beast core, if it were to be sold outside, at

the very least, it can reach two to three hundred gold coins.

At this time, the little violet monkey stood near the belly of
the python; two small hands slide down making an opening,
once again small fingers digging and took out some
disgusting looking thing the size of two thumbs.

Snake gall! Huang Xiaolong eyes shined brightly, thinking

this is a fourth-grade Bara Floret Python’s gall is an
excellent nourishment, swallowing it not only can enhance
one’s battle qi cultivation but also strengthened the body!

After digging out the snake gall, the Violet Devourer Spirit
Monkey gave it to Huang Xiaolong with a cheeky grin, then
he opened his mouth and swallowed the beast core.

“You ate it?” Huang Xiaolong was shocked.

A wicked beast’s beast core is concentrated with its
element, but this concentrated element isn’t pure. It can
only be swallowed after it is refined with other elixirs into
pills if a practitioner swallows a beast core directly will die
from bursting due to the violent beast element within the

But the little monkey’s still fine after swallowing the beast

Looking at the little monkey act Huang Xiaolong is

speechless. A moment later, he turned to look at the Bara
Floret Python’s corpse, after a short consideration he left the
body as is and walked away with the little violet monkey
back to Huang Clan Manor.

Back to Huang Clan Manor, Huang Xiaolong instructed one

of the guards to buy some wine, which he mixed the snake
gall in; and he gulped the whole jug of wine down his throat.

Once the wine hits the belly, a raw energy emerges,

immediately replaced by a warm current spreading
throughout its body.

Huang Xiaolong immediately runs Asura Tactics to refine the

snake gall’s energies.

One night passed.

When he woke up, there’s a hint of delight in Huang

Xiaolong’s eye, from last night’s practice his battle qi has
increased a lot; one snake gall is equivalent to one month’s
hard penance.

There’s a gut feeling, in these few days he will break

through to Fourth Order!
The obstacle to reaching Fourth Order has become thinner
thus he could breakthrough at any time. Standing up from
the cold jade bed, just after he kept it back into Asura Ring,
he heard his sister, Huang Min’s voice calling from outside
the courtyard: “Big Brother, Big Brother!”

Huang Xiaolong is slightly baffled, the sun just rises and

already this little girl ran over to look for him; not knowing
what has happened, Huang Xiaolong walked out from his

“Big Brother, Dad and MoM want you to head over to the
Main Hall.” Huang Min came into the courtyard and said.

“To the Main Hall?” Doubt crossed Huang Xiaolong’s mind,

only important matters involving the Clan are discussed in
the Main Hall.

Stepping out from the small courtyard, Huang Xiaolong

arrived at the Main Hall; he noticed his parents are already
there, also Eldest Uncle Huang Ming, Huang Wei including
the elders of Huang Clan Manor.

When Huang Xiaolong stepped into the hall, gazes of

different meaning were directed at him, and Huang Wei
looked at him with venomous eyes.

“Dad, Mom.” Huang Xiaolong came beside Huang Peng and

Su Yan then sat down.

Huang Peng and Su Yan nodded at their son, face full of

smile looking at their child.

Huang Qide and Li Mu walked into the Main Hall at this

moment; beside Li Mu is his granddaughter, Li Lu. Seeing Li
Mu and Li Lu are also present, Huang Xiaolong already could
guess the reason.
As expected, after Grandfather Huang Qide took his seat,
gave a cursory glance at those present in the Main Hall,
smile and said: “I requested everyone here is to inform
everyone one matter, in the future our Huang Clan Manor
and the Li family will be in-laws.”

“Become in-laws.” The Main Hall broke into small

commotions but they’re not exactly surprised with the news
for it was already leaked out earlier.

Huang Wei was thrilled when he heard this, and at this time,
Huang Qide continued: “That’s right, an engagement
between Huang Clan Manor’s Huang Wei with Li Family’s
Miss Li Lu.

All the elders immediately stood up to congratulate:

“Congratulations, Old Manor Lord!”

“No, I don’t agree!” Suddenly a voice spoke out; it was so

unexpected that everyone was astonished, looking at the
source of the voice; it turned out to be Li Lu who was sitting
beside Li Mu.

“Lu’er, you!” Li Mu was about to admonish her, but was

interrupted by Li Lu: “No Grandfather, I don’t like this Huang
Wei!” As she said this, her head turned, and a finger pointed
at Huang Xiaolong: “I like him, if I’m to be engaged, I want
to be engaged to him!”

Dead silence conquered the Main Hall.

There’s a look of expectancy on everyone’s face.

Whereas the smiles that blossomed on Huang Ming and

Huang Wei’s wilted uglily, stunned speechless by the words
coming out of Li Lu’s mouth; especially Huang Wei, his face
turned red then darken plum-purple. His gaze fell upon
Huang Xiaolong, wishing he could swallow Huang Xiaolong

Huang Xiaolong himself was stunned, staring at the little

pointing at him, trying to rope him in.

“Nonsense!” Recovering his sense, Li Mu reprimanded.

Li Lu’s small mouth pouted, determinedly said:

“Grandfather, I’m not saying nonsense, I’m telling the truth;
I like him!” Looking at Huang Xiaolong, she continued: “He
look so cool beating people up!”

Hearing that sentence, everyone present isn’t sure whether

to laugh to cry, just because during the Clan Assembly
yesterday Huang Xiaolong looks cool beating up Huang Wei
thus this Li Lu ‘likes’ Huang Xiaolong, and will not marry
anyone but Huang Xiaolong?

Li Mu found the situation extremely embarrassing, but no

matter how he admonished Li Lu, she just wouldn’t change
her mind; insisting on Huang Xiaolong instead on Huang

“Brother Qide, this…” In the end, he faced Huang Qide

helplessly; both of them had already decided on this matter
early on, now they are just going through the motion of
making it official by gathering everyone here, but now!

Huang Qide was silent for a moment then said: “Let’s wait
two years then decide.”

Li Mu nodded; it seems this is the only way.

Huang Wei seeing such an issue arises due to Huang

Xiaolong or ‘Hellion Huang’, his eyes became even more
venomous as he stared fixedly at Huang Xiaolong; and of
course, Huang Xiaolong could feel the hatred. Nevertheless,
his expression was calm as he sat there, not caring one bit.

Moments later, everyone left.

Huang Xiaolong left the Main Hall together with his Dad and
Mom; returning to his small yard after separating from his
parents. He continued to practice as looking forward to
finding out once he breaks through to Fourth Order, his
martial spirits will undergo another transformation and what
it will bring.

Time speeds and five days had passed.

This night, Huang Xiaolong sat cross-legged on the cold jade

bed, running Asura Tactics as the Netherworld’s spiritual
energy washes down like an endless waterfall, and the
double-headed serpent devouring rapidly; the netherworld
battle qi crash violently, again and again against the barrier
to Fourth Order.

Similar to the previous breakthrough to Second Order, and

Third Order, under Huang Xiaolong’s persistent and
perseverance circulating his battle qi, at last, the fourth
order barriers cracked, fissures gradually increased bigger.

Fourth Order, breakthrough!

However, at the same moment he crossed into Fourth

Order, the double-headed serpent martial spirits behind
Huang Xiaolong suddenly emitted bright colored rays of
black as well as blue. A loud roar seemingly similar to a
dragon’s and yet not at the same time rang out; the double-
headed serpent actually split starting from the head to the
tail; two serpent bodies emerged – one blue serpent and
one black serpent!
Wrong, to be exact, not blue serpent and black serpent
because after it had split into two, four claws grew under
both serpent and the new scales that grew looks more like
dragon scales!


Uglily (adverb)

Thank you for the encouragement; fingers crossed that I will

not stop midway.
Chapter 17: Only Huang Wei Is Going In

Sensing the evolved martial spirits behind him, Huang

Xiaolong was genuinely shocked.

This, how could this be called a double-headed serpent

martial spirits, this totally are Primordial Divine Dragons! A
double Divine Dragon at that!

“Twin martial spirits!” A thought flashed across Huang

Xiaolong’s mind, finding it hard to believe. In Martial Spirit
World, people who possess twin martial spirits are
exceedingly rare; and each one is considered to be the pride
of Heaven.

Moreover, Huang Xiaolong’s twin martial spirits are super-

talent martial spirits!

Even though the martial spirits behind him is a far cry from
resembling a Primordial Divine Dragon; however this is its
first time evolving, when he breakthrough to Seventh Order
his martial spirits will experience its second transformation,
and at that point, his martial spirits will truly become a
Divine Dragon.

After the shock, enthusiasm burst forth from Huang

Xiaolong’s heart.

He did not expect the martial spirits evolvement that he was

looking forward to will map out this way, his martial spirits
actually turned into a superb talent twin martial spirits!

Then, what is the awakened martial spirit’s talent?

“There are two; there’s actually two!” Within Huang

Xiaolong's mind, an inherited memory was transferred to
him from the twin black and blue dragon.

Others martial spirit that had undergone a first-time

transformation will have only one innate talent skill from the
heritage memory of their martial spirits; and since Huang
Xiaolong possess twin martial spirits, he gets two innate

Going through the heritage memory in his mind as he sat

cross-legged on the cold jade bed; his silhouette suddenly
turns blurry then disappear entirely in the end. Roughly
about six breaths later did his silhouette slowly reappear on
the cold jade bed.

This is Huang Xiaolong’s first martial spirit innate skill –

Space Concealment!

Space concealment, concealing within space, shadowless,

formless - invisible!

“This ability’s too awesome!” A twinkle flickers in Huang

Xiaolong’s eyes.

Imagine, if Huang Xiaolong were to disappear suddenly in

the middle of an intense battle, silently sneaking behind the
opponent delivering the killing blow; and the opponent is
unable to guard against it. This skill is simply perfect for

Although for now Huang Xiaolong only could hide for six
breath’s time, as he grows stronger, the duration will
increase parallel as his strength increases. The stronger he
gets, the longer he could remain conceal within space.

If the first innate skill is space concealment, then what will

the second one be?
Thinking about it, Huang Xiaolong’s body floated up from
the cold jade bed without warning, shifting into a phantom
figure floating out of his room to his small courtyard.

The second martial spirit’s innate talent skill – Phantom


While testing the second ability, Huang Xiaolong noticed his

speed increased about a third of his usual speed!

Fighting with an opponent of similar strength, to grasp

victory speed plays a crucial role, with the combination of
both martial spirits’ innate skill, he is utterly fearless.

Huang Xiaolong inhaled a deeply, as emotions of pride filled

him; a domineering aura emanated from his body.

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong’s surge of emotions

gradually calms down.

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong leaps up into mid-air, his hands


One after another Ethereal Palm print condensed in the

night sky.

This time’s breakthrough, Huang Xiaolong could feel his

agility has doubled, and each of his attacks, his muscles’
explosive powers were fierce and intense; this did not occur
when he was in the Third Order.

In the initial warrior stages, from First to Third Order battle

qi in the meridians strengthens the entire body’s muscles,
allowing the flesh to be firm, strong and powerful whereby
at Fourth Order, the battle qi in the meridians refines not
only the muscles but also the tendons!
One of Huang Xiaolong’s palms hit the half-meter big rock at
a corner of the small courtyard before he landed back on
the ground; the night breeze blows, and the half-meter big
rock disintegrated into powder spread to every corner of the
small yard.

From First to Third Order, each order’s breakthrough

increases one's strength by one stone, and upon advancing
the Fourth Order the strength doubles; currently one of
Huang Xiaolong’s strike contains force and power of six

Dawn approaches, and the soft sunlight caresses Huang

Xiaolong’s skin as if his body is coated with a layer of golden

Huang Xiaolong stood just like that in his small courtyard,

letting the sun’s warmth filled his body before he stepped
out in the Eastern Courtyard’s direction; but when he
reached the Eastern Courtyard’s hall, his father Huang Peng
was not there, only his Mom Su Yan is in the hall.

“Dad went to the Main Hall?” Huang Xiaolong was puzzled.

Su Yan nodded, said: “This morning your Grandfather asked

him over, even Huang Ming and the Manor’s elders also
went over; not sure what they are discussing about.”

Hearing this, Huang Xiaolong decided to wait until his Dad


In the Main Hall, Huang Qide sat on the first seat, and took a
glanced at everyone before opening his mouth to speak:
“Tomorrow, Spirit Pool opens; and Huang Wei will practice
inside for one month.”
In the Main Hall, all present exchanged a knowing glance;
then turn to look at Huang Peng.

Huang Qide established Huang Clan Manor with his bare

hands; none of the elders dare to contradict matters that he
had already decided. According to predetermine rules, the
winner of the sparring event after the awakening of martial
spirits are eligible to enter the Spirit Pool to practice for one
month. Obviously, Huang Xiaolong was the winner and
should the one entering the Spirit Pool this time.

When Huang Peng heard his father’s announcement, he was

flabbergasted for a moment; rage rose in his heart, and he
stood up angrily: “Dad, this is unfair! This year’s Clan
Assembly clearly Xiaolong defeated Huang Wei; why is the
Spirit Pool’s opening Huang Wei is going in to practice

Huang Qide was slightly embarrassed. He does realize the

unfairness of the situation, and neither right nor reason is
on his side thus he couldn't reprimand his second son's
behavior, he could only mutter unconvincingly: “Although
this year’s assembly Xiaolong won over Huang Wei, it’s only
a fluke; comparing talent Huang Wei’s talent are much
higher than Xiaolong. This time he could breakthrough to
Second Order was due to the three Yang fruits he swallowed.
I initially set the winner will be able to enter the Spirit Pool, I
actually meant each years’ most talented awaken martial
spirits disciple is eligible to enter the Spirit Pool to practice!”

The fury within Huang Peng wasn't so easy to pacify, he

abruptly cut in: “Bullsh*t! Only the most talented disciples
are eligible to enter the Spirit Pool to practice? Why wasn’t
this brought up before? Why wait until Xiaolong won that it
turned into the most talented disciple?”
Huang Qide faltered, not knowing how to answer.

At this moment, Huang Ming spoke: “Second Brother, Dad’s

the Manor Lord or you are? You have yet the qualification to
question or comment on Dad’s decision.”

Huang Peng’s hands tightened into fists; his angry gaze

bore into Huang Ming, but he’s unable to refute the truth in
Huang Ming’s words.

“Second Manor Lord, the decisions Old Manor Lord’s makes

are all for the benefit of Huang Clan Manor.” Elder Zhou
Guang opened his mouth: “Everyone knows Young Lord
Xiaolong’s talent is worse than Young Lord Huang Wei’s
talent. If Young Lord Xiaolong enters the Spirit Pool to
practice, it will only waste the potency of the Spirit Pool!”

Pointing a finger at Zhou Guang, Huang Peng thundered:

“Shut your dog mouth, this isn’t a place for you to speak.”

Zhou Guang squirmed, and his face flushed a deep red, not
daring to utter another syllable.

A moment later, forcefully suppressing his anger, Huang

Peng turn to look at Huang Qide: “Okay Dad, since you said
this time was a fluke, what if during next year’s assembly
Xiaolong still precedes Huang Wei?”

Huang Qide was stumped.

“In your opinion, during next year’s Clan Assembly, Xiaolong

will run into some dog shit luck again?” Huang Ming said:
“Fine, if Xiaolong wins again during next year’s Clan
Assembly, I will compensate you one hundred Battle qi dans
and apologize to you!”
One hundred Battle qi dans are almost equivalent to one
month’s practice in the Spirit Pool.

“Good!” Huang Peng stared fixedly at Huang Ming:

“Remember what you said today!” Dropping this sentence,
Huang Peng turned and walked out of the Main Hall, not
bothering to greet Huang Qide before leaving.



'dog mouth' lit. translation.


*Amazing how compliments inflate one's (my) ego.
Chapter 18: Battle Skill Training

Huang Ming sneers inside as he looks at Huang Peng who

turns around and walks away. He naturally does not believe
Huang Xiaolong will run into another incredible dog shit luck
to be able to defeat his son a second time during next
year’s Clan Assembly.

Therefore, the so-call one hundred pieces of Battle Qi dans

is basically grasping at smoke, absolutely impossible!

Inside the Main Hall, the elders secretly look at each other,
none daring to speak out.

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong is in the Eastern Courtyard,

and he barely sits down, Huang Peng returns in a sullen

“Dad, what happened?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

Su Yan also stands up and walks towards Huang Peng.

Guilt gnaws at Huang Peng’s conscious as he looks at his

son; walking straight into the main hall, he sat down without
saying a word; head bend down but the anger his heart
flares up even more instead of subsiding.

“This is blatant bullying!”

“Blatant bullying!”

Recalling Big Brother Huang Ming’s mocking and his father’s

favoritism towards Huang Wei; Huang Peng couldn’t help
but let out an angry scream, a palm hits a chair beside him,
shattering it into pieces.
Su Yan frightened by Huang Peng’s action, smashing at the

“Peng Ge, what’s wrong? What happened?” Su Yan asks


Lifting his head, Huang Peng looks at his wife Su Yan, and
his son then sighs inside his heart. In the end, Huang Peng
recounts what happen in the Main Hall, when he reach the
part where Huang Qide gave the quota to enter the Spirit
Pool away - which supposedly belongs to Huang Xiaolong to
Huang Wei, his anger rise once again; one of his palms slap
at another chair beside him.

“Dad’s action is simply too bias! In his eyes, only Huang Wei
is his grandson!” When Su Yan heard everything, her
almond shaped eyes widened in anger, said indignantly:
“Does he still regard our Xiaolong as his grandson?!”

Huang Xiaolong didn’t say anything but snickers inside,

although he defeated Huang Wei a few days ago during the
Clan’s Assembly; and although he revealed his Second
Order strength, but it seems his Grandfather Huang Qide
actually bears no concern for him in the least. Probably in
Grandfather Huang Qide’s eyes, he was able to advance to
Second Order warrior was largely due to some dog shit luck
and can’t be compared to Huang Wei’s achievement.

“And that Zhou Guang dares to belittle our Xiaolong, even

dare to say our Xiaolong will waste the potency of the Spirit
Pool he is the one to go in!” Su Yan continues heatedly:
“This dog-like slave, if not for Huang Ming backing him, he
wouldn’t dare to utter such words!”

Although Zhou Guang is an ‘elder’ of Huang Clan Manor, his

privileged status and authority are only a trifling higher
compared to the elite guards, he, at the end of the day is
still considered a slave.

“Xiaolong, forgive Dad.” Looking at his son, his voice sounds

down and fill with guilt. “It’s all because Dad is useless, not
only I lost this year’s place to enter the Spirit Pool but
actually to lose it to Huang Wei!”

When Huang Xiaolong heard this, he just smiles callously:

“Dad, Mom, don’t worry; at next year’s Clan Assembly, not
only I will hit him until his Dad can’t recognize him, I will hit
him till even Grandfather can’t recognize him!”

Since Grandfather Huang Qide treasures his darling

grandson Huang Wei so much, then this ‘seven grade’
martial spirits grandson will show his Grandfather that his
dog shit luck only gets better and better, stronger than

Not only during next year’s Clan Assembly, at every coming

year’s assembly he will ‘revamp’ Huang Wei into super pig-

Huang Peng and Su Yan thought their son was trying to

comfort them, willing them not to worry; Huang Peng’s
feeling of guilt increases.

Under the notion that their son is only a grade seven martial
spirits talent, the gap between him and Huang Wei will only
increase as time goes by; in one year’s time Huang Wei
could breakthrough to Third Order, maybe even higher.
Their son, however, possessing only a grade seven martial
spirits, their son would need at least two years to
breakthrough from Second Order to Third Order.

At next year’s Clan Assembly, can their son defeat Huang

Unless his son is lucky enough to swallow another three
pieces of Yang fruit or similar elixir, otherwise… Huang Peng
sighs, would his son be fortunate enough to come across
elixirs similar to Yang fruit a second time?

Looking at the expressions on his parents’ face, Huang

Xiaolong can guess that his parents’ aren’t optimistic about
him defeating Huang Wei next year.

“Dad, Mom, I plan to train in the back mountains for some

time.” Huang Xiaolong said after thinking about it for a

This arrangement allows him to practice the Body

Metamorphose Scripture conveniently; running back and
forth all the time is actually an inconvenience, furthermore,
for the time being, Huang Xiaolong doesn’t want Asura
Tactics to be exposed.

“No!” The moment the words left Huang Xiaolong’s lips, Su

Yan objects strongly without even needing to think.

Huang Peng also said: “Xiaolong, I know you’re going to the

back mountain so that you could practice peacefully but
your strength is only at Second Order, it’s too dangerous!”

Huang Xiaolong had expected his parent would object,

ultimately in their eyes; he’s just a seven-year-old child; no
parents will willingly allow a seven-year-old child to leave
the safety of home just for training.

“Dad, Mom, I will only be at the outer edge of the back

mountain; as long as I don’t enter into the deeper parts,
there’s no danger!” Huang Xiaolong said: “You don’t have to
But despite what Huang Xiaolong said to persuade them,
Huang Peng and Su Yan vehemently rejects it.

“What if I can defeat Huang Wei during next year’s

assembly?” Huang Xiaolong who was feeling powerless
changed his tact and asked.

“Defeat Huang Wei?” Both of them looked at Huang


“If you are able to defeat Huang Wei during next year’s
sparring event, I will allow you to practice in the back
mountain!” Huang Peng finally agreed in a solemn voice
after musing over it for a while: “We can discuss this again
after you defeat Huang Wei next year.”

“Okay!” Huang Xiaolong agrees, since there’s no way

around it, he could only wait one year.

And at this time in the Northern Courtyard, listening to his

father describing the situation where his Grandfather made
the announcement; Huang Wei’s face blossomed into a
bright smile: “Grandfather indeed is wise, knows if that kid
is allowed into the Spirit Pool it will only lead to wastage!”

Since his return to Northern Courtyard from the Main Hall,

Huang Ming’s in a good mood, laughs as he listens to his
son’s words: “Since your Grandfather had given you this
chance, you mustn’t disappoint your Grandfather and me;
though your talent is excellent, you must still put effort into
your practice!”

Huang Wei smile and said: “Dad, rest assure; once I enter
the Spirit Pool and practice there, I definitely will
breakthrough to Third Order in less than one year!”
Speaking up to here, both Huang Wei’s pupils emits extreme
hatred: “During next year’s Clan Assembly, I will make that
little doggy kneel before me, and I will cripple both of his
arms and legs!”

Returning to his small yard from the Eastern Courtyard,

Huang Xiaolong did not continue with his practice like
always. Instead, he takes out a piece of paper from Asura

Now that he’s a Fourth Order warrior, he could start

practicing battle skills.

Recorded on the piece of paper, a set of sword attack battle

skill as if created especially for the Blades of Asura, and
another set of battle skill called Asura Demon Claw.

There’s a total of eighteen styles to the Asura Sword Skill,

and each style contains three moves whereby Asura Demon
Claw have slightly less, only five styles.

Going through both set of skills once, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes

were attracted to a small drawing of Asura Sword Skill,
which prompts his decision first to practice the sword skill.

Coming out from his room to his small yard, Huang Xiaolong
called out the Blades of Asura. Recalling the drawing
depicting the first attack’s movement, mood and the qi
circulation inside the body; with a wave of the blades,
dozens of blade images emerge out of nowhere, rotating
and gathering into two small cyclones, zigzags within the
perimeter of the small yard.

Asura Sword Skill, First Style: Tempest of Hell.


Peng Ge; Ge lit. Brother, but in this context, it’s an

endearment term - Dear, Honey (or Babe –depending on the
Chapter 19: Body
Metamorphose Scripture –
Fourth Stage
Chapter 19: Body Metamorphose Scripture – Fourth Stage

But, the Tempest of Hell cyclones did not last long at all, it
zigzags within the perimeter of the small yard lasting about
one breath’s time - then it is gone.

After that, Huang Xiaolong did not did not swing the blades
again, but reenact the motions and how it feels when the
Tempest of Hell forms. As he stands there, inside his mind
were an endless parade of swirling cyclones that engulf
everything in its path, however, the sporadic movement is
seen clearly by his eyes.

Half an hour later, Huang Xiaolong suddenly moves; his

hands wield the blades. This time, there are eighteen rays of
blades appeared out of nowhere, in a constant spin in
midair; air drafts rotates forming two dense cyclones –
doubled the size of previous cyclones.

Once again Huang Xiaolong stands motionless, recollecting

the sensation when the Tempest of Hell forms, the way it
swirls, and the way it rotates as it moves accordingly to a
predetermined trajectory and lastly, its directions.

Another half an hour later, Huang Xiaolong waves out

Blades of Asura once again.

And so the circle repeats, over and over again.

Every time after he slashes out, he stands immobile on the
spot like a statue, comprehending the essence of the move
then attacks again.

From morning till noon, until evening and till the last ray of
sunlight is about to disappear; the blades in Huang
Xiaolong’s hands suddenly strikes out. Two distinctive
Tempest of Hell is constantly rotating that the whistles of
the wind are akin to mournful whimpers that crawl out from
hell; causing hearts to palpitates listening to it.

Apart from that, the current Tempest of Hell can last for five
breathes time.

As he listens to the faint cries of hell coming from the

Tempest of Hell, Huang Xiaolong lets out a sigh of relief;
according to the piece of paper, once Tempest of Hell issues
faint hellish cries then it is considered as minor completion!

If the Sovereign Founder of Asura’s Gates, Ren Wokuang

knew that Huang Xiaolong only used one day of practice to
reach minor completion in Asura Sword Skill’s First Style –
Tempest of Hell, he would be dumbstruck speechless.

During Ren Wokuang’s time, when he accidentally got hold

of this particular exercise law; it took him more than two
months practicing Tempest of Hell before he could produce
the cries from hell.

Whereby Huang Xiaolong only used one day!

Battle skills training are irrelevant to martial spirits for it

relies on individual’s talent and insight. In his previous life,
Huang Xiaolong’s a rare martial arts prodigy in a hundred
years. The concept of battle skills is similar to martial skills.
Thus it’s not something inconceivable that Huang Xiaolong
just needs one day of practice to achieve minor completion
in the First Style of Asura Sword Skill.

Watching the night descends, Huang Xiaolong stops his

training. He enters his room and sits cross-legged on the
cold jade bed, running Asura Tactics exercise law to practice
his battle qi.

Ever since he advanced to Fourth Order, his double-headed

serpent martial spirits not only evolved into superb talent
twin martial spirits, physically its size had gone up a notch.

At the time when Huang Xiaolong’s martial spirits had just

awakened, the double-headed serpent martial spirits were
only half a meter long.

Black and Blue Dragon hovers at behind Huang Xiaolong; its

mouth wide open devouring nonstop the netherworld
spiritual aura pouring down from midair. The netherworld
spiritual aura became darker, thicker and purer after the
broke through to Fourth Order.

From the bodies of Black and Blue Dragon faintly emits the
prestige of a dragon.


Time flies and very quickly one month had passed.

The days gives way to month; every day is the same

routine. Apart from practicing Asura Tactics, and Body
Metamorphose Scripture, every morning Huang Xiaolong will
be practicing Asura Sword Skill in the small yard. After one
month’s time, when Huang Xiaolong attacks with Blades of
Asura, the blade rays has reached up to forty from the initial
eighteen; and the cyclones generated by Tempest of Hell
has more than doubled in size.
One night at the back mountain, Huang Xiaolong wants to
tests the power of Tempest of Hell; with a wave of the
blades in his hands, Tempest of Hell flew out spinning. As
the Tempest of Hell spins around, every tree within thirty
meters was cut down and on the tree trunks of these cut-
down trees was covered with numerous slash marks as if
someone slashed them with a sword more a hundred times.

Looking at the trees on the ground, Huang Xiaolong nods his

head in satisfaction; Asura Sword Skill’s attack power is
quite high and so much stronger than his previous life
family’s sword skill, the Excrate Devil Sword.

“But, with this speed, to reach this move – Tempest of Hell’s

major completion still needs six months’ time.” Huang
Xiaolong thinks silently.

Although the power of Tempest of Hell’s attack is already

quite high after a month’s hard penance, however,
compared to that piece of paper’s description, his power is
still a far cry from major completion.

This Tempest of Hell attack’s once he reaches major

completion, once the two cyclones form Huang Xiaolong
could change directions according to his will.

After practicing for some time at the back mountain, Huang

Xiaolong slowly adjusts his mood. Opening his legs wide
apart and both of his hands stretches up above his head;
absorbing the surrounding spiritual aura that seems to gush
into his body, converting them into internal strength;
accumulating inside Huang Xiaolong’s dantian.

Moments after entering his Body Metamorphose training

pose, suddenly Huang Xiaolong notice a bright flash of
golden light from his dantian. Subsequently, his body
follows, glowing brightly, the air ripples outwards in four
directions as an internal qi bursts forth from Huang
Xiaolong’s body.

Slowly, Huang Xiaolong retrieves his palm and stops his

training. His eyes open as he circulates the third stage
internal qi along his meridians, opening them further!

With his, he will be able to train in the fourth stage –

Convert Power of the Stars.

Recalling the instructions for the Fourth Stage, Huang

Xiaolong’s right feet steps one foot forward facing his left
foot similar to the number eight (八 ), his body bending
forward over the knees. His left hand stretches over the
head pointing up to the sky, and in this posture, Huang
Xiaolong breathes slowly. The spiritual aura once again
rushes towards Huang Xiaolong, absorb into his body.

The night passed quietly.

Only when the sky starts to brighten that Huang Xiaolong

puts down his left hand and steps back; finishing his Body
Metamorphose Scripture training.

After breathing out a mouth of foul qi, he strikes out some

Ethereal Palm as practice before heading back to Huang
Clan Manor. By the time he reached Huang Clan Manor, the
sun’s already high up in the sky; with ambling steps, Huang
Xiaolong heads towards the Eastern Courtyard’s hall.
Stepping into the hall, Huang Xiaolong sees both Huang
Peng and Su Yan are present however something about the
atmosphere in the hall seems not right that Huang Xiaolong
couldn’t help but ask: “Dad, Mom, what’s the matter?”

“Huang Wei’s out from the Spirit Pool!” Huang Peng said
looking at his son; his voice sounded weak: “I heard he
reached peak-late Second Order!”
Only at this moment, Huang Xiaolong remembers that one
month has passed since the Spirit Pool opened. Peak early-
Second Order? Looks like the result of one month's practice
in the Spirit Pool is not bad; Huang Xiaolong sneers.

“Dad, Mom, you don’t have to worry about next year’s Clan
Assembly.” Huang Xiaolong said: “Actually, I had already
reached peak early-Second Order the day before

Huang Xiaolong projects his battle qi after he finishes his


“This, peak early-Second Order!” Huang Peng and Su Yan

were full of shock sensing the battle qi coming from Huang
Xiaolong’s body.

“Xiaolong, this?!" Huang Peng stares at his son, could it be

his son had another fortuitous adventure? If not, how could
he advance with such speed?

Laughingly, Huang Xiaolong explains: “About this matter, it’s

better if you don’t ask.

Huang Peng and Su Yan made eye contact; it seems their

son carries many secrets, but since their son does not wish
to elaborate, then they will not pester him about it.

“Okay, Xiaolong, as long as you breakthrough to Third Order

by the end of the year, even if you can’t defeat Huang Wei,
Dad will still allow you to practice at the back mountains.”
Huang Peng said as he looks at his son.

**The poses remind me of yoga.
Chapter 20: Li Mu’S
Chapter 20: Li Mu’s Celebration

“As long as I breakthrough to Third Order by the end of the

year?” A weird appeared expression on Huang Xiaolong face
as he listened to his father.

When Huang Peng noticed Huang Xiaolong’s expression,

thinking it was due to his unreasonable requirement - Third
Order being too high, continued gently: “Honestly, Dad and
Mom understand that it's difficult to reach the Third Order
by the end of the year, so Xiaolong, don’t put too much
pressure on yourself.” Huang Peng hesitated for a moment,
then said: “As long as you can advance to peak late-Second
Order by the end of the year, then it’s okay!”

“Peak late-Second Order?” Huang Xiaolong’s expression

turned even weirder.

“That’s right, Xiaolong. Even if you can’t breakthrough to

peak late-Second Order, but reach late-Second Order, we
will still be very happy.” This time, it was Mom Su Yan who

Words fail Huang Xiaolong as he smiled helplessly inside his


Third Order? Peak late-Second Order? Late-Second Order?

“Dad, Mom, I’m going back to the small yard.” Huang

Xiaolong said as he stood up, gently hitting the arm of the
chair; wondering whether his parents would further lower
their requirement to peak mid-Second Order.

If it came to that, he might not be able to resist and expose

his current strength of peak early-Fourth Order!

“Ah, Xiaolong.” When Huang Xiaolong was about the leave

the hall, Huang Peng thought of something, said: “A few
days from now is Old Patriarch Li’s eighth birthday
celebration; and he invited our Huang Clan Manor to the
celebration party. That little girl kept badgering him to invite
you, insisting that you must be there.”

“She Insists that I go?” Huang Xiaolong felt amazement.

That little girl doesn't really fancy him, right? Just because
he looked really cool when he beat up Huang Wei miserably
during the annual Clan’s Assembly?

“Dad, Mom, can I not go?” Huang Xiaolong asked weakly.

“What did you say?” Su Yan’s eyes glared at him.

Huang Xiaolong was depressed; looks like he can’t avoid

going to the party.

Su Yan laughed seeing her son’s sulky face, teases him: “You
brat, don’t grumble. Li Lu is the apple of Old Patriarch Li’s
eyes, possessing a grade nine martial spirit and she’ll surely
grow up to be a beautiful young lady.”

Huang Xiaolong’s even more speechless, what’s with this

and that; if her Mom knew her son has superb talent, and a
twin martial superb talent at that, she probably wouldn't
think this way.

At this moment, Huang Peng also joined in: “Your Mom’s

right. In the future, if you marry Old Patriarch Li
granddaughter, Li Lu, then your Mom and I...”

While his father was still talking, Huang Xiaolong quickly cut
in: “Okay, Dad, I understand; it’s fine as long as I go right?
When do we leave? Are you going?”

Su Yan couldn’t help but laugh when she heard Huang

Xiaolong’s response: “It seems like our son’s feeling shy.”
She stopped teasing Huang Xiaolong and said: “We leave
the day after tomorrow, but other than you and your Dad,
your Grandfather, Eldest Uncle and that Huang Wei is also

Huang Xiaolong’s brows wrinkled, and nodded: “Okay, I

know; if there’s nothing else then I’ll go back.”

Both Huang Peng and Su Yan nodded.

Huang Xiaolong turned around and left.

Watching his son’s back, Su Yan sighed and said: “How

wonderful it would be if our Xiaolong marries Li Lu!”

Huang Peng shook his head: “With Li Lu’s background and

talent, she won't like our Xiaolong. Also, right now Li Lu is
only an eight-year-old child; so while she may not consider
it, she will when she grows up."

By this time Huang Xiaolong had returned to his small

courtyard and started practicing Tempest of Hell so he didn't
hear what his parents said after he left

Two days came and went quickly, and the day of departure
arrived. The moment Huang Xiaolong arrived at Eastern
Courtyard, he was dragged by Huang Peng to the Main Hall;
and by the time they got to the Main Hall, his Grandfather
Huang Qide, Eldest Uncle Huang Ming, and Huang Wei were
already waiting.

When Huang Wei saw Huang Xiaolong stepping into the

Main Hall, his eyes were full of hatred; if not for Huang
Qide’s presence, he probably would have pounced on Huang

“Dad.” “Grandfather.”

Huang Xiaolong and Huang Peng walked up to Huang Qide

and said their greeting, ignoring Huang Wei’s imitation of a
ferocious beast.

Huang Qide nodded and laughed: “Since everyone’s here,

let’s go.” Huang Qide stepped out, and four people followed
after him.

Even though Huang Clan Manor and the Li Family were

known as two of the major powers in Canglan County, but
there was quite a distance between them.

The Li Family Residence is in Canglan County’s County City

whereby Huang Clan Manor is situated a hundred miles
outside of County City.

Therefore, it was evening when Huang Xiaolong’s group of

five arrived in County City, nearing dusk.

Brother Qide! You traveled quite a distance to come for my

celebration yet I’m slow in my welcome; please forgive me!”
said Old Patriarch Li while laughing merrily when the five of
them arrived at County City.

“Brother Li Mu is too polite!” Huang Qide laughed robustly.

Huang Xiaolong looked around and noticed that the little girl
Li Lu, was standing behind a roundish face middle-aged man
who was a little chubby with slightly small eyes – which
gave the impression that he was always beaming.

Is this Old Patriarch Li’s only son, Li Cheng; Li Lu’s father?

Huang Xiaolong wondered.

At this moment, the little girl who was hiding behind Li

Cheng looked mischievously at Huang Xiaolong, stuck her
tongue out at Huang Xiaolong and giggled; looking very

Huang Xiaolong rolled his eyes, totally ignoring her.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong’s nonchalant reaction, Li Lu pouted


This scene was seen by Huang Wei who was standing at the
side; hatred surged violently in his heart. Although his
engagement with Li Lu during the Clan Assembly was ruined
by Huang Xiaolong, however in his heart Li Lu already is his
wife, and now his ‘wife’ was blatantly flirting with Huang
Xiaolong right in front of him!

After the customary greetings, everyone entered the city

heading towards Li Residence.

Contrary to expectations, the Li Residence was not in

located in the center of the city but the south section. When
they arrived before the Li Residence’s main entrance; the
twenty meters wide street in front were filled with an
endless stream of horses and carriages, the street was lively
and decorated with bright and colorful lanterns. For Li Mu’s
eightieth birthday celebration, other than Huang Clan
Manor, most of the forces in Canglan County had already
However, the real celebration happens tomorrow, thus there
are those who were yet to arrive; who were on their way.

When they arrived at the Li Residence, Li Mu personally lead

them to the prearranged courtyard to rest.

“Brother Qide, if there’s anything you need, just inform the

Residence’s guards. Please forgive the poor hospitality.” Li
Mu said to Huang Qide with a smile.

Huang Qide waved his hand and said: “You’re too polite. En,
please go and attend to your matters; tomorrow, we
brothers will drink together later.”

Li Mu laughed ‘hehe’: “Definitely.” Then turned around and


But what happened next stunned Huang Xiaolong; not long

after Li Mu left Li Lu came to their courtyard! After greeting
Huang Qide, Huang Ming, and Huang Peng, she went
straight to Huang Xiaolong and said in a petulant voice:
“Xiaolong, This is your first time in County City right? Come,
I’ll give you a tour!” Her hand was already pulling Huang
Xiaolong away from the courtyard even before he had the
chance to reply.

Huang Wei stared pointedly at Li Lu holding Huang

Xiaolong’s hand, and watched both of them leave the
courtyard; his expression was ugly to the extreme. And of
course, Huang Ming’s face wasn’t looking any better either.

Huang Qide opened his mouth, but didn’t know what to say;
Huang Peng stood there quietly, but his heart was flipping in

What does this has got to do with that

Endless stream of horses and carriages (idiom) - heavy

Chapter 21: Asura’S Gate
Chapter 21: Asura’s Gate Disciple

Pulled out of the courtyard by Li Lu, his brows furrowed,

said: “Little girl, don’t drag and pull me like this; people
might misunderstand.”

Li Lu was surprised for a moment and then smiled sweetly,

revealing to cute dimples: “So what if others
misunderstand? I’m your wife. What is wrong with a wife
holding her husband’s hand? I’m not afraid of any
misunderstanding and also don’t call me a little girl. I’m a
very big girl!”

The little girl ended her speech puffing up her small chest.

Black lines emerged on Huang Xiaolong’s forehead.


Very big?

Huang Xiaolong took a glance at Li Lu’s tilted but yet to

develop small chest, smiled wryly to himself; that area’s still
a flat land, right?

Noticing Huang Xiaolong staring at her small chest, her face

blushed bright red, in a barely whispering voice said: “You,
why are you looking at people* like that; I’m shy when
there're so many other people here.”
[TN: The people* here is Li Lu referring to herself from a
third party’s point of view.]

Huang Xiaolong’s was so speechless that he clamped his

mouth shut, not a word came out.

Pulling away his hand, he went out of the Li Residence and

walked towards the main street. This really was his first time
in Canglan County’s County City, and he wanted to look

“Xiaolong, wait for me!” Li Lu pouted her mouth at Huang

Xiaolong for pulling away his hand, then quickly ran after
him with quick steps, however, this time instead of holding
Huang Xiaolong’s hand, Li Lu wrapped her hand around his
arms; looking just like a submissive little wife. A soft girl’s
fragrance wafts into Huang Xiaolong’s nose.

Huang Xiaolong trying to avoid body contact with her, said:

“You can go back, I can walk by myself.”

Li Lu pouted and her eyes became rimmed with red as tears

welled within: “I’ll go back and tell Grandfather that you
bullied me!”

Huang Xiaolong quickly used his hand to stop her from

leaving, feeling a headache: “Fine then, let's go but you
must promise me that you won’t pull or drag me.”

Li Lu burst out laughing, the look in her eyes changed

instantly, nodded: “Okay.”

Huang Xiaolong sighed in relief when Li Lu nodded in

agreement; they turned and began walking along the street
with Li Lu following beside Huang Xiaolong on the right,
being extremely obedient; as they walked her big round
eyes occasionally steals furtive glances at him.
Huang Xiaolong didn’t care, and continued to look around;
not paying her any attention.

Both of them did not speak much along the way, and after
going around once as they were about to return to the Li
Residence, they noticed at a corner of the street was
crowded with a lot of people pointing fingers and whispering
about something.

Huang Xiaolong’s curiosity was stoked, so he and Li Lu

walked in their direction, squeezing through the crowd have
to a look. A middle-aged man was lying on the ground in the
middle of the crowd; with messy, unkempt hair, a dirty-
stained face and worn-out rags for clothes. Clearly, he had
fainted. On the ground, next to the middle-aged man were
several tiny drops of blood, obviously spat out by the injured
middle-aged man.

After observing the middle-aged man for a moment, he

hesitated briefly then walked up to him and lifted him up;
since he had become a Fourth Order warrior, his arm
strength was not weak, and so carrying an adult was not

Li Lu was astonished when Huang Xiaolong lifted the

middle-aged man up.

“Let’s go.” Huang Xiaolong said to Li Lu as he walked past

her carrying the middle-aged man; he noticed Li Lu was still
standing on the same spot in a daze. Li Lu quickly ran after
Huang Xiaolong after recovering her senses, couldn’t stop
herself from asking: “Xiaolong, why are you carrying this
man back with you?”

“You wouldn't understand even if I told you.” He replied

without turning his head.
Are you saying I wouldn't understand even if you explained?
Li Lu’s small mouth puckered up into a sulky pout but she
kept quiet.

On the way, Huang Xiaolong asked Li Lu for the location of

the Li Residence’s back door and went in through the back
door carrying the fainted middle-aged man, placing him in a
remote and secluded room.

Watching the middle-aged man on the bed, Huang Xiaolong

circulated internal qi then pointed at the middle-aged man’s
chest, his finger subsequently going lower. In total Huang
Xiaolong jabbed a few more times with his finger; by the
time he was done, he was breathing heavily and beads of
sweat were dripping from his forehead.

Li Lu was stood behind Huang Xiaolong as she watched him

indiscriminately poke at different parts of the middle-aged
man’s body, with a puzzled expression.

“Ask someone to bring over a set of clothes, and clean him

up.” Huang Xiaolong said to Li Lu after he had recovered his

“Oh, okay.” Coming out from her daze, Li Lu nodded.

A short while later, an attendant of Li Residence brought

over a set of clothes and bathed the middle-aged man, but
he remained unconscious.

“You can go now.” He said to Li Lu since the patient hasn’t


She was about to say that she will stay here to keep him
company but looking at Huang Xiaolong’s stern gaze, she
could only nod and say: “Yes.”
Not long after Li Lu left, on the wooden bed Fei Hou slowly
opened his eyes finally awake. He got up slowly supporting
his own weight; observing his surroundings his gaze fell on
Huang Xiaolong in the end, with a surprised look on his face,
asked: “Little Brother, you are the one who saved me?”

“That’s right.” Huang Xiaolong nodded his head.

“Where am I?”

“We are at Canglan County’s Li Residence.”

Fei Hou tried his best to step down from the bed, abruptly
frowned: “Canglan County?” In his memory, there’s no
recollection where Canglan County is.

“Little Brother, thank you very much for saving me; I have
some matters to attend to, so I need to leave first.” Just
when Fei Hou wanted to walk out from the room, suddenly a
violent pain erupted inside his body and with a “waaa”
blood spurts out from his mouth. And he fell to the floor.

Huang Xiaolong quickly helped him back to the bed and

said: “You were heavily injured. The meridians inside your
body are broken. I temporarily used ‘returning soul finger’ to
stabilize your injury and your vital acupuncture points. If you
move recklessly...” When he got to this point, Huang
Xiaolong stopped explaining, for the consequences are

“Returning Soul Finger?” “Acupuncture points?” Fei Hou

looked at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong did not bother to explain, changing the

topic, he asked: “You are a disciple of Asura’s Gate, aren't
you?” While on the street, Huang Xiaolong had noticed an
Asura tattoo on Fei Hou’s left arm; a sign of Asura’s Gate
disciples, which was why Huang Xiaolong brought him back.

“What? Who are you? How do you know I’m a disciple of

Asura’s Gate?” Fei Hou was greatly shocked; then he looked
at Huang Xiaolong warily.

Again Huang Xiaolong did not answer, under Fei Hou’s

watchful eyes he raised his left hand, and a dark black ring
appeared on his left ring finger.

“A, A, Asura’s Ring!” Looking at the dark black ring, Fei

Hou’s body trembled with excitement after a moment he
snapped out of his daze, finding it hard to believe.

Huang Xiaolong quietly observed Fei Hou’s reaction;

according to the piece of paper, this Asura’s Ring is the
symbol and proof of Asura’s Gate Sovereign and any
disciples who see the ring will kneel and bow down in a
prostate position.

After Fei Hou’s shock and excitement passed, recovering his

senses instantly knelt down and kowtowed before Huang
Xiaolong: “Disciple of Asura’s Gate greets Sovereign;
Sovereign is invincible throughout!”

Huang Xiaolong silently breathed out in relief after seeing at

Fei Hou’s reaction; if there was something not right with Fei
Hou’s response earlier, he was prepared to call out the
blades without hesitation and kill Fei Hou. At this moment,
Fei Hou’s meridians are broken and are heavily injured. He
definitely couldn't dodge Huang Xiaolong’s Blades of Asura.

“Fei Hou… you can stand up.” Huang Xiaolong nodded.

“Yes, thank you Sovereign!” Fei Hou stands up, his attitude
respectful to the extreme. And Huang Xiaolong could tell his
respectful manner were sincere from the heart and not

“How did you get hurt?” Huang Xiaolong asked after

thinking for a moment.

“Replying Sovereign, disciples went into Yin Yue (Silver

Moon) Forest wanting to hunt for a tenth stage Demonic
Ghosteye Spider, to refine dans with its core; but didn’t
expect that Demonic Ghosteye Spider was a pair, so…” Fei
Hou said feeling a little embarrassed.

So, he was counter-attacked? Huang Xiaolong thought, but

since Fei Hou was able to escape from the counter-attack of
two tenth stage wicked beasts, it looks like he is very
strong, at the very least, he must be stronger than
Grandfather! (Huang Qide)


Black lines it’s a saying – usually in a powerless comedic

Chapter 22 : Just A Lowly
Slave, What
Chapter 22 : Just a Lowly Slave, What Qualifications?

Having heard Fei Hou’s explanation, it became clear to

Huang Xiaolong why Fei Hou’s meridians were broken, and
his body had such severe injuries.

“Sit down, let me first treat your injuries,” said Huang

Xiaolong after pondering for a moment. Although he would
like to know more about Asura’s Gate and its current
situation but with Fei Hou’s serious injuries, it’s more
important first to stabilize his condition.

“Sovereign, my body’s broken veins…” Fei Hou hesitated

before asking.

In general, broken veins are incurable unless he could find

those legendary elixirs.

“You don’t need to worry.” Huang Xiaolong waved his hand,

said, “I can reconnect your veins, it's just that it will take
about six months.”

“Sovereign! You can reconnect my broken veins?” Fei Hou

was very shocked; it was not that he doubted Huang
Xiaolong but he felt it was too bizarre! Could it be that the
Sovereign was in possession of a legendary elixir?

“Sit down first.”

Fei Hou’s heart was filled with questions but he dared not
defy orders. He answered respectfully and sat down. Once
he sat down, Huang Xiaolong put his palms on Fei Hou’s
back and circulated his internal energy, thereby transferring
it to Fei Hou. In an instant, Fei Hou could feel warm energy
enter his body; he quickly refocused his attention and
coordinated with Huang Xiaolong, guiding the warm energy
to nourish his body.

More than one hour passed.

Huang Xiaolong stopped, face slightly pale.

Although his Body Metamorphose training had reached the

fourth stage, his internal energy was still a bit weak.
However, after having spent more than an hour of
transferring internal energy to Fei Hou, he was now able to
circulate the energy on his own to recover his strength.

Huang Xiaolong watched Fei Hou circulating internal energy

to heal himself for a little while, and then he left the room
and returned to his yard.

When Huang Peng saw his son returned looking tired, he felt
a little strange; didn’t his son go out with Li Lu to walk
around the city?

“Xiaolong, are you okay?” Huang Peng asked

Seeing at his father’s concern, he laughed. “I’m fine Dad.”

Huang Peng lets out a breath of relief, then asked, “Miss Li

Lu has gone back?”

Huang Xiaolong nodded his head.

Suddenly, Huang Peng smiled, and his smile carried a
strange flavor as his stare fixed on Huang Xiaolong, Huang
Peng, quipped: “Isn’t Miss Li Lu’s hand very soft and
smooth? Isn’t nice holding hands with a beauty?”

Huang Xiaolong blanked out for a moment before smiling: “I

say Old Man, what are talking about. There’s nothing going
on between Miss Li Lu and me.”

Huang Peng smiled and said, “Okay, I know there’s nothing

between you and Li Lu, only Miss Li Lu has something with
you.” When he said that, Huang Peng laughed happily “You
don’t know this, but when Miss Li Lu pulled your hand on the
way out that brat Huang Wei’s expression was so bad, it was
like he ate dog shit.”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head while smiling.

“But, Xiaolong, you have to be wary of Huang Wei.” said

Huang Peng and his toned turned serious.

“I know Dad, don’t worry. If there is nothing else, I’ll be

going back to my room,” said Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Peng nodded. “Okay, go and rest.”

After Huang Xiaolong got into his room, he took out the cold
jade bed from Ring of Asura, sat on it then began to practice
Asura Tactic. The night passed and morning came. Huang
Xiaolong stopped his training, all the lethargy from
yesterday had disappeared leaving him feeling refreshed.

Leaving his room, Huang Xiaolong walked towards Fei Hou’s

room; as he got there, coincidentally Fei Hou came out.

“Seen Sovereign, Sovereign invincible throughout!” Fei Hou

saw Huang Xiaolong, immediately knelt down on one knee
in salute. After Huang Xiaolong had helped him to treat his
injury last night, his demeanor became even more
respectful towards Huang Xiaolong.

“You can stand.” Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Only then Fei Hou did stand up respectfully.

“Fei Hou, when others are around, address me as young

master.” Huang Xiaolong muttered in a low voice: “Also,
stop lauding 'Sovereign invincible throughout!'”

Every time Huang Xiaolong heard the sentence ‘Sovereign

invincible throughout!’ he felt depressed even though he
knew it was a rule set by Ren Wokuang, the previous

Fei Hou paused for a moment, then said, “Sovereign,

‘Sovereign Invincible throughout’ this sentence during
salute was set by the previous Sovereign if we stop…?”

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand and said: “I know that this
rule was set by Master years ago, but rules are established
by people. I’m the current Sovereign, and I say this rule is
now abolished.”

Master? Fei Hou had been curious about Huang Xiaolong’s

relation with the Old Sovereign. Hearing Huang Xiaolong
refer to the Old Sovereign as Master he now knew. Right,
who else but the old Sovereign’s pro-disciple can be the
Sovereign of Asura’s Gate?

Fei Hou Immediately responded: “As Sovereign ordered!”

“How’s your recovery?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

“Replying Sovereign; your subordinate’s injury has
recovered about seventy percent, in three days my wounds
should fully recover, but my veins…” Fei Hou’s words
stopped here.

“You needn't worry about your veins. Now, tell me about the
current situation in Asura’s Gate.”

When Fei Hou heard that, his expression became


“What is it?” Huang Xiaolong frowned.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong’s expression he knew Huang

Xiaolong had misunderstood, and quickly said: “Sovereign,
it’s not that your subordinate is unwilling to report.
Honestly, it's just that subordinate is not very clear.”

“Not very clear?” Huang Xiaolong was startled.

“Yes.” Fe Hou nodded, he then explained to Huang Xiaolong.

Fei Hou entered Asura’s Gate twenty years ago, and he had
never been to Asura’s Gate headquarters. Twenty years ago
he met an Elder from Asura’s Gate and was taken in as a
disciple, and that was how he entered Asura’s Gate. His
Master never talked to him about sect’s matters.

His Master’s name is Yu Ming.

“But Master did mention that after Old Sovereign had

disappeared fifty years ago, there was an internal struggle
for the Sovereign’s position resulting in Asura’s Gate
splitting into two factions.” Fei Hou said.

“Split into two factions!” Huang Xiaolong’s brows creased,

asked: “Where is your Master now?”
“Three years ago we separated, and since then I haven’t
seen Master. Back then, Master said he had something to do
in Mohe Kingdom’s Imperial City.” Replied Fei Hou.

The Mohe Kingdom? Huang Xiaolong had heard about the

Mohe Kingdom, but the distance from there to Luo Tong
kingdom where Huang Xiaolong located was too far. To
reach the Mohe Kingdom from the Luo Tong Kingdom, he
would need to pass through more than ten other kingdoms
in between.

If it’s like this, getting a clear picture of the internal situation

at Asura’s Gate is currently impossible.

At this moment, Li Lu ran over from afar; her face

blossomed into a smile when she saw Huang Xiaolong,
“Xiaolong, I knew you were here. Let’s go, the banquet is
starting soon, let’s head over there now.”

Huang Xiaolong’s head start to ache when he saw Li Lu, he

turned towards Fei Hou and said: “Come with me.”

“Yes, Young Master!” Fei Hou replied respectfully.

Although Li Lu was surprised to hear Fei Hou refer to Huang

Xiaolong as Young Master, she did not think too much about
it. She walked up to Huang Xiaolong and pulled his hand,
running out from the yard; as if pulling Huang Xiaolong’s
hand had become a habit of hers.

Huang Xiaolong wanted to retrieve his hand, but to his

surprise, this time, the little girl gripped firmly, not letting
go. He could only follow from behind. As they arrived at the
banquet, they ran into Huang Peng’s group who just came.

When Huang Wei saw Li Lu was holding Huang Xiaolong’s

hand, his expression turned hideous whereas Huang Peng
was giving Huang Xiaolong an ambiguous smile while giving
him a thumbs up, rendering Huang Xiaolong speechless!

Everyone took their seat after they entered the main hall,
and Huang Qide’s group seat is actually on the main table,
seated together with Li Mu. Huang Xiaolong was about to sit
when Li Lu came over and pulled him to a seat next to her
and Fei Hou automatically stood behind Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Peng, Huang Qide, and the others had noticed Fei
Hou’s presence behind Huang Xiaolong. They thought
Huang Xiaolong bought Fei Hou yesterday at the slave’s
market when he was going around the city; consequently,
nobody asked anything.

“Fei Hou, find a place to seat on the sides.” Seeing Fei Hou
standing behind him, when the seat beside was empty
didn't feel right, after all, Fei Hou was a Tenth Order Warrior.

Just as he spoke, Huang Wei's spoke loudly in a haughty

voice: “Sit? Huang Xiaolong, today is Old Patriarch Li’s
birthday banquet; is a slave you bought qualified to sit in
Chapter 23: Making An
Exhibition Of Oneself
Chapter 23: Making an Exhibition of Oneself.

Huang Xiaolong turned around to look at Huang Wei, then

said in a cold tone, “If he’s not qualified to sit here, then you
are even less qualified than he is!”

“What?! Huang Xiaolong, you!” Huang Wei was truly

offended; rage filled his heart. He possessed grade ten
martial spirits, the future Lord of Huang Clan Manor, yet this
Huang Xiaolong actually said he’s less qualified when
compared to a slave servant?

At this moment, Huang Qide spoke: “Enough! We are in Li

Residence, Old Patriarch Li’s celebration banquet!”

Because his grandfather had spoken Huang Wei could only

glare at Huang Xiaolong with a vengeance.

Huang Qide then turned to Huang Xiaolong and said,

“Xiaolong, is this person your newly purchased slave? He’s
not qualified to sit here!”

Huang Xiaolong’s brow wrinkled, no matter what; in the end,

his grandfather was still partial to Huang Wei. Ever since
both of their martial spirits awakened, this has been Huang
Qide’s attitude.

He was certain that If it weren't because Li Lu kept

demanding that Huang Xiaolong comes, his grandfather
Huang Qide would have brought only Huang Wei with him.
Huang Qide spoke again. “Tell you slave servant to leave the
hall, and wait in the yard.”

Leave? Huang Xiaolong’s anger started to rise,

grandfather’s meaning is Fei Hou’s not qualified to even
stand here?

“Xiaolong didn’t you hear what your grandfather said.

Quickly tell you slave servant to scram! We are at Old
Patriarch Li’s celebration banquet, you bringing over a slave
servant, are you trying exhibit yourself?” Huang Ming added
in an admonishing tone.

Scram? Huang Xiaolong’s anger continued to rise, sneered:

“Although my servant is new, but it’s not for you order him

“You!” Huang Ming didn’t expect an event like this where

Huang Xiaolong would actually contradict him; his eyes
bulged so in anger much they almost fell out.

“That’s enough, Xiaolong.” Huang Peng said. “Obey your

grandfather’s instruction, let him return to the yard.” Even
though Huang Peng agreed with his father, Huang Qide and
Huang Ming’s words were excessive, but he also felt that his
son bringing a slave servant on such an occasion was not

Huang Xiaolong was taken aback, suppressing the anger, he

nodded and said to Fei Hou behind him: “Fei Hou, go back
and wait for me.”

While the conversation took place, Fei Hou’s expression was

calm, “Yes, Young Master.” He saluted respectfully after
saying that, turned around and left.
Huang Wei was feeling proud seeing that Fei Hou was
ordered to leave.

Li Lu who was sitting beside Huang Xiaolong glared at

Huang Wei when she saw his satisfied expression.

Suddenly, loud laughter erupted from outside the hall; it

was Old Patriarch Li. Everyone in the Main Hall looked out
and saw Li Mu, Li Cheng and their other guests walking
towards the Main Hall under the protection of experts.

Seeing them, everyone got up.

However, as the group of merry people were about to step

into the Main Hall, suddenly an anxious cry was heard: “Old
Patriarch, it’s bad! Something bad happened!”

The voice was abrupt, and the laughter filled hall became
silent; Li Mu was startled as he turned around to look, others
did the same.

A flustered residential guard ran in looking frightened; the

guard panted heavily as he reached Li Mu and Li Cheng, his
finger pointed towards the main entrance and with a shaky
voice said, “Old Patriarch, outside, outside!”

“Outside? What happened outside?” A sinking feeling crept

into Li Mu’s heart, and he almost shouted his question.

“Outside, there is a huge coffin placed outside!” The Li

Residence’s guard said in a quivering voice.

“What? A huge coffin!”

“What is the matter?!”

Inside the Main Hall, all the Patriarch and experts that came
to congratulate Old Patriarch Li were shocked, and whispers
circulated the hall.

Li Mu’s heart skipped a beat; his expression became

solemn, and he said: “Go!” After speaking, Li Mu and his son
Li Cheng walked towards the main entrance of Li
Residence’s with quickly, while the experts of Li Residence
followed closely behind them.

“We will also go and have a look,” said Huang Qide as he

too walked out of the Main Hall, followed by Huang Xiaolong
and the others, and Li Lu followed Huang Xiaolong. At her
age, although she didn’t understand what a huge coffin
being placed in front of the main entrance on her
grandfather’s birthday celebration represented, she was
nervous and tense.

Huang Xiaolong followed his grandfather to the main

entrance, looked out and saw that a huge red-colored coffin
was placed directly facing the main entrance of the Li

The of the coffin was dyed red with human blood and a
strong scent of blood wove through the air assaulting their

Everyone’s heart tightened watching this weird scene.

Li Mu walked up to the coffin. His expression was cold as he

shouted: “Which scoundrel dares to look for trouble with Li
Residence? Get out here!” When Li Mu shouted, the
surrounding air rolled like waves, forming a large lion in
midair; the lion roared endlessly.

Everyone was surprised and a look of awe apparent in their

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes glimmered. His father told him
before about the battle skill that Li Mu practiced, is this the
middle grade, Mysterious rank battle skill – Sky Lion Roar?

Moments later, the lion in the sky dissipated, and there was

“Hey hey!” A snicker sounded in the air, from all direction

confusing everyone as to the source of the voice. “Old Man
Li, today is your eightieth birthday thus we prepared this big
gift for you, you should be happy. Why are you angry? A bad
temper usually leads to a short life!”

Li Mu flew up, with a loud shout his palm struck out;

releasing many palm prints which rotated to form an
enormous wind storm, swirling up as clouds became faintly

“Windcloud Palm.”

The massive windstorm created by the palm prints fell on a

government building in front, and suddenly a muted green
fist print pierced through the air and collided head-on with Li
Mu’s palm print. A loud deafening explosion resounded as
the two energies collided. Two muted green silhouettes
appeared in midair above the government building as they
stood in midair. Huang Xiaolong and everyone else looked at
the two figures; their bodies were actually covered in scaled
like a snake, with black eyes, their faces covered with green
stripes and a long snake-like tail attached to their backs.

“Soul Transformation!” Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed.

When a warrior reaches the Seventh Order, their martial

spirits experience a second evolution which allows the
warrior's body to integrate with their martial spirits. This
ability is called Soul Transformation. After transformation,
the warrior possesses the innate ability of his martial spirits.
For instance, if a person’s martial spirit is a poisonous
snake, then after Soul Transformation the battle qi in the
warrior’s body will contain a certain amount of poison.

Clearly, the martial spirits of these two were some type of

snake, and from the looks of it, most probably poisonous

“Hey Hey, Old Man Li, your Windcloud Palm is only so-so!”

“We won’t be killing you now; but within three years, we’ll
definitely take your dog-life!”

“Open the coffin and see our birthday present to you!”

Both of them smirked, and their bodies became shrouded in

a muted green glow, then disappeared in a flash right in
front of everybody.

Li Mu didn’t expect the other party to flee the moment they

appeared, so by the time he regained his senses and
wanted to pursue, it was already too late.

“Dad!” Li Cheng walked up to Li Mu moments later. He then

looked at the sealed coffin and asked, “Should we open it?”

Li Mu turned around, inhaled deeply, and said: “Open it!”


Apologies for the wait as these two chapters should be

released together.

Remaining two, weekend release.
Chapter 24: Protecting Loved Ones

After Li Mu had spoken, Li Cheng was feeling very nervous

as he went towards the blood-soaked coffin. His palm hit the
coffin cover, and it flew away revealing the dead body of a
sixteen to seventeen-year-old boy!

The color of the boy’s skin had turned to a muted green, so

dark that it looked almost black.

When Li Cheng got a clear look at the youth’s face, his

entire body trembled and his eyes became red-rimmed as
tears fell from his face. “Feng’er! My Feng’er!” Li Cheng
carried the boy’s body out of the coffin and hugged him

“My Feng’er!”

“You cannot die, Feng’er!"

Li Cheng’s mournful wails were heart wrenching.

And when Li Mu saw the young boy’s face, tears fell from his
face. He stood there and cried, no longer caring about face
or dignity before the crowd.

“Brother, Brother!” At this moment, Li Lu who was standing

beside Huang Xiaolong dashed out to reach the young boy,
sobbing pitifully as both of her hands shook the young boy’s
shoulder. “Brother, what’s wrong with you? Brother, please
wake up! I don’t want you to die, I don’t want to you to die!”

“Brother, please wake up!”

“Wake up!”

Li Lu’s sobs were choked, unable to come out.

At this time, the guards, maids, and experts of the Li
Residence all knelt down and cries filled the area. The young
boy who died was Li Lu’s brother, Li Feng and Li Cheng’s
only son. Li Feng’s was very talented, and like Li Lu, he
possessed top grade nine martial spirits. Three years ago,
he was spotted by Distinct Cloud Sect (Chu Yun Zhong), one
of the most prominent sects of Luo Tong Kingdom, and was
taken as an inner court disciple. No one could have
imagined that he would be killed and sent back to Li
Residence as Li Mu’s birthday gift!

All the patriarchs of the other families and experts who were
present shook their heads. They came to congratulate Old
Patriarch Li on his eightieth birthday, but instead this scene
unraveled before them!

“Feng’er, this is Grandfather’s fault. Grandfather harmed

you!” Li Mu knelt down, both of his hands trembled as he
touched his grandson’s face. His tears fell on on his
grandson’s body, but his grandson could no longer move,
and could no longer hear his voice.

“Rest assured, Grandfather definitely will avenge you!

Absolutely!” Determination showed in Li Mu’s eyes.

From afar, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes were red as he watched

the scene before him.

All around was silence.

After a long time has passed, Li Mu carried his grandson’s

body into Li Residence, and everyone followed. Inside the Li
Residence, the once festive and colorful decoration with the
red cloths are now offensive to the eye.

The birthday banquet did not happen.

And not long after, the patriarchs and experts who came to
convey congratulatory wishes left. The initially festive and
lively Li Residence became gloomy and deadly silent.

In the end, only Huang Xiaolong’s group of five were the last
to remain in Li Residence.

“Brother Li, I’m sorry for your grief.” Huang Qide came
beside Li Mu and said in barely a whisper. “If there’s
anything, all you need is to send a message, our Huang Clan
Manor will be the first to assist!”

Even Huang Qide didn’t imagine such a thing would happen;

given the circumstances, it no longer made sense for them
to stay any longer at Li Residence.

“Brother Huang, thank you!” Li Mu said in a sorrowful voice.

Huang Qide nodded for there’s nothing more that could be

said; turned around and was about to leave with Huang
Xiaolong and the rest, Li Lu suddenly ran over to Huang
Xiaolong, sobbing, ”Xiaolong, don’t go, okay?”

All present turned to look at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong blanked. He hesitated for a moment, and

then he patted Li Lu’s shoulder gently, and said, “Don’t
worry. I will come and visit you often. I will kill whoever is
responsible and avenge your brother.”

Hearing Huang Xiaolong’s words, everyone smiled while

shaking their heads; they took his words as something naïve
children would say, and none of them took Huang Xiaolong’s
words seriously. Even Li Mu wasn’t confident to kill the other
party, not to say an eight-year-old child?
“Then you definitely must come and see me.” Li Lu said as
tears ran down her face.

Huang Xiaolong could only nod.

Li Mu got up and personally saw Huang Xiaolong’s group out

of the Li Residence and only went back in when the five
silhouettes vanished.

By evening, Huang Xiaolong’s group of five reached Huang

Clan Manor.

Huang Xiaolong did not practice that night. He stood on a

peak in the back mountain, looking at the twinkling stars in
the evening sky.

Two meters behind Huang Xiaolong, stood Fei Hou, keeping


Out of nowhere, Huang Xiaolong suddenly asked,“Fei Hou,

when people die, do you think they will become a star in the
night sky?”

Fei Hou was stunned, for he didn’t expect Huang Xiaolong

would ask such a question. “Stars in the night sky?”

“In my previous hometown, someone once said that when a

person dies, they become a star in the night sky to protect
their loved ones.” Huang Xiaolong explained softly.

“Become a star in the night sky? To protect their loved

ones?” Fei Hou shook his head, smiled. “In this world, only
those with power and strength can guard and protect their
loved ones.”

“Power and strength!” Huang Xiaolong repeated.

“Yes, power and strength!” Fei Hou nodded.

That’s right, power and strength! Huang Xiaolong clenched

his fists tightly. Under the night sky, his eyes shone like the
stars-- only the strong have the power to guard and protect
loved ones.

He must become strong! He had to grow stronger quickly!

Only this way he could guard and protect his loved ones!

An invisible aura emanated from Huang Xiaolong, scaring

Fei Hou.

“Let’s go back!” Huang Xiaolong said lightly a moment later

while withdrawing the aura emanating from his body. He
turned around and headed downwards towards Huang Clan
Manor and Fei Hou followed.

Once back at Huang Clan Manor, Huang Xiaolong took out

the cold jade bed, sat down, and started practicing Asura
Tactics as the spiritual aura from the netherworld gushed
down like an endless waterfall.


Time flies and quickly ten months went by.

Huang Peng noticed that his son had increased his effort in
training ever since he came back from Li Residence. Every
day, his son stayed inside the small courtyard to practice,
hardly stepping out. His parents' hearts ached to see their
son’s crazed training regimen, so they decided to go to the
small courtyard and visit Huang Xiaolong.

In the past ten months, Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi increased

at a monstrous rate. Half a month after he came back from
Li Residence, he advanced to mid-Fourth Order from peak
early-Fourth Order, and two months later, late-Fourth Order.

After ten months, not only did Huang Xiaolong breakthrough

to the Fifth Order, he actually advanced to peak late-Fifth

As for the Body Metamorphose Scripture, he had reached

the fifth stage – Power to Haul Nine Bulls Like One.

This morning, the weather was sunny. At the back mountain,

Huang Xiaolong swung his blades and a hundred rays of
light appeared, forming two five meters tall cyclones circling
nonstop. As Tempest of Hell rotates, every tree and bush in
its path were cut into a hundred pieces, when suddenly the
two cyclones swerved to the left, and then swerved again to
the right!

In ten months, not only had Tempest of Hell’s power

increased ten times, but Huang Xiaolong could already
control the direction according to his will. Now, his Tempest
of Hell could last twelve to thirteen breaths of time.

“Tempest of Hell has reached major completion and now it

only lacks power!” Huang Xiaolong mumbled to himself as
he surveyed the surrounding. He has already grasped the
mood of Tempest of Hell and its power will continue to
increase along with his battle qi.

It states on that piece of paper, once there was someone

who used this move, it would annihilate everything within a
ten thousand li radius and not even a blade of grass would

“There are only twenty more days to the next Clan

Assembly.” Huang Xiaolong thought to himself as he
recalled Blades of Asura and they flew back into his arms.

For Chinese, red represents luck, fortune,

happiness….whereby in funerals black and/or white are

If you’re saying six people (iFei Hou)instead of five returned

to Huang Clan Manor, I hear you. Maybe he didn’t count.

One li = 500 m
Chapter 25: The Annual
Clan Assembly Is Here
Chapter 25: The Annual Clan Assembly is Here Again!

In the back mountain, after spending some time practicing

Tempest of Hell, he then continued with Execute Demon

Although Execute Demon Sword is weaker than Asura

Sword, he can use it against regular opponents.

As he swung the blades displaying the Execute Demon

Sword, shadows of the blades swung out like waves, one
after another, becoming increasingly sharp and aggressive
as if it could kill every evil demon and exterminate ghosts.

By the time he finished training the Execute Demon Sword,

the dazzling sun’s was high up in the sky, and one could feel
the heat on the skin.

Huang Xiaolong stopped and returned to Huang Clan Manor.

When he reach the small courtyard, Fei Hou was standing

there, waiting for him.

“Sovereign!” Fei Hou saw Huang Xiaolong returned and

quickly saluted. He knows Huang Xiaolong trains at the back
mountain and will come back around this hour; thus, he
waits here in the courtyard.
Huang Xiaolong nodded as he walked into the courtyard,
and asked, “How is your Luohan Sword practice
progressing?” Five months ago, Fei Hou’s broken veins had
recovered and Huang Xiaolong taught him the Luohan
Sword skill.

“Replying Sovereign, your subordinate has trained up to the

tenth move.” Fei Hou replied respectfully with heartfelt
gratitude. Sovereign not only healed his broken veins, but
he also taught him a high-grade ‘battle skill’, the Luohan
Sword. In these four months, his cultivation even advanced
after his broken veins were reconnected.

“The tenth move,” Huang Xiaolong nodded satisfactorily. In

less than half a year this Fei Hou had reached the tenth

“Zhi Zhi-Zhi!” When Huang Xiaolong entered the small

courtyard, something small leapt at him from out of
nowhere and landed on his shoulder. Huang Xiaolong did not
dodge, for it was the Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey.

A year had passed, but there were no changes to the little

violet monkey. However, although there were no physical
changes to the little violet monkey, its cultivation speed was
even more terrifying than Huang Xiaolong’s. Despite the
fact that he’s a peak late-Fifth Order, without the use of
Asura Sword Skill, he couldn’t injure the little violet monkey.

“Little guy, did you go hunting these past few days?” Huang
Xiaolong laughed as he looked at the little violet monkey on
his shoulder. The little monkey’s quick rise in cultivation was
all due to the beast core he swallowed from killing wicked
beasts; its speed made even Huang Xiaolong who
possessed superb talent twin martial spirits feels envious of
its ability to increase cultivation by consuming beast cores.
Hearing Huang Xiaolong's question, the little violet monkey
gestured with its two little hands, and then it squeaked
cheerfully with pride at Huang Xiaolong, showing off its
harvest from hunting wicked beasts these past few days.

Watching the little monkey’s cute antics, Huang Xiaolong

smiled. “Okay, okay little guy, I admit you’re very powerful
all right.”

The little violet monkey nodded its head, which meant ‘of

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, told the little violet monkey
to play on its own while he sparred with Fei Hou using the
Execute Demon Sword. No doubt, Fei Hou repressed his
strength at peak late-Fifth Order.

In the past two months, Huang Xiaolong’s fighting

experience had increased a whole lot as he sparred
continuously with Fei Hou who was a Tenth Order warrior.

But, the little violet monkey that Huang Xiaolong sent away
suddenly ran back, leapt towards Fei Hou and attacked him.

Thus, the scene changed from two people sparring to two

people and a monkey sparring. Huang Xiaolong attacked the
little violet monkey, the little violet monkey attacked Fei Hou
and in turn, Fei Hou attacked Huang Xiaolong. Sometimes,
Huang Xiaolong and the little violet monkey would attack Fei
Hou together.

The entire small yard was fill with flashes of swords and
monkey claws.

The little violet monkey’s claws are extremely sharp,

comparable to a sacred-grade weapon. Fei Hou faced
extreme pressure against two opponents, especially with his
cultivation repressed at peak late-Fifth Order, and in a
moment of carelessness, he was scratched by monkey
claws; he could only grin despite the pain.

With the presence of Fei Hou and the little violet monkey,
Huang Xiaolong’s training days weren’t dull and boring.

Very quickly, twenty days passed.

It was now the end of the year.

Just like last year, inside the Huang Clan Manor were
decorations of festive trinkets and colorful lanterns.
Everywhere, the guards, maids, and servants were busy, full
of festive cheer.

“Tomorrow is the annual Clan Assembly!” Huang Xiaolong

stood in the middle of the small yard watching pure white
snow float down. His hand reached out to catch a snowflake,
feeling the cold as a snowflake lands on his palm; Huang
Xiaolong remembered that it had been three years since the
last time it last snowed. He loves the sunshine, and he also
loves when it snows and blankets the world in white as if
covering the ugliness of the world.

Fei Hou stood two meters away from Huang Xiaolong,

guarding silently.

“Wonder what Li Lu’s doing now?” Huang Xiaolong thought

inside his heart.

From the time they returned from the Li Residence, Huang

Xiaolong and Huang Peng visited the Li Residence twice.
Ever since that banquet incident, Li Lu became taciturn and
immersed herself in practice just like Huang Xiaolong.
Snow continued to fall, and just moments later, Huang
Xiaolong was entirely covered in snow.

With a small shake, the accumulated snow fell to the ground

and he turned around and left the small yard, heading
towards Eastern Courtyard together with Fei Hou.

As he entered the Eastern Courtyard, he heard his mother,

Su Yan, sobbing. He walked faster and went into the hall. He
saw Su Yan hugging his sister, Huang Min, and his brother,
Huang Xiaohai, with her eyes red from crying. And his father
sat on the side, his face full of anger.

On his sister’s face, there were two clear, burning red palm
marks and the corner of his little brother’s lips was split,
with blood trickling down and both of his eyes were swollen
and black. Evidently, he was beaten.

“Who hit you both?” Huang Xiaolong’s anger rose as he

looked towards his little sister and brother.

“Who else but that Huang Wei!” Su Yan cried.

“Huang Wei!” An icy chill flashed across Huang Xiaolong’s

eyes. Sure enough, apart from Huang Wei, within the Huang
Clan Manor, who else would dare to beat Second Manor
Lord’s children!

“Today, Xiaohai and I went to play in the west yard. On the

way back, we ran into Huang Wei and Zhou Xuedong’s
group; they said we blocked his path and hit us!” Huang Min

Su Yan continued. “After he hit Huang Min and Xiaohai, he

even stripped off their clothes!”
“What?!” Huang Xiaolong raised his voice as killing intent
seeded in his heart.

In such cold weather with snow falling, since both of them

possessed no have battle qi, if both his sister and brother
were stripped of their clothes, they could have frozen to

“Big Brother, Huang Wei wanted me to pass a message to

you: he said tomorrow at the Clan Assembly, he’ll let you
‘look good’!” Huang Min conveyed the message to Huang

“Wants me to ‘look good’?” Huang Xiaolong suppressed the

killing intent in his heart. Since tomorrow’s the assembly,
then he’ll let Huang Wei enjoy one more day.

One night passed.

Snow had stopped falling.

The sky brightened in the absence of sunlight. Huang

Xiaolong stopped his training and left the small courtyard
with Fei Hou, heading towards Eastern Courtyard.

When they reached the Main Foyer, most of the elders,

housekeepers and disciples had already arrived. Huang
Xiaolong’s eyes scanned the Main Hall and saw that both
father and son, Huang Ming and Huang Wei were already


Luohan Sword Skill – Using pinyin here cause I can’t find an

appropriate sub. Luohan (Lohan) usually refers to monks;
like Shaolin Eighteen Lohan Hands. In Sanskrit, it’s called
Arhat meaning a holy man but reluctant to use it here.
Lit. ‘look good’- embarrassed/humiliated. A sarcastic way of
speaking. Will appear many times throughout the novel,
please note.

Next release: Tues/Wed

***Big 'Thank You' to the person whohad to bookmarke evey

chapter on NU**
Chapter 26: Fear?

At this moment, Huang Wei looked over and his gaze met
Huang Xiaolong’s. The corner of Huang Wei’s mouth
stretched into a disdainful sneer, and his eyes were
brimming with hatred.

Ever since they came back from the Li Residence, Huang

Wei's hatred towards Huang Xiaolong increased every day.
Every time he recalled the scene of Li Lu holding Huang
Xiaolong’s hands right in front of him, asking Huang
Xiaolong not to leave, he wished he could gnaw on Huang
Xiaolong’s flesh and drink his blood.

Their gazes collided and shifted away.

Huang Xiaolong, his father, and mother sat across Huang

Ming, father and son.

A short while later, Grandfather Huang Qide arrived.

Seeing his Grandfather appear again at this year’s Clan

Assembly, Huang Xiaolong already knew why. In spite of the
fact that he trained Huang Wei wholeheartedly, at last
year’s Clan Assembly, Xiaolong beat up Huang Wei
ruthlessly, and it more or less blemished his reputation.

This time, most likely, he wanted to see Huang Wei return

the favor so that his reputation would remain untarnished.

Everyone stood up to salute as Huang Qide walked towards

the main podium.

“En, everyone sit down.” Huang Qide’s face was full of

smiles as he waved his hand to indicate everyone to sit.
And everyone sat down.

Same as last year, Chief Housekeeper Chen Ying stood up to

oversee the event. After he had received Huang Qide’s nod
of approval, he declared loudly. “The Annual Assembly

Annual Clan Assembly begins!

For a moment, the Main Foyer was silent. Then, one by one,
the disciples who had awakened their martial spirits this
year went up the stage to spar with each other.

And those who had awakened their martial spirits last year
were to wait for the new disciples to finish before they can
go up the martial stage.

No one was really paying attention to the spar between this

year’s disciples who just awakened their martial spirits not
too long ago; it was clear they were looking forward to the
fight between Huang Wei and Huang Xiaolong.

Last year, Huang Wei as Huang Clan Manor’s most talented

person, the person that the Old Manor Lord trained with
dedication was severely walloped by Huang Xiaolong, what
would happen this year?

Huang Qide too was filled with expectation as he seated

upon the main podium.

Under the crowd’s expectation, the first batch of disciples


Once again the Main Foyer were strangely quiet for a

moment. Almost at the same time, all looked towards Huang
Wei and Huang Xiaolong.
What differed from last year was, this time Huang Xiaolong
stood up first, and slowly walked up to the martial stage at
the center.

Seeing it was Huang Xiaolong who first went to the stage,

the crowd felt a little strange.

Standing tall on the martial stage, Huang Xiaolong looked at

Huang Wei, in a cold voice said, “What? Afraid to come up?”

Huang Wei jumped up in anger, with a sarcastic ‘haha’

laugh, he leaped onto the martial stage. As he stood across
Huang Xiaolong, “Me, afraid to come up? That’s the funniest
joke under the heavens! Last time you ambushed me, and
were lucky enough to win by half a move, do you think you
will be fortunate again this year?”

The entire hall was silent as his words rang out.

Weird expressions swept through the crowd.

Ambush? Lucky enough to win by half a move?

Huang Xiaolong didn’t expect this Huang Wei’s skin is thick

to this extent.

Huang Wei ignored the weird stares thrown at him, turned

his head towards Huang Qide and said, “Grandfather,
according to Assembly’s rules during the sparring event no
one is allowed to interfere, correct?”

He looked at Huang Peng when he finished saying this; his

meaning was written all over his face-- he’s afraid Huang
Peng couldn’t control himself and interfere if Huang
Xiaolong was beaten half to death.
“Yes, no matter who it is, no one is allowed to interfere!”
Huang Qide nodded as he said with a decisive tone, not to
be doubted. When all who were present heard this, they
realized this is the Old Manor Lord's warning to Huang Peng.

How could Huang Peng and Su Yan not realize what Huang
Qide’s words meant? Even though they were angered, they
were mostly worried about their son.

Huang Wei calmed down after he got Grandfather’s

assurance. A blood-thirsty light flashed across his eyes as
turned around to look at Huang Xiaolong. The anger and
hatred that he had been suppressing for the past year broke
out completely.

“Huang Xiaolong, today I will show you the difference

between grade ten martial spirits and grade seven martial
spirits! I will let you see how far my terrifying strength has
reached!” Huang Wei said in a low voice as his battle qi
broke out like flash flood, exhibiting his strength before all
those present and at the same time, his martial spirit, the
Three-Eyed Black Tiger appeared behind him.

Compared to last year, it had grown two-thirds bigger, black

rays glimmered on its body, and it emanated the coercion of
a Xiantian.

“Such a strong battle qi! This is Third Order, no, peak mid-
Third Order! God, it’s actually the peak of the mid-Third

“Young Lord Huang Wei’s talent defying the heavens. Within

a year, he advanced from Second Order to peak mid-Third

Every elder and housekeeper inside the Main Foyer were

shocked with their mouths agape-- some even jumped up
from their seats.

On the main podium, when Huang Qide saw the elders', and
housekeepers' shocked faces of Huang Clan Manor when
Huang Wei revealed his strength, his face was full of smiles,
which turned into laughter for he couldn’t resist laughing
out loud.

Below the stage, Huang Ming’s face had already blossomed

into a big smile early on, and he nodded his head in
satisfaction as he looked at his son.

Revealed his strength, Huang Wei looked at Huang Xiaolong

with a smirk and said in a cold tone. “Huang Xiaolong, now
that you’ve seen the extent of my strength do you feel
extreme fear?! Don’t worry, fear is normal, and no one here
will laugh at you! Finally, you understand the gap between
our talents? The difference between us is not something
your dog shit luck of three Yang fruits can make-up!”

“Fear?” Huang Xiaolong looked at Huang Wei who was

feeling full of himself, shook his head and said icily, “Is this
all the strength you have? Make your move, this time not
only do I want to beat you until your Dad can't recognize
you, but I will hit till even Grandfather can’t recognize you!”

The group of elders and housekeepers heard this and each

shook their heads. Not one person believed Young Lord
Huang Xiaolong would emerge victorious against a peak
mid-Third Order Young Master Huang Wei.

And anger was apparent on Huang Qide’s face, as he sat on

the podium. This grandson, Huang Xiaolong, is too

“Really?” Huang Wei laughed. A hint of viciousness flitted

across his eyes and his silhouette flashed and in the blink of
an eye, he appeared before Huang Xiaolong. His fists
punched out with all his might.

“Xiaolong!” Seeing Huang Wei’s fists was about to hit Huang

Xiaolong, Huang Peng, and Su Yan’s face was filled with
worry as they stood up from their seats. At this time, Huang
Qide who was angered by Huang Xiaolong’s presumptuous
sentence released his aura, locking onto his son, Huang
Peng, his eyes icy as he shouted, “Who dares to interfere
will be dealt with according to clan rules!”

However, at this time, Huang Qide suddenly noticed that the

Main Foyer had fallen into a strange silence, every elder,
housekeeper and disciple were stunned with their mouths’
wide open looking at the martial stage. Feeling doubt,
Huang Qide turned towards the stage just like everyone. On
the stage, nobody knew when Huang Wei’s fists that were
about to hit Huang Xiaolong was locked and stopped midair!

With Huang Qide and everyone else watching with rapt

attention, Huang Xiaolong looked coldly at Huang Wei and
said, “I too shall let you see part of my strength!”


By half a move/trick – a teeny weeny bit stronger/faster.

Kindly note, this expression will appear again in later
Chapter 27: This Is Truly
Chapter 27: This is Truly Fair

A part of his strength? While everyone had yet to realize

what Huang Xiaolong meant, suddenly a battle qi several
times stronger than Huang Wei’s, gushed out of Huang
Xiaolong’s body shooting straight up into the air. It was so
strong that it was at least ten times stronger, or perhaps
even more.

Everyone was dumbstruck and shivered as if they’d seen a

ghost. The elders and housekeepers jumped up from their
seats as if their butts were on fire.

“Fourth Order! He’s actually a Fourth Order warrior! God, a

Fourth Order warrior ah!”

“Is this an illusion? No, it's not! This isn’t an illusion!”

“Your mother*, why are you pinching me?” A disciple

screamed shrilly having been pinched by the person next to

The entire hall became speechless with shock, and some

even trembled with excitement as if they have suppressed
‘it’ for too long.

Huang Peng, Su Yan, and even Huang Ming’s reaction was

no different from the rest, they were stupefied!

Huang Qide's eyes widened in shock, so great was the shock

that his mind went blank as he stared at the stage,
struggling to process what just happened.

“No, it’s impossible! You couldn’t have broken through to

the Fourth Order stage. It’s impossible that you ran into
some dog shit luck again!” Huang Wei cried out as if he’d
lost his mind having succumbed to fear.

He couldn’t believe that Huang Xiaolong would be lucky

enough to come across good fortune a second time and
breakthrough to Fourth Order!

Huang Xiaolong glanced at the frightened Huang Wei who

was shouting like a mad man, and battle qi surged on his
hands and with a loud ‘hong’, Huang Wei tumbled off the
stage, wailing.

With just one step, Huang Xiaolong appeared in front of

Huang Wei and mercilessly stomped on Huang Wei.

Huang Wei’s eyes brimmed with fear and fury as he

growled, “I won't accept this! I am the clan’s real genius!
Why? Why is it that you dog of-a-thing keep running into
dog-shit luck surpassing me?"

“Genius? Dog of-a-thing?” Huang Xiaolong stared coldly at

Huang Wei. Then, he suddenly sent a brutal kick at Huang
Wei’s stomach, and the impact and pain sent Huang Wei
rolling to the edge of the stage in pain.

Huang Wei moaned pitifully as he lay on the ground.

At this point, the people in the audience recovered from

their shock and started to react.

Huang Ming’s fists clenched tight as he looked at his son on

the stage; his eyes gleamed with a scary coldness, but
somehow, he managed to endure it.
Huang Qide’s eyes flickered as he looked at his grandson
Huang Xiaolong-- could it be like Huang Wei said, that
Huang Xiaolong stumbled upon some dog-shit luck again
and swallowed some elixir to advance to Fourth Order?

As these thoughts crossed Huang Qide's mind, Huang Wei

slowly stood up, his body quivering with the effort. His eyes
burned with hatred, glaring at Huang Xiaolong he said, “You
will die!” as he lunged at Huang Xiaolong like an injured

Watching as Huang Wei lunged at him, a cold light flickered

in Huang Xiaolong's eyes and when Huang Wei was within
arm’s reach, he used both hands and struck Huang Wei’s

“Ka-cha!” The sound of broken bones rippled through the


Just as Huang Wei started to scream in pain, Huang Xiaolong

kicked at Huang Wei’s legs and the sound of broken bones
echoed through the hall again.

But he didn't stop there; his palms covered battle qi hit

Huang Wei squarely on the chest and ‘bang’ every scrap of
clothing on Huang Wei body burst into pieces.

Huang Wei’s body flew out of the stage and landed heavily
on the ground, naked as a newborn without even a strip of
clothing on him.

“Wei’er!” Huang Ming’s voice bellowed with anger, he leapt

up and rushed towards Huang Wei. When he got to Huang
Wei, he saw his son coughing up blood nonstop and the
bones of his arms and legs broken.
His heart ached and became filled with fury when he saw his
son’s condition, he gave Huang Wei to Elder Zhou who was
beside him and ordered, “Look after the Young Lord!” After
he said that, Huang Ming turned around and leapt onto the
stage, and killing intent spilled out from his eyes as he
glared at Huang Xiaolong and walked towards him, “You are
very cruel!”

Huang Xiaolong had an indifferent expression as Huang

Ming walked toward him. Earlier on, when Huang Wei
threatened to break both his arms, how come Huang Ming
didn’t say his son was very cruel? And during last year’s
Clan Assembly Huang Xiaolong already spared Huang Wei
once by not breaking his arms then. But, he didn’t expect
Huang Wei to retaliate on his sister Huang Min and little
brother Huang Xiaohai!

This time Huang Xiaolong would not be so lenient!

Huang Xiaolong shifted his gaze towards his Grandfather on

the main podium and said in an icy voice. “During the Clan
Assembly’s disciple sparring no one can interfere.
Otherwise, they will be dealt with according to clan’s rules!
Grandfather, this is what you said earlier, right?"

Huang Qide was embarrassed, but he did not answer.

Seeing his reaction, Huang Xiaolong sneered and said

sarcastically, “Why is it that when my dad made a move,
you insisted on enforcing the clan’s rules but now Huang
Ming interfered and Grandfather, you are turning a blind
eye? This is really fair!”

All the elders and housekeepers remained silent.

“Impudent!” Huang Qide embarrassment turned into anger

and his palm slammed onto a chair beside him.
Huang Ming seeing his father’s attitude stopped worrying;
his icy eyes fell on Huang Xiaolong, he said: “You broke my
Wei’er’s arms and legs, and now I will break both of your
arm and legs!” The battle qi of a late-Seventh Order warrior
released at full scale, and he sent palm strikes at Huang
Xiaolong’s arms.

“Xiaolong!” Just as Huang Peng wanted to leap up the stage,

another silhouette that acted faster than him. In the blink of
an eye, the silhouette stood before Huang Xiaolong and
used both arms to counter Huang Ming’s palms.

“Pooh!” In front of everyone, Huang Ming spat out mouthfuls

of blood. His body flew out from the stage and crashed onto
the ground, breaking a countless number of chairs as he slid
to a stop.

“What?!” Eyes widened in shocked at they looked at Huang

Ming, who lay on the ground, blood spurting out from his
mouth, unable to lift a pinky.

All eyes darted towards the silhouette that stood before

Huang Xiaolong.

“It’s, it’s him?!”

“Him? How could it be?”

When the residents of Huang Clan Manor saw the person

who blocked Huang Ming’s attack, they couldn't believe it’s
actually the slave servant Huang Xiaolong bought?!

Huang Qide, Huang Peng, Su Yan and all present almost

dropped their eyes.

Since he was able to counter Huang Ming’s attack with just

one move, this man definitely had the strength of an Eighth
Order warrior!

Eighth Order!

Fei Hou turned towards Huang Xiaolong and respectfully

asked, ‘Young Master, are you alright?”

Huang Xiaolong nodded. “I'm alright.” When he said that, he

looked at Huang Ming who was struggling to get up using a
chair as a crutch. His eyes burned with hatred but there's
also fear.

“Dad!” Huang Ming called out, his voice sounded hoarse,

and without warning, coughed up another mouthful of

Huang Qide jolted out of his shock and flew onto the stage,
his was voice calm, as his eyes bored into Fei Hou. “I didn’t
expect that you were a hidden master, but your actions are
an insult, not putting our Huang Clan Manor in your eyes,
you injured my child right in front of me!"

Huang Qide conveniently overlooked the truth! If wasn't for

Huang Ming breaking clan’s rules, and then insisted to
cripple Huang Xiaolong’s arms and legs, why would Fei Hou
have acted? And yet he stood there and made it seem that
it was all Fei Hou’s fault.

Fei Hou ignored Huang Qide, indifferent and silent he stood

guard behind Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Qide, seeing that Fei Hou ignored him, became angry
and he shouted, “Speak? What is your purpose lurking for
within my Huang Clan Manor? If you speak up now, I will
have mercy, and spare your life. Otherwise, it will be hard
even to wish for death to come!"
Even though Fei Hou had injured Huang Ming with a single
palm strike, Huang Qide wasn't perturbed; he felt that
although Fei Hou was not weak, at most, he’d only be a late-
Eighth Order warrior.


Next release: Weekend
Chapter 28: The Peak Of
Late-Tenth Order!
Chapter 28: The Peak of Late-Tenth Order!

“Can't even wish for death?” Fei Hou looked at the angry
Huang Qide with indifference; there was a hint of disdain in
his expression.

Seeing that Fei Hou not only ignored him but also looked at
him with disdain, Huang Qide’s heart boiled with fury, and a
murderous aura burst out as battle qi surged violently
around his body covering it with golden-colored patterns.
Huang Qide’s arms grew bigger by a fold and golden-colored
hair grew on his skin and face.

Soul Transformation!

Huang Qide’s martial spirit was the Six-Winged Golden Ape;

as Huang Qide merged with his martial spirit. His body
enlarged and grew by half a meter taller. His eyes turned a
golden-red, and the atmosphere around him became violent
and tyrannical.

Apparently, Fei Hou repeatedly ignoring him in the presence

of Huang Clan Manor’s residents had truly angered him.
Otherwise, he wouldn't have transformed first before
dealing with Fei Hou.

“Absolute Bestial Palm!” Huang Qide’s roar came out hoarse

and thick. His body lunged towards Fei Hou with his palms
extended outwards; A bright, glaring light shone, and the
roar of desperate beasts echoed in the hall.
Absolute Bestial Palm is a high-grade Mysterious Rank battle
skill; one of three treasured battle skills owned by Huang
Clan Manor

Because Fei Hou was standing behind Huang Xiaolong,

Huang Qide’s aggressive attack would affect even Huang
Xiaolong, and if Huang Xiaolong were pulled into the tide of
battle, he would suffer severe injuries due to the gap in
power. Seeing that his Grandfather chose to ignore his
safety just to kill Fei Hou, he became furious.

Initially Fei Hou hesitated to attack because of Huang Qide

status as Huang Xiaolong’s Grandfather; however, suddenly
he heard Huang Xiaolong’s cold voice say, “Full power

Fei Hou was dazed for a moment, but he understood Huang

Xiaolong’s intention thus no longer held back-- his
oppressive battle qi of a Tenth Order warrior gushed out,
causing everyone to tremble where they stood. This level of
oppression is not something Huang Qide, an early Tenth
Order had.

Fei Hou’s expression became sharp and his fists punched


“Heart-Shattering Fist!”

The Heart-Shattering Fist attack cut across the distance

accompanied by a sharp whistling wind and collided with
Huang Qide’s hand print.

The terrifying aftershock energy from the impact spread

outwards in all directions and the force shook the pillars of
the hall so much so that the Elders and housekeepers
nearby had to quickly retreat, as the wave of impact blasted
rows of chairs and sent them flying.
Huang Qide was pushed back for more than a dozen steps
before he managed to steady himself at the edge of the

“Wa!” Warm liquid flowed up his throat and blood spewed

from Huang Qide’s mouth.

Huang Clan Manor’s number one expert, Huang Qide lost!

Thoroughly lost!

Everyone was stunned!


“Old Manor Lord!”

It was a few breaths later before anyone reacted, some of

them quickly rushed towards Huang Qide while others
exclaimed out loud.

Huang Qide waved his hand to indicate that he was okay

then he turned to look at Fei Hou-- it was hard to hide the
horror in his eyes as he slowly uttered each word: “Peak of
late-Tenth Order!”

“Peak of late-Tenth Order?!” The elders, housekeepers, and

disciples looked at Fei Hou with shock, fear, and some other
feelings mixed in; however, Huang Ming's body stiffened as
he became overwhelmed with fear.

Above the Seventh Order, every small breakthrough

represented a great difference in strength.

Although Huang Qide was a Tenth Order warrior, he was an

early Tenth Order; there was a huge difference in power
between an early Tenth Order and a peak late-Tenth Order.
Which is why, although Fei Hou did not release his martial
spirit nor did he undergo a soul transformation, he could still
easily defeat Huang Qide.

Fei Hou stopped attacking after he repelled Huang Qide and

he retreated behind Huang Xiaolong, standing there
respectfully with his oppressive aura erased.

Seeing Fei Hou’s action, everyone turned to look at Huang

Xiaolong, the eight-year-old child that they had ignored and

Evidently, Fei Hou wasn’t a slave servant bought by Huang

Xiaolong; but, why would a peak late-Tenth Order warrior
refer to an eight-year-old child as Young Master? And with so
much respect?

Did Huang Xiaolong run into some dog-shit luck again, what
did he swallow to breakthrough to Fourth Order?! Even if it
was something more valuable than a Yang fruit, it still
shouldn’t have the ability to cannot make a person advance
two orders in a year’s time! Moreover, Huang Xiaolong had
earlier said that this was only part of strength, if so, what is
his real strength?

If it wasn't some unbelievable dog-shit luck, then how

horrible must Huang Xiaolong's talent to be to go beyond
Fourth Order in less than two years?!

In just a few short moments, many thoughts flashed across

the minds of everyone who was present. Even Huang Peng
and Su Yan had many questions.

“Huang Xiaolong, you actually ordered an outsider to injure

Grandfather, how unfilial!” roared, Huang Wei who had just
woken up after being treated by some of the elders “Is the
Huang Clan Manor in your eyes? Do you still acknowledge
your Grandfather?”
All around, expressions tightened.

Who would believe that a child word carries no harm, even

in this dire situation Huang Wei still dared to admonish
Huang Xiaolong, who was protected by a strong warrior like
Fei Hou.

Huang Ming, so anxious that Huang Wei’s words would

worsen the situation immediately turned around and
scolded his son: “Huang Wei shut your mouth!”

But instead, Huang Wei’s voice grew even louder. “Dad,

what’re you afraid of? So what if he’s a peak late-Tenth
Order? Our Huang Clan Manor has several thousand people,
why should we be afraid of one person?” Huang Wei
hollered, and said to Huang Qide, “Grandfather, this unfilial
descendant Huang Xiaolong should have his cultivation
destroyed and driven out of Huang Clan Manor!”

Huang Qide had yet to say anything, but Huang Ming

shouted angrily, “Shut up!” and pushed him back, anxious
to stop his son from talking.

Listening to Huang Wei's gripe in anger, a cold smile

appeared on Huang Xiaolong’s face. “I didn’t treat him as
my Grandfather? Did he treat me as his grandson?” His
finger pointed at Huang Qide.

“I won first place at last year’s competition, yet contrary to

the rules, when the Spirit Pool opened he allowed you to
practice in the pool instead!”

“At this year’s competition, when Huang Ming broke the

rules and intended to cripple my hands and feet, he turned
a blind eye!”
“And just now, if it weren’t for Fei Hou’s strength, both Fei
Hou and I would have suffered serious injuries, and probably
died under his attack!”

Huang Xiaolong listed each point in a bone-chilling voice.

When he heard Huang Xiaolong’s words, Huang Qide

lowered his head and avoided Huang Xiaolong’s gaze.

The hall became so silent even a pin drop would be heard.

Huang Wei was relentless, “Huang Xiaolong, what

qualification do you have to complain about Grandfather? I
possess a tenth grade martial spirit and yours is only a
measly grade seven spirit. Therefore, it makes sense that he
would prefer me, and train me because I am Huang Clan
Manor’s future! What is wrong with that? You’re just jealous
of me! Jealous!”

“Shut up!” Huang Qide’s palm fiercely struck Huang Wei’s


Earlier his father had hit him, and now Huang Wei couldn’t
believe that even his Grandfather Huang Qide slapped him.
Tears rolled down his face, and he felt wronged, what did he
say that was wrong? He wasn’t wrong!

The elders and housekeepers shook their heads secretly

after hearing Huang Wei’s delusional logic.

“Dad, Mom, let’s leave.” At this point, Huang Xiaolong spoke

up. He then turned around and walked away with Fei Hou,
Huang Pend, and Su Yan, ignoring the looks directed at them
followed. There was no longer any point to their staying.

According to the clan’s rules, no one was allowed to leave

before the Clan Assembly is over. However, no one dared to
stop them from leaving.

Huang Qide had a complicated expression on his face as he

watched Huang Xiaolong's receding silhouette.
Chapter 29: Asura Sword Skill – Second Style

For a long while, after Huang Xiaolong left the hall, no one
dared to speak.

“Dad, you see…?” A while later, Huang Ming asked in a

small voice after he stole a glimpse at his father's

Huang Qide sighed heavily as he raised his head, and then

waved his hand. “Everyone disperse, this year’s Assembly
ends here.” After saying that, he turned and walked away;
his stooped shoulders gave off a feeling of loneliness.

It ends here!

Huang Clan Manor elders, housekeepers, and disciples

looked at each other in doubt.

“Everyone disperse!” After Huang Qide’s silhouette had

disappeared from their sight, Huang Ming waved his hands
and ordered. He left the hall half carried by Elder Zhou
Guang and a little while later the hall was empty.

This is the first time since Huang Clan Manor's established

that a Clan Assembly ended midway.

After leaving the hall, Huang Xiaolong returned to his

courtyard. Not too long afterward his parents came to his
little courtyard. Seeing his parents arrive, he knew that they
would have many questions, so without waiting for them to
speak, he said, “Dad, Mom, I know you have many
questions, but there are some things that I can’t explain to
you right now.”
Huang Peng and Su Yan exchanged a look when they heard

“Xiaolong, who is senior Fei Hou?” Huang Peng asked after a

short pause.

Senior Fei Hou? Huang Xiaolong replied after he pondered

for a moment. Then said, “I became the disciple of an
extraordinary person, and Fei Hou is his subordinate, so he
calls me Young Master.”

Huang Xiaolong did not mention Ren Wokuang and Asura’s


Huang Peng and Su Yan finally understood, and were

overjoyed that their son was able to become the disciple of
such a great Master; if Fei Hou is a peak late-Tenth Order
expert, what of his Master?

Thinking about this, their body quivered with excitement.

“Xiaolong, has your current strength gotten to the mid-

Fourth Order level?” Su Yan asked some moments later,
both of them looked at their son expectantly.

On the stage, Huang Xiaolong said Fourth Order was only a

part of his strength.

“Mid-Fourth Order?” Huang Xiaolong was startled for a

moment, in the end, he nodded, confirming their suspicion.
It was better that they thought of him as being at mid-
Fourth Order if they knew he was actually at the peak late-
Fifth Order they would be frightened.

Seeing that their son confirm that his strength was at mid-
Fourth Order, their hearts almost flipped for joy, but even
so, they were shocked mid-Fourth Order! Their son had
actually reached mid-Fourth Order!

“Dad, Mom, two days after the New Year celebration, I have
decided to leave Huang Clan Manor, to gain experience
outside!” Huang Xiaolong said firmly leaving no room for

“What? Gain experience?” Huang Peng and Su Yan were

surprised and almost shouted in unison, “No!”

Huang Xiaolong opened his mouth and said, “I know that

you are worried, but with Fei Hou coming along with I won’t
be in any danger.”

“Xiaolong, I know you want to leave Huang Clan Manor this

instant because of your Grandfather's actions, but no matter
what, he still is your Grandfather. Don’t hate him. Besides
you’re still too young, why don’t you wait another two years
before leaving?” Huang Peng used a gentle tone as he tried
to dissuade Huang Xiaolong.

Even though there is a Tenth Order warrior with Huang

Xiaolong, he is still too young – not even nine years old!
Huang Peng and Su Yan wouldn’t be able to stop worrying if
they allowed Huang Xiaolong to leave!

“Dad, Mom, I have decided. And I will leave after the New
Year.” Huang Xiaolong shook his head; his eyes were
resolute. It was true that he wanted to leave Huang Clan
Manor at this very moment because he didn't want to have
to see his Grandfather nor Eldest Uncle Huang Ming, the
pair of father and son. But his wanting to go out and gain
experience was not entirely due to them.

He wanted to hone himself so that he would become

stronger and also explore the world outside of Huang Clan
Manor and meet with experts.

Seeing their son’s expression, Huang Peng and Su Yan’s

sighed-- they both knew it was useless to continue trying to
persuade him.

Thinking about how her son was going to leave home and
travel to distant places, Su Yan’s heart ached, and her eyes
become red. “Xiaolong, when will you return?”

A trace of warmth spread across Huang Xiaolong’s heart,

and smiled and said, “Mom, rest assured, before next year’s
Clan Assembly, your son will definitely come back to see

“Next year’s Clan Assembly?” Only then did Su Yan feel

better. Su Yan continued to ‘nag’ Huang Xiaolong for quite
some time; she kept reminding him to be careful while
traveling and to take care of his body and to be careful of
bad people, etc.

Huang Xiaolong nodded throughout, unable to refuse her.

Two hours later, his parents finally left.

“Fei Hou, we will be leaving two days later after the New
Year. Prepare the necessary things that we need to take with
us.” Huang Xiaolong ordered Fei Hou after his parents left.

“Yes, Sovereign!”

The night passed without incident.

On the cold jade bed, Huang Xiaolong stopped practicing

Asura Tactics and gazed at the coming dawn sky through
the window. He walked out to the small yard and started
practicing Tempest of Hell.
“Tempest of Hell has already reached major completion; it
only lacks power, but that will increase with my battle qi.
The next step is to practice Asura Sword Skill's second
style.” An hour later, Huang Xiaolong stopped practicing
Tempest of Hell.

He retrieved a piece of paper from the ring and studied the

diagram of the second style.

Asura Sword Skill, Second Style: Tears of Asura.

Tears of Asura? This name is really unique. Huang Xiaolong

circulated his battle qi according to the diagram, the Blades
of Asura had already been called out. He leaped into midair
and launched an attack, and from midair, a ray of light fell
to the ground. That’s right; it fell just like a tear drop falling
to the ground.

The first style, Tempest of Hell attacked from the ground.

However, the second style could only be used while one is in
the air.

Huang Xiaolong’s body floated to the ground after his first

attempt. He stood still on the ground, remembering the
movements and how it felt when he launched a string using
Tears of Asura. He stood there for half an hour then made
his second attempt.

This time, the ray of light from the blades was softer, as if
weightless, akin to a tiny drop of rain.

Another half an hour had passed before Huang Xiaolong

made the third attempt.

And just like when he first started practicing Tempest of Hell,

after each attempt, he would stand still for at least half an
hour before trying again.
As Huang Xiaolong immersed himself in practice, the sky
gradually turned dark.

He shook his head as his body floated down from midair;

although with one day’s worth of practice the power of the
attack had increased quite a bit compared to the first time,
but he had yet to reach minor completion. According to the
illustration, when Tears of Asura produces the sound of
cries, then it would be considered as having reached minor

The entire time while Huang Xiaolong was practicing, Fei

Hou stood silently outside the small courtyard.

The truth is, Asura Sword Skill and Claws of Asura were
exclusive to those who practiced Asura Tactics; therefore,
Huang Xiaolong wasn’t worried that either Fei Hou nor
anyone else would try to learn it in secret.

Just as Huang Xiaolong finished his Tears of Asura practice,

the sounds of footsteps echoed outside of the small
courtyard. When he turned to look, he saw that the people
approaching were his Grandfather Huang Qide, Eldest Uncle
Huang Ming, and they were accompanied by his father,
Huang Peng.

Huang Xiaolong frowned.


Next release: Wednesday (fingers crossed!)
Chapter 30: Leaving Huang Clan Manor

As Huang Qide and Huang Ming arrived at the entrance of

the small courtyard, Fei Hou extended his hand to block
their path; only Huang Peng was allowed in.

This put Huang Qide and Huang Ming in an awkward

position. Both of them wanted to get angry but dared not
show any anger.

Fei Hou had a deadpan expression on, and his demeanor

was calm and indifferent; despite the forced smile on Huang
Ming’s face, Fei Hou continued to block their path.

At this moment, Huang Peng went up to Huang Xiaolong and

said, “Xiaolong, would you let …?”

Huang Xiaolong nodded at Fei Hou, and when Fei Hou saw
him nod, he put his hand down, allowing Huang Qide and
Huang Ming to enter the yard.

Only then did Huang Qide and Huang Ming feel relieved and
they nodded in thanks, with broad smiles on their faces.
Especially Huang Ming, whose behavior was extremely
respectful as they walked into Huang Xiaolong’s small yard.

“What did you come for?” Huang Xiaolong asked with

indifference. “If I remember correctly, this your first time
coming to this little courtyard of mine, right?”

As far back as Huang Xiaolong could remember, his

Grandfather Huang Qide, and his uncle Huang Ming had
never come to visit him in his courtyard.

Both Huang Qide and Huang Ming’s face became red with
embarrassment; but fortunately, the sky was turning dark
thus it wasn’t obvious.

“Xiaolong, your Grandfather and Eldest Uncle came to invite

you to join the New Year feast.” Huang Peng stepped up and
said to his son, coming to Huang Qide and Huang Ming’s

Every year during the annual Clan Assembly, after the

disciples sparring event on the first day, a banquet would be
held on the following day. Huang Clan Manor would hold a
big feast to celebrate the new year. Other than the elders,
only the best of three generations most talented disciples
could attend the feast.

Truth be told, Huang Xiaolong should have attended last

year feast when he defeated Huang Wei and won the event,
but no one came to invite Huang Xiaolong, and just like the
Spirit Pool, both privileges were given to Huang Wei.

“Right, right, right, Xiaolong, we came to invite you to the

feast.” Huang Ming quickly followed up with a smiling face
as if Huang Xiaolong were the Eldest Manor Lord, and he
were an ordinary Huang Clan Manor servant that was sent
over to invite him.

Although Huang Qide did not speak, he still wore a dazzling


Being invited personally by these two to join the end of the

year feast was a first since Huang Clan Manor was
established. In so many years, only Huang Xiaolong had the

But, Huang Xiaolong answered coldly, “No thanks, I still

need to practice.”

The smiles on Huang Qide and Huang Ming’s faces stiffened.

“Xiaolong you!” Beside him, Huang Peng panicked and
blurted out.

“Dad, you know my temper!” Huang Xiaolong replied.

In this situation, Huang Peng don’t know what to say, this

son of his sometimes could be very stubborn, and once he
had decided on something, neither he nor his wife could
make him change his position.

But, Huang Qide motioned his hand at Huang Peng and with
a sincere expression looking at Huang Xiaolong, he said:
“Xiaolong, what I did in the past was wrong and biased. But I
hope that you won’t hate me. From now on, no matter what
you want, as long as you request it, I will agree.”

Huang Xiaolong remained impassive. Of course, he knew

why his Grandfather lowered himself to come over and
invite him, acting polite; it was all because of the talent he
had exposed, and the fact that there was a peak late-Tenth
Order expert behind him. Why else would his Grandfather
humble himself like this?

Huang Xiaolong kept quiet and didn't reply.

Huang Qide did not get angry when he saw this, but sighed
in his heart as he continued, “Your father said that you
would be leaving to train outside after the New Year?”

Huang Xiaolong glanced at his father, Huang Peng, and

when Huang Peng was about to speak, Huang Qide beat him
to it. “Don’t blame your Dad; I unintentionally overheard
him.” Then, his tone suddenly changed, “Xiaolong, I don’t
hope that you would forgive me, but Grandfather wants you
to know, Huang Clan Manor and I will always wait for your
return, and Huang Clan Manor is forever your home!”
Huang Qide’s expression became a little wistful as he took
out a small jade bottle. “A few years ago, Grandfather hired
an alchemist to refine a Grade Four Spirit Dan, Dragon Tiger
Fundamental Dan; it’s hugely beneficial in enhancing battle

Huang Ming was shocked when he saw his father took out
the Fundamental Dragon Tiger Dan; it was an incredibly rare
top Grade Four Spirit Dan. His father had kept it for more
than a dozen years, but now he’s actually giving it to Huang

A Grade Four Spirit Dan?

Huang Xiaolong had hesitated for a moment before he

received the bottle.

When Huang Qide saw Huang Xiaolong took the bottle, a

bright smile bloomed on his face, as if it was Huang
Xiaolong who gave him a Grade Four Spirit Dan and not the
other way round.

But, when his smile was most dazzling, Huang Xiaolong

passed the bottle to his father who was beside him, “Dad,
take this Dragon Tiger Fundamental Dan.”

Instantly the bright smile on Huang Qide’s face vanished,

and both Huang Ming and Huang Peng were dazed.

“Xiaolong, you can’t!” Huang Peng was about to refuse

when Huang Xiaolong waved his hand and said, “Dad,
you’re now at peak the late-Sixth Order and need this
Dragon Tiger Fundamental Dan more than me. Don’t refuse
anymore, take it.” And just like that Huang Xiaolong gave
away the very precious dan.
Huang Peng received the jade bottle from his son with a
helpless expression.

Huang Xiaolong then turned to looked at his Grandfather

who was no longer smiling, and said, “You gave it to me,
and I gave it to Dad, you have don't have a problem with
that, right?”

“Oh, oh, not at all! It makes no difference if your Dad uses it,
it's all the same.” Huang Qide replied with a smile but his
heart was dripping blood; a top Grade Four Spirit Dan, ah!
He had kept it more than ten years!

A short while later, Huang Qide, Huang Ming, and Huang

Peng left the small courtyard.

In the end, Huang Xiaolong didn’t join them in the feast.

The feast was held in the front hall, and just like the
previous years it was a lively, grand, and festive occasion,
but somehow Huang Qide, who sat in the main seat, wasn’t
feeling the festivity at all.

In contrast to the liveliness of the front hall, Huang

Xiaolong’s small courtyard was quiet. Huang Xiaolong sat
cross-legged on the cold jade bed, running the Asura Tactics'
exercise to absorb the netherworld’s spiritual aura as it
gushed down on him.

Huang Xiaolong had now reached the second stage of Asura


According to the illustrations, when one reached the highest

level of Asura Tactics, he could open Asura’s Gate connected
to Asura Realm. But, he’s not sure if this is true.

Two days passed quickly, and New Year arrived.

This New Year, the Eastern Courtyard was more lively
compared to previous years, and Huang Xiaolong spent time
with his Mom and Dad, little sister and brother and the air
was filled with laughter.

For Huang Xiaolong knew, the next time he would see his
parents, little sister, and brother would be in a year.

New Year came and went.

The next day, Huang Qide, Huang Ming, and all of Huang
Clan Manor’s elders, and housekeepers stood at the square
before Huang Clan Manor’s main entrance: everyone was
there to bid Huang Xiaolong farewell.

Her son was about to travel far away, Su Yan’s eyes were
red-rimmed as she hugged Huang Xiaolong tightly. “You
must be careful while traveling.”

“Mom, I know.” Huang Xiaolong’s eyes too were red, and he

quickly turned away and left with Fei Hou.


Longhu Xuan Yuan Dan – Dragon Tiger Fundamental Pill
Chapter 31: Silvermoon Forest

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou’s figure slowly disappeared

from everyone’s sight as walked further away.

Huang Peng looked at his wife Su Yan that still stood in a

daze looking towards their’s son direction, he came beside
his wife and softly said, “Yan Mei, let’s go back, son’s
already gone far away.” As he rubbed Su Yan’s shoulder.

Su Yan nodded blankly, and Huang Peng hold her as they

walked back in to Huang Clan Manor with the rest.

Whereas after Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou left Huang Clan
Manor, they did not follow the usual road but entered the
back mountain, moving deeper into the mountain.

Crossing the back mountain a few hundred li they will reach

the border of Silvermoon Forest. The Silvermoon Forest is so
vast that it traversed more than ten kingdoms’ territory,
various beasts lived inside Silvermoon Forest. Thus, Huang
Xiaolong decided to hunt some demonic beast while

The Fourth Stage Bara Floret Python he killed previously

came from Silvermoon Forest.

And three days later, Huang Xiaolong reached the edge of

Silvermoon Forest.

He raised his head to look at the sky, seeing the sky

gradually grew darker, he said to Fei Hou, “We’ll rest here
for the night, and continue our journey tomorrow.”
“Yes, Sovereign!” Fei Hou acknowledged with respect.

The little violet monkey on Huang Xiaolong’s shoulder

clapped its hands and squeaked, seeing its action Huang
Xiaolong smile, “Little guy, go see if there’s any fruit in the
area, bring some back.”

The little violet monkey nodded, with a squeak with jumped

off Huang Xiaolong’s shoulder. With just a few leaps, it
disappeared from sight.

Whereas Fei Hou went to collect dry sticks and tree bark to
make a fire.

A while later, the little violet monkey returned with lots of

fresh fruit in its arms; even its mouth is biting on a piece of

“This is Ice Fruit?!”Fei Hou exclaimed in astonishment

looking at the transparent-like fruits inside the little violet
monkey’s arms.

Ice Fruit is a rarely seen, although it brings no benefits in

regards to enhancing battle qi, instead, it could strengthen
the physique and it costs several tens gold coins on the

When the little violet monkey saw Fei Hou’s astonishment, it

lifted its little head with pride. It put down around seven to
eight pieces of Ice Fruit, and then it gestured and squeaked
before running off again, coming back with more Ice Fruits in
its arms.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and laughed seeing its

action; this little guy is amusing.
During the journey these few days, every time the violet
monkey ran off it will bring back some delicious fruits, so
Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou tasted many delicious fruits the
whole way.

As they sat next to the pile of Ice Fruits, Huang Xiaolong and
Fei Hou took out some dry food, and ate it together with the
Ice Fruits.

Icy cold and fragrant when the Ice Fruit slid down the throat,
Huang Xiaolong ate three without feeling enough.

Huang Xiaolong said to Fei Hou, “Too bad there’s no meat, if

there’s meat plus a jug of good wine, then it is perfect.”
Huang Xiaolong was a wine lover in his previous life, but he
had yet to taste this world’s wine, wonder how does the
wine in this world taste like?

Fei Hou laughed when he heard this. “Sovereign also like to

drink?” From his point of view, Sovereign hasn’t even
reached nine, actually knows how to drink? Then he added,
“Wine, there’s none at the moment, but meat there’s some

While Huang Xiaolong was confused, suddenly the sound of

a demonic beast heading their direction, and from the sound
of its movement, its definitely not small.

Moments later, two sharp fangs came into sight as a hog

like demonic beasts appeared before Huang Xiaolong and
Fei Hou.

Low-level Demonic Beast, Sandyfern Beast!

Watching as the Sandyfern Beast approached, Fei Hou

laughed and stood up. “Sovereign, although this Sandyfern
Beast’s meat is a little thick and tough, it is quite delicious.”
He was prepared to deal with the Sandyfern Beast, but a
small shadow beat him to it; it reached the Sandyfern Beast
almost instantly, and a ray of cold light gleamed across the
Sandyfern Beast's body as it wailed and fell to the ground.

Seeing the culprit, Fei Hou shooked his head, and of course,
it is the little violet monkey.

After killing the Sandyfern Beast, the little violet monkey

dragged a corpse that is bigger than its body by a few
hundred folds close to the bonfire. It squeaked and gestured
towards Huang Xiaolong while little finger pointed at the
massive Sandyfern Beast’s body.

“Okay, I already know you’re a glutton.” Huang Xiaolong

laughed and took out a sharp blade to skin the Sandyfern
Beast, cleaned the meat and roast on the bonfire. Drool
dripped while waiting for the meat to roast, and soon the air
permeated with the smell of fragrant roasted meat. And the
Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey squatted right in front of the
bonfire with an anxious look as its eyes fixed firmly only the
meat, salivated nonstop.

Huang Xiaolong smiled watching the little violet monkey’s

expression. One year ago, the little guy tasted his roasting

Fei Hou sat nearby, and his eyes did not stray from the meat
on the bonfire, the look on his face is the same as the little
violet monkey.

Just when the fragrant meat suffused the air, far away a
loud yell rang out. Both Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou were
startled, but Fei Hou said, “Sovereign, once we entered
Silvermoon Forest, we will see many of these types of
killings, and you will get used to it soon. It is better not to
Huang Xiaolong nodded.

However, the faraway fighting noise grew clearer as it grew

closer, and it seemed to be moving towards Huang
Xiaolong’s direction.

Huang Xiaolong frowned. And within seconds, he saw the

fighting parties revealed themselves accompanied by loud
yelling noises.

A young girl and man chased by a group of people wearing

purple-colored robes; slashes made by sword apparent on
the pair of youngsters as blood stained their clothes.

“Cosmic Star Academy, Purple Robed Sword Sect!” Fei Hou’s

brow furrowed.

Huang Xiaolong turned to look at Fei Hou.

Fei Hou explained: “Young Master, Cosmic Star Academy

belongs to the Luo Tong Kingdom, you probably heard about
it, whereby Purple Robed Sword Sect is Yunhai Kingdom’s
number one sect! The pair of youngsters in front is from
Cosmic Star Academy, and those behind them are from
Purple Robed Sword Sect.”

Cosmic Star Academy!

Purple Robed Sword Sect!

Huang Xiaolong took another look at the parties headed his

way. Cosmic Star Academy is an academy in the Luo Tong
Kingdom, this he heard his father mentioned before. Most of
the big and prominent families talented descendants
gathered there, and in the Luo Tong Kingdom, it is a family’s
glory to have their descendants or disciple successfully
enrolled into Cosmic Star Academy.
Whereby Purple Robed Sword Sect he had never heard of,
but since this Purple Robed Sword Sect is Yunhai Kingdom’s
number sect, then they must be very powerful, at the very
least not weaker than Cosmic Star Academy.

And by this time, both parties were surprised noticing

Huang Xiaolong, Fei Hou and the little Violet Spirit Devourer
Monkey in their path; the pair of young girl and man flew
towards Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou after a slight
hesitation. At the same time, called out to Fei Hou in an
urgent voice: “Senior, please save us!”

Fei Hou frowned; he was disinclined to involve himself in this

kind of matter, now it seems like he won’t be able to avoid
it, both of them stood up and still Fei Hou did not move,
waiting for Huang Xiaolong’s decision.

The pair of youngsters arrived beside the bonfire, panting

heavily. Their expression filled with dread as they looked
back at the group of people pursuing them.


Shaluo Shou; lit. Sandyfern Beast (The best I could come up

with L)

Zhi Yi Jian Zhong – Purple Robed Sword Academy.


*Silver Moon Forest to Silvermoon Forest

**Wicked Beast to demonic beast

p/s: Will slowly change accordingly for all previous chapters.
Chapter 32: Fei Hou’S
Martial Spirit
Chapter 32: Fei Hou’s Martial Spirit

There were ten or more disciples of the Purple Robed Sword

Sect pursuing the pair; seeing that they had stopped
running, the disciples scattered out and surrounded the four
people at the bonfire.

“Senior Brother Cheng, what shall we do?” A Purple Robed

Sword Sect disciple asked a middle-aged man that has
distinct sword scar on his left face.

The scar-faced middle-aged man looked at each person that

were surrounded and stopped when he got to Fei Hou. His
brows creased into a frown when he realized that he
couldn’t determine Fei Hou’s strength.

“Senior, we are disciples of the Purple Robed Sword Sect, we

hope that Senior will stay out of this matter.” After a brief
pause Zhang Hua added, “As long as you do not interfere,
we will allow you to leave safely.”

After all, they were within the borders of the Luo Tong
Kingdom and not in the Yunhai Kingdom; Zhang Hua would
prefer to avoid trouble if he could.

Fei Hou didn’t respond, instead, he looked at Huang


Huang Xiao long’s expression remained blasé as he looked

at the Zhang Hua. “Are you saying that if we interfere, then
we wouldn’t be able to leave safely?” Although the other
side seemed polite, Huang Xiaolong however, detected the
implied threat in their words.

As a person born in the Luo Tong Kingdom, seeing disciples

of his kingdom's premier academy being hunted, it was only
natural that he would be slightly partial to help Cosmic Star
Academy’s disciples.

Just like in his previous life on Earth, if people from his

country were bullied, he would be biased in his support of
his fellow countrymen.

On hearing Huang Xiao long’s response, Zhang Hua’s

expression sank.

“Kid, what did you just say!” shouted one of the disciples
seeing a fledgling dared to speak in such manner to Senior
Brother Cheng, and just as he was about to scold more,
suddenly, a shadow flashed and the disciple screamed
clutching his face: “My face! My face!”

There were two lines of blood running down on both sides of

his face.

It was the Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey who attacked him,

and after attacking he settled back on Huang Xiaolong’s
shoulder, and then bared his teeth at the disciple.

“Animal, you are courting death!” Anger welled in that

Purple Robed Sword Sect disciple, and he imbued battle qi
into the long sword he was holding and attacked slashing
directly at the little violet monkey.

When the other disciples saw that one of their own was hurt,
they couldn’t resist, and they attacked together.
Bright rays of sword light surrounded Huang Xiaolong.

Zhang Hua wanted to stop them, but it was too late, and he
watched the rays of sword light hurtled at Huang Xiaolong.
Suddenly the rays of sword light vanished and the four
disciples who attacked were flying, spitting out blood in

When they hit the ground, their bodies jerked twice and
became still; they were all dead!

Fei Hou looked coldly at the four bodies before he turned

towards Huang Xiaolong and asked respectfully, “Young
Master, are you alright?”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head as he said, “I’m fine.” The

truth was, even if Fei Hou did nothing, the four Purple Robed
Sword Sect disciples couldn’t have hurt him, he could tell
that all four of them were only Fifth Orders warrior.

Zhang Hua and the other disciples of the Purple Cloth Sword
Sect disciple were shocked as they looked at the four lifeless
bodies lying on the ground. Anger caught up, and a cold
light flickered in his eyes as he turned around to look at Fei
Hou, “You dare kill disciples of the Purple Robed Sword

Fei Hou just stared at Zhang Hua with an even colder

expression and said, “Those who dare to cause harm to the
Young Master, will die!”

This was one Asura Gate’s rules; if anyone dared to harm

the Sovereign, all Asura’s Gate disciples must kill the person
with their utmost effort!

Anger raged in Zhang Hua’s heart, and his expression

became ice-cold: “Good!” Then he waved his hand signaling
to the disciples and said, “We are leaving!”

Then he turned to leave. The disciples were all stunned.

“Leave? Who allowed you to go?” At this moment, spoke

Huang Xiaolong with an edge in his voice.

Huang Xiaolong saw the hate and animosity in the middle-

aged man’s eyes, and he knew that if the middle-aged man
were allowed to leave, in the future he would definitely
return for revenge. And Huang Clan Manor wasn't that far
away from their current location, if the scar-face middle-
aged man discovered his identity, then Huang Clan Manor
might be in danger of annihilation. So, Huang Xiaolong
decided not let these Purple Robed Sword Sect disciples

Murder flitted across Huang Xiaolong’s heart.

In his previous life, the number of criminals that died in

Huang Xiaolong’s hands was no less than twenty. The fact
was, Huang Xiaolong wasn’t a soft, kind-hearted person.

The scar-faced middle-aged man and the Purple Robed

Sword Sect disciples paused, and their expressions changed
in the same moment Fei Hou moved. As Fei Hou dashed
forward, behind him, a river emerged!

The river emitted a flickering silver glow as if it was made of

numerous swords light.

This is Fei Hou’s martial spirit, Silver River!

Silver River was also a variational martial spirit.

Fei Hou immediately soul transformed after releasing his

martial spirit! His body turned soft and flexible. Moving as if
he had become a silver-colored river, he wound around the
disciples of the Purple Robed Sword Sect, and horrifying
screams came from their throats as pillars of blood shot out
of their bodies. Without exception, all of them crumbled to
the ground. In a blink of an eye, they had all died.

In the time needed to take six to seven breaths, all the other
disciples of the Purple Robed Sword Sect disciples, as well
as the scar-faced middle-aged man, Zhang Hua, died.

The two disciples of Cosmic Star Academy were rooted

where they stood, filled with fear as they looked at Fei Hou.
They were very aware of the strength of the Purple Robed
Sword Sect disciples who had been pursuing them; after all,
the scar-faced middle-aged man was a late peak Seventh
Order warrior! Other than him, there were two other
Seventh Order warriors!

By this time, Fei Hou had returned to his usual self and
retreated behind Huang Xiaolong.

Only then did the two youngsters come to their senses.

“This, er.., this little brother and Senior, thank you for your
saving grace, we will show our gratitude in the future!” The
young man’s voice quivered as he cupped his hand in
salute. He then grabbed the girl’s hand and quickly left in
panic. Long after, he turned his head back looking at the
direction they came away from in fear.

Fei Hou’s face sank seeing the two ran away in panic when
he had just saved them, so he asked Huang Xiaolong,
“Young Master, should we…?” Fei Hou made a silencing

A certain light flitted in Huang Xiaolong eyes, but in the end,

he shook his head. “Forget it.” Although he too was
disgusted with the manner which they fled from him, he
understood that they were afraid he would silence them just
like the Purple Robed Sword Sect.

Also, he wasn’t worried that the pair would spread the story
about, for it wasn't in their interest if this incident came to

“Let’s leave this place.” Huang Xiaolong said to Fei Hou

after the disciples of the Cosmic Star Academy had faded
from sight. He had lost interest in staying here.

“Yes, Sovereign!”

Before they left, Fei Hou incinerated the bodies.

Thus, two people and one little monkey entered the

Silvermoon Forest.

Having Fei Hou, a peak late-Tenth Order warrior traveling

with him, Huang Xiaolong wasn’t afraid of encountering any
powerful demonic beasts.

A month later, somewhere in the Silvermoon Forest, two

bright rays of light flashed by and a big black bear roared as
it fell, crashing into the ground. Afterward, Huang Xiaolong
silhouette emerged in mid-air.

In the past month through killing demonic beasts, through

combining his martial spirits’ innate talent - Space
Concealment and Phantom Shadow – Huang Xiaolong could
now easily kill a Sixth Stage demonic beast.

The black bear Huang Xiaolong had just killed was a mid-
Sixth Stage.
At this moment, the little violet monkey leaped off Huang
Xiaolong’s shoulder towards the big black bear. Its tiny
claws slit across the skin, dug out a beast core, before
opening its mouth and swallowing it; then it removed the
bear gallbladder and gave it to Huang Xiaolong.

A mid-Sixth Stage black bear’s gallbladder was much more

potent compared to the Fourth Stage Bara Floret Python's
snake gallbladder that he took last time.


-Senior Brother Cheng Zhanghua - full name; same person

-Fei Hou calls Huang Xiaolong Young Master/Lord when there

are others around; I’m gonna keep at Young Master.
Chapter 33: Asura Demon Claw

Huang Xiaolong took wine out from the Asura Ring, then he
shredded the black bear's gallbladder to mix it into the wine
before he drank and gulped it all down. He finally got the
wine a few days before after killing a group of mercenaries
that called themselves Evil Spirit.

The moment the mid-Sixth Stage black bear's gallbladder

entered his stomach, warm strands of energy began to flow
into Huang Xiaolong’s body. The strands started small, and
then grew thicker within several breaths of time. Huang
Xiaolong quickly started running the Asura Tactics' exercise
law to absorb and convert the energy into battle qi.

With little more than one month’s time, his battle qi had
increased much quicker by training and killing demonic
beasts in Silvermoon Forest than when he crazily practiced
at Huang Clan Manor.

In Silvermoon Forest, he would run into things that aided his

practice, such as the black bear gallbladder; this was
important because the Sixth Order barrier is hard to break
through. Those who had top grade level ten martial spirits
needed about a year to break through from late peak-Fifth
Order warrior to Sixth Order warrior.

Even though Huang Xiaolong possessed twin superb talent

martial spirits, at the very least, he would need between
five months to half a year before he could break into the
Sixth Order.

Huang Xiaolong sat cross-legged while he refined the

energy, whereas the little violet monkey chewed on a
purple-colored fruit that nobody knew from where it had
picked it up. It never had to refine the beast cores that it

The entire time, Fei Hou stood guard ten meters away,
totally focused on the surrounding area.

A few hours later, Huang Xiaolong was done refining the

black bear's gallbladder and got up. Not only had his battle
qi increased, but his physique was also tougher, stronger,
and firmer, including his tendons; and this increased his
instant explosive power.

Huang Xiaolong summoned his blades and leaped up, and

while in midair, his blades slashed downwards. Dozens of
sword rays turned into razor- thin rain drops that drizzled
down, covering an area ten meters wide.

Everything within that ten meters turned into dust.

A faint cry echoed from the razor-thin rain as if it came from

hell, infringing upon peoples’ mind. Afterward, Huang
Xiaolong landed.

After one month of practicing, the Asura Sword Skill –

Second Style, Tears of Asura had finally gotten to the minor
completion level!

With one wave, cries of Asura could be heard.

But, he was still miles away from reaching major

completion. With each wave of the blade, the razor-like rain
was sometimes violent, or perhaps gentle like water, at
times it raged like a heavenly river, and sometimes it was
formless. That was the state when Tears of Asura reached
the major completion level.
Currently, each of Huang Xiaolong’s waves brought down a
drizzle of razor-rain, but he had no control over its range or

Huang Xiaolong stopped his practice and recalled the Blades

of Asura back into his arms. Suddenly, his fingers curled and
clawed into the black bear corpse ignoring space. Dark
black threads of energy flowed out from the black bear’s
corpse into Huang Xiaolong’s body through his hands.

As the black strands of energy poured into Huang Xiaolong’s

body, he stood there while black light glimmered around his
body, then suddenly Huang Xiaolong clawed at a huge tree
ten meters away.

The sky seemed to darken as two black claws appeared


A “Bang!” resounded through the air as both claws smashed

against the huge tree, and it tumbled down, while the areas
around the claw print had turned black, emanating death in
the air.

In the past month, Huang Xiaolong had also started

practicing the other battle skill mentioned in the illustration,
Asura Demon Claw.

There were only five moves in Asura Demon Claw, but once
it reached the major completion level, each move had an
overwhelming destructive power.

The move Huang Xiaolong displayed earlier was called the

Hiss of a Thousand Demons; when this move reached major
completion and struck out – thousands of demons would
appear and cover the sky, sweeping away everything in its
Yet, in Huang Xiaolong’s previous hit, not even one demon

“It seems like I need to put more effort into practicing the
Asura Demon Claw.” Huang Xiaolong said to himself. The
problem with practicing the Asura Demon Claw was that it
had one primary requirement; one must absorb the soul
blood qi of a recently deceased corpse, regardless of
whether it was human or beast. The black strands of energy
from the black bear Huang Xiaolong absorbed earlier was its
soul blood qi.

Due to the need to absorb soul blood qi, Huang Xiaolong

could not practice the Asura Demon Claw when he was back
at home.

Suddenly, the sounds of footsteps and faint human voices

was heard from afar.

Fei Hou instantly arrived behind Huang Xiaolong in a flash

while the little violet monkey jumped down from a tree and
perched onto Huang Xiaolong’s shoulder.

“Let's avoid them,” said Huang Xiaolong after having

thought about it for a moment. Quickly Huang Xiaolong, Fei
Hou, and the little violet monkey flew into a tree with dense
foliage some distance away and hid themselves.

Just as they had hidden among in the tree, some distance

away, Huang Xiaolong could still see a group people moving
towards them, wearing purple clothes-- they were Purple-
Robed Sword Sect disciples!

Seeing that they were disciples of the Purple-Robed Sword

Sect, Huang Xiaolong was a bit surprised and held his
“Elder Chen, it has been one month and Senior Cheng has
yet to meet up with us, could something have happened to
them?” One of the Purple-Robed Sword Sect disciples asked.

Chen Feng’s thick gray brows wrinkled; Cheng Liang group’s

of disciples had yet to rendezvous with them, so something
unexpected might have happened.

Thinking of this, a cold light flickered across Chen Feng’s


“Hmph, those who dare to kill disciples of our Purple-Robed

Sword Sect are tired of living!” Another one added, “If we
ever find them, we will eradicate nine generations of their

Chen Feng turned his head and asked one of the disciples,
“Have you found the two Cosmic Star Academy disciples?” A
month ago, Cheng Liang was pursuing both of them before
his team went missing. As long as they found the Cosmic
Star Academy disciples, then they would know what
happened to Chen Liang and his team.

“Reporting to Elder Chen, according to the message from

our disciples, the Cosmic Star Academy disciples are
somewhere near Poison Mist Valley.” a disciple responded

“Poison Mist Valley!” Chen Feng brows furrowed as he said

coldly, “All of you follow me, we are going to Poison Mist
Valley right now!”

“Yes, Elder Chen!”

A while later, the disciples of Purple-Robed Sword Sect left.

After the purple robed figures had gone and were no longer
visible, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou came out from their
hiding place.

“Sovereign, should we head towards Poison Mist Valley?” Fei

Hou asked, “You should know that Poison Mist Valley is one
of Silvermoon Forest’s three most perilous spots.”

“One of three most perilous?” Huang Xiaolong pondered for

a moment and then said, “ Let’s go and have a look.”

Thus, two people and a monkey followed behind the Purple-

Robed Sword Sect disciples towards Poison Mist Valley; it
wasn’t that far away from where they were and after only
one day of travel, they arrived at Poison Mist Valley.”

They stood at the entrance of the Poison Mist Valley and

watched as poisonous gray mists streaked with something
green floated in the air. Chen Feng waved his hand and said,
“Spread out and search.”

The disciples of Purple-Robed Sword Sect answered

respectfully and spread out.

Moments later, a disciple reported: “Elder Chen, there are

some traces of fighting up front.”

"Oh, let's go and have a look!"


Lit. Blood Soul of Qi (血魂之气), which was translated in here as

blood soul qi.


Last double release: Weekend.
Chapter 34: Framed

Chen Feng and some of the Purple Robed Sword Sect

disciples moved quickly towards the scene of the fight;
there were messy footprints stamped into the ground and
sword marks on the surrounding trees.

Chen Feng continued following the footprints while the other

disciples followed closely after him. After they had walked
about twenty li, they picked up their pace on hearing the
sound of a battle close by.

A few seconds later, Chen Feng saw five people in black

robes fighting against a young man and woman who were
clothed in blue. The young man and woman were the
disciples of the Cosmic Star Academy who they had been
searching for.

Chen Feng was delighted at the turn of events and quickly

motioned the disciples Purple Robed Sword Sect to spread
out and encircle the seven people who were fighting.

The disciples of the Cosmic Star Academy and their

assailants in black robes were surprised at being
surrounded, and they immediately stopped fighting.

Chen Feng walked forward slowly as he glanced at the

seven people; suddenly, he pointed at the five in black
robes and said to a group of disciples. “The lot of you go
take care of them.”

“Yes, Elder Chen!”

The expressions of the five in black robes paled, and one of

them said urgently, “Senior, Wait! We are disciples of Black
Sand Sect, and the Black Sand Sect has no grudge with the
Purple Robed Sword Sect, correct?”

“A grudge?” Chen Feng jeered, “Do you think we need a

reason to kill you all? If you insist on a reason, so be it, I’ll
give you one. I find you not pleasing to look at-- that is the

The Black Sand Sect disciple wanted to say more, but a

sudden beam of sword light filled with a murderous intent
cut him down. The Purple Robed Sword Sect disciples
launched their attack and of men the Black Sand sect frozen
in fear at the strength of the incoming attacks; they were
mowed down like grass and moments later they were all
dead, their blood splattered all over as it slowly seeped into
the brown earth.

The two disciples from the Cosmic Star Academy were

paralyzed with fright. They had already tried to escape twice
but were pushed back by other Purple Robed Sword Sect
disciples that had closed up the area.

Chen Feng looked at the pair and asked in an icy tone, “Did
you killed ten or so of our disciples?”

The young man and woman were terrified, the young man
suddenly said, “Senior, this is a misunderstanding! We
didn’t kill your fellow disciples, with our current strength
how could we?”

The young girl chimed in, saying, “Right, right, that’s right
Senior. The killer was a man with a variation Silver River
martial spirit; We had nothing to do with it at all!”

Chen Feng’s eyes narrowed, "A variation of Silver River

martial spirit?”
“Yes, senior. That person also snatched away the treasure
map. The treasure map is not on us anymore; please let us
go, Senior!” The young man explained further.

A strong killing intent flashed across Huang Xiaolong’s eyes

when he heard this.

He didn’t expect the two people that he saved, to keep their

lives not only exposed everything that happened that day
but even framed he and Fei Hou for taking away some
treasure map! Both of them have not even seen a corner of
this so-called treasure map.

Chen Feng sneered as he looked at the two disciples from

Cosmic Star Academy, “You don’t have the treasure map?”
Chen Feng didn’t doubt it when they said didn't kill Cheng
Liang and the rest, but he didn't believe the treasure map is
not on them.

“Senior, the treasure map really...!” The young girl

emphasized again, but her voice trailed off in the middle,
her widened in shock as she stared at a point behind Chen

Puzzled, Chen Feng turned a hundred and eighty degrees

and saw about ten meters away, stood a seven eight-year-
old boy and a tall broad middle-aged man without him
realizing their presence.

Furthermore, there’s a cute little monkey on the small boy’s


“Senior, that’s him; he’s the one who killed your sect
disciples!” The Cosmic Stars Academy female disciple went
into a daze, and then shrieked in joy; her finger pointed at
Fei Hou.
Earlier, she was afraid Chen Feng wouldn’t believe her; now,
isn't it great Fei Hou suddenly appeared before them?

“Yes, it’s them. Senior, the treasure map is with him. He’s
the one who took the treasure map away!” The male
disciple’s eyes lit up and he pointed at Fei Hou as he
screamed aloud.

Chen Feng stared at Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou walking

towards them

Under Chen Feng’s watchful eyes, Huang Xiaolong and Fei

Hou crossed the distance between them and stood not far
from them.

“You are the one who killed my Purple Robed Sword Sect
disciples?” Chen Feng looked icily at Fei Hou.

Fei Hou did not speak, just like Huang Xiaolong, he just
stared coldly at the two Cosmic Star Academy disciples.

Huang Xiaolong looked at them both, and his cold voice

rang out: “You both deserve to die!”

Their expression immediately turned ugly.

But, very quickly the young man collected himself and

grinned, looking at Huang Xiaolong, “Kid, you killed Purple
Robed Sword Sect’s disciples, I advise you to handover the
treasure map obediently to this honorable Senior and then
kneel down and beg for mercy. Maybe, you can keep your
little life, otherwise, hey hey!”

Although he knew Fei Hou is very powerful, however, beside

him is an Elder of the Purple Robed Sword Sect, which
means he is at least a Tenth Order warrior. He doesn’t
believe Fei Hou is so strong that he can ignore a Tenth

They can find a way to escape when both sides are fighting
among themselves.

These two didn’t put him in their eyes at all! Fei Hou ignored
him, and a little kid like Huang Xiaolong reprimanded the
two Cosmic Star Academy disciples in front of him!

With his identity as a Purple Robed Sword Sect Elder, it

didn't matter where he went he would be welcomed by the
royal family and well-known families! In spite of all that, a
wimpy kid actually dared ignored him!

Chen Feng’s face was extremely gloomy. However, he was in

no hurry to attack; although he’s very confident in his own
strength, the other side dared to walk straight at them, they
must have something up their sleeves.

This time, two Purple Robed Sword Sect’s Elder were

dispatched into the Silvermoon Forest. Thus there’s another
Elder, Fu Yuan.

And they have special means of communication. Very soon,

the other Elder would rush over to assist them.

Chen Feng stared coldly at Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou;

when Elder Fu Yuan arrived, hey hey!

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong’s gaze was like a sharp

blade that cut into Chen Feng, as if he saw through his heart
and knew what he was thinking. Huang Xiaolong said to Fei
Hou, “Little Monkey and I will deal with the two, you handle
the rest of them.”

“Yes, Young Master!” Replied Fei Hou.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou flew off in different direction at
the same time. In the blink of an eye, Huang Xiaolong
reached the Cosmic Star Academy disciples, while Fei Hou
came in front of Chen Feng, his body leaned slightly, and a
sword slashed down on Chen Feng; the Luohan Sword skill.

The sudden attack shocked Chen Feng, his body spun away
like a top, dodging Fei Hou’s sword attack. Cold sweat ran
down his back; suddenly a shrill scream rang out beside
him. He turned and saw Fei Hou had just stabbed through a
disciple’s throat with his sword.

However, the pair of young man and woman were dazed for
some seconds when they saw a kid like Huang Xiaolong
approached them. Feeling gleeful, both of them were
confident in their peak of mid-Sixth Order strength, how
easy would it be to deal with a little kid and monkey?
Chapter 35: Martial Spirit
Chapter 35: Martial Spirit Strengthening

The young man and woman leaped at Huang Xiaolong and

the little violet monkey.

Huang Xiaolong sneered as he watched both of them rush at

him. With great delight, he materialized the Blades of Asura
in his hands, and he slowly mouthed, “Tempest of Hell.”

Hundreds of light rays emerged from the blades and

gathered into two large vortexes that rotated with intensity.
Wails filled the air, causing people’s hearts to shiver (as if
cold) in fear.

A deep sense of dread overcame both disciples of the

Cosmic Star Academy, who by now wanted to withdraw, but
it was already too late as the vortexes created by the
Tempest of Hell attack had reached them.

“Star Luo Sword!”

“Fathomless Galaxy!”

Seeing the incoming attack, a cold gleam flickered in the

young man’s eyes and his battle qi surged with a wave of
his long sword and he sent out a torrent of sharp lambent
stars light which collided with Tempests of Hell. The young
girl also swung her sword and launched her own counter

“Clank! Clank! Clank!”

The chain of blasts sounded as if they had exchanged more
than one move.

However, the Tempest of Hell didn’t slow down at all, and in

less than a breath’s time had ravaged the many flickering
stars and continued towards the bright sword rays.

“Pu!” having been run through by the Tempest of Hell, they

both were spun round and crashed into a huge tree several
meters away, knocking down the tree and spurting blood
from their mouths, as they fell to the ground.

Their clothes had been shredded into tiny strips, and blood
ran down from their mutilated flesh as if they had received a
hundred slashes. Even their faces weren’t spared as fresh
blood dripped from the multiple cuts on both of their faces.
Although they were in a miserable state, they were still

Huang Xiaolong deliberately chose not to kill them with the

first strike; the cuts from the Tempest of Hell attack would
cause them to suffer excruciating pain, as it rampaged
through their bodies destroying everything from within.
Huang Xiaolong wanted them to suffer and experience this
kind of agonizing pain.

The pair from the Cosmic Star Academy rolled on the ground
in great pain, screaming in agony till they became hoarse.

The Purple-Robed Sword Sect disciples turned towards the

source of the screaming, and seeing the tragic sight, they
instantly paled.

“What? That wimpy brat is actually that powerful?!” Chen

Feng was stricken with disbelief as he stared at Huang
Xiaolong, who stood with his Blades of Asura in his hands. it
really was hard to believe despite seeing it with his own
eyes: A wimpy looking eight or nine-year-old brat actually
defeated two peaks mid-Sixth Order warriors!

How could this be! How could there exist such a monster!

Even the revered Sovereign, when he was an eight or nine

years old wouldn’t be this brilliant!

In the time Chen Feng spent in shock, several screams

suddenly erupted. The still dazed Chen Feng turned around
and saw that Fei Hou’s sword had pierced through the
throats of five more disciples while they were distracted.

Chen Feng was rattled and furious at the same time: “What
a bunch of idiots! Quickly! call out your martial spirits, and
get in the Blood Wolf Killing Array formation.” After saying
that, a dazzling light exploded from his body, and an
enormous wolf emerged behind Chen Feng. Its eyes were
the color of red blood, its fur a silver-gray and between
there were dark black patterns in between the silver-gray

This was his beast martial spirit, a wolf species: Sky Wolf!

Seeing that Chen Feng had released his martial spirit, the
other disciples of the Purple Robed Sword Sect quickly
followed suit. All seven disciples’ martial spirits were all

Some of their martial spirits had gold-colored eyes, some

had two tails, and some were even entirely pitch black.

Although these disciples martial spirits weren’t the same as

Chen Feng’s Sky Wolf, they were all wolf type spirits.

Even Huang Xiaolong was stunned when he saw this.

They then quickly moved into formation with Chen as the
center, before fully releasing their battle qi. Their martial
spirits flew towards Chen Feng’s Sky Wolf, and a powerful
aura broke out from Chen Feng’s Sky Wolf as eight wolf
martial spirits seemed to have combined together.

In general, people who had similar martial spirits could

channel their energies together by using an exercise law or
array, multiplying their strength and power.

The aura of these seven Purple Robed Sword Sect disciples

and Chen Feng increased at an alarming rate.


Fei Hou was surprised a little; he hadn’t expected that these

disciples of the Purple Robed Sword Sect could all possessed
wolf type martial spirits. But seeing all eight of them had
gotten into an array formation, he scoffed and silver light
shone from his body like a silver-colored sun, and a Silver
River became visible as it wound around Fei Hou. With each
turn, the silver light that shone from his body became
brighter as the Silver River grew bigger.

“Martial spirit strengthening!” Chen Feng exclaimed in

horror when he saw the transformation caused by Fei Hou’s
martial spirit.

Yes, this was martial spirit strengthening!

And this was Fei Hou martial spirit’s supernatural ability!

Fei Hou’s Silver River strengthening would allow Fei Hou

abilities to become five times stronger, his power increased
by half at the same time.
With a five-time boost, Fei Hou’s Silver River expanded
several meters in width and more than a dozen meters in

Once Fei Hou fully merged with his martial spirit with five
times boost of power, it was as if he had turned into a Silver
River; his bones, skin, and flesh disappeared.

“Attack!” Chen Feng roared while as fear gripped him, and

without warning a hand print loomed over Fei Hou and an
enormous wolf head stretched its jaws wide open.

“Sky Wolf Palm!”

A majestic Wolf covered the sky and its roar vibrated

through the forest.

The seven Purple-Robed Sword Sect disciples also launched

attacks at the same time. All of them sent out a wolf head,
which was comparatively smaller than Chen Feng’s.

Seeing this, Fei Hou’s eyes became vindictive, he lifted his

arms and sent out strong punch.

“Shattering Heart Fist”

Shattering Heart Fist! As the fist print pierced through the

air, something seemed to have cracked.

The eight wolves' head exploded and the eight who

launched the attack were shaken and blasted away. Only
Chen Feng fared a little better than the others, managing to
steady himself after being pushed away by ten meters.
When the seven disciples hit the ground, popping sounds
could be heard from their bodies, each ‘pop’ causing them
to tremble involuntarily until all seven of them died where
they lay.
The same popping sounds could be heard from Chen Feng’s
body but in his case each time a pop was heard blood
spurted out of his mouth leaving him terrified and
frightened. What kind of battle skill is this?! He wondered

Without any indication, he turned around and tried to


Seeing this, Fei Hou’s body glimmered, and flowed just like a
river cutting off Chen Feng’s path, then with a twist of his
body, Fei Hou pushed Chen Feng back to his original

Huang Xiaolong was relieved for they couldn’t afford to let

Cheng Feng escape. He turned and walked slowly towards
the two disciples of the Cosmic Star Academy. Both of them
were still rolling on the ground in excruciating pain, blood
and dirt smeared all over them made it hard to recognize

“I beg you, please, please let me go. The tre…treasure map,

I’ll give it to you!” said the young man when he saw Huang
Xiaolong walking towards them.

Huang Xiaolong said nothing. As he looked at the young

man with a cold expression, he used the Blades of Asura in
his hand and slit his throat ending his pitiful screams.
Terrified, the young girl was about to say something when
Huang Xiaolong sent her on her way with a wave of his

After he killed the two from Cosmic Star Academy, Huang

Xiaolong recalled the Blades of Asura; he searched and
found a piece of map from the young man’s body. On the
surface of this map, there was a drawing of a monkey!
Comparing the drawing and the little monkey beside him,
one thought crossed his mind; such likeness?


Next release: Wednesday
Chapter 36: Luo Tong Royal City

The front of the treasure map was actually a drawing of a


While Huang Xiaolong pondered about the significance of

the drawing on the map, the little violet monkey ran to him
and became visibly excited when he saw the map. Seeing
the little monkey’s reaction, Huang Xiaolong became even
more baffled.

Could this treasure map be related to the little violet


Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong heard an anguished scream;

turning his head in the direction of the scream, he saw Fei
Hou in his Silver River martial spirit form throw a powerful
punch at Chen Feng’s chest, causing it to collapse.

A heartbeat later, a long sword flew out of the silver-colored

river and went straight into Chen Feng’s throat.

Chen Feng looked down and saw that a long sword had
pierced through his throat, with red blood dripping to the

He looked up, only to see Fei Hou holding the other end of
the sword. His mouth opened and closed a few times, and
suddenly he dashed towards Fei Hou. But, after two steps
his body tumbled and he fell to the ground.

Fei Hou cast a cold glance at Chen Feng’s body before

walking towards Huang Xiaolong. His expression became
weird when he saw the so-called treasure map, and he said
in a somber tone, “Sovereign, this treasure map was left
behind by a powerful demonic beast cultivator.”
“A Demonic Beast cultivator!” Huang Xiaolong was shocked.

“Yes, Sovereign. The words on the other side of the treasure

map are written in the beast language.” said Fei Hou as he
pointed to the back of the map.

Hearing that, Huang Xiaolong turned the over map and saw
that a strange mountain resembling an elephant was drawn
on the other side of the map. And at the bottom were
several lines of unusual patterns that seemed to be the
beast language Fei Hou was talking about.

Suddenly, the little monkey pointed at the writings and

gestured at Huang Xiaolong.

“Little guy, are you saying that you understand what's

written here?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

“Zhi zhi zhi!” The little violet monkey nodded, then it shook
its little head.

Huang Xiaolong continued asking the little monkey for a

while, but in the end, he still got nothing. Helpless, he put
the map in his ring. Although he currently didn’t know the
location of the strange elephant-like mountain, nor could he
yet decipher the writing, he was certain that the treasure
map was related to the little Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey
who traveled with him.

As Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou began to dispose of the

corpses lying around, Huang Xiaolong found a high-grade
Mysterious rank exercise law on Chen Feng’s corpse called
Black Moon Art. Other than that, he also found some gold
coins and dans on him.

Everything went into Huang Xiaolong’s Asura Ring.

Even though the high-grade Mysterious rank exercise law
was useless to him, he could auction it to fetch a good sum,
especially for those clans like the Huang Clan Manor that
only had low-grade exercise laws of similar same rank.

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong, Fei Hou, and the little violet
monkey left the place.


Very quickly another two months had passed.

During these past two months, a man, a child, and a

monkey continued to travel even deeper into Silvermoon
Forest. Huang Xiaolong’s level had improved so much that
he was already a half-step into Sixth Order and he could
breakthrough at any time.

He worked hard at training the Tears of Asura, and its power

had gone up by several folds and the only thing left were
the meridians required for the Body Metamorphose
Scripture’s Fourth Stage – Convert Power of the Stars which
had yet to open up.

Reaching higher levels of the Body Metamorphose Scripture

got harder with each stage until it reached twelve stage.
However, in his previous life, Huang Xiaolong had gotten to
stage nine of the Body Metamorphose Scripture so this time
starting all over again was actually easier.

Night came, and moonlight covered the continent.

If you looked up at the moon while staying within the

Silvermoon Forest, the moon would appear to be basked in
silver, giving the forest its name.
Under the silvery moonlight, Huang Xiaolong had his right
hand held high above his head, his left hand behind him on
his waist and he continuously breathed according to a
particular rhythm. His internal force circulated within his
body and gathered in his dantian.

A few feet away, Fei Hou didn’t know what to think of Huang
Xiaolong’s odd postures. He had never heard of anyone on
the Snow Wind Continent who had to twist themselves in
order to practice a battle qi exercise law.

Night gradually receded and the bright sun rose in the sky.

Huang Xiaolong stopped his practice and two people and a

monkey once again continued their journey, killing demonic
beasts along the way while practicing battle skills.

Five days later, Huang Xiaolong, Fei Hou, and the little
monkey finally left the Silvermoon Forest and traveled along
a forest trail.

Having spent four months training in Silvermoon Forest,

Huang Xiaolong decided to head to the nearest city for a
change of scenery.

Following the forest trail down the hill for a few hours, they
finally saw a large city.

This city was far bigger than the Canglan County where
Huang Clan Manor was situated. Looking at the city from
afar, the city walls were about thirty meters high with a
towering entrance and there was a moat of gray water
before the city walls.

With the huge city up ahead, Huang Xiaolong was delighted

and quickened his pace. As he got nearer to the gates, he
saw written above the gates: Lou Tong Royal City.
“Luo Tong Royal City!” Huang Xiaolong was dazed for a
moment when he saw the words-- this is the Luo Tong
Kingdom’s Royal City! He had actually reached the Royal

“Sovereign!” Huang Xiaolong came to his senses when Fei

Hou called to him.

“Shall we enter into the city now?” He asked.

“Let’s go into the city!” He replied to Fei Hou with

excitement. Just like when he was back on Earth, he felt
happy on arriving at the capital city.

Before they could go in, a guard at the gate pulled the two
of them to one side, looked them up and down before he
asked: “Admission fees, ten gold coins per person!”

Ten gold coins are enough for a common household one

month’s expenses!

At this time, a young man and woman riding a Stage Four

Flame Beast mount swaggered into the city. The guards at
the gate didn’t block them but instead bowed deeply as
they passed by.

Huang Xiaolong’s expression turned cold, and pointed at the

two people who had just passed by: “Why don’t they have to
pay admission fees?”

The Guard Captain sneered, “Them? They are members of

the Marquis Household’s Miss Lin and Young Master Lin;
they are nobles. Do you know what nobles are? Of course,
they needn’t pay admission fees when entering and exiting
through city gates! How can you lowly outsider common
folks from the outside be equivalent to Miss Lin and Young
Master Lin!”
It seemed like, these guards judged that he and Fei Hou
were common folks by their clothes.

Huang Xiaolong frowned; outsider common folks entering

the city need to pay ten gold coins, whereas nobles are free
to enter and exit.

Suddenly, from the distant mountain came the sound of

many beasts running as tremors on the ground reached the
gates so Huang Xiaolong turned to look. There were about
twelve or more people riding on a Stage Four Horned Rhino
racing towards the gates. Judging from their speed, they
would reach the gates very soon, but none of them showed
any intention of slowing down.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou were standing before the gates
in the middle of the road going into the city, and if they
didn’t get out of the way on time, Huang Xiaolong would be
sent flying from the impact of the charging beasts.

When the Guard Captain saw the young man in a yellow

robe leading the pack, he panicked and immediately hid in a

“Young Master Meng is back, quickly move aside! Move

aside!” It was obvious that he was extremely afraid of this
yellow robed young man.
Chapter 37: Notify The
Duke’S Mansion
Chapter 37: Notify The Duke’s Mansion

Seeing that both Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou had ignored
his loud warning and remained standing in the middle of the
pathway, The captain of the guards stopped yelling and
decided that he couldn’t be bothered. The lives of two
penniless commoners didn’t matter even if they died.
Things like this happened every other day in the Luo Tong
Kingdom, it was nothing new.

A blood-thirsty light flickered in the eyes of the yellow-robed

young man, Meng Xia, and he urged his mount to go even
faster when he saw that two people were blocking his way.

While the guards looked on with frightened expressions on

their faces, Meng Xia’s Horned Rhino had gotten to Huang
Xiaolong, and in just a matter of seconds, Huang Xiaolong
would have been sent flying from the impact. At the last
second, Fei Hou moved. A long sword had already appeared
in his hand, and with a swing of his arm, many rays of sword
light danced out.

“Roar!” the bloodcurdling screams from the Horned Rhinos

were heard and then everyone noticed that the Horned
Rhino was no longer charging forward; its legs could no
longer support its weight and it tumbled forward. Blood
spurted from its body like a geyser eruption and Meng Xia
was thrown off its back.
The Horned Rhinos following behind were no exception;
once they had reached within ten meters of Huang Xiaolong,
they all tumbled with blood spurting from their wounds and
their riders were thrown off.

The beasts wails lasted for a short while and as the tremors
ceased, only the moans of the yellow-robed young man
could be heard. The Guard Captain and the other guards
were stunned at the sight of the fallen Horned Rhinos’
twitching in a pool of their own blood.

The Guard Captain felt his throat dry up as he stared at Fei

Hou in horror.

Finally, Meng Xia, the yellow-robed young man, got up with

difficulty and was extremely angered when he saw his
beloved mount lying in a pool of blood.

Pointing at Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou in anger, he yelled,

“Rebels! Rebels! You cheap lowly commoners dared to kill
my mount, you deserve to die! Kill them for me! No wait!
First, cut off their hands, then their legs and feed it to the

The yellow-robed young man’s guards crawled up, and when

they heard their young master’s order, they quickly pulled
out their swords and rushed up together. In Royal City, only
they harassed the commoners and never the other way
round; yet today, they didn’t know from where these two
crept out that they actually dared to kill their mounts!

The attacks from the guards were ruthless; each slash was
intended to maim. It seemed that they planned to first cut
off Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou’s arms and then the legs.

Fei Hou’s eyes turned cold and snorted. He stood still as he

raised up his sword and once again waved it sending out
sharp rays of sword light which snaked through the group of
incoming guards. An agonizing scream sounded every time
a light flickered.

Before the very eyes of the city gate guards, a flurry of arms
shot up to the sky and before falling to the ground.

“My hand, my hand!”

“My hand’s cut off!”

The guards cried out in pain.

Initially, the angered yellow-robed young man who ordered

his guards to dismember Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou
stiffened, followed by fear, and panic.

Fei Hou walked slowly walked over his direction.

Terrified, the yellow-robed Meng Xia retreated, saying “You

fellows are just a bunch of dirty, worthless nobodies, what
do you think are doing?! I am the young master of the
Duke’s Mansion! If you dare hurt even a strand of my hair,
you will die like dogs!” He wasn’t bluffing, someone once
wounded him just slightly, and both the man and his entire
family of more than a hundred people were killed.

“Hurt a strand of your hair?” Fei Hou expression remained


Without warning, Fei Hou’s sword suddenly slashed out and

a ray of sword light swirled around Meng Xia’s head. Meng
Xia shrieked in fright, his body quivering, as Fei Hou
sheathed his long sword; then, Huang Xiaolong noticed an
acrid smell. Looking at the yellow-robed young man, Huang
Xiaolong saw the lower half of his body was wet.
Urine flowed down as he screamed.

Seeing a Duke Mansion disciple act so cowardly, he smirked

saying, “Little brat, don’t worry, I won’t kill you. You aren’t
dead yet!”

When the young man heard that, he opened his eyes and
realized that his head was still attached and his was neck is
fine too. Only his hair was shaved off by Fei Hou’s sword and
he had become bald!

A breeze blew past, and his scalp felt cold.

Meng Xia’s heart seemed to shiver uncontrollably like it was

going to burst out from his chest, his back dampened by
cold sweat.

“The next time you insult my Young Master, calling him a

dirty commoner, it won’t be just your hair. I will cut away
your scalp layer by layer!” said Fei Hou as he stared coldly
at the young man, letting the words sink in one by one.

Meng Xia stood there dazedly; he had been frightened

senseless by Fei Hou using a sword to shave off his hair. Fei
Hou went back to Huang Xiaolong, and asked, “Young
Master, are you alright?”

“I’m okay.” Huang Xiaolong nodded and said, “Let’s go, we

enter the city!” He turned and walked towards the city
gates. When he passed by the Guard Captain, he stopped
and with a cold expression, he asked, “Do you still want
admission fees?”

The Guard Captain immediately knelt down, begging for

mercy: “No no no no, don’t want! Little Ancestor, mercy,
spare my life!”
He was so frightened that he even used the honorific ‘Little
Ancestor’ when addressing Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong asked yet another question, “Am I still a

lowly dirty commoner?”

The Guard Captain shook his head vigorously, shaking his

hands: “No, no, no, Little Ancestor, you are the highest of
nobility, a true noble!”

“If I’m a noble, then what about him?” asked Huang

Xiaolong as he suddenly pointed at the yellow-robed young
man whose robes were still dripping with piss.

The Guard Captain face reddened not knowing how to

answer and Fei Hou glared at him.

The glare made the Guard Captain weak with fright, his butt
muscles loosened and he let out a loud fart, before quickly
saying, “He, he is the dirty cheap commoner!” The moment
the words left his mouth he almost wanted to die; as a
Guard Captain he actually dared utter such blasphemy
against a young master of the Duke household! If the
matter spread to the Duke’s ears, he would definitely lose
his job, but he wondered if his life could be kept.

“What about you?” asked Huang Xiaolong.

“I’m a dog; I’m just a dog!” With his face as a pale as a

white sheet, the Guard Captain answered and kept
repeating it, over and over again.

Huang Xiaolong expression turned indifferent as he turned

around and walked away, continuing towards the city with
Fei Hou following at his side.
The moment Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou's silhouettes had
gone far away, the Guard Captain’s legs gave out, he sat his
arse on the ground with an ugly expression, as if he had just
swallowed dog shit.

The other guards looked at him with concern; one them

came to his side and whispered, “Captain, about Young
Master Meng Xia… Should we inform the Duke's Mansion?”

All this time, the yellow-robed young man still stood in a

daze on the same spot and around him were all the guards
who lost their arms still moaning in pain.

“Inform the Duke’s Mansion?” Hearing this, the Guard

Captain jumped up: “Yes, yes , yes, inform the Duke’s
Mansion!” At this time the Guard Captain’s eyes burned with
hatred staring at Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou’s receding
figure. “You dirty commoners actually dared to hurt the
Duke Mansion’s Young Master; I will let you taste the

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou had already

stepped into the city.

“Young Master, don’t worry. A Duke Mansion? Nothing will

happen.” Fei Hou assured Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong nodded his head. He knew that since Fei

Hou had acted like this, it meant that he had aces under his
sleeves. Even though he didn’t intend to rely solely on Fei
Hou’s strength, since Fei Hou said so, then he was sure
nothing would happen.


Next release: Thursday Night (hopefully?)
Chapter 38: At The Delicious Restaurant!

Two people and a little monkey strolled around the Royal

City. Undeniably this is the Royal City of the Luo Tong
Kingdom, prosperous, lively and bustling on the long wide
streets. Some of the streets were fifty to sixty meters wide,
with an endless stream of horses and carriages that trotted
along and if Cangnan County City were to be compared, it
could only be described as a rural backwater.

From time to time, there were people in strange clothes who

passed by Huang Xiaolong. There were over thirty counties
ruled by the Luo Tong Kingdom’s royal family, and under
each county were many cities so the many different cultures
between the cities were apparent. This was similar to Hua
Xia which had many different ethnicities.

As they strolled about the city, a two-meter tall muscular

man whose entire body was covered in coarse hairs and on
his face were tiger-like whiskers passed by Huang Xiaolong.

“Is that a Beastman?” wondered Huang Xiaolong as he

looked at the muscular man who just walked past them.

In the Martial Spirit World, other than the human race, there
existed many others races and beast people were one of
them. There were also, half-beast human – the offspring
from the coupling between humans and beast people.

As the streets were crowded, Huang Xiaolong just went

along with the flow, the little monkey on his shoulder
squeaking nonstop in excitement.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou strolled casually, sometimes to

the left, sometimes to the right.
A few moments later, as he walked by a restaurant called
Delicious Restaurant, Huang Xiaolong came to a stop.

“Fei Hou, let's go in and eat something.” Huang Xiaolong

said. Having spent four months training in Silvermoon
Forest, his tongue was already coated black from eating
roast meat every day, so he planned to eat to his heart’s
content today.

When Huang Xiaolong finished speaking, the little monkey

perched on his shoulder immediately clapped in agreement.

“Glutton!” Huang Xiaolong teased.

They went into the restaurant and saw that it was full.

“Let's go to the Second floor.” But as Huang Xiaolong and

Fei Hou were about to climb up the stairs, the restaurant’s
waiter quickly rushed up to them to stop them from going to
the second floor and politely explained,

“Little brother, my apologies, but our second floor is

reserved for nobles.”

“Nobles again.” Huang Xiaolong frowned, then he looked at

Fei Hou. Fei Hou replied by throwing a gold coin to the
waiter saying, “This is Young Master’s tip.”

The restaurant servant blanked out for a moment staring at

the gold coin in his palm: “This, this is for me?!” His monthly
salary was one gold coin and the nobles that frequent here
usually reward him with a few silver coins.

“Now we can go up?” Fei Hou asked indifferently.

“Sure, certainly!” replied the waiter as he regained his

senses, with his face sporting a wide smile he said “This
way, please!” and respectfully led Huang Xiaolong and Fei
Hou to the second floor.

Although the second floor was said to be reserved for

nobles, it was not necessarily true, for as long as the
customer could pay, the second floor was open to them.

Evidently, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou were people with

money. Thus, the restaurant waiter led them to a good seat
close to the window.

After Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou had sat down The waiter
asked politely with a smile plastered on his face, “Masters,
what dishes would you like to order?”

“Bring us about ten or more dishes that your restaurant is

most famous for. And three of the biggest jugs of the best
wine available!” Huang Xiaolong said.

“Ten or more dishes! Three urns of the best wine!” The

restaurant waiter was stunned and his mouth agape.

More than ten dishes, and three urns of wine!

“Why you still standing there? Not moving?” asked Fei Hou
but seeing that the restaurant waiter still was standing
there, he frowned a little then he took out a small pouch and
threw it to the waiter. The restaurant waiter caught the
small pouch, opened it and looked inside. A beautiful golden
glow shined before his eyes, that small pouch held about
sixty gold coins.

“This is enough, right?” asked Fei Hou.

The restaurant waiter nodded his head vigorously: “Enough,

enough. There will be plenty left over too.”
“The rest is your reward. Go quickly and get the dishes.”

The rest is your reward!! When the restaurant waiter heard

this sentence, his eyes seemed to turn gold-colored, his
head nodded like a chick pecking grains. “Two Masters rest
assured, I will be very fast and quick in sending the dishes
up!” He hurried down while his hand wiped away the sweat
on his forehead, not sure whether the sweat is due to fright
or delight.

Soon, the dishes were sent up.

The table was laden with fragrant dishes, enticing the


“Masters, these three urns are our restaurant’s best wine

called Snow Moon Wine, our restaurant’s special brew.” The
said restaurant waiter respectfully.

“Snow Moon Wine?” Fei Hou nodded and waved the

restaurant waiter away, “Good, you can go.”

“Yes, yes, please call me if there’s anything you need.” The

waiter said and withdrew with a smile on his face.

The moment the waiter left, the little violet monkey leaped
off Huang Xiaolong’s shoulder and went straight at one of
the wine urns. With a light slap from its little hands, the
cover flew off and instantly the scent of fragrant wine
wafted through the air.

The little monkey’s eyes lit up, lifted the urn of wine up and
drank greedily.

After which it grinned and squeaked at Huang Xiaolong and

Fei Hou.
Both of them laughed at the little monkey’s antics, and each
took an urn and started drinking.

The instant the wine was swallowed, a refreshing icy cold

feeling filled their mouths, full of the wine’s fragrance.

While Huang Xiaolong, Fei Hou, and the little violet monkey
were enjoying themselves, at the Luo Tong Kingdom Duke
Fu Mansion’s Main Hall, Meng Xia, who was shaved bald by
Fei Hou, was shouting in anger: “Dad, you must kill these
two darned commoners! Cut off their arms and legs! Cut off
their arms and thighs, and then I want to parade then
around the city, I want everyone to know the consequences
of going against our Duke Mansion!”

Looking at his son’s miserable appearance, the murderous

intent in Meng Chen’s heart soared; his son was actually
beaten right in front of the city gates!

Furthermore, the mansion guards’ hands were all cut off!

This was naked humiliation!

“Still haven’t found those two?” asked Meng Chen in a cold

tone as he turned to look at his Chief Steward, Xie Fei.

Just as Chief Steward Xie Fei was about to speak, without

warning, from outside the Main Hall one of the guards who
had been sent to investigate ran in, “Reporting to Lord
Duke, we have found the two people, they are at Delicious

“Delicious Restaurant!” Meng Chen stood up in anger, a cold

glint flitted across his eyes, and he said: “Good, very good!
Hit my son, and hurt this Duke’s guards yet still dare to
enjoy yourself at Delicious Restaurant!”
The other side was practically looking down on the Duke

“Gather all the experts above Seventh Order in the mansion,

and follow me to Delicious Restaurant!” Meng Chen yelled.

“Yes, Lord Duke!” Chief Steward Xie Fei acknowledged

respectfully, but then hesitated before asking, “Then, should
I call First Mister and Second Mister?” Meng Chen said,
“That’s fine! Do so. I don’t care what tricks the other side
has, I want them to die miserably!”

While all this was going on, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou
were wolfing down delicious dishes. Moments later, Fei Hou
stopped eating abruptly, stood up and said to Huang
Xiaolong, “Young Master, I’m going to see a person, he’s
here in Luo Tong Kingdom and is also a disciple of our
Asura’s Gate. I will bring him over to greet Young Master! If
he knew that Young Master is in Luo Tong Kingdom, he
would be very happy!”

An Asura’s Gate disciple? Is this the reason why Fei Hou

dared to hit a Duke’s son? Huang Xiaolong nodded, “Okay,
go and come back quickly!” He didn’t ask for the identity of
the Asura’s Gate disciple in Luo Tong Kingdom because
when Fei Hou returned, he would naturally find out.

“Yes, Young Master!” Fei Hou answered respectfully then

turned and left.

Not long after, Fei Hou appeared before an enormous

mansion, and written above the main entrance was a sign:
Marshal Mansion.

In the Luo Tong Kingdom, there were Generals, Dukes,

Marquises, but there was only one Marshal!

Wine urn
Chapter 39: Marshal’S Not
Chapter 39: Marshal’s Not In?

The Luo Tong Kingdom’s Marshal remained the same even

after three generations of rulers and he had saved the Luo
Tong Kingdom from disaster a few times. Because of this, his
was an exalted status, and he followed only one person's

He was exempted from kneeling before the king and has

supreme prestige in the military.

However, Fei Hou was stopped when he wanted to enter the

Marshal Mansion: “Who dares to trespass into the Marshal’s

Fei Hou didn’t say anything, but took out a gold plate. The
soldier’s face changed drastically when he saw the gold
plate; the arrogance he had on his face earlier vanished as
he knelt down immediately, saluting, “Seen the Lord!”

The gold plate on Fei Hou’s hand was given to him by the
Luo Tong Kingdom’s Marshal Haotian, more than a decade

“You may stand up. I want to see your Marshal.” Fei Hou

The soldier stood up, and hesitated before he respectfully

replied, “My Lord, The Marshal was summoned to the palace
not long ago, and is currently not in the mansion.”
“What? He is not in?” Fei Hou’s brows wrinkled.

“It is so, my Lord,” The soldier lowered his head when he


“Send someone to the palace now and inform the Marshal

that his Junior Brother came to visit and will wait for him at
the Delicious Restaurant!” said Fei Hou.

Junior Brother! The soldier didn’t expect that this ordinary-

looking middle-aged man, who wore clothes no different
from that of ordinary folks, would be the Marshal’s Junior

However, the soldiers stationed at the entrance hesitated to

go to the palace to inform the Marshal.

“Take my gold plate and go, I’ll take responsibility if

anything happens! But, if you were to delay the matter, and
something happens, your lives won’t be guaranteed!” Fei
Hou threw the gold plate at the soldiers, and the Captain
quickly rushed forward to catch it.

“Yes, my Lord!” The Captain didn’t dare disagree.

Fei Hou turned around and left.

As Fei Hou turned around and headed back to the Delicious

Restaurant, Meng Chen leading a group of experts from his
mansion had gotten to the Delicious Restaurant and
bulldozed their way through the door.

All the customers on the first floor were frightened and

shocked when they saw Meng Chen and his men barge in
“Oh, it is Lord Duke, does the Duke have matters with our
restaurant?” When the restaurant owner saw Meng Chen, he
quickly went forward and asked politely.

Meng Chen ignored the owner and instead, he turned to a

guard beside him, asking, “Are they upstairs?”

“Yes, Lord Duke!” the guard replied immediately.

A cold glinted flashed across Meng Chen’s eyes, and his

hands signaled the men behind him: “Rush up, and surround
the second floor, leave some of your guards below; not even
a fly should be able to fly out of here!” He pushed the
restaurant owner away and surrounded by his many
experts, he rushed up to the second floor.

“Dad, that’s him! It’s that kid!” Shouted Meng Xia. They had
just gotten to the second floor, and the bald Meng Xia
instantly spotted Huang Xiaolong who was seated near the

Meng Chen was surprised when he noticed that Huang

Xiaolong was alone, frowning he asked, “Where is the other

“Lord Duke, this is better! If we catch the younger one first,

the older one certainly won’t escape!” said the Chief
Steward, Xie Fei with as smile as he got to Meng Chen.

Huang Xiaolong slowly stood up and looked coldly at the

Duke’s Mansion guards and experts who had the second
floor surrounded. Truth was, Huang Xiaolong had spotted
them from the window as they made their way towards the
Delicious Restaurant early on. But despite being surrounded
by so many experts of the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and even
some Tenth Order, he still wore a calm expression because
he was confident that he could escape unharmed.
Huang Xiaolong’s martial spirit’s supernatural talent – Space
Concealment could last for ten breaths from the initial six
breaths after he broke through to the Fourth Order.

In ten breath’s of time, combined with Huang Xiaolong’s

speed, he could vanish from Meng Chen’s sight without a

His gazed fell on the bald Meng Xia and snickered. “I didn’t
expect that you would have the guts to show up, aren’t you
afraid that I will cut off your scalp, layer by layer?”

Meng Xia and the people with him were surprised; How
could this kid still maintain his calmness before all of them?
to the point where he even dared to say he would cut off
Meng Xia’s scalp.

Anger followed surprise, and Meng Xia’s expression became

ugly as he roared: “Cut off this kid’s arms and legs for me!”

“Yes, Young Lord!”

The Seventh Order warriors dashed towards Huang

Xiaolong, and just as one of the guard’s sword was about to
slash down on Huang Xiaolong, a voice thundered from afar,
saying, “Who dares hurt my Young Master!” The air seemed
to ripple, and formed into a streak of lightning. The guards
who had been struck by the lightning-like energy felt their
bodies turn numb and they stopped moving.

Fei Hou who went to the Marshal Mansion had finally


While still at some distance to the restaurant, when Fei Hou

saw the scene in Delicious Restaurant’s second floor, he
used a battle skill that he hadn’t used in a long time – Sound
of Lighting Fall.
The Sound of Lightning Fall was similar to Li Mu’s Sky Lion’s
Roar. However, Sound of Lightning Fall was a high-grade
Mysterious rank battle skill, and its power was much
stronger than Sky Lion Roar.

When all the Seventh Orders guards were numbed from the
lightning strike, the remaining experts of the Duke’s
Mansion could see a Silver River (still far away) streaking
towards them like silver lightning. It arrived before them in
the blink of an eye.

“Lord Duke, careful!”

“Heavenly Serpent Sword!”

“Border Fist!”

By this time, Fei Hou who had transformed into Silver River
stood before them, and the Duke’s Mansion’s strongest
experts, Mister First and Mister Second made their moves at
the same time, launching fierce strikes at Fei Hou. A huge
Heavenly Serpent appeared, jaws wide open intending to
swallow Fei Hou; simultaneously a fist print also spun
towards Fei Hou.

But, when both the Heavenly Serpent and the fist print hit
Fei Hou, it was if they fell on a vast sea, and sunk into the
depths of the sea without leaving any ripples.

However, Fei Hou’s Silver River continued to constrict the

guards of the Duke’s Mansion. Agonizing screams echoed
throughout the second floor for a moment before all the
guards tumbled to the floor, painting the second floor’s
floorboards red with their blood.

This time, Fei Hou wasn’t as merciful like the first time
where he only cut off his opponent's arms.
Ignoring the fallen bodies, Fei Hou appeared beside Huang
Xiaolong, but his eyes stared at Meng Xia like sharp blades.

When he spared his opponents, however, he didn’t expect

that they would gather the courage to retaliate.

This time round... Fei Hou’s icy-cold eyes zoomed towards

Meng Xia’s scalp.

“Dad, it’s him! He’s one who shaved off all my hair!” Seeing
Fei Hou, Meng Xia shrieked with fear and hid behind the
Duke’s Mansion’s two Tenth Order experts.

The expressions of the two Tenth Order experts from the

Duke’s Mansion were somewhat ugly. Their combined
attacked just now was actually unable to stop Fei Hou; this
meant that Fei Hou was a peak late-Tenth Order warrior!

One had to know that one of them was late-Tenth Order,

while the other was peak-mid Tenth Order!

Meng Chen stared at the bodies of his guards fallen on the

floor, feeling fear and shock at the same moment. “You, you
dared to kill this Duke’s guards?!”


Next release: Wednesday

Have a great weekend!

And @Stevie-Boy - Thank you can be said in many

Chapter 40: Junior
Brother’S In Trouble!
Chapter 40: Junior Brother’s in Trouble!

As always, Fei Hou kept silent, so it was Huang Xiaolong who

replied with a sneer, “Dare to kill your Duke Mansion’s
guards? Don’t tell me that we should’ve stood here, and
waited for you to kill us? We shouldn't have moved a finger
in retaliation, right?”

In the eyes of dukes like Meng Chen, commoners were

supposed to stand still and be killed by them.

Meng Chen’s face became darkly sullen.

“Brat, I don’t care who’s supporting you; today, you’ve killed

this Duke’s guards! It doesn’t matter who it is they won’t be
able to save you!”

Meng Chen’s killing intent soared as he spoke in a cold

voice, then He stepped back after and said to the two Tenth
Order warriors (First Mister and Second Mister) “It doesn’t
matter what method you use, today, you absolutely must
chop off their arms and legs!”

“Please rest assured, Lord Duke!” First Mister and Second

Mister exchanged a look and acknowledged Meng Chen’s
order. And the Ninth and Eighth Orders also replied loudly.

Meng Chen and his son then moved to the sides, expecting
to see a good show.
Meng Chen coldly observed the scene before him, although
he had already guessed that if a little kid like Huang
Xiaolong had a Tenth Order bodyguard surely, it meant that
he had an unusual background. However, he wasn’t worried.
As a Duke of the Luo Tong Kingdom he had a high status
within the kingdom, and the number of people he feared
were very few, so few that they would total less than ten!

First Mister and Second Mister cautiously walked towards Fei

Hou and Huang Xiaolong.

“Both of us will deal with him (Fei Hou), while the rest of you
go and break both of that kid’s arms and legs!” First Mister
instructed the Ninth and Eighth Order Duke Mansion guards.

“Yes, First Mister!”

First Mister made his move before they could reply and a
great serpent emerged behind him.

This serpent had a large head, but a small body and its
entire length were a sickly white in color; this was his
martial spirit, the Heavenly Serpent!

The Heavenly Serpent belonged to the snake beast category

of martial spirits and snake martial spirits are generally
ranked as grade seven. However, some powerful snake
martial spirits were categorized as grade eight and this
Heavenly Serpent was one of them.

First Mister immediately soul transformed after his martial

spirit emerged, his body turned into the same pale white,
with layers of serpent scale. His eyes became entirely red as
he pounced on Fei Hou.

Whereas Second Mister’s martial spirit was something rarely

seen – a vine type plant! The vines were a purple so dark
that it looked black as ink and it had thorns on it sharp as

This is a type of special plant martial spirit and was highly


Second Mister’s action was as swift as First Mister’s; he

immediately soul transformed after releasing his martial
spirits and leaped towards Fei Hou.

At this time, the other guards of the Duke’s Mansion moved

quickly towards Huang Xiaolong.

“Young Master, you must be careful!” Fei Hou said as he

looked sharply at the flood of oncoming people rushing at
them. Suddenly his Silver River martial spirit emerged
turning tens of meters long and enclosed Huang Xiaolong,
protecting him. His hands were deflecting the many attacks
coming from the Duke Mansion’s guards.

The little violet monkey on Huang Xiaolong’s shoulder was

unusually quiet. Its pair of gemstone like blue eyes stared at
the Meng Chen and his son.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Battle qi clashed, and the shock waves spread through the

air of the small restaurant space. All the furniture had
turned into dust, and the customers had all run for their

First Mister and Second Mister never imagined that Fei Hou
could block all the attacks from more than ten people while
not moving a single step. This made their faces warped in
Fei Hou’s strength had exceeded their assumptions, and
most surprising was his martial spirit which had evolved to
the extent that it could strengthen its owner five times. In
general, a Tenth Order warrior with Silver River martial spirit
could only enhance their strength to a maximum of four

The warriors from the Duke Mansion were both shocked and
angry at the same time, which motivated them to attack

Although Fei Hou was very strong, however, he couldn’t last

very long against so many experts at once, and in the end,
each time he blocked an attack, Fei Hou’s face lost a little

Fei Hou’s body had strengthened till his Silver River was so
dense that it looked close to being mercury.

When Meng Chen and Meng Xia saw this, a wide smile
blossomed on the faces of both father and son.

“You will regret it if my Young Master is harmed!” Seeing the

father and son’s disgusting smile, Fei Hou reminded them
while his hands continued to block attacks.

Meng Chen smirked, “Regret? I, Meng Chen don't have the

word regret in my dictionary. Not only do I want to chop off
your arms and legs, after I have you both paraded around
the city streets, I will also have you beheaded in public! I
want to see who can save the two of you!”

And at this point, Marshal Haotian had just returned from

the palace and was surprised when he sensed bursts of
battle qi energy coming from the direction of the Delicious
For the Delicious Restaurant was not far from the Marshal
Mansion, and because Fei Hou’s was a peak late-Tenth Order
warrior, the energy vibration could travel the distance.

“Peak late-Tenth Order?” Marshal Haotian’s brows furrowed.

Although fights are very common in the Royal City,

however, it rarely involved a Tenth Order warrior.

“Marshal, it seems to come from the Delicious Restaurant’s

location.”A guard beside Haotian remarked. And at this
time, the guard captain who was guarding the main
entrance of the Marshal Mansion saw that the Marshall had
returned, quickly went up to report. “Marshal, a few
moments ago, someone came and said that he was your
Junior Brother and he took out Marshal’s gold plate here,
wanting to see Marshal.” The guard’s captain then took out
the gold plate and showed it yo Haotian.

“Junior Brother!” Haotian took the gold plate from the guard
captain, pleasure evident on his face.

This was the gold plate he gave to his Junior Brother more
than a decade ago.

“Where’s my Junior Brother?” He asked. It had been a very

long time since he had seen Junior Brother, Fei Hou, and he
didn’t expect that his Junior Brother would be here. When
they meet up, they must drink together again.

The guard captain hesitated for a moment, then honestly

reported, “Replying Marshal, when he was here, I informed
him that you were summoned to the palace and he left this
gold plate and left, saying that he would wait for you at the
Delicious Restaurant.”
“Delicious Restaurant!” Haotian’s face sank, as he continued
to sense the ever increasing battle qi energy coming from
the direction of Delicious Restaurant, could it be…?

“Junior Brother’s in trouble!”

Junior Brother Fei Hou is in Delicious Restaurant, and there

was a clashing battle qi emitted from there! There aren’t so
many coincidences in this world; it must be Junior Brother!
In less than a heartbeat’s time, Haotian was sure of it.

“Why didn’t you say so earlier?!” Haotian roared at the

guard captain.

The guard captain was so terrified that his liver nearly

cracked-- he had never seen the Marshal in such a big

“Marshal, I, I…” The guard's captain tried to explain, but

Haotian didn’t want to listen. Instead, he shouted loudly
towards the sky: “Ironclaw


High up in the air the sharp cry of an eagle rang out

following Haotian’s holler and a huge gray condor appeared,
about five meters long, its grayish wings looked like it was
made out of iron reflecting a sharp light under the sunlight.
Its big claws looked like it could tear apart an elephant with

Haotian leaped up onto the Ironclaw Condor’s back, and

they disappeared towards Delicious Restaurant’s direction.

In all of the Luo Tong Kingdom, other than the kingdom’s

ruler, only Marshal Haotian were permitted to fly in the
Royal City.
The captain guard’s knees gave out in fear and slide to the
ground when he saw Marshal called out the grade four
Ironclaw Condor to rush towards Delicious Restaurant.

Even though Fei Hou had given him the gold plate and
asked him to send someone to the palace to inform the
Marshal, he did not!

At that moment he thought that since there was no war

going on, there was no point to it as the Marshal would
return very soon from the palace. That’s why he did not go
and did not send anyone! He didn’t expect that an accident
would happen. And from the looks of things, it was a grave
matter! If something really happened to Marshal’s Junior
Brother, what would happen to him?


One word to describe this week: Chaos!!

Next release: Friday


And many thanks to @Stevie-Boy for C39.
Chapter 41: Who Dares To
Hurt My Junior Brother!
Chapter 41: Who Dares to Hurt My Junior Brother!

On the second floor of the Delicious Restaurant, attacks

from the guards of the Duke’s Mansion became more
aggressive and even more powerful as time wore on. As Fei
Hou’s barrier came closer to breaking, Huang Xiaolong
frowned and was considering if he should first conceal
himself within space and kill the bald-headed Meng Xia,
Suddenly, from the skies above a sharp cry of a condor that
could shatter a rock with its sound wave was heard.

Everyone within a few miles heard the condor’s sharp cry

which hadn’t been heard for a long time, so all Royal City
residents looked up to the sky.

When Fei Hou heard the condor’s sharp cry, he was so glad;
Senior Brother finally arrived!

Meng Chen heard it, he felt the cry was very familiar, but at
the moment he couldn’t grasp why. So he snickered when
he noticed the happy expression on Fei Hou’s face. “Oh, It
would seem that your backup is here. He came at the right
time, This way I can clean-up all of you once and for all! I
want to see who he is, that is so powerful, even if he has
three heads or six arms to come and interfere in this Duke’s

Meng Chen didn’t bother to turn around after he spat those

words at Fei Hou.
Fei Hou was already spent, and no longer a threat. So what
if another peak late Tenth Order appears, the Duke Mansion
could equally deal with it.

Meng Chen did not turn back; however his son, Meng Xia,
turned to look when the condor’s sharp cried resounded and
when he saw the huge gray condor up in the air and the
silhouette on its back, his jaw dropped in shock. He became
frightened and his body shook as if it was covered with fleas
from head to toe.

“Dad! Dad!” His tongue seemed to have knotted as he

called out to his Dad desperate and yet unable to form a
coherent sentence.

Noticing that something wasn’t quite right with the way his
son was behaving, he frowned as he said, “What are you
panicking for! Even if the sky falls on you, Dad will hold it
up!” He turned around after saying that; looking at his son
with dissatisfaction. “Useless”; If he was this frightened over
just a little matter such as this, how then could he take over
the Duke’s position in the future? He then looked up
following his son’s gaze.

Just like his son did, he instantly saw the silhouette of an

enormous bird, and on its back was the dignified Marshal
Haotian in his golden armor!

‘Mar, Mar…” Meng Chen stammered, and he became dizzy

as if the sky was falling directly on him!

By this time, the Ironclaw Condor and Marshal Haotian were

less than three hundred meters from Delicious Restaurant,
and he could see more than ten people were simultaneously
attacking one person; his Junior Brother Fei Hou!
A wave of rage rose up from the bottom of his heart to his
head, and he became livid with anger, his veins distended
making it look as if green vines were popping up under his

“Who dares to hurt my Junior Brother!!!” He roared and the

sound of the roar thundered for several li. A heavy
oppressive atmosphere burst out and descended from his
body, the aura of the King of Generals!

All the residents within several li heard his angry thundering


Marshal Haotian leaped off the back of the Ironclaw Condor

and crossed the distance of tens of meters with just one
leap like a tornado. From above the second floor, Marshal
Haotian slashed his halberd down at the second floor of the

“Heaven’s Wrath!”

As the halberd cut down, chained images of the halberd

slammed downwards.

And when Duke Meng Chen heard Marshal Haotian’s words,

the blood vessels in his heart nearly snapped.

Junior, Junior Brother?! Marshal’s Junior Brother!

That lowly commoner was actually the Marshal’s Junior


The attackers from the Duke’s Mansion only heard a loud

shout, and suddenly a silhouette descended from the sky as
terrifying halberds rained down on them. They were shocked
and wanted to retreat, but it was already too late.
Screams were heard throughout the restaurant’s second
floor as all the attackers were swept away by the force and
the floor trembled like it was about to collapse.

Blood spurted out of First Mister and Second Mister’s mouth,

their faces filled with fear. Two pairs of eyes quickly glanced
around and found out other than the two of them, everyone
else was dead!

One strike injured two Tenth Order, and annihilated more

than ten Eighth and Ninth Orders!

This kind of terrifying power, only… Both of them quickly

looked upwards and saw the person floating down unable to
believe it.

“Hao, Mar, Marshal Haotian!”

After he had swept away the flies, Marshal Haotian walked

towards Fei Hou, his deep voice asking, “Junior Brother, your
Senior Brother was late, are you alright?”

Smiling, Fei Hou looked at the person before him and said,
“I’m alright.”

Then, the Marshal’s gaze shifted to Huang Xiaolong. When

he was in the air, he had noticed that his Junior Brother was
exerting all his might to protect this little kid. What is this
little kid’s identity? Could he be Junior Brother’s grandson?

While these thoughts were running through Haotian’s mind,

his eyes suddenly fell upon Huang Xiaolong’s left hand. On
Huang Xiaolong’s left hand ring finger was a dark black ring
and when Haotian saw this ring, his body shook visibly, eyes
staring widely in disbelief, isn’t this…?!

His eyes turned to Fei Hou.

Fei Hou already knew what his Senior Brother wanted to ask
and nodded his head at Haotian.

Seeing his Junior Brother’s nod confirming his guess, his

body trembled and his face flushed red with excitement
while his body shifted wanting to kneel down. A tiny voice
similar to a fly’s buzz was transmitted to his ear as Haotian
was about to kneel, stopping hm. He swallowed the word
‘Sovereign’ that was about to leave his mouth and changed
it into, “Luo Tong Kingdom’s Marshal Haotian greets the
Young Master!

“Young, Young Master!” The minds of the Duke and his son,
First Mister, and Second Mister’s crashed! The Luo Tong
Kingdom’s exalted Marshal Haotian actually... actually
saluted that little kid. Moreover, the Marshal called him
Young Master! It was as if the Heavens flipped over, their
legs shook unsteadily, and they were close to fainting.

At this moment, not even the sky falling could compare to

this disaster!

Marshal Haotian! Even Huang Xiaolong was stunned. This

person saluting him who looked like a man in his seventies
was Luo Tong Kingdom’s Marshal Haotian!

Marshal Haotian is an Asura’s Gate disciple!

Fei Hou’s Senior Brother!

Then, how vast and powerful was Asura’s Gate?!

“Young Master.” Seeing that Huang Xiaolong was in a daze,

Fei Hou called in a small voice, reminding him. Only then did
Huang Xiaolong wake up, and his hands reached out to help
Haotian up, “Marshal Haotian, please stand.”
Marshal Haotian’s heart nearly jumped out when Huang
Xiaolong reached out to help him, feeling extremely
flattered he quickly stood up. “Haotian thanks Young
Master.” After he had stood up, Marshal Haotian’s sharp cold
eyes looked at the four people: Meng Chen, Meng Xia, First
Mister and Second Mister.

He naturally recognized Meng Chen and his son.

Waves of murder raged in Marshal Haotian’s eyes.

If they were only ganging up on his Junior Brother Fei Hou

alone he would’ve let this matter slide and ended it here,
but now! He walked slowly towards the father and son pair,
and he got to First Mister and Second Mister, his wrist
turned and his palms struck directly on their chests causing
it to explode instantly.

Two Tenth Order warriors died just like that!

“Mar, Marshal Haotian, I…” Meng Chen’s face had already

lost all his arrogance, stammering as he desperately tried to
act tough. “I am Duke Meng Chen!” Although Marshal
Haotian is only below the King, but he still can’t recklessly
kill a Duke!

Marshal Haotian in a cold voice said, “I know you are Duke

Meng Chen.”

Meng Chen sighed in relief when he heard this; it’s better

that you already knew who I am. But, as Meng Chen relaxed,
the halberd in Marshal Haotian’s hand speared forward,
passing straight through his throat before he pulled it back.

Even though you are a Duke, for daring to attempt to kill my

Asura Gate’s Sovereign, you must die just the same!
Marshal Haotian looked on coldly as Duke Meng Chen’s body
slowly tumbled to the floor.


Second chapter coming up!
Chapter 42: Xiantian Warrior

Meng Xia looked at his father’s body which was tumbling

while red blood spurted out from his throat. His mouth
opened and he let out the loudest scream of his entire life.
His face turned pale devoid of any color, his eyes rolled
back, and once again he wet his pants.

Haotian’s halberd stabbed forward once again into Meng

Xia’s throat stopping his scream forever. Retrieving his
halberd, Haotian turned around without sparing a glance at
the two bodies and returned to Huang Xiaolong’s side.
“Young Master, your subordinate came late and let Young
Master suffered some shock.”

And at this time the Marshal Mansion guards arrived at

Delicious Restaurant, shocked when they saw the two
bodies of Meng Chen and Meng Xia lying on the floor.

“Marshal, this is?!” A General within the group asked


Haotian said coldly, “They were killed by me. Go and clean

up the bodies.”

The soldiers were very shocked.

Marshal Haotian then pointed at a person “Drag him out and

behead him!” That person was the Captain who had
received Fei Hou’s gold plate but didn’t go the palace to
inform Marshal Haotian.

“Marshal, mercy! ah, I, I was wrong. Marshal, mercy!” That

Captain soldier was so frightened that he immediately fell to
his knees, kowtowing, and begging for mercy. However, two
soldiers dragged him out by force and moments later, a
heart-wrenching wail rang out.

“Young Master, would you consider returning to the Marshal

Mansion with me?” Haotian turned around and respectfully
asked for Huang Xiaolong’s opinion.

Young Master?! The Marshal Mansion’s Generals, and

soldiers all had disbelief written on their faces and everyone
turned to look at Huang Xiaolong in wonder.

“All you of you come, kneel down and greet the Young
Master!” Haotian ordered the present Generals and soldiers.

“Greeting the Young Master.” The Generals and soldier

under Marshal Haotian quickly knelt down in salute before
Huang Xiaolong.

“All of you can stand up.” said Huang Xiaolong as he looked

at the soldiers kneeling down. He was unaccustomed to
having all these people kneeling down to him, especial as
they were Generals and soldiers of the Luo Tong Kingdom.
Even if it was his Grandfather, Huang Qide, even he would
need to lower his head in front of these people.

After everyone got up, Huang Xiaolong turned to Marshal

Haotian and said, “Let’s go.”

Marshal Haotian was overjoyed, and it clearly showed on his

face when he heard the Sovereign agree to return to the
Marshal Mansion with him, respectfully he said, “Yes Young
Master. Young Master, this way please!”

Thus, Huang Xiaolong, Fei Hou, Haotian, and the soldiers

from the Marshal Mansion headed towards the Marshal
Mansion in big strides.
Soon after Huang Xiaolong and the others entered the
Marshal’s Mansion, the news about Marshal Haotian killing
Duke Meng Chen and his son along with all their guards at
Delicious Restaurant spread like wildfire to every corner of
the Royal City.

All the nobles families were shocked when they got the
news, and their expressions turned ugly.

This was the first time ever that a Duke had been killed in
public in the Royal City since the kingdom’s establishment
more than two hundred years ago!

“I heard that it was Duke Meng Chen who led his mansion’s
experts to Delicious Restaurant to seize Marshal’s Junior
Brother. Marshal was furious and killed Meng Chen and the
others in anger!”

“Duke Meng Chen’s luck is appalling, provoking the Marshal,

but Marshal was too domineering, he ignored the law and he
recklessly killed a Duke in the middle of the Royal City!”

Dukes, Marquises, and Barons were all having intimate

discussions about this matter.

Within the Luo Tong Kingdom’s Palace, the King listened to

endless reports from his ministers. The King hesitated for a
moment before he waved his hand and said, “I now
understand the matter. You may all go now.”

All the ministers present were startled when they heard this,
but they dared not speak a word anymore. They quietly left
the vast hall knowing that Duke Meng Chen and his son died
in vain. Since the King did not say anything, then it meant
that the King had decided to not pursue the matter.
Night came, and the moon shone down brightly. Huang
Xiaolong stood in the Marshal Mansion’s garden with his
hand behind his back admiring the full moon, recalling the
scenes that happened in the restaurant during the day.

Today’s events had once again reminded him that he was

still too weak.

Although he was only nine years old and had already

reached the peak of late-Fifth Order, but while for others this
might be incredible, compared to those Seventh, Eighth,
and Ninth Order warriors, his strength was still very

Moreover, Marshal Haotian leaped off the condor from a

high altitude and with just one wave of his halberd, he could
kill more than a dozen Eighth and Ninth Order warriors while
heavily injuring two Tenth Order warriors. This level of
strength was definitely not something a Tenth Order warrior
could do; therefore, he must be above a peak late-Tenth
Order warrior!

Power above a peak late-Tenth Order, what kind of strength

is that? All along, Huang Xiaolong had never asked Fei Hou,
and when he was still in Huang Clan Manor, his parents had
never talked about this matter.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong called Fei Hou over.

“Sovereign, what are your orders?” Fei Hou inquired

respectfully when he arrived.

“Sit.” Huang Xiaolong pointed at a nearby garden stool

opposite him. When both of them were seated, Huang
Xiaolong asked about the doubts he had.
“What is the realm above peak late-Tenth Order?” Hearing
Huang Xiaolong’s question, Fei Hou paused a few seconds
before answering, “Replying Sovereign, after breaking
through peak late-Tenth Order, in the Martial World they are
called Xiantian Warrior.”

“Xiantian Warrior?!” Huang Xiaolong repeated.

“Yes, Sovereign.” Fei Hou nodded and said: “Our martial

spirits absorb spiritual energy to convert into battle qi in our
meridians, and battle qi can temper the body. The initial
stages of a warrior, from First to Third Order can temper the
muscles, Fourth to Sixth Order refines the tendons, and
Seventh to Tenth Order tempers the bones!”

“However, battle qi from the First to Tenth Order doesn’t

strengthen our internal organs, only when we breakthrough
Tenth Order into Xiantian Warrior does that happen. As long
as we breakthrough to Xiantian, we can then continuously
temper and refine every aspect of our body and at the same
time, our life span will also increase. A Tenth Order warrior
can at the most live up to a hundred years or so, however,
when one advances to Xiantian, our life span will increase
exponentially. In general, a Xiantian warrior can live up to
hundred years old and a peak Xiantian up to three hundred

“Three hundred years!” Huang Xiaolong was amazed.

Fei Hou nodded, “That’s right, roughly thirty years ago,

Senior Brother already breakthrough to Xiantian. Senior
Brother Haotian looks like he’s in his seventies, but in fact,
he’s already more than a hundred years old!”

Huang Xiaolong was surprised; he never imagined that

Marshal Haotian was more than a hundred years old!
Fei Hou continued, “When one reaches the Seventh Order
warrior, a Qi Sea will form near the chest, and it will change
once we breakthrough to Xiantian and the Qi Sea will
condense into liquid form. That’s why a Xiantian warrior’s
battle qi contains more power. Not only that, our martial
spirits will evolve and can then turn into a real physical

“A martial spirit can become a real physical being!” Huang

Xiaolong’s eyes widened in astonishment. “If martial spirits
could turn into matter, then does that mean that martial
spirits can be called out to battle?”

“Yes, Sovereign,” Fei Hou nodded his head, saying “The

higher the martial spirits grade, the stronger it will be once
it turns into a physical body. For example, Senior Brother
Haotian has a top grade ten martial spirits, the Dark Nether
Lion. When released, there is not much of a difference in
their strength.”

Saying there isn’t much of a difference in their strengths

would mean that the martial spirit is equivalent to another
Xiantian level expert! This is the gap between a Xiantian
and a Houtian warrior.

Huang Xiaolong also thought of something: at the time

when he breakthroughs to Xiantian, his martial spirits will be
released in physical form and since his martial spirits are
twin dragons, couldn’t he fly into the sky with one foot on
the black dragon and another foot on the blue dragon?

With his superb talent martial spirits, how heaven−defying

would his strength be when he entered the Xiantian realm?


There is one more chapter, releasing tmr.
Chapter 43: Duanren Empire

“But breaking through to Xiantian realm is too difficult, too

difficult!” While Huang Xiaolong was daydreaming about his
martial spirits advancing to the Xiantian realm and how
strong it would be, Fei Hou was shaking his head, sighing as
he said, “To breakthrough the Xiantian realm, one needs at
least a grade ten martial spirits and above to have any

When a martial spirit is awakened, its natural talent already

decides a person’s future achievements in martial
cultivation. This was the reason why Huang Qide spoiled
Huang Wei to such an extent.

Because Huang Wei possessed a grade ten martial spirit as

long as no mishaps happened to Huang Wei, he would enter
Xiantian realm in his lifetime.

“One must have a grade ten and above martial spirit to

breakthrough to the Xiantian realm?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

Fei Hou was silent for a while before he continued saying;

“Not necessarily, there were some people who were able to
advance to Xiantian but the difficulty is much higher than
having a grade ten martial spirits--there have also been
stories that say even some people with top grade eight
martial spirits were able to advance. Pity there is little
evidence to back up these stories. Among a hundred
thousand people who possess top grade eight martial
spirits, perhaps not one could step into Xiantian realm. As
for grade seven, six, and five martial spirits, no matter how
much effort or hard work they put in, they would never
achieve it!”
Huang Xiaolong nodded; if his martial spirits were grade
seven, then he would never be able to advance Xiantian no
matter how much time and sweat he exuded!

Fortunately, his martial spirits were not grade seven!

“Then, are there warriors above Xiantian realm?” Huang

Xiaolong’s eyes burned into Fei Hou.

Fei Hou was startled and subsequently nodded his head.

“Sovereign, indeed there is a higher realm above Xiantian.
Based on hearsay, the realm above Xiantian is referred to as
the Saint realm, and after one steps into the Saint realm,
one’s life span is extended to a thousand years. The body
will be immune to poisons and be as hard as steel, akin to a
having an immortal body. However, to have all that is harder
than climbing up to Heaven!”

“Harder than climbing up to Heaven?” Huang Xiaolong was


Fei Hou nodded his head: “In the Xiantian realm every level
of breakthrough is much more difficult than the Houtian
level take Senior Brother Haotian-- as an example; he broke
through to Xiantian more than thirty years ago. Only those
who have superb martial talent have a chance of breaking
through to the Saint realm. Even then only a few will get
chance, it’s not a certainty!”

“Not to mention the Luo Tong Kingdom, none of the

hundreds of surrounding kingdoms have a Saint warrior.”

More than a hundred kingdoms and not even one has a

Saint realm warrior!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes opened wide.

How large is Luo Tong Kingdom’s populace? At the very least
there are two or three billion people in each of the hundred
or more kingdoms, that would equal more than two to three
hundred billion people, but there wasn’t even one Saint

“The truth was about ten years ago, your subordinate saw a
Saint Warrior!” And at this moment a respectful crept up Fei
Hou when answering.

A light lit up in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

Fei Hou laughed out loud when he noticed Huang Xiaolong’s

look. “That year, your subordinate was in Duanren Empire’s
Royal City, but it was just a glimpse.” Fei Hou’s face was a
little embarrassed when he mentioned this, as even he with
his Tenth Order strength wasn’t qualified to meet with a
Sacred Warrior. On that occasion, it was only by coincidence
that he saw the Saint level expert flying across Duanren
Empire’s Royal City.

“Duanren Empire!” This was the first time Huang Xiaolong

heard this name.

Fei Hou continued to explain, saying, “Luo Tong Kingdom is

one of the thousand kingdoms under Duanren Empire.
Although the one hundred kingdoms around the Luo Tong
Kingdom have no Saint level warrior, the Duanren Empire
has a Saint level to protect the empire!”

“Our continent is called Snow Wind Continent; other than

the Duanren Empire, there are more than a dozen other
empires, but only ours are composed of the human race.
Apart from our human race, there are Beastmen, Elves,
Dwarves, Ents, the Golden Giants, and others.” Fei Hou
Huang Xiaolong’s heart raced when he learned all this.

Duanren Empire!

Snow Wind Continent!

Beastmen, elves, dwarves, ents, and the Golden Giants!

This Martial Spirit world was actually this vast, wonderful

and exciting!

He wanted to practice, to become stronger! Then He would

head towards the Duanren Empire to meet with the Saint

One day, in the future he will be a Saint realm warrior of


A short while later, Fei Hou left. Huang Xiaolong sat in the
garden alone, his heart unable to calm down for a long

“Let’s first breakthrough Sixth Order before thinking about

anything else.” Huang Xiaolong stood up, shaking his head
in a chuckle. The so-call Xiantian or Saint realm for the
current him was too far away; what he needed to do now
was advanced to the Sixth Order.

He had a feeling that it would happen within two days.

Returning to his room, Huang Xiaolong took out the cold

jade bed from the Asura Ring, sat on it in the lotus position
then began to run the Asura Tactics exercise law. His twin
dragon martial spirits appeared, devouring the netherworld
spiritual aura flowing down from the space above Huang
After leaving Huang Clan Manor four months ago, his twin
dragon martial spirits had become not just bigger, but the
scales of both black and blue dragons’ have become
tougher and denser and their claws looked stronger than

The night passed in silence.

Huang Xiaolong ended his practice when sunlight shone into

the room through the window; returning the cold jade bed
into the ring, Huang Xiaolong left the room. When he
stepped out, he saw Haotian and Fei Hou both entering the

“Saluting the Sovereign!”

Haotian and Fei Hou quickly knelt down in salute.

Even though Marshal Haotian is a strong Xiantian expert,

but when meeting the Sovereign, he still needed to kneel
down in salute: this was the Asura’s Gate rules!

In Asura’s Gate, the Sovereign was supreme above all!

This rule was carved into every Asura’s Gate’s disciple to

such an extent that even Huang Xiaolong as the current
Sovereign was powerless to abolish it.

Thus, Huang Xiaolong could only bear with it and ask them
to rise.

“I want to go out to look around, and I’d also want to buy a

residence,” said Huang Xiaolong, when both of them had
gotten up. In his opinion, although Marshal Haotian is an
Asura’s Gate disciple, staying here in the Marshal Mansion
for an extended time was inconvenient. If he had his own
residence here in the Royal City, whether it was training or
other matters, it would be much more convenient.

Marshal Haotian was startled when he heard this and

anxiously asked, “Sovereign, are the guards or servants
performing unsatisfactorily? I will replace them in an

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and smiled, saying “No, it

has nothing to do with them. I just want to buy a residence
as it would be more convenient.”

When Haotian this heard this, he breathed out in relief;

Huang Xiaolong was the Sovereign and since Huang
Xiaolong already taken a position on the issue, he couldn’t
force the matter.

“Then this subordinate will accompany Sovereign to the

property market to select a suitable resident,” Haotian said.

No need, just send two guards to come along, in addition

there’s Fei Hou so nothing will happen.” Huang Xiaolong
added after he paused for a moment – to have the Luo Tong
Kingdom’s Marshal tagging along with him just to help him
select a residence, there was no way he would be able to
maintain a low profile in the future and Huang Xiaolong
didn’t wish to attract any attention.“Understood. Your
Subordinate will arrange it.” Haotian understood Sovereign’s
worries. Thus he agreed and replied respectfully.

Concerning the things that happened at the Delicious

Restaurant Marshal Haotian had already instructed the
Generals and soldiers not to breathe a word about Huang
Xiaolong’s identity. So so far, none of the nobles and the
influential families knew about the Marshal’s ‘Young Master’.
A short while later, Haotian sent two of the Marshal
Mansion’s guards over to protect Huang Xiaolong. The two
guards, Fei Hou, and Huang Xiaolong left the mansion
walking towards the property market.


1. Duanren Empire – Breakblade Empire


See you next week: Wednesday

As for the double indentation, throwing it to Ed and TLC

Chapter 44: Stolen From Our Auction House

Four people, Huang Xiaolong, Fei Hou and the two guards
from the Marshal’s Mansion headed towards a cultivation
technique and battle skill auction house (having decided to
go there before heading to the property market).

While Huang Xiaolong was in the Silvermoon Forest he had

gotten some gold coins from killing mercenaries, however, it
was not enough money to buy a property; so Huang
Xiaolong decided to auction off the cultivation technique,
Black Moon Art which he had gotten from the Purple Robed
Sword Sect Elder Chen Feng.

Black Moon Art is a high-grade Mysterious rank exercise; it

would definitely fetch a good price.

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong’s group of four arrived at a

cultivation technique, and battle skill auction shop called
Solitary Peak.

Probably due to the early hours, the auction hall was empty
when the four of them walked in.

“May I ask if you gentlemen want to buy or sell cultivation

techniques?” asked the shop supervisor as he approached
them (having seen the four of them as they walked in).

“I want to auction a high-grade Mysterious rank cultivation

technique.” said Huang Xiaolong without preamble.

“Mysterious high-grade!” The supervisor was really

surprised as he looked at Huang Xiaolong, in general people
were rarely willing to sell a high-grade Mysterious rank
technique and skill.
“Correct.” Huang Xiaolong answered lightly.

“Please, please come inside so that we can discuss.” The

Supervisor’s expression drastically changed, and he smiled
broadly as he ushered the four of them into the inner hall.
He quickly ordered servants to serve tea as Huang Xiaolong
was seated, then he went to inform his superiors.

Very soon, an old man in his sixties wearing a gold colored

robe came into the hall followed by the previous supervisor,
he was Solitary Peak’s Elder Lin Yuan.

As Lin Yuan came in, surprise flickered across his eyes when
he saw Huang Xiaolong.

“He he, I’m Solitary Peak Auction’s LinYuan. I heard that

Little Brother wants to auction a high-grade Mysterious rank
cultivation technique,” said Lin Yuan as he came in smiling.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t say anything but pretended to take

something out from his robes while actually taking a black
book out of the Asura Ring. He put the book on the table
and opened to the first page.

“Black Moon Art!”

Lin Yuan was rather surprised as he had heard of Black

Moon Art. After practicing this cultivation technique that
trains in the yin energy of the moon; if one practices it
especially at night, the power of this technique increases.

Controlling his expression, Lin Yuan smiled saying, “This is

definitely a high-grade Mysterious art; how does Little
brother want this auction?”

“I need money at the moment, so you offer a price.” replied

Huang Xiaolong after thinking for a moment.
If he decided to auction the book, it would take two to three
days before he could get the proceeds from the auction
which was why Huang Xiaolong decided to sell it directly to
the auction house, so that he wouldn’t need to waste time.

On hearing Huang Xiaolong’s words, it was clear to Lin Yuan

that Huang Xiaolong needed the money urgently, a pained
expression appeared on his face as he said, “This Little
Brother, you are aware that directly selling it will only fetch
you a very low price.” then, he continued with an air of
magnanimity saying, “But I won’t short change you, I offer
you fifty thousand gold coins!” His hand showed five fingers.

“Fifty thousand gold coins?” Huang Xiaolong sneered in his

heart when he heard that. This old guy is really taking him
as a little kid, trying to send him away with a measly fifty
thousand gold?

A high-grade Mysterious rank cultivation technique can

reach a price as high as three hundred thousand gold coins
minimum in an auction, so selling directly should at least
bring him two hundred fifty thousand gold coins. Even a
mid-grade Mysterious rank cultivation technique would cost
at least one hundred thousand gold coins.

Huang Xiaolong did not bother to continue negotiating but

instead he retrieved the Black Moon Art from the table, got
up and said to Fei Hou: “Let’s go.” And the four prepared to

“Stop!” yelled Lin Yuan, when he saw that the four were
about to leave. His body then flashed, then he appeared
beside Huang Xiaolong blocking his path with his hand.
Suddenly more than ten gray robed guards rushed into the
Huang Xiaolong’s expression became cold, looking at them
he asked, “What is the meaning of this?”

Lin Yuan’s earlier smile vanished, as he said “Little Brother,

why are you in a rush to leave, is it because of guilt? Does
your cultivation technique manual have suspicious origins ?”

Huang Xiaolong returned Lin Yuan’s look with a look full of

interest of his own, “My manual's origin is suspicious?”

Lin Yuan smirked, “That’s right. Our auction house lost a

high-grade Mysterious rank cultivation technique, the Black
Moon Art a few days ago!”

Huang Xiaolong sneered in his heart, it seemed like this

person wanted to force him to sell cheaply so he gave an
excuse implying that the Black Moon Art was stolen from the
Solitary Peak auction house.

On Earth, Huang Xiaolong had come across this kind of

forced sale situation a few times.

“How about this, I won’t make things difficult for you.” said
Lin Yuan in a cold tone: “Return the Black Moon Art to our
Solitary Peak auction house, and we will let you leave. If not,
stealing from us comes with dire consequences!”

Now, Lin Yuan didn’t want to pay the fifty thousand gold
coins which he had previously offered. With fifty thousand
gold coins in his pocket it was enough for him to live happily
for some time.

He knew all the children of Royal City’s nobles and

prominent families’ and Huang Xiaolong was not one of
them so he dared to act in such a manner confident that
Huang Xiaolong didn’t have the means to seek revenge.
He had done this a few times.

Listening to the auction house’s Elder slander Huang

Xiaolong, saying the Black Moon Art was stolen from them,
Fei Hou regarded him with interest, he stood next to Huang
Xiaolong silently.

However while Fei Hou could stomach it, the two guards
from the Marshal’s Mansion standing behind Huang Xiaolong
couldn’t. One of them stepped up and slapped Lin Yuan’s
cheek, and shouted in anger, “Are your eyes blind, you dare
to bully our Young Master!”


That one slap sent Lin Yuan staggering back several steps,
and a red five-finger print appeared on his right cheek.

“You, you dare to attack me?!” Lin Yuan’s hand touched his
burning cheek and roared. His eyes filled with killing intent.
Because the two guards weren’t wearing their uniforms, but
instead wore normal robes, Lin Yuan couldn’t recognize

“Attack, kill them all! Snatch back that Black Moon Art
manual!” Lin Yuan shouted anxiously; he flashed and
appeared in front of Huang Xiaolong and struck out.

But the moment he appeared before Huang Xiaolong, a

silhouette suddenly cut in between them. Fei Hou slashed
out, and swords sparks floated out like white snow-flakes.

Startled, Lin Yuan tried to retreat but the many snow flake-
like sword sparks melted into his body and Lin Yuan
screamed as his body was sent back flying and crashed into
a pillar.
The two Marshal’s Mansion guards’ bodies were spinning,
and with every turn, an auction house guard fell down.

Having being sent to protect Huang Xiaolong by Marshal

Haotian, these two guards’ strength couldn’t be weak;
although they were yet to reach the Tenth Order but they
both were at the peak late Ninth Order, so how could the
auction house guards win against them!

Very quickly all the gray clothed guards were lying on the
floor moaning in pain, only then the two guards who
followed Huang Xiaolong stopped.

“Young Master, are you alright?” Both of them stepped

towards Huang Xiaolong and asked respectfully.

“I’m alright.” Huang Xiaolong shook his head. He walked

towards the auction house Elder Lin Yuan who just got up
and was leaning against the wall. Seeing Huang Xiaolong
standing near him, he became frightened, “Little Brother… a
misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding! It’s our
mistake, we lost a cultivation technique a few days ago but
it wasn’t the Black Moon Art! I was mistaken, this pig head
of mine, so stupid, deserving death!”


Exercise law changed to ‘cultivation technique’.


Next Release Wednesday.

I had an 'uggh' morning, so I want to make your day better

(Yes, I know I said Wed last time)

Stockpiling?? hmm....
Chapter 45: Meeting Li Lu Again

“A misunderstanding?” Huang Xiaolong sneered: “Are you

sure that the cultivation technique manual that your auction
lost is not the Black Moon Art?” Huang Xiaolong of course
knew the auction house’s so-called lost manual was made
up by this Elder Lin Yuan.

There’s no such thing!

Lin Yuan desperately squeezed out a stiff smile that was

uglier than a cry. “Sure, I’m sure I made a mistake!”

At this time, a loud voice thundered from outside the

auction house, “Who ate leopard guts and dared to make a
ruckus in my auction house?!” Brisk, heavy footsteps
echoed through the hall, causing tremors on the floor
surrounded the perimeter of the inner hall. From the sounds
of footsteps, it seemed that there were a lot of people

Joy surfaced on Lin Yuan’s face.

Moments later, a bearded middle-aged man with thick

bushy eyebrows marched into the inner hall leading a dozen
people with him, making a big entrance.

The inner hall was big, even with so many people it didn’t
feel crowded at all.

As the middle-aged man stepped into the inner hall, he saw

more than ten gray-clothed guards of the Solitary Peak
Auction House lying on the floor moaning in pain; his
became even more sullen.
“President!” Seeing the middle-aged man, Lin Yuan
stumbled towards him in a panic: “President, save me!”

This bushy brow middle-aged man is Solitary Peak Auction

House’s President, Du Baize!

“What happened?” Du Baize’s expression turned cold.

Lin Yuan hesitated for a moment, then quickly pointed his

finger in Huang Xiaolong’s direction and said, “President, in
the few days you weren’t around, the auction house lost a
high-grade Mysterious rank cultivation technique manual! It
was these people who stole it!”

Mysterious high-grade cultivation technique? When Du

Baize heard this, his palm struck Elder Lin Yuan so hard that
he flew back.

Lin Yuan screamed as he flew off and crashed into a wall of

the inner hall.

The four corners of the inner hall were deadly silent and
Huang Xiaolong, Fei Hou, and the two guards were stunned.

Ashen faced, Lin Yuan quivered as he struggled to stand up,

blood spurting from his mouth as one of his hand clutched
his mouth. He looked unbelievably at President, “Pre-,

“You mean to say they stole our cultivation technique and

then brought it back to sell to us?” demanded Du Baize as
he stared coldly at Lin Yuan who was trying to stand up.

Only an idiot would believe Lin Yuan’s lie, which was so full
of holes.

Lin Yuan face turned a beet red, “President, I, I,"

“You think that by covering up I won’t find out about how
you’ve been doing forced sales? And on several occasions at
that?” Du Baize’s eyes turned sharp as he glowered at Lin
Yuan who trembled on hearing this and his face turned pale
white. “President, this, this is,”

“Enough, you don’t need to say anymore. If it weren’t for

your sister, I would’ve crippled you long ago. I will deal with
you afterward! Scram!” Du Baize waved his hand, and two
guards came and took Lin Yuan away.

Du Baize then turned towards Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou,

“Customers, my name is Du Baize; for this to happen, it is
because I was lacking in management, I apologize to

“It doesn’t matter.” Huang Xiaolong replied, “Since the issue

has been resolved, there is no problem.”

“I don’t know what kind of cultivation technique Little

Brother wanted to auction?” Du Baize asked as he waved his
hand sending away other guards that had rushed in with
him earlier.

Since the conflict was resolved, Huang Xiaolong did not

intend to pursue such a small matter: he sat down on the
same chair and took out the little black manual.

“High-grade Mysterious rank cultivation technique, Black

Moon Art.” Just like Lin Yuan, Du Baize was a little shocked
as he looked at Huang Xiaolong and the little black book.

“That’s right.” Huang Xiaolong added, “I’m in need of

money at the moment, so I don’t plan to auction it. I’d like
to sell it directly to the auction house, but I don’t know what
price President is willing to offer?”
Du Baize hesitated slightly before answering, “Three
hundred fifty thousand, but I don’t know if Little Brother is
satisfied with this offer?”

Three hundred and fifty thousand!

Huang Xiaolong was slightly surprised.

If this manual was auctioned, it could fetch that price, but

he was dealing direct with the auction house and yet Du
Baize still quoted such a high price.

However, Huang Xiaolong quickly understood that Du Baize

gave him such an offer because he wanted to show

Thus, Huang Xiaolong didn't feign politeness and sold the

Black Moon Art manual for three hundred fifty thousand gold

A short while later, Du Baize personally sent Huang Xiaolong


“President, that Black Moon Art manual although it is a high-

grade Mysterious rank cultivation technique, to buy it for
three hundred fifty thousand, isn’t that too high?” Asked an
Elder behind Du Baize cautiously, “Besides, they also injured
our guards.”

Du Baize looked at the four peoples as they walked away, a

light flickered in his eyes and shook his head, “You don’t
understand.” He had a feeling that these four weren’t as
simple as they seemed on the surface. If he could form a
good relationship with Huang Xiaolong, it may very well
bring enormous benefits for to the auction house will be
much bigger.
Huang Xiaolong’s group of four headed to the property
market after they had left the auction house. After going
through some choices, Huang Xiaolong finally settled on a
Tianxuan Courtyard at two hundred and fifty thousand gold

This Tianxuan Courtyard was quite close to the Marshal’s

Mansion which was three streets away, estimated at about
half an hour’s distance.

And this Tianxuan Courtyard was spacious and spanned

about a thousand square meters, which was one of the
reasons why Huang Xiaolong chose it. Huang Xiaolong
wanted to develop his own force and the large space would
make training convenient

Even though he is said to be Asura’s Gate Sovereign, the

Asura’s Gate cannot be considered as his own power.

After settling Tianxuan Courtyard matters, Huang Xiaolong

went to the slave market with the three of them; after all, a
mansion would need servants to maintain it.

When Huang Xiaolong came out of the slave market, behind

Fei Hou and the two guards were sixteen slaves. Four of
them were Beastmen, two were from the Elf race, two were
mountain dwarves, and the remaining eight were human.
Fei Hou felt it strange that Huang Xiaolong even chose to
buy two dwarves since normally people wouldn’t choose
them as servants, but Huang Xiaolong was the Sovereign so
it was not his place to question his actions.

With the newly bought slaves, Huang Xiaolong went straight

back to his new mansion, Tianxuan Mansion, instead of
returning to the Marshal’s Mansion.
Arriving at the Tianxuan Mansion, Huang Xiaolong took a
tour around the mansion; in total, it had more than a dozen
rooms, several small yards, and in the back, there was huge
open space; Huang Xiaolong found the place very
satisfactory. However, the mansion had been left empty for
some time so some walls had paint peeling and weeds were
growing all over the place.

From among the sixteen slaves, Huang Xiaolong picked out

a Beastmen called Boli, tasking him with cleaning the
mansion along with others.

After he had made the proper arrangements, Huang

Xiaolong’s group of four left the Tianxuan Mansion and
returned to the Marshal’s Mansion.

Unexpectedly, half-way to the Marshal Mansion, Huang

Xiaolong suddenly heard from behind the surprised cry of a
familiar voice: “Xiaolong!”

Huang Xiaolong was startled and turned around, but a

shadow had already leaped towards his direction: it was Li

Shouldn’t Li Lu be in Canglan County? How did she appear

in the Royal City?

“Xiaolong, it is really you!” Li Lu ran towards Huang

Xiaolong, a big smile on her face and hugged him.

A girl’s body fragrance entered his nose.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He

didn’t expect to run into Li Lu in the Royal City.

“Xiaolong, why did you also come to the Royal City?” Huang
Xiaolong had yet to ask before Li Lu’s happy voice sounded.
Also come to the Royal City? Huang Xiaolong didn’t know
how to answer.

“Did you also come to register at the Cosmic Star

Academy?” asked Li Lu while Huang Xiaolong was still
struggling to answer her first question.


Ate leopard guts - so extremely brave


Next release: tmr


Enjoy! Am releasing this week's chap before X'mas Eve
Chapter 46: Imperial City Battle

“Register for Cosmic Star Academy enrollment?” Huang

Xiaolong was dazed.

At this time, Li Cheng and a few of Li Residence bodyguards

had caught up with them; it was Li Cheng who brought Li Lu
over to Royal City.

“Uncle,” Huang Xiaolong greeted Li Cheng, struggling to get

out of Li Lu’s arms.

Li Cheng looked at Huang Xiaolong meaningfully, laughed

and said, “Xiaolong, I haven’t seen you for a few months,
yet you have grown taller. These past few months, Li Lu has
missed you very much."

“Dad, what are you saying!” protested Li Lu shyly, stamping

her feet a couple of times.

Li Cheng chuckled, and then turned around towards Fei Hou,

“Greetings, Senior Fei Hou.”

The news had traveled that Fei Hou defeated Huang Clan
Manor’s Old Patriarch, Huang Qide, in one move thus
revealing his peak late-Tenth Order strength-- of course Li
Cheng heard about it.

Fei Hou slightly nodded, his expression remaining


“Xiaolong, have you found a place to stay? If not, let’s stay


The Li Family’s business dealt with silk and was relatively a

large business. Thus, they have a small store and residence
courtyard here in the Royal City. But their residence
courtyard was about two hundred square feet, it couldn’t
compare to Huang Xiaolong’s Tianxuan Courtyard.

Stay together? Huang Xiaolong stared at Li Lu and

swallowed his saliva before answering. “No need, I already
found a place to stay.”

“Oh,” Li Lu pouted, feeling disappointed but very quickly a

smile appeared again on her face, showing two cute
dimples, “This Royal City is very big, bigger than Canglan
County City. Come! Let’s go and have a look around!” Li Lu
was already pulling Huang Xiaolong’s hand as she said that.

Look around? Black lines appeared on Huang Xiaolong’s


Still, in the end, he was pulled around the city by Li Lu for

more than an hour.

More than an hour later, Huang Xiaolong finally escaped and

returned to the Marshal’s Mansion with Fei Hou and the two
guards. Huang Xiaolong left early in the morning, and it was
afternoon when he returned.

In the Marshal Mansion, Huang Xiaolong invited Marshal

Haotian over to his yard.

“Sovereign,” Haotian respectfully greeted upon seeing

Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong pointed to chairs nearby and indicated that

both Haotian and Fei Hou should sit, “Both of you, come sit.”

When both of them were seated, Huang Xiaolong said to

Haotian, “I would like to know about Cosmic Star Academy.”
Haotian paused, he didn’t expect that Sovereign called him
over to ask about Cosmic Star Academy; then, something
occurred to him– Cosmic Star Academy is Luo Tong
Kingdom’s elite academy, does the Sovereign want to enroll
into the Academy?

Immediately, Haotian told Huang Xiaolong about Cosmic

Star Academy’s history, and all he knew about it. He talked
for twenty minutes or so before asking, “Sovereign, do you
want to enroll into Cosmic Star Academy?”

Huang Xiaolong practiced the Asura Tactics, and he had the

Asura Sword Skill, and the Asura Demon Claw; therefore, in
his opinion, it’s not that important whether or not he got
into the Cosmic Star Academy. But when Haotian asked,
Huang Xiaolong did not deny it.

Haotian continued to elaborate, “If Sovereign enrolls into

Cosmic Star Academy, it will be helpful to Sovereign’s
practice. Every year, in Cosmic Star Academy, a competition
is held between the different classes, then the different
class years and the overall Academy, and every year’s first
place winner is eligible to enter the Dragon Flame Valley to
practice. Dragon Flame Valley is a practice treasure land!
Not only can it refine the physical body, but it also can
improve battle qi grade!”

“Dragon Flame Valley, refining physical body, and improving

battle qi grade!”

Huang Xiaolong was astonished. This was his first time

hearing that there were things that could enhance battle qi

“Yes, Sovereign. This Dragon Flame Valley has a natural

underground Dragon Vein and that is the reason why
practicing in Dragon Flame Vally can refine and strengthen
the body, and enhance battle qi quality! But it is only
effective for those under the Tenth Order; after the Tenth
Order, practicing in the Dragon Flame Valley has no
significant benefits!” added Fei Hou.

Natural dragon vein!

The Cosmic Star Academy actually has a natural dragon


A light flickered in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. Although it only

benefits those under the Tenth Order, it is already
unbelievable enough. And for the current Huang Xiaolong,
the benefits reaped would be great!

“Apart from that, the first place of every class year is

rewarded with a dan. First place first year, a high Grade Four
Spirit Dan, first place second year is rewarded with an early
Grade Five Spirit Dan, the third year's first place gets a mid-
Grade Five Spirit Dan, and lastly, the overall Academy
Champion gets a high Grade Five Spirit dan!” Haotian
explained in detail.

High Grade Four Spirit Dan! Early Grade Five, mid Grade,
and high Grade! Both of Huang Xiaolong’s eyes were wide
with disbelief; this Cosmic Star Academy was so generous,
willing to come out with so many Grade Five Spirit Dans as

Grade five Spirit Dans in the Luo Tong Kingdom can’t be

bought even if you have money!

Grandfather Huang Qide's heart bled profusely when he

gave the Grade Four Spirit Dan that he had kept for nearly
twenty years to Huang Xiaolong. Instead, Huang Xiaolong
gave the Dragon Tiger Fundamental Dan to his father,
Huang Peng, and that was only a high Grade Four Spirit Dan.
“The one who wins the overall Academy competition will be
representing Cosmic Star Academy to Duanren Empire
Imperial City for the Imperial City Battle!” Fei Hou said.

“Head to Duanren Empire Imperial City for the Imperial City

Battle!” Huang Xiaolong’s astonishment came from the
bottom of his heart.

“Correct, every year, all the first place Academy disciples

under Duanren Empire’s rule will travel to the Imperial City
to compete in what is called the Imperial City Battle!”
Haotian continued to say, “In the competition, disciples that
perform outstandingly, ranking within the first one hundred
are eligible to enroll in Imperial City’s Duanren Academy.
Becoming a Duanren Academy disciple, and this is a great
honor no matter how prestigious the family or kingdom”

“And in that one hundred spots, from eleven to one hundred

the disciples are rewarded with an early Grade Six Spirit

“Second to the tenth place are rewarded mid-Grade Six

Spirit Dan!”

“As for the champion, is rewarded with a high Grade Six

Spirit Dan!”

Haotian was very excited as he spoke about the rewards

that would be given.

That’s a high Grade Six Spirit Dan ah!

A high Grade Six Spirit Dan is a much-coveted treasure for a

Xiantian like him!

Even Fei Hou was filled with longing.

And Huang Xiaolong swallowed, a ‘gulu’ sound was heard.

His mother*, that’s a high Grade Six Spirit Dan!

If a peak late-Tenth Order warrior swallowed it, he probably

could breakthrough to Xiantian realm!

Slowly, Huang Xiaolong calmed down.

Then, Huang Xiaolong asked Haotian the Cosmic Star

Academy’s registration process and requirements.

“A Houtian warrior can register and with Sovereign’s age,

there won’t be any problem. The basic requirements are
aged twelve and under and the martial spirits must be at
least be a grade nine.” Haotian replied.

“Grade nine and above?” Huang Xiaolong frowned: if it is

necessary to check his martial spirits, then wouldn’t his twin
dragon martial spirits be exposed?

“Actually, it doesn’t matter if Sovereign doesn’t have grade

nine martial spirits-- I can arrange for Sovereign's entry to
the Academy.” As Haotian had never seen Huang Xiaolong’s
martial spirits, upon noticing Huang Xiaolong’s frown, he
thought Huang Xiaolong’s martial spirits doesn't meet the

As the Luo Tong Kingdom’s only Marshal, he has the ability

to arrange for a person to enter the Cosmic Star Academy.


Another chapter coming in 12 hours :)
Chapter 47: Sovereign Invincible Throughout!

Don’t have grade nine martial spirits? Huang Xiaolong

listened to Marshal Haotian misunderstanding, shook his
head and smiled bitterly. After thinking for a moment,
Huang Xiaolong said, “The truth is, it is not that my martial
spirit doesn’t reach grade nine. I am worried about my
martial spirit being exposed.”

Haotian and Fei Hou exchanged a glance; Sovereign was

worried about troubles that might arise if his martial spirit
was exposed? In general, even if he possessed a grade ten
martial spirit, he didn’t need to worry about this matter,

While Haotian and Fei Hou were still confused, suddenly a

bright light shone from Huang Xiaolong’s body and
subsequently, two small dragons, one black one blue floated
above Huang Xiaolong’s head.

Two oppressive auras that made the heart palpitate spread

out from them and an aura that could have swept the world
was exuded from Huang Xiaolong’s body.

Both of them were dazed as they stared at the martial

spirits floating behind Huang Xiaolong, their bodies
trembling, not daring to believe the scene before them.

“Twin, twin martial spirits!” cried out Fei Hou in a shaky


Sovereign’s martial spirit turned out to be the legendary

twin martial spirits!

“A Dragon? Twin Dragons? Superb talent twin martial

spirits!” Marshal Haotian quivered with excitement, his
tongue knotted and he started to mumble incoherently.

Heavens ah, twin superb martial spirits!

This actually are Sovereign’s martial spirits!

Both Haotian and Fei Hou became so excited that they felt

Without warning, both of them jumped off their seats and

prostrated before Huang Xiaolong.

“Sovereign invincible throughout!”

“Sovereign invincible throughout!”

They lauded the words every time they lowered their head
in prostration, their usual calmness and indifference lost in
their excitement.

Huang Xiaolong was stupefied at the sight of Marshal

Haotian and Fei Hou repeatedly bowing while shouting
slogans. Speechless, he laughed bitterly in his mind. It’s just
superb talent twin martial spirits, do you both need to be so
excited ah?

“Both of you, stand up.” said Huang Xiaolong finally.

But, both Haotian and Fei Hou did not stand up.

Marshal Haotian beamed in elation, tears welling up in his

eyes as he said, “Sovereign, superb martial spirits, this is
Heaven’s blessing to our Asura’s Gate ah! Our Asura’s Gate
will definitely rise again, rebuilding our past glory!”

Superb twin martial spirits!

Such a rare talent, not to mention the Duanren Empire or
even the entire Snow Wind Continent did not have one since
they were so very few!

The Duanren Empire was built over two thousand years ago,
and yet to date there hasn’t been even one twin martial
spirits emerging in its history.

Fei Hou was no exception, babbling nonsensically to himself.

It took ten minutes for their excitement to subside a bit

before both of them were willing to stand up, but they still
had not fully calmed down.

“The matter about my martial spirits must not be leaked

out.” Huang Xiaolong reminded when Haotian and Fei Hou
stood up.

“Sovereign, rest assured. Even if we die, we will not say a

word about Sovereign’s martial spirits!” Fei Hou and Haotian
once again knelt down in oath.

Huang Xiaolong nodded: he revealed this secret because he

trusted them due to the fact Fei Hou and Haotian were
absolutely loyal to Asura’s Gate.

Huang Xiaolong told them to rise and asked, “Can you tell
me the grade of my twin martial spirits?”

Haotian and Fei Hou were stunned and exchanged a look

between themselves, but neither of them spoke. Some time
passed before Haotian finally opened his mouth, saying
seriously, “In general, black dragon martial spirits are
graded ten. However, from what I can see, this black dragon
differs from the usual black dragon. Sovereign’s black
dragon should be a variation and as for the blue dragon,
there is no record of it.”
“No record?” Huang Xiaolong was astounded.

“Yes, Sovereign. In the Snow Wind Continent, there hasn’t

been a time where a blue dragon martial spirit appeared
before. Although I can’t determine the grade of Sovereign’s
blue dragon, I can say that the blue dragon is much stronger
than the black variant dragon.” Haotian said.

Huang Xiaolong was surprised, a blue dragon martial spirit

had never appeared on the Snow Wind Continent? Does this
mean his blue dragon is unique, one of a kind?

Then Huang Xiaolong asked more questions about black

dragon martial spirits.

A while later, both Haotian and Fei Hou left.

After both of them left, Huang Xiaolong remained seated in

the garden musing. Although he was unable to determine
his martial spirits grade, he could confirm that it was above
grade twelve. Huang Xiaolong then thought of Duanren
Empire’s Imperial City Battle, and Asura’s Gate internal
strife, and in the end, Li Lu crossed his mind.

“Better not to think too much about these things, it’s better
train harder.” Huang Xiaolong stood up-- he wanted to
breakthrough to Sixth Order before enrolling into the Cosmic
Star Academy.

Huang Xiaolong returned to his room and took out the cold
jade bed, he sat on the bed and began to run Asura Tactics
while the twin dragons appeared behind him, devouring the
emerging netherworld spiritual aura. Battle qi roared in his
meridians and veins and crashed against the sixth order
The situation continued like this as time flowed on without
notice. Then, out of nowhere, a crack resembling the sound
of an egg shell breaking that only Huang Xiaolong could
hear broke the silence.

Joy was evident in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

Sixth Order breakthrough!

Battle qi flowed into wider meridians in waves through the

body, flooding it with thicker battle qi.

The night passed.

Huang Xiaolong came out of his room, did some light warm-
ups, and headed to the garden. His palm suddenly struck an
iron stake; and a one-inch dent with his palm print appeared
on the iron stake, making it vibrate endlessly.

After advancing to the Sixth Order, Huang Xiaolong’s battle

qi now is equivalent to a dozen stones, and the strength of
each palm reached two thousand jin.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong noticed that when his

palm struck out, his muscles’ explosive power was higher
than it used to be and was much firmer.

To test his power and strength after advancing to the Sixth

Order, Huang Xiaolong leaped up, the twin blades appearing
in Huang Xiaolong’s hand, and he swung down. A myriad of
sword rays transformed into a violent rain storm dominating
the yard, the wind whistling as loud as thunder.

Despite that, the strange thing was that even though the
whole yard was in the storm area, the grass and flowers
weren’t affected, leading one to think that the attack did not
affect the ground.
After the first strike, Huang Xiaolong swung the second
strike; this time the myriad of sword lights became drizzles
and each drop the size of a small fly. Without truly focusing,
it was difficult to hear the sound of it.

The past few months of practice had increased his

comprehension made understanding of Tears of Asura to
rise even more.

He repeated this routine and two days were gone in a blink.

In these past two days, Huang Xiaolong did not once leave
the yard. All his time was spent practicing the Asura Tactics,
the Body Metamorphose Scripture, and the Tears of Asura.

On the third day, Marshal Haotian came to see Huang

Xiaolong with a recommendation letter for the Cosmic Star

He stayed for a while, highlighting the things that Huang

Xiaolong needed to pay attention to and then arranged for
the same bodyguards to follow Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou
to Cosmic Star Academy for enrollment.

The Cosmic Star Academy was located to the north of Royal

City’s center, not too far from the Marshal’s Mansion. One
hour later, the group of four arrived at the huge Cosmic Star
Academy gates.

What depressed Huang Xiaolong was that the moment he

arrived, he ran into Li Lu’s group who were there for the
same reason.

“Xiaolong!” exclaimed Li Lu when she spotted Huang

Xiaolong at the gates, and just like she did the previous day,
she ran into his arms.

1 jin = 500g (2000 jin = 1000kg)


Will be releasing this week's last chapter tmr before the

team takes a short break

for the holidays!!
Chapter 48: Revoked Qualifications

Li Lu embraced Huang Xiaolong, causing people nearby to

look at them.

Although in appearance both of them were nine-year-old

kids, but with so many people paying attention to them, he
still felt a bit shy.

“Uncle” Huang Xiaolong greeted Li Cheng who was coming

behind Li Lu, while trying to separate himself and create
some distance from Li Lu: this girl seemed to be addicted to
embracing him as every time she sees him, it seemed
necessary to hug him at least once.

The most baffling thing was Li Cheng-- as a father, why

doesn’t he curtail his daughter?

Li Cheng smiled and nodded right at Huang Xiaolong before

turning towards Fei Hou, respectfully greeting him.

They had already met the day before; therefor, after the
brief greetings, together, they walked into the Cosmic Star
Academy’s gates until they got to a huge square paved with
a rarely seen stone, Starlight Stone.

Starlight Stones contained a trace of spiritual energy and

standing close to it energizes a person. Every piece of
Starlight Stone is worth a thousand gold-- in such a huge
square, how many Starlight Stones were that? This Cosmic
Star Academy is really wealthy and influential.

There were already many people already gathered in the

huge square, a few hundred in number: and they all came
for the Academy registration.
Huang Xiaolong and the others looked around, then headed
to the registration spot.

Arriving at the registration spot, they saw that the person in

charge of reception was a twenty-something year old
woman with arched brows and phoenix eyes. So fair was her
skin that it seemed transparent to the bone; She was
stunning! with a cold temperament.

“Hello Teacher, we came to register!” Li Lu walked up and

said, her cute dimples making an appearance.

Xiong Meiqi looked up, seeing Li Lu’s adorable dimples her

cold face loosened a little. With a faint smile she nodded
and asked: “Name, age.”

Li Lu answered all politely.

After recording everything down, Xiong Meiqi gave Li Lu a

wooden plate then told Li Lu to go into the inner hall to test
her martial spirit and other procedures.

Despite stating requirements of grade a nine and above

martial spirit and being under the age of twelve, there were
still additional assessments to be taken.

Receiving the wooden plate, Li Lu stood one side to wait for

Huang Xiaolong.

At this point, Huang Xiaolong walked up and withdrew a

recommendation letter.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong took out a recommendation

letter, the amiable attitude she displayed with Li Lu
vanished into thin air and was replaced with a frosty
expression. Dislike and contempt shone from her eyes; she
hated these types of disciples that didn’t have grade nine
martial spirits and instead, relied on their family’s
connection to get a recommendation for Cosmic Star
Academy for special enrollment.

“Name, age!” Xiong Meiqi snapped.

“Huang Xiaolong, nine and a half years old.” Huang Xiaolong


Xiong Mei roughly recorded the information, and took out a

plate about two thumbs size, with starlight twinkling and
flung it to the floor, saying, “This is your student plate.”

The twinkling student plate fell right beside Huang

Xiaolong’s feet, it was extremely obvious that the plate did
not fall by accident.

Seeing this, Fei Hou and the two guards became angry, but
just as they were about to step forward, Huang Xiaolong
stopped them and shook his head. Only then did the three
endure and restrain themselves.

Fei Hou picked up the student plate.

Since Xiong Meiqi threw his student plate on the floor,

Huang Xiaolong was no longer inclined in being polite with
such a person, his voice sounded cold as he asked “Where
do I pay the fees?”

Xiong Meiqi retorted icily , “Are you dumb?! Can’t you to ask
someone else?”

“Insolent!” When Fei Hou heard Xiong Meiqi actually dare to

insult his Sovereign as a dumb, his Tenth Order oppressive
atmosphere was instantly released.
Xiong Meu blanked for a moment realizing Fei Hou was a
peak late-Tenth Order warrior, but instead of fear, she
laughed coldly, “Want to make trouble?” Saying that, Xiong
Meiqi went all out, and her martial spirit appeared in the air
behind her.

Xiong Meiqi’s martial spirit was actually a butterfly!

But, her butterfly wasn’t the common type; hers had eight
wings colored golden-silver and a halo of colors surrounded
its entire body.

“Seven-Colored Butterfly!” This was beyond Huang

Xiaolong’s expectation.

The Rainbow Butterfly was a rare kind of martial spirit;

although it was a grade nine martial spirit, it was considered

Martial spirits of the same grade are further classified into:

average, top, and apex classifications.

At this time, from different directions of the square, three

silhouettes flew over to Huang Xiaolong’s location at high
speed and soon, the three figures appeared before them. All
three people wore similar clothing to Xiong Meiqi, the
Cosmic Star Academy’s teacher uniform apparently the
newly arrived people were also academy teachers.

One of the three had a vertical slit on his forehead akin to

having a third eye, adding a devilish charm.

Arriving at the location, the slit on his forehead moved as he

turned to Xiong Meiqi, asking, “Meiqi, what happened?” as
his question ended; his gaze fell on Fei Hou.
Xiong Meiqi burned with indignation glaring at Huang
Xiaolong and Fei Hou: “Just a waste of a student with a
recommendation letter who is relying on a family’s
background to cause trouble!”

A waste with a recommendation letter!

Relying on family’s influence!

Causing trouble!

Huang Xiaolong’s face instantly turned cold. Initially, he

found this woman unpleasant, but now it shot up to total
dislike; even if Huang Xiaolong was registering into the
academy with a recommendation letter and not through
assessments, this was the Academy’s issue, this ugly
woman had no authority to interfere, she’s only a teacher.
By trying to vent her dissatisfaction on him, this woman
chose the wrong prey.

“Oh, so it is a waste student bringing a recommendation

letter; kid, if you’re trying to make trouble you found the
wrong place! Why don’t you look around and realized where
you are standing!” The man, Zhong Yuan barked at Huang
Xiaolong, and continued in a cold tone, “Now, kneel down
and apologize to Teacher Xiong, and we will forgive this
matter, otherwise…!”

Those coming to register with recommendations usually had

strong backgrounds, therefor in Zhong Yuan’s opinion just
punishing him by asking him to kneel down and apologize
for his actions was already very tolerant and magnanimous!

Otherwise, he would have revoked this kid’s qualification

and told them to scram!
Kneel down and apologize? When Fei Hou and the two
guards heard that the man wanted Huang Xiaolong to kneel
down and apologize, their anger soared, and at this point,
Huang Xiaolong shifted his attention to Zhong Yuan. Pointing
at Xiong Meiqi, he sneered sarcastically, “I also give you and
this female bear a choice, kneel down and apologize to me,
or else…!” A cold, sharp light glinted in Huang Xiaolong’s

Since these two people him and were giving him trouble, he
would grant them their wishes.

That no one dared to do so past didn’t mean no one would

in the future!

By this time, those who came to register with their family

had crowded around them; hearing Huang Xiaolong wanted
two teachers to kneel down and apologize, shocked gasps
echoed within the crowd.

This brother is too f**king awesome!

Xiong Meiqi and Zhong Yuan were shocked senseless; their

faces turned red and deepened to purple in a fury; a waste
relying on a recommendation letter to enroll was so brazen,
and dared to tell them to kneel down and apologize to him

That Xiong Meiqi pointed at Huang Xiaolong, her voluptuous

bosom rose and fell as she hollered: “I’m revoking your
qualification this instant, get out of here with your three

Huang Xiaolong jeered, “You want to revoke my

qualification? a mere teacher like you doesn’t have the
qualification!” What Huang Xiaolong said was a fact, only
the Principal had the right to revoke the registration of
students who registered through a recommendation.


Niubi – f**king awesome/ overwhelmingly domineering and


(can be used in feeling fear or comedic situation)

Repeats in coming chapter, pls let me know if you guys

want it in pinyin or translated version.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017 to everyone!

May 2017 be of one of your best year yet!

And yes, double release on Christmas Day, and the team

will be back on first week of Jan!
Chapter 49: Ought To Be
Chapter 49: Ought to be beheaded!

"You!” Xing Meiqi was so angry that she didn’t know how to
retort. According to the Academy’s regulations, only the Vice
Principal and above had the right to revoke special
admission students like Huang Xiaolong.

She had uttered the words in anger, forgetting this one


Zhong Yuan, however, snorted and disputed Huang

Xiaolong's words, “Although we don’t have the authority to
rescind your qualification, we have the right to propose and
insist on your disqualification. Moreover, you caused trouble
in the Academy, and us teachers have the right to detain
and hand you over to the Disciplinary Hall.”

After Zhong Yuan had said his piece, a bright light shone
from his as Zhong Yuan released his martial spirits.

And his martial spirits was a mountain!

A triangular black mountain that has three eyes.

“The Three-Eyed Black Mountain!”

Like Fei Hou’s Silver River martial spirit, the Three-Eyed

Black Mountain is also martial spirits base on nature – Fei
Hou’s Silver River were a variation of a natural river, and the
Three-Eyed Black Mountain born of a variational mountain.
Zhong Yuan immediately soul transformed after releasing
his martial spirits, his body became covered with a layer of
black armor and he struck out at Huang Xiaolong.

Although Zhong Yuan said he wanted to detain Huang

Xiaolong, yet his strike was powerful enough to kill Huang
Xiaolong and more likely than not, Huang Xiaolong would
have been crippled even if he escaped death.

Facing this, Huang Xiaolong became even colder, and the

words slowly came out: “Kill...him!”

“Yes, Young Master!” Fei Hou had been waiting for this
instruction from Huang Xiaolong, acknowledged loudly. He
released his Silver River martial spirits and soul
transformed, punching out meeting the opponent straight

The two guards from the Marshal’s Mansion fought against

Xiong Meiqi and the other two teachers.


Plangent blasts resounded as Zhong Yuan and Fei Hou’s

attack collided, and Zhong Yuan was seen staggering
backward; the black armor protecting him dimmed

“You, peak late-Tenth Order!” Zhong Yuan was flabbergasted

looking at Fei Hou. Earlier, what Fei Hou revealed was early
Tenth Order warrior’s atmosphere which led Zhong Yuan to
think Fei Hou was just some general Tenth Order. Never
would he imagined Fei Hou to be a peak late-Tenth Order! A
warrior with Silver River martial spirits peak late-Tenth
In the Cosmic Star Academy, there were a few Tenth Order
warriors but a peak late Tenth Order was scarce. And since
he was a third-year teacher, he was only a mid-Tenth Order.

Fei Hou disregarded Zhong Yuan’s shocked expression; after

he fended off Zhong Yuan with the first punch, Fei Hou
reappeared in front of him in a blink of an eye, and struck
again: “Heart Shattering Fist!”

A big fist-print pierced through across the distance, the

space cracking from the force.

Face full of fear, Zhong Yuan gritted his teeth, and

ruthlessness gleamed in his eyes: the vertical slit in his
forehead suddenly split opened revealing a black protruding
eye. This was Zong Yuan’s martial spirit’s innate ability.

“Divine Soul Eye!”

A dark black light burst out from the third eye on Zong
Yuan’s forehead and the black light amassed into a large
black-colored eyeball that exuded a strong eerie
atmosphere, causing everyone to shiver involuntarily.

The black eye formed from the black light collided with Fei
Hou’s fist.


In the collision, black eyeball continuously emitted plosion

of sounds that exploded in the air. The strong wave of
impact shook and repelled Zhong Yuan.

Fei Hou too staggered back. His brain was buzzing with a
sound that wouldn't disappear and everything vanished
from his sight leaving only a huge black eyeball staring at
While Zhong Yuan staggered, his attention was on Fei Hou
and when he noticed Fei Hou’s lost and confused eyes, a
cold sneer appeared on his face; this was where his martial
spirits ability had an advantage, it had the ability to quietly
affect the enemy’s body causing their eyes to see illusions.

A cruel glint flashed across Zhong Yuan’s eyes: without

wasting any time, Zhong Yuan flew at Fei Hou preparing for
the next assault, a finger aimed at Fei Hou’s temple.

“Piercing Finger Style!”

Battle qi swirled fiercely around Zhong Yuan’s finger,

creating a vortex of finger-print as it inched closer to Fei
Hou’s temple. Suddenly, the lost and confused Fei Hou
turned sharp and focused. A sharp light flickered in Fei Hou's
eyes. The Silver River martial spirits wound around Fei Hou
and with every rotation, the Silver River expanded a fold.

“Divine Soul Eye?”

“Now, it’s my turn to let you see my martial spirit’s ability!”

Fei Hou had a condescending sneer on his face as the Silver

River swiftly enhanced five-times strength splintering Zhong
Yuan’s incoming attack.

Zhong Yuan screamed, and his body was hurled off more
than ten meters away, crashing down onto the square.

The students who crowded to watch had already fled far

away in all four directions seeing Zhong Yuan defeated by
Fei Hou before their eyes. All of them were petrified on the
spot and silence filled the huge square.

Li Cheng and Li Lu’s heart trembled witnessing this scene.

Li Cheng was shocked because of the recommendation
letter in Huang Xiaolong hand; needless to say, this
recommendation letter couldn’t be from Huang Clan
Manor’s Old Patriarch. Not to mention Old Manor Lord, even
the Canglan County’s most powerful person couldn’t get a
recommendation letter for Cosmic Star Academy.

Li Cheng was taken aback by Fei Hou’s strength, but more

than that was Huang Xiaolong actually ordered Fei Hou to
injure a Cosmic Star Academy’s teacher!

Ah! This is the Cosmic Star Academy!

What is Huang Xiaolong’s backup?

Furthermore, since when did Huang Xiaolong have another

two Ninth Order warriors?!

This was because the two guards wore commoners clothes

instead of their usual uniforms. Thus, no one knew the two
came from the Marshal’s Mansion.

Nearby, Xiong Meiqi who was fighting against the two

guards saw Zhong Yuan’s miserable ending, was stunned.

More than ten meters away, Zhong Yuan trembled as he

crawled up, eyes widened with fear staring at Fei Hou:
“Martial Spirit Strengthening!”

Strengthening martial spirits were amongst the strongest of

innate abilities, and Zhong Yuan didn’t expect Fei Hou’s
martial spirits to possess this particular skill.

And at this point, from a distance away, a dozen or so

figures rushed over, with the whistling behind them as their
auras burst out, overwhelming those on the square.
Huang Xiaolong turned around and saw a dozen figures
flying over and his vision narrowed. Cosmic Star Academy’s
expert finally arrived! Huang Xiaolong’s attention fell on the
foremost most person where the strongest aura originated
from - an old fellow in his sixties.

This old fellow’s aura was slightly stronger than Fei Hou’s
but way weaker than Haotian; he should be a borderline
peak late-Tenth Order warrior waiting to breakthrough to

“Vice Principal!” Seeing the person who arrived, Zhong Yuan

cried out in elation.

But it can’t compare to the delight Xiong Meiqi felt as she

called out: “Dad!”


The Vice Principal was actually that female bear’s father?

Huang Xiaolong was a little jolted, and Fei Hou was also a
little surprised by this event.

By this time, everyone had stopped fighting; the two guards

retreated beside Huang Xiaolong.

Xiong Chu and Cosmic Star Academy’s experts arrived, took

a look around and saw the heavily injured Zhong Yuan;
frowning, he asked, “What is happening?”

Zhong Yuan had yet to open his mouth when Xiong Meiqi
rushed forward and said, “Dad, this waste with
recommendation letter brought his guards over to our
Academy to make trouble! A useless waste like this, you
absolutely must revoke his qualifications!”
“Oh,” Xiong Chu couldn’t help but take another look at
Huang Xiaolong. The Cosmic Star Academy had been there
for more than one hundred years-- this was the first time
someone dared to create trouble here in the Academy.

“Vice Principal, merely revoking his registration qualification

is letting them off too lightly.” Zhong Yuan interrupted at
this point, looking at Fei Hou full of loathing. “This person
injured Academy’s teachers so he ought to be beheaded.
Otherwise, anybody can come and create trouble at the
Chapter 50: Dare To Hurt
Young Master!
Chapter 50: Dare to Hurt Young Master!

After Zhong Yuan finished speaking, Xiong Meiqi eagerly

added, “That’s right Dad! This waste deserves death! And
not just him, the three guards behind him also. He is just a
waste that relies on his family background!”

Having said this Xiong Meiqi then pointed at Huang Xiaolong

and said “They should all be detained, let their family's
elder come here personally to collect them and publicly
apologize to our Academy!”

Listening to this, Huang Xiaolong sneered but kept silent; he

wanted to see what the female black bear's (Xiong Meiqi)
father would do.

Xiong Chu’s expression remained calm as he looked at

Huang Xiaolong and the three people with him as he
listened to his daughter and Zhong Yuan's explanation.
Finally he said to his daughter “Bring me the letter of

Xiong Meiqi was rather surprised but still, she obediently

brought out the recommendation letter.

Xiong Chu took the recommendation letter and when he

noticed a minuscule mark at the bottom of the letter, his
eyes narrowed! Without a doubt, this letter was issued by
the Principal!
In every batch of new students, only ten recommendation
letters were allocated and they were all handled by him
(Xiong Chu), but this time there was an exception. The
Principal who in the past never bothered himself with such
matters actually requested a letter from him two days ago.

And this little one's recommendation letter was sent out

personally by the Principal.

Since the Principal issued the letter, he didn’t have the right
to handle this matter; Since this waste came with the
Principal’s recommendation letter, he could only hand the
matter over to the Principal.

Xiong Chu kept the letter and after some quick thinking, he
said to Huang Xiaolong, “Little one, as long as you and your
three guards apologize, I will forget this matter and not
pursue it any further.”

Forget and not pursue!

Everyone present went blank, unable to believe it.

A Cosmic Star Academy teacher was injured, yet just

apologies were enough?!

“Dad, you!” Xiong Meiqi was so anxious that she blurted out
those words but before she could say more, Xiong Chu
waved his hand at her, saying, “Enough, say no more.”

The words she was about to say choked in Xiong Meiqi’s

throat and having no say left in the matter, all she could do
was to throw Huang Xiaolong a vicious glare.

Everyone thought Huang Xiaolong would just publicly

apologize, but what he said instead was, “Why must we
apologize? I want them to apologize to me!” his finger
pointing at Xiong Meiqi.

“What?!” his words resounded through the square and

shocked the onlookers as they looked Huang Xiaolong in
amazement; could this kid be insane? Didn’t he understand
the meaning behind the words just spoken by the Vice

“What did you say? Want us to apologize?!” Xiong Meiqi

almost exploded in anger; she was already dissatisfied when
father only asked them to apologize, but the other side still
acted like before, wanting them to apologize instead!

“Dad, you’ve seen it yourself, this waste simply does not put
Cosmic Star Academy in his eyes!” said Xiong Meiqi as she
turned toward Xiong Chu, almost yelling.

Xiong Chu was watching at Huang Xiaolong the entire time,

his face sporting a gloomy expression; this waste who got
the Principal’s recommendation letter is too obtuse, not
knowing when to retreat. He had been very generous by
allowing the other side settle the matter with just an
apology, thereby giving the Principal face, but this boy
wanted a foot after being given an inch!

Huang Xiaolong smirked, and his cold eyes fell on Xiong

Meiqi, “You have repeated over and over again that I’m a
waste, that we came to make trouble; since this is the way it
is, bring out the square’s recording globe. Let everyone see
how exactly we caused trouble!”

A recording globe is a tool used to survey and record

images, and in a huge square such as this one under the
Cosmic Star Academy, there definitely were a few placed
around the square.
Xiong Chu’s expression turned cold, “Go, bring the square’s
recording globe over!”

“Yes, Vice Principal!” one of the teachers acknowledged with

respect and hurried off. He soon returned, holding in his
hand something that looked similar to a crystal ball.

“Play the recording globe!” Xiong Chu said.

The same teacher summoned battle qi and sent it into the

recording globe. Within moments, moving images were
projected in mid-air and from the images, what happened
earlier could be seen clearly.

First, it showed Xiong Meiqi flinging Huang Xiaolong’s

student plate to the floor, and then Zhong Yuan and two
teachers rushed over and on arrival, told Huang Xiaolong to
kneel down and apologize. Subsequently, Zhong Yuan
attacked Huang Xiaolong and ended up being injured by Fei
Hou who was protecting Huang Xiaolong.

Xiong Meiqi and Zhong Yuan looked gloomier by the second

as the images flashed by.

Students and their families gathered from all over as the

truth revealed itself, and started to whisper amongst

Watching the images repeating the incident, Xiong Chu’s

gloomy expression gradually turned sullen.

Once the replay ended, Huang Xiaolong sneered and said,

“We didn’t make trouble, yet you accused us; that so-called
teacher wanted to kill me, my bodyguard retaliated in
defense, is this called making trouble? Should I have stood
here and let him kill me in the name of not making trouble?”
he asked while he pointing one finger at Zhong Yuan.
Zhong Yuan wanted to evade the issue, but didn’t know how
to respond, and he became filled with anger and hatred.

Huang Xiaolong’s attention was on Xiong Chu, said, “Now,

that things are as clear as day; Since it wasn’t us who
started this why should we be the ones to apologize? Or are
you saying we must apologize just because they are
Academy teachers?”

Xiong Chu was reticent.

“Dad!” Xiong Meiqi wanted to justify her actions, but she

was cut off by Xiong Chu who shouted: “Hold your tongue!”
Xiong Chu turned to look at Huang Xiaolong, and said,
“Little one, how about this, your registration and tuition fees
for this year are exempted. And we will consider this matter

Registration and tuition fees all exempted!

The new students were stunned, their gazes zoomed

towards Huang Xiaolong.

Injuring an Academy teacher was not only fine and dandy,

he even had all fees exempted!

Staring straight at Xiong Chu, Huang Xiaolong slowly

nodded his head, then said to Fei Hou and the two guards,
“Let’s go!” The four left the square.

Watching Huang Xiaolong’s receding silhouette, they each

had a different expression on their face.

Xiong Chu did not say another word, his figure flashed and
vanished from the square. Thus, the crowd gradually
In one of Cosmic Star Academy’s chambers.

Xiong Chu was seated, a soft trace of starlight shimmered

from his body. The mood of the huge chamber was stifling,
making it hard to breathe.

Xiong Meiqi and Zhong Yuan had stood behind Xiong Chu for
a very long time, but they dared not speak.

“That little one’s recommendation letter comes from the

Principal.” said Xiong Chu suddenly after having been silent
for a long time.

Xiong Meiqi and Zhong Yuan were shocked; sent by the

Principal! This!

“Well, both of you leave.” Xiong Chu spoke again.

When Xiong Meiqi wanted to say something, Zhong Yuan

tugged at her sleeves, his eyes telling her not to. Zhong
Yuan saluted silently, turned and left the chamber.

On leaving the Cosmic Star Academy, Huang Xiaolong went

back to the Tianxuan Mansion instead of returning to the
Marshal’s Mansion. Arriving at the Tianxuan Mansion, Huang
Xiaolong took a look around; after two days of cleaning, the
weeds that grew along the corridors and the bedroom dust
were no longer there.

Huang Xiaolong ordered the Beastman Boli to gather all

sixteen slaves and enquired about mansion matters.
Afterwards, Huang Xiaolong gave Beastman Boli some gold
coins to buy some furniture and flowers to decorate the

Huang Xiaolong intended to live and train here once the

Academy started. Tinaxuan Mansion was much closer to the
Academy and Academy disciples were allowed to stay
outside the dormitory.

Having Settled mansion matters, Huang Xiaolong headed

back to the Marshal’s mansion with Fei Hou and the two

“What?! Cosmic Star Academy teachers dared to attack

Young Master?” On returning to the Marshal’s Mansion, the
two guards quickly reported what had happened today at
the Academy to Marshal Haotian. Listening to his
subordinate’s report, Marshal Haotian’s furious roar shook
the entire Marshal Mansion.


@edayo's magic fingers have yet to do their magic on this

chapter, so it

will be reposted soon.

See you guys in the New Year~~!
Chapter 51: Something Big Happened!

“Yes, Marshal!” One of the guards stepped forward and

confirmed. “And that woman said she wanted to revoke
Young Master’s registration qualification!”

“Revoke Young Master’s qualification?” Marshal Haotian’s

anger soared and pierced the sky.

“That’s right Marshal; that woman also said to detain the

Young Master and…” The guard hesitated when he reached
this part.

“And what after that? Spit it out!” Marshal Haotian roared.

“Yes, Marshal-- that woman said to first detain Young Master

and then summon you to go and collect him back before
publicly apologizing to the Academy!” The guards quickly
revealed everything in a shaky voice.

At that time, Xiong Meiqi said to detain Huang Xiaolong and

let his family’s elders to come and bring him back after
publicly apologizing to the Academy. But, what Xiong Meiqi
wasn’t aware was that Huang Xiaolong’s ‘elder’ happens to
be Marshal Haotian.

“What?!” Marshal Haotian stood up in anger, the hard-as-

rock side stool turning into scattered powder.

“Also, the man wanted Fei Hou Senior to be beheaded to

deter the public!” The other guard added.

Behead Junior Brother to deter the public?

Marshal Haotian’s fury reached a point of no return and

shouted, “Relay this Marshal’s order: ten infantry brigades
to pressure Cosmic Star Academy!”

Ten infantry brigades, that’s one hundred thousand soldiers!

One hundred thousand soldiers to pressure Cosmic Star


This greatly shocked the two guards.

“Why aren’t you moving quickly?!” Seeing the two of them

was still standing in the room, Marshal Haotian yelled aloud.

“Yes, yes Marshal!” The two guards ran out to relay the
order in a frantic.

“Ironclaw Condor!” after the two left, Marshal Haotian called

loudly towards the sky above and a huge gray condor
appeared above the Marshal Mansion and a loud sharp cry
rang out several li away.

All the mansion’s guards and servants looked up at the

condor’s figure and each of their expression changed:
something big was going to happen! Only for grave and
serious matters would the Marshal call the Ironclaw Condor.

“All Marshal Mansion’s guards Eighth Order and above,

gather at the square!” Then, everyone in the mansion heard
Marshal Haotian’s booming voice.

“Yes Marshal!”

At the same moment, silhouettes flashed and disappeared

from different corners of the mansion, heading to the square
in the Marshal Mansion.

A pre-war like tension spread throughout the mansion.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou who were in their own yard also
heard Haotian’s voice.

“Let’s go and take a look.” Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou

arrived at the square and saw Marshal who was ready to
lead one hundred thousand soldiers to the Cosmic Star

In an instant, Huang Xiaolong understood what Marshal

Haotian planned to do.


“Young Master!” seeing Huang Xiaolong in the square,

Marshal Haotian leaped off the condor and saluted.

“Haotian, I don’t want the matter to become bigger.” said

after Huang Xiaolong thought about it for a moment-- if
things spiraled out of control, whether for Huang Xiaolong or
Marshal Haotian, it wouldn’t be a good thing.

He knew that his recommendation letter was given to

Haotian by Cosmic Star Academy’s Principal showing their
good relation. If Marshal Haotian led such a large infantry to
the Academy, it surely would make their friendship awkward
and at that time the conflict would be harder to resolve.

Furthermore, they are in the Royal City: such a big

movement would harm Marshal Haotian’s reputation.

“Young Master!” Haotian wanted to say more, but Huang

Xiaolong shook his head, saying, “This matter ends here.”

“That’s right Senior Brother, since Young Master is alright,

forget this issue,” Fei Hou persuaded.
Haotian stood still, saying nothing; he took a deep breath
and finally spoke, “Yes, Young Master, Haotian obeys!”
Subsequently, his right hand waved to disperse the
gathered guards, withdrawing his marshal order.

A while later, Huang Xiaolong, Fei Hou, and Haotian were

seated in the main hall.

“Sovereign, you are the Asura’s Gate Sovereign, but here in

the Luo Tong Kingdom, you were repeatedly placed in
danger-- please punish this Subordinate for this sin!” when
all three sat down, Haotian suddenly fell to his knees and
said those words.

Huang Xiaolong quickly held Haotian’s arms, “Haotian,

quickly stand up!”

“Request Sovereign to punish this Subordinate for the

crime!” Marshal Haotian remained kneeling on the floor.

Huang Xiaolong sent Fei Hou a helpless look, and Fei Hou
followed through saying, “Senior Brother, since Sovereign
asked you to stand, then stand up; after all, the fault lies not
with you!”

Marshal Haotian hesitated for a second before he finally got

up: “Thank you Sovereign!”

Asura’s Gate rules are extremely strict; if it was before, if

Huang Xiaolong was injured under his territory’s jurisdiction,
his punishment would leave anyone in fear. Although he
might keep his life, however, his martial cultivation would
be destroyed.

Of course, Huang Xiaolong wasn’t hurt in any way.

Seeing Haotian stand up, Huang Xiaolong asked, “Any news
about Elder Yu Ming?” Huang Xiaolong heard Fei Hou
mention that their Master went to Mohe Kingdom’s Royal
City, so he requested Marshal Haotian to search for Yu
Ming’s news.

“Replying Young Master, there is yet any news of Master, but

Subordinate fears Master has already left the Mohe
Kingdom’s Royal City,” Haotian replied with respect.

Huang Xiaolong felt a trace of disappointment, but he had

expected this result. Yu Ming went to Mohe Kingdom for
some matters so after three years, it is hardly possible for
him to be there still.

His Master, Ren Wokuang, left something for him in the

Asura’s Gate headquarters, and it was something vital to
Huang Xiaolong’s Asura Tactics cultivation. So, he wanted to
ask Yu Ming where the headquarter’s location was.

Even Marshal Haotian doesn’t know it's location.

A while later, Huang Xiaolong went back to his courtyard

from the main hall.

When he stepped into the yard, a small figure rushed into

his arms.

“Little guy, where did you run off to these past few days?”
Huang Xiaolong chuckled as he inquired, not dodging the

Of course, this little figure is the little violet monkey.

The past few days Huang Xiaolong didn’t see a glimpse of

the little guy anywhere.
“Zhi zhi zhi!” Perched on Huang Xiaolong’s shoulder, the
little violet monkey started to gesture while squeaking.

Watching the little monkey, Huang Xiaolong laughed to

himself-- probably in this world, only he can tell what it is
trying to say. In this Martial Spirit World, beast cultivators
needed to break through into the Xiantian realm before they
can speak in the human language. Without a doubt, this
little monkey has many days ahead of him before it can
speak, so it can only gesture to communicate with him.

Afterwards, Huang Xiaolong let the little violet monkey play

by himself while he walked into the room and took out the
cold jade bed and started to practice; since he advanced to
the Sixth Order, the speed he absorbed the netherworld’s
spiritual aura had increased again.

The twin dragon martial spirits behind him had grown a

circumference bigger, the Black Dragon’s scales shone and
the Blue Dragon’s gleamed a royal blue.

Three days soon arrived.

During these past three days, other than practicing Huang

Xiaolong was able to stabilize his new strength. His battle qi
laced with the netherworld’s spiritual aura which ran
smoothly in his meridians.

“Finally, the first day of school.” Huang Xiaolong walked out

from his room, the morning sunlight warming his body.

First day of Academy!

Not long after, Huang Xiaolong left the Marshal Mansion with
Fei Hou and four guards, heading in the direction of Cosmic
Star Academy. Marshal Haotian added two more guards to
protect Huang Xiaolong after the previous incident.
Soon, the six of them reached the Academy’s gates.

Since the Academy had started, Fei Hou and the four guards
accompanied Huang Xiaolong until they reached the front

Huang Xiaolong passed through the gates alone and after

inquiring from the passing teachers and students, he walked
towards where his class was.


Next release: Tmr

Edit: Thanks to @"Xian N1" for the help!
Chapter 52: Invincible Throughout?

“Xiaolong!” What was out of his expectations was Li Lu’s

familiar call the moment he stepped into the classroom.

Huang Xiaolong looked towards the direction of the sound

and saw Li Lu waving enthusiastically at him, smiling and
exposing two lovely dimples; Huang Xiaolong smiled with a
trace of helplessness inside – he’s in the same class as Li

What Huang Xiaolong didn’t know was that every batch of

new students was placed together in the same class
because there was only one class for every year.

And Huang Xiaolong’s appearance attracted the new

students’ attention.

“He’s that ‘awesome’ waste!”

“On registration day, his guards beat up Academy teachers,

not only nothing happen to him even all his fees were
exempted, too awesome!”

“Awesome? No matter how ‘awesome’, he’s still a waste

relying on his family. If not for the recommendation letter, is
he qualified to enter Cosmic Star Academy? In my opinion,
at the most, his martial spirit is just a grade six!”

Most of the new students saw what happened between

Huang Xiaolong and Xiong Meiqi on registration day, and
the scuffle with Zhong Yuan and the rest.

Huang Xiaolong’s brows slowly creased as the gossip

entered his ears.
“Xiaolong, sit beside me!” Li Lu ignored the discussions
around her, went up and pulled Huang Xiaolong’s hand to a
seat next to hers; Huang Xiaolong shook his head and
smiled; however, it’s not nice to refuse Li Lu’s kind intention
in public.

Huang Xiaolong just sat down, and a young blonde boy,

about ten years old, in a pale gold robe came in; this blonde
boy was born with delicate features, albeit a little arrogant.

“Jiang Teng!”

“He is Jiang Teng? From what I’ve heard, on registration day,

his martial spirits was determined to be Bright Holy Tiger, a
grade eleven superb martial spirits!”

“Since our Cosmic Star Academy’s establishment, there has

never been a superb talent martial spirit. When this matter
reached the Principal and Vice Principal, both of them
already said they wanted to take him as their disciple!”

“Both the Principal and the Vice Principal?! This has never
happened in Cosmic Star Academy before!”

In the midst of the students’ discussion, the blond boy

walked to an empty seat in the middle of the class and sat

Huang Xiaolong who was on the second row watched the

blond boy; this boy’s martial spirits was out of his
expectation-- grade eleven martial spirit, Sacred Bright

As if he felt Huang Xiaolong’s gaze, the blond boy Jiang Teng

turned his head, and their eyes collided. And when their
eyes met, in the blond boy’s eyes, loathing flashed across
them: the same emotion that was in Xiong Meiqi’s eyes
when she looked at him on registration day when he gave
her his recommendation letter.

Then he turned his head back in contempt.

Huang Xiaolong noted the other side’s dislike and contempt,

while his heart sneered; whatever good impression he had
of the other side instantly dropped to the lowest point.

While the students were discussing in whispers, suddenly, a

cold female teacher entered the classroom and it was Xiong

Seeing Xiong Meiqi, Huang Xiaolong was a little startled:

don’t tell me this female bear is the class teacher?!

Xiong Meiqi entered the room and went up to the platform:

“I am your Class Teacher, Xiong Meiqi!” confirming Huang
Xiaolong’s guess.

After Xiong Meiqi finished saying that, her eyes were like
daggers as she glared at Huang Xiaolong for a split second.

Huang Xiaolong was calm and indifferent, directly ignoring

Xiong Meiqi.

Seeing his reaction, Xiong Meiqi laughed coldly and went on

to inform the class some of Cosmic Star Academy’s rules
and the course content that they will be learning in the
coming days and some methods to advance in class.

There was only three class years in Cosmic Star Academy:

Sixth Order and below in the First Year; a breakthrough from
the peak late-Sixth Order to the Seventh Order gives one
eligibility for taking the Second Year class’s examination.
Those who pass can advance one year-- as for the Third
Year, students were required to be a Ninth Order.
Anyone who reached twenty-two years old but failed to
enter the Second Year class will be expelled from Cosmic
Star Academy.

Xiong Meiqi said, “To breakthrough to Seventh Order before

twenty-two is hard for some of you, but it is not so for those
with grade nine and above martial spirits. After our Cosmic
Star Academy’s nurturing; as long you are willing to work
hard, in general, most of you can breakthrough Seventh
Order before reaching twenty-two years old. As for waste
that came in using a recommendation letter, no matter how
much the Academy nurtures and guides them, a waste is
fated to remain a waste.”

As if intentionally or maybe not, Xiong Meiqi furtively

glanced at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong frowned.

“Wastes with recommendation letters at most possess a

grade seven, or six martial spirits, maybe even grade five;
even if they cultivate till forty years old, sixty years old,
they still have no chance of breaking through to the Seventh
Order. Thus, they have only one ending - expulsion from the
Academy!” Xiong Meiqi continued, and as if ‘hate’ wasn’t
enough, her eyes stared at Huang Xiaolong with an icy
coldness as she spoke.

All the new students in the classroom looked at Huang

Xiaolong, making him the center of attention.

Then, Xiong Meiqi’s voice tone suddenly changed, her cold

expression replaced with an amiable smile, saying, “I would
like to introduce everyone to our Academy’s most talented
genius in more than one hundred years, Student Jiang
Teng!” Xiong Meiqi pointed at the blond boy Jiang Teng when
she finished the introduction. “Student Jiang Teng possess a
grade eleven martial spirits, Bright Holy Tiger; he’s our
Academy’s first student who has a superb talent martial
spirit since its establishment.”

At this time, Jiang Teng stood up from his chair and nodded
to the surrounding classmates, his head held a little too

Xiong Meiqi led the class in a thunderous applause.

Feeling the envious and admiring gazes on his body, Jiang

Teng’s demeanor became even more haughty, but when he
caught a glimpse of Huang Xiaolong’s indifference as he sat
there, clearly having no intention to join in the applause,
Jiang Teng’s smile reduced slightly. The dislike in his eyes
increased even more.

At this point, Xiong Meiqi abruptly spoke, “Let me tell

everyone a fantastic piece of news: our Student Jiang Teng
just reached ten years old, but he’s already a Fourth Order
warrior! A peak early-Fourth Order!”

“Ten years old already is a peak early-Fourth Order!”

“This is too scary!”

Shocked was evident in every new students’ expression and

envy and admiration almost shot through the roof as they
looked at Jiang Teng.

“Jiang Teng, Principal and Vice Principal said you had learned
battle skills?” Xiong Meiqi smilingly asked Jiang Teng.

“It’s true Teacher!” Jiang Teng answered with a laugh.

“Can you demonstrate and let everyone see?” Xiong Meiqi

“Okay,” Jiang Teng nodded and walked out proudly to an
empty spot in the classroom. He stood still, suddenly a
bright light burst out revealing a huge tiger behind him; this
huge tiger’s entire shone brightly, breathing out radiant
flames. It let out a deafening roar, exuding a superb talent
martial spirit’s oppression.

Then, Jiang Teng leaped up and bellowed: “Tiger Flame

Palm!” one after another tiger paw was stamped in midair.

While watching, the new students applauded and cheered


However, Huang Xiaolong shook his head. This Tiger Flame

Palm should be a high grade Mysterious rank battle skill and
it isn’t bad, but in Jiang Teng’s movements, it was full of

Listening to the applause and cheers, Jiang Teng worked

harder and at the end of it, he complacently looked down at
his classmates, shouting, “Bright Holy Tiger appear,
invincible throughout the world!”

Invincible throughout?

When Huang Xiaolong heard Jiang Teng’s shout, he failed to

hold in his laughter and a ‘puff’ rang out. Huang Xiaolong’s
laughter came so abruptly that the whole class was shocked
silent. Everyone’s attention zoomed to Huang Xiaolong.

Xiong Meiqi lost her smile and stared icily at Huang

Xiaolong, screaming, “Huang Xiaolong, stand up!”


Some might be confused why both disciples and students
were used for Cosmic Star Academy: it is how the author
wrote it-- xuesheng (student) and disciple (dizi).


Back to regular schedule! Next release: Weekend

Edit: Thanks @"Xian N1" for the help!
Chapter 53: Bet

Huang Xiaolong’s brows were knitted together. Nonetheless,

he still stood up.

Li Lu beside him was full of worry.

“What were you laughing at?” Xiong Meiqi snapped in anger.

A faint smile curved up at the corner of Huang Xiaolong’s

lips, “I laughed because it was such a crappy battle skill yet
everyone was cheering so much.”

“What?!” anger rose to Xiong Meiqi’s face, “You, a waste

with a recommendation letter, isn’t qualified to judge
others’ battle skill.”

Huang Xiaolong sneered and retorted, “I have no

qualification to judge? Then what right do you have to say
I’m a waste, you female bear.”

Female bear?

Everyone’s face had an excited expression of anticipation

seeing that Huang Xiaolong dared to call Xiong Meiqi a
female bear in front of so many people.

“You!” Xiong Meiqi almost flared up with anger pointed at

Huang Xiaolong, her voluptuous bosom was heaving up and
down, “Fine, fine, you won’t admit that you’re a waste.
Three days later, there is an assessment test for new
students, if you can enter top ten then I will admit that
you’re not a useless waste!”

Top ten in the assessment test, this condition was a bit too
Despite that, Huang Xiaolong just laughed, “Do I need your
acknowledgment whether I am useless or not? Okay, if I
enter one of the top ten spots in the assessment test, I want
you to growl three times like a bear, kneeling down in the
Academy’s square!”

Growled three times like a bear!

A sharp, dangerous glint burst deep within Xiong Meiqi’s

eyes, as if she wanted to swallow Huang Xiaolong alive;
gritting her teeth, “What if you fail to enter one of the top
ten places?”

“If I fail, I will voluntarily withdraw from school and also will
kneel down in the Academy’s square and bark like a dog
three times!” Huang Xiaolong’s cold voice sounded.

Xiong Meiqi gloomy face changed indecisively.

“How about it, don’t you dare to?” Huang Xiaolong smirked.

“Okay!” Xiong Meiqi bit her lips and agreed, a ruthless light
flashed across her eyes and disappeared quickly. She simply
refused to believe a waste relying on a family’s background
could enter into one of the top ten in the assessment!

Seeing that Xiong Meiqi agreed through gritted teeth, he

sneered inside and walked in the direction of the classroom

“Stand still, where are you going?” Xiong Meiqi yelled.

“Do I have to tell you where I go?” Huang Xiaolong paused

when he heard that and stepped out of the classroom, but
when he passed beside Jiang Teng, Huang Xiaolong
muttered, “A self-righteous idiot!”
Jiang Teng’s face stiffened, then turned red when he
understood the meaning behind Huang Xiaolong’s words. A
waste that came in through recommendation actually
scolded him, calling him an idiot publicly? A strong light
flickered around his body, burning with rage as he looked at
Huang Xiaolong’s back.

Looking at the receding figure that ignored him, choking

with anger that failed to vent.

Walking out from the classroom, Huang Xiaolong headed to

the library. After all, it made no difference whether he sat in
lectures or otherwise; in fact, it was better this way-- he
could head to the library to find out the information that he

The library was far from Huang Xiaolong’s classroom;

entering the library, Huang Xiaolong took out his student
plate for verification. After passing the check, he looked for
the shelf containing books about martial spirits, randomly
picking up a book titled ‘Types of Martial Spirits’ and started
to read.

This book basically described the different types of martial

spirits and some of their innate supernatural abilities.

Huang Xiaolong’s memory had always been excellent,

flipping past the pages speedily and moments later, he had
finished reading and gained some understanding to this
world’s martial spirits.

After ‘Types of Martial Spirits’, Huang Xiaolong took a book

called ‘The Different Martial Spirits Grades’ that evaluated
the distinction between the grades of martial spirits and its
“Ah, twin martial spirits!” when he reached the last page
there were some notations about twin martial spirits that
Huang Xiaolong read carefully.

“Twin martial spirits of the same kind can combine to

become one or they could be separated as two individual
entities!” This paragraph astonished Huang Xiaolong.

Twin martial spirits can become one?!

No wonder in the early days when his martial spirits had just
awakened, it existed in a combined state! When he broke
through to the Fourth Order, the twin dragon martial spirits
separated into two independent entities.

Huang Xiaolong read the passage below and his eyes lit up;
it actually described the method to combine and separate
twin martial spirits of the same kind.

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong finished the book feeling

elated, great! With this method, he could combine his
martial spirits before releasing them in the future, so that no
one can guess his secret.

He re-read the paragraph explaining the method,

committing them into his brain and then moved towards the
shelves placed with books ab about Beasts text.

Following the Beast language on the map he had gotten

from the Silvermoon Forest, he checks them one by one. A
while later, he deciphered the text written on the Beast
Cultivator’s treasure map.

“Demon Beast Holy Land, Thousand Tusker Mountain,

Windless Tunnel!”

Huang Xiaolong frowned.

The location of the treasure was actually in the Beast race
Holy Land?!

In this world, the Demon Beast race was bigger and more
powerful than the normal Beastmen, and they abhorred
humans; wanting to enter their Holy Land, this was too
difficult! At least it was impossible for the current Huang

After he had finished translating the words, it was already

high noon. Huang Xiaolong left the library, and he exited the
Academy instead of returning to the classroom. When he
came out from the Academy, Fei Hou and the three guards
immediately saw him and hurried up to him, “Young

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “Come on, let’s go.” he brought the

four of them to Tianxuan Mansion.

On the way, Fei Hou couldn’t resist, so he asked, “Young

Master, the Academy hasn’t ended, how come you’re
already out?”

The other four guards also looked at Huang Xiaolong with

curiosity, having the same doubt in their hearts.

Huang Xiaolong explained, “From registration day, that

female bear is my class teacher.”

“What?! The female bear is Young Master’s class teacher?!”

Fei Hou was stupefied, then his voice turned sullen, asking,
“Young Master, did she make things difficult for you today in
the class?”

Huang Xiaolong chuckled, “Some ridicule is unavoidable.”

Then, Huang Xiaolong summarized what happened and his
bet with Xiong Mei in the new students’ assessment three
days later.

When Fei Hou heard it couldn’t resist laughing out loud-- he

already could imagine three days later, Xiong Meiqi kneeling
on the square and growling like a bear.

Soon, the six of them arrived in Tianxuan Mansion.

Beastman Boli and the rest of the slaves saw Huang
Xiaolong and Fei Hou so they quickly walked up to salute;
telling them to stand up, Huang Xiaolong went to the main
hall and asked Boli about Tianxuan Mansion’s matters.

Beastman Boli answered them with respect.

In the last few days, the necessary furniture was arranged

accordingly and the open yard was planted with flowers and
plants; Beastman Boli even arranged for the old and moldy
walls to be scrapped and painted with a new layer of paint.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “You did well, you can leave.”

Acknowledging respectfully, Beastman Boli turned and

brought the servants with him out of the main hall.

After that, Huang Xiaolong left Tianxuan Mansion and

returned to the Marshal Mansion. Then, he suddenly asked,
“Fei Hou, do you want to breakthrough to the Xiantian

“Breakthrough to the Xiantian?” Fei Hou was stunned,

stammering, “Sov- Sovereign, you have a way?”


Demon Beast Cultivator is very very old, like Madam White
Snake Chinese Opera or The Sorcerer and the White Snake

Beastmen -part human part animal creatures


Next release: tmr
Chapter 54: New Students' Assessment

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “I have a method that would help

you to breakthrough to the Xiantian realm in five years!”

“Five, five years!” Fei Hou was dumbfounded.

He had advanced to peak late-Tenth Order not too long ago;

following a reasonable time frame, it would take twenty to
thirty years. Instead, now Sovereign actually said that he
could let him breakthrough to the Xiantian realm in merely
five years!

After Fei Hou had regained his sense, excitement was

written all over his face. He had been following Sovereign
for so long, he knew Sovereign would only say something he
was confident in and he definitely wouldn’t lie to him!

“Come, sit down,” Huang Xiaolong said, “I’ll teach you a

cultivation technique.”

“Cultivation technique?!” Fei Hou was surprised for a

moment and proceeded to sit down.

Then, Huang Xiaolong taught Fei Hou an internal force

cultivation technique called ‘Liquid Thunder Arts’. Although
the Liquid Thunder Arts weren’t as good as the Body
Metamorphose Scripture, but once it reached major
completion it would be very powerful, comparable to this
world’s Heaven rank cultivation technique.

Fei Hou’s martial spirits was the Silver River and his own
cultivation technique coupled with ‘Liquid Thunder Arts’ will
speed up his cultivation speed tremendously; to step into
Xiantian realm in five years time was no problem.
“Subordinate bow down for Sovereign’s grace!” After
memorizing the ‘Liquid Thunder Arts’ Fei Hou knelt down in
gratitude, vowing “Subordinate will always follow

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand and helped Fei Hou up. He
trusts Fei Hou’s loyalty, otherwise, he wouldn’t have taught
Fei Hou ‘Liquid Thunder Arts.”

“When you return to the Marshal Mansion, tell Haotian to

come over. I will also teach him a cultivation technique.”

“This Subordinate thanks Sovereign on behalf of Senior

Brother!” Delight showed on Fei Hou’s face, and he knelt
down to thank Huang Xiaolong again.

Telling Fei Hou to stand, he explained some of the

technique’s profoundness until Fei Hou started to grasp
them. He then told Fei Hou about his plans to buy more
slaves and train them to build his own power.

“Sovereign, please rest assure, Fei Hou will handle this

task.” Fei Hou said with confidence.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and allowed Fei Hou to leave.

After Fei Hou had left, Huang Xiaolong went to the yard to
practice Tears of Asura for a while, then he continued with
the skills he knew from his previous life: Ethereal Palm,
Execute Demon Sword, Luohan Fist, etc.

And as for the Academy’s afternoon class session, Huang

Xiaolong didn’t bother to attend.

The fact was, he enrolled into Cosmic Star Academy

because the Dragon Flame Valley could temper his body and
enhance his battle qi; and the allure of the prizes from the
class competition, year competition and the Academy
overall competition’s rewards – the Grade Four, and Five
Spirit Dans! And of course, the representative spot to
participate in Duanren Empire’s Imperial City Battle!

Attending classes to him was equivalent to wasting time; he

just needs to show up and participate in the class and year

Afternoon-- it angered Xiong Meiqi even more when she

noticed Huang Xiaolong was absent for afternoon class after
he ignored her and left the classroom in the morning.

“That waste; three days later I will see how you bark like a
dog in the square!” Xiong Meiqi laughed when she thought
of this scene, but when she remembered Huang Xiaolong
giving her the ‘female bear’ nickname her anger returned.
Now, the nickname ‘female bear’ had spread around the

In the Tianxuan Mansion, when Huang Xiaolong was done

with his training, Fei Hou arrived with Marshal Haotian;
clearly, Fei Hou already told Haotian that Huang Xiaolong
was going to teach him a cultivation technique because he
looked excited when Huang Xiaolong saw him.

And Huang Xiaolong taught Marshal Haotian a cultivation

technique called ‘Five Yang Tactic’. Marshal Haotian used
thirty years to break through from Xiantian First Order to
Xiantian Second Order; with this, he could at least shorten
the time by half to reach the Third Order.

Although a dozen years seemed very long, to breakthrough

from Xiantian Second Order to Third Order in that much
time was quite an amazing result; some people who have
grade eleven martial spirits would need just as much time, if
not more to advance to Xiantian Third Order.
It could be said, for Marshal Haotian who possessed a grade
ten martial spirits, practicing the ‘Five Yang Tactic’ would
speed up Martial Haotian’s cultivation, bringing a similar
result as if he possessed a grade eleven martial spirits.

Even though cultivating ‘Five Yang Tactic’ can speed up

Martial Haotian’s cultivation speed, it cannot change or
improve his martial spirit’s natural limitation. The chances
for a top grade ten martial spirits to advance into Saint
realm was slim.

Even so, Marshal Haotian was still grateful to Huang

Xiaolong that tears and snot started to flow.

“Sovereign, rest assured that Haotian would live up to your

expectation. I will work hard to cultivate and breakthrough
to Third Order!” after committing the ‘Five Yang Tactic’ to
memory, Marshal Haotian kowtowed in gratitude.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and helped Marshal Haotian up.

A while later, Marshal Haotian left Tianxuan Mansion and

Huang Xiaolong requested him to send someone to bring
the little violet monkey over to the new mansion.

Huang Xiaolong returned to his room and took out the cold
jade bed after the Marshal left and called out the twin
dragons, but it wasn’t for practice. He followed the method
he read today in the library and ran his battle qi slowly,
trying to fuse the twin dragons like it first appeared.

As Huang Xiaolong ran his battle qi, one black and one blue
dragon’s body slowly coiled together as black and blue light
flickered, fusing, and suddenly a glaring light glowed and
the fusing was completed successfully into a double-headed
dragon instead of a serpent.
When the twin dragon fused into one body, the oppressive
aura belonging to a dragon increased-- even its body mass
became bigger.

“But, the netherworld spiritual aura absorbing speed slowed

a little in this state.” Huang Xiaolong noticed this difference.

After the successful fusion, Huang Xiaolong practiced the

Asura Tactics and continued with the Body Metamorphose
Scripture; he had a feeling very soon his meridians could
reach the Fourth Stage of Converting Power of the Stars and
he could enter the true Fifth Stage.

Once the Fourth Stage meridians opened, Huang Xiaolong’s

internal force would increase a lot and at that time, even
without battle qi, by solely relying on internal force, he could
eliminate warriors of the Sixth Order and below.

Time flowed and passed and three days came and went.

These past three days, Huang Xiaolong stayed and

practiced in Tianxuan Mansion and didn’t attend any
classes, causing Xiong Meiqi to grit her teeth in fury, but it
was balanced out when thinking of the impossibility of a
new waste student achieving a spot in the top ten in the

On this day, Huang Xiaolong came out from his room and
stretched his limbs.

“Today’s the new students’ assessment!” Looking at the

bright sky above, he really was looking forward to it.

Walking out from the yard, Fei Hou had been waiting
respectfully for quite some time.
“Let’s go, we’re heading to the Academy!” Huang Xiaolong

“Yes, Sovereign!”

When Huang Xiaolong arrived at the Academy, Xiong Meiqi

and the batch of new students were already assembled in
the square and with Huang Xiaolong’s arrival, everyone’s
eyes ‘shua shua shua’ towards him.


Next release: Wednesday
Chapter 55: Challenge All New Students!

“I didn’t expect a waste with a recommendation letter for

registration like you dare to show up!” Seeing Huang
Xiaolong arrive, Xiong Meiqi ridiculed him in a cold voice.

Huang Xiaolong laughed faintly instead, “Why wouldn’t I

dare to come? Afterward, when I enter the top ten in the
assessment, I’m afraid you’ll go back on your words!”

A sharp light flashed across Xiong Meiqi’s pupils: “I, Xiong

Meiqi never go back on my word!”

Huang Xiaolong walked into the crowd and stood still. And at
this time, the blond boy Jiang Teng stared at Huang Xiaolong
viciously with dislike, then turned away. Huang Xiaolong’s
face remained stoic.

And at this point, Li Lu came beside Huang Xiaolong, full of

worry and said, “Xiaolong, can you really enter the top ten?”

On that year when Huang Xiaolong revealed his early-Fourth

Order strength to defeat Huang Wei during the Huang Clan
Manor’s Annual Assembly, Li Lu doesn’t know about it.

“Don’t worry,” Huang Xiaolong gave Li Lu a comforting look,

telling her not to worry.

A while later, seeing everyone had arrived Xiong Meiqi

started to explain the new student assessment’s rules and

To test a new student’s strength, letting them battle was the

best way to do it. Thus, the new students’ assessment was
to let them battle against each other; each batch was
divided into five groups and the opponent was selected by
drawing sticks. The winner of a group enters the next round
of battle, finally determining the top ten students.

And the battle competition location was the Academy’s


Because it was the new students' assessment day, there

was a lot of older students watching, from ex-First Year
students, Second Years, and Third Years.

However, just as Xiong Meiqi finished her explanation of the

assessment process, a voice sounded, “Teacher Xiong, this
is too troublesome; how about this, I will accept all the
students’ challenge, the longer a student can last under my
attack the higher his or her placement!”

Everyone was surprised and looked over where the voice

came from and saw the one who spoke was Jiang Teng!

As Jiang Teng’s word resounded through the square, it

caused a commotion among the observing older students.

“This kid is the one who was said to possess superb martial
spirits, the Sacred Bright Tiger, Jiang Teng?! Really crazy!
Actually plan to take on all the new students’ challenge by

“People are arrogant because they have the strength!”

Low-voiced discussions sounded between the older


And Xiong Meiqi was stunned.

Jiang Teng alone wanted to take on all the new students’

There were almost one hundred people in this batch of new

At one corner of the square, stood two tall old men, and one
of them was Cosmic Star Academy Vice-Principal, Xiong
Chu, whereas the other old fellow has a pair of big eyes.
Especially his ears, nearly twice as big as a normal person’s
ear, etching him into their memory with just one glance.

“Principal, Jiang Teng is still young, a little too vigorous.”

Xiong Chu said to the old fellow, “Although he is strong, but
there are almost a hundred new students-- how can he
accept all of their challenges?”

The other old fellow was Cosmic Star Academy’s Principal,

Sun Zhang.

Sun Zhang wasn’t frazzled in the least, “No harm, all are
children; full of youth’s vigor is very normal. Not to mention,
Jiang Teng has a superb martial spirits; even though the new
students are quite numerous, don’t look down on the Sacred
Bright Tiger’s ability!”

Sun Zhang’s underlying meaning was, Jiang Teng’s current

capability could easily deal with this batch of new student’s

Xiong Chu couldn’t help but feel surprised.

“You will understand in a while,” Sun Zhang smiled and said

to Xiong Chu.

While Xiong Meiqi was considering if she should agree with

Jiang Teng’s suggestion, her father, Xiong Chu’s voice
transmitted into her ear.
Everyone was looking at Xiong Meiqi, waiting for her

Moments later, Xiong Meiqi looked at the group of new

students, and then nodded at Jiang Teng, “Okay.”


When Xiong Meiqi gave her approval, the surrounding crowd

grew noisier.

Xiong Meiqi actually allowed Jiang Teng to accept about one

hundred new students’ challenge!

Xiong Meiqi walked up and waved both of her hands setting

a ten-meter wide circle on the square as the ring; the battle
competition area will be within the ring, and the person who
stepped out is considered the loser.

Jiang Teng was the first one to leap into the ring and stood
in the middle with his hands behind his back. With a
condescending demeanor said, “Who dares to come in?”

When his voice dropped, all around the square was silence.

“Me!” At this moment, a fat young man leaped into the

circle. Without waiting, a bright light burst exploded from his
body, his martial spirits floating above his head behind him.
This young man’s martial spirits looked like a pudgy
Sandyfern beast, and on top of its head was two soft horn
looking extremely cute.

Many of the new students laughed out seeing it.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, this fella’s martial spirit

indeed looked a little funny. However, Huang Xiaolong who
went to the library a few days ago recognized this chubby
young man’s martial spirits was a top grade ten martial
spirits called Earth Dragon. It doesn’t belong to the dragon
race-- it was a mixed line of descendant having a trace of
the dragon race’s bloodline, similar to an Asian dragon.

The fatty released his martial spirits and rushed up to Jiang

Teng, his fist punched out, the power emitted was quite

Huang Xiaolong could tell, this young man already reached

mid-Third Order.

However, even though he was a mid-Third Order warrior,

against a Fourth Order Jiang Teng, he was significantly weak.
Jiang Teng watched as the fist neared him, lifted his left
hand as battle qi surged and punched out meeting the fat
young man’s fist.

“Bang!” A low blast sounded, and the fat young man

bounced back from the impact. Fats on his body vibrated as
he staggered till the edge of the ring.

Jiang Teng stood on the same spot; his palm shot out across
the air, and the fat young man was pushed out from the

The fat young man possessing grade ten martial spirits, a

mid-Third Order, lost!

From the beginning till the end, only three breath’s time had

Gaps of shocked echoed through the crowd seeing this


After that, it was a consecutive six losses as new students

went up to challenge Jiang Teng one by one; the one who
lasted the longest was six breaths’ count, and the shortest
one was out within a single breath’s time.

After Jiang Teng defeated the seventh person, suddenly

Jiang Teng’s body from head to toe showered in a sacred
brightness, glimmering. When it was gone, the tired Jiang
Teng once again was full of energy, looking refreshed.

“This, this is battle qi recovery?!” Some of the older

students exclaimed out loud seeing it.

Battle qi recovery!

When Jiang Teng advanced into the Fourth Order Warrior,

the Sacred Bright Tiger evolved, and its innate ability was
battle qi recovery; isn’t this martial spirit’s ability a little too

Some distance away, even Xiong Chu was a little astonished

when he saw this, and he finally understood why Principal
Su Zhang said Jiang Teng could easily defeat all the new
students. Every time he defeats a person, as long as he
could gain a fraction of time, he could recover all his
exhausted battle qi. Even if there are a couple more
students, it posed no problem to Jiang Teng!

Xiong Chu’s eyes lit up.

Even Principal Sun Zhang was watching with a satisfied look

on his face as he looked at Jiang Teng, laughingly said, “Our
Academy has been established over a hundred years, and
have never any of the disciples entered the first one
hundred places in Duanren Empire’s Battle of the Imperial
City. Now, Jiang Teng’s appearance gave us hope. After our
careful guidance, twenty years later, Jiang Teng definitely
could enter the top thirty spots in the Battle of the Imperial
Xiong Chu broke out in a cackle, “Twenty years later if Jiang
Teng could enter the top thirty in Duanren Empire, it is our
Academy’s glory ah. At that time, we would be rewarded
greatly by Duanren Empire’s Emperor!”

Sun Zhang nodded, smiling from ear to ear.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong was standing among the new

students, looking at the defeated students one after another
and the high-spirited Jiang Teng, but he was in no hurry to
step into the ring.

When Jiang Teng defeated the seventh person, Li Lu who

was beside Huang Xiaolong suddenly leaped up, landing in
the ring.

Seeing Li Lu coming up to challenge him, a cold sneer

appeared on his face; he knew this woman was close to the
waste that registered with a recommendation letter, Huang

His eyes peeked at Huang Xiaolong, and when he turned to

look at Li Lu, a cruel light flashed across them.


Next release: tmr
Chapter 56: Four Breaths?

Jiang Teng looked at Li Lu and his cold voice sounded,

“Pardon me, but I’ve always hated 'wastes' that rely on
familial ties! And the people that associate with these
wastes! In this battle, I will not hold back, and if you want to
blame someone, blame it on that waste!” After he finished
saying that, he abruptly pointed his finger at Huang

Jiang Teng’s words rang clearly in the square, causing

everyone to shift their focus to Huang Xiaolong. The
students standing close to him quickly moved away, putting
some distance between them and him so that Jiang Teng
wouldn’t misunderstand. Otherwise, it might cause fish of
the same pond to suffer the same fate.

Seeing this, Jiang Teng was very satisfied. Without warning,

he turned around and attacked Li Lu.

“Tiger Flame Palm!”

A Sacred Bright Tiger’s paw print hit Li Lu’s chest in a split

second. A Fourth Order Warrior’s battle qi went out full-
scale; the current Jiang Teng was vastly different from before
and his strength had more than doubled.

All around, the crowd was very surprised. They were

shocked at Jiang Teng’s power and at the same time, they
were shocked that Jiang Teng would attack using his high-
grade Mysterious rank battle skill against Li Lu, the Tiger
Flame Palm.

In his earlier battles, Jiang Teng had defeated his previous

opponents without using the battle skill, but now against Li
Lu, he displayed it-- he clearly wanted to show his hatred
towards Huang Xiaolong.

Everyone shook their head and looked at Li Lu in pity; the

heavy injury resulting from this strike would render Li Lu
bedridden for two to three months.

Because of a 'waste', she implicated herself and suffering

such injury was really her bad luck!

Xiong Meiqi frowned on seeing the palm strike aimed at Li

Lu’s chest, but she kept quiet and didn’t try to stop the

Alarm and panic flashed registered in Li Lu’s eyes. However,

with her recently advanced Third Order Warrior strength,
she didn’t have enough strength to defend against Jiang
Teng’s high-grade battle skill attack.

Just when everyone thought Li Lu would be seriously injured,

and sent flying out of the ring, a silhouette suddenly flashed
and grabbed Li Lu. With Li Lu protected within an embrace,
two figures swirled to one side, escaping Jiang Teng’s attack.

Beyond all expectation, Jiang Teng’s attack landed on empty

air, leaving everyone surprised. Gazes shifted and saw that
the person who grabbed Li Lu and dodged the attack was
the person who according to Jiang Teng’s words was the
waste in Jiang Teng's words, Huang Xiaolong.

Xiong Meiqi included, felt shock.

Huang Xiaolong ignored the shocked gazes, peered at Li Lu

in his arms, asked, “Are you okay?”

The frightened Li Lu gradually calmed down, and two lovely

dimples appeared, “Xiaolong, I’m okay!”
“Ok, step back and let me handle this.” said Huang

“Xiaolong, you?!” Li Lu was worried.

“It’s nothing.” Huang Xiaolong waved his hand and gently

sent Li Lu out of the ring. He then turned around to face
Jiang Teng.

And at this time, in a distant square corner, Sun Zhang

stared at Huang Xiaolong who managed to rescue Li Lu from
Jiang Teng’s attack. Stunned, he couldn’t resist asking, “Who
is this new student?” Being able to save Li Lu from Jiang
Teng’s attack proved that this new student wasn’t weak.

Xiong Chu was dumbfounded. The Principal doesn’t

recognize this punk?

“Principal, this child registered with your recommendation

letter.” replied Xiong Chu not thinking much of it.

“What?! Him?” Principal Sun Zhang was taken aback.

Seeing the Principal’s surprised expression, he couldn’t help

but feel it was strange. Understanding Xiong Chu’s doubts,
he pondered for a moment before explaining, “I gave that
recommendation letter, to Marshal Haotian!”

“Mar..., Marshal Haotian!” Xiong Chu was dazed for a

moment before he exclaimed out loud.

It was actually Marshal Haotian! Who has been in command

of hundreds of brigades for the past two kings! The same
Marshal Haotian that was below the king and controlled
thousands of soldiers!
A film of sweat emerged on Xiong Chu’s forehead. Luckily,
he did not revoke Huang Xiaolong’s registration qualification
and didn’t make the mistake of killing the three guards, or

As his thought reached this point, his back felt cold and
goosebumps rose on his skin.

Cosmic Star Academy was the kingdom’s first academy and

in the entire kingdom, the Academy was only wary of two
people: Luo Tong Kingdom’s King and Marshal Haotian!

If he knew that one of the three who Zhong Yuan suggested

he kill was Marshal Haotian’s Junior Brother, his back would
become even colder still.

“Are you okay?” asked Su Zhang, noticing the abrupt drops

of sweat on Xiong Chu as he kept wiping them off.

“Principal, I’m okay. Nothing's wrong, everything's fine!”

Xiong Chu exclaimed in panic.

Sun Zhang didn’t pursue it, and once again focused his
attention on Jiang Teng and Huang Xiaolong in the ring some
distance away and said, “Haotian, that old fellow, actually
recommended this little child-- it looks like their relationship
isn’t a simple one. Could this child be his illegitimate son?”

Although Marshal Haotian was over a hundred years old,

age doesn’t affect a Xiantian realm warrior’s reproductive
abilities. Some three, four hundred years old Xiantian realm
warriors had children and it was considered normal. Thus,
Sun Zhang couldn’t be blamed for having such thoughts.

However, if Marshal Haotian knew that Sun Zhang thought

Huang Xiaolong was his illegitimate son, no one dared guess
what would Marshal Haotian reaction be!
“In your opinion, how long can that child last under Jiang
Teng’s attack?” asked Sun Zhang changing the topic.

Xiong Chu hesitated for a moment then said, “Probably

three breaths.” Up till now, there has only been one person
who lasted four breaths’ of time and it was already not bad
if Huang Xiaolong could last for three. Xiong Chu could see
Huang Xiaolong wasn’t weak and stated his judgment.

Hearing his answer, Sun Zhang shook his head.

Seeing Sun Zhang was shaking his head; he misunderstood

his intent and he ventured, “Does Principal means to say
that Huang Xiaolong can only last for two breath’s of time?”

“No, he should last for four breaths!” Sun Zhang clarified.

“What? Four breaths?” Xiong Chu found it a little hard to

believe-- he felt saying Huang Xiaolong could last three
breaths was good enough, but Principal actually said four

If Huang Xiaolong could actually last that long, not only

would he not be a waste, he could enter the top twenty
ranking amongst the new students.

Nobody heard Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu’s conversation,

while they conversed, on the stage, Jiang Teng stared at
Huang Xiaolong, his tone was cold as he said “You finally
came out. I thought you didn’t dare to come out from your
hiding. If that was the case, not only are you a waste but a
useless cowardly waste!”

Huang Xiaolong sneered and replied “In this world, there

truly are many self-righteous idiots!” While he spoke, he
remembered what Jiang Teng said (a few days ago ) when
he was demonstrating his battle skill, the Tiger Flame Palm,
so Huang Xiaolong mocked, “Sacred Bright Tiger appears,
invincible throughout?”

Jiang Teng’s face became ugly as it twisted. Sacred battle qi

burst out from his entire body and his martial spirit, Sacred
Bright Tiger, appeared and let out and a furious roar at the
sky. The sky seemed to dim and dark clouds rolled.

A tiger’s fury changed the weather!

Jiang Teng no longer held back his strength and his aura
continued to increase-- much more terrifying degree as
compared to when he was fighting against Li Lu.

“Now, I will let you find out the huge gap between me, the
Academy’s once in a hundred years genius, possessing a
superb talent martial spirit and you, a waste coming in
through a recommendation letter!” Jiang Teng smirked
coldly. A cold golden light flashed across his pupils as he
leaped out and landed in front of Huang Xiaolong. Fast! Only
a few people among the older students could follow his

The surrounding students were shocked-- they didn’t expect

that Jiang Teng at full power was so strong, not weaker than
some ex-First Year students.


Next release: tmr
Chapter 57: What Kind Of
Heaven-Defying Talent Is
Chapter 57: What Kind of Heaven-defying Talent is this?

Jiang Teng landed two meters away from Huang Xiaolong. A

brutal light shone in his eyes, suddenly a palm struck out
aimed at Huang Xiaolong’s chest.

Huang Xiaolong watched Jiang Teng’s palm coming at his

chest. Suddenly, a strong battle qi aura broke out from
Huang Xiaolong’s body; like a broken dam, like a thousand-
year-old volcano eruption. It happened so suddenly, and
was so shocking, that before anyone could react Huang
Xiaolong had punched out. The light from his fist soared sky
high and in the blink of an eye struck Jiang Teng’s torso!


There was an explosion, Jiang Teng screamed in pain as his

little body reeled back. With every step he took, blood
spurted out from his mouth until he finally stopped more
than ten steps later.

The sacred light that shrouded his body early dispersed

from the impact; the Sacred Bright Tiger behind him
dimmed, a tiger’s mightiness vanished turning into a sick

All present were stunned!

The square was silent as if time froze, unmoving.

Whether it was the First Year’s new students or the older

students, everyone had temporarily lost their minds after
seeing what had just transpired. Apart from a blank
whiteness in their mind, there was only white blankness.

Possessing superb talent martial spirit, Sacred Bright Tiger,

the Fourth Order Warrior, Jiang Teng, Cosmic Star Academy’s
most talented genius in over a hundred years, lost!

One punch!

“Impossible, this cannot be! Didn’t he register with a

recommendation letter? How could he defeat Jiang Teng?”
Xiong Meiqi was rooted to the spot, as she shook her head
in denial, refusing to believe what she had just witnessed.

In the far corner, the words ‘four breaths’ had just come out
from Su Zhang, and stunned, he turned towards Xiong Chu
whose mouth had formed an ‘o’, his jaw, nearly dropping.

“Four..., peak late-Fourth Order!” Xiong Chu’s tongue was in

a knot.

The punch Huang Xiaolong sent out just now contained a

peak late-Fourth Order battle qi.

Jiang Teng wiped off the blood from his mouth with the back
of his hand and saw the unsightly blood patches on his
robes, “My... this is my blood?” Like the others around the
ring, he couldn’t believe that he was hurt!

Hearing that, Huang Xiaolong sneered coldly, “If the blood

flowing from your mouth isn’t yours, is it mine?” As his
question ended, Huang Xiaolong walked towards Jiang Teng
without any sense of hurry.
“You?!” Jiang Teng actually showed fear as he watched the
approaching Huang Xiaolong and involuntarily inched back.
The previous pride and arrogance had disappeared
completely to be replaced with un-surmounted fear. That’s
right, fear!

“Peak late-Fourth Order! The peak late-Fourth Order, how

can this wastrel be a peak late-Fourth Order Warrior!” He
muttered to himself, repeating it over and over again. Even
at this point in time, the situation hadn’t hit him yet; his
mind was set to assume that all those who enrolled into the
Academy with a recommendation letter were useless

'Waste' ? Catching the words Jiang Teng was muttering,

Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette flashed. A palm struck out,
startling Jiang Teng, by the time he tried to raise his hands
to block it, Huang Xiaolong’s palm already hit his chest.

“Pa!” Mixed into the sound of the loud attack was the sound
of breaking bones. Hit by Huang Xiaolong’s palm, Jiang Teng
felt as if all of his internal organs were shattered; a terrible
energy was drilling around in his body, constantly biting and
tearing his insides apart.

Sadly, just as a painful groan was about to escape his

mouth, Huang Xiaolong struck out with a second palm and
then a third … the fifth palm. In just a short time, Huang
Xiaolong had hit Jiang Teng more than a dozen times; one
after another sound of ‘pipipala’ rang out as bones broke!
Huang Xiaolong made sure that his strikes didn’t send Jiang
Teng out of the ring area even after more than ten strikes,
but by then Jiang Teng’s chest had already caved in and
Jiang Teng bent over in pain like a cooked lobster.
The horrible energy from Huang Xiaolong’s palm kept
tearing his insides; under the pain, tears finally flowed from
Jiang Teng’s eyes!

The rare, super genius, the one that’s hard to find even one
in a hundred years, daring to challenge all new students and
defeating seven people straight was now beaten till he cried
by Huang Xiaolong!

Everyone looked at the bent and crying Jiang Teng, yet no

one had any thoughts for him. Throats were swallowing
nervously all around.

This was not some battle assessment, it simply was an

appalling wallop!

Some of the new students turned their heads away-- they

couldn’t bear to look anymore.

“I, I,” Jiang Teng struggled up, exerting all his energy trying
to cry out and admit his loss, but before the sentence could
be said, Huang Xiaolong sent another palm strike cutting off
his words.

“Enough, stop! I said stop!” At this time, the stunned Xiong

Meiqi finally regained her wits and cried out in anger; then,
her palm struck out, separating Huang Xiaolong and Jiang
Teng from each other.

Being separated, Jiang Teng tumbled down instantly, his

body twitching on the ground with blood streaming down
from the corner of his mouth.

“Jiang Teng! Jiang Teng!’ Xiong Meiqi propped Jiang Teng up

quickly in a panic.
Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu in the distant corner saw Jiang
Teng tumbling down and they were awakened from their
daze with the shouting and screaming: this was not good!

The two figures flashed and appeared before the new


“Principal, Vice-Principal!”

Recognizing Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu, all the students

quickly greeted them. Even Xiong Meiqi was surprised.

Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu’s minds weren’t on the

surroundings; immediately squatting down, one hand fell on
the left side and another hand fell one on the right, checking
Jiang Teng’s pulse, and transferring battle qi into his body.

Xiong Meiqi and the students held their breath, watching


This is Cosmic Star Academy’s Principal, Sun Zhang? Huang

Xiaolong observed the pair of larger than average ears. He
heard from Marshal Haotian before that Sun Zhang’s ears
weren’t born this way, but it became like this due to him
cultivating an Earth level battle skill.

At this time, Li Lu who watched Huang Xiaolong ‘flatten’

Jiang Teng into a pancake with the crowd realized something
and went to Huang Xiaolong’s side and asked in a worried
voice, “Xiaolong, will they…?”

Jiang Teng was Principal’s and Vice-Principal’s pro-disciple,

and Huang Xiaolong beat him into this state. What if both of
them expelled Huang Xiaolong in anger, then…?

Huang Xiaolong, however, looked indifferent and comforted

Li Lu, saying, “It’s nothing.”
A while later, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu stopped transferring
battle qi into Jiang Teng’s body and retrieved their hands;
looking at each other, they both could feel the other’s

Just now, when they were transferring battle qi into Jiang

Teng’s body to heal him, they found an extremely hostile
battle qi within and the quality and thickness had almost
reached their state of cultivation.

And this high quality battle qi was left by Huang Xiaolong’s


Exchanging a knowing look unnoticeable by others, this

matter was kept between them two. What made them felt
relieved was that Jiang Teng wasn’t wasted and could still
cultivate! Otherwise, they would’ve felt like crying.

Both of them turned to look at Huang Xiaolong standing five

to six meters away as if they were looking at a peerless

Peak late-Fourth Order! Huang Xiaolong was more or less

about the same age as Jiang Teng; not even ten years old
but he already reached the peak late-Fourth order! What
kind of heaven-defying talent was this!

If Jiang Teng’s martial spirit was the grade eleven Sacred

Bright Tiger, then what was Huang Xiaolong’s? The two
authority figures were trembling with excitement-- could it
be a top grade eleven martial spirit?


A lesson well taught ha!

Next release: tmr

Have a good weekend everyone!
Chapter 58: You Didn’T
Understand My Meaning?
Chapter 58: You Didn’t Understand My Meaning?

Top grade eleven martial spirit! Once the idea of Huang

Xiaolong possessing a top grade eleven martial spirit
became apparent, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu’s eyes grew
dazzlingly bright. That kind of gaze made Huang Xiaolong
feel like a sheep in a group of hungry tigers!

Of course, the thought of Huang Xiaolong possessing a

grade twelve martial spirit crossed their minds; however,
such a grade was really too rare. In all of the Duanren
Empire’s territory, the number of people who possessed
grade twelve martial spirits did not exceed ten people.

However, in the eyes of the watching students, Sun Zhang

and Xiong Chu were standing there and glaring fiercely at
Huang Xiaolong and this made many people feel

While the new students were feeling schadenfreude, and the

older students were enjoying Huang Xiaolong’s bad luck,
Sun Zhang’s face suddenly became wreathed in smiles
looking at Huang Xiaolong, he asked, “You are Huang
Xiaolong right? I’m Cosmic Star Academy’s Principal, Sun
Zhang.” That tone of voice was so gentle, it was as if he was
afraid that if his voice was a little too loud, it would scare
away Huang Xiaolong.

All around, people wore an expression of shock and then

they went into a daze looking at their Principal’s smile,
which was the most brilliant smile that they had ever seen
(from him) in history.

And at this point, Xiong Chu laughed out ‘haha’, saying, “I’m
the Vice-Principal, Xiong Chu; we’ve met a few days ago,


Vice-Principal Xiong Chu that always had a sullen and strict

face, yet he actually said hello to a new student?!

Everyone looked like they had been struck by lightning.

Subsequently, Sun Zhang laughed and said, “Xiaolong ah,

your attacks just now are really ruthless ah. If we were one
step too late, I’m afraid Jiang Teng would’ve been

Xiaolong? Moments ago, he was still Huang Xiaolong and

now he was directly called Xiaolong! Those who heard this
felt like fainting; although Sun Zhang said those words, but
the tone was so polite, not even an ounce of blame.

Suddenly, ten or so figures flew over, and the frontmost was

the Third Year’s teacher, Zhong Yuan.

In the blink of an eye, Zhong Yuan’s group of people arrived

and seeing that Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu were present,
walked over to greet them.

“Principal, Vice-Principal, it’s great that both of you are here.

I received a report saying Huang Xiaolong violated the rules
during the new students’ assessment and sneak attacked
Jiang Teng. And now, Jiang Teng is heavily injured, I intend to
detain this person and bring him before you-- I’m waiting for
your punishment order!”
Having said this, Zhong Yuan’s turned to look at Huang
Xiaolong; his hand motioned to the several Disciplinary Hall
staff behind him and said, “Capture this Huang Xiaolong for

Jiang Teng was both Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu’s pro-disciple
and he was beaten till this state by Huang Xiaolong. In
Zhong Yuan’s thinking, this was an excellent opportunity to
perform well and garner some merits in front of them.

“Yes, Leader Zhong Yuan!” acknowledged the Disciplinary

Hall enforcement staff.

Other than being a Third Year teacher, Zhong Yuan was also
the Disciplinary Hall’s Squad Leader.

Just as the dozen people were about to step out and capture
Huang Xiaolong, Sun Zhang’s slightly angry voice was
heard, “Stop!”

On hearing Sun Zhang’s order, the group of Disciplinary

Hall’s enforcers abruptly halted.

“Well, all of you may leave, I will handle this matter!” Sun
Zhang waved his hand and said, but the brilliant smile had
left his face.

But, it seemed like Zhong Yuan didn’t quite understand the

meaning of Sun Zhang’s words; he thought that Sun Zhang
and Xiong Chu were trying to make them leave because
they wanted to punish Huang Xiaolong personally since
Huang Xiaolong hurt their pro-disciple which had angered
them immeasurably.

Zhong Yuan laughed out loud, “Principal, this is just a new

student. This one doesn’t dare bother Principal to handle
such a small matter. Please rest assured and leave this to
us.” As he finished saying that, his silhouette flashed
towards Huang Xiaolong. Fingers bent into claws and aimed
at Huang Xiaolong, making a move himself.

When Zhong Yuan was inches away from Huang Xiaolong, a

figure flashed with a speed faster than Zhong Yuan’s. A
hand lifted and a palm landed on Zhong Yuan’s cheek,
slapping him away.

The square was filled with silence.

Clutching his left cheek, unbelievably, it was Sun Zhang that

was guarding Huang Xiaolong; the one who slapped him
was their Cosmic Star Academy’s Principal, Sun Zhang!

Zhong Yuan was shocked, Sun Zhang eyes were staring

daggers at him-- he had never seen the Principal look like
this before, causing his heart to shiver in fear.

“You didn’t understand my meaning?” Sun Zhang turned

sullen: “Scram for me!”

At this moment, even if Zhong Yuan was a pig, he could see

Principal Sun Zhang’s fury.

“Yes, yes, Principal, we’re leaving now; scramming away

immediately!” Zhong Yuan’s face became ashen with fear;
he turned around wanting to leave quickly with the
Disciplinary team. However, Huang Xiaolong’s voice rang
out: “Not so fast!”

Huang Xiaolong’s voice came out abruptly, causing

everyone to look over at him.

Huang Xiaolong stared at Zhong Yuan, before turning and

looking at Sun Zhang, “Expel him or expel me!”
The unexpected words stunned everyone speechless: Huang
Xiaolong actually made such a request.

This Zhong Yuan displeased, and it showed in his


Of course, Huang Xiaolong knew that Sun Zhang and Xiong

Chu definitely wouldn’t agree to expel him if they were
smart; with his talents, no matter which kingdom’s academy
he chose to enter in the surrounding kingdoms, all of them
would compete for him.

Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu exchanged a glance.

But, neither of them opted to speak immediately because

Zhong Yuan was not only a Third Year teacher and a Leader
of the Disciplinary Enforcement Hall; his sister was a
wangfei. Although not favored, with her status and position,
Zhong Yuan was considered as the King’s little brother-in-

“Expel me?” Zhong Yuan paused and turned around and

looked at Huang Xiaolong like he just heard the world’s
funniest joke.

Huang Xiaolong ignored him and continued speaking to Sun

Zhang and Xiong Chu, “At the end of the year, if I take first
place in the First Year competition, you will expel him from
the Academy.”

Huang Xiaolong was aware, no matter how good his talent

was, both Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu won’t agree to expel a
Third Year teacher just based on his words-- when he
returned to the Marshal Mansion on the registration day, he
had asked Marshal Haotian to investigate this Zhong Yuan’s
“Yearly Competition’s first place?” Sun Zhang and Xiong
Chu, and the surrounding people were shocked with both
eyes practically popping out. With Huang Xiaolong’s peak
late-Fourth Order’s strength, the First Year competition’s
first place was a sure thing; however, there were only five
months to the end of the year. Some of the older First Year
students had broken through to the Sixth Order and some
even reached the peak late-Sixth Order. How could Huang
Xiaolong grab the first spot? With his talents, it might be
possible in another two year’s time.

Hearing this, Zhong Yuan laughed aloud with mockery and

ridicule as he stared at Huang Xiaolong, “Punk, did you just
say you will take the First Year competition’s first place?”

Huang Xiaolong kept silent, looking at Sun Zhang and Xiong


“Okay!” Moments later Sun Zhang nodded in agreement, “If

you get the first place in the First year competition, apart
from the standard Academy’s reward, I will add another
high-grade Earth rank battle skill!”

When they heard that not only did Principal Sun Zhang
agree, he had even added an extra reward, they all were

Truth be told, Sun Zhang agreed because he didn’t believe

Huang Xiaolong could take first place; thus, it was nothing
even if he agreed to it. This way, he could resolve Huang
Xiaolong’s resentment and at the same time motivate him
to practice and work harder.

“Good!” Huang Xiaolong sealed the deal.

At the side, Zhong Yuan, was angry when Sun Zhang

agreed, but he didn’t dare show it in public. Furthermore, in
his opinion, it was an impossible feat for Huang Xiaolong.

And not only did he think so, basically everyone else

thought so.

After that, Huang Xiaolong turned his attention towards

Xiong Meiqi; without a doubt, based on the strength he
exposed earlier, it was enough for him to take the first place
in the new students’ assessment. Therefore, it was time for
Xiong Meiqi to fulfill her side of the bet!

The new students who knew about Huang Xiaolong and

Xiong Meiqi’s bet saw Huang Xiaolong looking at Xiong
Meiqi and all their expressions turned weird.



Wangfei is a title for legitimate royal wife/consort (in short,

first wife), mostly Princes.


o Happy Funkiest Birthday to @Stevie-Boy! o

@edayo : Yes, slavedriver stated in my resume~ (jk)
Chapter 59: Receive
Huang Xiaolong As A
Chapter 59: Receive Huang Xiaolong as a Disciple?

Huang Xiaolong looked at Xiong Meiqi, and coldly sneered,

“The new students’ assessment bet, you haven’t forgotten

Xiong Meiqi’s body trembled and there was panic in her

eyes, not daring to meet Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. Her eyes
turned a pale white.

Bet? While Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu’s were still confused,
the pale Xiong Meiqi suddenly knelt down. She just knelt
down in the square like that, opened her small cherry like
mouth, “Wang! Wang! Wang!” and she cried out three times
in a row.

Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu were stunned agape.

While Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu remained confused and

stunned, Xiong Meiqi suddenly stood up, turned around and
fled, disappearing without a trace.

All around the square were dazed faces.

Looking at the direction in which Xiong Meiqi disappeared;

Huang Xiaolong felt she wasn’t as hateful as he had
thought. At the very least, she dared to say and dared to do.
Initially, he had thought she would surely try to wriggle out
of it.

Xiong Chu looked at his daughter's disappearing silhouette,

and could only shake his head.

Due to Xiong Meiqi running away, the new students’

assessment stopped midway and did not continue.

Huang Xiaolong and the others dispersed from the square.

Sun Zhang’s eyes flickered a he looked at Huang Xiaolong’s

receding silhouette, “It looks like, within the next two days, I
should make a trip to the Marshal’s Mansion, and have a
chat with that old fellow Haotian!”

Having understood the meaning hidden in Sun Zhang’s

words, Xiong Chu laughed and said, “Based on Principal’s
good relation with Marshal Haotian, coupled with Principal’s
strength and identity, I’m sure Marshal Haotian would be
happy to agree to let Huang Xiaolong become Principal’s

Sun Zhang nodded; he nodded not because he was worried

(about Huang Xiaolong becoming his disciple), but because
he was curious about Huang Xiaolong’s martial spirits.

That old fellow Haotian should know, right? Sun Zhang

thought secretly. He was about to leave but laughed bitterly
when he remembered Jiang Teng’s unconscious body, and
said to Xiong Chu, “Let’s go, we should first stabilize Jiang
Teng’s injury before talking about anything else.”

Xiong Chu also smiled bitterly and nodded.

Thereafter, both of them carried the unconscious Jiang Teng

and disappeared from the square in the blink of an eye.
Huang Xiaolong however, went to the library instead of
returning to the classroom.

The first floor of the library was opened to all Academy

students, however, battle skills and cultivation techniques
were kept on the second floor, third floor, and the fourth
floor. Therefore, only those that had accomplished tasks
issued by the Academy, and had a certain amount of
contribution points were allowed to go to those floors.

Of course, Huang Xiaolong didn’t enroll into the Academy to

learn their battle skills or cultivation techniques. Although
he had lived in this Martial Spirit World for almost ten years,
the things he understood were very little. So, he wanted to
read more books to learn about this world.

After reading two books on martial spirits, Huang Xiaolong

noticed a book titled ‘Supernatural Ability’ on a bookshelf.

Supernatural ability?

His curiosity was stoked, and he took the book then started
to flip through the pages. The more he read the more
captivated he became. The book not only described the
many different martial spirit supernatural abilities, but also
the usage, strengths, and weaknesses. Although it wasn’t in
full detail, it was enough to open a new door for Huang

A little more than an hour later, Huang Xiaolong returned

the book to its rack and picked another book.

While Huang Xiaolong was concentrating on books in the

library, the entire Academy was swept by a wave of intense
“I heard today in the new students’ assessment, a new
student called Huang Xiaolong nearly destroyed that
student Jiang Teng who possesses a grade eleven martial

“This is a hundred percent true! I was in the square at the

time-- that Huang Xiaolong suddenly exposed a peak late-
Fourth Order strength!”

“The peak late-Fourth Order! How old is this Huang

Xiaolong, not even ten, right? This is too terrifying!”

“I also heard that this Huang Xiaolong came to register with

the Principal’s recommendation letter; previously, Jiang Teng
called him a “waste” every time he opened his mouth!”

There was such discussion in every corner of the Cosmic

Star Academy, regardless of whether it was an older student
or teacher, they were all shocked when they heard it while
at the same time, everybody was trying to guess what
Huang Xiaolong’s martial spirit was.

It was near noon when Huang Xiaolong left the library. When
the older students who were present in the square that
morning recognized Huang Xiaolong, they started to point
and whisper with a weird expression.

Huang Xiaolong could hear the discussions around him, and

he shook his head; he hadn’t expected that news in this
world spread just as fast; after all, three hours had barely
passed since the incident in the morning.

“Young Master!” The waiting Fei Hou and the four Marshal
Mansion’s guards had seen Huang Xiaolong come out and
quickly went to him greeting him as they got nearer.
Huang Xiaolong nodded then took the five of them to
Tianxuan Mansion.

“Young Master, we heard you nearly wasted that Jiang

Teng!” On the way, Fei Hou said.

“You all heard about it?” Huang Xiaolong was surprised and
smiled bitterly.

The five of them laughed, and Fei Hou said, “That Jiang Teng
was the exalted Academy genius in more than a hundred
years possessing a superb talent martial spirit and he’s also
Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu’s disciple at the same time. The
matter about Young Master almost turning him into a waste
caused great waves that spread throughout all of Royal

It even spread throughout Royal City?

Huang Xiaolong was a little astonished and frowned, but he

gradually relaxed. It was useless to hide anymore-- soon
enough there would be people who would find out that he
had a vague connection with the Marshal’s Mansion.
Moreover, with Marshal Haotian’s presence, there shouldn’t
be anyone who dared to make a move against him; at least
he was still safe while in the Luo Tong Kingdom’s Royal City!

Soon, they arrived at the Tianxuan Mansion.

Allowing the four guards to stand down, Huang Xiaolong and

Fei Hou sat in the main hall where he asked Fei Hou about
his progress in practicing the ‘Liquid Thunder Arts’.

Fei Hou answered with a happy face, saying, “Sovereign,

your subordinate has been diligently practicing the
cultivation technique that you passed down in these past
few days, and my battle qi cultivation has increased

Based on the speed of his cultivation these past couple of

days, there was no need for five years-- perhaps in four
years’ time he could breakthrough into the Xiantian realm.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and he asked Fei Hou about the

matter regarding the purchase of slaves.

And Fei Hou reported everything in detail to Huang


For the last couple of days, Fei Hou carefully selected

twenty-six slaves and started to nurture them by teaching
cultivation techniques.

Listening to Fei Hou’s report, Huang Xiaolong nodded with


“I’ve decided that in two days I will go and train in the

Silvermoon Forest.” said Huang Xiaolong (in a low but
serious tone) after Fei Hou was done with his report. “I
should be back around the end of the year’s competition.”

“What? Sovereign, you want to go into the Silvermoon

Forest to train alone?” Fei Hou’s expression changed,
worried, he asked, “Sovereign, this, it’s better if Subordinate
accompanies you!”

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand saying, “No need. In the

upcoming five months, stay in the Tianxuan Mansion and
train the slaves. Also, you must diligently practice the Liquid
Thunder Arts every day.”

Fei Hou wanted to say more, but Huang Xiaolong shook his
head, “Don’t say any more, I’ve decided!” With his current
strength combined with his supernatural ability to conceal
himself within shadows, as long as he doesn’t venture too
deep into the forest, there won’t be much danger.
Furthermore, Huang Xiaolong didn’t want to continue relying
on Fei Hou and Marshal Haotian’s power.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong had made up his mind, Fei Hou
could only accept the order respectfully.

While Huang Xiaolong decided to enter the Silvermoon

Forest in two days’ time, on the other side of the Marshal
Mansion, there was an uninvited guest – Cosmic Star
Academy’s Principal, Sun Zhang!

Sun Zhang arrived in the Marshal Mansion and chatted

some miscellaneous stuff with Marshal Haotian before
stating the purpose of his visit: his desire to take Huang
Xiaolong as his disciple.

“What? You want to take Huang, Huang Xiaolong as your

disciple?” Marshal Haotian was shocked, so much so that
even his voice became awkward. Then, without any doubt or
hesitation, shook his head and said: “No!”

What a joke, Huang Xiaolong was their Asura’s Gate

Sovereign. How can a little Cosmic Star Academy’s Principal
qualify to have him as a disciple?

Enjoy reading!

Next release tmr.
Chapter 60: Isn’T He Your
Illegitimate Son?
Chapter 60: Isn’t he your Illegitimate Son?

“No?” Sun Zhang was sent into a daze for a moment by the
answer, he seemed like he had taken a great blow from
Marshal Haotian.

Originally, he had thought by virtue of his identity and by

personally coming here to the Marshal Mansion to receive
Huang Xiaolong as his disciple, Marshal Haotian would agree
happily, but he was actually refused.

Sun Zhang’s face darkened slightly with unhappiness.

Marshal Haotian saw Sun Zhang’s expression and he

thought for a moment before replying, “Sun Zhang, this
matter, I truly can’t make the decision!”

“You can’t decide?” Sun Zhang was stunned, “That Huang

Xiaolong, isn’t he your illegitimate child?”

Illegitimate child? Instantly, beads of sweat and black lines

appeared on Marshal Haotian’s forehead; this old thing
actually thought the Sovereign was his…?!

Marshal Haotian’s face was solemn and somber as he said,

“Sun Zhang, not to mention me, not even my Master can

“Your... your Master? Senior Yu Ming, can’t decide!” Shock

was obvious on his face; Yu Ming was a Tenth Order Xiantian
expert! But, Yu Ming can’t make such a small decision for
Huang Xiaolong?!

Then, what was Huang Xiaolong’s real identity?

Marshal Haotian nodded seriously at Sun Zhang.

The truth was, there was something that he didn’t say to

Sun Zhang and that was even his own Shizu was not
qualified to take Huang Xiaolong as a disciple.

Marshal Haotian’s Shizu!

Saying it out loud would be too shocking; thus, Marshal

Haotian kept it to himself and didn’t say it to Sun Zhang.

Although they were good friends, Marshal Haotian had

never spoken about his connection with Asura’s Gate, so
Sun Zhang didn’t know he was an Asura’s Gate disciple.

Not long later, Sun Zhang walked out from the Marshal
Mansion disappointed. He looked up to the blue sky with
floating groups of white clouds and the blaring sunlight.

“Didn’t expect that little guy’s identity to be so not simple.”

Sun Zhang muttered to himself. “Could he be that Duanren
Empire’s Prince?” Then, he shook his head, dismissing the

Leaving the Marshal Mansion, Sun Zhang headed straight

back to the Academy.

Night arrived.

The day’s heat slowly dissipated as night fell and a cool

breeze blew in the night.
Huang Xiaolong was sitting cross-legged on the cold jade
bed in the master bedroom of the Tianxuan Mansion. Battle
qi was circulating in his meridians; however, he wasn’t
practicing. These past couple of days, a thought stuck in his
mind; since his twin dragon martial spirits could fuse to
become one and they could separate to become two
independent entities, then maybe he could summon them
out individually.

And now how was experimenting how to accomplish an

individual summoning.

If he could control and summon only one of his martial

spirits out, then he wouldn’t need to worry about his twin
martial spirits being discovered by others. Under normal
circumstances or during battle, he would release just the
black dragon.

But despite two days’ worth of effort, every time Huang

Xiaolong summoned his martial spirits, both the black and
blue dragon would appear. This was akin to the left and right
hand writing different characters at the same time, an
impossible act.

Because humans can’t focus on two things at the same


Huang Xiaolong’s attempts failed again and again, but

Huang Xiaolong didn’t feel discouraged and continued to try
after each failure.

The night passed as dawn arrived bringing light. Although

he didn’t succeed, he found that his control over his twin
dragon martial spirits had become more refined.

Previously, he needed at least three breaths to summon his

martial spirits, but now he could do it within two breaths’ of

Coming out from his room into the yard, Huang Xiaolong
stretched his limbs a little then heard a loud bellowing voice
coming from the backyard. Curious, he strolled towards the
backyard to have a look. In the backyard Fei Hou and the
newly bought slaves were practicing the Luohan Fist: the fist
fighting style he taught Fei Hou and asked, Fei Hou to teach
it to the slaves.

Observing the slaves, Huang Xiaolong nodded in

satisfaction. In just a few days’ time, these slaves had
already familiarized themselves with the moves, showing
their battle skills and battle qi comprehension were quite
good. It was the requirement he had given Fei Hou-- the
people he wanted must fulfill two things: number one was
loyalty, and second, possessing a certain level of
comprehension in battle qi and battle skills.

“Young Master!” Seeing Huang Xiaolong strolling over, Fei

Hou quickly went up in greeting.

Huang Xiaolong nodded. Then he pointed at Beastman Boli

who was practicing Luohan Fist in the square, saying to Fei
Hou, “You guide Boli more so he can guide the other leaving
you time for your own practice.”

“Yes, Young Master!” Fei Hou replied respectfully.

‘Let’s go. Accompany me for a stroll outside.” Huang

Xiaolong said to Fei Hou. He had been in the Luo Tong
Kingdom’s Royal city for some days and had yet to take a
good look around. Thus, Huang Xiaolong decided to go out.

Also, he would be going to the Silvermoon Forest two days

later and would stay inside for five months. So, he wanted
to buy a few things and visit Li Lu as well as the Li Family’s
silk shop. He had grown taller since he left Huang Clan
Manor, reaching one hundred and fifty centimeters tall, so
he might as well have a few sets of new clothes made there.

Huang Xiaolong, Fei Hou, and the four Marshal Mansion

guards stepped out of Tianxuan Mansion and walked along
the streets.

The morning was bright, and the air fresh. Huang Xiaolong
was in a good mood as he walked along the street as it got
busier with the common folks, and the shops were also
opening for business for the day.

The truth was, living an ordinary life is also a kind of


Going through several streets, the six of them finally arrived

at the Li Family’s silk store shop.

Because it hadn’t been a week since the Academy lessons

had started, so Li Cheng who accompanied Li Lu over to the
Royal City hadn’t gone back to Canglan County. When he
saw that Huang Xiaolong’s group of people came, he quickly
came out from the inner hall to meet them.

“Xiaolong, Senior Fei Hou!” Li Cheng greeted full of smiles.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and called Li Cheng ‘Uncle’ as he

entered the shop with Fei Hou and the others.

Li Cheng invited them into the inner big hall, quickly

ordering the servants to serve tea. This time in the presence
of Huang Xiaolong, Li Cheng’s actions were a little stiff, and
when he sat down, his hands were trembling not knowing
what to do with them.
Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong guessed that Li Cheng already
knew about what happened during the new students’
assessment-- that he nearly turned Jiang Teng into a waste.
Li Cheng probably also heard the rumors that he had some
indeterminable connection with Marshal Haotian.

It was already spread to the whole Royal City, he being

connected to Marshal Haotian was no longer a secret.

As for what kind of connection it was, the public continued

to speculate and many different versions came out.

“Uncle, I came to order a few sets of clothes.” After sitting

down, Huang Xiaolong explained his purpose.

“Make a few set of clothes?” Li Cheng blanked for a moment

then quickly stood up. He personally went to the
measurements tool to record down Huang Xiaolong’s
measurements. Huang Xiaolong laughed, asking him to let
the servants do it. However, Li Cheng insisted on doing it
himself which left Huang Xiaolong feeling embarrassed and

As he watched Li Cheng taking his measurements, Huang

Xiaolong couldn’t help but think of his parents in Huang Clan
Manor, Huang Peng and Su Yan. If they knew he was in the
Royal City, and Li Cheng was taking his measurements
personally, what would they think?

It was done quickly, and they both sat down. After he

thought about something for a moment, he said to Li Cheng,
“Uncle, my mom and dad don’t know that I’m here in the
Royal City. For the time being, I would like to keep this from
them in case they worry too much. When you return, please
don’t mention this to my parents.”
Understanding the underlying meaning of Huang Xiaolong’s
words, Li Cheng reassured him with haste, “Xiaolong, don’t
worry. I won’t say any of these things when I return.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded his head. Otherwise, when he

returned at the end of the year, both of them definitely
would pester him with many questions about this.

At this time at the storefront, there was a sudden

commotion and angry shouting voices.

Huang Xiaolong frowned at the loud noises-- he could tell

that someone was trying to make trouble outside. Also, Li
Cheng’s expression wasn’t nice when he heard the angry,
scolding voices from the store front.

These past few days, there was someone who intentionally

came to make trouble, even aggressively assaulting and
injuring the shop workers. He didn’t expect that they would
show up again today.


Shizhu- lit. Master Ancestor; higher than Grandmaster.

Yu Ming is Haotian (a Second Order Xiantian) and Fei Hou's



Next Release: tmr
Chapter 61: Eradicate The
Marshal’S Mansion?
Chapter 61: Eradicate the Marshal’s Mansion?

The noise of arguing voices outside the storefront grew

louder and Li Cheng could no longer ignore it-- he finally
stood up, saying “Xiaolong, Senior Fei Hou, please sit for a
moment while I go out and handle the matter.”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “We’ll go out together.”

Since someone came to make trouble in front of the Li
Family’s silk shop, he was too embarrassed to sit and do

Hearing that Huang Xiaolong wanted to go out together with

him, Li Cheng’s heart swam with joy. Thus, the seven people
stepped out of the inner main hall towards the shop’s

When they came to the shop’s front, they saw more than a
dozen people wearing green-colored clothes smashing and
throwing things belonging to the shop onto the floor.

This group of people was cursing angry words while

destroying the shop’s items.

“Is this what they call silk? All these are smelly cloth taken
from garbage dumps, such terrible, foul smell! You dare to
use this kind of smelly cloth to make our clothes, your
mother, you must be tired of living!”

“Smash everything, no need to hold back!”

Some of the store workers that tried to stop these hooligans
were treated with unruly punches and kicks. There were
already six to seven workers groaning in pain on the floor, it
seemed their injuries were not light.

“Stop! Stop your actions!” Confronted with this situation, Li

Cheng yelled anxiously and had an ugly expression on his

The men in green clothing pretended they didn’t hear him;

but instead, it seemed as if they even exerted much more
effort in their wanton destruction.

Li Cheng became furious, walked forward and was about to

attack when suddenly, one of the green-clothed men flew
towards Li Cheng with his arms spread out. His finger curled
into claws aiming at Li Cheng-- his atmosphere was quite
strong, a late Seventh Order.

With the man coming at him out of nowhere, Li Cheng was

shocked. As he raised his hand up to defend himself, a
silhouette acted faster than him and used a palm to slap
away the green-clothed attacker, who flew away screaming,
landing on the shop floor with a bang. His body curled into a
lump and from the look of it, he wouldn’t survive.

The one who deflected the attack was one of the Marshal’s
Mansion Ninth Order guards.

The abrupt change in situation caused the other green-

clothed men to pause their acts of destruction and look over
in the guard’s direction.

A middle-aged man, who seemed to be the leader of the

group, glanced at his companion that was on the floor
curling in pain, his face became solemn. Then, his attention
turned towards Huang Xiaolong’s group.
“Who are you all? This is our Green Hawk Gang’s matter,
you had better mind your own business and not stick your
noses into other people’s problem!” The middle-aged man
‘kindly’ advised them in a sullen voice.

The group of men in green gathered behind the burly

middle-aged man after they had stopped smashing things
around the silk store.

“Green Hawk Gang!” Li Cheng’s face lost its color.

Green Hawk Gang? Huang Xiaolong’s eyes showed

confusion and cluelessness. And at this point, a Marshal’s
Mansion guard stepped forward and said, “Young Master,
this Green Hawk Gang in one of three biggest gangs in the
Royal City. The gang leader, Jiang Wei is a Tenth Order
warrior, and has good connections with some of the city’s

One of three biggest gangs in the Royal City? Huang

Xiaolong nodded his head, in simple terms these so-called
gangs were similar to those mafia syndicates on Earth.
However, since this Green Hawk Gang was said to be one of
three biggest gangs, their forces didn’t seem to be weak.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Li Cheng; in his opinion, the Green

Hawk Gang shouldn’t have any grudges with the Li Family.
So, there was only one possibility: the other side got orders
from someone.

“That’s right, we are from the Green Hawk Gang, one of the
three biggest gangs in the Royal City!” The middle-aged
man declared arrogantly. His eyes moved from one face to
the other and stopped on Huang Xiaolong’s, glaring at him
with a trace of viciousness, “Within the Royal City, not many
people dare to injure our people!”
Huang Xiaolong remained aloof, “Speak, who instructed you
to make trouble here?”

When the middle-aged man heard this question, his face

was gloomy, “Punk, which family are you from? Your words
and actions could bring annihilation to your entire family!”

This sentence wasn’t just a false threat to frighten people;

the families that went against the Green Hawk Gang in the
Royal City didn’t have happy endings.

After the middle-aged man said those threatening words,

the four guards from the Marshal’s Mansion behind Huang
Xiaolong exchanged knowing glances and broke out in loud

Entire family’s annihilation?

One such as the Green Hawk Gang wants to annihilate the

Marshal Mansion?

Even Huang Xiaolong couldn’t resist shaking his head with a

faint smile.

Seeing themselves being laughed at by the four guards from

the Marshal’s Mansion (but he didn’t realize their identities),
the members of the gang grew gloomier.

At this point, Huang Xiaolong turned to the four guards and

said, “You guys, arrest them and find out who ordered them
to make trouble here.”

“Yes, Young Master!”

Hearing this, the middle-aged man’s face looked ugly and

was about to retreat, but it was already too late. The four
guards from the Marshal’s Mansion flashed from their
original position and blocked their escape path-- at the
same time, they rained attacks on the group of green-
clothed ‘hawks’.

Pitiful screams sounded in the silk store.

This group of Green Hawk Gang members were mostly of

the Fifth and Sixth Order strength; the middle-aged man was
slightly stronger than the rest, but even he was still only a
peak late-Seventh Order. How was he an opponent against
the Marshal Mansion guards? In less than the time it would
take to drink a cup of tea, the four guards had dealt with
them, leaving them lying down on the floor.

One of the Marshal’s Mansion guards, a Tenth Order Warrior

named Wang Ning, stared at the middle-aged leader and a
cold voice sounded, “Our Young Master asked, who gave the
order for you to make trouble here?!”

The middle-aged man cried ‘pei’ and spat out some frothy
blood, not answering the question.

Seeing this, Wang Ning sneered. His hands shaped into

claws and grabbed the man’s hands and gave both of them
a twist, breaking the hands without mercy.

An agonizing scream came from the middle-aged man.

“If you would prefer not to have both of your legs suffer the
same fate, you had better answer the question honestly.”
Wang Ning’s cold voice sounded.

“I, I’ll talk!” His face already turned deadly pale, his voice
shook as he said, “More than ten days ago, a person came
looking for our Green Hawk Gang’s leader, and ordered him
to do so, told us to come here and make trouble!”
“Ordered?” A light flickered in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. To be
able to order the Green Hawk Gang’s leader around, this
person’s identity definitely wasn’t simple.

Who could this person be? Why target the Li Family?

Even the burly middle-aged man didn’t know that person’s

identity, thus questioning him further solved nothing.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Li Cheng, and Li Cheng shook his

head. He couldn’t seem to figure out who his family had a
grudge with that would be so bad.

“Could it be them?” Suddenly, Li Cheng’s face paled and

said to Huang Xiaolong, “Xiaolong, do you remember the
day of my father’s eightieth birthday?” As he said this, grief
and resentment appeared on his face.

Eightieth birthday? Huang Xiaolong thought of the Old

Patriarch Li, Li Mu’s birthday banquet two years ago. The
two mysterious people with poisonous snake martial spirits?

At that time, the other side sent Li Lu’s elder brother, Li

Feng’s corpse, as a birthday gift.

Huang Xiaolong’s head turned towards the Tenth Order

guard, Wang Ning, asking him “Where is the Green Hawk
Gang’s headquarters located?” Whether or not this was
ordered by those two mysterious people, things would be
clearer if they asked the Green Hawk Gang’s leader, Jiang

Since the Huang Clan Manor and the Li Family were old
friends and this happened in front of him, he couldn’t
pretend not to see.
“Replying Young Master, the Green Hawk Gang’s
headquarters is in the south corner of the city, not far from
here.” Wang Ning quickly replied.

“Xiaolong, I’m going together with you!” At this time, Li

Cheng recovered and stood up. The Li family has been
searching for those murderers’ whereabouts. Every time he
thought of the way his son died, Li Cheng felt he would
drown with grief.

Seeing Li Cheng’s simmering anger, Huang Xiaolong nodded

in agreement. He looked at Fei Hou and Wang Ning saying,
“Bring him along, we’re paying the Green Hawk Gang’s
leader a visit.” A finger pointed at the burly middle-aged
man on the floor.

“Yes, Young Master!” Wang Ning and the rest acknowledged


Thus, Huang Xiaolong, Li Cheng, and the others walked out

of the silk store and headed towards the south side of the
city, towards the Green Hawk Gang’s headquarters.


Last chapter of the week: Tmr
Chapter 62: Poison Blood Palm

It didn’t take too long for Huang Xiaolong and his group to
arrive at the Green Hawk Gang’s headquarters.

The Green Hawk Gang's headquarters was located on the

south corner of the city so it was a little out of the way, but
it covered a large area and was bigger than Huang
Xiaolong’s Tianxuan Mansion by a few folds.

In front of the main entrance of the headquarters stood two

huge stone hawk statues and both statues were entirely

But, what surprised Huang Xiaolong was that there were no

Green Hawk Gang members guarding the main entrance
when they arrived.

One of three Royal City’s biggest gang had no people

guarding the headquarter's entrance! And the surrounding
area was too quiet.

“As we go in, everyone be very careful.” Huang Xiaolong

reminded those with him.

“Yes, Young Master!” Everyone nodded-- Fei Hou and the

rest already noticed the strange silence in the air.

As the group neared the main entrance of the Green Hawk

Gang’s headquarters, Huang Xiaolong smelled a faint trace
of blood; although it was very faint, but he was sure that it
was blood.

As they got closer, they would occasionally come across

trails of blood on the stone floor.
But despite that, there were no signs of the Green Hawk
Gang’s disciples, causing everyone to feel weird and
creeped out.

Huang Xiaolong’s brows furrowed.

Soon, they got to the main hall. An empty main hall to be

exact. But, on the golden throne center-piece was a middle-
aged man with thick eyebrows wearing a hawk-patterned

Huang Xiaolong’s group exchanged a look amongst


“He is the Green Hawk Gang leader, Jiang Wei!” blurted out
the Marshal Mansion guard, Wang Ning, when he saw the
dead middle-aged man on the golden seat.

Huang Xiaolong quickly walked up, followed by the others

behind him. Jiang Wei’s corpse was sprawled on the chair
and both of his eyes were shut tightly. There wasn’t any
breath left in him, but there was no blood or wound on his
body that Huang Xiaolong could see.

A thought flashed across his mind, and Huang Xiaolong

raised his palm and hit the center of Jiang Wei’s chest and
the hawk-patterned robe exploded into pieces. With the
robe gone,

Everyone saw on Jiang Wei’s naked chest that there was a

muted green palm print. The flesh around the palm print
had started to rot and numerous black-green lines spread
out from the palm print towards other areas of the body.

“A very powerful poison palm strike!” All around everyone’s

faces were shocked.
“This should be the low-grade Earth rank battle skill, Poison
Blood Palm!” Fei Hou added.

Poison Blood Palm!

Wang Ning and the three other guards swallowed loudly.

“Thirty years ago, one of our Luo Tong Kingdom’s County

Dukes and his entire household from top to bottom all died
under this poisonous palm strike.”

Despite making all efforts to catch the killer, it was as if the

murderer disappeared into thin air after that incident and
has never appeared again since then. I didn’t expect to
come across this again now!” said Chen Yu who was another
Tenth Order Marshal Mansion guard.

A County Duke was equivalent to a Huaxia province

governor-- a County Duke and an entire household and no
less than a thousand guards were killed. The level of turmoil
caused by that incident could be imagined.

A light flickered in Huang Xiaolong’s pupils and the matter

looked more complicated than he had thought. Jiang Wei
being dead was beyond his expectation; moreover, he was
killed by the Poison Blood Palm.

Could the person who killed Jiang Wei be the same one who
ordered him to send disciples to make trouble at the Li
Family’s silk store? And is the killer one of the mysterious
people that appeared during Li Mu’s birthday celebration

“Young Master, how should we deal with him?” At this time,

Fei Hou pointed at the middle-aged man, the leader of the
group who made trouble earlier.
“Please, please, I beg you, don’t kill me! Don’t kill me!” The
man looked uneasy, anxiously begging Huang Xiaolong for

Huang Xiaolong’s sullen voice said, “Let him go.”

Everyone was surprised but no one objected.

But the two Ninth Order Marshal Mansion guards said ‘yes’
respectfully, and released him.

“Thank you, thank you!” The Green Hawk Gang group

leader was overjoyed, thanking Huang Xiaolong incessantly
before fleeing away in panic.

However, the moment his figure disappeared from view, a

loud wail was heard. Everyone was shocked as figures
flashed out from the main hall in the next moment and
found the middle-aged Green Hawk Gang man crumpled on
the floor some distance away. Already dead from the looks
of it.

Huang Xiaolong walked to the dead body, and pushed away

the clothes from the chest, revealing an imprint of a Poison
Blood Palm strike.

Fei Hou, Wang Ning, and Chen Yu immediately scanned the

area, looking alerted.

“Fei Hou, go check the surroundings!” said Huang Xiaolong

as he stood up.

“Yes, Young Master!” Fei Hou said, and he leaped up to the

rooftop, disappearing in a flash. A short while later, Fei Hou
returned shaking his head at Huang Xiaolong and
respectfully reported, “Young Master, the other party used a
type of movement battle skill (similar to qi qong), and it was
too fast and your subordinate was unable to catch up. In this
subordinate’s opinion, the other party is a peak late-Tenth
Order expert!”

A peak late-Tenth Order!

Huang Xiaolong frowned, his usual and clear voice sullen

with disappointment, “Let us go back and talk.”

Not long after they left the scene, the news about the Green
Hawk Gang’s leader, Jiang Wei, being killed spread with
rapid speed in the Royal City, causing an uproar.

The Green Hawk Gang’s leader was a Tenth Order warrior

and had more than a thousand subordinates under him, yet
he was killed. The topic was discussed in every corner of the

Night, the Tianxuan Mansion’s main hall.

Huang Xiaolong was seated down as Fei Hou briefed Marshal

Haotian about the details of what happened earlier in the
day at the Green Hawk Gang’s headquarter. And hearing it
made Marshal Haotian look solemn.

“Haotian, arrange some people to protect Li Lu and Li

Cheng.” Huang Xiaolong said.

“Yes Sovereign, rest assured, I will make proper

arrangements.” Marshal Haotian answered with due respect,
“Subordinate will investigate this matter and capture the
person!” Then, he hesitated for a second before continuing
“Sovereign, your practice trip to the Silvermoon Forest in
two days is too dangerous. Moreover, now that this kind of
incident has happened; it would be best to have Fei Hou,
Wang Ning, and the others to go with you!”
Despite Marshal Haotian’s persuasion, Huang Xiaolong
shook his head. “No need.” If he ran into a Xiantian realm
expert, the level of danger would be the same even with Fei
Hou and the guards around. And his main purpose was to
train-- having them on this trip would be inconvenient.

“As for the Academy, please pass on information to Sun

Zhang about my absence.” He planned to train and stay in
the Silvermoon Forest for five months; given that it was
such a long period, of course, he needed to notify the

Marshal Haotian nodded and accepted the task.

A while later, Fei Hou and Marshal Haotian left.

Huang Xiaolong returned to his room and took out the cold
jade bed. Once again, he sat cross-legged, trying to learn
how to summon a single dragon martial spirit.

Time flies and two days came and went.

These past two days, Fei Hou had prepared everything that
Huang Xiaolong would need in the coming five months and
the sets of new clothes ordered from the Li Family silk shop
were personally delivered by Li Cheng.

In the two days’ training, although he still couldn’t summon

his martial spirits individually, but he had some headway. He
believed he would succeed.

Within these two days, Li Lu came to visit Huang Xiaolong

once at Tianxuan Mansion, bringing along Li Cheng.
Naturally, she was depressed and sulky when she heard that
Huang Xiaolong planned to go away and train in the
Silvermoon Forest; however, before she left Tianxuan
Mansion, Li Lu turned around and in a serious but resolute
tone said to Huang Xiaolong, “Xiaolong, I will also work hard
and cultivate to become a qualified wife for you!” After she
made her declaration, she kissed Huang Xiaolong on the

Coming out from his room, Huang Xiaolong thought of the

words Li Lu said yesterday and unconsciously, his hand
rubbed the spot Li Lu kissed on his left cheek. Smiling
bitterly to himself he thought, this girl!

One hour later, Huang Xiaolong had packed everything he

needed into the Asura Ring and left Tianxuan Mansion,
exiting the Royal City alone and walking towards the
Silvermoon Forest.

This trip, although Fei Hou wasn’t with him, he brought the
little violet monkey along. With the little guy, he wouldn’t
feel dull and bored in the coming five months of hard


See you guys next week Wednesday!

@Stevie-Boy Thanks for always being there with an extra

sharp eye.
Chapter 63: Underground Giant Tree

Two months later, inside a cave somewhere within the

Silvermoon Forest, Huang Xiaolong was sitting in a cross-
legged position. Battle qi glowed in the cave for a long time
when suddenly, the space behind him vibrated as a black
dragon emerged, floating behind his head.

Seconds after this black dragon appeared, it disappeared

with a flash and was replaced by a blue dragon. And the
blue dragon also floated behind Huang Xiaolong.

Two months of persistence and hard work finally brought

results! Huang Xiaolong could now summon his martial
spirits individually!

That’s right, a separate, individual summoning!

After two months in the forest, Huang Xiaolong had grown

stronger compared to when he left the Tianxuan Mansion,
and even his aura changed. His battle qi cultivation had
advanced from early-Sixth Order to the peak of the early-
Sixth Order.

Moonlight shone down, resembling water, and the cave’s

surrounding was quiet.

In the cave, the black light and the blue light continued to
flicker alternately.

About an hour later, the lights stopped flickering in the cave

as Huang Xiaolong sent his twin dragon martial spirits back
into his body; his eyes opened and he stood up and walked
out of the cave.
Outside the cave, in the quiet moonlit forest, he did not see
the little violet monkey which made Huang Xiaolong shake
his head. This little guy surely took the opportunity to sneak
out again while he was practicing.

Leaving the cave area, he jumped down while the Blades of

Asura were already in his hands. His feet tapped the ground
and his body leaped up-- the blades in his hands swung out
and blades’ attacks fell downward, akin to a cluster of stars.
Sometimes it was violent like an angry roaring storm,
sometimes it was soft and gentle, minuscule and hard to
detect by the eye.

An Asura’s wail echoed and drifted in the air as if it had a

mind of its own.

In the past two months, he had also focused on training

Tears of Asura and the level of power he could display had
increased significantly.

With his progress and persistent training, Huang Xiaolong

estimated that in six months’ time he could achieve major
completion for the Tears of Asura technique.

Suddenly, while Huang Xiaolong was engrossed in training,

the ground below him shook with “Hong! Hong! Hong!”
sounds. Violent tremors snaked closer to Huang Xiaolong’s

Huang Xiaolong turned around and saw that some distance

away, a huge thirty-meters tall gorilla was chasing a half-
meter tall little monkey, and the gorilla and monkey were
heading towards his direction.

The gorilla was in hot pursuit and his hands slammed down
repeatedly on the ground, in an effort to smash the little
monkey, but each attack was a failure. Just before the big
palm would land a hit, the little monkey flashed and its
figure avoided the danger of being squashed into
mincemeat. This made the gorilla roar with fury.

Looking at the hilarious scene before him, Huang Xiaolong

couldn’t help but chuckle. This little guy!

The one being chased by the huge gorilla was the same
little violet monkey that had sneaked out to play.

Everytime Huang Xiaolong focused his attention on training,

the little violet monkey would run out. And every time it
returned, there would be a big guy chasing behind him. This
wasn’t the first time the little violet monkey came back this

Sometimes, it really gave Huang Xiaolong a headache.

“Zhi zhi zhi!” From far away, the little violet monkey’s eyes
lit up when it spotted Huang Xiaolong. Immediately, it
quickly gestured at Huang Xiaolong, obviously saying there
is work to do!

At this time, the huge gorilla launched another attack, its

big palm slammed down at the little violet monkey.

“Bang!” A loud sound rang out and the spot where the little
violet monkey was earlier sunk in with crushed stones
scattered about, showing a huge palm shape imprint. The
little violet monkey jumped away clutching his butt; it
turned and squeaked angrily at the gorilla. Just now, that big
guy’s attack nearly destroyed its small butt.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head while laughing at the little

guy’s antics; his silhouette flashed and when he reappeared
he was already in midair with his blades, swinging at the
huge gorilla.
Seeing that Huang Xiaolong had started to attack, the little
violet monkey stopped running and attacked the gorilla
together with him.

This huge gorilla was a type of beast with a body as hard as

steel. Not only did it possess a great amount of strength, its
body also had a high defense; its hard skin was like a layer
of iron and usually sparks broke out when normal iron
weapons clashed with it.

Normally, it’s hard to come across a Steel Gorilla-- one really

had to wonder where the little guy ran into it.

Luckily, this Steel Gorilla had yet to breakthrough to Grade

Seven and was still a peak late-Grade Six. With Huang
Xiaolong’s Blades of Asura, the hard, steel-like skin was like
mud and in just a few minutes, its throat was slashed by his

Blood spurted out and the Steel Gorilla crashed down to the

After the little violet monkey was sure the Steel Gorilla could
no longer move, it ran up to the corpse and his small hands
began to search for battle trophies.

It clawed open the corpse’s head and fished out a beast

core and its mouth opened and swallow the beast core

Huang Xiaolong couldn’t figure out how the little monkey

could distinguish between beasts that had cores and those
that didn’t; in general, it was rare for demonic beasts below
Grade Seven to have a beast core. However, every demonic
beast the little monkey provoked was guaranteed to have
condensed out a beast core.
After the beast core went into the little monkey’s stomach,
Huang Xiaolong walked up to the corpse. Both of his hands
formed into claws and he began sucking out the blood soul
qi from the Steel Gorilla’s corpse-- he sucked it out and the
black threads were absorbed into Huang Xiaolong’s
meridians through the veins in his hands.

When every trace of the Steel Gorilla’s blood soul qi had

entered Huang Xiaolong’s body, he leaped up and clawed at
a big tree twenty meters away.

Moonlight disappeared from the area as if swallowed by


Two black claw prints appeared in the air.

“Bang!” A loud sound resounded in the darkness. The big

tree twenty meters away had two half-meter long tree
marks with a half foot depth, ripped out by Huang Xiaolong.
This left two black claw prints on the tree trunk and the
deathly aura of ghosts around the tree, exuding a dark
energy that caused the tree’s leaves to gradually turn
yellow and then black.

Looking at the result of the Asura Demon Claw’s first style –

Lament of Thousands of Demons, Huang Xiaolong nodded to
himself in satisfaction.

While training in the Silvermoon Forest for the past two

months, not only had he succeeded in individually
summoning his martial spirits, but all his battle skills had
increased in power including the Body Metamorphose

He wouldn’t have been able to progress at such speed if he

remained training in the Tianxuan Mansion or the Academy.
Suddenly, the little violet monkey beside him squeaked.

“Are you saying that in this Steel Gorilla’s lair you found
some treasure?” asked Huang Xiaolong when the little
monkey finished gesturing. The little violet monkey nodded
its head; it turned around and beckoned Huang Xiaolong to
follow it as it scurried off in the direction it first appeared
from when it was being chased by the Steel Gorilla.

Roughly twenty minutes later, a boy and a monkey arrived

at a section of lush forest and saw the entrance of an
enormous cave.

“Zhi zhi zhi!” Entering the giant cave, the little monkey grew
even more excited and it squeaked cheerfully. It was the
first to rush in with Huang Xiaolong following from behind.

As they walked into the cave, a light scent wafted towards


And soon the fragrant scent became stronger as they went

in deeper into the cave.

Some time later, Huang Xiaolong reached a spacious

underground part of the cave that looked to be about a
thousand square meters large. From the ground to the
ceiling was a height of about thirty meters. And in this
underground cave, there was a giant tree so big that it
needed seven to eight people to fully hug the tree. Branches
stretched in all directions of the cave and some roots were
crawling along the cave wall.

Between the dense leaves of the giant tree were little

sparkling lights.

Huang Xiaolong was dazed for a moment when he saw the

giant tree, and soon it was followed by a feeling of ecstasy
and disbelief, “This, this is a cycad tree?!”

A Cycad tree bears a strange fruit called cycad fruit. For

those who cultivate battle qi, not only can this fruit enhance
one’s battle qi, it also could enhance the physical body –
from strengthening all the muscles and bones, the flesh,
and even the internal organs. Eating cycad fruits on a long
term basis could increase the body's defense, making it
become as hard as steel, just like the Steel Gorilla. Common
swords or blades would find it hard to penetrate through the

“Zhi zhi zhi!” At this time, the little violet monkey dashed
towards the giant tree and was already climbing up the
trunk; tiny hands plucked a cycad fruit and swallowed it
whole with a ‘gulu’ sound.

Huang Xiaolong smiled. Sometimes he wondered if the little

violet monkey’s nose is a dog nose, probably its nose was
even better than a dog’s. If not, how can it smell out
treasure fruits within a hundred li?


Cycad (possible) appearance

Name Change - Asura Claw first move changed from Hiss of

Thousand Demons to Lament of Thousands of Demons.


Next release: tmr
Chapter 64: Just One Sword Strike

Huang Xiaolong arrived under the huge cycad tree and his
hands enveloped with battle qi to claw at a cycad fruit. His
left hand received the falling cycad fruit, then he brought it
to his mouth and bit into it.

Instantly, ambrosia nectar filled Huang Xiaolong’s mouth,

and when he swallowed, warm energy flowed into his veins
and meridians.

He quickly sat down and ran through the Asura Tactics to

refine the energy from the cycad fruit.

As he refined the cycad fruit, Sixth Order netherworld battle

qi started to surge, rolling and crashing in his meridians. At
the same time, Huang Xiaolong felt faint traces of the cycad
fruit’s spiritual energy nourishing all the muscles, bones,
and internal organs of his body, strengthening them and
making them firmer.

One black and one blue dragon floated around Huang

Xiaolong as the netherworld spiritual aura gushed down on

After he had broken through to the Sixth Order, the speed at

which his martial spirits devoured netherworld spiritual
energy had increased once again.

Night passed.

Rays of sunlight shining down from the mountain peaks fell

on Huang Xiaolong’s body, warming him.

Withdrawing the twin dragons back into his body, Huang

Xiaolong stopped running the Asura Tactics cultivation
technique and got up. Both fists suddenly punched out at a
cave wall twenty meters away and left a foot deep mark.

The cave wall shook and loose rocks tumbled down.

This result caused his eyes to light up in excitement-- this

cycad fruit was truly something special. Just one night of
cultivation had increased his physical power significantly
and when attacking, the explosive power of his muscles and
tendons had become a lot stronger.

If he continued to cultivate this way, by just relying on his

physical body and its explosive power, he was already a
level stronger when compared with warriors of the same

As he lowered his hands, Huang Xiaolong looked around the

cave and noticed that the little violet monkey was refining
the cycad fruit’s energy while seated on one of the tree’s
branches. The little guy was a puzzle: no matter what type
of beast core it swallowed, it didn’t need to spend time
refining them, but when it came to wondrous fruits like the
Yang Fruit and cycad fruit, it did need to spend time refining

But, if it wasn’t so, the little guy would be too much of a


Seeing that the little monkey was still refining the cycad
fruit, Huang Xiaolong did not disturb it and he walked some
distance away to a spacious spot and called out the Blades
of Asura and began to hone his Tears of Asura skill.

Time slowly passed this way.

Another month passed quickly.

In the past month, Huang Xiaolong spent most of his time
practicing in the underground cave; during the day, he
focused on the Asura Sword Skill and the Asura Demon
Claw, but at night, he swallowed a cycad fruit and cultivated
his Asura Tactics and the Body Metamorphose Scripture.

Occasionally, Huang Xiaolong would leave the cave with the

little violet monkey to hunt demonic beasts together.

Huang Xiaolong had been swallowing a cycad fruit to aid his

cultivation every day and after one month of nourishment,
all his body’s muscles, bones, and internal organs were
stronger by more than a fold compared to a month before

Furthermore, in the last couple of days with the assistance

of the cycad fruit, he had finally advanced to mid-Sixth

Mid-Sixth Order!

In general, people who possessed grade ten martial spirits

needed to cultivate for a year to a year and a half before
they could reach mid-Sixth Order from early Sixth Order.
Huang Xiaolong, however, only used three months’ time to

In the past thirty days, there had been a little more than a
hundred fruits on the cycad fruit tree, yet Huang Xialong
and the little violet monkey consumed more than half of the

On this particular day, while Huang Xiaolong was sitting

cross-legged under the cycad tree, cultivating, footsteps of
people entering the cave could be heard.

Huang Xiaolong was alerted and he stopped practicing.

And at this point, the voices were loud enough for Huang
Xiaolong to hear.

“That cycad tree really grows in this underground cave?”

“It shouldn’t be wrong. According to the Treasure Mirror’s

indication, that cycad tree should be in this cave! The nice
scent we smelled earlier is definitely the cycad fruits’

The group of footsteps grew closer and louder.

From the voices, the newcomers were likely to be two


Huang Xiaolong stood up, and the little violet monkey

scurried down the tree trunk and leaped onto Huang
Xiaolong’s shoulder; on its little face was a wary expression
as it looked in the direction of the underground cave’s

Not long after, two twenty-something-year-old young men


Both men wore light black-colored clothes and on their

chests were the pattern of a mystical bird, showing that
both men were disciples of the same sect.

On arriving at the underground cave, both men were

surprised to see Huang Xiaolong and the little violet
monkey. Apparently, they didn’t expect to find anybody
here, not to mention a little child and a monkey.

However, when they noticed the giant tree behind Huang

Xiaolong, their eyes shone brightly, filled with mad ecstasy.

“Cycad tree!”
“There really is a cycad tree in this underground cave!”

One of them of broke out in loud laughter, “Haha, Wu Gan,

I’ve already said the Treasure Mirror was right! The cycad
tree is here in this underground cave and with these cycad
fruits, we will be able to breakthrough to the Seventh

“You’re right and at the end of the year’s outer disciples’

sect competition, we will be able to get in the top three!”
responded Wu Gan, the thinner and taller one as he laughed

Both of them were talking and laughing, totally ignoring

Huang Xiaolong, who looked like a harmless child and the
little violet monkey.

In their eyes, these cycad fruits were already theirs.

Huang Xiaolong kept silent the entire time. He watched

them with interest: from their clothes, he guessed these two
should be the disciples of Nine Phoenix Valley from the
neighboring kingdom, the Baolong Kingdom.

The Nine Phoenix Valley was quite a powerful force in the

Baolong Kingdom and could be considered as one of the
kingdom’s top forces.

After laughing for a while, Wu Gan and the other disciple

finally stopped and turned their attention to Huang

“What do we do with this kid?” Wu Gan asked, “How did he

get here? Did he get separated from his family’s elders and
arrived here by accident?”
The other Nine Phoenix Valley disciple, Chen Yun, sneered,
“Why care about how this kid came here? No matter what,
this secret can not be leaked; the cycad tree bears a
hundred fruits or so every year and with these fruits, within
ten years, our cultivation can reach the Eighth Order!” After
he said that, he walked towards Huang Xiaolong.

Ten meters away from Huang Xiaolong, Chen Yun

unsheathed his long sword as he looked at Huang Xiaolong,
saying, “Kid, initially your luck wasn’t bad to actually find
this place, and from the looks of it, you have eaten quite a
number of cycad fruits, how was the fruit’s taste? Delicious?
Too bad you bumped into us, and now everything here
belongs to us!”

“And the only thing left for you is to die!”

The long sword in Chen Yun’s hand suddenly stabbed at

Huang Xiaolong’s throat.

“Don’t worry, with just one sword strike, you won’t feel any

Just when the long sword in Chen Yun’s hand was about to
stab into Huang Xiaolong’s throat, it stopped midway. Chen
Yun’s face stiffened as he looked on with disbelief: the tip of
his longsword was pinched in between two fingers.

While he was still stunned, Huang Xiaolong flashed and

disappeared. A cold light blade edge slashed past.

Chen Yun’s body remained rigid still as both of his eyes

slacked and slowly dimmed, then his body fell to the

“You’re right-- just one sword strike, it won’t be painful.”

Huang Xiaolong said; his expression cold.
Chen Yun’s body fell to the ground and only then, did blood
start to seep out from his throat.

“Chen Yun!” Not far away, Wu Gan shouted when he saw his
comrade tumbling to the ground. By this time, Huang
Xiaolong had already started moving in his direction.

“You!” Wu Gan’s expression changed for the worse; full of

fear, he stepped back unconsciously. Till this very moment,
he still couldn’t believe that Chen Yun actually died at the
hands of the ten-year-old child before him.

Like him, Chen Yun was a peak late-Sixth Order!


Baolong Kingdom – Savage Dragon Kingdom.
Chapter 65: Return To The
Royal City
Chapter 65: Return to the Royal City

“Who exactly are you?” Wu Gan was frightened as he looked

at the approaching Huang Xiaolong and he blurted out the

“Who I am is not important,” said Huang Xiaolong as he

kept walking closer, pressuring the other man as he moved
forward with an indifferent expression. In Huang Xiaolong’s
opinion, who he was truly wasn’t important because he and
this person would not meet each other again.

Wu Gan detected the killing intent in Huang Xiaolong’s

words and Wu Gan abruptly turned around and his body
became like the wind, already escaping towards the
entrance of the cave tunnel.

But, he had just gotten there when a figure blocked his path.
In front of him, a burst of a fierce aura swirled towards Wu
Gan, making him retreat in fright.

Retreating to his original spot, he saw that it was actually

the little monkey who had blocked his path!

Seeing the person retreat to the original spot, the little

violet monkey grinned and squeaked, making Huang
Xiaolong smile. This Nine Phoenix Valley disciple might not
have understood what the little monkey said, but Huang
Xiaolong did: the little guy was basically saying-- you want
to run, you must first ask, I, your Monkey Father’s claws

Although Wu Gan can't understand the little violet monkey,

but the mockery in the blue pupils needed no explanation.
Furious at being made fun of by a little animal, Wu Gan fully
released his battle qi and summoned his martial spirit.

Huang Xiaolong was surprised; this Wu Gan’s martial spirit

was a toad type demonic beast, but the only difference was
this martial spirit had a tail at its end.

“What kind of martial spirit is this?”

Although Huang Xiaolong had read a lot of books relating to

martial spirits in the Cosmic Star Academy, he still wasn’t
able to recognize this martial spirit. However, in the Martial
Spirit World, martial spirits exist in countless forms and
there were also many variational martial spirits such that
even a Saint level warrior who had a thousand year lifespan
wouldn’t necessarily know either.

After summoning his martial spirit, Wu Gan suddenly swung

his sword towards the little violet monkey.

“Sunset on the Long River!”

Sword rays shot forward as if sinking down into the ground,

and while the sword rays looked gentle, they contained an
endless murderous aura.

When the little violet monkey saw the attack, he grinned

and instead of retreating, it leaped forward and both of its
sharp claws struck out. Claw prints overlapped and space
Huang Xiaolong stood there, he had no inclination of joining
the fight. He could see that the Nine Phoenix Valley’s
disciple hadn’t yet advanced to the Seventh Order; since he
has not advanced into the Seventh Order warrior, then the
little guy could handle it on its own.

And it proved to be true when a short while later, the little

violet monkey’s claws turned Wu Gan’s chest into ribbons,
blood spurting out instantly.

Looking at the claw marks on his chest, Wu Gan was

shocked and angry at the same time.

Without wasting a moment, the little violet monkey rushed

up again.

“Animal, you are looking for death!” Wu Gan swung his

sword in anger and the sword rays looked like a rotating
sun, shining brightly and forcing the little violet monkey to
retreat a step back. Then, Wu Gan flashed and once again
tried to escape from the cave opening. But, how could
Huang Xiaolong who was watching all this at the side allow
Wu Gan to run away? With a shift of his body, Huang
Xiaolong was already blocking the path of the escapee.

“F*ck off!” Wu Gan roared at the top of his lungs and his
sword struck out with anxiety.

Huang Xiaolong looked coldly at the other party and the

Blades of Asura appeared in his palms as his icy-cold voice
sounded, “Tears of Asura!” He leaped up and the blades
slashed down.

Before Wu Gan’s frightened and frantic eyes, many, many

blade rays appeared and turned into a violent, thunderous
rainstorm that stretched sixty meters wide and enveloped
Huang Xiaolong landed back on the ground and retrieved
the Blades of Asura into his arms.

The rays of blade light dissipated and so did the angry


Wu Gan fell to the floor, his eyes still showed emotions such
as fear, despair, and dismay. From head to toe, Wu Gan was
covered with blood-filled holes, which looked like it was
penetrated by drops of sharp rain.

Pierced through by over a hundred holes, it was a horrible

way of dying.

On the ground, from Wu Gan’s body suddenly came the cry

of an Asura lasting only for a single moment before it

Watching his opponents expressions of fear, despair, and

dismay, Huang Xiaolong’s cold voice rang out, “Indeed the
Cycad fruit's taste was quite good, too bad you have no
chance to taste it.”

Wu Gan stopped moving.

The truth was, even if the two of them hadn’t planned on

silencing him, he still wouldn’t have let them leave the place

Just as both young men had said earlier, the underground

cycad tree was a secret that could not be allowed to leak

Although a cycad fruit was incomparable to the Yang fruit

Huang Xiaolong had taken years before, this still was a
cycad tree that could bear more than a hundred cycad fruits
every year!
This made the value of this cycad tree much higher than the
Yang fruit!

With this cycad tree, in the future, Huang Xiaolong could

come back here to cultivate two months every year. More
importantly, with these cycad fruits, his parents, Huang
Peng and Su Yan, have the possibility to advance further in
their cultivation. Also, his little sister Huang Min’s martial
spirit was going to be awakened soon and these cycad fruits
can help to lay a better foundation for her.

Of course, not to mention his little brother, Huang Xiaohai,


A while later, Huang Xiaolong cleaned up the area and dealt

with the bodies-- on the two bodies, he ‘found’ some gold
coins, a Battle Qi Dan, and a book called the Treasure Mirror.

Flipping through the book, Huang Xiaolong found that it

wasn’t some cultivation technique or battle skill manual, but
a book introducing a variety of the world’s rare and
wondrous treasures, the places they might grow, their uses
and benefits.

Of course, the book just introduced and mentioned possible

places these rare treasures could be found, but it was just
possibilities. It still required individuals to actually go and
search for it.

After he took care of the two corpses, Huang Xiaolong

picked all of the cycad fruits from the tree and placed them
in the Asura Ring before leaving the underground cave with
the little violet monkey and venturing deeper into the
Silvermoon Forest.

More than a month had passed since the underground cave

Somewhere in the Silvermoon Forest near a lake. The green
water of the lake made people feel relaxed and there was a
naked boy swimming in it. The boy was, of course, Huang

Although only ten years old, his body was already well-
proportioned and muscular. And in these four months, he
had grown taller again, a little over five feet tall.

Suddenly, a little monkey head emerged from the waters.

The little violet monkey emerged from the water and it gave
a squeak as its hands splashed water in Huang Xiaolong’s

Huang Xiaolong laughed wickedly, his body twirled to the

side avoiding the water attack and his palm hit the water.

One man and one monkey were playing in the lake.

Half an hour later, Huang Xiaolong and the little violet

monkey swam to shore, dried up, and he put his clothes
back on.

It’s been more than four months, time to go back! Huang

Xiaolong thought to himself-- he had just enough time to
rush back to the Luo Tong Kingdom’s Royal City to
participate in the Academy’s year-end competition.

After four months of grinding in the Silvermoon Forest,

Huang Xiaolong had reached peak mid-Sixth Order and
could break through to the late-Sixth Order at any time.

Thus, Huang Xiaolong and the little violet monkey journeyed

back in the direction of the Royal City.

Ten days later, Huang Xiaolong and the little violet monkey
appeared before the Luo Tong Royal City’s huge city gates.
Looking at the words stating ‘Luo Tong Royal City’ there was
an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Luo Tong Royal City, I’m back!

Passing the gates into the city, the back of one man and one
monkey gradually disappeared from view.

However, Huang Xiaolong went straight to Cosmic Star

Academy instead of returning to the Tianxuan Mansion.
Chapter 66: Should Be A Tie

When Huang Xiaolong arrived at the Cosmic Star Academy’s

main square, he ran into Li Lu.

“Xiaolong!” Li Lu had spotted Huang Xiaolong from far away.

Feeling delighted, she ran into Huang Xiaolong’s arms same
as always and hugged him. He smiled bitterly as the
square’s passerby turned to look at them.

“Okay, everyone is looking,” Huang Xiaolong persuaded.

Only then did Li Lu let go of him.

In the few months they had been apart, Li Lu had grown

taller; her small face’s features had become even more
delicate and her dimples when smiling were even more
mesmerizing. Intelligent and bright looking eyes showed
cuteness and mischief.

Li Lu’s looked down shyly from being stared at by Huang

Xiaolong and a trace of a red blush appeared on her cheeks.

“Xiaolong, tomorrow is the class and year’s competition so

you must be careful of Jiang Teng.” Seconds later, Li Lu
raised her head and said to Huang Xiaolong, “After he was
beaten by you last time, Jiang Teng was healed by the
Principal and Vice-Principal. He has been training madly for
the past few months and has advanced quickly. His current
strength is already at peak late-Fourth Order!”

The peak late-Fourth Order? Huang Xiaolong was a bit


He didn’t expect that little punk would break through to the

peak late-Fourth Order so soon.
Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong frowned a little and his eyes
squinted when he noticed Jiang Teng was heading his way
with a group of students tagging behind him.

Li Lu noticed Huang Xialong’s frown, she turned around, and

her expression changed. Immediately, she hid behind Huang
Xiaolong as if she was afraid of Jiang Teng.

Watching Li Lu’s reaction, Huang Xiaolong’s frown grew


Stopping in front of Huang Xiaolong, Jiang Teng glanced at Li

Lu hiding behind Huang Xiaolong and the corner of his
mouth curled up in a cruel sneer. He looked at Huang
Xiaolong saying, “I heard someone say that you’re back and
I didn’t expect it to be true. Huang Xialong, tomorrow is the
class competition and this time, I will make you feel regret,
regret forever!” At this point, he pointed a finger at Li Lu
and spat the words out, one by one, “At tomorrow’s class
competition, I want to see if you can save her like the last

When Jiang Teng said this, his eyes shone with a fiery
fierceness, and it was obvious to everyone present how high
the level of animosity Jiang Teng felt towards Huang

The last time, it was on this very spot that Huang Xiaolong
defeated him in the public eye, turning him from the
Academy’s most talented genius in a hundred years to the
Academy’s laughing stock.

That incident spread through the entire Royal City and was
treated a juicy piece of gossip at the dinner table.

These past five months, he lived under mocking eyes and

was ridiculed every day and he hated Huang Xiaolong for it!
His hate spread to everyone and everything related to
Huang Xiaolong!

Every single day during these past five months he trained

like a madman-- everything was for defeating Huang
Xiaolong in front of the Academy in the class competition, to
cruelly crush Huang Xiaolong!

Looking at Jiang Teng’s full of hatred face, like he (JT)

wanted to swallow him (HXL) alive, Huang Xiaolong was
indifferent as usual, “Tomorrow? No need to wait until
tomorrow, summon your ‘sick cat’ martial spirit out now.”

‘Sick cat’ martial spirit?!

The lackeys behind Jiang Teng had a look of anticipation on

their faces towards a good show.

Huang Xiaolong’s remark made Jiang Teng turn red with

anger and a sharp, cruel light flickered across his eyes,
“Good! Huang Xiaolong, since you asked for it, then there’s
no need to wait till tomorrow-- I will cripple you now!” After
he finished saying that, his battle qi’s dazzling light broke
out from his body and his martial spirit, the Sacred Bright
Tiger, emerged.

Jiang Teng’s energy aura increased exponentially – first

Fourth Order, then mid-Fourth Order to late, then it reached
peak late-Fourth Order. Suddenly, it surged again and
reached the Fifth Order!

“Fifth Order! Isn’t Jiang Teng a peak late-Fourth Order?

Heavens, he actually broke through to the Fifth Order!”

“This is too horrifying! Not even half a year has passed, and
he already passed the Fourth Order and advanced into the
Fifth Order!”
Everyone present was shocked, including Li Lu.

The rumors around the Academy said Jiang Teng had

advanced to the peak late-Fourth Order; however, not one
person knew that Jiang Teng actually reached the Fifth

Jiang Teng’s body burst out in full blast; hearing the shocked
gasps and whispers around him, his heart bloated with
pride. For the end of the year’s competition, to astound the
whole Academy, he who had reached the peak late-Fourth
Order went all out and swallowed a treasured elixir his
family had kept for more than a hundred years, and
forcefully broke into the Fifth Order.

“Huang Xiaolong, are you shocked that I am now a Fifth

Order?” Jiang Teng stared at Huang Xiaolong and sneered, “I
don’t believe you can reach my level!” In normal terms,
even if Huang Xiaolong possessed a grade eleven martial
spirit like his, it was impossible for him to have the same

From Jiang Teng’s point of view, unless Huang Xiaolong took

some precious elixir like he did, at the most Huang Xiaolong
would be a peak late-Fourth Order.

However, the probability of that was almost nil.

Ruthlessness flashed in Jiang Teng’s eyes, “Last time, you

gave me fifteen palms! This time, I will return to you thirty
palms, one hundred palms!” When Jiang Teng finished
saying that, he suddenly leaped out and his fist struck out
aiming at Huang Xiaolong. This attack contained all the hate
he had been suppressing for the last five months.

“Tiger Flame Palm!”

“Tiger King reappear!”

A huge tiger and paw print pierced through space.

Out of sight, in a corner some distance away, stood Xiong

Chu and Sun Zhang. Both were surprised at the strength
Jiang Teng had revealed; clearly, the two of them hadn’t
expected Jiang Teng to have advanced to the Fifth Order in
such a short period of time. The truth was, they had gotten
to the square early on, and had seen everything that
happened from the beginning, but neither had the intention
to interfere.

Xiong Chu sighed, feeling comforted, “Jiang Teng truly did

not disappoint us. In just five months, he has come this far.
At first, I thought Huang Xiaolong would secure the first
place in the class competition, but now, it seems it may not
be so.”

Sun Zhang’s eyes looked deep and said: “I have been very
curious about Huang Xiaolong’s martial spirit and this time,
with Jiang Teng’s Fifth Order strength, he probably could
force Huang Xiaolong to call out his martial spirit!”

“Principal, who do you think will lose and who will win?”
Xiong Chu asked out of curiosity.

Sun Zhang’s voice was deep and somber, “It should be a


Huang Xiaolong stood on the same spot watching the fierce

paw print aiming for him-- his expression was cold, but he
didn’t move much. A single palm pressed against the void
and the Ethereal Palm already struck out towards the Tiger
Flame Palm.
Jiang Teng, who was in midair when he launched the attack,
felt a tyrannical, irrepressible power surge at him like a
mighty wave.

“Hong!” A loud crash rang out, and Jiang Teng was akin to a
small pebble hitting the great waves, and his body shook
and flew out frantically from the impact.

Taking advantage of the time it took Jiang Teng’s body hit

the ground, Huang Xiaolong’s body flashed and reappeared
right below Jiang Teng. Cold eyes flickered as another palm
struck the falling body.


Both Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu shouted at the same time;
two silhouettes rushed forward with rapid speed, but it was
still too late.

Another one of Huang Xiaolong’s palm hit Jiang Teng

squarely in the chest. And with a muffled blast sound, Jiang
Teng crashed to the ground from mid-air. Tremors traveled
across the square ground as spider-line cracks spread out
from where Jiang Teng landed.

Like a dead dog, Jiang Teng laid on the ground, limbs

twitching and his opened mouth issuing a low groaning

Two people came down from the air; Sun Zhang and Xiong
Chu finally arrived, and when they saw Jiang Teng lying
down on like a dead dog, their expressions ashened.
Hastening towards Jiang Teng, both of them quickly ran their
battle qi, transferring them into Jiang Teng’s body to rescue
him, just like last time.
The lackeys who came with Jiang Teng and the passerby
were immensely frightened of Huang Xiaolong.

Several students who were on good terms with Jiang Teng

ran away in fear, not daring to stay a moment longer in the

After smashing Jiang Teng down to the ground with one

palm, Huang Xiaolong landed and sent the other side a cold
look. This time, he was heavy handed for he wanted to let hi
opponent thoroughly understand the gap that exists
between them. Otherwise, the other side will always find
opportunities to swagger foolishly in front of him in the


Have a great weekend, next release: Wednesday
Chapter 67: The
Academy’S Annual
Competition Begins
Chapter 67: The Academy’s Annual Competition Begins

To the side, Li Lu was in a daze, rooted to the spot. Her gaze

fell on the twitching body smashed down by Huang Xiaolong
on the ground and she didn’t react for a very long time.

Huang Xiaolong was actually so strong!

In the last five months, she had been practicing diligently

and thought she might have closed some of the distance
between herself and Huang Xiaolong. However, she didn’t
imagine the gap to reach such a degree!

At this point in time, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu stopped

infusing battle qi into Jiang Teng’s body and got up while
wiping away the sweat on their foreheads. Fortunately, they
acted quickly; if Huang Xiaolong ‘gave’ Jiang Teng a dozen
palms continuously like last time, without a doubt, Jiang
Teng would truly be wasted and crippled!

The two let out bitter smiles.

At first, they thought the fight would come to a tie; but once
again, things turned out like the last time!

Facing Huang Xiaolong, Jiang Teng lost in just one move!

And he lost so miserably!

Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu had complicated expressions as
they faced Huang Xiaolong; the surprise this little guy gave
them was a little too big, but all was well-- their hearts’
tolerance was strong enough to take it.

“Er, Xiaolong, your actions towards this little guy is too

heavy handed every time,” Sun Zhang commented while
smiling at Huang Xiaolong.

Looking back at Sun Zhang, Huang Xiaolong’s expression

stated ‘I don’t really care’ and said, “If there’s nothing else,
I’m going back.” He turned around and left directly after
throwing out the sentence.

Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu’s mouth opened and closed,

wanting to say something to Huang Xiaolong; in the end, no
words would come out and they could only watch Huang
Xiaolong take Li Lu away with wide eyes.

After the two small figures disappeared, Sun Zhang and

Xiong Chu exchanged a glance and shook their heads.

When Huang Xiaolong’s shadow was gone from the

Academy square, in a distant corner, Xiong Meiqi slowly
walked out into the light with a complicated expression on
her face as she looked in the direction Huang Xiaolong took
as he left.

Just like Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu, Xiong Meiqi was at the
Academy square early on and saw everything.

After leaving the Academy, Huang Xiaolong and Li Lu went

to Tianxuan Mansion.

On the way, Li Lu finally recovered from her shock and

started to chatter away with Huang Xiaolong, gossiping
about the interesting events of the past five months in the

Looking at the cheerful ‘chatterbox’ Li Lu, he smiled. He

liked to see the dimples on Li Lu’s face when she smiles.

“Young Master, you have returned!” When Huang Xiaolong

and Li Lu arrived at the Tianxuan Mansion, Fei Hou was
going out when he saw Huang Xiaolong. Delighted, Fei Hou
rushed up and greeted him.

Huang Xiaolong stepped up and patted Fei Hou’s shoulder,

affirming “Yes, I’m back! Let’s first go inside and talk.”

Coming into the main hall, the three people sat down.

After sitting down, Huang Xiaolong inquired about the

progress of Tianxuan Mansion’s armed forces and Fei Hou
answered one by one. Fei Hou explained that he went to the
slaves market a couple of times and purchased a few new
slaves; so now, including Beastman Boli and the others,
there was a total of sixty-eight slaves in the Tianxuan
Mansion. After undergoing his training, all the slaves had
acquired a certain level of foundation in the Luohan Fist
supplied by Huang Xiaolong.

When Fei Hou brought these slaves back, each of them had
some battle qi foundation in them, and after five months of
his training, they could already use the Luohan Fist against
enemies. The weakest one was on par with a Fifth Order
warrior, and the strongest amongst them was Beastman Boli
who could fight against a Sixth Order warrior.

Listening to Fei Hou’s answers, Huang Xiaolong nodded with

satisfaction at the speed of the progress.
At this time, Fei Hou hesitated a little before continuing,
“Young Master, tomorrow is your Academy’s class
competition. I found out the strongest First Year this round is
called Lu Kai. And this Lu Kai was already a peak late-Sixth
Order last year and he have probably stepped into the
Seventh Order by now!”

“Lu Kai?” Huang Xiaolong’s brows creased into a furrow:

Seventh Order?

Below the Tenth Order, there were two bottlenecks – one

was the Fourth Order and the other was the Seventh Order.
Once a person advanced to the Seventh Order, the
exponential increase in strength was unimaginable,
definitely not what a peak late-Sixth Order can rival.

If that Lu Kai really had broken through to the Seventh

Order, tomorrow’s First Year class competition will be
somewhat troublesome.

“That’s right ah, Xiaolong, I’ve often heard our teacher,

Xiong Meiqi, mention him. Three years ago, he was a late-
Sixth Order, and he has always taken the first place at our
Academy First Year’s competition for the past three years.
He has never lost even once; also, he’s our Luo Tong
Kingdom’s prince!” Li Lu added after Fei Hou.

“Oh, Luo Tong Kingdom’s prince?” Huang Xiaolong was a

little surprised at the information.

“Yes, Young Master!” Fei Hou said, “The Luo Tong Kingdom’s
King, Lu Zhe, is very attentive towards this son, and I also
heard the King will attend tomorrow’s Academy matches.”

“King Lu Zhe will come to watch the competition.” Again,

Huang Xiaolong was surprised; it seemed that the Luo Tong
Kingdom’s ruler attached great importance to this son.
“Moreover, this Lu Kai has some relation to Young Master.”
Fei Hou continued to elaborate, “The bet between Young
Master and Zhong Yuan five months ago, does Young Master
remember? If Young Master takes the first place for the First
Year’s competition, the Principal will expel him from the
Academy. Lu Kai is Zhong Wangfei’s son!”

Zhong Wangfei’s son!

This time, Huang Xiaolong was truly shocked.

Zhong Wangfei was Zhong Yuan’s elder sister. This meant

that Lu Kai was Zhong Yuan’s nephew and Zhong Yuan was
Lu Kai’s Uncle.

Lu Kai, Huang Xiaolong repeated the name once in his heart.

Seventh Order huh? Looks like the First Year competition

tomorrow will be a little more meaningful.

“Young Master, in fact, it doesn’t matter even if you can’t

take the first spot in the First Year’s competition. Young
Master is still very young, only ten years old, whereas that
Lu Kai is already nineteen!” Seeing Huang Xiaolong in deep
thought, Fei Hou assumed Huang Xiaolong was worried
about the competition tomorrow, so he spoke some words of

Sovereign’s talent can be described as monstrous and was

strong compared to others of the same age, but in Fei Hou’s
opinion, it was still too difficult for him to win against a
Seventh Order warrior.

On hearing Fei Hou’s words, Huang Xiaolong laughed lightly;

waving his hand and changing the topic, he asked Fei Hou
about his progress in the ‘Liquid Thunder Arts.'
And Fei Hou answered truthfully.

“Oh right, I have something for you two.” Some time later,
Huang Xiaolong remembered something and took out ten
pieces of cycad fruit.

“These are cycad fruit!” Staring wide-eyed at the cycad fruit

in Huang Xiaolong’s palm, Fei Hou exclaimed out loud in
surprise. When Li Lu heard what Fei Hou said, her eyes too
opened wide in surprise.

“Yes, these are cycad fruits.” Huang Xiaolong smiled and

said, “The little guy found it while we were training in the
Silvermoon Forest."

At this moment, the little violet monkey (who was seated

beside him) squeaked proudly, both tiny hands gesturing.
He obviously was showing off in front of Fei Hou and Li Lu.
The little violet monkey’s cute antics made the three people
in the hall burst out in laughter.

But, finding these cycad fruits was something that one can
be proud of.

Huang Xiaolong divided the fruits and gave Fei Hou and Li
Lu five each.

A short while later, Fei Hou and Li Lu left the main hall.
Huang Xiaolong also left and went to his courtyard to
practice the Asura Demon Claw.

Not long later, Marshal Haotian got the message that

Sovereign was back from the Silvermoon Forest and quickly
went over to Tianxuan Mansion from the Marshal Mansion.
Marshal Haotian also mentioned Lu Kai to Huang Xiaolong
with a worried tone.
It seems not only the Academy’s teachers and students,
even Fei Hou and Haotian, don’t believe I can get the first
place ah, Huang Xiaolong thought to himself inside.

Night slowly descended.

Moonlight shone brightly over the land.

Huang Xiaolong sat cross-legged on the cold jade bed as the

twin dragon martial spirits greedily devoured the
netherworld spiritual energy.

One night passed peacefully just like that.

Replaced with warm sunlight, the day of Cosmic Star

Academy’s annual event – the day of the class and year
competition had finally arrived.


Next release: Friday

Thanks to everyone who pointed out the mistakes, will

rectify them asap. Been busy stuffing mandarin oranges and
whatnot into my stomach, lol. Hope everyone enjoyed the
Chapter 68: King Lu Zhe

On the day of competition, it was sunny and Huang Xiaolong

came out from his room and saw Fei Hou waiting for him
respectfully in the yard.

When Huang Xiaolong, Fei Hou, Wang Ning, and the three
Marshal Mansion’s guards arrived at the Academy square, a
sea of people already gathered on the Academy grounds.

Because today was the Academy’s annual class and year

competition, the Academy’s authorities had specifically
allowed each student to bring their families or servants to
enter the Academy and watch the competition.

Of course, each student can only bring up to five people.

Coming onto the Academy grounds, Huang Xiaolong and his

group of six headed straight to the Holy Hall.

The Academy’s Holy Hall was a few times bigger than the
front square; even if tens of thousands people were
crammed inside, it doesn’t feel crowded at all.

“That’s Huang Xiaolong!”

“He is this year’s new batch student, Huang Xiaolong? I

heard Jiang Teng already broke through the Fifth Order but
was nearly ‘wasted’ by him yesterday!”

When the crowd saw Huang Xiaolong stepping into the Holy
Hall, a buzz erupted amongst the people around. Huang
Xiaolong, although a new student was already famous
throughout the Academy to the point even the older
students and teachers all recognized him.
Ignoring the hush-voiced discussions around him, Huang
Xiaolong came to a corner of the hall and stood with Fei Hou
and the four guards.

“Xiaolong!” At this time, a pleasant and surprised voice

cried out. Huang Xiaolong turned to look and saw a happy Li
Lu running towards him. Huang Xiaolong smiled at Li Lu.

“I heard this time, not only the King is coming to watch the
competition, Marshal Haotian is also coming!”

“Marshal Haotian is also coming? The rumor flying around

is, that super-abnormal monster Huang Xiaolong is Marshal
Haotian’s illegitimate son, don’t know if this is true or not?”

Once again, the crowd roared with this piece of news.

Listening to these people’s words in his ear, Huang Xiaolong

couldn’t help but smile in bitterness.

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong felt a cold, piercing stare on his

body; turning around towards the source, Huang Xiaolong
saw Zhong Yuan standing in a group of people.

In front of Zhong Yuan stood an imposing young man around

eighteen to nineteen years old, encircled by a group of
flattering students of both genders. From the looks of it, this
young man should be the Prince of the Luo Tong Kingdom,
Lu Kai. Also, he was the strongest First Year student
according to everyone.

At this point, Lu Kai felt Huang Xiaolong’s gaze and two set
of eyes met midair.

“He is Huang Xiaolong?” Lu Kai’s mouth opened and asked

to no one in particular.
“Yes, he is that Huang Xiaolong!” Zhong Yuan stepped up
and replied immediately.

Lu Kao nodded; his expression was the same the whole

time, completely unperturbed.

As time flowed, the number of people gathering in the Holy

Hall became more and more, and some time later, from
outside the Holy Temple sounded a loud voice announcing,
“The King, Marshal, and Principal have arrived!”

King Lu Zhe, Marshal Haotian, and Cosmic Star Academy’s

Principal, Sun Zhang, arrived together!

Instantly, Huang Xiaolong and everyone else in the hall

turned around to look at the entrance. At the entrance, a
middle-aged man wearing a light yellow dragon robe walked
majestically and strode into the Holy Hall under the
protection of a group of bodyguards. Without a doubt, that
middle-aged man was the Luo Tong Kingdom’s King, Lu Zhe,
and half a step behind him was Marshal Haotian, and the
Cosmic Star Academy Principal, Sun Zhang.

With King Lu Zhe’s arrival, the crowd quickly saluted, and

the crowd began to noisily chatter in the Holy Hall.

“Hehe, everyone rise, stand up!” King Lu Zhe stepped up to

the specially prepared guest of honor main platform and sat
on the main seat. Marshal Haotian and Principal Sun Zhang
sat on each side next to the King.

After the three ‘biggest’ people were seated, the rest of the
nobles followed suit and sat down.

Not long after everyone had taken their seats, Sun Zhang
stood up and made a short speech about the competition
and the rewards. At the mention of rewards, Sun Zhang
raised his voice, “Apart from the usual rewards, the King is
generous enough to add one million gold coins and a set of
an early Earth grade cultivation technique for all first place
winners of the Year category.”

One million gold coins!

An early Earth rank cultivation technique!

The crowd broke out in an uproar, eyes hot with burning


Even Huang Xiaolong was surprised. One million gold coins

weren’t some spare change, and it was even coupled with
an early Earth rank cultivation technique. In the Luo Tong
Kingdom, this was not something that could be bought even
with gold coins.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes squinted. If he took the First Year’s

first place, in addition to the rewards, there was still the
Earth rank battle skill that Sun Zhang promised him; then,
would he be getting one Earth rank cultivation technique
and one battle skill?

An Earth rank cultivation technique and battle skill were

useless to him. But, it can be passed to his parents and his
little brother and sister; nonetheless, learning an extra
battle skill is an advantage.

“Then, let the competition begin!” Sun Zhang glanced at the

crowd and finally declared.

After Sun Zhang finished his announcement, the hall fell into
a brief moment of silence, and then the class competition
Cosmic Star Academy has a total of three class years, so the
competition was held in three different places.

However, only the winner of each class was eligible to

contest in the year category competition. Thus, every class
of each year needed to compete.

The First Years had the most number of classes, a total of

fourteen of them. And Huang Xiaolong was in the last class,
the fourteenth class.

In the class level competition, not all the class students will
battle it out. Instead, the class teacher would nominate the
strongest two people to compete, and the winner was
considered as number one. Of course, if there was someone
who disagrees with this, they could also challenge the

In Class Fourteen of the First Years, undeniably, the two

strongest people would be Huang Xiaolong and Jiang Teng.
But, yesterday Jiang Teng was almost crippled by Huang
Xiaolong; from the injuries, without ten days to half a
month’s rest, it would be hard for Jiang Teng to get out from
the bed. So, left with no choice, Xiong Meiqi could only
nominate Huang Xiaolong and another student called Chen

However, this student called Chen Tong just recently

advanced into the Fourth Order. The moment Chen Tong
walked up to the stage, he immediately threw in the towel.
This result stunned everyone speechless, but no one found
it surprising. Even Jiang Teng who possesses a grade eleven
martial spirit and broke through to the Fifth Order was
nearly wasted by Huang Xiaolong, not to mention a new
Fourth Order Chen Tong?
Chen Tong’s concession was considered a smart move on
his part, knowing one’s limitations.

With Chen Tong’s action, no one else in Class Fourteen

dared to challenge Huang Xiaolong. Thus, by default, he
became the class winner without moving a finger.

When Xiong Meiqi announced Huang Xiaolong’s victory, her

face was full of complex emotions as she looked at Huang
Xiaolong standing up on the stage.

While Class Fourteen’s winner was already announced, the

other thirteen classes were still in progress; therefore, when
Xiong Meiqi made the announcement, everyone exclaimed
in surprised gasps.

On the honored guests’ platform, King Lu Zhe also noticed

the situation around Class Fourteen’s stage; watching
Huang Xiaolong, King Lu Zhe said to Marshal Haotian, “He is
Huang Xiaolong? A young hero in the making ah; Haotian,
during our time, when we were ten or so, we were just a
Fourth Order warrior right?”

Marshal Haotian laughed and said, “It is so, King.”

Lu Zhe nodded and looked the other way where his son, Lu
Kai, was. His eyes showed a spoiled love and he smiled, “I
heard some say Huang Xiaolong had a bet with Zhong Yuan,
wanting to get the first place in the year competition. Later,
probably he will come against Kai’er.”

Although Lu Zhe spoke in such a manner, his demeanor was

relaxed; apparently, he does not believe Huang Xiaolong is
his son’s rival to fight for the first place. After the class
competition, the contestants for the year competition would
draw sticks to determine their next opponent. One after
another, till the end, the year category winner will come out,
and in Lu Zhe’s opinion, Huang Xiaolong will be eliminated
half way, having no opportunity to play against his son.

Noticing King Lu Zhe’s smile, Marshal Haotian already saw

through his thoughts; smiling, Marshal Haotian did not say

A while later, all fourteen classes from the First Year

category had been determined with their representative
winner. Then, the next event would be the fight for the First
Year champion.


Next release: Tmr

p/s: edayo is busy with new projects~ come back soon!
Chapter 69: Not Necessarily

“Now, the class competition winners please step up and

draw a stick!” Vice-principal Xiong Chu announced up on the

Huang Xiaolong, Lu Kai, and twelve others walked up to

draw sticks.

Huang Xiaolong picked the stick labeled number four.

Number four, Huang Xiaolong’s opponent was the winner

from Class Four, a student called Yang Mingwei. Yang
Mingwei was seventeen years old and entered the Academy
eight years earlier than Huang Xiaolong. During those eight
years, he already reached late-Sixth Order.

Late-Sixth Order!

Li Lu’s face turned a little white when she saw that Xiaolong
actually drew the stick with the number four.

“Xiaolong, why don’t you…” Feeling worried, Li Lu doesn’t

know what to say.

“It’s alright.” Huang Xiaolong smiled at Li Lu; he knew what

Li Lu wanted to say, but couldn’t articulate.

Walking up the stage, Huang Xiaolong and Yang Mingwei

came up to each other, face to face.

Yang Mingwei had very fair skin and facial features which
were considered handsome; staring at Huang Xiaolong, he
laughed and said, “Huang Xiaolong is it? I didn’t expect my
first opponent would be you. I heard yesterday you defeated
Jiang Teng who broke through Fifth Order, and almost injured
him to the point of being crippled! However, the current you
is still not my opponent, it’s better if you give up

“Is it?” Huang Xiaolong was unaffected by the words; he

could tell this Yang Mingwei did not have the intention to
mock him, he said those words out of ‘kindness’ to persuade
him to throw in the towel.

“Make your move.” Huang Xiaolong looked at the opponent

and finally spoke.

Yang Mingwei was stunned for a second at Huang Xiaolong’s

words and shook his head, “Since your heart doesn’t want
to give up, then you’d better be careful!” A bright, dazzling
light broke out from his entire body after he was done
talking. With a flash, Yang Mingwei was already standing in
front of Huang Xiaolong and his fist punched directly at
Huang Xiaolong's chest.

Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong lifted his hands and stuck out a
Luohan Fist move.

“Hong!” sounded as Yang Mingwei shook and retreated a

few steps back, before managing to steady himself.

The crowd was sent into a daze.

“You, a Sixth Order? How is this possible?!” Yang Mingwei

found it hard to accept as he looked at Huang Xiaolong.
Shaking the right arm that had just clashed with Huang
Xiaolong’s fist, it was still trembling and becoming numb.

After everyone recovered, they sucked in a breath of cold air

and a frenzy swept through the crowd.
“This Huang Xiaolong, he actually already reached the Sixth
Order! How old is he?!”

“Even Yang Mingwei was pushed back!”

“What a monster, this is too terrifying!”

Even on the main platform, King Lu Zhe, Principal Sun

Zhang, Vice-Principal Xiong Chu, and the others’ eyes
almost protruded out.

Unbelievable, especially Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu were

shocked agape, looking extremely dramatic and funny.

Yesterday in the front square, it already shocked Sun Zhang

and Xiong Chu greatly when Huang Xiaolong defeated Jiang
Teng before their eyes; they thought Huang Xiaolong was
probably a late-Fifth Order warrior, or at most a peak late-
Fifth Order, but now, even a Sixth Order warrior, Yang
Mingwei, was pushed back by Huang Xiaolong!

What kind of thing was this?

After the feelings of shock passed, Sun Zhang and Xiong

Chu’s body trembled with excitement; in their hearts, they
had to tamp down their impulse to rush up towards Huang
Xiaolong and embrace him.

While everyone outside of the stage was in shock, Huang

Xiaolong looked at Yang Mingwei, saying “Use all your
strength.” Huang Xiaolong could tell Yang Mingwei held back
on the first attack. Otherwise, he couldn’t have pushed back
against Yang Mingwei that easily.

Yang Mingwei stared at Huang Xiaolong; the earlier

contempt disappeared completely and was replaced with a
somber expression. The one attack just now knocked him
awake and Huang Xiaolong was qualified enough to be his

“Okay, I take back my words.” Yang Mingwei said, “You are

qualified to be my opponent. Huang Xiaolong, I will use all
my strength and ability to battle you, and I also hope that
you will do the same in this fight!”

Finishing his declaration, a brighter and more dazzling light

burst out from his body compared to the first time. Behind
him, the silhouette of a man emerged– a gigantic man
wearing battle armor sitting in a lotus position.

This was Yang Mingwei’s martial spirit!

A man!

To be more exact, it was an ancient race!

Yang Mingwei’s martial spirit was a type of ancient race

martial spirit, the Immoveable Bright King Tribe. According
to legend, in ancient times, the Ancient God Clan
abandoned many of the other living races and the
Immoveable Bright King Race was one of them.

It was a race type martial spirit, and in general, race type

martial spirits were considered as high grade martial spirits.

In fact, Yang Mingwei’s Immoveable Bright King martial spirit

was a top grade ten martial spirit.

But obviously the fourteen classes’ first place student

possesses a top grade ten martial spirit; without such a
level of talent, taking first place was an impossible task.

Summoning his martial spirit out, a golden ring appeared

behind Yang Mingwei and with a flash, a fist shot out at
Huang Xiaolong.

With the incoming attack, Huang Xiaolong’s body blurred

away and his fist punched out, meeting the other fist
straight on.

Battle qi surged causing the space to contort.

Once again, Yang Mingwei was pushed back by Huang


Seeing this result, the crowd was shocked.

The person who possessed the Immoveable Bright King

martial spirit, after calling it out has an unimaginable
physical strength and defense, a level higher than another
same order warrior. However, Huang Xiaolong still could
push Yang Mingwei back: does this mean Huang Xiaolong’s
physical body was stronger than Yang Mingwei? Also, even
now, Huang Xiaolong has yet to call out his martial spirit.

After his attack made Yang Mingwei retreat, Huang

Xiaolong’s body flashed again, appearing before Yang
Mingwei and a palm struck against his chest.

“Immoveable Bright King Golden Ring!” At the same time

Huang Xiaolong’s palm met Yang Mingwei’s chest, a sharp
edge flickered across Yang Mingwei’s eyes as the golden
ring behind him enveloped his entire body, rotating nonstop
to create a defense circle. When Huang Xiaolong hit the
golden circle, it felt like his palm hit on an iron wall.

“You won’t be able to penetrate my defense circle!” Yang

Mingwei looked at Huang Xiaolong and said, “Only the
Seventh Order and above can break open my golden ring!”

Immoveable Bright King Golden Ring!

This was the ability of Yang Mingwei’s martial spirit after
evolving from breaking through the Fourth Order.

Casting the Immoveable Bright King Golden Ring, only an

enemy of the Seventh Order or higher can break his

“Can’t penetrate your defense?” Huang Xiaolong was

indifferent as usual. “Not necessarily!” Then, the palm on
Yang Mingwei’s chest suddenly pressed down and a
seemingly gentle energy seeped into the golden ring and
into Yang Mingwei’s body.

Eyes wide in shock, Yang Mingwei trembled and fumbled

backward till the end of the stage before coming to a stop.
Blood spilled down from the corner of his lips.

The crowd was in an uproar seeing this scene.

“You, what kind of battle qi is that, to break through my

Immoveable Bright King Golden Ring’s defense!” Yang
Mingwei questioned, finding it hard to believe such a thing

This was the scary point of the Ethereal Palm; even across
walls, the Ethereal Palm’s attack could still reach the other
side of the wall without a problem.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t bother to answer and, in a flash, he

once again appeared in front of Yang Mingwei and a second
palm shot out. Shocked, Yang Mingwei was too late when he
thought of dodging; the palm struck the target and Yang
Mingwei fell out of the stage.

Yang Mingwei lost!

Eyes fell on Yang Mingwei and the crowd was unable to
react for a long time. Moments later, confusion swept all
four directions of the stage – Yang Mingwei was defeated!
Moreover, it looked like Huang Xiaolong won easily without
exerting much effort. He didn’t even call out his martial
Chapter 70: Unwilling To
Throw In The Towel
Without A Fight
Chapter 70: Unwilling to Throw in the Towel Without A Fight

Yang Mingwei stood below the stage for a long time, not
moving. Not even the commotion amongst the crowd could
attract his attention as he stared blankly at the Immoveable
Bright King Golden Ring on his body.

The Golden Ring that he was extremely confident in was so

useless before Huang Xiaolong.

Until this moment, he still couldn’t accept this fact.

Yang Mingwei’s expression was like the dark, cloudy sky.

“This round, Huang Xiaolong wins!” Yang Mingwei regained

his senses when the presiding teacher announced the
result. With a complicated face, he looked at Huang
Xiaolong and said, “I admit I lost this time; next year’s
competition, however, I definitely will defeat you!”

“Next year?” Huang Xiaolong repeated the words

nonchalantly and shook his head.

Base on his cultivation speed, by the end of next year, he

probably would have broken through to the Seventh Order.
And at that point, he would be advancing to the Second Year
Class. So, when next year’s competition is held, if Yang
Mingwei remained in the First Year class, he would have no
opportunity to battle against Huang Xiaolong.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong shake his head, Yang Mingwei

misunderstood his meaning, thinking that Huang Xiaolong
felt too much disdain to battle him again.

“Huang Xiaolong, what do you mean?” Yang Mingwei was


Huang Xiaolong turned around and walked down from the

stage, “We’ll talk if you manage to enter the Second Year
class next year.”

Yang Mingwei was stunned by the reply as he stared at

Huang Xiaolong’s back.

Advance to the Second Year class next year?!

Huang Xiaolong’s words meant…? Both of Yang Mingwei’s

eyes widened in shock when he realized the meaning
behind them.

On the guest platform, King Lu Zhe was watching Huang

Xiaolong and laughing lightly, he said to Martial Haotian
“Didn’t expect Huang Xiaolong to reach this level of
strength! Truly out of my expectations.”

“Yes, this one feels the same,” Marshal Haotian smiled and
agreed amiably. He knew Sovereign had broken through to
the Sixth Order, but the strength Huang Xiaolong had
displayed earlier still surprised him.

Initially, he had thought even if Sovereign manages to win,

it would be after a difficult and intensive battle, but in
reality, it was the opposite.
Honestly, the ease which Huang Xiaolong defeated Yang
Mingwei also startled Fei Hou a little.

Not long after Huang Xiaolong defeated Yang Mingwei, the

battle results from the other seven stages with the First Year
battles also came in.

Since the next round had seven students, an odd number,

one of the students was exempted and directly eligible for
the next round’s competition. This spot, however, wasn’t
determined by drawing sticks but was decided by the Vice-
Principal, Xiong Chu.

And the one Xiong Chu picked was Lu Kai.

Lu Kai was widely recognized by the students and teachers

as the Academy First Year's number one person, so there
was no objection from the crowd about Xiong Chu’s
decision. And like that, Lu Kai proceeded to the next round’s
competition smoothly.

For next round opponent, Huang Xiaolong drew a number

six stick.

Number six was First Year Class Six’s Hu Dong, and his
strength was weaker compared to the previous Yang
Mingwei – a peak mid-Sixth Order. Thus, there was no
suspense to the battle and the same scene repeated itself.
Huang Xiaolong defeated Hu Dong effortlessly.

Standing below the stage, Lu Kai quietly watched Huang

Xiaolong’s and Hu Dong’s battle, his face not showing any of
his thoughts.

The truth was he was calm on the surface, but in his heart,
waves of shock hit him, just like everyone else present.
At first, his thoughts were similar to his father’s; Huang
Xiaolong wouldn’t have the opportunity to battle against
him and would very likely be eliminated halfway through the
process. In reality, not even Yang Mingwei is Huang
Xiaolong’s opponent.

Deep in his heart, Lu Kai felt tangled. Between the many

princes in the Luo Tong Kingdom, without a doubt, he
possessed the highest talent of all of them; thus, he was
most loved by his father. Despite that, the talent that he
was so proud of crumbled to nothing when compared to
Huang Xiaolong’s.

On the other hand, Zhong Yuan who was standing behind Lu

Kai, his facial expressions became twisted watching Huang
Xiaolong defeat Yang Mingwei and Hu Dong like it was

A short while later, the second round of the First Year's

competition had ended. Huang Xiaolong and two other
students successfully entered into the third competition.

Don’t know whether it was done intentionally or not, but the

stick Huang Xiaolong drew was number three: a Class Three
student called Chen Qiang. Once again, Huang Xiaolong did
not meet with Lu Kai.

However, Chen Qiang’s strength was recognized by the

collective First Years, and he was the number two student
after Lu Kai, a peak late-Sixth Order. Like Yang Mingwei,
Chen Qiang also possessed a top grade ten beast type
martial spirit, the Longarm Water Ape.

Although Chen Qiang was much stronger than Yang

Mingwei, he ended up losing to Huang Xiaolong like the
previous opponents, without releasing his martial spirit even
Seeing Chen Qiang lose to Huang Xiaolong, the people
around the stage were stupefied.

In the end, it came down to the final round between Lu Kai

and Huang Xiaolong battling for the first place spot amongst
the First Year!

No one imagined that it would come to this; it would be

Huang Xiaolong who would be competition for Lu Kai to grab
the title. Prior to this day, the new and older students had
talked about this, and everyone agreed at that time that it
would be Chen Qiang up on that stage against Lu Kai.

But now, it was the new student, Huang Xiaolong, standing

there instead.

Two people stood on the stage, sizing each other up. Both
were quiet and neither spoke.

Below the stage, silhouettes tensed up as silence filled the


Li Lu fixed her stare on Huang Xiaolong and Lu Kai on the

stage and her small hands clenched nervously, a layer of
thin sweat on her palm.

“You surprised me.” At long last, Lu Kai spoke and cut

through the thick silence. “But, you should realize, you can
not win over me! Just give up and throw in the towel!”

Hearing Lu Kai’s words, Huang Xiaolong calmly retorted,

“Just now, Yang Mingwei said the same thing to me.”

In the end, Yang Mingwei lost miserably!

Lu Kai heard the hidden meaning of Huang Xiaolong’s words

and did not get angry; instead, he smiled faintly saying,
“However, I’m not Yang Mingwei!” And his battle qi broke
out in full force, not holding back. An energy stronger than
both Yang Mingwei’s and Chen Qiang’s swept out from Lu
Kai’s body.

“Seventh Order! Prince Lu Kai really did break through to

the Seventh Order!”

“Based on Prince Lu Kai’s strength, the First Year

competition’s first place is already in his hands. How can
Huang Xiaolong win against Prince Lu Kai in this situation?!”

“If it was me seeing Prince Lu Kai’s Seventh Order strength,

I would have already raised my hands in surrender! This
Huang Xiaolong actually dares to stand on the stage-- too
overconfident. Stubborn persistence to save face!”

Below the stage, a flurry of discussions was taking place.

Of course, those jealous of Huang Xiaolong couldn’t resist

ridiculing Huang Xiaolong, their voices full of sarcasm.

Huang Xiaolong’s expression remained the same as those

ugly words entered his ears, looking at Lu Kai on the
opposite side: Seventh Order? This was within Huang
Xiaolong’s expectations so Lu Kai revealing his Seventh
Order strength came as no surprise.

“How is it? Do you still want to fight?” Lu Kai looked at

Huang Xiaolong.

“Make your move.” Huang Xiaolong’s calm voice sounded,


Lu Kai didn’t expect to get such an answer and was taken

aback; knowing that he was a Seventh Order, Huang
Xiaolong still dared to fight him? He knew Huang Xiaolong
was indeed strong, but he and everyone present can see
that he’s just a peak late-Sixth Order.

The Seventh Order was a dividing line. No matter how

strong a Sixth Order warrior is, it’s impossible for them to
win against a Seventh Order. This was a well-established

Could this Huang Xiaolong want to use his Sixth Order

strength to smash this fact?

Lu Kai stared at Huang Xiaolong and nodded his head

seconds later, “Since you’re unwilling to give up, then I will
personally make you.” After he said that, Lu Kai released the
martial spirit from his body.


Cliffy end??? Continuing next week Wed :)
Chapter 71: Call Out Your Martial Spirit

A dazzling light burst out from Lu Kai’s body as a gigantic

shadow emerged above him.

A huge beast that looked like a part eagle, a part phoenix

and a part dragon at the same time materialized before
everyone’s eyes. A strong, oppressive aura swept out like a
hurricane from where Lu Kai was located in the corner of the

“Sky Peng!”

“Prince Lu Kai’s martial spirit is actually the Sky Peng! Our

Luo Tong Kingdom’s first King had a martial spirit that was
also a Sky Peng!”

The surrounding crowd clamored aloud, greatly shocked

when they saw what Lu Kai’s martial spirit was.

Including Huang Xiaolong.

The Sky Peng was one of the strongest martial spirits

amongst the top grade ten martial spirits known.

Legend has it, the Sky Peng was from the far off bloodline of
the Ancient Sky Dragon. Not only that, Huang Xiaolong
noticed Lu Kai’s Sky Peng martial spirit differed from the
normal Sky Peng’s features.

In legends, the Sky Peng was stated to have two wings,

whereas Lu Kai’s Sky Peng martial spirit had four wings! And
when the four wings spread out, countless dots of golden
lights glowed underneath them. A Sky Peng martial spirit
doesn't usually look like this.
A variation!

This thought flashed across Huang Xiaolong’s mind.

It seems Lu Kai’s martial spirit was a variation Sky Peng. The

Sky Peng was already a top grade ten martial spirits, and
now with its variation properties, it can be classified as a
grade eleven superb martial spirit!

This was unexpected to Huang Xiaolong that Lu Kai’s martial

spirit was a variation of the Sky Peng martial spirit.

After calling out his martial spirit, the atmosphere around Lu

Kai changed instantly. Sounds of whistling wind could be
heard coming from the air around Lu Kai. That’s right, the
sound when air moved at rapid speed, and the crowd saw
azure-colored winds moving around his body.

Nature's wind was something colorless and invisible to the

naked eye, but now it can be seen, highlighted in azure.

Azure-colored wind!

Huang Xiaolong’s expression tightened a little, turning

solemn; he knew Lu Kai’s attack would come at him like an
angry thunderstorm.

“Huang Xiaolong, if you can take this attack from me, then
you have the qualification to compete with me for the first
place. If you can’t handle even this much, then you are not
qualified to fight me for it!” At this time, Lu Kai’s indifferent
voice rang out on the stage. Then, his silhouette flashed and
disappeared from the spot.

So fast!
This was the first thing that crossed Huang Xiaolong and the
crowd’s mind.

Too fast! Lu Kai’s speed had reached a certain threshold,

leaving only a residue of an azure shadow when he
disappeared from the stage. Everything seemed to fall
within expectations until Lu Kai’s punch that was about to
hit Huang Xiaolong, hit onto an afterimage of him instead--
his body had blurred away, leaving several afterimages on
the stage. And Lu Kai’s fist passed through this afterimage
that he took as Huang Xiaolong.

“En?” As his confident punch hit onto an empty space, Lu

Kai couldn’t help but feel surprised.

He himself was a Seventh Order warrior. Moreover, he had

summoned his martial spirit; although he did not soul
transform, his speed was faster than any average Seventh
Order warriors’ speed. But, Huang Xiaolong actually
escaped from his attack!

“Prince Lu Kai’s attack actually missed!”

“What skill did Huang Xiaolong use just now? Could it be his
martial spirit’s ability?”

Even the experts on the honored guest platform, King Lu

Zhe, Marshal Haotian, Principal Sun Zhang, and Vice-
Principal Xiong Chu were shocked at what transpired on
stage. The speed at which Huang Xiaolong dodged Lu Kai’s
attack was no slower than Lu Kai’s speed.

Yes, just now, Huang Xiaolong used his martial spirit’s ability
– Phantom Shadow!

When Huang Xiaolong advanced to the Fourth Order, his

martial spirits had undergone their first evolution. The
Phantom Shadow ability allowed his speed to increase by a
third of his fastest speed. And with his current strength of
peak mid-Sixth Order, this ability had gone up a notch to
two-thirds more.

Not to mention that Huang Xiaolong’s strength was stronger

than the average peak late-Sixth Order warrior. Without a
doubt, his speed was also faster than average the average
same level warriors. Thus, with a two-thirds increase in
speed, his speed could very well match Lu Kai.

Seeing this his own attack missed, Lu Kai recovered quickly

after a short moment of shock and did not rush to attack the
second time, “Not bad, you’re a little bit stronger than I
imagined. Since you could avoid my first attack, means you
have the right to compete for the first place with me.” Up till
here, he paused, “But, merely a qualification. So, be prepare
to receive my coming attacks, let’s see how many times you
can hide!”

Lu Kai’s silhouette flickered and disappeared and an azure

light flashed passed in the air; appearing in front of Huang
Xiaolong many times faster than before. A fist punched out
piercing through space, producing an azure-colored wind

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes squinted as he watched the piercing

fist get closer. And this time, he had no time to dodge, thus,
the only way was to receive the attack. Battle qi inside his
body roared, a Luohan Fist flew out to meet with Lu Kai’s fist
as the netherworld battle qi rushed out like a flood.


Huang Xiaolong’s fist collided with Lu Kai’s and both were

thrown backward from the force of the impact at the same
time. Lu Kai retreated three steps back, and Huang
Xiaolong, a total of five steps.

“Huh?” When Lu Kai saw Huang Xiaolong actually take his

attack head on, yet was uninjured he was surprised.

The surrounding people who were watching the battle in all

four directions were also astounded.

A Seventh Order warrior’s battle qi was a fold higher than a

peak late-Sixth Order, yet this Huang Xiaolong could
actually resist a frontal attack from Lu Kai!

Although Huang Xiaolong retreated an extra two steps back

compared to Lu Kai, showing that he was slightly weaker,
nevertheless, this was enough to shock the crowd.

Off the stage, the First Year student that was defeated by
Huang Xiaolong earlier -Chen Qiang, was feeling disgruntled
over the loss to Huang Xiaolong. Now, seeing that Huang
Xiaolong actually could take a direct attack from Lu Kai, his
dissatisfaction vanished. He knew, if it was him on the
stage, he wouldn’t be able to take that punch!

“This Huang Xiaolong’s physique is unexpectedly strong,

and his battle qi grade is so high!” On the main platform,
King Lu Zhe commented.

Every person sitting on the main platform was an expert.

Their eyesight could determine Huang Xiaolong’s physical
body was much stronger than the average peak late-Sixth
Order warrior. Furthermore, his battle qi grade was quite
high; if not, Huang Xiaolong wouldn’t be able to receive the
strong punch from Lu Kai and remain unhurt.

“Judging from the situation, to win over Huang Xiaolong,

Kai’er can only soul transform.” King Lu Zhe subsequently

“What Your Majesty says is correct.” At this time, a Duke

that was seated below the main platform quickly agreed.
The Duke stood up, smiling as he continued, “After the
Prince soul transforms, it doesn’t matter how strong that
Huang Xiaolong is, it’s impossible for him to win against the

The other Dukes immediately showed their support by


Marshal Haotian listened but didn’t speak-- his eyes were

focused on the two figures on the battle stage.

At this time, up on the stage, Lu Kai had turned into a ray of

constant flickering azure light, appearing in random places
on the stage. His flurry of attacks raged like an angry
thunderstorm over Huang Xiaolong, but what made
everyone watching stupefied was, no matter intense and
violent Lu Kai attacked, Huang Xiaolong could successfully
take on or dodge each time.

Huang Xiaolong looked like he had no power to fight back,

but that calm and easygoing attitude made hearts go round
with suspicion.

After madly attacking over ten times, Lu Kai suddenly

stopped. He frowned; by this time, he realized that if he
kept attacking this way, it would be almost impossible to
defeat Huang Xiaolong in half an hour’s time.

“Huang Xiaolong, call out your martial spirit.” Lu Kai said,

observing Huang Xiaolong, “In the next attack, I’m going to
soul transform. You won’t be able to deflect or receive my
attack at that point!” Like anyone else, Lu Kai was curious
about Huang Xiaolong’s martial spirit. What kind of martial
spirit was it? Could it be like the rumors going around in the
Academy, a grade eleven superb martial spirit?


Next release: Tmr or Friday
Chapter 72: Huang
Xiaolong’S Martial Spirit
Chapter 72: Huang Xiaolong’s Martial Spirit

The Sky Peng disappeared from view after Lu Kai finished

speaking; a coruscating light burst out as he soul
transformed in an instant.

After soul transforming, a layer of plumage that was similar

to the Sky Peng covered Lu Kai’s body like an armor, his
eyebrows elongated, turning into a golden hue and there
were four wings emerging from his back.

His battle qi soared quickly, blowing off the roof after

combining with his martial spirit.

After the instant soul transformation, the four wings behind

his back flapped and it was as if he disappeared from the air
in a flicker of azure light.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes squinted; in a sense, he knew Lu Kai

did not really disappear but because his speed was too fast,
it created an illusion that he disappeared. All of this was just
an illusion.

At this moment, the space in front of Huang Xiaolong shook

violently and a piercing sound of wind rang out. His eyes
widened-- this was an overbearing punch and the speed at
which it was coming at him was almost breaking space
Unable to dodge the attack in time, Huang Xiaolong
immediately used Phantom Shadow, but he was still a step
too late. Lu Kai’s speed after soul transforming had broken
his earlier limit and his fist already hit Huang Xiaolong’s

“Bang!” A loud sound resounded and Huang Xiaolong’s body

trembled-- his feet staggered back ten steps before coming
to a stop on the battle stage. Waves of burning pain erupted
in his chest.

This was the first time Huang Xiaolong was injured after he
came to this world!

Lu Kai did not continue to attack after this hit. Instead, his
face showed that he was greatly shocked as he looked at
Huang Xiaolong. After receiving his head on attack, Huang
Xiaolong only retreated ten steps and judging from his
appearance, the injury he received was superficial! Huang
Xiaolong’s physique defense had reached such a strong

Lu Kai was astonished, and so was everyone else around.

On the main platform, King Lu Zhe’s eyes flashed and then

he grew quiet as if he was contemplating something.

As for Li Lu, her heart missed a beat from the fright and a
worried expression was fully displayed on her face.

“Huang Xiaolong, I’ve said that after I soul transform you

wouldn’t be able to stand my attack!” Lu Kai said as he
stared at Huang Xiaolong, “How about it? Still don’t plan to
call out your martial spirit?”

The crowd’s attention in all four directions was focused on

Huang Xiaolong.
Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu were staring closely at Huang
Xiaolong; they really wanted to know if Huang Xiaolong
possessed a grade eleven superb martial spirit.

Feeling the gazes of anticipation from all around the stage,

Huang Xiaolong calmly looked at Lu Kai, saying “Since all of
you are so curious about my martial spirit, then I should let
you see what my martial spirit is!”

Hearing Huang Xiaolong’s words, the surrounding area

became silent and their hearts tightened not knowing what
to expect.

Suddenly, the air behind Huang Xiaolong rippled like water

and a black light spread out and loomed over everything.
With a flash, a majestic black dragon floated silently behind
Huang Xiaolong, giving the impression that it was
overlooking all living beings from a high position.

A dragon’s terrifying and oppressive aura swept out like a

hurricane from the stage.

Everyone went into a daze as they stared at the black

dragon floating behind. Not moving, not speaking, even
forgetting to breath temporarily…

Whether it was King Lu Zhe, Sun Zhang, and Xiong Chu on

the main platform or Xiong Meiqi and Li Lu close to the
battle stage, and even Chen Qiang who was beaten by
Huang Xiaolong, everyone was silent.

Staring at the black dragon’s four mighty, stout claws, each

black dragon scale that looked like shiny black iron, and the
imposing eyes, everyone was shocked to the core.

On the stage, Lu Kai looked blankly at the black dragon.

“That is a Primordial Divine Dragon!”

“Ancient Dragon Tribe, a true blood Dragon ah! And this is

the elite amongst the Dragon Tribe, the Black Dragon!”

A teacher below the stage exclaimed out loud abruptly in a

shaky voice.

Primordial Divine Dragon!

The Black Dragon, an elite amongst the Dragon Tribe!

A split second after that, the entire huge hall broke out in an
uproar; the crowd was stirred with excitement and
admiration, staring at this legendary martial spirit existence
as if the one possessing Primordial Divine Black Dragon was
themselves instead of Huang Xiaolong!

Primordial Divine Dragon martial spirits; the weakest Wind

Dragon was said to be an average grade twelve martial
spirit. However, the Black Dragon, the elite amongst the
Primordial Divine Dragon Tribe was a top grade twelve
martial spirit!

Top grade twelve!

This revelation made Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu jump up

from their seats, their bodies trembling uncontrollably from

“It is actually the Primordial Divine Black Dragon!” Sun

Zhang stuttered incoherently, “A top, top grade twelve
martial spirit, grade twelve!”

Top grade twelve martial spirit, not top grade eleven!

If a top grade eleven martial spirit was shocking enough,
what about the existence of an actual, top grade twelve
martial spirit? When Xiong Chu thought of the probability of
Huang Xiaolong’s future achievements, his lips trembled like
he ate hundred pounds of chilies.

In the entire two thousand years of the Duanren Empire’s

history talent, Huang Xiaolong definitely can be counted in
the top ten!

Especially when they noticed Huang Xiaolong’s Black

Dragon martial spirit was a variation!

All around was shock and excitement, apart from two people
– Fei Hou and Marshal Haotian.

“Sovereign actually could separately summon the twin

dragon spirits?!” They looked stupidly at the singular Black
Dragon floating behind Huang Xiaolong. Both of them were
aware that Huang Xiaolong possessed twin martial spirits,
not only this Black Dragon, but also the Blue Dragon that
was stronger and more powerful.

Across the crowd, Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou exchanged a


Because Huang Xiaolong had just returned from training in

the Silvermoon Forest, he didn’t have the chance to tell
either of them that he could summon his martial spirits
individually. So, they only found out at this point of time,
together with the rest of the people.

Up on the stage, Lu Kai who had been in shock gradually

recovered; his eyes had a complicated feeling while looking
at Huang Xiaolong and a strong jealousy towards Huang
Xiaolong was born in his heart.
Jealousy is part of human nature.

“I didn’t expect your martial spirit to be a Primordial Divine

Black Dragon!” Lu Kai suppressed the jealousy in his heart,
and slowly said, “Even so, it can’t change the fact of your
upcoming defeat! You should be more careful from now on, I
will use the battle skill that I have worked hard to master in
recent days, Hundred Saber Cut!” His hand slowly
unsheathed the gilded saber that always hung at his waist.
When the saber was unsheathed, a clear buzz reverberated
in the air.

The gilded saber reflected in the light, exuding a cold,

chilling feeling. The bloodthirsty eyes of a beast with sharp
fangs were carved on the saber’s body.

This was the Luo Tong Kingdom treasured ancestral saber,

the God Slaughtering Saber!

Lifting up the God Slaughtering Saber with both of his

hands, Lu Kai slashed at Huang Xiaolong without warning,
once again the first to attack.

“Hundred Cut Saber!”

Hundred Saber Cut, Earth rank battle skill.

Ripples traveled across space as dazzling rays shot out from

the saber, crashing out like an angry flood towards Huang
Xiaolong, enveloping him.

The crowd held their breaths in suspense.

Under the crowd’s watchful eyes, no one could tell when the
two cold blades, neither too long nor too short, appeared in
Huang Xiaolong’s hands. His hands swung out, “Tempest of
Hundreds of cold blades light materialized out of nowhere
and the air surged at rapidly turning into two cyclones,
rotating endlessly. A hellish crying sounded clearly in
everyone’s ears, into their mind, and deep into their souls.

“Zheng, zheng, zheng!” Clashes sounded and the Tempest

Of Hell continued to rotate, shattering the saber light from
Lu Kai’s Hundred Saber Cut attack. And it continued on
towards Lu Kai.


Next release: Friday

Hope you enjoy the chapter :blush:
Chapter 73: The Academy
Competition Comes To An
Chapter 73: The Academy Competition Comes to An End

Lu Kai was frightened looking at the two groups of the

Tempest of Hell’s cyclones enveloping over him. The crying
sound emitted from them made his heart shiver!

Fearful, Lu Kai forced himself to move the four wings at his

back, open and close. In an instant, his body spun around
into an azure tornado, dodging away speedily.

Still, it was a step too late.

The two cyclones covered Lu Kai, clashing violently against

the azure tornado.

“Boom!” a loud blast resounded.

The azure tornado dimmed and its speed slowed, revealing

Lu Kai’s body and his frightened eyes.

In the end, the azure tornado shattered away as the

Tempest of Hell continued onwards; Lu Kai stumbled back
again and again until he reached the edge of the battle
stage. Tempest of Hell came right before him and

Seeing the two cyclones finally dissipated just inches in

front of him, it was as if his pores relaxed and cold sweat
soaked back his back, dampening his robe.
Just now, he felt death’s breath.

Death actually came so close to him!

Lu Kai panted heavily; looking at his right hand, he saw that

the right half of his robe sleeve was shredded into pieces by
Huang Xiaolong’s attack. Cuts on his flesh had blood flowing
out and fortunately, this was considered a superficial injury,
not as traumatic as it could have been.

When his fright had passed, his complex gaze focused

towards Huang Xiaolong. He knew that if it wasn’t for Huang
Xiaolong’s mercy, most likely his right hand would be
crippled by now!

“I lost!” Lu Kai breathed out and said to Huang Xiaolong.

When the words came out, Lu Kai nearly stumbled down
from the stage, looking like all of his energy was exhausted
and overdrawn.

A commotion swept through the crowd in all directions of

the stage.

Prince Lu Kai took the initiative to admit defeat! Voluntarily


Someone who had broken through the Seventh Order,

possessing a variation Sky Peng martial spirit, who in the
end, lost to a peak mid-Sixth Order Huang Xiaolong!

In the Martial Spirit World, the myth a Sixth Order could

never win over a Seventh Order was broken by Huang

Everyone was caught in unbelievable and inconceivable

Whereas up on the honored guest's main platform, each
was immersed in their own thoughts.

King Lu Zhe sighed, “I did not expect even Kai’er is not

Huang Xiaolong’s opponent.” Then, he turned to look at
Marshal Haotian with a gratified expression, laughed, and
said “Even more surprising is this Huang Xiaolong’s martial
spirit-- it’s actually a Primordial Divine Dragon, the Black
Dragon. I look forward to his achievement after winning the
Academy’s First Year competition and his journey to the
Duanren Empire for the Imperial City Battle ah!”

What Lu Zhe said was heartfelt words; he was indeed

looking forward to Huang Xiaolong’s performance in the
Imperial City Battle in the Duanren Empire. If he could get
into the top ten places, not only is it the Academy’s glory, it
would also be the Luo Tong Kingdom’s glory!

Marshal Haotian also laughed agreeably and said: “This

one’s wish is the same.” Marshal Haotian held the same
anticipation because he knew it wouldn’t be just the Cosmic
Star Academy and the Luo Tong Kingdom’s glory, but it
would also be the Asura’s Gate honor and glory!

And with Huang Xiaolong participating in the Duanren

Empire’s Imperial City Battle, it would be the starting point
of rebuilding the Asura’s Gate glory once more.

After that, there was the battle between empires!

A long time later, Sun Zhang finally managed to calm down

and he stood up. However, excitement and complicated
feelings were still obvious on his face as he looked at Huang
Xiaolong on the stage, saying “This battle, Huang Xiaolong
wins! The First Year champion is Huang Xiaolong!”

The First Year champion, Huang Xiaolong!

When the crowd heard Sun Zhang announced the result, the
Holy Hall broke out in a frenzy.

Li Lu laughed, Fei Hou laughed, and Marshal Haotian also

laughed, not excluding the guards from the Marshal

The atmosphere in the huge hall boiled up; Zhong Yuan, who
was standing amongst the crowd, turned pale white and his
eyes were filled with hate and fear as he stared fixedly at
Huang Xiaolong on the stage.

Huang Xiaolong won! He got the first place in the First Year
competition, then his bet with Huang Xiaolong…?

Zhong Yuan felt only bleak darkness before him.

Hearing Sun Zhang announced the result, Huang Xiaolong

secretly breathed out in relief.

After a series of ‘difficult’ battles, he finally achieved his

aim, to become the First Year champion!

Soon after that, the Second Year and Third Year classes also
announced their winners, and the overall winner was
somebody called Chen Cheng, from the inner court of
Cosmic Star Academy; his strength had reached peak late-
Tenth Order. Two months later, he would be heading to the
Duanren Empire as Cosmic Star Academy’s representative
for this round of the Imperial City Battle.

The inner court of Cosmic Star Academy consisted of

talented students selected from the Third Years and every
year, the number of students there was capped at ten
After the total results were collected, it was time for King Lu
Zhe and Sun Zhang to give out the rewards to Huang
Xiaolong and the three other winners.

While giving out the rewards to Huang Xiaolong, it was

inevitable that King Lu Zhe and Sun Zhang would speak
words of encouragement.

Looking at the rewards in his hands, Huang Xiaolong’s heart

bounced a little with excitement.

One million gold coins!

One low-grade Earth rank cultivation technique and battle


Most importantly, the high Grade Four Spirit Dan, Xingyao


With this Xingyao Dan, coupled with the cycad fruits he

found in the Silvermoon Forest, his father, Huang Peng, can
advance another order! Of course, Huang Xiaolong wouldn’t
swallow this Xingyao Dan himself; he had intended to give it
to his Huang Peng all along.

With the end of the competition, after some days, he could

return to the Huang Clan Manor.

After the rewards were given out, the crowd dispersed and
walked away.

But, after most of the people had dispersed, Lu Kai came up

to Huang Xiaolong and said, “I hope that next year we
would have a chance to battle again!”

Next year? Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Next year, both of them would enter the Second Year class.

When the Holy Hall emptied out, Huang Xiaolong brought

Fei Hou and the four Marshal Mansion guards and Li Lu out
from the Academy back to Tianxuan Mansion.

Once back to Tianxuan Mansion, Li Lu chattered happily

while hanging onto Huang Xiaolong’s arm about how cool he
looked when he defeated Lu Kai, Chen Qiang, and the rest
on the battle stage.

Looking at Li Lu chattering happily, he could only go with

the flow and let Li Lu tweet away for more than an hour
before she was satisfied.

More than an hour later, Li Lu finally left Tianxuan Mansion.

After Li Lu had left, Huang Xiaolong called for Fei Hou and
he took out the reward of one million gold coins and tasked
Fei Hou with buying the neighboring courtyards around
Tianxuan Mansion. The number of slaves had increased,
making Tianxuan Mansion feel slightly crowded.

“Buy up the neighboring courtyards?” Looking at the pile of

one million gold coins in front of him, he nodded his head,
saying “Yes, rest assured Sovereign, this subordinate will go
and handle this matter right away!”

As long as there were enough gold coins, he believed the

owners would sell their places. Also, Fei Hou heard some of
the courtyards close to Tianxuan Mansion belonged to the
Generals under Senior Brother Haotian; it shouldn’t be too
difficult to convince them to sell.

When Fei Hou left, Huang Xiaolong returned to his room and
started practicing the Asura Tactics.
According to previous years’ rule, the next day after the
competition, the winners of each class and year competition
were to gather at the Academy square and they would be
guided by Principal Sun Zhang and Vice-Principal Xiong Chu
to the treasure land, Dragon Flame Valley to cultivate.

When Huang Xiaolong remembered Marshal Haotian’s

explanation that Dragon Flame Valley could refine the
physique and improve the quality of battle qi, he couldn’t
help but look forward to it.

Since he cultivated the Asura Tactics, his referred to his

battle qi that was laced with the netherworld spiritual aura
as ‘netherworld battle qi’. The quality of the netherworld
battle qi can be considered as high amongst others; if he
could further enhance it, one doesn’t know what extent it
can reach?

The darkness of the night gradually dispersed as sunlight

streamed out in the morning sky.

Huang Xiaolong withdrew from his practice and came out

from his room, feeling good. The tiredness from yesterday’s
battles vanished completely.

“Sovereign, there’s good news!” Just when Huang Xiaolong

walked into the main hall, Fei Hou ran in excitedly and
spurted out, “Senior Brother got in touch with Master, and
he reported about Sovereign to Master. Master is very happy
and is rushing over to the Luo Tong Kingdom as fast as he


Next release: tmr
Chapter 74: Cultivating In The Dragon Flame Valley

“You managed to contact your Master!” When Huang

Xiaolong heard this, he couldn’t help but feel happy.

“That’s right, Sovereign!” Fei Hou smiled and affirmed

respectfully, “But, Master is still in the Mohe Kingdom, and
to rush to here from the Mohe Kingdom will require around
ten days or so.”

‘Ten days,” Huang Xiaolong nodded his head softly. He had

already waited for two years, another ten days of waiting
matter not to him.

Yu Ming would arrive ten days later, and at that time, Huang
Xiaolong could get the information about the Asura’s Gate
headquarters location from him!

However, Huang Xiaolong will be cultivating in Dragon

Flame Valley for half a month. He would only come out after
half a month’s time after entering there. Therefore, when Yu
Ming arrived, he would have to trouble him to wait a few
days until he comes out from the Dragon Flame Valley.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong came to the Academy’s

square with Fei Hou; most of the class winners were already
waiting there. Huang Xiaolong’s presence naturally
attracted their attention, causing all the students to look at

Maybe Huang Xiaolong didn’t recognize these students, but

no doubt, they recognized him.

Yesterday, during the Academy competition, Huang

Xiaolong’s performance was the most dazzling and eye-
catching of all; it even curtailed the overall Academy
number one, Chen Cheng’s limelight.

Top grade twelve martial spirit!

Huang Xiaolong was forever engraved into Duanren

Empire’s history, not to mention the Luo Tong Kingdom!

In the midst of the student group, stood Lu Kai who lost to

Huang Xiaolong and he had a complicated expression on his
face as he looked at the young man smaller than him. Lu Kai
was one of the fourteen First Year class winners, eligible to
enter and practice in the Dragon Flame Valley.

Yesterday, after the competition ended, Principal Sun Zhang

and Vice-Principal Xiong Chu gave Zhong Yuan his notice,
emphasizing that he doesn't need to come to Cosmic Star
Academy anymore. Don’t come anymore! Zhong Yuan was
expelled, and after being expelled, Zhong Yuan ran to his
(Lu Kai’s mother) sister and ‘cried’ for a very long time.

Moments later, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu appeared on the


When the two of them arrived, they glanced around the

group of students and their eyes lit up brightly like the stars
when they spotted Huang Xiaolong. Their demeanor
changed in the blink of an eye; the students actually saw
Principal Sun Zhang and Vice-Principal Xiong Chu’s mouths
bloom into a smile that contained traces of the desire to
please Huang Xiaolong, even nodding their heads.

Seeing this scene, the group of students felt envy and

jealousy, including the overall Academy champion, Chen
Cheng. Even he had never enjoyed such treatment.
And then, Sun Zhang opened his mouth and asked,
“Xiaolong, did you sleep well last night?”

Did you sleep well last night? Everyone felt like fainting.

Even Huang Xiaolong was startled at the ‘caring’ question.

“It was okay.” Huang Xiaolong nodded and said.

At this time, Xiong Chu also said to Huang Xiaolong with a

grin on his face, “You’re still a growing boy, you should eat
and sleep well.”

Growing boy? Eat and sleep well!

When the students heard this, they become even more

speechless looking at Huang Xiaolong; if envy and jealousy
could condense into a solid form, it would flow out from their
eyes like water.

“Okay, since everyone is gathered, we will now bring all of

you into the Dragon Flame Valley.” Sun Zhang opened his
mouth and said. His expression turned serious continued,
“Remember, after going into the Dragon Flame Valley, don’t
run around arbitrarily!”

Don’t run around arbitrarily? Huang Xiaolong’s curious heart

was stoked-- was there any unknown danger in Dragon
Flame Valley?

Then, Huang Xiaolong, Lu Kai, and the rest of the students

followed Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu and walked away from
the square, heading towards the mountain behind the
Academy. The Dragon Flame Valley was located in the
Academy’s back mountain.
Half an hour later, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu brought the
students to a valley.

In front of the valley, stood a ten meters high boulder; on

the top part of the boulder, written in the ancient language,
were three words: Dragon Flame Valley!

“I’m going to warn you again, one more time, after we enter
the Dragon Flame Valley, no one is allowed to act
rampantly!” Standing before the boulder that was the
entrance into the valley, Sun Zhang reminded Huang
Xiaolong and the rest of the students.

Heads nodded in obedience.

Only after seeing this did Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu guide
them into the Dragon Flame Valley.

Not sure if it was a misperception, but the moment he

stepped into the Dragon Flame Valley, his twin dragon
martial spirits actually moved for a second. It was only for a
second, and then they stayed still like nothing happened.

Thus Huang Xiaolong didn’t think too much about it, moving
forward with the rest of the students.

As they moved deeper into the Dragon Flame Valley, the

surrounding temperature grew hotter; towards the end,
Huang Xiaolong felt a prickling pain on his skin due to the
high heat.

About fifteen minutes or so passed and Sun Zhang, Xiong

Chu, Huang Xiaolong and the others came to a stop before a
huge mouth to a cave. When they entered, an effusion of
extremely hot heat blew against them.
About six to seven meters inside the cave, the two sides of
the wall were smooth and flat. Every five meters, a bright
stone was inlaid on the left and right side of the cave wall,
lighting up the path.

Roughly one hundred meters in, they came before a stone

door that was opened by Sun Zhang, revealing a ten square
meter stone chamber within. In the middle of the stone
chamber, was a five-pointed star array formation and
nothing else inside the chamber.

“Zhang Yue, you go in!” Sun Zhang said.

Zhang Yue was the First Year Class One winner.

Following Sun Zhang’s instructions, Zhang Yue went in and

sat down in the middle of the five-pointed star array

Then, Sun Zhang brought the remaining students deeper

inside the cave.

Before every stone doors they came across, either Sun

Zhang or Xiong Chu would open the door and one of the
students would be instructed to go inside.

Soon, other than Huang Xiaolong, all the First Year winners
already entered into a stone chamber. Sun Zhang and Xiong
Chu came to a flight of stone stairs and they led the
remaining students down to the second level of the cave.

On the lower second level floor, it contained many stone

doors just like the floor above and the Second Year class
winners were arranged to practice here.

Next, they went another level down where the Third Year
class winners entered into their individual stone chambers.
Lastly, the remaining people were the First, Second, Third
and overall first place winners. Huang Xiaolong’s group of
four were arranged into stone chambers at the ground level.

Prior to entering the Dragon Flame Valley, Sun Zhang briefly

explained the logistics of the stone chambers to Huang
Xiaolong and the students: the closer the stone chamber
was to the vein, the higher and stronger the amount and
purity of the dragon flame qi one can absorb through the
array formation. Thus, cultivating in the lower levels would
bring greater effect and furthermore, the four people on the
fourth level can stay for half a month or fifteen days, but the
students cultivating on the first, second and third level were
only allowed five days’ time.

This was the biggest advantage of winning the year

category competition.

The stone door closed after Huang Xiaolong walked in, and
he stepped into the middle of the five-pointed star-like array
formation and sat in a lotus position. The array formation
glowed brightly as he started to run the Asura Tactics; in the
next moment, the twin dragon martial spirits in Huang
Xiaolong’s body suddenly flew out, floating in the stone
chamber and a dragon’s roar echoed in the chamber.

“This, what is happening? Huang Xiaolong was


The twin dragon martial spirits were out of his control, flying
out from his body by themselves. This kind of situation was
a first for Huang Xiaolong.

At the same time, strong streams of fire qi flooded into the

room from the ground below through the array formation,
turning into many minuscule fire dragons filling up the stone
chamber in the span of a few breaths.
It was as if Huang Xiaolong was sitting in a sea of fire. Then,
the twin dragons opened their mouths and devoured these
small fire dragons and Huang Xiaolong felt them enter into
his body and he started to heat up.

As his martial spirits continued to swallow the endless fire

qi, it coursed along Huang Xiaolong’s meridians, flesh,
bones, and everywhere else in his body and his battle qi
surged within his meridians at the same time.

However, what happened next made Huang Xiaolong even

more surprised. The twin dragons actually drilled into the
ground as if there was something there that attracted them
to go beneath the Dragon Flame Valley.


Another one coming up!
Chapter 75: Pagoda

In the blink of an eye, the twin dragons had drilled more

than ten meters into the ground. More and more hot air
spewed out from underground, and because Huang Xiaolong
and the twin dragons were in truth one entity, what they
see, he could also see just the same.

More than a dozen meters below, the earth underneath was

a burning red in color, akin to magma.

The twin dragons continued to drill down deeper, seventy

meters, eighty meters, ninety meters, one hundred meters

When it was over a hundred meters down, the surrounding

soil was a deep red, as if cooked by the fire. The
temperature nearly reached a thousand degrees Fahrenheit;
at such a temperature, even a Xiantian expert would turn
into ashes.

But, Huang Xiaolong’s twin dragon martial spirits were


Nearing two hundred meters deep, suddenly, the twin

dragons came upon an open space. There was a surging sea
of fire and below it was bubbling magma; the small fire
dragons ballooned in size, becoming several meters thick
fire dragons!

Extreme pure fire qi rolled and surged like angry waves in

the sea of fire.

From the magma below, qi gathered, turning into a huge

flame dragon vein.
Is this the natural dragon vein below the Dragon Flame

And suspended above the bubbling magma was a pagoda!

Golden lights flickered out from the pagoda while there were
several more than one meter thick fire dragons circled
around it. Moreover, Huang Xiaolong noticed that the
pagoda was constantly emitting fire dragon qi!

Huang Xiaolong was stunned; could all the fire qi in this

Dragon Flame Valley originate out from this pagoda? Could
the formation of the natural magma vein below also have
been created by the pagoda?

What is this pagoda?

At this time, the twin dragons above the sea of fire roared
with excitement and one black and one blue dragon swam
towards the pagoda, encircling it.

The twin dragons spun endlessly around the pagoda and the
pagoda shone brightly and shook with vigor.

The fire dragons around the pagoda shot towards the blue
and black dragon as if they had wisdom, wanting to swallow
Huang Xiaolong’s twin dragon martial spirits. However, just
when these fire dragons got close to them, the black and
blue dragon stretched their jaws and devoured all the fire
dragons cleanly.

The twin dragons didn’t stop after devouring the fire

dragons that attacked them; they continued onto other fire
dragons and one after another, fire dragons of various sizes
went into the black and blue dragon’s stomach.
These thick fire qi dragons took more ten years to reach this
size and their purity was ten times higher than what Huang
Xiaolong could absorb through the five-pointed star array
formation in the stone chamber, maybe even higher than

A short while later, the fire dragons above the sea of fire
were swallowed into the black and blue dragon’s stomach
till none were left.

And after devouring these fire qi dragons, Huang Xiaolong’s

twin dragon martial spirits nearly doubled in size; the scales
on both of their bodies became even more compact, shinier
and their stout claws grew sturdier.

On the surface, the black and blue dragons looked like they
were layered with a fiery red glow, rippling along the scales
of their body, and the dragons’ natural oppressive aura

When all the fire qi dragons were gone, the black and blue
dragons once again circled the pagoda.

But, around the pagoda was an invisible barrier of fire qi,

blocking the black and blue dragons a few meters away,
unable to get closer to it.

Even so, every time the black and blue dragon spun around
it, the fire qi barrier would become a little thinner. One hour
later, the fire qi barrier disappeared completely.

Then, the black and blue dragon wrapped the pagoda with
their bodies and headed back towards the stone chamber
Huang Xiaolong was in.

In just moments, both the black and the blue dragon

reached the stone chamber.
The pagoda floated above Huang Xiaolong’s head. Instantly,
strong pure flames broke out from the pagoda, rushing into
Huang Xiaolong’s body.

Huang Xiaolong’s body shook abruptly as if he fell into a

pool of magma; his organs felt like they were being boiled in
scorching lava, causing anguishing pain. This type of pain
from extreme temperatures almost made Huang Xiaolong
lose his consciousness, scaring him so much that he quickly
ran the Asura’s Tactics to refine these violent fire dragon qi
so he can absorb them.

One stream of fire qi after another caused Huang Xiaolong’s

face to distort due to the excruciating pain.

He kept refining the fire qi that entered his body, but the
pagoda kept spewing out an endless stream of fire qi that it
even made Huang Xiaolong hallucinate that he was being
roasted inside out.

As Huang Xiaolong continued to refine the fire qi inside his

body, on the surface of his skin were traces of black
impurities mixed with blood that oozed out from his pores.
Years ago, when Huang Xiaolong ate the Yang Fruit, it
cleansed his marrows and at that time, black impurities also
came out from his body. Now, however, the amount was
significantly higher and it was mixed with blood; soon, these
blood mixed impurities turned into a layer of hard scab as if
imprisoning him inside.

From afar, Huang Xiaolong looked like someone who fell into
a pool of blood.

After a little more than an hour, relying on the continuous

usage of the Asura Tactics, Huang Xiaolong could feel the
pain gradually subside, and after another two hours, the
pure fire qi spewing out from the pagoda gave Huang
Xiaolong a warm, comfortable feeling instead of the
unbearable pain it had in the beginning.

Every time the pagoda spewed out fire qi, Huang Xiaolong
detected the changes inside his body, that his internal
organs were becoming stronger.

During the entire time, the black and blue dragons were
wrapped around the pagoda, swallowing the fire qi that
came out from it.

While Huang Xiaolong’s twin dragon martial spirits

‘abducted’ the pagoda into the stone chamber he was in,
the rest of the students who were cultivating in the other
stone chambers such as Lu Kai and Chen Cheng, felt the fire
qi from the array formation had weakened slightly. Although,
they felt weird, none of them thought too much of it.

Three days passed quickly.

The surface of Huang Xiaolong’s skin hardened with layers

of blood mixed with impurities and it slowly glowed a fiery
red color; then, it melted piece by piece and fell to the floor.
At this time, more impurities were pushed out from his body
once again, creating a new layer on the surface of his skin.

Another three days came and went, these layers of

impurities melted, fell, and emerged once again, repeating

Like this, after three rounds, there were no longer any

impurities mixed with blood coming out from Huang
Xiaolong’s pores; the surface of his skin looked as white as
snow with a glow to his entire body.

Inside-out, Huang Xiaolong’s body had undergone

tremendous changes.
Not only his skin and body, but even his temperament and
aura was not the same.

When the time limit of fifteen days came, Huang Xiaolong

had advanced to peak late-Sixth Order from peak mid-Sixth
Order-- less than half a step and he could break through to
the Seventh Order Warrior!

After the fifteenth day, Huang Xiaolong recalled his twin

dragon martial spirits back into his body and that pagoda
actually followed into his body as well!

Inside his body, the pagoda continued to spew out fire qi,
tempering his body nonstop. This discovery made Huang
Xiaolong very happy; in this case, doesn’t that mean the fire
qi will continue to strengthen his physique every second of
the day?

In the long run, to what extent would his physical strength

and defense improve? Not only that, his meridians and
battle qi can be enhanced infinitely-- what extent can they

Huang Xiaolong took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, he walked out from

the stone chamber seconds later. The other three people
also came out from their respective stone chambers where
Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu were already waiting for them.

Seeing the four students come out, Sun Zhang and Xiong
Chu’s gaze could not help but fall on Huang Xiaolong’s
body; and the finding made their eyes widened in shock.

Next release: Prob Thurs/Fri (fingers crossed)
Chapter 76: Asura’S Gate
Chapter 76: Asura’s Gate Headquarters

“You, you are Huang Xiaolong?!” Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu
stared at Huang Xiaolong with exaggeratedly widened eyes.
It had only been fifteen days inside the stone chamber, yet
Huang Xiaolong actually grew a head taller! His skin, his
temperament, and his aura had changed drastically.

If they were in a different place, without careful observation,

they truly would not be able to recognize Huang Xiaolong.

In fact, when Chen Cheng and the other two students came
out from their stone chambers, they really did not recognize
Huang Xiaolong.

Looking at Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu’s reaction, Huang

Xiaolong felt helpless about it and could only nod his head
in affirmation.

“Xiaolong, ar-, are you alright?” Sun Zhang came up beside

him and asked, full of concern. Such drastic changes in
fifteen days, hopefully, there isn’t anything wrong.
Nowadays, Huang Xiaolong was considered to be the
Academy and the Luo Tong Kingdom’s darling.

“Me? What could happen to me?” Huang Xiaolong smiled

helplessly; at the moment, his body was at its best
condition. He could probably even kill a Grade Seven
demonic beast with a single punch.
“Then all is good.” Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu secretly
breathed out in relief.

With the cultivation time ended, the two of them brought

Huang Xiaolong and the other three students out of Dragon
Flame Valley; Lu Kai and the rest had left ten days earlier.

Coming out of the Dragon Flame Valley, the group of six

soon arrived at the Academy’s square.

Chen Cheng, Huang Xiaolong, and the other two bid farewell
to Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu, but when Huang Xiaolong
turned around wanting to leave, Sun Zhang called out,
“Xiaolong, stay for a moment, I have something to say to

Huang Xiaolong paused for a second and turned back, and

he looked at Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu both.

A look was exchanged between Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu;

subsequently, Sun Zhang took out a small bottle and stated,
“This is a high Grade Five Spirit Dan, take it!”

“Five, high Grade Five Spirit Dan!” Huang Xiaolong was

taken aback, then his eyes lit up.

The Academy overall champion, Chen Cheng was rewarded

with one high Grade Five Spirit Dan; even to the Academy,
Grade Five Spirit Dans are hard to come by.

But, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu actually gave him one?!

Xiong Chu chuckled, saying “That’s right, this is a top Grade

Five Spirit Dan. Consider it as our personal gift to you.
Xiaolong, practice hard. Both of us hope you can advance to
the Seventh Order soon.”
Huang Xiaolong took the bottle, feeling delighted in his
heart. A high Grade Five Spirit Dan ah! With this, his
mother’s strength can enhance another level!

As for himself, he doesn’t need it.

On Huang Xiaolong’s face was an expression of gratefulness

to Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu, and he said, “Don’t worry, I
will practice hard and seize the time to break through to the
Seventh Order as soon as possible.”

Hearing this, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu’s face bloomed.

Sun Zhang smilingly said, “With that high Grade Four Spirit
Dan you have along with this one, and your talent, we
believe within half a year’s time you can advance to the
peak late-Sixth Order; and in one year, you definitely can
break through to the Seventh Order!”

If these two people knew Huang Xiaolong wanted to gift the

First Year champion’s reward – the high Grade Four Spirit
Dan, and this high Grade Five Spirit Dan to his parents, what
would they think?

Of course, even without these two pills, Huang Xiaolong

estimated that he would break through within half a year’s

A short moment later, Huang Xiaolong left the Academy,

returning to the Tianxuan Mansion.

When he reached Tianxuan Mansion’s entrance, Fei Hou,

Marshal Haotian, and a middle-aged man were waiting at
the Tianxuan Mansion main door. This unknown middle-aged
man has sharp-edged eyebrows and deep unfathomable
eyes, and faint streaks of gray hair on his temple. He stood
there like a sword ready to fly out from its sheath anytime,
able to flip the earth over. Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou who
stood a step behind him, nearly faded into the background.

Seeing this middle-aged man, Huang Xiaolong could already

guess his identity.

Asura’s Gate Elder, Yu Ming!

When Huang Xiaolong appeared, the middle-aged man

looked over, his eyes sharp like a knife, giving an invisible
oppressive aura, making it difficult to breathe with the
pressure he exuded.

“Sovereign!” Joy was obvious on Fei Hou’s and Marshal

Haotian’s faces when they saw Huang Xiaolong, they
hurried to introduce Huang Xiaolong to the middle-aged
man: “Master, that is the Sovereign; Sovereign is back!”

Yu Ming’s gaze inevitably fell on Huang Xiaolong’s left ring

finger where the Asura Ring was. Suddenly, he trembled
excitedly, and all his tyrannical aura disappeared in an
instant as he strode towards Huang Xiaolong and bowed
down in salute, “Asura’s Gate Elder Yu Ming greet the
Sovereign. Sovereign invincible throughout!”

Seeing their Master like this, Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou
quickly followed suit.

“Quick, please stand.” Huang Xiaolong stepped up and

helped the three of them up.

After the three stood up, Huang Xiaolong spoke: “Let’s go in

and talk.”

Minutes later, the four came to the main hall, and Huang
Xiaolong waved away the Marshal Mansion guards and Boli’s
group of slaves.
“I heard from Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou, you went to the
Mohe Kingdom to do something?” After everyone took a
seat, Huang Xiaolong asked Yu Ming.

“It is so, Sovereign.” Yu Ming quickly stood up and answered

respectfully, ‘Three years ago, this Subordinate was
searching for Life and Death Grass for alchemy and I heard
that the Mohe Kingdom has them, so Subordinate had
rushed over there.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded, thought for a moment and said,

“Actually, the main purpose I asked Haotian and Fei Hou to
contact you was to inquire about the Asura’s Gate current
situation and the headquarters’ location.”

“Asura’s Gate headquarters location?” Yu Ming spoke in a

somber voice, “In fact, the Asura’s Gate headquarters is not
on the Snow Wind Continent.”

“What? Not on Snow Wind Continent?!” Huang Xiaolong was

greatly surprised; he turned to look at Fei Hou and Haotian
and found that both of them had the same surprise look on
their faces. Apparently, both of them never thought of the
possibility that the Asura’s Gate headquarters wasn’t
located on the same continent.

“That’s right, Sovereign.” Yu Ming continued to elaborate,

“Our headquarters is built on the Star Cloud Continent.”

“Star Cloud Continent!” Huang Xiaolong’s eyes opened


In this Martial Spirit World, wasn’t there just Snow Wind

Continent? Could there be many different continents?
Martial Haotian and Fei Hou had never mentioned this to
him before.
“In this Martial Spirit Word, there are other continents other
than the Snow Wind Continent?” Huang Xiaolong took the
opportunity to clarify.

Yu Ming nodded his head, “Yes, Sovereign. In Martial Spirit

World, there are three continents -Snow Wind Continent,
Star Cloud Continent, and Shifang Continent. Star Cloud and
Shifang Continent are many times larger than Snow Wind
Continent. Our Asura’s Gate headquarters is in the center of
Star Cloud Continent, in a place called Zhongzhou, on the
peak of the Heavenly Sky Phoenix Mountain!”

Star Cloud Continent, Zhongzhou, on the peak of the

Heavenly Phoenix Mountain!

Huang Xiaolong repeated once to himself.

“Sovereign wants to go to the headquarters?” At this time,

Yu Ming’s brown scrunched together tightly and ventured:
“If Sovereign plan to go to Asura’s Gate headquarters, I’m

“Afraid what?” Huang Xiaolong pursued.

“I’m afraid it would be risky.” Yu Ming said, “Fifty years ago,

Old Sovereign disappeared suddenly. Main Chief Chen Tianqi
had always wanted to take control of the Asura’s Gate and
step into the Sovereign position. But, Zhao Shu, the Left
Deputy, and Zhang Fu, the Right Deputy, and many Elders
opposed the idea. So, the Asura’s Gate is divided into two
factions because of this.”

“Main Chief Chen Tianqi?” Huang Xiaolong looked at Yu

Ming, full of doubt.

“Below the Sovereign, there is the Main Chief, Left and Right
Deputy; and after them, there are Section Chiefs and
Elders.” Yu Ming explained: “In truth, Main Chief Chen Tianqi
is Sovereign’s Senior Brother!”

“My Senior Brother!” Huang Xiaolong was astounded by this

piece of information.

Yu Ming nodded and continued “Main Chief Chen Tianqi is

the disciple that Old Sovereign received about two hundred
years ago. These years, he had continued to search for
news of the Old Sovereign. If Sovereign wants to go to the
headquarters and is made known to Main Chief Chen Tianqi,
he will surely attempt to assassinate you to snatch the
Asura Ring so that he could take over the Sovereign’s
position with justification!”


Shi Fang – lit. ten side/directions. Thus, pinyin is used here.


More things were unraveled in this chapter.

Next release: Sat and Sun
Chapter 77: Heavenly Treasure

Huang Xiaolong’s eyebrows creased lightly; he didn’t expect

that he would have a Senior Brother.

Chen Tianqi? Huang Xiaolong understood what Yu Ming

meant. In the current situation, the Asura’s Gate was
divided into two factions; one side led by Chen Tianqi who
wants to take over the sect and be the Sovereign, while the
other is led by the Left and Right Deputy, Zhao Shu and
Zhang Fu. Most of the Elders agreed and sided with Zhao
Shu and Zhang Fu – only the person possessing the Asura
Ring can replace the Old Sovereign, just like Yu Ming and his
disciples, Haotian and Fei Hou.

The was no question of Yu Ming and this faction’s loyalty.

Otherwise, when Yu Ming, Haotian, and Fei Hou found out he
possessed the Asura Ring, they would have snatched it from
him without a second thought.

If Chen Tianqi’s faction was made aware of his existence

and the fact that the Asura Ring was in his hands, even if he
was far away in the Snow Wind Continent, in this small
‘sesame seed’ Luo Tong Kingdom, he would fall into a
dangerous position!

At this time, Yu Ming’s voice sounded again, “If Main Chief

Chen Tianqi knew about Sovereign and the Asura Ring, he
would definitely send people to kill Sovereign. Chances are,
he might even come over himself.”

Huang Xiaolong’s voice sounded somber as he asked, “This

Chen Tianqi, how strong is his strength?”

Yu Ming shook his head, saying “Subordinate is not very

clear about this. In the last decade, no one has seen Main
Chief Chen Tianqi reveal his true strength; however, during
the time when the Old Sovereign left, Main Chief Chen
Tianqi’s strength has already reached Fifth Order Saint

“Fifth Order Saint!” Huang Xiaolong’s heart missed a beat

hearing that; it meant that more than a decade ago, this
Chen Tianqi was already a Fifth Order Saint Realm Warrior!

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong truly felt his strength was

still too weak. Although compared to peers his age, his
talent and progress can be considered as heaven-defying,
against those Xiantian and Saint realm warriors, his measly
strength was insignificant. Relying on Chen Tianqi’s Fifth
Order Saint strength, to extinguish himself, Chen Tianqi
could do it without even moving his pinky.

Again, Yu Ming continued to speak, interrupting Huang

Xiaolong’s thoughts, “Main Chief Chen Tianqi’s talent is very
high, possessing a top grade thirteen martial spirit, a Twelve
Wings Angel. Moreover, his angel martial spirit has the
strongest battle power, the War Angel!”

A top grade thirteen martial spirit, the Twelve Wings Angel!

Possessing the strongest battle power, the War Angel!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed in a pensive manner.

But, this was not surprising to Huang Xiaolong because only

those possessing top superb martial spirits could withstand
the netherworld Hell’s slaughter intent and practice the
Asura Tactics thereby becoming Ren Wo Kuang’s disciple.

If this was the case, then apart from Huang Xiaolong and
Ren Wo Kuang, in this world there is another person that
practiced the Asura Tactics - Chen Tianqi.
Of course, judging from what Yu Ming said, although Chen
Tianqi practiced Asura Tactics like him, he did not have the
Blades of Asura. Thus, Huang Xiaolong was sure Chen Tianqi
has no cultivation knowledge of the Asura Sword Skills and
the Asura Demon Claw; furthermore, according to what was
written on the illustrations, only the Asura’s Gate Sovereign
could practice them. Clearly, Chen Tianqi did not learn any
of them.

Between this piece of heaven and earth, there was only

Huang Xiaolong and Ren Wo Kuang who practiced the Asura
Sword Skill and the Asura Demon Claw.

“Master, in fact, Sovereign’s talent is no worse than Main

Chief Chen Tianqi!’’ At this time, Fei Hou hastened to say to
Yu Ming.

Prior, without Huang Xiaolong’s permission, Fei Hou and

Marshal Haotian dared not reveal anything about his martial
spirit to their Master Yu Ming while he was cultivating in the
Dragon Flame Valley. So, until this moment, Yu Ming didn’t
know about Huang Xiaolong’s superb twin martial spirits.

Hearing Fei Hou speak, Yu Ming quickly turned to Huang

Xiaolong, an expression of disbelief on his face: “Could it be
Sovereign also has a top grade thirteen martial spirit?”

Main Chief Chen Tianqi was the person with the highest
talent in the Asura’s Gate and in the entire Star Cloud
Continent; his talent was considered as one of the premier
talents. Not to mention, a top grade thirteen martial spirit!
Even grade thirteen martial spirits are rare gems in the
whole Martial Spirit World. So, Yu Ming can’t be blamed for
his reaction of disbelief when it was implied that Huang
Xiaolong, like Chen Tianqi, possessed a top grade thirteen
martial spirit.
At this point, Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou shifted their
sights towards Huang Xiaolong.

Yu Ming’s eyes had not moved away from Huang Xiaolong

since hearing Fei Hou’s words.

In the next moment, Huang Xiaolong called out his twin

dragon martial spirits, not planning to deceive Yu Ming.

Instantly, a radiant light burst out from Huang Xiaolong’s

body and a huge black dragon was seen floating above him.

“Primordial Divine Black Dragon!” Both of Yu Ming’s eyes

protruded with surprise.

Top grade twelve martial spirit!

Such a talent, although incomparable to Main Chief Chen

Tianqi, but it was still shocking. And it was enough to stand
at the helm and become their Asura’s Gate Sovereign.

Exactly at this moment, a dazzling blue light broke out

behind Huang Xiaolong. Under Yu Ming’s dumbfounded
eyes, a blue dragon materialized in the hall, floating quietly
in midair next to the black dragon.

The black and blue dragons entwined together, and the

echoes of the dragons’ roar vibrated in all four directions.

The dumbfounded Yu Ming stared blankly at the two

dragons, his mind was a piece of white.

“Twin, superb twin martial spirits!”

Moreover, both were Primordial Divine Dragon martial


Blue dragon ah!

So many years in the Martial Spirit World, yet Yu Ming had
never heard of anyone possessing a blue dragon martial

Blanking out for some time, Yu Ming’s tongue was twisted

into a knot, similar to how his disciples, Fei Hou and Marshal
Haotian reacted when they first found out. In an abrupt
action, Yu Ming stood up from his seat and knelt down on a
single knee.

“Sovereign invincible throughout!” Yu Ming lauded,

trembling with excitement.

Huang Xiaolong quickly held Yu Ming up, but he remained

kneeling for a long time before he was willing to get up.
Even so, he didn’t seem to have calmed down; and the way
he looked at Huang Xiaolong was completely different from

After Yu Ming had stood up, Huang Xiaolong had thought for
a moment before saying, “I have something to show you
all.” In front of Yu Ming, Fei Hou, and Marshal Haotian,
another bright light shone behind Huang Xiaolong, revealing
a shiny golden pagoda. The very same pagoda Huang
Xiaolong had ‘found’ in the Dragon Flame Valley.

As an Elder of the Asura’s Gate, Yu Ming has a wide amount

of knowledge and experience and he probably could
recognize this pagoda. Huang Xiaolong wanted to let Yu
Ming identify what kind of treasure the pagoda was.

With the degree of loyalty shown by the trio of master

disciples, Huang Xiaolong wasn’t afraid they would leak out
news about it.

Fei Hou, Marshal Haotian, and Yu Ming looked at the golden

pagoda behind Huang Xiaolong, and each of them was filled
with puzzlement. However, Yu Ming suddenly shook as if he
was electrified; this was just as dramatic as when he saw
Huang Xiaolong’s black dragon; with quivering lips, he
pointed a finger at the golden pagoda floating behind Huang
Xiaolong, his eyes almost popping out as he stammered:
“This, this, is this the Linglong Treasure Pagoda!”

Linglong Treasure Pagoda!

Both Fei Hou, and Marshal Haotian looked over to the

excited Master Yu Ming, and the two became even more
confused. Obviously, both of them had never heard of this
Linglong Treasure Pagoda.

Huang Xiaolong’s attention was also on Yu Ming.

“The Linglong Treasure Pagoda! It is really the Linglong

Treasure Pagoda!” At this moment, it looked like nothing
existed other than the golden pagoda in front of Yu Ming, his
eyes burning with emotion, and the rhythm of his breathing

Seeing Yu Ming’s dramatic reaction, Huang Xiaolong felt


However, judging by his reaction, this so-called Linglong

Treasure Pagoda is a very rare and valuable item?

After what seemed like half a day’s time, Yu Ming finally

calmed down; looking at Huang Xiaolong, his eyes
contained the slightest traces of envy. Even when Huang
Xiaolong called out his twin dragon superb martial spirits,
there wasn’t envy in his eyes.

Inhaling a deep breath, Yu Ming said to Huang Xiaolong:

“Between Heaven and Earth, there exist objects referred to
as Heavenly Treasures. Every time a Heavenly Treasure
appears, it will set off bloody trails behind it; numerous
powers compete for it and numerous people die for it.” Yu
Ming paused for a second here before continuing, eyes
sparkling as he stared at the pagoda behind Huang
Xiaolong, “Between Heaven and Earth, there are a total of
thirty-two Heavenly Treasures. And Sovereign’s pagoda, if
I’m not mistaken, should be the number nine Linglong
Treasure Pagoda.”

Heavenly Treasure, the number nine Linglong Treasure


Yu Ming added, “Every Heavenly Treasure has different

magical effects, especially towards a person’s cultivation-- it
provides an unimaginable benefit. Sovereign should be
aware of this since Sovereign managed to rein in this
Linglong Treasure Pagoda. Also, as Sovereign becomes
stronger in the future, the benefits of this Linglong Treasure
Pagoda will only increase!”


Changing early grade to low grade for battle skills, Dans and
weapons grade.


Next release: soon? lol
Chapter 78: Heavenly Treasure List Number One

Huang Xiaolong slowly nodded his head; indeed, the

Linglong Treasure Pagoda emitted fire dragon qi at all times
inside his body and this qi was way purer than the fire qi
that could be absorbed from the five-pointed star array in
Dragon Flame Valley stone chambers.

The purity level can be said to be more than ten times

greater. Like what Yu Ming had said earlier, this Linglong
Treasure Pagoda brings unimaginable benefits to Huang
Xiaolong’s future cultivation.

“You said, as I grow stronger, this pagoda will play a bigger

role?” Huang Xiaolong asked Yu Ming: “What do you mean?”

Yu Ming replied respectfully, “About the Linglong Treasure

Pagoda, Subordinate doesn’t know much, but I heard some
say that the Linglong Treasure Pagoda has nine layers in
total. As its Master becomes stronger, each layer can be
opened accordingly.”

“Nine layers in total!” Huang Xiaolong was shocked.

Although he ‘reined in’ the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, but he
truly did not know that there were nine layers inside the

Could every floor hold a different treasure within?

At this time, Yu Ming’s voice sounded as he continued to

explain, “Based on rumors, from the first layer of Linglong
Treasure Pagoda, it could produce something called the Fire
Dragon Pearl; as for its uses, this Subordinate is not sure.”

Fire Dragon Pearl!

Huang Xiaolong’s heartbeat quickened. This Fire Dragon
Pearl should be some kind of beads condensed out from the
cumulation of fire dragon qi. In its natural form, fire dragon
qi could temper and strengthen the physical body, enhance
the quality of battle qi; therefore, needless to say, this Fire
Dragon Pearl is probably even more potent. Swallowing it
before practice could produce a better result a hundred
times over!

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong thought of an important issue

and asked Yu Ming, “Then, this Fire Dragon Pearl, can others
swallow it for cultivation?” If others can do so, when he
opens the first layer later, he could give this Fire Dragon
Pearl to his parents, little sister, little brother, Li Lu, as well
as Fei Hou, Haotian, and the rest. Doesn’t this mean his
parents and people close to him can also temper their
physique and enhance their battle qi continuously?

Yu Ming was a little surprised with the question and after

thinking for a moment, he said, “Others should be able to.
However, Sovereign, according to rumors, the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda needs natural spiritual aura to be able to
form Fire Dragon Pearl, so it might be able to produce only
one Fire Dragon Pearl after a certain period of time

This made Huang Xiaolong frowned, and he questioned, “Is

there any other method to make Linglong Treasure Pagoda
produce more Fire Dragon Pearl?”

Yu Ming shook his head: “This, Subordinate doesn’t know.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded slowly; it seems he can only wait

and test it out in the future.

“Then, do you know what level of strength is needed to

open the first layer of the pagoda?” Huang Xiaolong asked
in a somber voice.

“Rumours has it that one should be a Houtian Seventh

Order, and the second layer needs to be a Xiantian First
Order.” Yu Ming answered before adding, “But what strength
is needed to open the third layer, this Subordinate doesn’t

Houtian Seventh Order!

Huang Xiaolong was delighted! If this is true, then within

half a year’s time, doesn’t that mean he could open the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda’s first layer?

He is confident that he could break through to the Seventh

Order in the upcoming six months.

“Na, do you know the number one treasure on the Heavenly

Treasure List?” Huang Xiaolong asked another question out
of curiosity; a treasure such as the Linglong Treasure Pagoda
was only listed as the ninth, so this made Huang Xiaolong
wonder about the treasure that was reputed as number

“I heard it was a mountain!” Yu Ming replied.

A mountain! Huang Xiaolong was stunned; he imagined

many different possibilities, but it never crossed his mind
that the first Heavenly Treasure would turn out to be a

Yu Ming nodded, “That’s right Sovereign, it is a mountain

called Heavenly Mount. Xumi!”

“Heavenly Mount. Xumi!” Huang Xiaolong repeated.

“According to legens, on the Heavenly Mount. Xumi there is
something called Geocentric Buddha Milk, a wonder
accumulated between heaven and earth. After swallowing it,
cultivation is only half the effort. The person who has the
Heavenly Mount Xumi is said to be blessed with the great
earth’s power, enhancing one’s defense until it reaches a
certain threshold.” Yu Ming said, “Not only that, there is a
battle skill within the Heavenly Mount Xumi called the Godly
Xumi Law and it was claimed to be the strongest battle skill

Godly Xumi Law!

The strongest ever battle skill!

Then, that is the strongest battle skill in this world!

“However, after appearing once more hundreds of

thousands years ago, there hasn’t been any news of the
Heavenly Mount. Xumi since then.” Yu Ming shook his head
as if in pity.

“Oh, why is that?” Huang Xiaolong was curious.

“Only those possessing superb talent martial spirits could

rein in these Heavenly Treasures. The higher the rank of the
Heavenly Treasure, the higher the requirements of martial
spirits. Therefore, it needed people with grade thirteen and
above martial spirits to have a chance. Especially in the
case of the Heavenly Mount. Xumi, it needed someone with
twin martial spirits of the same kind to rein it in, but in the
Martial Spirit World, it has been thousands of years since
someone like that has appeared!” At this point, Yu Ming’s
eyes lit up like the stars as he looked at Huang Xiaolong, “I
didn’t expect that after so long, Sovereign actually
possesses the same kind superb twin martial spirits!”
Hearing this, Huang Xiaolong was stunned at first and it
turned to joy. If what Yu Ming said was true, then this Godly
Mount Xumi is still ownerless; by chance, if he comes to
encounter it in the future, he must definitely rein it!

“Sovereign, in fact, your Linglong Treasure Pagoda also has

a set of heritage cultivation methods called the Golden
Linglong Body!” Yu Ming stated matter-of-factly, “This
Golden Linglong Body is a high-grade Heaven rank physique
cultivation method.”

“Physique cultivation method!” Huang Xiaolong’s eyes were

twinkling with delight; the Asura Tactics is but a battle qi
cultivation technique, and at the moment, what he lacked
most was a way to strengthen his physical body!

But, how can he get this cultivation method from the

Linglong Treasure Pagoda?

“Sovereign, when you have advanced to the Seventh Order

and are able to open the first layer of the pagoda, you may
get it at that time.” Yu Ming smiled and said as if knowing
what Huang Xiaolong was thinking about.

Hearing this, Huang Xiaolong was relieved.

So, that’s how it is!

All this time, Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou sat on the side,
not daring to utter a sound, listening to Yu Ming and Huang
Xiaolong’s conversation. The shock they received was hard
to imagine even though both of them can be considered as
strong experts, but just like Huang Xiaolong, this was their
first time hearing about Heavenly Treasures that exist in this

Such amazing things!

“Do you have news about other Heavenly Treasures?” Again,
Huang Xiaolong continued with his questions.

Huang Xiaolong asked the question casually, and Yu Ming’s

answer surprised him, “Subordinate has heard that there is
a Heavenly Treasure in the Duanren Empire’s Duanren
Institute, the Absolute Soul Pearl! The Absolute Soul Pearl is
ranked at number four on the list!”

Duanren Institute, Absolute Soul Pearl, Heavenly Treasure

List number four!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes shone brightly.

Yu Ming added, “Years ago, for this Absolute Soul Pearl, the
Old Sovereign had sneaked into the Duanren Institute.
Unfortunately, before he could find it, he was found by the
Duanren Institute’s guardians and was encircled by the
institute’s experts. In the end, he could only leave with

Master Ren Wo Kuang also tried to get the Absolute Soul

Pearl? This information was out of Huang Xiaolong’s

“Then, this Absolute Soul Pearl also has a heritage battle

skill or physique cultivation method?”

Yu Ming nodded in affirmation, “Yes, in general, the first ten

Heavenly Treasures will have them. The Absolute Soul Pearl
contains a battle skill called the Absolute Soul Finger that is
said to be able to penetrate to the deepest of hell once
practiced to major completion!”

Can penetrate to the deepest of hell!

“As for news of other treasures, Subordinate is not clear.” Yu
Ming said.

A while later, Yu Ming, Fei Hou, and Marshal Haotian receded

from the main hall.

Meanwhile, Huang Xiaolong was lost in thought.

Unexpectedly, there was a ranked four Heavenly Treasure in

Duanren Empire’s Duanren Institute, the Absolute Soul
Pearl. Even with Master Ren Wokuang’s strength, he couldn’t
take it out from the Duanren Institute. Then the only way to
proceed was to become a Duanren Institute’s student,
explore the grounds, and wait for the opportunity to strike.

Duanren Institute!

Battle of the Imperial City-- as long as he could enter the

first one thousand places he could be one of the Duanren
Institute’s students.

With Huang Xiaolong’s cultivation speed, within a decade,

he was sure to become the Cosmic Star Academy’s overall
champion, and then he could proceed to the Duanren
Empire to participate in the Imperial City Battle.


Xumi Shenshan - Mt. Meru or Sumeru, a Sacred mountain in

Buddhist and Jain tradition / Mt Xumi in Guyuan, Ningxia,
with many Buddhist cave statues in grottoes. Google Mt
Xumi Grottoes.

Cultivation realm (as we know so far :) ) Houtian First to

Tenth Order < Xiantian First Order to Tenth Order < First
Order to Tenth Order Saint < ??

Next release: Tues/Wed....
Chapter 79: Huang Xiaolong Goes Home

“Battle of the Imperial City!” A light flickered in Huang

Xiaolong’s eyes.

He must enhance his strength as soon as possible and win

the Academy’s overall champion position to head to the
Duanren Empire to participate in the Battle of the Imperial
City, all so that he could enter Duanren Institute.

Once he entered the Duanren Institute, even if that Chen

Tianqi found out about his existence, he could not deal with
him (HXL) blatantly.

More than fifty years ago, Chen Tianqi was already a Fifth
Order Saint; this fact made Huang Xiaolong feel even more
anxious to increase his strength.

However, the most crucial thing at the moment was to

break through to the Seventh Order and open the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda’s first layer.

Not long after Yu Ming, Fei Hou, and Marshal Haotian had
left, Huang Xiaolong returned to his room and started
cultivating the Asura Tactics.

Sitting cross-legged on the cold jade bed, the netherworld

spiritual aura poured down from the space above like a
gushing river. The black and blue dragons were devouring
the spiritual aura with greed; the Linglong Treasure Pagoda
also came out, floating above Huang Xiaolong, parallel with
the twin dragons. Golden lights flickered as streams of fire qi
drilled into Huang Xiaolong’s body, tempering every inch of
Huang Xiaolong’s physique, from his meridians to his
netherworld battle qi.
Before this, the netherworld battle qi in his body was a faint
gray, but now, after fusing with the fire qi, its color had
slowly changed, deepening into a dark gray color.

The darkness of the night deepened.

Silence pervaded the land.

The moonlight shined like the water’s reflection while Huang

Xiaolong remained on the cold jade bed shrouded in a fog of
dark gray light; and within this dark gray light, red flames
flashed intermittently.

One night passed.

When the morning sunlight streamed onto Huang Xiaolong’s

courtyard, he ended his practice for the night. Breathing in
the fresh air that accompanied the early morning, Huang
Xiaolong subsequently looked towards the direction of
Canglan County, the location of the Huang Clan Manor.

In another two weeks, it would be the first day of the New

Year and today he planned to journey back to the Huang
Clan Manor. If his speed was quick enough, he would be able
to make it back to Huang Clan Manor in twelve, or at most
thirteen days’ time.

Thinking that when he returned he could see his parents

and his siblings who he hasn't seen in a year’s time, Huang
Xiaolong almost couldn’t suppress the excitement in his

I don’t know if Mom and Dad are well? Repressing the

excitement in his heart, Huang Xiaolong wondered.

Before he left, his Dad had taken that high Grade Four Spirit
Dragon Tiger Fundamental Dan and his Dad was already a
peak late-Sixth Order at that time; in this one year’s time,
very likely he had broken through to the Seventh Order.

The Seventh Order, although it was still a lot worse

compared to his Eldest Uncle, Huang Ming, a peak late-
Seventh Order, Huang Xiaolong believed in five to six years'
time he could help his Dad catch up to Huang Ming, and
maybe even surpass him.

Leaving his courtyard, Huang Xiaolong went to the main hall

and saw that, Yu Ming, Fei Hou, and Marshal Haotian were
already waiting for him.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong’s arrival, the three of them quickly

went up to salute.

And more than an hour later, Huang Xiaolong, Marshal

Haotian, and Fei Hou left Tianxuan Mansion, starting their
journey back to Canglan County, back to Huang Clan Manor.

Yu Ming, however, wasn’t included within the group heading

back to Huang Clan Manor. Instead, he left the Luo Tong
Kingdom, rushing back to the Asura’s Gate headquarters on
the Star Cloud Continent. Matters about Huang Xiaolong, he
must let both the Left and Right Deputy know so that they
can send Saint realm experts to ensure Huang Xiaolong’s

Of course, Yu Ming was given expressed permission by

Huang Xiaolong to inform Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu.
Otherwise, Yu Ming would not act on his own.

However, before Yu Ming departed, Huang Xiaolong ordered

Yu Ming not to disclose his identity, lest too many people
know about him. Other than Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu, he
should not tell anyone else about him.
Yu Ming acknowledged the order respectfully.

Ten days passed since Huang Xiaolong started to head back

to Huang Clan Manor.

Huang Xiaolong, Marshal Haotian, and Fei Hou had arrived

at the south side of County City of Canglan County.

From the County City to the Huang Clan Manor, they only
needed to travel for another two days.

While Huang Xiaolong reached the County City, in the

Eastern Courtyard of the Huang Clan Manor, Huang Peng
and Su Yan were sitting in the main hall, looking worried and

“Another four days until the New Year. Xiaolong said he will
come back at the end of the year and until now, he hasn’t
come back. Peng Ge, what do you think-- did Xiaolong
encounter danger that we don’t know?” Su Yan asked, and
her face showed a trace of sorrow, “If something happened
to Xiaolong, what would we do!” Su Yan grew more anxious
by the second and abruptly stood up from her seat to pace
back and forth in the main hall, lost in worry not knowing
what to do.

Huang Peng was also worried, brows frowning tightly and

said, “There is Senior Fei Hou with Xiaolong, so don’t worry.
Nothing will happen. Isn’t there still four days before the
first day of New Year? Xiaolong should be back in another
two days!” Although Huang Peng comforted Su Yan by
saying so, like Su Yan, he was also worried about his son.

Despite knowing Fei Hou was a peak late-Tenth Order, the

world was still a dangerous place and anything could
happen; after all, Fei Hou could not guarantee Huang
Xiaolong’s safety at all times.
“I heard Li Lu already came back from Cosmic Star Academy
a few days ago.” Su Yan suddenly said out of nowhere.

What his wife was thinking of, Huang Peng naturally could
guess; smiling bitterly, Huang Peng tried to be persuasive,
“Miss Li Lu is a talented Cosmic Star Academy student;
although our Xiaolong isn’t too bad, I don’t think he could
catch Miss Li Lu’s sight. There are so many talented people
in Cosmic Star Academy.”

Because Huang Xiaolong had requested Li Cheng from early

on not to mention his matters in the Royal City to Huang
Clan Manor. Thus, when Li Cheng and Li Lu returned to
Canglan County, neither of them said anything about Huang
Xiaolong; Huang Peng and Su Yan still doesn’t know that
their son is also a Cosmic Star Academy student.

At this time, Huang Min ran in from outside, shouting “Mom,

Dad, Brother Huang Jun has returned!”

Huang Peng and Su Yan were startled.

Huang Jun has returned?

Huang Ming has two sons: the second son was Huang Wei
while the eldest son, Huang Jun, was accepted into one of
the neighbouring kingdom’s prominent sects - the Baolong
Kingdom’s Big Sword Sect. Huang Jun hasn’t returned to
Huang Clan Manor in three years, so they didn’t expect he
would come back to celebrate the New Year this time.

“Not only that, Brother Huang Jun brought a weirdly dressed

person with him.” Huang Min added.

“A weirdly dressed person?” Huang Peng and Su Yan

exchanged a look, guessing it should be Huang Jun’s same
sect disciple. Both of them felt strange that Huang Jun
would bring someone from his sect back to celebrate the
New Year, but they did not think too much about it.

At the same time, laughter resounded in the Northern


The always deadpan expression on Huang Ming’s face was

replaced with a big smile. Next to Huang Ming was a young
man, about fifteen to sixteen years old; muscular, thick
eyebrows, and sharp eyes. This was Huang Ming’s eldest
son, Huang Jun, and next to Huang Jun sat Huang Wei.

However, the one sitting on the main seat in the main hall
wasn’t Huang Ming, but a middle-aged man who dressed
strangely. And this middle-aged man was Huang Jun’s
Master, Liu Wei. Big Sword Sect’s Sect Leader!

Huang Jun’s talent was quite good, possessing an average

grade nine martial spirits plus due to his high
comprehension ability and diligent effort, he was taken as
Liu Wei’s pro-disciples not long after he entered Big Sword

Liu Wei actually came to take care of something on the

southwest side of Luo Tong Kingdom and Huang Jun
requested to visit his family. Since it was along the way, Liu
Wei agreed to stay in Huang Clan Manor for a few days.

When Huang Ming heard his son introduce that middle-aged

man as Big Sword Sect Sect Leader, his manner was
extremely respectful after getting over his shock. A wide
smile plastered on his face, carrying the bearings of a slave.

Liu Wei was not only Big Sword Sect’s Sect Leader, he was
also a Xiantian realm expert!
“Big Brother, it’s great you’ve returned. That Huang
Xiaolong and his father is too arrogant nowadays!” At some
point, Huang Wei who was sitting next to Huang Jun
‘complained’, “During last year’s Clan Assembly, that Huang
Xiaolong broke both of my hands and legs! You absolutely
must avenge your younger brother!”

“What? That brat broke your hands and legs?!” Hearing this,
Huang Jun’s expression darkened, “How did it become like


There are fifteen days to of celebration for (Chinese) New

Year, beginning from the First Day (for me, it starts from the
Reunion Dinner) on the, Seventh Day it is considered as
Everyone’s Birthday; the Fifteenth Day (Lantern Festival
Day). Every day has a different meaning to it.


Next Release: Friday
Chapter 80: Mishap In The
Eastern Courtyard
Chapter 80: Mishap in the Eastern Courtyard

“More than two years ago! I don’t know what kind of dog
shit luck that brat ran into to actually eat a piece of Yang
fruit!” Huang Wei complained incessantly and went on to
tell how Huang Xiaolong ambushed him during the Clan
Assembly sparring because of his jealousy of Huang Wei’s
high talent and Huang Xiaolong disregarded brotherhood
and broke his arms and legs in front of everyone.

Huang Wei added a variety of ‘spices’ to his story.

“At that time, Huang Xiaolong still wasn’t satisfied after

breaking my hands and legs, and he ordered his slave to
attack, injuring Dad and Grandfather!” At the end of it,
Huang Wei exclaimed woefully.

As for the matter about Huang Ming violating clan rules,

interrupting the sparring, and attacking Huang Xiaolong first
were swept under the carpet.

“What? His slave attacked and injured Grandfather and

Dad?!” Huang Jun looked at Huang Ming, his eyes becoming
cold yet at the same time, he was shocked. His Grandfather,
Huang Qide, was a Tenth Order warrior, and a mere slave of
Huang Xiaolong had this strength?

“It is so, Jun’er.” Huang Ming nodded, confirming what

Huang Wei had just said. “That slave of Huang Xiaolong is
called Fei Hou!” Saying this, Huang Ming thought of the
humiliation when he was struck by Fei Hou’s palm and
crashed into rows of chairs, hate flashed strongly across his
eyes: “That dog slave Fei Hou is a peak late-Tenth Order

“The peak of late-Tenth Order…” Huang Jun was stunned; he

could not help but turn to look at his Master Liu Wei, and he
hesitated before muttering “Master, this...?”

Liu Wei remained blasé as he waved his hand, “Isn’t it only a

measly peak late-Tenth Order warrior?”

Huang Jun was overjoyed; Master’s words meant he agreed

to speak for them.

Huang Jun immediately stood up from the seat: “Thank you


Huang Ming and Huang Wei were also happy hearing that,
so they followed Huang Jun’s action, both of them stood up
and respectfully thanked Liu Wei.

Huang Ming laughed heartily, “It is great that Senior Liu Wei
is here. That dog of a slave Fei Hou won’t last one strike
before Senior Liu Wei!”

Huang Wei agreed: “Of course, in front of Senior Liu Wei,

that dog slave Fei Hou will be scared until he pisses in his

“That Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou are at the Eastern

Courtyard now?” Huang Jun asked.

“No, Huang Xiaolong has left Huang Clan Manor for almost a
year, but he did say that he would return at the end of the
year. It should be in these two days’ time.”
Huang Jun sneered, “Doesn’t matter, wait until that brat and
his dog slave, Fei Hou or whatever comes back; it is not too
late to teach them a lesson then. In the meantime, we can
collect some interest!”

“Collect some interest?” Huang Wei looked at Huang Jun,

confused: “Big Brother, you mean…?”

Huang Jun nodded his head and said, “Correct. Huang Peng
and Su Yan allowed their son to indulge in committing
violent acts and ignoring clan rules. Becoming so
presumptuous as to injure Grandfather and Dad. These two
must be punished!” He sneered and added, “It has been
some years since I’ve seen Huang Peng and Su Yan, I should
take this opportunity to ‘greet’ them.”

Huang Ming frowned; however, he kept silent, not voicing

any objections or words of agreement.

A short while later, the group led by Huang Jun came to the
Eastern Courtyard.

When Huang Jun, Huang Ming, and the others stepped into
the Eastern Courtyard, Huang Peng and Su Yan were
presently sitting in the main hall, and both Huang Min and
Huang Xiaohai were together with them.

When Huang Peng and Su Yan saw Huang Jun, Huang Ming,
Huang Wei, and another stranger walked in, both were

“Huang Jun?” Huang Peng almost couldn’t recognize the

young man next to Huang Ming.

A few years ago, Huang Jun was still a youth; now, Huang
Jun is taller than five feet seven with broad shoulders and a
thick waist. A brawny figure of a man.
“It is me.” Huang Jun answered with a cold expression,
“Huang Peng, in last year’s Clan Assembly, you actually
dared to indulge your son’s violent actions, injuring my Dad
and Grandfather!”

Huang Peng and Su Yan blanked for a moment and

realization dawned on them – the reason why these four
people came over to the Eastern Courtyard.

Huang Peng glanced at the four, knowing an explanation is

of no use and his expression became gloomy, his voice
heavy and somber, “So what?”

Sneering coldly, Huang Jun repeated in a cold voice, “So

what? Since your son and dog servant are absent, then I will
collect some interest from you! Wait till your son comes
back two days later, we can settle the debt once and for

Huang Ming just stood there, like an audience, watching and

not speaking.

Huang Peng glared at them furiously: “Clear the debt? You

brat, even if you entered Big Sword Sect as their disciple,
you are not qualified to swagger in the Eastern Courtyard as
you please. Here is Huang Clan Manor, not the Big Sword

Suddenly, at this time, a tyrannical energy rushed towards

Huang Peng, giving him no time to react or dodge. His body
shook violently as if hit by a huge pressure and flew off,
smashing into a wall in the main hall, vomiting blood as he
slid down.

“Peng Ge!”

Su Yan, Huang Min, and Huang Xiaohai cried out in fright,
flying to Huang Peng’s side.

“Peng Ge, are you okay? Please don’t scare me!” Su Yan
tried to help Huang Peng up, tears flowed down
uncontrollably as she held onto Huang Peng tightly.

“Dad, Dad!” Huang Min and Huang Xiaohai, the two little
guy’s eyes were red as they cried pitifully.

Huang Peng looked at Su Yan, his voice hoarse as he

comforted, “I’m alright,” Another mouthful of blood came
out from his mouth before he could finish his words.

This turn of events also shocked Huang Ming, Huang Jun,

and Huang Wei.

Huang Jun turned to look at the person next to him. The one
who hit Huang Peng just now was his Master Liu Wei.

“Master, this…” Huang Jun paused.

Although Huang Peng’s words were offensive towards the

Big Sword Sect, but weren't Liu Wei a little heavy handed?
No matter what, Huang Peng was his uncle.

Liu Wei was indifferent, “Being disrespectful to Big Sword

Sect, the punishment is death!” Then he paused, “However,
for your sake, I spared his life. Don’t worry, he won’t die; at
most, he’ll be bedridden for three to four months.”

Bedridden for three to four months? Hearing this, Huang

Ming and Huang Jun were relieved.

At this point, Huang Min who was crying miserably suddenly

stood up with hatred in her eyes, and lunged at Huang Wei:
“You all bully my Dad, I’ll fight all of you!”
Watching Huang Min coming at him, Huang Wei lifted his leg
and kicked at Huang Min.

Although Huang Min had started practicing battle qi, she

wasn’t Huang Wei’s opponent. The strength Huang Wei used
in the kick wasn’t light, and it made Huang Min uttered a
painful scream.

“Min’er!” Seeing this, Su Yan wailed her daughter's name.

Then, a bustle of footsteps was heard from outside; a group

of Huang Clan Manor guards had rushed over and saw
Huang Peng and Huang Min lying on the ground in the main
hall, and they were shocked.

“Return to your posts. This doesn’t concern you all.” Seeing

the gathering guards, Huang Ming issued his command.

The guards looked at each other, not sure what to do.

“Didn’t you hear what I’ve said? Step back!” Huang Ming
raised his voice and snapped.

“Yes, Eldest Manor Lord!” The group of Huang Clan Manor

guards was scared witless, they answered weakly and
stepped to the side.

And Huang Qide who was in closed-door practice had just

come out, and Chief Steward Chen Ying hurried up to report,
“Old Manor Lord, not good, something happened in the
Eastern Courtyard!”

“Eastern Courtyard?” Huang Qide was startled, “What


“Today, Young Lord Huang Jun came back, and he probably

heard about what happened during last year’s Clan
Assembly where Senior Fei Hou injured the Eldest Manor
Lord. Just now, he brought the Eldest Manor Lord to the
Eastern Courtyard.” Chen Ying summarized the event for
Huang Qide.

“What?!” Huang Qide’s expression changed, “Hurry, to the

Eastern Courtyard!”

Moments later, Huang Qide and Chen Ying arrived at the

Eastern Courtyard; the first thing they saw was the injured
Huang Peng lying on the floor.


Next release: Weekend.
Chapter 81: Dad Was Wounded!



Huang Ming, Huang Jun, and Huang Wei saw Huang Qide
rushing over with Chen Ying, all three of them quickly
greeted him.

The moment Huang Qide saw the injured Huang Peng lying
on the floor, he roared at Huang Ming: “What is going on?
Huang Peng is your younger brother, yet you actually struck
him with such a heavy hand!”

On the way to the Eastern Courtyard, Chen Ying skipped

over the matter of Huang Peng being wounded, so Huang
Qide thought it must be Huang Ming who injured Huang
Peng so badly.

Before Huang Ming could say anything, Huang Jun

interrupted them by saying, “Grandfather, this is my Master,
Big Sword Sect’s Sect Leader!” He indicated with his hand
towards Liu Wei next to him.

The angry Huang Qide went into a daze as he looked at the

strangely dressed middle-aged man…. Big Sword Sect’s
Sect Leader?

“Grandfather, just now, Second Uncle was disrespectful

towards our Big Sword Sect and offended Master. It was due
to this reason that Master would…” Huang Jun let his words
fade here, but his implied meaning was evident.

Liu Wei’s cold eyes swept passed Huang Qide, “You are
Huang Qide? These people were injured by me. What about
it, you want to vent your anger on me?”

Huang Qide became awkward and embarrassed; then, his

face cracked a cordial smile: “So it is the Sect Leader of Big
Sword Sect, Senior Liu Wei. What is Senior Liu Wei saying? It
was Huang Peng who offended Big Sword Sect and Senior
Liu Wei in the first place. It is his honor to be taught a lesson
by Senior Liu Wei; indeed, a lesson ought to be taught!”

Compared to the momentum when the two arrived, Huang

Qide and Chen Ying seemed like another person.

Liu Wei snorted coldly, and ‘advised’ Huang Qide in a

condescending tone, “Huang Qide, in my opinion, a son like
this is not worth keeping. You won’t know which day he
would bring an annihilating catastrophe onto the Huang
Clan Manor!”

Huang Qide’s expression grew ugly, not knowing what to


When Su Yan, who was holding Huang Peng heard that, she
was scared and outraged at the same time.

However, Liu Wei flicked his sleeve and left after saying that
along with Huang Jun, Huang Ming, and Huang Wei following
closely behind.

Huang Qide opened his mouth, closed it, and then opened
again a couple times yet no words came out as he watched
the four silhouettes grow smaller. Standing there, his
expression was dark and gloomy, and no one knew what he
was thinking about.

“Manor Lord, you see, the Second Manor Lord…?” Minutes

later, Chen Ying walked up to Huang Qide and asked
cautiously, “Should we let the Second Manor Lord heal

Huang Qide looked up to the sky and sighed; then he turned

around and left after nodding to Chen Ying, indicating that
he agreed with his suggestion.

After leaving the Eastern Courtyard, Liu Wei, Huang Jun,

Huang Ming, and Huang Wei (Sect Master and the father
and two sons) returned to the Northern Courtyard. Huang
Ming insisted that Liu Wei rest first, and made the proper
arrangements. When everything was arranged, the trio of
father and sons left the yard and went to the main hall.

Seated in the main hall, Huang Wei boldly said to Huang

Ming, “Dad, we should take this opportunity and persuade
Grandfather to banish Huang Peng from Huang Clan Manor.
As long as Huang Peng is out of the way, the future Manor
Lord position is guaranteed to be taken over by Dad!”

“Banish Huang Peng from Huang Clan Manor?” Huang Ming

frowned, “That is not very good, right?”

“Who cares if it is good or not.” Huang Wei subsequently

added, “Dad, you’ve said before, to be successful, one
should not bother with trifling matters. If that Huang Peng
remains here in Huang Clan Manor, he will always be a risk
factor for Dad. Ever since the last Clan Assembly,
Grandfather’s attitude towards Huang Peng has changed a
hundred and eighty degrees, and you are aware of it
yourself. Not only that, many of the Manor Elders had
leaned towards Huang Peng’s side and tongues are already
wagging around the manor that there is a high chance that
Grandfather would pass the Manor Lord position to Huang
At this time, Huang Jun supported Huang Wei, saying “What
little brother said is reasonable. Dad, we can use Huang
Peng offending my Master as an excuse to persuade
Grandfather to banish Huang Peng from Huang Clan Manor!”

Huang Ming kept mum.

“Dad, there’s nothing to worry about!” Huang Wei


Huang Min’s raised his head, looking at his two sons as he


Two days passed.

Today is now the First Day of New Year. Like many years of
tradition, Huang Clan Manor had a festive atmosphere and
red New Year decorations were everywhere in the manor.
The mood was especially high and festive in the Northern
Courtyard, and the quiet Eastern Courtyard was a stark

While the Huang Clan Manor’s guards and servants were

busy with preparation, a few miles outside of Huang Clan
Manor, several figures were braving the snow ladened road,
heading closer to Huang Clan Manor.

Seeing the outline of Huang Clan Manor getting closer and

closer, a sudden excitement rose in Huang Xiaolong’s heart.

Finally, he has returned to Huang Clan Manor!

Dad, Mom, son is back!

Soon, Huang Xiaolong reached the open space in front of

Huang Clan Manor’s main entrance and stood there, looking
at the door.
He remembered the scene from one year ago when he left
Huang Clan Manor with Fei Hou, and his parents stood on
this exact spot, watching his departure.

At this time, snow floated down from above and some

landed on Huang Xiaolong’s body, exuding small bursts of

“It’s snowing again,” Huang Xiaolong muttered to himself--

there was a big snowstorm at the end of last year too.

Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou stood a few steps behind

Huang Xiaolong and both did not say anything as they
waited for Huang Xiaolong.

“Zhi zhi zhi!” At this moment, the little violet monkey on

Huang Xiaolong’s shoulder squeaked excitedly; on this trip
back to Huang Clan Manor, Huang Xiaolong of course
brought the little violet monkey back with him.

The little violet monkey’s squeaking seemed to pull Huang

Xiaolong back from his reminiscing. He glanced at the little
guy bouncing on his shoulder, and smiled; apparently, this
little guy is urging him to go in quickly.

“Let’s go home!” Huang Xiaolong chuckled, lifted his feet

and stepped through the door.

Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou followed after Huang Xiaolong

into Huang Clan Manor.

However, when Huang Xiaolong walked into Huang Clan

Manor, he noticed the guards and servants avoided him
from miles away with strange expressions on their faces.
This raised doubt and suspicion in Huang Xiaolong.
When he was near the Eastern Courtyard, Huang Xiaolong
spotted his little brother Huang Xiaohai squatting in one
corner, hitting the snow on the ground with a little stick
while crying.

“Xiaohai!” Huang Xiaolong called out.

Hearing the familiar voice, Huang Xiaohai jumped up

abruptly and spun around, and his little legs flew towards
Huang Xiaolong. Hugging Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaohai
cried out loud: “Big Brother, you’re finally back!”

“Woo woo woo! Woo woo woo!”

In an instant, Huang Xiaohai’s tears had dampened Huang

Xiaolong’s robe.

“Xiaohai, tell Big Brother what happened? Did Huang Min

bully you?” Huang Xiaolong asked gently, wiping away the
tear stains from Huang Xiaohai’s face.

Huang Xiaohai did not answer and kept crying pitifully.

“What is it? Xiaohai, what happened?” Huang Xiaolong had

a bad premonition in his heart.

“Dad, Dad he, he!” Huang Xiaohai sobbed and choked out
some almost unintelligible words from his mouth, “Dad, Dad
was wounded, and Second Sister too!” Huang Xiaohai cried
out while wiping his own tears.

“What?” Huang Xiaolong’s expression did not look good as

he bolted into the Easter Courtyard. Marshal Haotian and Fei
Hou exchanged a look and hastened to catch up to Huang
Hurrying to his father’s room, the door was already open
and Huang Xiaolong dashed into the room: “Dad!” Stepping
into the room, the first person he saw was his mother, Su
Yan, sitting beside the bed; her head turned over to look at
him, and Huang Xiaolong saw her eyes were red from
crying. And a person was lying on the bed – his father,
Huang Peng!

“Dad!” Huang Xiaolong came to the bedside, leaned in close

to Huang Peng and called out. His eyes were red-rimmed.

On the bed, a ghastly pale Huang Peng slowly opened his

eyes; seeing Huang Xiaolong, he tried to smile and emitted
a weak and croaky voice that was barely audible: “Xiaolong,
you’re back!”

“Dad, who was it? Tell me who was it that wounded you like
this?” Huang Xiaolong’s fists clenched tightly seeing his
father’s terrible complexion and his heart ached and filled
with wrath.


Another (unedited) chapter coming up! (shy)
Chapter 82: Roll Out Here!

When Huang Peng heard Huang Xiaolong’s words, he smiled

weakly and exerted great effort to talk and still his voice
sounded small and weak, “Xiaolong, Dad is alright, really!”

Huang Peng’s words only served to make Huang Xiaolong’s

heartache increase. Alright? Injured to this extent, yet Dad
actually insisted that he is alright!

“Mom, who injured Dad? Who did it, tell me!” Huang
Xiaolong turned to the side, demanding an answer from Su

Su Yan hesitated, her eyes still red and swollen from crying.

“Xiaolong, you must quickly leave! Leave Huang Clan

Manor!” Huang Peng suddenly urged.

“Yes ah, Xiaolong, quickly leave Huang Clan Manor, the

faster the better!” Su Yan agreed, compelling her son.

Leave Huang Clan Manor?! Huang Xiaolong was stunned,

and a possibility crossed his mind. He asked in an enraged
tone, “Dad, is it Huang Ming?”

A trace of panic emerged in Huang Peng and Su Yan’s eyes,

both refusing to answer.

Huang Ming! Really, it was him!

Seeing his parents’ reaction, Huang Xiaolong knew he had

guessed correctly. A fiery fury burned in his heart and killing
intent flashed across his pupils and disappeared just as fast.
He turned around wanting to leave the room.
“Xiaolong!” Su Yan grabbed Huang Xiaolong’s hand, and she
shook her head while crying out, “Don’t go! Don’t go to the
Northern Courtyard. Huang Wei’s brother, Huang Jun, came
back! Along with Huang Jun is his master, the Big Sword
Sect’s Sect Leader, Liu Wei!”

“Big Sword Sect’s Sect Leader Liu Wei!” Huang Xiaolong’s

eyes narrowed dangerously.

“Yes! In fact, your Dad was wounded by Liu Wei. That Liu
Wei is a Xiantian realm expert!” Su Yan sobbed and choked
as she told what happened, “Two days ago, Huang Jun came
back and found out that you broke Huang Wei’s hands and
legs during last year’s Clan Assembly, and that Senior Fei
Hou wounded Huang Ming. That was why, the day before
yesterday, Huang Jun, Huang Ming, and Huang Wei brought
that Liu Wei over to the Eastern Courtyard!”

Su Yan stopped here but anyone could have guessed what

took place after that.

“Huang Wei also kicked your little sister!” Su Yan cried even
louder thinking of her daughter’s tragic situation. “Huang
Jun, Huang Ming, and Huang Wei even said, when you come
back, they will clear the debt with you and Senior Fei Hou.
Xiaolong, you must quickly leave Huang Clan Manor with
Senior Fei Hou! Otherwise, when they know that you came
back, it will be too late!”

“Huang Jun, Huang Ming, Huang Wei, Liu Wei!” A sharp,

piercing light gleamed in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes; turning
around, he looked at Marshal Haotian behind him, “Do you
know this Big Sword Sect’s Sect Leader, Liu Wei?”

“Replying Young Master, although that Big Sword Sect’s Sect

Leader Liu Wei is a Xiantian realm expert, he is only a
Xiantian First Order. He has just advanced a few years ago.”
The Big Sword Sect was a sect from the neighboring
Baolong Kingdom; Liu Wei as the Sect Leader was, of
course, something Marshal Haotian had knowledge of.

However, they have never met each other face to face.

“Xiantian First Order.” Huang Xiaolong smirked.

It was at this moment that Huang Peng and Su Yan noticed

Marshal Haotian’s presence in the room.

Young Master? Could he be Xiaolong’s new slave?

But both of them did not overthink this matter; Huang Peng
looked anxiously at Fei Hou, “Senior Fei Hou, I beg you,
protect Xiaolong and leave Huang Clan Manor quickly before
it is too late!”

At the same time in the Northern Courtyard.

A Huang Clan Manor guard came to report Huang Xiaolong’s

return to the trio of father and sons, Huang Ming, Huang Jun,
and Huang Wei.

After hearing the report, Huang Wei broke out in happy

laughter, “Haha, that little doggie Huang Xiaolong and his
dog slave Fei Hou really came back! This time, I want to see
if they are so lucky and could escape this!” As he said this,
he looked over at Huang Jun, “Big Brother, later, don’t kill
that dog slave Fei Hou; first, destroy his and Huang
Xiaolong’s cultivation, and then break every bone in their
bodies ruthlessly!”

“As for that little doggie Huang Xiaolong, he actually dared

to break my hands and legs, I want him to suffer ten times,
a hundred times worse!” A bloodthirsty light burned in
Huang Wei’s eyes.
Huang Jun looked at his brother and replied, “Rest assured, I
won’t let that dog slave Fei Hou die so comfortably. At that
time, Huang Xiaolong and that Fei Hou’s cultivation will be
destroyed; as for how to deal with them after that, I’ll leave
it to Dad and you to decide!” He stood up after reassuring
Huang Wei: “I’m going to request Master over now!”

Huang Ming nodded his head. Thus, Huang Ming, Huang Jun,
and Huang Wei left the main hall to ‘invite’ Liu Wei.

While the trio went to see Liu Wei, Huang Qide also got the
news of Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou’s return. Seated on a
chair, he sighed, and to Chen Ying he said, “Come, let’s
make a trip to the Eastern Courtyard.”

Minutes later, Huang Qide and Chen Ying arrived in the

Eastern Courtyard and coincidentally bumped into three
people who just came out – Huang Xiaolong, Marshal
Haotian, and Fei Hou.

Seeing Huang Qide, Huang Xiaolong’s gaze was icy-cold.

Earlier, when Su Yan was retelling what happened; Su Yan

said two days ago, when Huang Qide found out it was Liu
Wei who injured his father, Huang Qide actually smiled
cordially at Liu Wei and said his father ought to be taught a


Huang Xiaolong’s eyes were like knives falling on Huang

Qide’s body.

Having a guilty conscience, Huang Qide dared not meet

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.
Suddenly, loud clamoring noises were heard outside the
courtyard. “Little doggie Huang Xiaolong, I know you and
that dog of a slave Fei Hou are back, roll out here!”

This was Huang Wei’s voice.

The coldness in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes dropped a few

celsius lower; he had planned to go over to the Northern
Courtyard, but he didn’t expect that they would rush over
here first. This father and son trio truly can’t wait to see him

But, it isn’t bad this way--saves him the effort to walk over

He turned towards Fei Hou saying, “Someone told us to roll

out ya, let’s go. Since some people can’t wait to see us, we
shouldn’t let others down!”

“Yes, Young Master!” Fei Hou and Marshal Haotian agreed


The three of them brushed past Huang Qide and Chen Ying,
walking out from the courtyard.

While the ashamed Huang Qide said to Chen Ying, “Come

on, we are also going out.” Both of them followed behind
Huang Xiaolong’s group of three, exiting the yard.

Appearing on the outer perimeter of the Eastern Courtyard,

Huang Xiaolong immediately saw Huang Ming, Huang Wei,
and Huang Jun standing outside.

It has been close to three years since Huang Xiaolong last

saw Huang Jun. Despite that, with just one look Huang
Xiaolong could recognize him without difficulty; apart from
his height and body, there weren't many changes to his
facial features. Standing one step in front of the three was a
strangely dressed middle-aged man.

This person should be Huang Jun’s Master, Big Sword Sect’s

Sect Leader, Liu Wei!

When Huang Ming, Huang Wei, and Huang Jun saw Huang
Xiaolong appear, Huang Wei instantly smirked, “Little
doggie Huang Xiaolong, you didn’t expect us to come over
so fast right.”

Listening to Huang Wei’s callous and disrespectful words,

Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou was about to rush out in anger
to teach that brat a lesson but Huang Xiaolong lifted his
hand and stopped both of them. He looked at Huang Wei
and sneered, “I really didn’t expect you all would rush here
to die so anxiously!”

Huang Wei was furious, but Huang Jun spoke faster than
him, “Huang Xiaolong, this is my Master Liu Wei. My Master
Liu Wei is Big Sword Sect’s Sect Leader, a Xiantian realm
expert!” His eyes swept over Fei Hou behind Huang
Xiaolong, he scoffed “He is that dog slave Fei Hou? You think
with a tagalong peak late-Tenth Order warrior dog slave you
can be arrogant and invincible in this world? Let me tell you,
in front of my Master, that dog slave servant of yours
doesn’t even qualified as a dog!”

Just as Huang Jun finished his words, Huang Qide walked out
from the Eastern Courtyard entrance with Chen Ying. Seeing
Huang Qide, Huang Ming, Huang Jun, and Huang Wei were
stunned; Huang Qide being here in the Eastern Courtyard at
this time was truly out of their expectations.

Both chapters will be reposted after it has undergone
'beautification', hehe....

Next Release: Tues/ Wed
Chapter 83: What Thingy
Is Big Sword Sect!
Chapter 83: What Thingy is Big Sword Sect!



Seeing Huang Qide, the trio of father and sons greeted him.

Huang Qide nodded while sighing in his heart. Although

Huang Ming and his sons greeted him as usual, the respect
is no longer there like previous times. Anyone could tell it
was just a perfunctory greeting to a relative.

“Senior Liu Wei!” Huang Qide came in front of Liu Wei and
greeted respectfully.

Liu Wei did not even bother to nod, only snorted ‘en’
through his nostril and focused his attention on Huang
Xiaolong, as well as Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou who were
guarding him from behind.

When his gaze fell upon Fei Hou, he questioned: “You are Fei
Hou? Peak late-Tenth Order? It wasn’t easy for you to
cultivate till the peak late-Tenth Order − we’ll do it this way.
If you kneel and surrender to me voluntarily, surrender to
Big Sword Sect, I can spare your life and appoint you as our
Big Sword Sect’s Elder!”

Huang Jun, Huang Ming, and Huang Wei went into a daze.

Big Sword Sect Elder!

“Master, this…!” Huang Jun couldn’t resist opening his

The expression on Liu Wei’s face turned cold with

dissatisfaction, “You are not yet qualified to intervene here,
step back!”

Huang Jun’s heart quivered and quickly said: “Yes Master!”

“Have you thought it over well?” Liu Wei turned back to Fei

At this time, Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou exchanged a look;

both couldn’t resist but to burst out laughing.

“What are you two laughing at?” Liu Wei darkened.

Fei Hou looked at the opposite site, sneered, “Big Sword

Sect? What thingy is Big Sword Sect?”

After Fei Hou’s words ‘landed’, Huang Jun, Huang Ming,

Huang Wei, even Huang Qide and Chen Ying were
dumbfounded, looking at Fei Hou with disbelief. What
nonsense is this dog slave spouting?!

They even doubted if they heard correctly.

“What did you say?!” Liu Wei was no exception; he also

blanked for a moment.

“Your ears have problems?” Fei Hou ‘generously’ repeated in

a cold voice, “I said, what thingy you think Big Sword Sect is
for me to kneel down and submit to you? Wanting to give
me an Elder position, cheh!”

“You!” Liu Wei’s face turned red then purple due to fury; his
aura shot up suddenly and a horrifying energy swept out
from his body like a raging wave. The sharp killing intent
made Huang Qide and the surrounding people lose their
color and they staggered backward in fright.

“Die! Courting death! Since you’re the one who wished for
it, I will first destroy your cultivation and then make you
suffer a living death where dying is a luxury!” Liu Wei glared
furiously; suddenly, his palm struck out towards Huang
Xiaolong, Marshal Haotian, and Fei Hou at once.

“I’m going to let you experience my Big Sword Sect’s

masterpiece godly palm skill!”

“Dark Golden Big Palm!”

Three huge golden palm prints pierced through the air and
reached Huang Xiaolong, Marshal Haotian, and Fei Hou in an
instant. Coincidentally, Su Yan came out from the courtyard
at this time and saw what was happening; scared, she cried
out: “Xiaolong!”

On the other hand, Huang Ming, Huang Jun, and Huang Wei
were secretly jumping with joy, especially Huang Wei. His
eyes were gleaming with a feeling of schadenfreude; Huang
Xiaolong ah Huang Xiaolong, I’ll see how miserably you will

Watching the golden-colored palm nearly strike the three

people, a silhouette flashed and deflected Liu Wei’s attack
with one hand.


A loud explosion thundered and the energy from the impact

scattered in all four directions. The stones and pavements
around were shattered into gravel and dust, swirling up and
flying away in the air; Huang Ming, Huang Qide, and the rest
ran away in panic.

And the Big Sword Sect’s Sect Leader Liu Wei staggered
back with unsteady steps from the rebound of energy. With
every step back, the stone pavement underneath his foot
cracked into pieces.

Liu Wei retreated to a corner before managing to balance

himself. At this time, he finally saw clearly the person who
made the move just now, and it was not Fei Hou. A shocked
expression was plastered on Liu Wei’s face, looking at
Marshal Haotian: “You, you’re a Xiantian!”

This person, like Fei Hou following behind Huang Xiaolong,

was wearing a close-fitting robe and looked like an old man
in his seventies, yet he was actually a Xiantian realm
expert! That strength of his…!

Xiantian Second Order! Definitely a Second Order Xiantian!

After overcoming his shock, Liu Wei’s face was ugly to the
extreme. Despite being a Xiantian himself, he had just
advanced not too long ago. It was a huge gap to fight
against a Second Order Xiantian!

Huang Ming, Huang Jun, Huang Wei, Huang Qide and Chen
Ying, as well as Su Yan, who just came out of the courtyard,
stared stupidly at Marshal Haotian.

Xiantian, actually a Xiantian realm expert!

Same as Fei Hou, this old man, the Xiantian expert, called
Huang Xiaolong ‘Young Master’. Moreover, he was a higher
order Xiantian realm compared to Liu Wei!

“This, this, how is this possible!” Huang Wei stammered.

Huang Ming and Huang Jun felt a strong sense of unease
and fear after realizing what was happening.

“Who are you?!” Liu Wei looked at Marshal Haotian with an

ugly expression; there was only so many Xiantian experts in
the Luo Tong Kingdom. This seventy-year-old man cannot be
a nameless person.

Marshal Haotian flew up in silence, ignoring Liu Wei, and a

long halberd appeared in his hand out of nowhere. It cut
down on Liu Wei without mercy.

“Heaven’s Wrath!”

Countless halberd images rained down like falling meteors

upon Liu Wei in a blink of an eye. Terrified, Liu Wei retreated
to avoid them and suddenly, his hands grew bigger, turning
into a golden color. At the same instant, a long sword
appeared behind him. It was a very long sword as if it was
composed of dozens of small swords creating a whip-like
long sword.

Liu Wei’s martial spirit is called Nine Joint Swords!

Nine Joint Swords was a top grade eleven martial spirit.

With his martial spirit out, Liu Wei waved his hands and the
Nine Joint Swords became a sword as long as a dragon,
constantly rotating around his body while lights of sword
rays shot out clashing against Marshal Haotian’s halberd

“Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!”

A series of collision rang sharply in the air.

Every time it clashed, Liu Wei’s body would tremble and
stagger backward a step.

While Liu Wei was struggling below, up above in midair, a

gigantic black lion emerged behind Marshal Haotian; a black
lion with dark blue pupils. You could even see a terrifying
breath break out from its mouth as black fog rolled like dark

Seeing the emergence of the black lion, Liu Wei’s body

quivered, and a thought flashed across his brain. In shock,
Liu Wei blurted out, “You, you are Luo Tong Kingdom’s
Marshal Haotian!”

In the whole of Luo Tong Kingdom, only Marshal Haotian’s

martial spirit is a Dark Nether Lion.

“Marshal Haotian!” Huang Ming, Huang Jun, Huang Wei,

Huang Qide, and Su Yan felt like a lightning bolt struck their
minds when they heard that, leaving an endless hum what
would not go away. Their eyes practically popped out
looking at the tight-fitting robe old man; this old man is the
Marshal Haotian of the Luo Tong Kingdom. The Marshal
Haotian that stands above thousands of soldiers and
generals and under one king!

Ignoring the expression around him, Marshal Haotian’s

silhouette flashed and reappeared in front of Liu Wei. The
long halberd swung out and the Dark Nether Lion roared
towards the sky as it moved above Liu Wei’s head; two paws
slamming down on Liu Wei akin to two massive black pillars.

“Nine Joint Sword Array!” Liu Wei shouted in fear. The Nine
Joint Sword martial spirit flew up to the sky, from one long
sword turning into nine shorter swords to form a nine
swords array against the Dark Nether Lion. Whereby his two
fists punched at Marshal Haotian.
“Boom!” a loud explosion rang out.

And Liu Wei’s screamed sounded as his body were thrown

back, crashing into a wall far back close to the Eastern

From the beginning, Marshal Haotian’s strength was a level

higher than him; his beast martial spirit’s attack power was
way higher than his Nine Joint Swords. How was Liu Wei
Marshal Haotian’s opponent?!

Huang Ming, Huang Jun, and Huang Wei looked at Liu Wei
who was stuck into the walls and a cold shiver ran pass their
hearts down to their toes.


@Acension machine: It only meant you have something to

look forward too~~

next release: weekend
Chapter 84: Eldest Uncle
Is Wrong
Chapter 84: Eldest Uncle is Wrong

Liu Wei was buried under the wall rubbles suddenly flew out.
The Nine Joint Sword regroup once again before Liu Wei,
turning into a dragon long sword. After breaking free from
the rubbles, he jumped onto the long-sword and the dragon
long sword shot out. Liu Wei actually wanted to flee!

“Want to run?” Seeing his actions, Marshal Haotian sneered.

His martial spirit, the Dark Nether Lion, returned to his side
and soul transformed in an instant showing a dazzling dark
light that glowed three meters wide as a strong energy
whirled forth from Marshal Haotian.

Marshal Haotian looked at Liu Wei with cold eyes; suddenly,

he opened his mouth and roared towards Liu Wei in midair.

“Nether Lion’s Nine Roars!”

A dark, black giant of a lion appeared in the air out of

nowhere and raised its head and roared mightily. A roar that
shook the sky; Huang Ming, Huang Qide, and the rest felt
their eardrums buzz, temporarily losing their hearing.

This was Marshal Haotian’s Dark Nether Lion martial spirit’s

supernatural ability.

Under the terrified eyes of the people below, the

soundwaves of the roar continued to spread out further, one
after another like a hurricane storm, and quickly caught up
to Liu Wei who was running away by flight on his long

Liu Wei’s head turned around, and what he saw made his
pupils grow smaller with fear.


The sound waves struck Liu Wei; Liu Wei felt akin to being
ripped by a hurricane, his body startled and thrown off
ruthlessly down towards the ground. Coincidentally, Liu Wei
fell on a fake mountain decoration in one of the small
gardens and under his weight, it was crushed and the fake
mountain crumbled and pieces of stones flew in all

One roar to ‘shoot’ down Liu Wei. Marshal Haotian flashed

and almost instantly reappeared in the small garden Liu Wei
crashed into, and just when Liu Wei managed to crawl up, a
halberd swung out. Liu Wei dodged the attack in a panic and
although he successfully avoided getting hit in his vital
points, the halberd still slashed through his shoulder.

Marshal Haotian pulled out his halberd and warm blood

spurted out like a fountain from Liu Wei’s shoulder. Liu Wei’s
body became unstable from the injury and his body wobbled
as he staggered backward.

“You!” Liu Wei looked at Marshal Haotian full of fear in his

eyes. He wanted to say more, but Marshal Haotian already
closed in on him and a palm print struck on Liu Wei’s chest.

Liu Wei felt as if his internal organs shattered within.

Both of Marshal Haotian’s hands curled into claws that

clasped on Liu Wei and flew towards Huang Xiaolong and Fei
Hou’s direction.
“Young Master, this Liu Wei, how should I handle him?”
Marshal Haotian flung Liu Wei down, and Liu Wei’s body
rolled before Huang Xiaolong’s feet.

Until now, Liu Wei’s once clean robe was stained with
patches of his own blood, dirt, and messy hair. No longer
was he the image of a proud and arrogant, almighty,
overlooking Sect Leader.

Liu Wei wiped off the blood from his face, staring at Huang
Xiaolong while sniggering in a belittling manner, “Punk, I am
Big Sword Sect’s Sect Leader, you dare to kill me?”

Huang Xiaolong sneered instead and said to Marshal

Haotian: “First, waste his Qi Sea!”

Liu Wei’s face became ugly to the extreme-- to a Xiantian

realm expert, the Qi Sea was where battle qi accumulates. If
the Qi Sea was destroyed, it meant a person’s cultivation
was being destroyed!

Even if he wanted to repair his Qi Sea in the future, there

are no methods that can do so.

“Punk, you dare!” Liu Wei roared furiously, glaring at Huang

Xiaolong, “if you dare to destroy my Qi Sea, the experts of
Big Sword Sect will surely come out in droves to annihilate
your entire Huang Clan Manor!”

Huang Xiaolong remained indifferent at the threat and his

eyes gaze fell on Marshal Haotian.

“Yes, Young Master!” Marshal Haotian understood Huang

Xiaolong’s meaning and acknowledged respectfully. One
palm aimed at Liu Wei’s heart and struck down; Xiantian
experts’ Qi Sea is located where the heart is.


A soft blast sound could be heard coming out from Liu Wei’s
heart area, akin to a burst balloon. Liu Wei let out an
excruciating scream, his body rolling on the ground from the
pain, banging against the garden marble stone table not far

Grabbing onto the table, Liu Wei struggled to stand up and

he became crazy and shrieked at the top of his lungs, “My
Qi Sea! You wasted my Qi Sea!” He howled towards the
heavens, bloodshot eyes staring with insanity and
venomous hatred at Huang Xiaolong and Marshal Haotian
and he screamed: “You will regret this, you’ll regret
everything that you’ve done today!”

“Regret?” Huang Xiaolong came up to Liu Wei, his hands

bent into claws of all of sudden and grasped onto Liu Wei’s
two arms, and twisted them forcefully. “Pa!” Sounds of
bones breaking resounded as Huang Xiaolong broke both of
Liu Wei’s arms.

After Liu Wei’s Qi Sea was destroyed, he no longer has

cultivation. Thus, even in front a peak late-Sixth Order
Huang Xiaolong, he has no power to resist.

The Big Sword Sect was one of Baolong Kingdom’s powerful

sect, and him, as Big Sword Sect’s Sect Leader, when has he
ever been humiliated in such a manner? He, a Xiantian
realm expert’s arms were actually twisted broken by a ten-
year-old boy!

In pain, but it only increased the perniciousness in his eyes,

wishing he could swallow Huang Xiaolong in one go, “I want
to kill you, you little doggie!” When he shouted that, Fei
Hou’s palm slapped his left cheek, directly slapping Liu Wei
away. By the time Liu Wei landed on the ground again, his
left face was swollen like a pig.

Huang Jun, Huang Ming, Huang Wei, Huang Qide, and Chen
Ying dared not move; they watched Marshal Haotian waste
Liu Wei’s Qi Sea, watched both of Liu Wei’s arms get
miserably twisted and broken by Huang Xiaolong, and their
hearts were full of dread and shivering with fear. Especially
Huang Jun, Huang Ming, and Huang Wei, this trio of father
and sons. Each of their faces was deathly pale, cold like
they have fallen into thousands meters of an icy abyss, their
bodies started shaking uncontrollably.

Liu Wei exerted the last effort to stand up, and this time,
there was no longer viciousness in his eyes but dread.

“Huang Xiaolong, you, spare me… As long as you let me go,

I can guarantee my Big Sword Sect will not pursue this
matter, and will not exact revenge on Huang Clan Manor.”
Liu Wei begged, his voice hoarse.

“Will not exact revenge?” Huang Xiaolong stood before him

and shook his head. The Blades of Asura were already in his

Seeing the blades in Huang Xiaolong’s hands, Liu Wei

convulsed with fear: “I beg, beg you, don’t kill me, don’t kill
me. Huang Xiaolong, don’t kill me, whatever you want, I can
promise you!!!!”

Huang Xiaolong’s expression was cold, “Isn’t it a little too

late to be saying this now? You shouldn’t have acted that
way from the beginning. When you injured my father two
days ago, you should have expected such an ending!”
“No, don’t kill me, don’t kill me!” Liu Wei could feel the
killing intent exuding from Huang Xiaolong’s body. In a
moment of fear and panic, Liu Wei actually knelt down: “You
cannot kill me, I, I am a Xiantian warrior, you can’t kill me!”

Xiantian warrior?

The blades in Huang Xiaolong’s hands swung horizontally,

and two sharp blades lights slashed across space, drawing
two red lines on Liu Wei’s throat. Looking down, both of Liu
Wei’s hands were clutching at his own neck as he tumbled
face down. Blood spilled from the neck through the gaps of
his fingers and stained the ground dark red.

Big Sword Sect Sect Leader, Xiantian realm expert Liu Wei,
drew his last breath!

Liu Wei’s corpse laid there with eyes wide-opened. Perhaps,

he never thought this ordinary trip to the Luo Tong Kingdom
would become a trip that ended his life. Even more
ridiculous was the fact that he actually died from the hands
of a ten-year-old little kid.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at the stiffening corpse on the

ground, and then he turned around, his eyes on Huang Jun,
Huang Ming, and Huang Wei not far away.

Noticing Huang Xiaolong had turned his attention on them,

the trio of father and sons’ hearts nearly jumped out of their
mouths and their faces ashened.

“Xiaolong, Eldest Uncle was wrong, Eldest Uncle knows

now!” Suddenly, Huang Ming got down on his knees and
knelt before Huang Xiaolong, crying out “For your Dad’s
sake, spare us, let us three father and sons off this once!”
“Yes ah, Xiaolong. We were confused for a moment!” Huang
Jun followed his father and got down on his knees. “Please
have mercy and let us go, we don’t dare do this again in the
future. As long as you agree to let us go, we will leave
Huang Clan Manor immediately. The future position of Lord
Manor is definitely your Dad's!”


I will post another chapter during the weekend~~
Chapter 85: Gifted To Me
Chapter 85: Gifted to Me

“Spare you all?” Huang Xiaolong repeatedly coldly.

However, at this moment, Huang Wei was looking at Huang

Xiaolong full of burning hatred and said to Huang Ming and
Huang Jun, “Dad, Big Brother, no need to beg this doggie, I
don’t believe this doggie to dares to do anything to us!”

Hearing this, Huang Ming and Huang Jun’s face changed for
the worse.

“Quickly kneel down, and admit your faults to Xiaolong!”

Huang Ming was exasperated and enraged at the same
time; in fact, he was so anxious that when he jumped up, his
palm already slapped Huang Wei’s face on the right side.

And Huang Ming slapped so hard that it made Huang Wei

dizzy and disoriented.

This animal, already in this kind of situation yet he doesn’t

know the severity of the moment. Till this point, still, he
dares to oppose that ‘doggie’ Huang Xiaolong, isn’t he tired
of living?!

A cold light flashed across Huang Xiaolong’s eyes as he

watched Huang Wei.

Huang Qide who has been standing at one side chose to

interject at this time. He looked pleadingly at Huang
Xiaolong and said, “Xiaolong, Huang Wei is still young and
naïve. Grandfather beg you, for your Father’s sake, spare
them! Grandfather guarantees, this kind of thing will never
happen again in the future!”

Su Yan was standing close by and heard everything but she

did not say anything.

Then, all of a sudden, sounds of weak footsteps could be

heard coming from the inner courtyard and the heavily
injured Huang Peng was exerting every effort for each step
was seen coming out with the help of a servant.

Even inside, Huang Peng could hear the blasts from Liu Wei
and Marshal Haotian’s battle, and due to his worry about his
son, he stubbornly insisted to go out of his room to look at
the situation, disregarding his own damaged body.

The first thing he saw coming out was Liu Wei’s body lying
on the ground with blood still flowing out from his neck.
However, there was no breath left.

Liu Wei, Big Sword Sect Sect Leader, was already dead?!

Huang Peng was greatly shocked, finding it hard to believe.

Liu Wei is a Xiantian realm expert, yet in the end, he was

killed. Who was the one who killed him?!

“Peng Ge, why did you come out?!” Seeing Huang Peng, Su
Yan asked with worry as she quickly ran to his side and held
his arms.

Huang Peng shook his head, insisting “I’m okay.” Then, he

came to Huang Xiaolong’s side, watching his Big Brother
Huang Ming, Huang Jun, and Huang Wei kneeling in front of
Huang Xiaolong. Although he doesn’t know what exactly
took place, he could guess more or less what happened.
“Huang Peng, you tell Xiaolong to spare them. Huang Ming
and his sons know their mistakes!” Huang Qide quickly said
when he saw Huang Peng coming over.

Huang Peng’s head turns towards his son, saying “Xiaolong,

why don’t you spare them?”

To Huang Peng, Huang Xiaolong said, “Dad, you ask me to

let them go, but two days ago, did they spare you? When
Liu Wei injured you, did Grandfather tell Huang Ming to
spare you?!” Huang Xiaolong pointed a finger at Huang
Qide, at that time, Huang Qide did not speak up for Huang
Peng, telling Huang Ming to spare his parents at all!

“Just now, when Liu Wei said he wanted to waste my

cultivation, did Grandfather beg Huang Ming or anyone of
them to spare me?” Huang Xiaolong continued, his cold
eyes staring at Huang Qide.

If not for the coincidence that he brought Marshal Haotian

back with him this time, then, the one who died would
absolutely be Fei Hou!

And he would be turned into a waste and a cripple!

Huang Ming, Huang Jun, and Huang Wei will think of many
means to torture him; like what Liu Wei stated earlier, death
is better than living and death would be a luxury.

Listening to the questions coming from Huang Xiaolong,

Huang Qide’s head bowed down in shame and no words
would come out from his mouth. Huang Ming and Huang Jun
also looked down silence.

Huang Peng sighed, and said, “Xiaolong, even so, forgive

them this time.”
“Fine, I won’t kill them.” Since his Dad pleaded for them, he
couldn’t bear to let his father be disappointed. His cold gaze
fell on the trio of father and sons; Huang Ming, Huang Jun,
and Huang Wei. “Call for the Huang Clan’s Elder council and
we’ll decide this matter according to Huang Clan Manor’s

Decide according to Huang Clan Manor’s rules!

Huang Ming, Huang Jun, and Huang Wei were secretly

relieved in their hearts. However, their faces also turned a
shade paler at the same time.

According to Huang Clan Manor’s rules, colluding with

outsiders to injure brothers of the clan would be punished
by having their cultivation destroyed and being expelled out
of Huang Clan Manor!

Night arrived.

Snow continued to fall.

Huang Xiaolong stood in his small yard staring at the dark

night sky, letting the snow to fall on his body.

Earlier in the afternoon, Grandfather Huang Qide called for

the Elder’s Council, and as per the rules of Huang Clan
Manor dealt with Huang Ming, Huang Jun, and Huang Wei.

But, during the meeting, his Dad once again pleaded for his
Eldest Uncle and in the end, only the three’s cultivation
were destroyed, but they still remained in Huang Clan

It was Grandfather Huang Qide who instructed the Chief

Steward, Chen Ying to do the act.
The council meeting, Huang Xiaolong did not join, he knew
because just moments ago, Su Yan came over and told him
the results.

At this point, Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou came behind

Huang Xiaolong.

“Sovereign, this matter, please don’t blame the Second

Manor Lord. After all, that Huang Ming is your Eldest Uncle.”
Marshal Haotian comforted.

Huang Xiaolong nodded: “I understand.” Despite Huang

Ming treating Huang Peng that way, his father still pleaded
for them. Huang Xiaolong did not blame his father in the

Minutes later, Huang Xiaolong left the small yard with

Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou, and the three of them went to
Huang Peng’s room.

Both his father and mother were present in the room.

After undergoing the treatment from Huang Xiaolong using

the Body Metamorphose Scripture’s internal force, Huang
Peng’s injury had healed a lot, and he was no longer
confined to the bed.

“Xiaolong!” Huang Peng and Su Yan seeing Huang Xiaolong

walk in with Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou, both of them
stood up in a haste.

“Greeting Lord Marshal!” Then, Huang Peng and Su Yan

nodded in greeting at Marshal Haotian.

By this time, Huang Peng already knew Marshal Haotian’s

“No, no!” Seeing Huang Peng and Su Yan greeted him
ceremoniously, Marshal Haotian was a little flustered and he
hurried up to hold both Huang Peng and Su Yan. Looking at
the two, he smiled bitterly, “In the future, just call me and
Fei Hou by name. Both of us are Young Master’s
Subordinates, we dare not receive such big greetings from
the Second Manor Lord and Madam!”

What Marshal Haotian said was the truth; although he is Luo

Tong Kingdom’s only Marshal, above thousands of soldiers
and under one King, before Huang Xiaolong, he is but a

Despite Marshal Haotian’s words, Huang Peng and Su Yan

still dared not call Marshal Haotian by his name.

This was their Luo Tong Kingdom one and only Marshal
Haotian ah!

If this was in the past, they did not even have the
qualifications to greet Marshal Haotian.

Moments later, all of them were seated.

Before Huang Peng and Su Yan’s eyes, Huang Xiaolong took

out twenty cycad fruits.

“This, this is cycad fruit!” Two pairs of eyes were widened in


Huang Xiaolong smiled and nodded, “Yes, these twenty

cycad fruits were something son found by luck. Dad, Mom,
both of you take these cycad fruits and cultivate.”

Both Huang Peng and Su Yan were about to open their

mouth to decline, but Huang Xiaolong was a second faster
than them. Shaking his head, Huang Xiaolong said “No need
to say anything, I have taken quite a number of cycad fruits.
Furthermore, I still have some more of them.”

Therefore, Huang Peng and Su Yan could only keep the

cycad fruits.

Just when both of them were elated by the cycad fruits,

Huang Xiaolong took out two small bottles and to Huang
Peng and Su Yan, he said the following: “Dad, Mom, this one
is a high grade Grade Four Spirit Dan, Xingyao Dan, whereas
this one is a high Grade Five Spirit Dan, Qi Sea Dan. Take it.”

High Grade Four Spirit Dan, Xingyao Dan!

High Grade Five Spirit Dan, Qi Sea Dan!

Huang Peng and Su Yan trembled, looking at their son with

an inconceivable expression.

“Xiao, Xiaolong, you, you say, inside these two bottles

are…?” Huang Peng was tongue-tied, stammering as he
tried to try to ask Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong chuckled, “That’s right. Actually, I am a

Cosmic Star Academy’s student. This time in the Academy’s
competition I won the First Year category and was rewarded
with this Xingyao Dan. As for this Qi Sea Dan, it was gifted
to me by Principal Sun Zhang and Vice-Principal Xiong Chu.”


Next release: Tues/Wed

B) Have a great weekend everyone! B)
Chapter 86: Huang Ming
And Sons, Killed
Chapter 86: Huang Ming and Sons, Killed

Cosmic Star Academy Student!

First Year Champion!

The Principal gifted a high Grade Five Spirit Dan to him!

Huang Peng and Su Yan felt as if their heads were spinning,

feeling dizzy.

Cosmic Star Academy student ah! Where the entire Luo

Tong Kingdom’s most talented juniors gathered! Their son
was actually a Cosmic Star Academy student; not only that,
Xiaolong was the First Year Champion and was given a high
Grade Five Spirit Dan from the Principal. What does this
mean? Both of them were well aware; this news, however,
came too much of a sudden, and it was too shocking and
too unbelievable to the point that both of them weren’t able
to accept it all at the same time.

After what seemed like a very long time, Huang Peng and Su
Yan gradually recovered from their shock and excitement;
exchanging a look between themselves, Huang Peng shook
his head mentally: this son, neither of them could see
through him anymore.

Before it was a peak late-Tenth Order Fei Hou following his

son, calling him Young Master, and now, even more
shocking was the Luo Tong Kingdom’s Marshal Haotian also
following his son, becoming their son’s subordinate.

On top of that, he had become a student of the Cosmic Star

Academy, and he was the First Year’s number one student,
and he was gifted a high Grade Five Spirit Dan for no reason
and at no cost!

Everything that happened made them unable to see

through the mysteries surrounding their son.

At last, they could only accept the two bottles containing

Xingyao Dan and Qi Sea Dan.

Holding the one dan each in their hands, they don’t know
whether they should be excited or happy.

However, after they have calmed down and accepted the

two dans, Huang Xiaolong once again took out two sets of
manual, saying “This is a set of an Earth rank cultivation
technique and a battle skill.”

“What? Earth rank cultivation technique and battle skill!”

The newly recovered Huang Peng and Su Yan were once
again struck dizzy.

Earth rank!

A buzz continued to resound in their brains.

A long time later, they gradually calmed down.

Taking the Earth rank cultivation technique and battle skill,

both were already speechless.

“Dad, Mom, after the New Year two days later, move to the
Luo Tong Royal City with me.” Huang Xiaolong’s voice was
serious and low.

“To the Luo Tong Royal City? This…” Huang Peng and Su Yan
were surprised at their son’s abrupt suggestion and

“Due to Liu Wei’s death, Huang Clan Manor is no longer

safe. Moreover, I bought a mansion in the Royal City.”
Huang Xiaolong said. Very soon, the Big Sword Sect will
know that Liu Wei was killed by him; if his parents and
siblings remained in Huang Clan Manor, it is certainly not

Both Huang Peng and Su Yan knew the seriousness of the

matter, and they had no conflict in moving to the Royal City;
it’s just that they have been living in Huang Clan Manor for
so long, especially Huang Peng-- from the moment he was
born, he had always been here.

“Then, your Grandfather?” When Huang Peng mentioned

this, Huang Xiaolong decisively shook his head: “Not
possible, Dad. There is no need to bring this matter up

Huang Peng sighed in his heart; initially, he had wanted to

ask his son to bring his father together with them.

But he knew it was impossible for his son to bring

Grandfather Huang Qide along. Although his son did not kill
Huang Ming and his sons, it doesn’t mean Xiaolong had
forgiven them. It was because he pleaded for mercy that
Xiaolong let the matter be handled according to Huang Clan
Manor’s rules.

Father Huang Qide had always been partial towards Huang

Ming’s side, and Huang Peng is aware that is was not
possible for his son to forgive his father, Huang Qide.
Huang Peng could already imagine the scene after they left
for the Royal City.

The arrival of Big Sword Sect’s experts descending onto

Huang Clan Manor; Liu Wei dying in Huang Clan Manor, and
that meant Huang Clan Manor would not be able to escape
Big Sword Sect’s wrath. From top to bottom, the manor
would be….!!

Huang Peng was struggling in his heart.

Two days came and went.

The New Year is here.

Cold snow was falling outside while the Eastern Courtyard

was in a lively mood; little sister, Huang Min, and his little
brother, Huang Xiaohai, were pestering for Huang Xiaolong
to play with them.

Even though Huang Min suffered a kick from Huang Wei, her
injury was lighter than Huang Peng’s. And after treatment
from Huang Xiaolong, she was almost completely healed.

This New Year was one of the happiest New Year ever for the
two little guys.

The warmth and liveliness in the Eastern Courtyard was the

complete opposite from the rest of Huang Clan Manor that
was drowned in an eerie silence, especially the Northern
Courtyard as if it was cursed with a dead atmosphere.

The New Year ended quickly.

On the Third Day of New Year, Huang Xiaolong brought his

parents, and siblings away from Huang Clan Manor, heading
to the Luo Tong Royal City.
When they were leaving, Huang Peng brought along seven
to eight guards and servants; these guards and servants
followed Huang Peng since he was little, and all of them
were undoubtedly loyal.

Towards this, Huang Xiaolong has no objections.

“Big Brother, is there really a lot a lot of fun places in the

Royal City?” On the road, Huang Min asked Huang Xiaolong.
When the two little guys found out that they were going to
the Royal City, both were jumping with joy. All the way, both
were chattering nonstop.

“The Royal City is a fun place.” Huang Xiaolong smiled and


“Big Brother, do we need to go back to Huang Clan Manor in

the future?” Huang Xiaohai asked.

This year, Huang Xiaohai reached the age of seven and had
already gone through the martial spirit awakening
ceremony. His talent was good, possessing a top grade eight
martial spirit.

“What about you, do you want to go back to Huang Clan

Manor?” Instead of answering, Huang Xiaolong asked

“I never want to go back to Huang Clan Manor!” Huang

Xiaohai shook his head vigorously: “I don’t want to see that
jerk Huang Wei again!”

Huang Peng and Su Yan remained mum on this topic.

Because this time Huang Xiaolong was traveling with his

family, the speed of their journey was quite slow, using six
days to travel out of Canglan County.
At the speed they were moving, it would take at least a
month for them to reach Luo Tong Royal City.

As they left Canglan County, Marshal Haotian informed

Huang Xiaolong; Huang Qide, Huang Ming, and the clan
moved away from the manor, leaving Huang Clan Manor

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

This was within his expectation.

Huang Qide was afraid Big Sword Sect will vent their wrath
on Huang Clan Manor, so he would surely move Huang Clan
away to a safer place.

Very quickly, twenty days had passed in the journey.

In the entire journey, no one felt dull with Huang Min and
Huang Xiaohai ‘twittering’ all the way; due to the many days
spent together, Huang Min, Huang Xiaohai, and the little
violet monkey grew familiar, the three often horsed around

One day, deep into the quiet night.

Huang Xiaolong was resting in a spot of open place near a


Everyone gathered around the bonfire, and hanging above

the bonfire was the Sandyfern Beast and its fragrant smell
wafted around from roasting the meat. Huang Min, Huang
Xiaohai, and the little violet monkey were very well-
behaved, waiting obediently at the side with saliva drooling
from their mouths as big, round eyes stared fixedly on the
piece of roasting meat. Fire glowed and casted an orangey-
red shadow over his parents’ silhouette.
Watching this scene, a burst of warmth filled Huang
Xiaolong’s heart.

At this time, Marshal Haotian suddenly came behind Huang

Xiaolong, and in a low voice whispered: “Young Master,
Subordinate has something to report about the Huang Clan

Huang Xiaolong stood up and walked some distance away

from the bonfire, more than a dozen meters away to be

“What is it?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

“Young Master, Subordinate just received a report saying Big

Sword Sect has found Huang Qide and the rest.” Marshal
Haotian relayed honestly, “Huang Qide is dead, Huang Ming,
Huang Jun, and Huang Wei were also killed off by people
from Big Sword Sect.”

Huang Xiaolong was silent for a moment, and then nodded:

“I know.” After saying that, he turned around, returning to
the bonfire.

“Xiaolong, what is it?” Huang Peng asked as if already he

already guessed the outcome.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “Haotian just reported that the

people of the Huang Clan Manor was found by the Big Sword
Sect.” Regarding this matter, Huang Xiaolong did not want
to hide it from his father.


Finally, Xiaolong put his foot down! Enough was enough!

Next release: Posting in the next 12 hours
Chapter 87: Let Them Eat
At The Floor Below
Chapter 87: Let Them Eat at the Floor Below

Hearing this, Huang Peng’s body stiffened on the spot, and

like him, Su Yan was also stupefied; only the two little guys,
Huang Min and Huang Xiaohai were staring at the roast
meat with shining eyes. Neither of them understood the real
meaning of Huang Xiaolong’s words when he said Big Sword
Sect had found the Huang Clan Manor’s people.

The group of guards and servants who followed Huang Peng

from Huang Clan Manor were also looking sad.

“Xiaolong, promise Father, you must destroy the Big Sword

Sect!” A long time later, Huang Peng spoke and his voice
choked and sounded a little hoarse.

“Don’t worry Dad. I will.” Huang Xiaolong nodded his head

in promise, not for Huang Ming and his sons, but for his
parents and little siblings.

He absolutely would not allow the existence of Big Sword

Sect to threaten his parents’ and siblings’ safety.

“Big Brother, is the roast meat ready? Can we eat?” At this

point, little Huang Xiaohai inquired, breaking the stuffy
atmosphere; his stomach obediently collaborated him,
issuing a ‘gululu’ rumbling sound, “My stomach is already
flat from hunger!”

Huang Xiaolong chuckled, “Okay, let’s eat!”

“Yeahhhhh!” When the two little guys heard their Big
Brother’s permission, both jumped with joy.

The night gradually became brighter. Huang Xiaolong and

his group had started their journey for the day.

And two days later, they arrived at the Luo Tong Royal City’s
big gates.

Standing before the big gates leading to the Royal City,

Huang Peng, Su Yan, the two little guys, and the rest of the
group were in a daze. The big city gates gave the new
arrivals a strong visual impact.

“Big Brother, this is our Luo Tong Kingdom’s Royal City?

Very, very, very big ah!” A long time later, little brother
Huang Xiaohai chirped exaggeratedly, using three ‘very’ in
a sentence.

Very big?!

Watching his younger brother’s cute reaction, Huang

Xiaolong smiled.

“Let’s go, enter the city.” Huang Xiaolong laughed and said.

Hearing this, the two little guys rushed in front of everyone

else towards the city gates, competing with each other to
see who would enter the city first.

At first, the city guards wanted to block Huang Min and

Huang Xiaohai’s path, however, when they noticed Huang
Xiaolong and Marshal Haotian coming up behind the two
little brats, the guards instantly retreated to the side and
knelt down on one knee.

“Greeting Lord Marshal Haotian!”

These guards, of course, recognized Marshal Haotian.

“Rise.” Marshal Haotian nodded his head, allowing the city

gate guards to stand up. The guards hastened to stand up
and retreated to the side respectfully.

Huang Xiaolong and his parents walked at the front,

followed by Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou behind them,
passing the city gates into the Royal City.

Huang Min and Huang Xiaohai cheered, rushing through the

gates and in the end, Huang Min won the race. Although
Huang Xiaohai’s talent was higher than Huang Min’s, his
martial spirit had just awakened not too long ago-- how
could he surpass Huang Min who had been cultivating battle
qi for more than a year?

The two little guys were panting heavily, wiping beads of

sweat from their foreheads.

And while the two little guys were wiping off sweats from
their little running competition, the city guards were wiping
off cold sweat from their own foreheads from the ordeal.

“Who is that kid? To actually have Marshal Haotian walking

behind him?”

“You surely don’t know this since you just arrived in the
Royal City a few days ago. It’s normal that you don’t know--
he is Huang Xiaolong!”

“Huang Xiaolong? Who is Huang Xiaolong?”


In the time the city guards were gossiping among

themselves, Huang Xiaolong and his group disappeared
from view.

Entering the Royal City, strolling in the bustling, wide city

streets, Huang Min and Huang Xiaohai ran all around.
Sometimes looking at some stalls on the right, and then to
the left, they were extremely excited and happy.

Even the little violet monkey on Huang Xiaolong’s shoulder

ran down to join the two little guys, running here and there,
laughing happily.

Watching his little sister and brother playing, Huang

Xiaolong also felt happy.

After strolling for an hour or so, when they passed by the

Delicious Restaurant, Huang Xiaolong suddenly stopped.
Turning around to Huang Peng and Su Yan, he inquired,
“Dad, Mom, how about we go in and eat something?”

Huang Xiaolong remembered the first time he came to the

Royal City, when he was here with Fei Hou. The dishes and
the Snow Moon Wine of this restaurant were quite good.

Before Huang Peng or Su Yan could answer, the little violet

monkey was already clapping and squeaking in agreement,
greedily smacking his lips as if its saliva was about to fly
out. Obviously, it still remembered the taste of the Snow
Moon Wine.

Seeing this, Huang Peng Su Yan nodded and everyone broke

out in laughter due to the little violet monkey’s antics.

Thus, they went into the restaurant. The one attending to

Huang Xiaolong was the same server as last time. Seeing
Huang Xiaolong, the little server’s eyes lit up and hurried to
welcome Huang Xiaolong, full of respect.
Though it has been a year, the little server’s memory of
Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou was very deep.

At that time, the Delicious Restaurant was nearly

demolished, how could he forget them otherwise?

With respectful bows and pleasing smiles, the little server

led Huang Xiaolong and his group up to the first floor of the

Soon after, Huang Xiaolong and the rest were seated, and
the restaurant’s boss came over, still short of breath as if he
ran over from some distance away, sweat was pouring from
his face.

Quickly tidying his appearance, he came to Huang

Xiaolong’s table, and the boss saluted Marshal Haotian and
personally arranged the dishes and wine for the two tables
Huang Xiaolong’s and his companions. The boss even took
out the Snow Moon Wine that had been kept for more than a
decade to serve them.

The moment the Snow Moon Wine was placed on the table,
and before anyone could make a move, the little violet
monkey had already jumped onto one of the wine urns,
lifted it up, and started to drink greedily. It let out a loud
burp after it was satisfied, making people break out in
laughter all around.

As the food and wine were served up, a tantalizing

fragrance weaved in the air, causing the two little guys to
drool. Chopsticks shot out frequently as sounds of utensils
and cups moved.

When everyone was enjoying the meal, a pair consisting of

a young man and a young woman came up the second floor.
Judging from their attitude, they were regular patrons of the
Delicious Restaurant.

Huang Xiaolong took a glance at them from the corner of his

eyes, noting that both of them looked familiar. Then he
remembered when he first arrived in the Royal City with Fei
Hou, they were the Young Master and Young Miss Lin of the
Marquis Mansion.

He remembered at that time, this so-called Young Master Lin

and Young Miss Lin were riding on Stage Four Flame Beasts
entering the city. Of course, they need not pay entry fees at
the city gates.

Reaching the first floor of the restaurant, Lin Ke looked

around and saw Huang Xiaolong’s group occupying two
large tables with two little kids that were eating noisily. Lin
Ke frowned. She threw a bag of gold coins to the server
behind her and pointed towards Huang Xiaolong’s direction,
and in a commanding tone, she said, “The entire first floor,
I’m reserving it. Drive out these lowly commoners, tell them
to eat below.”

Lowly commoners!

People eating at the two tables, including Huang Xiaolong,

stopped turned around.

That server was dumbfounded.

Lin Ke noticed the little server was in a daze and she

snapped: “Didn’t you hear what I’ve said? We are reserving
this entire floor, drive these lowly-commoners down and tell
them to eat on the floor below! Otherwise, they will affect
our appetite!”
Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou’s expression changed. Yet,
when Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou wanted to stand up,
Huang Xiaolong raised his hand to stop them.

Huang Xiaolong waved at the little server, saying “You,

come over.”

Despite being a different server than the one who welcomed

Huang Xiaolong, and was not aware of Huang Xiaolong’s
identity, earlier the boss had instructed each of them to
serve these two tables respectfully, and not show the
slightest neglect. So, when the server heard Huang Xiaolong
calling him, he scurried over without the slightest delay to
Huang Xiaolong’s side, inquiring “Young Noble, what are
your orders?”

Like the other side, Huang Xiaolong threw out a big bag of
gold coins to the server, and pointed at the two surnamed
Lin, “I don’t want to see them in the Delicious Restaurant,
drive them away from the restaurant to avoid them
influencing my appetite!”


In case anyone is wondering, below is an excerpt from C36,

describing the first meeting, before Meng Xia (The death
Duke’ son) came stampeding towards the city gates.

At this time, a young man and woman riding a Stage Four

Flame Beast mount swaggered into the city. The guards at
the gate didn’t block them, instead, the guards bowed
deeply as they passed by.

Huang Xiaolong’s expression turned cold, and pointed at the

two people who had just passed by: “Why don’t they have to
pay admission fees?”
History has a tendency to repeat itself.....


Next Release: Weekend (Edit)

Oh, FYI: To have an idea of the black dragon (and it's infant
serpent form) you can check Ep.11 of Ten Miles of Peach
Blossom Drama. Time: 23:58.
Chapter 88: Are There So Many Coincidences?

“What did you, a lowly commoner say?” Lin Ke raged, and

she pointed a finger at Huang Xiaolong. This lowly
commoner dared to say she is, is?!

“Did you not hear what I said clearly?” Huang Xiaolong had
an indifferent expression on his calm face.

All of a sudden, loud footsteps were heard coming up the

staircase and several guards appeared on the first floor.

“Miss, what is the matter?” One of the guards walked up to

Lin Ke and asked.

These Marquis Mansion guards were initially waiting below

and all of them rushed up quickly hearing their Young Miss’s

“This lowly commoner actually dared to insult me! Go and

slap him, hard!” Lin Ke pointed at Huang Xiaolong and a
cruel gleam flashed across her eyes: “Hit until all the teeth
in his dog mouth fall out!”

“If anyone dares to interfere, they will be dealt with the

same punishment!”

“Yes, Miss!”

The dozen Marquis Mansion guards spread out and

surrounded the two tables; one of them walked out, raising
his hand and swept it down hard at Huang Xiaolong’s face.

The ex-Huang Clan Manor guards were ruffled seeing this

and wanted to dash out, but a silhouette was faster than
them, and moved before them. The Marquis Mansion guard
that was about to slap Huang Xiaolong suddenly screamed--
his body inverted outwards as if he was hit by a big boulder
and tumbled heavily on the floor before rolling down the
stairs to the first floor below.

A short silence invaded the first floor space.

The silhouette who made the move was Fei Hou.

After a brief moment of surprised silence, all the Marquis

Mansion guards were angered. All of them unsheathed the
swords they were carrying and it was at this time Fei Hou
snorted: “Scram!” His voice rolled out like waves, and
zigzag lightning materialized out of nowhere like a net. This
was Fei Hou’s Sound of Lightning Fall, a high grade
Mysterious rank battle skill.

The strongest amongst these Marquis Mansion Guards was a

peak late-Seventh Order, and their abilities were insufficient
to escape these lightning strikes. After these guards’ bodies
were struck, shaking and then inverting them out. By the
time they fell to the floor, these guards were no longer
recognizable; their bodies were charred soot black with gray
smoke rising from them like burning charcoal.

“You!!!” Watching all the guards they brought being

defeated, the expression on Lin Ke and Lin Guo’s face was
extremely ugly.

“Slap!” Huang Xiaolong’s cold voice sounded.

“Yes, Young Master!” Just as Fei Hou’s voice ended, the right
side of Lin Ke’s face was printed with a five fingers red

“Do you lowly commoners knows who I am? Actually daring

to touch me!” Lin Ke was afraid yet furious too. One of her
hands was covering the right side of her face as she glared
hatefully at Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou, roaring at the top
of her lungs.

“Again!” Huang Xiaolong’s voice sounded once more.

A deeper red five finger print appeared on Lin Ke’s right

cheek. Blood trickled from her mouth as she spat out a

Lin Ke stared at the tooth rolling on the floor and went

blanked for a moment. She let out a hair-raising shriek
towards Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou, “You, you dared to hit
me? You actually dared to hit me! You know who I am? I am
the Marquis Mansion’s Miss! My father is Marquis Lin Xian! I
want to kill you lowly commoners, kill off every lowly dog
commoners that you are!”

[tn: why ask when one of your teeth already all out?]

“Again!” Huang Xiaolong paid no attention.

“Pa!! Pa!!” Two sounds of slapping resounded in the quiet

restaurant. This time, Lin Ke’s body wobbled as both sides of
her face had a burning red five finger mark; blood and a few
teeth flew out from her mouth.

“Younger Sis, don’t say anymore. Let’s first return to the

Marquis Mansion!” Lin Guo who watched everything from
the side was troubled and irked at the same time. He walked
up and pulled Lin Ke away while trying to persuade. He had
seen Huang Xiaolong’s intentions; if his Little Sister
continued her tirade, she probably would be leaving all her
teeth here.

Without waiting for Lin Ke’s response, Lin Guo already pulled
Lin Ke towards the staircase, fleeing as fast as he could.
Watching Lin Guo dragging Lin Ke fleeing in panic, Huang
Xiaolong sneered.

Before Lin Ke disappeared, her face was full of

dissatisfaction and hatred, and he trusts that this matter will
not end here. If things happened within his expectations,
after returning to the Marquis Mansion, the two would return
here with a group of experts.

The little server looked at Lin Guo and Lin Ke running away
in a hurry, and then looked down at the floor that was
littered with Marquis Mansion guards, his soul had flown
away in shock. His reason returned after a while and he
scurried off to report the matter to his boss.

After Lin Guo and Lin Ke ran off, Huang Xiaolong and the
others continued with their meal as if nothing happened.

As for Lin Guo and Lin Ke, they returned to the Marquis
Mansion soon after leaving the Delicious Restaurant.

Lin Ke wailed all the way back to the Marquis Mansion, and
both Lin Ke and Lin Guo stepped into the main hall. Marquis
Lin Xian was in a good mood, chatting with a middle-aged
man. This middle-aged man was wearing army-issued
armor, and there were a few shiny badges on his shoulder.
This middle-aged man was one of Luo Tong Kingdom’s
generals, General Hong Desheng.

Lin Ke was crying as she walked into the main hall, and this
startled Lin Xian and Hong Desheng, causing them to stop
their discussions.

When the two saw Hong Desheng in the main hall, they
went up and greeted: “Uncle Hong.”
“Ke’er, what happened? Who hurt you?” Lin Xian saw the
blood on his daughter's face and his face darkened.

“Dad, Uncle Hong, you must seek justice for me!” Lin Ke
covered her face while crying, “Just now in the Delicious
Restaurant, a group of lowly dog commoners slapped my
face! Even my tooth fell out!”


“What?!” Lin Xian’s face grew darker, a chilling light flashed

across his eyes.

“Was there anything out of ordinary in that group of

people?” At this time, Hong Desheng suddenly asked.

The three in the hall with him were flabbergasted at the


“Brother Hong, what are you trying to say?” Lin Xian


Hong Desheng explained, “Do you still remember last year

what happened in the Delicious Restaurant?”

Lin Xian quivered from head to toe; last year, Duke Meng
Chen and his son, Meng Xia, hurt Marshal Haotian’s Junior
Brother since they were relying on having more people.
Later, Marshal Haotian rushed over to the restaurant and
killed Meng Chen and Meng Xia to vent out his wrath.
Although the incident was a year ago, how could Lin Xian
forget? And the place where Meng Chen and Meng Xia were
killed was at the Delicious Restaurant!

Lin Ke and Lin Guo also remembered this incident and both
turned a sickly shade of green and then they turned white.
“Brother Hong, such coincidences doesn’t happen right?”
Lin Xian hesitated for a second before asking.

“It is better to be safe than sorry.” Hong Desheng said. He

turned around towards Lin Ke and asked, “What does the
person who hurted you look like?”

Lin Ke and Lin Guo described Fei Hou’s facial features from
memory one by one. Lin Xian and Hong Desheng’s face
became gloomier by the second, and when Lin Ke and Lin
Guo finished, Hong Desheng sounded somber as he stated,
“I’m afraid this person is Marshal Haotian’s Junior Brother,
Fei Hou!”

Marshal Haotian’s Junior Brother, Fei Hou!

Lin Ke and Lin Guo’s faces lost all their color instantly.

Suddenly, Hong Desheng thought of a question, asking

“Besides that Fei Hou, was there a man in his seventies?”
He even described how Marshal Haotian looked like to them.

Lin Ke and Lin Guo tried to remember.

But, at that time, Marshal Haotian sat with his back facing
stairway, so it was inevitable they did not get a good look at
everyone there.

“We did not pay attention.” Lin Ke added, “There was about
fourteen, fifteen of them in total. Oh right, there was a kid
about ten years old, but Fei Hou listened to his command,
calling him Young Master, could he be….?!”

“Huang Xiaolong!!” Lin Xian and Hong Desheng blurted out

the name in unison.

Huang Xiaolong!
Lin Ke and Lin Guo’s bodies trembled, nearly stumbling

Cosmic Star Academy’s First Year champion, this name had

long spread to every corner of the Royal City - Huang
Xiaolong, possessing the Primordial Divine Black Dragon
martial spirit. This was no longer a secret, and he was
lauded to be the number one talent in Luo Tong Kingdom’s

If that kid is Huang Xiaolong, then…? The image where she

was trashing Huang Xiaolong as a lowly dog commoner,
even ordering her guards to slap Huang Xiaolong’s mouth,
her body couldn’t stop shaking as if having an episode of


Next Release: Tuesday

p/s: this chapter answers one of @masterXiX 's question
Chapter 89: Back To
Tianxuan Mansion
Chapter 89: Back to Tianxuan Mansion

“ Then Dad, what, what do we do now?” Lin Ke’s face grew

paler and paler-- the arrogance and despotic manner from
before vanished without a trace.

Lin Xian and Hong Desheng were silent.

A heavy atmosphere blanketed the entire big hall.

“Dad, say something ah!” Lin Ke became anxious.

“Impudent!” Suddenly, the silent Lin Xian stood up in rage,

roaring at Lin Ke, “All this trouble was caused by you! You
think I don’t know your personality?! If you were not in the
wrong, you think that Fei Hou would act?!” A palm flew
across Lin Ke’s face and another five finger palm print
burned glaringly on her face.

Lin Ke clutched at her face, looking dazedly at her father.

Tears started to fall abruptly from her eyes. Since she was
little, her father had always indulged her requests, as he
was afraid to disappoint his daughter. But today, her father
actually hit her!

The more Lin Ke thought about it, the more wronged she
felt, and the louder her wails rang out in the hall.

“You!” Lin Xian raised his hand once more in anger, but in
the end, the hand dropped back down.
“Brother Lin, now is not the time to teach Ke’er. Lin Guo, tell
me exactly what happened.” At this time, Hong Desheng
advised Lin Xian, trying to salvage the situation.

“Yes, Uncle Hong.” Lin Guo replied respectfully and told his
father and Uncle Hong what happened from the beginning
to the end without the slightest intention to conceal
anything. He didn’t dare to.

Lin Xian heard his son say that his daughter, Lin Ke, ordered
the restaurant server to drive out Huang Xiaolong, Fei Hou,
and the people with them the moment she stepped onto the
first floor. Every sentence she said started and ended with
‘lowly dog commoner’, and he could no longer remain as
calm as he wished.

After Lin Guo finished describing the incident, Lin Xian’s face
was darker than muddy water.

“Let’s do it like this Brother Lin-- make a trip to the Delicious

Restaurant to apologize to that Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou.
I will accompany you there.” Hong Desheng persuaded.

The two of them were old buddies; since he was here, he

couldn’t just sit and watch without doing anything to help.

Lin Xian’s expression did not look better: “It seems this is
the only way!”

Moments later, Lin Xian and Hong Desheng brought Lin Ke

and Lin Guo to the Delicious Restaurant.

And soon, the four of them came to the Delicious

Restaurant’s first floor where Huang Xiaolong’s group was
at. Lin Xian and Hong Desheng were about to speak when
both of them noticed the figure sitting next to Huang
Xiaolong; both of them stiffened and their footsteps halted
abruptly. Their eyes bulged out.

“Mar-- Lord Marshal Haotian!”

At this point of time, Marshal Haotian turned around at their


When they saw Marshal Haotian’s face, Lin Xian and Hong
Desheng felt their minds go blank with fear; both were
turning pale in a heartbeat.

Behind them were Lin Ke and Lin Guo. When both of them
heard the words their father exclaimed out loud, their legs
wobbled and went limp, nearly falling to the floor. No matter
how they suppressed the fear, they couldn’t stand properly.

Initially, before they came over, Lin Xian and Hong Desheng
were wishing for some good fortune-- that Marshal Haotian
was not present during that time. But now!!


One hour later, Huang Xiaolong, Marshal Haotian, and the

rest of the group left the Delicious Restaurant. After Huang
Xiaolong left, Lin Xian, his children, and Hong Desheng also
walked out of the restaurant looking dissolute and spiritless.

No one knows what took place in that one hour’s time.

However, the next day morning, Lin Xian’s Marquis title was
rescinded and it was a Royal Edict made by King Lu Zhe

On Huang Xiaolong’s side, after they left the restaurant, the

group headed to Tianxuan Mansion. As they got nearer, Boli
and the servants were waiting outside.
“Big Brother, this Tianxuan Mansion is our home from now
on?” Standing before the entrance of Tianxuan Mansion,
little sister Huang Min asked with anticipation.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and smiled, “En, Tianxuan Mansion

is our home from now on.”

Huang Min and Huang Xiaohai bounced with delight at

Huang Xiaolong’s answer, racing each other inside.

This made everyone break out in laughter.

“Dad, Mom, let’s go in.” Huang Xiaolong said to Huang Peng

and Su Yan.

Both of them nodded, feeling comforted and pleased in their


A while later, everyone went to the main hall and sat down.

Huang Xiaolong requested Fei Hou to arrange the

accommodation for his parents, siblings, and the servant-
guards that followed Huang Peng from Huang Clan Manor.
Before going back to Huang Clan Manor for the New Year,
Huang Xiaolong gave Fei Hou a million gold coins to buy off
the neighboring mansions. Thus, the current Tianxuan
Mansion’s lands had expanded by a factor of four and there
were plenty of rooms.

Due to fatigue from traveling for more than twenty days,

Huang Xiaolong sent his parents and little siblings to rest.

And only three people remained in the main hall: Huang

Xiaolong, Marshal Haotian, and Fei Hou.

“What is the result of your investigation?” Huang Xiaolong

asked Marshal Haotian. A few days ago, he had requested
Marshal Haotian to look into the Big Sword Sect’s situation.

Marshal Haotian stood up and answered respectfully,

“Replying Sovereign, the matter was already investigated
clearly. At the moment, Big Sword Sect has around thirty
thousand disciples, and apart from the dead Liu Wei, there
is another Xiantian realm expert, and that is Liu Wei’s
Master, Yu Chen. Yu Chen is the previous Sect Leader; his
strength should be mid-Second Order Xiantian.”

Liu Wei’s Master, Yu Chen: a mid-Second Order Xiantian!

Huang Xiaolong nodded; that means Yu Chen’s strength is

on par with Marshal Haotian.

Then, Marshal Haotian continued to report the findings

related to Big Sword Sect: the number of Tenth Order
disciples, Ninth Order disciples, and so on.

Listening to the end of Marshal Haotian’s report, Huang

Xiaolong’s brows creased deeply. It seems to destroy the Big
Sword Sect was not as easy as he first thought. Although Big
Sword Sect only has one remaining Xiantian expert, Yu
Chen, as one of the prominent sects of Baolong Kingdom,
the number of Tenth Order and Ninth Order disciples were
not insignificant.

Moreover, he cannot let Marshal Haotian call up the army

for this. If the army was used, it meant war between two

If Yu Ming was around, with his Xiantian Tenth Order

strength, it would be as easy as snapping his fingers to get
rid of Big Sword Sect.

Nonetheless, Yu Ming had returned to the Asura’s Gate

headquarters, and to rush back here from Star Cloud
Continent, it takes at least a year’s time.

Judging from the situation, he needs to wait until Yu Ming

returns before deciding the next step.

Now, his parents and siblings are with him in the Royal City,
and as long as that Yu Chen does not run over here, his
parents and siblings would be safe with Marshal Haotian’s

Some time later, Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou left the main

I must break through to the Seventh Order as soon as

possible! Huang Xiaolong thought to himself.

Once he advanced to the Seventh Order, he could open the

Linglong Pagoda’s first layer and get the heritage physique
cultivation technique, Golden Linglong Body. In addition to
his martial spirits abilities, he could fight against an Eighth
Order warrior. Not only that, after opening the first layer of
Linglong Treasure Pagoda, he could give the Fire Dragon
Pearl to his parents.

When his parents become stronger, the better they can

protect themselves.

Lastly, after he stepped into the Seventh Order, his martial

spirits would evolve a second time, and Huang Xiaolong
looked forward to his twin dragons’ transformation.

In general, after advancing to the Seventh Order, and after

the martial spirit evolved a second time, its innate ability
would also be strengthened. In some cases, martial spirits
could gain new abilities after undergoing the second
Although the probability for this to happen is very low, the
higher the grade of martial spirits, the higher the probability
for it to happen.

Going back to his room, Huang Xiaolong climbed onto the

cold jade bed, and called out the twin dragons and started
to practice.

Using the month travel time to get to the Royal City, Huang
Xiaolong had persevered with his practice. On top of that,
the Linglong Treasure Pagoda inside his body emitted fire
dragon qi at all times, tempering his physique and
improving his battle qi. This made Huang Xiaolong grow
stronger every day and the barrier to the Seventh Order
became thinner every second. He had a feeling that within
one month’s time, he could advance to the Seventh Order.


Next Release: tmr
Chapter 90: Wrath Of The
Nether King
Chapter 90: Wrath of the Nether King

Night arrived.

By the time Huang Xiaolong stopped running Asura Tactics,

it was already late into the night. Moonlight shone down and
created a hazy screen on the land, and occasionally, thin
clouds veiled the moon.

Huang Xiaolong came out to the small yard from his room.
Standing in the middle of the yard, he bent his knees and
lowered his body, his right hand forming a fist and punched
forward slowly, while his left hand circled behind his back
and adjusted his breathing according to the Fifth Stage of
the Body Metamorphosis Scripture. Spiritual energy from the
surrounding started to surge towards Huang Xiaolong

Since he left Huang Clan Manor one year ago, Huang

Xiaolong’s practice of Body Metamorphosis Scripture had
advanced to the Fifth Stage with the Power to Pull Nine Bulls
as One, and he had reached the peak form that could
advance into the Sixth Stage at any moment.

Now, Huang Xiaolong’s internal force was sturdy and

continued to improve every day. While he breathed, white
mist can be seen going in and out of his nostrils. If he was
still on Earth in his previous life, the current Huang Xiaolong
can be called an internal force master.
The darkness of the night was gradually replaced by the
impending dawn, and Huang Xiaolong finally stopped the
Body Metamorphosis Scripture.

After that, he called out the Blades of Asura. He leaped up

into the air, and swung the Blades of Asura; instantly,
countless blades lights flew out, turning into tiny drops of
rain, condensing into a violent rainstorm that enveloped all
directions. But, at this moment, the violent rainstorm
suddenly changed into a drizzle, tender and gentle, barely

From within the minuscule rain blades came the sounds of

cries and wails that lasted for a long time.

A while later, Huang Xiaolong stopped and took a deep

breath; it has taken more than a year’s time, and now, he
finally reached major completion in the Asura Sword Skill’s
second style, Tears of Asura.

He had perfect comprehension for the mood and intent for

this move, but the only lacking point was how long his battle
qi could support it. In the future, this move would grow more
powerful as his battle qi became stronger.

“Then, the next step is the third style!” Huang Xiaolong

thought in his mind and took out the diagrams from the
Asura Ring, fully concentrating of the third move.

Asura Sword Skill Third Move: Wrath of the Nether King.

Studying the illustrated movements and the route of

running his battle qi, he etched them into his mind before
returning the diagram back to the ring. He stood in the
same spot for some time, when all of a sudden, his body
shot forward a few meters like a burning meteor as the
Blades of Asura slashed in front of him.
Two fire red blade lights materialized in the air, rushing
forward without any signs of stopping just like the wrath of
the Nether King, crushing everything before it.

After the first try, Huang Xiaolong stood still a few meters
away, recalling his launching of the attack with the feelings
and the movements before comparing them to what was
written on the diagrams.

Thirty minutes later, Huang Xiaolong moved again. His body

shot forward like a meteor as he slashed to the front with
the blades. Two angry, fire-red lights broke out like a
volcanic eruption, swirling forward with the fixation of
destroying everything in its path. The attack lost its
momentum and vanished one hundred meters away.

After the second try, he stood still again, repeating the

previous process.

Another thirty minutes passed and Huang Xiaolong made

his third attempt.

Huang Xiaolong repeated the same process again and

again, like when he practiced Tempest of Hell and Tears of
Asura for the first time. Continuous attempts as he tried to
comprehend the intent of the move.

Written along with the third move’s illustration, when the

Wrath of the Nether King reaches major completion, a swing
of the blades is like the eruption of a millennium volcano,
like the stampede of a million demonic beasts. And its
momentum broke out in an instant at an unbelievable
speed, giving the enemy no time to react and to only die
under the Wrath of the Nether King.

Three days passed quickly in practice.

During these three days, other than the usual practice of
Asura Tactics, and the Body Metamorphosis Scripture, he
concentrated on Wrath of the Nether King.

Occasionally, Huang Xiaolong would spend some time on

the Earth rank battle skill he was rewarded with from the
Cosmic Star Academy competition, Collapsing Fist.

With Huang Xiaolong’s current battle qi energy, his

Collapsing Fist attack could shatter a ten-meter boulder
dozen meters away into a pile of gravel.

Another three days passed.

Huang Xiaolong came out from his courtyard.

It was the beginning of a new term in Cosmic Star Academy,

and Huang Xiaolong planned to go over and have a look.

When he came to the main hall, his Dad, Mom, and two
younger siblings were already there.

“Big Brother!” Huang Min and Huang Xiaohai encircled

Huang Xiaolong as soon as they saw him, calling out
cheerfully. The two little guys were each hanging on one
side of his arms.

“Did you have fun these past few days?” Huang Xiaolong
smiled and asked.

“Big Brother, the Royal City is much too fun! There are
many, many nice places!” Right after Huang Xiaolong’s
question ended, Huang Xiaohai rushed to answer as if
someone was competing with him, happily, he added: “I like
it here very much!”
Huang Xiaolong smiled kindly; although he was training
hard for the past three days, he still knew that these two
little guys went out to play every day. And from the amount
of outings they had, perhaps these two little guys who went
to many places in the Royal City in just a few days’ time
already knew more than him, who had been on the Royal
City for one year so far.

“Playing around is okay, but you must also remember to

practice hard.” Huang Xiaolong said.

Two little heads nodded obediently.

“Don’t worry Big Brother. I definitely will practice hard so I

can beat Huang Wei until he lies death on the floor!” Huang
Min said with a serious expression on her face.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Until this moment, his little sister was not aware that Huang
Wei, his father, and his elder brother were already dead
under the sword of experts from the Big Sword Sect.
However, Huang Xiaolong did not say this out loud-- but
having a target as a motivator is a good thing.

“Dad, Mom,” Huang Xiaolong came up to his parents and

inquired if their days are well and comfortable in Tianxuan

Huang Peng laughed: “Nothing is uncomfortable.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded gladly.

His father, Huang Peng, had taken the high Grade Four Spirit
Dan, Xingyao Dan, whereas his mother, Su Yan, swallowed
the high Grade Five Spirit Dan, the Qi Sea Dan; both of their
cultivations had advanced by one order.
Huang Peng was now a Seventh Order, close to peak early-
Seventh Order, and Su Yan reached mid-Sixth Order.

“Oh right, Xiaolong, Miss Li Lu came to look for you

yesterday.” At this time, Su Yan suddenly laughed and said,
“But you were practicing at that time and Miss Li Lu was
here for an hour and then she left.”

“Li Lu.” Huang Xiaolong was a little surprised.

Today was the Academy’s new term, so it was not surprising

that Li Lu had returned to the Royal City from the Li

“Xiaolong, Li Lu is a good girl,” Su Yan added, “I think…”

“En, Mom, no need to say more.” Huang Xiaolong smiled

bitterly with a trace of helplessness. He knew what his
mother wanted to say even though the two of them, him
and Li Lu, were not even eleven.

“The Academy’s new term starts today so I’m going to have

a look.” He quickly stood up before Su Yan could open her
mouth to speak, and ran away from the main hall as if he
was fleeing for his life.

Leaving the main hall, Huang Xiaolong did not stop until he
came out of Tianxuan Mansion and headed in the direction
of Cosmic Star Academy.

Reaching the Academy, when the students saw Huang

Xiaolong they all retreated to give way; their eyes filled awe
and admiration, some had elevated to idolization.

Huang Xiaolong ignored the whispers along the way and

walked all the way to this classroom. The moment he
stepped into the room, the noisy classroom became quiet
immediately, and all the students stood up straight.

Including that Jiang Teng. As Huang Xiaolong continued to

walk in, Jiang Teng jumped out from his seat and retreated
to the back of the classroom, trembling in fright. “Huang
Xiaolong, what do you want to do?” Very obvious, he ate
enough fists from Huang Xiaolong that he developed a
traumatic fear towards Huang Xiaolong.


Next release: Friday
Chapter 91: Breakthrough
To The Seventh Order
Chapter 91: Breakthrough to the Seventh Order

Huang Xiaolong saw Jiang Teng’s reaction, and he couldn’t

help but shake his head in a helpless smile; is he that
horrible? Ignoring Jiang Teng, Huang Xiaolong came to his
seat and sat down.

Although Huang Xiaolong rarely attended class in the last

term, no one dared to occupy his place and it remained

“Xiaolong!” Li Lu was very happy seeing Huang Xiaolong,

and two lovely dimples appeared on her face as she called

Huang Xiaolong nodded in greeting; Li Lu seemed to have

lost some weight in these two months, but the cute dimples
on her face remained the same.

Even after a long time Huang Xiaolong had sat down, Jiang
Teng was still too frightened to return to his own seat until
Xiong Meiqi arrived.

Noticing Huang Xiaolong in the classroom, Xiong Meiqi was

a little surprised and a little awkward. During the class’s
lecture, she was absent-minded throughout and frequently
stopped in mid-sentences, forgetting what she was saying
numerous times.
Huang Xiaolong left the classroom after one lesson and
came to the library.

Since he found out Asura’s Gate headquarters was in Star

Cloud Continent, he wanted to search more information
about it.

The day passed quickly while Huang Xiaolong spent the

time in the library.

When Huang Xiaolong came out, it was already midday. It

had been slightly over a month since the New Year, but the
sunlight was stronger and it was warm as it fell on the skin.

Returning to Tianxuan Mansion, he assumed the two little

guys had gone out to play yet again since there was no
shadow of the two around the mansion.

Even the little violet monkey was not around. The little
violet monkey would run to the Silvermoon Forest to kill
demonic beasts and eat their beast cores for cultivation,
showing up in the mansion from time to time.

The three little guys were not in, but his parents were; going
into their courtyard, Huang Xiaolong passed an internal
force cultivation technique to them and reminded them to
practice diligently.

His parents’ cultivation achievements were limited by the

strength of their martial spirits and the chances of them
breaking into Xiantian realm were slim. However, things are
different with the support of internal force cultivation as this
largely increases their chances of entering the Xiantian

For example, Huang Xiaolong. When his Body

Metamorphoses Scripture reached the Tenth Stage, he could
be considered a Xiantian expert in terms of internal force.

Huang Xiaolong estimated an internal force Xiantian expert

with this world’s Xiantian expert possessed a similar level of

Huang Peng and Su Yan were ecstatic when they heard

Huang Xiaolong say that practicing the internal force
cultivation technique that he gave them would allow them
to advance into the Xiantian realm.

After passing the cultivation technique to his parents, Huang

Xiaolong described in detail the situation that may arise
while cultivating and the more difficult parts that were
harder to comprehend.

It was more than two hours later when Huang Xiaolong left
his parents’ courtyard to return to his own yard where he
continued with his own practice of Asura Tactics and Wrath
of the Nether King.

Time flowed fast as another month had passed.

Basically, in this one month’s time, Huang Xiaolong did not

step out the door of his courtyard as every moment was
spent either on Asura Tactics, the Body Metamorphosis
Scripture, or Wrath of the Nether King.

On this night, like usual, Huang Xiaolong was sitting on the

cold jade bed practicing Asura Tactics. The hazy moonlight
shone into the room onto a black dragon and a blue dragon
that were floating behind Huang Xiaolong, greedily
devouring the netherworld spiritual energy rushing down
from the space above. The battle qi in Huang Xiaolong’s
body had started to roar and surge in his meridians.
And the Linglong Treasure Pagoda was floating right above
Huang Xiaolong’s head.

Again and again, as Huang Xiaolong continued to run Asura

Tactics, the battle qi coursed through his meridians faster
and faster, rolling continuously and crashing against the
ever-thinning Seventh Order barrier.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t know how long this went on when his
body suddenly shuddered. A tiny crack sounded that only
Huang Xiaolong could hear: the Seventh Order Barrier was
finally broken! The netherworld battle qi rushed joyfully
forward into the Seventh Order meridians’ route, and in
Huang Xiaolong’s heart position, a Qi Sea was formed. The
netherworld battle qi rushed endlessly into the Seventh
Order meridians and gathered in the newly formed Qi Sea in
Huang Xiaolong’s heart.

By breaking through to the Seventh Order and forming the

Qi Sea, there was an abundant amount of battle qi within
the body. If the battle qi in the meridians were like a small
river, now, battle qi in the Qi Sea was like a vast ocean.

The moment the barrier was broken, the black dragon and
the blue dragon behind Huang Xiaolong evolved in a
heartbeat. The twin dragons’ bodies grew bigger, the black
and blue scales became denser, and the most amazing
thing was another claw grew out from the initial four, and
they both turned into five-clawed dragons. Two dragon
heads roared towards the heavens as the dragons’ terrifying
oppressive aura swept out from the room.

Huang Xiaolong’s body was shrouded in the flickering glow

for a long time, like a light barrier around him.

Huang Xiaolong was thrilled; finally, he broke through the

Seventh Order!
Houtian Seventh Order. Many were stuck at either one of the
two dividing lines: one was the Fourth Order and the other
was the Seventh Order. The majority of the people
cultivated for decades to break through to the Seventh
Order, and some had remained stuck forever below the
Seventh Order.

In the kingdoms' small towns, a Seventh Order like Huang

Xiaolong could be considered as the ‘king’.

But at this moment in time, Huang Xiaolong had yet to

reach eleven years old.

According to what he knew, the person who built Duanren

Empire, the Duanren Emperor, had advanced to the Seventh
Order at age thirteen.

Suppressing his happiness, he continued to run Asura’s

Tactics, refining the netherworld spiritual energy in his body.
After the black and blue dragons evolved, their speed of
absorbing the netherworld spiritual energy had become
three times faster compared to when he was at peak late-
Sixth Order!

At first when Huang Xiaolong advanced, his Qi Sea was an

empty ocean during the drought season. As he pushed
forward refining the netherworld spiritual energy, his battle
qi reserve in the Qi Sea gradually increased.

At the same time, the netherworld battle qi was refining his

muscles, flesh, tendons, and skin.

Before the Seventh Order, the battle qi wasn't able to

strengthen the outer layer of the body. This was something
possible after someone had broken through to the Seventh
When the morning sunlight grace the great earth, Huang
Xiaolong ended his practice and got up from the cold jade
bed. He let out a loud shout towards the sky to express the
joy in his heart for advancing to the Seventh Order.

After one night of practice and battle qi tempering, Huang

Xiaolong could feel the difference on his skin; this was
something new, not only that, all his muscles and even his
flesh was firmer while his tendons became stronger.

It is said a Tenth Order warrior’s outer layer was stronger

than a cow leather, muscles harder than steel stone,
tendons having the explosive power of a spring, extremely
fierce sounding.

“Hmm, already a Seventh Order, I wonder what I look like

after a soul transformation?’ Huang Xiaolong thought and
walked out from his room to the yard. Calling out both the
black and blue dragons, Huang Xiaolong initiated the soul
transformation process. Instantly, black and blue lights
broke out and disappeared in a less than a second,
wrapping themselves over Huang Xiaolong’s body,
beginning the fusion.

It began with his arms: a fine layer of dragon scales covered

over Huang Xiaolong’s skin; on the left hand, there were
black-colored dragon scales, and on his right hand were
glittering blue dragon scales, spreading to his whole body
apart from the face area. Huang Xiaolong didn’t feel the
slightest discomfort, even when his whole body was covered
in a layer of dragon scales as if they had always been one
entity and he could obviously feel his outer defense had
reached a new threshold.

Very strong!
This was the first word that jumped into Huang Xiaolong’s
mind during his first soul transformation with his twin
martial spirits. And Huang Xiaolong liked this feeling very

After the soul transformation, the two dragons’ heads looked

like they were tattooed on his back, exuding a majestic

At the same time, there were changes to Huang Xiaolong’s

pupils; his left eye was entirely black and his right pupil was

Huang Xiaolong’s fist suddenly struck out, and whistling

wind sounded as it cut across space swiftly, and the result
was a shattered false mountain dozen meters away, leaving
a pile of broken pieces of small rocks and gravel.


No Imperial Dynasty history lesson here, but there is a

rank/prestige difference in accordig to the number of claws
a dragon has embroided on the robe. The Emperor’s Dragon
Robe is a five-clawed dragon (indicating a nobler status)
whereby the Palace Attire for a Prince (or Wangye) has the
four-clawed dragon. Interesting, isn’t it?


Next release: Sat
Chapter 92: Opening The
First Layer Of Linglong
Treasure Pagoda
Chapter 92: Opening the First Layer of Linglong Treasure

A brief moment later, Huang Xiaolong canceled the soul

transformation. Both the blue and black dragon scales on
his arms as well as the two tattooed-like dragon heads on
his back disappeared. Exhaustion hit him all of a sudden.

Although soul transformation increases his power and

strength by many folds, it also consumed a large amount of
battle qi; moreover, Huang Xiaolong had just advanced to
the Seventh Order.

After Huang Xiaolong returned to his normal self, tiny blue

dots of lights shimmered around his body, and as they
shone, the exhaustion Huang Xiaolong felt due to the soul
transformation vanished instantly. His battle qi along his
meridians recovered in a short few seconds.

This was Huang Xiaolong martial spirit’s third ability after

breaking through to the Seventh Order: Instant Recovery!

Instant Recovery!

Roughly a few breaths’ time, Huang Xiaolong had fully

recovered the depleted battle qi!
Although it needed ten seconds’ time to fully recover his
battle qi, it was already a heaven-defying level ability. From
a certain aspect, this Instant Recovery was stronger than
Space Concealment and Phantom Shadow.

Combining Instant Recovery with Space Concealment,

Huang Xiaolong needn’t worry about the side effect of
depleted battle qi.

Well, the only ‘misfortune’ for this ability was it can only
recover battle qi and not heal injuries.

Ten seconds later, Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi had fully

recovered; he vanished right on the spot and vanishing
along with him was the chair next to him. Ten breaths’ time
later, Huang Xiaolong reappeared from the space.

Coming out from the space concealment, Huang Xiaolong

continued to test the ability, appearing and disappearing
meters away, and in the blink of an eye, he was more than
ten meters from the original spot.

After the second transformation, other than awakening a

third ability, the previous two abilities were more powerful.

Before, entering the concealment space, he could only go in

alone whereas now, he could bring another person. And with
Phantom Shadow ability, he actually could shift his position
with his will within a ten meters range, teleportation. His
speed was twice as fast the one Lu Kai possessed with his
Sky Peng martial spirit!

Huang Xiaolong inhaled deeply while his heart was rejoicing.

He didn’t expect he would have a new ability after his
martial spirits evolved a second time and the first two had
such an improvement.
Then, Huang Xiaolong called out the Linglong Treasure

According to what Yu Ming had said, he could open the first

layer once he broke through to the Seventh Order.

Huang Xiaolong initiated the netherworld battle qi on both

palms, and as per Yu Ming’s instruction, sent his battle qi
into the pagoda. When the netherworld battle qi entered the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda, it shone brightly and absorbed
Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi. He was somewhat taken aback
by the reaction, and without warning, Huang Xiaolong’s
eyes blurred as he appeared in a different space.

This space was not big, merely several hundred square

meters with a height of ten meters. In the four directions
were walls that were made of unknown material.

“This is the first floor space inside the Linglong Treasure

Pagoda?” Huang Xiaolong surveyed around wide-eyed; this
situation was not consistent with Yu Ming’s description.

This Linglong Treasure Pagoda’s space actually allows the

owner to enter inside?

Doesn’t this mean….!

Getting over his shock, he was more than thrilled because

he noticed the spiritual aura within the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda was thicker and much purer than the outside.
Furthermore, up above the space, scuds of fire dragon qi
flowed upwards, forming groups of thick fire dragon qi
clouds. If he cultivated inside this space absorbing the fire
dragon qi clouds, it would be far more effective than
cultivating in the Dragon Flame Valley.
Floating above these clouds were thumb-sized red beads,
and they were shiny as they reflected the light like the
twinkling stars in the night sky. However, the stars were
white, and these beads glittered a fiery-red.

“Fire Dragon Pearl!” A thought flashed across Huang

Xiaolong’s brain.

This must be the Fire Dragon Pearl that Yu Ming said!

One, two, three!

Huang Xiaolong slowly counted one by one and came up to

a hundred and eight!

His eyes lit up, one hundred and eight Fire Dragon Pearl!

This number was greatly out of his expectation. This amount

of Fire Dragon Pearls was enough for himself to cultivate
with for some time and even distribute some to his parents
and little siblings.

Suddenly at this point, a coruscating fire-red glow fell on

Huang Xiaolong and shrouded over him before he could
react. Subsequently, in Huang Xiaolong’s mind, a physique
cultivation technique appeared with information about the
Golden Linglong Body.

The Golden Linglong Body has a total of nine layers, and

every layer brings about a mythical effect, and when one
reached the ninth layer to achieve the Linglong Treasure
Body, the person’s body would be as resilient as the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda, nearing invincible.

Huang Xiaolong repeated the mantra once in his mind, and

seconds later, he sat down cross-legged and started
practicing. In the blink of an eye, a layer of fiery-red golden
light similar to the Linglong Treasure Pagoda burst out from
Huang Xiaolong’s body.

A few hours later, Huang Xiaolong finally stopped. During

these few hours of practice, Huang Xiaolong observed that
there was a mystical force strengthening his muscles,
bones, tendons, and the surface of his skin, improving his
overall defense.

After stopping his practice, Huang Xiaolong turned his

attention to the glittering red pearls hanging above the thick
red clouds. With a thought, his right hand teleported one of
the Fire Dragon Pearls.

On his palm, the Fire Dragon Pearl felt a little hot, like a fire
pearl burning at fifty to sixty celsius.

Huang Xiaolong opened his mouth and threw the fire-red

pearl into his mouth-- the moment the Fire Dragon Pearl
reached his stomach, it turned into a hot stream of energy
that rushed into every corner of his body.

Sensing this, Huang Xiaolong quickly calmed down again

and ran Asura Tactics to refine the stream of hot energy. The
netherworld battle qi in his meridians became active,
surging and crashing the entire time while the dark gray
color started to change slowly to a light gray.

The same thing process emerged again, just like the time he
was cultivating in the Dragon Flame Valley. Black impurities
mixed with blood formed a layer over his skin, and these
impurities were hidden deep down inside of his body instead
of the normal ones.

Another few hours passed.

A layer of hardened blood and waste covered Huang

One day passed and the layer of impurities fell off as a new
layer of waste was dispelled again, and the process
repeated itself once more.

After five days, it stopped.

Huang Xiaolong took one day’s time to fully refine one Fire
Dragon Pearl, and each time he finished one, he would take
another pearl down from the clouds as he continued to
swallow and cultivate. In ten days’ time, he had refined ten
Fire Dragon Pearls. He stopped when he finished the tenth
pearl and stood up, feeling immensely relaxed and
comfortable from head to toe, akin to throwing away a
hundred jin burden.

Ten days of practice resulted in Huang Xiaolong’s strength

improving again, nearing peak early-Seventh Order.

According to Huang Xiaolong’s estimation, if he continued to

stay and practice in the Linglong Treasure Pagoda space
while swallowing the Fire Dragon Pearls, in another two
weeks’ time, he could reach peak early-Seventh Order, and
given two months’ time – mid-Seventh Order.

However, with this cultivation speed, even if he monopolizes

all one hundred and eight Fire Dragon pearls, it could only
last him three to four months.

That, and the speed at which the Linglong Treasure Pagoda

condensed one pearl, even ten days was not sufficient to
complete one. Thus, Huang Xiaolong must think of a method
that will speed up the process.

A hundred jin approx. 50 kg


Next Release: Tues/Wed
Chapter 93: Class Advancement Test

Huang Xiaolong stared up at the litter of Fire Dragon Pearls

and a thought suddenly flashed across his mind-- he took
out a cycad fruit from the Asura Ring.

Without warning, a suction force came from the pagoda, and

streams of spiritual energy drilled out from the cycad fruit.
Before Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, the cycad fruit dried up,
wrinkled and deflated in front of his eyes, before finally
vanishing into thin air.

And above him, after the spiritual energy from the cycad
fruit was absorbed, fire dragon qi swirled rapidly, showing
signs of condensing a new Fire Dragon Pearl.

Watching this phenomenon, Huang Xiaolong’s heart was

delighted: sure enough, this method works.

Following that, Huang Xiaolong took out another cycad fruit.

Just like what happened previously, the cycad fruit was
sucked empty of the spiritual energy within it and vanished,
swallowed by the pagoda. Huang Xiaolong continued to take
out one cycad fruit after another, and after the number had
surpassed ten, a new Fire Dragon Pearl was successfully
formed, hanging above the clouds.

Staring at the newly condensed Fire Dragon Pearl, Huang

Xiaolong felt like crying. Now, he knew that cycad fruits and
possibly other elixirs could speed up the time of condensing
a Fire Dragon Pearl, but the expense is too big.

More than ten cycad fruits!

Huang Xiaolong only had less than twenty cycad fruits left in
his spatial Asura Ring.
Although these types of herb and fruit elixirs can be bought
from auction and trading houses, the prices were somewhat
scary. Not to mention Huang Xiaolong, probably not even
the kingdom’s ruler, King Lu Zhe could afford it on a long
term basis.

Next, Huang Xiaolong took out over a hundred Battle Qi

Dan, and after absorbing all of them, the pagoda finally
condensed out one Fire Dragon Pearl.

More than one hundred Battle Qi Dan was equivalent to one

Fire Dragon Pearl; this amount was more or less the same of
the ten cycad fruits.

I wonder if a demonic beast’s beast core has an effect.

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong thought of a possibility and
wondered to himself.

However, there was no beast core in his ring.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong came out from the

Linglong Treasure Pagoda space and headed to the main
hall. Calling Fei Hou, he gave Fei Hou one hundred thousand
gold coins tasking him to purchase beast cores from auction
and trading houses.

Even though Fei Hou was puzzled with Huang Xiaolong’s

request of buying so many beast cores, he dared not ask too
many questions.

Roughly one hour later Fei Hou returned to the mansion and
as per Huang Xiaolong’s order, he procured more than forty
pieces of Stage Seven beast cores.

Huang Xiaolong was looking forward to testing out his

theory; after he got the items from Fei Hou, Huang Xiaolong
hurried back to his room and entered the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda space, taking out all the Stage Seven beast cores.

Just like what Huang Xiaolong guessed earlier, the pagoda

could also absorb the violent demonic energy inside beast
cores, and very soon, the pagoda space had sucked out all
the energy from the forty plus beast cores that Fei Hou
brought back. These beast cores turned into dull, gray ash,
and disappeared.

And the space that had absorbed more than forty demonic
beast cores’ energy and condensed out two new Fire Dragon

Seeing this result, Huang Xiaolong breathed out in relieved.

This result was still acceptable to him, less than fifty beast
cores in exchange for two Fire Dragon Pearls, meaning fifty
thousand gold coins for one Fire Dragon Pearl

This was way more cost effective than using cycad fruits or
spirit dans.

Still, fifty thousand gold coins was no a small sum, and he

decided to enter the Silvermoon Forest himself to hunt for
Stage Seven demonic beasts.

And this time, the duration spent inside the Silvermoon

Forest would be longer than the last time, Huang Xiaolong
decided before he headed towards the Silvermoon Forest to
kill demonic beasts, he would make a trip to the Academy
first. He wanted to request for a class advancement test into
the Second Year class since he had a breakthrough to
Seventh Order.

Early next morning, Huang Xiaolong came to the Cosmic

Star Academy and went directly to the Principal’s room.
Actually, the matter regarding class advancements usually
belonged to the class teachers, but by the time it was
approved, six months would have gone by; if he went
through Sun Zhang or Xiong Cu directly, it would save him a
lot of time and trouble.

When Huang Xiaolong arrived at the Principal’s room,

coincidentally, both Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu were inside.

Both were a little surprised seeing Huang Xiaolong, and then

both stood up with smiling faces.

“Xiaolong, how come you have the free time to come over
and look for us two old fellows?” Sun Zhang grinned and
asked, “Did you come across some problems in your

Xiong Chu was also smiling, “Whatever problems you have,

be at ease and tell us.”

The two of them thought Huang Xiaolong’s abrupt visit was

due him coming across come cultivation problems. Thus, he
came over to ask them for guidance.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, clarifying “I came because I

wanted to request for the class advancement test.”

“Request for the Second Year class advancement test?!”

Both old fellows blanked for a moment; Sun Zhang and
Xiong Chu exchanged a glance, resulting in four widened
eyes staring back at each other in shock.

“You…you’re saying you have broken through to the

Seventh Order?!” Sun Zhang blurted out; not half a year had
passed since the Academy competition ended-- even if
Huang Xiaolong had taken the Xingyao Dan and Qi Sea Dan,
it was impossible for him to advance in such a short time!
According to their secret estimate, Huang Xiaolong needs at
least one year to do so.

Xiong Chu also has an inconceivable expression on his face

as he stared at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, reaffirming what he had just said,

“That is correct.” And he released his battle qi energy

“Seventh Order! It really is the Seventh Order!” When

Huang Xiaolong released his battle qi outside his body, Sun
Zhang and Xiong Chu who found it hard to believe initially
and they broke out in excitement.

It was quite sometime later before the two old fellows

recovered their dignified image.

Still, both of them scrutinized Huang Xiaolong with weird

looks on their faces.

They didn’t expect in less than four months, just slightly

over three, that Huang Xiaolong gave them another
wonderful surprise.

If this was Huang Xiaolong’s cultivation speed, he probably

could win the Academy’s overall champion before ten years’
time and represent Cosmic Star Academy in the Duanren
Empire’s Battle of the Imperial City.

“Then, my request on the class advance test…?” Seeing

that Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu just stood there and stared
at him without an answer, Huang Xiaolong’s brows creased
and prodded them.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong speak, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu

realized their gaffe, coming to their senses.
“Xiaolong ah, I didn’t expect you would breakthrough
Seventh Order so soon!” Sun Zhang was smiling as if spring
had arrived as he looked at Huang Xiaolong, “Your request
for class advancement test, we approve. Let’s do it this way,
tomorrow, the Second Year Class Six is going near the
border to kill some bandits, you follow along with the
Second Year Class Six. As long as you can kill ten bandits,
you pass the test.”

“Prince Lu Kai also requested for the class advancement test

two days ago,” At this time, Xiong Chu informed Huang
Xiaolong, “Tomorrow, like you, he would be joining the
Second Year Class Six to kill bandits at the kingdom’s

Lu Kai is also going? Huang Xiaolong was taken aback by

the news, but he just nodded and bid farewell to the two old

After Huang Xiaolong had left Sun Zhang’s room, they sent
Huang Xiaolong out personally; watching Huang Xiaolong’s
back as he walked away until he vanished from view did the
two look away.

“Now, I’ll eagerly anticipate what the little guy will achieve
in ten years!” Sun Zhang exclaimed.

Xiong Chu agreed, “Perhaps a hundred years later, our

Cosmic Star Academy needs this little guy’s care.”

Sun Zhang nodded his head, thinking about this matter


Huang Xiaolong headed straight back to Tianxuan Mansion,

not bothering to attend class after he left the Principal’s
room. Entering the Linglong Treasure Pagoda space, he
continued to practice using the Fire Dragon Pearls.
One day passed.

On the second morning, Huang Xiaolong once again came to

the Academy and waited at the square. He noted the
Second Year Class Six students were already gathered, and
Huang Xiaolong could recognize one of them, the student
who won the Class Six battle, Ye Yong. Ye Yong was one of
the people who entered the Dragon Flame Valley.


Next Release: Wed >:)
Chapter 94: Strange Little Town

As Huang Xiaolong walks towards the group, all the students

turned their heads looking over to his direction with
complex emotions evident in their eyes. After all, Huang
Xiaolong had advanced to the Seventh Order and requested
for a class advancement test. Yesterday, not long after
Huang Xiaolong returned to Tianxuan Mansion, the news
had spread throughout the Cosmic Star Academy.

Once again, Huang Xiaolong had become the center of

attention in Cosmic Star Academy.

Ye Yong walked out from the group of students towards

Huang Xiaolong, and laughed when he came before Huang
Xiaolong, “Xiaolong, I didn’t expect since we last meet, not
even three months had passed and you have already broken
through to the Seventh Order!”

“I was lucky.” Huang Xiaolong said.

Lucky? Ye Yong shook his head. If being lucky could allow

one to advance into the Seventh Order, then the majority of
people in the Martial Spirit World would not be stuck in the
Fourth Order, Fifth Order, or the Sixth Order for their entire

Breaking through to the Seventh Order required more than


At this time, from some distance away, Lu Kai arrived

accompanied by a team of palace guards.

Arriving at the square, Lu Kai did not feel it was strange

seeing Huang Xiaolong’s presence; apparently, he too had
heard about Huang Xiaolong’s breakthrough and his request
for the assessment.

Looking at Huang Xiaolong, Lu Kai felt complicated.

Once both of them passed this class advancement test, they

would be promoted to the Second Year’s Class Six,
becoming classmates.

“Let’s compete again in this assessment, what do you

think?” Lu Kai looked at Huang Xiaolong, and baited, “A bet
of three hundred thousand gold coins!”

“Three hundred thousand? Very well, what are we

competing in?” Somebody wanted to gift him three hundred
thousand gold coins, so of course Huang Xiaolong would not

“Since the assessment this time is to kill bandits, then we

shall compete and see who kills the most bandits.” Lu Kai
said in a sullen voice. He lost to Huang Xiaolong during the
Academy competition; however, killing bandits does not
solely rely on strength, and Lu Kai does not think he would
lose to Huang Xiaolong in killing more bandits.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, indicating he agreed with Lu Kai’s


Shortly after that, all students were gathered and the

Second Year Class Six’s teacher was also a beautiful female
teacher called Chen Feirong. Chen Feirong was a different
type compared to Xiong Meiqi; while the latter was cold with
an arrogant bearing, Chen Feirong was like a fresh, gentle
white lily. Her every move was soft and gentle and a smile
graced her face as she spoke, giving a calm feeling.
This time, the task of killing bandits near the border is led
by her.

Chen Feirong smiled at Huang Xiaolong and Lu Kai when she

came to the square. Both Huang Xiaolong and Lu Kai were
‘celebrities’ of the Academy, and of course she could
recognize them both.

Yesterday, Principal Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu called her

over to the Principal’s room and with a deadpan, somber
face they emphasized that no matter what, she must ensure
the safety of Huang Xiaolong and Lu Kai during this trip.

And due to this very reason, other than her leading the
team, there were two other Tenth Order teachers
accompanying them.

“Since everyone is here, let’s depart!” Chen Feirong


A little over one hour later, the group had left the Royal City
area, heading in the direction of one of the borders area.

Half a month had passed.

“Everyone be alert. The small towns in this area are

frequent places the bandits appear. Although these bandits’
strength is not very high, they always come out in large
numbers amassing close to a hundred people at a time, and
they are extremely cruel. When you come across them, all
of you must not display any mercy!” Standing before the
desolate entrance of a small town, Chen Feirong reminded
the students of this warning.

After traveling for two weeks, they finally reached the

destination point-- the junction between the Luo Tong
Kingdom and the Baolong Kingdom.
According to Chen Feirong, these bandits came from the
Baolong Kingdom, sneaking past to the Luo Tong Kingdom’s
army patrol to the Luo Tong Kingdom’s border towns, killing,
robbing, and kidnapping people. Once these bandits had
robbed a place, they would quickly retreat back into the
Baolong Kingdom’s territory, causing a huge headache for
the border soldiers.

After Chen Feirong warned the students, she led them into
the desolate looking little town.

In the quiet little town, the streets were empty with not
even the shadow of a person; the doors of every store and
house were shut tightly as the silence became eery in the
students’ minds. Occasionally, black smoke could be seen
rising from some random buildings.

A while later, Chen Feirong split the students into three

teams led by her and the other two teachers. Each group
has roughly twenty-something students. Each team will act
separately and regroup at the town entrance; whichever
group that found the bandits were to release the signal to
inform the others of their position.

Both Lu Kai and Huang Xiaolong were arranged into the

same team led by Chen Feirong.

The students followed Chen Feirong from behind as they

continued onward along the streets. One hour later, they
still had yet to see any bandits. The whole town was
blanketed in an atmosphere of desolation, hopelessness,
and something else, something strange.

“Strange, where did the people in this small town go? Why
can’t we find even one person?” Ye Yong who was on the
same team as Huang Xiaolong frowned and asked out loud.
“Could everyone have died? If that is the case, where are
the bodies?” Lu Kai interjected.

Not only there were people, there weren’t any corpses

either. There were no traces of fighting or blood splatters as
if all the people in the small town had vanished into thin air.

Huang Xiaolong’s brows creased into a furrow.

However, the group continued onward, and when the team

came to the north side of the small town, suddenly, Huang
Xiaolong stopped. This is...? The smell of blood! Yes, this is
the smell of blood!

The smell of blood was extremely light, but Huang Xiaolong

could clearly smell it and he was not wrong in his judgment.
Ever since he broke through to the Seventh Order and his
martial spirits evolved for the second time, his hearing
ability and sense of smell has improved exponentially.

Lu Kai and Ye Yong noticed Huang Xiaolong’s sudden

reaction and were doubtful in their hearts. And at this point,
without warning, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette dashed
forward, shocking the rest of the team.

“Huang Xiaolong!!” Chen Feirong cried out. She, Lu Kai, and

everyone else also sped up.

Not long after Huang Xiaolong’s abrupt sprint, up ahead on

the same street, he saw two middle-aged men in peculiar
clothing. The two middle-aged men looked up when they
saw Huang Xiaolong as well as Chen Feirong, and twenty
over people at the back and they panicked. Turning around,
they wanted to run.

Prior to this, Chen Feirong had described the characteristics

of the bandits’ clothing to them; from the way these two
middle-aged men were dressed and their hasty retreat,
there was no doubt they are part of the Baolong Kingdom’s
bandits that came across the border.

“Want to escape?” Watching their actions, Huang Xiaolong

let out a cold smirk. In an instant, his martial spirit’s
Phantom Shadow ability was initiated, and in a flash, he had
crossed the ten-meter distance between him and the two
men. Close to him, Huang Xiaolong swung his blades, and a
cold, sharp light slit across one of the men’s throat. Huang
Xiaolong also punched the other man, sending him flying,
but keeping him alive.

Huang Xiaolong came to the spot where the man landed,

and his voice was filled with iciness as he questioned him:
“Talk. Where are the town’s people?”

That middle-aged man was terribly frightened and he cried

out,“Don’t kill me! I’ll talk! The town’s people were herded
to the square up ahead!” He pointed to a direction in front.

However, just as he finished speaking, Huang Xiaolong

pointed a finger at his forehead, and it pierced through the

Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette flashed again in the direction

the man had pointed.

And at this point, Chen Feirong and the students arrived and
seeing the two lifeless bodies, she ordered to Ye Yong:
“Quick, release the signal to notify the other two teams!”

“Yes, Teacher!” Ye Yong answered, quickly taking out a

smoke ball and crushing it towards the sky. In less than a
second, a blue colored light shot up the sky.
Moments later, Huang Xiaolong had rushed to the
aforementioned square and came before an open space that
could accommodate a few thousand people, and bodies
were strewn everywhere. Some of these bodies had all four
limbs cut off, some were headless, and some had their
intestines dug out.

These bodies were what used to be the town’s people.

The smell of blood curdled in the air.

And on the square, some hundreds of bandits were gripping

sharp blades in the midst of their massacre of the town’s
people. Mournful wails resounded in the square. This group
of bandits actually numbered close to three hundred!


Next release: Tonight

Hope you enjoyed the read~!
Chapter 95: The Martial Ning Family

Huang Xiaolong rushed to the square and saw this bloody

scene-- a strong fury erupted in his heart, and both of his
fists clenched tightly as a sharp killing intent broke out from
his eyes.

Subsequently, Chen Feirong, Lu Kai, Ye Yong, and the rest of

the students arrived at the square, and all of them were
equally furious at the picture before them.

When the big group arrived, the bandits on the other side
that were immersed in the joy of slaughter suddenly
stopped and turned around and looked at the new guests.

“The Cosmic Star Academy?” A middle-aged bandit that

wore an elongated black hat covering half his face walked
out from the group; his eyes swept over the other side and
when his gaze fell on Chen Feirong’s curvaceous body, the
middle-aged bandit chuckled lecherously, “I just said there
isn’t one decent woman in this little town, yet I didn’t expect
they would send one here now!”

“Brothers, after this we can enjoy ourselves! After I am

done, then it is your turn!”

"Thanks Head!”

In an instant, excited cheers broke out from the three

hundred over bandits.

Chen Feirong delicate face was angered, turning green and

red, and her beautiful eyes glowered at the other side.

Seeing this, the Bandit Head middle-aged man wearing the

elongated black hat smiled even wider, “Little slut, in a
moment us brothers will surely pleasure you, don’t look so
anxious!” Finished saying that, two hands waved and the
three hundred over bandits spread out and surrounded the
small twenty people in the middle.

Huang Xiaolong’s cold gaze swept over the surrounding


At this time, the Bandit Head’s cold voice rang out, “Leave
the women alive, kill all the men!” As the other side
instructed, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette moved at the same
instant while gripping the Blades of Asura in his hands.

Screams sounded from the opposite side with a swing of his


And Lu Kai, Ye Yong, as well as the others also started to


Chen Feirong killed several bandits that rushed over with a

hand print; she leaped up and her palm aimed to strike the
Bandit Head.

Watching Chen Feirong coming at him, the Bandit Head

snickered; one of his hand signaled his cronies: “Capture the
little slut; remember, don’t hurt her. Otherwise, I won’t be
able to play to my heart’s content later.”

The bandit cronies acknowledged him in loud voices and

swarmed towards Chen Feirong.

Although Chen Feirong was a Ninth Order warrior, a late-

Ninth Order at that, the number of bandits besieging her
was too many despite having no Ninth Order warrior
amongst them. Most of them were of the Seventh Order and
a few were Eighth Order warriors. These Eighth Order
bandits attacked Chen Feirong together, making her
flustered in confusion.

Chen Feirong had an ugly expression on her delicate face as

she had not expected to run into such a big group of bandits
that had such strength. In previous incidents, these kind of
bandits that crossed the border from the Baolong Kingdom
consisted of no more than a hundred men and at most,
maybe one or two Eighth Order. Sometimes, even Seventh
Order bandits were rare and the average strength were just
Sixth Orders.

Her silhouette dodged swiftly like a floating cloud, avoiding

the dozen Eight Order bandits’ attacks. Taking a quick
glance around, she saw Lu Kai and Ye Yong. In fact, all the
students were sieged by a large number of bandits, and
each of them was in an extremely dangerous situation.

But when her eyes found Huang Xiaolong, she was stunned
as she saw Huang Xiaolong’s shadow flickering randomly
amongst the bandits whilst swinging a pair of cold looking
blades. With every swing, there surely would have been two
bandits screaming and falling to the ground, and every
attack targeted a vital point, taking lives without needing a
second attack. There was no exception, even if the
opponent was a mid or late-Seventh Order bandit.

Huang Xiaolong’s speed had reached a degree that

dumbfounded people.

Chen Feirong looked wide-eyed at Huang Xiaolong with

unspeakable shock in her heart; she could tell Huang
Xiaolong’s speed far surpassed the average peak late-
Seventh Order.

However, this was not the time for shock and she did not
have the luxury of time to ponder why Huang Xiaolong had
such an amazing speed. She shouted, “Everyone release
your martial spirits! Spare no effort and hold on for another
five minutes!”

Hold on five minutes and the other two teams will arrive;
five minutes and they would be safe!

Chen Feirong’s order reverberated and the students

including Lu Kai and Ye Yong called out their martial spirits
and soul transformed without delay. However, the
surrounding bandits followed their actions, calling out their
martial spirits and soul transformed.

The Bandit Head sneered as he stood at one side watching

the scene, and then, his sight focused on Huang Xiaolong.

He had noticed the situation around Huang Xiaolong,

watching bandits fall one by one under Huang Xiaolong’s
blades, and a sharp cruel light shone in his eyes. Suddenly,
the Bandit Head leaped out, aiming a palm print at Huang
Xiaolong’s back.

“Destruction Qi Palm!”

“Little bastard, go die for me!”

A big palm print whistled across space; in the middle of the

palm print was a concentration of violent destructive qi like
the eye of a hurricane.

“Huang Xiaolong, watch out!” Noticing this, Lu Kai, Ye Yong,

and some of the students shouted in warning.

Chen Feirong’s expression worsened seeing this. She was

well aware of Huang Xiaolong’s importance; it could be said,
in this task to kill bandits, mishaps are allowed to happen to
all of them except for Huang Xiaolong.
“Roll away!” Chen Feirong was blocked by ten or so Eighth
Order bandits, and seeing that violent palm print that was
about to hit Huang Xiaolong, she roared with fury. A white
coruscating light flashed and at the same time, something
like pillows of cloud appeared, but its color was an icy
transparent blue.

When the pillow of clouds emerged, the surrounding

temperature dropped to freezing, akin to an arctic winter.

This is Chen Feirong’s martial spirit, Ice Cloud!

It falls into the same category as Fei Hou’s martial spirit,

one that derives from nature.

Calling out her martial spirit, Chen Feirong’s palms struck

the void in four directions.

“Ice-Sealed World!”

Where the palm hit, the airflow actually froze and

condensed into numerous icicles; the dozen Eighth Order
bandits that were ganging up on her immediately retreated
in haste.

Even though Chen Feirong successfully forced these bandits

to retreat, there wasn’t enough time for her to rescue Huang
Xiaolong; watching as the Bandit Head’s palm print was
about to hit Huang Xiaolong’s back, Lu Kai, Chen Feirong,
and the other students’ heart tightened, but Huang Xiaolong
suddenly vanished. The attack fell on empty air, flipping the
little town residents’ corpses off the square ground.

The smile on the Bandit Head stiffened.

While everyone was stupefied at the result, a sudden

anguish scream pulled everyone back. Turning towards the
direction of the scream, they saw Huang Xiaolong ten
meters away from his original spot and another two bandits
fell under Huang Xiaolong’s blades.

Ignoring the surprised expression directed at him, Huang

Xiaolong’s blades continued to draw blade without calling
out his martial spirit.

“Kill! Kill that punk!” After a few more bandits died, the
Bandit Head finally regained his focus, and his face ugly as
he pointed a finger at Huang Xiaolong while thundering his
orders. He flashed and disappeared, once again targeting
Huang Xiaolong with a second palm strike. Unfortunately,
when he got close enough to Huang Xiaolong, a silhouette
rushed out of nowhere and hit the Bandit Head, causing him
to tumble away and crash severely on the ground.

That person was one of the Tenth Order Cosmic Star

Academy teachers who rushed over after seeing the signal
Ye Yong released to the sky.

Seeing that reinforcement had arrived, Chen Feirong finally

relaxed a little.

At this point, the rest of the other teams’ students and the
other Tenth Order teacher had also reached the square.

With the two Tenth Order warriors entering the scene, the
Eighth Order bandits laying siege on Chen Feirong were
easily dealt with, and a short while later, over three hundred
bandits were ‘solved’ by Huang Xiaolong and the students.

In the end, only the Bandit Head remained.

Chen Feirong slowly stepped towards the Bandit Head with

her sword in her hand and an icy expression on her face.
“I am from the Baolong Kingdom’s Martial Ning Family and
my Big Brother is Martial Ning Family’s Patriarch; little slut,
you dare to kill me?” The Bandit Head howled when he saw
Chen Feirong coming towards him with a sword in hand.

Martial Ning Family? Everyone present was startled.

This Martial Ning Family was the first family of the Baolong
Empire; this group of bandits was actually supported by the
Martial Ning Family? No wonder their average strength was
so high, incomparable to those previous bandit groups.

Before anyone could react, the Blades of Asura in Huang

Xiaolong’s hands slashed across his throat, and the Bandit
Head grasped at his own throat while looking at Huang
Xiaolong with disbelief.

“I am Cosmic Star Academy’s Huang Xiaolong.” Huang

Xiaolong ‘introduced’ himself.

Baolong Kingdom’s Martial Ning Family? So what?


A martial family (very likely) meant the family has a long

heritage and expansive martial arts foundation, making
their family/clan a strong force of the kingdom.


Next release: Sat
Chapter 96: Arrest Him
Chapter 96: Arrest Him

Moments after Huang Xiaolong slit the throat of the Bandit

Head, the ground started to shake and within seconds came
the sounds of soldiers and of neighing horses. It seems like
the Luo Tong Kingdom’s border garrison army arrived.

Just like how it was on Earth in his previous life, the police
always comes after problems were solved.

A short while later, about a thousand soldiers from two

brigades surrounded Huang Xiaolong and the rest. These
soldiers arrived at the square and saw the mountain of
corpses from the townspeople and the bandits, and the
expression on their faces changed.

Although none of them knew what took place, each of them

could guess roughly what happened.

“General Qin, look. That one looks like the Martial Ning
Family’s Ning Fei; the Martial Ning Family Patriarch’s
brother.” A Lieutenant General suddenly pointed at the
Bandit Head’s corpse while talking to General Qin Shi.

General Qin Shi’s gaze followed the direction of the finger,

and when he saw the Bandit Head’s body, he frowned-- yes,
it was Ning Fei. This Ning Fei had crossed the border and did
some crimes, but he escaped the last time, and this was the
reason Qin Shi recognized Ning Fei.

“General Qin, with Ning Fei’s death, this matter will be

difficult to handle. Ning Wang definitely would pressure us
through the Baolong Kingdom’s King to make us handover
the murderer.” That Lieutenant General said, and he added:
“You see?”

Qin Shi nodded. If it was someone with no background then

it was fine, but the one who died was Ning Fei, so it was
bound to bring problems.

“Who killed him?” Qin Shi pointed at the Bandit Head and

“I killed him.” Huang Xiaolong replied indifferently.

“Go capture him!” Qin Shi signaled the soldiers to him.

“Yes General!”

And several soldiers surrounded Huang Xiaolong.

“Stop! You dare?!” Chen Feirong snapped angrily, and came

up with the students and teachers from the Cosmic Star
Academy, glaring with wrath at Qin Shi and the soldiers.

There was a faint cold smile on Huang Xiaolong as he

watched Qin Shi, and his calm-voiced sounded, “According
to the kingdom’s law, killing border bandits is a meritorious
deed that will be awarded. So, I would like to ask, why would
you not follow the kingdom’s law and want to capture me

Qin Shi choked on Huang Xiaolong’s words.

“Presumptuous! Little brat, you committed a cruel murder,

yet you’re still dreaming of meritorious award?” Qin Shi had
yet to speak before the Lieutenant General next to him had
already flared up: “Come, arrest that little brat!”
However, before they could get close to Huang Xiaolong,
those soldiers were slapped away by Chen Feirong and the
two Tenth Order teachers.

“You actually dare to rebel?!” That Lieutenant General saw

the three people obstructing his soldiers, and questioned
them aloud, accusing Chen Feirong and the two teachers of
a capital crime.

“What an audacious accusation!” At this point, a voice


“Who? Roll out here!” That Lieutenant General barked.

A path opened amongst the students as a person walked

out to the front, and it was Prince Lu Kai. When Qin Shi saw
Lu Kai, the skin of his face was taut with tension. However,
the Lieutenant General did not recognize Lu Kai, “Go and
arrest him together!”

“Stop!”Qin Shi quickly roared, and before the shocked eyes

of the Lieutenant General and the soldiers, Qin Shi jumped
down from his horse and arrived in front of Lu Kai in hurried
steps. He knelt down on one knee and saluted: “Qin Shi
greets His Highness Prince Lu Kai!”

His Royal Highness!

That Lieutenant General and the soldiers were shocked into

a daze; recovering, each quickly alighted their horses and
knelt down: “Saluting His Prince Highness!”

That Lieutenant General bowed so low he was practically

kissing the ground in salute, and cold sweat trickled down
the side of his face.
“All of you rise, but as for you, continue kneeling!” Lu Kai
permitted Qin Shi and all the other soldiers to stand up
except for that one Lieutenant General that was told to
continue kneeling on the ground.

Qin Shi stood up and came up beside Lu Kai whereas Lu Kai

observed the Lieutenant General with cold eyes, “You
ordered to have me arrested?”

The beads of cold sweat on the Lieutenant General’s face

grew bigger, and kowtowing ruthlessly, he pleaded, “I did
not realize it was His Royal Highness! I hope His Royal
Highness forgives this one’s mistake!”

Lu Kai continued, “You said we wanted to rebel?”

That Lieutenant General ashen instantly, not knowing how

to answer; in his heart, he was already prepared to die.

Then, Lu Kai turned around and looked at Qin Shi, a look

that made Qin Shi’s hair stand up in fear.

“You wanted to arrest him. Do you know who he is?” Lu Kai

asked Qin Shi as his eyes indicated towards Huang Xiaolong.
Qin Shi obediently looked towards Huang Xiaolong.

“He is Huang Xiaolong!” Lu Kai stated.

“What? Huang Xiaolong!”

“He is that Huang Xiaolong?!”

Qin Shi, the Lieutenant General, and the many soldiers’

heads made an abrupt turn in Huang Xiaolong’s direction
and without a doubt, each and every one of them was
greatly shocked.
Huang Xiaolong, top grade twelve martial spirit of the
Primordial Divine Black Dragon! The Luo Tong Kingdom’s
first talent!

This message had spread far and wide throughout the Luo
Tong Kingdom, from the commoners below to the Generals
and nobles above-- who does not know about him? Even
some of the prominent forces in the neighboring kingdoms
knew a talented monster of a youth had appeared in the Luo
Tong Kingdom.

It was Qin Shi’s turn to break out in a cold sweat.

Huang Xiaolong has deep connections with Marshal Haotian,

this he already knew. Hearing Huang Xiaolong’s name, that
Lieutenant General lost all color in his face. Earlier, he was
prepared to die, but now, he wasn’t sure if he could die in

“This matter, I will report to my Royal Father!” Lu Kai added.

Qin Shi and his little Lieutenant General quivered.

The two of them were still rooted to the spot even after the
team from Cosmic Star Academy left.

And after leaving the little town, they did not return to the
Royal City, and instead, they moved on to other small towns
to kill bandits.

Two months later, the team headed back to the Royal City
from the border.

As for the bet between Huang Xiaolong and Lu Kai, needless

to say, Huang Xiaolong won.
Some months later the team returned, due to meritorious
deeds for annihilating bandits at the border, rewards from
the Luo Tong Kingdom were quickly awarded down.
According to law, the rate of one bandit was one hundred
gold coins, and Huang Xiaolong received more than ten
thousand gold coins in reward.

Not long after that, Qin Shi was demoted to Lieutenant

General and the Lieutenant General was removed from the
military with a notice.

When Huang Xiaolong returned to Tianxuan Mansion, his

parents and little siblings were there with Li Lu too. On that
same night, Tianxuan Mansion held a banquet to celebrate
Huang Xiaolong’s success in passing the class advancement

The banquet was very lively, especially with the two little
ones, Huang Min and Huang Xiaohai.

After the banquet ended, and everyone went back to their

rooms to rest, Huang Xiaolong, Marshal Haotian, and Fei
Hou sat in the main hall.

“During these past two months, did the Big Sword Sect’s
people appear nearby?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

‘Replying Sovereign, no.” Marshal Haotian answered, “But,

Subordinate found out that next month, Big Sword Sect will
hold a Sect Leader Election Ceremony.”

“Sect Leader Election Ceremony?” Huang Xiaolong’s voice

was sullen, “Who is Big Sword Sect’s next Sect Leader?”

“It’s Liu Wei’s Junior Brother named Lin Zhiren, a peak late-
Tenth Order. However, Lin Zhiren’s talent is quite good, and
it is estimated that within ten years’ time, he will probably
breakthrough to Xiantian realm.” This time, it was Fei Hou
who replied.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, and then he requested Marshal

Haotian and Fei Hou to watch Big Sword Sect’s movement

“Please rest assured Sovereign.” Both of them replied


Huang Xiaolong withdrew twenty Fire Dragon Pearls from

the Linglong Treasure Pagoda space and gave Marshal
Haotian and Fei Hou ten each so they could use it for their
cultivation. When the two of them realized that Huang
Xiaolong gave them the Fire Dragon Pearls from the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda, objects born from the natural
spiritual energy, both of them were endlessly grateful.

When Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou retired, Huang Xiaolong

came to his parents’ courtyard, informing them he will be
training in the Silvermoon Forest in two days and he left
sixty Fire Dragon Pearls with them.

Back in his own room, Huang Xiaolong started his daily

practice of Asura Tactics; in the two months of killing
bandits, Huang Xiaolong had advanced to mid-Seventh

Huang Xiaolong entered the Linglong Treasure Pagoda

space, swallowed Fire Dragon Pearls, and practiced his
cultivation technique. The twin dragons martial spirits
floated behind him, greedily devouring the netherworld
spiritual energy.

Next release: Tues/Wed
Chapter 97: Four Years Passed

Two days passed.

Like the previous time, Huang Xiaolong had all the

necessities prepared and departed Tianxuan Mansion for the
Silvermoon Forest; similarly, he brought the little violet
monkey with him as well.

Three months later, at a lake somewhere in the Silvermoon

Forest, a Stage Seven Raging Flames Rhinoceros was
heading to the lake. Suddenly, two sharp rays of blade light
flashed and that Stage Seven Raging Flames Rhinoceros let
out a dismal howl as its blood spurted out and it fell to the

When the huge rhinoceros fell, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette

emerged and he came beside the beast corpse. With a wave
of the Blades of Asura, the beast core was dug out.

Holding the beast core in his hands, Huang Xiaolong

subsequently sent it into the Linglong Treasure Pagoda’s
space so it could absorb the demonic energy inside.

After absorbing that beast core, there were signs that a new
Fire Dragon Pearl would be condensed soon.

This method is still too slow. Huang Xiaolong thought in his


During these past three months, Huang Xiaolong averaged

five Stage Seven demonic beasts every day, and up to now,
he has killed more than four hundred demonic beasts. Still,
this number only birthed twenty-something Fire Dragon

Over ninety days of work, and it only resulted in twenty-

something Fire Dragon Pearls!

This result made Huang Xiaolong shake his head.

Progressing at this speed, the Fire Dragon Pearls could not

keep up with his need. Furthermore, before he came to the
Silvermoon Forest, he gave out a total of eighty Fire Dragon
Pearls to his parents, Marshal Haotian, and Fei Hou. The
number of Fire Dragon Pearls in the Linglong Pagoda space
was scarce to begin with, and now, three months later, all of
it were already used up for his cultivation.

But, this was something out of his power.

One more year and I can break through the Eighth Order!
Huang Xiaolong estimated.

Advancing to the Eighth Order meant he could hunt Stage

Eight demonic beasts, and the demonic energy inside a
Stage Eight beast core was several times more
concentrated than a Stage Seven beast core. At that time,
perhaps the Linglong Treasure Pagoda could condense out
one Fire Dragon Pearl on a daily basis.

“Zhi zhi zhi!” At this point of time, the little violet monkey
came running from some distance away. Seeing the Raging
Flame Rhinoceros beast corpse at the side, it started
squeaking with dissatisfaction at Huang Xiaolong.

Due to the Linglong Treasure Pagoda’s need for beast cores,

thus the need for this trip into the Silvermoon Forest, Huang
Xiaolong turned into the little monkey’s ‘competitor’ for
beast cores. Thus it was decided between them the one who
first killed the demonic beast would own the beast core.

And every time, Huang Xiaolong’s actions was always faster

than it.

So, it can’t blame that the little guy was dissatisfied.


The passage of time flowed by.

Months passed one after another and soon, nine months

had passed, almost reaching the end of the year.

At the end of the year, Huang Xiaolong and the little violet
monkey journeyed back to Tianxuan Mansion. On the first
day of the New Year, Huang Xiaolong had a warm, loving
reunion with his family; and of course, Huang Xiaolong
participated in the Cosmic Star Academy’s annual

Needless to say, the Second Year Class champion title was

brought home by Huang Xiaolong, as both Lu by Lu Kai and
Ye Yong were defeated one after the other.

Although Huang Xiaolong was the class champion, the

Second Year overall champion was not him. With his current
strength, he was not able to win over the strongest person
in the Second Year, a peak late-Eighth Order.

Not long after spending the New Year with his family, Huang
Xiaolong packed up and took the little violet monkey back to
the Silvermoon Forest for another bout of training.

Spring ended and autumn was on its way.

One year passed after another like the seasons.

At the end of every year, Huang Xiaolong would return to

Tianxuan Mansion and take part in the Academy

Four years had passed.

Scorching sunlight shone down on the great earth, and a

young man looking around fifteen to sixteen years old with a
little monkey on his shoulder was seen dashing through the
forest speedily, akin to a fleeting phantom shadow.

While running, the young man suddenly stopped and leaped

upward. Just as the young man leaped away, a huge
demonic bear’s attack landed on the spot where the young
man stood previously.

Successfully dodging the demonic bear’s attack, the young

man turned back and a Collapse Fist punched onto the huge
demonic bear’s body. The power of that fist was heavy and
strong, directly sinking into the demonic bear’s chest and it
came out from its back, penetrating through its entire body.

The huge demonic bear tumbled to the forest floor.

This young man was none other than Huang Xiaolong. Four
years had passed, and he had grown into a handsome
looking youth; five feet six inches tall, close to five foot
seven, with a lean muscular body, star-like eyes, a tall nose,
and red lips.

Four years had passed and Huang Xiaolong not only

advanced to the Eighth Order, but his current strength was
at the peak of late-Eighth Order, and anytime soon, he could
break through to the next order.
However, the demonic bear on the floor that was just killed
by Huang Xiaolong was not a Stage Eight beast, but a Stage
Nine demonic beast.

Although only a peak late-Eighth Order, his strength could

easily kill a demonic beast of the early Stage Nine.

Huang Xiaolong came to the huge bear corpse, and he dug

out the beast core and threw it into the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda space. Instantly, all the demonic energy inside the
beast core was absorbed, turning it into a new Fire Dragon

The energy inside a Stage Nine beast core was higher than
a Stage Seven beast, about ten times or more, and one
Stage Nine beast core was enough for the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda to condense out one Fire Dragon Pearl in exchange.

This is the twentieth! Huang Xiaolong muttered to himself.

This month he had killed a total of twenty Stage Nine

demonic beasts; unfortunately, compared to Stage Seven
and Eight demonic beasts, Stage Nine demonic beasts were
hard to find. On average, Huang Xiaolong could probably
hunt one in a day.

“Zhi zhi zhi!” At this time, the little monkey jumped down,
and approached the corpse; its sharp claws slashed across
and it took out a bear gallbladder.

Even after four years, the little violet monkey’s appearance

had no changes to it-- it was still the same half-a-meter tall
little monkey. The only difference was that its fur became
shinier and softer and its pupils were a sharp piercing blue.

Its strength growth was no slower than Huang Xiaolong who

possessed the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and their strength
could be said to be equal.

After killing the huge demonic bear, Huang Xiaolong and the
little violet monkey left in search of the next target.

Two more months passed.

The time of the end of the year once again neared; thus,
Huang Xiaolong and the little violet monkey left the
Silvermoon Forest, heading back to the Royal City.

Half a month later, Huang Xiaolong and the little monkey

were back at the Luo Tong Royal City.

“Big Brother!” Just as he stepped into the Tianxuan Mansion,

a young girl about fourteen to fifteen years old hurried out
from inside and cried out happily.

This pretty young girl happened to be Huang Min, Huang

Xiaolong’s little sister; four years had turned a little girl into
a young woman.

Coming out, Huang Min dragged her big brother into the
yards of Tianxuan Mansion.

Huang Xiaolong laughed at her actions, “Little girl, why are

you so happy?”

Huang Min pursed her lips and protested, “Big Brother you
are so mean. I have grown up. Don’t call me little girl
anymore.” Them, her eyeballs rolled naughtily, asking
“Wanna guess who came?”

“Li Lu.” Huang Xiaolong laughed.

These past few years, Huang Xiaolong spent most of the

time training in the Silvermoon Forest and would only return
to Tianxuan Mansion at the end of each year; knowing this,
Li Lu would come to visit Tianxuan Mansion every year
around this time, waiting for Huang Xiaolong.

“Boring.” Huang Min’s little mouth curled, but her

expression changed quickly, “Elder Sister Li Lu has been
here for five days already. If she knows you’re back, she will
be very happy!”

Huang Xiaolong just smiled, allowing his sister Huang Min to

pull him to Tianxuan Mansion’s main hall.


Next Release: Wed
Chapter 98: Wings Of
Chapter 98: Wings of Demon

Walking into the main hall, his parents, Huang Peng and Su
Yan, were there. Other than the two of them, in the main
hall sat a young woman wearing a long pastel green dress.
The young woman has creamy white skin, soft cherry
blossom lips, and bright eyes that held a trace of mischief
and naughtiness, and she had two lovely dimples on her
cheeks, akin to an immortal fairy unstained by the mortal

This was Li Lu.

Four years had passed and Li Lu was now fifteen. Proving

what Su Yan had said years ago, Li Lu grew up to be a
beautiful woman, and now, every time Li Lu stepped out, it
was enough to stun the whole street.

The current Cosmic Star Academy has three big beauties,

and Li Lu was one of them.


Seeing Huang Xiaolong come back, the three people in the

main hall bloomed into wide smiles and called out in delight,
whereas Li Lu straightforwardly jumped up and ran towards
Huang Xiaolong.

However, less than a meter before she reaches Huang

Xiaolong and wanted to hug him like she used to do, she
stopped abruptly; a pink blush crept up her face and her
demeanor turned shy. The long pastel green dress that she
wore showed off her tiny waist and two proud peaks,
painting a pretty picture that complimented her shy look.

Watching her actions, Huang Xiaolong laughed, “I heard

Huang Min said you have been here for five days.”

Li Lu nodded her head shyly.

“Okay, don’t stand here and talk, let’s go back to the main
hall.” Su Yan teased and laugh, “The two of you still have
many opportunities to chat.”

Huang Xiaolong was still fine, but when Li Lu heard that, she
turned even redder.

In these four years, Huang Peng and Su Yan’s strength had

grown by a large degree.

Huang Peng was now a peak late-Seventh Order whereas Su

Yan had just advanced to the Seventh Order. These years,
both of them had been cultivating using the Fire Dragon
Pearls Huang Xiaolong gave them, and after undergoing the
cleansing of marrows effect due to the Fire Dragon Pearls,
both of them looked younger every day.

Their initial forty-something appearance became thirty-

something. If Su Yan stood next to Li Lu, people would surely
think they were sisters.

Back in the main hall, everyone sat down.

“Xiaolong, this time you came back, don’t rush to leave so

fast.” After taking a seat, Su Yan laughed and said, “This
year Li Lu will stay here and celebrate the New Year with
“Not going back to Canglan County?” Huang Xiaolong was a
little surprised, looked at Li Lu and asked.

Li Lu felt embarrassed with Huang Xiaolong focusing on her,

and she nodded, quietly saying, “I already mentioned it to
my Father and Grandfather that I’m not going back this
year. I will stay here for the New Year.”

“Good ah, if Sister Li Lu stays here for the New Year, it would
be even livelier!” Huang Min clapped her hands in delight,
“Wait another two years, and when Sister Li Lu marries over,
then every she will spend every New Year here!”

Marry? The moment these words were spoken out, Li Lu’s

delicate face went red faster than cooking a lobster.

Huang Xiaolong widened his eyes and directed a stern stare

at Huang Min but she acted as if she did not see Huang
Xiaolong’s reaction and continued to smile complacently.

“Xiaolong, your little sister is right.” At this time, Su Yan

quickly followed up, “In my opinion, in another two years
you should marry Miss Li Lu. I tell you ah, I want Miss Li Lu
this daughter-in-law, and a few years later, I want to hold
my grandchildren!”


Cold sweat appeared on Huang Xiaolong’s forehead, what is

this and that.

Li Lu’s face was basically bright red at this point and there
wasn’t any temper due to embarrassment. Instead, in her
clear bright eyes, there was happiness as she stole glances
at Huang Xiaolong.
Instead, it was Huang Xiaolong was felt awkward at this
moment, and he directed a pleading look towards his father
Huang Peng, but Huang Peng only shrugged his shoulders
indicating he had no two ways about it.

In fact, in this Martial Spirit World, marrying in in the teen

years was not something out of ordinary; two years later,
Huang Xiaolong and Li Li would both be seventeen.

The awkward atmosphere in the main hall did not last long
as Huang Xiaohai ran in from outside when he saw Huang
Xiaolong present, he cried loudly: “Big Brother! Big Brother!”

Huang Xiaohai’s shouts broke the awkward atmosphere.

Huang Xiaohai came back and started saying that there was
a martial stage competition on the south side of the city and
that it was very lively and he wanted to pull Huang Xiaolong
along to go with him.

Thus, Huang Xiaolong used it as an excuse and fled from the

main hall.

Deep into the night, silence was all around.

The moonlight stretched Huang Xiaolong’s shadow on the


Standing in the middle of his yard, Huang Xiaolong’s left leg

stepped out to the left, and he lowered his body into a squat
while his upper body was straight up; both hands at his
waist and his lower arms were balanced as if they were
holding heavy objects. Adjusting his breathing as the
spiritual energy gathered around him.

Four years and Huang Xiaolong’s Body Metamorphosis

Scripture had broken through to the Sixth Stage – Claw
Slashing Out like Wings; the Seventh Stage –Nine Ghosts
Pulling Sabers; and he had finally reached the Eighth Stage,
the Three Diagrams on the Terrain. Now, he was aiming to
break through the Ninth Stage soon: the Azure Dragon
Stretching Out Claws.

White mists came out from Huang Xiaolong’s nostrils while

at the same time, a white mist cloud swirled above his head,
looking surreal.

On Earth, they said an internal force expert when adjusting

their breaths would have three flowers that would bloom
above their heads, just like Huang Xiaolong now.

Night gradually gave way to daybreak.

When the morning sun came out, Huang Xiaolong finally


After he stopped, Huang Xiaolong leaped up into the air and

called out the Blades of Asura. With a swing, countless
blades lights streaked out like a sea of lightning. At the
same time, Huang Xiaolong’s body was somersaulting in
midair as the lightning streaked, akin to a dragon swimming
in the vast sea, and the oppressive aura covered all four

Four years... not only Huang Xiaolong had practiced Wrath

of the Nether King until major completion, the fourth move,
State of Abundant Lightning, had achieved a minor

The move Huang Xiaolong had displayed just now was the
State of Abundant Lightning.

In regards to the Asura Sword Skill, the moves Huang

Xiaolong had practiced so far were Tempest of Hell, Tears of
Asura, Wrath of the Nether King, and the fourth being State
of Abundant Lightning. Each attack skill was deeply
profound and had unfathomable power, and every attack
more powerful than the previous.

This fourth move at major completion looked as if the attack

transformed into countless lightning streaks, possessing the
power to destroy heaven and earth.

Huang Xiaolong turned in the sky and after a dozen breaths’

time or so, he landed lightly on the ground.

When Huang Xiaolong started to learn this move, he could

only stay up in the air for four breaths’ time.

With this attack of State of Abundant Lightning, the turning

he made in the air was not some simple somersaults as it
followed a certain rule which made it much harder.

Landing on the ground, Huang Xiaolong did not display the

same move again, but he ran Asura’s Tactics and his entire
body was enveloped in a dark light, and a black murderous
aura spread out as his hair slowly turned white and defied
gravity. At this time, Huang Xiaolong’s back actually grew a
pair of dark black wings!

After four years, Huang Xiaolong’s Asura Tactics had

reached the fourth level and could transform into an Asura’s
physique. The pair of black wings behind him was the Wings
of Demon that grew after transformation.

Spreading out, the wings could expand a width of six meters

out on each side; with a flap, Huang Xiaolong flew up,
reaching the average speed of a mid-Ninth Order.

Huang Xiaolong’s speed had always been on the faster side,

and with the Wings of Demon, he could achieve a speed no
less than a mid-Ninth Order.

Huang Xiaolong turned a few laps around the small yard:

one second he was at a corner and the next moment he was
up high in the air. The Wings of Demon coupled with his
Phantom Shadow ability allowed Huang Xiaolong to reach a
terrifying speed.

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong ended his practice and

came out from his Asura physique.

“Tomorrow is the annual competition.” Huang Xiaolong said

to himself.

After he had advanced into the Second Year Class, even

though he was the winner in the class competition, he had
never won the year category. But, from this day onwards, he
would rule the Second Years.


Next release: Friday
Chapter 99: This Freak Of
A Man!
Chapter 99: This Freak of a Man!

The next day’s weather was bright and sunny.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou left Tianxuan Mansion and

headed in the direction of the Cosmic Star Academy.

In the past four years, Fei Hou had worked hard practicing
the ‘Liquid Thunder Arts’ that Huang Xiaolong taught him,
and not too long ago, it finally paid off when he stepped into
the Xiantian realm.

Xiantian realm!

In the entire the Luo Tong Kingdom, the number of Xiantian

experts probably could be counted on one hand.

Needless to say, this had something to do with Fei Hou

swallowing the Fire Dragon Pearls that Huang Xiaolong gave
him throughout these past four years, helping Fei Hou to
temper and strengthen his physique as well as enhancing
the quality of his battle qi. Thus in comparison, Fei Hou was
much stronger than the average same level Xiantian

By the time Fei Hou and Huang Xiaolong arrived at the

Academy’s Holy Hall, there were already many people
crowding the area.

Huang Xiaolong’s arrival turned him into one of the centers

of attention.
These past few years, although Huang Xiaolong practically
never attended any of the classes and rarely appeared in
the Academy, thereby keeping a low-profile, he still can’t
escape being a popular topic of discussion in the Academy.

Also, ever since he was promoted to the Second Year, he

held the winner title for the Second Year Class Six for four
consecutive years by using only one move to defeat his
opponent in every match.

Quite a huge commotion swept through the crowd when

they spotted Huang Xiaolong. Some die-heart fangirls
shrieked excitedly, unable to control their emotions.

“Huang Xiaolong, you’re so handsome!”

“Huang Xiaolong, I love you!”

Huang Xiaolong was known for his talent and strength, but
his looks weren’t bad either, so it wasn’t strange that many
female students considered him as their knight in shining
armor. In fact, this was not limited to the boundaries of the
Academy-- Huang Xiaolong’s fame had reached the
daughters of nobles in the Royal City and other counties too,
as well as the commoners.

Hearing the high-pitched shrieks of confessions Huang

Xiaolong smiled helplessly in his heart while he walked
towards the Second Years’ seating area.

Lu Kai had arrived earlier could not resist teasing,“Xiaolong,

now your influence in the Academy has surpassed even
Principal Sun Zhang!”

Although Lu Kai lost to Huang Xiaolong every time he

challenged him, it helped build their sense of camaraderie
and they had become good friends.
Huang Xiaolong shook his head and laughed, “Don’t laugh
at me, I think your influence is even bigger than mine!”

Lu Kai being the Luo Tong Kingdom’s Prince and the

successor to the throne meant that his influence truly was
not weak. After all, he was an actual Prince in many young
girls’ hearts.

Hearing this, Lu Kai smiled and said, “Are you aiming for the
Second Year’s champion? I heard that Chen Caixiu has
broken through to the Ninth Order-- she is not an easy

Chen Caixiu was the Second Year champion for two

consecutive years back to back.

“Ninth Order already?” Although a little surprised, Huang

Xiaolong was not perturbed by the news.

Noticing Huang Xiaolong’s calm expression, Lu Kai

continued to add, “I advise you not to provoke that chick;
her moves has always been ruthless, especially towards
men. I’m not sure how, but I heard how several foolish guys
provoked her and in the end, their lower parts were nearly
crippled!” When Lu Kai said this, his legs involuntarily
tightened in the middle.

Huang Xiaolong smiled faintly, “Don’t worry.”

A short while later, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu arrived at the
Holy Hall, said some encouraging words, and proceeded to
announce the starting of the competition.

Like every year, the competition was divided into three

large areas.
Every class has a student nominated by the class teacher,
and those who disagreed could issue a challenge on the

In the Second Year Class Six, Huang Xiaolong was the

strongest and this was something recognized by the whole
class while the second was Lu Kai instead of Ye Yong. In the
past four years, Lu Kai also trained hard and his strength
has surpassed the original number one, Ye Yong.

Huang Xiaolong and Lu Kai stood on the stage.

“I don’t believe that this time, I still can’t take one move
from you!” Lu Kai looked at Huang Xiaolong and said.

Ever since the two of them were promoted into the Second
Year, he was defeated with just one move every year.

Huang Xiaolong smiled, keeping silent.

At this time, a dazzling light shrouded Lu Kai’s body and his

Sky Peng martial spirit was called out. Strong, violent battle
qi towered to the sky as Lu Kai instantly soul transformed,
not wasting a second; a layer of feather-like armored
covered Lu Kai, and four powerful wings could be seen
emerging from his back, spreading out, causing the
surrounding air flow to become turbulent.

“Colossal Decimation Fist!”

The moment after Lu Kai soul transformed, he already

moved and appeared inches away from Huang Xiaolong with
his fist punched out, whistling across the air. The huge fist
print swooped down on Huang Xiaolong, drowning the stage
area in an eerie silence of decimation.
This Colossal Decimation Fist was a battle skill Lu Kai had
spent these past few years practicing, and he had finally
succeeded two months ago. Although he knew even with
the Colossal Decimation Fist that he would not be able to
defeat Huang Xiaolong, Lu Kai believed he could block one
attack of Huang Xiaolong’s.

Watching an enormous fist print blanketing him, Huang

Xiaolong remained standing on the same spot looking like
he had no intention to dodge. Instead, Huang Xiaolong
attacked. His fist struck out, meeting Lu Kai’s head on.

The two fists collided, and a thunderous ‘boom’ resounded.

The Colossal Decimation Fist shattered in the blink of an

eye, and Lu Kai was seen wobbling back, falling out of the
stage before steadying himself.

When Lu Kai steadied himself, he was dazed for a moment,

and then he shook his head and smiled wryly as he looked
at Huang Xiaolong, “It seems I would need a miracle to win
against you in my lifetime!”

He still remembered the first time the two of them fought in

the First Year competition. At that time, Huang Xiaolong
needed to exert his full effort to defeat him, but when they
advanced to the Second Year Class, he lost to Huang
Xiaolong in just one move. Now, he barely had the courage
to challenge Huang Xiaolong anymore.

After Lu Kai was defeated, no one from the same class dared
to challenge Huang Xiaolong. Thus, without any suspense,
Huang Xiaolong was the Second Year Class Six winner once

Next was the year competition.

The Second Year had a total of six classes-- to determine the
final winner, there were three stages of competition.

Among the six students, three came from the following

classes − Class One, Five, and Six and they were chosen to
draw sticks. However, when everyone saw Huang Xiaolong
drew the number one stick, a soft commotion rippled
through the crowd.

Number one!

It was actually the number one stick!

Looking at the number stated on the stick, Huang Xiaolong

could not resist shaking his head with a wry smile.

Number one stick represented Chen Caixiu, the same

person Lu Kai had mentioned earlier. The woman that was
merciless towards men.

Gazes followed Huang Xiaolong and Chen Caixiu as the both

of them went up to the stage.

Chen Caixiu wore a soft lavender dress, pretty yet she had
the bearings of a noble. Not only was Chen Caixiu
recognized as the Second Year’s number one person, like Li
Lu, she was one of the three famous beauties of the Cosmic
Star Academy. Be warned, she was a rose full of deadly
thorns; her decisiveness was just as well-known as her

“Huang Xiaolong, for Li Lu’s sake, I will be gentler later.”

Chen Caixiu’s eyes scrutinized Huang Xiaolong from top to
bottom and said.

A woman saying such words to a man would definitely cause
a misunderstanding. Subsequently, weird looks were
directed towards the stage with the two of them from the

Huang Xiaolong cast a glance at Li Lu; he knew Li Lu and

Chen Caixiu were good friends. When Li Lu noticed Huang
Xiaolong’s sight on her, she grinned playfully at Huang
Xiaolong, revealing two cute dimples.

Huang Xiaolong relaxed his shoulders and returned his

attention on Chen Caixiu, saying “If you want it this way,
then start!” Battle qi rushed out from Huang Xiaolong’s
body, and the strong momentum vibrated in the air.

“Peak late-Eighth Order!”

All around, shock eyes fixed their stares at Huang Xiaolong.

After experiencing a moment of blankness due to shock

from Huang Xiaolong’s revelation, Lu Kai smiled wryly inside
– at the moment, he was only at peak late-Seventh Order
whereas Huang Xiaolong had reached the peak of late-
Eighth Order! At this moment, he truly understood the gap
between them.

Chen Caixiu was also staring at Huang Xiaolong with a

surprised expression – peak late-Eighth Order! Huang
Xiaolong will be fifteen after the coming New Year, right….?

A fifteen-year-old peak late-Eighth Order?!

Although she herself was an early Ninth Order, she was

already twenty!

According to Huang Xiaolong’s cultivation speed, what level

would he reach by the time he is twenty years old? Peak
late-Tenth Order? It was truly possible!

“This freak of a man!” Chen Caixiu could not help muttering

to herself.


Next, C100: Sat ~wohooo~
Chapter 100: Yu Ming Missing

Freak of a man? Although Chen Caixiu’s voice was very low,

Huang Xiaolong still caught her words. Helplessly, he
smiled-- must this Chen Caixiu be this direct

“If it was six months ago, perhaps you could have won
against me, but now, just relying on your peak late-Eighth
Order’s strength, it will be impossible to defeat me.” At this
time, Chen Caixiu spoke while shaking her head and she
fully released her battle qi. A battle qi energy stronger than
Huang Xiaolong’s by many folds spread out.

“Ninth Order!”

A flurry of surprised exclamations came from the crowd.

Still, Huang Xiaolong maintained his calm; this Chen Caixiu

really did break through to the Ninth Order.

On the main platform.

Sun Zhang’s attention was on Huang Xiaolong, and he was

smiling as he spoke to Xiong Chu, “This little guy is giving us
another surprise-- he actually reached peak late-Eighth
Order in such a short time!”

“Yes ah, we initially thought he would need at least another

year to reach this stage.” Xiong Chu agreed, “But, Chen
Caixiu is a Ninth Order, I’m afraid the little guy won’t be
able to win this year!”

Sun Zhang chuckled, “Not necessarily-- did you forget

during his first year, at that time Lu Kai was already a
Seventh Order, in the end, Xiaolong still won?”
Xiong Chu hesitated, “Still, Chen Caixiu is a Ninth Order ah.”

“Whether he wins or not, we will know soon enough.” Sun

Zhang said: “Let’s wait for the result.”

At this time on the stage, Chen Caixiu called out her martial
spirit: an embroidery needle!

A golden embroidery needle that was decorated densely

with silver flowers.

The Silver-Flowered Golden Needle was a type of grade

seven martial spirit; even the appearance was no different
than the usual sewing needle. However, to many people, it
was a scary martial spirit because these types of martial
spirit have terrifying attack power. The needle’s size can be
changed, from small to big, making it hard to defend against

Chen Caixiu instantly soul transformed after calling out her

Silver-Flowered Golden Needle, making her body glitter in
silver and gold.

Suddenly, Chen Caixiu swung both of her arms.

“Rain of Flowers!”

After that, countless gold and silver needles emerged out of

thin air that rotated at high speed as since they were
flowers of gold and silver blooming in the sky, and it was
truly a fascinating picture. In a heartbeat, Huang Xiaolong
was surrounded.

“Xiaolong careful!” Li Lu exclaimed anxiously.

As Li Lu’s voice stopped, Huang Xiaolong was already

gripping the Blades of Asura in his hands. Both hands swung
out and a wave of bladed lights swept out and ‘dang’
sounds echoed endlessly. Those countless gold and silver
needles were deflected by Huang Xiaolong.

“Wrath of the Nether King!” Huang Xiaolong suddenly

swung out again, and crashing sounds vibrated in the air as
the crowd watched two groups of bladed lights surge out
like raging magma, like tens of thousand of beasts
stampeding towards Chen Caixiu. The entire hall shook
when Huang Xiaolong attacked using the Wrath of Nether
King. The crowd was dumbstruck.

“Gold Needle Silver Armor!” Shocked, Chen Caixiu quickly

waved her hands and the blooms of gold and silver flowers
separated, returning to a sea of gold needles that formed
into layers of armor on her body.

A deafening crash filled the hall.

The large force of the impact pushed Chen Caixiu back

again and again.

While Chen Caixiu was trying to gain a foothold, Huang

Xiaolong’s silhouette flickered past like a shadow.

Martial spirit ability: Phantom Shadow.

In a split second, Huang Xiaolong appeared in front of Chen

Caixiu, and his fist punched out without hesitation.

Collapse Fist!

The effect overlapped and increases the power of the


In that situation, Chen Caixiu was flustered and in a haste,

her palm shot out to block the attack.
A fist against a palm; both shook from the impact but it was
Chen Caixiu who was push back again. Chen Caixiu was in
shock; she is a Ninth Order!

Moreover, she had soul transformed! In this physique, her

battle qi power was actually weaker compared to a yet-to-
soul transform Huang Xiaolong.

What kind of cultivation technique does this Huang Xiaolong


“No Shadow No Form!” Being forced by Huang Xiaolong

until she reached the edge of the stage, Chen Caixiu was
angry after getting over her shock. Again, her arms
stretched out and countless numbers of gold needles
pierced towards Huang Xiaolong. But these gold needles
suddenly disappeared halfway, and the surrounding air
returned to its calmness without the slightest fluctuations.

This was the Silver-Flowered Golden Needle’s strongest

attack – No Shadow No Form, making it hard to defend

“I wonder how this little guy will counter Chen Caixiu’s

attack. If he can’t, then the result is obvious!” Xiong Chu
mused aloud on the main platform.

Sun Zhang was also focusing on Huang Xiaolong’s figure on

the stage, and like Xiong Chu, he was also very curious how
Huang Xiaolong would break this attack from Chen Caixiu.

Below the stage, Li Lu’s heart tightened with worry.

Including Lu Kai, Chen Feirong, and the rest of the class was
staring fixedly on Huang Xiaolong.

While everyone waited in suspense, Huang Xiaolong

suddenly leaped up, his body turning nonstop and his blades
slashed out. The crowd saw numerous bladed lights turn
into lightning streaks; as Huang Xiaolong continued turning
in midair, the lightning streaks became angrier.

In the lightning flashes, the supposedly shadowless and

formless gold needles became visible before the eyes and
they were scattered away by the lightning.

At the same time, the area of lightning expanded, covering

the entire stage; unable to dodge, Chen Caixiu was struck
by lightning and fell off the stage.

Only after Chen Caixiu fell off did Huang Xiaolong gradually
stop turning and landed on the stage, and the many flashes
of lightning dissipated.

Witnessing this result, the people around were stunned.

This turn of events was too big that even Sun Zhang and
Xiong Chu on the main platform had difficulty reacting in a
timely manner. In the blink of an eye, Chen Caixiu actually

“That move that little guy used just now, did you recognize
what battle skill it was?” Moments later, Sun Zhang asked
Xiong Chu after he recovered.

Xiong Chu shook his head, “I have cultivated for almost a

hundred years and have never seen such a battle skill, but
that move is probably a succedent to the battle skill he used
to defeat Lu Kai.”

Sun Zhang nodded in agreement and then said, “This kid

didn’t need to call out his Primordial Divine Black Dragon
martial spirit to defeat Chen Caixiu. I think, if he calls out his
Black Dragon martial spirit, he probably could defeat a mid-
Ninth Order expert!”
At this point, the students and teachers in the huge hall
broke out in thunderous cheers and applause, especially Li
Lu who was clapping with all her might, her beautiful eyes
shining while looking extremely charming.

Falling out from the stage, Chen Caixiu did not look
devastated or upset; instead, it seemed like she was
thinking of something as she looked at Huang Xiaolong.

Chen Caixiu came beside Li Lu, smiled and said, “Little Sis, I
really envy you. In another two years, when the two of you
get married, remember to tell me.”

Hearing this, Li Lu’s lovely face blushed, “Sis, what are you

Chen Caixiu laughed seeing Li Lu’s shy expression.

Soon, the First Year, Second Year, the Third Year, and the
Academy overall results came out.

Huang Xiaolong was rewarded with an early Grade Five

Spirit Dan.

When the event ended and everyone dispersed, Sun Zhang

and Xiong Chu held Huang Xiaolong back and gave him
another high Grade Five Spirit Dan.

This had become a routine. Every year after the annual

competition, other than the usual reward, Sun Zhang and
Xiong Chu would give Huang Xiaolong another high Grade
Five Spirit Dan.

Of course, the two of them assumed the reason why Huang

Xiaolong’s cultivation advanced at such speed was due to
this gift every year.
In fact, they did not know that these Spirit Dans Huang
Xiaolong was given were distributed to either his parents or

After the Academy annual competition ended, Huang

Xiaolong and Fei Hou returned to Tianxuan Mansion.

When they came back, Marshal Haotian was waiting for

them in the main hall.

“Still no news of your Master Yu Ming?” Huang Xiaolong

asked. Four years has passed since Yu Ming departed to the
Star Cloud Continent, returning to Asura’s Gate
headquarters. However, there was no news of him and since
then, it was if he disappeared into thin air. In the last two
years, Huang Xiaolong had asked Marshal Haotian and Fei
Hou to look into news regarding Yu Ming.


Collapse Fist - the reward Earth rank battle skill he won

during the first year Academy competition.


May your pranks have sucess!! Have a great April's Fool


Next Release: Tues/Wed
Chapter 101:
Breakthrough ? The Ninth
Chapter 101: Breakthrough − the Ninth Order

“Replying Sovereign, there is still no news of Master.”

Marshal Haotian reported and his face showed a worried
expression, “Please punish this Subordinate!” These past
two years, he failed to find news or the whereabouts of his
Master, and this made him feel ashamed to face Huang

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “This matter can’t be

blamed on you, stand up.”

“Subordinate thanks Sovereign!” Marshal Haotian said.

Huang Xiaolong fell into a contemplative mood.

If there was no accident, two years was enough for Yu Ming

to reach the Asura’s Gate headquarters in Star Cloud
Continent and back. However, until now, Yu Ming has not
come back and that can only mean one thing− Yu Ming met
with some problems.

Although he can’t confirm that Yu Ming’s disappearance is

related to his Senior Brother, the Main Chief of Asura’s Gate,
Chen Tianqi, what he was sure of is, at the moment, was
that Chen Tianqi still doesn’t about his existence. Otherwise,
Chen Tianqi would surely send people here to kill him and
snatch the Asura Ring away.
However, sooner or later Chen Tianqi would come to know
about him. Thus, Huang Xiaolong must make preparations in

Strength, he needed more strength.

Despite possessing superb talent twin martial spirits and the

number nine Heavenly Treasure, the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda, which contributed to his unbelievable cultivation
speed, about ten to twenty times faster than normal people,
to Huang Xiaolong, it was still too slow.

Huang Xiaolong must at least be a Saint realm warrior when

facing Chen Tianqi to be able to protect himself.

Saint realm!

Not to mention the Luo Tong Kingdom, even the neighboring

kingdoms do not have a Saint realm expert. To break
through to the Saint realm was easier said than done. The
famous number one expert of the Duanren Empire, the
Duanren Emperor, possessing a top grade thirteen martial
spirit was one hundred and twenty-three years old when he
stepped into the Saint realm.

Thinking about this, Huang Xiaolong frowned.

At this point in time, he wanted to increase his strength

faster and the only way was to subdue more Heavenly
Treasures. At the moment, the only Heavenly Treasure
location that he knew of was the number four at Duanren
Institute, the Absolute Soul Pearl.

In short, he urgently needed to breakthrough to the Tenth

Order; as long as he can breakthrough to the Tenth Order,
he is confident he can capture the overall Academy
championship and proceed to participate in the Imperial City

At that time, he has the chance to search and conquer the

Absolute Soul Pearl.

Furthermore, by becoming a student of the Duanren

Institute, he is allowed to purchase a mansion in the
Imperial City, thereby relocating his parents and little
siblings there is not an issue and it would be much safer
than the Luo Tong Kingdom.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong fall into deep contemplation,

Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou dared not interrupt.

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong came out from his

pensiveness and asked Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou about
the information for Baolong Kingdom’s Big Sword Sect and
the Martial Ning Family.

The two of them reported all they knew.

In the past years, Big Sword Sect had indeed sent people
over to assassinate Huang Xiaolong’s parents several times,
but both remained safe under the protection of the Marshal
Mansion’s guards. And since that year Huang Xiaolong killed
Ning Fei of the Martial Ning Family during his class
advancement test at the kingdom’s border, the Martial Ning
Family’s Patriarch, Ning Wang also sent people to
assassinate Huang Xiaolong and his family a few times.

Thus, when Huang Xiaolong breaks through to the Xiantian

realm, the first thing he would do is destroy Big Sword Sect
and the Martial Ning Family.

After asking about the matters regarding the Big Sword Sect
and Martial Ning Family, Huang Xiaolong proceeded to ask
about Tianxuan Mansion’s matters.

Since the first year he came to the Royal City, Huang

Xiaolong had instructed Fei Hou to procure some slaves to
cultivate his own army, and for the past few years, the
number and strength of his servants had increased
exponentially, and under Huang Xiaolong’s encouragement,
they had started the Nine Tripod Commerce, mainly dealing
in reading material printing like those entertainment
magazines on Earth.

Although the Nine Tripod Commerce was set up for merely

two years, the operation and management were quite
satisfactory, opening more than a dozen branches in the Luo
Tong Kingdom itself.

The daily publication exceeded ten thousand and a profit of

several thousand gold coins.

Now, all expenses of Tianxuan Mansion were covered by

profits from the Nine Tripod Commerce.

“Fei Hou, next year, expand the operation of Nine Tripod

Commerce. There must be a branch in every county-- you
handle the details.” Huang Xiaolong said.

“Yes, Sovereign!” Fei Hou replied respectfully.

“On another hand, below the Nine Tripod Commerce

location, form an underground assassin organization. You
can pick the recruits.” Huang Xiaolong continued; it was
time to return Big Sword Sect and Martial Ning Family
‘kindness’ with some retaliation of his own.

Fei Hou acknowledged him respectfully.

A short while after that, Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou left the
main hall.

Just seconds after both of them left, his little sister, Huang
Min, and Li Lu came over; Huang Min pulled and shook
Huang Xiaolong’s arm, demanding he accompany them

With no escape, he relented.

The whole afternoon was spent strolling around the city and
when he returned to his courtyard, Huang Xiaolong started
to practice Asura Tactics.

Asura Tactics. Huang Xiaolong had reached the third level

and was able to condense the Wings of Demon; when he
stepped into the fourth level, the Eye of Hell would open in
his forehead. The advantage of this Eye of Hell was that it
could see through the real nature of things, even through
concealment, and it could launch a spiritual attack. When he
reach the fourth stage, his Asura Physique would grow
stronger overall.

But, according to Huang Xiaolong’s estimation, he would

need to break through to the Xiantian realm before he could
step into the fourth level of Asura Tactics.

Ten days passed.

In the courtyard, Huang Xiaolong spent the day practicing

Asura Sword Skill, and at night, he focused on Asura Tactics
and the Body Metamorphose Scripture. As for the Golden
Linglong Body, Huang Xiaolong had reached the second
stage-- reaching the second stage meant that he could
absorb more of the fire dragon qi from the pagoda,
strengthening his body by itself.
After ten days passed, the New Year drew closer.

Every corner of Tianxuan Mansion was brightly decorated,

creating a cheerful, festive atmosphere.

One of the changes to the Tianxuan Mansion in the past four

years was it had expanded and doubled in land area; just
the guards amounted to more than six hundred, whereas
the servants and maids were close to a hundred.

With the New Year coming, Huang Peng and Su Yan were
busy buying things and getting ready to welcome the New

On New Year’s eve, Huang Xiaolong abandoned his practice

routine to accompany his family and Li Lu, chatting and
laughing to pass the night. On the First Day of New Year, the
whole family went to some famous scenic spots in the Royal

The New Year came and went.

And Huang Xiaolong continued to work hard practicing.

Half a month later, during the night.

The moonlight shone like water.

Huang Xiaolong was sitting cross-legged in the Linglong

Treasure Pagoda’s space, continuously running Asura
Tactics, and the netherworld battle qi rolled and surged in
his meridians and Qi Sea, rolling and crashing.

Huang Xiaolong had a feeling that tonight, he would break

through to the Ninth Order.
A black and a blue twin dragon emerged behind Huang
Xiaolong, coiled in the air, exuding a dragon’s oppressive
aura in the space. Four years since he broke through to the
Seventh Order, the twin dragons’ martial spirit had grown

As the netherworld battle qi raged in his meridians and Qi

Sea, the barrier towards the Ninth Order became thinner
and thinner, and every time his battle qi crashed against the
barrier, a wave of pain traveled from his meridians-- it was
more painful than any other time he had broken through, at
least by a few folds, even ten times more painful.

Huang Xiaolong endured the pain while insistently pushing

his battle qi.

It felt like a long century passed before Huang Xiaolong’s

body shuddered suddenly, and a subtle breaking sound
came from inside his body.

The eighth order netherworld battle qi rushed cheerfully into

the ninth order meridians, and at the same time, the
netherworld battle qi in his Qi Sea was compressed down as
it gathered more and more in the expanded Qi Sea.

The Ninth Order, finally!

The black and blue dragon behind Huang Xiaolong roared

towards the sky; the dragon scales on their body became
denser and shinier. The Linglong Treasure Pagoda shook as
it broke out in a dazzling bright light.
Chapter 102: The Yuwai Kingdom

Finally, he had broken through to the Ninth Order!

The sky was getting clearer, and Huang Xiaolong stopped

practicing with delight in his heart.

A Ninth Order in any families or big counties within the Luo

Tong Kingdom’s territory was a force in one’s own right. In
the previous Huang Clan Manor, other than Huang Qide,
only the Chief Steward Chen Ying was a Ninth Order expert.

Those so-called Huang Clan Manors Elders were just at the

Eighth Order or worse, the peak late-Seventh Order.

Huang Xiaolong came out from the Linglong Treasure

Pagoda space.

Just as he came out from there and out of the room, he ran
into Fei Hou; seeing him, Fei Hou exclaimed in shock,
“Sovereign, could it be you?!” He already was a Xiantian
expert and Huang Xiaolong did not intentionally hide his
breath fluctuations, thus Fei Hou noticed the difference at
first sight.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and laughed: “I was lucky and I was

able to break through last night.”

Fei Hou felt a dizzy spell.

Was lucky?

To Fei Hou, it felt as if every other day he would come across

Sovereign’s lucky breakthroughs!

But wasn’t this level of lucky coincidences a little too

After a while, Fei Hou repressed the shock in his heart, but
he still hesitated for a moment.

“Sovereign, this Subordinate would like to make a trip

home.” Fei Hou honestly brought up his request.

“Go home?” Huang Xiaolong choked; and dazed for a

moment, he still yet had not connected the dots. Fei Hou
had followed Huang Xiaolong for seven years, but he had
never mentioned anything about his family. That was why
when Fei Hou mentioned the matter, he was a little slow on
the uptake.

“Yes, Sovereign. Just now, a letter came from my son: he

said next month my eldest grandson is getting married and I
have not been back for seven years. Therefore, this
Subordinate wants to go home and take a look.” Fei Hou
explained, feeling slightly embarrassed.

When Huang Xiaolong recovered, he smiled and said, “Fei

Hou, this is a big happy event ah, no need to feel
embarrassed.” he asked: “Then, where is your home?”

“This Subordinate is a Marquis of the Yuwai Kingdom.” Fei

Hou answered.

TheYuwai Kingdom? Huang Xiaolong was surprised by this


It had occurred to Huang Xiaolong that Fei Hou might not be

a Luo Tong Kingdom local, but he did not expect Fei Hou to
be a Marquis from the Yuwai Kingdom.

The Luo Tong Kingdom was located at the south side of the
Silvermoon Forest whereas the Yuwai Kingdom sits on the
north side. This knowledge was gained from the hours he
spent in the Academy’s library; the Yuwai Kingdom was one
of the strongest kingdoms amongst the thousand over
kingdoms under Duanren Empire and was much stronger
than the Luo Tong Kingdom many times over.

“When do you plan to leave?’ Huang Xiaolong asked.

“This Subordinate plans to leave in another two days.” Fei

Hou answered.

“How about this, I will make this trip with you to the Yuwai
Kingdom.” Huang Xiaolong ‘suggested’ in a low voice.

Fei Hou was startled: “Sovereign, you want to come with

this Subordinate to Yuwai Kingdom, then….?”

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand unconcernedly, and

laughed, “Since it is your eldest grandson’s wedding, no
matter what I must also prepare a wedding gift, moreover, I
also want to have a look around a new place. Am I not

Since he came to this world, other than the Luo Tong

Kingdom, Huang Xiaolong’s time was spent in the
Silvermoon Forest training and because of that, he wanted
to take this opportunity to go outside.

Fei Hou quickly smiled, “Sovereign is going with this

Subordinate, of course, I am very happy.”

Huang Xiaolong said, “Then you go and make the proper

arrangements; we’ll depart the day after tomorrow.”

“Yes, thank you Sovereign!” Fei Hou replied respectfully,

turned around and left to make arrangements.

After Fei Hou left, Huang Xiaolong went to the main hall.
Both of his parents, Huang Peng and Su Yan were there, and
Huang Xiaolong told them he would be leaving to Yuwai
Kingdom with Fei Hou in two days’ time.

When they heard that, although a little unexpected, neither

one objected.

These years, Huang Xiaolong had spent most of his time

outside, in the Silvermoon Forest.

“Are young coming back at the end of the year?” Huang

Peng inquired.

“Not sure-- if nothing happens, we should be back in six

months.” Huang Xiaolong gave an estimate.

Then, Huang Xiaolong gave his parents roughly ten Fire

Dragon Pearls and explained a little about the management
of the Nine Tripod Commerce. Fei Hou was the one in charge
of the Nine Tripod Commerce, and now that Fei Hou is going
away, these things needed to be handled by his parents.
Luckily, his parents were involved in some aspects, and with
Marshal Haotian behind them, there shouldn’t be any

Two days passed.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou left the Luo Tong Kingdom and
they were sent off by a crowd of family.

Just like every time before when he leaves the Royal City,
Huang Xiaolong would ask Marshal Haotian to look over his
parents and little siblings’ safety.

After leaving the Luo Tong Kingdom Royal City, Huang

Xiaolong and Fei Hou came before the Silvermoon Forest.
Once they cut through the forest, they would arrive at the
border of Yuwai Kingdom. This was the fastest route; while
hurrying their way, the two of them could kill some demonic
beasts and train.

Two months passed.

In a silent night.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou sat near the bonfire, lighting up
a small area of the dark forest.

Two months passed and the two of them had arrived at the
northest part of the Silvermoon Forest; tomorrow, they
probably could make it across the border into the Yuwai

Sitting close to the bonfire, even as a Xiantian Fei Hou could

not help but feel excited thinking that he was about to
return to the Fei Manor.

It was seven years of separation, how much had the Fei

Manor changed in his absence…..

Looking at Fei Hou’s face, Huang Xiaolong empathizes with

his mood.

The first year he left Huang Clan Manor and returned at the
end of the year, he felt the same on the journey from the
Luo Tong Royal City to Huang Clan Manor.

“Another ten days, we will reach Yuwai Royal City, right?”

Huang Xiaolong spoke.

“That’s right, Sovereign,” Fei Hou added, “That year when I

left, Fei Ming that little brat was only seventeen. Seven
years passed in the blink of an eye, and that brat is already
getting married!”
Fei Ming was Fei Hou’s eldest grandson.

In his son, Fei Rong’s letter, this eldest grandson of his had
already broken through to the Seventh Order, and this made
Fei Hou feel comforted; when he left, Fei Ming was just a
late-Fifth Order.

Night slowly faded away.

And daybreak inched up from the horizon; Huang Xiaolong

and Fei Hou continued onwards and one day later, they
came out from the Silvermoon Forest, reaching the Yuwai
Kingdom’s border.

Still, with Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou’s speed, they needed
at least eight to nine days to reach the Yuwai Royal City.

As they entered the Yuwai Kingdom’s land, both of them

would only delay little time at cities to rest for the night.

Six days passed.

As the two got closer to the destination, three more cities

popped up, and soon, they would reach the Yuwai Royal City.

While Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou were hurrying, two

carriages came from behind and when it neared them, a
surprised exclamation sounded, “Is it Senior Fei Hou?”

This made Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou turned around to

look, and they saw one of the horse carriages stop, and from
inside the carriage, a twenty-something pretty young
woman came out.

Coming before Fei Hou, the pretty young woman had

surprise shining in her eyes. Sounding a little awed, she
asked again: “Is it Senior Fei Hou?”
Fei Hou scrutinized the young woman in front of him with a
puzzled expression, nodded, and said, “I am Fei Hou, and
you are?” He really can’t recall who this young woman in
front him was.


Yuwai Kingdom – Yuwai here meant outer domain/territory

and it seemed weird for a kingdom, so pinyin is used.


Next release: Friday
Chapter 103: Running Into
Chapter 103: Running into Bandits

The pretty young woman laughed and said, “Senior Fei Hou
did you forget? Seven years ago, you saved me. My name is
Chen Li.” She pointed at the mountains in front of them:
“That year, it was at that mountain area that you saved

When the pretty woman said that, Fei Hou had a flashback;
seven years ago, he wanted to enter the Silvermoon Forest
to kill a Stage Ten Demonic Ghost Eye Spider, and when he
passed by here, he came across a group of black-clothed
men besieging a group of master and servants. Seeing the
situation, he lend a little assistance and saved the victim.
Just as he was about to leave, the other side said their name
was Chen Li.

In fact, at that time, this Chen Li was only a fifteen, sixteen-

year-old girl; after seven years, there were some changes to
her features and body, so Fei Hou can’t be blamed for not

“So it was you!” Fei Hou was pleasantly surprised.

“It is me, Senior Fei Hou!” Seeing Fei Hou remember her,
happiness shone on Chen Li’s face.

Meeting Fei Hou after seven years gave Chen Li a feeling of

reuniting with an old friend.
“Senior Fei Hou, where are you heading to?” Chen Li opened
her mouth and asked.

Fei Hou replied: “My Young Master and I are heading to

Yuwai Royal City.”

At this point, Fei Hou introduced Huang Xiaolong: “This is

my Young Lord.”

“Young Lord?!” Chen Li was startled as she looked at Huang


That year, when Fei Hou saved her, judging from the way he
killed those black-clothed men, he should be a Tenth Order
expert. But now, he actually referred to the fifteen to
sixteen-year-old young man in front of him as Young Lord?

Huang Xiaolong noted Chen Li’s expression, grinned and

said, “Just call me Huang Xiaolong.”

Chen Li realized her blunder, immediately said, “Oh, so it is

Young Master Huang.” She looked at Fei Hou, “Senior Fei
Hou, I’m also going to Yuwai Royal City and since it is in the
same direction, how about we go together?”

Fei Hou turned towards Huang Xiaolong, seeking his opinion.

Huang Xiaolong nodded his head. They were not far from
the Yuwai Royal City, and there were still a dozen more days
until Fei Hou grandson’s wedding day; since there was no
hurry, traveling together was not an issue.

Fei Hou only nodded after Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Seeing Fei Hou agree, joy surfaced on Chen Li’s delicate

However, at this time, an old man that seemed to be in his
sixties stepped up and interjected: “Miss, this isn’t proper;
we don’t know these two people’s backgrounds and to have
met with them here is too much of a coincidence.”

Chen Li’s brows creased together, “What do you mean by

not knowing their background? Senior Fei Hou is my life

The old man persisted, “Miss, it is hard to see through a

person’s heart, it’s better we…”

“Enough, no need to say more.” Chen Li snapped.

Seeing this, the old man stopped.

Chen Li looked embarrassedly at Huang Xiaolong and Fei

Hou, “Young Master Huang, Senior Fei Hou, this is my
family’s steward, Liu Mu; he was just worried about my
safety so his speech was offensive. I hope Young Master
Huang and Senior Fei Hou don’t mind.”

“No harm.” Huang Xiaolong shook his head but he glanced

meaningfully at Liu Mu; he felt this Liu Mu trying to dissuade
Chen Li to allow Fei Hou and him going to the Yuwai Royal
City together was not as simple as it seemed.

Since it was like this, Huang Xiaolong’s curiosity was stoked.

What goal does this Liu Mu have?

Thus, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou traveled onwards with

Chen Li’s party.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou were riding on Russet

Russet horses were the Martial Spirit World’s common

The Russet horse also belonged to the horse family, but it

had much better speed than normal horses.

One day passed and the sky turned dark and Chen Li
suggested for the party to stop for the night in the forest.
Huang Xiaolong had no objections. However, when the
bonfire was lit and everyone was about to sit down and rest,
a wave of vibrations came from the mountain path ahead.
Clearly, a large number of people riding on mounts were
rushing towards them.

Chen Li and her original party were stunned, jumping up

from their seats.

Soon, a band black-clothed men riding on various different

types of beast mounts and horses appeared before the
party. There were quite a number of them, reaching over a
hundred with an aggressive atmosphere and from the looks
of it, they were directed at this particular party.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou exchanged a look and both

stood up.

When those black-clothed men arrived at the camping site,

they immediately spread out and surrounded everyone in a

“What do you want to do?” Chen Li already paled.

“Want to do what?” A middle-aged, one-armed man who

seemed to be the Bandit Head smirked lecherously at Chen
Li, “Brothers, tell me, what do you want to do!”
Hearing this, the bandits around broke out in crude raucous

“We want to kill people!”

“We want women!”

Over a hundred bandits laughed wickedly −proud, arrogant,

complacent, even a sense of euphoria before an impending

“This place is close to Kang City, and the Kang City

Castellan is my father’s best friend! If you dare…!” Chen Li
shouted but before she even finished, the one-armed man
broke out in fit of laughter, “Kang City’s Castellan? I am so
scared~~ah.” As he was saying this, he used his only hand
to pat his chest as if frightened by the threat, causing his
cronies to break in another bout of laughs.

Chen Li’s small face turned green and red.

“Go, kill the men and bring the women away!” At this point,
the Bandit Head ordered.

“Yes, Head!”

A dozen bandits drew their blades and approached Huang

Xiaolong, Fei Hou, and Chen Li’s several bodyguards,
slashing down.

Sharp rays of blade lights shimmered beneath the


Chen Li’s several guards retreated in panic.

Fei Hou stared at the several bandits closing in on him and

Sovereign and a cold sneer appeared on his face; both
hands waved out and a long sword was already in his hand.
The long sword’s sharp rays flashed, and screams came
from the bandits’ throats. Heads flew and headless bodies
tumbled to the ground.

The sudden screams startled the people around, turning

towards the origin.

The one-armed Bandit Head’s arrogant, complacent smirk

stiffened on his face and his eyes narrowed.

“All of you retreat!” He barked the order towards the

remaining bandits around Fei Hou.

Hearing this, all of them quickly stepped back.

“Can I know this warrior’s name? This matter is not related

to you, and for your safety, I advise you not to meddle in
other people’s affairs.” The one-armed Bandit Head said
condescendingly from above as he urged his mount forward,
looking down at Fei Hou. His eyes cast a gloomy glance at
Liu Mu at the side, carrying a hint of question and shock.

That Liu Mu secretly shook his head.

Although the two of them communicated subtlety, it did not

escape Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

Fei Hou did not reply; instead, he snarled: “Roll down here!”
As his voice sounded, lightning strikes down and instantly
struck the one-armed Head Bandit. Screaming painfully, he
fell to the ground.


The bandits around were shocked, and they immediately

gathered around in a protective circle.
The Bandit Head struggled awkwardly to get up from the
ground, his face dirtied with soil and mud; he glared at Fei
Hou while his heart felt both anger and fear. A sharp light
glinted in his eyes.

“Kill! Kill off this old dog!” His hand waved, bellowing the

He doesn’t believe this person could fight against a hundred

of them!

Unless, of course the other side was a Xiantian realm


But, he believed his luck was not that rotten to come across
a Xiantian expert here.

The bandits rushed towards Fei Hou.

Fei Hou’s eyes swept across these bandits, his face turning
cold. A bright light flashed, and a twenty-meter long silver
river appeared. This was Fei Hou’s martial spirit.

After Fei Hou broke through to the Xiantian realm, the Silver
River martial spirit was wider, longer, and more compact.
Dazzling silver light flickered in the dark forest.


Next release: Sat
Chapter 104: Slander And
Chapter 104: Slander and Trust

Fei Hou called out his martial spirit ‘Silver River’ and swung
both of his arms. And a Silver River was seen surging in
midair, and when the attacks from the surrounding bandits
crashed into the Silver River, ‘dang dang dang’ sounds of
metals clashing could be heard, reflecting the attacks back
onto the attackers.

Some unfortunate bandits escaped too slowly and were

thrown to the ground, their own swords stabbing into their

“My leg!!!”

Amidst painful howls, these bandits jumped around like

kangaroos holding their feet.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the bandits were scared and
retreated swiftly.

Fei Hou scoffed at their reaction, and his arms kept swinging
out and his Silver River martial spirit turned into a solid
entity-- a silver-colored river meandered through the group
of bandits, and where it curved, screams reverberated in the
air. Some bandits were smashed to the ground and some
bandits were flung high up in the air.

Since stepping into Xiantian realm, Fei Hou’s attack power

had more than doubled. How could these Sixth and Seventh
Order vermins resist Fei Hou’s attacks?

Instantly, a large number of bandits laid on the ground, and

seconds later, only the Bandit Head remained standing,
albeit in a daze.

Recalling his martial spirit back into his body, Fei Hou slowly
walked towards the Bandit Head.

“You, you, don’t kill me!” The Bandit Head exclaimed in


“Who sent you over?’ Fei Hou asked icily.

The one-armed Bandit Head had a frantic look in his eyes.

“I say, two Sirs, please stop putting on an act!” Suddenly, at

this point, Liu Mu that was standing next to Chen Li spoke.

Everyone was stunned.

Liu Mu walked out of the group slowly, glaring fiercely at Fei

Hou and Huang Xiaolong, saying “We have been traveling
for more than half a month safely without any incident, but
it happens that right after meeting two Sirs, we ran into a
group of bandits, what does it represent?”

A sharp edge flashed across Fei Hou’s eyes, but Huang

Xiaolong waved his hand to stop Fei Hou and he faced Liu
Mu with great interest, spurring him on: “Continue.”

Liu Mu sneered: “This group of bandits was called here by

the two of you!”

“Oh, we colluded with them? Had them come here?” Huang

Xiaolong maintained an aloof expression, “And our motive?”
Liu Mu snorted and his voice sounded icy, “Reason? You
know very well in your hearts.” Then, he turned around, and
fixed a deadly stare on the one-armed Bandit Head,
threatening “Speak, was it them who instructed you to
kidnap our Miss?”

That one-armed Bandit Head was agape.

“Say, am I right?” Liu Mu’s gaze bored intensely at the

Bandit Head, and a vague ominous light flickered across his
eyes. Noticing that, the Bandit Head immediately nodded
his head vigorously: “Yes, yes, yes, it was them who told me
to come here and kidnap your Miss!”

Liu Mu spun around, and said to Chen Li, “Miss, you heard
him; they instructed these bandits to kidnap you. I have
reminded you earlier, we don’t know these two people’s
background. Evil lurks in the human heart!”

Chen Li shook her head, disagreeing “Steward Liu Mu, there

must be some misunderstanding; Senior Fei Hou is my
savior, and he saved my life before and with Senior Fei
Hou’s strength, he doesn’t need to instruct other people to
kidnap me.”

Liu Mu persuaded, “Miss, you must be vigilant. He might

have his purpose in saving you that year; seven years have
passed and how could there be such a coincidence for Miss
to encounter them at the same place? Moreover, this Bandit
Head has already confessed.”

Chen Li still shook her head; she doesn’t believe Fei Hou
would act this way for it wasn’t necessary.

If Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou were the main culprits, at this
moment, both of them could kidnap her without any
resistance; was there a need to use so much effort?
At this point of time, Huang Xiaolong clapped his hands.

Everyone shifted their attention to him.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Liu Mu, “I have to say, your little

play is better than I have expected.”

Liu Mu’s face darkened, “What do you mean?”

“What do I mean?” Huang Xiaolong repeated coldly: “You

arranged for this group of bandits.”

Hearing this, the people present were taken aback.

Liu Mu had an angry expression on his face, “You’re

slandering, absolute slander! I have followed Miss more than
a decade and there is no doubt about my loyalty and
devotion to Miss. You are retaliating because I exposed your
trick, that’s why you turn around and slander me!” He
quickly turned towards Chen Li, protesting: “Miss, you must
not believe them!”

Chen Li shook her head at Huang Xiaolong, “Young Master

Huang, Liu Mu has been by my side since I was little, and
these past dozen years, he has loyally protected my safety.
It cannot be Uncle Liu.”

To her, Liu Mu was even less a culprit compared to Huang

Xiaolong and Fei Hou.

Liu Mu’s cold stare fell on Huang Xiaolong, “As a stranger

and outsider, do you think we will believe your nonsense?”

Huang Xiaolong turned towards Chen Li: “You really trust

Chen Li nodded, “Others I dare not say, but Liu Mu, I
absolutely trust him.”

Although Chen Li did not say it out loud, the dissatisfaction

towards Huang Xiaolong was obvious in her voice.

Evidently, she agreed with what Liu Mu said, Huang

Xiaolong slandered Liu Mu because Liu Mu first pointed the
finger at them.

Liu Mu was someone who watched over her since she was
little, and the feelings between them were very deep. Huang
Xiaolong’s accusation made her heart uncomfortable.

Huang Xiaolong turned back, to Fei Hou he said: “We’re


Since Chen Li stated her firmly position, there was no need

to say anymore.

“Yes, Young Lord!” Fei Hou replied respectfully.

Chen Li blanked for a moment, and she called out to Fei Hou
anxiously, “Senior Fei Hou, this isn’t what I meant.”

Fei Hou shook his head, saying nothing. He quietly followed

behind Huang Xiaolong and left.

But before Huang Xiaolong left, suddenly, his palm struck

the one-armed Bandit Head’s chest as he was passing by.
The Bandit Head let out a scream as he flew out, crashing
into countless trees. When he hit the soil, there was no
breath left.

Chen Li and everyone in her party were shocked.

And before their shocked eyes, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou
mounted on their horses and sped away.

Watching the two silhouettes grew further away, Liu Mu’s

shock turned into great relief. His eyes furtively swept
passed the Bandit Head’s corpse and the rest of the bandits,
and a frown appeared on his forehead that lasted less than
a second.

A bunch of garbage!

“Miss, should we also leave this place?” Liu Mu asked Chen


Chen Li nodded in agreement.

Thus, not long after Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou departed,
Chen Li, Liu Mu, and the rest of her party also journeyed out
from the mountain area.

“Obviously that Liu Mu is in cahoots with that group of

bandits.” After leaving the area, Fei Hou spoke: “Pity that
Chen Li trusts that Liu Mu too much.” Fei Hou tilted his head
up to the sky and sighed.

Huang Xiaolong nodded silently.

Continuing on, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou weren’t in a

rush, allowing the horse to run comfortably.

On the other side, one day after Chen Li and her party
separated from Huang Xiaolong, they crossed a mountain
pass when they suddenly ran into a group of black-clothed
men. The way these black-clothed dressed were similar to
the bandits from last night, and it was clear as day, they
belonged to the same group.
Watching the retreat path around her being blocked off,
panic rose in Chen Li’s heart.

These black-clothed men besieged Chen Li and her party in

the middle, without wasting a word, and they started
slaughtering with the weapons in their hands. In just a short
while, all of Chen Li’s guards and servants were killed, but
what surprised Chen Li was that these people ‘spared’ Liu
Mu. They did not attack him at all.

While Chen Li was still surprised, one of the bandits stepped

forward towards Liu Mu, and in a polite manner, he greeted
him: “Steward Liu.”

Liu Mu nodded.

Chen Li’s eyes were wide with disbelief.


Coming up: A bonus birthday chapter!!
Chapter 105: Running Into
Each Other Again
Chapter 105: Running Into Each Other Again

“Uncle Liu, it really was you!” Chen Li’s face was filled with
disbelief as she stared at Liu Mu. Even at this moment, she
can’t will herself to believe what was happening is real.

“That Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou were right,” Reaching

this point, Liu Mu wasn’t afraid to admit it, and he nodded
his head in all frankness and said: “The group of bandits
earlier was arranged by me.”

Chen Li trembled with anger yet she scared at the same

time, she gritted her teeth, asking: “Why?!”

Liu Mu sneered, “Why? You should ask your Father for the
reason. Chen Li, don’t blame me after you die for the only
one you should blame is your Father!”

“Blame my Father?” Chen Lu repeated stupidly, not


“That’s right. Your Father uprooted the Long Family that

year; pity he didn’t realize that not all from the Long Family
were annihilated!” Liu Mu recounted coldly.

“Steward Liu, what’s the use of telling this to her? The

Young Lord is awaiting our report.” The bandit dressed man
behind Liu Mu stepped forward and said.

Liu Mu nodded in agreement and signaled with his hands.

The surrounding bandits stepped up and captured Chen Li.
“What do you want to do? Where are you taking me?!” Chen
Li was terrified and her voice shook as she shouted fearfully.

“Taking you where?” Liu Mu scoffed, “Don’t worry, the time

for you to die hasn’t come. Young Lord already said that
letting you die so easily can’t satisfy the hatred in his heart.
Young Lord ordered us to bring you back for him to enjoy a
month or so, and only when he’s tired and bored of you then
we’ll send you on your way. After that, we’ll generously
deliver your body back to Chen Manor so that your Father
can appreciate the ‘scenery.’

Chen Li’s eyes shot fire as she glared hatefully at Liu Mu:
“Liu Mu, my father was good to you; you’re a traitor, biting
the hand that fed you!” Chen Li spat saliva right onto Liu
Mu’s face.

Liu Mu wiped the saliva off his face with his fingers and his
tongue licked one of his fingers; a burning light shone as his
eyes roamed over Chen Li’s curvaceous body, and leered
sinisterly, “Didn’t expect even your saliva is so fragrant, it
wasn't for Young Lord’s prior instruction, I would ‘service’
you right now!”

Chen Li was so furious that her bosom was heaving


“Take her away!” Liu Mu shouted.

“No need to handle these corpses, just leave it here and let
those wild beasts take care of them.”

“Yes, Steward Liu!”

Liu Mu and the group of bandits took the kidnapped Chen Li

and left the scene, taking some off-roads through the forest
instead of the main pathway.
Half a day later, they arrived at a mountain path in the

But when the group of bandits wanted to continue on, Liu

Mu suddenly halted his steps; horrified, he stared straight
ahead at the two silhouettes traveling in his direction.

These two people turned out to be Huang Xiaolong and Fei

Hou who left their party two days ago!

He actually ran into them again!

At this point, Chen Li also noticed Huang Xiaolong and Fei

Hou up ahead, and joy lit up her small face. Her dull,
desperate heart saw a ray of hope. However, at the
moment, her mouth was sealed shut, unable to call out,
constrained to making only ‘ooo wu owo’ whining sounds to
attract their attention!

Some distance away, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Ho who were

going about their way noticed Chen Li, Liu Mu, and the
group of bandits and they too were surprised. Neither of
them thought they would meet again so soon after
separating from Chen Li’s party.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou exchanged a glance and

nudged their horses forward.

“Steward Liu, what’s the matter?” The bandit behind Liu Mu

asked after seeing him stop suddenly with a frightened
expression; feeling puzzled, he went up and inquired about
the matter.

Liu Mu quivered slightly as he pointed to the front at Huang

Xiaolong and Fei Hou that were approaching them: “They,
it’s them!”
“Them?” That bandit was confused.

He already saw the two people approaching them, but he

can’t see what’s so special about them.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou reined their horses and came to
a stop in front of Liu Mu. Huang Xiaolong’s eyes swept
through the group of bandits and paused for a second on
Chen Li before he turned to Liu Mu, “I say, isn’t this Steward
Liu? I didn’t think there would be such a coincidence that we
would run into each other again-- it really does seem like

Liu Mu did not say anything and the expression on his face
grew increasingly ugly.

“And isn’t this Miss Chen Li?” Huang Xiaolong laughed,

“Hmm, where are you’ll heading to that you need to tie up
Miss Chen Lu’s hands and seal her mouth?”

Liu Mu maintained his silence, but the male bandit behind

him was angered: “Kid, this has nothing to do with you, if
you know what’s good for you, you better scram far away
this moment. Otherwise, I’ll cut you into two pieces!”

However, just as his voice ended, a sharp light ray from a

sword flashed by and that bandit’s eyes protruded in shock
as the light in his eyes dissipated. In less than a second, his
body tumbled stiffly to the forest floor with blood spurting
out from his throat like a fountain, dying the soil red.

The rest of the bandits were startled, and then, all of them
swiftly drew out their swords as they burned with fury
looking at both Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou.

“Stop your actions!” Liu Mu barked at the group of black-

clothed bandits.
He understood very well if Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou
wanted to deal with them, it would be just a matter of

The bandits that were preparing to rush towards Huang

Xiaolong and Fei Hou stopped after hearing Liu Mu’s order.

Liu Mu looked at Huang Xiaolong as he squeezed out an

amiable smile, “Young Master Huang, Senior Fei Hou, this
matter has nothing to do with you; if you can walk away, my
Young Lord would repay the kindness in the future!”

“Young Lord?” Huang Xiaolong put on a haughty expression

on his face, “Didn’t you claim the two of us to be the
masterminds behind the incident?

Didn’t you say that you have followed your Miss for more
than a decade and that you’ve always been loyal and
devoted? Didn’t you also accuse us of slandering you?”

Liu Mu didn’t know how best to answer the flurry of

questions from Huang Xiaolong whereas the sealed mouth
Chen Li felt ashamed. At that time, she had proudly
declared that she trusted Liu Mu, yet she didn’t expect in
the blink of an eye she was captured by Liu Mu and these

“What exactly do you want?” Moments later, Liu Mu asked

with a sullen expression. Saying this, he took out a bag of
money and lobbed it forward.

“There is a gold card with a hundred thousand gold coins

inside, exchangeable at any bank in the Yuwai Kingdom.”

Huang Xiaolong caught the bag of money, yet the

expression on his face remained aloof: “A hundred thousand
gold coins?”
Seeing this, Chen Li became anxious and she shook her
head vigorously, making muffled sounds hoping to dissuade
Huang Xiaolong.

“A hundred thousand gold coins can only send off beggars.”

Huang Xiaolong stared directly at Liu Mu.

Liu Mu’s brow scrunched together, gritted his teeth and

threw out another money bag: “Inside this bag is another
card with a hundred thousand gold coins!”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “There is roughly a hundred

of you here, are your lives so worthless? How about this, I’m
also not a greedy person. One life, a hundred thousand gold

One life a hundred thousand gold coins, that amounts to

over ten million!

Over ten million gold coins!

When Liu Mu understood the underlying meaning of Huang

Xiaolong’s words, and his anger erupted, “You’re f*cking
kidding me?” He finally realized, Huang Xiaolong was
playing with them from the beginning!

“So what if I’m playing with you?” Huang Xiaolong shrugged

his shoulders nonchalantly; his eyes glanced at Fei Hou and
without the need for words, Fei Hou understood Huang
Xiaolong’s meaning. Fei Hou’s silhouette flashed and
vanished from the horseback, appearing right in front of Liu
Mu. Liu Mu’s eyes widened in fear, watching Fei Hou’s palm
slide past his throat, sharper than a weapon.

Shocked, Liu Mu stood in the same spot while Fei Hou did
not move an inch as he waved his hands, and Liu Mu and
the rest of the bandits fell down by the dozens as miserable
screams reverberated in the forest.

Not needing a long time, the cries and screams stopped,

leaving only Chen Li breathing as she stood petrified in the
same spot.

After he finished dealing with Liu Mu and the group of

bandits, Fei Hou came beside Chen Li. With a wave of his
long sword, Chen Li shut her eyes tightly in fear. Fei Hou’s
sword actually slashed the rope that bound her hands.

When all is done, Fei Hou returned to Huang Xiaolong’s side.

“Let’s go,” Huang Xiaolong spoke, ignoring the other side,

and he and Fei Hou galloped away on their horses.

Seconds passed by, and Chen Li braced herself and opened

her eyes, watching Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou’s backs
disappearing from view. Looking at the outcome around
here, she suddenly broke out in tears.


Hoping and praying to get one out by Wed.
Chapter 106: "I’m His Old Man!"

A long time after Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou had left, a
gust of cold wind blew, sobering Chen Li up to her current
situation. She left the place in a haste and when she was
running, she passed Liu Mu’s corpse and tripped over it.

Falling face down, tears mixed with soil and sand, dirtying
her face and hands. Enduring not cry out as she struggled to
get up, she quickly ran off in the same direction Huang
Xiaolong and Fei Hou left earlier, towards the Yuwai Royal


Two days later.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou stood before the huge city
gates, and Fei Hou nearly couldn’t contain the excitement in
his heart; he’s back, finally!

The Yuwai Royal City gates were same as before, no big

changes at all.

“Let’s go in!” A short moment later, Huang Xiaolong spoke.

Repressing the excitement in his heart, Fei Hou nodded ‘yes’


Two figures entered through the city gates.

Passing through the city gates, the two of them strolled

along the bustling streets in a relaxed manner, going along
with the flow of people. Drinking in the lively atmosphere,
Fei Hou was a little emotional. Seven years passed, and the
Yuwai Royal City was just as he remembered it, but many of
the shops had changed businesses, and some buildings
were renovated and these newer additions were somewhat
strange to him.

Huang Xiaolong nodded secretly as he observed the

prosperous and bustling streets of the Yuwai Royal City.
Compared to the Luo Tong Kingdom’s Royal City, the
condition here was way better. Moreover, judging from the
buildings and infrastructure of the city, they were a level
higher than the Luo Tong Royal City.

There were two more days until Fei Hou’s eldest grandson’s
wedding day. Since they already arrived in the Royal City,
neither of them was in a rush to reach the Fei Manor, taking
their own sweet time strolling in the streets.

A couple of hours later, it was already noon. As they passed

by a large restaurant, Fei Hou stopped and happily said to
Huang Xiaolong: “Young Lord, this Absolutely Luscious
Dishes Floor is one of the three best restaurants here. Their
specialty, Fiery Wine, is tastier than the Delicious
Restaurant’s Snow Moon Wine. Should we go in and have a

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “Fiery Wine? Very well, let’s go in

and taste some.”

Thus, without further ado, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou

walked into the Absolutely Luscious Dishes Floor.

Once he entered, Huang Xiaolong saw the lower floor

consisted of over a hundred tables and all of them were
seated with customers, leaving none open or empty. At this
time, a person with the owner’s attire and appearance was
hurrying towards Fei Hou, asking eagerly “You are Marquis
Fei Hou?”
Fei Hou nodded. “Boss Chen, these past few years that I
didn’t come, your business is flourishing nicely ah!”

This middle-aged man happens to be the restaurant’s boss.

In the past, Fei Hou patronized the restaurant often for their
dishes and Fiery Wine; the two of them can be considered
old friends.

“Hehe, Marquis Fei Hou jests. The few years that we haven’t
seen each other, yet Your Excellency looks younger than
before.” The restaurant boss laughed, “Unlike me, getting
older every day.” As he said this, his hand gestured
courteously, “Marquis Fei Hou, this way please, to the
second floor; I’ll tell the small ones to arrange your table
and dishes!”

Fei Hou nodded his head and went up to the first floor with
Huang Xiaolong.

The second floor was just as boisterous as the lower floor,

and it seemed to have no empty tables available, but the
boss had swiftly arranged it for them.

Not long after both of them had sat down, the dishes were
sent up.

There were also two jugs of wine – two big jugs of wine
served with custom made fiery red cups resembling moving

The fragrant wine teased Huang Xiaolong’s nose as he

poured some out into a cup and tilted the entire content into
his mouth; a sweet dry taste flooded his senses as the wine
rushed down his throat, turning into a strong, burning
sensation that spreads out in an instant as if every blood
cell in the body was about to combust, and a feeling of
contentment and elation rose in the drinker’s heart.
“Good wine!” Huang Xiaolong praised aloud.

Cups raises endlessly between Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou.

As Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou enjoyed themselves,

discussions from tables nearby passed into their ears.

“Did you hear, the King personally conferred Yang An the

title of Marquis!”

“Tsk tsk, that Yang An is only twenty-one years old, and he’s
already a Marquis. This is a first for our Yuwai Kingdom; in
my opinion, in another few years that Yangan will probably
be conferred the title of a Duke!”

“This is because that Yang An is our kingdom’s number one

genius, a monstrous genius! One year ago, he was already a
peak late-Ninth Order, and with his cultivation speed, I say
he can breakthrough to the Tenth Order within this year!”

“A twenty-one-year-old Tenth Order, what a monster! In

another few years, Yang An will be representing the Yuwai
Kingdom to participate in the Imperial City Battle, and with
his talent, a top ten spot is almost guaranteed!”

Noises of discussion filled the second floor, and in the dozen

or so tables, practically every table was talking about
something related to that Yang An.

“Oh, Yang An?” Hearing bits and pieces of these discussions,

Huang Xiaolong became curious.

“I never would have imagined Yang An, that kid is also a

Marquis now!” At this moment, Fei Hou sighed: “That year
when I left, that Yangan had just broken through to the
Eighth Order.”
Huang Xiaolong looked at Fei Hou.

Fei Hou explained to Huang Xiaolong, “Young Lord, this Yang

An’s martial spirit is a top grade twelve martial spirit, the
Roaring Sky God Lion, and he is our Yuwai Kingdom’s most
talented genius ever, currently attending classes in Yuwai
Academy. Perhaps later on, he will participate in the Imperial
City Battle in Duanren Empire together with you, Young

“Top grade twelve martial spirit, Roaring Sky God Lion,”

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Except for Jiang Teng, his Senior Brother Chen Tianqi, and
the Duanren Empire’s Emperor, this Yang An was the fourth
person he had come to know to possess a superb talent
martial spirit.

But Jiang Teng’s martial spirit was a top grade eleven spirit,
the Scared Bright Tiger, whereas this Yang An’s grade
twelve spirit threw Jiang Teng off by a long road.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou kept drinking while

eavesdropping on the conversations around them. A short
while later, they paid the bill and left. When Fei Hou was
paying, the boss came out and proceeded to discount the
amount by half before sending off Huang Xiaolong and Fei
Hou in person.

Leaving the restaurant, both of them headed straight to the

Fei Manor.

Roughly an hour later, they came to the main street leading

to Fei Manor; although there was still two days before Fei
Ming’s wedding day, the main door of the manor was
already crowded with people in a merry mood and an
endless stream of horses and carriages bearing gifts.
Obviously, these are people from noble families paying
congratulatory visits due to the occasion.

Standing in the street before the sign plate of Fei Manor,

bubbling emotions filled Fei Hou’s heart and when he
stepped into the Fei Manor with Huang Xiaolong, his
excitement nearly spilled over.

However, just as they were about to step across the

doorway, the two guards at the sides of the door suddenly
raised their hands, blocking their path: “Where are you
going here? What matters do you have with the Fei Manor?”

Fei Hou blanked for a moment before asking, “You two don’t
recognize me?”

The two guards scrutinized Fei Hou from head to toe, and
one of them laughed, “I say old man, who do you think you
are? Why must we recognize you?!”

Fei Hou was dazed by the answer, and a deep frown

appeared on his forehead-- looks like these two guards were
hired in the years after he had left so neither of them
recognized him.

He turned around, a little embarrassed as he looked at

Huang Xiaolong.

He didn’t expect for something so awkward such as this to

happen even before he returned to Fei Manor.

Huang Xiaolong gave him a faint smile and did not say
anything. Only Fei Hou can handle this matter.

At this point, Fei Hou told the two guards: “Call your
Patriarch out.”
The same guard smiled wider, saying “Call our Patriarch
out? Old man, I think you don’t realize the situation. You
think our Patriarch is someone you can see just cause you
say so?”

“I’m his old man!” Fei Hou’s temper came out!

But in the ears of the two guards, it sounded as if Fei Hou

was cursing their family’s Patriarch and that made their
expression turn cold.

“Old man, be frank and tell us, did you come here to make
trouble? Your blind dog eyes, how dare you make havoc
here, look around and see where this is!”


Next release: Thurs
Chapter 107: Really Is The
Patriarch’S Old Man?
Chapter 107: Really Is the Patriarch’s Old Man?

Make trouble?

Your blinded dog eyes?!

Look around and see where this is?!

Fei Hou was floored being treated this way in his own home;
anger and frustration bubbled inside him whereas Huang
Xiaolong behind him was shaking his head while smiling

“Impetuous!” Fei Hou bellowed; his right hand suddenly

waved forward, bringing a violent gale that whirled at the
two guards away, throwing them heavily onto the ground.

The two guards screamed at the top of their lungs, raising a

commotion the in mansion’s surroundings. Passersby and
nobles who came to send congratulatory gifts nearly jumped
out of their skin, and they instantly retreated.

At this time, loud footsteps were heard rushing to their

direction from the inner yards of the mansion and a group of
mansion guards appeared, around twenty of them.

Leading the group of guards was a thick-bearded, middle-

aged man. A thick, black beard covered three-quarter of his
face, making him look particularly fierce and vicious;
judging from his attire and demeanor, this middle-aged man
must be the guards’ captain.
“What is happening?” The moment this thick-bearded man
rushed to the scene, he shouted out the question as he
came beside the two miserable guards.

Struggling to get up, the two guards said to the middle-aged

man: “Captain Lin, it was these two people! They came to
make trouble at our Fei Mansion; he berated our Patriarch
and attacked us first!” A finger pointed towards Huang
Xiaolong and Fei Hou.

That thick black-bearded spun in Huang Xiaolong and Fei

Hou’s direction, and his expression sank. His mouth opened
and a cold voice sounded, “Did you two eat a bear’s heart or
leopard’s gallbladder? You dare come and make trouble in
our Fei Mansion? Do you know what kind of place is the Fei

Huang Xiaolong rendered slightly helpless with the situation;

it seems this black beard middle-aged is also someone who
doesn’t recognize Fei Hou. Fei Hou was away for seven
years, so how much did the guards change in during this
period of time?

Fei Hou also was speechless.

“Tell Fei Rong to come out!” Fei Hou stated bluntly with a
nerve twitching on his forehead.

The thick black-bearded man was angered hearing Fei Hou

refer to their Patriarch by name as this was naked disrespect
towards their Patriarch, and his face darkened considerably:
“Go! Capture these two people, let the Patriarch to judge
their crime!”

“Yes, Captain Lin!”

The Fei Mansion’s guards acknowledged loudly in unison,
and all of the guards rushed towards Huang Xiaolong and
Fei Hou. However, just when the group of guards wanted to
make their moves, Fei Hou’s palms slapped the void before
him gently.

“Seal of Thunderstorm!” Tens, no, hundreds of handprints

flew out like rain during a violent thunderstorm right onto
the bodies of the Fei Mansion’s guards, sending them flying
off in all directions.

Over twenty of Fei Mansion’s guards lay groaning on the


Captain Lin’s face changed for the worse; Fei Hou’s strength
had far exceeded his estimation as he himself was a Ninth
Order, and he guessed Fei Hou to be, at the very least, a
Tenth Order.

While this was happening at the front, Fei Rong was sitting
in the main hall chatting with several other families’

“Patriarch Fei, congrats, congrats ah; your dearest son and

Miss Tao are getting married-- this is a great event in the
Royal City ah!”

“Yes ah, Miss Tao is the pearl of Duke Tao’s palm and the
famous number one beauty in our Yuwai Royal City. Fei
Ming, this kid really knows how to win the beauty’s heart,
even this Uncle Chen is feeling envious of him!”

Fei Rong chuckled, and just when he was about to speak,

suddenly, loud shouting came from outside, and this
realization surprised everyone sitting in the main hall. Is
there still someone who dared to come and make trouble in
the Fei Mansion?
At this point, a loud miserable scream resounded in the air;
Fei Rong could tell it was Captain Lin Chenghu’s voice, and
his brows creased. Lin Chenghu was a Ninth Order expert:
who could the person that injured him be, a Tenth Order?

“Everyone,” Fei Rong stood up: “Please excuse me for a


The several Patriarchs in the main hall and exchanged looks

among themselves, and one by one stood up with Fei Rong.

One of them said: “We will go out together with Brother Fei
and see what’s happening. Let’s take a look who has such
big guts to come and create trouble here in the Fei

Fei Rong smiled, “Okay, I thank everyone here.” Fei Rong

stepped out of the main hall with the Patriarchs, heading
towards the Fei Mansion’s main door.

Moments later, Fei Rong and the group behind him arrived
on the scene.

When Fei Rong reached the entrance area, his steps

suddenly stopped and his body trembled. Noticing the
silhouette near the entrance, Fei Rong was taken over by
happiness and surprise.

The Guards Captain, Lin Chenghu, that was slammed away

by Fei Hou earlier saw Fei Rong came out, and joy bloomed
over this thick-bearded face as he scrambled to get up and
reach Fei Rong’s side: “Patriarch, it is these two people!
They came to cause trouble in Fei Mansion!”

However, Fei Rong didn’t look like he heard a word Lin

Chenghu said, pushing him away to the side. Fei Rong
walked and reached the middle-aged man who hit all the
mansion’s guards in a few brisk steps. Fei Rong shocked
everyone present when he suddenly knelt down: “Father,
you have returned!”

Father, you have returned!

Lin Chenghu’s jaw dropped.

The several Patriarchs that came with Fei Rong were


The passersby and noble families that came to send

congratulatory gifts were shocked, and the initial two guards
that blocked Fei Hou’s path stiffened on the spot.

Father?! The two guards turned deadly pale in the blink of

an eye. That means this middle-aged man was really
Patriarch’s Old Man?! Not someone here to make trouble?!

Thinking of this, even their lower part shrunk in fear.

Fei Hou turned around, seeing saw his son, his solemn face
relaxed: “Stand up!”

“Yes, Father!” Fei Rong answered respectfully, standing up.

Fei Rong was full of smiles. “Father, you finally came back!”
Seeing his Father back, Fei Rong was truly delighted from
the bottom of his heart. The day after tomorrow is his son’s
wedding day, and Father rushed back in time to join in on
the ceremony-- this was the greatest gift of all.

Fei Hou grinned, and then his expression suddenly became

solemn as he said to Fei Rong: “This is Young Lord, quickly
come and greet him!”

Young Lord?!
Fei Rong was greatly surprised as he inspected Huang
Xiaolong visually. He looked at his Father with a puzzled
face; why would Father recognize a fifteen, sixteen-year-old
boy as Young Lord?

“What are you dilly-dallying for?” Seeing his son rooted

there with hesitation, Fei Hou’s voice grew solemn and he

Detecting the vast difference in his Father’s expression, Fei

Rong’s heart nearly jumped out from his throat. Evidently,
his Father wasn’t playing a joke on him.

“Fei Rong greets the Young Lord!” Fei Rong no longer dared
to be slow.

Huang Xiaolong reached out and helped Fei Rong up,

“Patriarch Fei, no need to stand on ceremony, please stand.”

This turn of event greatly baffled the Fei Mansion guards

and the nobles around.

Fei Mansion’s legendary Old Man was finally back, but he

recognized a young man as Young Lord?!

What was this young man’s identity?!

At this point, the Patriarchs of other families behind Fei Rong

hurried to pay their respects to Fei Hou: “Greeting, Senior
Fei Hou!”

Fei Hou nodded.

“Father, let’s return inside the yard?” Fei Rong asked Fei
“Okay.” Fei Hou agreed, and to Huang Xiaolong, Fei Hou
made a ‘please’ gesture and invited Huang Xiaolong into the
mansion: “Young Lord, please!”

Huang Xiaolong can do nothing with Fei Hou’s gesture and

became the first to walk in and he was followed by Fei Hou,
Fei Rong, and the Patriarchs of other families.

When all had left, the guards and Lin Chenghu were still
standing in the same spot in a daze.

In the Fei Mansion’s main hall, Fei Hou requested Huang

Xiaolong to sit on the main seat whereas he sat on his side.
Fei Rong and the others can only sit in the normal seats in
the hall.

Although Fei Rong has many questions and doubts about

Huang Xiaolong, he didn’t dare to ask about it in the open.

“Where is Fei Ming, that brat?” Fei Hou asked after taking a

Fei Rong replied respectfully, “Father, Fei Ming went out with
Miss Tao. I will send someone to inform him of your return,
and tell him to come back!”

Fei Hou nodded his head in consent.

However, at this time, a Fei Mansion guard ran in abruptly in

panic, hollering “Patriarch, it’s bad. Young Master Fei Ming
was beaten until he was injured!”

“What?!” Everyone in the main hall’s expression’s looked


“What happened exactly? Who did it?!” Fei Rong’s fury

That person simply does not put the Fei Mansion in his eyes.


: Tmr
Chapter 108: What, Do You
Dare To Do Something To
Chapter 108: What, Do You Dare to Do Something To Me?

That guard hesitated a moment before reporting truthfully:

“He was been beaten by Yang Zhanfei!”

“Yang Zhanfei!”

Those in the main hall were shocked, and the angry

expression on Fei Rong’s face diminished a level.

Huang Xiaolong noticed the unfavorable expressions in the

main hall, and could not help but ask, “Who is this Yang

Fei Hou replied respectfully: “Yang Zhanfei is that Yang An’s

younger brother!”

“Yang An?” This relation was out of Huang Xiaolong’s


That number one monstrous genius of the Yuwai Kingdom,

Yang An? On the way here, the name he heard the most
number of times was this Yang An. He did not expect that
Yang Zhanfei would be Yang An’s younger brother!

“Where is your Young Master now?” Huang Xiaolong turned

to ask that Fei Mansion guard.
Fei Hou, Fei Rong, and the rest also turned to look at the

The guard quickly replied: “At the Thousand Virtues Street!”

“Thousand Virtues Street?” Huang Xiaolong shifted his gaze

onto Fei Hou, “How far is this Thousand Virtues Street from
Fei Mansion?”

“It is just three streets away, not far!” Fei Hou promptly

“Let us hurry over and see.” Huang Xiaolong stood up.

Subsequently, under Fei Hou, Fei Rong, and the Patriarchs’

lead, Huang Xiaolong and the group showed up at Thousand
Virtues Street a short while later. What welcomed them was
the view of a group of people encircling another group in the
middle. The encircling group was laughing, mocking, and
pointing, having a merry time judging from the expressions
on their faces.

When Huang Xiaolong’s group neared the center, an

arrogant loud voice sounded: “Your mother, with this ugly
face of yours you think you’re worthy of Tao Zhe? Don’t
assume your Fei Mansion is almighty; in my eyes, Fei
Mansion is nothing at all!”

“Let me tell you, Fei Ming, today this father beat you up, so
what! What does your Fei Mansion dare to do? That Dad of
yours is also nothing but a toothless tiger!”

The encircling crowd broke out in raucous laughter.

Obviously, it came from that Yang Zhanfei’s servants and

guards he brought with him.
“Yang Zhanfei, I’ll fight you to death!” A furious roar cuts
through the noises.

And seconds later, a painful scream ensued.

Fei Rong’s face paled hearing that voice. Anger and wrath
erupted inside his heart, the Fei Mansion guards sprinted
into the encirclement, breaking it and scattering the crowd
away. Huang Xiaolong and the rest saw a twenty-five or
twenty-six-year-old young man lying on the street with
blood stains on his face while a beautiful young girl in her
early twenties tried to lift the young man up with a worried
face. At the same time, her face contained fury glaring at
another young man dressed in golden brocade robe
opposite them, not far away.

This beautiful young woman should be Tao Zhe, and that

young man in golden brocade robe – Yang Zhanfei.

“Fei Ming, how bad is it?” Tao Zhe propped Fei Ming up and
anxiously asked.

Fei Ming only shook his head.

At this time, the Fei Mansion guards had already cut a path
through the crowd and Fei Rong was seen rushing up front.

“Dad!” Fei Ming called out seeing Fei Rong, but as his voice
landed, his eyes caught sight of another silhouette behind
Fei Rong; surprised, his voice trembled when he cried out:

“Grandfather, you’re back!” Ignoring his injuries, Fei Ming

hastened precariously towards Fei Hou.

Fei Hou nodded and flashed an affectionate smile as he

quickly took over holding up his grandson up and checking
the extent of his injuries. Fei hou let out a breath of relief.
His grandson’s injuries weren’t as bad as it looks; it seems
that Yang Zhanfei still had a sense of proportion.

Yang Zhanfei was greatly shocked within when he saw Fei

Hou; an old man that had disappeared for so many years
actually came back? He knew Fei Hou was a peak late-Tenth

“Heyhey, Fei Mansion guards’ action is quite efficient-- even

the Patriarch came!” Yang Zhanfei’s poisonous tongue
wagged. “Don’t worry, that Fei Ming’s life is in no danger!
But he might not be so lucky next time.” He looked at Fei
Ming as he spoke these words, “When you see me in the
future, hide far away, otherwise, I will beat you up every
time I see you!”

“We’re leaving!” Yang Zhanfei motioned with a hand wave,

signaling the servant and guards behind him.

“Stop!” Just when Yang Zhanfei was about to leave with his
servants and guards, a loud snarled resounded.

Yang Zhanfei’s leg paused inches above the ground, his

head looked back and saw the one who spoke was Fei Hou.

Fei Hou slowly stepped towards the young man.

If he allowed this young man to pat his ass and leave just
like that, then the Fei Mansion wouldn’t face any face to
show in Yuwai Royal City anymore!

Yang Zhanfei calmly looked on as Fei Hou approached him

slowly, “You are Fei Hou? You want to avenge your
grandson?” Saying this, his eyes swept through the
numbers of Fei Mansion guards, “You want to bully us
having fewer people?”
Fei Hou opened his mouth about to answer, suddenly,
Huang Xiaolong appeared next to him, “As long as you can
take one palm from me, we’ll allow you to leave.”

Yang Zhanfei glared fiercely at Huang Xiaolong, but all of a

sudden, a smile emerged on his face “Kid, what did you say?
Take one palm from you? Repeat it again, this father didn’t
understand clearly.”

The servants and guards behind Yang Zhanfei broke out in

laughter whereas Huang Xiaolong remained indifferent.

“Kid, where did a kid that hasn’t weaned milk like you run
out from, can you even make decisions?” Yang Zhanfei said
after he managed to stop laughing.

“He is my Young Lord, his meaning is my meaning!” At this

time, Fei Hou interjected.

Young Lord?!

Yang Zhanfei was dumbstruck looking at Huang Xiaolong

when he heard Fei Hou’s words, and he was greatly

Fei Hou actually referred to this teenage boy as Young Lord!

The servants and guards behind Yang Zhanfei were also

observing Huang Xiaolong with shock in their eyes.

Getting over his shock, Yang Zhanfei coldly said, “Since it is

like this, I also want to see how you can defeat me with just
one palm!” A cruel light glinted across Yang Zhanfei’s pupils.

Although Fei Hou referred to Huang Xiaolong as Young Lord

which greatly shook his heart, he did not take Huang
Xiaolong seriously. Or it was more accurate to say, he’d
never put a sixteen-year-old kid in his eyes, much less
defeat him with just one palm!

At this point, the crowd sensibly retreated back. Yang

Zhanfei and Huang Xiaolong stood in the middle with waves
of energies fluctuating in the air.

The crowd’s focus was entirely on the two figures in the

middle, especially Fei Rong. His eyes followed Huang
Xiaolong tightly as he wanted to know Huang Xiaolong’s

What does this young man have that made Father

acknowledged him as Lord?!

“Dad, he is?” Fei Ming asked Fei Rong, pointing at Huang

Xiaolong. Just now, his Grandfather actually acknowledged
in public that young man is his Young Lord, and the shock
and surprised he felt was much stronger compared to Fei

“Are you ready?” Huang Xiaolong asked in a nonchalant

manner as he looked at the opposite side.

“Million Stars Holy Boxing!”

Yang Zhanfei suddenly dashed out, making a sneak attack ㅡ

his fist punched towards Huang Xiaolong’s chest. The attack
arrived almost instantly in front of Huang Xiaolong and
countless starlight shone like pillars as a discernable, holy
aura spread out from the center.

Everyone present was startled for none of them imagined

Yang Zhanfei would launch a sneak attack.

Including Fei Rong.

“Careful!” Fei Ming blurted out in anxiousness-- that Yang
Zhanfei is a peak late-Seventh Order.

When everyone thought Yang Zhanfei’s attack would hit the

mark, Huang Xiaolong made his move. He raised one of his
hands and slammed out an attack against the fist.

“Boom!” A loud explosion reverberated in the air.

Yang Zhanfei wailed tragically, flying out and crashing

heavily onto the streets, causing the entire street to shake.

One palm!

Not one person dared to utter gasps of surprise loudly.

Fei Rong was stupefied whereas Fei Ming who shouted for
Huang Xiaolong to be careful was transfixed on the spot
with his mouth the shape of an ‘O’.

The servants and guards that came with Yang Zhanfei were
so scared they forgot to help Yang Zhanfei up from the

Huang Xiaolong slowly walked towards Yang Zhanfei, the

latter had fear written all over his face; his butt scraped the
street surface in horror, “You, you, what do you want to

“What do I want to do?” Huang Xiaolong stopped in front of



Final release: Tmr (yes, I'mma leave you with a cliffy~~)
Chapter 109: Yang An Is
Chapter 109: Yang An is Here!

Huang Xiaolong suddenly raised his foot and kicked out,

sending Yang Zhanfei flying off and crashing into two pillars
on the street belonging to a shop. The door frame was
smashed into rubble with loose debris ricocheting in all

The crowd exclaimed in a shocked uproar.

“Second Young Master!”

The Yang Mansion’s guards only reacted at this moment;

hurrying forward to helped Yang Zhanfei to a stand.

Several of the guards chose to deal with Huang Xiaolong

instead and sprinted towards him while drawing out knives
and swords. But, before these guards could get close
enough to Huang Xiaolong, all of them were slapped away
with one palm from Fei Hou.

When the guards were slammed away by Fei Hou, a

silhouette suddenly came piercing through the air,
bellowing: “Who dares to touch my younger brother?!”

This voice reverberated in the air like rumbling thunder,

agitating the eardrums of everyone in the streets.

Huang Xiaolong turned around and his eyes squinted. At this

time, a figure flashed, and a young man in yellow robe
appeared before everyone as his feet landed gently on the
street floor.

The young man’s face bore some similarities with Yang

Zhanfei, but he stood upright like a sword with an innate,
arrogant bearing that awed people.

“It’s Yang An!”

“Eldest Young Master!”

Seeing the newly arrived person’s face clearly, surprised

voices sounded from the surrounding crowd whereas the
Yang Mansion’s guards were glad and happy.

“Big Brother!” Yang Zhanfei pushed the guard propping him

away, and hastened to Yang An’s side; with one hand, he
pointed at Huang Xiaolong as he shouted: “It was him! He
attacked me and injured me!”

Yang An’s gaze fell on Huang Xiaolong, and the temperature

in his eyes dropped sharply: “This is the first time someone
dared to injure my younger brother!”

Huang Xiaolong’s indifference expression never lost

composure, “So what?”

“Kneel down this instant, kowtow and continue to do so until

my young brother forgives you. If my younger brother is
willing to forgive you, then I shall spare your life.” Yang An’s
voice was as cold as the expression on his face.

“What big words!” Standing on the side, Fei Hou could not
resist letting out a snicker, “Don’t assume just because the
King favors you that I won’t dare to kill you!”
Yang An looked at Fei Hou, his eyes sharp, “So it is Marquis
Fei Hou, kill me? Relying on your strength as a peak late-
Tenth Order?” Yang An fully released his coercive
momentum, causing the airflow in the surrounding became

Although Yang An was a peak –late Ninth Order, he had

stepped one foot into the Tenth Order line, with his superb
talent martial spirit and its ability; in his opinion, even a
peak late-Tenth Order expert such as Fei Hou can’t harm

Then, sounds of whistling winds were heard, and several

new silhouettes arrived on the scene. They were the Yang
Mansion’s experts that had rushed over after getting the

When these experts arrived, each of them glared fiercely at

Fei Hou.

“Fei Hou, be careful of the catastrophe that resulted from

your mouth. One of these days, your Fei Mansion might just
be annihilated!” One of them, an old man in his seventies
warned threateningly.

This old man was Yang Mansion’s Chief Steward, Zhu Yi. Like
Fei Hou years ago, he is a peak late-Tenth Order.

“Is it?’ Fei Hou suddenly made a move.

Seeing this, Zhu Yi sprinted forward instead of retreating.

“Crystal Ice Claw!”

An ice claw attack went up against Fei Hou, causing the

street’s temperature to decline sharply as if they fell into an
ice cave.
“We haven’t met for a few years, I’ll let you have a look at
how much my strength has increased during this time!” A
ferocious light glinted in Zhu Yi’s pupils. In the past, the two
of them had fought a couple of times yet no victory was
determined. But now, Zhu Yi was confident that with his
current strength he could suppress Fei Hou.

However, his expression suddenly changed drastically. Fei

Hou’s palm print came at him like a rotating cyclone,
crushing his Crystal Ice Claw in an instant to smithereens.
Finally, the palm print engulfed him.

Zhu Yi had yet to figure out what exactly happened, and he

was already hit; his body flew off like a broken kite.

All present watching was stupefied.

Yang An and Yang Zhanfei had the same expression

watching Zhu Yi being hit.

Zhu Yi, a peak late-Tenth Order actually could not withstand

one move from Fei Hou!

The bustling street became deadly silent. The Yang Mansion

guards that had their confidence and arrogance bolstered
with Yang An and Zhu Yi’s arrival were muted.

Fei Rong, Fei Ming, the several Patriarchs that tagged along,
and the Fei Mansion guards were staring wide-eyed with
shock at Fei Hou.

“Xian, Xiantian expert!”

A long while later, one of Yang Mansion’s guards blurted out

in a trembling voice.

Xiantian expert!
Everyone shuddered at the thought.

But Fei Rong’s heart was thrilled− bubbles of ecstasy were

bouncing happily in his heart.

Dad, his Dad had broken into Xiantian, stepped into the
Xiantian realm ah!

Xiantian, Fei Hou actually advanced into the Xiantian realm!

In the past, the Fei Mansion was considered as one of the

Yuwai Kingdom’s prominent families, but it was barely
qualified and had always been shunned by the super
prominent families.

The reason being that there was no Xiantian expert in Fei


But now, everything has changed.

From now on, the Fei Mansion will be included in the circle of
super families.

Fei Rong was thrilled, and so was Fei Ming, and the Fei
Mansion guards.

They fell into a state of quivering excitement, frenzy, and


Zhu Yi struggled up from the street; the expression on his

face was no different with the crowd, staring at Fei Hou with
apparent disbelief and shock. And mixed in there too was
envy, jealousy, hate, and a strong unwillingness to accept
this reality.

Fei Hou was faster than him, stepping into Xiantian realm
one step ahead of him!
Xiantian − one step into the heavens; once one steps into
Xiantian, their identity, position, and everything else

Fei Hou looked at Zhu Yi that crawled up from the ground

and sneered, “Annihilate my Fei Mansion? Relying on you?”

Zhu Yi’s expression was twisted uglily.

“Fei Hou, although you had a breakthrough into the Xiantian

realm, don’t act too arrogant.”

At this time Yang An spoke: “Don’t assume you’re invincible

throughout in this world just because of it! Before my
Grandfather, you are still nothing, just the same as your
previous self!”

Yang An’s Grandfather, Yang Dong is also a Xiantian.

Moreover, he is a Xiantian Second Order who had a
breakthrough into the Xiantian realm thirty years ago.

After saying this, Yang An looked at Huang Xiaolong: “Punk,

today Fei Hou covered you, so I’ll let it be this time, but I
want to see if Fei Hou can protect you forever at your side!”

“Let’s go!”

Finished his sentence, Yang An wanted to leave, bringing

Yang Zhanfei and the rest.

However, when Yang An was about to leave, a silhouette

suddenly flashed, and a powerful fist cuts across the airflow,
coming sharply at him.

Yang An’s heart tensed in that instant but he reacted swiftly,

meeting that attack with a fist of his own.
Two fists collided, and two people staggered in the opposite

“You!” When Yang An saw the attacker’s face, shock was

evident on his face. He cannot believe the attacker was
Huang Xiaolong. Not only Yang An, even Zhu Yi, the other
Yang mansion experts, and the crowd were stunned. Their
attention zoomed onto Huang Xiaolong.

Fei Rong and Fei Ming received another shocking surprise.

In that collision, it seemed to them Huang Xiaolong was on

par with Yang An?

Equal, neither weaker nor stronger!

Yang An was the Yuwai Kingdom’s number one monstrous

genius, advancing to the peak of late-Ninth Order at this
age, and he was half a step into the Tenth Order whereas
Huang Xiaolong was only a fifteen, sixteen-year-old boy.

“The number one monstrous genius of Yuwai Kingdom?”

Huang Xiaolong showed an indifferent face: “In my opinion,
only so-so!”

Yang An face turned red and purple due to anger, and his
eyes were spitting embers of fury.

“Eldest Young Master!” Zhu Yi moved, stepping beside Yang

An to say something, but was pushed away crudely by Yang
An. Shouting, “All of you scram far away for me! Whoever
dares to block me, I will kill them!”

Instantly, dazzling light and battle qi burst out from his

body, and behind him, a giant of a lion emerged.

Grade twelve martial spirit, the Roaring Sky God Lion!

The Roaring Sky God Lion martial spirit was an elite in the
lion clan martial spirits, and it is at least two significant
grades higher than Marshal Haotian’s Dark Nether Lion.

When the Roaring Sky God Lion appeared, it roared mightily

skyward, and the wind became violent, clouds rolled as
lightning split the sky.

“Dad, what do we…?” Fei Rong came behind Fei Hou, asking
respectfully, implying if they should make a move.

Fei Hou shook his head: “Without Young Lord’s instruction,

all of you don’t interfere!” Fei Hou signaled everyone to
move back after he said that.


Next release: Monday

(praying desperately - u cannot see me X6)
Chapter 110: Kaiser Lion Transformation

Yang An called out his Roaring Sky God Lion out; sensing the
astounded, shocked, and awed faces of the crowd, he
displayed a demeanor of the upper class as he stood with
both hands clasped behind him and chest puffed up. Yang
An looked proudly at Huang Xiaolong: “Don’t say I did not
give you a chance-- call out your martial spirit!”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head slightly with an indifferent

face: “Even if I do not call out my martial spirit, I can defeat
you just the same!”

“What?!” The people watching gasped in bewilderment with

voices that were loud enough to reach the sky.

They felt Huang Xiaolong was too boastful; even an early

Tenth Order expert is not Yang An’s opponent after he called
out the Roaring Sky God Lion martial spirit!

Moreover, the majority of them felt Yang An was unprepared

in the earlier exchange because Huang Xiaolong launched a
sneak attack. It was only due to this that Huang Xiaolong
was able to fight to a draw with Yang An!

The anger in Yang An broke out hearing this, and the

Roaring Sky God Lion let out a thunderous roar and a
coruscating light flashed as Yang An soul transformed in the
blink of an eye. After the soul transformation, Yang An’s
physical body enlarged by a third, and his dark hair turned a
brilliant golden hue – exactly the picture of an enraged lion.

The moment Yang An soul transformed, he dashed towards

Huang Xiaolong but the way he moved was wobbly and
unsteady, like someone drunk. Even so, with every step he
took, the dazzling light from his body would grow a circle
bigger, and at the same time, the surrounding air howled

“Step of the Kaiser Lion!”

This was Yang An martial spirit’s innate ability.

The Step of the Kaiser Lion: every step induced the power of
space that results in an increase of gravity, and each step
adds to the overlapping heavy gravity. Lastly, when
colliding, the opponent would like an entire mountain
crashed on top of them.

When Yang An took the fifteenth step, the powerful gravity

force caused the crowd to retreat in panic whereas the
shops and building on the same street shook, cracked, and
crumbled into rubble to the ground.

Some distance away, Fei Rong watched with a taut face.

He had just broken through the Tenth Order, but facing Yang
An’s martial spirit ability, he would fall at a disadvantage.

At this point, Yang An reached outside a three-meter

perimeter from Huang Xiaolong; he took another step
forward but it was a kick in disguise, targeting Huang
Xiaolong’s chest!

And standing there, Huang Xiaolong acted as if Yang An’s

action was too fast for him to follow or to react; he simply
stood there.

Just when everyone thought Huang Xiaolong would fly off

from Yang An’s gravitational impact, Huang Xiaolong who
stood still until now, suddenly struck out with precision.

“Collapse Fist!”
Battle qi surged and energies overlapped one another as
they rolled forward like a tide of giant waves.

“Boom!” A deafening explosion resounded.

Yang An was pushed back one step, but Huang Xiaolong

staggered six steps back.

Time seemed to freeze in that moment.

Countless eyes widened in shock staring at Huang Xiaolong

– he actually took the hit head on!

Yang An’s full force attack was received by Huang Xiaolong

without calling out his martial spirit!

Although Huang Xiaolong retreated five steps more than

Yang An, it must be emphasized that Huang Xiaolong did not
call out his martial spirit and he did not use his martial
spirit’s ability.

There was an ugly expression on Yang An’s face, and he was

extremely gloomy. Continuing his attack, Yang An lifted up
his right hand and made a movement that looked weird in
everyone’s eyes. His right hand slowly moved, drawing a
circle in the air, and when the ends connected, his entire
right arm sleeve blasted into fragments, revealing a
muscular arm that is enveloped in a bright golden light;
bulging green veins ran down his arms looked like golden
earthworms, yet a despotic aura was coming from it.

“God King Lone Arm Punch!”

Yang An’s right arm swung out, blasting towards Huang

When Yang An’s right hand was attacking, the rest of his
body did not move an inch; a gigantic fist punch pierced the
air so fast that even Fei Rong, a Tenth Order expert, could
not follow the trajectory.

Huang Xiaolong watched as the big fist print came at him,

and the Blades of Asura were already in his hands. His sharp
blades slashed out.

Countless rays of blade lights flew out, turning into two

violent wind cyclones that emitted wails and cries from hell.
The two cyclones slammed into the fist print coming from
Yang An, crushing the adversary into dust.

After slashing out the Tempest of Hell, Huang Xiaolong

leaped up, and in mid-air, the Blades of Asura slashed down
at Yang An again.

This time, countless blades lights turned into a

thunderstorm, and the rumbling terrified Yang An as he
retreated in fear. However, what terrified him the most was
the droplets of rain that came from the numerous blade
lights actually followed him! Yang An stepped back again
and again; at the same time he was retreating, a long sword
appeared in his hand and he swung a cut.

An immense sword image slashed into the blades of rain,

and in the eyes of the spectating crowd, Yang An’s sword
attack splintered the moment it entered the rain of blades’

Yang An continued to move backward, swinging his

longsword out with every step he takes, and after more than
a dozen sword strikes, the storm of blades finally halted.

Seeing this result, Yang An was about to breath out in relief

when the corner of his eye caught sight of Huang Xiaolong
spinning rapidly up in midair. One after another lightning
struck the ground, turning into miniature flood dragons that
swallowed the area, and an aura of destruction spread
through the streets.

Yang An watched in horror at the legion of flood dragons

swarming his way.

He quickly waved his sword, but the lightning flood dragons

swiftly engulfed him, even using Yang An’s sword light as a
conduit to reach him faster.

Unable to dodge in time, Yang An was zapped by the

lightning flood dragons and his body shuddered, wobbling
back out of balance. A patch of a black burn appeared on his
chest where the lightning damage was most intense.

In a daze, another lightning flood dragon struck Yang An.

Horrified, Yang An tried to dodge and succeeded, but he was

blindsided by two attacks from different angles.

Struck twice, Yang An couldn’t help letting out a painful


However, the attacks came nonstop; in that brief moment,

several lightning flood dragons found their mark, and Yang
An was blasted off, crashing into buildings on the street.
Those buildings were flattened into ruins.

“Eldest Young Master!”

“Big Brother!”

Zhu Yi and the rest of Yang Mansion’s experts were jarred

and wanted to hurry to Yang An’s side when a palm print
surged at them with enough energy to topple mountains
and flipped the seas, blocking Zhu Yi and other experts’
path. Zhu Yi turned to look and found it was Fei Hou.

“Fei Hou, you!” Zhu Yi was exasperated.

“This is a battle between the two of them; no one is allowed

to interfere!” Fei Hou scoffed.

Zhu Yi nearly broke out in anger due to anxiousness, but he

understood very well if Fei Hou bends to hinder them, even
with their combined strength, they still could not break Fei
Hou’s defense.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong feet landed on the street

gently whereas Yang An struggled slowly to stand up.
Watching Yang An, Huang Xiaolong has to admit, Yang An
who possessed a top grade twelve martial spirit, indeed has
a strong defense. Under the circumstances, experts
possessing grade ten martial spirits could hardly stand up
again after being hit by his State of Abundant Lightning.

Successfully standing up, Yang An howled at the top of his

lungs, and his eyes were a scary blood-red as he glared
menacingly at Huang Xiaolong. The hatred and killing intent
in his eyes were so thick that the crowd behind Huang
Xiaolong shivered.

Yang An, the Yuwai Kingdom’s number one monstrous

genius, was actually defeated without resistance by a young
man that was a minimum of five years younger than him!
Moreover, in these circumstances where the opponent did
not call out their martial spirit, for Yang An, this was his
biggest shame!

The gazes of the people around felt like thorns that pierced
cruelly into his flesh one by one!
“Die! Die! Die!” The desire to kill took over Yang An’s heart.

Long golden fur grew on his body that was similar to a

golden lion’s hair.

“Kaiser Lion Transformation!”

This was his martial spirit, Roaring Sky God Lion’s, second
awakened ability after he broke through the Seventh Order
and it went through a second evolution.

After initiating Kaiser Lion Transformation, Yang An’s body

grew larger again, nearly doubling his current size. His skin
glittered in the sunlight as if his skin was coated with a layer
of golden paint; eyes the color of a reddish gold and an aura
more terrifying than before swept out from his body.


Next release: Tues/Wed

Fun fact: The chapter title was supposed to be Lion King

Transformation, we 'upgraded' to kaiser because at the top
of our heads Lion King is Simba.

I hummed Hakuna Matata two days straight!!
Chapter 111: Of Course
We Won’T Let It End Like
Chapter 111: Of Course We Won’t Let It End Like This!

After the Kaiser Lion Transformation, from Yang An’s throat

came a thunderous roar that sounded very much like a
lion’s; one step forward, the ground tremored, and the solid
material used to build the street actually split, and fine
fissures lined the street.

The impact of one foot reached such an extent!

Yang An put one foot in front of the other, and step by step,
he walked towards Huang Xiaolong.

Every step of his made cracks the street.

A strong momentum pressured down and the loose gravel

on the street actually bounced and fell according to Yang
An’s rhythm.

Like a mighty kaiser lion that came out from an ancient

forest, descending from its throne, slowly closing in on its

Huang Xiaolong watched as Yang An came close with a calm

expression on his face. Right before the crowd’s eyes,
Huang Xiaolong released his battle qi and a dazzling black
light spiraled up from below; a terrifying aura of slaughter
dispersed from his body, and at the same time, both of
Huang Xiaolong’s eyes turned scarlet and a pair of black,
the blackest demonic wings erupted out from his back.

This abrupt physical transformation shocked everyone


“What cultivation technique is this?! The aura of slaughter is

so horrible!”

“His strength actually rose so much?! So strong!”

The crowd broke out in a tumult of discussions, and

everyone felt the sharp rise in Huang Xiaolong’s strength,
and there were even signs of Yang An, who had transformed
into the body of the Kaiser Lion, being suppressed!

Standing some distance away behind Huang Xiaolong, Fei

Hou’s eyes were trembling with excitement watching Huang
Xiaolong’s transformation – the Physique of Asura. This was
the legendary technique of Asura’s Gate, the supreme
Physique of Asura!

Following Huang Xiaolong for seven years, he finally got the

chance to see Huang Xiaolong transformed into the
Physique of Asura.

Fei Rong noticed his father shaking with fervorous emotions,

and it raised a heartful of doubts.

Huang Xiaolong completed his transformation into the Asura

Physique, and the Wings of Demon suddenly stretched out.
All the crowd saw was a flash of a black shadow, and Huang
Xiaolong already closed in on Yang An when they were still

Yang An too had yet to react when Huang Xiaolong already

punched a Collapse Fist out, hitting Yang An squarely in the
chest. Yang An’s face distorted with pain because the
powerful fist instantly penetrated his outer defense, directly
impacting his internal organs.

Yang An was pushed back more than a dozen steps.

Huang Xiaolong leaped up and in that split second moment,

dozens of Ethereal Palm struck out, hitting Yang An
consecutively in the chest.

Yang An staggered back endlessly.

Huang Xiaolong did not display any other battle skill,

alternating between Collapse Fist and Ethereal Palm to deal
with Yang An. More than a dozen Collapse Fist and Ethereal
Palm landed on Yang An’s chest, sending Yang An more than
a hundred meters out from the original location.


Yang An was sent flying, crashing into one of the building’s

stone walls. The stone wall collapsed and rubble fell on top
him, burying Yang An’s huge body beneath.

All four directions were engulfed in silence.

“Big Brother!” Yang Zhanfei was the first to react and rushed
out. Zhu Yi and the rest of the guards followed and worked
hard to move the rubble away to dig Yang An out.

Yang An’s originally handsome looks and proud

temperament were covered with gray dust; the Kaiser Lion
Transformation had already disappeared, and his body
deflated back to his normal size as he stared blankly.

“Waa!” A sweet, hot substance rush up Yang An’s throat,

and he spat out fresh blood, coloring a patch of red on the
ground in front of him.

“Eldest Young Master!” Zhu Yi and the rest of the Yang

Mansion guards were scared.

The quiet surrounding suddenly boiled up.

Yang An used the second ability, Kaiser Lion Transformation,

yet he was actually powerless to resist the opponent ㅡ he
still lost! Lost so swiftly and thoroughly!

“Big Brother, how are you?” Yang Zhanfei asked.

Yang An could only shake his head weakly as he doesn’t

even have the energy to talk right now. It felt as if his entire
chest was hit until it caved in, and he glimpsed at Huang
Xiaolong, unable to conceal the dread he felt in his heart.

If he did not soul transform and change into the Kaiser Lion
physique transformation, which greatly enhanced his
defenses parallel to an early Tenth Order expert, his chest
would have been blasted into pieces from Huang Xiaolong’s

Yang An swallowed a healing pellet with much difficulty and

adjusted his condition. After a short while, his hoarse voice
sounded: “We …. go back!”

Propped up by the Yang Mansion guards, Yang An and his

people left the place.

“Young Lord!” At this point, Fei Hou came behind Huang


“Young Lord!” Fei Rong, Fei Ming, and the Fei Mansion
guards came up and saluted respectfully. By this point in
time, the eyes they looked at Huang Xiaolong with were
totally different.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and came out from the Physique of

Asura transformation.

“Let’s leave!” When Yang An and his groups receded from

sight, Huang Xiaolong said to Fei Hou and the rest.

“Yes, Young Lord!”

As Huang Xiaolong turned around to leave, the crowd parted

away from afar, their attitude respectful, fearful, and awed.

Not long after Huang Xiaolong left Thousand Virtues Street,

the message that Huang Xiaolong defeated Yang An
exploded in the Royal City, sweeping through the streets like
a tsunami.

“Yang An was actually defeated by a young man looking

about fifteen to sixteen years old!”

“Sixteen? I heard that person is only thirteen!”

“Thirteen? I think he’s probably only five or six years old!”

Discussions fueled, becoming more outrageous and heated

up, spreading farther and wider.

At the same time, the news about Fei Hou advancing into
Xiantian realm was also made known, instantly elevating Fei
Mansion’s position in the kingdom. And with Huang
Xiaolong’s influence, Fei Mansion grew mysterious in the
eyes of the public.

Once back in the Fei Mansion, Fei Hou gathered Fei Rong
and Fei Ming in his room.
“Fei Ming, how are your injuries?” Fei Hou looked at his
grandson and asked with a hint of smile.

Fei Ming quickly answered: “Grandfather, grandson’s injuries

have mostly recovered.”

Fei Hou nodded, reassured.

“Dad, the news about you breaking through to the Xiantian

realm has spread. Just now, we have received the
congratulatory gifts sent by the super families!” Fei Rong
was smiling from ear to ear as he said this.

Those super families did not express anything when Fei

Ming’s wedding was announced, but now that the news
about the recently returned Fei Hou actually stepping into
the Xiantian realm spread, already seven to eight of the
super families sent their congratulatory gifts over.

This caused Fei Rong to be over the moon.

“I was able to breakthrough into the Xiantian realm so fast

was all Young Lord’s credit!” At this time, Fei Hou spoke.

“The Young Lord?!” Both Fei Rong and Fei Ming were

Fei Hou nodded his head in affirmation: “That’s right. All

because of a cultivation technique Young Lord passed to me
that enabled me to break through into the Xiantian realm in
the shortest time. Both of you must remember that
everything that Fei Mansion has was brought by the Young

Fei Rong and Fei Ming both nodded in acknowledgment.

“Dad, that Young Lord’s identity is?” Fei Rong could not
suppress the doubt and curiosity gnawing at his heart.

Fei Hou’s expression suddenly turned stern: “Young Lord’s

identity is not something you can speculate about. If Young
Lord permits it, I will tell you in the future, do you

Fei Rong and Fei Ming shuddered under Fei Hou’s warning,
and they immediately nodded with reverence.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong was in a solitary courtyard

practicing State of Abundant Lightning. After the battle with
Yang An, his understanding of the move has deepened

After practicing his sword skill for some time, Huang

Xiaolong entered the Linglong Treasure Pagoda space,
swallowed one Fire Dragon Pearl, and continued his practice
with Asura Tactics. These months of traveling to the Yuwai
Kingdom honed Huang Xiaolong and he is already a mid-
Ninth Order.

While Huang Xiaolong was practicing inside the Linglong

Treasure Pagoda, in the Yang Mansion, Yang Zheng’s face
was terrifyingly gloomy when he saw his son Yang An being
helped back by the family guards.

“Dad, we can’t let this matter go without doing anything!”

Yang Zhanfei clamored.

Yang Zhen’s voice was somber: “Of course we won’t let it go

just like this, but your Grandfather is still in closed-door
practice; let’s wait and in two days when your Grandfather
comes out, we will pay the Fei Mansion a visit. At that time, I
want Fei Mansion’s wedding to turn into a funeral!”

Next release: Thursday!!
Chapter 112: The Yang
Family’S Arrival!
Chapter 112: The Yang Family’s Arrival!

Two days passed quickly and Huang Xiaolong came out of

practicing from the Linglong Treasure Pagoda’s space.

Advancing into the mid-Ninth Order, the battle qi in his body

continuously quenched his flesh, muscles, tendons, and skin
along with the addition of the Golden Linglong Body
physique cultivation technique, Huang Xiaolong’s outer
defense was tougher than an old cowhide. His tendons were
very flexible, stretching out quite some length and they
were able to burst out in terrifying, explosive power.

Coming out from the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, Huang

Xiaolong headed to the Fei Mansion’s hall; along the way,
the servants and guards who saw him would salute him
respectfully, calling him Young Lord.

Some beautiful maids blushed shyly when they were

performing their salutes to him.

Today was Fei Ming’s wedding day, and from top to bottom,
the Fei Mansion was filled with cheer and liveliness. There
were also red firecrackers in the Spirit Martial World, and on
this day, the main door of Fei Mansion had firecrackers
exploding endlessly, livened up the atmosphere of a joyous

When Huang Xiaolong entered the main hall, Fei Rong, Fei
Ming, and the guest Patriarchs were chatting in an amiable
atmosphere. When they noticed Huang Xiaolong coming in,
Fei Rong, Fei Ming, and the Patriarchs quickly got up from
their seats nervously with fear and trepidation, as if there
were burning coals under their butts.

“Greeting Young Lord!” Fei Rong and Fei Ming hurried to


The band of Patriarchs was flashing brilliant smiles as they

followed suit: “Young Master Huang, hello!”

Huang Xiaolong nodded, asking “Where’s Fei Hou?” when he

did not see Fei Hou’s silhouette amongst them.

Fei Rong took a step forward and swiftly answered: “Father

is inside the inner courtyard; if Young Lord is looking for
Father, I will go in and call Father.”

“No need-- I‘ll go look for him myself.” Huang Xiaolong

waved his hand and left the main hall.

After Huang Xiaolong had left the main hall, everyone had
an obvious expression of relieved, especially the pair of
father and son, Fei Rong and Fei Ming. There was an evident
film of sweat on their foreheads.

While Fei Mansion was bustling in the joy of the occasion, in

the Yang Mansion’s secluded secret chamber, a clear hum
reverberated and a silhouette came crashing out from the
entrance while laughing maniacally. A strong breath
enveloped the entire Yang Mansion, scaring all the
individuals inside.

Yang Zheng and Yang Zhanfei that had been waiting outside
the secret chamber were ecstatic.
“Father!” “Grandfather!” Calling out, the two of them
hastened their steps to come in front of that person.

The person that came out from the secret chamber was
none other than Yang An’s grandfather, Yang Dong. A
Xiantian Second Order!

Yang Dong’s feet touched the ground, his eyes swept the
surrounding, and asked: “Where’s An’er? Why don’t I see

Yang Zheng and Yang Zhanfei, father and son, hesitated.

“What is it?!” Yang Dong scowled.

“Father, Yang An was beaten, and heavily injured! Right now

he is bedridden, and because of that, he is not able to
welcome Father coming out of closed-door practice!” Yang
Zheng stepped up and explained.

“What?” A sharp light shimmered from Yang Dong’s body as

his terrifying aura pierced through the sky, and brutality
gleamed in his eyes: “Who was it, who was the one who did

“It was people from the Fei Mansion!” Yang Zhanfei cuts in.

“Fei Mansion? Is it Fei Hou, has he returned?” Yang Dong


In Yang Dong’s opinion, regarding the Fei Mansion, Fei Hou

was the one only person that has the ability to hurt Yang An.

Yang Zheng shook his head: “Fei Hou has indeed returned,
but it wasn’t Fei Hou. Instead, it was a kid surnamed Huang,
about fifteen to sixteen years old. Fei Hou came back with
“A kid with Huang as a surname?” Yang Dong was stunned
and unexpected, “No older than sixteen!” Someone that
young defeated Yang An?

Yang Zheng nodded: “Yes, and the strange thing is, Fei Hou
referred to this kid as Young Lord. Also, Father, Fei Hou has
broken through Xiantian realm.”

“Oh, he broke through into the Xiantian realm?” Again, this

was out of Yang Dong’s expectation, “So he already
advanced into Xiantian realm-- no wonder he dared to hurt
my grandson, this Yang Dong’s grandson. Not putting my
Yang Mansion in your eyes just because you’re a Xiantian
now? If I remember correctly, today is Fei Hou’s grandson
wedding day right?”

“Yes, Father!” Yang Zheng confirmed it.

“Let’s go! Both of you come with me to Fei Mansion; we’re

sending them a big gift!”

Yang Zheng and Yang Zhanfei were thrilled, and it showed in

their faces.

With Father leading, this time that Fei Hou will surely die!
Yang Zheng snickered in his heart.

Thus, led by Yang Dong, a huge group of people from the

Yang Mansion headed to the Fei Mansion in a dignified
manner. Before departing, Yang Dong made a trip to the
green spring to see his grandson, Yang An. When he saw
Yang An’s chest seemingly sunk in from being beaten, the
wrath and killing intent in his heart was inflamed.

The entire way, the Yang Mansion’s people terrified

everyone on the streets to the point that they would scurry
away or hide after spotting them from afar.
Only after the Yang Mansion people left far away would the
passersby come out from hiding.

“It was people from the Yang Mansion! From the looks of it,
they are going to the Fei Mansion!”

“There is a good show coming, and today there is a wedding

going on in the Fei Mansion. Perhaps blood will flow today!”

“Let us go and have a look!”

A group of pedestrians followed Yang Dong and his party

from some distance behind, heading in the direction of Fei
Mansion. At first, there were only a few people, but the
people following behind increased as time passed by, and in
the end, it was a sea of heads bobbing behind Yang Dong’s
group, about several hundred, yet it was still increasing.

Fei Mansion.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou were sitting in the main hall,
talking with the current Patriarchs of other families when
from the direction of the Fei Mansion’s main door came two
tragic shrieks and shocked uproar.

At this time, a spooked Fei Mansion guard ran into the main
hall; he quickly blurted out towards Fei Hou: “Old Master,
the people from the Yang Mansion is here, Yang Dong’s
leading them!”

“Yang Dong!” The Patriarchs that came for the wedding

banquet were startled.

Yang Dong represented a Xiantian Second Order expert!

Moreover, Yang Dong was known for his protectiveness;

once, a Duke’s son beat up a Yang Mansion’s guard and this
Yang Dong actually went to the Duke’s mansion in person
asking for an explanation. He even let that guard beat the
Duke’s son until he was half dead, and even though the
Duke complained to the King, however, the matter was left
alone and unresolved.

This time, the one injured was Yang Dong’s most precious
grandson, Yang An. This time Yang Dong came, most

He finally came!

Fei Hou’s expression turned cold; he had been preparing for

Yang Dong’s arrival the past two days.

“Young Lord!” Fei Hou turned around to look at Huang


“Let’s go out and see!” Huang Xiaolong said and stood up.
Fei Rong, Fei Ming, and the Patriarchs all stood up, following
Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou out from the main hall.
Reaching the main entrance, what welcomed them was a
ground full of injured Fei Mansion guards, and in front of the
entrance, some Fei Mansion guards were battling with the
Yang Mansion guards with battle qi crisscrossed in the air.

Yang Dong, Yang Zheng, and the Yang Mansion experts

stood watching on the side.

Both ends of the streets were crowded with a large


The moment Fei Hou came out, Yang Dong’s gaze fell on his
body, and sparks of fire ignited when Fei Hou and Yang
Dong’s eyes collided. After a moment, Yang Dong shifted his
gaze onto Huang Xiaolong. His eyes glinted like sharp
blades, and killing intent exploded.
When Fei Hou, Huang Xiaolong, and the rest came out, the
fighting guards from both sides stopped and retreated to the
side. Then, Yang Dong and Yang Zheng stepped to the front.

“Punk, you are that surnamed Huang rascal?” Yang Dong

fixed a cold stare at Huang Xiaolong, “I don’t care what your
identity is; since you injured my grandson, you must pay a
price. My demand is not unreasonable; as long as you’re
willing to cut off both of your arms, I can spare your life.”
Then, Yang Dong looked at Fei Hou: “Otherwise, not only will
you die today, even the entire Fei Mansion will be buried
together with you!”


Next release: Sat
Chapter 113: Leaving In Embarrassment

Yang Dong had just finished speaking yet Fei Hou already
made his move.

Before anyone could blink, Fei Hou was in front of Yang

Dong. A fist punched out, roaring across space; and the
might cause Yang Dong’s heart to tightened. He swiftly
struck out his own fist to counter Fei Hou’s.

A deafening explosion resounded, and two silhouettes flew

back from the rebound impact.

“Xiantian Second Order?” Fei Hou’s eyes held contempt,

“Yang Dong, you and your grandson Yang An are the same,
your brains are made out of your ass.”

“Brain made out of ass?!” Yang Dong was perplexed for a


However, the crowd watching from the street outside burst

out in laughter.

People from the Yang Mansion had an ugly expression on

their faces.

When the crowd laughed, the noise jolted Yang Dong back
to reality; just as Yang Dong’s anger was about to erupt,
Huang Xiaolong suddenly waved his hand: “Surround them
all, don’t even let one go!” As Huang Xiaolong’s voice fell,
silhouettes shifted. Five to six hundred guards were seen
stampeding out from the Fei Mansion in an encirclement
over the Yang Mansion’s guards.

Although Yang Dong brought many guards with him this

time, it only totaled up to three hundred at most. In his
opinion, relying on his Xiantian Second Order strength, he
alone could flatten the entire Fei Mansion; it doesn’t matter
if Fei Hou had broken through into the Xiantian realm
because Fei Hou is not his opponent.

But, that punch just now… it was as if Fei Hou’s strength is?!

“Kill for me!” Yang Dong glared at Fei Mansion’s guards’

encirclement and bellowed in fury. Then, a dazzling light
burst out from his body as he called out his martial spirit.

Yang Dong’s martial spirit was actually an enormous black


This black bottle was more than a dozen meters in height,

and from top to bottom it was pure black except for some
strange red runic patterns that glittered sinisterly, giving an
eerie ghost-like feeling.

Yang Dong instantly soul transformed the moment his

martial spirit materialized. The surface of his skin turned
black like his martial spirit black bottle as if it was coated
with a layer of black paint, and at the same time, black fog
danced around him, allowing Yang Dong to hide inside the
black fog substance.

Yang Dong flashed and appeared in front of Fei Hou in the

next moment. A black arm abruptly shot out from the thick
black fog, targeting Fei Hou’s chest; however, Fei Hou was
prepared. With a silver flash, his martial spirit came out and
turned into a Silver River that spiraled up Fei Hou’s body in
defense, blocking the enemy’s attack.

After blocking the enemy’s attack, the Silver River continued

to twist around Fei Hou, growing larger and stronger with
each complete turn. The battle qi sphere shrouding Fei
Hou’s body followed and grow a diameter bigger. At the
same time, the sphere of battle qi shrouding Fei Hou grew a
diameter bitter, exuding a stronger atmosphere.

Martial Spirit Strengthening!

After Fei Hou broken through to Xiantian realm, his martial

spirit strengthening has enhanced from five times to seven

Sensing the difference in Fei Hou’s power after martial spirit

strengthening, Yang Dong’s face changed drastically; the
thick black fog protecting him suddenly expanded, rolling
like angry black clouds, emitting an aura that makes hearts

“Black Cloud Palm!”

A gigantic black palm print flew out from the midst of the
black fog, hovering in the air.

Fei Hou leaped up.

“Heart Shattering Fist!”

A fist punched out, puncturing space and slamming into the

black cloud palm. A palm print and a fist print blew up in the

Yang Dong battled Fei Hou, and below them, a different

battle erupted between the Fei Mansion guards and Yang
Mansion guards.

Fei Rong versus Yang Zheng.

Fei Ming versus Yang Zhanfei.

Initially, Yang Zhanfei thought he could easily and swiftly

defeat Fei Ming just like he did two days ago, and give Fei
Ming a beating worthy of a dog, however, today he noticed
not only has Fei Ming’s injuries healed thoroughly, even his
cultivation has advanced! He was using a very strange type
of fist battle skill that Yang Zheng can’t seem to avoid, and
he ended up in a pitiful state.

This realization terrified and angered him.

Huang Xiaolong watched the battles taking place around the

Fei Mansion, and then he disappeared in a flash. Appearing
again, he was right in front of a Yang Mansion guard, and
before the guard could react, Huang Xiaolong sent him
flying with a palm.

Huang Xiaolong continued to flicker around the ‘battlefield’,

and every time he appeared, a Yang Mansion guard would
be sent flying.

These Yang Mansion guards, other than Zhu Yi and several

others, were mostly Seventh Orders; Eighth and Ninth
Orders numbered very little. Relying on these levels of
strength, how can they take an attack from Huang Xiaolong?

Yang Dong noticed something strange below and saw Huang

Xiaolong’s actions clearly. Watching Yang Mansion guards
one after another be sent packing, his heart boiled with fury.
Unfortunately, he was hindered by Fei Hou and he could not
find an opportunity to deal with Huang Xiaolong at this

As the battle with Fei Hou wore on, Yang Dong grew more
anxious and scared. Fei Hou was just a Xiantian First Order
but his physical defense, power, and battle qi grade was no
worse than him, a Xiantian Second Order!

Not to mention Fei Hou’s attacking power received a boost

from his martial spirit strengthening ability and there were
even signs of overpowering him!

Tragic screams around came like waves on the seaside as

the Yang Mansion guards fell one by one.

The number of Yang Mansion guards that came this time

wasn’t much, and on top of that, Yang Dong was held back
by Fei Hou, resulting in the Yang Mansion guards’
bludgeoned fate. In less than an hour, two-thirds of the
three hundred guards that came were wounded, and
roughly around a hundred guards were desperately resisting
and defending.

Yang Zheng and Yang Zhanfei perceived their side’s

unfavorable situation and their expressions were ugly. If this
continues, their Yang Mansion guards faced annihilation.

After Huang Xiaolong sent more than thirty Yang Mansion

guards flying, he arrived before Yang Zhanfei that was
battling Fei Ming. Seeing Huang Xiaolong in front of him,
Yang Zhanfei was aghast.



“Save me!”

He cried out in a quivering voice.

Yang Zheng and Yang Dong heard the cry, and when they
turned around they met with the scene of Huang Xiaolong
striking Yang Zhanfei’s chest.

“Little doggy surnamed Huang, you dare!” Yang Dong roared

furiously: “You dare to touch a hair on my grandson, I will
cut you into a million pieces!” However, Huang Xiaolong’s
attack coincided with the moment Yang Dong’s voice ended.
One palm struck Yang Zhanfei’s chest, and Yang Zhanfei
cried out in an exaggerated manner akin to the sky is
falling. Yang Zhanfei felt Huang Xiaolong’s palm had
overturned his internal organs, and he spewed greenish bile
fluids mixed with blood, some tiny lumps can be seen
scattered on the on the patch of red. He did not know
whether these were part of his crushed liver or lung.

Crashing to the ground, Yang Zhanfei curled up in pain.

This palm, Huang Xiaolong struck with full force unlike two
days prior; Yang Zhanfei not only vomited blood, even his
tears flowed out, nearly peeing in his pants.

“Fei’er!” Yang Zheng cried out and his heart bleeds for his
son. Fists clenched in anger, and he struck at Fei Rong as if
he went berserk, forcing Fei Rong back; he flashed and
came beside Yang Zhanfei’s body.

At this time, strong tremors came from the ground.

Everyone looked for the source and saw several squadrons
of soldiers in steel armor heading towards the Fei Mansion’s
direction riding on sturdy warhorses.

Several thousands of soldiers, the Yuwai Kingdom’s Royal

City Defense Guard finally arrived!

“Stop your hands!” The City Defense Guard team arrived

and a middle-aged man wearing General rank armor

The Fei Mansion and Yang Mansion guards could only stop
fighting and retreat to opposite sides. In mid-air, Fei Hou
and Yang Dong made their last attack and came down.

“Duke Yang Dong, Marquis Fei Hou!”

General Jiang Ling walked up and greeted the two of them.

Since the City Defense Guard has arrived, this ‘war’ could
only end here.

Although Yang Dong was a thousand times unwilling and

anger was still boiling in his heart, he knew nothing could
further could be done today; he resorted to glaring coldly at
Fei Hou and Huang Xiaolong: “I will spare both of you today,
but next time, I will let you die without a burial place!” He
flicked his sleeves, shouting: “Go!”

Those from the Yang Mansion hastened to follow, leaving in

an embarrassing state.

Seeing this scene, the Fei Mansion broke out in cheers and

Die without a burial place? Huang Xiaolong stared at Yang

Dong retreating back and sneered.


Yay, no cliffs!!!

There would be some delay in next week's chapters.

Have a great weekend! B)
Chapter 114: The Vision
Manifestation Of Heavenly
Treasure Appears!
Chapter 114: The Vision Manifestation of Heavenly Treasure

Yang Dong and his group left awkwardly whereas the festive
wedding atmosphere in Fei Mansion was not affected in the
least by the incident. Instead, it became livelier, more
vibrant, and nearing noon, some of the super families made
an appearance, personally bringing gifts over for the

The Fei Mansion turned into a land of joy for the day.

Both father and son, Fei Rong and Fei Ming, can’t stop
smiling from ear to ear.

The wedding celebration continued late into the night before

it gradually quieted down.

And the land succumbed to the dark silence of the night.

Huang Xiaolong stood in the yard, staring at the distant

night moon. It was shining brightly that night, bright and
beautiful with the random wisps of clouds floating by, which
added a touch of hazy beauty to the night sky.

Recalling the merriment in Fei Mansion during the day,

Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help reminiscing his previous life’s
parents and his current parents in the Luo Tong Royal City.
His thoughts drifted far, far away.

A long while later, Huang Xiaolong returned to the room,

entered the Linglong Treasure Pagoda space, and started his
routine cultivation.

After swallowing a Fire Dragon Pearl, Huang Xiaolong ran

Asura Tactics as the black and blue dragon emerged,
hovering above his head. They began devouring the
netherworld spiritual energy greedily that came gushing
down from the void and transferring them into his body.

The battle qi in Huang Xiaolong’s meridians surged and

rolled violently, especially in the Qi Sea. When Huang
Xiaolong initiates his battle qi, the netherworld spiritual
energy resonated like a giant tsunami.

These past few years, after using the Fire Dragon Pearls to
enhance his netherworld battle qi, the quality of
netherworld battle qi has improved significantly. However,
what level it has reached, Huang Xiaolong had no way to
gauge it.

The netherworld battle qi gathered in the Qi Sea like a vast

black ocean. After years of being amplified by the usage of
Fire Dragon Pearls, Huang Xiaolong’s netherworld battle qi
has turned into a pure black color. Not only that, within the
alluring blackness of the netherworld battle qi, it gave off a
smooth crystalline feeling.

The netherworld spiritual energy that was absorbed into his

body continued to be refined. The twin dragons coiled
behind him devoured at great speed, greedily with a black
and a blue light shimmering on their bodies, lighting up the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda’s space.
One night passed, Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes and
ended his practice for the day, and he came out from the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda.

When Huang Xiaolong came out from the Linglong Treasure

Pagoda, an emissary from the Yuwai Kingdom Royal Palace
arrived at the Fei Mansion, informing Fei Hou that he was
conferred with the title of a Duke.

The title one rank above the Marquis position − a Duke.

Every time a Marquis warrior of the Kingdom broke into the
Xiantian realm, the King would confer the title of Duke.

What Huang Xiaolong did not expect was, the Yuwai

Kingdom’s King not only ‘upgraded’ Fei Hou to a Duke, but
he was also given a Duke title!

It must be emphasized here that only Xiantian experts were

given the privilege of being conferred the title of a Duke.
Furthermore, the native Yuwai Kingdom’s geniuses like Yang
An only had the title of Marquis, not to mention Huang
Xiaolong, who is not even a subject of the Yuwai Kingdom.

When Huang Xiaolong courteously informed the emissary

that he is not a Yuwai Kingdom subject, the emissary smiled,
“His Majesty is well aware Young Master Huang is not a
Yuwai Kingdom subject, but even someone who is not a
subject of the kingdom can still receive a Duke title from the
Yuwai Kingdom!”

Huang Xiaolong looked at Fei Hou.

“That is true, Young Lord!” Fei Hou nodded, affirming the

palace emissary’s words. He cautiously said, “Since it is the
His Majesty’s good intentions, why doesn’t Young Lord….?”
Fei Hou’s words trailed off here.
Regarding Fei Hou’s meaning, Huang Xiaolong understood.
Although with his identity, he doesn’t care much for a noble
Duke title, but having it is also not something bad. It adds
some convenience when moving around in the Yuwai
Kingdom in the future.

Thus, Huang Xiaolong received the Duke title from the

emissary’s hands.

Moments later, the emissary bid farewell joyfully to Fei Hou

and Huang Xiaolong and returned to the palace to report his
successful task.

After the palace emissary had left, Huang Xiaolong decided

to take a stroll in the city.

He had been in the Yuwai Royal City for a few days, but he
had yet to take a good look around the city. He and Fei Hou
would be heading back to the Luo Tong Kingdom in a few
days, so he wanted to see the city before that.

Accompanied by Fei Hou, Huang Xiaolong left the Fei

Mansion, strolling in the streets.

Fei Hou had left for seven years, and there were many
changes around the Yuwai Royal City.

It was already noon when they had scoured the city, and
passing by the same Absolutely Luscious Dish Floor, the two
of them went in, ordering two jugs of Fiery Wine and some
side dishes while sitting on the first floor.

Fei Hou and Huang Xiaolong’s visit were warmly welcomed

by the restaurant boss, who was much more enthusiastic
and respectful compared to last time.
Fei Hou advanced into Xiantian realm while Huang Xiaolong
defeated Yang An, and this news had reached the boss’s

Lastly, when they were about to leave and wanted to pay,

the boss adamantly refused to take their gold coins, saying
that it doesn’t matter when Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou
come over because their expenses will be free of charge.

Since it was the boss’s hospitality, both of them did not


Peacefully, three days passed.

During these three days, other than practicing inside the

Linglong Treasure Pagoda’s space, Huang Xiaolong would
train his Asura Sword Skill in one of the Fei Mansion’s yards.

The Tempest of Hell, Tears of Asura, Wrath of the Nether

King, and State of Abundant Lightning were continuously
displayed by Huang Xiaolong, and mournful cries with
intermittent lighting strikes and rumbling thunders
reverberated from his yard.

On this day, Huang Xiaolong was practicing the Asura Sword

Skill in the yard when all of a sudden, a vigorous earthquake
strongly shook the ground for a second.

Huang Xiaolong was startled, and the tremors happened

again. The stone mountain decoration in the yard crumbled
to the garden floor.

The strong earthquake came five to six times before it

ceased altogether.

Then, in the distant horizon, a burst of burning flames

appeared out of nowhere, casting a fiery ember shadow in
the sky and it exuded a scorching heat out in the four
directions like rolling tidal waves. The people of the Yuwai
Kingdom were astounded watching this glorious sight in the

As the waves of heat hit the Yuwai Royal City, the

temperature shot up like crazy, making everyone feel like
they fell into a hot furnace.

“This is?” Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed.

However, at this point, the heat waves receded just abruptly

in the way it came, faster than the evening-tide.

In that split second of change, Huang Xiaolong noticed that

the Linglong Treasure Pagoda in his body shook violently as
if something in that direction attracted it. Yet, at the same
time, Huang Xiaolong sensed the Linglong Treasure Pagoda
was trembling at its core, a feeling of fear like it was facing
an existence that scared it.

The bustling Royal City quieted down.

Not long afterwards, Fei Hou walked into Huang Xiaolong’s

yard, reporting: “Young Lord, the King has decreed that the
city is on lockdown and that no one is allowed in or out of
the city!”

“City lockdown!” Huang Xiaolong was surprised. Under

normal circumstances, only when a kingdom faces a crisis
will the Royal City be in a lockdown situation.

Maybe it is related to the vision in the sky just now? Huang

Xiaolong’s mind whirled and he asked, “Fei Hou, what do
you think of the vision earlier?”
Fei Hou pondered in silence for a moment before answering
solemnly, “It should a treasure being born that would cause
a scene like the one we just saw.”

The birth of a treasure!

Huang Xiaolong thought of the Linglong Treasure Pagoda’s

strange reaction; maybe, it is a Heavenly Treasure that is
about to appear?! And if he guessed correctly, it should be a
treasure that has a higher ranking on the Heavenly Treasure
List than the Linglong Treasure Pagoda he possessed. Only
this explanation made sense that it would cause the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda to tremble just now.

A Heavenly Treasure!

A Heavenly Treasure that ranked above the pagoda!

A light flickered in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, and he took a

deep breath.

Judging from the vision earlier combined with the Linglong

Treasure Pagoda’s response, it can be determined that a
Heavenly Treasure is about to appear here; he didn’t expect
that an impromptu trip to the Yuwai Kingdom would let him
encounter a treasure being born.
Chapter 115: A Heavenly
Treasure Is About To
Chapter 115: A Heavenly Treasure is About to Appear!

“Fei Hou, go and inquire about this matter!” Huang Xiaolong

turned towards Fei Hou and ordered quietly, barely above a

Initially, Huang Xiaolong had decided to spend a few days

here and then return to Luo Tong Kingdom. But now,
encountering such an event, he could only delay the trip
home for the time being.

“Yes, Sovereign!” Fei Hou acknowledged respectfully, and he

turned around and left the yard.

Watching Fei Hou’s receding silhouette, Huang Xiaolong’s

hands clenched tightly at his back; no matter what, he must
get this Heavenly Treasure!

In recent years, the benefits Huang Xiaolong had gotten

from the Linglong Treasure Pagoda made him realize the
crucial benefits of Heavenly Treasures. Without the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda, even with his superb talent twin martial
spirits, his practice speed would be far slower than now.

If he could subdue another treasure with the same grade as

the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, then his cultivation speed
would reach a new threshold, perhaps breaking into the
Xiantian realm within two to three years is a possibility.
After all, Huang Xiaolong had a gnawing threat looming in
the horizon that made him anxious to increase his strength.

Roughly after an hour, Fei Hou returned and reported to

Huang Xiaolong: “Sovereign, I found the information. The
place the vision appeared is in the vicinity of the
Enlightenment Lake. The Enlightenment Lake is about three
hundred li from the Yuwai Royal City.”

“Oh, Enlightenment Lake?” Huang Xiaolong looked at Fei


Fei Hou swiftly explained: “Yes, Sovereign– this

Enlightenment Lake has the reputation of the best lake
scenery in our Yuwai Kingdom. It is huge, covering several
thousand square kilometers. However, one hundred
thousand soldiers are currently positioned there to guard
the Enlightenment Lake; no one can get close within a
hundred li. The King has decreed that those who dared to
trespass into the Enlightenment Lake will be punished
according to the crime of treason: death on the spot!”

“A hundred thousand soldiers guarding it,” An edge flickered

passed Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. This Yuwai Kingdom’s King
reacted really fast. He may have guessed it was related to a
Heavenly Treasure being born, so he placed so many
soldiers there.

“Yes, the other counties’ armies were called back; I’m afraid
in a few days, the number of soldiers stationed at the
Enlightenment Lake will reach at least three to four hundred
thousand!” Fei Hou added.

Three to four hundred thousand!

Even strong and tough Xiantian experts would fall facing

three hundred thousand soldiers.
Huang Xiaolong’s brows creased into deep furrows.

“You retreat first, but continue to inquire about the

situation.” A while later Huang Xiaolong spoke.

“Yes, Sovereign!” Fei Hou answered and retreated


Huang Xiaolong fell into a pensive mood.

Judging from what Fei Hou said, it would be impossible to

break into the Enlightenment Lake– the only option was to
sneak in under disguise or concealment. However….. even
with his martial spirit ability –Space Concealment, wanting
to sneak into the lake without being discovered with so
many soldiers guarding is not that easy.

Thinking of the situation with a mass of four hundred

soldiers in one place, that would mean in every hundred
meters distance, there would be a team of soldiers on

It seems I can only act according to the situation. Huang

Xiaolong thought to himself.

In general, a Heavenly Treasure would be born around sixty

days after the vision manifested in the sky. Therefore,
Huang Xiaolong was in no hurry. At the moment, he has no
other option but to wait.

The sky slowly turned dark, signaling the end of another


Compared to the usual bustling and lively Yuwai Royal City,

today, the atmosphere seemed to be taken a notch down.
One almost could not see a normal person on the streets as
there was mostly patrolling soldiers.
Huang Xiaolong sat cross-legged in the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda’s space, swallowing one Fire Dragon Pearl and
practicing Asura Tactics.

When they were journeying through the Silvermoon Forest,

Huang Xiaolong collected enough beast cores from killing
demonic beasts, and there was much more of them in the
Asura Ring. He need not worry about running out of supply
without making trips to the Silvermoon Forest, the number
of beast cores inside his ring was enough to last him one

The night passed.

And Huang Xiaolong came out from the Linglong Treasure

Pagoda the next day morning, and coming to the yard, he
started training in Asura Sword Skill, Ethereal Palm, and
Collapse Fist.

Midway through his training, Fei Hou came in. Reporting to

Huang Xiaolong, he said the rumors about a great treasure
appearing near the Enlightenment Lake has spread through
the Royal City and the cities nearby. Hearing this, many
experts started to rush over to the Enlightenment Lake area,
but most of them were captured by the patrolling soldiers,
and battles broke out. Other than a few Xiantian experts
who managed to escape, the rest of the trespassers were
killed on the spot by the soldiers.

Listening to Fei Hou’s report, Huang Xiaolong nodded; he

was secretly delighted in his heart. Just as he had expected,
the message about a great treasure appearing in the
Enlightenment Lake has spread. He believes that as the
rumor spread further and wider, the number of experts that
would head towards the lake will only increase, and at that
time, the situation will become more chaotic.
Within that spiral of chaos lies his opportunity.

Huang Xiaolong asked Fei Hou some questions about the

Enlightenment Lake’s surroundings and situations and
requested Fei Hou to continue keeping a tab on things.

Several days passed since then.

Every day, Fei Hou would come once to report the latest
situation of Enlightenment Lake to Huang Xiaolong. Things
happened just as Huang Xiaolong predicted; one person
spread the news to ten people, ten spreads to a hundred, a
hundred spread to thousands. The news about a great
treasure appearing in the Enlightenment Lake had exploded,
and the entire Yuwai Kingdom had learned about it, and
experts were rushing over far and near to the Yuwai

Experts from different forces were finding ways to sneak

past the soldiers into the Enlightenment Lake to check out
the situation; as the number of experts increased, the
conflicts between these forces and the soldiers on guard
became more frequent and intense. The pressure on the
army was getting heavier like a mountain.

Huang Xiaolong allowed Fei Hou to retreat.

At this rate, in no more than half a month, the neighboring

forces would be arriving. The pressure on the army would
double, triple, and the situation would be even more chaotic
Huang Xiaolong had first anticipated.


In the middle of the yard, Huang Xiaolong stood with his left
foot stepped far out to the left, and his lower body was
bending down into a half-squat with his elbows positioned
close to his waist. His arms were straight with the palms
facing up like he was holding some very heavy weights, and
a short while later, his elbows straightened out and relaxed.
These actions were repeated many times as Huang Xiaolong
controlled his breathing, and invisible spiritual energy came
rolling at him.

As Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi cultivation increased, his Body

Metamorphose Scripture training had reached Stage Eight –
Three Diagrams on the Terrain.

Or more accurately said, the peak of Stage Eight. He would

be able to enter Stage Nine soon – The Azure Dragon Claws
Stretched Out.

Huang Xiaolong constantly breathed according to a certain

rhythm, and there were white fogs swirling above his head,
twisting into the shape of a flower, three of them to be

A large amount of spiritual energy entered Huang Xiaolong’s

body, accumulating in his dantian close to his navel, and as
he gathered the internal force in his dantian, the battle qi in
his Qi Sea and the internal force in his dantian resonated
with each other.

Now, relying on just his internal force, he could kill an

average late-Ninth Order.

As Huang Xiaolong breathed, each interval between breaths

became longer as if he immersed into tortoise-breathing [1]

When Huang Xiaolong reaches Stage Ten of the Body

Metamorphose Scripture and breaks through into the
Xiantian realm, using internal force, he could stay
underwater for ten days, or even half a month without

The days passed like this for another ten days.

During these past ten days in the courtyard, Huang Xiaolong

spent the time practicing Asura Tactics, the Body
Metamorphose Scripture, Asura Sword Skill, Ethereal Palm,
and Collapse Fist.

In these ten days, the situation in the Enlightenment Lake

had turned increasingly anarchic; the neighboring kingdom’s
forces had arrived in the Enlightenment Lake area and
intense clashes with death toll increasing every day.

The number of soldiers stationed near the lake has gone up

to four hundred thousand, yet it was still an arduous effort
to fend off the forces coming in droves – the army is close to
collapsing from the pressure.

The water level in the Enlightenment Lake rose peculiarly,

and the surface was surging with angry waves as strange
cries came out from the bottom of Enlightenment Lake. All
these signs pointed to a great treasure that is about to
come out.
Chapter 116: Duanren Empire Intervention

However, with the current anarchic situation, Huang

Xiaolong was in no rush to get to the Enlightenment Lake;
he continued to practice in the yard every day, biding his
time to see what happens.

The truth was, it would have been useless even if Huang

Xiaolong rushed to the Enlightenment Lake as there was
quite some time until the Heavenly Treasure is born.
Moreover, the Yuwai Kingdom’s army was still standing
guard in the area and they hadn’t withdrawn yet.

The most important point was that a Heavenly Treasure is

not something that could be subdued by anybody; just like
the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, any one of the top ten
Heavenly Treasures required people with grade thirteen
martial spirits’ talents and above to rein them in.

Therefore, five days just came and went.

On the fifth day, while Huang Xiaolong was practicing in the

yard, Fei Hou came in and reported to him: “Sovereign, this
Subordinate has found out that the Baolong Kingdom’s Big
Sword Sect is here!”

Big Sword Sect!

An edge glinted in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes: “Who?”

Fei Hou answered respectfully: “Both Yu Chen and Lin Zhiren

are here. They brought quite a number of Big Sword Sect’s
Elders and disciples with them!”

The previous Big Sword Sect − Sect Leader Liu Wei’s Master,
Yu Chen!
After Liu Wei was killed in Huang Clan Manor by Marshal
Haotian, his Junior Brother, Lin Zhiren, took over the Sect
Leader’s position. Unexpectedly, both of them came here!

“Other than the Big Sword Sect, the Baolong Kingdom’s

Martial Ning Family’s Patriarch, Ning Wang, is also here in
person!” Fei Hou then added.

“Oh, the Martial Ning Family’s Patriarch Ning Wang also

came.” Huang Xiaolong looked at Fei Hou.

“Yes, also the Cloud Sea Kingdom’s Purple-Robed Sword

Sect and their Sect Leader brought many people here!” Fei
Hou nodded: “Including Cloud Sea Kingdom’s Clear Cloud

Fei Hou reported one by one the forces and their strengths
that had rushed over to the Yuwai Kingdom during the past
few days to Huang Xiaolong.

Purple-Robed Sword Sect, the Cloud Sea Kingdom’s number

one sect!

Clear Cloud Pavilion was the Cloud Sea Kingdom’s biggest

merchant power and its influence covered the entire Cloud
Sea Kingdom; they even opened many Clear Cloud Pavilion
branches in the neighboring kingdoms.

“Looks like quite a lot of people came ah.” When Fei Hou
finished reporting, a faint smile flashed passed Huang
Xiaolong’s face, “The ambiance around the Enlightenment
Lake will be livelier in the few days coming.” Although there
were many powerful forces that had arrived, Huang
Xiaolong was delighted instead of worried; just like he said
prior to this, the more forces the better, the more chaotic
the better.
While Fei Hou was updating Huang Xiaolong on the recent
movements in the Enlightenment Lake, the Yuwai Kingdom’s
King, Fan Zhe, was also listening to the report from the
Army Chief Marshal responsible for guarding the
Enlightenment Lake, and the furrows on his brow grew
deeper and deeper.

“Your Majesty, there are more and more forces arriving at

the Enlightenment Lake; the Baolong Kingdom’s Big Sword
Sect, the Martial Ning Family, the Nine Phoenix Valley, and
the Cloud Sea Kingdom’s Purple-Robed Sword Sect. Even
Clear Cloud Pavilion has sent someone here. Furthermore,
just now…!” This Chief Marshal of the army guarding the
Enlightenment Lake named Chen Tong started to hesitate
finishing his report.

“Speak! Just now what?” Fan Zhe questioned in a solemn


“Just now, the Baolong Kingdom, Cloud Sea Kingdom, Four

Seasons Kingdom, Big Tusker Kingdom, a number of these
kingdoms’ envoys allied together and came to us saying
that if we do not withdraw the army stationed around the
Enlightenment Lake, then the seven kingdoms will join
hands and attack our Yuwai Kingdom!” Chief Marshal Chen
Tong reported honestly.

“What?! They dare! These small kingdoms, if I don’t show

them some colors and they will dare to reverse the sky!”
The Prince, Fan Yizhe, who was sitting on the prince’s throne
was furious when he heard this.

Normally, these small kingdoms always displayed a

respectful front in front of the Yuwai Kingdom, not to
mention letting out a fart, they dare not even breathe a little
louder. Now, they actually have the audacity to band
together against the Yuwai Kingdom!

Hearing this, a sharp light gleamed in the Yuwai Kingdom

King Fan Zhe’s eyes, exuding the invisible majestic bearing
of a king, causing Chief Marshal Chen Tong to bow down his
head as beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

“Continue to have the Army guard the Enlightenment Lake;

however, retreat and guard one direction and rescind the
military ban.”

Guard one side, and rescind the military ban!

Chief Marshal Chen Tong was flabbergasted.

Although the army was not withdrawn, removing the

military ban was equivalent to allowing the many different
forces to come and go in the Enlightenment Lake as they
please. This was a compromise to the seven small kingdoms
in disguise.

“Royal Father, we cannot rescind the military ban!” Prince

Fan Yizhe objected anxiously, “The treasure being born in
the Enlightenment Lake this time very likely is….!”

“Enough, say no more!” The Yuwai King raised a hand to cut

off his son’s words, and said to Chen Tong: “I will send three
Xiantian experts from the palace to aid you; no matter what,
the great treasure in the Enlightenment Lake cannot fall into
another’s hand!”

Three Xiantian experts!

Chen Tong’s eyes lit up, and acknowledged the King

respectfully: “Yes; please rest assured Your Majesty, I will do
the utmost best to win the great treasure!”
“En, go now!”

Not long after that, the army soldiers in the vicinity of the
Enlightenment Lake retreated in one direction and news
about the military ban being rescinded spread quickly. Fei
Hou immediately brought this news to Huang Xiaolong the
moment he got it.

“Oh, the military ban is invoked.” Huang Xiaolong was

delighted with this message.

“That’s right, Sovereign; do we head over to the

Enlightenment Lake now?” Fei Hou asked.

Huang Xiaolong looked grave as he asked, “According to

your estimation, when will this great treasure in the
Enlightenment Lake be born?”

Fei Hou was stunned Huang Xiaolong would ask him this
question, and he pondered for a moment and replied:
“Probably in another ten days.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded: “Then we wait a while longer.”

Since the military ban was rescinded, the surging forces

would rush in competing against each other to enter the
lake first, creating some of the most turbulent times. It was
not suitable to enter at this peak hour.

Three days passed.

These past three days, the frequency of Fei Hou coming and
reporting the latest situation to Huang Xiaolong went up, as
much as several times a day.

With the high influx of warriors into the Enlightenment Lake,

conflict of interest clashes was becoming more common,
and the fighting grew more brutal and intense compared to
the period when the military ban was in place ㅡ the current
situation could be described as a river of blood.

On the tenth day, when Huang Xiaolong was practicing the

Asura Sword Skill in the yard as he has been doing
everyday, Fei Hou walked in with a solemn expression.
Noticing Fei Hou’s face, Huang Xiaolong temporarily stopped
his actions.

“Sovereign, I have just got the news that the Duanren

Empire sent someone over!” Stopping in front of Huang
Xiaolong, Fei Hou reported this new tidbit of information.

“Duanren Empire!” Huang Xiaolong’s heart fell with a ‘ka

deng’ — he was greatly shocked by the news.

But, the Duanren Empire is situated more than a million li

away from here; even considering the speed of a Saint
realm expert, it was hardly possible for them to reach the
Yuwai Kingdom from the Duanren Empire in one month’s

Despite that, the people from Duanren Empire had already


What happened?!

“The Duanren Empire Imperial Clan used a Saint level

space-time artifact.” Knowing the doubt in Huang Xiaolong’s
heart, Fei Hou explained further.

“Saint level space-time artifact?” This was the first time

Huang Xiaolong heard of such a thing.

Fei Hou nodded in affirmation: “Yes, this space-time artifact

is a flying tool built by Saint realm experts, it could shuttle
through space and at high speed too. However, in the entire
Duanren Empire, only the Imperial Clan has one.”

Huang Xiaolong frowned tightly.

He didn’t expect the Duanren Empire Imperial Clan would

have a space-time artifact like this; with Duanren Empire’s
intervention in this matter, things have become trickier.

“Is there any Saint realm expert within them?” Huang

Xiaolong asked.

Fei Hou shook his head, “I still can’t be sure if there are any
Saint realm experts at this point, but it has already been
confirmed that the Duanren Empire’s Second Prince is here,
Duan Wuhen!”

“Duan Wuhen?” Huang Xiaolong looked Fei Hou.

“Yes, this Duan Wuhen possesses the highest talent

amongst the many Princes and Princesses of the Duanren
Empire, the one most favored by the Duanren Emperor.” Fei
Hou reported: “Cultivating only for two hundred years, he
already is a Xiantian Ninth Order expert!”

A Xiantian Ninth Order!

Although a Xiantian Ninth Order is no Saint realm, it is very

close to the terrifying existence of a Saint realm.

“Then, do you know what this Duan Wuhen’s martial spirit

is?” Huang Xiaolong asked another question.
Chapter 117: Duan Wuhen

Shaking his head, Fei Hou said: “No one knows what Duan
Wuhen’s martial spirit is; it was said that he never shows his
martial spirit in public.”

Huang Xiaolong contemplated the matter; no one knows

about Duan Wuhen’s martial spirit, or he should say the
people who knew are already dead, silenced by Duan
Wuhen. Thus, no one in the outside world has any clue
about his martial spirit.

However, this Duan Wuhen could cultivate till Xiantian Ninth

Order in a short span of two hundred years, so no doubt his
martial spirit grade is not low.

Grade twelve, or?!

Seeing Huang Xiaolong in deep thoughts, Fei Hou dared not

make a sound to interrupt.

“Sovereign, how should we proceed now?” Sometime later,

Fei Hou cautiously asked in a low voice.

Huang Xiaolong was pulled out of his pensiveness: “Prepare,

we’ll head out to the Enlightenment Lake tomorrow!”

Although Duanren Empire’s intervention added an

undesirable variable to the situation, Huang Xiaolong was
determined to get his hands on the Heavenly Treasure that
appeared in the Enlightenment Lake!

This was an opportunity for him!

Only with the addition of this Heavenly Treasure could he

break through into the Xiantian realm at the fastest speed,
and it was another trump card against his Senior Brother
Chen Tianqi!

Fei Hou acknowledged Huang Xiaolong’s order respectfully

and retreated from the yard.

After Fei Hou left, Huang Xiaolong entered the Linglong

Treasure Pagoda’s space, swallowed a Fire Dragon Pearl, and
continued practicing.

Arxan Mountain, near the Enlightenment Lake.

The mountains embraced the Enlightenment Lake in their

bosom, and the Arxan Mountain was the tallest and biggest
mountain in the vicinity. On the peak of Arxan Mountain
stood someone– someone who wore a deep golden yellow
robe and looked like a middle-aged man in his thirties. There
were eight lifelike potent dragons embroidered on his dark
yellow robes. The middle-aged man stood there quietly with
his hands behind his back, looking in the direction of the
Enlightenment Lake before him.

Standing at the top of Arxan Mountain, one could take in the

entire lake in a glance.

Even though the middle-aged man just stood there quietly,

an amazing momentum came from his body, exuding an
invisible noble aura of someone above others as if he was
the sky above and everything else was at his feet.

At this time, a group of people reached the Peak of Arxan

Mountain from the foot of the mountain, and they stopped
their steps ten meters away from the yellow-robed middle-
aged man. Each had a respectful expression on their faces
as they saluted, “We humble Ministers pay respect to His
Imperial Highness Second Prince!”
In the midst of this group of people, the Yuwai Kingdom’s
King, Fan Zhe, was one of them!

These people were from the Yuwai Kingdom as well as

envoys from the neighboring kingdoms.

The Yuwai Kingdom, Baolong Kingdom, and the rest that had
sworn fealty to the Duanren Empire. That was why even
though Fan Zhe is the King of a kingdom, they were also
subjects of Duanren Empire.

When this group of people got wind of Duan Wuhen’s arrival

in the Enlightenment Lake, everyone dashed there to pay
their respects.

Duan Wuhen simply stood with his hands clasped behind

him; an apathetic voice floated with the soft breeze: “Rise.”

“Much obliged, His Imperial Highness Second Prince!” Fan

Zhe and everyone thanked respectfully and slowly got up.

“Although I’m here at the Enlightenment Lake, all of you

have no reason to worry; when the great treasure appears
in the coming few days, I will allow all of you to join in the
fray!” Duan Wuhen announced.

Hearing these words, everyone in the group was secretly

happy in their hearts; this was the question they were most
worried about.

“Much obliged His Imperial Highness Second Prince!”

Duan Wuhen waved his hand: “All of you can go now.”

Acknowledging the command to leave, the group of people

retreated out of sight and left the mountain.
When all were gone, the expert that followed Duan Wuhen
from the Empire, Sun Liang, walked up to him saying
“Imperial Highness, you allowed them to fight for the
treasure– at that time, won’t it be…?”

Duan Wuhen stoic face was calm, “So what if I allow them to
try their luck at it? Do you think a Heavenly Treasure is
something these clowns can subdue? Letting them have a
sliver of hope is nothing bad; there is still ten years’ time
until the Deities Templar’s disciple selection. This
Enlightenment Lake’s Heavenly Treasure can only be mine!”

Sun Liang said, “When the Heavenly Treasure is born, only

Imperial Highness has the ability to subdue it, and ten years
later, Imperial Highness absolutely will be selected as a
Deities Templar disciple!”

Duan Wuhen nodded, eyes staring at the faraway horizon.

The sky gradually darkened as night descended and

receded again when morning came.

When the first light dawned, Huang Xiaolong ended his

practice and exited the Linglong Treasure Pagoda’s space.

One month of focused training had increased Huang

Xiaolong strength exponentially once again, whereas the
State of Abundant Lightning move was now much more
lethal compared to the time it was used to defeat Yang An.

Exiting the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, Huang Xiaolong saw

that Fei Hou was already waiting for him.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou left Fei Mansion and headed
straight in the direction of the Enlightenment Lake.
Other than Fei Hou, Huang Xiaolong did not bring a single
extra person; the more people they have on this trip, the
more unnecessary attention they would attract. The military
ban on the Enlightenment Lake was rescinded and the
martial law in the Yuwai Royal City was also lifted. The two
left the city smoothly.

Two hours later, they arrived at the Enlightenment Lake.

Standing before the crystal clear aquamarine lake, Huang

Xiaolong felt somewhat rueful. Once the Heavenly Treasure
is born, how many people’s blood would color this pure and
clear lake a dark crimson red?

“Sovereign, let’s look for a place to rest for the time being?”
Fei Hou asked moments later.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Just when they turned around wanting to leave, weird,

sorrowful cries came from inside the lake – sometimes sharp
and other times it sounded like someone sighing with
lament, laced with a sorrow filled anger that was waiting to
break out, making people uncomfortable hearing it.

“Ever since the vision manifestation happened one month

ago, this kind of weird noise started to echo from the
Enlightenment Lake, and the frequency grew increasingly
more frequent, almost once every hour.” Fei Hou explained.

Huang Xiaolong turned back, looking at the center of the

Enlightenment Lake where the weird cries originated; the
initially calm lake surface started to ripple and surge in
chaos, akin to a monumental, menacing beast that was
about to free itself from the bottom of the lake.
And at this point, the Linglong Treasure Pagoda inside
Huang Xiaolong’s body shook and showed signs of flying

Huang Xiaolong was stunned; he swiftly utilized the Golden

Linglong Body, only then did the Linglong Treasure Pagoda
grow silent.

The surface of the lake also returned to its previous calm

after the weird cries stopped.

“Let’s go.” Huang Xiaolong said to Fei Hou.

He had a feeling that the Heavenly Treasure would appear in

the next two days. The high frequency of the weird cries
coming from the lake was one indication of his hunch.

Leaving, they found a peak in close proximity to the lake.

Finding a spot, both sat down cross-legged as they waited
patiently for the Heavenly Treasure’s birth.

Scouting down from the mountain peak they were on, they
could see most of the Enlightenment Lake’s area clearly. It
was a good spot.

However, almost immediately after Huang Xiaolong and Fei

Hou sat down, a group made up of young men and women,
roughly twenty people in total that were dressed in soft
black robes with a mystical bird totem embroidered on their
chests, came up to them.

When this group of young men and women stopped in front

of Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou, one of the young men
walked out from the group and said to Huang Xiaolong,
“This little brother, we took a fancy to this location first
before you, we’d trouble you to leave this place now.”
“Fancy first?” Huang Xiaolong’s expression remained aloof:
“What if we refuse to leave?”

“Little rascal, don’t push your luck!” Another young man

walked out from the group, “Our Senior Brother Wu tells you
to leave, so you should have gratefully kowtowed and left
obediently. If you don’t scram this very moment, don’t
blame us for being blunt!”

“What is the use of talking so much with them, go up and

just kill them; wouldn’t the matter settle faster and easier
that way?” At this point, another young woman from the
group interjected.

The first young man who spoke stared at Huang Xiaolong

and said, “Little brother, you also heard what they said; my
Junior Brothers and Junior Sisters’ temper are not as good as
mine. In my opinion, you better leave quickly. It’s not worth
it to lose your life just for a spot.”

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou exchanged a glance and stood

Chapter 118: Crawl From
Chapter 118: Crawl from Here

A brilliant smile flashed across that Senior Brother Wu’s face

seeing Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou stand up, praising them
generously: “Little brother truly is someone who knows how
to bend where the wind blows, a wise man!”

He assumed the two people stood up because Huang

Xiaolong had weighed the situation over properly and were
planning to leave.

“Wait! Senior Brother Wu, isn’t it too generous letting them

go so easily?” The tall and skinny young man who spoke
earlier suddenly spoke up again.

“Right, they cannot leave here just like this!” Another young
man in the group, a fatty quipped in support.

Senior Brother Wu looked at his two Junior Brothers wryly:


The tall and skinny young man directed his words at Huang
Xiaolong and Fei Hou, “For Senior Brother Wu’s sake, we will
not embarrass you too much. How about this, both of you
can leave but you must crawl through here!” Then, he stood
in the middle of the path and spread his legs, one finger
pointing below his crotch.

The young men and women from the group burst into
jeering laughter while watching from the side.
Then, Senior Brother Wu turned back towards Huang
Xiaolong and Fei Hou with a difficult expression on his face,
“Little Brother, so sorry, my intention was to let you leave
this place peacefully, but it seems my Junior Brother meant
for you to leave by crawling beneath his pants. I can only
wrong you a little!”

Even he couldn’t resist breaking out in a raucous laughter at

the end.

“How about you say some good words and beg my Junior
Brother; perhaps this way you might not need to crawl
under his pants to leave!” He suggested while laughing in
an unrestrained manner.

However, before the first note of laughter fell, a claw flashed

and the sounds of his hearty laughter were abruptly cut
short. He looked at Huang Xiaolong in shock and fear.

At this point, Huang Xiaolong’s hand grasped firmly on his

throat, crushing his windpipe as blood slowly spurted out.

“Who told you that we wanted to leave?” Huang Xiaolong’s

cold eyes bore into this Senior Brother Wu and then his hand
exerted a little more pressure; sounds of bones breaking
crackled out as loud as thunder. Senior Brother Wu’s eyes
protruded from his eye sockets as he stared fearfully at
Huang Xiaolong. In the next moment, his head hung limply
to one side and his body fell to the ground. The group of
youngsters watched dazedly as Huang Xiaolong crushed
Senior Brother Wu’s throat, their laughter had disappeared;
the turn of events was too abrupt.

This included the tall skinny young man standing in the

middle of the path with his legs spread out waiting for
Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou to crawl under. He was petrified
like a statue, remaining in the same posture.
Next, his spread legs started to shake uncontrollably.

In the split second that Senior Brother Wu’s soft body fell to
the ground, Fei Hou behind Huang Xiaolong flashed, and in
an instant reached the tall, skinny young man. Lifting one
foot up, Fei Hou sent a ruthless kick down on him. However,
the kick wasn’t aimed at the chest; Fei Hou’s kick went
straight to the middle of that young man’s crotch.

A clear, crisp sound rang out no different than the sound of

an egg breaking.

The tall, skinny man let out a tragic howl like a pig squealing
while being slaughtered as he clutched at his ‘tool’, jumping
around in agony.

“My thing!”

“My thing is broken!!”

He screamed nonsensically.

At this time, the rest of the group finally recovered their


“Senior Brother Zhang!” The fatty hurried towards the tall,

skinny young man and asked anxiously, “Senior Brother
Zhang, how badly are you hurt?”

Evidently, his words were superfluous; the tall skinny young

man’s ‘tool’ was crushed, how good could he fare?

The rest of them surrounded Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou in

the middle with swift action.

“You actually dared to kill a disciple of my Nine Phoenix

Valley!” The young woman that wanted to kill Huang
Xiaolong and Fei Hou immediately shouted.

“So what if I killed him?” Huang Xiaolong retorted.

In fact, he already knew this group of young men and

women were disciples from the Nine Phoenix Valley; once
when he was training in the Silvermoon Forest, he found a
cycad tree in an underground cave and had also killed two
disciples from the Nine Phoenix Valley at that time.

He even found a book called Treasure Mirror from one of the


So what if I killed him? The young woman’s anger peaked

hearing Huang Xiaolong’s reply. However, just as she
wanted to attack, another young woman behind her held
her back and persuaded, “Senior Sister Feng, it’s not too
late to make a move after Master is here!”

Senior Brother Wu was an early Eighth Order whereas Senior

Brother Zhang was the peak of late-Seventh Order; despite
their strengths, neither one of them managed to dodge
Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou’s attack. In that girl’s opinion,
though they have more people, it was not a guarantee that
they could fight these two opponents.

Senior Sister Feng hesitated when she heard this.

Watching their reactions, Huang Xiaolong sent Fei Hou an

eye signal and Fei Hou nodded astutely. A long sword
appeared in his hand and it swung out, a ray of sword light
flickered and disappeared.

The tall, skinny young man jumping all over the place
clutching the crotch of his pants while howling, suddenly
ceased all movements without any indication. His hands
loosened, eyes wide as he tumbled to the ground.
Bright red blood spurted out like a fountain.

“Senior Brother Zhang!”

The Nine Phoenix disciples that surrounded Huang Xiaolong

and Fei Hou in a circle shrieked and shouted, terrified.

The fatty retreated in fright.

But, while he was retreating, Fei Hou waved his long sword
again and another sword ray fleeted passed; like the tall,
skinny young man, the fatty fell limply down.

Watching the tall, skinny man and the fatty killed with just
one strike from Fei Hou’s long sword, the remaining Nine
Phoenix Valley disciples turned green.

“Everyone don’t be afraid, we–!” Before she could finish

what she wanted to say, she felt her throat being squeezed
tightly, and unable to breathe as her pupils shrunk in
horrified fear when she saw it was Huang Xiaolong at the
end of the arm.

“Wu oo oo!” She struggled to say speak.

Cold light shone in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, exerting pressure

on her throat and this Senior Sister Feng died with her
mouth agape.

“You were right; there is no need for nonsense, directly

killing is the best way!” Huang Xiaolong muttered an
agreement with a cold expression on his face; his right hand
released her and the body collapsed to the ground.

The Nine Phoenix Valley disciples’ screams filled the air, and
they were retreating as far back as they could from Huang
Fei Hou remained standing in the same spot. Raising his
long sword, he made a move considered very strange in the
eyes of the Nine Phoenix Valley disciples; Fei Hou pointed
the tip of the sword to the sky and slashed down with an
abrupt action. Countless rays of sword light broke out from
the long sword like a bright, blooming flower in the air.

The flowers of sword rotated at high speed, shuttling

besides these Nine Phoenix Valley disciples. Before it
dissipated, the group of young men and women tumbled to
the ground one by one, each marked by a captivating flower
emblem of swords on their necks with red blood oozing out
from that flower emblem, dying the soil red.

Some distance away, an audience that was gloating while

enjoying a good show of Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou’s
predicament instantly displayed reverence on their faces in
view of their strength.

“Who dares to kill disciples of my Nine Phoenix Valley?!” The

second these disciples tumbled to the ground, from far
away, an angry howl cut through the air and a silhouette
came piercing towards the mountain where Huang Xiaolong
was at. A flood of halberd images spun like a violent gale,
aiming at Fei Hou’s chest.

Fei Hou’s eyes narrowed solemnly and the long sword in his
hands slashed out a storm of countless sword lights,
crashing against the incoming halberds.

~Zi~ A series of explosions resounded, agitating the airflow

and raising a turbulent gale, sweeping out in four directions.
The opponent’s feet touched the ground – it was a middle-
aged man.

The robe the middle-aged man was wearing was similar to

the robes that were on the Nine Phoenix Valley disciples; it
was just the color of the mythical bird on his chest that was
different. As the middle-aged man floated down, his internal
blood flow was chaotic. He looked at Fei Hou with shock, and
at this time, another three old men wearing Elder robes of
the Nine Phoenix Valley were rushing over with the wind
whistling behind them.
Chapter 119: Kill Them All!

Three Nine Phoenix Valley Elders arrived on the scene, their

faces were distorted with anger seeing the lifeless bodies of
their valley disciples scattered on the ground.

“Valley Lord!” The three of them walked up behind the

middle-aged man.

And that middle-aged man’s identity was none other than

the Nine Phoenix Valley’s Valley Lord, Lei Tianxing.

Lei Tianxing glowered at Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou,

“Speak, why did you kill my Nine Phoenix Valley’s

“Why?” Huang Xiaolong repeated with contempt: “Because

they damn well deserved it!”

The four people’s faces darkened, looking gloomy.

“Valley Lord, slay them!” Killing intent rose to the peak in

one of the Elder’s eyes.

Lei Tianxing’s eyes remained focused on Huang Xiaolong

and Fei Hou, and then he spoke: “You go take care of that
kid!” A finger pointed at Huang Xiaolong.

“Yes, Valley Lord!” The same Nine Phoenix Valley Elder

acted quickly, and before one could blink he was already in
front of Huang Xiaolong, whereas Lei Tianxing and the other
two Elders joined forces against Fei Hou.

“Wretched kid, go die!” The Nine Phoenix Valley Elder’s eyes

were scarlet, thrusting his long sword out with a light that
flashed faster than quicksilver.
In the group of deceased disciples, two of them were his
personal disciples. Moreover, one of the two was also his

Watching the Nine Phoenix Valley Elder rushing over and

thrusting with his sword, Huang Xiaolong waved his hand
and the Blades of Asura appeared. With a swing, two gale
cyclones shot out, twisting and spinning endlessly.

This Nine Phoenix Valley Elder was a Tenth Order expert.

However, he was at early Tenth Order; just an iota stronger
than Yang An.

Thus, Huang Xiaolong resorted to using the Asura Sword

Skill from the first attack.

The Tempest of Hell’s two spinning cyclones pulverized the

sword rays coming from the Nine Phoenix Valley Elder.
Huang Xiaolong appeared in front of him in an instant.
Evidently, that Elder did not believe his powerful attack
would be countered effortlessly by a fifteen to sixteen-year-
old punk. He was caught a little off guard.

“Storm Lightning Sword!”

The Nine Phoenix Valley Elder suddenly shouted and the

long sword in his hand swung out.

Several sword rays rumbled out carrying faint sounds of

wind and lightning that one would hear during a
thunderstorm, roaring on the mountain peak.

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong leaped up, his body began

twirling in mid-air, and at the same time the Blades of Asura
swung out repeatedly. A streak of lightning flashed, splitting
the ground and turning into a flood dragon that sped
towards the Nine Phoenix Valley Elder.
The Nine Phoenix Valley Elder swiftly retreated in a panic
but was still one step too late. The lightning flood dragon
struck him, causing a thunderous blast to resound from his
chest; his whole body flew back. His entire chest was
charred black, emitting the smell of barbecued meat.

But, just as he was blasted back, another lightning flood

dragon streaked towards him, dishing out a second hit,
sending him flying in another direction.

One month earlier, after the battle with Yang An, Huang
Xiaolong’s understanding of the Asura Sword Skill’s fourth
move made tremendous progress. This one month of
practice not only enhanced his power but when attacking,
its movements were strange and unpredictable, making it
hard to defend against.

In the next moment, ten more lightning flood dragons

crashed onto the Nine Phoenix Valley Elder’s body. When
Huang Xiaolong floated back to the ground, that Nine
Phoenix Valley Elder was charred from head to toe. Hardly a
spot could be found that wasn’t covered in black, looking as
if he had just dashed out of a furnace. Slim streaks of
lightning residue snaked all over his body.

A slight commotion swept through the many experts

watching from afar.

“Who is that kid? When did such a monstrous kid appear?

He is so young! Not even a Nine Phoenix Valley Elder is his

“I heard that one month ago, a kid surnamed Huang

defeated Yang An, and he was also someone around sixteen
years old. Could that be him?!”

“No doubt about it!”

Three people – Lei Tianxing and the two Elders were battling
Fei Hou when they heard their companion’s tragic wail.
When they turned around, what they saw inevitably shocked

At first, Lei Tianxing thought that the Tenth Order, Nine

Phoenix Valley Elder could swiftly take care of Huang
Xiaolong, then quickly back them up afterwards so the four
of them could deal with Fei Hou.

In his opinion, although Fei Hou was stronger than him, he

was still the same level as him – Xiantian First Order. With
four people combined, they would have a high chance of
killing Fei Hou.

But now!

The charred burnt Nine Phoenix Valley Elder struggled to

stand up, and because he was gravely burned from head to
toe, only the whites in his eyes were distinguishable.

Deep in his eyes was fear, wrath, and an even stronger

killing intent.

As a Nine Phoenix Valley Elder, an early Tenth Order expert,

he was actually defeated by a tenderfoot in public!

“Great Earth Bear!”

Roaring at the top if his lungs, a bright light enshrouded his

silhouette as a mammoth of a bear emerged behind him –
his martial spirit.

In the next moment as he prepared to soul transform, a

coruscating black light rippled out from Huang Xiaolong’s
physique, exuding a powerful aura of slaughter. Two mighty
black wings erupted from his back and spread out,
transforming into a volitant black light that shot towards the
Nine Phoenix Valley Elder.

“Wrath of the Nether King!”

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes were icy as the Blades of Asura that

were in his hands swung out without mercy.

Right away, two blade rays rushed out like an angry

volcanic eruption, akin to a giant herd of stampeding beasts
shaking the earth!

Fear and despair reflected in the Nine Phoenix Valley Elder’s

eyes when he saw the bright blades’ lights, and the Wrath of
the Nether King slammed onto his chest. Knocking him more
than a hundred meters away, the Nine Phoenix Valley Elder
let out a miserable scream. As he landed, his body
continued to roll through the dirt due to the immense force.

Once he came to a stop, he jerked a few times, then all

signs of life dissipated shortly thereafter. Two enormous
bloody holes were seen on his chest, revealing his shattered
internal organs.

Watching the Nine Phoenix Valley Elder’s miserable ending,

the spectating warriors in the surrounding area took in a
sharp breath of cold air.

Lei Tianxing and the remaining two Elders were furious.

The truth was, the Nine Phoenix Valley Elder was too
careless; he took Huang Xiaolong as nothing but a sixteen-
year-old tenderfoot. No matter how powerful this punk
might be, he could not compare to his strength, so he did
not summon his martial spirit right away. If the Nine Phoenix
Valley Elder summoned his martial spirit and soul
transformed immediately at the beginning… to kill him,
Huang Xiaolong would have needed to exert quite a bit of
effort. At the very least, the Elder would have lasted much
longer than he did.

After finishing one of the Nine Phoenix Valley’s Elder, Huang

Xiaolong turned his attention to the battle on the other side
where Lei Tianxing and the other two Elders were
contending with Fei Hou. Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette
flashed, and his twin blades launched an attack aimed at
one of the Nine Phoenix Valley Elders.

He could see that this particular Elder was the weakest

amongst the three: a mid-Tenth Order. As long as he was
able to separate one from the group, Fei Hou could then
deal with the other two quickly.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong rushing towards him, that Nine

Phoenix Valley Elder dared not make the same mistake of
underestimating a kid. His long sword attacked Huang
Xiaolong first.

The pressure on Fei Hou dropped significantly with Huang

Xiaolong restraining one of the Nine Phoenix Valley Elders.
The Silver River martial spirit instantly strengthened seven
times, pushing Fei Hou’s strength up! Seconds later, using a
Heart Shattering Fist, Fei Hou shattered the last remaining
Nine Phoenix Valley Elder’s internal organs and
subsequently concentrated his attack on Lei Tianxing, the
Valley Lord of Nine Phoenix Valley.

The Nine Phoenix Valley Lord was also a Xiantian First Order
warrior, the same as Fei Hou. However, how could his
strength compare to Fei Hou after the martial spirit
strengthening ability multiplied seven times over? That
time, Yang Dong, a Xiantian Second Order warrior, only
fought to a tie with the boosted Fei Hou.
Under Fei Hou’s onslaught of aggressive attacks, the Nine
Phoenix Valley Lord stumbled back again and again without
so much as a chance to catch his breath.

He wanted to call a truce, but being barraged with attacks

from Fei Hou, there was no time to speak.

A short while later, Lei Tianxing wobbled awkwardly after

receiving a Heart Shattering Fist from Fei Hou.

“Stop!” The Nine Phoenix Valley Lord cried out urgently.

However, Fei Hou already raised his sword, pointing towards

the sky, and slashed down in Lei Tianxing’s direction. One
flowering sword ray after another bloomed in the air,
brushing past his body.

The Nine Phoenix Valley Lord’s actions stagnated.
Chapter 120: Spirit Beast!

The Nine Phoenix Valley Lord glanced at the locations where

sword flowers brushed past. Flower emblems bloomed one
after another all over his body, causing blood to spurt out
from them.

“Pu!!” The Nine Phoenix Valley Lord spewed a mouthful of

fresh blood from his mouth. His knees softened as his
strength diminished, dropping to the ground into a kneeling

“I!” Till this very moment, he found it hard to believe that he

ended up losing his life here, dying under the hands of a
Xiantian First Order, a person with the same level of
strength as himself.

“Tell me, what’s the name of that move you executed just
now?” He looked at Fei Hou and asked, his voice hoarse.

“Flower of Death.” Fei Hou answered icily.

“Flower ….of Death?” The Nine Phoenix Valley Lord repeated

the name to himself, and then his body tumbled onto the
dirt. With a single twitch, all signs of life dissipated.

Seeing this, the last remaining Nine Phoenix Valley Elder

battling with Huang Xiaolong was terrified! After swinging a
powerful attack with his sword directly at Huang Xiaolong,
he turned around and seized the opportunity to escape with
his life.

Watching his actions, Fei Hou sneered. Summoning his

Silver River martial spirit, it turned into a river of swords.
Abruptly snaking out like quicksilver, it encompassed the
Nine Phoenix Valley Elder’s body. The river of swords made
a complete loop around the Elder, then returned to Fei Hou’s
side, floating behind him.

The Nine Phoenix Valley Elder plummeted from the air.

Halfway down, his head separated from his shoulder with
blood spurting out all over as two body parts smashed onto
the ground below.

With his death, every single person from the Nine Phoenix
Valley that came to the Enlightenment Lake, was

The Nine Phoenix Valley was considered one of the bigger

sects in the Baolong Kingdom, but they only had one
Xiantian expert and that was their Valley Lord, Lei Tianxing.
Now that he was dead, the Nine Phoenix Valley would fall
from their ranks in the Baolong Kingdom.

The warriors spectating from afar had previously formed a

drastically different impression when observing Huang
Xiaolong and Fei Hou.

In fact, before the Nine Phoenix Valley disciples made their

move, there were some other forces that took a fancy to the
same spot Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou were at and had the
intention of snatching it away from them. Now, seeing the
lifeless bodies of the Nine Phoenix Valley Lord, Elders, and
the disciples scattered on the ground, cold sweat trickled
down from their foreheads whereas inside their hearts, they
were secretly saying a thankful prayer that they did not act

If it wasn’t for the Nine Phoenix Valley disciples shielding the

calamity in front of them, the ones lying on the ground at
this moment would likely be them instead!
After solving the problem that was the Nine Phoenix Valley,
Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou ignored the many shocked and
fearful looks directed at them. Finding another clean spot
some distance away, they sat cross-legged, waiting.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou’s battle with the Nine Phoenix
Valley caught the attention of the Big Sword Sect’s people.
They watched the battle from the very beginning, all the
way until the very end.

At this time, the people from Big Sword watched from a

mountain peak several hundred meters away.

Yu Chen turned back towards one of the Big Sword Sect

Elder’s behind him, “That little kid… is that Huang

The Elder answered respectfully: “Yes, Old Sect Leader, he is

Huang Xiaolong. The other one is called Fei Hou, and
previous Sect Leader Liu Wei died in the hands of Fei Hou’s
Senior Brother Haotian!”

Yu Chen nodded. The expression on his face became cold

and gloomy while watching Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou’s
silhouettes: “I didn’t expect this kid’s strength to grow so
fast to the point that even an Elder from the Nine Phoenix
Valley died in his hands. If this continues, in another ten
years or so, wouldn’t our Big Sword Sect face annihilation?!”

“Master, then seizing the current advantage, should we…?”

Lin Zhiren stepped up, gesturing with his hand by sliding a
thumb across the neck.

Yu Chen pondered the situation briefly before shaking his

head, deferring: “No rush, wait until the great treasure
appears first, and then we will look for an opportunity. No
matter what, we must not let this malignant seed leave
Enlightenment Lake!”

With Fei Hou’s presence, to kill Huang Xiaolong in broad

daylight would be a difficult act. Because of that, Yu Chen
decided that when the great treasure appeared in a few
days, Fei Hou would be distracted and would be the most
opportune time.

Two days passed.

The strange crying sounds coming from the Enlightenment

Lake increased in frequency. Almost at every half hour
interval, the strange cries would become louder and louder,
accompanied by intense fluctuations on the calm lake
surface, making the water surge and splash.

Some of the lower peaks around the Enlightenment Lake

were swallowed by the rising water levels during these
strong fluctuations.

By the third day, the Enlightenment Lake’s water level

actually rose two to three hundred meters, and it continued
to rise even further, albeit slowly, until it reached around
five hundred meters before it finally ceased. However, this
time, unlike many previous times, the water did not recede.

At the same time, pillars of resplendent light shot up to the

sky from the clear lake surface, which everyone believed
was the indication that the great treasure was about to

Watching this scene, the gathered forces were in a state of

giddy elation.

“The great treasure is about to appear!”

Some could not keep their excitement in check and they
rushed out, diving head first into the lake.

However, when these people touched the water, miserable

shrieks echoed in the air, and they saw an enormous bull
head emerging from the water. Its deadly angled horns
protruding from its head skewered two human bodies,
piercing into their chests and through their backs, dripping
fresh red blood that seeped into the lake, staining it red.

This enormous bull head had a pair of glowing red eyes, and
its massive physique reached the size of five giant boulders

“A monster, quickly run!”

The rest of the warriors that had jumped into the lake
wanting to explore the great treasure were petrified when
they saw the enormous bull head. Screaming in fright, they
fled from the water in terror.

But at this moment, the enormous bull head opened its

mouth and let out a shrill, strange roar, shaking the entire
Enlightenment Lake. A horrifying penetrating force came
from the roar, striking all the warriors from different sects
that were about to flee.

As if struck by a hurricane, their bodies limped and started

to sink into the lake.

In the next moment, the enormous bull head’s jaw stretched

open like a whale’s mouth opening wide and flooding with
water as it sucked all the warriors’ bodies in.

There were some expert warriors that still intended to jump

into the lake, but they hesitated as they watched this scene.
All of their actions halted as cold sweat dripped down their
foreheads, and they swiftly retreated in fright.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou were astounded. Neither of

them imagined that there would be such a strange monster
living in the depths of the Enlightenment Lake.

“It’s the guardian spirit beast of the great treasure!” Fei

Hou’s eyes squinted as he spoke his opinion.

When demonic beasts broke the shackles of Stage Ten and

entered the Xiantian realm, they would be able to speak in
the human tongue, becoming a spirit beast.

Spirit beast!

Huang Xiaolong stared at the massive bull head: “Can you

recognize what kind of spirit beast this is?”

“It should be the Savage Green Bull Python!” Fei Hou

explained solemnly, “Savage Green Bull Pythons are an
extremely rare Spirit Beasts– they are the offspring from the
coupling of two different spirit beasts – the Green Bull and
the Savage Python. It is extremely vicious, cruel, and brutal
in nature, and its attacks are very powerful, especially in a
water environment. It was said that as long as the Savage
Green Bull Python remains in the water, it is nearly

“Invincible in the water?” Huang Xiaolong looked at Fei Hou


Fei Hou nodded, “The Savage Green Bull Python has a

unique ability that allows it to recover its strength and
injuries rapidly while in the water. The one in front of us
should be a Xiantian Fourth Order or a Fifth Order, and
inside the water, even a human Xiantian Sixth Order would
have difficulties killing it!”

Huang Xiaolong observed the spirit beast, the Savage Green

Bull Python; it could quickly recover its strength? This bore
some similarity to his martial spirits’ third ability, Instant

It was just that Huang Xiaolong’s Instant Recovery could

only recover his depleted battle qi currently.

After swallowing no less than twenty people around it, the

Savage Green bull Python’s huge head sunk back into the

Dead silence lingered in all four directions.

Groups of experts exchanged looks with their comrades, and

none dared to venture into the lake again recklessly.

Suddenly, from the peak of Arxan Mountain, a human

silhouette flew down, stopping above the Enlightenment
Lake in less than a second. A fist struck down, splitting the
waters right down to the bottom of the lake.

“Roar!!” A dismal roar resounded from the lake, the Savage

Green Bull Python had apparently been injured. Once again,
the enormous bull head rushed to the lake surface, mouth
opened wide in an attempt to swallow the human attacker
whole. But, that person floating above the water avoided it
with what seemed like a simple sway to the side while he
sent another punch out at the Savage Green Bull Python,
hitting its lower belly. Its huge body flew out, and the
Enlightenment Lake broke out in another uproar.
Chapter 121: Hunt!

Watching the man effortlessly injure the Savage Green Bull

Python with a single punch, the more powerful experts were
amazed. This included one of the strongest; King of the
Yuwai Kingdom – Fan Zhe.

“It’s the Imperial Second Prince!”

“His Imperial Highness Second Prince, Duan Wuhen!”

Among the first individuals to shout in amazement were the

Yuwai Kingdom’s ministers and the envoys from the
neighboring kingdoms.

“Duan Wuhen!” Huang Xiaolong looked at the stalwart

figure on the lake surface. This is the Xiantian Ninth Order
warrior, Duan Wuhen? His appearance was of a man in his
thirties, with chiseled, sharp features that looked as if they
had been carved out with a knife, giving off a cold and
invisible pressure to those around him. Duan Wuhen did not
exude any aura intentionally, but Huang Xiaolong who was
standing one thousand meters away, still felt the pressure
coming from Duan Wuhen. This pressure was accompanied
by a kind of momentum that could pierce a hole in the sky.

The feeling Duan Wuhen gave off as he stood there was akin
to a terrifying, magnificent treasure sword that would
unsheathe from its scabbard at any moment.

Before the shocked eyes of everyone present, Duan Wuhen

stood in the air with his hands at his back as he looked at
the Savage Green Bull Python in the lake below: “Evil beast,
I’m giving you two choices: one, become my spirit pet
mount or two, die by my hand!”
The Savage Green Bull Python’s enormous head emerged
from the waters, its eyes glowering furiously at Duan Wuhen
as it spoke in the human language, “Wanting me to be your
pet mount? Damn humans… stop dreaming!” Its entire body
left the water and floated up into the air above the
Enlightenment Lake.

The two claws beneath the Savage Green Bull Python’s belly
were the size of small hills. One could imagine how massive
the rest of its body was.

When it was floating above the Enlightenment Lake, the

waters of the lake inexplicably whirled up like a tornado,
winding around the Savage Green Bull Python’s body. Huang
Xiaolong noticed that ever since the water from the lake
flew up, wrapping around the Savage Green Bull Python, it
was actually absorbed by the Savage Green Bull Python. As
more and more water was absorbed into its body, a layer of
thick water armor emerged on top of its skin.

At the same time, the wound on its belly caused by Duan

Wuhen healed rapidly right in front of everyone’s eyes.

Even when he saw the Savage Green Bull Python’s injury

healing, Duan Wuhen portrayed a nonchalant attitude.

“Toppling Mountain, Flipping Seas!”

The moment the injury on its lower belly healed, the Savage
Green Bull Python let out a thunderous roar! The
Enlightenment Lake’s water jetted to the sky and turned
into gigantic waves, crashing into Duan Wuhen.

When these huge waves were directed at Duan Wuhen, it

actually condensed into rows and rows of sharp, pointed
teeth like the tip of a sword.
When these cold, sharp sword tip waves were mere inches
from Duan Wuhen, he suddenly raised his hand and gently
pointed forward. Just like that, with one gentle point, all the
spiky waves that seemed unblockable bursted into drops of
water, splashing down to the lake below.

The Savage Green Bull Python was surprised and shocked

seeing his mighty attack broken in such a fragile manner
under Duan Wuhen’s finger. Its huge mass of a body lunged
out, both claws swooping down on Duan Wuhen. The force
exuded from the pair of terrifying claws squeezed the huge
rocks and boulders around the lake, causing them to
explode into pieces from the pressure.

Duan Wuhen looked up, watching the Savage Green Bull

Python’s claws whistling over as they pierced through the
air. He clenched his hands into fists and struck out with an
attack of his own.

Boom! Air blasted forth due to the force created by that fist

The Savage Green Bull Python’s enormous body was sent

flying, crashing into a mountain some distance away. The
mountain shook and stones crumbled, and gravel rolled
down below like a landslide.

Duan Wuhen flashed and appeared beside the Savage

Green Bull Python almost instantly. Shaping his palm like a
knife, his hand slashed out.

A tragic scream escaped the Savage Green Bull Python’s

throat as it let out a final, dying breath. A pillar of blood
spurted out vigorously, reaching more than three hundred
meters high, dyeing the entire Enlightenment Lake and
mountain peak in the area. As its body smashed into the
lake, water splashed, setting off enormous waves.
The surrounding area was in absolute silence.

Watching the ease with which Duan Wuhen had killed the
Savage Green Bull Python, their hearts were greatly shaken.

That was a true Xiantian level spirit beast. A Xiantian level

spirit beast actually died in front of them in such a trivial

A Xiantian level spirit beast was synonymous with disaster

and terror in their eyes. At least, that was the impression
they had been given.

After killing the Savage Green Bull Python, a suction force

sprung from Duan Wuhen’s hand and a glistening beast core
was seen falling into his palm. The demonic qi from Xiantian
level spirit beasts is a precious treasure for cultivators. Not
only could it be refined into a pill to enhance one’s
cultivation, there were many other purposes for it too.

Putting the spirit beast core into his spatial ring, Duan
Wuhen’s silhouette dove into the water with a flash, splitting
the waters of the Enlightenment Lake, disappearing from
view in the bottom of the lake.

When Duan Wuhen disappeared, the top of the lake

returned to its mirror-like calm surface.

The surrounding experts were immersed in their own

schemes and desires.

Yet, even after a long time had passed since Duan Wuhen
entered the lake, no one dared to be the first one to make
their move.

Duan Wuhen’s domineering manner of butchering the

Savage Green Bull Python created a great deterrence factor;
following behind Duan Wuhen’s ass to grab treasure with
him, isn’t that simply suicidal?

Although a great treasure was very tempting, their little

lives were more important.

Still, there were those who could not stand the allure of a
great treasure. Someone finally took the lead and flew down
into the Enlightenment Lake. Once one went, a second,
third… all the way to a tenth followed!

The experts started to organize themselves into groups and

entered the lake together.

“Sovereign, do we?” Seeing that so many people had made

their moves, Fei Hou asked Huang Xiaolong for his opinion.

Huang Xiaolong replied with a solemn voice: “Okay, we’re

going down!” After he finished saying that, both he and Fei
Hou flew over and dove into the lake.

The first thing they noticed was the icy coldness of the

Huang Xiaolong was a little puzzled– this Enlightenment

Lake’s water is so cold, like ice!

Coincidentally, they were in the summer season at the

moment, but the Enlightenment Lake’s water was as
freezing as the dead of winter.

Approaching the bottom, Huang Xiaolong realized the lake

was bigger than he had imagined. It was closer in size to an
ocean than a lake, and it seemed to stretch in all directions
endlessly without signs of the shore.
Huang Xiaolong was not a Xiantian expert, but by relying on
his internal force and battle qi, he could stay three to four
hours underwater with no problems.

After traveling along the lake bottom for some time, Huang
Xiaolong said to Fei Hou: “We’ll split up and search. If
something happens, return to Fei Mansion and wait for me

“This…” Fei Hou hesitated.

“You don’t have to worry about my safety.” Huang Xiaolong

was aware of Fei Hou’s concerns so he continued to
persuade him: “It’s decided; I’ll return to Fei Mansion within
three days’ time if nothing out of the ordinary happens.”

“Yes, Sovereign!” Seeing Huang Xiaolong’s insistence, Fei

Hou dared not say anything more. Acknowledging Huang
Xiaolong respectfully, he turned around and left in another

After separating with Fei Hou, Huang Xiaolong continued


When he was outside on the mountain peak, he could see

the dazzling light of a Heavenly Treasure appearing, but
when inside the lake there was no light whatsoever.

Half an hour later.

Huang Xiaolong was moving forward when a group of

people suddenly appeared, blocking his path.

People from the Big Sword Sect!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed dangerously and he

abruptly stopped.
At this time, the people from the Big Sword Sect also
noticed Huang Xiaolong’s presence.

Glaring at Huang Xiaolong, the cruel light in Lin Zhiren’s

eyes gleamed brightly as he released a vile laughter,
“Really, when you’re not looking, it comes right at you.
Disciples of the Big Sword Sect, hear my command.
Whoever kills this punk will be awarded a first tier task

First tier task reward!

“Yes, Sect Leader!”

Big Sword Sect Elders and disciples cheered, waded through

the waters, and started attacking Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s expression darkened. A black light burst

out from his silhouette and as the Wings of Demon on his
back flapped once, Huang Xiaolong streaked one hundred
meters away in an instant.

“Don’t let this punk escape!” Lin Zhiren bellowed angrily. He

flashed with extreme speed, rapidly closing the distance
between them.
Chapter 122: Heavenly Treasure Found!

Although Huang Xiaolong transformed using the Asura

Physique, activating the Wings of Demon and Phantom
Shadow ability to move at a speed on par with a mid-Tenth
Order warrior, he couldn’t easily escape his pursuer. Lin
Zhiren was a peak late-Tenth Order warrior with half a step
into the Xiantian realm. He caught up to Huang Xiaolong in
no time.

Advancing to within ten meters of Huang Xiaolong, killing

intent erupted in Lin Zhiren’s eyes and he quickly slashed
out with his long sword.

“Go die!”

The light from the long sword mutated into a roaring flood
dragon and attacked Huang Xiaolong’s back.

Just as that sword attack was about to tear into Huang

Xiaolong’s back, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette disappeared
from Lin Zhiren’s view in an unforeseen manner.

The sword missed its target, hitting the reefs several

hundred meters away. Pieces of coral shattered and were
washed away by the current.

“He disappeared? How could he disappear?!” After a

moment of shock, Lin Zhiren screamed in a rage. The sound
waves rippled underwater violently, and Lin Zhiren scanned
the surrounding area with bloodshot eyes, appearing similar
to that of an injured beast.

At this time, the Elders of the Big Sword Sect caught up to

Lin Zhiren.
“Sect Leader, that brat is over there!” Suddenly, one of the
Elders yelled, pointing a finger in a direction towards their

Lin Zhiren quickly looked over and noticed Huang Xiaolong’s

figure one thousand meters away.

“Doggy Huang, let me see where you can run to!” Lin Zhiren
howled as he tore through the water, once again in pursuit
of Huang Xiaolong. The Elders and disciples of Big Sword
Sect followed without delay, participating in the hunt.

In less than a minute, Lin Zhiren had traversed more than

half the distance, but when he launched another attack,
Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette eerily disappeared a second
time, appearing another thousand meters away from the
previous spot.

The same sequence repeated more than a dozen times.

Every time Lin Zhiren caught up to Huang Xiaolong and
attacked, Huang Xiaolong disappeared mysteriously. Lin
Zhiren nearly turned mad with exasperation, and his fury
seemed to radiate outward endlessly underwater.

The Big Sword Sect Elders and disciples following the chase
were even more annoyed and irritated.

An hour later during the long chase, many of the disciples

were panting out of breath.

In the water, the consumption of battle qi was larger than

on land.

Huang Xiaolong was concealed within a separate space,

observing the Big Sword Sect disciples the entire time.
Following that, with the Blades of Asura in hand, he instantly
slit the throat of a Big Sword Sect disciple.
This Big Sword Sect disciple was merely at early Ninth
Order. It never crossed his mind that Huang Xiaolong could
be hiding next to him and would attack him suddenly. After
a brief moment of negligence, his throat was slit.

Fresh blood seeped out, dyeing the waters around him a

crimson color.

“Ninth Junior Brother!” Some of the Big Sword Sect disciples

exclaimed in shock.

They were furious but their reaction was too late. Huang
Xiaolong was already one thousand meters away.

Each time they stopped to catch their breath, Huang

Xiaolong would launch an attack with the Blades of Asura.

As another half hour passed, six Big Sword Sect disciples

met their deaths under Huang Xiaolong’s blades.

Watching these Big Sword Sect disciples die one after

another by Huang Xiaolong’s hands, Lin Zhiren was jumping
in anger as he roared like a vengeful lion. A manic light
shone in his gaze. He wished to chop Huang Xiaolong into

These six were core disciples, important individuals of the

Big Sword Sect whom the sect raised with great effort and
resources. But now six of them were dead!

Lin Zhiren’s heart was bleeding while thinking of the loss.

Another two hours passed.

Huang Xiaolong sat cross-legged in a cave hidden among

reefs at the bottom of the Enlightenment Lake, triggering
his Instant Recovery ability. Within seconds, all his depleted
battle qi was completely restored.

He had successfully killed eight Big Sword Sect disciples and

escaped Lin Zhiren’s dogged pursuit.

Fortunately, that old fellow Yu Chen was not in that group. If

he was, Huang Xiaolong would have met a miserable end.
Before a Xiantian Second Order, even if he could conceal
himself within a pocket space, he wouldn’t be able to flee or
hide from Yu Chen.

However, if this goes on, I will have no choice but to return

to land in an hour or so! Huang Xiaolong was muttered to
himself. From the time they entered the lake, more than two
hours had passed. In another hour or so, Huang Xiaolong
would need to return to the surface for air.

“I wonder how Fei Hou is faring.”

In the past two hours, ignoring the Heavenly Treasure itself,

not even a fart could be found. What irritated Huang
Xiaolong the most was the lack of response from the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda.

“Could it be that the Heavenly Treasure was already

subdued by someone else?” Huang Xiaolong’s brows
creased into a furrow.

It was said that Heavenly Treasures placed in the top ten

rankings could only be subdued by people who had a grade
thirteen martial spirit and above. Perhaps…? A name
appeared in Huang Xiaolong’s mind – Duan Wuhen!

Only Duan Wuhen had the highest probability of possessing

a martial spirit at grade thirteen and above.
Thinking of the possibility, Huang Xiaolong’s heart sank.

If it was as he surmised, his plan of breaking through the

Xiantian realm within three years’ time would be forfeit.
Thinking one step further, if Duan Wuhen really got his
hands on the Enlightenment Lake Heavenly Treasure, he
could enter the Duanren Institute after returning to Duanren
Empire, then search for and subdue the fourth-ranked
Absolute Soul Pearl. After refining it, that would be yet
another Heavenly Treasure in his grasp!

If things happened as Huang Xiaolong speculated, it would

be troublesome for him.

However, as he was thinking of the sequence of events, the

Linglong Treasure Pagoda inside Huang Xiaolong’s body
shook once……

“En, this is?!” Huang Xiaolong almost jumped with joy. He

quickly stood up and hurried in the direction he just sensed.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong stopped at a certain

spot. According to what he sensed earlier, it should be right
around there.

Huang Xiaolong looked around carefully at the surroundings.

In the end, his eyes fell upon a mountain not far away. He
moved closer and then halted before the mountain wall.

The mountain was roughly twenty meters wide, and there

were carvings etched into the wall’s surface. Huang
Xiaolong studied them one by one and was surprised to find
that these carvings depicted scenes of an ancient war. In
that war, the participants had strange physical
characteristics, and there were even races with two, four,
and even six wings fighting and killing.
Giving the carvings on the wall a once over, Huang
Xiaolong’s attention finally focused on a brilliant golden
circle carved above the battle scenes.

No matter how he examined it, this roundish circle looked a

bit strange and conspicuous to Huang Xiaolong.

When Huang Xiaolong’s gaze fell onto the brilliant golden

circle, the initially quiet carving of the circle that was etched
into the mountain wall suddenly shook in all directions, and
a terrifying fluctuation flooded out from it.

This type of unique fluctuation was vaguely similar to the

Linglong Treasure Pagoda yet subtly different at the same
time, and it was definitely more powerful and even more
terrifying than the atmosphere coming from the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda.

The Linglong Treasure Pagoda in Huang Xiaolong’s body

shook violently, and just like the last time, Huang Xiaolong’s
twin dragon martial spirits flew out without being called and
pounced onto the golden circle.

The moment Huang Xiaolong’s black and blue twin dragons

flew towards the golden circle ring, all the experts in the
Enlightenment Lake vicinity could see the brilliant light
piercing from the lake below.

Some dozens of li away, joy emerged on Duan Wuhen’s

strict when face seeing the resplendent pillars of light. He
flashed, speeding in Huang Xiaolong’s direction at
breakneck speed, leaving only blurred afterimages of
himself as he tore through space.

Other than Duan Wuhen, Big Sword Sect’s Yu Chen, the

Martial Ning Family’s Ning Wang, and the Xiantian experts of
the Yuwai Kingdom… all of these experts were rushing
towards Huang Xiaolong’s direction.

Detecting the strong aura descending on him from all

directions, Huang Xiaolong had an ugly expression on his
face, pushing his battle qi to the max. The black and blue
dragons entwined around the golden circle ring wanting to
return to Huang Xiaolong’s body, but the golden ring
suddenly vibrated with a hum, releasing a mysterious
energy that repelled the twin dragons.

At this point, Duan Wuhen was less than ten li away.
Chapter 123: Heavenly Treasure: God Binding Ring

Huang Xiaolong already detected Duan Wuhen’s impending

arrival through the increasingly terrifying pressure he
emitted and his aura and his nerves stretched tautly. If Duan
Wuhen arrived first, Huang Xiaolong would surely die!

Should he flee now or hang on a little longer?!

If he left now, he could probably escape but would end up

leaving the Heavenly Treasure behind. Duan Wuhen might
not have time to chase after him but if he continued to
refine the golden ring, Duan Wuhen might arrive during the
process, or worse, just when he finished refining the

What to do?

What should he do?!!!

Huang Xiaolong was nervous, conflicted, and unwilling.

While Huang Xiaolong was busy contemplating, the twin

dragons who were previously shaken off became angered
and their heads tilted and roared as bright lights burst out
from their bodies. The oppressive might of a Primordial
Divine Dragon enchanted their bodies and once again, they
entwined around the golden circle, causing the golden ring
to emit strange cries and shine brightly as it struggled.
However, this time it failed to shake off the twin dragons.

Both the black and blue dragons wound around it firmly and
returned to Huang Xiaolong’s body, dragging the golden
ring along as a prisoner.
When the golden ring disappeared into Huang Xiaolong’s
body, the area around Huang Xiaolong darkened, revealing
a black hole. An immense suction force exploded out from
the black hole, swallowing Huang Xiaolong inside.

The black hole shrunk and vanished like it was never there.

Right when the black hole vanished, a silhouette shot

towards it at breakneck speed − this new arrival was
naturally Duan Wuhen!

Watching the black hole vanishing right before his eyes, an

enormous suction force suddenly burst out of his palm. It
seemed like it could absorb a part of Heaven and Earth, he
nearly ripped Huang Xiaolong out from the black hole. A
shocking pressure gushed out from the black hole at this
time, cutting off Duan Wuhen’s suction force and indirectly
saving Huang Xiaolong’s life.

Duan Wuhen staggered a step back from being rebuffed by

the black hole. His face distorted due to outrage and he let
out a roar at the top of his lungs. With an angry swing of his
hands, the surrounding area’s rocks, reefs, seaweed, fish,
and everything else exploded into pieces.



So close! So close!

Just one step! The Heavenly Treasure was taken by someone

else and it disappeared right in front of his eyes!

Regardless of how well his demeanor and upbringing was,

he could not help but spit out foul curses.
That was a Heavenly Treasure! He made every effort to
plead with his Imperial Father to use the Saint level space-
time artifact so that he could make it in time from the
Duanren Empire, consuming more than a hundred thousand
Spirit Dan. Thinking of the hundred thousand Spirit Dan that
were wasted, Duan Wuhen could not contain his anger and
disappointment. He did not even know what the Heavenly
Treasure looked like.

At this time, a Sect Patriarch of a prominent sect in the

Baolong Kingdom arrived on the scene and was shocked
seeing Duan Wuhen’s presence. As he concluded
something, he walked up to Duan Wuhen in a flattering
manner, saying: “Congratulations to his Imperial Highness
Second Prince for acquiring the great treasure. Imperial
Highness Second Prince’s prestige will resound throughout
the world!”

Yet Duan Wuhen turned around and glared at him, killing

intent glinted and disappeared in his eyes too quickly before
the Sect Patriarch could detect it. He faced Duan Wuhen
with confusion on his face and it was then that Duan
Wuhen’s fist abruptly attacked. The fist punctured the
unlucky Sect Patriarch’s chest and exited through his back.
Duan Wuhen’s entire arm punctured through the hole.

The Sect Patriarch cast his vision downward, staring blankly

at the huge hole in his chest, and a finger lifted to point at
Duan Wuhen as his body washed away with the
undercurrent. Up to the moment of his death, the Sect
Patriarch didn’t know why Duan Wuhen wanted to kill him.

Was it because he saw Duan Wuhen getting the Heavenly

Treasure and so was killed to keep the secret?
How could the pitiful Sect Patriarch have any idea it was
because his words of flattery were like rubbing salt on Duan
Wuhen’s wound?

Several more prominent sect leaders and family Patriarchs

arrived on the scene. Seeing Duan Wuhen kill a prominent
sect’s Patriarch with just a punch, their hearts jumped with
fright. Each person was filled with terror as they turned
around to flee.

But Duan Wuhen’s anger was not pacified. Seeing these flies
trying to run, another fist struck out. This fist strike divided
into several smaller fist prints targeting different individuals.
Be it family Patriarch or Sect Leader, each had a fist
penetrating through their chests.

“A bunch of lowly slaves!” Duan Wuhen snorted coldly while

looking at the corpses. With a flash, he disappeared from
the area.

Not long after Duan Wuhen left, Big Sword Sect’s Yu Chen,
the Martial Ning Family’s Ning Wang, and the rest who
arrived were aghast when they saw all of the scattered

Each person exchanged an astonished look with their


They recognized these dead people. All of them were either

Sect Leaders or Patriarch’s of prominent families. Moreover,
each of them were Xiantian realm experts. The only person
capable of killing so many Xiantian realm experts at once
while the rest were rushing over was: His Imperial Highness
Second Prince, Duan Wuhen!

These people were killed by Duan Wuhen… did that mean

the great treasure in Enlightenment Lake was taken away by

Although none of them said it out loud, all of them were

absolutely sure it was Duan Wuhen who acquired the

Even if there was an unwillingness in their hearts, this result

was within their expectation. Thus, there was not much of
lingering resentment. They turned around and left.

Meanwhile, after being pulled into the black hole, a glaring

bright light flashed in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes and he was
brought to an ancient battlefield. This ancient battlefield
looked like the one he saw carved into the mountain wall.
Everything was the same. A bleak desolate era filled with
death, slaughter, and savageness all fused together. This
was the ancient battlefield before his eyes.

Huang Xiaolong activated his battle qi and focused on his

surroundings as he cautiously and slowly stepped forward.

The sand beneath his feet was soft and grayish-yellow in

color, and there were ruins and corpses surrounding him but
he did not any see any corpses from the two, four, and six
winged races.

As Huang Xiaolong moved forward, the golden ring in his

body shook for a moment and a buzz resounded in his mind
before some memories were added to his consciousness.

“God Binding Ring!”

From the flood of memories, Huang Xiaolong learned the

name of this golden ring. It was called the God Binding Ring!

Huang Xiaolong stood still with his eyes closed, then opened
them abruptly. Both palms struck forward and a ring-shaped
palm print ripped through the air traveling several hundred
meters, separating the airflow in front of him.

This was the heritage battle skill he received – God Binding


According to the memories, by reaching the pinnacle when

cultivating this battle skill, one could bind heaven and earth,
space, time, and even a God.

A real, true God!

“So powerful! It can actually bind a true God!” Huang

Xiaolong was dumbfounded. Heaven and earth, space, and
time were all invisible elements. If this God Binding Palm
could constrain these intangible things, didn’t that mean it
could bind living beings as well?!

“I wonder where the God Binding Ring ranks in the Heavenly

Treasure List? Duanren Institute’s Absolute Soul Pearl sits at
number four, and its heritage battle skill, Absolute Soul
Finger, is said to be able to penetrate hell. I wonder which
one is stronger?”

By triggering the God Binding Ring, one could enter this

ancient battlefield? What is here and what is the purpose?
Huang Xiaolong organized his thoughts.

Since he was brought there, a purpose must exist.

Could this place be used for practice?! A thought suddenly

emerged in Huang Xiaolong’s mind and he quickly sat down,
running the Asura Tactics. Behind him hovered the black and
blue twin dragons. The netherworld spiritual energy rained
down like a waterfall from a void above, and Huang Xiaolong
noticed that it did not disappear. Other than the netherworld
spiritual energy, there was another foreign spiritual energy
that came from the ancient battlefield before it was
absorbed into his body.

“What spiritual energy is this?!” Huang Xiaolong was


Not only did this spiritual energy fuse smoothly with his
nether battle qi when entering his body, but even the rate of
netherworld battle qi conversion in his Qi Sea became
several times faster!

The passage of time flowed by like a river.

Huang Xiaolong had spent several days practicing in this

ancient battlefield and the speed in which his nether battle
qi condensed was astonishing. Several days of practice in
here was the equivalent of one month outside.

Huang Xiaolong was overjoyed. At this rate, in another two

weeks’ time he could advance to late-Ninth Order!
Chapter 124: Li Residence Obliterated

Huang Xiaolong exited the ancient battlefield after spending

a few days inside. The location he appeared in was the
same spot he disappeared from when traveling through the
black hole in the Enlightenment Lake. However, Duan
Wuhen had already left and there was only silence in the
surrounding waters.

Huang Xiaolong observed the surrounding and noticed that

the mountains, reefs, and aquatic plants in the area were in
a scene of devastation, destroyed by someone. There was a
thousand-meter length palm print left at the bottom of the

Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong was frightened and could guess

this giant of a palm print must have been left behind by
Duan Wuhen. Supposing the black hole did not suck him
into the ancient battlefield in time and that palm fell on his
body, he would have exploded into pieces.

Nonetheless, I must breakthrough Xiantian realm as soon as

possible. Huang Xiaolong thought to himself.

This trip to the Enlightenment Lake strongly jolted his sense

of urgency to grow stronger at a faster pace.

Only by breaking into the Xiantian realm would meet have

the minimum requisite to protect himself in this Martial
Spirit World.

Giving the surroundings another glance, Huang Xiaolong

flashed and disappeared from the spot.

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong popped out of the

Enlightenment Lake.
The surrounding area around the Enlightenment Lake was
devoid of people. It seems the experts of the different forces
had already left.

Fei Hou is probably waiting at the Fei Mansion, Huang

Xiaolong thought. According to the agreement he had with
Fei Hou, if something happened, they would return
separately to Fei Mansion within three days. If more than
three days had passed, it was very likely that Fei Hou had
sent people scouring everywhere for him.

Exactly like Huang Xiaolong predicted, not long after

speeding away from the Enlightenment Lake he came
across some Fei Mansion guards that were searching the
forest for him. When the Fei Mansion guards saw Huang
Xiaolong, happiness beamed on their faces.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong return unharmed, Fei Hou nearly set

the altar up in prayer to thank the Heavens as invisible tears
and snot flowed out endlessly.

The main hall, Fei Mansion.

Huang Xiaolong sat down and listened to Fei Hou recount

what happened at the Enlightenment Lake after he went

“Eight Xiantian realm experts died?” Huang Xiaolong was

stunned by this news.

Fei Hou nodded and said: “Yes, all of them were killed by the
Imperial Highness, Second Prince Duan Wuhen. When Duan
Wuhen took the great treasure, these eight Patriarchs and
Sect Leaders arrived at the scene so Duan Wuhen silenced
“Duan Wuhen got the great treasure?” Huang Xiaolong was

Fei Hou nodded his head, saying “That’s right, the news has
spread and reached outside.”

Hearing Fei Hou’s confirmation, Huang Xiaolong secretly

shook his head and laughed wryly. He did not expect that an
Imperial Prince would be the one shielding the black pot for
him. He bet that having to listen to such rumors even while
taking a simple stroll would leave Duan Wuhen feeling like
killing people!

‘Then has Duan Wuhen returned to Duanren Empire?”

Huang Xiaolong asked.

“He should have returned. On that same day he got the

great treasure, the Duanren Empire’s space artifact flew to
the sky and disappeared.” Fei Hou answered, and then
added: “The army stationed at the Enlightenment Lake
suffered an immense loss. I heard there were about seventy
to eighty thousand Yuwai Kingdom’s soldiers that were killed
in the midst of conflict.”

The Yuwai Kingdom was one of the strongest kingdoms

under Duanren Empire’s mandate. A loss of eighty thousand
soldiers for the Yuwai Kingdom was not small, but it
wouldn’t hurt its core force.

Subsequently, Fei Hou reported the actions of the Big Sword

Sect and the Martial Ning Family during the past few days.

When Fei Hou mentioned the Big Sword Sect losing eight
core disciples, Huang Xiaolong grinned and credited himself
with the job: “I killed them.”
Fei Hou was surprised for a second, “They were killed by

Then he chuckled, “I was wondering who it was. So the eight

Big Sword Sect core disciples were done in by Sovereign? Yu
Chen, that old fellow must be jumping with rage knowing
this– still, we need to be careful of him.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded in agreement.

A while later, Fei Hou left the main hall.

Huang Xiaolong did not clarify that the treasure was in his
hands and not Duan Wuhen’s, for it was unnecessary and
not due to feelings of distrust towards Fei Hou. Moreover, Fei
Hou’s knowledge of Heavenly Treasures was limited and he
wouldn’t know where the God Binding Ring stands on the
list or its usage for that matter.

After Fei Hou retreated from the main hall, Huang Xiaolong
returned to his courtyard then triggered the God Binding
Ring and entered the ancient battlefield.

The most crucial thing right now was to breakthrough to the

late-Ninth Order, and Huang Xiaolong decided to return to
the Luo Tong Kingdom after he advances successfully.

In the ancient battlefield, Huang Xiaolong summoned the

Linglong Treasure Pagoda, took out a Fire Dragon Pearl, and
sat cross-legged to practice.

Running the Asura Tactics, he absorbed the spiritual energy

that came from the ancient battlefield.

The last time he practiced here, Huang Xiaolong detected

an indistinct carnage qi that proved beneficial to his
cultivation, as well as sharpening his soul and will.
Twelve days passed.

Almost twenty days had passed since the birth of the great
treasure in the Enlightenment Lake and the storm brought
about by its emergence had gradually subsided. Although it
was still talked about, it didn’t receive the level of attention
it had before.

For twelve days, Huang Xiaolong stayed inside the ancient

battlefield and practiced, finally advancing to late-Ninth

Only then did Huang Xiaolong exit the ancient battlefield.

Next, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou made their way out of the
Luo Tong Kingdom, choosing the same way they arrived–
through the Silvermoon Forest. Both of them killed demonic
beasts and further trained along the way.

Slightly over two months later, Huang Xiaolong made his

first stop at the Tianxuan Mansion instead of the Cosmic
Star Academy.

“Big Brother, you’re back!” Stepping into Tianxuan Mansion,

the first one to greet him was his younger sister, Huang Min.
Delight showed on her face as she hurried in front of Huang
Xiaolong, pulling his hand, “Big Brother, during this trip to
the Yuwai Kingdom, did you happen to find anything to bring
back for me ah?”

“I already know you’re a persistent bug.” After he finished

saying that, Huang Xiaolong took out a bunch of things from
the Asura Ring.

Seeing so many things appearing in front of her, Huang Min

burst into gleeful laughter.
Huang Xiaolong shook his head. In another few months, this
girl would be fifteen, but she still acts like a little kid.

When he stepped into the main hall, his parents, Huang

Peng and Su Yan, were there and so was Li Lu. But Li Lu’s
eyes were red and teary, evidence that she had just been

The atmosphere in the main hall was somewhat depressing.

“What is the matter?” Huang Xiaolong asked as he walked


At this point, Li Lu had already run into Huang Xiaolong’s

embrace, hugging him tightly while crying nonstop.

Huang Xiaolong was somewhat stupefied, seeking

clarification from his parents.

Huang Peng spoke solemnly, “We have just received news

from Canglan County which said that the entire Li Residence
was obliterated from top to bottom. Over a hundred people
were killed!”

Shocked! Huang Xiaolong was utterly shocked when hearing

this. The Li Residence was obliterated from top to bottom?
Does that mean Li Lu’s father, Li Cheng, and her
Grandfather, Liu Mu, were also dead?

“It’s okay, don’t cry anymore.” Huang Xiaolong patted Li

Lu’s back gently, comforting her in a soft voice.

Li Lu cried for a while in Huang Xiaolong’s embrace before

her hands let go. Wiping the tears from her face, she saw
the wet patch on Huang Xiaolong’s shoulder that was
soaked through, an embarrassed red flush stained her
Everyone sat down in the main hall.

“Did we find out who did it?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

Su Yan said: “Li Cheng and Old Patriarch Li died from the
Poison Blood Palm– Marshal Haotian confirmed this.”

“Poison Blood Palm!” Huang Xiaolong’s eyebrows creased

deeply. At that time, the Green Hawk Gang’s leader, Jiang
Wei, also died under the Poison Blood Palm. Did that mean
the person who killed Jiang Wei and the person who killed Li
Cheng and decimated the Li Residence was the same

Thinking back seven years ago, during Liu Mu’s eightieth

birthday celebration, two people with poisonous snake
martial spirits vowed to take Liu Mu’s life within three
years….. but, seven years had passed since then. Were
those people with the poisonous snake martial spirits really
responsible for this?
Chapter 125: Attacking
The Tenth Order
Chapter 125: Attacking the Tenth Order

Returning to Tianxuan Mansion from the Yuwai Kingdom,

Huang Xiaolong did not anticipate that the first thing he
would hear about was how the Li Residence had been
annihilated. These past years, Huang Xiaolong had
requested Marshal Haotian to keep his ears to the ground
and protect the Li Residence from the shadows. Yet the Li
Residence could not escape from this calamity.

At this time, Marshal Haotian rushed over to Tianxuan

Mansion after he was informed of Huang Xiaolong’s return.

After greeting Huang Xiaolong, Marshal Haotian reported

everything in detail related to the Li Residence’s

“Sovereign, I have tracked them down and found the main

culprit.” After he finished reporting, Marshal Haotian added
this information.

“Haotian, according to your judgment, what is the other

side’s strength?” Huang Xiaolong’s solemn voice sounded.

“Judging from the Poison Blood Palm on Liu Mu’s and Li

Cheng’s chest, the other side is very likely a Xiantian realm
expert.” Marshal Haotian spoke with a serious expression on
his face.

“A Xiantian realm expert.” Huang Xiaolong frowned.

That year, the culprit who killed Green Hawk Gang Leader
Jiang Wei was only a peak Late-Tenth Order warrior. Did that
person have a breakthrough and step into the Xiantian
realm? If this was the case, the matter was more
troublesome than he expected.

It didn’t matter if the other side had just advanced into the
Xiantian realm.

At the moment, there were Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou

who could deal with that person.

Moments later, both Fei Hou and Marshal Haotian were


Huang Xiaolong told them to increase the number of

Tianxuan Mansion guards on duty, especially to ensure Li
Lu’s safety.

Li Lu was the sole survivor of the Li Residence, and in Huang

Xiaolong’s opinion the killer would definitely uproot the
bloodlines of the Li family by killing Li Lu.

Deep into the night, the pure and clean moonlight was
shining brightly.

Huang Xiaolong stood in his yard looking up at the bright

moon in the night sky.

At this time, footsteps sounded behind him and he turned

around to see Li Lu. Li Lu was wearing a lavender muslin
dress that nipped flatteringly at her waist. Walking towards
him in the moonlit sky, she was the very picture of a fairy
descended into the mortal realm.

Li Lu approached until she was in front of Huang Xiaolong,

and then she stood still.
“Xiaolong,” Li Lu opened her mouth after a brief moment of
hesitation: “I have something to tell you.”

“Tell me.” Huang Xiaolong looked at her.

“I have broken through the Seventh Order.” Li Lu said.

“Seventh Order?!” Huang Xiaolong was slightly surprised.

Going by Li Lu’s talent, she couldn’t have advanced to the
Seventh Order at her pace, even when taking into
consideration the cycad fruits and Fire Dragon Pearls that he
supplied her with.

Did Li Lu come across some fortuitous adventure as well?

Noticing Huang Xiaolong’s confused expression, Li Lu

elaborated: “A while back, the Academy had an outside task
and I fell into a pool of water. Because I was famished, I ate
some small grass that looked like mushrooms and directly
broke through from late-Sixth Order to the Seventh Order.

Both of Huang Xiaolong’s eyes widened in disbelief. That Li

Lu had this kind of good fortune allowing her to make a
straight breakthrough from a late-Sixth Order to the Seventh
Order… what exactly were those mushrooms?

But, while Huang Xiaolong was still pondering about the

magical mushrooms, a bright light burst out from Li Lu and a
shiny long black sword hovered behind her. Black runes
flowed like liquid on the surface of the black sword.

This was the appearance of Li Lu’s martial spirit, Dark Divine


However, in the very next moment another dazzling light

burst out. Behind Li Lu, a long white sword appeared. This
white sword was almost transparent, exuding a holy
atmosphere with twinkling golden lights floating over it that
looked like small golden elves.

“This is?!” This time, Huang Xiaolong was flabbergasted.

Li Lu actually possessed another martial spirit other than

the Divine Dark Sword. She was just like him, a person with
twin martial spirits! Additionally, she was also similar in that
both of her martial spirits were of the same kind, a black
and a white twin sword!

Huang Xiaolong could tell that the translucent white

longsword was much stronger than her Divine Dark Sword. A
superb martial spirit?!

Why was it that he did not know that Li Lu had twin martial
spirits before this?

“This second martial spirit was awakened when I broke

through the Seventh Order. It is called Divine Holy Sword, a
top twelve grade martial spirit.” Li Lu explained.

Just awakened!

Huang Xiaolong finally understood.

It was no wonder he didn’t know that Li Lu had twin martial

spirits from the beginning.

In the past, when Huang Xiaolong read books about martial

spirits in the Cosmic Star Academy’s library, there were
situations similar to Li Lu’s. In the Martial Spirit World,
children awaken their martial spirits at the age of seven, but
there were also cases where the time of awakening martial
spirits was slower. Some awakened when the owner broke
through the Fourth Order or the Seventh Order.
The later a martial spirit awakens, the stronger it is!

Some of the second martial spirits awakened when the

owner broke through the Fourth Order. In these cases, the
second martial spirit would be one or two grades higher
than the first awakened martial spirit. But since Li Lu
awakened the second martial spirit after breaking through
to the Seventh Order, her second martial spirit was a top
grade-twelve martial spirit! Three grades higher than the
Divine Dark Sword!

Of course, situations like Li Lu’s were extremely rare. In the

history of Martial Spirit World, such instances could be
counted using the fingers on one’s hand.

Observing the twin sword martial spirits behind Li Lu, Huang

Xiaolong was happy for her since she had awakened a
second martial spirit that was a superb talent top grade-
twelve martial spirit. Although her cultivation speed won’t
be as horrifying as his, it was still amazing. Stepping into
the Xiantian realm was guaranteed.

“Xiaolong, tell me, am I going to die?” Without any

indication, Li Lu asked this question.

Huang Xiaolong was startled, but he reassured her as if it

was a promise: “Don’t worry, nothing will happen to you.”

Li Lu nodded and then hugged Huang Xiaolong suddenly,

saying “I’m very scared that I won’t be able to see you
anymore. That in the future, I would never see you again.”
Her sobs sounded.

Huang Xiaolong patiently patted her small back and softly

consoled her, “It’s alright, everything will pass. Marshal
Haotian already found the killer and we will deal with it…
Tianxuan Mansion will be your home in the future.”
Li Lu trembled slightly. She looked up at Huang Xiaolong,
nodding shyly under the moonlight.

Li Lu left Huang Xiaolong’s yard a while later.

With Li Lu’s silhouette disappearing from view, Huang

Xiaolong entered the ancient battlefield, swallowed a Fire
Dragon Pearl and began to practice.

Like this, three months passed.

In these three months, Huang Xiaolong stayed behind and

practiced in Tianxuan Mansion instead of going into the
Silvermoon Forest and had reached peak late-Ninth Order,
half a step into the Tenth Order.

These three months passed by in calm tranquility.

Huang Xiaolong advised Li Lu not to stay outside Tianxuan

Mansion. Other than going to class in the Cosmic Star
Academy, Li Lu would be practicing in the Tianxuan Mansion
and only go to the Academy and back, with experts from the
Marshal Mansion protecting her. After her second martial
spirit awakened, Li Lu’s cultivation speed soared. Within a
short three months’ time Li Lu had reached mid-Seventh

The only downside was that Marshal Haotian was unable to

pinpoint the killer from his information network. It was as if
the person vanished into thin air after killing the entire Li

There was also the possibility the killer had left the Luo Tong

Although there were no signs of that person in the vicinity,

Huang Xiaolong remained vigilant.
Another two months went by.

Huang Xiaolong sat cross-legged in the ancient battlefield.

The black and blue twin dragons were hovering behind him
as they devoured the netherworld spiritual energy that
came gushing down from the void above him. The
netherworld battle qi inside his meridians and Qi Sea roared
and surged.

As Huang Xiaolong persisted in running the Asura Tactics,

the netherworld battle qi impacted the barrier again and
again, continuously and endlessly bashing against his only
obstacle on his way to the Tenth Order. It was significantly
much harder than breaking through the Ninth Order barrier.
With battle qi continuing to crash against the barrier, the
sharp pain that resulted was like having thousands of sharp
needles pierce his internal organs all at once, it was nearly
Chapter 126: Huang Min
And Li Lu Missing
Chapter 126: Huang Min and Li Lu Missing

Huang Xiaolong endured the waves of acute pain that came

from attacking the tenth order barrier, and by persevering
he continued to run Asura Tactics while absorbing spiritual
energy from the ancient battlefield.

A coruscating light flickered endlessly from Huang

Xiaolong’s body.

The netherworld battle qi in his meridians and Qi Sea were

surging in a frenzied manner. Even though Huang Xiaolong
made every effort to control them, he was unsuccessful.

Excruciating pain hit him like strong waves across the shore.

From experiences gained with his previous breakthroughs,

Huang Xiaolong knew that he was close to success so there
was no way he could give up at this stage!

If he failed on the first try, there would be a smaller chance

during the second attempt to break through to the Tenth
Order and it would be much harder.

The third and fourth attempt barely had any chances of

success anymore.

Due to the pain, Huang Xiaolong had a film of sweat on his

Time passed slowly this way when suddenly, Huang
Xiaolong shuddered within, like a new life puncturing the
shell and coming into the world. The netherworld battle qi in
his meridians cheered, breaking free of their shackles to
enter the meridians’ route of the Tenth Order.

The tenth order’s barrier finally crumbled!

Huang Xiaolong was ecstatic!

Entering the Tenth order meridians’ route, the nether battle

qi rolled, surged, and flowed to every corner of his veins.
After one complete cycle, the netherworld battle qi entered
the Qi Sea, expanding to another degree.

The black and blue twin dragons hovering behind him grew
bigger, becoming more real and corporeal. They were no
longer vague shadows.

When Huang Xiaolong entered the Xiantian realm, both of

the black and blue dragons would evolve a third time,
turning into real solid entities. Into true dragons!

Real life dragons!

The netherworld battle qi continued to course through the

new meridians’ line. Huang Xiaolong finally stopped running
Asura tactics after three complete turns then opened his

“I’m a Tenth Order warrior now.” Huang Xiaolong breathed

out some turbid qi. By simply relying on the toughness of his
physique, combined with the Blades of Asura, the Asura
Sword Skill, and his martial spirits’ ability, and even without
a soul transformation, Huang Xiaolong was confident he
could kill the average peak late-Tenth Order warrior.
If he soul transformed, he would definitely be invincible
beneath the Xiantian realm.

Repressing the excitement in his heart, Huang Xiaolong

walked out of his courtyard. The first thing he saw was an
anxious Fei Hou running towards his yard in a flustered
manner: “Sovereign, Second Miss and Miss Li Lu are

“What?! What happened exactly?” Huang Xiaolong’s face


Fei Hou quickly replied: “In the morning, Second Miss and
Miss Li Lu went out, but they haven’t returned after one
hour’s time so Subordinate ordered people to go and look
for them. On Peaceful Street, they found four Marshal
Mansion guards’ bodies whereas Second Miss and Miss Li Lu
were nowhere to be found!”

Huang Xiaolong’s heart sank.

The four guards Marshal Haotian sent to protect Li Lu and

Huang Min were all Tenth Order warriors. To be capable of
killing four Tenth Order guards without alerting anyone…
only a Xiantian realm expert could achieve that!

“How did the four guards die?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

“They were hit by a Poison Blood Palm!” Fei Hou answered

without delay.

It really is the Poison Blood Palm!

The other side has come!

The killer disappeared for five months after annihilating the

Li Residence, only to resurface now.
“En, go inform Haotian, tell him to blockade the city and find
the killer!” Huang Xiaolong ordered: “Now, bring me to see
the four guards bodies!”

Haotian, as the Luo Tong Kingdom’s only Marshal, had the

power to blockade the city.

“Yes, Sovereign!” Fei Hou acknowledged respectfully and led

Huang Xiaolong to the main hall.

On the floor in the main hall, the four bodies of the Marshal
Mansion guards were arranged neatly. Fei Hou brought them
back after finding their bodies on Peaceful Street.

When Huang Xiaolong walked into the main hall, his Mom
and Dad, Huang Peng and Su Yan, were there along with his
younger brother, Huang Xiaohai, as well.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong had arrived, Huang Peng and Su Yan

hurried beside him.

“Xiaolong, you must save your little sister and save Miss Li
Lu!” Su Yan pleaded through her sobs, words choking in her

“Mom, don’t worry. I will!” Huang Xiaolong promised, but the

main problem was that he didn’t know where they were.

What if both of them were already…?!

Thinking of this possibility, Huang Xiaolong felt a tugging

pain in his heart.

Only now did he realize that whether it was his sister or Li

Lu, both occupied an important place in his heart.
Inhaling deeply, Huang Xiaolong forced himself to calm
down and walked towards the four Marshal Mansion guards’
bodies. Observing the muted green palm print that was
imprinted on their chests, Huang Xiaolong wore a grave and
livid expression on his face.

The other side daring to do this meant that they were

simply not putting Tianxuan Mansion and the Marshal
Mansion in their eyes!

If he found them, Huang Xiaolong will have that person pay

a very, very miserable price for this!

By this time, Marshal Haotian had rushed over from the

Marshal Mansion after getting the news.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou both,

saying: “Go, we’re going to Peaceful Street now!”

“Yes, Young Lord!”

Huang Xiaolong led Marshal Haotian, Fei Hou, and the rest
out from Tianxuan Mansion and sped towards Peaceful
Street. When Huang Peng and Su Yan wanted to follow him,
he told them wait at Tianxuan Mansion in order to avoid any
unforeseen incidents from happening.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong and the group of people

arrived on the scene – Peaceful Street.

Upon arrival, they could see several puddles of blood on the

ground, however it had dried up a little. Huang Xiaolong
closed his eyes and stood in silence, sensing his

Then, from a certain direction, Huang Xiaolong caught a

trace of his little sister, Huang Min’s, and Li Lu’ scents.
Everyone has a scent unique only to them.

Since he broke through to Seventh Order and the twin

dragon martial spirits evolved the second time, his sense of
smell has been greatly heightened.

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes and looked

towards a certain direction and disappeared in a flash as he
moved that way. Sprinting towards the south side of the
Royal City, Marshal Haotian, Fei Hou, and the rest felt
something was strange, but no one dallied as they quickly
followed behind Huang Xiaolong.

Rushing towards the south section, Huang Xiaolong did not

conceal his strength. His speed shocked Marshal Haotian,
Fei Hou, and everyone behind him.

Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou secretly exchanged a look

between them.

Sovereign… he already broke through to the Tenth Order?!

Tenth Order!

It hasn’t been that long since Sovereign broke through into

the Ninth Order– not even a year has passed! Leaping to the
Tenth Order in one fell swoop… what cultivation level was
this? Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou shuddered thinking of

If Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou had that kind of reaction, the
Marshal Mansion guards and Tianxuan Mansion guards were
dumbstruck as they stared at Huang Xiaolong’s back.

Speeding towards the south, they soon left the Luo Tong
Royal City behind.
More than an hour later, they came before a mountainous

“Everyone split up and search.” Huang Xiaolong turned back

and issued an order.

“Yes, Young Lord!”

Everyone replied and split up, heading to search in different


After a moment, in the distant mountain forest, one of the

guards exclaimed in surprise: “Young Lord, the Second Miss
is here!”

Hearing this, Huang Xiaolong and the rest of the guards

sprinted towards that forest area. Huang Xiaolong saw
Huang Min there. Someone used some method to bind his
little sister to that spot since she was clearly unable to
move. But, there was no sign of Li Lu.

Seeing it was Huang Xiaolong and the Tianxuan Mansion

guards, surprise showed in Huang Min’s eyes followed by
anxiousness, but she was unable to move or speak.

Huang Xiaolong hastened to his little sister’s side.
Chapter 127: Li Lu Left

Coming to a stand in front of his younger sister, Huang Min,

Huang Xiaolong checked her condition which resulted in a
deep frown on his brows. Relying on his judgment, he could
not see through what kind of method was used to
immobilize his little sister in this spot. It wasn’t due to
acupuncture points. As far as he could tell, in the entire
Martial Spirit World, only he knew of this acupuncture point

Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou also walked up to check Huang

Min’s condition, and they had the same expression as
Huang Xiaolong. Evidently, they too were unsure of the

Just when Huang Xiaolong’s anxiety was about to burn his

eyebrows, the fixed Huang Min suddenly softened and could
move again.

“Big Brother!” Huang Min cried out.

Huang Xiaolong was surprised and quickly helped her up,

“Little girl, how do you feel?”

Huang Min shook her head: “I’m fine.”

Huang Min speedily told Huang Xiaolong: ‘This morning, I

came out with Sister Li Lu, and when we were passing by
Peaceful Street two middle-aged men suddenly appeared in
front of us. After killing the four Marshal Mansion’s guards,
they took us away. They brought us here after leaving the
Royal City.” Huang Min paused to catch her breath.

Huang Xiaolong did not rush her, waiting patiently for her to
Huang Min continued: “When we reached this place, the two
of them interrogated Sister Li Lu, asking where some
Mountain and Sea Manuscript is. Sister Li Lu said she didn’t
know, crying and saying that she would kill them to avenge
her elder brother, Father, and Grandfather. The two men
became angry and they wanted to kill us.”

Everyone present listened attentively.

“When the two men were about to kill us a beautiful woman

suddenly appeared, and with a flick of her long-sleeve the
two men were repelled.”

Huang Min continued: “The two men weren’t her opponent

and wanted to run away so the beautiful woman did not kill
them. In the end, that woman took Sister Li Lu away.”

“She took Li Lu away.” Huang Xiaolong was shocked.

“Yes. That beautiful woman said she has been searching for
a successor for a few hundred years, and Sister Li Lu’s
talent was most suitable to carry on her legacy. So, she
wanted to receive Sister Li Lu as her personal disciple. Sister
Li Lu then agreed to go with her.” Huang Min muttered: “I
wanted to persuade Sister Li Lu to stay, but I don’t know
what method that wench used to stop me from moving. She
said it would go away by itself in an hour, but if anyone
wanted to end it before that, only a Saint realm expert could
undo it.”

“Saint realm expert!”

Marshal Haotian, Fei Hou, the rest of the guards, and even
Huang Xiaolong himself were shocked.

That beautiful woman said only Saint realm experts could

undo her binding… does that mean that beautiful woman is
a Saint realm expert?

An uncertain light flickered in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

However, he was happy for Li Lu having the opportunity to

become the disciple of a Saint realm expert and that Li Lu
was willing to go with her voluntarily, accepting her as her
Master so that she could learn the beautiful woman’s
cultivation technique and battle skill in order to exact

“Did that beautiful woman say where she is bringing Li Lu?”

A while later, Huang Xiaolong asked, his voice sounding

“She said that if we want to find Li Lu, we have to go to

Deities Templar.” Huang Min answered.

“Deities Templar?” Huang Xiaolong was puzzled. He turned

towards Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou, but the two of them
had the same look of confusion on their faces. Judging from
their reactions, both of them didn’t know anything about the
existence of this Deities Templar.

It was a little out of Huang Xiaolong’s expectations that

neither Marshal Haotian nor Fei Hou had heard about this
Deities Templar.

He could only find out slowly.

Since Li Lu was taken as a personal disciple by that beautiful

woman, her safety was no longer of any concern. It was just
that, they won’t be able to see Li Lu until a very long time in
the future. When they meet again, would it be in ten or
twenty years?
“Let’s go back.” Huang Xiaolong ordered and sighed
secretly. With Huang Min found, everyone headed back to
Tianxuan Mansion.

Although he knew Li Lu was okay and that she even

accepted a Saint realm expert as her Master, it did not
reduce the sense of loss in his heart.

For the Li Residence’s revenge, Li Lu would take it upon

herself to achieve this goal. This was also his wish.

Thus, when they returned to Tianxuan Mansion, Huang

Xiaolong told Marshal Haotian to lift the blockade and stop
tracking the killers.

Three days later.

Huang Xiaolong did not practice over the last three days.
There was a slight resistance to adapt to Li Lu’s sudden
departure. These past few years had made Li Lu a part of
his life, and with her gone he felt an emptiness in his heart.

En, that’s right, it was a little empty.

Huang Xiaolong looked up at the night moon. Just a few

months prior, it was the same round moon, shining just as

Xiaolong, tell me, am I going to die?

The words Li Lu spoke at that time, Huang Xiaolong

remembered them clearly. Even her melancholic mood
appeared clearly in his eyes as if the scene that night was
repeating itself.

At that time, Li Lu hugged Huang Xiaolong.

I’m scared I won’t be able to see you anymore, that I’ll
never see you again!

Li Lu cried.

The memory of the scene dissipated.

Huang Xiaolong sighed, muttering to himself: “Deities


Five days passed.

Huang Xiaolong was mediating in the yard when Huang Min

walked in. Sensing Huang Xiaolong’s mood, she spoke: “Big
Brother, are you still thinking about Sister Li Lu?”

Huang Xiaolong responded by nodding his head, “In another

two days, the Academy’s competition will begin. Do you
have confidence to get the class’ first place spot?”

Some years back, Huang Xiaolong requested two spots from

Principal Sun Zhang for his siblings, Huang Min and Huang
Xiaohai, and both of them have been learning in the Cosmic
Star Academy for the past few years.

Although both of their martial spirits grades were not high,

they were nurtured by Huang Xiaolong and guided by Fei
Hou in their cultivation. Their strength and cultivation speed
were no worse than those so-called geniuses in the Cosmic
Star Academy.

“Of course, Big Brother! this time, your little sister will seize
the class’ first spot for you!” Huang Min laughed, full of

Huang Xiaolong nodded. With Huang Min’s current strength,

to get the class number one spot would not be a problem.
A while later, Huang Min left Huang Xiaolong’s yard.

Readjusting his mood, Huang Xiaolong triggered the God

Binding Ring and entered the ancient battlefield, then
started practicing Asura Tactics and God Binding Palm.

After several months of practice, Huang Xiaolong’s

comprehension in the God Binding Palm battle skill had
progressed by leaps and bounds.

Another two days passed.

Huang Xiaolong woke up and headed to the Cosmic Star

Academy with his younger siblings.

One year has passed since he last came.

When Huang Xiaolong arrived, it was inevitable that he

needed to spend some time talking and guiding the older
Academy students.

When entering the Holy Hall, just like the years before,
many fangirls were shrieking and screaming his name.

“Huang Xiaolong, I love you~!”

Confessions of love accompanied Huang Xiaolong as he

made hit way to his class’s seating arrangement. He had
broken through the Tenth Order but had yet to put in a
request for the class advancement assessment test.
Officially, he was a student of Second Year Class Six.

When Lu Kai saw Huang Xiaolong, he walked over and

smiled: “This guy really, you went missing for a year, and I
heard you even went to the Yuwai Kingdom?”
Huang Xiaolong nodded: “En, I made a trip to the Yuwai

Hearing his confirmation, Lu Kai swiftly pulled Huang

Xiaolong to the side, inquiring in a whisper with a grin, “I
heard the women in the Yuwai Kingdom are very beautiful,
filled with an otherworldly temperament.”

Huang Xiaolong was stunned with Lu Kai’s line of

questioning, and nodded slowly and said, “Ah, filled with

Lu Kai’s eyes lit up, “Then I must find a chance to bring this
up with my Royal Father so I can follow the special envoys
to the Yuwai Kingdom.”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head helplessly.
Chapter 128: Meeting Jiang Teng Again

A while later, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu arrived in the Holy

Like in previous years, after both of them arrived, one of

them would speak words of encouragement and explain the
rules of the competition before declaring the start of the

And the two candidates that Chen Feirong recommended for

Second Year Class Six were still Huang Xiaolong and Lu Kai.

During last year’s annual competition, Lu Kai was a peak

late-Seventh Order warrior, and this year this little rascal
finally managed to break through to the Eighth Order.

Standing on the stage, Lu Kai called out his Sky Peng martial
spirit and soul transformed in the blink of an eye. Without
saying a word, an attack of Colossal Decimate Fist struck
out at full force towards Huang Xiaolong.

Although Lu Kai knew he would lose, as the Prince of Luo

Tong Kingdom, Lu Kai still needed to challenge and battle
with Huang Xiaolong despite knowing how much stronger
Huang Xiaolong was. Otherwise, it would create an adverse
effect on the kingdom.

Watching Lu Kai’s Colossal Decimate Fist coming at him

after soul transforming, Huang Xiaolong stood quietly on the
stage without moving. Before everyone’s dumbstruck eyes,
Lu Kai’s fist landed on Huang Xiaolong squarely in the chest.

Whoom! A loud muffled blast resounded.

Lu Kai and the crowd were shocked and bewildered.

While everyone around was still in confusion about why
Huang Xiaolong neither dodged nor attacked, Lu Kai was
shocked to discover his fist felt like it hit against a solid iron
wall when it landed on Huang Xiaolong’s chest.

Huang Xiaolong stood there, immovable like a mountain.

“This!” Lu Kai’s eyes widened with shock and amazement.

At this time, a terrifying energy gushed out from Huang

Xiaolong’s body, and with a shake of his right shoulder, Lu
Kai was knocked back, stumbling all the way until he fell off
the stage powerlessly.

Mouths were agape.

Even Lu Kai felt stupefied.

He had already stepped into the Eighth Order, and in

addition to his soul transformed physique, he was using an
Earth rank battle skill, even an average peak late-Eighth
Order wouldn’t dare to take his fist attack head on like
Huang Xiaolong just did!

Not only did Huang Xiaolong take his Colossal Decimate Fist
at full force without soul transforming, he even successfully
repelled him off the stage with a shake of his shoulder?

Lu Kai shook his head: “This freak, has he broken through to

the Ninth Order?”

Maybe he really has stepped into the Ninth Order! Lu Kai

thought as his eyes widened.

Having the same thought as Lu Kai, everyone who was

watching was sure Huang Xiaolong had advanced in his
Up on the main platform, watching this result, Sun Zhang
chuckled: “This little guy already broke into the Ninth Order?
He was faster than what we estimated by half a year!”

“Yes ah, there’s still a month away before this little guy
reaches sixteen.”

Xiong Chu looked enviously at Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette

on the battle stage.

A sixteen-year-old Ninth Order warrior!

This was an unprecedented event in the entire Duanren

Empire’s history!

Freak or monster was a lackluster definition to describe

Huang Xiaolong.

Super freak, super monster!

After defeating Lu Kai, Huang Xiaolong became the Class Six

winner as expected and the event moved on to the Second
Year competition. Again, Huang Xiaolong defeated his
opponents from the other classes effortlessly, taking the
championship for the Second Year. However, Huang
Xiaolong’s final opponent last year, one of the three big
beauties of Cosmic Star Academy, Chen Caixiu, had
advanced to the Ninth Order and had passed the
assessment test to advance to the Third Year class.

A few hours later, the year’s Academy competition ended


As the tradition goes, other than the usual competition

rewards, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu each gifted a high Grade
Five Spirit Dan to Huang Xiaolong.
The main reason Huang Xiaolong participated in the
Academy’s competition was not for cultivating in the Dragon
Flame Valley, but for these Grade Five Spirit Dans.

These three spirit dans were given to his parents and

siblings every year.

Even though Huang Xiaolong’s Nine Tripod Commerce earns

more than several thousands gold coins every year, high
Grade Five Spirit Dans were not something that could be
bought with sacks of gold coins.

When Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu were giving him the two
high Grade Five Spirit Dans, Huang Xiaolong inquired about
the class advancement assessment test for the Third Year.

Sun Zhang laughed and said: “You have broken through to

the Ninth Order, and the level of your strength has
surpassed most of the Third Year students. Still, to advance
to the Third Year class you must go through the Academy’s
test. This rule, even the two of us must adhere to it.”

Xiong Chu added: “The year has ended, so if you want to

apply for the assessment test it can only be carried out next
year. When the new term starts, come to us and we will
arrange it for you.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded: “Okay then.”

Seeing that Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu both believed he had
just broken through to the Ninth Order, Huang Xiaolong did
not correct them by saying that he had in fact stepped into
the Tenth Order, for it is too frightening.

During last year’s competition when he defeated Chen

Caixiu, he was only an Eighth Order. If people knew he
already broken through to the Tenth Order in no more than
one year’s time, perhaps the million li away Duanren Empire
would be alerted.

Then again, when Huang Xiaolong revealed his grade twelve

superb talent martial spirits, the Primordial Divine Black
Dragon, the Duanren Empire should’ve been made aware of
this. The progress of a young and talented youth such as
Huang Xiaolong is usually given top priority.

On the other hand, the Duanren Empire wouldn’t

deliberately protect or cultivate people like Huang Xiaolong
unless they participated in the Battle of the Imperial City
and successfully entered the top one hundred places,
qualifying to enroll into Duanren Institute.

Huang Xiaolong returned to Tianxuan Mansion with his

younger sister and brother, Huang Min and Huang Xiaohai.

His sister, Huang Min, indeed won the class competition.

Back in Tianxuan Mansion, Huang Xiaolong entered the

ancient battlefield to practice.

Soon, another month passed.

In another two days, it will be New Year.

The entire Tianxuan Mansion was decorated vibrantly,

immersed in a cheerful, festive atmosphere.

Like every New Year, Huang Xiaolong would stop practicing

to accompany his parents and younger siblings.

It had already been sixteen years since he was reborn in this

world, but most of his time was spent on practicing and
cultivation and the time he had to talk with his family was
very little.
“Pity that Li Lu is not here.” In the main hall, everyone was
happily chatting when Su Yan suddenly remarked: “This New
Year could have been even better and livelier.”

Huang Min also agreed: “Right ah, if Sister Li Lu was here,

how wonderful it would be!”

The atmosphere in the main hall took a sudden drop.

Huang Xiaolong stood up and left the main hall. Coming to

the streets, he strolled without a specific destination in
mind, just wanting to take a breath of fresh air. The weather
was cold, yet there were many people on the streets, and it
was bustling and lively. There were noises everywhere of
common folk buying things for the upcoming New Year

Huang Xiaolong observed these common folk preparing to

welcome the New Year in a jovial mood and in turn, it made
his mood better. The truth was, a person doesn’t seek
much– as long as they could stay together with their family
and be happy, this was also a blessing.

After taking a stroll around the city, Huang Xiaolong went

back to Tianxuan Mansion.

Night descended and Tianxuan Mansion lit up brightly.

Instead of practicing, Huang Xiaolong provided constructive

advice to Huang Min and Huang Xiaohai on the problems
they encountered in cultivation.

Very quickly, the New Year passed.

The Cosmic Star Academy academic year had started.

Huang Xiaolong headed towards the Cosmic Star Academy
and immediately went straight in the direction of the
Principal’s office. What Huang Xiaolong did not expect was
that Jiang Teng was inside the room when he walked in.

A few years had passed and Jiang Teng had grown into a
young man over five feet tall. With Sun Zhang and Xiong
Chu’s attentive nurturing, Jiang Teng who possessed the
superb talent martial spirit, Sacred Bright Tiger, had
advanced to late-Seventh Order. The gap between him and
Huang Xiaolong was like heaven and earth. Huang Xiaolong
had turned into an existence he could only admire from afar.

Obviously, Jiang Teng also did not think he would run into
Huang Xiaolong at this time and place because he had
actively avoided Huang Xiaolong. Thus, it had been two to
three years since they last met face to face.

“Se, Senior Brother Huang!’ Seeing Huang Xiaolong walk in,

Jiang Teng practically jumped out from his seat, stammering
out a greeting.
Chapter 129: Hunting For
Iron Crocodiles
Chapter 129: Hunting for Iron Crocodiles

Senior Brother Huang? Hearing the salutation Jiang Teng

called him with, Huang Xiaolong was stunned.

“Xiaolong, you’re here!” At this moment, Sun Zhang and

Xiong Chu both had a brilliant smile on their faces as they
stood up and indicated for Huang Xiaolong to take a seat.

After all four of them were seated, Xiong Chu smiled and
said: “The matter regarding your advancement assessment
has been decided. Head towards the Southern Cliff Marsh,
kill an Iron Crocodile, then return with its beast core.”

Hearing this, Huang Xiaolong nodded.

The Iron Crocodile is a species of crocodile, but its defense

and attack strength were much stronger. The average Iron
Crocodile possessed the strength of a Ninth Order warrior,
and even some more powerful ones could reach a Tenth
Order warrior’s strength. For Huang Xiaolong, this
assessment was considered easy.

It was just that the Southern Cliff Marsh was a little far away
from the Luo Tong Royal City.

The Southern Cliff Marsh was in the most southern tip of Luo
Tong Kingdom. Not far from the marshes and just across the
Luo Tong Kingdom’s border was the Baolong Kingdom’s land
where the headquarters of Big Sword Sect was located.
Next, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu highlighted some things
Huang Xiaolong needed to pay attention to.

Not long after, Huang Xiaolong left the Principal’s room,

returning to Tianxuan Mansion to inform his parents that he
needed to perform a task at the Southern Cliff Marsh. He left
on the same day.

This time when going to the Southern Cliff Marsh, Huang

Xiaolong did not bring any guards or Fei Hou with him, only
the little violet monkey.

Almost five years had passed, yet there weren’t many

changes to the Spirit Devourer Violet Monkey from the first
day it followed Huang Xiaolong home. Only its hair was
much shinier, and its eyes were a piercing shade of ice blue.
Overall, only its cute factor had risen.

If a person didn’t know its origin, the little violet monkey

would very likely be treated as a normal pet.

The little violet monkey’s cultivation level also increased at

an amazing speed, comparable to Huang Xiaolong’s.

Three months ago, Huang Xiaolong was peak late-Ninth

Order and the little violet monkey was at peak late-Stage
Nine. However, Huang Xiaolong had recently broken through
to the Tenth Order.

Still, according to Huang Xiaolong’s estimation, within two

months’ time, the little violet monkey would catch up to

Experiencing the little violet monkey’s terrifying cultivation

speed, even Huang Xiaolong had a trace of envy in his
heart. One must know that he could only breakthrough to
the Tenth Order so fast because he had superb talent
martial spirits, and he was able to refine two Heavenly
Treasures: The Linglong Treasure Pagoda along with the
more recent acquisition, the God Binding Ring.

But what about the little violet monkey?!

From Huang Xiaolong’s observation, it seemed as if when its

strength increased, it would also trigger a reaction from the
energy within its body. By swallowing a beast core, the
speed in which it absorbed the demonic energy inside of its
body became increasingly faster.

After leaving the Luo Tong Royal City, Huang Xiaolong and
the little violet monkey, one man and one monkey, headed
straight towards the Southern Cliff Marsh.

Although Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu did not place a time
limit on the assessment, Huang Xiaolong wanted to
complete the Third Year class promotion as soon as possible
and was unwilling to waste any more time on this than

Initially, Huang Xiaolong did not plan to advance to the

Third Year Class, but he had no choice in the matter because
only Third Years were eligible to compete in the overall
Academy championship.

Huang Xiaolong and the violet little monkey made their way
while practicing.

With the little violet monkey as a companion, Huang

Xiaolong didn’t feel bored.

Two months later, Huang Xiaolong came to the top of a

mountain cliff. Looking out in front him, dry sand danced in
the air and he was surrounded by huge mountain cliffs,
some reaching more than three hundred meters tall.
This was the most southern location of Luo Tong Kingdom’s
cliffy peaks, and it was called Southern Cliffs.

Huang Xiaolong hid his breath and moved forward with the
little violet monkey. A while later, they came before a marsh
area that stretched endlessly: Huang Xiaolong’s destination
this time was this place, the Southern Cliffs Marsh.

Standing at the edge of the endless marsh, he could feel the

dampness in the air, and there were aquatic plants mixing
together to create the moldy odor that assailed his nose.
Hiding their aura, Huang Xiaolong and the little violet
monkey continued to move forward into the marshes.

Although Huang Xiaolong and the little violet monkey were

quite strong, within the marsh, there was always the
possibility of some peak late Stage Ten existences. If there
was only one or two of them, Huang Xiaolong wouldn’t be
afraid, but a swarm of them would be troublesome.

As the two of them moved deeper into the marsh, their

vigilance towards the surrounding area increased.

Any movements within the scope of three hundred fifty

meters didn’t escape Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

However, after more than an hour, they still hadn’t come

across a single Iron Crocodile.

The marsh was enveloped in silence. Apart from the random

sounds of insects and some unknown beast roars in the
distance, there was nothing else.

Two hours later, Huang Xiaolong stopped with a deep frown

on his forehead. Continuing like this wasn’t a good idea. Iron
Crocodiles would normally lurk at the bottom of the marsh
and rarely come close to the edge or come up to the land,
giving no chance for Huang Xiaolong to kill one.

Must I go down into the swamp? Huang Xiaolong thought to

himself before shaking his head, abandoning the idea.

This swamp wasn’t normal water. It was thick and sticky,

and once he entered the swamp, his strength would be
greatly reduced. Moreover, at the bottom, Iron Crocodiles
rest in groups. If he ran into some bad luck and was
besieged by a group of crocodiles, it would take a herculean
effort to escape.

In the end, Huang Xiaolong waited by the shore with the

little violet monkey.

They decided to wait for the Iron Crocodile to swim up or

come ashore.

One day passed.

The sky gradually grew dark.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the sky and went in search of a

place to spend the night with the little violet monkey,
ultimately deciding to settle for a nearby cave in the cliff

The cave was spacious, extending several square meters.

Huang Xiaolong put the fresh kill near the campfire to roast,
with the little monkey excitedly drooling as it waited for its

The beast meat tasted quite good, and with the Snow Moon
Wind and Fiery Wine from the Asura Ring, one man and one
monkey gobbled their food till their stomachs bulged.
Night slowly gave way to the day.

The next morning, Huang Xiaolong and the little monkey

walked along the swamp banks in search of their prey.

Time flowed and several hours passed, bringing the day

closer to noon.

Up above, the radiant sun shone clearly but there wasn’t a

trace of warmth on Huang Xiaolong’s body. In the marsh,
the moist dampness actually increased at noon.

As Huang Xiaolong continued to walk along the banks,

suddenly, his eyes caught sight of something. In the center
of the swamp, a muddy black object about fifty to sixty
meters long could be seen, similar to a crocodile gliding
across the surface of the swamp.

An Iron Crocodile!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes lit up.

But, that Iron Crocodile was two hundred meters away from
the shore. Wanting to kill an Iron Crocodile that was two
hundred meters away and then return safely to the banks
presented quite a challenge.

By that point in time, Huang Xiaolong could not take so

many things into consideration. In an instant, the Blades of
Asura appeared in his hand as the Wings of Demon erupted
from his back. With a flash, he was already half way across
the swamp, right above the Iron Crocodile.

In the same instant Huang Xiaolong appeared above it, the

Iron Crocodile seemed to have sensed him and its big head
snapped out of the waters with its jaws stretched wide open.
It did not bite into Huang Xiaolong, instead, it spurted out a
green-colored poisonous liquid.

Beneath the brilliant horizon, the fountain of poison liquid

sparkled in the sunlight, releasing a horrid smell.

Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong’s body quickly flipped, avoiding

the poisonous liquid. Streaks of lightning flashed in the air
and the Blades of Asura in his hands slashed out onto the
Iron Crocodile’s eyes. It screamed in agony.

In the next moment, Huang Xiaolong’s body plummeted

down, stopping a dozen meters from its head and swinging
out the Blades of Asura. Both blades stabbed down from
above. With a horizontal drag across the head, green blood
came spurting out.

The top of an Iron Crocodile’s head was its fatal weakness,

and in less than a breath’s time, Huang Xiaolong ended the
life of that Iron Crocodile.

However, after the Iron Crocodile died, before Huang

Xiaolong could take out the beast core, the scent of blood
had spread. Hearing the miserable scream of their
companion, a countless number of Iron Crocodiles rushed
out above the surface of the swamp.
Chapter 130: Running Into
Big Sword Sect Disciples
Chapter 130: Running into Big Sword Sect Disciples

There was an ugly expression on Huang Xiaolong’s face as

he sensed the numerous Iron Crocodiles swimming his way
from all directions.

Amongst these Iron Crocodiles, there were some who

exuded a powerful aura that was exceedingly close to
advancing into the Xiantian realm.

Before Huang Xiaolong made the next move, an abrupt

whistling sound pierced through the air, and the little violet
monkey reached Huang Xiaolong’s side in a flash. Its
monkey paws swatted out in four directions.

Striking down, swamp water whirled up from all four

directions, spinning endlessly as it transformed into a wall of
wind. At the same time, a strong suction force swept out,
lifting the Iron Crocodiles high above the air, and then
crashing them down. In that moment, the swamp was a
huge mess and it was chaos.

Huang Xiaolong was delighted, and quickly slashed his

Blades of Asura across the Iron Crocodile’s body. A sucking
force gushed from his palm and an emerald beast core fell
into his hand.

“Let’s go!” Huang Xiaolong grabbed the little violet monkey

and flapped his wings towards the banks.
Just as Huang Xiaolong and the little violet monkey were
about to land, all of a sudden, from the swamp beneath, a
huge Iron Crocodile flew out of the water. This particular Iron
Crocodile actually grew over two hundred meters in length,
akin to a small hill.

Four short, tyrannical claws sprung forward, lunging onto

Huang Xiaolong and the little violet monkey.

A powerful force instantly impacted Huang Xiaolong and the

little violet monkey from behind.

Given the nature of the capricious attack, Huang Xiaolong

and the little violet monkey still had enough time to dodge.
Suddenly, the two silhouettes disappeared.

Hence, the Iron Crocodile pounced onto empty space,

splashing into the swamp below, muddy swamp water
splattered everywhere.

While the Iron Crocodile was still in confusion, Huang

Xiaolong and the little violet monkey appeared on the

Seeing this, the Iron Crocodile let out a furious roar. Its body
twisted around, and once again lunged towards the two on
the banks. As if they received a command, all the nearby
Iron Crocodiles also swarmed towards the shore.

Both Huang Xiaolong and the little violet monkey’s

silhouette flashed, and avoiding these Iron Crocodiles, they
reappeared more than a hundred meters away in one
breath’s time. However, they did not stop. Huang Xiaolong
and the little violet monkey continued to flash away, leaving
the swamp.
Watching as the two got further and further away, the Iron
Crocodiles’ angry roars echoed throughout the swamp area.

Not long after, all the Iron Crocodiles returned to the water.

Watching the swarm of Iron Crocodiles retreat, Huang

Xiaolong let out a sigh of relief.

Only now did Huang Xiaolong put the emerald beast core
into the Asura Ring.

He acquired the Iron Crocodile’s beast core, so the

Academy’s assessment test could be considered as a

Thus, Huang Xiaolong and the little violet monkey traveled

back the way they came. But, not long after they left the
swamp, sounds of fighting emerged in front of them. Angry
voices and complacent snickers traveled with the wind.

“Your Big Sword Sect disciples are all rotten people!

Heartless and cruel, you even killed a three-year-old child!”

“We’ll fight you!”

Then, miserable cries ensued.

Big Sword Sect? Huang Xiaolong’s pupils turned cold. He

and the little violet monkey headed towards where the
sounds of fighting came from, and they arrived at the
fighting place.

When Huang Xiaolong saw the scene before him, the anger
in his heart erupted.

Not far from him, corpses laid in pools of blood and many of
them were those of the elderly or little children. Most of
these elderly people were in their seventies and eighties,
whereas the children were only two to three years of age.
There were also the bodies of infants.

More than a dozen Big Sword Sect disciples were in a mad

frenzy, slashing their swords on a group of people. These
people are probably tribes that live around the Southern
Cliffs Marsh.

Watching those Big Sword Sect disciples still immersed in

slaughter, a sharp light glinted in his eyes. In a blink, he
disappeared from the spot he was at before reappearing
almost instantly next to a Big Sword Sect disciple that was
slashing his sword down on a pregnant woman. The
pregnant woman closed her eyes, screaming in fear and

However in the next moment, the pregnant woman heard a

scream from the Big Sword Sect disciple instead. Surprised,
the pregnant woman opened her eyes cautiously and saw
the Big Sword Sect disciple thrown away, and standing in
front of her was a young man about sixteen to seventeen
years old.

The people around were caught by surprise by the scream

of the Big Sword Sect disciple and turned around to look.

At this point, the frenzied Big Sword Sect disciples stopped

their actions and looked over as well.

“Punk, are you tired of living?! Not only do you dare to nose
into our Big Sword Sect’s affair, you even killed our
disciple!” Spat a pinched-face Big Sword Sect disciple coldly
as he glared at Huang Xiaolong.

Just as the pinched-face disciple said that, another Big

Sword Sect disciple appeared behind him, and his voice
shook as he said: “Senior Brother Zhu, he, he is Huang,
Huang Xiaolong!”

Obviously, that Senior Brother Zhu had yet to connect the

meaning behind the reminder, blurting out: “What yellow
dragon or white dragon[1], I couldn’t care less what dragon
he is!” But, as his words fell, he suddenly paused, and then,
his eyes widened in shock looking at Huang Xiaolong, and
he was filled with fear.

“Huang, Huang Xiaolong!”

“He is Huang Xiaolong?!”

The rest of the Big Sword Sect disciples exclaimed aloud and
quickly retreated a safe distance away from Huang

Ever since the Enlightenment Lake’s incident, every time

Huang Xiaolong’s name was mentioned in Big Sword Sect its
disciples’ faces would change for the worse.


Suddenly, all the Big Sword Sect disciples flew off, fleeing
without a fight.

Watching the Big Sword Sect disciples flee like a flock of

birds, Huang Xiaolong sneered. The Blades of Asura in his
hands swung out, and two wind tempests spun out, catching
the disciples in no time.

The little violet monkey wasn’t idle either, and its little body
flickered away. Two small paws clawed out, and the Big
Sword Sect disciples fell down one by one, screaming
Less than twenty breaths later, these Seventh and Eighth
Orders Big Sword Sect disciples laid lifeless on the ground.

Huang Xiaolong looked around, and the expression on his

face was extremely cold. Within two years time of when he
breaks through to the Xiantian realm, he absolutely will
destroy Big Sword Sect!

At this time, the tribe survivors came to Huang Xiaolong,

kowtowing in gratitude.

Huang Xiaolong told them to stand up before asking them

why the Big Sword Sect disciples were hunting them. An old
man in his eighties with a face full of wrinkles, choked with
tears as he said: “This area is close to the Big Sword Sect’s
headquarters, and these Big Sword Sect disciples often
come over here to kill a type of demonic beast called the
Wind Wolf. I heard it was used in a cultivation technique,
thus they needed the Wind Wolf’s beast core. Every time
these disciples come here to hunt for Wind Wolves, when
passing by our villages they would kill innocent people for

“They even make a competition out of it… who killed more,

who killed faster!” A young man in the group couldn’t resist
and added.

“Then, the Southern Cliffs Army Patrol doesn’t care?” Huang

Xiaolong asked solemnly.

“Southern Cliffs Army Patrol?” That old man in his eighties

said: “The eldest son of Southern Cliffs Castellan is Big
Sword Sect’s disciple. When our Village Head went to report
the matter to the Southern Cliffs Castellan, he turned the
tables around and accused us of antagonizing the peace,
even crippling one of our Village Head’s legs as punishment.
He warned us that if we dare to provoke any more trouble,
he will cripple our Village Head’s remaining leg. Even our
tribe people can’t escape punishment!”

Everyone opened up, denouncing the Southern Cliffs

Castellan to be the Big Sword Sect’s lackey.

“Southern Cliffs Castellan.” Huang Xiaolong repeated once

as a light glinted in his eyes.

“This Young Master, I heard them say the Southern Cliffs

Castellan is the Royal City Duke Wei Bi’s little brother.” The
same old man cautioned:

“They are too powerful. I think it is better if you don’t get

involved in this matter, it may bring troubles to your family

[1] A pun on Huang Xiaolong’s name – Huang (Yellow)

Xiaolong (Little dragon)
Chapter 131: Kill Southern Cliffs City Castellan

Huang Xiaolong understood that this old man in his eighties

said this out of kindness. Therefore, he didn’t mind and
simply nodded his head: “Very well, I understand.”

A short while later, the village tribesmen cleaned up the

scene and disposed of the Big Sword Sect disciples’ corpses.

Huang Xiaolong separated from the tribesmen. After leaving

them, Huang Xiaolong did not return to the Luo Tong
Kingdom immediately.

He and the little violet monkey made a detour to Southern

Cliffs City.

The Southern Cliffs City was located at the most southern

point of the Luo Tong Kingdom territory.

Compared to the Luo Tong Royal City, the Southern Cliffs

City was significantly smaller. Perhaps due to the frequent
abrasions from the sand storms, the tall city walls seemed
thin and they were mottled with obvious holes and cracks.

After entering the city, Huang Xiaolong inquired about the

location of the Castellan Manor and headed towards its

Instead of paying a visit and making his presence known,

Huang Xiaolong chose a small restaurant nearby and
ordered some dishes and wine, then started eating with the
little violet monkey.

When the meal was finished and both of them were sated,
night had already descended in the city. Huang Xiaolong
paid and left with the little violet monkey.
In the dead of night when the sky was at its darkest.

The Southern Cliffs Castellan Manor was brightly lit, and

there were night duty guards on patrol around the

Suddenly, a black shadow leaped over the tall walls of the

Castellan Manor, and avoiding the patrolling guards, the
silhouette sneaked into the Manor before coming to a
certain courtyard.

This black shadow was of course, Huang Xiaolong.

Entering the courtyard, Huang Xiaolong cautiously

approached one of the rooms.

According to his knowledge, this courtyard was where the

Southern Cliffs Castellan, Wei Yang, resided.

When he got close, Huang Xiaolong gently pushed the

curtains away, opening a tiny slit view into the room. He
saw two naked bodies tumbling vigorously on the bed. The
male was in his fifties with a robust body, whereas the
female looked around twenty at most.

The man was thrusting on top of the girl as she panted

heavily, her generous breasts heaving dramatically.

Before he traveled to the manor, Huang Xiaolong inquired

about the Southern Cliffs Castellan’s facial features. This
help him confirm that the man performing such vigorous
actions on the bed was indeed Castellan Wei Yang. The
young woman was probably one of his many concubines.
Other than the main wife, Wei Yang had taken in seven
younger concubines.
Huang Xiaolong retreated quietly from the window, and
when he reappeared, both he and the little violet monkey
were already in the room. Obviously, the two other people in
the room were too engrossed in their ‘creation ritual’ to
notice Huang Xiaolong’s presence in the room.

Seeing Wei Yang had no indication to stop, Huang Xiaolong

could only cough dryly to draw his attention.

“Who is it?!” Wei Yang and his little concubine were

surprised and they turned around instantly.

But, seeing that Huang Xiaolong was just a sixteen-year-old

young man, their vigilance relaxed.

Recovering from his surprise at the intrusion, Wei Yang did

not get up from his little concubine’s naked body, and while
moving his lower body, his cold voiced questioned Huang
Xiaolong: “Little brat, speak, who sent you?”

Who sent me?

Huang Xiaolong was startled; this Wei Yang knew he came

to kill him, yet he was still in the mood to continue in his
pleasure. Then again, it seems Wei Yang was at the ‘critical

The little concubine was slightly embarrassed with an

audience. However, seeing that Wei Yang did not stop, she
cooperated obediently, moving her ass.

“Your son is Big Sword Sect’s disciple?” Huang Xiaolong’s

aloof voice sounded.

Wei Yang grinned complacently: “That’s right. You were sent

by those lowly tribes? Hey hey, those stupid pigs, don’t they
know that I, Wei Yang, am a Ninth Order expert? They
actually sent a baby like you over to kill me?”

Ninth Order!

This was the main reason why Wei Yang did not panic when
he saw Huang Xiaolong in the room, and he even was in the
mood to continue his ‘business.’

“As a Luo Tong Kingdom’s City Castellan, you actually

protected Baolong Kingdom’s Big Sword Sect disciples
killing Luo Tong Kingdom’s subjects.” An angry light
gleamed in Huang Xiaolong’s pupils.

Wei Yang continued his vigorous thrusting actions, and he

actually moved increasingly faster, getting closer to the

“Yeah, so what? Kid, wait till after I kill you, I’ll capture those
lowly peasants and throw them into the prison. I’ll take care
of them well. Coincidentally, the Southern Cliffs City’s prison
emptied out a lot recently.”

Then, at this point, Wei Yang let out a loud grunt, and it
finally ended. He got up from the woman’s body, not
bothering to cover himself as he got down from the bed.

The little violet monkey on Huang Xiaolong’s shoulder

actually squeaked out after looking at Wei Yang’s lower

While Wei Yang was puzzled, Huang Xiaolong chuckled

sheepishly and translated: “The little guy said, your body is
so robust, yet unexpectedly, your ‘tool’ is so small!”

“What?!” Wei Yang was stunned. When the meaning sunk in,
his anger soared, but before he could do anything else,
Huang Xiaolong flashed and was already right in front of

Wei Yang panicked and aimed a punch at Huang Xiaolong,

but it was one step too late. Two lethal blade lights flickered
in the room; one slit across Wei Yang’s throat and the other
slashed down from the middle of his eyebrow.

Both of Wei Yang’s eyes turned sluggish as he stared at

Huang Xiaolong, and then, he crashed to the floor.

On the other side of the bed, the little concubine just got up
from the bed, and wanting to put on her clothes, she caught
sight of Wei Yang tumbling down with his blood spurting out
in a mess. Her hands flew to her mouth as she shrieked
shrilly, as loud as she could. At such a time, she couldn’t be
bothered with her clothes anymore as she made a dash
towards the door. He had to admit, this little concubine of
Wei Yang’s really had quite the figure, slim and curvaceous,
with white, tender skin that could squeeze water out from it.
When she ran, her breasts bounced merrily, creating a stark
contrast to the thick, black bush below.

However, just as she reached the door, Huang Xiaolong

flickered and stood between her and the door. The Blades of
Asura quietly drew a red line across her slim throat.

Wei Yang’s little concubine tumbled down with her face on

the ground and her perky buttocks facing the roof.

At this time, footsteps thundered in the Castellan Manor

with voices barking orders, and the noise grew closer and
louder. Evidently, the little concubine’s high-pitched scream
alerted the guards, and all of them were rushing to this
Huang Xiaolong did not linger around. Bringing the little
violet monkey with him, they made their way out from the
courtyard and vanished from the area.

Seconds after Huang Xiaolong had left, all the Castellan

Manor guards arrived, rushing into the room. Immediately
after entering, their eyes went towards Wei Yang’s and this
little concubine’s naked corpses.

But, most of the guards’ attention were on the little

concubine’s arse, and Adam’s apples contracted as these
guards swallowed their saliva. Although Wei Yang’s little
concubine laid face down, and they could not admire her
generous bosom, her rounded buttocks with dark grass
peeking out from the gaps were sufficient to make these
men’s blood run hot, erecting a tent in their pants.

“Go and search, the murderer must be found!” Moments

later, the captain guard with a pitched tent in his pants
finally regained his senses and bellowed.

The Castellan is dead!

If they can’t catch the murderer and Duke Wei Bi puts the
blame on them, all of them would be buried together with
the Castellan!

At this time, all the guards also realized the grave

circumstances and thinking of the consequences, their lower
parts went soft as they hurried out to capture the murderer.

However, they didn’t even know who the murderer was, so

how were they going to make an arrest?

After leaving the Southern Cliffs Castellan Manor, Huang

Xiaolong also left the city and made his way back to the Luo
Tong Royal City. Not long after, the news about the Southern
Cliffs Castellan, Wei Yang, and his little concubine spread
throughout the city. Compared to Wei Yang’s death, most of
the people relished in the details of little concubine’s
circumstances when they were killed − the naked body, the
plump ass, and so forth.
Chapter 132: Clear Cloud Pavilion Troubles

The news about the Southern Cliffs City Castellan’s murder

reached the Luo Tong Royal City in no time at all.

In the Royal City−Duke Wei’s Mansion.

When Duke Wei Bi heard the news, the surrounding furniture

was crushed into powder due to his anger.

“Find the culprit even if you have to flip the Luo Tong
Kingdom over−don’t leave any stone unturned, you must
discover who this murderer is!” Wei Bi roared in fury.

The hearts of Duke Wei Mansion’s guards quivered in fright

as they promptly acknowledged the order.

“Also, throw those Southern Cliffs Castellan Manor guards

into the dungeon and interrogate them one by one. This
bunch of dog slaves, several thousand of them could not
protect my brother, so what’s the use of keeping them?!”
Wei Bi’s anger continued to burn.

“In addition, kill those guards that rushed into the room and
saw Wei Yang’s death at that time!” With overwhelming
killing intent, Wei Bo continued to bark out orders.

Kill those guards who saw Wei Yang’s death? Doesn’t that
also mean those guards that saw the body of Wei Yang’s

Duke Wei Mansion guards immediately understood their

master’s orders, and they left the room after replying, ‘yes,
After the guards had left, Wei Bi’s eyes were blood red as he
gritted his teeth and spat each word out with hatred, “If I
find out who did it, who killed my younger brother, I will cut
you into a million pieces and feed it to the dogs!”

While Wei Bi was boiling in hatred, Huang Xiaolong was still

making his way back to Luo Tong Royal City.

Two months later, Huang Xiaolong finally arrived.

And the first place Huang Xiaolong stopped at was not

Tianxuan Mansion, but the Cosmic Star Academy.

Entering the Principal’s room, Xiong Chu wasn’t there, only

Sun Zhang was in the room. Huang Xiaolong took out the
emerald green Iron Crocodile beast core from the Asura

Sun Zhang nodded his head. Looking at the emerald Iron

Crocodile’s beast core, he was laughing as he said: “Indeed,
this is the Iron Crocodile’s beast core, and you’re now
officially a Third Year student. Me and Xiong Chu would
recommend you for the inner courtyard, but we still need to
discuss this matter with the inner courtyard Elders before
we make the final decision. Then again, with your talent,
joining the inner courtyard shouldn’t pose much of a

Each year, the number of places allocated for students

entering the inner courtyard was restricted to ten. But, the
chosen student candidates were not decided by Sun Zhang
and Xiong Chu. A meeting was held with the inner courtyard
Elders, and each candidate must obtain nine out of ten
votes of approval.

Huang Xiaolong nodded. For him, it wasn’t important

whether or not he entered the inner courtyard. The reason
he wanted to advance into the Third Year was so that he
could win the overall Academy competition.

However, when Huang Xiaolong turned around to leave, Sun

Zhang suddenly spoke: “The Southern Cliffs City Castellan
and his little concubine were killed by you, right?”

Huang Xiaolong turned back to look at Sun Zhang, and a

tiny light of surprise flickered across his eyes. How did Sun
Zhang know?

Sun Zhang smiled, “Don’t look at me like that. It is just a

guess, but I did not expect that it really was you.”

Then, Huang Xiaolong realized that it must be due to the

timing. When he went hunting for Iron Crocodile, it coincided
with the Southern Cliffs City Castellan’s death, and thus,
Sun Zhang made such assumption.

“I heard Wei Yang’s little concubine has a great figure– her

butt was big, is that so?” In the next moment, another
question popped out from Sun Zhang’s mouth.

Huang Xiaolong was taken aback for he did not expect this
question from Sun Zhang. Huang Xiaolong shook his head.
Why was this Sun Zhang asking such a question?

“That’s right, I killed them.” Huang Xiaolong frankly


It wouldn’t matter anyways if he confessed.

Of course, Sun Zhang wouldn’t publicize the matter to the

outside world.

Huang Xiaolong turned around and left the room, ending the
Sun Zhang’s mouth was opened as if there were many
questions he wanted to ask, but seeing Huang Xiaolong
leaving, he could only shake his head and mutter under his
breath: “This kid!”

Leaving the Academy, Huang Xiaolong returned to Tianxuan


Fei Hou came to see him after getting the news of his
return. Huang Xiaolong asked about matters regarding
Tianxuan Mansion for the last couple of months with Fei Hou
replying, answering them one by one. When these matters
ended, Fei Hou suddenly said: “Sovereign, there were many
instances of conflict between our Nine Tripod Commerce and
the Clear Cloud Pavilion in recent days.”

Clear Cloud Pavilion was the biggest trading house of Cloud

Sea Kingdom. It was established over a hundred years ago
and its numerous branches covered a vast extent of the
land. Even within the Luo Tong Kingdom, they had no less
than a dozen branches. There were also many forces under
their wing.

At that time, when a great treasure appeared in the

Enlightenment Lake, Clear Cloud Pavilion also mobilized
many people venture over.

“What kind of conflict?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

Fei Hou replied respectfully, “Two weeks ago, the Clear

Cloud Pavilion Big Dawn County’s branch disciples came to
our Big Dawn’s Nine Tripod Commerce, claiming that they
wanted to buy one million copies of Nine Tripod’s
publication. When our Big Dawn branch disciple said they
didn’t have the supply, the Clear Cloud Pavilion’s disciples
attacked and injured our disciples.”
A light glinted in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. Asking for a million
copies of Nine Tripod, it was obvious that the other side
clearly came to make trouble.

“Are you sure that their disciples made the first move,
injuring our people?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

“Yes, I am sure!” Fei Hou said with conviction. “After the

Clear Cloud Pavilion’s disciples injured our people, they even
slandered our Nine Tripod Commerce, claiming that we
should shut down if we can’t even provide one million
copies and insulting us with questions like what is the
purpose of doing business this way and such. During this
past two weeks, the Clear Cloud Pavilion Big Dawn disciples
would go to our shop to make trouble every day, and they’re
even injuring our people!”

“Every day they come, clamoring that the Nine Tripod

Commerce must supply them with one million copies!”

Hearing this, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes became cold. These

Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples came to his Nine Tripod
Commerce Big Dawn County branch every day, making
trouble and hitting people. Evidently, they didn’t put the
Tianxuan Mansion in their eyes. Or perhaps, they don’t put
him, Huang Xiaolong, and the Marshal Mansion in their

“Did you investigate clearly what forces this Clear Cloud

Pavilion has in the Luo Tong Kingdom?!” Huang Xiaolong

Fei Hou answered: “I have investigated the matter clearly;

Clear Cloud Pavilion dared to act so arrogantly because they
were backed by the Prime Minister, Wu Feng, Duke Wei Bi,
and other high officials such as Li Jian! This all stems from
jealousy of our Nine Tripod Commerce’s profit!”
Prime Minister Wu Feng!

The coldness in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes increased. No

wonder this Clear Cloud Pavilion dared to behave with
outright brazenness−behind them was the Prime Minister
Wu Feng!

In the Luo Tong Kingdom, Marshal Haotian stands at the top

of the military chain of command, and he was a three-
generation Marshal with the highest status and position only
below the King. However, this Prime Minister Wu Feng
represents the main political force, and just like Marshal
Haotian, he was a three-generation minister. Although his
position wasn’t as high as Marshal Haotian’s, the gap was

Within the Luo Tong Kingdom, one led the political arena
and the other spearheaded the military, and both sides were
never harmonious! Prime Minister Wu Feng has cautioned
King Lu Zhe many times over, claiming that Marshal Haotian
holding military power was a great risk to the Luo Tong
Kingdom, and he even proposed to have Marshal Haotian’s
military authority and position revoked.

There was a high probability that this problem with the Clear
Cloud Pavilion was secretly planned by the Prime Minister.

The rise of the Nine Tripod Commerce these past few years,
and its bountiful annual profit that was close to a hundred
thousand gold coins caused many to go green with envy.

“So, it is this old fogey!” Huang Xiaolong sneered coldly.

But, Huang Xiaolong did not expect that other than Prime
Minister Wu Feng, Duke Wei Bi was also one of Clear Cloud
Pavilion’s supporters.
He had just killed his blood sibling, that Southern Cliffs City
Castellan, Wei Yang.

“What about the other branches? Did similar events take

place?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

“Not at the moment.” Fei Hou replied. “Sovereign, how

about I make a trip personally to Big Dawn County to settle
this matter?”

Huang Xiaolong nodded: “Tomorrow, you’re going to come

with me.”

Huang Xiaolong had intended to make a trip himself.

If he allowed this matter with Clear Cloud Pavilion to fester,

not only would it be detrimental to Nine Tripod Commerce’s
future development, it would also affect Huang Xiaolong’s
and Marshal Haotian’s reputation.

“Sovereign plans to go as well?” Fei Hou was surprised

before acknowledging his decision with respect.
Chapter 133: Heading To Big Dawn County

After he decided to go to Big Dawn County, Huang Xiaolong

requested Fei Hou to send people to monitor the
movements of Prime Minister Wu Feng, Duke Wei Bi, and the
other ministers’ related to Clear Cloud Pavilion.

Fei Hou noted Huang Xiaolong’s instructions respectfully.

After Fei Hou left the main hall, his parents Huang Peng and
Su Yan walked in.

“Xiaolong, I heard there were some problems with the

Commerce at Big Dawn County’s branch?” Huang Peng
asked as he took a seat, whereas Su Yan looked at Huang
Xiaolong with a worried expression.

Both of them came in search of Huang Xiaolong after

hearing there were people causing troubles for the Nine
Tripod Commerce, feeling concerned.

Huang Xiaolong reassured them: “Just some small issues.

Due to the Commerce’s rapid expansion, some people
became jealous. The fact that they’re causing troubles for
us are within expectations. It is very normal. Father, Mother,
don’t worry about this. Tomorrow, Fei Hou and I will travel
there and resolve this matter.”

Both of them nodded.

“Xiaolong, you must pay attention to your own safety.” Su

Yan said: “Maybe, their goal was to lure you over.”

Su Yan’s reminder struck a chord in Huang Xiaolong. If the

Clear Cloud Pavilion was making trouble in such a blatant
manner, could there really be a hidden plot?
“Very well, Mother, I will pay attention.” Huang Xiaolong

After talking with their son for a while, Huang Peng and Su
Yan left the main hall.

Huang Xiaolong remained in the main hall alone, pondering

the words his Mother had just said.

If the Clear Cloud Pavilion has a hidden plot against him,

then, what would they do? Lure him over and then kill him?
A sharp, cold glint flitted across Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

It was a beautiful night tonight.

Huang Xiaolong activated the God Binding Ring and entered

the ancient battlefield. After swallowing a Fire Dragon Pearl,
he commenced his practice.

Even while rushing back and forth performing the class

advancement task, Huang Xiaolong did not relax his
cultivation. Five months had passed and Huang Xiaolong
had already broken through to mid-Tenth Order, just half a
step away from peak mid-Tenth Order.

Not long from now, he could break through to the peak mid-
Tenth Order.

But, he was still quite far off from reaching late-Tenth Order.

Sitting cross-legged in the middle of the ancient battlefield,

Huang Xiaolong ran the Asura Tactics repeatedly while the
twin dragons, one black and one blue, devoured the
netherworld spiritual aura gushing down from the void.

The netherworld battle qi coursed along his meridians and

surged in his Qi Sea.
Due to the continuous enhancement from the Fire Dragon
Pearls he had consumed, the battle qi in running along his
meridians and Qi Sea had completely turned ink black with
a hint of a purple glow.

Despite that, Huang Xiaolong could not confirm if his

netherworld battle qi had transformed into another type of
battle qi altogether. The one point he was sure of though,
was the fact that the current netherworld battle qi was at
least a grade higher than before he started practicing using
the Fire Dragon Pearls.

Because the power he felt from them were on different


As Huang Xiaolong continued running Asura Tactics, the

battle and killing intent lingering in the ancient battlefield
tempered his soul and will. It was close to a year since he
refined the God Binding Ring, and he had been practicing in
this ancient battlefield every single day. The benefits were

The carnage qi intertwined within the spiritual energy in the

ancient battlefield not only sped up Huang Xiaolong’s
cultivation, but it also strengthened his soul and toughened
his will. Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou both said it was
difficult to step into the Xiantian realm. Not only did one
need one’s battle qi to be strong enough to break the
Xiantian barrier, it required the support of a tough soul and
will to be successful.

If the soul and will were weak and the attempt of

breakthrough failed, the battle qi in the meridians and Qi
Sea would inversely flow, damaging one’s cultivation.

The night passed.

Huang Xiaolong stopped running the Asura Tactics
technique, stood up, then began practicing the God Binding

One of the things Huang Xiaolong noticed was that while

practicing the God Binding Palm in the ancient battlefield, it
required half the effort yet provided twice the result.

Only after spending some time practicing the God Binding

Palm did Huang Xiaolong exit the ancient battlefield space.

When he appeared in the main hall, Fei Hou was already

waiting for him.

Marshal Haotian was present too.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong arrive, Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou

walked up to greet him.

Permitting both of them to rise, Huang Xiaolong said to

Marshal Haotian, “Haotian, you’re going to come with us to
Big Dawn County.”

“Me too?” Not only was Marshal Haotian surprised by Huang

Xiaolong’s command, Fei Hou was too.

With these small matters, Fei Hou alone was more than
sufficient to handle them. Now, not only was the Sovereign
coming along, but he even told Marshal Haotian to go as

“I feel this Clear Cloud Pavilion’s matter is not as simple as

it seems to be on the surface.” Huang Xiaolong asserted.

“Not so simple?” Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou exchanged a

look between them.
“Sovereign, you’re saying the Clear Cloud Pavilion acted
deliberately with the aim of baiting you over to Big Dawn
County?” Haotian asked in a solemn voice.

Huang Xiaolong nodded: “Although I can’t confirm this, it is

better that we act with caution. However, on the way, Fei
Hou and I will move in the open while Haotian, you stay
hidden in the dark.”

“Yes, Sovereign!” Both of them acknowledged respectfully.

Then, two silhouettes were seen leaving Tianxuan Mansion

in the direction of Big Dawn County.

Traveling from Luo Tong Royal City, the Big Dawn County
was not far, separated only by one other county in between.

Five days later, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou arrived in the
Big Dawn’s County City.

Big Dawn County was one of the several bigger counties of

the Luo Tong Kingdom, and it boasted the best growth
amongst them. The Big Dawn’s County City was bustling
and prosperous, almost at a level comparable to the Luo
Tong Royal City.

The streets of Big Dawn County City were filled with an

endless stream of people.

Entering the city, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou headed

straight to the Nine Tripod Commerce shop.

An hour later, the two of them appeared at the front

entrance of the Nine Tripod Commerce.

The entrance of the Nine Tripod Commerce Big Dawn County

branch was a two-floor structure built in the shape of an
arch, and the architecture was similar to old European
buildings. The design was specifically requested by Huang

Every Nine Tripod Commerce branch located throughout the

Luo Tong Kingdom was constructed in the same style.

The people of the Nine Tripod Commerce branch weren’t

informed of Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou’s visit. Therefore,
no one came out to welcome Huang Xiaolong’s arrival.

When Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou entered the hall, the
sight of a Nine Tripod Commerce disciple sitting on a chair
with a forlorn expression entered their eyes. Moreover, his
right arm was wrapped in a bandage, evidence of his injury.

Noticing that there were people entering, this Nine Tripod

Commerce disciple raised his head listlessly and when he
saw it was Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou, his dispirited
expression was replaced with surprise. He quickly stood up
from the chair and rushed up to Huang Xiaolong and Fei
Hou: “Young Lord, Steward Fei Hou!”

All the Nine Tripod Commerce disciples could recognize

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou.

Huang Xiaolong allowed this disciple to rise and speak.

“Where is Li Bin?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

Li Bin was the overseer for Nine Tripod Commerce Big Dawn

“Supervisor Li Bin is healing inside the inner hall. This

subordinate will go inform the Supervisor and the others
immediately!” That disciple replied respectfully.
Seeing Huang Xiaolong nodding his head, that disciple
saluted and quickly ran into the inner hall to inform
Supervisor Li Bin and the others. A short while later, that
disciple returned with a big group of people. Leading them
was a middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and broad
shoulders. This was Li Bin. However, when Li Bin came out,
he was leaning on a wooden crutch and limping weakly,
whereas the other disciples behind him were mostly
wounded and bandaged.

Limping over, Li Bin and the rest of the disciples walked out
with their eyes shining after seeing Huang Xiaolong and Fei
Hou in front of them.

“Greetings Young Lord, Big Steward Fei Hou!”

All of them knelt down in salute before Huang Xiaolong and

Fei Hou.

Huang Xiaolong looked at these people who were injured,

yet still kneeling before him in greeting, and a cold light
glinted in his eyes. Before he arrived, he had no idea that Li
Bin’s and these disciples’ injuries were so severe.
Chapter 134: Clear Cloud
Pavilion’S People
Chapter 134: Clear Cloud Pavilion’s People

Huang Xiaolong could see Li Bin’s right leg was slanted out
at an odd angle, and from the looks of it, the bones inside
were shattered. Even if he healed, his future mobility would
not be as agile as it was before.

Not only his leg, but Li Bin’s internal injuries were also
severe and his meridians were traumatized.

If Li Bin was in such a condition, then the rest of the Nine

Tripod Commerce must have suffered worse injuries. And
they did– one of the disciples even had his left ear cut off.

Seeing the severity of Li Bin’s and the disciples’ injuries, the

killing intent in Fei Hou’s eyes surged intensely.

“All of you, stand up.” Huang Xiaolong allowed them to


Hearing this, Li Bin and the branch disciples answered yes

and stood up from their kneeling position.

“You all have suffered and been wronged these past few
months.” Huang Xiaolong said as he looked at Li Bin’s and
each of the disciples’ faces.

Everyone’s eyes became red-rimmed.

“Young Lord, we did not feel wronged.” Li Bin stated as his

eyes grew redder, “Really, we don’t feel wronged at all. We
just hate that we are not strong enough to resist those Clear
Cloud Pavilion’s lackeys.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll ensure that the Clear Cloud
Pavilion pays a hundred times over for the injuries you’ve all
suffered!” Huang Xiaolong looked straight at Li Bin and the
injured disciples, swearing an oath.

“Thank you Young Lord!” Once again, Li Bin and the group of
disciples knelt down in gratitude.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou’s arrival was like a stabilizer in

Li Bin’s and the rest of the disciples’ hearts – it was their
pillar of strength.

Seeing that they were about to kneel down again, Huang

Xiaolong quickly walked up to stop them, having failed in his
attempt to keep them from dropping.

“Fei Hou, give Li Bin and the disciples one Mysterious Yin
Yang Dan each!” Huang Xiaolong looked over and said to Fei

Fei Hou, Li Bin, and the disciples were stunned, but Fei Hou
recovered quickly and did as he was told.

“Young Lord, this… this, we truly cannot accept!” At this

point, Li Bin blurted out suddenly: “This Mysterious Yin Yang
Dan is too precious!”

Mysterious Yin Yang Dan was a high Grade Three Spirit Dan,
one of the best medicines for healing injuries. However, it
didn’t come cheap. One Mysterious Yin Yang Dan costs more
than several thousand gold coins. There were roughly one
hundred people in their Big Dawn branch, so didn’t that
mean several hundred thousand gold coins?
After Li Bin declined, the branch disciples also followed and
declined the precious pill.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, and dissuaded, “Very well,

you don’t need to say more.” His eyes indicated Fei Hou to
pass out the Mysterious Yin Yang Dans to everyone.

Moments later, there was a little round pill in Li Bin’s hand,

and it was the same with the other one hundred disciples.
Their eyes turned red as they stared at the little pill in their
hands, conveying their gratitude to Huang Xiaolong.

After everyone had calmed down a little, Huang Xiaolong

asked, “The people from Clear Cloud Pavilion, do they come
over every day to make trouble?”

“Yes, Young Lord; the people from Clear Cloud pavilion come
here to make trouble every single day.” Li Bin limped
forward and replied to Huang Xiaolong respectfully. “They
usually show up at noon, around this time.”

“Around this time?” Huang Xiaolong nodded. Cold killing

intent flitted passed his eyes.

Suddenly, at the front entrance, a loud, impetuous voice

sounded in the hall, “The Nine Tripod Commerce group of
pathetic grandsons, your Grandfather is here. Why aren’t
you all rushing out to kowtow and greet my arrival?”

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou both turned around.

“Young Lord, the people from Clear Cloud Pavilion are here!”
Li Bin was startled, and he swiftly informed Huang Xiaolong
and Fei Hou.

Just as Li Bin had finished saying this, a group consisting of

more than twenty people swaggered in through the front

This group of people wore light, ash-colored robes which

were embroidered with a cyan cloud. This was the official
uniform worn by Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples.

At the front of the pack was a young man, about twenty-

eight years old at most. He had an insufferable, arrogant

“The one in front is Clear Cloud Pavilion Branch President

Mei Sen’s son, Mei Pengliang.” Li Bin explained to Huang
Xiaolong and Fei Hou.

Huang Xiaolong nodded his head, and he observed this Mei

Pengliang. His physique was on the thinner side, with
elongated narrow eyes and a flat mouth. His entire presence
gave off an insidious feeling akin to a poisonous snake that
could strike at any time.

When Mei Pengliang walked in and saw Huang Xiaolong and

Fei Hou present in the hall, he couldn’t help but be startled.
Earlier, both Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou had changed into
the Nine Tripod Commerce’s disciple robe.

“Hey kid, were you sent over from other Nine Tripod
Commerce branch? It seems that the Nine Tripod Commerce
is so lacking in capable people that they actually sent a
greenhorn here?” Mei Pengliang chuckled, his flat mouth
curving into a charming smile.

When the Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples heard this, all of

them broke out in ugly, unscrupulous laughter.

It was evident that neither Mei Pengliang nor any of the

Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples recognized Huang Xiaolong or
Fei Hou. None of them expected that Huang Xiaolong and
Fei Hou would arrive in Big Dawn County in such a short
time and that they would actually come in person.

The Nine Tripod branch disciples along with Li Bin were all
furious hearing Mei Pengliang’s disrespectful words towards
Huang Xiaolong. When Li Bin wanted to speak out, Huang
Xiaolong waved a hand at him, preventing his subsequent

Instead, Huang Xiaolong asked Li Bin, “Who was the one

that crippled your leg?”

Li Bin pointed at Mei Pengliang: “Young Lord, it was this Mei


Young Lord? Before Mei Pengliang or any of the Clear Cloud

Pavilion disciples could react, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette
flashed and closed the distance between him and Mei
Pengliang. A palm struck out without reserve.

The hit landed silently, but Mei Pengliang’s face changed

drastically in that moment. Fear crept into his eyes, but it
was already too late for him to dodge.

“Little punk, how dare you hurt my Young Lord!” An expert

standing behind Mei Pengliang shouted in shock and anger.
Without delay, both of his hands slapped out in Huang
Xiaolong’s direction. The force from this expert’s palms
whistled through the air, and then sounds of steel colliding
rang out in the hall.

Just when Fei Hou was about to take action, Huang

Xiaolong’s aloof voice sounded: “No need.”

Fei Hou’s movements halted and retreated to the side with

the disciples.
At this point, Huang Xiaolong’s palm had landed on Mei
Pengliang’s chest, a low sound of explosion sounded as Mei
Pengliang flew back from the great force. Letting out a
miserable scream, Mei Pengliang’s body seemed caved in
from his chest.

At the same time, the attack from the expert behind Mei
Pengliang struck Huang Xiaolong. A sound of impact was
heard, yet all the Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples clearly saw
Huang Xiaolong actually standing in the same spot without
moving, maintaining an indifferent expression on his face. It
was as if the person struck by the palm just now was not

“How, how can this be?!” That expert found it harder to

believe than anyone else in the hall. He was, after all, a
peak late-Eighth Order expert. Even if it was a late-Ninth
Order expert being hit by his palm at full force, they would
vomit blood and suffer serious injury.

Huang Xiaolong had advanced into the Tenth Order. Coupled

with his third level cultivation achievement in the Golden
Linglong Physique and the endless consumption of Fire
Dragon Pearl’s that also tempered his physical attributes,
Huang Xiaolong’s body defense had already reached a
formidable degree. To say he was undefeatable below the
Xiantian realm was no exaggeration.

Not to mention a peak late-Eighth Order’s full force strike,

even if it was a peak late-Ninth Order’s full force attack,
Huang Xiaolong could take it without so much as moving an

After sending Mei Pengliang flying with one palm, Huang

Xiaolong turned his wrist and struck out with another palm
strike straight at the Clear Cloud Pavilion expert’s torso.
Feeling like the weight of a mountain fell on him, the expert
bawled pitifully as he was sent flying, accurately falling onto
Mei Pengliang’s body.

The Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples that watched what

happened had ugly expressions on their faces.

The strongest person amongst them that traveled to the

Nine Tripod branch this time was the expert that was hit by
a simple turn of Huang Xiaolong’s wrist.

“You, you are Huang Xiaolong?!” Recalling Li Bin’s words

when he spoke to Huang Xiaolong, Mei Pengliang exclaimed
aloud in a hoarse voice as he struggled to get up. Suddenly,
he spat out a mouthful of blood. The fear in his eyes was
difficult to conceal.

Huang Xiaolong was actually more terrifying than the

rumors had described him to be. Before this, he had heard
of these rumors and had not believed one word of it,
thinking it was spread out deliberately by certain people.

A while back, a rumor said that Huang Xiaolong had already

advanced to the Ninth Order. This was one of the most
unbelievable rumors to him thus far; a boy no more than
sixteen-year-old is a Ninth Order Warrior? Even if you killed
him, he would not believe it!

However, he believed them now even though he wasn’t

dead yet.

Huang Xiaolong slowly walked over to Mei Pengliang, his

face indifferent, “That’s right, I am Huang Xiaolong.”

Seeing Huang Xiaolong approaching, Mei Pengliang

staggered back in a panic, looking terrified.
Chapter 135: Lock Up?

The Clear Cloud Pavilion crowd watched warily as Huang

Xiaolong approached Mei Pengliang with malice, and all of
them quickly surrounded Mei Pengliang in a protective

Seeing their reaction, Huang Xiaolong let out a cold smirk.

With a flash, he appeared in front of the Clear Cloud Pavilion
crowd and struck out a palm, instantly smacking one of the
experts in their group away. Huang Xiaolong continued, and
every palm and fist he attacked with caused one disciple of
Clear Cloud Pavilion to be sent flying.

In a short time, other than Mei Pengliang, over twenty Clear

Cloud Pavilion disciples ended up on the floor. However,
Huang Xiaolong did not kill these Clear Cloud Pavilion
disciples because his purpose was only to injure them, and
seriously injure them at that.

Cold sweat broke out on Mei Pengliang’s pale white face

after watching all the Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples groaning
in pain on the hall floor.

“Huang Xiaolong, you… what do you want to do?” Mei

Pengliang stumbled backwards in fear again and again until
his back hit the wall. With no path of retreat, Mei Pengliang
looked at Huang Xiaolong as he stammered out the question
the best he could.

“What do I want to do?” Huang Xiaolong’s cold voice

caressed the question, as his right hand formed claws and a
great suction force pulled Mei Pengliang away from the wall.
Then the claw extended into a palm, heavily striking Mei
Pengliang’s chest.
A frigid cold qi spread throughout Mei Pengliang’s body
starting from his torso. This frigid cold qi was like a
horrifying, poisonous worm, biting and swallowing every
corner of Mei Pengliang’s body from within. A miserable
scream escaped Mei Pengliang’s throat as he fell to the
floor, jerking in spasms due to the piercing pain.

This frigid cold qi came for the Asura Demon Claw battle
skill, but the move just now wasn’t a move of the Asura
Demon Claw. Otherwise, Mei Pengliang could have died
more comfortably.

Seven years of practicing the Asura Demon Claw skill meant

that Huang Xiaolong could already effortlessly apply the
Asura frigid cold qi into any form of attack that he wished.
Although the power wasn’t on the same level as the real
Asura Demon Claws, it was enough to torment someone,
making them feel that death was a better option.

Li Bin and the Nine Tripod disciples broke out in cheers

watching the miserable endings of the Clear Cloud Pavilion
disciples. The stuffiness and hatred pooled in their hearts
lightened, and for most of them, the awe and worship they
held towards Huang Xiaolong increased monumentally.

While Mei Pengliang was rolling around and jerking in pain

across the floor, another group of people suddenly rushed
into the hall through the Nine Tripod Commerce’s entrance.

The several people in front were all dressed in Clear Cloud

Pavilion’s robes and there was a large group following
behind them consisting of more than sixty people. All of the
people following behind had Big Dawn County City Guards
uniforms on.

The several Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples that broke into the
hall noticed Mei Pengliang at the same time. Their
expressions turned ugly seeing their Young Lord twitching
on the floor.

“Young Lord, Young Lord!”

“Young Lord, what is wrong?”

Several of them hurried to Mei Pengliang’s side, and one of

them, a middle-aged man, quickly initiated his battle qi. A
fire-red palm fell on Mei Pengliang’s back. Clearly, this
person had seen through the frigid cold qi wreaking havoc
inside Mei Pengliang, and he wanted to use some fire type
cultivation technique to disperse the frigid cold qi in Mei
Pengliang’s body.

However, the moment his palm touched Mei Pengliang’s

skin, he noticed a trace of dark blue qi actually wanting to
invade his body from his palm.

Terrified, he swiftly removed his palm from Mei Pengliang’s

back without hesitation. He tried to circulate his battle qi to
force the little amount of dark blue qi out of his body.
Succeeding, the middle-aged man let out a big breath of

He turned around, focusing a deadly glare at Huang

Xiaolong, Fei Hou, and the Nine Tripod Commerce’s
disciples. When he spoke, it was directed at one of the City
Guards, “Captain Wu, the Big Dawn County forbids fighting
and killing within the County City. Now you have witnessed
it for yourself; the disciples of Nine Tripod Commerce
attacked my disciples of Clear Cloud Pavilion. They’re
suffering from severe injuries, and by breaking Big Dawn
County’s regulations, aren’t they acting in contempt with
regards to the Luo Ting Kingdom’s law? Why aren’t you
locking these people up?!”
Hearing this, the City Guards Captain had a difficult
expression on his face. True, he had accepted many benefits
from the Clear Cloud Pavilion, but was Nine Tripod
Commerce a force he could provoke?

“What? Why aren’t you moving?” The Clear Cloud Pavilion’s

middle-aged man hollered at the top of his lungs while
looking at the stationary city guards.

However, just as he finished his question, a palm flew

towards him like a gale. Sensing danger, he quickly raised
his arms in panic to defend himself.

Despite his fast response, it was a step too late. The palm
struck and he was sent flying out.

The other Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples that arrived with the
middle-aged man were greatly startled. Without exception,
all of them were also slapped away by Huang Xiaolong with
one palm strike.

The expression on that Captain Wu’s face became slightly


In his opinion, Huang Xiaolong’s actions were arrogantly

insolent. He, the City Guards’ Captain, was standing right in
front of him and yet he still dared to strike the Clear Cloud
Pavilion’s disciples. His anger overshadowed the fact that
Huang Xiaolong’s strength surprised him. Instantly, Captain
Wu’s face sank and he bellowed at Huang Xiaolong: “Little
punk, you’re too impudent, does the law still exists in your

“Law?” Huang Xiaolong slowly turned around, facing that

Captain Wu, a sharp light gleamed in Huang Xiaolong’s
eyes. Without warning, a palm shot out, landing a
resounding slap right across Captain Wu’s face, causing him
to spin from the force. A few circles later Captain Wu finally
managed to control himself, albeit a little dizzy.

Although he was a City Guards Captain, he was merely a

Seventh Order warrior. In front of Huang Xiaolong it bore no
difference to that of a little kid.

“Captain Wu!”

“Captain Wu, are you okay?!”

The surrounding guards were stunned, bursts of shouts

sounded from different corners.

Finally stopping himself, the Guards Captain Wu clutched

the burning right side of his face with a look of disbelief as
he stared dumbly at Huang Xiaolong, “Little punk, you, you
dared to hit me?”

“So what if I hit you?” Huang Xiaolong’s cold voice rebuffed.

Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples came to make a mess here in

the Nine Tripod Commerce every day, and the Nine Tripod
Commerce disciples were beaten every day by Clear Cloud
Pavilion disciples. How was it that these City Guards
disappeared without so much as a shadow at those times?
Now that Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples were injured, they
appeared so efficiently?

Moreover, before Huang Xiaolong arrived, he did some

checking and found this Big Dawn County’s Castellan was
Prime Minister Wu Feng’s student. This point further
explained why the Clear Cloud Pavilion could harass and
beat up the Nine Tripod Commerce disciples without facing
repercussions for the past month. And on top of that, none
of the Big Dawn City guards made an appearance.
That Captain Wu was so angered by Huang Xiaolong’s
rebuff, especially that sentence, ‘so what if I hit you?’, that it
made the green veins on his forehead twitch uncontrollably.
His heart was aflame. Any hesitation he had towards
offending the Nine Tripod Commerce was burned to cinders.

“You! Go catch this little punk and lock him up!” Captain Wu
pointed a finger at Huang Xiaolong, shouting angrily at the
guards hovering behind him while the other hand indicated
with a wave.

“Yes, Captain Wu!”

The City Guards received their orders and swiftly

surrounded Huang Xiaolong in a circle.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette retreated, and Fei

Hou who had been watching closely at the side swept his
palms out vertically. The force blew away all of the guards
within the blink of an eye.

Looking at all the city guards groaning in pain on the floor,

Captain Wu stared aghast at Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou:
“You two, dare to resist arrest?”

With a flick of his wrist, a shiny golden token appeared in

Huang Xiaolong’s hand. From the golden token, a spirited
image of a dragon and a phoenix winding around the
character ‘Marshal*’ broke into Captain Wu’s line of sight.

Seeing that golden token, Captain Wu’s legs lost their

strength and they trembled as he knelt down in salute. His
shaky voice sounded: “Big Dawn County’s Third Squad City
Guards Captain Wu Xiaodong greets Lord!”

The golden token in Huang Xiaolong’s hand was Marshal

Haotian’s Marshal token. Seeing it was equivalent to seeing
Marshal Haotian in person. At the start of the journey,
thinking of the possibility of such circumstances arising,
Huang Xiaolong brought the matter up and borrowed the
Marshal token from Marshal Haotian.

Watching the trembling Captain Wu kneeling on the floor,

Huang Xiaolong gaze was extremely cold, he only spat out
one word: “Roll!”

Captain Wu looked up dumbly as if he did not expect Huang

Xiaolong would let him off so easily.

“What? You don’t want to roll?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

“Yes, yes Lord, I’ll roll, rolling now, I’m rolling away this
instant!” That Captain Wu nodded his head with vigor,
getting up from the floor as he escaped towards the exit
with all the city guards trailing behind him.

After Captain Wu and the city guards fled, Li Bin came

beside Huang Xiaolong, asking cautiously, “Young Lord,
what do we do with Mei Pengliang and these Clear Cloud
Pavilion’s people?”
Chapter 136: You Dare?

Huang Xiaolong looked at Mei Pengliang and the number of

Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples and sneered, “Strip off all their
clothes and then hang them up one by one on the stone
pillars across the street. I think many people will be
interested in watching such a spectacle.”

“Strip off all their clothes? Hang them up on the stone pillars
across the street?!” The marvelous expression on Li Bin’s
and the Nine Tripod Commerce disciples’ faces were a sight
to behold.

This trick –brilliant!

Absolutely brilliant!

Even though Mei Pengliang was on the floor and completely

subdued by the frigid cold qi caused by the Asura Demon
Claw, he still suffered from inverse blood flow in his heart
when he heard Huang Xiaolong and immediately lost

If one were to think about it, this truly was a great shock to
Mei Pengliang considering his identity as the Clear Cloud
Pavilion Big Dawn County branch President’s son. Relying on
his status, even those noble children that resided in Big
Dawn County needed to treat him with the utmost courtesy.
How would he have any face to see people if he was really
stripped naked and hung in the streets in broad daylight?

Not only Mei Pengliang, all the disciples from Clear Cloud
Pavilion were choked with anger hearing Huang Xiaolong’s
“You, you dare?!” The middle-aged man that arrived later
raged violently at Huang Xiaolong.

“I, don’t dare?” A mischievous grin crept up Huang

Xiaolong’s face. He turned around towards Li Bin and the
disciples standing behind him, signaling them with his eyes.

Li Bin and the rest acknowledged loudly: “Yes, Young Lord!”

And immediately, they pounced at the Clear Cloud Pavilion
disciples akin to a group of hungry wolves jumping into a
herd of lambs!

These Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples were injured earlier by

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou, and thus, not one of them had
the power to resist. They could only watch wide-eyed as
pieces of their clothing was torn apart by Li Bin and the Nine
Tripod Commerce disciples down to their birthday suits.

In the end, a total of thirty naked bodies laid on the floor.

There was a variety of skin tones: snowy white, baby pink,
and even tan.

Glowering at Li Bin who removed his clothes, Mei

Pengliang’s heart was raging with anger and
embarrassment. Gritting his teeth with hatred, he wished
that he could chop Huang Xiaolong and every person of the
Nine Tripod Commerce into thousands of pieces.

“Old dog Li Bin, there will be a day where you’ll die

miserably in my hands. Miserably, you won’t even have a
corpse to be buried!”

“I will ensure you can’t wish for your death to come


Mei Pengliang vowed through gritted teeth at Li Bin after

enduring the devouring pain from the Asura Demon Claw’s
frigid cold qi.

Li Bin gave a glance at the single dangling meat on Mei

Pengliang’s lower body, raising an eyebrow, he asked, “Is
that so?” Without waiting for a reply, he lifted his foot and
stamped onto Mei Pengliang’s body. Mei Pengliang let out a
tragic, woeful scream. The originally generous-sized ‘tool’
instantly shrunk after taking a hit from Li Bin’s foot, like a
fruit that lost all its juices, wrinkled and dried up.

The other Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples that were throwing

harsh, threatening words to the Nine Tripod Commerce
disciples’ faces astutely shut their mouths after witnessing
their Young Lord’s cruel fate. The noisy racket died
immediately as all of them were busy protecting their
‘family jewel’ by clamping their thighs together.

Watching this, the Nine Tripod Commerce disciples broke out

in laughter.

This past month, these Nine Tripod Commerce disciples

suffered insults and beatings from these people, and now
they could finally vent.

Following that, some of the Nine Tripod Commerce disciples

brought out coarse ropes, tying the Clear Cloud Pavilion
disciples individually. Some of the Nine Tripod Commerce
disciples even went as far as tying the ‘middle leg’ together.
Therefore, when the rope was pulled, painful screams
reverberated in the hall.

After tying up Mei Pengliang and the rest of the Clear Cloud
Pavilion disciples, and following Huang Xiaolong’s order, the
Nine Tripod disciples hoisted them and hung them up the
stone pillars on the opposite side of the street.
Not long after Mei Pengliang and the twenty-nine Clear
Cloud Pavilion disciples were hung up for view, the passing
commoners and nobles stopped to ‘admire’.

“This looks like Clear Cloud Pavilion President Mei Sen’s son’
Mei Pengliang?”

“You’re right!”

“I didn’t expect his ‘below’ would be so black when his face

looks so much like a little white lamb[1]? What a thick

“It’s just… a little small~!”

Some of the nobles’ children that were associated with Mei

Pengliang provided their feedback. Their fingers pointed up
and down, deliberately poking fun and laughing out loud at
the same time. Mei Pengliang’s head was cast down, nearly
disappearing into his chest, while his heart raged with
embarrassed anger. If there was a mouse hole in front of
him at this moment, he would rather crawl inside, even if
only by half his head.

This was the way Mei Pengliang felt, and the rest of the
disciples’ feelings resonated with his.

While Mei Pengliang and the disciples were hung in public,

in the Clear Cloud Pavilion Big Dawn branch’s building main
hall, Mei Sen was talking happily with a middle-aged man in
an embroidered light red robe. It was apparent from Mei
Sen’s manner and demeanor that he was respectful and
trying to please the middle-aged man in the light red robe at
the same time.

This middle-aged man in the light red embroidered robe was

none other than Baolong Kingdom’s Martial Ning Family
Patriarch, Ning Wang!

At this time, a Clear Cloud Pavilion disciple ran in, alarmed,

“President, something bad happened!”

Mei Sen’s brows creased into furrows when being

interrupted, “What is it?”

“Young Lord’s in trouble!” That Clear Cloud Pavilion disciple

blurted out in anxiousness.

“Something happened to Liang’er?” Watching the

expression on that Clear Cloud Pavilion disciple’s face, Mei
Sen had a bad premonition in his heart, “What happened?”

“Young Lord and those disciples with him are all tied up and
hung across the street from the Nine Tripod Commerce!”
That disciple hastened to reply.

Tied up and hung on the street? Mei Sen secretly breathed

out in relief– he had thought his son met with some severe

Then, in the next moment, the disciple added: “All of them,

including the Young Lord, were stripped of their clothes!”

All stripped off their clothes? Mei Sen was nonplussed, and
then, he practically jumped up as his hand slammed onto
the side table. With a face ready to kill, he questioned the
disciple, “What did you say?!” Before that disciple could
repeat a word, his robe collar was twisted by a fist and lifted
up in the air.

That Clear Cloud Pavilion disciple’s face was ashen with fear.
Tongue-tied and stammering, he tried to reply, “Young,
Young Lord and the others were stripped bare-naked by the
Nine Tripod Commerce’s people, and then hung high in the
street across their branch!”

Hearing this, Mei Sen roared in anger, and with a fling the
disciple was thrown out of the main hall.

“Nine Tripod Commerce, I will kill all of you!” Killing intent

soared in Mei Sen’s eyes and he prepared to assemble the
Clear Cloud Pavilion’s disciples to head towards the Nine
Tripod Commerce branch.

“Wait!” It was at this time that Martial Ning Family’s

Patriarch, Ning Wang spoke.

Mei Sen was startled, “Patriarch Ning, what is the


A light flickered in Ning Wang’s eyes, and he spoke with a

solemn tone, “Maybe, Huang Xiaolong is here.”

“Huang Xiaolong!” This name thickened the killing intent in

Mei Sen’s eyes, “You’re saying?”

Mei Sen probed.

Ning Wang nodded in affirmation, “If it wasn’t for Huang

Xiaolong’s presence, would those people in the Nine Tripod
Commerce dare to behave this way? However, we just need
to send someone to check and see if Huang Xiaolong is
really here. Send someone to rescue your son. We’ll know
the truth after asking him.”

“If it is really Huang Xiaolong… heihei, then, this Big Dawn

County would be his burial land!”

Mei Sen nodded.

Thus, Mei Sen repressed the rage in his heart, retracted his
murderous aura, and sent several Clear Cloud Pavilion
disciples out to the pick up his son and the rest of the
disciples hanging in the street.

However, not long after that, a Clear Cloud Pavilion disciple

ran into the main hall, flustered as he reported to Mei Sen
who was waiting for news. He reported that the batch of
disciples that went to rescue the Young Lord were captured
by the Nine Tripod Commerce’s people, stripped bare-naked,
and ended up being tied up like the rest of them, hung on
the street for display.

Mei Sen nearly vomited blood due to anger when hearing

the report. Although he did not manage to save his son, he
could confirm Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou’s presence from
the disciple’s description of them.

In the end, as he was left with no choice, Mei Sen could only
request the Big Dawn County’s Castellan side rescue his son
on his behalf. He was then relieved to find out that Huang
Xiaolong did not stop them.

Half a day later, when Mei Sen saw the dismaying

appearance of his son, his knuckles went white as he swore
through gritted teeth: “Huang Xiaolong, I, Mei Sen, swear
that I will take your dog life!”

[1] Little white lamb – pretty boy/ gigolo
Chapter 137: Clear Cloud
Pavilion Moves In For The
Chapter 137: Clear Cloud Pavilion Moves in for the Kill

Nine Tripod Commerce.

In the main hall, Fei Hou was laughing as he reported to

Huang Xiaolong, “Young Lord, by now, everyone in Big Dawn
County is spreading the news about Mei Pengliang and the
Clear Cloud Pavilion’s disciples being stripped naked and
hung on the streets!”

Li Bin also joined in, “That’s right Young Lord– I even heard
Mei Sen was angered until he vomited blood.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

“Young Lord, it is rather unexpected that this Mei Sen could

restrain his temper.” Fei Hou said in a serious tone, “It
seems Young Lord’s guess was correct.”

Huang Xiaolong turned towards Li Bin and instructed, “Tell

the Nine Tripod Commerce disciples not to go out for the
next few days.”

His son, Mei Pengliang, was caught, stripped of the last

shred of his clothing, and hung high up in the streets for
public viewing. With this degree of humiliation, Mei Sen
being able to hold everything in was definitely something
out of ordinary.
That meant there must have been a demon lurking if things
were happening out of ordinary; once Mei Sen made his
move, it would be on a grand and devastating scale.

“Yes, Young Lord!” Li Bin acknowledged the order

respectfully with a heavy expression on his face because he
knew the gravity of the situation.

Despite that, three days later, everything was still calm and

The streets of Big Dawn County City seemed quieter than

usual. Perhaps it was due to the fact that the big and small
forces of the city caught a whiff of the scent of gunpowder
in the air. Hence, each had passed an order warning their
disciples and families not to venture out.

The brewing storm was so obvious that even the common

folk detected it.

As for Huang Xiaolong, he remained in one of the Nine

Tripod Commerce courtyards, practicing these past three

Even as he concentrated on Asura Tactics, he had never

relaxed in training the Body Metamorphose Scripture.

Standing in the middle of the yard, Huang Xiaolong’s feet

spread out. His fists were in a guard position at the sides of
his waist. Then, his right hand stretched out towards the
left, and with clenched fingers, he loosened them into the
shape of a hook as his upper torso turned to the left while
his waist moved to the right from left. His right wrist then
returned to fist form, turning in endless circles, all while
controlling his breathing.
In the past year, Huang Xiaolong’s Body Metamorphose
Scripture had reached Stage Nine: The Azure Dragon Flexing
Its Claws. He was at the peak late-Tenth Order. If he could
breakthrough to Stage Ten, then Huang Xiaolong’s internal
force alone would be equivalent to the strength of a Xiantian
realm expert.

Stopping a moment for a short rest after practicing the Body

Metamorphose Scripture, Fei Hou came in to see him.

“Still no movements from Clear Cloud Pavilion’s side?”

Huang Xiaolong asked.

Fei Hou replied respectfully, “Yes, Sovereign. Mei Sen, this

old fellow, really has patience.”

A light rippled in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, “They are waiting.”

“Waiting?” Fei Hou looked inquiringly at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s solemn voice sounded, “Since it is so, we

shouldn’t let people wait too long. In a while, you’re going
out for a stroll with me.”

“Go for a stroll at a time like this?” Fei Hou was

dumbfounded. The hour was basically in the dead of the

Huang Xiaolong’s head tilted up as he looked at the night

sky; the moon tonight was a beautiful sight– it was farther
away than usual, and even the night breeze seemed colder.
This made Huang Xiaolong remember a saying: dark nights
where strong wind blows are the best for killing.

“The moon’s beautiful tonight, and we’ve come to Big Dawn

County for a few days now, but we haven’t taken a look
around.” Huang Xiaolong’s sentence contained a double
entendre as he smiled mysteriously at Fei Hou.

Watching Huang Xiaolong’s mood, Fei Hou finally

understood what he meant, and joined in the laughter,
“Sovereign is right. Tonight, the moon is truly beautiful.”

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou stepped out

from the Nine Tripod Commerce building and strolled
casually in the streets.

Stopping in a deserted alley, Huang Xiaolong’s footsteps

suddenly halted, and his clear cold voice rang out in the
night, “Since you’ve come, why don’t you people come out
and show yourselves? Or could it be those from Clear Cloud
Pavilion are all cowardly sons of turtles?”

Just as Huang Xiaolong’s voice sounded, shadows shifted

and suddenly, several dark silhouettes appeared from
above, landing right in front of Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes swept across the faces of these

people and in the end, it fell on both Mei Sen’s and Ning
Wang’s face.

Although Huang Xiaolong had never seen Mei Sen before

this, just from Li Bin’s description, it was enough for him to
conclude that this short and stout middle-aged man was Mei
Sen. However, it was Ning Wang’s appearance that
surprised Huang Xiaolong. Baolong Kingdom’s Martial Ning
Family’s Patriarch, Ning Wang!

During the Enlightenment Lake episode, Huang Xiaolong

met Ning Wang face to face, but both pretended
indifference at that time.
Ning Wang approached Huang Xiaolong, letting out a cold
smirk, “How about it? Are you very surprised seeing me

Huang Xiaolong nodded, frankly admitting “I’m a little

surprised, but, it’s a pity…” He shook his head, his voice
trailing off here, leaving the rest of the sentence hanging in
the air.

“Pity what?” Ning Wang scowled uncomfortably.

“Pity because I originally wanted to let you live two more

years.” Huang Xiaolong answered with honesty.

Ning Wang was stunned with the answer whereas Mei Sen’s
stern face cracked slightly from a laugh. Standing at the
back, the other four experts that came with them also
laughed. All four of them were experts of the peak late-
Tenth Order with half a foot in the Xiantian realm.

Instead of getting angry, Ning Wang laughed, albeit

dramatically, “Huang Xiaolong, don’t you realize the current
situation that you’re in at the moment? Are you assuming
that once you come here, you can still walk out alive? Truth
be told, the reason why Clear Cloud Pavilion has been
making troubles at the Nine Tripod Commerce was for the
very reason of luring you over here. But, I did not expect
that you would dive right in so fast, so anxious to die. Since
you’ve come, then this Big Dawn County will be your

Mei Sen’s eyes had eerie lights flickering in them, “Later on,
after I have killed you both, I will reciprocate your kindness
and hang your dead bodies across the street from the Nine
Tripod Commerce. Of course, stripped bare naked. When
everyone in Big Dawn County wakes up tomorrow, they can
enjoy a good view!”
Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou both let out a soft chuckle.

“Are you sure?” Fei Hou laughed, “Perhaps, the bodies being
hoisted up high for viewing will be yours instead?”

Ning Wang sneered, “Huang Xiaolong, I know you

deliberately came out to lure us out; however, I really
cannot figure out what trump card you have. Do you think
Fei Hou can protect you? Unless that Haotian knows how to
teleport and can appear in an instant from Luo Tong Royal
City to here?”

Without the patience to delay things any further, Mei Sen

clapped his hands and the hidden silhouettes moved in the
dark from all four directions, revealing themselves,
amassing up to two to three hundred people. Moreover,
each of them was equipped with bows and arrows, with the
arrowheads gleaming in a dangerous, deep green color.
Obviously, all of these arrows were dipped in poison.

Watching the big wave of men in black clothing appear,

Huang Xiaolong’s mask of calmness did not change.

He had practiced the Golden Linglong Body up to the third

stage, and once activated, even if it was noxious poison, it
wouldn’t bring him any harm. As for the Xiantian realm Fei
Hou… he had the protection of his Xiantian Vigor Qi, thus
these toxic poisons had no effect on him.

After he summoned the surrounding Clear Cloud Pavilion

disciples hidden in the dark, Mei Sen snickered conceitedly
at Huang Xiaolong, “What do you think, is my present
acceptable? You’ve arrived for a few days in Big Dawn
County, and I took a long time and effort to prepare it for
In Mei Sen’s opinion, as long as Huang Xiaolong was below
the Xiantian realm, with his strength, he would turn Huang
Xiaolong into a dead dog once he’s hit with the poison.

Hearing this, Huang Xiaolong laughed out, “The present is

not bad, seems like you’ve made a painstaking effort in
recent days.”

Mei Sen laughed with joy, “It’s something I should do; after
all, you are the famous Nine Tripod Commerce’s President!
Preparing this level of gift for you is nothing. I was afraid
you might be dissatisfied with them.”

“Enough, stop bullshitting with a little brat!” Ning Wang

interjected abruptly, cutting off the conversation between
the two, “You and I will kill Fei Hou, the rest will kill Huang

“Fine!” Mei Sen agreed. In the blink of an eye, both of them

had already leaped towards Fei Hou, commencing their

Even though Mei Sen had just broken through into the
Xiantian realm not long ago, he was still a Xiantian expert.
Ning Wang had also just advanced into Xiantian Second
Order. Fei Hou’s display of strength in the Enlightenment
Lake shocked Ning Wang, but he believed that together with
Mei Sen, they could definitely take Fei Hou’s life.
Chapter 138: “You Go Kill Huang Xiaolong!”

As Ning Wang and Mei Sen leaped towards Fei Hou, both
called out their martial spirits.

Ning Wang’s martial spirit was a huge eight-legged spider,

and on its body showed a reflected pattern of iridescent
light. This was the Seven-stripes Rainbow Spider martial
spirit, and it was one of the most toxic ones.

Its highly toxic poison could blend into the airflow, making it
hard to detect. Even if a peak late-Tenth Order expert
whiffed a tiny amount of the contaminated air, they would
die from being poisoned within ten breaths’ time.

Ning Wang acted quickly after calling out his martial spirit
by soul transforming instantly. Both of his arms were
shrouded with an iridescent glow and numerous poisonous
tiny thorns that looked like spider stingers emerged on
them. Striking a fist, the poisonous thorns stood up, ready to
penetrate into Fei Hou’s body.

On the other hand, Mei Sen’s martial spirit was a type of

black vine full of thorns. Obviously, it was another type of
poisonous martial spirit. Following Ning Wang’s actions, Mei
Sen soul transformed and started attacking Fei Hou.

Watching the two of them coming at him at full force, Fei

Hou did not dare to underestimate them. Calling out his
Silver River martial spirit, Fei Hou soul transformed in an
instant, and no longer held his strength back as he met Ning
Wang’s and Mei Sen’s attacks head on.

At the same time, the four experts behind Ning Wang and
Mei Sen charged towards Huang Xiaolong. These four
people all had the same weapon: a martial spirit−sickle!
The length of the sickle’s blade was long with zigzagged
patterns resembling sharp, pointed teeth.

When attacking, the four of them created a formation,

increasing the power of their attacks drastically.

All four were experts of the Tenth Order, but their power was
enhanced by the fighting formation so their combined
strength was not lower than an early Xiantian warrior, such
as Mei Sen.

Yet the expression on Huang Xiaolong’s face remained

unchanged. The Blades of Asura appeared in his hands, and
with a swing of his blades, the Tempest of Hell came
spinning out to greet the four. Huang Xiaolong immediately
shifted into the Asura Body, and sinewy wings of ebony
erupted from his back. Combined with his martial spirit
ability of Phantom Shadow, Huang Xiaolong maneuvered
between the four people.

Every time they saw that their attack was about to hit
Huang Xiaolong, he dodged them at the last second.

The longer they fought, the more shocked they became.

“You, you broke through to Tenth Order?!” One of the four

couldn’t help blurting out.

Didn’t their President and Patriarch Ning Wang say this little
kid was just a Ninth Order warrior? Or at most, at mid-Ninth
Order? But now, the Huang Xiaolong in front of them had
already broken through the Tenth Order layer!

The point that terrified these four the most was that their
combined attack actually failed to kill Huang Xiaolong once
and for all!
Ignoring that man’s question, Huang Xiaolong leaped into
mid-air, and his body started to spin faster than a top.
Streaks of bright lightning flashed, turning into lightning
flood dragons that shot towards the four people with every
swing of Huang Xiaolong’s blades.

The momentum of his attack frightened the four Tenth Order


At this point, Huang Xiaolong floated back to the ground. A

spectral with a black glow shrouded Huang Xiaolong, and a
dragon’s roar shook the sky, echoing in the surrounding
streets. Before the confounded faces of these Clear Cloud
Pavilion disciples, a majestic black dragon emerged behind
Huang Xiaolong.

Although everyone knew that Huang Xiaolong’s martial

spirit was a top grade twelve one, a Primordial Divine Black
Dragon from the information they had gathered, seeing it
with their own eyes was still a horrible shock.

The majestic black dragon roared towards the sky, radiating

the oppressive might of a dragon that swept out in all four
directions. In the next moment, a bright light flashed and
Huang Xiaolong soul transformed, becoming one entity with
his martial spirit.

After Huang Xiaolong soul transformed, a layer of shiny

armor-like black scales covered his skin, and his arms
seemed one complete size bigger. His fingers turned into
dragon claws, and unknown to anybody, a tattoo of a black
dragon emerged on his back.

The Wings of Demon on Huang Xiaolong’s back did not

disappear even after his soul transformation.
The ebony wings flapped and Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette
vanished from sight, reappearing in front of the four peak
late-Tenth Order experts of the Clear Cloud Pavilion. He
raised both of his arms and aimed his attack at one of them.
When the palm was about to land, every cell in that peak
late-Tenth Order expert screamed danger so he raised his
hand to punch out at Huang Xiaolong by reflex.

Bang! A loud blast resounded, and that peak late-Tenth

Order expert was seen screaming in pain and his figure
reeled back. His right arm that had collided with Huang
Xiaolong’s palm hung limply from the shoulder.

The forceful impact from just before had actually broken his
entire right arm!

“You!” That peak late-Tenth Order experts looked at Huang

Xiaolong with shock and dismay.

After soul transforming, Huang Xiaolong’s attack power was

beyond their comprehension!

Even someone that had half a foot in the Xiantian realm was
pushed back, and from that single move, he discovered that
Huang Xiaolong’s physical defense was extremely
horrifying, on par with President Mei Sen’s strength that had
just broken through to Xiantian realm!

At this point the other three also reacted and decisively

attacked Huang Xiaolong together.

The three bellowed at the same time and with synchronized

movements, their hands swung out and three sickles
emerged in mid-air, combining into one large sickle. They
spun endlessly in the air while releasing a layer of sharp
sickle rays that shot towards Huang Xiaolong and the space
around him.
As tough as Huang Xiaolong’s defense may be, being struck
by this move would guarantee that he would end up in
several different pieces. After all, he was still a Houtian level
warrior, and it was impossible for him to be invulnerable to
every attack.

However, before the three of them had the chance to be

delighted, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette disappeared before
the sickles could touch a hair on him.

Innate martial spirit ability: Space concealment!

When Huang Xiaolong successfully stepped into the Tenth

Order, his space concealment duration had increased to
fifteen breaths of time. Furthermore, once he hid in the
space pocket, even the lower level of Xiantian realm experts
absolutely couldn’t detect his presence.

Watching their glorious attack hit empty space, the trio’s

minds went blank for a moment, staring at the spot where
Huang Xiaolong disappeared.

But, a glaring light suddenly flashed in their eyes, startling

them. The three of them retreated swiftly, yet one of them
was too late. The Blades of Asura slit that man’s throat

Only then did Huang Xiaolong emerge from the hidden


Hearing screams again and again, Ning Wang and Mei Sen
who were fighting Fei Hou, couldn’t help but spare a glance
over to Huang Xiaolong’s side. What greeted their eyes was
that peak late-Tenth Order warrior tumbling to the ground
with one hand clutching his bloody neck. Both were aghast
at the sight of what was happening.
Four peak late-Tenth Order warriors possessing the same
kind of martial spirit were not enough to deal with Huang

With another flap of the ebony black wings, Huang Xiaolong

reached the first peak late-Tenth Order with the broken right
arm almost instantaneously. Unbridled fear filled his eyes
when he suddenly saw Huang Xiaolong, and the tip of the
Blades of Asura filled his vision. In the end, just like the peak
late-Tenth Order warrior before him, his throat was slit by
Huang Xiaolong.

Two experts down!

The remaining two warriors from the original four looked

woefully at Huang Xiaolong. Fear and panic were written all
over their faces as they lost the courage and spirit to fight
with him.

“Mei Sen, you go kill that Huang Xiaolong!” Ning Wang’s

order came brusquely, “Just leave this Fei Hou to me!”

Mei Sen nodded. He punched at Fei Hou and used that as

momentum to extract himself from the battle, pouncing
onto Huang Xiaolong in the next moment. It was obvious to
him that he couldn’t rely on those wastrel subordinates
since they couldn’t kill Huang Xiaolong.

Mei Sen aimed a killing fist at Huang Xiaolong and used his
green vines as he whipped them out to entangle Huang
Xiaolong’s movements.

Huang Xiaolong chose not to clash with Mei Sen directly.

With a flash, he dodged Mei Sen’s attacks.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong avoid his two-pronged attack

smoothly, Mei Sen’s eyes darkened as he approached
Huang Xiaolong slowly, step by step: “Huang Xiaolong, it
seems I underestimated you. The speed of your growth has
exceeded my assumption. Not only have you broken
through to the Tenth Order, you were actually able to
advance to peak mid-Tenth Order!”

“But, I refuse to believe that a Xiantian like me cannot

squash you today!”
Chapter 139: Acme Killings

Mei Sen instantly lunged at Huang Xiaolong with the ten

fingers on his palms spread out, shooting black vines out en
masse, covering the sky like a thunderstorm and enveloping
Huang Xiaolong.

However, watching the overwhelming stretch of black vines

rapidly approaching him, Huang Xiaolong gave no indication
of dodging. He remained still in the same spot and what
further baffled Mei Sen was that Huang Xiaolong actually
folded his arms as if… he was admiring his attack?!

Insulted, the killing intent in Mei Sen’s eyes soared higher,

and the energy fluctuations coming from the black light
around his body heightened.

“Little punk, I don’t believe whatever hidden trick you use

could escape my attack!”

Just as the black vines were about to reach Huang

Xiaolong’s chest, suddenly, a silhouette flashed while
raining down rays of a halberd.

“Heaven’s Wrath!”

The many dazzling rays from a halberd repelled Mei Sen’s

black vines, rebounded from a stronger power. Mei Sen’s
body couldn’t handle the attack, staggering back as his
eyes filled with disbelief staring at the person who had just
deflected his attack.

“Marshal Haotian!” Mei Sen stared in shock.

The person who deflected his attack was none other than
Luo Tong Kingdom’s sole Marshal − Haotian!
“You… weren’t you supposed to be in Luo Tong Royal City?!”
Mei Sen questioned in the next instant.

He had investigated very clearly before making his move,

and this time, only Fei Hou accompanied Huang Xiaolong.
Moreover, the news that came from the Luo Tong Royal City
side also confirmed that Marshal Haotian was in the Marshal

Marshal Haotian moved beside Huang Xiaolong and greeted

him with a ‘Young Lord’ before turning towards Mei Sen with
a cold sneer, “Who told you I’m in Luo Tong Royal City?”
Contempt was obvious in Marshal Haotian’s eyes.

Mei Sen’s face distorted at the remark.

Marshal Haotian actually accompanied Huang Xiaolong on

this trip as well, hidden in the dark!

And they did not get wind of it!

At this moment, Mei Sen finally realized Huang Xiaolong’s

trump card was never Fei Hou in the first place, but it was
Marshal Haotian!

Some distance away, Ning Wang also noticed Marshal

Haotian’s sudden appearance, his expression also turned
extremely ugly. This entire situation was all calculated by
Huang Xiaolong!

Huang Xiaolong!!

What depressed him even more was that Fei Hou’s strength
seemed to have risen since the time at the Enlightenment
Lake. As a Xiantian Second Order, he actually couldn’t
swiftly kill a Xiantian First Order– this was a great
Ning Wang struck a punch out to push Fei Hou back as he
himself retreated to a spot in a flash, shouting: “Release the
arrows! Aim everything at Huang Xiaolong, I want him
dead!” When he finished saying that, a bright light shrouded
his entire body like a turbulent gale, and he flew up in an
attempt to escape.

If these poisonous arrows could take Huang Xiaolong’s life,

then that’s peachy. If not, there would not be many future

With Marshal Haotian’s arrival, wanting to kill Huang

Xiaolong with a hundred percent surety was already

Watching Ning Wang abandon him to run away first, Mei Sen
was morose and angered at the same time. With his body
flashing like a green rainbow, Mei Sen also made a move to
run for his life while all the Clear Cloud Pavilion’s disciples
rained poison arrows down, all targeting Huang Xiaolong.

Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou were startled and quickly

returned to Huang Xiaolong’s side, rebuffing all the
incoming arrows.

“No need to worry about me, chase and kill Ning Wang and
Mei Sen– both of them absolutely cannot escape!” Huang
Xiaolong said, waving his Blades of Asura. Two turbulent
cyclones spun out, sucking in all the poisonous arrows.

Seeing this, both Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou

acknowledged his order respectfully. With a flash, both
separated in pursuit of their prey.

Marshal Haotian went after Ning Wang.

Fei Hou went after Mei Sen.

Marshal Haotian had diligently practiced the Five Yang Tactic
that Huang Xiaolong taught him these past few years, and
thus the growth of his strength wasn’t slower than Fei Hou,
and he had reached the peak of Xiantian Second Order.
Furthermore, like Fei Hou, Marshal Haotian swallowed Fire
Dragon Pearls and cycad fruits provided by Huang Xiaolong
for his cultivation so he was comparable to a Xiantian Third

Not long after, Marshal Haotian had caught up to Ning

Wang. On the other side, and almost at the same time, Fei
Hou blocked Mei Sen’s path.

After Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou left, Huang Xiaolong’s

silhouette flashed as he leaped into the air, and with a
swing of his blades, countless blade rays flew out and
turned into an angry thunderstorm.

The Tempest of Hell and Tears of Asura lashed out

consistently, attacking the Clear Cloud Pavilion’s disciples.

The crying sounds from the Tempest of Hell and Tears of

Asura were in sync.

Recently, when he was practicing Asura Sword Skill, Huang

Xiaolong tried to combine the Tempest of Hell with Tears of
Asura by using both moves at the same time, yet did not
expect it would succeed. Although the combination wasn’t
perfect yet, the power more than doubled compared to
using each move individually.

It could be seen that under the two spinning cyclones, there

was an endless stream of tragic screams resounding from
the Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples. The disciples that
managed to avoid being sucked into the cyclones were
pierced through by Tears of Asura, and different sizes of
bloody holes covered these disciples’ bodies.
Very soon, the original number of over two hundred
disciples from the Clear Cloud Pavilion were reduced by half.

Most of these Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples were Seventh

and Eighth Order warriors. By no means were they Huang
Xiaolong’s opponent, but it also proved how strong Clear
Cloud Pavilion was.

The Clear Cloud Pavilion in Big Dawn County was just a


Then again, Clear Cloud Pavilion had used more than a

hundred years to develop. Its forces and the experts under
its command were not something a normal family could
compare to.

The few lucky disciples that managed to avoid both Tempest

of Hell and Tears of Asura were watching in horror as their
brother disciples fell to the ground, filling the alley. All of
those ‘lucky disciples’ turned around to flee.

Watching these Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples fleeing, Huang

Xiaolong’s silhouette flashed, and swinging the blades in his
hand out, he blocked the two remaining peak late-Tenth
Order disciples.

Others could leave, but these two absolutely could not.

Both of them already had half a foot into Xiantian realm and
would breakthrough Xiantian realm soon, and to kill these
two people at that time would be much more troublesome
than now.

Staring at Huang Xiaolong blocking their path, fear crept up

their faces. Despite that, they chose not to fight and instead
separated, choosing opposite directions to run.
Seeing their reaction, Huang Xiaolong once again leaped up,
and his body rotated at high speed in mid-air while the
Blades of Asura swung out repeatedly. Streaks of lightning
split the air with the roar of lightning flood dragons
resounding. In the blink of an eye, both peak late-Tenth
Order disciples were hit by lightning, sending them flying.

Huang Xiaolong returned to the ground, and the blades in

his hands slashed out, forming twin cyclones spinning
towards both disciples.

Being wrapped by the cyclone, both of them were slashed

by the many blade rays, and miserable screams resounded
in the air. When the Tempest of Hell dissipated, two bloodied
bodies plummeted to the ground.

After settling the matter with the two peak late-Tenth Order
warriors, Huang Xiaolong swept a glance around at the
many different directions the Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples
were running away in. With a flash, the Blades of Asura in
Huang Xiaolong’s hands were like a grim reaper’s sickle,
stealing away these Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples’ lives.

One by one, these Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples tumbled

down onto the street.

Crimson blood dyed several streets.

Fortunately, this was a more secluded area of the city,

otherwise, the surrounding area’s commoners would have
been awakened by these people’s dismal screams and cries
that originated from the Tempest of Hell and Tears of Asura.
This was hell on earth.

In the end, from the original two hundred plus Clear Cloud
Pavilion disciples, only a little more than twenty of them
successfully escaped−a tenth of them!
As for the rest, they laid in puddles of blood, all killed by
Huang Xiaolong.

Watching the bodies pile up around him, Huang Xiaolong

finally stopped; he noticed that his breath was slightly
uneven. After transforming into Asura Body, holding the
Blades of Asura, and using Asura Sword Skill to fight and kill,
the terrifying aura of slaughter in him became stronger. The
desire to kill also grew more frenzied.

When killing, he had a feeling that he truly was an Asura

Chapter 140: Eliminate
From The Root
Chapter 140: Eliminate from the Root

The night wind blew, carrying the thick scent of blood with

Within the bodies of these Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples, the

roaring cries of an Asura from hell continue to resound.

Huang Xiaolong stood in the midst of these corpses and a

soft blue light glittered around him from head to toe.

In less than a minute, these glittering blue lights vanished

and Huang Xiaolong breathed out some turbid qi through his
mouth. More than an eighth of the battle qi he had
exhausted recovered after initiating the natal martial spirit
ability, Instant Recovery.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes swept over the bodies of these Clear

Cloud Pavilion disciples. He then walked towards the four
peak late-Tenth Order warriors. From their bodies, Huang
Xiaolong found two cultivation techniques and three battle
skills’ manuals.

Both cultivation techniques were low-grade Earth rank

cultivation techniques whereas within the three battle skills,
two were at low-grade Earth rank while the last one was a
high-grade Mysterious rank battle skill.

These cultivation techniques were useless for him, but his

parents and little siblings could use them.
Huang Xiaolong threw everything into the Asura Ring.

From these dead bodies, Huang Xiaolong had quite a

harvest of gold coins and Spirit Dans.

Gold coins were something Huang Xiaolong didn’t need, yet

the Spirit Dans he found were also nothing good as most of
them were Grade Two and Grade Three Spirit Dans. Not
even one high Grade Three Spirit Dan could be found from
the loot.

At this point, Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou returned.

Fei Hou was injured, yet he carried Mei Sen’s corpse back
with him. Instead, it was Marshal Haotian that returned
empty-handed; obviously, Ning Wang managed to escape.

When both of them returned, the blood-filled scene full of

Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples dead bodies startled them.

All these Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples were killed by

Sovereign alone?!

“Sovereign!” Both of them came before Huang Xiaolong and

greeted him.

“How was it?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

Marshal Haotian took a step forward, saying “This

Subordinate caught up to Ning Wang, and although I
managed to injure him severely, he managed to flee.
However, he took my Dark Nether Palm. Without half a
year’s time, he won’t be able to fully heal.”

Then, Fei Hou also stepped forward, “This Subordinate

pursued Mei Sen, and finally was able to kill him.” Saying
this, Fei Hou pulled out a ring,
“Sovereign, this Subordinate found this spatial ring when
searching his body after this Subordinate killed him.”

Spatial ring?

Huang Xiaolong took the ring, feeling somewhat astounded

for he did not expect Mei Sen would be in possession of a
spatial ring. One must know how precious each spatial ring
was, for even Marshal Haotian didn’t have one.

Huang Xiaolong used some of his battle qi to open the

spatial ring, and much to his delight, there was quite a
number of Spirit Dans inside! Most of them were Grade
Three and Grade Four. Not only that, there were several
stalks of precious herbs, some cultivation technique
manuals, and records of battle qi.

Fei Hou spoke again at this point, “Sovereign, how do we

deal with Mei Sen’s and these Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples’

“Just leave them here, no need to do anything,” Huang

Xiaolong looked at the horizon. By this time the moon had
waned but the wind remained strong.

“Let’s go.”

Three silhouettes flashed, vanishing from the spot as they


Not long after Huang Xiaolong and the two left, the
patrolling city guards of Big Dawn County arrived. When
these city guards arrived at the scene and saw the piles of
the Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples’ corpses, the bloody, gory
scene in front of them seemed to have emerged from hell
itself. Their faces were instantly drained of color and showed
a horrified expression.
Some were unable to control themselves as they vomited on
the sides of the streets, last night’s dinner and whatever
good tonic they consumed were all coming back out.

Suddenly, from some of these Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples

bodies, an audible sound could be heard that was akin to
the eerie cries of Asura. The sounds frightened these city
guards so much that they nearly shit in their pants.

A long time later, these city guards finally summoned the

courage to approach the scene and take a closer look.

“That one is, Clear Cloud Pavilion’s President Meisen?!” Out

of nowhere, one of the city guards’ voice sounded abruptly,
exclaiming in fright as he pointed towards a certain corpse
some distance away.

All the surprised guards walked up, surrounding Mei Sen’s

body for a better look.

“It really is Mei Sen’s corpse!”

After taking a clear look at the face, the leader of the city
guards, Captain Wu blurted out. His body couldn’t help but
shiver from the chill running up his spine.

Mei Sen was a Xiantian realm expert ah, still, he was killed!

Moreover, the way Mei Sen died was truly miserable. Other
than the face looking slightly better, there was no other
complete part of him.

Moments later, Captain Wu’s reason returned and he issued

out an order in a shaky voice: “Quick- quickly go report to
the Castellan!”

This time, it was truly a big mess!

Mei Sen and so many Clear Cloud Pavilion Big Dawn County
branch disciples were massacred. That was in Big Dawn
County City itself!

Apart from Mei Sen, there were more than two hundred of
the Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples!

More than two hundred!

That meant nearly all of the Clear Cloud Pavilion Big Dawn
branch disciples died here!

It has been a very long time since a murder or fight

happened within the boundary of Big Dawn County City!

“Captain Wu, do you think it might be the Nine Tripod

Commerce who did this?” One of the city guards couldn’t
help asking this question aloud.

The Nine Tripod Commerce!

All the forces in Big Dawn County knew about the conflict
between the Nine Tripod Commerce and the Clear Cloud

Astutely, Captain Wu neither denied nor confirmed.

At this time, in the Clear Cloud Pavilion’s building, Mei

Pengliang was sitting, waiting in the main hall. His head kept
turning towards the entrance.

“Young Lord, don’t worry, this time President is cooperating

with Patriarch Ning Wang and there are so many of our Clear
Cloud Pavilion disciples going out in droves. That Huang
Xiaolong and Fei Hou won’t be able to escape!”
One of the Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples noticed this and
also spoke out to reassure him.

“That’s right Young Lord, after killing Huang Xiaolong, the

headquarters will surely reward the President heavily for this
merit. At that time, the President might even be promoted
to Deputy Pavilion!” Another disciple smiled flatteringly as
he joined in.

Mei Pengliang nodded.

However, exactly at this time, twenty or so Clear Cloud

Pavilion disciples ran into the main hall in panic, blood
stained their robes. These were the fortunate ones that
managed to run away from Huang Xiaolong’s gruesome

Seeing these disciples returning, Mei Pengliang jumped out

from his seat, urging them, “Where’s father?”

“Young Lord, we were tricked by Huang Xiaolong! No one

knew Marshal Haotian accompanied him here to Big Dawn
County. We were lucky enough to escape, but the other
disciples have all fallen!” One of the survivors forced out in
a brittle voice.

“What?! All Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples are dead?!” Mei

Pengliang and the other disciples that were waiting in the
main hall turned ashen.

“Then, my father?!” Mei Pengliang repeated his question


“Don’t know, when we ran away, the President and Patriarch

Ning Wang had already left before us.” A different disciple
In this situation, even staying inside the Clear Cloud Pavilion
wasn’t safe.

Mei Pengliang’s heart breathed in relief hearing this, but at

this time, a disciple ran into the main hall, shouting: “Young
Lord, the President was killed!”

“What?!” Mei Pengliang’s mind buzzed as if lightning struck

his brain.

The other Clear Cloud Pavilion disciples had despondency

hanging on their faces, turning gray in color.

“Young Lord, we’d better flee from here, that Huang

Xiaolong might come here next!” A Clear Cloud Pavilion
disciple urged frantically.

Now, even this place wasn’t safe.

Mei Pengliang’s senses were jolted back to the present.

Then, together with the remaining Clear Cloud Pavilion
disciples, he ran out of the building without bothering to
take anything, leaving Big Dawn County City in the deepest
hour before dawn.

When Huang Xiaolong returned to the Nine Tripod

Commerce, Li Bin, who was instructed to keep a lookout on
Mei Pengliang, appeared and reported to Huang Xiaolong,
saying Mei Pengliang and a group of disciples hurriedly left
the city.

“Running away?” Huang Xiaolong sneered and then turned

around to signal Fei Hou with his eyes.

Fei Hou nodded, “Yes, Young Lord, Subordinate will head out
now.” Without further delay, he turned around and left.
Of course Huang Xiaolong wouldn’t allow Mei Pengliang to
escape. Troubles must be eliminated from the root!
Chapter 141: Million Treasures Auction

After Fei Hou left, Huang Xiaolong and Marshal Haotian

waited for him in the Nine Tripod Commerce’s main hall.

Near daybreak, Fei Hou returned. With Mei Pengliang’s

decapitated head in his hand.

Fei Hou reported: “Sovereign, Mei Pengliang and all Clear

Cloud Pavilion disciples have been dealt with.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded lightly; this result was within his


“We’ll go back to the Royal City sometime later.” Huang

Xiaolong’s said solemnly. Though the issue with Clear Cloud
Pavilion’s Mei Sen and his son had been resolved, there
were still some loose ends to tie up, which made Huang
Xiaolong decide not to head back so quickly.

“Yes, Sovereign!” Both Fei Hou and Marshal Haotian

acknowledged his decision respectfully.

Before the morning light spread through the land, the news
about Mei Sen struck the Big Dawn County City like thunder,
giving rise to a shocked uproar throughout the city.

The commoners were also made aware that Clear Cloud

Pavilion’s President Mei Sen was killed during the night. Mei
Sen and all the Clear Cloud Pavilion’s disciples met with

Within the Big Dawn County Castellan’s Mansion, Castellan

Wu Dong had an ugly expression on his face as he looked at
Mei Sen’s corpse. His friendship with Mei Sen was good.
“Castellan, should we send guards to surround Nine Tripod
Commerce?” One of the Castellan Manor guards came
beside Wu Dong and asked, “President Mei Sen and these
people were surely killed by the people from the Nine Tripod

“Yes, Castellan; even if that Nine Tripod Commerce have

Marshal Haotian supporting them, so what? A Prince that
breaks the law is as guilty as a subject. I don’t believe that
Nine Tripod Commerce dares to retaliate!” Another Castellan
Manor guard spoke up.

Wu Dong’s expression was extremely sullen the entire time,

“Report the matter up to Lord Prime Minister first. Lord
Prime Minister will have to make his decision!” After he said
that, Wu Dong sent one of his confidantes to inform Prime
Minister Wu Feng of the matter.

A few hours later, Wu Dong received Prime Minister Wu

Feng’s reply and further instructions.

Reading the reply from Prime Minister Wu Feng, Wu Dong

breathed out in relief.

Five days later.

Five days had passed since the Clear Cloud Pavilion’s

President Mei Sen and over two hundred disciples were
killed, and the gossip gradually died down. What baffled the
big and small forces of the Big Dawn County was the lack of
response from the Castellan Manor while the Nine Tripod
Commerce remained safe and sound. Not only that, the Nine
Tripod Commerce’s business actually fired up during the last
few days.

It was ten days later when Huang Xiaolong, Fei Hou, and
Marshal Haotian finally left the Big Dawn County and
returned back to Luo Tong Royal City.

Arriving in Luo Tong Royal City, Huang Xiaolong headed

straight for Tianxuan Mansion.

However, not long after he stepped in Tianxuan Mansion,

the Cosmic Star Academy’s Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu came.
The purpose of their visit was related to the inner courtyard

Sitting in Tianxuan Mansion’s main hall, Sun Zhang

hesitated before saying to Huang Xiaolong, “Xiaolong, the
day before yesterday we had an inner courtyard round table
discussion and Xiong Chu and I proposed your admittance
into the inner courtyard. Most of the inner courtyard Elders
agreed to it, it’s just that…” Sun Zhang’s sentence paused

Xiong Chu continued, “It’s just that there were three Elders
that objected your admittance into the inner courtyard.”

There were Ten Elders in the inner courtyard. Three of them

disagreeing meant Huang Xiaolong wasn’t eligible to enter
the inner courtyard because the rules required a vote of

“Oh, three Elders?” Huang Xiaolong was nonchalant to this

fact. To him, the inner courtyard didn’t matter at all. The
only benefit was that there were slightly more cultivation
resources allocated compared to the normal Third Years,
such as Spirit Dan allocation, rewards, and other benefits.
However, these Grade Three and Grade Four Spirit Dan
cannot compare to the Fire Dragon Pearl from the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda.

Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu exchanged a vexed look seeing

Huang Xiaolong’s expression. It seemed this little guy really
isn’t interested in the inner courtyard. One must know that
entering the inner courtyard was every student’s dream!
The goal they strived for when entering the Academy!

“The three Elders’ excuse for objecting to your admittance

was that all inner courtyard disciples had to reach Tenth
Order, whereas you are still a Ninth Order.” Sun Zhang

“Oh right, the three of them have quite a deep connection

with Prime Minister Wu Feng.” Xiong Chu added. Prime
Minister Wu Feng and Marshal Haotian had some conflict
between them; thus, in Xiong Chu’s opinion, the main
reason these three Elders disagreed with Huang Xiaolong
entering the inner courtyard was likely due to Prime Minister
Wu Feng’s handiwork in the dark. As for claiming Huang
Xiaolong was not a Tenth Order warrior… that being the
basis for the rejection was just an excuse.

“Prime Minister Wu Feng!” A sharp glint shone in Huang

Xiaolong’s eyes as he repeated the name. Again, it is Prime
Minister Wu Feng.

In recent days, this Prime Minister Wu Feng seemed to be

looking for trouble with him at every corner!

All of these incidents were just because of Marshal Haotian?

Or perhaps, things weren’t as simple as he thought.

A short while later, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu left Tianxuan
Mansion, but before they went off, Huang Xiaolong asked
the names of the three Elders.

Xie Wei! Jiang Hengyu! Cheng Fengli!

These were the names of the three inner courtyard Elders.

Committing these names to memory, Huang Xiaolong
activated the God Binding Ring and entered the ancient
battlefield to practice. Some months had passed since he
had a breakthrough to peak mid-Tenth Order, so he felt the
breakthrough to late-Tenth Order was near.

And there were four more months until the Academy’s end
of the year annual competition, and Huang Xiaolong had
decided to advance into late-Tenth Order as fast as he could
in order to grasp the Academy overall championship in his
hands! After acquiring the championship, the next step
would be participating in the Duanren Empire’s Battle of
Imperial City!

Initially, Huang Xiaolong’s plan was to break into Xiantian

realm next year before taking the overall championship.
This way, participating in the Duanren Empire’s Battle of
Imperial City would leave him with a better foothold in the
competition. Now, however, he changed his mind.

He must enter Duanren Institute as soon as possible, and

then get a hold of and refine the number four Heavenly
Treasure: Absolute Soul Pearl!

Huang Xiaolong sat cross-legged in the ancient battlefield,

running Asura Tactics as he devoured the netherworld
spiritual energy that fell like tidal waves from the void.

The twin black and blue dragons hovered behind Huang

Xiaolong, and the dozen plus meter length of their bodies
sparkled as each of the dragon’s scales grew thicker and

As Huang Xiaolong’s strength approached infinitely closer to

the Xiantian realm, the body of the twin dragons grew more
real and solid. From afar, they looked like real life Primordial
Divine Dragons.
Half a month passed.

During this half a month, Huang Xiaolong spent a large

portion of his time practicing inside the ancient battlefield.
Other than concentrating on Asura Tactics, there was also
the Body Metamorphose Scripture.

What made Huang Xiaolong ecstatic was that there were

signs of entering Stage Ten.

Entering Stage Ten represented the strength of a Xiantian

realm expert!

At that time, even if Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi hadn’t

broken through to the Xiantian realm, just having his
internal force breakthrough the Stage Ten would help him
greatly in the Imperial City.

Bright light continued to shimmer from Huang Xiaolong’s

body as a vague layer of a fire-red glow appeared on the
surface of his skin. Half a month of crazed practice caused
the netherworld battle qi in his meridians and Qi Sea to
surge, coursing through his veins.

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong trembled from within, his

meridians and Qi Sea enlarged again.

Late-Tenth Order– he finally broke through!

Huang Xiaolong continued to run Asura Tactics technique for

several hours before stopping and opening his eyes. A sharp
cold light shone in his eyes like the tip of a deadly blade.

Huang Xiaolong exited the ancient battlefield.

Walking out of his room, he ran into his little sister, Huang
Min. Seeing Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette, Huang Min leaped
up in joy and dashed towards Huang Xiaolong, “Big brother,
you’re finally out from practice.”

Seeing the expression on his sister’s face, Huang Xiaolong

could already guess there must be something on her mind,
and a headache started to emerge.

Sure enough, Huang Min’s next sentence was, “Big brother,

accompany me to the Million Treasures Auction.”
Chapter 142: Going To The
Chapter 142: Going to the Auction

“Million Treasures Auction?” Huang Xiaolong was


This Million Treasures Auction House was an auction held by

the Thousand Treasures Firm, and the Thousand Treasures
Firm was one of three biggest firms of Duanren Empire. In
the thousands of kingdoms who swore fealty under Duanren
Empire, they had over two thousand branches, one in every
Royal City and other important main locations.

And in Luo Tong Royal City, there was one such Million
Treasures Auction House branch.

Although the Nine Tripod Commerce that Huang Xiaolong

created was one of the biggest firms in Luo Tong Kingdom,
when comparing to the giant Thousand Treasures Firm, it
was nothing but a sesame seed.

Huang Min explained, “Big brother, you may not know, but I
heard that in the auction this time there will be things other
than treasures like high grade Earth rank cultivation
techniques. They are even auctioning the spiritual treasure,
Geocentric Esne!”

“What?! Geocentric Esne?!” Huang Xiaolong was

More than a hundred thousand feet deep into the earth, and
after eons of undergoing certain conditions, the planet
would give birth to a miraculous spiritual treasure. And that
treasure was the Geocentric Esne! This Geocentric Esne was
a natural treasure formed from gathering various spiritual
auras for countless years. If taken by a person that
cultivates in battle qi, it would provide unimaginable

Not only could this Geocentric Esne prolong one’s longevity,

it also greatly increased one’s battle qi cultivation.

This effect of prolonging longevity was not as simple as

taking some elixirs that could extend a lifespan.

“Yes ah, Geocentric Esne! I heard the Million Treasures

Auction in our Luo Tong Kingdom even attracted people from
the neighboring kingdoms and some of the bigger forces
this time.” Huang Min explained.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes flashed with determination.

Geocentric Esne! [1]

Even after breaking through to late-Tenth Order, Huang

Xiaolong did not have much confidence in becoming the
overall Academy champion in the upcoming annual
competition. However, if he could bid on this Geocentric
Esne, swallow it and practice, he was confident that he
could advance to peak late-Tenth Order before the annual

Seeing her Big brother’s expression, Huang Min knew he

was hooked.

“Big brother, the auction will start in another two hours,

shall we?” Huang Min said.
“Okay, let’s head over now!” Huang Xiaolong nodded in
agreement. Initially, he didn’t have any interest in this so-
called auction, but this Thousand Treasures Geocentric
Esne… he must get it!

Seeing Huang Xiaolong agree, her face lit up as she cheered

in glee before swiftly pulling Huang Xiaolong out of Tianxuan
Mansion by the hand.

Just as they were leaving Tianxuan Mansion, Huang Xiaolong

and Huang Min ran into Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou.

“Young Lord wants to participate in the auction?!” Both were

surprised when they heard Huang Xiaolong wanted to
participate in the Million Treasures Auction.

“Young Master wants to bid for the Geocentric Esne?” Fei

Hou took a guess and asked.

For this particular auction, the Million Treasures Auction

made quite an effort to publicize the matter. For the past
two days, both Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou had heard
about the Geocentric Esne being auctioned many times.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “Correct.” For Huang Xiaolong,

there wasn’t a need to hide anything from these two people.

“Is there something you need from me?” Noticing the

changes in their expressions, Huang Xiaolong asked. Both of
them looked like they had something to report to him.

“We came to report to Young Lord that Big Sword Sect’s Yu

Chen came to Luo Tong Kingdom. Other than Yu Chen, Ning
Wang also came.” Marshal Haotian reported respectfully.

“Oh, Yu Chen, Ning Wang!” Huang Xiaolong’s eyes

He didn’t expect them to appear in Luo Tong Royal City.

These two came to Luo Tong Kingdom at the same time, so

the purpose should be the Million Treasures Auction!

“Ning Wang was lucky to escape in Big Dawn County, yet he

dares to show his face here in the Royal City this time!”
Huang Xiaolong snickered coldly. He turned to Marshal
Haotian and Fei Hou, saying: “Let’s go, both of you come
with me to the Million Treasures Auction!”

“Yes, Young Lord!” Both answered respectfully.

Hence, Huang Xiaolong’s group of four: Huang Xiaolong,

Huang Min, Marshal Haotian, and Fei Hou−made their way
to the Million Treasures Auction spot in a leisurely manner.

“Big brother, this time those two old fogies, Yu Chen and
Ning Wang, came here so you mustn’t let them escape!” On
the way, Huang Min shook her little fist angrily thinking of
the two people, her little face flashing with hate.

These past few years, Big Sword Sect and the Martial Ning
Family kept sending assassins to kill their family. One of
those times, Huang Min was nearly injured, thus the little
girl’s grudge ran deep towards these two.

Huang Xiaolong watched his little sister shaking her small

fist mightily, and he couldn’t resist smiling, “When we reach
the auction place, if you see these two old fogies, you go up
and beat them down to the ground till they can’t get back

Hearing this, Huang Min choked, and then pouted her little
mouth and mumbled, “Big brother, you know I can’t beat
those two old fogies!”
Huang Xiaolong grinned unabashedly.

Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou followed behind them and also
cracked a smile.

On the way to the Million Treasures Auction, Huang Xiaolong

noticed that the streets were growing more and more
crowded. They could see many different people wearing all
kinds of styles and colors. Judging from the direction
everyone was moving, all of these people had come for the
same goal: they were most likely the different forces that
came to Luo Tong Kingdom for the auction.

An hour later, Huang Xiaolong’s group of four arrived at the

auction house.

The Luo Tong Royal City Million Treasures Auction House was
located on the most prosperous street. It was already
crowded on normal days, but today the streets were
congested so that not even a drop of water could trickle

When Huang Xiaolong arrived, before him was a mass of

black bobbing heads.

The crowd was stuck, making it hard to move forward.

Noticing this, Fei Hou walked to the front to open up a path

for Huang Xiaolong.

Wherever Fei Hou passed, a strong airflow extended out that

pushed everyone around, giving way to a path.

Moments later, they came to the entrance of Million

Treasures Auction House.
The chief attendant of the Million Treasures Auction House
was stunned when he spotted Marshal Haotian behind
Huang Xiaolong, and beaming a wide smile, he hurriedly
welcomed them courteously and led them up to a private

“Who is that kid? Even the Thousand Treasures Firm’s chief

attendant came to welcome him personally?!”

“You don’t even know this? He is Luo Tong Kingdom’s most

talented genius, Huang Xiaolong!

The one behind him is the Luo Tong Kingdom’s hero, only
below the King, Marshal Haotian!”

“What? He is Huang Xiaolong?! There were rumors a year

ago about him defeating Yang An of the Yuwai Kingdom!”

This raised an uproar through the crowd.

However, there was an exception. A youth clad in a black

embroidered robe was staring in Huang Xiaolong’s direction
with hatred as he stepped into the Million Treasures Auction
House. It looked as if he wanted to cut Huang Xiaolong into
tiny pieces.

“Young Lord, the current you is not Huang Xiaolong’s

opponent. You must endure this pain till the time is right!”
At this time, an old man walked up behind the youth and
reminded him in a whisper.

“Don’t worry Uncle Liu, I know– I won’t act recklessly. The

day will come when I annihilate Huang Family’s Tianxuan
Mansion to avenge father!” The black robed youth swore
through gritted teeth, and his voice was extremely cold.
That Million Treasures Auction House’s chief attendant
personally arranged a private room for Huang Xiaolong’s
group after leading them in through the passageway
specially prepared for honored guests.

Before leaving to tend to other guests, the Million Treasures

Auction House chief attendant told them that he instructed
the auction house disciples to serve them if they needed

After the chief attendant closed the door and left, Huang
Xiaolong took a glance at the hall below and all of a sudden,
he noticed a familiar silhouette.

[1] Esne – A milky liquid substance formed deep down in the

earth after millions of years. (Esne in Basque is ‘milk’)
Chapter 143: Meeting Yang An Again

Yang An!

That familiar figure was the same person defeated by Huang

Xiaolong in the Yuwai Kingdom –Yang An.

He didn’t expect the auction would attract Yang An from the

Yuwai Kingdom. Since Yang An was there, then wouldn’t his
Grandfather, Yang Dong, also be around?

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed.

“Yang An?” At this point, Fei Hou also noticed Yang An inside
the auction hall, and like Huang Xiaolong, he was surprised
as well.

“So, that little brat is Yang An?” Marshal Haotian’s eyes

trailed Fei Hou, falling onto Yang An’s figure. He might not
have been there in the Yuwai Kingdom, but he received
news about Huang Xiaolong defeating Yang An in the Yuwai

Fei Hou nodded: “That’s the kid.”

At this time, Yang An walked through the passageway for

special guests, confirming Huang Xiaolong’s prediction: Yang
Dong indeed came because only Xiantian realm experts
were eligible for a private room. Therefore, if Yang Dong
wasn’t around, Yang An wouldn’t have access a private

People continued to enter the auction hall in droves, both

large and small forces from neighboring kingdoms had
made the journey.
The entire hall was a noisy racket.

Despite that, ever since they entered the auction hall, the
chatterbox known as Huang Min had actually been silent,
sitting down obediently as her big round eyes roamed
around the ground floor of the auction hall as if looking for

Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong smiled, “I say little girl, did you
come to the auction not to buy things, but to look for

Originally, Huang Xiaolong spoke these words to tease

Huang Min, but he didn’t expect that Huang Min would blush
and shoot him an angry stare, “Big brother, what are you
saying? I came to the auction to buy things of course!”

Huang Xiaolong did not think he would guess correctly that

his little sister was indeed looking for someone here.

“Then you tell me, which item from the auction is the one
you want?” Huang Xiaolong’s tone laced with a double
entendre as he smiled sheepishly at his little sister.

Huang Min mumbled unintelligibly, yet after what seemed

like half a day, no concrete answer came out from her. In
the end, she tilted her head up in shy anger: “Anyhow, I
came to bid for items!”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head with a faint, wry smile on his

Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou couldn’t help letting out a tiny

By this time, a sea of people had already crowded the huge

auction all. Fortunately, the place was big with ten thousand
seats prepared beforehand… however, each of them was
filled. There were no empty seats left.

If the lower seats’ situation was as such, one wouldn’t even

need to mention the very limited private rooms likely being
fully booked early on.

A short while later, the entrance to the auction was closed,

no longer allowing additional participants to enter because
an old man in his seventies wearing an auctioneer’s robe
had already walked up onto the stage.

After the old man went up, he briefly introduced himself,

stating that he was Thousand Treasures Auction House’s
high-grade auctioneer. In the Luo Tong Kingdom’s Thousand
Treasures Auction House, there were only two high-grade
auctioneers. Of course, there were many early-grade and
mid-grade ones too. At this time, the auction was being
overseen by one of the high-grade auctioneers so the
importance given to this particular auction was evident.

After introducing himself, he continued with the auction

rules before finally declaring that the auction would begin.

The first item up for auction was a lump of Golden Crow


Golden Crow Marrow was a crucial ingredient to refine a

Grade Four Spirit Dan, and normal Golden Crow Marrow was
only as big as an infant’s fist, but the one being auctioned
was the size of an adult’s palm.

The starting price for it was a hundred thousand gold coins.

Usually, the first item auctioned would be the cheapest item

of the event.
A hundred thousand gold coins!

Thinking of the ratio against the items being auctioned

towards the end, the smaller forces felt their hearts tighten.

“One hundred and ten thousand!”

“One hundred and twenty thousand!”

In an instant, the bidding voices clamored below the stage.

And in the end, that palm-sized Golden Crow Marrow was

won at one hundred thirty thousand gold coins.

Huang Xiaolong sat silently in the private room. Although

Golden Crow Marrow was an important ingredient in refining
pills, it was basically useless to him.

Subsequently, the second item on auction was a long sword

named ‘South Parting.’

According to the auctioneer’s introduction, this South

Parting long sword was forged from a ten thousand years
old ice core and other rare metals. It was extremely sharp,
but this was a secondary benefit. The main point was that
the previous owner of this South Parting long sword,
according to the auctioneer’s explanation, was someone
called Su Fei; a Xiantian expert of the Seventh Order.

One hundred years ago, this Su Fei was very well known in
the surrounding kingdom, and the South Parting long sword
went missing after he had fallen. It was found some time
ago by the Thousand Treasures Auction House’s people.

Huang Xiaolong had the Blades of Asura, thus, this level of

weapon didn’t enter his eye. But when Huang Min saw the
South Parting long sword, her eyes were glued to it without
blinking; it was obvious that she had taken a great liking to
the sword.

“Big brother, can you?” Huang Min asked abashedly.

Huang Xiaolong watched the expression on his little sister’s

face, “You want to bid for this South Parting Sword?”

Huang Min nodded as she looked at her big brother– even

though she had some savings of her own, it was still far
from enough to bid for the South Parting long sword.

“Two hundred thousand!” At this time, someone on the

ground floor suddenly called out a bid.

The starting price for South Parting long sword was one
hundred eighty thousand.

“Two hundred and ten thousand!” Another bidder raised the


“Three hundred thousand!” Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s

voice came from the private room upstairs.

“Three hundred and ten thousand!” Following behind Huang

Xiaolong, a voice sounded from a different room.

“Four hundred thousand!” Huang Xiaolong added with a

calm expression.

Four hundred thousand!

The entire huge hall was shocked silent, including the other
private room that made an offer.

In the end, the South Parting sword was bid down by Huang
Xiaolong at four hundred thousand gold coins. When the
people from the Thousand Treasures Auction House sent the
sword to the private room, Huang Min’s face bloomed and
she became unwilling to put down the sword.

“Can you tell me now who you wanted to find by coming to

the auction?” Watching her happy expression, Huang
Xiaolong took the opportunity to ask again. The yearly profit
from the Nine Tripod Commerce was abundant, and this four
hundred gold coins was nothing but a single hair from nine
oxen to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Min honestly answered with a tinge of shyness: “I

came to look for Guo Tai.”

“Guo Tai?” Huang Xiaolong was puzzled. He then turned to

Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou but both of them shook their
heads, apparently, neither of them had heard of this name.

Huang Min’s head bent so low that her nose almost touched
her chest, and she said: “He is Guo Shiyuan’s son.”

“Guo Shiyuan!” Huang Xiaolong, Marshal Haotian, and Fei

Hou were all surprised.

Guo Shiyuan was the branch president of Thousand

Treasures Auction House in Luo Tong Kingdom’s Royal City!

Huang Xiaolong shook his head wryly after getting over the
small surprise. So, the reason his little sister came to the
auction was all for her sweetheart!

But, thinking about it, after this year, his little sister would
be sixteen, and in another two years’ time it would be
around the age for her to get married.

“Do Mom and Dad know about this?” Huang Xiaolong asked.
“Not yet.” Huang Min was awkward and shy as she

“Then, find some time and invite that Guo Tai to Tianxuan
Mansion so Mom, Dad and I can take a look at him.” Huang
Xiaolong smiled as he said.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong did not object, she was

delighted and nodded vigorously: “Okay!”

Below, the auction went on and more than a dozen items

were sold.

“Next, we are auctioning a wonderful world treasure:

Geocentric Esne!” This time, the auctioneer on the stage
raised his voice a notch higher.

Geocentric Esne!

Instantly, a commotion swept through the many forces

present in the auction hall. It could be said that the majority
of them came for this one item.
Chapter 144: Bidding War
For Geocentric Esne!
Chapter 144: Bidding War for Geocentric Esne!

Hearing that the next auction item was the Geocentric Esne,
Huang Xiaolong’s eyes lit up.

Finally, it’s here!

Huang Xiaolong looked down towards the stage, watching

as an auction house staff member cautiously brought a jade
bottle up onto the stage, and the auctioneer received it with
a serious face.

The jade bottle was a warm, jade green color, full of life and

The auctioneer carefully placed the green jade bottle on a

table and looked around at the guests before he said: “I
trust everyone is aware of the miraculous benefits of
Geocentric Esne and without further explanation, I won’t
ramble on and waste everyone’s time. This jade bottle was
made from high-grade jade heart, and inside it contains the
Geocentric Esne. Inside this jade bottle, no matter how
much time passes, its medicinal benefits will be retained
and there is a total of six drops!”

Six drops!

Another wave of excitement rushed through the guests in

the hall.

Huang Xiaolong was also stunned.

It crossed his mind that at most, it would be two drops of
Geocentric Esne being auctioned. After all, for a treasure like
the Geocentric Esne, being able to take two drops for
auction was already fortuitous.

The formation of one drop of Geocentric Esne takes ten

thousand years, maybe even a dozen thousand years.

“The starting bid for this bottle of Geocentric Esne is three

million!” In the next moment, the auctioneer announced a
figure that made most of the forces miss a beat.

Three million!

If it was Huang Clan Manor of the past, they would never be

able to come out with a sum of three million even if they
sold the entire Huang Clan Manor!

The small and medium forces that were looking forward to

bidding for the Geocentric Esne felt like they were drenched
in a cold hail storm from head to toe, they could only give
up on the intention of bidding for it.

“Three million one hundred thousand!” Despite that, mere

moments after the auctioneer’s voice fell, a bid was called
out from one of the private guests room.

Huang Xiaolong looked over towards the number nine room

because the owner of the voice sounded familiar.

“It’s Yang Zheng’s voice!” Fei Hou said.

Yang Zheng’s voice! The truth struck Huang Xiaolong, no

wonder he had felt that the voice sounded familiar. He did
not think of Yang Zheng, but Fei Hou definitely could tell
who the owner was if it was Yang Zheng.
Yang Zheng…then, it means Yang An, Yang Dong, and
whoever from the Yang Family were in room nine?

“Three million five hundred thousand!” And seconds later,

another voice sounded from private guest room eleven.

Huang Xiaolong’s head snapped around– in the direction of

room eleven, it was Ning Wang! This voice belonged to the
Martial Ning Family’s Patriarch Ning Wang!

Then, room twelve bid: “Three million six hundred


Big Sword Sect Yu Chen’s voice!

Huang Xiaolong sneered– none of the people made a sound

in the earlier bids, but now that the main course was here,
they couldn’t sit still anymore, revealing themselves

He was sure these people knew he sat at room five since he

made a bid for the South Parting long sword for his little

“Five million!” After Big Sword Sect’s Yu Chen voice just

ended, Huang Xiaolong charged up the number, stretching
his five fingers lazily.

Five million! The number hit the guests like a thunderbolt,

and it seemed to echo for a long time in the huge auction
hall, reverberating in the eardrums.

“Five million!”

“Who, who is sitting in private room five?”

“It sounds like Huang Xiaolong!”

The revelation of this identity caused huge waves amongst
the people below.

Sitting in room eleven, Ning Wang sneered contemptuously,

“This little doggy Huang really is filthy rich, simply throwing
out five million.” Then, he shouted: “Six million!” After
raising his bid, Ning Wang even threw a provocative look
towards room five.

“Six million one hundred thousand!”

This voice didn’t belong to Huang Xiaolong, and neither was

it Yu Chen. It originated from private room two.

Ning Wang was stunned.

“Six million three hundred thousand!” The guest at private

room one called out.

“Six million four hundred thousand!”

“Six million seven hundred thousand!”

The price rose like a wave on high tide, and in the blink of
an eye, it surpassed seven million.

Below, the small and medium forces nearly had their hearts
jump out of their throats listening to the bids being called
out. Six million and seven million were figures they dared
not imagine.

“Seven million one hundred thousand!” Yu Chen’s voice

sounded again.

“Ten million!” In the next moment, Huang Xiaolong’s voice

sounded like a thunderbolt, falling into every corner of the
auction hall.
Ten million!

Hearing this figure nearly made some of the smaller forces

Patriarch’s fall off their seats with a horrified expression on
their faces, including Ning Wang, Yu Chen, Yang Zheng, and
everyone else in other private rooms.

The auctioneer blanked, forgetting to react in that moment.

Ten million was a shocking figure. If they piled ten million

gold coins in the center of the auction hall, it wouldn’t be an
exaggeration to say it was a mountain of gold.

The auction hall was unable to quiet down for a long time.

A long time had passed, yet everyone was still in shock.

“The guest in private room five made a bid of ten million,

would anyone else like to raise the bid?” The auctioneer
finally found his voice and spoke, quieting the ruckus
happening in the huge hall.

But, before they could come down from their shock,

someone made a higher bid: “Ten million one hundred

All the guests had a dumb, stupefied look on their faces.

Ten million one hundred thousand! There was actually

someone that bid higher?! All the heads turned towards the
source of the voice−- room eleven! Martial Ning Family
Patriarch Ning Wang’s voice!

The corner of Huang Xiaolong’s mouth curved up in a cold

sneer hearing Ning Wang call out. Judging from the
situation, people from the Clear Cloud Pavilion were also
here? Only a force like Clear Cloud Pavilion would still be
willing to bid after the price reached ten million! Although
the Martial Ning Family had the status as one of the super
families in the Baolong Kingdom, Ning Wang himself,
however, wouldn’t be willing to take out more than ten
million of his own money to war with him.

“Twenty million!” Still caught amidst the shock brought by

Ning Wang’s ten million one hundred thousand, Huang
Xiaolong’s voice jarred the crowd.

Hearing “twenty million” was like watching and listening to a

giant bolt of lightning cutting across the clear sky, their
brains and eardrums seemed to buzz forever with the words
‘twenty million’. They didn’t even know where they currently
were, at the moment.

The auctioneer’s hammer froze in the air as he was shocked


Big Sword Sect Yu Chen froze in his seat.

Yang Zheng, Yang Dong, and Yang An all froze.

Sitting next to Ning Wang in private room number eleven

was a lean old man. A cold light flitted across his eyes, and
his cold voice sounded: “Twenty million to bid for Geocentric
Esne; this Huang Xiaolong is truly one of a kind, no wonder
even you are afraid of him!”

Ning Wang became embarrassed from the old man’s words,

but he did not refute them. In fact, there were traces of
trepidation on his face when facing this old man wearing a
robe that signified the Clear Cloud Pavilion.

“This little punk must be insane to buy Geocentric Esne for

twenty million!” In private room nine, Yang Zheng snorted
Although Geocentric Esne was a miraculous drug, it only
had effects on warriors below the Xiantian realm, and it
didn’t have much effect for a Xiantian expert. Hence, using
twenty million to bid for this Geocentric Esne, everyone
including Yang Zheng felt that it wasn’t worth it.

Shocked whispers rose and fell endlessly in the auction


Nonetheless, amidst the shocked crowd, Huang Xiaolong got

the Geocentric Esne at twenty million!

After Huang Xiaolong paid the twenty million gold coins, the
steward himself came up to place the bottle of Geocentric
Esne in Huang Xiaolong’s hands. Holding the jade heart
green bottle, Huang Xiaolong was ecstatic inside; finally, it
was in his hands!

In the eyes of others, this Geocentric Esne was not worth

twenty million, but to Huang Xiaolong’s Nine Tripod
Commerce, what it lacked most was not money. And in
Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, it was worth every gold coin. With
this, he could definitely advance into peak late-Tenth Order
before the end of the year Academy’s annual competition.

After successfully bidding for the Geocentric Esne, the next

item was a high-grade Earth rank cultivation technique.
Although a high-grade Earth rank cultivation technique was
rare, the price it fetched was way worse than the Geocentric
Chapter 145: News Of Yu
Chapter 145: News of Yu Ming

After the high-grade Earth rank cultivation technique was

auctioned, the auctioneer put up a high-grade Earth rank
battle skill.

This high-grade Earth rank battle skill was called Noble

Rebel Swordplay, and Huang Xiaolong used five million to
bid on it for Huang Min. The little girl had always leaned
towards swords and sword skills.

Soon, the auction ended.

Huang Xiaolong and his group left the auction house and
returned to Tianxuan Mansion directly.

Although it was no secret that the Geocentric Esne was

bought by Huang Xiaolong, no one dared to block their path
in a robbery attempt.

After all, at Huang Xiaolong’s sides were Marshal Haotian

and Fei Hou−two Xiantian experts.

Stepping into Tianxuan Mansion, Huang Xiaolong hurried off

to his room, initiated the God Binding Ring, and entered the
ancient battlefield to start his closed-door practice.

In the ancient battlefield, Huang Xiaolong sat down in a

meditative position and took the green jade heart bottle out
from the Asura Ring. Uncorking the bottle, an ambrosia-like
fragrance instantly wafted out from it.
This fragrance was similar to an aged wine that had been
fermenting deep in the ground for many years, and just a
whiff was enough to make people drunk, opening the pores.

Huang Xiaolong peeped into the green jade heart bottle and
saw that inside there was a few drops of milky white liquid
that had a thick viscosity. As he continued to look, there
seemed to be a magical allure to this white liquid that made
people unable to shift their eyes away. It was a hypnotic
effect on the mind that made people want to drown in that

A while later, Huang Xiaolong managed to pull himself out

from the hallucinatory state while feeling shocked in his

Steeling his mind, Huang Xiaolong gulped all the Geocentric

Esne into his mouth, swallowing everything in one go. Even
though taking everything in one go was a little too much, a
treasure with such medicinal energy like that which was
within the Geocentric Esne did not act violently; thus, it
wouldn’t bring negative side effects from overconsumption.

As six drops of Geocentric Esne slid down his throat, the

fragrant scent filled his mouth, flooding into every corner of
Huang Xiaolong’s body. Huang Xiaolong had never tasted
anything so fragrant and delicious.

The effect was instantaneous. Warm strands of energy

spread throughout his body and Huang Xiaolong quickly ran
Asura Tactics to refine these warm energies. While Huang
Xiaolong was refining them, the battle qi in his meridians
and Qi Sea was roaring as it condensed, and the area of his
Qi Sea expanded.

At the same time, the netherworld battle qi in Huang

Xiaolong’s Qi Sea began a liquefaction process,
transforming from a gaseous state to a liquid one.

When this process started, more and more gas from the
battle qi condensed, turning into liquid form.

The twin dragon martial spirits behind Huang Xiaolong

devoured the spiritual energy greedily, and black and blue
lights were scintillating as their primordial divine dragon
scales fell off one by one! As these scales fell, newly thicker,
shinier scales rapidly grew and replaced the old.

Huang Xiaolong ran Asura Tactics one full cycle after

another, continuously refining the warm energies that came
from the Geocentric Esne!

In the ancient battlefield, there was a distinction between

night and day.

Light came and went, and so it repeated many times over

until at one point, a brilliant light broke out of Huang
Xiaolong’s body and he suddenly shuddered.

The peak late-Tenth Order, he finally broke through!

Joy wrapped around Huang Xiaolong’s heart, but he

persisted in refining the energy coming from the Geocentric
Esne while the battle qi in his meridians and Qi Sea had
nearly all liquefied into liquid form.

Huang Xiaolong only stopped when he had refined every

shred of medicinal energy coming from the Geocentric Esne.

Opening his eyes, Huang Xiaolong let out a roar facing the
sky, something akin to a primordial dragon’s growl, echoing
in the ancient battlefield for a long time.

Peak late-Tenth Order!

Though he did not manage to step into the Xiantian realm,
he had the confidence to fight someone that had just
entered the Xiantian realm if he soul transformed with the
twin dragons. Even killing them was not a problem!

Taking a deep breath to calm down, Huang Xiaolong exited

the ancient battlefield.

Walking out, he passed by his little sister Huang Min’s yard

and heard sounds of sword practice that made him halt his
steps. He walked in and saw that Huang Min was practicing
her swordplay in the yard.

The long sword in Huang Min’s hand was the very same one
Huang Xiaolong bought for her from the Thousand Treasures
Auction: the South Parting long sword.

The sword skill that Huang Min was practicing had very
strange movements. Whilst the sword was attacking, the
front of her body would suddenly spin, allowing her to thrust
the long sword in the opposite direction. Just as the tip of
the sword stabbed to the back, her wrist would turn the
attack once again to concentrate to the front.

“This is Noble Rebel Swordplay?” Huang Xiaolong spoke.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong’s voice, Huang Min stopped her

practice and turned around. Her eyes sparkled as she ran
over to Huang Xiaolong’s side: “Big brother, you’ve finally
come out from closed-door practice.”

Huang Xiaolong smiled: “How long was I in practice this


“Almost three months.” Huang Min answered.

Three months!
This greatly surprised Huang Xiaolong– he did not expect
that three months had already passed! Fortunately, he did
not miss the timing for the Academy’s annual competition.

“Oh right, Big brother, Senior Fei Hou looked for you a few
times, saying that he has something to report to you.”
Huang Min said.

Huang Xiaolong nodded to indicate he understood. Then, he

guided his little sister on her sword practice before he left
her courtyard and headed to the main hall. He sent
someone to call for Fei Hou as he waited.

“Sovereign, you’re finally out!” Seeing Huang Xiaolong, Fei

Hou had a happy expression on his face as he quickly
added, “Sovereign, there’s good news! There’s a message
from Master!”

“What, there’s news from Yu Ming?!” Huang Xiaolong

blanked for a moment before delight set in. This was indeed
great news!

“Where’s your Master now?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

“Several days ago, I and Senior Brother Haotian received

Master’s message. Master said he would arrive in Luo Tong
Kingdom in two months’ time, and this time, he would be
coming together with the Left Custodian!” Fei Hou said with
clear respect in his voice.

Left Custodian Zhao Shu!

Huang Xiaolong beamed.

Ever since Yu Ming left and there had been no news of him,
Huang Xiaolong worried that his Senior Brother Chen Tianqi
somehow found out about him and would bring about a
disaster on the Huang Family. But now, as long as Left
Custodian was there, he would have a Saint realm expert
beside him. This had now risen the guaranteed safety of the
Tianxuan Mansion to another level.

Two more months.

That meant their arrival would be close to the end of the

year; Yu Ming and Zhao Shu would finally arrive in Luo Tong
Royal City.

“Are there any movements from Big Sword Sect, Martial

Ning Family, or Clear Cloud Pavilion recently?” Huang
Xiaolong gathered his thoughts and asked Fei Hou.

“Half a month ago, Big Sword Sect’s Lin Zhiren advanced

into the Xiantian realm and a grand celebration was held.
They invited many forces in the Baolong Kingdom for the
banquet. The Martial Ning Family and Clear Cloud Pavilion
seemed to be hatching something secretly, and during
these past few months, Ning Wang and Clear Cloud
Pavilion’s Vice-Pavilion Master Ke Yu have become very
close.” Fei Hou reported the events that took place one by

“Ke Yu?” Huang Xiaolong puzzled.

“Yes, this Ke Yu is a Xiantian Second Order warrior and a big

beauty as well.” Fei Hou replied: “Ning Wang probably has
some goodwill towards this Ke Yu.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

At first, Huang Xiaolong did not have full confidence in

destroying the Big Sword Sect, Martial Ning Family, and the
Clear Cloud Pavilion after breaking through to the Xiantian
realm in the coming days. However, in two months’ time,
when Yu Ming and Zhao Shu arrived, Big Sword Sect, Martial
Ning Family, and the Clear Cloud Pavilion wouldn’t be able
to escape annihilation!

Huang Xiaolong made a decision that once these two people

arrived, he would make a trip to the Baolong Kingdom with

“Sovereign, there is another matter. Recently, there have

been many clashes between our Tianxuan Mansion guards
and the Prime Minister’s Manor.” Fei Hou hesitated as he
brought the issue up.

“Prime Minister’s Manor?” Cold light glinted in Huang

Xiaolong’s eyes, “What is the matter?”

[1] Custodian – person who has responsibility for or looks

after something. i.e the custodian of a relic.
Chapter 146: Taking The
Class’S First Place?
Chapter 146: Taking the Class’s First Place?

“Some days ago, our Tianxuan Mansion’s guards were sent

out to purchase some supplies, and on the way, they ran
into the guards from the Prime Minister’s Manor, and they
were claiming the things our guards wanted were reserved
by them long ago.” Fei Hou replied. “Then, an argument
ensued. One of the Prime Minister’s guards suddenly
attacked, injuring one of our mansion guards, and thus, a
fight broke out.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Prime Minister Manor?

“Pass this order; if they run into any Prime Minister Manor’s
guards, no need to be polite, breaking their faces or
crippling them doesn’t matter as long as they aren’t dead!”
Huang Xiaolong’s cold voice sharply sounded.

“Yes Sovereign!” Fei Hou readily acknowledged the order.

“Any news about Deities Templar?” Out of nowhere, Huang

Xiaolong suddenly changed the topic. His voice sounded
solemn when he asked the question.

A year ago, Huang Xiaolong had tasked Fei Hou to find out
about the so-called Deities Templar.

Fei Hou shook his head: “No news.”

In the last twelve months or so, he had exhausted all the
connections he had, even instructing the Yuwai Kingdom’s
Fei Mansion to look for clues about Deities Templar, yet it
was all for nothing.

It was as if this Deities Templar didn’t exist. Truth be told,

when he was trying to find out about this Deities Templar,
there seemed to be an invisible, tacit collaboration to
exclude him and prevent him from finding more information.

Fei Hou explained this unnatural feeling of exclusion to

Huang Xiaolong.

Listening to Fei Hou’s description, Huang Xiaolong began to

have pensive thoughts.

As if it doesn’t exist? It seems this Deities Templar was more

powerful and mysterious than he had initially thought.

I wonder how that girl Li Lu is doing now. Huang Xiaolong

thought to himself.

Last year when Li Lu left, the festive cheeriness in Tianxuan

Mansion dampened considerably, and now, once again, the
end of the year had arrived. In another month or so, it would
be another New Year.

However, Li Lu’s second martial spirit had awakened before

she left: twin swords martial spirits of light and darkness,
one positive and one negative, a balance of Yin and Yang.
Her cultivation speed must be terrifying, and in one year’s
time, she probably advanced to the Eighth Order!

Gathering his thoughts, Huang Xiaolong continued his

discussion with Fei Hou, asking about the Nine Tripod
Commerce and Tianxuan Mansion’s matters.
The Nine Tripod Commerce had started to expand, opening
branches in the neighboring kingdoms with as much as a
hundred thousand transactions on a daily basis.

Since the last incident with Clear Cloud Pavilion causing

troubles in the Big Dawn County, Huang Xiaolong told Fei
Hou to hire Eighth Order, Ninth Order, and Tenth Order
warriors to improve the security of the Nine Tripod
Commerce branches.

After all, what the Nine Tripod Commerce didn’t lack was

Although it was hard to lure Tenth Order warriors to join

them, the Eighth and Ninth Order warriors were not a

After he finished listening to Fei Hou’s report regarding

these matters, Huang Xiaolong asked Fei Hou about his
progress in cultivation.

Fei Hou had reached the sixth level of the Liquid Thunder
Arts that Huang Xiaolong passed to him, and the current Fei
Hou was at peak Xiantian First Order. But, breaking through
to Xiantian Second Order was still a few years away.

Fei Hou’s martial spirit was limited by its innate talent of

being a grade ten spirit. With this limitation, even if Fei Hou
swallowed the Fire Dragon Pearls Huang Xiaolong supplied
every day, advancing to Xiantian Second Order would still
require a few years.

A short while later Fei Hou retreated from the room.

Before Fei Hou stepped out, Huang Xiaolong withdrew thirty

Fire Dragon Pearls and gave them to him.
The truth was, without Fei Hou, it was impossible for the
Nine Tripod Commerce to have developed so fast during
these past seven years. Although Fei Hou only followed
Huang Xiaolong’s ideas and method of implementation,
without Fei Hou’s presence and his management skills, the
Nine Tripod Commerce probably could not achieve half the
success it had today.

After Fei Hou had left, Huang Xiaolong headed towards his
parents’ courtyard. When he arrived, both Huang Peng and
Su Yan were practicing battle skills together in their yard.

With Huang Xiaolong’s help, Huang Peng’s and Su Yan’s

cultivation had increased significantly.

Huang Peng already broke through to peak early-Eighth

Order whereas Su Yan advanced to the peak late-Seventh

Seeing Huang Xiaolong walk into the yard, both of them had
a wide smile on their faces and stopped whatever they were
doing. Su Yan even came and held Huang Xiaolong’s hand,
pulling him to a garden stool. Watching Huang Peng and Su
Yan, Huang Xiaolong felt warmth in his heart.

Two hours later, Huang Xiaolong left his parents’ yard,

initiated the God Binding Ring, and entered the ancient
battlefield to practice.

Even though he had broken through to the peak late-Tenth

Order, Huang Xiaolong aimed to step into the Xiantian realm
before heading out to the Duanren Empire to join the
Imperial City Battle.

In his opinion, the better the result he achieved, the more

attention he would receive, especially in regards to
cultivation resources. Once he enrolled into the Duanren
Institute, it would create a more favorable cultivation
environment for Huang Xiaolong.

Although he was said to be Asura’s Gate Sovereign, the fact

still remained that he didn’t actually have that position
officially, so there was no way for him to get cultivation
resources from there.

Another month passed.

Huang Xiaolong’s routine was practicing Asura Tactic and

Body Metamorphose Scripture in the ancient battlefield. The
feeling of entering Stage Ten of the Body Metamorphose
Scripture was getting stronger.

Other than those two things, Huang Xiaolong spent most of

his extra time on the Asura Sword Skill and God Binding

Huang Xiaolong’s effort in practicing Asura Demon Claw was

significantly lower compared to the rest.

This was due to its strict training requirement of absorbing

blood soul qi.

Time flowed, and the end of the year inched closer and
closer as one more month passed by. Huang Xiaolong’s
battle qi drew infinitely close to the Xiantian level.

Reaching the peak late-Tenth Order, Huang Xiaolong’s

muscles and flesh were toned and firm and his tendons
were more flexible and vibrant, containing a savage,
explosive power. The outer layer of his skin was extremely
tough, and according to his estimates, if he soul
transformed with the Black Dragon, even if a peak late-
Tenth Order expert stabbed him with a sharp sword, he
would not receive any injuries. At most, it would leave a
vague white line on the surface without breaking into his

“Tomorrow is the Academy’s competition.” Huang Xiaolong

muttered to himself.

This time, not only did Huang Xiaolong want to get first
place for the Third Year competition, he wanted to snatch
the overall Academy number one spot!

Steeling his resolve, Huang Xiaolong exited the ancient


Walking into the main hall, Huang Xiaolong saw both of his
parents, Huang Peng and Su Yan, as well as his younger
siblings, Huang Min and Huang Xiaohai. They were all
talking happily about something.

“What’s the happy occasion?” Huang Xiaolong said with a

smile on his face as he walked in.

Seeing it was Huang Xiaolong, everyone in the main hall

was delighted.

“Xiaolong, it’s great that you’re out from closed-door

practice. Min’er just said she invited that Guo Tai over for a
meal in the next few days.” Su Yan explained the matter
while beaming– it was obvious she was in a good mood.

“Oh, is that so?” Huang Xiaolong turned towards his

younger sister, Huang Min.

Huang Min nodded shyly in affirmation.

“Does Guo Shiyuan know the two of you are getting along?”
Huang Xiaolong asked.
Huang Min shook her head at this, saying “Guo Tai
mentioned he will bring it up with his father in the next few

Su Yan added: “Although the Guo Family is a powerful family

from Duanren Empire, our current Huang Family is not weak.
Our Min’er definitely pairs well with Guo Tai. When Guo
Shiyuan knows about this, he surely won’t have any

Huang Xiaolong nodded as he took a seat in the main hall.

Then, his attention shifted onto his younger brother, Huang
Xiaohai. Huang Xiaohai may be two years younger than
Huang Min, but his martial spirit talent was higher than
Huang Min’s. After the New Year, he would be fourteen, yet
he was already a late-Sixth Order warrior.

Night came. Hazy moonlight shone down.

Tonight, Huang Xiaolong did not practice. He stood in the

yard, reminiscing about certain people and certain matters.

In a month’s time, after the New Year he would be

seventeen years old.

Seventeen, meaning he has been here in the Martial Spirit

World for seventeen years.

Is there a possibility that I could return to Earth… A thought

flashed across Huang Xiaolong’s mind.

The night gradually deepened as Huang Xiaolong stayed in

the yard in a meditative posture while adjusting his
breathing and mood.

When it was daybreak, Huang Xiaolong withdrew from his

meditation and stood up. Walking out from his own
courtyard, he walked in the direction of the main hall so he
could head to the Academy with his siblings.

When they reached the Cosmic Star Academy, they ran into
Lu Kai. Noticing Huang Xiaolong, joy seemed to bloom on Lu
Kai’s face as he walked up and gave Huang Xiaolong a
friendly punch on his shoulder. “Bro, I just heard you were
promoted to the Third Year Class, don’t tell me you plan on
snatching the Class’s first place?”
Chapter 147: No Mercy

“The class’s first place?” Huang Xiaolong blanked for an

instant before smiling amiably at Lu Kai, “That’s right, this
time I also want to take the class’s number one spot!”

But then again, there were words hidden within his meaning
that Huang Xiaolong did not say aloud. Not only did he want
the class’s first place, he also wanted to win the Third Year’s
number one spot, and the Academy’s overall first place!

However, Lu Kai revealed a wry smile hearing his answer:

“Sure! Continue being the undefeated number one legend!”

From the first year Huang Xiaolong enrolled in the Cosmic

Star Academy, he had been winning the class’s number one
spot every year, and by now, after so many years, it turned
into Huang Xiaolong’s undefeated legend amongst the
Cosmic Star Academy students.

Saying this, Lu Kai suddenly exposed a wretched smile,

“Since you are promoted to Third Year, then this Bro can be
the class’s number one!”

With Huang Xiaolong advancing to the Third Year, in regards

to Second Year Class Six, Lu Kai’s strength was the strongest
this year. Taking the number one spot in the class division
was as easy as snapping his fingers.

Initially, when Lu Kai heard Huang Xiaolong was ‘promoted’

to Third Year, he was quite ecstatic. These past few years,
being in the same Second Year Class Six as Huang Xiaolong
was a huge pressure, and these same years were the most
depressing ones he had in this aspect as the Prince of Luo
Tong Kingdom.
Huang Xiaolong and Lu Kai chatted as they walked in the
direction of the Holy Hall.

“Dude, you are as rich as a kingdom ah!” Lu Kai sighed, “In

the Thousand Treasures Auction, you threw over twenty
million gold coins without so much as blinking, whereas I
don’t even have two million on me!”

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “When you ascend to the throne,

everything in the Luo Tong Kingdom will be yours.”

Lu Kai shook his head, “That is too far in the future.”

Though Lu Kai was nominated as the next in line for the Luo
Tong Kingdom King’s throne, the first hurdle he need to
cross was breaking through to the Tenth Order.

Lu Kai was indeed talented, but the time he needed to

advance to the Tenth Order was indeterminable.

Huang Xiaolong just smiled without saying anything.

A while later, Huang Xiaolong, Lu Kai, and the rest arrived at

the Cosmic Star Academy’s Holy Hall.

Huang Xiaolong and Lu Kai’s arrival raised a wave of hubbub

through the crowd.

Huang Xiaolong’s status has elevated immensely in the

Academy, and the Academy’s thousands and thousands of
students worshipped him. He was a goal they strived for.
Even Huang Xiaolong’s way of dressing and his overall style
were imitated by the male students in the Academy.

For example, Huang Xiaolong’s hair was left loose over his
shoulders, casually gathered with a soft twine string, and
normally, most of his robes were ocean blue.
After the New Year, Huang Xiaolong would be seventeen,
and his height had already reached over five foot nine. His
skin was a healthy tan color, paired with the darkest of
obsidian pupils, and a he had a tall nose; he was absolutely
the epitome of a handsome youth.

Also, there was an elegant, yet dominant aura emanating

from Huang Xiaolong’s body. Yes, an elegant dominance that
added to his charm, making the hearts of women beat wildly
when looking at him.

“Huang Xiaolong!!”

“Huang Xiaolong, I love~~~ you!”

The Holy Hall broke out in an endless echo of passionate

shrieks just as the previous years before. Some female
students screamed Huang Xiaolong’s name at the top of
their lungs, exactly like the groupies of celebrities on Earth.

“See, you even overshadowed my limelight as the Prince!”

Lu Kai complained laughingly at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong let out a faint, helpless smile at Lu Kai’s


However, not everyone in the Holy Hall held goodwill or

frenzied excitement at Huang Xiaolong’s arrival. Quite a
number of male students had resentment towards Huang
Xiaolong because no one would be happy seeing so many
women going crazy over one man in such a manner.
Especially when that woman was someone they had a crush

Amongst the different groups of people, a girl dressed in

white was also looking at Huang Xiaolong with sparkling
eyes, and she was the same person who battled Huang
Xiaolong for the Second Year’s first place sometime ago,
Chen Caixiu.

Chen Caixiu was promoted to the Third Year Class one year
earlier than Huang Xiaolong, but now she was in the same
class as Huang Xiaolong: the Third Year Third Class.

“I didn’t expect this freakish man would also advance into

the Third Year’s class.” Chen Caixiu murmured under her

There was a cold aristocratic man that was observing Chen

Caixiu the entire time, he then shifted his gaze onto Huang

This young man with good looks was the inner courtyard’s
Zhou Teng.

Zhou Teng was the strongest student inside the inner

courtyard, and he was hailed as the strongest genius
student in the entire Cosmic Star Academy.

Zhou Teng had admired Chen Caixiu for a long time, but the
few times he confessed, he was always rejected.

At this point, a pale-faced young man behind Zhou Teng

came up behind him with a snicker, “This Huang Xiaolong,
just by relying on his Primordial Divine Dragon martial spirit,
has become unbounded and arrogant. Big Bro Zhou, you
want some ‘advice’? Why don’t you have Lin Han pay him
extra care on the stage later?”

Lin Han was a Third Year student in the same class as Huang
Xiaolong, and he was currently said to be the strongest
student in Third Year Class Three.
Zhou Teng shot a glance at the pale-faced young man and
nodded his head slightly, “Go, tell Lin Han as long as he
defeats Huang Xiaolong, I will reward him with a mid-Grade
Four Spirit Dan!”

“Yes, Big Bro Zhou.”

At this juncture, Huang Xiaolong separated with Lu Kai,

Huang Min, and his younger brother, Huang Xiaohai, as they
proceeded to different sections of the Holy Hall.

Huang Xiaolong walked in the direction of Third Year Class

Three’s spot and was a little surprised seeing Chen Caixiu
there. Huang Xiaolong merely nodded at her in greeting.

However, Chen Caixiu walked up to Huang Xiaolong, smiling

as she said, “It’s really unexpected that you would advance
to the Third Year so fast. Now that we are classmates,
maybe we will have an opportunity to battle again later.”

Huang Xiaolong grinned, “Then you must be lenient with


Chen Caixiu’s delicate lips curved into a smile, “I should be

the one saying this to you.”

The year they battled against each other, she had already
broken through to the Ninth Order whereas Huang Xiaolong
was only a peak mid-Eighth Order. Despite that, she was not
his opponent. In Chen Caixiu’s opinion, the Huang Xiaolong
that had just stepped into the Ninth Order would be far
stronger than her at peak early-Ninth Order.

Far away, Zhou Teng was looking gloomy as he watched

Chen Caixiu and Huang Xiaolong talking so familiarly,
laughing like they were best friends. The jealousy in Zhou
Teng’s chest was set ablaze.
At this moment, Lin Han strode towards Chen Caixiu and
Huang Xiaolong.

“You’re Huang Xiaolong?” Lin Han’s eyes scrutinized Huang

Xiaolong repeatedly from top to bottom.

“Correct.” Huang Xiaolong acknowledged him with a calm


“I’m Lin Han.” Lin Han stated, “You’ve always been the class
number one since you enrolled into the Academy, but this
year, your undefeated record comes to an end.”

A strong scent of gunpowder spread in the air.

This attracted the attention of nearby people.

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong’s retorted nonchalantly.

Lin Han snickered, “Don’t think because the principal likes

you and you have Marshal Haotian as your backer that I will
show mercy. On the battle stage, I will not be the same as
some other people, holding back and being lenient with
you.” The underlying meaning in his voice was obviously
accusing Huang Xiaolong of relying on Marshal Haotian for
the first place spot that he acquired every year. Thus, his
opponents were merciful towards him, holding back, giving
Huang Xiaolong the opportunity to shine.

Huang Xiaolong detected it, and of course, the people

around were also smart enough to understand it.

“I won’t be lenient towards you as well.” Huang Xiaolong

answered lightly.

Hearing this, Lin Han snorted coldly, turned around, and left.
“This Lin Han is very strong; Huang Xiaolong, you must be
careful later since he is an early-Tenth Order warrior!”
Watching Lin Han leave some distance away, Chen Caixiu
couldn’t help but caution Huang Xiaolong.

Noticing the worry in Chen Caixiu’s face, Huang Xiaolong

smiled reassuringly and said, “Don’t worry, I will.”

Chen Caixiu blushed inexplicably, nodded shyly, then she

turned around and left as well.
Chapter 148: Lin Han
Landed A Punch!
Chapter 148: Lin Han Landed a Punch!

Shortly afterwards, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu appeared,

making their way to the main stage. Similarly as with
previous competitions, when both of them arrived, one of
them would explain the rules briefly before announcing the
start of the competition– it was practically a tradition.

The Third Year Third Class teacher, which was the head of
the class Huang Xiaolong belonged to, was named Chen
Xiaojing. However, when he recommended the two
strongest candidates for the class winner, Huang Xiaolong
was not one of them.

Instead, it was the same Lin Han as the past and another
female student named Huang Wen.

Lin Han was an early Tenth Order warrior, and Huang Wen
was a peak late-Ninth Order warrior.

When Huang Xiaolong heard the two strongest people of his

class was Lin Han and Huang Wen, he did not raise any
objection nor did he feel strange. After all, he was just
promoted to the class recently, and in the opinion of others,
no matter how fast he had risen, he was most likely merely
at peak early-Ninth Order.

On the battle stage.

Lin Han and Huang Wen stood on the battle stage, and the
moment the judge gave the signal to begin, Huang Wen had
called out her martial spirit. Her martial spirit was an ice
type; more specifically, it was a nature spirit, one with an
affinity to ice.

Huang Wen’s ice martial spirit was White Ice.

When her martial spirit moved towards her, Huang Wen

looked like she was shrouded in an ice world. Her soul
transformation happened in an instant, and she took the
initiative to attack Lin Han. Despite that, Lin Han did not
bother to call out his martial spirit, facing Huang Wen with
only his bare fist.

Even so, in the end, Huang Wen still lost to Lin Han.

Although there was only a small gap between an early Tenth

Order and a peak late-Ninth Order, this ‘small’ gap was a
deep canyon to overcome. This was the difference in

Everyone watching felt it was only natural that Huang Wen

lost, considering Lin Han was acknowledged as the
strongest person among his peers in the Third Year Third
Class. It was within expectations that he defeated Huang

After his win over Huang Wen, Lin Han stood in the middle
of the stage with his hands behind his back while his eyes
swept across his classmates, and when his gaze fell on
Huang Xiaolong, it was chilling and full of provocation.

“Lin Han wins! Who wants to step forward for a challenge?”

The judge stood on the stage and said in a modulated tone,
“If no wants to challenge Lin Han, then first place for Third
Year Third Class will be Lin Han!”
“Me!” A voice sounded in the silence, attracting the
attention of the Third Year Class Three students.

When they saw it was Huang Xiaolong, a low buzz

generated from the crowd, some snorted while others were
surprised. Each had a different reaction on their faces.

“I was right, this Huang Xiaolong really wants to challenge


“Does he think he can win over Lin Han? He still dreams of

getting the class’s first place?”

The sounds of high and low volumed voices sounded in the


Huang Xiaolong had always been a talking point of the

Academy since his first year, and seeing as he wished to
challenge Lin Han, it drew quite a reaction from the crowd.

At this time, the Third Year Class Three teacher stepped in

front of Huang Xiaolong and cautioned him in a solemn
voice, “Huang Xiaolong, you really want to challenge Lin
Han? You’ve just been admitted into the Third Year this year.
In my opinion… why don’t you wait till next year before
challenging him?”

Huang Xiaolong’s talent may be amazing, but still, he was

just promoted to the Third Year. The teacher highly doubted
that Huang Xiaolong could possibly be Lin Han’s opponent.
Huang Xiaolong was regarded as Cosmic Star Academy’s
hope by Sun Zhang and received a lot of care from him– the
teacher didn’t want Huang Xiaolong challenging a stronger
opponent without the strength to back it up, as he could end
up with severe injuries.
But at this point, Lin Han who was up on the stage snickered
in a mocking tone, “Teacher Chen, it’s just sparring; don’t
worry, I will pay attention during the fight and not go

Huang Xiaolong walked up the stage without any changes to

his expression.

Chen Xiaojing frowned as he watched Huang Xiaolong’s

back, but he did not attempt to persuade him any further.

Since he’s this insistent, then eating some pain would be

good for him, and it would grind down his arrogance some!
Chen Xiaojing thought to himself in his heart. A superb
talent genius such as Huang Xiaolong having some proud
arrogance was normal.

Under the crowd’s curious eyes and whispers, Huang

Xiaolong walked onto the stage and stood still.

Watching Huang Xiaolong, Lin Han sneered, “Heihei, I didn’t

expect you would really dare to come up, and of course I’ve
said I will take care when attacking. I always keep my words,
I definitely will pay attention later!”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “You talk too much

nonsense, make your move.”

“My move?!” Lin Han was caught off guard by Huang

Xiaolong’s words, but very quickly, his face turned grim. In a
ridiculing tone, he questioned,

“You’re telling me to attack first?”

“Yes,” came Huang Xiaolong’s placid reply.

This triggered another reaction from the crowd below.

“This Huang Xiaolong actually dared to tell Lin Han to attack

“Too haughty!”

“Haughty? This is called domineering, this is called

confidence, this is what you call a man!”

Some of the female students’ eyes were shining stars as

they stared fanatically at Huang Xiaolong. The male
students felt that Huang Xiaolong was too arrogant whereas
the female students were rejoicing in their idol’s dominance
and confidence!

Chen Xiaojing heard Huang Xiaolong tell Lin Han to make

the first move, and he secretly shook his head. Apparently,
he too felt Huang Xiaolong was too arrogant, too conceited!

On Chen Caixiu’s face was a shadow of worry.

Listening to the words coming from all directions, Lin Han’s

face grew increasingly sullen as he glowered at Huang
Xiaolong, “Fine, before ten breaths’ time is up, I will kick you
off the stage! I initially wanted to let you stay longer on the
stage, leaving you more face!” Before the last word
sounded, his body had dashed forward, and a powerful fist
struck out at Huang Xiaolong.

“Great Moonlight Fist!”

The fist struck out, and a giant fist suddenly appeared on

the stage like a penumbra moon that was falling on the
stage. The airflow surrounding the giant fist turned black,
making the atmosphere on the stage eerie.

The attack carried a frosty energy that quickly spread on the

stage, causing some of the weaker students below the stage
to retreat in fright.

Huang Xiaolong stood still watching the Great Moonlight Fist

punch coming at him. Then, before the shocked eyes of
everyone watching, he received the full extent of the attack.

Bang! The sound echoed in the air.

The fist landed squarely on Huang Xiaolong’s torso.

“Wow!” Sounds of exclamation came like waves from the

crowd of students below.

“Just one move, and Huang Xiaolong is already hit by Lin


“Lin Han’s Great Moonlight Fist is very powerful, and even a

mid-Tenth Order expert would be injured with an attack like
that! Huang Xiaolong will definitely lose!”

“I already said Huang Xiaolong is too haughty and arrogant.

See, Senior Brother Lin Han only used one move to defeat

“What undefeated legend, all this is bullshit! What Senior

Brother Lin Han said earlier was right– the reason Huang
Xiaolong won all those times was because they were lenient
and conceded the win to him!”

The group of male students that were jealous of Huang

Xiaolong were excited watching Huang Xiaolong being
beaten by Lin Han, and their cheers grew increasingly
raucous as if they were venting out all their resentment and
frustration suppressed within themselves. The opposite
gender that thought Huang Xiaolong was domineering and
confident deflated instantly, and disappointment flashed
across their eyes.
So, the undefeated legend in their hearts was actually so

Far away, Zhou Teng nodded in satisfaction watching Lin

Han’s powerful punch land on Huang Xiaolong, smiling as he
commented, “Lin Han, this kid did well.”

He had quite the confidence in Lin Han’s Great Moonlight


On the main platform, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu were also
shocked watching Huang Xiaolong suffer a hit. In their
mutual opinion, Huang Xiaolong might not be Lin Han’s
opponent, but he should not have been struck so easily and

Successful in his attack, Lin Han’s feet touched the stage

floor as he floated down from midair. There was a brilliant
smile on his face, however, at this exact moment, the smile
on his face froze. Disbelief crept into his eyes and the
mocking, disdainful voices in the area surrounding the battle
stage came to an abrupt stop as their eyes widened in
shock and disbelief as well. Just like Lin Han, they looked at
Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette on the battle stage.

The four corners of the battle stage were quiet, deadly

Chapter 149: This Is Like
Scratching An Itch For Me
Chapter 149: This is Like Scratching an Itch for Me

On the stage, Huang Xiaolong took the full force of Lin Han’s
Great Moonlight Fist Style, yet he remained standing as
stable as a mountain. The attack did not affect him in the

Chen Caixiu was stunned.

Chen Xiaojing was stunned.

On the main platform, both Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu were
also stunned.

The ones watching Huang Xiaolong and Lin Han’s battle

were stunned speechless at the scene.

He was fine after taking an attack from the Great Moonlight

Fist Style by an early Tenth Order warrior like Lin Han?!

From some distance away, the smile on Zhou Teng’s face

vanished immediately as his face sank.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the stunned Lin Han as he used

one hand to brush the spot where Lin Han’s fist struck as if
he was patting clean some dust.

“Great Moonlight Fist Style? This mediocre power?” Huang

Xiaolong’s aloof voice criticized, “Bring out the strength you
use to drink milk. That punch just now was like scratching
an itch.”
Scratching an itch?!

“Wow~~!” The crowd was awestruck.

What did Huang Xiaolong say? Lin Han was an early Tenth
Order, yet his Great Moonlight Fist Style attack was like
scratching an itch for him?

This was too incredibly monstrous!

The female fans who were disappointed earlier had their

spirits rejuvenated and started declaring their love at the
top of their lungs once again.

“Huang Xiaolong, you’re so cool~~!”

“Huang Xiaolong, I love you to death!! Kyaaah~~!”

“Huang Xiaolong, you’re too manly, I vow never to marry

anyone but you!”

The female students’ passionate confessions attacked

Huang Xiaolong like tidal waves, one higher than the other.

On the main platform, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu exchanged

a look and smiled dryly.

“This kid, I didn’t realize he had broken through to the Tenth

Order; he really made us worried for nothing!” Sun Zhang
said as he watched Huang Xiaolong.

Xiong Chu laughed agreeably, “Yes ah, moreover, isn’t his

defense a little too tough? But, can you tell the real extent
of his strength?”

Sun Zhang shook his head, “I can’t.”

Although Sun Zhang was a Xiantian realm expert, he
couldn’t determine Huang Xiaolong’s real level of strength.

Lin Han’s face grew increasingly distorted as he stood on

the stage hearing Huang Xiaolong’s words and the frenzied
screams from the surrounding female students. Angered
and embarrassed, Lin Han stared furiously at Huang
Xiaolong. This little punk actually said he was scratching an
itch? Wasn’t this humiliating him? Naked humiliation!

“Huang Xiaolong, I admit your defense is strong, but I don’t

believe your attack is just was strong!” Lin Han roared, and
a blinding light flashed behind him as a black stele reaching
several meters appeared, exuding a chilly and eerie aura.

This was Lin Han’s martial spirit.

Looking at Lin Han’s martial spirit, Huang Xiaolong could not

help but shake his head with a wry smile. Lin Han’s martial
spirit was called Black Stele, a tool type of martial spirit, but
it reminded Huang Xiaolong of a tombstone instead.

Lin Han noticed Huang Xiaolong was shaking his head and
smiling when he called out his martial spirit, the anger in his
heart started to burn stronger. He soul transformed
immediately, and black light shrouded his body as a layer of
black metal emerged on the surface of his skin.

In the next moment, Lin Han leaped up and appeared right

above Huang Xiaolong’s head, and his body spun like a
spinning tombstone, pressing down on Huang Xiaolong.

“Thousand Jin Sealing Force!

This was Lin Han’s martial spirit’s innate ability– pressuring

down on the target like a monumental mountain capable of
crushing everything beneath it into dust!
Under this pressure, even if it was an expert an order
stronger than him like a mid-Tenth Order warrior, they would
need to avoid being hit.

He didn’t believe Huang Xiaolong would stand still as he did

before, taking this attack fully.

Huang Xiaolong watched Lin Han diving down at him from

above with a calm face. Then, his fingers clenched into a fist
and struck upward, just a simple punch that collided head-
on with Lin Han’s attack.

A deafening explosion reverberated in midair.

Before the shocked, spectating eyes of the crowd, Lin Han’s

pathetic cry filled the air and his silhouette was seen flying
away, crashing down ruthlessly even as the battle stage
shook. A cloud of dust flew up on the stage.

Gazes shifted dumbly onto the body lying motionless on the


It ended just like this?!

Lin Han called out his martial spirit, soul transformed,

displayed his martial spirit’s ability, yet he still struck out
and lost?

The silence lasted more than a dozen breaths before the

Holy Hall erupted in an unprecedented, noisy bedlam.

“Lin Han lost!!”

“He went down with just one punch!”

“What is this Huang Xiaolong’s true strength? This is too

The crowd fell into crazed discussions, and some of the
female students’ fanatic screams increased several pitches

The majority of them were speculating about Huang

Xiaolong’s real strength.

Below the stage, Chen Xiaojing stared at the motionless Lin

Han on the stage and shook his head in bitterness. Thinking
back to his advice to Huang Xiaolong to challenge Lin Han
next year, his old face turned red due to embarrassment.

The small group of male students that held resentment

towards Huang Xiaolong had their mouths tightly shut.

Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu were blooming seeing this result.

Finally, Huang Xiaolong grew up!

This year, Huang Xiaolong was once again the class’s first

The undefeated legend continued to live on!

Even after Huang Xiaolong walked down from the battle

stage, the roaring discussions still continued.

From the distant spot, Zhou Teng’s eyes flickered as he

stared fixedly at Huang Xiaolong.

The pale-faced youth behind Zhou Teng scoffed, “I didn’t

expect that Huang Xiaolong’s strength actually reached this
level! With his strength, perhaps his goal is not as simple as
taking the class’s first place!”

A portly young man said dismissively, “What? Don’t say he

dares to compete with Big Bro Zhou for the overall Academy
champion spot?”

The pale-faced youth wanted to say more, but Zhou Teng

raised a hand to cut him short, “Enough, no need to say
more.” A sharp aura burst out from his body, “This year, no
matter who it is, if they dare to block my way to the overall
Academy champion position− they must die!”


The killing intent in Zhou Teng’s eyes soared as he declared

his stance.

The pale-faced youth and the students that stood behind

Zhou Tong shuddered internally.

Every student of the inner courtyard knew that Zhou Teng

does what he says, and since he had already said that
whoever blocks his path to the overall Academy champion
position must die, then, someone will surely lose his life!

Zhou Teng has never reneged on his word!

Soon, the results for the Third Year Third Class’s first place
winners were announced.

Huang Xiaolong was Third Year Third Class’s first place, the
first place of the Third Year Second Class’s was a fatty called
Rongguang, and the Third Year First Class’s first place was
Liu Meijun.

The Cosmic Star Academy has three great beauties: Li Lu,

Chen Caixiu, and the remaining being Liu Meijun!

Li Lu was the cute and gentle type. Chen Caixiu’s beauty

carried a noble dignity. Finally, the feeling Liu Meijun gave
everyone was cold, icy elegance, and she was gorgeous like
that of a snow lotus that blooms on top of a snowy

The third year’s competition was slightly different than the

first and second years’. In both earlier years, the winner of
each class drew a stick to determine their turns while the
third years’ class winners entered the stage at the same
time in a knockout battle royale. The last one standing
would be the Third Year Champion.

The Third Year Champion was eligible to challenge an inner

courtyard student should they be interested in competing
for the overall Academy championship.

Huang Xiaolong, Rongguang, and Liu Meijun stood at three

different points on the battle stage, creating a triangle

The battle had yet to begin, but the flowing undercurrents

on the stage were already clashing, and muffled blasts and
sparks constantly came from the stage.

The entirety of Holy Hall’s attention was concentrated on

these three people.
Chapter 150: Ice Silkworm Delusion Palm

Huang Xiaolong stood nonchalantly on his side while

Rongguang and Liu Meijun were observing each other warily
as battle qi fluctuations surged on the battle stage.

Originally, the strongest of the Third Year students was First

Class’s Liu Meijun, a peak late-Tenth Order warrior, followed
by Rongguang, a late-Tenth Order warrior. However, this
year a certain Huang Xiaolong came out of nowhere.

The most unpredictable dark horse of the year!

An atrocious dark horse.

With the crowd’s attention on the three people on the battle

stage, suddenly, dazzling lights from Rongguang and Liu
Meijun’s erupted almost simultaneously as both began
calling out their martial spirits.

Rongguang’s martial spirit was an Angle-Horned Ox. The

ox’s body was completely white with onyx eyes, but this
Angle-Horned Oxen was extremely corpulent. It was stout
with a pudgy body that was nearly round in shape. It was
obviously fat everywhere the eyes could see−quite similar
to Rongguang himself, giving one an incongruous feeling
seeing this.

And Liu Meijun’s martial spirit was an ice silkworm!

It looked soft, and this ice silkworm emanated an icy blue

glow. The moment it appeared, the temperature in the
entire Holy Temple dropped drastically.

This was Delusion Ice Silkworm!

The name sounded beautiful, but it was a martial spirit that
made people turn pale.

Earlier, the Third Year Third Class’s Huang Wen also had an
ice element martial spirit, White Ice. But compared to Liu
Meijun’s Delusion Ice Silkworm martial spirit, Huang Wen’s
was worse by a large gap.

Fatty Rongguang and Liu Meijun instantly soul transformed

the moment they called out their respective martial spirits.

After his soul transformation, Fatty Rongguang’s body nearly

doubled in size as layers of fat bulged out in white, shining
glory. An angled horn that was similar to his Angle-Horned
Ox martial spirit’s, sprouted on his forehead.

There seemed to be a layer of sparkling ice around Liu

Meijun after she soul transformed, and icy blue lights
shimmered to make her look even more beautiful and even
more cold.

Watching their quick actions, Huang Xiaolong was insouciant

as he said, “Both of you attack together!”

Both Fatty Rongguang and Liu Meijun were confounded with

Huang Xiaolong’s sudden remark.

Attack together?

The fatty and beauty exchanged a look.

In fact, before going up onto the stage, both had the idea of
ousting Huang Xiaolong first, for Fatty Rongguang and Liu
Meijun had a certain understanding towards the other’s
strength, but this Huang Xiaolong was too mysterious and
unpredictable. Neither of them knew the extent of Huang
Xiaolong’s true strength.
In their mutual opinion, Huang Xiaolong was the biggest risk
factor of all.

First, deal with Huang Xiaolong!

Glancing at each other, both of them simultaneously dashed

towards Huang Xiaolong to attack.

Below the stage, Huang Min and Huang Xiaohai’s faces

tightened with nervousness watching this scene.

And some distance away, Zhou Teng revealed a cold smirk

watching the scene on the stage unfold. Even he needed to
be wary and careful when facing a combined attack from
Rongguang and Liu Meijun. He looked forward to see how
Huang Xiaolong would deal with their attacks.

Under the crowd’s watchful eyes, Rongguang and Liu

Meijun’s attacks reached Huang Xiaolong.

Rongguang displayed a fist type battle skill whereas Liu

Meijun was using a sword skill.

The fist was shrouded in a white glow and the sword shot
out spheres of sword rays that exuded a chilly energy.

Just as the attacks reached him, Huang Xiaolong moved.

Both of his hands formed into fists, and battle qi surged as
he punched out, colliding with the two of them in the most
direct manner.

Bang! Dang!

Two distinctive sounds of collision were heard, and both

Rongguang and Liu Meijun exclaimed in shock as their
bodies staggered backward awkwardly until the edge of the
stage. Liu Meijun fared slightly better than Fatty Rongguang,
he wobbled unsteadily at the edge, and his face already
turned white.

It was clear the impact from Huang Xiaolong’s simple punch

had injured him.

Waves of shocked gasps filled the Holy Hall as the crowd

witnessed a simultaneous attack by Rongguang and Liu
Meijun. Not only did it not harm Huang Xiaolong, both of
them were pushed back effortlessly.

Huang Min and Huang Xiaohai breathed out in relief.

Chen Caixiu’s tensed expression also relaxed.

Needless to say, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu danced with joy
seeing how strong Huang Xiaolong had become.

Zhou Teng’s face darkened gloomily, and a strong killing

intent flitted in his eyes.

Ignoring the crowd’s reaction, Huang Xiaolong looked at his

two opponents, “Use your most powerful attack.”

Most powerful attack!

It was hard to conceal the shock in Rongguang and Liu

Meijun’s eyes. Their joint attack was easily deflected by
Huang Xiaolong?! Not to mention Huang Xiaolong not even
soul transforming, he had yet to use his martial spirit ability,
or a battle skill for that matter.

Neither of them uttered a word. Then, a coruscating white

light burst out from Rongguang’s body like a violent volcano
As the white light grew more intense, a streak of blue
lightning emerged on Rongguang’s body.

Although this lightning wasn’t thick, the energy radiating

from it was so terrifying that students who stood close to
the stage immediately retreated in panic.

At the same time, ice blue light glittered around Liu Meijun
that condensed into blooms of snowflakes!

An energy more apprehensive than Fatty Rongguang’s

lightning streak continued to condense and build up around
Liu Meijun.

Expressions below the stage became somber.

The commotion earlier came to an abrupt halt, and the big

hall fell into a thick silence.

Even the sound of a falling needle could be heard.

Everyone was aware, the next attack would be Fatty

Rongguang and Ice Beauty Liu Meijun’s most powerful
attack combined with their martial spirit’s ability. A joint
attack of these two people going all out… could Huang
Xiaolong take them on?

Sensing the energy building up around his opponents,

Huang Xiaolong gave an appreciative nod inwardly. These
two’s strength was indeed commendable if they went
against another opponent of the same level. There was
probably no one that could take their joint attack head-on.

Unfortunately, they met him.

Instead of calling out his martial spirit, Huang Xiaolong

called out the Blades of Asura. Black strands of energy
emerged, swirling around his physique as the aura of
slaughter coming from Huang Xiaolong grew heavier. His
eyes turned scarlet and wings the color of ebony spread out
from his back.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong initiated the Golden

Linglong Body, crystallized golden sparkles glimmered on
the surface of his skin.

“Angle-horn Lightning!”

“Ice Silkworm Delusion Palm!”

At this point, Fatty Rongguang and Ice Beauty Liu Meijun’s

voice resounded on the stage as their attack shot out
towards Huang Xiaolong.

Jagged streaks of lightning shot out from the angle horn on

Fatty Rongguang’s forehead, splitting through space. Glaring
white-colored energy burned across the stage like raging
waves at Huang Xiaolong.

A palm struck out from Ice Beauty Liu Meijun at the same
time she cried out. The palm pierced through space,
bringing a rainbow of icy blue glow flying towards Huang
Xiaolong. When this icy blue glow shot across the air, the
airflow around it seemed to fall into deep slumber as if in a
world of blue ice.

Huang Xiaolong remained calm even as he saw this,

everyone saw him raise both his hands and sent hit palms

“God Binding Palm!”

Huang Xiaolong’s voice echoed from the stage.

The crowd saw two golden shadows of a palm that looked
like a golden ring spinning towards Rongguang and Liu
Meijun. Wherever they passed, Rongguang and Liu Meijun’s
attack were actually suspended in the air. Yes, both of their
strongest attacks halted strangely in the air.


Watching this magical scene, on the main platform, Sun

Zhang and Xiong Chu jumped up from their seats in
synchronization, ‘beyond belief’ was written all over their
faces. The rest in the Holy Hall were speechless.
Chapter 151: Battle For
The Academy’S Number
Chapter 151: Battle for the Academy’s Number One

“How is this possible?!”

“How could this happen?! Rongguang and Liu Meijun’s

attack actually froze in the midst of moving!”

“What’s really happening?!”

In an instant, there was nothing but questions running

through the crowd’s minds.

Their reasoning told them that this was something

impossible, for what was taking place right in front of their
eyes was too magical, too surreal to believe– it didn’t matter
that they were witnessing it with their own eyes.

Including Zhou Teng of the inner courtyard, the pale-faced

youth, and the other students behind them, all were

Right at that moment, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu shot up

from their seats as they watched the golden rings move
closer to Rongguang and Liu Meijun.

Their shock increased when they realized that both

Rongguang and Liu Meijun’s movements halted as if
someone used a petrification spell on them, both remaining
frozen in place.
Everything on the stage seemed to have come to a halt.

The airflow.

The lightning and the palm print.

The blue ice… even the wind was stopped in its path!

Sun Zhang, Xiong Chu, Zhou Teng, the pale-faced youth,

and everyone else watching widened their eyes in disbelief.
Their jaws dropped open wide enough to stuff an extra-large
pear inside their mouths.

Considering Sun Zhang and the rest had such a reaction,

the two being ‘contained’ by Huang Xiaolong felt it even
more. Although Rongguang and Liu Meijun could not move
physically, their consciousness was unaffected, and
strangely, they could still talk.

Before many astounded eyes, Huang Xiaolong’s palm prints

landed on Rongguang and Liu Meijun.

Huang Xiaolong’s left palm print struck Rongguang in the

chest. Rongguang let out a muffled groan and his body flew
back. However, when Huang Xiaolong’s left palm print was
about to hit Liu Meijun on her chest, he noticed her full,
plump bosom. Instead of hitting her chest, he decided to
subtlety deviate the course a little and the attack hit her

Liu Meijun was sent flying as well.

Both Rongguang and Liu Meijun were knocked away and fell
from the stage area.

Landing on the ground, both of them stumbled back a few

steps before steadying themselves.
The two of them lost!

When Liu Meijun steadied herself, she was switching

between shock and embarrassment. Just now, Huang
Xiaolong’s palm nearly touched her bosom– it was a close

The wind force brought by Huang Xiaolong’s palm scraped

past her upper body, raising a strange feeling inside of her.

A long time after Rongguang and Liu Meijun fell to the

ground, the Holy Hall was still submerged in silence before
cheers and applause filled the huge hall like a thunderbolt.

Thunderous applause resounded in the Holy Hall, and some

of the passionate fangirls were screaming, shrieking their
hearts out.

“Huang Xiaolong, you’re such a freak!” One of the high-

strung girls cried out, “But, I like it!”

“I love you~~~!”

The Holy Hall was submerged in wave after wave of these

declarations of love.

Some of the fangirls even wanted to rush up the stage to

Huang Xiaolong, but luckily there were Academy guards
hindering them and maintaining order.

Below the stage, Chen Caixiu may have not been affected
by the fervor, but her eyes were shining as they stared at
Huang Xiaolong.

On the main platform, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu were

dumbstruck. Looking at the reaction of these frenzied
female students, both shook their heads and exhibited wry

Some distance away from Chen Caixiu, Zhou Teng noted the
spark in her eyes as she watched Huang Xiaolong. Zhou
Teng clenched his fists tightly, the expression on his face
was grim.

“Huang Xiaolong wins!” The judge announced amidst the

screams coming from the fangirls.

Huang Xiaolong wins!

Another wave of applause resounded in the Holy Hall.

Standing on the stage, Huang Xiaolong was rendered

speechless by the enthusiastic female students’ response
and smiled helplessly inside.

There were no singers or movie stars in the Martial Spirit

World, but these female students were more terrifying
compared to those fans in his old world.

The female students gradually calmed down, but the shock

still lingered in the air and the crowd had not yet adjusted

The battle for the Third Year’s number one was finally

Huang Xiaolong taking that spot was something no one ever

imagined nor expected.

However, the main event was coming up next: the battle for
overall Academy champion.
When the judge asked Huang Xiaolong if he wanted to
challenge the inner courtyard’s number one, Zhou Teng, for
the overall Academy champion, his answer was: “Yes, of

Once again, there was an uproar when the crowd heard

Huang Xiaolong was going to challenge Zhou Teng for that
number one spot.

Excitement rose in the Holy Hall.

Zhou Teng, the number one student of Cosmic Star

Academy’s inner courtyard, had advanced to peak late-
Tenth Order one year ago, and he was someone infinitely
close to a Xiantian realm expert.

Zhou Teng was perhaps the same level as Liu Meijun,

however the gap in their strength was no secret. Half a year
ago, Zhou Teng fought Liu Meijun and defeated her

In the upcoming battle between Zhou Teng and Huang

Xiaolong, who would take the Academy’s number one spot?

Everyone waited with bated breath.

On the main platform, Sun Zhang chuckled, “The next battle

for the overall champion truly makes one look forward to it
with anticipation ah!”

Xiong Chu agreed, “It has already been two years since
anyone dared to challenge the inner courtyard’s number
one, and now, finally someone has the guts to challenge
him this year! It’s been quite a while since the annual
competition was this lively!”
Below the stage the teacher for Third Year Third Class, Chen
Xiaojing, felt rueful again and again.

Just an hour earlier, he was advising Huang Xiaolong not to

act recklessly, to wait to challenge the class’s first place
next year…

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong and Zhou Teng stood on the


“Big brother, fight!” Huang Min and Huang Xiaohai cheered

for their big brother from below the stage.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and nodded at them, and then

turned his attention towards Zhou Teng who stood opposite
of him.

“You are Xie Wei and Jiang Hengyu’s disciple?” Huang

Xiaolong asked in an easygoing voice.

The people that used ‘Tenth Order’ qualifications as an

excuse to hinder him from entering the inner courtyard
included Xie Wei, Jiang Hengyu, and Cheng Fengli!

Zhou Teng was stunned for a moment at the sudden

question: “Yes.”

“You were the one that used Lin Han?” Huang Xiaolong’s
expression turned cold.

Zhou Teng snickered coldly, “So what if it was me? I just did
not expect that that wastrel couldn’t even take a punch
from you!”

“In my eyes, you are no different from him: a wastrel!”

Huang Xiaolong commented as if he was talking about the
The brutal glint in Zhou Teng’s eyes burst out. Bright light
surged from Zhou Teng’s body as a giant tortoise emerged
behind him! The tortoise’s shell was black, yet it reflected a
greenish glow, and the moire patterns on the tortoise shell
formed the word ‘sage*’.

This was Zhou Teng’s martial spirit, Blackshell Sage Tortoise!

Blackshell Sage Tortoise was not a superb talent martial

spirit, but it was one of the top grade ten martial spirits that
was infinitely close to a superb martial spirit existence.

Zhou Teng did not waste time. After calling out his
Blackshell Sage Tortoise, he instantly soul transformed. A
black light flashed and at the same time, a black shell
similar to that of his martial spirit’s appeared on Zhou
Teng’s back. On the surface of the black tortoise shell were
black runic patterns that once again formed the word ‘sage’.

Staring at Zhou Teng’s appearance after his soul

transformation, Huang Xiaolong was stunned for a second. A
wry smile hung at the corner of his lips after seeing the
transformation, he thought Zhou Teng really did look more
like a ‘tortoise’ in this form. Moreover, Zhou Teng’s looks
were borderline ugly to begin with. His mouth was bigger
than average, and he had a nose that was also bigger than
average, which reminded Huang Xiaolong of the Undersea
Dragon Palace’s Prime Minister Turtle.

Zhou Teng’s face flushed red when he saw Huang Xiaolong

shaking his head and laughing after his soul transformation.
The rage in his heart exploded! Although his martial spirit
Blackshell Sage Tortoise’s grade was infinitely close to a
superb talent martial spirit, he had to admit that he indeed
looked ugly after fusing with his martial spirit. This was a
sore spot in his heart.
Zhou Teng leaped out. Everyone watched as he actually
tucked in both of his hands and legs. His entire body rotated
at rapid speed akin to a tornado that rose from the surface
of the sea, rushing towards Huang Xiaolong.

“Seawind Tornado!”

* 圣 – Pattern/character on the tortoise shell. This character

can mean holy/sacred/saint/sage.
Chapter 152: Three Elders’ Ambush

Huang Xiaolong’s expression was cold as he calmly watched

Zhou Teng speeding towards him. Raising his right fist,
Huang Xiaolong punched out a Collapse Fist at full force,
sending Zhou Teng flying backward.

Zhou Teng spun backward like a limbless tortoise in the air,

but he managed to land within the stage area, stumbling

In that split second, Huang Xiaolong’s Wing of Demon

spread out, and with one flap of the wings he was in front of
Zhou Teng. A sharp light glinted in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes as
his palm struck out without mercy.

“God Binding Palm!”

A brilliant sphere-shaped palm image shot out and thrusted

towards Zhou Teng.

Zhou Teng was surprised but there wasn’t enough time for
him to dodge. In that moment, a black light flickered from
the ‘sage’ word on the tortoise shell behind his back, and
with a forceful twist, Huang Xiaolong’s God Binding Palm fell
atop the black tortoise shell.

Just as with Rongguang and Liu Meijun, all of Zhou Teng’s

movements became immobilized as he stood there.

Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette blurred into action, appearing

once again in front of Zhou Teng and attacking with another
Collapse Fist at Zhou Teng’s chest.

Blood spurted out of Zhou Teng’s mouth like a fountain. His

body fell to the ground outside the stage area.
Zhou Teng lost!

The spectating crowd was shocked on the spot, eyes staring

foolishly at Zhou Teng’s body on the ground. Zhou Teng
actually lost? The inner courtyard’s number one Zhou Teng
actually lost so quickly to Huang Xiaolong!

Initially, everyone anticipated a long-drawn-out and intense

battle between Huang Xiaolong and Zhou Teng… what an
exciting scene that would have been! Reality was a
disappointment, however. In fact, it was even more
lackluster and dull than when Huang Xiaolong battled
Rongguang and Liu Meijun.

It finally dawned on the crowd a short while later that the

battle was really over.

Harsh sounds of jeering came from the surrounding crowd.

Basically everyone watching had a contemptuous smirk on

their faces looking at the defeated Zhou Teng.

“This is the inner courtyard’s number one? What a sucker!”

“That may not be true. Zhou Teng is indeed very strong, but
unfortunately his opponent was Huang Xiaolong!”

Loud whispers of various discussions started around the


Though it may have been low whispers, every word entered

Zhou Teng’s ears loud and clear. He got up from the ground,
and a strong hatred and rage took over him as he glared at
Huang Xiaolong. The murderous look in his eyes was

He could not accept this! He would not accept this defeat!

“Huang Xiaolong, I’m going to kill you!” Zhou Teng suddenly

lunged forward onto the stage and started to attack Huang

The crowd was shocked at the abrupt turn of events, and all
the whispers halted. No one expected that Zhou Teng would
disregard Academy rules after being defeated by Huang
Xiaolong. He had actually leaped back onto the stage and
attacked Huang Xiaolong again?!

On the main platform, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu grew

solemn watching this. Then, anger set in.

Watching Zhou Teng come at him with a crazed and frenzied

look in his eyes, Huang Xiaolong’s gaze turned icy and the
Blades of Asura suddenly appeared in his hands.

“Wrath of the Nether King!”

Two slivers of light rumbled like bolts of lightning as they

streaked out madly, akin to a thousand stampeding beasts!

Beams of radiant light flashed by.

Hit by Huang Xiaolong’s Wrath of the Nether King, Zhou

Teng’s body shuddered from the impact and was sent flying
with tragic screams echoing in the air.

“Zhou Teng!”

“Huang Xiaolong, you dare?!”

The moment Huang Xiaolong injured Zhou Teng, three

silhouettes came piercing into the Holy Hall from outside.
Arriving in front of Huang Xiaolong like a thunderbolt, all
three of them aimed an attack at him at the same time.

Three powerful attacks roused a strong wind. Space rippled

so strongly from the force that even the Holy Hall shook.

The people in the crowd turned pale.

Both Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu did not expect such a thing
would take place.

“Xie Wei! Jiang Hengyu! Chen Fengli! You dare?!” Sun Zhang
and Xiong Chu flew out, wanting to stop them. However, it
was obvious to everyone that their actions were too late.

The three people making a joint attack on Huang Xiaolong

were the very same three elders who objected to Huang
Xiaolong’s admittance to the inner courtyard−Xie Wei, Jiang
Hengyu, and Chen Fengli! Both Xie Wei and Jiang Hengyu
were Zhou Teng’s Master.

Huang Xiaolong looked at these three people attacking him.

The expression on his face remained calm and cold. They
thought they had hidden themselves well enough, but in
fact, Huang Xiaolong had noticed their presence from early
on. At his current peak late-Tenth Order strength, his
perception had enhanced greatly, extending over three
hundred meters. Not even an early Xiantian realm expert
could escape his senses.

Just when these three people’s attacks were about to hit

Huang Xiaolong, a majestic echo of a dragon’s roar
resounded, shaking the Holy Hall’s roof. Everyone saw a
black Primordial Divine Dragon hovering behind Huang
Xiaolong. In a split second, Huang Xiaolong soul
A layer of black dragon scales instantly covered the surface
of Huang Xiaolong’s skin. Sharp dragon bone spikes grew
out of his hand, similar to a daunting set of black thorns.

The black dragon head tattoo that emerged on his back

roared towards the sky, emitting endless coercive might.

There were no whites in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes as they had

suddenly turned an obsidian black. By this point in time, the
three attacks arrived.

Those fully black eyes emanated iciness as they swept

across the three people’s faces. Then, his hands formed two
fists, and he swung toward Xie Wei.

“Overconfident!” Xie Wei scoffed, running his battle qi as his

fists also rushed out like a flash flood.

Bang! Four fists collided together, and in that instant, Xie

Wei’s face changed to shock, followed by fear.

“You!” Before he could finish, his arms bent and his arm
bones splintered, piercing out from his flesh and skin. A
painful wail rang out as he was thrown out just like his
disciple Zhou Teng before him, crashing heavily to the
ground outside of the stage.

Right at that moment, Chen Fengli and Jiang Hengyu’s

attacks landed on Huang Xiaolong’s torso.

However, both were shocked when they discovered that the

hand they used to hit Huang Xiaolong’s torso felt like it
struck an indestructible steel wall. Instead, the rebounding
force began vibrating up their hand, bringing intense pain to
their hand and arm!
“How about it? Surprised?” Huang Xiaolong’s detached and
icy eyes looked at both of them, but neither could react. He
then sent both of his palms out faster than lightning,
landing squarely on their chests.

Spitting blood as both of them were repelled, they fell

outside the stage and rolled until they came to a stop
beside Xie Wei’s body.

The crowd watching this was stupefied at the turn of events.

From the moment Zhou Teng violated Academy rules and

attacked Huang Xiaolong after losing, to the next moment
Xie Wei, Jiang Hengyu, and Chen Fengli appeared, attacked
were then repelled by Huang Xiaolong, less time had passed
than it takes to blink. This change was so fast and so
sudden that no one processed it quickly enough to react.
Perhaps it would be better to say that no one was able to
accept what they just witnessed!

Watching Xie Wei, Jiang Hengyu, and Chen Fengli injured by

Huang Xiaolong birthed an indescribable shock in the hearts
of every individual.

This trio were Elders of the inner courtyard!

Moreover, Xie Wei was a Xiantian First Order expert!

Although Jiang Hengyu and Chen Fengli were at peak late-

Tenth Order, their strength was not something someone like
Zhou Teng could compare to. Even so, these three people
were defeated one at a time by Huang Xiaolong!

The most frightening thing of all was that Xie Wei, as a

Xiantian First Order expert, actually had no power to resist
Huang Xiaolong!
Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu who were rushing to aid Huang
Xiaolong halted halfway, nearly falling down from midair as
they watched Huang Xiaolong deal with Xie Wei, Jiang
Henyu, and Chen Fengli within the blink of an eye.

Rapidly stabilizing their balance, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu

came over and stood on the stage.

Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu’s eyes were sparkling, laced with
a faint hint of awe as they looked at Huang Xiaolong. Yes,
awe. This even included Sun Zhang who was a Xiantian
Second Order expert.

Neither of them ever heard of anyone who could defeat

Xiantian experts when they were at peak late-Tenth Order!

The gap between a peak late-Tenth Order warrior and

Xiantian First Order expert may look negligible, but in
actuality, the gap between the two levels of strength was
like heaven and earth. It was even larger than when
comparing an early Ninth Order warrior to a peak late-Tenth
Order warrior. Therefore, it was simply impossible for a peak
late-Tenth Order warrior to defeat a Xiantian First Order
Chapter 153: Academy Number One

Below the stage, Third Year Class Three teacher Chen

Xiaojing nearly dislocated his jaw as he stared
dumbfoundedly at the three people−Xie Wei, Jiang
Chengyu, and Chen Fengli−who were defeated by Huang

The legs of the pale-faced youth and one of the inner

courtyard disciples gave out from the sight of what had just
happened to the extent that they nearly knelt on the

Those students who ridiculed Huang Xiaolong for winning

first place during previous years because his opponents
were being lenient were shivering in their pants as if they
contracted epilepsy, twitching unnaturally.

Silence permeated throughout every nook and cranny of the

Holy Hall.

Watching Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette on the stage, the

young girls’ hearts were jumping around like a naughty
fawn, issuing sounds of ‘putong putong’ like a wardrum in
their ears.

If the sparkling lights from these girls’ eyes were gathered

together and launched, it would probably have the power to
electrocute a boar to death.

After what seemed like a long time had passed, the Holy
Hall broke out in an unprecedented thunderous applause
and cheers.

By this point in time, Xie Wei, Jiang Hengyu, and Chen Fengli
managed to get themselves up from the ground. The way
the three of them looked at Huang Xiaolong was now full of

The Huang Xiaolong that they never put in their eyes, a little
rascal that in their opinion could not even win the class’s
first place was actually this monstrous!

Their faces were extremely ugly as the loud cheers and

praises echoed in their ears.

“Xie Wei, Jiang Hengyu, Chen Fengli; the three of you

actually ignored the Academy’s established rules! As Elders,
not only did you interfere with the competition between
students, you even attacked Huang Xiaolong, a student of
the Academy!” Sun Zhang was truly angered this time and
reprimanded the trio.

Xie Wei looked at Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu, sneered and
said, “So what? Sun Zhang, even if you want to expel us you
must call for an Elders meeting first!”

As an Elder of the inner courtyard, regardless of their crime,

they could only be punished after a decision was reached in
the Elders’ meeting. Not even Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu
were able to supersede the authority of the Elders and
arbitrarily decide their punishments.

After having this pointed out, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu’s
faces turned sullen.

A proud complacent smile emerged on Xie Wei, Jiang

Hengyu and Chen Fengli’s faces.

However, at that moment, Huang Xiaolong slowly walked

towards them.

The proud beam on their faces stiffened and paled.

“Huang Xiaolong, what are you doing?” Xie Wei snapped at
Huang Xiaolong while trying his best to conceal the fear he
was feeling inside.

Jiang Hengyu also barked, “You actually disrespected an

inner courtyard Elder. You even attacked and injured us! Just
you wait, you’ll absolutely be expelled!”

The fact of the matter was that the three of them had
interjected in the Academy students’ competition. They
ambushed Huang Xiaolong in a three on one battle, and now
they shamelessly argued that Huang Xiaolong had no
respect for elders, injured them, and actually wanted to
expel Huang Xiaolong from the Academy!

Huang Xiaolong’s placid tone matched his expression,

“Really? But, the three of you don’t seem to have enough
authority to expel me!”

To expel a student, whether they be students of the normal

classes or the inner courtyard, it fell under Sun Zhang and
Xiong Chu’s responsibility and authority.

Xie Wei and the other two’s minds went blank.

Just now, they indeed forgot about this matter.

Huang Xiaolong continued to approach the three of them.

Seeing this, Xie Wei, Jiang Hengyu, and Chen Fengli actually
retreated in a flustered manner.

“Huang Xiaolong, you dare to ignore the rules?!” Xie Wei

once again put up a brave front, trying to deter Huang
Xiaolong, but it was all for naught. Before Xie Wei could
finish, the ebony Wing of Demon on Huang Xiaolong’s back
flapped. In less time than it took to blink, Huang Xiaolong
had reached Xie Wei, and a fist struck the right side of his
face. Xie Wei’s head nearly swung back from the impact,
causing his entire body to fly out.

Next, Huang Xiaolong walked towards Jiang Hengyu and

Chen Fengli as fear distorted their faces.

“Huang Xiaolong, use your words! If you have something to

say, we can discuss it peacefully, don’t act recklessly!” The
two blurted out.

Discuss peacefully? Don’t act recklessly? Huang Xiaolong

sneered coldly. Palms slammed out, striking the two in the
chest and sending them flying out at the same time.

The boiled up atmosphere in the Holy Hall instantly became


People from all directions were looking towards one spot.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the three people groaning on the

floor, he slowly walked towards them again.

Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu exchanged a glance, neither

spoke, immersing themselves in the comfort of watching a
good show.

These three held the position of inner courtyard Elder for too
long. With Prime Minister Wu Feng as their backer, they had
never given the two of them any face. Thus, Sun Zhang and
Xiong Chu were dissatisfied with them for a long time.

Xie Wei noticed Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu standing at the
side with their arms folded across their chests and enjoying
the show. He became exasperated and angered: “Sun
Zhang, Xiong Chu, as the Principal and Vice-Principal of the
Academy, how can you just stand and watch an Academy
student attack an inner courtyard’s Elder?! When the Elders’
meeting is called, I will propose to have you two removed
from your positions!”

Sun Zhang sniggered, “Oh really? Pardon me, I did not see

Did not see? Xie Wei, Jiang Hengyu, and Chen Fengli choked
in anger seeing Sun Zhang actually lie without blinking. At
this moment, they had just received a taste of Sun Zhang’s

Huang Xiaolong came to a stop in front of them; the three of

them struggled to stand up.

Just as they managed to get up, each was sent flying again
with kicks from Huang Xiaolong.

Crashing to the ground, Chen Fengli was clutching at his

chest with a hideous grimace.

“It’s broken!” He hissed.

Huang Xiaolong’s kicks were performed with great force and

contained a trace of the Asura Sword Skill’s frigid qi,
torturing the three of from within.

Watching the three once revered experts jerk in pain on the

ground, the disciples from the inner courtyard, such as the
pale-faced youth, became ashen with horror.

At this time, Sun Zhang finally spoke, “Xiaolong, let me deal

with the three of them.” After all, he could not really stand
and watch Huang Xiaolong really kill them without doing
anything, especially when there were so many students
Everyone’s eyes were watching.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

The truth was, he never planned to kill the three of them.

However, after this, even if they didn’t die, they were

basically half crippled.

Just now, Huang Xiaolong sent the Asura frigid cold qi into
their Qi Sea. Even if they could suppress it for the time
being, they would not be capable of expelling it from their

With this, the Academy’s annual competition drew to a


Huang Xiaolong won first place in Third Year Class Three,

Third Year first place, and overall Academy number one!

Next year, Huang Xiaolong will represent the Cosmic Star

Academy in the Duanren Empire’s Imperial City Battle.

Imperial City Battle!

The event ended and the prizes were awarded. Sun Zhang
and Xiong Chu presented two Spirit Dans to Huang Xiaolong,
and as everyone was leaving, they requested for Huang
Xiaolong to stay behind and gave him another two high
Grade Five Spirit Dan.

In all the previous years they had always given him one
pellet, but this year, Huang Xiaolong actually received two!

High Grade Five Spirit Dan. Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu were
rarely willing to take these for their own cultivation, so it
goes to show how much emphasis they were putting on
Huang Xiaolong.

Both of them hoped Huang Xiaolong would enhance his

strength as much as possible before the Imperial City Battle

Before Huang Xiaolong left, Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu said,
“Xiaolong, although you are at a stage where after you soul
transformed you were able to defeat Xie Wei, you must
know the number of students that participate in the Imperial
City Battle every year come from thousands of different
kingdoms. Those that are stronger than Xie Wei are not
scarce in number. Some of them possess talent and strength
that does not lose out to you. Remember well, never
underestimate an enemy.”

Xiong Chu also provided some advice, and the content was
roughly the same as Sun Zhang’s since he hoped Huang
Xiaolong would not let the win go to his head, causing him
to grow arrogant and impertinent.

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong left the two of them.

Xiong Chu watched Huang Xiaolong’s back as he walked

away, comforted and lamenting at the same time, “I wonder
what result Xiaolong can get during the next Imperial City

Sun Zhang responded seriously, “Top ten shouldn’t be a

problem, but number one might be a little far. One must
realize, the amount of monstrous geniuses in Duanren
Empire is no small number.”

When Huang Xiaolong stepped into Tianxuan Mansion, the

entire mansion broke out in cheers and liveliness.
This year, not only did Huang Xiaolong snatch the individual
year’s first place, he even won the Academy’s overall
number one!

Representing Cosmic Star Academy in the Duanren Empire

Imperial City Battle meant representing the Luo Tong
Kingdom when participating, and this was the highest honor
and glory! In the past, Huang Peng and Su Yan dared not
even dream of such a possibility.
Chapter 154: Internal Force Breaks Through Xiantian Level

Huang Xiaolong’s victory in the Academy overall

championship allowed the guards and servants of Tianxuan
Mansion to bask in some of the limelight. Everyone stood a
little taller and more proud.

At the Tianxuan Mansion’s front entrance, red firecrackers

were lit and people on the street joyfully watched the
explosions for more than an hour.

On the same night, Tianxuan Mansion held a big celebration

banquet, and almost all of the big and small forces within
Luo Tong Royal City came bearing congratulatory gifts. From
top to bottom, everyone in the Tianxuan Mansion was in a
joyous mood.

The next morning, even King Lu Zhe himself made a visit to

the Tianxuan Mansion. Tagging along with him was his son,
Lu Kai.

King Lu Zhe spoke many nice words of encouragement to

Huang Xiaolong and generously rewarded him with three
high Grade Five Spirit Dan as well as many other valuable
herbs and elixirs. Just like Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu, King Lu
Zhe hoped Huang Xiaolong would enhance his strength a
little bit more by consuming these things before he
participated in the Imperial City Battle.

The stronger Huang Xiaolong was, the better his chances at

achieving a higher ranking in the Imperial City Battle. As the
King of Luo Tong Kingdom, the generous reward bestowed
by the Duanren Emperor corresponded closely with Huang
Xiaolong’s result!
Before he left, Lu Kai patted Huang Xiaolong’s shoulder
playfully saying, “I really have to give it you, damn, and
there I was, asking if you were planning to get the Third Year
Third Class’s first place before the competition. I didn’t
expect you to go ahead and grab the Third Year’s first place,
and even the overall Academy championship!”

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “Didn’t you also take the Second

Year’s first place?”

Lu Kai grinned sheepishly, and then he moved closer to

Huang Xiaolong’s ear, saying in a barely audible whisper,
“Bro, you should pay more attention, I can see that Chen
Caixiu is a little interested in you.” He instantly hopped
away and fled after leaving his best friend with a friendly

Huang Xiaolong shook his head with a wry smile while

watching Lu Kai’s fleeing back.

This rascal!

The celebration banquet in Tianxuan Mansion continued for

three days straight. It was what Huang Peng and Su Yan
wanted and Huang Xiaolong had no intention to stop them.
As long as his parents were happy, he didn’t mind.

During these three days’ time, Huang Xiaolong did not

practice any of the Asura techniques. Instead, he
concentrated on the Body Metamorphosis Scripture.

Huang Xiaolong’s Body Metamorphosis Scripture practice

had reached Stage Nine: The Azure Dragon Flexing Its Claw,
and it was at its limit. It was possible for him to break
through to stage ten at any time now.
After three days of celebration, Tianxuan Mansion returned
to its usual calmness.

Once the celebration was over, Huang Xiaolong activated

the God Binding Ring and entered the ancient battlefield.
Next, he swallowed down the spirit dans from the
Academy’s prizes and also King Lu Zhe’s reward, then
started practicing.

After the New Year, they would set off to Duanren Empire for
the Imperial City Battle, hence, increasing his strength was
crucial in the interim.

Therefore, this year, Huang Xiaolong did not give the high
Grade Spirit Dans to his parents and planned to use them

Adding the spirit dans from the Academy competition and

the ones rewarded by King Lu Zhe together, there were
seven pellets in total!

One early Grade Five Spirit Dan, one mid-Grade Five, and
five high Grade Spirit Dans!

Huang Xiaolong took one pellet each day.

On the first day, he swallowed the lowest graded early

Grade Five Spirit Dan, and so it went until the last of the
high Grade Five Spirit Dans were consumed.

On the seventh day, Huang Xiaolong took and refined the

last of the pellets. After refining seven spirit dans, not only
did Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi increase, it even boosted his
internal force.

Although his battle qi wasn’t enough to step into the

Xiantian realm, it brought him infinitely closer by a single

Half a month went by.

The cloudy night sky turned the silvery moonlight hazy.

Huang Xiaolong stood in the yard with his legs spread apart,
both hands clenched into fists in a guard position close to
his waist. Then, his left hand punched out, fingers bent like
hooks downward as his upper torso kept turning towards the
left side while breathing in a set rhythm continuously.

Spiritual energy rumbled as it gathered towards Huang

Xiaolong and was absorbed into his body as he breathed in
and out. Above his head, the spiritual energy gathered in a
shape resembling three flower blossoms.

While he was continuing to adjust his breathing, Huang

Xiaolong’s body suddenly trembled. A radiant light shone
from his dantian which was situated below his navel. Next, a
hot stream of energy burst out from Huang Xiaolong’s
dantian like scorching fire, shaking the airflow in the entire

At that time, every person in Tianxuan Mansion felt the

strong vibrations of the energy and its terrifying pressure.

Fei Hou’s yard was one of the closest to Huang Xiaolong’s

yard. Fei Hou had been practicing his battle qi at the time
when the sudden enveloping pressure startled him. He
looked in the direction of Huang Xiaolong’s yard and shock
was replaced by jubilation, “Could it be, Sovereign is having
a breakthrough to the Xiantian realm?!”

Breakthrough to the Xiantian realm!

Once one breaks through to the Xiantian realm, they would
be acknowledged as one of the strongest experts of a
kingdom! One’s status and identity in the kingdom would
rise to prominence.

In the yard, the fire-red glow spun and rotated endlessly in

Huang Xiaolong’s dantian. The internal force inside the
dantian suddenly evaporated upward, and in the next
second, the internal force gathered again, condensing into a
drop of liquid and falling to the bottom of his dantian. His
dantian became abundant with vibrating energy.

Once his dantian had fully converted into a liquid form,

Huang Xiaolong slowly stopped his controlled breathing,
bringing his hands and legs back to the center, all the while
the joy shining in his eyes was evident.

His internal force finally broke through to the Xiantian

realms level!

Although it didn’t include battle qi, Huang Xiaolong could

still be considered as a Xiantian expert just based on his
internal force alone.

At this time, Fei Hou hurried into the yard from outside,
coming to a stop in front of Huang Xiaolong with a brilliant
smile on his face, “Sovereign, you broke through to the
Xiantian realm?”

“It can be considered so,” Huang Xiaolong nodded with a

smile, “It’s my internal force that reached the Xiantian

Fei Hou was stunned for a second before offering his

congratulations, “Congratulations Sovereign for breaking
into the Xiantian realm.” After practicing the Liquid Thunder
Arts, Fei Hou understood that internal force advancing into
the Xiantian level was just as important as battle qi breaking
into the Xiantian level.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, and then said, “Run your battle qi

and take one of my full force attacks.”

Fei Hou blanked for a moment at the request. Nodding, a

strong flickering light rippled as Fei Hou ran his battle qi in
all seriousness.

Seeing that Fei Hou was ready, Huang Xiaolong raised his
hand and used an Ethereal Palm on Fei Hou. The palm
attack was quiet and surreal, appearing in front of Fei Hou in
a split second; although Fei Hou was prepared, he was still
shocked. Swiftly, he punched out with a fist of his own,
colliding directly with Huang Xiaolong’s palm.

“Heart Shattering Fist!”


Fist and palm crashed together and the impact caused a

loud blast to resound in the yard. The airflow turned into a
violent, spinning gale, causing chairs and other things to
tumble around.

Fei Hou’s body strongly shook, forcing him to stumble

backward a total of five steps whereas Huang Xiaolong
retreated three steps.

Fei Hou actually retreated two steps more than Huang


Fei Hou was dumbstruck when realizing this result.

In that exchange just now, he actually fell at a slight

He had been in the Xiantian realm for the last few years,
and all these years, he had always been taking the Fire
Dragon Pearls and practicing Liquid Thunder Art with
diligence. Comparatively, his battle qi cultivation was even
stronger than some Xiantian Second Order warriors.
However, all this was irrelevant for he just lost to Huang
Xiaolong… the Huang Xiaolong who had just broken through
to the Xiantian realm for less than an hour’s time!

Furthermore, neither of them summoned their martial spirit.

If Huang Xiaolong summoned only his black dragon martial
spirit, relying on the suppression of a higher grade martial
spirit towards his Silver River martial spirit, all in all, he was
no match against Huang Xiaolong.

While Fei Hou was still in a daze as these thoughts went

through his mind, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette blurred and
continued with his second attack.

Seeing this, Fei Hou was jarred back to his senses, making a
move of his own.

The longer they sparred, the more the shock inside Fei Hou
increased because he noticed Huang Xiaolong seemingly
grow more powerful as time wore on; his attacks became
stronger, faster, and more precise.

“Can Sovereign’s Instant Recovery innate Martial Ability also

be applied to the internal force?” Fei Hou thought to himself.
He was aware Huang Xiaolong Instant Recovery innate
Martial Ability could restore exhausted battle qi.

After exchanging more than a dozen moves with Huang

Xiaolong, and just when Fei Hou could no longer go on after
being pushed to the limit, Huang Xiaolong suddenly
stopped. Instantly, the pressure Fei Hou felt diminished
greatly, allowing him to catch a breath.
In the next few days after that, Huang Xiaolong sparred
everyday, training with Fei Hou and Marshal Haotian. While
sparring, all three of them summoned their martial spirit. Fei
Hou was not Huang Xiaolong’s opponent, but against
Marshal Haotian, Huang Xiaolong needed to soul transform
with his black dragon martial spirit. Even when adding the
Asura Sword Skill, innate martial spirit’s ability, Golden
Linglong Body, and Asura Physique, he could only come to a
draw with Martial Haotian.

Even so, it was more than enough to jolt Fei Hou and Martial
Haotian’s concept of reality.
Chapter 155: An
Engagement Between
Huang And Guo Family
Chapter 155: An Engagement between Huang and Guo

Marshal Haotian was a Xiantian Second Order expert, and

not an average second order expert at that, yet he was still
unable to execute a swift win over Huang Xiaolong.

This was the scariest point of all!

Furthermore, what was Huang Xiaolong’s age? He would

soon be seventeen after the New Year in ten days, right?!

Marshal Haotian was someone that had over a hundred

years of cultivation experience!

Though Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi was still in the peak late-

Tenth Order stage, if his battle qi also advanced into the
Xiantian realm, it was possible that Marshal Haotian might
not even be Huang Xiaolong’s opponent at that time!

On this day, Huang Xiaolong was training in the yard with

Fei Hou and Marshal Haotian when his younger sister
suddenly burst into the yard, calling Huang Xiaolong out.

“Big brother, Mom and Dad called for you at the main hall.”
Huang Min said, and a peculiar blush tinged her cheeks after
saying so.
“Calling me to the main hall? What’s the matter?” Huang
Xiaolong felt it was odd watching his sister’s reaction, thus
he asked.

Huang Min’s head bowed so low that the tip of her nose
nearly touched her chest, “Guo Tai is here.”

“Guo Tai?” Huang Xiaolong was surprised, and then he

chuckled; no wonder his little sister would come to call for
him in person. Normally, his mother and father would send a
servant to inform him if they were looking for him.

“Big brother, let’s go quickly, people have been waiting for

half an hour in the main hall.” Huang Min stressed, and she
swiftly dragged Huang Xiaolong by the hand towards the
main hall.

Huang Xiaolong had a powerless expression on his face as

he looked over at Fei Hou and Marshal Haotian, “Let’s end
today’s sparring here, we’ll continue again tomorrow.”

“Yes, Young Lord!” Both of them acknowledged respectfully.

Huang Xiaolong walked to the main hall ‘led’ by Huang Min

pulling him by the hand.

Even before he entered the main hall, the amiable laughter

and the sounds of talking could be heard. Other than his
parents and younger brother, Huang Xiaohai, there was a
voice of a young man he had never heard before.

When Huang Xiaolong and Huang Min walked into the hall,
everyone inside looked over in their direction. When the
unfamiliar young man saw Huang Xiaolong, he practically
jumped up from his seat. It was clear from his mannerisms
that he was extremely nervous.
The young man had clean cut features, arched brows, and a
rounded button nose; all in all, a dashing young man. When
compared with Huang Xiaolong, that young man exuded a
less dominant aura, more of one with gentlemanly elegance
and refinement.

This young man was Guo Tai.

Guo Tai knew of Huang Xiaolong’s fame. When he first met

Huang Min, he had no idea that Huang Min was Huang
Xiaolong’s younger sister, and he did not deliberately have
Huang Min’s identity and background investigated. Two
months ago, Guo Tai was greatly shocked when Huang Min
told him that her Big Bro was Tianxuan Mansion’s Huang

Huang Xiaolong was Luo Tong Kingdom’s renowned number

one monstrous genius that his father spoke of often, telling
him to make Huang Xiaolong his goal.

Watching as Huang Xiaolong and Huang Min walked in, a

clumsy and nervous Guo Tai quickly took a few steps
forward, calling out: “Big brother!”

Guo Tai was actually the same age as Huang Xiaolong but
he was younger by two months, so he followed Huang Min’s
example and called Huang Xiaolong big brother.

Under normal circumstances, Guo Tai, as a member of one

of Duanren Empire’s big families and grandson to the
current Guo Family’s Patriarch, would not feel so nervous
even when meeting a Duanren Empire’s Duke, but Huang
Xiaolong was an exception.

This was because Huang Xiaolong was someone he

Huang Xiaolong looked at Guo Tai, nodded slightly and said
with a faint smile, “Take a seat.”

“Thanks Big brother.” Guo Tai returned to his seat.

Huang Xiaolong and Huang Min also sat down.

Huang Xiaolong’s seat was lateral to his parents’ seat

whereas Huang Min sat in the seat next to Guo Tai.

Studying Guo Tai opposite of him, Huang Xiaolong nodded

inwardly in satisfaction. From his first impression, the
impression this Guo Tai gave him was not bad… at least he
showed none of the noble children’s unwarranted proud
arrogance and impudence.

The few of them continued to talk happily in the main hall

with bouts of cheery laughter ringing out from time to time.

At first, Guo Tai acted a little reserved. However, as time

wore on with the jokes and laughter, he gradually relaxed,
but his respect and idolization towards Huang Xiaolong was
evident in his words and actions.

“Big brother’s Academy competition some months ago, I

was there with my father.” Guo Tai recalled enthusiastically,
“After we came back, my father praised Big brother
endlessly saying Big brother is truly a talented genius, and
not even the Academy’s three inner courtyard Elders were
his opponent!”

This brought laughter out from everyone.

Soon, it was time for lunch, and Guo Tai stayed to have a
meal with the Huang Family. After lunch, Huang Min and Guo
Tai went out together.
In the main hall, after the two of them had left, Huang Peng
asked Huang Xiaolong, “Xiaolong, what do you think about
Guo Tai?”

Although in Martial Spirit World, children’s marriages were

decided by parents’, major decisions related to Tianxuan
Mansion were mostly decided by Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “As long as the little girl is


Since his little sister and Guo Tai mutually liked each other
and Guo Tai himself was not a bad character, Huang
Xiaolong would naturally not do something like splitting a
pair of mandarin ducks [1].

Huang Peng and Su Yan exchanged a glance, and Su Yan

said, “Then, in another few days, your father and I will
accompany your sister to make a trip to the Guo Mansion to
meet Guo Shiyuan. If Guo Shiyuan agrees, then we will set
down this marriage!”

At the end of the year, Huang Min would turn sixteen. Being
engaged at sixteen and married at eighteen was a usual
practice in Martial Spirit World.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “Mom and Dad can decide.”

After accompanying his parents for a while, Huang Xiaolong

returned to his yard and continued to practice.

His internal force had advanced into the Xiantian level so he

now needed to strive for his battle qi to break through to the
Xiantian realm as soon as possible.

If his battle qi also broke through to the Xiantian realm, then

Huang Xiaolong was confident he could take first place in
Duanren Empire’s Imperial City Battle!

Duanren Institute’s new term started in the ninth month,

and there were eight months until next year’s Imperial City
Battle. Thus, Huang Xiaolong had eight months to further
enhance himself before the Imperial City Battle.

Nine days came and went.

Once again, Tianxuan Mansion was basked in a festive mood

with a flurry of activities. This year, there were many more
joyful occasions that it had when compared to previous

Not only was it due to Huang Xiaolong being the overall

Academy Champion, and the fact that he would be
representing the Cosmic Star Academy in the Duanren
Empire’s Imperial City Battle, but it was because Huang Min
and Guo Tai’s marriage was set!

A few days ago, Huang Peng, Su Yan, and Huang Min paid a
visit to Guo Shiyuan at the Guo Mansion. Guo Shiyuan was
delighted, thus Huang Peng and Guo Shiyuan had their
children’s wedding set down.

Listening to the cheerful hustle and bustle up and down

Tianxuan Mansion, Huang Xiaolong did not practice like he
usually did.

In roughly ten days, Yu Ming and Zhao Shu would arrive in

Luo Tong Royal City. At that time, he would be journeying to
Duanren Empire, and when passing by Baolong Kingdom,
Huang Xiaolong decided to first annihilate the Big Sword
Sect, Martial Ning Family, and Clear Cloud Pavilion!

On the other hand, after Huang Xiaolong injured Xie Wei and
the other two people, the Elders had a meeting and all three
people’s Elder position were removed. Even though this
happened, there was no reaction from Prime Minister Wu
Feng’s side.

“I hope Wu Feng, that old fogey, has tact.” Huang Xiaolong

hoped. If that old fogey deliberately provoked him again, he
didn’t mind first squashing Wu Feng before destroying Big
Sword Sect.

The New Year had finally arrived.

Auspicious snow[2] fell.

Sounds of laughter could be heard coming from every

corner of the Tianxuan Mansion.

On the First Day of New Year, the Huang Family visited the
Guo Mansion. Originally, Huang Xiaolong did not plan to go,
but Huang Min pestered him so he had no choice but to

The Huang Family’s arrival was warmly received by the pair

of father and son, Guo Shiyuan and Guo Tai, especially
towards Huang Xiaolong, causing Huang Xiaolong to feel
somewhat awkward and uncomfortable.

There was a reason why Guo Shiyuan agreed to the

marriage between his son and Huang Min. At the moment,
the Huang Family’s status may not be on par with their Guo
Family, but he valued Huang Xiaolong. With Huang
Xiaolong’s talent, he would absolutely be a great character
of Duanren Empire in the future.


[1] Pair of mandarin ducks – lovebirds.

[2] Auspicious Snow- also first snow/timely snow.
Chapter 156: Zhao Shu
And Yu Ming’S Arrival
Chapter 156: Zhao Shu and Yu Ming’s Arrival

Almost immediately after returning to Tianxuan Mansion

from the Guo Mansion, Huang Xiaolong activated the God
Binding Ring and entered the ancient battlefield to cultivate.

For the time being, Huang Xiaolong concentrated on

practicing his Asura Tactics instead of his battle skills, such
as the Asura Sword Skills, Asura Demon Claw, Golden
Linglong Body, and God Binding Palm, among others.

For Huang Xiaolong, strengthening his battle qi and

breaking into the Xiantian realm was the only goal at the

These battle skills were supplementary!

Moreover, his battle skills’ power would not enhance much

in one year’s time.

As long as he was successful in breaking through to the

Xiantian realm with his battle qi, his strength would increase
by leaps and bounds.

Other than Asura Tactics, Huang Xiaolong allocated two

hours every day to spar with Fei Hou, and if not with Fei Hou
then alternatively with Marshal Haotian.

While sparring with these two mighty Xiantian experts,

Huang Xiaolong’s control and understanding in battle qi
Another nine days passed.

On this particular morning, Fei Hou and Haotian were

beaming as they walked into Huang Xiaolong’s yard,
reporting: “Sovereign, Master gave word that he and Zhao
Shu will arrive in one hour’s time!”

“Oh, one more hour!” Huang Xiaolong was happy hearing

this and drew in a deep breath, “Let’s go to the Royal City

Huang Xiaolong might be the Asura’s Gate Sovereign, but

Zhao Shu was a Saint realm expert. With Zhao Shu arriving,
it was common sense to Huang Xiaolong that he should go
receive him at the city gates.

“Yes, Sovereign!” Fei Hou and Haotian answered. Neither

one felt it was weird that Huang Xiaolong wanted to go and
receive Zhao Shu at the city gates.

Even someone as exalted as the Duanren Emperor must

show courtesy when meeting a Saint realm expert,
moreover, Zhao Shu wasn’t some ordinary early Saint realm

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong stepped out of Tianxuan Mansion

together with Fei Hou and Haotian and headed towards the
city gates, waiting for Yu Ming and Zhao Shu’s arrival.

Thinking they would soon be able to meet a Saint realm

expert, both Fei Hou and Haotian were excited and their
palms began to sweat from nervousness. As a Xiantian
realm expert, both enjoyed immense respect and high-class
treatment in the kingdom, especially Haotian, but before a
Saint realm expert, crudely speaking, they were nothing. If
this was the past, they wouldn’t even have the qualifications
to meet a Saint realm expert.
Not long after the three of them arrived at the city gates,
two silhouettes appeared from the mountainous path in the

Watching as these two silhouettes grew closer, three pairs

of eyes lit up when they noticed Yu Ming!

Yu Ming was seen riding slightly behind a burly, robust man

that appeared to be somewhere around his fifties. Both of
them were riding on beast mounts that looked similar to a
rhinoceros, but the difference was that these beast mounts
had no tails. Instead, there was a sphere with a lustrous
glow that resembled flames.

The distance between them and the city gates was still
quite far, yet Huang Xiaolong, Fei Hou, and Haotian already
felt the terrifying pressure emanating from that middle-aged

Huang Xiaolong knew this middle-aged man had to be the

Asura’s Gate Left Custodian, Zhao Shu!

The beast mounts Yu Ming and Zhao Shu were riding moved
seemingly slow, but in fact were extremely fast. In just a few
breaths, Yu Ming and Zhao Shu were within a several
hundred meter range of Huang Xiaolong’s position.

Upon closer inspection, Huang Xiaolong noticed that Zhao

Shu’s eyes were round and large, akin to an Iron Eagle’s:
sharp, cold, and unfathomable.

While Huang Xiaolong was observing Zhao Shu, Zhao Shu

was doing the same to Huang Xiaolong. From the details of
Yu Ming’s report to him, he already guessed this tall youth of
no more than twenty should be Old Sovereign’s personal
disciple, the one with the Asura Ring−Huang Xiaolong.
The three people waiting walked up to the approaching two.

Yu Ming and Zhao Shu dismounted from their beasts.

“Asura’s Gate Elder, Yu Ming greets Sovereign!” Yu Ming said

respectfully as he dropped before Huang Xiaolong, saluting
on bended knee and in proper form.

On the other hand, Zhao Shu approached and bowed

respectfully, and said to Huang Xiaolong “Asura’s Gate Left
Custodian Zhao Shu, greets Sovereign!”

In Asura’s Gate, Saint realm experts only needed to bow in

greeting to the Sovereign.

“Left Custodian Zhao Shu, Elder Yu Ming, please rise!”

Huang Xiaolong swiftly moved forward to excuse them from
such salutes.

At this time, Fei Hou and Haotian also came forward

speedily, saying their greetings with great respect to Zhao
Shu, “Asura’s Gate disciple Fei Hou (Haotian) greets Left
Custodian Zhao Shu!”

Zhao Shu nodded and let them rise.

Then, Fei Hou and Haotian turned towards their Master,

bowing respectfully: “Master!”

Yu Ming nodded.

Without much of an exchange of words, everyone turned

and headed in Tianxuan Mansion’s direction.

On the way, Zhao Shu said to Yu Ming, “These two disciples

of yours are not bad.” Zhao Shu could easily see that both
Fei Hou and Haotian’s physiques and other aspects were
much stronger than other warriors at the same level.

Yu Ming quickly replied respectfully, “Left Custodian Zhao

Shu praises them too highly!”

The truth was, even Yu Ming himself was startled at the

changes he saw in Fei Hou and Haotian.

However, after hearing Zhao Shu’s words of praise, Fei Hou

and Haotian were actually apprehensive rather than

At this point, Haotian admitted honestly, “Left Custodian,

the truth is, we could achieve this level of cultivation all
thanks to Sovereign’s generosity.”

“Oh?” This revelation was unexpected for Zhao Shu and Yu


Huang Xiaolong smiled, “I didn’t do much except pass the

both of them a set of cultivation techniques. Their
achievements are the results of their own hard work.”

Huang Xiaolong’s words may have seemed modest, but at

the same time, it indirectly confirmed what Haotian had just

This raised a strong curiosity in Zhao Shu and Yu Ming

towards the cultivation techniques Huang Xiaolong passed
to Fei Hou and Haotian.

A short while later, the group of people reached Tianxuan


Back in Tianxuan Mansion, on the way to the main hall, the

group of five ran into Huang Peng and Su Yan, and Huang
Xiaolong solemnly introduced Zhao Shu and Yu Ming’s
identities to his parents.

Especially so when he was introducing Zhao Shu to them.

Though it was not the first time Yu Ming came to Tianxuan

Mansion, Huang Peng and Su Yan had never met him prior to
this. Hearing Huang Xiaolong state Yu Ming was Fei Hou and
Haotian’s Master, both were astonished.

Even though Huang Xiaolong did not clearly say Zhao Shu’s
identity when he introduced them to his parents, Huang
Peng and Su Yan were awed when detecting the seriousness
from their son’s voice.

Their first reaction was to greet, “Senior Zhao Shu, Senior Yu


Huang Peng and Su Yan were Huang Xiaolong’s parents,

Zhao Shu and Yu Ming dared not display any superior
attitude and greeted Huang Peng and Su Yan in return.

Knowing their son had matters to discuss, they left the main
hall to avoid disturbing them.

After Huang Peng and Su Yan left the hall, Huang Xiaolong
inquired about what happened to Yu Ming in the last few
years. If Yu Ming was not delayed, he would’ve returned to
Luo Tong Kingdom six years ago.

Yu Ming quickly reported the events that happened to him

these past years.

When Yu Ming left Snow Wind Continent, he needed to cross

a place called Death Sea Gorge to return to Star Cloud
Continent. While passing through Death Sea Gorge, he
encountered a terrifying whirlpool, sucking him into another
unknown space within Death Sea Gorge and became
trapped inside of it for six years!

Six years later, a spatial crack formed which provided an

opportunity for Yu Ming to escape.

Huang Xiaolong was flabbergasted hearing this.

Yu Ming was delayed for six years because of this?

A wry smile escaped Huang Xiaolong’s face; he wasn’t sure

if he should say Yu Ming was lucky or unlucky. At that time,
he thought Chen Tianqi found out about him and that Yu
Ming was then locked up by him.

Fei Hou and Haotian were also dumbfounded hearing their

Master’s experience.

Understanding Yu Ming’s reason for the delay, Huang

Xiaolong changed the topic, “Left Custodian Zha Shu, Elder
Yu Ming, have you ever heard of a Heavenly Treasure called
God Binding Ring?”

“God Binding Ring!” Zhao Shu and Yu Ming were shocked at

the sudden mention.
Chapter 157: The God
Binding Ring’S Previous
Chapter 157: The God Binding Ring’s Previous Master

Watching the strong reaction coming from the Zhao Shu and
Yu Ming, Huang Xiaolong was sure they had heard about the
God Binding Ring.

And sure enough, Zhao Shu spoke up, “Sovereign, the God
Binding Ring is one of the top ten Heavenly Treasures and is
placed at number six.”

“Number six!” Huang Xiaolong’s eye slit up and was

delighted within.

Prior to this, he had guessed the God Binding Ring was

higher than the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, but he did not
expect it would be number six on the Heavenly Treasures

There was a vast chasm separating the strengths and power

provided by each Heavenly Treasure on the list. The higher
the rank, the larger the gap, which in turn meant that it
would increase the owner’s power exponentially the higher
ranked the treasure was.

And the God Binding Ring was actually three ranks higher
than the Linglong Treasure Pagoda!
“Left Custodian Zhao Shu is right.” Yu Ming took over the
explanation at this point, “Sovereign, the Heavenly Treasure,
God Binding Ring, once appeared in Martial Spirit World
somewhere around three thousand years ago, triggering a
period of terror. At that time, the master of the God Binding
Ring was someone named Lin Shengjie. He was the Lord of
an evil sect, favoring slaughter and massacre by nature,
which invoked the wrath of numerous forces of Martial Spirit
World who decided to join hands and besiege Lin Shengjie.
Although Lin Shengjie was very powerful, under the
continuous attacks of so many forces, he was still killed in
the end. Even the evil sect that he built was annihilated

“Lord of an evil sect, Lin Shengjie?!” Huang Xiaolong was

taken aback. The previous master of the God Binding Ring
being the Lord of an evil sect truly came as a surprise to

“Yes.” Zhao Shu said, “At that time, Lin Shengjie was at the
peak of the Ninth Order Saint realm with one foot into the
God Realm. The number of Xiantian and Saint realm experts
under him at that time were innumerable. In that joint
attack of Martial Spirits there were many forces. Although
they successfully killed him, they also lost half of their
experts in that battle!”

“A peak Ninth Order Saint realm master!”

“Half of their experts!”

Huang Xiaolong’s understanding was once again jarred.

And there was that realm−God Realm!

Above the Saint realm was God Realm?!

This was his first time hearing about this. So, the realm
above the Saint realm was called the God Realm!

Zhao Shu continued, “The battle that year was truly full of
blood flowing like a river.” Then, Shao Shu suddenly smiled
at Huang Xiaolong at this time, saying “That year, Lin
Shengjie died under the Old Sovereign’s hand.”

“Master?” This piece of information was outside the bounds

of Huang Xiaolong’s expectation.

Zhao Shu nodded, “Old Sovereign was a peak late-Eighth

Order Saint realm master at that time and joined in the
siege on Lin Shengjie.” As he was saying this, Zhao Shu’s
tone suddenly mellowed down as if remembering
something, “Lin Shengjie died on the Snowless Mountain if
I’m not mistaken.”

Huang Xiaolong looked at Zhao Shu.

“At that time, Duanren Empire had yet to come into

existence, but now, that Snowless Mountains is located
within Duanren Empire’s territory. However, it has been
more than three thousand years, and the exact location of
the Snowless Mountains would be hard to determine.” Zhao
Shu went on, “After Lin Shengjie died that year, the God
Binding Ring became a masterless item, and many forces
coveted it. Man and resources were spent in search of it, yet
until today there was no news about anyone finding it.”

Huang Xiaolong’s emotions were surging.

Snowless Mountains… Could that be the mountain range

that surrounds the Enlightenment Lake of Yuwai Kingdom?

It must be!
Otherwise, it would be exceedingly difficult to explain how
the God Binding Ring had appeared at the Enlightenment

Another issue that caught Huang Xiaolong’s attention was

his Master, Ren Wokuang. Three thousand years ago, his
Master was a peak late-Eighth Order Saint realm master.
Then, before Master disappeared, which was around sixty
years ago, how high had his strength reached?

Could Master have reached the God Realm?!

If indeed he advanced into God Realm, then how did he die?

Someone killed him?

Who could possibly have the power to do so?

Wait! There is a possibility that Master did not die!

Suddenly, this thought flashed across Huang Xiaolong’s
mind. All this time, he had presumed his Master Ren
Wokuang was dead, what if it wasn’t so? He just went
somewhere? Just like the people from Asura’s Gate had
been saying all along, he was just missing.

“Sovereign, why did you suddenly ask about the God

Binding Ring?” At this time, Yu Ming suddenly asked.

Everyone in the hall turned to look at Huang Xiaolong.

“To be honest, I have the God Binding Ring!” Facing

everyone’s puzzled expression, Huang Xiaolong spoke
frankly. Since he asked Zhao Shu and Yu Ming, he did not
plan to conceal the matter from them.

With regards to the matter about him acquiring and refining

the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, he was one hundred percent
certain that Yu Ming mentioned it to Zhao Shu. Since Zhao
Shu knew he had the number nine Linglong Treasure
Pagoda, adding one more treasure to the list wouldn’t make
much of a difference.

“What?!” The four people were shocked and they all

immediately shot up from their seats, which of course
included Fei Hou and Haotian. Both of them were in the dark
and had no idea that Huang Xiaolong also successfully
acquired and refined the God Binding Ring.

Before the four pairs of shocked eyes, Huang Xiaolong

summoned the God Binding Ring.

Watching the golden ring that exuded an aureate glow

hovering silently above Huang Xiaolong, all eyes fell on the
God Binding Ring that was floating in the air.

It was as if there was an inexplicable allure coming from the

aureate glow, captivating their minds.

Zhao Shu was hit with waves of emotions. A year before,

when Yu Ming returned to the headquarters and reported to
him regarding Huang Xiaolong, describing in detail about
Huang Xiaolong’s superb talent twin martial spirits and the
fact that he refined the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, both he
and Zhang Fu were astounded. Now, he was seeing it with
his own eyes: another Heavenly Treasure, the number six
God Binding Ring was owned by Huang Xiaolong!

The excitement in Zhao Shu’s heart was hard to contain.

The two Heavenly Treasures on the list, number nine and

number six were refined by Huang Xiaolong. On top of that,
Huang Xiaolong had superb talent twin martial spirits, so his
achievements in the future were hard to imagine!
“Sovereign invincible throughout!” After a long time, Zhao
Shu repressed his excitement and suddenly knelt down in
salute towards Huang Xiaolong.

“Sovereign invincible throughout!” Yu Ming, Fei Hou, and

Haotian reacted, and followed suit, kneeling down in salute
towards Huang Xiaolong, lauding the long unheard phrase.

Invincible throughout!

Huang Xiaolong looked helplessly at the four people that

suddenly knelt down in salute.

“The four of you, stand up.” Huang Xiaolong could only tell
them to stand after the fact.

“Thanks to Sovereign!” Zhao Shu was the first one to rise,

followed by Yu Ming, Fei Hou, and Haotian.

After that, Huang Xiaolong asked Zhao Shu and Yu Ming

what they knew about the God Binding Ring, as well as
matters related to Asura’s Gate.

Zhao Shu and Yu Ming hid nothing and spoke everything

they knew about what was asked.

Gaining an understanding of the information regarding the

God Binding Ring and Asura’s Gate, Huang Xiaolong said to
Zhao Shu and Yu Ming, “Ten days later, we’re setting off to
Duanren Empire.”

“Sovereign wants to go to the Imperial City?” Zhao Shu and

Yu Ming were surprised.

At this point, Haotian interjected, “Left Custodian Zhao Shu,

Master, Sovereign won the Cosmic Star Academy overall
championship, so he will be heading to Duanren Empire to
participate in the Imperial City Battle!”

“Participating in the Imperial City Battle?!” Both Zhao Shu

and Yu Ming’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Imperial City Battle of the Duanren Empire, both Zhao Shu

and Yu Ming had heard a little about it. In the Star Cloud
Continent where they came from, the empires also held
something like a battle or competition amongst its geniuses.

But, wasn’t Sovereign only seventeen this year? At

seventeen, he could snatch the Academy champion title and
represent the Academy in the Imperial City Battle of
Duanren Empire?

“Sovereign, you already broke into the Tenth Order?” Yu

Ming ventured cautiously.

In Yu Ming’s opinion, for Huang Xiaolong to be the Academy

overall champion, he must at least be a Tenth Order warrior.

How old was Huang Xiaolong at the moment? This young

man was practically still a boy, which made it hard for Yu
Ming to believe. Even Zhao Shu was looking at Huang
Xiaolong suspiciously.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “Two months ago, I advanced to

peak late-Tenth Order, now, just half a step more and I will
be able to break through into the Xiantian realm.”

Two months ago, peak late-Tenth Order!

Only half a foot and he could break through into the Xiantian
Zhao Shu and Yu Ming’s eyes nearly popped out of their
sockets before a sharp intake of air could be heard coming
from them. A seventeen-year-old peak late-Tenth Order
warrior? No, wait! Two months ago, that means, Sovereign
was still sixteen, right?!
Chapter 158: Journeying
To Duanren Empire
Chapter 158: Journeying to Duanren Empire

Hearing in person that Huang Xiaolong was half a step from

breaking into the Xiantian realm, both Zhao Shu and Yu
Ming were greatly shocked in their hearts. But then again,
Huang Xiaolong did not mention that his internal force had
already reached a level comparable to a Xiantian realm
expert’s strength. Perhaps if Zhao Shu and Yu Ming knew
that the Xiantian Second Order Haotian was no longer an
opponent for Huang Xiaolong and exceeded Fei Hou in
strength, they would be dumbstruck like wooden chickens!

With all of that said and done, it was decided that Zhao Shu
and Yu Ming would stay in Tianxuan Mansion.

Ten days later, both will be accompanying Huang Xiaolong

to Duanren Empire.

During these ten days, Huang Xiaolong tasked Fei Hou with
a lot of things in preparation for this journey to Duanren
Empire; he wasn’t sure when he would be able to return to
Luo Tong Kingdom. Therefore, there were many things to

The Nine Tripod Commerce’s direction and management, his

parents and younger siblings’ future… these things all
required advanced preparation from Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong planned to settle in Duanren Empire’s

Imperial City in the future, and for that, the Nine Tripod
Commerce’s headquarters needed to be relocated as well.

After Huang Xiaolong established himself in the Duanren

Empire, his plan was to bring the Huang Family over.

Ten days quickly passed.

Most of his time was spent going over the plans with Fei Hou
about the preparations, as well as practicing Asura Tactics.

At the moment, there were roughly ten thousand Stage Ten

beast cores inside the Asura Ring, enough to nurture Huang
Xiaolong’s cultivation for the next ten years.

Ten thousand Stage Ten beast cores might sound like a huge
amount, but for the current financial power of Nine Tripod
Commerce, this much was nothing.

The current Huang Xiaolong need not hunt for beast cores
himself for cultivation.

With his crazed practicing regimen, Huang Xiaolong’s battle

qi enhanced on a minuscule level in these ten days.

Today was beautiful and sunny with an occasional breeze


Outside the big city gates of Luo Tong Royal City stood a
group of people.

Other than the members of Huang Family, Luo Tong King’s

Lu Zhe and his son, Prince Lu Kai, as well as Cosmic Star
Academy’s Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu were all present to
send Huang Xiaolong off.

On this journey heading to Duanren Empire’s Imperial City,

Huang Xiaolong did not bring many people with him. Other
than Zhao Shu and Yu Ming, there was only Fei Hou.

The four stood close to one another in a row.

Haotian was Luo Tong Kingdom’s only Marshal, bearing high

status and responsibility. Hence, Marshal Haotian could not
journey to Duanren Empire with Huang Xiaolong. Moreover,
the Luo Tong Kingdom and Tianxuan Mansion’s security
needed him here.

Luo Tong’s King Lu Zhe, Xiong Chu, and the rest didn’t
recognize Zhao Shu and Yu Ming standing beside Huang
Xiaolong. But Sun Zhang had seen Yu Ming before, so when
he saw Yu Ming this time, Sun Zhang was surprised and he
hurried forward, greeting Yu Ming respectfully: “Senior Yu

Hearing Sun Zhang cry out the ‘senior’ towards the

unassuming middle-aged man standing behind Huang
Xiaolong, King Lu Zhe, Xiong Chu, and the others were

Sun Zhang briefly explained Yu Ming’s identity to King Lu

Zhe, Xiong Chu, and the rest. When they heard that Yu Ming
was Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou’s Master, all had the same
shocked expression and hastened to greet Yu Ming. All of
them were aware that Marshal Haotian’s Master was
someone infinitely close to the terrifying existence of the
Saint realm!

Yet, when all realized Yu Ming referred to Huang Xiaolong as

‘Young Lord’, drops of sweat bubbled out from their
foreheads, including Sun Zhang’s.

There was another thing these people noticedㅡYu Ming’s

respectful demeanor towards the other just as unassuming
middle-aged man, Zhao Shu.
Marshal Haotian and Fei Hou were uneasy in front of this
man, like naughty children being found guilty, fidgety.

But, this Zhao Shu also called Huang Xiaolong, Young Lord.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and

Fei Hou moved further away on their beast mounts. Even
after a long time, King Lu Zhe, Sun Zhang, Xiong Chu, and
the rest were still standing in the same spot watching Huang
Xiaolong’s silhouette in a daze.

King Lu Zhe may have acted this way, but the impact Lu Kai
felt was greater. Lu Kai stood dazedly, his mind remained as
vacant as a blank sheet of paper.

Seeing neither King Lu Zhe nor anyone else making a move

after what seemed like half a day, Huang Peng cautiously
spoke, “Your Highness, shall we return?”

Only then did King Lu Zhe, Sun Zhang, and the others wake
from their daze.

King Lu Zhe was startled at the sudden sound, and quickly

covered it up, “Right, right, Brother Huang Peng, let us

Brother Huang Peng?

Huang Peng was also startled… but it was due to the

reference. The Luo Tong Kingdom’s King actually called him
brother? Did he hear correctly? If this was the Huang Clan
Manor in the past, Huang Peng would not even dare to
dream about this, not even if it was just letting it out as a

“Your Highness, I dare not. Your Highness, after you!” Huang

Peng hastened to reply.
Huang Peng knew King Lu Zhe calling him brother was due
to his son, Huang Xiaolong, but Huang Peng dared not
assume to be brothers with the King of Luo Tong Kingdom.

Although Huang Peng courteously made way for King Lu

Zhe, the King himself insisted on walking parallelly with
Huang Peng, warmly holding Huang Peng’s arm as they
made their way into the city.

Watching King Lu Zhe holding Huang Peng’s arm, neither

Sun Zhang nor Xiong Chu felt it was ludicrous or funny.
Instead, they were envious. And the target of their envy was
not Huang Peng, but King Lu Zhe himself!

Returning to the Royal City, King Lu Zhe did not rush back to
the palace, but rather decided to pay a visit to Tianxuan
Mansion. In Tianxuan Mansion, King Lu Zhe chatted
enthusiastically with Huang Peng for several hours before
making his way back to the palace.

Personally seeing King Lu Zhe off from Tianxuan Mansion,

Huang Peng felt like he was dreaming while he watched the
disappearing back of the kingdom’s ruler.

This person that treated him so warmly and full of

enthusiasm while holding his arm caused goosebumps to
rise on Huang Peng’s skin. Was that really the same Luo
Tong Kingdom’s King Lu Zhe?

Though it was true, Huang Peng still had trouble believing it.

After returning to the palace, King Lu Zhe summoned

Marshal Haotian.

Marshal Haotian entered the palace, and after discussing

some matters related to the kingdom’s borders and army,
King Lu Zhe paused with hesitation, “Marshal, can this King
ask you something regarding one matter?”

“Your Highness, please ask.” Marshal Haotian said. He didn’t

know what King Lu Zhe wanted to ask, but he could more or
less guess what it was about.

Just as Marshal Haotian expected, King Lu Zhe asked,

“That… what is that Zhao Shu’s identity?” King Lu Zhe was
even a little nervous waiting for Marshal Haotian’s answer.

“This one doesn’t dare reveal Senior Zhao Shu’s identity.

But, I can say that Senior Zhao Shu’s strength is much
stronger than my Master’s.”

Much stronger?!

Lu Zhe was dumbstruck.

Haotian’s Master, Yu Ming, was an existence infinitely close

to the Saint realm. Someone much stronger than Yu Ming…
didn’t that mean that Zhao Shu was…? King Lu Zhe’s face
paled slightly. Thinking of the possibility, he shivered and
broke out in a cold sweat, nearly falling off of his dragon
throne. King Lu Zhe felt his heart beating madly.

Zhao Shu was actually a- ?! He halted his own train of


What about Huang Xiaolong then? What is Huang Xiaolong’s

true identity?! Even someone like Zhao Shu called him
Young Lord!

Cold sweat dampened Lu Zhe’s back. At that same time, he

was immensely happy that he treated Huang Peng ‘warmly’,
becoming ‘brothers’ with him. If he offended Huang Peng
somehow, causing Huang Xiaolong’s ire, just a simple fart
from that Zhao Shu was enough to annihilate the entire Luo
Tong Kingdom.

“Carry out this order: confer the rank of Grand Duke to

Huang Peng, it will be a hereditary title.” Lu Zhe recovered
his senses, and quickly ordered the eunuch next to him:
“Also, make Su Yan a First-rank Lady! [1]”

The eunuch was shocked, “Your Highness, this doesn’t seem

right, does it?”

In the entire Luo Tong Kingdom, there were only three Grand
Dukes, and all of them were conferred during the founding
of the kingdom.

Now, conferring Huang Peng with the title of Grand Duke for
no rhyme or reason would cause the entire hierarchy of civil
and military ministers to raise strong opposition.

But, just as the eunuch spoke, Lu Zhe’s palm slapped across

the eunuch’s face, sending him flying.

“Are you the King, or am I the King?” Lu Zhe spat the words

[1] First–rank Lady: the highest title bestowed to a

government official’s wife (with salary but no authority.)
Chapter 159: Passing Through Southern Cliffs City

Being struck so suddenly, the eunuch’s face turned deathly

pale and he quickly kowtowed again and again, begging for
mercy, “This servant be damned, this servant be damned!”

Not long after that, the news of King Lu Zhe conferring

Huang Peng with the title of Grand Duke spread throughout
the Royal City, and the entire city boiled into commotion.

“Huang Peng? Huang Xiaolong’s father? Even if Huang

Xiaolong represented our Luo Tong Kingdom and won first
place in Duanren Empire’s Imperial City Battle, King Lu Zhe
can’t just confer such a high noble title as Grand Duke to
Huang Peng, right?!”

“That’s right. Moreover, that Huang Xiaolong has yet to win

first place! Huang Xiaolong hasn’t even broken through to
the Xiantian realm, who’s to say he will even stay alive until
the end in the competition!”

“Did King Lu Zhe lose his marbles after being kicked in the
head by a donkey?”

From the top of the social ladder to the very bottom,

frenzied discussions took place between all of the large and
small scale forces.

Even the commoners residing within the Royal City walls felt
their King had gone crazy.

In the palace’s main hall.

Both civil and military ministers filled the huge hall.

Marshal Haotian stood at the leading position on the military
side, and standing at the same position opposite Marshal
Haotian was a tall, robust old man with a full head of white
hair who appeared to be in his eighties. This eighty-
something year old fellow was the leader of the civilian
faction, Prime Minister Wu Feng.

“Your Highness, conferring Huang Peng with the title of a

Grand Duke is highly inappropriate.”

Highly inappropriate!

Perhaps amongst the many numerous ministers of the

kingdom, only Prime Minister Wu Feng and Marshal Haotian
would dare to speak in such manner with King Lu Zhe.

“That’s correct, Your Highness. Since the founding of our

kingdom, only three people had the honor of being
conferred with the title of a Grand Duke and each one of
them performed great meritorious deeds towards the
founding of the kingdom!” A civil minister stood out and

Following his example, more and more ministers spoke,

which eventually led to most of them voicing their

“Enough!” Just as another minister objected, Lu Zhe, who

had been quiet the entire time suddenly stood up from his
throne. One finger pointed at Wu Feng and the ministers
behind him, snapping loudly in frustration, “All of you are
blabbing dogfarts! Dogfarts in every word! I-am-Luo-Tong-
Kingdom’s King, I get to say who gets conferred as Luo Tong
Kingdom’s Grand Duke!”

All the ministers were struck speechless.

The palace’s main hall seemed crushed by a thick silence.


The perpetually dignified and calm King Lu Zhe actually

behaved like a commoner thug on the streets, cursing at
them and calling their words dogfarts?

While the Luo Tong Kingdom’s King was arguing about

Huang Peng’s Grand Duke title, Huang Xiaolong’s small
group of four had cut through Big Dawn County and arrived
at one of Luo Tong Kingdom’s borders.

On the way, Huang Xiaolong also received news that Lu Zhe

wanted to confer his father, Huang Peng, with the title of a
Grand Duke, but he couldn’t be bothered with it. For him,
whether his father had the title of Luo Tong Kingdom’s
Grand Duke or not was moot.

When he settled down in Duanren Empire, he planned to

move the Huang Family over to the Imperial City.

Half a month later, they arrived at Luo Tong Kingdom’s most

southern border, Southern Cliffs City.

Arriving in Southern Cliffs City, Huang Xiaolong suddenly

thought about the scene of the last Castellan of Southern
Cliffs City, Wei Yang, and his concubine’s death. After Wei
Yang died, the new Castellan who replaced him was named
Sun Qing.

Before being promoted to this post, Sun Qing was a general

guarding one of the kingdom’s borders. A subordinate of
Marshal Haotian’s subordinate’s subordinate.

By the time Huang Xiaolong’s group entered Southern Cliffs

City, it was already late. Thus, Huang Xiaolong decided to
stay in the city for one night and continue his journey the
next day.

Huang Xiaolong did not bother Sun Qing with his stay in
Southern Cliffs City.

The four of them simply chose a passable inn close to the

Castellan Manor called Warm Fragrance and rented four
rooms for the night.

The night gradually deepened.

The surrounding was quiet with most of the people asleep.

Clear moonlight shone down like rippling water.

Huang Xiaolong was meditating in his room when suddenly,

a light footstep sounded from the rooftop.

Huang Xiaolong was alerted and stepped out of his room.

Searching for the source of the disturbance, he detected
two black-clothed men with masked faces jumping over
rooftops. And with agile leaps over the walls, the two black
shadows snuck into the Castellan’s Manor.

When Huang Xiaolong came out of his room, Zhao Shu, Yu

Ming, and Fei Hou also came out from their rooms.

“Sovereign, do we…?” Zhao Shu took a step forward and


Huang Xiaolong’s voice sounded solemn, “First wait and see

what’s going on.”

At this point, the two black-clothed men that snuck into the
Castellan Manor came to a stop at a certain courtyard
building. Standing there, one of the men quickly removed
something from the clothing overlapping his chest that
looked like a tube. Positioning the tube, the man blew into it.
After some time, the other man jumped into the room and
exited while carrying a sack over his shoulder.

Cautiously giving the surrounding a glance, the two men

bypassed the Castellan Manor’s patrolling guards and
leaped over the walls, carrying the sack away from the

Huang Xiaolong and the rest saw the two men’s actions
clearly. Judging from their actions, these two men rendered
the person in that room unconscious using some drug and
abducted them.

“Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, the two of you wait here; Fei Hou and I
are going to have a look.” Huang Xiaolong said.

“But!” Zhao Shu and Yu Ming were reluctant.

“Don’t worry, it’s just a few small shrimps, they won’t be

any problem.” Huang Xiaolong reassured them.

“Yes, Sovereign!” Both of them relented.

Thus, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou leaped out, following the
two men quietly from behind.

Originally, Huang Xiaolong had no interest in meddling in

these affairs.

However, since these people dared to trespass into the

Castellan Manor to abduct a victim, Huang Xiaolong’s
curiosity was piqued, wanting to see what these people
were up to.
Huang Xiaolong vaguely guessed that this event wasn’t as
simple as it seemed on the surface.

Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou followed the two black-clothed

men the entire time, and an hour later, the two men entered
an abandoned, dilapidated courtyard on the northern side of
Southern Cliffs City.

Inside the courtyard, six people stood waiting. Seeing these

people, Huang Xiaolong immediately took notice of their
sect uniform: it belonged to Big Sword Sect.

Big Sword Sect!

“Senior Brother Wei!” At this time, the two black-clothed

men called out towards one of the young men, putting the
sack down on the ground.

That young man asked, “Where is the person, did you bring
them?” His eyes swept over the sack on the ground as he
said this.

“Senior Brother Wei, don’t worry, Sun Qing’s daughter is

right inside here.” One of the black-clothed men grinned
and pointed at the sack, “She will probably wake up in an
hour’s time.”

Hearing this, the young man laughed, “Not bad.” He walked

towards the sack and untied the knot, revealing the pretty
face of a seventeen to eighteen year old girl.

“After my father was killed, I didn’t expect they would give

Sun Qing, that old fellow, the chance to seize the Castellan’s
position. Since he doesn’t know what’s good for him,
refusing to cooperate with our Big Sword Sect… Sun Qing,
your youngest daughter is quite the beauty! Tonight, I will
enjoy myself, and have a taste of your daughter.” That
young man laughed wretchedly, “If you refuse again, then
next will be your eldest daughter!”

The other disciples were looking enviously at that young


Huang Xiaolong was surprised as he observed this young

man some distance away. He was the son of the previous
Southern Cliffs City Castellan that he killed? The son that
joined Big Sword Sect, Wei Xiaodong?

On the other side, Wei Xiaodong turned towards the several

Big Sword Sect disciples with him saying, “All of you leave,
keep an eye out.” Evidently, he was anxious to ‘deal’ with
Sun Qing’s daughter in this dilapidated courtyard.

“Yes, Senior Brother Wei!” The disciples answered.

Just as their voices ended, another voice sounded suddenly.

It came about too suddenly, and Wei Xiaodong’s body
shuddered from being startled. Turning around, he saw a
young man around seventeen to eighteen walking in their
direction with a middle-aged man behind him.

Wei Xiaodong stood up quickly, and his eyes glared furiously

at the two black-clothed men, “Can’t you do something right
for once!” The two ‘guests’ surely tailed these two.

The two black-clothed men cast down their heads, not

daring to utter any sounds.
Chapter 160: Heavily
Surrounded From All
Chapter 160: Heavily Surrounded from all Directions

Wei Xiaodong observed Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou for a

moment before walking up to them with several Big Sword
Sect disciples behind him.

“Who are you?” Wei Xiaodong asked as he looked directly at

Huang Xiaolong.

As he asked this, his eyes signaled the two men in black,

and they proceeded to secure the sack and hid it from view
behind them.

Huang Xiaolong noticed the two black-clothed men’s

actions, but he did not mind it. Looking at Wei Xiaodong, he
said, “The person who wants your life!”

The person who wants your life!

Wei Xiaodong’s heart tightened; on the surface, however, he

chuckled, “I think you’re joking, right? We’re Big Sword
Sect’s disciples.”

“Look at me, do I look like I’m joking with you?” Huang

Xiaolong shrugged nonchalantly, “Big Sword Sect disciples
are exactly the ones I want to kill.”

While Huang Xiaolong was talking, Wei Xiaodong’s hands

suddenly waved out towards him, countless cold darts
whistled through the air, shooting at Huang Xiaolong and Fei
Hou. These cold darts shone with an eerie green color
underneath the moonlight. Clearly, these cold darts were
coated with toxic poison.

Watching this, Huang Xiaolong sneered, and both he and Fei

Hou raised a palm at the same time. With a slight push
forward, a gust of violent wind deflected the cold darts,
slamming them down to the ground.

Seeing this result, Wei Xiaodong paled slightly. Without a

word to the several Big Sword Sect disciples, he turned
around and fled.

Without missing a beat, Huang Xiaolong’s body blurred into

motion and appeared right in front of Wei Xiaodong. Wei
Xiaodong formed a fist and punched out, but Huang
Xiaolong raised a hand and firmly grasped Wei Xiaodong’s
fist in his palm, then exerted a little pressure. The crackling
of bones breaking rang out and Wei Xiaodong’s scream split
the quiet surrounding.

With Huang Xiaolong’s current strength, a little squeeze

could crush a thousand-year-old tree, not to mention Wei
Xiaodong’s fist.

Crushing the bones in Wei Xiaodong’s fist, Huang Xiaolong

threw him back to the original spot he was in.

The several Big Sword Sect disciples also issued painful

screams from being attacked, and in the blink of an eye all
of them were ‘taken care’ of Fei Hou, including the two men
in black.

The thick scent of blood filled the air, assailing the nose.
Wei Xiaodong smelled the scent of blood coming from the
Big Sword Sect disciples and fear crept up his face. Ashen-
faced, his backside fell to the ground, sliding across the soil,
“Don’t, don’t kill me, I, I can give you anything!”

“Can give me anything?” Huang Xiaolong mocked, “What

can you give me?”

Wei Xiaodong blanked.

“Beg, I beg you, please let me go, I can do whatever you

want me to!” He quickly pleaded, head knocking loudly on
the ground repeatedly.

Huang Xiaolong’s cold voice ridiculed him, “You’re wussier

than your father.”

“My father?” Wei Xiaodong dazed for a second at the

sudden mention of his father.

“It’s you!” Wei Xiaodong’s eyes widened in shock.

“I’m the one that killed your father, don’t you want to
avenge your father?” Huang Xiaolong incited him.

Different emotions flickered across Wei Xiaodong’s face, but

in the end, he squeezed out a smile saying, “This brother
must be joking with me.”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head. Calling out the Blades of

Asura, he no longer bothered to talk nonsense; both hands
swung out and two icy sharp rays of blade lights slashed
out. One slit across Wei Xiaodong’s throat, and the other
drew blood from his eyebrows.

Wide-eyed, Wei Xiaodong tumbled to the ground with blood

seeping into it.
“Sovereign, what do we do about the girl?” Fei Hou asked. A
finger pointed toward the sack containing the Southern
Cliffs City Castellan’s daughter.

“Bring her back first.” Huang Xiaolong said, sounding


“Yes, Sovereign!”

A while later, Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou disappeared from

the dilapidated courtyard, bringing Sun Qing’s daughter with

Soon, they returned to the inn with Fei Hou carrying Sun
Qing’s daughter.

Seeing them come back with a girl, Zhao Shu and Yu Ming
asked Fei Hou what took place. Fei Hou respectfully
recounted the events to the two seniors.

At that moment, Sun Qing’s daughter regained

consciousness, and when she saw four strange men in the
room, she bolted up from the bed, frightened, “Who are you
all? What do you want to do?!”

Huang Xiaolong looked over at Fei Hou, Fei Hou understood

and briefly described the events of the night.

After Fei Hou finished, Sun Qing’s daughter relaxed a little,

but she did not let go of her wariness towards Huang
Xiaolong and the three men. It seemed she did not fully
trust Fei Hou’s words.

“You can go back now.” Huang Xiaolong spoke.

Whether the other party believed them or not, Huang

Xiaolong didn’t care, it was a moment of curiosity and
coincidence, after all.

“I can go back?” Sun Lin repeated doubtfully, and then she

cautiously walked to the door. Taking two steps, she looked
over her shoulder at the four men before leaving.

She walked out from the room, then out of the inn, yet
nothing happened, allowing her to release a sigh of relief as
she hurried off.

Coming out onto the streets, she bolted back to the

Castellan Manor.

At this time, people within the Castellan Manor had noticed

Sun Lin’s disappearance and all hell broke loose.

“Lin’er, what happened?” Sun Qing saw his daughter

walking in through the entrance, his stretched nerves
relaxed as he asked anxiously.

Sun Lin broke out in tears as she repeated through sobs

what Fei Hou said to her father.

“Big Sword Sect!” Rage exploded in Sun Qing’s eyes hearing

what she said: “They think we’re so weak to be bullied!”

“Castellan, I think there’s a problem with those four people.”

At this time, the manor’s steward stepped up and pointed
out, “According to what the other party said, they saw two
black-clothed men abduct little Miss, yet why didn’t they
stop them at that time? Why did they wait until little Miss
was brought to an abandoned dilapidated courtyard before
rescuing her?”

Sun Qing’s brows furrowed deeply.

“What little Miss said came from the four people, we don’t
know the actual truth of what actually took place.” Steward
Liu Wen added: “Who knows if there were really any Big
Sword Sect disciples. It is also a possibility that they were
the ones that abducted little Miss and then pushed the
matter onto Big Sword Sect before letting little Miss come

A sharp light flickered in Sun Qing’s eyes as he looked over

his shoulder to a guard behind him, “Four of you go to the
north side of the city, and search to see if there are any Big
Sword Sect disciples’ corpses; the rest of you, follow me to
Warm Fragrance Inn!”

“If what they said is true, then it’s fine!”

“However, if those four people truly planned all this

deliberately and pushed the blame onto Big Sword Sect…!”
The sharp light in Sun Qing’s eyes deepened.

Not long after, the Castellan Manor guards surrounded

Warm Fragrance Inn.

Nearby commoners were awakened by the ruckus.

Inside one of the rooms, Fei Hou said to Huang Xiaolong,

“Sovereign was right, that Sun Qing doesn’t believe we
saved his daughter.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

The fact that Sun Qing didn’t believe what happened was
something very normal.

“Sovereign, should this Subordinate handle the situation?”

Yu Ming took a step forward, asking. If it was any other
person, they would not believe it so easily as well. Huang
Xiaolong waved his hand with an unperturbed manner, “No

Suddenly at this time, the room door was broken open, and
the Castellan Manor’s guards rushed inside with fierce
expressions on their faces, followed by Sun Qing in the full
grandeur of his Castellan robes.

When Sun Qing walked into the room, his sullen face
abruptly turned blank, and it stayed blank for quite a while
as he stared at Huang Xiaolong.

Two years ago, Sun Qing once followed a general to the

Marshal Mansion in Luo Tong Royal City to report military
matters to Marshal Haotian. At that time, he was just a low-
ranked soldier, and he didn’t even qualify to enter the
mansion, thus he stood outside the entrance. From far
away, he caught a glimpse of Huang Xiaolong. Despite that,
that scene stayed clear in his memory up to this day. The
respectful demeanor Marshal Haotian had for the same
young man in front of him was unmistakable. After that
time, he asked around and found out that young man was
Huang Xiaolong.

“Huang, Young, Young Master Huang!” Sun Qing snapped

back to reality with an ashen face, and his legs went soft at
the knees, “It, it was Young Master Huang that saved my
youngest daughter?”

He actually brought an army to encircle Huang Xiaolong?

If…if Marshal Haotian got wind of this, what would be his
ending? He had heard that even their Luo Tong King referred
to Huang Xiaolong’s father, Huang Peng, as brothers!
Chapter 161: No Escape
For Huang Xiaolong
Chapter 161: No Escape for Huang Xiaolong

“That’s right.” Huang Xiaolong’s admission was aloof.

Sun Qing shuddered hearing this. In front of the guards and

Steward Liu Wen, Sun Qing suddenly fell to his knees, “This
little one deserves death! It was due to a moment of
confusion, and I did not realize it was Young Master Huang! I
should die! I should die!” He was beginning to speak
incoherently, unable to string a proper sentence.

As he carried on, Sun Qing slapped the left side of his own
face fiercely.

Moments later, blood was trickling down from the corner of

his mouth.

The Castellan Manor guards were stupefied watching what

was happening with Castellan Sun Qing.

Young Master Huang?!

All the guards and Steward Liu Wen looked at Huang


However, not one of them could recognize who Huang

Xiaolong was. Even so, the reaction of their Castellan
explained enough to tell them that they were in big trouble!

Liu Wen and the rest of the guards swiftly knelt down like
Sun Qing, not daring to even breathe loudly.
Huang Xiaolong looked at Sun Qing kneeling on the floor
and said, “You’re not in the wrong, stand up.”

Only then did Sun Qing stop punishing himself, thanking

Huang Xiaolong profusely before getting up.

“All of you go back now, I’m just passing through this place
and don’t want to attract attention.” Huang Xiaolong spoke.

“Yes, yes, Young Master Huang!” Sun Qing nodded his head
vigorously, then saluted towards Huang Xiaolong, and
hurried out. All the Castellan Manor guards swiftly followed
behind him with unease on their faces.

The night was calm again.

Daybreak gradually brightened the sky, and Huang

Xiaolong’s group of four exited Southern Cliffs City, crossed
over the Luo Tong Kingdom’s border, and entered Baolong

Stepping onto Baolong Kingdom’s soil, Huang Xiaolong,

Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou wasted no time and headed
directly to Big Sword Sect’s headquarters.

On the way, Fei Hou explained the ‘connections’ to Zhao

Shu and Yu Ming between Huang Xiaolong and Big Sword
Sect, the Martial Ning Family, and Clear Cloud Pavilion.

Violent Dragon County was located at the most northern

point of Baolong Kingdom, and it was full of meandering
hills and mountains. Atop this mountain range stood a huge
palace-like building. This was the headquarters to one of the
Baolong Kingdom’s prominent sects: Big Sword Sect.

Main hall of Big Sword Sect’s headquarters.

Yu Chen was listening to a disciple report about matters in
Southern Cliffs City, and after that, he asked, “Wei Xiaodong
was actually murdered, what’s everyone’s opinion on this?”

Wei Xiaodong was one of Big Sword Sect’s core disciples,

and this time, it was Yu Chen himself that sent him to
Southern Cliffs City. He did not expect that Wei Xiaodong
would meet his end there, together with all the other Big
Sword Sect disciples that were also killed.

“According to the report, the person that saved Sun Lin was
a young man around seventeen or eighteen, and there were
four in his group altogether. Castellan Sun referred to him as
“Young Master Huang” with great respect. Could that Young
Master Huang be Huang Xiaolong?” On the main seat, Lin
Zhiren’s sullen voice asked.

Someone that could raise fear from Castellan Sun with the
surname Huang, and coupled with the description of that
person, it was not difficult to guess Huang Xiaolong’s

“It should be Huang Xiaolong. He took the Cosmic Star

Academy’s overall championship and is probably traveling
to Duanren Empire to participate in the Imperial City battle.
Most likely, he was passing through Southern Cliffs City on
the way.” One Big Sword Sect Elder agreed.

“Huang Xiaolong wants to head to Duanren Empire to

participate in the Imperial City Battle, but he must travel
across our Baolong Kingdom. In my opinion, he would pass
by our Big Sword Sect territory within a month or two. Old
Sect Leader, at that time we should lay a siege and kill
Huang Xiaolong!” Another Big Sword Sect Elder suggested.

“That’s right Old Sect Leader, this time we absolutely must

kill Huang Xiaolong! Otherwise, if he were allowed to grow,
this monstrous freak will break into the Xiantian realm
within the next two years. Once he’s broken through into
the Xiantian realm, it would be difficult for our Big Sword
Sect to annihilate him at that time!”

“And this time around, he won’t have Marshal Haotian

protecting him, only that Fei Hou is beside him. This is a
golden opportunity!”

The Big Sword Sect Elders voiced their opinions.

Yu Chen’s gaze sharpened. He raised his hand to silence the

Elders, and when everyone quieted down, his cold voice
sounded, “Pass down my order, all Big Sword Sect disciples
move out, and stake out the possible routes Huang Xiaolong
would take—cut him off!”

All Big Sword Sect disciples moved out; this time, Huang
Xiaolong couldn’t escape!

“Yes, Old Sect Leader!” The Big Sword Sect Elders replied.

However, several painful howling sounds were heard as Big

Sword Sect disciples were seen flying into the main hall.

Everyone in the huge hall was startled and looked over


“Huang Xiaolong!” Yu Chen’s eyes narrowed and he jumped

up from his seat. Lin Zhiren and the Elders also stood up
from their seats.

“Huang Xiaolong, I didn’t expect you would have the guts to

step into my Big Sword Sect’s headquarters!” Yu Chen
slowly walked out from the main hall, and step by step, he
was fully releasing his battle qi as his gaze locked onto
Huang Xiaolong.
The Elders spread out in the huge hall, encircling Huang
Xiaolong’s group of four in the middle.

Suddenly, the sound of a clear bell ringing cut through the

tense atmosphere.

In that moment, all of the Big Sword Sect’s disciples rushed

to the main hall.

One hundred thousand Big Sword Sect disciples came

whistling through the air.

In no time at all, all one hundred thousand disciples arrived,

blocking all exits of the main hall to a point where not even
water could leak out.

Lin Zhiren looked at Huang Xiaolong and sneered coldly,

“Huang Xiaolong, I want to see how you will run this time?!”

“Run?” Huang Xiaolong showed indifference, “Who said I

wanted to run?”

Yu Chen quickly glanced over the four people on Huang

Xiaolong’s side. At the end, his eyes fell onto Zhao Shu and
Yu Ming’s body. He was filled with doubt; could these two
people be Huang Xiaolong’s trump card?

Both Zhao Shu and Yu Ming had their aura hidden. Of

course, Yu Chen could not tell their cultivation levels with his
pitiable level of strength.

“Huang Xiaolong, do you think that just the four of you can
go against the entirety of my Big Sword Sect disciples?” Lin
Zhiren smirked conceitedly, and glanced over the four faces,
“Do you think you have a Saint realm expert amongst you?”
Relying on one person’s power to exterminate a prominent
sect of a kingdom, only a Saint realm expert had the ability
to do so.

But, just as Lin Zhiren’s voice ended, Zhao Shu reached out
and made a twisting action. Over the distance of hundreds
of meters, countless shadows of gigantic hands were seen
grasping at Lin Zhiren, lifting him up in midair.

An earth shattering aura exploded from Zhao Shu.

The weather within ten thousand li of the Big Sword Sect

headquarters changed as clear blue skies darkened gloomily
and thunderbolts struck simultaneously. An overwhelming
pressure locked onto every corner of the Big Sword Sect

Lin Zhiren, Yu Chen, and the Big Sword Sect Elders were
flopping like fish out of water under the pressure. Their eyes
protruded out of their sockets, and their mouths were agape
as if they were on the verge of taking their last breath at
any moment.

All the spiritual energy within that ten thousand li


“Saint…Saint realm expert!” Lin Zhiren was scared out of his

wits, shivering from head to toe. His throat moved with
much difficulty to utter those words.

Saint realm expert!

Only a Saint realm expert could release such terrifying

pressure. Only a Saint realm expert could ignore space
distance to control a Xiantian expert like Lin Zhiren.
Only a Saint realm expert could manipulate the law of space
to control certain spatial areas.

Zhao Shu’s cold eyes glanced at Lin Zhiren and immense

pressure swept across space. Lin Zhiren’s neck was then
snapped right in front of everyone’s eyes. Following that, his
body was released and he fell limply to the floor.

A Xiantian expert died!

Zhao Shu turned around, looking at Yu Chen and the others

of the Big Sword Sect.

“Se, Senior, mercy, mercy ah!” Fear and panic warped Yu

Chen’s face as he pleaded.

Zhao Shu snorted, and suddenly Yu Chen spurted blood from

his mouth as if he took a heavy blow, and just like that, he
tumbled to the floor. It was then that the Big Sword Sect
Elders realized there was a wound deeply ingrained in Yu
Chen’s chest, but no one knew when it happened.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Zhiren and Yu Chen, two of Big

Sword Sect’s strongest Xiantian experts had fallen.

An atmosphere fraught with death spread throughout the

surrounding space.
Chapter 162: About To
Break Through Xiantian
Chapter 162: About to Break Through Xiantian Realm?

All the Big Sword Sect Elders in that main hall became
ashen with fear, desperation, and despondency.

A Saint realm expert!

That man was actually a Saint realm expert!

How could there be a Saint realm expert amongst them?!

Even if they flipped the entire Duanren Empire upside down,

the number of Saint realm experts were very few, easily
counted with ten fingers on one’s two hands.

One of these terrifying existences actually appeared just to

destroy the Big Sword Sect!

A Saint realm expert accompanied that little punk Huang


Huang Xiaolong could actually request the assistance of a

Saint realm expert? What was his real identity?!

Just when the Big Sword Sect Elders and disciples thought
Zhao Shu came on Huang Xiaolong’s request, they
witnessed Zhao Shu turning around and asking Huang
Xiaolong respectfully, “Young Lord, how do we deal with
these Big Sword Sect Elders and disciples?”
Young Lord?!

The Elders and disciples of the Big Sword Sect stared at

Huang Xiaolong in disbelief.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes swept passed the surrounding Big

Sword Sect Elders and disciples, “Kill them all!”

Kill them all!!

Eliminate weeds from the root!

This time, Huang Xiaolong was leaving the Luo Tong

Kingdom and traveling to Duanren Empire for an
indeterminate period, so it was imperative that he not leave
these hidden dangers behind that could potentially harm his
family. He had sworn to his father that he would uproot the
Big Sword Sect eight years ago.

The Elders and disciples of Big Sword Sect quivered as

Huang Xiaolong’s words drummed into their ears. Everyone
panicked, fighting over each other in order to escape from
the main hall.

However, just as these people were about to make their

move, they suddenly felt the space around them freeze. All
were fixed in place.

Zhao Shu looked placidly at these people that were frozen

like statues. His hands waved out and the power of space
pierced through the Elders and disciples’ chests like invisible
wind blades.

Bodies fell from midair, twitching on the ground. Puncture

wounds could easily be seen in their chests.
As the power of space continued to spread out from inside
the main hall, the Big Sword Sect disciples that were
assembled outside fell to the ground en masse.

Before long, the tens of thousands of Big Sword Sect’s

disciples had fallen, and not one person was left standing.

Looking at the vast sea of the Big Sword Sect disciples’

black human heads, both Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou were
silently alarmed.

A Saint realm expert was this terrifying!

With just a simple wave of his hand, a prominent large sect

of a kingdom was annihilated?!

A day later, the news about Big Sword Sect’s annihilation

and its hundred thousand disciples’ deaths exploded like an
atomic bomb in Baolong Kingdom. From the King and the
many nobles, to the common folk and even the shameless
street thugs, all knew about it and found it hard to believe.

The tens of thousands of Big Sword Sect disciples, including

two Xiantian experts, Yu Chen and Lin Zhiren, were killed!

The enormity of the news was too shocking!

When the news started spreading, everyone thought that

the person telling it to them was joking.

But ten days later, the news of the Martial Ning Family’s
annihilation dropped like a second bomb in the Baolong
Kingdom. This raised earth-shattering quakes throughout
the entire Kingdom. Another ten days after that, a new
message spread out: the Clear Cloud Pavilion’s
headquarters’ several thousand experts were decimated.
Big Sword Sect, Martial Ning Family, and Clear Cloud

Any one of these forces were considered a tyrannical

existence in Baolong Kingdom!

But now, within one month’s time, all three of these large
forces were wiped off the face of the planet!

Baolong Kingdom fell into a gloomy atmosphere of shock,

confusion, and infinite fear.

Fear of the unknown infected neighboring kingdoms.

Discussions and whispers were nearly everywhere.
Everyone was making their own deductions about who
annihilated the Big Sword Sect, Martial Ning Family, and
Clear Cloud Pavilion. Who would have the power to destroy
those three large forces?

No one discovered who uprooted the three forces, but

judging from the similar method used, most forces were of
the opinion that all three were done in by the same culprit.

While Baolong Kingdom and its neighbors were still

immersed in guesswork, Huang Xiaolong’s group of four
arrived at the border of Baolong Kingdom, crossing the
border into Black Iron Kingdom.

For the shortest route to Duanren Empire from Luo Tong

Kingdom, Huang Xiaolong needed to cut across Baolong
Kingdom, Black Iron Kingdom, and around twenty other
kingdoms before he could arrive at his destination.

Therefore, seven months until the Imperial City Battle may

seem far away, but Huang Xiaolong and the rest were
making the best time possible just in case they ran into any
delays. According to Huang Xiaolong’s estimation, at their
speed, they would need at least six months or so before
arriving at their destination.

After Baolong Kingdom, the rest of the journey went on


Five months passed.

During the rushed travel, Huang Xiaolong still made time to

practice Asura Tactics.

Within these five months, the battle qi in Huang Xiaolong’s

Qi Sea and meridians condensed, becoming more
concentrated. Most of his battle qi flowing along his
meridians and Qi Sea had already converted to liquid form.

When all the battle qi in his body was converted to a liquid

state, it would signify Huang Xiaolong’s ascension to the
Xiantian Realm. Once he stepped into the Xiantian realm, a
new door would open to an entirely different perspective.

As they continued on their journey, another ten days passed


On one quiet night, the moon was particularly bright.

The four of them decided to stop and rest for the night at a
barren hill before continuing their journey onward.

The bonfire crackled, and strong flames cast light on the


Occasionally, the howling of wolves could be heard through

the night.

Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou were

sitting in a circle around the bonfire, an aromatic fragrance
wafted over from the meat roasting on the fire.

Such a scene and atmosphere reminded Huang Xiaolong of

years past when he whisked his parents and little siblings
away from the Huang Clan Manor and took them to Luo
Tong’s Royal City. It was just like the nights they spent
sleeping outside and eating roast meat from the bonfires.

That year, his little sister promised she would cultivate

diligently, grow strong, and defeat Huang Wei.

At that time, they did not know Huang Wei and the rest of
Huang Clan Manor had all been murdered by the Big Sword
Sect. However, eight years later he successfully returned
the favor, destroying Big Sword Sect completely.

“Sovereign, we should arrive at Duanren Empire in roughly

two weeks.” At this time, Yu Ming suddenly spoke.

Huang Xiaolong stopped thinking of the past, nodding at Yu

Ming. That’s right, in two weeks’ time he would be stepping
into Duanren Empire.

Duanren Empire!

This was Huang Xiaolong’s next step!

It was imperative that he get first place in the Imperial City


The delicious smell coming from the roasted meat

thickened, indicating it was ready. The four of them each cut
a piece off and started to eat.

“I wonder how that little guy is doing?” Huang Xiaolong

suddenly remembered the Spirit Devourer Violet Monkey.
At first, Huang Xiaolong planned to bring the little monkey
with him to Duanren Empire, but it went into the Silvermoon
Forest. Thus, Huang Xiaolong could only give up and
decided to bring it along next time upon his return to Luo
Tong Kingdom.

During the past two years, the little violet monkey not only
advanced to Stage Ten just as he did, it also reached peak
late-Tenth Order.

By the next time Huang Xiaolong encounters it, the little

monkey would very likely have already broken through to
the Xiantian realm as well.

Huang Xiaolong took out the jugs of Fiery Wine and Snow
Moon Wine he had stored inside the Asura Ring, enjoying
them with Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou.

Although rushed traveling was a little dull, the wine and

roast meat made it bearable.

Sated from the meal, Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou kept
watch whereas Huang Xiaolong initiated the God Binding
Ring and entered the ancient battlefield.

Huang Xiaolong had a feeling his Xiantian realm

breakthrough would happen within the next two days.

Running the Asura Tactics cultivation technique, the black

and blue dragon emerged behind Huang Xiaolong, hovering
above his head as they greedily devoured the netherworld
spiritual energy gushing down from the void.

His breakthrough in the last year had greatly enhanced and

solidified his martial spirit’s corporeal bodies. Each of the
dragon scales on their bodies were distinctive, reflecting
light on their smooth surface as if they could turn into real
life dragons at any moment.

The netherworld battle qi in Huang Xiaolong’s Qi Sea and

meridians were surging vigorously, and they had completely
turned an inky blackish purple.

The deepest and darkest purple colored battle qi appeared

was daunting and intimidating at first glance, and when
Huang Xiaolong circulated his battle qi, it looked like the
Cocytus River that flowed up from the underworld.

When Huang Xiaolong was absorbing the overflowing

netherworld spiritual energy, the netherworld battle qi
within his body started vibrating violently.

This is…? Huang Xiaolong was startled, was he breaking into

the Xiantian realm right…now?
Chapter 163: Battle Qi Breakthrough–Xiantian Realm

The battle qi within Huang Xiaolong’s body was akin to a

wild stallion that escaped its reins, galloping wildly away. All
signs pointed to an impending breakthrough.

Ever since he started cultivating, Huang Xiaolong had

experienced breakthroughs many times; thus he was quite
familiar with the signs of an impending breakthrough.

Concentrating his focus, Huang Xiaolong ran Asura Tactics,

forcefully reigning in the netherworld battle qi that was
charging throughout his body.

Netherworld battle qi coursed and crashed through Huang

Xiaolong’s Qi Sea and meridians time and again.

At the same time, outside of Huang Xiaolong’s body, a black

mist swirled around and upward, condensing and becoming
more and more thick. In the end, the black mist turned into
thick fog that totally enshrouded Huang Xiaolong within.

Huang Xiaolong’s figure seemed to blend in and out of the

thick black fog.

The twin black and blue dragons floated in mid-air behind

Huang Xiaolong, roaring endlessly as their bodies grew
bigger and more solid and real among a pulsating glow. The
bright light enveloping their bodies burst out, and the twin
dragons’ body seemed to then double in size. As the twin
dragons went through physical changes, dragon scales fell
from their bodies, and then they continued to grow and fall
off again in a seemingly endless cycle. When these dragon
scales fell, fresh blood dripped.

Dragon blood!
Real, tangible dragon blood!

As the blood fell to the ground of the ancient battlefield, it

seemed as if the slumbering gods of the ancient battlefield
were aroused by the smell of the dragon blood.

A loud rumble echoed throughout the ancient battlefield.

Subsequently, beating war drums filled the air. The ground

shook as thousands of horses began charging to the
frontline, and swords and spears were clashing. It was the
sound of a massacre!

Multiple scenes flashed passed Huang Xiaolong’s


He saw the scenes where the four-winged, six-winged, and

eight-winged ancient Protoss race fell.

All the while, the bright light exuding from Huang Xiaolong’s
body grew ever more dazzling. The battle qi inside his body
vigorously crashed against the Xiantian barrier, and the
severe, splitting pain that tore at the core of his soul
seemed to follow this rhythm.


It was as if someone was ripping his soul apart!

Huang Xiaolong had a feeling that his head was about to

explode and was close to being unbearable. Just as Huang
Xiaolong was on the brink of being completely
overwhelmed, the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and God
Binding Ring inside his body broke out in an aureate light.
The moment these two mysterious lights appeared, Huang
Xiaolong’s consciousness felt a comfortable cooling
sensation, and the pain coming from his soul vanished
almost instantly.

Every time Huang Xiaolong was about to reach his breaking

point and faint from the pain, the Linglong Treasure Pagoda
and God Binding Ring would release that mysterious glow of
energy to nourish Huang Xiaolong’s soul.

The process repeated over and over again.

Huang Xiaolong seemed to fall into a world of fire and ice.

Not knowing how much time had passed, Huang Xiaolong’s

body suddenly trembled as if a giant fissure had split the
world in two. The tough Xiantian barrier finally gave way to
Huang Xiaolong’s netherworld battle qi’s persistent

It was as if the Earth was devastated by widespread

disaster, yet life tenaciously struggled to emerge from the
deepest recesses of the planet.

His netherworld battle qi cheered as it rushed into the

meridian route that represented stepping into the Xiantian
realm, flooding forward.

A strong vitality aura broke out from Huang Xiaolong’s body,

and the ground around where Huang Xiaolong sat cross-
legged in the ancient battlefield started to sprout
discernable green vegetation!

The green of life!

Simultaneously, the moment when Huang Xiaolong broke

the barrier to the Xiantian realm, the bright light around his
twin dragon martial spirits expanded greatly, covering a
hundred li outward with Huang Xiaolong as its fulcrum. A
mighty dragon’s oppressive aura surged out like a tsunami.
Waves upon waves of pressure spread out in all directions
within the ancient battlefield.

Gradually, the blazing light around the black and the blue
dragons dimmed and stopped flickering. On the dragons’
bodies, pieces of black and blue scales as thick as armor
were growing on the surface, layer after layer. They had four
powerful, stout legs, and atop each dragon’s head were two
dragon horns.

Both the black and blue dragon had condensed into a solid
entity, emanating the potent aura of the Primordial Divine
Dragon race!

Not until a long time had passed did the thick, black fog
enshrouding Huang Xiaolong’s figure recede, revealing the
person inside.

Just like his twin dragon martial spirits shedding their scales,
Huang Xiaolong also shed a layer of old skin. His initially
brownish grain colored skin was replaced with a much fairer
skin color.

Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes and a powerful energy

fluctuation swept out, sending the dust and sand in the
ancient battlefield flying.

Expressing the joy in his heart, Huang Xiaolong hollered

towards the sky.

The battle qi finally broke through to the Xiantian realm!


Internal force, battle qi, both had reached the Xiantian

With his current strength, killing an average Xiantian Second
Order expert was achievable without exerting much effort!

Getting up, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes focused on the black and

blue dragon that was hovering above him, and undisguised
excitement showed on his face.

Finally, his twin dragons had transformed into solid entities,

transforming into real Primordial Divine Dragons!

Stepping into Xiantian realm, the black and blue twin

dragons both had grown, surpassing twenty meters in

Passing his thoughts through his spiritual connection with

them, the two dragons hovering mid-air suddenly growled
and flew down, coming to a stop in front of Huang Xiaolong.
Although his martial spirits had transformed into solid
entities, they were connected to Huang Xiaolong’s
consciousness, just like a part of his body. With a mere
thought, he could call upon them at any time.

Looking at the black and blue dragons floating before him,

Huang Xiaolong leaped up and his feet landed on top of the
black dragon’s head, whereas the blue dragon wrapped
around Huang Xiaolong’s body. The wind blew against
Huang Xiaolong’s face.

“Black dragon, fly!” Huang Xiaolong tapped the black

dragon underneath him.

Roaring softly, the black dragon flew up, bringing Huang

Xiaolong with it.

Once they reached a high altitude, Huang Xiaolong gazed

down at the thousand zhang ancient battlefield. Huang
Xiaolong sighed in his heart: so, this is the feeling of flying!
In Martial Spirit World, only Saint realm experts that
comprehended the law of space could fly in the sky. Even if
it was a peak late-Xiantian Ninth Order expert, they could
stand on air at most, but not move.

But Huang Xiaolong could fly! With his twin dragon martial
spirits, he could be like Saint realm experts and fly in the

Standing on the black dragon as it flew while the blue

dragon wrapped around his body, Huang Xiaolong suddenly
had a feeling that he was grand! A feeling that he was
extremely cool!

Watching the horizon before him, Huang Xiaolong suddenly

had a flash of enlightenment on the path of his future

He wanted to be a real Primordial Divine Dragon, soaring

above the Nine Heavens!

Exhaling deeply, Huang Xiaolong was observing the ancient

battlefield as he stood on the flying black dragon when a
thought suddenly flashed through his mind. All this time, he
had been entering the ancient battlefield to practice, but he
never knew exactly how big this place was. Since his twin
dragon martial spirits had transformed into solid bodies,
why couldn’t he check it out now?

Riding on the black dragon martial spirit, they flew onward,

but what surprised Huang Xiaolong was that after more than
an hour of flying, there was no end in sight.

It was as if the ancient battlefield’s dimensional space went

on infinitely with no end!
But Huang Xiaolong clearly felt something was calling him
from far, far away.

This feeling was similar to the time at the Enlightenment

Lake, just like when the God Binding Ring was calling.

“It seems I can only wait for now. Whatever is there at the
edge of this ancient battlefield has to wait.” Huang Xiaolong
thought to himself. Although his twin dragon martial spirits
had transformed into real entities and could fly, the speed
was a little slow in his opinion.

However, as he grew stronger and his strength increased, so

too would his martial spirit’s strength. At that time, the
flying speed would increase exponentially.

Telling the black dragon to stop, Huang Xiaolong changed

mounts. After hopping onto the blue dragon, he discovered
the blue dragon’s flying speed was much faster than the
black dragon’s.

“Now that I’ve broken into the Xiantian realm, doesn’t that
mean I can open the second layer of the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda? I wonder what is stored in the second layer?”
Huang Xiaolong mused.

Huang Xiaolong called out the Linglong Treasure Pagoda. An

aureate light suddenly flashed in midair.

After entering the Xiantian realm, the lustrous shine on the

Linglong Treasure Pagoda’s surface vaguely seemed
brighter than before.
Chapter 164: Second Layer
Of Linglong Treasure
Chapter 164: Second Layer of Linglong Treasure Pagoda

Huang Xiaolong infused battle qi into the Linglong Treasure

Pagoda and it broke out in a sphere of aureate light. With a
quick flash, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes blurred and he appeared
in a different space.

There were some similarities between this new space and

the first layer of Linglong Treasure Pagoda. Floating above
the first layer of Linglong Treasure Pagoda were Fire Dragon
Pearls. Red clouds typically formed thick fire dragon qi, but
there was no such thing here.

The upper part of Linglong Treasure Pagoda was empty

other than the item placed on the ground in the center, a

A hexagonal-shaped cauldron that looked like it was made

from crystal. Other than that, there was nothing else in that

Huang Xiaolong stared dumbly at the crystal cauldron. This

was acauldron used for refining pellets?

He had imagined there would be a high-grade treasure like

the Fire Dragon Pearls on the second floor—Huang Xiaolong
thought the second floor would contain spiritual treasures
that could enhance a Xiantian realm expert’s strength. But
amongst the many possibilities that went through his mind,
never did he think the second layer of the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda would contain nothing more than this cauldron!

Huang Xiaolong walked one full circle around the cauldron.

The crystal cauldron was slightly over a meter tall, and on
the cauldron’s body were carvings of some ancient runes
and some bizarre looking demonic beasts.

After studying the cauldron for a moment, Huang Xiaolong

approached and tried to lift it up. However, he found he
could not actually move the cauldron even an inch with his
current strength. No matter how much battle qi or internal
force Huang Xiaolong used, the crystal cauldron remained

It seemed this cauldron was ‘one’ with the Linglong Treasure


Frowning, Huang Xiaolong pondered for a moment before

calling out one of the blades and sliced his finger, dripping a
drop of blood on the cauldron. The instant the drop of
scarlet red blood fell onto the cauldron, it vibrated strongly
and a hum echoed in the space.

At the same time, pieces of memories appeared in Huang

Xiaolong’s mind…

Memories related to the cauldron.

The cauldron was named the Thousand Beast Cauldron.

There were two big array formations carved inside it: one
was called the Thousand Demon Engulfing Destruction
Array, and the other was named Heaven and Earth Origin
Reverting Array.
The Thousand Demon Engulfing Destruction Array could
swallow living beings into the cauldron. As for the Heaven
and Earth Origin Reverting Array inside the cauldron… it
could refine everything within, reverting it back to its source
of origin, ending in pellet form!

These two arrays complemented each other, and their

miraculous combination could swallow thousands of living
beings, turning their essence into pure energy!

Huang Xiaolong was flabbergasted.

Isn’t this too terrifying?!

According to the memories he just received, as long as the

owner of the Thousand Beast Cauldron grew stronger, the
more powerful the cauldron would be too—the implication
would be that even swallowing a sacred mountain or a vast
sea was not a problem! As he got over his shock, Huang
Xiaolong became wildly ecstatic.

Swallowing any and all living beings, refining them into a

pellet… didn’t that mean the higher the quality was of the
object being swallowed coupled with the larger amount of
energy it consumed, then the pellet grade it refined would
also be higher?!

He could refine as many Grade Four or Grade Five Dans as

he liked?! Huang Xiaolong’s eyes twinkled brightly.

It was sometime later that Huang Xiaolong managed to

calm the surging waves in his heart as he took out a Stage
Ten beast core from the Asura Ring.

This Stage Ten beast core was taken from a peak late-Stage
Ten demonic beast.
Expelling some of his battle qi, the Thousand Beast
Cauldron flickered as a strong suction force came from
inside the cauldron, swallowing the beast core in Huang
Xiaolong’s palm. Subsequently, the Heaven and Earth
Returning Origin Array activated, and a lucent glow
surrounded the Thousand Beast Cauldron as it shook. A mist
of water vapor steamed out from the cauldron’s body,
lasting for an hour before the Thousand Beast Cauldron
quieted down.

A ray of dazzling light rushed out, and a thumb-sized, round

blackish-yellow glossy spirit pellet that exuded an aromatic
scent flew out from the depth of the cauldron.

Delighted, Huang Xiaolong waved his hand and a suction

force brought that small spirit pellet into his palm. In one
swift flick, he popped that small round pellet into his mouth.
He could instantly feel a warm energy spreading out inside
his body.

Huang Xiaolong sat down cross-legged, running Asura

Tactics to refine the pellet’s energy.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong stood up.

After absorbing the energy from the thumb-sized spirit

pellet refined from a peak late-Stage Ten beast core, Huang
Xiaolong determined it was at least at the high Grade Four
Spirit Dan level.

High Grade Four!

Though a high Grade Four Spirit Dan may not be as valuable

as high Grade Five Spirit Dan, it was still so scarce in supply
that it could fetch a high price of at least thirty thousand
gold in the auction houses.
And a peak late-Stage Ten beast core roughly cost about ten
thousand gold coins on the market.

If a peak late-Stage Ten beast core produced a high Grade

Four Spirit Dan, then what about a Xiantian level beast
core? That would very likely produce a Grade Five Spirit

In Luo Tong Royal City, a Grade Five Spirit Dan was not
something one could buy even with gold coins. This was
because the success in refining a Grade Five Spirit Dan was
too low.

In general, a Grade Five Spirit Dan needed fifty to sixty

types of ingredients, each requiring a minimum age of two
to three hundred years old. Even if all the ingredients
gathered were of premium quality, something may go wrong
during refining, causing failure. In the end, the chances of
success were only fifty-fifty.

Huang Xiaolong took a deep breath.

Grade Five Spirit Dan was useful even for a Xiantian realm

A Grade Five Spirit Dan should have some value in Duanren

Empire as well, right?!

But, in the next moment, Huang Xiaolong’s eyebrows

scrunched together.

Earlier, when he pushed his battle qi to support the cauldron

for an hour’s time, it actually drained all his battle qi!

Since breaking through the Xiantian realm, his netherworld

battle qi was richer than an average Xiantian Second Order
expert, yet he could only refine one high Grade Four Spirit

If he managed to hunt a Xiantian realm beast and obtain its

beast core, didn’t that mean he would be sucked dry and
become a mummy if he wanted to successfully refine a
Grade Five Spirit Dan?!

He could only solve the problem when the time came.

Huang Xiaolong sighed. After coming to this realization, he
decided to exit the ancient battlefield.

On the outside, Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou were

already waiting anxiously—Huang Xiaolong had stayed
inside the ancient battlefield for three days and three

Seeing Huang Xiaolong come out, all three of them secretly

let out a sigh of relief.

In the next instant, Zhao Shu and Yu Ming displayed a

shocked expression on their faces while staring at Huang
Xiaolong. With their keen eyesight, they immediately noted
that there was a difference after Huang Xiaolong came out
from practice compared to three days ago.

“Sovereign, you’ve reached the Xiantian realm?!” The words

flew out from Zhao Shu’s mouth.

Fei Hou was stunned. He quickly turned towards Huang


Watching the three faces in front of him, Huang Xiaolong

smiled faintly, “I broke through accidentally.”

In Huang Xiaolong’s opinion, it was indeed an accident. He

did not expect it would happen so fast.
However, to Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou’s ears, these
words were like a dizzying spell. He broke through

A seventeen-year-old Xiantian realm expert!

It would be a sensation in the Snow Wind Continent if it was

made known.

Even a Saint realm expert like Zhao Shu felt deeply shocked.

Huang Xiaolong then asked Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou
how to deal with the problem of overdrawing battle qi while
supporting the arrays within the cauldron when one was
refining pellets.

None of the three thought too much about it, and Zhao Shu
answered, “It can be substituted with spirit stones.”

“Spirit stones?” Huang Xiaolong’s eyes lit up. This was his
first time hearing about spirit stones.

“Yes, Sovereign. Spirit stones are formed from accumulated

spiritual energy over many years, a type of mined stone
that contains pure spiritual energy inside. Most Xiantian
experts refining Grade Five Spirit Dan would use spirit
stones to activate the arrays within the cauldron. In general,
a grade three spirit stone is sufficient to support the refining
process of one Grade Five Spirit Dan.” Zhao Shu explained.

One grade three spirit stone could help refine one Grade
Five Spirit Dan.

Zhao Shu went on to explain the different grades of spirit

stones. The grades were grade five, grade four, grade three,
grade two, and grade one, with grade five being the lowest.
Above grade one spirit stone was top grade spirit stone.
Chapter 165: Promptly
Arriving In Duanren
Chapter 165: Promptly Arriving in Duanren Empire

A single grade three spirit stone was apparently sufficient to

refine one Grade Five Spirit Dan, whereas grade four and
five spirit stones could be used to refine a Grade Four Spirit
Dan and below. Grade two and grade one spirit stones were
used in refining Grade Six and Grade Seven Spirit Dans.

However, the price of spirit stones did not come cheap: just
one grade three spirit stone would usually cost somewhere
around thirty thousand gold coins.

Considering a grade three spirit stone’s price was thirty

thousand gold coins, grade two spirit stones were a little
intimidating, going up to fifty thousand gold coins.

Rather than feeling fear, Huang Xiaolong was actually

relieved instead. Grade two spirit stones at a price of fifty
thousand gold coins sounded colossal, but for Huang
Xiaolong’s Nine Tripod Commerce, lacking gold coins was
the least of his worries.

Thus without further delay, the four of them continued

onwards in their journey.

Ten days passed and they were closer to their destination −

the Duanren Empire.
Over the past ten days, Huang Xiaolong swallowed one high
Grade Four Spirit Dan and Fire Dragon Pearl per day,
cultivating in the ancient battlefield.

Stabilizing his recent breakthrough, Huang Xiaolong

diligently practiced Asura Tactics and the Body
Metamorphosis Scripture at the same time, enhancing both
of them simultaneously.

It was now night.

Huang Xiaolong stood on a small barren hill. His right leg

stepped out to the right and he lowered his body in a squat
while his upper torso leaned forward. Both hands pressed
down, supporting his weight. His head tilted up, breathing
rhythmically the whole time.

This was the Body Metamorphosis Scripture Stage Ten:

Crouching Tiger.

As he breathed in and out, spiritual energy rolled and

surged towards Huang Xiaolong. Multiple layers of white fog
shrouded his figure. As time wore on, these layers of white
fog became denser, as if they would solidify the within next
moment. From far away, all anyone could see was an
enormous pool of white fog.

“This is what Sovereign mentioned before, the so-called

internal force cultivation technique?” Zhao Shu asked,
standing some distance away.

Fei Hou promptly responded, “That’s right, Left Custodian

Zhao Shu.”

Yu Ming sighed in awe, “Is this internal force cultivation

technique something that was created by Sovereign? It
actually allows someone to cultivate without possessing a
martial spirit. If news about such a cultivation technique
existed, it would cause a bloody storm in Martial Spirit

Zhao Shu nodded in agreement, “That’s true. Fei Hou, since

Sovereign was willing to pass that Liquid Thunder Arts
cultivation technique to you, you must take care not to leak
it out.”

“Yes, Left Custodian Zhao.” Fei Hou acknowledged

respectfully, and then said, “Sovereign said he is working to
improve two sets of internal force cultivation techniques.
Once they are complete, he will pass them to Left Custodian
Zhao Shu and Master.”

Zhao Shu and Yu Ming trembled hearing that– the

excitement was evident from their eyes.

Both had already come to the conclusion that the main

reason Fei Hou’s cultivation increased with such drastic
speed was because he practiced both battle qi and internal
force simultaneously.

The darkness of night gradually receded.

At the first ray of light, Huang Xiaolong ended his practice.

As he ended his Body Metamorphosis Scripture practice,

Huang Xiaolong fell into a ponderous mood. Although
cultivating Asura Tactics and Body Metamorphosis at the
same time greatly enhanced his strength, practicing the
methods individually was too troublesome and time

Inadvertently, this line of thought may be helpful for him to

reduce the time it took to practice battle skills.
There were twenty-four hours in a day. Other than rushing
on the road, most of Huang Xiaolong’s time was divided
between practicing Asura Tactics and Body Metamorphosis

“I wonder if the Asura Tactics and Body Metamorphosis

Scripture could be initiated simultaneously, practicing both
at the same time?” this thought suddenly flashed through
his mind.

If it was possible, then he could save a lot of time.

Thus, Huang Xiaolong stood there trying to run Asura Tactics

and Body Metamorphosis Scripture at the same time.

However, as he ran Asura Tactics and started to adjust his

breathing, his battle qi stopped flowing. At the same time,
the gathering of his internal force was met with a certain
degree of unknown resistance.

About an hour later, Huang Xiaolong stopped.

After experimenting for more than an hour, Huang Xiaolong

was pleasantly surprised to find that both battle qi and
internal force could be circulated simultaneously.
Unfortunately, the duration did not last long.

Although the duration was short, Huang Xiaolong believed

that if he persevered in this direction, he would definitely be
able to circulate both Asura Tactics battle qi and Body
Metamorphosis internal force unimpeded at the same time.

This was akin to the time he summoned the twin dragon

martial spirits separately.

When he first attempted the separate summoning, both of

his twin dragons appeared at once. Only with time and
practice, over and over again, did he successfully control
their appearance, whether it was summoning a single
martial spirit or both of them together.

“Sovereign!” Seeing Huang Xiaolong had ended his practice,

Zhao Shu and the rest flew over from where they were

Huang Xiaolong nodded, and then his voice grew serious:

“Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, I have two internal force cultivation
techniques that I made with some revisions; I’m willing to
pass them to you, are you willing to cultivate them?”

Zhao Shu and Yu Ming blanked for a second and were

flooded with joy while nodding their heads in unison to show
their willingness to learn. Both knelt down to thank their
Sovereign’s kindness.

Huang Xiaolong told them to get up and passed two

different sets of cultivation techniques to Zhao Shu and Yu

The internal force cultivation techniques Huang Xiaolong

passed to Zhao Shu and Yu Ming were things he had
obtained by luck in his previous life on Earth. As a whole,
these two cultivation techniques could not be compared to
the Body Metamorphosis Scripture, but in some aspects
they weren’t any worse either.

While passing an internal force cultivation technique to each

of them, Huang Xiaolong explained the problems that might
be difficult to understand during their cultivation. The two
took everything he said with utmost seriousness.

It was a few hours later before the group of four continued

their journey.
Three days passed in roughly the same manner.

For the past three days, Zhao Shu and Yu Ming practiced
according to the internal force cultivation techniques Huang
Xiaolong taught them. After a few short days of practice, to
their delight, Zhao Shu and Yu Ming noticed that their battle
qi cultivation speed did indeed increase significantly.

Whenever they had questions about the techniques, they

would seek advice and guidance from Huang Xiaolong,
helping to easily solve things that baffled them. It was as if
his answers were a bright light at the end of a tunnel.

Today, the sun shone brightly in the sky, and Huang

Xiaolong and the other three were riding on beast mounts
as they made their way through the mountains.

“Sovereign, estimating our speed, it will be one more day

before we arrive in Duanren Empire.” Zhao Shu informed to
Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

One more day!

Even though they were arriving in Duanren Empire

tomorrow, it would take another half a month for them to
reach the Imperial City.

They were in the seventh lunar month. By the time they

made it to the Imperial City, there would be about ten days
left before the battle commenced, so the timing was just

I hope things in Luo Tong Royal City are fine. Huang Xiaolong
thought to himself.
With these several months of travel, the places they passed
were mostly barren hills or the wilderness, and there hadn’t
been any contact with Luo Tong Royal City.

But, the Big Sword Sect, Martial Ning Family, and Clear
Cloud Pavilion were already destroyed, and there was still
Marshal Haotian keeping an eye over things in Luo Tong
Kingdom. Since that was the case, the safety of the Huang
Family should not be an issue.

One day later, the group finally arrived in Duanren Empire!

Entering Duanren Empire, Huang Xiaolong could see many

other people from other kingdoms that came to participate
in the Imperial City Battle just like him. Additionally, there
were also experts from different forces that came to watch
the battle.

The Imperial City Battle of Duanren Empire was an open

event, therefore, royal families and forces nearby would
come to watch the event.

Entering Duanren Empire, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Yu

Ming, and Fei Hou did not dally, rushing onward straight to
Duanren Empire’s Imperial City.

Two weeks later, Huang Xiaolong’s group arrived at their


Standing in front of the Imperial City walls, Huang

Xiaolong’s mind went blank as he stared at the grand sight
in front of him − the behemoth city gates and the colossal

The Luo Tong Royal City, Yuwai Royal City, and all the royal
cities he had seen along the way while passing through
some other kingdoms were nothing compared to the
Imperial City gates standing before his eyes. It was similar
to comparing a small mud brick house seated next to a

The walls of Duanren Empire’s Imperial City boast a height

of over a hundred zhang!

Exceeding one hundred zhang! Stupendous!

The people walking below the city walls were akin to ants
that were crawling on the ground. Yes, ants that crawled on
the floor.

Looking at Duanren Imperial City gates, Huang Xiaolong felt

very small. This feeling wasn’t limited to Huang Xiaolong
though, Fei Hou did as well.

Even though this was the second time Fei Hou saw the
Imperial City gates, the shock he felt was still just as strong.
Chapter 166: Unable To
Find Out?
Chapter 166: Unable to Find Out?

Compared to Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou, Zhao Shu and Yu

Ming were much more composed and calm.

It was not like they had not seen Imperial cities grander
than Duanren Imperial City.

Take the Asura’s Gate headquarters for example. The Asura

City itself had walls higher than this!

“Sovereign, shall we go in?” Moments later, Zhao Shu


Huang Xiaolong snapped out of his daze, and taking a deep

breath, he nodded and said, “Let’s go in!” As he lifted his
foot towards the gate of Duanren Imperial City, Huang
Xiaolong could not help but feel his blood boil with
anticipation and excitement.

Duanren Imperial City!

Herein lies his goal!

Huang Xiaolong desperately wished he could roar at the top

of his lungs to the entire city: “Duanren Imperial City, I,
Huang Xiaolong, have come!”

Huang Xiaolong’s group followed the large crowd entering

Duanren Imperial City, but when they were at the gates,
they discovered each individual needed to pay one hundred
gold coins as an entry fee.

One hundred gold coins!

One hundred gold coins were enough to support a common

household’s expenses for a year in most of the kingdom.

Walking along the Imperial City’s expansive streets, Huang

Xiaolong observed the surrounding shops as he strolled
along in a leisurely manner.

The streets were built wide and spacious, approximately

three to four hundred meters wide, and Huang Xiaolong
noticed that these wide streets were paved with the same
type of Bright Marble Stone.

Bright Marble Stone was a kind of extremely hard stone in

Martial Spirit World, even tougher than the Starlight Stone
used to build Cosmic Star Academy’s main square. Of
course, the cost of these streets was much more than the
price of Cosmic Star Academy’s square.

One piece of Bright Marble Stone cost one thousand gold

coins. The seemingly endless rows of streets within the
Imperial City that spanned countless li were all paved with
the same Bright Marble Stone. How many millions, tens of
millions, or even hundreds of millions of gold were needed
to build all of this?!

These streets in the Imperial City that were paved with

Bright Marble Stone emanated a kind of stately aura:
domineering, wealthy, and brilliant, representing an empire
without being garish.

Even with the endless stream of carriages moving up and

down the Imperial City, the streets did not feel crowded at

After roughly two hours of sightseeing, it was already noon.

Passing through a place called ‘Unforgettable Intoxication’

Restaurant, Huang Xiaolong’s footsteps halted as he
watched the crowded entrance of the restaurant and the
endless bustle of customers. He looked over at Zhao Shu, Yu
Ming, and Fei Hou and said, “From the looks of it, this
restaurant doesn’t seem bad. Should we go inside and try

“Yes, Young Lord!” The trio answered in unison.

In public, Zhao Shu too referred to Huang Xiaolong as Young

Lord, like Yu Ming and Fei Hou.

Hence, the four of them walked into Unforgettable

Intoxication Restaurant.

There were three floors to the restaurant, and when Huang

Xiaolong went inside with Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou,
no empty table was available. They proceeded up to the
first floor. Although there were a few places available, all of
them were meant for two people, and Huang Xiaolong’s
group was four.

“Let’s go up to the second floor.” Huang Xiaolong said.

However, when the four of them were about to climb the

stairs up, two restaurant workers blocked their path,
courteously explaining, “Several Guests, pardon our
interruption, but our restaurant’s second floor is reserved.
Only Guests who hold Duanren Empire’s Baron and above
noble title can go up to the second floor.”
Though the words spoken sounded courteous, it did not hide
the condescending disdain in their eyes. Zhao Shu and Yu
Ming’s eyes sharpened as they looked at the two workers.

Yu Ming then exerted invisible pressure onto them.

In the space above Unforgettable Intoxication Restaurant, a

violent tempest gathered, spiraling like a tornado, whistling
about angrily.

Suddenly, it felt as if the entire space of Unforgettable

Intoxication Restaurant solidified, and the noisy restaurant
quieted down in the blink of an eye. From the ground floor,
to the first floor, and even to the second floor, every pair of
eyes were looking at Yu Ming with fear swimming behind the

Under the pressure exerted by Yu Ming, the two ‘small’

restaurant workers nearly had their breaths cut off on the
spot. Horrified, their legs gave out and they fell to their
knees just as their words ended.

“This is… so strong! That middle-aged man is definitely at

Xiantian Ninth Order, or maybe even at Xiantian Tenth
Order. He must be someone who is infinitely close to a
terrifying Saint realm existence!”

“Who are those four people? It seems like that middle-aged

man is that young man’s guard?!”

The experts of Duanren Imperial City and other kingdoms on

the second floor whispered amongst themselves, feeling the
overwhelming pressure coming from Yu Ming.

In Duanren Imperial City, Xiantian experts were not

uncommon, but that did not include Xiantian Seventh Order
warriors and above. Xiantian First to Third Order warriors
were classified as early-order Xiantian; Fourth to Sixth Order
warriors were mid-order; and the Seventh to Ninth Order
experts were referred to as high-order.

An early order Xiantian realm expert’s status and identity

was undoubtedly different from a high-order Xiantian realm

Amongst the most talented imperial princes of Duanren

Empire, even Duan Wuhen was still only a Xiantian Tenth
Order expert.

While everyone was still alarmed by the scene, a middle-

aged man that appeared to be the restaurant owner was
seen running up the stairs anxiously with two bodyguards
tagging along behind him. The two bodyguards were also
Xiantian experts, but they were merely at the Xiantian
Second Order.

Arriving on the first floor, the restaurant owner nearly

prostrated before Yu Ming, inquiring with utmost politeness
what seemed to be the problem.

After finding out the reason, the restaurant owner

apologized to Huang Xiaolong, Yu Ming, and the other two
people profusely. His complexion paled tremendously, and
he wished he could stab the two workers to death.

“This Young Master, we will immediately arrange a private

room on the second floor for you.” The restaurant owner
said as he led them to a room on the second floor.

Huang Xiaolong initially did not intend to force their way up

to the second floor, but Yu Ming acted too quickly by
releasing his oppressive aura which resulted in the current
At this moment, he could only go along with the restaurant
owner’s ‘kind’ intention and courtesy with Zhao Shu, Yu
Ming, and Fei Hou by going up to the second floor private

Since those things already happened, then he may as well

enter the Imperial City in a high profile manner!

After all, it would be impossible for Huang Xiaolong to

maintain a low profile even if he wanted to with the Imperial
City Battle in ten days’ time. Since there was no helping it,
attracting some attention now did not make much of a

Of course, as someone possessing the Primordial Divine

Black Dragon martial spirit who was representing Luo Tong
Kingdom and the Cosmic Star Academy in this Imperial City
Battle, there were bound to be people from the Duanren
Imperial Family and other forces paying attention to him
even before this.

Leading Huang Xiaolong’s group up to the second floor, the

restaurant owner ushered them into private room number
three. There was a total of twelve private rooms on the
second floor.

The lower number the room was, the more distinguished the
guests identity. Above all, room number one was reserved
specifically for Saint realm experts, but it was usually empty
during the year.

If the restaurant owner knew there was a Saint realm expert

amongst the four people, he would have brought them to
private room number one so quickly that it would have
looked like his butt was lit on fire.
Unforgettable Intoxication was one of the biggest
restaurants in Duanren Imperial City, but only during the
opening day would a Saint realm expert visit. Hence, private
room one had been left empty since the last Imperial City

The private room number three that they entered was

lavishly decorated, similar to a small scale mansion.

As they each took a seat, Huang Xiaolong instructed the

owner to serve their famous dishes and wine and indicated
him to leave. Nodding respectfully, the restaurant owner left
the room.

While Huang Xiaolong was being ushered into private room

number three, in private room number two sat a young man
wearing a golden brocade robe who appeared to be in his
mid-twenties. The young man was… beautiful, albeit
exhibiting a somewhat devilish charm. Especially so, in his
eyes there were reflecting golden lights every time they

The young man raised his right hand and lightly beckoned
the guard behind him, “Go and check that person’s identity–
I want to know all four people’s background in one hour.”

“Yes, Young Master!” That guard replied with the utmost

respect and backed out of the room.

Long slender fingers drummed on the table surface softly,

forming melodious notes as they moved.

At this moment, a beautiful young woman in her mid-

twenties, same as the young man with skin so supple and
moist as if dew was glistening on them, was sitting beside
the young man and laughed, her tinkling peals of laughter
were akin to marbles falling onto a bowl, teasing the ears.
The two lumps of flesh at the front quivered endlessly like
they could escape anytime from their bonds.

The woman’s lips curved charmingly as she laughed, red

lips moved as she said, “I didn’t expect our Heartless Young
Noble [1] would one day show interest in another person.”

The young man maintained a placid expression on his face,

“You, Zhao Wuji, are more interested in them than I am.”

Zhao Wuji continued to laugh coquettishly as she looked at

the young man, her entire body seemed to lean onto him
with the two lumps of flesh pressed against him, “You’re
wrong this time around, I’m more interested in you than
anyone else.”

The guards inside private room number two swallowed


But the young man, Heartless Young Noble, pushed the

woman away without any feeling, “I’m not interested in

The smile on Zhao Wuji’s face became ever more brilliant

hearing that, “That’s the very reason I’m interested in you.”

A short while later, the guard that left earlier returned,

reporting to the young man, “Young Master, we’ve found
out. That black-haired young man is called Huang Xiaolong,
the representative for Luo Tong Kingdom and Cosmic Star
Academy for this year’s Duanren Imperial City Battle. His
strength is at the peak late-Tenth Order!”

Zhao Wuji snickered with contempt, “Just a peak late-Tenth

Order little brat, such an unattractive man, this aunt has no
interest whatsoever.”
At this time, the guard continued with his report, “However,
this Huang Xiaolong is only seventeen this year!”

“Seventeen-years-old!” Heartless Young Noble and Zhao

Wuji were stunned, and then their faces turned ugly.

A seventeen-year-old peak late-Tenth Order warrior?!

“How can this be? Impossible! How could a seventeen year

old reach peak late-Tenth Order?!” Zhao Wuji blurted out in

According to her knowledge, even the leader of the five big

families of Duanren Empire, even Duan Wuhen who was an
Imperial Prince did not advance to peak late-Tenth Order at

“I have not spoken falsely!” The guard went on,

“Subordinate verified Huang Xiaolong’s age, and his martial
spirit is a Primordial Divine Dragon, a top grade twelve
martial spirit!”

“Top grade twelve martial spirit, Divine Black Dragon!” Once

again, Heartless Young Noble and Zhao Wuji were shocked.

But in the next moment, Heartless Young Noble frowned;

even if this Huang Xiaolong possessed a top grade twelve
martial spirit, his cultivation speed would not be this fast!

He too possessed a top grade twelve martial spirit and a

wealth of cultivation resources from his clan and yet, his
cultivation speed was not as terrifying as Huang Xiaolong’s.

Obviously, Zhao Wuji too thought of this point as a

shimmering light flitted in her eyes.
“What about the other three people?” Heartless Young
Noble questioned that guard.

Being asked directly, the guard quickly continued, “One of

the three is called Fei Hou, the Junior Brother of Luo Tong
Kingdom’s Marshal Haotian, but both Fei Hou and Haotian
call Huang Xiaolong, Young Lord. The strange thing is,
Huang Xiaolong comes from a Luo Tong Kingdom small
family, and his background is common and ordinary.”

A knowing light flickered in Heartless Young Noble’s eyes,

“This Huang Xiaolong has another identity!”

Otherwise, it would be impossible for someone from an

ordinary background to have Marshal Haotian referring to
them as Young Lord! Zhao Wuji nodded her head in

“And the remaining two people?” Heartless Young Noble


The guard hesitated a second before admitting, “The other

two, Subordinate is unable to find anything as of yet.”

“Unable to find it out?!” This stumped Heartless Young


[1] Heartless Young Noble is a nickname.
Chapter 167: The Imperial City Battle Begins!

Zhao Wuji was just as stumped as Heartless Young Noble,

Yao Fei. She knew the family Yao Fei belonged to very well:
the Yao Family’s intelligence network web stretched far and
wide throughout Duanren Empire and was known as an
omniscient entity, yet they could not find any information
regarding the identity of those two people!

“These two people are not from Duanren Empire?!” Zhao

Wuji suddenly thought of a possibility and the words flew
straight out of her mouth.

Only this explanation could justify the reason for failure.

Heartless Young Noble Yao Fei’s eyes flickered through the


“Young Master…?” The guards inquired.

“I have nothing else for you to do at the moment, retreat.”

Yao Fei waved the guard away. “Yes, Young Master!” replied
the guard as he bowed, then he left the room.

At the same time in private room number three, the

restaurant owner was carefully serving the dishes to the
table himself. Only after Huang Xiaolong and the rest
opened the jugs of wine, tasted them, and uttered some
words of praise did the restaurant owner leave the room.

Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou toasted as

the scent of fragrant wine filled the room.

From the introduction provided by the owner earlier, the

wine was called Beauty Allure Wine. As the liquid slid down
the throat it reminded one of the taste of a beautiful
woman, each taste being different yet also similar.

When tasting the first sip, Huang Xiaolong decided that he

liked the wine very much.

It was comparably better than Fiery Wine or Snow Moon

Wine; although both wines were not bad, it felt slightly
monotonous to drink them all of the time.

Huang Xiaolong’s group left the Unforgettable Intoxication

Restaurant after two hours. As it was, Huang Xiaolong
currently didn’t have much in his spatial ring other than
some wine.

If Ren Wokuang knew Huang Xiaolong used the Asura Ring

mainly to store wine, one could only imagine how he would

Leaving the restaurant behind, Huang Xiaolong’s group

came upon an inn called Solitary Longing. Deciding to stay
there, they rented four rooms and went to get some rest.

The venue for the Imperial City Battle’s martial competition

was going to be at the square across from the Imperial
Palace in ten days’ time, and the Solitary Longing Inn they
had chosen was not far away.

While Huang Xiaolong and the rest were resting inside the
inn, within the maze of Duanren Imperial City’s Imperial
Palace, and in a deep underground palace, sat a middle-
aged man wearing a Dragon Robe. The middle-aged man
was neither tall nor thin, and there was a clear character
imprint in-between his eyebrows. If one were to look
carefully, they would find that this single character imprint
was actually a shrunken broken blade 1!
“Your Imperial Highness!” At this time, an old man dressed
in the Imperial Palace’s official robes entered the
underground palace, respectfully bowing to the man that
was seated.

Your Imperial Highness!

This middle-aged man was Duanren Empire’s Duanren


In the whole of Duanren Empire, the only person that could

be greeted with the title ‘Your Imperial Highness’ was the
Duanren Emperor alone.

“Rise.” Duanren Emperor spoke. His voice was soft and light,
yet it contained an insurmountable majesty.

“Much obliged, Your Imperial Highness!” The old man in the

official robe replied in a humble and respectful tone; only
then did the old man stand up. “Your Imperial Highness, Xie
Puti, Yanggang, Pang Yu, Cui Li, Dàishānnī, and Huang
Xiaolong… these six people have all arrived in the Imperial

These six were the talented individuals participating in this

year’s Imperial City Battle, geniuses who possessed superb
talent martial spirits. Every year, participants with superb
talent martial spirits would be given extra attention.

Duanren Emperor nodded, “Cheng Jian, according to you,

which one of these six will be the champion of this year?”

The old man in the official robe, Cheng Jian, spoke seriously,
“Most likely, Xie Puti!”

Duanren Emperor nodded, “Likewise, I agree.” However, his

tone suddenly changed, “But, that Huang Xiaolong, tell
Wuya to pay more attention to him.”

“Huang Xiaolong?!” Cheng Jian was surprised.

As far as he knew, amongst these six people who possessed

superb talent martial spirits, only this Huang Xiaolong was a
Houtian peak late-Tenth Order warrior, whereas the other
five had all entered Xiantian First Order and above.

This Huang Xiaolong might have a top grade twelve martial

spirit, but his strength was limited at the moment. Whether
he could enter the top ten was questionable, yet the
Emperor actually wanted them to pay attention to Huang

While these thoughts were swimming in Cheng Jian’s mind,

the Duanren Emperor spoke, “That Huang Xiaolong may not
be a Xiantian warrior, but his strength is not weak. He once
defeated a Cosmic Star Academy’s Elder, a Xiantian First
Order expert! Entering the top ten will not be a problem for
Huang Xiaolong, and don’t forget, he’s only seventeen!”

“Yes, Your Imperial Highness, this minister knows what to

do.” Cheng Jian respectfully answered.

“En, you can retreat.” Duanren Emperor said, “Regarding

matters related to our Imperial City Battle, come report to
me at any time.”

Cheng Jiang acknowledged the order respectfully and

saluted properly before retreating from the room.

Huang Xiaolong on the other hand, did not tour around with
Zhao Shu or anyone else after staying at the Solitary
Longing Inn. Instead, he activated the God Binding Ring,
entering the ancient battlefield to cultivate.
Huang Xiaolong resumed his attempt to practice Asura
Tactics and the Body Metamorphosis Scripture
simultaneously. As he persisted in his attempts, the flow of
internal force and battle qi became smoother with each
round of practice.

While attempting to combine battle qi and internal force

practice, Huang Xiaolong started practicing the Fifth move
of Asura Sword Skill: Flower of the Other Shore.

Huang Xiaolong had reached major completion in the Fourth

move of Asura Sword Skill: State of Abundant Lightning. The
only thing he lacked now was more powerful battle qi. As he
grew stronger, the attack power of each move multiplied
parallel to his strength.

Huang Xiaolong studied the description and battle qi route

required to perform the Fifth move, Flower of the Other
Shore, from the fragment of the note and committed it to
memory. Standing on the ancient battlefield, the Blades of
Asura swung out.

When both blades swung out, multiples rays of bright sword

lights spun in the air, gathering into two blossoms of an
inky, dark purple flowers—the exact color of Huang
Xiaolong’s netherworld battle qi.

Two inky dark purple flowers bloomed as they constantly

spun in the air, vibrant and vivid.

Spinning in bloom, the two flowers hovered within a thirty-

meter radius in front of Huang Xiaolong, with no further
actions. Without warning, both flowers disappeared,
followed by a rumbling coming from one hundred meters to
the front where two huge boulders turned into dust.
Huang Xiaolong closed his eyes, imagining the attack and
the flow of his battle qi just now. According to the note’s
description, the two flowers were called flower of the other

Flower of the other shore, in full bloom on the other side, so

far yet so near, so near yet so far. Their attacks were
unpredictable, making the opponent hardpressed to defend
against them. When the flower of the other shore
disappeared from the other side, it took the opponent’s life
in one attack!

Ten days came and went.

Huang Xiaolong could nearly circulate his battle qi and

internal force simultaneously without any resistance during
practice, and the Fifth move of Asura Sword Skill had great

During attack, as the flowers bloomed brighter, the duration

time of how long they could last would shorten, but at the
same time, the attack power was stronger. Occasionally
while practicing Flower of the Other Shore, Huang Xiaolong
would mix in Tempest of Hell, Tears of Asura, Wrath of
Nether King, and State of Abundant Lightning, trying as hard
as he could to combine these four moves as well.

For now, Huang Xiaolong had successfully combined

Tempest of Hell and Tears of Asura, and the power scale of
the attack had increased significantly.

With his diligent practice, Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi

cultivation advanced a little more during these ten days.

After taking a high Grade Four Spirit Dan and a Fire Dragon
Pearl, along with absorbing the spiritual energy in the
ancient battlefield, Huang Xiaolong’s strength grew every

Ten days had passed, and the day of the Imperial City Battle
had arrived!

As the morning light emerged, it felt as if the entire Imperial

City became excited. A sea of people could be seen on the
streets in everything direction.

This time of year had turned into a grand occasion for

Duanren Empire Imperial City. Common subjects that
resided within the Imperial City would also go to watch the

Huang Xiaolong walked out from his room and saw that
Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou were already waiting for

“Sovereign!” Seeing Huang Xiaolong, the three of them

quickly stepped out.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, took a deep breath, and said:

“Let’s go to the Duanren Imperial City’s Duanren Square.”

1. Broken Blade aka Duanren (Empire)
Chapter 168: Can I Sit Here?

“Yes, Sovereign!” Zhao Shu and the other two

acknowledged Huang Xiaolong’s words in unison.

Huang Xiaolong turned around and stepped out from the inn
with Zhao Shu and the rest in the direction of Duanren
Imperial Palace’s main entrance.

Walking into the streets, there were heads bobbing along

everywhere in the packed crowd, flowing to one destination

The main entrance of Duanren Imperial Palace!

Duanren Square!

Huang Xiaolong’s group of four walked patiently, following

the flow of the crowd to the square’s direction. Half an hour
later, the four arrived at Duanren Square.

Ginormous was not an apt enough description to describe

Duanren Square. Duanren Empire’s military parade that was
held every decade took place in that very square. Thus, one
could imagine the monumental size of Duanren Square.

Straight across Duanren Square was Duanren Imperial

Palace’s formidable high walls. The Imperial Palace walls
were about the same height as the Imperial City walls, but
the difference was in the majestic aura emanating behind
the Imperial Palace walls.

Teams of intimidating soldiers were stationed around the

perimeter of the square.
Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou walked into
the arena where ten battle stages were erected, as well as a
guest platform.

The outer edge of the battle arena was also heavily guarded
by soldiers barricading the crowd from getting too close to
the stages. Only geniuses representing their kingdom like
Huang Xiaolong were eligible to enter.

By the time Huang Xiaolong arrived, Duanren Square was

already filled with people, but luckily the kingdom’s
representative geniuses had a special tunnel entrance to
the battle arena

Stopping before the special entrance, Huang Xiaolong said

to his three companions, “Wait for me outside.”

“Yes Young Lord!” The three answered.

Walking along the tunnel, Huang Xiaolong emerged at the

front section of the battle arena, taking out the participation
token which Sun Zhang and Xiong Chu had given him.
Seeing the token, the soldiers on guard opened up a small
gap, allowing Huang Xiaolong to enter the battle arena area.

Entering within, Huang Xiaolong made his way to the rest

area prepared for the participating talents coming from all
kingdoms. When he arrived, Huang Xiaolong noticed that
quite a number of them were already there, and after
sweeping a cursory glance around, he made a rough
estimate that there were seven to eight hundred people.

His arrival, however, attracted quite a commotion when

geniuses from other kingdoms noticed him walking into the
rest area.
“This kid is also a participant in the Imperial City Battle?
Please don’t joke, he looks like he’s no older than eighteen
years old!”

“Barely eighteen and this kid came to participate in the

Imperial City Battle; if it’s not him having great confidence
in his strength, then he’s probably an arrogant idiot!”

The genius disciples from Duanren Empire’s fealty kingdoms

looked at Huang Xiaolong with different meanings to their
gazes. One of the requirements for participating in the
Imperial City Battle was being at or under thirty years old.
Therefore, most of these geniuses would cultivate until the
age of thirty or close to thirty before coming to participate
in this event.

An ounce stronger meant a slightly higher chance to

achieve a more favorable result.

People who came to participate in the Imperial City Battle

before reaching the age of twenty were scarce, or perhaps it
would be more accurate to say it had never happened
before. As high as Huang Xiaolong’s talent might be, these
other kingdom’s geniuses were reluctant to believe that a
seventeen-year-old ‘boy’ was strong enough to shake them.

Of course, behind these gazes, contempt swirled within.

Still, amongst this group of geniuses, there was a young

man in white robes around twenty-seven to twenty-eight
years old who was looking solemnly at Huang Xiaolong ever
since his appearance.

Huang Xiaolong! It’s actually Huang Xiaolong!

This little punk also came to participate in this year’s

Imperial City battle?!
Why, why so fast?!

The white-robed young man was traumatized.

Two years ago, in the Yuwai Kingdom, the white-robed young

man saw the entire scene where Huang Xiaolong defeated
Yang An on the street.

Two years’ ago at that time, Huang Xiaolong should have

only been a Ninth Order warrior, not even breaking through
to a Tenth Order warrior! He remembered that day clearly,
the talent Huang Xiaolong had shown greatly impacted him.

He previously thought, give Huang Xiaolong ten years’ time

to cultivate, and at that time, the first place of Duanren
Empire’s Imperial City Battle would be none other than him,
Huang Xiaolong!

Unfortunately, it did not take ten years. In just two short

years, Huang Xiaolong was here, participating in the
Imperial City Battle!

Two years, how much did his strength increase? Tenth

Order? The white-robed young man contemplated inwardly.

This white-robed young man was Yuwai Kingdom’s

representative for this year, Zhou Jie.

“Just a mere Tenth Order warrior and he dares come take

part in the Imperial City Battle?” Zhou Jie furrowed his

In the white-robed young man’s opinion, a mere two years

was too fast even with Huang Xiaolong’s cultivation speed.
At most, he should only be a Tenth Order warrior; moreover,
he probably just had a recent breakthrough to the Tenth
A Tenth Order cultivation base in all the kingdoms’
academies could be considered an expert, but in the eyes of
the many geniuses that came to participate in the Imperial
City Battle, that was the bottom rung as cannon fodder.

However, since Huang Xiaolong clinched Cosmic Star

Academy’s overall championship, his strength was definitely
not limited to a Tenth Order warrior’s level. This was Zhou
Jie’s final assessment.

Huang Xiaolong listened to the discussions around him,

ignoring the gazes directed at him as he walked up to an
empty seat. He sat down quietly and waited patiently for
the battles to begin.

After Huang Xiaolong arrived, many geniuses from other

kingdoms also arrived in succession, when suddenly, there
was a commotion in the crowd of people.

“Xie Puti! Xie Puti is here!”

“According to rumours, Xie Puti has a top grade thirteen

martial spirit, Black Flame Phoenix! And he supposedly
broke through to Xiantian Second Order a year ago!”

“Xiantian Second Order! Black Flame Phoenix martial spirit!

This Xie Puti is too scary, no doubt this time’s first place is
his! Most of the big families and forces in Duanren Imperial
City are betting that Xie Puti will take first place this time!”

Hearing endless praises of admiration towards this Xie Puti,

Huang Xiaolong became curious and looked over. A young
man in fire-red battle gear was walking in his direction.

This young man had a tall stature, as if every muscle in his

body contained unimaginable explosive power. Even his
eyebrows were fire-red in color. As he walked, a faint ember
glow seemed to trail his movements.

This was Xie Puti!

Aggressive and domineering!

Xie Puti? The name flickered in and immediately passed

through Huang Xiaolong’s mind.

Judging the from the crowd’s reaction, this Xie Puti was
likely the strongest participant in this year’s Imperial City

Top grade thirteen martial spirit, Black Flame Phoenix?

Xiantian Second Order!

Undoubtedly, this Xie Puti would be a strong opponent.

Walking into the resting area, Xie Puti made his way to the
empty seats close to Huang Xiaolong and chose a seat five
meters away from him.

As Xie Puti sat down, a burst of hot air rushed out. The
geniuses originally sitting in that area exclaimed in surprise,
all scurrying far away from their seats, recoiling from the
sudden burst of heat.

The hot air rushed towards Huang Xiaolong, but when it was
still one meter away, it stopped like it met with an invisible
barrier of resistance.

Huang Xiaolong sat in a meditative pose, calm as day.

“En?” Xie Puti uttered a surprised sound. Looking over at

Huang Xiaolong, a fiery-red spark glinted in his eyes
because he did not expect his Phoenix fire qi would actually
be resisted by some youth aged no more than eighteen.

The faces of possible top ten candidates flashed one by one

in his mind, yet none of them matched the features of this
young man near him.

Interesting, Xie Puti thought.

The other geniuses present were also surprised seeing

Huang Xiaolong stop Xie Puti’s Phoenix fire qi.

“What? That little kid actually stopped Xie Puti’s Phoenix fire

“Where did this kid come from?!”

However, those geniuses that had just avoided Xie Puti’s fire
qi sneered.

“It was because this little punk cultivates in cold element

battle qi, coincidentally restraining Xie Puti’s Phoenix fire qi.
Moreover, Xie Puti was kind enough to hold back. Do you
really think this little kid is so great that he can withstand
the heat?”

“Right, that must be the reason!”

Huang Xiaolong remained calm even as the ridiculing words


“It’s Yanggang, Yanggang’s here!”

At this time, another wave of commotion swept the crowd.

“Yanggang, peak-late Xiantian First Order, his martial spirit

is a top grade twelve, Celestial Yin Beast!
A young man in a green brocade robe was seen walking in.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at the new arrival, unperturbed.

Another superb talent martial spirit possessor. He did not

expect that in this year’s Imperial City Battle, so many of
them would appear. And to top it off, even meet two
geniuses in succession that had superb martial spirits above
grade eleven.

Including Huang Xiaolong, it totaled at three!

In the past, the Imperial City Battle had only gathered grade
eleven martial spirits. At most, the number of those
applicants maxed out at two.

Yanggang’s appearance sent the surrounding geniuses into

another bout of whispers; this Yanggang was the most
probable candidate for second place.

Walking in, Yanggang was dumbfounded by Xie Puti’s

presence, and strong flames of war burned in his eyes as he
headed straight towards Xie Puti’s position. Yanggang’s
actions instantly attracted the attention of many geniuses,
and they turned to watch.

Coming to a stand before Xie Puti, Yanggang said, “As for

this year’s Imperial City Battle… I will definitely get the first
place! Xie Puti, I will absolutely defeat you!”

Xie Puti laughed calmly after hearing these words, “Defeat

me? We’ll see after you defeat him.” His eyes hinted at
Huang Xiaolong five meters away.

Yanggang looked over in the same direction, and seeing

Huang Xiaolong’s face, he was stunned and turned back to
face Xie Puti angrily, “What do you mean?”

In Yanggang’s opinion, Xie Puti was comparing him with a

seventeen-year-old greenhorn, and there was a strong
feeling that he was being underestimated, or worse,

Xie Puti did not bother to answer.

And that made Yanggang’s face darken gloomily, glaring at

Huang Xiaolong. “Little punk, I hope you won’t run into me
on the stage. If you do, I’ll make sure you get off the stage

Yanggang directed all his rage onto Huang Xiaolong.

“Really?” Huang Xiaolong reacted placidly.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong dared to retort him in public,

the temperature in his eyes dropped dangerously, fierce
light glinted in his eyes. However, before the Imperial City
Battle began, it was forbidden to fight below the stage. Even
he dared not break this rule.

Yanggang’s icy gaze cut across Huang Xiaolong’s face, then

let out a harrumph and sat down in an empty chair.

“Heihei, that brat offended Yanggang, if lady luck is not on

his side, and he really runs into Yanggang later on the stage,
he’ll end up truly miserable!”

Some of the geniuses that ran away unable to withstand Xie

Puti’s Phoenix fire qi turned schadenfreude at Huang
Xiaolong’s impending misfortune.

A short while later, the crowd became worked up again.

This time around, it was not a young man, but a beautiful
young woman dressed in a flowy turquoise long dress. Her
name was Cui Li. She appeared to be in her late twenties
and had a sweet smile hanging on her ruddy lips, along with
a pair of glistening bright eyes.

The commotion raised by Cui Li’s appearance was

comparable to Xie Puti’s.

Most of the geniuses participating in the Imperial City Battle

this year were men, and this was the obvious attraction of
the opposite sex.

“Can I sit here?” Arriving, Cui Li seemed to make a beeline

towards Huang Xiaolong, and as she stood in front of him,
one delicate finger pointed to an empty seat beside him.

Huang Xiaolong became dazed for a moment before

nodding, “Feel free.”

Sending Huang Xiaolong a sweet-honeyed smile, she said

her thanks, “Thank you,” and sat down next to Huang

Her alluring fragrance wafted into Huang Xiaolong’s nose.

In that moment, the surrounding kingdom geniuses were all

staring at Huang Xiaolong. The many pairs of eyes seemed
to spew a strong fire of jealousy.
Chapter 169: Imperial City Battle (1)

Huang Xiaolong treated the burning, jealous gazes directed

at him from the surrounding kingdoms’ geniuses as if they
did not exist. He sat there with the same placid expression
on his face.

“You’re called Huang Xiaolong, right?” Cui Li asked as she

faced Huang Xiaolong sideways after sitting down on the
empty chair next to him.

Huang Xiaolong turned sideways to look at her.

Observing Cui Li up close, he noticed underneath her sweet,

innocent smile, there was a trace of seductive charm mixed
within. A small exquisite nose and cherry red lips on a small
mouth made it hard not to be attracted.

They were sitting quite closely, only a gap the width of an

adult’s arm existed between them. Huang Xiaolong could
easily touch Cui Li’s face and other body parts if he just
stretched out his arm a little.

Cui Li’s mesmerizing eyes looked straight into Huang

Xiaolong’s eyes. Their four eyes were locked in a gaze,
lasting more than thirty breaths of time.

“That’s right.” Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Since this Cui Li knew his name, approaching and then

sitting next to him was clearly not a coincidence.

“According to the rumors, you are only seventeen but

you’ve already reached the level of peak late-Tenth Order
A Seventeen-year-old, Houtian realm, peak late-Tenth Order

The crowd of geniuses were taken aback, finding what Cui Li

said hard to believe as all of them looked at Huang
Xiaolong, including Yuwai Kingdom’s Zhou Jie.

Xie Puti and Yanggang were also surprised.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Cui Li, frowning slightly as he shot

her a stern glare before looking away, no longer bothering
himself with her.

Being so obviously ignored, Cui Li did not show any anger

on her face.

Time passed and another two geniuses that possessed

superb talent martial spirits arrived, Pang Yu and Dai
Shanni. Pang Yu was a man whereas Dai Shanni was another
beauty, but compared to Cui Li, Dai Shanni possessed a soft,
gentle kind of beauty.

Not long after that, the participating geniuses from all of the
other kingdoms arrived and gathered. By this time, the sun
was high in the morning sky, shining down on the land as
the hot temperature rose.

The sunlight felt warm against Huang Xiaolong’s skin. In the

next moment, the tightly shut red doors to the Duanren
Imperial Palace creaked and opened. A small eunuch
scurried out, announcing in his high pitched voice, “His
Imperial Highness Second Prince has arrived~!”

Imperial Second Prince—Duan Wuhen!

As the eunuch’s voice fell, Duan Wuhen was seen riding out
of the palace doors on a majestic lion mount amidst a
protective circle of palace guards.

Since thirty years ago, Duanren Empire’s Imperial City

Battle and the Military Parade affairs was overseen by Duan
Wuhen. This was proof of Duan Wuhen’s importance in the

Along with some ministers, Duan Wuhen approached the

arena area as the palace guards spread out, defending the
four perimeters of the arena.

When Duan Wuhen entered the arena area, all the

kingdoms’ geniuses stood up from their seats, saluting with
half a bow, “Greeting Your Imperial Highness Second

“Everyone need not stand on ceremony!” Duan Wuhen

waved his hand. His voice sounded laid-back yet majestic,
“Please sit!” He moved towards the main seat in the middle
of the main platform and sat down.

The ministers that were with him took their seats, and only
then did the geniuses from the different kingdoms sit down.

Duan Wuhen’s eyes swept across the many faces of these

geniuses, and when they came to Xie Puti and Yanggang,
they paused momentarily before moving away.

While Duan Wuhen was scanning through the crowd of

geniuses, Huang Xiaolong was also observing Duan Wuhen.
Compared to two years ago at the Enlightenment Lake, the
invisible oppressive aura emanating from Duan Wuhen felt
more daunting, like an insurmountable mountain pressing
down heavily.

The atmosphere in the square became solemn upon Duan

Wuhen’s arrival.
At this time, the person sitting next to Duan Wuhen, an
older man with a head of white hair and a large build
wearing battle gear, moved to the center of the platform.
Next, he brought out an imperial edict and starting reading
what was written on it out aloud.

The imperial edict came from the Duanren Emperor himself,

announcing the regulations of the Imperial City Battle and
the rewards.

The white-haired old man’s powerful, sonorous voice

reverberated in the air above Duanren Square. Every word
rang clear in everyone’s ears.

Surrounding the battle arena, many different forces and

common subjects were listening quietly as well.

It was a full ten minutes later when the white-haired old

man finished reading the imperial edict.

Like in previous years, the winners of the first one hundred

places from the Imperial City Battle were eligible to enter
Duanren Institute to cultivate and study, becoming a
student of Duanren Institute.

But, compared to previous years, the rewards this year were


In the past, from the eleventh place winner to the one

hundredth place winner, each person would be rewarded
with one hundred pieces of grade two spirit stones and one
low-Grade Six Spirit Dan. This year, however, the rewards
were two hundred grade two spirit stones and two low-
Grade Six Spirit Dans!

From second place to tenth place, each winner was

rewarded with two hundred pieces of grade two spirit stones
and one mid-Grade Six Spirit Dan. This year, the rewards
doubled up to four hundred pieces of grade two spirit stones
and two mid-Grade Six Spirit Dans.

The rewards for the first place winner, the champion of

them all, was previously ten pieces of grade one spirit
stones, one high-Grade Six Spirit Dan. It too also doubled
this year to twenty grade one spirit stones and two high-
Grade Six Spirit Dans.

Even in the past, the rewards were already extremely

attractive. This year however, it was even more enticing!

When the white-haired old man finished reading the imperial

edict, the entire area within and surrounding the arena
started to boil with excitement!

Especially the many geniuses taking part by representing

the different kingdoms; each of their eyes glittered and
excitement was written all over their faces.

While the many forces fell into a guessing game over the
reason for Duanren Emperor doubling the rewards this year,
most of them were of the same opinion. Everyone thought it
was likely because this batch of talented geniuses was more
impressive than the years before, which made Duanren
Emperor increase the rewards.

The Imperial City Battle in the past usually had no more

than two geniuses possessing superb talent martial spirits,
but this year, six emerged. Furthermore, it had been over
three hundred years since a grade thirteen martial spirit
genius appeared, and one just so happened to this year.

“That twenty pieces of grade one spirit stones and two high-
Grade Six Spirit Dans for the first place winner this year is
going to fall into Xie Puti’s hand!” Outside the battle arena
area, an expert standing beside Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei
Hou exclaimed enviously.

Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou glanced at that person from
the corner of their eyes but said nothing.

The first one hundred places’ rewards were doubled, and

the rules of battle were quite similar to when Huang
Xiaolong was competing for Cosmic Star Academy’s year
division first place.

Half of the participants were to draw lots to determine their

opponents. The number of geniuses that came to participate
in the Imperial City Battle this year totaled to one thousand
three hundred and sixty-two people this time around.

Thus, six hundred and eighty-one people were arranged to

draw lots, and Huang Xiaolong was divided into the group
that did the picking.

“Number sixty-two, Mo’er Kingdom, Bai Shou.” Huang

Xiaolong looked at the token in his palm which represented
his first round opponent, Mo’er Kingdom’s Bai Shou, number

There were ten stages in the arena area, and ten groups will
be battling at the same time on these ten stages. Huang
Xiaolong was arranged to go up in the sixth round.

After the drawing of lots finished, the first round participants

each walked up to their intended stage. What surprised the
crowd and the rest of the participants was that Xie Puti
actually went up the stage in the first round!

Watching the owner of the grade thirteen martial spirit, Xie

Puti, going up on stage, excitement amongst the crowd shot
up, which also included the geniuses below the stage.
Xie Puti’s opponent was a young man named Chen Bailu
from Nike Kingdom.

Chen Bailu was no pushover as an opponent, having a

Xiantian First Order strength. Despite that, the majority of
the people around could not help feeling pity in their hearts
towards him—to go against Xie Puti in the first round, this
Chen Bailu was really unlucky.

With Chen Bailu being a Xiantian First Order expert, he

would’ve had a high chance of entering the first one
hundred places otherwise.
Chapter 170: Imperial City Battle (2)

Chen Bailu displayed an ugly expression as he came face to

face with Xie Puti on the stage.

He did not expect to hit the ‘jackpot’ in the first round itself,
but he was unwilling to walk away without a fight!

A brilliant glow of soft green light flickered, coming from

Chen Bailu’s body, and behind him emerged a giant green

This giant green serpent had a thick circular body, yet the
strangest thing was the pair of wings on its back. It was a
type of variant serpent martial spirit called Two-winged
Flower Serpent.

Atop the serpent’s head grew a vivid red crown in the shape
of a flower.

Chen Bailu soul transformed immediately after calling out

his martial spirit in a blinding burst of green light. Two long
green wings erupted from his back and he suddenly let out
a thunderous roar. With a flap of the wings, he closed in on
Xie Puti before one could even blink.

While people were closely observing the fight, they could

see that Chen Bailu’s eyes were glowing a scarlet red as he
attacked Xie Puti’s chest with a punch. His fist whistled
through the air, piercing towards Xie Puti while energy
fluctuated violently and was accompanied by a strange
green mist spewing out.

Chen Bailu’s attack came so fast and so suddenly that it

startled those below the stage.
Watching as Xie Puti was about to be hit by Chen Bailu,
many within the spectating crowd had their hearts tighten

But, right at that moment, Xie Puti’s figure blurred out of

sight, disappearing right in front of Chen Bailu.

Finding that his fist fell on empty air, Chen Bailu froze.

“Your attack speed is too slow.” A cold cynical voice

sounded behind Chen Bailu, shocking him greatly. Just as he
was about to turn around, a terrifying palm strike slammed
onto his back, spreading a scorching temperature starting at
his back and wantonly moving to the rest of his body as if it
wanted to roast all of his internal organs.

Wailing in horrendous pain, Chen Bailu was knocked off the


The people below the stage saw red flames dancing across
every inch of Chen Bailu’s body when he landed on the
square floor, incinerating every thread of his robe into

Gut-wrenching shrieks came from Chen Bailu’s throat as he

twisted around on the floor.

The scene made the geniuses below the stage turn deathly

This also included Yanggang, who currently wore a grave

expression because he had arrogantly claimed he would
defeat Xie Puti not too long ago.

At this point of time, several Duanren Empire guards rushed

forward and poured buckets of ice onto Chen Bailu, but it
seemed to enrage the red flames engulfing his body,
making them burn more vigorously.

Moments later, the smell of charred meat filled the air,

intensifying the fear inside each of the spectating geniuses.

Huang Xiaolong remained placid.

But, Cui Li who was sitting next to him spoke, “I didn’t

expect that Xie Puti would be so savage and ruthless. If I
ever come across him, will I also be turned into a roast pig
due to his phoenix fire?” She was even showing a ‘terrified’
expression when she finished, both hands exaggeratedly
patting her plump bosom.

At her constant patting motions, two proud peaks were

pressed down, stretching the fabric of her clothes
downward, clearly showing the bottom outline of two large,
rounded breasts.

Such voluptuous breasts!

Loud sounds of saliva being swallowed was heard from

nearby participating geniuses.

Savage? Being roasted like a pig?

Picking up Cui Li’s keywords, Huang Xiaolong secretly shook

his head.

However, he remained mindful. This Cui Li may seem

gullible with her sweet, charming smile that resembled an
angel, but he was certain her strength was not lacking at all.
At the very least, she was not as sweet as she projected
herself to be on the surface—she was a powerful woman.
“Little brother Xiaolong, if I come across you on the stage,
you must know to have pity on the weaker sex. You must be
gentle with me ohh~.” Cui Li’s tone suddenly changed,
imploring in the softest voice. Her sparkling eyes echoed the
same sentiment as they gazed at Huang Xiaolong,
especially when she was saying the words ‘be gentle.’

Excited sounds of saliva swallowing was heard once again.

Little brother? Huang Xiaolong looked at Cui Li; this woman,

bringing up nonsensical topics. Frankly speaking, Huang
Xiaolong was becoming annoyed with her.

But he could not figure out why there was this sudden
‘interest’ in him?

Was it simply because he was a peak late-Tenth Order

warrior at seventeen years of age?

“Once on the stage, in my eyes, all are my opponents.”

Huang Xiaolong looked away, giving an aloof answer.

The sweet smile on Cui Li’s face did not waver, and instead,
it deepened, “Little brother Xiaolong, what kind of women
do you like? The soft and gentle type, or the cute and
cheerful kind?”

Huang Xiaolong frowned. He did not answer or speak, totally

ignoring the woman.

By this time, the first round of battles ended. Xie Puti slowly
walked down from the stage, returned to the same place
and sat down.

With the first round of matches complete, the second round

began with the people containing numbers eleven to twenty.
Round after round began and finished, and very soon, it
came to Huang Xiaolong’s turn. Number sixty-one to
seventy had to battle it out on the stage.

Huang Xiaolong stood up from his seat and walked up slowly

to stage number two.

Standing across from Huang Xiaolong was a young man

about twenty-five years old. He had extremely dark skin and
a medium build, and was half a head shorter compared to
Huang Xiaolong’s height of five foot nine.

Mo’er Kingdom, Bai Shou!

This person was Huang Xiaolong’s first opponent.

Perhaps it was due to Cui Li’s influence, but the majority of

geniuses below the stage were watching the stage Huang
Xiaolong was on.

Her eyes did not move away from Huang Xiaolong’s figure.

After finding out Huang Xiaolong broke through to peak late-

Tenth Order at seventeen, her interest and curiosity towards
him exceeded that of Xie Puti.

Her gut feeling said the little guy was not as simple as he
seemed on the surface.

“This Bai Shou is a Xiantian First Order expert; in my

opinion, Huang Xiaolong will be eliminated in the first

“This Huang Xiaolong’s martial spirit is a top grade twelve,

Divine Black Dragon? Heihei, if that is true, then he’s the
first person in history to possess a superb talent martial
spirit who’ll be eliminated in the first round, failing to enter
Duanren Institute!”

Geniuses from various kingdoms began to ridicule and mock

Huang Xiaolong.

Hearing these insults, Cui Li’s delicate brows creased

slightly as she ‘glared’ sternly at those geniuses that uttered
mocking words. As a result, those geniuses were so
‘frightened’ that they quickly lowered their voices.

On the battle stage, Bai Shou stood with his hands clasped
behind his back. Looking at Huang Xiaolong, Bai Shou shook
his head with a smile on his face, “I didn’t expect that my
first opponent would be you. You’re that Huang Xiaolong,
right? Summon your superb talent martial spirit, the Divine
Black Dragon, and maybe after soul transforming you’ll be
eligible to receive one attack from me!”

A Xiantian realm expert was truly different compared to a

Houtian realm warrior, there existed an insurmountable wall.
Regardless of the fact that he possessed a superb talent
martial spirit, in Bai Shou’s eyes, Huang Xiaolong could
never be his opponent.

Huang Xiaolong remained calm, not a trace of anger could

be heard in his voice as he said, “Against you, it’s not

Bai Shou was stunned for a second, then he broke out into
laughter, “Since you do not value the chance I gave you, I
shall not be merciful.” After he finished saying that, Bai
Shou did not summon his martial spirit, but instead lightly
took a step forward and his entire person seemed to drift
towards Huang Xiaolong. “This is a mid-Earth rank battle
skill, Pursuing Wind Step!”
“This Pursuing Wind Step skill disappeared many years ago.
How does Bai Shou know that skill?!”

“According to rumors, the Pursuing Wind Step is very

strange, and its pattern of attack is unpredictable. It’s
almost impossible to defend against, and not many people
can break this skill!”

Below the stage, gasps of surprise and exclamation


Cui Li’s heart tightened inexplicably.

A light flickered in Xie Puti’s eyes as he watched Bai Shou

displaying the Pursuing Wind Step, whereas Yanggang
sneered. He was looking forward to seeing how Huang
Xiaolong would receive the incoming attack from Bai Shou.

In the blink of an eye, Bai Shou had arrived in front of Huang


“Ice Shattering Palm!”

A cruel light gleamed and flitted quickly in Bai Shou’s eyes

as both palms aimed to strike at Huang Xiaolong’s chest. He
wanted Huang Xiaolong to be defeated miserably in one
move. Thinking that he could cause the person before him
who possessed a top grade twelve martial spirit to lose,
excitement rushed through his veins.

At last, Bai Shou’s palm prints slammed onto Huang

Xiaolong’s chest.

Bang! A loud blast rang out on the stage.
Chapter 171: Imperial City Battle (3)

Seeing both of Bai Shou’s palms directly strike Huang

Xiaolong’s chest, a great commotion swept through the
crowd below the stage.

“Haha, didn’t I just say this little brat would be sent packing
in the first round itself!”

“The first person possessing a superb talent martial spirit

that was disqualified and unfit to enter Duanren Institute.
This Huang Xiaolong is nothing but a humiliation to those
who have superb talent martial spirits!”

Loud jeers and insults came from the geniuses watching the
battle below.

Even Xie Puti was shaking his head in disappointment.

“It seems I overestimated Huang Xiaolong!”

At first, seeing Huang Xiaolong withstand his phoenix fire qi,

Xie Puti had thought Huang Xiaolong was qualified to be his
opponent, but now it proved he had just as much
‘qualification’ as those other wastrels!

The rest of them were right, Huang Xiaolong lost face for
everyone that possessed a superb talent martial spirit!

Yanggang sat in his seat enjoying every moment as he

watched Bai Shou’s two palms strike against Huang
Xiaolong’s chest. A radiant smile bloomed on his face.

As for Cui Li, there was confusion in her eyes as well as

great disappointment. She definitely did not expect for this
man who intrigued her to be so weak and vulnerable!
Joy spread over Bai Shou when he felt his attack hit Huang

He thought it would take some effort to finish off Huang

Xiaolong because he assumed he was a troublesome
opponent. Huang Xiaolong possessed a superb talent
martial spirit, unlike the average peak late-Tenth Order
warriors after all. The battle went much smoother than he
had expected!

“Little punk, I’ve told you to summon your martial spirit, but
you were too stubborn. This is the result of overestimating
your own abilities!” Bai Shou laughed aloud in an
unrestrained manner, like that of a triumphant winner.

But then, his laughter suddenly got stuck in his throat!


He raised his head to look at Huang Xiaolong to see he was

looking back at him with indifferent eyes and a calm
expression. He did not budge an inch!

“You!” Bai Shou was astonished, unable to accept what he


While Bai Shou was still in shock, a powerful force burst out
from Huang Xiaolong’s body. Before this wave of
overwhelming power, the palms which were pressed against
Huang Xiaolong’s chest trembled forcefully, and Bai Shou
was seen stumbling backward from the repelling force.


“What is happening?!”
Noticing that Huang Xiaolong was actually fine after
receiving a strong attack from Bai Shou- no, not only was he
fine, he repelled Bai Shou instead!

Faces of astonishment filled the crowd as surprised gasps

and exclamations rang out. Geniuses below the stage
jumped to their feet, their faces turning ugly due to the
sudden turn of events. Even the imperial guards who were
watching were slightly amazed.

A wave of commotion swept the crowd.

Not only were the people on the main platform paying

attention to battle number two, but Duan Wuhen was as

There was a hint of appreciation in Duan Wuhen’s eyes as

he watched Huang Xiaolong. Muttering to no one in
particular, he said: “Imperial Father reminded me to pay
more attention to this Huang Xiaolong. It seems he is indeed
more than meets the eye.”

Cheng Jian who was seated beside him smiled, “His Imperial
Highness’s judgment has always been very accurate!”

Any fool could see by now that Huang Xiaolong’s strength

was above a peak late-Tenth Order warrior.

Watching from below the stage, Xie Puti’s mouth was agape
as the fire-red flames around him flickering wildly in vivid
excitement, whereas Yanggang’s face became icy and

Cui Li stared dazedly at Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette. Her

dainty cherry lips opened in the shape of an ‘O’, totally
disregarding her image, and her generous bosom heaved up
and down.
Just like that time in Cosmic Star Academy when Huang
Xiaolong took on the full force of Lin Han’s Great Moonlight
Fist, he remained as stable as a mountain. It was as if
nothing happened. The expression of the crowd at this
moment was the same look the Cosmic Star Academy’s
students showed at that time. Individuals that were
watching the second battle stage were shocked by the
sudden change.

Taking a double palm hit from a Xiantian realm expert, yet

remaining unharmed?!

After the initial shock subsided a little, the one word that
emerged in everyone’s mind was: monstrous!

Huang Xiaolong repeated the same action he previously did

after receiving a full force punch of Lin Han’s Great
Moonlight Fist. Raising a hand to pat away some non-
existent dust on his chest, Huang Xiaolong looked at Bai
Shou with indifference, “Ice Shattering Palm? Bring out the
force you usually use to drink milk. That felt like scratching
an itch for me!”

Bring out the force used to drink milk!

Scratching an itch!

After a brief moment of silence, Duanren Square once again

exploded in a hoo-ha.

“So arrogant, too arrogant, this Huang Xiaolong dared to say

Bai Shou was scratching an itch for him!”

Cui Li stood some distance away, her voluptuous chest

heaving dramatically as she shivered with excitement.

Bai Shou looked extremely ugly up on the battle stage.

As the words from the crowd entered his ears, rage
exploded in his eyes. A blinding flash of black light shone
from his body, revealing a human skeleton hovering in the
air when the light vanished.

This skeleton belonged to the group of weapon martial

spirits and was pitch black in color. It had a structure similar
to the human skeleton. However, inside the skulls eye
sockets, there were flames dancing around like will-o’-the-

This was Bai Shou’s martial spirit, a grade ten martial spirit
that was one of the closest existences to a superb talent
martial spirit, Black Skeleton.

However, Bai Shou did not soul transform immediately after

summoning his martial spirit and instead gave an order to
the black skeleton to attack Huang Xiaolong.

Shattering the void, that black skeleton appeared right

above Huang Xiaolong’s head. The two dancing flames in its
eyes glowed brightly, turning into two flames that shot
towards Huang Xiaolong’s chest. Simultaneously, its body
and arms lengthened several folds, slamming down, aiming
at Huang Xiaolong’s head.

While the skeleton was attacking, Bai Shou dashed out like
the wind, approaching Huang Xiaolong from the front.


A murderous light flitted in his eyes as both palms once

again struck out, whistling through the air and causing
ripples to form in the surrounding space.

He had underestimated Huang Xiaolong earlier; thus with

the first Ice Shattering Palm attack, he only used seventy
percent of its power. But now, his palms contained all of his

Below, the ruckus from the crowd desisted instantly, and all
eyes were glued to the stage.

Huang Xiaolong made his move. Raising his arms up, one
palm struck against the fire beam coming from the skeleton
while the other met directly with the two bony palms.

One palm from Huang Xiaolong dispersed the black

skeleton’s fire, and at the same instance, the two long bony
arms were broken due to the collision from Huang
Xiaolong’s other palm, sending the black skeleton flying. In
that split second delay when dealing with the black
skeleton, Bai Shou’s palm attack had reached Huang
Xiaolong’s chest.

But when both palms struck Huang Xiaolong’s chest, the

surface of his skin shone with a resplendent light, similar to
shimmering crystals.

Boom! An explosive and deafening sound of two large forces

colliding shook the air.

Bai Shou successfully hit Huang Xiaolong on the chest again

with both of his palms.

A wave of glee ran through Bai Shou’s heart. He refused to

believe that Huang Xiaolong could withstand the power of
this attack safely without any repercussion!

“This…is all the strength you have?” Suddenly, Huang

Xiaolong’s cold voice sounded, cutting into his happiness.
Before Bai Shou could react, Huang Xiaolong attacked with
an Ethereal Palm straight at Bai Shou’s chest.

Blood spurted from Bai Shou’s mouth as his body inverted

and flew back, then crashed down onto the edge of the

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Next, the crowd erupted with astonishment and awe.

Outside the battle arena area, many spectators were manic

with excitement.

The loud commotion attracted the attention of people

watching battles that were taking place on other stages,
quickly turning their heads in order to see what was

Below the stage, Yanggang’s face darkened gloomily, a

contrast to the burning thrill in Xie Puti’s eyes. This Huang
Xiaolong’s strength far exceeded his assumption.

A Xiantian First Order expert such as Bai Shou was defeated

just like that?!

He could easily guess that Bai Shou suffered a heavy injury

from that palm strike, completely losing the power to battle

The result for this match was already determined!

Cui Li seemed unable to still the excitement coursing

through her body and her eyes glittered like the night sky.
Her proud peaks looked like they were about to escape from
their bindings any moment due to her vigorous breathing.
Nearby kingdom geniuses that noticed this could not shift
their gaze away, their saliva on the verge of leaking out
from the corner of their lips.

Amongst the crowd, Pang Yu and Dai Shanni, who both

possessed a superb talent martial spirit stared at Huang
Xiaolong with disbelief.

At this time, Bai Shou struggled into a standing position at

the edge of the stage, wobbling unsteadily. Wiping off blood
at the corner of his lips, it was difficult to conceal the fear in
his eyes as he stared at Huang Xiaolong.

“I throw in the towel!” Climbing up from the ground, he

shouted in panic without waiting for Huang Xiaolong to
make another move.

Admitting defeat!

Without a doubt, this brought another wave of excitement

across the crowd.

Huang Xiaolong walked off the stage after the judge

announced that he won the match and returned to his seat.
On his way over, he ignored Cui Li’s exuberant stare as her
eyes followed him with burning intensity.
Chapter 172: Imperial City Battle (4)

As Huang Xiaolong took his seat, the gazes directed at him

from the surrounding geniuses were filled with complicated
feelings. Those that mocked and ridiculed Huang Xiaolong
earlier had clamped their mouths shut. Their eyes
occasionally glanced at Huang Xiaolong with reverence, and
hidden deep within them were faint traces of regret and

The instant Huang Xiaolong sat down, Cui Li moved so close

to Huang Xiaolong that she appeared to be draping her
entire being over his arm. Her breathy voice gasped,
“Xiaolong, you were so powerful just now!”

So powerful just now!

These words sounded so ambiguous.

Some nearby geniuses felt a warm sensation in their nostrils

hearing this sentence. Touching their nose, red warm sticky
liquid stained their fingers—they all had nose bleeds!

Huang Xiaolong looked over at Cui Li and discovered that

her breasts were nearly resting on his arms.

Before the match started she referred to him as ‘Little

brother Xiaolong’, and now she dismissed the words ‘Little
brother’, moving directly to calling him Xiaolong!

Huang Xiaolong looked away after staring at Cui Li for a

second, not speaking one word.

“Xiaolong, if you meet me later on the stage, you cannot

bully me!” Cui Li insisted in a spoiled little girl manner as
she moved closer. That soft, coquettish voice made male
hearts itch to agree with whatever she asked or demanded.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong felt something soft brush

against his arm.

Something very, very soft.

Not needing to look, he already knew what that ‘something’


Even for someone like Huang Xiaolong, he could not stop a

tinge of red creeping up his face. After all, this was a public

From her outside appearance Cui Li seemed sweet and

innocent, he really did not expect her nature to be so… ?!

Just when Huang Xiaolong was considering whether he

should change his seating, Cui Li suddenly straightened her
body. Flashing Huang Xiaolong a sweet smile she said, “I
was just joking with you just now.” Her giggle, along with
every other little gesture screamed purity and innocence.

On the stage, the seventh round battles had begun.

Surprisingly, Yanggang was placed into the seventh round

battles. His token number was seventy-two, thus he walked
towards the same battle stage as Huang Xiaolong, battle
stage number two.

Seeing Yanggang going up the stage, the crowds discussions

about Huang Xiaolong quieted down, diverting their focus to
watch Yanggang’s battle.

Yanggang’s opponent was also a Xiantian First Order expert

named Chen Chaoguang, and this person had the same
martial spirit as Fei Hou, a Silver River!

When Chen Chaoguang summoned his martial spirit, Huang

Xiaolong was stunned for a second.

However, on closer observation, Chen Chaoguang’s Silver

River was much weaker compared to Fei Hou’s, reaching a
strengthening ability of only up to five times.

Chen Chaoguang wasted no time in activating the five times

martial spirit strengthening after summoning his Silver River
martial spirit, increasing his momentum to the limit and
launching an attack on Yanggang.

Chen Chaoguang’s weapon of choice was a long whip,

reaching thirty to forty meters in length as it shot out, sharp
bone spurs trailed along the whip’s spine. In Chen
Chaoguang’s hands, the long whip turned into a poisonous
snake, winding around Yanggang. The bone spurs enlarged
akin to the poisonous teeth of a giant snake with its jaw
opened wide.

Watching as the long whip shot towards him, Yanggang

snickered condescendingly as he lifted one of his hands and
slammed it down above the whip. Before the spectators
stunned eyes, the long whip was frozen into solid ice. In an
instant, it cracked and lumps of ice fell onto the stage floor!

The crowd was in awe.

Huang Xiaolong nodded appreciatively internally to himself.

Turning everything to ice with a single wave, the power of

this Yanggang’s ice-frost was indeed notable.

Without further suspense, the result of that battle was

announced moments later. Chen Chaoguang was sent flying
with an effortless palm strike from Yanggang, falling out of
the battle stage area. When Chen Chaoguang landed on the
ground, his body was enclosed within a thin layer of ice,
having turned green and was constantly shivering from the

From beginning to end, Yanggang did not summon his

martial spirit.

While the crowd was in the throes of excitement, Yanggang

walked down from the stage and went back to his seat. On
the way back he shot a provocative look in Huang
Xiaolong’s direction.

Huang Xiaolong gave no reaction.

Next, it was token number eighty-one to ninety. Two more

rounds of battles and the first tier of battle would end.

A short while later, all one thousand three hundred and

sixty-two geniuses completed their first round of battles
with half of them eliminated, hence only six hundred eighty-
one were left.

The remaining three people that possessed superb talent

martial spirit, Cui Li, Pang Yu, and Dai Shanni all displayed
incredible strength and power, defeating their opponents
with ease and progressing into the next round.

Just as before, half of the people drew lots. With one odd
person out in six hundred and eighty-one people, the person
who drew a blank lot got to move onto the next round
without participating in the current rounds battles.

Whether it was a coincidence or deliberate arrangement by

Duanren Empire’s people, the person who drew the blank lot
was Xie Puti. Therefore, without needing to battle anyone,
Xie Puti gained the qualification to enter the third round.

Huang Xiaolong drew number eighty-six, but the opponent

this time was not a Xiantian realm expert. Instead, it was
peak late-Tenth Order warrior, a young man from White
Deer Kingdom called Deng Tang.

When Deng Tang discovered his opponent was Huang

Xiaolong, he turned deathly pale. After summoning his
martial spirit the moment he got onto the stage, he soul
transformed and launched his strongest skill at Huang

His plan was to catch Huang Xiaolong unprepared, taking

the initiative and striking first. His idea was a good one, but
Deng Tang forgot one crucial point—as fast as his attack
was, and as strong as his attack power might be, would
there be any use to his efforts if he failed to break through
Huang Xiaolong’s defenses?

Almost within one breath’s time, he was sent flying off the
stage with a single punch from Huang Xiaolong.

Rounds progressed quickly and soon the second round was


With another half eliminated, three hundred forty people

remained, adding Xie Puti, it was a total of three hundred
forty-one people.

Still, with one odd man out, the same rule applied… and the
person who drew the blank lot was Xie Puti once again.

At this point, everyone understood that this was Duanren

Empire’s arrangement. Even so, no one complained.
After all, Xie Puti’s talent and strength were obvious to see.

As time passed, group after group went up and round after

round of competition continued as the sun that was high in
the sky slowly moved westward. The high heat of midday
turned milder, dispersing slowly.

At sunset, the names of the top 100 participants were finally


All six participants possessing superb talent martial spirit—

Huang Xiaolong, Xie Puti, Yanggang, Cui Li, Pang Yu, and Dai
Shanni were listed among the top one hundred names.

On this first day of competition, these six people did not

come across each other on the stage. This was very likely
another one of Duanren Empire’s arrangements. The
announcement marked the end of first day’s competition.

The Imperial City Battle took place over three consecutive

days: the first day determined the top 100 places. The
second day was a fight for the top ten. Lastly, the third day
decided who would be number one!

The many spectating forces and commoners made their way

out of Duanren Square after hearing the first one hundred
places results announced.

Though the first day’s competition may have ended, the

atmosphere was still sizzling with excited discussions, but
the main character discussed was neither Xie Puti nor
Yanggang, it was Huang Xiaolong!

In the morning before the competition started, Huang

Xiaolong was deemed as the one with the most unfavorable
odds amongst the six people with superb talent martial
spirit. But now, every little detail related to Huang Xiaolong
turned into a big topic.

For example: Huang Xiaolong was only seventeen. Huang

Xiaolong’s martial spirit was a Primordial Divine Black
Dragon. What was Huang Xiaolong’s real strength? Some
even went as far as comparing Huang Xiaolong with Xie Puti
and Yanggang.

Although no one was certain as to the extent of Huang

Xiaolong’s real strength, nearly everyone agreed that Huang
Xiaolong could definitely achieve a spot in the top ten.

Leaving Duanren Square, Huang Xiaolong returned to

Solitary Longing Inn with Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou.

Darkness filled the night sky, yet Huang Xiaolong had no

chance to rest. Not long after returning to the inn, an
uninvited guest appeared at his door.

It was Cui Li!
Chapter 173: Imperial City Battle (5)

Cui Li arrived wearing an elaborate and formal looking

outfit. It had a very wide and open collar, making her deep
gorge hard to miss. Her small delicate face was pure, yet
there was an inexplicable charm.

However, Cui Li did not come alone. Another woman of

about twenty-four to twenty-five years old came along with
her, whose appearance was absolutely stunning.

Similar to Cui Li, this woman was also wearing a wide-

collared dress that was fuchsia in color, complimenting her
fair skin. Her beauty was different from Cui Li’s. The kind of
charm this woman emanated was bone deep and like that of
a flaming rose.

When this two woman arrived, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu,

Yu Ming, and Fei Hou were discussing the relocation of Nine
Tripod Commerce over to Duanren Empire.

The moment they entered, Cui Li stuck herself onto Huang

Xiaolong in the blink of an eye, flashing a bright smile,
“Xiaolong, come, let me introduce you. This is Sis Zhao Wuji,
isn’t she beautiful? She is one of the famous four beauties in
our Duanren Empire.”

The person who arrived with Cui Li was precisely Zhao Wuji,
the same woman who was with Heartless Young Noble Yao
Fei in the private room next to Huang Xiaolong when he was
at Unforgettable Intoxication Restaurant.

In that moment, Zhao Wuji approached him with a faint

smile on her lips as she amicably said to Huang Xiaolong,
“Young Noble Huang, you won’t mind if I call you Xiaolong
like Young Sis Cui Li does, will you?” When Zhao Wuji smiled,
she raised her hand up, causing the deep gorge in between
her cleavage to show more prominently, making one’s blood

“I’d like to know what the purpose of your visit is?” Huang
Xiaolong asked with his usual unhurried tone.

Cui Li did not take it to heart hearing Huang Xiaolong’s less

than warm welcoming attitude, maintaining her smile she
said sweetly: “Of course it is to bring good news.”

Zhao Wuji took out a golden-colored invitation and handed it

to Huang Xiaolong with a smile, “Xiaolong, you suppressed
everyone today on the stage. Heartless Young Noble is
holding a banquet in Unforgettable Restaurant to celebrate
your accomplishment and hopes that you will come for a

Huang Xiaolong took the golden-colored invitation, opened

it and casually closed it back again. Shaking his head, he
said: “Not happening.”

Both Cui Li and Zhao Wuji were shocked, for neither of them
expected Huang Xiaolong would decline.

Cui Li hastened to persuade, “Xiaolong, Heartless Young

Noble, like His Imperial Highness Second Prince, is one of
the five most influential Young Nobles in Duanren Empire.
People that are honored enough to receive an invitation
from him are scarce in number.” A trace of anxiety seeped
into Cui Li’s voice.

“I heard the Huang and Guo Family’s set a wedding

engagement not too long ago.” At this time, Zhao Wuji
suddenly spoke, “Even if we were talking about Guo Family’s
Old Man Guo, he would need to give some face to Heartless
Young Noble.”
When Zhao Wuji mentioned the Guo Family, she was
undoubtedly referring to Guo Shiyuan and Guo Tai’s family.
Huang Min and Guo Tai’s engagement was no secret, thus it
was easy for Zhao Wuji to find out about it.

Zhao Wuji might have said these things in a docile tone

while smiling, but every word spoken contained an easily
discernible flavor of threat that did not escape anyone

Since Guo Family’s Patriarch must even give Heartless

Young Noble face, she didn’t believe that after Huang
Xiaolong understood the enormity of Heartless Young
Noble’s identity, he would still dare to refuse!

Cui Li opened her mouth wanting to speak, but in the end,

said nothing. After all, she felt Huang Xiaolong should not
offend Heartless Young Noble for such a small matter. Which
Duanren Institute student didn’t want to climb up the social
ladder and build relations with Heartless Young Noble? Yet
lady luck never had the time for their requests.

Huang Xiaolong faced Zhao Wuji with the same insouciance,

“Really?” Then, he turned towards Fei Hou and said, “See
the guests out!”

Both Cui Li and Zhao Wuji were astounded.

See the guests out?!

They had clearly explained Heartless Young Noble’s identity

just now. A character that someone like Old Man Guo must
give face and be courteous to was still rejected by Huang

Zhao Wuji had a strange expression on her face. She tried

again, “Young Noble Huang, do you want to think it over one
more time?”

Prior to this, she referred to him as Xiaolong, but now, even

the salutation had changed to Young Noble Huang.

Cui Li’s heart lurched for a moment. Because she was

familiar with Zhao Wuji’s character, Cui Li knew she was

“Xiaolong, you!” Cui Li tried to salvage the situation.

“Send the guests out!” Huang Xiaolong repeated.

“Two Miss’s, please.” Fei Hou approached, indicating to Cui

Li and Zhao Wuji. Zhao Wuji stared at Huang Xiaolong
before shaking her head, laughing as she voiced her
opinion, “Young Noble Huang, you will regret your actions
today!” Leaving such a sentence, she turned around with
Cui Li, preparing to leave.

“Wait!” Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s voice sounded.

Zhao Wuji looked over, a friendlier smile appeared on her

face, “Did Young Noble Huang change his mind? You are a
smart man.”

But, just as her words ended, Huang Xiaolong threw the

golden-colored invitation in his hand back to her, “This, take
it with you.”

Catching the invitation in her hand, Zhao Wuji’s expression

sank. In the end, she held herself back from saying anything

Fei Hou escorted the two ladies out and returned a brief
moment later, reporting to Huang Xiaolong of their
“Sovereign, that Heartless Young Noble, would he…?” Fei
Hou hesitated.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “No need to bother.”

Not to mention what’s-his-name Heartless Young Noble,

even if it was Duan Wuhen who were holding a banquet for
Huang Xiaolong, he would not go if he did not want to.

Pandering or ingratiating others was something he would

not do. Huang Xiaolong was qualified to refuse an invitation
from this Heartless Young Noble.

Zhao Shu interjected, “I can only hope Heartless Young

Noble has good enough insight. Otherwise, I don’t mind
crushing his ‘eggs’ to give him his lifetime’s most
memorable lesson!”

Crush his ‘eggs’?

Huang Xiaolong, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou sweated at the


“Fei Hou, investigate details about Heartless Young Noble’s

background within the next few days.” Huang Xiaolong’s
solemn voice instructed.

“Yes Sovereign!”

At this time, Cui Li and Zhao Wuji arrived at the

Unforgettable Intoxication Restaurant, entering private room
number two.

Inside private room number two, other than Heartless Young

Noble Yao Fei, Yanggang, Pang Yu, and Dai Shanni were
seated at the table. Adding Cui Li into the mix, four of the
six young geniuses that possessed superb talent martial
spirits were gathered together.

When Heartless Young Noble noticed Cui Li and Zhao Wuji

return without Huang Xiaolong, his face darkened slightly,
“Where’s Huang Xiaolong?” A terrifying pressure enveloped
the area, almost solidifying the atmosphere in the room.
Yanggang, Pang Yu, and Dai Shanni felt immense pressure,
making it hard to breathe.

Cui Li was startled.

But Zhao Wuji ignored the pressure emanated from

Heartless Young Noble, letting out a coquettish giggle as she
walked to the empty seat next to him and sat down. “That
fella surnamed Huang stole everyone’s thunder and doesn’t
put you, the famous Heartless Young Noble, in his eyes.”

The underlying meaning was obvious, Huang Xiaolong did

not accept his invitation.

A frosty chill spread from Yao Fei, and the temperature in

the entire room dropped drastically.

“Did you clearly explain my identity to him?” Yao Fei’s

expression seemed unperturbed but his voice was icy.

Zhao Wuji snickered, “I’ve already informed him thoroughly.

I even said Old Man Guo must also give you some face, but
Huang Xiaolong was not moved at all hearing that. He
directly ‘sent’ us off. Before I left, he told me not to forget to
take back the invitation!” She took out the golden-colored
invitation as if to prove her words.

Yao Fei took the invitation, a spark of gloomy light shone in

his eyes as a blue flame suddenly rose from his palm and
engulfed the invitation in his hand. The invitation was
instantly incinerated into nothingness, not even ashes
remained as a clue to its existence.

“This is the first time someone dared to decline my

invitation!” Yao Fei remarked coldly.

This time, he had sent out invitations to Yanggang, Pang Yu,

Dai Shanni, Cui Li, and Huang Xiaolong. A total of five
people. Huang Xiaolong was the only one to refuse. This
caused him to lose a lot of face in front of Yanggang, Pang
Yu, and the rest.

Xie Puti was a member of Duanren Imperial City’s Xie

Family, and like the Yao Family, the Xie Family was one of
Duanren Empire’s super families.

Therefore, Yao Fei did not invite Xie Puti.
Chapter 174: Imperial City Battle (6)

Yanggang sat there listening quietly and smirked

sardonically to himself when he heard that Huang Xiaolong
actually dared to refuse Heartless Young Noble’s invitation.
In his esteemed opinion, Huang Xiaolong would definitely
suffer an agonizing death for offending Yao Fei!

Duanren Empire had five famous Young Nobles. Each of

them had such immense influential power that they could
easily cover half the sky with their palm. This especially
applied to the top two, Second Imperial Prince Duan Wuhen
and Heartless Young Noble Yao Fei.

Amongst the five Young Nobles, Duan Wuhen and Yao Fei
were the strongest of the bunch. In addition to their
strength, Yao Fei belonged to the magnificent Yao Family
which had existed for over two thousand years. In fact, the
Yao Family’s history went further back than Duanren Empire

Even Duanren Emperor himself had to be wary when dealing

with the Yao Family’s Ancestor.

At this point, Yanggang seized the chance to voice some

words of flattery, “That Huang Xiaolong has no idea how
high the heavens are, daring to decline Heartless Young
Noble’s invitation. However, please rest assured Heartless
Young Noble, if I come across Huang Xiaolong on the stage, I
will definitely defeat him and humiliate him to help ease
Heartless Young Noble’s dissatisfaction.” Yanggang ended
his declaration with a flattering smile.

Yao Fei swept a glance at Yanggang as his mood returned to

normal, his face remaining expressionless, “He’s nothing but
a little greenhorn, this doesn’t qualify as something that can
dampen my mood.”

“And he’s even more unqualified to make me angry.”

Yanggang stiffened.

When Pang Yu saw Yanggang suddenly hesitate to speak, he

jumped in with his own attempt to flatter, “Heartless Young
Noble is right. With Heartless Young Noble’s strength and
identity, how can that Huang Xiaolong even compare to
you? He doesn’t even qualify to carry your shoes or hold
your bath water!”

Dai Shanni and Cui Li listened and kept quiet. Both did not
utter a sound.

In fact, Dai Shanni was reluctant to participant in such

festivities, but due to the ‘pressure’ of Heartless Young
Noble’s name and reputation, she felt that she had no other
choice but to attend. Although the Dai Family was also one
of Duanren Imperial City’s big families, it could not compare
to the giant known as the Yao Family. Comparing the two
was like comparing the heavens to the earth.

The night sky outside gradually gave way to dawn as the

sun rose, spreading warmth and light over the land.

The sky was bright and clear, similar to the day before. The
only difference compared to the previous day was that the
excitement wafting through air had grown in intensity.
Huang Xiaolong left the inn together with Zhao Shu, Yu
Ming, and Fei Hou and the streets seemed packed, moving
at a snail’s pace in the same direction.

Today was the battle for the top ten!

“Huang Xiaolong!”

“It’s Huang Xiaolong!”

Someone suddenly screamed his name in recognition just as

Huang Xiaolong took a step out of the inn.

The scream was harmless but it attracted many people’s

attention. Heads quickly turned and many others caught
sight of Huang Xiaolong. Each person dashed over in
excitement as they tried to get closer to him. It was like a
pack of wolves aiming for a single lamb, pouncing at Huang

They came from all four directions!

Huang Xiaolong furrowed his brows.

Seeing this, a terrifying momentum broke out from Yu

Ming’s body. An invisible vigor qi created a protective sphere
in a three hundred meter radius around Huang Xiaolong. No
one could get close to Huang Xiaolong within that boundary
of three hundred meters.

The frantic crowd felt like they crashed into an invisible wall.

Watching this result, Huang Xiaolong sighed in relief and

then headed towards Duanren Square with Zhao Shu, Yu
Ming, and Fei Hou. Yu Ming’s vigor qi wall may have fenced
off the crowd, but it could not deter them from following
behind Huang Xiaolong and talking excitedly.

Therefore, when Huang Xiaolong reached Duanren Square,

he brought a mass gathering of more than ten thousand
people with him!
Watching the sight of Huang Xiaolong’s arrival and the mass
of heads behind him, the Duanren Empire guards that were
guarding the battle arena were shocked. Luckily they knew
who Huang Xiaolong was, otherwise they would have
thought an enemy army of the Empire had come to attack
the city!

Arriving at the square, Huang Xiaolong entered the battle

arena area while Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou waited on
the outside.

When he came to the arena area, Xie Puti was already

sitting there in the same spot as the day before.

Huang Xiaolong also chose to sit on the same seat he had

previously, and when he walked by, Xie Puti spoke without
looking at Huang Xiaolong, “I hope there’s a chance that we
meet on the main battle stage!”

Tomorrow would be the last day of the Imperial City Battle

and was also when the main battle stage opened. The main
battle stage was where these geniuses would battle it out
for first place. Only the top ten contestants were eligible to
stand there. It was the last hurdle required before one could
emerge victorious!

Huang Xiaolong looked over to the main battle stage

without any change in his expression, “I also hope we can
meet on the main battle stage at that time!”

In Huang Xiaolong’s opinion, Xie Puti was the only person

worthy to be his opponent in this Imperial City Battle. The
only person qualified to be his opponent. As for Yanggang,
Pang Yu, and the rest, he couldn’t be bothered.

And this feeling was mutual for Xie Puti!

After yesterday’s battles, Xie Puti listed Huang Xiaolong as
his opponent, a real opponent. Only Huang Xiaolong was
qualified to compete for the number one spot with him.

Of course, he had full confidence in his own strength.

Whether it was in regards to a martial spirit or strength, he

believed his abilities greatly exceeded Huang Xiaolong. He
believed that as strong as this Huang Xiaolong might be, he
would thoroughly dominate him.

Not long after Huang Xiaolong arrived, Cui Li walked in.

However, compared to yesterday, Cui Li was obviously in a

tangle. Yesterday she was full of sweet smiles, and today
those smiles seemed somewhat forced.

Walking into the arena area, she noticed the same empty
seat beside Huang Xiaolong. In the end, she still walked
over and sat down after a slight hesitation.

The first words that came out of her mouth the moment she
sat down was, “Yesterday, you really shouldn’t have refused
Heartless Young Noble’s invitation.”

Huang Xiaolong had a ‘I-do-not-care’ expression on his face,

“So what?”

Coincidentally, Yanggang was walking over some distance

away from outside the arena area.

Watching Huang Xiaolong’s lackadaisical attitude towards

what happened, her heart sighed as she continued, “You
don’t understand. What I’m trying to say is that you need to
be careful.”
She had a little knowledge about Heartless Young Noble’s
methods of handling things, and his power. Even though it
was only the tip of the iceberg, it was enough to scare her.

Huang Xiaolong took a look at Cui Li and he could tell she

was being sincere as she tried to provide him with some

Could it be… this Cui Li was truly interested in him? Then he

shook his head in disbelief.

“I will.” Huang Xiaolong replied.

By this point, Yanggang had already entered the arena area.

His eyes swept over Cui Li’s face as she sat beside Huang
Xiaolong, snickering secretly to himself. After the banquet
ended the night before, he expressed his interest towards
this little tramp, but he did not expect her to dismiss him

But today she still dared sit next to Huang Xiaolong? This
angered him. This tramp was really a contemptible wretch.
If comparing both status and identity, which of his aspects
was not better than Huang Xiaolong’s? It was clear Huang
Xiaolong had no interest in her, yet she continued to attach
herself to him.

This caused his dislike and dissatisfaction towards Huang

Xiaolong to increase.

But, Yanggang did not purposely make snide or crude

remarks towards Huang Xiaolong. Instead, he shot Huang
Xiaolong an icy gaze before taking the same seat he
previously used.

After Yanggang, Pang Yu, and Dai Shanni entered and sat
down. Pang Yu had an intense look in his eyes as he stared
at Huang Xiaolong, almost like he was gloating.

To him, it didn’t matter if Huang Xiaolong became famous

and stole all the limelight in this year’s Imperial City Battle,
there was no good ending for someone who offended
Heartless Young Noble.

A lot of geniuses disappeared this way, dying in vain without

knowing the way the world works. Soon after that, people
would forget about them, vanishing from everyone’s

Shortly after that, all one hundred participants for the day’s
battle arrived and gathered at the arena area. Duan Wuhen
and Duanren Empire’s ministers appeared on the main
viewing platform to preside over the day’s event, then
announced the start of the battles.
Chapter 175: Imperial City Battle (7)

When the second day of competition began, half of the

people went up to draw lots, which also included Huang

The number Huang Xiaolong drew was thirty-one.

Number thirty-one: Flowing Tune Kingdom’s Cheng Fusheng

—this was Huang Xiaolong’s first opponent for the day’s

When Chen Fusheng found out his first opponent was Huang
Xiaolong, Cheng Fusheng’s nerves grew taut.

By now, everyone was of the impression Huang Xiaolong

had the strength to enter the top ten. Other than Xie Puti,
Yanggang, Huang Xiaolong, Pang Yu, Cui Li, and Dai Shanni
were opponents these kingdoms’ geniuses were most
unwilling to fight at this juncture.

The number Xie Puti drew was one!

Again, many wondered if it was a coincidence or actually the

intention of Duanren Empire.

However, after yesterday most believed it was a purposeful


Number one!

This was building momentum for Xie Puti.

Inevitably, many would subconsciously link the number one

to the first place winner. Therefore, Duanren Empire was
discreetly implying the person Duanren Emperor
acknowledged as the champion of the Imperial City Battle
this year would be none other than Xie Puti

Watching Xie Puti draw the number one stick and the heated
discussions coming from all around, Huang Xiaolong
remained calm and unperturbed.

Xie Puti’s first opponent was Huang Yiping from the Scarlet
Pearl Kingdom.

They shared the same surname, Huang Yiping and Huang


Huang Yiping’s cultivation was not weak, reaching mid-

Xiantian First Order.

In this year’s competition, there was a total of one thousand

three hundred and sixty-two people, with two hundred and
fifteen among them being Xiantian realm experts.

After the elimination on the first day, the one hundred

remaining had proven their strength, and all of them were
Xiantian realm experts.

Every year, those who successfully entered Duanren

Institute were Xiantian experts. Throughout history, people
that managed to enter Duanren Institute while still at the
Houtian realm were scarce in number.

The moment Huang Yiping stood on the stage, he

summoned his martial spirit and soul transformed in the
same instant, launching an attack towards Xie Puti in the
most straightforward manner.

Huang Yiping displayed a low-grade Earth rank battle skill

named Earth Razing Finger.
In general, there weren’t many finger-based battle skills
available, and a low-grade Earth rank finger-based battle
skill was even more rare.

Huang Yiping’s finger targeted Xie Puti as if it was the tip of

a sharp blade, leaving a mark across the stage floor and
raising a screen of stone-riddled dust on the stage as he

These ten battle stages were made of a kind of rock granite

that average weapons couldn’t even scratch, yet Huang
Yiping did just that by using his finger. The power of this
attack was evident.

However, just as Huang Yiping’s finger attack was about to

stab Xie Puti, Xie Puti raised his palm, instantly ceasing
Huang Yiping’s motions. His palm struck forward: “Get

Phoenix fire erupted like a volcano, spilling out like raging

waves of lava.

Huang Yiping turned white, staggering backwards

repeatedly until he reached the edge of the battle stage.
Both his palms suddenly struck forward, and borrowing the
rebound force, his body flew out of the battle stage.

Huang Yiping—lost!

Even if they already knew the result, seeing how effortless

Xie Puti defeated Huang Yiping still triggered a wave of
shock in the hearts of many geniuses below the stage.
Outside the battle stage arena, the crowd’s excitement
instantly grew to a frenzy.

After a short period of time, the first group of ten that

included Xie Puti finished their turns. Next came the second
group, then the competition quickly moved on to the third
group in which Huang Xiaolong was participating.

Since Huang Xiaolong’s number was thirty-one, he too

headed towards stage number one.

Standing on the stage, Huang Xiaolong faced his opponent,

Chen Fusheng, who was on the other side with an aloof and
indifferent attitude. Chen Fusheng was tall, reaching a
height over six foot two, close to two meters. His four limbs
bulged and he had dense coarse hair covering his skin,
similar to beastmen.

From Chen Fusheng’s outward appearance, either his

parents or ancestor were likely beastmen.

“Huang Xiaolong, although I know I’m not your opponent, I

will not throw in the towel.” Cheng Fusheng looked at Huang
Xiaolong, the apprehension in his eyes gradually receded
and was replaced with a surging desire for battle.

A dazzling light subsequently burst out from his body as a

brilliant red, long sword that was enveloped by a layer of
azure flame appeared, floating above his head.

This was Chen Fusheng’s martial spirit, Azure Flame Sword!

This variation type grade ten martial spirit was infinitely

close to a superb talent martial spirit.

Without wasting time, Chen Fusheng soul transformed

instantaneously after summoning his martial spirit. Multiple
sword lights continuously swirled around his body. These
were blade lights that burned with an azure flame!

Chen Fusheng’s body blurred into afterimages as he shot

forward as if he was a long sword, reaching the front of
Huang Xiaolong figure almost instantly, then launched an

“Azure Flame Sword Formation!”

Chen Fusheng swung out with both of his hands.

In that split second, multiple sword lights merged into a

huge Azure Flame Sword. The Azure Flame Sword spun in
the air, creating a cross-shaped sword formation as it flew
towards Huang Xiaolong.

Chen Fusheng was a mid-Xiantian First Order expert. The

level of his attack was on par with Huang Yiping’s Earth
Razing Finger, the person who fought against Xie Puti

All eyes were staring fixedly at Huang Xiaolong, including

Xie Puti. He too wanted to see how Huang Xiaolong was
going to break Chen Fusheng’s attack.

No matter how strong Huang Xiaolong’s physical defense

was, it was impossible for him to fully receive this attack
using his body alone.

Huang Xiaolong watched as Chen Fusheng executed his

attack, the Azure Flame Sword that was flying in his
direction. He clenched his fingers into a fist and punched
out using a Collapse Fist onto the center of the rotating
Azure Flame Sword Formation.

From Huang Xiaolong’s attack, space seemed to wrinkle like

a crumpled blanket from the force as his fist piercing
through the air.

BOOM! A thunderous explosion resounded and the Azure

Flame Sword Formation shattered, sword light splinters
ricocheting violently in all directions. The trajectory of
Huang Xiaolong’s punch continued to shoot forward, striking
Chen Fusheng on the chest. One solid punch landed heavily.

A low grunt escaped Chen Fusheng’s throat as his body

inverted before he was thrown out and then landed on the
ground outside the battle stage.

Chen Fusheng—lost!

Even Fei Hou would have difficulty taking a full blow of

Collapse Fist from the current Huang Xiaolong, what more a
mere Chen Fusheng.

A second after Chen Fusheng fell to the ground, loud cheers

and applause erupted from the spectators outside the battle

Xie Puti looked on calmly after seeing this result, whereas

Yanggang and Pang Yu’s expressions were ugly to the

Huang Xiaolong returned to his seat after walking down

from the stage.

Cui Li looked at Huang Xiaolong with a complicated

expression. After hesitating, she spoke: “Xiaolong, how
about you make a trip to Yao Manor this evening?”

“To Yao Manor?” Huang Xiaolong was baffled as he looked

over to Cui Li.

Cui Li said, “Go and apologize to Heartless Young Noble.”

Go apologize!
Huang Xiaolong frowned, shaking his head inwardly. Even
though this irritated him, he understood she was saying this
for his benefit. Thus, he did not say anything else.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong keep silent, Cui Li did not pursue the
matter and could only resort to sighing to herself in her

Soon, the first round of battles ended with fifty people

eliminated. Lots were drawn once again to decide the
upcoming round of opponents.

After the second round elimination, there were twenty-five

people left. With an odd number, the same rule as the first
day applied—the person who drew the blank stick would get
to sit out, entering the next round. The person who drew the
blank stick was still Xie Puti.

Very quickly, the list of names for the top ten came out.

As per everyone’s expectation, Xie Puti, Yanggang, Huang

Xiaolong, Pang Yu, Cui Li, and Dai Shanni had all made it
onto list. The remaining four people were Jin Desheng, Jiang
Damin, Han Dong, and Hu Zhi. These four people possessed
a top grade ten martial spirit, and all four of them were at
peak late-Xiantian First Order cultivation levels!

The curtain fell on the second day’s competition.

The third day would be the decisive battle for first place. It
was also the most exciting battle, the fight between the
strongest ten!

Outside the battle arena, the crowd slowly dispersed. When

the crowd lessened, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Yu Ming,
and Fei Hou made their way back to the inn.
However, just as the four of them arrived at the inn, the inn
owner came out running to them with an embarrassed look.
The owner looked at Huang Xiaolong and said, “Young Noble
Huang, many apologies, I’m afraid you cannot stay here
Chapter 176: Imperial City Battle (8)

“Cannot stay here anymore?” Huang Xiaolong repeated with

a slight furrow on his forehead.

The inn owner’s head cast down in a flustered manner, then

he abruptly knelt down before Huang Xiaolong, “Young
Noble Huang, I’m very sorry! I really cannot let you stay in
my inn anymore, I—!”

“Because of Heartless Young Noble?” Huang Xiaolong

interjected as he looked at the inn owner, voicing a question
in an icy tone.

The inn owner stiffened when hearing the name but he

neither confirmed nor denied. Yet, silence meant

“You’re afraid of Heartless Young Noble, but you are not

afraid of us?” Fei Hou’s eyes narrowed coldly with menace
as a fleeting murderous intent flickered passed, “Then, I
shall end your life now!” Fei Hou stated and readied to keep
his word.

Both Zhao Shu and Yu Ming also wore a cold expression on

their faces.

But Huang Xiaolong raised his hand to stop Fei Hou.

The inn owner kowtowed as he begged Huang Xiaolong,

“Young Noble Huang, please spare me, I have no other
choice, I’m forced to do this!”

Watching the inn owner knock his head onto the ground
repeatedly, Huang Xiaolong said to Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and
Fei Hou, “We’ll leave.”
He knew the inn owner was not the one at fault in this
matter. Anyone faced with pressure from someone like
Heartless Young Noble would have chosen the same path.

Before leaving, Huang Xiaolong told Fei Hou to settle the

money for the past ten days’ accommodation.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong was willing to leave, the inn

owner kowtowed again gratefully as he watched the four
figures walk away.

Outside the inn.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the prosperous bustling streets.

Pedestrians shuttled back and forth while carriages moved
in a long single file line which appeared reminiscent of a
dragon. He looked back towards the three people behind
him with a faint smile and said, “Looks like we will need to
sleep in the streets tonight!”

Huang Xiaolong assumed the result would be the same in

other inns or restaurants, no place would dare do business
with him.

This Heartless Young Noble truly acted fast!

A sharp light glinted in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

“Young Lord, how about I make a trip to the Yao Manor?”

Zhao Shu inquired.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “Not now.”

Since that Heartless Young Noble made his move, then

Huang Xiaolong would play a little game with him. If he
squashed him to death immediately, where’s the fun in
that? Moreover, the Yao Family had more than two thousand
years of foundation, its roots ran deep. It was highly likely
they had a Saint realm expert guarding the Yao Manor, and
perhaps even more than one Saint realm expert at that!

For the time being, Huang Xiaolong did not want to expose
Zhao Shu’s strength.

I should arrange for Mom, Dad and everyone else to travel

here earlier than planned. Huang Xiaolong thought.

To prevent any mishaps, it would be best to bring the Huang

Family over to the Imperial City. With Zhao Shu and Yu
Ming’s protection, their safety was not an issue.

In conclusion, Huang Xiaolong decided that once the

Imperial City Battle ended, he would purchase a place in the
Imperial City and arrange to move his family from the Luo
Tong Kingdom.

Leaving the inn, Huang Xiaolong’s group of four strolled

along the streets, enjoying the night scene of Duanren
Empire’s Imperial City.

An hour or so passed and the four of them came back

around to Duanren Square. Finding a spot, all four sat in a
meditative position, adjusting their breathing as they waited
for morning to come.

Time passed and night gave way to the morning light.

The amount of people arriving at Duanren Square increased

slowly as time passed. It seemed as though the crowd had
grown even bigger compared to the second day. Practically
every Patriarch from small and large Imperial City families
attended, and nearby kingdoms had rushed over to watch
the final day’s battle.
Every square inch of ground outside the battle arena was
littered with people.

By the time the imperial guards were in position guarding

the battle arena perimeter, Huang Xiaolong arrived and
became the first person to enter. He walked towards the
same seat he sat on for the last two days whereas Zhao
Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou waited outside with the rest of the

Today, there were only ten people battling, and Huang

Xiaolong arrived earlier than any of the other nine

The battle arena area was totally empty. Neither Duan

Wuhen, the ministers, or any participants arrived as early as
Huang Xiaolong. Thus Huang Xiaolong became the center of
attention because he was the only one inside.

The gathering crowd grew bigger and noisier, talking and

staring intently at Huang Xiaolong.

Of course, all of their discussions mainly shifted back and

forth around who would win first place this year!

But then again, this topic was constantly discussed for the
last several days in a row, yet the excited fervor only burned
with increasing intensity.

A short while after Huang Xiaolong took his seat, Cui Li

arrived and walked into the arena area.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong, Cui Li hesitated briefly, but this

time, she no longer took the seat beside Huang Xiaolong.
Instead, she chose a different empty seat about thirty
meters away from Huang Xiaolong and sat down.
Watching this, Huang Xiaolong smiled wryly in his heart.

Obviously, due to the pressure from Heartless Young Noble,

this woman needed to maintain a certain distance from him.
Despite that, Huang Xiaolong did not mind.

Then, the next one to arrive was Yanggang.

And the first thing Yanggang noticed was Cui Li’s distance
from Huang Xiaolong. Watching this scene, Yanggang
gloated complacently to himself as he made his way to the
empty seat next to Cui Li. Deliberately shielding Huang
Xiaolong’s face from Cui Li’s view, he leaned in close to Cui
Li saying, “Li’er, you look beautiful today!”

Cui Li wore a long violet dress, emphasizing her innocent

beauty and underlying charm. The hint of worry in her eyes
only added to her charm. She indeed looked beautiful.

Cui Li shot Yanggang an icy glare, stood up from her seat

and walked away to another empty seat a dozen meters

Being treated this way, Yanggang stood there looking

embarrassed, flames of anger flickered deeply in his eyes.

This cheap slut, a day will come when he would make her
kneel in front of him, begging him to take and enslave her!

In that short moment, Xie Puti, Pang Yu, Dai Shanni, and the
rest arrived one after another.

With that, all top ten were present!

All ten of them arrived but the main platform was still
empty. It was some time later when Duan Wuhen and a
group of ministers appeared, after which each took their

Cheng Jian stood at the front of the main platform, stating

rules that each participant needed to be mindful of before
finally announcing the day’s competition start.

In the group of ten people, five walked up to draw lots.

The first opponent Huang Xiaolong drew was… Yanggang!


When Huang Xiaolong read the name written on the stick,

he was stunned for a moment. And then, a faint smile tilted
up the corner of his lips.

Even Yanggang was surprised to see his first opponent for

the day was Huang Xiaolong. In the next moment, a ruthless
light gleamed in his eyes; he had been waiting for this battle
for two days, it was finally here.

Still, Huang Xiaolong and Yanggang would need to wait, for

they were in group three.

The first battle was between Cui Li and Jin Desheng, the
second was Xie Puti versus Han Dong.

The fourth group was Pang Yu against Jiang Damin, and the
last group was Dai Shanni versus Hu Zhi.

When the list came out, everyone outside the battle arena
broke out in a commotion. Discussions sounded everywhere
in an attempt to predict the outcome of each group.

The most talked about was none other than Huang Xiaolong
versus Yanggang, and it was also the most debated with half
supporting Huang Xiaolong while the half thinking Yanggang
would be the victor.

On the main platform, Duan Wuhen lightly tapped the

armrest as he spoke with Cheng Jian, “Cheng Jian, what do
you think about Huang Xiaolong and Yanggang’s battle?”
Duanren Empire did not interfere with the line-up of today’s
battle, thus when Huang Xiaolong drew Yanggang’s name,
he was genuinely surprised.

Cheng Jian hesitated, “This one doesn’t know how to judge.”

If this was before, he would surely pick Yanggang as the

winner between the two, but now, it was hard for him to
judge which one of them was stronger.

At this time, a general beside Duan Wuhen spoke, “Whoever

His Imperial Highness Second Prince says will win, then that
person will win!”

Duan Wuhen exposed a slight smile at those words.
Chapter 177: Imperial City Battle (9)

While the crowd was still immersed in their excited

discussions, the first competitors, Cui Li and Jin Desheng,
made their way onto the stage.

The crowd quieted abruptly as both of them stood face to

face on the battle stage. Anticipative silence filled the air.

In a split second action, blinding lights engulfed their

silhouettes, each summoning their martial spirits.

On the last day of battle, neither kept their true strength


Cui Li had an average grade eleven martial spirit, the

Lightning Devouring Beast. The space immediately
surrounding her body was instantly filled with flashing bolts
of lightning the moment it emerged. An atmosphere of
terrifying destruction permeated the area.

On the other hand, Jin Desheng had a top grade ten martial
spirit which was infinitely close to a superb talent martial
spirit, and it’s name was Giant Black Water Ape.

Judging from its outer appearance, the Giant Black Water

Ape was five to six times larger than the Lightning
Devouring Beast, but in actuality, the Giant Black Water
Ape’s strength was innately suppressed by Cui Li’s martial
spirit. Pressured by the surrounding lightning, the Giant
Black Water Ape’s bright water sphere’s radius continuously
shrunk in on itself.

Suddenly, Jin Desheng bellowed and his body dashed

forward in a flash, winding up a fist to attack Cui Li. A light
blue water vapor diffused around Jin Desheng like a barrier
as he leaped out.

Because it was of a lower grade, his martial spirit was

suppressed by Cui Li’s martial spirit on an innate level. The
longer the fight dragged on, the more he fell to a
disadvantage. Therefore, he needed to seize the initiative.

Below the stage, Huang Xiaolong shook his head silently

while watching the battle.

Without needing to watch further, he already knew Cui Li

would come out on top in this match. Regardless of whether
one was talking about Cui Li’s martial spirit or her battle qi
strength, both were more powerful and abundant than Jin

Sure enough, moments later Jin Desheng was knocked out

of the battle stage by Cui Li.

After the first duo’s match ended, the following match was
between Xie Puti and Han Dong. The round ended quicker
than the first round, very much lacking in suspense as Xie
Puti defeated Han Dong effortlessly without summoning his
martial spirit.

“Third group, Huang Xiaolong versus Yanggang!” After the

result of Xie Puti and Han Dong’s match was announced,
Cheng Jian’s voice sounded again.

The moment Cheng Jian’s voice fell, Huang Xiaolong and

Yanggang stood up simultaneously.

The two opponents exchanged glances. Yanggang sneered

at Huang Xiaolong mockingly then stepped out ahead of him
towards the battle stage.
Huang Xiaolong calmly followed behind him in an unhurried

All eyes of the crowd focused on them in high anticipation

as Huang Xiaolong and Yanggang stood face to face on the

Cui Li sat below the stage and remained focused on the two
figures the entire time.

Yanggang looked at Huang Xiaolong, smirking confidently,

“How was the feeling of sleeping in the streets last night?
Not bad right?” Pausing for effect, Yanggang continued,
“Heartless Young Noble asked me to pass you a message:
This, is only the beginning!”

Huang Xiaolong sneered, “Oh~, really?” followed by a shake

of the head in a regretful way, “Unfortunately…”

“Unfortunately what?” Yanggang’s face sank.

“Unfortunately those that become other people’s dogs

usually don’t live long.” came Huang Xiaolong’s nonchalant

“You!” Anger and killing intent exploded in Yanggang’s eyes.

Light rippled around his body as currents of gloomy black
energy spread out at rapid speed with a tinge of ice blue
frosty chilliness mixed in. It was a beast that looked like a
cross between a lion and a tiger. It’s body was pure black
and it had a pair of icy blue eyes, hovering midair behind

This was Yanggang’s martial spirit, a top grade twelve

superb talent martial spirit, Celestial Yin Beast!
The Celestial Yin Beast of Martial Spirit World contained the
darkest Yin energy and was most pliable amongst martial

The instant his Celestial Yin Beast appeared, Yanggang’s

momentum soared. He looked at Huang Xiaolong with a cold
expression, shouting “I’ve said to you before, you’d better
hope you don’t come across me on the stage, otherwise,
you won’t be walking out of here on your own when you

“Summon your Divine Black Dragon martial spirit.”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “To defeat you, there’s no

need for me to call upon my martial spirit.”

“What?!” Below the stage, everyone who heard his words

were flabbergasted and it caused someone to blurt out in

“Huang Xiaolong actually said he could defeat Yanggang

without summoning his martial spirit?!”

Even Cui Li and Xie Puti were astounded when hearing

Huang Xiaolong’s claim.

On the guest platform where Duan Wuhen was sitting in a

lazy demeanor, he was originally leaning back deeply into
the chair, but even he could not help straighten his body a
little when hearing what Huang Xiaolong said. A tiny spark
of interest shone in his eyes. The same thing also happened
with Cheng Jian and the other Duanren Empire ministers.

Disbelief swept over the crowd when they heard Huang

Xiaolong actually dare to utter such an arrogant claim.
Defeat Yanggang without relying on his martial spirit? After
all, the public was of the opinion that Huang Xiaolong’s
strength was about the same as Yanggang.

Recovering from their shock, everyone secretly shook their

head with a similar thought flickering in their minds: This
Huang Xiaolong’s arrogance has gone overboard.

Listening to the gasps of shock and awe coming from the

crowd, anger shot right to Yanggang’s head, thickening the
killing intent in his eyes.

“Fine, fine!” Yanggang’s voice was extremely cold, “Since

this is how you want it, I also won’t use my martial spirit.” In
a flash, the Celestial Yin Beast once again returned to
Yanggang’s body.

With Yanggang’s martial spirit gone, the black vapors

around the stage vanished.

Watching this series of actions, Huang Xiaolong only

shrugged his shoulders. To him, the result was the same
whether Yanggang used his martial spirit or not!

“I’ll let you make the first move!” Yanggang pushed his
battle qi to the extreme as he spoke to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette suddenly blurred just as

Yanggang’s voice ended, leaving an afterimage behind on
the stage where he previously stood. Before one could blink,
he was already right in front of Yanggang. Well, he offered,
therefore, Huang Xiaolong needn’t be polite!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes had a coldness in them. Punching

out using his Collapse Fist, he hit Yanggang’s body without
Boom! A deafening collision rang in the air, followed by
Yanggang’s miserable scream. He slid across the stage floor
right to the edge.

Everyone watching held their breath, forgetting to breathe,

as they stared dumbly at Yanggang’s figure nearly spilling
out of the battle stage.

In the next second, Duanren Square exploded with


“What?! What was that blurry image?!”

“How did Huang Xiaolong achieve such speed!”

“So fast, it was too fast! Was it Huang Xiaolong’s martial

spirit ability?!”

Many were filled with doubt and disbelief. Shocked and

thrilled expressions came from the crowd as they stared
fixedly at the battle stage.

Xie Puti who had been watching from below the stage
suddenly jumped to his feet, feeling genuine shock. Cui Li,
Pang Yu, Dai Shanni, and the rest also jumped up from their
seats like Xie Puti.

One punch from Huang Xiaolong sent Yanggang flying!

Yanggang did not even have time to react!

Before Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi broke into the Xiantian

realm, his martial spirit ability, Phantom Shadow already
achieved a speed comparable to Fei Hou’s, and after
stepping into the Xiantian realm, his martial skill ability’s
effectiveness had more than doubled. When also adding
Yanggang’s arrogance and carelessness on top of that, it
was no surprise he was knocked to the edge by Huang

Up on the main platform, Duan Wuhen looked on

interestedly, sitting straighter than before as he spoke to
Cheng Jian, “Looks like all of us underestimated Huang

The shocked Cheng Jian only recovered some clarity when

Duan Wuhen spoke, and nodded dumbly.

Not only the two of them, but even their Duanren Emperor
had underestimated Huang Xiaolong!

Previously, Duanren Emperor surmised Huang Xiaolong had

the strength to compete for a spot among the top ten, but
now…! Cheng Jian smiled bitterly inside. The truth, it
seemed, was that Huang Xiaolong did not only have the
capability to wrestle for a spot in the top ten. Judging from
his speed just now, Huang Xiaolong had the strength to
contend with Xie Puti for first place!

When Huang Xiaolong said he could defeat Yanggang

without summoning his martial spirit, many had thought
Huang Xiaolong was insufferably arrogant. At this very
moment, no one doubted Huang Xiaolong’s strength.

Noises from the crowd rose and fell. On the stage, Huang
Xiaolong slowly strode in Yanggang’s direction with a cold
expression on his face, advising: “It’s better if you summon
your martial spirit. If not, you won’t even have the chance to

Yanggang got up from his position, wiping away the blood

flowing down from his mouth as he fixed a deadly glare on
Huang Xiaolong. There was wrath, humiliation, and intense
murder, but at the same time he understood that what
Huang Xiaolong stated was fact. If he did not summon his
martial spirit, he truly would not have the capability to
counter Huang Xiaolong’s attack. When Huang Xiaolong
displayed his martial spirit ability it was simply too fast for
Chapter 178: Imperial City Battle (10)

Yanggang let out an animalistic roar towards the sky, and

once again a dark energy intertwining with an icy blue
spread out in four directions from Yanggang’s body as he
summoned his martial spirit, the Celestial Yin Beast.

As the Celestial Yin Beast emerged and hovered behind

Yanggang, the blood stain on Yanggang’s lips disappeared.

However, for a fleeting second, a faint pink had colored his

cheeks as he recalled what he said earlier. He wasn’t going
to use his martial spirit and even generously granted Huang
Xiaolong the first move!

He was now basically eating his own words. Yanggang slowly

raised his head, his venomous eyes falling on Huang
Xiaolong as they filled with hatred and an intense killing

In the next moment, Yanggang fused with the Celestial Yin

Beast and soul transformed.

Although one’s martial spirit could solidify their ethereal

selves into a corporeal entity after entering the Xiantian
realm and battle as is, most warriors would choose to soul
transform. After a soul transformation, the owner would
receive a much higher boost in strength, among multiple
other aspects.

Yanggang’s body flickered the instant he soul transformed.

His entire being seemed to evolve into a dark energy,
drifting in Huang Xiaolong’s direction yet arriving almost
simultaneously. The increase in speed was astounding,
surpassing the level Huang Xiaolong had shown earlier while
using his Phantom Shadow ability.
Arriving in front of Huang Xiaolong, a cruel bloodlust of
scarlet red gleam flitted across Yanggang’s eyes, slamming
his palms right into Huang Xiaolong’s chest.

“Withering Bloom Palm!”

Dark energy trailed behind, enveloping Yanggang’s palms as

they struck with an icy blue glow that reflected in-between
the darkness.

This was the energy of Yin and darkness. The darkness

energy of a Celestial Yin Beast was regarded as the coldest
and most poisonous energy that existed between heaven
and earth.

After Yanggang soul transformed, he used the celestial Yin

energy that was unique to the Celestial Yin Beast and
Withering Bloom Palm which was a high mid-grade Earth
rank battle skill comparable to some high-grade Earth rank
battle skill.

Yanggang used one of his trump cards, aiming to send

Huang Xiaolong flying with one strike just like he did to him.
Only by doing so could he wash away the humiliation he

The surrounding airflow stagnated as it became affected by

the Withering Bloom Palm.

Just when Yanggang was confident his attack would hit

Huang Xiaolong’s chest, Huang Xiaolong raised his arms,
countering with two palms of his own.

Boom! A resounding collision echoed from the stage as their

four palms slammed against each other.

Huang Xiaolong swayed, wobbling two steps back.

When he steadied himself, Huang Xiaolong noticed that a
layer of dark black ice had formed on his palms. At the same
time, an icy blue energy seeped through the skin of his
palms and entered his veins and meridians, trying to invade
his body.

Seeing this, Yanggang sneered, “Huang Xiaolong, you’re

actually quite stupid to have taken my Withering Blossom
Palm with your bare hands. Let me enlighten you, my
celestial Yin energy will flow into your body along the veins
and meridians of your palms. As the energy increases and
accumulates, you will gradually realize that your entire
body’s veins, meridians, and blood will solidify into ice. Once
it invades your internal organs it will feel like millions of ants
biting all over, the pain will be pleasurable for you!”

“Enjoy it while it lasts!”

After generously departing with this information, Yanggang

broke out in a hearty laughter mixed with elation and it
reverberated in the air.

Below the stage many were still dazed due to shock.

Looking at the result, heads shook in pity.

“This Huang Xiaolong is too careless, now that Yanggang’s

celestial Yin energy is going to destroy his body, he has no
hope of winning!

The celestial Yin energy is the coldest and most poisonous

energy. Even a Xiantian Third Order expert would be in a
bind trying to expel it from his body!”

“Serves him right! He must have thought he would win the

battle ‘cause he managed to knock Yanggang down with one
punch. That’s why he was careless!”
Voices rose and fell, lamenting Huang Xiaolong’s arrogance
and mistake, while there were also people that gloated at
his predicament.

On the main guest platform, Duan Wuhen and Cheng Jian

could not help but frown.

Despite the many different reactions thrown his way, Huang

Xiaolong remained calm. A burst of inky purple light
enveloped Huang Xiaolong and both of his palms quivered
slightly. The black ice formed on his palms shattered into
particles and fell down whereas inside his body, when
Yanggang’s celestial Yin energy met with the same inky
purple energy, it was swallowed up by the tyrannical inky-
purple energy in Huang Xiaolong’s body.

Watching the sudden turn of events, the people below the

stage and the crowd suddenly exclaimed in surprise and

The celestial Yin energy was known as the coldest and most
poisonous energy, yet Huang Xiaolong treated it as nothing!

Duan Wuhen squinted his eyes as he stared at the inky

purple glow flowing out from Huang Xiaolong’s body and
deeply pondered over it.

“What kind of battle qi is this?” Even Cheng Jian could not

hide the surprise and curiosity from his voice.

Back on the stage, Yanggang’s complacent laughter stifled


Huang Xiaolong looked at the other side, apologizing in a

‘modest’ manner, “My apologies, it seems your celestial Yin
energy is useless against me!”
Yanggang’s face turned unsightly.

At that moment, a similar pool of dark black energy

enveloped Huang Xiaolong’s body and before everyone’s
bewildered eyes, turned into a pair of ebony wings. The
white in his eyes was overtaken by a crimson color, making
him appear bloodthirsty. His black hair turned completely
white, starting from the roots and cascaded all the way
down to the ends of Huang Xiaolong’s long hair, flying
upward as if it were defying gravity.

A heavy atmosphere of slaughter broke out from Huang

Xiaolong, sweeping out to the entire Duanren Square.

Everyone’s heart tightened.

“A very strong aura of slaughter!” Xie Puti muttered and his

eyes narrowed solemnly.

“What battle skill is this? He can change his physique

without soul transforming?!” On the main platform, Cheng
Jian’s eyes flashed.

Duan Wuhen did not speak, but the way he looked at Huang
Xiaolong had taken a one hundred and eighty degree turn.

Terror seized Yanggang as he watched the changes

happening to Huang Xiaolong, he strongly felt the terrifying
rise in Huang Xiaolong’s strength compared to before, and
that thick aura of slaughter actually sent a chill all the way
down to his core.

Suddenly, the Wings of Demon behind Huang Xiaolong

extended and with a flap he reached Yanggang. The Blades
of Asura in his hands reflected a cold glint as they swung
“Tempest of Hell!”

Huang Xiaolong’s icy voice rippled above Duanren Square’s


Dozens of cold blade lights appeared out of nowhere,

gathering into two turbulent gales, spinning towards

Whimpers and cries originating from hell echoed from the


Listening to the eerie cries, emotions of fear and terror

inexplicably rose in everyone’s heart. They were filled with
panic, trepidation, and apprehension, causing them extreme

Looking at the impending violent wind vortexes, Yanggang’s

pupils dilated in horror. Completely spooked, he
continuously retreated backwards while throwing frenzied
frontal attacks with the Withering Bloom Palm.

Under the barrage of attacks from Yanggang, airflow

became stagnated due to the freezing energy, successfully
slowing the two Tempest of Hell’s speed.

Just when Yanggang was about to breathe out in relief,

Huang Xiaolong leaped up, once again swinging the Blades
of Asura. It was still the Tempest of Hell, however this time
there was a combination of Tempest of Hell and Tears of

The howling cries of an Asura from hell pierced the square.

Yanggang was struck with terror as he stumbled backward,

retreating again and again. Unknowingly, he had reached
the edge of the battle stage.
“Celestial Yin Body!” All of a sudden, Yanggang bellowed.
The surface of his skin was covered with a layer of ice blue
film. Shockingly, his entire body softened limply as if there
were no bones supporting him, barely aiding him in dodging
Huang Xiaolong’s attack.

The Celestial Yin Body was Yanggang’s martial spirit ability.

When displayed, his entire body became so soft that it was
like he lacked any bones.

Huang Xiaolong was not surprised when seeing Yanggang

successfully avoid his attack. If Yanggang was someone so
easily defeated, then rumors would not pin him as the most
likely candidate to win second place this year.

After he escaped Huang Xiaolong’s attack, Yanggang twisted

his body and lunged onto Huang Xiaolong. No one noticed
when Yanggang had withdrawn the short blade in his hand.

The short blade in Yanggang’s grip was a pure blood-red

color. It was slim and narrow, and an image of a black skull
could be seen on the blade’s body. When Yanggang slashed
the short blade towards Huang Xiaolong, it emitted a
disgusting foul scent akin to a corpse that had been rotting
for a very long time, nauseating the senses.

Huang Xiaolong waved the Blades of Asura, sparks flew

from the blades friction.

After one exchange, both of them jumped back in retreat at

the same time.

In the next moment, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette blurred,

reappearing in midair. His body started to rotate at great
speed while the Blades of Asura swung out continuously,
covering the entire stage in the State of Abundant Lightning
attack area, striking with the wrath of a devil.
Chapter 179: Imperial City Battle (11)

Streaks of lightning targeted Yanggang, whipping him like a

savage torrent. Howling winds akin to cries from hell
bombarded his body as hard rain pelted down, accompanied
by wails of an Asura and angry thunderbolts.

Huang Xiaolong had successfully combined the fourth move

of Asura Sword Skill, State of Abundant Lightning with the
first move and second move, Tempest of Hell and Tears of
Asura. This triple attack combination had more than doubled
the attack power compared to when Huang Xiaolong
previously only attacked with Tempest of Hell and Tears of

The sudden burst of terrifying energy from the three

combined moves made the expressions of the experts who
were outside the battle arena tighten.

On the stage, Yanggang watched in horror as the bright

streaks of lightning grew denser.

“Celestial Yin Body!”

Terrified, Yanggang once again used Celestial Yin Body,

softening his body to a state of seemingly being boneless,
shifting quickly around the stage to avoid the attacking
lightning. His boneless body continued to twist as he moved
on the stage or twirled when jumping in midair. Using this
method, Yanggang managed to avoid dozens of attacks, but
in the end he was still struck in the chest.

A tragic resounding scream came from Yanggang as his

body plummeted down from midair.
Numerous lightning streaks raged as if they excitedly found
a place to vent their frustration and unleash their wrath
upon. Every bolt of lightning hit Yanggang at the same time.
Even though Yanggang tried to roll away, his back was

The aroma of charred meat permeated the air.

This move, State of Abundant Lightning, attacks by

triggering the essence of the lightning element which was
several times stronger than average lightning. Even with the
Celestial Yin Body, Yanggang could not avoid being turned
into roast meat when struck with such high intensity

All of the flashing lightning disappeared from the stage.

Huang Xiaolong floated down from midair onto the stage,

staring coldly at Yanggang’s figure lying on the battle stage.
The ice blue film enveloping the surface of his skin slowly
receded. Since he was so heavily injured and the battle qi in
his body was exhausted, he could no longer maintain his
altered physical transformation. Celestial Yin Body was

One could hear faint howling cries coming from Yanggang’s

body while Huang Xiaolong stepped towards him.

Yanggang convulsed in pain, flopping and grunting on the

stage floor. His face was distorted and his hands clawed and
tore at his robe as if he wanted to rip apart his own chest.
Red blood was instantly stained everywhere.

A queer silence fell on the square as everyone watched this

No one uttered a sound. The result of this match was
obvious to everyone.

The crowd looked at the tortured Yanggang with a

complicated expression, all the while the cries and whistling
howls did not cease to echo from Yanggang’s body.

Below the stage, Cui Li, Pang Yu, and the rest all stared at
Huang Xiaolong, unable to conceal the horror within their

If the person who battled against Huang Xiaolong just now

was one of them and not Yanggang, what would’ve been
their ending?

Yanggang’s misery and anguish sent chills through Pang Yu

down to his very core as cold sweat dampened his back.

In that very moment, Huang Xiaolong was more terrifying

than Xie Puti in not only Pang Yu’s eyes, but the crowd’s as
well. Although Xie Puti’s phoenix fire brought about
unbearable pain, it was nothing compared to the torment
Yanggang seemed to be experiencing as he drowned in so
much excruciating pain that he’d be better off dead. This
exceeded what Xie Puti’s phoenix fire induced.

“I, I, I!” Yanggang tried his best to say something when he

noticed Huang Xiaolong’s approach.

Huang Xiaolong sneered while watching him for he already

knew what Yanggang wanted to say, but he would not give
Yanggang that chance. A tiny spark of murderous rage
glinted in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, then he raised the Blades
of Asura in his hands.

However, just as Huang Xiaolong was about to swing the

Blades of Asura down at Yanggang, a voice shouted:
“Stop!”. That voice seemed to contain an enthralling power
that jarred Huang Xiaolong’s consciousness, causing his
action to halt midway.

“Huang Xiaolong, you’ve already won this match!” Cheng

Jian stood up and said, “Stage battles only determine a win
or loss, not life and death!”

Only determine win or loss, not life and death—this was one
of the Imperial City Battle rules!

Huang Xiaolong frowned, but he put the blades away.

“For this battle, the winner is Huang Xiaolong!” Seeing

Huang Xiaolong willingly drop the matter, Cheng Jian
proceeded to announce the result.

When Cheng Jian officially made the announcement, the

entire Duanren Square began to boil.

Before the battle started, it never crossed anyone’s mind

that Yanggang would end up losing so miserably. Moreover,
Huang Xiaolong defeated Yanggang without relying on his
martial spirit! If Huang Xiaolong were to summon his martial
spirit, to what extent would his strength reach?!

Outside the battle arena, the over one thousand participants

that were ousted on the first two days of competition had
beads of cold sweat trickling down their foreheads after
watching Huang Xiaolong and Yanggang’s battle. At the
same time, a feeling of solace washed over them.

They were thankful for not meeting Huang Xiaolong on the

stage, and also thankful that they did not provoke him.

Huang Xiaolong turned around and walked down from the

battle stage.
When he was passing by Xie Puti, Xie Puti spoke, “You are
much stronger than I had expected. When we meet on the
stage, I will use everything I’ve got to fight you!”

Huang Xiaolong looked at Xie Puti’s face, then nodded at

him but did not say anything. Just like that, he returned to
his seat.

Cui Li’s gaze that had been closely following Huang Xiaolong
slowly looked away. At this moment, her emotions were in a
state of turmoil.

The truth was, she had a good impression of Huang

Xiaolong. They might not have known each other for long,
but good impressions were not measured by how much time
one spends with somebody else.

It was just that… ! Thinking of Heartless Young Noble and

her family, Cui Li sighed hopelessly.

After the third group’s battle between Huang Xiaolong and

Yanggang ended, the fourth group was up. Pang Yu versus
Jiang Damin.

The result was soon announced and was within everyone’s

expectation, Pang Yu defeated Juang Damin, winning the
fourth group’s battle. The match moved onto the fifth group
which paired Dai Shanni against Hu Zhi and also ended in
the assumed outcome without much suspense. Dai Shanni

With that, the first five battles of the day ended.

Six people with superb talent martial spirits. Other than the
eliminated Yanggang, the remaining five secured the top
five spots. The crowd lamented after witnessing this sad
outcome. Yanggang was a popular candidate for winning
second place in this year’s Imperial City Battle, yet it ended
with him not even making it into the top five.

Not to mention how heavily injured he was by Huang

Xiaolong, whether Yanggang could even cultivate smoothly
in the future was a question that remained to be answered.

With the top five spots determined, the remaining five

people would next battle for the top three spots in the
coming round.

At this time on the main platform, Cheng Jian inquired from

Duan Wuhen, “Your Highness Second Imperial Prince, how
should we arrange the coming matches?” According to
Cheng Jian’s original plan, once the competitors were
whittled down to five candidates, Xie Puti would
automatically be placed in the top three without contention.
However, the strength Huang Xiaolong had just shown made
him hesitate.

This question also made Duan Wuhen wrinkle his brows.

Choose Xie Puti… or choose Huang Xiaolong as one of the
top three without contention? It was a hard choice for him

“Follow what we set earlier.” Duan Wuhen said solemnly.

Since it was hard to choose either one of them, proceeding

according to the previous arrangement would work best.

“Yes, Second Imperial Prince.” Cheng Jian understood Duan

Wuhen’s implied meaning.

Following that, Cheng Jian announced Xie Puti would directly

enter the top three without contending against anyone else,
thus leaving Huang Xiaolong, Cui Li, Pang Yu, and Dai
Shanni to draw lots and battle it out.
The announcement did not faze Huang Xiaolong. He
stepped out to draw a lot, and he got… Cui Li.

When Cui Li saw that her next opponent was Huang

Xiaolong, the complicated emotions in her eyes deepened,
while Pang Yu and Dai Shanni breathed out in relief on the

Against Huang Xiaolong, neither of them had any chance of

victory. At least there was now an opportunity for one of
them to enter top three.

Standing on the stage, Huang Xiaolong and Cui Li faced

each other.

Cui Li looked grievously at Huang Xiaolong, “Do you blame

me for bringing Zhao Wuji to look for you the other day?”
Chapter 180: Imperial City Battle (12)

“Blame you?” Huang Xiaolong was stunned for a second. He

gently shook his head. In fact, he did not put this matter to
mind at all.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong shaking his head, she suddenly

relaxed as if a great burden was lifted off her shoulders.

In the next moment, Cui Li’s head turned around towards

Cheng Jian, “This match, I give up.”

Give up!

This action instantly fazed the crowd, raising another


But no one ridiculed Cui Li. What a joke, even Yanggang was
not Huang Xiaolong’s opponent not to mention Cui Li. Her
throwing in the towel was expected.

While the crowd was still in a hoo-hah, the match ended

simply with Cui Li giving up on her own volition.

Huang Xiaolong entered the top three.

What followed was the battle between Pang Yu and Dai


Both Pang Yu and Dai Shanni had an average grade eleven

martial spirit, thus the talent and strength were similar.
Furthermore, their cultivation was at the same level: peak
late-Xiantian First Order.

Both were evenly matched overall, hence it gave the crowd

a thrilling match. In the end, Dai Shanni won over Pang Yu,
taking the last spot for the top three.
Next was the battle for the first, second, and third place
between Huang Xiaolong, Xie Puti, and Dai Shanni.

In between the three, Dai Shanni could be said the weakest.

She too gave up voluntarily, taking the last place of the

With Dai Shanni out of the picture, it was down to Huang

Xiaolong and Xie Puti.

“The final battle, Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti please enter
the battle stage!” When Dai Shanni withdrew from the
competition, Cheng Jian stood up and announced the next
round. His voice became more sonorous than any other time
he had spoken.

Huang Xiaolong vs. Xie Puti!

In the blink of an eye, everyone turned to look at Huang

Xiaolong and Xie Puti. The noisy Duanren Square came to an
abrupt silence.

At long last, the final battle!

The last fight for this year’s Imperial City Battle. The battle
for the first place, and the most blood-tingling battle of all!

Both Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti stood up from their seats
at the same time.

Xie Puti looked at Huang Xiaolong, breaking into a small

chuckle, “Frankly speaking, three days ago I did not expect
you were capable of lasting until the end to fight with me. I
had thought it would be Yanggang!”

Three days ago, Xie Puti indeed thought this way. So did
everyone else present.
“As I just said, I will battle you with everything I have. I hope
you will too!” Xie Puti said, and after he had finished, the
fire-red glow around Xie Puti’s body ablaze vibrantly, and in
the next second, the flames surged into black flames and a
large phoenix hovered behind Xie Puti, spreading bursts of
black flames out in the four directions.

From afar, it looked as if a sea of black flames was swirling

around Xie Puti, and above them was a blazing phoenix of
black flames.

The emergence of the Black Flames Phoenix brought an

instant rise in temperature in Duanren Square. Powerful
heat wave spread out—one thousand meters, two thousand

Outside the battle arena, Pang Yu and the rest that were
eliminated immediately initiated their battle qi to counter
the assaulting heat, barely withstanding it. Even so, they
could feel immense heat prickling their skin.

On the outside, other experts were also startled and quickly

run their battle qi to counter the surging hot air as well.

On the main platform, a trace of appreciative splendor

flickered across Duan Wuhen’s eyes watching Xie Puti’s
Black Flames Phoenix martial spirit, “It has been so long
since a grade thirteen martial spirit appeared!”

From the beginning until now, this was the first time Xie Puti
summoned his martial spirit.

Cheng Jian nodded in agreement, “Yes ah, Black Flame

Phoenix, grade thirteen martial spirit. It was said this Black
Flame Phoenix’s black flame could incinerate everything,
even our Martial Spirit World’s most adamant Milky Yellow
Steel Kernel melts instantly! An elite existence in the
Phoenix family martial spirit.”

Duan Wuhen nodded: “This battle is something to look

forward to!” He looked in Huang Xiaolong’s direction,
“Cheng Jian, who do you think would win? How about we
make a bet?”

Cheng Jian paused in surprise and then laughed, “A great

idea. How would Second Imperial Prince like arrange the

“Who do you think would win?” Duan Wuhen asked a

question instead.

“This minister thinks it should be Xie Puti!” Cheng Jian

pondered for a moment and then answered.

Although Huang Xiaolong defeated Yanggang without

summoning his martial spirit, in Cheng Jian’s mind, he was
more inclined towards Xie Puti.

Huang Xiaolong’s martial spirit was a top grade twelve

Divine Black Dragon whereas Xie Puti’s Black Flame Phoenix
was a top grade thirteen Black Flame Phoenix.

The higher the martial spirit’s grade, the stronger the talent
would be, and the bigger the power gap.

At the moment, Xie Puti was already an early Xiantian

Second Order expert. Unless Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi
reached late Xiantian Second Order, it would be hard for him
to close the gap in martial spirit grade difference.

Late Xiantian Second Order? In Cheng Jian’s view, this was

simply impossible. After all, Huang Xiaolong is but a
A seventeen-year-old Xiantian realm expert was daunting

On the battle stage, Huang Xiaolong looked at Xie Puti and

his Black Flame Phoenix in a nonchalant manner. A
coruscating black light burst out from Huang Xiaolong’s
body and a heaven-shaking dragon roar emitted from within
his body, undetectable by anyone else.

“This is?!” On the main platform, a sharp glint flashed in

Duan Wuhen’s pupils as a giant black dragon emerged
above Huang Xiaolong.

The suffocating pressure of a being originating from the

Primordial Dragon Clan swept out in all four directions.

At this time, a clear phoenix cry pierced through the sky as

if it were capable of covering the might of the black dragon.

A dragon’s roar and a phoenix’s cry!

Every person on the square stared at the Primordial Divine

Black Dragon and Black Flame Phoenix that were lingering
in the sky with manic expressions and astonishment.

Top grade twelve martial spirit!

First ranked grade thirteen martial spirit!

Either one was a top grade rare superb talent martial spirit
yet both appeared at the same time here today. The person
who possessed the Primordial Divine Black Dragon and the
owner of the Black Flame Phoenix were about to have the
most brilliant battle on the stage!

Summoning the black dragon, a powerful aura of slaughter

exuded from Huang Xiaolong’s body as he initiated the
Asura Physique, extending the Wings of Demon behind him.

Huang Xiaolong knew very well that Xie Puti was not
Yanggang. He easily defeated Yanggang, but as someone
who had a first rank grade thirteen martial spirit and whose
battle qi had reached the Xiantian Second Order level, Xie
Puti was twice stronger than Yanggang.

Thus, Huang Xiaolong called out his Divine Black Dragon

martial spirit from the beginning.

However, even though Huang Xiaolong summoned his

martial spirit and initiated Asura Physique, judging from the
surface momentum, Xie Puti seemed to have the upper

Xie Puti nodded appreciatively when seeing Huang Xiaolong

summon his Divine Black Dragon. In the next moment, he
suddenly shouted: “Black Flames, Soaring Phoenix!” The
Black Flame Phoenix behind Xie Puti issued a lilting cry,
flapped its wings and launched an attack on Huang
Xiaolong’s Black Dragon.

Huang Xiaolong connected with his Black Dragon, and with

a resounding roar, the Divine Black Dragon lifted its sturdy
claw to meet the Black Flame Phoenix’s attack.

Xie Puti seized this opening. His body flashed, appearing

before Huang Xiaolong.

“Void Mirage Finger!”

One finger stabbed towards the center of Huang Xiaolong’s


No single finger was different under the rain of finger

afterimages, blending truth and surreal to a point that one
could hardly distinguish between the fake images and the
real attack.

Wings of Demon flapped and Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette

vanished from the spot.

Xie Puti’s finger attack fell on empty space, landing in a

corner of the stage causing the entire battle stage to shake.
Sharp-eyed individuals in the crowd saw the terrifying
finger-sized hole that very corner of the stage!

One could not help but wonder how deep the finger-sized
hole went.

But, what made the crowd even more astonished was

Huang Xiaolong suddenly vanishing into thin air!

Vanished into thin air!

Even Xie Puti was dumbstruck when his finger attack

missed. He spread his spiritual sense out covering the entire
battle stage, yet he was unable to locate Huang Xiaolong.
Chapter 181: Imperial City Battle (13)

“This is a second martial spirit innate ability!” Cheng Jian’s

eyes narrowed in a dignified manner as he spoke each word
with emphasis.

A second martial spirit innate ability!

An ability to conceal.

“What a strong martial spirit ability!” At this moment, a

Duanren Empire general behind Duan Wuhen could not help
exclaiming: “Not even I can detect Huang Xiaolong’s breath
in this instant!”

He was a Xiantian Third Order expert!

Even a Xiantian Third Order expert could not detect Huang

Xiaolong’s presence; one could imagine how remarkable
Huang Xiaolong’s second martial ability was.

Outside the battle arena, many spectating experts were also

blown away. Once again, the crowd was in an uproar.

Cui Li, Pang Yu, and the rest also searched with their eyes
and spiritual senses, trying to see if they could detect
Huang Xiaolong’s presence on the stage.

While everyone was still searching for a shadow of him,

Huang Xiaolong suddenly appeared in the air above behind
Xie Puti, striking down a palm aimed at Xie Puti’s back.

Just as Huang Xiaolong was about to succeed, the black

flames shrouding Xie Puti flared up, engulfing Xie Puti’s
immediate surroundings in flames. Huang Xiaolong’s
expression turned grave and immediately retrieved his palm
while retreating backward.

Xie Puti spun to the back.

One again, both of them stood face to face on the stage.

In the air above, both the Black Dragon and Black Flame
Phoenix were still fighting, dragon roars and phoenix cries
rang out endlessly in people’s ears. Tremendous
shockwaves burst from the battle arena, surging out with
the stage as its center, rolling like thunder.

The bright sun above was nowhere to be seen, entirely

blotted out by the black flames and energy emitted by the
black dragon and black flames phoenix.

Watching Xie Puti, Huang Xiaolong frowned. Xie Puti’s body

was entirely wrapped in a protective black flame barrier,
and there didn’t seem to be a way to get within ten meters
of him. He needed to think of a method to break through the
black flames barrier.

At the same time, Xie Puti too was frowning while watching
Huang Xiaolong. The moment Huang Xiaolong concealed
himself, Xie Puti had no clue of his presence at all, or his
location. To defeat Huang Xiaolong was much harder than
he had presumed!

Two cold lights reflected on Huang Xiaolong’s hands. He

summoned the Blades of Asura, gripping them in his palm.
The Wings of Demon on his back stretched out and Huang
Xiaolong used Phantom Shadow at the same time, swinging
the blades at Xie Puti.

“Wrath of the Nether King!”

Two beams of blade lights were like an awakened thousand
year old volcano eruption that welled forth, akin to a
stampede of thousands of beasts or a cavalry army of
millions of soldiers. and the attacks immediately reached
Xie Puti.

Too fast!

Xie Puti was stunned! The protective black flames shrouding

Xie Puti rose up, and the Wrath of the Nether King attack
actually dissolved under the heat of the black flames,
swallowed up!

First rank grade thirteen martial spirit, Black Flame

Phoenix’s black flame was said could to be capable of
incinerating all beings, and it had proven it could even
devour the attacking blade lights that came from Blades of

After the black flames melted and devoured Huang

Xiaolong’s Wrath of the Nether King, Xie Puti flickered and
disappeared. He again reappeared within meters of Huang
Xiaolong with another finger attack, but this was not a
repeat of Mirage Void Finger from earlier.

“Meteor Finger!”

With a point, several different surreal finger-prints

materialized out of nowhere and separated, like a rain of
shooting stars that targeted Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong did not hide or dodge this time. Instead, he

raised his hand and pointed a finger as well. A beam of
aureate light shot out, crashing against the incoming Meteor

“Zi!” Thunderous shockwaves echoed endlessly.

Outside the battle arena where the shockwaves hit had
caused a splitting pain in the experts’ eardrums and made
them frightened by the level of battle.

In the two finger attacks collision, Huang Xiaolong

staggered back three steps from the force.

Although Huang Xiaolong swallowed many Fire Dragon

Pearls and cycad fruits during his cultivation that raised his
physical defense to a level higher than warriors in the same
realm, making his defense almost comparable to a Xiantian
Second Order, Xie Puti too had his own fortuitous
encounters. On top of that, he had his family’s resources.
Xie Puti’s physical defense and power was close to reaching
a Xiantian Third Order expert.

“Fire Exploding Finger!”

Xie Puti’s silhouette blurred away, renewing his attack on

Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong activated his martial spirit ability, Space

Concealment, and disappeared from sight.

Xie Puti’s attack fell on empty air once more.

The ‘game’ progressed with one attacking while the other

retreated and vice versa. One exchange after another, the
entire battle stage became marked and ruined between
both of their attacks. Finger-sized holes, palm prints… even
fist prints littered the stage.

Just like that, Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti exchanged more
than a dozen blows. Some of the weaker warriors outside
the battle arena could barely follow their movements.
Bang! The two separated after the latest collision, standing
on opposing sides of the stage.

Within the last dozen exchanges just now, both seemed

equal on the surface but the experts with a keen eye could
tell Huang Xiaolong was at a disadvantage. If it wasn’t for
Huang Xiaolong’s martial spirit ability of hiding, he would
probably have lost long ago.

No matter if it was strength, battle qi, or speed, Huang

Xiaolong was weaker and slower than Xie Puti.

Suddenly, at that moment, a dragon’s whine resounded,

attracting everyone’s attention. Looking up, everyone saw
the two fighting martial spirits, Divine Black Dragon and
Black Flame Phoenix. The Black Flame Phoenix’s claw found
an opening and pierced through the Divine Black Dragon’s
back. Dragon scales fell, while blood rained down from the
air above.

The Divine Black Dragon was wounded.

Watching this, Huang Xiaolong’s expression turned grave

and he leaped up onto the Divine Black Dragon’s head.
Every movement was followed intently by the crowd as in
the next moment, a light blue glow flickered around the
black dragon’s body.

The parts burned by the Black Flame Phoenix’s black flame

slowly stopped bleeding. New dragon scales grew rapidly as
the wounds healed.

Eyes widened in shock as everyone watched this scene

happening in front of them.

“What is happening?! How can that Divine Black Dragon’s

injuries heal so quickly?!”
“It’s Huang Xiaolong! Huang Xiaolong’s third martial spirit
innate ability! Huang Xiaolong actually has a third martial
spirit ability!”

Some experts guessed the reason behind the Divine Black

Dragon’s rapid recovery was because Huang Xiaolong
initiated his third martial spirit ability!

The crowd was dazed with shock.

It had never crossed anyone’s mind that Huang Xiaolong

would have a third martial spirit ability!

In Martial Spirit World, possessing a second martial spirit

ability was enough to cause envy, yet this Huang Xiaolong
supposedly had a third one!

Cui Li, Pang Yu, Dai Shanni, and the rest jumped up from
their seats.

Although Duan Wuhan and Cheng Jian managed to control

themselves and remained seated, the shock was evident on
their faces.

There were people that had a third martial spirit ability in

Martial Spirit World, but in the entire Snow Wind Continent,
the number did not exceed the fingers on both hands.
Furthermore, neither Duan Wuhen or Duanren Emperor
himself had awoken a third martial spirit ability.

Xie Puti like everyone else was stunned into a daze.

Not only did Huang Xiaolong have a third martial spirit

ability, but did it have to be something that could help him
heal his injuries?!
Instant Recovery ability was just as useful as Space
Concealment and would be more concisely described as a
heaven defying ability.

In actual fact, Huang Xiaolong’s third martial spirit ability,

Instant Recovery, used to only be capable of merely
recovering depleted battle qi. But, after Huang Xiaolong
broke through to the Xiantian realm, he had recently noticed
that his third martial spirit ability actually underwent some
changes and evolved. Not only could it restore exhausted
battle qi, it was able to recover vitality.

Getting over his shock, Xie Puti too moved beside his Black
Flame Phoenix martial spirit with a sway of his body. He
spoke slowly, “I did not expect you would have a third
martial spirit ability, but you probably have another martial
spirit, right?!”

Another martial spirit?!

Hearing this, the crowd was dumbfounded.

Xie Puti’s words meant…?! Heads nearly snapped off their

necks as they spun to look at Huang Xiaolong. Could Huang
Xiaolong really…?!

Huang Xiaolong was startled. Xie Puti could guess he had a

second martial spirit?

“Blue Dragon, come out!” Since the secret could not be kept
any longer, Huang Xiaolong need not hide it any longer.
With a loud summon, Huang Xiaolong’s body burst out in
gleaming ice blue light.

Before the stupefied looks, an enormous Divine Blue

Dragon’s roar shook the heavens as it hovered behind
Huang Xiaolong. The moment the Blue Dragon emerged, a
pressure far stronger than that of the Black Dragon’s
overshadowed the Black Flame Phoenix’s aura. It was a
dragon’s might capable of deterring the world!

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong’s momentum rose

Chapter 182: Imperial City Battle (14)

A second martial spirit!

Huang Xiaolong actually possessed a second martial spirit!

And it was a martial spirit that had never appeared in

Martial Spirit World before—Blue Dragon!

Duan Wuhen had managed to maintain his calm up to that

point but he suddenly jumped to his feet in astonishment as
he stared fixedly at the Blue Dragon! Blue Dragon, a martial
spirit that had never appeared before! This dragon was
definitely a variation of a dragon clan martial spirit, and it
had to be one at top grade thirteen, or maybe even grade

This Huang Xiaolong actually had the same type of superb

talent martial spirit, yet the lower grade Black Dragon was
already at top grade twelve!

Cheng Jian and the other Duanren Empire ministers eyes

nearly popped out from the shock. All the mighty generals
stood up with incredulous looks on their faces.

They were blown away!

This was an unprecedented shock!

Twin superb talent martial spirits with both of such high

grades! On top of that, one of his martial spirits has never
appeared prior to this!

This kind of talent was too mother freaking monstrous!

No one present could accurately describe the waves of

jarring shock and… excitement?
Below the stage, Cui Li, Pang Yu, and the rest were having
similar waves of emotion running through them. Even Xie
Puti who guessed correctly was astounded with Huang
Xiaolong’s revelation. He was literally making a wild guess
that Huang Xiaolong might possess a second martial spirit!

Due to a coincidence, he once came across an old family

record which stated people who possessed a third martial
spirit ability had a ninety percent chance of being the owner
of twin martial spirits!

Ninety percent!

He didn’t expect that it would turn out to be true! Xie Puti

stared at the Blue Dragon behind Huang Xiaolong. There
were complicated feelings mixed in with shock.

At this point, Huang Xiaolong’s rising momentum after

summoning the Blue Dragon finally stopped. The pressure
coming from the current Huang Xiaolong had exceeded Xie

Although summoning one’s martial spirit could not enhance

the owner’s battle qi as much as a soul transformation, it
increased the owner’s strength significantly.

The Blue Dragon swam around Huang Xiaolong, giving

everyone an impression that Huang Xiaolong himself was
the epitome of a Primordial Divine Dragon.

Below the stage and outside the battle arena, Cui Li, Dai
Shanni, as well as the many young misses and young
masters of noble families were staring at Huang Xiaolong
with eyes that shined inexplicably.

Huang Xiaolong suddenly leaped up, smashing out a

Collapse Fist at Xie Puti. The fist whistled through the air as
it shattered space and the void, creating a strange sonic

Xie Puti’s face became dignified. He too leaped up, pointing

a finger at Huang Xiaolong.

“Sky Pulverizing Finger!”

Battle qi pooled, rotating on Xie Puti’s finger. A glistening

black light shot out and disappeared in a flash right into
Huang Xiaolong’s punch.

The blast shook the stage.

In midair, two silhouettes separated, instantly retreating a

distance from each other. Huang Xiaolong landed agilely on
the battle stage whereas Xie Puti crashed onto the Black
Flame Phoenix’s body, retreating one wobbly step after
another as he tried to regain his balance.

A reversal!

After summoning both Black Dragon and Blue Dragon,

Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi and physical toughness
surpassed Xie Puti’s by a slight margin.

Huang Xiaolong attacked with a second move. Leaping up

into the air, calling out the Blades of Asura, his body started
spinning at high speed with the Blades of Asura swinging

“State of Abundant Lightning!”

Streaks of lightning turned into a flood of lightning dragons

that was like a torrential thunderstorm aimed at Xie Puti
from various angles.
Alarmed, Xie Puti countered with attacks from both hands.
Multiple finger prints flew out at rapid speed, but it was to
no avail. Although his finger attacks managed to slightly
weaken the lightning flood dragons’ speed and power, it did
not stop them from advancing towards him.

Seeing it was futile, Xie Puti immediately pushed his battle

qi to the limit. Black flames soared from his body, burning
and melting everything that got close!

Lightning flood dragons and the black flames collided. The

forceful power from the lightning flood dragons caused the
black flames to disperse upon collision, receding outside the
battle qi.

Xie Puti was pushed back again and even the Black Flame
Phoenix below him was repelled, letting out a ringing
phoenix cry.

Although it was rumored the Black Flame Phoenix’s black

flame could incinerate everything, it was not foolproof. It
was also dependent on its owner’s strength. After
summoning the Blue Dragon, Huang Xiaolong’s strength
rose significantly. Xie Puti was clearly suppressed. Despite
the fact that the black flames could still burn and swallow
Huang Xiaolong’s attack, the effect had greatly reduced
compared to earlier.

Of course, this was due to the suppression from the Blue

Dragon, its grade was higher than the Black Dragon to begin

Huang Xiaolong continued to swing the blades in his hand.

In midair, the crowd saw two blossoming flowers with deeply
colored purple petals suddenly emerge out of nowhere.
Each flower was about the size of an adult’s palm,
shimmering in an alluring inky purple glow.
Watching the two dark as ink purple blossoms spinning in
the air, the spectating crowd was dazed. Without warning,
they disappeared just as suddenly as they had appeared.

Xie Puti was surprised as well.

But in the next moment, his face tightened and he quickly

retreated in a panic. His mouth bellowed; “Black Flames

Just as the black flames soared from Xie Puti’s body, they
suddenly exploded and dispersed as if they were hit,
whereby Xie Puti groaned and plummeted to the stage
below from the Black Flames Phoenix’s back.

Xie Puti forcefully stabilized himself so as not to crash into

the stage.

People in the crowd were able to see two imprints in the

shape of flowers on Xie Puti’s chest, emanating strands of
inky purple energy. The upper part of his clothes had
already exploded into pieces.

The flower imprints appeared to be exactly the same as the

two blossoms from Huang Xiaolong’s attack.

“So terrifying, what an unforeseeable attack!”

“What kind of battle qi is this exactly? The power is so

terrifying that even the black flames cannot stop it!”

Sighs and exclamation came from all around. Duan Wuhen

watched with fascination.

If Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi cultivation was on a similar

level as him, this attack… could he withstand it?
“Cheng Jian, can you tell what battle qi Huang Xiaolong
cultivates in?” Duan Wuhen could not resist asking.

Cheng Jian shook his head: “This minister cannot tell.”

It was also his first time seeing the type of battle qi

belonging to Huang Xiaolong. At that moment, Huang
Xiaolong jumped off Black Dragon’s body, landing softly on
the battle stage.

Xie Puti rubbed the injuries on his chest, and a slight frown
appeared between his brows. Strong desire for battle flared
up in his eyes, “Huang Xiaolong, I admit your twin martial
spirits are indeed strong, but I will not give up just like this. I
will not lose to you just like this!” After he finished speaking,
the Black Flame Phoenix blurred away and began to fuse
with Xie Puti, initiating a soul transformation.

After fusing with the Black Flame Phoenix, the pressure

exuding from Xie Puti instantly shot up, and it continued to
soar. Williwaw descended, clouds rolled, and the sky
darkened. Powerful energy vortexes formed with Xie Puti
being used as the eye in the center.

Black armor emerged on Xie Puti’s body akin to an ancient

godly armor, leaving only his mouth, eyes and nose visible.

Seeing Xie Puti’s action, Huang Xiaolong waved a hand

towards the Black Dragon and Blue Dragon hovering behind
him. The twin martial spirits swam around him in circles,
closer and closer, fusing with him. Scales of two colors,
black and blue emerged on the surface of Huang Xiaolong’s
skin. A smooth sharp scale surface reflected the light.
Tattoo-like images of a black and blue dragon’s head
manifested on Huang Xiaolong’s back as sharp dragon
spikes protruded out from Huang Xiaolong’s arms.
Xie Puti’s momentum doubled after his soul transformation,
yet it barely surpassed Huang Xiaolong who soul
transformed with the twin dragon martial spirits. Even
before fusing with the dragon’s, Huang Xiaolong’s strength
had already suppressed Xie Puti by a small margin and now
it whelmed over him.

“Tyrant God Finger!”

Xie Puti took the initiative to attack first after soul

transforming. Piercing through space, he arrived before
Huang Xiaolong almost instantaneously. A single finger
stabbed towards Huang Xiaolong, exploding with a
tyrannical might capable of destroying everything in its

“It’s actually the Tyrant God Finger that was lost five to six
hundred years ago?!” A top-ranked general beside Duan
Wuhen blurted in surprise.

“Tyrant God Finger is a high Earth rank battle skill!” Cheng

Jian was also agape in shock.

Xie Puti’s finger attack sped closer to Huang Xiaolong’s

chest, but in that same moment Huang Xiaolong also raised
his own fist to strike head-on against the attack.
Chapter 183: Imperial City Battle (15)

“Boom!” Exploding shockwaves reverberated on the stage.

Xie Puti’s Tyrant God Finger scattered with one punch from
Huang Xiaolong.

To be precise, the grade of a battle skill only increased the

power of battle qi during an attack.

Before a stronger and more powerful battle qi, everything

was futile.

Huang Xiaolong’s fist shot forward, striking Xie Puti’s body

after scattering his finger attack battle skill.

Taken by surprise, Xie Puti quickly countered with his fist,

and in the next instant the two fists collided.

Xie Puti’s body shook from the impact. The entire length of
his arm went numb and he was forced to stumbled back
repeatedly, whereas the black flame from the Black Flame
Phoenix armor crossed over to Huang Xiaolong’s fist from
the contact. However in the next instant, everyone saw
when the phoenix’s black flame met with Huang Xiaolong’s
dragon scales, it was scattered away. With the protection of
dragon scales on his body, there was no way the Black
Flame Phoenix’s black flame could hurt Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette blurred into motion as he

swung the Blades of Asura in his hands.

Flower of the Other Shore materialized again, blooming

midair in an eerie shimmering glow of inky purple. In the
next moment, it disappeared in a ghostly manner just like
the previous time.
Yet the moment Flowers of Other Shore disappeared, Xie
Puti let out a muffled grunt. His chest was struck again by
the same attack.

Xie Puti might’ve soul transformed and been protected by a

layer of black phoenix flame armor, but despite that, being
struck with the attack left him feeling miserable.

The spot where the flowers hit caused intense pain. Not only
that, Xie Puti vaguely felt as if there was an indescribable
frigid qi that seemed to originate from hell slowly invading
his body. He felt like he could not do anything other than try
to use the black flame phoenix battle qi to suppress it.

After having his first attack land, Huang Xiaolong

subsequently launched another attack.

The Flower of the Other Shore bloomed again and spread a

radiant glow. Xie Puti was left with the inability to dodge yet

Flower of the Other Shore was too unpredictable, and when

it moved through space there was no ripple or fluctuation
whatsoever. How could anyone avoid it? Unless they could
be like Huang Xiaolong, having the ability to hide inside a
space pocket, it was virtually impossible!

Below the stage, heads shook at Xie Puti’s chances of


Before, Huang Xiaolong could not come closer than within

ten meters of Xie Puti because of his black flame’s
protection. But now, the black flame armor had lost its
effect in front of Huang Xiaolong. On top of that, Xie Puti
could neither predict nor dodge Huang Xiaolong’s attack.
Hence, there was only an inevitable defeat remaining.
Ten minutes later, Huang Xiaolong’s Wrath of the Nether
King crashed straight into Xie Puti’s chest, sending him
flying and falling to the edge of the battle stage area. Only
then did Huang Xiaolong stop his attacks.

The four corners of the square were filled with silence.

Everyone watched as Xie Puti struggled to his feet, albeit in

a wobbly and unstable manner.

Suddenly, Xie Puti let out a furious roar! A burst of battle qi

exploded from his body and he attacked Huang Xiaolong.

However, just as he arrived at Huang Xiaolong’s side, he

was struck away with one palm, this time falling outside the
battle stage area.

Xie Puti—defeated!

When Xie Puti no longer got up after thirty breaths of time

had passed since falling outside the battle stage, the entire
Duanren Square erupted in cheers. The thunderous voices
were like never ending tidal waves and it took a long time
before it subsided.

This final battle ended at last!

The first place winner in this year’s Imperial City Battle was
actually Huang Xiaolong! It never crossed anyone’s mind
that it would turn out this way. Even more mind blowing was
the fact that Huang Xiaolong possessed superb twin martial

And his strongest Primordial Divine Blue Dragon was a

martial spirit that had never appeared in Martial Spirit World
The battle might have ended, but everyone’s emotions were
still running high.

The battle they witnessed today was way more thrilling that
they had anticipated.

This was all because of Huang Xiaolong!

Even Duan Wuhen and Cheng Jian were feeling dumbstruck.

Perhaps even Imperial Father will feel shocked when we

report the results to him later! Duan Wuhen thought.

Moments later, Cheng Jian announced Huang Xiaolong’s win

in the final battle.

When Cheng Jian’s voice ended, another wave of deafening

cheers and applause resounded through the crowd.

Even though the competition ended, the rewards would not

be given out until the next day.

Huang Xiaolong stepped off the battle stage, and on the

way back to his seat, he passed by Pang Yu. Pang Yu forced
out an awkward smile while his feet were retreating in a
flustered manner, opening up a wide path for Huang

It was not until Huang Xiaolong moved further away that

Pang Yu dared to breathe out in relief. His back was already
wet with cold sweat. He was fortunate to not have wet his

When Huang Xiaolong exited the battle arena, the young

misses, young masters, and commoners were lauding his
name loudly: “Huang Xiaolong!”
“Huang Xiaolong!!”

“Huang Xiaolong!” This three-word chant reverberated in

Duanren Square for a very long time as wave after wave
grew increasingly louder.

At this point, Huang Xiaolong was already elevated to idol

status by some budding youths of these families.

Superb twin martial spirits of the same kind! Such a

monstrous talent, he was the very first one in the long
history of Duanren Empire’s foundation!

From all directions, the crowd mobbed Huang Xiaolong.

He fortunately had Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou to fend

them off. It would otherwise have been a strenuous task for
Huang Xiaolong to leave the square with his clothes intact
after being swiped at by the claws of the young misses of
noble families clamoring after him.

Most likely, a layer of his skin would be scraped off from all
the hands rubbing his body.

Only after Huang Xiaolong had left Duanren Square did it

return to the usual empty calmness.

In the second private room of Unforgettable Intoxication

Restaurant, Yao Fei glowered at Yanggang and Pang Yu with
a dark expression.

“Garbage!” Yao Fei coldly snapped.

Both Yanggang and Pang Yu quivered under the stare.

“But I did not expect Huang Xiaolong to have superb twin
martial spirits, causing even Xie Puti to not be his
opponent!” Yao Fei’s voice was frigidly cold, red bloodlust
shone in his eyes.

Twin superb talent martial spirits!

And there was a possibility that the Blue Dragon was grade

Grade fourteen!! This kind of legendary existence that was

only recorded in ancient manuscripts actually appeared in
the body of an ordinary, small family background Huang

If Yao Fei had such talent, and with the resources of his Yao
Family, he would definitely break into the Saint realm!

“Hateful!” Yao Fei suddenly shouted. A strong pressure burst

out from him, instantly turning the chair beside him into
powered dust.

Yanggang and Pang Yu were frightened into quickly

retreating, both of their faces ashen.

But in the next instant, Yao Fei converged his emotions. His
cold eyes swept over Yanggang and Pang Yu’s face, “It’s
fine, both of you can go.”

Yanggang and Pang Yu were stunned at first and then

nodded their heads vigorously before fleeing as if their lives
were in danger.

At the same time, deep in the underground palace within

the Duanren Imperial Palace, Duanren Emperor was
listening to his son and Minister Cheng Jian report the
results of the Imperial City Battle. He too was astounded.

“Superb twin martial spirits… It is actually superb twin

martial spirits!”

Duanren Emperor mumbled softly to himself somewhat

ecstatically, causing his usual dignified decorum to slip.

Duan Wuhen was surprised as he watched his Imperial

Father’s reaction. He had never seen his Imperial Father
drop all pretense of decorum in any way. It seemed that
shining between his eyes was a trace of hope and elation?

Cheng Jian was also taken aback while observing Duanren

Emperor’s dramatic reaction.

Moments later, Duanren Emperor realized his gaffe.

Recovering, he emphasized, “Tomorrow, after the prize
giving ceremony is done, bring Huang Xiaolong to see me.”

“Imperial Father wants to meet Huang Xiaolong?” Duan

Wuhen was baffled and surprised at the request. It had been
many years since Duanren Emperor wanted to meet with
the geniuses from any Imperial City Battle, even first place
winners of previous years did not have this privilege.

“Correct.” Duanren Emperor affirmed.

“Yes Imperial Father!” Duan Wuhen answered respectfully,

not daring to inquire too much.

“Alright, you can leave now.”

Duan Wuhen and Cheng Jian saluted and retreated from the
room quietly.
Chapter 184: Buying Southern Hill Estate

On Huang Xiaolong’s side, after leaving Duanren Square the

four of them—Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei
Hou—headed towards the property trading market. If they
did not resolve the accommodation matters as soon as
possible, then all four of them would be sleeping out on the
streets again.

The Imperial City Battle champion sleeping out on the

streets… if anyone found out, he would turn into the
laughing stock of the empire.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong and the three reached the property

market, passing by a business called Trusty Heaven Firm.
Stopping here, all four went inside.

There were three giant firms in Duanren Empire; one was

named Million Treasure House and had a connection with
the Huang Family because it belonged to the Guo Family.
One belonged to the Xie Family where Xie Puti was, called
the Eternal Prosper Firm. The last one was where they were
now, Trusty Heaven Firm.

The instant Huang Xiaolong walked into the great hall, a

loud cry sounded in the hall: “Huang Xiaolong!”

Huang Xiaolong looked over and saw a middle-aged man

who was wearing the firm’s uniform staring at him with a
flabbergasted expression on his face.

The middle-aged man hastened his steps until he came to a

stop in front of Huang Xiaolong, laughing in nervous
excitement, “It truly is Young Noble Huang, a rare guest,
truly a rare guest! Please! I myself had just returned from
Duanren Square, I thought my eyes were playing a trick on

After the Imperial City Battle, there were many that could
easily recognize Huang Xiaolong’s face.

Just like that, under the shock-widened eyes of other guests

in the outer great hall, the middle-aged man led Huang
Xiaolong and his group to the more private inner hall.

After a brief introduction, the middle-aged man’s name was

known to be Zhou Hua, Trusty Heaven headquarters

Knowing Huang Xiaolong’s purpose, Zhou Hua grinned and

asked, “Does Young Noble Huang have a preferred

Huang Xiaolong thought for a moment, “The location is not

important, the vital point is it must be big, the bigger the

Zhou Hua quickly recommended a few places to Huang

Xiaolong and in the end, Huang Xiaolong chose a place
called Southern Hill Estate.

Amongst the several places Zhuo Hua suggested, the

Southern Hill Estate was the biggest and most secluded, in
line with Huang Xiaolong’s requirement.

But when Huang Xiaolong was about to pay, Zhou Hua

refused, laughing and saying, “No need, no need! Since
Young Noble Huang liked that Southern Hill Estate, then it
belongs to Young Noble Huang!”

“No need?” It was Huang Xiaolong’s turn to gaffe. The

Southern Hill Estate covered a demesne of over ten
thousand square meters. It may be a little secluded but
every inch of land in Duanren Imperial City was calculated
by buckets of gold. A place like Southern Hill Estate would
cost at least twenty to thirty million gold coins! This Trusty
Heaven Firm actually wanted to give it to him for free?

“That’s right. Just take this Southern Hill Estate as a

congratulatory gift to Young Noble Huang from our Trusty
Heaven Firm for winning first place in the Imperial City
Battle this year!” Zhou Hua smiled, “As for this level of
authority, I can still make the decision.”

Huang Xiaolong pondered silently.

“Young Noble Huang need not refuse, this is just a small

token from our Trusty Heaven Firm.” Zhou Hua persuaded

“Alright then.” Huang Xiaolong nodded. Since the other side

insisted, he shall be obliged.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong finally agree, Zhuo Hua’s face lit up

with a wide smile, “Young Noble Huang, do you also need
some slave servants? Come, let me show you our firm’s
shop in the slave market.”

Watching Zhou Hua invite him with such enthusiasm, Huang

Xiaolong’s group of four went obligingly with Zhou Hua to
Trusty Heaven Firm’s slave market shop.

At the end, Huang Xiaolong picked thirty-two slaves. When

Huang Xiaolong had finished that, Zhuo Hua personally led
the way for Huang Xiaolong as they traveled to the
Southern Hill Estate.

The Southern Hill Estate had its back to a small hill and the
inside of the manor was elegantly decorated, but because it
was unhibited for a period of time, tall weeds grew in most
of the courtyards and gardens. Rooms were covered in dust
that was an inch thick.

Fei Hou went to arrange the slaves, supervising the cleaning


Huang Xiaolong was quite satisfied when seeing Southern

Hill Estate’s lush greenery of rock mountains and green lake
after the new slaves had cleaned the place up. In the
coming days, this Southern Hill Estate would be his new
home. When it was time for the Huang Family to move over,
they would likely settle here permanently. Even if they
didn’t, they would still be living here for a long time.

After giving Huang Xiaolong a tour of the Southern Hill

Manor, Zhuo Hua left, reminding Huang Xiaolong to come
look for him if he needed something. He said that as long as
it is within his power and capability he would definitely help,
then turned around and left.

Huang Xiaolong watched Zhuo Hua’s leaving figure for a

while before going back into the manor.

By this time, the sky had darkened.

Huang Xiaolong ordered the slaves to build a bonfire which

he placed some beast meat over to roast, sprinkling some
spices over them. Then, he took out jugs of Beauty Allure
Wine, Fiery Wine, and Snow Moon Wine from the Asura Ring
and started drinking with Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou.

It had been quite a while since Huang Xiaolong felt this


Winning first place in the Imperial City Battle was, in a way,

a feat more glorious than becoming the martial arts
champion on ancient Earth. At this moment, Huang Xiaolong
was content with his achievement.

Although he exposed his twin superb talent martial spirits in

the Imperial City Battle, he wasn’t overly concerned about
it. Before he fought Xie Puti, he had thought of the
possibility of summoning his twin martial spirits to defeat

His twin martial spirits were exposed but he had other cards
up his sleeves. Cultivating the Body Metamorphose
Scripture, he also had his internal force that remained a
hidden factor. Moreover, he did not reveal the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda nor the God Binding Ring.

Other than the heritage skills inside a Heavenly Treasure, a

Heavenly Treasure itself could be used as a weapon.

For example; after opening the second layer of the Linglong

Treasure Pagoda, it could be called out. Once he activated
the two arrays, the Thousand Demon Engulfing Destruction
Array and the Heaven and Earth Origin Reverting Array, he
could suck the opponent into the Thousand Beast Cauldron
and refine them directly.

Whereas God Binding Ring as a weapon could freeze the

opponent and their surrounding space. Moreover, as Huang
Xiaolong grows stronger, it would even be possible for him
stop a person’s breathing and thoughts.

Stopping a person’s breathing and thoughts, how terrifying

were these power!

“Fei Hou, what did you find out?” Taking a sip of wine,
Huang Xiaolong inquired.
Fei Hou replied respectfully, “Replying to Sovereign. From
my investigation, although this Yao Fei stands at second
place amongst the five Young Nobles of Imperial City, it is
believed his strength is no weaker than Duan Wuhen!”

No weaker than Duan Wuhen!

Huang Xiaolong was surprised, he never thought Yao Fei was

that strong!

“Yao Fei’s status in the Yao Family is very high. He is greatly

favored and has received much attention from the Patriarch.
Other than the Yao Family’s power and influence, this Yao Fei
nurtured his own large force. If Yao Fei were to use them,
annihilating a small kingdom like the Luo Tong Kingdom is
not difficult!”

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed. Annihilating a kingdom

was not difficult!

This Yao Fei’s forces indeed exceeded Huang Xiaolong’s

assumption. Furthermore, there was the Yao Family that had
more than two thousand years of heritage behind him.
These forces were even more deep-rooted and

At this time, Zhao Shu suddenly raised his head and sneered
as he gazed towards a certain direction in the empty void,
“Since you’ve come, then roll out here!” Zhao Shu pointed a
finger at the void, and a black-clad old man plummeted
from above. Even as he fell, there was a terrified expression
on his face while staring at Zhao Shu. Evidently, he did not
expect he would be found while hiding himself, blending
with darkness.

Moreover, he noticed after falling down, his entire body and

limbs were immobile.
“Space manipulation?” His brain buzzed with this thought.
Chapter 185: Refining A
Xiantian Expert
Chapter 185: Refining a Xiantian Expert

Space manipulation!

A Saint realm expert! It was definitely a great Saint realm


Fear snaked through the old man’s heart, didn’t Heartless

Young Noble said Huang Xiaolong only have one Xiantian
Tenth Order expert by his side?

“So, tell me, who sent you?” Huang Xiaolong’s words were
spoken slowly, yet the iciness within was unmistakable.

The black-clad old man woke from his terror but did not
utter a word.

His attitude made Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou’s faces
turn gloomy. Huang Xiaolong raised a hand to prevent them
from doing anything, then he directed a finger at the old
man’s torso, sending frigid Asura qi into his body that
entered from the seven orifices.

The black-clad old man felt as if millions of ants were biting

him, a miserable howl reverberated from his throat.

Huang Xiaolong watched on with a cold expression. Once

the Asura frigid qi invaded the body, not even a Saint realm
expert could withstand the torment it brought without
suppressing it with battle qi. Moreover, this black-clad old
man was not a Saint realm expert.
Both of the old man’s hands were clawing at his own chest.
In a short several breaths’ time, blood already stained his
hands and torso.

“It, it was Heartless Young Noble, he sent me!” In the end,

the black-clad old man could not tolerate the piercing pain
any longer and shouted out in bursts of short gasps.

Heartless Young Noble! Huang Xiaolong sneered.

In fact, even if the old man hadn’t told him, he could already
guess who the mastermind was.

This black-clad old man’s strength was not weak at all. He

was most likely a Xiantian Eighth Order or a Ninth Order
expert. When thinking of who it could be that had a grudge
against him and also had the ability to send a Xiantian
Eighth or Ninth Order expert, the only person to date was
Heartless Young Noble.

“Please, I beg you, spare me!” The old man begged for
mercy as soon as he named his master.

Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou looked at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the old man and suddenly a

thought flashed across his mind. He turned and said to Yu
Ming and Fei Hou, “Both of you keep a lookout. Zhao Shu,
lend me a hand!” With this, Huang Xiaolong called the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda out.

Even though neither Yu Ming nor Fei Hou knew what Huang
Xiaolong was planning to do, no questions were asked.
Acknowledging Huang Xiaolong’s order respectfully, they
disappeared from the spot in a flash to keep watch of the
surrounding area.
“Sovereign, you are…?” Zhao Shu was also a little doubtful.

“Send your battle qi into my body.” Huang Xiaolong said.

Still in doubt, Zhao Shu acted according to Huang Xiaolong’s

order. Circulating his battle qi, both of his palms were placed
at Huang Xiaolong’s back and a powerful energy entered
Huang Xiaolong’s body.

With a wave of his hands, Huang Xiaolong slapped his palms

onto the Linglong Treasure Pagoda that was floating in front
of him. In a blink, the Thousand Beast Cauldron on the
second layer burst out in a radiant light. The Thousand
Demon Engulfing Destruction Array triggering a forceful
suction force that swallowed up the black-clad old man
instantaneously into the Thousand Beast Cauldron.

Watching the Linglong Treasure Pagoda suck the old man in,
Zhao Shu, Yu Ming and Fei Hou that were guarding close by
nearly had their eyeballs pop out of their sockets.

The trio was aware Huang Xiaolong possessed the Linglong

Treasure Pagoda but none of them knew it could be used in
this fashion.

Right before the three pairs of shocked eyes, the Linglong

Treasure Pagoda shone increasingly bright as it shook

From within the pagoda came the old man’s anxious

pleading voice.

“Huang Xiaolong, I beg you, spare me! Let me go, I’m willing
to surrender to you and profess you as my master!”

“It took me six hundred years of hard penance to achieve

my cultivation today. I’m a Xiantian Eighth Order expert, I
don’t want to die! Huang Xiaolong, I’m begging you, I don’t
want to die, let me go!”

Listening to the ghastly shrieks coming from inside the

pagoda, Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou felt goosebumps
running down their necks.

At this time, the Heaven and Earth Origin Reverting Array

came to life, the origin reverting flames burned strongly
akin to an iron tempering furnace, ‘molding’ the black-clad
old man. Though the black-clad old man circulated his battle
qi to stave off the burning flames, the origin reverting
flames continued to encroach, invading his internal body
and roasting him alive from inside out. The excruciating
torment was more than the black-clad old man could bear.

This pain was many times worse than the Asura frigid qi
eroding his body, many times more insufferable.

Hearing the old man’s tragic cries, Huang Xiaolong allowed

Zhao Shu to continue transmitting battle qi into his body to
supply the Heaven and Earth Origin Reverting Array, igniting
to origin reverting flames within to dance wildly.

This black-clad old man might be begging for mercy at this

moment, claiming willingness to serve under Huang
Xiaolong, but on the other side of the wall was Heartless
Young Noble. Who knew when the old man would turn
around and bite him. Thus, without absolute trust and
confidence, it was impossible for Huang Xiaolong to keep
such a person by his side. Only one way remained, forceful

Since this Thousand Beast Cauldron could refine beast cores

into spirit pellets, then the same theory should apply to a
human warrior. They too, very likely, could be refined into a
spirit pellet.
A Xiantian Eighth Order expert had a rich concentration of
battle qi in their meridians and Qi Sea. Not only that, their
flesh and blood essence was comparable to high-grade

Inside the Thousand Beast Cauldron, the black-clad old man

persisted by circulating his battle qi to resist and managed
to do so for more than an hour. Gradually the cries grew
weaker and at the end barely a whisper came out, then
completely disappeared.

When the black-clad old man’s voice completely stopped,

the radiant light shrouding the Linglong Treasure Pagoda
grew bigger and brighter.

The same thing was happening to the Thousand Beast

Cauldron on the second layer of Linglong Treasure Pagoda.
Blinding light flared!

Four hours later, the Thousand Beast Cauldron suddenly

issued a lilting hum as a pillar of light shot up into the sky
from the cauldron lid. A thumb-sized, glossy round spirit
pellet flew out from the cauldron, appearing above the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda.

The spirit pellet’s appearance instantly brought about

lightning and rumbling dark clouds in the sky above. A prism
of resplendent light swirled in midair, and faint tiger roars
were heard coming from the backyard of the estate. A
surreal shadow of a black-white tiger materialized and
slowly vanished.

The spiritual energy around the Southern Hill Estate greatly


Yu Ming and Fei Hou’s eyes were staring straight at the spirit
pellet hovering above the Linglong Treasure Pagoda. Even
Zhao Shu was caught staring up above.

“Grade Seven Spirit Dan!” All three exclaimed


When the refinement of a grade seven and above spirit

pellet was successful, a manifestation of some kind would
appear in the sky, triggering tumultuous changes in the
surroundings spiritual energy.

Refining a grade seven and above spirit pellet was

extremely difficult and had a very low success rate. Even if
one had all the necessary ingredients, there was no
guarantee in condensing a pellet. Yet, Huang Xiaolong did so
with the help of the Linglong Treasure Pagoda!

After getting over their shock, they turned to stare at the

Linglong Treasure Pagoda in astonishment.

Didn’t this mean that by using the Linglong Treasure

Pagoda, they could refine a grade eight, grade nine, and
probably even a grade ten spirit pellet?!

Watching their thoughts clearly flickering on their faces,

Huang Xiaolong shook his head. The truth was, if it wasn’t
for Zhao Shu’s presence, the aid from a Saint realm expert,
it would have been impossible for him to refine the old man
even with the Linglong Treasure Pagoda. This was especially
so when Huang Xiaolong noted that the amount of energy
required by the Thousand Demon Engulfing Destruction
Array and Heaven and Earth Origin Reverting Array was too

Zhao Shu was a high-level Saint realm expert, not someone

who had just recently broken through to the early Saint
realm, thus the abundance of his battle qi was hard to
imagine. But to refine to black clad old man, the Thousand
Beast Cauldron actually sucked more than half of Zhao
Shu’s battle qi reserve.

More than half!

Ergo, spirit stones were essential!

A grade three spirit stone was sufficient to refine a grade

five spirit pellet, grade two spirit stone could support the
refinement process for grade six spirit pellet. In short, to
refine grade seven spirit pellet he needed grade one spirit

However, auction and trading houses rarely had grade one

spirit stones for auction or trade, where would he get them?

Huang Xiaolong flexed his palm and puled the round pellet
hovering in the air into his palm. Vaguely, a black and white
shadow of a tiger could be seen prowling within.

This was the black-clad old man’s martial spirit which was
refined into the pellet as well by the Thousand Beast

It was said a grade seven spirit pellet not only increases

one’s battle qi substantially, but also raises the flesh’s
physical defense and strengthens the internal organs as well
as the soul. Huang Xiaolong rolled the round pellet in his
hand, thinking to himself.

The sky was illuminating. In the early morning, he needed to

be present at Duanren Square to receive his rewards. So,
Huang Xiaolong decided to wait until he returned before
consuming the spirit pellet.
Chapter 186: Insolent!

Due to having too much battle qi drained from him and

absorbed by the Thousand Beast Cauldron when refining the
old man, Huang Xiaolong told Zhao Shu to rest while Yu
Ming and Fei Hou dealt with Southern Hill Estate’s matters.

Considering the accommodation matters were resolved, the

next step would be moving the Huang Family over from the
Luo Tong Kingdom.

At this time, in the main hall of a courtyard on the north

section of Yao Manor, Yao Fei was pacing with a gloomy
expression, uncertain emotions swirled in the depth of his

At the side of the great hall stood Yanggang and Pang Yu.
Watching Yao Fei’s expression, neither one of them dared to

It was a long time later before Yanggang managed to muster

up some courage, venturing cautiously, “Heartless Young
Noble, could it be that Senior Zhang is already… ?”

Yao Fei’s body whipped around, his gaze was akin to deadly
knives aiming at Yanggang, instantly shutting him up.

“Very well, both of you leave me for now. Later you still
need to be present to receive the rewards.” Yao Fei spoke
out softly.

“Yes, Heartless Young Noble!” Yanggang and Pang Yu

answered in unison and retreated.

Watching them leave, Yao Fei suddenly clapped once. In the

void above, a black-clothed man shrouded in mysterious
black fog emerged.

“Go find out what happened to Zhang Liang, why hasn’t he

come back yet?” Yao Fei’s voice was low and solemn as he
issued the order.

“Yes Young Noble!” The black-clothed man acknowledged

respectfully and disappeared in a blur, not the slightest
fluctuation in his coming or going.

When the black-clothed man left, Yao Fei sat down, his
brows locked in a tight frown as he pondered. He knew what
Yanggang was trying to imply earlier… Huang Xiaolong
detected Zhang Liang’s presence?”

“No.” Yao Fei shook his head.

He clearly understood Zhang Liang’s strength. Adding his

martial spirit ability that gave him the ability to completely
blend with the night’s darkness, not a trace of breath could
be detected. Not even the Xiantian realm expert by Huang
Xiaolong’s side could possibly detect Zhang Liang’s

Despite that, several hours passed. Why hadn’t Zhang Liang


Yao Fei sat in the main hall, waiting for the black-clothed
man to return with his report.

Soon, the morning light lit up the sky.

Huang Xiaolong swallowed a Fire Dragon Pearl and spent

the time adjusting his condition in the ancient battlefield
before coming out again.
However, when he came to the great hall of the estate
manor, he saw Zhao Shu waiting there for him. When he
heard Zhao Shu requesting to come with him to Duanren
Imperial Palace for the prize giving ceremony, Huang
Xiaolong felt nonplussed, “You want to come with me to
Duanren Imperial Palace?”

Zhao Shu nodded, “This Subordinate would feel more

assured of Sovereign’s safety this way. And also, there is an
old acquaintance I want to see.”

“Old acquaintance?” Huang Xiaolong was baffled; there was

actually an old acquaintance of Zhao Shu in the Duanren
Imperial Palace?

Although Huang Xiaolong was curious about this person’s

identity, he did not ask who this person was. Nodding his
agreement, he said: “Okay, we will depart in a while.”

At this time, the first one hundred place geniuses were

making their way to the Duanren Imperial Palace from
different directions to receive their rewards. Each person
was allowed to bring one personal guard with them into the
imperial palace.

Thus, Yu Ming and Fei Hou were left watching over Southern
Hill Estate, making the necessary arrangements and
preparations to move the Huang Family over to Duanren
Imperial City while Huang Xiaolong and Zhao Shu stepped
out of the estate, heading in the imperial palace’s direction
to accept his winnings.

It did not take long for Huang Xiaolong and Zhao Shu to
reach the Duanren Imperial Palace’s main entrance.
Coincidentally, he ran into Cui Li who had arrived at about
the same time as him. Following behind Cui Li was a
beautiful older woman. Though she concentrated and hid
her breaths fluctuations, Huang Xiaolong could tell she was
a powerful character.

Huang Xiaolong and Cui Li’s gazes met halfway, and in Cui
Li’s eyes, there was delight along with a faint trace of

Huang Xiaolong merely nodded at her and continued

walking onward with Zhao Shu through the imperial palace’s

The guards standing at both sides of the entrance

recognized Huang Xiaolong in an instant, therefore no one
stopped or questioned Huang Xiaolong’s identity.

Cui Li stood on the same spot with a faint aggrieved

expression that mingled with complication.

“He is that Huang Xiaolong?” The beautiful woman behind

Cui Li asked.

Cui Li nodded, “Yes, Little Aunt, that’s him.”

“Not a bad young man. Unfortunately, he offended

Heartless Young Noble.” The beautiful woman spoke, “This
Huang Xiaolong is indeed a rare talent, possessing superb
talent twin martial spirits. But he doesn’t realize the
terrifying extent of how far and deep Heartless Young
Noble’s influence and power stretches. The Yao Family’s
forces behind Heartless Young Noble surpasses what he
could ever imagine.”

The beautiful woman shook her head in pity, “If I were him, I
would not offend Heartless Young Noble.”

“Little Aunt, let’s go in.” Cui Li tacitly changed the topic.

“Okay.” She nodded.

Up front, Huang Xiaolong and Zhao Shu were being led in by

two imperial palace guards, arriving at a big square within
the palace grounds.

This square may look dwarfed compared to the Duanren

Square that was right across from Duanren Imperial Palace’s
main entrance, but with the capacity to accommodate thirty
to forty thousand people it was by no means small in size.
The two imperial palace guards led Huang Xiaolong and
Zhao Shu to the front of the square where most of the other
geniuses had arrived, including Yanggang, Pang Yu, and Dai

When the gathered top one hundred geniuses saw Huang

Xiaolong, most subconsciously took a step back, making a
path for him as they looked at him with awe, Yanggang and
Pang Yu were the same.

Noting Yanggang and Pang Yu’s reaction and expression,

Huang Xiaolong remained aloof, stood in place, and waited
for the ceremony to begin.

After Huang Xiaolong, Cui Li subsequently arrived and stood

in wait not too far from Huang Xiaolong, her pretty eyes
gazing at the back of his silhouette.

A short while after Cui Li, a small commotion rustled through

the crowd.

“Xie Puti!”

“It’s Xie Puti, he’s here!”

Huang Xiaolong looked over and saw Xie Puti clad in fire-red
battle gear, walking over. Behind him was an elderly person
that had the same fire-red battle gear on.

Just as the first time Huang Xiaolong saw Xie Puti at the
battle arena in Duanren Square, Xie Puti walked in with a
domineering aura, proud and confident as if he had not lost
to Huang Xiaolong the day before.

Xie Puti walked towards Huang Xiaolong.

Watching this, Pang Yu and Yanggang were gloating inside,

waiting for a good show. And just when Yanggang and Pang
Yu thought Xie Puti was going to fight with Huang Xiaolong,
Xie Puti suddenly smiled, “I accept yesterday’s defeat with
no equivocation!” He even extended his hand out to Huang

Everyone was agape at the scene. Jaws dropped, nearly

touching the ground.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes met Yanggang and Pang Yu’s, and

then he extended his own hand out, clasping Xie Puti’s hand
in a handshake.

Perhaps this is what they called no concord without discord.

In Huang Xiaolong’s view, both of them were the same kind

of people. Xie Puti exuded dominance, pride, and confidence
but deep in Huang Xiaolong’s core, he too was the same—
domineering, arrogant, proud, and confident. And as his
strength continued to grow stronger, these qualities would
reveal themselves.

Both of them appreciate the same qualities in the other.

At this time, a sonorous clapping sound echoed in the

Everyone was jolted out from their daze and looked over.
Duan Wuhen and Cheng Jian were promenading towards
them, escorted by a group of imperial palace guards.

Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti retrieved their hands.

“Greeting His Highness Second Imperial Prince!” Huang

Xiaolong and Xie Puti both saluted.

The elderly person behind Xie Puti also followed suit and
saluted Duan Wuhen, as did everyone else except for one
person—Zhao Shu who was standing behind Huang

“Insolent!” A general behind Duan Wuhen could not tolerate

Zhao Shu’s lack of manners and chastised him for it.
Chapter 187: So, The Little
Monkey Has Grown Up
Chapter 187: So, the Little Monkey Has Grown Up

The same general took a step forward wanting to force Zhao

Shu to kneel down in salute. Duan Wuhen raised a hand to
block him, “Leave it.”

Duan Wuhen’s taciturn manner made it hard to tell if he was

upset regarding the matter.

“Yes, Second Imperial Highness!” The general respectfully

answered and retreated to one side.

Watching this scene, Yanggang was secretly pleased.

Although Duan Wuhen did not say anything, Yanggang was
certain that inwardly, the Second Prince must have felt a tad
upset with Huang Xiaolong

This Huang Xiaolong doesn’t even know how to educate a

lowly servant properly, he’s really running out of luck!

Pang Yu and those jealous of Huang Xiaolong were also

elated at Huang Xiaolong’s impending predicament.

Duan Wuhen came to the front of the group. Taking a look at

the present crowd, he let out a placid laugh,
“Congratulations to everyone here for winning the top one
hundred places in this year’s Imperial City Battle. From now
on, each and every one of you are a student of Duanren
Duan Wuhen’s words incited different reactions from
different people, but the majority of the geniuses had
excitement written over their faces.

Duanren Institute, the most prominent academy in the

entire Duanren Empire!

Entering Duanren Institute was the highest glory one could

receive in the hearts of the Duanren Empire’s people.

Next, Duan Wuhen signaled Cheng Jian to start giving out

the prizes without wasting any more time on nonsense.

The prize giving was divided into three sections:

The first section was for numbers eleven to one hundred.

The second section was for second to tenth place.

And the third section was the prize for first place!

There were ninety people in the first section, taking the

longest time. It wasn’t until one hour later when the first
section of prize giving ended. The next section consisted of
Xie Puti, Yanggang, Pang Yu, and the rest.

After the second to tenth place was done, it was finally

Huang Xiaolong’s turn. And Huang Xiaolong’s rewards were
personally handed over by Duan Wuhen himself whereas Xie
Puti and the rest of the ninety-eight people were all handled
by Cheng Jian. Huang Xiaolong’s prize was solely given out
by Duan Wuhen.

In the eyes of people like Yanggang, being presented with

the rewards by Duan Wuhen was a great honor.
Duan Wuhen passed a spatial ring that contained twenty
pieces of grade one spirit stones and two high Grade Six
Spirit Dans to Huang Xiaolong.

In Luo Tong Kingdom, the King was probably the only person
who had the capability to own a spatial ring, but here in
Duanren Empire it was not that extraordinary or rare.

Most of the large families’ core members in Duanren Empire

usually had a spatial ring.

When Huang Xiaolong received the spatial ring containing

twenty pieces of grade one spirit stones and two high Grade
Six Spirit Dans, Duan Wuhen smiled, “Huang Xiaolong, I
hope you will be able to break into Saint realm one day and
become our Duanren Empire’s Protector!”

Huang Xiaolong was taken aback but nodded just the same.

Duanren Empire’s Protector!

Huang Xiaolong knew these were perfunctory words, but

Huang Xiaolong was sanguine of his chances to break into
the Saint realm and this day was not too far away!

At this point, Cheng Jian came to the front and announced

the ceremonies conclusion, leaving them to disperse from
the palace square.

Everyone acceded respectfully and made their exit.

But just as Huang Xiaolong was about to leave, Duan Wuhen

spoke up, “Huang Xiaolong, stay back for a while, my
Imperial Father wants to see you.”

This stunned everyone present.

Duanren Emperor actually wanted to see Huang Xiaolong!

By this point, even Xie Puti could not help feeling a tinge of
envy burgeoning into slight jealousy. Duanren Emperor was
the person who founded Duanren Empire, the paramount
existence in the hearts of Duanren Empire’s subjects. This
eminent figure had summoned Huang Xiaolong!

None of the previous Imperial City Battle champions had

such honor and glory!

A tumult of emotions swirled within Yanggang and the rest.

Before leaving, Cui Li’s eyes took a final look at Huang

Xiaolong’s silhouette.

Duan Wuhen waited until Xie Puti, Cui Li, and the others
disappeared from view before speaking again: “Huang
Xiaolong, come with me.” Without waiting for a reply, Duan
Wuhen and Cheng Jian turned around and led in the front,
leaving Huang Xiaolong and Zhao Shu to follow on their own
accord out of Righteous Square.

The Duanren Imperial Palace covered a huge area. They

passed by many great halls, big and small squares, and
corridors the entire way before Duan Wuhen and Cheng Jian
stopped in front of a cavernous palace structure.

A troop of imperial palace guards were lined along the front


Duan Wuhen, Cheng Jian, Huang Xiaolong, and Zhao Shu


They continued onward, passing through four other smaller

courtyards before coming to an enormous grand hall.
On the other far end of the grand hall sat a middle-aged
man wearing a brilliant yellow dragon robe. In the center of
this middle-aged man’s eyebrows was an imprint of a
broken blade talismanic pattern. He was none other than
Duanren Emperor!

Entering the grand hall, Cheng Jiang and Duan Wuhen

hastened forward to pay their respects but they suddenly
saw Duanren Emperor shoot onto his feet with unseen joy
on his face, hopping off the throne and coming down in just
a few quick steps.

Duan Wuhen and Cheng Jian were stupefied.

Duanren Emperor walked towards Duan Wuhen’s group


“Imperial Father!” Duan Wuhen walked up and called out.

But, it was as if Duanren Emperor did not see him at all.
Before the shocked eyes of Duan Wuhen and Cheng Jian,
Duanren Emperor walked passed them as he headed
straight to Zhao Shu who was standing behind Huang
Xiaolong. In the throes of excitement, he ventured
courteously, “Is it Mister Zhao?”

Mister Zhao?!!

Both Duan Wuhen and Cheng Jian’s eyeballs nearly fell out
of their sockets, looks of indescribable disbelief evident on
their faces.

What did Duanren Emperor refer to the guard behind Huang

Xiaolong as? Mister Zhao?

This time, even Huang Xiaolong was greatly stunned and

A thought flashed like lightning in Huang Xiaolong’s brain.

Could the old acquaintance Zhao Shu mentioned earlier be
Duanren Emperor?!

It was the Duanren Emperor himself!

Things moved so quickly that Duan Wuhen and Cheng Jian

were still struggling to register what had just happened.
Zhao Shu smiled at Duanren Emperor, “Not bad, the little
monkey that year has finally grown up. One thousand years
has passed and not only have you broken through to the
Saint realm, but you also built a big empire!”

Little monkey?!

Finally grew up?!

Listening to Zhao Shu’s pet name for Duanren Emperor,

Duan Wuhen and Cheng Jian nearly stumbled on the spot
with their knees barely supporting them.

Whereas Duanren Emperor had an embarrassed expression

as he said, “Just a small Duanren Empire, Mister Zhao is

Zhao Shu nodded and then he stated, “This is my Young

Lord.” His thumb pointed at Huang Xiaolong.

“Young Lord?!” Duanren Emperor appeared dazed and

confused as he stared at Huang Xiaolong. Then,
astonishment sprung forth in his heart for he clearly knew
Zhao Shu’s identity. More than one thousand years ago, and
before he broke into the Saint realm, Zhao Shu had already
been a warrior in the Saint realm.
“Imperial Father, this is Young Bro Huang Xiaolong!” At this
juncture, Duan Wuhen swiftly stepped up. Suppressing the
waves of shock in his heart, he gave a brief introduction to
Duanren Emperor.

Duan Wuhen’s way of referring to Huang Xiaolong took an


But in the next moment, Duanren Emperor looked at Huang

Xiaolong and laughed amiably, “So, it’s this year’s Imperial
City Battle champion, Young Noble Huang.”

Young Noble Huang! Duanren Emperor used honorifics!

Drops of cold sweat appeared on Dun Wuhen’s forehead.

Was he too rude in referring to Huang Xiaolong as ‘Young
Bro’? As for Cheng Jian, he had already turned into a
wooden statue carving, unable to process anything at all.

“Duanren Emperor is too polite.” Huang Xiaolong quickly


“No, no, no, Young Noble Huang can call me by my given

name in the future. Just call me Duan Ren.” Duanren
Emperor insisted.

Cold sweat burst forth from Duan Wuhen and Cheng Jian’s
body like a gurgling spring.

“This…!” Huang Xiaolong looked over at Zhao Shu, this

series of changes happened too quickly, and truth be told,
Huang Xiaolong was feeling a little too dumbfounded to
react with his usual nonchalance. It had not occurred to him
that Zhao Shu’s ‘old acquaintance’ could possibly be
Duanren Emperor himself, and that the big man would treat
him so respectfully!
It was Duanren Emperor who summoned Huang Xiaolong,
yet why did the situation seem reversed?
Chapter 188: The
Connection Between Zhao
Shu And Duan Ren
Chapter 188: The Connection Between Zhao Shu and Duan

Noticing Huang Xiaolong looking over at him, Zhao Shu

nodded slightly, indicating that he should directly call
Duanren Emperor by his name in the future.

Huang Xiaolong could not help but smile wryly inside as he

imaged the scene where he called Duanren Emperor by his
given name in public. The envisioned reactions already
made him feel helpless and gave him a headache.

In the end, Huang Xiaolong nodded in silence.

Duanren Emperor was delighted that Huang Xiaolong

acquiesced. Smiling, he turned to Zhao Shu and said
respectfully, “If Duan Ren knew Mister Zhao had come to
Duanren Empire, Duan Ren would have gone out to
welcome you in advance. Now, it would appear Duan Ren
was presumptuous to summon Mister Zhao into the imperial
palace. This mistake really makes Duan Ren feel ill at ease.”
Saying he was ill at ease were honest words, and better yet,
he was even trembling in his dragon robe.

Zhao Shu waved his hand in a blasé manner, “It’s nothing.

The Young Lord and I will be staying in Duanren Empire for a
period of time. While we are here, you can come look for me
if you have any questions related to your cultivation.”
Duanren Emperor’s face lit up, with utmost respect and
solemnity, he said: “Then Duan Ren shall be indebted to
Mister Zhao’s favor.” Recently, he indeed ran into a few
stumbling blocks in his cultivation and was helplessly
struggling for some guidance.

Half an hour later, Duanren Emperor saw Huang Xiaolong

and Zhao Shu out of the palace grand hall. In actual fact,
Duanren Emperor wanted to escort Zhao Shu and Huang
Xiaolong all the way back to Southern Hill Estate. Huang
Xiaolong discouraged his intention for it ran the risk of
bringing unwanted attention. Thus, he managed to
persuade Duanren Emperor that only escorting them to
immediately outside the grand hall sufficed. Even so, jaws
dropped to the ground when the guards who were lined up
along the way saw their majestic Duanren Emperor sending
Huang Xiaolong and Zhao Shu off. The grounds were littered
with shocked eyes.

After respectfully escorting Huang Xiaolong and Zhao Shu

out, Duanren Emperor turned back and said to Duan Wuhen
and Cheng Jian, “Both of you send Young Noble Huang and
Mister Zhao back to Southern Hill Estate on my behalf.”

“Yes, Imperial Father!”

“Yes, Imperial Highness!”

Both Duan Wuhen and Cheng Jian immediately replied with

utmost respect.

Despite that, when the four of them reached the imperial

palace’s main entrance, Huang Xiaolong stopped Duan
Wuhen and Cheng Jian at the steps. Seeing Huang
Xiaolong’s insistence, neither of them wished to refute and
thus, they relented. Afterwards, when both Huang Xiaolong
and Zhao Shu’s figure disappeared from view, both of them
returned to the previous palace grand hall to report.

Duanren Emperor observed the two people standing below

the dais, “You two must be feeling curious about Mister
Zhao’s identity, am I right?”

“Imperial Father, that Mister Zhao is… ?” Duan Wuhen took

a step forward, cautiously inquiring.

“Mister Zhao was a good friend of my Master.” Duanren

Emperor spoke in a slow and seemingly distant voice as he
looked ahead, falling into reminiscence. “About a thousand
years ago when I was still a Xiantian warrior, Mister Zhao
was already a Saint realm master.”

Shock suddenly plastered itself all over Duan Wuhen and

Cheng Jian’s faces.

Already a Saint realm master more than one thousand years

ago! While Duanren Emperor was just a Xiantian realm
warrior at that point of time.

It seemed like a long time later when Duan Wuhen spoke

again, “Imperial Father, then Master Ancestor is now…?” He
had never heard his Imperial Father talk about Master

“Master has fallen. One thousand years ago, he was

besieged by enemies. At that time, Mister Zhao rushed over
and rescued me. If it wasn’t for Mister Zhao, I’d have died
just as Master had that year!” Duanren Emperor sighed,
“Looking out for Master’s interest, Mister Zhao took good
care of me after he saved me, guiding my cultivation over
the span of a dozen years. More than a thousand years has
passed so fast!”
Duan Wuhen and Cheng Jian exchanged a look.

Such a thing happened!

If that was true, then Mister Zhao was not only Imperial
Father’s elder, he was also Imperial Father’s savior! On top
of that, he was also half a teacher!

No wonder Imperial Father treated Mister Zhao with

abundant respect and was overjoyed when they met! Duan
Wuhen thought to himself.

“Your Highness, what is Mister Zhao’s level of strength?”

Cheng Jian questioned carefully.

“Unfathomable!” Duanren Emperor answered with a

dignified tone, “He’s at least a Saint realm Seventh Order

Saint realm Seventh Order!

And it was an ‘at least’ at that!

A film of cold sweat appeared on Duan Wuhen and Cheng

Jian’s forehead.

There were only so many Saint realm experts even if you

combed the entire Duanren Empire with a fine-tooth comb.
Most of them would be at the early stages of Saint realm,
with probably only two or three at mid-Saint realm stages.
As for Saint realm Seventh Order and above, Duan Wuhen
searched his memories but, as far as he knew there was

People at Saint realm Seventh Order and above were

undeniably super old monsters among old monsters!
These were definitely existences Duan Wuhen could only
revere. Suddenly recalling the scene at the Righteous
Square, when a general in Duan Wuhen’s camp barked at
Mister Zhao for not saluting him, Duan Wuhen’s knees
started to shake a little.

If Mister Zhao was angered earlier, didn’t that mean he

wouldn’t have been able to protect his little life no matter
how hard he tried?!

Duanren Emperor noticed his son’s strange behavior, hence

asked, “Hen, what’s the matter?”

Duan Wuhen dared not hide the matter, immediately

recounted what happened at Righteous Square to his
Imperial Father.

Hearing the cause and reason, Duanren Empire’s face

became icy, “For those that offend Mister Zhao, death!
Behead that general!”

“Beㄧhead?!” Both Duan Wuhen and Cheng Jian blanked for a

moment. That general was a famous Duanren Empire

“Didn’t you hear what I’ve said?!” Duanren Emperor exuded

a strong pressure as his voice grew stern.

“Understood, Imperial Father!” Duan Wuhen’s heart

tightened and answered without further hesitation.

“I will apologize to Mister Zhao later.” Duanren Emperor


Hearing this, both Duan Wuhen and Cheng Jian cast their
heads down, not daring to breathe as they tried to reduce
their presence.
“Imperial Father, then what about Huang Xiaolong?”
Seconds later, Duan Wuhen could not resist asking.

“You must refer to him as Young Noble Huang!” Duanren

Emperor snapped at his son.

Duan Wuhen’s heart jumped up to his throat as he complied

with his Imperial Father’s order.

“I’m not clear on what Young Noble Huang is trying to

accomplish either. If Mister Zhao wants to tell us, he will.”
Duanren Emperor said, “As for Young Noble Huang’s
identity, do not act on your own accord to investigate or
make baseless assumptions, understand?”

Their two heads nodded like obedient children.

“Okay, you’re excused.” Duanren Emperor cautioned again,

“Bear in mind, do not let any information slip regarding
Huang Xiaolong and Mister Zhao!”

Acknowledging Duanren Emperor’s warning, Duan Wuhen

and Cheng Jian saluted respectfully and withdrew from the
grand hall.

Both walked out from the grand hall until finally leaving the
palace structure. After that, Duan Wuhen and Cheng Jian
continued walking for a long time in silence. Neither spoke a
word until they realized they had come to the imperial
palace’s main entrance.

“Second Imperial Prince,” Cheng Jian spoke first, “This

minister shall take his leave!”

“En, you return first.” Duan Wuhen nodded, his thoughts

were a bit muddled at the moment. The events from today
gave him so much of a shock that he needed some time
alone to think things over.

By this time, Huang Xiaolong and Zhao Shu had returned to

Southern Hill Estate.

Back in Southern Hill Estate, Huang Xiaolong also had many

doubts and questions.

Understanding Huang Xiaolong’s confusion, Zhao Shu

explained: “Sovereign, back in the day, Duan Ren’s Master
and I were good friends.” Zhao Shu then recounted the
events of that year to Huang Xiaolong. First explaining
Duanren Emperor’s Master being surrounded by enemies,
then after that when he arrived and rescued Duan Ren from

Huang Xiaolong’s reaction was similar to that of Duan

Wuhen and Cheng Jian. He finally understood the connection
Zhao Shu had with Duanren Emperor.

When they entered the great hall, Yu Ming and Fei Hou were
seen patiently waiting. Looking towards Huang Xiaolong and
Zhao Shu, Yu Ming and Fei Hou greeted them respectfully.
Huang Xiaolong did not forget to ask about the progress
around arranging the Huang Family’s migration to the
Imperial City.

Once he was finished listening to Yu Ming and Fei Hou’s

report, Huang Xiaolong excused all three of them, initiated
the God Binding Ring, and entered the ancient battlefield.

In the ancient battlefield, Huang Xiaolong took the Grade

Seven Spirit Dan refined from the black-clad old man out of
the Asura Ring.
Chapter 189: Duanren Institute Term Begins!

There were about twenty days or so before Duanren

Institute’s new term began. Huang Xiaolong planned to
swallow the Grade Seven Spirit Dan as well as the two high
Grade Six Spirit Dans from the Imperial City Battle’s reward
and cultivate to enhance his strength a little bit more before
the term started.

Without hesitation, Huang Xiaolong threw the grade seven,

little round pellet into his mouth. An abundant source of
battle qi essence instantly rushed into Huang Xiaolong’s
meridians and Qi Sea. He swiftly ran Asura Tactics to refine
and absorb them.

As Huang Xiaolong refined this grade seven pellet, the Black

and Blue Dragon emerged, hovering above him and
devouring spiritual energy while cultivating as well.

Once Huang Xiaolong had broken into the Xiantian realm,

his martial spirits condensed into solid entities, they could
fight and cultivate too.

Not only that, but in the last two days Huang Xiaolong had
noticed it was possible for his twin dragon martial spirits to
connect to the ancient Dragon Realm, absorbing ancient
true dragon qi!

While the Black and Blue Dragon cultivated in the void

above Huang Xiaolong, absorbing energy into their bodies, a
golden reddish colored energy was seen rolling out from
above. This was the aforementioned qi of a true dragon
from ancient times!

True dragon qi gushed down from the void, half was

absorbed by the twin dragons and the other half was
transferred into Huang Xiaolong’s body, refined and

True dragon qi was one of the top grade innate spiritual

energies formed in this world. It could be said to have the
same grade as the netherworld spiritual energy from the
underworld and was perhaps even higher by a small margin.

As the true dragon qi entered Huang Xiaolong and spread to

every part of his body, Huang Xiaolong could detect
significant changes. Whether it was his flesh or meridians,
bones and tendons, or even his internal organs, everything
was strengthening rapidly at a visible rate.

The netherworld spiritual energy was also gushing down

from the void simultaneously, being absorbed and refined
by Huang Xiaolong.

As Huang Xiaolong continued to absorb more and more true

dragon qi, it transformed into true dragon battle qi,
coexisting in Huang Xiaolong’s meridians and Qi Sea with
the netherworld battle qi.

Huang Xiaolong’s meridians and Qi Sea once again

expanded in size.

If Huang Xiaolong’s meridians before stepping into the

Xiantian realm were akin to a small creek of water, then his
current meridians were like a creek that had expanded ten
times into a big river. It was the same with his Qi Sea,
expanding more than ten times the size it was before.

The moment he succeeded in breaking through to the

Xiantian realm, the gas-like battle qi had fully converted into
liquid form. The energy contained in one drop of battle qi
easily surpassed one hundred cubic feet of gaseous battle qi
by several-fold.
The three of them: Huang Xiaolong, Black Dragon and Blue
Dragon, continued to absorb energy, refine it, and cultivate.

Time flowed by, one day passed. Then two days passed.

In the blink of an eye, half a month had gone by. It took that
much time for Huang Xiaolong to fully refine the grade
seven pellet.

During the course of that half month, Huang Xiaolong was

initially close to breaking through to mid-Xiantian First Order
strength. But with the aid of the grade seven pellet, he then
had successive breakthroughs into mid-Xiantian First Order,
peak mid-Xiantian First Order, and finally, late-Xiantian First

Late-Xiantian First Order!

The grade seven pellet was refined from a Xiantian Eighth

Order expert. In short, it could be said Huang Xiaolong
devoured a Xiantian Eighth Order warrior.

Still, Huang Xiaolong was disappointed. He expected that he

would at least reach peak late-Xiantian First Order after
refining that grade seven pellet.

However in the next moment Huang Xiaolong shook his

head wryly, feeling that he was too greedy. How long had it
been since he had broken into the Xiantian realm? No more
than two months! If it was someone else, it would probably
take them ten years, maybe even longer.

Taking a deep breath, Huang Xiaolong adjusted his mood

and took out the two high Grade Six Spirit Dans rewarded
from the Imperial City Battle competition. He popped both of
them into his mouth at once.
Even so, the combined energy from these two pellets was
considerably weaker than that single grade seven pellet.

Night turned to day and day into night. Ten days came and
went by the time Huang Xiaolong had finished refining the
two high Grade Six Spirit Dans.

Yet, Huang Xiaolong remained at late Xiantian FIrst Order

even after consuming the pills, unable to succeed in
breaking through to the peak late-Xiantian First Order stage.

Although Grade Six and Seven Spirit Dan were very rare and
valuable, as well as beneficial towards one’s increase in
battle qi and cultivation, there were limits to its advantages.
Otherwise, wouldn’t younger generations of those
superfamilies be swallowing Grade Five and Grade Six Spirit
Dan’s to enhance themselves endlessly?

The various disciples and geniuses that enhanced their

cultivation by relying heavily on taking a large number of
spirit pellets forsook a solid foundation. Moreover, every
stage of battle qi breakthrough was difficult. Most of these
superfamilies geniuses were stuck at peak late-Xiantian First
Order or peak late-Xiantian Second Order, unable to step
into the Third Order for the longest time. This was mainly
due to their weak foundation.

As he ended his meditation session, Huang Xiaolong

counted to himself. There were two more days until the start
of the new term at Duanren Institute. Thus he did not exit
the ancient battlefield. Once again, Huang Xiaolong
continued his attempt to cultivate Asura Tactics and the
Body Metamorphose Scripture simultaneously.

Another two days passed amidst Huang Xiaolong’s attempt.

Running both techniques together was much smoother for
Huang Xiaolong than before. If things continued to progress
in this manner, it wouldn’t take long before he could fully
run them at the same time unimpeded.

Satisfied, Huang Xiaolong exited the ancient battlefield.

Outside of the ancient battlefield dimensional space, the sky

began to brighten as the sun slowly rose on the horizon.

Huang Xiaolong strode towards the estate manor’s great

hall, instructing one of the slave servants to call Zhao Shu,
Yu Ming, and Fei Hou to the great hall.

Moments later, the three of them arrived at the great hall.

Huang Xiaolong motioned them to sit after their greetings.

When all four of them were seated, Huang Xiaolong asked

Fei Hou about the progress of the Huang Family’s migration
to Duanren Imperial City.

“Sovereign, members of the Huang Family are already on

the way to the Imperial City, passing the Baolong Kingdom.
But with their speed, they will need a few more months
before arriving in Duanren Imperial City.” Fei Hou replied
respectfully. “They are being escorted by Senior Brother
Haotian and a group of Marshal Mansion’s guards. Their
safety is in good hands.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded. Then, he looked over towards Yu

Ming, “Yu Ming, I must trouble you to rush over and join up
with them.” Despite the fact that Marshal Haotian and the
Mansion guards were with his family, Huang Xiaolong was
not reassured.

“Yes, Sovereign!” Yu Ming acknowledged the order with the

usual respect.
“What’s the situation on Yao Fei’s side?” Huang Xiaolong

Fei Hou laughed as he answered, “Yao Fei is still looking for

that black-clad old man.”

Zhao Shu added, “If he knew that old man was already
‘eaten’ by Sovereign, he’d surely vomit blood.”

Zhao Shu’s comment triggered a burst of laughter.

Huang Xiaolong stood up and said, “Today’s the start of

Duanren Institute’s new term. I’m going over to have a

“Sovereign, I shall go with you.” Zhao Shu stood up and


Huang Xiaolong shook his head: “No need.”

There wouldn’t be any big danger within the Duanren

Institute’s grounds. Furthermore, Huang Xiaolong didn’t
wish to rely on Zhao Shu’s protection all the time.

Hearing this, Zhao Shu no longer said anything.

Hence, Zhao Shu and Fei Hou stayed behind in Southern Hill
Estate to handle the Nine Tripod Commerce’s shift to the
Imperial City while Yu Ming set off to meet up with the
Huang Family group so as to ensure they arrived safely in
Duanren Empire.

Exiting Southern Hill Estate, Huang Xiaolong made his way

to Duanren Institute by himself.

Duanren Institute was located in the center of Duanren

Imperial City. Because he was walking, Huang Xiaolong took
a little over an hour to arrive at the Institute.

When he reached the main gates of the Institute, a sea of

people were already waiting there. After all, it was the first

Duanren Institute was Duanren Empire’s top academy.

Herein gathered the most talented geniuses from over one
thousand of Duanren Empire’s fealty kingdoms. Each person
from these kingdoms was an extraordinary talent.

“Huang Xiaolong!” Just as Huang Xiaolong arrived at

Duanren Institute’s square, a happy voice called his name.
Chapter 190: New Students Signing In

Huang Xiaolong turned around to look at the person who

called his name and when he saw the other party, he was
stunned: “Chen Cheng!”

Chen Cheng… Luo Tong Kingdom Cosmic Star Academy’s

Chen Cheng!

Many years ago when Huang Xiaolong first enrolled into

Cosmic Star Academy, he met Chen Cheng when they
entered the Dragon Flame Valley as a group to cultivate and
he won the first year student’s champion title. That year,
the student who won Cosmic Star Academy’s overall
champion title was Chen Cheng!

Chen Cheng went on to represent Cosmic Star Academy and

Luo Tong Kingdom to participate in the Imperial City Battle.
In the midst of the competition, he broke through into the
Xiantian realm and by a stroke of luck, he succeeded to
clinch a spot within the top one hundred places, thus
becoming a student of Duanren Institute.

Chen Cheng’s success that year in achieving a place within

the top one hundred during the Imperial City Battle and
becoming Duanren Institute’s student had turned him into a
big sensation in the Luo Tong Kingdom.

Huang Xiaolong never expected to run into Chen Cheng on

the first day at the Institute. Seeing Chen Cheng, Huang
Xiaolong was genuinely happy. Since both of them were
people from Luo Tong Kingdom, and students of the same
Cosmic Star Academy, there was a nostalgic feeling of
encountering a long-lost friend or running into a familiar
face far from home.
“Xiaolong, it’s really you!” Chen Cheng walked up, one hand
reaching out to pat Huang Xiaolong’s shoulder as he
laughed heartily. His thrill and excitement even drove him to
give Huang Xiaolong a bear hug.

Releasing Huang Xiaolong, Chen Cheng grinned and said,

“It’s been eight years since we last met, you kid… you’re
taller than me now!”

Although it had been eight years since they last met, and
Huang Xiaolong’s appearance changed considerably, Chen
Cheng could still recognize him. Of course, when he caught
the first glimpse of Huang Xiaolong, he wasn’t sure in the

But now it was confirmed!

Huang Xiaolong responded with a playful punch to Chen

Cheng’s shoulder, “You have become more robust too!”

Eight years had elapsed and Chen Cheng was more

muscular than he used to be. However, in the past, Huang
Xiaolong used to be a head shorter than him. But now,
Huang Xiaolong was actually half a head taller than Chen

“I heard you won first place in this year’s Imperial City

Battle?” Chen Cheng sighed out of admiration, “Even that
Xiantian Second Order Xie Puti lost to you! Perhaps I
wouldn’t even be able take a hit from you now!”

Despite entering Duanren Institute eight years earlier than

Huang Xiaolong, Chen Cheng was only at mid-Xiantian First
Order. Based on strength, Chen Cheng was slightly weaker
than Bai Shou who was thrown out of the stage with one
move from Huang Xiaolong during the Imperial City Battle.
Therefore when Chen Cheng claimed he could not take one
blow from Huang Xiaolong, he was not speaking words of

Huang Xiaolong and Chen Cheng chatted, most of the topics

were related to Cosmic Star Academy.

The Academy was a memory they both shared.

At the mention of Cosmic Star Academy, words seemed to

flow endlessly between them.

“I haven’t been back once in these eight years. I wonder

how much has changed in the Academy?” Chen Cheng
lamented, “I really want to go back and have a look
around.” Not just the academy, he hadn’t even seen his
family during that time frame either. He wondered if they
were doing well.

“The next time I go back to the Luo Tong Kingdom, let’s go

together.” Huang Xiaolong said.

“Really?” Chen Cheng laughed, “Great, it’s a promise!”

Next, his tone changed, “You came today to report to the
institute right? Come on, I’ll bring you there.”

With that, Chen Cheng led Huang Xiaolong towards the new
students’ sign in area.

Cutting across the Institute square, Chen Cheng pointed out

some building structures and introduced them to Huang
Xiaolong as they passed by.

Not long after Duanren Empire was founded, Duanren

Institute was built. It had quite a long history spanning over
a thousand years, which showed in many of the building
structures that exuded a vicissitude of time.
When they passed by the Institute’s Hall of Fame, Chen
Cheng pointed to the five statues erected at the center of
the hall and introduced them one by one to Huang Xiaolong.

All fine were warriors that broke into the Saint realm after
graduating from Duanren Institute.

When Chen Cheng came to the middle statue, an expression

of fanaticism and worship took over, “This is our Duanren
Institute’s most legendary student, Senior Xie Ke!”

“Senior Xie Ke broke through the Saint realm within three

hundred years of cultivation!”

Huang Xiaolong was greatly shocked.

Three hundred years to breakthrough Saint realm!

Chen Cheng nudged him, “Shocked right?” Saying this,

Chen Cheng suddenly lowered his voice to a whisper,
“Senior Xie Ke is the Xie Family’s Ancestor!”

Xie Family’s Ancestor!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes rounded in surprise. Didn’t that

mean this Xie Ke was Xie Puti’s ancestor?

“According to rumors, the Xie Family was established by

Senior Xie Ke.” Chen Cheng added in his barely audible

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed. Eight hundred years ago!

This Xie Family only began eight hundred years ago yet in
that short span of time, it had grown big enough to rival a
two thousand year heritage Yao Family. It would appear that
one must not underestimate this Xie Ke.
If there was an opportunity, Huang Xiaolong hoped to meet
Xie Ke.

Half an hour later, the two of them reached the new

students sign in area.

The building where new students reported was similar to all

of the other buildings, exuding an atmosphere and style of
an age long passed. A lively scene was currently taking
place, many people were already there by the time Huang
Xiaolong and Chen Cheng walked in. Apart from the new
students, there were many old students there as well.
Huang Xiaolong raised his head and saw three characters
written in ancient calligraphy hanging at the top of the
building structure: Wind Facing Hall.

Leading up to Wind Facing Hall were a dozen or so stone


As they walked up the steps, Chen Cheng explained to

Huang Xiaolong that other than being where new students
reported, Wind Facing Hall was also the place where the
students accepted tasks and collected rewards.

Only then did Huang Xiaolong understand why there were

so many older students entering and exiting the hall. It
seemed they came to accept tasks or collect rewards.

Both of them entered the hall after climbing to the top of

the steps.

The door entrance was quite grand, reaching twenty zhang.

As they stepped inside, a majestic scene swept into their
vision. From the outside, Wind Facing Hall did not look big,
but once inside, the great hall appeared enormous and
Though it still lost in size when compared to the Duanren
Square opposite the Duanren Imperial Palace, the difference
was almost negligible.

Still, a ten-minute walk from the entrance was needed

before a person could reach the place where new students
signed in.

When the Institute teacher in charge of the reporting

location heard Huang Xiaolong say his name, the teacher
displayed an exaggerated expression of shock: “You’re
Huang Xiaolong!”

By now, Huang Xiaolong’s name had spread throughout the

entire Duanren Institute.

Of the several hundred thousand students and teachers in

Duanren Institute, there wasn’t a single individual who
wasn’t aware of the person possessing superb twin martial
spiritsㅡHuang Xiaolong!

“That’s right.” Huang Xiaolong nodded.

After receiving affirmation from Huang Xiaolong, the teacher

scrutinized Huang Xiaolong’s appearance once over from
head to toe before chuckling, “So you are Huang Xiaolong.
Looks like what that little lass Sisi said about you was

“Sisi?” There was a trace of confusion in Huang Xiaolong’s


The Institute teacher laughed, “She’s my daughter. She

went to spectate this year’s Imperial City Battle and when
she came back she couldn’t stop praising you, saying you’re
super cool!”
Super cool!

Huang Xiaolong was stumped, leaving him smiling wryly,

whereas Chen Cheng next to him broke out in a fit of

“This is the Institute’s gold badge and robe.” The Institute

teacher proceeded to take out a set of robes and a golden
badge and passed them to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong put everything into the Asura Ring after

receiving them.

Following that, the teacher briefly explained the Institute’s

regulations and gave him an extremely thick book. Other
than the Institute’s regulations, the thousand plus kingdoms
under the Duanren Empire were also written down and
described in detail.

From their conversation, Huang Xiaolong got to know the

name of this teacher that was in charge of handling new
reporting students. His name was Lin Yang.

When Huang Xiaolong and Chen Cheng stepped out from

the great hall, Heartless Young Noble also happened to be
walking up the stone stairs with a large group of people
trailing behind him, which included Yanggang and Pang Yu.
Chapter 191: I’Ll Leave
Your Doglife
Chapter 191: I’ll Leave Your Doglife

Though Huang Xiaolong had never seen Yao Fei prior to this,
the presence of Yanggang and Pang Yu behind him instantly
gave Yao Fei’s identity away.

Huang Xiaolong observed this new person in yellow

embroidered clothing. He had handsome features, albeit
leaning more towards a feminine charm. Huang Xiaolong
could not help but slow to a stop.

At the same time, Yanggang leaned closer to the front

towards Yao Fei, saying: “Young Noble, it’s Huang Xiaolong!”

Huang Xiaolong!

Yao Fei tilted his head slightly, peering at the figure that
exited the Wind Facing Hall.

Their stares collided in midair. An invisible energy

fluctuation rippled, causing the air to explode in muffled
blasts all of a sudden.

Some of the passing students and teachers of Duanren

Institute were startled, retreating a wide berth away.

Huang Xiaolong remained at the same spot like an

immovable mountain. The two men faced each other.

After a momentary lapse of silence, Yao Fei suddenly spoke,

“Huang Xiaolong, it is still not too late if you submit to me
now. As long as you kneel down and admit you’re wrong, I
can forgive your prior wrongdoings.”

Kneel down and admit wrong!

Huang Xiaolong was placid as he retorted, “Admit wrong?

Yao Fei, you think too highly of yourself, I should be the one
saying these words to you. If you kneel down now and admit
your mistakes, I can overlook your previous fault as well as
the mistake just now.”

When the surrounding audience heard Huang Xiaolong

words, everyone gasped in shock. Fingers began to point at
them from many directions as whispered discussions

In the whole of Duanren Institute, there was actually

someone who dared to call Heartless Young Noble Yao Fei by
his name? Moreover, telling Heartless Young Noble to kneel
down and apologize?!

Yanggang and Pang Yu were also stunned, wondering if

Huang Xiaolong’s brain was damaged somehow.

Yao Fei looked dumbfounded for a split second before

laughing exaggeratedly with his hands moving in the air as
if he had just heard the world’s funniest joke.

But those who were familiar with Yao Fei knewㄧYao Fei was
truly angered! A faintly discernable murderous intent spread
from Yao Fei’s body.

His laughter died down but the sharp coldness in his eyes
soared, “Very good, you’re the first person that dared to tell
me to kneel down and admit fault!”
“So what?” Huang Xiaolong’s indifference persisted,
ignoring the rising killing intent from Yao Fei.

Yao Fei looked at Huang Xiaolong with a condescending eye,

“I am really curious, is there a problem with your head or
are you really so cocky that you aren’t even afraid of death?
Do you believe I can take your life, right here right now?
Don’t assume that just because you defeated Xie Puti you’re
invincible in this world. Squashing you is as easy as
snapping my fingers!”

“Really?” came Huang Xiaolong’s tepid response.

Just when everyone around thought Yao Fei was going to

attack, the killing intent around him vanished, totally
converged, “But, killing you so easily is a little too dull. I’ll
keep your doglife around so you can accompany me to play
a little. Till the day comes when I’m tired of you that is. Then
I’ll personally take your life!”

Throwing down his declaration, Yao Fei signaled the people

behind him with a wave of his hands: “We’re leaving!” He
brushed past Huang Xiaolong, entering Wind Facing Hall.
Yanggang, Pang Yu, and the rest hastened to catch up.

Passing by Huang Xiaolong, Yanggang and Pang Yu looked at

him as if they were looking at a dead person, even the
surrounding students were looking at Huang Xiaolong with

“He is Huang Xiaolong? This year’s Imperial City Battle first

place participant? Too bad he offended Heartless Young

“We just need to wait for a good show!”

Voices filled the area.

“Xiaolong, we…!” At this point, Chen Cheng spoke.

“Let’s leave here first.” Huang Xiaolong shook his head.

Huang Xiaolong and Chen Cheng proceeded forward,

leaving behind trails of whispers.

After having left Wind Facing Hall, they came to an empty

place. No longer able to maintain his silence, Chen Cheng
asked, “Xiaolong, how did you come to provoke Heartless
Young Noble?”

Huang Xiaolong did not conceal the matter, recounting Yao

Fei’s invitation and his refusal to Chen Cheng.

Listening to the end of Huang Xiaolong’s story, Chen Cheng

was worried, “Xiaolong, you don’t know Heartless Young
Noble’s influence and power. It’s very troublesome offending
him,” then he continued, “There are two people in Duanren
Institute that you absolutely must not offend. The first one is
Young Noble Wuhen, you should know who Young Noble
Wuhen is, and the other is Heartless Young Noble!”

Huang Xiaolong grinned, “Then I’ve already offended Yao

Fei, what can I do?”

Seeing Huang Xiaolong still have the heart to joke, Chen

Cheng became even more anxious, “How about you… !”

“Impossible!” Huang Xiaolong shook his head. He knew

what Chen Cheng wanted to suggestㄧapologize to Yao Fei.

Chen Cheng wanted to say more, but Huang Xiaolong

interjected, “It will be fine. Don’t worry.”

With this, Chen Cheng could only give up.

Moving on from that, Huang Xiaolong asked many questions
about Duanren Institute. Entering the Institute eight years
before him, Chen Cheng knew more than him.

According to Chen Cheng, there were five most influential

Young Nobles in Duanren Empire. Amongst them, four of
themㅡWuhen, Heartless, Cherish Petal, and Demon Sword
were all Duanren Institute inner division disciples.

The four of them had accumulated quite a large force with

Young Noble Wuhen and Heartless leading at the fore. Young
Noble Cherish Petal and Demon Sword were slightly weaker.

Chen Cheng’s explanation helped Huang Xiaolong

understand the separation of power in Duanren Institute. A
short while later, Chen Cheng brought Huang Xiaolong to
the new students’ dormitory.

The accommodations for students in Duanren Institute were

courtyards. There were two rooms within each individual
courtyard and two students shared a yard.

Huang Xiaolong’s assigned yard number was in area ninety-

eight, yard number one. However, when Huang Xiaolong
and Chen Cheng entered yard number one in area ninety-
eight, someone was seen standing in the middle of the
place with his back facing Huang Xiaolong and Chen Cheng
as they walked in.

Looking at this person’s back, Huang Xiaolong was

surprised: “Xie Puti!”

Xie Puti looked over his shoulder and smiled at Huang

Xiaolong: “Huang Xiaolong!”

A thought flashed in Huang Xiaolong’s mind and he blurted

out, “Don’t tell me that we’re in the same yard?”
“That’s right,” Xie Puti laughed, “Why? Am I not welcome?”

Huang Xiaolong approached with a boisterous laugh,

“Welcome?! Of course you’re welcome!”

Both men clasped hands and laughter rang out in the yard.

Sharing the yard with Xie Puti was out of Huang Xiaolong’s
expectation, but it provided him with much delight. Both of
them might not have spoken much, but after the Imperial
City Battle each person mutually saw the other as a good

“This is Chen Cheng, he is from the same Cosmic Star

Academy as me in Luo Tong Kingdom.” Releasing his grip,
Huang Xiaolong pointed at Chen Cheng at the side.

Chen Cheng quickly greeted, “Hello, Young Noble Xie!”

Xie Puti waved his hand, “What Young Noble Xie? Just call
me Puti, the same as Xiaolong would. Since you’re
Xiaolong’s friend, you can also be considered my friend from
now on.”

Hearing Xie Puti’s words, Chen Cheng was a little flattered.

After all, Xie Puti was one of the Xie Family’s core disciples,
and according to the grapevine, he was highly valued and
favored by Ancestor Xie Ke.

“I heard you told Yao Fei to kneel down and apologize to you
earlier.” Xie Puti then turned to Huang Xiaolong, his face
revealed a wide smile as he gave Huang Xiaolong a big
thumbs up, “Admirable! I think that within the entire
Duanren Institute’s student body, other than Duan Wuhen,
you’re the only one who dares say those words to Yao Fei!”
Chapter 192: Amusement District

Huang Xiaolong was amazed. Barely an hour had passed

since the incident in front of Wind Facing Hall happened, yet
the news had already reached Xie Puti? It seems the Xie
Family’s influence in Duanren Institute was deeper than it
looked on the surface.

“Anyhow, be on your guard when dealing with Yao Fei.” Xie

Puti added some advice as an afterthought. Huang Xiaolong
nodded, he thought the same thing.

“Xiaolong, let’s go for a drink!” Xie Puti said in the next

moment, changing the subject.

“Drink?” Huang Xiaolong repeated blankly.

“You probably still don’t know right? Duanren Institute has

its own amusement district. There’s a place called Sapidity
Wine House that serves a kind of wine called Sapidity Wine,
even more memorable than the Beauty Allure Wine from
Unforgettable Intoxication Restaurant!” Xie Puti laughed
with anticipation.

“For real?” Huang Xiaolong grinned, “Then we really must

go so I can experience it.”

After coming to this world, Huang Xiaolong noticed he had a

growing penchant for good wine. He didn’t have many other
interests, wine could be considered his biggest vocation.

And so, the group of three led by Xie Puti headed to

Duanren Institute’s amusement district. The so-called
amusement district was not that far from Huang Xiaolong’s
new student courtyard dormitory. Thirty minutes later, they
reached the destination.
Seeing the amusement district for himself, it was bigger and
livelier than Huang Xiaolong had imagined. Pedestrians
moved up and down the streets akin to the scene one would
find in a prosperous small town.

Within the amusement district area, shops lined along wide

streets that were more spacious than some of the
infrastructures within royal cities. Students wearing Duanren
Institute’s gold-colored robes could be seen everywhere,
and there were teachers too.

“Come, let’s go in!” Xie Puti guided Huang Xiaolong and

Chen Cheng through the amusement district streets.

As he walked, Huang Xiaolong observed the external design

of the surrounding shops.

The style of buildings here was vastly different from the

grand structures of Duanren Institute. For instance; Wind
Facing Hall exuded a vicissitude of ancient time whereas the
buildings here in the amusement district emanated vigor,
vibrancy, and progress.

“The shop fronts in the amusement district are mostly

opened by the Duanren Empire’s big families. Whatever you
can buy outside, you can get the same thing here, and what
you cannot get outside, you can get them here.” Xie Puti
explained to Huang Xiaolong as they maneuvered through
the crowd, “For example, a grade seven pellet that you can’t
get on the outside, you can get here!”

“Grade seven pellet!” Huang Xiaolong was a little


Xie Puti nodded, “Yes, that’s right. There’s a place called

Bright Radiance Exchange that is handled by the three
biggest firms in the empire. If they were to hold an auction,
they would likely be the group to offer a grade seven pellet,
however it is not guaranteed. In general, a grade seven
pellet only appears once every few years.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

It was unexpected that the three biggest firms of the empire

would cooperate and develop a trading market like Bright
Radiance Exchange that was capable of auctioning a grade
seven pellet.

Suddenly, Xie Puti who was leading in front stopped

abruptly. One finger pointed at a certain tall building
decorated in a variety of reds and pinks, he chuckled
devilishly, “Next time I’ll bring you there. There are many
fun things inside.”

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes trailed in the direction Xie Puti was

pointing at and saw that the entrance of the building was
quite vibrant. There were streams of people coming and
going from the premises. After observing for a while, Huang
Xiaolong finally noticed what was wrongㅡall the customers
were men.

A red house! The term flashed in Huang Xiaolong’s mind; he

never imagined Duanren Institute’s amusement district
would have this kind of ‘facility!’

In other words, a red house was a brothel.

“Aren’t you curious why such a place exists within the

Institute grounds?” Xie Puti continued without waiting for a
reply, “In fact, there’s nothing strange. Of the tens of
thousands of Duanren Institute’s students and teachers,
eighty percent of them are men. Men right, all of us has
physiological needs, thus a red house existing here is
actually quite normal. Furthermore, it was allowed by
Duanren Emperor.”

Duanren Emperor allowed for it!

Huang Xiaolong shook his head inwardly.

“There are many beauties in this red house, and each one is
an expert in that aspect.” At this point, Xie Puti suddenly
suppressed his voice as he spoke to Huang Xiaolong, “That
Zhao Wuji is the big boss behind this red house!”

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes widened in surprise.

Zhao Wuji!

“You couldn’t have guessed it, right?” Xie Puti quipped.

Indeed, this was also something Huang Xiaolong did not


Zhao Wuji was actually the person who controlled the red
house behind the scene.

“What’s Zhao Wuji’s relation with Yao Fei?” Huang Xiaolong

suddenly asked.

Xie Puti blanked for a moment before answering in a solemn

voice, “On the surface, there isn’t any connection between
them other than business related benefits. The force behind
Zhao Wuji is not weak. That little tramp is a thorned rose,
just like that Yao Fei, both are not good characters. If you
come across them, be careful.”

Business related benefits? Huang Xiaolong nodded at Xie

Chen Cheng followed quietly behind the two of them, not
uttering a sound.

He had visited the amusement district area a couple of

times in the past. The expenses here were high, not
something a student like him could afford.

Take the Sapidity Wine from the Sapidity Wine House Xie
Puti mentioned; the price of one jug was ten thousand gold

And it was a very small jug, one could barely taste ten sips
and all was gone.

Moments later, the three of them arrived at Sapidity Wine

House. Although they had yet to enter, an aromatic wine
fragrance wafted out, rousing their intrigue.

Walking into the restaurant, they found a table near the

window on the ground floor and sat down.

There were three floors to the restaurant. The ground floor

was for ordinary students below Xiantian Third Order, the
first floor catered to elite students of Xiantian Third, Fourth
to Sixth Order, whereas the second floor was reserved for
the Xiantian Seventh Order and above, usually the inner
division Institute students.

Sitting down, Xie Puti called out to the restaurant’s waiter.

“How many jugs of Sapidity Wine left for today?” Xie Puti

The waiter blanked for a while, and then answered, “There

are one hundred twenty-three jugs remaining.” The daily
sales of Sapidity Wine were limited to one thousand.
“Bring everything here.” Xie Puti ordered.

“Everything?!” The restaurant waiter was greatly shocked as

he looked at Xie Puti suspiciously, wondering if he had heard
wrongly. One jug of wine cost ten thousand gold coins, and
one hundred twenty-three jugs meant one million two
hundred and thirty thousand gold coins. Not even some of
the big families’ younger generation could afford to throw
out so much at one time.

At this time, Xie Puti withdrew a purple-gold card and threw

it towards the restaurant waiter, “Go, bring the remaining
wine here.”

The restaurant waiter was stunned as he looked at the

purple-gold card. Moments later, he nodded quickly and
said, “Please wait for a while Young Noble, I’ll go prepare
everything and send up the remaining Sapidity Wine.” The
restaurant waiter hurried off after he finished saying that.

But at this time, another two people walked in. Just as they
sat down, one of them ordered crudely, “Lil’ waiter, go and
bring all the remaining Sapidity Wine here!”

The restaurant waiter went over, smiling apologetically he

said, “Apologies to the two Young Nobles, all the remaining
Sapidity Wine for today has been taken by the Young Noble
over there just now!” His eyes indicated Huang Xiaolong’s

Both of the young men turned their heads to look.

“Xie Puti!” Both of them exclaimed the name in unison.

Xie Puti nodded at them both, saying in a laid-back tone,

“Pardon, I’ve bought all the remaining Sapidity Wine for
Evidently, Xie Puti knew them, but they were not close.
However, for these two people to have the capability to
reserve the remaining Sapidity Wine without so much as a
blink, it showed their identities were not simple.
Chapter 193: Investigating
The Absolute Soul Pearl’S
Chapter 193: Investigating the Absolute Soul Pearl’s

Reserved all of it!

Both young men had an ugly expression on their face.

When one of them was about to speak, his companion held

him back while shaking his head slightly. He then turned
around with a faint smile towards Xie Puti, “Since Younger
Brother Puti has reserved the remaining Sapidity Wine for
today, then us brothers will visit another day!” He pulled his
companion up and out from the restaurant in front of Huang
Xiaolong, Xie Puti, and Chen Cheng after ending his

Watching the two silhouettes leaving, Xie Puti spoke,

directing his words at Huang Xiaolong, “Those two have
some relation to you.”

“Related to me?” Huang Xiaolong was baffled.

Xie Puti nodded, “They are members of the Guo Family.”

Guo Family!

Huang Xiaolong instantly understood that the Guo Family

Xie Puti referred to was one and the same as Guo Tai’s Guo
Family. Guo Family’s Million Treasure Firm was one of
Duanren Empire’s three biggest firms, thus it was no wonder
the two people acted like some parvenus the moment they
entered the restaurant, reserving all of the Sapidity Wine
before they were formally seated.

“The portly one is called Guo Zhi, the other is Guo Fei. They
are brothers and their father is Guo Shiwen, Guo Shiyuan
eldest brother. He also happens to be the recognized next in
line as the Guo Family’s Patriarch.” Xie Puti added.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, this meant Guo Zhi and Guo Fei
were Guo Tai’s elder cousin brothers. Later, when his
younger sister married into the Guo Family, she would be
referring to him as Eldest Uncle.

By this time, the restaurant waiter had already sent all the
remaining over one hundred jugs of wine to their table.

Xie Puti laughed, “Come, have a taste of this Sapidity Wine.

I can guarantee after today, you’ll be wanting to come here
every day!” Xie Puti opened a jug and passed it to Huang
Xiaolong. Immediately, a scent of aromatic wine filled the

Huang Xiaolong took the jug, sniffed lightly and took a sip. A
piquant flavor filled his mouth as the liquid slid down his
throat, so extremely smooth that he was already savoring
the taste before it disappeared. Just as Xie Puti claimed, this
Sapidity Wine was way better than the Beauty Allure Wine.

Not too long after, the restaurant waiter returned with some
delicious side dishes for Huang Xiaolong’s table. In the
Sapidity Wine House, guests that bought more than three
jugs of wine were served a table of good dishes free of
Thus, sounds of wine cups clinking sounded continuously
from Huang Xiaolong’s table. The three of them drank every
last drop of the one hundred and twenty-three jugs of wine.

Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti did not think too much about it.
Chen Cheng’s heart, however, was bleeding at the damage.

One hundred twenty-three jugs of Sapidity Wine was

equivalent to one million two hundred and thirty thousand
gold coins ah!

Although Chen Cheng’s family was considered a large force

in the Luo Tong Kingdom, they would be incapable of
gathering so many gold coins even if they had sold all the
pots and pans in their mansion.

Not long after, the trio left the restaurant, returning to the
dormitory yard.

Midway there, Chen Cheng separated from them.

Back in the first yard of area ninety-eight, Huang Xiaolong

looked around his room carefully for the first time. The room
was not big, roughly about twenty square feet. Decorating
the room was a cold jade bed and some simple furniture,
such as a dresser with a couple of drawers.

A cold jade bed… although cultivating on it could increase

the speed of gathering spiritual energy, it no longer had the
same effect for Huang Xiaolong. Not to mention the cold
jade bed inside his Asura Ring was many times better than
this one.

After a brief tour of his room, Huang Xiaolong separated

from Xie Puti and took a look around Duanren Institute by
Of course he would remember his most important aim when
enrolling into Duanren Institute.

Number four on the Heavenly Treasure List, Absolute Soul


For now he had the number nine, Linglong Treasure Pagoda,

and the number six, God Binding Ring. If he could acquire
and refine the Absolute Soul Pearl as well, his cultivation
speed would increase again. He needed to speed up his
cultivation to reach the Saint realm as soon as possible.

According to what Zhao Shu said, his Senior Brother Chen

Tianqi probably had broken through to Saint realm Sixth
Order. Even if he hadn’t reached Saint realm Sixth Order, at
the very least, he stood at peak late-Saint realm Fifth Order.

Huang Xiaolong ‘strolled’ about Duanren Institute for two

hours, but the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and God Binding
Ring inside his body had no reaction.

By this time, the sky outside had darkened.

Instead of going back to the dorm yard, Huang Xiaolong left

Duanren Institute, heading towards Southern Hill Estate.

Walking to the great hall, Huang Xiaolong sent the slave

servant to call Zhao Shu and Fei Hou over. When both
arrived, Huang Xiaolong asked about the progress of Nine
Tripod Commerce’s relocation and the disciples’

Fei Hou said he spotted a suitable courtyard, and it was not

far from Southern Hill Estate. the Nine Tripod Commerce
disciples that were relocated could be arranged there. But
the matter was pending negotiations with the owner.
Huang Xiaolong nodded.

He told Fei Hou to continue watching Yao Fei’s movements,

recounting what happened at the Wind Facing Hall this
morning to Fei Hou and Zhao Shu. He then reminded them
to be vigilant about Yao Fei.

Hearing this, Zhao Shu snorted with disdain, “Just a skinny

brat that is still wet behind the ears. Truly ridiculous! He
dared to tell Sovereign to kneel before him and apologize?
Not only that, but to surrender to him above all?!”

“Sovereign, should we teach that Yao Fei a memorable

lesson?” Fei Hou asked.

A memorable lesson? Huang Xiaolong pondered,”Is Yao Fei

still searching for that black-clad old man?”

“He is, Sovereign.” Fei Hou confirmed.

“For anyone coming to investigate that person’s

whereabouts, capture and kill them on the spot!” Huang
Xiaolong looked over at Zhao Shu as he was saying this.
People that Yao Fei sent to investigate the old man’s
whereabouts were all high-level Xiantian realm experts.

Of course, Huang Xiaolong wouldn’t mind having the

materials to refine a few more grade seven pellets. He could
give them to his parents, Huang Peng and Su Yan, if he
didn’t use them for himself.

Limited by their martial spirit grade, the possibility for them

to successfully break into the Xiantian realm was almost nil,
but swallowing some grade seven pellets would enhance
their physical condition and increase their longevity.
“Yes, Sovereign!” Zhao Shu stood up and acknowledged
Huang Xiaolong’s order with respect.

A short while later, both withdrew from the great hall

whereas Huang Xiaolong initiated the God Binding Ring and
entered the ancient battlefield.

In the ancient battlefield, Huang Xiaolong continued

attempting to cultivate Asura Tactics and Body
Metamorphosis Scripture simultaneously, then moved on to
training God Binding Palm.

God Binding Palm was the heritage battle skill from the God
Binding Ring. It was extremely profound, linking elemental
laws of time and space. Every time Huang Xiaolong trained,
he gained enlightenment on a new level.

One night passed, and morning came.

Huang Xiaolong exited the ancient battlefield, leaving

Southern Hill Estate for Duanren Institute. After arriving,
Huang Xiaolong forwent classes in favor of roaming around
Institute grounds.

The Duanren Institute’s grounds were enormous, divided

into an inner division and outer division. Exploring the outer
division alone would take Huang Xiaolong eight to ten days.

Duanren Institute ran differently from Cosmic Star Academy.

Here, there were neither compulsory classes nor
differentiation by year.

Every day in the Boundless Hall, a teacher would be present

to guide student’s cultivation. The students were free to
decide their attendance.

Ten days passed quickly.

Huang Xiaolong had covered every inch on the outer
division yet the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and God Binding
Ring inside his body stayed quiet. In other words, the
Absolute Soul Pearl was not located anywhere within the
outer division’s grounds.

“If it isn’t in the outer division, then it can only be in the

inner division grounds?” Huang Xiaolong frowned as

Students were free to come and go around the outer

division grounds but the inner division was different, only an
inner division student was allowed to go in.
Chapter 194: Body Dividing Technique

“Looks like I need to use Duan Ren’s connection to enter the

inner division.” Huang Xiaolong thought to himself.

Duanren Emperor was the founder of Duanren Institute. As

Duanren Institute’s backer, this extent of authority should
not pose any problem.

“I wonder if that brat Xie Puti is in the dorm.” Huang

Xiaolong pondered as he passed by the new student’s
dormitory area. Thinking of this, he changed direction and
headed to his own yard.

Entering the yard they shared, Xie Puti was nowhere to be


In the end, Huang Xiaolong could only leave.

However, not far from his yard, Huang Xiaolong ran into Cui
Li as he was walking out. As things so happened, Cui Li was
walking together with Zhao Wuji.

All three were surprised as they ran into each other.

Cui Li looked ill at ease while Zhao Wuji took the initiative to
walk up to Huang Xiaolong with a charming smile, “I didn’t
expect Young Noble Huang to climb up a big tree that is the
Xie Family. I heard Xie Puti invited you to drink Sapidity
Wine, costing over a million gold!”

There was no reaction from Huang Xiaolong.

“But, Young Noble Huang’s talent is indeed worthy enough

for the Xie Family to spend that high a figure to pull you
over.” She broke out in a giggle as her words ended, using
one slender hand to pretentiously cover half her mouth.
Peals of laughter sounded as the front of her bosom
tremored in surging waves.

Huang Xiaolong swept an indifferent glance at Zhao Wuji, “Is

there something you wanted? If not, take those big breasts
of yours and scram!”

Big breasts!


Zhao Wuji’s delicate laughter froze in the air. Her body

stiffened and the charming smile on her face became
warped and ugly. Huang Xiaolong’s unexpected words also
shocked Cui Li, turning to look at him agape. Never had she
imagined such vulgarity to come from Huang Xiaolong’s lips,
someone that looked so elegant and refined!

Zhao Wuji’s face flushed crimson as if she was slapped, and

there was an unmistakable sharp glint in her eyes. Her chest
heaved up and down, she was obviously very angry.

For as long as she lived, this was the first time someone
dared to speak to her in that manner to her face… to take
her big breasts and scram!

“Huang Xiaolong, you… !” Zhao Wuji’s eyes were spitting

fire. A pressuring momentum rose, soaring skyward.

Moments before Zhao Wuji was about to lash out, a voice

rang out, “Zhao Wuji, you dare to ignore Institute rules,
fighting on its grounds?”

The three of them looked over and saw Xie Puti walking in
their direction in slow, unhurried strides.
Slight hesitation flitted across Zhao Wuji’s face, then she
turned around and glared at Huang Xiaolong, “Let’s see if
you’re still alive to repeat those words again to me the next
time we meet!” Leaving this sentence, Zhao Wuji turned
and left.

Cui Li struggled for a moment before she turned around and

followed Zhao Wuji, leaving that spot. There were worried
and complicated emotions on Cui Li’s face as she glanced at
Huang Xiaolong before disappearing from view.

Xie Puti reached Huang Xiaolong’s side, laughing as he

watched Zhao Wuji and Cui Li’s leaving figures. Showing
Huang Xiaolong a thumbs-up, he said, “You’re indeed my
good brother一take your big breasts and scram! Classic, too

“Let’s go, us brothers are going for a few drinks at the

Sapidity Wine House!”

Without waiting for a reply from Huang Xiaolong to his

invitation, he pulled Huang Xiaolong towards said location.

Arriving at the Sapidity Wine House, Xie Puti ordered the

servant to send all the remaining jugs of wine to them just
as the last time they were there.

Because he recognized Xie Puti, the restaurant waiter did

not hesitate this time around. He immediately went to take
care of Xie Puti’s order, sending the remaining two hundred
jugs or so of Sapidity Wine that were left for the day.

Not too long after Xie Puti and Huang Xiaolong started
enjoying their wine, Guo Zhi and Guo Fei once again walked
into the restaurant.
The Guo Brothers walked into the establishment and the
first thing they saw was Xie Puti and Huang Xiaolong. The
brothers were chagrined. After the last encounter, they did
not expect bad luck would have them bump into Xie Puti…
so soon.

Xie Puti saw the brothers walking in, he laughed in a very

good mood, “Pardon me you two, I have bought the
remaining Sapidity Wine for today.”

This callous remark made the Guo Brothers’ expressions

turn gloomier.

“Since Brother Xie has reserved all of them, then us

brothers shall come again another day.” Guo Zhi squeezed
out a forceful smile and replied, then both of them turned to
leave without further words.

Outside of the building, Guo Zhi’s solemn voice sounded,

“Go back and send someone to investigate who that little
punk together with Xie Puti is.”

“I understand, Big brother.”

A few hours later, Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti left the
Sapidity Wine House in separate directions. Huang Xiaolong
made his way back to Southern Hill Estate.

Darkness gradually shaded the dusky amber sky.

As he ambled along a deserted street, an abrupt killing

intent burst out and disappeared just as quickly. Huang
Xiaolong’s footsteps halted. At the same instant, he used
the Phantom Shadow ability and his silhouette vanished in a
flashed, avoiding the attack within a minuscule gap. A sharp
cold light was seen slashing across the spot where he
previously stood.
A man clad in black from head to toe showed himself.

Huang Xiaolong stared at the person coldly, “Yao Fei sent


The other person chose silence as his response. The man’s

figure flickered as his palm once again aimed at Huang
Xiaolong. Sword spark’s bloomed in the night, creating a
round emblem in the darkness above.

Huang Xiaolong decisively transformed into his Asura

Physique. Killing intent spiraled out like a hurricane as he
flapped the ebony Wings of Demon, once again avoiding the
other side’s attack. The Blades of Asura emerged, gripped
firmly in Huang Xiaolong’s palms as he slashed out.

“Tempest of Hell!”

The roar of hell reverberated throughout the darkness of


Two hellwind vortexes appeared out of thin air,

instantaneously overwhelming the black-clad man. Startled,
the man jumped back as fast as he could, his body was
shrouded in a swirling black mist as a black bat emerged
behind him.

A black bat with six wings and violet eyes.

Huang Xiaolong recognized this martial spirit at first glance,

a Violet-pupils Bat.

This was an extremely rare martial spirit with a reputation

that rivaled superb talent martial spirits. According to
rumors, in the blanket of the night’s darkness, this kind of
Violet-pupils Bat could absorb the moon’s essence without
any limitation, temporarily enhancing its battle strength
which was comparable to an ordinary superb talent martial
spirits’ level.

Not only that, utilizing the cover of night, its owner’s

strength increased by a third!

The other side soul transformed the moment he summoned

his martial spirit. After soul transforming, six stout wings
sprouted from his back and his aura’s momentum rose at an
astonishing rate, stopping at late-Xiantian Second Order.

“Body Dividing Technique!”

Right in front of Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, the man leaped into

the air and exploded into six doppelgangers who looked
exactly the same as the original.

All six attacked Huang Xiaolong at once, cold metal gleamed

and images blurred.

Watching this scene take place, Huang Xiaolong dared not

underestimate the enemy.

He summoned his twin martial spirits, the Black and Blue

Dragon, and soul transformed. Jumping up into the air,
Huang Xiaolong swung his blades, sending streaks of angry
lightning. The attack, State of Abundant Lightning, spread
out and covered the area. One by one, these doppelgangers
exploded and vanished under the lightning attack, leaving
only the original body.

But at that moment, the enemy once again displayed his

Body Dividing Technique, this time splitting into twelve
doppelgangers instead of six!

Twelve people combined into a sword array to attack Huang

Huang Xiaolong watched icily as twelve people attacked him
with an array. His right hand moved and struck a palm out.

“God Binding Palm!”

A myriad of golden palms flew out, piercing through the


The enemy’s eyes widened in sudden trepidation as the

space, airflow and everything else had stopped moving
wherever those golden palms passed. Following that, his
twelve avatars were temporarily suspended in midair before
quickly vanishing and leaving the original body out in the

The God Binding Palm landed on the black-clad man’s chest,

inverting his body and flinging it back due to the impact.

Huang Xiaolong landed gently on the street. He took slow

steps as he walked up to the side of the attacker.
Chapter 195: News Of
Deities Temple
Chapter 195: News of Deities Temple

You!” Fear was evident on that man’s face as he stared at

Huang Xiaolong. He struggled to get up from the ground as
fast as he could.

Before he made his move, he had investigated carefully and

knew Huang Xiaolong had broken into the Xiantian realm,
and not too long ago at that. Though he defeated Xie Puti,
no one really truly minded that point. Yet he who had the
Violet-pupils Bat, battling during the advantageous
nighttime still lost!

“Why don’t you just admit it, Yao Fei sent you?” Huang
Xiaolong’s cold gaze pierced through him.

In a sudden move, the black-clad man blurred away, new

doppelgangers burst out from his body as he moved,
creating twenty-four identical decoys. The Violet-pupils Bat
spread its wings to escape.

Multiplying into twenty-four doppelgangers was his limit.

“Trying to escape?” Huang Xiaolong’s expression sank. Both

hands shaped into claws and tore through the void at the

A black mist entity swirled out from Huang Xiaolong’s

hands, gathering up in midair and transforming into wraith
headsㅡa total of exactly twenty-four appeared. Howling
wraith heads flew out, each pouncing onto the backs of the
enemy’s doppelgangers.

Twenty-three out of twenty-four dissipated into wisps of

smoke whereas the remaining original body plummeted
from midair, issuing a hair-raising scream.

Falling to the ground, the man convulsed in pain, rolling and

twisting on the ground due to the excruciating pain. The
flesh of his back where the attack landed was an
indistinguishable mess, a dark energy rippled beneath the
open wound which formed the imprint of a wraith head. The
shrieking howl of wraiths echoed endlessly in the dark

This was the first move of Asura Demon Claw, Laments of

Thousands of Demons. Huang Xiaolong might not practice it
diligently, but as years went by and with his increase in
strength, its attack power had increased significantly.

At present day, under Huang Xiaolong’s control, the Asura

Demon Claw’s first move, Laments of Thousands of
Demons, could form more than thirty wraiths with one

Struck by Asura Demon Claw, the opponent’s body will be

invaded by thousands of demons negative qi, which was
undoubtedly a thousand times worse than Asura Sword
Skill’s frigid qi.

“I beg you, kill me, just kill me!” Seconds later, tragic
screams begging for mercy filled the deserted street. The
black-clad man was unable to tolerate the extent of torture
and pleaded for mercy from Huang Xiaolong.

“Speak, who sent you?” Huang Xiaolong moved closer to

the man, his voice dangerous and low.
“It, it was Guo Zhi!” The man shouted in short gasps.

Guo Zhi!

Huang Xiaolong was stupefied.

“Guo Family’s Guo Zhi, the two Guo Brothers, Guo Zhi and
Guo Fei?”

“Yes, it’s them!” The black-clad man admitted, “I beg you,

just kill me, let me die painlessly.”

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes grew icy upon hearing the man’s

confession, he did not expect the individual(s) behind this to
actually be the two Guo Brothers. The two possible suspects
who crossed his mind to have sent this person was either
Yao Fei or Zhao Wuji.

Yet, he was thrown a curveball by the Guo Brothers.

Just because he and Xie Puti hindered them twice with the
Sapidity Wine incidents, and they dare not lay their hands
on Xie Puti, all of their anger was vented at him?

It seems he underestimated the narrow-mindedness of this

pair of brothers!

Observing the man flapping like a fish out of water, an idea

struck Huang Xiaolong like a bolt of lightning. With a
thought, he called out the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and
started the Thousand Demons Engulfing Destruction Array
inside the Thousand Beast Cauldron. A powerful suction
force instantly wrapped around the man and pulled him into
the Thousand Beast Cauldron. However, Huang Xiaolong did
not start refining the man on the spot. Instead, his body
flickered away, leaving the area and returning to Southern
Hill Estate.
Once back in Southern Hill Estate, Huang Xiaolong called for
Fei Hou.

To refine a mere early stage Xiantian expert was much

easier, using Fei Hou’s and his battle qi was sufficient
enough for the task.

It only took a single day’s time before that black-clad man

had been completely refined. However, with his Xiantian
Second Order strength, the result was only a mid grade five

For the current Huang Xiaolong, a mid-grade five pellet had

already lost its efficacy. When the refinement was done,
Huang Xiaolong and Fei Hou left the room.

Moving into the great hall, both of them sat down and Fei
Hou took the initiative to speak first, “Sovereign, this black-
clad man was sent by Yao Fei?”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “It was Guo Zhi and Guo
Fei, the two brothers.”

“Guo Zhi and Guo Fei brothers?” A trace of confusion was

apparent in Fei Hou’s eyes.

Hence Huang Xiaolong briefly described Guo Zhi and Guo

Fei’s identity and mentioned the matter regarding Sapidity

“Sovereign, do you want us to… ?” Fei Hou suggested in an

inquiring manner.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and waved his hand, saying
“Did Yao Fei send anyone to investigate that black-clad old
man’s clues?”
Fei Hou smiled respectfully as he reported to Huang
Xiaolong, “I was about to report to Sovereign that Left
Custodian Zhao Shu captured one the day before

“Oh!” Huang Xiaolong also laughed, “Where’s the person?”

“He’s being held in the Eastside Courtyard’s chamber.” Fei

Hou then added, “I will go bring him over now.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Before long, Fei Hou was seen dragging a thin-faced old

man with silver hair into the great hall.

The instant the silver-haired old man saw Huang Xiaolong

he clamored, “Huang Xiaolong, it’s best if you let me go this
instant. If not, the Yao Family will ensure you die without a
body to be buried with!”

Huang Xiaolong remained indifferent, “Oh really?” Without

caring to reply, Huang Xiaolong’s fingers shaped into claws.
Asura Demon Claw’s first move struck the silver-haired old
man’s torso. The impact threw him out of the great hall, his
body crashing onto the ground, tumbling until he reached
the great hall door.

This silver-haired old man’s actual strength was at Xiantian

Ninth Order, but unfortunate for him, his Qi Sea and
meridians were sealed by Zhao Shu. In front of Huang
Xiaolong, he was no different than a mere mortal who
couldn’t put up any resistance.

Before one could bat an eye, the thousand wraiths energy

invaded the silver-haired old man’s body. Raw, agonizing
screams resounded from the old man. It did not take long
for him to start begging Huang Xiaolong for mercy.
“Spare you? Huang Xiaolong approached the silver-haired
old man, and reassured in a frigid voice, “Don’t worry, the
Yao Family you spoke of will be erased from Duanren Empire
soon!” Once he finished saying that, Huang Xiaolong called
out the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and had it suck the silver-
haired old man inside.

Zhao Shu was not in the Southern Hill Estate at the

moment. He took a trip to Duanren Imperial Palace in the
morning, so Huang Xiaolong had to wait for Zhao Shu to
come back before he could refine the new ‘material.’

Around midnight, Zhao Shu returned from the imperial

palace and proceeded to refine the silver-haired old man
with Huang Xiaolong.

However, Huang Xiaolong didn’t take the grade seven pellet

for himself this time and placed it into the Asura Ring for

After dealing with the silver-haired man, Huang Xiaolong

spoke with Zhao Shu about entering the inner division of
Duanren Institute, directing Zhao Shu to speak with Duan
Ren about making the necessary arrangements.

“Please be assured Sovereign, this Subordinate will go and

tell the Lil’ Monkey about it now.” Listening to Huang
Xiaolong’s words, Zhao Shu immediately replied.

Huang Xiaolong quickly waved him down, saying “No need

to do it now. You can speak to Duan Ren tomorrow or the
next time you see him.” To look for the Absolute Soul Pearl,
a day or two later made no difference.

“Yes, Sovereign.” Zhao Shu obeyed.

“Zhao Shu, do you know a force that refers to themselves as
Deities Templar?” Huang Xiaolong suddenly posed the
question to Zhao Shu.

In fact, Huang Xiaolong had wanted to inquire about this

mysterious Deities Templar from Zhao Shu much earlier.

Haotian and Fei Hou weren’t aware of their existence but

perhaps Zhao Shu does.

“Deities Templar?” Zhao Shu shook his head, “Never heard

of it.”

Even Zhao Shu didn’t know about it? Huang Xiaolong

frowned. Again, the mysteriousness of this Deities Templar
had far exceeded Huang Xiaolong’s predictions, so much so
that even Zhao Shu didn’t know anything about it.

“Since Sovereign wants information about Deities Templar, I

will also ask Lil’ Monkey about it.” Zhao Shu added.

Huang Xiaolong nodded in agreement, this was the path to

take when there was no other way. It was just that, every
time Zhao Shu called Duanren Emperor ‘Lil’ Monkey’, Huang
Xiaolong felt awkward.

For the next two days after that, Huang Xiaolong did not
leave Southern Hill Estate and instead cultivated there on
his own.

In the early morning two days later, Zhao Shu came to

report to Huang Xiaolong, “Sovereign, I have news about
Deities Templar.”
Chapter 196: Divine World

“There’s news about Deities Templar?” Huang Xiaolong’s

surprise was instantly overridden by joy.

Zhao Shu nodded his head while saying, “According to what

Duan Ren said, this Deities Templar only emerged in the last
one hundred years or so. But they behave mysteriously, not
even Duan Ren knows where their headquarters is. All he
knows is that the Deities Templar master is a woman with
unfathomable strength. Every ten years, Deities Templar
selects ten disciples on Snow Wind Continent. What they
claim is, those that are selected to be disciples of Deities
Templar have the opportunity to cultivate in the Divine

Because Huang Xiaolong could not stand hearing the pet

name ‘Lil Monkey, he made Zhao Shu change the way he
referred to Duanren Emperor.

“What?! Divine World?!” Huang Xiaolong was so astonished

that his eyes widened into two round moons.

Does this world have a different dimension called Divine


In his previous life on Earth, there were different types of

world’s written in fantasy novels, such as Immortal Realm
and Divine Realm. But that was all fairy tales.

Zhao Shu nodded affirmatively, adding: “In fact, this Martial

Spirit World that we live in is merely a low-grade dimension.
There exists many living dimensions of higher grade than
Martial Spirit World, and the Divine World is one of many.
But, to travel to Divine World, one must open a space tunnel
that connects to the Divine World. I did not expect that this
Deities Templar could actually open such a space tunnel!”

Zhao Shu’s expression grew solemn as he continued,

“However, to open up a space tunnel to the Divine World is
not something within the average Saint realm experts’
capability. Even for a peak late-Saint realm Tenth Order
expert, it is still a herculean effort. Unless several peak late-
Saint realm Tenth Order experts worked together, and with
the help of an ancient sacred array, only then would there
be a possibility of opening a space tunnel to the Divine
World! Other than that, only a God Realm master could
accomplish this!”

Huang Xiaolong was greatly taken aback after Zhao Shu’s

explanation. From this, Deities Templar’s strength was
overwhelmingly evident.

“When is Deities Templar expected to hold the next disciple

selection?” On the spur of the moment, Huang Xiaolong

Zhao Shu was surprised but then reacted swiftly, “Six years
later, not more than seven. From what Duan Ren said, one
of their conditions for disciple selection is that one must
possess a superb talent martial spirit, and the other
condition is that the candidate’s strength must reach
Xiantian Tenth Order and above.

Xiantian Tenth Order and above!

Huang Xiaolong’s brows deeply furrowed.

Nonetheless, it was impossible for him to break through to

Xiantian Tenth Order in the span of six years’ time. Not
disregarding the possibility of him obtaining the Absolute
Soul Pearl, as fast as his cultivation speed may increase to,
it would still be far from achieving that condition!

Wanting to enter Deities Templar was of course not for

pursuing cultivation, but for Li Lu!

Putting aside his emotions, Huang Xiaolong continued to ask

information about Deities Templar from Zhao Shu.

Zhao Shu answered one by one, however, the information

he got from Duan Ren wasn’t much to begin with. Therefore,
what Zhao Shu could answer for Huang Xiaolong was limited
as well.

A short while later, Zhao Shu withdrew.

Darkness slowly blanketed the sky in an ink black cover.

Tonight was a moonless night, the heavens above looked

like nothing more than an ocean of unfathomable darkness.

Huang Xiaolong stood outside his yard, staring into this dark

Images of Li Lu flashed one after another in his mind; the

lovely dimples on her cheeks when she laughed, sweet and
beautiful. Those large eyes held an alluring charm that
rendered one incapable of looking away.

Three years had passed since Huang Min’s explanation

regarding Li Lu being whisked away by that beautiful
woman. In these three years, whenever he took a break
from cultivation during the deepest hours of the night, he
would think of Li Lu.

Three years, yet Li Lu’s face did not fade into the abyss of
time. Instead, her appearance became clearer in his mind. It
was only now that he finally realized Li Lu was deeply
ingrained in his heart.

“Li Lu.” Huang Xiaolong said her name softly.

A sudden pain tugged at his heartstrings. He shouldn’t have

allowed that Deities Templar woman to bring Li Lu away that
year. Despite so, he couldn’t have stopped it no matter how
much he wished to. Not to mention that time, he was still
powerless even now. That beautiful woman was at least a
Saint realm expert. With the Deities Templar at her back, if
she wanted to take away one person, the entire Snow Wind
Continent’s empires were probably powerless to stop her,
what more someone like Huang Xiaolong?



In the end, power and strength determine everything!

The mounting pressure of Asura burst forth from Huang

Xiaolong’s body, an aura of slaughter filled the yard in the
moonless night.

In the next moment, a bright light flickered and a golden

token appeared on his palm.

This golden token was given to Zhao Shu by Duan Ren. With
this, Huang Xiaolong was free to enter and leave Duanren
Institute’s inner division compound.

Absolute Soul Pearl!

Regardless what hurdles blocked his way, he must find the

Absolute Soul Pearl, borrowing the power from these three
Heavenly Treasures to speed up his cultivation speed and

Morning arrived with the resplendent sunlight shining,

caressing one’s skin and providing warmth.

Huang Xiaolong stepped out from the Southern Hill Estate

and headed in Duanren Institute’s direction.

Arriving in Duanren Institute, Huang Xiaolong walked

straight towards the inner division area. The inner division
grounds were different when compared to the outer division
in that there were guards at the entrance.

When Huang Xiaolong wanted to enter, a guard squad

quickly blocked his path.

The guard squad consisted of eleven guards and was led at

the front by an expert who looked like a forty-something
middle-aged man with a goatee.

The goatee middle-aged man scrutinized Huang Xiaolong

with cold eyes, “Little punk, as the Institute’s outer division
student, are you not aware that outer division students are
not allowed to enter the inner division area? Trespassers are
punished with ten slashes by the knife!”

Ten slashes by the knife!

Meaning the trespassing person who stepped into the inner

division area would be punished with ten cuts from a knife.
And it was a prerequisite that the tip of the knife should be
pierced through the body each time to be considered as

“Go, strip this kid’s clothes off and let him have a taste of
the ten knives punishment!” The goatee middle-aged man
looked over his shoulder to the back of him, ordering one of
the guards.

“Yes, Captain Yang!”

When that guard was about to step out, Huang Xiaolong

raised one of his arms up, revealing a shiny golden token.
Huang Xiaolong’s action obstructed that guards’ vision
entirely, causing him to stagger backward.

The rest of the guards were astounded as they stared at the

golden token in Huang Xiaolong’s hand.

“The Great Emperor’s Golden Token!”

“This is the Great Emperor’s Golden Token, no mistake!”

The goatee middle-aged man was also stupefied as he

looked dazedly at the shiny golden token.

“Greeting Lord Bearer of the Golden Token!”

Before he could recover his senses, the rest of the guards

had knelt down in respectful salute.

Regardless of who it was, seeing the person holding the

Golden Token, everyone must kneel in salute and be
referred to as Lord Bearer of the Golden Token. This rule was
set down by Duan Ren himself.

Awakened from his daze, the goatee middle-aged man

quickly knelt down: “Greeting Lord Bearer of the Golden

Huang Xiaolong nodded and slowly strode into the inner

division. However, when he passed next to the goatee
middle-aged man, he said, “Your goatee grew nicely,
Captain Yang [1]? It goes well with your name!”

The goatee middle-aged man was stunned for a moment

before the expression on his face turned ugly and awkward,
not daring to refute Huang Xiaolong while his subordinates
laughed secretly behind him.

Not until Huang Xiaolong’s figure disappeared from sight did

the guards get up. The goatee middle-aged man’s eyes
glinted with an icy sharpness as he stared the young man’s
backㅡHuang Xiaolong!

He was at Duanren Square, watching the Imperial City

Battle, thus it wasn’t strange he could recognize Huang

Half an hour later, the goatee middle-aged man appeared

inside a solitary secluded courtyard.

“You’re sure it was Huang Xiaolong?” Standing with his back

towards the goatee middle-aged man, Yao Fei questioned.

“Yes, Heartless Young Noble. I can guarantee it was Huang

Xiaolong!” The goatee middle-aged man answered

Yao Fei’s eyes emanated piercing coldness, “Golden Token in

his hands? How did he come into possession of Duan Ren’s
Golden Token? Perhaps it was Duan Wuhen using it to
attract this little punk, thus giving his own Golden Token to

There were only two Golden Token’s in the entire Duanren

Empire. One was in Duan Ren’s hands, while the other was
held by Duan Wuhen.
“You did well, go and get two Soul Strengthening Dan from
Heartless Hall.” Yao Fei said and waved him away.

Soul Strengthening Dan, mid-Grade Five Spirit Dan.

“This one thanks Heartless Young Noble!” The goatee

middle-aged man was overjoyed. Expressing his thanks, he
turned and left.


Captain Yang 羊队长 and goatee 羊须 shares the same character.

A pun on his name and appearance.
Chapter 197: Li Lu Appears!


After the goatee middle-aged man withdrew, Yao Fei

mumbled to himself, “What does that punk hope to achieve
from entering the inner division grounds? Still, in order to
attract this little punk, Wuhen was actually willing to use his
Golden Token… He really places a high importance on him! I
also heard this kid has been getting along well with Xie

“But Huang Xiaolong, do you think that by being tied

together with Duan Wuhen and the Xie Family, I wouldn’t
dare to kill you?”

“I’ll make sure you understand the terrifying consequences

of offending me, Yao Fei!”

Yao Fei voiced icily, words reverberating above the yard.

Every time he recalled the scene in front of Wind Facing Hall

where Huang Xaiolong told him to kneel down and admit
wrong in public, Yao Fei could hardly control his soaring
murderous intent.

Huang Xiaolong!!

The gleam in Yao Fei’s eyes was like sharp blades.

At this time Huang Xiaolong, who was roaming around in the

inner division area, walked in front of a pagoda.

The pagoda reached a hundred zhang in height and was

divided into several different levels, spiraling up from the
bottom in a spherical shape. Peculiar drawings were painted
on the surface of each wall on every level.

There were humans, beasts, mountains, seas, and some

strange looking plants.

Looking at this pagoda, a light of familiarity shone in Huang

Xiaolong’s eyes. Judging from the shape, the pagoda in front
of him had an uncanny resemblance to the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda.

A voice suddenly sounded behind him, “This is the Battle

Skill Pagoda. Duanren Emperor had it made in order to
imitate the Linglong Treasure Pagoda. Inside is laid with a
Spirit Gathering Array. Cultivating battle qi inside is highly

Huang Xiaolong turned around to see who was behind him.

The person that spoke was a young man wearing azure
clothes. He wore the same azure color from head to toe and
had a golden badge that represented being an inner division
disciple of Duanren Institute. He seemed to be about
twenty-seven to twenty-eight years of age.

Made to imitate the Linglong Treasure Pagoda? No wonder

its appearance was so similar to the Linglong Treasure

“I’m called Liu Jianyu.” The azure-robed young man smiled

and introduced himself.

“Huang Xiaolong.” Huang Xiaolong reciprocated.

“You’re THAT Huang Xiaolong?! The one with superb twin

dragon martial spirits, Huang Xiaolong?” Liu Jianyu couldn’t
hide his shock hearing Huang Xiaolong’s name.
“So, you’re Huang Xiaolong.” Liu Jianyu chuckled, appearing
really happy as his hand reached out to Huang Xiaolong
while he approached closer, “I’ve wanted to get to know this
year’s Imperial City Battle champion, being hailed as
Duanren Empire’s most talented monstrous genius since its
establishment, the Divine Dragon Young Noble.”

“Divine Dragon Young Noble?” Huang Xiaolong was

confused. He too reached out his hand to clasp the other’s

With a shake, both release their hands.

Liu Jianyu explained, “I don’t think you know. Now, people

already likened you to Wuhen, Heartless, and the rest of the
five Young Nobles rank, calling you Divine Dragon Young
Noble. Now, Duanren Empire no longer has five Young
Nobles, but rather six.”

“Six Young Nobles!” Huang Xiaolong shook his head wryly.

He didn’t expect he would be coined with a nickname such

as Divine Dragon Young Noble and become a part of this so-
called six Young Nobles of Duanren Empire.

“But… you’re not an inner division student, yet still

managed to enter?” Liu Jianyu asked.

“I have the Golden Token.” Huang Xiaolong replied, precise

and short.

Since the matters about the Golden Token would definitely

be conveyed from the mouths of those guards, there was
nothing to conceal.

Liu Jianyu was genuinely shocked at this piece of

information. He stared at Huang Xiaolong with obvious
disbelief on his face for a good while before laughing it off,
“This Golden Token must’ve been given to you by Young
Noble Wuhen? I didn’t expect Young Noble Wuhen to
willingly to let you use the Golden Token.”

Hearing what the other party said, Huang Xiaolong neither

confirmed nor refuted. He just smiled in silence instead.

If he said the Golden Token had come from Duan Ren, and
that he had unlimited usage of it, not only would Liu Jianyu
likely find it hard to believe, but the entire Duanren Empire
would have the same reaction.

Of course, two people were excluded from thisㅡDuan Wuhen

and Cheng Jian.

Liu Jianyu chatted with Huang Xiaolong for a while before


Although Liu Jianyu did not mention it, Huang Xiaolong

guessed he was a member of Duanren Empire’s Liu Family.

The Liu Family might not compare to Xie Puti’s Xie Family,
but it was still a big family in Duanren Empire after all, just
marginally lower in status when compared to Guo Tai’s Guo

Huang Xiaolong had a favorable opinion towards Liu Jianyu,

just as he did with Guo Tai. Both of them didn’t have that
reckless arrogance belonging to younger generation nobles
from big families.

After separating with Liu Jianyu, Huang Xiaolong continued

to ‘roam’ around the inner division.

Another day passed without any reaction from the Linglong

Treasure Pagoda and God Binding Ring inside Huang
Xiaolong’s body.

Huang Xiaolong left the inner division grounds when night

descended, returning back to Southern Hill Estate.

As for the person sent to keep an eye on Huang Xiaolong, he

reported to Yao Fei and said that Huang Xiaolong only
wandered around mindlessly. Yao Fei frowned.

“Wandered aimlessly around the perimeter?” Yao Fei tried to

think of Huang Xiaolong’s possible aim.

“Young Noble, is it possible the brat was just curious about

the inner division and wanted to enter to take a look
around?” At this time, a guard took a step forward and

But before he could finish, Yao Fei’s palm struck him,

sending that guard flying to a corner of the room.

“What do you think?” Yao Fei mocked, his icy voice sounding

This caused the guard to hit his own mouth repeatedly as


“Contact Jin Mu, have him come back.” Yao Fei turned
around and instructed a different guard beside him.

That guard hesitated briefly before saying, “Young Noble, we

lost contact with Senior Jin Mu two days ago. It seems Senior
Jin Mu has… gone missing!”

“What? Missing?!” Yao Fei’s eyes glowered.

“Yes. Senior Jin Mu went missing just like Senior Zhang, the
last thing we know is that the both of them were in Southern
Hill Estate.” That guard confirmed.

The Senior Jin Mu mentioned by Yao Fei was the silver-haired

old man refined by Huang Xiaolong using the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda two days ago.

“Already missing for two days, why did you only inform me
about this right now?” Yao Fei became enraged and struck
that guard, sending him flying.

The rest of the guards were trembling in fear.

“Scram, go investigate what happened!” Yao Fei roared.

“Yes, Young Noble!”

The group of guards fled in panic.

The glint in Yao Fei’s eyes sharpened: “Huang Xiaolong!”

At this time in Southern Hill Estate, Huang Xiaolong stood in

the middle of his yard. The internal force in his body flowed,
slowly shrinking his bones, he had seemingly grown shorter
by half a head. Judging from physical appearance, Huang
Xiaolong appeared to be only one meter tall at most, not
much different compared to a seven to eight-year-old child.

When he successfully shrunk his bones to one meter in

height, the bones in his body started to issue cracking
sounds as he grew back to his original height of about six

This was: Bone Shrinking Art.

Before this, his internal force had yet to break into the
Xiantian realm, thus this Bone Shrinking Art wasn’t that
useful. But he had been practicing this ever since his
internal force broke into the Xiantian realm, allowing the
bones in his body to shrink and enlarge naturally. In the
future, Huang Xiaolong could change his physical
appearance and facial features. This would prove to be
greatly convenient and useful in the future.

This was something that battle qi cultivation could not

provide. Not even a Saint or God Realm expert could do
what he did.

The night passed quietly.

When dawn approached, Huang Xiaolong stopped his

practice for the night. Leaving Southern Hill Estate through
the front entrance, Huang Xiaolong suddenly stiffened. He
stopped and stared dazedly at the person in front of him.

There stood a familiar figure!

Li Lu!

It was actually the Li Lu who was taken away by that

beautiful woman from Deities Templar.

Li Lu wore a white dress, her slightly red-rimmed eyes

stared at Huang Xiaolong. Compared to three years ago, her
small face lost the naivety and naughtiness that used to be
there, replaced with a magnificent charm and stunning
beauty. Every movement and smile could shake a person to
their core. She was much taller than three years ago, and
much more developed as well.

Huang Xiaolong rubbed his eyes, afraid it was just his

Chapter 198: Ao Baixue

Huang Xiaolong rubbed his eyes and looked again to the

other side of the street. The white-dressed figure was still
thereㅡLi Lu was still standing there!

A wave of ecstasy overcame his heart and Huang Xiaolong

practically flew out from the Southern Hill Estate main
entrance, skidding off the street to stand before Li Lu,
staring at her fixedly.

Li Lu was looking at Huang Xiaolong too. Her eyes became


Without warning, Huang Xiaolong opened his arms and

wrapped Li Lu into his embrace tightly as if she would
vanish in the next instant if he did not hold tight enough. He
wanted to melt Li Lu into his soul, into his flesh, blood, and
bones, not wanting her to leave.

“Li Lu, is it really you?” Huang Xiaolong’s voice was shaky as

he asked.

“It’s me.” In Huang Xiaolong’s embrace, Li Lu’s body

trembled. Her voice sounded choked with emotions as she

It had been three years.

They were finally reunited!

In these three years, almost every day and night was filled
with her thoughts of Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette in her
mind. Today, she got her wish to see him again. Being
hugged by Huang Xiaolong, feeling his wide muscular chest
and the heat from his body, Li Lu never felt so safe and

Three years, Huang Xiaolong had grown much taller too.

Even his facial features changed a lot, more gallant.
Especially his abyssal eyes, they appeared even more
unfathomable and enchanting.

In Huang Xiaolong’s embrace, she could feel his powerful


Huang Xiaolong took a deep breath and smelled the scent of

the person in his arms, a pure untainted fragrance entered
his nose. Due to his excitement earlier, he ignored an
important factㅡLi Lu had grown up. The girl between his
arms was so soft and supple, akin to flowing water. It was as
if there were no bones in her body, and her skin was very
smooth… If he gripped her tiny waist a little tighter, perhaps
water would burst out everywhere. Especially so if you
included her generous bosom which was pressing against
Huang Xiaolong’s chest. Three years and this was one of the
most obvious developments on Li Lu’s body.

Huang Xiaolong’s lower body part gradually reacted.

Sensing Huang Xiaolong’s reaction below, Li Lu buried her

head further into Huang Xiaolong’s chest not daring to look
up at his face, a deep crimson colored her face all the way
to her ears.

Feeling embarrassed, Huang Xiaolong released Li Lu and

their bodies separated.

“You knew I was here in Duanren Imperial City?”Huang

Xiaolong asked in a gentle voice while looking at Li Lu’s
Perhaps affected by Huang Xiaolong’s physical reaction, the
redness on Li Lu’s face had yet to recede. Therefore, she
only nodded shyly in reply.

“Then, this time you’re… ?” Huang Xiaolong’s voice trailed

off here.

Li Lu raised her head, looking back at Huang Xiaolong, “I

broke through to Xiantian, so Master allowed me to leave
and exact my revenge.” However, there was a latter part
she did not mention; after taking her revenge, she needed
to return to Deities Templar.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Breaking through Xiantian… With Li Lu’s twin swords martial

spirits, she was definitely capable of avenging her family’s
blood grudge.

“After that, you’ll return to Deities Templar?” Huang

Xiaolong continued, his voice changed and sounded glum.
Although Li Lu didn’t say it out loud, how could he be
ignorant about it?

Li Lu quivered at his words. Looking at Huang Xiaolong, her

eyes once again became red-rimmed, lightly nodding her

She managed to find the culprit of the Li Family’s

annihilation that year. After resolving that matter, she made
time to see Huang Xiaolong. Just to catch one glimpse of

“Can you leave tomorrow?” Huang Xiaolong tried. A sudden

pain snaked across his heart.
At his pleading voice, tears pooled in Li Lu’s eyes. But at this
time, a cold harrumph came from the void above. It
sounded just like a harrumph but Huang Xiaolong felt as if
he received a powerful blow. His body shook, feeling the
weight of a mountain clobbering him. Huang Xiaolong’s
body bent in an inverted fashion as he flew back, spurting a
mouthful of blood as he landed.

“Xiaolong!” Li Lu’s face instantly turned deathly pale as she

cried out. When she wanted to hurry to Huang Xiaolong’s
side, a gentle and graceful looking young man dressed
wholly in white emerged from the void. A slight stretch of
his arm, he had blocked Li Lu’s path.

The young man dressed in white had a golden mark in the

center of his brows, his pupils were a striking blue that
exuded an exotic and devilish charm.

The young man looked condescendingly at Huang Xiaolong

after blocking Li Lu, “A measly Xiantian First Order brat, do
you think you’re qualified to be with Junior Sister Li Lu? Little
punk, if you dare touch even a hair on Junior Sister Li Lu, I
will make you wish you were dead!” To show his prowess,
the young man pointed a finger towards Southern Hill
Estate’s main door across the void. Instantly, a giant hole
opened up. The power of that one finger punctured a giant
hole through the doors, piercing through Southern Hill
Estate, creating a black hole in space.

One finger’s power pierced through space!

This was the strength of the Saint realm! Only a Saint realm
master had the ability to do this!

Huang Xiaolong got up from the ground. His eyes contained

a glacial coldness and he looked sharply at the young man,
“A Saint realm expert?”
The young man was a little stunned seeing Huang
Xiaolong’s calmness after learning he was a Saint realm
master. His aloof voice sounded, “That’s right, I’m a Saint
realm expert. If I want to kill you, I don’t even need to lift a
finger, one glance could exterminate you into nothing. Little
punk, you’re Huang Xiaolong? Giving Li Lu face, I will spare
your life today. However, if you try to see Junior Sister Li Lu
again, I will skin your flesh off layer by layer and then refine
you into a walking corpse!”

“Senior Brother Ao Baixue, I beg you, let Huang Xiaolong

go!” Tears stained Li Lu’s face, “It’s not Xiaolong’s fault!”

Ao Baixue remained indifferent, turning once again to Huang

Xiaolong, “Let me tell you, Junior Sister Li Lu is already a
Deities Templar disciple. A Deities Templar disciple can only
be a dao companion to another Deities Templar disciple.
This is an iron-clad Deities Templar’s divine rule!”

“Don’t say that I didn’t show you a way. If you are chosen
and become a Deities Templar disciple the next time Deities
Templar holds a disciple selection, I will give you a chance.”

Throwing this sentence to Huang Xiaolong, Ao Baixue’s

hand pulled Li Lu, wanting to take her away.

“Xiaolong!” Li Lu cried out anxiously, her hands reaching out

to him.

In a haste, Huang Xiaolong reached out with his hand but a

terrifying force washed over him, throwing him away.

Ao Baixue looked coldly at Huang Xiaolong, “Don’t

overestimate yourself!” Holding onto Li Lu, both flew away.

Right at this moment, a voice bellowed, “Get your ass back

down here!” A giant palm materialized in the void above,
slamming down on top of Ao Baixue’s head.

Ao Baixue’s face turned ashen, immediately releasing Li Lu

in order to counter the incoming attack with both of his

Boom! A thunderous explosion resounded in the air, and a

silhouette was seen crashing down from the sky. Blood
gushed out from his mouth as Ao Baixue crashed onto the

Another silhouette landed gently on the ground, it was Zhao

Shu. He had just returned from Duanren Imperial Palace and
rushed over when he sensed the strong energy fluctuation
at Southern Hill Estate.

Ao Baixue looked on with a shocked face at Zhao Shu:

“High-level Saint realm!”

Someone who could heavily injure him in one move… only a

high-level Saint realm expert was capable of doing that!
There was actually a high-level Saint realm expert at Huang
Xiaolong’s side?

Despite his feelings of shock due to Zhao Shu being a high-

level Saint realm expert, Ao Baixue’s face recovered his
usual calmness, “This friend’s strength is not bad, but if you
dare oppose my Deities Templar, there’s only one endingㅡ
absolute death. Even if you are a high-level Saint realm
expert, there is no exception!”

Zhao Shu sneered, “Really? Then I would like to experience

how I would meet with absolute death.” Without waiting,
Zhao Shu attacked again with another palm towards Ao
Baixue. The palm shot out with no fluctuation, it made no
whistling sound as it pierced through the air, nor did it make
ripples in the fabric of space. But, Ao Baixue’s expression
was extremely ugly while watching this.

At this moment, a green glow came piercing through space,

colliding with Zhao Shu’s palm print.
Chapter 199: A Paltry Little Huang Family Pissant

Boom! A loud explosion resounded.

Zhao Shu’s body wavered and retreated a step back. Caught

off guard, he looked up at the source and saw a beautiful
woman emerge from the void.

“Master!” Seeing the woman, Li Lu blurted out in surprise.

At this time, Ao Baixue too hurried towards the beautiful

woman, and greeted full of respect: “Greeting Martial Aunt.”

This beautiful woman was the same person that brought Li

Lu away three years ago, Li Molin, sharing the same
surname as Li Lu.

Li Molin nodded and then walked towards Zhao Shu.

Stopping in front of him, she said, “Your strength is not bad,
but you are still too far from me!”

Zhao Shu snorted, “Why don’t you have a go at it.”

Zhao Shu seemingly fell under a disadvantage earlier, but

he displayed that attack in a rush. In actuality, both his and
the woman’s strength were similar.

Li Molin didn’t refute hearing this. Instead, she turned

around and looked at Huang Xiaolong, “You’re called Huang
Xiaolong, right? I know my disciple Li Lu likes you, but she is
now a Deities Templar’s disciple. I have no objection if the
two of you want to be together… on the condition that you
can become a disciple of Deities Templar too.”

Li Molin took a quick glance at Zhao Shu when she said this
point and then looked back at Huang Xiaolong, “I realize
your identity is not common, but any identity or background
is insignificant before Deities Templar. Unless of course, if
you’re a God Realm master!”

When her words ended, she looked at Ao Baixue and Li Lu:

“Let’s go!” then flew up, leaving by shattering the void.

Ao Baixue followed closely behind, leaping up.

Tears rolled down Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. Taking a last look

at his face, Li Lu’s voice sobbed: “Xiaolong, I will always wait
for you in Deities Templar!” She too turned and flickered

Watching Li Molin leave, Zhao Shu wanted to stop her but

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “No need.” Even if it was
Zhao Shu, he might not be able to stop all three of them. Li
Molin had just said any identity was nothing before Deities
Templar unless you were a God Realm Master!

God Realm Master!

Huang Xiaolong looked at Li Lu’s receding silhouette and Ao

Baixue next to her, his fists tightly clenching. Watching as
she grew further away, a pang of throbbing pain shot
through his heart.

So uncomfortable!

All this while, Huang Xiaolong thought he was someone that

had enough strength to protect his family and the people
close to him. Little did he know about how ignorant and
laughable these notions were until now.

He was powerless to protect the person he loved!

In the end, he could only watch Li Lu be taken away right in
front of him. A cold frigid aura of slaughter rumbled out of
Huang Xiaolong’s body, freezing the surrounding airflow.

Huang Xiaolong’s vision turned a chilling scarlet red.

Zhao Shu stood beside him wanting to offer a few words of

comfort, but not knowing what to say, he remained silent.
He empathized with his Sovereign’s feelings, just like the
weak, powerless him at that time. That year, the weak and
powerless him could only watch as the woman he loved was
killed before his very eyes. That kind of pain was many
times worse than having his own heart dug out.

Not until night overtook the sky did Huang Xiaolong then
move. Turning around, he returned to Southern Hill Estate
without uttering a single word till he came to his own little
yard. He looked back at Zhao Shu, “You can go rest, I’m
fine.” a hoarse voice sounded.

“Yes, Sovereign!” Zhao Shu saluted respectfully before

retreating, knowing that what Huang Xiaolong wanted most
at this time was quiet solitude.

After Zhao Shu left, Huang Xiaolong stood in the yard. He

sat down, right on the yard floor. No additional words were
spoken by him yet the cold, intense, slaughter qi bursting
out from his body only amplified as time wore on.

One night passed.

Huang Xiaolong sat in the yard the entire night like a

sculpture, not moving an inch.

Morning sunlight shone down from above onto Huang

Xiaolong’s body. Despite that, there was no sign of
movement from Huang Xiaolong. The thick killing intent
swirling around Huang Xiaolong gave birth to a feeling of
desolation overnight.

As Zhao Shu and Fei Hou entered Huang Xiaolong’s yard

and saw him sitting on the ground, their feet stopped

“If this continues, I am worried that Sovereign…” Fei Hou

said with a worried expression. Zhao Shu had already told
him about what happened.

“It’s best we let Sovereign calm down a little.” Zhao Shu

shook his head, “Based on Sovereign’s character, nothing
will happen.”

Fei Hou nodded.

Both of them withdrew from Huang Xiaolong’s yard. The

passage of time continued to move forward.

The sun moved to the highest point in the sky, heat

engulfed the land, and then it moved westward, signaling
the time for dusk. Once again, the sky darkened into the
lonely quiet twilight.

On the third day, the sun basked the land in warm sunlight

Just like that, Huang Xiaolong sat on the yard floor,

unmoving for three days and three nights. Three times a
day, Zhao Shu and Fei Hou would make a trip to Huang
Xiaolong’s courtyard.

Three days and nights later, the Huang Xiaolong that had
been lacking signs of life suddenly moved. The suffocating
killing intent and desolated atmosphere around him for the
last few days shattered like blocks of ice, dissipating with
the wind.

Huang Xiaolong stood up and walked out from his yard as if

everything had returned to normal.

Zhao Shu and Fei Hou were making their way to Huang
Xiaolong’s yard but were startled when they saw Huang
Xiaolong come out. Strands of gray hair dusted Huang
Xiaolong’s temple.

“Sovereign, you…!” Both exclaimed aloud.

“I’m alright.” came Huang Xiaolong’s calm reassurance.

Both Zhao Shu and Fei Hou wanted to say more, but seeing
Huang Xiaolong’s manner, they swallowed the words at the
tip of their tongue.

“Zhao Shu, Fei Hou, take a walk outside with me.” Huang
Xiaolong said.

“Yes Sovereign!” The two of them replied in unison.

Thus, the three of them stepped out of Southern Hill Estate.

Huang Xiaolong roamed aimlessly whereas Zhao Shu and

Fei Hou followed loyally from behind, neither of them daring
to utter a sound.

When they came to a lively street, a group of people

suddenly crowded the path in front of them. Not
surprisingly, it was the Guo Brothers, Guo Fei and Guo Zhi,
with a group of Guo Family servants and bodyguards behind
Every so often, Guo Zhi and Guo Fei would wander around
the Imperial City with a bunch of servants and guards in
search of entertainment.

“Big brother, it’s that little brat Huang Xiaolong!” Guo Fei
swiftly said when he spotted Huang Xiaolong walking in
their direction from some distance away.

Guo Zhi lifted his head and when he saw it was really Huang
Xiaolong, the corner of his lips arched into a cold sneer, “Go,
we’re going over,” and with that, he led the group of Guo
Family servants and guards towards Huang Xiaolong’s group
of three.

The Guo Family group blocked Huang Xiaolong’s path.

“Huang Xiaolong, I didn’t expect that you would manage to

survive that night!” Guo Zhi exclaimed fearlessly, laced with
a tinge of complacency and arrogance.

That day, after leaving the Sapidity Wine House, they had
Huang Xiaolong’s identity investigated, and subsequently
sent someone to assassinate him. However, the person sent
to kill Huang Xiaolong never returned.

Albeit surprised, they didn’t mind the failed attempt nor put
Huang Xiaolong in their eyes. They had thoroughly
investigated Huang Xiaolong’s background; he was nothing
more than hick that came from a little family, the Huang
Clan Manor. Though they could not understand why a small
kingdom’s marshal would call Huang Xiaolong Young Lord,
this point wasn’t important in Guo Zhi’s opinion.

As for that so-called Luo Tong Kingdom’s Marshal Haotian,

he could make him disappear simply by opening his mouth.
“I’m in a horrid mood, it would be wise if you choose to
scram now!” Huang Xiaolong’s gaze pierced through Guo
Zhi and Guo Fei.

Li Lu’s departure had triggered a strong killing desire in

Huang Xiaolong!

“What did you say?!” Listening to Huang Xiaolong tell him to

scram the moment he opened his mouth made Guo Zhi’s
face turn ugly, “Little bastard, you think just cause your
younger sister got engaged to that brat Guo Tai, I wouldn’t
dare to kill you? It is merely an engagement. Even if Guo Tai
married your little sister, I can make that brat divorce her
just the same!”

“A backwater kingdom’s paltry Huang Family smelly pissant

wants to enter our Guo Family’s door?!”
Chapter 200: Just Now Was A Misunderstanding

A paltry little Huang Family smelly pissant!

The instant Guo Zhi’s voice fell, a silhouette flickered in

front of him and the next thing he knew was that his neck
was being strangled by a powerful hand!

The owner of the hand was none other than Huang

Xiaolong. Huang Xiaolong’s right hand stretched out and
clawed onto Guo Zhi’s neck, lifting him off the street.
Emotionless eyes looked at Guo Zhi as a terrifying wave of
killing aura whorled unrestrained from Huang Xiaolong.

Guo Zhi was a peak mid-Xiantian Second Order expert, and

he never expected Huang Xiaolong to be foolish enough to
attack him. In close proximity and caught off guard, he was
denied the chance of dodging.

“You!” Guo Zhi’s face turned maroon from having his neck
pinched and cutting off his airway. His eyes bulged out of
their sockets akin to a desiccated fish pulled out of water
that could flip over and die at any second.

Guo Fei and the rest of the Guo Family guards and servants
watched dazedly as Guo Zhi was lifted off the street by
Huang Xiaolong, failing to respond to the situation. After all,
they had never encountered this kind of incident.

In the past, when Guo Zhi and Guo Fei roamed around the
Imperial City with the guards and servants while looking for
entertainment, the commoners and even some of the noble
families’ younger generation would avoid them, moving as
far away as possible. It had always been the brothers
clutching others by the throat. A reverse situation had never
happened, disregarding the fact that even a single hair on
their body was deemed so precious that no one even dared
to touch them!

“Big brother!” Moments later, Guo Fei finally reacted. Calling

out to his brother, he then turned angrily towards Huang
Xiaolong, screaming, “Huang bastard, how dare you! Why
are you not releasing my Big brother this instant?! If you
don’t, I will annihilate your nine generations!”

Annihilate your nine generations!

Big words may have been spoken but Guo Fei wasn’t lying.
For a large family like the Guo Family in the Duanren Empire
territories, to annihilate the nine generations of a small
family was nothing more difficult than releasing a fart.

Almost in the same moment Guo Fei’s voice ended, a

shadow flickered. Huang Xiaolong’s left palm stretched out,
clenching Guo Fei’s neck and raising him up in the air the
same way he did with Guo Zhi.

Like Guo Zhi, Guo Fei’s neck and face turned a deep shade
of burgundy in less than a second with protruded eyes
nearly leaving their sockets. Overwhelmed and scared, Guo
Fei’s arms and legs swung wildly, he wanted to speak but
the words were stuck in his throat. No logical words could be
made out.

The Guo Family guards and servants saw Huang Xiaolong

holding Guo Zhi and Guo Fei in each hand, raised to the air.
All of them were first stupefied, then angered, but at the
same time afraid Huang Xiaolong would hurt their Young
Lords, thus no one dared to make bold actions.

In the end, these guards bellowed a rain of empty threats at

Huang Xiaolong.
“Little brat, do you know who our Young Lords are? If you
know what’s good for you, immediately release them!”

“If a single hair from our Young Lords is hurt, be prepared to

die without a burial place!”

The guards clamored and threatened, they could only

repeat the same few sentences.

While the Guo Family guards and servants passionately

shouted threats, Huang Xiaolong’s gaze sharpened like a
sacred blade cutting through them. A single glance and the
Guo Family side’s lackeys curled up in fright, effectively
shutting them up.

Then, Huang Xiaolong exerted a little more pressure in his

hands. Both Guo Zhi and Guo Fei kicked even more
desperately, eyeballs straining out as their hands flailed and
grasped Huang Xiaolong’s hand at their throat. It was
apparent to those present that they were suffering.

But this time, none of the people from the Guo Family camp
dared to say anything, realizing at this point that all their
clamor had been a futile effort.

The pedestrians on the streets started to slow down,

congregating into a small crowd that stared flabbergasted at
Huang Xiaolong… and the two people in his hands that were
lifted up in the airㅡGuo Zhi and Guo Fei, the Guo Brothers.

Most of the commoners and noble families recognized Guo

Zhi and Guo Fei, and because they recognized the two
brothers they were flabbergasted.

There was actually someone daring enough to lift the Guo

Zhi and Gui Fei brothers up in the air by their necks?!
“Who’s that brat? He dares hit both of the Guo Brothers?”

“He seems to be Huang Xiaolong?”

“Huang Xiaolong?! The champion of this year’s Imperial City

Battle, that Huang Xiaolong?”

Discussions broke out from the surrounding crowd on the


Ignoring the crowd of people, Huang Xiaolong looked at Guo

Zhi and Guo Fei. Their eyes were starting to roll back,
mostly showing the whites. Without a doubt, they were
drawing their last breath.

When he felt the timing was right, Huang Xiaolong swung

his arms, throwing the two outward in midair.

Miserable cries sounded as Guo Zhi and Guo Fei crashed

into the street, rolling for more than a dozen meters before
coming to a stop.

“Young Lord!”

The Guo Family guards and servants had their nerves

stretched tautly, each swiftly running to Guo Zhi and Guo
Fei’s side, helping them up from the ground.

Due to the extreme pressure Huang Xiaolong exerted on

their throats, after being helped up by the guards and
servants, their complexions were white and green for a
while. Both coughed nonstop as they stood up. On each of
their necks was a clear bruise of a purple-green handprint.

“For Guo Tai’s sake, I won’t kill you today, so scram!” Huang
Xiaolong glared at them, his cold voice that sent a chill
down the spine rang in the street.
And what Huang Xiaolong said was the truth. If it wasn’t for
the fact that he’d be looking at Guo Tai’s face as his future
brother-in-law, he’d erase them without hesitation here and
now. But, Huang Xiaolong’s words in Guo Zhi and Guo Fei’s
ears were an insult to them, an unforgivable insult.

They were downright being humiliated!

Rubbing the bruise on their necks, their eyes glowered

venomously at Huang Xiaolong.

“Kill him, kill this fucking dog bastard for me!” When his
throat eased a little, Guo Zhi roared as he pointed at Huang
Xiaolong, akin to a rabid dog.

“I don’t care who does it, but kill Huang Xiaolong and you’ll
be rewarded with ten million gold!” Guo Fei followed,
hollering his reward.

The moment Guo Fei’s words were spoken, the people on

the streets looked astonished.

Some of the passersby were tempted. Kill Huang Xiaolong,

and you get ten million gold!

To the smaller forces and family, ten million gold was an

astronomical wealth.

By this point, the Guo Family guards and servants had

drawn their weapons on them, attacking Huang Xiaolong.

Watching this group of people coming at him, Huang

Xiaolong snickered. When these Guo Family guards reached
Huang Xiaolong and wanted to attack, Zhao Shu and Fei
Hou moved.
Fei Hou leaped up and in a flicker, a dazzling silver river
materialized in the air above. Spiraling in the air, an
enormous battle qi energy rushed out, blocking the Guo
Family guards and servants.

Zhao Shu stood where he was, raised his arm and struck out
a palm. The crowd watched as the Guo Family guards and
servants were sent flying like they were hit by a great tidal
wave, vomiting blood in large amounts.

In a split second, the entire street was dead silent.

A sharp intake of breaths ensued as the attention shifted

onto Zhao Shu who was standing behind Huang Xiaolong.

Most of these Guo Family guards were Xiantian experts. It

was a given that most of them were only Xiantian First and
Second Order experts, but they had coordinated a combined
attack! Nonetheless, they were defeated by the unassuming
middle-aged man standing behind Huang Xiaolong; sent
flying with just one palm, there were no exceptions.

The earlier experts that were tempted to take on Guo Fei’s

reward of ten million gold had cold sweat trickling down
their foreheads, a chilly breeze brushed passed their backs.

Guo Zhi and Guo Fei were as shocked as the rest of them.
An indescribable disbelief covered their faces as they
surveyed the street littered with the guards and servants
that came out with them.

Huang Xiaolong’s countenance grew colder than ever as his

gaze fell on the brothers. His feet raised, and step by step,
he walked towards Guo Zhi and Guo Fei.

Only in this moment did reality hit them. Watching Huang

Xiaolong approach, fear filled them, causing them to retreat

“Xiaolong, Bro Xiaolong, it’s a misunderstanding. Just now

was simply a misunderstanding.” Guo Zhi forced an ugly
smile on his face, waving his hands in emphasis. The quiver
in his voice was noticeable.

“Yes, yes, that’s right, a misunderstanding. We didn’t really

mean that.” Guo Fei too forced himself to smile amiably, it
was just that the expression on his face looked uglier than
Chapter 201: My, Chen
Qingfeng’S Methods
Chapter 201: My, Chen Qingfeng’s Methods

“Just now was a misunderstanding?” Huang Xiaolong’s icy

gaze swept over their faces like a blizzard, not slowing his
pace as he continued walking closer to the Guo Brothers.

“Yes, yes, of course it was a misunderstanding!” Guo Zhi

tried his best to keep the smile on his face.

Guo Zhi had a portly stature to begin with. Adding the

forceful smile on his face, his appearance was a sight to

“That’s right Xiaolong Bro, when your sister marries into our
Guo Family, we’re all brothers.” Guo Fei laughed, “We’re one

“Right, right, one family!” Guo Zhi nodded his head with

By this point, Huang Xiaolong stood about three meters

from them, watching the panic and fear written all over the
brothers’ faces, he snickered but it did not reach his eyes,
“What were the words you used earlier? A paltry little Huang
Family smelly pissant wants to enter our Guo Family… Or
did I have a problem with my ears and heard wrongly?”

Guo Zhi and Guo Fei’s faces clouded over like dark skies.

Before the onlooking crowd, Guo Zhi suddenly raised his

hand and struck hard at his own face. Then he smiled
amiably at Huang Xiaolong, “It is my mouth that has a
problem, I put my foot in my mouth. Xiaolong Bro, I hope
that you do not bear any ill feelings because of this!”

Guo Fei followed Guo Zhi’s action, steeling himself, he

raised a hand and executed a merciless slap on his own
face. After that, he forced himself to smile at Huang
Xiaolong, “That’s true Xiaolong Bro, you’re generous and
magnanimous, surely you won’t mind these small matters
with us right?”

When the people around saw the two Guo Brothers, Guo Zhi
and Guo Fei slapping themselves in the face, there was a
feeling of absurd irony.

But Huang Xiaolong shook his head at them, “Unfortunately,

being magnanimous is not something I practice, therefore-”
until here, Huang Xiaolong softly raised both his hands, and
a frightening fluctuation of battle qi energy pooled in the
center of Huang Xiaolong’s palms.

The Guo Brothers faces turned ashen, quickly retreating

backward in a flustered manner.

In that precise moment, a dignified voice thundered, “Who

dares harm my Young Lord?!” followed by the sound of
whistling wind as two figures flew over at rapid speed.

When the Guo Brothers saw the new arrivals, their faces lit

Huang Xiaolong retrieved the battle qi rotating in his palms.

Then, everyone’s vision blurred as two old men dressed in

black robes appeared in the street: one had very long,
striking white eyebrows whereas the other actually had
white-colored irises!
Guo Zhi and Guo Fei rushed to their safety at the sides of
these two old men, “Steward Chen, Steward Lu!”

The two of them were the Duanren Empire, Guo Family

Manor’s stewards. The Guo Manor has four main stewards,
and also four big experts!

The one with the long white brows was Steward Chen, Chen
Qingfeng, and the old man with the white irises was Steward
Lu, Lu Yifan.

“Young Lords, are you alright?” Chen Qingfeng nodded at

Guo Zhi and Guo Fei as he asked.

The Guo Family’s four main stewards held a high position,

hence they did not need to salute like the others guards and
servants when encountering Guo Zhi and Guo Fei.

Hearing this, Guo Zhi snapped back in an instant. A finger

pointed at Huang Xiaolong with eyes that spewed venom,
he roared, “Luckily both Stewards rushed here in time,
otherwise, we would have been killed by this mongrel

“This mongrel bastard nearly crushed our throats just now.

Two Stewards, you absolutely must end him here!” Guo Fei
quickly added.

“No, don’t kill them. Capture him and those two old dogs,
leave the rest to us!” Guo Zhi suddenly interjected, pointing
at Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Fei Hou.

If Huang Xiaolong simply died, it wouldn’t be enough to

calm the hatred burning in his heart.

Thinking of the previous scene where he was lifted into the

air by his neck in public, that humiliation made the cold
gleam of Guo Zhi’s eyes peak. His eyes fixed a deadly stare
on Huang Xiaolong, wishing he could gnaw on his raw flesh.

Not to mention when he and his brother pleaded for mercy

from Huang Xiaolong, they even went as far as slapping
their own face!

Guo Zhi touched his cheek where a stinging pain pulsed

under the skin. To ensure his life, he exerted full power on
that slap earlier.

Chen Qingfeng and Lu Yifan observed the three people on

the other side, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Fei Hou.

“Rest assured Young Lords, none of them will be able to

escape!” Lu Yifan looked at Huang Xiaolong’s group and
said with full confidence and coldness.

Chen Qingfeng smirked as he looked at Huang Xiaolong,

“Little brat, this is the first time someone has dared to hurt
my Guo Family’s Young Lords in Duanren Imperial City! Are
you going to surrender yourselves or do you want me to
make a move?”At this point, Cheng Qingfeng boasted,
“Frankly, I hope you choose to surrender because if I were to
act, you would suffer greatly!”

The crowd also stirred, whispering amongst themselves.

“I didn’t expect the Guo Manor’s Chen Qingfeng and Lu

Yifan to come personally. Huang Xiaolong has come to a
dead end now! Steward Chen Qingfeng is a Xiantian Ninth
Order warrior!”

“This Huang Xiaolong is really too proud and reckless. I

heard some rumors saying that not too long ago in Duanren
Institute, he actually ordered Heartless Young Noble to kneel
down and apologize! How many days has it been, yet he
already provoked the Guo Family!”

“Offending the Guo and Yao Family… no matter how good

his talent is, it’s all in vain!”

The majority of the experts in the crowd shook their heads,

while those younger generation people who were jealous of
Huang Xiaolong’s talent gloated in their hearts.

Huang Xiaolong stood unmoving, the air rang with his cold
words as he stared at Chen Qingfeng and Lu Yifan, “If all of
you act like a dog, kneel down like a dog, and bark like a
dog a couple of times, then scram off, I can spare your

In the split second Huang Xiaolong’s words rang in the

street, the crowd broke out in a riot. Loud gasps of shock
could be heard and warriors shook their heads even more
obviously as they showered Huang Xiaolong with gazes of
pity. In their opinion, they had seen many proud and
arrogant youngsters, yet they hadn’t seen someone as
reckless and arrogant as this. He truly didn’t know the
immensity of the heavens.

However, this delighted Guo Zhi and Guo Fei who were
watching from the side.

They were very well aware of Steward Chen Qingfeng’s

methods, he was extremely cruel. One time, the brothers
saw with their own eyes as Chen Qingfeng tortured an
enemy till he was an inch from death but not dying.
Recalling that scene, cold shivers ran down their spine.

Huang Xiaolong’s words definitely angered Chen Qingfeng,

and once Chen Qinfeng was angered, Huang Xiaolong would
die a miserable death!
It was exactly like the brothers predicted. A horrible
pressure exploded from Chen Qingfeng, increasing
immensely. An icy killing intent burst forth from his body.
The clear sky above suddenly darkened, then pieces of
black-colored snow floated down.

The onlookers in all four directions immediately withdrew

further back.

“Little punk, it seems you do not understand my, Chen

Qingfeng’s, methods!” he said with a voice matching the
falling black snow, “I will let you know what you’re in for!”

But, before he could make good on his words, a giant palm

print descended from the void above, covering the entire
sky akin to a mighty ancient mountain, slamming down on
top of Chen Qingfeng’s head.

A booming sound reverberated in the air which caused the

entire street to shake. The durable Bright Marble Stone
cracked and crumbled.

A curtain of dust and sand covered the street.

When the thick dust cloud dissipated, what entered their

vision was Chen Qingfeng, flat as a pancake, imbedded
several meters deep into the street floor. A giant human-
shaped crater was created!

Everyone looked at that human-shaped crater with awe, as

well as Chen Qingfeng within that crater.

In the next moment, everyone sucked in a cold breath of air

as they looked at Zhao Shu. Just now, it was Zhao Shu who
Guo Zhi and Guo Fei who were waiting to watch a good
show around how Chen Qingfeng would torture Huang
Xiaolong, were now dumbstruck staring at the huge hole in
the street. The ‘cool, exuding dominance in all eight
directions’ Chen Qingfeng didn’t even have the energy to
fart. Both of the Guo brothers were stupefied on the spot.
Chapter 202: What Exactly Happened?

Chen Qingfeng, a Xiantian Ninth Order expert, was flattened

like a pancake on the street.

The one standing next to Chen Qingfeng, and the same

person who arrived together with Chen Qingfeng, Lu Yifan,
felt as if baleful cold winds were howling in the air. His back
felt chilly from the cold wind. He, with his domineering peak
late-Xiantian Eighth Order strength, actually felt a layer of
goosebumps rise on his skin!

At this time, Zhao Shu’s gaze shifted over.

The goose-bumped Lu Yifan felt as if his legs were kicked by

a powerful bull. Both of his legs trembled, nearly causing
him to fall to his knees.

“Se, Se, Se!” Lu Yifan’s tongue was in a knot. After saying

‘se’ over and over again for a long time, he still couldn’t
muster up enough courage to say the word ‘Senior’ to its

When Lu Yifan was about to cry out the latter part of the
word, Zhao Shu suddenly raised his hand and struck out
with his palm. A giant palm print so powerful that it seemed
to cover half the sky appeared above Lu Yifan’s head.

Lu Yifan looked at the humongous palm print hovering

above him, his face turning ashen. Before he could do
anything else, his vision darkened, followed by a resounding

Lu Yifan only felt his body shake violently for a second

before the impact hit him like an ancient divine mountain.
The sounds of bones breaking could be heard as a crushing
sound surrounded his body.

He lost consciousness almost instantly.

In the final seconds before Lu Yifan lost control of his

consciousness, he suddenly thought of the scene where
Chen Qingfeng was smashed into a pancake before him,
branded on the street pavement.

When Lu Yifan met the same fate as Chen Qingfeng, being

flattened into a pancake and kissing the street, the
surrounding crowd once again drew in cold breaths.

The Guo Family’s two main stewards had just been easily
flattened by someone who looked as though he was simply
swatting flies?

Dead silence filled the normally prosperous and bustling


The way the crowd looked at Zhao Shu was filled with
astonishment and amazement.

This unassuming and robust middle-aged man behind

Huang Xiaolong was this strong!

He easily dealt with Chen Qingfeng, and Lu Yifan, half of the

Guo Family’s main stewards. Only a peak late-Xiantian Tenth
Order expert that was extremely close to that next level of
terrifying existence could accomplish a feat like this!

Huang Xiaolong looked at the two huge human-shaped

craters and the unconscious Chen Qingfeng and Lu Yifan
inside, his expression showing the same level of indifference
as it had before. Turning around, he did not forget to deal
with the Guo Zhi and Guo Fei brothers.
However, both Guo Zhi and Guo Fei were staring at the two
human-shaped craters in the street with a dumb look on
their faces. While staring at Cheng Qingfeng and Lu Yifan,
neither of them noticed Huang Xiaolong approaching.

It wasn’t until he moved to within two meters of them that

they felt the frigid cold killing intent emanating from Huang
Xiaolong’s body, jarring them out of their stupor.

Both of them abruptly turned their necks, and when they

saw that Huang Xiaolong was within two meters of reaching
them, their hearts felt like they were pierced with a
poisonous needle. Guo Zhi and Guo Fei jumped back in

“Xiao, Xiaolong bro!” Guo Zhi’s face turned so ashen that it

looked like it was covered by a thick layer of dust. His
tongue seemed to stick to the roof of his mouth, no proper
words could come out.

“Xiaolong bro?” Huang Xiaolong smirked as he stepped

closer to the brothers, “Are you sure you don’t mean…
mongrel bastard?”

When Chen Qingfeng and Lu Yifan had just arrived, every

sentence that came from the brothers mouths included the
words ‘mongrel bastard’.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong words, their expressions grew even

more unsightly.

“No, we, just now, us!” Guo Zhi opened his mouth wanting
to provide an excuse, but he was lost on where he should
start. Could he use the same excuse and claim his mouth
had a problem, that it was misspoken?!
Guo Fei smiled the best he could, “We were too excited at
that time, confused and unhinged for a moment. That’s why
inappropriate words came out, it was just some nonsense.
That’s right, nonsense. Xiaolong bro, we’re one family, how
could we call you a mongrel bastard.”

At this point, Guo Fei’s face tightened and he quickly

slapped his own mouth, “No no no, Xiaolong bro, I didn’t
mean that!”

Huang Xiaolong had already walked up to them and

stopped, standing very still. In the next moment, Huang
Xiaolong’s hand swung out and slapped the two across from
him. A five finger handprint burned red on both brothers’

“We’re one family?” Huang Xiaolong repeated, his voice was

icy cold.

Guo Zhi and Guo Fei felt burning pain coming from their
faces, but hearing Huang Xiaolong’s question, they
squeezed a smile, agreeing: “Yes, yes, we’re one family!”

But, the instant the answer spilled out from their lips, Huang
Xiaolong raised his right hand and sent another slap over.
Another red five-finger handprint marked Guo Zhi and Gui
Fei’s faces.

“We’re one family?” Huang Xiaolong coldly asked again.

After being slapped twice by Huang Xiaolong, the left and

right side of the brothers faces became so swollen that their
heads grew to a size similar to that of a mythical beast’s!

“N- no, we’re not family!” The pronunciation that jumped

out of their mouths was lacking accuracy.
As soon as they finished saying that, Huang Xiaolong’s
palms turned, hitting the two squarely in the chest and
sending them flying.

A dark black palm print emerged on Guo Zhi and Guo Fei’s
chests. Shrill shrieks of wraiths could be heard coming from
the palm print itself.

“Scram!” Huang Xiaolong spat.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong say the word ‘scram’ was like Guo
Zhi and Guo Fei’s ears had heard a melody playing from
heaven itself. After scrambling and clawing their way on all
fours to get up from the ground, they ran for their lives.
Neither of them had time to think of Chen Qingfeng, Lu
Yifan, or the strange black palm print on their chests.

The crowd’s jaws dropped as they watched the gaffe ways

the brothers got up and ran.

Not until the two fleeing silhouettes disappeared did the

crowd shift their focus. Reverence filled their eyes as they
looked at Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Fei Hou.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the people in the crowd, and his

gaze made those from the noble and big families younger
generation that were gloating earlier step back
unconsciously in fear. In the next second, all of them ran
away on their own accord.

“Young Lord, do you…?” Zhao Shu came over and inquired.

“No need.” Huang Xiaolong shook his head. He understood

what Zhao Shu meant, but people who gloated at others’
misfortune were never short in supply. Huang Xiaolong
couldn’t possibly punish every single one of them.
“Let’s leave.” Huang Xiaolong said as he took a last look at
Chen Qingfeng and Lu Yifan lying on the street.

“Yes, Young Lord!”

Huang Xiaolong’s group of three left the scene, sent off by

the fear in the crowd’s eyes.

When Huang Xiaolong’s group disappeared from view, only

then did the street break out in a commotion.

After that, Huang Xiaolong no longer had the mood to walk

around, thus they went back to Southern Hill Estate.

Shortly after Huang Xiaolong returned to Southern Hill

Estate, the Guo Zhi and Guo Fei brothers who ran back the
entire way in a panic had also reached the Guo Mansion.
The moment their feet crossed over the doorway, cries of
‘Dad, save us!’ reverberated in the mansion grounds.

“Dad, save us!”

Their deafening cries alerted the mansion’s experts.

At this time, Guo Shiwen was discussing with the Guo

Family’s Chief Steward, Zhang Yue, about Imperial City’s
Million Treasures Auction slated to take place in the
upcoming month. When he heard his sons, Guo Zhi and Guo
Fei’s voices, his concentration was broken. Jumping to his
feet from his chair, he headed straight to the manor’s main

Chief Steward Zhang Yue quickly stood up as well and

followed behind Guo Shiwen.

When Guo Shiwen reached the main hall’s door, he saw that
their faces were swollen to the size of a pig’s head and the
dark black palm prints on their chests.

Seeing their miserable state, Guo Shiwen rushed out and

snapped angrily: “What exactly happened?!”

This was the first time someone dared to hit his, Guo
Shiwen’s, sons. And on top of that, with such grave injuries!

“Dad, Dad!” Seeing their Dad, Guo Zhi and Guo Fei cried out
even more miserably, dashing over to their father.

“Speak, what happened?!” Guo Shiwen snapped.

“It’s Huang Xiaolong, it was Huang Xiaolong! That mongrel

bastard hit us!” Guo Zhi said, “Dad, you cannot let that
mongrel bastard Huang Xiaolong get away with this!”

“Huang Xiaolong?” Guo Shiwen was taken aback.
Chapter 203: This Matter
Won’T Be Forgiven So
Chapter 203: This Matter Won’t Be Forgiven So Simply

“Yes, it was Huang Xiaolong!” Guo Fei interjected!

Guo Shiwen looked over to Chief Steward Zhang Yue with a

baffled expression, Huang Xiaolong’s name was strange to
his ears.

Zhang Yue took a small step forward, explaining to him,

“Huang Xiaolong is this year’s Imperial City Battle first place
winner. Patriarch was away for some time, hence you have
no impression of him.”

Some time ago, Guo Shiwen went out to handle some

business at an external Million Treasure House branch and
had just come back recently. Being busy day in and day out
with the family business, he hadn’t had the time to pay
attention to these things. But then again, with his identity,
he didn’t need to follow events such as the Imperial City
Battle closely. In his eyes, the Imperial City Battle was
nothing more than a game for kids.”

“This year’s Imperial City Battle first place?” a tiny frown

appeared on Guo Shiwen’s forehead, “I heard that Xie
Family’s little kid, Xie Puti, also took part this year?”

“Yes indeed. In this year’s Imperial City Battle, Xie Family’s

Xie Puti also took part.” Zhang Yue replied respectfully. “But,
in the last round, Xie Puti lost to Huang Xiaolong. This
Huang Xiaolong’s talent is quite amazing, he has superb
twin martial spirits!”

“What? Superb twin martial spirits!” Guo Shiwen was


“Yes, and both of his superb twin martial spirits are a

Primordial Divine Dragon. One is the Black Dragon, and the
other is a Blue Dragon that has never been seen before!”
Zhang Yue added.

“A never seen before Blue Dragon!” Guo Shiwen’s eyes

narrowed inexplicably.

“Dad, on the the street just now Huang Xiaolong humiliated

us, nearly crushing our throats!” Guo Zhi swiftly cut in, “We
cannot let that mongrel bastard Huang Xiaolong off!”

Guo Shiwen looked at the two of them. Suddenly, he

clapped his palms together, sending out two spheres of
flames that spiraled into their chests. The dark black
handprint that Huang Xiaolong left on their body
disappeared at rapid speed.

Feeling the pain in their chests disappear, Guo Zhi and Guo
Fei were overjoyed.

“Where are Chen Qingfeng and Lu Yifan?” Guo Shiwen asked

Zhang Yu, “Go and summon them here.”

“Yes, Patriarch!” Zhang Yue answered with respect.

Hearing this, an uneasy hesitation showed on Guo Zhi’s face

as he said, “Dad, Steward Chen Qingfeng and Lu Yifan, just
now, they, they…!”
“Spit it out!” Guo Shiwen’s frown creased deeper.

Guo Zhi nearly jumped out from his skin, “We ran into
Huang Xiaolong in the streets, later, the two stewards also
came. They are still there now!”

“They’re still there?” This puzzled Guo Shiwen and Zhang

Yue. Both were unable to catch the meaning behind those

Being the focus of Guo Shiwen and Zhang Yue’s gaze, Guo
Fei stammered out an explanation, “Both the stewards,
Chen Qingfeng and Lu Yifan, were wounded. They, they are
still lying there. I’m not sure if they’re still alive.”

“What?!” Guo Shiwen and Zhang Yue both exclaimed in

shock with widened eyes.

Chen Qingfeng and Lu Yifan were wounded and still lying on

the streets, and the brothers was unsure if they were dead
or alive?!

Guo Zhi and Guo Fei cast their head down, too scared to
face Guo Shiwen’s expression.

“Was it a bodyguard beside Huang Xiaolong?” Guo Shiwen

questioned in a surly tone.

“Yes, one of Huang Xiaolong’s bodyguards.” Guo Zhi hurried

to answer, describing Zhao Shu’s facial features to his

When Guo Zhi finished, Guo Shiwen and Zhang Yue

exchanged a look.

“How did Huang Xiaolong’s bodyguard wound Chen

Qingfeng and Lu Yifan?” Guo Shiwen asked another

“Huang Xiaolong’s bodyguard waved his hand a single time

and a giant palm print appeared in the sky above, swatting
down on Chen Qingfeng and Lu Yifan. Then, both stewards
were directly buried into the ground.” Guo Fei said.

“What?! You’re saying the other side just used a single wave
of his hand?” Guo Shiwen and Zhang Yue were shocked
once again.

“It’s true, that bodyguard just used one move!” Guo Fei
answered honestly.

The atmosphere in the big hall suddenly became stagnated.

Guo Shiwen paced back and forth, and no one dared to

make a sound.

After what seemed like a long time, Guo Zhi walked up and
muttered cautiously, “Dad, we cannot let this matter be

Guo Shiwen looked at his sons, his words were spoken

slowly through his lips, “Of course we won’t let this matter
be forgiven so simply!” He, as the recognized Guo Family
successor had both of his sons humiliated and wounded in
public. Where would the Guo Family’s face be if he let this
matter go?

At that time, Zhang Yue stepped forward as well, “Patriarch,

if the other side needed only one palm to wound Chen
Qingfeng and Lu Yifan gravely, then he is very likely a peak
late-Xiantian Tenth Order expert, someone very close to
breaking into Saint realm.”
Guo Shiwen scoffed, “So what if he is a peak late-Xiantian
Tenth Order expert.” A ruthless light flickered in his eyes as
he said, “Even if he is a peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order
expert, he dared to injure my son. There is only one ending,


A powerful aura burst out from Guo Shiwen’s body.

At the same time in Yao Manor.

Yao Fei’s expression was extremely gloomy as he listened to

his subordinate’s report.

“What is the name of that middle-aged man that wounded

Chen Qingfeng and Lu Yifan?” Moments later, Yao Fei asked.

A middle-aged man in an indigo robe came forward,

“According to this Subordinate’s investigation, he is called
Zhao Shu.”

The man who responded was Yao Fei’s left and right-hand
man, his name was Xiao Teng.

“Zhao Shu.” Yao Fei repeated the name.

Xiao Teng moved closer, adding: “Young Noble, this Zhao

Shu is probably very close to breaking into Saint realm.”

“It seems, Jin Mu and Zhang Fei’s death are related to this
Zhao Shu person.” Yao Fei snickered, “Peak late-Xiantian
Tenth Order? No wonder Huang Xiaolong was so arrogant.”

“Young Noble, with regards to Huang Xiaolong, should we…

?” Xiao Teng hesitated.
“A mere peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order expert. Our Yao
Family has a foundation that was built over two thousand
years ago, would we be afraid of a greenhorn that’s wet
behind the ears?” Yao Fei scoffed, “Regardless of what
identity that Huang Xiaolong has, people who have offended
me will suffer the same consequences, and that is to die

“Continue sending people to watch over Huang Xiaolong’s


“Yes, Young Noble!”

Deep in the silent night.

Huang Xiaolong stood in his yard. The scene of Li Lu being

taken away once again replayed in his mind.

“Ao Baixue!” His knuckles turned white as he thought of the

words Ao Baixue said.

There was barely seven years left before the next Deities
Templar’s disciple selection. And one of the conditions to
become a Deities Templar disciple was to reach Xiantian
Tenth Order.

Xiantian Tenth Order!

Monstrous though Huang Xiaolong’s talent might be, and as

fast as his cultivation speed was, there was no way he could
advance to Xiantian Tenth Order in seven years!

Was there no other way? Huang Xiaolong’s brows locked


“Sovereign!” Suddenly, Zhao Shu’s voice sounded.

“Come in.” Huang Xiaolong calmed himself and answered.

“Sovereign, did you need something from me?” Zhao Shu

asked after he stepped in.

“Zhao Shu, do you know of any method that could help me

break through to Xiantian Tenth Order within seven years?”
Huang Xiaolong asked directly.

Hearing this, Zhao Shu sighed secretly in his heart. He could

easily see through his Sovereign’s intention. Shaking his
head, Zhao Shu said, “Sovereign, there’s no way, unless…”

“Unless what?” Huang Xiaolong swirled around and his eyes

lit up.

“Unless Sovereign can spend time cultivating in Divine

World.” Zhao Shu said.

“Divine World!” Huang Xiaolong blanked for a second before

shaking his head with a bitter smile. This was something
impossible. Only Deities Templar knew the space tunnel to
enter Divine World, and according to what Zhao Shu
explained previously, it required several peak late-Saint
Tenth Order experts working together with an ancient array
before a tunnel could be opened.

Then, out of nowhere, a thought struck Zhao Shu and he

blurted out: “There’s another way, maybe it could… !”
Chapter 204: Then My
Surname’S Not Guo
Chapter 204: Then My Surname’s Not Guo

“There might be a way.” Huang Xiaolong blanked for a

moment and then thrill took over, “What way?!”

“Godly Mt. Xumi!” Zhao Shu sounded dignified at the


“Godly Mt. Xumi!” Huang Xiaolong repeated in a daze. The

next moment, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, “You’re
implying the same Godly Mt. Xumi on the Heavenly Treasure

Zhao Shu nodded, “Correct, the number one wonder that

sits at the top of the Heavenly Treasure List. Godly Mt. Xumi
possesses a very unique mystical power and yields a liquid
called Geocentric Buddha Elixir. If one could swallow the
Geocentric Buddha Elixir, their cultivation would progress as
rapidly as a stallion flying a thousand li in a day. If I were to
take a guess at what wondrous treasure between heaven
and earth could help Sovereign break through to Xiantian
Tenth Order in the shortest amount of time possible, then it
could only be the Godly Mt. Xumi!”

“Godly Mt. Xumi!” Huang Xiaolong inhaled deeply.

Zhao Shu continued, “To subdue the Godly Mt. Xumi, that
person must possess two of the the same kind of superb
talent martial spirit, and one of them must be at least grade
thirteen or above. Coincidentally Sovereign, you’re someone
with two of the same kind of superb talent martial spirit,
with one being a Blue Dragon above grade thirteen.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded. A certain light shone in his eyes as

his voice gravely sounded, “However, I heard the Godly Mt.
Xumi only appeared one time several million years ago and
has never appeared again since.”

This was the most crucial point.

Even if Huang Xiaolong had two of the same kind of superb

talent martial spirit and fulfilled the requirement to subdue
the Godly Mt. Xumi with one of his martial spirits being
above grade thirteen, he didn’t even know where the Godly
Mt. Xumi was. How was he going to get a hold of it?

“The truth is, this Subordinate has a rough idea as to where

the Godly Mt. Xumi could be.” Zhao Shu suddenly released
some unexpected and earth shattering news.

“What?!” Huang Xiaolong’s eyes rounded wide with the

shocking revelation.

Zhao Shu nodded his head, “A few years ago, Subordinate

stumbled upon the Godly Mt. Xumi’s possible location from
an ancient buddhist scripture. If I’m not mistaken, the Godly
Mt. Xumi should be in the Blessed Buddha Empire’s Buddha

“Blessed Buddha Empire’s Buddha Cavern!” Huang

Xiaolong’s eyes lit up.

On Snow Wind Continent, there were seventeen empires.

Blessed Buddha Empire was definitely one of the three most

powerful empires amongst all seventeen. However, Blessed
Buddha Empire was located on the most southern point of
Snow Wind Continent, the distance from Duanren Empire
was no joke.

“Yes, Blessed Buddha Empire’s Buddha Cavern!” Zhao Shu

confirmed. Despite that, a small doubt surfaced, “Sovereign,
this Buddha Cavern is Blessed Buddha Empire’s sacred
cavern, to enter is easier said than done!”

Although Zhao Shu had surmised the whereabouts of the

Godly Mt. Xumi from an ancient buddhist scripture, the
Buddha Cavern was heavily guarded by many experts due
to its exalted existence as the sacred cavern in Blessed
Buddha Empire. This was also one of the reasons that
deterred Zhao Shu from going to the Buddha Cavern.

Of course, the actual reason Zhao Shu did not adamantly

pursue the Godly Mt. Xumi was because he did not possess
two of the same kind of superb talent martial spirit, so that
decimated his chances of trying to subdue the Heavenly
Treasure List’s number one treasure. Since there was no
chance, there was no use in him going to Blessed Buddha

“Blessed Buddha Empire, Buddha Cavern!” Huang

Xiaolong’s brows scrunched together tightly.

Now that the whereabouts of the Godly Mt. Xumi was

known, Huang Xiaolong was relieved. But for it to be at
Blessed Buddha Empire’s Buddha Cavern…

“Sovereign.” A short while later, Zhao Shu called out and

pulled Huang Xiaolong back to the present after seeing how
immersed he was within his own chaotic thoughts.

Huang Xiaolong awoke from the trailing thoughts running

through his head.
“Has Sovereign decided to make a trip to the Blessed
Buddha Empire’s Buddha Cavern now, or…?” Zhao Shu

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “We’ll talk again later.”

Even if it didn’t exceed one year, journeying from Duanren

Empire to Blessed Buddha Empire would take at least eight
to nine months if relying on Huang Xiaolong’s current speed.
Moreover, reaching Blessed Buddha Empire didn’t mean he
could just waltz into their sacred cavern. Thus it would be
best if he first found the Absolute Soul Pearl in Duanren
Institute before thinking about obtaining the Godly Mt.

The Absolute Soul Pearl might carry less novelty compared

to the Godly Mt. Xumi, but regardless of that, it was still a
Heavenly Treasure ranked at fourth place. Subduing the
Absolute Soul Pearl could enhance Huang Xiaolong’s
cultivation speed just the same.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong asked Zhao Shu questions

pertaining to the Godly Mt. Xumi and Blessed Buddha
Empire which Zhao Shu answered as honestly he could with
what little knowledge he had.

In fact, Zhao Shu only guessed that the Godly Mt. Xumi was
in the Buddha Cavern due to the buddhist scriptures he
previously saw. As to it its exact location, Zhao Shu had no
real inclination.

The word ‘enormous’ was not enough to properly describe

Blessed Buddha Empire’s Buddha Cavern, for it was several
times bigger than Duanren Square.

Even if Huang Xiaolong succeeded in entering the Buddha

Cavern, locating the Godly Mt. Xumi itself was going to
prove to be an arduous task.

Not long after, Zhao Shu left.

After Zhao Shu left, Huang Xiaolong once again pondered.

His plan now was to subdue the Absolute Soul Pearl at the
earliest possible time and then rush to Blessed Buddha

Nonetheless, whether it was the Absolute Soul Pearl or

Godly Mt. Xumi, Huang Xiaolong was determined to obtain

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong triggered the God

Binding Ring and entered the ancient battlefield to begin his

The night passed.

Exiting the ancient battlefield, Huang Xiaolong left Southern

Hill Estate, heading directly to the inner division grounds
while carrying the Golden Token with him. His plan was to
continue the same hunt he had for the past weeks, trying to
sense the Absolute Soul Pearl’s presence through the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda and God Binding Ring.

But when the passing Duanren Institute students saw Huang

Xiaolong, the emotions they secretly held towards him were
drastically different from before.

There was reverence, schadenfreude, jealousy, and even


The news about Huang Xiaolong turning the Guo Brothers

into pig-faced fools had already spread to every corner of
the Institute.
Although Guo Zhi and Gui Fei’s status was less illustrious
when compared to Duan Wuhen, Yao Fei, and the several
superfamilies, their existence held similar regard. Yet, both
of them had been smacked around so hard that they
became unrecognizable!

Huang Xiaolong ignored the strange looks being thrown his

way and ‘wandered idly’ within the inner division for the
whole day.

Night once again descended.

Looking at the time, Huang Xiaolong decided to leave for

the day, planning to return to Southern Hill Estate and then
continue searching tomorrow.

However, just as Huang Xiaolong stepped out from the inner

division grounds, a group of people far off in the distance
rushed up to him. They were led by none other than the Guo
Zhi and Guo Fei duo who had been beaten to a pulp by
Huang Xiaolong the day before.

As Guo Zhi, Guo Fei, and their gang whirled through like a
blizzard, all the other students steered clear away from

Watching Guo Zhi and Guo Fei coming for him, Huang
Xiaolong sneered and did not move. He stood still at the
same spot, welcoming their arrival with a calm expression
on his face.

Guo Zhi’s group of people reached Huang Xiaolong very

quickly, spreading out in an encirclement.

Just a day had passed and the brothers’ swollen pig-faced

heads had mostly recovered, likely due to the miraculous
effects of some expensive medicine.
“Lil’ doggy Huang, with that old dog Zhao Shu is not at your
side, I want to see who else can save you this time!” Guo
Zhi chuckled sinisterly, laughter twisting with hate. His eyes
filled with venom as he glowered at Huang Xiaolong.

“Oh really?” the temperature in Huang Xiaolong’s voice


Seeing Huang Xiaolong’s nonchalant reaction, the rage in

his heart erupted. A finger pointed at Huang Xiaolong, he
was close to hollering, “Huang Xiaolong, you mongrel dog
bastard! If I don’t cripple you today and beat you up until
your Mom can’t recognize you, then my surname’s not

“Go, attack, I want this mongrel dog taught a lesson. Just

make sure he doesn’t die on the spot!” Guo Zhi roared,
signaling his lackey with a wave of his hand.

Just when Guo Zhi and Guo Fei’s lackeys were about to
move out, a lazy and slow yet dignified voice cried: “Wait!”

The Guo Brothers could not help but stop.

“Who the fuck dares to interfere in my affairs!” Hearing

someone speak up and disturb him, he barked and spun
Chapter 205: Are You Alright?

Guo Zhi spun around to see the person who spoke and then
his body instantly stiffened. The anger on his face dissipated
like a puff of smoke but he failed to smile.

A person wearing a golden-yellow robe embroidered with

eight mighty yellow dragons strided towards him. It was
none other than Duan Wuhen, and he had a group of the
Institute’s top students behind him.

The lackeys who were standing behind Guo Zhi and Guo Fei
turned ashen with fright when they saw Duan Wuhen,
immediately falling to a salute: “Greeting to His Second
Imperial Prince Highness!”

Duan Wuhen’s expression looked frosty as he stopped in

front of Guo Zhi, “What did you say just now?”

Fear and trepidation rose in the hearts of the brothers and

their lackeys.

“Misunderstanding, it was a misunderstanding, that is, just

now was a misunderstanding!” Guo Zhi forced a smile while
waving his hands frantically, “I did not realize it was you. If I
knew, how would I dare?! I wouldn’t!” He did feel that the
voice sounded familiar, but he did not link it to Duan Wuhen.
If he honestly knew earlier, even if he was dealing with the
pain of a gallstone, he wouldn’t dare snap at Duan Wuhen.

Duan Wuhen’s eyes were like sharp blades as they swept

across both brothers’ faces. And before Guo Zhi and Guo
Fei’s frightful faces, he walked over and came to a stop in
front of Huang Xiaolong.
In front of Huang Xiaolong, the difference on Duan Wuhen’s
expression was like night and day. He then asked Huang
Xiaolong with a blooming smile: “Brother Xiaolong, are you

Brother Xiaolong, are you alright!!

Everyone around felt like they were struck with heavenly

lightning from the ninth heaven, each person turning dazed
and stiff.

Guo Zhi and Guo Fei’s eyes were wide-eyed with shock as
they stared at Second Imperial Prince Duan Wuhen with
disbelief. What did the Second Imperial Prince Duan Wuhen
say just now? Brother Xiaolong? He, he actually called
Huang Xiaolong… brother?!

Duan Wuhen’s voice sounded again, “They did not frighten

you, right?” Just as the question came out, Duan Wuhen
hurried to explain himself, “No, no, no, what I meant was,
did they disturb you?”

Watching the flustered manner Duan Wuhen displayed while

trying to explain to Huang Xiaolong, the Guo Brothers felt
their knees become so weak that it was as if they were
about to blackout.

All the while the rest of the people in the surrounding area,
including the top students who arrived with Duan Wuhen
were stunned, their faces agape.

What situation was this?!

Duan Wuhen was Duanren Empire’s Second Imperial Prince,

and Huang Xiaolong? If comparing identities, Huang
Xiaolong was only an ordinary new student of the institute!
Everyone’s minds went blank, unable to figure out what was
happening right in front of them.

“I’m alright.” Huang Xiaolong said to Duan Wuhen.

In the next moment, the crowd saw Duan Wuhen seemingly

breathe in relief at Huang Xiaolong’s answer.

Initially, Duan Wuhen wanted to refer to Huang Xiaolong as

‘Young Noble’ as per his father, Duanren Emperor’s order,
but Huang Xiaolong was concerned it would be too shocking
if others heard it. Hence, he suggested Duan Wuhen call him
brother when in public. Even so, it was enough to jarr Guo
Zhi and Guo Fei to the core.

“Brother Xiaolong, in your opinion, how shall we deal with


The eyes of the crowd couldn’t help but look at Huang

Xiaolong while Huang Xiaolong looked at Guo Zhi and Guo
Fei, causing the brothers’ hearts to tighten with unease.

Huang Xiaolong strode slowly towards the frightful brothers.

“Huang, Huang, Huang!” Guo Zhi panicked, stammering as

he tried to speak yet no words seemed right. After all, Duan
Wuhen called him brother, and it didn’t seem as though he
was qualified to call Huang Xiaolong ‘brother’ the same way
Duan Wuhen did.

Guo Fei wasn’t faring much better than Guo Zhi.

Stopping before them, Huang Xiaolong’s words were icy, “I

already gave you a chance yesterday.”

The color drained from Guo Zhi and Guo Fei’s already pale
But in the next moment Guo Zhi suddenly fell to his knees
sobbing, “Brother Xiaolong, it’s our wrong. Please give us
another chance!”

“Right, right, we won’t dare antagonize you anymore in the

future!” Guo Fei followed suit and fell on his knees, begging

“Pity, it’s too late.” Huang Xiaolong’s cold voice cut through
the sobbing cries.

Guo Zhi and Guo Fei froze, then when they wanted to say
something more, Huang Xiaolong’s palm snaked out and
struck squarely on their chests. The Guo Brothers wailed as
their body arched in the air then fell to the ground, rolling
until they crashed into two ancient looking trees one
hundred meters away.

A deafening ‘boom!’ resounded, both ancient trees shook

and swayed as if they were about to fall.

A few breaths later, the two ancient trees gave out and
fell… right onto the two people beneath them.

“Young Lord!” The Guo Brothers’ lackeys cried out. However,

when they rushed out to help, a terrifying sword intent
slashed in their path, cutting a long thin rift on the ground.

The lackeys jumped back swiftly in fear.

The terrifying sword intent came from Duan Wuhen.

Retrieving his hand, Duan Wuhen stated coldly: “Whoever
dares to approach any closer, die!”

Since that was the case, none of the Guo Brothers’ lackeys
dared to move forward.

“My Qi Sea!” The Guo Brothers who were pinned under the
two ancient trees suddenly screamed shrilly.

Huang Xiaolong’s earlier palm attack struck accurately and

had affected their Qi Sea, crushing them.

The Qi Sea was where battle qi was stored and gathered

within the body. If the Qi Sea was crushed, the damaging
consequences were not hard to imagine!

By this point, the crowd had finally discovered that Guo Zhi
and Guo Fei’s Qi Sea had been crippled. This result
increased the budding fear in the brothers’ lackeys.

Even as he watched the shrieking Guo Zhi and Guo Fei,

Huang Xiaolong’s face was unperturbed.

A deadly air filled the area.

“Brother Xiaolong, we… ?” At this time, Duan Wuhen came

up and inquired.

“Let’s go.”

Duan Wuhen was stunned but inwardly, he sighed in relief.

He thought Huang Xiaolong was really going to kill both of
the Guo Brothers. Guo Zhi and Guo Fei’s identities differed
from the average Guo Family disciple’s. If both of them
really died, the troubles that followed would not so easily be

Only after Huang Xiaolong and Duan Wuhen had left did Guo
Zhi and Guo Fei’s lackeys scramble to their sides and
brought them away to seek help.
Before long, the news about Guo Zhi and Guo Fei’s Qi Sea
being crushed by Huang Xiaolong had spread like wildifre in
Duanren Institute.

In less than a day, this news had rattled the Institute like a

“You heard it right, Second Imperial Prince actually referred

to Huang Xiaolong as a brother!”

“What is this Huang Xiaolong’s real identity? Didn’t they say

he comes from a small family within Luo Tong Kingdom?
Also, that bodyguard of his, Zhao Shu, was actually
someone with strength infinitely close to the Saint realm!”

“Now that Guo Zhi and Guo Fei’s Qi Sea has been crushed, I
wonder how the Guo Family will react?”

Voices from discussions echoed in almost every corner of

Duanren Institute. As time wore on, the big families of
Duanren Empire also came to receive this piece of news.

Yao Mansion.

Hearing Xiao Teng’s report, Yao Fei was also slightly taken
aback; but it wasn’t because Huang Xiaolong crushed Guo
Zhi and Guo Fei’s Qi Sea. Rather, it was because Duan
Wuhen called Huang Xiaolong brother.

“Young Noble, it seems this Huang Xiaolong’s identity is not

so simple.” Xiao Teng broached the subject hanging in the

Even with Duan Wuhen’s identity and status, he had

actually called Huang Xiaolong brother. Anyone would
surmise there was more to Huang Xiaolong’s identity.
Yao Fei broke out in a sudden laugh when hearing the
remark, “Isn’t it more meaningful that way? It would be
extremely dull if everyone was weak and useless.”

“Where has the Huang Family reached now?” Yao Fei

suddenly asked.

“They should be arriving in Grand Beginnings Kingdom in

another two days.” Xiao Teng answered.

“Grand Beginnings Kingdom.” A light gleamed in Yao Fei’s

Chapter 206: Saint Pavilion

Yao Fei pondered quietly for a while and then his hand
indicated for Xiao Teng to come closer and said something
to him.

“Yes, Young Noble, please rest assured.” Xiao Teng answered

respectfully at Yao Fei’s instruction.

With another wave of his hand, Xiao Teng withdrew.

At the same time, somewhere within the Guo Mansion, Guo

Shiwen’s face appeared extremely gloomy as he looked at
both of his sons being carried back. A scary killing intent
brewed strongly in his heart.

“Huang Xiaolong!!” Guo Shiwen gritted his teeth and then

let out an abrupt wrathful roar.

The Guo Family experts in the main hall shivered with

trepidation. It was the first time the Guo Family members
had experienced this level of rage from Guo Shiwen.

All kept quiet, reducing their presence as much as possible.

This even included Zhang Yue, the Chief Steward of the Guo

There was a silent rage brewing inside of Zhang Yue too, a

burning desire to slaughter. Guo Zhi and Guo Fei were the
Young Lords of the Guo Family yet someone was daring
enough to crush their Qi Seas, crippling them! This was a
humiliation for the Guo Mansion, a naked provocation!

It was apparent the other side did not place the entire Guo
Mansion in their eyes!
This Huang Xiaolong was too emboldened!

Today, the Guo Family had become the after dinner topic
and joke for many of Duanren Empire’s big families.

As the Chief Steward of the Guo Family, Zhang Yue too was
greatly angered by Huang Xiaolong.

“Patriarch, this matter, should we let Ancestor know?”

Moments later Zhang Yue walked up and asked.

Guo Shiwen’s eyes were cold with hatred, “Father is in

closed-door practice at this crucial moment in an attempt to
break into the Saint realm. Don’t alert him with this matter.”

“Yes, Patriarch!” Zhang Yue answered. He hesitated before

continuing, “Huang Xiaolong’s younger sister, Huang Min,
has an engagement agreement with Young Master Guo Tai.
Patriarch, this matter…?”

“Engaged?” Guo Shiwen scoffed, “Arrange for this secret

letter to reach my younger brother, Shiyuan’s hand. Tell him
to rescind that little brat Guo Tai’s engagement!”

“Huang Xiaolong’s little sister… cheap material such as her

wishes to enter my Guo Family?!”

Zhang Yue received the secret letter and acknowledged Guo

Shiwen’s instruction with respect. He then ventured, “Then,
as for Huang Xiaolong?”

“Father will definitely succeed in breaking through to Saint

realm during his secluded practice this time,” Guo Shiwen
replied coldly, “We’ll deal with Huang Xiaolong and Zhao
Shu once and for all after Father comes out!”

“Patriarch is wise!”
Three days passed.

The other big and super families that were waiting for the
Guo Family’s lightning fast and frenzied retaliation towards
Huang Xiaolong were expecting to watch a good show, but
what surprised them was that the Guo Family did not take
any action.

All was calm and peaceful.

This response made those waiting dumbfounded.

The Million Treasures Firm managed by the Guo Family was

one of Duanren Empire’s three biggest firms with branches
all over Duanren Empire’s territory. With unimaginable
wealth and a foundation close to a thousand years, it was
only slightly below the Xie and Yao Family level hegemonies.
Yet when both of their Young Lords Qi Sea’s were broken,
they actually endured in silence?!

This was so unlike the Guo Family’s style of handling things!

Even taking into consideration that Huang Xiaolong was a

brother-in-arms with Second Imperial Prince Duan Wuhen, it
still did not make sense for the Guo Family to be so quiet.
Not even a fart could be heard?!

In short, the Guo Family’s reaction was too abnormal.

Not paying attention to the whispers around him and

however the Guo Family wanted to react, Huang Xiaolong
arrived at Duanren Institute almost like clockwork to
‘wander idly’ around the inner division grounds, attempting
to capture any presence of the Absolute Soul Pearl until late
evening before returning to Southern Hill Estate. Then, he
triggered the God Binding Ring and once again entered the
ancient battlefield to continue his practice.
Three days passed and there was zero harvest, he still failed
to sense the Absolute Soul Pearl’s location.

Another ten days passed in the same way.

On this night Huang Xiaolong stood in the middle of the

yard, his eyebrows creasing slightly while in deep thought.

Half a month had passed, and in this half a month he

practically covered every inch of the inner division grounds.
He even went as far as the female dormitory. Still, he was
unable to sense any reaction linked to the Absolute Soul
Pearl. Nothing!

“Could it be… the Absolute Soul Pearl is not inside Duanren

Institute?” Huang Xiaolong’s thoughts branched out.

Just then, a thought struck his mind like lightning. There was
one spot in Duanren Institute that he did not go.

“Saint Pavilion!”

Saint Pavilion was Duanren Institute’s restricted zone.

The Saint Pavilion was a space opened up by Duanren

Institute’s Saint realm experts.

But, this Saint Pavilion was not a place Huang Xiaolong

could enter nonchalantly even with Duanren Emperor’s
Golden Token because Saint Pavilion was only open
annually, once. To open it, all the Saint realm experts of
Duanren Institute would pool their strength. Inside the Saint
Pavilion existed a saint spiritual energy that was beneficial
to one’s battle qi cultivation. And every time it was opened,
only ten Duanren Institute students were sent inside to
cultivate for one month.
“Saint Pavilion.” Huang Xiaolong mumbled to himself.
Moments later, he summoned Zhao Shu, telling him that on
his next trip to the Duanren Imperial Palace, he was to
inform Duan Ren that Huang Xiaolong would like to go in
and have a look the next time the Saint Pavilion opened.

As the founder of Duanren Institute, Duanren Emperor could

name three students to enter the Saint Pavilion for practice
every year whereas the remaining seven names were
divided between the seven big families—Xie Family, Yao
Family, Guo Family, Yan Family, Zhao Family, and Chen

Early in the morning, Zhao Shu returned from Duanren

Imperial Palace and reported to Huang Xiaolong that he had
mentioned the matter to Duanren Emperor. Duan Ren, of
course, agreed. He also included information about things
that Huang Xiaolong needed to pay attention to.

“Two months later.” Huang Xiaolong repeated to himself.

Two months later was the time of Saint Pavilion’s next

opening. Therefore, Huang Xiaolong had no other option but
to wait for two months, for not even Duan Ren could change
the timing as he liked.

Thus, Huang Xiaolong waited patiently while practicing,

waiting for Saint Pavilion’s opening in two months time.

On this day, Huang Xiaolong was practicing Asura Sword

Skill in the yard when Fei Hou suddenly burst in, reporting,
“Sovereign, a rapid rumor is spreading through the Imperial
City claiming the Guo Family’s Guo Shiyuan has just
announced the rescindment of Guo Tai’s engagement with
Young Miss!”
Hearing this, Huang Xiaolong halted his practice. The
temperature in his eyes dropped sharply, “It was Guo
Shiyuan that announced it in person?”

“It is so, according to the rumors flying around!” Fei Hou

respectfully replied.

“Go confirm if Guo Shiyuan said it with his own mouth!”

Huang Xiaolong’s voice sounded cold, “Also, find out what
Guo Tai’s response is to this.”

“Yes, Sovereign!” Fei Hou answered respectfully and


After Fei Hou left, the Blades of Asura in Huang Xiaolong’s

hands slashed out. Two enchanting Flowers of the Other
Shore bloomed in mesmerizing splendor, disappearing
before one could catch a glimpse. Barely a breath later, a
giant boulder in the nearby courtyard crumbled into stone

These days, Huang Xiaolong’s practice included imbuing

Ethereal Palm’s effect into the Flower of the Other Shore’s
attack, making it even more unpredictable, powerful, and

Against the current Huang Xiaolong, even it was an early or

mid-Xiantian Second Order warrior, he was confident he
could kill them in one move!

Huang Xiaolong practiced in the yard, repeating the moves

from Tempest of Hell, Tears of Asura, Wrath of the Nether
King, State of Abundant Lightning, and Flower of the Other
Shore again and again!

Huang Xiaolong finally stopped several hours later and

breathed out a mouth of foul qi, thinking to himself: It
appears that I will be able to start practicing the sixth move

His Flower of the Other Shore had reached a plateau.

At this time Fei Hou, who went out to investigate the

rumors, returned and reported to Huang Xiaolong,
“Sovereign, we have updated information. It has been
confirmed that it was Guo Shiyuan himself that announced
the news, but Guo Tai did not agree.”

This made Huang Xiaolong’s expression change slightly for

the better.

“First, don’t let Second Miss know about it.” Huang Xiaolong
reminded with a solemn voice.

“Yes, Sovereign.” Fei Hou said.

“You retreat first.” Huang Xiaolong excused him.

Fei Hou acknowledged and once again left the yard.

“In another seven months, Second Sis, Mom and Dad, and
the rest will arrive in Imperial City.” Huang Xiaolong
frowned. The news couldn’t be kept under wraps for long,
his little sister would find out sooner or later.
Chapter 207: Eye Of
Chapter 207: Eye of Reincarnation

“That old guy Guo Chen is in closed-door practice to break

through to the Saint realm.” Huang Xiaolong sneered. He
naturally knew the reason why the Guo Family wasn’t
anxious to deal with him.

They did not retaliate earlier because they were waiting.

Waiting for old man Guo Chen to come out from closed-door
practice after successfully breaking through to the Saint
realm in order to deal with him.

Since that was the case, he would accompany the Guo

Family in their little game.

Thus, another month passed in similar days.

Within the God Binding Ring’s ancient battlefield, Huang

Xiaolong sat cross-legged, running both the Body
Metamorphose Scripture and Asura Tactics. The heaven and
earth’s spiritual energy and the netherworld’s spiritual
energy gathered towards Huang Xiaolong simultaneously.

At the same time, the black and blue dragon hovered high
above him, devouring the true dragon qi tumbling down
from the ancient dragon world.

Multiple strands of fiery red true dragon qi entered the twin

dragon martial spirits and Huang Xiaolong’s bodies.
Huang Xiaolong breathed in and out according to a certain
rhythm as black and blue colored lights coruscated.

In just two months of practice, the true dragon qi within

Huang Xiaolong’s body was ten times more than when he
started. It existed in harmony with the netherworld battle qi
in Huang Xiaolong’s Qi Sea and meridians.

Now, in the space above Huang Xiaolong’s Qi Sea, true

dragon qi condensed rapidly, gradually forming into the
fiery-red shape of a Primordial Divine Dragon, whereas the
netherworld battle qi also started taking shape in the image
of an Archdemon of Hell.

As time flew by, these two vague images became more and
more condensed and real.

Sensing the changes in his Qi Sea, Huang Xiaolong was

stupefied. According to Zhao Shu’s description, only those
peak late-Tenth Order warriors who were approaching the
Saint realm would experience signs of battle qi taking

But Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi already started to take shape

in his Qi Sea?!

When it came time to break into the Saint realm, the

corporeal shapes in his Qi Sea would become even more
condensed, evolving into a real solid entity.

Huang Xiaolong was delighted with the changes in his Qi

Sea. Indeed, after the battle qi began to take shape, his
speed in absorbing true dragon qi and netherworld’s
spiritual energy had increased significantly.

Ten days passed.

Huang Xiaolong spent all of his time cultivating in the
ancient battlefield. By now, he could run both the Body
Metamorphose Scripture and Asura Tactics simultaneously
with ease.

Within these last couple months of practice, Huang

Xiaolong’s strength had gone from late-Xiantian First Order
to peak-late Xiantian First Order.

On this day, Huang Xiaolong took out that same piece of

illustrated diagram. He had fully comprehended the fifth
move of Asura Sword Skill: Flower of the Other Shore,
hence, he could now learn the sixth move.

Huang Xiaolong read the description for the sixth move from
the piece of illustration.

The sixth move: Eye of Reincarnation!

After studying what was written and the illustration, Huang

Xiaolong closed his eyes to recall what he learned. When he
had full grasp of the Eye of Reincarnation’s movements and
the route of battle qi circulation, he placed the piece of
paper back into the Asura Ring.

But Huang Xiaolong did not start practicing. Instead, he

visualized the movements and battle qi circulation route
over and over in his head.

More than an hour later, the Blades of Asura suddenly

emerged in Huang Xiaolong’s hands and he swung out with
lightning speed.

Countless cold sharp blade lights appeared, revolving in a

strange circular shape.
As the blades lights spun in that peculiar circle, a red
eyeball that exuded strong killing intent emerged in midair.

The eerie eyeball glowed a ghostly dark red, and the area
within its red glow seemed to enter a surreal, dreamlike

In the next moment, the red eyeball rotated and issued an

enormous amount of frigid blade intent, enough to perforate
the wall one hundred zhang away.

At the same time, the Eye of Reincarnation issued

something called Light of Reincarnation. This forced the
victim to experience reincarnation, causing them to
succumb to excruciating pain.

This was the most terrifying power of Eye of Reincarnation.

According to what was written, once this move, Eye of

Reincarnation reaches its major completion, all living beings
within one million li would be affected, each entering into a
different illusion.

After the first attempt, Huang Xiaolong stopped, closing his

eyes to recall the earlier comprehension. An hour later, he
made the second attack attempt.

This time, the dark-red glow coming from the Eye of

Reincarnation was a little bit stronger than the previous
attack. And the area expanded from the previous ten zhang
to a dozen zhang. The light of reincarnation also grew

After every attempt, Huang Xiaolong would stop to recall

and comprehend.

And like this, the process repeated.

As Huang Xiaolong repeated the process of practice and
recall, the attack power of Eye of Reincarnation gradually

After another ten days passed, there was now only a single
day remaining before the Saint Pavilion opened. Huang
Xiaolong exited the ancient battlefield.

With ten days of practice, Huang Xiaolong managed to

double the Eye of Reincarnation’s power compared to ten
days prior, and his battle qi cultivation had progressed by a

Currently, the battle qi in his Qi Sea had taken shape.

Adding the Fire Dragon Pearl and the ancient battlefield’s
unique spiritual energy, Huang Xiaolong’s cultivation
increased with a noticeable difference every day.

As he exited the ancient battlefield, Huang Xiaolong called

for Zhao Shu and Fei Hou to ask about the current situation
in Imperial City and Southern Hill Estate.

“Sovereign, some days ago, the Yao and Guo Family held a
joint auction.” Fei Hou said.

Huang Xiaolong was surprised, detecting the implied

meaning from Fei Hou’s remark: “Yao and Guo Family joining

“I’m afraid that is the case.” Fei Hou nodded.

Zhao Shu sneered, “Now, the entire Imperial City is saying

that Sovereign is hiding in Southern Hill Estate because
you’re afraid of Yao Fei and the Guo Family’s retaliation, not
daring to venture outside the main door.”
Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, “Let them say whatever
they like.” Then, he asked Fei Hou, “How far have my
parents reached?”

“Replying to Sovereign, Patriarch Huang and the rest have

reached North Flood Kingdom, it will take another four
months for them to reach Imperial City.” Fei Hou answered
respectfully. “Master has joined up with them.”

Knowing that Yu Ming was with his parents, Huang Xiaolong

felt more at ease.

“That’s right Sovereign, this Subordinate also found out Yao

Fei will enter the Saint Pavilion when it is opened this time
too. Other than Yao Fei, there is also a Guo Family disciple
called Guo Xufei, a Xiantian Eighth Order expert. Xie Puti
from the Xie Family will also be entering when the Saint
Pavilion opens.” Fei Hou added.

Huang Xiaolong sneered when hearing this.

Although there was saint spiritual energy inside the Saint

Pavilion, it didn’t provide much benefit for high-order
Xiantian warriors. It was obvious that Yao Fei and that Guo
Family’s disciple were aiming for him!

“Sovereign, rest assured, tomorrow when the Saint Pavilion

opens, I had Duan Ren arrange for two high-order Xiantian
experts to go in as well.” At this point, Zhao Shu interjected.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

There was a nine in ten chance that the Absolute Soul Pearl
was located inside the Saint Pavilion. Since he was entering
the Saint Pavilion tomorrow, he needed to seize this chance
to locate and subdue it.
The next morning, the sun shone brilliantly.

Huang Xiaolong left Southern Hill Estate. Without Zhao Shu

or Fei Hou accompanying him, he headed in Duanren
Institute’s direction alone, and went straight to the Saint
Pavilion’s entrance—the Institute’s back mountain.
Chapter 208: Saint Pavilion Opens

When Huang Xiaolong arrived at the outer division’s back

mountain, he noticed that the usually lively back mountain
area was actually empty.

The outer division grounds had been closed off for the Saint
Pavilion opening. Huang Xiaolong could only enter the outer
division grounds to the back mountain after his identity was

“Xiaolong!” Just as Huang Xiaolong reached the back

mountain he ran into Xie Puti who walked over to him with a
face full of smiles.

Huang Xiaolong also smiled when he saw Xie Puti.

“You brat, hiding in Southern Hill Estate for a couple of

months in practice, not even showing your shadow. I had to
drink so much Sapidity Wine alone to a point that it’s almost
tasteless!” Xie Puti laughed and said, landing a jesting
punch on Huang Xiaolong’s shoulder.

Huang Xiaolong replied, “We’ll go and have a few cups after

leaving the Saint Pavilion!”

Xie Puti broke out in a boisterous laughter hearing Huang

Xiaolong’s words,”Good, it’s a deal! But, how can a few cups
be enough? At that time, we’ll clean the place out!”

Huang Xiaolong grinned in agreement, “It’s my treat next


“All the more reason for me to drink more.” Xie Puti laughed.
The two of them laughed, talking as they walked towards
the meeting point.

“I heard Duan Wuhen even gave you his Golden Token.” Xie
Puti grinned, “And he even called you brother?”

Seeing Xie Puti had also misunderstood that the Golden

Token in his hands was given to him by Duan Wuhen, Huang
Xiaolong only smiled without giving an explanation, “This
time Yao Fei and the Guo Family’s Guo Xufei are going in
too, huh?”

Xie Puti nodded. “You must be more careful, although it’s

forbidden for students entering Saint Pavilion to fight and
kill amongst themselves, anything can happen. Yao Fei is
like a poisonous snake. Being marked by him… he won’t be
satisfied unless you die.”

“I will.” Huang Xiaolong nodded.

A short while later, both of them arrived at the

predetermined area in the back mountain. They noticed Yao
Fei had already arrived, along with seven other students
waiting at the spot as well.

Including Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti, that made a total of

ten people. All were now present.

When Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti appeared, everyone

turned to look at them, each held a different meaning in
their gazes.

A murderous light flitted quickly across Yao Fei’s eyes.

Though it was well hidden, Huang Xiaolong still captured it,
and other than Yao Fei, Huang Xiaolong detected a strong
killing intent coming from another person. A young man that
looked between twenty-eight to twenty-nine, wearing a dark
grey robe. Up on his temple, there was a faded red sword

“He’s Guo Xufei of the Guo Family.” Xie Puti reminded Huang
Xiaolong from the side.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Even if Xie Puti hadn’t said it, he had already guessed who
that person was. After all, only Yao Fei and the Guo Family
wanted him dead.

As Huang Xiaolong appeared, two middle-aged men clad in

violet robes nodded lightly at him, which Huang Xiaolong
reciprocated. According to Zhao Shu, these two would be
the people Duan Ren had arranged to protect him inside the
Saint Pavilion space.

Although all ten were now present and accounted for, none
of them spoke or uttered a sound. The atmosphere
appeared somewhat awkward.

At this moment, an immense pressure suddenly descended

like the infinite milky way from the void above, rolling down
and spreading out to every inch of space in the back

Huang Xiaolong and the rest looked up to the sky where the
projection of six tall figures emerged. The aura emanated by
these six figures felt surreal as if they existed in another
space. Huang Xiaolong and the nine people below were
unable to clearly distinguish the faces of these six

“Greeting the Emperor and all Honorable Saint Masters!” Xie

Puti and the rest quickly saluted respectfully skyward,
Huang Xiaolong could only emulate their actions.
Although these six figures’ faces were indistinguishable,
everyone knew they were Duanren Emperor and the five
protectors of Duanren Institute. All five protectors were
referred to as Saint Masters by all Duanren Institute

“Rise.” An aloof voice came from the void above. The ten
people below, including Huang Xiaolong got up.

Subsequently, a thousand zhang aureate light burst out

from the six figures above as they moved their hands. A
prism of colors then shone down from the void above them.

Multiple rays of light formed into a diagram in the sky, and

in front of the students below, turned into a hexagon shaped
array formation.

“This is?!” Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed.

“This is an ancient sacred array.” Xie Puti informed Huang

Xiaolong through voice transmission.

“Ancient sacred array!” Huang Xiaolong was shocked. He did

not expect an ancient sacred array to exist in Duanren

Every ancient sacred array contained massive energy. Once

initiated, it could produce unimaginable power.

“This ancient sacred array is called Hexagon Star Array.

Duanren Emperor got it from an ancient cave more than a
decade ago, but I heard this Hexagon Star Array is
incomplete and is missing a certain part of it. Even so, when
initiated by the Emperor and five Saint Masters, its power is
astounding.” Xie Puti’s voice sounded again in Huang
Xiaolong’s ears.

Huang Xiaolong nodded with a dignified expression.

Up above at this time, Duan Ren and the other five people
were standing at six different bright corners of the hexagon
array. Each person shot out a runic pattern from their hands
that gathered in the middle of the big array, spinning and
turning. With a blinding burst of light, a huge space door
materialized in midair.

Strands of saint spiritual energy floated out from the spatial


Saint Pavilion!

Huang Xiaolong stared fixedly on the spatial door.

“The Saint Pavilion has opened, students that enter the

Saint Pavilion are forbidden from any infighting and killing.
Anyone that violates this rule will be expelled from Duanren
Institute, is that clear?” At this time, Duanren Emperor’s
aloof yet dignified voice floated down from the void.

Everyone was stumped.

“Yes, Emperor!”

“Good, go in then. When the one month period ends, all of

you will immediately be sent out regardless of what you are

When Duanren Emperor finished, one of the students leaped

up and blurred through the spatial door, followed by a
second student, then the rest.

“Let us go in.” Xie Puti said to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Both of them leaped up together and with a flash,

disappeared through the spatial door.

Watching this, Yao Fei and Guo Xufei who hadn’t yet moved
from their spot also followed behind, entering Saint
Pavilion’s space right behind Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti.

When all ten students had entered, the spatial door slowly
closed and vanished from view. Everything in the
surrounding area returned to normal.

The instant Huang Xiaolong entered Saint Pavilion, a burst

of saint spiritual energy washed over him. When one inhaled
deeply, the energy would make them feel extremely
comfortable in every corner of their body. Surveying the
surrounding, this Saint Pavilion was basically a small
independent world; there were green hills and sparkling
emerald colored water. Towering ancient trees spread out,
and even many low and mid-level demonic beasts existed

Without warning, the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and God

Binding Ring in Huang Xiaolong’s body shook once.
Detecting the changes from the Linglong Treasure Pagoda
and God Binding Ring, Huang Xiaolong was overjoyed
inwardly. It seemed his guess was right, the Absolute Soul
Pearl was indeed inside the Saint Pavilion!

Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti floated down to the ground


But, in the same instance, two figures flickered and blocked

right in front of them. Who else could it be other than Yao
Fei and Guo Xufei.
Seeing them, Xie Puti scoffed, “Yao Fei, Guo Xufei, what do
you want to do? Students that enter Saint Pavilion are not
allowed to fight or kill each other, this is the Institute’s
rules! You dare to violate the Institute’s rules?”

“Institute’s rules?” Yao Fei snickered smugly, “Don’t talk to

me about Institute’s rules this and that. If I, Yao Fei want to
kill someone not even a Saint realm expert can stop me! Xie
Puti, I only want to kill Huang Xiaolong, you can still survive
if you beat it now. Otherwise, I cannot guarantee that I will
not mistakenly kill even you!”
Chapter 209: Searching
For Absolute Soul Pearl
Chapter 209: Searching for Absolute Soul Pearl

Yao Fei raised his hand. A group of black-colored flames

gathered in his hand, growing bigger! This small group of
dull black flames emanated a terrifying energy that made
the heart palpitate with apprehension.

The black flames within Yao Fei’s palm were different from
Xie Puti’s Black Phoenix Flame. Xie Puti’s black flame
contained an aura of dominance, pride, arrogance, and
destruction whereas Yao Fei’s black flame felt as if it was
hellfire that sprouted from the deep abyss of hell, chillingly
cold and frigid akin to a poisonous giant serpent with its
jaws opened wide.

The flames shared similarities to Huang Xiaolong’s Asura qi,

yet was different.

At the same time, the Guo Family’s Guo Xufei also released
his battle qi and his aura soared. Around him emerged a
dozen butterfly-esque tiny flying birds that exuded a dark
and nefarious aura.

The tiny flying birds had dark green eyes and two little
claws on their bodies that glowed a pale moss green.

This was Guo Xufei’s martial spirit—the Underworld Ghost

A martial spirit that raised chilling goosebumps on the
average warrior’s skin.

In Martial Spirit World, there was a type of necro-martial

spirit. In general, necro-martial spirits were nefarious, evil,
and had a nauseating physical appearance. This Underworld
Ghost Butterfly was a type of necro-martial spirit.

A dozen Underworld Ghost Butterflies appearing around Guo

Xufei didn’t mean he had a dozen of the same martial spirit,
but was instead one of Underworld Ghost Butterfly’s


This ability was similar to the martial spirit of the black-clad

assassin sent by the Guo Brothers to kill Huang Xiaolong,
the Violet-pupils Bat.

As the black flame shrouded Yao Fei’s palm, he struck

towards Huang Xiaolong, and Guo Xufei made his move
almost simultaneously. Waving both his arms, countless
Underworld Ghost Butterflies swarmed onto Huang Xiaolong
in an attack.

Xie Puti was startled.

In the next moment, two palm prints similar to scarlet

burning fire whistled through the void, meeting Yao Fei’s
palm and Guo Xufei’s Underworld Ghost Butterfly.

A thunderous collision resounded and ripples shook across


Yao Fei’s black flame palm print dissipated and Guo Xufei’s
Underworld Ghost Butterfly dispersed into nothing.
A powerful aftershock swept out in four directions.

Yao Fei managed to withstand the turbulent force but Guo

Xufei couldn’t resist, staggering backward for more than a
dozen meters.


The impact caused Guo Xufei’s blood to flow in reverse and

the warm crimson liquid rose to his throat and shot out of
his mouth, dyeing the ground red.

The four people turned and saw two figures heading over,
piercing through space.

“Jiang Yang!”

“Liu Zhi!”

Yao Fei’s expression sank as he saw their arrival.

These two were the Xiantian experts sent by Duan Ren to

protect Huang Xiaolong, Jiang Yang and Liu Zhi!

“Young Noble Huang, are you alright?” Landing on the

ground, Jiang Yang and Liu Zhi approached Huang Xiaolong
and asked. Their demeanor was polite and courteous.

“I’m fine.” Huang Xiaolong shook his head.

“Jiang Yang, Liu Zhi, what is the meaning of this?!” Yao Fei
barked as he stared coldly at the two new arrivals, Jiang
Yang and Liu Zhi.

In the inner division of Duanren Institute, there was a

Heaven List. Only the inner division’s strongest students
could be listed on the Heaven List. Yao Fei was one of them,
and so were Jiang Yang and Liu Zhi. They had never crossed
paths before this, yet out of nowhere they actually
interfered in his matters, which angered Yao Fei.

“No special meaning.” Jiang Yang replied in an unconcerned

tone, “Our task when entering Saint Pavilion was to protect
Young Noble Huang’s safety.”

The iciness in Yao Fei’s eyes increased, “Duan Wuhen asked

you to do this?”

Neither Jiang Yang nor Liu Zhi said anything.

Yao Fei coldly faced Huang Xiaolong, “Huang Xiaolong,

thank your lucky stars this time. I didn’t expect Duan Wuhen
to not only help you receive a spot for entering Saint
Pavilion, but he even went as far as sending two people
inside to protect you. He really went through a lot of

“But you won’t be so lucky next time!”

Throwing a warning, Yao Fei flickered and disappeared from

the location.

With Jiang Yang and Liu Zhi guarding Huang Xiaolong, it was
impossible for him to take Huang Xiaolong’s life as he had

Although neither Jiang Yang or Liu Zhi could contend with

him in a one on one fight, them going two against one was
sufficient to suppress him.

As for Guo Xufei, he was merely a Xiantian Eighth Order

expert that could not be of any help.

Seeing that Yao Fei decided to leave, Guo Xufei too

hastened to flee, disappearing from the area in a flicker.
Watching both of them leave, Jiang Yang and Liu Zhi did
nothing to stop them. Their sole task was to protect Huang
Xiaolong’s safety so that he could leave the Saint Pavilion in
one piece one month later. As for other matters, neither

Huang Xiaolong looked at Yao Fei and Guo Xufei’s

disappearing figures and sneered. But an icy glint flashed in
his eyes; it looked like he needed to solve this poisonous
snake, Yao Fei, after he got out of Saint Pavilion.

Initially, Huang Xiaolong intended to leave Yao Fei and play

around a little with him. But now, since he was about to
journey to Blessed Buddha Empire’s sacred Buddha Cavern
to look for Godly Mt. Xumi, Huang Xiaolong preferred not to
leave a poisonous snake around that endangered his
family’s safety.

“Xiaolong, let’s go.” at this time, Xie Puti spoke.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

The four people leaped into the air, leaving the scene.

Xie Puti jabbed Huang Xiaolong, “You kid, I was wondering

why you were acting so calm and fearless. So from the
beginning, you knew Duan Wuhen sent Jiang Yang and Liu
Zhi to protect you. You caused me to worry in vain.”

Huang Xiaolong grinned at his words, “When we go out, I’ll

drink a few more cups of penalty wine.”

“No way, it should be you buying me a few more jugs of


Both broke out in laughter.

The four traveled together for a while. As time passed, the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda and God Binding Ring’s vibrations
had become more frequent, proving he was getting closer to
the Absolute Soul Pearl.

“Xiaolong, let’s cultivate separately. There are many

treasures here in the Saint Pavilion space, let’s see who has
better luck.” Xie Puti suggested.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “Okay.”

Even if Xie Puti hadn’t said it, he would have suggested the
same. They may be like-minded people, but reining the
Absolute Soul Pearl in was better kept a secret from him as
to prevent any unforeseen troubles.

After Xie Puti had left, Huang Xiaolong used a similar excuse
saying he wanted to cultivate alone to separate from Jiang
Yang and Liu Zhi.

Listening to Huang Xiaolong’s request, Jiang Yang and Liu

Zhi exchanged a look, then Jiang Yang said in a serious tone,
“Since it is so, Young Noble Huang, please hold on to this
transmission talisman. If you come across any danger, send
us a message, we will rush over as fast as we can!” Jiang
Yang withdrew a half palm-sized talisman seal carved with a
strange pattern and handed it to Huang Xiaolong.

Receiving the talisman, Huang Xiaolong nodded: “Okay.”

Both of them cupped their fists at Huang Xiaolong and left.

Huang Xiaolong waited until both of their figures vanished

from sight before turning around. Sensing the direction of
the Absolute Soul Pearl, Huang Xiaolong flew towards the
range of mountains up ahead.
Not long after, Huang Xiaolong came to a valley.

Approaching the valley, the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and

God Binding Ring that had been shaking inside his body
suddenly stopped moving. Huang Xiaolong was stumped.
According to their reaction earlier, the Absolute Soul Pearl
should be somewhere in this valley, but why did the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda and God Binding Ring suddenly
stop reacting now?

Huang Xiaolong leaped up, entering the valley. The entire

valley was filled with a sea of thick, dark-gray fog so thick
that he could barely see his own fingers clearly! Relying on
his eyesight, Huang Xiaolong could only see a hazy ten
meters around him.

Huang Xiaolong could always see at least three hundred

meters ahead of himself since breaking into the Xiantian
realm, regardless of thick fog. There was definitely
something strange going on if his vision was limited to
within ten meters.
Chapter 210: Terrifying Valley

Finding the peculiarity of the surrounding thick fog, Huang

Xiaolong increased his vigilance. He wasted no time,
immediately transforming into Asura Physique. Spreading
the Wings of Demon behind him while moving forward with
caution, his eyes surveyed the situation around him.

There was dead silence in all four directions, so silent that it

felt eerie. From time to time, shrill cries of unknown beings
could be heard coming from the front, sending cold shivers
down one’s spine.

Huang Xiaolong moved slowly and cautiously through the

thick, dark-gray fog for an hour. There was nothing in the
surrounding area other than the dark-gray fog.

It seemed peaceful the entire way as Huang Xiaolong

moved deeper, but the uneasy palpitations in his heart grew
increasingly stronger. An innate feeling of impending danger
came from the very core of his soul.

This feeling of unease gave Huang Xiaolong an illusion that

he was walking step by step into the deepest part of hell.

Another hour passed.

The only difference was that the dark-gray fog grew more
dense the further he went. When Huang Xiaolong first
entered the valley, he could make out at least ten meters
around him. Now, he could barely see his own fingers as he
stretched his hand out in front of himself.

Huang Xiaolong continued to walk straight when suddenly,

the gray fog around him moved like flowing water
accompanied by the strange shrieks that started to grow

When the dark-gray fog moved it seemed to trigger the

strange cries.

Huang Xiaolong’s nerves stretched thin, a grave expression

shown on his face as he readied himself to react to any
changes at any moment, circulating his battle qi. The sharp
shrieks continued echoing in the valley. Huang Xiaolong
surmised the cries came from some kind of living being that
was probably not part of the demonic beast races. It
sounded closer to an evil fiend from the underworld.

All of a sudden, something powerful lunged at him from the

front, piercing through the fog and startling Huang Xiaolong.
Wings of Demon flapped as he steered to the side,
displaying his martial spirit ability—Phantom Shadow at the
same time to avoid the thing attacking him.

A dark black creature rushed out from the fog. It was shaped
like a human but had four arms and glowing scarlet eyes. Its
entire body was ablaze with a terrifying flame.

Huang Xiaolong barely succeeded in dodging the collision

with that strange creature. The strange black creature
brushed past Huang Xiaolong, sending a wave of scorching
heat from the terrifying flame burning on its body towards
him that made him feel felt like he fell into a sea of vengeful
fire. A strong prickling pain shot through the surface of his
skin from the burst of high temperature.

Under general circumstances, by relying on his Asura

Physique and the many years of swallowing Fire Dragon
Pearls, even being burned at high temperatures with mortal
fire wouldn’t harm him one bit. Yet this flame… just the
residual waves of heat coming from it was enough to cause
Huang Xiaolong pain. One could imagine the terror of this
unknown flame.

The strange creature did not pursue Huang Xiaolong.

Instead, it ran straight back into the thick dark-gray fog as if
it did not see him.

But, moments after Huang Xiaolong avoided the strange

black creature’s attack, just within a few breaths’ time,
another strange black creature lunged at him again from the

Alarmed, Huang Xiaolong once again displayed Phantom


And the same thing repeated every few breaths’ time.

One after another, these strange black creatures seemed

endless. When one disappeared into the fog, another would
appear almost immediately. And the thing that made Huang
Xiaolong’s face turn ugly was that every time a new one
appeared, their attack speed and the flame on their body
became more terrifying.

In the beginning, the flame on these strange black creatures

only released a wave of residual heat that left a burning
sensation on Huang Xiaolong’s skin whereas now, this kind
of burning sensation penetrated into his body, affecting his
internal organs.

The pain was excruciating.

After dodging more than a dozen of these strange black

creatures, Huang Xiaolong actually felt trepidation when he
spotted yet another creature appearing and coming straight
at him.
In the blink of an eye, the creature had reached in front of
Huang Xiaolong. Even displaying Phantom Shadow as quick
as he could, one of his arms caught a tiny wisp of the
unknown flame. A shocking pain washed over him as if he
was roasting in hellfire. The piercing pain was too much to
bear even for someone like Huang Xiaolong, he let out an
anguished scream.

After the pain passed, Huang Xiaolong studied where the

flame burned and saw there was a wound like that of a
tunnel that bore into his flesh, bloodied, driving deep down
to the bone!

Huang Xiaolong was stupefied.

This was the first time something managed to penetrate his

physical defense, injuring him to this extent.

In that instant, Huang Xiaolong no longer hesitated. He

immediately summoned his black and blue dragons and soul

Fusing with the twin dragon martial spirits, a layer of black

and blue dragon scales covered the surface of Huang
Xiaolong’s skin. The bone deep hole in his flesh slowly

Another strange black creature appeared and rushed at him,

Huang Xiaolong veered away with a quick side step.

After his soul transformation, Huang Xiaolong’s speed

greatly increased. Yet even through the thick dragon scales
that covered his entire body, Huang Xiaolong still felt the
flame heat emanating from the black creature’s body.

Half an hour later.

Huang Xiaolong managed to persevere for another half-hour
after soul transforming, however the subsequent half-hour
after that became an arduous struggle. Another one of the
strange black creatures ran out from the dense gray fog,
faster than any of its kind before it. Huang Xiaolong failed to
dodge even with his increased speed from the soul

Both of Huang Xiaolong’s arms were hit with some of the

flame from the strange creature’s body, dancing on the
dragon scales protecting his body. The dragon scales could
be seen falling off piece by piece with the naked eye.

The last creature’s speed was five to six times faster

compared to the first one!

Barely a few minutes later, every piece of scale on Huang

Xiaolong’s body had fallen off. Huang Xiaolong was hardly
recognizable due to his miserable appearance. His body was
riddled with blood stained fleshy holes that were scorched
bone deep from the flames.

I didn’t expect I would die here! Huang Xiaolong thought in

self-contempt, “Will I cross back to Earth after I die?”

Huang Xiaolong’s consciousness began to slip and his body

swayed unsteadily. On the verge of tumbling to the ground,
the dense dark-gray fog around him abruptly vanished
without any prior warning. Oddly enough, the shrill shrieks
from those strange black creatures had also vanished.

Huang Xiaolong looked around blankly. When the dark gray

fog vanished, the entire valley revealed itself before his

Littered around the valley were black stones. Other than the
stones, there were some random black trees of the
strangest shape. Every tree only had two branches, like two
arms of a person.

Huang Xiaolong steadied himself and took a pellet out from

the Asura Ring. Swallowing the pellet, he initiated Instant
Recovery. Blue lights shimmered around his body almost
instantly, helping him slowly recover.

Almost half an hour passed when the blue lights dissipated.

The wounds of Huang Xiaolong’s body healed and closed up,
looking much better than it did before.

From the surface, no one could tell that Huang Xiaolong had
been recently injured.

He took a deep breath, lifted his foot and continued onward

further into the valley. An hour later, he reached the other
end of the valley.

On the mountain wall at the end of the valley was a dark,

black hole.

From within that black hole that elongated into a tunnel

came a cacophony of heartbreaking whimpers.

Huang Xiaolong hesitated for a moment, but in the end

steeled himself and stepped in. Since he had come this far,
he was unwilling to leave at this juncture without knowing
what was at the end.

The Linglong Treasure Pagoda and God Binding Ring inside

his body trembled once as he took the first step into the
black tunnel. From the moment he entered the valley, they
had not shown any reaction whatsoever until this very
moment. Huang Xiaolong was overjoyed in his heart.
Judging from the reactions, the Absolute Soul Pearl was
indeed in this valley; within this black tunnel!
Huang Xiaolong followed the path of the black tunnel that
contained nothing but complete and total darkness,
absorbing all light. His eyes could see no more than three
hundred meters ahead of him. Though there was no thick
fog inside the black tunnel, Huang Xiaolong dared not relax
his vigilance. He maintained his soul transformation, always
paying attention to the changes in direction.

But it was as if there was no end to the black tunnel. Huang

Xiaolong followed the path for several hours yet with no end
in sight.
Chapter 211: Permutations

aka: Circles of Hell

In the long black tunnel, there was nothing else but a

stretch of endless darkness.

This was, in short, a psychological torment!

Imagine someone trudging forward in a small space that

differentiated no day or night for several hours on high
vigilance for any unexpected danger that might appear. An
average person would have gone insane.

Huang Xiaolong willed himself to move forward.

However, other than the first step he took, there wasn’t a

single reaction from the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and God
Binding Ring, both had been silent ever since.

Roughly a day passed in the black tunnel.

Huang Xiaolong had spent a day walking forward in the

darkness yet there was still no signs of an end. Even for
someone as strong-willed as Huang Xiaolong, he started to
feel an anger rising and irritation.

In the end, Huang Xiaolong simply stopped walking and sat

cross-legged on the spot, meditating and adjusting his
breathing to eliminate the anger and annoyance he felt
inside his heart.

Just like this, time passed unknowingly. Only when he had

calmed down did Huang Xiaolong get up and continue
Hours and days went on as such; moving onward in the
darkness and stopping to sit down to meditate. This
happened in so many intervals that Huang Xiaolong had
even lost count of the days.

When he was starting to feel numb, he suddenly caught a

glimpse of light up ahead in the endless darkness.

Light, hope!

For the current Huang Xiaolong, the tiniest spark of light

represented boundless hope!

Huang Xiaolong leaped forward, no, he sprinted to the

source of light with all his might.

However, though that tiny light looked close, it was further

than Huang Xiaolong had expected. Even after an hour of
flying, he had yet to reach where the light was.

As Huang Xiaolong flew forward persistently, the sand-grain

sized ‘hope’ became bigger, reaching the size of a large

And it became increasingly bigger, gradually enveloping

Huang Xiaolong. The scene before him changed in an
instant when the light enshrouded his body. He exited the
endless black tunnel and came to a mountainous open

The grounds surface was littered with white bones


There were human, beast, and some unknown creature’s


Heaps upon heaps, mountains piled next to each other.

Some bone mountains peaked as high as a hundred zhang!

These white bones emanated an evil Yin energy that formed

a fiendish gale that swirled in the air above like wailing
ghost cries.

Looking at this scene, Huang Xiaolong frowned.

What kind of place was this? How could such a place exist
within Saint Pavilion? These heaps and mounds of white
bones from humans, beasts, and strange creatures
shouldn’t exist in Saint Pavilion.

Perhaps… this space was no longer part of Saint Pavilion? A

thought suddenly flashed in Huang Xiaolong’s mind.

Huang Xiaolong continued to walk forward as if he had

arrived in an underworld of white bones.

In the next moment, the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and God

Binding Ring in his body trembled violently. Huang
Xiaolong’s eyes lit up. Getting a sense of the Absolute Soul
Pearl’s location, the Wings of Demon spread out and he shot
out in a certain direction.

This time around, the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and God

Binding Ring did not behave as they had before, stopping
after a small reaction. Both shook with increased intensity.
In the end, both flew out of Huang Xiaolong’s body!

Hovering in midair, the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and God

Binding Ring exuded a blinding light before both flew
forward of their own accord, whistling through the wind.

Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong quickly chased after them.

Huang Xiaolong had just flown for a short while when the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda and God Binding Ring issued a
long humming sound. Their speed increased even more.

Huang Xiaolong needed to exude all his effort to keep up

with the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and God Binding Ring.

Just as abruptly some distance ahead, the two heavenly

treasures stopped in midair, prompting Huang Xiaolong to
search around for clues. Almost immediately, he saw a
human fist-sized purple pearl hovering not too far away!

The Absolute Soul Pearl!

No doubt this purple-colored pearl before him was the

Absolute Soul Pearl!

But Huang Xiaolong had a grave expression on his face. A

dark-gray fog swirled around the surface of the Absolute
Soul Pearl. The same thick gray fog Huang Xiaolong came
across when he first entered the valley, but it was much
more condensed and had a gray liquid-esque appearance.

From time to time, there were dark shadows flickering

across the surface, accompanied by echoing shrieks. Those
were none other than the strange dark creatures that Huang
Xiaolong was powerless against… and a little afraid of.

Under Huang Xiaolong’s observation, the Linglong Treasure

Pagoda and God Binding Ring flew towards the Absolute
Soul Pearl, hovering in circles over the fist-sized purple
pearl. Yet when the two heavenly treasures moved too
close, the dark-gray fog around the Absolute Soul Pearl’s
surface would start to surge, blocking the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda and God Binding Ring’s approach.
The strange dark creatures’ cries became more frequent
and grew in intensity, almost as if they might escape and
burst out from the gray fog at any time.

In midair, the brilliant glow of three heavenly treasures


The Linglong Treasure Pagoda glistened an ember red, the

God Binding Ring illuminated a brilliant golden light, and the
Absolute Soul Pearl glowed a deep mesmerizing purple.

Three different colors of light twined and clashed.

As Huang Xiaolong watched, the black and blue dragon

martial spirits in his body flew towards the Absolute Soul

With the twin dragons joining the fray, the fragile balance
and calm between the three heavenly treasures were
broken. The Linglong Treasure Pagoda and God Binding
Ring’s light soared, while the Absolute Pearl’s deep purple
glow gradually diminished.

As the light on the Absolute Soul Pearl grew bleak, the piles
of white bones around the spacious mountainㅡthe human,
beast, and strange creature bones, moved.

Huang Xiaolong’s face tightened.

These white bones were likely numbered in the millions, at

the very least hundreds of thousands. Hundreds of
thousands of white bones crashed over Huang Xiaolong like
a giant wave. Terrifying evil Yin energy filled the area,
transforming into a ferocious fiend and baring its sharp
teeth at Huang Xiaolong.
With no place to retreat or dodge, he was drowned in the
wave of white bones, overwhelmed by the evil Yin energy.
His vision darkened, consciousness sinking into oblivion.

There was a feeling of entering a dream for a very, very

long time. In that dream, he was surrounded by countless
white bones. When the white bones disappeared, a vast sea
of blood manifested. Then a hell of evil fiends with sharp
claws and ferocious teeth appeared after that. Scene after
scene changed, all depicting the gore and carnage of Hell.
Evil spirits, the Chinese myths of Hell’s guardians, Ox-head
and Horse-face, headless ghosts, etc.

Images repeated, overlapped, and even intertwined.

Huang Xiaolong was swept away in a river of memories that

didn’t belong to him, unable to retract himself as he floated

A long time passed before a blinding light flashed in his

eyes. Clarity slowly returned and he woke up.

Opening his eyes, there was a face in front of him, a blurred

image that slowly became clearer.

Xie Puti!

Huang Xiaolong shook his head in order to clear it more.

Trying to get up, he took in the surroundings and asked at
the same time, “Where are we?”

Xie Puti looked at Huang Xiaolong with a weird expression

when he heard his question.
Chapter 212: Soul Mandate

Noticing the weird expression on Xie Puti’s face, Huang

Xiaolong bent his head down to check himself. His clothes
were still on, there was nothing wrong as far as he could

At this point, Xie Puti exaggeratedly reached out to touch

Huang Xiaolong’s forehead, saying, “I say bro, are you still

“Dreaming?” Huang Xiaolong was genuinely confused.

“We’re already out of Saint Pavilion.” Xie Puti said, “But

when you were transferred out, you were sleeping and no
matter how I tried, you wouldn’t wake up! Please don’t tell
me you spent the entire month inside Saint Pavilion…

Guilt flashed across Huang Xiaolong’s face at Xie Puti’s

baffled expression, and he smiled and nodded awkwardly in

Xie Puti’s eyes rounded in shock and he pointed a finger at

Huang Xiaolong. He then burst out into a hearty laughter,
“Damn bro, you’re too fierce! I think you’re the first person
that entered Saint Pavilion to sleep. Moreover, you slept the
entire one month~!”

What Xie Puti said was nothing but the truth. In the history
of Duanren Institute’s opening of the pavilion, there hadn’t
been any student that went inside to take a nap!

“We are in one of the yards in my Xie Manor.” Xie Puti

clarified after his laughter stopped, “We’ve been transferred
out for half a day. Seeing that you wouldn’t wake up, I
brought you over here to my Xie Manor first. How about it,
let’s head to Sapidity Wine House for a few hundred jugs of
celebratory wine!”

Huang Xiaolong nodded in agreement.

Although he badly wanted to return to Southern Hill Estate

to check if there were any strange issues with his body, he
had promised Xie Puti before entering Saint Pavilion that
they would go for a drink. Hence, he was too embarrassed
to refuse.

“Great, good bro, let’s go!” Xie Puti pulled Huang Xiaolong
enthusiastically out of Xie Manor towards Sapidity Wine
House’s direction in Duanren Institute.

On their way, Huang Xiaolong subtlely immersed his

spiritual sense into his body to check its condition.

The second his spiritual sense entered his body, a burst of

frenzied joy hit Huang Xiaolong.

The Absolute Soul Pearl!

Right above his soul sea hovered three of the Heavenly

Treasuresㅡ Linglong Treasure Pagoda, God Binding Ring, and
the Absolute Soul Pearl. The three Heavenly Treasures
positioned themselves in a triangle, each shrouded in a soft

An amber red, an aureate gold, and a deep purple glow.

Three different colored halos intermingled, blending

The Absolute Soul Pearl did not push the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda and God Binding Ring away like it had in the bone
valley, but rather co-existed peacefully.
What happened? Huang Xiaolong was happy but also

When he lost consciousness, drowning in the thousands of

white bones and evil Yin energy, he thought he was going to
die. However, not only did he not die, he even succeeded in
reining in the Absolute Soul Pearl.

The Absolute Soul Pearl!

The fourth treasure on the Heavenly Treasure List!

Huang Xiaolong took a deep breath.

He had finally gotten his hands on the Absolute Soul Pearl!

Next, he would journey to the Blessed Buddha Empire to
search for Godly Mt. Xumi!

Six years!

Regardless of anything else, he must break through to

Xiantian Tenth Order by then!

Continuing to scan the changes in his body, Huang Xiaolong

noted that his battle qi cultivation had broken passed peak
late-Xiantian First Order, moving through early-Xiantian
Second Order… eventually reaching peak early-Xiantian
Second Order and could break into mid-Xiantian Second
Order at anytime. Even his internal force had advanced by a
large stride!

His battle qi and internal force growing stronger was nothing

but wonderful news to Huang Xiaolong.

Was that evil Yin energy not actually harmful, but instead
beneficial? Otherwise, Huang Xiaolong could not find a
logical explanation for his drastic increased strength in
battle qi and internal force in merely one short month of

“Bro, are you alright?” Xie Puti noticed that Huang

Xiaolong’s thoughts seemed to be off somewhere in the
distance and asked out of concern.

Realizing where he was, Huang Xiaolong pulled his attention

back to the present as he shook his head at Xie Puti:“I’m

He reaped a good harvest from this one month spent in

Saint Pavilion! It was well worth the sleep he took!

Hearing that, Xie Puti laughed, “It’s been quite a while since
we came here; us brothers will enjoy till we’re both drunk or
neither of us can go home!”

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “We won’t get drunk even if we

drink for months!”

Both burst into laughter.

Indeed, with their Xiantian realm cultivation, it would be

hard to get drunk even if they drank nonstop for several

A short while later, the two of them walked into Sapidity

Wine House, and because they were early this month, there
were over four hundred jugs remaining. Huang Xiaolong
ordered the waiter, “Send all the remaining four hundred
plus Sapidity Wine jugs up here!”

More than four hundred jugs, that amounted to over four

million gold coins!

The waiter was stunned and he turned to look at Xie Puti.

Xie Puti laughed, “This time my bro is treating me. Since he
told you to serve them up, then serve them up!”

The waiter looked at Huang Xiaolong with disbelief and


Huang Xiaolong threw a golden card at him.

Catching the golden card in bewilderment, the waiter said,

“Young Noble Xie, Young Noble Huang, please wait a
moment. I’ll go have all the remaining Sapidity Wine sent
up!” Quickly turning around, the waiter went to arrange the
wine, not forgetting to set up a table of excellent side dishes
for them.

Not wasting time, Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti clinked their
wine cups, savoring the wine and food.

This time, Huang Xiaolong achieved his purpose of entering

Saint Pavilion, reining in the Absolute Soul Pearl, and
increasing his battle qi and internal force. These good
events contributed to his good mood.

But not long after they started drinking, Guo Zhi and Guo Fei
were seen walking into Sapidity Wine House, walking and
chatting at the same time.

“Didn’t expect that in the Saint Pavilion’s opening this time,

Duan Wuhen would arrange Jiang Yang and Liu Zhi to protect
doggy Huang. Damnit, that Guo Xufei failed to kill him!”

“Don’t worry, when Ancestor comes out after successfully

breaking into the Saint realm, that will by the day Huang
Xiaolong and Zhao Shu meet their maker!”

“I heard doggy Huang went in Saint Pavilion to sleep. Now,

the entire Imperial City is singing rumors that doggy Huang
is a sleeping pig!”

Both laughed sinisterly as they talked and failed to notice

Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti sitting inside the restaurant.
Perhaps it was more accurate to say the Guo Brothers never
imagined Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti would be here
drinking on the same day they got out of Saint Pavilion.

Entering the establishment, Guo Zhi and Guo Fei felt a frigid
air surround them, thus raised their heads. Only at that
moment did they finally notice Huang Xiaolong and Xie
Puti’s presence.

The brothers paled instantly, bouncing back in fright.

Without waiting, both of them turned around and fled in

“Don’t worry about it.” When Xie Puti wanted to get up,
Huang Xiaolong pushed him back down saying, “Don’t let
two clowns dampen our drinking spirit.”

Xie Puti laughed loudly at this remark, “As you wish!”

Cups continued to clink.

It was several hours later when they stepped out of the

restaurant, leaving the Institute, Huang Xiaolong returned to
Southern Hill Estate.

It was already late by the time Huang Xiaolong arrived at

Southern Hill Estate. After calling Fei Hou and discussing
matters related to Southern Hill Estate for the past month,
Huang Xiaolong initiated the God Binding Ring and entered
the ancient battlefield. There, he summoned the Absolute
Soul Pearl out of his body.
Holding the fist-sized purple pearl in his hand, Huang
Xiaolong dripped a drop of blood onto its smooth surface. As
the blood seeped into the pearl, a brilliant purple light burst
out. At the same time, the same purple color character for
‘soul*’ flew out, entering Huang Xiaolong’s soul from the
middle of his eyebrows. Another sequence of memories
flashed in Huang Xiaolong’s mind related to the Absolute
Soul Pearl, including the methods to control it.

Huang Xiaolong discovered something from these

memories. Other than the Absolute Soul Finger, the
Absolute Soul Pearl contained another profound secret law
called Soul Mandate!

This Soul Mandate was a secret law to control a person’s


Huang Xiaolong was flabbergasted by this new information.

If what he was shown was true, didn’t that mean he could
rein in and control other people after he practiced this
secret law?

Furthermore, this Soul Mandate applied to human and beast

alikeㅡit applied to all living beings!

Soul* Chinese character 魂
Chapter 213: Heartless Hall

Huang Xiaolong suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and

started to focus on the Soul Mandate he got from the
Absolute Soul Pearl.

Several hours later, Huang Xiaolong who was sitting cross-

legged on the ground suddenly pointed his finger at the
void. A finger print pierced out, with dark-gray fog rumbling
after it like waves on the high sea, spreading out to the
surroundings. At the same time, strange black creatures
appeared from within the dark-gray fog.

They were the same strange creatures Huang Xiaolong

came across when he entered the valley within Saint

This move was called Absolute Soul Finger!

The finger print shuttled through the dark-gray fog in

complete silence and was undetectable, yet had the power
to penetrate heaven and earth!

Even harder to defend against than the Asura Sword Skill’s

Fifth Move: Flower of the Other Shore.

Every time Huang Xiaolong displayed Absolute Soul Finger,

the Absolute Soul Pearl would spew purple-colored energy
for Huang Xiaolong to absorb and refine. This was called
soul qi. According to the memories he received from the
Absolute Soul Pearl, the Absolute Soul Finger Huang
Xiaolong had just used would become more powerful when
the dark-gray fog became denser and darker, increasing the
strange black creatures’ strength, and in turn, increasing the
Absolute Soul Finger’s attack power!
Three days and three nights passed.

Huang Xiaolong pointed a finger at the void, the dark-gray

fog instantly rolled out with the strange black creatures’
shrill shrieks echoing from within. The power of the finger
attack pierced through the fog silently sans any fluctuations.

Compared to the first day, Huang Xiaolong’s Absolute Soul

Finger power had improved several times over.

Huang Xiaolong spent three days practicing the Absolute

Soul Finger before turning to the other skill, Soul Mandate.

Meditating a moment to remember the flow and meridian

route of battle qi for Soul Mandate, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes
suddenly snapped open. Deep inside his pupils emerged two
purple-colored ‘soul’ characters!

A light glinted in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes and the two

characters flew out from his pupils, combining into a single
character and branding itself onto a piece of some ruins on
the ancient battlefield. Instantly, the piece of ruins exploded
into fragments.

Other than controlling all living beings with souls, Soul

Mandate possessed terrifying attack prowess that was no
weaker than the Absolute Soul Finger itself. It was perhaps
lacking in unpredictability factor when the two were

Huang Xiaolong immersed himself in practicing the Absolute

Soul Finger and Soul Mandate in the ancient battlefield. At
the same time, Huang Xiaolong noticed that when the soul
qi fused seamlessly into his meridians and Qi Sea, his battle
qi actually increased at rapid speed. It was faster than
Huang Xiaolong cultivating by himself while swallowing a
grade five spirit pellet on a daily basis!
Of course, it was detrimental to Huang Xiaolong’s cultivation
progress if he took too many spirit pellets to aid his
cultivation. But soul qi was different, there were no side
effects to Huang Xiaolong.

This finding delighted him.

With his current cultivation speed, he assumed he’d able to

break through to mid-Xiantian Second Order very soon.
Following that, late-Xiantian Second Order, peak late-
Xiantian Second Order, and then Xiantian Third Order!

The Absolute Soul Pearl was ranked at fourth place on the

Heavenly Treasure List, Huang Xiaolong still had the number
one, Godly Mt. Xumi, to look forward to.

One month passed.

In that one month, Huang Xiaolong successfully broke

through to mid-Xiantian Second Order from peak late-First
Order. No doubt, the power of his Absolute Soul Finger
increased significantly, about five to six times stronger than
before. The same could be said about his progress in using
Soul Mandate.

In the beginning, Huang Xiaolong’s plan was to leave for

Blessed Buddha Empire after reining in the Absolute Soul
Pearl once they exited from the dimension within Saint
Pavilion. In the end, and after much thought, Huang
Xiaolong decided to delay the trip until after the Huang
Family arrived at Imperial City.

Another month passed in practice while concentrating on

the Absolute Soul Finger, Soul Mandate, the Body
Metamorphose Scripture, Asura Tactics, and the Sixth Move
of Asura Sword Skill: Eye of Reincarnation.
Time flowed quickly. It seemed like in the blink of an eye,
two months came and went.

While Huang Xiaolong was practicing Eye of Reincarnation,

the transmission talisman near his chest vibrated. Stopping
his movements, Huang Xiaolong took out the transmission

This talisman was specifically made for him by Zhao Shu. A

Saint realm expert would brand the talisman with space
laws. Using the transmission talisman, both sides could
communicate with each other even though they were in a
separate space.

The message sender on the other side was Zhao Shu.

“Sovereign, Yu Ming has returned, Family Master Huang and

the rest met with mishap!”

Huang Xiaolong’s face tightened reading the message.

The Huang Family met with mishap!

Huang Xiaolong threw everything to the back of his mind

and rushed out from the ancient battlefield. Hastening
straight to the great hall, when he walked in, all threeㅡZhao
Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou was waiting there.

Other than them, there were also several Huang Family

guards present.

Of those several guards, Huang Xiaolong was able to

recognize them with one look. When Huang Xiaolong walked
in, everyone stood up.

When Yu Ming wanted to step out and explain the situation,

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, “Everyone take a seat
first.” he said as he took the main seat in the center of the
great hall.

Seeing this, Yu Ming and the rest returned to their previous


“Yu Ming, tell me, what exactly happened?” After taking his
seat, Huang Xiaolong asked.

Yu Ming hurriedly got up again from his seat, reporting

respectfully, “Sovereign, when we were passing by the Toli
Kingdom, we were ambushed by a dozen Xiantian realm

“Ambushed by a dozen Xiantian realm experts!” Huang

Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed pensively.

“Yes, and four amongst them were at Xiantian Ninth Order.

Apart from them. there were six Xiantian Eighth Order and
six more Xiantian Seventh Order experts!” Yu Ming listed

Huang Xiaolong cold voice contained certainty: “It was Yao


For someone to be able to send so many high-level Xiantian

experts to abduct his parents and who had a grudge with
him, there was only Yao Fei.

Of course, other than Yao Fei, the Guo Family also had the
capability to conduct the same deed.

Yu Ming nodded, “Yes, Young Lord. It was Yao Fei. Other than
the four Xiantian Ninth Order that took away House Master
Huang, Subordinate killed six of their Xiantian Seventh
Order and four Xiantian Eighth Order, capturing two Xiantian
Eighth Order alive. Under interrogation, they admitted they
were sent by Yao Fei!”

“Bring those two people over!” an intense killing intent

quickly gleamed in Huang Xiaolong‘s eyes and vanished just
as fast.

“Yes, Young Lord!” Yu Ming answered and withdrew from the

great hall. Next, he came back with two middle-aged men in
black clothes.

The instant the two middle-aged men saw Huang Xiaolong,

they sneered, “Huang Xiaolong, if you want your parents,
little sister, and brother to stay safe, you better let us go

One of them issued a brazen ruthless laugh, “If we return

late, we don’t dare to guarantee nothing will happen to your
parents. Your Mom and little sister were quite pleasant to
the eyes. Even I was almost tempted, let alone the guards in
Yao Manor!”

Just as their voices fell, a shadow blurred. Huang Xiaolong

already stood right in front of them, both hands stretched
out, squeezing their throats.

The two middle-aged men’s eyes protruded from the force.

Huang Xiaolong looked at them icily, “I will first send you

two to hell!” He exerted force in his fingers, crushing their
throats with a twist. Their heads hung limply, dead before
they even understood what happened.

After confirming their deaths, Huang Xiaolong threw the two

bodies into the Thousand Beast Cauldron inside the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda. Turning over to Yu Ming he asked,
“Where’s Yao Fei now?”
“Replying Young Lord, Yao Fei is currently in Duanren
institute’s Heartless Hall.” Yu Ming replied.

Heartless Hall!

“All of you are going with me to Heartless Hall!” Huang

Xiaolong stated in a cold voice.

“Yes, Young Lord!” Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou answered
in unison.

Moments later, the three of them followed Huang Xiaolong

out from Southern Hill Estate, heading towards Heartless
Hall in Duanren Institute.


There is no C213 in Chinese raws. It skipped a chapter to

C214 which were compensated later with double chapters of
217 .
Chapter 214: All Of You Must Die Here!

Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou marched

towards Duanren Institute with a visible murderous aura.
Anyone who came across their path ran away in fright!

Before long, the four of them arrived at Duanren Institute,

entered the grounds, and shocked the students with their
killing intent.

“Isn’t that Huang Xiaolong? Why did he bring so many

guards and outsiders into Duanren Institute?!”

“Doesn’t he know that students are not allowed to bring

outsiders into the Institute?!”

“This Huang Xiaolong really thinks he can do whatever he

wants just because Duan Wuhen is backing him? Bringing
his guards and outsiders in here… in my opinion, he’ll be
kicked out of the Institute by Duanren Emperor first thing
tomorrow morning! Regardless of how great a talent you
have, you cannot break the rules!” Teachers and students
parted to the sides, fingers pointing at him from afar as they
stated righteously amongst their friends.

“Huang Xiaolong, for you to dare bring your guard and

outsiders into the Institute… what are you planning to do?”
Very soon after Huang Xiaolong’s group entered, Duanren
Institute’s patrolling guards appeared, blocking Huang
Xiaolong’s path. The Patrol Guard Captain hollered at Huang
Xiaolong with a finger pointed to his face.

Huang Xiaolong’s frigid gaze fell upon that Patrol Guard

Captain. The killing intent coming from Huang Xiaolong and
his group made the Captain’s heart nearly burst out from his
chest. Huang Xiaolong pulled Duan Ren’s Golden Token out
and commanded in an icy tone: “Scram!”

The Captain had a sour expression on his face from Huang

Xiaolong’s attitude but with the Golden Token in front of
him, he had no other option and retreated to the side.

Huang Xiaolong stomped all the way into the inner division
with Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou.

At the same time, within the Heartless Hall, Xiao Teng faced
Yao Fei with a beaming smile, “Young Noble, all of the Huang
family members are now in our hands. However Young
Noble wishes to play with Huang Xiaolong solely depends on
Young Noble’s interest!”

“Let that little brat lick Young Noble’s toes in public!”

Another guard supported with a suggestion.

“Hum, allowing him to lick our Young Noble’s toes? Our

Young Noble would despise his smelly saliva dirtying him.
Let him kneel and lick our toes instead!”

The guards surrounding Yao Fei broke out in unruly laughter.

Yao Fei snorted, “Letting him clean your toes is going easy
on him. Knowing his parents and siblings are at my place,
Huang Xiaolong will surely come barging over soon with his
guard Zhao Shu. I want him to eat shit in front of everyone!
Xiao Teng, go and prepare, not much is needed, one barrel
is enough!”

“Yes, Young Noble!” Xiao Teng respectfully answered.

Then, Yao Fei spoke again, “Also, I told you to call Gu Ziming
and Du Lan over, have they come?”
Gu Ziming, Du Lan, and Xiao Teng were three of the
strongest people under Yao Fei. Like Yao Fei, all three of
them were also students on the Heaven List in Duanren
Institute. Each was a Xiantian Tenth Order expert,
existences close to Saint realm warriors.

Yao Fei was confident that the three of them together were
more than enough to kill Zhao Shu.

Just as Xiao Teng opened his mouth wanting to answer, a

voice sounded from outside the hall, “Young Noble, we’re
here!” Two figures were seen arriving, the wind whistling
from their speed. These two were precisely the Gu Ziming
and Du Lan whom Yao Fei had just spoken of.

Seeing them arrive, Yao Fei finally felt assured. The only
thing left now was to wait for that doggy Huang’s arrival!

“Reporting to Young Noble, Huang Xiaolong brought Zhao

Shu and two others. They have entered the inner division,
moving straight to our Heartless Hall!” At this time, a
student ran into the main hall, reporting to Yao Fei about
Huang Xiaolong’s whereabouts.

Cruel excitement flitted across Yao Fei’s eyes when hearing

this. He sneered, “I didn’t expect that doggy Huang to be so
efficient. Still, this is good, saves me from waiting too long!”

“Let’s go, all of you come out with me, we’ll ‘welcome’
doggy Huang’s arrival!”

“Yes Young Noble!”

With Yao Fei leading at the front, Gu Ziming, Du Lan, and the
rest followed him out from Heartless Hall’s main hall to the
small square outside of Heartless Hall.
Yao Fei stood on the square with his eyes closed as if taking
a nap, leisurely awaiting Huang Xiaolong’s arrival.

Moments later, Yao Fei suddenly opened his eyes. A sharp,

bloodthirsty light shone from within his pupils as they
focused on a group of people advancing boldly towards his
Heartless Hall. The person at the front was none other than
Huang Xiaolong. Behind Huang Xiaolong was Zhao Shu, Yu
Ming, Fei Hou, and the Huang Family guards.

Apart from them, there was a large crowd of students

trailing from afar who were coming to watch a show.

Catching the sight of Yao Fei leisurely awaiting his arrival on

the square outside Heartless Hall, a strong killing intent
reflected in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. Their gazes met halfway
and an invisible pressure collided between them.

About a dozen meters away from Yao Fei, Huang Xiaolong

stopped and stood still.

Yao Fei swept a cold glance at Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, and Fei
Hou who were standing behind Huang Xiaolong. He sneered
with contempt, “Huang Xiaolong, you dared to come to my
Heartless Hall with just these several helpers? Let me
introduce you.” He pointed at Gu Ziming, Du Lan, and Xiao
Teng at his back: “These three are Gu Ziming, Du Lan, and
Xiao Teng. All of them are experts on the inner division’s
Heaven List and all three of them are also peak late-Xiantian
Tenth Order warriors!” Then, he pointed to the large group
of around forty people to his side, “And they’re at Xiantian
Seventh Order and above!”

Yao Fei turned back towards Huang Xiaolong, his voice cold:
“I know you came to Heartless Hall today to rescue you
parents and siblings, but do you think you can rescue them
with your current power? As I said before in front of the
Wind Facing Hall, I will keep your doglife to reduce my
boredom!” Finishing his sentence, Yao Fei signaled Xiao Teng
with a look.

Xiao Teng understood, replying: “Yes Young Noble!” He sent

someone to bring out a big wooden barrel.

The moment the big wooden barrel was put out, a

nauseating smell filled the air. The gathered crowd peeped
inside and saw that the big barrel was filled to the brim with
feces of a multitude of colors and shapes.

The students watching felt their throats twitch slightly,

nearly causing them to vomit on the spot.

Pointing at the big wooden barrel, Yao Fei announced loudly,

“As long as you eat all the shit inside this wooden barrel, I
can consider sparing your family, and also spare your
doglife for the time being! However, although your doglife
can be spared, Zhao Shu and the rest must die here!”

Huang Xiaolong stood in silence the entire time. At this

point, his frosty voice questioned as he stared at Yao Fei,
“What last words do you have?”

The crowd was dumbfounded.

Last words?!

The proud expression on Yao Fei’s face sank,”What did you


Huang Xiaolong coldly replied, “I’m saying, all of you must

die here today!”

Yao Fei exploded in laughter after hearing that. He pointed

at Huang Xiaolong and Zhao Shu, mocking: “Relying on you
and Zhao Shu?”

Behind Yao Fei, Gu Ziming, Du Lan, Xiao Teng, and the group
of Xiantian Seventh Order and above experts chortled in
raucous laughter as if they had just heard the greatest joke.
The students that were waiting for a good show tried to
stifle their laughter, shaking their heads.

In the next moment, an outbreak of majestic might came

from Zhao Shu’s body. Yao Fei, Gu Ziming, Du Lan, Xiao
Teng… everyone on Yao Fei’s side choked on their laughter.
Their smugness was replaced with fear and they were given
a terrible fright as they stared dumbstruck at Zhao Shu.

Yao Fei frightfully realized that with his level of strength, he

was actually unable to breathe or move under Zhao Shu’s
pressure. He was too weak to even raise a thought of

“Saint, Saint realm!”

“He, he’s a Saint realm expert!”

Shrieks sounded behind Yao Fei. Gu Ziming, Xiao Teng, and

the others stammered with their shaky voices.

Saint realm expert!

Zhao Shu, who they thought was an existence infinitely

close to someone in the Saint realm, was actually a Saint
realm warrior!

The spectating teachers and students looked at Zhao Shu

with apparent fear.

At this time, Zhao Shu raised his hands.
Chapter 215: Guo Family’S
Ancestor Exits
Chapter 215: Guo Family’s Ancestor Exits

Before everyone’s rounded and shocked eyes, they saw

Zhao Shu grip at the ethereal void. In the next moment Xiao
Teng, who stood close to Yao Fei, exploded!

Pop! A resounding crisp noise cut through the silence. Pieces

of flesh and blood splattered in all directions.

Blood fell to the ground like rain from the sky.

One peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order expert had fallen!

Blood drops rained down from above, and they landed on

Yao Fei, Gu Ziming, Du Lan, and the people in Yao Fei’s
camp. Their faces and bodies were covered with what
seemed to be bits and pieces of Xiao Teng’s flesh. It was
even stuck in their nostrils!

The scent of blood quickly filled the air.

Even the teachers and students spectating from afar felt

their hearts twitched at the bloody scene.

Xiao Teng―Yao Fei’s left and right-hand man, a peak late-

Xiantian Tenth Order expert, someone who was one of the
existences closest to breaking into Saint Realm, died just
like that!

Yao Fei stared at the tiny pieces of Xiao Teng’s flesh on his
nose, breathing in the thick scent of blood coming from the
air through his nostrils. While terrified, a wave of nausea
shot up.

He had always maintained high standards of cleanliness, not

even the edges of his robe were ever dirty. In short, he was
slightly obsessed with hygiene. Feeling the sticky blood
running down his face, body, staining his robe, and
especially with pieces of unknown parts of flesh on his nose,
it wasn’t hard to imagine the disgust he felt!

Next, Zhao Shu’s right hand gripped at the void and Gu

Ziming’s body exploded. Another shower of blood and
pieces of flesh splattered down from high altitude.

Another peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order warrior had fallen!

More pieces of flesh fell on Yao Fei’s face. In fact, a piece of

exploded flesh hung on his lips, causing Yao Fei’s nerves to
twitch unceasingly. He wanted to scream yet his voice
wouldn’t cooperate. He was shaking from the inside out as if
he had swallowed thousands of flies into his stomach.

The look in Zhao Shu’s eyes grew increasingly sharp and

cold, one of his hands made another gripping twist. This
time, Du Lan exploded.

The last of Yao Fei’s peak late-Tenth Order subordinates had

also fallen!

It was as if Zhao Shu’s actions were instructed by Huang

Xiaolong, unhurried in his killing of Yao Fei’s people. Instead,
he allowed Yao Fei the honor of watching his subordinates
die one by one, awaiting the impending steps of the Death
God as it approached. Providing him with the fear of being
cornered and having nowhere to run.
At this moment, Huang Xiaolong signaled to Zhao Shu with
a look. Nodding, Zhao Shu sealed Yao Fei and the rest of the
people’s voices with a wave of his hands.

Yao Fei screamed before that.

“Me-, meat, quickly remove this damn minced meat from


Piercing screams sounded in the square.

The first sentence coming out from Yao Fei’s mouth wasn’t
to curse Huang Xiaolong, and wasn’t to beg for mercy.
Instead, it was to order someone to remove the blood and
flesh on his eyes, nose, and lips!

But Yao Fei was careless. In the midst of his screams, the
piece of flesh hanging on his lips slipped into his mouth and
got stuck in his throat.

Yao Fei turned deathly pale, once again opening his mouth
but the piece of flesh was stuck there. He became
unnaturally purple.

In the end, that piece of flesh slid down Yao Fei’s throat and
into his stomach. Only then did he glared viciously at Huang
Xiaolong, “Huang Xiaolong you mongrel, you damn mongrel
I want to kill you! I’ll definitely kill you!” His pernicious gaze
fixed on Huang Xiaolong as if he would swallow him whole.

“Really?” Without much change to his expression, Huang

Xiaolong directed his words at Zhao Shu: “Continue.”

“Yes, Young Lord!” Zhao Shu nodded at Huang Xiaolong and

extended his hands out, this time clapping instead of using
a gripping motion. Two of the subordinates behind Yao Fei
Bloody rain bloomed in the air like fireworks, dispersing a
bloodied omen of death.

“Huang Xiaolong, Young Noble Huang, please spare us!”

“Yes, that’s right Young Noble Huang, spare our measly

lives. We, we’re willing to submit to you!”

The remaining experts belonging to Heartless Hall were

terrified. One by one they began to beg Huang Xiaolong.

However, Huang Xiaolong remained cold and indifferent.

Zhao Shu clapped a second time.

Every time he clapped, two of Heartless Hall’s experts would

die from their bodies exploding. Even the observing
teachers and students had stepped back unconsciously.

These fallen experts of Heartless Hall were all high-level

Xiantian experts. In Duanren Empire, high-level Xiantian
experts were considered scarce. Therefore, each of them
possessed a noble status and identity, yet in front of Zhao
Shu their death was swift and they appeared to be

Scarlet blood painted the square.

The students that trailed after Huang Xiaolong to Heartless

Hall with the aim of watching him be played with and
tormented by Heartless Young Noble like a toy had faces
that were paler than white.

Thank God they did not mock or throw insults at Huang

Xiaolong when they followed him, otherwise… !

In the end, the thirty to forty Xiantian experts behind Yao Fei
exploded until none were left, leaving Yao Fei alone,
standing in the square.

Every time his subordinates exploded, the blood and flesh

would fall on Yao Fei, causing him to shriek and holler like a
crazed madman. The usual proud, noble, arrogant,
condescending demeanor that held others’ fates in his
hands vanished from sight.

Witnessing this Yao Fei, the crowd shook their heads


Standing amongst the crowd was one of the Five Young

Nobles of Duanren Empire, someone of the same status as
Yao Fei. Demon Sword Young Noble had a pensive
expression on his face as he watched the scene.

When all the experts of Heartless Hall were dead, Zhao Shu
stopped and retreated behind Huang Xiaolong. Looking at
Yao Fei, Huang Xiaolong slowly took a few steps forward.

“Speak, where are my parents?” Huang Xiaolong stopped in

front of Yao Fei, a biting chill in his voice.

By this time, Yao Fei was no longer screaming like a

madman, but he laughed maniacally as he glared at Huang
Xiaolong, “Huang Xiaolong, if you kill me your parents will
accompany me in the afterlife! Moreover, my Yao Family
Ancestor will be coming very soon, kill me now if you have
the guts! Otherwise, when my Yao Family’s Ancestor and
experts arrive, I will make you regret that you ever came to
this world!”

Yao Fei laughed with reckless abandon, his face twisting with
venomous hatred.

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong’s eyes scanned the area and
they fell on the big wooden barrel Xiao Teng had ordered
people to bring out earlier.

“Huang Xiaolong, what do you want to do?? You dare?!”

Noticing Huang Xiaolong’s sudden interest being peeked,
Yao Fei had a bad feeling. His face paled as he shouted at
Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong pointed calmly at the big wooden barrel,

“Nothing much. Didn’t you want me to eat everything in
there? Then, I shall let you have a taste first. Remember to
tell me how it tastes later!” Huang Xiaolong flicked his
hands the moment he finished talking, and from within the
big wooden barrel, a piece of feces flew in Yao Fei direction.

At the same time, in the Guo Mansion’s secret underground

chamber, a powerful aura soared into the sky with great
momentum, influencing even the weather.

Guo Shiwen sensed the sudden burst of energy and joy filled
his face, “Father finally succeeded in breaking through to
Saint realm!”

The Guo Family’s Chief Steward, Zhang Yue, stepped up with

a smile, “Congratulations Patriarch, Old Ancestor
successfully broke through to the Saint realm! The Guo
Family will prosper better than ever in the future.”

Guo Shiwen laughed heartily.

Guo Zhi was also in the main hall at this time, “Dad, since
Grandfather succeeded in breaking into the Saint realm, you
must ask Grandfather to avenge us. Kill Huang Xiaolong and
Zhao Shu!”
“That’s right Dad, you must tell Grandfather to avenge us!”
Guo Fei echoed his big brother’s sentiment.

Guo Shiwen snorted coldly, “Don’t worry. This time, Huang

Xiaolong and that Zhao Shu can’t escape!”
Chapter 216: Saint Realm Expert?

“Come, let us go welcome Ancestor’s exit!” Guo Shiwen


Taking the lead, Guo Shiwen brought a group of people to

the Guo Family Mansion’s secret chamber and just as they
stopped, the huge sturdy door of the secret chamber
shattered into pieces. A figure flew out, piercing through
space, then floated down to the ground close to where Guo
Shiwen stood.

Guo Shiwen lit up when he saw the individual, quickly

converging his emotions and showing utmost respect as he
spoke, “Congratulations Father for successfully breaking into
Saint realm!”

“Congratulations Grandfather for successfully breaking into

the Saint realm!” Guo Zhi and Guo Fei took a step forward
and said their greetings as well.

Only after they finished did the Guo Family experts, such as
Chief Steward Zhang Yue and the rest come forward and
lauded the Guo Ancestor’s success.

The person who exited the secret chamber was a silver-

haired man who had a face that looked like he was a young
man in his late-twenties. The young man wore a delicate
silver robe, exuding a palpable majestic might.

This silver-haired young man was none other than the Guo
family’s Ancestor, Guo Chen!

Guo Chen scanned the faces of the people congratulating

him, a faint smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he
nodded, “Stand, all of you.” He was indeed in a jubilant
mood at that moment, after succeeding in breaking into the
Saint realm.

The Guo Family had wealth and power. The Million Treasure
Firm under their control was one of the three biggest trading
houses in Duanren Empire. If comparing the wealth and
forces at their disposal, the Guo Family didn’t lose to the Xie
and Yao Family. Yet the reason the Guo Family had never
been able to enter the hegemony clique of families was all
because they did not have a Saint realm expert!

But now, there was him!

He finally succeeded in crossing that boundary!

Thinking that he himself would finally be elevated to a

status known as one of the top experts in Duanren Empire
after this, Guo Chen couldn’t hold himself back from
laughing happily with his fists shooting towards the sky. His
unrestrained laughs reverberated throughout the expansive
Guo Mansion.

The people present dared not interrupt.

When his laughter subsided, his eyes scanned the crowd

once again, and this time, it stopped on his two grandsons,
Guo Zhi and Guo Fei’s bodies. His eyes narrowed, shifting
onto Guo Shiwen, “What happened?!” There was iciness in
his voice.

With Guo Chen’s keen sight, he could tell at a glance that

Guo Zhi and Guo Fei’s Qi Sea had been broken by someone!

Guo Shiwen hastened to explain in a voice that carried

utmost respect, “Father, it was a little brat called Huang
Xiaolong that broke the Qi Sea of Zhi’er and Fei’er!”
“Huang Xiaolong?” There was doubt and confusion in Guo
Chen’s eyes.

“This Huang Xiaolong obtained first place in this year’s

Imperial City Battle. He originates from a small, backwater
place called Huang Clan Manor in Luo Tong Kingdom. But
we’re unsure why there are two high-level Xiantian warriors
following him at his side. One of them is called Zhao Shu,
someone who is close to breaking into the Saint realm!”

Guo Chen scoffed at those last words, “Close to a Saint

realm warrior’s existence? In the end, he is nothing but just
a small peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order expert! Tell me,
where is Huang Xiaolong and Zhao Shu right now?”

Guo Shiwen replied, “We found out not too long ago that
Heartless Young Noble, Yao Fei, abducted Huang Xiaolong’s
parents and siblings. Huang Xiaolong brought Zhao Shu and
others along with him. He headed straight to Heartless Hall
in Duanren Institute, they have probably arrived.”

“Oh~? He already entered Heartless Hall?” Guo Chen


“Yes. Huang Xiaolong possesses twin superb talent martial

spirits thus Duan Wuhen placed great importance on him,
even lending the Golden Token on his body to this Huang
Xiaolong brat. Using the Golden Token, Huang Xiaolong
managed to get Zhao Shu and his other people inside
Duanren Institute’s inner division grounds!” Guo Shiwen

“So it’s like that.” Guo Chen sneered: “By relying on Duan
Wuhen’s favor and backing, he dared to hurt my, Guo
Chen’s grandsons? Even if he has Duan Wuhen backing him,
today he must die! Let’s go, we’re hurrying to Heartless
Hall. If we’re late and that little brat dies in Yao Fei’s hands,
then it would be meaningless!”

“Yes, Father!” Guo Shiwen answered quickly with respect.

Following that, Guo Chen flew up and sent out a strand of

Vigor Qi that wrapped around Guo Shiwen, Guo Zhi, Guo Fei,
and even the experts on a similar level to Zhang Yue, flying
off in Duanren Institute’s direction.

With Guo Chen’s speed, they arrived swiftly in Duanren

Institute and went straight to Heartless Hall.

On the way, they rarely came across any Insitute teachers

or students.

A short moment later, Guo Chen’s group could see Heartless

Hall’s structure and the vast sea of bobbing black heads of
students and teachers gathered around the perimeter.

At this point in time on the square, Yao Fei’s mouth was

stuffed with various shades of feces… and there was only
about half of the original amount remaining in the big
wooden barrel.

Yao Fei’s stomach held the other half.

Yao Fei’s expression looked like a dead person. There were

no words that could describe how he felt at this moment.
Hate and wrath filled his eyes. Ferocious killing intent
exploded in every part of his body. Wanting, no… desiring to
shred Huang Xiaolong into thousands, or even millions of
pieces. Yet at the same time, a part of him wanted to plead,
to beg Huang Xiaolong to stop.

His stomach had overturned, he could smell the putrid smell

emanating from his own body.
“Huang-Xiao-Long, I vow I will kill you!” Yao Fei raged
furiously, killing intent burst out but the moment he opened
his mouth to speak, it was stuffed with something that flew
out from the big wooden barrel.

As Guo Chen brought his group along, flying towards

Heartless Hall, they came upon the most unforgettable
scene they would ever encounter in their entire lives on the

Heartless Young Noble Yao Fei was eating shit!

Guo Chen arrived, exuding a towering pressure that

attracted the attention of the people below.

“It’s the Guo Family Ancestor!” Someone exclaimed in


“Guo Family’s Ancestor! I heard Guo Family’s Ancestor was

in closed-door practice in order to break through to the Saint
realm. Now that he’s out, does that mean he succeeded?!”

“The pressure coming from the Guo Family Ancestor is so

strong, he must’ve succeeded!”

Loud noises formed an uproar.

While the crowd was busy making assumptions, Guo Chen

flickered and appeared on the square in front of Heartless
Hall with the rest in tow.

Guo Chen’s eyes were filled with shock as he stared at Yao

Fei, whose mouth was stuffed with feces.

Shock was even more obvious on Guo Shiwen, Guo Zhi, and
Guo Fei’s faces. Although Yao Fei wasn’t the Yao Family’s
Patriarch, it was something bound to happen sooner or later.
Judging from Yao Fei’s current status and identity, he held
even more prestige than Guo Shiwen, who was the current
Guo Family Patriarch.

Now, such a person was being fed shit in front of them!

Guo Chen’s gaze inevitably fell on Huang Xiaolong.

“Father, he’s Huang Xiaolong!” At this time, Guo Shiwen

stepped forward to explain to Guo Chen.

Huang Xiaolong! Guo Chen was shocked within and his

pupils shrunk. Had he previously underestimated Huang
Xiaolong’s background?!

Huang Xiaolong also turned to look over almost at the same

time, their eyes meeting in midair.

“You’re Guo Chen, Guo Family’s Ancestor?” Huang Xiaolong

inquired coldly.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong refer him by name, Guo Chen’s

brows wrinkled. This Huang Xiaolong might not be as simple
as he thought at first, but he was after all a Saint realm
warrior whereas Huang Xiaolong was a meager Xiantian
Second Order expert. Seeing him arrive, not only did he not
kneel down in salute, he even dared to call out his full
name! Guo Chen was extremely unhappy.

Before Guo Chen even spoke a word, Guo Zhi was already
unable to resist jumping out, “Huang Xiaolong, your dog
guts must be swollen to call my Grandfather’s name! Let me
tell you, my Grandfather has successfully stepped into the
Saint realm, he is a Saint realm expert! It’s better you get
down on your knees and beg him to spare your life!”

Guo Zhi’s words echoed in the air, stirring the crowd.

“Guo Family’s Ancestor really broke into Saint realm!”

“A Saint realm expert! Our Duanren Empire has another

Saint realm expert in its midst and Guo Family will become
one of the hegemony families in Duanren Empire!”

There were many that uttered similar phrases.

“A Saint realm expert?” Zhao Shu spoke and he too turned

around. A snicker appeared on his lips. Then, everyone
watched and became stupefied as Zhao Shu reached out
with both of his hands and struck a palm across the void at
Guo Chen. A giant palm appeared, casting a shadow over
the sky and blocking it from view.
Chapter 217: Duanren Emperor Rushes Over

The gigantic palm print overshadowed the bright sky,

instantaneously reaching Guo Chen. In a panic, Guo Chen
struck his palm out to counter the sudden attack.

“Boundless Heaven’s Hand of Tyranny!”

A palm print pierced through space, trailing in a diagram of

darkness and light as a tyrannical atmosphere ruled over
the square’s space.

Two giant palm prints collided and terrifying shockwaves

rebounded, sweeping out like a hurricane. But in no more
than a second, Guo Chen’s Boundless Heaven’s Hand of
Tyranny was shattered by Zhao Shu’s palm print and it
continued to crash down on Guo Chen, slamming against his

Guo Chen screamed as he was sent flying back to a corner

of the square. The crowd scattered like a flock of frightened

Silence drowned the entire Heartless Hall’s square. It was as

if the loudest noise the people in the crowd could hear was
their own heartbeats.

The shockwave dispersed in all directions within Heartless

Hall, milling away the structures at incredible speed. Seeing
Heartless Hall turned to ruins and Guo Chen who was
slumped in a corner, the people present inhaled sharply.

Guo Chen, the Guo Family’s Ancestor that had just come out
from closed-door practice after successfully stepping into
the Saint realm, actually failed to take even one palm from
Zhao Shu! Not even one palm!
Shocked faces turned towards Zhao Shu.

What was this Zhao Shu’s strength?! What was his real

Even Yao Fei was shocked as he stared at Zhao Shu.

Whereas Guo Zhi who clamored for Huang Xiaolong to kneel

down and apologize to his Grandfather before it was too late
stood on the same spot, his face twitching unnaturally.
Gradually, the spasms traveled throughout his body.

Watching Huang Xiaolong and Zhao Shu, only fear and

terror showed on Guo Zhi’s face.

Ignoring all, Huang Xiaolong slowly approached Guo Shiwen

and stopped in front of him, questioning in a cold voice, “It
was you that told Guo Shiyuan to announce breaking the
engagement between my younger sister and Guo Tai?”

Guo Shiwen’s face twitched, his feet moved backward as he

waved his hands in denial, enforced with an ugly smile, “No,
there’s no such thing! Absolutely no such thing!”

“No such thing?” Huang Xiaolong sneered, “Then the rumor

spreading outside was groundless?”

“Yes, yes, that’s right! It was groundless and a mistake!”

Guo Shiwen beamed a smile, “It must have been some of
the other families creating such rumors on purpose because
they’re jealous of our Guo Family and Huang Family coming
together through marriage. So they deliberately released a
false rumor!”

At this time Guo Chen, who had been hit by Zhao Shu
earlier, tried to get up from the pavement. Noticing Guo
Chen’s movements, Guo Shiwen, Guo Zhi, and the rest of
the Guo members finally reacted and hurried over to Guo
Chen’s side.

“Father, are you alright?!” Guo Shiwen blurted out anxiously.

Just as Guo Shiwen’s question came out, Guo Chen spurted

blood from his mouth with a ‘waw’, dying the square area
around him bright red.

The members of the Guo Family turned ashen.

Guo Chen was the Guo Family’s pillar. If something were to

happen to Guo Chen then the ramifications to the Guo
Family would be severe. ‘Excited’ by his emotions, Guo Fei
insisted loudly without thinking, “Grandfather, you mustn’t

Guo Fei’s words made Guo Chen spew another mouthful of


Guo Shiwen glowered at his son angrily and a palm struck

Guo Fei’s face without a word, sending Guo Fei rolling out of
the square’s immediate area. None of the Guo Family
disciples dared to help him up.

“I’m okay.” Guo Chen’s feeble voice sounded.

In truth, whether he was okay or not, only he knew.

That attack from Zhao Shu had injured his Saint realm
foundation. Just a little bit more damage and his cultivation
would’ve regressed back to peak late-Tenth Order Xiantian.

Guo Chen had just broken through to the Saint realm, thus
his foundation wasn’t stable yet.
“My gratitude to Senior for showing mercy!” Guo Chen said
to Zhao Shu, his face filled with respect and reverence. He
was well aware that if it weren’t for Zhao Shu being lenient,
that palm strike would have been enough to kick him back
to the Xiantian realm.

Zhao Shu’s expression remained aloof, “For Young Miss

Huang’s sake I held back a little just now, otherwise, hmph!”

“Miss Huang?” Guo Chen looked at Guo Shiwen with doubt

and confusion.

Although he heard Guo Shiwen and Huang Xiaolong’s

dialogue, something about breaking an engagement, he
wasn’t aware of all the details.

Guo Shiwen hastened to explain, “When Father was in

seclusion, Guo Tai got engaged to Young Noble Huang’s little
sister, Huang Min.”

Guo Chen was furious hearing this, “Why didn’t you mention
this to me before?!”

Guo Shiwen lowered his head, not daring to meet his

father’s eyes nor utter a word.

Guo Chen turned towards Huang Xiaolong saying, “Young

Noble Huang, rest assured, I will give you an explanation in
this matter. In the future, we will be in-laws after all, it’s our
Guo Family’s fortune to marry above our status!”

Huang Xiaolong swept a cold glance at Guo Chen and his

focus once again fell on Yao Fei, “Speak, where are my
parents and everyone else?”

All eyes shifted to Yao Fei.

Yao Fei also looked at Huang Xiaolong coldly with a
complacent smile, “Huang Xiaolong, I admit I
underestimated you. I never thought you’d have such an
expert at your side.” His eyes risked a quick glance at Zhao
Shu, “However, you brought an outsider into Duanren
Institute, wounding Institute students. Duanren Emperor will
arrive with the others Saint Masters very soon. Strong as he
is, Zhao Shu will still die!”

At the exact moment when Yao Fei spoke, sounds of

whistling wind came from off in the distance. One powerful
blast of pressure after another emanated over in their

Leading at the front was a majestic figure wearing a golden

yellow dragon robe with a shrunken broken blade runic
pattern in the middle of his eyebrows. This was of course,
Duanren Emperor. Five old men in golden battle gear
followed behind him, the five Saint Masters of Duanren

In the back row was Duan Wuhen and the many experts of
Duanren Institute.

Seeing Duanren Emperor, the five Saint Masters, and all the
Duanren Institute’s top experts, joy swept across Yao Fei’s
face. Next, his face was twisted with vengeance, “Huang
Xiaolong, your end is here! Haha, let me see how you’re
going to escape from this!”

The Guo Family, Yao Fei, along with the surrounding

teachers and students, waited for Duanren Emperor, the five
Saint Masters, and the many Institute’s experts to arrive at
the Heartless Hall’s square.

“Greetings to Duanren Emperor and the several Saint

Masters!” All of the teachers and students, including Yao Fei,
knelt in salute.

On the square, only Guo Chen, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu,

and Yu Ming remained standing.

Duanren Emperor nodded as he scanned the crowd, and

spoke: “Rise.”

“Much obliged Emperor!” Only then did everyone stand up.

Watched by everyone, Duanren Emperor walked towards

Zhao Shu and Huang Xiaolong.

The anticipative smile on Yao Fei’s face gradually bloomed

wider when he saw Duanren Emperor move straight to Zhao
Shu and Huang Xiaolong. A brutal gleam shone brightly in
his eyes; Huang Xiaolong, you’re so dead!

Stopping in front of Zhao Shu and Huang Xiaolong, Duanren

Emperor showed great respect as he said, “Mister Zhao,
Duan Ren is late!”

Everyone’s faces stiffened, they became stupefied where

they stood.

Yao Fei, Guo Chen, Guo Shiwen, and the rest had eyes the
size of a fist.

“Zhao, Mister Zhao?!” Yao Fei repeated in astonishment.

Duanren Emperor actually greeted Zhao Shu as Mister
Zhao? Furthermore, that respectful demeanor?!

Then, Duanren Emperor turned towards Huang Xiaolong:

“Young Noble Huang.”

Young Noble Huang!

All eyes were protruding out of their sockets!

Duan Wuhen and Cheng Jian walked up, following Duanren
Emperor: “Mister Zhao, Young Noble Huang!”

The gathered crowd’s minds turned to mush, no one was

able to react to the shock.

Suddenly, someone thought of a vital point; the Golden

Token in Huang Xiaolong’s hand… it likely did not belong to
Duan Wuhen, but rather Duanren Emperor!
Chapter 218: Deities Templar Appearing Again

In the same moment that other people considered this

possibility about the Golden Token in Huang Xiaolong’s
hand, the same thought hit Yao Fei! His heart raced with

If the Golden Token in Huang Xiaolong’s hand was truly

given by Emperor Duanren, then… ?!

Huang Xiaolong nodded towards Emperor Duanren and

Duan Wuhen, “No need to be overly courteous.”

Emperor Duanren breathed in relief at those words.

But it only made the others sweat even more. In their eyes,
it seemed like Emperor Duanren was afraid Huang Xiaolong
and Zhao Shu would blame him?!

Huang Xiaolong’s attention returned to Yao Fei.

However, this time Yao Fei’s reaction was calmer than

before, laughing he said, “Huang Xiaolong, I didn’t expect
for the Golden Token in your hands to be given to you by
Emperor Duanren.”

There was no hatred, no killing intent, and no surprise on

Yao Fei’s face. It seemed as if Huang Xiaolong and Zhao Shu
were still nothing in his eyes.

Huang Xiaolong felt a little strange about Yao Fei’s sudden

change in demeanor but he wasn’t concerned about it. He
sneered coldly, “This is your last chance, speak, where are
my parents!”
Yao Fei sneered coldly in reply, “I’m also saying for the last
time, kill me and your parents will accompany me to hell!
Moreover, Huang Xiaolong, do you think you’ve won now?”

Killing intent peaked in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. With a twist,

the Blades of Asura emerged in his hands.

“Since it’s like this, then you, go die!”

The blades swung out. Sharp cold blade lights glinted,

aiming at Yao Fei’s neck.

Watching as the slash was about to draw blood on Yao Fei’s

neck, a change suddenly occurred. Some distance away, a
green light pierced through the air at terrifying speed as the
wind howled, causing ripples across space.

Zhao Shu’s face tightened as he moved himself to block in

front of Huang Xiaolong. At the same time, one hand struck
out to counter the incoming bright green light and he
cautioned, “Young Lord, careful!!”

Zhao Shu’s palm strike crashed against the bright green

light, the impact shook the space, raising turbulent air.

Huang Xiaolong swiftly retreated.

In the blink of an eye, seven unfamiliar silhouettes appeared

on the square.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed when he saw them.

Standing at the front of the seven person group wasㅡLi

There were six people behind Li Molin, and one of them was
the very same Ao Baixue he previously encountered!
Another one of the six wore the Yao Family’s robe but there
was something different compared to the rest of the Yao
Family’s disciples. On the chest area of this person’s robe
was a double-headed Scarlet Flame Mythical Beast. Judging
from his attire, this person should be the Yao Family’s
Ancestor, Yao Shan.

The instant Li Molin and her group stepped foot on the

square, an overwhelming pressure enveloped the entire
Heartless Square. It was so powerful that the weaker
students and teachers couldn’t help but to withdraw far
away in fear.

Yao Shan surveyed the surrounding and frowned when he

saw Yao Fei’s face in various shades of dark green feces. A
spark of killing intent flew across his eyes; he lifted his
hands and wanted to disperse Zhao Shu’s space
manipulation around Yao Fei.

But, when his Saint power came into contact with Yao Fei’s
body, a spiral of dazzling light shone out from Yao Fei’s
body, instantly repelling Yao Shan’s power.

Yao Fei was dumbfounded at the result.

Li Molin acted, waving her hands and successfully breaking

the space law restriction on Yao Fei’s body.

Able to move again, Yao Fei hurried forward to salute Li

Molin, “Greeting Elder Li and other Seniors!”

“Stand up.” Li Molin said without any expression.

Yao Fei got up and walked over to Yao Shan: “Ancestor!”

Yao Shan nodded, his eyes looked over at Huang Xiaolong,

“This brat did it?” he asked, a finger indicated at the colorful
beard of feces on Yao Fei’s face.
“Yes, Ancestor!” Yao Fei glared viciously at Huang Xiaolong,
“It was this punk!”

Huang Xiaolong watched on. He didn’t expect for the Yao

Family to be connected to Deities Templar, and from the
looks of it, the connection wasn’t shallow?!

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be possible for the Yao Family’s

Ancestor to be capable of requesting help from Li Molin.

“Huang Xiaolong, I didn’t expect that we would be meeting

again so soon.” Li Molin spoke with the same indifferent

Huang Xiaolong used the same tone, “I didn’t expect it


Li Molin’s gaze moved to Zhao Shu, Emperor Duanren, Guo

Chen, and the other Saint experts, stating, “I want to take
Yao Fei and leave here now, no objections right?”

Everyone kept silent, not one person spoke.

Emperor Duanren’s brows furrowed but held his silence.

All of the Saint realm experts present were very well aware
in their hearts of what Deities Templar represented. Even
Duan Ren hoped that Duan Wuhen would be selected as a
Deities Templar disciple in their coming selection.

“Yao Fei must die today, here, in this place!” In the heavy
silence, a sharp voice cut through.

Everyone was stunned. The person who spoke was none

other than Huang Xiaolong.
Li Molin was stunned for a second before giggling
vigorously, but her chest was lacking in volume, therefore,
there wasn’t much of a tremor no matter how hard she
giggled herself silly.

Li Molin’s giggles subsided and she smiled faintly at Huang

Xiaolong, “Little one, do you know who you’re talking to?
Young man, sometimes you must consider carefully before
speaking out, or you’ll only end up being seen as an idiot
spouting nonsense! Or you’ll provoke a disaster upon

Huang Xiaolong looked the sheepish smile on Li Molin’s

face, a strong feeling of disgust gave rise in his heart. Even
though Li Molin suddenly appeared and took Li Lu away
from the terrible situation she was in, Huang Xiaolong did
not exactly feel at ease. However, at this moment, he was
truly disgusted.

Not only did he feel disgust towards Li Molin, but rather

Deities Templar as a whole!

This feeling of disgust increased rapidly!

“Kill!” Huang Xiaolong gave an order, his cold voice echoed

in the silent square.

The instant Huang Xiaolong spoke, Zhao Shu moved. In a

flicker, he blurred and disappeared without the slightest
fluctuation. When Zhao Shu disappeared, Li Molin also
disappeared. In the next second, thunderous impacts
resounded in the space high above, spreading down to the

Every clash sounded like an angry thunderbolt, causing

sharp pain to everyone’s shaking eardrums.
Apprehension filled the people below.

Seizing the opportunity, Ao Baixue and the Yao Family’s

Ancestor leaped out, targeting Huang Xiaolong with a lethal
palm attack. The force from the palm flooded out like tidal
waves. Seeing that Huang Xiaolong was about to be hit a
silhouette flickered, blocking their path. Raising both hands,
that person repelled both of Yao Shan and Ao Baixue’s

Taken by surprise, both were thrown back from the force of

the impact. Failing to land steadily on their feet, both of
them wobbled unbecomingly.

“Duan Ren, you actually dared to interfere in Deities

Templar’s matters, aren’t you afraid Duanren Empire will
face destruction?!” Ao Baixue bellowed in fury.

The person who stood out to block them was none other
than Emperor Duanren.

Hearing that, Duan Ren scoffed, “Yes, Deities Templar is very

strong, but it’s not so easy to annihilate my Duanren

Angered, Ao Baixue flew out attacking Emperor Duanren

whereas Yao Shan and the other four Deities Templar’s
experts each fought with one of Duanren Institute’s Saint
realm experts.

All of the people fighting were Saint realm experts. Each

attack brought with it a powerful force of destruction that
whirled out in all directions and crumbled building
structures, causing Duan Wuhen and the other student
experts to retreat in haste. A battle between Saint realm
experts was not something they were qualified to take part
in. This even included someone like Yu Ming who was left
with no other option but to retreat while protecting Huang
Xiaolong, forced to watch the fight from a distance away.

With the aftershocks originating from Zhao Shu’s fight, the

crumbled Heartless Hall had already turned to dust and
disappeared with the wind. The stones that overlaid the
square flipped over, shattering into sand and dust,
pulverized into powder. Cracks and fissures started to line
the grounds surface and gas spewed out from beneath the

Cracks even appeared in the fabric of space.

Huang Xiaolong stared at Yao Fei and said to Yu Ming, “Don’t

bother with me, go kill Yao Fei!”

“Yes Young Lord!”
Chapter 219: Crashing Yao Manor

Yu Ming leaped out into the air. A coruscating light shrouded

his body as a gigantic stone golem appeared!

The giant stone golem was a mass of carmine green and

had eyes of golden ember. This was Yu Ming’s martial spirit,
a Giant Green Stone Golem.

Giant Green Stone Golem was an ancient race martial spirit,

known for their terrifying defense and power.

Summoning his martial spirit, Yu Ming soul transformed in

an instant. A layer of carmine green earth armor wrapped
around him entirely as he sent a punch in Yao Fei’s direction.

Sensing danger from Yu Ming’s attack, a frigid dark black

flame bloomed from Yao Fei’s body and a giant black
humanoid emerged, hovering in midair behind Yao Fei.

This giant humanoid burned with the same dark black flame
as what was around Yao Fei, exuding an eerie coldness, an
evil tyranny and supremacy.

This was Yao Fei’s martial spirit. And just like Yu Ming’s
martial spirit, it was also of an ancient race and was called
Dark Malevolent Sovereign, a top grade twelve martial

Yao Fei also soul transformed without wasting time after

summoning his martial spirit. His body covered with a dark
armor that had black flames dancing on the surface. He
leaped out in a flash, leaving two blurry images behind him
in midair as he met Yu Ming’s attack.
Boom! A deafening blast resounded as two figures were
thrown back at the same time.

Although Yao Fei was injured by Zhao Shu’s Saint power

before, his strength was marginally higher than Yu Ming’s
and on top of that, Yu Ming’s martial spirit was innately
suppressed by the difference in grade. Therefore, even
though Yao Fei was injured, it would be difficult for Yu Ming
to reap Yao Fei’s life in a quick battle.

Pushed back in the first contact, Yu Ming’s eyes sank.

Waving both of his fists, the two people once again engaged
in a melee.

Below, on the ruined square, the crowd watched wide-eyed

at the battle up in the sky between Zhao Shu, Li Molin, and
Duanren Emperor, as well as the rest of the Saint experts.
Since they were capable of breaking into the Saint realm, all
of their martial spirits were guaranteed to be superb talent
martial spirits. At this point in the battle, Zhao Shu and
Duanren Emperor had already summoned their martial

About a dozen Saint realm experts revealed their superb

talent martial spirits before the crowd’s eyes… this was an
unforgettable scene that shook one’s core!

“Second Imperial Prince, should we go up…?” Below,

because he was one of the palace experts, Cheng Jian
inquired of Duan Wuhen as he watched Yu Ming and Yao
Fei’s battle, wondering if they should assist Yu Ming.

Just when Duan Wuhen wanted to nod, an immense

pressure descended onto the square. The moment it arrived,
the person bearing this horrifying pressure struck a punch
out at Li Molin who was battling Zhao Shu.
Startled, a nine colored resplendent light burst out from Li
Molin’s body as she countered with a palm in the last

Fist and palm collided! Li Molin trembled from the

rebounding energy, pushing her back and causing her to
stagger unsteadily in the air.

“Haha, Zhang Fu, you’re finally here!” Zhao Shu exclaimed

in a hearty laughter.

In midair, a brawny looking middle-aged man with a head

full of black locks but a face covered with a thick white
beard came into view.

Zhang Fu!

The latest addition to the battle was the Asura’s Gate Right
Custodian, Zhang Fu!

When Zhao Shu and Huang Xiaolong first arrived in Duanren

Imperial City, they had sent word for Zhang Fu to rush over
as a precautionary measure as well. And now, at this critical
time, Zhang Fu made it!

Zhang Fu laughed at Zhao Shu, “Such a lively scene, how

can I, Zhang Fu, miss it? It has been a long time since I let
loose with my old bones. It seems I didn’t rush over for

“Haha, then I leave this old hag to you!” Zhao Shu

relinquished his opponent.

“No problem!” Zhang Fu flew up, summoning his martial

spirit一a black and white lion the size of a small hill
appeared. Zhang Fu fused with his martial spirit and
attacked Li Molin in an excited stance.
Fury erupted in Li Molin’s heart when listening to these
smelly old men dividing her up as if she was prey. She
snapped! Veering to the side, nine flurry tails fanned out
behind her, spiralling towards Zhang Fu. The nine colors
swirling around her body grew brighter.

As for Zhao Shu, he returned to Huang Xiaolong’s side.

But Huang Xiaolong had a different thought: “You go kill Yao


“Yes Young Lord!” Zhao Shu leaped out again, cutting in

between Yu Ming and Yao Fei’s battle. The destructive power
seemed to vanish like a drop of water in the ocean when it
came near Zhao Shu.

Zhao Shu sneered, raising his hand and was about to strike
Yao Fei when a ruthless sword intent came piercing through
space at Zhao Shu. Alarmed, Zhao Shu’s palm turned and
shot out in the direction of the incoming sword intent

A powerful force swept out.

In the next moment, a figure appeared next to Yao Fei and

took Yao Fei away unhindered, leaving behind his voice
which echoed in the void, “Junior-Apprentice Sister, first
return to the temple!”

When Li Molin who was fighting with Zhang Fu heard this,

she exerted full force to push Zhang Fu back, and left a
sentence: “Zhang Fu right? I’ll reap your doglife the next
time I see you!” With a sway, her body disappeared into the

Ao Baixue, Yao Family’s Ancestor Yao Shan, and the

remaining Deities Templar Saint realm experts also flew to
the sky, disappearing into the void in an instant.

Zhang Fu wrinkled his brows as he watched Li Molin flee.

But, rather than chase after her, he appeared down on the
square before Huang Xiaolong in the next moment, saluting
with respect: “Subordinate Zhang Fu greets Young Lord!”


“Subordinate thanks Young Lord!”

Duanren Emperor and the others saw that the newly arrived
Zhang Fu had also referred to Huang Xiaolong as Young
Lord. Their hearts were astounded.

Judging from what they saw earlier, Zhang Fu’s strength was
no weaker than Zhao Shu, perhaps even slightly stronger!

What could Huang Xiaolong’s identity be to cause two high-

level Saint realm warriors to willingly call him Young Lord?!

Although Zhao Shu was a good friend of Duan Ren’s Master,

saved and took care of Duan Ren in the early days, and
could be considered as half of Duan Ren’s mentor, he had
no inclination that Zhao Shu was the Asura’s Gate Left

“Sovereign, what do we do now?” Zhao Shu stepped forward

to ask.

A strong killing intent soared in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes as

his icy voice sounded, “To Yao Manor!”

He hadn’t imagined that Yao Fei would be able to escape!

He dearly hoped that his parents and siblings were locked

up in Yao Manor. If not, he was afraid that… !
Hearing that Huang Xiaolong wanted to head to Yao Manor,
the rest were stumped.

“Yes Young Lord!” Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu agreed


Huang Xiaolong flew out from Duanren Institute, followed by

Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou.

“Father, should we… ?” Duan Wuhen stepped closer to

Duanren Emperor, asking in a cautious whisper.

Duanren Emperor nodded, “En, let’s go and have a look.”.

They trailed behind Huang Xiaolong’s group, all the way
until they reached Yao Manor. It was a grand parade.

At this time, in a secret chamber somewhere inside Yao


Huang Peng, Su Yan, Huang Min, and Huang Xiaohai were

tied up with thick golden rope, glowering with anger at the
several Yao Manor guards outside the chamber.

One of the Yao Manor guards thieving eyes were ogling Su

Yan and Huang Min. Bound with the thick golden ropes, their
clothes were stretched, highlighting the contour of their
curves, especially the area around their breasts.

The Yao Manor guard complemented generously, “This

Huang Xiaolong’s mother and sister are such foxy vixens,
it’s just like looking at a pair of sisters seeing them side by
side like this. If it wasn’t because of Young Noble’s
instructions, I wouldn’t be able to bear it any longer.”
A thin tall comrade next to him snickered, “Don’t worry,
after our Young Noble kills Huang Xiaolong, they won’t be
useful any longer. You can play to your heart’s content at
that time!”

The initial licentious guard said, “Just a measly Huang

Xiaolong… just cause he has Duan Wuhen backing him, he
thinks he’s so great. I really don’t understand why Young
Noble is being so cautious when dealing with him. With
Young Noble and our Yao Manor’s power, to squash a measly
Huang Xiaolong… isn’t it as easy as snapping our fingers?”

“I think so too, it’s just a pathetic little Huang Xiaolong.

There was no need to put him in our eyes!”

However, when that guard’s voice fell, a loud blast rang out
so loudly that it was as if heaven and earth were shaking.
Chapter 220: Yao Manor’S
Chapter 220: Yao Manor’s Annihilation

Inside the secret chamber, the several Yao Manor guards

faces turned ashen.

“What’s happening?!” The first guard whose eyes leered

over Su Yan and Huang Min licentiously jumped to his feet in

Another resounding crash rang out as if answering his

question. Violent tremors ran through the ground beneath
their feet. The Yao Manor guards were surprised to see the
secret chamber that was made out of one of the most
adamant steel, splintered inch by inch as cracks spread out
like a spider-web.

Following that, the cries of many Yao Manor servants and

guards begging for mercy rang out crisp and clear in their

The guards within the secret chamber exchanged a look

amongst themselves and saw fear reflected in each other’s

Although they could not see what was happening outside,

even a fool could guess that Yao Manor was under attack!

The Duanren Empire’s hegemony family that had a heritage

of more than two thousand years was actually under attack!
There was denial in their hearts, refusing to believe what
was happening. Yet, another loud explosion hammered into
their hearts.

Outside, Huang Xiaolong watched the fleeing servants and

guards of Yao Manor from midair with a calm expression. He
asked Zhao Shu, “How is it? Can you sense them?”

Zhao Shu, who was utilizing space manipulation to detect

Huang Peng, Su Yan, and the rest’s presence opened his
eyes with a gladdened expression. Answering Huang
Xiaolong’s question, he said, “Young Lord, just now when
Subordinate cast the power of space, I sensed House Master
Huang’s presence. They are held in a secret chamber at the
north corner of Yao Manor!’

Huang Xiaolong’s face lit up at this news, “Is that true?!

Great, let’s head there now!”

His parents and siblings were really being locked up in Yao

Manor by Yao Fei!

Huang Xiaolong’s hanging heart finally relaxed somewhat. If

any mishap happened to Huang Peng, Su Yan, or his little
siblings, he would carry a heavy guilt for the rest of his life.

Next, Zhao Shu flew, leading Huang Xiaolong and the rest
towards the secret chamber that was located at the
northern corner of Yao Manor.

Inside the chamber, the guards looked at each other. Due to

Zhang Fu and Zhao Shu halting their attacks, the noises
outside died down just as abruptly as they started.

“What do we do now?” The skinny and slightly taller guard

asked in a grave tone.
The first guard said, “It should be some small characters
thinking they could shake our Yao Manor. Our experts must
have dealt with them, there’s nothing for us to worry

“That’s right, with our Yao Manor’s power and strength, not
even Duan Ren dares to act brazenly. What are we
frightening ourselves for?!”

However, at this point, the tied-up Huang Min snickered,

“My big brother’s here, no doubt about it. Your end is near!”

The licentious guard was angered by Huang Min’s words, he

stomped right in front of her and the back of his hand flew
across her face, “Motherf*cker, you think that I don’t dare
touch you? Believe it or not, I’ll strip every thread from your
body and play with you till you beg for mercy! Your big
brother came to rescue you? Hmph, stop daydreaming. It’s
more likely that your big brother’s been squashed to death
by our Young Noble!”

Just as his voice ended, an icy voice sounded from

somewhere in the vicinity, “Oh really?”

It was so abrupt that everyone was startled.

“Who?!” The several Yao Manor guards shouted almost


The sturdy chamber door was blasted open by someone

with their bare hand, revealing several figures in the light.


“Big brother!”
Huang Peng, Su Yan, Huang Min, and Huang Xiaohai cried
out in joy when seeing the faces of these people.

The ‘guests’ were none other than Huang Xiaolong, Zhao

Shu, and the rest.

Huang Xiaolong stepped into the dim chamber, his eyes

scanned around the room and stopped on Huang Min’s face-
or precisely, the handprint on her face. His chilling gaze
then fell onto the several Yao Manor guards, “How do you
want to die?”

Zhao Shu, Yu Ming and Fei Hou hurried over to Huang Peng
and the rest, snapping the thick golden rope that bound
them. While they were doing this, one of the Yao Manor
guards lunged out, aiming an attack at Huang Xiaolong’s
chest. However, with a flick of Zhao Shu’s sleeve, that guard
was akin to a broken plank in the stormy sea after jumping
mere inches off the ground, crashing into a chamber wall.
When the guard fell to the floor, all his bones and internal
organs were crushed.

The remaining Yao Manor guards had shadows of death

clouding their faces, they were petrified with fear.

“Huang Xiaolong, you actually dared to attack our Yao

Manor?! Wait till our Young Noble and Ancestor arrive, I’ll
see how you can escape!” One of the guards tried to bolster
his courage by attempting to intimidate Huang Xiaolong.

When the guards shouted his words so confidently, Yu Ming,

Fei Hou, and the others couldn’t help breaking into a laugh.
Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu too were shaking their heads with a
sheepish smile.

Yu Ming looked at that Yao Manor guard, “Your Young Noble

and Ancestor? If it weren’t because your Young Noble and
Ancestor’s legs were longer than most, allowing them to run
that much faster, we’d have slit their throats long ago. Tsk,
to still dream of relying on your dog fart shit Noble and

That guard was stupefied. Their Young Noble and Ancestor


“No, impossible!” His companions refuted.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t care to debate nonsense with these

people, signaling Yu Ming with a look. Yu Ming understood
and nodded. Approaching the several guards, he ended
their lives with a palm strike straight to their hearts.

When they fell to the ground, none were breathing, and

their bodies turned soylent green on the surface.

“Father, Mother-” Huang Xiaolong approached Huang Peng

and Su Yan, opening his mouth, wanting to say something.
Su Yan cut him off: “Xiaolong, we’re fine.”

Hearing this, Huang Xiaolong nodded quietly. Concealing the

slight redness in his eyes, he turned around. Eyes glowing
red with fierce bloodlust, he commanded: “Kill!”

“Yes Young Lord!”

A few hours later, the Yao Manor that had been standing in
Duanren Imperial City for over a thousand years suddenly
crumbled to the ground, ruined. All of Yao Manor’s guards
were killed, including the main and side branch families left

The Yao Family had a foundation dating back two thousand

years. In Duanren Empire, its existence as one of the
hegemony families was truer than gold. Yet, at this moment,
the main symbol of the Yao Family, the Yao Manor, was
scraped off Duanren Empire’s Imperial City landmark

Emperor Duanren, Duan Wuhen, empire experts, and the

Duanren Institute students and teachers who came to Yao
Manor following Huang Xiaolong sighed as they watched the
ruin of Yao Manor.

As for Guo Shiwen, Guo Chen, and all the Guo Family
members, they were breaking out into cold sweat profusely.

If it weren’t for Guo Tai’s engagement to Huang Xiaolong’s

younger sister, perhaps Guo Mansion’s ending would be the
same as the Yao Manor in front of them—desolate ruins.

Very quickly, the news about Yao Fei and Ancestor Yao
fleeing, along with Yao Manor’s destruction, spread like an
enormous hurricane throughout the entire Duanren Empire.
When the over one thousand fealty kingdoms under it found
out, the news shocked countless families and forces.

And the Saint realm experts’ battle within Duanren Institute

became a hot topic for the commoners for a very long time.

With Yao Manor’s demise, Huang Xiaolong’s name traveled

far and wide to every corner of Duanren Empire. Every
kingdom within Duanren Empire, every big and small family,
and every big and small sect knew of this name.

Huang Xiaolong, an existence that even Emperor Duanren

needed to show respect and courtesy to!

Deep in the night.

Huang Xiaolong stood in his yard, his brows locking together

Although he managed to bring his family back safely and he
destroyed Yao Manor, Yao Fei and Yao Shan escaped. The
person who appeared at the end that took Yao Fei away
should be Ao Baixue’s Master, who was also Lin Molin’s
Senior Apprentice Brother. If even Ao Baixue’s Master had
come to rescue Yao Fei, it could easily be seen how deep the
connection was between the Yao Family and Deities Templar.

“Li Lu.” Huang Xiaolong inevitably thought of Li Lu.
Chapter 221: Journeying
To The Blessed Buddha
Chapter 221: Journeying to the Blessed Buddha Empire

Faint pain snaked through Huang Xiaolong’s heart as he

thought of Li Lu!

His hands clenched into tight fists as sharp determination

flashed in his eyes. An intense energy exploded from Huang

The Yao Family blocked him, he destroyed the Yao Family!

If Deities Templar blocks his path, he will destroy them just

the same!

A day will come when he will make sure Deities Templar

ends the same way as the Yao Family!

That day will come! Huang Xiaolong was resolute.

If things went according to his previous plan, he would enter

Deities Templar’s ranks during their disciple selection in
about seven years time and then slowly gain control from
within. If it went well, not only could he be with Li Lu, he
would have the chance to enter and cultivate in the Divine

But he now vowed to destroy Deities Templar one day!

Yao Fei, even if you have Deities Templar behind you, you’d
better flee to the ends of the world. I will kill you with my
own hands! Huang Xiaolong’s murderous aura peaked as
the thought reverberated in his mind.

The priority now was to enhance his strength, frantically, as

fast as he could. Otherwise, before he could even destroy
Deities Templar, a mere Yao Fei was enough to pulverize him
into nothing!

He must break through to the Saint realm!

The first step, break into the Saint realm, then kill Yao Fei!

Regardless of the uphill battle on the path leading to the

Saint realm, then the God Realm, he was determined to
walk down that road!

Saint realm! Huang Xiaolong repeated.

Huang Xiaolong was jolted by one hard fact while witnessing

the battles in Duanren Institute with his own eyes between
Zhao Shu, Li Molin, Emperor Duanren, as well as the other
Saint realms experts―all was futile before a Saint realm
warrior. The Saint realm was a paramount strength. In the
eyes of those people, you were nothing but an ant on the
ground even if you were a peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order

“Now that Mom and Dad are safe, I should journey to the
Blessed Buddha Empire in the next few days!” This trip to
the Blessed Buddha Empire was inevitable and, like the
Absolute Soul Pearl, he absolutely had to find and rein in the
Godly Mt. Xumi.

Converging his thoughts and emotions, Huang Xiaolong

initiated the God Binding Ring and entered the ancient
battlefield to practice.

One month had passed since the Yao Manor was razed to
the ground.

When Huang Xiaolong exited the ancient battlefield and

came to the great hall, his parents, Huang Peng and Su Yan,
and both younger siblings, Huang Min and Huang Xiaohai,
were there.

Other than them, there were six other guestsㅡGuo Tai, Guo
Shiyuan, Guo Chen, Guo Shiwen, Guo Zhi, and Guo Fei.

Amiable sounds of chatter and laughs sounded in the great

hall, which halted awkwardly the instant the people within
saw Huang Xiaolong walking in. Nearly everyone jumped to
their feet, and the six members of Guo Family were
apprehensive, including their Guo Family’s Ancestor, Guo

“Young, Young Noble Huang!” Guo Family’s Ancestor, Guo

Chen stepped forward, greeting Huang Xiaolong in a
deferential manner.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at Guo Chen and nodded

indifferently. However, Guo Chen was feeling flattered that
Huang Xiaolong was willing to nod at him.

Huang Xiaolong approached Huang Peng and Su Yan,

greeting: “Father, Mother.”

Both exposed a brilliant smile on their faces, “Xiaolong,

you’re here.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded and persuaded them to sit as he

walked towards the master seat in the hall. Only after he
had sat down did Guo Chen and the Guo Family’s side,
Huang Min, and Huang Xiaohai return to their places.

“Xiaolong, the Guo Family came over today to discuss Guo

Tai and Huang Min’s wedding.” After sitting down, Su Yan
broached the topic with a smile on her face, “Senior Guo
Chen said everything related to the wedding, from time, to
other preparations will follow our wishes. What do you

Guo Chen swiftly emphasized his willingness, “Yes, yes. The

purpose of our visit today is to discuss the preparations for
Guo Tai and Huang Min’s wedding, what does Young Noble
Huang think?”

Guo Tai stood up from his seat with completely tensed


Huang Xiaolong observed his younger sister Huang Min and

noted that she too was looking at him nervously, hope and
anticipation apparent on her small face as she waited for
him to speak. She had heard about the conflict between the
Guo Family and her Big brother. She also knew about Guo
Tai’s father, Guo Shiyuan, announcing the dissolution of her
engagement with Guo Tai due to coercion from Guo Shiwen.

Huang Min was fearful the word coming out from Huang
Xiaolong’s mouth would be no.

If her big bro Huang Xiaolong disagreed, her relationship

with Guo Tai would end without question.

In the silent hall, Guo Tai suddenly fell to his knees and
kowtowed before Huang Xiaolong, “Big bro Huang, I implore
you, I’m sincere towards Huang Min. If you allow us to be
married, I swear I will treat her well and protect her with all
my heart. I will use my life to love and protect her and
definitely won’t allow Huang Min to be wronged or

Guo Shiyuan also dropped onto his knees, “Young Noble

Huang, the wrongdoer was me. You can punish me, but this
matter is not related to Tai’er.”

Then Guo Shiwen followed suit. Seeing their father’s action,

Guo Zhi and Guo Fei also knelt down on their knees in a
frantic manner.

“Big brother… Guo Tai, he… ” Huang Min couldn’t resist

speaking up as she looked pleadingly at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong sighed in his heart, barely nodding as he

replied to Huang Min. “This matter, you decide with Dad and

Hearing this, both Huang Min and Guo Tai’s face lit up.
Huang Xiaolong’s meaning was evidentㅡhe agreed!

This also eased the heavy boulder weighing on Guo Chen’s


But Huang Xiaolong looked at Guo Tai, “However, if you fail

to do what you claim and make Huang Min unhappy in the
future, you know the consequences!”

“Big brother Huang, be rest assured that I will love and take
care of Huang Min with my life and will not let her feel
aggrieved!” Guo Tai vowed.

Huang Xiaolong nodded then remained in the great hall for

a short while before heading back to his yard. There, he
called for Zhang Fu, Zhao Shu, Yu Ming, Fei Hou, and
Marshal Haotian.
When all were gathered, Huang Xiaolong spoke of his plans
to travel to Blessed Buddha Empire.

“What? Sovereign, you plan to go to Blessed Buddha Empire

alone?!” Zhang Fu, Zhao Shu, and everyone else was

“Correct.” Huang Xiaolong nodded, attesting his decision.

“Sovereign, this- !” Zhang Fu and Zhao Shu exchanged a

glance and wanted to dissuade but Huang Xiaolong shook
his head and spoke decisively, “Say no more, I’ve made my
decision. I’ll travel to Blessed Buddha Empire alone.”

Seeing this, Zhang Fu and the rest no longer said anything.

The things Huang Xiaolong came to a decision on would not
change. Neither Zhang Fu nor Zhao Shu could make him
change his mind.

“I’m leaving the Southern Hill Estate and the rest in your
hands.” Huang Xiaolong continued, “Yu Ming and Fei Hou,
both of you handle the Nine Tripod Commerce. If there’s
anything you cannot decide, then leave it to Zhang Fu and
Zhao Shu.”

“Please rest assured Sovereign!” The five answered in


“Haotian, I’ve troubled you in taking care of them all the

way from Luo Tong Kingdom till here.” Huang Xiaolong said
to Marshal Haotian.

“Sovereign, this is something Subordinate should do.”

Haotian insisted.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and delegated a few more tasks to

them. A short while later, everyone dispersed.
When everyone had left, Huang Xiaolong thought of the
little violet monkey. According to Marshal Haotian, the little
violet monkey had traveled with them all the way from Luo
Tong Kingdom. However, when they were attacked by Yao
Fei’s subordinates, the Huang Family were abducted,
whereas the little violet monkey went missing.

I hope the little guy is alright. Huang Xiaolong thought


Three days passed quickly.

In these three days, Huang Xiaolong tried to spend more

time with his parents and siblings, only then did they find
out Huang Xiaolong would be journeying to Blessed Buddha
Empire. Although they were reluctant to part, especially
Huang Peng and Su Yan, they knew there was something
important their son needed to do, thus neither said anything

Huang Min and Guo Tai’s wedding was set for the next year,
at the end of the yearㅡa day before the Chinese New Year.

If Huang Xiaolong’s plan went smoothly, he could very likely

make it back in time to attend Huang Min and Guo Tai’s
wedding at the end of the next year.
Chapter 222: Blessed Buddha Altar

Three days later, Huang Xiaolong departed from the

Southern Hill Estate, out of Duanren Imperial City, heading
out in the Blessed Buddha Empire’s direction.

Huang Peng, Su Yan, Huang Min, Huang Xiaohai, Zhang Fu,

Zhao Shu, and the others stood outside the big gates of
Duanren Imperial City, sending Huang Xiaolong off as they
watched his figure grow smaller in the horizon and finally
vanish from their view.

Su Yan’s eyes grew misty with tears watching Huang

Xiaolong’s silhouette gradually become smaller,
disappearing from her sight.

Since Huang Xiaolong was eight, the first time he left the
Huang Clan Manor to train outside until now, ten years had
passed. In these years, she and this son spent more time
apart than together.

That year, even she had never imagined that her son would
become a powerful existence in Duanren Empire in a mere
decade’s time, even Emperor Duanren held her son in high

All of these were things she daren’t even dream of a decade


Emperor Duanren!

The existence worshipped by billions of Duanren Empire


“Let us return.” After a long time, Huang Peng spoke and the
group made their way back to the Southern Hill Estate.
Leaving Duanren Imperial City, Huang Xiaolong kept his
travel southwards, reaching Duanren Empire’s border a
month later, totally stepping out of Duanren Empire land.

The first neighboring empire on the south side was Spring

Faun Empire.

Spring Faun Empire’s strength ranked at the lower end

amongst the seventeen empires in Snow Wind Continent,
considerably weaker than Duanren Empire, with less than
eight hundred kingdoms under its monarchy. Hence, Spring
Faun Empire’s land area was only half as big as Duanren

All along the way, Huang Xiaolong chose to travel on barren

hills and secluded roads, rushing night and day.

Rarely would there be anyone on these routes, so he

summoned the Black and Blue Dragons out. With a hop, he
landed on either one of the twin dragons and flew forward.

With the twin dragons carrying him through the air, Huang
Xiaolong’s speed was much faster and very soon, he had cut
through the Spring Faun Empire.

However, there were still three big empires’ territories he

needed to pass before arriving in the empire that sat on the
southernmost point of the Snow Wind Continent, the
Blessed Buddha Empire.

Since Huang Xiaolong chose to travel along the barren hills

route, he did not come across any trouble along the way. At
most, it was small time bandits with the highest strength of
Houtian Tenth Order.

For the current Huang Xiaolong, a Houtian Tenth Order was

nothing more than lifting a finger.
The passage of time flowed as Huang Xiaolong journeyed
on, and in the blink of an eye, half a year passed.

In this half a year, Huang Xiaolong continued to practice his

battle qi and internal force diligently, increasing his strength
as much as possible.

Firstly, his battle qi had reached peak late-Xiantian Second

Order and could advance into the Third Order any time
soon, whereas his internal force had reached the turning
point of Stage Nine: The Azure Dragon Flexing Its Claws.
Entering Stage Ten was only a matter of days.

Night came. Moonlight shone down like bright ripples of


Somewhere on a barren hill, Huang Xiaolong sat next to a

small bonfire, he took out a jug of Sapidity Wine from the
Asura Ring and sipped down the wine slowly as he
organized his thoughts. In twenty days or less, he would be
arriving in Blessed Buddha Empire.

Blessed Buddha Empire! Huang Xiaolong breathed the name

through his lips.

He had heard rumors claiming that Blessed Buddha Empire

was built by a person called Tianfu from the Buddha World
around a thousand years ago, and this founder, Tianfu, had
been missing since. The person controlling the Blessed
Buddha Empire at the moment was his disciple named Shi
*Fantian [1. Fantian is often linked to Brahma, the Hindu God
of Creation.]

Shi Fantian, a legendary name on Snow Wind Continent. It

was said that Shi Fantian was born with an Innate Buddhist
Physique, with Buddhist jade in his mouth that records a
mighty skill, the Holy Prajna Scripture [2] that only Shi
Fantian with the Innate Buddhist Physique could practice.

“This trip there, I wonder if I can catch a glimpse of this Shi


Before he started his journey, Huang Xiaolong inquired and

understood that this Shi Fantian was a formidable person.
When he took over the Blessed Buddha Empire one
thousand years ago, he was already a Saint realm Second

And Huang Xiaolong confirmed that if an outsider wanted to

enter the Buddha Cavern, first and foremost, they must
carry the Blessed Buddha Token. A Blessed Buddha Token
was equivalent to Duanren Empire’s Golden Token. Every
piece of Blessed Buddha Token was bestowed personally by
Shi Fantian himself.

There were only two pieces of Duanren Empire’s Golden

Token, but it wasn’t so for the Blessed Buddha Token. Huang
Xiaolong didn’t know the actual number, but he gauged it
wouldn’t be lower than ten tokens.

Furthermore, he had no idea who held any one of these

Blessed Buddha Tokens.

This made Huang Xiaolong frowned.

It was too early to worry about this, he would think of a way

when he reached the destination.

The night passed. The next day morning, Huang Xiaolong

continued on his way.

Half a month later, he finally arrived in Blessed Buddha

When he stepped onto the land, through the many cities he
passed through, most of the building structures were related
to Buddhism. There was at least one Buddhist temple on
almost every street, some shops even had various designs
of carved buddhas on their entranceway.

In the entire Blessed Buddha Empire, one could feel the

deep core of Buddhism that was as thick as the smell of joss
stick incense that permeated the air.

When he arrived in Blessed Buddha Empire, Huang Xiaolong

inquired news about the Blessed Buddha Token as he
headed in the direction of the Buddha Cavern.

The sacred cavern, or Buddha Cavern, was not located

within the Imperial City which was on the south side, the
Buddha Cavern was located opposite of it, on the north side.

One sits in the south and the other guards the north,
asymmetry of resonance.

After another month’s time, Huang Xiaolong reached one of

the main cities surrounding the Buddha Cavern called
Northside Merchant City.

The Buddha Cavern was a forbidden land, especially for

outsiders. Still, this Northside City thrived nonetheless.
Entering the city, Huang Xiaolong was welcomed with a
sight of long endless lines of carriages and a sea of bustling
pedestrians, from monks in kasaya robes to the commoners
in a myriad of different styled clothing, Daoist priests in
Daoist robes, even nuns. It was truly an eclectic mix.

After Huang Xiaolong entered the city, he stopped when

passing by a restaurant called Creek of Cloud and went in.
Opting for a table near the window, he sat down and placed
an order with the waiter.
“You heard it right, the sacred cavern’s altar appeared

“The Blessed Buddha Altar appeared again! It had already

been more than three hundred years since it last emerged!”

“Yes, ah, every time the Blessed Buddha Altar appears, it

means a mutation must’ve happened inside the Buddha
Cavern. I wonder who would so so fortunate to be selected
by the Blessed Buddha Altar this time, I heard that the
person selected by the altar can have an audience with our
Great Emperor and be granted one wish!”

At this time, sounds of excited discussions floated into

Huang Xiaolong’s ears.

His curiosity rose, his heart was tempted.

Blessed Buddha Altar?!

“Waiter,” Huang Xiaolong called for the waiter.

“This Young Master, what orders do you have?” the waiter

scurried over to Huang Xiaolong, bowing and smiling in a
courteous manner.

Huang Xiaolong threw a money bag containing several

hundred gold coins to the waiter, asking: “The Blessed
Buddha Altar that they mentioned, what is it?”

Catching the bag, the waiter lightly bounced the bag of

money in the curve of his palm and a brilliant smile bloomed
on his face, “Young Master must be from somewhere outside
Blessed Buddha Empire, no? This Blessed Buddha Altar was
something left behind by our empire founder, Tianfu
Emperor, appearing once every several dozen years or
several hundred years. Anyone selected by the Blessed
Buddha Altar is granted an audience with our Emperor Shi
Fantian and could have one request fulfilled.”

Huang Xiaolong listened and asked the waiter a few more

questions related to the Blessed Buddha Altar. A while later,
the waiter retreated, whereas Huang Xiaolong fell into
pensiveness. According to what the waiter said, the person
chosen by the Blessed Buddha Altar would undergo a
sanctification ritual by the sacred Buddhism energy within it,
not only did it enhance one’s cultivation, it was beneficial to
one’s cultivation path in the long term.

All of these weren’t the most vital point, though; the most
important of all was that Shi Fantian would grant the chosen
person one request!

If he was chosen by the Blessed Buddha Altar, with that

promised one request he could smoothly enter the Buddha

Hence, Huang Xiaolong decided, first thing tomorrow

morning he would go and take a look at the Blessed Buddha



Basic Monks & Daoist Garment

Difference: Monks’ kasaya robes are usually one block color

(saffron, red) while on a Daoist, the official robe has the
Bagua Diagram depicted on them.

1. Prajna refers to “direct insight to the truth taught by

Chapter 223: Reaction
From The Blessed Buddha
Chapter 223: Reaction from the Blessed Buddha Altar

It was a bright sunny morning the next day.

Huang Xiaolong stepped out of the inn, and out of the

Northside Merchant City’s city gates, walking where the
Blessed Buddha Altar was located. According to the
restaurant waiter, the Blessed Buddha Altar was right above
the square in front of the Buddha Cavern entrance. It was
rumored that the Blessed Buddha Altar awaits the fated
person every time it appears and only disappears after one
was selected.

This time, the Blessed Buddha Altar had been floating

before the Buddha Cavern for one month. Due to the close
distance between the Northside Merchant City and the
Buddha Cavern, Huang Xiaolong soon arrived at the said

The huge square in front of the Buddha Cavern was named

Thousand Blessings Square. Ten thousand Buddha statues
lined the perimeter. Each statue was different, from
expressions to positions, but there was one common
denominator: all these statues were ten zhang tall!

By the time Huang Xiaolong reached Thousand Blessings

Square, it was already crowded. Following the flow of the
crowd, Huang Xiaolong slowly moved closer and finally
stopped right in front of the Buddha Cavern entrance. From
this angle, Huang Xiaolong could clearly see, right above
the Buddha Cavern entrance, a squarish-shaped golden
medallion floating in the air. The golden medallion was
roughly a dozen cubic meters, densely carved with scenes
that depicted a myriad of Buddhas on its many surfaces and
some peculiar patterns of buddhism scriptures.

Up in the air, the golden medallion pulsated with rings of

aureate glow, spreading the pure energy of Buddhism as far
as a hundred zhang in its surroundings.

A sudden wave shot through the crowd at this time. “Look,

that’s the Luo Family’s Luo Wuyi!”

Huang Xiaolong’s gaze followed the general direction of the

crowd and saw a young man in blue robe headed straight
towards the golden medallion.

“Luo Wuyi, Luo Family’s most talented genius in a thousand

years, also one of the recent outstanding geniuses of our
Blessed Buddha Empire. First-rank grade eleven martial
spirit, Windfire Beast,” enthusiastic discussions sounded
amongst the crowd. “With Luo Wuyi’s talent, it’s very likely
he would be selected by the Blessed Buddha Altar!”

In general, the higher one’s martial spirit grade was, the

higher one’s talent was, and the higher one’s chances of
being chosen by the Blessed Buddha Altar. In the past,
every time the Blessed Buddha Altar appeared, the fated
ones chosen were always geniuses with superb talent
martial spirits. Then again, an exception had occurred once:
the Blessed Buddha Altar chose a young man who
possessed a grade ten martial spirit.

While the crowd buzzed, Luo Wuyi arrived at the Blessed

Buddha Altar. When Luo Wuyi stood below the Blessed
Buddha Altar, lucent battle qi light surged out from his body,
and when he did so, the Blessed Buddha Altar seemed to
resonate, releasing a glimmering glow of its own.

“Look, there’s a reaction from the Blessed Buddha Altar!”

“It really seems like Luo Wuyi is the chosen one by the
Blessed Buddha Altar!”

An uproar swept through the mass crowd, cries of

excitement built up like waves.

When the Blessed Buddha Altar appeared, one needed to

stand below it and release their battle qi. If they could
trigger the Blessed Buddha Altar’s resonance to break out in
a shining beam of light reaching ten thousand zhang and
the buddha carvings on all four sides to project images in
the void above, without a doubt, that person was the fated

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed watching this; if this Luo

Wuyi was chosen by the Blessed Buddha Altar, wouldn’t that
mean his plan of using this opportunity to meet Shi Fantian
so that he could enter the Buddha Cavern just went down
the drain? He would need to think of another method.

This was a troublesome result for him.

The brilliant light beaming from the buddha blessed altar

continued to soar higher as Huang Xiaolong and the crowd
looked on, even issuing a clear humming sound.

Seeing such a reaction from the Blessed Buddha Altar, even

Luo Wuyi’s was affected by rising anticipation and excited.

From past records, those that could triggered such a

reactions and humming sounds from the Blessed Buddha
Altar were very likely the fated one being chosen! Being
chosen meant that one would be sanctified by the Buddhism
power, he, Luo Wuyi, that had been stuck at peak late-
Xiantian Third Order absolutely could break through to the
Fourth Order.

Xiantian Fourth Order was a mid-level Xiantian warrior!

At that time, his status and position within the clan would be

Just when Luo Wuyi was immersed in his bubbling ecstasy,

the initially rising aureate beam from Blessed Buddha Altar
occluded. The rising beam of light dimmed and receded,
gradually dissipating together with the clear humming.

The Blessed Buddha Altar returned to its prior calm state.

Luo Wuyi was dumbfounded.

So was everyone watching in the crowd for a full three

seconds, before someone hissed in surprise.

Many were shaking their heads in pity, yet many more were
laughing gleefully inside.

Luo Wuyi remained standing in the same spot looking

slightly ugly, the joy and ecstasy he felt earlier vanished
without a trace, replaced with unwillingness and annoyance.

“Luo Wuyi, since you’re not chosen by the Blessed Buddha

Altar then roll down from there, don’t block the spot!” at this
time, a harsh arrogant voice sounded on the square.

“It’s the Chen Family’s genius, Chen Dingyuan!”

“The Chen and Luo Families are nemesis like fire and ice,
moreover, Chen Dingyuan and Luo Wuyi have grudges
between them. This time, Luo Wuyi wasn’t chosen, he must
be delighted!”

The crowd parted a small gap way for Chen Dingyuan to

pass as whispers continued. Chen Dingyuan swaggered
through the opening, exuding an atmosphere that made
hearts palpitated, stopping ten meters in front of Luo Wuyi.

Luo Wuyi’s face sank as he looked at the other side, “I

wasn’t chosen by the Blessed Buddha Altar, do you think
your average grade eleven martial spirits would be

A sharp glint flitted across Chen Dingyuan’s eyes, retorting

with a cold sneer, “Just because you can’t do it, doesn’t
mean that I can’t.”

Luo Wuyi snorted yet he no longer spoke, emptying the spot

underneath the Blessed Buddha Altar. He chose a spot on
the side and waited to watch Chen Dingyuan’s test.

The crowd and Huang Xiaolong’s focus shifted onto Chen


Chen Dingyuan walked up, standing of the same spot Luo

Wuyi had vacated beneath the Blessed Buddha Altar,
projecting his battle qi. Seeing it trigger a glowing reaction
from the Blessed Buddha Altar, a trace of joy flashed in
Chen Dingyuan’s face.

Its glow grew brighter, beaming higher and higher. Before

long, it issued another series of hums.

Faces in the crowd tightened nervously.

But at this moment, the beaming brilliance occluded just
like what happened to Lo Wuyi. The humming disappeared.

Another stretch of stunned silence before the crowd broke in

another uproar.

“Chen Dingyuan, since you weren’t selected by the Blessed

Buddha Altar, roll away from there, don’t block the path!”
Luo Wuyi’s voice cut through the noises, returning Chen
Dingyuan’s words to himself.

Chen Dingyuans’ face distorted with anger, but in the end,

he vacated the spot.

After Chen Dingyuan, there were five other people that

tried, however, for these five people, there wasn’t the
slightest reaction from the Blessed Buddha Altar when their
battle qi was released.

The silence around the five people was extremely awkward.

Under normal circumstances, only those with grade ten and

above martial spirits would be chosen by the Blessed
Buddha Altar, therefore, those with grade ten martial spirit
and below doesn’t stand any chance. It was because of this
reason that the people who went up to try were scarce in

Seeing there was no one else, Huang Xiaolong lifted his leg
and stepped out from the crowd, towards the Blessed
Buddha Altar.

Huang Xiaolong’s action attracted a lot of attention from the

surrounding people.

“This kid looks unfamiliar, I wonder which empire’s family

genius is he?”
“Genius? Who knows, maybe his martial spirit is only the
most common of grade ten, going up to test his luck. If he
really is a genius, it’s impossible to stay unknown!”

Luo Wuyi and Cheng Dingyuan remained standing at the

side amongst the crowd after their trial, both gave Huang
Xiaolong a glance when he walked beneath the altar. But
there was no expectation of Huang Xiaolong, like the rest,
they thought Huang Xiaolong was just another person that
just wanted to try their luck.

Huang Xiaolong came to a stand underneath the Blessed

Buddha Altar followed closely by everyone’s gaze. Battle qi
shrouded him as it projected outside his body, instantly
illuminating the center area.
Chapter 224: Astonished!
Chapter 224: Astonished!

Dazzled by the abrupt brightness coming from the Blessed

Buddha Altar, the noisy crowd quieted in an instant. Each
person stared dumbly at the floating Blessed Buddha Altar
in midair.

Previously, when Luo Wuyi and Chen Dingyuan stood below

it and projected their battle qi out from their body, the
Blessed Buddha Altar’s shining beam merely flickered.

Yet, when it came to Huang Xiaolong, it was a powerful

resplendent light!

This time, the Blessed Buddha Altar had appeared for more
than one month’s time. Most of the geniuses of Blessed
Buddha Empire’s families had more or less come forward
and tested themselves at the Blessed Buddha Altar, but
none of them managed to trigger this level of reaction from

After whelming astonishment, the crowd broke out into an


“Who is this kid really, that the Blessed Buddha Altar’s

reaction would be so strong?!”

“Does that mean his martial spirit talent is stronger than

Luo Wuyi and Chen Dingyuan’s?!”

“It may not be so. Don’t you remember, there was one time
the Blessed Buddha Altar chose a kid with only grade ten
martial spirit? Who knows, maybe this brat is also another
grade ten martial spirit!”

“Even if the Blessed Buddha Altar’s reaction is strong now, it

doesn’t mean that this kid will be chosen!”

Words flew back and forth within the crowd.

Luo Wuyi’s sight was fixed on Huang Xiaolong, whereas a

hidden glint flitted quickly across Chen Dingyuan’s eyes
looking at Huang Xiaolong, his thoughts unknown.

As the commotion continued, the resplendent aureate light

from the Blessed Buddha Altar rose higher and brighter,
issuing a humming sound that was clearer than ever, and
there was a significant difference between the humming the
altar issued during Luo Wuyi and Chen Dingyuan’s time. The
humming sound during both of their tests was vague,
weaving in and out, whereas Huang Xiaolong’s was like a
great wave, splashing, increasing higher. In the end, the
humming from the altar resounded clearly in the entire
Thousand Blessings Square.

Eyes widened in unprecedented shock.

In the next moment, from the brightly lit altar, golden

spheres of light spread out.

“Buddha luminescence, Heavens, it’s actually the Buddha


“The Buddha luminescence appeared on the Blessed

Buddha Altar!”

Astonishment filled the crowd’s eyes, including Luo Wuyi

and Chen Dingyuan!”
There was a rumor about the Blessed Buddha Altar that had
been circling for a very long time, if someone could trigger
the appearance of Buddha luminescence, the chances of
being chosen by the altar increased to seven tenth!

A seventy percent chance!

That exceeded half by far!

Everyone was still pondering on the Buddha luminescence,

when a ringing Buddhist chant echoed in the air.

“This, this is the Buddha chant!”

“Chant of the Thousand Buddhas Ode!”

Chant of the Thousand Buddhas Ode! Luo Wuyi and Chen

Dingyuan’s shock grew deeper as one after another golden
shadows of Buddha carved around its surface flew out from
the Blessed Buddha Altar, floating high in the air.

“Vestige of the Ten Thousand Buddhas!”

The astonishment in everyone’s heart could no longer be

described with words. The young man actually succeeded in
triggering the Vestige of Ten Thousand Buddhas!

The chances of being chosen by the Blessed Buddha Altar

reached a high nine tenth once the Vestige of Ten Thousand
Buddhas emerged! Now, only the last step remained!

And that was the Buddha carving on the four sides of the

If Huang Xiaolong could trigger the four sides Buddha

carving, it meant the Blessed Buddha Altar had chosen him,
at that time, the glorious sanctification power would bask
Huang Xiaolong’s body in a sanctification ritual!

Nerves tensed with anticipation, each individual in the

crowd tried not to blink, fixing a stare on Huang Xiaolong
and the Blessed Buddha Altar.

With people observing from all directions, suddenly the

carving on one side flickered and flew out to high sky from
the altar!

“Look, it’s true, this kid really did trigger a one of the side

As the surprise exclamation entered Chen Dingyuan’s ears

in droves, he couldn’t help scoffing, “It’s only one side, he
might not able to push all four sides of the carving!”

Just as Chen Dingyuan’s voice ended, another side of

carving on the Blessed Buddha Altar flickered and flew to
the sky, shining majestically!

The second carving!

It was already the second carving!

Tension increased, hands clammy with sweat as the crowd

watched on, there were some that were even more nervous
than Huang Xiaolong.

Standing beneath the floating altar, Huang Xiaolong was

quite a nervous himself. He didn’t care much for the
sanctification ritual from the power of sanctification, the
only thing important was the opportunity to enter the
Buddha Cavern.
Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi continued to dance higher, and
the third Buddha carving on altar flickered. When the crowd
saw the flickering sign, hearts tightened!

In the next second, the third carving flew to the sky, casting
a brilliant light down on the square!

The third carving!

Only one carving left!

Eyes all around were fixated on the last remaining carving!

As if a cloth was wrapped tightly around their hearts as they

held their breaths, waiting for what will happen next.

At this point, the fourth and final Buddha carving flickered

and flew out, releasing its glorious golden glow high in the
sky above!

The four-sided carving was in the sky, shining, it gathered

together and rotated at high speed. Buddha luminescence
covered the sky, spreading ten thousand li. The resplendent
Buddha luminescence could be seen clearly even from afar
by the commoners and residents of Northside Merchant City.

In the Northside Merchant City, almost at the same moment,

people turned their eyes in the Blessed Buddha Altar’s
direction, where the glorious beam of Buddha luminescence
originated from, with shocked eyes.

“This is, did someone trigger a reaction from the Blessed

Buddha Altar’s four sides carving!”

“The fated person chosen by the Blessed Buddha Altar has

“Come, let’s go to the Thousand Blessings Square!”

Above the Thousand Blessings Square, the four carving

images swirled around the Blessed Buddha Altar, streams of
sanctification power fell down, enveloping Huang Xiaolong.

A warm comfortable feeling filled Huang Xiaolong

immediately as if he had returned to a mother’s embrace. A
soothing energy permeated into Huang Xiaolong’s
meridians, Qi Sea, the flesh of his body, into the internal
organs, weaving in, time and again, enhancing Huang
Xiaolong’s physique.

In the entire process, not only did Huang Xiaolong not feel
any pain, in fact, he felt extremely comfortable that he
wanted to moan.

This was the Buddhism energy!

On the Thousand Blessings Square, it was calm and quiet.

People held their breath in, watching Huang Xiaolong
enshrouded by the power of Buddha, undergoing the
sanctification ritual each of them had only dreamed of, with
eyes of envy, jealousy, and amazement.

Chen Dingyuan was surging with jealousy watching Huang

Xiaolong receive the sanctification ritual. Unknowingly, a
poisonous blue needle appeared on his right hand and
flicked out when no one noticed, shooting straight Huang
Xiaolong’s Qi Sea located in his chest area.

Seeing the poison needle was about to pierce into Huang

Xiaolong’s Qi Sea, a blinding light flashed, repelling the
poison needle from its trajectory.

Watching this result, the killing intent in Chen Dingyuan’s

eyes thickened, and another blue poison needle appeared in
his right hand. However, this time, before he flicked it out,
an indiscernible voice sounded in his ears. Listening to this
voice, Chen Dingyuan retrieved the blue poisonous needle

While Huang Xiaolong was immersed in the sanctification

ritual, experts from all over arrived, rushing from all
directions, filling the already packed Thousand Blessings
Square even more.

Thousand Blessings Square became even more lively and

bustling with the increasingly larger crowd.

Hidden in one of the space pockets above the Buddha

Cavern’s entrance sat eight old men clad in kasaya robes
embroidered with golden threads. Majestic auras filled the
entire space, while all eight old men observed Huang
Xiaolong undergoing the sanctification ritual of the Buddha
power through the void.

“Old Law, in your opinion, how does this young man

compare to that Fan Chen from last time?” One of the old
men asked the person sitting in the centermost amongst the
eight, an old man whose hair was evenly divided, half pure
white and half darkest of ebony.

The fated one chosen by the Blessed Buddha Altar more

than three hundred years ago, a genius named Fan Chen.
The current Fan Chen was already a Saint realm expert!

After a short moment of silence, the old man in the center

spoke: “This child’s achievements in the future will far
surpass Fan Chen!”

“What?!” This answer shocked the seven other old men.
Chapter 225: Meeting Shi Fantian

Fan Family’s genius disciple, Fan Chen, possessed a grade

fourteen average martial spiritㅡgrade fourteen! On the
whole Snow Wind Continent, the people with such talent
could be counted on the fingers on one hand. Fan Chen was
already a legendary figure in Blessed Buddha Empire, so
much that there were people comparing Fan Chen with their
Emperor, Shi Fantian.

Is he saying the kid in front of them now was more talented

than Fan Chen!? Indirectly implying that this kid’s talent was
higher than Emperor Shi Fantian’s!

The seven other old men were inexplicably shocked. After

all, these words came from Old Law’s mouth!

“Since the Blessed Buddha Altar had chosen the fated one,
we should pass this message to the Emperor!” Old Law
spoke again.

Only then did the seven others recover from their shock,
nodding their heads in agreement.

At this time, inside a grand palace on the south side of

Blessed Buddha Empire’s Imperial City, a middle-aged man
dressed in a gold-threaded kasaya robe was meditating in
midair, exuding Buddhism power, with Buddha
luminescence glow gathering around him in the images of
ancient Buddhas.

This man was none other than the sovereign Emperor of

Blessed Buddha Empire, Shi Fantian.

The meditating Shi Fantian suddenly opened his eyes, and

with a casual flick at the void, a transmission talisman
appeared in his palm.

“Eh?! The Blessed Buddha Altar has chosen the fated one
already?!” A bright light shone in Shi Fantian’s eyes and
continued reading, “What? Old Law actually said this child’s
achievements will be higher than Fan Chen’s!”

With a bright burst of Buddha luminescence, Shi Fantian

disappeared from the grand hall.

When Shi Fantian received the message, Huang Xiaolong

was still in the Thousand Blessings Square, accepting the
sanctification ritual from the Buddhism power flowing into
his body. Six hours had passed, counting from the time
Huang Xiaolong triggered the four sides Buddha painting on
the Blessed Buddha Altar.

Six hours had passed.

In these six hours of sanctification ritual, Huang Xiaolong’s

body looked like it was painted with a layer of golden paint,
making him look like a golden sculpture from afar.

Six hours passed, from the surface it was as if Huang

Xiaolong was no different from six hours prior, but only
Huang Xiaolong knew of the immense changes happening
inside him. Regardless if it was his meridians, Qi Sea,
internal organs, flesh, skin, even his hair was twice stronger!

Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi and internal force rose at rapid


Half a day passed when Huang Xiaolong’s body suddenly

shook, a glaring of inky-purple light burst out, the
atmosphere emanating from him changing just as abruptly.

Xiantian Third Order!

His cultivation, which was at peak late-Xiantian Second
Order, finally advanced into Xiantian Third Order!

One must know, it was barely two years since Huang

Xiaolong participated in Duanren Empire’s Imperial City
Battle, in that period of time, Huang Xiaolong had just
broken through to the Xiantian realm.

More and more people were arriving on the Thousand

Blessings Square. Watching Huang Xiaolong breakthrough
so easily made endless envious eyes cast on him.

Whereas the jealousy in Chen Dingyuan’s eyes became

even more erratic and rebellious.

Even after Huang Xiaolong successfully broke through to

Xiantian Third Order, the Buddhism power coming from the
Blessed Buddha Altar continued to envelop him, seeping
into his body, being absorbed and refined, which further
enhanced his battle qi and internal force.

A full day and night passed.

Only after one day and one night did the Blessed Buddha
Altar occlude its Buddhism power, and soon after, it
vanished from view in midair. The entire time, Huang
Xiaolong had been absorbing and refining the Buddhism
power, his battle qi breaking through from the initial peak
late-Xiantian Second Order to peak early-Xiantian Third
Order and then onward to peak mid-Xiantian Third Order. It
only halted because the Blessed Buddha Altar stopped and

The crowd stirred again watching the Blessed Buddha Altar

disappear and Huang Xiaolong awaken.
Joy flashed across Huang Xiaolong’s face as he opened his
eyes and tried sensing the changes inside his body using his
spiritual sense.

The result of the Blessed Buddha Altar’s sanctification ritual

exceeded his imagination by far. His initial assumption was
early-Xiantian Third Order.

Converging his emotions, Huang Xiaolong scanned the

surroundings, and in the end, his gaze fell on Chen
Dingyuan’s body.

When he was receiving the sanctification ritual, the poison

needle attack Chen Dingyuan made, Huang Xiaolong was
very well aware. Seeing Huang Xiaolong looking in his
direction, Chen Dingyuan sneered disdainfully, their gazes
collided midair.

The tightly packed crowd suddenly parted a small path in

the middle, allowing a group of people wearing Blessed
Buddha Empire’s minister uniforms to approach Huang
Xiaolong. Leading them was an old man with a long white
beard, who had a pair of bright spirited eyes.

“That’s Blessed Buddha Empire’s Archduke Ma Bo!”

“Archduke Ma Bo is here! The last time Fan Chen was

chosen by the Blessed Buddha Altar it was also Archduke Ma
Bo who came to pick him up to meet with his Imperial
Highness in the Blessed Buddha Temple.”

“It was said that last time, when the Emperor summoned
Fan Chen, he bestowed to him a heaven grade spirit stone!”

Listening to the discussions around him, Huang Xiaolong

was secretly surprised.
Heaven grade spirit stone!

It was rumored that a top grade spirit stone had an

awareness. Other than being used to refine heaven-grade
spirit pellets, wearing it close to the body aided in
cultivation, speeding up the process of absorbing the
spiritual energy around. Keeping it close also brought many
beneficial advantages to cultivation.

By this time, the white bearded old man, Archduke Ma Bo,

was already in front of Huang Xiaolong. Nodding at Huang
Xiaolong in a friendly manner, Archduke Ma Bo spoke,
“Congratulations to this Young Noble for being chosen by
the Blessed Buddha Altar. According to the rules, the chosen
one can have an audience with the Emperor and be granted
a request. Now, kindly follow me to Blessed Buddha

“Okay.” Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Archduke Ma Bo gestured politely with his hand, turned

around and led Huang Xiaolong out from the Thousand
Blessings Square with the same group of people he arrived
with earlier.

When Huang Xiaolong passed beside Chen Dingyuan, the

latter sneered coldly in a voice transmission to Huang
Xiaolong’s ear, “Brat, don’t get complacent just because you
were chosen by the Blessed Buddha Altar. You’ve made this
master dislike you, so you better turn and flee as far as you
can when you see me, otherwise, I’ll beat you up every time
I see your face!”

Huang Xiaolong retorted with cold indifference, “Really?” His

murderous aura flitted too quickly to be noticed.
Soon, Huang Xiaolong left the square grounds following
Archduke Ma Bo, thus the crowd gradually dispersed.

With Huang Xiaolong gone, Chen Dingyuan and Luo Wuyi

too left the square.

Out from the Thousand Blessings Square, Archduke Ma Bo

led Huang Xiaolong to an hour’s walk before stopping to a
grand looking building structure, towering over a hundred
zhang, built with Bright Granite Rock. On the four sides of
the granite walls were carvings of Buddhas in many forms.

“Young Noble, this is Blessed Buddha Temple, the Emperor

has been waiting for you inside. Let us enter.” Arriving in
front of the towering structure, Ma Bo said with a smile.
Then he turned around and continued leading the way in
front of Huang Xiaolong.

The moment Huang Xiaolong entered the grand hall, an

overwhelming Buddhism power rushed towards him. Before
this Buddhism power, a feeling of wanting to prostrate in
submission rose in Huang Xiaolong’s mind but at this
precise moment, the black and blue dragons in Huang
Xiaolong’s body shook, releasing a mighty aura that rushed
out of Huang Xiaolong’s body.

In an instant, the Buddhism power that overwhelmed Huang

Xiaolong faded..

Sensing the mighty dragon aura from Huang Xiaolong’s

body, Ma Bo was shocked, taking a while before he
managed to gather himself, continuing to lead the way.

Blessed Buddha Temple sat on quite a large land area,

comparable to Thousand Blessings Square. Huang Xiaolong
surveyed the place as he walked, noticing the many beams
of white jade pillars with Buddhist beasts1 carved at the
very top.

After walking for some time, they reached the front of the
grand hall. A man stood there with his back to them, both
hands clasped at his back.

“Emperor, this Young Noble is the chosen one of the Blessed

Buddha Altar.” Ma Bo spoke, making an introduction.

1. Buddhist beasts
Chapter 226: Entering Buddha Cavern

“My greetings to the Great Emperor.” Huang Xiaolong

followed suit, stepping up politely in salute.

The person with his back to them turned around, a smooth,

beardless, fair face with ordinary features, yet from the first
look it was hard to forget. This was Shi Fantian.

Shi Fantian was born with an ordinary face, but he exuded a

hard to forget momentum, greatly different from Emperor
Duanren’s sharp atmosphere.

When Shi Fantian’s eyes met Huang Xiaolong, he smiled

kindly, “Old Law said your talent and ability are much higher
than Fan Chen’s. At first, I didn’t believe it, but now I do. The
Blessed Buddha Altar was left behind by my master, being
chosen by the Blessed Buddha Altar, you can be considered
my Junior Brother. I have nothing good to gift to you for our
first meeting, so I will give you a heaven grade spirit stone
in place of a gift.”

A mesmerizing transparent rock appeared in Shi Fantian’s

palm, just about as big as his palm, yet it glistened
brilliantly, and Huang Xiaolong noticed the spiritual energy
in the surrounding actually gathered towards the stone.
Inside the stone was contained a faintly discernable energy
that made even Huang Xiaolong’s heart palpitate.

“Great Emperor, this…!” Huang Xiaolong looked at the spirit

stone in Shi Fantian’s hand and hesitated.

A heaven grade spirit stone was too valuable.

Shi Fantian waved his hand at Huang Xiaolong; “Just call me

Senior Brother.”
Senior Brother? Huang Xiaolong was stumped. He had
thought this Emperor Shi Fantian was just speaking polite
words when he said being chosen by the Blessed Buddha
Altar was akin to his Junior Brother… so, this Shi Fantian was
saying it for real?!

“Senior Brother.” Huang Xiaolong was silent for a while

before relenting. Since Shi Fantian himself said so, he
wouldn’t stand on ceremony or act with hypocrisy. He must
admit, having such a Senior Brother made it more
convenient for him in the Blessed Buddha Empire in the

Seeing Huang Xiaolong agree to call him Senior Brother, Shi

Fantian looked appreciatively at him, “According to the rules,
you can make one request. As long as it is within my
capabilities, I will fulfill your request.”

Huang Xiaolong pondered slightly, answering: “I want to

enter the Buddha Cavern.”

Shi Fantian was stunned this time, “You want to enter the
Buddha Cavern?”

Ma Bo, who retreated to the side earlier after greeting Shi

Fantian, was greatly shocked to hear Huang Xiaolong’s
unexpected request.

“I can’t?” Noticing Shi Fantian’s expression, Huang

Xiaolong’s heart dropped to his stomach. If he can’t then it
would be troublesome for him.

Shi Fantian chuckled seeing Huang Xiaolong getting all

anxious, “It’s not that you can’t, didn’t I just say, as long as
it is something that I can do, I’ll fulfill your request. But, is
your wish really just to enter the Buddha Cavern? You only
have one chance, you might regret it later if you missed it.
Like Junior Brother Fan Chen, who requested a high-grade
Heaven rank cultivation technique from me.”

“High-grade Heaven rank cultivation technique!” Huang

Xiaolong nearly bit his tongue in shock.

This Shi Fantian actually possessed a high-grade Heaven

rank cultivation technique!

Each high-grade heaven rank cultivation technique was

extremely valuable, something that was even scarcer than
Saint realm warrior existences. Seemingly, Shi Fantian was
implying that he really gave Fan Chen such a valuable
cultivation technique?!

Watching Huang Xiaolong’s thoughts shifting evidently on

his face, Shi Fantian laughed, “Right, Junior Brother Fan
Chen’s talent is indeed very high, still, it is because he
cultivated the high-grade heaven rank Sleeping Buddha
Eternal law that I gave him that he was able to break
through the Saint realm so quickly.”

“Sleeping Buddha Eternal Law.” A curious light flickered in

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

In fact, he heard Zhao Shu mention this Sleeping Buddha

Eternal Law in the past. Undoubtedly a high-grade heaven
rank cultivation technique, it was just that he did not expect
this cultivation technique to originate from Shi Fantian’s

“How about it? Have you thought it over carefully?” Shi

Fantian added, “Several Junior Brothers before Fan Chen had
similar requests; it was either a high-grade heaven rank
cultivation technique or battle skill, for there is only one
“I still want to enter the Buddha Cavern.” Huang Xiaolong
said solemnly.

Tempting as a high-grade heaven rank cultivation technique

or battle skill may be, it paled drastically in comparison to
even one tenth of the allure of the Godly Mt. Xumi Heavenly
Treasure, and Godly Mt. Xumi was Huang Xiaolong’s most
important goal in coming here.

Nevertheless, Huang Xiaolong was astounded by Shi

Fantian’s offer. Does that mean he has quite a collection of
heaven rank high-grade cultivation techniques and battle

Hearing Huang Xiaolong insisting on entering the Buddha

Cavern, it was unexpected for Shi Fantian. It crossed his
mind that Huang Xiaolong requesting to enter Buddha
Cavern was just a passing whim, after his gentle reminder,
Huang Xiaolong would definitely choose a high-grade
heaven rank cultivation technique or battle skill. He did not
expect that Huang Xiaolong would still request to enter the
Buddha Cavern.

Even Ma Bo was confused and puzzled listening to Huang

Xiaolong’s request.

“Fine, since it’s your decision, I won’t say much.” A moment

later, Shi Fantian explained, “This is a Blessed Buddha
Token, holding this token you can enter the Buddha Cavern.”

As Shi Fantian said that, a token appeared, nestling in his

palm. On both sides of the token was a carving of a Buddha,
glowing in a brilliant golden halo.

Huang Xiaolong approached closer to the Blessed Buddha

Token. It came as a surprise to him that Shi Fantian would
give him a Blessed Buddha Token so easily just because he
wanted to enter the Buddha Cavern. The Blessed Buddha
Empire’s Token was not something just anyone could have.

Receiving the token, Huang Xiaolong thanked sincerely,

“Thank you, Senior Brother.”

Shi Fantian waved his hand nonchalantly, “Just a simple

Blessed Buddha Token, no need to be so courteous,
moreover, the token in your hand cannot compare to Fan
Chen’s Sleeping Buddha Eternal Law.”

Huang Xiaolong grinned.

A short while later, Archduke Ma Bo led Huang Xiaolong out

from the Blessed Buddha Temple.

Shi Fantian stared in the direction Huang Xiaolong left,

muttering to himself, “It seems he’s Huang Xiaolong. No
wonder, no wonder!” Earlier, when Huang Xiaolong released
the mighty dragon momentum upon entering the hall, Shi
Fantian had already guessed Huang Xiaolong’s identity.

Ever since Duanren Empire’s Imperial City Battle, where

Huang Xiaolong exposed his superb talent twin dragon
martial spirits, the black and blue dragons, many experts of
different empires in Snow Wind Continent had started
paying attention to him.

People possessing a Primordial Divine Dragon martial spirit

were numbered in Snow Wind Continent, other than Huang
Xiaolong there was only one more person and Shi Fantian
had met that person before.

While Ma Bo led Huang Xiaolong out from the Blessed

Buddha Temple, he gave Huang Xiaolong an Archduke
token. Ma Bo, as the Blessed Buddha Empire’s Archduke,
held an esteemed high status, merely below Emperor Shi
Fantian and the several venerated eight monks, including
Old Law. Ma Bo’s Archduke token, Huang Xiaolong also did
not decline.

Ma Bo’s Archduke token would come in handy in the future

in Blessed Buddha Empire, the Blessed Buddha Token was
too eye-catching after all, it would be inconvenient for some

Seeing Huang Xiaolong was willing to receive his Archduke

token, Ma Bo’s old face bloomed into a happy smile, telling
Huang Xiaolong that if he met with any issues that he
couldn’t handle, he could come to the Archduke Residence
to look for him.

Huang Xiaolong nodded with a word of thanks. Ma Bo left

after that.

Watching Ma Bo’s leaving figure, Huang Xiaolong kept the

Archduke token. This token was a gesture of goodwill, or
more precisely, a gesture of flattery.

With Ma Bo out of sight, Huang Xiaolong headed straight

towards the Buddha Cavern and arrived at the entrance
without needing much time.

However, when he wanted to enter the Buddha Cavern, a

powerful momentum surged out from within, blocking
Huang Xiaolong at the entrance. In the next instant, a
silhouette appeared.

Knowing this person was a Buddha Cavern guardian, Huang

Xiaolong showed his Blessed Buddha Token before the other
side even opened their mouth to speak.

Looking at the Blessed Buddha Token in Huang Xiaolong’s

hand, the silhouette was dazed for a moment before
nodding at Huang Xiaolong and disappearing from the spot
in a flicker.

Secretly breathing in relief, Huang Xiaolong stepped

forward, entering the Buddha Cavern. This time, there was
no longer any resistance blocking his path. Passing through
the entrance, Huang Xiaolong felt as if he had come to
another world. In front of him, as far as the eye could see,
were only… Buddha statues!
Chapter 227: Searching
For Godly Mt. Xumi
Chapter 227: Searching for Godly Mt. Xumi

One after another, stately Buddha statues towered over

heaven and earth, surpassing ten zhang! Reaching a
hundred zhang! Several hundred zhang!

Looking in front of him, Huang Xiaolong actually couldn’t

see an end to the Buddha statues even at the horizon line.

There were ten thousand Buddha statues on the Thousand

Blessings Square, then inside the Buddha Cavern, how many
Buddha statues were there? Hundreds of thousands?
Perhaps even millions!

Huang Xiaolong was astounded to the core at this sight.

These Buddha statues were sculpted in a myriad of forms,

each unbelievably life-like, as if each of these statues was
solid, in their actual body on earth. Huang Xiaolong flew
deeper into the cavern above these Buddha statues, using
his Wings of Demon. In the beginning, Huang Xiaolong did
not feel much, but as time wore on, his eyes started seeing
double, his mind, his heart, every thought, and breath were
influenced by these Buddha statues.

After not even an hour of flying, Huang Xiaolong actually felt

so exhausted that he quickly stopped, landing on the
shoulder of a huge Buddha statue and sat down in
Huang Xiaolong touched his forehead, finding that he was
drenched in sweat and was taken aback! With his current
Xiantian strength, not to mention flying for merely an hour
or so, he could fly for a day and night and he wouldn’t feel
tired, much less exhausted. But now, he was drenched in

This was highly unusual!

Slowly, Huang Xiaolong found out his exhaustion came from

his spirit and not because his battle qi ran out. It was
tiredness that stemmed from his spiritual sense, soul, and
heart, moreover, the energy inside his body was chaotic.
Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Huang Xiaolong ran
the Body Metamorphose Scripture to adjust his condition,
gradually soothing the chaos taking place inside his body.

It was several hours later when Huang Xiaolong opened his

eyes again, calmed, but the tiredness lingered. Even more
tiring than the time he fought Xie Puti in Duanren Empire’s
Imperial City Battle for the championship!

Despite that, Huang Xiaolong pulled himself up and

continued heading deeper into the cavern.

Another few hours later, he had to stop for a rest again to

meditate, to calm the energy inside his body that had once
again become chaotic.

Huang Xiaolong noticed something odd. After meditating,

his soul and spiritual force were actually more fatigued than

Huang Xiaolong stood up and continued to venture deeper.

One day passed in the same manner.

At the end of the day, when Huang Xiaolong stopped to rest
on the body of a Buddha statue, he was feeling dizzy, his
breathing uneven. In fact, he was panting slightly. He
hurried to meditate and swallow a medicinal pellet to

But, swallowing medicinal pellets had no effect on the soul

and spiritual force.

The medicinal pellets he had were also for recovering battle

qi and internal force.

This time, he spent the entire night to smooth his internal

chaotic energy. Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes after one
night, even more exhausted than before, so much that he
had no desire to move. Sleep, he only wanted to sleep.
Huang Xiaolong badly wanted to close his eyes and sleep
forever, not waking up.

“What is happening?!” Huang Xiaolong’s consciousness

suddenly jerked up.

Buddha statues!

It was these Buddha statues!

Huang Xiaolong recalled and was shocked to find these root

cause of his problem.

The bodies of these Buddha statues manifested an invisible

spiritual pressure and it was exactly this invisible spiritual
pressure that caused his soul and spiritual force to feel so

Though he found the cause, Huang Xiaolong was frowning.

If he continued to venture deeper, his soul and spirit may
not be able to withstand the invisible spiritual pressure
manifested by these Buddha statues and crumble. At that
time, he would end up a madman, for not even a Saint
realm expert could cure a damaged spirit.

Huang Xiaolong checked the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, God

Binding Ring and Absolute Soul Pearl in his body, all three
Heavenly Treasures were quiet.

When Huang Xiaolong entered the Saint Pavilion in search of

the Absolute Soul Pearl, there was still an occasional
reaction from the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and God Binding
Ring, yet this time around, none of the three Heavenly
Treasure inside his body showed any reaction.

“Was Zhao Shu’s conjecture erroneous?” Huang Xiaolong

thought to himself.

Zhao Shu made the conclusion based on the ancient

Buddhist scripture he had gotten hold of. If Zhao Shu’s
assumption was a mistake, then this trip to the Blessed
Buddha Empire would be a trip made in vain.

Without the Godly Mt. Xumi, Huang Xiaolong’s plan of

advancing to Xiantian Tenth Order in the span of six years
was impossible. Forget about Xiantian Tenth Order, he would
be far away from breaking into Xiantian Seventh Order.

At this point of time, Huang Xiaolong spread out his spiritual

sense to his surroundings. As he was trying to get a feel of
his surroundings, he noticed a mysterious energy current,
extremely weak and barely perceptible if one didn’t pay
attention, flowing in the Buddha Cavern. If it wasn’t for
Huang Xiaolong carefully spreading out his spiritual sense, it
would have gone unnoticed.
This mysterious energy was similar to the Buddhism power
from the Blessed Buddha Altar, yet different at the same

Huang Xiaolong tried to lead this mysterious energy into his

body, slowly refining it and was surprised to find the
exhaustion in his soul and spirit recover significantly.

This result delighted him!

If this was so, he needn’t worry about damaging his soul

and spirit upon entering deeper into the cavern.

After Huang Xiaolong absorbed and refined the mysterious

energy, the exhaustion he felt in his soul and spirit
recovered as if they were being nurtured, very close to
returning to their peak form.

Huang Xiaolong would then stand up and continue flying

deeper into the Buddha Cavern.

Just like this, ten days passed, rest and continue, rest and

Ten days passed, yet the Heavenly Treasures bore no

reaction at all.

And Huang Xiaolong was surprised to find in the last ten

days that the mysterious energy in the Buddha Cavern
helped his soul and spiritual force grow stronger, going as
far as enhancing his battle qi and internal force.

This speed was much faster than practicing in the ancient

battlefield while swallowing Fire Dragon Pearls, however,
Huang Xiaolong was unable to feel joy at his improved
strength. Instead, his heart grew heavierㅡbecause there was
still no reaction at all from the three Heavenly Treasures!
In the last ten days, all his eyes could see was an endless
sea of Buddha statues, and only Buddha statues.

Zhao Shu had never been inside the Buddha Cavern, thus
before coming in, Huang Xiaolong had no idea how the
Blessed Buddha Empire’s forbidden land looked like. Now he

Though the chance seemed slimmer by the day, Huang

Xiaolong was unwilling to leave the Buddha Cavern just like
this. The good thing was, there was no time limit for his stay
inside the Buddha Cavern, such as one month’s time with
the Saint Pavilion. He could stay as long as he wanted.

Cultivating in the Buddha Cavern was beneficial too, hence,

Huang Xiaolong remained, journeying deeper every day.

While Huang Xiaolong journeyed deeper every day, in a

certain space pocket within the Buddha Cavern, Old Law
and seven other guardians were observing Huang Xiaolong’s

“It’s been ten days already, I did not expect this kid could
remain inside for so long, even going deeper into the

“Last time when Fan Chen, that lad, came inside, how long
did he stay? If I remember correctly, it should be fifteen
days, I wonder if this kid can surpass that!

“He can actually refine the Buddhism spiritual energy inside

the Buddha Cavern!”

Several people talked at the same time.

A light flickered in Old Law’s eyes as he quietly observed

Huang Xiaolong’s flying silhouette inside the Buddha
Cavern’s space.

“This kid looks like he’s searching for something inside the
Buddha Cavern?” One of the eight suddenly said.

“Searching for something?” Old Law pondered the words.

Another ten days passed the same way.

Twenty days after Huang Xiaolong entered, the three

Heavenly Treasures inside his body remained quiet. But
Huang Xiaolong had a harvest of a different kind. After
seeing nothing but Buddha statues for twenty days, he was
inspired and created a battle skill called Earthen Buddha

Flying past the numerous Buddha statues as he continued

to the inner part of the Buddha Cavern, Huang Xiaolong
practiced his self-created Earthen Buddha Palm. There
was… only a single move to the Earthen Buddha Palm,
however, similar to the hundreds and thousands of Buddha
statues in the Buddha Cavern, it had just as many forms.

“This kid still has the leisure to practice battle skill inside
the Buddha Cavern? And that, what kind of palm is that? It
looks like one of our Buddhism battle skills, but very
strange, I’ve never seen anything like it!”

The eight kasaya robed monks observed Huang Xiaolong

who was practicing his Earthen Buddha Palm closely,
discussing amongst themselves.

“He probably created this battle skill himself.” Old Law’s

eyes never left Huang Xiaolong as he spoke those words
with a somber voice.
Chapter 228: Clues Of
Godly Mt. Xumi’S Location
Chapter 228: Clues of Godly Mt. Xumi’s Location

“Whaㅡt? Self-created battle skill!” The seven other old men

blurted in amazement at the idea.

“This, not possible… right?” One of them queried


As far as they knew, every battle skill was handed down

from ancient times, every battle skill that they knew of now
was created by the human race of ancient times, whereas
legendary heaven rank battle skills were created by the
ancient God Tribes.

However, legendary battle skills were lost treasures as time

elapsed, leaving only high-grade heaven rank battle skills as
the highest grade available, albeit their scarcity.

“That’s right ah, Old Law. It doesn’t seem like this kid knows
how to create a battle skill, it’s a feat even harder than
breaking into the God realm! Even some warriors that
succeeded in breaking through and traversed to other
higher grade worlds were never rumored to have created
their own battle skill!” Another one of the old men debated
with surprise lingering in his voice.

Old Law answered with a solemn voice, “I did not believe it

myself at first but observe carefully and you will notice that
when he first started practicing this skill, his movements
were crude and simple. Nearing the end, however, it
became smoother and complete, the changes when
attacking became more unpredictable, and the potency
increased over time. Look, every time he practices, he
continues to improve and perfect the transformations.”

When the rest heard this explanation, each started to

observe Huang Xiaolong’s actions more closely and noticed
it was as Old Law had described.

Despite that, most of them still found it hard to believe what

they were seeing.

Creating a battle skill, if this was leaked out, it would

definitely cause an earth-shattering quake across the
Martial Spirit World.

At the same time, inside the Buddha Cavern, Huang

Xiaolong leaped up with his palm striking out. Countless
Buddha statues were seen emerging from the ground,
exuding an overwhelming spiritual pressure.

The current of time continued to flow, and soon, a month

had passed.

Huang Xiaolong had spent an entire month inside the

Buddha Cavern.

On this particular day, Huang Xiaolong was flying forward,

when suddenly, the scene in front him changed! A vast
stretch of mountainous region with towering age-old trees
and winding rivers with crystal-clear emerald water.

No more Buddha statues!

In this one month, Buddha statues were the only objects

Huang Xiaolong had seen, so much that it gave rise to a
belief that other than Buddha statues, nothing else existed
within the Buddha Cavern.

Huang Xiaolong’s heart blossomed seeing green mountains

up ahead, accelerating his flying speed, he left the Buddha
statues region quickly and landed at the foothills of a
mountain. Out of the Buddha statues region, a deep sense
of relief washed over him the moment his feet touched solid

In the Buddha statues region, Huang Xiaolong’s soul and

spiritual force felt like they were being squashed by a big
boulder that was instantly lifted now.

Huang Xiaolong turned back to look at the vast region of

endless Buddha statues, he shivered, slightly traumatized.
This one month was worse than being stranded in the abyss
of hell.

Drawing a deep breath, Huang Xiaolong turned back and

started walking towards the forest, soon reaching the peak.
Entering his sight were long ranges of mountains, winding
into the horizon, causing Huang Xiaolong’s brows to wrinkle.
‘Don’t tell me that I need to spend another month to cross
this mountain region!’

The lack of reaction from the three Heavenly Treasures in his

body frustrated Huang Xiaolong.

‘Forget it, since I’m already here it’s better I continue

searching for it.’ Huang Xiaolong comforted himself, he
would never be willing to leave things half-assed this way.

Hence, Huang Xiaolong flew deep in the mountain region

direction. And soon, another month came and went.
By this point in time, Huang Xiaolong no longer harbored
any hope of finding the Godly Mt. Xumi here, especially
when all three Heavenly Treasure showed not even the
tiniest reaction. In Huang Xiaolong’s opinion, if the Godly Mt.
Xumi was really somewhere here in the Buddha Cavern,
there would surely be some reaction from the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda, God Binding Ring and the Absolute Soul

Making a resolute decision, Huang Xiaolong decided to give

it ten more days’ time. If there still wasn’t any reaction from
the three treasures within this ten days’ time, he would
leave the Buddha Cavern.

He would think of another way that didn’t require the Godly

Mt. Xumi.

Perhaps he could search for the second or third Heavenly

Treasures on the list. Moreover, his Master Ren Wokuang left
a precious treasure for him in the Asura’s Gate
headquarters, something that would aid in his Asura Tactics
cultivation. With that, and the benefits from the Lingling
Treasure Pagoda, God Binding Ring and the Absolute Soul
Pearl, he could still enhance his strength rapidly to reach
Xiantian Tenth Order.

Three days passed quickly like grains of sand seeping

through one’s fingers.

On this day, Huang Xiaolong stopped beside a river bank at

the foothills. Just as he wanted to wash up, a golden light
flickered from the riverbed. Although it was only for a split
second, Huang Xiaolong caught a glimpse of it.

His actions stopped and he released his spiritual sense,

directing it towards the bottom of the river, but his spiritual
sense encountered a resistance at the edge of the river
bank. Curious, Huang Xiaolong stood up. After a brief
hesitation, he leaped up, opened up a path leading
downward and made his way to the riverbed.

In the river, Huang Xiaolong dived deeper.

From the surface, the river didn’t seem wide. Only after
Huang Xiaolong dived into the river, did he realize it was
much bigger than he had thought. He sank more than a
hundred zhang deep before he reached the riverbed.

The instant Huang Xiaolong leaped into the river, Old Law
and the seven other old men who were watching Huang
Xiaolong suddenly noticed that his aura disappeared.

“Could this river be another space dimension?” One of them


Inside the Buddha Cavern existed links to many different

space dimensions. Though the eight of them were guardians
of Buddha Cavern, none knew how many of these other
dimensions there were within the Buddha Cavern.

“That kid’s aura had vanished totally, no doubt this river is a

different space dimension.” Another old man voiced his

“Old Law, then we…?”

“Go with the flow, our mission is to guard the Buddha


“Yes, Old Law!”

On the other side, down on the riverbed, another bright light

flickered and a black hole appeared. Before Huang Xiaolong
could react, a great suction force from the black hole
wrapped around him, swallowing him in.

His vision blurred. The scene changed and Huang Xiaolong

was standing upon a golden sand beach.

“This is…?” In front of Huang Xiaolong was a sea the color of

gold, with gentle waves washing upon the golden sand
beach. There was a small boat floating on the sea, with an
old man in his seventies holding a fishing rod.

At what seemed to be the center of this golden sea sat a

golden mountain.

The surroundings were very quiet. Looking at this scene,

Huang Xiaolong was stupefied.

“Young man, welcome to the Sea of Suffering.” While Huang

Xiaolong was stupefied at the sudden change in his
surroundings, the old man on the boat spoke.

“The Sea of Suffering!” Huang Xiaolong looked at the large

expanse of golden sea.

The old man raised his head, revealing a long white beard
that fluttered in the nonexistent breeze as he smiled at
Huang Xiaolong, “It has been sixty thousand years… Finally,
someone entered this Sea of Suffering space after a long
sixty thousand years.”

“Sixty thousand years!” Huang Xiaolong was shocked. This

old man meant to say he stayed in this Sea of Suffering
space for more than sixty thousand years? Wouldn’t that
mean this old man had lived more than sixty thousand

What concept was that!?

Not even a Saint realm expert could live that long!

Could this old man be… Huang Xiaolong sucked in a breath

of cold air.

“Young man, you entered Buddha Cavern for the Godly Mt.
Xumi right?” The old man continued at his own pace.

Huang Xiaolong was surprised and wary at the same time.

How did this old man know?

“Yes.” Seconds later, Huang Xiaolong composed himself and

admitted his purpose.

The old man chuckled, “Not bad, at least you’re honest.

Then, I shall tell you. Yes, the Godly Mt. Xumi is indeed
within the Buddha Cavern.”

The Godly Mt. Xumi was inside the Buddha Cavern!
Chapter 229: Refining The
Godly Mt. Xumi
Chapter 229: Refining the Godly Mt. Xumi

Getting confirmation to something he had been searching

for, Huang Xiaolong trembled!

The Godly Mt. Xumi was really here, within the Buddha

After so long, Huang Xiaolong had basically given up hope

on the search, entering the cavern for more than two
months without any reaction from the three Heavenly
Treasures in his body.

Huang Xiaolong believed this old man’s words, for there

wasn’t any need for him to deceive Xiaolong.

“Also, I know the exact location of Godly Mt. Xumi!” The old
man added with a sly smile.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes widened with disbelief.

Vast was an understatement of the Buddha Cavern. Huang

Xiaolong flew for two months and had yet to see the edge,
in fact, Huang Xiaolong had the feeling that he hadn’t even
seen a tenth of the Buddha Cavern.

To search for the Godly Mt. Xumi in this boundless expanse

of the Buddha Cavern was akin to searching for a needle in
a barn full of haystacks.
Yet, this old man in front of him actually said he knew the
exact location of the Godly Mt. Xumi!

Godly Mt. Xumi, Heavenly Treasures List number one!

Even Huang Xiaolong could not suppress the quickening of

his breath.

The old man grinned watching Huang Xiaolong’s reaction,

stating: “I will ask you three questions, as long as your
answers satisfy me, I’ll let you know where the Godly Mt.
Xumi is.”

“Three questions?” Huang Xiaolong was flabbergasted.

“Correct.” The old man revealed another sheepish smile.

The old man on the small boat was somewhat chubby, when
he smiled sheepishly, he looked a little like Maitreya

“Go ahead, ask.” Huang Xiaolong pondered silently for a

moment before agreeing.

“First question, why are you looking for the Godly Mt.
Xumi?” The old man asked.

Huang Xiaolong hesitated, “I want the Godly Mt. Xumi to

advance my cultivation to the Saint realm, perhaps even
God Realm, and then I want to annihilate Deities Templar!”

The old man was startled, “Advance to God Realm,

annihilate the Deities Templar? No small ambitions you’ve
got there, but the Deities Templar’s strength isn’t as weak
as you think it is.” The old man paused before asking the
question second question. “My second question is, what is
your martial spirit?”
Martial spirit? Without a second thought, a coruscating light
shrouded Huang Xiaolong as he summoned out both black
and blue twin dragon martial spirits. The might of dragons
swept out like a feisty tornado.

“Blue dragon?” Looking at the blue dragon hovering behind

Huang Xiaolong, the old man was dumbfounded.

Moments after, he recovered from his gaffe, asking the third

question, “Third question, if, in the future, I’m talking about
if one day, you become the Asura World’s Hell Sovereign,
commanding one billion evil spirits and Asuras, when the
Asura World and Buddha World are in conflict, what would
you do?”

Asura World’s Hell Sovereign?! Huang Xiaolong frowned. If

there came a day when he could reach such heights, how
many thousands of years would have passed. Stewing over
the question, Huang Xiaolong answered, “If there is a day
that I really become Asura World’s Hell Sovereign,
commanding one billion evil spirits and Asuras, if there was
a conflict between the Asura World and Buddha World, I will
not take the initiative to declare war on the Buddha World
unless the Buddha World was the first to launch an attack
towards the Asura World!”

The old man nodded, again that sheepish smile, “Good, I

hope if there is such a day, you would still remember the
words you’ve said today.” When the words ended, the old
man’s silhouette dimmed out, vanishing into thin air.

Watching the spot where the old man disappeared, Huang

Xiaolong blanked for a moment. The most important point
struck him then, “You haven’t told me where the Godly Mt.
Xumi is! Also, what is Senior’s name?!”
“The Godly Mt. Xumi is right in front of you. As for who I am,
it is not important, we will meet again.” A voice floated from
the void, ethereal as if it was separated by layers of
dimension in between.

The voice soon dissipated.

Huang Xiaolong was confused; the Godly Mt. Xumi is in front

of his eyes? That old man meant…?! Huang Xiaolong’s eyes
zoomed towards the golden mountain sitting in the center of
the golden waters.

Godly Mt. Xumi!

That old man meant this golden mountain was the Godly Mt.

Huang Xiaolong’s heart leaped with joy. Godly Mt. Xumi, he

finally found it!

He found it!

Huang Xiaolong inhaled deeply to calm himself, then leaped

up, aiming to land on the small boat the old man left behind.

But, when his foot came close to the small boat, it shone
with a brilliant light and projected a mysterious rune from its
body. An abundant spiritual power soared to the sky.

“This is…?!” Huang Xiaolong was alarmed.

Previously, when the old man was sitting in the boat, it

looked bland and ordinary, just like any other common small
boat. Therefore, Huang Xiaolong didn’t pay any attention to
it, but it seems, this little boat was a treasure?!
As if it sensed Huang Xiaolong’s thoughts, the small boat’s
light glimmered in answer. In the blink of an eye, it shrunk in
size until it was the length of an adult’s palm and hovered in
front of Huang Xiaolong.

Seeing that the small boat had such spiritual awareness,

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “Little one, you have stayed here
in the Sea of Suffering for several thousands of years, right?
Do you want to leave here with me?”

The small boat floated up and down, humming.

Huang Xiaolong chuckled, extending his palm out. The small

boat flew forward, landing on Huang Xiaolong’s palm. Huang
Xiaolong was very keen on the small boat; with a flick, a
drop of blood floated out from his finger and fell atop the
small boat’s body. Instantly, a blood bond was formed
between them, allowing Huang Xiaolong to keep it in his
body with merely a simple thought.

Although he was sure that this small boat was a wonderful

treasure, his most urgent task at the moment was to rein in
the Godly Mt. Xumi. He could only wait until later to study
the small boat.

After dealing with the small boat, Huang Xiaolong leaped

into the air, and with a flap of his wings, he flew straight to
the golden mountain situated in the middle of the golden

Huang Xiaolong’s heart raced, feeling the Godly Mt. Xumi

underneath his feet before leaping up again in search of the
sacred ancient formation at the heart of it.

According to the information provided by Zhao Shu, there

was the sacred ancient formation at its core. Only by
locating this sacred ancient formation at the core could
Huang Xiaolong refine and truly control, as well as rein in
this Heavenly Treasure called Godly Mt. Xumi.

The Godly Mt. Xumi didn’t seem big, land wise, yet it took
Huang Xiaolong half an hour of flying to circle the perimeter
entirely. On the surface, other than the brilliant glow around
it, the Godly Mt. Xumi looked no different than any other
ordinary small mountain. Other than that, it looked more like
a barren hill, no trees, no rivers or lakes, only stones and
rocks everywhere.

After making a full circle around, Huang Xiaolong chose to

stop on the highest peak, where he guessed the core should
be, right below this peak!

Running his battle qi and releasing his spiritual sense,

Huang Xiaolong tried to get a sense of the situation below,
when a sudden surge of suction power came from deep
underground. His vision blurred, appearing in a huge temple

A large ancient formation was carved in the center of the

huge temple hall, with a tall Buddhist painting as its coreㅡ
the painting depicted ten Buddhas emanating constant
fluctuations of powerful spiritual pressure.

This must the Godly Mt. Xumi’s core sacred ancient

formation! Huang Xiaolong’s heart stirred with excitement
staring at the formation in the center of the hall.

The first step of locating the formation was accomplished,

next was refining it.

Huang Xiaolong jumped towards the throne seat at the front

of the temple hall and sat in a meditative pose, running his
battle qi and starting to refine the formation.
As Huang Xiaolong started to refine it, the formation
glimmered endlessly.

One day passed.

The glimmering light became increasingly stronger, soaring

skyward like a beam and expanding in diameter, covering
the entire Godly Mt. Xumi on the outside. At that moment,
the Buddhas inside the painting shot out, filling the
atmosphere with Buddhism energy.

As he refined the core formation, bathing within the

purifying energy of Buddhism made Huang Xiaolong feel
extremely comfortable.

A long time later, the aureate halo originating from the

formation slowly dimmed.
Chapter 230: Practising On
Godly Mt. Xumi
Chapter 230: Practising on Godly Mt. Xumi

When the light from the sacred ancient formation

disappeared, the temple hall returned to its prior calm.

Huang Xiaolong sat on the throne, the feeling of being one

with Godly Mt. Xumi washing over him. He had succeeded in
refining the Godly Mt. Xumi!

Initially, Huang Xiaolong thought it would be quite

troublesome to refine the Godly Mt. Xumi’s core formation,
at least time-wise, it might take ten days to half a month.
The ease came as a surprise to him.

Maybe it was because of the Blessed Buddha Altar. A

thought suddenly struck Huang Xiaolong. It was very likely
due to the sanctification ritual on Thousand Blessings
Square that Huang Xiaolong was able to refine the Godly Mt.
Xumi so easily, for both the Godly Mt. Xumi and the Blessed
Buddha Altar were objects related to Buddhism.

While Huang Xiaolong was immersed in these thoughts, a

fulgent pillar formed from Buddhism power enshrouded him,
transferring memories straight into Huang Xiaolong’s

Godly Xumi Art!

The strongest battle skill between heaven and earth!

According to the heritage memories from the Godly Mt.
Xumi, this Godly Xumi Art was a battle skill, and at the same
time, a cultivation technique as well.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong stood up from the

temple hall throne. His foot tapped the floor, and with a
sway, he disappeared from the temple hall, entering a
secret chamber hidden in one of the smaller adjoining halls.
Inside this secret chamber was a small pond that held a
cloudy white liquid, emanating a tantalizing fragrance that
was enough to make one drunk with euphoria from a single
whiff, a great comfortable feeling spread out to his limbs
and body.

Geocentric Buddha Elixir!

An odd wonder born of heaven and earth, absorbing it would

enhance one’s cultivation at half the effort!

Huang Xiaolong approached the small pond with

anticipation, staring unblinkingly at the alluring Geocentric
Buddha Elixir, the mad joy making his heart race. The
Geocentric Buddha Elixir in this little pond should total to
over a thousand drops!

Taking one drop each day, it was enough for Huang Xiaolong
for three to four years of cultivation!

Huang Xiaolong cupped his hands together, separating a

drop of Geocentric Buddha Elixir out from the pond, leading
it straight into his opened mouth. Like ambrosial wine that
flowed out of cups of jasper jade, an exquisite fragrance
stirred his senses.

Huang Xiaolong did not refine the energy contained in that

drop of Geocentric Buddha Elixir on the spot, instead, he
returned to the wide temple hall where the core formation
was. As Huang Xiaolong moved both of his hands, the Ten
Buddha Formation at the core burst out in bright light, an
immeasurable Buddhism energy gushing down from the
void, separated by an unknown number of space
dimensions, enveloping Huang Xiaolong entirely.

Huang Xiaolong absorbed the Buddhism energy spilling from

the void, while the drop of Geocentric Buddha Elixir spread
and blended into Huang Xiaolong’s meridians, Qi Sea, and
dantian, again and again strengthening his physique.

As Huang Xiaolong continued to wave his arms out,

gradually, illusionary arms grew out from his body! At the
same time, his body glowed with Buddha luminescence like
the legendary Thousand Arms Buddha.

This was the heritage skill, Godly Xumi Art!

One day later, Huang Xiaolong was able to materialize more

than sixty arms. When these arms stroke, wind whistled
across space with piercing energy that gave one palpitation.

It took Huang Xiaolong a full night and a day to fully refine

the energy contained in that one drop of Geocentric Buddha
Elixir, only then did he stop practicing.

Checking the result, Huang Xiaolong noticed there was a

significant improvement in his battle qi cultivation, and
practicing in the Ten Buddha Formation core with Buddhism
energy pouring endlessly from the void, his physical body
was tempered the entire time, again increasing his physical
defense. His physical body was stronger than the average
warrior. With this improvement, he could only be labeled as
a monstrous freak.

Just like the heritage memory showed, swallowing

Geocentric Buddha Elixir before practicing the Godly Xumi
Art doubled the result at half the effort. Huang Xiaolong was
delighted with the result so far.

At the moment, he could project an illusion of more than

sixty arms, meaning that he had completed the basic
mastery of the skills. Once the number of arms reached a
thousand, it was the intermediate stage, and the last stage,
or major completion, would be when he could transform
these surreal one thousand arms into real, solid entities.

Yet, from what the memory showed, practicing until that

stage was difficult.

If Huang Xiaolong succeeded in achieving major completion,

he could divide his body into one thousand Buddha avatars!
Not only that, each of these one thousand Buddha avatars
was a real existence, as if there were one thousand Huang

The Godly Xumi Art was hailed as the strongest battle skill
between heaven and earth, this was its most terrifying
point. Imagine, having one thousand avatars and each
avatar has one thousand arms for attacking, who could
defend against it?!

This was akin to one thousand Huang Xiaolong launching

one million attacks in an instant!

Furthermore, when Huang Xiaolong practiced the Godly

Xumi Art until major completion, his natural physique would
take on the characteristics of the most adamant, yet pliable,
known as the Golden Buddha Physique, where it would
never suffer damage even from the most damaging attacks.
At that time, to kill Huang Xiaolong, there would be only one
method—attack and destroy Huang Xiaolong’s soul!

Huang Xiaolong breathed out foul qi through his mouth.

Godly Xumi Art!

An enigmatic air of grandeur burst forth from Huang

Xiaolong. A light glinted in his eyes, showing a sharp edge.

Deities Templar, Ao Baixue, Yao Fei, Li Molin! A day will come

when I will trample each of you beneath my feet, killing you
off one by one!

After a while, Huang Xiaolong calmed down. Once again

moving his hands, gathering battle qi in his palms to
activate the core formation. From the outside, the golden
mountain at the center of the Sea of Suffering shook
vigorously and flew out of the Sea of Suffering, tore the void
and disappeared. When it appeared again, it was outside of
the Buddha Cavern, above the barren wilderness in a certain
location of Blessed Buddha Empire.

This was one of the Godly Mt Xumi’s powers, Huang

Xiaolong could control the Godly Mt. Xumi’s flight through
the core formation, but its main advantage was the ability to
penetrate space.

Other than that, the core formation also controlled the

Godly Mt. Xumi to attack.

According to the heritage memory, the Godly Mt. Xumi was

created entirely from materials originating from the Buddha
World, the Soft Golden Divine Slab. During the refinement
process, ten thousand drops of golden blood from ten
thousand ancient Buddhas were melted into it, adamant yet
soft. It was unlikely for something to exist in the martial
Spirit World that could make a scratch on Godly Mt. Xumi’s

Not even a God Realm master could make a dent!

After tearing out of the void, the Godly Mt. Xumi floated high
up in the sky, probably several thousand zhang up, its large
mass blotting out the sun. Huang Xiaolong could only
imagine what it would be like using the Godly Mt. Xumi to

A normal mountain as large as this was terrifying enough,

moreover, this was the Godly Mt. Xumi.

“Small, smaller, smaller, more!” Huang Xiaolong controlled

the core formation, shrinking the Godly Mt. Xumi
continuously that the several thousand zhang mountain
ended up palm-sized in the end!

“Smaller still!” It continued to shrink to the size of a sand


When that succeeded, Huang Xiaolong chose a direction

and controlled the Godly Mt. Xumi, flying into the dense
forest some distance ahead. Although he had found the
Godly Mt. Xumi, he was in no rush to return to Duanren
Empire. First, he wanted to cultivate in peace and
breakthrough to Xiantian Fourth Order before deciding
anything else!

Xiantian Fourth Order was a dividing line. Once Huang

Xiaolong crossed it, he would be a mid-level Xiantian
warrior, his strength would experience a compelling

More than an hour later, Huang Xiaolong stopped above a

hilly forest region. He controlled the Godly Mt. Xumi to land
on the ground, blending in with the environment of sand
and soil, extremely well hidden.

He then went to the adjoining side hall, sucked a drop of

Geocentric Buddha Elixir into his mouth and returned to the
temple hall to practice the Godly Xumi Art in the core Ten
Buddha Formation.
Chapter 231: Combining
Four Treasures Into One
Chapter 231: Combining Four Treasures into One

Huang Xiaolong spent the coming days in the same routine;

taking a drop of Geocentric Buddha Elixir and activating the
Ten Buddha Formation to practice the Godly Xumi Art.

Seconds became minutes that turned into days, Huang

Xiaolong’s battle qi and spiritual force progressed at an
alarming rate. In a mere ten days, the mid-Xiantian Third
Order Huang Xiaolong advanced to peak mid-Xiantian Third

Twenty days later, Huang Xiaolong broke through into late-

Xiantian Third Order. At the same time Huang Xiaolong
reached late-Third Order, the number of arms he could form
doubled to over one hundred and twenty. However, every
additional arm after that became harder to form. Before, he
could form a minimum of three to four arms in a day’s
practice, but after reaching one hundred and twenty arms,
he could, at most, form one additional arm from a day’s

With the Geocentric Buddha Elixir and tempering from the

Buddhism energy at the core formation, Huang Xiaolong’s
physical defense and power were enhanced on a daily basis.
When Huang Xiaolong’s spiritual sense swept through his
internal body, he found a layer of Buddha luminescence
over his orifices, meridians, bones, and marrow.

Time continued to flow by.

Secluded within the Godly Mt. Xumi, Huang Xiaolong had
been practicing for a little over one month, his cultivation
was already at the peak of late-Xiantian Third Order and his
Body Metamorphose Scripture advanced into Stage Ten:
Crouching Tiger.

On this particular day, like any other day of that month,

Huang Xiaolong swallowed a drop of Geocentric Buddha
Elixir and started practicing the Godly Xumi Art in the Ten
Buddha Formation at the center of the temple hall. A flurry
of ethereal arms appeared on his body, while the black and
blue dragons hovered in the void above him, greedily
devouring the true dragon qi gushing down from another
space. Perhaps it was the effect of the Buddhism energy
from the Buddha World, but there was now a layer of
aureate luminescence on the surface of the twin dragons’

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong shook and a minute echo

sounded from his body, followed by a bright golden light.
The black and blue dragons in the void above roared

A momentum stronger than before exuded from Huang


Xiantian Fourth Order!

After a hard penance of two months, Huang Xiaolong finally

broke through to Xiantian Fourth Order!

Abundant netherworld battle qi, true dragon qi, and

Buddhism qi coursed along Huang Xiaolong’s body.
Previously, in Huang Xiaolong’s Qi Sea, there were only two
types of battle qi that had taken shape: one was the
netherworld battle qi in the shape of an Archdemon of Hell
and the other was a Primordial Divine Dragon. But now,
there was an additional new qi that had taken shape in the
form of a golden Buddha!

Three great mandates that had taken shape!

For Huang Xiaolong’s alarming breakthrough speed to

Xiantian Fourth Order, other than the Geocentric Buddha
Elixir, the three great mandates played a vital role by
expediting the rate of Huang Xiaolong’s absorption of
spiritual energies.

‘Finally, I broke through the Fourth Order!’ Huang Xiaolong

stopped his practiced as his eyes sparkled with joy. Stepping
into Fourth Order, his strength had more than doubled
compared to the time he was in Duanren Empire.

When Huang Xiaolong left Duanren Empire for the Blessed

Buddha Empire to search for the Godly Mt. Xumi, he was
only a Xiantian Second Order. Now, he was two levels
higher! Counting back, it hadn’t been three years since
Huang Xiaolong stepped into the Xiantian realm and
participated in Duanren Empire’s Imperial City Battle.

‘I wonder what level Xie Puti’s strength reached.’ Huang

Xiaolong mused.

When they battled against each other for the Imperial City
Battle championship, Xie Puti was an early Second Order
Xiantian, an entire level above Huang Xiaolong, but now, it
was highly likely that Xie Puti had yet to come close to
Xiantian Third Order.

It was time for him to rush back to Duanren Empire, perhaps

he might make it back in time to attend his younger sister
Huang Min and Guo Tai’s wedding ceremony.
Huang Xiaolong’s blurred in a flicker, leaving the Xumi

The ancient sacred Ten Buddha Formation of Godly Mt. Xumi

was located in the belly of the mountain. In retrospect,
Huang Xiaolong was completely hidden from the outside
world during these two months of practice.

Out from the Godly Mt. Xumi, the sand grain-sized Godly Mt.
Xumi flew from the ground into Huang Xiaolong’s palm with
a wave, growing to the size of a palm in the process.

Huang Xiaolong absorbed the golden mountain into his

body, hovering above his soul sea just like the other three
heavenly treasures, however, in that moment, the Godly Mt.
Xumi, the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, the God Binding Ring,
and the Absolute Soul Pearl that were dead silent recently,
burst out in a prism of violent light. The Buddhism energy
from Godly Mt. Xumi flooded out, spreading to every corner
of Huang Xiaolong’s soul sea.

As if the three heavenly treasures were resonating with the

Buddhism energy coming from the Godly Mt. Xumi, all three
ㅡthe Linglong Treasure Pagoda, God Binding Ring and the
Absolute Soul Pearl shone ever more brightly, issuing
unfathomable long humming sounds. Sensing the odd
reactions of the four heavenly treasures, Huang Xiaolong
was dumbfounded.

When he entered the Buddha Cavern, even while he was at

the Sea of Suffering, the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, God
Binding Ring and Absolute Soul Pearl showed nary a ripple
of reaction, but at this moment, their reactions were radical
to the extreme.

From Huang Xiaolong’s perception, it seemed that the three

heavenly treasures were afraid of the Godly Mt. Xumi,
banding together to resist the Buddhism energy spewing out
from the golden mountain. Yet it was futile, the powerful
burst of energy weakened and diminished under the
seemingly gentle golden glow.

Huang Xiaolong continued to watch, thinking it was nearly

over, but all four heavenly treasures suddenly few out from
his body high up to the air, flying in a circular motion.

A forceful suction force came from the Godly Mt. Xumi,

holding the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, God Binding Ring and
Absolute Soul Pearl prisoners, drawing them closer to itself.
Though they struggled frantically, neither successfully flew
out more than a hundred meters away from the Godly Mt.

As time wore on, the distance between the four heavenly

treasures shortened, albeit the beaming light from the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda, God Binding Ring and Absolute
Soul Pearl intensified, the resistance and struggle were

In the end, the three heavenly treasures entered ten meters

within the Godly Mt. Xumi’s golden halo area. At this
moment, a lucent light pillar shot up from its peak, Ten
Buddha statues projected in midair. The very same ten
Buddha statues from the sacred ancient formation at the

The appearance of the Ten Buddhas increased the Godly Mt.

Xumi’s might, Buddhism energy crashing out like endless
tidal waves into the surroundings. Instantly winding around
the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, God Binding Ring and
Absolute Soul Pearl, sucking them into its golden body.

The Linglong Treasure Pagoda went straight down to

become a midway pagoda pavilion, the God Binding Ring
was absorbed into one of the many peaks on the Godly Mt.
Xumi, whereas the Absolute Soul Pearl stood atop a different

All three heavenly treasures still gleamed brightly but no

longer resisted, as if they had been reined it.

Watching the entire scene, Huang Xiaolong was

dumbstruck. All three heavenly treasures were absorbed by
the Godly Mt. Xumi, becoming one entity?!

At this moment, on the Godly Mt. Xumi, the Fire Dragon qi,
the ancient God Tribe spiritual energy from God Binding
Ring’s ancient battlefield and the soul energy from Absolute
Soul Pearl all gathered together, interlaced with the
Buddhism energy coming from the Godly Mt. Xumi itself,
bringing four different types of spiritual energy in one place.

With a turn of his right wrist, the Godly Mt. Xumi floated to
Huang Xiaolong’s hand. Studying the four treasures that had
combined into one, Huang Xiaolong smiled wryly to himself,
can this Godly Mt. Xumi be called Godly Mt. Xumi still?

He should just call it Xumi-Linglong-God-Binding-Absolute-

Pearl Mountain!

But, four treasures combined into one may not be a bad

thing. Because Huang Xiaolong keenly felt that after being
absorbed into the Godly Mt. Xumi, the Lingling Treasure
Pagoda, God Binding Ring and Absolute Pearl’s strength did
not diminish. In fact, it seemed to boost the Godly Mt.
Xumi’s strength.
Chapter 232: Weren’T You
A Xiantian Third Order?!
Chapter 232: Weren’t You a Xiantian Third Order?!

Looking at the improved version of Godly Mt. Xumi, Huang

Xiaolong couldn’t help imagining, if all the heavenly
treasures on the list were to combine with the Godly Mt.
Xumi, to what extent would it strengthen this little golden
mountain’s magical powers?!

Then, Huang Xiaolong shook his head, this was highly

unlikely, even for him.

Thirty-two heavenly treasures were scattered all over, the

chances of gathering them all was almost nil. Some of these
heavenly treasures might not even be in the Martial Spirit
World. Furthermore, there were possibilities some of these
heavenly treasures were already reined in by others. If he
could find them so could others.

Focusing his thoughts, Huang Xiaolong absorbed the ‘new’

Godly Mt. Xumi into his body and left the forest area with a

Just moments after Huang Xiaolong disappeared, two

silhouettes arrived, piercing through the wind at alarming

“Strange, I’m sure I sensed the fluctuations of a treasure

from here!”

“Could someone else have gotten to it before us?”

“Go, keep looking!”

After leaving the dense forest area, Huang Xiaolong flew

southwards. One hour later, he stopped. Arriving at
Northside Merchant City, he recalled the incident when he
was receiving the sanctification ritual from the Blessed
Buddha Altar’s Buddhism energy, the single poisonous
needle Chen Dingyuan ambushed him with. A chilling glint
flitted across his eyes as he stepped towards Northside
Merchant City and inquired around for the Chen Mansion’s

In one of the small yards on the north side of Chen Mansion.

Chen Dingyuan was resting leisurely in the main hall of the

yard as he listened to his subordinate, Han Fei, report about
the family’s annual Peak Summit.

Every year, the younger generation of the Chen Family

would battle for ranking in an attempt to snatch the title of
‘Family Peak’ into their hands.

“Young Master, with your talent and ability, this year’s

Family Peak title could only be yours.” Han Fei flattered.

Chen Dingyuan laughing assuredly, “Of course I will win the

first place in this year’s family Peak Summit, following that, I
will also win the first place in the Four Families Summit!”

Han Fei laughed, “It is as Young Master said, that Luo Wuyi
would definitely be defeated by Young Master!”

Chen Dingyuan nodded obligingly at Han Fei’s remark, and

as if he remembered something, “Is that kid still inside the
Buddha Cavern?”
“Yes, that is so, Young Master. Five months have passed but
he hasn’t come out!” Han Fei answered. “I’ve sent people to
keep a watch at the entrance, as long as that kid comes out
and shows his face, I will immediately inform Young Master!”

Chen Dingyuan nodded satisfactorily, “Once that kid comes

out, I will ‘present’ him with an unforgettable memory!”

“Oh~, really?” A cold voice sounded at Chen Dingyuan’s


“Who?!” The cold voice sounded too suddenly, both Chen

Dingyuan and Han Fei were caught off guard.

Before the two surprised faces, a silhouette slowly emerged

from the void above.

“You!” The face of their guest made Chen Dingyuan and Han
Fei exclaim in unison.

The uninvited guest was none other than Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes were icy as they fell on Chen

Dingyuan: “That’s right, it’s me.”

After a momentary shock, Chen Dingyuan laughed

raucously, “Punk, you dared to trespass into my Chen
Mansion’s yards! The last time a late-Xiantian Tenth Order
tried to do so, do you want to know what his ending was? He
died without a corpse to be buried! Frankly, I really admire
your courage and stupidity!” As his speech came to an end,
Chen Dingyuan slowly rose from his seat, approaching
Huang Xiaolong. At the same time, Chen Dingyuan looked at
Han Fei, who nodded in understanding, and in a blur,
blocked Huang Xiaolong’s escape route.

Even so, Huang Xiaolong was as calm as day.

Chen Dingyuan stopped five meters away from Huang
Xiaolong, issuing a condescending cold sneer before saying,
“Based on the fact that you dared to trespass into my Chen
Mansion, I will give you a chance. If you can take three palm
strikes from me, I will let you leave, if not, hehe…!”

“One palm!” Huang Xiaolong stated.

“One palm?” Chen Dingyuan broke out in another bout of

laughter after a brief paused, “True, one or three palm
strikes is the same result for you for one strike from me is
enough to deal with you. Punk, are you ready?”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head in clarification, “I said I only

need one palm to deal with you!”

“What?!” Chen Dingyuan’s face distorted in anger in the

blink of an eye, a cruel glint burning in his eyes, “Little punk,
I was kind enough to be merciful, giving you a way out, but
since you have made your choice, then go die!” Chen
Dingyuan leaped into the air, punching out with a fist full of
killing intent at Huang Xiaolong.

An enormous fist imprint pierced through the air with a trail

of lavender flame, the space around it issuing crackling
noises. Before the fist imprint arrived, a scorching heat
wave blasted in Huang Xiaolong direction. Chen Dingyuan
was a peak late-Xiantian Third Order, the destruction force
from one punch was no joke.

According to Chen Dingyuan’s understanding, though Huang

Xiaolong went through the sanctification ritual on the
Blessed Buddha Altar and managed to break through to
Xiantian Third Order, a punk like him was still far from
qualified to be his opponent. Which was why Chen Dingyuan
did not call out his martial spirit, nor soul transformed.
Huang Xiaolong watched indifferently as Chen Dingyuan’s
attack came at him, then with a raise of his hand, a finger
pointed out. Just a simple finger stab, a forceful finger print
shot through space, enveloping the earth like an angry
rolling tsunami.

Within the dark gray billowing fog hid strange black

creatures, wailing miserably, shaking one’s mind.

“Absolute Soul Finger!”

Watching the great momentum of the incoming dark gray

fog, accompanied by the strange black creatures’ shrill
shrieks, Chen Dingyuan’s face tightened. Swiftly jumping
back, he bellowed: “Devil Extinguishing Vajra Vigor!”

Chen Dingyuan was wholly shrouded in a golden membrane

that formed a protective layer of vigor qi.

However, the Absolute Soul Finger attack pierced through

the Devil Extinguishing Vajra Vigor protective layer like it
was nothing at all, penetrating through the person’s chest
and coming out from the back. It went on to make a hole
through the wall of the structure.


Chen Dingyuan body was thrown back from the impact,

crashing down hard, blood spurting out uncontrollably from
his mouth.

“Young Master!” Han Fei, who was signaled to block Huang

Xiaolong’s escape route, watched the scene happen in the
blink of an eye. When Chen Dingyuan was sent flying, he
blurted out in shock and rushed to his Young Master’s side.
On Chen Dingyuan chest wound, a dark gray air circulated,
issuing shrill screams, bloodied flesh and a face paler than a
white sheet.

“You, you are not a Xiantian Third Order!” The voice coming
from Chen Dingyuan throat was hoarse as he stared wide-
eyed in shock at Huang Xiaolong. He couldn’t understand at
all, he remembered correctly that when Huang Xiaolong was
undergoing the sanctification ritual on the Thousand
Blessings Square, he had just broken through to Xiantian
Third Order. How did he turn out to be a Xiantian Fourth
Order now!

“Who told you that I’m a Xiantian Third Order?” Huang

Xiaolong retorted with a cold sneer. Without waiting, the
Blades of Asura appeared in his hands, and with a swing, an
ominous flower bloomed in the air, which disappeared in the
next moment in the same ghostly manner.

Chen Dingyuan screamed. From the center of his forehead,

blood spurted out like a fountain from the flower mark left
on his forehead.

Chen Dingyuan slid down to the floor stiffly, eyes opened

with unwillingness.

“Young Master, Young Master!” Han Fei cried out in fear,

shaking Chen Dingyuan’s body with trembling hands. But,
no matter how hard Han Fei shook, no response came from
Chen Dingyuan.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong approached.

Han Fei twirled around in fright, watching Huang Xiaolong.

In the next instant, he screamed: “Someone, there’s an
Still, it did not save him. Just as his words ended, Huang
Xiaolong pointed a finger, penetrating his temple.

After dealing with Han Fei, Huang Xiaolong leaped up,

disappearing from the spot with space concealment.
Chapter 233: Back In Duanren Imperial City

Just as the edge of Huang Xiaolong’s robe disappeared into

the void and Han Fei’s body tumbled to the floor, a figure
rushed over, piercing through the wind.

“Who dares to make trouble in my Chen Mansion!!”

This person was an old man in his eighties, with bright green
irises, clad in a mulberry robe. This old man was the Chen
Mansion’s Chief Steward, Jiang Rong.

Jiang Rong floated down to the floor. Watching Chen

Dingyuan and Han Fei laying in a pool of blood, he paled

“Young Master Dingyuan!” He reached Chen Dingyuan’s

body in a few strides, crying out almost hysterically.

Before long, the news shook the entire Chen Mansion,

assembling Chen Mansion’s over a thousand experts to
search for the murderer while Huang Xiaolong was already
on his way to Northside Merchant City’s gates. However,
when he arrived at the city, it was on lockdown.

Seeing the city gates tightly shut, Huang Xiaolong sneered

coldly. Walking to a deserted alley, Huang Xiaolong’s
silhouette disappeared into thin air, emerging again inside
the Xumi Temple hall. Activating the Ten Buddha Formation,
the golden mountain shrunk to the size of a sand grain as
Huang Xiaolong controlled its flight, flying out of Northside
Merchant City high up in the troposphere.

Of course, Huang Xiaolong had other methods of leaving the

city such as using Archduke Ma Bo’s token or the Blessed
Buddha Token Shi Fantian gave him. However, either one of
these actions would attract too much attention. Since he
had decided to leave, he didn’t want to lead troubles his

Out from the Northside Merchant City, Huang Xiaolong

continued to travel via the Godly Mt. Xumi, flying
southward. Two hours had passed by the time he decided to

In those two hours, Huang Xiaolong activated the Ten

Buddha Formation to control the Godly Mt. Xumi’s flight,
exhausting his battle qi supply. Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi
and internal force were comparable to a Xiantian Fifth
Order’s battle qi, yet it was only enough for him to supply
the Godly Mt. Xumi with two hours of energy. One can
imagine the taxing and terrifying amount of energy needed
to activate the Godly Mt. Xumi.

Descending to the ground, Huang Xiaolong went to the side

hall, swallowed a drop of Geocentric Buddha Elixir and
started the recovery of his battle qi and internal force.

One day later, Huang Xiaolong stopped cultivating, both his

battle qi and internal force were brimming full. ‘I wonder
how long the Godly Mt. Xumi can fly if I used grade one
spirit stones to activate the Ten Buddha Formation.’ Just as
he was thinking to himself, Huang Xiaolong’s hand already
moved, taking out a grade one spirit stone from the Asura

With a flick, Huang Xiaolong sent the grade one spirit stone
to the center of the Ten Buddha Formation. The sacred
ancient formation reacted instantly! The energy contained
within the grade one spirit stone whirled out in a hurricane
of energy as the formation shone brightly, activating and
tearing the space by itself.
The grade one spirit stone lasted two days at the core of the
Ten Buddha Formation before it cracked and crumbled into
dust, dissipating in the air.

Huang Xiaolong, who was practicing the Godly Xumi Art,

furrowed his brows slightly; a piece of grade one spirit stone
lasted only two days. Grade one spirit stones were
extremely rare, even if he offered ten thousand gold coins in
the auction houses, he might not be able to buy one. The
cost was too high.

On the bright side, after the four treasures merged into one,
Huang Xiaolong noticed when he was practicing the Godly
Xumi Art in the Ten Buddha Formation that the Fire Dragon
qi from the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, the ancient God
Tribe’s energy from the God Binding Ring and the soul qi
from the Absolute Soul Pearl were tempering his physique
just like the Buddhism energy from Godly Mt. Xumi’s Ten
Buddha Formation.

Four different types of energy tempering his body as he

cultivated greatly enhanced Huang Xiaolong’s progress
speed, so much that he could feel the improvement in
strength every single day. The continuous tempering by
these four great energies elevated Huang Xiaolong’s
physical defense to higher than that of a Xiantian Fifth
Order, both in defense and power aspects.

Huang Xiaolong journeyed back to Duanren Empire while

practicing in the Xumi Temple, leaving behind Blessed
Buddha Empire’s territory quickly. However, due to the
unbearable price of activating the Godly Mt. Xumi for flight,
most of the time Huang Xiaolong preferred not to use it.
Calculating the journey’s time span, he would use a grade
one spirit stone every four days on the Ten Buddha
Although grade one spirit stones were valuable, this way,
Huang Xiaolong wouldn’t delay his journey nor his
cultivation. He had just enough grade one spirit stones for
him to reach Duanren Empire, he would think of a way to
procure more in the future.

Four months came and went.

Huang Xiaolong rushed and finally made it back to Duanren


In cultivation, the higher the realm, the harder it was to

progress and Huang Xiaolong was no exception. After
breaking through into Xiantian Fourth Order, his cultivation
speed was slower compared to prior. Still, he managed to
reach peak late-Xiantian Fourth Order in four months’ time,
half a step more and he could advance into Xiantian Fifth

Just as Huang Xiaolong calculated, his twenty pieces of

grade one spirit stones were spot on. The last one crumbled
to dust as he arrived in Duanren Empire’s territory and he
spent another ten days to reach Duanren Imperial City.
Staring at the familiar city gates before him, an inexplicable
emotion washed over Huang Xiaolong’s heart, just like what
he felt after returning to the Huang Clan Manor from Luo
Tong Royal City the first time he left home, more than a
decade ago.

Inhaling deeply, Huang Xiaolong lifted his foot and walked

towards the city gates.

There weren’t many changes to Duanren Imperial City,

scenes filled his eyes that weren’t that much different a
year and a half ago, still as bustling and lively, the endless
lines of carriages and prosperous buildings on the streets.
“In a few days, it is the Guo and Huang Family’s big wedding
celebration. I heard that this time, all of the over one
thousand kingdoms under Duanren Empire sent either their
emissary or Prince to congratulate the event!”

“Not only that! The news I heard is that even Emperor

Duanren himself would be appearing at the wedding

“What is that Huang Xiaolong’s real identity? Also, what is

the relationship between out Emperor Duanren and his
guard Zhao Shu?”

“Who knows, but I heard Huang Xiaolong is not in the

Imperial City at the moment.”

Huang Xiaolong listened to the grapevine around him as he

strolled along the streets.

His younger sister Huang Min and Guo Tai’s wedding was in
three days, a union between the Guo and Huang Families,
and the Imperial City was in a festive atmosphere with
colorful lanterns hung high in the streets.

Catching the young men in front saying Huang Xiaolong

wasn’t in the Imperial City as the moment, Huang Xiaolong
couldn’t resist laughing, “Little brother, where did you hear
it from that Huang Xiaolong is not in the Imperial City at this

The young man who heard Huang Xiaolong calling out to

him turned around, scrutinized Huang Xiaolong up and down
a few times before laughing, “Little brother? You don’t seem
to be that much older than me. I have a close brother that is
working as a guard in the Huang Estate, of course I would
know. From your appearance, you must have followed your
family’s elders over to the Imperial City to congratulate the
Huang Estate right?”

Huang Xiaolong was stunned for a moment at the young

man’s words. He laughed it off and did not say anything.
However, this young man seemed to be someone from the
lower kingdoms, thus he did not recognize Huang Xiaolong’s

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong did not deny, the young man
thought he had guessed correctly, “This must be your first
time in Duanren Imperial City right?”

At this time, an abrupt ruckus swept the bustling streets, a

series of surprise and shock exclamations rang in the air.

Huang Xiaolong and the two young men looked over and
saw a group of people sprinting down the busy streets on

One of the young men paled: “It’s the Tie Family’s people!”

“Tie Family?” Huang Xiaolong was puzzled.

“The Tie Family is also the Guo Family’s in-laws. The current
Patriarch of Guo Family, Guo Shiwen’s younger sister, Guo
Xiaoqing, is married to the Tie Family’s Patriarch, Tie Fang!”
The same young man explained.
Chapter 234: Wounded My
Chapter 234: Wounded My Xiao’er

“They are also the Guo Family’s in-laws?” Huang Xiaolong

was surprised. But then a frown appeared on his face as he
looked over to the Tie Family’s disciples on the dashing
horses, saying “The Tie Family’s disciples actually dare to
race on their horses in the Imperial City, aren’t they afraid
of repercussions from the law?”

This naive sounding question made the young man chuckle

wryly while shaking his head, “Now that the Guo Family is
becoming in-laws with the Huang Family, even Emperor
Duanren needs to give Guo Family some face. Moreover, the
Tie Family is in-laws with the Guo Family too, not to mention
racing on the streets of the Imperial City, even if they kill
someone in broad daylight on the streets, no one would
dare to stop them!”

At this time, the group of Tie Family disciples on horses had

arrived within a hundred meters of Huang Xiaolong. The
other people nearby hurried to scatter and avoid their path.

Watching this, the young man advised anxiously, “Let us

avoid quickly, otherwise those Tie Family disciples will
really…!” Before he even finished his words, his hands shot
out and pulled Huang Xiaolong to a safer side of the street.

However, Huang Xiaolong remained standing like a

mountain on the same spot.
The young man was stunned. But the Tie Family disciples
were only a dozen meters from them, the young man’s face
was ashen and had to let go of his hand. Like everyone else
in the vicinity, he jumped out of the Tie Family disciples’

By this time, there were only a few meters left between the
sprinting horses and Huang Xiaolong, whereas the group of
Tie Family disciples burst out in raucous laughter after a
momentary shock when they noticed Huang Xiaolong
standing in their path, unlike the others that had run for
safety early on.

“Brothers, there are still people that aren’t afraid of death!”

The frontmost young man amongst the group laughed
loudly, and as if on cue, the rest laughed with him.

All the while Huang Xiaolong looked at the laughing group

with a cool expression.

Closer, less than five meters between them, Huang Xiaolong

suddenly raised his right hand and struck his palm to the
front. Multiple golden lights whistled through space, right
into the Tie Family disciples. Before the surrounding crowd’s
eyes, every individual and horse struck by the golden lights
stopped moving, frozen in place just a few meters away
from Huang Xiaolong.

The previous young man had a flabbergasted expression on

his face staring at the live statues consisting of the Tie
Family disciples.

“What kind of battle skill is this?!” And he wasn’t the only

one looking dumbfounded at the scene in front of them.

Huang Xiaolong strutted in an unhurried pace towards the

young man leading the group of Tie Family disciples.
Seeing Huang Xiaolong approaching them, the young man
was terrified and angered at the same time. To disguise his
fear, he threatened Huang Xiaolong, “Little maggot, you’re
absolutely dead! You actually dared to attack and injure us?
Do you know who we are? We’re Tie Family disciples! I’m Tie
Xiao and my father is the Tie Family’s Patriarch, Tie Fang!
You’re f*cking dead, I tell you!”

“Tie Fang?” Huang Xiaolong snickered.

So, this little brat was that what’s-his-name Tie Family

Patriarch’s son… in other words, he was Guo Shiwen’s
nephew? No wonder this brat was another arrogant young

Huang Xiaolong lifted his right hand again, fingers bent a

little like a claw as he clutched at Tie Xiao’s throat, lifting
him into the air. Exactly what he did to the Guo Brothers two
years ago.

Being lifted up into the air by his throat, Tie Xiao had
disbelief and fear written all over his face.

“Brat, you dareㅡ!”

“Immediately release our Young Lord, if not, even an

Immortal descending won’t be able to save you!”

“Not only you, your entire family will be buried together with
you!” The Tie Family guards roared at the top of their lungs,
while the rest stared dumbstruck at Huang Xiaolong’s
bravado, including the young man that tried to pull Huang
Xiaolong to safety earlier.

Listening to the clamors from the Tie Family guards, a

mysterious smile arched at the corner of Huang Xiaolong’s
mouth. Without warning, he let go of his grip on Tie Xiao’s
throat. However, Huang Xiaolong’s action made Tie Xiao
think he was afraid. A finger pointed at Huang Xiaolong as
Tie Xiao bellowed, “You maggot, it’s too late for you even if
you let me go now! I want your whole family dead! You,

Before Tie Xiao could state his powerful threat to the end,
Huang Xiaolong struck out another palm with a turn of his
wrist, striking accurately on Tie Xiao’s chest. Letting out an
earth-shaking wail, Tie Xiao’s body was sent flying. When he
crashed down, large amounts of blood were spurting out
from his mouth.

“Young Lord!!!” The Tie Family guards cried out.

Huang Xiaolong struck out another palm, this time it was

aimed towards the Tie Family guards. A palm imprint
pierced through space, sending the large group of guards
tumbling out in a whirlwind. Huang Xiaolong fused the first
move of the Asura Sword Skill into this palm strike, although
it was much weaker than using the Blades of Asura, it was
sufficient to deal with this level of fodder. Amongst these Tie
Family guards, the strongest was only a Xiantian Second
Order. Therefore, to Huang Xiaolong they were a trivial

The heads in the crowd turned to look at Tie Xiao and his
guards, then turned the other way to look at Huang
Xiaolong. There were a thousand and one expressions, from
admiration to worship, pity, and others in between.

At this point, the same young man who pulled Huang

Xiaolong earlier arrived at his side, saying in an anxious
tone, “Bro, hurry and leave the Imperial City immediately,
run as far as you can! If the Guo and Tie Families’ people
arrive, you won’t be able to run even if you wanted to!”
“Run?” Huang Xiaolong shook his head. “I’ve just returned.
My younger sister is getting married in three day’s time, I
need to be there for the ceremony so I won’t run.”

The young man blanked at Huang Xiaolong’s reason, “Bro,

how can you be thinking about your younger sister’s
wedding in this situation? Fleeing for your life supersedes
everything, if your life is already gone, would you still be
talking about attending your younger sister’s wedding?!”

Watching the young man’s anxiety and concern for him, a

feeling of goodwill towards this young man emerged in his
heart. After all, they were nothing more than strangers on
the same street

“Which family are you from?” Huang Xiaolong looked at the

young man and asked.

Again, the young man blanked. What situation was he in,

this man still has the time to enquire which family he’s

“Bro, forget which family I come from. Quickly get out of the
Imperial City, most likely the Guo and Tie Families already
knew what happened here!” The young man became even
more anxious.

Whereas Huang Xiaolong was cool as a cucumber, “What

are you so anxious for?”

Hearing this sentence made the young man speechless to

the core. In the end, he could only give up, answering
Huang Xiaolong with a helpless expression: “My name’s Gao
Yong, a Gao Family disciple from the Geer Kingdom.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “Since we’re both free, how about

we go and have a few drinks?”
Since we’re both free?

Have a few drinks?!

The young man felt an onslaught of dizziness, he truly did

not know what to say anymore.

At this time, Guo Shiwen, Guo Shiyuan, and some others

were seated in the Guo Family Mansion’s main hall, laughter
and voices filled the air. Next to Guo Shiwen sat a beautiful
woman, and that beautiful woman was none other than Guo
Shiwen and Guo Shiyuan’s younger sister, Guo Xiaoqing.

Guo Xiaoqing was laughed dazzlingly, “Big brother, Second

brother, now that our family is becoming in-laws with the
Huang Family, even Emperor Duanren needs to pay
attention to our Guo Family. I want to see who dares to
blaspheme our Guo Family in the future!”

Guo Shiwen and Guo Shiyuan were full of smiles.

“Patriarch!!” At this moment, a Guo Family guard ran into

the main hall all flustered shouting, “It’s bad, Young Master
Tie Xiao was beaten on the streets!”

Guo Shiwen, Guo Shiyuan, and Guo Xiaoqing were


“What did you say?!” A brief moment passed and Guo

Xiaoqing instantly awakened as the meaning of the Guo
Family guard dawned on her, “You’re saying someone
wounded my Xiao’er?”

“Yes, on Dawn River Street!” The guard confirmed.

“Dawn River Street,” Guo Shiyuan repeated, “It’s not far
from our Guo Mansion.”

Guo Xiaoqing jumped to her feet. Undisguisable wrath in her

voice: “I want to see who has such big guts to dare hurt my

Guo Shiwen stood up too, ordering the guard with a cold

sneer, “Tell people to have the city gates on lockdown, that
punk must not escape!” He turned towards Guo Shiyuan
and Guo Xiaoqing, “Let’s go and have a look, we’ll capture
that punk alive!”
Chapter 235: Young Noble Huang!

“Big bro, do we need to inform Father about this matter?” At

this moment Guo Shiyuan brought up a question.

Hearing this, Guo Shiwen chuckled instead, “I say, Second

Bro, how big could this matter be? Is there a need to bother
Father with such sesame-seed size matter? The Old Man is
accompanying House Master Huang, Miss Huang Min, and
the rest.”

“That’s right.” Guo Xiaoqing a parroted her Big brother’s

decision, “Second Brother, in my opinion, you’re becoming
more of a scaredy cat. With the status our Guo Family has
now, who do we need to be afraid of? Even if that person is
Duan Wuhen, he must still give our Guo Family an

Guo Shiyuan no longer opened his mouth at his sister’s


Hence, the three of them exited the Guo Mansion in a grand

manner, leading more than a hundred experts with them,
heading towards Dawn River Street. The entire Duanren
Imperial City was on lockdown, the commoner felt a heavy
foreboding atmosphere like the gloomy monsoon rain.

The entire time, Huang Xiaolong stood in the same spot, in

the same street, chatting merrily with the young man.

Anxiety was biting all over Gao Yong like a million ants when
he suddenly paled, staring at Huang Xiaolong’s back. At the
end of the street, Guo Shiwen, Guo Shiyuan, and Guo
Xiaoqing were rushing in their direction.

Gao Yong’s heart sank faster than falling off a cliff.

Noticing Gao Yong’s expression, Huang Xiaolong knew that
behind him the Guo Family had arrived, but he acted
indifferent to the situation. Tie Xiao and the Tie Family
guards, on the other hand, lit up when they saw Guo
Shiwen’s group walking towards them on the street, with a
trail of experts.

However, when Guo Shiwen and Guo Shiyuan saw Huang

Xiaolong’s back, both of them stiffened.

“This is…?!” Guo Shiwen and Guo Shiyuan exchanged a

look, the expressions on their faces mirrored each other,
unease, fear, and terror. Although they had yet to see the
person’s face, still, how could they not recognize Huang
Xiaolong’s silhouette?

Guo Xiaoqing’s anger had already erupted from afar, seeing

her son’s injured appearance, “Who wounded my Xiao’er!? I
will dig out all the bones in his body one by one!”

When these words entered Guo Shiwen and Guo Shiyuan’s

ears, their faces turned from pale to ghastly white.

“Mother!” Under the Tie Family guards’ assistance, Tie Xiao

managed to greet his mother, Guo Xiaoqing, and came to
her side. “It was him, it was this little punk! Mother, after
you’ve captured this punk, I want to dig out every bone in
his body with my own hands!”

Guo Xiaoqing looked at Huang Xiaolong with a

contemptuous cold sneer, “Don’t worry, he has no way to
run!” Her eyes signaled one of the guards that followed
along. Just as that guard was about to take action, Guo
Shiwen and Guo Shiyuan finally awoke from their trance.

“Stop!!” Both bellowed at the same time. Their order was so

sudden that everyone was stunned for a moment, turning
towards them.

Before the stunned Tie Xiao, Guo Xiaoqing, Gao Yong, and
the crowd, Guo Shiwen and Guo Shiyuan approached Huang
Xiaolong looking like frightened kids, faces full of guilt and
apprehension: “Young Noble Huang!”

Young Noble Huang! Guo Shiwen and Guo Shiyuan’s stance

was filled with fear, trepidation and utmost respect. Utterly
shocking everyone around!

Even more so was Tie Xiao, his eyes were rounded wide, as
were his Mother’s eyes next to him, and Gao Yong standing
in front of Huang Xiaolong.

Gao Yong’s gaze fell on Huang Xiaolong. To be called

respectfully as Young Noble Huang by Guo Shiwen and Guo
Shiyuan, there was only….

There was only…?!

Huang Xiaolong!

He is Huang Xiaolong! The thought flashed in Gao Yang’s

mind and his breathing quickened, a little light-headed that
the Huang Xiaolong was standing in front of him! Heavens!
He actually spoke with Huang Xiaolong?! Wait, wait, wait,
what did Huang Xiaolong call him just now, brother?! Yes, it
was ‘brother.’ Huang Xiaolong even invited him to drink a
few cups of wine?! Gao Yong could hardly determine the
directions of north, south, east, or west at the moment.

Gao Yong guessed Huang Xiaolong’s identity from Guo

Shiwen and Guo Shiyuan’s greetings, and so did Tie Xiao,
Guo Xiaoqing, and the rest of the guards that followed over.
Suddenly, Tie Xiao’s four limbs started to shake
uncontrollably. The Tie Family guards’ legs were swaying
violently as if there was a class thirteen super earthquake.

Guo Xiaoqing’s beautiful face lost all color.

What did she say to Huang Xiaolong just now? Dig out every
bone from his body one by one?

Finally, Huang Xiaolong turned around, looking at the

frightened Guo Shiwen and Guo Shiyuan before glancing at
the trembling Tie Xiao and the ashen Guo Xiaoqing.

“Patriarch Guo.” Huang Xiaolong ‘greeted’ nonchalantly.

Hearing that, Guo Shiwen stood in attention: “Here, Young

Noble Huang!”

Here, Young Noble Huang!

Guo Shiwen’s response before Huang Xiaolong raised weird

expressions from the crowd, he was akin to a well-trained
house slave.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes scanned the hundred over experts

standing behind Guo Shiwen, his indifferent voice sounded:
“Patriarch Guo brought so many people over so that you can
dig out my bones one by one?”

Beads of sweat poured out on Guo Shiwen’s forehead and

face as he listened to the question. He hurried to deny,
“Young Noble Huang, it’s a misunderstanding, really a
misunderstanding. We really didn’t know it was you, truly!”
If he knew early on, give him a thousand hearts and he still
wouldn’t dare to do such a thing, ah! At this moment, Guo
Shiwen even wished he could just drop dead!
“Tie Xiao, why aren’t you kneeling down and begging
forgiveness from Young Noble Huang?!” Guo Shiyuan
suddenly turned around and snapped furiously at Tie Xiao.

Tie Xiao somehow managed to walk to Huang Xiaolong with

his shivering knees. Falling to a kneel, Tie Xiao exclaimed
fearfully, “Young Noble Huang, I, I didn’t know it was you,
Your Elderly! Have mercy, ah!” 1

Your Elderly!

Watching the incoherent and clumsy Tie Xiao due to overly

frightened, Huang Xiaolong frowned. Noticing the tiny frown
on Huang Xiaolong’s brows, Guo Shiyuan’s heart
plummeted, and it was at this time that several figures
came with the wind whistling. In the blink of an eye, they
arrived in the midst of the scene.


“Senior Zhao, Senior Zhang!”

The several people were Guo Family’s Ancestor Guo Chen,

as well Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu.

Guo Shiwen, Guo Shiyuan, and the other Guo Family

members’ hanging hearts loosened slightly by seeing Guo
Chen’s arrival.

“Young Lord!” Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu walked up to Huang

Xiaolong, greeting respectfully.

Huang Xiaolong nodded in return.

“Father!” Guo Shiwen, Guo Shiyuan, and Guo Xiaoqing

hurried to Guo Chen’s side, but before they could utter the
second word, Guo Chen barked: “All three of you kneel
down!” The three adults shivered at Guo Chen’s order. Yet,
all three knelt down obediently.

Ignoring his children, Guo Chen came beside Huang

Xiaolong, smiling: “Young Noble Huang, I already heard what
happened here, please be assured that I will punish them
and give you a satisfactory explanation.” He placed himself
at a lower stance, full of courtesy and respect.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “Three days later is my

sister’s wedding, I will forgive this matter here. However, I
do not wish to see similar things in the future!”

Since Guo Chen had spoken, Huang Xiaolong would still give
him some face. He didn’t want the matter to become bigger
just when his sister was marrying into the Guo Family.

“Yes, Young Noble Huang! Rest assured, it will never happen

again, such a thing.” Guo Chen sighed in relief inwardly as
he guaranteed Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, he turned back towards Gao Yang

beside him, “Let us go for a drink?”

1. Your Elderly here has the same bearing as an exalted

senior citizen/old person
Chapter 236: Chen
Tianqi’S Suspicion
Chapter 236: Chen Tianqi’s Suspicion

Go for a few drinks?! Gao Yong looked at Huang Xiaolong in

a daze. In the next moment, his young blood boiled,
coursing through his veins with excitement, and his
heartbeat turned cartwheels in his chest. However, on the
surface he only managed to nod his agreement in stiff

Before long, Gao Yong followed Huang Xiaolong, leaving the

Dawn River Street. The entire way, Gao Yong felt as if he
was floating on a cloud, nothing could hook him back to

When Huang Xiaolong reached the outside of the Southern

Hill Estate, Huang Peng and Su Yan craned their necks as
they waited for him at the front entrance. The moment Su
Yan spotted Huang Xiaolong’s figure appearing on the
horizon, she hurried out in a few steps, pulling Huang
Xiaolong into a hug, “Long’er, you’re finally home!”

Being embraced in public by his mother at his age made

Huang Xiaolong slightly embarrassed, but he clearly felt Su
Yan’s motherly love and longing for her son. Recalling the
fact these years he had mostly been apart from his family,
either away or cultivating, spending very little time with
them, a trace of guilt rose in Huang Xiaolong’s heart.

“Yes Mother, I’m back!” Huang Xiaolong affirmed. Inwardly,

his heart soured.
“Good, good, as long as our son comes back safely. There
are so many people here, Yan’er, don’t embarrass our son,
let us go in first.” Huang Peng came to his son’s rescue at
this moment, comforting his wife at the same time.

Only then did Su Yan release her son. She knew her son’s
identity and status were no longer the same, hugging in
public like this was indeed embarrassing.

“Big brother!” Huang Min stood in front of her big brother

while smiling sheepishly in happiness.

Huang Xiaolong laughed watching his younger sister, “Your

wedding’s in two days’ time, your Big brother made an
effort to rush back. Thankfully, I made it in time!”

“Big bro!” Huang Min’s eyes turned red-rimmed instantly.

She too rushed up and hugged Huang Xiaolong for some
time before letting go. Huang Xiaolong studied his sister’s
loveable, delicate face as he lifted his right hand to wipe
away the tears flowing from the corner of Huang Min’s eyes,
he was pleased and content: the little girl finally grew up.

He could clearly recall as if it was yesterday when he used

to sneak out to the back mountain to practice the Body
Metamorphose Scripture, a little girl used to go all the way
up the hill to look for him.

More than ten years had passed… in the blink of an eye.

After the New Year, the little girl would be nineteen, and he,

“You’re old enough to get married yet you still cry like a little
kid. Come, let’s go in.” Huang Xiaolong smiled, teasing
Huang Min.
Huang Min nodded in agreement, tears turning into a spurt
of laughter. Hence, Huang Xiaolong, Huang Peng, Su Yan,
and the others standing at the door went into Southern
Estate Manor’s great hall, where lively words and sounds of
laughter continued.

Two days later was Huang Min’s big wedding day, and
Huang Xiaolong’s return heightened the festive atmosphere
building up in the Southern Hill Estate. Huang Xiaolong was
the backbone of the Huang Family, if Huang Xiaolong was
unable to make it back in time for Huang Min’s wedding, the
celebration and atmosphere would have felt lacking in some

Several hours later, Huang Xiaolong left the great hall and
went back to his courtyard. Summoning Zhao Shu, Zhang
Fu, and Fei Hou over, inquiring over the matters over the
past two years in the Southern Hill Estate. The three of them
respectively reported the matters under their charge one by

According to their reports, the Nine Tripod Commerce was

established successfully in Duanren Imperial City, and had
opened many branches in Duanren Empire’s main cities.
Due to Emperor Duanren’s strong support, progress and
business was good, laying a good foundation. In less than
two years’ time, the daily revenues had exceeded three to
four thousand gold coins.

With Nine Tripod Commerce’s development, Huang Xiaolong

believed that within thirty to forty years, it would become
one of the top four companies in Duanren Empire.

“Any movements from Yao Fei or the Deities Templar?”

Huang Xiaolong asked.
Zhao Shu shook his head, “Ever since the battle in Duanren
Institute where Yao Fei was rescued by that person from
Deities Templar, he did not show himself again. There were
no movements from Deities Templar.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “Tighten the estate’s patrol for the

next two days.”

“Sovereign, you mean to say Yao Fei and Deities Templar

might use Miss Huang Min’s wedding day to make trouble?”
Zhang Fu asked his doubt.

“The possibility exists, there’s nothing wrong with being

extra careful.” Huang Xiaolong said.

The Yao Family’s Manor, its foundation, its headquarters was

burned to the ground by him, Yao Fei and the Yao Ancestor
fled like dogs with their tails between their legs. No doubt
they would retaliate sooner or later.

Huang Xiaolong had a feeling, on the day of his sister Huang

Min’s wedding, something would happen.

“Sovereign, there’s something this Subordinate wishes to

report.” At this point, Zhao Shu interjected.

“Oh, speak.” Huang Xiaolong permitted.

“Both of us, me and Zhang Fu, left Asura’s Gate

headquarters and Domain Chief Chen Tianqi might have
become suspicious of something going on. He…has sent
people over to Snow Wind Continent.” Zhao Shu hesitated
before revealing the latter information.

Huang Xiaolong looked over, a light flickering in his eyes.

Has Chen Tianqi finally become aware of his existence?!
However, it had been quite some time since Zhao Shu and
Zhang Fu left Asura’s Gate, thus it was normal for Chen
Tianqi to be suspicious. Since Chen Tianqi took the first step
by sending someone over, it was safe to assume he might
soon come over the the Snow Wind Continent himself as
well. He knew this was inevitable, sooner or later it would

Perhaps the day when he and Chen Tianqi finally meet

would be the day when they compete for the Asura’s Gate
Sovereign throne.

“Asura’s Gate Sovereign!” The Asura Ring on Huang

Xiaolong’s finger gleamed.

Huang Xiaolong planned to go against Deities Templar, and

it would be an almost impossible feat relying only on
himself, therefore Huang Xiaolong must capture Asura’s
gate Sovereign position. Control Asura’s Gate and its million

“In fact, Sovereign need not worry too much for now.
Sovereign possesses the Asura Ring, the rightful successor
appointed by the Old Sovereign. Even if Chief Domain Chen
Tianqi arrives here, he can’t do anything to Sovereign!”
Zhang Fu spoke.

Huang Xiaolong nodded in silence.

Though Zhang Fu said so, if he wanted full control of Asura’s

Gate he must first subjugate Chen Tianqi!

“Sovereign, did you manage to enter the Buddha Cavern in

your trip to the Blessed Buddha Empire?” Zhao Shu glanced
at Huang Xiaolong, and cautiously asked the question he
had been burning to know the answer to.
Zhang Fu and Fei Hou quickly turned their attention onto
Huang Xiaolong. Detecting the subtle expressions on the
trio, Huang Xiaolong could guess what was going inside
their minds. Smiling slightly, he nodded, “Yes, Godly Mt.
Xumi has been reined in by me.” It wasn’t necessary to keep
the matter a secret from them, they would learn about it
one way or another.

Time seemed to paused for a moment for Zhao Shu, Zhang

Fu, and Fei Hou. Then all three dropped to their knee in
salute, excitedly lauding: “Sovereign invincible throughout!”

“Sovereign invincible throughout!”

The Godly Mt. Xumi!

The number one treasure listed on the Heavenly Treasure, it

was beyond their imagination that one day their Asura’s
Gate Sovereign would successfully rein it!

That was the legendary Godly Mt. Xumi, ah, a treasure

rumored to possess the most unbelievable power in this
world for severals thousands of years.

Thinking of this, all three of them couldn’t help but shiver


The truth was, Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu weren’t fully

confident in Huang Xiaolong wrestling the Asura’s Gate
Sovereign position from Chen Tianqi. Now, however, they
had no qualms fully standing behind Huang Xiaolong. If he
could even rein in heavenly treasures such the Godly Mt.
Xumi, would there be things he cannot do?!

“Stand up.” Huang Xiaolong looked at the three people

kneeling, said.
Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and Fei Hou acknowledged respectfully
before rising to a stand.

“Pay attention to the supply of grade one spirit stones, I

want to procure a batch of grade one spirit stones.” Huang
Xiaolong then added.

A batch?! All three were stupefied.
Chapter 237: Snow Wind
Continent’S Number One
Chapter 237: Snow Wind Continent’s Number One Beauty

A batch of grade one spirit stones! The three middle-aged

men exchanged glances between themselves.

“Sovereign, what do you need so many grade one spirit

stones for?” Zhao Shu tried asking.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “I have a use for them, just
pay attention and have them ready for me.”

“Yes Sovereign!” Seeing this, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and Fei
Hou dared not inquire into the matter.

Huang Xiaolong further asked for information about Chen

Tianqi from the three of them. A short while later, the three
figures left Huang Xiaolong’s courtyard.

After they had left, Huang Xiaolong entered the Godly Mt.
Xumi’s temple at the belly of the mountain. Coming to the
Xumi Temple’s side hall, Huang Xiaolong swallowed a drop
of Geocentric Buddha Elixir and entered the center of the
Ten Buddha Formation to practice the Godly Xumi Art.

While Huang Xiaolong was practicing the Godly Xumi Art,

internally, the Asura Tactics and Body Metamorphose
Scripture would start running on their own. All of this
happened while Huang Xiaolong’s twin dragon martial
spirits hovered in the void above him, long bodies coiled,
devouring and absorbing three different energies gushing
down―the ancient Buddhism energy, true dragon qi, and
the netherworld spiritual energy.

Above the space in Huang Xiaolong’s Qi Sea, a golden

Buddha, a golden dragon, and an Archdemon silhouette
brightly glimmered.

The night passed in practice.

Opening his eyes, Huang Xiaolong breathed out foul qi from

his mouth, “At this rate, within three months I can advance
into the Sixth Order!” Sensing the power coursing inside his
body, Huang Xiaolong was secretly delighted.

Xiantian Sixth Order!

No more than three years passed since Huang Xiaolong

stepped into the Xiantian realm! Before, this was something
Huang Xiaolong himself dared not believe.

Coming out from the Xumi Temple, Huang Xiaolong’s sight

caught a glimpse of the Linglong Treasure Pagoda. A
thought suddenly struck him. He already reached Xiantian
Fifth Order, so he wondered if he would be able to open the
third layer on the Linglong Treasure Pagoda. What would be
kept there on the third layer of the Linglong Treasure

Not dawdling, Huang Xiaolong initiated his battle qi and

tried to open the third layer of the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda. A glaring light flashed before Huang Xiaolong’s
eyes, and after opening them again, he was in a different
The four sides of this space were golden walls in four
directions, similar to the first and second layer space in the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda. Only, this third layer was much
bigger. Huang Xiaolong’s eyes scanned the space slowly,
instantly enthralled by the grand altar in the middle of the

An enormous sacrificial altar! All over the sacrificial altar

were dense carvings of ancient runes, combining into a
large mysterious array. Up on the sacrificial altar were
nineteen giant puppets that gave off a crystal-like
resplendent radiance.

All nineteen giant puppets exuded whelming pressure.

There was nothing else in the third layer space other than
the altar and the nineteen puppets on it.

“These are… puppets?” Huang Xiaolong blanked for a

moment looking at the nineteen giant puppets. He had
heard about puppets from Zhao Shu. Puppets were
something that certain people refined using some secret
method, from dead thingsㅡpuppets were undoubtedly loyal!
However, there were distinctions between low and high-
grade puppets.

Low-grade puppets had no intelligence and wore a sluggish

expression, following the orders of their master, but some
high-grade puppets were said to possess simple thoughts.
Although lacking compared the average living beings, high-
grade puppets could have independent thoughts and
actions to a certain extent.

Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette blurred in a flicker, arriving on

the sacrificial altar at the center.
From a close distance, Huang Xiaolong noticed on these
giant puppets’ foreheads, there were tiny runic patterns,
looking like a type of special letters of some ancient tribes.

“How do I control these puppets?” Huang Xiaolong

wondered as he flew the perimeter of the sacrificial altar
before landing on the left hand corner.

In that corner, there was a string of the same ancient runic

patterns that Huang Xiaolong couldn’t understand. Wrinkling
his brows, Huang Xiaolong assumed these ancient writings
explained the methods of controlling these puppets, but he
had no idea what most of it was.

“Looks like I need to make a trip to Duanren Institute to

investigate these ancient writings.” Huang Xiaolong
muttered to himself. However, he had a feeling that what
these writings explained was not the method of controlling
the puppets.

“Hmm, I wonder if my current strength allows me to open

the fourth layer as well?” Huang Xiaolong immediately
acted on the thought, running his battle qi, trying to open
the fourth layer of the Linglong Treasure Pagoda.
Unfortunately, there was no reaction, even after the second
time, everything remained still and calm. Thus, he gave up.

Huang Xiaolong was feeling somewhat depressed at the

failure, meaning he would need to break through the high-
level Xiantian realm before trying again. Coming out from
the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, Huang Xiaolong left the
Southern Hill Estate in Duanren Institute’s direction.

Just as he arrived at Duanren Institute, he ran into Xie Puti

at the front entrance.
Xie Puti was surprised running into Huang Xiaolong in this
manner, then a huge smile bloomed on his face as one hand
clasped over Huang Xiaolong’s shoulder, “I say, this time
you were missing for almost two years, a pity for me that I
can’t even find someone to drink with me. Do you know how
much suffering I went through this period?!”

Huang Xiaolong laughed wryly, “Then, shall we head to the

wine house now?”

“Do you need to ask, you can’t escape today!” Xie Puti
exclaimed with glee. Both of them headed straight towards
the Sapidity Wine House in the amusement area.

While passing by the red house, Xie Puti grinned sheepishly,

“How about it? Shall we spend a night here after drinking?”

Huang Xiaolong was stumped at the idea, smiling bitterly he

shook his head: “Forget it.”

Xie Puti chuckled, “Ever since Yao Fei fled in shame, Zhao
Wuji, that tramp, rarely shows her face in Duanren Institute
anymore. This red house is mostly handled by Cui Li, that
tramp, now.”

“Cui Li…” This piece of news was unexpected for Huang

Xiaolong. Inexplicably, he couldn’t remember the time
during the Imperial City Battle, of Cui Li clinging onto him,
the attempts of ‘seduction.’ Thinking about it, it was close to
two years since he hadn’t seen Cui Li.

“What? Missing that tramp?” Detecting the myriad of

changes flashing passed Huang Xiaolong’s face, Xie Puti
taunted good-naturedly.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head in silence. A few moments

later, both of them walked into the Sapidity Wine House.
Like all those times before, like it was a tradition, Huang
Xiaolong took all of the remaining jugs of Sapidity Wine for
the day. Cups clinked continuously as Huang Xiaolong and
Xie Puti enjoyed their wine.

“I heard you were in Blessed Buddha Empire?” Xie Puti


Huang Xiaolong nodded, not denying his whereabouts.

Xie Puti continued, “I heard Blessed Buddha Empire’s Holy

Buddhism Maiden, Shi Xiaofei is our Snow Wind Continent’s
number one beauty. So, did you get the chance to meet her
when you were there?”

Shi Xiaofei? Snow Wind Continent’s number one beauty?

Huang Xiaolong was baffled at the multitude of questions

and then laughed wryly. He found this Xie Puti overlapping
with Luo Tong Kingdom’s Prince Lu Kai with each passing
day. Thinking of Lu Kai, he wondered, how was he now? He
would probably ascend to the Luo Tong Kingdom’s throne in
a few years’ time.

Huang Xiaolong had no chance to meet that fella ever since

he came to Duanren Imperial City, and truth be told, he
missed that guy a little.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t have many friends, there was one Lu

Kai, and now a Xie Puti.

“That Shi Xiaofei is Blessed Buddha Emperor Shi Fantian’s

daughter.” Xie Puti continued his topic, “There were rumors
coming from the Blessed Buddha Empire saying that if Shi
Fantian leaves the Martial Spirit World to ascend to the
Buddha World, this Shi Xiaofei would be the most likely
person to take over his position as the Empress of Blessed
Buddha Empire.”

“Oh!” Huang Xiaolong was surprised.

“Forget it, let’s not talk about that Shi Xiaofei.” Xie Puti
chuckled, “The day after tomorrow is your sister’s big
wedding day, when’s your turn coming? Do you need this
brother to introduce a few girls to you?”
Chapter 238: The Bedlam Lands

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and laughed hearing Xue

Puti’s generous offer, “No need”. Li Lu’s shadow appeared in
his mind.

Xie Puti chuckled at Huang Xiaolong’s reaction, “I’ve heard

about your story. Is it because of that girl that the Deities
Templar took away, Li Lu?”

Huang Xiaolong didn’t want to talk about it, so, changing

the topic, he asked, “Do you know which auction house
keeps grade one spirit stones?” The Xie Family had a broad
intelligence network and Xie Puti could have some
information about this.

“You want to buy grade one spirit stones?” Xie Puti was
surprised. He continued, “Grade one spirit stones are very
scarce and the three top companies in our Duanren Empire
rarely auction them, but I know of a place that has them.”

“Oh, where is it?” Huang Xiaolong’s interest rose.

“Sin City, the Bedlam Lands!” Xie Puti lowered his voice as
he said the name of the place.

Huang Xiaolong’s brows creased into a furrow.

Zhao Shu had mentioned about this place to him. Bedlam

Lands was the most violent, chaotic, complicated,
bloodthirsty, and heinous place in the Martial Spirit World.
Everywhere, every day was complete balagan filled with
killing, thievery, and vile, corrupted morals.

There are three main continents in the Martial Spirit Worldㅡ

Snow Wind Continent, Star Cloud Continent, and Ten
Directions Continent. 1 Other than these three continents,
there were also many dangerous and forbidden lands.

And this Bedlam Lands sat in between the Snow Wind

Continent and Ten Directions Continent, also an ancient
battlefield ruin of the primordial God Tribes. Its land area
was filled with thick dead air and demonic air. The climate
was of polar extremes, from frozen ice lands that stretched
as far as a thousand li to scorching plumes of magma,
hotter than a furnace, and there were wide barren plains
that bore no living beings.

Because of these unique characteristics of the Bedlam

Lands, none of the three continents or neighboring empires
bothered themselves with it. In short, all three continents
washed their hands off the Bedlam Lands.

Amongst all the wicked chaos, Sin City prevailed and stood
above others as the largest domain in the Bedlam Lands.

Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti drank as they talked, three

hours passed by the time they left the wine house. Outside
the entrance, Xie Puti suddenly said, “It’s been a long time
since the two of us sparred, how about a match?”

Huang Xiaolong was stumped with the sudden request, but

he refused, “Next time, I have something to do.” He feared
Xie Puti would receive too big a blow if his current strength
was revealed.

However, Xie Puti insisted vehemently, “No way, I had just

broken through to Xiantian Third Order a few days ago,
today I absolutely must spar with you as revenge for the
Imperial City Battle three years ago!”

Huang Xiaolong looked at Xie Puti seriously, “Must we really

Xie Puti nodded solemnly: “We definitely must!”

It didn’t take them long to get to a secret battle chamber in

Duanren Institute. The Duanren Institute constructed two
types battle stages within its grounds; the open battle stage
and the secret battle chamber. Students were allowed to
use these stages to spar with other students; for those who
wished to keep things low profile, the secret battle chamber
was an option.

Both of them entered the secret battle chamber together,

yet barely ten minutes later, both were seen walking back
out again. Xie Puti was swollen in the face with black and
green bruises and a slight limp in his gait. All the while, a
strange expression hung on his face as he glanced at Huang
Xiaolong from time to time. He was depressed, frustrated,
and many complex emotions all rolled into one.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Xie Puti saying, “I’ve said next

time, you were the one who insisted to spar.”

Xie Puti cursed wryly, “Damn, you freak actually broke

through to the Fourth Order?! It seems hardly possible
anymore to avenge myself in the future!”

After entering the secret battle chamber earlier, Huang

Xiaolong merely exposed a Xiantian Fourth Order’s strength.
Even so, Xie Puti was beaten up to the point he was crying
for mercy within ten minutes. His situation could only be
described as miserable, he couldn’t put even an inch of
resistance in front of Huang Xiaolong.

That year, during the Imperial City Battle, Huang Xiaolong

defeated Xie Puti with the strength an order lower, at
Xiantian First Order. Now that Huang Xiaolong’s strength
exceeded his, all his dreams of revenge were pulverized into
powdered dust.
Hearing Xie Puti claiming his strength to be Xiantian Fourth
Order, Huang Xiaolong did not clarify the misunderstanding,
it would only rise more unnecessary issues if Xie Puti knew
the truth: not only had he broken through Xiantian Fifth
Order, his strength was actually closer to a peak late-
Xiantian Fifth Order, Xie Puti might start knocking his head
against walls.

“I have some injury healing pellets, do you want some?”

Huang Xiaolong grinned as he took out a small jade bottle
from the Asura Ring.

Xie Puti grumbled as his hand reached out to take the

bottle, “Couldn’t you be a little gentler.”

Huang Xiaolong laughed: “Then I’ll be gentler next time.”

A cold shiver ran down Xie Puti’s back hearing this. He

quickly shook his head and waved his hands vigorously,
“Forget it, no matter who I find to spar with, I won’t be
looking for you!”

Both broke out in laughter.

Moments later, Xie Puti left the Duanren Institute, while

Huang Xiaolong made his way to the Institute’s library.

At the library entrance, just as Huang Xiaolong wanted to

step in, he was stopped by one of the students on guard.
The student librarian looked at Huang Xiaolong up and down
as he stated, “Are you a new student? Don’t you know the
Institute’s rules? To enter the library, all students must
display their student badge and wear the Institute’s robe.”

Huang Xiaolong’s brows scrunched slightly.

Indeed, there was such a rule in Duanren Institute, however,
under normal circumstances, the student librarians wouldn’t
really request every student that enters the library to be in
robes and have the Institute’s badge on display. Because no
one dared to disguise as a Duanren Institute’s student
unless they felt they had lived enough.

‘But… this student librarian doesn’t recognize me? It has

only been two years since I have left the Institute,’ Huang
Xiaolong touched his chin as this thought crossed his mind.

“I don’t have the Institute’s student badge on me right

now.” Huang Xiaolong said, and he was telling the truth.

However, though he may not have the Institute’s student

badge with him, he did have Duan Ren’s Golden Token and
was pondering if he should take that out instead.
Unfortunately, the student librarian’s actions were quicker.
Sneering, he said: “Don’t have your student badge on you?
Little rascal, I think you aren’t our Duanren Institute’s
student at all! How dare you disguise yourself as one of our
Duanren Institute’s students!”

Huang Xiaolong was struck dumb at the accusation, a wry

smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Yet the student librarian was emboldened and continued,

“Little rascal, you’re really looking for death daring to
disguise as our Duanren Institute’s student! Come, you’re
coming with me to the Penalty Hall!” His hands reached out,
wanting to capture Huang Xiaolong.

This student librarian didn’t seem weak, a strong gust of

wind formed as his fingers bent into a claw shape, reaching
out. Huang Xiaolong stood calmly, waiting. When the
student librarian’s hand drew close before him, Huang
Xiaolong raised his palm and gently pressed forward,
instantly shattering the claw attack.

The student librarian felt an overwhelming force surging

towards him, pushing him back again and again until he
reached the corner. Being repelled so easily by Huang
Xiaolong, the student librarian was surprised and angry at
the same time. He made a second attempt to detain Huang
Xiaolong, a glaring light burst out from his body, going out
at full force.

“Wait!” Huang Xiaolong shouted.

It was ignored by the student librarian, his palm continued

to aim at Huang Xiaolong, stronger than before, laced with a
trace of killing intent.

Detecting this, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes grew cold as his

patience wore thin. When the student librarian got close
enough, Huang Xiaolong’s body swayed to the side, his
palm snaked out and landed a palm strike on his chest.

The student librarian screamed, his body thrown far back.

His scream attracted the attention of others, thundering
footsteps rushed in from all directions towards the library’s

1. Used to be Shifang Continent
Chapter 239: Ancient Puppetry Art

Detecting more than a dozen strong auras rushing in his

direction, Huang Xiaolong remained calm. Within a few
breaths’ gap, several student librarians had Huang Xiaolong

In that dozen of student librarians, most had an expression

of astonishment seeing him. Obviously, some of them
recognized Huang Xiaolong.

At this point, the first student librarian sent flying by Huang

Xiaolong’s palm climbed up from the floor and wobbled to
his fellow students’ side, specifically ‘reporting’ to one of
them, “Senior Brother Chen, this rascal wanted to trespass
into the library, disguising himself as our Duanren Institute’s
student. I tried to stop him but he attacked and injured me!”

The student librarians that recognized Huang Xiaolong

turned a ghastly shade of white hearing that. Especially
Senior Brother Chen. His hand shot out in anger, slapping
the student librarian with enough force to send him
tumbling away before turning around and facing Huang
Xiaolong on his knees, “Young Noble Huang, he’s blind for
being unable to recognize Your Elderly, please forgive us!”

The others who recognized Huang Xiaolong quickly followed

suit on their knees out of apprehension, whereas the first
student librarian was flabbergasted and stood dazedly as he
watched a group of student experts including Senior Brother
Chen on their knees.

Unable to recognize Your Elderly? Huang Xiaolong looked at

this ‘Senior Brother Chen’ who was kneeling in front him.
Did he look so old?
“It’s nothing, all of you get up.” Huang Xiaolong said.

That Senior Brother Chen hesitated for quite a while before

slowly getting to his feet. Although he stood up, his waist
leaned at a respectful angle with his head lowered, not
daring to look at Huang Xiaolong directly. The other student
librarians stood in a similar posture.

“Can I go in now?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

Senior Brother Chen blanked at Huang Xiaolong’s question,

unable to make heads or tails out of it, he remained blank.

“Can I go in now?” Huang Xiaolong asked again when no

response came.

Senior Brother Chen reacted this time around, nodding

energetically, “Of course, of course, Young Noble Huang.
Please, please, this way Young Noble Huang!” swiftly
stepping to the side, giving a wide berth for Huang Xiaolong
to pass. The other students parted to the sides, making a
big path in the middle.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, lifted his foot and walked into the

Only after Huang Xiaolong was out of sight did Senior

Brother Chen straighten his back, cold sweat seemed to
soak the back of his robe through and through. His hand
dripped with drops of sweat from his forehead.

Some students that were still confused as to who Huang

Xiaolong was, came beside Senior Brother Chen, cautiously
inquiring, “Senior Brother Chen, who was that kid just now,
Senior Brother Chen scanned the faces crowding around
him, slowly spitting three words from his mouth: “Huang-

Huang Xiaolong!

Like an abrupt thunderbolt on a clear day, the students

trembled and eyes rounded with fear. Whereas the first
student librarian who had just gotten up from the floor a
second time felt his legs weaken, shaking uncontrollably,
falling butt first to the ground.

That person was actually Huang Xiaolong! Huang Xiaolong,

the person even Emperor Duanren needed to greet as Young
Noble Huang courteously!

“Oh my mother, so that was His Elderly!” After a long time,

one of the student librarians exclaimed aloud when the truth
sunk in.

That Senior Brother Chen looked at the first student

librarian, “I hope Young Noble Huang doesn’t blame us, if
not, not only us, even our families might be implicated!”

While shocked discussions were going on at the front,

Huang Xiaolong arrived at the ancient languages section of
the library, flipping through books one by one from the
shelves and comparing them to the ancient runic-like
patterns etched on the edge of the sacrificial altar.

There was more than one ancient language in existence.

The ancient demonic beast clan and ancient human race
used different forms of writing and just the ancient human
race alone had many different forms, based on their own
tribes’ uniqueness.
“The Linglong Tribe.” Out of the many books he had pulled
from the shelves, Huang Xiaolong found similar ancient
texts belonging to the Linglong Tribe in the yellowed pages
of an old book. Comparing them to the text he saw on the
sacrificial altar, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes shone with joy.

According to the old book, the Linglong Tribe was one of the
ten biggest human race tribes.

“Golden Linglong Body?!” Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong was

shocked as he read further down, for the book brought up
the Golden Linglong Body. His eyes narrowed in
concentration. His shock increased as the book stated that
the Golden Linglong Body originated from the ancient
Linglong Tribe’s sacred canon!

“Could the Linglong Treasure Pagoda have been refined by

the ancient Linglong Tribe?!” A great wave rose in Huang
Xiaolong’s heart, for the Linglong Treasure Pagoda’s
heritage skill was none other than the Golden Linglong

On top of that, the text patterns on the sacrificial altar on

the third layer of the Linglong Treasure Pagoda matched
with the ancient Linglong Tribe’s text. Without a doubt, the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda was definitely connected to this
ancient tribe.

Several hours later, Huang Xiaoling finally finished

translating the text on the sacrificial altar in the third layer
of the Linglong Treasure Pagoda.

Puppetry Art!

These words jumped out at Huang Xiaolong. The sacrificial

altar actually recorded an ancient puppetry art.
The records stated that cultivating the Ancient Puppetry Art
could continuously temper and strengthen one’s spiritual
force and will. The stronger and more powerful one’s
spiritual force and will, the higher the chances of them
refining a high-grade puppet, which was more powerful.

Huang Xiaolong was ecstatic beyond words. This Ancient

Puppetry Art could temper and strengthen one’s spiritual
force and will!

Huang Xiaolong did not lack battle qi cultivation techniques

or battle skills, the only thing he lacked was a way to
temper his spiritual force!

It was already dark outside by the time Huang Xiaolong

come out from the library. When he reached the entrance,
the dozen or so student librarians were still there.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong emerging from within the library, all

of them shivered for no reason, scrambling forward as they
called out: “Young Noble Huang, you’re out!”

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes swept over them, he knew very well

the reason these students were still waiting here for him. He
openly said, “Very well, I don’t blame any of you for this
matter, go home.”

Huang Xiaolong truly did not hold the matter in his heart. At
the moment, he was in a very good mood due to the
Ancient Puppetry Art.

Huang Xiaolong walked away after leaving such a sentence

to the student librarians. Only then were Senior Brother
Chen and the rest able to breathe out in relief as if they had
just escaped the biggest calamity of their lives.
When Huang Xiaolong returned to the Southern Hill Estate,
he immediately entered the third layer of the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda. In a single leap, he landed on the
sacrificial altar at the center. Going through the ancient text
once again, committing it to his memory, he sat cross-
legged and started practicing, following the method stated.

The essence of practicing this Ancient Puppetry Art was

meditation, meditation, and meditation. Meditate to sense
everything in the world, letting his spirit blend into the
surrounding space, feeling every gust of wind, every drop of
water, every spark of fire in the space around him, allowing
them to temper his spiritual force.

The night passed quickly.

Although it was merely one night, Huang Xiaolong could feel

a significant improvement in his spiritual force.

It seems I must practice at least three months before I can

start controlling these puppets. Huang Xiaolong stared at
the nineteen giant puppets.

He estimated that with his practice speed he needed three

months to achieve minor completion in the Ancient
Puppetry Art, entering the first level to brand a soul mark.
Only after branding the puppets with a soul mark was it
considered fully controlling them.
Chapter 240: Something Really Happened!

Two days passed in busy preparations for the wedding.

On this day, Huang Xiaolong exited the Linglong Treasure

Pagoda, where he had spent the last two days perfecting his
self-created Earthen Buddha Palm skill.

Huang Xiaolong’s Earthen Buddha Palm was inspired by the

millions of Buddha statues in the Buddha Cavern, the
invisible spiritual pressure emanating from each of the far
reaching waves of Buddha statues and their effect on the
spirit, while the Ancient Puppetry Art was a rare cultivation
technique that strengthened one’s spiritual force. Thus,
practicing the Ancient Puppetry Art greatly enhanced Huang
Xiaolong’s Earthen Buddha Palm’s attack power.

After two days of practice, Huang Xiaolong saw a big stride

in improvement for his Earthen Buddha Palm. But then
again, Huang Xiaolong did not neglect his Godly Xumi Art,
Asura Tactics, and Body Metamorphose Scripture. He was
getting stronger with each passing day.

When Huang Xiaolong appeared, Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu

sensed at once the change in Huang Xiaolong’s aura,
enough to make two high-level Saint realm experts lament
with admiration.

“What’s the situation these days?” Huang Xiaolong asked

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu when he saw them.

“Replying to Sovereign, everything is normal.” Zhao Shu

promptly answered.

Huang Xiaolong made his way to the great hall and while
doing so, he cautioned them: “Increase defense measures
for today, everyone must be extra alert!”

Today was his sister’s wedding day! Huang Xiaolong had a

strong premonition, Heartless Young Noble Yao Fei would
definitely choose to mire his sister’s wedding day!

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong arrived at the great hall

where Huang Peng, Su Yan, and Huang Xiaohai were

Seeing Huang Xiaolong walk in, all three of them stood up,
gathering around him.

“Father, Mother.” Huang Xiaolong greeted.

“Long’er, you’re here.” Su Yan smiled as she pulled Huang

Xiaolong to a chair next to hers.

“Where’s Ah Min?” Huang Xiaolong looked around, asking

when he did not see his sister.

“Getting her makeup done, she should be coming out soon.

The Guo Family will be arriving in an hour or so.” Su Yan
answered with a small laugh. It was obvious to see that she
was very happy.

Huang Xiaolong nodded. A tiny sigh sounded in his heart, in

no more than an hour’s time, the Guo Family’s wedding
procession would be picking up his sister, Huang Min.
Although the distance between the Southern Hill Estate and
Guo Mansion wasn’t great, after today, his sister would be
counted as a Guo Family member.

Still, Huang Xiaolong was happy for Huang Min, she found
someone she loved and wanted to be together with him.
Huang Xiaolong stayed in the great hall, spending some idle
time with his parents and younger brother. Half an hour
later, Huang Xiaolong said, “They are probably close, let’s
go and have a look?”

Huang Peng, Su Yan, and Huang Xiaohai nodded happily.

Hence, the four stood up and headed towards Huang Min’s

“Master, Madame, Young Lord, and Third Young Lord!” When

they arrived in Huang Min’s courtyard, the maidservants
and guards knelt in salute.

“Where’s Second Miss?” Huang Peng asked.

“Replying to Master, Second Miss is having her makeup

done, she should be ready soon.” One of the maidservants

Huang Peng nodded and the four of them entered the outer
room of Huang Min’s boudoir.

“Father, Mother, Big brother, Little Brother!” Huang Min had

just finished with her makeup when she saw the four people
come in and called out eagerly as she stood up.

Everyone laughed and nodded, praising Huang Min’s

appearance. “My sister’s the most beautiful today.” Huang
Xiaolong complimented.

Huang Xiaolong spoke the truth. The light makeup

emphasized Huang Min’s youthfulness with a hint of the
budding glamorous woman about to bloom, fresh and

Huang Min blushed shyly, “Big brother, you only know how
to tease me.”
“Big Sis1, it’s true! You look really beautiful today!” Huang
Xiaohai chimed in with a huge grin on his face.

Huang Min smiled sweetly, “Really?”

Putting on a solemn expression, Huang Xiaohai insisted in a

serious tone: “Really!”

This small interaction made others in the room burst into

laughter. Su Yan suddenly stepped forward, pulling Huang
Min into her arms. Her eyes turned slightly red, with
glistening tears threatening to fall.

“Mother.” Huang Min cried. Even she was influenced by Su

Yan’s tears.

“You, ah, what are you crying for, this is a joyous occasion.
Moreover, it’s not like Min’er won’t be back here.” Huang
Peng comforted his wife.

Huang Min nodded with resolute, “Mother, I will come back

often to visit everyone.”

Su Yan wiped the tears away, smiled and nodded. Her baby
daughter was getting married! Su Yan was happy, but more
than that, she was reluctant to part with her.

A short moment later, blaring sounds from suonas, drums,

and gongs came from outside. A sign that the bride escort
procession from the Guo Family had arrived to pick up the

“Let’s go out.” Huang Xiaolong spoke.

Everyone agreed. Thus, Su Yan held Huang Min’s hand as

they walked out of Huang Min’s yard towards the estate’s
entrance. The main entrance was very lively when they got
there, other than the bride escort wedding procession
members from the Guo Family, there were spectating
disciples from other forces crowding the street.

The Guo Family went all out with the wedding procession,
three to four hundred people enough to line from the
Southern Hill Estate’s entrance to the other end of the
street. Spotting Huang Min and the rest coming out from the
estate, Guo Tai, who was at the front of the line, hurried to
meet them.

He first greeted Huang Peng and Su Yan: “Uncle, Auntie”

and then respectfully towards Huang Xiaolong: “Big

Though today was their wedding day, Guo Tai and Huang
Min had to go through the ceremony first, before he could
change how he addressed Huang Peng and Su Yan. Su Yan
nodded and walked over to Guo Tai, releasing Huang Min’s
hand from her own and placing it into Guo Tai’s hands. A
symbolic gesture that she was passing her daughter to Guo
Tai. While doing this, Su Yan couldn’t resist and a teardrop
rolled down the corner of her eye.

“Guo Tai,” Huang Xiaolong reminded: “You must treat my

sister well. If you dare to bully her or make her feel
aggrieved in any way, I will not spare you!”

Guo Tai was a little scared but he promised, “Don’t worry,

Big brother, I will definitely treat Min’er well, I absolutely will
not let her be wronged!”

Huang Xiaolong nodded, satisfied.

Soon, the Guo Family’s wedding procession lifted up the red

bride palanquin with Huang Min sitting inside and started to
head towards the Guo Mansion.
Strings of pearl-like tears fell on Su Yan’s cheeks as she
watched the Guo Family wedding procession leaving,
growing smaller in her sight. Huang Peng opened his mouth
but no words of comfort came.

“Father, Mother, let’s go back first.” Huang Xiaolong

persuaded. According to Martial Spirit World’s tradition, the
girl’s family needed to wait until the wedding procession
reached the future husband’s residence before they could
go over for the next step ceremony.

Nodding, all of them returned inside the estate.

However, just as everyone turned around, Huang Xiaolong

suddenly spun around, eyes searching the other end of the
street vigilantly.

“Long’er, what is it?”

Huang Xiaolong replied: “Nothing.” But his eyes held a

deeper meaning as they directed a look at Zhao Shu and
Zhang Fu. Both nodded their heads slightly and disappeared
with a sway without anyone noticing.

Huang Xiaolong remained waiting at the same spot after he

told Huang Peng, Su Yan, and his younger brother to go in
first. Before long, Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu returned.

“So?” Huang Xiaolong questioned.

Both of them shook their head, “Replying to Sovereign, we

found nothing.”

Huang Xiaolong frowned, he was sure he felt a trace of

killing intent. Although it was only a split second instant.
Then, Huang Xiaolong’s heart sank: Guo Family’s wedding
“Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, both of you immediately go catch up
with the Guo Family’s wedding team!” Huang Xiaolong
blurted out of anxiousness.

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu exchanged a glance, they

understood what Huang Xiaolong meant in the next
moment; Huang Xiaolong was afraid Yao Fei might make a
move against the wedding procession team!

“Yes, Sovereign!” Both already disappeared before the voice


Huang Xiaolong relaxed a little after sending Zhao Shu and

Zhang Fu over. However, a short while after Zhao Shu and
Zhang Fu went away, powerful energy fluctuations came
from the distance, close to the Southern Hill Estate. Huang
Xiaolong’s face tightened, they really targeted the Guo
Family’s wedding procession!

Sister! Huang Xiaolong disappeared in a blur, sprinting

towards the source of the energy fluctuations.

1. She is the first female born in the family, thus HXH calls
her Big Sis
Chapter 241: Under Brutal Siege

When Huang Xiaolong arrived on the scene, Zhao Shu and

Zhang Fu were battling four people in the sky!

The person battling Zhang Fu was none other than Li Lu’s

master, Li Molin, whereas Zhao Shu was fighting one against
three the Yao Family’s Ancestor Yao Shan, and two other
people from Deities Templar, which was obvious from the
Deities Templar’s Elder robes on their backs.

But, Yao Fei was nowhere to be seen.

Below, on the street, members of the Guo Family’s wedding

procession were lying in pools of scarlet red blood. Not far
away at a street corner, Guo Tai blocked in front of Huang
Min with the remaining number of Guo Family disciples,
grouped together in a defensive circle.

Seeing both his sister and Guo Tai were still safe and sound,
Huang Xiaolong let out a breath of relief.

“Big brother!” Huang Min cried out when she spotted Huang
Xiaolong and quickly ran over to his side with Guo Tai.

“Are you two alright?” Huang Xiaolong concerned.

“We’re unhurt.” Huang Min and Guo Tai shook their heads.

Huang Xiaolong’s tension disappeared hearing they were


At this time, sounds of whistling wind rang in the sky as

figures rushed over to the battle scene, everyone turned to
look and saw it was Emperor Duanren and Guo Family’s
Ancestor, Guo Chen.
“We’re leaving!” Seeing it was Emperor Duanren and Guo
Chen, Li Molin, who was battling Zhang Fu, made a forceful
palm strike to push Zhang Fu back, barking orders to her

Zhang Fu met her palm strike head on.

A thunderous explosion pushed both of them apart and Li

Molin seized the chance, disappearing into the void in a

The other three people, Yao Shan and the two Deities
Templar Elders, did the same. All three attacked Zhao Shu
all out with a palm strike, disappearing into the void after
pushing Zhao Shu back.

Seconds after the four had fled, Emperor Duaren and Guo
Chen arrived, the expression on their faces was grave and
solemn, with rage boiling underneath. Especially Guo Chen.
His face darkened facing the scene of Guo Family disciples’
bodies lying in pools of their own blood.

“The Yao Family went too far!” Guo Chen roared lowly
through gritted teeth, suppressing his rage. An intense
hatred burned in his eyes.

Today was a big joyous occasion for the Guo Family, yet Yao
Shan was so shameless as to disregard his Saint realm
status, attacking Guo Tai and these disciples. This action
provoked Guo Chen’s ire.

Arriving not far behind Emperor Duanren and Guo Chen

were Duan Wuhen and a group of Guo Family experts.

However, the wedding was an important affair and it

wouldn’t do good to miss the good hour, thus Guo Chen
instructed the Guo Family experts to tidy up the matters
while he seeked Huang Xiaolong’s opinion on the wedding’s
arrangement, and then proceeded to send Guo Tai back to
Guo Mansion with Huang Min, escorted by Guo Family

“Young Lord, Yao Family’s Ancestor and those people, do you

want us to…?” After Guo Tai’s group left the scene, Zhao
Shu approached Huang Xiaolong, inquiring.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head instead, “No need to chase.”

Although that Yao Shan was merely a Saint Third Order, with
Deities Templar’s experts and Li Molin’s help, to chase up
and kill him wouldn’t be an easy matter.

“Duan Ren,” Huang Xiaolong looked over to Emperor

Duanren beside him, “I need to trouble you to lock down the
city and search if there are any Deities Templar and Yao
Family’s disciples.”

Emperor Duanren replied with prompt courtesy, “Young

Noble Huang is too polite, it’s no trouble at all. It’s
something we should do.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded his head.

Following Huang Xiaolong’s request, Guo Chen too sent Guo

Family experts out to comb the Imperial City.

Roughly one hour later, the remaining of Guo Family’s

wedding procession arrived at the Guo Mansion with Guo Tai
and Huang Min. With Guo Tai and Huang Min’s safe arrival at
the Guo Mansion, the Huang Family went over.

“Long’er, how about we try to make peace with the Yao

Family?” on the way over, Su Yan suggested with a worried
face. She had heard about the Yao Family Ancestor Yao Shan
and some Deities Templar experts slaughtered many of the
Guo Family’s wedding procession members midway.

Huang Xiaolong looked at his mother, noticing her deep

worry lines, he shook his head saying, “Mother, even if we
agree to talk peace, the Yao Family would not agree.”

Disregarding the personal grudge Huang Xiaolong had with

Yao Fei, just the fact that Huang Xiaolong burned the Yao
Family’s foundation of thousands of yearsㅡ Yao Manor to
ashes was no different than burning all possibilities of peace
between them.

Moreover, he didn’t wish to make peace with the Yao Family.

Su Yan sighed inwardly hearing her son’s answer. In fact,

deep down she already knew it was useless and impossible.

“But the Deities Templar…” Su Yan hesitated. At the mention

of Deities Templar, even Huang Peng revealed a worried

The truth was the Yao Family Ancestor wasn’t a threat, it

was the Deities Templar at his back. From Zhao Shu, Zhang
Fu, Yu Ming, and Fei Hou’s conversation, both Huang Peng
and Su Yan understood to a certain extent what kind of
terrifying existence the Deities Templar was.

A tyrannical hegemony that even the entire Duanren Empire

needed to be wary of!

“Mother, Father, rest assured, a day will come when I will

annihilate Deities Templar with my own hands!” Huang
Xiaolong spoke the vow slowly.

And this day would not be too far away!

Both Huang Peng and Su Yan thought Huang Xiaolong was
comforting them, thus neither said anything more on the

About an hour later, Huang Xiaolong, Huang Peng, Su Yan,

and Huang Xiaohai arrived at the Guo Mansion. When they
arrived at the front entrance, the Guo Family’s Ancestor Guo
Chen, Guo Shiwen, Guo Shiyuan, and Guo Tai were already
waiting for them in person. Lead by Guo Chen personally,
the group made their way into the main hall, sitting down in
two sections.

“Emperor Duanren has arrived~!” Shortly after Huang

Xiaolong and the others sat down, came Guo Family’s Chief
Steward Zhang Yue’s voice announcing Emperor Duanren’s
arrival from outside.

Emperor Duanren in person!

Everyone present was baffled, but they stood up and went

outside to welcome the Emperor.

Regardless, today was his sister’s wedding, thus Huang

Xiaolong could be considered as half a host. The Emperor
personally coming for the banquet, Huang Xiaolong indeed
should go and welcome him.

“Congrats, congrats, ah!” Just as Huang Xiaolong and the

rest stepped over the archway, Emperor Duanren walked in
with a wide smile, cupping his fists in greeting.

Huang Xiaolong and Guo Chen also cupped their fists in


Duan Wuhen following behind Emperor Duanren also

cupped his fists, congratulating Huang Xiaolong and Guo
Chen in a respectful manner. Other than Duan Wuhen, there
was a beautiful woman with noble bearing together with
them. Huang Xiaolong guessed this woman must be Duan
Wuhen’s mother and he was right. Emperor Duanren
introduced her as Duan Wuhen’s mother.

Emperor Duanren’s arrival instantly livened up the banquet.

The many forces that came to congratulate, all stood up and
saluted, a joyous mood filled the air as wine and laughter

With Emperor Duanren, the group moved to a more private

hall and sat down.

However, Huang Xiaolong did not relax his vigilance. He

instructed Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and Yu Ming to keep an eye
on the surroundings for any sudden unforeseen situation.
The Yao Family’s Old Ancestor may have run off after failing
to achieve his goal, ambushing the wedding procession
team, but Huang Xiaolong had a gut feeling that things
wouldn’t end so easily.

Furthermore, there was something strange about Yao Fei’s

absence today.

When the banquet’s atmosphere was at its liveliest, a

Huang Family guard burst in until he was in front of Huang
Xiaolong, “Young Lord, a message came, more than a dozen
Nine Tripod Commerce’s branches were under brutal siege.”

More than a dozen of Nine Tripod Commerce’s branches

were under brutal siege!

The big hall quieted in an instant. Countless pairs of eyes

turned to look at Huang Xiaolong.

A fierce light glinted in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, there was no

need to ask, the Nine Tripod Commerce being under brutal
siege must be the handiwork of the Yao Family and Deities
Chapter 242: Formless Poison

More than a dozen Nine Tripod Commerce’s branches were

under brutal siege. Like Huang Xiaolong, those present at
the wedding banquet easily guessed the masterminds being
the Yao Family and Deities Templar. Everyone in the hall
remained quiet as no one dared to interrupt Huang
Xiaolong’s contemplation.

It was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.

“Young Lord, should I make a trip to the branches?” Seconds

ticked and Zhang Fu suddenly stood up saying.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head instead at his question, “No


There were more than ten Nine Tripod Commerce branches

being sieged, Zhang Fu alone, even if he knew how to split
himself into a dozen body clones and went there, he might
fall into the enemy’s well-laid trap. The Yao Family and
Deities Templar’s purpose in attacking the Nine Tripod
Commerce branches may be to draw Zhao Shu and Zhang
Fu away from his side.

“How are the casualties for each branch?” Huang Xiaolong

turned around, directing the question to the Huang Family

“Replying to Young Lord, the disciples of these several Nine

Tripod Commerce are, are…” The Huang Family guard
hesitated at this point.

“Say it!” Huang Xiaolong raised his voice.

“Are almost all dead. Only a few disciples managed to
escape from each branch.” The Huang Family guard blurted
everything out.

Almost all dead! Huang Xiaolong’s face darkened.

Every Nine Tripod Commerce branch had at least three to

four hundred disciples, a dozen branches amounted to four,
five thousand disciples!

“Pass the order down, all disciples are to return and

assemble back here.” Huang Xiaolong’s solemn voice

This debt, Huang Xiaolong jotted it down to be settled with

the Yao Family and Deities Templar in the future!

“Yes Young Lord!” The Huang Family guard respectfully


Huang Xiaolong waved the guard away. Today was his

sister’s wedding, an important day for her.

Exactly at this moment, in a dilapidated abandoned

courtyard on the north section of Duanren Imperial City,
space fluctuated. Li Molin, Yao Family’s Ancestor Yao Shan,
and the two other Deities Templar Elders emerged from the
void. And together with them were Yao Fei and Ao Baixue.

Six people appeared in total. Li Molin scoffed, “I didn’t

expect Huang Xiaolong, that little brat, to endure it so well,
foiling our plan!”

Ao Baixue frowned deeply, “With Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu

around, it’ll be difficult for us to act.”
Yao Fei snorted, “It doesn’t matter even if Zhao Shu and
Zhang Fu are present, my Formless Poison is undetectable
even by a high-level Saint realm expert!” As Yao Fei said
this, his hand took out a dark purple jade bottle out from his
spatial ring.

“Formless Poison!” The five with Yao Fei paled slightly,

including the high-level Saint realm Li Molin.

The Formless Poison’s toxicity superseded all other poisons,

being heralded as the king of poison. Rumor has it, the
Formless Poison has neither color, taste, nor form. Totally
invisible to the naked eye and senses, even high-level Saint
realm experts could not detect its presence. Once someone
is poisoned, other than Saint realm experts, who could
suppress and gradually force out the poison with their Saint
power, those of lower realms died without exception.

And the victim would be subjected to a pain like the bites

from millions of ants, like the sharp fangs of millions of
snakes piercing them, like the wrenching of the soul by
millions of ghouls, tortured to the very last moments of

However, the Formless Poison was said to have been lost

more than two hundred years ago, no one imagined that Yao
Fei would have something like it in his possession, not even
the Yao Family’s Ancestor Yao Shan.

“That’s right, Formless Poison!” Yao Fei nodded proudly,

“This Formless Poison was something I got one year ago
from a cave in the Raven Hills. I’ve already instructed one of
the Guo Mansion’s wine servers to mix this poison into the
celebration wine being served today at the banquet!”

A cruel light flashed across Yao Fei’s eyes, “When Huang

Xiaolong, that punk, drinks the wine, hehe..!”
In fact, he could already imagine Huang Xiaolong’s face
distorting with pain and misery. Li Molin and the rest inhaled
sharply. If everything went according to what Yao Fei said,
today, the Guo Manor’s wedding would be turned into a
mass funeral!

Not only would Huang Xiaolong die in torment, every

member of the Huang Family, all of Guo Family and its
disciples, the guests that came to congratulate the Guo
Family, from nobles to big and small forces’ Patriarchs, all
will meet their end.

Only Guo Family’s Ancestor Guo Chen, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu,
and Emperor Duanren could survive!

“Isn’t it a bit too much this way?” Old Ancestor Yao Shan
said with his brows scrunched together. “Duan Wuhen and
Imperial Consort Fei are inside the Guo Mansion too.”

Duan Wuhen was Emperor Duanren’s most favored son, the

successor to Duanren Empire, whereas Imperial Consort Fei
was Emperor Duanren’s beloved concubine, also Duan
Wuhen’s birth mother. If both of them died tragically in the
Guo Mansion under the Formless Poison, their hatred would
turn into a blood feud, forged into eternity!

If it came to that, the Yao Family could not be rebuilt on

Duanren Empire’s land any longer!

Yao Fei knew what his family ancestor was worried about,
saying: “Ancestor, Duan Ren wouldn’t let us be even if we
do not kill Duan Wuhen. Since it is so, why should we need
to care about a mere Duan Wuhen? Moreover, we’re going
to destroy Dunren Empire sooner or later, killing Duan
Wuhen now is like pulling out one of that old guy’s arms.
Isn’t that much more favorable to us?”
Hearing this, Yao Shan nodded his head in agreement.

At this time, the Guo Manor was once again filled with a
joyous mood. Mostly, it was due to Huang Xiaolong
suppressing the matters related to the attack on Nine Tripod
Commerce branches that the wedding banquet wasn’t
affected much.

Approaching the wu hour1, Guo Tai and Huang Min, dressed

in brilliant red wedding garbs, came out to bow to heaven
and earth and pay their respects to parents and elders
under the ritual officer’s guidance.

“First bow to Heaven and Earth!” The ritual officer cried at

the top of his lungs.

After Guo Tai and Huang Min had done so, the ritual officer
continued, “Second bow to parents!”

Watching the two youngsters, Huang Peng and Su Yan, Guo

Shiyuan, and the elders, including Huang Xiaolong were full
of cheers.

Finished performing their bows to the parents, Guo Tai and

Huang Min made the third and final bow towards each other
as husband and wife.

Thus, the ceremony was completed.

“Wonderful! Let us move to the seats and begin the

banquet.” Moments later, Guo Family’s Ancestor Guo Chen
announced. Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong nodding, everyone made their way

to the tables, including the guests waiting in the outer hall,
consisting of Patriarch from all over Duanren Empire’s

Guo Shiyuan instructed Chief Steward Zhang Yue to serve

the wine and dishes after getting the nod of approval from
his father, Guo Chen.

“Yes!” Zhang Yue acknowledged with respect. He turned

around and bellowed: “Serve the wine and dishes!”

“Serve the wine and dishes!”

The Guo Family’s servants kicked into a flurry of actions,

plates after plates of dishes and jugs of wine were brought
to the guests’ tables. It did not take long for them to laden
the tables with fragrant, colorful dishes. There were sixteen
types of dishes on every table, every delicacy from the land
and sea that one could think of, cheerful laughter filled the

However, when Guo Tai stood up with a wine cup in his

hands to toast with Huang Peng, Huang Xiaolong, and the
others, Huang Xiaolong’s voice rang sharply: “Wait!”

It was too sudden that the guests were startled, all turning
around to look at Huang Xiaolong.

In front of everyone, Huang Xiaolong sucked a wine urn to

his hand with a single hand: “There’s something wrong with
the wine!”

“What?! Something wrong with the wine?” All present were

taken aback.

“This…?!” Guo Chen, Emperor Duanren, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu

exchanged a baffled glance.
Before they could say anything, a dazzling black and blue
light shot out like lightning from Huang Xiaolong’s body,
revealing his twin dragon martial spirits behind him. Both
the black and blue dragons sucked at the wine urn, drawing
strands of dark purple lights from the urn of wine, gathering
in the air above, turning into a vague demonic shadow,
shrieking shrilly, making everyone shudder.

1. 11 am – 1 pm
Chapter 243: Promoted To
Holy Maiden
Chapter 243: Promoted to Holy Maiden

Watching as a mysterious dark purple light flew out from the

jug of wine into the air, forming the strange image of a
howling demon, everyone present turned a shade white for
this was something only the most toxic of poisons could
reach. The toxic fumes shaped like a demon!

Seeing the dark purple demon-shaped fumes in the air,

something flashed in Zhao Shu’s mind recalling something.
He blurted: “This is Formless Poison!”

Formless Poison!

The Patriarchs of families and nobles alike turned ghastly

pale with shock at the mention of Formless Poison. Emperor
Duanren and Guo Chen jumped to their feet in

“Formless Poison, this, how can this be!”

“Didn’t the Formless Poison disappear more than two

hundred years ago?! How can it appear here?!”

A wave of shock, confusion, and unease swept the guests.

Most of them were Patriarchs of small and big forces or part
of a kingdom’s royal family, their knowledge far exceeded
the commoners’, therefore many of them knew a thing or
two about this Formless Poison, even Huang Xiaolong who
was usually calm on the surface had a ripple of surprise
traveling across his face.

Earlier, the twin dragon martial spirits in his body were

agitated for some reason he couldn’t understand. Feeling
strange at their behavior, Huang Xiaolong followed their
feelings and locked onto the jug of wine the Guo Family
servants served up.

There was a problem with the wine! Huang Xiaolong firmly

concluded his findings just as Guo Tai raised his wine glass
to toast, which was why Huang Xiaolong spoke curtly to stop
them from drinking. At that moment, Huang Xiaolong had
no idea the wine was laced with Formless Poison.

It was actually the Formless Poison! After a split second of

surprise, a ferocious gleam shone in Huang Xiaolong’s
pupils, the murder in his heart soared sky high. Huang
Xiaolong wasn’t the only person with the intense killing
intent, Emperor Duanren, Guo Chen, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu,
and the Patriarchs of the many families of forces present
had a similar reddish bloodlust in their eyes.

“Who was it! How dare they put poison into the celebration
wine at the Guo Family’s mansion!” One of the big family’s
Patriarch failed to repress his wrath, loudly shouted.

The truth was glaring obvious to all that the person behind
this planned to kill indiscriminately, taking the lives of
everyone in the Guo Mansion, including them, who came to
congratulate on the occasionㅡpoisoning every Patriarch,
leader, and disciple!

Because Huang Xiaolong had the news about the Guo

Family’s wedding procession being ambushed blocked off,
none of these guests who came to attend the banquet were
aware of the matter yet. If they knew, they’d easily guessed
the mastermind behind the poison was none other than the
Yao Family!

Huang Xiaolong scanned the crowd and his cold voice

rendered the air: “It’s the Yao Family!”

“What?! Yao Family?!” The hall was in an uproar.

“That’s right, it’s the Yao Family. Earlier, our Guo Family’s
wedding procession was attacked by the Yao Family’s
Ancestor and Deities Templar.” Guo Chen interjected.

The Guo Family’s wedding procession was attacked by the

Yao Family’s Ancestor and Deities Templar! This message
was a booming shock to all present.

“The Yao Family is atrocious! Plotting to have us all die here!

We must retaliate, exterminate all of Yao Family’s disciples!”

“Right, kill off all Yao Family’s disciples!” Majority of

Patriarchs and royal families from fealty kingdoms
responded to the suggestion, anger and wrath surged.

Emperor Duanren motioned the angry guests to calm down

with his hand, he turned to his son, Duan Wuhen, beside
him: “Pass the order, mobilize all the territories’ army,
search and kill all Yao Family’s disciples. I do not wish to see
any Yao Family disciple in my Duanren Empire!” Emperor
Duan Ren’s eyes glimmered with a chilling cold killing
intent, making those standing close to him shrink away

The Yao Family poisoning the celebration wine at the Guo

Family’s wedding banquet had stirred the hornet’s nest,
completely angering Emperor Duan Ren. If it wasn’t for
Huang Xiaolong detecting something amiss, his son Wuhen,
his Consort Fei, and the many present Patriarchs and royals
would have left their lives here.

Sensing the terrifying killing intent coming from Emperor

Duanren, only one thought crossed the minds of the people
present: the Yao Family’s done it this time!

Although Huang Xiaolong burned the Yao Family

headquarters to the ground, there were still many Yao
Family branches all over the empire in remote small towns
and less fertile lands.

However, this time they were truly being uprooted from the

At this point, Huang Xiaolong faced Guo Shiyuan with an icy

expression, “Capture and detain all the servants responsible
for today’s food and wine, interrogate them one by one!”

Guo Chen and Guo Shiyuan finally awakened and realized

one of the crucial points. That’s right! Although this matter
was orchestrated by the Yao Family from the shadows, it
wouldn’t succeed if there wasn’t a spy amongst the Guo
Family’s servants. The wine wouldn’t be tainted with poison.

Immediately, Guo Chen instructed to have all the servants

in charge of the food and wine served tonight captured and
detained. However, before long, Chief Steward Zhang Yu
returned to report all servants in charge of food and wine
died due to poisoning.

“What? All dead from poison!” Guo Chen’s face was ugly.
Obviously, this was another move from the Yao Family. Guo
Chen seethed with anger and frustration.

“Have all the celebration wine and dishes changed, change

everything!” A short while later, Guo Chen said to Guo

Though the rest of the wine wasn’t determined to be

poisoned, Guo Chen still had everything replaced as a safety
precaution. Guo Shiwen acted swiftly. To accommodate such
a large occasion, the Guo Mansion did make backup

When the new dishes and wine were sent up and

determined safe by Huang Xiaolong, everyone relaxed and
raised their cups. But, the joyous atmosphere had
dampened noticeably due to the unexpected scare.

At the same time, in the same abandoned courtyard on the

north side of Duanren Imperial City, Yao Fei’s face twisted
hideously. He already got the message saying Huang
Xiaolong found out about the Formless Poison. But Yao
Family Ancestor Yao Shan looked worse, he could imagine
what kind of scene the remnants of Yao Family’s disciples
would face the coming onslaught.

The Yao Family foundation that he had struggled to build in

the past thousand years will be turned into gray ashes on
the ground.

“I didn’t expect Huang Xiaolong, that little punk, to actually

be able to detect the Formless Poison!” Ao Baixue
harrumphed coldly.

Yao Fei sneered, “This outcome is fine too, letting him die so
easily is letting him off too lightly. I want to kill him with my
own hands, let him have a taste of living worse than death!”

Li Molin interjected, “Li Lu was found out to possess a high-

grade God Tribe bloodline and the Temple Preceptor has
chosen her to be promoted to a Holy Maiden. She must not
find out about this.”
Yao Fei and the rest understood Li Molin’s meaning.

“Very well, we’re heading back.” Li Molin said in her cold

sullen one, “We’ll look for other opportunities in the future
to kill Huang Xiaolong, that little brat.” With a flicker, her
body swayed and disappeared into the void. The rest
followed one after another and the abandoned dilapidated
courtyard returned to silence.

Night descended and the surroundings were quiet.

At this hour, the Huang Family had already returned to the

Southern Hill Estate from the Guo Mansion.

Standing quietly in his yard, Huang Xiaolong reflected the

day’s event, from the Guo Family’s wedding procession and
Nine Tripod Commerce branches being attacked to the
Formless Poison in the wine, his eyes grew increasingly cold.

Deities Templar, the Yao Family, he must exterminate them

at the earliest!

Next day morning, Huang Xiaolong exited the Xumi Temple

hall and headed to the estate’s great hall. Seeing that both
of his parents were present, Huang Xiaolong hesitated for a
moment before telling them about his plan to head to the
Bedlam Lands.

“What? Long’er, you’re leaving again?” Su Yan’s high spirits

turned glum.

Watching his mother’s expression, Huang Xiaolong felt a

tinge of guilt. Sighing in silent, he nodded: “Yes, Mother.”
This trip to the Bedlams Lands was something he must do,
not only because of the grade one spirit stones.
However, breaking through to the Sixth Order was more
urgent, Huang Xiaolong decided to leave after that. Hence,
he would depart one month later.
Chapter 244: Breakthrough Xiantian Sixth Order!

When Huang Xiaolong said he would only be departing for

the Bedlam Lands after one month, Su Yan’s face looked
slightly better.

Thus, in the coming one month, Huang Xiaolong

concentrated his effort on breaking through to Xiantian
Sixth Order, spending his time cultivating inside Godly Mt.

Other than the Godly Xumi Art, Asura Tactics, and the Body
Metamorphose Scripture, Huang Xiaolong worked at
improving his Ancient Puppetry Art and Soul Mandate from
the Absolute Soul Pearl, both of these were crucial to Huang

Combining the Ancient Puppetry Art and Soul Mandate,

Huang Xiaolong believed he would be able to control and
build an expansive team made of Xiantian warriors.

With Huang Xiaolong’s current strength, he could advance

to the first level of Ancient Puppetry Art in three months’
time, at that time, he would be able to refine a Xiantian
Sixth Order, perhaps even Seventh Order puppet!

Not to mention, the Soul Mandate too could be used to

control warriors of Sixth and Seventh Order Xiantian. When
Huang Xiaolong broke into the Saint realm in the future,
perhaps he could even control a Saint realm warrior!

Time flowed like running water, twenty days quietly passed.

Huang Xiaolong divided most of the twenty days practicing

within the Xumi Temple and the remaining to accompany his
parents as well as his younger brother, giving advice in their
cultivation. Limited by the potential of their martial spirits, it
bore almost zero chances for Huang Peng, Su Yan, and
Huang Xiaohai to advance into the Xiantian realm, but
Huang Xiaolong was confident he could do what others

In the future, he would make sure his parent, sister, and

brother would break through to Xiantian. If Saint realm
couldn’t do it, then he would strive to break through to God
Realm, if that still fails, he would continue, advancing to
higher realms.

Above the God Realm, there were more powerful existences!

In the last twenty days, vibrant netherworld battle qi, true

dragon qi and ancient Buddhism energy surged endlessly,
while above his Qi Sea, the three shaped Archdemon,
Golden Dragon, and Golden Buddha became more and more

As Huang Xiaolong cultivated, breathing in and out, so did

the three mandates that had taken form. The netherworld
spiritual qi, true dragon qi and ancient Buddhism energy
poured down from the void.

The black and blue twin dragons hovered above Huang

Xiaolong, faint echoes of dragon roars sounded endlessly
and dragon scales shone with a steely glint on their huge
bodies. The twin dragons had evolved into real, solid
entities. Hovering behind Huang Xiaolong, they looked like
two daunting mountains of black and blue.

On this day, Huang Xiaolong started practicing like he

usually did. Taking a drop of Geocentric Buddha Elixir, he
stepped into the Ten Buddha Formation at the center of the
temple hall and started practicing the Godly Xumi Art, while
the Asura Tactics and the Body Metamorphose Scripture ran

After so many months of practicing inside the Ten Buddha

Formation, Huang Xiaolong noticed there was an additional
benefit, other than connecting to the Buddhism energy in
the Buddha World, the Ten Buddha Formation allowed the
person cultivating to enter a state of ethereal emptiness.
Entering this state, Huang Xiaolong’s cultivation seemed
smoother and faster.

Every time at the end of his practice, Huang Xiaolong felt

his soul and physique undergoing another cleansing, just
like the sanctification ritual.

As Huang Xiaolong continued with his breathing exercise,

the netherworld battle qi, true dragon qi and ancient
Buddhism energy continued to course in his meridians,
whereas in his Qi Sea, the three different energies were
buoyant and stalwart.

Three vigorous energies crashed against the Sixth Order

barrier, causing a soul splitting pain to spread over Huang
Xiaolong’ body.

Huang Xiaolong knew it was time. Swiftly gathering his

focus, Huang Xiaolong did his best to suppress the pain
spreading out in every inch of his body.

The tearing pain came again and again as Huang Xiaolong

persisted, crashing at the Xiantian Sixth Order barrier again
and again.

Entering the Xiantian realm, especially mid-levels Xiantian

realm, every order advance was like an uphill battle. The
pain that came with it was ten, a hundred fold what a
Houtian warrior experienced, so much that even someone
as strong willed as Huang Xiaolong could barely grit his
teeth and bear the soul splitting pain.

It went on for some time, and suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s

body shook as a breaking sound echoed internally. Three
different lights burst out from Huang Xiaolong’s body, filling
the entire space of the Xumi Temple.

Sixth Order, he broke through!

The netherworld battle qi, true dragon qi and ancient

Buddhism energy cheered into Huang Xiaolong’s Xiantian
Sixth Order meridians route.

Bright lights exploded from the twin dragons hovering

above, dragon scales fell off like autumn leaves and regrew
as their bodies became bigger. Huang Xiaolong’s twin
dragon martial spirits evolved every time he broke through
a Xiantian Order.

Huang Xiaolong continued running the Godly Xumi Art,

Asura Tactics, and the Body Metamorphose Scripture,
stopping only when the signs of breakthrough stabilized.
Submerging his spiritual sense to check his body’s
condition, Huang Xiaolong was overjoyed, he advanced!
Reaching Xiantian Sixth Order, then the Seventh Order was
closer within his grasp.

As long as he reached Xiantian Seventh Order, he was a

high-level Xiantian warrior! No matter in which empire, a
high-level Xiantian warrior carried an extremely high status.

However, Huang Xiaolong did not immediately depart to the

Bedlam Lands, he took some time to spend with his family.
His sister Huang Min also came to the Southern Hill Estate
for visits several times after marrying over to the Guo
Watching this pair of newlyweds acting sweet and lovely,
Huang Xiaolong was happy for them and content. His sister
had chosen the right person.

Inevitably, the intimate pair also made Huang Xiaolong think

of Li Lu, the young woman dressed in a white flowing dress,
revealing two lovely dimples when she laughed.

‘I wonder what she’s doing now…’ Huang Xiaolong

wondered to himself.

Ten days came and went.

In these ten days, Huang Xiaolong had firmly stabilized his

recent breakthrough, even enhancing his Ancient Puppetry
Art and Soul Mandate. Initially, according to Huang
Xiaolong’s estimation, he needed at least three months time
to reach the first level of Ancient Puppetry Art, but only two
months had passed and he had already reached the first

“It’s time to head to the Bedlam Lands.” On this day, Huang

Xiaolong exited the Godly Mt. Xumi, muttering to himself.

Bedlam Lands!

Other than buying grade one spirit stones in the Bedlam

Lands, Huang Xiaolong had another motive: to build his own
power, a power that truly belonged to him.

Huang Xiaolong aimed to build a new powerful empire with

his own hands!

And the Bedlam Lands was the perfect choice for this, being
negligible in the eyes of the three continents, saving him a
lot of trouble not being in conflict with other empires.
In the great hall, when Su Yan heard Huang Xiaolong was
leaving to the Bedlam Lands, moreover, going alone, the
words flew from her lips: “Long’er, you want to go to the
Bedlam Lands alone?! No!”

About the Bedlam Lands, Su Yan had heard about it from

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu, she was aware that the place was
filled with murders, atrocities, and evil people.

“That’s right Young Lord, it’s too dangerous for you to go to

the Bedlam Lands alone. Either me or Zhang Fu, one of us
should accompany you!” Zhao Shu tried to persuade.

Zhang Fu followed up, “That’s correct Young Lord. The

Bedlam Lands is very different from the Blessed Buddha
Empire. In the Bedlams, even a Xiantian Tenth Order warrior
could lose his life anytime.”

Huang Xiaolong insisted, “Say no more, I have already

decided to make the trip alone.” He wanted to use the time
to grind, how could he not be aware of the dangers and risk
involved? Furthermore, Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu’s presence
could not guarantee his protection all the time.

When Huang Peng and Su Yan wanted to say more, Huang

Xiaolong laughed lightly, “Father, Mother, don’t worry, I’m
the Godly Mt. Xumi’s owner, I won’t die that easily.”

Legend has it, the owner of Godly Mt. Xumi was protected
by a mysterious power, and would not fall so easily.
Chapter 245: Entering The
Bedlam Lands
Chapter 245: Entering the Bedlam Lands

“The owner of Godly Mt. Xumi won’t fall so easily?” Huang

Peng and Su Yan were dumbfounded. Although both of them
were aware of their son possessing the Heavenly Treasure,
neither of them had heard about this particular detail.

At this point, Zhao Shu stepped forward to reaffirmed,

“House Master Huang, what Young Lord said is true, there
indeed is such a legend.”

Zhang Fu behind him nodded convincingly as well. Both

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu did heard legends related to it.

Seeing this, Huang Peng and Su Yan’s worried hearts

loosened a little. Even so, Huang Xiaolong couldn’t escape
when Su Yan clutched at his hand, telling him for more than
an hour he should take care of himself, safety first, pay
attention, be vigilant, don’t fight with others, etc, and more.

Huang Xiaolong smiled wryly in his heart as he patiently

listened to his mother, nagging for more than an hour.

Close to two hours later, Huang Xiaolong bid farewell to the

four people looking at him, Huang Peng, Su Yan, Zhao Shu,
and Zhang Fu. Huang Xiaolong left Duanren Imperial City on
foot, he had the flying twin dragon martial spirits and the
Godly Mt. Xumi, therefore he did not require a mount.
Watching her son’s figure grow smaller, dimmer, and vaguer
before her eyes, Su Yan couldn’t resist getting teary eyed.

“It’ll be fine, don’t cry. Long’er promised, he’ll be back

within two years.” Huang Peng wrapped an arm around his
wife’s shoulders, comforting her.

Su Yan nodded, wiping away her tears. Then she suddenly

added, “I wonder how is that child Li Lu doing.”

Huang Peng was taken aback at the abrupt topic, but he

said, “Don’t worry, Long’er and her will definitely be

Su Yan nodded her head again. The four of them turned

around and returned to the Southern Hill Estate a while

At this time, in a certain kingdom under Duanren Empire’s

territory, Yao Fei was listening to his subordinate’s report.
Cruel lights of excitement flashed in his pupils, “You’re very
sure, Huang Xiaolong left Duanren Imperial City alone?”

“Yes Young Lord, there’s no mistake about it!” That

subordinate answered respectfully, “Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu
did not follow him, both are still in the Southern Hill Estate!”

Yao Fei burst out in a hearty laughter hearing that, “Huang

Xiaolong, oh Huang Xiaolong, this time I’ll see how you can
escape from my hand!” he turned towards his subordinate
again, “Did you find out where he’s heading to?”

“Not yet,” the subordinate added, “But he’s traveling

towards the southeast direction.”
“Southeast direction.” Yao Fei repeated to himself, he turned
around saying, “Continue to have people watch the
Southern Hill Estate’s movements, go.” He waved the
subordinate away after finished giving the instruction.

That subordinate saluted with respect before making his

way out.

“Southeast direction…” Yao Fei’s figure leaped into the air,

disappearing in a blur as he flew southeast, piercing through

Ten days later, Yao Fei landed on a piece of bare land. When
his feet touched the ground, Yao Fei struck out his fist in
anger, shattering a hundred zhang small hill not far away
into pieces.

For the last ten days, he had been chasing and tracking, but
not to mention Huang Xiaolong’s shadow, he couldn’t even
find a hair left behind by Huang Xiaolong along the way.

According to his subordinate’s report, Huang Xiaolong was

confirmed to be traveling in the same southeast direction,
but ten days! He had been pursuing Huang Xiaolong for ten
days and he didn’t catch a wisp of Huang Xiaolong’s

“Huang Xiaolong, I don’t believe you can hide under this

heaven and earth!” Yao Fei snarled ferociously, and
disappeared from the spot, continuing his pursuit. He waited
a long time for an opportunity like this one, he would not let
it go so easily.

One month later.

In the air close to one of Spring Faun Empire’s borders, with

a flash, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette appeared. Looking at
the dark sky, Huang Xiaolong surveyed the surroundings.
Deciding on a spot to rest for the night, he leaped towards
one of the hills in front. He would continue his journey

Huang Xiaolong wasn’t aware that Yao Fei was chasing him.
This one month’s time, he traveled using the Godly Mt.
Xumi, controlling it to fly as he practiced at the center of the
Ten Buddha Formation. That piece of heaven grade spirit
stone given by Shi Fantian, Huang Xiaolong used it as the
Ten Buddha Formation’s energy source.

Heaven grade spirit stones were undoubtedly valuable, but

for Huang Xiaolong nothing was more important than
enhancing his strength. Only by becoming stronger could he
have the qualifications to stand at the top of the Martial
Spirit World. Otherwise, this so-called wealth and power
were nothing more than a mirage.

And because he was cultivating within the Godly Mt. Xumi,

Huang Xiaolong had inadvertently avoided Yao Fei’s pursue.

The Godly Mt. Xumi was practically an independent space

on its own, cutting off any nature of tracking from the
outside. Not to mention Yao Fei, who was a peak late-
Xiantian Tenth Order, not even an early Saint realm expert
could sense it.

Landing in the vicinity of a small forest, Huang Xiaolong

chose a spot, ran his internal force and built a fire. The
winter weather had yet to pass and with a small camp fire
going, it quickly warmed up the area, dispersing the
lingering cold.

“If my Body Metamorphose Scripture reached stage twelve,

reaching perfection, would I really be able to condense a
true core…” Huang Xiaolong pondered as he watched the
burning fire, his hand moved to take out a jug of Sapidity
Wine from the Asura Ring.

Just a few more days and his Body Metamorphose Scripture

would advance into Stage Eleven: Fighting Form.

During his time on Earth, the explanation passed down by

his ancestors stated that by completing the twelve stages of
Body Metamorphose Scripture, an individual would enter the
small perfection realm and the true qi internal force inside
their dantian would evolve into true core energy. Following
that, true core energy would then rebuild and improve upon
the body’s physical potential to the extent that one would
remain youthful-looking. In addition, it even added years to
one’s lifespan! At that time, Huang Xiaolong’s dantian would
also transform into an inner core.

Bearing an internal core, it would grow and multiply by

itself, absorbing spiritual energy at all times, meaning
Huang Xiaolong could cultivate his internal force at all
times. The most crucial point was– after the dantian evolved
into an internal core, Huang Xiaolong could fly on a sword.

Sword flight… by Huang Xiaolong’s estimation, would be

much faster than flying on the blue dragon. According to
ancient legends, practitioners that successfully formed an
internal core could fly ten thousand li in a day on their

“There’s also the Asura Tactics, I’m on the edge of breaking

through the fourth stage.” Huang Xiaolong mumbled to no

The Asura Tactics. Entering the fourth stage, Huang

Xiaolong could open the Eye of Hell, which could see
through all illusions, penetrating all space barriers, to the
extent of seeing another mountain behind a mountain. Not
to mention, the Eye of Hell had a bizarre spiritual attack. If
Huang Xiaolong opened the Eye of Hell, it meant he had
another trump card in his hand.

More importantly, it would save him a lot of trouble.

Morning arrived and Huang Xiaolong leaped up, shuttling in

the air, continuing his journey to the Bedlam Lands.

Three months passed.

Huang Xiaolong finally traversed through Snow Wind

Continent, arriving at the Bedlam Lands.

Other than rushing on the journey, he spent most of the

three months cultivating in the Xumi Temple, thus avoiding
unnecessary troubles. Only sometimes, when Huang
Xiaolong stayed out in the wilderness, would he run into
some small groups of bandits that took Huang Xiaolong for
some vulnerable lone traveler. All of them were easily taken
care of by Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s current strength allowed him to easily

deal with two average Xiantian Seventh Order without
breaking much of a sweat.

“This is the Bedlam Lands?!” Huang Xiaolong stared at the

vast of parched land in front of him, sand and dust rolling in
the dry wind. The instant he stepped onto the land, Huang
Xiaolong felt a strong death aura in the air as well as a
demonic energy and an indescribable bloodthirst, evil, and

Huang Xiaolong ran his internal force and battle qi, vigilantly
preparing for any unforeseen events. He moved forward
slowly, unhurriedly, northward, where the Sin City was
located, in the most northern part of the Bedlam Lands.
“The death aura in front and the smell of blood is too
dense!” After flying for two hours, Huang Xiaolong suddenly
stopped. His vigilance soared.
Chapter 246: Shall We
Entertain This Kid?
Chapter 246: Shall We Entertain this Kid?

Detecting the dense death aura and a strong smell of rusty

blood, Huang Xiaolong slowed down. As he got closer, the
stench of death in the air became denser and the smell of
blood suffocating.

‘What a thick death aura!’ Huang Xiaolong’s heart tightened


This density of dead aura could only form from several

hundreds of thousands of people dying in the same place,
perhaps even millions.

As such, there was only one possibility, the area in front was
a battlefield! The suffocating smell of blood meant there
was a war going on up ahead.

Huang Xiaolong spread his spiritual sense out, and ten

minutes later, he landed atop a small hill. Looking out from
a higher point, Huang Xiaolong indeed found people fighting
in the wide plains some distance ahead.

Differentiated by the color red and yellow, two armies,

armed to the teeth with swords and spears, engaged in an
intense battle, stallions roaring from hundreds of miles,
blood-curdling screams weaved amongst raging bellows.
War cries shook the sky, death aura and heavy blood scent
gathered above the battlefield into pillows of dark red
cloudsㅡdead spirits cloud.
Although the nearby empires did not set their minds to
conquer the Bedlam Lands, on the Bedlam Lands were at
least ten thousand cities controlled by different forces or
sects. Small powers controlled one city, bigger forces
controlled two or more cities, and the more tyrannical
hegemonies had ten or more cities under their rule.

War was common between these cities. Today, the master of

a city could be a certain family, but when the sun shines
tomorrow or the next month, the master could have been

Therefore, the battle scene in front of him didn’t surprise

Huang Xiaolong. Watching the rich dark red clouds of death
aura and blood energy in the sky, an idea flashed through
Huang Xiaolong’s mind. All these dead spirits clouds, in
essence, were formed from blood soul qi, which was the
most favorable for Huang Xiaolong to practice the Asura
Demon Claw.

All these years, Huang Xiaolong had mostly sidelined this

battle skill due to its blood soul qi requirement. But the
Asura Demon Claw’s power was undeniable. There were five
moves to the Asura Demon Claw, and each one had an
earth-shaking effect, any one of them reaching major
completion would carry more destructive power than the
Asura Sword Skill.

Huang Xiaolong immediately diverted his energy in

accordance to the Asura Demon Claw technique. Ten fingers
bent into claws and a suction force aimed towards the
groups of dark red clouds in the sky. Instantly, strands of
dark energy floated down toward Huang Xiaolong’s hands.

Strands of dark energy continued to flow to Huang

Xiaolong’s hands, being absorbed into his body, circulating
along the veins. In the next moment, Huang Xiaolong
slashed the void with both claw-shaped hands.

Horrifying cries reverberated as two dark palms flew out,

tearing space straight onto the cliff wall some distance
away. The surrounding sky darkened, shadows spiraled
within the dark fog, no less than fifteen wraith heads issued
wails that raised goosebumps down the neck.

Watching this result made Huang Xiaolong ecstatic.

Practicing the Asura Demon Claw using the soul blood qi
from the dead spirits cloud gathered above this battlefield
exceeded his expectations by many folds over! Based on
this result, if Huang Xiaolong practiced here for three to four
months, he would be able to reach major completion in
Asura Demon Claw’s first move.

Not wasting time, Huang Xiaolong continued to absorb the

soul blood qi coming from the dead spirits cloud above time
and again as he practiced the first move of Asura Demon
Claw, Laments of Thousands of Demons.

More than two hours passed. Huang Xiaolong immersed

himself in practice, entering a state of selflessness.

Although it was a mere two hours, the attack power the first
move, Lament of Thousands of Demons experienced a great
leap. When attacking, the dark claw imprints doubled in
size, the dark fog around them was more condensed, and
the wraiths’ cries sounded the air akin to thousands of
demons struggling to break free from a cage.

At the same time, dark black fog enshrouded Huang

Xiaolong akin to a supreme wraith, forming a protective
barrier around him. This was one of the terrifying points of
the Asura Demon Claw, while attacking, it also protected the
user, a powerful and unpredictable offensive and defensive

And while Huang Xiaolong was in a state of selflessness,

from afar, sounds of piercing winds trailed behind two
figures clad in deep amethyst robes. Two middle-aged men
landed on another peak, on the edge of the battlefield.

One of them had a slanting sword scar on his forehead and

the other had a long horse-like face. From a higher point,
both watched the maelstrom of chaos and blood on the
battlefield below and nodded appreciatively.

“Kill, kill more, the more dead the better, haha… The more
dead spirit blood qi the faster the undead corpse we refined
will advance to Earth rank grade six.” The scar-faced
middle-aged man laughed in a boisterous manner.

The long horse-faced middle-aged man followed laughing,

“Five years later, us brothers’ undead corpse would be able
to advance to Earth rank grade seven. At that time, joining
our strength together, no disciples in Sky Magi Sect would
be our opponents, other than Master!”

The scar-faced man looked up towards the rolling dark red

dead spirits cloud above. His brows knitted together all of a
sudden, “Something’s wrong! How come the dead spirit
blood qi is so much lesser than usual?!”

Hearing the scar-faced man’s exclamation, the long horse-

faced man hurried to look at the sky above the wide plains.
Just one glance and he knew, indeed, the dead spirit blood
qi was much lesser.

Both of them came to collect dead spirit blood qi yesterday

as well. When they left, the dark red clouds above were
much more abundant than this, and today, the two armies
continued to battle, the dead spirits blood qi should have
accumulated much more. There was something fishy going

On this ongoing battlefield, the death aura was strong, and

in general dead spirit blood qi could last for a long period of
time at high altitudes.

“Eh, there’s actually someone absorbing the dead spirits

blood qi?!” In the next moment, the horse-faced middle-
aged man saw that within the clouds above some blood qi
was being absorbed, flowing towards another peak.

Seeing this, the scar-faced middle-aged man sneered coldly,

“There’s actually someone unafraid of death, they dare to
come here to this Specter Battlefield trying to snatch dead
spirits blood qi from us! Since someone’s looking for death,
then we shall fulfill their wish!” He flew up without another
word, transforming into a wisp of black smoke, floating
towards the peak where Huang Xiaolong was.

The horse-faced man quickly caught up.

From far away, both men watched Huang Xiaolong

practicing the Asura Demon Claw. His hands waved out,
tearing space, manifesting many wailing wraiths. They
exchanged a glance and saw shock mirrored on each other’s

“So powerful, what battle skill is this kid practicing?!”

Seconds later, the scar-faced man couldn’t help blurting,
“This, this is probably even stronger than our Sect’s Sky
Magi Palm?!”

The horse-faced middle-aged man exclaimed: “Could it be a

Heaven rank battle skill?!”
Heaven rank battle skill! Their eyes lit up brightly.

The scar-faced man broke out in a hearty laughter, “I didn’t

expect, ah, that we would run into such a good thing.
Brother, even the Heavens are looking after us! With this
Heaven rank battle skill, once we both made progress in its
cultivation, not even Chen Xiaotian, that old fogey, will our
opponent. At that time, the Sky Magi Sect can only be ours!”

The horse-faced man laughed agreeably.

“Come, capture that kid alive, we must not let him escape!”

“Capture this kid, make him tell us about this battle skill,
then we’ll ‘entertain’ him a little, let him know the
consequences of snatching dead spirits blood qi from us!”

The two men sped up, whistling past the wind, arriving on
the peak where Huang Xiaolong was training on in the blink
of an eye. One in front and one at the back, blocking all of
Huang Xiaolong’s escape routes, preventing him from
running away.

Landing on the ground, both men slowly approached Huang

Chapter 247: Not Willing?

It wasn’t until the two people closed in within a hundred

meters that Huang Xiaolong gradually ended his practice.
Converging his Asura Demon Claw flow within his body,
Huang Xiaolong scrutinized the two people approaching,
one from the front and one behind him.

In fact, Huang Xiaolong had already noticed them the

moment they appeared on the other peak, however,
because these two were only Xiantian Sixth Order, Huang
Xiaolong paid no further attention to them.

By this point, the two middle-aged men halted their steps

ten meters away from Huang Xiaolong and stood still.

The scar-faced man’s eyes inspected Huang Xiaolong up

and down while his lips arched in a friendly smile, “This Lil’
Bro, may I know which sect you’re from, how shall I address

Although the scar-faced man already planned to capture

Huang Xiaolong and force the battle skill out from his
mouth, he was in no hurry to do so before he has an idea
about Huang Xiaolong’s background, for instance, which
sect Huang Xiaolong belonged to.

The Sky Magi Sect wasn’t weak by the Bedlams’ standard,

but still, before certain hegemony existences they were no
different than an insignificant ant. If ,by chance, this young
man was one of those existences’ disciple, or worse, a core
disciple, the scar-faced man would think twice before
making a move.

Otherwise, if he mistakenly provoked a tyrannical existence

without knowing, he risked being turned into slag.
Huang Xiaolong already knew what two these were thinking
by the look on their faces. Sneering secretly he repeated in
a taciturn manner, “Which sect’s disciple?”

The horse-faced man revealed a kind smile, “Yes, who

knows, maybe Lil’ Bro’s Master is an old friend of our

“You think too much, I don’t belong to any sect in the

Bedlam Lands.” Huang Xiaolong cut in, “So, you need not
worry about loose ends after killing me.”

Both the scar-faced and horse-faced middle-aged men were

stunned, neither expected Huang Xiaolong’s would be so
‘direct.’ Exchanging a glance between them, there was faint
doubt in their eyes as their attention fell on Huang Xiaolong
once again.

Did not belong to the Bedlam Lands?!

Then, where does this young man’s confidence come from?

Both of them could tell Huang Xiaolong was just a mid-
Xiantian Sixth Order, whereas the two of them were late-
Xiantian Sixth Order experts. With them joining to attack,
this young man had no chance to escape.

“Make your move.” While both were still stumped, Huang

Xiaolong spoke again, “I’m giving you one chance, letting
you make the first move.”

Hearing this, the two of them frowned as they stared at

Huang Xiaolong, confusion and vigilance spiked as they
exchanged another glance. Yet, no one moved.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head and smiled sardonically

watching these two people’s hesitation, “Weren’t both of
you curious to know if I was practicing a Heaven rank battle
skill? I can tell you now, it is indeed a Heaven rank battle
skill, and it is not a mere a Heaven rank low-grade battle

Not a mere Heaven rank low-grade! Their eyes shone


Before they realized what happened, Huang Xiaolong leaped

up, his two hands formed into claws and slashed out in
opposite directions. From Huang Xiaolong’s attack, two huge
dark claw shadows tore across space, black fog rolling as a
dozen evil wraiths shrieked viciously. The surrounding light
was blotted out.

Watching the two huge dark palms targeting them, the scar-
faced and horse-faced middle-aged men were alarmed,
instantly jumping back to dodge, releasing their battle qi at
the same time, aiming a fist to counter Huang Xiaolong’s

“Sky Corpse Fist!”

“Feral Undead!”

Both men shouted at the same time.

Their attacks were shrouded in a perceivable death aura,

accompanied by a nauseating smell that withered the air,
akin to a hundred-year-old rotting corpse laid bare.

In a split second, their fist imprints collided with Huang

Xiaolong’s palm imprints.

Boom! A loud impact resounded like the crackle of a

vengeful thunderbolt. Air currents shook violently, blasting
out in all four directions, sand and dust rose as crack lines
zigzagged on the peak’s surface, deepening into fissures.
What horrified the two men most was that Huang Xiaolong’s
Asura Demon Claws did not dissipate after the collision,
instead they continued towards them.

Just when they wanted to swerve away, the black claw

imprints already arrived before them, striking their torso

Both men plummeted to the ground with a tragic scream,

raising another screen of dust and sand.

Poof! Crashing into the ground, blood spurted from their

mouth, dyeing the dry yellow soil dark red.

“You, you cannot be!” Two men looked fearfully at Huang

Xiaolong, there was shock, disbelief, and discernible fear in
their eyes. Both of them were late-Xiantian Sixth Order, yet
in a joint attack, they were the ones being gravely injured
by the young man!

Huang Xiaolong approached slowly, ignoring the shock on

their faces, his cold voice sounded, “Like I’ve said earlier, I
gave you a chance to attack first.”

Struggling to get up, they hastily moved back in panic.

“You, what do you want to do?!” Scar-face repressed the

fear in his heart, asking Huang Xiaolong aloud.

“What do I want to do?” Huang Xiaolong sneered, “Didn’t

you want to capture me, and ‘ask’ me about the Asura
Demon Claw skill?”

Having their intentions exposed so plainly, uncertainty

flitted past their eyes. It finally dawned on them that Huang
Xiaolong already saw through their plan from the very
The horse-faced man forced an awkward smile, “This Lil’
Bro, we, we…”

Before he could finish, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette blurred

in a flicker, disappearing in mid-air. In the next instant, he
appeared right in front of them, hands poised for another
attack, but both men raised their hands in defense half a
beat too late, as Huang Xiaolong’s palms once again struck
their chests, sending them flying.

Two figures slammed into the cliff wall not far away, sliding
down with gravel and stones. Huang Xiaolong approached
once again, standing in front of two sprawled bodies.

“Lil’ Bro, we were wrong, we have eyes but failed to see, I

beg, beg you, spare us.” The horse-faced middle-aged man
cried pitifully with a trembling voice. Regardless if they
believed it or not, Huang Xiaolong’s strength far surpassed
their expectation and their strength. Before Huang Xiaolong,
their resistance was futile.

“Spare you?” Huang Xiaolong dawdled, “Not killing you, is a

negotiable option.”

The two men looked dumbly at Huang Xiaolong, unable to

react appropriately. At first, both of them thought they were
dead for sure, for it was impossible for Huang Xiaolong to
spare them. But Huang Xiaolong really wasn’t going to kill

“You… won’t kill us?” Scar-face ventured cautiously.

“That’s right.” Huang Xiaolong answered, ever indifferent.

The scar-faced man hesitated before saying, “You, want us

to submit to you?” There was no other possibility other than
this that could make Huang Xiaolong spare them.
Huang Xiaolong nodded nonchalantly, causing the two to
contemplate in silence. Huang Xiaolong waited patiently, in
no hurry for a decision.

His plan to conquer the Bedlam Lands had to proceed one

step at a time, and frankly, he had thought of reigning these
two people when they appeared, as the stepping stones to
taking over their sect, and with their sect as his base and
foundation, spreading out to the entire Bedlam Lands. If
these two had no value, they would have died long ago.

“I agree.” A short while later, the horse-faced middle-aged

man was the first to speak, “I’m willing to submit to you.”

Following that, the scar-faced man echoed the same words,

willing to submit to Huang Xiaolong.

“Good. Now, release your soul sea, I’m going to brand your
soul sea with a soul mark.” Huang Xiaolong said while
nodding his head.

“Brand a soul mark!” Both men blurted out in shock as their

faces turned a shade whiter.

Watching their drastic reaction, Huang Xiaolong sneered

inwardly, how could he not guessed what these two were
thinking earlier. First, they would agree to submit and the
second they stepped into the Sky Magi Sect, they would
sound the alarm, gathering the sect’s forces to siege him.

“What? Not willing?” The look in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes

Chapter 248: Black Demon City

Both the scar-faced man and horse-faced man looked

warped with shock and fear. They never imagined that
Huang Xiaolong would know such a method.

Soul marking techniques were arcane and had been a lost

heritage for many years. Around six hundred years ago,
there was a Saint realm warrior that used such arcane, soul
marking to take control over several big families’ Patriarchs
and Sect Sovereigns, setting off a maelstrom of carnage in
the Martial Spirit World. Cultivators and commoners alike
lived in trepidation. During that time, the Xiantian warriors
that died under that person’s hand numbered in the
hundreds of thousands.

Xiantian realm warriors, hundreds of thousands!

As for Houtian warriors, countless!

The real manifestation of ‘blood flows like a river’!

At the end, that person’s actions finally enraged some high-

level recluse Saint realm experts that lived in a mysterious
independent space, coming out to siege and hunt that
person. Still, it only ended when a half-step God Realm high-
expert joined the ranks of the pursuers, successfully killing
the culprit. He was referred to as Gorefiend by later

Watching the many thoughts flashing clearly on the two

people’s faces, Huang Xiaolong’s mouth curved up at the
corners into a cold sneer, sharp cold lights flickered close to
Huang Xiaolong’s hands as he summoned the Blades of
The Blades of Asura appeared, issuing a strange buzzing
sound as they vibrated. On the surface of their bodies, a
mysterious dark light flowed like a black liquid, causing the
two injured men to tense up immediately.

“I, I’m willing to release my soul sea barrier!” The words

flew out from the horse-faced man without further delay.

“Me too, I’m willing!” The scar-faced man also did the same.

Compared to dying, both of them were more willing to let

Huang Xiaolong brand a soul mark in their soul seas,
although doing so would give Huang Xiaolong full control
over their life and death. Still, it was more favorable than
dying immediately.

Seeing the two men’s swift response, Huang Xiaolong

snorted, ordering them to release their soul seas as he
initiated the Soul Mandate. Deep inside Huang Xiaolong’s
pupils, two dark purple soul characters glowed and flew out
from Huang Xiaolong eyes, instantly entering into the scar-
faced man and horse-faced man’s soul seas through the
center of their eyebrows before their horrified expressions,
firmly imprinting a soul mark in the core of their minds.

In the three months journey here, Huang Xiaolong had

entered the first level of the Ancient Puppetry Art, allowing
him to brand soul marks into others’ soul sea. Not only that,
he managed to fuse the Ancient Puppetry soul marking
method with the Soul Mandate so that he could use the Soul
Mandate to perform the soul mark. It brought a better
effect. The person being controlled looked normal from
outside, being no different before and after the branding,
not even someone close would notice anything wrong.

Sensing Huang Xiaolong’s soul mark within their soul seas,

both men gave up on the idea of betrayal.
“This two pellets, swallow them.” A tiny bright spark flashed
as Huang Xiaolong withdrew two thumb-sized medicinal
pellets from the Asura Ring.

Staring at the round pellets in Huang Xiaolong’s palm, their

faces tightened once more. “This is..?!” Once again they
couldn’t help but ask with apprehension.

Huang Xiaolong’s face turned icy, “If I tell you to swallow,

then swallow it down!” With a wave, the two pellets floated
into their palms.

Staring at the round pellets and at Huang Xiaolong, the scar-

faced and horse-faced man paled slightly, however, they
obediently swallow it down.

The instant the medicinal pellet entered their mouths, a

warm energy spread throughout their bodies, they clearly
felt the injuries on their bodies heal at rapid speed. Knowing
that they had mistaken Huang Xiaolong’s kind intentions,
thinking those two pellets were poison pills instead of
healing pellets, they looked gratefully at Huang Xiaolong.

“Now, lead me to your Sky Magi Sect, tell me about the

sect’s situation on the way.” Huang Xiaolong instructed.

“Yes, Master!” Both bowed respectfully.

Huang Xiaolong flew up and left the wide plains, led by his
newly recruited subordinates. As for the Asura Demon Claw,
Huang Xiaolong would come again another time.

On the way, the two middle-aged men reported the Sky

Magi Sect’s situation to Huang Xiaolong.

The horse-faced man was called Du Xin and the sword scar-
faced man was called Deng Guangliang, both were Sky Magi
Sect Elders. Furthermore, the Sky Magi Sect’s Patriarch,
Chen Xiaotian, was their Master.

Chen Xiaotian had five disciples in total, and amongst them,

Du Xin and Deng Guangliang’s strength was considered the
highest. The other three disciples were Xiantian Third Order,
Fourth Order, and one at Xiantian Fifth Order.

Apart from them, the Sky Magi Sect had roughly one
hundred and thirty Xiantian realm experts, however, within
those numbers, only twenty of them were mid-level
Xiantian, and as for high-level Xiantian, there were only two

High-level Xiantian realm experts, one of them was none

other than their Master, Chen Xiaotian, a late-Xiantian
Seventh Order, whereas the other person was the Sky Magi
Sect’s Grand Elder, Geng Ken, a peak mid-Xiantian Seventh
Order. When the subject steered towards Chen Xiaotian’s
martial spirit, Huang Xiaolong was quite surprised to find
out that Chen Xiaotian’s martial spirit was actually the
Windfire Tree!

Windfire Tree, a nature type martial spirit of the tree family,

a first rank grade eleven martial spirit! In the Martial Spirit
World, the emergence of a nature type tree martial spirit
was rare, moreover, it was a superb talent martial spirit.

Geng Ken’s martial spirit was slightly lackluster compared to

Chen Xiaotian, a top grade ten martial spirit belonging to
the weapon type, the Heaven Splitting Hammer. Although
Geng Ken was only a Grand Elder, his influence in the sect
was comparable to Chen Xiaotian’s, as the Sovereign. There
were over twenty Elders in the Sky Magi Sect and nearly half
of them belonged to Geng Ken’s faction, listening to his
In conclusion, Chen Xiaotian didn’t have full control over the
Sky Magi Sect.

“Geng Ken…” Huang Xiaolong repeated the name to no one

in particular.

This Geng Ken’s strength was weaker than Chen Xiaotian’s,

yet he succeeded in reigning in half of the support to stand
toe to toe with Chen Xiaotian. There had to be a different
charm to him.

Du Xin and Deng Guangliang led Huang Xiaolong, flying

northward. Three hours later, Huang Xiaolong saw a granite
city, built upon vast stretch of golden sand dunes.

The city was undoubtedly huge. Perhaps because of the

years of succumbing to the grinding of desert sand, the city
walls looked mottled and weather worn. Nearing the city,
Huang Xiaolong noticed that the top of the city walls
reflected countless obscured dark lights, decorating the
granite city walls. Huang Xiaolong guessed these dark lights
should be splatters of blood left behind for many years, then
again, only a massive number of slaughters could leave
such a mark. One could imagine how many people’s blood
stained these city walls.

It could be a million, it could be ten million!

“This is Black Demon City?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

“Yes, Young Lord, this is Black Demon City.” Du Xin and

Deng Guangliang both replied.

‘Master’ sounded awkward to Huang Xiaolong’s ears, thus

he made Du Xin and Deng Guangliang change how they
refer to him to Young Lord.
The Sky Magi Sect was located in Black Demon City.

Huang Xiaolong nodded as he followed the two towards

Black Demon City’s city gates.

“Oh, it’s Elder Du Xin and Elder Deng Guangliang.” When

they neared the city gates, someone that seemed to be the
city guards’ captain approached Du Xin and Deng
Guangliang, greeting them with a cupped fist and a smile.
He ordered his subordinates to open the city gates, allowing
the group of three to enter the city smoothly.

Du Xin and Deng Guangliang nodded their heads slightly

towards that captain, entering the city with Huang Xiaolong.

Entering the city, Huang Xiaolong surveyed the city as he

walked down the streets. The streets in Black Demon City
were about twenty meters wide ,with shop fronts lining both
sides of the streets, yet it lacked the bustling, prosperous
atmosphere found in the Duanren Imperial City or any other
big cities for that matter. Most of the doors and walls of
these shop fronts bore fighting scars from blades, swords,
and other weapons. Some of these shop fronts’ signboards
were actually cleaved in half, and along the way, they would
come across an occasional puddle of blood.

Evidence that a fresh battle just happened.

As Huang Xiaolong strolled along the streets, looking

around, the people in the streets were also observing him
with curious stares. But, these curiosities were nipped in the
bud when they caught sight of Du Xin and Deng Guangliang
behind him. Noticing Du Xin and Deng Guangliang, the
pedestrians quickly scrambled away in fear.

Du Xin and Deng Guangliang donned on the Sky Magi Sect

Elders’ robes, and here in Black Demon City, the Sky Magi
Sect was one of the three hegemony powers.
Chapter 249: Ghost Shadow Sect

With Du Xin and Deng Guangliang following behind him, no

one dared to look for trouble with Huang Xiaolong,
otherwise, there would have been a dozen instances of
people coming to welcome Huang Xiaolong with ‘kind’
intentions in the new city.

The whole time, from Huang Xiaolong’s observation, the

majority of these Black Demon City residents emanated a
strong killing aura and a heavy blood scent. Of course, most
of them possessed quite a high battle qi cultivation. Even
the little kids running around in the streets exuded a feral

No doubt, those who managed to survive in the Bedlam

Lands were no easy characters. In the Bedlam Lands, you
couldn’t afford to be kind!

“BeーBeg, I beg you, don’t kill me!” Just as Huang Xiaolong

continued to walk calmly, up ahead on the same street, a
disturbance took place. Looking over, Huang Xiaolong met
with the scene of a brawny man kneeling on his knees,
crying for mercy before a woman.

This woman had her back towards Huang Xiaolong, hence

he wasn’t able to make out her features. Still, this woman’s
back was a scenery in its own right; tall and slender, with
scandalous curves.

While the brawny man was on his knees begging for mercy,
the woman slowly unsheathed her longsword from the
scabbard hanging around her waist. The blade reflected the
sunlight, glinting a chilling azure-emerald light.
Watching the woman’s action, fear took over the brawny
man, knocking his head against the street intensively as he
continued to beg, “Don’t kill me, I know my wrongs, I won’t
dare anymore!”

At the precise moment that man’s voice fell, the woman’s

wrist turned, the longsword in her hand made a dazzling
curve and the brawny man’s pleading cries halted forever. A
finger raised halfway to point at the woman, but the man’s
body swayed to the side, tumbling to the street. Only then
did blood spurt out from the man’s throat, painting a canvas
of red on the pavement.

Pedestrians gathered some distance away, watching like a

spectating crowd at a performance, there were sounds of
talking and laughter as if this kind of event were the norm
for them.

After killing the brawny man, the woman didn’t even spare a
glance at his corpse, she turned away and left without a
word. When she turned around, Huang Xiaolong caught a
glimpse of the woman’s faceㅡbeautiful, but icy.

As the woman was leaving, her eyes swept past Huang

Xiaolong’s face. There was a momentary shock when she
caught sight of Du Xin and Deng Guangliang right behind
him, but it was only for a moment and was gone when she
brushed past Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s heart tightened: this woman was not so

simple, her strength was on par with him, at least, a
Seventh Order.

“That woman is probably someone from the Ghost Shadow

Sect.” After the woman was out of sight, Du Xin stepped
closer to Huang Xiaolong and explained.
“Ghost Shadow Sect?” Huang Xiaolong puzzled.

“Yes, Young Lord. The Ghost Shadow Sect’s power in the

Bedlam Lands is not weaker than our Sky Magi Sect. To be
honest, they are slightly stronger than us.” Deng
Guangliang added, “The Ghost Shadow Sect’s Sovereign is a
Xiantian Eight Order expert, and that woman earlier should
be Ghost Shadow Sect Sovereign Gui Ying’s disciple. Their
headquarters is located in Blood River City, not far from our
Black Demon City.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded his head.

Blood River City is it? Mn, after he took control of Black

Demon City, the cities surrounding Black Demon City would
be next

Soon, Du Xin and Deng Guangliang brought Huang Xiaolong

to their mansion.

Having a personal mansion in a main city such as Black

Demon City was a symbol of strength and power. In general,
only mid-Xiantian experts with status, such as Du Xin and
Deng Guangliang, could own personal land in Black Demon
City. Xiantian experts with lower cultivation and status, at
most, could own a small courtyard.

Entering the mansion, the servants and guards greeted Du

Xin and Deng Guangliang respectfully as they moved
towards the main hall.

In the main hall.

Huang Xiaolong sat in the center main seat. He had ordered

both Du Xin and Deng Guangliang to assemble all the
mansion’s servants and guards to the main hall.
Understanding Huang Xiaolong’s intentions, both of them
executed Huang Xiaolong’s order without question.

When all the servants and guards arrived, each was shocked
noticing the person sitting in the center main seat was a
stranger to them, while Du Xin and Deng Guangliang stood
on each side.

With all of them gathered, Du Xin briefly introduced Huang

Xiaolong to the servants and guards. Of course, it was done
with obscuring details of Huang Xiaolong’s background.
Mainly stating that Huang Xiaolong was to be referred to as
Young Noble Huang, seeing him was no different than seeing
him or Deng Guangliang in person, and to be shown the
same respect.

Although many were curious and doubtful at the same time

about Huang Xiaolong, no one dared to ask, only obediently
following orders.

Huang Xiaolong scanned the many faces of these servants

and guards and spoke slowly, addressing their curiosity “I
know all of you are curious about my identity, but I hope
you understand clearly what should be said and what
shouldn’t be said! Whoever dares to leak a word of this
outside this main hall, discussing my identity, if it reaches
my knowledge, they will be killed on the spot! Do you
understand?” Huang Xiaolong released a sharp, murderous
aura from his body, enveloping the entire main hall in a
whelming pressure.

Enveloped by the chilling murderous aura, all the servants

and guards felt as if they fell into a thousand year ice abyss,
fear filled their eyes as all of them swiftly got down on their
knees, each claiming they dare not whisper a word. At that
moment, they realized, this Young Noble Huang was
stronger than their masters.

Watching the group of servants and guards on their knees,

Huang Xiaolong nodded, satisfied with their response.
Allowing them the stand, Huang Xiaolong waved them
away, “You can leave, return to whatever you should be

Everyone answered in unison and hurried to withdraw from

the main hall.

Huang Xiaolong retrieved his gaze from the leaving

servants. He wasn’t done controlling the Sky Magi Sect,
therefore he didn’t wish to expose his existence in Black
Demon City so early, attracting Chen Xiaotian and Geng
Ken’s suspicion. It would be too much work. He believed
that with his warning earlier, there wouldn’t be any loose
lips amongst these servants and guards, unless someone
tortured them.

Of course Huang Xiaolong could use soul marking to control

them, however, every time he used this method, it greatly
consumed his spiritual force. And overusing the method had
side effects, which would be detrimental to his future
cultivation. Hence, unless it was necessary, Huang Xiaolong
wouldn’t exhaust his spiritual force this way.

“Young Lord, what should we do next?” After everyone had

left the main hall, Deng Guangliang inquired of Huang

Huang Xiaolong looked at the two of them, saying: “No

hurry, I will tell you what to do when the time comes.”

Both replied yes with respect.

A tiny glow shone from Huang Xiaolong’s hand as he took
out two spirit pellets from the Asura Ring, “These two are
grade six spirit pellets.” With that, he flicked the two pellets
towards Du Xin and Deng Guangliang’s palm.

Instantly, an enticing fragrance wafted into Du Xin and Deng

Guangliang’s noses.

“Grade six spirit pellets!” Both exclaimed in surprise looking

at the pellet in their hands. Even in the Bedlam Lands,
grade six spirit pellets were hard to come by.

“Young Lord, this, is rewarding us?” Du Xin wasn’t sure and

ventured with caution.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “Perform well in the future, you’ll

have many more of these grade six spirit pellets.” Although
Huang Xiaolong branded their soul seas with his soul marks,
forcing them to have no other choice but to listen to his
orders, Huang Xiaolong was someone who had clear
distinctions between reward and punishment. With those
deserving to be rewarded, he would not be stingy.

Moreover, to others, refining grade six pellets was a difficult

task, but it didn’t apply to Huang Xiaolong, who had the
Thousand Beasts Cauldron inside the Linglong Treasure

“Many thanks, Young Lord! We will definitely carry out all of

Young Lord’s orders, doing our best effort for Young Lord
unto our dying day!” Du Xin and Deng Guangliang knelt
down and kowtowed as they vowed.

The words spoken were honest and heartfelt.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and allowed them to take their

leave for now. He would be giving them instructions later.
Huang Xiaolong already had a plan on how to take over the
Sky Magi Sect.
Chapter 250: Controlling
The Giant Puppets
Chapter 250: Controlling the Giant Puppets

And so, Huang Xiaolong stayed in Du Xin and Deng

Guangliang’s mansion and started cultivating.

For the time being, Huang Xiaolong was in no rush to take

over and control the Sky Magi Sect. At times like these, it
was never a good idea to rush, even if he wanted to.
Otherwise, it would only make matters worse, causing him
to fall flat on his face instead.

Huang Xiaolong needed to first restore his spiritual force

after branding the soul marks on Du Xin and Deng
Guangliang, it had consumed most of his spiritual force.

Seven days passed quickly.

Over the last seven days, everything went on as usual

within the mansion.

Due to the stern warning from Huang Xiaolong on the first

day, none of the servants dared to speak of him to outsiders
or have hushed discussions amongst themselves. Thus,
Huang Xiaolong’s arrival escaped the attention of Chen
Xiaotian and Geng Ken of the Sky Magi Sect.

This gave Huang Xiaolong time to cultivate the Ancient

Puppetry Technique and Soul Mandate in peace.

Seven daysㅡit was enough for Huang Xiaolong to fully

recover from his overdrawn spiritual force, and it even
became stronger, which made Huang Xiaolong notice a
crucial point. Cultivating to restore spiritual force after
exhaustion actually helped his spiritual force to grow faster.

This discovery made Huang Xiaolong elated.

With his spiritual force abundant again, Huang Xiaolong

entered the third layer of the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and
approached the sacrificial altar. On the altar, the nineteen
supreme looking giant puppets still remained seated in the
same meditative pose.

Although Huang Xiaolong had reached the first level of the

Ancient Puppetry Technique, giving him the ability to brand
other living beings with a soul mark, he had yet to try
manipulating any one of these nineteen giant puppets.

Now that Huang Xiaolong aimed to take over the Sky Magi
Sect, it highly increased his chances if he succeeded in
controlling these giant puppets as his aides.

Walking up to the sacrificial altar, Huang Xiaolong looked at

the puppet in the front row that was the furthest away from
him, on the left corner.

According to the ancient Linglong Tribe’s writings on the

sacrificial altar, one must follow a specific order if they
wished to activate and control these puppets. That puppet
on the edge of the front row was the first one.

Coming to a stop in front of the first puppet, Huang Xiaolong

ran the Ancient Puppetry Art. His sea of consciousness
shook as he gathered spiritual force, sending out invisible
waves of energy in the form of an imprint that aimed at the
giant puppet from the center of its brows, penetrating
straight into its ‘mind.’
When Huang Xiaolong’s soul mark entered the puppet’s
mind, he was horrified at the absorption force that emerged
from inside the puppet. Huang Xiaolong felt his spiritual
force being drained, devoured at rapid speed and out of his

“This is…?!” Huang Xiaolong paled considerably.

At this rate, his spiritual force was going to be emptied out

in less than two minutes. If that happened, Huang Xiaolong
would be reduced to an idiot!

Huang Xiaolong ran the Ancient Puppetry Art again,

planning to terminate the connection between him and the
puppet forcefully, but subsequently, Huang Xiaolong found
out he actually couldn’t withdraw or cut the connection
using violent force!

“This… why is it like this!”

Just as Huang Xiaolong contemplated if he should strike the

giant puppet away, the strong suction whirlpool vanished all
of a sudden. For Huang Xiaolong, it felt like he had just gone
through an arduous battle for his life. His body swayed,
falling to his butt on the altar, heavily gasping for air.

Huang Xiaolong wiped his forehead and cold sweat trickled

down his fingers.

Damn, that was close! Huang Xiaolong thought to himself.

While Huang Xiaolong was trying to calm down, the first

puppet’s eyes snapped open, two brilliant green lights
shone from their depths. Next, the giant puppet slowly got
up. Even so, its every action shook the large sacrificial altar.
When these giant puppets were in a sitting posture, Huang
Xiaolong had roughly estimated their height to be more than
three meters, but when the first giant puppet rose to full
height in front of him, it far exceeded Huang Xiaolong’s

The giant puppet’s height was close to four meters, with a

body twice as big as an average human warrior, akin to a
small hill.

“Ah Feng greets Master!” After the puppet stood up, it

moved closer to Huang Xiaolong and knelt before him in

Seeing that his first attempt in branding a soul mark into the
puppet’s mind was successful, Huang Xiaolong was greatly

“Ah Feng?” At this point, some memories entered Huang

Xiaolong’s consciousness, related to this particular puppet.

The first puppet’s strength had reached early-Xiantian Sixth

Order. However, because it was refined from an ancient
giant tribe, its body defense and brute strength were
entirely on another level. Therefore, even though it was only
an early-Xiantian Sixth Order, this puppet was stronger than
two late-Xiantian Sixth Orders like Du Xin and Deng
Guangliang put together.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes lit up.

Nineteen supreme giant puppets. As the order moved

towards the back, each puppet’s strength was higher than
the one before!

If the first supreme giant puppet was an early-Xiantian Sixth

Order, then what about the second and the third one? What
extent would their strength reach?

Huang Xiaolong’s heart surged with anticipation.

“Get up.” Huang Xiaolong ordered Ah Feng. Instead of

rushing to control the second puppet, Huang Xiaolong sat
down and started to restore his nearly depleted spiritual

Three days and three nights later, Huang Xiaolong returned

to peak form. Once again, he noticed that his spiritual force
had grown much stronger after recovering.

The entire time he was recuperating, the first giant puppet,

Ah Feng, stood close to Huang Xiaolong, safeguarding him.

After his spiritual force had recovered, Huang Xiaolong came

to stand before the second supreme giant puppet. The
second puppet seemed to be a female but its appearance
was just as intimidating as the first one… and just as huge.

Standing in front of the second giant puppet, Huang

Xiaolong once again ran the Ancient Puppetry Art. His
spiritual force gathered, transforming into a soul mark as
the energy swirled, entering the female puppet’s mind
between the brows, just like with the first puppet.

The same strong suction force came from within the female
puppet, but this time, having experienced it once, Huang
Xiaolong did not panic.

Sometime later, the suction force disappeared just like it did

before. However, the amount of spiritual force purloined by
the second puppet exceeded the first.

Inferring the situation from this discovery, Huang Xiaolong

surmised that, at most, he could control four giant puppets
with his current level of spiritual force. Any more than that,
his spiritual force would not be able to support if he tried
controlling the fifth giant puppet as well.

Gaining the second puppet, Huang Xiaolong spent the next

few days restoring his spiritual force, preparing to brand a
soul mark into the third giant puppet. The process repeated
with the fourth giant puppet and Huang Xiaolong stopped
after that.

The first giant puppet was an early-Xiantian Sixth Order, the

second puppet was mid-Xiantian Sixth Order, the third
puppet a late-Xiantian Sixth Order, whereas the fourth giant
puppet was peak late-Xiantian Sixth Order!

Though for the time being, Huang Xiaolong could only

manage to control four giant puppets, it was sufficient for
his goal.

Bringing these four giant puppets into play, Huang

Xiaolong’s plan of taking over the Sky Magi Sect had just
become much smoother. Initially, going up against Chen
Xiaotian and Geng Ken, he did not have a full grasp of
defeating them. However, with these four giant puppets,
those two were no longer an issue down the road.

With that, Huang Xiaolong exited the Linglong Treasure


As for the four giant puppets, Huang Xiaolong left them

inside the pagoda, where he could easily summon them out
from if the need arose.

Appearing out from the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, Huang

Xiaolong called for Du Xin and Deng Guangliang, telling
them to hold a banquet tomorrow evening and invite their
three Junior Brothers.
“Yes, Young Lord!” Du Xin and Deng Guangliang answered
respectfully, aware that Huang Xiaolong was prepared to
make his move.

Huang Xiaolong’s plan was to control Sky Magi Sect’s Elders

firsthand before dealing with Chen Xiaotian and Geng Ken at
the end.

When both of them and the Sky Magi Sect Elders were
under his control, the Sky Magi Sect would belong to Huang
Chapter 251: An Impetuous, Death Seeking Slave!

It was a beautiful sunny weather the next day!

Huang Xiaolong was nursing a cup of wine in the mansion’s

main hall. Du Xin and Deng Guangliang had both gone out
to invite their three Junior Brothers to the planned banquet.
Huang Xiaolong believed the two of them could perform this
task well.

While Huang Xiaolong was taking pleasure from the wine in

his hand, sounds of footsteps and laughter were heard
outside the main hall.

“Eldest Senior Brother, you’re too kind to invite us several

Junior Brothers personally. Sending a servant to inform us
would’ve been enough. Do you think the three of us would
dare refuse an invitation from you?”

Listening to these voices, Huang Xiaolong knew Du Xin and

Deng Guangliang had returned. The one who had just
spoken was one of their Junior Brothers.

“What is Junior Brother saying? Amongst so many disciples,

Master favors Junior Brother Lin the most, us two Senior
Brothers still need your help to say some good things in
front of Master for us!” It was Du Xin who spoke.

“Hehe, no problem.”

Just as that voice ended, Huang Xiaolong saw Du Xin and

Deng Guangliang leading three young men wearing Sky
Magi Sect Elder’s robes, stepping into the main hall.

Upon entry, the trio saw Huang Xiaolong sitting in the hall,
leisurely sipping on wine and could not help feeling

After a brief moment of gaffe, all three regained their


“Which dog cojones of a slave dares to sit in the master’s

main hall drinking wine!” One of them bellowed with anger.

Apparently, he had mistaken Huang Xiaolong for an

audacious mansion servant.

“Eldest Senior Brother, isn’t that slave acting too fearlessly?

He dared to saunter into the master’s place and drink wine
when you were out!” Another one seconded.

“Since it’s like this, this Junior Brother shall teach this
impetuous death seeking slave on behalf of two Senior
Brothers!” The last of the trio exclaimed righteously and his
body blurred away in the next moment, striking a punch
towards Huang Xiaolong.

A fist imprint shattered the void, emanating a burst of

nauseating smell like that of a rotting corpse that spread
inside the hall.

This was the same move that Du Xin and Deng Guangliang
had tried to attack Huang Xiaolong with before, on the hill,
the Sky Corpse Fist. But this person’s attack power paled
significantly compared to Du Xin and Deng Guangliang.

Watching that person aim a punch his way, Huang Xiaolong

snickered coldly. According to Du Xin’s description, this
person should be Lin Yu, Chen Xiaotian’s most favored

Lin Yu, a peak-late Xiantian Fifth Order.

Huang Xiaolong watched without moving, waiting until the
fist got closer, then he simply lifted a hand and countered
with a casual palm strike, clashing against the opponent’s
fist head on.

From Huang Xiaolong’s palm strike, a myriad of Buddha

statues emerged beneath the floorboards in various
appearances. A pure aureate light shone as Buddhism
energy brightened the entire hall space, and at the same
time, a great spiritual pressure enveloped everyone in the
main hall, flooding the four directions.

This was Huang Xiaolong’s self-created battle skill, Earthen

Buddha Palm.

The space high above shook violently all of a sudden.

The rest found it hard to believe as they watched the Sky

Corpse Fist being crushed under Huang Xiaolong’s palm,
and the golden palm, which embodied the multifarious
Buddha statues, slamming hard into Lin Yu’s chest.

Lin Yu screamed, his body spun around, crashing into one of

the main hall’s stone walls, but not before shattering the
wooden door, scattering wood pieces all over the floor.

A deathly silence filled the messy main hall.

The other two, Gao Qing and Wu Honggang’s eyes almost

popped out of their sockets watching their Third Senior
Brother Lin Yu being smashed to the floor with a blood-
stained body.

Third Senior Brother Lin Yu was defeated so pitifully by just

one palm strike from a slave?! Their first natural reaction
was disbelief, how could a slave be this powerful!
Their subsequent reaction was: this black-haired young man
was probably not their Senior Brothers’ mansion slave. It
was impossible for a slave to have that kind of strength.

The two couldn’t help but seek confirmation from Du Xin

and Deng Guangliang.

“Big Senior Brother, who is this person? Is he also a guest of

yours? How dare he injure Senior Brother Lin Yu so heavily!”
Gao Qing sounded shocked and angry at the same time.

Before Gao Qing’s words could finish, both of them saw Du

Xin and Deng Guangliang approach the black-haired young
man with respect, bowing their upper body in salute,
greeting: “Young Lord!”

“Young Lord?!” Gao Qing and Wu Honggang were

dumbfounded as they stared at Huang Xiaolong.

What did Du Xin and Deng Guangliang call this young man?
Young Lord?!

What is happening here?! Neither one of them could figure

out the situation fast enough.

“Both of you did well.” Huang Xiaolong spoke a word of

praise to Du Xin and Deng Guangliang.

Joy spread across Du Xin and Deng Guangliang’s face

hearing Huang Xiaolong’s praise. Quickly bowing again in
gratitude, “Many thanks for Young Lord’s praise, this is
something we subordinates should do.”

Something we subordinate should do?! Gao Qing and Wu

Honggang finally understood what was going on. Both were
spitting fire from their eyes as they glowered at Du Xin and
Deng Guangliang. Their faces distorted horribly with anger.
If they still could not figure out what happened by now, they
should just end their lives by jumping off a cliff.

“Du Xin, Deng Guangliang, both of you actually betrayed

the Sky Magi Sect, submitting to another master?!” Gao
Qing pointed a finger at Du Xin and Deng Guangliang’s
noses in an admonishing manner.

These words made Du Xin and Deng Guangliang snicker in


“Young Lord will take over the Sky Magi Sect sooner or later.
Not only the Sky Magi Sect, in fact, the entire Black Demon
City will soon fall under Young Lord’s hands!” Du Xin
sneered, “I advise you three Junior Brothers to kneel down
and submit to Young Lord now, swear your allegiance.
Otherwise, it would be too late to feel regret later.”

Gao Qing burst into a manic laughter hearing this. A finger

pointed at Huang Xiaolong with a face full of contempt,
“This little colt wants to take over our Sky Magi Sect?
Control the entire Black Demon City?” His laughter
reverberated as if it was the funniest joke in the world.

Not only Gao Qing, even Wu Honggang smirked at Du Xin’s


The truth was, they couldn’t be blamed for suspecting

Huang Xiaolong’s chances in the matter. Their Master, Chen
Xiaotian, had sat in the position of Sky Magi Sect’s
Sovereign for more than a hundred years and yet had never
been able to fully control the sect in his hands. They dared
to claim a mere young man could achieve what their Master

As for taking over the Black Demon City, that was akin to an
impossible fantasy.
Watching the two snickering in mockery, Huang Xiaolong
paid no heed and walked towards them at an unhurried

Noticing Huang Xiaolong coming towards them, Gao Qing

and Wu Honggang were startled. It finally dawned on them
at this very moment the most crucIal point of all, regardless
if Huang Xiaolong could control the Sky Magi Sect and Black
Demon City, for now, if Huang Xiaolong wanted their lives,
neither one of them was capable of escaping.

As if by agreement, both Gao Qing and Wu Honggang each

flicked out a poison pellet in Huang Xiaolong’s direction, and
skidded backward, turning into two groups of yellow mist,
wanting to escape. But, just as both of them leaped back,
they caught sight of Huang Xiaolong, who blurred into
multiple images, with numerous illusionary arms coming out
of his back.

Two miserable screams echoed as the two were slapped to

the ground.

Poof! Blood spurted from their mouths as they raised their

heads, looking fearfully at Huang Xiaolong.

What was that battle skill just now?!

Gao Qing and Wu Honggang were not the only ones

shocked, Du Xin and Deng Guangliang watching from the
side felt cold shivers down their spine.

“I’m giving you one last chance: die, or swear allegiance to

me.” Huang Xiaolong’s cold voice rang.

At this moment, Lin Yu, the first person struck by Huang

Xiaolong, got up slowly from the floor. Rage colored Lin Yu’s
eyes as he glared at Huang Xiaolong and spat the blood in
his mouth at him, “Pehh, want us to submit to you? Little
punk, who do you think you are, do you dare to kill us off?
Don’t expect to leave Black Demon City alive if you lay a
finger on us!”

Lin Yu’s fearlessness stemmed from having support behind

him, he truly believed that Huang Xiaolong didn’t dare to kill

“Really?” A strong killing intent exploded in Huang

Xiaolong’s pupils. In one swift action, he had moved beside
Lin Yu, two cold lights glinted and vanished just as fast.

Lin Yu clutched at his throat, turning slowly sideways, a

finger numbly pointed at Huang Xiaolong. Red, warm blood
spurted endlessly out from his throat.

“You, could, could it be…” He still refused to believe, Huang

Xiaolong dared to kill him in Black Demon City!
Chapter 252: Eye Of Hell

Before the words finished, Lin Yu’s body swayed and fell the
floor. When he tumbled, his eyes were wide in disbelief!
Until the very end of his life, he couldn’t imagine what
confidence Huang Xiaolong had to actually kill him in Black
Demon City.

“Third Senior Brother!”

“Third Senior Brother!!”

Gao Qing and Qu Honggang looked on dumbly as Lin Yu’s

body crashed to the floor. But the time they shook off the
shock stiffening them, both had an ugly expression on their
faces as they dashed to Lin Yu’s side, crying out to him.

Regardless how many times they cried out, there was no

reaction from Lin Yu.

From another spot, Huang Xiaolong slowly walked towards

them, causing them to stumble backward in fright.

After the little ambush earlier, both knew very well that they
were powerless to escape Huang Xiaolong’s clutches.

“Why aren’t the two of you kneeling down, submitting to

Young Lord?!” Du Xin and Deng Guangliang stepped out at
this moment, ordering Gao Qing and Wu Honggang.

Hesitation and fear flashed back and forth on Gao Qing and
Wu Honggang’s faces. Did they really have no other choice
but to surrender to this black-haired young man?!

But, the consequences of betraying the Sky Magi Sect

On the other hand, if they didn’t submit, it was certain
death. Involuntarily, their eyes swayed towards Lin Yu’s cold
body on the floor not far away. Both struggled internally.

Huang Xiaolong waited patiently for their final decision, in

no rush at all.

“Fine, I agree to submit to you, serving you as my master!”

Not long later, Gao Qing spoke with a slight hesitation. In
the end, he chose to submit to Huang Xiaolong, he chose to

Wu Honggang watched as Gao Qing submitted, his weak

resolution faltered. Sighing quietly in his heart, he spoke the
same words: “I’m willing to surrender too.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded, satisfied with the results.

No one person was willing to die. Before the choice of life

and death, in ten thousand people, nine thousand nine
hundred ninety-nine people would choose to submit,
compromise, or surrender.

“Open up your soul sea, I will brand a soul mark inside.”

Huang Xiaolong stated matter-of-factly..

“Brand a soul mark!” Gao Qing and Wu Honggang were

shocked and fearful.

A technique like branding someone’s soul, Gao Qing and Wu

Honggang had only heard about it in passing. Inexplicably,
their eyes turned towards Du Xin and Deng Guangliang, at
this moment, they finally understood why their Senior
Brothers were serving Huang Xiaolong so willingly.

“Correct, I also branded their soul seas with a soul mark.”

Noticing their expressions, Huang Xiaolong said, and his
words confirmed their suspicions.

Once again, Gao Qing and Wu Honggang struggled with

doubt and hesitation.

In the beginning, Gao Qing and Wu Honggang held the same

thoughts that Du Xin and Deng Guangliang initially had. First
pretend to submit to Huang Xiaolong and then look for an
opportunity later to deal with him. If they were branded with
a soul mark, their lives would be controlled by Huang
Xiaolong at all times. At that time, they would have no other
choice than to serve Huang Xiaolong willingly.

Despite many thoughts swirling in their mind, in the end,

both Gao Qing and Wu Honggang lowered their spiritual
defense and opened up their soul seas. When the two
released the barriers protecting their soul seas in front of
Huang Xiaolong, combining the Soul Mandate and the
Ancient Puppetry Arts, Huang Xiaolong marked their souls.

At this stage, both Gao Qing and Wu Honggang were fully

under Huang Xiaolong’s control. When it ended, Huang
Xiaolong was secretly relieved. If all three of them refused
to submit, he had no choice but to kill all three of them. This
was not the result he wanted.

After branding their soul seas, Huang Xiaolong gave each of

them a grade six spirit pellet. Seeing the grade six spirit
pellets in their palms, Gao Qing and Wu Honggang were so
excited, quickly kowtowing in gratitude.

Instructing the four to deal with Lin Yu’s corpse and some
other matters, he told Gao Qing and Wu Honggang to
return, everything was as if.

It seems I must speed up the plan. Huang Xiaolong thought

to himself.
Huang Xiaolong told Gao Qing and Wu Honggang to create a
smoke screen with Lin Yu’s death, telling outsiders that Lin
Yu went out on a mission, and probably won’t be coming
back in the short one two months’ time. This way, Chen
Xiaotian wouldn’t feel suspicious for the time being, but if
the time dragged on too long, it would be inevitable for
Chen Xiaotian to notice something was amiss.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong had to control the other Sky Magi

Sect Elders within these two months, including Geng Ken!

By then, even if Chen Xiaotian became suspicious, the

foundation of his plan would have already been laid. Chen
Xiaotian alone wouldn’t be able to flip any big waves.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong entered Godly Mt. Xumi to

restore his depleted spiritual force while cultivating the
Godly Xumi Art, Asura Tactics, and the Body Metamorphose

Five days later, Huang Xiaolong’s spiritual force returned to

its peak condition. Then came Huang Xiaolong’s instructions
for Du Xin and Deng Guangliang to hold another banquet,
inviting the Elders of Sky Magi Sect.

Du Xin and Deng Guangliang were Chen Xiaotian’s eldest

disciple and second disciple, therefore, in Sky Magi Sect,
both had an esteemed standing. Their invitation was
received and face was given as the Elders came to attend
the banquet.

Their invitation did not arouse other Elders’ suspicion.

However, Huang Xiaolong limited the number to three
people for every invitation.

Relying on the strength of his current spiritual force, Huang

Xiaolong could only brand a soul mark onto three people at
the same time.

Twenty days later, including the four peopleㄧDu Xin, Deng

Guangliang, Gao Qing, and Wu Honggang, Huang Xiaolong
had successfully branded eighteen of the Sky Magi Sect’s
Elders. All in all, the Sky Magi Sect had twenty-four Elders,
with eighteen submitted to him, Huang Xiaolong controlled
a big portion of the sect, as only six remained.

Another ten days and I can fully have all the Elders under
my control. Huang Xiaolong calculated in his mind.

At this point, the overall situation had basically come to a


In the north side of Black Demon City stood a grand manor

structure many times bigger than Du Xin and Deng
Guangliang’s mansion. Its four walls were the color of
blazing fire red, numerous huge blossoms of fire-red flowers
bloomed on the ground.

Inside the manor’s great hall sat a small old man wearing a
luxurious brocade garb the color of burning ember. This little
old man was none other than Sky Magi Sect’s Grand Elder,
Geng Ken. A very ordinary looking, dwarf-sized old man.

“You’re saying recently, every three to five days, Du Xin and

Deng Guangliang would hold a banquet and invite three of
our sect’s elders?” Geng Ken asked the Sky Magi Sect Elder,
Wang Jing, beside him.

“Yes, that’s right Grand Elder.” Wang Jing affirmed

Geng Ken’s brows creased together, “What is their goal
doing so?”

Wang Jing laughed, “In another two months is the day our
Sky Magi Sect select the representative to enter the Magi
Mausoleum. In my opinion, both of them are just trying to
woo some support, hoping to gain some help at that time.
What tricks could they have up their sleeves?”

Geng Ken shook his head, “I have this nagging feeling that
it’s not so simple. Try to find out more, what did these two
talked about with the elders they invited.”

“Yes, Grand Elder!” Wang Jing acknowledged with utmost


“Du Xin and Deng Guangliang already invited eighteen

people, there are six remaining,” Geng Ke’s voice sounded
solemn, “If I’m not mistaken, five days later, they will invite
another three people. When they do, you must report to

“Grand Elder, you’re planning to?” Wang Jing ventured


A sharp light glinted in Geng Ken’s eyes, “I want to make a

trip and confirm what exactly is going on.”

Five days passed quickly.

Huang Xiaolong exited the Godly Mt. Xumi. His recent period
of cultivation had considerably strengthened Huang
Xiaolong’s spiritual force.

On top of that, Huang Xiaolong’s Asura Tactics finally broke

through to the fourth stage. Coming out from the Godly Mt.
Xumi’s space, Huang Xiaolong initiated the Asura qi and in
the middle of his forehead suddenly appeared a vertical slit,
revealing an eye a color of the brightest blood-red.

The Eye of Hell!

Huang Xiaolong surveyed the surroundings with this new

eye and everything within the mansion was clearly reflected
within it.

Even the scene behind a dozen stone walls entered his eye
Chapter 253: Geng Ken’S
Chapter 253: Geng Ken’s Doubt

Huang Xiaolong opened the Eye of Hell and surveyed the

mansion’s surroundings. In the next second, a sharp glint
flickered inside the Eye of Hell and two red beams of light
pierced through the sky above. Some birds flying in the air
above plummeted down to the ground with a ‘puchi’ sound
coming from their bodies. After a few moments of futile
struggle, their vitality disappeared.

This is the Eye of Hell’s spiritual attack? Judging based on

outside appearances, these birds didn’t seem like they were
harmed in any way.

Regardless of what kind of living being it was, as long as it

was something alive, it contain a soul. Just as these birds
had souls, under Huang Xiaolong’s Eye of Hell spiritual
attack, these birds’ souls were instantly destroyed.

However, Huang Xiaolong was frowning as he watched the

last bird on ground, muttering to himself; it seems I need to
increase my spiritual force cultivation.

The power of a spiritual attack was relevant to the strength

of one’s spiritual force. Currently, Huang Xiaolong’s spiritual
force was still too weak, otherwise, with the Eye of Hell’s
spiritual attack earlier, these birds should have died
instantly, not struggling even after falling to the ground.
Moreover, these were just normal birds, their souls were
more vulnerable than most living beings. If they were
Xiantian realm experts that had been cultivating for a long
time, even without a spiritual force cultivation technique like
Huang Xiaolong, their spiritual force was hundreds time
stronger than these birds.

Thus Huang Xiaolong had to intensify his spiritual force


After testing the Eye of Hell’s spiritual attack power, Huang

Xiaolong triggered the Asura battle qi in his body and the
Eye of Hell on his forehead slowly closed, vanishing without
a trace, and Huang Xiaolong’s appearance returned to

Huang Xiaolong then headed to the mansion’s main hall,

summoning Du Xin and Deng Guangliang there, he
instructed them to prepare for a banquet like they did
previously and invite another three Sky Magi Sect’s Elders.

Du Xin and Deng Guangliang left the main hall after

receiving Huang Xiaolong’s order and went out of the
mansion to perform the task. Huang Xiaolong himself
remained in the main hall, slowly savoring the Sapidity
Wine’s fragrance, muttering to himself, “I should have
brought more Sapidity Wine with me if I’ve known this

When he left Duanren Empire, the Sapidity Wine collection

he had inside the Asura Ring was not very big, and it grew
lesser by the day. The Sapidity Wine was the best wine
Huang Xiaolong had ever tasted.

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong raised his head, a light flitted

past his eyes like quicksilver as he quietly ran the Asura Qi,
opening the Eye of Hell in the middle of his eyebrows. When
it was fully opened, Huang Xiaolong directed his gaze
towards the main entrance of the mansion, where Du Xin
and Deng Guangliang were, having just returned, leading
three middle-aged men dressed in Sky Magi Sect’s Elder
robes in.

But, there was an additional guest other than these three

people! A small old man wearing a brocade robe of ember-

Following behind the group of five, the small old man hid his
presence skillfully. His small body seemed to fade into a half
translucent appearance that blended with the air, cunningly
escaping Du Xin and Deng Guangliang’s detection.

“Looks like this little old man is that so-called Geng Ken.”
Huang Xiaolong sneered.

Watching Geng Ken sneakily hiding his presence, trailing

behind Du Xin and Deng Guangliang’s group, it was evident
that Du Xin and Deng Guangliang’s actions these days of
inviting Sky Magi Sect Elders had roused this old man’s
suspicion. Still, Huang Xiaolong remained nonchalant.

At this point, the key pieces had fallen into place. Since the
old man presented himself at the door, he might as well
subdue him together, lest it becomes troublesome in the

After controlling Geng Ken, next would be Chen Xiaotian.

With that, the Sky Magi Sect will be fully under Huang
Xiaolong’s control.

His spiritual force had improved greatly with recent practice.

Exerting a little effort, he could manage to brand soul marks
into four people at once.
As these thoughts ran through Huang Xiaolong’s mind, Du
Xin and Deng Guangliang walked into the main hall with the
latest batch of Elders for the ‘banquet.’

Similar to Lin Yu, Gao Qing, and Wu Honggang’s reaction, all

three Elders were shocked and surprised to Huang Xiaolong
sitting in the main hall drinking wine as they walked in.

However, this time Huang Xiaolong did not waste time with
nonsense, instead, he leaped up and struck all three with an
Earthen Buddha Palm.

The three men did not expect the black-haired young man
would suddenly attack and all three Sky Magi Sect Elders
was sent flying from the unexpected impact.

“You, who are you?!” All three heavily crashed to the floor.
Getting up to their feet, the three Elders demanded in
anger, fear weaved into their voices.

“Young Lord!” Du Xin and Deng Guangliang greeted

respectfully seeing Huang Xiaolong.

“Young…Lord?!” Du Xin and Deng Guangliang’s actions and

reference towards Huang Xiaolong stumped the three Sky
Magi Sect Elders. A strong feeling of unease rose in their

Geng Ken who hid his presence was also shocked watching
Huang Xiaolong suddenly attacking the three Elders and it
rose a greater height hearing Du Xin and Deng Guangliang
calling Huang Xiaolong Young Lord. His eyes sharpened.

At this point, Huang Xiaolong slowly approached the three

Sky Magi Sect Elders.
“Let me enlighten you, those Sky Magi Sect Elders that were
invited by Du Xin and Deng Guangliang before you, other
than Lin Yu who was killed by me, the rest have submitted
to me, just like Du Xin and Deng Guangliang.” Huang
Xiaolong said, stopping in front of them.

“What?!” The three Sky Magi Sect Elders turned ghastly

pale, shouting in shock. This message came like a
thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Not only were the three Elders shocked, even Geng Ken
nearly sounded his surprise.

Most of the Sky Magi Sect Elders had aligned and sworn
themselves to serve this black-haired young man as a
master?! Impossible, absolutely impossible! This was the
first thought that crossed Geng Ken’s mind.

“Not possible! This cannot be true!” At this time, all three

Sky Magi Sect shook their heads vehemently in denial, “This
can’t be true! Little brat, do you think we would easily
believe some nonsense out of your mouth?! Speak, who are
you exactly, and what is your purpose coming to Black
Demon City!!”

Seeing either one of the three believed him, Huang

Xiaolong’s expression did not change. He knew this was
indeed something difficult to believe. Not to say just these
three, anyone would have found it hard to believe. But then
again, he didn’t expect them to believe.

“Whether you believe it or not, is not important to me.”

Huang Xiaolong continued, “Now, I’m giving you a chance,
submit to me or die like Lin Yu!”

The three Elders were fearful, moving away from Huang

Xiaolong swiftly.
When the trio prepared to flee, Huang Xiaolong made a
dash forward, and with a palm strike across space, the three
elders fell back to the floor.

Huang Xiaolong sneered watching three figures crash to the

floor, “It’s best if you snuff the idea of escaping, this is your
last chance, submit to me or die.”

“Pui! Punk, who do you think you are, daring to dream that
we will submit to you! You mother’s bullshit!” One of them
raged: “This old man only has one cheap life, kill me if you

Huang Xiaolong looked at the temerarious expression on

that man’s face, a sarcastic sneer appeared on his face,
knowing that this Elder was holding the same notion as Lin
Yu, that he dared not kill them in Black Demon City.

In front of the other two Elders and the hidden Geng Ken,
Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and pointed a finger, a
finger imprint shot out, piercing through that Sky Magi Sect
Elder’s forehead.

That Elder’s eyes rounded in shock, his body tumbled to the

Chapter 254: Who Allowed
You To Leave?
Chapter 254: Who Allowed You to Leave?

“You, you really killed him?!” The remaining two Sky Magi
Sect Elders stammered, watching that Elder’s blood seep
out from the hole in the mid of his forehead.

Despite it happening in front their eyes, the two Sky Magi

Sect Elders still found it hard to believe that a Sky Magi Sect
Elder was killed by Huang Xiaolong.

Earlier, when the three of them were invited by Du Xin and

Deng Guangliang, all of them were talking happily and
laughing on the way here, but now one of them was
murdered! Even if death was nothing new to them, this was
too sudden.

“You still think all this is a farce?” Huang Xiaolong rebutted

with a sarcastic expression on his face.

Seconds passed and the truth finally sunk in for the two Sky
Magi Sect Elders. Both of them struggled up and remained
silent as both stood there.

Huang Xiaolong was in no hurry and did not rush them.

While waiting for their answer, Huang Xiaolong’s spiritual

force was locked onto the hidden Geng Ken. As long as there
was any sign that Geng Ken was going to leave, Huang
Xiaolong would make a move without hesitation.
“Fine, I’m-I’m willing to submit, willing!” It didn’t take long
before both Sky Magi Sect Elder spoke, willing to submit to
Huang Xiaolong just like all the other Elders before them.
Thus, their decision didn’t surprise Huang Xiaolong.
However, this time, Huang Xiaolong didn’t start with
branding the soul mark on them, instead, he looked over
towards the left corner of the hall, “How about it, old man
Geng Ken? Still not willing to show yourself? How much
longer are you going to watch?”

Everyone present in the main hall was stunned.

From Du Xin, Deng Guangliang, and the two Elders, to the

hidden Geng Ken at a corner, for he did not expect that
Huang Xiaolong would suddenly say something like that.
Especially Geng Ken, who did not believe anyone had the
ability to detect him with all of his aura converged.

Geng Ken hesitated for a moment, then in a flicker of light,

he emerged from the dark corner and floated down to the
great hall, appearing before everyone.

Du Xin and Deng Guangliang panicked at Geng Ken’s

sudden emergence. Flustered and panicked, both of them
hastened to plead guilty in front of Huang Xiaolong, “Young
Lord, please punish us!” It was evident to them by this point
that Geng Ken trailed them over.

“Stand up, this can’t be blamed on you two.” Huang

Xiaolong said.

“We’re grateful for Young Lord’s understanding.” Du Xin and

Deng Guangliang rose and retreated to Huang Xiaolong’s

“Grand Elder, save us, save us~!” The two Sky Magi Sect
Elder that had just ‘willingly’ submitted to Huang Xiaolong
shouted with joy and ran towards Geng Ken the instant they
saw him materializing in front of them, as if they found the
last ray of hope.

Geng Keng directed a cold gaze at the two Elders as he

harrumphed coldly, “When the two of you return, go receive
punishment according to the Sect rules!”

Hearing that, the two Elders’ expression tightened. The Sky

Magi Sect levied heavy punishment for actions of betrayal!

Watching the changes in their expression, Geng Ken added,

“But, looking at your many years of meritorious
contributions to the Sky Magi Sect, I will speak to the Sect
Sovereign on your behalf to lighten your punishment.”

This ‘promise’ seemed to appease both of them, as they

cupped their fists in thanks to Geng Ken, “We thank Grand
Elder, many thanks! We will definitely remain loyal to the
Sky Magi Sect and Grand Elder in the future!”

Geng Ken nodded his head with satisfaction.

Huang Xiaolong stood on the side, watching the three of

them discussed between themselves and gracefully did not

Wait for Sky Magi Sect’s punishment when you return? This
Geng Ken was so sure they could leave here safely? Huang
Xiaolong sneered.

Judging from Geng Ken’s manner of speech, it seemed he

was very confident in his strength.

At this time, Geng Ken finally turned his attention towards

Huang Xiaolong with a scrutinizing eye, going over Huang
Xiaolong up and down, “Little Brother, what shall I call you?”
“Huang Xiaolong.” Huang Xiaolong calmly replied.Huang
Xiaolong did not hide his name, for, in his opinion, it wasn’t
something worth concealing.

Geng Ken searched his memories and ‘Huang Xiaolong’ was

a name unfamiliar to him.

“Hehe, so it’s Little Brother Huang. It seems that Little

Brother Huang’s strength is not bad.” Geng Ken chuckled as
he said, “Even Chen Xiaotian, that old fellow, cannot detect
when I display my hidden body technique, which made me
very curious, when did Little Brother Huang notice my
presence? Just now?”

Just now was referring to when Huang Xiaolong revealed

that the majority of Sky Magi Sect’s Elders were under his
control, Geng Ken may have accidentally exposed a faint
trace of his aura due to shock. In Geng Ken’s view, it
must’ve been at that time Huang Xiaolong detected him.

“Is it so important?” Huang Xiaolong asked instead of


Geng Ken was taken aback and then burst into a chuckle,
“Hehe, I’m just asking. Little Brother Huang’s strength is not
bad, how about we discuss a cooperation between us?”

“Cooperation?” Huang Xiaolong waited for Geng Ken to


“Correct, cooperation.” Geng Ken’s face bloomed, “The two

of us will cooperate to kill Chen Xiaotian. Then, we can
swallow up Blood Swallow School, annihilate the Nine Fiend
Sect and we’ll control the entire Black Demon City in our
Sky Magi Sect, Blood Swallow School, and Nine Fiend Sect
were the three major forces of Black Demon City.

Amongst the three forces, Sky Magi Sect and Blood Swallow
School’s strength were similar, but the Nine Fiend Sect was
much stronger than both of them. Currently, the Black
Demon City’s Castellan position was held by the Sect Leader
of the Nine Fiend Sect. In other words, the Nine Fiend Sect
was the real master of Black Demon City, while the Sky Magi
Sect and Blood Swallow School only controlled an area
within Black Demon City.

Of course, Sky Magi Sect’s and Blood Swallow School’s

forces weren’t as weak as it seemed, it wouldn’t be easy if
the Nine Fiend Sect decided to annihilate these two forces.
Moreover, Nine Fiend Sect would need their assistance when
outside forces come to attack. Hence, all this while, the Nine
Fiend Sect did not make any moves against the Sky Magi
Sect or Blood Swallow School.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Geng Ken. Surprisingly, this little

old man’s ambitions were bigger than his build. Not only did
he want to rein in the Blood Swallow School, he desired to
annihilate the Nine Fiend Sect and rule over Black Demon

Geng Ken took Huang Xiaolong’s silence as pondering over

his proposal and was secretly delighted. Smiling amiably, he
continued, throwing out a bait, “After we conquer Black
Demon City, Little Brother Huang and I shall assume the
equal positions of Castellan.”

In the Bedlams, this was a normal practice. One city with

two equal authority ruling Castellans.

“Oh, we both become Black Demon City’s Castellans?”

Huang Xiaolong’s expression was bland, making it hard for
anyone to guess what he was thinking.

Geng Ken smiled and continued, “That’s right, both of us

would share the responsibility of Black Demon City’s

Du Xin, Deng Guangliang, and the two Sky Magi Sect Elders
stood on the side, no one uttered a sound. The two Elders
originally belonged to Geng Ken’s faction, thus neither
showed expression of shock hearing that Geng Ken planned
to kill Chen Xiaotian.

Huang Xiaolong looked directly at Geng Ken and shook his

head. This old man Geng Ken was quite good at scheming,
wanting to borrow his strength by using the position of Black
Demon City’s Castellan to lure him.

This old fogey really thought Huang Xiaolong was a fool.

Huang Xiaolong spoke, “Sky Magi Sect and Black Demon

City will be conquered, but not two people, only me.”

Geng Ken burst out laughing at Huang Xiaolong’s words, but

just as abruptly, his face turned gloomy. Sneering coldly,
Geng Ken said, “Since Little Brother Huang is so confident,
then I shall await for the glorious day when Little Brother
Huang succeeds in becoming Black Demon City’s
Castellan.” Finished saying that, Geng Ken turned around,
planning to leave with the other two Sky Magi Sect Elder.

“Who allowed you to leave?” at the same time, Huang

Xiaolong icy voice sounded.

Geng Ken stopped and turned around, facing Huang

Xiaolong. A dangerous light flickered gloomily in the depth
of his eyes, “Little brat, within Black Demon City, I come and
go as I please. Do you think a little Sixth Order like you can
make me stay?” As his sentence ended, a fiery-red battle
flame burst out from his body and the surrounding space
was instantly enveloped by a strong momentum.
Chapter 255: No Medicine
For Regret
Chapter 255: No Medicine for Regret

Geng Ken’s battle qi momentum exploded, a bright light

flashed behind him, revealing a giant hammer!

A top grade ten martial spiritーHeaven Splitting Hammer!

When the Thunderbolt Hammer appeared, the hammer

head rotated rapidly, issuing a whistling hum as it hovered
behind Geng Ken, raising palpitations that clouted the
listener’s heart.

Geng Ken immediately soul transformed after summoning

his martial spirit, fusing with his martial spirit as one entity.
The originally dwarf-sized old man Geng Ken more than
doubled in size after soul transforming. He was covered in
shining silver, as if he had put on silver-armored battle gear.
His arms became muscular and thick, akin to the sturdy
handle of a hammer, clenched fists intimidating, like iron

Geng Ken bellowed and launched an attack onto the young

man without the slightest hesitation. Figure blurring,
instantaneously reappearing in front of Huang Xiaolong. A
steely fist punched out.

“Little punk, die!” Old man Geng Keng’s eyes shone with
With his keen eyes, Geng Ken judged the young man to be
quite a powerful opponent despite only being a Xiantian
Sixth Order. Hence, he soul transformed immediately after
summoning his martial spirit and took the initiative
advantage by attacking first.

Du Xin and Deng Guangliang were alarmed and wanted to

rush out, but Huang Xiaolong’s voice halted their actions,
“No need, retreat to the side and keep an eye on those

Although stunned, both of them replied respectfully and

retreated to the side, blocking the escape route to prevent
the two Sky Magi Sect Elders to make a run for it.

Huang Xiaolong stood where he was. Watching the

opponent’s fist close in, he sneered. Without dodging,
Huang Xiaolong clenched his hand into a fist, bright battle qi
dazzled as he struck out his fist, colliding with the enemy’s
attack in the most direct manner.

Seeing a measly Sixth Order like Huang Xiaolong daring to

compete in fist power with his steel fist, Geng Ken’s heart
exploded with joy. Though he was only a peak mid-Seventh
Order, the Heaven Splitting Hammer’s steel body fused with
his fists after he soul transformed. Now, his fists were like
the hardest steel, not even a late-Xiantian Seventh Order
expert would dare risk a direct collision.

In his view, Huang Xiaolong was courting death faster by

doing so!

Under the tensed focus of others, two fists collided into each
other. Like the screeching of metals, a sharp ‘clang!’ echoed
in the air.
Geng Ken’s body was pushed backward, leaving more than
twenty ten-inch deep footprints on the marmoreal floor.
Fissures snaked across the surface as large cracks

Huang Xiaolong was repelled from the force, retreating more

than twenty steps, but the difference between him and
Geng Ken was the light footprints he made. There were no
cracks or fissures on the floor surface resulting from Huang
Xiaolong’s retreat.

“Ah?!” Seeing the result, shock was evident on both Sky

Magi Sect Elders. However, Du Xin and Deng Guangliang
were feeling the same.

Both were aware that Huang Xiaolong was strong, yet it

never crossed their mind that Huang Xiaolong’s strength
could dominate, albeit marginally, over the Sky Magi Sect’s
Grand Elder Geng Ken.

A peak mid-Sixth Order warrior had the upper advantage

against a peak mid-Seventh Order warrior, this was too
monstrous! At least, the four people present in the hall,
even with their positions as the Sky Magi Sect’s Elders, had
never come across anything like this before!

Still, the shock they were experiencing was nothing

compared to Geng Ken’s.

In that collision just now, he understood the most the extent

of the young man’s terror.

His fists were as hard as steel after the soul transformation,

but in that collision earlier, it felt like his steel fist slammed
into a wall of fine iron that was several folds sturdier.
While others were still caught in shock, Huang Xiaolong
steadied himself and his eyes locked onto Geng Ken.
Though he was strong, the exchange cemented Huang
Xiaolong’s confidence in reigning in old man Geng Ken.

If Geng Ken’s cultivation was just a little bit higher, a late-

Seventh Order, then Huang Xiaolong might have to give up
on the idea.

The time spent on practicing the Godly Mt. Xumi Art is still
too little. Huang Xiaolong thought to himself. Despite
cultivating the Godly Mt. Xumi Art for only a little while, it
had greatly enhanced both his physical defense and flesh’s
toughness that it was comparable to fine iron, but he was
far from achieving major completion.

Otherwise, Huang Xiaolong could’ve broken Geng Ken’s arm

with the shockwave. As for Geng Ken’s fist, it would be
nothing more than exploded pieces of flesh.

Huang Xiaolong strolled towards Geng Ken. With every step,

his aura changed as he activated the Asura Physique,
majestic ebony Wings of Demon erupted on Huang
Xiaolong’s back, visible dark red energy twisting and
winding around his body. Lastly, Huang Xiaolong’s hair flew
up, turning pure white from the scalp down to the ends.

Witnessing Huang Xiaolong’s physical transformation, the

increase in momentum and the heavy aura of slaughter
emanating vibrantly, Geng Keng and the two Sky Magi Sect
Elders were shaken inwardly.

Before the aura of slaughter coming from Huang Xiaolong,

Geng Ken’s heart gave birth to a strong fear, stumbling
backward constantly. At this moment, he regretted.
Regretted following Du Xin and Deng Guangliang here.
Deep down, he realized there would be no escape today.

Pushed to the corner, Geng Ken raged, his whole body spun.
Resplendent images of a steel hammer shot out from Geng
Ken’s body as his atmosphere rose to the peak, more
overwhelming than before.

Everyone present knew Geng Ken was desperate.

And sure enough, Geng Ken suddenly rammed towards

Huang Xiaolong.

As Geng Ken continued vehemently to knock against Huang

Xiaolong, the rotation speed of his body multiplied, as if he
was turning into a giant version of a hammer. As he spun, a
crushing pressure descended on the hall like a downburst,
giving the illusion in Du Xin, Deng Guangliang, and the two
Elders’ perception that space and void itself were distorted
from the pressure.

This was Geng Ken’s innate martial spirit ability, Hammer


Fully fusing his body with his martial spirit, turning into
hammer form, at high-speed rotation it created a terrifying
force, crushing everything under it.

Unfortunately, he met Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong scoffed, both palms lashed out, multiple

bright golden rings flew out, whistling through space. In the
places where these golden rings flew by, all things halted.

Including Geng Ken!

Geng Ken froze in midair, the turbulent wind created from

his spinning vanished, everything returning to its previous

Huang Xiaolong leaped up into the air, landing a punch on

Geng Ken’s chest.

Geng Ken crashed to the floor with a miserable scream.

The crash jarred Du Xin and Deng Guangliang back to the

present; everything ended so fast?!

“You, just now, what battle skill was that?!” Spitting out
blood from his mouth, Geng Ken clutched at his chest as he
stared at Huang Xiaolong, frightened.

It actually stopped …everything!

This was a Saint realm expert’s ability to manipulate the

laws of space.

But Huang Xiaolong wasn’t a Saint realm warrior. With this

battle skill, one could very well be invincible below the Saint

Geng Ken wasn’t the only one having this thought run
through his mind.

In fact, even though the God Binding Palm might be heaven-

defying, it wasn’t as invincible as Geng Ken and the others
thought it was. For instance, if the opponent’s strength far
exceeded Huang Xiaolong, then the God Binding Palm would
have minimal effect on them.

Standing in front of Geng Ken, Huang Xiaolong asked, “Now,

do you still want the position of Black Demon City’s
Geng Ken’s face warped, only now did he understand how
ignorant and ridiculous his proposal was.

Without waiting for Geng Ken’s reply, Huang Xiaolong

looked over to the two Sky Magi Sect Elder.

Huang Xiaolong’s action made them go weak at the knees,

falling to a kneeling position, kowtowing and begging Huang
Xiaolong to spare them.

“Young Lord, spare us! Don’t kill us, we were wrong, we’re
the wrong ones!”

“Don’t kill you, you were wrong?” Icy gaze fell on him.

Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and pointed a finger in the

void, finger imprints pierced through the middle of the two
Elders’ foreheads.

Two lifeless bodies slumped to the floor.

“In this world, there exists no such thing as medicine for

regret. Chance, I had given you one.” Huang Xiaolong stated
to no one in particular before turning back to Geng Ken.
Chapter 256: Chen
Xiaotian’S Suspicion
Chapter 256: Chen Xiaotian’s Suspicion

Watching Huang Xiaolong approach closer, an inexplicably

cold shiver ran through Geng Ken’s heart!

“Submit to me, or die!” Huang Xiaolong emphasized each

word slowly, allowing time for it to sink in Geng Ken’s

A series of emotions flitted across Geng Ken’s face. From the

way Huang Xiaolong dealt with the two Sky Magi Sect Elders
earlier, Geng Ken knew, the instant he shook his head,
Huang Xiaolong would exterminate him without slightest


When the thought of death appeared in Geng Ken’s mind, a

new fear reared its head in the core of his heart, spreading.

He had lived so long, the number of people that died in his

hands was no less than several hundreds of thousands!

At times, watching an enemy struggle in their the last

moments of death, in fear, pain and unwillingness, his heart
felt joy and satisfaction at such sight. But now, when he
himself was staring death in its eyes, he was paralyzed with

Huang Xiaolong saw the myriad of emotions that flickered

past Geng Ken’s face in silence, waiting nonchalantly for the
person to speak their decision.

In general, people like Geng Ken―ambitious and coveting

power, were more afraid of death than any other person.

Exactly as predicted, it didn’t take Geng Ken long to

surrender: “Okay, I’m willing to yield to you! … I’m willing to
swear allegiance to you.”

Listening to Geng Ken’s submission, Du Xin and Deng

Guangliang were greatly relieved.

Geng Ken’s influence ran deep within the Sky Magi Sect, and
with him choosing to side with Huang Xiaolong, he would
prove to be a big help for Huang Xiaolong in taking control
of the Sky Magi Sect.

Huang Xiaolong was secretly relieved as well. If Geng Ken

were too stubborn to submit, the only option left was to
‘erase’ any variable factor and that would be a loss in
Huang Xiaolong’s calculation.

After all, a Xiantian Seventh Order was still quite important

for a force like the Sky Magi Sect. Using the Sky Magi Sect
as the stepping stone, he would proceed to incorporate the
Blood Swallow School, therefore, Geng Ken was worth more
alive than dead.

“Good. now, release your soul sea, I will brand a soul mark
within your soul sea.” Huang Xiaolong stated.

“What, soul mark?” Geng Ken turned deathly pale hearing


Geng Ken’s reaction was no different than Du Xin, Deng

Guangliang, and other Sky Magi Sect Elders’ when they
heard the word soul mark. Instead, it would’ve been
suspicious if Geng Ken’s reaction was calm.

“That’s right, a soul mark.” came Huang Xiaolong’s cool


Geng Ken stared astonishedly at the young man in front,

this young man actually knew a soul marking technique!

Branding one’s soul!

He suddenly thought of the rumors of Gorefiend more than

six hundred years ago! Remembering some of the myths
related to Gorefiend, Geng Ken broke out in cold sweat as if
he saw the bloody history repeating itself in a dozen or a
hundred years’ time, where blood flowed across the land all
over the entire Martial Spirit World.

Yet, in the end, he obediently released his soul sea for

Huang Xiaolong to brand the soul mark. Whether Huang
Xiaolong would turn into a second Gorefiend, Geng Ken
didn’t know and it wasn’t up to him to be concerned about.
At this moment, he could only relent and yield to Huang

Huang Xiaolong fully relaxed after he successfully branded

Geng Ken’s soul sea with a soul mark. With Geng Ken in his
control, there was only Chen Xiaotian left. Chen Xiaotian
might be a late-Xiantian Seventh Order expert, but still, he
alone could not raise significant waves.

It could be surmised that the situation had reached a


However, Huang Xiaolong still proceeded cautiously,

instructing Geng Ken to return and keep an eye on Chen
Xiaotian and to report to him immediately if there was any
suspicious behavior.

Understanding Huang Xiaolong’s task for him, Geng Ken

acknowledged respectfully and left the mansion. Before
that, Huang Xiaolong did not forget to give him a grade six
spirit pellet.

Huang Xiaolong then turned to Du Xin and Deng

Guangliang, telling them to take note of Blood Swallow
School and Nine Fiend Sect’s movements. Anytime these
two forces made any actions, they were to report to him

Answering affirmatively in unison, both Du Xin and Deng

Guangliang withdrew from the hall.

When both had left, Huang Xiaolong initiated Godly Mt.

Xumi, entering the inner temple. There, he swallowed a drop
of Geocentric Buddha Elixir and cultivated to restore his
spent spiritual force.

Ten days later, Huang Xiaolong’s spiritual force was fully

restored. Not only that, every time he exhausted his
spiritual force, its strength would enhance significantly when
he meditated to restore it. Even so, Huang Xiaolong was in
no hurry to exit the Godly Mt. Xumi Temple, continuing with
his practice.

His current strength was at peak mid-Xiantian Sixth Order,

infinitely close to breaking into late-Xiantian Sixth Order.
Once he broke through to the late stage, battling against
Chen Xiaotian would be less strenuous.

Regardless, Huang Xiaolong wasn’t in a rush. He had a

feeling that within a month’s time he could achieve the
desired result, breaking into late-Xiantian Sixth Order.
Thus, secluding himself inside Godly Mt. Xumi, practicing
the Godly Xumi Art, Asura Tactics, and the Body
Metamorphose Scripture.

Huang Xiaolong stayed at the center of Godly Mt. Xumi’s

Ten Buddha array formation. Time and again he practiced
the Godly Xumi Art, vigorous energy coursing through his
body as he simultaneously ran the Asura Tactics and the
Body Metamorphose Scripture.

The Dragon might exuding from the twin dragons became

even more condensed and potent.

The ancient Buddhism spiritual energy, the netherworld

spiritual energy, true dragon qi, and the world’s spiritual
energy descended like a downburst into Huang Xiaolong’s


As Huang Xiaolong breathed in and out, the airflow around

him rippled to the rhythm of his breathing. With every
breath he drew, he could clearly feel the pores on his skin
acting like whirlpools that sucked in everything between
heaven and earth.

Days passed.

While Huang Xiaolong secluded himself in practice inside

the Xumi Temple, within the walls of the Sky Magi Sect’s
great hall, a tall and strapping Chen Xiaotian was
scrutinizing Gao Qing and Wu Honggang with stinging

A suffocating silence filled the dreary hall.

Both Gao Qing and Wu Honggang stood before Chen
Xiaotian, not daring to even breathe.

“Speak, where did your Third Senior Brother go?!” Chen

Xiaotian barked, “Don’t you dare say that your Third Senior
Brother went out for a mission!”

Gao Qing and Qu Honggang lowered their heads and knelt

on their knees, scared and jittery.

“Speak!” Chen Xiaotian cornered.

The two trembled visibly.

“Replying to Master, the truth is, Third Senior Brother did

not leave on a mission assignment.” At this time, Gao Qing
blurted out, “Third Senior Brother, he, he’s already dead!”

“What did you say?!” Chen Xiaotian jumped to his feet, a

raging momentum burst out of him like a flash flood.

“I, I’m not lying Master, Third Senior Brother is dead! It was
Blood Swallow School’s Deputy, Cui Ming, that killed Third
Senior Brother!” Wu Honggang interjected.

“Blood Swallow School’s Cui Ming!” A vicious light gleamed

fiercely in Chen Xiaotian’s eyes: “Spit it out! What exactly

In fact, this was something cooked up by Huang Xiaolong.

He had early on instructed both Gao Qing and Wu Honggang
that if one day Chen Xiaotian became suspicious of Lin Yu’s
death, then they’re to point the finger towards Blood
Swallow School’s Deputy, Cui Ming.

Hence, Gao Qing and Wu Honggang acted as per Huang

Xiaolong’s instruction, explaining the ‘truth’ of the situation
in detail to Chen Xiaotian.

Listening to what his two disciples said, a light flickered in

Chen Xiaotian’s eyes, changing indecisively as if he could
not determine the facts, “I will investigate this matter, but if
I find out that both of you lied to me, hmph!”

Gao Qing and Wu Honggang quickly kowtowed, claiming

vehemently they dare not lie.

“But, since you’ve already known early on that your Third

Senior Brother was killed by Blood Swallow School’s Deputy
Cui Ming, why didn’t you report this matter earlier?” Chen
Xiaotian’s temper erupted all of a sudden, sending both Gao
Qing and Wu Honggang flying with a flick of his hand. “Go
receive your punishment in the Disciplinary Hall!”

The two fled the hall in a panic after saluting Chen Xiaotian.

Very soon, Huang Xiaolong received news of this matter.

“Chen Xiaotian, that old fellow, is starting to become

suspicious?” a playful expression appeared on Huang
Xiaolong’s face.

“Young Lord, do we…?” Du Xin ventured carefully.
Chapter 257: Greeting The
Young Lord!
Chapter 257: Greeting the Young Lord!

Huang Xiaolong understood what Du Xin wanted to say, but

he shook his head saying “No need.” The time wasn’t ripe
for him to take action yet.

Du Xin and Deng Guangliang were shocked and confused

inwardly, but no longer dogged the issue.

“Young Lord, Chen Xiaotian is starting to feel suspicious, if

we do not act swiftly now, when he finds out the truth of the
matter, I’m afraid…” Deng Guangliang approached closer
and cautioned.

“There is still some time before he can determine anything.”

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, nonchalantly saying, “No
need to worry, you just focus on watching Chen Xiaotian’s
movements and await my orders. Well, both of you leave

“Yes, Young Lord!” Both of them answered, saluted, and

withdrew somberly.

After the two had left, Huang Xiaolong resumed his practice.

Chen Xiaotian would need some time to excavate the truth,

and before that, Huang Xiaolong had to strive to break
through into late-Xiantian Sixth Order.

It won’t be too late to act after that!

Of course, most of Huang Xiaolong’s confidence came from
the fact that most of the Sky Magi Sect’s Elders were under
in his control, so he was in no rush to confront Chen Xiaotian
at this moment.

Swallowing a drop of Geocentric Buddha Elixir, Huang

Xiaolong sat cross-legged in the Ten Buddha Formation,
enveloped by spiritual energy from the netherworld, ancient
Buddhist energy, as well as true dragon qi.

Days passed, and soon, fifteen days went by.

Huang Xiaolong, who was cultivating in the center of the Ten

Buddha Formation, suddenly shook. Three bright glows flew
out from his body like a tyrannical tornado, powerful winds
blasting around inside the temple hall.

In Huang Xiaolong’s meridians and Qi Sea, the netherworld

battle, qi, true dragon battle qi, and ancient buddha battle
qi coursed through every part of his body, surging with

Late-Xiantian Sixth Order, he succeeded!

Huang Xiaolong got up, standing in the center of the

formation, a hundred corporeal hands fanned out from his
body as Buddhism power formed a protective vigor qi,
giving off a golden light, as if he was the reincarnation of
the Ancient Thousand-Hand Buddha. With Huang Xiaolong’s
current comprehension of the Godly Xumi Art, he could
project one hundred and sixty arms, and he could also
divide his body into a dozen Buddha avatars.

Only some time later did Huang Xiaolong stop, the surging
battle qi inside his body calmed down gradually as he
breathed out foul qi from his mouth.
Finally, he had broken through late-Xiantian Sixth Order and
the time had come to either subdue or clear out Chen
Xiaotian. The time had come to have full control over the
Sky Magi Sect in his hands.

Huang Xiaolong’s body flickered into a blur and exited from

the Godly Xumi Temple.

Sky Magi Sect headquarters’ grand hall.

Chen Xiaotian sat on the throne on top of the dais with a

gloomy expression. The subordinate he sent out to
investigate about his third disciple Lin Yu came back to
report that Lin Yu wasn’t killed by Blood Swallow School’s
Deputy Cui Ming.

His two disciples were audacious enough as to lie to him!

What nerves!

He instructed the subordinate beside him, “Go call Elder

Gao Qing and Elder Wu Honggang over to the grand hall. If
they dare to resist, kill them without mercy!”

“Yes, Sect Leader!” The subordinate acknowledged

respectfully and left the grand hall.

These people were death warriors Chen Xiaotian personally

trained and each member of the group was a Xiantian
warrior. Alone, they might not be Gao Qing or Wu
Honggang’s opponent, however, with more than thirty of
them together, it was impossible for either Gao Qing or Wu
Honggang to escape the capture.
When the squad of death warriors left, Chen Xiaotian
remained sitting in the throne, pondering sullenly. Both Gao
Qing and Wu Honggang were his disciples, he knew their
characters well. Unless there was someone instructing them
at his back, they wouldn’t dare to deceive him.

Furthermore, recently, he sensed there was something

amiss within the Sky Magi Sect, but he couldn’t put his
finger on it. This feeling made him uneasy.

Perhaps, capturing Gao Qing and Wu Honggang could help

him make sense of things. Chen Xiaotian deduced the best
he could.

However, a sudden miserable wail interrupted Chen

Xiaotian’s thoughts.

Chen Xiaotian raised his head, looking dumbfounded. This

voice sounded like the same subordinate he had just
ordered to bring Gao Qing and Wu Honggang over!

In the next instant, a series of tragic wails echoed inside the

hall, the latter screams becoming clearer as the distance
became closer to the grand hall.

Hearing the consecutive miserable screams, Chen Xiaotian

snapped to attention. His face turned slightly pale as an
overpowering ominous dread filled his heart.

These series of tragic screams all came from the squad of

death warriors he sent out moments ago, as well as the
guards around the grand hall. All of them were his most
loyal subordinates and forces.

‘Did someone launch an attack on Sky Magi Sect?’ Chen

Xiaotian was doubtful.
The Blood Swallow School?! Or Nine Fiend Sect?!

In Black Demon City, only these two forces had the ability to
do so.

Just when Chen Xiaotian was about to step out from the
grand hall to check out what was happening outside, he saw
one of the guards run in drenched in blood.

“Sect Leader, run quickly!” When the words were out of his
mouth, the guard tumbled to the floor, no longer moving.

Chen Xiaotian looked ugly. Before he could make the next

move, several guards’ bodies were thrown into the grand
hall, on each of these guards’ chest was a glaring crimson

“Blood Palm!” Chen Xiaotian’s eyes glowered at the sight.

Blood Palm was a high-grade battle skill of the Sky Magi

Sect, only those with the position of Elder and above were
allowed to learn this skill.

At this point, a wave of people rushed into the grand hall.

Chen Xiaotian turned around to look and he saw Geng Ken
strolling in, clad in an ember red robe, with a group of Sky
Magi Sect Elders trailing behind him, including his two
disciples, Gao Qing and Wu Honggang. The very same ones
which he had just ordered his subordinates to capture, were
amongst the Elders entering the hall with Geng Ken.

Not only that, even his eldest and second disciple, Du Xin
and Deng Guangliang walked into hall, following half a step
behind Geng Ken.

Chen Xiaotian’s expression likened the dark brewing storm.

“Geng Ken, what are you doing?!” Overcoming his shock,
Chen Xiaotian actually became calmer, admonishing Geng

Stopping six to seven meters in front of Chen Xiaotian, Geng

Ken had a cold, condescending look on his face. Sneering,
he said, “What do you think?”

As Chen Xiaotian’s eyes swept over Gao Qing, Wu

Honggang, Du Xin, Deng Guangliang, and the majority of
the Sky Magi Sect’s Elders, he suddenly threw his head back
in exaggerated laughter. Halting just as abrupt as his
laughter started, Chen Xiaotian glowered coldly at Geng
Ken, “Little midget, looks like I, Chen Xiaotian
underestimated you. But, it won’t be easy if you want to sit
on the Sky Magi Sect Leader’s place!”

Chen Xiaotian was pondering who was the one directing Gao
Qing and Wu Honggang from behind, but seeing Geng Ken,
he had already pegged that mastermind to be none other
than Geng Ken.

It wasn’t just a day or two since Geng Ken nursed the

ambition of taking the Sky Magi Sect’s Sovereign position.

However, neither Geng Ken or any of the Sky Magi Sect

Elders spoke a word. Instead, all of them turned around and
retreated to the side, opening a wide berth of space in the
middle, with their heads lowered in respect, towards the

Before Chen Xiaotian’s confused expression, a black-haired

young man emanating domineering aura walked into the
hall with fluttering steps.

“We greet the Young Lord!” Geng Ken and the present Sky
Magi Sect Elders knelt down in salute, their voices rising
high, shaking the spacious hall.

Chen Xiaotian’s eyes were wide, filled with confusion and

shock as he observed the black-haired young man.

Huang Xiaolong walked into the Sky Magi Sect’s grand hall,
his face remained impassive even as he saw Geng Ken and
the Elders kneeling in salute, “Stand up.”

“We thank the Young Lord!” Geng Ken and the rest stood up
after giving thanks.

Huang Xiaolong strolled leisurely until he was in front of

Chen Xiaotian.

Only at this moment was Chen Xiaotian jolted back to the

present and it dawned on him that he erred in his earlier
conclusion. The person behind Gao Qing and Wu Honggang
wasn’t Geng Ken!

Who is this black-haired young man?!
Chapter 258: Battling Chen Xiaotian

“Who are you?!” The question flew from Chen Xiaotian’s

mouth as he studied Huang Xiaolong warily. His gut instinct
told him that Huang Xiaolong didn’t belong to the Blood
Swallow School or Nine Fiend Sect.

Huang Xiaolong faced Chen Xiaotian, indifferently saying,

“Who I am is not important,” after a slight pause, Huang
Xiaolong continued, “I think you would best understand that
there is no escape for you today. You have two options in
front of you; submission, or death.”

Huang Xiaolong wasted no time with nonsense, laying down

two choices on the table for Chen Xiaotian in a
straightforward manner.

Chen Xiaotian chanced another furtive glance in Geng Ken,

Du Xin, and Deng Guangliang’s direction as they stood
behind Huang Xiaolong. Suddenly, a cold, desolate feeling of
despair rose from his heart. Was this how it felt being
betrayed and abandoned?

“Did you plan on letting them attack me together, or one by

one?” Pushing down the feelings of despair, Chen Xiaotian
asked Huang Xiaolong in a stiff, cold voice.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, waving a hand at Geng Ken,

Du Xin, Deng Guangliang, and the other Sky Magi Sect
Elders back, “All of you step back. No one is allowed to make
a move without my order.”

When these words were spoken, all present were stunned by

Huang Xiaolong’s decision.
“Young Lord, this…!” Geng Ken took a step forward, wanting
to dissuade Huang Xiaolong.

No one here knew Chen Xiaotian’s true strength better than

him. Although he had to admit that Huang Xiaolong was
strong, Chen Xiaotian was a late-Xiantian Seventh Order
after all. Moreover, if his estimation was correct, Chen
Xiaotian’s real strength was higher than that.

“Step down!” Huang Xiaolong snapped.

Geng Ken trembled, swiftly saluted respectfully and

retreated to the back line where Du Xin, Deng Guangliang,
and the rest were standing.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Chen Xiaotian, “If you can defeat

me, you can leave.”

Chen Xiaotian glanced at the line up of Sky Magi Sect Elders

at the back and then back to Huang Xiaolong, “For real?”
Looking skeptical on the surface but his heart was delighted
at Huang Xiaolong’s arrogance. He wasn’t sure of Huang
Xiaolong’s actual strength, but judging from Huang
Xiaolong’s aura, Chen Xiaotian was sure Huang Xiaolong
hadn’t broken through to Xiantian Seventh Order.

“Correct.” Huang Xiaolong affirmed coolly, catching the

flicker of joy in Chen Xiaotian’s eyes; it seems this Chen
Xiaotian thinks he will win over me?

The instant Huang Xiaolong’s reply came, one azure and

one red light flew out from Chen Xiaotian’s body, merging
into a tree above his head.

A giant tree materialized, shrouded in an azure colored gale

and dark red flames.
First-rank grade eleven martial spiritーWindfire Tree!

The power of the wind and fire elements instantly filled the
grand hall.

Chen Xiaotian wasted no time in merging with his Windifre

Tree martial spirit immediately after summoning it. After
soul transforming, both of Chen Xiaotian’s arms were
crackling and burning with dark red flames; at the same
time, azure colored wind swished up and down and around
his body.

The soul transformed Chen Xiaotian seized the initiative,

launching an attack on Huang Xiaolong. He dashed forward
in a blur of azure light with streaks of dark red, at amazing
speed, as if he was the embodiment of wind. Not only were
Du Xin and Deng Guangliang unable to capture Chen
Xiaotian’s movements, even the strongest amongst them,
Geng Ken, a peak late-Sixth Order Xiantian could only see
vague afterimages. This filled everyone with apprehension.

“Careful, Young Lord!” Geng Ken and the others couldn’t

help exclaiming out loud.

Huang Xiaolong branded a soul mark in each of their souls.

Being connected at soul level, if Huang Xiaolong died, they
too would follow, their souls facing destruction.

Watching Chen Xiaotian coming at him, Huang Xiaolong

released his Asura Physique. Black, ebony Wings of Demon
spread, and displaying Phantom Shadow at the same time,
Huang Xiaolong’s figure disappeared, leaving only a faint
shadow in the air.

Chen Xiaotian’s fist struck, piercing through the shadow left

behind in Huang Xiaolong’s place, the afterimage shadow
puffed away like wisps of smoke.
His attack fell on empty air, Chen Xiaotian spun around with
a horrified expression, looking at Huang Xiaolongㅡthis black-
haired young man actually dodged his attack! His actual
strength was not what the outside rumours claimed to be,
he had long ago advanced into the peak of late-Xiantian
Seventh Order, and with the power of the wind element
added onto his body after soul transformation, his speed
greatly surpassed warriors of the same strength. Despite all
of this, Huang Xiaolong managed to dodge his attack.

Having avoided Chen Xiaotian’s attack, Huang Xiaolong

rounded back with the Blades of Asura in his hands, slashing
out at Chen Xiaotian from midair.

The Asura Sword Skill’s Fourth Move: State of Abundant


A lightning storm descended on the grand hall, countless

lightning flood dragons formed as they hit the floor, roaring
at the targeted Chen Xiaotian. In the short blink of an eye,
Chen Xiaotian was surrounded.

Chen Xiaotian’s face became ashen at the abrupt grave

situation he found himself in.

“Windfire Flowing Physique!”

With a bellow, Chen Xiaotian twirled his body around like a

flaming cloud and floated to the air, barely escaping the
attacks of several lightning flood dragons. But he didn’t
expect that the flood dragon-shaped lightning could turn
into rotating gales, dogging his steps.

After so many years, Huang Xiaolong had perfected the

combination of Asura Sword Skill’s first move, Tempest of
Hell and the second move, Tears of Asura, into the fourth
move, State of Abundant Lightning. When attacking, the
lightning streaks were unpredictable, turning into an angry
thunderstorm in the next moment. It evolved into quite a
powerful move.

Chen Xiaotian ‘floated’ from one side to the other, endlessly

‘flowing’ with the air current, dodging the attacks of the
lightning flood dragons repeatedly. Time elapsed and the
State of Abundant Lightning dissipated.

After he was hit directly by the lightning, Chen Xiaotian

appeared awkward and miserable, parts of his robes were
singed and tattered, with burnt black holes.

“Windfist Flowing Fire Palm!”

When Huang Xiaolong’s attack dissipated, Chen Xiaotian

vented his wrath. Chen Xiaotian struck with his left fist and
a hurricane of wind formed in front of it, whereas his right
hand struck a palm that pierced through space, dancing
with dark red flames.

A punch and a palm fused into one attack, violently

influencing the airflow of the grand hall, so much that Geng
Ken and the group of Elder standing at the edge felt like
they were being melted in a heated furnace, yet at the
same time, blades of wind cut against their skin.

Even for Huang Xiaolong, it was the first time he came

across such a battle skill.

After a brief moment of surprise, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes

turned sharp and cold, swinging the blades in his hands.
Countless blade lights spun in peculiar circular motions, as a
deep hued red eyeball materialized out of nowhere, it too
spinning in the same direction. Icy blade lights flew out from
the red eyeball, crashing into the enemy’s wind fist and fire
High above in the grand hall space, a chain of blasts rang
out. Aftershocks of wind and fire rolled out as remnants of
blade lights ricocheted in all directions, leaving spine-
chilling cut marks on the walls of the grand hall.

When the deep red eyeball appeared, Chen Xiaotian felt

dizzied from shock at the scene before him. Unable to
control himself, his body wobbled as he looked at Huang
Xiaolong with shock and trepidation.

What kind of battle skill was this?!

By now, it was apparent to him that Huang Xiaolong had yet

to break through to Xiantian Seventh Order, but the
cultivation technique he practiced was undoubtedly high.
Therefore, Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi grade exceeded his by
more than a grade or two. On top of that, the battle skill he
practiced was much stronger too, perhaps it might even be
a legendary Heaven grade battle skill!

Seeing that even the Eye of Reincarnation failed to resolve

Chen Xiaotian, Huang Xiaolong realized it would difficult to
defeat the opponent if he didn’t summon his martial spirit.

At the end of the day, Chen Xiaotian’s strength was a peak

late-Xiantian Seventh Order.

With Chen Xiaotian, Geng Ken, and the rest watching, a

coruscating light burst out from Huang Xiaolong’s body.
Roars of dragons shook the heavens as twin dragons
materialized in midairㅡa black and a blue dragon!
Overwhelming dragon might flooded the hall like the
rushing currents of the Milky Way, spreading to every corner
of the spacious grand hall.

The black and blue dragons wound themselves around

Huang Xiaolong, akin to a Dragon God reincarnation.
“Twin Primordial Divine Dragon martial spirits!”

Geng Ken, Du Xin, and Deng Guangliang’s bodies trembled,

staring at Huang Xiaolong with feverish eyes.
Chapter 259: Taking
Control Of Sky Magi Sect
Chapter 259: Taking Control of Sky Magi Sect

“Blue Dragon martial spirit!” Watching a blue dragon

materialize behind Huang Xiaolong, Chen Xiaotian was

News of Huang Xiaolong possessing superb talent twin

martial spirits, Primordial Divine Black and Blue Dragons,
had yet to spread to the Bedlam Lands. Therefore this was
the first time any of them, be it Chen Xiaotian, Geng Ken, or
the rest, were confronted with the existence of a blue
dragon martial spirit.

After summoning his twin martial spirits, Huang Xiaolong’s

strength rose and soared continuously. In a dazzling flash of
light, he soul transformed with the black and blue dragons.

Before the stunned faces of Chen Xiaotian and the rest,

layers of sturdy black and blue dragon scales grew on the
surface of Huang Xiaolong’s skin, covering him like an
armor, as two tattoo-like dragon heads appeared on his

After soul transforming, Huang Xiaolong’s momentum

greatly surpassed Chen Xiaotian’s.

Huang Xiaolong’s body exuded an overwhelming dragon

might, making it difficult for Chen Xiaotian, Geng Ken, and
the Sky Magi Sect Elders to breath. Deep within, the core of
their souls gave birth to a desire to kneel, to prostrate, to
submit before Huang Xiaolong. Only Chen Xiaotian was able
to resist going down on his knees, although barely.

Huang Xiaolong shifted, disappearing in a blur and

reappearing right in front of Chen Xiaotian. A palm swiftly
struck out.

Chen Xiaotian turned ghastly pale at the sudden attack,

raising his own palm in a panic, meeting Huang Xiaolong’s
attack head on in an attempt of self-defense.

A muffled explosion resounded in the grand hall, followed by

terrifying aftershock waves spiralling outward. Chen
Xiaotian had a feeling like his palm hit against a divine
stone. It felt as if the bones of his hand shattered from the
collision as he staggered backwards until the edge of the
grand hall, just to steady himself.

Horror was written all over Chen Xiaotian’s face as he stared

at Huang Xiaolong.

Before this black-haired young man, after soul transforming,

relying purely on battle qi and battle skill grade to battle
him, Chen Xiaotian knew he was marginally stronger. But
the young man’s strength increased drastically after soul

A part of him actually gave up resistance facing the soul

transformed Huang Xiaolong.

On the other side, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette flickered,

wielding the Blades of Asura at Chen Xiaotian again,
dancing blade lights spun into an alluring demonic flower
right in front of Chen Xiaotian.

Asura Sword Skill, Fifth Move: Flower of the Other Shore!

In the next breath, the flower vanished into thin air!

All of a sudden, Chen Xiaotian screamed. His body was

thrown back as if something hit him, red blood gushing out
from his chest like a gurgling spring. A glaring, blood-red
flower imprint could be seen on his chest as blood flowed

Before Chen Xiaotian crashed to the floor, the blades in

Huang Xiaolong’s hands swung out a third time, sending
countless blade lights that turned into a pair of tempestuous
vortices, chasing after Chen Xiaotian.

Tempest of Hell!

Fear and panic rose in Chen Xiaotian’s heart watching the

two cyclones coming at him.

“Windfire Flowing Physique!”

Chen Xiaotian’s body rotated at high speed, turning into a

cloud of flowing flames that floated in the air.

However, due to the injury from the Flower of the Other

Shore, Asura qi had invaded his body, greatly reducing Chen
Xiaotian’s speed and movements. In the end, the Tempest of
Hell vortices wrapped around his legs, pulling him down
from the air.

Minuscule wind blades abraded Chen Xiaotian’s legs, his

flesh was flayed and blood splattered as they moved higher,
towards Chen Xiaotian’s torso. The white of bones was
visible to the naked eye through the bloody wounds.

Huang Xiaolong stopped his attack and walked over to

where Chen Xiaotian laid.
Severely injured by the Flower of the Other Shore and
having his legs crippled by the Tempest of Hell, Chen
Xiaotian was a withered version of his robust self. The
elemental power of wind and fire weakened and dissipated.
In this state, any average Xiantian Sixth Order warrior could
snuff out Chen Xiaotian’s life without exerting much effort.

Chen Xiaotian struggled to drag his injured body away with

his arms, as Huang Xiaolong approached closer, until he
reached a wall where there was no more space to retreat.

“Submit to me! I can heal your injuries, also let you break
through to the Eighth Order.” Huang Xiaolong lowered his
gaze, his icy voice giving no room for doubt: “Or die!”

“Cut by my blades, with the Asura qi invading your body,

the last moments before death are absolute torture. You
probably don’t feel so good right now.”

A series of thoughts flashed passed Chen Xiaotian’s pallid

face. Just as Huang Xiaolong stated, the invading Asura qi
felt like ten thousand poisonous snakes sinking their
poisonous fangs into his skin, the pain grew increasingly
excruciating by the seconds. If it weren’t for his wind and
fire elemental battle qi suppressing that terrifying energy
inside his body, the pain would be a hundred times worse
than what he was experiencing now.

Huang Xiaolong watched him coldly, waiting for an answer.

Geng Ken, Du Xin, and Deng Guangliang all looked at Chen

Xiaotian in absolute silence.

Huang Xiaolong had easily defeated Chen Xiaotian after soul

transformation, the shocking truth was already deeply
etched in Geng Ken, Du Xin, Deng Guangliang, and the Sky
Magi Sect Elders’ hearts, and it showed on their faces.
Time ticked by and the prolonged silence grew foreboding.

“Fine. I’m willing, to submit to you.” A short while passed,

Chen Xiaotian sighed towards the sky and gave in. The
moment these words left his lips, he looked as if he grew old
in an instant.

As the Sky Magi Sect’s Sovereign, Chen Xiaotian was

considered as one of three hegemony existences in Black
Demon City, an existence that even the Nine Fiend Sect’s
Patriarch showed a point or two of respect and wariness
towards. But now, he was reduced to submitting to another
person, having a master over himーa junior!

The circumstances of this change were difficult for him to


Huang Xiaolong was secretly relieved that Chen Xiaotian

was willing to submit. This was the most favorable outcome.

This way, on the surface, Chen Xiaotian could remain as the

face of Sky Magi Sect’s Leader, while Huang Xiaolong
controlled everything behind the scenes. Proceeding in this
manner would reduce the chances of Blood Swallow School
and Nine Fiend Sect getting suspicious, otherwise, things
would be more troublesome if he had to make Chen Xiaotian
‘disappear’ or ‘missing.’

“Good. Release your soul sea,” Huang Xiaolong added, “I’m

going to brand a soul mark.”

“Soul mark!” Chen Xiaotian’s reaction was identical to Geng

Ken, Du Xin, and the rest upon hearing the words ‘soul
mark’. The fact that Huang Xiaolong knew the art of soul
marking was shocking to Chen Xiaotian.
His eyes strayed towards Geng Ken, his disciples, Du Xin
and Deng Guangliang, as well as the Sky Magi Sect Elders.
Realization dawned on him, all of them were branded with a
soul mark by Huang Xiaolong!

Like the many before him, Chen Xiaotian relented, releasing

his soul sea, allowing Huang Xiaolong to brand a soul mark.

Displaying the Soul Mandate combined with the Ancient

Puppetry Art, Huang Xiaolong branded Chen Xiaotian’s soul
sea with a soul mark. When all was completed smoothly, he
finally relaxed. Reigning in Chen Xiaotian, the Sky Magi Sect
was now fully under his control.

In the Bedlam Lands, Huang Xiaolong now had his own


Successfully branding a soul mark in Chen Xiaotian, Huang

Xiaolong drew out the Asura qi within and gave him a grade
six spirit pellet and a healing pellet, so that he could heal
his wounds.

With Chen Xiaotian on his side, Huang Xiaolong turned to

the three remaining Sky Magi Sect Elders, reigning them in
just as he did with the others.

However, Huang Xiaolong did not make Chen Xiaotian call

for an assembly of the core disciples announcing his
identity. Before he swallowed up the Blood Swallow Sect and
Nine Fiend Sect, the fewer people that knew about him the

Yet, at the same time, Huang Xiaolong wasn’t in a rush to

take over the two other forces. Instead, he ordered Chen
Xiaotian and Geng Ken to have someone watch the
movements of Blood Swallow School’s Elders.
His plan was to divide and conquerㅡwhen these Elders were
outbound for tasks, he would either kill or rein them in.

He would only act when the Blood Swallow School’s Doyen,

Jiang Tianhua noticed something was amiss.

From then on, Huang Xiaolong stayed in the Sky Magi Sect
headquarters, spending his days cultivating inside Godly Mt.
Xumi. As his spiritual force and strength continued to rise,
Huang Xiaolong tried to control the fifth puppet inside the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda.

And Huang Xiaolong finally succeeded ten days later.

“Young Lord, this subordinate found out that two Blood

Swallow School Elders, Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang, accepted a
task to the Death Domain in search of the Bedeviled Spirit
Bead.” One day, the Sky Magi Sect’s Leader, Chen Xiaotian,
came to report to Huang Xiaolong.
Chapter 260: Death God’S
Chapter 260: Death God’s Chain

“Heading to the Death Domain in search of the Bedeviled

Spirit Bead?” Huang Xiaolong repeated in surprise.

The Death Domain was one of three of the Bedlam Lands’

forbidden areas, also known as the Death Land. In that area,
the death aura and demonic energy were extremely thick,
covering entire miles. Putting aside the weaker Houtian
realm warriors, even some early Xiantian realm warriors
that entered the Death Domain would be bedeviled if they
were just a little careless, turning into a half human half
devil existence.

“Yes, the Blood Swallow School’s Doyen, Jiang Tianhua,

practices a battle skill called Devil Tribulation Finger and he
needs the Bedeviled Spirit Bead for it.” Chen Xiaotian
added, “Thus Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang were sent to search
for the Bedeviled Spirit Bead in the Death Domain.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

The Bedeviled Spirit Bead was a type of rare bead formed

from nature by gathering death aura and demonic energy,
extremely beneficial to those cultivating dark types of battle
qi or evil battle skills.

“In your opinion, has Jiang Tianhua advanced to the Eighth

Order?” Huang Xiaolong’s voice sounded solemn.
Chen Xiaotian contemplated the question and answered in a
tone just as solemn, “Although the rumors circling outside
claimed Jiang Tianhua to be a peak late-Xiantian Seventh
Order, no one could confirm it, for no one has witnessed
Jiang Tianhua’s strength in the last decade. In this
subordinate’s estimation, it is very likely that Jiang Tianhua
has already broken through to Xiantian Eighth Order.”

“Xiantian Eighth Order.” Huang Xiaolong repeated with a

frown on his forehead.

He could easily suppress a peak late-Xiantian Seventh Order

Chen Xiaotian after soul transforming with his twin dragon
martial spirits, but Huang Xiaolong didn’t have full
confidence to be able to defeat a Xiantian Eighth Order

For high-level Xiantian warriors, the strength gap became

more significant in every small stage they advanced.
Although there was seemingly a small gap between Chen
Xiaotian’s peak late-Seventh Order strength and Jiang
Tianhua’s Eighth Order, strength wise, two, perhaps even
three of Chen Xiaotian could not compete with a single
powerful Xiantian Eighth Order warrior. Even amongst early
Xiantian Eighth Orders, there was a distinction between
strong and weak ones.

As the herald behind the Blood Swallow School, Jiang

Tianhua’s strength definitely ranked in the top few among
Xiantian Eighth Order warriors.

Then, there was but one way: he had to break through to

Xiantian Seventh Order as soon as possible. Huang Xiaolong
weighed the chances, musing to himself. After breaking into
Xiantian Seventh Order, Huang Xiaolong had full confidence
to defeat Jiang Tianhua.
“When are Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang setting off to the Death
Domain?” Huang Xiaolong looked inquiringly over at Chen

“It should be within these two days.” Chen Xiaotian


“Good, continue to watch their movements and report to me

once they left Black Demon City.” Huang Xiaolong
instructed. “Mn, you can withdraw now.”

“Yes Young Lord!” Chen Xiaotian made a respectful salute,

turned around, and left.

After Chen Xiaotian’s silhouette disappeared, Huang

Xiaolong once again entered the Xumi Temple, swallowed a
drop of Geocentric Buddha Elixir and cultivated. It was
imperative for him to break through to Xiantian Seventh
Order if he wanted to ensure his success in defeating Jiang
Tianhua in one fell swoop.

Once he entered the high-level Xiantian order, his strength

would rise drastically. With Huang Xiaolong’s twin dragon
martial spirits, the Godly Xumi Art, and Asura Sword Skill, in
the Bedlam Lands, he was an expert strong enough to rule
in one direction.

The night passed quietly.

Huang Xiaolong stopped practicing the Godly Xumi Art,

moving on to the Asura Tactics and the Body Metamorphose

Ever since he refined the Godly Mt. Xumi, he had been

taking a drop of Geocentric Buddha Elixir every day,
improving his flesh and muscles. On the surface, Huang
Xiaolong seemed the same, for no one could see the earth-
shaking changes taking place inside his body, other than
Huang Xiaolong himself.

His meridians were covered with a layer of tenacious golden

film-like glow, spreading over and wrapping around his
internal organs. If, before this, his internal organs were
likened to hard granite, then his current improvement would
shame the core of the hardest steel.

It could be said that Huang Xiaolong’s physical defense was

more shocking than an early-Xiantian Eighth Order’s
physique. Even if Huang Xiaolong just stood there and
allowed Chen Xiaotian to land punches on him without
countering, he would not suffer any real damage.

“Still, I need to find a way for Godly Mt. Xumi to produce a

new supply of Geocentric Buddha Elixir.” Looking at the ever
diminishing cloudy white liquid in the tiny pond, Huang
Xiaolong muttered to himself.

Before leaving Duanren Empire, he gave some Geocentric

Buddha Elixir to his family. On top of the amount he used for
his own cultivation, there wasn’t much left, at most, it would
only be enough to support him for no more than a year.
Meaning to say, if Huang Xiaolong could not find a way that
would allow the Godly Mt. Xumi to produce Geocentric
Buddha Elixir within the next two years, his supply of
Geocentric Buddha Elixir would all be gone.

A while later, Huang Xiaolong concentrated. Now, the crucial

task was taking over Black Demon City. With the Black
Demon City in his grasp, he could be considered as having
established himself in the Bedlam Lands. After that, he
would focus on finding a method for the Godly Mt. Xumi to
generate more Geocentric Buddha Elixir.
At this moment, the Asura Ring on Huang Xiaolong’s finger
sparkled as he took out the Asura Sword Skill illustrations.
He had mastered the sixth move: Eye of Reincarnation, thus
it was about time he started training the seventh move.
Huang Xiaolong studied the illustrations.

“Death God’s Chain.” Huang Xiaolong said the name out


Death God’s Chainㅡthat was the name of the Asura Sword

Skill’s Seventh move.

Huang Xiaolong continued to study the illustration,

committing the flow of battle qi and the attack movements
to his memory. Some time later, after he memorized them,
Huang Xiaolong closed his eyes and recalled the details
using mind visualization, repeating the moves many times
over in his mind.

It was several hours later when Huang Xiaolong finally

opened his eyes. His body moved, the Blades of Asura were
already in his hands as he leaped up, swinging the blades in
his hands to the front. Countless blade lights shot forward in
rapid rotations, like a poisonous snake, like an electric drill,
akin to angry dragons as they transformed into a pair of
links of a crimson chain that struck out. The surrounding
void where the chains shot past looked as if it was
perforated through and through.

After the first attempt, Huang Xiaolong closed his eyes once
again, remembering the feeling he had when he displayed
the Death God’s Chain.

Half an hour later, the blades in Huang Xiaolong’s hands

swung out a second time, creating a hail of spinning blade
lights that turned into four links of a crimson chain,
whipping out in the four directions.
When the attack subsided, Huang Xiaolong closed his eyes.
Then, it was another attempt in after half an hour’s time.
One day passed quickly in this manner.

At the end of the day, Huang Xiaolong could already form

twenty links of the chains when displaying the Death God’s
Chain. When attacking, the chains of blade light spun, being
able to launch an attack from any direction and angle at any
moment. According to the description written beneath the
illustrations, once one reached the major completion stage,
an attack from the Death God’s Chain could cover a piece of
heaven and earth, measuring tens of thousands li, in a
dense forest of crimson chains that would slice and
penetrate through everything in their path. The most
terrifying element of the Death God’s Chain was its ability to
control the space within its area, locking everything in

When the night came, Huang Xiaolong stopped his training.

At this time, Chen Xiaotian came in to report that the two

Elders of Blood Swallow Sect, Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang, had
left Black Demon City for their Death Domain mission.

Huang Xiaolong nodded. Finally, the two of them left the

Black Demon City area. Thus, Huang Xiaolong, together with
Chen Xiaotian acting as a guide, headed out from the Sky
Magi Sect headquarters to ‘pay a visit’ to Li Yunhua and Liu

Ten thousand li outside of Black Demon City, Li Yunhua and

Liu Liyang were passing through a chain of barren mountain

“Our the task in going to the Death Domain this time must
absolutely succeed; we will definitely find a Bedeviled Spirit
Bead for the Doyen. With it, our Doyen’s Undying Devil
Physique and Devil Tribulation Finger will finally reach major
completion. Hmph, when that time comes, even the Nine
Fiend Sect’s Sovereign wouldn’t be our Doyen’s opponent.
The day when our Blood Swallow School rules Black Demon
City is close!” Li Yunhua laughed.

Hearing this, Liu Liyang laughed agreeably, “You’re right!

The first one we’re gonna swallow up will be the Sky Magi
Sect. If that Chen Xiaotian doesn’t know what’s good for
him, he can only join the reincarnation line!”
Chapter 261: Begin
Swallowing The Blood
Swallow School
Chapter 261: Begin Swallowing the Blood Swallow School

“Later on, when our Doyen achieves major completion in his

Undying Devil Physique and Devil Tribulation Finger, killing
Chen Xiaotian will take nothing more than a flick of a
finger.” Li Yunhua laughed blatantly.

The moment Li Yunhua’s laughter rang out, a cold snort

sounded from the void. It came too abruptly, startling the
two Blood Swallow School Elders. Alerted, both turned,
backs facing each other as they scanned the surroundings
warily, barking: “Who is it?! Roll out here!”

Before the vigilant eyes of Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang, two

silhouettes emerged from the void, Huang Xiaolong and
Chen Xiaotian, revealing themselves to Li Yunhua and Liu

“Chen Xiaotian!” Both Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang were so

shocked seeing one of the two people was Chen Xiaotian
that they exclaimed aloud.

Even though both of them ridiculed how useless and

vulnerable Chen Xiaotian would be in front of their Doyen,
deep down they understood that regardless of their
opinions, Chen Xiaotian was a peak late-Xiantian Seventh
Order expert, one of the hegemons of Black Demon City.
Whereas the two of them were only late-Xiantian Sixth

Almost immediately, Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang’s keen eyes

noticed that Chen Xiaotian was actually walking half a step
behind a black-haired young man, humble in demeanor, his
body slightly lowered at the waist. Their sight hastily shifted
onto Huang Xiaolong in astonishment.

Huang Xiaolong looked at them with cold nonchalance, “Kill

Chen Xiaotian? Swallow the Sky Magi Sect?” Without waiting
for a reply, Huang Xiaolong looked over to Chen Xiaotian,
“I’ll leave them to you, as long as they still have one breath
hanging at the end.”

Chen Xiaotian’s eyes lit up hearing that and thanked Huang

Xiaolong respectfully, “Thank you, Young Lord!” Earlier,
when he heard them saying that if the Blood Swallow Sect’s
Doyen, Jiang Tianhua, wanted to kill him it would only take
the effort of wriggling a finger, Chen Xiaotian had been
suppressing the anger boiling in his veins. Because there
was no order to act from Huang Xiaolong, he dared not
charge ahead on his own. Now, with Huang Xiaolong’s order,
Chen Xiaotian shot forward with great élan, launching
attacks on Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang at the same time.

“Young Lord?!” Catching the crucial term Chen Xiaotian used

to address the black-haired young man standing in front of
them, Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang couldn’t believe their ears.
Before they could figure out what was happening, Chen
Xiaotian’s attack already reached in front of them.

Jarred back to their senses, both men raised their arms in

defense. However, relying on their late-Xiantian Sixth Order
strength, they were no match for Chen Xiaotian at all. In the
first wave of attack, Chen Xiaotian already displayed his
Windfist Flowing Fire Palm. A palm and fist combination,
instantly suppressing Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang until they
were unable to put up the slightest resistance, crashing
down to the ground. Wind force blasted gravel and rock
debris everywhere.

“Chen Xiaotian, stop!” Spitting out blood from his mouth, Li

Yunhua hollered anxiously. Liu Liyang was angry and just as
shocked as Li Yunhua.

Chen Xiaotian’s feet landed gently on the ground. A

contemptuous snicker sounded from his throat as he struck
out another Windfist Flowing Fire Palm onto the two men’s
chest. Throughout the battle, Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang were
given no chance to summon their martial spirits out to soul
transform. Screams reverberated in the air as bodies
tumbled harshly on the jagged ground, sending rocks and
dust flying everywhere. At the end, Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang
slammed heavily against two large boulders and slid down.

Huang Xiaolong’s order stated that it was fine as long as

they still had a breath in them, therefore, Chen Xiaotian did
not hold back. Every attack was ruthless, venting fierce
rage, pounding it into the two punching bags. Chen Xiaotian
did not stop there, he sent them up to the air once again
and continued to assault Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang in a
torrent of fists and palms.

Ten minutes later, Li Yuhua and Liu Liyang sprawled half

dead on the ground, turning into a pair of unrecognizable
bloodied pulps, unable to even move their little fingers.
Although Chen Xiaotian’s attacks were ruthless, they were
well-measured, guaranteeing that Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang
would not die accidentally.
“Good, it’s enough.” Huang Xiaolong who had been
watching at the side the entire time finally spoke.

Only after hearing Huang Xiaolong’s order did Chen Xiaotian

stop attacking, retreating respectfully behind Huang

Huang Xiaolong slowly strode towards the two bloodied

men, peering down at their blood-stained swollen faces, he
said, “I know you’re very curious about my identity, you will
know very soon. Let me tell you frankly, the Sky Magi Sect is
already under my control now; Chen Xiaotian, Geng Ken,
and all the Sky Magi Sect Elders have all submitted to me.”

The two heavily injured and weakened Li Yunhua and Liu

Liyang that couldn’t even lift a pinky, suddenly snapped
their eyes wide open, staring at Huang Xiaolong, as great
waves of shock hit their hearts.


This black-haired young man had full control over the Sky
Magi Sect?! Chen Xiaotian, Geng Ken, and all Sky Magi Sect
Elders had all submitted to him?!

Their minds buzzed.

A brief moment later, two pairs of eyes fell on Chen

Xiaotian’s body. It was hard to believe, yet judging from
Chen Xiaotian’s earlier behavior in front of Huang Xiaolong,
that respectful demeanor that was no different than a slave,
Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang knew that Huang Xiaolong was
speaking the truth.

However, how did this black-haired young man make Chen

Xiaotian, Geng Ken, and the Sky Magi Sect’s Elders submit
to him? Why didn’t the Blood Swallow School or Nine Fiend
Sect receive any wind of something so big!?

“I’m giving you two a choice. One, like Chen Xiaotian, Geng
Ken, and the others, submit to me, or two, death.” Huang
Xiaolong added.

Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang’s expressions tightened.

“You’re dreaming if you want us to submit!” Li Yunhua

glared ferociously: “Impossible! Kid, kill us if you want, our
Blood Swallow School will never let you go. Not only you,
our Blood Swallow School will destroy the entire Sky Magi

Huang Xiaolong’s face sank. He shook his head, there’ll

always be some people that weren’t aware of the direction
in which the wind blows, then…! A hint of coldness shone in
Huang Xiaolong’s pupils, a finger pointed out as he raised
his hand. Dark gray fog rolled out like rumbling storm
clouds, strange dark creatures issued wails from its depth
that pierced at the soul. A terrifying force burst out from the
thick dark gray fog, enveloping Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang.

The Absolute Soul Pearl’s heritage skill, the Absolute Soul


The appearance of the gray fog and the strange cries

petrified Li Yunhua. Just as he was about to beg for mercy,
the Absolute Soul finger imprint already pierced through the
middle of his brows. Liu Liyang saw everything clearly from
the side; the finger imprint pierced through his comrade’s
eyebrows and out from the back of his head. Blood and
brain matter splattered out.

Li Yunhua stiffened, mouth agape as he tumbled sideways to

the ground.
Liu Liyang’s heart shivered staring at Li Yunhua’s body and
then at Huang Xiaolong again. He didn’t expect Huang
Xiaolong to be so decisive and ruthless, giving no second

As these thoughts crossed Liu Liyang’s mind, Huang

Xiaolong slowly turned to him with piercing eyes, like a pair
of swords. At this precise moment, a great shadow loomed
over Liu Liyang’s heart, body, and soul.

“I can give you time to reconsider. Think well before

deciding, don’t learn from him, opening his mouth
recklessly.” Huang Xiaolong then added: “But there’s only
one chance, live or die.”

Liu Liyang’s expression turned ugly beneath the blood


Huang Xiaolong instructed Chen Xiaotian, “Deal with his

corpse.” Of course, Li Yunhua’s corpse couldn’t be left
anywhere, all traces of evidence had to be erased.

“Yes, Young Lord!” Chen Xiaotian answered. A great suction

force came from his palm and Li Yunhua’s lifeless body flew
up into the air. Then, Chen Xiaotian’s fire battle qi burned
brightly as he struck a Flowingcloud Fire Palm on Li Yunhua’s
corpse, incinerating it to gray ashes that scattered on the
ground in just moment. Barely any time passed for the dust
and sand blown by the wind to cover all traces.

Liu Liyang’s expression turned from bad to worse, watching

with his own eyes as Chen Xiaotian destroyed the evidence
and the remains of Li Yunhua.

“I, am willing to… submit!” As the last traces of Li Yunhua’s

gray ashes disappeared, Liu Liyang made his decision.
Huang Xiaolong nodded, ordering Liu Liyang to release his
soul sea for him to brand his soul sea with a soul mark.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong talk about branding his soul sea,

another surge of tidal waves crashed at Liu Liyang’s heart,
but he had no other options. In the end, he obediently did as
he was told, releasing his soul sea, allowing Huang Xiaolong
to place his soul mark.

When all was done, Huang Xiaolong secretly breathed in

relief, Liu Liyang’s submission signaled the first step of
incorporating Blood Swallow School and Sky Magi Sect.

Because Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang left Black Demon City on

a task to look for the Bedeviled Spirit Bead in the Death
Domain, their actions were safe. The Blood Swallow School’s
Doyen, Jiang Tianhua, wouldn’t be suspicious for at least
three to four months.

And within these three to four months, Huang Xiaolong had

to make his way inside the Blood Swallow School before
Jiang Tianhua became suspicious.
Chapter 262: Ally With Sky
Magi Sect?
Chapter 262: Ally with Sky Magi Sect?

Liu Liyang’s surrender was a big stride in Huang Xiaolong’s

plan of swallowing the Blood Swallow School.

Liu Liyang was a Blood Swallow Sect Elder, one of the more
influential ones, which gave him privy to many hidden
secrets of the school. Although Chen Xiaotian had been
investigating and following the Blood Swallow School, they
were informations Chen Xiaotian was unable to get wind of.

For example, while cultivating the Undead Devil Physique,

the Blood Swallow School’s Doyen Jiang Tianhua erred,
causing damaging demonic energy to enter his body. Every
year, there would be a day when his strength would fall to
the weakest point. Or, the fact that Blood Swallow School’s
Deputy Cui Ming and the Nine Fiend Sect Sovereign’s little
concubine had illicit moonlight rendezvous, etc.

“Jiang Tianhua has a day every year when his strength falls
greatly?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

“That’s right, Young Lord.” Liu Liyang reiterated, “However,

this Subordinate doesn’t know which day exactly.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded, a somber, pensive expression on

his face. A brief moment later he said to Chen Xiaotian, “Go
spread rumours about the affair between Blood Swallow
Sect’s Deputy Cui Ming and Nine Fiend Sect Sovereign’s
little concubine. Remember, act with discretion.”
Chen Xiaotian was stumped but quickly recovered and
acknowledged the orders, for Huang Xiaolong instructed him
to pay attention to the reaction from Blood Swallow School
and Nine Fiend Sect after the word had been let out.

As for Liu Liyang, Huang Xiaolong instructed him to stay at

the Sky Magi Sect’s headquarters and keep a low profile, he
was not allowed to show himself until he had successfully
taken over the Blood Swallow School.

Since that day, rumors about the affair between Blood

Swallow School’s Deputy Cui Ming and Nine Fiend Sect
Sovereign’s little concubine spread. Just like what Huang
Xiaolong predicted, the Nine Fiend Sect’s Sovereign, Hu
Han, blew up in rage. In front of an assembly of Nine Fiend
Sect disciples, he beheaded that concubine. After that, he
made a public demand for Blood Swallow School Doyen’s,
Jiang Tianhua, to hand out Deputy Cui Ming.

Cui Ming was Jiang Tianhua’s both left and right hands,
there was almost no chance of Jiang Tianhua complying with
the request. Hence, the Blood Swallow School and Nine
Fiend Sect’s relationship became extremely tense, as if a
bloody battle could break out at any moment.

Receiving the report of this result, Huang Xiaolong nodded

with satisfaction inwardly, all he had to do now was to sit
back and watch as the two tigers battled. While both sides
were fighting, he would gain control over their Elders.

Amidst the intense battle atmosphere, Hu Han and Jiang

Tianhua’s attention on Sky Magi Sect would slacken, which
was advantageous to Huang Xiaolong’s plan to spread his
control over both sides.

Two days later, Chen Xiaotian reported that a fight broke out
between the Blood Swallow School and Nine Fiend Sect’s
disciples, more than a dozen dead and injured. As time wore
on, scuffles and fights between both sides’ disciples became
more common and frequent. The conflict between the two
forces escalated, while Huang Xiaolong immersed himself in
secluded cultivation within the Xumi Temple.

Huang Xiaolong’s strength grew stronger with each passing

day. Every day was filled with practicing the Godly Xumi Art,
Asura Tactics, the Body Metamorphose Scripture, and he
insisted on allocating time for the Ancient Puppetry Art, Soul
Mandate, as well as the Asura Sword Skill’s Seventh Move:
Death God’s Chain.

The most obvious improvement was in Huang Xiaolong’s

Ancient Puppetry Art. Initially, he estimated he would need
at least a year to break through to the second level, yet
now, there were signs that he would be able to advance in
two months’ time.

Once he entered the second level, his spiritual force

strength would take a great leap, allowing him to easily
brand six people with soul marks at once and significantly
reduce his spiritual force recovery period to a mere day or

Not forgetting that his Eye of Hell’s attack power would also
be enhanced due to his stronger spiritual force. At the
Ancient Puppetry Art’s first level of spiritual force, casting
the Eye of Hell spiritual attack on an enemy with similar
strength would only bring about negligible effects, but this
would change when his spiritual force entered the second
level, the power of his spiritual attacks would pose a threat
to his enemies.

Other than holing up in practice, Huang Xiaolong seized

every chance to intercept the Blood Swallow School and
Nine Fiend Sect’s Elders every time they ventured out of
Black Demon City for tasksㅡthose who refused to submit
were always killed on the spot, whereas those who
surrendered and submitted were branded with a soul mark.

One month passed in the blink of an eye.

In this one month, other than Liu Liyang, the number of

Elders from Blood Swallow School and Nine Fiend Sect who
submitted grew to eleven, seven people from Blood Swallow
School and four people from Nine Fiend Sect. Though the
number seemed small, it was by no means a weak force.

At first, Huang Xiaolong planned to take control over Blood

Swallow School before making his move on Nine Fiend Sect,
but he had changed his mind, penetrating both sides
simultaneously, speeding up the process of having Black
Demon City under his control.

Due to Sky Magi Sect pouring oil over fire from the shadows,
in this one month, the conflict between the Blood Swallow
School and Nine Fiend Sect had become overblown to the
point where one side couldn’t stand the sight of the other,
akin to fire and water.

As for Huang Xiaolong, after having eleven Elders of these

two forces submit to him, his power spread swiftly by pulling
the same old trick of having these Elders invite Elders of
Blood Swallow School and Nine Fiend Sect to a banquet, and
subjugation them one by one.

Two months later, a total of twenty-three Elders from both

the Blood Swallow School and Nine Fiend Sect submitted to
Huang Xiaolong. The ones who refused amounted to six, all
silenced on the spot by Huang Xiaolong.
With the twenty-three Elders and the Sky Magi Sect, Huang
Xiaolong had control of half of Black Demon City’s power.
Even if the Blood Swallow School and Nine Fiend Sect made
a pact and turned their spearhead towards his side, Huang
Xiaolong was confident that he could fight them on an even

In the Xumi Temple, Huang Xiaolong swallowed a drop of

Geocentric Buddha Elixir and stood at the center of the Ten
Buddha Formation, practicing the Godly Xumi Art, as the
Asura Tactics and the Body Metamorphose Scripture ran
simultaneously inside his body. Above him, Buddhism
energy, netherworld spiritual energy, and true dragon qi
came down like a waterfall.

As Huang Xiaolong practiced, ethereal shadows of Buddha

statues, Archdemons, and Primordial Divine Dragons
appeared around him. The Buddhism energy, netherworld
battle qi, and true dragon qi in his Qi Sea and meridians
became denser, surging endlessly.

The night passed.

Huang Xiaolong stopped practicing at daybreak.

Two months passed, Huang Xiaolong managed to bring his

cultivation infinitely closer to Xiantian Seventh Order from
peak late-Xiantian Sixth Order. In another ten days, or half a
month at most, he was confident he could make that
breakthrough, and that included his Ancient Puppetry Art,
which was at the peak of the first level.

In the Blood Swallow School’s great hall, the small-built

Jiang Tianhua was sitting on the main throne-like seat with
an ugly expression on his face. Just now, the Nine Fiend
Sect’s Sovereign, Hu Han, ordered down that if the Blood
Swallow School did not hand out Cui Ming, their Nine Fiend
Sect disciples would kill every Blood Swallow School disciple
they come across!

Wasn’t this the same as uprooting the Blood Swallow

School? Extermination?

Hand out Cui Ming? If he really handed out Cui Ming, wasn’t
that the same as having his dignity as a Doyen trampled?
How would he govern the Elders in the future, how would
they look at him? Moreover, Cui Ming was both his left and
right hands, extremely loyal to him.

Jiang Tianhua grew angrier by the second as these thoughts

swirled in his mind.

“Sovereign, that Hu Han is bullying us too much! He’s really

acting as if our Blood Swallow Sect is a soft persimmon that
they can mold as they like!” At this time, one of the Elders
present in the great hall stood out clamoring.

“That’s true, Sovereign. If worst comes to worst, we’ll just

fight them!” Another Blood Swallow Sect Elder echoed the
sentiment. However, these two Elders were already
subjugated by Huang Xiaolong.

The other Elders who submitted to Huang Xiaolong sang the

same tune in front of Jiang Tianhua, they were ready to fight
to the death with the Nine Fiend Sect

“Sovereign, how about we ally with Sky Magi Sect?” At this

point, a tall, middle-aged Elder possessing excellent
features suggested. And this middle-aged man was none
other than Deputy Cui Ming.

“Ally with Sky Magi Sect?” Jiang Tianhua was surprised for a
moment and then nodded slowly. In this situation, this was
the only option available.
Chapter 263: Chen
Xiaotian’S Too
Chapter 263: Chen Xiaotian’s Too Presumptuous

“Jiang Tuanhua sent Cui Ming over to our side, wanting to

discuss an alliance against the Nine Fiend Sect?” Huang
Xiaolong looked over at Chen Xiaotian beside him.

“Yes, Young Lord!” Chen Xiaotian confirmed.

“Where is that Cui Ming now?” Huang Xiaolong asked

another question.

“He’s right outside in the great hall.” Chen Xiaotian


Huang Xiaolong nodded. Since two months ago, Huang

Xiaolong had predicted that Blood Swallow Sect would try to
make an alliance with the Sky Magi Sect. The conflict
between Blood Swallow School and Nine Fiend Sect placed
Blood Swallow School at a disadvantage, going against the
stronger Nine Fiend Sect. At last, their remaining option was
to ally themselves with the Sky Magi Sect.

“Young Lord, how shall we proceed?” Chen Xiaotian

ventured cautiously.

“Tell him to go back.” Huang Xiaolong’s tone was solemn,

“Tell him that if Blood Swallow School wants to ally with the
Sky Magi Sect, Jiang Tianhua must come himself, bearing

Chen Xiaotian was stunned, he had assumed Huang

Xiaolong would agree.

Tell Jiang Tianhua to come in person? Jiang Tianhua’s status

and identity in Black Demon City was a tad more influential
than Chen Xiaotian, yet Jiang Tianhua was to come bearing

“Yes, Young Lord.” Although feeling doubtful, Chen Xiaotian

dare not disobey Huang Xiaolong’s instructions. He saluted
and left, making his way to the great hall.

When Chen Xiaotian arrived at the great hall, he saw Cui

Ming sitting leisurely, sipping on a cup of fragrant tea.

Cui Ming did not stand up even after he noticed Chen

Xiaotian walking in, he continued to enjoy his tea and said,
“Sovereign Chen, have you thought about it?” In Cui Ming’s
opinion, the Sky Magi Sect would definitely agree to their
request. Otherwise, once Nine Fiend Sect uprooted the
Blood Swallow School, it would be hard for the Sky Magi
Sect to survive in Black Demon City. In the end, Sky Magi
Sect would suffer the same fate as Blood Swallow School.

Watching Cui Ming continuing to drink tea comfortably,

Chen Xiaotian secretly sneered, “If the Blood Swallow School
wants to ally with us, let Jiang Tianhua come bearing gifts.”

Cui Ming had just taken a sip, the hand holding the cup
halted midway as he stared dumbly at Chen Xiaotian for a
moment, as if he did not expect Chen Xiaotian to actually
Let Jiang Tianhua come bearing gifts? Cui Ming’s expression
became gloomy when he understood Chen Xiaotian’s
underlying meaning.

“Sovereign Chen, you’re sure you want our Doyen to come

over himself bearing gifts?” Cui Ming’s face turned ugly.

Chen Xiaotian retorted simply, “I believe you are not deaf.”

“You!” Angered, Cui Ming jumped to his feet.

“What, you want to start a fight?” Chen Xiaotian taunted the

other side.

Cui Ming suppressed his anger with much difficulty. To Chen

Xiaotian he said, “Good, good. I will return and report your
exact words to our Doyen. Sovereign Chen, I hope you will
not regret your decision today!”

“Regret?” Chen Xiaotian: “You can scram now.”

Scram! Cui Ming’s face turned red, but he did not utter a
single word more. He exited the great hall and headed
straight towards Blood Swallow Sect’s headquarters.

Blood Swallow School headquarters’ great hall.

“Chen Xiaotian really said so, he wants me to go over in

person bearing gifts?” When Jiang Tianhua heard Cui Ming’s
report, he was surprised. Subsequently, his expression

“Doyen, this Chen Xiaotian is too presumptuous!” A Blood

Swallow School Elder lost his temper, “A measly Sky Magi
Sect Sovereign dares to utter such brazen words, telling our
Doyen to come in person, bearing gifts! We’ll go now and
first annihilate this damn Sky Magi Sect!”
“That’s right, we’ll destroy them first!” Other Blood Swallow
School Elders voiced their anger.

Cui Ming stepped forward at this moment, “Doyen, it would

be simple if we exterminate Chen Xiaotian and take over the
Sky Magi Sect. After that, we would be strong enough to
contend with the Nine Fiend Sect, isn’t that killing two bird
with one stone?”

“That’s right, Doyen, after taking control over Sky Magi Sect,
we’ll destroy the Nine Fiend Sect, and then, Black Demon
City will be our paradise!” Another Blood Swallow School
Elders echoed his support of Cui Ming’s suggestion.

Jiang Tianhuan raised his hand, waving for everyone to calm

down. He scanned the crowd, saying, “Swallowing the Sky
Magi Sect is inevitable sooner or later, but now is not the
time.” His Undead Devil Physique hadn’t reached major
completion yet.

“It’s about time for Li Yunhua and Liu Liyang to return, isn’t
it?” Jiang Tianhua questioned.

“Yes, Doyen, Elder Liu Liyang sent a message the day before
yesterday, saying that in another month, they will return
with the Bedeviled Spirit Bead from the Death Domain.” Cui
Ming reported.

In order to not raise Jiang Tianhua’s suspicion, Huang

Xiaolong instructed Liu Liyang to send news back to Blood
Swallow School from time to time.

Hearing this, Jiang Tianhua nodded, “Let Chen Xiaotian

temporarily enjoy two more months of life.”

“Then, Doyen, what shall we do now?” Cui Ming asked.

Jiang Tianhua scanned the great hall, his sight finally
stopped on Cui Ming’s body, saying, “Inside the Sky Magi
Sect, Chen Xiaotian is not the final decision maker.”

Cui Ming’s eyes lit up, “Doyen is referring to Geng Ken?”

Jiang Tianhua smiled faintly, “Correct.”

“Yes, Doyen, I know what to do.” Cui Ming answered. Bowing

respectfully, Cui Ming left the great hall, heading in the
direction of Geng Ken’s manor.

Although Doyen Jiang Tianhua did not elaborate on the

details, Cui Ming already understood his intentionーally with
Geng Ken. Geng Ken’s status and influence within Sky Magi
Sect were on par with Chen Xiaotian, thus joining hands with
Geng Ken would achieve the same result. If Geng Ken was
willing to cooperate with Blood Swallow School, judging from
a different aspect, it was more favorable than cooperating
with Chen Xiaotian, because the relationship between him
and Geng Ken had always been good.

Entering Geng Ken’s manor, Cui Ming went straight to the

main hall, waiting for Geng Ken while enjoying tea. A short
while later, Cui Ming saw Geng Ken coming into the main
hall from outside.

“Brother Geng Ken, I haven’t seen you for several months,

your face is glowing.” Seeing Geng Ken walking in, Cui Ming
stood up, greeting him with a wide smile.

However, Geng Ken’s reaction was rather lukewarm, taking

a seat after giving Cui Ming a glance. Cui Ming’s smile froze
on his face, awkward and embarrassed, he returned to his
previous seat.
“What purpose does Deputy Cui Ming has in visiting my
manor?” Geng Ken cut to the chase, asking Cui Ming in a
straightforward manner as soon as he sat down.

Cui Ming looked at Geng Ken and stated the purpose of his
visit, adding, “Our Doyen gave his word, when our Doyen
takes control over Black Demon City, he definitely won’t
mistreat Brother Geng Ken.”

“Take over Black Demon City?” Geng Ken’s lips arched up in

a taunting smile as he stared at Cui Ming, “Look for me
when you’ve taken over Black Demon City, we’ll talk then.”

Cui Ming stiffened, “Brother Geng Ken’s meaning is?”

“You don’t understand?” Geng Ken sneered coldly, “Our

Sovereign’s meaning is my meaning.”

Instantly, Cui Ming’s face tightened; weren’t Geng Ken and

Chen Xiaotian arch rivals? How was he showing a united
front with Chen Xiaotian now?

“Please, see yourself out.” At this point, Geng Ken stood up,
indicating to Cui Ming his presence wasn’t welcome.
Although Geng Ken didn’t use the word ‘scram’ like Chen
Xiaotian, in essence, the meaning was the same.

Cui Ming stood up, fire raging in his heart, but in the end, he
kept quiet, leaving Geng Ken’s manor.

Blood Swallow Sect headquarters.

“What did you say!?” Jiang Tianhua’s face was extremely

gloomy listening to Cui Ming’s report.
“Geng Ken said…” Cui Ming hesitated, “Chen Xiaotian’s
meaning is his meaning.”
Chapter 264: Jiang Tianhua Paying A Visit

“Chen Xiaotian’s meaning is his meaning?” A strong killing

intent glinted in Jiang Tianhua eyes.

The Elders present in the main hall lowered their heads,

trembling, being as quiet as possible.

“Doyen, Geng Ken and Chen Xiaotian’s relationship has

never been harmonious, but this time they’re actually
singing the same tune, there’s something odd about this.”
After what seemed like a long time, Cui Ming came forward,
whispering with caution.

A light flickered in Jiang Tianhua’s eyes; this was exactly the

point he couldn’t figure out. Logically speaking, Geng Ken
should have been overjoyed at Cui Ming’s proposal, honored
to be joining hands with the Blood Swallow Sect, however,
not only did Geng Ken refuse, but he even aligned himself
with Chen Xiaotian?

“Send people to investigate, what exactly is happening

inside the Sky Magi Sect that could make Chen Xiaotian and
Geng Ken put up a united front?” A while later, Jiang
Tianhua ordered.

“Yes, Doyen.” Cui Ming replied respectfully.

But ten days passed and Cui Ming’s report came back

“Unable to find out.” Jiang Tianhua’s brows were locked tight

together, this was even more unusual.

About Blood Swallow School’s movements in trying to

investigate about Chen Xiaotian and Geng Ken, Huang
Xiaolong, of course was informed. He told Chen Xiaotian and
Geng Ken not to bother with this matter, all they needed to
do was continue watching Blood Swallow School and Nine
Fiend Sect’s actions.

Inside the Xumi Temple, Huang Xiaolong stood at the center

of the Ten Buddha Formation, dazzling, bright light shining
around him, akin to a holy flame. The netherworld spiritual
energy, ancient Buddhism energy, and true dragon qi took
shape in the form of an Archdemon, an Ancient Golden
Buddha, and a Golden Primordial Divine Dragon, the three of
them spinning around Huang Xiaolong’s body.

Huang Xiaolong’s momentum continued to soar as the three

energies coursed through his meridians and Qi Sea,
expanding, crashing against the Xiantian Seventh Order

Once, twice, thrice!

Soul-tearing pain pierced every nerve in Huang Xiaolong’s

body. The onslaught of pain from breaking the Xiantian
Seventh Order barrier was a hundred times, a thousand
times more compared to breaking to the Fifth or Sixth Order.

Gritting his teeth, Huang Xiaolong held on, pushing his

battle qi to break the barrier. As such, it continued for a long
time when, suddenly, a blinding light broke out from Huang
Xiaolong’s body. Huang Xiaolong’s body trembled and the
light became brighter as his momentum rose to a terrifying
height, raising a tempest in the middle of the temple hall.

Unearthly cries, chants of mantras, and dragon roars came

from the three formed mandates, the Archdemon, Ancient
Golden Buddha, and Golden Primordial Dragon. This lasted
for a long time before the sphere of light gradually reduced,
slowly dissipated away, including the three mandate

Huang Xiaolong stopped triggering his battle qi, he looked

up roaring towards the sky, akin to a primordial divine

He finally stepped into Xiantian Seventh Order! Breaking

into Xiantian Seventh Order meant he was now a high-level
Xiantian realm expert, in the vast expanse of the Martial
Spirit World, he was considered as one of the upper elites.
The number of Saint realm experts was too little, with the
odds of only one success in a hundred thousand Xiantian
warriors trying to break through the Saint realm barrier.

Huang Xiaolong felt the surging power contained in his

battle qi, sensing the changes in every inch of his body,
from his flesh, veins, meridians, and Qi Sea, he was ecstatic.
Sure enough, breaking through to Xiantian Seventh Order,
the benefits weren’t limited to a mere increase in power.

Xiantian Seventh Order and peak late-Xiantian Sixth Order

were basically two different concepts, two different heights.

As a second afterthought, Huang Xiaolong opened the Eye

of Hell on his forehead. The Eye of Hell opened, glowing a
glaring red, raising a storm that swept out in all four
directions, shaking the entire temple hall.

Just a few days ago, Huang Xiaolong advanced into the

second level of the Ancient Puppetry Art, further enhancing
his spiritual force, indirectly improving the Eye of Hell’s
attack power compared to before.

Moreover, at the second level, his spiritual force was strong

enough to create a spiritual tempest. The storm earlier from
the glaring red Eye of Hell was the spiritual tempest.
Spiritual tempestㅡtraceless, formless, soundless!

‘The time to take over the Blood Swallow School has come.’
Retrieving the Eye of Hell, Huang Xiaolong thought to

Now that he had broken through to Xiantian Seventh Order,

combined with the second level of the Ancient Puppetry Art,
Huang Xiaolong had enough confidence to defeat Jiang
Tianhua. After taking care of Blood Swallow School, next
would be the Nine Fiend Sect.

Organizing his thoughts, Huang Xiaolong exited the Xumi


However, just as Huang Xiaolong arrived at the great hall,

Chen Xiaotian hastened over to report, saying that Blood
Swallow Sect’s Doyen, Jiang Tianhua, was there.

‘Jiang Tianhua is here?’ Huang Xiaolong nodded. This was

even better, saving him the trouble of making a trip over to
the Blood Swallow School headquarters.

“How many people has he brought over?” Huang Xiaolong


“Other than Jiang Tianhua, there are also Cui Ming and
sixteen Elders of Blood Swallow School.” Chen Xiaotian
answered with respect.

Sixteen Elders of Blood Swallow School? Jiang Tianhua

actually brought so many Elders over. Huang Xiaolong
sneered in his heart, he could guess Jiang Tianhua’s motive.

It would seem that if the Sky Magi Sect didn’t agree to an

alliance, Jiang Tianhua had decided to make the first move
on Sky Magi Sect!
Want to swallow the Sky Magi Sect? Liu Yunhua’s words
suddenly popped up inside Huang Xiaolong’s mind.

“Show them in.” Huang Xiaolong cleared his thoughts and

said to Chen Xiaotian beside him.

“Yes, Young Lord!” Chen Xiaotian answered, turned around

and left to make arrangements, allowing Jiang Tianhua, Cui
Ming, and others inside Sky Magi Sect’s great hall.

A Sky Magi Sect disciple approached Jiang Tianhua outside

the main entrance, saying, “Doyen Jiang, our Sovereign
allows you inside.”

Seeing this, Jiang Tianhua’s face sank. He came here

personally, yet Chen Xiaotian did not come to meet him at
the door? Not only that, he only sent out a normal disciple
to let him in? What did this disciple say, ‘allows’ them

Allow, and not invite! Allow and invite represented different

attitudes altogether.

“What audacity, how presumptuous! Chen Xiaotian actually

didn’t come to welcome our Doyen himself!” One of the
Blood Swallow School Elders exploded in anger, his fist
struck directly onto the Sky Magi Sect disciple, sending him
flying. When the disciple landed, there was no breath left in

Jiang Tianhua watched silently from the side.

The surrounding Sky Magi Sect disciples quickly retreated to

one side, staring in shock at the group of high ranking Blood
Swallow School people.
“Go in.” Jiang Tianhua smiled coldly. With a wave of his
hand, he led the group by taking a large stride forwards
through the Sky Magi Sect’s headquarters entrance.

Entering Sky Magi Sect headquarters, Jiang Tianhua was

puzzled to find that there were no other Sky Magi Sect
disciples to be found along the way.

“Sky Magi Sect is nothing but a wuss.” A Blood Swallow

School Elder mocked, “Knowing that we’re here, all the
disciples have gone into hiding, perhaps they’re shaking in
fear so badly that their guts shrunk!”

Cui Ming and the rest of the Elders broke out in laughter.
Although Jiang Tianhua was found it strange, he did not
think too much about it.

Soon, Jiang Tianhua and his group reached the entrance to

Sky Magi Sect’s great hall. Watching the tightly closed great
hall door, Jiang Tianhua frowned. He felt there was
something strange that he couldn’t put his finger on, not to
mention the faint unease in his heart.

“Doyen, are we going in now?” Cui Ming, looking at Jiang

Tianhua’s expression, “Doyen, it doesn’t matter even of
Chen Xiaotian and Geng Ken stand on the same side,
they’re not a threat to us.”
Chapter 265: You Think This Is A Joke?

“Not a threat?” Jiang Tianhua nodded, perhaps he worried

too much. Just like what his subordinate Cui Ming said, even
if Chen Xiaotian and Geng Ken reached an agreement, they
still didn’t pose a threat to him.

“Open the door.” Jiang Tianhua said to a Blood Swallow

School Elder standing beside him.

“Yes, Doyen!” Responding to Jiang Tianhua, that Elder

stepped to the front, gathering force in his palm and striking
against the door leading to Sky Magi Sect’s great hall.

A loud blast sounded as the door shattered.

“Enter.” Jiang Tianhua ordered with a wave of his hand. Cui

Ming and the Elders followed behind Jiang Tianhua in a line.

Upon entering the great hall, Jiang Tianhua saw both Chen
Xiaotian and Geng Ken. Apart from the two of them, the Sky
Magi Sect’s Elders were also present. However, what
stunned Jiang Tianhua was that in the main throne seat
inside the hall sat an unfamiliar black-haired young man,
while Chen Xiaotian, Geng Ken, and the rest were standing
respectfully on the left and right.

Without exception, everyone was shocked noticing this,

including Cui Ming and the others that entered after Jiang
Tianhua. But then again, amongst the Blood Swallow School
Elders that came with Jiang Tianhua, a large portion had
submitted to Huang Xiaolong, thus there wasn’t much
surprise coming from them.

Jiang Tianhua stood there, even forgetting his purpose of

coming to the Sky Magi Sect.
A black-haired young man was actually sitting on the Sky
Magi Sect’s Sovereign throne, this was too shocking to him.

“Doyen Jiang is surprised?” At this time, Huang Xiaolong’s

voice dawdled, his fingers curled upon the armrest, gently
tapping, issuing a monotonous tapping sound.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong’s voice jolted Jiang Tianhua back to

his senses.

“Who are you?” Jiang Tianhua couldn’t resist blurting the

question. His reflex reaction was to find out this black-haired
young man’s identity. Cui Ming and the Blood Swallow
School Elders also turned their attention onto Huang

Huang Xiaolong laughed indifferently at Jiang Tianhua’s

question, “Who I am is not important, it wouldn’t matter
even if you knew. Now, the Sky Magi Sect is under my
control, Chen Xiaotian, Geng Ken, and all the Sky Magi Sect
Elders have submitted to me.”

“What?!” Jiang Tianhua’s face tightened.

Chen Xiaotian, Geng Ken, and all the Sky Magi Sect Elders
submitted to this black-haired young man! No one from the
Blood Swallow School’s group could hide the shock from
their faces, including Jiang Tianhua, Cui Ming, or the Elders.

When did this happen? How come the Blood Swallow Sect
did not receive any news?

At this point, Jiang Tianhua finally understood why Chen

Xiaotian and Geng Ken suddenly showed a united front. Why
Chen Xiaotian and Geng Ken would refuse to cooperate with
the Blood Swallow Sect.
The root cause of all this was the black-haired young man!
Everything was happening because this black-haired young
man had said so.

Cui Ming also reached the same conclusion, and his face
turned ugly.

After a momentary blunder, Jiang Tianhua forced himself to

appear calm, showing an amiable smile towards Huang
Xiaolong, “So Sky Magi Sect is under this Brother’s control.
My purpose in coming here today is to propose an alliance
with Brother against the Nine Fiend Sect.”

“Alliance with me, against the Nine Fiend Sect.” Huang

Xiaolong muttered, nothing could be read from this calm

“That’s right. I’m sure Brother is aware, if our Blood Swallow

School is destroyed or merged into the Nine Fiend Sect, then
the next target would be Sky Magi Sect.” Jiang Tianhua

Huang Xiaolong chuckled lightly.

Jiang Tianhua frowned at Huang Xiaolong’s reaction, “What

is Brother laughing at?” there wasn’t anything funny in what
he just said.

Huang Xiaolong faced Jiang Tianhua, “How do you know that

it won’t me that will destroy the Nine Fiend Sect?”

Jiang Tianhua blanked.

“You? Annihilate the Nine Fiend Sect?” Cui Ming couldn’t

hold it in any longer, “Relying on you and this small Sky
Magi Sect you control?”
Obviously, in Cui Ming’s opinion, Huang Xiaolong was too
arrogant, overestimating his abilities.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes swept over Cui Ming, “If you kneel
down now and beg for mercy, perhaps I can consider
sparing your life.”

“What did you say?!” Cui Ming turned gloomy, glaring

ferociously at Huang Xiaolong. Without warning, a bright
light burst from Cui Ming’s body.

A person’s battle qi grade was related to the grade of their

cultivation technique, whereas a person’s battle qi color was
influenced by their martial spirit. In general, white colored
battle qi was seldom seen.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Cui Ming’s white-colored battle qi

and snickered. From Chen Xiaotian and Geng Ken’s mouths,
he already knew that this Cui Ming’s martial spirit was the
Ghostface martial spirit.

The Ghostface martial spirit belonged to a rare type of

necro-martial spirits and there were two kinds of Ghostface
martial spirits, one was the Black GhostFace and the other
was the White Ghostface. Cui Ming’s martial spirit was White

However, just as Cui Ming was about to attack, Jiang

Tianhua extended his arm out, blocking Cui Ming. The entire
time, Jiang Tianhua’s eyes never left Huang Xiaolong. With a
condescending, mocking snicker, he directed Huang
Xiaolong a question, “You think that relying on Sky Magi
Sect’s strength you can annihilate the Nine Fiend Sect?”

Ignoring the other side’s mockery, Huang Xiaolong retorted

nonchalantly, “Perhaps now it is insufficient, but after
reigning in Blood Swallow School, it can be done.”
Huang Xiaolong’s reply was so stupefying that it caused
Jiang Tianhua and Cui Ming to stiffen for a moment. In the
next second, one after another, powerful battle qi soared,
turning the entire great hall into the eye of the storm.

“Are you sure that what you’ve said is not a joke?” Jiang
Tianhua glared sharply at Huang Xiaolong, undisguised
killing intent flitting past his eyes.

Huang Xiaolong replied with another question: “Do you think

it was a joke?”

In the tense deadlock, a scream rendered the air and

another powerful aura targeted Jiang Tianhua from the back.
Jiang Tianhua’s face tightened, with no time to think, he
leaped into the air as his palm poised, snaking an attack to
the hidden assailant.

A loud blast shook the spacious hall.

Landing on another side of the great hall, Jiang Tianhua

turned and saw amongst the group of Blood Swallow School
Elders that came with him that five of them laid on the floor,
whereas the ones who attacked them were the other Blood
Swallow School Elders!

“You all!” Jiang Tianhua and Cui Ming were shocked and

Several Blood Swallow School Elders came before Huang

Xiaolong, kneeling down in salute, “Greeting the Young

Greeting the Young Lord? Jiang Tianhua and Cui Ming’s jaws
dropped when they heard that, the expressions on their
faces turning worse.
“All of you, stand up.” Huang Xiaolong looked at the group
of Blood Swallow Sect Elders that knelt before him and said.

“We thank the Young Lord!” Only then did the Elders stand
up and retreated to the side.

Among the sixteen Blood Swallow School Elders that Jiang

Tianhua brought with him to Sky Magi Sect, eleven of them
had already submitted to Huang Xiaolong. When these
eleven people launched a lightning fast sneak attack, other
than Cui Ming and Jiang Tianhua, the remaining five Elders
were all injured.

“You group of traitors!” Cui Ming roared in anger! His

silhouette blurred in a flicker, targeting a Blood Swallow
School Elder next to Huang Xiaolong. As Cui Ming slammed
his palm down, a whitebone hand clawed at that Elder.

But, before Cui Ming’s attack reached its target, a cold snort
sounded in the hall. Huang Xiaolong flew out from the
throne seat, one palm strike bringing forth ten thousand
Buddhas as Buddha luminescence lit up the hall.

Earthen Buddha Palm!

The Earthen Buddha Palm instantly shattered the whitebone

claw, and at the same time, Huang Xiaolong reached right in
front of Cui Ming.

Caught with no retreat, Cui Ming made a desperate attack,

striking a palm at Huang Xiaolong first, but just as he
attacked, a fist imprint enlarged right before his pupils.
Terrified, it was as if he fell into a quicksand in mid-air,
unable to move.

Huang Xiaolong’s punch landed on his chest.

A powerful force exploded.
Chapter 266: Eye Of The
Yellow Spring
Chapter 266: Eye of the Yellow Spring

Cui Ming was akin to a withered leaf whisked away by a

violent tempest, struck by Huang Xiaolong’s palm, spinning
high in the hall before crashing into one of the stone pillars,
then sliding down to the floor…


Landing on the floor, a gush of warm liquid rose up in Cui

Ming’s throat, spurting out from his mouth. The light in his
eyes dimmed, becoming dull.

Huang Xiaolong’s palm attack earlier accurately struck Cui

Ming’s Qi Sea. Not only did Cui Ming’s Qi Sea brake, frigid
Asura Qi invaded his body. Waves after waves of torturous
pain spread all over his entire body, the unbearable pain
made Cui Ming scream tragically.

“Cui Ming!” Jiang Tianhua’s body flickered and reached Cui

Ming’s side instantly.

“Doyen, you, run, quickly run!” Cui Ming panted, failing to

string a full sentence.

Jiang Tianhua pushed his battle qi, wanting to force out the
destructive energy inside Cui Ming’s body, but he sensed an
aura that came from the depths of hell, coiling into his body
through his palm. Frightened, Jiang Tianhua quickly
withdrew his palm, but even so, Jiang Tianhua noticed that
same palm turning a deep dark purple, dark as ink.
Furthermore, a layer of black ice formed on the surface of
his skin.

“Such a terrifying dark frigid force!” Jiang Tianhua was

shocked as he hurried to run the Undying Devil qi, trying to
counter the frigid qi. A dark black glow glimmered on the
surface of his palm and wisps of demonic qi floated up.
Moments later, his palm returned to normal.

Seeing this, Jiang Tianhua sighed with relief.

Huang Xiaolong stood on the side without interrupting,

generously giving Jiang Tianhua ample time to force out the
Asura Qi from his body. Although the amount of Asura Qi
that entered Jiang Tianhua’s body was minuscule, still, being
able to force it out showed commendable strength.

Successfully forcing out the terrifying frigid energy from his

body, Jiang Tianhua turned around and surveyed the great
hall to find Chen Xiaotian, Geng Ken, and the group of Sky
Magi Sect Elders blocking all exit routes.

There were no longer any escape routes, no turning back.

Standing in the great hall, Jiang Tianhua suddenly laughed

out loud; a desolate laughter, a disheartened laughter. Was
this the end of his road? When his laughter died, Jiang
Tianhua looked at Huang Xiaolong, saying each word slowly,
“Come, all of you together.”

All together? Huang Xiaolong shook his head: “They’re not

going to interfere.”

Not interfering? Jiang Tianhua was astonished.

“As long as you defeat me, I will let you leave,” Huang
Xiaolong added, “But if you lose, you will submit to me. Of
course, you can also choose death.”

Jiang Tianhua was indecisive for a moment, then he raised

his head and stared into Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, “Fine, if you
can defeat me, I will submit to you, but, if I win, I will not
leave alone. I will take them with me.” Jiang Tianhua pointed
at Cui Ming and the five Blood Swallow School Elders.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at Cui Ming and the five Blood

Swallow School Elders, nodding, he answered: “Granted.”

The instant Huang Xiaolong agreed, a blinding light surged

from Jiang Tianhua’s body, spurting a blackish-yellow gas.
Looking behind Jiang Tianhua, a giant blood-red eyeball
could be seen floating.

This blood-red eyeball was different from Huang Xiaolong’s

Eye of Hell. Around Jiang Tianhua’s blood-red eyeball, lines
of red ancient symbols swirled, gathering right at the center
of the pupil to form a bigger, more complete ancient

“Eye of the Yellow Springs.” Huang Xiaolong looked at the

enormous blood-red eyeball floating behind Jiang Tianhua,
naming Jiang Tianhua’s martial spirit. Eye of the Yellow
Springs, first rank grade eleven martial spirit, also a type of
necro-martial spirit.

However, comparing Jiang Tianhua’s Eye of the Yellow

Springs and Chen Xiaotian’s Windfire Tree, although both
were first rank grade eleven martial spirits, it had to be said
that Jiang Tianhua’s martial spirit was stronger.

Jiang Tianhua wasted no time to soul transform after

summoning his martial spirit. After the soul transformation,
slits opened on Jiang Tianhua’s body, turning one after
another into blood-red eyeballs, throughout his entire body.
Each blood-red eyeball was the size of a thumb, an exact
replica of the original Eye of the Yellow Springs, down to the
ancient diagram at the center of the pupil. At the same
time, an unearthly coldness and a smell of death filled the
great hall.

Jiang Tianhua’s body nearly doubled in size, looking like a

death god where he stood.

Seeing Jiang Tianhua summoning his martial spirit and soul

transforming, Huang Xiaolong could not afford to be
careless. A coruscating light of black and blue gushed out,
dragon roars thundered in the hall, and before Jiang
Tianhua’s astonished eyes, two larger than life dragons
emerged, one black and one blue, hovering behind Huang

With Huang Xiaolong breaking into Xiantian Seventh Order,

the twin dragons evolved and grew larger still, especially
the whelming pressure of dragon might that exuded from
their bodies felt like a mountain weighing on one’s chest,
even a Xiantian Eighth Order like Jiang Tianhua felt his
breath stagnate.

Even more so for Chen Xiaotian, Geng Keng, and the others.

“Superb talent twin dragon martial spirits!”

“Blue Dragon!” Jiang Tianhuan stared at the twin dragon

martial spirits, unable to recover for a long time from his

In general, warriors that cultivated until high-level Xiantian

possessed formidable martial spirits, in fact, most of them
would fall into grade eleven, only a small number of them
had top grade ten martial spirits, which were very close to
grade eleven. But, grade twelve martial spirits were a rare

And for people like Huang Xiaolong, twin martial spirits with
both of them being grade twelve and above, was an even
rarer sight. It could be said that in the Martial Spirit World, it
would be hard to find a Saint realm expert with a stronger
martial spirit than Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong soul transformed right after summoning the

black and blue dragons. Thick dragon scales covered his
body from head to toe, his arms akin to sturdy dragon
claws, eyes piercingly sharp. On his back emerged two life-
like tattoos of a black and a blue dragon head.

“What a rich, abundant power!” Sensing the raw power

coursing through his flesh after soul transforming, Huang
Xiaolong couldn’t help but feel shocked himself.

This was the first time he soul transformed with both the
black and blue dragons since he broke through to Xiantian
Seventh Order. Before this, it might have crossed Huang
Xiaolong’s mind that there would be a drastic increase in
strength, but never did he imagine that it would reach this
extent. The power he felt, not to mention an early-Xiantian
Eighth Order, even a mid-Xiantian Eighth Order, he could
battle them!

At this point of time, Jiang Tianhua bellowed, leaping up, he

took the initiative to launch the first attack. Both fists struck
at Huang Xiaolong.

“Ghost God Punch!”

Fist imprints whistled through the air, ghost wails

screeching, demonic air flooded out in great waves. The
Ghost God Punch was a high-grade Earth rank battle skill
that exuded an invisible might.

Huang Xiaolong ran his battle qi and stabbed out a finger to

the void in front. Dark gray fog billowed out, a finger imprint
pierced forward, carrying shrieks of strange black creatures.

Absolute Soul Finger!

Fist collided with finger, aftershocks blasted the air onto the
stone walls of the hall. To Chen Xiaotian, Geng Ken, and
others’ horror, cracks lines spread out like a spider web on
the hard stone walls.

Jiang Tianhua’s body swayed, retreating one step from the

collision, while Huang Xiaolong stood firmly on the same

Seeing this result, Jiang Tianhua was dumbstruck. He judged

Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi cultivation to be at Xiantian
Seventh Order, whereas he, a Xiantian Eighth Order,
actually fell short in that head on earlier?!

Jiang Tianhua let out a shout, leaping out once again, both
fists aimed at Huang Xiaolong a second time. Huang
Xiaolong shifted his body and dashed forward instead of
dodging, going in for close combat.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Tianhua and Huang Xiaolong

had exchanged more than a dozen moves. The more they
fought, the more Jiang Tianhua’s shock rose and his heart
grew apprehensive, he discovered that whether it was in
terms of defense or power, Huang Xiaolong superseded him.
Moreover, Huang Xiaolong’s speed seemed to be increasing
constantly, so that in the end he could do nothing but
Slamming a full force fist at Huang Xiaolong to push him
back, a black gleam flashed across Jiang Tianhua’s eyes as
he raised a finger. But it wasn’t aimed at Huang Xiaolong, it
was pointed straight up.

“Devil Tribulation Finger!” Jiang Tianhua hollered.

Multiple dark, terrifying black lights exploded from Jiang

Tianhua’s finger, shooting straight up to the space above
the great hall.
Chapter 267: Undying Devil Physique

A booming blast thundered above the grand hall. In the spot

where Jiang Tianhua’s Devil Tribulation Finger pointed, space
tore and opened a large hole. Diabolical lights shone around
its edges.

In the grand hall below, Chen Xiaotian, Geng Ken, and the
others had ashen faces.

For many years there was an ever present rumor which

claimed Jiang Tianhua’s Devil Tribulation Finger could pierce
through heaven and earth, but it had always remained a
rumor. No one had ever witnessed Jiang Tianhua display the
Devil Tribulation Finger before this, and now, right in front of
them, it actually released such an overpowering force!

The Sky Magi Sect’s grand hall was built using the hardest
steel that could be found on Martial Spirit World. Even if
Chen Xiaotian punched the walls a dozen times with all his
might, these hard stone walls would hardly crack or shake.
But now, Jiang Tianhua’s Devil Tribulation Finger easily
pierced a large hole right through them.

All of a sudden, before the astounded group below, a space

hole materialized right above Huang Xiaolong’s head.
Before anyone could react, a giant finger came crashing
down through the space hole. The gigantic finger was
shrouded in a demonic aura, covered with diabolical
symbols, and exuded a chilling air; the attack had yet to
arrive, but its momentum had shattered the granite floor.

“Young Lord, careful!” Chen Xiaotian shouted, while the

others turned ghostly pale.
Huang Xiaolong looked at the giant finger pressing down,
his countenance indifferent. Without a word, Huang Xiaolong
pointed high up with his finger in a frontal confrontation.

From Chen Xiaotian and those below’s point of view, rolling

dark gray fog spread upward with rapid speed. Sharp
shrieks of unknown black creatures sounded, and from
within the thick gray fog, a finger imprint flew out, piercing
through the air.

The Absolute Soul Finger!

Absolute Soul Finger colliding with Devil Tribulation Finger!

A roaring explosion shook the grand hall. Other than Chen

Xiaotian and Geng Ken, most of the Elders nearly stumbled
and fell to the floor. All they could sense was the endless
buzzing in their ears, the swaying hall, and the strong wind
that seemed to cut their skin.

After steadying themselves, the only thing they found was

that a large area of the stone granite floor had exploded into
ruins, large and small pieces having flown everywhere.

While Jiang Tianhua and Huang Xiaolong both shook from

the impact force, both staggered back one step. However,
Jiang Tianhua’s face paled considerably, whereas Huang
Xiaolong stayed the same.

Though the Devil Tribulation Finger was a powerful attack,

Jiang Tianhua wasn’t able to fully display its power with his
current level of battle qi strength, furthermore, Jiang
Tianhua had yet to reach major completion.

Jiang Tianhua was dumbstruck as he stared at Huang

Xiaolong. Never did he imagine that his Devil Tribulation
Finger would be countered by Huang Xiaolong. Keeping an
eye on Huang Xiaolong, Jiang Tianhua smoothed the chaotic
battle qi running havoc inside his body, and as he did so,
Jiang Tianhua’s eyes gradually turned a bright blood red.

“Lambent of the Yellow Springs!” Jiang Tianhua bellowed

with a tinge of cold bloodlust in his voice.

The multiple blood-red eyeballs on Jiang Tianhua’s body

shone with a glaring brightness that formed multiple red
blade lights, piercing towards Huang Xiaolong. At the same
time, the Eye of Yellow Springs sent out bursts of peculiar
glowing symbols. Chen Xiaotian, Geng Keng, and the group
of Elders felt dizzy when their eyes met with the glowing
symbols, making them apprehensive.

Lambent of the Yellow Springs, this was Jiang Tianhua’s

martial spirit’s innate ability.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the wave of countless red blade

lights flying in his direction, his face grew cold. Bright sparks
flashed and the Blades of Asura appeared, gripped in his
palms as he swung sharply out.

Numerous cold blade lights spun out, rotating in front of

Huang Xiaolong. In the center of the tornado of blades, a
blood-red eyeball appeared.

The Asura Sword Skill’s Sixth Move: Eye of Reincarnation!

The Eye of Reincarnation released a wave of blade lights,

clashing with the red blade lights created by Jiang Tianhua’s
Lambent of Yellow Springs.

Zheenggg~! Blade lights, as numerous as rain drops during

a thunderstorm, collided.
Not waiting for a result, the Blades of Asura in Huang
Xiaolong’s hands were swung out again.

“Wrath of the Nether King!”

Two streaks of blade light turned into a pair of powerful

energy cannonballs, shooting forward like an erupting
volcano, like ten thousand sprinting stallions, across the
length of the grand hall, arriving in front of Jiang Tianhua
before one could blink.

Jiang Tianhua’s eyes widened with shock.

“Undying Devil Physique!” Jiang Tianhua bellowed, a beam

of light burst out from his body, black fog billowing as pieces
of fish-like scale armor emerged on the surface of Jiang
Tianhua’s skin.

A diabolical glow flickered, emanating a mysterious power

that surged violently around Jiang Tianhua.

By this time, Huang Xiaolong’s Wrath of the Nether King

attack arrived.

Wrath of the Nether King’s blade attack clashed with the

mysterious power swirling around Jiang Tianhua, grinding
away each other’s power. One breath’s time was all it took
for Wrath of the Nether King to pierce through the
mysterious power barrier, stabbing into Jiang Tianhua’s

Zheng~! A metal clashing sounds rang out as the fish scale

armor on Jiang Tianhua’s body glimmered from the impact.
His body staggered back a dozen steps. Frowning, Jiang
Tianhua touched the spot on his chest where Huang
Xiaolong’s attack hit, there was a clear slash mark.
Huang Xiaolong too was surprised seeing this result; Jiang
Tianhua’s fish-scale armor actually held on after being
struck with his Wrath of the Nether King attack. This Jiang
Tianhua’s Undying Devil Physique’s defense was indeed

Moreover, neither Jiang Tianhua’s Devil Tribulation Finger

nor his Undying Devil Physique had reached major
completion yet. If they did, wouldn’t Jiang Tianhua be even
more powerful?

Although surprised, this result gave Huang Xiaolong a

certain understanding of Jiang Tianhua’s Undying Devil
Physique. Yes, it was formidable, but unfortunately Jiang
Tianhua had yet to reach major completion. If Huang
Xiaolong wanted to break through that fish-scale armor’s
defense, it wasn’t that difficult to do.

In the next instant, Huang Xiaolong used the Phantom

Shadow ability. In a flicker, he had arrived in front of Jiang
Tianhua, striking a palm at him.

Before Jiang Tianhua’s startled face, rings of golden lights

flew out from Huang Xiaolong’s palm strike.

God Binding Palm!

Just as Jiang Tianhua wanted to counter, he was alarmed to

discover that his arms actually could not move. Not only his
arms, his entire body could not move an inch.

“This is!?” Jiang Tianhua was frightened, confused, and at a

loss as he watched with shocked eyes as Huang Xiaolong’s
second palm was about to fall. However, a sudden burst of
dark violet qi came gushing out from Jiang Tianhua’s body.
“Undying demonic qi!” From the distance, Chen Xiaotian’s
voice rang out. The cultivators of the Undying Devil
Physique contained undying demonic qi inside their bodies
and this undying demonic qi was mysterious and

The undying demonic qi gushed out, shaking the God

Binding Palm’s restriction. Jiang Tianhua swiftly lifted his
hand, striking his palm out.

Two palms collided.

Jiang Tianhua was pushed back in the blast, staggering back

weakly, his face turned a shade paler. The undying demonic
qi in his body might have shaken off the invisible
restrictions, but he was unable to initiate any battle qi at the
moment. That was the reason he had failed to take Huang
Xiaolong’s palm earlier, and now, his blood and energy
flowed chaotically, wreaking havoc internally.

Huang Xiaolong swayed after the collision, but in the next

second his silhouette disappeared.

Disappeared? Jiang Tianhia was stunned, immediately tried

to sense the surroundings with spiritual sense, but within
the scope of the grand hall, Huang Xiaolong’s aura had
indeed vanished. Huang Xiaolong reappeared in front of him
out of nowhere, the Blades of Asura slashing out.

Countless blade lights transformed into a strange flower,

blooming as it spun in mid-air.

Flower of the Other Shore!

The blooming flower vanished into thin air, and when it

reappeared, it was imprinted on Jiang Tianhua’s chest,
sending him flying back, crashing onto the messy floor. Jiang
Tianhua spat a mouthful of blood, the undying demonic qi
around him dissipated quickly.

Huang Xiaolong floated down to the grand hall, walking

slowly towards Jiang Tianhua.

“Do you want to continue the fight?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

Jiang Tianhua’s face was pale and gloomy.

Huang Xiaolong stood patiently, waiting for his answer.
Chapter 268: Taking Over Blood Swallow School

Lost, I lost! I actually lost!

Jiang Tianhua looked at Huang Xiaolong with infinite

unwillingness in his heart, as well as shock and disbelief. He,
someone who cultivated in the Undying Devil Physique and
Devil Tribulation Finger, actually lost in the hands of a
Seventh Order!

Moments passed, finally Jiang Tianhua spoke, “May I know,

your sword skill just now, what battle skill was that?” The
powerful sword skill that the young man had shown was
mysterious and profound, the rank definitely exceeded his
Devil Tribulation Finger.

“Asura Sword Skill.” Huang Xiaolong answered.

Everyone standing in the grand hall, from Chen Xiaotian,

Geng Ken, to the rest, had all submitted to him, it mattered
not to Huang Xiaolong if they knew the name of the Asura
Sword Skill.

“Asura Sword Skill…” Jiang Tianhua repeated the name to

himself, but this was the first time hearing this name, Asura
Sword Skill.

“Very well, since I’ve lost, I shall submit to you.” Jiang

Tianhua looked toward the sky, sighing as he said. The
unwillingness and denial were still strong in his heart,
however, the truth is the truth. A loss is a loss. Losing
means you should adhere to your word, this was his life

“But I hope that you can let them go.” Jiang Tianhua pointed
at Cui Ming and the five Blood Swallow School Elders.
“As long as they submit to me, I can spare their lives.”
Huang Xiaolong nodded. He had no grudge with Cui Ming or
the others, it wasn’t like he absolutely had to kill them, but
then again, it was based on the condition that Cui Ming and
the five Elders submit to him.

Cui Ming and the five Blood Swallow School Elders

hesitated, but in the end, all six of them nodded, choosing
to submit. Since their Doyen, Jiang Tianhua, had chosen to
submit, what were they resisting for? For them, choosing to
submit to a stronger person like Huang Xiaolong may not
necessarily be a bad thing.

Next, Huang Xiaolong told Jiang Tianhua, Cui Ming, and the
five Elders to release the barriers to their soul sea for him to
brand them with a soul mark.

“Soul mark!” Hearing that Huang Xiaolong wanted to brand

their souls, Jiang Tianhua and the six others revealed the
same expression Chen Xiaotian and every Elder in the Sky
Magi Sect did, they were greatly shocked. Still, like their
predecessors, the seven of them released their soul seas,
allowing Huang Xiaolong to mark them one by one.

Huang Xiaolong secretly breathed in relief when all was

done; with Jiang Tianhua, Cui Ming, and the rest submitting,
it meant more than half the work was done. He now had the
Blood Swallow School in his grasp.

With both the Sky Magi Sect and Blood Swallow School
under his control, the remaining entity would be the Nine
Fiend Sect. By this point, the Nine Fiend Sect was no longer
a big hindrance in his plan to take over the entire Black
Demon City. Not to mention, Huang Xiaolong already
controlled half of the Nine Fiend Sect’s Elders. In conclusion,
he had more than half of Black Demon City’s forces and
power at his call.

Instructing Jiang Tianhua and Chen Xiaotian with some

tasks, the most important one being watching the Nine
Fiend Sect’s movements, he sent Jiang Tianhua, Chen
Xiaotian, and the rest away.

As for the Nine Fiend Sect, there was no hurry to gain

control immediately, moreover, Huang Xiaolong needed to
rein in several Blood Swallow School Elders as well. After
Jiang Tianhua, Chen Xiaotian, and the rest left, Huang
Xiaolong entered the Xumi Temple. Taking a drop of
Geocentric Buddha Elixir, he initiated the Godly Xumi Art to
recover his exhausted spiritual force.

One day later, Huang Xiaolong had returned to peak form.

After advancing to the second level in the Ancient Puppetry
Art, Huang Xiaolong’s recovery period had reduced by many

When Huang Xiaolong was fighting Jiang Tianhua, from the

beginning until the end, he did not use the Eye of Hell’s
spiritual attack, even more so the Godly Xumi Art. In fact,
Huang Xiaolong had decided that in front of others he would
try not to use the Godly Xumi Art, if possible.

The Godly Xumi Art was heralded at Martial Spirit World’s

number one battle skill, if the news somehow leaked out,
Huang Xiaolong would find it hard to protect his own
backside even if he broke through the early Saint realm

In the same quiet manner, five days came and went.

In these five days’ time, Huang Xiaolong branded the

remaining Blood Swallow School Elders, totally holding the
reins for the Sky Magi Sect and Blood Swallow School in his

Apart from that, Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi cultivation

continued to improve, stabilizing his recent advancement
into Xiantian Seventh Order. The Asura Sword Skill’s seventh
move, Death God’s Chain’s attack power also enhanced
considerably. Currently, Huang Xiaolong could form forty to
fifty chain links with one swing, with each chain reaching
several hundred zhang long. Within several hundred zhang
square feet, only death remained after Death God’s Chain
streaked past.

On this particular day, Huang Xiaolong stood in the small

yard after exiting the Xumi Temple, watching the morning
sun emerge on the horizon, letting out a heavy breath.

“I hope everything’s fine on Dad and Mom’s side.” Huang

Xiaolong thought to himself. It had been nearly a year since
he left Duanren Empire.

There was also Li Lu. Thinking of Li Lu, her image floated in

Huang Xiaolong’s mind. Ever since Li Lu was taken away by
her Master the last time, Huang Xiaolong had totally lost all
news about her. How was she faring in Deities Templar,
Huang Xiaolong has no idea at all.

There was also Yao Fei. A sharp glint flashed across Huang
Xiaolong’s eyes at the thought of Yao Fei. After he broke
through to the Saint realm, the very first person he was
going to kill was Yao Fei.

“Perhaps I won’t need to wait until the Saint realm.” Huang

Xiaolong thought; with his strength, as long as he broke
through to Xiantian Tenth Order, he was confident he could
kill the peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order Yao Fei.
A while later, Huang Xiaolong left the small yard, arriving at
the Sky Magi Sect’s grand hall. Calling Chen Xiaotian, he
asked about Nine Fiend Sect’s recent movements. Chen
Xiaotian answered and reported everything respectfully.

“En, you can go. I’m going to take a stroll outside.” Huang
Xiaolong said after Chen Xiaotian kept Huang Xiaolong
abreast of the last situation. He had been in Black Demon
City for several months, but other than the Sky Magi Sect’s
headquarters, Huang Xiaolong had yet to take a look around
Black Demon city. Thus, Huang Xiaolong planned to take a
walk and relax his heart.

“Young Lord wants to go out?” Chen Xiaotian was

dumbfounded, which he quickly disguised by saying, “Then
this subordinate shall accompany the Young Lord.”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “No need, I’ll be fine

alone.” If Chen Xiaotian followed him, it would definitely
attract the Nine Fiend Sect’s attention. Before Huang
Xiaolong decided to make the move on Nine Fiend Sect, it
was best if he could slip under the Nine Fiend Sect’s radar.

It seemed that Chen Xiaotian also thought of this point,

“Then, should I send two disciples to accompany Young

Thinking over the matter, Huang Xiaolong nodded and

agreed, “En, then you go arrange it.” Although he was the
one behind the Sky Magi Sect and Blood Swallow School,
other than the Elders, none of the disciples knew about his
identity. Having two Sky Magi Sect disciples with him could
reduce many problems.

Thus, Chen Xiaotian somberly went to select two disciples to

follow by Huang Xiaolong’s side. Before leaving, Chen
Xiaotian especially reminded the two disciples that Huang
Xiaolong’s words were his words, Huang Xiaolong’s orders
were his orders. No matter what Huang Xiaolong said, they
were to follow obediently and carry themselves with proper
respect towards Huang Xiaolong.

Though the two disciples were puzzled and surprised about

Huang Xiaolong’s identity, neither dared to inquire too much
into it. Moments later, Huang Xiaolong left the Sky Magi
Sect’s headquarters with the two disciples in tow, to the
streets of Black Demon City, looking around. It wasn’t much
different from the first time Huang Xiaolong arrived at the
city, signs of fighting could be seen everywhere.

The sky above Black Demon City was permeated with a faint
scent of blood.

As the three of them were walking, a commotion happened

in front of them, the pedestrians on the street hastened to
dodge to the sides. Looking over, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes
narrowed, more than a dozen Nine Fiend Sect disciples were
swaggering on the streets, heading his way, led by a young
man at the front of the group; he had a pair of peach
blossom eyes, lightly fanning himself with a steel fan.

Seeing this young man’s clothing and appearance, Huang

Xiaolong already guessed that this young man must be the
Nine Fiend Sect Sovereign’s, Hu Han’s son, Hu Sheng.
Chapter 269: Nosy

From the information relayed by Chen Xiaotian and Jiang

Tianhua, Huang Xiaolong was aware that this Hu Sheng had
a lustful character! Not merely lustful, he actually had a
very perverted hobby; he liked to capture young men with
good looks. After capturing them, he would cut off their
lower part and then disfigure their faces.

According to what Chen Xiaotian and Jiang Tianhua said, this

Hu Sheng couldn’t stand the sight of another young man
more handsome than himself, which was the main reason
why Black Demon City had so few good looking young men.

Huang Xiaolong frowned slightly, he didn’t expect to run

into this guy, coming out for a stroll.

“That girl is not bad.” At this point, Hu Sheng pointed at a

young girl not far away.

The several disciples around Hu Sheng immediately

understood what their Young Lord meant. In the next
instant, two amongst the group went over and intercepted
the young girl. The young girl looked around seventeen to
eighteen years old, and together with the girl was a young
man in his early twenties.

When the young man saw two Nine Fiend Sect disciples
block their path, his face paled, even his voice was shaky,
“You, what are you two trying to do?”

“What are we trying to do?” The two Nine Fiend Sect

disciples exchanged a knowing glance and broke out in
boisterous laughter. One of them pointed his finger at the
young girl, snickering, “Trying to do something good, very
good.” The disciple stepped forward and grabbed onto the
young girl’s clothes as he said that, dragging her as they
walked in Hu Sheng’s direction.

The young girl lost all color, screaming in panic: “No, no, let
me go, let me go!”

The young man wanted to step forward to stop that disciple,

but he lacked courage. All he could do was to plead from the
side, “I beg you, please let Xinlan go, she is my wife. We’re
from Mysterious East Sect.”

“Mysterious East Sect…?” That Nine Fiend Sect disciple

snickered conceitedly, “So, it’s Green Spirit City’s
Mysterious East Sect.”

Green Spirit City was located close to Black Demon City,

however, Mysterious East Sect was just one of Green Spirit
City’s small sects, its strength couldn’t even compare to Sky
Magi Sect. Thus, Hu Sheng did not pay it much attention.

By this time, that Nine Fiend Sect disciple already dragged

the young girl Xinlan until she was in front of Hu Sheng.

Hu Sheng pinched the young girl’s face between his fingers

so he could take a good look at her face. He nodded with a
faint smile, “Not bad, delicate and bright, really a little
beauty.” Done with checking the girl, Hu Sheng looked over
to the Mysterious East Sect young man, saying, “Since she
is your wife, I will not make it difficult for you.”

Hearing this, the Mysterious East Sect young man lit up, but
at this moment, Hu Sheng continued, “As long as she
accompanies me for three nights, I’ll let her go.”

The joy on the young man’s face vanished without a trace,

turning ugly; especially the young girl’s expression, as if she
fell into hell’s abyss, “I don’t want, please, I beg you, spare
me. My Dad is an Elder of the Mysterious East Sect.” The
young girl secretly gathered battle qi in her palm as she was
saying this, but, just as she made her move, her hand was
pinched under Hu Sheng’s strong grip.

The young girl was only a Houtian Tenth Order, how could
she be Hu Sheng’s opponent, a Xiantian Fourth Order.

“Mysterious East Sect’s Elder?” Blocking the young girl’s

attack Hu Sheng laughed heartily in mockery. In the next
moment, his other hand reached out, tearing off the front of
the young girl’s clothes from the chest down, exposing the
young girl’s bare naked torso in the streets. Two youthful,
plump peaks shook when the young girl trembled.

She struggled and screamed, wanting to cover herself.

Unfortunately, both of her hands were locked in a tight grip
by another Nine Fiend Sect disciple, all resistance was

“Xinlan!” The Mysterious East Sect young master cried out.

When he tried to rush up, a Nine Fiend Sect disciple struck
him, sending him flying, landing in a street corner some
distance away.

Hu Sheng looked at the young girl, “It won’t help you even if
your Dad is Mysterious East Sect’s Patriarch, not to mention
a mere Elder. Now I’m giving you two choices; one, you
choose to accompany me for three night, or two, I’ll let
these subordinates of mine accompany you now.”

When Hu Sheng finished, the twenty over Nine Fiend Sect

disciples around broke out in laughter, their eyes shone with
lust, roaming over the young girl’s body.

People on the streets spectated from afar, no one dared to

stand out to help the young couple.
Huang Xiaolong lifted his foot and walked in the young girl’s
direction. He was not a person that liked to interfere in
others’ affairs, but since he encountered it, then he wouldn’t
ignore it either. He had always been disgusted to the core
towards lustful perverts bordering psychopathic tendencies
like Hu Sheng.

The two Sky Magi Sect disciples accompanying Huang

Xiaolong panicked noticing Huang Xiaolong’s action; he
hastily raised an arm to block Huang Xiaolong, “Young Noble
Huang, it’s better we don’t go over and be nosy.”

“Yes ah, Young Noble Huang. The other side is from the Nine
Fiend Sect, the leader is Nine Fiend Sect Sovereign’s son, Hu
Sheng.” The other disciple also spoke to persuade Huang
Xiaolong, both conveyed clearly the unmistakable meaning;
the other side is the Nine Fiend Sect Sovereign’s son, our
Sky Magi Sect cannot afford to provoke this kind of trouble.”

Before the two Sky Magi Sect disciples came out with Huang
Xiaolong, Chen Xiaotian briefed them, telling them to refer
Huang Xiaolong as Young Noble Huang, emphasizing they
must be respectful towards Huang Xiaolong as if Huang
Xiaolong was himself. However, both of them didn’t really
carry the words out exactly, otherwise, they wouldn’t have
dared to block or stop Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s cold gaze fell upon the two Sky Magi Sect
disciples, one word resounded: “Scram!” An invisible
pressure spread out, the two Sky Magi Sect disciples were
startled, not daring to meet Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, and
swiftly retreated to one side.

At this point, Hu Sheng’s attention was attracted, he turned

to look in Huang Xiaolong’s direction. Watching as Huang
Xiaolong came forth, he chuckled, saying to the Nine Fiend
Sect disciples around him, “I didn’t expect there would
really be someone who isn’t afraid to die.”

Another wave of laughter came from the Nine Fiend Sect


Huang Xiaolong walked until he was ten meters away from

Hu Sheng before stopping.

Hu Sheng passed the Mysterious East Sect young girl to a

Nine Fiend Sect disciple beside him before scrutinising
Huang Xiaolong from head to toe. In a strange, lilting tone
of voice, Hu Sheng said, with a smug smile on his face,
“Little brat, you’re not bad looking.”

It was Just like Hu Sheng stated, the current Huang

Xiaolong, at twenty-one, was about five foot nine, with thick
brows and bright eyes, tall nose bridge, and long hair
casually secured. Overall, Huang Xiaolong’s appearance
exuded a hard to describe aura and dominance, no matter
which aspect one was looking from, it was undeniable that
Huang Xiaolong was a good looking, handsome man.

The more Hu Sheng looked at Huang Xiaolong, the more

annoyed he became, fire of jealousy burned maliciously
inside his peach blossom eyes.

“You guys go catch that little brat, cut off his lower part with
one strike in public. Also, dig out his eyes.” Hu Sheng
ordered one of the Nine Fiend Sect disciples next to him.
Looking at Huang Xiaolong’s eyes made him uncomfortable.

“Yes, Young Lord!” Two Nine Fiend Sect disciple answered

respectfully and turned towards Huang Xiaolong with a cold,
sinister chuckle.
“Little brat, are you going to cut your little thing off yourself,
or you want us to do it?” One of them grinned, “What this
father hates most are nosy people like you; if we act, I’m
going to chop your thing into a dozen pieces, therefore, I
advise you to do it yourself.”

The two Nine Fiend Sect disciples were about three meters
away from Huang Xiaolong, when one of them suddenly
unsheathed the long sword in his hands. A cold light slashed
across the air at fast speed. Both of them were Xiantian
Second Order.

As Hu Han’s son, the people around Hu Sheng were chosen

after going through meticulous selection, each had their
own strengths.

However, just when that Nine Fiend Sect disciple’s long

sword slashed in Huang Xiaolong’s direction, Huang
Xiaolong’s hand extended out. The long sword body was
pinched between Huang Xiaolong’s two fingers, alarming
the two Nine Fiend Sect disciples. Before they could react,
Huang Xiaolong swayed to the side, with a flick, the long
sword spun, slitting across its owner’s neck.

That Nine Fiend Sect disciple’s body froze stiffly on the spot,
head lowered in disbelief looking at the long sword in his
hand. Blood slowly slid down the length of the sword. He
opened his mouth to say something, but before any sound
could be heard, his body tumbled down.

Everyone watching was dumbfounded.

A tense silence surround the street.
Chapter 270: Young Lord!

The crowd stared at Huang Xiaolong in surprise, including

Hu Sheng and the two Sky Magi Sect disciples that wanted
to stop Huang Xiaolong from sticking his nose into others’
affair. Of course, the young couple belonging to the
Mysterious East Sect stared dumbly at Huang Xiaolong.

Before the surprised expression of the people around him,

Huang Xiaolong approached the other Nine Fiend Sect

Watching Huang Xiaolong walk towards him, that Nine Fiend

Sect disciple was jarred back to the present, fear filled his
eyes. By the time he thought of escaping, it was already too
late. Huang Xiaolong’s body swayed, as a pair of black
blades appeared in his hands; cold lights flashed and the
only thing the people around could see were two fleeting
blade lights slashing across the air. Then, that Nine Fiend
Sect disciple’s actions halted abruptly, standing stiffly on
the spot, falling down to the street in the next second.

That Nine Fiend Sect disciple’s eyes were still wide with
shock and confusion, even as he fell, hitting the street with
a soft thud, blood came spurting out as if delayed, painting
the dirty street bright crimson.

In the rest of the Nine Fiend Sect disciples’ eyes, the

sequence of events was whelming and appalling.

Ignoring the shocked stares directed his way, Huang

Xiaolong continued to walk in Hu Sheng’s direction.

Hu Sheng’s eyes narrowed as he watched Huang Xiaolong;

snorting with disdain, Hu Sheng demanded, “Punk, who are
you? What is your relation with Sky Magi Sect? Are you even
aware that this Black Demon City is controlled by my Nine
Fiend Sect?”

“Controlled by the Nine Fiend Sect?” Huang Xiaolong

sneered albeit a little nasty, “Very soon, it won’t be

Very soon, it won’t be anymore? Hu Sheng’s expression

turned ugly hearing that: “What do you mean?”

Huang Xiaolong merely shook his head at Hu Sheng, not

bothering to answer, “Too bad you won’t live to see that

Because, at that moment, Hu Sheng had to die!

“Kill, kill that punk for me!” Hu Sheng swiftly moved to the
back as he shouted to the Nine Fiend Sect disciples
surrounding him, pointing angrily at Huang Xiaolong:
“Whoever kills him, this Young Lord will reward him a million
gold coins!”

The moment Hu Sheng’s voice fell, battle qi broke out from

Nine Fiend Sect disciples’ bodies. All summoning their
martial spirits and attacking Huang Xiaolong. Amongst
these disciples, some had water element martial spirits,
glowing in water blue battle qi, some had fire element
martial spirits, shrouded in fiery-red battle qi, glaring to the
eyes, also earth element martial spirits, a soil yellow-colored
battle qi surrounding them.

In a split second, multicolored bright glows soared up,

lighting up the whole street.

While the disciples were dealing with Huang Xiaolong, Hu

Sheng took out something from his chest that looked like a
smoke funnel and pressed. A prism-colored bright sphere
shot high up to the sky from it, reaching a hundred zhang,
and exploded.

In the Nine Fiend Sect headquarters’ main hall.

A silver-haired Hu Han was discussing the impending attack

on Blood Swallow School when the sound of a loud explosion
attracted their attention.

“Sovereign, that sounded like the Young Lord’s distress

signal.” One of the Nine Fied Sect Elders commented.

“Who doesn’t know the Young Lord’s identity in Black

Demon City, what exactly is going on?” Another Nine Fiend
Sect Elder argued.

“But, this indeed is the Young Lord’s distress signal.”

In the grand hall, a group of Elders broke discussed noisily.

“Lin Shuang, the four of you go over and take a look.” Hu

Han ordered an old man in purple robe below the dais, “If
it’s really some reckless rock head wanting to harm the
Young Lord, regardless of who it is, kill on the spot!”

The purple-robed old man and another three men stood up:
“Ye,s Sovereign!”

“En, go now.” Hu Han ordered.

The four of them saluted before leaving the grand hall,

heading Hu Sheng’s direction, following the distress signal
to pinpoint the location.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong looked at the group of Nine

Fiend Sect disciples rushing towards him; leaping up to the
air, his body started spinning at amazing speed before the
stunned eyes of Hu Sheng and the Nine Fiend Sect disciples,
swinging out the Blades of Asura. Blade lights flew out,
turning into countless lighting streaks and lightning flood
dragon, zigzagging out in all four directions.

The Asura Sword Skill fourth move: State of Abundant


In less than a breath’s time, the group of twenty over Nine

Fiend Sect disciples werr struck by the lightning flood
dragons. Their battle qi dissipated and martial spirits
dispersed, one by one the disciples plummeted down from
high up.

When these Nine Fiend Sect disciples crashed onto the

street, it could be seen that all of them were charred black,
like charcoals. A scent of roasted meat wafted through the
crowd. Among these Nine Fiend Sect disciples, the strongest
cultivation was at Xiantian Third Order and the weaker ones
were only Houtian Tenth Order. How could they have
defended against one strike of State of Abundant Lightning?
With his current strength, executing the move was enough
to embarrass a peak late-Xiantian Seventh Order.

Huang Xiaolong landed gently on the street, directed a

glance at the piles of charred bodies, and continued
approaching Hu Sheng.

Hu Sheng was almost paralyzed with fear looking at the

charred bodies of Nine Fiend Sect disciples littered on the
street, sensing the smell of cooked meat that permeated the
air. Watching Huang Xiaolong coming closer to him, an
overwhelming dread and fear filled him like he had never
experiencedㅡfear of death.

“You!” Hu Sheng bolstered his courage even while he was

retreating, trying to scare Huang Xiaolong, “Who are you
exactly? This is the Black Demon City, if you kill me, you
won’t be able to escape either!”

“Escape?” Huang Xiaolong shook his head. With a flicker,

Huang Xiaolong already closed in on Hu Sheng with a well-
aimed punch. Alarmed, Hu Sheng raised his hands to block
Huang Xiaolong’s fist, but Huang Xiaolong’s punch landed
on his chest before he could take any action. Huang
Xiaolong’s punch landed on his chest, but the force came
out from his back, shaking the building structure on the
other end of the street.

Hu Sheng’s clothes were shredded from the force, scattered

in the wind as his body was flung out, rolling on the street
for more than twenty meters. Huang Xiaolong caught up
leisurely to Hu Sheng’s side.

At this point, there was nary a thread covering Hu Sheng’s

entire body, bare naked for the whole street to see.
Standing in front of the naked Hu Sheng, Huang Xiaolong
took a quick glance at his lower part; this Hu Sheng grew to
be a sturdy built young lad, but his lower part was best
friends with the earthworms below. Huang Xiaolong
harrumphed, raised his foot and stomped down without

In this Black Demon City, it was unknown how many young

men and women were scourged by ‘it’. This kick could be
considered as collecting the debt for them.

Hu Sheng screamed shrilly, clutching his lower part,

rounding into a ball of pain.

The disciples of other sects and commoners were secretly

clapping in joy watching Hu Sheng suffering in pain, a
feeling of satisfaction filled their hearts. However, the two
Sky Magi Sect disciples lost all color from their faces. If
Huang Xiaolong killed Hu Sheng, the Sky Magi Sect would be
implicated from top to bottom!

Just as they were about to step forward to stop Huang

Xiaolong, a voice thundered from afar, “Who dares to hurt
my Young Lord!”

The crowd was aghast. Everyone turned to look and saw

from afar, four silhouettes were rushing over in their
direction, led by a man in purple robes, with bushy

“It’s the Nine Fiend Sect’s Elder Lin Shuang!”

“In the Nine Fiend Sect, Elder Lin Shuang’s strength is only
below Hu Han and Su Meimei’s, he is a true peak late-
Xiantian Seventh Order expert!”

“There’s also Xu Gao, Chen Nianhua, and Lu Yi, the three big
elders are here too!”

The surrounding crowd exclaimed in shock.

Huang Xiaolong stopped what he was doing and turned

around, watching as four silhouettes flew over at rapid

Lin Shuang? Huang Xiaolong focused on the frontmost

person. This Lin Shuang, Chen Xiaotian mentioned him to
Huang Xiaolong previously, the number three person in
terms of strength inside the Nine Fiend Sect. Although both
Lin Shuang and Chen Xiaotian were peak late-Xiantian
Seventh Order, Lin Shuang was more formidable than Chen

In the blink of an eye, Lin Shuang’s group of four arrived,

landing on the street. The first thing Lin Shuang did was
scan the surroundings, and when he saw the naked Hu
Sheng curled up a ball due to pain, the muscles on his face

“Young Lord!” Lin Shuang hastened over to Hu Sheng’s side.
Chapter 271: Where’S The
Young Sovereign?
Chapter 271: Where’s the Young Sovereign?

Lin Shuang reached Hu Sheng’s side. Looking at Hu Sheng’s

caved-in chest due to Huang Xiaolong’s punch, his face
looked extremely ugly, and it only turned worse when he
saw the bloodied patch of Hu Sheng’s lower body… the
other three, Cu Gao, Chen Nianhua, and Lu Yi were just as

Lin Shuang turned around towards Huang Xiaolong, eyes

chilling as a terrifying killing intent swept out from his body
like a storm. Influenced by Lin Shuang’s strong killing intent,
the surrounding air turned into a cold, biting gale.

“How, do, you want to die?” Lin Shuang emphasized every

single word, sounding as if he emerged from the underworld
abyss. Battle qi exploded with glaring light.

Hu Sheng, as the Young Lord of Nine Fiend Sect, was

actually injured within Black Demon City! And his lower part
was actually stomped into…?!

Death! Lin Shuang’s eyes glowed with a dark menacing


But before Lin Shuang’s surging battle qi could peak, before

he managed to make a move, a figure blurred, in the next
moment, powerful fists struck. Lin Shuang was startled,
hands moving to block, yet a pulsating pain traveled from
his chest. He stared disbelief at the pair of fists sticking to
his chest. After a momentary pause, warm liquid rolled up
Lin Shuang’s throat, and he spurted blood as his body
staggered back until he reached the edge of the street,
where he fell.

Huang Xiaolong retrieved his fists, his eyes coldly observed

the fallen Lin Shuang. Everyone stared dazedly at Lin
Shuang’s figure slumped on the street. The Nine Fiend
Sect’s number three, Lin Shuang, was injured in one move
by Huang Xiaolong! Lin Shuang was a peak late-Xiantian
Seventh Order warrior!

Including Xu Gai, Chen Nianhua, and Lu Yi, who arrived with

Lin Shuang, stood frozen on the spot, whereas the two Sky
Magi Sect disciples were flabbergasted.

Moments later, Xu Gao, Chen Nianhua, and Lu Yi recovered.

“Elder Lin!” Exclaiming in shock, all three of them swiftly

rushed over to Lin Shuang’s side, helping Lin Shuang up.

However, while they were busy assisting Lin Shuang, a

silhouette flickered. The three, Xu Gao, Chen Nianhua, and
Lu Yi did not relax their vigilance, whirling around, all three
were shocked to see a bright Buddha luminescence and
Buddha statues. As if hit by a storm, Xu Gao, Chen Nianhua,
and Lu Yi were sent flying; Lin Shuang who was just being
helped up was sent flying as well.

Apart from Lin Shuang, amongst the Elder trio, the strongest
was only an early Xiantian Seventh Order. Relying on Huang
Xiaolong’s current strength, executing Phantom Shadow, his
speed was comparable to an early Xiantian Eighth Order.
Not to mention the three Elders, even Lin Shuang would find
it hard to capture Huang Xiaolong’s movements.
With one Earthen Buddha Palm, Huang Xiaolong sent the
four of them flying, slowly walking towards them after they
landed. In fact, with Lin Shuang’s strength, if it weren’t due
to his carelessness, he could have withstood several moves
from Huang Xiaolong, but it was too late now, he was
already injured and barely had any strength to resist.

Looking down at the four people, a cold light flashed in

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes as he summoned the Blades of
Asura; seeing the ominous black blades in Huang Xiaolong’s
hands, all four became ashen with obvious fear written on
their faces.

“You!” Lin Shuang and the other three struggled to stand

up, grasping for a chance to escape, Huang Xiaolong waved
the Blades of Asura, cold lights gleamed in midair. Almost
simultaneously, four different screaming voices sounded at

The two Sky Magi Sect disciples and the surrounding crowd
were petrified to see blood gushing out from Lin Shuang and
the other three Nine Fiend Sect Elder’s throats, covering the
ground below them red in an instant.

Countless shocked gasps sounded from the crowd.

This Lin Shuang was the Nine Fiend Sect Sovereign Hu Han’s
left and right-hand man, a confidante through and through.
Xu Gao, Chen Nianhua, and Lu Yi were highly loyal to Hu
Han, and since Huang Xiaolong had decided to destroy the
Nine Fiend Sect, he killed these four without hesitation to
weaken Hu Han’s forces.

After killing the four people, Huang Xiaolong paid no heed to

the shocked eyes directed at him, he walked to where Hu
Sheng was.
Even now, Hu Sheng was still clutching his lower body in
excruciating pain, noticing Huang Xiaolong coming his way,
the gloom of death seemed to descend on his face. Hu
Sheng cried for mercy, “Don’t kill me, don’t kill me, I don’t
want to die, I don’t want to die!” He saw clearly how Huang
Xiaolong killed Lin Shuang and the other three Elders.

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you.” Huang Xiaolong’s cold voice

sounded. Although this Hu Sheng deserved to die many
times over, Huang Xiaolong has a use for him, so he could
temporarily keep his life.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong said he would not kill him, Hu

Sheng were half frantic with joy. In his heart, Hu Sheng
breathed out in relief; in his opinion, he was the Nine Fiend
Sect’s Young Lord, Huang Xiaolong must feel apprehensive,
that was why he didn’t dare to kill him. Thinking through
this point, a killing intent flitted across Hu Sheng’s heart;
wait till his father and the other Nine Fiend Sect experts
arrive, he would repay Huang Xiaolong, a thousand, ten
thousand times over.

Huang Xiaolong sneered detecting the flickering lights in Hu

Sheng’s eyes, guessing the thoughts in Hu Sheng’s mind, he
laughed sarcastically in silence. Stepping up, Huang
Xiaolong sealed Hu Sheng’s cultivation using acupuncture,
then he dragged Hu Sheng back to the Sky Magi Sect’s

Being dragged across the street’s surface, Hu Sheng’s lower

body scrapped due to friction, resulting in a chain of wails
and screams ringing in the air. It wasn’t until some distance
far away that the two Sky Magi Sect disciples came back to
their senses, and quickly chased up behind Huang Xiaolong.
Both disciples wanted to stop Huang Xiaolong, yet neither
was brave enough.

The Nine Fiend Sect headquarters grand hall.

Hu Han sat on the Sovereign throne, his brows were tightly

locked together. It had been quite a while since Lin Shuang
and the others went out, why weren’t they back yet?

Sitting on the seat a head lower than Hu Han was a

charming lady with hands of marmoreal skin, but the nails
on her hands were noticeably longer than normal,
furthermore, they were green in color, like jade. This was
the Nine Fiend Sect’s second-in-command, Su Meimei. Her
strength was only weaker than Hu Han.

“Sovereign, should I go take a look?” Seeing Hu Han’s

expression, Su Meimei volunteered. Lin Shuang and the
other three Elders taking such a long time baffled her as

“Sovereign, with Elder Lin’s strength, there is only Blood

Swallow School’s Jiang Tianhua that could be his opponent
in the entire Black Demon City.” At this time, a Nine Fiend
Sect Elder stood up, saying “Therefore, Sovereign and
Deputy need not worry, I think Elder Lin and the rest will
return very soon.”

Hu Han nodded in agreement. Indeed, other than himself

and Su Meimei, only Blood Swallow School’s Doyen could be
Lin Shuang’s opponent in the entire Black Demon City.
Thinking of this point, Hu Han relaxed.

However, at this time, a Nine Fiend Sect disciple ran into the
grand hall all flustered, agitated, and anxious. Seeing this
disciple’s expression, Hu Han’s heart sank.

All the Nine Fiend Sect Elders turned to look at that disciple.
“Sovereign, it’s bad!” The instant the disciple ran into the
grand hall, he fell to his knees, words flowing out of his
mouth rapidly.

“What happened?” Hu Han’s face was gloomy, snapping at

the disciple.

“Sovereign, Elder Lin, they, they, they were all killed!” That
Nine Fiend Sect disciple blurted out with fear.

“What?!” it was as if a bomb exploded in the grand hall. All

the Nine Fiend Sect Elders revealed astonishment and
confusion. Hu Han and Su Meimei both wore grave

“The Young Lord, where’s the Young Lord?!” Hu Han jumped

up from his seat, hollering in anger.

“The Young Lord, he was taken away by that person!” That

Nine Fiend Sect disciple stammered.

“Taken away?” Only then did Hu Han was relieved, taken

away meant his son was still alive.

“But, Young Lord, he, he…” That disciple hesitated to

explain further.

“Speak, what happened to the Young Lord?” Hu Han became


“The Young Lord’s lower, lower part, is crippled.” The Nine

Fiend Sect disciples quickly answered.

The lower part ‘crippled’? All the Nine Fiend Sect Elders
were stunned, each one showing a weird expression.
Chapter 272: Annihilate
The Sky Magi Sect!
Chapter 272: Annihilate the Sky Magi Sect!

“What did you say?!” Hu Han roared in anger; with a quick

flicker, his silhouette left the throne dais, appearing right in
front of the Nine Fiend Sect disciple. Both hands reached out
and lifted the disciple up by the collar as a horrifying killing
intent swirled out from Hu Han’s body like a hurricane.

That Nine Fiend Sect disciple was so terrified that he lost all
colors in his face.

“YounㅡYoung Lord he, he…” The disciples stammered


Hu Han’s anger was further stoked with the disciple’s action,

his palm slapped straight onto that disciple’s chest, sending
the disciples tumbling on the floor all the way until the edge
of the hall, where he hit a stone pillar, halting his

Struck by Hu Han, the disciple struggled to get up only to

fall to his knees, begging for mercy, “Sovereign mercy,
Sovereign mercy, ah!”

Hu Han harrumphed curtly, “Speak, recount every detail of

the event clearly!” If it wasn’t for him being anxious to know
what happened, he would have killed this disciple with that
palm just now.
“Yes, yes, yes, Sovereign!” That Nine Fiend Sect disciple
answered with dread as he quickly recounted in detail what
he knew.

Hearing that a young man punched his son’s chest and then
went on to cripple his lower part, Hu Han’s face layered with
frost, but when he heard that after Lin Shuang and the other
three Elders arrived, Lin Shuang was actually injured by the
young man, also with one punch, whereas the three, Xu
Gao, Chen Nianhua, and Lu Yi were thrown off
simultaneously with just one palm, Hu Han, Su Meimei, and
the present Elders revealed expressions of astonishment.

The Nine Fiend Sect disciple continued in a shaky voice,

“After that black-haired young man injured the four Elders,
he slit their throats with his blade; Elder Lin Shuang and the
other Elders were already killed before they even had time
to escape.”

Hu Han had an ugly expression on his face hearing this,

unable to conceal the amazement from his eyes.

“After that?” Hu Han asked solemnly.

“After killing the four Elders, the black-haired young man

then dragged the Young Lord away, in the Sky Magi Sect
headquarters’ direction.” That disciple hastened to answer.

“Sky Magi Sect’s headquarters?” Everyone present in the

grand hall was stumped.

“Could this black-haired young man be an expert the Sky

Magi Sect Sovereign, Chen Xiaotian, hired?”

“Regardless of whether he is or not, this black-haired young

man is definitely connected to the Sky Magi Sect.” The Nine
Fiend Sect Elders started to state their opinions one after
another while Hu Han’s face grew gloomier by the second.

It was obvious he was trying to figure out what that black-

haired young man’s relationship with Sky Magi Sect was. If
this black-haired young man was someone hired by Chen
Xiaotian, what did they mean by holding his son? Was the
Sky Magi Sect declaring war against the Nine Fiend Sect?

Su Meimei was also pondering the matter as she sat quietly

on the chair, not speaking a word.

“Sovereign, regardless of who that brat is, since the Young

Lord is being held in the Sky Magi Sect’s headquarters, then
we shall surrounded the Sky Magi Sect this instant and
rescue the Young Lord!” At this point, one of the Elders
stood up proclaiming.

Hu Han’s eyes flickered, tempted.

“Deputy, what do you think?” Hu Han turned around,

enquiring his second-in-command Su Meimei.

Su Meimei said seriously, “Sovereign could first send a

summon to Sky Magi Sect Sovereign, Chen Xiaotian, have
him hand out the Young Lord, while you send people out to
investigate that black-haired young man’s identity.”

Hu Han nodded, Su Meimei’s opinion was the same as his.

Attacking the Sky Magi Sect headquarters without knowing
that black-haired young man’s identity was not a wise
move. First, investigate that black-haired young man’s
bottom line, annihilating him and the Sky Magi Sect at that
time wouldn’t be too late!

Not wasting time, Hu Han instructed one of the Nine Fiend

Sect’s Elders to head out to Sky Magi Sect and tell Chen
Xiaotian to hand over his son, Hu Sheng,while on the other
hand, he sent some people out to investigate the black-
haired young man.

However, very soon, the Elder Hu Han sent out came back,
blood staining his robes, a wound on his chest. Moreover, he
returned alone. Seeing this result, all the Nine Fiend Sect
Elders clenched their fists in anger. Hu Han’s sullen face
darkened deeper.

“Sovereign, that Chen Xiaotian, he said if you want to bring

the Young Lord back, go to Sky Magi Sect headquarters
yourself and to… kneel and beg in front of him.” The
moment that Nine Fiend Sect Elder returned to the grand
hall, the words flowed out without being asked.

“What?!” All the Nine Fiend Sect Elders present were filled
with rage.

“This Chen Xiaotian is too presumptuous!”

“Sovereign, we’ll rush to the Sky Magi Sect’s headquarters

right now and save the Young Lord!”

“That’s right, rescue the Young Lord and destroy the Sky
Magi Sect. Capture that Chen Xiaotian and make him kneel
in front of the Sovereign!”

“He thinks having that black-haired young man helping him,

our Nine Fiend Sect daren’t do anything to him!”

“Annihilate Sky Magi Sect!”

“Annihilate Sky magi Sect!”

All the Nine Fiend Sect Elders clamored noisily.

Hu Han felt slighted and chagrined; an intense killing intent
surged in his heart.

He, as the Sovereign of the Nine Fiend Sect, the Castellan of

Black Demon City, with all the power he had in Black Demon
City, he had never felt such vexation! In the past, he just
needed to stamp his foot and it would be enough to scare
Chen Xiaotian until he pissed his own pants!

A brief moment passed as Hu Han forced himself to

suppress the boiling killing intent in his heart. Raising both
of his hands, his indicated everyone to calm down. When
the grand hall quieted down, he scanned the faces before
him, saying in a solemn voice, “The Sky Magi Sect must be
annihilated, Chen Xiaotian and that black-haired young man
must die! But not now!”

The more Chen Xiaotian acted this way, the more prudent
and vigilant Hu Han became.

“Tell the people below to speed up their investigation of the

black-haired young man,” Hu Han looked over in Su
Meimei’s direction, “Also, other than that black-haired young
man, find out if the Sky Magi Sect has any other experts
guarding in the dark!”

“Yes, Sovereign.” Su Meimei stood up and acknowledged

with respect.

At this time, the Elder that returned blood-stained from Sky

Magi Sect opened his mouth after slight hesitation,
“Sovereign, Chen Xiaotian also told me to bring you a
message, he said, tomorrow he would cut off one of Young
Lord’s arms, the day after tomorrow an arm and a leg, and
on the third day, he would cripple Young Lord’s remaining
“What did you say?!” The anger Hu Han worked so hard to
suppress erupted like a volcano. The four walls of the grand
hall, pillars, and floor were covered with a layer of frosty
white ice. Behind Hu Han, an ice serpent flickered in and out
vaguely. Not only Hu Han, all the Nine Fiend Sect Elders
were furious.

“Sovereign, this Chen Xiaotian is simply too arrogant! Please

give us the order, we’ll gather up and destroy the Sky Magi
Sect this instant!” A Nine Fiend Sect Elder could no longer
suppress his anger and jumped up from his seat, claiming
once again.

“Yes, Sovereign, give us the order!” Other Elders echoed the


Hu Han inhaled deeply, a dark eerie light flitted across his

eyes, “Pass my order down, from now onwards, kill every
Sky Magi Sect disciples that the Nine Fiend Sect disciples
and Elders come across!”

“Yes Sovereign!” All the Nine Fiend Sect Elders answered in

unison, not daring to clamor more than they had.

At the same time, the Sky Magi Sect headquarters grand


Huang Xiaolong sat on the throne seat, whereas Chen

Xiaotian, Geng Ken, Jiang Tianhua, as well as the groups of
Sky Magi Sect and Blood Swallow School experts stood in
respectful manner in the grand hall. Also, in the grand hall
was a dumbfounded Hu Sheng staring wide-eyed at the
experts of Sky Magi Sect and Blood Swallow School on both
Sky Magi Sect and Blood Swallow School’s experts
actually…?! He stared at Huang Xiaolong in horror; who is
this black-haired young man exactly? What does he want to
do?! Hu Sheng daren’t think further…
Chapter 273: Empty

Sky Magi Sect and Blood Swallow School’s experts stood in a

respectful manner in the grand hall, lowering the sounds of
their breathing to the best they could…

A pin drop could be heard clearly in the grand hall.

Chen Xiaotian stood out, reporting: “Young Lord, just now,

the Nine Fiend Sect Sovereign Hu Han issued an order, all
Sky Magi Sect’s disciples, once found, they are to killed on
the spot!”

“Oh.” Huang Xiaolong’s reaction was calm as his eyes

glanced over at Hu Sheng in the grand hall. This simple
glance made Hu Sheng shiver to his core, his face white as a

Chen Xiaotian retreated to his spot after reporting the

matter and the huge hall returned to its previous heavy
silence. Both Sky Magi Sect and Blood Swallow Sect were
waiting for Huang Xiaolong’s orders.

Huang Xiaolong drummed his fingers on the throne’s

armrest, a dull drumming sound echoed softly in the large

Without a doubt, Huang Xiaolong could take over the Nine

Fiend Sect at this stage, but doing so would risk a lot of the
Sky Magi Sect and Blood Swallow School’s life. Thus, even if
Huang Xiaolong successfully took over the Black Demon
City, he would be taking over an overall weaker Black
Demon City. If a foreign enemy attacked Black Demon City
at this time, it would be hard for Black Demon City to resist
invasion. This was something Huang Xiaolong didn’t wish to
Limited, he could only wait for half a month.

At Huang Xiaolong’s current second level spiritual force, in

another half a month’s time, he would be able to control the
remaining of the Nine Fiend Sect’s Elders. When he
managed to accomplish that, it would the right time to
attack the Nine Fiend Sect, and deal with Hu Han.

Hu Sheng had to die, therefore, Hu Han could not be left

alive. Hu Han also had to die. As for the Nine Fiend Sect’s
Deputy, Su Meimei, as long as she was willing to submit,
Huang Xiaolong would spare her.

A while later, Huang Xiaolong said to Chen Xiaotian, “Keep

him in the dungeon below.” as he pointed a finger at Hu
Sheng. After a small pause, he continued, “Two days later,
cut off one of his arms and send it to Hu Han.”

“Yes Young Lord!” Chen Xiaotian and Jiang Tianhua saluted

with respect.

“No, no, no, don’t, I beg you! Whatever you want, my Nine
Fiend Sect can give you, don’t cut off my arm!” Hu Sheng
turned deadly pale at Huang Xiaolong’s orders, crying out
for mercy. But two Sky Magi Sect Elders dragged Hu Seng
out of the grand hall, one on each side.

Hu Sheng struggled intensely, screaming, as his voice

sounded further away until it could no longer be heard.

Huang Xiaolong turned back to Chen Xiaotian and Jiang

Tianhua, “Both of you, pay attention to the Nine Fiend Sect’s
movements, come report to me immediately if there are any
unusual circumstances.”

“Yes, Young Lord!”

Huang Xiaolong ordered down more tasks for the both of
them and then told everyone to withdraw. When he was
alone in the grand hall, Huang Xiaolong entered the Xumi
Temple, swallowed a drop of Geocentric Buddha Elixir and
continued cultivating.

Two days passed quickly.

On this day, Huang Xiaolong reminded Chen Xiaotian to cut

off one of Hu Sheng’s arms and send it to the Nine Fiend
Sect headquarters.

Seeing his own son’s cut off arm being delivered to him, Hu
Han’s rage boiled over, yet he still did not order down for
the Nine Fiend Sect to attack the Sky Magi Sect
headquarters. Though Hu Han did not order an attack, in
multiple areas of Black Demon City, the Nine Fiend Sect’s
and Sky Magi Sect’s disciples could be seen conflicting,
fighting, and killing. Adding the previous conflict the Nine
Fiend Sect had with the Blood Swallow Sect, the entire Black
Demon City was enveloped in internal turmoil and puddles
of flowing blood.

The pedestrians on the streets lessened, giving the city a

bleak, deserted atmosphere.

Ten days came and went.

In the Nine Fiend Sect headquarters grand hall.

“Is what you said accurate? Other than that black-haired

kid, there are no other experts inside the Sky Magi Sect?”
Hu Han sat on the throne, looking down at Elder Fan Hai.

Fan Hai answered respectfully, “That’s correct, Sovereign.

This subordinate has investigated clearly, there are no other
experts inside the Sky Magi Sect; moreover, this subordinate
found out that the kid arrived in the Bedlam Lands about
half a year ago.”

“Half a year, just arrived in the Bedlam Lands!” A sharp light

glinted in Hu Han’s eyes, “What you’re saying is, this kid,
has no background here in the Bedlam Lands?”

Fan Hai nodded: “Yes, Sovereign.”

“Did you find out before entering the Bedlam Lands, which
empire, which family that kid comes from?” Hu Han asked

“We haven’t found this information as of yet.” Fan Hai


Hu Han nodded. What he worried the most was that the

black-haired kid belonged to a certain hegemonic power in
the Bedlam Lands, but now, he could act without reserve.

As for which empire or which family that kid came from, it

was unimportant; the Bedlam Lands had its own rules that
not even the superfamilies of the three mainlands could
break as they desired.

“Sovereign, what should we do now?” Fan Hai moved closer,

asking cautiously.

Murderous intent flashed in Hu Han’s cold eyes, “Order it

down, all Nine Fiend Sect Elders are to leave their duties and
gather here in the grand hall.”

Fan Hai was overjoyed receiving this instruction, “Yes,

Sovereign.” He knew the Sovereign was finally moving down
on the Sky Magi Sect.

The night seemed quiet and tranquil, the bright moonlight
shone down, showering light over the dark land.

More than a dozen dark silhouettes flew out from the Nine
Fiend Sect’s headquarters, akin to midnight wandering
spirits, heading towards the Sky Magi Sect in the dead of the

Soon, these dozen silhouettes arrived at their destinationー

the Sky Magi Sect’s headquarters. One of the silhouettes
signaled with his hand and several figures flickered,
separating from the main group, heading towards the Sky
Magi Sect’s grand hall.

Along the way, all of the Sky Magi Sect disciples they came
across were killed silently, without raising any alarm. One by
one, the Sky Magi Sect’s disciples fell; the aura of death
gradually thickened. In mere seconds, the group arrived at
the door of the grand hall.

At this time, one of the men spoke, “Sovereign, this time

Chen Xiaotian definitely couldn’t have imagined that we
would suddenly attack the Sky Magi Sect.”

Another man chuckled, “Who knows, maybe Chen Xiaotian

is even spending the night with a woman, afterwards, when
we rush in, he might be scared to the point that he can’t put
on his pants properly!”

The rest of his comrades laughed lightly.

Hu Han chuckled softly, before the look in his eyes turned

sharp and cold, “Afterwards, leave Chen Xiaotian and that
black-haired young man’s doglife to me. Fan Hai, the four of
you go bring Hu Sheng out from the Sky Magi Sect’s
underground dungeon.”
“Yes, Sovereign.” Fan Hao answered respectfully.

However, at the same moment, Hu Han ordered the other

Elders to break the grand hall door and everyone prepared
to rush in, Su Meimei suddenly shouted: “Wait!”

Hu Han and the rest halted abruptly.

Su Meimei spoke, “Sovereign, I feel something’s not right.

Didn’t we come into the Sky Magi Sect’s headquarters too
smoothly?” On the whole way, they basically did not
encounter any resistance and their people easily entered to
the center of Sky Magi Sect’s grand hall.

Hu Han frowned at the mention of this.

“Deputy, you think too much. This time our attack plan was
impromptu, moreover, it was a top secret, it’s nothing out of
the ordinary for things to go smoothly.” At this time, an
Elder within the group laughed.

Su Meimei did not rebuke this argument.

“Enough, after we rush in, first kill Geng Ken, and then Sky
Magi Sect’s other Elders. Crippling his left and right hand,
and then move on to others Elders.” Hu Han ordered. “Also,
if something goes awry, retreat immediately!”

All of the Nine Fiend Sect’s Elders answered ‘yes’ in low


No longer delaying time, Hu Han slapped open the door with

a single palm strike, rushing into the grand hall at lightning

Inside, Hu Han scanned the surroundings, but the Sky Magi

Sect’s headquarters grand hall looked empty and
Chapter 274: Killing Hu Han

Hu Han stood there, doubt flickering in his eyes. The Nine

Fiend Sect Elders that rushed in after him also stopped their
actions looking at the weird scene.

“Sovereign,” Su Meimei approached, “This situation isn’t


Hu Han nodded in agreement. He also felt things weren’t


However, at this moment, a loud bang sounded. When Hu

Han and the Nine Fiend Sect Elders looked back, they
discovered the doors they went through were shut tight.
Everyone’s expression tensed at the uncertain

“Sovereign Hu Han and Elders of the Nine Fiend Sect,

welcome to Sky Magi Sect. If you notified us earlier, we’d
prepare a banquet in advance for your arrival.” At this point,
a voice sounded.

Hu Han and the Nine Fiend Sect Elders searched for the
origin and saw a black-haired young man walking out from
the inner hall. Behind him were Chen Xiaotian, Geng Ken,
and a litter of Sky Magi Sect Elders, but what shocked Hu
Han and the rest of the Nine Fiend Sect Elders was that
other than Chen Xiaotian’s Sky Magi Sect group, the Blood
Swallow School Doyen Jiang Tianhua and Deputy Cui Ming
were also amongst them!

Before the group of shocked Hu Han and Nine Fiend Sect

Elders, Huang Xiaolong entered the grand hall, heading
straight to the throne seat, whereas Chen Xiaotian and
Geng Ken stood humbly a step below the dais to the left
side, while Jiang Tianhua’s Blood Swallow School group on
the right side.

Hu Han and Su Meimei exchanged a glance, each mirrored

the other’s astonishment.

After sitting down, Huang Xiaolong took a glance at Hu Han

and Su Meimei before telling Chen Xiaotian: “Bring Hu
Sheng up.”

“Yes, Young Lord!” Chen Xiaotian replied respectfully.

Young Lord?! Another great wave surged in Hu Han and Su

Meimei’s hearts hearing Chen Xiaotian referring to the
black-haired young man as Young Lord. While Hu Han and
Su Meimei were reeling in shock, Chen Xiaotian signaled
with his hands for people to bring Hu Sheng up to the grand

Moments later, two Sky Magi Sect Elders dragged Hu Sheng

into the hall. At this point, Hu Sheng’s arms were already
cut off, hair a disheveled mess, with deep sunken eyes, one
could hardly find a place not covered with blood.

Seeing his son’s miserable state, Hu Han’s killing intent

surged, his dark, vengeful eyes burned with intensity.

“Father, save me, quick save me, quick, save me!” Being
handled roughly and brought to the grand hall, Hu Sheng
screamed frantically once he laid eyes on Hu Han. Because
his meridians points were sealed by Huang Xiaolong, he had
no strength to throw off the two Sky Magi Sect Elders.

“Release my son!” Hu Han faced Huang Xiaolong, biting

each word in fury. A layer of ice started to spread out
beneath his feet; ice the color of dark purple, glistening in a
spectral light.
It was as if Huang Xiaolong did not see the dark purple ice
spreading out, speaking calmly like everything was normal,
“Release your son? It can be done.”

Hu Han was stumped.

Huang Xiaolong continued: “As long as you can leave this

grand hall.”

“You!” Hu Han’s fury exploded in his eyes, but a scream

sounded next to him. The unexpected scream sent Hu Han
and Su Meimei into a momentary loss. When they turned
around to look, what greeted them was several flashes of
cold light aimed at them. Alarmed, Hu Han and Su Meimei
swiftly dealt with the attacks and jumped out of the way.

When Hu Han and Su Meimei saw clearly the attackers’

faces, eternal fury seemed to burn inside their eyes.

“Fan Hai, what are trying to do!?” The ones who attacked
both Hu Han and Su Meimei were none other than the
several Nine Fiend Sect Elders that came with them.

But Fan Hai’s group acted as if they did not see Hu Han’s
wrath, all walked until they arrived before Huang Xiaolong
and knelt down in utmost respect: “We greet the Young

Young Lord?!

Hu Han and Su Meimei were dumbfounded and furious

watching Huang Xiaolong and Fan Hai’s group of turncoats.

“Stand up.” Huang Xiaolong said with indifference.

“Many thanks, Young Lord!” Only then did Fan Hai and his
group stood up, retreating to one side.
This Fan Hai had been ‘reined’ in by Huang Xiaolong early
on; Fan Hai’s report to Hu Han claiming there were no other
experts in Sky Magi Sect was ordered by Huang Xiaolong!
Otherwise, how could Fan Hai know that Huang Xiaolong
arrived at the Bedlam Lands a mere six months prior?

Hu Han glared angrily at Hu Han, how could he not

understand that everything Fan Hai reported to him was a
deliberate action to mislead him! After the dead Lin Shuang,
Fan Hai was one of Hu Han’s most trusted confidantes, but
Fan Hai actually betrayed him!

Fan Hai stood half a step behind Huang Xiaolong, seeing the
ferocious eyes Hu Han was looking at him with, Fan Hai
knew Hu Han must wish to tear him apart, eat his flesh and
drink his blood. However, Fan Hai sneered, “Hu Han, I advise
you to surrender without resistance, resisting would only
make you suffer.”

“I’ll kill you!!” Hu Han raged, a dark purple light exploded

brightly from his body. With lightning fast movements, Hu
Han reached Fan Hai in a split second, with one palm aiming
to strike.

The palm shot out, whistling through the air, issuing a

strange shrill noise. Just like Jiang Tianhua was before,
seeing his own people’s betrayal, neither of them could
remain calm for long, there was only a desire to kill off these
traitors. But Hu Han’s palm strike had yet to reach before it
was blocked by countless Buddha statues that emerged
from the ground below.

A thunderous explosion rang inside the hall.

Hu Han felt a powerful energy rush in his direction. Being

caught off guard, Hu Han staggered back several steps until
he returned to where he stood. He searched and was
stricken to find the person who blocked his attack just now
was none other than that black-haired young man.

Su Meimei was reeling in shock as she watched. Huang

Xiaolong not only blocked Hu Han’s palm, he even pushed
Hu Han back.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at Hu Han and the five Nine Fiend

Sect Elders standing on his side, including Su Meimei, “It’s
already a fact that Black Demon City is already under my
control, if you submit to me now, it’s still not too late, I can
spare your lives.”

“This opportunity only comes once.” Huang Xiaolong’s voice

floated in the grand hall.

Hesitation flashed across Su Meimei and the other four

Elders’ face, while Hu Han’s face revealed an ugly

“I’m willing to submit, I’m willing to submit.” A brief moment

passed when suddenly one of the remaining Nine Fiend Sect
Elder spoke up. When there was a precedent, there would
be subsequence people who followed.

Hu Han erupted like an angry lion with all its hair standing
on ends, letting out a booming roar, his fists punched out at
the two Nine Fiend Sect Elders. No one expected Hu Han to
strike so suddenly, before the two Elders could react, they
died under Hu Han’s fists. Bodies flung to the end of the
hall, crashing to the floor. Su Meimei and the three
remaining Elders were taken aback.

Still, Hu Han’s action put ‘fear’ inside them, and for an

instant, the three swaying Elders dared not declare their
submission towards Huang Xiaolong.
Huang Xiaolong indicated Chen Xiaotian, Geng Ken, Jiang
Tianhua, and Cui Ming with his eyes; understanding Huang
Xiaolong’s intention, all four of them flew out, surrounding
Hu Han in the center.

As for Su Meimei, Huang Xiaolong did not attack her.

Su Meimei stood at the side, the look in her eyes shifted

back and forth as she watched Hu Han being sieged by
Chen Xiaotian, Geng Ken, Jiang Tianhua, and Cui Ming,
obviously making her final decision.

Undoubtedly, Hu Han was strong in terms of one on one

battle. But now, there were Chen Xiaotian, Geng Keng, Jiang
Tianhua, and Cui Ming against him alone, Hu Han was forced
back time and again.

Strong battle qi fluctuations filled the grand hall from the

five people. With four people working together, it did not
take long for Hu Han to fall at a disadvantage; in a moment
of carelessness, he received the full force of Jiang Tianhua’s
Eye of Yellow Springs. Blood trickled down from every part
of Hu Han’s body.

After successfully striking Hu Han with Eye of the Yellow

Springs, Jiang Tianhua suddenly pointed a finger to the void
above, bellowing: “Devil Tribulation Finger!”

A space hole was torn high above as a giant finger came

crushing down on Hu Han.
Chapter 275: Unifying Black Demon City

Hu Han paled when he saw the Devil Tribulation Finger

descending on him. He was well aware of how powerful
Jiang Tianhua’s Devil Tribulation Finger was; if he was to say
what constitutes as a threat for him in Black Demon City,
then it would be Jiang Tianhua’s Devil Tribulation Finger.
Relying on his current mid-Xiantian Eighth Order’s strength,
taking a hit from the Devil Tribulation Finger was enough to
cause him grave injuries.

Watching Jiang Tianhua’s Devil Tribulation getting closer, Hu

Han hollered a war cry, dark purple battle qi gushed out
from his body, but in the next moment, everything dimmed
and his silhouette disappeared.

The Devil Tribulation Finger crashed on the floor, shaking

the grand hall, sending pieces of stones and dust in the air.
A large crater formed in the floor and everyone stared with
dumbfounded eyes, including Su Meimei. Her heart shivered
at the sight of that huge hole.

Whereas Jiang Tianhua, Chen Xiaotian, Geng Keng, and Cui

Ming were frowning tensely at this moment, because neither
none of them could detect Hu Han’s presence with their
spiritual sense.

Huang Xiaolong sneered, in the middle of his forehead, a

red-colored vertical eye suddenly appeared.

Eye of Hell!

The Eye of Hell released a bright light that seemed to cover

the entire grand hall, Huang Xiaolong lifted his finger and
pointed towards a left upward corner. Dark gray fog rolled
out like tidal waves, shrill shrieks filled the air as a finger
imprint pierced out through the dense gray fog.

A screamed sounded, attracting everyone’s attention.

Turning around, they saw Hu Han falling down from high up
on the left side of the grand hall, landing heavily, he was
swaying unsteadily as blood flowed out from the corner of
his mouth.

Wiping the blood off his mouth, Hu Han stared at Huang

Xiaolong, “You could actually see through my Body of
Darkness?!” He had never revealed this Body of Darkness in
front of anyone before. Chen Xiaotian, Jiang Tianhua, and
not even Su Meimei knew about this skill of his, which made
Hu Han extremely confident in this hidden body skill.

At first, he thought he could use this Body of Darkness to

come and go from Sky Magi Sect’s headquarters smoothly
and leave Black Demon City. He could restore his strength
and return for revenge in the future.

This was his trump card! But now, his heart sank deeper
down a bottomless lake, despair and death shrouded his

Huang Xiaolong stared at Hu Han without answering, he

signaled Jiang Tianhua, Chen Xiaotian, and the others with a
look, the four of them understood Huang Xiaolong’s
meaning, resuming their attack on Hu Han.

Hu Han no longer had any trump cards after Huang Xiaolong

broke his Body of Darkness; with no fight left in him, there
was only the thought of fleeing. However, the four people
sieging him already saw through Hu Han’s intention,
blocking all of his escape routes. Due to the injury caused
by Huang Xiaolong’s Absolute Soul Finger attack, very soon
he suffered continues injuries under Chen Xiaotian, Jiang
Tianhua, Geng Ken, and Cui Ming’s flurry of attacks. In a
moment of carelessness, he received a blow from Jiang
Tianhua’s Devil Tribulation Finger right on the chest. Almost
consecutively came Chen Xiaotian’s Wind Fist Flowing Fire

Hit by three powerful attacks from Huang Xiaolong, Jiang

Tianhua, and Chen Xiaotian, Hu Han was in an awkward
state; disheveled hair, blood blotches staining his brocade
robe, a far cry from his usual domineering image of an
expert, the majestic Castellan of Black Demon City!

Hu Han wobbled as he stood, looking as if he was about to

fall anytime. Despite that, he smiled as he watched the four
people attacking him, then Huang Xiaolong, the Sky Magi
Sect and Blood Swallow School’s experts. An empty, hollow

“Father!” Hu Sheng cried out.

Hu Han smiled sadly at his son, “I’m sorry Sheng’er, this

time Father cannot protect you!”

Hu Sheng cried, grief-stricken.

Hu Han turned to look at Huang Xiaolong, saying, “I hope

you can spare my son.”

“Do you think that’s possible?” Huang Xiaolong questioned

in return.

Hu Han looked to the sky and sighed, the logic of cutting

troubles at their roots, how could he not understand, he was
carrying a slim glimmer of hope, in case…

At last, Hu Han stood staring at Su Meimei for a full minute

in silence. As if no one was around, Hu Han roared with
rage, unwillingness as he stood there, blood-line cracks
started to appear on his chest, spreading out like a spider
web, and in the next moment, his chest exploded! Then his
limbs and other parts of Hu Han’s body.

Hu Han’s blood splattered over the grand hall’s stone pillars.

Hu Han actually chose to blow up his Qi Sea, death by

exploding all his meridians! Everyone present was surprised
at Hu Han’s choice, even Huang Xiaolong.

“Father!” Hu Sheng wailed, his face lost all colors in them.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Hu Han’s body, “Bring it away,

handle the funeral properly for the Black Demon City’s
Castellan.” Huang Xiaolong’s meaning was clear, Hu Han’s
body to be accorded the respect at par with Black Demon
City’s Castellan. Jiang Tianhua, Chen Xiaotian, and the
Elders answered in unison.

As for Hu Sheng, Huang Xiaolong gestured a killing signal to

Jiang Tianhua, seeing Huang Xiaolong’s motion, Jiang
Tianhua raised a sword in his hand and went to Hu Sheng,
ending his life with a single sword.

Hu Han and Hu Sheng, father and son, death!

When things on the other side were settled, Huang Xiaolong

shifted his attention onto Su Meimei. Su Meimei lowered her
head as she approached Huang Xiaolong, kneeling in front
of him, Su Meimei saluted: “Su Meimei greets Young Lord!”

Huang Xiaolong nodded, Su Meimei willing to submit was

best favorable outcome, otherwise, he could only kill her.
According to what Chen Xiaotian reported, Hu Han harbored
feelings for this Su Meimei, but that was no longer
important. After he branded Su Meimei’s soul sea with a
soul mark, he need not worry about her hiding ill-intentions.

Huang Xiaolong ordered Su Meimei and the remaining three

Nine Fiend Sect Elders to release their soul sea. After half an
hour, Huang Xiaolong finally breathed easy after all four
people were marked.

Now, all three major forces in Black Demon City―Sky Magi

Sect, Blood Swallow School, and Nine Fiend Sect―were all
under Huang Xiaolong’s control. Black Demon City was now
his territory, his foothold in the Bedlam Lands!

Of course, having a foothold didn’t mean that Huang

Xiaolong could be a lord. In the Bedlams, a city could
change owner anytime in the day, sieged and taken over.
However, taking control of Black Demon City, Huang
Xiaolong could use it his base, slowly encroaching to
neighboring cities until he was a force to be reckoned with
in the Bedlam Lands!

Despite having all three forces in his grasp, Huang Xiaolong

did not plan to have his identity made known, he appointed
Jiang Tianhua to be the new Black Demon City Castellan
while he directed things from the shadows.

The next morning, Hu Han’s death spread to every corner of

Black Demon City, setting off an uproar at the abruptness of
their Castellan’s death. Riding on the wave, the news
quickly reached nearby cities.

Blood River City, several thousand miles from Black Demon

At this time, sitting in Blood River Castellan’s main hall were
five middle-aged men, each one of them had palms two
times larger than normal people. Moreover, all five people’s
palms and nails were black.

These five people were the five temple chiefs of the Five
Poison Cult that controlled Blood River City. Sitting in the
middle was the Big bros, Liu Minghai.

The grand hall was heavy with silence.

“Hu Han’s death, what are your opinions?” Liu Minghai

looked at the other four people and asked, his voice
sounded slightly hoarse.

“Big bro, now that Hu Han is dead, the Black Demon City is
definitely unstable internally. This is a good opportunity for
us to take over Black Demon City!” The Fourth bro, Liu
Guang said.
Chapter 276: City Of
Myriad Gods
Chapter 276: City of Myriad Gods

“That’s right, Big Bro, Black Demon City must be in a mess

right now, it is our most opportune time to attack and
capture Black Demon City as ours!” Second Bro Liu Ding
echoed the same thoughts.

Liu Minghai’s brows scrunched together as he turned to the

side looking at Third Bro Liu Wu, “Who is Black Demon City’s
new Castellan?”

“It is the Blood Swallow School’s Doyen, Jiang Tianhua. The

word around is, Jiang Tianhua and Chen Xiaotian allied
themselves, launching a surprise attack on the Nine Fiend
Sect when they least expected, killing Hu Han.” Third Bro
Liu Wu replied.

Liu Minghai fell into a pensive ponder. Seeing this, the other
four people kept silent.

A brief moment later, Liu Minghai looked up asking, “Did Su

Meimei submit to Jiang Tianhua?”

“That’s right, Big bro.” Third Bro Liu Wu confirmed, but he

paused for a second before adding, “I don’t know what
method this Jiang Tianhua used, to be able to persuade
Chen Xiaotian to ally with him, even successfully steering Su
Meimei into betraying Hu Han, swearing allegiance to him!
Other than Su Meimei, other Nine Fiend Sect Elders also
submitted to Jiang Tianhua, and because of this, Jiang
Tianhua and Chen Xiaotian could join hands, easily killing off
Hu Han!”

Liu Minghai shook his head, saying: “I’m afraid this matter
may not be as simple.” The other four people were

“Big bro, are you saying there is another force behind Jiang
Tianhua?” A thought flashed in Third Bro Liu Wu’s mind.

Liu Minghai nodded, “If my guess is right, it should be so.

Otherwise, Jiang Tianhua could not have persuaded Chen
Xiaotian to ally with him in such a short time and make Su
Meimei and the Elders betray Hu Han.” The four people
exchanged a glance between themselves.

“Big bro, then what should we do now?” Second bro Liu Ding
asked openly.

Liu Minghai said in a solemn voice, “Send people to

investigate, confirm if there is any other force supporting
Jiang Tianhua. If the answer is yes, the other side would
have subsequent moves, therefore we must be vigilant and
prepare in advance. If there is none…!” At this point, a
bloodlust light gleamed in Liu Minghai’s eyes, “We must
make our move before other cities take action, capture
Black Demon City firsthand!”

“Yes, Big bro!” All four others answered at once.

“Apart from that, pay attention to Ghost Shadow Sect’s

Patriarch, lately, they have been very close with people from
Tornado Valley. If Ghost Shadow Sect harbor any intentions,
annihilate them!” Liu Mingbai sentenced with a hard edge in
his voice.

The four others answered affirmatively.

The scene happening in Blood River City took place with
little difference in the cities surrounding Black Demon City.
Even though Hu Han was dead, no one acted recklessly,
instead, sending their people out to investigate clearly if
there was another force supporting Jiang Tianhua in the
shadows, and which Bedlams force it was.

Within the walls of Black Demon City’s Castellan Mansion,

Huang Xiaolong was listening to Jiang Tianhua, Chen
Xiaotian, and Su Meimei’s report about the neighboring
cities’ actions and response after getting news of Hu Han’s
death, nodding his head.

There were a total of six cities spreading out inside a ten

thousand miles area and each city’s forces were more or
less at the same level as Black Demon City, some were
marginally stronger, some weaker. After listening to the
trio’s report, Huang Xiaolong inquired about the power
distribution and the related forces in those six cities.

All three reported to the best of their knowledge. Several

hours later, Huang Xiaolong had a much clearer idea about
these six neighboring cities.

“Blood River City.” Huang Xiaolong repeated to himself.

Having an understanding of the forces in the surrounding
cities, Huang Xiaolong decided that his next goal would be
Blood River City, for the situation in Blood River City was
similar to Black Demon City.

In Black Demon City, there were Nine Fiend Sect, Blood

Swallow School and Sky Magi Sect, three forces coexisting,
whereas in Blood River City there were the Five Poison Cult,
Ghost Shadow Sect, and Tornado Valley, three major forces,
with Five Poison Cult at the helm.
Since Huang Xiaolong decided on his next target, he
instructed Jiang Tianhua, Chen Xiaotian, and Su Meimei to
watch Five Poison Cult, Ghost Shadow Sect, and Tornado
Valley’s movements and seek an opportunity to take action.

After instructing them with that task, Huang Xiaolong looked

at Jiang Tianhua, “Find out if there are any cities in the
Bedlam Lands auctioning grade one spirit stones.”

“Grade one spirit stones…” Though Jiang Tianhua was

curious why Huang Xiaolong was looking for grade one spirit
stones, he dared not show his curiosity, only answering ‘yes’
with respect.

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand and the trio withdrew away.

When they left, Huang Xiaolong once again entered the

Xumi Temple hall to cultivate.

Recently, his spiritual force improved tremendously and he

hoped to reach the second level of the Ancient Puppetry Art
at the earliest possible. At that time, it would greatly help
him, whether it was against his enemies or people he
wanted to rein in, expanding his forces. And Huang
Xiaolong’s Body Metamorphose Scripture had reached the
final stage, Hanging Tail Form.

It wouldn’t be long before Huang Xiaolong completed the

entire twelve stages, entering minor perfection stage to
form an inner core in his body. The inner core births true
origin energy by absorbing spiritual energy at all times, and
the true origin energy was brimming with vitality, never
dissipating. With the presence of true origin energy, Huang
Xiaolong’s cultivation speed became faster. Therefore, most
of his time and effort were spent on practicing the Ancient
Puppetry Art and sometimes the Asura Sword Skill other
than the main Godly Xumi Art and Body Metamorphose

On some occasion, Huang Xiaolong would make time to

return to the battlefield he was at when he first arrived in
the Bedlam Lands to practice the Asura Demon Claw by
absorbing the dead spirits cloud accumulated in the sky
above. During this time, Huang Xiaolong’s Asura Demon
Claw’s first move, Lament of Thousands of Demons,
improved more than it had in these past few years.

Half a month went by.

On this day, Jiang Tianhua came in to report, “Young Lord,

this subordinate found out that one month later, there’s an
auction in the City of Myriad Gods offering grade one spirit

“Oh, City of Myriad Gods.” Huang Xiaolong repeated the


The City of Myriad Gods was one of the ten largest cities in
the Bedlam Lands, ranked in the second place, right below
Sin City.

The City of Myriad Gods was an old city left behind by the
ancient races and God Tribes, one of the ten hegemony
existences in the Bedlams. No one knew the city’s real
strength, only that its Castellan became a Saint realm
expert many years ago.

“Yes, Young Lord. Other than grade one spirit stones, I heard
the City of Myriad Gods auction will also be offering a
Heaven rank cultivation technique and a battle skill.” Jiang
Tianhua continued with his report.
“Heaven rank cultivation technique and battle skill.” Huang
Xiaolong was surprised.

Jiang Tianhua added, “Moreover, they are mid-grade Heaven

rank cultivation skill and battle skill. The cultivation
technique seemed to be called Great Thousand Technique,
and the battle skill’s name is Peerless Wind Breaking

Great Thousand Technique? Peerless Wind Breaking Finger?

Huang Xiaolong nodded. He had heard Zhao Shu and Zhang
Fu mention these two techniques before.

It was going to be very lively at the City of Myriad Gods with

the auction of these much coveted Heaven ranked
cultivation technique and battle skill.

“Make the preparations, I will set off to the City of Myriad

Gods in two days.” Huang Xiaolong pondered briefly and
ordered Jiang Tianhua.

From Black Demon City to the City of Myriad Gods, with

Huang Xiaolong’s current speed, he still needed a month’s
time to arrive, at least.

Jiang Tianhua nodded and continued to report the recent

movements of Blood River City’s Five Poison Cult, Ghost
Shadow Sect, and Tornado Valley.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, reminding Jiang Tianhua to defend

Black Demon City well in the time that he’s not around,
paying close attention to the surrounding cities’
Chapter 277: Savage Sanguine Wasteland

Two days later Huang Xiaolong departed for the City of

Myriad Gods, alone. He left Jiang Tianhua, Chen Xiaotian,
and Su Meimei behind to defend Black Demon City, should
the circumstances arise.

Not long after Huang Xiaolong left Black Demon City, in the
void several thousand li from Black Demon City, space
fluctuated as a figure appeared. This person was none other
than Yao Family’s Yao Fei.

Yao Fei stood in the air, muttering to himself, “According to

Deities Templar’s information, that bastard entered the
Bedlam Lands, but the Bedlam Lands stretch endlessly for
tens of thousands of miles, it won’t be easy to find that

“Forget it, since that punk is sure to be here, I don’t believe

he can slip through my fingers this time!”

Yao Fei’s silhouette flickered away, whistling through the air,

and before long, he arrived at the same battlefield Huang
Xiaolong did.

“Such a dense dead spirits cloud!” Even Yao Fei couldn’t

help exclaiming as he came across the dark red clouds
gathering in the sky. However, in the next moment, joy lit up
his eyes. A dark light flashed behind him and a giant figure
that emanated a fiendish aura, tyranny, and darkness
appearedㅡthe top grade twelve martial spirit, Dark
Malevolent Sovereign.

When the Dark Malevolent Sovereign appeared, its mouth

opened wide and sucked in just like a whale devoured
water, the dead spirits cloud spiraled like a twister into its

The originally pure black body gradually gained a tint of

blood-red glow, making the Dark Malevolent Sovereign look
even more fiendish, even more tyrannical and domineering.

It was half a day later when Yao Fei stopped, recalling the
Dark Malevolent Sovereign back.

“If it wasn’t for the fact I need to search for that little
bastard, I could stay and practice in this battlefield and after
three years I could break through the Saint realm.” An
intense, murderous light glinted in Yao Fei’s eyes, “But it’s
not too late to find and kill that little bastard first, and then
come back here to practice!” As his sentence ended, his
body flickered into a blur, flying in the Black Demon City’s

Two hours later, Yao Fei reached Black Demon City.

After entering Black Demon City, Yao Fei simply chose an inn
and went in. When he sat down and was about to eat, he
heard the people at the table next to him talking.

“I heard that this time, the City of Myriad God’s auction will
be auctioning a Heaven rank cultivation technique and
battle skill!” A middle-aged man wearing a black robe with a
skull exclaimed.

“Heaven rank cultivation technique and battle skill?!” The

person beside him was amazed.

“That’s right, these Heaven rank cultivation technique and

battle skill are the Great Thousand Technique and Peerless
Wind Breaking Finger!”
“It’s actually the Great Thousand Technique? The Great
Thousand Technique was the cultivation technique of
Holiness Great Thousand Tuo that he cultivated three
hundred years ago! It was said that once one cultivated the
Great Thousand Technique, they will have the power of
Buddhism protecting their body, that’s practically
comparable to being immortal. That Peerless Wind Breaking
Finger was Holiness Great Thousand Tuo’s strongest battle
skill. A few hundred years ago, numerous Saint realm
experts met their ends before Holiness Great Thousand
Tuo’s Peerless Wind Breaking Finger!”

Listening in on the discussion on the next table, Yao Fei was

severely tempted; City of Myriad Gods auction? Great
Thousand Technique! Peerless Wind Breaking Finger!

Yao Fei stood up and walked over to the next table, staring
at the skull black-robed middle-aged man, asking, “When is
the auction at City of Myriad Gods being held?”

The skull black-robe middle-aged man looked at Yao Fei and

snorted, “Kid, what did you say? I didn’t quite hear you…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Yao Fei pinched his

throat, lifting him up from the seat.

“You didn’t hear me clearly?” Yao Fei inquired icily.

“HeaㅡI heard, heard you clearly… there are another twenty-

eight days until the City of Myriad Gods auction.” Dread
filled the middle-aged man’s eyes as he stammered the
information Yao Fei wanted.

Waiting until the man finished, Yao Fei exerted pressure in

his hand. With the twist of his wrist came the sound of
bones breaking. Yao Fei threw the middle-aged man’s body
to a corner of the inn, his neck looping to the side with no
signs of breathing. Evidently, his neck was broken.

Yao Fei glanced at the four people that shared the same
table with the middle-aged man. Facing Yao Fei, the four of
them retreated hastily in panic, but Yao Fei lost interest in
them after killing the middle-aged man, instead, he turned
around, disappearing in a flicker. Leaving Black Demon
City’s gates in seconds, his goal was the City of Myriad

“Great Thousand Technique.” Sparks of black flames danced

briefly in Yao Fei’s eyes. According to his knowledge, the
person who created this Great Thousand Technique three
hundred years ago, the Holiness Great Thousand Tuo also
possessed a dark element martial spirit. With this Great
Thousand Technique, his battle qi cultivation would enhance
with the speed of ten thousand li in a single leap, the day he
breaks through to the Saint realm was just around the

Saint realm!

Hence, this time, he absolutely had to get the Great

Thousand Technique! Regardless if it was through the
auction or through other means!

While Yao Fei was rushing towards the City of Myriad Gods,
on another side of a wasteland, a figure flickered, hovering
in midair. This was exactly Huang Xiaolong, who was
journeying to the City of Myriad Gods.

Huang Xiaolong surveyed the wasteland below, taking out a

map from his sleeves.

“This should be the Savage Sanguine Wasteland.” Huang

Xiaolong studied the map, talking to himself.
This Bedlam Lands map was something Huang Xiaolong
asked Jiang Tianhua to prepare and although it wasn’t very
detailed, it marked most of the important locations.
Amongst them was this Savage Sanguine Wasteland.

The Savage Sanguine Wasteland was one of the stranger

places in the Bedlam Lands. According to legend, tens of
thousands of years ago, there was a massive city on this
land, but two Saint realm experts battled here, causing
mass destruction the city. A ruined city and both Saint realm
experts fallen on this piece of land, in the last hundred
thousand years, not a single leaf of grass could grow here.

Putting back the map, Huang Xiaolong looked at the

darkening sky and landed on a small hill in a quick sway. It
was already late, thus he decided to stay here for the night
before continuing tomorrow.

On the small hill, Huang Xiaolong’s palm faced upward as a

strong suction force appeared, gathering a stack of dead
wood, a fire lit up with a single point of his finger. After
building the fire, Huang Xiaolong initiated the Instant
Recovery martial ability, instantly recovering his depleted
battle qi and internal force to full vigor.

As Huang Xiaolong’s strength continued to rise, all three of

his martial spirit abilities’ power grew stronger with him.

Then, Huang Xiaolong spent some time practicing the Asura

Tactics and the Body Metamorphose Scripture. As the night
grew darker, the brilliant moonlight diffused like an ocean of
blood mist over the Savage Sanguine Wasteland.

Since the two Saint realm experts had fallen here many
thousands years ago, once night descended, this ocean of
blood mist would appear, thus the name Savage Sanguine
Wasteland appeared.
“Half a month left to the City of Myriad Gods auction.”
Huang Xiaolong calculated the time.

This trip to the City of Myriad Gods was solely for first grade
spirit stones. The city was a monument left behind by
ancient God Tribes, in the areas and space around the City
of Myriad Gods were dwellings left behind by some God
Tribes experts. Huang Xiaolong wanted to try his luck and
see if he could find one of these abandoned mansions. In
general, there would be grade ten spirit pellets or even
Heaven grade spirit pellets.

Counting the time, Deities Templar’s next disciple selection

was no more than three years away. Huang Xiaolong’s
cultivation speed had always been amazing, yet it was still a
far cry from breaking through to Saint realm within a three
year period… unless he could find the legendary grade ten
spirit pellet or Heaven grade spirit pellet.

Although the area around the City of Myriad Gods had

numerous ancient God Tribes experts’ hidden spaces, he
people that managed to find one were few and far between,
the chances less than one in a thousand.

Right at this time, a wind piercing sound traveled to Huang

Xiaolong’s ears. Turning around to look, he saw two people
flying in his direction at high speed.
Chapter 278: Don’T Dodge
If You’Ve Got Guts
Chapter 278: Don’t Dodge If You’ve Got Guts

When the two people were close enough for Huang Xiaolong
to make out their features clearly, he was surprised. The
other side consisted of a man and a woman; if Huang
Xiaolong remembered correctly, the woman was the Ghost
Shadow Sect’s disciple. Huang Xiaolong saw her once when
he first arrived in Black Demon City. At that time, Sky Magi
Sect’s Elder Deng Guangliang told him that this woman was
very likely the Ghost Shadow Sect Patriarch’s disciple.

“Second Senior Apprentice-Sister, there’s someone over

there.” The man was heard saying to the woman, a finger
pointing at Huang Xiaolong.

Though the night was dark, with blood-colored mist clouding

the vision, Huang Xiaolong had a campfire burning, which
made his location all the more obvious.

The woman looked over in Huang Xiaolong’s direction, but it

seemed her eyesight was slightly worse than Huang
Xiaolong’s, being unable to discern his features clearly. After
briefly hesitating, she said, “Let’s go over and have a look.”
and flew straight toward Huang Xiaolong.

Less than a hundred meters from Huang Xiaolong, the

woman finally saw his face clearly, and showed a surprised
expression: “Him?” evidently, the woman too remembered
Huang Xiaolong, even though she only caught sight of him
“Second Senior Apprentice-Sister, you know this person?”
The man asked out, baffled by her reaction.

The woman nodded her head, explaining, “A few months

ago, I saw this person in Black Demon City, he was together
with Sky Magi Sect’s Elder Deng Guangliang and Du Xin.”

By this point in time, both of them landed in front of Huang

Xiaolong, not too far away.

Elder Deng Guangliang was correct when he said this

woman was likely to be the Ghost Shadow Sect Patriarch’s
disciple, not only that, she was the most doted on by the
Patriarch. Her name was Lifei.

The Ghost Shadow Sect’s Patriarch had twelve disciples in

all, Lifei was second in seniority, but amongst the twelve
disciples of Ghost Shadow Sect’s Patriarch, she was the
strongest. The man was also one of Ghost Shadow Sect
Patriarch’s disciples, ranked sixth in seniority, named Zhou

The instant Zhou Cheng heard of Sky Magi Sect’s Elders

Deng Guangliang and Du Xin, killing intent glinted in his
eyes. Two years ago, his ring and index fingers on his left
hand were broken by Deng Guangliang and Du Xin.

“Brat, what is your relationship with Sky Magi Sect’s Deng

Guangliang and Du Xin?” Zhou Cheng approached Huang
Xiaolong, his face frosty.

Huang Xiaolong was indifferent, “What my relationship with

Deng Guangliang and Du Xin is, I’m not obliged to tell you.”

Zhou Cheng’s eyes narrowed with malice, no further words

were spoken as a sudden deep scarlet glow broke out from
his body. When the glow dimmed, a large sword hovered
above Zhou Cheng’s head; with the large sword’s
appearance, a silvery steel-like glimmer shrouded Zhou
Cheng’s body. A turbulent sirocco swirled straight at Huang

Lifei did not expect Zhou Cheng to attack Huang Xiaolong so

suddenly, her mouth opened wanting to stop her junior-
apprentice brother, but it was already too late, she could
only watch Zhou Cheng’s sword light engulf Huang
Xiaolong. Lifei sighed and shook her head as she watched
things unfold on the side. Sixth Junior-Apprentice Brother
Zhou Cheng’s martial spirit possessed the strongest
attacking powerㅡGreat Earth Giant Sword, combined with a
high-grade Earth rank battle skill, Whirlwind Sword Tactic,
even a late-Xiantian Sixth Order expert would be troubled
facing Zhou Cheng. She could already imagine the scene
where Huang Xiaolong was split into two by the giant sword.

It was a pity, she had wanted to find out from Huang

Xiaolong how Sky Magi Sect and Blood Swallow School allied
together to defeat Hu Han, and finally swallowing the Nine
Fiend Sect. When she first met him, both Deng Guangliang
and Du Xin were walking behind him, proving that his status
should be quite high, perhaps he had some inside

As the sword light engulfed Huang Xiaolong entirely, Zhou

Cheng, in truth, was somewhat surprised that it was so easy
to kill this person. It occurred to Zhou Cheng that this young
man must have some skills since he dared to come to a
place like the Savage Sanguine Wasteland alone. He didn’t
expect that Huang Xiaolong failed to receive one move from

“Pathetic, so you’re nothing but a weakling!” Zhou Cheng

sneered coldly.
But just at his voice sounded, a beam of glaring blade light
soared skyward, exuding an aura of annihilation, tyranny,
and destruction as it instantly pulverized Zhou Cheng’s
sirocco sword light. The Whirlwind Sword Tactic was broken,
bursting like a bubble and dissipating.

The surroundings fell into immediate silence.

Lifei, standing on the side, was dumbfounded staring at

Huang Xiaolong holding the Blades of Asura in his hands.

A dark crimson-black energy wound around Huang Xiaolong

where he stood, as it surged out in all direction like a
tsunami, emanating a scary aura of slaughter that was
enough to make hearts palpitate with fear.

Both Lifei and Zhou Cheng’s faces tightened feeling the

tyrannical atmosphere and terrifying slaughter aura,
especially Zhou Cheng, the look on his face was extremely
bleak. Disregarding Lifei, Huang Xiaolong slowly walked
toward Zhou Cheng.

Watching Huang Xiaolong approaching, Zhou Cheng

awakened from his daze, “Kid, unexpectedly you indeed
have some skills, but it’s better this way, more interesting. If
you died merely from one move, I won’t feel satisfied killing
you.” Bloodlust sparkled in Zhou Cheng’s eyes, the Great
Earth Sword spun rapidly above his head, releasing a
mysterious power.

His strength was amplified by this mysterious power and

Zhou Cheng’s atmosphere climbed up at dramatic speed,
becoming one third stronger than he was at the beginning.
This was Zhou Cheng’s martial spirit innate ability, similar to
Fei Hou’s Silver River martial spirit strengthening ability,
both could enhance the owner’s battle qi strength, however,
the enhancement rate was slightly weaker than Fei Hou’s.
Bellowing at the top of his lungs, Zhou Cheng’s body basked
in resplendent sword light rays, transforming into a giant
sword and launching another attack at Huang Xiaolong,
arriving right above Huang Xiaolong’s head in the next
moment, cutting down with full force. The giant sword
hadn’t arrived, yet the force was enough to raise stones to
the air as they crumbled into stone dust.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at the giant sword cutting down on

him, but he did not receive it head on. Steering away with
Phantom Shadow, Huang Xiaolong left behind a blurred
image, dodging the attack with ease.

Barely dodging the attack, a thunderous explosion came

from the spot where Huang Xiaolong stood a split second
ago. Looking back, the giant sword left a hundred meter
gash on the ground, opening a cliff. The whole small hill
tremored, raising a curtain of dust several meters high.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong dodge his second attack, Zhou

Cheng was upset, “Kid, don’t dodge if you’ve got guts!”
Before Zhou Cheng’s voice ended, the figure in front of him
flickered. Huang Xiaolong appeared within the close
distance of a few meters from him, pupils glinting with a
hint of iciness. His hands swung out the blades bereft mercy
and hesitation.

Multiple blade lights turned into many chains, enveloping

the surrounding space, overwhelming, radiating an aura of

Death God’s Chain!

Zhou Cheng was startled, his body swerved to the side,

wanting to dodge, but despite his quick response, he found
that no matter which direction or angle he turned to, there
was no way to escape the pursuing chains. Suddenly, his
movements were restricted, Zhou Cheng looked down and
saw chains upon chains coiled around his body like hell
serpents. A frigid energy that felt like it originated from hell
seeped into his body through these nasty chains, invading
his body like the venom of ten thousand serpents.

Zhou Cheng’s shrill scream rendered the night air.

Lifei stood blankly on the same spot. Everything happened

too fast, the confident Zhou Cheng had just cut an abyss on
the hill, yet faster than the blink of an eye, the situation was
flipped over. Lifei quickly composed herself and was about
to help Zhou Cheng when all the chains returned from all
sides and angles, piercing right through Zhou Cheng’s body.

Lifei, who was about to help, stiffened. Time seemed to stop

as well.

Zhou Cheng’s eyes rounded wide, bending his head to look

at his perforated body filled with bloody holes. Losing all
strength, he plummeted down to the ground.

“You!” Zhou Cheng pointed at Huang Xiaolong.
Chapter 279: Remains From An Ancient God Tribe Master

“Sixth Junior-Apprentice Brother!” Lifei cried out, dashing

straight to Zhou Cheng’s side. Zhou Cheng’s reply was
spewing out a mouthful of blood, splattering all over Lifei,
his head hung lifelessly as he tumbled to the ground.

Lifei wiped the blood off her face blankly, it felt sticky and
slightly warm to the fingers.

“Sixth Junior-Apprentice Brother, Sixth Junior-Apprentice

Brother!” Lifei called out endlessly, but Zhou Cheng
wouldn’t be giving any more responses.

In the distance, Huang Xiaolong slowly approached.

The sound of Huang Xiaolong’s footsteps jolted Lifei back to

the present. She spun around, staring at Huang Xiaolong,
the blase calm in her eyes was already replaced with
apprehension and wariness. She understood Zhou Cheng’s
strength well, and this young man easily killed him, so
vulnerable! Not to mention her, even her Master, the
Patriarch of Ghost Shadow Sect couldn’t do it.

“You, what do you want?” Lifei bravely snapped at Huang

Xiaolong even as he was stepping back.

“Didn’t you want to know about my relationship with Sky

Magi Sect’s Elder Deng Guangliang and Du Xin?” Huang
Xiaolong taunted.

Lifei stiffened.

“The truth is, the entire Sky Magi Sect and Blood Swallow
School are under my control.” Huang Xiaolong continued.
Lifei blanked for a moment, eyes widened in shock as the
real meaning dawn on her: “You, you mean…!”

The Black Demon City’s new Castellan was Blood Swallow

School’s Jiang Tianhua, this young man just said the entire
Blood Swallow School and Sky Magi Sect were under his
control, didn’t that mean that the real master of Black
Demon City was this black-haired young man?! Impossible!

Back when the Nine Fiend Sect Sovereign Hu Han was

rumored to be dead, Black Demon City’s sudden change of
master had caused the forces in surrounding cities to send
people out to investigate the crust of the matter. Her
master, Ghost Shadow Sect’s Patriarch also felt that there
was something amiss. Now, this black-haired young man in
front of her said that everything was orchestrated by him
behind the scenes?!

Lifei couldn’t digest this fact.

“Black Demon City is fully under my control, next would be

Blood River City.” Huang Xiaolong added, “That is a
certainty. Now, I’m giving you two options: one, submit to
me, or two, die.” At the point when Zhou Cheng attacked,
Huang Xiaolong had decided, after all, his next target was to
conquer Blood River City, he might as well start laying the
groundwork now.

Huang Xiaolong planned to first take over Ghost Shadow

Sect, succeeding so would greatly ease the next part of his
plan―taking over Blood River City’s Five Poison Cult.
Frankly, with Huang Xiaolong’s current strength, with the
addition of Ghost Shadow Sect, destroying and subjugating
the Five Poison Cult was not grandstanding.


Lifei’s expression changed again and again.

She could tell that this black-haired young man was not
lying, and since he dared to reveal the truth, it also meant
he wasn’t afraid of her escaping. If she tried, she would end
up just like her Sixth Junior-Apprentice Brother, dead!

Her eyes glanced furtively at Zhou Cheng’s corpse on the

ground… but, if she submitted, then…!

“You don’t have to worry about your Master. Soon, not only
your Master, but the whole Ghost Shadow Sect and Blood
River City will be under my control.” Huang Xiaolong’s
indifferent voice interrupted Lifei’s thoughts.

Lifei studied Huang Xiaolong, from the black-haired young

man’s facial expression and tone of voice, she detected
absolute confidence in conquering everything.

Huang Xiaolong did not add another word after that, only
looking at the young woman; it would be best if this girl
submitted willingly, otherwise, he had no option but to kill
her. For Huang Xiaolong, this didn’t affect his plans in taking
over Blood River City. Just like how he was when he slowly
‘turned’ Sky Magi Magi Sect and Blood Swallow School’s
Elders, unhurried, giving the other side ample consideration

Half an incense stick later, Lifei lowered the guard around

her soul sea, allowing Huang Xiaolong to brand a soul mark
within. Huang Xiaolong was secretly relieved when all was
done, Lifei’s presence would be beneficial to his future plans
in conquering Ghost Shadow Sect.
Subsequently, Lifei shared everything she knew about Ghost
Shadow Sect’s situation truthfully, not withholding
information. One hour later, Lifei ended her report.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, the information from Lifei clearly

outlined the Ghost Shadow Sect’s internal situation to
Huang Xiaolong, and the Ghost Shadow Sect’s Patriarch
should be an early Xiantian Eighth Order, comparable to Hu
Han, the previous Nine Fiend Sect Sovereign. Apart from the
Patriarch, there were four Xiantian Seventh Order experts,
while the mid-levels Xiantian went up to about thirty over

However, what came as a surprise was that the Ghost

Shadow Sect’s Patriarch actually nurtured a group of ghost
shadow death messengers, thirty-eight people in total. Each
one was at least a Xiantian Fourth Order and above, and the
strongest was a peak late-Xiantian Sixth Order. When he
requested Sky Magi Sect and Blood Swallow Sect to
investigate Ghost Shadow Sect, this piece of information
wasn’t included.

Still, water runs deep, it seems this Ghost Shadow Sect

Patriarch was such a character, from Lifei’s report, Ghost
Shadow Sect’s true force wasn’t that much weaker
compared the owner of Blood River City, Five Poison Cult.
Huang Xiaolong also found out from Lifei that Ghost Shadow
Sect and Tornado Valley had secretly allied to deal with Five
Poison Cult, and were in the midst of planning an attack in
recent days to replace Five Poison Cult’s status in Blood
River City.

A light shone in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

“What were you two doing her in the Savage Sanguine

Wasteland?” Huang Xiaolong asked.
“We were tasked by Master to look for someone called Fan
Encheng.” Lifei answered, “This person has with him a part
of map left behind by a God Tribe master from the ancient

“A partial map left behind by a God Tribe master from the

ancient era!” Huang Xiaolong was stunned.

“Yes.” Lifei asserted, “Apart from me and Sixth Junior-

Apprentice Brother, Master, Senior Apprentice-Brother and
Third Junior Apprentice-Brother are also here, in the Savage
Sanguine Wasteland area. We pursued separately; Master
on his own, me and Sixth Junior Apprentice- Brother in one
team while Senior Apprentice-Brother and Third Junior
Apprentice-Brother formed another team.”

A part of a map left behind by an ancient God Tribe master!

Huang Xiaolong could barely contain the joy in his heart.
This map could very likely be a map to their hidden
dwelling. Moreover, he didn’t expect for the Ghost Shadow
Sect Patriarch to be here as well!

At this time, something shook around Lifei’s waist, and she

took out a small jade tablet.

“Senior Apprentice-Brother is calling us!” Taking out the jade

tablet, Lifei glanced over it and informed Huang Xiaolong,
“It must be that Senior Apprentice-Brother has located that
Fan Encheng!”

“Go, bring me there now!” Huang Xiaolong stood up


“Yes, Young Lord!” Lifei promptly set off in the direction of

her Senior Apprentice-Brother, leading Huang Xiaolong.
Both of them rushed over at breakneck speed, and about
twenty minutes later, they arrived at a valley that vibrated
with energy fluctuations that indicated a fight was taking

Huang Xiaolong and Lifei leaped to the air, entering the

valley, speeding towards the direction of the fight. Getting
closer to the location where the fight was taking place,
Huang Xiaolong and Lifei came upon two middle-aged men
wearing Ghost Shadow Sect’s disciple robes attacking an old
man clad in a green robe.

Those two Ghost Shadow Sect disciples were undoubtedly

Lifei’s Senior Apprentice-Brother Jie Dong, and Third Junior
Apprentice-Brother Liu Chong, whereas the old man in green
was Fan Encheng.

Huang Xiaolong could tell at a glance, although Jie Dong and

Liu Chong were attacking together, they did not gain the
upper hand, however, Fan Encheng wasn’t able to dominate
the battle either.

Hearing the sounds of whistling wind, all three turned


“Second Junior Apprentice-Sister!” “Second Senior


Seeing it was Lifei, both Jie Dong and Liu Chong were
ecstatic, but somewhat astonished when they noticed
Huang Xiaolong’s presence.
Chapter 280: Ghost Shadow Sect Patriarch

When the green-robed old man, Fan Encheng, saw Lifei, his
face tightened as panic set it. He could handle Jie Dong and
Liu Chong both at the same time, adding another Lifei
however, he would lose for sure.

Taking desperate action, Fan Encheng made a sneak attack,

punching out both fists, aiming at Jie Dong and Liu Chong.
Fists pierced the air, the force multiplied like waves hitting
the sand. Alerted, Jie Dong and Liu Chong whirled around
and hastened to jump back in order to avoid Fan Encheng’s

Once Jie Dong and Liu Chong moved away, a path opened
up. Seeing this, Fen Encheng seized the opportunity,
sprinting past the two them at lightning speed. In an instant,
Fan Encheng was a hundred meters out of reach.

Jie Dong and Liu Chong were anxious to not let Fan Encheng
escape, not bothering to greet Lifei, both flew forward to
block Fan Encheng. But just as they wanted to move, they
saw a figure had blocked Fan Encheng’s path; that person
punched and a blast exploded, sending Fan Encheng
crashing to the ground.

That person was none other than Huang Xiaolong.

On this Fan Encheng was a section of an ancient God Tribe

expert’s map, of course Huang Xiaolong would not allow him
to flee.

Huang Xiaolong joining the fray startled Jie Dong, Liu Chong,
as well as Fan Encheng himself, looking warily at this
unfamiliar person.
After blocking Fan Encheng from running away, Huang
Xiaolong did not make another move, nor said a word. All
noise ceased awkwardly in the valley.

Roughly a minute later, Jie Dong broke the silence, “Second

Junior Apprentice- Sister, this brother is? Where is Sixth
Junior-Apprentice Brother, isn’t he with you?” Jie Dong asked
looking at Lifei.

Liu Chong too looked inquisitively at Lifei while she chose to

be silent, eyes seeking Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Jie Dong and Liu Chong, admitting

frankly, “Your Sixth Junior-Apprentice Brother was already
killed by me; as for who am I, you will come to know later.”

Three peopleㅡJie Dong, Liu Chong, and Fan Encheng were

dumbfounded at Huang Xiaolong disparaging confession. Jie
Dong and Liu Chong paled slightly.

“Second Junior Apprentice-Sister, is what he said true?!” Jie

Dong roared at Lifei: “He killed Sixth Junior-Apprentice

Anger rose speedily in Liu Chong’s face.

Lifei looked at both Jie Dong and Liu Chong, affirming and
nodding: “Yes.”

Jie Dong’s face warped with anger and shock. “Lifei, you
actually dared to betray Ghost Shadow Sect, colluding with
outsiders to harm own sect disciples!” Jie Dong glared at
Lifei with chilling eyes that seemed to look at a dead

This young man had killed their Sixth Junior-Apprentice

Brother Zhou Cheng, but Lifei came here with him, this was
unforgivable!! Liu Chong too glowered at Lifei, killing intent
growing thicker by the second.

Fan Encheng at the side has been keeping quiet, most of all,
he did not expect things would turn out this way; Lifei
betraying Ghost Shadow Sect, conspiring with this black
haired-young man in front of him to kill her Sixth Junior-
Apprentice Brother.

Fan Encheng was secretly overjoyed, if things progressed in

this manner, when these four people start fighting, he could
sneak away quietly.

“Lifei, if you admit your mistakes and repent now, aid me

and Third Junior-Apprentice Brother to kill this person and
capture Fan Encheng as atonement, I will plead Master to
have mercy on you. Master dotes on you the most, he
definitely will forgive you and overlook the death
punishment.” Jie Dong spoke again.

Liu Chong was stunned at first, but he quickly understood Jie

Dong’s underlying meaning, thus tried to convince Lifei,
“That’s right Second Senior-Apprentice Sister, you can be
forgiven if you turn back now.”

Huang Xiaolong watched in silence, but he was inwardly

shaking his head at these two people.

However, the whistling sound of the wind heading in their

direction broke the tension. Everyone turned around to look,
the person coming at them had amazing speed, leaving a
trail of flames behind him.

Seeing this person’s arrival, Jie Dong and Liu Chong

revealed a happy expression, whereas Fan Encheng and
Lifei paled a little.
“It’s Qin Yang!” Lifei shifted beside Huang Xiaolong with a
sway, hurrying to inform Huang Xiaolong the person’s

Qin Yang, Ghost Shadow Sect’s Patriarch! An early-Xiantian

Eighth Order expert!

At this point, someone leaped upㅡFan Encheng. Seeing that

even the Ghost Shadow Sect Patriarch arrived, fluster and
anxiousness all mixed up and he tried to flee again. But just
as he did so, from the distance, a purple halberd twirled
across the night sky akin to a shooting star appearing above
the valley, targeting Fan Encheng.

Alarmed, Fan Encheng swung out the sword in his hand,

creating a curtain of swords to block the purple halberd’s
trajectory. A series of metal clashing sounds reverberated in
the air, the large impact pushed Fan Encheng back to the
ground once more.

As Fan Encheng tumbled to the ground, a figure floated

down gracefullyㅡa tall-built, robust middle-aged man with
stubble facial hair and sharp chiseled cheeks, exuding an
invisible momentum that whelmed others.

This was none other than Ghost Shadow Sect’s Patriarch,

Qin Yang.

Fan Encheng had an ugly expression on his face seeing Qin

Yang. Jie Dong and Liu Chong hurried over to their Master’s
side, saluting, “Disciple greets Master!”

Uncertainty flickered across Lifei’s face watching this.

Qin Yang nodded at his two disciples, Jie Dong and Liu
Chong, kneeling down in salute, “Stand up.” His eyes
became sharp as sabers as he stared at Lifei hiding behind
Huang Xiaolong.

“Master, Second Junior Apprentice-Sister has betrayed the

sect, colluding with this person in killing Sixth Junior
Apprentice Brother!” Jie Dong stepped behind Qin Yang,
reporting respectfully. “She admitted with her own lips

A burst of cold light flitted in Qin Yang’s eyes hearing this,

glowering sternly at Lifei, “Is what Jie Dong said true?!”
Although he knew his eldest disciple dared not lie to him,
Qin Yang could not believe that his second disciple, Lifei,
would betray Ghost Shadow Sect, betray him.

Lifei stood behind Huang Xiaolong, keeping mum.

Watching her demeanor, flames blazed on Qin Yang’s body,

dancing wildly as a trace of murder shone in his eyes. But
the fire was cold, frigid, filling the entire valley; Lifei not
answering showed that it was acquiescence in silence!

Lifei was the disciple he favored the most, the one with the
highest talent, he never imagined it would be the same
disciple he had doted on so much the one who betrayed
him. Rage became the fuel to his killing intent.

“Die!” Qin Yang hissed the word, his tone icy. The instant the
word sounded, Qin Yang already attacked with his palm. Lifei
was petrified watching a giant hand imprint shrouded in
flames growing bigger in her vision.

However, when the flaming palm was mere meters in front

of Lifei, the world lit up in an aureate light from thousands of
Buddha statues, rainbow-like prism Buddha luminescence
shone over the whole valley, colliding with the flaming palm.
A resounding explosion rang out in the valley.

The flaming palm shattered and dissipated due to the


This result astounded everyone, eyes snapped towards

Huang Xiaolongㅡhe was the one who blocked Qin Yang’s

Qin Yang finally turned his attention to Huang Xiaolong,

there was surprise in his eyes as if he didn’t expect a young
looking man could block his attack. The move he executed
was what made him famous, his renowned skill, Heart of
Flame Palmㅡa high-grade Earth rank battle skill.

“This warrior, your strength is not bad,” Qin Yang gave a

praise as he looked at Huang Xiaolong, hardly concealed the
sharp look in his eyes, “But you killed my sixth disciple, thus
this valley shall be your burial place!”

This young man might have blocked his attack, but Qin Yang
only used half of his strength in that palm, which made Qin
Yang assured that Huang Xiaolong was no match for him.

“Really?” Huang Xiaolong cared not for Qin Yang’s words.

Qin Yang ordered Jie Dong and Liu Chong, “The two of you,
take care of Fan Encheng, don’t let him escape. Wait till I
deal with this kid and this traitor, I will come and assist you
in capturing Fan Encheng!”

“Yes, Master!” Jie Dong and Liu Chong replied respectfully in

unison. Silhouettes flickered into blurred images as both of
them lunged at Fan Encheng.

Qin Yang slowly approached Huang Xiaolong and Lifei.
Chapter 281: What Kind Of
Palm Power Is This?
Chapter 281: What Kind of Palm Power Is This?

Qin Yang stood in front of Huang Xiaolong, looking at Lifei as

he stated: “I am very disappointed.” He valued this disciple
the most, no wonder he was disappointed.

“I’m giving you one last chance, kill this kid, then kneel
down and admit your mistake, Master will pardon you,
waiving the death punishment!” Qin Yang’s voice sent chills
bone deep.

Lifei continued to stand behind Huang Xiaolong, persevering

in her silence.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head helplessly, looks like this Qin
Yang had no inclination of the situation.

“Step aside.” Huang Xiaolong ordered Lifei.

“Yes, Young Lord,” Lifei answered respectfully.

Young Lord?! Watching Lifei paying no heed whatsoever to

his words, but replying to Huang Xiaolong with such humble
respect, referring to the young man as Young Lord, the fury
and killing intent erupted in his heart. Momentum soared
from Qin Yang’s body, as sand and stones scattered and
whorled up into the air with Qin Yang as the center. In the
next second, everyone saw a gigantic dark silhouette
materializing behind Qin Yang, three zhang tall, with four
hands and blood-red eyes, as thick black vapor weaved
around its bodyㅡthis was Qin Yang’s martial spirit, Ghost

The Ghost Shadow was another kind of top grade necro-

martial spirit.

Summoning the Ghost Shadow martial spirit out, Qin Yang’s

strong momentum rose further still. This made Jie Dong and
Liu Chong that were battling Fan Encheng surprised, all
three of them inevitably looked towards Huang Xiaolong’s

Gradually, Qin Yang’s eyes turned black, tinted with glowing

blood-red. “Brat, call out your martial spirit, if not, you might
not even have a chance to do so later.” Qin Yang glanced at
Huang Xiaolong and taunted in a condescending voice of an
esteemed senior.

Huang Xiaolong digressed by shaking his head, “No need.”

“No need?” Qin Yang was taken aback.

“Correct.” Huang Xiaolong added simply, “Against you, there

is no need.”

Qin Yang was powerful, comparable to the previous Nine

Fiend Sect Sovereign Hu Han’s strength, despite that, in
Huang Xiaolong’s opinion, there was no need to summon his
martial spirits.

A little more than a month ago, Huang Xiaolong could

already defeat Hu Han, and more than one month later, his
strength had continued to increase every day, reaching mid-
Xiantian Seventh Order.

Huang Xiaolong’s words only served to add oil to Qin Yang’s

already flaring anger, pushing it sky-high! Arrogant!
Qin Yang’s robe fluttered fiercely, then his whole body
blurred as if turning invisible, at the same time, his martial
spirit shone with a dark light, and Qin Yang disappeared in a
flicker. Akin to a specter in the darkest of night, he appeared
right in front of Huang Xiaolong.

“Go die!”

Qin Yang’s blood-red eyes glowered at Huang Xiaolong,

spilling with rage and icy murderous intent, both hands
spread into palms that aimed straight for Huang Xiaolong’s

In Huang Xiaolong’s vision, Qin Yang’s palms doubled in size

inexplicably, turning red as if they were stained with fresh
blood, emitting a nauseating smell at the same time. The
palms brought with them scorching heat as they pierced

Without hesitation, Huang Xiaolong raised his hands and

struck against Qin Yang’s bloody palms, but Huang
Xiaolong’s palm seemed to contain no power at all, soft and
bending like the seaweeds in the water, while Qin Yang held
disdain in his heart seeing that the ignorant young man
dared to underestimate him, to actually counter his attacks
with both palms.

“Naive!” Qin Yang’s eyes were icy as they looked at Huang

Xiaolong. This Blood Spiral Palm’s power couldn’t be
compared with his earlier attack, not to mention, this time
he exuded full force. In the entire Blood River City, only the
Five Poison Cult’s Head of the five chiefs, Liu Minghai, dared
to counter this move directly.

Four palms met at in this instant.

The eyes that held contempt and disdain, the lips that
arched back in a smug sneerㅡall vanished the moment his
palms collided with Huang Xiaolong’s palms, being replaced
with shock, disbelief, and a hint of denial. Those seemingly
soft and weightless palms gave Qin Yang an apprehensive
feeling as he felt the powerful frigid energy.

The collision resounded with a booming explosion, echoing

in the valley.

Qin Yang staggered back from the impact, leaving a long

trail deep footprints on the ground as he tried to steady
himself. He stared down his own hands, astonished to see a
layer of inky-purple ice forming over his palm. An extreme
frigid energy spread into his body through his palms,
making Qin Yang shiver involuntarily.

“What kind of palm power is this?!” Qin Yang blurted out in


His Spiral Blood Palm was a Yang fire-based skill, a natural

nemesis of anything Yin and cold, but instead, he was the
one being overwhelmed in the end. Moreover, he found out
that his battle qi failed to suppress the frigid energy inside
his body.

In fact, what Huang Xiaolong used earlier was the Ethereal

Palmㅡlaced with Asura battle qi and Asura frigid energy.
Huang Xiaolong’s Asura Tactics had reached the peak of
fourth level, greatly enhancing the extreme chill contained
in the Asura qi. Disregarding Qin Yang, even a mid-Xiantian
Eighth Order would find it difficult to suppress Huang
Xiaolong’s Asura qi.

Successfully pushing Qin Yang back, Huang Xiaolong’s body

blurred, reappearing within a few meters of Qin Yang, a
finger pointed at him. Thick gray fog rolled, accompanied by
strange shrill shrieks; a finger imprint flew out from the thick
gray fog, stabbing Qin Yang’s chest.

The Absolute Soul Finger!

An implausible fear birthed in Qin Yang’s soul, evident in his

eyes as he watched the finger imprint piercing towards him.
He quickly retreated, and at the same time, the Ghost
Shadow hovering above him flashed brightly, activating the
soul transformation.

At first, he had thought that he could deal with Huang

Xiaolong easily, therefore he did not soul transform. But now
he didn’t have the luxury to choose. Soul transforming at
the fastest speed, his strength rose to another level, with
black vapor swimming around him. Two additional arms
grew out from Qin Yang shoulders, bulkier than his own
arms, ten long fingers equipped with nails that were more
similar to ten sharp daggers, glimmering a dark red glow.

The two new additional arms extended out, ten sharp nails
spun to block Huang Xiaolong’s Absolute Soul Finger,
another thunderous blast rang out and sparks flew in all
directions. Qin Yang only knew that his ten fingers and two
arms were numb from the impact. He quickly checked his
condition only to find blood dripping out from all ten fingers.
This greatly enraged him and astonished him at the same

This pair of ghost arms grew after he fused with his martial
spirit Ghost Shadow, they were harder than steel even when
compared to blades and swords tempered from cold steel.
Warriors of the same level could merely leave a slight white
mark on these arms of his, but even so, they failed to block
Huang Xiaolong’s single finger attack!
His judgment clouded by rage, Qin Yang hollered and
rampaged forward instead of retreating. His long nails
slashed out like ten sharp blades, glowing strangely red,
cutting down on Huang Xiaolong.

At this time, a cold light glinted and two black blades

appeared in Huang Xiaolong’s hands. The Blades of Asura
appeared and swung out, countless blade lights were seen
rotating out, forming an eerie red eyeball in the air.

Eye of Reincarnation!

The eerie red eyeball continued to rotate, shooting out

sharp blade lights, totally blocking Qin Yang’s attack, but it
did not stop there, the red glow shone brightly, expanding.
Very quickly, it covered a large area, stunning Qin Yang with
a momentary dizziness.

Shaping both of his hands into claws, Huang Xiaolong

slashed towards Qin Yang across the voidㅡAsura Demon
Claw, Lament of Thousands of Demons.

Screams of wraiths echoed in the valley, scaring the four

other people. All of them turned their heads to look and saw
a dazed Qin Yang, under the Eye of Reincarnation’s
influence. Failing to dodge, the claws slashed down
vertically on Qin Yang’s torso, “Poof!”

Qin Yang buckled back, crashing straight into a mountain

cliff wall some distance away, tumbling down to the ground.
Chapter 282: Four Seas Mountain

All four directions fell into abrupt silence.

The three fighting in the distance, Jie Dong, Liu Chong, and
Fen Encheng, were dumbstruck as their attention shifted to
Huang Xiaolong’s side of things, where Qin Yang lay
sprawled on the ground, barely able to move.

Lifei fared better than them, after all, to be able to control

Black Demon City from the shadows without real strength
was an implausible feat. Recovering from their brief shock,
Jie Dong and Liu Chong abandoned Fan Encheng and
hastened to their Master’s side.

“Master!” Jie Dong and Liu Chong called out anxiously as

both of them carefully helped Qin Yang up.

At this time, Fan Encheng finally recovered his senses,

panicked at the circumstances of his situation, he leaped to
the sky in an attempt to flee. What he didn’t know was that
Huang Xiaolong was watching his every movement, from
the moment Fen Encheng stood up, Huang Xiaolong took a
side step, and he was already blocking in front of Fan

Seeing Huang Xiaolong in front of him, fear filled Fan

Encheng’s eyes, but he managed to force himself to calm
down, squeezing an ugly smile on his face, “May I know this
Little brother’s great name? Many thanks for Little brother’s
help earlier, this one is hardly Qin Yang’s opponent.”

Many thanks for Little brother’s help? Huang Xiaolong shook

his head inwardly. This Fan Encheng’s skin was quite thick,
knowing his goal was the same as Qin Yang’s group, yet
could still pretend so naturally he didn’t know.
“Hand over the map part.” Huang Xiaolong had no interest
in babbling nonsense with Fan Encheng. His expression
remained indifferent as he extended his hand, cutting the
chase short.

Fan Encheng’s face tightened for the briefest time, smiling

even milder: “Map part? What map part? Is Little brother
perhaps misunderstood something? There is no map on

Huang Xiaolong smiled coldly “Don’t have it?” he glanced

over at Lifei, “You’re saying she lied to me?”

Lifei hurried forward, “Young Lord, this subordinate

absolutely dare not deceive Young Lord!” She turned to Fan
Encheng, “Fan Encheng, I advise you to hand over the map
part, don’t place your hopes on a slim chance of luck. If my
Young Lord were to seize the map part from your body, you
can imagine the consequences.”

Lifei’s threat shook Fan Encheng’s resolve.

A painful grunt sounded at this time, coming from Qin Yang.

Being helped up by Jie Dong and Liu Chong, Qin Yang barely
managed to stand up. Visible to everyone’s eyes was the
horrifying black claw print on Qin Yang’s chest that seemed
to emanate death aura, accompanied by thousands of
shrieks of wraiths that sent shivers to the soul. The flesh
around the claw print had started to rot and die, revealing
the whites of bones underneath.

Qin Yang’s eyes too were filled with unprecedented fear as

he watched Huang Xiaolong. At the same time, his face
twisted with pain, obviously he wasn’t having an easy time
trying to suppress the Asura frigid qi that was wreaking
havoc within his body.
Huang Xiaolong did not bother with Qin Yang and the other
two people, he stared at Fan Encheng saying, “I’m giving
you a last chance, hand over the map and I can spare your
life, otherwise, I’ll kill you and then search for the map!”

Seeing Qin Yang’s tragic state, hesitation flitted back and

forth on Fan Encheng, struggling to make a final decision.

In all honesty, this ancient God Tribe master’s partial map

was something he had gotten by killing someone else, but
he held a great blood grudge in his heart, with this piece of
ancient God Tribe master’s partial map, he had hope for
revenge, but now…!

“Fine!” A short while later, Fan Encheng relented, albeit

reluctantly through gritted teeth. He took out something
from his spatial ring that seemed to be made out of some
kind of beast hide leather. This was the said ancient God
Tribe master’s partial map.

Looking at the piece of map in his hand, Fan Encheng sighed

deeply, exerting a mild strength from his hand, the piece of
map floated towards Huang Xiaolong. Although the map was
important, what would it matter if he was already dead,
what could he do about his hatred and blood-feud at that

Huang Xiaolong received the map and studied it briefly; the

map itself was probably made of some kind of ancient
beast’s hide, eroded by time, the edges were frayed and
most indications on the map were blurred and hardly
discernible. Without another word, Huang Xiaolong kept the
partial map in his ring, Fan Encheng wouldn’t dare to trick
him by giving him a fake map.

Close by, Qin Yang, Jie Dong, and Liu Chong could only stare
begrudgingly as Huang Xiaolong kept the map away. They
had been chasing Fan Encheng for ten days and ten nights
straight, yet the map still fell into someone else’s hands.
Deep as their unwillingness may run, none of them dared to
make a move to snatch it from Huang Xiaolong.

The three of them stood there, wary and somewhat scared

to move.

After keeping the map, Huang Xiaolong turned his attention

back to Fan Encheng, “I can spare you,”

Fan Encheng’s face lit up.

“But, on the condition you swear allegiance to me just like

her, with me as your master.” Huang Xiaolong indicated a
finger at Lifei. Of course, Huang Xiaolong couldn’t let Fan
Encheng leave like that, once a rumor spread, he would be
the next Fan Encheng.

Looking at Lifei, Fan Encheng’s resistance was evident from

his expression. But he already knew that Huang Xiaolong
wouldn’t have let him go just like that.

Half an hour later, Huang Xiaolong branded Fan Encheng’s

soul sea with a soul mark. Watching the whole thing right in
front of them, Qin Yang, Jie Dong, and Liu Chong each was
preoccupied with their own thoughts.

After taking care of Fan Encheng, Huang Xiaolong finally

turned to Qin Yang’s group of three. He continued to watch
them without saying anything, an inexplicable pressure
spread out, covering the four directions of heaven and

Under this immense pressure, the gravely injured Qin Yang

turned even paler as he needed to suppress the frigid Asura
qi inside his body at the same time, whereas Jie Dong and
Liu Chong sweated bead-sized drops of perspiration.

Not much time had passed when Qin Yang opened his
mouth: “I, I’m willing to submit to you,” pausing here
momentarily, he added, “But I have a condition.”

“Condition?” Huang Xiaolong coldly repeated, shaking his

head at Qin Yang in refusal saying: “You’re not qualified to
negotiate any condition.”

This remarked greatly pierced Qin Yang’s pride.

“Master, you need not beg this person! Even if Senior

Apprentice-Brother and I die, we will make sure to send you
out of here safely!” Liu Chong shouted righteous sounding
words. “You can avenge us later by killing that bastard and
that wench!” Wench referred to Lifei.

As his last word was uttered, Huang Xiaolong disappeared

from where he stood, the next thing everyone heard was
howling pain. Searching for the origin, everyone saw the
middle of Liu Chong’s forehead had been pierced and now
had a finger-sized hole that sprayed out blood like a red
pillar. When Liu Chong’s body tumbled to the ground, Huang
Xiaolong’s figure gradually reappeared, standing on the
same spot as he did before.

Everyone present stared dumbly at Liu Chong’s stiff corpse,

including the first amongst them who submitted, Lifei!

No one saw exactly how Huang Xiaolong killed Liu Chong,

not even Qin Yang next to him.

The power to manipulate space?! Qin Yang watched Huang

Xiaolong, drastically astounded. Only a Saint realm expert
had the ability to manipulate the power of space, but Huang
Xiaolong was not a Saint realm warrior!

Ignoring the shocked looks directed at him, not even sparing

a glance at the dead Liu Chong, Huang Xiaolong looked at
Qin Yang, “Now, do you still want to negotiate conditions?”

Qin Yang paled in his speechlessness.

It didn’t take long for Qin Yang to submit to Huang Xiaolong

without any condition. Following Qin Yang’s submission, Jie
Dong also submitted without much resistance.

Huang Xiaolong proceeded to mark their souls, and when all

was done, he relaxed. With this, the Ghost Shadow Sect was
under his control now, in other words, the Blood River City
was already in his pocket.

In fact, this was an unexpected harvest to him. Telling the

four of them to deal with Liu Chong’s corpse, the five of
them left the valley and traveled forth. Half a day later, they
came to a stop at the foothill of a certain mountain.

Taking out the map, Huang Xiaolong began to study it. In

the past, while he was still studying in Cosmic Star Academy
and Duanren Institute, he researched many times this
ancient text and writing, therefore he managed to decipher
what was written on the partial map.

“City of Myriad Gods, Four Seas Mountain?” After several

hours of going over the map, the location the map pointed
to was close to the City of Myriad Gods, in a place called
Four Seas Mountain.

In other words, the place where this ancient God Tribe

master cultivated during his life was at this Four Seas
Chapter 283: Saber Imperial City

“Four Seas Mountain…” Huang Xiaolong took out the

Bedlam Lands map, searching for the said location on it, but
ended up creasing his brows. From what he could see on the
map, among the hills and mountains surrounding the City of
Myriad Gods, none were called Four Seas Mountain. Then he
called Qin Yang, Lifei, Jie Dong, and Fan Encheng over,
asking them about the Four Seas Mountain.

“Four Seas Mountain?” Qin Yang shook his head, “Replying

to Young Lord, around the City of Myriad Gods there is a
Hundred Venom Hill, Golden Leaf Mountain, and others, but
this subordinate has never heard of Four Seas Mountain.”

Lifei, Jie Dong, and Fan Encheng all shook their heads
simultaneously at Huang Xiaolong, the three of them had
never heard of the name either.

Huang Xiaolong’s brows locked together, there was no Four

Seas Mountain in the proximity of City of Myriad Gods?
Perhaps due to the passage of time, the name Four Seas
Mountain was replaced by another name, maybe the Four
Seas Mountain doesn’t exist anymore.

Several tens of thousands of years had passed, countless

ancient cities had submerged in the river of time, what more
a mere Four Seas Mountain!

This is truly a headache! But, a light shone in Huang

Xiaolong’s eyes, he still needed to make the trip to the City
of Myriad Gods. No matter what, he had to find this Four
Seas Mountain, find the location stated on the map. Only
this way could he break through to Saint realm before the
Deities Templar’s next disciple selection began.
The sky started to brighten, sunlight streamed over the
Savage Sanguine Wasteland, penetrating the layer of
sanguine fog that was slowly thinning and dissipating.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the vast wasteland and stood up,

saying to the four people with him: “Let’s go.”

“Yes, Young Lord!” The four answered.

Thus all five people continued on their journey to the City of

Myriad Gods.

On the way, Huang Xiaolong gave Qin Yang injury healing

pellets and forced out the extreme cold poison caused by
the Asura Demon Claw from his body. Huang Xiaolong then
questioned Qin Yang regarding Ghost Shadow Sect and
Blood River City, which were all truthfully answered by Qin

As the Ghost Shadow Sect’s Patriarch, the things he knew

were undoubtedly more than Lifei, extending to some of
Five Poison Cult’s confidential secrets.

Two days later, the group was out of the Savage Sanguine
Wasteland, arriving in a place called Saber Imperial City.

This Saber Imperial City was one of the Bedlam Lands’ ten
mega cities, although in the lower ranks, at number nine.
According to rumors, that person’s comprehension and skills
in the art of Saber were bordering perfection, even gods and
demons needed to give way.

Huang Xiaolong stood before the gates of Saber Imperial

City, looking at the large stone saber hanging on the gate
arch that exuded a sharp saber energy that seemed to
pierce the passersby straight at their souls. He was amazed,
a mere stone saber could exude this extent of pressure,
affecting even one’s soul.

“Young Lord, it was said that this giant stone saber was the
Lord Saber Emperor’s personal weapon before breaking into
the Saint realm.” Qin Yang walked up, explaining to Huang
Xiaolong respectfully, there was a look of awe and worship
in Qin Yang’s eyes as he faced the stone saber, “After Lord
Saber Emperor broke into the Saint realm, he made a Fiend
Saber. Later, when he built Saber Imperial City, he hung this
stone saber on top of the city gates.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

The Saber Emperor was one of the few top rank experts of
the Bedlam Lands famous for his saber skills. Since this
sword was his personal weapon before he broke through
Saint realm, it must have absorbed a certain amount of
Saber Emperor’s saber intent.

I wonder who’s stronger, comparing Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu

with this Saber Emperor… Huang Xiaolong mused.

Asura’s Gate was Star Cloud Continent’s super large sect. As

Asura’s Gate Left and Right Custodians, not only were they
considered as the sect’s top tier power, they were also Star
Cloud Continent’s top-level experts.

“Let us enter.” Huang Xiaolong retrieved his sight from the

huge stone sword on the gates and said to Qin Yang and the
rest. The five of them no longer delayed, entering the Saber
Imperial City.

By the time they passed through the gates, the sky already
darkened, therefore Huang Xiaolong decided to first look for
a place to rest for the night before continuing on their way.
At the speed the five of them were traveling, they could
make it into the City of Myriad Gods in good time before the
auction date.

The five of them checked into an inn called Warm Fragrance.

The inn had a restaurant on the ground floor, medium-sized

but packed with people, so many that they could hardly find
a vacant table. When they walked in, a tantalizing wine
fragrance filled every inch of the restaurant space; the
moment Huang Xiaolong stepped inside, the scent of wine
teased his nose.

Huang Xiaolong found a vacant table in a corner and sat

down, whereas Qin Yang, Lifei, Jie Dong, and Fan Encheng
stood behind him, hesitant to sit.

“All of you also sit down.” Huang Xiaolong pointed at the

empty chairs around. The four answered with respect and
each took a seat with Huang Xiaolong’s expressed

Lifei called for the waiter after she sat down. Seeking Huang
Xiaolong’s opinion, she ordered a table of dishes and two
jugs of good wine.

The waiter returned a short while later, bringing up Lifei’s


The table was laden with good food, fulfilling three main
criteria: color, fragrance, and taste, rousing Huang
Xiaolong’s appetite. Although with Huang Xiaolong’s
Xiantian realm strength he could go more than half a month
without food, he still kept the habit of eating.

Beside him, Lifei opened up one of the wine jugs, pouring

out a cup for Huang Xiaolong, which he downed in one gulp.
The wine smoothly passed his throat, spicy and austere with
a slightly bitter taste lingering on the top of the tongue at
the end, yet it filled his tastebuds with a memorable

“Good wine.” Huang Xiaolong praised. Although it could

hardly compare with the Beauty Allure Wine or Sapidity
Wine, it was a different flavor on its own. He indicated Qin
Yang and the rest to fill their cups, enjoying the wine

While the five of them were lifting their cups and drinking, a
commotion sounded outside the inn and a group of five
people walked in, amongst them were two women.

When Huang Xiaolong caught a clear glimpse of the

women’s faces, he was shocked.

Cui Li!

Ever since the Duanren Imperial City Battle ended, he rarely

came across Cui Li. The last time he saw her was three
years ago, before he departed from Duanren Empire to
come here, to the Bedlams, Xie Puti mentioned Cui Li in
their conversation.

He’d never imagined he would run into Cui Li here, in the

Bedlam Lands! What is Cui li doing here? The other woman
was Cui Li’s young aunt, Huang Xiaolong met her once,
many years ago, at Duanren Imperial Palace on the reward
ceremony day. The other three people, from the way of their
dressing, were probably members of Cui Family.

The moment she entered the restaurant, as if she sensed

something, Cui Li raised her head and looked up, her gaze
precisely meeting with Huang Xiaolong’s. Seeing Huang
Xiaolong there, Cui Li’s beautiful eyes contained surprise,
followed by melancholy.
Cui Li’s youngest aunt also noticed Huang Xiaolong and she
was just as surprised.

“Li Li, you know that kid?” At this time, the young man
beside Cui Li asked as he watched Huang Xiaolong with
hostile eyes…

Cui Li recovered her thoughts, but she didn’t answer the

young man, merely shaking her head. The group then
proceeded to an empty table in another side of the
restaurant and sat down.

Ordering some dishes, the five people started eating quietly

when their orders were served. Each had their own
thoughts, especially Cui Li, the frown on her forehead was
too obvious in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

A short while later, the five paid and left.

Though curious about Cui Li’s presence in the Bedlam

Lands, Huang Xiaolong didn’t think too much about it, nor
did he care.

A quiet night descended over the Saber Imperial City.

Huang Xiaolong sat cross-legged in his room and was about

to start practicing when a noise came from outside his room
and he focused to listen.

“Our Young Lord has spoken. In any case, tonight, those two
Cui Family women must be sent to his bed.”
Chapter 284: Poison Saint Sect

Two Cui Family women? This sentence caught Huang

Xiaolong’s attention.

“Hehe, our Young Lord has lady luck smiling on him tonight,
one young and one old, a pair of beauties, and I can tell the
young one is still a virgin, it’s going to be a lot of fun playing
with her!” The voice added with a tinge of excitement.

Two muffled voices ringing with filthy laughter sounded in

the night, gradually drifting far away.

A light gleamed in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

The two Cui Family women, without a doubt, referred to Cui

Li and her young aunt. The world was so vast, with many
people having the same surname, but Huang Xiaolong
believed this was too much of a coincidence.

Listening to the two men’s conversation for a while, Huang

Xiaolong disappeared from his room in a flicker. Though it
was not his principle to be nosy, it also wasn’t in his
character to ignore something happening right in front of
him either.

Trailing behind the two people, Huang Xiaolong reached an

abandoned little courtyard located in one of the more
secluded corners of Imperial Saber City. Both men were
seen entering the small courtyard.

Hesitating briefly, Huang Xiaolong followed in quietly,

attaching himself to the roof when angry noises and sounds
of battle rang out up ahead. Huang Xiaolong looked down.
In the yard below, four people were fighting, two of them
were the people he followed over, whereas the other two
were Cui Li and her young aunt. However, the three other
people with Cui Li and her young aunt during the day were
nowhere to be seen.

Huang Xiaolong watched the two men waving their hands

and two black shadows flew out, in the next instant, Cui Li
and the other woman fainted and fell to the floor. It
happened too suddenly and Huang Xiaolong was too late to
stop it. After that small surprise, Huang Xiaolong focused on
the black shadows, watching them fly back to the men’s
hands. Underneath the moonlight, two small black worm-like
insects were revealed, with ink-black carapaces that
reflected the moonlight and small beady green eyes.

Black Poison Beetles! Huang Xiaolong was astonished.

The Black Poison Beetles were a variant of toxic beetles. If

bitten, the entire body would succumb to a numbing
paralysis, dizziness, and even fainting, lasting an hour.
Without the antidote, the victim’s flesh would decay and rot,
with pain so excruciating assaulting the body that death felt
like mercy. He didn’t expect that these two men actually
bred this kind of Black Poison Beetles.

On the other side, the two men kept the poisonous beetles
and approached the two women on the floor, snickering
wickedly, with eyes roaming all over their bodies.

Beneath the soft moonlight, the two women appeared more

alluring and beautiful. The high rise of their fair-skin curves
exuded an inexplicable temptation, rousing a yearning in
the hearts of the seer.

“No wonder Young Lord ordered us not to kill these two

women.” One of the men spoke lecherously, “Even I do not
have the heart to hurt these two dainty little beauties.”

The other man squatted down beside Cui Li’s young aunt,
his hands crudely brushed against her breast before
kneading them with a vengeance, commenting: “Quite big,
nice texture too, very comfortable.” his hands slid down as
he said that, planning to explore the lower region.

“That’s enough, the Young Lord wants these two women, we

need to bring them to him as soon as possible. Otherwise, if
Young Lord finds out about this, you know his methods.”

Only then did the man stop his actions.

“Rest assured, once Young Lord grows tired of them, he will

reward them to us, you can play to your heart’s content at
that time.” Both of them moved to carry both women,
wanting to leave the courtyard.

Just as they prepared to carry them away, a shadow shifted

and there was an additional person standing in front of

“Who?!” Seeing an unexpected person suddenly appearing

right in front of them, both men were alarmed, both barked
threateningly at the same time.

Huang Xiaolong stared at both men coldly: “Take out the


The men exchanged a glance in silence. One of them broke

out in mocking snicker, “Kid, you’re being too nosy in
others’ affairs. You must know, nosy people come to no
good ending.”

“Really?” Huang Xiaolong’s eyes turned icy.

Both men moved suddenly, waving their hands out, and two
tiny black shadows shot out in Huang Xiaolong’s direction.

Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong sneered, the Blades of Asura

appeared in his hand and slashed out cleanly. Both blades
cut across the air and metal-like sounds were heard as two
tiny sparks burned, issuing high-pitched shrieks. Two Black
Poison Beetles fell, landing inches from Huang Xiaolong’s
feet, both black beetles were halved by his blades.

“You!!” Watching their Black Poison Beetle split into two,

both men were enraged and startled.

“Kid, you actually dared to kill our Poison Saint Sect’s Black
Poison Beetles!” One man bellowed, whereas his comrade’s
silhouette flickered into a blur, his hand holding a long
sword aimed at Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. Underneath the pale
moonlight, the edge of the sword shone with an opaque
green, it was evident that it was smeared with toxic poison.

Huang Xiaolong stood unmoving as he watched the sword

tip coming at him. When the attacker was inches from him,
Huang Xiaolong’s figure swayed to the side, leaving the
sword barely grazing his skin while the Blades of Asura in
his hands turned, slitting the man’s throat.

All actions stopped. The long sword fell to the ground as the
man’s hands clutched at his own neck, filled with horror and
despair feeling warm blood spurting out, seeping through
his fingers. Moments later, he tumbled to the ground.

These two men were no weaklings, both were Xiantian

Fourth Orders, one of them was even a late-Xiantian Fourth
Order. Still, before Huang Xiaolong, all were but smoke.

“You, you…!” Watching Huang Xiaolong killed his comrade

in the blink of an eye, he looked at Huang Xiaolong in
horror, his feet moving back, voice stammering: “I beg you,
don’t kill me, I’m…” his voice was cut off here as a cold
blade light gleamed across his neck, leaving behind a
bloody hole in his throat.

Huang Xiaolong coldly watched the man fall to the ground.

Releasing the Blades of Asura, he searched both bodies and
found two jade bottles. Opening them. Huang Xiaolong took
a sniff and determined they contained the antidote required.

Other than the antidotes, Huang Xiaolong found two secret

technique manuals. A quick flip through them told Huang
Xiaolong that one was the method of breeding the Black
Poison Beetles and the other was a poison attack battle skill.

Everything was placed into the Asura Ring by Huang

Xiaolong. Only when these were done did he approach the
two women, prying open their mouths and pouring the
antidote inside. The antidote worked almost immediately, it
didn’t take long for both women to regain consciousness.

“Huang, Xiaolong!” When Cui Li opened her eyes, Huang

Xiaolong’s face entered her vision, apart from surprise,
there was a hint of happiness in her voice.

“Li Li!” Exactly at this time, an angry shout rang out. In the
next moment, a figure launched an attack on Huang
Xiaolong, a sharp double-edged sword swinging down on
Huang Xiaolong’s back: “Let go of Li Li!”

Huang Xiaolong frowned, a displeased expression on his

face but he did not dodge, releasing a sphere of vigor qi
around himself, bouncing off the attack and the attacker
who was none other than one of three men in Cui Li’s group
during the day. It was clear he misunderstood that Huang
Xiaolong wanted to do something unseemly towards both
women, judging upon the scene he arrived on.
The other two men also entered the courtyard moments

“Wait, Big bro Duojie, he rescued us!” Cui Li shouted when

that young man wanted to launch a second attack on Huang
Xiaolong. The young man was stunned and sought Cui Li’s
young aunt for confirmation. She nodded her head.

“Hmph!” Cui Duojie snorted disdainfully, “Although this kid

saved both of you, who knows for sure if he wasn’t in
cahoots with those Poison Saint Sect people from the

Cui Li stood up facing Huang Xiaolong, “Xiaolong, I’m sorry,

Brother Duojie he…”

Before Cui Li could finish her words, Huang Xiaolong merely

glanced at the young man, turned around and left.

Watching Huang Xiaolong’s leaving silhouette, her eyes

became red. A teardrop fell…
Chapter 285: Great Demonic Yin Sound

Cui Duojie sneered coldly watching Huang Xiaolong’s

leaving figure.

“Huang Xiaolong, is it?” A cold gleamed flashed quickly

across his eyes.

Cui Li and the others were watching Huang Xiaolong as he

left, no one noticed Cui Duojie’s odd behavior.

At this point, Cui Duojie moved closer to Cui Li, “Li Li, this
person has devious eyes, he must be one with a cunning
and sly character, it’s best you don’t come in contact with
him often.”

Cui Li looked over at Cui Duojie. Hearing her words, she

staring fixedly at him with undisguised anger. Sensing the
anger beneath, Cui Duojie clamped his mouth shut.

On the other side, Huang Xiaolong returned to the inn. Back

in his room, Huang Xiaolong swallowed a drop of Geocentric
Buddha Elixir and started practicing the Godly Xumi Art.

While Huang Xiaolong concentrated on the Godly Xumi Art,

in a secret underground chamber beneath a city, not far
away from the Saber Imperial City, a young man clad in the
darkest black robe, with eyebrows tinged with faint green,
was observing the middle-aged man kneeling before him
with an icy gaze.

On the young man’s black robe was sewn a conspicuous

‘poison 1’ character.

“You’re saying, not only did Ma Lai fail to bring back the two
Cui Family’s girls, they were all killed?!” The young man
questioned in an icy tone.

Catching the killing intent laced within the young man’s

voice, the middle-aged man trembled with fear as he
hastened to reply, “Young Lord, it was an accident. We
didn’t expect someone would appear out of nowhere to save
that two Cui Family girls.”

“Who is that person?” The young man revealed a cold sneer.

“A little rascal called Huang Xiaolong.” The middle-aged

man’s voice held respect as he answered, “This person
knows Cui Li, he should be someone that came from the
Snow Wind Continent.”

“From the Snow Wind Continent…” The young man had a

disdainful sneer on hanging on his lips, “No wonder he’s so
zealous, he even dared to kill my Poison Saint Sect’s
disciples.” An aggressive aura suddenly rose in the
chamber, ice formed on the floor’s surface, exuding a frigid
coldness, ice that was black in color.

This young man was Poison Saint Sect’s Young Lord, Hu Er,
whereas the middle-aged man kneeling on the floor was
Poison Saint Sect’s Elder, Qiao Liang.

Hu Er looked at Qiao Liang, “You know what to do next,

without me saying so.”

“Yes, this subordinate understands,” Qiao Liang answered.

“This subordinate will definitely capture that Huang
Xiaolong and the two Cui Sisters and bring them in front of
Young Lord!”

“Go now.”

“Yes, Young Lord!”

The night passed quickly.

Huang Xiaolong spent some thing practicing in the Godly

Mt. Xumi, and by the time he came out, the sky was already
bright. In recent days, Huang Xiaolong persisted in
practicing the Ancient Puppetry Art and Absolute Soul
Pearl’s Soul Mandate every day and he could feel an
improvement at the end of each practice.

Huang Xiaolong believed that at this rate, it wouldn’t take

long before he advanced into the third level of the Ancient
Puppetry Art.

Coming out from the Xumi Temple, four people were already
waiting for Huang XiaolongーQin Yang, Li Fei, Jie Dong, and
Fan Encheng. Settling the payment for the inn, they
continued to journey on towards the City of Myriad Gods. No
doubt, before leaving Huang Xiaolong’s Asura Ring was well
stocked with good wines.

Exiting the Saber Imperial City, the five of them chose to

travel through mountain passes. As they rushed to make
good time, Huang Xiaolong did not summon his martial
spirits, but even so, his speed was faster than most, so
much that Qin Yang and the rest could barely keep up with
Huang Xiaolong.

“Looks like I should take some time out to refine a flying

sword.” A thought came to Huang Xiaolong’s mind.

Huang Xiaolong’s Body Metamorphose Scripture had

advanced into Stage Twelve: Hanging Tail Form and his
internal force became ten times richer and more abundant,
being able to sustain his sword flight within a certain time
limit. When Huang Xiaolong reached the small perfection
stage, a trace of true core energy would form in his dantian.
At that time, using sword flight, he could cover several li in
one breath’s time.

In the next moment, Huang Xiaolong stopped abruptly.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong suddenly stop, although feeling it
was strange, Qin Yang and the other three also reduced
their speed and came to a stop.

Just when Qin Yang was about to step up and ask, Huang
Xiaolong suddenly turned around, fixing a deadly stare on a
fallow slope: “How long is Sir planning to follow us, aren’t
you going to show yourself?”

The four people with Huang Xiaolong were stunned.

Moments later, a loud noise sounded as a figure emerged

from the fallow slope, wearing a black robe that had a
conspicuous ‘poison’ character sewn on it.

“Poison Saint Sect!” Qin Yang exclaimed the moment he saw

the other side’s robe style, tensing up. It seems, he had
knowledge about Poison Saint Sect.

That person seemed very satisfied with Qin Yang’s reaction,

issuing another burst of strange chuckles, low, yet sharp to
the ears. Qin Yang and the rest felt as if their eardrums were
pierced with many sharp needles.

“This is the Great Demonic Yin Sound!” Huang Xiaolong’s

voice sounded. At the same time, an invisible Buddha
energy burst out from his body, enveloping Qin Yang and
the rest. The piercing pain in their ears instantly vanished.

“Great Demonic Yin Sound!” Qin Yang, Lifei, and the rest
turned whiter than sheet at the name.
In the Martial Spirit World, there existed some horrendous
battle skills that made one’s heart palpitate just by listening
to their names and the Great Demonic Yin Sound was one of

The Great Demonic Yin Sound was a sound type battle skill.
In the beginning, the victim’s eardrums would feel pain as if
they were pierced with sharp needles. Next, the victim’s
brain became enlarged, swollen, and bloated, and in the
end, the victim would bleed to death from the seven
orifices. At the point of death, the victim would suffer a
torturous end, feeling like their brain was being pierced with
thousands of needles continuously.

The other side was stunned seeing Huang Xiaolong

countering his Great Demonic Yin Sound. He looked at
Huang Xiaolong with obvious surprise, “This is Buddhism

In general, only people who practicing Buddhism related

battle skills until a very high level would be acknowledged
by the Buddha World, and only by receiving
acknowledgment could one possess Buddhism energy within
their bodies. In the whole of Martial Spirit World, those kind
of people were scarce.

“Hehe, how was it Elder Jin? Didn’t I tell you this kid is not so
easy to deal with.” At this time, another voice sounded and
the owner gradually emerged from his hiding place. This
person was none other than the person who was instructed
by Poison Saint Sect’s Young Lord to come capture Huang
Xiaolong, Poison Saint Sect’s Elder Qiao Liang.

The other Poison Saint Sect Elder, Elder Jin, looked ugly.

Qiao Liang’s attention shifted onto Huang Xiaolong, in truth,

he was shocked that Huang Xiaolong could counter Elder
Jin’s Great Demonic Yin Sound attack.

“No wonder this young man dared to kill my Poison Saint

Sect disciples, you’ve got some skills.” Qiao Liang’s eyes
turned sharp, “However, for hundreds of years, those who
killed my Poison Saint Sect disciples died without any
exception under thousands poisons piercing their intestines,
gnawed on by thousands of poisonous insects!”

Huang Xiaolong approached them with an air of

nonchalance, “People who want to kill me are no less than
thousands in number, but in the end, all of them died in my

What Huang Xiaolong said was the truth. All these years,
there had been too many people who wanted to take his
life, instead, their lives ended under Huang Xiaolong’s
Blades of Asura.

“Arrogant!” Elder Jin screeched. A frosty blue gleam flickered

in his eyes.

Qiao Liang clapped his hands once and several shadows

nearby moved, as a group of Poison Saint Sect disciples clad
in black emerged, surrounding Huang Xiaolong’s group of
five in the middle. At a quick glance, there were fifty to sixty

Seeing the mob closing in on them, Qin Yang and the other
three turned a ghastly shade of white. It was obvious to
them that each of these Poison Saint Sect disciples was no
weakling. Although in a one on one fight, none of these
disciples was qualified to be their opponent, but en mass,
ten times their number made them feel somewhat helpless.
Moreover, Poison Saint Sect disciples’ bodies were known to
be smeared with poison, a little negligence and they would
be poisoned. The result could be imagined.
Huang Xiaolong surveyed the large group of Poison Saint
Sect disciples surrounding them with no changes to his
expression. When Jin Zhong and Qiao Liang saw Huang
Xiaolong remain unperturbed, both of them exchanged a
look, for they could clearly tell that Huang Xiaolong wasn’t
putting on an act… could Huang Xiaolong have a trump card
up his sleeve?

1. 毒- poison
Chapter 286: Summoning
The Giant Puppets
Chapter 286: Summoning the Giant Puppets

Jin Zhong and Qiao Liang were doubtful watching Huang

Xiaolong’s calm demeanor, neither gave the Poison Saint
Sect disciples the order to attack.

But seconds later, Jin Zhong suddenly jeered, saying “Little

brat, you can really put on an act, I’ll see how long you can
maintain that calm facade!” Jin Zhong waved his hand,
signaling the disciples: “Get him!”

Hearing Jin Zhong’s command, the surrounding Poison Saint

Sect disciples swarmed towards Huang Xiaolong’s group of

Overwhelmed by the numbers, Qin Yang, Lifei, and the rest

couldn’t help but panic a little.

Just when the horde attacks were about to strike them, a

blinding golden flash appeared above Huang Xiaolong.
When it disappeared, it revealed six giant ‘humans’ floating
in midair.

After the six giant ‘humans’ appeared, stalwart fists

punched down onto the swarm of Poison Saint Sect
disciples. A dozen booming blasts rang out in their midst
almost simultaneously.

The disciples that were struck and affected by the

shockwaves were sent flying, miserable screams rendered
the air, however, all was quiet when they crashed into the
soil several hundred meters away, no longer breathing.

The abrupt turn of events was out of everyone’s


Qin Yang and the others stared dumbly at the six giant
‘humans’ guarding in front of them. Even Jin Zhong and Qiao
Liang were dumbfounded watching this, staring blankly in
shock at the six giant ‘people’ that seemed to be coated
with a layer of golden paint.

“This, this is the ancient Golden, Golden Giant Tribe?!”

Something flashed in Jin Zhong’s mind and he couldn’t help
blurting out in extreme shock.

Ancient times’ Golden Giant Tribe?

Qiao Liang’s eyes were rounded in shock as well, he dared

not believe the scene in front of him. He stammered, “Anㅡ
ancient era’s Golden, Golden Giant Tribe?! Didn’t the Golden
Giant Tribe go extinct?”

Of the many big tribes of the ancient era, now there were
only the elf and dwarf race left, the others had gone extinct.

What were they seeing in front of them?

Their shocked eyes trailed towards Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong coolly admitted, “Correct, the ancient

Golden Giant Tribe. More accurately, it’s Golden Giant Tribe

“Ancient Golden Giant Tribe puppets!” Jin Zhong and Qiao

Liang shouted in unison. At this moment,they finally realized
what Huang Xiaolong’s trump card was.
Those six ancient Golden Giant Tribe puppets were exactly
the giant puppets found on the third layer of the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda. In the recent months, as Huang Xiaolong’s
Ancient Puppetry Art and Soul Mandate continued to
advance, he had increased the number of puppets under his
control to six.

Six supreme giant puppets, the weakest one was at the

early Xiantian Sixth Order, while the strongest puppet’s
strength was at mid-Xiantian Seventh Order. A mid-Xiantian
Seventh Order puppet possessed battle power comparable
to a peak early-Xiantian Eighth Order. Moreover, the giant
puppets were immune to poison. That was why Huang
Xiaolong didn’t put these Poison Saint Sect disciples in his

The strongest amongst these Poison Saint Sect disciples

were Xiantian Sixth Order, more than half of them consisted
of Xiantian Fourth Order and Fifth Order, not many disciples
were above these levels.

In a mere few breaths’ time, the six ancient Golden Giant

Tribe puppets sent another batch of Poison Saint Sect
disciples flying. A sharp gleam flickered in their eyes, with a
body twirl, they deployed another attack into the midst of

A wave of panic hit the remaining Poison Saint Sect

disciples, they were all thumbs and toes as they tried to
defend and counter at the same time, some used poison
and some drew their swords.

Sharp swords slashed onto these puppets and loud clashes

reverberated in the air, but to the horror of these Poison
Saint Sect disciples, they discovered that their full force
sword attacks merely left harsh white lines on these
puppets’ bodies. The poisonous insects’ bites felt no
different than a gentle tickle to these puppets. Completely

This result scared the Poison Saint Sect disciples even more,
each of them was at a loss of what to do.

Although the size of these puppets was enormous, they

were by no means slow. At lightning speed, another dozen
of Poison Saint Sect disciples were sent flying off.

The giant puppets’ bodies were extremely tough, their fists

were harder than steel. Being struck by these fists, most of
the Poison Saint Sect disciples’ internal organs shattered
from the impact.

Watching this happen before their eyes, Jin Zhong and Qiao
Liang were shocked and enraged.

Shocked due to these giant puppets’ defense, power, and

toughness, angry because their disciples were so vulnerable
and weak before these giant puppets.

“Forget about the giant puppets, go kill them!” Qiao Liang

raged, pointing at Huang Xiaolong’s group.

The Poison Saint Sect disciples reacted one by one, avoiding

the puppets, all aiming their attacks at Qin Yang, Lifei, Jie
Dong, and Fan Encheng.

Still, no more than half of the initial fifty to sixty disciples

were left, for Qin Yang’s group, this much did not constitute
a threat.

This time around, Qin Yang, Lifei, and the other two dashed
into the midst of Poison Saint Sect’s disciples.
Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong controlled four puppets to
continue attacking the Poison Saint Sect disciples, while the
two strongest puppets at Xiantian Seventh Order rushed
towards Jin Zhong and Qiao Liang. As Elders of Poison Saint
Sect, Jin Zhong and Qiao Liang’s strength weren’t weak,
respectively at mid-Xiantian Eighth Order and peak mid-
Xiantian Eighth Order.

Although their strength was marginally higher than the

puppets’, their every attack being capable of pushing the
puppets back, it still failed to cause any actual damage.
Both giant puppets were impervious to pain, if they were
pushed back, they would just charge again and again. The
longer Jin Zhong and Qiao Liang fought the puppets, the
angrier and frustrated they became.

A short while later, Jin Zhong struck a palm against the

puppet he was fighting. Seizing the window, he sprinted
forward, targeting Huang Xiaolong with another palm, “Qiao
Liang, you delay the giant puppets, I’ll kill that brat!”

Jin Zhong finally realized these puppets were controlled by

Huang Xiaolong, kill him and the biggest part of their
problem would be eliminated. Qiao Liang too noticed the
same issue.

Huang Xiaolong stood on the same spot, the corners of his

mouth suddenly curved up watching the Poison Saint Sect
Elder Jin Zhong coming at him with a palm attack, full of
sarcasm and a taunting flavor.

Judging from the expression on this Poison Saint Sect Elder’s

face, did he think he could easily deal with him?

On the surface, Huang Xiaolong was but a mid-Xiantian

Seventh Order.
When Elder Jin Zhong was a little more than an arm’s length
away from Huang Xiaolong, rolling demonic black fog
enshrouded Huang Xiaolong, a terrifying aura of slaughter
flooded out in all directions.

The abrupt rush of terrifying slaughter aura made Jin

Zhong’s heart palpitate with unease, quickly anchoring his
attack. In the next instant, he saw wings as black as ebony
erupting from Huang Xiaolong’s back, with dark red runic
patterns adorning their surface. The dark red runes
contained a mysterious power that made hearts recoil in

Huang Xiaolong’s hair defied gravity and turned white, as

his eyes turned crimson red.

“This is…?!” When Jin Zhong and Qiao Liang not far away
saw Huang Xiaolong’s transformation, the word ‘shock’
couldn’t describe what they were feeling.

Before the blow receded, a dragon’s roar resounded in their

ears. In the split second they were stupefied, a giant black
dragon materialized behind Huang Xiaolong.

“Black Dragon… martial spirit!” Jin Zhong, and Qiao Liang


The giant black dragon’s emergence also attracted the

attention of nearby Poison Saint Sect disciples.

Summoning out the black dragon, Huang Xiaolong soul

transformed immediately, layers upon layers of shiny black
dragon scales covered his arms, chest, legs, and the rest of
his body, his arms bulked up, with ten fingers akin dragon
claws. Dragon’s might soared towards the sky.
Before Jin Zhong recovered from his stupefied shock, Huang
Xiaolong moved. A palm struck out―Earthen Buddha Palm!

Buddha statues covered the heavens, filling four corners of

the world in Buddha luminescence.

Jin Zhong was jolted back to his senses, desperately trying

to retreat while calling out his martial spirit at the same
time. A giant figure emerged behind Jin Zhong, covered
entirely in crystal ice that reflected a ghostly green glow.

This was Jin Zhong’s martial spirit, Soul Glacier Green

Chapter 287: Godly Xumi Art Resurfaced!

Soul Glacier Green Demon!

Looking at the Poison Saint Sect Elder Jin Zhong’s martial

spirit, Huang Xiaolong was a little surprised. Jin Zhong’s Soul
Glacier Green Demon was the most tyrannical among the
ice element martial spiritㅡa top grade eleven superb martial
spirits, and most of all, it was rare for top grade eleven
martial spirit to appear!

Huang Xiaolong did not expect this Poison Saint Sect Elder’s
talent to be so high. A person’s martial spirit grade
indicated their future achievements in battle qi cultivation, if
there were no mishaps, this Poison Saint Sect Elder could
breakthrough until the peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order. That
is to say, an existence infinitely close to a Saint realm

Unfortunately, this person came across him!

Poison Saint Sect Elder Jin Zhong summoned his Soul Glacier
Green Demon and instantly soul transformed. An armor
made of crystallized ice covered Jin Zhong’s body, reflecting
an eerie green glow underneath the sunlight, while in his
immediate proximity floated wisps of frigid white air.

About a hundred meters away, Qin Yang, Li Fei, and the

others felt the chilling cold despite the distance between

“Ten Thousand Li Glacial Storm!” At this time, Poison Saint

Sect Elder Jin Zhong’s icy voice cut through the air. The
green glow on his body shone like the sun, covering the four
directions. Where the light spread, from the ground up,
everything was frozen into ice; pieces of rock, dust and sand
were all covered with a layer of glacial ice.

Under this cold assault, Huang Xiaolong’s worldly Buddha

luminescence and and Earthen Buddha Palm were affected,
its attack power reduced significantly by the time it reached
the Poison Saint Sect Elder.

“Truly unexpected that you martial spirit is actually a

Primordial Divine Black Dragon!” After breaking Huang
Xiaolong’s Earthen Buddha Palm, Jin Zhong hovered in mid-
air, glowering at Huang Xiaolong with surging killing intent.
In his several hundred years of cultivation, this was his first
time he came across someone who possessed a higher
grade martial spirit than his own.

“Dai~!” Jin Zhong suddenly shouted; invisible soundwave

rushed toward Huang Xiaolong, and he followed up with a

Perceiving the violent energy fluctuations, Huang Xiaolong

remained indifferent. He then wrapped the Buddhism
energy around his body and projected it out, disrupting the
opponent’s Great Demonic Yin Soundwave attack easily.
Simultaneously, Huang Xiaolong raised both arms,
countering with the second wave of attack.

Bang! A thunderous explosion resounded. The explosion

shook the eardrums of Qin Yang’s group with pain, causing
them to look over at Huang Xiaolong’s side with concern.
What they saw was Huang Xiaolong and the Poison Saint
Sect Elder Jin Zhong both staggered backward at the same

Jin Zhong looked at his arms to find the glacial armor

covering his body was actually shattered by Huang
Xiaolong’s fist in the arm area. Multiple crack lines traveled
up to his upper arms from his fists. This result both shocked
and angered him, he hurried to look over at Huang
Xiaolong’s side. Seeing that Huang Xiaolong’s black dragon
scale armor was tainted with a green glacial ice, Jin Zhong
became ecstatic. He sneered, “Punk, you’ve been poisoned
with my extreme cold poison, very soon, you’ll be turned
into an ice sculpture, hehe.”

Extreme Cold Poison, this was Jin Zhong’s Soul Glacial Green
Demon martial spirit’s innate ability. His Soul Glacial Green
Demon was the strongest amongst ice element martial
spirits and its extreme cold poison was no doubt one of the
most tyrannical cold poisons in existence, even deadlier
than an ice element martial spirit one grade above. Not
even a Xiantian Ninth Order expert could easily resolve
being poisoned with his extreme cold poison.

“Ice sculpture.” Huang Xiaolong glanced nonchalantly at the

green glacial ice dotted his fists keep spreading. One breath,
two breaths, the green glacial ice had covered Huang
Xiaolong’s arms entirely and was spreading to other parts of
Huang Xiaolong’s body at rapid speed.

Qin Yang and the others were anxious and fretful.

“Young Lord, quick, cut your arm off!” Qin Yang even cried
out in agitation.

Qin Yang was aware how horrible the extreme cold poison’s
effect was, only by chopping off his arm could Huang
Xiaolong be saved. Otherwise it would be too late once the
poison spread to his body.

Yet, Huang Xiaolong doesn’t seem affected as he studied

the green glacial ice calmly, and in the blink of an eye, the
green glacial ice already spread to Huang Xiaolong’s chest,
head, both legs, until his whole body was covered.
In less than a dozen breaths’ time, Huang Xiaolong was
turned into an ice sculpture.

Seeing this, Poison Saint Sect Elder Jin Zhong heavily

breathed out in relieved. In the next second, he laughed
heartily as he approached the green ice sculpture that was
Huang Xiaolong.

“Hehe, top grade twelve martial spirit, Divine Black Dragon

is only this much!” Jin Zhong was vainglorious, “The way I
see it, this Black Dragon’s grading should be switched with
my Soul Glacier Green Demon!”

Watching this result, the other Poison Saint Sect Elder, Qiao
Liang, sighed in relieved.

However, before Qiao Liang’s breath of relief ended, the two

giant puppets that he was fighting abruptly attacked,
scaring Qiao Liang in a flustered retreat. His face was ashen
realizing something; logically, with Huang Xiaolong’s death,
these giant puppets controlled by him should not be
moving, but why were they…?!

His head snapped around toward where Huang Xiaolong

was, frozen in green colored glacial ice, and cried out: “Jin
Zhong, careful!” Just as his voice fell, the green ice
sculpture exploded. Pieces of green glacial ice ricocheted all
around, Huang Xiaolong’s figure was seen shooting straight
up to the air, and with a sway, he vanished from sight.

Jin Zhong retreated in alarm. Watching Huang Xiaolong

vanished right before his eyes, Jin Zhong was stunned
again. His face tightened the next moment, but it was too
late when he wanted to dodge.

Huang Xiaolong reappeared, printing a palm directly on Jin

Zhong’s chest.
Jin Zhong grunted from the force, half flying half stumbling
backward, as far as several meters. When he finally
managed to steady himself, Qiao Liang saw that Jin Zhong’s
chest was imprinted with a black palm print. Black demonic
qi spread rapidly, covering Jin Zhong’s entire body, melting
the layer of green glacial ice armor while Jin Zhong wailed

“Elder Jin!” Qiao Liang and the Poison Saint Sect disciples
cried out.

Huang Xiaolong moved again, this time, his body shrouded

brightly in holy Buddha luminescence; in front of an
astounded Qiao Liang and Poison Saint Sect disciples, more
than a dozen arms ‘grew’ from Huang Xiaolong’s back! A
dozen arms formed a fist simultaneously, punching onto
Elder Jin Zhong’s chest in a torrent of fist, all at the same

Bang! A loud rumbling sound rang out as the layer of green

glacial ice shattered and Elder Jin Zhong was seen sprawled
on the ground.

All of a sudden, the noisy fighting scene quieted.

A brief moment later, Poison Saint Sect Elder Jin Zhong

tottered as he tried to get up from the ground, spewing out

“You, what battle skill was that just now?!” Jin Zhong’s voice
sounded hoarse, unable to conceal the fear in his eyes.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at Jin Zhong, ever indifferent:

“Godly Xumi Art.”

Jin Zhong and Qiao Liang blanked, before the shock set in as
if they saw a ghost in broad daylight; their entire bodies
trembled even as they pointed a finger at Huang Xiaolong.

“Xu, Xu, Godㅡ, Godly Xumi Art?!!”

“No, no, not possible, Godly Xumi Art! How could it be the
Godly Xumi Art!!” Jin Zhong and Qiao Liang were
stammered like people with a severe stutter.

Godly Xumi Art!

The number one battle skill in this heaven and earth! After
more than several tens of thousands of years, it finally
resurfaced again! Furthermore, it happened right in front of

When the words left Jin Zhong’s mouth, muffled blasts came
from his body. Qiao Liang looked over and saw one after
another golden fist imprint hovered close to Jin Zhong as he
screamed. Moments later, Jin Zhong disappeared from the
Chapter 288: Arriving In
The City Of Myriad Gods
Chapter 288: Arriving in the City of Myriad Gods

Qiao Liang looked as Jin Zhong’s body turned into a golden

light, vanishing right in front of his eyes, he was stupefied
and frozen on the spot. Jin Zhong, a Xiantian Eighth Order
died just like that?


At this time, in mid-air, a ring dropped to the ground: Jin

Zhong’s spatial ring.

Watching Jin Zhong’s spatial ring falling down, the stupefied

Qiao Liang woke up from his daze. His eyes lit up, hand
reaching out, preparing to snatch the ring, but when he was
about to move, a strong suction force came from Huang
Xiaolong’s palm, the spatial ring fell into Huang Xiaolong’s

Qiao Liang was dumbfounded for a second before staring at

Huang Xiaolong with jealousy and fear.

Godly Xumi Art!

This black-haired young man in front of him actually

possesses the number one battle skill on this piece of
heaven and earth, the Godly Xumi Art!

Without wasting any time to think, Qiao Liang jumped back,

and in the next moment, he turned around to escape. But,
right after he twirled around, a silhouette flickered in front of
him, and Huang Xiaolong was already blocking in front.

“You, Little brother, no, Senior!” Qiao Liang cried out in fear,
but just as he opened his mouth to plead, several dozen
arms once again appeared on Huang Xiaolong’s back; claws,
palms, fingers, all struck out simultaneously.

Demonic air soared to the sky, ten thousand demons

shadowing heaven and earth, Asura Demon Claw!

One after another, golden rings of light spread out, piercing

through the air. Wherever they passed, all living beings
stopped, the God Binding Palm!

Gray fog rolled and black strange creatures were shrieking,

the Absolute Soul Finger!

Qiao Liang watched helplessly as the Asura Demon Claw

engulfed him. Feeling the terrifying power of the God
Binding Ring and Absolute Soul Finger, he lost all will to
resist. The only thought was to escape, to run, but it was too
late; the God Binding Palm and Absolute Soul Finger already
reached him. Despair filled his eyes.

In these last moments of his life, Qiao Liang suddenly

thought of his Young Lord, wondering if it was a fortune or a
disaster that their Young Lord provoked someone this

It was said that the person who has the Godly Xumi Art has
the power to change the entire Martial Spirit World!

Asura Demon Claw, God Binding Palm, and the Absolute

Soul Finger struck Qiao Liang’s chest, pushing him back like
a broken kite. Crashing to the ground, like Jin Zhong before
him, bright lights of claw, palm, and finger imprints shone
from inside Qiao Liang’s body. He then vanished forever into
thin air.

Huang Xiaolong’s expression remained the same from the

beginning until the end, with a small suction force from his
palm, Qiao Liang’s spatial ring flew to Huang Xiaolong’s
hand. His spiritual sense probing inside the rings, Huang
Xiaolong found heaps of gold coins, spirit stones, spirit
pellets, and also two secret techniques, one being the Great
Demonic Yin Sound and the other Great Void Divine Fist.

Great Demonic Yin Sound? Although Huang Xiaolong

practiced many different types of skills, he had yet to learn
one that used sound to attack, thus he was delighted to find
the manual for the Great Demonic Yin Sound in Poison Saint
Sect Elder Jin Zhong’s spatial ring.

In fact, this Great Demonic Yin Sound was not a weak battle
skill, combining it with his extreme Yin and frigid Asura qi,
executing the Great Demonic Yin Sound would have twice
the power of what Jin Zhong displayed. But what kind of
battle skill was this Great Void Divine Fist? Huang Xiaolong
took out the skill manual from spatial ring and started to
scan through the pages on the spot, and the more he read
the more shocked he became.

This Great Void Divine Fist was actually a battle skill from
the Great Void Divine World!

Grade wise, the Great Void Divine World was perhaps lower
ranked compared to the Asura Netherworld or Buddha
World, but it was still one of the Divine Worlds. How did this
Great Void Divine Fist manual fall into a Poison Saint Sect
Elder’s hand?! The spatial ring belonged to Elder Qiao Liang.

Furthermore, why did that Qiao Liang not use this skill just
now? If he did, Huang Xiaolong probably wouldn’t have been
able to kill him so easily. However, when he flipped to the
last page of the Great Void Divine Fist manual, only then did
Huang Xiaolong understand, to practice this Great Void
Divine Fist one must possess at least a grade twelve martial

No wonder… it seems Qiao Liang’s martial spirit grade failed

to meet the prerequisite condition, thus he couldn’t practice
it. Still, where did this Qiao Liang get his hands on this

At this time, tragic screams rendered the air, causing Huang

Xiaolong to turn around. With the six giant puppets’
assistance, Qin Yang, Li Fei, and the other two dealt the
remaining Poison Saint Sect disciples cleanly.

Thus, Huang Xiaolong kept the Great Void Divine Fist into
the Asura Ring and went over to join Qin Yang’s group.

When Qin Yang and the rest saw Huang Xiaolong

approaching, there were changes in the way they looked at
him, there was trepidation and hot fanaticism. They
witnessed clearly the scene where Huang Xiaolong used the
Godly Xumi Art to exterminate Elders Jin Zhong and Qiao

The Godly Xumi Art! Thinking of these three words, all four
couldn’t help shaking with hard to contain excitement.

Stopping his steps not far from the four people, Huang
Xiaolong waved his hand, a bright light flashed as all six
giant puppets returned to the Linglong Treasure Pagoda.
Glancing at the Poison Saint Sect disciples’ bodies around,
he said: “Clean up, we’ll continue forward.”

“Yes, Young Lord!” All four answered in sonorous voices.

It didn’t take long for the four of them to deal with the
corpses around, then the group of five moved on. As for the
spatial rings on those Poison Saint Sect disciples’ bodies,
they were all taken away by Huang Xiaolong. These Poison
Saint Sect disciples were all mid-levels Xiantian and above,
there were quite a lot of good things inside their spatial

Half a day later.

In an underground secret chamber in Knife Imperial City,

Poison Saint Sect’s Young Lord, Hu Er, was looking gloomy,
one of his subordinates just reported that they lost contact
with Jin Zhong and Qiao Liang. Dubious lights flickered in his

Ten days passed quickly.

After ten days, Huang Xiaolong’s group of five was currently

standing before the giant gates of a city. From the distance,
this massive city was like a godly mountain supporting the
heavens! This was one of ten largest cities in the Bedlam
Lands, ranked at number two, the City of Myriad Gods!

Standing in front of the gates, an ancient and mysterious

atmosphere blew against their faces, that was greatly
different with the Knife Imperial City. The atmosphere
around Knife Imperial City surged with an overbearing
dominance and vigor, whereas City of Myriad Gods was akin
to a vast ocean that stretched endlessly.

“This is the City of Myriad Gods.” Huang Xiaolong studied

the four ancient texts on top of the city gates. Rumor has it,
those four ancient texts were carved out by an ancient God
Tribe King using the power of his eyes.

The ancient God Tribes had six famous Kings.

“Let’s go in.” Moments later, Huang Xiaolong retrieved his
gaze as he spoke to Qin Yang and the others. The four
answered respectfully, following behind Huang Xiaolong as
the group entered the city.

The City of Myriad Gods was Bedlam Lands’ second largest

city, naturally, it was bustling and lively. On top of that, with
the time for the start of the auction nearing, the number of
people in the city was more than usual. Fortunately, the
streets in the City of Myriad Gods were wide and spacious,
so it didn’t feel crowded.

Huang Xiaolong strolled along the streets while scanning the

shops and the surroundings. Busy pedestrians moving up
and down the streets wore different styles of clothes, the
shops were like mushrooms after the rain, with most of
them selling cultivation techniques and battle skills.

An hour later, it was close to midday, Huang Xiaolong’s

group found a restaurant and went inside.

The restaurant was big and business was booming, guests

came in and out constantly and there were loud noises of
discussions that perked Huang Xiaolong’s interest.

“I heard that the final item in this time’s auction isn’t Big
Thousand Temple’s Wind Breaking Finger!”

“Oh, then was is it?”

“It’s a piece of jade! A piece of jade left behind by the

ancient God Tribes!”
Chapter 289: The Ancient Herculean King

“A piece of jade left behind by the ancient God Tribes!?”

Huang Xiaolong was slightly astonished. Why were relics
related to the ancient God Tribes surfacing one after another

“Moreover, I heard this piece of jade was left behind by the

ancient Herculean King!” At this time, the discussion at the
table nearly continued.

“Ancient Herculean King! This, how can it be!” The friend

exclaimed in awe.

Huang Xiaolong too found it incredible and hard to believeㅡ

there were six great kings during the ancient times, and the
Herculean King was one of the stronger ones amongst the
six kings. Thus, a piece of jade left behind by the ancient
Herculean King was priceless, but someone actually brought
it out to be auctioned?!

“Perhaps the auction house is deliberately fabricating fake

news to heat up the auction? Who would take out the
Herculean King’s jade to auction? Unless that person is a
fool!” Another person interjected full of doubt.

“No one is clear about this, rumor says that the auction
house was bequeathed by a masked person to auction the
jade. All three high-level City of Myriad Gods senior
appraisers have examined the jade and agreed unanimously
that the jade is the same one the Herculean King had with
him at all times, called the Herculean King Jade.”

“A jade that the Herculean King had with him at all times,
Herculean King Jade?!” Shock washed over everyone. The
Herculean King Jade was noted in some ancient text
manuals claiming that the Herculean King Jade contained
the Herculean King’s cultivation technique, whoever could
comprehend it would have the power to flip mountains and
overturn seas.

Qin Yang, Lifei, and the rest were just as shocked that the
Herculean King Jade appeared in this time’s auction.

“Young Lord, it is truly a pleasant and unexpected surprise

that we would come across the Herculean King Jade in the
auction!” Qin Yang said excitedly, and went on with respect,
“If Young Lord could obtain that Herculean King Jade, at that

At this point, Huang Xiaolong waved his hand at Qin Yang,

Qin Yang immediately stopped what he was saying seeing
Huang Xiaolong shaking his head. Though the rumor was
extremely tempting, claiming that the jade recorded the
cultivation technique of the Herculean King, despite that, for
someone like Huang Xiaolong that had the Asura Sword
Skill, Godly Xumi Art, and Body Metamorphose Scripture,
the allure failed to stoke his interest.

Furthermore, being auctioned, the piece of jade was sure to

garner tough competition from many strong and powerful
experts, even if Huang Xiaolong successfully bid for it, he
lacked the power to protect the jade.

A short while later, the dishes were served. Finishing

quickly, Huang Xiaolong and his group paid and left the

Next, Huang Xiaolong went inside a shop and spent a

hundred thousand gold coins to procure a detailed map of
the Bedlam Lands. Studying the map, Huang Xiaolong was
surprised to find that even this detailed map did not
pinpoint the location of Four Seas Mountain. Left with no
option, Huang Xiaolong visited a bookstore and bought
several books related to the Bedlam Lands, returning to his
room to study.

There were three more days until the auction, thus other
than practicing, Huang Xiaolong spent all his time pouring
over the books. After going through more than a dozen
books, as well as his own study, Huang Xiaolong deduced
that the mountain called Broken Tiger Rift somewhere close
to the City of Myriad Gods was once the Four Seas
Mountains he was searching for.

“Broken Tiger Rift.” Huang Xiaolong said aloud.

Having a target location in mind, Huang Xiaolong exited the

City of Myriad Gods, speeding in the direction of Broken
Tiger Rift. Broken Tiger Rift was not far from the city, thus
Huang Xiaolong could leave and return in half a day’s time.
But, he went to scout alone, leaving the four others in the

Three hours later, Huang Xiaolong stopped in front of a tall

mountain that bore a close resemblance to the shape of a
tiger. Taking out the map, he checked the surroundings to
confirm that it was indeed the Broken Tiger Rift. In the
middle of the mountain, there was a large rift that made it
look like a tiger that was cut into halves from afar, thus the
name Broken Tiger Rift.

With a quick flicker, he landed atop of Broken Tiger Rift’s

peak, spreading his spiritual sense out to survey the area.
But after one hour of practically searching every inch of the
mountain, there was no harvest.

“Did I make a mistake in my deduction?” Huang Xiaolong

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes searched around, in the end, his
gaze fell on the large rift separating the mountain into two
sections. Other than going down this rift, he had nearly
flipped the mountain over. Coming to one side of the rift’s
edge, he looked down. Even relying on Huang Xiaolong’s
keen eyesight, he only managed to see as far as twenty
meters down, further down was nothing but a stretch of

Extending one of his hands out, he sucked a several meter

tall boulder nearby over, throwing it down into the rift.
Despite waiting for a long time, Huang Xiaolong did not hear
the echoes of the boulder crashing.

“This?!” Huang Xiaolong was dumbstruck, eyes flickering.

Judging from afar, this Broken Tiger Rift was at most several
hundred meters tall. Under normal circumstances, it
wouldn’t take long for a stone to reach the bottom after
being thrown from such a height, issuing echoes of a crash,
but now, there was actually no echo!

Did the rift connect to the underground? Otherwise, it was

illogical for the boulder to not reach the bottom by now.
Huang Xiaolong stood there pondering for some time, in the
end, he still decided to go down the rift.

Thus, Huang Xiaolong leaped off the edge, diving into the
rift, initiating battle qi and internal force to control his falling
speed. Passing a hundred meters down, Huang Xiaolong’s
range of view only extended ten meters around him. He
continued to drop when a sudden chilly wind rose from the
bottom of the rift, striking his skin, Huang Xiaolong felt as if
he was slashed by a cold sword and his flesh was slightly
stinging from the pain.
Huang Xiaolong was truly shocked. Since he had broken
through the Xiantian realm, especially after entering high-
level Xiantian, his skin was extremely tough, even
surpassing most average Xiantian Eighth Orders’ toughness,
and had no fear towards the general swords and spears. Not
forgetting that the Asura qi flowing inside his body was of
extreme Yin and extreme cold, but he felt pain from a cold
wind that came from the bottom of a rift? What kind of cold
wind was this?!

While Huang Xiaolong was immersed in his thoughts,

another gust of cold wind blew up and he quickly twisted his
body away, barely dodging the cold wind. Controlling his
speed, his vigilance peaked. The lower he got, the presence
of the cold wind became more common, frequent, and

In the beginning, it was one or two gusts, as he fell lower, it

rapidly increased to ten, then twenty, so much that Huang
Xiaolong had no choice but to project out his Asura battle qi
to create a protective Vigor Qi barrier that wrapped around
his body. Nevertheless, strands of cold wind eroded through
the barrier, causing Huang Xiaolong much discomfort.

Passing six hundred meters, Huang Xiaolong had no choice

but transform into the Asura Physique, at the same time
summoning the black dragon, fusing as one. At one
thousand meters, Huang Xiaolong summoned the blue
dragon and soul transformed. Despite all these, Huang
Xiaolong felt like the blood in his body was frozen stiff,
unable to flow.

One thousand two hundred meters later, Huang Xiaolong

was forced to stop to catch his breath. Raising one hand, he
struck a side of the rift wall and drilled into the cave mouth,
using more than an hour’s time, he finally made it back to
the rift top with great relief. Broken pieces of ice fell off his
body with a small shudder.

It seems I can only check this place out after the auction.
Huang Xiaolong looked downward at the bottomless rift,
thinking to himself.

The sky was already dark and tomorrow was the day of the
auction, he needed to rush back to the city.

He had a feeling, at the bottom of the rift, there should be a

different world.
Chapter 290: Meeting Yao Fei Again

Three hours later, Huang Xiaolong made it back to the City

of Myriad Gods from Broken Tiger Mountain, it was already

“Young Lord!” Qin Yang, Lifei, and the rest waited in front of
a small courtyard for quite some time, when they spotted
Huang Xiaolong, all of them hurried up to greet him.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and entered the courtyard.

Taking into consideration the time needed to explore the

Four Seas Mountain’s dwelling, they would be spending
quite a few days in the City of Myriad Gods, hence Huang
Xiaolong decided to purchase a courtyard. The courtyard
wasn’t large, but the price reached millions in units,
although gold coins were the thing that Huang Xiaolong
lacked the least of all.

Huang Xiaolong had lost count of the amount of gold coins

the Nine Tripod Commerce earned these years, adding the
riches acquired from the spatial rings of the Xiantian realm
experts he killed on the way, these built up to a substantial
wealth. Especially the band of exterminated Poison Saint
Sect Elders and disciples.

Entering the yard, Huang Xiaolong excused Qin Yang and

the other three people, reappearing in the Xumi Temple in a
muted flash. Once there, he took out the two manuals,
Great Void Divine Fist and Great Demonic Yin Sound, and
started practicing. In recent days, ever since he had gotten
these two manuals, Huang Xiaolong allocated some time to
practice both skills and managed to achieve favorable
Within the Xumi Temple, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette was
seen constantly jumping and shifting positions, both hands
forming firm fists as they punched out many times over,
creating a series of intangible and surreal giant fist imprints
that pierced through the air, striking onto the void.
Intangible one moment and solid the next, mystical and
strange. This was the Great Void Divine Fist.

Time elapsed, then Huang Xiaolong flicked his wrists,

changing the energy circulation in his body as his pupils
suddenly glowed dark, his mouth opened and soundwaves
burst forth from Huang Xiaolong’s mouth like surging tidal
waves, hitting the walls of Xumi Temple and bouncing out in
all directions. The echoes lasted for a long time in the Xumi
Temple hall.

Compared to that Poison Saint Sect Elder Jin Zhong’s display

of the skill, the power of Huang Xiaolong’s attack had
doubled the damage. By the time he was done with
practicing these two skills, the sky already started to
brighten, Huang Xiaolong stopped and exited the Godly Mt.

When he came out of the Godly Mt. Xumi, Qin Yang, Lifei, Jie
Dong, and Liu Chong were already waiting for him in a
humble manner. Not wasting more time, the group of five
headed to the auction house.

Due to the auction’s attraction this time around, people

rushed from all over to the City of Myriad Gods, the crowd
heading towards the auction house was like an endless river
of people flowing in one common direction.

Although the distance wasn’t far, Huang Xiaolong’s group

still used no less than half an hour to pass through the
crowded doors. The message related to the Great Thousand
Technique mid-grade Heaven rank cultivation technique,
Peerless Wind Breaking Finger battle skill, and also the
Herculean King’s jade had spread far and wide in the
Bedlam Lands. Experts of different forces were rushing into
the city to attend the auction.

“Look, that is Sin City’s Young Noble, Zhao Chen!” A sudden

ruckus swept the crowd.

Attracted by the noisy crowd, Huang Xiaolong turned over to

look, following the gazes of the crowd. A small path opened
by itself between the initially crowd packed entrance, where
a handsome young man dressed in a rich brocade robe
walked in, escorted by a team of bodyguards.

“I didn’t expect that even Young Noble Zhao Chen would

come here! I heard the Sin City’s Castellan has thirteen
children, Young Noble Zhao Chen possesses the highest
talent and is most favored by the Sin City’s Castellan!”

“I wonder what Young Noble Zhao Chen’s strength is, there

were rumors about him breaking through the Saint realm as
early as thirty years ago!” Boisterous discussions happened
all at once amongst the crowd, many disciples of families
and sects were looking at Zhao Chen with burning eyes full
of worship.

Huang Xiaolong was a little surprise hearing the surrounding

peoples’ discussions; the handsome young man in black
brocade robe was actually one of the Sin City Castellan’s

Sin City, one of the top ten hegemony forces in the Bedlam
Lands, in fact, it stood at the top of the list.

At this moment, protected by his guards, Zhao Chen was

passing in front of Huang Xiaolong. Unsure whether it was
intentional or not, when Zhao Chen was passing by Huang
Xiaolong, he glanced at Huang Xiaolong from the corner of
his eyes. Their eyes met, and at the same time, an invisible
pressure swiftly enveloped Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s soul shuddered, but it was only for the

briefest moment, and he managed to recover almost
instantly. When he did, Zhao Chen and his guards had
already entered into the auction hall.

“Young Lord?” Qin Yang moved closer to Huang Xiaolong,

venturing cautiously.

Huang Xiaolong looked unblinkingly at Zhao Chen’s back:

“Let us go in too.” Although it was only a split second
collision, it was enough for Huang Xiaolong to have an
estimate of Zhao Chen’s strength: without a doubt, Zhao
Chen was genuine Saint realm expert, that kind of
momentum couldn’t lie.

Not only that, Huang Xiaolong could see it in Zhao Chen’s

eyes: he knew who he was?

Arriving at the auction house’s entrance, Huang Xiaolong

paid a million gold coins and entered the auction hall with
Qin Yang and the rest. Going up to the first floor, Huang
Xiaolong scanned around, choosing a slightly secluded
corner, and sat down.

There were a total of three floors in this City of Myriad Gods

auction house, the second and third floor were reserved
private rooms, which were specifically built for Saint realm
experts. Thus, Huang Xiaolong could only stay on the first
floor, like most of the other guests.

In the private room number nine, on the third floor, Zhao

Chen sat down. Through the special crystallized walls of the
room, he noted Huang Xiaolong taking a seat on a more
secluded corner on the first floor below.

“He’s Huang Xiaolong?” He questioned a guard beside him.

A silver-haired old man that was standing to the left of Zhao

Chen’s back stepped forward: “Yes, Young Lord.”

Zhao Chen nodded, eyes twinkling, but no one knew what

was on his mind. Whereas on Huang Xiaolong’s side, noisy
chatters sounded next to him just as he took a seat.

“This time’s auction, even Millennium City’s Senior He

Yunxiong is here!”

“Senior He Yunxiong is here?!”

That’s right, it was said that Senior He Yunxiong’s ancestor

was the Herculean King, one of the six ancient kings. Surely,
the Herculean King Jade has attracted Senior He Yunxiong
over. In my opinion, Senior He Yunxiong is determined to get
his hands on the piece of jade!”

“I heard that Young Noble Zhao Chen is also here this time,
he must also be aiming for that Herculean King Jade, Senior
He Yunxiong might not be able to have his wish come true
so smoothly.”

He Yunxiong? Listening in to the small talk taking place

beside him, Huang Xiaolong was surprised. He didn’t expect
even He Yunxiong would attend this time’s auction, all
because of that piece of jade.

Millennium City was one of the ten largest cities of the

Bedlam Lands, but it ranked slightly to the bottom, and He
Yunxiong was the Castellan of Millennium Cityㅡalso one of
Bedlam Lands’ top ten experts.
Any one of Bedlam Lands’ top ten experts rarely showed
their faces in public in dozens of years, everyone was
excited to see He Yunxiong attending the auction in person.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes suddenly narrowed as

he stared fixedly at a figure seated in one the auction hall’s
corners. This person was actually Yao Fei! Huang Xiaolong’s
eyes turned icy, Yao Fei appearing here in the Bedlam Lands
was probably not a coincidence.

As if he had a feeling, Yao Fei turned his head around, his

sight collided with Huang Xiaolong’s. At first, Yao Fei was
stunned, then it was replaced with the wonderful joy of a
hunter locking onto its prey, the desire to kill shone through
his eyes.

Fixing a dead stare at Huang Xiaolong, Yao Fei mouthed

soundlessly: Huang Xiaolong, you’re dead now!

Huang Xiaolong’s lips pulled back into a cold sneer.
Chapter 291: Life Soul Grass

Huang Xiaolong’s and Yao Fei’s eyes met briefly and then
both looked away.

Since this Yao Fei came here, to the Bedlam Lands, then he
should stay here forever. A flash of killing intent flitted in
Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

A short while later, the doors to the auction firm hall closed,
signaling the start of the auction. The auction was presided
by an old man with spirited dark pupils and a full crown of
white hair, the only high-grade auctioneer in the City of
Myriad Gods, named Fang Dong.

Standing on the stage, Fang Dong explained some auction

rules and things to note in a candid manner, then swiftly
proceeded with the first auction item. The first auction item
wasn’t an elixir of any type nor was it spirit pellets or spirit
stones, it was a sharp cutlass named Demon Blood.

The cutlass was short in length, with a dark maroon-black

body, as if it was smeared with a layer of black-colored

According to Fang Dong’s introduction, this Blood Demon

cutlass was a weapon left behind by a Saint realm warrior
called Chen Fei from a thousand years ago. The cutlass was
extremely sharp and it’s most terrifying ability was that it
could suck blood! Sucking the enemy’s blood. The victims
that fell under this cutlass, when they died, all the blood in
their bodies would be sucked dry, akin to a mummified

When the warriors present in the auction hall heard that

Demon Blood had the terrifying ability to suck the blood of
the enemies, their eyes lit up noticeably. For them, who
lived in the Bedlams where killings happened every day, a
good weapon was essential for a higher chance of survival.

However, when Fang Dong revealed the bidding price for

the cutlass, the majority of the warriors below drew a sharp
intake of breath.

Fifty million!

Fifty million gold coins, and it was only the starting price!

Although for some big forces and families the sum of fifty
million wasn’t a lot, it still wasn’t like pebbles on the

Just as Fang Dong’s voice stopped, there were already

people bidding: “Sixty million!”

Sixty million!

An increase of ten million in an instant, the warriors turned

to look at private room six.

“Sixty-one million!” While everyone was still in shock,

another voice rang out.

“Seventy million!” Private room six again.

The price continued to go up and soon it broke one hundred

million! Regardless what price others bid, the guest in
private room six increased it by ten million each time.

The entire time, Huang Xiaolong sat calmly. Although the

Blood Demon Cutlass seemed like a good weapon, to him,
who possessed the Blades of Asura, bidding for Demon
Blood was redundant.
In the end, the Demon Blood cutlass was bought by the
private room number six for one hundred and ten million.

The second auction item after the Demon Blood cutlass was
a jade box containing three stalks of spirit herbsㅡLife Soul
Grass, an extremely rare spirit herb. Every single one of
those stalks of Life Soul Grass was above one thousand
years old. The value of a stalk of Life Soul Herb older than
one thousand years was immeasurable.

Watching the three stalks of Life Soul Grass of the stage,

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes brightened. If he took these three
stalks of Life Soul Grass, his Ancient Puppetry Art and Soul
Mandate cultivation could definitely have another
breakthrough, doubling his spiritual force power, perhaps
triple it or even more!

“For these three stalks of Life Soul Grass, the starting price
is thirty million each, all three are auctioned together at the
starting price of ninety million.” Auctioneer Fang Dong
briefly described the many uses of Life Soul Grass, at last
stating that all three stalks of Life Soul Grass would be
auctioned together.

This time, unlike the previous time, the hall was silent. No
one made any quick bid.

Although the Life Soul Grass was a spirit herb greatly

beneficial for the soul, one needed to complement its
dosage with a spiritual force cultivation technique to reap
any actual benefits. Otherwise, its effect would barely reach
the minimum, moreover, there weren’t many spiritual force
cultivation techniques available. Therefore, not many people
had any interest towards Life Soul Grass.

“One hundred million.” After a short silence, someone finally

made a bid. Everyone in the hall turned to look, once again
it was private room number six.

“One hundred and ten million.” came a raise from the

private room number seven.

“One hundred fifty million.” private room number six.

One hundred fifty million! Private room number six spiked

the price forty million higher, scaring everyone in the hall
below. Shocked voices erupted in the hall.

Huang Xiaolong remained taciturn, not showing any

impatience to join in. However, at one hundred fifty million,
private room number seven quieted down. It was clear that
the expert within did not feel the three stalks of Life Soul
Grass were worth one hundred and fifty million, despite
their rarity.

“Anyone else wishes to offer a higher price?” A short silence

lapsed, auctioneer Fang Dong scanned the crowd and asked.

All Fang Dong received was silence.

“One hundred fifty million, once.” Seeing that no one was

responded, Fang Dong declared.

“One hundred fifty million, twice.”

When the people present thought there won’t be anyone

bidding, a voice suddenly rang out: “One hundred sixty

Stunned, the people turned over to look at the source.

Huang Xiaolong, who wanted to bid, was also surprised, for
that person was Yao Fei!
Huang Xiaolong sneered coldly, he didn’t expect that Yao Fei
would also be interested in these three stalks of Life Soul

“One hundred seventy million!” Huang Xiaolong’s voice


Hearing Huang Xiaolong’s voice, Yao Fei turned around, two

pairs of eyes locked with ill-will.

“One hundred eighty million.” Yao Fei made a bid, his eyes
filled with frost glaring opposite him.

“One hundred ninety million.”

“Two hundred million.”

Huang Xiaolong and Yao Fei’s voice sounded in the auction

hall tit for tat, each increasing the bid by ten million every
time, quickly hiking the price to two hundred million. By this
time, private room six had stopped bidding.

The people in the hall were left dumbstruck as each expert

tried to guess Huang Xiaolong and Yao Fei’s identities. After
all, most big forces couldn’t simply chuck out two hundred
million just to bid for three stalks of Life Soul Grass.

“Two hundred and ten million!” Hearing Yao Fei increased

the bid price to two hundred million, Huang Xiaolong called
out, unperturbed.

Strong killing intent flickered across Yao Fei’s eyes, his

fingers dug into his palm, but they gradually relaxed.

Surprisingly, Yao Fei did not continue to bid, thus, in the end,
Huang Xiaolong got the three stalks of Life Soul Grass for
two hundred and ten million gold coins.
Huang Xiaolong kept the Life Soul Grass in the Asura Ring
after he paid for them. His eyes looked at Yao Fei’s without
much expression, he could naturally guess what Yao Fei was
scheming. Most likely, Yao Fei planned to kill him after the
auction, grabbing the Life Soul Grass at that time was just
the same.

After the Life Soul Grass, roughly twenty items were

auctioned. Every item was rare and precious and bidding
voices rang out endlessly in the auction hall, but despite
that, neither Huang Xiaolong nor Yao Fei bid for anything

“Next, our auction item is grade one spirit stones.” After

sealing the deal for some spirit wood, Fang Dong introduced
the next item.

Grade one spirit stones!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes lit up. Finally, they have brought up

the grade one spirit stones, this was Huang Xiaolong’s main
objective in attending this City of Myriad of Gods auction.

“Grade one spirit stones’ value and usage, I believe

everyone here already knows and I don’t need to explain;
this time, there is a total of fifty-nine pieces of grade one
spirit stones, the bidding price starts at five hundred
million.” Fang Dong’s voice rang out in the hall.

Five hundred million! Many experts in the auction hall

couldn’t help but shudder when the amount was mentioned.

Five hundred million was considered a sky high price in the

Bedlam Lands.

“Six hundred million.” At this time, Zhao Chen’s voice came

from private room number nine.
Six hundred million! The auction hall fell into immediate
silence hearing Zhao Chen’s voice.
Chapter 292: Our Young
Lord Wants To See You!
Chapter 292: Our Young Lord Wants to See You!

Six hundred million!

Hearing this figure made the hearts of many experts in the

auction hall jump… The starting bid price was horrifying
enough, they didn’t expect there would be someone who
would increase the price by a hundred million at the first go!

“This sounds like Young Noble Zhao Chen’s voice!”

“Sin City’s Young Noble Zhao Chen?” The auction hall boiled
up with whispers.

Because Zhao Chen did not disguise his voice in any way,
the people in the auction hall guessed the owner of the
voice almost immediately.

Zhao Chen? Huang Xiaolong frowned, he didn’t expect this

Zhao Chen would be interested in this batch of grade one
spirit stones. The other experts that were interested in this
batch of grade one spirit stones hesitated hearing Zhao
Chen’s voice, the majority of people had misgivings about
Zhao Chen’s identity.

“Private room number nine offered six hundred million, is

there anyone else with a higher offer?” Seconds later,
Auctioneer Fang Dong surveyed the crowd and asked.

“Seven hundred million.” When everyone thought there

wouldn’t be anyone increasing the bid, a sonorous voice
sounded from private room number twelve, raising another
commotion in the auction hall.

“Seven hundred million! I wonder who this person is, daring

to challenge Young Noble Zhao Chen?!”

Many suspected that this person might be Millennium City’s

Senior He Yunxiong. Knowing full well that it was Zhao Chen,
there were only a handful of people who still dared to bid.
Undoubtedly, that person must be one of ten strongest
experts in the Bedlam Lands, Senior He Yunxiong.

Inside private room nine, a tiny crease appeared on Zhao

Chen’s brows, others perhaps couldn’t recognize He
Yunxiong’s voice, but he could. Years ago, He Yunxiong once
visited the Sin Palace. At the same time, the silver-haired
old man standing on the left side behind Zhao Chen
approached, saying, “Young Lord, since it is Senior He, do

Zhao Chen snorted dismissively, “Senior He? So what, are

we afraid of him?”

Hearing this, the silver-haired old man dared not persuade

further and retreated to his position.

“Eight hundred million!” Zhao Chen waved his hand and

ruthlessly increased another hundred million.

Eight hundred million! His voice echoed like the crashing

waves, hitting the auction hall below.

“Nine hundred million.” The moment Zhao Chen’s voice

sounded, He Yunxiong’s voice followed.

“One billion!”
“One billion one hundred!”

The rest of the auction hall was quiet, only Zhao Chen and
He Yunxiong’s voices reverberated. The experts below
shuddered every time Zhao Chen and He Yunxiong called

One billion one hundred! What kind of concept was that?

One billion one hundred gold coins pooled together was
probably higher than a hundred zhang tall mountain. In fact,
that many gold coins were enough to reclaim a river.

Listening to Zhao Chen and He Yunxiong’s price war, even

Huang Xiaolong was shaking his head inside.

He could afford the price of one billion one hundred, but He

Yunxiong being interested in this batch of grade one spirit
stones was something Huang Xiaolong didn’t expect. Thus,
he could only give up, it was unnecessary to form a conflict
with He Yunxiong for these spirit stones. Moreover, he
wasn’t in any rush to have these grade one spirit stones.

Huang Xiaolong looked around and once again his sight fell
on Yao Fei’s silhouette. From Huang Xiaolong’s seat, he has
a clear view of Yao Fei profile, watching Yao Fei sitting there
unmoving in a pensive manner. After the Life Soul Grass,
like Huang Xiaolong, Yao Fei didn’t bid for anything else.

In the end, the batch of grade one spirit stones was bought
by He Yunxiong with two billion two hundred.

Inside private room nine, Zhao Chen’s eyes turned a chilling


The next auction item was a large blade, a large blade that
was broken by an unknown entity. The remaining body of
the broken large blade was filled with dense ancient
language writings and diagrams.

“This large broken sword was determined to be an ancient

relic after it was inspected by our expert.” Auctioneer Fang
Dong explained. “Although we cannot determine what
materials this large blade is made from, it cuts through steel
as if it were mud. Furthermore, engraved on the body of the
large blade is an ancient sword skill. It may be incomplete,
but our expert has confirmed it to be at least a Heaven rank
battle skill.”

A Heaven rank or above sword skill! Regardless of it being

an incomplete one, it was enough to stir the interest of
many experts in the auction hall.

Huang Xiaolong directed his spiritual sense, wrapping

around the broken large blade. Finding nothing special
about it, he lost interest immediately. A Heaven rank sword
skill was tempting, too bad it was incomplete, not to
mention he wasn’t lacking in battle skills.

This large broken sword was bought by the guest in private

room two.

“Next up is the Great Thousand Technique and Peerless

Wind Breaking Finger.” Auctioneer Fang Dong’s voice
resounded once again.

Great Thousand Technique!

Peerless Wind Breaking Finger!

The whole auction hall erupted with excitement. Most of the

people present at the auction this time had set their sights
on these two items.
“Both Great Thousand Technique and Peerless Wind
Breaking Finger are Heaven rank skills,” Auctioneer Fang
Dong continued, “I’m sure everyone is aware of what a
Heaven rank cultivation technique or battle skill is, thus I
shall not waste any more time.”

“According to the owner’s requirements, both Great

Thousand Technique and Peerless Wind Breaking Finger will
be auctioned together, and their bidding price starts at
twenty billion.”

Twenty billion! The noisy auction hall fell into a dead silence
that they could hear their own heartbeats drumming in their

Twenty billion! Some experts almost stopped breathing on

the spot, they already knew the Great Thousand Technique
and Peerless Wind Breaking Finger would fetch an exorbitant
price, but twenty billion was too horrifying.

Who even had the capability to take out twenty billion in

one go? In the Bedlam Lands, only a scarce number of
people had that background.

Yao Fei’s brows scrunched together tightly, more than

twenty billion wasn’t much for his Yao Family, but the gold
coins he currently had on him would barely suffice.

“Twenty billion and one hundred!” Zhao Chen’s voice rang

out in the silent hall. After Zhao Chen, He Yunxiong’s voice
trailed behind, just like the scene earlier, when both were
fighting for the batch of grade one spirit stones, Zhao Chen
and He Yunxiong’s voices called out one after another.

Huang Xiaolong sat calmly, watching things unfold. To him,

it was inconsequential whether it was Zhao Chen or He
Yunxiong who got the Great Thousand Technique and the
Peerless Wind Breaking Finger.

In the end, both Heaven rank cultivation technique and

battle skill were bought by Zhao Chen for thirty billion. The
next item was the Herculean King Jade, also the final item
the auction, and this piece of ancient Herculean King Jade
was bought by He Yunxiong for a steep price slightly over
thirty billion.

With that, the auction ended.

This time, although Huang Xiaolong failed to get any grade

one spirit stones, he didn’t leave empty handed, with three
stalks of Life Soul Grass over one thousand years old.

Huang Xiaolong led Qin Yang, Lifei, Jie Dong, and Fan
Encheng out from the auction hall. When Yao Fei spotted
him, his figure flickered, blocking right in front of Huang
Xiaolong, “Huang Xiaolong, hehe, you never thought you
would run into me here, right?” As he said that, a dark
energy fluctuated around Yao Fei.

“What, you want to fight here?” Huang Xiaolong faced the

other side, an unconcerned expression on his face.

Fights and killings were the norm in the Bedlam Lands, but
even so, it was forbidden to fight within the ten main cities.
Not even a Saint realm expert would dare to break this rule,
fighting inside the city.

Yao Fei glared icily at Huang Xiaolong, “Don’t worry, I won’t

do anything inside this City of Myriad Gods. Hopefully, you
can hide here forever and never take half a step outside the
city.” Yao Fei disappeared amongst the crowd with a sway
after throwing the sentence to Huang Xiaolong.
Huang Xiaolong stared at Yao Fei’s silhouette, a cold sneer
appeared on his face as he turned around to leave.
However, when Huang Xiaolong turned, two young men
came towards him. Huang Xiaolong recognized them at first
glance, these two young men were part of Zhao Chen’s

The two young men stopped in front of Huang Xiaolong,

obstructing his path.

“Little rascal, our Young Lord wants to meet you, come with
us for a little trip.” Halting Huang Xiaolong’s steps, one of
them stated with a disparaging tone as he grinned widely.
Chapter 293: So, It Was Like This…

“Your Young Lord wants to see me?” Huang Xiaolong took a

quick glance at the two pompous young man, “What if I

Ideally, Huang Xiaolong preferred not to have any conflict

with this Zhao Chen, but he was not a soft persimmon that
everyone could pinch or squash as they liked.

“Decline?” Chen Cheng and Zhang Chu exchanged a look

between them before laughing in a brazen manner.

Still laughing, Chen Cheng said, “Little rascal, perhaps you

don’t know who our Young Lord is? Our Young Lord is Young
Noble Zhao Chen. In the Bedlam Lands, there is yet anyone
who dared to defy our Young Lord’s words!”

“Our Young Lord orders you to go meet him, that is your

greatest honor,” Zhang Chu snickered, “Little rascal, I
advise you to follow us obediently, otherwise, hehe…” an
undisguised antagonistic spark shone in his eyes.

Huang Xiaolong remained nonchalant, “If your Young Lord

wants to see me, tell him to roll over himself.” Not waiting to
see the two young men’s reaction, Huang Xiaolong looked
over to Qin Yang and the other three, saying “Let’s go.”

“Yes, Young Lord.”

Roll over?! Chen Cheng and Zhang Chu were enraged

hearing Huang Xiaolong actually dared to tell their Young
Lord to roll over even after knowing his identity.

“Bastard, you’re courting death!” Chen Cheng struck his fist

out in rage towards Huang Xiaolong. Trailing the powerful
punch was a surreal shadow of a tiger’s wide opened jaw.

Feeling the strong energy fluctuation coming at him, Huang

Xiaolong dared not underestimate the enemy, his feet
swiftly retreated as his hands formed a fist and punched out
ㅡthe Great Void Divine Fist!

The Great Void Divine Fist, ethereal, yet tangible the next
moment, reality and illusion overlapped, collided head-on
with the tiger fist.

A booming explosion resounded, raising a curtain of sand

and dust.

Huang Xiaolong’s body shook, retreating more than ten

meters back, however, Chen Cheng also retreated more ten
meters back.

“You!” Chen Cheng was astounded as he stared at Huang

Xiaolong, he was a peak late-Xiantian Eighth Order expert
and he could see that Huang Xiaolong hadn’t even broken
through to the early Eighth Order.

Zhang Chu was no exception.

“Brat, no wonder you’re so arrogant, relying on these few

points of strength.” Zhang Chu smirked derisively, “Do you
think with only this much strength you can defy our Young
Lord’s order?! Let me enlighten you, even if you were a
Saint realm expert, there’s only death in defying our Young
Lord!” A dark teal light burst out from Zhang Chu’s body,
both hands formed into claws, slashing down towards Huang

More than a dozen dark teal lights transformed into dozens

of snakes that were as thick as an adult’s arm, flaring out in
Huang Xiaolong’s direction.
Zhang Chu was an early-Xiantian Ninth Order, a mere
difference of a small order, but his attack was many times
more powerful than Chen Cheng.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed, his expression turning

grim. Both his hands struck out and glowing golden rings
pierced the air. Where the golden rings passed, all attacks
slowed down and gradually stopped in midair.

Zhang Chu was dumbfounded: what kind of battle skill was


At this time, Qin Yang, Lifei, and the rest moved, blasting off
the dozens of teal green snakes.

“Who is it? So audacious as to fight inside the City of Myriad

Gods!” From afar, a voice thundered, echoes reverberated
in the street, even building structures seemed to shake. In
less than a breath’s time, a team city guards clad in shiny
black armors appeared riding on Earth Tiger mounts,
galloping into the scene.

Seeing this, Chen Cheng and Zhang Chu had no choice but
to stop.

Moments later, the team of city guards arrived. A seemingly

captain-like middle-aged man of the team nudged his Earth
Tiger mount closer, stopping in front of Huang Xiaolong and
the others.

“Captain Wang.” Seeing the middle-aged man, Zhang Chu

cupped his fist and greeted with a smile.

Wang Hai was surprised, seeing it was Chen Cheng and

Zhang Chu both, he laughed and said, “So it was Brother
Zhang Chu and Chen Cheng.” Wang Hai dismounted from
the tiger beast’s back as he did so.
Huang Xiaolong stood where he was, watching. It was
surprising to see that Chen Cheng and Zhang Chu were
familiar with City of Myriad God’s city guards captain.
Judging from their greetings, they seemed to be on good
terms too. He waited expectantly to see how this captain
would handle the matter.

At this time, Zhang Chu proceeded to ‘explain’ the situation

with a smile, “Captain Wang, you truly arrive at the right
time,” with one finger pointing at Huang Xiaolong, Zhang
Chu continued, “We have some previous grudges with this
punk, we didn’t expect him to ambush us while we weren’t
paying attention.”

Wang Hai nodded, “So it was like this…” then, his

expression became cold as he turned to look at Huang
Xiaolong, “Brat, don’t you know it’s prohibited to fight inside
the City of Myriad Gods?” Without waiting for Huang
Xiaolong to explain, Wang Hai waved at his subordinates at
the back, “Arrest all of them first, throw into the dungeon.”

“Yes, Captain.”

The team of city guards quickly surrounded Huang

Xiaolong’s group of five.

This result raised a mocking sneer on Huang Xiaolong’s

face; since this was the way they wanted to play, he didn’t
mind slaughtering his way out.

Just as Huang Xiaolong was about to call out the Blades of

Asura, preparing to let blood flow, suddenly a voice sounded
from the void above: “Stop!” The voice wasn’t loud but it
contained a strong deterrence force that crushed any
objection. Everyone turned to look.
A gray haired old man in mulberry robe strode over, on the
chest of his robe was embroidered a double-headed celestial
beast emblem, and surrounding the beast were extremely
life-like dark, fiery red flames.

Noticing this person’s arrival, Chen Cheng and Zhang Chu’s

face tightened, ashen a little. In the next moment, Wang Hai
hastened forward to greet the old man, “Greeting Senior

Senior He? The name struck Huang Xiaolong’s mind: He

Yunxiong! This old man was none other than Millennium
City’s He Yunxiong, one of the top ten experts of Bedlam
Landsㅡthat He Yunxiong.

He Yunxiong ignored Wang Hai, walking straight towards

Huang Xiaolong as his eyes observed him up and down.
There was praise in his eyes, rubbing his barely-exist beard
in an appreciative gesture, He Yunxiong smiled, “Not a bad
brat, are you interested in worshipping me as your Master?”

Worship He Yunxiong as master?

People who gathered closeby was dumbfounded hearing He

Yunxiong’s words, especially Wang Hai, Chen Cheng, and
Zhang Chu, their mouths agape.

Huang Xiaolong sweated quietly, if he didn’t know that this

old man in front of him was He Yunxiong, he’d definitely
suspect whether this old man was crazy. Before Huang
Xiaolong could answer, Zhang Chu stepped forward,
venturing with caution, “Senior He, this kid is someone our
Young Lord…”

However, his sentence has yet to finish when He Yunxiong

flick his robe sleeve and Zhang Chu felt as if he slammed
into a tall mountain. His entire body shot away in a tragic
holler until he reached the end of the street. Crashing onto
the street pavement, not even a grunt came.

“I, He Yunxiong, am talking, it is not a place where a slave

like you can interrupt.” He Yunxiong scoffed, not even
turning around to look.

Chen Cheng looked over at the end of the street where

Zhang Chu’s corpse laid, he was so terrified that even his
bones were shivering, falling butt first to the ground. Wang
Hai and the team of city guards sweated profusely, looking
pale as white sheets.

He Yunxiong pointed a finger at Chen Cheng, and he was

thrown back several hundred meters away, blood spurting
from his mouth as he landed.

“Return and tell that brat Zhao Chen that I like this kid.” He
Yunxiong’s light, fleeting voice sounded.

“Yes, yes, yes, many thanks for Senior He’s mercy in sparing
my life!” Chen Cheng fled for his life in panic after a series
of kowtows, in a mere few seconds, his figure disappeared in
the crowd.

Wang Hai felt an itching thirst in his throat, standing there

and not daring to move.

“Why aren’t you scramming away?” He Yunxiong snapped at

Wang Hai.

“Yes, yes, Senior He.” Immediately, not even climbing onto

his mount, he led his subordinates and ran away on foot.
Chapter 294: Back To
Explore Broken Tiger Rift
Chapter 294: Back to Explore Broken Tiger Rift

As Wang Hai and the city guards fled further away, Huang
Xiaolong retrieved his gaze, looking at He Yunxiong, he
really couldn’t figure out what about him He Yunxiong liked
enough to receive him as a disciple.

He Yunxiong was one of top ten experts in the Bedlam

Lands, as long as he said the words, the people who wanted
to be his disciples could line a hundred miles long!

As though He Yunxiong saw through Huang Xiaolong’s

doubts, he laughed lightly, “Brat, you must be puzzled
about the reason I want to accept you as my disciple? To be
frank with you, I practice a kind of secret law that could
roughly estimate a person’s talent, moreover, your
character matches well with mine.”

Huang Xiaolong was nonplussed; that simple? However, He

Yunxiong’s secret law that could estimate a person’s talent
astounded Huang Xiaolong, such techniques, admittedly,
were a little terrifying. Even if it was only a rough

He Yunxiong went on, “Brat, up to now, you haven’t

cultivated over a hundred years, right? Less than a hundred
years and you can already defeat a peak late-Xiantian
Eighth Order, this level of talent, amongst the geniuses I’ve
come across, you can be considered one of the top three.”
A hundred years? Huang Xiaolong smiled, if He Yunxiong
knew he was only twenty-something, how would he react?
Most people in general, once they entered the Xiantian
realm, would use some secret techniques or take certain
elixirs that made them look younger than their real age.
Hence, it was difficult to guess a person’s actual age just by
judging from appearances.

“How about it? My words are accurate.” Seeing that Huang

Xiaolong kept silent the entire time, He Yunxiong thought
Huang Xiaolong acquiescence to his evaluation, smiling, he
said, “Brat, for now, let’s make it a simple kowtow
acceptance ceremony. Once we return to Millennium City, I
will send out the invitations for the official ceremony with
top experts as witnesses, we’ll do the proper master-disciple
ceremony at that time.”

When He Yunxiong assumed Huang Xiaolong would kowtow

with joy, Huang Xiaolong shook his head instead, “Many
thanks for Senior He’s assistance earlier, however, I have a
Master.” In Huang Xiaolong’s mind, he only had one Masterㅡ
the previous Asura’s Gate Sovereign, Ren Wokuang!

Though he acknowledged Shi Tianfu as Senior Brother in

that trip to the Blessed Buddha Empire, those were
unexpected circumstances and it was merely a title.

He Yunxiong looked stupefied for a moment, this brat

actually refused him?! Then he broke into a grin, he had
been explaining without introducing himself to the little
brat, this brat surely wasn’t aware of his identity.

“Little brat, I think you don’t know who I am, right?” He

Yunxiong smiled amiably, “I am He Yunxiong, Millennium
City’s Castellan.” Fearing that Huang Xiaolong might still be
lost, he added another sentence at the end, “One of Bedlam
Lands’ top ten experts.”

Huang Xiaolong smiled helplessly at his words, “Senior He,

I’m aware of this.”

It was He Yunxiong’s turn to be bewildered, frowning, he

stared fixedly at Huang Xiaolong. This little brat knew who
he was, yet he still refused to worship him as Master?

“Why?” He Yunxiong’s voice was solemn.

Huang Xiaolong replied, “In my heart, I only one Master.”

He Yunxiong paused, “In Martial Spirit World, most of the

Saint realm experts have more than one Master in their
lifetime, I myself worshipped four different Masters.”

What He Yunxiong said was the general truth, in Martial

Spirit World, the majority of Saint realm experts had more
than one Master. Despite that, Huang Xiaolong still shook
his head and declined.

He Yunxiong looked at Huang Xiaolong, suddenly an

intangible pressure burst forth from He Yunxiong’s body,
enveloping Huang Xiaolong, causing the other four, Qin
Yang, Lifei, Jie Dong, and Fan Encheng to pale visibly.

But, facing the pressure from He Yunxiong, Huang Xiaolong

appeared calm, even as He Yunxiong gradually increased
the pressure. In the next moment, the solidified pressure
from He Yunxiong retreated like the tide, vanishing.

He stared at Huang Xiaolong like a defeated rooster in a

match as he smiled, saying “Little brat, since it’s like that, I
shall not force you, if you ever change your mind, come look
for me in Millennium City. This is a Millennium Medallion.”
Fishing out a small pendant-size medallion, he gave it to
Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong received the grayish medallion inscribed

with a double-headed celestial beast. The same celestial
beast on He Yunxiong’s robe.

Without another word, He Yunxiong’s hand reached out,

tearing space, his body entered and disappeared from the
spot in a flicker.

Keeping the Millennium Medallion into the Asura Ring,

Huang Xiaolong returned to the small courtyard residence
they bought with Qin Yang and the rest.

On another side, in the south section of the city, within an

exquisitely decorated grand mansion, Zhao Chen was
extremely sullen as he glowered at Chen Chen, who was
kneeling before him.

“Garbage!” Zhao Chen kicked Chen Cheng, who was

kneeling on the floor, without mercy. A woeful scream came
from Chen Cheng as he was sent tumbling to a corner of the

Zhao Chen’s hands grasped at the chairs beside him,

turning them into powder. An intense sharp light glinted in
Zhao Chen’s eyes, “This He Yunxiong, acting against me
every time, one of these days I’m going to crush Millennium
City and toy with his wives and concubines to their death!”

All the guards behind Zhao Chen lowered their heads, none
dared to utter a sound.

Crush Millennium City? Not even Sin City’s Castellan dared

to speak of crushing Millennium City lightly. Millennium City
had existed for thousands of years, the forces within were
deeply rooted, would it be so easily destroyed?

Zhao Chen swirled around towards the silver-haired old man

behind him, “Steward Feng, keep a tail on that Huang
Xiaolong kid, once they leave the City of Myriad Gods, come
report to me immediately.”

“Yes, Young Lord.” The silver-haired old man answered


Zhao Chen nodded as a light gleamed in his eyes. ‘Little

punk, as long as you come out from the City of Myriad Gods,
I’ll let you know the consequences of defying my, Zhao
Chen’s orders! Don’t assume just because there is He
Yunxiong, that old fogey, shielding you that I won’t dare to
kill you!’

As for Huang Xiaolong, he entered the Godly Mt. Xumi upon

arriving back to the courtyard. Swallowing all three stalks of
Life Soul Grass in the Xumi Temple hall, he concentrated on
practicing the Ancient Puppetry Art and Soul Mandate.

Due to He Yunxiong’s intervention, Huang Xiaolong believed

that Zhao Chen wouldn’t act against him in public, at least
not while he was still inside the city.

Sitting cross-legged in the center of the Xumi Temple,

Huang Xiaolong distinctively felt waves spreading out from
his soul sea as his spiritual force gathered into a twister of
energy, rotating like a violently howling storm, with strands
of azure energy multiplying constantly. Sensing this, Huang
Xiaolong quickly ran the Ancient Puppetry Art and Soul
Mandate to absorb this energy.

Ten days passed.

Under constant refinement, the energy inside all three
stalks of Life Soul Grass was absorbed by Huang Xiaolong.
Finally, his soul sea returned to its prior calm, while in the
space above his soul sea, the black and blue dragons
hovered, dragons roars echoed endlessly, exuding dragon
might in every direction.

At the same time Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes, the Eye
of Hell of the center of his forehead opened as well and two
beams of deep scarlet glow materialized like a

After refining the three stalks of Life Soul Grass, Huang

Xiaolong’s Ancient Puppetry Art finally broke through to the
third level, greatly enhancing his spiritual force, and
combined with his Eye of Hell, his spiritual attack was even
more powerful than before. Huang Xiaolong astutely felt
that after this time’s practice, even his battle qi and internal
force benefited.

‘It’s time to visit the Broken Tiger Rift again.’ Huang

Xiaolong decided.

Huang Xiaolong had a strong feeling that the Broken Tiger

Rift was the said Four Seas Mountain. In the depth of that
rift was where that Ancient God Tribe master’s dwelling was,
he was as sure as he could be.

Despite his rapid increase in strength over these years,

Huang Xiaolong still felt that he was too weak. Disregarding
experts like He Yunxiong, merely facing Yao Fei or Zhao
Chen at his current level of strength, it would be a tough
battle to fight. Therefore, he had to break through to the
Saint realm as soon as possible.
Chapter 295: Beneath The
Chapter 295: Beneath the Rift

Exiting the Xumi Temple, Huang Xiaolong summoned Qin

Yang, Lifei, Jie Dong, and Fan Encheng, telling them that he
would be absent for the next few days, and in that period,
they should stay and wait for him in the residence. After
giving them certain tasks, Huang Xiaolong took out Godly
Mt. Xumi, controlling it to fly in the direction of Broken Tiger
Rift, he stealthily left the City of Myriad Gods.

Leaving the city using the Godly Mt. Xumi, Huang Xiaolong
needn’t worry about being found by Zhao Chen. Very soon,
Huang Xiaolong arrived at Broken Tiger Rift, standing at the
edge of the same sharp rift, looking down.

Staring down at the dark, endless bottom, Huang Xiaolong

initiated his battle qi and internal force, cautiously adjusting
his speed as his body fell. Due to the previous experience,
this time, his speed was much faster than before.

However, six hundred meters down, Huang Xiaolong was

forced to transform into the Asura Physique and soul
transformed with the black dragon martial spirit
simultaneously, and by one thousand meters, he summoned
his blue dragon martial spirit and fused with it as well.

Soul transforming with the twin dragon martial spirits, layers

of black and blue dragon scales covered Huang Xiaolong like
an armor, yet he still felt the frigid cold wind blowing up,
invading his body through the dragon scales.
Regardless of the spherical barrier of vigor qi around him,
the wind still affected him, its effect was minimum.

The frigid cold energy gradually spread through Huang

Xiaolong’s body, freezing the blood in his veins, even the
battle qi within his Qi Sea showed signs of solidifying.

There’s actually such terrible ice energy in this Martial Spirit

World! Huang Xiaolong made every effort to control his
speed of falling, feeling shocked in his heart. The Asura
Tactics required him to absorb the netherworld’s spiritual
energy, and the netherworld’s spiritual energy was deemed
the coldest and most yin energy in this heaven and earth,
but now, this unknown cold wind actually surpassed the
netherworld’s spiritual energy by at least ten times.

I cannot continue like this, otherwise I’d turn into an icicle

before reaching the bottom! Huang Xiaolong thought to

Now, he was one thousand and three hundred meters down,

yet there was still no sign of the bottom. Perhaps he might
not see it even after another two or three hundred meters
further down. Relying on Huang Xiaolong’s current level of
strength, he had no hope of succeeding.

What do I do?!

Leave…? Come back when he breaks through to Xiantian

Eighth Order?

But, how long will it take for him to breakthrough to Xiantian

Eighth Order? It might be half a year, or even longer. Ever
since he broke through to Xiantian Seventh Order, Huang
Xiaolong clearly felt his cultivation speed slowing down
Huang Xiaolong’s feet landed on a protruded boulder on the
rift wall, his brows furrowed deeply in thought as he stared
downward. There were less than three years until the next
Deities Templar disciple selection, he didn’t have much time
to waste. Furthermore, Yao Fei came searching for him in the
Bedlam Lands and found him, this would very likely lead
more people belonging to Deities Templar over here.

Therefore, no matter what, he had to find that ancient God

Tribe master’s dwelling. But, how could he resist this
unknown cold wind?! Then, a thought flashed in Huang
Xiaolong’s mind―Godly Mt. Xumi!

Godly Mt. Xumi was the Buddhist World’s heavenly treasure,

as terrifying as this cold wind was, it shouldn’t be able to
penetrate into Godly Mt. Xumi’s space… right? Immediately,
Huang Xiaolong brought out the Godly Mt. Xumi and went
inside the Xumi Temple hall in a flicker.

Stepping into the center of the Ten Buddha Formation,

Huang Xiaolong initiated his battle qi and guided it to fly
down slowly. Several gusts of cold wind blew up, wrapping
over the Godly Mt. Xumi, and moments later, Huang
Xiaolong confirmed that this cold wind could not penetrate
into the Godly Mt. Xumi’s space. This finding greatly
relieved him.

At last, he found something that could block this damn

nameless cold wind. Nevertheless, Huang Xiaolong was still
shocked, although the cold wind failed to penetrate into the
Godly Mt. Xumi space, it formed a layer of crystallized dark
azure-colored ice around the outer exterior! And this layer of
dark azure ice actually affected the speed of Godly Mt.
Huang Xiaolong immediately pushed the Ten Buddha
Formation, Buddhism energy poured down from the void
above, spreading out inside the temple hall and outwards,
slowly melting away the dark azure ice enveloping the
Godly Mt. Xumi. When all is done, Huang Xiaolong continued
to travel down further, ever more cautious as he tried to
avoid the increasing number of nameless cold winds
blowing up, covering the Godly Mt. Xumi with another layer
of ice.

Further and further down, reaching two thousand meters

down, Huang Xiaolong finally caught a glimpse of the

The sand and stones at the bottom of the rift were a

brownish azure, barren as far as the eyes could see, not
even a leaf of grass growing, it gave a desolate and gloomy

Huang Xiaolong surveyed the spacious surroundings. On

both sides, the rock walls were thickly layered with
crystallized dark azure-colored ice, and above, a dark azure
blue twister rotated in a never-ending cycle, with howling
winds that left the hearts of those who heard it full of

Not only that, this dark azure wind twister’s form was ever
changing, sometimes it was a dragon, next it was a serpent,
a tiger, and other times it was shaped like a phoenix.

This cold wind actually gave birth to intelligence! Huang

Xiaolong was shocked. And his first thought was impossible!

Between Heaven and Earth, it was not easy for living beings
like trees and flowers to grow intelligence, something that
cannot be achieved without tens of thousands of years, and
that required fulfilling strict conditions. As for elements like
wind, it was even harder compared to trees or flowers.

Like this wind, in another few thousand years or even a few

hundred years, it could evolve into a real solid entity of
existence, such as an ice element dragon or phoenix.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong calmed down, his eyes

gradually brightened as he studied the ever-changing azure

‘This is some good stuff, ah!’ Although this azure wind

hadn’t fully evolved and taken shape into dragon or
phoenix, if he could absorb it, someone practicing the Asura
Tactics like Huang Xiaolong would definitely reap an
unimaginable harvest. But… this azure cold wind that had
given birth to intelligence was no doubt extremely frigid,
with Huang Xiaolong’s current strength, merely coming in
close contact was enough to turn him into an ice sculpture.

Lights flickered in his eyes when he thought about the

Thousand Beast Cauldron on the second layer of the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda.

“I wonder if the Thousand Beast Cauldron could absorb this

cold azure wind that has intelligence, if it’s possible, then I
can absorb it!” Instantly, with a single thought, the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda that was combined into the Godly Mt. Xumi
flew out into midair, guided by Huang Xiaolong, it slowly
approached the gales of the azure cold wind.

However, the closer the Linglong Treasure Pagoda got, the

more terrifying the frigid coldness became, the surrounding
space turned into a domain of ice.

The battle qi and internal force within Huang Xiaolong’s

body spurred madly to support the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda getting closer to the azure cold wind until it was
within a ten meters range. Then, he initiated the array
inside the Thousand Beast Cauldron to absorb the azure
cold wind.

Huang Xiaolong dared not devour the azure cold wind all at
once, bidding his time, slowly absorbing tiny strands, but
even at this rate, the Linglong Treasure Pagoda was covered
by a layer of ice on the outside. Seeing this, he had no
choice but to divide a portion of battle qi and internal force
to initiate the Ten Buddha Formation, using Buddism energy
to melt the layer of ice away.

In this manner, Huang Xiaolong stayed there for more than

two hours, absorbing the azure cold wind until he felt it was
enough and retrieved the Linglong Treasure Pagoda. He then
concentrated his battle qi and internal force on the
Thousand Demon Engulfing Destruction Array to refine the
azure cold wind, expelling the extreme cold element.
Chapter 296: Fish Of
Natural Spiritual Energy
Chapter 296: Fish of Natural Spiritual Energy

One hour passed and Huang Xiaolong was delighted, the

extreme cold element of the dark azure wind was gradually
dispelled by the Thousand Demon Engulfing Destruction
Array inside the Thousand Beast Cauldron.

The refinement process went on for ten long hours before all
the extreme cold element was expelled. When it finally
ended, Huang Xiaolong was ecstatic and relieved at the
same time, his eyes sparkled staring at the cloud of refined
azure green wind inside the Thousand Beast Cauldron.
Although the cold element had been separated, it did not
affect the spiritual benefits it would bring.

Then, Huang Xiaolong opened the lid of the Thousand Beast

Cauldron, revealing within an azure snake about ten meters
long and thick as an adult’s arm that flew out, trying to
escape. Dazzling azure energy flashed in midair, filling up
an area of a hundred zhang in azure light, emanating a
pulsating vibrant spiritual energy.

Such a dense natural spiritual energy!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes lit up as he quickly sat down in a

meditative pose, running the Asura Tactics. He opened his
mouth and sucked in akin to a whale drinking water,
swallowing the cold azure energy flow into his body.
Not only did Huang Xiaolong not feel cold when the azure
energy entered his body, instead, he felt extremely warm
and comfortable, to the point of almost groaning aloud.
Huang Xiaolong made every effort to run the Asura Tactics,
controlling it to refine the azure natural spiritual energy.
Instantly, Huang Xiaolong felt the fog pool of battle qi
accumulated within his Qi Sea rumble violently.

Above his Qi Sea, the three mandate shapes―golden

Primordial Divine Dragon, Archdemon, and the Golden
Buddha shone brightly, while battle qi roared inside every
inch of his meridians and veins.

Further down, Huang Xiaolong’s dantian glowed a hazy

aureate as the internal force in his dantian increased rapidly.

One hour, two hours…

In a mere two hours, Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi cultivation

broke through a small order. Gold, azure, midnight ink, and
ember colored glows whirled endlessly around him.

Three days and three nights passed.

Huang Xiaolong, who had been sitting in a meditative pose,

suddenly opened his eyes, a dark azure light flashed and
disappeared in midair as the four-colored lights of gold,
midnight ink, azure, and ember dissipated.

Huang Xiaolong immersed his spiritual sense internally to

check the situation inside his body and cultivation and was
delighted to discover that after three days of refining and
absorbing the azure energy, his cultivation broke through
from mid-Xiantian Seventh Order to peak mid-Xiantian
Seventh Order.
Moreover, the internal force in his dantian was more
abundant, with signs of transforming into a liquid state. This
was the precursor to internal force evolving into true origin

This made Huang Xiaolong unable to calm down for a long


If his internal force could evolve into true origin force, it

meant that he could successfully step into a stage where
generations of Huang Family ancestors had failed, becoming
‘Immortal’ as civilization on Earth would term it.

An atmosphere of strong confidence burst forth from Huang

Xiaolong’s body.

Huang Xiaolong turned to look at the remaining azure cold

wind hovering in the space above. Previously, the Thousand
Beast Cauldron only sucked and refined in a tenth of the
extreme cold wind. Once again Huang Xiaolong guided the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda to approach the hovering azure
cold wind and initiated the Thousand Demon Engulfing
Destruction Array inside the Thousand Beast Cauldron to
expel the cold element within.

Once the cold element was eliminated, Huang Xiaolong

absorbed and refined the Xiantian spiritual energy within,
time and again, repeating the same steps.

It was slightly over a month later that Huang Xiaolong finally

finished refining the azure cold wind, propelling him to break
through to Xiantian Eighth Order, reaching peak early-
Xiantian Eighth Order at the end.

If word got out that someone broke through to peak early-

Xiantian Eighth Order from a peak mid-Xiantian Seventh
Order in slightly over a month’s time, it would be hard to
imagine the stir it would cause in the cultivation world.

Before arriving at the bottom of the rift, even Huang

Xiaolong would find it hard to believe it himself.

Not only his battle qi, even his internal force took a great
leap forward, the fog-like internal force in his dantian turned
dense and viscous, floating above his dantian.

This was definitely a sign that his internal force was on the
verge of turning into liquid form! Just a little bit more was
needed to succeed.

Nourished by the half-formed true origin force in his dantian,

Huang Xiaolong felt that with every breath he took, his flesh
and body grew stronger visibly. Once the force in his dantian
was fully turned into true origin force, his flesh and body
would continue to be nourished at all times, every minute,
every second, being strengthened. This was more beneficial
and effective to Huang Xiaolong than taking grade eight or
grade nine spirit pellets that enhanced physical strength.

Now that I’ve advanced to Xiantian Eighth Order, I wonder

how many giant puppets I can control now. Huang Xiaolong
mused. Not wasting time, he disappeared from the spot,
entering the Linglong Treasure Pagoda’s third layer. Running
the Ancient Puppetry Art, he started gathering spiritual force
to brand the seventh giant puppet’s mind. It didn’t take long
for him to succeed.

He then moved on to the eighth puppet. When Huang

Xiaolong finished branding the tenth puppet and wanted to
control the eleventh puppet, his spiritual force was unable
to support him and the attempt failed. Only then was Huang
Xiaolong willing to stop, but he was still satisfied with the
He realized that to fully control all nineteen giant puppets,
he had to break through to the Saint realm. After branding
the tenth giant puppet, Huang Xiaolong appeared inside the
rift, exploring the ground by flying with Godly Mt. Xumi.

After flying slowly for half an hour, all he could see was
barren ground the entire way. Not a single leaf of green
grass. In an environment dominated by the azure cold wind,
not to mention plants, even a Saint realm expert could not
survive in such conditions for long. Still, the path stretched
further, the end had yet to be seen even after an hour of

Although Huang Xiaolong had refined the azure cold wind,

the frigid cold air remained, thus he continued to explore
using the Godly Mt. Xumi. What baffled Huang Xiaolong was,
the deeper he went, the stronger the cold atmosphere
seemed to grow.

Another half an hour passed before Huang Xiaolong

detected a small lake, perhaps a cold spring would be more
accurate. The water bubbling up from the spring was dark
green in color, whereas above the spring were flows of
azure cold air that formed endlessly.

“This, could it be…?!” Huang Xiaolong was stunned. Did the

azure cold wind at the bottom of this rift originate from this
cold spring?!

What was this cold spring exactly! There was a hundred

zhang distance between them and he was inside the Godly
Mt. Xumi, yet Huang Xiaolong felt the terrifying extreme
frigid air coming from the cold spring.

However, just as terrifying the extreme frigid air was, it also

contained abundant spiritual energy. Huang Xiaolong
activated the Eye of Hell to search within the small lake and
saw that there were actually fish swimming within!


But these weren’t normal fish, they were something

transformed from the natural spiritual energy in the air. Fish
born from natural spiritual energy!

Huang Xiaolong was overjoyed, this was a treasure even a

Saint realm expert would go crazy for, ah. Taking one could
not only enhance one’s strength, it also tempered one’s
flesh, muscles, and bones, akin to being reborn from the
soul to every inch of the physical body, including internal
organs, even to the ends of the hair. Removing the body’s
impurities, when one cultivated later on, it brought
unimaginable benefits, especially in terms of absorbing
spiritual energy.
Chapter 297: Tree Of The
Divine World
Chapter 297: Tree of the Divine World

He would never have expected that at the bottom of this rift

would exist such a treasure! Even with Huang Xiaolong’s
calm demeanor, he couldn’t help getting excited, moreover,
in this small cold spring pond, he detected two natural
spiritual energy fish, not one!

Two natural spiritual energy fish! It took Huang Xiaolong

some time before he could calm down…

It was fortunate that he had Heavenly Treasures like Godly

Mt. Xumi, otherwise, not even Saint realm experts could
reach this far in the rift. ‘Even the top of the Heavenly
Treasures List, Godly Mt. Xumi, was covered with a layer of
crystallized ice due to the cold azure wind, as strong as a
Saint realm expert’s flesh is, it cannot compare to the Godly
Mt. Xumi.’ Huang Xiaolong thought to himself.

Then, the next step he needed to think of was how to refine

those two fish.

The truth is, although Huang Xiaolong had broken through

to Xiantian Eighth Order, his strength was still lacking in
order to refine these natural spiritual energy fish, even
taking into consideration the existence of the Thousand
Beast Cauldron in the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, it was a
trying task.
In the end, Huang Xiaolong observed the spiritual energy
gathering around the cold spring like fog and decided to first
refine it, increasing his strength. If he could advance to
Xiantian Ninth Order after refining the spiritual energy
around, he would have a chance to absorb and refine the
two spiritual energy fish.

Although the spiritual energy around the cold spring could

not compare to the two fish, it was sufficiently dense, the
spiritual energy contained here was ten times stronger than
the azure cold wind Huang Xiaolong had refined earlier.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong brought out the Linglong

Treasure Pagoda and started the Thousand Beast Cauldron
array. Slowly but steadily, he absorbed and refined the
spiritual energy with the Thousand Demon Engulfing
Destruction Array, only stopping when he sensed that it was
nearing the limit. Then, he initiated the Heaven and Earth
Origin Reverting Array to dispel the cold element within,
before swallowing and refining the pure spiritual energy in
his body.

One day after another passed.

As Huang Xiaolong refined the spiritual energy around day

in and day out, his battle qi cultivation enhanced rapidly,
advancing into late-Xiantian Eighth Order before long.

One month later, he stepped into late-Xiantian Eighth Order.

The spiritual energy here was ten times or more abundant

and rich than the azure cold wind he first came across. As
Huang Xiaolong’s strength continued to climb higher, the
time required to refine the spiritual energy shortened as his
speed increased. Two months later, he fully refined every
shred of spiritual energy around, successfully advancing into
peak late-Xiantian Eighth Order.
Peak late-Xiantian Eighth Order!

Half a step more to breakthrough to Xiantian Ninth Order.

Huang Xiaolong’s enthusiasm dampened slightly. According

to his original plan, if he could advance to Xiantian Ninth
Order, there was a bigger chance he could refine and absorb
the two spiritual energy fish, but now…

Huang Xiaolong hesitated a little as he stared at the two

spiritual energy fish inside the pond. If he forcefully refined
them, there was a possibility for the frigid cold element to
enter his body. At that time, not only would his cultivation
not increase, he would bring upon damaging consequences
upon himself, the gains wouldn’t make up for the loss.

He pondered for a moment and decided to first explore the

place. After all, the two fish were in the pond, they couldn’t
fly away. With that in mind, Huang Xiaolong guided the
Godly Mt. Xumi deeper in.

Flying using the Godly Mt. Xumi for a short while, suddenly
the scenery up ahead changed, the barren and dry
environment was replaced by lush greenery full of vitality,
the soil was covered with a luxurious green coat.
Furthermore, the rock walls on both sides, which were
supposed to be hidden underneath a layer of ice, had plants
and foliage covering the rocky surface.

They were like two different worlds.

What is happening?! Huang Xiaolong was stunned. Quickly

guiding Godly Mt. Xumi to the edge of the greenery, Huang
Xiaolong exited the Xumi Temple and appeared outside. The
moment he was out, he felt a gentle warm breeze blowing,
just like the summer wind, extremely comfortable, whereas
taking a step back, biting cold wind seemed to penetrate
bone-deep, as if his internal organs would freeze solid any

This was like a two-layer world of ice and fire. Merely the
distance of one step, yet two very distinct sensations.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong returned to his senses.

Looking in front, he was sure there was something strange,
hence, he flew forward.

Half an hour later, Huang Xiaolong was standing in front of a


A tree ten zhang tall, with flowing red energy at its trunk
that looked like flames! In fact, this tree, from the trunk,
branches, leaves, was entirely flaming red in color! Growing
among the branches were a dozen or so fist-sized fiery red
fruits. These pieces of fiery-red fruit exuded vast spiritual
energy no weaker than the spiritual energy around the cold

The only difference was that the spiritual energy from the
cold spring contained extreme frigid energy within,
tyrannical at the same time, while these pieces of fiery red
fruit contained a gentle fire element. Standing beneath the
tree was like standing in the sunlight, warm and cozy,
serene and content.

“A tree like this could actually grow in this deep rift.” Huang
Xiaolong muttered as he studied the red tree.

Back when he was still in the Duanren Institute, he had gone

through many books that introduced Martial Spirit World’s
odd wonders, but none of them mentioned about this
particular tree or that cold spring.
Huang Xiaolong circled the tree as he pondered; could it be
that this tree did not belong to the Martial Spirit World? A
thought suddenly struck Huang Xiaolong’s mind.

Godly Mt. Xumi was a treasure hailed from the divine

Buddhist World, the Asura Tactics was the Netherworld’s top
cultivation technique… if things from Buddhist World and
Netherworld could exist here in the Martial Spirit World, then
there was a chance that this tree came from the Divine

“No matter, eat first, talk later.” Seconds later, Huang

Xiaolong shook his head for thinking too much. Converging
these nonsensical thoughts, he sat down cross-legged on
the ground and opened his mouth. A suction force pulled
one of the fiery red fruits straight into his mouth as he
started to run the Asura Tactics to absorb the spiritual
energy within.

The instant the fiery-red fruit melt into his body, a warm
energy traveled to his four limbs and every part of his body.
The same situation when he refined the cold spring spiritual
energy, the battle qi in his Qi Sea rolled and rumbled.

Again and again, battle qi crashed against the Ninth Order

barrier. Two days later, Huang Xiaolong finally refined a
piece of the fire-red fruit. Though he had yet to break
through, he was closer than before. Huang Xiaolong
continued without stopping, sucking in a second fruit into
his body and started refining.

By the time he finished refining the second fruit, he finally

broke into Xiantian Ninth Order. Despite that, Huang
Xiaolong did not stop. He continued to refine the fiery-red
fruits one by one.
Sitting cross-legged underneath the big tree, the twin
dragon martial spirits hovered above Huang Xiaolong’s
head, the atmosphere of dragon might flooded the entire rift
as glows of midnight black, gold, dark ember, and fiery-red
swirled around Huang Xiaolong.

Breaking through Xiantian Ninth Order, the black and blue

dragons reached the size of a hundred zhang in length,
seemingly covering heaven and earth. Ancient True Dragon
qi poured from the void above.

One month later, Huang Xiaolong, who was sitting

underneath the tree, stopped at last. Getting up slowly, the
ground shook beneath his feet. After refining all the fiery-red
fruits, his cultivation reached peak mid-Xiantian Ninth

Peak mid-Xiantian Ninth Order!

Feeling the abundant power inside his body, Huang Xiaolong

couldn’t help roaring towards the sky like a dragon. His roar
reverberated through the rift, piercing the sky, reaching as
far as a hundred miles around the Broken Tiger Rift area.

Running his battle qi, Huang Xiaolong stomped his feet on

the ground, raising a cloud of sand. With Huang Xiaolong as
the center, deep fissures lined the ground surface. Stones
and rocks rolled down from both sides of the rift walls and
the entire rift area seemed to be shaking.

This was Huang Xiaolong’s current strengthㅡearth

shattering might, enough to collapse a mountain.
Chapter 298: Refining The
Spiritual Energy Fish
Chapter 298: Refining the Spiritual Energy Fish

Huang Xiaolong recalled the blue and black dragons back

into his body, the powerful atmosphere surging around him
slowly converged.

A short while later, rocks and stones stopped rolling down

from the rift walls.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the tree in front of him. A thought

came to him and he suddenly struck a palm out at the
trunk, but the tree didn’t even shake! With Huang
Xiaolong’s current strength at peak mid-Xiantian Ninth
Order, striking the flame tree actually didn’t even make a
single piece of tree bark fall. Not to mention, the branches
and leaves remained still, unaffected.

Huang Xiaolong was amazed. Running his battle qi,

increasing his power, he used both palms this time to strike
on the tree trunk, ‘Bang!’ A loud blast rendered the air, yet
the flaming tree didn’t even shake.

In the end, Huang Xiaolong soul transformed with both black

and blue dragon martial spirits, striking out at full force at
the tree trunk. However, the three merely shook for a
moment, just for a moment. Neither leaves of branches fell.
Furthermore, at full force, Huang Xiaolong’s palm didn’t
even manage to leave a print in the trunk. Forget palm
print, there wasn’t even a scratch at all.
Huang Xiaolong was greatly astonished. The sturdiness of
this tree was a tad too terrifying. At his current level, the
force from one of his palm was enough to blast an average
Xiantian Seventh Order, even a Xiantian Eight Order into
pieces without even soul transforming with his twin dragon
martial spirits.

Yet, landing a full force attack on the tree trunk after soul
transformation failed to damage this nameless fire tree in
the slightest.

With a quick leap, Huang Xiaolong landed on one of the

branches on top of the fire tree. Sitting down in a meditative
pose, he ran the Asura Tactics and found that cultivating on
the fire tree was much faster than sitting underneath it.

While Huang Xiaolong absorbed spiritual energy, the fire

tree branches, leaves, and trunk would absorb the fire
element energy from the air. As the fire element energy
enveloped the tree, it also enveloped Huang Xiaolong
wholly, giving him inexplicable comfort.

One day passed and Huang Xiaolong felt as if he was reborn

from his soul to his flesh.

‘This fire spiritual energy shouldn’t be some average kind of

spiritual energy.’ Huang Xiaolong was delighted with the
finding as the thought crossed his mind. Could the spiritual
fire energy absorbed by this tree come from the Divine
World?! Huang Xiaolong looked at the nameless fire tree,
eyes twinkling.

Undoubtedly, this nameless fire tree was a great treasure,

he had to think of a way to take it away with him. However,
divine trees such as this one couldn’t be placed into a
spatial ring. Including the Asura Ring.
Still, Huang Xiaolong wanted to try. With a thought, the
Asura Ring emerged on his finger and he infused it with
battle qi as he tried to move the fire tree into the ring. The
fiery red of the tree seemingly came alive, exuding a force
that repelled Huang Xiaolong. Huang Xiaolong was sent
staggering backward, his blood roared violently in his veins
before it calmed down some time later.

Seeing this result, Huang Xiaolong shook his head and let
the Asura Ring submerge again.

Huang Xiaolong’s brows furrowed deeply staring at the fire

tree. Then, an idea struck him! Swiftly calling out Godly Mt.
Xumi. The Asura Ring may have failed, but what about
Godly Mt. Xumi?

Under Huang Xiaolong’s control, Godly Mt. Xumi flew up,

hovering right above the fire tree. Huang Xiaolong waved
his hands, sending multiple streams of battle qi into the Ten
Buddha Formation at the center, initiating the array
formation. Instantly, a blinding light burst forth from the
Godly Mt. Xumi, reaching the sky, Buddhism energy spread
out akin to the morning sunlight. Golden light sprinkled over
the fire tree, enveloping the entire tree.

When the Buddhism energy enveloped the fire tree, Huang

Xiaolong was delighted to find out that the fire tree didn’t
put up a resistance like it did before, it only emitted a gentle
fiery glow.

The fiery flow blended in with Buddhism energy, glowing

brighter, lighting up the entire rift like it was a surreal

A moment later, the fire tree shook as its roots gradually left
the ground, flying into the Godly Mt. Xumi, disappearing in
an instant into the Godly Mt. Xumi’s space.
Huang Xiaolong jumped with joy. He expected to exert some
effort to move the tree into Godly Mt. Xumi, but the tree
actually went in so easily.

He finally got the fire tree!

In a flicker, Huang Xiaolong appeared inside the Xumi

Temple and saw that the fire tree was rooted next to the Ten
Buddha Formation and the entire Xumi Temple felt warm
and comfortable as a fire element spiritual energy flowed to
every corner of the Xumi Temple.

Looking at the fire tree, Huang Xiaolong was in an extremely

good mood. With the fire tree within the Ten Buddha
Formation, he had the confidence to breakthrough to Saint
realm and higherㅡGod Realm!

A while later Huang Xiaolong gradually calmed down and

exited the Xumi Temple. Since he had broken through to
Xiantian Ninth Order, reaching peak mid-Xiantian Ninth
Order, it was time to refine the two spiritual energy fish.

Although the fire tree was taken away by Huang Xiaolong,

that area of the rift was just as warm as spring, and the cold
energy from the other side did not encroach over, despite
the absence of the tree.

Huang Xiaolong traced his path back to the cold spring, and
before long, he was standing at the edge of the small cold
spring lake.

Observing the two spiritual energy fish swimming merrily in

the water, Huang Xiaolong called out the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda and initiated the Thousand Demon Engulfing
Destruction Array. A powerful suction force swallowed the
two fish into the cauldron.
The instant the two fish entered the Thousand Beast
Cauldron, a layer of ice formed on the surface of the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda. Huang Xiaolong swiftly infused
his battle qi into the Heaven and Earth Origin Reverting
Array within the Thousand Beast Cauldron to refine the two
fish, expelling the cold element within. At the same time, a
small part of his battle qi was sent into the Ten Buddha
Formation, using the Buddhism energy to melt away the
layer of azure ice on the Linglong Treasure Pagoda’s surface.

But Huang Xiaolong was shocked when the layer of azure

ice melted by the Buddhism energy formed again over the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda. As if the two fish contained
endless amounts of cold element, the layer of azure ice
recurred time and again.

Even with Huang Xiaolong’s peak mid-Xiantian Ninth Order

strength, maintaining both sides’ requirements of battle qi
was onerous. Later, Huang Xiaolong needed to use the
internal force in his dantian as support.

Now that Huang Xiaolong’s internal force had almost fully

transformed into true essence energy, he noticed that the
Buddhism energy coming from the Ten Buddha Formation
was denser and purer when internal force was used
compared to his battle qi.

One hour passed.

Finally, the layer of azure ice covering the Linglong Treasure

Pagoda’s surface slowly melted and thinned, and three
hours later, the layer of azure ice did not form again.

Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong was able to breathe out in relief

at last, still, he dared not proceed carelessly, persevering in
pushing the array inside the Thousand Beast Cauldron to
refine the two fish, expelling the remaining cold elements.
Five days and five nights later, the Thousand Beast Cauldron
trembled, shining brightly, the last shreds of the cold
element were expelled from the two spiritual energy fish.
When the lid was opened, both spiritual energy fish flew out
from the cauldron in sparkling splendor.

Huang Xiaolong opened his mouth and a suction force drew

both fish into his body. In that instant, spiritual energy akin
to a boundless ancient sea roared to every inch of Huang
Xiaolong’s body. Terrified, Huang Xiaolong hurried to run the
Asura Tactics, fervently absorbing and suppressing the
spiritual energy, not letting it run amok.

While Huang Xiaolong was refining the spiritual energy fish,

two figures were rushing towards the Broken Tiger Rift,
stopping at the same rift edge above.

The new arrivals consisted of an elderly and a young man.

Both men were clad in dark violet brocade robes, on the
chest of their robes was embroidered the pattern of a six-
horned devil scorpion.

“Are you sure that dragon’s roar came from the bottom of
this rift?” The old man Fenggong questioned.

Dai Li hurried to answer, “Yes, Master. At that time I was

nearby this area, I heard it clearly.”

Fenggong nodded as he stared down at the bottomless rift.
Chapter 299: At The
Bottom Of The Cold Spring
Chapter 299: At the Bottom of the Cold Spring

“Stand guard here, I’m going down to have a look.”

Fenggong solemnly said.

“Yes, Master.” Dai Li answered respectfully.

Not delaying further, Fenggong’s silhouette disappeared in a

flicker, running his battle qi, he controlled his body to
descend down the rift at a slow pace.

Similar to Huang Xiaolong’s experience, the deeper down he

went, the stronger the gusts of azure cold wind blew, at a
higher frequency too. Several hundred meters down,
Fenggong was forced to summon his martial spirit, the Six-
horned Devil Scorpion, and soul transformed.

However, passing the one thousand five hundred meters

mark, Fenggong couldn’t withstand the frigid cold and had
to return above.

Seeing his Master return, Dai Li quickly went up, inquiring

cautiously, “Master, how was it?”

Fenggong shook his head saying, “The cold wind coming

from the bottom of the rift is too strong, there’s no way to
reach the bottom.” His body shuddered, expelling the frigid
air that had entered into his body. Fenggong quickly took
out a pellet and swallowed it down, circulating his battle qi.
Only then did he manage to suppress the effects the azure
cold wind.

Dai Li was evidently shocked at his Master’s words, for he

was well aware that his Master was a peak late-Xiantian
Tenth Order expert, half a step into the Saint realm!
Someone that was half a step into the Saint realm like his
Master actually couldn’t reach the bottom of the rift!

Noticing his disciple’s expression, Fenggong explained, “In

fact, many Saint realm experts had tried to go down this
Broken Tiger Rift, but despite that, in the last twenty
thousand years, I’ve yet to hear about anyone succeeding.”

“Even Saint realm experts failed to reach the bottom?!” Dai

Li was flabbergasted, this was his first time hearing this

Fenggong nodded, “I didn’t believe it either, but after that

attempt just now, that rumor should be true.”

“But Master, that dragon’s roar at the bottom…?” Dai Li


Fenggong’s tone was solemn, “These tens of thousands of

years, in our Martial Spirit World, the Primordial Divine
Dragon has been an extinct existence. That dragon roar was
not made by a real dragon, more likely than not it was
issued by a certain treasure. We’ll stay here for the time
being, to confirm if there’s really a treasure being born.”

Whereas at the bottom of the rift, Huang Xiaolong sat cross-

legged beside the cold spring, refining the spiritual energy
from the spiritual energy fish. Although five days had
passed, the amount of spiritual energy inside his body
remained abundant. The airflow around Huang Xiaolong
gathered into a giant energy vortex, and in the eye of the
vortex, aureate, ember, azure, and a black light glimmered

The vortex grew bigger as time passed.

On the surface of Huang Xiaolong’s skin, plumes of black

soot appeared, they were impurities that had built up in his
body being cleansed out.

Half a month passed.

The energy vortex around Huang Xiaolong reached the

height of ten zhang, with howling cries as it rotated at high
speed, hiding Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette in the center as a
stalwart force surged out.

After more than twenty days, close to a month’s time, the

energy vortex around Huang Xiaolong suddenly stopped,
bursting in the air like a giant bubble and dissipating,
revealing Huang Xiaolong’s muscular physique at its center.

By this time, the robe he wore was shredded and pieces of

cloth scattered in the surrounding. Huang Xiaolong’s
muscles looked as if they were sculpted, masculine and
perfect with a face that was carved out of an artist’s knife,
eyes that resembled the vast galaxy framed by thick sword-
like brows.

More than twenty days passed, Huang Xiaolong fully refined

the spiritual energy fish. Checking his body’s condition with
his spiritual sense, Huang Xiaolong found that his battle qi
cultivation had reached peak late-Xiantian Ninth Order, with
signs of advancing to Xiantian Tenth Order any time.

Furthermore, his meridians and veins were tougher and

larger; the blood running through his veins, his marrow, and
flesh seemed to pulsate with a faint golden halo. He felt
much lighter, and his soul, much clearer.

‘The benefits of these spiritual energy fish are amazing!’

Huang Xiaolong exclaimed in his heart. After undergoing the
cleansing from the spiritual energy fish, Huang Xiaolong’s
body burst with power and vitality, his soul was also greatly
enhanced, becoming stronger, so powerful that he felt hints
of breaking through the fourth level of the Ancient Puppetry

Suppressing the joy in his heart, Huang Xiaolong took out a

new robe from the Asura Ring and put it on. Then, he
brought out the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, sucking in the
second spiritual energy fish into the Thousand Beast
Cauldron, initiating the Heaven and Earth Origin Reverting
Array to expel the cold element.

Twenty days came and went.

As the days passed, Huang Xiaolong managed to refine the

remaining spiritual energy fish, finally entering Xiantian
Tenth Order.

Xiantian Tenth Order!

Though it may be early Xiantian Tenth Order, Huang

Xiaolong’s strength had always been higher than the
average warrior’s. Even without soul transformation, a peak
late-Xiantian Tenth Order would suffer gravely from Huang
Xiaolong’s punch.

Before entering the rift, Huang Xiaolong was still a Xiantian

Seventh order, but now, several months later, he advanced
into Xiantian Tenth Order. He couldn’t help but marvel at the
Huang Xiaolong stood up, eyes scanning around the rift,
spreading out his spiritual sense. Being here for so many
months, Huang Xiaolong had seen most of the places, but
he did not find the so-called dwelling of that ancient God
Tribe master.

Could that master’s cultivation place not in this rift?

As Huang Xiaolong’s spiritual senses spread out, a weak

energy fluctuation rippled from the bottom of the cold
spring lake. Weak as it may be, Huang Xiaolong detected it
the moment the energy rippled.

His eyes were attracted towards the cold spring. Was there
something hidden beneath the cold spring?

Pondering over the matter, Huang Xiaolong decided to enter

the cold spring and check it out. He immediately brought
out the Godly Mt. Xumi and disappeared within, guiding the
Godly Mt. Xumi from the Ten Buddha Formation to enter the
cold spring lake.

Submerged within, as far as the eyes could see was an

endless blue.

And nothing else.

Going further down, he already reached the bottom of the

cold spring, but other than sand and mud, there was only
more sand and mud. Huang Xiaolong frowned, he was
certain that the weak energy fluctuation earlier originated
under the cold spring, how could there be nothing around.

As Huang Xiaolong controlled the Godly Mt. Xumi to explore

further, a turbulent force struck, causing Godly Mt. Xumi to
What’s happening?! The scenery in front of Huang Xiaolong
shifted as he entered another space.

The view before him was a lush green space with fragrant
flowers and cheerful birdsongs ringing in the air, all kinds of
spiritual herbs and elixirs filled the ground, and a waterfall
up ahead. This was paradise.

“This… could it be that ancient God Tribe master’s

cultivation space?!” Huang Xiaolong’s eyes sparkled.

He must have guessed it right! That ancient God Tribe

master’s cultivation dwelling was actually built beneath the
cold spring, it if weren’t because of the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda allowing him to refine the cold element within the
cold spring, if it weren’t for the Godly Mt. Xumi, if it weren’t
for that weak fluctuation earlier, he may have never located
this place.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes looked around, falling onto the many

herbs and elixirs on the ground.

“Seven Colors Spirit Mushroom!”

“Nine Leaves Purple Grass!”

“Fervid Yang Fruit!”

Huang Xiaolong was exclaiming the names of each one.

The herbs and elixirs spread casually over the space were
all rare materials, and judging from their appearance, each
and every one of them was over ten thousand years.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes shone with ecstasy; all these are

treasures, ah! Not only that, there were also many that he
couldn’t name.
It was quite a while before Huang Xiaolong managed to tear
his eyes away from these elixirs towards the several small
straw huts nearby the waterfall.

‘This is where that ancient God Tribe master cultivated? Isn’t

this a little too humble?’
Chapter 300: Divine Grade Spirit Pellet

Huang Xiaolong flickered into a blur, landing close to the

several straw huts…

There were a total of six straw huts, picturesque in their

disorder, as if they were part of nature, carrying with them a
charm from an ancient past.

He opted for the hut in the center and went in.

Inside the straw hut, a messy room welcomed Huang

Xiaolong, odd things strewn over here and there. Catching
sight of something in a corner, Huang Xiaolong walked over
and blew the dust away with a flick of his sleeve, revealing a
stack of books.

It was unknown what materials were used to make these

books. They were pale yellow in colour and even after
several thousands of years, they were still in good condition.

Huang Xiaolong’s hand formed a suction force and one of

the books flew to his hand. Looking at the cover, the four
characters title was written in ancient text. Taking a moment
to interpret the words, he read softly: “Fiendgod Treasured
Reflection.” He opened the book, reading page to page.

This book, Fiendgod Treasured Reflection, depicted events of

ancient times related to the God Tribes and Devil Race.

After he finished reading the book, Huang Xiaolong moved

on to the other books from the stack. Most of the contents in
these books were records related to ancient tribes and races
in that era, no cultivation techniques nor battle skills.
Huang Xiaolong was disappointed. To him, these books
weren’t of much use. What he needed most at the moment
were things that could aid him in enhancing his cultivation.

Still, regardless of these books’ usefulness, Huang Xiaolong

moved all the books into the Asura Ring one by one as he
read through them. These books weren’t useful to him, but
if put out for auction, he would probably get some good stuff
in exchange.

Having dealt with the books, his eyes wandered to another

section of the hut and walked over.

In this corner, piled up high, were different ores and metals

that were also covered in dust. Huang Xiaolong swept the
layer of dust away with a simple wave of his hand.

“This is Purpleblood Silver Crystal!”

His gaze were attracted by a palm-sized, translucent red ore

nestled amongst the pile of ores when the dust lifted and
exclaimed out loud. This Purpleblood Silver Crystal was
extremely rare, it was born from hard to find bloody mine
veins. If taken out for auction, it would likely fetch a much
higher price than ten pieces of grade one spirit stones.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes swept over the other dozens of ores

and metals.

“Fire Flame Black Iron!”

“Ash-gray Blood Magnetite!”

“Moontide Stone!”

The other dozens of ores and metals were all materials hard
to find in Martial Spirit World. Some of them even
disappeared more one thousand years back.

Eyes shining brightly, Huang Xiaolong moved all of them

into his Asura Ring.

Moments later Huang Xiaolong came out from the central

straw hut and entered the hut beside it. The inside of this
straw hut was slightly smaller compared the one in the
center. Placed at the center of the hut was a pill furnace.
Again, Huang Xiaolong didn’t know what materials the pill
furnace was made of, the furnace body was a mass of matt
black. There was a jade drawer placed at a corner of the
hut. On top of the flat surface, there were several small jade

‘It seems like this is a pill refining room.’ Huang Xiaolong

thought to himself. Taking another look around the hut, his
eyes once again fell onto the jade drawer. More accurately,
on the several small jade bottles on top.

A suction force came from his hand and one of the jade
bottles fell into his palm. The jade bottle was pure light red
in color and felt warm to the touch, making him wonder
what kind of jade it was made of.

Even more curious was what kind of medicinal pellet it held


Carefully, Huang Xiaolong opened the lid and an alluring

medicinal fragrance immediately filled the hut, spreading to
every corner, actually forming into something that looked
like a little elf.

Watching the scene in front of him, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes

were the size of fists due to shock.

This, could this be divine grade spirit pellet!

Divine grade! Only a divine grade spirit pellet could cause
such a manifestation!

Huang Xiaolong peered inside the jade bottle excitedly and

saw an amiable, floating little Daoist man in cross-legged
position! The little Daoist man was shrouded in a hazy gray

He was honestly stunned, then understanding set in. This

little Daoist man was likely a transformation of the divine
grade spirit pellet. Some high-grade divine spirit pellet like
the spiritual energy fish could take shape in another form.

While Huang Xiaolong’s thoughts were turning at rapid

speed, the little Daoist man opened his eyes, taking a
glance at Huang Xiaolong. A streak of lightning flashed in
his eyes and Huang Xiaolong felt something collide with his
mind with great momentum, causing him to lose focus,
however, he managed to recover in the blink of an eye.

Watching Huang Xiaolong recover so fast shocked the little

Daoist. He purely focuses on soul force cultivation, warriors
under the Saint realm shouldn’t be able to break his soul
attack. This brat in front of him was probably not a Saint
realm expert, yet this young man wasn’t overwhelmed by
his soul force attack.

Whereas Huang Xiaolong, who nearly fell into the little

Daoist man’s plot of being controlled, was also taken aback.
He didn’t expect a little Daoist man evolved from a divine
grade pellet knew method of soul control!

Judging from the attack earlier, this little Daoist man’s

cultivation wasn’t weak at all, close to a human Saint realm
“Young man, it’s surprising that you managed to enter this
Eminent Holiness space.” At this point the Daoist spoke,
“How about we discuss a deal?”

“A deal?” Huang Xiaolong remained calm on the surface

while sneering inwardly. He wanted to see what this little
Daoist was playing at.

The Daoist continued, “This Eminent Holiness space was

opened by Supreme Eminent Holiness during the ancient
era. Left inside here is an Eminent Holiness Technique that
only I know how to get, as long as you let me go I will tell
you where this godly Eminent Holiness Technique is.”

“Oh~, really?” Huang Xiaolong remained calm on the

surface but he was sneering inside. With a wave of his hand,
a bright light flickered and the Linglong Treasure Pagoda
materialized above his head.

What so-called Eminent Holiness Supreme Technique?

Huang Xiaolong obviously didn’t believe one word. Even if
what the little Daoist man said was really true, Huang
Xiaolong held no interest, it was enough that he had the
Asura Tactics and Godly Xumi Art, as for battle skills, he had
them in abundance and was definitely not lacking.

What Huang Xiaolong truly lacked were miraculous pellets

and elixirs that could help him enhance his battle qi
cultivation, and this little Daoist man in front of him was
exactly the panacea he was looking for!

This little Daoist man’s cultivation was quite formidable,

however, Huang Xiaolong has the Linglong Treasure Pagoda,
wanting to refine ‘it’ wouldn’t be difficult.

“This! A heavenly treasure, the Linglong Treasure Pagoda!”

When the little Daoist saw the Linglong Treasure Pagoda
Huang Xiaolong called out, he couldn’t help exclaiming.

Huang Xiaolong paused briefly, this little Daoist recognized

the Linglong Treasure Pagoda…

“Correct, this is the Linglong Treasure Pagoda.” Huang

Xiaolong smirked smugly.

“Not so fast!” How could the little Daoist not realize what
Huang Xiaolong planned by this point, hastily shouted:
“Young man, don’t you desire the Eminent Holiness
Technique?! That is a high-grade Heaven rank cultivation
technique, even during the ancient era it was a much
coveted high-grade cultivation technique. After cultivating
it, you would possess a godly holy power.”

“Refining me will only enhance your cultivation by a tiny

level, it’s a vast difference if you get the Eminent Holiness

While the little Daoist was busy persuading Huang Xiaolong,

a great suction force descended over it from the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda, pulling both the little Daoist and the red
jade bottle into the Thousand Beast Cauldron. Then, the
Heaven and Earth Origin Reverting Array initiated,
pressuring the jade bottle from all directions.

“You punk, let me out!”

“You think you can refine me by relying on the Linglong

Treasure Pagoda?!”

“I’m going to kill you!”

The divine grade pellet Daoist’s raging wrath rang out
endlessly from the Thousand Beast Cauldron.

Huang Xiaolong remained unperturbed as he continued to

infuse the Thousand Beast Cauldron with battle qi, slowly
melting away the hazy gray halo of protective vigor qi
around the little Daoist.

Although this little Daoist was the manifestation of the

divine grade pellet and a tough nut to crack, compared to
refining the spiritual energy fish, this was by far easier many
times over.
Chapter 301: Eminent Holiness Halberd Sutra

Four days later, the little Daoist man was fully refined by
Huang Xiaolong, ‘his’ consciousness was slowly eroded
away by the Heaven and Earth Origin Reverting Array.

After the divine grade little Daoist man’s consciousness was

erased, Huang Xiaolong swallowed the pellet into his body,
sat down and started to run the Asura Tactics, refining its
medicinal properties.

The energy within a divine grade spirit pellet was

comparable to the spiritual energy fish. The instant it
entered his body, the medicinal energy surged like angry
waves through his four limbs and the rest of his body. Huang
Xiaolong’s Qi Sea and dantian absorbed the medicine
energy in a frenzied manner. A faint herb fragrance wafted
out from Huang Xiaolong’s body spreading to the

Half a month passed.

Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes as he ended his cultivation

session. He had fully refined the little Daoist man after half
a month’s time. Now, not only had he stabilized his recent
breakthrough to Xiantian Tenth Order, his cultivation
improved as well, closer to peak early-Xiantian Tenth Order.

Immersing his perception internally to check his condition,

he noted that his meridians expanded once again and
became tougher, even the true essence in his dantian was

Huang Xiaolong once again ran the Asura Tactics, attracting

the surrounding spiritual energy, swirling speedily towards
him. ‘At this speed, perhaps not even a Saint realm expert’s
speed of absorbing spiritual energy can contend with my
own.’ Huang Xiaolong thought to himself.

A short moment later, Huang Xiaolong stood up, his

attention on the remaining three jade bottles on the drawer.
The first jade bottle he checked contained a divine grade
spirit pellet, what about the others? He could barely hold his
excitement in.

Walking over, he opened all three jade bottles, and indeed,

all three jade bottles contained divine grade spirit pellets.
The second bottle Huang Xiaolong opened contained a
divine grade spirit pellet that had taken the form of a
winged-tiger, the third pellet was a golden flood dragon, and
the fourth bottle held a purple fox.

The strength of these three, a winged-tiger, a golden flood

dragon, and a purple fox, were much weaker compared to
the little Daoist man earlier. Thus, not wasting any more
time, Huang Xiaolong refined and swallowed them one by

While Huang Xiaolong was busy refining the divine grade

spirit pellets, inside a manor on the south side of the City of
Myriad Gods, an extremely ugly expression hung on Zhao
Chen’s face; it had been almost half a year! Huang
Xiaolong, that useless punk, was still hiding inside the city!

“Are you sure Huang Xiaolong, that punk, has been inside
that yard all this time?” Zhao Chen’s asked gloomily.

The silver-haired man, Steward Feng, stepped forward,

answering humbly, “Our people are watching the yard
twenty-four hours a day, Huang Xiaolong has never stepped
out of the courtyard, only his several followers come out
occasionally. Even so, they only came out to buy some daily
necessities, none of them exited the city.”

A light glinted in Zhao Chen’s eyes.

But the silver-haired Steward Feng spoke cautiously, “Young

Lord, this subordinate has a question, I’m wondering if it is
appropriate to ask?”

Zhao Chen took a quick glance at Steward Feng saying,

“You’re wondering why I’m acting against Huang Xiaolong
when there is no feud between us?”

Steward Feng was surprised having his thoughts seen

through, but he nodded, “Yes, this slave’s heart has doubts.
Moreover, Huang Xiaolong is just a nameless junior, with
Young Lord’s identity, there is no need to act in person.”

In fact, just like what Steward Feng said, with Zhao Chen’s
background, he needn’t take this matter into his own hands,
as long as he spoke the words, there would be many people
willing to be of service.

Zhao Chen said, “I have my reason to handle this matter

personally. Don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask, you will know
in the future.”

“Yes, Young Lord. This slave spoke too much.” Steward Feng
acknowledged respectfully, but after hesitation, he ventured
again, “However, if Huang Xiaolong continues to hole
himself in City of Myriad Gods, we…?”

The look in Zhao Chen’s eyes sharpened, “There are three

months remaining until the opening day of the Ghost City,
two more months, if that Huang Xiaolong still doesn’t show
up, then I can only take him away forcefully!”
Ghost City, one of six main cities during the ancient era, a
monument left behind by one of the six ancient kings, the
Ghost King, appearing once every one thousand years.

Days passed and it was over a month, in the secret dwelling

beneath the cold spring lake, Huang Xiaolong succeeded in
refining the last of three divine grade spirit pellets,
bolstering his cultivation to mid-Xiantian Tenth Order.

Mid-Xiantian Tenth Order!

Huang Xiaolong stood up and initiated his battle qi. A simple

breath gathered the airflow into a spiral, turning into a
howling wind dragon that roared endlessly, rotating above
the space for a long time before dissipating.

This was Huang Xiaolong’s current level of strength! Every

breath he drew in and out contained the force of a dragon.
Then Huang Xiaolong stepped out from the straw grass hut
to an open space close by and started practicing the Asura
Tactics, displaying the moves one after another from the
very beginning.

Whirls of fierce winds rotated above the space, followed by

a lightning-filled sky as buds of strange flowers bloomed in
the air, then glaring red eyeballs appeared out of nowhere,
releasing terrifying light beams.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong stopped, but it took

longer for the fierce winds, powerful lightning, and scarlet
red eyeballs to dissipate.

Displaying the Asura Sword Skill from the first move after
breaking into Xiantian Tenth Order, Huang Xiaolong found
his comprehension of them deepens.
‘I wonder what’s inside the rest of the grass huts?’ Huang
Xiaolong focused again on the present, his eyes strayed to
the remaining grass huts. With a flicker, he entered a
random third grass hut.

Inside, other than a long halberd, there was nothing else.

The long halberd was entirely a metallic dark-gold, on its

body were inscribed numerous mythical beasts of ancient
times, each looking vividly alive. Trailing the length of the
long halberd, Huang Xiaolong noticed dense ancient text at
the bottom of the halberd.

“Eminent Holiness Halberd Sutra.” Huang Xiaolong

translated the words.

According to what was written, as long as he refined the

Eminent Holiness Halberd, he would be able to inherit the
full Sutra heritage. This Eminent Holiness Halberd Sutra was
left behind by the owner of this space, Supreme Eminent
Holiness, this halberd Sutra was his strongest battle skill.

‘By refining this Eminent Holiness Halberd, one can actually

gain the Eminent Holiness Halberd Sutra, this is an
unexpected harvest.’ Huang Xiaolong’s eyes lit up. Although
he wasn’t lacking in terms of cultivation techniques and
battle skills, these were things that no one would deem as
having too much.

Judging from the situation, this Eminent Holiness was a

great master himself. Only those who had reached the God
Realm could inscribe their cultivation techniques or battle
skills into non-living items so that it could remain for many
years, a heritage.

Thus, following the method of refining inscribed on the body

of the Eminent Holiness Halberd, Huang Xiaolong initiated
his battle qi, slowly refining the halberd to become his own.

A dozen hours later, when Huang Xiaolong finished refining

the halberd, a scene suddenly appeared in his mind.

In that scene, a person reaching three zhang tall stood high

above a mountain peak. His halberd slashed down and the
sea in front of him receded without resistance! Then, his
halberd swung out, halberd intent reaching ten thousand
miles cut right across the huge mountain through and
through, straight in the middle.

This giant person displayed one attack after another

continuouslyーthe Eminent Holiness Halberd Sutra!

Witnessing the Eminent Holiness Halberd Sutra’s power of

shaking mountains and flipping seas, Huang Xiaolong was
greatly shocked.

Soon, the scene in his mind ended and vanished.

There was a total of nine moves in the Eminent Holiness

Halberd Sutra, every move was just as powerful and strong.

‘I must find time to ask Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu about this
Supreme Eminent Holiness, he shouldn’t be someone
nameless.’ Huang Xiaolong made a note.

Looking at the long halberd, with a thought, it shrunk

smaller and smaller in size, in the end, it submerged into
Huang Xiaolong’s right arm. On Huang Xiaolong’s right arm,
the Blades of Asura made their home there long ago, now,
beside the tattoos of the twin dark blades was a totem-like
pattern of a golden halberd.
Chapter 302: Have You
Heard Of Heavenly
Chapter 302: Have You Heard of Heavenly Treasures?

Keeping the Eminent Holiness Halberd in his body, Huang

Xiaolong walked to the fourth grassy hut. Inside the fourth
grass hut, paintings of beautiful women were hung on the
walls and there was nothing else apart from these paintings.

Huang Xiaolong looked around and counted a total of

sixteen paintings of beauties. Sixteen beauties, all different,
unique, gentle, uninhibited, sweet and pure, alluring. And all
sixteen beauties were naked. Looking at the glamorous
curves, proud peaks and luscious grassland below, even
with Huang Xiaolong’s strong will, he couldn’t stop his
heartbeat from quickening.

It took Huang Xiaolong a while to suppress the rising desires

in his heart, his eyes focused on the red thread that was
wrapped around all sixteen beauties’ naked bodies. The
loops and turns of the red thread on the beauties’ paintings
were different, Huang Xiaolong believed that this showed
the energy flow of a cultivation technique. Huang Xiaolong
turned towards the first painting, noticing a line of words on
the left bottom corner, written in minuscule ancient text.

“Seven Desires Magic Art.”

Seven Desires Magic Art? Didn’t the Eminent Holiness

cultivate in the Eminent Holiness Technique? Huang
Xiaolong was surprised to find this Seven Desires Magic Art,
in his view, this Seven Desires Magic Art must have been a
cultivation technique practiced by some evil lord during the
ancient times and coincidentally, it fell into Eminent
Holiness’ hand.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t waste time being polite, and without

hesitation, he moved the all the paintings into the Asura
Ring. When he came to the fifth grass hut, it was actually
empty, whereas in the sixth grass hut, there was a scepter
placed within. At the head of the scepter was the carving of
a celestial beast’s head, eyes scarlet red, emanating the
esteemed momentum of an ancient celestial beast.

Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong picked up the scepter. Holding

it in his hands, a warmth spread in his palm. Turning the
scepter up and down and around as he tried to figure out
the scepter’s origin, he came to a nil. Although he could not
figure out the origins of the scepter, Huang Xiaolong keenly
felt that it was by no means simple, like the Asura Ring and
the Blades of Asura.

The scepter also went into the Asura Ring.

Coming out from the sixth grass hut, Huang Xiaolong swept
clean all the herbs and elixirs in the space, moving
everything into the Asura Ring.

After emptying everything the eyes could see, Huang

Xiaolong spread his spiritual sense out to every corner of
the space, attempting to see if he could find the Eminent
Holiness Technique that divine grade spirit pellet little Daoist
man mentioned.

He didn’t need this Eminent Holiness Technique, but he

could give it to his family to cultivate. However, despite
carefully searching every inch, Huang Xiaolong was sorely
disappointed, he didn’t find any clues about where the
cultivation technique could be, if it truly existed.

In the end, Huang Xiaolong left the space, leaving the cold
spring using the Godly Mt. Xumi. In the last few months,
with the spiritual energy fish and azure cold wind absorbed
by Huang Xiaolong, the frigid coldness at the bottom of the
rift had greatly reduced compared to when he first arrived.
At this rate, all the cold air would completely disperse from
the rift within a year’s time.

In that moment, Huang Xiaolong no longer dallied, recalling

the Godly Mt. Xumi back to his body, he flew up, heading
straight to the rift edge.

Previously, Huang Xiaolong used more than ten hours to

reach the rift bottom from above, but now, on his way back,
his speed had doubled. At amazing speed, Huang Xiaolong
got closer to the edge of the rift.

At the same time, on the edge of the rift, two figures sat in a
meditative pose. They were none other than the very same
people who were attracted over by the dragon’s roar and
stayed to guard the possibility of a treasure being born, the
master and disciple, Fenggong and Dai Li.

But several months passed and the so-called treasure they

had been looking forward too did not appear. Fenggong
stared down at the bottomless rift, these months of waiting
had worn his patience thin.

Was his judgment wrong? If there was a treasure being born,

it would have materialized long ago.

“Master, maybe we can try going down again?” Dai Li asked.

Fenggong nodded in agreement and stood up, resolved to
go down the rift again. He was unwilling to simply leave like

But, just as he prepared to leap off the edge, a sound of

piercing wind came from below, startling the two people. In
the next moment, they saw a silhouette flying up from the
rift at rapid speed. When they realized it was a human, both
Fenggong and Dai Li were stunned.

In the months they have been here, they did not see anyone
entering the rift. Therefore, the only reasonable conclusion
was this person went down the rift before they arrived! This
person actually managed to withstand the azure cold wind,
staying there for several months?! Could it be that this
person wasn’t afraid of the extreme cold wind at the bottom
of the rift?!

While both of them were immersed in doubt and shock,

Huang Xiaolong’s body shot past the rift edge, landing softly
on the ground with a turn. Feeling the warm sunlight on his
skin, Huang Xiaolong breathed in deeply: ‘So refreshing!’

After about seven to eight months, he finally returned to the

surface. It felt like a full lifetime passed.

Then Huang Xiaolong looked over at Fenggong and Dai Li.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong looking at them, the master and
disciple both recovered from their shock and Fenggong was
secretly relieved when he saw the young man’s cultivation
was only at mid-Xiantian Tenth Order.

“Master, the treasure at the bottom of the rift, perhaps this

person might know…” Dai Li inched closer to Fenggong,
whispering in his ear.

Fenggong nodded, he has the very same thought.

“Young man, I have some questions for you, if you answer
them truthfully, I can let you go. However, one false word
and this rift will be your burial place!” Fenggong pointed at
the rift behind him, declaring in a condescending tone. He
was a peak late-Xiantian expert, half a step into the Saint
realm, a status that was indescribably close to an actual
Saint realm expert, killing a mid-Xiantian Tenth Order
warrior was quite easy.

Since he descended to the rift bottom, Huang Xiaolong

found the Eminent Holiness cultivation cave, swallowed the
fiery-red fruit, refined the spiritual energy fish, the divine
grade spirit pellets and his strength increased
monumentally, thus he was in a good mood. Hearing
Fenggong’s words didn’t anger him in the slightest, secretly
smiling in his heart, he looked at Fenggong, “What do you
want to know?”

“How long did you stay below?” Fenggong questioned.

Huang Xiaolong pondered, did a quick calculation of the

time and answered, “Roughly seven months.”

Seven months! Fenggong and his disciple exchanged a

glance, both were inwardly astonished.

Counting the time they’ve spent here, it was close to four

months, yet the black-haired young man in front of them
was actually here three months ahead of them, descending
down to the rift bottom?

“You have a treasure that could block the extreme cold

element?!” Fenggong’s eyes were burning with greed as
they stared fixedly at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong exposed a faint smile watching these two

people’s expressions: “Correct.”
Fenggong’s silhouette flickered the instant he heard the
answer. Both hands formed into claws, he arrived in front of
Huang Xiaolong in a flash, clutching Huang Xiaolong’s
shoulders, his eyes sharp like the tip of swords as he
demanded: “Speak, what is it! Hand it over! Otherwise…!”

Huang Xiaolong remained indifferent, ‘allowing’ the man’s

claws to clutch his shoulders. A dazzling light glimmered
from his palm as a small golden mountain appeared in the
center of his palm.

Abundant Buddhism energy immediately surged out like

tidal waves, exuding a mesmerizing golden halo.

It was none other than Godly Mt. Xumi!

Fenggong was awed, fire danced feverishly in his eyes: “This


Although he failed to recognize the magical item, he could

tell the little golden mountain was extraordinary.

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “Have you heard of Heavenly


“Heavenly Treasures?!” Fenggong and Dai Li exclaimed

aloud at the same time.

“You meant to say that this is a Heavenly Treasure?!”

Fenggong fixed a deadly stare on the Godly Mt. Xumi in
Huang Xiaolong’s palm, his breath getting heavier. Of
course he had heard of Heavenly Treasures, every Heavenly
Treasure contained mysterious power and force.

Fenggong’s hands were trembling, one hand moved,

reaching out towards the Godly Mt. Xumi in Huang
Xiaolong’s palm.
Chapter 303: Let Me
Experience The Strength
Of A Half-Saint Realm
Chapter 303: Let Me Experience the Strength of a Half-Saint

Watching calmly as Fenggong’s fingers were about to touch

the Godly Mt. Xumi, Huang Xiaolong flipped his palm in a
minuscule movement, causing Fenggong’s fingers to fall on
empty air.

Fenggong, who was overjoyed thinking that a Heavenly

Treasure was about to become his possession, was left
dumbfounded for a second. Just when he was about to act,
to kill Huang Xiaolong and grab the Heavenly Treasure,
Huang Xiaolong spoke, “Didn’t you want to ask about the
treasures at the bottom of the rift? Aren’t you curious what
treasures I took from there?”

Fenggong halted his actions, stunned.

At this moment, a powerful force surged forth from Huang

Xiaolong’s body, repelling Fenggong’s body, sending him
staggering back more than ten meters.

“You!” Fenggong glowered angrily at Huang Xiaolong, at the

same time, he was greatly shocked inside.

Before Fenggong could say another word, another burst of

bright light flashed in Huang Xiaolong’s palm, when the
bright light faded, it revealed the stem of a seven-colored
aura mushroom in Huang Xiaolong’s palm, glowing in a
resplendent light.

“Seven Colors Spirit Mushroom!” Both Fenggong and Dai Li

exclaimed in unison. Fenggong’s eyes shone with naked
greed. The Seven Colors Spirit Mushroom was a top-grade
elixir for people cultivating battle qi, a stem of Seven Colors
Spirit Mushroom over a thousand years old was already
rare, above ten thousand years was considered a treasure,
priceless! With his keen eyesight, one look was all it took for
Fenggong to estimate the Seven Colors Spirit Mushroom’s
age at about thirty to forty thousand years.

A thirty to forty thousand years Seven Colors Spirit

Mushroom! Fenggong’s breathing grew heavier.

In that brief moment, another dazzling light flashed in

Huang Xiaolong’s hand. This time, a small plant with nine
purple-colored leaves materialized next to the mushroom,
exuding a noble, dignified purple halo.

“Nine Leaves Purple Grass!” Fenggong’s eyes were bright

scarlet as if blood was about to drip from them.

Nine Leaves Purple Grass! A legendary sacred healing


Swallowing Nine Leaves Purple Grass exceeding a thousand

years could heal one’s injuries regardless how grave in just
a few months’ time, if it was above ten thousand years,
even if the meridians and veins were broken and the Qi Sea
shattered, taking a ten thousand years Nine Leaves Purple
Grass could fully heal the damage!

This Nine Leaves Purple Grass should be the same as the

Seven Colors Spirit Mushroom, around thirty to forty
thousand years!
A thirty thousand years Nine Leaves Purple Grass!

However, Huang Xiaolong seemed to be in the mood to toy

with Fenggong, another flash, and another, and another.

“Fervid Yang Fruit!”

“Human-shaped Purpleblood Ginseng!”

“Jasper Green Lotus!”

One after another legendary elixirs materialized

continuously, Fenggong was so excited that he started to
cry out nonsensically, body shaking as if he was suffering
from epilepsy. His disciple was even more embarrassingㅡDai
Li wet his robe from overexcitement.

Staring at the series of legendary elixirs, Fenggong’s

attention was distracted, forgetting about the matter of the
Heavenly Treasure.

Huang Xiaolong randomly selected a dozen strains of elixirs

from the several hundred that he had. When Huang
Xiaolong felt that it was stimulating enough, he finally
stopped. Chuckling softly as he watched both Fenggong and
Dai Li’s expressions, he said, “At the bottom of the rift, not
only did I find these elixirs, I also found four divine grade
spirit pellets.”

“Divine grade spirit pellets!!!” Four at that!

Fenggong and Dai Li both trembled visibly…

“Moreover, all four were high-grade divine spirit pellets.”

Huang Xiaolong added in all seriousness.
High-grade divine spirit pellet!! Their legs grew weak at the

“But I ate and refined all of them.” Huang Xiaolong


“What?!” The two people that were swaying with excitement

stiffened as if they were struck by lightning, nearly stumbled
to the ground.

“You, you, you took all, refined?!” The redness in Fenggong’s

eyes deepened as he stared at Huang Xiaolong as if he can’t
wait to swallow Huang Xiaolong whole into his stomach. His
heart bled thinking of the four divine grade spirit pellet,

High-grade divine spirit pellet ah, four of them!

He had been stuck at peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order for

more over two hundred years, unable to break through, if he
had those four divine spirit pellets, the chances of him
breaking through to the Saint realm would drastically
increase to nine-tenths!

“You! How could you swallow all of them?!!” Fenggong

glared at Huang Xiaolong with anger and hate, roaring at
Huang Xiaolong overdriven by his emotions, as if those four
high-grade divine spirit pellets belonged to him. Huang
Xiaolong shouldn’t have dared to refine them, they were
meant for him!

Huang Xiaolong suppressed his blooming smile, “Why can’t I

swallow them? I found those four divine grade spirit pellets.”

Fenggong was jolted back to the present; indeed, those four

divine grade spirit pellets were found by this young man.
“Kid, obediently hand over that Heavenly Treasure, Seven
Colors Spirit Mushroom, Nine Leaves Purple Grass and the
rest of the elixirs!” Regaining his composure, Fenggong stop
shaking, and commanded Huang Xiaolong, “For that
Heavenly Treasure and these elixirs’ sake, I will allow you to

Although Fenggong felt strange with Huang Xiaolong’s

behavior, so easily revealing the Heavenly Treasure and
those priceless herbs, he still wasn’t too concerned over this
point. Merely a mid-Xiantian Tenth Order. Not to mention a
mid-Xiantian Tenth Order, even a late-Xiantian Tenth Order
warrior couldn’t take more than a hundred moves from him.

At this point, Dai Li approached Fenggong from the back,

rubbing his hands with glee and a smug grin, “Master, those
elixirs, can I…?”

Fenggong looked at his own disciple and nodded, “Don’t

worry, you’ll have your share. Later, that Human-shaped
Purpleblood Ginseng can be given to you.”

Dai Li shuddered with joy, repeatedly thanking Fenggong:

“Thank you Master, thank you Master!”

Fenggong waved his hand nonchalantly and Dai Li

respectfully retreated to the side. Fenggong turned his
attention back on Huang Xiaolong, in an unhurried tone he
questioned, “Kid, have you thought it over? Will you choose
to hand over the Heavenly Treasure and elixirs to me and
leave in one piece or be buried at the bottom of this rift? I
advise you not to harbor any hope of lucky escape, I’ve
already achieved a peak late-Xiantian cultivation more than
two hundred years ago, and now I’m already a half step into
the Saint realm. Before me, there’s no way you can flee.”
Flee? Huang Xiaolong secretly shook his head, looking at the
other side with amused interest, “Half-Saint? The Heavenly
Treasure and elixirs are in my hand, come over and take
them from me if you can.” Just as well, Huang Xiaolong
wanted to gauge the extent of his current strength.

A half-Saint was the best candidate. If it was some average

peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order, Huang Xiaolong really
wouldn’t have wasted the time.

Fenggong was stumped at Huang Xiaolong’s words, then a

sneer crept up on his face, “Kid, since you wish for death,
then don’t blame me.” As his voice fell, Fenggong’s fist
punched out towards Huang Xiaolong.

“Let me open your eyes to the power of a half-Saint!”

“The strength of a half-Saint is not something a measly mid-

Xiantian Tenth Order like you can contemplate!”

A giant fist imprint shot out, piercing through the air while
emitting a purple flame, raising turbulent winds. Before the
fist imprint got close to Huang Xiaolong, the stones and
boulders on the ground already shattered from the force,

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong lifted his hand, striking a

punch straight against Fenggong’s fist.

Fenggong sneered derisively watching Huang Xiaolong’s

action: “Naive recklessness!” A measly mid-Xiantian Tenth
Order wanted to block his half-Saint attack in a frontal
collision? He could already see the scene where Huang
Xiaolong was blasted into mincemeat by his punch.

At this point, Huang Xiaolong’s and Fenggong’s fists finally

collided, resulting in a booming explosion. Dust and sand
flew into the air as horrifying shock waves surged mostly in
Fenggong’s direction.

Fenggong’s face tightened, his hand quickly struck at the

surging shock waves, successfully dispersing the terrifying
energy rolling towards him. Despite that, he was forced to
retreat back awkwardly for quite a distance.

The surroundings suddenly fell into a deathly silence.

Dai Li had imagined his Master easily dealing with the black-
haired young man and him, seeing himself refining the
Human-shaped Purpleblood Ginseng. Watching his Master
being forced back again and again, his mouth rounded to
the size of a chicken egg.

Whereas Fenggong no longer moved as he stood there.
Chapter 304: Back To City
Of Myriad Gods
Chapter 304: Back to City of Myriad Gods

The wind howled sharply…

It was a beat later that Fenggong was jolted to his senses,

looking at Huang Xiaolong.

Impossible! How could a trifling mid-Xiantian Tenth Order

block his half-Saint fist force! How could he be the one
pushed back!

He refused to believe!

Suddenly, Fenggong bellowed sharply, a purplish-black

energy flow surged from his body as a Six-horned Devil
Scorpion emerged behind him and he soul transformed

Black and purple streaks covered Fenggong’s face, making

him look ferocious and terrifying.

“Devil Scorpion in The Sky!”

Fenggong leaped into the air, both hands shaped into claws,
launching an attack on Huang Xiaolong, akin to a giant devil

Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong dared not underestimate the

opponent, swiftly transforming into the Asura Physique. The
Wings of Demon extended from his back and his silhouette
disappeared in a blur as he initiated his battle qi. Also
shaping his hands into claws, Huang Xiaolong confronted
the enemy with a similar attack.

Instantly the area was filled with surging devilish air,

condensing into many howling wraithsㅡAsura Demon Claw’s
first move, Laments of Thousands of Demons!

Upon breaking through to Xiantian Tenth Order, Huang

Xiaolong’s Asura Demon Claw could form a solid entity,
materializing fifty to sixty wraiths at one go. The momentum
was a hundred times more whelming than before his pre-rift

Listening to the wraiths howling, Fenggong felt an icy

coldness creep up his heart.

However, at this point, his Devil Scorpion claw and Huang

Xiaolong Asura Demon Claw collided. The rebound force felt
like a tsunami, forcing Fenggong to stagger backward.
Seizing this opportunity, Huang Xiaolong sent another palm
in Fenggong’s direction, the power of the palm overlapped
and multiplied, sending golden halos that spread out
continuously, looming over the earth.

God Binding Palm!

Fenggong was shocked watching the golden halos coming

out from Huang Xiaolong’s palm. Almost simultaneously, he
felt the airflow around him being vacuumed away, while his
limbs and body were shackled by numerous invisible chains.

Apprehension rose rapidly in Fenggong’s heart. He pushed

his battle qi with a frenzy, wanting to free himself from
these invisible shackles, but what made him frantic was that
the more he struggled, the tighter these chains seemed to
bind him!
Sensing Huang Xiaolong getting closer, he was afraid,
frantic, and angry.

“Boundless Qi Explosion!” Fenggong’s eyes turned red, his

battle qi suddenly resonated and a series of explosions rang
in the air. Just when Huang Xiaolong was about to strike
again, Fenggong finally succeeded in escaping the binds,
quickly raising both his arms to block Huang Xiaolong’s

Once again, Fenggong was repelled back in embarrassment,

his face turned a shade whiter. By the time he stopped, he
had retreated several hundred meters, panting heavily, he
looked at Huang Xiaolong with shock and intense terror.

‘Just now, what was that battle skill?!’ If it wasn’t for him
using a desperate method, forcefully executing the
Boundless Qi Explosion, perhaps by now, he would already

Huang Xiaolong was not surprised that Fenggong managed

to escape the God Binding Palm’s restriction, because if a
half-Saint didn’t have at least that much strength, then he
couldn’t be called a half-Saint.

However, when Huang Xiaolong prepared to continue

attacking, Fenggong shouted anxiously: “Stop!”

Fenggong looked at Huang Xiaolong, both of his arms were

numbed with pain. Although the total time they actually
exchanged moves was only several breaths, he was already
afraid. A fear as if he was fighting an actual Saint realm
expert wrapped around his heart.

But Huang Xiaolong acted like he did not hear anything,

leaping up, the force of both fists blasted out. Fists imprints
shielded the sky, intangible and surreal, extremely

The Great Void Divine Fist! This was the first time Huang
Xiaolong used it against an enemy.

Watching giant fists imprints fill the sky, Fenggong leaped

back, dodging. At the same time, his palms struck out
intermittently towards the sky, blasts and explosions rang
high up one after another. Even so, the Great Void Divine
Fist still landed on Fenggong’s chest.

Issuing a muffled grunt, blood spurted from Fenggong’s

mouth in large amounts, while his body was thrown back
like a broken kite. When he managed to crawl to a stand, he
saw Huang Xiaolong holding a long halberd in his hands.
With a shake, the long halberd stabbed at him, raising
layers of big waves akin to seas flipping over. Failing to
dodge, Fenggong was pulled into the crashing waves of
energy, blasting his robe into pieces.

Before Fenggong crashed to the ground, a long halberd

appeared out of nowhere, piercing through his chest with
the tip coming out from the back, a sharp pain burst from
his chest. Fenggong stared dumbly at the long halberd stuck
in his chest, his eyes traveled along the halberd length to
the other end, where Huang Xiaolong stood.

Both of them landed the ground. And Huang Xiaolong pulled

out the Eminent Holiness Halberd.

Fenggong wobbled unsteadily more than a dozen steps,

barely able to keep his body from swaying. Blood flowed
endlessly from the hole in his chest even as his hands
clutched at it. Feeling his own blood seeping out
uncontrollably, Fenggong suddenly smiled; a smile that held
forlorn despair.
“May I know, in whose hands I fell?” Fenggong looked at
Huang Xiaolong, each word wheezed out painfully.

“Huang Xiaolong.” Huang Xiaolong replied coldly.

“Huang Xiaolong?” Fenggong’s feeble voice repeated the

name, at the end, his body fell the same time as his voice.

“I forgot to tell you, I got this Eminent Holiness Halberd from

below too.” Huang Xiaolong said, looking condescendingly
at Fenggong.

Fenggong’s eyes gradually dimmed and closed. A half-Saint

died in the hands of a mid-Xiantian Tenth Order!

In the distance, watching his Master’s demise, Dai Li was

struck dumb. In truth, Huang Xiaolong’s battle with
Fenggong, from the beginning to the end, lasted merely a
dozen breaths’ time. Everything happened so fast that Dai
Li had a hard time processing what took place right before
his eyes.

Huang Xiaolong strode over in Dai Li’s direction, jolting Dai

Li awake from his shock to the gravity of his situation.

“You!” There was only terror in his eyes other than terror.
His feet moving backward woodenly, Dai Li was suddenly at
a loss.

While Dai Li was still in a daze, Huang Xiaolong’s long

halberd snaked to the front, piercing Dai Li’s chest in one
quick strike before being pulled out.

It was exactly high noon at this time, and underneath the

bright sunlight, the Eminent Holiness Halberd glinted with a
noble halo, there was not a drop of blood on the length of its
blade. Huang Xiaolong returned the halberd to his arm after
appreciating it briefly.

A moment later, Huang Xiaolong had removed two spatial

rings and burned the two bodies. Disappearing in a flicker,
he headed towards the City of Myriad Gods.

‘It’s been seven months, I don’t know if Yao Fei, that

scourge, is still in the City of Myriad Gods’ A sharp light
glinted in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes at the thought of Yao Fei.
‘Hopefully, Yao Fei hasn’t left the city!’

There was also that Zhao Chen!

However, Huang Xiaolong had doubts regarding Zhao Chen.

He firmly believed that he didn’t offend Zhao Chen before,
thus there was no grudge to speak of. But, why do Zhao
Chen want to deal with him? Moreover, it was as if this Zhao
Chen knew him.

Huang Xiaolong sped through the air, appearing like a line

of azure light cutting across space. One hour later, Huang
Xiaolong arrived at the City of Myriad Gods.

Back in the City of Myriad Gods, Huang Xiaolong first

headed to the courtyard where Qin Yang and the rest were.

The moment Huang Xiaolong appeared at the City of Myriad

Gods’ city gates, within a manor on the south side, Zhao
Chen was the first to receive news of Huang Xiaolong’s
appearance. Hearing his subordinate’s report, Zhao Chen
looked icily at Steward Feng, stating, “Didn’t you say we
have people watching that courtyard twenty-four hours a
day, that Huang Xiaolong did not take a step out from that
yard?! Now that he returned from outside the city, how do
you explain this?!”
A film of cold sweat dotted Steward Feng’s forehead, not
knowing how to answer.

Huang Xiaolong left the City of Myriad Gods, when was

this?! He truly did not know.

Zhao Chen sneered, “I didn’t expect that kid to return again

after leaving. Since you dared to return, then this time
around, you shouldn’t even dream to leave the City of
Myriad Gods ever again! After dealing with you, it’s time to
make that trip to Ghost City.”
Chapter 305: Why Should I Run ?

Originally, Zhao Chen had decided to capture Huang

Xiaolong in his residence courtyard, but now that Huang
Xiaolong had returned, very good!

“Order down, tell those trash not to alarm Huang Xiaolong

at the moment, wait till I’m there before making any move!”
Zhao Chen snapped an order at Steward Feng.

“Yes, Young Lord!” Steward Feng hastened to appease Zhao


A short while later, Zhao Chen led a group of expert

subordinates heading out to Huang Xiaolong’s courtyard.

On the other side, Huang Xiaolong stepped inside the yard.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong return, Qin Yang, Lifei, Jie Dong, and
Fan Encheng were in high spirits, all four quickly went up to
greet Huang Xiaolong. Telling them to stand, Huang
Xiaolong inquired about the general situation in this period
of absence.

Listening to Qin Yang’s report, it appears Zhao Chen’s men

had been watching their every move all these months,
Huang Xiaolong sneered inwardly. Spreading his spiritual
sense, his body disappeared in a blur, and when he re-
appeared in the yard, Qin Yang saw his hands held four
brocade robed middle-aged men prisoner. With a casual
flick, he threw the four people to a corner of the yard.

Qin Yang, Lifei, and the rest were wide-eyed as they looked
at the four people Huang Xiaolong casually threw to a
corner, they of course recognized the four people’s faces
being Zhao Chen’s subordinatesㅡmoreover, each of them
was a Xiantian Eighth Order expert.
It was merely a lapse of few breaths’ time, Huang Xiaolong
already captured four Xiantian Eighth Order experts?!

Did this mean that their Young Lord found the dwelling left
behind by that ancient God Tribe master? Apart from that,
they couldn’t think of any other reason for Huang Xiaolong’s
strength advancing so much in a short seven months!

‘Young Lord not only broke through Xiantian Eighth Order,

perhaps he reached late-Xiantian Eighth Order, maybe even
peak late-Xiantian Eighth Order.’ Qin Yang secretly

In his judgment, Huang Xiaolong could defeat a late-

Xiantian Eighth Order when he was still a mid-Xiantian
Seventh Order, now that he had broken through to late-
Xiantian Eighth Order, dealing with several Xiantian Eighth
Order experts was nothing out of ordinary.

Huang Xiaolong had no idea about the thoughts passing

through his four subordinates’ little minds. Looking at the
four people on the ground, his cold voice sounded: “Speak,
why is Zhao Chen so keen on dealing with me?”

Huang Xiaolong was really curious why someone he had no

feud or grudges with was looking to trouble him.

The four of them ignored Huang Xiaolong’s questioning, all

raised their head and glared at him. One of them snickered,
“Punk, if you’re wise, let us go now, if not, you won’t even
be able to wish for death later!”

“That’s right, obediently release us right now, our Young

Lord might leave you with an intact corpse!” Another man
added with contempt.
“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong’s expression was icy cold. His
hand reached out and made a grasping motion and the two
people flew straight into Huang Xiaolong’s hands.

Their necks were tightly clutched in Huang Xiaolong’s

hands, his icy voice sounded, “Then I shall leave you with an
intact corpse now.” Finished saying that, Huang Xiaolong
exerted pressure in his fingers, instantly breaking their

When the two bodies fell to the ground, their eyes were
bulging out in disbelief, Huang Xiaolong actually dared to kill
them. The remaining two people stared in fear at the bodies
of their comrades. The proud arrogance earlier vanished
without a trace, leaving only terror on their faces.

Huang Xiaolong slowly approached them.

“You, don’t kill us!” Both men retreated in panic.

“Speak! Why must Zhao Chen come after me?!” Huang

Xiaolong’s eyes were sharp and cold.

“We don’t know, truly, we really don’t know!”

“Steward Feng only ordered us to watch your movements,

as for why Young Lord wants to deal with you, we really
don’t know!” Both men blabbed out everything for a slim
hope of survival.

“Since it’s like that, there’s no use in keeping you two alive.”
Huang Xiaolong commented, without another word, his fist
punched through the air.

The Great Void Divine Fist landed squarely on the two men’s
chest, blasting a hole in their chests.
Qin Yang, Lifei, Jie Dong, and Fan Encheng jumped seeing
Huang Xiaolong kill all four people without any hesitation,
after all, these four were Zhao Chen’s men.

“Young Lord, isn’t it better if we leave this City of Myriads

Gods now?” Qin Yang stepped forward and inquired
cautiously. Zhao Chen would not let this matter of killing his
subordinate go.

“Leave?” Huang Xiaolong turned towards the distant sky,

“I’m afraid we won’t make it now.”

Just when Qin Yang and the rest were puzzled by Huang
Xiaolong’s answer, several black dots appeared on the
horizon, moving at amazing speed in their direction.

“Zhao Chen!” Qin Yang and the other three paled.

Huang Xiaolong watched as the several dots representing

Zhao Chen and his people grew bigger and closer. He
sneered, thinking ‘this Zhao Chen’s actions are real fast.’ It
seems he was informed the moment he passed through the
city gates.

Huang Xiaolong stood on the same spot, not showing any

expression, waiting for Zhao Chen to arrive. Moments later,
Zhao Chen and his subordinates finally landed in the
courtyard where Huang Xiaolong was.

Zhao Chen landed in the middle of the yard, and his eyes
scanned the surroundings. As he did so, he saw the four
bodies of his subordinates and his face sank gloomily. Facing
Huang Xiaolong, his voice was sullen, “You dared to kill
them!” Like the saying went, ‘Look at the master before you
hit the dog’, moreover, he even killed them!
He knew Huang Xiaolong was aware that these four were his

Huang Xiaolong retorted indifferently, “Why wouldn't I


Zhao Chen glared fiercely at Huang Xiaolong, a blue light

flitted in his eyes and he suddenly burst into laughter,
“Huang Xiaolong, you really think I won’t dare to kill you just
because that old fogey He Yunxiong is shielding you!”

“Let me enlighten you, anyone who offends me, no matter

who it is, cannot live!”

A blue flame emerged from Zhao Chen’s body, dancing

wildly. Blue flames licked the air, raising the surrounding
temperature ten times higher, as if the entire courtyard fell
into boiling magma. Qin Yang and the rest were astounded
to see the water inside a big urn in the corner evaporating
drop by drop, turning into strands of mist.

Streams of hot waves wrapped around the four of them,

causing a searing pain in their flesh.

At this point, the silver-haired Steward Feng stepped

forward, “Young Lord, please allow this slave to act, killing a
mere Xiantian warrior would dirty your hands.” This Steward
Feng was also a Saint realm expert, hence he did not put
Huang Xiaolong, a mere Xiantian warrior in his eyes.

“No need.” Zhao Chen lifted one hand. Looking at Huang

Xiaolong, a complacent sneer appeared on his face, “I will
do it myself, I want to let He Yunxiong, that old fogey, know
that the people I want to kill, no one can save!”

“Yes, Young Lord!” Hearing this, Steward Feng and the other
subordinates retreated to the side.
Huang Xiaolong too indicated Qin Yang’s group to stand

Zhao Chen looked at the calm Huang Xiaolong and an

indifferent smile arched up the corner of his mouth, “This is
my first time seeing someone at death’s door still being able
to maintain such calmness.” Seeing Huang Xiaolong’s lack
of reaction, Zhao Chen was no longer in a hurry to kill him.
To him, killing Huang Xiaolong was merely a matter of
second and minute.

“Are you so sure you can kill me?” Huang Xiaolong didn’t
mind Zhao Chen’s words, showing a nonchalant expression.

Zhao Chen was stumped momentarily at Huang Xiaolong’s

words, as he if had just heard the world’s funniest joke and
he couldn’t help laughing aloud. Seeing this, Steward Feng
and the rest of his subordinates also broke out in laughter.
In their opinion, those words were indescribably silly and

A Saint realm expert couldn’t kill a small, measly Xiantian

warrior? If a Saint realm expert wanted to exterminate a
Xiantian warrior, without a doubt, it was only a matter of
squashing an ant. They had never heard of a Xiantian
warrior having the ability to flee from a Saint realm expert.

Zhao Chen finally stopped laughing, but there was still mirth
in his eyes as he looked at Huang Xiaolong, “You think you
can run from me?”

“Run? Why should I run?” Huang Xiaolong asked in return.
Chapter 306: Battling Saint Realm

Zhao Chen snickered, “You actually plan to battle me?” His

tone was full of ridicule.

Standing some distance away, Steward Feng and the rest of

Zhao Chen’s subordinates shook their heads hearing that
Huang Xiaolong had no plans to escape.

“Has this kid’s brain gone cuckoo? Does he really plan to

battle our Young Lord?” Zhao Chen’s subordinates snickered
amongst themselves.

“I think he’s scared silly by our Young Lord! Perhaps he knew

there’s no chance of escaping, that’s why he didn’t plan to
run.” One of them laughed.

Listening to his subordinates’ discussion, Zhao Chen waved

a hand at them, signaling them to stop, before turning back
to Huang Xiaolong, “Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance,
summon your martial spirit, I’ll even give you two hands
handicapped. If you can force me to retreat half a step, I will
let you leave.”

Zhao Chen then stood with both his hands clasped at his
back, anchored akin to Mt. Tai. Judging from his stance, he
planned to stand there and let Huang Xiaolong attack

“Really?” Huang Xiaolong remained stoic. Suddenly, a

strong burst of evil energy surged around him as streams of
fiendish Asura qi spread in the yard like tidal waves. A
powerful atmosphere soared to the sky from Huang
Xiaolong’s body.
Steward Feng and his group saw a pool of terrifying fiendish
energy gathering above Huang Xiaolong’s head, condensing
into a demonic cloud.

This greatly shocked everyone present. Only when a

person’s evil qi accumulated to a certain degree could it
condense out a demonic cloud, the requirements were so
strict that even some Saint realm evil cultivators failed to
reach this extent.

‘What kind of battle qi does this Huang Xiaolong cultivate?!’

Even Zhao Chen was slightly taken aback.

The Wings of Demon extended from Huang Xiaolong’s back,

mysterious runic patterns glimmering on their surface,
emanating a biting chill.

“Well, at least you have something to look at,” Zhao Chen

looked at the demonic cloud above Huang Xiaolong,
laughing in a carefree manner, “I just wonder if your battle
strength is as good.”

Although he sensed that the atmosphere from Huang

Xiaolong wasn’t weak, it wasn’t enough for him to pay any
real heed.

Within a split second, Huang Xialong made his moveㅡboth

of his hands shaped into claws and struck down on Zhao
Chen. Terrifying evil qi transformed into wraiths, baring
sharp fangs and pointed claws, as the giant claw imprint
pierced the air onto Zhao Chen. Before the claw imprint
struck Zhao Chen, the furious draft wind caused Zhao
Chen’s robe to flutter madly. In the distance, other than
Steward Feng, the rest of the subordinates could not
withstand the violent energy and were forced to retreat.
Merely the secondary force raised by the claw imprint
contained such might!

Zhao Chen was honestly shocked at the power of the claw

imprint, the saint force surged from his body, creating an
energy barrier around him.

Just as the barrier formed, the Asura Demon Claw slammed

onto the surface. A booming explosion rendered the air,
splitting the eardrums of Zhao Chen’s subordinates.

Before the watchful eyes of Steward Feng and the rest, their
Young Lord, who had his hands behind his back, shook and
was pushed back.

One step!

Two steps!

Three steps!

Zhao Chen retreated a total of three steps before coming to

a stop. At the same time, the Asura Demon Claw and the qi
barrier dissipated, their energy exhausted.

Zhao Chen looked at the three footprints he made on the

ground in disbelief; these three footprints were left by him?
He, a Saint realm expert, was actually pushed back by a
tiny, insignificant Xiantian!!

His subordinates drew in a sharp cold breath seeing this

result, especially the four half-Saints amongst them, these
four were shocked to the core. They knew very well the
extent of a Saint realm warrior’s strength and defense. Even
if Zhao Chen stood unmoving, allowing the four of them to
attack together simultaneously or separately, Zhao Chen
wouldn’t move an inch.
But now! Their stupefied gazes fell on Huang Xiaolong;
didn’t this mean that Huang Xiaolong was far stronger than
the four of them combined?! Still, the black-haired young
man standing in front of them was undeniably a mid-
Xiantian Tenth Order.

By this point, Zhao Chen returned to his senses and had an

ugly expression on his face, glowering at Huang Xiaolong.
He was actually forced back by a Xiantian warrior, if word
got out, he would be treated as the butt of a joke in the
Bedlam Lands.

The longer he looked at Huang Xiaolong, the more intense

the killing intent in his eyes grew. Never before had he ever
felt such a strong urge to kill someone. Zhao Chen walked
towards Huang Xiaolong step by step, the blue flames
shrouding his body dancing wildly.

“What, didn’t you say you would give me a handicap of both

hands?” Watching Zhao Chen walking over with a ferocious
expression, Huang Xiaolong taunted. “Now you don’t intend
to give any more handicaps?”

Zhao Chen halted, his expression grim. Indeed, that was

what he said earlier… Not only would he not use his hands,
but if Huang Xiaolong could force him back half a step, he
would let Huang Xiaolong go.

As thick as his skin was, Zha Chen couldn’t help feeling a

burning heat rising to his cheeks. However, surpassing all
these was his killing intent towards Huang Xiaolong.

“Blue Polar Ice Flame!” Zhao Chen sprinted forward, his

palm slapping down aiming at Huang Xiaolong. Blue flames
overcast the yard, but, just as the flames were about to
engulf Huang Xiaolong, his silhouette vanished into thin air.
The blue flames landed on the stone mountain where Huang
Xiaolong stood previously, shattering it into powder.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong escaping his attack once again, his

face was extremely gloomy.

Zhao Chen spread out his spiritual sense wanting to find

Huang Xiaolong, but was alarmed by the powerful energy
fluctuations behind him. Without a second thought, Zhao
Chen twirled around and struck his palm out. Despite his
swift reaction, his palm attack still fell on empty air. Again,
Huang Xiaolong’s figure was nowhere to be seen.

Breaking through to mid-Xiantian Tenth Order, Huang

Xiaolong was able to use his martial spirit’s ability, Space
Concealment, with ease, and the duration of the
concealment in the space pocket had increased to slightly
more than one minute.

Fully utilizing his martial spirit’s ability, Huang Xiaolong

continued to conceal and attack repeatedly. In the eyes of
Steward Feng’s group, their Young Lord was indirectly turned
into Huang Xiaolong’s combat practice dummy, standing
there and counterattacking only when Huang Xiaolong

Combining both of Huang Xiaolong’s main martial spirits’

abilities, Space Concealment and Phantom Shadow, his
speed reached an unimaginable level, akin to a daylight
phantom. Only Steward Feng, who was a Saint realm
managed to capture the blurry images left behind, whereas
the several half-Saints only saw an illusory flash of black
light. Those late-Xiantian Tenth Orders had it even worse, for
they could see nothing at all.

Zhao Chen stood still. He was furious, he didn’t expect that

a careless moment of underestimating Huang Xiaolong
would lead to him suffering several hits.

“Blue Sea Devouring the Heavens!” Zhao Chen bellowed.

The blue flames shrouding Zhao Chen transformed into a

sea of blue fire, blocking the sky, expanding over the entire
area of the courtyard. Everything in its path was incinerated
to ashes, including the stone walls and chairs in the

Steward Feng, Qin Yang, and the rest swiftly retreated until
they were outside the courtyard’s perimeter. Under the
pressure of this sea of blue fire, Huang Xiaolong was forced
to reveal himself.

“Star Burst Fist!” Seeing that he successfully forced Huang

Xiaolong to appear, Zhao Chen launched a decisive attack,
punching towards Huang Xiaolong. The blue flames were
bright like a shooting star in the night sky. Arching over the
air, the flames arrived in front of Huang Xiaolong and
exploded instantly, releasing a terrifying destructive power
that spiraled in his direction.

Huang Xiaolong shot out an Earthen Buddha Palm and

visions of Buddha statues filled the yard in an aureate glow,
colliding against the power of destruction.

Even so, the large collision impact sent Huang Xiaolong

reeling backward, flying in the air for a dozen meters, when
he stabilized himself, Zhao Chen’s attack was already
incoming. With no time to think, Huang Xiaolong reacted,
punching out with his fist.

Giant fist imprints overcast the sky, intangible yet real the
next moment, mysterious and profound.

The Great Void Divine Fist!
Chapter 307: Ghost City Appeared

Zhao Chen, who was in the midst of attacking Huang

Xiaolong, was stunned by the surreal giant fist imprints
overcasting the sky, a thought struck his mind at lightning

‘This…! This seems like the rumored legendary Great Void

Divine World’s Great Void Divine Fist!’

The blue flames emitted from Zhao Chen’s body

transformed into blue flowers, blossoming in the air. From
afar, it was a mesmerizing view.

The Great Void Divine Fist imprints crashed into the many
blossoms of blue flame flowers. One by one the flowers
were destroyed, blasted into smithereens, yet once again
they blossomed, filling the sky.

Sparks and flames flew in every direction.

Zhao Chen stood in midair, fixing a deadly stare at Huang

Xiaolong: “The move you made just now, was it the Great
Void Divine Fist?!”

The Great Void Divine Fist! That was a top-grade battle skill
from the Great Void Divine World!

As Sin City’s Young Lord, Zhao Chen lacked neither

cultivation techniques nor battle skills, however, he did not
possess something of the same grade as the mythical Great
Void Divine Fist.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t expect Zhao Chen to recognize the

Great Void Divine Fist, but he did not conceal it, “Correct.”
There was nothing to conceal after all.
“Hand over the Great Void Divine Fist technique, I can make
a concession, letting you die more comfortably!” Zhao
Chen’s eyes were burning with desire.

‘The Great Void Divine Fist, it was really the Great Void
Divine Fist!’

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong sneered sarcastically. In a split

second, a vertical slit appeared on Huang Xiaolong’s
forehead, the Eye of Hell opened, shooting out two crimson
red light beams. Zhao Chen suddenly felt something
impacting his mind, causing him to go blank.

The Blades of Asura appeared in Huang Xiaolong’ hands and

quickly swung out. Two grand blade lights flew out, similar
to volcano eruption awakened after a millennium of
slumber, like a stampede of a million beasts, a storm
covering the Nine Heavens, arriving in front of Zhao Chen
faster than the eye could blink.

Asura Sword Skill’s third move: Wrath of the Nether King!

Zhao Chen’s clarity recovered almost instantly, however,

the Wrath of the Never King already penetrated through his
blue flames, aiming for his heart. But before the blade lights
could pierce his skin, a blinding light burst forth from Zhao
Chen’s body. A large blue-colored black hole emerged,
blocking the attack, when the blades lights fell into the
black hole, it was no different from droplets of water
swallowed by the vast sea.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed. Saint realm’s space!

When one advanced into the Saint realm, they were able to
manipulate the Laws of Space and an individual space
would open in the Saint realm warrior’s Qi Sea. Facing an
enemy in battle, a Saint realm expert could summon that
space from the Qi Sea into the real world, both for attack
and defense.

Zhao Chen looked at Huang Xiaolong with mockery in his

eyes, “Huang Xiaolong, with this level of attack you expect
to penetrate through my defense? I’ll open your eyes now to
the real extent of the gap between a Saint realm and a
Xiantian!” Exuberant battle qi surged profusely, the blue
glow around the Saint realm space before Zhao Chen shook
the heavens, releasing a terrifying heat that enveloped
Huang Xiaolong.

Before the heat wave arrived, Huang Xiaolong felt like he

was about to turn into ashes at any moment, even with the
toughness of his physical body, it was difficult for him to
truly withstand the scorching heat. If he was really hit by
this hot wave, he would very likely be turned into gray

Huang Xiaolong did not dally or hesitate, with a leap, he

vanished from the spot. At the same time that Huang
Xiaolong vanished, Qin Yang, Lifei, Jie Dong, and Fen
Encheng also disappeared where they stood.


Moments later, the sound of Zhao Chen’s enraged roar

reverberated in the entire City of Myriad Gods.

“Search, get that kid in front of me even if you have to flip

over the whole Bedlam Lands!” Blue flames danced wildly,
turning everything inside the courtyard to ashes.

Half an hour later, on a small hill a hundred miles outside

the City of Myriad Gods, Huang Xiaolong’s group of five
Although he had broken through to Xiantian Tenth Order,
Huang Xiaolong knew that with his current level of strength
he was far from being able to defeat a Saint realm expert.
The previous battle with Zhao Chen was a mere test to
gauge where he stood against an actual early Saint realm

Comparatively, in terms of strength and defense, he was of

a lower rung. Of course, Huang Xiaolong had the Space
Concealment and Phantom Shadow martial abilities, Zhao
Chen couldn’t really harm him if he truly wanted to run.
Furthermore, Huang Xiaolong did not display the Godly Xumi
Art, soul transform with his twin dragon martial spirits nor
bring out the Godly Mt. Xumi.

He realized that he didn’t have enough strength for self-

preservation if rumors about him having the Godly Xumi Art
and Godly Mt. Xumi were made known.

‘There’s no other way but to break into the Saint realm as

soon as possible.’ Huang Xiaolong thought to himself. Once
he broke through to the Saint realm, defeating Zhao Chen
was only a matter of a breath’s time.

While Huang Xiaolong was contemplating all these things,

the four, Qin Yang, and the rest stood quietly behind him,
but in truth, great waves of shock were hitting their hearts.
Qin Yang initially assumed that, at most, Huang Xiaolong’s
cultivation would rise to peak late-Xiantian Eighth Order
from the last adventure, never did he imagine that Huang
Xiaolong could battle with an early Saint realm expert like
Zhao Chen and still retreat safely!

Recalling the scenes of Huang Xiaolong battling Zhao Chen

one after another, their emotions could hardly calm down
even after a long time.
This… had far exceeded their scope of imagination.

“I asked you to investigate that Yao Fei, what’s the result?”

At this point, Huang Xiaolong suddenly looked at them and

Before Huang Xiaolong left the City of Myriad Gods, he

ordered the four to keep an eye on Yao Fei. Due to Zhao
Chen and his men’s interference earlier, Huang Xiaolong
hadn’t had the opportunity to ask until this moment.

Qin Yang was pulled out of his trance, quickly stepping

forward to answer, “Young Lord, according to our
investigation, that Yao Fei headed to the Ghost Domain.”

“Ghost Domain?” Huang Xiaolong’s brows creased into

furrows, ‘What is this Yao Fei doing, going to the Ghost
Domain?’ Huang Xiaolong knew of the Ghost Domain, being
one of the largest forbidden lands in the Bedlams, mostly
occupied by ghosts and evil spirits. The lower level Xiantian
warriors that entered the Ghost Domain would only end up
as nourishment for those ghosts and evil spirits.

Even some early Saint realm experts needed to think twice

before venturing deeper into the Ghost Domain. In the
deeper parts of Ghost Domain lived demons that had been
alive for several thousand years.

These evil spirits had evolved into demons, each one had
earth-shaking power, some even comparable to high-levels
of human Saint realm experts.

“Replying to Young Lord, according to the rumors, a Ghost

City would appear above the Ghost Domain in the near
future, this subordinate’s guess is that Yao Fei’s objective in
the Ghost Domain might be the Ghost City that is about to
appear.” Lifei stepped up, reporting the information.
“Ghost City?” Huang Xiaolong was slightly baffled, he had
heard of the Ghost Domain, but not about a Ghost City.

“The Ghost City is one of the ancient cities left behind by

the six ancient kings, the Ghost King, appearing only once
every thousand years. Inside, the Ghost City is rumored to
store many rare treasures, from cultivation techniques, top
battle skills, spirit pellets and elixirs, even magical weapons,
armors, and the like crafted by divine level craftsmen during
the ancient era. Every time the Ghost City appears, warriors
from all over the Bedlam Lands would rush to seize this
opportunity.” Qin Yang explained.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes flickered with anticipation. This came

as a surprise for him, he didn’t expect that something like
the Ghost City was left behind by the Ghost King. During the
ancient era, six ancient kings ruled the earth, each one of
them a tyrannical hegemony that covered one direction.

Amongst the six kings, the Ghost King was considered the
most mysterious of them all and the most palpable,
commanding a ghost army of billions, part human, part
ghost, and part God body.

“Interesting.” Huang Xiaolong merely uttered a single word.

Originally, he planned to return to Black Demon City and
start his move of conquering the Blood River City as well as
the surrounding cities. However, since he coincidentally
chanced upon the appearance of the Ghost City, he should
definitely take a look.

“All of you return to Blood River City first, I’ll make a trip to
the Ghost Domain. We’ll attack the Five Poison Cult when I
return.” Huang Xiaolong commanded solemnly.

The four of them dared not disobey Huang Xiaolong’s order,

each answered with the utmost respect.
With a step, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette disappeared in
front of them in a blur.

“Say, do you think the Young Lord is a Heaven God’s

reincarnation?” Sending Huang Xiaolong away with her
gaze, Lifei suddenly spoke.

There was an old legend in the Martial Spirit World that

every ten thousand years, a human reincarnation of a
Heaven God would appear. Qin Yang and the other three
exchanged a look.

“Let us go.” Qin Yang said after a while. Hence, the group of
four flew off in the direction of Blood River City.
Chapter 308: Earth Dragon Egg

The Ghost Domain was located in the northern parts of the

Bedlam Lands.

Departing from the City of Myriad Gods to the Ghost

Domain, the distance wasn’t that far. Two weeks later,
Huang Xiaolong arrived at the border of the Ghost Domain.

Gazing into the Ghost Domain’s land, visible greenish mists

permeated the air, fleeting, and laced between the green
mists were gray and black energies.

A peculiar death aura washed over him.

Huang Xiaolong quickly initiated his battle qi, forming a

protective barrier around himself. Piercing through the thick
death aura in front of him, he went inside the layers of
green mist.

Inside this Ghost Domain, there wasn’t a ray of sunlight, as

far as the eye could see, every direction was covered in a
twilight darkness.

Huang Xiaolong continued to make his way deeper into the

domain, and occasionally, strange shrieks and noises
entered his ears.

“Gua~gua~~!” “Guagua!” In a dead tree up ahead, several

black crows flapped their wings and flew away.

One hour later, Huang Xiaolong landed at the edge of a

green lake. The color of the water was extremely green, so
much that it made an eerie feeling creep up one’s spine. On
the lake’s surface, bubbles would float up from its depth,
popping and releasing devil qi into the air.
Although there was no sun in the Ghost Domain, there was a
blood-red moon hanging in the sky. Beneath its sanguine
moonlight, the lake’s surface reflected a blood-red glow. At
the edge of the lake, a plant that was neither too big nor too
small grew, bearing three fruits. The stalk of the plant was
black as ink, yet the fruit it bore was an opulent gold,
emanating an exotic fragrance.

‘I didn’t expect to find a Detoxification Fruit here.’ A sparkle

shone in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes and he lifted his foot,
stepping towards the plant.

The Detoxification Fruit could resolve a hundred kinds of

poison, it was an extremely rare spirit fruit.

However, an entirely greenish-black evil creature emerged

from the lake, jaws opened wide, revealing sharp pointed
teeth, it pounced on Huang Xiaolong like a brutal predator.
Even before its jaw got close, a revolting rotten smell
polluted Huang Xiaolong’s surroundings.

Watching the creature coming at him, a light flickered in

Huang Xiaolong’s hand and the Blades of Asura slashed out
numerous blade lights, disappearing under the sanguine

A strange sounding miserable scream rang out in the lake.

Starting from its mouth, the evil creature was split into
countless pieces, falling back into the lake, splashing water
all over.

This evil creature was a common existence in the Ghost

Domain, called a Devil Sprite. To an average Xiantian
warrior, it might be slightly troublesome, but to Huang
Xiaolong it was not a problem at all.
Picking the three Detoxification Fruits from the plant, Huang
Xiaolong threw all three into the Asura Ring and took out the
detailed map he bought when he first arrived in the City of
Myriad Gods.

Every time the Ghost City appeared, it would be located in

close proximity to the Evil Spirits Mountain, thus Huang
Xiaolong planned to speed over.

“Evil Spirits Mountain.” On the map, Huang Xiaolong

managed to pinpoint its location quickly. Calculating
roughly, to reach the Evil Spirits Mountain from his current
spot would only take three to four days at his speed,
whereas there were still seven to eight days until Ghost City
appear. There was ample time and he was in no hurry,
therefore he decided to first rest before continuing onward.

Surveying the area, Huang Xiaolong’s flickered into a blur,

appearing on a more veiled spot on top of an ancient tree
and sat down. Then, he took out the Jasper Lotus elixir he
got from the Eminent Holiness space and swallowed it down.

Huang Xiaolong took a few hours to finish refining the Jasper


Just moments after Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes, the

wind whistled through the air. Turning over to look, Huang
Xiaolong saw two middle-aged men in blue robes
approaching closer from afar.

“This time, we really made a bountiful harvest on our trip to

the Ghost Domain!”

“Haha, you’re right. Once we brothers refine this Earth

Dragon egg, our chances of breaking through to the Saint
realm would increase to nine-tenths!”
Their voices carried by the wind reached Huang Xiaolong’s

Earth Dragon egg! Judging from these two men’s

conversation, it seems they got their hands on an Earth
Dragon egg!

The Dragon Race had become extinct long ago, Huang

Xiaolong didn’t expect that a dragon egg could have
survived up to now.

A dragon egg contained pure dragon essence, and this pure

dragon essence was not something the spiritual energy fish
Huang Xiaolong refined could compare with.

If…! Huang Xiaolong’s heart raced wildly, immediately

standing up. With a leap, he was already blocking in front of
the two men.

“Who?!” Chen Naiming and Du Xinjie were startled at the

sudden appearance of the young man in front of them,
quickly gathering battle qi, preparing for battle.

“Hand over the Earth Dragon egg!” Huang Xiaolong did not
waste time blabbing nonsense, directly stating his purpose.

Chen Naiming and Du Xinjie’s eyes narrowed. Observing

longer, both of them noticed that Huang Xiaolong was
merely a mid-Xiantian Tenth Order, both instantly relaxed,
breathing out in relief.

“Your mother, I thought ‘who could it be’, but it’s merely a

small mid-Xiantian Tenth Order.” Chen Naiming laughed at
Huang Xiaolong, but in the next moment, his expression
turned grim: “Brat, what did you say just now?”
A small mid-Xiantian Tenth Order actually dared to rob two

Du Xinjie snickered sinisterly, “Just now this brat said he

wants our Earth Dragon egg.” His voice was thick with

Both men once again burst out laughing.

“You’re right, we indeed have an Earth Dragon egg.” Chen

Naiming stared at Huang Xiaolong, sneering, he said, “Brat,
are you sure you are strong enough to take it from us?”

“Why talk so much nonsense with this brat, kill him and be
done with it.” Du Xinjie said.

“No rush. We’re idle anyways, we could spend some time to

play with this little brat.” Chen Naiming said to Huang
Xiaolong, “Little brat, if you kneel down obediently, eat up
that pile of beast dung, and make an oath to serve us
brothers, I might be in a good enough mood to spare your
life. Perhaps, I might even be generous enough to give you
some Earth Dragon eggshells.”

A finger pointed at a large of black dung not far away, not

knowing what kind of evil beast or creature it came from. An
extremely large pile, reaching to an adult’s waist.

Du Xinjie laughed heartily, “I’m only afraid the Earth Dragon

eggshell is too hard for you and you can’t digest it.”

An Earth Dragon’s eggshell was harder than a ten thousand

year cold iron. Imagining the scene where the brat in front
of him gnawed miserably on a piece of Earth Dragon
eggshell, Du Xinjie couldn’t help laughing.
However, as he laughed merrily, a blurry shadow shot out,
and Huang Xiaolong arrived in front of him in an instant. Du
Xinjie was startled, a cold light reflected in his pupils and
the next thing he knew was the icy pain coming from his

Du Xinjie touched his neck, feeling the warm blood seeping

through his fingers.

“You!!” He stared at Huang Xiaolong wide-eyed in disbelief.

The gaze in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes was phlegmatic, his

palm landed a strike on Du Xinjie’s chest at lightning speed,
sending him crashing to the ground a few meters away,
falling exactly on that waist-high pile of unknown dung. His
legs twitched in the air a few times before losing all actions.

Huang Xiaolong shifted his attention on Chen Naiming: “It’s

your turn now.”

Only at this moment did Chen Naiming recover from his

shock after watching Du Xinjie being attacked, he was
unable to hide the shock and trepidation in his eyes.

“Little brother, no! Senior!” Chen Naiming blurted out in a

stuttering voice. However, he merely managed these few
feeble words before Huang Xiaolong’s fist connected,
burying him in the same waist-high pile of dung.

Huang Xiaolong looked icily at the two bodies.

It didn’t take long for Huang Xiaolong to find the spatial

rings of the two men, and in Chen Naiming’s spatial ring,
there was a giant egg that was as tall as two people stacked
head to feet. On the surface of the egg were rows and rows
of dense mysterious runic patterns. Huang Xiaolong sensed
the terrifying energy contained inside the egg.
Chapter 309: Refining The
Earth Dragon Egg
Chapter 309: Refining the Earth Dragon Egg

Looking at the gigantic egg, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes shone

brightly. Without a doubt, this was the Earth Dragon egg.

Earth Dragon egg, ah! This was an egg that contained all
the true essence of a dragon!

Huang Xiaolong was excited, after refining the true dragon

essence of this egg, there was a high chance he would
break through to peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order! Maybe
even higher…!

Saint realm!

It took some time before Huang Xiaolong calmed down, and

then a tiny regret set in. If he had thought of it earlier, he
wouldn’t have killed the two men so quickly, he could have
asked them where they found this Earth Dragon egg. If it
was inside an ancient dragon’s cave, there might be other
good things lying around.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong left the area after

dealing with the two bodies.

Now, he needed a safe place to refine the true essence

inside this Earth Dragon egg. As for that so-called Ghost City
that was about to appear, it was thrown to the back of his
Every time the Ghost City appears, it would stay open for
one month’s time before vanishing again, making a move
after he refined the dragon essence still wouldn’t be too
late. Moreover, Ghost City’s appearance always triggered
fierce and tragic competition for treasures, therefore Huang
Xiaolong was in no hurry to rush over.

Half an hour later, Huang Xiaolong drilled into a giant tree

bark hole halfway up a mountain. The diameter of the tree
needed at least ten people to fully hug it, dense foliage and
thick branches that conceals well the hole in the bark.
Moreover, the hole was twenty meters above ground, not so
easy to see.

Huang Xiaolong looked around, the natural tree hole was

spacious enough to accommodate fifteen people. There was
an adult’s height between the floor and the exit, thus the
people outside wouldn’t notice anyone sitting inside.

Inside the tree hole, Huang Xiaolong summoned the Godly

Mt. Xumi, entered the Xumi Temple hall and brought out the
Earth Dragon egg.

The shell of an Earth Dragon egg was harder than steel, to

absorb its true essence through the eggshell was
unbelievably difficult, not to mention extremely slow.
However, this difficulty only applied to other people, not
Huang Xiaolong, since he had the Thousand Beast Cauldron
inside the Linglong Treasure Pagoda!

Summoning the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, Huang Xiaolong

infused battle qi into the Thousand Beast Cauldron and
activated the Thousand Demon Engulfing Destruction Array
to suck the dragon egg inside. He then activated the
Heaven and Earth Origin Reverting Array, the light around
the Earth Dragon egg pulsated ever more brightly.
Ten minutes passed, the bright yellow glow of the earth
element seeped out from the gap of the Thousand Beast
Cauldron’s lid and tiny strands of energy streamed out.
Although these strands of energy were small, the energy
contained in them was shocking.

Huang Xiaolong was delighted seeing this, his palm slapped

the cauldron lid and sucked in the essence of the Earth
Dragon egg into his body. Quickly running the Asura Tactics
to refine the abundant energy from the Earth Dragon egg.

The instant the dragon essence entered his body, Huang

Xiaolong felt every part of his meridians, Qi Sea, and
dantian being filled with vigorous surging energy, prompting
Huang Xiaolong to increase his refining speed even more.
His Qi Sea, meridians, and dantian were filled over and over
again, expanding in size every time they filled.

To Huang Xiaolong, his Qi Sea, meridians, and dantian were

akin to a dry desert, whereas the dragon essence was the
vitality injected within. There had never been a moment
where his Qi Sea, meridians, and dantian were full of spry

One hour passed, two hours passed…

The black and blue dragons hovered above Huang

Xiaolong’s head, roaring with excitement. The more Huang
Xiaolong refined the dragon essence, the stronger the twin
dragons martial spirits became, they were even more solid
and bigger.

For the black and blue twin dragon martial spirits, the
dragon essence from the egg was, without a doubt, the best
nourishment. As Huang Xiaolong continued to refine the
dragon essence, the black and blue dragon martial spirits
reaped great benefits, growing stronger and more powerful.
One day passed.

A resplendent halo shrouded Huang Xiaolong’s body, the

atmosphere of dragon essence permeated the Xumi Temple
hall. Even the nameless fire tree brought into the Xumi
Temple by Huang Xiaolong was emitting a soft glow. If one
took a closer look, they would notice that the faint dragon
essence that lingered in the air was being slowly absorbed
into the nameless fire tree.

This nameless fire tree was also absorbing the dragon


Even so, it only absorbed the energy floating in the air, what
was expelled by Huang Xiaolong, thus it didn’t affect the
refinement of dragon essence inside Huang Xiaolong’s body.

When three days had passed, the nameless fire tree actually
bore fruit, fiery-red fruits were hanging from the branches,
glistening with a tantalizing luster.

Time flowed and very soon ten days passed.

The resplendent halo around Huang Xiaolong grew stronger,

lighting the Xumi Temple in a prism of rainbow colors.

While the nameless fire tree absorbed the dragon essence,

it actually grew a circle bigger, its lush foliage was like
puffing fire clouds, shining a reddish gold. Huang Xiaolong
sat in the center of the Ten Buddha Formation, and
coincidentally, in the area shrouded by the puffs of fire

From afar, he looked like a sleeping fire dragon. Compared

to ten days ago, the atmosphere around Huang Xiaolong’s
body had more than doubled.
Half a month passed.

On this particular day, the dazzling lights that filled the hall
vanished suddenly, the time in the spacious hall seemed to
have stopped when an awe-inspiring energy of light burst
forth from Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette, shaking heaven and

Majestic dragon might flood into the hall, originating from

Huang Xiaolong.

When Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes, the sky in the

outside world above the giant tree was rapidly changing.

Half a month, it took Huang Xiaolong half a month to finish

refining the energy from the dragon egg. The amount of
dragon essence inside the egg was meant for the hatching
of a real dragon, so in short, Huang Xiaolong refined a

Now, every inch of Huang Xiaolong’s body, Qi Sea,

meridians, blood, and flesh contained the pure energy and
essence of a dragon. The surging dragon might that filled
the hall belonged to Huang Xiaolong himself, and not the
black and blue twin dragon martial spirits.

Submerging his spiritual senses within to check his physical

condition, Huang Xiaolong found out that his meridians and
veins expanded five to six times and we’re much tougher as
well. Moreover, each vein was like a real dragon, devouring
and absorbing spiritual energy at all time.

In the space above Huang Xiaolong’s dantian, true essence

gathered like pieces of liquid crystal.

“This!” Huang Xiaolong was surprised and ecstatic. His

dantian’s internal force had fully, completely, entirely,
turned into true essence! This liquid crystal form of true
essence seemed to hold a stronger power than he had
expected. With every complete cycle, he could feel his
physical strength enhancing.

Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi cultivation reached peak late-

Xiantian Tenth Order. Although he was slightly disappointed
that he did not advance into the Saint realm, he was
contented, because stepping into Saint realm was never so
easy. As heaven-defying as an Earth Dragon egg was, it was
nearly impossible to enable a Xiantian to break through into
the Saint realm within the span of a month.

“It’s time to make a visit to the Ghost City.” Huang Xiaolong

stood up, muttering to himself. A sharp light glinted in his
eyes and his momentum came rollingㅡif he come across
Zhao Chen again, he was confident that he could battle on
the same level without revealing the existence of the Godly
Xumi Art!
Chapter 310: Stepping
Into Ghost City
Chapter 310: Stepping into Ghost City

As for Yao Fei, if they met again, Huang Xiaolong had the
confidence to squash him with ease! It would be no different
than squashing an ant, crushing him into meat paste little
by little between his fingers!

Just as Huang Xiaolong was about to exit the Xumi temple

and go to the outside world, he caught sight of the
nameless fire tree and the numerous fiery fruits hanging on
its branches. He also noticed that its trunk was wider, it’s
branches thicker, and it’s leaves were denser and more

Huang Xiaolong stared slightly wide-eyed, dumbfounded.

In the past few months, he had tried different methods, yet

failed to make the nameless fire tree grow even a
centimeter, forget about making it bear fruit. But now, not
only was it taller and bigger, it was even bearing fruit!

One, two, three…!

With a single glance, Huang Xiaolong counted twenty-six

fiery fruits, exceeding the number of fruits that were in the
tree when Huang Xiaolong first found it at the bottom of the
rift. Pondering on the changes of the nameless fire tree,
Huang Xiaolong guessed that its growth was related to the
dragon essence. His fingers made a twirling motion and a
red fruit flew to his hand, then he opened his mouth and
swallowed the entire fruit.

Entering his body, the fire fruit melted into pure fire element
energy, spreading out to his Qi Sea and meridians. Barely
the time it took for an incense to burn, Huang Xiaolong had
fully refined the fire fruit. His Qi Sea, meridians, veins, and
flesh had reached a terrifying new height after refining the
Earth Dragon egg, so much that Huang Xiaolong no longer
needed to sit down and meditate to refine rare elixirs like
the fire fruit.

However, Huang Xiaolong shook his head after that. If he

was still a Xiantian Ninth Order warrior, this new evolved
version of the fire fruit might have been able to enhance his
cultivation, but now its benefits were negligible. Hence,
Huang Xiaolong left the rest of the red fruits where they
were, keeping them for his family for when he would see
them later.

With a flicker, Huang Xiaolong exited the Xumi Temple, went

out of the tree hole and, determining his position, he made
his way towards the Ghost City.

Refining the Earth Dragon egg delayed him for half a month,
and by now, the Ghost City had already appeared for eight

Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette was like a phantom under the

moonlight as he sped up to the destination unobstructed,
taking a one day and night’s journey before he reached the
Evil Spirits Mountain.

Evil Spirits Mountain was, in fact, an extended mountain

range covering an unknown land area, further than the eye
could see. The Ghost City was one of Bedlams forbidden
lands, but Evil Spirits Mountain was one the biggest
nefarious locations. Although Evil Spirits Mountain wasn’t
considered a deep region of the Ghost Domain, it gathered a
large number of evil spirits, demons, and devils that went
on a rampage, it was a place where ghost and demonic aura
pierced sky high.

However, when Huang Xiaolong reached the Evil Spirits

Mountain, what awed him wasn’t the heavy ghost and
demonic aura, but the unparalleled giant of a city hovering
above the Evil Spirits Mountain!

A real, crimson red city that stretched for tens of thousands

of miles and seemed to be just as tall!

The city walls were above a hundred zhang, made from an

unknown ore. The entire time, blood flowed endlessly from
the top of the city walls! This blood was a blackish red,
emanating a sense of horror, even standing a few miles in
the distance, Huang Xiaolong detected an unpleasant
pungent stench, akin to the foul smell of thousands of
millennium old corpses, whose stench was never gone.

The airspace above the city loomed in total darkness,

obscuring the moonlight in this part of the Ghost Domain.
Looking closer, Huang Xiaolong noticed that the cloud of
darkness that floated over the city consisted of evil spirits,
devils, and half-ghost half-devil entities!

An orchestra of high-pitched shrieks and howls echoed from

above the city, agonizing one’s eardrums.

Staring at the grand floating city, the amazement Huang

Xiaolong felt was hard to describe. While he was still
observing the city, a piercing shriek rang abruptly and a
large ghost-like creature separated from the dark cloud
above, flying straight at Huang Xiaolong.
Jolted back to the present, Huang Xiaolong didn’t spare a
glance at the creature, his palm turned and slammed at the
it, causing its mass to explode in the air. Then, he leaped
up, flying towards the gigantic floating Ghost City.

But the gates leading into Ghost City were blocked by the
swarm of countless evil spirits, devils, and half-ghost half-
devil creatures that wouldn’t even let water trickle through.
For Huang Xiaolong to enter the Ghost City, he had to kill his
way in.

Not far from the Ghost City gates, Huang Xiaolong saw three
middle-aged men clad in certain sect’s blue robes in the
midst of slaughtering their way into the city, but before they
could succeed, they were drowned by a swarm of evil spirits
and devils, bitten off, torn apart and eaten alive!

Huang Xiaolong watched as the three people had their flesh

torn off by a group of hundreds of evil spirits and little
devils, from the arms, thighs, to other parts. The brutal
bloodiness caused Huang Xiaolong’s brows to scrunch

This horrifying scene was also witnessed by other warriors

and sect disciples who had the same thought of
slaughtering their way into the city and caused them to
retreat in panic, their faces turned a deadly white and a chill
that wouldn’t go away crept into their hearts.

They could see that the group of three were all late-Xiantian
Tenth Orders.

“Look, someone’s trying to break into the Ghost City again!”

At this point, one of the onlookers exclaimed, pointing at
Huang Xiaolong.
“A peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order? Another one is going to
die, probably eaten by these evil spirits before he can even
touch the city gates!” An onlooker sneered.

“That’s right, this is the ninth day of Ghost City’s

appearance, the number of evils spirits and devils plugging
the entrance keeps increasing. There’s no way to go into
Ghost City without a Saint realm expert leading!”

In the short lapse of time when the people around were

talking, Huang Xiaolong leaped through the air, landing
about three hundred meters from the city gates.

The evil spirits and devils crowding the entrance saw a new
prey approaching and all of them bared their sharp fang and
claw in excitement, pouncing towards Huang Xiaolong.

Watching this, Huang Xiaolong snorted, his hand raised up

and struck an Earthen Buddha Palm frontward. In that
moment, the world was filled with a myriad of Buddha
statues, holy Buddha luminescence lighted up the land.

Harrowing cries came from the evil spirits and devils as they
exploded, erased from the world.

Buddhism energy flooded out from Huang Xiaolong’s body

like angry waves, spreading to his surrounding.

The second swarm of black creatures that was about to join

in pulled back hastily, as if they were facing the most
appalling thing in the world. Some didn’t stop in time,
coming into contact with the Buddhism energy emanating
from Huang Xiaolong’s body and tragic shrieks rendered the
air due to excruciating pain as dark green mist sizzled from
these dark creatures’ bodies.
These evil spirits and devils retreated in haste out of Huang
Xiaolong’s path.

The other sect disciples and warriors’ jaws dropped to the

ground watching this result, only managing to recover their
senses when Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette disappeared from
sight behind the city gates.

“This, who was that kid? How could he have such pure
Buddhism energy?!”

“Is that a Blessed Buddha Emperor’s secret genius


“That palm attack just now, what kind of battle skill was
that? Does the Blessed Buddha Empire have such battle

Intertwined with everyone’s shock was extreme regret, if

they knew earlier, they would have followed right behind
Huang Xiaolong, entering the Ghost City.

Huang Xiaolong looked back behind him after entering the

city. Those evil spirits and devils were kept outside the city
gates, three zhang away from them, unable to come even
half an inch closer. There had to be some unique arrays
around the city gates that kept those creatures out from the
city, as for the massive number of creatures in the sky
above the city, the same theory should apply.

Huang Xiaolong strode in, standing on one of the streets, a

biting cold wind blew over. The howling sounds issued were
enough to scare away most people. Huang Xiaolong looked
around and all he could see was absolute desolateness and
heavy solitude. On his left and right were collapsed
structures, dilapidated ruins, and headless bodies that were
strewn everywhere. Pieces of incomplete body parts and
blood stains decorated the scenery.
Chapter 311: Ghost King Palace

Inside the Ghost City, a very thick scent of blood lingered in

the air. Signs of death and massacre appeared around every

Ghostly and evil aura rumbled outside the Ghost City’s

perimeter, whereas inside the city itself, not a shred of
these two could be detected. But Huang Xiaolong knew that
this didn’t mean that there were no evil spirits or devils
here, more like they were detained, sealed in a certain

Once this seal was broken, those evil auras would certainly
be overwhelming.

Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi ran gently in his veins as he

walked down the streets, he was cautious and ready for any
sudden movement. Despite his strength having been greatly
enhanced after refining the Earth Dragon egg, advancing to
the peak of late-Xiantian Tenth Order, this was the Ghost
City, a place where even Saint realm experts could fall at
any moment.

Huang Xiaolong continued in the same manner for more half

an hour, the streets remained empty of other people. Other
than the death aura in the air, the only thing that
accompanied Huang Xiaolong was the howling wind.

The severed limbs, headless corpses, and mutilated bodies

were most likely the result of battles amongst disciples of
different sects that had entered the Ghost City seven to
eight days ago, their bodies had yet to rot.

Huang Xiaolong spread out his spiritual sense around him

and continued moving forward with care and caution. It was
at this time that a faint scream was heard from the front, as
soft it may be, Huang Xiaolong could still hear it.

It was a human voice!

Huang Xiaolong made a split second decision and flew in the

direction of the voice. He didn’t see even one living person
ever since he stepped into the city, this was an excellent
opportunity to ask someone where the sect disciples that
entered Ghost City days earlier had gone.

Soon, following the sound of the voice, Huang Xiaolong

reached the deserted ruins of a courtyard. In the middle of
the yard, he came to the scene of a young woman that
could be considered pretty, pleading fearfully at two brawny
men holding sharp blades in their hands.

“I beg you, let me go, as long as you let me go, I promise to

do anything.” The woman endlessly pleaded.

“You would do anything for us to let you go?” The man in

green robe gave a nasty chuckle, “It’s not impossible to let
you go, this master’s lower part hasn’t enjoyed some
pleasure for a long time, make this master’s lower part
happy and I can consider letting you go.” He pointed to the
crotch of his pants where a tent rose.

His comrade broke out in boisterous laughter.

The woman stubbornly shook her head, trying to restrain

her sobs to a minimum.

The green robed man strode towards the woman, his hand
brutally grabbing the clothing on her chest and tearing it off,
exposing her jade-white breasts. Shivering in the wind, it
was a scene that would arouse desire and lust.
Watching the scene in front of him, the brawny green robed
man swallowed loudly with lust. He took another large stride
forward, wanting to grab the woman’s thigh, but a sharp
light glinted in front of his eyes. Both of his hands paused in
midair, his eyes were wide with shock even as he tumbled
to the ground in the next second.

Huang Xiaolong appeared in the ruined yard, in front of the

three people. The other man was jarred seeing his
comrade’s corpse, his fearful eyes darted towards Huang
Xiaolong’s face.

The woman awakened, quickly tidying her clothing before

approaching Huang Xiaolong’s side with an embarrassed
expression: “Many thanks for Young Noble’s helping hand.”

However, just as her sentence ended, a sharp blade

appeared in her hand stabbing down on Huang Xiaolong’s
back. If Huang Xiaolong spine was severed, as powerful as
Huang Xiaolong was, he would be gravely injured, even
paralyzed on the spot.

The weak and pitiful look completely vanished from her

face, replaced with vicious cruelty and bloodlust. Her
sadistic laughter rang in Huang Xiaolong’s ears, “Little kid,
you only have yourself to blame for being nosy, but don’t
worry, I’ll leave your corpse in one piece.”

The sharp blade fell right into Huang Xiaolong’s spine bone.

At this moment, the other man broke out in manic laughter

as he pierced his sword into Huang Xiaolong’s chest, vicious
words spewing from his mouth, “Punk, it didn’t cross your
mind that we’re actually a group! Seventeen disciples from
different sect died under our hands before this, and you’re
the eighteenth!”
These three people were actually a group!

The three people in cahoots put on a show, all to lure sect

disciples like Huang Xiaolong over, killing them when they
weren’t on guard, and pilfering their treasures.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at the two faces, a sneer appeared

on his face, “Is that so?”

Both of them noticed that Huang Xiaolong was calm instead

of wailing in pain, and were alarmed. Two pairs of eyes
separately darted towards his spine and chest ‘wounds’ only
to realize that their so-called sharp blade and sword stopped
right on the young man’s skin surface, not even making a
cut through Huang Xiaolong’s skin.

“This!” The man and woman were dumbstruck.

How could this be! The first word that crossed their minds

Huang Xiaolong had a faint mocking smile on his face

looking at their wonderful expressions. He practiced the
Golden Linglong Body that came from the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda, and throughout his years of cultivations, he had lost
count of the number of spirit fruits and elixirs he had
swallowed. Even before he refined the Earth Dragon egg’s
essence, his physical body’s defense and toughness were
comparable to an early Saint realm expert’s. Average blades
and swords had no way of hurting him, as they couldn’t
even break the surface of his skin.

Intense Battle qi surged out from Huang Xiaolong’s body,

repelling the two people. Their sharp weapons were
bounced to the air and broke into a dozen pieces, scattering
on the ground. Huang Xiaolong reached out, the suction
force pulled the man back, with his throat in Huang
Xiaolong’s palm. An icy cold voice sounded, “Eighteenth?”
The man’s face turned purple as he struggled to say
something, but Huang Xiaolong’s hand exerted a slight
pressure, instantly crushing the man’s throat and flung him
to the side without another glance. Then, he turned around
and faced the woman.

Paralyzed by fear, the woman hastened to beg, “Young

Noble, have mercy, have mercy, ah! It was them, they
forced me, they forced me to do this!” Her fingers pointed
frantically at the two men’s corpses.

“Speak, where did all the sect disciples that entered the
Ghost City go?” Huang Xiaolong questioned coldly.

“They, they headed towards the Ghost King Palace.” The

woman quickly answered.

“Ghost King Palace?” Huang Xiaolong frowned.

“Right, right, all of them went to the Ghost King Palace. It’s
at the north side of the city, the Ghost King Palace was the
Ghost King’s residence in the past, I heard there are a lot of
valuable treasures inside, cultivation techniques, battle
skills, even Ghost King Pellets refined by the Ghost King
himself.” The woman quickly listed all the good things to
Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong then asked the woman what she knew

about the Ghost King Palace, and everything was answered

“Young Noble, can you…?” After answering the last of Huang

Xiaolong’s question, the woman inquired carefully, eyes
seeking mercy.
Huang Xiaolong was indifferent, his hand lifted and a finger
pointed directly at the center of the woman’s eyebrows,
piercing through her head with an Absolute Soul Finger, “I
can leave you an intact corpse.”

The woman fell, her eyes widened in shock, laying on the

ground with her milky white breasts exposed to the sky.

“Ghost King Palace.” Huang Xiaolong muttered to himself

and flew up towards the said direction of the Ghost King
Palace. No wonder he didn’t see anyone on the streets, each
and every one of them had rushed to the Ghost King Palace.

If so, then Zhao Chen and Yao Fei would surely be at the
Ghost King Palace as well!

Huang Xiaolong rushed all the way, his silhouette was only a
blur in the Ghost City’s airspace. Half a day later, he arrived
at the said location.

Standing in midair, Huang Xiaolong looked before him,

where the palace structures waved up and down in the
horizon line in a complex pattern. The area was so big that it
was hard to estimate, and above the palace, the ghost and
devil auras were thick enough to condense into ghost and
devil clouds.

This was the Ghost King Palace! The place where the Ghost
King cultivated in the past.
Chapter 312: What If I Intervene?

Huang Xiaolong paused for a moment in midair before

landing on one of the palace’s many roofs.

Here, in the Ghost King Palace, Huang Xiaolong found that

his spiritual sense was being limited. At most, his spiritual
sense could only extend one hundred meters, but the Ghost
King Palace area was too enormous, a mere hundred meters
radius of spiritual sense was basically redundant.

A thought struck his mind and a vertical slit opened on his

foreheadㅡthe Eye of Hell. Sure enough, the Eye of Hell could
see farther and clearer than his spiritual sense in this
ghostly place, even through several layers of walls, Huang
Xiaolong was able to see what was happening behind them
without obstruction.

Still, it was limited to only a thousand meter in radius.

One thousand meter radius… Huang Xiaolong shook his

head. In truth, one thousand meters wasn’t that much of a
difference. He leaped down from the roof, landing on the
ground below, staying on the roof was too obvious a target.

Just as his feet touched the ground, powerful energy

fluctuations came from the direction in front of him. Judging
from the level of energy fluctuations, the two people
fighting were, without a doubt, half-Saint experts.
Furthermore, their strength was slightly higher than the old
man he battled on the Broken Tiger Rift.

Huang Xiaolong leaped forward, heading towards the

source. It didn’t take him long to arrive at the scene.
The two people fighting were two young looking men, one
was clad in a red robe, while his opponent in a purple robe.
On the red robed man’s chest, there was a pattern of a two-
headed mythical beast, something that Huang Xiaolong had
seen before. In the City of Myriad Gods, he saw the same
two-headed mythical beast on He Yunxiong’s robe.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong surmised that this red-robed

young man was someone from Millennium City, and chances
were, he was He Yunxiong’s disciple. Whereas the purple-
robed young man, the emblem on his robe was an Elephant.

Elephant? It seems this other young man belongs to the City

of Myriad Gods, Luo Wujun’s disciple!

Luo Wujun, the City of Myriad Gods’ Castellan, also one of

top ten Bedlam Lands’ experts.

From observing these two people’s battle, this Luo Wujun

disciple’s strength was a bit better than He Yunxiong’s
disciple. Fists and palm imprints collided, the sound of
exploding air resonated. All of a sudden, Luo Wujun’s
disciple changed his movement midair, somersaulting over
and slamming a palm strike squarely on He Yunxiong’s
disciple’s back.

Pu! Sun Haoran coughed out a mouthful of blood,

plummeting to the ground

Succeeding in injuring Sun Haoran, Wu Zhang landed on the

ground, staring at Sun Haoran’s miserable condition. A
malicious sneer crept up his face, “Sun Haoran, you didn’t
expect that you would die here, right?”

Sun Haoran wiped off the blood from the corner of his
mouth, no fear in his eyes: “If I die, Master will avenge me.”
Wu Zhang burst into laughter hearing this, “Master? You
think that old man He Yunxiong could leave this Ghost City
alive? Let me tell you, the Ghost City’s appearance this
time, your Master, as well as your nine apprentice-brothers
and sisters can only dream of leaving here alive!”

“You!” Sun Haoran paled: “What did you say?!”

“What did I say?” Wu Zhang snickered, “Wait till you see He

Yunxiong in hell, you can ask him yourself.” Wu Zhang
moved again, both palms aiming at Sun Haoran’s torso.

Sun Haoran dodged swiftly, but Wu Zhang’s palm dogged

him like a shadow, closer and closer. Just when Wu Zhang’s
palms attack was about to strike, a dazzling aureate light
filled the sky, overtowering Buddha statues leaped out from
the ground below.

Startled, Wu Zhang hastily changed the direction of his

attack with a turn of his wrist at the sudden attacker.

A booming blast resounded, the large rebound force

repelled Wu Zhang back again and again until he was
pushed more than several hundred meters back. Wu Zhang
was greatly shocked, his bewildered eyes searched the
surrounding to discover that a black-haired young man had
appeared in front of Sun Haoran.

Ignoring Wu Zhang’s shock, Huang Xiaolong turned back to

look at Sun Haoran, “Are you alright?”

Sun Haoran was looking at Huang Xiaolong’s back,

dumbfounded. Huang Xiaolong’s voice pulled him back to
the present, and Sun Haoran shook his head: “I’m alright,
thank you.”
Huang Xiaolong considered for a moment and took out a
stalk of White Ganoderma from the Asura Ring. Its fragrance
immediately wafted in the air, lighting up the gloomy dark
gray sky as if it was daylight.

“This, this is White Ganoderma!” Both Wu Zhang and Sun

Haoran exclaimed in amazement, eyes staring fixedly at the
white fungus in Huang Xiaolong’s hand, almost a
translucent crystal with a white-colored emulsion moving on
the inside.

This was one of the many elixirs Huang Xiaolong found at

the bottom of Broken Tiger Rift. A hundred-year-old
ganoderma was common, but a thousand-year-old and
above was rare, a stem of a ten-thousand-year-old
ganoderma was considered extinct, not to mention the king
of ganoderma, the White Ganoderma.

This king of ganoderma, other than enhancing cultivation, it

was a holy elixir for healing injuries.

Before the two pairs of feverish eyes, Huang Xiaolong sent

the White Ganoderma to Sun Haoran with a gentle flick,
“Here, swallow it.”

Sun Haoran looked dazedly at Huang Xiaolong in disbelief.

Doubtful of what he had just heard, he asked, “Are you sure
you want to let me swallow this White Ganoderma?”

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “I owe Senior He a personal favor.”

That time in the City of Myriad Gods, He Yunxiong helped

Huang Xiaolong out, now he was just reciprocating the favor
by saving his disciple. The White Ganoderma might be a
rare elixir in others’ eyes, but it wasn’t that significant to
Huang Xiaolong. In the pile of elixirs inside his Asura Ring,
this White Ganoderma ranked at the bottom.
“So, this Brother knows Master.” Sun Haoran was relieved
after clarifying this point, but still, he refused, “But this is
too much, please keep it for yourself. My injuries are not
that heavy.” He moved to send the White Ganoderma back
to Huang Xiaolong. In his opinion, Huang Xiaolong’s
repayment was slightly overboard, he was embarrassed to
accept such a precious gift.

It was at this moment, a shadow flickered, Wu Shang’s hand

reached out to grab the White Ganoderma.

However, before he could touch the White Ganoderma, a

torrent of halberd shadows appeared, bringing a storm of
violent winds that overlapped like layers of waves. Alarmed,
Wu Zhang resolutely retreated.

“Big Cutting Palm!” His arms gathered back and then

slashed down vertically.

A dozen knife-like palms slashed down on the violent winds

created by the halberds.

Boom! A thunderous explosion shook the space.

The numerous halberd shadows dissipated, Wu Zhang

succeeded in blocking the layers of violent winds, but
despite that, his back was damp with cold sweat. He looked
at Huang Xiaolong with trepidation for only he truly
understood how horrifying Huang Xiaolong’s halberd attack

What was this black-haired young man’s background, for a

peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order to possess such terrifying
strength? Wu Zhang’s throat felt parched, “Friend, this is a
matter between our City of Myriad Gods and Millennium
City, I advise you, it’s better not to interfere unnecessarily.”
Huang Xiaolong was impassive, “So what if I interfere?”

When he was in the City of Myriad Gods that time, Zhao

Chen’s subordinates blatantly attacked Huang Xiaolong
without fear of repercussions and the city guards were
shamelessly siding with Zhao Chen’s subordinates. These
didn’t help build any good impression on the City of Myriad
Gods in Huang Xiaolong’s mind.

Hearing that, Wu Zhang shook his head, “This friend’s

strength is not bad, but still, it’s better not to act recklessly,
otherwise you would be bringing a catastrophe to your
family.” Wu Zhang’s words were not empty threats. Very
little people in the Bedlam Lands dared to interfere in the
City of Myriad Gods’ affairs.

At this time, Sun Haoren persuaded, “Brother, go.” He felt it

was not necessary for Huang Xiaolong to offend the City of
Myriad Gods because of Millennium City, regardless if Huang
Xiaolong owed his Master a favor or not.
Chapter 313: Ghost King Sutra

Seeing that Sun Haoran too persuaded him not to interfere,

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, secretly thinking, ‘As a
man, what is fear, and what is there to be afraid of?’ He
wasn’t even afraid of Deities Templar, would he bow to a
mere City of Myriad Gods?!

When Wu Zhang saw Huang Xiaolong being silent, he

immediately assumed that Huang Xiaolong feared the City
of Myriad Gods’ power and prepared to retreat and he
couldn’t resist smiling, “This friend could see the truth and
make the wisest decision, to preserve oneself is the
brightest road…” His words trailed off here, his greedy eyes
shifted towards the White Ganoderma with his hands
extended out, his meaning evident in the gesture.

But when his hand almost caught the elixir in his hand,
halberd images rained down once again. This time, the
power of destruction surpassed the last attack, scaring Wu
Zhang and causing him to leap back in shock, striking out
Big Cutting Palms continuously in an attempt to block.

Wu Zhang retreated again and again until he was several

hundred meters back before stopping, a film of sweat
trickled down his forehead.

“You!” His expression distorted glowering at Huang


Huang Xiaolong jeered, “Preservation before principle?

When did I tell you that I’m leaving?”

A gloomy light flickered in Wu Zhang’s eyes, “Friend really

isn’t afraid that the family you belong to would perish in
calamity due to your folly?”
“That depends if your City of Myriad Gods has the
capability.” Throwing that sentence, Huang Xiaolong no
longer bothered to exchange more words, the Eminent
Holiness Halberd hummed, slashing down a thousand zhang
long golden black halberd light. Space shook as the long
halberd pierced through the air, arriving instantaneously in
front of Wu Zhang.

The abrupt change made Wu Zhang’s confidence wavered.

“Elusive Dragon Step!”

Without a second thought, Wu Zhang leaped high up from

the ground as if he was a flood dragon, barely escaping the
thousand zhang golden-black halberd light. A booming
sound reached his ears. Turning back, he saw that the
palace building structure behind him was cut into two
sections right in the middle. Crumbling down to the sides,
extending past the structure, dust and sand obscured the

Wu Zhang face was ashen watching the result, fortunately,

he managed to dodge the attack fast enough, otherwise,
he’d be split in two.

While Wu Zhang was still immersed in his lucky escape,

bright golden light cast over him. Turning to look, he saw
Huang Xiaolong descending on him like a Dragon God. In an
upward motion, the long halberd executed another attack.
Blinding halberd lights shot straight at him.

“Crimson Blood Palm!” Terrified, Wu Zhang bellowed. His

palms doubled in size, turning a blood crimson red,
slamming down towards Huang Xiaolong.

Two blood-crimson palm imprints crashed against countless

halberd images, shock waves and explosions reverberated
in the air.

The powerful impact sent Wu Zhang staggering back when a

wayward halberd light flew towards him. Wu Zhang merely
caught sight of a bright flash, and the next thing he knew,
bursts of pain came from his chest area.

He stared dazedly at his own torso where a halberd was

sticking to his chest, penetrating him through and through,
the tip coming out from his back.

Huang Xiaolong’s expression was cold as he pulled out the

Eminent Holiness Halberd before landing on the ground.

Blood fell like rain to the ground from high altitude, as Wu

Zhang plummeted.

Sun Haoran was bewildered as he watched Wu Zhang falling

from the sky. At this point, he was well aware that Wu Zhang
was at the end of his rope, his life not far from being
extinguished. He was familiar with Wu Zhang’s strength, he
was a peak of half-Saint, the City of Myriad Gods’ Castellan’s
second disciple. For centuries, there had never been an
opponent that managed to defeat him or strong enough to
be a rival.

But now, Wu Zhang actually died in the hands of a peak

late-Xiantian Tenth Order? Moreover, it was only a matter of
several strikes. From the beginning until the end, Wu Zhang
never had a chance to resist.

While these thoughts ran past Sun Haoran’s mind, on the

other side, Wu Zhang struggled to get up slowly. Eyes filled
with venomous viciousness, he glared at Huang Xiaolong,
his hoarse voice sounded:“You…will…regret this!”
“I’m not one to regret things.” Huang Xiaolong’s cold gaze
directed at Wu Zhang.

Wu Zhang looked at Sun Haoran and back at Huang

Xiaolong again, a laugh sounded from his throat, a little
helpless, a little lonely, “Worry not, both of you will come
down to accompany me soon enough.” His body swayed,
tumbling to the ground as he uttered his last word, no
longer moving.

Huang Xiaolong let the Eminent Holiness Halberd return to

his arm. Approaching Wu Zhang’s corpse, he found his
spatial ring and took it. His spiritual sense swept inside and
detected many spirit pellets, and elixirs. In a deeper corner
of the space, Huang Xiaolong found two pieces of grade one
spirit stones.

The spirit pellets were mostly of grade eight and grade nine,
if this was before, Huang Xiaolong would have been
delighted, however, these grades of items couldn’t enter his
eyes now. As for elixirs, in Huang Xiaolong’s Asura Ring
were elixirs over thirty-thousand-year-old.

Still, having beats not having any time, thus Huang Xiaolong
threw the spatial ring into his Asura Ring. Looking at Wu
Zhang’s corpse, with a wave of his hand, a lump of true
essence fire fell on the corpse, incinerating the body before
one could blink. In the end, only a pile of gray ashes

Witnessing the terror of that spark of flame, Sun Haoran

swallowed nervously. Once again, his knowledge of things
was challenged. He had never seen or heard of this before,
what kind of flame condensed out of battle could qi contain
such power?!
The physical body of a half-Saint was undoubtedly strong, so
strong that it couldn’t be burned by an average battle qi
flame, not even the hairs on the skin surface of a half-
Saint’s body, thus one should forget about incinerating the
whole body.

Huang Xiaolong turned around and walked towards Sun


Only then did Sun Haoran wake up from his daze, stuttering
a little, “Ma-many thanks for B-Brother’s help. This saving
grace, I, Haoran, will remember in my heart.” Facing Huang
Xiaolong again, there was reverence in his eyes, even he
failed to notice the subtle changes in his demeanor.

Sun Haoran’s words made Huang Xiaolong smile. Shaking

his head, he said, “No need, I’ve already said that I’m just
repaying Senior He’s favor. Now, swallow this White
Ganoderma, I’ll help you heal your injuries.”

“Yes!” Sun Haoran accepted, not daring to refuse. Thus, Sun

Haoran swallowed the White Ganoderma, whereas Huang
Xiaolong ran his battle qi, both palms pressed against Sun
Haoran’s back, aiding Sun Haoran in refining the medicinal
benefits of the elixir. With Huang Xiaolong’s help, three
hours later, Sun Haoran had fully absorbed the medicine.

“Many thanks, Brother!” Sun Haoran once again cupped his

hands in thanks towards Huang Xiaolong. After refining the
White Ganoderma, he found out that not only had all his
injuries healed, even the hidden injuries of old wounds
disappeared, and his battle qi was more vigorous than

“Don’t mention it.” Huang Xiaolong asked, “Do you know

where Senior He is at this time?”
Sun Haoran shook his head, “I was separated from Master
and the other apprentice brothers, I don’t know where
Master or my Brothers could be, but, judging from what Wu
Zhang said before, that Luo Wujun is planning something
detrimental to Master. Master must be in a dangerous
situation now!” Sun Haoran became anxious.

“Let’s leave this place first.” Huang Xiaolong suggested.

Sun Haoran nodded in agreement. With that, both flew off,

leaving the scene.

“This time, when the Ghost City appeared, did both Senior
He and Luo Wujun come here?” While flying, Huang
Xiaolong asked.

“Yes, other than my Master and Luo Wujun, Senior Yang Yi

from Imperial Saber City and Ghost Bear Senior Wang Kun
are also here.” Sun Haoran added, “Because there is a
rumor saying that this time, the sutra that Senior Ghost King
cultivated would appear in the Ghost City!”

Saber Emperor Yang Yi!

Ghost Bear Wang Kun!

Huang Xiaolong was astounded, four of the ten Bedlam

Lands’ top ten experts were present! It couldn’t be
guaranteed that none of the remaining six did not come
either, it was only that Sun Haoran didn’t know.

“Is this Ghost King Sutra that powerful?” Huang Xiaolong


The Ghost King Sutra actually attracted four of Bedlam

Lands’ top experts here! Experts of He Yunxiong’s level
definitely didn’t lack top grade cultivation techniques.
Sun Haoran nodded solemnly, “The Ghost King Sutra is
indeed powerful. The Sutra is divided into ten stages, and
according to legends, as long as one cultivates until the
ninth stage, they would be invincible and have
unimaginably long lifespans, to the point of immortality.”
Chapter 314: Saint King’S
Junior Brother?
Chapter 314: Saint King’s Junior Brother?


To the point of immortality!

Hearing Sun Haoran’s excessive praise of the Ghost King

Sutra, Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help smiling inwardly, that
year when he got the Asura Tactics, his Master Ren Wokuang
also wrote on the first page of the manualー Asura Tactics,
Invincible Throughout!

Through many years of cultivation, Huang Xiaolong

understood one thing, the cultivation technique wasn’t the
most important aspect, but the person themselves.

“Then, do you know what stage the Ghost King managed to

reach in his lifetime?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

Sun Haoran explained, “It was said, that year, Senior Ghost
King reached the seventh stage of the Ghost King Sutra.
Although it was only the seventh stage, amongst the six
kings, Senior Ghost King’s strength was ranked second,
even the third-ranked Senior Herculean King was once
defeated by the Ghost King. If Senior Ghost King reached
the eighth stage, perhaps even Senior Saint King wouldn't
have been his opponent!”

Saint King! The number one master of the ancient era!

Huang Xiaolong was secretly shocked, he didn’t expect this
so-called Ghost King Sutra to be so amazing, merely at the
seventh stage, the Ghost King secured the second position
amongst the six famous kings during that time.

“Have you heard about an Eminent Holiness during that

time?” Suddenly a thought struck Huang Xiaolong, he asked
Sun Haoran.

“Eminent Holiness!” Sun Haoran had an astonished

expression on his face looking at Huang Xiaolong, “I didn’t
expect that Brother would know about Eminent Holiness. In
fact, this Eminent Holiness was the Saint King’s Junior

“Saint King’s Junior Brother?!” It was Huang Xiaolong’s turn

to be surprised. The leader of the six kings, Saint King’s
Junior Brother! Huang Xiaolong did guess the Eminent
Holiness would be a famous master in his own right, but the
Eminent Holiness being the Saint King’s Junior Brother
seemed beyond his imagination.

Sun Haoran nodded, “That’s right, the Eminent Holiness was

indeed the Saint King’s Junior Brother. It was by coincidence
that I found this information, flipping through an old ancient
record, because Eminent Holiness preferred to stay hidden
in the mountains, rarely showing up in public, thus during
the ancient time, not many people knew about him.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded, so it was like this.

“Still, as the Junior Brother of the Saint King, his strength

should be quite strong as well.” Sun Haoran added.

Both conversed as they flew. However, Sun Haoran knew

very little about Eminent Holiness and had no other
information to offer to Huang Xiaolong.
Along the way, both of them came across many scenes of
sect disciples fighting for treasures, but they neither stop
nor interfere in these battles. Inside the Ghost King Palace,
killings and slaughters were everywhere, even if they had
the heart to care, it was an endless burden.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the corpses littered on the streets

along the way, shaking his head; everyone in this world
knew that life was more important than anything, yet in this
world, how many people could actually really see and

Birds die for food and humans die for wealth.

Sun Haoran and Huang Xiaolong flew for two hours, but
despite that their speed, they didn’t even cover a tenth of
the vast Ghost King Palace.

At one point, Sun Haoran stopped, taking out a piece of map

from his sleeves. Checking the aged yellow map, a finger
pointed to a spot on the map, “In front should be the Ghost
Temple, one of the places the Ghost King used as a
cultivation place. Brother Huang, should we go and take a
look there?”

Huang Xiaolong nodded in agreement, “Good.” After all, he

wasn’t familiar with this Ghost King Palace and since that
Ghost Temple was one of the places where the Ghost King
cultivated in the past, there was bound to be something
valuable inside.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong agreed, Sun Haoran flew up,

leading the way to the Ghost God Temple. No more than ten
minutes later, from afar, both of them could see the outline
of the Ghost Temple.
Above the temple, dense ghost aura condensed into pillows
of ghost clouds. From afar, one could hear the shrill cries
coming from these ghost clouds, penetrating the soul.

When the two of them got closer to Ghost Temple, they

heard echoes of battle and loud, angry voices. It seems
there were some people who arrived at Ghost Temple before

“This is… Third Senior Brother’s voice!” When Sun Haoran

heard one of the voices, his face tightened, “Third Senior
Brother’s in danger!” He rushed towards the scene with
Huang Xiaolong.

Arriving on the fighting scene seconds later, they saw a red-

robed middle-aged man with a light goatee besieged by two
middle-aged men clad in blue robes.

On the chest of the red-robed man, there was a similar two-

headed mythical beast pattern just like Sun Haoran’s,
identifying him to be Sun Haoran’s Third Senior Brother.
Other than the three people fighting, not far away, there
was a pair of young man and woman watching the battle,
from the looks of things, they were on the same side as the
two middle-aged men in blue robes.

“Snow Dragon City’s people!” Sun Haoran’s expression grew

grim the instant he saw the two middle-aged men and the
pair of young disciples.

Snow Dragon City!

Huang Xiaolong blanked, looking carefully, he noticed the

white dragon emblem on the two middle-aged men’s
sleeves. Snow Dragon City was one of the top ten cities in
the Bedlam Lands, ranking above Millennium City. Its City
Castellan, Silver Dragon Ao Gu was quite formidable.
‘That pair of young people must be Silver Dragon Ao Gu’s
disciples,’ Huang Xiaolong thought to himself, ‘while those
two middle-aged men were probably guards.’

At this point, Sun Haoran’s Third Senior Brother, Peng Feng,

received a full force punch to his shoulder, a low grunt
escaped his mouth. His entire body was thrown back, blood
flowing out the corner of his lips.

“Third Senior Brother!” Sun Haoran cried out, jumping into

the fray with a punch aimed at the same blue-robed middle-
aged man who attacked. Although he wasn’t clear why his
Third Senior Brother had a conflict with the people from
Snow Dragon City, at this kind of situation, he couldn’t
bother with the smaller details.

The power of Sun Haoran’s punch forced the middle-aged

man to retreat, while Peng Feng seized the opportunity to
punch the other middle-aged man. Suddenly, the battle
came to a standstill.

“Fourth Junior Brother, run quickly!” However, Peng Feng

felt no joy seeing Sun Haoran appear. Instead, he blurted
out an anxious warning, looking extremely agitated. If it was
his Senior Brother, perhaps both of them could retreat
safely, but Fourth Junior Brother’s strength was slightly
weaker than his. As for that black-haired young man with his
Fourth Junior Brother, although Peng Feng didn't know who
the young man might be, he was still only a peak late-
Xiantian Tenth Order and was of no help at all.

“Run? Since you’re here, don’t dream of leaving!” The pair

of young people approached and the young woman
sneered. Huang Xiaolong’s guess was right on the gold, this
young man and woman pair were Snow Dragon City
Castellan Silver Dragon Ao Gu’s disciples, the young man
was called Du Huagang and the young woman was Li Li, the
two blue-robed middle-aged men were indeed their guards.
Regardless, all four of them were powerful, all four were

Li Li walked over, her eyes taking a quick glance over Huang

Xiaolong and Sun Haoran, not putting either one of them in
her eyes. Sneering at Peng Feng, she said: “Peng Feng, in
this time’s Ghost City’s appearance, your Millennium City
should never have come.” Shaking her head sorrowfully with
a heartache expression, Li Li continued, “Pity, ah, six of you
master-disciples will all be buried here in Ghost City! One
month later, Millennium City’s name will be erased from the
Bedlam Lands, forever!”

Sun Haoran paled at these words. The meaning of these

words, was Snow Dragon City plotting against Millennium
City? Or… Were the City of Myriad Gods and Snow Dragon
City working together in this?

That Du Huagang spoke, “The two of you go and deal with

the both of them, leave that brat to me.”

“Yes!” The two blue-robed middle-aged men answered

respectfully, immediately launching attacks on Peng Feng
and Sun Haoran, whereas Du Huagang was walking towards
Huang Xiaolong, the one seemingly easiest to deal with.
Chapter 315: I Hope You Can Think It Over Clearly

Du Huagang stopped before Huang Xiaolong, giving him a

once over glance from head to toe as he shook his head,
“Brat, it wasn’t easy for you to come this far, you being a
peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order means that your talent is not
bad. If you can follow a good master, you may have a bright
future, but it’s a pity, you took cover under the wrong tree,
therefore you can only die here today!”

Because Huang Xiaolong arrived with Sun Haoran, standing

slightly behind Sun Haoran, Du Huaguang naturally
presumed that Huang Xiaolong was tied to Millennium City,
serving as Sun Haoran’s subordinate.

Huang Xiaolong merely replied with a stoic word, “Really?”

Du Huagang chuckled watching Huang Xiaolong’s lack of

expression, “Definitely, unless a miracle happens.”

“Don’t waste time with words, swiftly take care of that brat.”
Beside Du Huagang, Li Li was getting impatient. “Then the
four of us can deal with Peng Feng and Sun Haoran.”

Du Huagang nodded, wasting no more time with nonsense.

His body flickered, arriving close to Huang Xiaolong in an
instant, his palm struck out, aiming straight at Huang
Xiaolong’s heart.

“An opponent that dies with a single strike has no meaning.”

Resolving Huang Xiaolong so easily, Du Huagang shook his
head with disdain. But then again, he wasn’t surprised. With
his strength, it would need a miracle for a measly peak late-
Xiantian Tenth Order to dodge his attack.
However, in the next moment he noticed something wasn’t
right, because…! It felt as if his hand struck against an
ancient cold iron, a weak tingling pain came from his palm!

Du Huagang raised his head to see Huang Xiaolong facing

him with the same indifferent expression, unmoving,
standing on the same spot. Before he could recover, a surge
of energy that made his heart quiver burst from Huang
Xiaolong’s body. Du Huagang hastened to jump back, but he
was still a step too late. The shadow of a halberd pierced
through the air and penetrated cleanly through one of his
shoulders, leaving a pillar of blood in its trail.

A pained muffled grunt escaped Du Huagang’s throat as he

retreated to Li Li’s side, staring at Huang Xiaolong with
anger and wariness. Luckily he dodged in time just now, or
else it wouldn’t be his shoulder that was pierced, it would be
his heart instead.

Hearing a pained grunt originating from Du Huagang, Li Li,

who was immersed in watching the battle on the other side
with Peng Feng and Sun Haoran, inevitably looked over.
Seeing the large wound on Du Huagang’s shoulder, she was

Even Peng Feng and Sun Haoran couldn’t help risking a

quick glance over to Huang Xiaolong’s side. Other than Sun
Haoran, the rest were flabbergasted.

“Garbage, you can’t even handle a peak late-Xiantian Tenth

Order!” When the shock receded, Li Li snapped at Du

Du Huagang’s face flushed bright red, but he dared not lash

out against Li Li, hence he could only excuse lamely, “This
brat is very strong.”
Li Li snorted coldly, turning to Huang Xiaolong, “Brat, looks
like we’ve underestimated you earlier, unexpectedly, you
have some skill.” In her opinion, although Du Huagang was
injured due to carelessness, being able to injure him was
still considered quite good.

“I’ll give you a chance, as long as you cooperate with us, kill
both Peng Feng and Sun Haoran and submit to us, to Blood
Dragon City, I will recommend you to my Master. If your
talent is really good, who’s to say that my Master won’t
receive you as a disciple as well.” Li Li said, the superiority
in her voice evident.

She conceitedly believed this bait was tempting enough.

In the Bedlam Lands, how many talented geniuses would

break their heads fighting for a chance to be received as a
disciple under her Master, the Silver Dragon Ao Gu, but
those people failed to catch a glimpse of him, not to
mention meeting him. Some of these geniuses even knelt in
front of Blood Dragon Mansion for ten days and ten nights,
kowtowing continuously, but it was all in vain, for they still
didn’t get a chance.

Now that she offered to introduce him to her Master, this

was like a dream come true to many people.

“Change my allegiance to Blood Dragon City?” Huang

Xiaolong repeated, it seems the other side really took him
as Sun Haoran’s subordinate.

Li Li nodded with a smug smile, “Correct.” Then she added

another sentence, “This kind of opportunity comes only
once, I hope you can consider it carefully.”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head inwardly; this kind of

opportunity comes only once? To recommend him to Silver
Dragon Ao Gu?

“So, have you thought about it carefully?” Seeing Huang

Xiaolong remained silent for some time, Li Li asked.

“How about this, I’ll also give you an opportunity to consider

carefully,” Huang Xiaolong turned the tables instead, “This
kind of opportunity only comes once, I hope you’ll think it

Li Li and Du Huagang were dumbfounded, for a moment,

neither understood what Huang Xiaolong meant.

Huang Xiaolong went on, “Renounce Blood Dragon City,

submit to me and I can consider sparing your lives.”

Everyone felt as if they’ve been struck by lightning, Peng

Feng was even looking at Huang Xiaolong with a weird
expression on his face. Was this brat out of his mind? He
turned to Sun Haoran, the look in his eyes obviously asking
if there was something wrong with this brat’s brain.

Whereas anger erupted from Li Li and Du Huagang, akin to

a volcano, flaring to the sky from the bottom of their hearts,
especially Li Li. A terrifying killing intent exploded from her,
and around her, a storm of black-colored snowflakes
suddenly started to fall.

“What did you just said?!” Li Li’s eyes were razor-sharp,

penetrating as they focused on Huang Xiaolong, each
syllable hissed through her lips.

She was Silver Dragon Ao Gu’s most favored disciple,

bearing a distinguished status in Blood Dragon City, with
countless sect disciple geniuses wooing her, showering her
with compliments, all she ever heard were beautiful words.
In Blood Dragon City, she could call the wind and rain with a
single word, but now, an ant-like existence of a peak late-
Xiantian Tenth Order brat dared to tell her to forsake Blood
Dragon City and submit to him?!!!

Become his subordinate?!

In the crudest term, a slave!

This was humiliation!

Pure, naked humiliation!

“You didn’t hear it clear enough?” Huang Xiaolong ignored

the killing intent spewing from the other side’s eyes,
“There’s only one chance, have you thought it over

Just as Huang Xiaolong’s sentence ended, an indignant

scream split the air. Li Li twirled around, amassing a violent
windstorm with her at the center, akin to a wind dragon,
spiraling towards Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong remained calm watching the mad attack, he

transformed into Asura Physique and was ready for battle.
Thick, dense slaughter aura gathered around him, two giant
ebony black wings extended out from his back while the
Eminent Holiness Halberd in his hand stabbed out decisively.

“Shaking Mountains, Flipping Seas!”

Halberd shadows numbered in the millions, a fierce gale

gathered like a tsunami, colliding with Li Li violent wind
storm. The windstorm dissipated and Li Li’s slender body
spun with ease, like a dragon in the vast sea, narrowing the
distance between them, her palms flat and straight like the
edge of blades, stabbing towards Huang Xiaolong’s chest.
“Dragon Breaking Hand!” Sun Haoran tensed up watching
this move, blurting out anxiously: “Brother Huang, watch

Dragon Breaking Hand? Huang Xiaolong’s eyes grew icy, his

hands shaped into claws, ripping towards the opponent.

Thousands of demons howled, devil aura overcast the sky!

Asura Demon Claw!

The moment the Asura Demon Claw appeared, the devils

and ghosts hovering above the temple felt a pull, an
attraction, flying towards the claw below, boosting the
attack power.

Watching the towering dark claw looming over her head, Li

Li paled. She retreated back swiftly like a frightened little
dragon, whereas Huang Xiaolong dashed forward, swinging
the Eminent Holiness Halberd in his hand.

“Halberd Galaxy!”

Countless halberd shadows shot out, shining brightly like

falling meteors in the twilight sky.
Chapter 316: White Phoenix

Watching the countless halberd shadows raining down like

meteors, fear suffused Li Li’s eyes. Both of her hands struck
out the Dragon Breaking Hand one after another endlessly.

The Dragon Breaking Hand could terminate any attack

midway and it was the skill that Blood Dragon City’s
Castellan, Ao Gu, was most proud of. Every time Li Li used it
against her opponents, it worked ten times out of ten, but
this time, the skill seemed to have lost its prowess. She
watched, eyes wide with apprehension and shock, as the
halberd shadows pierced through the wall barrier of Dragon
Breaking Hands like meteors over the sky, growing bigger in
front of her eyes in an instant.

Halberd shadows fell on her body like a torrential rain.

Puff~~! Her body was thrown back after being hit by the
great waves, crashing heavily to the floor with a boom. All
surrounding noise and sound died with the crash.

Peng Feng and Du Huagang looked dazedly at the spot Li Li

crashed into. The dust settled, revealing her tragic
appearance, her body was filled with deep wounds, with
blood flowing out constantly.

Only after some time did Du Huagang react.

“Fifth Senior Sister!” Crying out, he arrived beside Li Li in

the blink of an eye. Only then were the two middle-aged
men jolted back to their senses and hurried to Li Li’s side
with an apprehensive expression.

Although Silver Dragon Ao Gu had more than a dozen

disciples, Li Li was, without a doubt, his most favored
disciple by far. If anything happened to Li Li, then…!
Imagining the horrifying scene when their master Silver
Dragon Ao Gu found out about what happened here, the two
blue-robed middle-aged men shivered involuntarily as a chill
spread over their hearts.

Li Li groaned from pain, wobbling unsteadily as she tried to

get up from the floor, pushing away the three people
surrounding her. Looking at Huang Xiaolong, the dread in
her heart showed in her eyes, but even more was anger,
indignity, embarrassment, and plain fury!

She was a half-Saint warrior, her Master was the Silver

Dragon Ao Gu. At her level cultivation level, beneath Saint
realm, the number of half-Saint realm warriors that could
defeat her did not exceed ten, but despite that, a mere peak
late-Xiantian Tenth Order insect managed to gravely injure

Peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order!

Li Li’s eyes were spitting fire, her venomous eyes fixed on

Huang Xiaolong were filled with hatred, “From childhood till
now, no one dared to hurt me! No one!! I want to kill you!
I’m going to kill you!!!” Scorching white flames flowed from
her body, burning wildly, and a large phoenix emerged
behind her!

Top grade twelve martial spirit! White Phoenix!

This was Li Li’s martial spirit, and because of her martial

spirit and talent, she was Silver Dragon Ao Gu’s most
favored disciple.

The White Phoenix hovered above Li Li’s head, letting out a

ringing cry that sounded from the ancient era, shaking
heaven and earth and traveling more than a dozen miles.
White flames surged around Li Li, emanating a powerful
atmosphere and coercive pressure with her as the center,
spreading in four directions.

Peng Feng and the rest were astonished as they watched

speechlessly, the many wounds caused by the Eminent
Holiness Halberd piercing into her flesh closed up at a speed
visible to the naked eye, finally leaving no scar.

Li Li floated up in midair, her cold and imposing eyes staring

at Huang Xiaolong.

“Brat, you’re very surprised that I have the top grade twelve
martial spirit White Phoenix, aren’t you?! Let me tell you,
the White Phoenix has the sacred white flame, no matter
how serious my injuries are, I won’t die. I’m going to let you
know how foolish your actions of injuring me were. I will
make you regret, make you kneel down before, me begging
for mercy!!” The more Li Li spoke, the more turbulent her
emotions became, intense hatred ravaged her sanity.

Compared to Peng Feng and Sun Haoran’s shock after

seeing Li Li’s White Phoenix martial spirit, Huang Xiaolong
was more composed. Not to mention a top grade twelve
martial spirit, even if a top grade thirteen martial spirit
materialized in front of him, he wouldn’t blink an eye.

That year, during the Duanren Imperial City Battle, he

battled Xie Puti, who possessed a first-rank grade thirteen
martial spirit, Black Flame Phoenix, but in the end, didn’t he
come out the winner? The Black Flame Phoenix was two
grades higher than this White Phoenix.

The anger in Li Li’s heart escalated after seeing Huang

Xiaolong’s nonchalant attitude after she called out her
White Phoenix.
“Godly White Phoenix Claw!” Li Li bellowed, her body thrust
forward in Huang Xiaolong’s direction. The shadow of a
large white claw imprint fell on Huang Xiaolong from above.
Before the claw arrived, the dense slaughter aura gathered
around Huang Xiaolong exploded in a salvo, thinning his
imposing momentum.

Just when Li Li’s claw was about to tear Huang Xiaolong

apart, Huang Xiaolong hollered under his breath. Before the
astonished eyes of Peng Feng, Sun Haoran, Du Huagang,
and the two blue-robed middle-aged men, a resounding
dragon roar reverberated in the sky with the emergence of a
giant black dragon above Huang Xiaolong’s head.

“Primordial… Divine Black Dragon!” Peng Feng and Sun

Haoran exclaimed out loud.

It never crossed anyone’s mind that Huang Xiaolong’s

martial spirit would be a Primordial Divine Dragon, a top
grade twelve Black Dragon! Although they were both
considered top grade twelve martial spirits, dragons were
deemed slightly stronger than phoenixes.

Li Li stared blankly at the black dragon hovering above

Huang Xiaolong, dumbfounded. In the next moment, she
watched Huang Xiaolong leap up, his fist punching out at
her White Phoenix’s body.

The fist imprint looked surreal, profound and mysterious, it

was the Great Void Divine Fist!

Boom! A thunderous blast echoed miles away. A streak of

white flame was seen flying back, the white claw imprint
shattered into smithereens. Failing to withstand the
powerful shockwave, Li Li staggered back until her feet
touched the ground. Even so, it was a dozen steps later that
she managed to steady herself.
“You!” She could no longer conceal the overwhelming shock
she was feeling as she looked at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong stopped attacking and his feet landed back

on the ground. His icy gaze fell on her.

Peng Feng, Sun Haoran, and the others forgot to breathe

watching the two people going against each other.

“Fourth Junior Brother, he is?” At this point, Peng Feng asked

dazedly. The shock Huang Xiaolong gave him was ineffable.
Since when did such a character appear in the Bedlam

Sun Haoran shook his head, “I am also not sure of his


“You also don’t know?” Peng Feng choked slightly at Sun

Haoran’s answer. He assumed that his Fourth Junior Brother
knew who Huang Xiaolong was, seeing that they arrived

Sun Haoran nodded, “Before coming here, I ran into Wu

Zhang, and nearly died in his hands. He was the one who
killed Wu Zhang and saved me.”

“Wu Zhang… he’s dead?” Peng Feng’s eyes protruded in


Sun Haoran nodded again, emphasizing, “He died… In three


Three moves! Peng Feng stood in stupefied stillness on the


Suddenly, they heard a holler from the other side, the white
flames shrouding Li Li soared to the sky in a spiral, at the
same time, a glittering white armor covered her body,
where a life-like totem of a white phoenix appeared.

Huang Xiaolong forced her to the point of having to soul

transform. When Li Li soul transformed, Huang Xiaolong did
the same, black scales emerged on the surface of his skin,
covering him like a full-bodied armor. Pointed sharp spikes
lined the length of his arms, reddish black energy shrouded
him, akin to a true blood primordial divine dragon, a demon

Two powerful momenta clashing brought Peng Feng back to

reality. Turning to look, he saw a soul transformed Li Li
whistled through the wind like a mythical phoenix soaring
through the Nine Heavens, a phoenix cry echoed in the sky,
white Phoenix flames overshadowed the earth, and it dived
down on its prey.

“Sky Sundering Phoenix!”

A giant white blade transformed from the white phoenix

appeared above Huang Xiaolong’s head, cutting down. As
the white blade came closer and closer, Huang Xiaolong
raised the Eminent Holiness Halberd in his hands, and with a
flick of his wrist, a windstorm of halberd shadows tunneled
upward, like a whirlpool in the deep sea.

“Tossing Heaven, Moving Earth!”

The white phoenix blade was right in the path of the abyssal
whirlpool of halberd storm, metallic sounds of clashes rang
endlessly and pieces of blades and halberds dissipated.

In the center of the storm, a brilliant pillar of light erupted,

soaring high up. The Eminent Holiness Halberd was akin to a
divine dragon bursting out from the deep sea, penetrating
straight into Li Li’s chest.
An anguished scream split the air, accompanied by pearls of
red blood, splattering over Peng Feng and the others’
bodies. Li Li was thrown far away in the distance, slamming
into a stone pillar.
Chapter 317: Underground Palace

The stone pillar cracked and crumbled into gravel, rolling to

the floor, burying Li Li underneath!

“Fifth Senior Sister!!” Du Huagang’s face was ashen at the

result, in a flicker, he appeared above the palace building.
With a sweep of his palm he blew the stone and gravel off Li
Li, scooping her up, after which he landed on the side.

The two blue-robed middle-aged guards also rushed over to

Li Li’s side. When they saw up close the magnitude of the
halberd wound on her chest, all three drew in a sharp cold

It was a penetrative wound, through and through, blood

flowed out unceasingly. What horrified them even more was
that at the edges of her wound, plumes of black flame
corroded her flesh and even the sacred white phoenix flame
was ineffective against them, thus failing to heal Li Li’s

“This…!” Du Huaguang and the two men found it hard to

believe what they were seeing.

A silhouette tore towards them, swinging a long halberd and

creating another terrifying storm of halberd shadows. The
three people looked over and saw Huang Xiaolong thrusting
his halberd at them.

Neither Du Huagang nor the two men dared to confront the

dangerous looking halberd head-on, in their moment of
hesitation, the halberd had already pierced through Li Li’s
Being helped to get up by Du Huagang and the middle-aged
men, Li Li’s eyes lowered, staring at the long halberd stuck
to her throat. Her mouth opened with difficulty, “You, you,
dared to kill me?”

She never imagined that one day she would die in the hands
of a Xiantian ant! Better yet, she had never imagined her
death! Because of Silver Dragon Ao Gu’s existence, there
were only so many people in the Bedlam Lands who dared
to kill her.

“So what if I killed you?” Huang Xiaolong retorted without

any changes to his expression, “I’ve said already, there is
only one chance.” His hand then pulled out the Eminent
Holiness Halberd, sidestepping some distance away.

Blood spewed out at high velocity, the White Phoenix sacred

flame gradually dimmed.

Li Li desperately clutched at Du Huagang’s arm in her last

moments, struggling with much effort to breathe out her
last words intermittently, “Tell, Master, say, say I cannot
take care of him anymore, tell him to kill, killㅡkill this
person, a million, pieces!”

Du Huagang nodded fervently as tears rolled down his face.

Finally, Li Li’s lifeless body slumped down.

“Fifth Senior Sister, Fifth Senior Sister!” Du Huagang cried


No answer came.

But, another noise of whistling wind sounded. Du Huagang

turned back in alarm to see Huang Xiaolong’s hands no
longer held the long halberd, instead, it was replaced why
two black blades that emanated a frigid air, slashing down
at him.

Du Huagang face was ashen, panic and fear filled his eyes,
but his hands shot out by reflex: “Dragon’s Fetter!”
Abundant energy from his palm transformed into a rope that
resembled dragon tendons, binding Huang Xiaolong.

However, before these dragon tendons could come close to

Huang Xiaolong, they were cut apart with a wave of his
blades. Almost instantly, the Blades of Asura slit his throat.

Huang Xiaolong’s assault continued without stopping, like a

ghostly phantom, he appeared in close proximity to the two
blue-robed middle-aged men.

Once again, cold blade lights glinted in victory.

By the time Huang Xiaolong’s feet touch the ground again

where he stood previously, Du Huaguang and the other two
men tumbled to the floor. Peng Feng and Sun Haoran stared
dumbstruck as three heads rolled off, separated from their

Four half-Saints, all dead!

The dumbstruck expression seemed carved forever on Peng

Feng and Sun Haoran’s faces as their gazes moved from the
rolling heads on the floor to Huang Xiaolong.

Sun Haoran remembered what his Master He Yunxiong once

said, if no accident happened, Li Li could very well break
through to the Saint realm within ten years, but now, she
was dead!

Seeing that everything was done, the Blades of Asura

returned to Huang Xiaolong’s arms and he walked towards
the four bodies, harvesting four spatial rings from each of
them. Then, with a turn of his hand, sparks of true essence
fire fell onto the four corpses, instantly incinerating
everything into gray ashes.

Sun Haoran had seen Huang Xiaolong doing the same thing
before, with Wu Zhang’s corpse, therefore, he wasn’t so
surprised this time. Peng Feng, however, inhaled sharply
watching Huang Xiaolong’s familiar actions in dealing with Li
Li and the other three bodies, turning them into ashes in an
instant. A cold shiver ran down his back.

After burning the four bodies, Huang Xiaolong walked over

to Peng Feng and Sun Haoran, whose thoughts returned to
the present after sensing Huang Xiaolong coming towards

Watching Huang Xiaolong reaching closer, Peng Feng was

nervous and a little apprehensive, not knowing how to act.

“Third Senior Brother, let me introduce you, this is Brother

Huang.” Sun Haoran spoke and made introduced Huang
Xiaolong to Peng Feng, then, turning to Huang Xiaolong, he
said, “Brother Huang, this is my Third Senior Brother, Peng

Peng Feng hurried forward, “Brother Huang, many thanks for

your saving grace!”

Huang Xiaolong smiled, replying, “Don’t mention it.”

Peng Feng replied courteously, feeling a little bit flattered.

“Third Senior Brother, do you know where Master and Eldest

Senior Brother are?” Sun Haoran asked Peng Feng, showing
anxiety, “Master and Eldest Senior Brother could be in
danger at this very moment!”
Peng Feng too looked worried, “Half a day ago, I got
separated from them, so I also don’t know where they could
be now. But the last time I saw Eldest Senior Brother, he was
heading towards the deeper area of Ghost King Palace.”

“The deeper area of Ghost King Palace!” Sun Haoran

exclaimed, “Let us head there now.” As he said this, he
looked at Huang Xiaolong, inquiring, “Brother Huang, what
are your plans?”

“I’ll tag along with you.” Huang Xiaolong answered


According to Sun Haoran’s explanation earlier, this time, the

Ghost King Sutra was very likely to appear in the deeper
parts of the Ghost King Underground Palace. Huang
Xiaolong decided to tag along with them to check out the
underground palace to see if he could get his hands on the
Ghost King Sutra cultivation technique. Although he had no
need for another cultivation technique, it would still be
beneficial if he could gain some insights from it.

The Ghost King Sutra, there was a chance that it contained

the Ghost King’s records and understanding of his years of
cultivation. The best outcome would be obtaining the Ghost
King Dan that the Ghost King refined himself. According to
rumors, this Ghost King Dan would greatly benefit those
wanting to break through to Saint realm.

Both Peng Feng and Sun Haoran were delighted that Huang
Xiaolong would continue onward with them.

“Brother Huang, then shall we set off now?” Sun Haoran


Huang Xiaolong nodded.

The treasures in the Ghost Temple were already plundered
clean by Li Li’s group, hence it wasn’t necessary for them to
explore the Ghost Temple further. After all, all four spatial
rings were taken by Huang Xiaolong.

The three of them flew in one direction, heading deeper into

the Ghost King Palace.

As they got closer to the center of the Ghost King Palace,

ghost and devil auras became heavier that at a certain
point, these auras morphed into different strange shaped
fogs, enveloping the sky above the Ghost King Palace. From
afar, it looked no different from a ghost mountain or a devil

One day later, the three of them arrived at the entrance

leading down to the underground palace.

The underground entrance exceeded a dozen zhang in

height and in width, leading into a nothing but endless
darkness. Huang Xiaolong was a hundred meters from the
entrance, yet it was close enough for him to feel the terror
of ghost and devil auras blowing out from the underground
palace, to the extent that it made Huang Xiaolong uneasy.

He frowned, this was the first time feeling such strong

unease ever since he arrived in this world.

“Brother Huang, shall we go in now?” Sun Haoran spoke.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, since he was already here, then he

should relax and go with the flow. He was even more
unwilling to give up at this point. With the Godly Mt. Xumi in
his possession, nothing could go terribly wrong.

The three of them flew through the entrance, and in the

blink of an eye, their silhouettes were swallowed by the
darkness of the underground palace, obscured by the
billowing ghost and devil auras.

“Brother Huang, this underground palace’s structure is

extremely complex, filled with traps and bans, not to
mention countless ghosts and devils. Everyone should be
extra careful and cautious moving forward.” Peng Feng

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

However, just as Peng Feng said so, the space around them
rippled with echoes of unworldly things.
Chapter 318: Giant Ghost That Reached Saint Realm

The sudden shrill howls coming from all four directions

startled Huang Xiaolong, and without any indication, the
scenery in front of him changed. The original corridor
disappeared, whereas Peng Feng and Sun Haoran’s figures
were nowhere to be seen.

“What is this? What is happening?!” Huang Xiaolong opened

the Eye of Hell on his forehead, scanning the area. Ghost
aura rolled endlessly from the void, evil spirits hissed and
bared their fangs at the fresh prey.

Huang Xiaolong shot out an Earthen Buddha Palm without

hesitation. Myriad Buddha statues emerged from the
ground, aureate Buddha luminescence brightened the
world. Where the holy light shone, the ghost aura
evaporated and the evil spirits were purified. The
environment felt lighter and fresher in an instant.

However, Huang Xiaolong had just cleared a small section

when the ghost aura and evil spirits emerged once again
from nearby, as if they were endless and couldn’t be

‘This is? An array formation trap!’

Watching new evil spirits being generated almost at the

same time he vanquished them, Huang Xiaolong understood
that they had stepped into some kind of array formation. A
powerful ghost array formation at that.

Now, the most crucial task was to locate the eye of the
array formation! Huang Xiaolong quickly figured out a
solution to the current situation. His silhouette flickered
around in the array, killing the ever-increasing number of
evil spirits while observing his surroundings, trying to locate
the origin of the dense ghost aura and evil spirits.

‘There!’ A short while later, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes lit up as

he stared at a spot on the left side. He leaped forward,
heading straight to that point.

The Earthen Buddha Palm was the archnemesis of these

ghosts, evils spirits and devils, therefore, along the way,
Huang Xiaolong used solely the same attack to disperse all
obstructions. Despite that, the closer he got to the center,
the thicker the ghost aura became, gathering stronger and
more powerful evil spirits, so many of them that there was
hardly any place to move forward. Even with the Earthen
Buddha Palm, Huang Xiaolong’s speed gradually slowed
down. Helplessly, Huang Xiaolong ran his battle qi at full
force, releasing the Buddhism energy within his body.
Resplendent Buddha luminescence pierced through the
darkness, lighting up a large area. The evil spirits within the
immediate proximity of Huang Xiaolong evaporated into

Huang Xiaolong picked up speed again, heading towards the

array formation’s eye. Twenty minutes later, he reached a
spacious hall.

In the center of the spacious hall, a meter high flag was

stuck to the floor. The flag’s surface was inscribed with
hieroglyphs of evil spirits, whereas on the thin black
flagstaff, strange talisman symbols were engraved. These
talisman symbols bore similarities to ancient writings, yet at
the same time, they were not.

Ghostly aura spewed out endlessly from the flag’s surface,

the evil spirits hovering in the surroundings were palpable,
akin to endless rumbling clouds of wolves. If it wasn’t for
Huang Xiaolong’s Eye of Hell, it would have been impossible
for him to locate the flag amidst the darkness and the
overwhelming number of evil spirits.

Doubtlessly, this flag was the key to the large ghost array
formation, the array formation’s eye. But when Huang
Xiaolong stepped up, wanting to pull the flag off the ground,
a black light flickered in the spacious hall. A towering ghost
figure landed right between Huang Xiaolong and the flag,
blocking his path.

This giant ghost was at least four meters tall, glittering

black snake-like scales covered its body like an armor. One
of its hands was holding a three-pronged spear decorated
with skull knobs on each prong. The three-pronged spear
seemed to be dripping with blood.

When the giant ghost appeared, it directly attacked Huang

Xiaolong at amazing speed. It was much faster compared to
Zhao Chen. Huang Xiaolong was startled, the Eminent
Holiness Halberd materialized, clashing with the opponent’s
three-pronged blood spear.

Clang! A sharp sound of metal clashing rang out.

A numb feeling traveled up Huang Xiaolong’s arm, his feet

staggered from the impact and retreated a few steps back,
but the giant ghost remained immovable, like a sturdy

“Such force!” This giant ghost had most likely already shed
its ghost form, advancing into the Saint realm.

When human warriors cultivated, breaking through to Saint

realm, they would shed their mortal physique and the same
principle applied for ghost cultivators. Breaking through the
Saint realm meant shedding off their ghost form, shaping a
real body of flesh and blood. From every aspect: power,
defense, and vitality, this newly shaped body would be far
stronger than average human warriors, in short, it was
bordering immortality. Even a Saint realm expert would turn
around and run when going against a ghost that had
advanced into the Saint realm.

Huang Xiaolong wasted no time in summoning the Eminent

Holiness Halberd and both black and blue dragon martial
spirits, instantly soul transforming. Inside this ghost array
formation, he need not worry about exposing his true
strength, hence, Huang Xiaolong went all out, no longer
concealing his real strength.

Black and blue dragon scales layered over Huang Xiaolong’s

body. In the time taken for Huang Xiaolong to soul
transform, the giant ghost’s three-pronged blood spear
launched another attack.

Flaming battle lust shone in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes as he

watched the three-pronged blood spear piercing toward him.
Swinging the halberd out, noises of metal clashing rang out.

When Huang Xiaolong was battling Zhao Chen in the City of

Myriad Gods, he was still a mid-Xiantian Tenth Order,
moreover, they were fighting in public and he was
concerned about having all his trump cards exposed, so
Huang Xiaolong resorted to guerilla warfareㅡhit and run.

But the situation now was different, he had broken through

to peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order, this Saint realm ghost
was the best opponent he could ask for to test out his real

Clang~! Another loud clash hummed in the spacious hall,

the surrounding ghost aura rippled violently. The strong
impact forced the giant ghost to stagger back more than a
dozen meters, whereas Huang Xiaolong remained still this
round, his feet firmly planted on the same ground.

In the earlier exchange, without soul transforming with the

twin dragon martial spirits and activating the Asura
Physique, Huang Xiaolong fell slightly underwind strength-
wise against the giant ghost. After the soul transformation,
however, Huang Xiaolong’s battle prowess did not merely
increase by level.

If someone were here to witness Huang Xiaolong actually

forcing back a ghost that had broken into the Saint realm,
they probably wouldn’t know what to think.

After repelling the giant ghost, Huang Xiaolong leaped up,

the Eminent Holiness Halberd in his hand swinging out.
Countless halberd shadows shot out like falling meteors in
the night sky.

“Halberd Galaxy!”

It was too late to dodge, all the halberd attacks struck the
giant ghost’s body. Under extreme pain, it let out a hoarse
cry, it’s body slammed into one of the pillars at the far end
of the hall, shaking the entire structure.

Landing a crucial strike on the giant ghost, Huang Xiaolong

wasn’t feeling thrilled at all, a ghost that had successfully
entered the Saint realm would hardly be defeated that

Sure enough, barely a breath’s time later, the giant ghost

swung his legs and flipped its body back up to a stand,
roaring angrily. Its eyes turned crimson red, seemingly
resonating with the three-pronged blood spear in its hand,
glowing a bright eerie red. It once again rushed to attack
Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong was shocked seeing that his full force

Halberd Galaxy attack merely left light injuries on its body.
Wasn’t a Saint realm ghost’s defense a little too scary, to be
able to reach this level?

Fortunately, a Saint realm ghost, unlike a human Saint

realm warrior, couldn’t form a Saint realm space in their Qi
Sea, otherwise, it would be strenuous for Huang Xiaolong to
deal with this giant ghost.

Seeing the giant ghost’s attack inching closer, Huang

Xiaolong thrust the halberd in his hands, and with a twist of
the long handle, an energy vortex spiraled out in midair.

“Tossing Heaven, Flipping Earth!”

Entangled by the energy vortex, the giant ghost stumbled

and Huang Xiaolong seized the opportunity. The Eminent
Holiness Halberd snaked through the vortex center straight
into the giant ghost’s chest.

A distressed howl came from the giant ghost, its body was
thrown out of the entanglement of the energy vortex. Black
blood flowed from its chest, dripping onto the hall’s floor,
and muffled sounds came from where the blood dropped,
emitting green fumes.

However, after being stabbed by Huang Xiaolong’s halberd,

that giant ghost once again flipped up, launching another
attack at him.

Huang Xiaolong frowned. This couldn’t go on endlessly, he

had to find this giant ghost’s soul to be able to resolve it
once and for all.
The physical body of a ghost that broke through the Saint
realm was basically immortal, only by destroying the soul
within would it really die.
Chapter 319: Blood Pact Mandate

Ghost creatures’ souls were no different than a human’s, it

was the fundamental block of their existence.

But to find the location the soul inside its body was easier
said than done, for the place where a ghost hid its soul was
different. Some concealed their souls in the head, some hid
their souls deep in the heart, some around the thigh, some
even in the armpit.

Huang Xiaolong swung the Eminent Holiness Halberd time

and again as he tried to think of a method to locate the
giant ghost’s soul.

Eye of Hell! Suddenly the thought struck Huang Xiaolong’s

mind like lightning.

That’s right, the normal method hardly had any possibility of

success in finding the soul’s location, but maybe the Eye of
Hell could! Immediately, Huang Xiaolong opened the Eye of
Hell on his forehead and a red glow enveloped the giant
ghost’s body.

What delighted Huang Xiaolong was that the Eye of Hell

indeed worked. Under the red glow, he could see past the
layer of snake scales armor to its core.

Right behind its ear!

With the Eye of Hell’s assistance, he clearly saw its soul,

that was hidden behind the left ear, it was the size of an
eyeball, flickering in a shiny black light.

This was the ghost creature’s soul!

Huang Xiaolong leaped into the air, the long halberd
cleaving down on the giant ghost’s left ear. The giant ghost
hastily shifted the three-pronged blood spear to defend, but
Huang Xiaolong executed the Space Concealment ability,
vanishing from view as he hid inside the space pocket.
Moving swiftly behind it, he stabbed the Eminent Holiness
Halberd forward.


The halberd accurately pierced its soul hidden behind the

left ear, the woeful scream it issued sounded like cold iron
thrown into boiling water. The three-pronged spear stabbed
frenetically towards Huang Xiaolong at its back.

Huang Xiaolong jumped back rapidly.

“HuㅡHuman, I will kill you!!!” The giant ghost spat the words
in human language. Howling in rage, its momentum rose to
another level, ghost aura surged around it, condensing into
ghostly creatures that wound around the giant ghost.

Ghost cultivators were able to speak the human language

after advancing into the Saint realm. Despite that, what
shocked Huang Xiaolong was that this giant ghost wasn’t
dead even though the Eminent Holiness Halberd pierced
right through its soul!

Huang Xiaolong watched as the numerous ghostly creatures

made out of ghost aura shaped into an enormous jaw,
looming over him. A potent suction force wrapped around
Huang Xiaolong, causing him to lose his footing, nearly
flying into the giant mouth without resistance.

Huang Xiaolong quickly executed Space Concealment to

escape being swallowed whole, reappearing above the giant
ghost’s head. Bursting with sacred golden light, his palm
slammed down on top of the giant ghost’s head with an
Earthen Buddha Palm.

A thunderous boom shook the air.

The Earthen Buddha Palm struck accurately at the top of the

giant ghost’s head. The ghost wailed miserably, the ghost
aura surrounding its body rippled, thinning out.

Although the Earthen Buddha Palm did not land on the giant
ghost’s soul, it contained abundant Buddhism energy, the
bane of all negative Yin creatures. The Buddhism energy
force traveled down from the head, affecting its ghost soul.

Landing a successful attack, Huang Xiaolong twirled to the

side. While the giant ghost was wailing in pain, Huang
Xiaolong struck another palm at the crown of its head, once
again impacting its ghost soul.

The giant ghost was thrown forward and crashed into a

stone pillar in the spacious hall. The large jaw shaped from
thick ghost aura shattered and dissipated. Black blood
spewed uncontrollably from the giant ghost’s mouth.

It didn’t take long for the giant ghost to get back up. It
stared fixedly at Huang Xiaolong, its scarlet rage-filled eyes
finally dimmed slightly, mixed with slight apprehension, its
giant silhouette flickered rapidly to the side, wanting to flee.
Catching its intent, Huang Xiaolong pursued, executing
Phantom Shadow, blocking right in front of the giant ghost.
The Blades of Asura appeared in his hands, glinting with a
cold sharp light.

“Tempest of Hell!”

Howling twisters that sounded as if they came from depths

of hell encircled the giant ghost immediately. Countless wind
blades cut across the giant ghost’s flesh, fire sparks shone
as noises of hard metal objects clashing rang out and drops
of black blood splattered everywhere. The giant ghost’s
body was marred by numerous cuts from the wind blades,
the layer of protective snake scales was cracked in many
places, with black blood seeping to the surface from

The Tempest of Hell dissipated, revealing the giant ghost’s

badly mutilated body. During the Tempest of Hell’s attack,
sharp wind blades struck its ghost soul as well, multiples
times. Its weakened injured body fell back to the hall center.

“Don’t, don’t kill me, I’m, I’m willing to become your ghost
slave!” The giant ghost wobbled unsteadily as it struggled
to a stand, despair, and horror evident in its eyes, displaying
its submissive intent to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong was shocked that the giant ghost was still
alive at this point, considering the numbers of all-out
attacks he made. Truly, a ghost creature that had broken
through the Saint realm was truly terrifying, to think that it
was still alive after everything it experienced.

“Become my ghost slave?” Huang Xiaolong looked at the

giant ghost before him, tempted, wondering if his Ancient
Puppetry Art and Soul Mandate could be used to rein in a
Saint realm ghost creature.

His spiritual force enhanced greatly when he broke through

to peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order, he knew there won’t be
any problem to brand soul marks into a half-Saint expert,
but Huang Xiaolong wasn’t so confident that it would work
against a Saint realm.

As if it saw through Huang Xiaolong’s concerns, the giant

ghost spoke, “I have a Blood Pact method that would allow
you to take me in as your ghost servant.”

“Blood Pact?” Huang Xiaolong looked at the giant ghost,

waiting for it to explain further.

“That’s right.” The giant ghost creature nodded and then

took out a piece of human skin diagram. “This Blood Pact
Mandate is something I found in Lord Ghost King’s
cultivation cave. After practicing this mandate, not only can
one refine ghostly creatures’ souls to enhance one’s
cultivation, it also allows the person to receive ghost
creatures as slaves.”

Blood Pact Mandate!

Left behind by the Ghost King?!

Refine ghost creatures’ souls to enhance one’s own

strength! Huang Xiaolong was astonished. A suction force
came from his left hand and the piece of human skin
diagram flew to his palm. Holding it, Huang Xiaolong studied
it carefully.

Of course Huang Xiaolong wouldn’t take the words of this

giant ghost for granted, therefore he had to ensure that this
Blood Pact Mandate was foolproof safe before deciding
whether to practice it.

Finally, after going through the human skin thrice, Huang

Xiaolong determined that what the giant ghost said was not
false. Indeed, after practicing this Blood Pact Mandate, he
could refine ghost creatures to enhance his own strength.
Moreover, he could control and have ghost creatures submit
to him.

However, there was one detrimental factor in cultivating this

mandate skill, if his soul wasn’t strong enough, he would
easily suffer a backlash from the evil spirits and turn into a
part-human part-ghost existence as a result.

Huang Xiaolong had been practicing the Soul Mandate and

the Ancient Puppetry Art, compared to most human warriors
his soul was very strong. Therefore, this little downside was
negligible to him. Looking at the diagram in his hand, Huang
Xiaolong was inwardly pleased.

With this Blood Pact Mandate, inside this Ghost King Palace
he would be like a fish returning to the sea. At first he was
somewhat worried about the large number of ghost and evil
spirits, but now, all of his worries vanished.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong followed the method stated

in the Blood Pact Mandate and pricked his finger. Using nine
drops of blood, his hands moved quickly, drawing a Nine
Palace Diagram that shrunk and submerged into the giant
ghost’s soul through the center of its eyebrows.

Huang Xiaolong’s blood slowly fused with its ghost soul, and
a short while later, Huang Xiaolong felt a vague telepathic
connection with the giant ghost.

A Saint realm giant ghost was subdued!

Even though the giant ghost had just advanced into the
Saint realm not long ago, to Huang Xiaolong, it was still a
great force on his side. Moreover, this giant ghost would
most likely be very familiar with the Ghost King Palace,
since it had been living in it for many years. It was definitely
a great assistance to Huang Xiaolong in his search for the
Ghost King Sutra and the Ghost King Dan.

After subduing the giant ghost, Huang Xiaolong took out a

Nine Leaves Purple Grass from the Asura Ring and passed it
to the giant ghost so that it could heal its injuries. The Nine
Leaves Purple Grass was indeed a panacea for healing
injuries, it didn’t take long for the giant ghost to heal the
injuries it suffered, even its ghost soul recovered fully.

“You mentioned that you found the Blood Pact Mandate in

one of the Ghost King’s cultivation caves, where is that?”
When the giant ghost’s injuries have fully healed, Huang
Xiaolong asked.

“Yes, Owner.” Giant ghost went on, “But Lord Ghost King’s
cultivation cave is set with heavy bans and traps, I only
managed to reach the second floor, but according to my
knowledge, the Ghost King Sutra and Ghost King Dan are
both at the same place, on the fifth floor!”
Chapter 320: Ghost King’S
Cultivation Cave
Chapter 320: Ghost King’s Cultivation Cave

“The Ghost King Sutra and Ghost King Dan are in the same
cultivation cave, on the fifth floor!” Huang Xiaolong was
ecstatic at this piece of news.

The Ghost King Palace was extremely vast, searching by

himself was akin to looking for a needle in a giant haystack.
Now that he knew where the Ghost King Sutra and Ghost
King Dan were located, things were much easier!

“Guide me to that place now!” Huang Xiaolong said. He

would think of a way to enter then.

“Yes, Owner.” Giant ghost replied.

However, before leaving, Huang Xiaolong removed the array

flag and placed it into the Asura Ring.

Initially Huang Xiaolong didn’t know the exact method to

deactivate the array, thus he had planned to use violent
force, but with the giant ghost there, he managed to break
out of the array at the shortest time with a ghost flag booty
to add to his collection.

According to the giant ghost, the ghost array formation was

called Sea of Devils and Ghosts Array. In the future, once
Huang Xiaolong refined the Devil and Ghost Flag, he could
control and lay out the Sea of Devil and Ghosts Array
against his enemies.
Leaving the spacious hall, the giant ghost led Huang
Xiaolong straight to the aforementioned Ghost King
cultivation cave. On the way, Huang Xiaolong found out the
giant ghost’s name, Feng Yang.

The giant ghost, Feng Yang, led Huang Xiaolong through the
maze corridors of the Ghost Kings Palace. Due to his
familiarity with the grounds, knowing where and how to
avoid the traps and bans, neither of them stumbled into
another trap along the way.

Despite that, as they got closer to the cultivation cave, the

bans and traps placed became more powerful, enough to
trap even Saint realm experts within for a long time. Hence,
the closer they got, the slower their speed became.

Three days later.

“Owner, not far upfront is the Lord Ghost King’s cultivation

cave that I mentioned.” Giant ghost Feng Yang pointed.

Huang Xiaolong nodded and exhaled deeply. They were

finally there.

Although they did not trigger any traps on the way, they
came across numerous evil spirits and devils. Some of those
evil spirits and devils were very strong, comparable to
human Third Order or Fourth Order Saint realm experts, a
level that Huang Xiaolong and the giant ghost Feng Yang
couldn’t defeat even if they went two against one.

Fortunately, he had the Godly Mt. Xumi, enabling him and

Feng Yang to escape from the hands of those devils and evil
spirits’ pursuit. Not all encounters were bad, Huang Xiaolong
utilized the Blood Pact Mandate to refine seven half-Saint
ghost and devils’ souls. The soul was where their cultivation
gathered, the energy inside them was enough to elevate his
cultivation to half-Saint.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong saw a mountain up ahead. An

enormous mountain was suspended in the sky, about
several dozen miles in length and several hundred zhang
tall! Flowing ghost clouds shrouded the ghost mountain, the
ghost aura there was denser than anywhere else Huang
Xiaolong had been.

“That is the Ghost King Mountain?” Huang Xiaolong stared

in awe at the enormous mountain floating midair, asking
Feng Yang. An underground structure of the Ghost King
Palace actually had such an enormous mountain floating in
midair, the scene was awe-inspiring.

“That’s correct, Owner. This is the Ghost King Mountain,

Lord Ghost King’s cultivation cave is located at the top of
the mountain.” Giant ghost Feng Yang explained

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “Let’s go!” His foot tapping the

floor, he flew towards the Ghost King Mountain with Feng
Yang following closely from behind.

But before Huang Xiaolong reached the Ghost King

Mountain, from afar, he detected a group of people
gathered on the square. A quick glance over calculated at
least fifty to sixty people.

Huang Xiaolong’s heart sank, he didn’t expect there would

be such a large number of people arriving earlier than him.
But on a second thought, Huang Xiaolong found it
acceptable for others to arrive before him, he was delayed
eight days to refine the dragon essence from the Earth
Dragon egg.
Suddenly, a cold light gleamed in Huang Xiaolong’s
eyes―Zhao Chen!

Amidst the group of fifty to sixty people, Zhao Chen was

among them! He might have his back towards Huang
Xiaolong, but Huang Xiaolong recognized that silhouette
with a glance. Beside Zhao Chen was none other than that
silver-haired old man, Steward Feng, and seven others Sin
City’s experts.

Grouping on the square, the different groups of experts

were discussing the methods of entering the Ghost King
Mountain. Detecting the noise of breaking wind, everyone
was surprised, turning to look curiously.

Zhao Chen turned his head, spotting Huang Xiaolong that

was flying over, their gazes collided. Zhao Chen was
stunned at first, but very quickly delight took over. Killing
intent flashed in his eyes. In their last encounter in the City
of Myriad Gods, Huang Xiaolong managed to escape from
his hands, this was the greatest humiliation in his entire life!

These days, he had been keeping an eye out for Huang

Xiaolong, yet it was as if Huang Xiaolong vanished into thin
air, for there were no clues at all as to where he might be.
He didn’t expect that not only Huang Xiaolong came to
Ghost City, he entered the Ghost King Palace and even
reached up to this point!

Detecting the killing intent in Zhao Chen’s eyes, Huang

Xiaolong sneered sardonically. Under many pairs of watchful
eyes, Huang Xiaolong and the giant ghost Feng Yang landed
on the square.

Because Feng Yang was covered from head to toe in a black

brocade robe, hiding his physical body and leaving only his
eyes and mouth, as well as converging all of his ghost aura
as per Huang Xiaolong’s instructions, no one doubted this
big giant of a ‘man’ to be anything other than human.

Landing around the square, Huang Xiaolong took another

quick look at the people present. Other than the City of
Myriad Gods’ forces, there were Blood Dragon City, Imperial
Saber City, and Green Ghost City’s disciples.

Out of top ten of Bedlam Lands’ forces, four of them were in

front of Huang Xiaolong. However, the disciples of
Millennium City were nowhere to be seen. A few days prior,
after Huang Xiaolong broke out from the ghost array, he was
separated from Peng Feng and Sun Haoran, after not seeing
them here, Huang Xiaolong was wondering if they were still
alive or dead.

The quick glance around gave Huang Xiaolong an idea

about the strength of the forces gathered there.

Early level Saint realm, four in total. Most of them were like
Zhao Chen, early First order Saint realm. This result made
Huang Xiaolong feel slightly at ease.

Whereas disciples from Blood Dragon City, Imperial Saber

City, and Green Ghost City also breathed in relief seeing
that Huang Xiaolong was only a peak late-Xiantian Tenth

“Hehe, Huang Xiaolong, you didn’t expect to run into me

here, did you?” Zhao Chen snickered sarcastically, leading
Steward Feng and his subordinates over.

In the blink of an eye, Steward Feng and the other guards

had Huang Xiaolong and giant ghost Feng Yang encircled in
the middle, closing all possible escape routes.
The rest of the people there noticed that Huang Xiaolong
and Zhao Chen knew each other, and furthermore, had a
grudge. Everyone stood on the sides, waiting in anticipation
for a good show.

“Huang Xiaolong? Which sect does this fool come from? He’s
so stupid to offend Zhao Chen.” Blood Dragon City’s Li
Qiuping said with feelings of schadenfreude.

Li Qiuping was the Second Senior Brother to Li Li and Du

Huagang that Huang Xiaolong killed earlier at the Ghost
Temple. At this time, Li Qiuping was still unaware of this

“I wonder how Zhao Chen is going to end this kid later.” A

middle-aged man with big eyes and thick brows from Green
Ghost City chuckled. This man was Green Ghost City’s
Castellan, Ghost Bear Wang Kun’s eldest disciple, Guo

“I say, Zhao Chen won’t let this kid die so fast, he’s probably
going to play for a little while, and when he gets bored, that
kid will die.” A young woman, who was quite pretty,
standing beside Li Qiuping spoke this time.

This young woman was Li Qiuping’s Third Junior Sister,

Wang Lin, Third Senior Sister to Li Li and Du Huagang.
Chapter 321: Battling Zhao Chen Again

Huang Xiaolong listened silently to Blood Dragon City’s Li

Qiuping and the others’ sardonic comments in the distance
with stoic manner…

Whereas Zhao Chen’s expression grew grim as he watched

Huang Xiaolong, he didn’t miss the remarks coming from Li
Qiuping’s side. He knew better than anyone here Huang
Xiaolong’s strength. He let Huang Xiaolong escape last time,
so no matter what, he absolutely mustn’t allow Huang
Xiaolong to escape a second time, otherwise, in front of Li
Qiuping and the other geniuses, all his face would be lost

Zhao Chen’s momentum increased as he narrowed the

distance, a heavy pressure enveloped Huang Xiaolong. Li
Qiuping, Wang Lin, and Guo Dehui, who were bantering
amongst themselves, noticed there was something odd with
the atmosphere, their casual remarks trailed off, exchanging
a look amongst themselves. Each saw their own puzzlement
reflected back from others’ expression.

Obviously, none of them understood why Zhao Chen acted

as if he was facing a great enemy.

“Isn’t he just a little peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order kid?” Li

Qiuping shook his head secretly, “Does he need to look so

Just when Li Qiuping and the others thought that Zhao Chen
was exaggerating, blue flames rose from Zhao Chen’s body,
dancing wildly as an enormous two-headed blue bird
materialized above his head.
This two-headed blue bird was Zhao Chen’s top grade
twelve martial spirit, Two-headed Blue Flame Bird.

Seeing that Zhao Chen actually summoned his martial spirit

to deal with a peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order, Li Qiuping,
Wang Lin, Guo Dehui, and the rest on the square were
greatly astonished.

However, it did not end there. In the next moment, the blue
flames shrouding Zhao Chen flashed brightly and layers of
blue-colored plumage covered his body like an armor. On
the sides of his arms, steel-like blue spike feathers stood on

Not only did Zhao Chen summon his martial spirit, he even
soul transformed!

Li Qiuping, Wang Lin, and Guo Dehui’s eyes protruded in

shock. Zhao Chen dealing with the kid personally was
shocking enough for them, but now, even before Zhao Chen
made the first move, he summoned his martial spirit and
soul transformed?

A Saint realm expert killing a Xiantian warrior was a mere

pinky raising effort, when did it come up to having to soul

While the Blood Dragon City, Saber Imperial City, and Green
Ghost City disciples were still in shock with Zhao Chen’s
actions, another burst of blinding light shone from Zhao
Chen’s body as a large blue abyssal-like cave appeared.

“Saint realm space!” Nearly everyone blurted out,

flabbergasted. The look in their eyes shifted from
inexplicable to disbelief. Zhao Chen even resorted to the
Saint realm space! If only they knew that Huang Xiaolong
managed to flee from Zhao Chen’s hand last time even after
he called out his Saint realm space, what would they think?

Even so, none of them could figure out or understand why

Zhao Chen was behaving so excessively to the point of
calling out the Saint realm space. All of them shifted their
curious eyes to Huang Xiaolong, yet they could not see what
was so special about this peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order
lanky young man that would push Zhao Chen to this extent.

It was at this time that Zhao Chen launched this attack.

Bellowing, his palm pushed the blue flame space and it shot
up to the sky, emanating scorching heat waves that
engulfed Huang Xiaolong.

“Huang Xiaolong, your death is here!” Killing intent

exploded in Zhao Chen’s eyes. This time, he wanted to take
Huang Xiaolong’s life in a single attackㅡto wash his shame!

Like the previous time, before the scorching heatwave

neared him, Huang Xiaolong already felt as if he was about
to be burned into nothingness, however, this time, Huang
Xiaolong did not dodge. The desire to battle danced brightly
in his dark pupils like flames, he transformed into Asura
Physique, the Wings of Demon extended out sharply.
Without summoning his martial spirit nor soul transforming,
both of Huang Xiaolong’s palms struck forward.

Earthen Buddha Palm!

One after another, Buddha statues emerged from the

ground, flying skyward in dazzling Buddha luminescence.
These Buddha statues were different from the past, every
Buddha statue was shrouded in powerful flames that
seemed to overpower the blue flames from Zhao Chen’s
Saint realm space. Shattering Zhao Chen’s scorching heat
waves, the Buddha statues surged forward towards Zhao
Chen’s blue flames.

The flames shrouding the Buddha statues were Huang

Xiaolong’s true essence fire! Huang Xiaolong fused his true
essence fire into the Earthen Buddha Palm, adding a cloak
of flames around the statues, as if they were avatars of the
Fire Buddha.

Boom! Huang Xiaolong’s Earthen Buddha Palm collided with

Zhao Chen’s blue flames from his Saint realm space. The air
shook with a volley of blasts and even the square floor
shook violently.

Steward Feng and the other subordinates that encircled

Huang Xiaolong were thrown back from the shockwave,
even giant ghost Feng Yang was forced to the side.

Li Qiuping, Wang Lin, and the rest felt the glaring collision,
and in the next second, they watched Huang Xiaolong
attack with the Earthen Buddha Palm, the many fire Buddha
statues breaking through the sea of blue flames and
colliding with Zhao Chen’s Saint realm space.

Zhao Chen felt as if a heavy mountain crashed against his

Saint realm space, causing it to shake intensely. The blue
flames scattered as Zhao Chen was forcefully pushed back.

The scorching heat waves spread out, lingering in the air for
a long time. A deathly silence descended on the square.

Li Qiuping, Wang Lin, and Guo Dehui’s eyes nearly popped

out of their sockets as they stared at Zhao ChenㅡZhao Chen
was actually pushed back!

ImㅡImpossible! A Xiantian actually forced a Saint realm

expert back!
A Saint realm expert that resorted to using his Saint realm
space actually failed to kill a mere Xiantian!! Bearing
witness to such mystifying sequence, none present were
able to react promptly.

Despite repelling Zhao Chen successfully, Huang Xiaolong

too staggered back from the impact. From the surface it
may seem that both fought equally, neither gaining an
advantage over the other, but all of them were aware deep
down, who was stronger and who was weaker.

Not only did Zhao Chen soul transformed, he even used the
Saint realm warriors’ trump card, the Saint realm space,
whereby Huang Xiaolong did not soul transform.

Li Qiuping, Wang Lin, and the rest retrieved their gazes from
Zhao Chen, looking at Huang Xiaolong instead. Each of
them secretly drew in a sharp intake of breath; what if
Huang Xiaolong soul transformed, didn’t that indirectly show
that Huang Xiaolong was stronger than Zhao Chen?!

A Xiantian warrior was more powerful than a Saint realm


This was insanity! The world had gone mad!

A Xiantian was stronger than a Saint realm!

“You, actually…!” Zhao Chen’s face warped with anger when

he managed to steady himself. Mixed within his anger was
an undeniable shock as he stared at Huang Xiaolong. In the
exchange earlier, he found that Huang Xiaolong’s current
strength had enhanced a great deal compared to that time
in the City of Myriad Gods!

Huang Xiaolong didn’t bother with Li Qiuping and others’

expressions directed at him. He looked coldly at Zhao Chen,
“Zhao Chen, in the City of Myriad Gods you claimed that you
will enlighten me on the gap between a Xiantian and a Saint
realm? Is this the gap you were referring to?”

Li Qiuping and the rest were once again shocked by the

message that Huang Xiaolong revealed. From Huang
Xiaolong’s words, it indicated that both he and Zhao Chen
battled before in the City of Myriad Gods!

They wondered what the outcome of that battle was!

Then, they remembered a rumor that had been going

around in recent days, many people had been saying that
some reckless Saint realm expert offended Zhao Chen in the
City of Myriad Gods some days ago, then Zhao Chen and
that Saint realm expert battled it out in the city and that
person was defeated by Zhao Chen and fled in

Could it be…?!

It must be! The person who fought with Zhao Chen in the
City of Myriad Gods must be this black-haired young man,
not some reckless Saint realm expert, but a peak late-
Xiantian Tenth Order.

But then again, Li Qiuping, Wang Lin, and Guo Dehui had no
idea that at that time Huang Xiaolong was still a mid-
Xiantian Tenth Order.

Zhao Chen detected the ridicule in Huang Xiaolong’s words,

a red flush crept up from his neck to his face. Zhao Chen
hollered in anger, his silhouette flickered into a blur,
punching out at Huang Xiaolong.

“Star Burst Fist!”

Blue flames burst like a burning meteor, exploding in front
of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong snickered as he watched this, his palms

smoothly struck forward, sending circles of golden rings
expanding out.

God Binding Palm!

Before the astounded gazes of Li Qiuping and the rest of the

people around, the exploding blue flames’ trajectory froze
midair several zhang away from Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong seized the time gap, he leaped up and two

majestic dragon roars rendered heaven and earth, as one
black and one blue primordial divine dragons emerged,
winding around Huang Xiaolong’s body.
Chapter 322: Giant Ghost
Feng Yang’S Might
Chapter 322: Giant Ghost Feng Yang’s Might

Huang Xiaolong bore the atmosphere of an ancient

primordial divine dragon with dragon’s might surging from
his body, piercing the Nine Heavens.

Li Qiuping and the rest watched with jaws agape the scene
before them, especially the dazzling black and blue dragons
winding around Huang Xiaolong.

“Twin, twin dragons martial spirit?!”

“There is a something like a blue dragon martial spirit in this

heaven and earth?!”

Everyone was stunned out of their spirit stones.

While everyone was still in shock, coruscating lights of black

and blue flickered, Huang Xiaolong soul transformed in an
instant with the twin dragons martial spirit. Gleaming black
and blue dragon scales covered Huang Xiaolong’s body,
sharp nasty bone spikes lined the length of his arms.

Huang Xiaolong disappeared in a blur, both hands formed

into fists, pummeling in Zhao Chen’s direction. Intangible
fist imprints filled the air, blocking the sky, mysterious and

“Great Void Divine Fist!” Zhao Chen’s face tightened,

countering with his two fists in a frontal collision. When
Zhao Chen’s fists struck out, multiple large fist imprints of
blue fire rotated forward at rapid speed, like a ball, piercing
through space.

A few keen ears caught Zhao Chen’s exclamation, Li

Qiuping, Wang Lin, and the others stared unblinkingly at
Huang Xiaolong’s attack.

Great Void Divine Fist?! The legendary Great Void Divine


In that split second, Huang Xiaolong’s Great Void Divine Fist

and Zhao Chen’s rotating blue flame fist slammed into each
other in midair, causing a thunderous chain of explosions,
raining fire sparks over the square.

A stalwart rebound force drove Zhao Chen to stagger back

more than once. Huang Xiaolong sidestepped, reappearing
with the Eminent Holiness Halberd in his hands. A single
swing brought forth fierce twisters that expanded like
waves, layers upon layers.

“Tossing Mountains, Flipping Seas!”

Zhao Chen was perturbed, striking out a Star Burst Fist, and
at the same time, he utilized the Saint realm space to block
the attack.

The earth quaked as if it was about to shift places with


Huang Xiaolong somersaulted in midair, the long halberd in

his hands continued to spin akin to a dragon leaping out
from the sea, thrusting straight at Zhao Chen.

The Eminent Holiness Halberd executed attack after attack

at rapid speed, it was so fast that even Li Qiuping and the
rest could barely follow his speed. Zhao Chen was
constantly knocked down and pushed back in the battle.

Huang Xiaolong’s attacks continued to rain down like a

torrent, and Li Qiuping saw that Zhao Chen could only
defend, barely having a chance to counterattack.

Zhao Chen too realized how awkward and disadvantaged he

looked and an ugly expression hung on his face.

A Saint realm expert actually took a beating from a Xiantian

without even having the power to resist in the slightest?!
Moreover, if it wasn’t for his Saint realm space’s existence
blocking Huang Xiaolong’s attacks, he would have already
been defeated.

Enduring more than a dozen rapid attacks from Huang

Xiaolong, Zhao Chen was exasperated, being forced into a

“Absolute Control!” Zhao Chen hollered as he was

retreating, surging battle qi wrapped around his palms,
aimed at Huang Xiaolong. Huang Xiaolong felt as if every
trace of energy in the surroundings disappeared, as if
everything was enveloped by a vacuum. The mountains
around the perimeter emanated heavy pressure that locked
him in the air, making him unable to move.

This was a Saint realm expert’s absolute control over space!

Stepping into Saint realm territory meant having a certain

understanding towards the law of space, allowing them to
manipulate and control space within a limited area. The only
downside was that it consumed a large amount of spiritual
force and battle qi to perform, so unless it was absolutely
necessary, most Saint realm experts would not use this
Zhao Chen looked fiercely grim seeing Huang Xiaolong
shackled in the air. A long sword materialized in his grip. A
long sword with the length of an average adult, its body was
a crimson red, inscribed on its blade was the diagram of a
fire dragon.

“Go die!” Zhao Chen roared with fury. The Fire Dragon
Longsword cut through space straight at Huang Xiaolong.
Just as the longsword’s tip was about to pierce into Huang
Xiaolong’s heart, a glaring light burst out from Huang
Xiaolong’s body, accompanied by a terrifying energy. With a
minuscule shake, the space law that shackled Huang
Xiaolong in place loosened.

Huang Xiaolong disappeared from the spot, but Zhao Chen’s

Fire Dragon longsword managed to leave a line of red blood
across his ribs.

Zhao Chen was dumbstruck, shocked to the core. Huang

Xiaolong broke free from his space law Absolute Control

While he was still caught in shock, two sharp blade lights

flew toward Zhao Chen and he dodged at the last moment
in a panic. Zi! Sharp noises sounded as the blade lights
grazed the edges of his robe, pain spread from Zhao Chen’s
waist to every part of his body.

Zhao Chen jumped back a great distance before standing

still. His left hand touched the wound on his waist, fresh
blood painted his palm red, two bone-deep cuts ran across
his back. Feeling the extent of his injuries, Zhao Chen was
startled, he even forgot the pain for a moment.

How many years has it been, he had forgotten what pain felt
In the distance, Li Qiuping, Wang Lin, Guo Dehui, and the
crowd could hardly believe staring at the two gruesome,
bone-deep slash wounds on Zhao Chen.

“Young Lord!” Steward Feng and the rest of the guards

finally reacted, they all rushed to Zhao Chen’s side at the
fastest speed, rattled and ashen-faced.

After a small scene of chaos, Steward Feng and some of the

guards took out several golden, thumb-sized pellets from
their spatial rings, giving them to Zhao Chen to swallow,
and from another jade bottle, Steward Feng poured out a
crystalline emerald liquid, smearing it over Zhao Chen’s

Zhao Chen waved his hand at them, stating: “I’m fine.” The
throbbing pain on his waist actually helped him become

Huang Xiaolong stood some paces away and did not attack
when Zhao Chen’s subordinates healed him. Yet his eyes
were like glacial ice; Fine? Perhaps in Zhao Chen’s eyes,
these were nothing but flesh wounds, but very soon he
would taste the enigmatic torturous pain of having the
Asura qi corrode his flesh.

And indeed, as Huang Xiaolong thought, moments later

Zhao Chen lost all the color from his face all of a sudden.
Black fumes weaved around the wound on his waist, issuing
hair-raising shrieks.

Steward Feng and others who noticed the abrupt change

were alarmed.

“Young Lord, are you alright?!” Steward Feng approached,

inquiring with a face full of ‘concern.’
Zhao Chen raised his head, his vicious eyes glowering at
Huang Xiaolong in the distance, killing intent surged in his
eyes as he spat the words: “Kill them!”


Steward Feng and the guards immediately called out their

martial spirits and soul transformed, pouncing on Huang
Xiaolong and giant ghost Feng Yang like hungry wolves.

On Zhao Chen’s side, other than Steward Feng, there was

one other Saint realm expert. These two Saint realm experts
cooperated, targeting their attacks at Huang Xiaolong,
whereas the five half-Saints focused on giant ghost Feng

In the eyes of Steward Feng and the guards, the biggest

threat was Huang Xiaolong. As long they removed the
variable Huang Xiaolong, everything would be within their
control. As for the giant of man behind Huang Xiaolong, they
were never concerned about him.

Zhao Chen watched gloomily as the five half-Saints sieged

the giant man, ordering coldly: “Get it done quickly!”

“Yes, Young Lord!” The five half-Saints answered in unison

and went all out, each one executing their most powerful
attack on Feng Yang. In a split second, fists and palm
imprints covered the area, and blinding lights lit up the

Facing attacks from five different directions, giant ghost

Feng Yang threw his head back, issuing a strange ear-
splitting roar at the sky. The people present were astounded
to see the giant ‘man’ neither dodging nor avoiding, letting
the five half-Saints’ attack fall on his body.
Zheng! Bang! Blasts and explosions rang out one after
another, yet Feng Yang remained standing on the same

Everyone’s eyes popped out in shock.

When the glaring lights dimmed, giant ghost Feng Yang

raised his fist, sending a punch towards one of the
opponents and that half-Saint lifted one hand, attempting to
block giant ghost Feng Yang’s fist, but ended up being
thrown back, screaming. His body exploded into pieces in
the air, turning into blood mist.

One punch shattered a half-Saint, a peak half-Saint at that.

Then, Feng Yang used both fists, landing punches on two

half-Saints’ torsos, the heavy force penetrated through their
flesh, coming out from their backs.

The last two remaining half-Saint lost all color from their
faces. Just when they turned around wanting to run, gigantic
hands clutched at their heads from above, five fingers
pierced holes into their skulls. The screams from the two
half-Saints were abruptly cut short.

Giang ghost Feng Yang opened his mouth, swallowing the

half-Saints’ souls into his body.
Chapter 323: Entering The
Ghost King’S Cultivation
Chapter 323: Entering the Ghost King’s Cultivation Cave

Initially, Zhao Chen’s focus was glued solely on Huang

Xiaolong alone, but when he noticed his several half-Saint
subordinates being easily killed in barely a breath’s time,
and sensing the unreserved ghost aura flowing from the
giant’s body, the expression on his face became tensed:

Li Qiuping, Wang Lin, and the others who heard Zhao Chen,
inhaled sharply, staring fixedly at giant ghost Feng Yang.

Such a scary level of ghost aura, it was only possible for…?

Saint realm!

This ‘man’ in front of them was a Saint realm ghost

cultivator! A Saint realm ghost!

Steward Feng and the other Saint realm expert were

working hand in hand against Huang Xiaolong when they
heard continuous screams, risking a glance over the other
battle, both became ashen at the sight of the five half-
Saints’ appalling ending.

Feng Yang let out a satisfied burp after swallowing the last
two half-Saints’ souls, casually flinging the lifeless bodies to
one side as the three-pronged blood spear appeared in his
hand. He then lunged forward, brandishing his three-
pronged blood spear at Zhao Chen, glowing an eerie blood-

Before the three-pronged blood spear arrived, the death

aura and rotten stench it emitted had enveloped Zhao Chen.
Taken by surprise, Zhao Chen waved his arms hastily,
summoning his Saint realm space to counter the attack in
front of him.

An explosion thundered in the square and Zhao Chen’s body

flew back, straining his waist injury, he had to grit his teeth
to keep himself from grunting out. In that short exchange,
the Asura Qi that was previously being contained by his
Saint realm energy broke out, wreaking havoc internally.
Suffering double injuries made Zhao Chen pale.

Giant ghost Feng Yang hollered at the sky, the three-

pronged blood spear thrust out another attack.

“Young Lord!” Seeing Zhao Chen’s dire situation, Steward

Feng and the other Saint realm couldn’t be bothered with
Huang Xiaolong anymore, they changed their target to giant
ghost Feng Yang. However, just as the two of them prepared
to aid Zhao Chen, a shadow flickered and a cloudburst of
thousands of millions of blade lights hindered their path.
That shadow was none other than Huang Xiaolong.

“Tempest of Hell!”

“Tears of Asura!”

The Blades of Asura in Huang Xiaolong’s hands served

attack after attack, not giving Steward Feng and the Saint
realm expert any breathing space, forcing them back,
further away from Zhao Chen.
On the other hand, Zhao Chen fared no better, he was
pushed into a corner by giant ghost’s Feng Yang’s three-
pronged blood spear.

At the edge of the battle, Blood Dragon City’s, Saber

Imperial City’s, and Green Ghost City’s disciples were
watching, exchanging expressions of muted shock amongst
themselves, none of them ever imagined this result.

“Second Senior Brother, should we lend a hand or…?” Wang

Lin regained a shred of reason, looked over at Li Qiuping
and asked.

Regardless, Zhao Chen was Sin City Castellan’s, Zhao Yi’s

son. Moreover, Zhao Chen was highly favored by Zhao Yi, if
he ever came to know that while Zhao Chen was in trouble,
their Blood Dragon City disciples and others stood by,
spectating as Zhao Chen was killed on the side, Zhao Yi’s
wrath would burn over to Blood Dragon City, as well as the

“Lend him a hand.” Li Qiuping decided, his voice somber.

Whether it was for the sake of Sin City’s Castellan or the ally
cooperation between Blood Dragon City and Sin City, he
couldn’t stand idle and watch Zhao Chen get killed.

Wang Lin nodded at his decision. With a low bark, a long

whip appeared in her hand. It was hard to tell what
materials were used to make this long whip, the thong
sections were actually segmented, with a total of thirteen
parts. With a flick, the long whip instantly bound giant ghost
Feng Yang’s body.

Seeing Blood Dragon City’s disciples make their moves,

disciples from Saber Imperial City and Green Ghost City had
no choice but join in as well.
In a moment of confusion, giant ghost Feng Yang suffered a
palm on his chest from Green Ghost City’s Guo Dehui and
was knocked back. Thick green smoke rose into the air.

“Go!” Watching the sudden change, Huang Xiaolong

shouted towards Feng Yang, launching a State of Abundant
Lighting attack with the blades in his hands. A sky of
rumbling lightning streaks drew a line between the
attackers while Huang Xiaolong used Space Concealment to
appear beside giant ghost Feng Yang. Huang Xiaolong
placed his hand on his shoulder and both of them vanished
from sight in the next instant.

Zhao Chen was laboriously suppressing the Asura Qi in his

body when he saw Huang Xiaolong and the giant ‘man’
vanish right in front of his eyes. Roaring in anger, he
hollered: “Search! Absolutely dig that little ghost out for

But when he saw Li Qiuping and the others’ inaction, his

anger spread to them: “What are you all still standing here
for, go fㅡking search!!”

Li Qiuping’s brows furrowed with discontent with Zhao

Chen’s attitude, shouting at them as if they were his
subordinates. He sneered in retort. “Zhao Chen, we’re not
your slaves.”

Zhao Chen was indignant.

“Come on, come on, all of us here are brothers, don’t fight
because of a small Xiantian. He can run away from the
monk, but can’t flee the temple.1 He definitely won’t be
able to run out of the Bedlam Lands, when we manage to
corner him later, Brother Zhao Chen can deal with him
however you like.” Guo Dehui played the mediator, smiling
Only then did Zhao Chen’s face looked slightly better.

“That kid probably ran into the Ghost King’s cultivation

cave.” A disciple from Saber Imperial City spoke, “Let us
hurry in too, in case that kid gets the first dip, looting the
Ghost King Sutra and Ghost King Dan.”

“Ghost King Sutra and Ghost King Dan?” Zhao Chen

snickered with contempt, “Are these treasure items things
that he could lay his hands in just because he wants to?”
Not saying more, Zhao Chen took out a talisman and
initiated the array formation inscribed within, summoning
Sin City’s experts.

After advancing into the Saint realm, one would posses the
ability to manipulate space. Certain array formations or
talisman, such as these, could be used to summon
comrades and relay messages.

Moments later, Zhao Chen and the rest too made their
move into the Ghost King’s cultivation cave.

Huang Xiaolong, on the other hand, quickly passed through

the first floor of the Ghost King’s cultivation cave to the
second floor with giant ghost Feng Yang guiding the way.
The first floor was a vast field of snow, whereas the second
floor was an endless range of mountains.

A bright sun that never seemed to set hung high up above

the mountain peaks, a picture of calm and peace. But giant
ghost Feng Yang faced Huang Xiaolong with a dignified
expression: “Owner, the mountains on this second floor are
rigged with powerful array formations, to the extent that
bumping carelessly into a single leaf or a branch could
trigger their activation. We must fly across this long
mountain range in one go, cautiously.”
Fly over this mountain range without stopping at all? Huang
Xiaolong was stunned. Then he breathed out in relief, this
matter may be difficult to others, but not to him.

Because he had the Godly Mt. Xumi. Borrowing the power of

the Ten Buddha Formation, he could fly using the Godly Mt.
Xumi all the way until they reached the third floor entrance.

“Other than this, what else do I need to pay attention to?”

Huang Xiaolong asked.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong didn’t seem to place

importance on his previous reminder, he couldn’t resist
emphasizing the matter once more: “Owner, the arrays
around this mountains are very strong, accidentally
triggering any of them, even a Saint realm expert could fall
on the spot.”

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, “You don’t need to worry

about this.”

Feng Yang could only stop and change the topic from Huang
Xiaolong’s demeanor, “Other than that, on this second floor
space lives a kind of ghost creature, called Blood Dagger
Ghost. Although these Blood Dagger Ghosts are not strong,
half-Saint strength or at most the peak of half-Saint
strength, the problem lies in their numbers. They are
extremely tenacious and extremely difficult to kill.”

“Blood Dagger Ghost?” Huang Xiaolong was baffled, “Didn’t

you say there are array formations everywhere? How come
these Blood Dagger Ghosts aren’t afraid of them?”

Giant ghost Feng Yang shook his head helplessly, “About

this, this slave doesn’t know the exact reason behind it, if
this slave dared to make an assumption, then the reason
why these Blood Dagger Ghosts aren’t afraid or obstructed
by the arrays on this floor would probably be because Lord
Ghost King made some markings on the formation eye when
he laid the arrays.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded in agreement.

He didn’t care much for these Blood Dagger Ghosts, those

who needed to fly across this mountain range need to watch
out for the attacks coming from them, but Huang Xiaolong
was free from this worry since he was using the Godly Mt.

Not wasting more time, Huang Xiaolong brought up the

Godly Mt. Xumi. The moment the golden mountain
appeared, Buddha luminescence and energy brightened up
the space around them.

“Let’s go.” Before the rounded shocked eyes of giant ghost

Feng Yang, the scene changed as he was brought into the
Xumi Temple. Huang Xiaolong then initiated the Ten Buddha
Formation and the Godly Mt. Xumi shot forward in a golden
streak, disappearing from view.

1. He can’t run far
Chapter 324: The Third Floor

Inside the Xumi Temple, giant ghost Feng Yang stared

dumbly at the Ten Buddha Formation at the center, bubbling
with vigorous Buddhism energy, unable to come out from
his bewilderment for a long time.

“Owner, this… this is?” He stammered.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at giant ghost Feng Yang: “This is

the Godly Mt. Xumi.”

“What?!! This, the Godly Mt. Xumi!” Giant ghost Feng Yang
exclaimed in a loud voice.

Huang Xiaolong nodded in affirmation. It was neither

strange nor surprising for giant ghost Feng Yang, as a Saint
realm ghost cultivator, to know about Godly Mt. Xumi.
Moreover, Godly Mt. Xumi was a treasure from the Buddha
World, an anathema for Yin creatures such as ghosts. If it
weren’t for Huang Xiaolong diverting the Buddhism energy
away from Feng Yang, he would have been purified into
nothingness the moment he appeared in the Xumi Temple.

Ignoring the dumbfounded look on giant ghost Feng Yang’s

face, Huang Xiaolong concentrated on driving the Godly Mt.
Xumi, speeding forward past the mountains below.

Through Godly Mt. Xumi, Huang Xiaolong was able to view

the outside mountains, there were indeed many creatures
that were entirely blood-red moving around, physically
similar to apes. These ghost creatures had a mouthful of
sharp teeth, long arms with black strands of energy coming
out from their eyes. On the top of their heads was a dagger-
like spike, glinting with a sharp light.
“This is the Blood Dagger Ghost?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

Giant ghost Feng Yang was pulled out of his dazed,

answering, “Yes, Owner, these are Blood Dagger Ghosts!”

Because Huang Xiaolong had the Godly Mt. Xumi shrunk to

the size of a dust particle, the Blood Dagger Ghosts loitering
below did not sense its presence. Huang Xiaolong punched
out a Great Void Divine Fist in the Xumi Temple, the attack
transferred out from Godly Mt. Xumi’s space to the outside
world, striking a Blood Dagger Ghost that strayed somewhat
far away down below.

A loud boom resounded, and before that Blood Dagger

Ghost could issue a scream, it exploded into a cloud of
blood mist. Huang Xiaolong opened his mouth and sucked in
its ghost soul, running the Blood Pact Mandate to refine the
ghost soul.

After slightly more an hour, Huang Xiaolong successfully

refined the Blood Dagger Ghost’s soul.

He subsequently reaped more Blood Dagger Ghosts using

the same method. Since he was cautious enough to select
those Blood Dagger Ghosts that strayed off from the group,
the matter did not alert the Blood Dagger Ghosts into frenzy

Huang Xiaolong pushed the Godly Mt. Xumi to fly forward. In

the past, many strong experts too passed the first and
second floors, most of the treasures on the first and second
floors had been plundered clean a long time ago, so Huang
Xiaolong did not stop at all.

Still, the second floor of the Ghost King’s cultivation cave

consisted of a large area, Huang Xiaolong was able to refine
more than a dozen Blood Dagger Ghosts. They took a whole
day of flying before they arrived at the entrance to the third

There were some obvious differences between the entrance

to the second floor and the entrance to the third floor; the
entrance to the second floor was as high as an adult, two
meters in width, and had a glow that rippled like waves with
strong resistance against foreign objects. The entrance to
the third floor was much more spacious, several zhang tall,
and the width of several li, overgrown with black vines.

These black vines wound around the entrance layers over

layers, sliding over each other, issuing shrill wails. In all,
they looked like oversized crawling black maggots, with hair-
raising level of disgustingness.

“What is this?” Huang Xiaolong frowned looking at the black


“Owner, this is something from Ghost World called Ghost

Maggot.” Giant Ghost Feng Yang explained, a strong fear
reflected in his eyes, “Not only do these maggots suck
human blood, they could even suck a person’s battle qi,
including Third Order Saint realm experts’. If one got
entangled by Ghost Maggots, in less than a dozen breaths’
time, they would be turned into a dry corpse!”

Huang Xiaolong drew in a mouthful of cold breath. A Third

Order Saint Realm expert turned into a dry corpse in less
than a dozen breath’s time. These Ghost Maggots were a
little too terrifying!

On the other hand, if these Ghost Maggots were something

from the Ghost World, how did the Ghost King manage to
culture them in his backyard garden?
“Furthermore, these Ghost Maggots are very resilient. A new
vine could grow within seconds after being chopped off, it is
almost impossible to kill, regardless if a high-level Saint
realm expert was here, they won’t die unless their main root
is destroyed.” Giant ghost Feng Yang added.

Huang Xiaolong nodded. Still, there were probably millions

of these vines, to search and destroy the main root among
this mass was… difficult. It seems like the reason giant
ghost Feng Yang failed to proceed to the third floor was
mainly due to these Ghost Maggots guarding the entrance.

Huang Xiaolong carefully guided the Godly Mt. Xumi to fly

toward the entrance, approaching with care. In general,
being inside the Godly Mt. Xumi, Second and Third Order
Saint realm experts would not be able to detect Huang
Xiaolong’s presence, but still, it didn’t guarantee that it
would show the same result on the Ghost Maggots.

After all, they originated from the Ghost World.

And voila! Just as the Godly Mt. Xumi got close to the
entrance, the crawling vines suddenly issued an ear-splitting
shriek, vines shot out to wrap around the Godly Mt. Xumi.
More and more vines circled tightly around the Godly Mt.
Xumi, there were no gaps for air to pass through, it was like
a ball of vines, wholly swallowing the Godly Mt. Xumi.

Huang Xiaolong was startled by the speed of things, he

hastily pushed the Ten Buddha Formation and Buddhism
energy gushed down from the void, sacred aureate rays
pierced through the vines. Since Godly Mt. Xumi was a
treasure from the Buddha World and the Ghost Maggot was
a living organism from the Ghost World, the Godly Mt. Xumi
should be able to restrain it.
Like Huang Xiaolong envisioned, the tight black vine ball
was akin to darkness meeting light, disintegrating in an
instant after coming in contact with the Buddha

Feng Yang watched the black vines that were illuminated by

the golden light slowly wither and fall. But in the next
moment, the fallen vines were once again replaced by lively
new ones.

Watching the result, Huang Xiaolong was delighted, he did

not expect the Buddhism energy to have such a large
damaging effect, although the withered and fallen vines
were quickly replaced by new ones, this result was more
enough for Huang Xiaolong. He made a full effort to push
the Ten Buddha Formation inside the Xumi Temple,
Buddhism energy gushed out, bursting out from the Godly
Mt. Xumi in all four directions and it managed to speed
away quickly through the third floor’s entrance.

All the Ghost Maggot vines dried up and withered after

being illuminated by the Buddhism energy. Seizing this
small window of time, the Godly Mt. Xumi entered the third
floor with Huang Xiaolong and giant ghost Feng Yang inside.

Entering the third floor, angry shrieks rang out behind them.
Huang Xiaolong breathed out in relief as he scanned the
third floor’s environment.

The third floor’s space was another endless stretch of snowy

land. Low bushes of white-colored grass and plants,
snowflakes falling from the high above. Other than snow,
there were only the snow-covered bushes and nothing else.

Huang Xiaolong looked inquiringly at Feng Yang.

Giant ghost Feng Yang said, “Owner, this slave has never
been this third floor before this, therefore I am not very
clear. However, this salve remembered a Ghost Domain
senior mentioned that the third floor was ten times more
dangerous than the second floor. Beware of snow. ”

“Beware of snow?” Huang Xiaolong observed the area

carefully and noticed that the falling snow on this third floor
was different from normal snow.

The snow here seemed more translucent, white, and lighter.

Despite that, other than these three points, Huang Xiaolong
did not find other clues.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong continued to fly forward

using the Godly Mt. Xumi, entering the snow territory. The
falling snow stuck on the surface of Godly Mt. Xumi,
accumulating more and more. Gradually, a chilling air
penetrated into the Xumi Temple from the surface. A shiver
ran down Huang Xiaolong’s spine, feeling as if the blood
running in his body was frozen solid.
Chapter 325: The Fourth Floor

Inside the Xumi Temple, Huang Xiaolong was dumbstruck.

This falling snow was so tyrannical! Even more so, it was a

hundred times worse compared to the extreme cold wind at
the bottom of the Broken Tiger Rift.

Huang Xiaolong felt his blood slowing down, and giant ghost
Feng Yang’s situation even was more drastic—a thin layer of
ice formed over him, wrapping the giant ghost inside, the
protective fog of ghost aura shrouding him turned bleak.

Huang Xiaolong swiftly infused more energy into the Ten

Buddha Formation, Buddha luminescence poured out, filling
every corner. The nameless fire tree too was puffing billows
of fiery ember glow, melting away the coldness spreading in
the spacious temple hall.

The frigid coldness might have dissipated, but Huang

Xiaolong noticed that the layer of ice clothing over the
Godly Mt. Xumi’s surface remained, not only did it not melt,
it actually increased in thickness as time passed.

As snow continued to accumulate over the Godly Mt. Xumi’s

surface, it became heavier and heavier, decreasing in flying
height, scaring Huang Xiaolong enough to go all out in
pushing the Ten Buddha Formation. Only then did he
managed to stop the Godly Mt. Xumi from its gradually
descent. However, as more snow accumulated, even when
using all his effort to push the Xumi Temple formation, he
merely slowed the rate and speed of the descent. This
greatly troubled Huang Xiaolong.

If the Godly Mt. Xumi was so heavy that it landed below,

unable to fly, with the snow and ice encroaching every inch
of Godly Mt. Xumi and chaining it to the ground, at that time
Huang Xiaolong would really be trapped in this snow land.

Gritting his teeth, Huang Xiaolong made the Godly Mt. Xumi
turn back, all the way back until the edge of the third floor
entrance, leaving the area of falling snow. Finally, the Godly
Mt. Xumi stopped falling in altitude.

Still, it did not console Huang Xiaolong in the least, his robe
dampened by cold sweat.

Close call! If they didn’t turn back when they did, they
absolutely would have fallen to the ground and be buried by
the falling snow.

As a treasure from the Buddha World, the Godly Mt. Xumi

was formidable against unworldly dark creatures, but
helpless against the snow on the third floor. It was fortunate
enough there was the nameless fire tree in the Xumi
Temple, otherwise, he would have turned into an icicle early

Out of the falling snow area, Huang Xiaolong exited the

Xumi Temple. Observing the layer of snow covering the
Godly Mt. Xumi’s surface, he frowned grimly; this snow,
most likely even a Third Order Saint realm expert’s flame
could not melt it.

Pondering the matter, the true essence in Huang Xiaolong’s

dantian churned and the true essence fire danced cheerfully
on his palms. If his true essence fire also couldn’t melt this
snow, he could only give up and leave this Ghost King’s
cultivation cave.

Under Huang Xiaolong’s nervous gaze, he moved his palm

closer to the snow covering the Godly Mt. Xumi, and to his
delight, the snow slowly melted, turning into drops of ice
blue water.

This strange snow actually melted under his true essence


Great! This meant that he could pass through the third floor!
On this third floor, other than the scary strange snow, there
was probably no other danger.

A short while later, the snow-covered Godly Mt. Xumi was

freed and Huang Xiaolong collected all the drops of blue
water into a jade bottle. The strange snow came from this
ice blue water, so it was obviously no ordinary water. It
might come in handy in the future.

Thus, delaying no further, Huang Xiaolong formed a barrier

of true essence fire on the Godly Mt. Xumi’s surface, then
initiating the Ten Buddha Formation, the Godly Mt. Xumi
once again flew forward at breakneck speed, entering the
third floor space.

Snow continued to fall flake by flake.

But this time, when they fell on the Godly Mt. Xumi’s
surface, almost instantly they were melted by the true
essence fire. Although it still slowed its speed, it didn’t
hinder the flight progress.

They flew past the white snow land without stopping.

Perhaps there were many of treasures on the third floor, but

in Huang Xiaolong’s opinion, the Ghost King Sutra and Ghost
King Dan superseded everything he could find here,
therefore he had to reach the fifth floor at the fastest speed.
While Huang Xiaolong was rushing toward the fourth floor
entrance, Zhao Chen, Li Qiuping, Wang Lin, and the others
arrived at the entrance leading to the third floor. Although
they had the numbers on their side, they faced more
ordeals than Huang Xiaolong to reach this far.

Zhao Chen’s group battled the Ghost Maggots’ horrifying

black vines over six hours before they seized the chance,
sprinting past the entrance and arriving on the third floor,
but even so, a number of disciples from Sin City, Blood
Dragon City, Saber Imperial City, and Green Ghost City were
turned into fertilizer for the Ghost Maggots.

Everyone’s appearance was lamentable after reaching the

third floor.

“These Ghost Maggots are really scary!” Li Qiuping

exclaimed in apprehension as he looked back, shrieks
echoing in his ears. The rest with him looked pale, assenting
in silence. If it weren’t due to their early preparation,
chances were that everyone here would have died there at
the third floor entrance.

“That little pup Huang Xiaolong, where has he ran to!” Zhao
Chen barked moodily.

“The way I see it, he probably died under the vines of that
Ghost Maggot.” Standing behind Zhao Chen, Steward Feng

“Regardless whether that Huang Xiaolong is killed by the

Ghost Maggot or not, we must rush to the fifth floor as soon
as possible.” Wang Lin added, “There are only ten more
days before the Ghost City disappears.”

Everyone had a solemn expression on their faces being

reminded of this fact.
They had to leave before the Ghost City was closed, failing
to leave meant they would be trapped inside until the Ghost
City’s next reappearance.

And the next time would be one thousand years later.

“Fine. Now, everyone swallow a Fire Spirit Bead to resist that

soul snow, so we can quickly ascend to the fourth floor.”
Guo Dehui took out a reddish bead as he said that,
swallowing it down. Instantly, a clear blue flame shrouded
his body.

Zhao Chen and the rest followed his actions, swallowed the
same Fire Spirit Bead and stepped onto the snowy ground.
With the help of the Fire Spirit Bead, Zhao Chen’s group
sped through the vast snow land, narrowing the distance
between them and Huang Xiaolong at amazing speed.

Whereas Huang Xiaolong carefully observed the

surroundings on the lookout for any sudden circumstances
while control the Godly Mt. Xumi, flying towards the fourth
floor’s entrance. Nothing jumped out and it was peaceful the
entire way. One day later, Huang Xiaolong safely arrived at
the entrance leading to the fourth floor. What surprised him
was the fact that there was nothing at the fourth floor’s

Huang Xiaolong spread out his spiritual sense, even opening

the Eye of Hell to scan the entrance’s surroundings, but he
detected nothing.

Ten minutes later, Huang Xiaolong was still in a state of

disbelief, even as he was passing through the entrance
smoothly, until he reached the fourth floor.

A moment later, Huang Xiaolong converged his thoughts,

surveying the environment on the fourth floor. The scene in
front of him reflected prism color fog everywhere, this fog
glittered gorgeously, emitting a psychedelic light, floating
with the occasional breeze, but other than that, Huang
Xiaolong saw nothing of significance.

However, giant ghost Feng Yang blurted in astonishment

when he saw the prism colored fog: “Seven Color Ghostfog!”

“Seven Color Ghostfog?” Huang Xiaolong repeated in


“Owner, this Seven Color Ghostfog is the nastiest type of

ghost fog one can find in Ghost Domain. It is extremely
toxic, a small breath and not even a high-level Saint realm
expert could escape from its death clutch, dying from
rotting flesh. Similar ghost type creatures like us are no
exception.” Giant ghost Feng Yang explained.

Huang Xiaolong was truly shocked, it never crossed his mind

that this colorful fog would be so poisonous that a high-level
Saint realm could die after inhaling tiny wisps.

But Huang Xiaolong calmed down very quickly, deadly as

this multicolored fog was, it probably could not enter Godly
Mt. Xumi’s space. Despite his confidence, Huang Xiaolong
took out two Jasper Lotus elixirs from the Asura Ring, giving
one to Feng Yang. They each swallowed one Jasper Lotus.

This Jasper Lotus was one of the many elixirs he found at

the bottom of the Broken Tiger Rift in the Eminent Holiness’
secret space. It was able to solve hundreds of the world’s
toxic poisons.

After both had swallowed the Jasper Lotus elixir, Huang

Xiaolong once again guided the Godly Mt. Xumi into the sea
of colorful Ghostfog with caution.
Chapter 326: Ghost King
Dan And Ghost King Sutra
Chapter 326: Ghost King Dan and Ghost King Sutra

But, Huang Xiaolong’s extra precaution was proved to be

superfluous. Travelling in the sea of ghostfog, nary a wisp
managed to seep inside the Godly Mt. Xumi. Half an hour
later, Huang Xiaolong breathed out in relief.

Inside the ghostfog, Huang Xiaolong’s sharp eyesight could

only determine the situation in an area less than a hundred
zhang, stretching the distance slightly up to a thousand
zhang with the Eye of Hell.

The Godly Mt. Xumi flew across the ghostfog without any
surprises other than the occasional strange cries from
unknown sources far away, raising goosebumps down the

Huang Xiaolong was surprised that something actually lived

within the Seven Color Ghostfog. He asked giant ghost Feng
Yang about it, but the giant ghost shook his head, ignorant
of what it could be.

Though they continued to hear strange cries throughout the

flight, they did not meet with any attack. The entire crossing
was calm and peaceful, in half a day’s time, Huang Xiaolong
and giant ghost Feng Yang reached the doorway to the fifth

Like the entrance of the fourth floor, there was nothing

guarding the entrance towards the fifth floor, thus Huang
Xiaolong passed through the entrance without any surprises
onto the fifth floor.

On the fifth floor, the magnificent splendor of a palace came

into sight, towering above a mountain peak.

A massive palace on a towering mountain.

A contradiction to the darkness Huang Xiaolong had seen on

the way here, the fifth floor was like a celestial wonderland.
On the mountain peak, the refreshing scent of elixirs wafted
out, from ganoderma, herb elixirs, and spiritual trees
shrouded in mesmerizing halos.

Huang Xiaolong even suspected he arrived at the wrong

place for a second. Staring at the grandiose palace, Huang
Xiaolong reined in the excitement bubbling in his heart,
together with giant ghost Feng Yang, both of them exited
the Godly Mt. Xumi, flying straight for the palace.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong stood on the same peak as the

palace, powerful spiritual energy surged from the
surrounding elixirs and ganoderma, enveloping Huang
Xiaolong and giant ghost Feng Yang as if they dove into an
ocean of spiritual energy.

Feeling this, Huang Xiaolong was overjoyed. These elixirs on

this peak were no worse compared to the ones he found at
the bottom of Broken Tiger Rift, some of these elixirs were
even more precious and rare.

“Golden Sky Infant Fruit!”

“Jad Gold Pearl Flower!”

“Nine Nodes Grass!”

Not missing a beat, with a gentle wave of both hands, all the
nearby elixirs flew towards Huang Xiaolong and into the
Asura Ring. In less than the time it took to sip tea, all elixirs
on the entire mountain peak were cleaned out by him. Not
even the corner of a root was left behind for Zhao Chen’s

After collecting the precious elixirs, Huang Xiaolong and

giant ghost Feng Yang stood in front of the palace gates. The
gates were ten zhang tall, five zhang wide, and were

The surroundings were quiet.

Huang Xiaolong spread out his spiritual sense and opened

the Eye of Hell at the same time. Confirming that the gates
were not rigged or placed with any curse, a moment later he
stepped in together with giant ghost Feng Yang.

One step into the palace grounds, both Huang Xiaolong and
giant ghost Feng Yang felt a whelming pressure enveloped
them. Before this momentum, Feng Yang’s knees went soft,
falling into a kneeling position.

Huang Xiaolong too nearly fell to his knees, but the twin
primordial divine dragons flew out from his body. An ancient
dragon atmosphere, seemingly in slumber, awakened,
surging out from Huang Xiaolong’s body, indirectly helping
him withstand the pressure.

Even so, Huang Xiaolong felt the oppressive pressure linger.

Looking around, Huang Xiaolong saw a stalwart statue not
too far up front. From its appearance, Huang Xiaolong
couldn’t tell what material the statue was made from, but it
was extremely life-like. The statue was of a robust middle-
aged man with a short beard, thick brows, and a generous-
sized mouth. Knots of unknown origin, resembling tiny black
pythons, flowed from the man’s head like hair and the
man’s feet were standing atop two dragon heads.

Two devil dragons with scarlet red eyes!

The horrifying oppressive atmosphere he felt earlier came

from this statue.

A statue actually exuded this much oppression!

“Lord, Lord Ghost King!” Hearing Feng Yang’s shaky voice,

he turned over to look, noticing the fear, worship,
excitement, and trepidation in his eyes as he looked fixedly
at the statue.

Ghost King! This extremely life-like statue really was a

statue of the Ghost King!

Huang Xiaolong drew a deep breath looking at the Ghost

King’s statue, the shock in his heart undisguisable. Although
he could hardly imagine the era when Ghost King’s prestige
soared heaven high, deterring many other experts and
ruling billions of powerful ghost and devils, Huang Xiaolong
felt the Ghost King’s majestic might exuding from the

Even the devil dragons were mounts under his feet!

It was some time later that Huang Xiaolong managed to

suppress the sudden reverence, turning to check out the
large hall. There were four main stone pillars in the hall, the
top side of these pillars was decorated with carvings
depicting evil spirits, while at the center of the ceiling was a
pool of holy spirit clouds.

The aura of a devil mixed with holy spirit filled the large hall,
half darkness and evil, half light and holiness, it gave off a
weird feeling. There was nothing else in the large hall but
the four stone pillars.

Huang Xiaolong looked carefully several times, finding

nothing, he frowned. It was a single floor hall, no second,
third, or fourth floor nor did it have an inner or outer hall.
Just one open large hall.

Then, where could the legendary Ghost King Sutra and

Ghost King Dan be? All of a sudden, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes
looked over to the Ghost King statue, falling on the ring on
the Ghost King’s finger.

Spatial ring!

This spatial ring blended well with the statue, if it weren’t

for Huang Xiaolong observing the statue in detail he
wouldn’t have found any difference.

Huang Xiaolong’s heart throbbed wildly. It seems like the

Ghost King Sutra and Ghost King Dan were most likely in
that spatial ring.

Huang Xiaolong lifted his hand and a strong suction force

pulled the spatial ring off the Ghost King’s hand, falling into
his palm. The Ghost King’s spatial ring was very different
from the Asura Ring, purple in color and almost translucent,
with two devil dragons carved on its the body, closely
resembling the two devil dragons under the Ghost King’s

They were baring their fangs and claws, looking


Running his battle qi, Huang Xiaolong tried to open the

Ghost King’s spatial ring, but just as he was about to infuse
the spatial ring with battle qi, a monstrous swarm of evil
spirits broke out from within, howling and wailing, an
intense ghost aura engulfed Huang Xiaolong. Alarmed,
Huang Xiaolong quickly released the Buddhism energy
inside his body, gradually suppressing the mad group of evil

There was such an unnerving ban on the Ghost King’s ring!

Huang Xiaolong once again looked at the Ghost King’s

spatial ring in his hand. Recalling the monstrosity coming at
him just seconds ago, the lingering fear in Huang Xiaolong’s
heart had yet to subside. Luckily, he reacted in a timely
manner, and most of all, he was lucky to have been
imparted with Buddhism energy. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be
standing there safely now.

Still, this level of curse on the Ghost King’s spatial ring was
not something he could break at this moment.

‘Looks like, I need to figure out a way, but first, I have to

leave this place.’ Huang Xiaolong thought to himself, putting
away the Ghost King Ring into the Asura Ring.

Then, Huang Xiaolong circled the hall to confirm that he did

not miss any treasures lying around before leaving the hall
with giant ghost Feng Yang.

Once they were out of the hall, Huang Xiaolong returned

using the same route.

At this time, there were merely six to seven days left before
the Ghost City disappeared, therefore he had to hurry back
to the first floor, exit the Ghost King Palace and leave the
Ghost City.

When he reached the fifth floor’s entrance, Huang Xiaolong

once again brought out the Godly Mt. Xumi, bringing giant
ghost Feng Yang with him, both entering the Xumi Temple.
Passing through the doorway, Godly Mt. Xumi disappeared
into the ghostfog.

Being familiar with the route, Huang Xiaolong took only two
days to exit the Ghost King’s cultivation cave and continued
onward to the Ghost City’s main gates without stopping.

Since the Ghost King Sutra and Ghost King Dan were
already in his hands, he had no interest in exploring other
areas of the city.

Before long, Huang Xiaolong passed through the Ghost City

gates, leaving the city behind.
Chapter 327: Return To
Duanren Empire
Chapter 327: Return to Duanren Empire

Huang Xiaolong felt a sense of relief when he exited the

Ghost City. His current strength was sufficient to deal with
Zhao Chen, but it was still quite troublesome if they ran into
each other for now.

Especially if Zhao Chen’s group realized that the Ghost King

Sutra and Ghost King Dan fell into someone else’s hands
and Huang Xiaolong seemingly walked out safely from the
Ghost King’s cultivation cave, they would be able to connect
two and two together.

If the news ever leaked out, he would be targeted

throughout the Bedlam Lands.

Strength! Huang Xiaolong urgently needed to increase his


Regardless if he could go against an early Saint realm

expert such as Zhao Chen at his current peak late-Xiantian
Tenth Order strength. Even against some mid-First Order
Saint realm, it was far from sufficient. He would be
powerless to do anything if he came across a Second Order
Saint realm.

The same thought once again emerged in Huang Xiaolong’s

heartーbreak through to the Saint realm, as soon as possible!
Not to mention that there was only slightly more than a
year’s time left until Deities Templars’ disciple selection. He
had to break through to Saint realm before that, every
ounce of strength was crucial, increasing his chances of
rescuing Li Lu.

Huang Xiaolong checked the directions and then sped away

southward with giant ghost Feng Yang, all the way without
stopping. Huang Xiaolong and giant ghost Feng Yang flew
for three hours, landing in a quiet, secluded valley.

Leaving giant ghost Feng Yang as a lookout on the outside,

Huang Xiaolong entered the valley, brought out the Godly
Mt. Xumi and entered the Xumi Temple. Even though he
knew that refining the Ghost King’s Ring would be hard at
this current strength, Huang Xiaolong was determined to
give it another try.

He was not someone who was willing to give up that easily.

As long as he could refine the ring and obtain the Ghost

King Dan within, he had a high chance of breaking through
to Saint realm in the next few months. Breaking through to
Saint realm could not be achieved by merely swallowing
some ten or hundred thousand year elixirs, otherwise, why
would there be so many half-Saints stuck at that stage for a
hundred years or so, unable to pierce through that slim

And divine grade spirit pellets, such as the Ghost King Dan,
were highly beneficial in aiding the process of stepping into
the Saint realm.

It was said the Ghost King spent many years and effort to
refine the Ghost King Dan using more than a hundred
precious elixirs, all for the sake of breaking into the God
Taking out the Ghost King Ring, Huang Xiaolong observed
for a moment the ring floating in front of him, glimmering in
a soft purple glow. He sat down cross-legged in the center of
the Ten Buddha Formation, fully releasing the Buddhism
energy from his body, only then did he cautiously ran his
battle qi, infusing it into the ring in an attempt to refine it.

Just like the first time, the moment Huang Xiaolong’s battle
qi came in contact with the ring, the howling cries of evil
spirits rang out and a monstrous ghost aura enveloped
Huang Xiaolong. This time, it was even more powerful than

The intense ghost aura clashed against the Buddhism

energy within the temple, raising an endless volley of
explosions echoing throughout the Xumi Temple. A short
while later, the monstrous ghost aura was suppressed by
the Buddhism energy within the Ten Buddha Formation.

Nevertheless, Huang Xiaolong’s back dampened with cold

sweat at the sight. Fortunately, he prepared in advance or
the result would have been devastating, especially because
the second retaliation was more powerful than the first!

Huang Xiaolong’s brows furrowed deeply; must he really

give up here?!

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong directed the true essence

fire from his dantian, forming a protective barrier over his
body. At the same time, he initiated the Ten Buddha
Formation, combining the Buddhism energy from the array
formation with his own, creating a vigor barrier out of
Buddhism energy before infusing his battle qi into the Ghost
King Ring again.

The same thing happened, just like the previous two times.
When Huang Xiaolong sent his battle qi into the ring, the
ban inside was triggered, a soaring ghost aura rushed out
from the ring, colliding with the Buddhism energy a second

In the spacious hall, a scrimmage between the rumbling

ghost aura and the sacred Buddha luminescence took place.
It took some time before the Buddhism energy managed to
suppress the ghost aura, taking a longer time than the first

The process repeated again and again until Huang

Xiaolong’s fifth attempt to refine the Ghost King Ring, the
ghost aura inside suddenly rushed out like an endless raging
tsunami, shattering the vigor barrier erected from the Ten
Buddha Formation, shooting straight towards Huang

When it rammed into the true essence fire shield burning

around Huang Xiaolong, it reacted like water overboiling,
black fumes of smoke filled the temple hall.

Lasting until the end, the true essence fire barely succeeded
in burning away all the ghost aura that aimed at him, but
Huang Xiaolong’s face paled considerably. Although his true
essence fire burned away all the ghost aura, he was
overdrawing the true essence in his dantian at the same

Focusing his thoughts, Huang Xiaolong executed his third

martial spirit ability, Instant Recovery. Mottled blue lights
spread up beginning from his feet, returning the ruddiness
to his face, but it took several hours for the true essence in
his dantian to recover.

Having recovered from his true essence exhaustion, Huang

Xiaolong breathed out turbid qi from his mouth. He stared at
the Ghost King Ring before him and sighed helplessly. It
seems that relying on his current level of strength, it was
simply insufficient to refine the Ghost King Ring, even
considering the help of an early Saint realm giant ghost
Feng Yang’s assistance, the task had a very low chance of

A light flickered as thoughts ran through his mind swiftly.

‘Then, the only option was to make a trip back to Duanren
Empire. Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were both high-level Saint
realm, with their help, the possibility of refining the Ghost
King Ring was much higher,’ Huang Xiaolong contemplated.

Once Huang Xiaolong made his decision, he exited the Xumi

Temple and called giant ghost Feng Yang over. Both of them
left the valley, speeding at breakneck speed towards the
Duanren Empire.

As for Black Demon City, Huang Xiaolong wouldn’t be

returning for the time being. The most crucial matter now
was to refine the Ghost King Ring so that he could refine the
Ghost King Dan and break through to Saint realm.

Speeding up all the way, Huang Xiaolong and giant ghost

Feng Yang were out of the Ghost Domain territory in three
days’ time. They came across many other ghost creatures,
but all were killed by Huang Xiaolong and Feng Yang, their
ghost souls were refined by Huang Xiaolong using the Blood
Pact Mandate. Hence, by the time Huang Xiaolong left the
Ghost Domain, his strength further enhanced significantly,
approaching half-Saint.

Ten days later, Huang Xiaolong and Feng Yang reached

Duanren Empire’s border. Seeing that the sky was already
dark, he decided to rest for the night in the small town up
ahead before traveling again.
‘Not far from here is the Luo Tong Kingdom.’ The thought
crossed Huang Xiaolong’s mind when he arrived at this
small town called Thousand Spring, close to Duanren
Empire’s territory.

‘Luo Tong Kingdom! I wonder how Lu Kai is doing now. It has

been five years, that guy should have probably advanced to
Houtian Eighth Order…’

A smile appeared on Huang Xiaolong’s face at the thought

of Lu Kai, that little guy most likely ascended the throne by
now! He couldn’t resist chuckling imagining Lu Kai’s
expression as he sat on the royal throne of the Luo Tong

The Luo Tong Kingdom held many of Huang Xiaolong’s

memories of this life.

Although the Huang Clan Manor no longer existed, in Huang

Xiaolong’s heart, the Luo Tong Kingdom had always been his
starting place, a hometown so to speak. The best memories
of his childhood were spent there.

At this time, deep inside the Luo Tong Kingdom Palace, in an

underground dungeon, sounds of whip cracking against the
flesh resounded.

“Hehe, Lu Kai, I didn’t expect you to be so stubborn judging

from your tender appearance.” A cold sinister voice spoke.

“Ptui! There will be a day when I chop you old dog into
pieces and feed you to the pigs!” An angry roar echoed in
through the dungeon, and this was none other than Lu Kai’s
Inside the dungeon, Lu Kai’s appearance was disheveled, his
white robe stained with blood, both his arms and legs were
chained to a thick iron column.

Standing in front of Lu Kai was an old man in a gray robe.
Chapter 328: Back In Luo
Tong Kingdom
Chapter 328: Back in Luo Tong Kingdom

The gray robed old man looked appreciatively at the blood-

caked wounds on Lu Kai’s body, a smile crept up his face,
blossoming into laughter, yet it looked twisted: “Punk,
you’ve got a mouth on you, want to chop me into pieces
and feed me to the pigs? Relying on your current
circumstances?” The old man’s voice was full of mocking

Lu Kai’s eyes were filled with red veins as he glowered

ferociously at the other side, his tone spine-chilling cold,
“Old dog He Hui, you’d be wise and kill me now!”

The gray-robed old man, He Hui, snickered, very satisfied

with himself, “Don’t worry, we’ll be displaying you tomorrow
in the square outside the palace doors, and publicly behead
you! This will be your final night alive, take the time to
appreciate the night sky.” The old man He Hui looked over
the tiny frame that served as a window, chuckling, “It’s a
beautiful night.”

Hazy moonlight shone into the dungeon cell through the

small opening, pulling a blurry veil over the dungeon,
adding a surreal effect. At this time, someone opened the
dungeon door, a young man in brocade dragon robes
stepped into the cell, followed closely behind by four palace
The facial features of this young man bore some
resemblance to Lu Kai.

Watching the young man enter the cell, the murderous look
in Lu Kai’s eyes intensified. If eyes could kill, if his eyes
could murder, then this newly arrived young man would
have been flesh-flayed by a million daggers many times

The young man entered unperturbed, even as he noticed

the burning hatred and killing intent in Lu Kai’s eyes.
Walking towards the gray robed old man, he greeted:
“Senior Brother He.”

He Hui merely nodded.

Only then did the young man turn towards Lu Kai, speaking
in a detached manner: “Big brother, have you been well in
here for the past few days?” He glanced around the
dungeon cell, noting the different torture instruments
heaped in a pile at the corners, covered in dried blood and
other stuff, emanating an indistinct unpleasant stench.

“Big brother?” Lu Kai threw his head back and laughed a

dolent laugh. His eyes were blood-red as he stared at the
young man, “Who is your Big brother?!! Lu Jing, you think
you will be able to ascend the kingdom’s throne with me out
of the way?”

This young man that bore similar features to Lu Kai was his
younger brother, Lu Jing.

Lu Jing laughed, “Your Prince status has been revoked, I am

the Luo Tong Kingdom’s Prince now, in a few more years I
would be able to ascend the throne. But pity, ah, you won’t
be able to witness that moment!” He waved a hand at the
four guards behind, one of them stepped forward,
presenting a tiffin box in front of Lu Jing respectfully.

Lu Jing opened the tiffin box revealing several small dishes

inside, colorful, fragrant, and looking delicious. Together
with the dishes on the side, there was a jug of wine.

Lu Jing spoke: “Don’t say I didn’t perform my brotherly

duties, these are all your favorite dishes and your beloved
Snow Moon Wine. But then again, you should know that this
is your final supper in this world.”

Lu Kai looked at his so-called brother Lu Jing, “So I should

thank you instead?”

Lu Jing was nonchalant, “No need for thanks, we’re real

brothers after all, no need to be so polite.” Then Lu Jing
ordered the guards standing behind him, “Unchain him.”

The same guard answered respectfully, went up to Lu Kai

and released the lock to his chains.

“Don’t even think of running away, it would save you some

unnecessary bitterness.” Lu Jing said, “Just enjoy your last
meal. Senior Brother He, let’s leave.” With that, Lu Jing left,
bringing the guards as well.

He Hui glanced at Lu Kai before leaving the dungeon cell

after Lu Jing, shutting the door behind him.

Hands and feet released from the chains, Lu Kai slumped to

the floor in a sitting position. Staring numbly at the spread
of dishes and wine before his eyes. A light chuckle escaped
his throat and a blur obscured his sight, mumbling, “Brother
Xiaolong, it seems like we won’t be able to meet again in
this lifetime!”
As Luo Tong Kingdom’s Prince, he spent most of his time
practicing, therefore he didn’t have many trustworthy
friends around him. It could be said that Huang Xiaolong
was his only true friend.

He slowly walked up, grabbed the wine jug and took a large

The night slowly faded, relinquishing the sky to the morning


Inside an inn at the Thousand Spring Town, the morning

sunlight streamed into the room through the window, falling
on Huang Xiaolong’s body. Huang Xiaolong walked over to
the window, taking a deep breath of the crisp morning air,
stretching out.

He walked out of the room moments later.

Giant ghost Feng Yang was already waiting outside Huang

Xiaolong’s room, saluting when he saw Huang Xiaolong
coming out of the room.

“Let’s go.” Huang Xiaolong said. Settling the payment for

the accommodation, Huang Xiaolong and giant ghost Feng
Yang left the small Thousand Spring Town, flying rapidly in
the direction of the Luo Tong Kingdom.

Since he was nearby, Huang Xiaolong decided to make a

quick trip to the Luo Tong Kingdom to visit that guy, Lu Kai.
He hadn’t seen Lu Kai for many years.

The sunlight shone brilliantly. Although Huang Xiaolong and

Feng Yang were flying at breakneck speed, they did not
arouse anyone’s attention. At their level of strength, even a
peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order couldn’t grasp the edge of
their shadows, not to mention those of lower cultivation. It
was even more impossible for the commoners to see them.

In a small kingdom, such as Luo Tong, disregarding mid-level

Xiantian warriors, even early-level Xiantian warriors were
hard to find.

Huang Xiaolong and giant ghost Feng Yang flew all the way,
passing through the borders to reach the edge of Luo Tong
Kingdom land. Entering the Luo Tong Kingdom, Huang
Xiaolong first stopped where the Huang Clan Manor used to
stand. That year, the Huang Clan Manor was uprooted by
the Baolong Kingdom’s Big Sword Sect, now, the place was
empty and abandoned, overgrown weeds had taken over
the place amongst crumbled walls and ruins. Most of the
buildings had collapsed to the grown.

Standing in the air as he looked at the ruin of a once huge

manor, Huang Xiaolong lamented in his heart. In a flicker,
he appeared in the small courtyard where he used to live.

In the small yard, that same tree was still there, and in a
corner, there was a slightly crumbled large boulder. Seeing
the small handprints on it, Huang Xiaolong couldn’t resist
smiling recalling how he tested his strength using that stone
boulder every time he had a small breakthrough in
cultivation. Those handprints were left by him in those

Walking to his room, Huang Xiaolong pushed the door open,

thick dust danced in the air. Sliding a finger over the frame
of his bed, inch thick dust stuck to his finger.

‘Well, time to hire some people to repair Huang Clan Manor.’

Huang Xiaolong thought. That year, in order to avoid the
people from Big Sword Sect, he brought his parents and
siblings away from the Huang Clan Manor, then, in order to
avoid the Deities Templar, he moved them again to Duanren
Empire Imperial City.

In the future, after he destroyed Deities Templar, he would

send someone to repair the Manor. Huang Xiaolong knew
that his parents had always missed this place.

“Come on.” Huang Xiaolong said as he walked out of the

room, leaving the Huang Clan Manor behind, heading to the
Luo Tong Royal City.

A little more than an hour later, both of them arrived at the

Luo Tong Royal City. In the past, Huang Xiaolong needed
several months to reach Luo Tong Royal City from the Huang
Clan Manor, but now, it was a matter of only a couple of

Standing before the Luo Tong Royal City gates, watching the
commoners coming and going, another wave of nostalgia
washed over Huang Xiaolong. Stopping only for the briefest
moment, he entered the city with giant ghost Feng Yang.

However, giant ghost Feng Yang’s four-meter stature, even

with his ghost aura well-hidden still terrified the common
subjects in the Royal City, everyone scurried away or to the
sides, giving way to Huang Xiaolong and giant ghost Feng

Huang Xiaolong did not mind the commotion, walking

without a goal along the streets, when he suddenly stopped.
Not far from him was the Delicious Restaurant. The taste of
Delicious Restaurant’s Snow Moon Wine was not bad.

Hence, leading giant ghost Feng Yang, Huang Xiaolong

walked into the restaurant.
Chapter 329: Unable To Rescue?

Huang Xiaolong and giant ghost Feng Yang climbed up to

the first floor upon entering the restaurant, but he didn’t
expect to run into the restaurant’s boss just as he stepped
on the second floor. Seeing Huang Xiaolong, the boss’s eyes
widened to the size of fists, he was so excited that there
were tremors in his voice, “You, you’re Young Noble

Although it had been many years since Huang Xiaolong left

the Luo Tong Royal City, and just as many years since he
visited the Delicious Restaurant, the boss still recognized
Huang Xiaolong in one glance.

He might forget others, but not Huang Xiaolong!

Huang Xiaolong was someone that represented the Luo Tong

Kingdom in the in Duanren Empire’s Imperial City Battle, the
legendary figure that won the first place, how could he

That year, Huang Xiaolong won the Duanren Imperial City

Battle’s first place, when the news was sent back to the Luo
Tong Kingdom, celebrations were held throughout the
kingdom. King Lu Zhe held a three-day celebration feast
when he announced the glorious achievement!

Moreover, the boss was well aware that Huang Xiaolong was
someone that even the sole Marshal of Luo Tong Kingdom,
Marshal Haotian was respectful to!

Watching the restaurant boss’s expression, Huang Xiaolong

smiled and nodded slightly, he didn’t expect the boss to
remember him after so many years.
Seeing Huang Xiaolong admitted his identity, the boss grew
more enthusiastic, nearly performing a full kneel and
kowtow to salute Huang Xiaolong. Huang Xiaolong easily
stopped the boss’s action, extending his left hand out,
indicating him to stand up while his eyes looked at him and
then the surroundings meaningfully.

Watching Huang Xiaolong’s actions, the restaurant boss

instantly understood that Huang Xiaolong didn’t want others
to know of his presence. Only then did he hurried to a stand,
but even so, his demeanor was of utmost respect, the angle
of his waist probably exceeded ninety degrees. He
personally led Huang Xiaolong to a secluded section and
took Huang Xiaolong’s orders.

Other customers noticed the complaisant attitude of the

restaurant boss before Huang Xiaolong, most were shocked
and curious.

A short while later, the boss excused himself respectfully.

While waiting for the dishes to arrive, the sudden loud

commotion on the streets attracted Huang Xiaolong’s
attention. Huang Xiaolong looked outside through the
restaurant’s window and saw the common subjects moving
in small and large groups heading in one direction.

At this time, discussions on tables nearby reached his ears.

“Quickly eat, after we finish eating we’re rushing over to the

square across the palace doors to watch a good show!” One
customer said.

“Life is really strange, ah, who would’ve thought that, as a

Prince, Lu Kai would end up so tragically.” Another person
Lu Kai?! Huang Xiaolong was stunned hearing Lu Kai’s name
being mentioned.

‘What is happening?’

“Young Noble Huang, your dishes are here.” At this point,

the restaurant boss returned, personally bringing Huang
Xiaolong his dishes.

As he put the plates one by one on Huang Xiaolong’s table,

Huang Xiaolong questioned, “About Lu Kai, what’s that all

The restaurant boss’ action lagged for a second, not

knowing what to say. It was known to many people in the
Royal City that Huang Xiaolong and Prince Lu Kai were good
friends back in the day, thus he also knew.

“Speak!” Huang Xiaolong’s face sank, exuding a powerful

momentum that enveloped the entire restaurant. The noisy
restaurant instantly fell into a dead silence, the customers
all around were filled with apprehension.

Whereas the restaurant boss was so scared that he fell to

his knees, “Huang, Young Noble Huang…” ashen face and
cold sweat, he looked at Huang Xiaolong with awe.

Watching the restaurant boss’ reaction, Huang Xiaolong

converged the terrifying pressure he released, slightly
adjusting his expression as he said, “First, stand up.”

Not daring to delay, the restaurant boss hurried to his feet,

respectfully recounting the matter from the beginning to
Huang Xiaolong in a trembling voice.

The more Huang Xiaolong listened, the gloomier the

expression on his face became.
Until the end, the restaurant boss noticed the hot dishes he
just served moment ago with steam still curling were now
covered with layers of white ice. They were in the peak of
spring, where did this ice come from?

Finished telling the matter, the restaurant boss felt his

throat feel dry and itchy as he stood there, not daring to

In plain words, Lu Kai’s younger brother, Lu Jing, in order to

seize the kingdom’s throne, joined a sect that called
themselves Wind God Cult, worshipping the Sect Leader as
Master, working hand in glove on a conspiracy. Controlling
King Lu Zhe, they forced him to renounce Lu Kai’s Prince
status and throw him into the dungeon.

They even announced that Lu Kai will be brought to the

square opposite the palace doors for public beheading!

“How much time till the execution?” A moment of silence

later, Huang Xiaolong looked at the restaurant boss.

The restaurant boss looked at the sky outside, answering,

“Around one hour’s time.”

One hour. Huang Xiaolong stood up, preparing to leave with

giant ghost Feng Yang.

Guessing what Huang Xiaolong wanted to do, the restaurant

boss courageously stepped in, “Young Noble Huang, I know
you want to rescue Prince Lu Kai, but with just the two of
you, it’s impossible to cope with the tens of thousands of
palace guards. At that time, not only will you fail to rescue
Prince Lu Kai, you might even lose your life in this gamble.”

That year, when Huang Xiaolong relocated his family to

Duanren Imperial City, Marshal Haotian also went, following
beside the Huang Family. Thus, Huang Xiaolong had no
reinforcement in Luo Tong Royal City anymore. If he planned
to rescue Prince Lu Kai with a mere two people, in the
restaurant boss’ opinion, it was a hopeless feat, regardless if
Huang Xiaolong was the champion of Duanren Imperial City
Battle and had already broken through to Xiantian.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the restaurant boss and smiled,

“Lose my life in this gamble?” He was not angry, for he
understood that the restaurant boss reminded him out of
good intentions.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong was still nonchalant about the

matter, he grew solemn, emphasizing, “Yes, I know that
Young Noble Huang has broken through the Xiantian realm,
but other than the numerous palace guards, I’ve heard that
the person responsible for guarding Prince Lu Kai was a
peak late-Xiantian Second Order expert.”

“Peak late-Xiantian Second Order?” Huang Xiaolong was

dumbfounded. A small kingdom such as Luo Tong Kingdom
has a peak late-Xiantian Second Order.

The restaurant boss nodded gravely, “That’s right. An

expert from the Wind God Cult, also Lu Jing’s Eldest Senior
Brother, named He Hui.”

‘So, someone from Wind God Cult, Huang Xiaolong mused,

but where did this Wind God Cult pop out from? Even the
restaurant boss doesn’t know.’

No matter what hole they came out from, it was fated that
the Wind God Cult would be destroyed.

“Keep the dishes warm, after I rescue my brother, I’ll come

drink with him.” Huang Xiaolong said to the restaurant boss
laughingly, a finger casually pointed at the table of food.
The restaurant boss blanked momentarily before he
understood the meaning of Huang Xiaolong’s words, Huang
Xiaolong and giant ghost Feng Yang’s silhouettes had
vanished from his sight.

The restaurant boss looked dazedly at the spot where

Huang Xiaolong and the giant ‘man’ stood earlier, now it
was empty and airy. A long time passed before he shook his
head, muttering to himself, “I hope that the Heavens bless
Young Noble Huang so that he can escape from this
disaster.” He didn’t think that Huang Xiaolong and his friend
had any chances of rescuing Lu Kai.

At this time, the palace’s main doors slowly opened. Lu Kai,

with his four limbs chained down to an iron column,
escorted out by a group of palace guards, all the way to the
square center. Lines of palace guards barricaded the
square’s perimeter tightly.

Commoners that came to watch a lively show crowded the

square some distance away, pointing fingers and shaking
heads, some with pity, some gloated.
Chapter 330: God Killing Fist!

He Hui glared at Lu Kai at the center of the square and

barked: “On your knees!”

Lu Kai stood upright, looking coldly at the old man.

Watching Lu Kai’s stubbornness, He Hui snickered instead,

lifting his foot and kicking the back of Lu Kai’s knees as swift
as lightning. Lu Kai’s knees bent and he fell to his knees.

“Do you think you’re still Luo Tong Kingdom’s Prince?” He

Hui mocked, “Now, you’re nothing but a death row prisoner
waiting to be beheaded, merely a prisoner!”

Lu Kai raised his head, eyes tinted with bloodlust watching

He Hui. Seeing this, He Hui struck across Lu Kai’s face
without any misgiving, leaving a raw five-finger print on Lu
Kai’s cheek. His head fell to the side, blood filling his mouth.

From afar, the commoners became agitated and angered.

Lu Jing frowned slightly as he stood on the erected stage,

saying “Senior Brother He, it’s good enough.” After all, Lu
Kai was his brother.

“Big brother, speak, do you have any last words?” Lu Jing

looked at Lu Kai, kneeling at the center of the square,
asking in a condescending manner.

Lu Kai looked up, a tiny depreciating smile lifted the corner

of his mouth as he stared fixedly at his younger brother:
“Don’t kill my mother.”

Although they were brothers, they were born of different

Lu Jing shook his head: “Change your request.” His meaning
was very clear. Once Lu Kai was dead, his mother must also
die, all possibilities must be uprooted.

Tears fell from Lu Kai’s eyes without warning.

“Junior Brother, it’s about time.” He Hui added, “Master

ordered that there must not be any mishap.” The last
sentence contained a hint of reminder.

Lu Jing was displeased, in the end, he did not say anything,

he merely nodded.

He Hui walked up, raising his voice: “Prepare for execution!”

The executioner, who was ready at the side, approached Lu

Kai, but before he came close to Lu Kai, his body froze for a
moment and tumbled to the ground abruptly.

The sudden turn of events struck everyone dumb.

“What is happening?!” Lu Jing jumped from his seat.

He Hui scanned the surrounding crowd, snorting

disdainfully, “Someone wants to snatch people from the
execution?” He leaped into the air, landing beside the dead
executioner, yet what puzzled him was that he couldn’t find
the cause of death. There were no wounds at all on the
executioner’s body.

The noisy crowd quieted down all of a sudden, all of them

turned their heads towards a certain direction where a
black-haired young man and a four-meter-tall giant man
covered entirely in a black cloak were slowly walking
towards the square center.

He Hui and Lu Jing inevitably also turned to look.

When Lu Kai saw the young man’s face, his body shook,
eyes wide with disbelief, a joy rushed from his heart and
even his lips quivered.

As Huang Xiaolong and giant ghost Feng Yang moved

forward, the crowd opened a small berth for them. The
palace guards barricading the perimeter shouted a warning,
motioning the guards to execute the two trespassers on the
spot, but shockingly, before the palace guards took more
than ten steps, their bodies were pushed back without
reason, no matter how many of them went up.

Witnessing this scene, all the commoners on the square

were dumbstruck, eyes larger than the size of a gold coin.
They clearly saw that neither one of the two people made
any attack.

He Hui’s brows wrinkled slightly because he did not see any

of the two people making a move either. Or should he say,
with his sight, he was unable to determine these two
people’s attack?

But then he shook his head, thinking that the probability

was too absurd. According to his knowledge, in this tiny Luo
Tong Kingdom, a Xiantian Third Order did not exist, the
strongest cultivation was only a mid-Xiantian Second Order.

Huang Xiaolong and Feng Yang finally arrived at the

execution stage. Lu Kai stood up, filled with excitement
looking at Huang Xiaolong.

They merely looked at each other like that.

“Brother, I am late.” Huang Xiaolong spoke first.

Lu Kai shook his head, tears streaming down his face,

unsure if they were tears of joy or grief. He never imagined
that Huang Xiaolong would appear here, didn’t Haotian’s
letter a few months ago say that Huang Xiaolong traveled to
the Bedlam Lands?

“I heard Marshal Haotian mention some months ago that

you went off to the Bedlam Lands?” Lu Kai asked.

Huang Xiaolong grinned, “En, I stayed there for some time.

Just came back, and on the way, I thought of having a drink
with you.”

Have a drink? Lu Kai laughed through his tears, “Can I ask,

in the Bedlam Lands, are there a lot of beauties?”

Huang Xiaolong was stumped, speechless, this fella nearly

had his head chopped off, and now he was standing there
enquiring about beauties?

A cold voice cut into their conversation, “Drink wine?

Beauties? Hmph, when you go to hell, you can reunite there
and enjoy yourselves.” It was He Hui’s voice.

He Hui’s heart was on fire. These two people broke into the
execution stage yet they dared stand there conversing idly,
they were not putting him in their eyes at all! He marched
towards Huang Xiaolong and giant ghost Feng Yang, battle
qi flame burst out from his body, exuding a terrifying

Lu Kai’s heart tightened, quickly looked at Huang Xiaolong,

“Brother, this old fogey is a peak late-Xiantian Second
Order, do you have any confidence?” Although he
understood Huang Xiaolong, knew that this brother of his
wouldn’t do things he has no grasp in, Lu Kai still worried.
After all, when Huang Xiaolong left the Luo Tong Kingdom,
he has yet to break through Xiantian realm.
Huang Xiaolong shrugged nonchalantly, “What do you

Hearing this, Lu Kai relaxed, completely reassured.

He Hui heard Huang Xiaolong’s words and he glared at him,

“Vainglorious boast! Little brat, I want to see what capability
you have to rescue people from under my watch!” He Hui
prepared to attack at the end of his words.

However, precisely at the same time, amongst the crowd,

someone suddenly exclaimed out loud: “That one looks
like… Huang Xiaolong… Huang Xiaolong!”

“Huang Xiaolong? A few years back, the same Huang

Xiaolong that brought glory to our Luo Tong Kingdom,
winning the first place at the Duanren Imperial City Battle?!”

“Yes, yes, that’s him! Huang Xiaolong! Our Luo Tong

Kingdom’s legendary genius!” The crowd’s excitement was
incited, the voices around became louder, everyone
speaking and shouting at once, turning into a trend.

Finally, someone recognized Huang Xiaolong!

The news spread, one to ten, ten to a hundred!

He Hui was stunned at first, before it turned into a cold

sneer, “Duanren Imperial City Battle’s number one several
years ago? No wonder you’re so arrogant, but do you think
that winning whatever Imperial City number one makes you
invincible in the world? Today, I will show you that there is a
Heaven beyond the Heavens, mountains beyond
mountains!” With that, He Hui aimed a punch at Huang
Xiaolong, fist imprint breaking the wind, distorting airflow,
and space.
“God Killing Fist!” He Hui hollered as if beneath his fist, even
God would be annihilated.

Huang Xiaolong was calm as ever watching the other side’s

fist coming at him, standing there, waiting, unmoving, as if
he has no intention to counter. Lu Kai became nervous only
to see the giant ‘man’ beside Huang Xiaolong reach out.
With a single pat and an eerie cry, He Hui was struck down,
embedded into the square floor.

Lu Kai’s mouth was agape with shock, fixed at the jaw, his
eyeballs almost popping out staring at He Hui’s half-buried

The crowd that was excited because of Huang Xiaolong’s

appearance also went silent in a daze. Including Lu Jing and
the surrounding palace guards.

Ignoring the expressions around him, Huang Xiaolong slowly

approached He Hui.
Chapter 331: Deities Templar Appears Again

Huang Xiao long’s feet stopped a few meters away from He

Hui. A single hand raised and a powerful suction force
extracted He Hui from the ground. Looking at He Hui coldly,
Huang Xiaolong repeated slowly, “Heavens beyond
Heavens, Mountains beyond Mountains?”

Earlier, he had ordered Feng Yang to hold back a little,

hence, He Hui did not die on the spot… but then again, he
was not far from death.

He Hui struggled weakly to open his eyes as he let out a low

snicker, his hoarse voice sounded, “Little brat, you’re dead!
Our Wind God Cult is under Deities Templar, do you know
Deities Templar? Deities Templar is the strongest force in our
Martial Spirit World. To destroy you and every member of
your family clan is as simple as blowing dust.”

The Wind God Cult was one of the weaker dependent forces
that Deities Templar netted, and He Hui was just an
insignificant character, therefore, he had no knowledge of
the intense friction between Huang Xiaolong and Deities

He Hui thought that Huang Xiaolong didn’t have any idea

about the transcendent existence of Deities Templar, which
was why he purposely exaggerated it’s ‘terrifying’ force at
the end.

Huang Xiaolong chuckled at He Hui’s words, but still, he

didn’t expect this Wind God Cult to be a branched out part
of Deities Templar.

“Oh~, destroying my family and clan is no different than

blowing dust to them?” Huang Xiaolong laughed.
He Hui’s attitude turned haughty, “I know that perhaps you
don’t believe it, but..!” His voice stuck here, stopping
abruptly. His eyes lowered to see his chest exploding with
one palm strike from Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong simply flung He Hui’s body aside, falling to

a corner of the execution area, and then proceeded to walk
towards Lu Kai while ignoring the flabbergasted look on his
face. Battle qi wrapped around his palm, straight like a
blade, chopping the chains tying Lu Kai’s hands and feet
into a dozen sections.

Then Huang Xiaolong took out from the Asura Ring a Soul
Replenishing Fruit he collected from the Ghost King’s
cultivation cave and told Lu Kai to open his mouth, swallow
and refine it.

Lu Kai’s crippled Qi Sea and meridians did not escape Huang

Xiaolong’s eyes. The benefits of this Soul Replenishing Fruit
was slightly better than Nine Leaves Purple Grass. Very
soon, vigor and ruddiness returned to the pale-faced, weak-
atmosphered Lu Kai. His strength returned and even
continued rising, becoming stronger.

“This…!” Lu Kai was greatly shocked at the result of the

fruit. He dared not believed what was happening,
astonishment was written all over his face as he felt his Qi
Sea and meridians recover fully. Not only that, the battle qi
coursing in his Qi Sea and meridians was stronger, more
powerful. Just moments ago, he broke through consecutively
all the way to mid-Houtian Eighth Order!

Lu Kai’s eyes sparkled with excitement staring at Huang

Xiaolong, but just as he wanted to ask, Huang Xiaolong
stopped him. Shaking his head with a smile, “We’ll talk
about this later. Solve the matter at hand first.” He said,
pointing a finger at Lu Jing on the side.

Lu Kai nodded. Then he looked over at Lu Jing.

Seeing Lu Kai looking at him, fear and terror flickered in his

eyes. When he was about to flee from the scene, Lu Kai
leaped out, blocking the path right in front of Lu Jing.

“Kill, I order you to kill him, kill them all!” Lu Jing shouted in
panic at the palace guards around him. At his order, the
guard beside Lu Jing waved his sword and attacked Lu Kai,
however, before that palace guard could attack, giant ghost
Feng Yang opened his mouth and sucked in. Before Lu Jing’s
terrified eyes, all the palace guards around him turned into
dry mummified corpses.

The rest of the palace guards that prepared to attack halted

sharply in their actions watching this result, inhaling cold
breaths as they stared at the giant ‘man’ beside Huang
Xiaolong warily.

Although Lu Kai too was shocked inside, he recovered fairly

quickly, concentrating on his younger brother, Lu Jing. Lu Kai
punched out without another word, striking Lu Jing’s chest.
Lu Jing’s body inverted with scream, falling to the square
floor from the stage.

Lu Kai leaped down and once again approached Lu Jing.

The rows of palace guards around the square stood by and

watched, none of them dared to step up to stop Lu Kai.

“Big brother, don’t, no, don’t kill me!!’ Lu Jing climbed up

from the ground, keeping his eyes on the approaching Lu
Kai. He was terrorized, frantically waving his hands at Lu
Kai: “I know I was wrong, I beg you, don’t kill me.”
Lu Kai’s face was cold and grim, “Don’t kill you?!” his left
palm straightened, and chop down decisively.

Lu Jing grasped at his throat, mouth opened like a fish out of

water, red in the face. The entire time, fear never left his
widened eyes, mixed with despair and anger. One of his
hand flailed around, clawing for Lu Kai but Lu Jing tumbled
to the ground after taking two steps. His body twitched once
and forever remained still henceforth.

Lu Kai glanced coldly at his body. The surrounding palace

guards, as well as the commoners in the distance, fell into
silence watching Lu Jing’s corpse.

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong stood beside Lu Kai, “How

are you?”

Lu Kai shook his head, breathing out heavily as if all his

burden could leave him that way, “I am fine.”

Huang Xiaolong smiled, “I have some food and drinks

readied at the Delicious Restaurant, shall we go for a drink?”

Lu Kai was stunned for a moment before revealing a grin, “Is

there Snow Moon Wine?”

Huang Xiaolong nodded firmly: “There is Snow Moon Wine.”

“There’s food and wine, of course I have to go.” Lu Kai


Moments later, all the palace guards present in the square

watched as Huang Xiaolong and Lu Kai left in leisure steps,
no one dared to object or stop them. It didn’t take long for
the three of them to reach the Delicious Restaurant.
When the Delicious Restaurant’s boss saw Huang Xiaolong
return, along with Lu Kai beside him, he reacted like a
wooden chicken standing on the spot, dumbstruck for a very
long time before he remembered to kneel down, greeting Lu

After the restaurant boss stood up, Huang Xiaolong led the
way up to the first floor while asking, “Boss, the dishes, did
you warm them?” before Huang Xiaolong left earlier, he
specifically instructed them to warm the dishes.

The restaurant boss had an awkward expression on his face,

not knowing how to answer Huang Xiaolong for he didn’t
believe for a second that Huang Xiaolong would be able to
rescue Lu Kai, even more so returning here to eat if he, by
some miracle, succeeded.

Therefore… he did not keep the dishes warm.

How could Huang Xiaolong not understand watching the

restaurant boss’ interesting expression. He didn’t blame or
admonish the matter, walking to the same table as before
with Lu Kai.

Although the restaurant boss didn’t keep Huang Xiaolong’s

dishes warm, he also did not allow others to use the table or
take away the food served.

After sitting down, with a turn of his hand, a small kindle of

true essence fire floated on Huang Xiaolong’s palm. With a
quick sweep over the wine and dishes, curling wisps of
steam instantly filled the air with enticing fragrance.

The restaurant boss was stunned. He hesitated before

speaking up, “Young Noble Huang, Prince Lu Kai, the
pursuing guards might reach here very soon, shouldn’t
you…?” To him, since Huang Xiaolong succeeded in rescuing
Prince Lu Kai, he and Prince Lu Kai should flee far away from
Luo Tong Royal City as soon as possible, the further the
better. Yet, these two people were in the mood to just sit
here, drinking wine and enjoying meat?

Later, when the Wind God Cult and the palace guards
chased them here, what would they do?!

Both Huang Xiaolong and Lu Kai chuckled hearing that,

making the restaurant boss feel lost and baffled.

Huang Xiaolong stopped laughing and said, “Well, Boss, you

go down first, we’ll call for you if there’s anything we need.”

Seeing this, the restaurant boss didn’t dare to broach the

subject anymore. Saluting respectfully, he excused himself.

“Come, let us drink.” Watching the restaurant boss

disappear from view, Huang Xiaolong raised his cup and
clinked it against Lu Kai’s.

Needless to say, the Snow Moon Wine reheated using true

essence fire tasted better than usual. The wine was smooth
down the throat, with a hint of warmth after the initial
iciness, intoxicating to the soul.

Calling it ambrosia of the gods was befitting.

But in this world, probably only Huang Xiaolong was

profligate enough to use true essence fire to reheat dishes
and wine.

While Huang Xiaolong and Lu Kai were enjoying themselves

with food and wine at the Delicious Restaurant, a hundred
miles outside Luo Tong Royal City, on a small mountain
range, stood the structures of several palaces. These
palaces were Wind God Cult’s main headquarters built in the
Luo Tong Kingdom.

At this time, Wind God Cult’s Leader was standing below the
dais in a respectful manner, whereas on the main seat in the
hall sat a young man in a white robe, with icy blue eyes.
There was an obvious golden runic pattern on his forehead.

This young man was the very same person who took Li Lu
away in Duanren Imperial City together with Li Molin, Deities
Templar’s Ao Baixue! That time several years ago, Ao
Baixue had revealed his Saint realm strength and injured
Huang Xiaolong at that time.
Chapter 332: Even If Given
Wings… Won’T Be Able To
Chapter 332: Even If Given Wings… Won’t Be Able To Escape

Ao Baixue sat on the throne seat in the hall, his fingers

caressing the emeralds decorating the sides…

The atmosphere in the great hall grew smothering. Fan

Yiming had his head lowered, not daring to breathe loudly.

“No news yet from the Luo Tong Kingdom’s side?” A while
later, Ao Baixue finally spoke, his majestic tone shattered
the suffocating silence.

Fan Yiming trembled, but he swiftly stepped forward to

answer, “Replying to Elder Ao, most likely there will not be
any unanticipated accident. I’ve sent my eldest disciple He
Hui to supervise the matter, by this time, that Lu Kai should
have been beheaded. With Lu Kai’s death and with Lu Jing
ascending the throne, we can smoothly control the Luo Tong

Ao Baixue condescendingly glanced at Fan Yiming from

above the throne seat, deriding in soft-spoken words, “I
hope it is as you said. Serve well, and Deities Templar will
reward you justly.”

Joy flooded Fan Yiming’s face and he knelt down in a

kowtow: “This lowly one thanks Elder Ao!”
It was at this time, from outside the great hall, a Wind God
Cult Elder rushed into the hall in a flustered manner.

Ao Baixue’s brows wrinkled with dissatisfaction: “What is


That Elder fell to his knees and reported with a shaky voice,
“Reporting to Elder Ao, Leader, Luo- there’s a mishap on the
Luo Tong Kingdom’s side.”

Mishap? Mishap could only refer to Lu Kai’s death, unless…?

“What happened?!” Fan Yiming demanded anxiously.

“Some- someone rescued Lu Kai, and, and…” The Elder


“And what?” Fan Yiming snapped.

“And Elder He is dead!” That Elder dared not conceal the


“What?!” Fan Yiming didn’t look good, he was very confident

in his eldest disciple He Hui’s strength, a peak late-Xiantian
Second Order. To his knowledge, no Xiantian Third Order
expert existed in the Luo Tong Kingdom, yet his disciple was

“What about Lu Jing?” Fan Yiming pressed.

“Lu Jing was also killed!” That Wind God Cult Elder reported
the truth with all honesty.

However, his answer made Fan Yiming’s face murkier than

muddy water.

Ao Baixue remained seated on the hall throne and wasn’t

angered even after listening to the Wind God Cult Elder’s
report. Instead, Ao Baixue laughed softly, “Interesting, there
are actually people who dare to oppose my Deities Templar?

Although Ao Baixue looked calm on the surface, Fan Yiming

instantly knelt down on his knees, kowtowing repeatedly,
“Elder Ao, this subordinate is incompetent, deserving a
thousand deaths!”

“Enough, stand up.” Ao Baixue said.

Fan Yiming and the Elder gave their thanks before daring to
stand up.

“How many people took part in rescuing Lu Kai?” Ao Baixue

questioned that Wind Cult Elder.

The Wind God Cult Elder hastened to answer, “It was two
people. One was a young man, the other a four-meter-tall
giant, it seems that young man is called Huang Xiaolong,
and that giant man is probably his bodyguard.”

“What? Huang Xiaolong?” Ao Baixue showed surprise on his

face, “You are very sure that he is called Huang Xiaolong?”

“That is correct, Elder Ao. When that young man was

rescuing Lu Kai, the commoner crowd gathered around the
square recognized him, claiming that the young man was
Luo Tong Kingdom’s greatest genius talent, participated in
the Duanren Imperial City Battle and won the first place that
year.” The Elder answered respectfully.

Hearing the Elder’s explanation, Ao Baixue was absolutely

sure that it was none other than Huang Xiaolong, making
him burst out in laughter in delight. He stood up as he
laughed, “Huang Xiaolong ah Huang Xiaolong, truly,
enemies meet on a narrow road, I truly did not expect that
you will appear here!”

Amongst the ranks of Deities Templar, Huang Xiaolong was

labeled a ‘sinner!’

Anyone who went against Deities Templar would be listed as

sinners, and in the Deities Templar Sinner’s List, Huang
Xiaolong might not rank first, but he was definitely within
top ten.

If he could capture Huang Xiaolong and bring him back to

Deities Templar, he would be greatly rewarded. Of course,
the reward would be the same if he brought back Huang
Xiaolong’s corpse.

“Elder Ao, that Huang Xiaolong is..?” Fan Yiming

approached, venturing with caution.

Ao Baixue smiled, “Just a stinky boor of a young man.

There’s some small grudge with him from a few years ago,
at that time he was only an early Xiantian. Regardless of his
current strength, he is a designated sinner wanted by
Deities Templar.”

Fan Yiming quickly said, “So it’s like that. No matter how
much of a genius talent that Huang Xiaolong could be, at
most he’s only a mid-level Xiantian. Probably yet to break
through the mid-level Xiantian. In front of Elder Ao, he won’t
be able to escape even if you put wings on him, peeing
himself the instant he sees Elder Ao appear.”

This brown-nosing put Ao Baixue in an extremely good


“Did you find out in which direction that Huang Xiaolong fled
to?” Ao Baixue then asked the Elder.
“Replying to Elder Ao, that Huang Xiaolong did not run after
rescuing Lu Kai. They went to a place called Delicious
Restaurant within the Luo Tong Royal City, they are drinking
wine.” The Elder replied with due respect, “Even now, both
of them are still there.”

Ao Baixue was stunned. ‘They did not run?’ Then he inquired

about the characteristics of the giant man who was with
Huang Xiaolong. After confirming that it was neither Zhao
Shu nor Zhang Fu, he was totally at ease.

As long as it wasn’t Zhao Shu or Zhang Fu, the matter would

be easy to handle. At Huang Xiaolong’s side, the only high-
grade Saint realm experts were Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu.
Whereas those miscellaneous people like Yu Ming, Haotian,
Fei Hou, and what not, taking care of them was only a
matter of snapping his fingers.

“Huang Xiaolong, I want to see how you’re going to escape

my hands this time!” Ao Baixue declared coldly. He turned
around to instruct Fan Yiming, “Order down the lockdown of
the entire Luo Tong Royal City, you make a trip there with

“Yes, Elder Ao!” Not delaying further, Ao Baixue flew out of

the great hall, leading Fan Yiming and some others in the
direction of Luo Tong Royal City. With Ao Baixue’s Saint
realm speed, a hundred li was a matter of only half an
incense stick’s burning time.

Before long, Ao Baixue’s sighted the Luo Tong Royal City in

front of him. Watching the city structures growing bigger
and closer, excitement gleamed in his eyes. He was now a
mid-First Order Saint realm. This time, if he could capture
Huang Xiaolong alive and bring him back to the Deities
Templar headquarters, with the reward from the Temple
Preceptor he could definitely advance to late-First Order
Saint realm in the shortest time.

While Ao Baixue and his group narrowed the distance to Luo

Tong Royal City, Huang Xiaolong and Lu Kai were still
clinking cups in the Delicious Restaurant. It had been a few
years since they last saw each other, words were bound to
be many.

Talking about the Cosmic Star Academy and the days they
spent there, each sighed with nostalgia. When the topic
came to the annual Academy year competition, Lu Kai
laughed, “You kid, shouldn’t you have let me hit you once or
twice those years?” Those years, whenever Huang Xiaolong
met Lu Kai on the stage, he barely showed any mercy.

Huang Xiaolong too laughed, “I cannot cheat.” Speaking of

this, Huang Xiaolong recalled someone, “That Jiang Teng,
how is he now?”

Jiang Teng was Huang Xiaolong’s classmate in his first year,

also the only student with superb talent martial spirit apart
from Huang Xiaolong.

“Principal Sun Zhang and Vice Principal Xiong Chu placed

high importance on him. Now, Jiang Teng is already a mid-
Ninth Order.” Lu Kai said. The Ninth Order Lu Kai referred to
was, of course, mid-Houtian Ninth Order.

Huang Xiaolong nodded. Jiang Teng was both Sun Zhang

and Xiong Chu’s disciple at the same time, with his grade
eleven superb talent martial spirit and the two elders’
guidance, it was no wonder Jiang Teng had this

Mentioning Jiang Teng, Lu Kai couldn’t resist asking,

“Brother, tell me frankly, what is your strength now?” He
had an itching curiosity about Huang Xiaolong’s strength.
Chapter 333: Able To Contend With Me?

Huang Xiaolong showed a faint smile hearing Lu Kai asking

about his current strength, “In your opinion, what’s my
current strength?”

Lu Kai kept mum for a moment, then said, “You little bastard
cannot be judged using normal logic. That year when you
participated in the Duanren Imperial City Battle, you had
just broken through the Xiantian realm, by now, you
probably advanced till Xiantian Fourth Order, right?” Lu Kai
squinted his eyes as he fixed a stare on Huang Xiaolong’s
face for his reaction.

Xiantian Fourth Order! Thinking about what a Xiantian

Fourth Order represented, Lu Kai couldn’t help but tremble
secretly. Xiantian Fourth Order, a mid-level Xiantian realm,
not one person in the entire Luo Tong Kingdom could
contend with that kind of strength!

Forget the Luo Tong Kingdom, even several neighboring

kingdoms didn’t have a Xiantian Fourth Order expert! How
old was Huang Xiaolong? No more than twenty-three, right?!

Watching Lu Kai staring at him wide-eyed, Huang Xiaolong

shook his head a little helplessly. Huang Xiaolong’s response
stunned Lu Kai, and he subsequently breathed out in
relieved, grinning “See, didn’t I say, no matter how much of
a monster genius you are, how could you break through
mid-level Xiantian so fast!”

Huang Xiaolong was speechless at his friend.

“So, are you a peak late-Xiantian Third Order now?” Lu Kai

was relentless.
Peak late-Xiantian Third Order? Huang Xiaolong smiled
bitterly, shaking his head.

Seeing this, Lu Kai continued, “Late-Xiantian Third Order?”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head again.

“Peak mid-Xiantian Third Order?” Lu Kai tried again.

He got the same response from Huang Xiaolong.

Lu Kai’s face was full of doubt, “Cannot be, ah, then mid-
Xiantian Third Order? With the speed of your cultivation, it’s
impossible for you to be only a mid-Xiantian Third Order?”

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “I am really not a mid-Xiantian

Third Order.”

Not a mid-Xiantian Third Order? Lu Kai blanked for a

moment, then a shocking thought struck him, “Could it be…
above Xiantian Fourth Order?!”

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Lu Kai laughed as he said, “You kid, really a freak, you

actually broke through Xiantian Fourth Order so fast.”
Hearing Huang Xiaolong confirmed he had broken through
Xiantian Fourth Order, Lu Kai was truly happy for his friend.

“Then you’re now mid or late Xiantian Fourth Order?” Lu Kai


Huang Xiaolong pondered his answer, “Can be considered

as a high-level Xiantian realm.” Though Huang Xiaolong
could defeat the Saint realm Zhao Chen, he was still a peak
late-Xiantian Tenth Order, therefore, he was considered as a
high-level Xiantian realm.
Lu Kai was totally dumbstruck at Huang Xiaolong’s blasé
answer, his eyeballs rounded like they were about to fall off,
that look was no different than looking at an unknown
strange creature.

Can be considered as high-level Xiantian realm?!

Lu Kai drew a sharp breath, he had assumed that regardless

how talented Huang Xiaolong was, in a short few years’
span, it was already beyond normal to advance into Xiantian
Fourth Order, but now…!

“Peak late-Xiantian Sixth Order?” Lu Kai tried. Lu Kai thought

that Huang Xiaolong’s ‘can be considered as’ meant that he
hadn’t stepped into Xiantian Seventh Order, but infinitely
close to breaking through to Xiantian Seventh Order.

Huang Xiaolong smiled a little at Lu Kai’s guess, no longer

admit or deny, let’s take it that he was peak late-Xiantian
Sixth Order.

At this point, the restaurant boss hastened to their table

with an anxious expression. In front of Huang Xiaolong and
Lu Kai, he spoke urgently, “Young Noble Huang, Prince Lu
Kai, quickly run! Just now, Prime Minister Wu Feng ordered
to have the city on lockdown, all the city guards are rushing
over here!”

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Talking with Lu Kai, Huang Xiaolong already found out that

Wu Feng and most of the Luo Tong Kingdom ministers
supported Lu Jing. That Wu Feng too had taken liege under
the Wind God Cult, which was why Huang Xiaolong was
calm. Raising his cup, he emptied the wine inside.
Watching Huang Xiaolong and Lu Kai’s unhurried response,
the restaurant boss urged them, “Young Noble Huang,
Prince Lu Kai, leave quickly, otherwise it will be too late. I
heard that Wind God Cult’s Leader and a group of Wind God
Cult’s experts are rushing over, they’re probably right
outside the city gates!”

Just as the restaurant boss’ voice ended, an overwhelming

momentum enveloped the entire Luo Tong Royal City like a
flood of divine retribution from Heaven, not an inch of land
was spared.

The commoners living in the city were terrified, feeling fear

and despair at the sudden unknown calamity. Even the
initially calm Lu Kai was affected, trepidation flickered in his
eyes that went all the way to his core, it felt like an
insurmountable mountain was pressuring his soul, making it
hard to breathe.

Whereas Huang Xiaolong was surprised; Saint realm? Well,

this was unexpected. Running into a Saint realm in this
small place, someone from the Wind God Cult? Not likely, a
small sect like Wind God Cult could hardly have such an
existence. Then it could only be the people from Deities

At the same time outside, Ao Baixue, who released his Saint

realm aura, flew straight toward the Delicious Restaurant at
breaking wind speed. In the blink of an eye, Ao Baixue, Fan
Yiming, and the Wind God Cult experts stopped right above
the Delicious Restaurant.

“Greetings, Elder Ao, Leader Fan.” Prime Minister Wu Feng,

who had brought the city guards over to surround the
Delicious Restaurant early on, hurried forward to salute Ao
Baixue and Fan Yiming together with other Luo Tong
Kingdom’s ministers, on their knees.

Ao Baixue nodded, permitting them to rise. Spreading his

spiritual sense, he instantly locked onto Huang Xiaolong’s
group of three.

“Huang Xiaolong, Lu Kai, you’re surrounded from all angles,

quickly roll out here and kneel before our Elder Ao!” Leader
Fan Yiming took a step forward, barking out loudly.

All around was silence. Seconds later, the restaurant door

opened, Huang Xiaolong walked out with Lu Kai and giant
ghost Feng Yang. Huang Xiaolong’s gaze collided with Ao
Baixue in midair, an invisible storm swept out.

Fan Yiming sneered coldly when he saw Huang Xiaolong

appear, “You are Huang Xiaolong? Brat, before our Elder Ao,
why aren’t you getting on your knees, begging for mercy?! I
am sure you’re already aware that our Elder Ao is a Saint
realm expert. Killing you is child’s play.”

Huang Xiaolong merely glance at Ao Baixue: “Really?”

But Lu Kai was ashen at the sight of Ao Baixue, a Saint

realm expert?! This young man was actually a Saint realm
expert! Saint realm expert, a high above legendary

Getting over his shock, Lu Kai turned towards Huang

Xiaolong, “Brother, I have dragged you down, I am sorry!” In
his view, as freakishly talented as Huang Xiaolong was to
reach peak late-Xiantian Sixth Order at his age, he still
wasn’t a Saint realm expert’s opponent.

In front of a Saint realm expert, whether one was a peak

late-Xiantian Sixth Order or a Xiantian First Order, the result
was the same: one move kill!

Huang Xiaolong gave Lu Kai a reassured look, saying: “Don’t


“Don’t worry?” Ao Baixue laughed, “Huang Xiaolong, Zhao

Shu and Zhang Fu are both in Duanren Imperial City now, do
you think they can make it here to save you from Duanren
Imperial City?”

Huang Xiaolong faced Ao Baixue indifferently, “Do you think

you can still injure me like you did that year?” That year, Ao
Baixue intentionally injured Huang Xiaolong in front of Li Lu,
this score, Huang Xiaolong had never forgotten.

Ao Baixue laughed even louder at Huang Xiaolong’s words,

eyes judging Huang Xiaolong up and down, “You’re trying to
say that with your current strength you can contend with
me? With me, a peak mid-First Order Saint realm master?”
His tone was thick with ridicule.

Experts from Wind God Cult joined Ao Baixue in his mocking

Chapter 334: This Monster!

The Luo Tong Kingdom’s Prime Minister Wu Feng and the

other ministers followed, laughing aloud.

“Huang Xiaolong, you’re at a dead end, stop putting on an

act!” Wu Feng mocked Huang Xiaolong, “Too bad that old
fogey Haotian is not here, if not, he could witness your
death with his own eyes!”

Wu Feng, as Luo Tong Kingdom’s Prime Minister, was the

pillar of the governing side, and had many contradictions
with Haotian, who was the only Marshal. Of course, the
grudge he had with Huang Xiaolong wasn't small either.

Huang Xiaolong remained the same, “Is that so?” At the

moment, Huang Xiaolong was in no hurry to kill jumping
clowns such as Wu Feng. The important thing now was to
resolve Ao Baixue first.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Ao Baixue, “Don’t say I didn’t give

a chance, call out your Saint realm space.”

Ao Baixue was startled, the sounds of laughter from Fan

Yiming’s group died down halfway. When they finally
understood that Huang Xiaolong meant what he said, weird
expression hung on their faces looking at Huang Xiaolong.

“What did you say?” Ao Baixue said doubtfully, “Just now,

you say you want to give me a chance so that I can call out
my Saint realm space?” Did he hear correctly just now?

Huang Xiaolong generously affirmed: “You did not hear

Ao Baixue finally ascertained, Huang Xiaolong really did say
that he will give him , Ao Baixue, a chance just now, for him
to use his Saint realm space.

His lips parted in boisterous laughter, even more

unscrupulous than before, a frenzy laughter tinted with
madness to the point of forgetting himself. At the end, anger
crept into Ao Baixue’s laugh. This was the anger of someone
who was used to being high above challenged by someone
equivalent to an ant in his eyes.

This time around, Fan Yiming, Wu Feng, and the others

dared not join in the laughter. The terrible anger in Ao
Baixue’s voice did not go unnoticed by them.

Ao Baixue stared coldly at Huang Xiaolong, “Originally, I

planned to capture you alive and bring you back to Deities
Templar, where the Temple Preceptor can judge your sins
and punishment, allowing you to live a few more days. But
now, I want you to die, terribly, miserably!”

But, Huang Xiaolong made the first move instead, before

the last word was spoken out from Ao Baixue’s lips, Huang
Xiaolong had traveled the short distance between them. A
punch of Great Void Divine Fist shot out at full force, straight
at Ao Baixue’s chest.

Sensing that Huang Xiaolong’s strength wasn’t as weak and

negligible as he had assumed, Ao Baixue’s face tightened.
However, Huang Xiaolong’s Great Void Divine Fist struck his

A zealous force passed through Ao Baixue’s chest. The

agonizing pain made him scream unwittingly as his entire
body inverted, flying back and crashing into the shops on
the other side of the street.
The row of shops on the opposite side of the street
crumbled, burying Ao Baixue underneath. Dust clouds were
blown up into the air.

Any noise in the surroundings died in an instant. Except for

the wind, which seemingly grew violent.

Fan Yiming and the rest could almost swear they could hear
the wind howling in their ears. Everyone present looked
blankly at the opposite side of the street, where Ao Baixue
was buried under crumbled buildings. Between the gravel
and wood gaps, Ao Baixue’s arse stuck out prominently.

Apart from his arse, they managed to make out his left leg.
The rest of his body was obscured from sight.

Standing behind Huang Xiaolong, Lu Kai, who was dead

worried earlier, was now staring with mouth agape, as large
as his mouth could stretch, at Huang Xiaolong. Didn’t this
kid just tell him that he could only be considered a high-
level Xiantian?

Someone that can be considered a high-level Xiantian

actually sent a Saint realm expert flying off with a single

That was a Saint realm expert, ah, a legendary existence!

Every breath Lu Kai took felt insufficient. Huang Xiaolong

stepped into Xiantian the year he participated in the Duaren
Imperial City Battle, how many years had that been? He
could already send a Saint realm expert flying!

Counting this year, Huang Xiaolong was only twenty-three

years old! This…! Lu Kai failed to describe the shock,
astonishment, and everything else he was feeling at this
The freak! Super monster !

This was the best Lu Kai could do, describing Huang


Huang Xiaolong did not pay attention to the shocked people

around him, but merely looked at Ao Baixue. After all, he
had said that he would give him a chance.

At this point, Ao Baixue, under the building debris, moved. A

horrifying aura burst out from his body, the gravel and wood
pieces above him exploded, blasted into the air.

Ao Baixue’s robe fluttered vigorously in the absence of wind.

He looked over at Huang Xiaolong, eyes scarlet with
murderous intent soaring sky-high.


For him this was a humiliation that could not be forgiven!

“Huang Xiaolong, dieㅡ!!” White-colored flames burned

around Ao Baixue, his momentum continued to rise higher.
His fingers spread, instantly locking the space around Huang

Space manipulation!

At the same time, Ao Baixue’s fist aimed at Huang

Xiaolong’s chest! He wanted to blast Huang Xiaolong to
death with a single punch, to wash away the humiliation just

When Ao Baixue’s fist was close to striking its target, a

golden mountain shone bright and brilliant. With a shake, it
shattered the space lock that the other side placed around
Huang Xiaolong. Then, his body veered to the side and Ao
Baixue’s fist brushed past him, less than an inch from
Huang Xiaolong’s body.

Ao Baixue was stunned, his attack landed on empty air. But

very quickly, his face warped, a howl came from his throat,
his back bending forward like a cooked shrimp.

After dodging Ao Baixue’s attack, Huang Xiaolong countered

with a heavy punch deep into Ao Baixue’s stomach. Ao
Baixue only felt a strong tremor, and his intestines were
shattered into countless pieces by Huang Xiaolong, and was
sent flying once more, crashing through another row of
shops. Several hundred meters back, he was buried beneath
an even bigger pile of rubble and broken wood.

This time, they couldn’t even see Ao Baixue’s arse anymore.

He was fully buried underneath.

Fan Yiming, Wu Feng, Lu Kai, and everyone else watched on

dumbly. If they could excuse that the first time was because
Huang Xiaolong made a sneak attack, then what about this

The wind seemed to have grown fiercer.

Fan Yiming and Wu Feng’s group felt that today’s weather

was sunny and bright just moments earlier, but somehow,
the sun seemed cruel and harsh at this moment.

The gazes they looked at Huang Xiaolong with were filled

with horror, intense, boundless fear. But no one dared to
run, no one even dared, they already realized, they wouldn’t
be able to outrun Huang Xiaolong. Thus, all their hopes were
pinned on Ao Baixue.

Watching the mound of rubble, Huang Xiaolong scoffed, this

Ao Baixue failed to judge the situation clearly earlier. Did he
really think that he was the same Huang Xiaolong that he
could pinch with his fingers easily?

If Ao Baixue summoned his martial spirit and Saint space

realm, he wouldn’t fall to this tragic point so fast.

Huang Xiaolong’s current strength was much stronger than

the time he entered the Ghost King’s cultivation cave. That
time, Zhao Chen was unable to endure Huang Xiaolong full
force punch, not to mentioned now. Ao Baixue? Hmph!

A while later, Ao Baixue emerged from underneath the

rubble, standing up slowly. With a ‘waw’ blood came
spewing out from his mouth. Due to his stomach injury, he
was unable to stand up straight for the time being.

Huang Xiaolong wasn't shocked watching Ao Baixue stand

up again. A Saint realm expert’s physical defense was
tough, possessing strong vitality, they wouldn’t die so easily
even if all their internal organs were shattered. Therefore,
Huang Xiaolong never expected to kill Ao Baixue easily.

Ao Baixue stood up once again. Although his eyes were still

scarlet with rage, the losses he ate the last two times finally
cleared his head. Now, he was not in a hurry to attack
Huang Xiaolong.

“Little pup Huang, good, very good!!!” Intense hatred and

killing intent spilled over Ao Baixue’s eyes, “Truly
unexpected! A mere few short years and you actually grew
to this extent!”

In a short few year’s time, Huang Xiaolong’s strength

actually rose to this level. This created a palpable fear in
him. At the same time, it firmly cemented his determination
to kill Huang Xiaolong.
If not, in a hundred year’s time, Deities Templar would
probably be destroyed under Huang Xiaolong’s hand!
Chapter 335: The Holy
Maiden Of Deities Templar
Chapter 335: The Holy Maiden of Deities Templar

Huang Xiaolong flashed a disdainful smile as he looked at Ao

Baixue, “A few years passed, it seems like your strength
stagnated, without any improvement. I am sorely

Ao Baixue’s expression turned ugly at Huang Xiaolong’s

taunting words. Although it was known that it was generally
difficult for a Saint realm expert to enhance their strength
and breakthrough, a decade, several decades even were a
normal time span. However, Huang Xiaolong’s words
stabbed deeply into Ao Baixue’s heart, sharper than swords
or knives.

He glowered icily at Huang Xiaolong, “I admit that you’re

very strong now, but, do you think you can really oppose a
Saint realm expert as you are right now, a peak late-
Xiantian Tenth Order?” by this point, Ao Baixue had
determined that Huang Xiaolong had yet to break through
into Saint realm. Therefore, he still did not place Huang
Xiaolong in his eyes much, despite being injured
consecutively in the previous two attacks.

Before a Saint realm expert, even if it was a half-Saint, there

was only one result—death. What more, a mere peak late-
Xiantian Tenth Order? He refused to believe that Huang
Xiaolong could smash this eternal ‘law’ that existed since
ancient times!
Subsequently, Ao Baixue no longer held his strength back,
releasing his full momentum out. Above his head, an eagle
appeared, white as pure snow, with powerful wings that
seemed to extend for miles, the sharp claws on its legs
looked as if they were coated with white silver, glinting
sharp and dangerous in the sunlight.

Ao Baixue’s martial spirit, Snow Eagle!

Ao Baixue soul transformed the moment his martial spirit

emerged. As he did so, a layer of thick sparkling white
armor covered him from head to toe, even his blue irises
turned pure white. The nails on his fingers elongated,
emulating the white silver sharpness of the Snow Eagle.

The momentum of a Saint realm soared to the sky,

overwhelming like a bombogenesis. Engulfed by this
terrifying atmosphere, all the commoners of Luo Tong Royal
City were down on their knees in prayers, trembling,
absolute terror evident in their eyes.

In his next move, Ao Baixue called out his Saint realm

space, its appearance differed from Zhao Chen’s Saint realm
space. Zhao Chen’s Saint realm space took the form of a
blue flame sea, whereas Ao Baixue’s was snow white in
color, in the Saint realm space proximity, glittering
snowflakes fall softly.

By this time, Fan Yiming and the rest had retreated far back
to safety, their gazes held fear, and burning reverence
staring at Ao Baixue. The was the whelming might of a Saint
realm expert!

When Ao Baoixue summoned his martial spirit, soul

transformed, and prepared his Saint realm space. Huang
Xiaolong did not remain idle, transforming into the Asura
Physique. He too summoned his martial spirits, both black
dragon and blue dragon emerged above him, soul-
transforming with the twin dragon martial spirits before the
shocked eyes of everyone present.

The mighty atmosphere of ancient dragons emanated from

Huang Xiaolong’s body, flooding the area, showing signs of
suppressing Ao Baixue’s Saint realm momentum.

“Falling Sun Almighty Fist!” Ao Baixue made a sudden attack

at full power towards Huang Xiaolong, shattering the space
with a swing of his fists.

Violent energy spread over a large area influenced by Ao

Baixue’s fists, forming two spheres of wind, and in the
middle of the wind spheres were a dozen groups of flames,
burning brilliantly.

Two spheres of burning wind resembled two falling suns,

emanating their last shining rays at the end of the day.
Twirled within the terrifying energy was the desolate allure
of a sunset.

This Falling Sun Almighty Fist was a secret skill belonging to

Deities Templar. According to rumors, it was a very high-
grade battle skill originating from the Divine World.

However, Huang Xiaolong made a frontal assault instead of

retreating, even after seeing this, both of his fists punched
out at the same time. Two intangible giant fist imprints flew
out, mysterious and profound, ever-changing.

The Great Void Divine Fist!

Boom!! A thunderous collision rendered the air as the Falling

Sun and Great Void meshed. A tyrannical shockwave blasted
outward in all four directions, the destructive power crushed
all nearby shops and building into ruins, the pavement that
lined the street was forcefully uplifted and pulverized into
dust. The Delicious Restaurant had been reduced to
splinters and gravel in the first blast, the restaurant building
no longer existed.

Fan Yiming, Wu Feng, and the others watched fearfully as

the horrifying shock waves were raging in their direction and
had long since fled for their lives with ashen faces. Some
Wind God Cult Elders were too late, their bodies made an
arch high in the air after being hit by the shock waves, and
by the time they crashed to the ground, they were already

Witnessing the end of Wind God Cult’s Elders that were

struck by the shockwaves, Fan Yiming’s pale face turned a
shade paler. Fortunately for him, the shockwave’s energy
lost its power not far from him, stopping dead in its tracks.

On another side, Lu Kai paled as he watched woodenly the

surging shockwave, however, just as he was about to be
swept away, giant ghost Feng Yang’s pam slammed
outward, dissipating the energy coming at him.

Watching this scene, Lu Kai, who was drenched in cold

sweat, was once again stunned agape staring at giant ghost
Feng Yang.

Up in the air, Ao Baixue and Huang Xiaolong’s bodies shook

and simultaneously staggered back. But Huang Xiaolong’s
silhouette vanished from view the moment he staggered
back, when he appeared again, he was within an arm’s
length from Ao Baixue, shrouded in Buddhism energy. In
close proximity, Ao Baixue received the full force blow from
an Earthen Buddha Palm attack.

Ao Baixue was flustered and shocked.

“Night of the Fallen Sun!” He hastened to counter in panic,
both fists punching out. When his two fist imprints
materialized, the surroundings instantly fell into darkness,
whereas Ao Baixue conveniently concealed himself in that

This was one of the moves within the Almighty Falling Sun
Fist used for defense and was one the more difficult moves
to master, for one must have a deep understanding of the
the connection and fusion between day and night before
achieving any success.

If one could cultivate this move until perfection, once

displayed, it was powerful enough to instantly turn daylight
into night in a large area. Of course, this battle skill was only
possible for Saint realm experts, who had a certain
understanding of the space laws.

With Ao Baixue concealed in the darkness, Huang Xiaolong’s

Earthen Buddha Palm missed its target, but Huang Xiaolong
merely sneered. The Eye of Hell opened on his forehead,
almost immediately locking onto Ao Baixue’s silhouette. A
finger imprint flew out, shattering the darkness created by
Night of the Fallen Sun, penetrating Ao Baixue’s body.

Ao Baixue grunted in pain, falling out from the cover of

darkness. His face totally void of color.

“You, actually can see me?!” He stared at Huang Xiaolong,

refusing to accept the fact. He was very confident in the
Night of the Fallen Sun that he cast. In general, not even
Second Order Saint realm could tell his position when
concealed within the darkness. Earlier, if it weren’t for his
Saint realm space acting as a barrier and absorbing half of
the power of Huang Xiaolong’s attack, that seemingly
insignificant finger attack from Huang Xiaolong would have
reaped his life away, piercing through his heart.

Huang Xiaolong remained coldly silent, two bright lights

flickered in his palms, revealing the Blades of Asura.

The Blades of Asura slashed out, myriad blade lights turned

into links of chains numbering in the thousands, encaging
the space around Ao Baixue. Unable to dodge and having no
place to retreat, unnerved, Ao Baixue hollered: “Scorn of the
Falling Snow!”

White-colored flames flared high up, flaming snowflakes

could be seen falling from the sky above like flakes of icy
burning snow, spiraling to the earth, forming a protective
barrier around Ao Baixue.

Countless Death God’s Chains wrapped him layer upon

layer, deadly locking down space all around Ao Baixue,
imprisoning him. In a rapid flicker, Huang Xiaolong’s body
blurred, appearing above Ao Baixiue’s head, the Blades of
Asura slashed down on him. Streaks of angry lightning bolts
exploded, piercing through his flaming snow protective

Losing his protective barrier, Ao Baixue’s body was

shredded and torn apart by the many streaks of lightning,
regardless of the Saint realm space shielding him, the pain
he suffered was no less than being flayed by millions of
swords and knives. Heart-wrenching screams reverberated
in the air, losing strength, Ao Baixue plummeted to the

Huang Xiaolong slowly returned to the ground, landing in

front of Ao Baixue, showing a deadpanned expression
looking at the blade made blood-stained marks on Ao
Baoixue. Lightning smokes curled to the air.
Tough a Saint realm expert could use the Saint realm space
to protect their body, it was not invincible, merely a sturdier
defense. As long as the attack exceeded a certain power,
the Saint realm space could be broken just the same.

Ao Baixue scrambled to get up from the ground. Despite his

miserable appearance, he flashed Huang Xiaolong a brilliant
smile, “I never imagined that I, Ao Baixue, would die in the
hands of a Xiantian.” His words paused here slightly, his
smile grew bigger, “But, Huang Xiaolong, even if I die,
Deities Templar will still send others to kill you, and I believe
that one day you will die in the hands of our Holy Maiden!”

“Holy Maiden?”

Looking at Huang Xiaolong’s expression, Ao Baixue said, “I

forgot to tell you, Li Lu is already our Deities Templar’s Holy
Chapter 336: Senior Huang

Deities Templar’s Holy Maiden? A frown creased Huang

Xiaolong’s forehead looking at Ao Baixue, his instinct told
him that Ao Baixue wasn’t lying.

Li Lu actually became the Holy Maiden of Deities Templar,

what was this about? Huang Xiaolong quivered with an
ominous feeling inside.

Ao Baixue’s sudden holler cut into Huang Xiaolong’s

thoughts. Turning over, he saw Ao Baixue’s Saint realm
space shoot up, hovering above Huang Xiaolong’s head,
where numerous flaming snowflakes fell like an avalanche,
burying Huang Xiaolong underneath.

Even a Second Order Saint realm expert would avoid coming

in close contact with this flaming snow, any Xiantian realm
would be melted into nothing with the slightest touch.

Ao Baixue glared at Huang Xiaolong, his eyes shining with

hatred and sharp killing intent.

“Die!!!” He refused to believe that a miracle would happen

twice, a Xiantian realm absolutely could not survive being
buried under his flaming snow.

Just as the snow avalanche began rumbling down, Huang

Xiaolong raised his head, and before Ao Baixue could react,
a golden ember fire burst out from Huang Xiaolong’s body,
taking shape in the form of a golden red fire dragon,
spiralling upwards. Ao Baixue watched stupefied as his
flaming snow was swallowed clean by the golden red fire
The golden red fire dragon continued upward, colliding with
the snow white Saint space realm.

Zi! A sonorous boom resounded, the Saint realm space

shook, emitting wisps of smoke plumes endlessly as its size
shrank. Ao Baixue lost all color from his face, hardly
disguising the obvious shock in his eyes.

His Saint realm space was actually being burned? What the
f*ck is this fire?!

Huang Xiaolong ignored the horror in Ao Baixue’s eyes, fully

pushing the true fire essence in his dantian and making it
burn more vigorously. The golden red fire dragon, shaped
from the true essence fire, wound itself tightly around Ao
Baixue’s Saint realm space, eating it away.

A Saint realm space’s defense was extremely sturdy, after

all, it was formed from a Saint realm expert’s understanding
of the space law. Under usual circumstances, even the
flames formed by a high-level Saint realm expert could not
hack away other Saint realm experts’ Saint realm space, but
Huang Xiaolong’s true essence fire could.

Ao Baixue attempted to recall his Saint realm space back

into his body, but Huang Xiaolong’s palm struck out, a
golden palm imprint distorted the space. Ao Baixue actually
found that he couldn’t move at all.

This?! He was greatly shocked. In the next moment,

however, warm liquid rushed up his throat, he was spurting
blood from his mouth. Ao Baixue quickly looked up, only to
discover that his Saint realm space was gone, burned away
to nothingness by Huang Xiaolong’s fire dragon.

Bottomless despair intertwined with terror in Ao Baixue’s

To a Saint realm warrior, their Saint realm space was
equivalent to a second life, if their Saint realm space was
destroyed, the dire consequences were much worse than a
Xiantian realm warrior having their Qi Sea destroyed. Even
with the help of another Saint realm expert, it was
impossible to rebuild the Saint realm space, as they lacked
the capability to assist. In short, if Ao Baixue managed to
survive, his cultivation would suffer a severe setback and
have no hope of promotion ever again in his entire lifetime.

After burning away Ao Baixue’s Saint realm space, Huang

Xiaolong’s silhouette blurred in a flicker, arriving in front of
Ao Baixue. The Blades of Asura appeared in his hands and
silently slit across Ao Baixue’s throat.

Blood dyed the ground below red.

Ao Baixue clutched his throat, but Huang Xiaolong’s blades

already penetrated his chest. The blades shook a little
before Huang Xiaolong pulled them out again. Ao Baixue
wobbled unsteadily and staggered backwards even as he
tried to steady himself.

Still, with his throat slit and heart cut into halves, Ao Baixue
was somehow still alive. Furthermore, Huang Xiaolong
sensed a strong vitality desperately healing Ao Baixue’s
wounds in his throat and heart.

Saint realm warriors, not only was their physical defense

formidable, their healing ability wasn’t far behind.

Seeing this result, Huang Xiaolong leaped up, his palm

enshrouded in true essence fire, slamming down on top of
Ao Baixue’s head. The true essence fire spread from the
head down to Ao Baixue’s body.
Tragic shrieks came from Ao Baixue’s throat, but it ended
just as quickly. A short while later, his body slumped to the
ground, all signs of life vanished. To totally kill a Saint realm
warrior, the only way was to destroyed the soul, otherwise,
no matter how grave their bodily injuries were, they would
still not die.

Just like giant ghost Feng Yang, it would only die if its ghost
soul was destroyed. But then again, a Saint realm warrior’s
soul was quite formidable too. Luckily, Huang Xiaolong had
the true essence fire, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able
to kill Ao Baixue.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Ao Baixue’s corpse, and after a

small thought, he moved the corpse into the Asura Ring. In
fact, he wanted to test if it could be refined by the Thousand
Beast Cauldron inside the Linglong Treasure Pagoda.

‘En, if it can be refined, it would surely be very beneficial’,

Huang Xiaolong secretly thought.

Divine grade spirit pellets were refined from many rare spirit
elixirs. In the Martial Spirit World, someone who used Saint
realm warriors as an ingredient for refining pellets had yet
to appear…

Then, Huang Xiaolong turned around, facing Fan Yiming’s

group of Wind God Cult, as well as Wu Feng’s group of

Fan Yiming, Wu Feng, and the rest quivered when they

noticed Huang Xiaolong looking at them. The legs that could
shatter a large boulder with a single kick now felt weak and
jittery, refusing to stand up no matter how hard they tried,
as if their legs were permanently cramped.
Huang Xiaolong sneered. With a single step, he was already
in front of Fan Yiming. Fan Yiming, Wufeng, and the rest
were so scared seeing the distant Huang Xiaolong suddenly
appear right in front of them that their knees gave out with
a snap, kneeling on both legs.

“Se−Senior, Senior Huang!” The Wind God Cult’s Leader,

Fan Yiming, stammered, the expression on his face was as if
he had seen a ghost. Wu Feng’s head was so low that he
was practically kissing the ground. He was tongue-tied, his
mouth opened and closed but no words came out. The Luo
Tong Kingdom ministers that followed him didn’t know what
to say either.

Listening to the Wind God Cult’s Leader, Fan Yiming, calling

him Senior, Huang Xiaolong smiled brilliantly at him,
“What’s the matter?”

Fan Yiming blanked at Huang Xiaolong’s beaming smile,

millions of words were all stuck in his throat. After a brief
moment of blankness, he hurried forward, crawling on his
hands and knees until he reached Huang Xiaolong’s feet,
“Senior Huang, I beg you, spare us! We were only against
Prince Lu Kai because Deities Templar threatened us, I…!”

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong cut short Fan Yiming’s words.
Lifting a finger, Fan Yiming’s forehead was pierced with a
finger-sized hole, blood spurted to the ground. Fan Yiming
tumbled down without another word.

Wind God Cult’s Elders all turned deathly pale. Huang

Xiaolong was smiling one second and killed their Wind God
Cult Leader the next, some even had dark wet patches on
the ground underneath them.

Detecting the distasteful smell, Huang Xiaolong frowned. His

finger stabbed the void. In that instant, several Wind God
Cult Elders’ heads were pierced through and through.
Without another word, Huang Xiaolong killed at the present
Wind God Cult Elders.

Finally, Huang Xiaolong turned to Wu Feng. By this time, Wu

Feng was already terrified out of his mind. Losing interest,
Huang Xiaolong resolved Wu Feng swiftly. Initially, he had
planned to play around a little, but since Wu Feng had
already lost his mind, then forget it. The group of Luo Tong
Kingdom’s ministers, however, Huang Xiaolong was too lazy
to be bothered with them so he pushed them over to Lu Kai,
letting him handle them.

When Huang Xiaolong once again stood in front of him, Lu

Kai looked at Huang Xiaolong for a very long time with
complex emotions, before finally uttering such a sentence:
“Your mother, you super monstrous freak! This is too much
of a blow to me!”

Truly, the strength Huang Xiaolong had shown earlier was

too big of blow towards Lu Kai’s ‘fragile’ heart.

Huang Xiaolong merely chuckled at his words.
Chapter 337: Back To Duanren Imperial City

After the battle, Huang Xiaolong and Lu Kai were no longer

in the mood to talk about old days. Looking at the ruined
shops and streets due to his battle with Ao Baixue,
especially the destroyed Delicious Restaurant, Huang
Xiaolong waved his hands and a shower of gold coins rained
down, falling right in front of the Delicious Restaurant boss.

Looking at the pile of gold coins the size of a small hill, the
restaurant boss was stunned. Then, he trembled with
excitement, both hands shaking visibly. From afar, he
kowtowed endlessly in gratitude toward Huang Xiaolong.

Watching this, Lu Kai laughed at Huang Xiaolong, “Damn,

you kid shouldn’t be such a spendthrift even if you’re rich.”
Even though Huang Xiaolong wanted to compensate the
restaurant boss, that small hill pile of gold coins was enough
for ten Delicious Restaurants.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and retorted, “I’ve always been this

spendthrift.” To Huang Xiaolong, gold coins were just

Merely the number of gold coins he had gotten from the

spatial rings of the Xiantian realm warriors he killed
throughout this journey was enough to pave all the streets
in the Luo Tong Royal City. Especially the two spatial rings
belonging to the Blood Dragon City’s Li Li and Du Huagang
that Huang Xiaolong killed in the Ghost City, the amount of
gold coins inside their spatial rings was piled mountain high
and several miles long.

In the end, Huang Xiaolong stayed one night in the Luo Tong
Royal City.
The next day, Huang Xiaolong and Feng Yang moved
separately to clean out all the Wind God Cult remnants
around the Royal City. When that matter was settled, he
regrouped with giant ghost Feng Yang and continued on
their way back to Duanren Imperial City.

On the way, Huang Xiaolong decided to check Ao Baixue’s

spatial ring. Inside, other than mountains of gold coins,
there were a lot of grade eight, grade nine, and even grade
ten spirit pellets. There were even three heaven grade spirit
pellets, but none were of divine grade.

What came as a pleasant surprise to Huang Xiaolong were

the sixty plus grade one spirit stones that he found amongst
the items. Although Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi had
enhanced significantly in the recent months, the
consumption still too large to enable the Godly Mt. Xumi to
fly, as well as initiate the Thousand Beast Cauldron inside
the Linglong Treasure Pagoda. With those grade one spirit
stones he would have an easier time. Sixty plus pieces
weren’t much, but it was sufficient for a period of time.

After leaving the Luo Tong Kingdom, Huang Xiaolong

traveled at a moderate pace, while practicing the Godly
Xumi Art, Asura Tactics, and other techniques while
attempting to use the Thousand Beast Cauldron to refine Ao
Baixue’s corpse.

Of course, Huang Xiaolong did not relax his practice of the

Ancient Puppetry Art and Soul Mandate. After battling with
Saint realm experts like Zhao Chen and Ao Baixue, Huang
Xiaolong realized ever more the crucial importance of a
strong soul.

After one broke through to the Saint realm, as long as the

soul was not destroyed, one would be immortal, so to speak.
Therefore, Huang Xiaolong made every effort to
continuously enhance his spirit and soul.

Amidst all these, what baffled Huang Xiaolong was that the
Thousand Beast Cauldron was unable to refine Ao Baixue’s
body. There were no changes to Ao Baixue’s corpse in the
last few days except for one thing: it became translucent,
resembling crystal, and Huang Xiaolong actually felt that Ao
Baixue’s physical body was stronger than it was before…

“This…?” Huang Xiaolong was astonished when he found

out. Did this mean that the Thousand Beast Cauldron could
also be used to temper one’s physique?

In the past, Huang Xiaolong had only used the Thousand

Beast Cauldron to refine pellets, it had never crossed his
mind that the cauldron could be used to temper his body.

Sensing the change in Ao Baixue’s corpse, Huang Xiaolong

appeared inside the Linglong Treasure Pagoda in a flicker,
dived into the Thousand Beast Cauldron, and used a grade
one spirit stone as energy source to activate the Heaven
and Earth Origin Reverting Array inside the cauldron.

One day later when Huang Xiaolong emerged from the

Thousand Beast Cauldron, he confirmed that his flesh was
much stronger. From his meridians to his Qi Sea and internal
organs, every part of him was strengthened.

This discovery came as a pleasant surprise to Huang

Xiaolong. Although he didn’t manage to refine Ao Baixue’s
corpse, he accidentally discovered a new function of the
Thousand Beast Cauldron. If he continued to use the
Thousand Beast Cauldron to temper his body, his flesh,
defense, and strength could be enhanced continuously,
becoming more powerful.
Although a strong soul and spirit were at the top of Huang
Xiaolong’s list before breaking into the Saint realm, the body
was equally important.

Cultivating as he made his way towards the Duanren

Imperial City, it merely took Huang Xiaolong seven days to
reach his destination, otherwise, with his speed, he would
barely need three days to travel the distance.

Seven days later, Huang Xiaolong stood before the gates of

Duanren Imperial City, a wash of nostalgia tugged at his
heart looking at the grand city gates. A while later, Huang
Xiaolong passed through the gates with giant ghost Feng
Yang and led him to the Southern Hill Estate.

It had been close to two years since he left home. Time

flowed by so quickly, he felt as it was only yesterday when
he left Duanren Imperial City.

But, when Huang Xiaolong walked along the Imperial City

streets, he noticed that it was livelier than usual, people
filling every street, carts and carriages looked like a hundred
miles long dragon, crowds made their way in groups after
groups towards the north side of the Imperial City.

Huang Xiaolong became curious.

“This brother, what is happening? Why are there so many

people moving towards the north side?” He called out to a
passerby young man and inquired.

The young man scrutinized Huang Xiaolong up and down

with a strange expression on his face, “Don’t you know?
Today is the last day of this year’s Imperial City Battle.”

“Imperial City Battle?” Huang Xiaolong was slightly stunned,

then he shook his head as a faint smile emerged on his face.
‘I wonder how Xie Puti, that guy, is doing…’

The young man that was stopped by Huang Xiaolong to ask

questions noticed that Huang Xiaolong stood there
daydreaming, so he went off in a huff, ignoring Huang
Xiaolong after throwing a word at Huang Xiaolong: “Idiot!”

Idiot…? Huang Xiaolong smiled bitterly, this was his first

time being labeled as an idiot. Alas, Huang Xiaolong left the
place, heading straight to the Southern Hill Estate.

Very soon, Huang Xiaolong and giant ghost Feng Yang stood
in front of the doors of the Southern Hill Estate.

The main entrance of the Southern Hill Estate was twice as

big compared to the time he left two years ago. Most likely it
was renovated after Huang Xiaolong left, the two lion
statues on each side of the gates looked imposing and

“It’s Young Master, it’s the Eldest Young Master, Eldest

Young Master is back~!!” At this point, the guard stationed
in front of the Southern Hill Estate recognized Huang
Xiaolong and started announcing happily at the top of his

The instant the guard’s voice rang out, the whole Southern
Hill Estate boiled up with excitement.

A flurry of footsteps sounded from afar.

Huang Peng and Su Yan were seen rushing haphazardly

towards the main door, right behind them were Huang
Xiaohai, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and a group of loyal guards.

Huang Xiaolong watched the overjoyed expression on his

parents face as they rushed out as fast as they could, and
inexplicably, his eyes moistened.

“It’s Long’er, it’s Long’er, really, Long’er is back!!” Su Yan

beamed the moment she spotted Huang Xiaolong, rushing
to be the first one to arrive at the door before anyone else,
pulling Huang Xiaolong into a hug.

“Long’er you’re finally back!” She sobbed.

Huang Xiaolong’s sight was slightly hazy, he nodded.


It was a long time before Su Yan was willing to let go of

Huang Xiaolong.

“Father.” Huang Xiaolong turned to his father at the side.

Huang Peng’s eyes were slightly moist and red: “It’s good
you’re back.”

“Big brother.” Huang Xiaohai stepped up, calling out.

Huang Xiaolong patted his younger brother’s shoulder. His

younger brother had grown much taller.

“Young Lord!” When all the family members finished their

greetings, Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu stepped forward, saluting
Huang Xiaolong respectfully.

Watching everyone presentーhis parents, younger brother,

Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the rest, a warm feeling flowed
into his heart.
Chapter 338: Begin,
Refining The Ghost King
Chapter 338: Begin, Refining the Ghost King Ring

“Let’s go back to the manor.” Huang Xiaolong said to the

present people.

Thus, his parents, Huang Peng and Su Yan, as well as the

others, walked back inside. Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu followed
behind, whereas Feng Yang trailed close to Huang Xiaolong.

It was only at this moment that Huang Peng, Su Yan, Zhao

Shu, and Zhang Fu became aware of Feng Yang’s presence
among them.

When everyone was seated in the grand hall, Su Yan was

the first to ask, “Long’er, this is?” looking at the giant ‘man’
standing behind Huang Xiaolong.

Feng Yang’s four-meter-tall stature roused their curiosity.

Huang Xiaolong smiled at them, explaining simply: “This is a

ghost I took in from the Bedlam Lands.”

“Ghost!” Everyone was aghast hearing that.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, emphasizing: “A Saint realm


“Saint realm ghost!!” Another wave of shock.

Huang Xiaolong taking in a ghost entity was shocking
enough for them, it would never have crossed their mind
that this ghost could be a Saint realm cultivator!

What a Saint realm expert represent, everyone present was

well aware. In the current Duaren Empire, how many Saint
realm experts were there, they could be counted on one

Huang Xiaolong went on to add: “He’s called Feng Yang.”

Then he turned to Feng Yang, “Feng Yang, greet House
Master and Mistress.” Introducing Huang Peng and Su Yan
both to him.

Entirely covered in a large black cloak, Feng Yang nodded in

understanding, then he stepped forward to give Huang Peng
and Su Yan a proper salute. Panicking slightly, not knowing
what to do, Huang Peng and Su Yan quickly told him to rise.

Although in recent years both Huang Peng and Su Yan had

seen quite a few large occasions, this was still the first time
either of them received a salute from a Saint realm ghost.

Getting up, Feng Yang once again returned, standing in the

same spot behind Huang Xiaolong in a respectful manner.
Everyone was amazed watching this, wondering how Huang
Xiaolong had managed to take in a Saint realm ghost as a

“Long’er, have you been well these two years in the Bedlam
Lands?” A while later, Su Yan asked.

Huang Xiaolong did not conceal the events in the Bedlam

Lands, roughly describing the situation of the two years he
spent there. Hearing how Huang Xiaolong managed to take
control of the Sky Magi Sect, Blood Swallow School, and
finally, Black Demon City, Huang Peng and Su Yan’s hearts
tensed up, yet they were happy for their son at the same

Then, it came to the part in the City of Myriad Gods, where

he had a conflict with Zhao Chen, where Zhao Chen’s
subordinates tried to attack Huang Xiaolong. Everyone
listening had their hearts hanging in the air. At the mention
of how He Yunxiong, one of the top ten Bedlam Lands’
experts helped him solve the immediate crisis, everyone
sighed in relief, happy that Huang Xiaolong managed to
avoid unnecessary problems.

Another burst of joy spread over the small group at Huang

Xiaolong’s adventures down the Broken Tiger Rift, listening
to how he refined the spiritual energy fish, swallowing the
nameless fire fruit, and divine grade spirit pellets, greatly
enhancing his strength.

However, when it came to the Ghost City and Ghost King

Palace, Huang Xiaolong glazed over the details, without
recounting the matter of his second battle with Zhao Chen.
Merely saying that he entered the Ghost King cultivation
cave and managed to find the Ghost King’s Ring. Everyone
in the hall were people that Huang Xiaolong trusted, thus he
did not conceal the fact that he got the Ghost King Ring
from them, and wasn’t worried that the matter would leak

After recounting his experience in the Bedlam Lands, Huang

Xiaolong asked his parents about their lives, the Southern
Hill Estate’s current situation, and also about his younger
sister, Huang Min’s well-being.

Huang Xiaolong breathed in relief knowing that nothing

much happened to the Southern Hill Estate for the past two
years. His sister Huang Min was doing well after marrying
over to the Guo Family, and would frequently come back to
visit them. His parents also told him that his sister Huang
Min gave birth to a chubby baby boy, which already knew
how to walk.

Huang Xiaolong was very happy for his sister.

Then Huang Xiaolong took out the rare elixirs he found at

the bottom of Broken Tiger Rift, dividing them between his
parents, younger brother, even Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, Yu
Ming, Haotian, and Fei Hou.

Though his parent’s talent was limited, the chances of them

stepping into Xiantian realm being slim, these elixirs could
change a person’s flesh and body. At the very least, for the
time being, his parents could live up to a hundred, maybe
even surpassing a century.

Moreover, Huang Xiaolong believed that within a hundred

year’s time he could break through to God Realm. As long as
his parents were still alive at that time, he would have a way
to let his parents breakthrough to Xiantian realm.

Soon, everyone dispersed from the grand hall and Huang

Xiaolong returned to his own yard. There, he called for Zhao
Shu and Zhang Fu to assist him in refining the Ghost King
Ring. When both of them arrived, Huang Xiaolong brought
them into the Godly Mt. Xumi’s space and took out the
Ghost King Ring.

Looking at the translucent ring, emitting a soft purplish

glow, both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu had a dignified
expression on their faces. With their high-level Saint realm
strength, both could tell with a glance that the ban on this
Ghost King Ring was not simple.
“Let’s begin.” Huang Xiaolong said while running the battle
qi in his Qi Sea, at the same time, directing the true essence
fire inside his dantian.

Seeing this, Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu both pushed their

battle qi with every effort, each placed a palm against
Huang Xiaolong’s back, transferring the battle qi from their
bodies into Huang Xiaolong. Instantly, Huang Xiaolong’s
brocade robe fluttered, rising at the hems as he crazily
channeled battle qi and true essence fire into the Ghost
King Ring.

The Ghost King Ring shook and a purple light beam shot
skyward, at the same time, the cries and howls of thousands
of evils spirits sounded in the trio’s ears, echoing throughout
the entire temple hall.

If they weren’t inside the Godly Mt. Xumi at this time,

perhaps they would be alarming all the experts in the
vicinity of the Duanren Imperial City.

Following the deafening cries of thousands of evil spirits, a

surging powerful energy seemed to be breaking out from
within the Ghost King Ring. Sensing this, Zhao Shu and
Zhang Fu’s expressions became heavy, fully focusing on
transferring battle qi into Huang Xiaolong’s body, not daring
to risk the slightest negligence.

Huang Xiaolong too wore a grim face, borrowing Zhao Shu

and Zhang Fu’s battle qi to suppress the unknown power
from breaking out.

However, as time passed, this scary powerful energy

became stronger and more violent, showing signs of
overpowering the three people’s combined suppression, so
much that Huang Xiaolong was forced to summon the twin
dragon martial spirits and soul transforming.
Behind him Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu followed, summoning
their martial spirits and soul transformed.

Their battle qi was enhanced after the soul transformation,

successfully containing the potential outbreak. Seconds
later, humming noises came from the Ghost King Ring.

Huang Xiaolong was ecstatic hearing it, it meant the first

ban placed on the ring was broken!

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu also had joyous expressions on their


Riding on the first success, the three of them soldiered on,

breaking the second, third, and the fourth ban on the ring.
But, the further down they went, the harder it was to break
the next ban. By the time they successfully broke the sixth
ban, three long hours had passed. Huang Xiaolong noticed
that the two evil dragons carving on the Ghost King Ring
had turned bright red as if it was dipped in blood. Not only
that, their eyes were glowing red, giving an extremely eerie

Ten hours passed. When Huang Xiaolong broke the tenth

ban, the two evil dragons on the Ghost King Ring
transformed into ethereal entities, flying away from the ring.
Before Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu understood
what was happening, the two evil dragons disappeared
between Huang Xiaolong’s eyebrows, entering his body.

Huang Xiaolong stiffened, his eyes turned glowing red like

the evil dragons’ in an instant. An overwhelming power took
over Huang Xiaolong’s consciousness in the blink of an eye
while destroying every part of his meridians.

Pain, so painful!
Huang Xiaolong couldn’t endure any more, his head threw
back roaring in pain.

“Sovereign!!” Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were aghast at the

sudden turn of event. Just as they came close to Huang
Xiaolong, the terrifying energy possessing Huang Xiaolong’s
body released a bout of energy, sending them flying back,
spurting blood from their mouths.
Chapter 339: Absorbing
The Ghost King Dan
Chapter 339: Absorbing the Ghost King Dan

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were dumbfounded.

That shocking power just now… God Realm?!! It was the

power of a God Realm master! Both of them were high-level
Saint realm warriors, and not the average Tenth Order Saint
realm either, yet facing against the surge of power, both
Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu could not even summon the
courage to resist.

The only explanation for this was a God Realm master’s


By this point, every inch of Huang Xiaolong’s skin looked like

it was doused in red blood. From his eyes to his neck, down
to both arms, red fiendish patterns snaked underneath the
surface of his skin, looking extremely grim and horrifying.
The entire time, the agonizing pain continued to attack
Huang Xiaolong internally.

Huang Xiaolong clutched at his head,his hoarse voice

howling in pain.

Watching this, Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu exchanged a glance,

both leaped toward Huang Xiaolong, wanting to pull his
arms away from his head, and at the same time, attempting
to suppress the terrifying energy wreaking havoc in Huang
Xiaolong’s body. But when they came in contact with Huang
Xiaolong’s arm, they were once again flung away by the
overwhelming power inside Huang Xiaolong’s body. This
time, both were repelled much farther, slamming into the
walls of the Xumi Temple.

It took some effort for Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu to get back
on their feet.

All of a sudden, Huang Xiaolong’s anguished howls stopped.

Watching Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu saw a
red flame spread over him, wrapping Huang Xiaolong’s body
like a layer of protection. When this red flame emerged,
Huang Xiaolong’s meridians and flesh, that were damaged
by the invading power, started to heal. As the red flame
burned, a layer of thick callous membrane formed on the
surface of Huang Xiaolong’s skin.

Similar to a phoenix’s nirvana, reborn from the ashes,

Huang Xiaolong’s body started to exude a throbbing vitality.
The glaring red devil patterns under his skin gradually
receded and dissipated.

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu looked at each other with shock at

the baffling change happening before their eyes. But before
they could relax, the red devil patterns resurfaced,
accompanied by the scary power’s return. Huang Xiaolong
started to howl from pain, clutching his head.

A short while later, the burst of vitality appeared once more.

The red devil patterns disappeared.

The process repeated for a total of ten times.

After the tenth time, the red devil patterns truly subsided,
while the vitality continued to radiate from Huang
Xiaolong’s body, vigorous, abundant, so powerful that both
Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu lacked the vocabulary to describe
the atmosphere.

Although he was standing there, Huang Xiaolong gave off

the feeling that he was a different person altogether.

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu exchanged another doubtful glance,

cautiously moving closer to Huang Xiaolong.

“Sovereign, are you alright?” Zhao Shu asked, observing

carefully Huang Xiaolong’s expression and movements.

Huang Xiaolong looked over, those scarlet eyes looking at

them actually caused Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu to shudder
when meeting them. However, very quickly, the scarlet
redness in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes receded.

“I am fine.” Huang Xiaolong shook his head. He endured it!

Recalling the purgatory torture he experienced, a cold

shiver ran through Huang Xiaolong involuntarily. In the last
hours, his meridians were ravaged, shattered, and then
healed, time and again. This was more horrendous and
harrowing than being skinned alive.

“Sovereign, are you… really alright?” Zhang Fu stepped up

beside Zhao Shu, asking for confirmation once more.

Noticing the concern in Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu’s eyes, he

smiled, “I’m alright, what could happen to me?” Not only
there was no problem with his body, it felt even better than
it had ever been.

Coming out from that ordeal, he noticed two things: his

battle qi cultivation broke through to the peak of half-Saint,
and second, the true essence in his dantian enhanced by
leaps and bounds. His overall physical defense greatly
surpassed the level of an average Saint realm warrior.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong’s expression that carried a

resemblance to his normal self, both Zhao Shu and Zhang
Fu’s hanging hearts finally relaxed.

“Sovereign, that power earlier…?” Zhao Shu asked.

“Most likely a vestige of power that the Ghost King imbued

into the ring when he refined it.” Huang Xiaolong pondered
the question and replied Zhao Shu.

Although it was merely a weakened strand of power left

behind by the Ghost King, it nearly obliterated Huang
Xiaolong. If it weren’t for his strong willpower and passable
spiritual force, with both black and blue dragons protecting
his soul, he would have lost himself in the pain, dying in the

“The Ghost King’s strength actually reached such a

terrifying level!” Zhang Fu lamented with envy.

A small amount of power that the Ghost King imbued into

the Ghost King Ring many hundreds of thousands of years
ago was enough to gravely injure them both, they could
only try to imagine the extent of the Ghost King’s true
strength. If it weren’t for the fact that a long time had
passed, lessening the power, just now Zhao Shu and Zhang
Fu would have ended up with more than simple grave

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong gave each of them a drop of

Geocentric Buddha Elixir. Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu expressed
their thanks and Huang Xiaolong sent both of them out of
the Godly Mt. Xumi. Taking their leave, both went into
closed-door practice to heal.
After both had left, Huang Xiaolong began to look through
the items inside the Ghost King Ring. Spreading his spiritual
sense inside, what he found was a blood ocean!

Hovering above the blood ocean were a number of ghosts,

but the strange thing was, instead of an intense ghost aura,
these ghosts emitted a peaceful golden radiance. From
those ghosts’ bodies, Huang Xiaolong caught whiffs of
vague fragrance.

The fragrance of spirit pellets!

Huang Xiaolong instantly understood, those large ghosts

hovering above the blood ocean were all Ghost King Dans!
The Ghost King Dans that had taken shape! Furthermore,
each Ghost King Dan manifestation had reached the Saint
realm in cultivation. Although none reached mid or high-
level, they were still stronger compared to giant ghost Feng
Yang, averaging at late-First Order Saint realm.

Excited, Huang Xiaolong took one of the Ghost King Dan

manifestations out from the blood ocean. The instant the
ghost was out of the spatial ring, detecting Huang
Xiaolong’s presence, it lunged toward him without
hesitation. Huang Xiaolong sneered, with a simple wave of
his palm, he sent the ghost flying back.

If Huang Xiaolong was still a peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order,

he would have needed to exert a little more effort to
subjugate this Saint realm ghost, but now, it was effortless.
Huang Xiaolong caught up with the ghost in a flicker, an
Earthen Buddha Palm struck accurately on the ghost’s body.
It’s body flew out in a different direction.

Without any suspense, a short while later, the ghost

surrendered, its body shrunk in size until it was a thumb-
sized round pellet.
The pellet was claret red in colour, with a lustrous gloss over
the surface, projecting a vague shadow from within, the
shadow of the ‘ghost’ earlier.

Not wasting any time, Huang Xiaolong sat crossed-legged

within the Ten Buddha Formation as he swallowed the pellet.
Abundant surging energy filled Huang Xiaolong like great
waves, spreading throughout his limbs and body. Huang
Xiaolong concentrated all his effort into refining and
absorbing the energy from the Ghost King Dan.

As he progressed, his Qi Sea started to evolve. The liquid

battle qi in his Qi Sea began to condense like it was about to
solidify, resembling diamond, reflecting soft sporadic glints
of metallic golden.

The three mandates above Huang Xiaolong’s Qi Sea were

also shining with the same golden glints.

Strands of fiendish aura floated out from Huang Xiaolong’s

body, but they were quickly swallowed by the Ten Buddha

Two days and three nights later, Huang Xiaolong opened his
eyes. Finally, he had fully absorbed one Ghost King Dan.

“So it’s like this!” Huang Xiaolong exclaimed to himself.

After refining a Ghost King Dan, Huang Xiaolong finally

understood why this legendary Ghost King Dan was said to
be capable of helping half-Saints and peak half-Saints in
breaking through to Saint realm.

Breaking through to the Saint realm was highly dependent

on one’s battle qi cultivation and would be hard to achieve,
nearly impossible. At the same time, one must have certain
space law comprehension, and this Ghost King Dan
contained the Ghost King’s enlightenment towards the
space law. Refining and absorbing a Ghost King Dan would
enable one to springboard on the Ghost King’s space law
comprehension, therefore greatly increasing one’s chances
of breaking into the Saint realm.
Chapter 340: Refining The
Supreme Ghost Flag
Chapter 340: Refining the Supreme Ghost Flag

However, even though the Ghost King Dan contained the

Ghost King’s space law comprehension, it didn’t mean that
one could breakthrough to Saint realm just by swallowing
one or two Ghost King Dans. Saint realm territory was not
that easy to enter.

Huang Xiaolong swept a glance over the ‘ghosts’ floating

above the blood ocean inside the Ghost King Ring, a rough
estimate gave Huang Xiaolong slightly over four hundred
Ghost King Dans, if Huang Xiaolong absorbed all of them, it
would probably be enough to propel him into the Saint

Thus, Huang Xiaolong wasn’t anxious to start with them,

instead, he carefully scanned every nook and cranny within
the Ghost King Ring’s space. He found the Ghost King Dan,
but what about the legendary Ghost King Sutra?

What bewildered Huang Xiaolong was that his spiritual

sense had explored up, down, and sideways around the
space, yet he didn’t find any clue related to the secret
cultivation skill.

In the next moment, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes caught sight of

the blood ocean once again. What about the bottom of the
blood ocean?
When Huang Xiaolong’s spiritual sense tried to explore the
blood ocean, a dazzling light shot out and disintegrated
Huang Xiaolong’s spiritual sense. He had no way to check
the bottom of the blood ocean.

A tiny frown formed between Huang Xiaolong’s brows. He

resorted to the Eye of Hell, the eerie red glow shone on the
ring and inside it, but it only managed to penetrate ten
zhang down from the surface of the ocean, unable to see
further down. In the end, after many attempts, Huang
Xiaolong could only give up for now.

‘It seems like I need to try after breaking into the Saint
realm.’ Huang Xiaolong speculated in his mind. He then put
away the Ghost King Ring and took out the Supreme Ghost
Flag he got when he defeated Feng Yang on his way to the
Ghost King’s cultivation cave.

On the journey back, Huang Xiaolong focused on improving

his Godly Xumi Art, Asura Tactics, as well as having a good
time, which indirectly caused him to neglect this Supreme
Ghost Flag. After refining the Supreme Ghost Flag and using
it as the core to arrange the Sea of Devils and Ghosts Array,
not only could it trap the enemies, it could also eliminate

Huang Xiaolong stood in the center of the Ten Buddha

Formation after taking out the Supreme Ghost Flag. Slowly
but surely, he erased the tool spirit inside the Supreme
Ghost Flag using the Buddhism energy from the formation.
When that was done, he extracted a drop of blood from his
heart, dripping it onto the Supreme Ghost Flag, instantly,
the thousands of devils and ghosts inside the flag came
alive, shrill shrieks and howls echoed faintly from the flag.
At the same time, the mysterious runes on the flagstaff
glimmered in a dazzling light.
According to the method Feng Yang told him beforehand,
Huang Xiaolong swiftly suppressed the ghost aura boiling
from the ghost flag while he branded his own soul mark on
the flag.

One day passed.

Suddenly, a bright light shone from the ghost flag, lighting

up the entire temple hall. As the light dimmed, the sinister-
looking inscriptions of devils and ghosts slowly quieted

Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong breathed out in relief.

After a day’s effort, he finally fully refined the Supreme

Ghost Flag. Fortunately, he had first erased the tool spirit
inside with the Ten Buddha Formation’s support, otherwise
he might not be able to refine this Supreme Ghost Flag even
if he used ten days to half a month’s time. Despite that, his
battle qi and the true essence in his dantian were largely
consumed in the process.

Hence, Huang Xiaolong swallowed a drop of Geocentric

Buddha Elixir and executed the Instant Recovery martial
ability, shimmering blue lights sparkled around Huang
Xiaolong’s body. A few seconds later, his expended battle qi
and true essence recovered.

‘I wonder how powerful it is…’ Huang Xiaolong muttered


Huang Xiaolong exited the Xumi Temple. Arriving in his own

little yard, he raised the Supreme Ghost Flag in the air.

The Supreme Ghost Flag descended from midair, the bottom

end of the flagstaff fixed to the center of the yard. Huang
Xiaolong ran his battle qi and the wicked, sinister devils and
ghost drawings on the flag began to move, the mysterious
runic patterns on the flagstaff started to glimmer. In that
instant, monstrous ghost aura broke out like a flash flood
out from the ghost flag. Accompanying the ghost aura were
evils spirits and devils, one after another.

They appeared as if neverending. Each of them actually had

the strength of a peak half-Saint ghost. At first, Huang
Xiaolong was stunned, and then shock turned into delight.

Though these devils and evil spirits only had the strength of
half-Saints, they triumphed in number. A First Order Saint
realm wandering or getting lost inside the array would lose
their life, no doubt. Even if the enemy was a Second Order
Saint realm warrior, the array would be able to contain them
for some time, they would be unable to get out.

Furthermore, this Supreme Ghost Flag’s power could be

enhanced, the more experts the ghost flag swallowed, the
stronger it could become. After testing the Supreme Ghost
Flag’s power for an hour or so, Huang Xiaolong kept it away.
Because Huang Xiaolong was careful to limit the area within
his yard, the rumbling ghost aura did not alert anyone in the
Southern Hill Estate.

Finished with what he wanted to do, Huang Xiaolong walked

out of his yard toward the direction of the grand hall, but
when he was passing by his younger brother Huang
Xiaohai’s yard, he heard sturdy blasts of punches hitting the
air. His footsteps halted. With a direction change, Huang
Xiaolong stood watching from the entrance of Huang
Xiaohai’s yard.

Huang Xiaohai, with his upper body naked, revealing a firm

muscular torso, was practicing a set of fist skill called Heart
Burrowing Fist, a mid-grade Earth rank battle skill. With
Huang Family’s current reputation and strength, it was not
difficult to have Earth rank battle skills.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Huang Xiaohai turned his

head around, beaming when he saw Huang Xiaolong.
Stopping his practice, he called out: “Big brother!”

Huang Xiaolong nodded while smiling, walking into the yard.

“I heard Dad and Mom say that you have a target of

affection?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

Hearing this question, Huang Xiaohai’s face turned red,

fidgeting awkwardly.

“What’s there to be shy about?” Huang Xiaolong laughed at

his younger brother. Huang Xiaohai was already twenty this
year, in Martial Spirit World, a young man would bring a
bride home at the age of eighteen or nineteen.

“Come, let us brothers go out for a walk and drink some

wine.” Huang Xiaolong said.

All these years, other than practice, all Huang Xiaolong did
was to practice even more. He spent very little time
accompanying his parents and even less time given to this
younger brother of his.

“Yes, Big brother!” Huang Xiaohai was very happy, sprinting

off to put on clothes and stepped out of the Southern Hill
Estate. Huang Xiaolong did not call for any guards with
them, they were just two brothers spending time together.

All in all, the time spent by Huang Xiaohai in Duanren

Imperial City was longer than Huang Xiaolong by far. All
year round, Huang Xiaohai stayed in his yard, practicing,
therefore he wasn’t familiar with the Imperial City outside
the four walls of the Southern Hill Estate.

While walking, Huang Xiaolong asked about Huang Xiaohai’s

practice, the problems he had, clarifying them to Huang
Xiaohai one by one. Even though Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu
would occasionally guide Huang Xiaohai, certain aspects of
their battle qi comprehension were limited compared to
Huang Xiaolong. Listening to Huang Xiaolong’s explanation,
Huang Xiaohai gained a deeper level of comprehension
related to battle qi and his own cultivation.

The two brothers walked without direction as they talked,

until an hour and a half later. Huang Xiaolong stopped in
front of a restaurant called Happy Monarch House. From its
outside appearance, this Happy Monarch House looked
elegantly decorated, the lively atmosphere inside could be
felt where they stood.

“How about this Happy Monarch Restaurant?” Huang

Xiaolong looked at his younger brother.

The only two places he had been to in the past were the
Unforgettable Intoxication Restaurant, where they had the
Beauty Allure Wine, which he thought was not bad, and the
other one was the Sapidity Wine House, which he visited
with Xie Puti to drink Sapidity Wine.

“I heard that this Happy Monarch’s Hometown Wine is quite

good.” Huang Xiaohai said.

“Hometown Wine?” Huang Xiaolong added another

question, “You were here before?”

Huang Xiaohai shook his head, “I just randomly heard some

of the estate guards speak about it.”
Huang Xiaolong nodded, “Come on, let’s go in.”

The brothers walked in, went up to the first floor, searched

for a table closer to the window and sat down. Calling the
waiter over, they ordered some dishes and two jugs of
Hometown Wine to see if it really was as good as the guards

Soon, the waiter brought their orders, filling the table with
fragrant dishes and two jugs of wine.

Just when Huang Xiaolong wanted to uncork the wine, they

heard loud noises of discussion from the next table.

“Did you hear, this year’s Imperial City Battle’s first place
winner was a young man named Huo Ping. This Huo Ping’s
martial spirit is a top grade thirteen White Bear, just a
young’un, twenty-two-year-old and already a Xiantian
Second Order!”

“Some people say that this Huo Ping’s talent exceeds that
year’s Young Noble Divine Dragon, Huang Xiaolong.”
Chapter 341: Teach Them How To Behave?

Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help smiling a little hearing the

discussion on the next table and didn’t mind it in the least.

Huo Ping? Top grade thirteen martial spirit, White Bear,

twenty two years old, late-Xiantian Second Order strength…
‘Indeed, his talent can be considered not bad.’ Huang
Xiaolong thought to himself.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t mind the discussion on the next

table, but hearing someone put a new guy, Huo Ping, on the
same status as his Big brother, even saying that the kid’s
talent was much better compared to his Big brother, Huang
Xiaohai was very much disgruntled in his heart.

Fire exploded in Huang Xiaohai’s eyes, but just as he was

about to stand up, Huang Xiaolong pressed a hand on his
younger brother’s arm, shaking his head,”Just a small thing,
leave it.”

“Big brother!” Huang Xiaohai was stunned, but the look

from Huang Xiaolong’s eyes made him return to his seat

Huang Xiaolong opened one of the wine jugs, pouring out

two bowls for them, “Come.”

The brothers clinked their wine bowls and took a big

mouthful, filling the mouth with the fragrance of wine.

Huang Xiaolong nodded: “Not bad.” This Hometown Wine,

although not as good as the Sapidity Wine, it did not lose
out to the Snow Moon Wine he had with Lu Kai in the Luo
Tong Kingdom.
At this time, the voices from the next table sounded again.

“Say, what do you think Young Noble Divine Dragon’s

strength is now?”

“Several years ago, when he participated in the Imperial

City Battle, he had just broken through the Xiantian realm,
in my opinion, he is at most a Xiantian Fourth Order.”

“Xiantian Fourth Order? I think that’s not possible. Talented

as he might be, it’s impossible to advance one order every
year, my guess is that he is a Xiantian Third Order. Who
knows, maybe he hasn’t even reached late-Xiantian Third

Xiantian Third Order? Huang Xiaolong nearly choked

listening to these people’s estimations, smiling helplessly.
Whereas Huang Xiaohai’s brows furrowed deeper, these
people’s words grew more outrageous the more they talked.

That year, Huang Xiaolong revealed his strength once, but

the Huang Family and Emperor Duanren had the news
blocked, thus common people, in general, had no idea of
Huang Xiaolong’s strength.

Another wave of words floated over to their table.

“I heard that Huo Ping made a declaration yesterday, saying

that he wants to pay a visit to the Southern Hill Estate to
ask Young Noble Divine Dragon for ‘guidance.’”

Guidance… meant asking for a battle.

“If that is true, I wonder who would come out on top.”

Huang Xiaohai couldn’t hold his temper in anymore, hearing

that Huo Ping guy actually planned to go to that Southern
Hill Estate to look for his Big brother.

“A bunch of idiots!” He scolded.

The customers at that table looked over, hearing Huang

Xiaohai’s voice.

“Kid, what did you say just now?!” A shaggy beard middle-
aged man stood up from his seat and snapped at Huang
Xiaohai. That expression was exactly one of an evil and
vicious character.

“I said, all of you are a bunch of idiots, didn’t you hear?”

Huang Xiaohai repeated coldly.

That shaggy beard middle-aged man erupted in rage, one

hand unsheathed the big knife in his hand, barking: “Kid,
you’re courting death!” and wanted to attack Huang

But at this time, at sudden ruckus swept across the

restaurant first floor.

“It’s Huo Ping!”

“This year’s Imperial City Battle first place winner, Huo


That shaggy beard man was surprised, he stopped and

turned over to look, like everyone else. Not far from the
main streets below, there was a young man wearing a short-
sleeved blue robe with an accompanying treasure sword
hanging from his waist. Handsome features, in his early
twenties, and he was crossing the crowd below, walking
toward the Happy Monarch House with a group of
bodyguards tagging behind him.
From the beginning, this young man wore a proud, lofty
expression on his face. Well, it was inevitable for any young
man to look a little proud after winning the Imperial City
Battle, at the same time possessing an amazing talent, top
grade thirteen superb talent martial spirit.

Everywhere Huo Ping walked past, the street was packed

with disciples from big families, young men and women,
cheering at Huo Ping.

By this time, Huo Ping reached the restaurant’s entrance,

being welcomed personally by the restaurant owner with
utmost respect before entering the premise.

Huang Xiaolong retrieved his gaze from the window, shaking

his head. Merely from the short observation just now, Huo
Ping gave him a bad impression.

Seconds passed and Huo Ping and his group of bodyguards

came up to the first floor. The present guests all stood up,
smiling in a complaisant manner and smartly moved to the

Watching the respectful demeanor around him, Huo Ping

nodded with satisfaction, but when his sight fell on Huang
Xiaolong and Huang Xiaohai, who remained sitting by the
window, he frowned slightly.

He turned toward the restaurant owner saying, “Boss, I want

to reserve the entire first floor to celebrate with my
subordinates here.” Done saying that, he threw a bag of
gold coins into the restaurant owner’s hand, “Those who
have already ordered, take it as my treat.”

Receiving the bag, the restaurant owner weighed it roughly

in his palm, estimating about five to six hundred gold coins
inside, his face immediately bloomed, “Young Noble Huo
Ping, holding the celebration banquet in our Happy Monarch
House is our honor, it’s just that…” His face looked a little
ugly, as the proprietor, it wasn’t proper for him to chase his
customers away.

Seeing this, Huo Ping looked around the first floor, “You
have no objections, right?” Nearly all the first-floor
customers smile amiably, nodding there were no objections.

The restaurant owner secretly breathed in relief, however,

noticing that two people were still sitting by the window
table, he hesitated for a moment before approaching Huang
Xiaolong and Huang Xiaohai with a smile he deemed
friendly, “These two brothers, Young Noble Huo Ping wants
to reserve the entire first floor, how about I arrange another
table for the two guests on the ground floor?”

The restaurant owner’s demeanor was considered polite.

At this point, Huang Xiaohai took out a bag of gold coins,

pouring out everything inside, it probably contained one to
two thousand gold coins, then said, “Since it’s like this, then
us brothers are reserving the whole first floor. Those who
have already ordered, consider it as our treat…” pausing
here, Huang Xiaohai looked at Huo Ping and sneered, “As for
those that haven’t ordered, forgive me, tell them to scram!”


Everyone was aware who those words were intended for,

because only Huo Ping’s group just came up and haven’t
made an order.

The restaurant owner blanked staring at the gold coins

littered on the floor, and the customers that prepared to
leave halted their steps.
“This kid dared to challenge Young Noble Huo Ping?! What’s
his background?!”

“What background? I say, they don’t even know how

miserably they will die in a moment!” The shaggy beard
man who was discussing Huang Xiaolong and Huo Ping
loudly earlier scoffed.

The crowd was stirred, but the expression on Huo Ping’s

face was extremely ugly. He didn’t expect that he would
encounter such a thing after coming here to celebrate with
his subordinates.

“Young Lord, these two brats are so lacking in tact, how

about this subordinate go there and teach them how to
behave?” One of the guards behind Huo Ping approached
him, giving a suggestion.

Huo Ping lifted his arm, stopping the guard beside him.
Watching Huang Xiaolong and Huang Xiaohai, he snapped
coldly, “Which family are you two from? Have both of you
thought about the consequences of doing this?”

Huang Xiaohai shrugged his soldiers nonchalantly,

“Consequences? Why don’t you tell us then, what are the
consequences of our actions?”

Huang Xiaolong sat watching in silence, thinking that his

younger brother’s temperament was quite like himself.

Hearing that, Huo Ping’s face darkened as if water was

about to drip out.

The restaurant owner stepped forward to persuade Huang

Xiaolong and Huang Xiaohai, “These two brothers, in my
opinion, it’s better if you go down to the ground floor. In
fact, ground floor or first floor is just the same.” In his eyes,
this was for Huang Xiaolong and Huang Xiaohai’s benefit, it
was not necessary to offend Huo Ping, who had a strong
background, merely for a table.
Chapter 342: Cripple Your Own Two Legs

Ground floor or first floor are just the same?

Huang Xiaohai looked at the restaurant boss impassively, “It

seems that you failed to understand my meaning?”

Huang Xiaohai had clearly stated his intent earlier, they two
brothers reserved the entire first floor, those who had
ordered, the payment was on them, those who haven’t
ordered, scram!

The restaurant owner put on a difficult face looking at Huo

Ping, those who came were customers, since those two men
were unwilling to leave, they couldn’t use force to throw
people out. He could tell that those two young men had
certain status, otherwise, no one would dare to challenge
Young Noble Huo Ping in public.

Huo Ping’s face grew gloomier by the second, he glared icily

at the Huang Xiaolong and Huang Xiaohai, “Today, I don’t
care who you are, I’m giving you a last chance to roll out, if

Huang Xiaolong calmly interjected, “If not, what then?”

“If not, I will break your dog legs and then throw you out of
the first floor through the windows.” Huo Ping laughed
coldly. Being ‘insulted’ to this level, if he still acted
benevolently, how would others see him, how would he gain
a foothold in this Duanren Imperial City?

“I really want to see how you will break our ‘dog’ legs and
throw us off the first floor.” Huang Xiaohai snorted.
Huo Ping nodded to the guard behind him, that clever guard
understood, answering respectfully, and proceeded to stride
towards Huang Xiaolong’s table.

“You two should be grateful to our Young Lord, he merely

want your dog legs crippled. If this was any other normal
day, you’d be dead!” That guard sneered, then in an abrupt
action, he attacked, striking his palm at Huang Xiaohai.

This guard was an early Houtian Ninth Order, his palm

moved at breaking wind, emitting a wave of heat. The other
customers on the first floor swiftly backed away to avoid
being pulled in as collateral damage.

Catching on the guard’s intention, Huang Xiaohai

harrumphed, jumped to his feet, and punched his fist out-
Heart Burrowing Fist! A fist imprint whistled across the air,
rotating like a step drill, boring through the guard’s heat
wave to reach right in front of him.

The guard’s face was ashen, but it was too late for him to
dodge or retreat, Huang Xiaohai’s punch hit his chest. A
muffled grunt escaped the guard, his body flew back,
crashing into the many tables and chairs around. Plates and
dishes flipped over, wine jugs and cups crashed on the floor,
an eaten piece of beef bone accurately fell into the guard’s
opened mouth.

The people watching were genuinely shocked, none of them

thought that Huang Xiaohai had this much strength.
Including Huo Ping.

But then again, it was merely unexpected for him. In a

mocking sneer, he said, “Mid-Ninth Order? So there’s some
skill.” Huo Ping’s eyes signaled two early Tenth Orders
amongst his guards, indicating them to attack with a
Both early Houtian Tenth Order guards nodded. In a quick
flicker and without a single word, both launched their
attacks on Huang Xiaohai.

These years, Huang Xiaohai had consumed many rare

treasures and spirit pellets, coupled with his hard work, he
managed to reach mid-Ninth Order, possessing attack and
defense stronger than same level warriors, even able to
defeat peak late-Houtian Ninth Order. Still, he could barely
fend off one Tenth Order, not to mention two of them

Thus, under the joint attack of the two guards, Huang

Xiaohai was forced to retreat again and again, mostly
dodging, unable to attack.

Seeing this result, Huo Ping spoke, “Break their dog legs,
waste their Qi Sea for me as well!” Initially, he planned to
settle the matter just by breaking these two people’s legs,
but now, his anger would only be pacified by destroying
their Qi Seas.

Acknowledging their Young Lord’s order, one of the guards

aimed at Huang Xiaohai’s chest with a fatal palm, however,
when his attack was about to land, a whelming force
bounced them off. The Tenth Order guard’s eyes widened in
surprise. Before he could register what happened, he felt as
if a heavy mountain slammed into his body, knocking him
off from the first floor. The guard shuttled through the
broken window, crashing into another restaurant on the
other side of the street.

The same fate befell the other early Houtian Tenth Order

Everyone was stunned agape watching the two guards

‘jumping off’ the building inexplicably. No one knew, what

It was evident that Huang Xiaohai was not in a situation to

attack at that time.

Huo Ping to was secretly taken aback, unable to put his

finger in it. He turned to scan the surroundings, it seems he
thought it was some expert hiding amongst the customers
who secretly lent a hand to Huang Xiaohai.

Despite that, he found nothing.

“So you have some expert protecting you two in the dark,
no wonder you’re so arrogant here.” A moment later, Huo
Ping retrieved his gaze and turned to Huang Xiaohai,
malicious light and hatred shone in the depth of Huo Ping’s
pupils, “Very well, I will temporarily let you off this time.”
Then he waved his hand, ordering the guards behind him,
“Let’s go!” He had decided to make his move in the future
after finding out these two men’s background.

Seeing Huo Ping prepared to leave, the restaurant owner

was inwardly relieved. If both parties continued to fight, his
little restaurant couldn’t withstand that level of tossing.

The patrons that were waiting to watch a good show were

disappointed with the way things ended. Just when
everyone present thought the matter was done for the day,
Huang Xiaolong’s voice sounded, “Go? Who allowed you to
go? Did I say you can leave?”

Everyone’s action lagged on the spot.

Huo Ping, who decided to swallow today’s anger temporarily

until he investigated Huang Xiaolong and Huang Xiaohai’s
background before exerting his revenge, halted his steps
and turned around.
Huo Ping fixed a deadly glare on Huang Xiaolong, his voice
frigid, “What did you just said?”

Everyone who was about to leave had their attention fully

on Huang Xiaolong, including the restaurant owner.

Huang Xiaolong raised the wine bowl in his hand, taking a

leisured sip, filling his mouth with fragrant wine, “Break your
own legs, then roll down from the first floor.” Huang
Xiaolong continued calmly as if he was talking about today’s

All eyes widened akin to seeing ghosts.

That person told Huo Ping to break his own two legs and
then roll down from the first floor?! Had this black-haired
young man gone insane?! Nearly all the people on the first
floor had the same thought flashing through their minds.

But the individual himself, Huo Ping, laughed out loud

instead, murderous aura tipping over in his eyes: “Punk, are
you sure?”

Huang Xiaolong remained impassive, “Break your own legs

before I change my mind, if I were to change my mind,
forcing me to act, then you wouldn’t merely end up with
broken legs.”

The arrogant sentence drew weird faces from the people


“Not merely just broken legs?” Huo Ping broke out in a

hearty laughter, “So what, you want to break my Qi Sea
too?” Before, he had ordered his guards to break Huang
Xiaolong and Huang Xiaohai’s legs and destroy their Qi Seas
Throwing down his jeering question, Huo Ping’s atmosphere
rose, an enormous white bear materialized above his head.
Unprecedented anger, rage, and wrath that he had never
experienced in his entire life erupted violently in Huo Ping’s

Shock and envious gazes were cast toward the white bear
hovering above Huo Ping’s head. There was also awe and
worship, after all, that was a top grade thirteen martial
spirit, ah!

Huo Ping immediately soul transformed after summoning his

martial spirit. His physical body expanded twice his original
size, his arms and fingers grew thick, sharp claws, akin to a
giant bear’s paw.

“I really want to see how you’re going to cripple both my

legs and my Qi Sea!” Viciousness filled Huo Ping’s eyes. He
roared, and before one could blink, Huo Ping was already in
front of Huang Xiaolong, both palms swinging ferociously at

Die! This was the only thought that existed inside Huo Ping’s

Shred this bastard to pieces!

Everyone saw both of Huo Ping’s palms solidly strike Huang

Xiaolong’s torso.

“This kid still dared to say that he would break Young Noble
Huo Ping’s legs and break his Qi Sea, truly overestimating
himself!” The shaggy beard man mocked.
Chapter 343: Come At Me, Anytime.

Each onlooker had their own thoughts watching Huo Ping’s

palm aim accurately at Huang Xiaolong. Of course, the
majority had the same thoughts as the shaggy beard
middle-aged man, thinking that Huang Xiaolong greatly
overestimated himself.

Even the restaurant owner was shaking his head, he tried to

persuade Huang Xiaolong earlier. Huo Ping was this year’s
Imperial City Battle champion, a late-Xiantian Second Order
expert. Huang Xiaolong looked about twenty-two or twenty-
three years old to him, how could he be more powerful than
Huo Ping?

Young Noble Huo Ping had a top grade thirteen martial spirit
talent, it was hard for the restaurant owner to believe that
the young man would have a martial spirit of a higher grade
than Huo Ping. Having better talent than Huo Ping, that
meant having grade fourteen martial spirit…

He shook his his head again, it was something impossible.

Now, he only hoped that the hidden expert protecting
Huang Xiaolong could save the two young men.

While everyone was immersed in their own thoughts, still

sitting down, Huang Xiaolong’s hands sped out just as Huo
Ping’s attack was about to hit, grasping Huo Ping’s hands in
his palms.

Grasped! All the energy contained in Huo Ping’s palms


The audience blanked, then their eyes widened, nearly

dropping out of their sockets with disbelief staring at Huo
Ping’s palms being halted in place by Huang Xiaolong’s

He… actually pinned them midair!

Before this scene, many possible endings crossed the minds

of the people present; some thought that Huang Xiaolong
would be sent flying by Huo Ping’s palms, some imagined
Huang Xiaolong’s chest exploding from the impact, and a
variety of tragic scenes, mostly on Huang Xiaolong’s part,
yet this was the only outcome no one thought of.

Huo Ping looked with an astonished expression at Huang

Xiaolong’s hands over his own, eyes sluggish: “You…!”

But Huang Xiaolonng’s gaze turned sharp as he increased

the strength in his hands, causing Huo Ping to scream loudly
in pain.

The scream jolted everyone from their daze. Looking at the

other side of the floor, they noticed in that split moment just
now that Huo Ping’s ten fingers were twisted broken by
Huang Xiaolong!

The fingers linked directly to one’s heart, having all ten

fingers broken, one could hardly imagine the agonizing pain.
Thinking of it, everyone shivered, feeling a chill down their

After breaking Huo Ping’s ten fingers, with a fluid flick, his
left hand formed a straight palm, the force of the impact
bore through the Qi Sea in Huo Ping’s chest.

A second scream rendered the air, that heart-wrenching

scream sent another chill down the spine. However, in the
next second, Huang Xiaolong’s palm moved again, like a
sharp blade, slashing horizontally across Huo Ping’s thighs.
The miserable screams rose again, Huo Ping was sent flying
to the back, clutching his legs.

The audience all drew a sharp intake of cold breath,

watching in trepidation. A talented late-Xiantian Second
Order warrior was crippled just like that?!

Qi Sea destroyed!

Both legs crippled!

Even all ten fingers were broken!

“Young Lord! Young Lord!” All of Huo Ping’s guards cried out
with ashen faces as they hastened to Huo Ping’s side.

“My Qi Sea, my hands, my legs!!!” Huo Ping snarled in

anger and pain.

Witnessing Huo Ping’s appalling end, the way the others

looked at Huang Xiaolong underwrnt change, especially the
initial shaggy beard man, all color drained from his face with
bead-sized drops of sweat forming endlessly on his

Coincidentally, at this precise moment, Huang Xiaolong’s

eyes looked in his direction. That simple gaze scared the
shaggy bead man’s legs g soft, causing him to fall limply to
the floor.

“Kill, kill that f*cking piece of shit!!” Huo Ping pointed at

Huang Xiaolong, a mad feral expression distorted his face,
roaring at his guards. The pain from having his Qi Sea
destroyed, all ten fingers were broken and both legs
crippled pushed him to the verge of losing consciousness
due to the pain.
At Huo Ping’s order, the guards turned to look at Huang
Xiaolong, still sitting there with a calm face, unaffected, but
Huo Ping’s guards were spooked to the core, not one of
them dared to make a move.

“Kill, I ordered you to kill him!” Huo Ping roared again.

“If not, I will kill all of you!”

Huo Ping’s subordinate guards trembled, only then did they

stand up one by one, attacking Huang Xiaolong.

However, before they even got close to Huang Xiaolong,

countless palm imprints emerged in midair, and in the next
moment, all the guards were seen thrown out of the first
floor, rolling down to the ground floor. Some landed across
the street, some crashed into the shops opposite the

The shaggy beard man caught a glimpse of a guard flying

past in front of him, the guards’ legs were crippled like Huo
Ping, and Qi Sea destroyed.

He eyes searched another guard, the result was the same.

A hair-raising chill crept up in everyone’s hearts.

One move solved more than twenty Houtian Ninth and Tenth
Order guards, even Xiantian First and Second Order
warriors! All with the same injuries, both legs, and Qi Sea

This had gone far beyond the comprehension ability of the

people present.

“Boss,” Huang Xiaolong suddenly spoke.

The restaurant owner nearly jumped out of his skin being
called. Huang Xiaolong’s voice maintained the same tone as
ever, however, in the restaurant owner’s ears, it sounded
like it originated from Naraka. Still, he couldn’t not go when
Huang Xiaolong called him.

He slowly, cautiously, and fearfully inched his way towards

Huang Xiaolong’s table. Never in his life did he feel that a
mere ten meters distance was so far away. With much
difficulty, he reached in front of Huang Xiaolong, a cordial
smile plastered on his face, speaking in minuet tone, “ I doㅡ
don’t know what instructions Lord has for me?”

Watching the restaurant owner’s demeanor, Huang Xiaolong

felt funny inside, with a casual wave, gold coins scattered to
the floor.

“Are these enough?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

The restaurant boss went into shock for a second looking at

the floor full of gold coins, unable to react to what Huang
Xiaolong said.

“My Big brother is asking, are these enough to compensate

your restaurant’s damages?” Huang Xiaohai elaborated.

The restaurant boss was still a little dazed at first, but after
coming to, he nodded profusely, “Enough, enough, no, no,
it’s too much, no, I mean, it’s just some tables and chairs,
no need for so many gold coins, there’s no need for Lord to
compensate anything!”

“Let’s go.” Huang Xiaolong said to his younger brother as he

stood up. Whatever mood he had for drinking had
Seeing the two young men stand up, everyone else backed
away, opening a path for Huang Xiaolong and Huang
Xiaohai to pass.

When Huang Xiaolong passed by Huo Ping, Huo Ping tried to

crawl away in fear, shrinking into a ball.

“If you want to seek me for revenge, I’ll be waiting for you
at the Southern Hill Estate. Come at me, anytime.” Throwing
the sentence at Huo Ping, Huang Xiaolong turned and
walked down the stairs with Huang Xiaohai.

Southern Hill Estate?

Wasn’t that…? Could it be…?!!

Everyone’s eyes followed the two silhouettes walking out of

the restaurant with godawful shock and one possibility
screaming in their minds. And when that shaggy beard man
thought of this possibility, the whites of his eyes rolled back,
nearly fainting. Earlier, he sat at the table next to Huang
Xiaolong, claiming loudly that Huo Ping’s talent was higher
and better than Huang Xiaolong? Even boldly stating that
perhaps Huang Xiaolong hadn’t even reached late-Xiantian
Third Order? Just now, he even nearly attacked Huang
Xiaolong’s younger brother!

Thinking of the various possibilities his ending might have

been, his face became deathly pale.

At the same time Huang Xiaolong and Huang Xiaohai

returned to Southern Hill Estate, the news about Huo Ping’s
Qi Sea, ten fingers, and both legs being broken by Huang
Xiaolong exploded like a giant bomb in the Duanren Imperial
City. The news traveled to every corner of the city like a
shockwave, even reaching the nearby cities and kingdoms.
In the main streets and small alleys of Duanren Imperial
City, every table in every household, restaurant, and
teahouse were discussing the same topic. It was inevitable
that the matter raised many curiosities about Huang
Xiaolong’s real strength.

“That Huang Xiaolong, perhaps he’s already a Xiantian Sixth

Order expert.” In a certain corner of Duanren Imperial City,
a certain family’s disciple sighed.

“Xiantian Sixth Order? Impossible, right? At most, maybe a

Xiantian Fifth Order.” Another person couldn’t help retorting.

While some merely shook their heads listening to similar

guesses of Huang Xiaolong has advanced to Xiantian Sixth
Order, no one thought it was possible.
Chapter 344: Fabled Scimitar Sect

Back in the Southern Hill Estate, Huang Xiaolong merely

smiled hearing the rumors floating around and no longer
bothered with it. He entered the Xumi Temple, took out a
Ghost King Dan, swallowed it and started to refined it.

Two days later, he managed to fully absorb the Ghost King

Dan. Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong continued, absorbing a
total of two Ghost King Dans, trying to comprehend the
Ghost King’s space law enlightenment, helping him to touch
the very edge of the space law.

Between Heaven and Earth, space existed in everything, it

was all present.

Space was one of the fundamentals of all existences, a force

that fosters life.

Of course, other than gaining an understanding of the space

law, Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi cultivation also advanced by
leaps and bounds.

In the past, while Huang Xiaolong was still a peak late-

Xiantian Tenth Order, he believed that he was invincible
below the Saint realm. Now, however, his strength had
multiplied by at least ten times.

After he was done absorbing the second Ghost King Dan,

Huang Xiaolong did not continue further and exited the
Xumi Temple. Just as he appeared in the courtyard, Zhao
Shu came to inform him that Xie Puti came to visit. If it was
anyone else, Zhao Shu wouldn’t have taken the trouble to
report to Huang Xiaolong, but he knew that Huang Xiaolong
and Xie Puti were considered good friends.
When Huang Xiaolong walked into the grand hall, Xie Puti
stood up from his chair, walked up to Huang Xiaolong, and
gave him a bear hug while grinning silly, “You kid, being so
high profile the moment you come back, you have always
been conspicuous.”

Huang Xiaolong knew Xie Puti was referring to the incident

in the restaurant, where he crippled that Huo Ping.

“I have always maintained a very low-profile.” Huang

Xiaolong rebuked with a grin, causing Xie Puti to laugh.

“If you’re low-profile, then I have no profile at all.”

Both sat down as they talked, and Zhao Shu left the hall

After taking a seat, Xie Puti said, “In fact, that Huo Ping was
displeasing to my eyes from the start. This is great, turning
him into a waste the moment you return.”

Huang Xiaolong chuckled, “In that case, you should thank

me instead.”

Xie Puti grinned, “Aren’t I here with Sapidity Wine, see?” As

Xie Puti said that, he brought out the Sapidity Wine he had
prepared early on from his spatial ring.

More than a hundred jugs.

Huang Xiaolong laughed happily, “I also have something

good for you.” Huang Xiaolong said, taking out a Golden
Jujube from Asura Ring, a rare elixir he found in the Broken
Tiger Rift.

The grand hall was instantly filled with a refreshing

Seeing the Golden Jujube in Huang Xiaolong’s hand, Xie
Puti’s eyes lit up brightly, evidently astonished: “This… is
Golden Jujube?”

Huang Xiaolong nodded in affirmation, “More accurately, it

is a thirty to forty thousand-year-old Golden Jujube.” He
clarified, making it hover in front of Xie Puti.

Xie Puti cupped with both his hands, staring at the Golden
Jujube that shone softly a golden light, swallowing
nervously, “Thirty to forty thousand-year-old Golden
Jujube!” even his voice trembled slightly. Although he was
Xie Family’s most talented disciple in a thousand years,
most favored by the Old Ancestor and the spirit pellets and
rare elixirs he had eaten were countless, he had yet to
touch a Golden Jujube of such grade.

He was very much aware how precious a thirty to forty

thousand year old Golden Jujube was, it was definitely not
something that gold coins or spirit stones could buy.

“Bro, this…!” Xie Puti looked at Huang Xiaolong, wanting to

decline the heavy gift, it was too precious after all.

Huang Xiaolong smiled shaking his head, “This Golden

Jujube, take it. There’s a lot more still in my spatial ring.”

“A lot more?!” Xie Puti was flabbergasted and speechless,

laughing, he said, “Since it’s like that, then this bro will not
be polite with you, I’m taking this with thanks.” Thus, Xie
Puti took it without guilt, keeping it in his spatial ring. It had
been some time since his strength reached a bottleneck at
peak late-Xiantian Third Order, he did indeed need this
Golden Jujube.

Xie Puti looked at Huang Xiaolong, “It’s really frustrating

comparing people, why does it seem like every good thing
under the sun falls into your hand? This Golden Jujube, it’s
so rare and priceless, but you actually have a lot!”

Huang Xiaolong grinned, “It’s just that my luck was not bad
and I managed to find a secret dwelling left behind by an
Ancient God Tribe master in the Bedlam Lands.”

“Secret dwelling left behind by an ancient God Tribe

master!” Xie Puti was even more speechless, nearly hitting
his chest with frustration as he lamented woefully skyward,
“Heavens, how come I don’t have that kind of luck!”

Huang Xiaolong laughed at Xie Puti’s antics, “Enough, let’s


“Good, let’s drink!” Xie Puti echoed.

With that, the two talked as they drank. Wine cups clinked,
savoring the sip of wine running down their throat. Xie Puti
continued, “It’s been some time since I’ve enjoyed myself
drinking, when you weren’t around, I could only drink alone,
it was tasteless and dull.”

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “You should find yourself a

woman.” Xie Puti was several years older than Huang

Xie Puti shook his head, “Woman? Women are so long-

winded. This way is better, free. Do you know what my
biggest wish is at the moment?”

“What is it?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

“To defeat you, one of these days.” Xie Puti answered.

Huang Xiaolong smiled, “Then your little wish has no hope

of coming true.” The gap between them was obvious, and
as time went on, it would only grow bigger.

Xie Puti smiled, albeit somewhat bitterly, he understood that

Huang Xiaolong was merely speaking the truth, “Everybody
outside is trying to guess your real strength, tell me frankly,
have you really broken through Xiantian Seventh Order?” He
stared fixedly at Huang Xiaolong, unblinkingly waiting for an
answer. At the same time, his heart tightened nervously.

Watching Xie Puti’s expression, Huang Xiaolong teased,

“What do you think?”

Xie Puti was stumped, then he admitted cheerfully, “It’s

hard to say, you’re a little monster.” His tone and manner
resembled Lu Kai down to the facial expression. He looked
at Huang Xiaolong, considering the question, he said,
“According to my understanding of you, by the way you
retorted, it seems you have advanced to Xiantian Seventh

Huang Xiaolong nodded simply, “You will know when the

times comes.”

The news about him killing Deities Templar’s Ao Baixue in

Luo Tong Kingdom should have reached this part of Duanren
Empire some time ago, but seeing Xie Puti still didn’t know,
probably Deities Templar blocked the news?

Huang Xiaolong’s admission raised an exaggerated reaction

from Xie Puti, “Wow, I didn’t expect you really broke through
to Xiantian Seventh Order! Looks like even if you give me a
handicap of both hands and feet, you can still abuse me as
you like! God, how old are you now?!”

The conversation continued, accompanied by wine. They

talked about Huang Xiaolong’s experiences in the Bedlam
Lands, talked about the recent changes in the Duanren
Empire, talking about future, and their cultivation…

From talking with Xie Puti, Huang Xiaolong found out that
quite a number of Deities Templar’s forces had infiltrated
into Duanren Empire’s subordinate kingdoms, taking control
over a hundred kingdoms.

Although these hundred over kingdoms weren’t powerful, if

the trend continued in this manner, the Duanren Empire
would sooner or later be eroded to the core and destroyed
by Deities Templar!

Xie Puti looked somewhat worried at the situation. His Xie

Family’s roots were founded in Duanren Empire, if Duanren
Empire fell, it would greatly impact the Xie Family.

Near the end, Xie Puti broached the subject of Huang

Xiaolong crippling Huo Ping, “That Huo Ping, you need to
careful of him, he is the Fabled Scimitar Sect Patriarch’s

The Fabled Scimitar Sect was the strongest from Duanren

Empire’s neighboring empire, Spring Faun, to the extent that
every Spring Faun Emperor was personally selected by the
Fabled Scimitar Sect Patriarch. One could imagine the
amount of authority and power they held.
Chapter 345: The Origin
Chapter 345: The Origin Forest

“Fabled Scimitar Sect?” Huang Xiaolong was surprised, he

had heard the name before.

Xie Puti continued, “Moreover, the current Emperor of

Spring Faun Empire is that Huo Ping’s paternal-uncle.”

“The Spring Faun Empire’s Emperor is Huo Ping’s paternal-

uncle? No wonder he is so arrogant.” Huang Xiaolong
snickered, not putting Huo Ping in his eyes, even knowing
that he was Fabled Scimitar Sect Patriarch’s disciple and
Spring Faun Emperor’s nephew.

But, weren’t the participants of Duanren Imperial City Battle

limited to the territorial kingdoms under the Duanren
Empire? How did this Huo Ping get in?

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong was puzzled, Xie Puti explained,

“This Huo Ping enrolled into Mo’er Academy two years ago,
hence he participated in the Imperial City Battle as a
student of Mo’er Academy.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded. Mo’er Academy was one of the

more prestigious academies in Duaren Empire.

Both talked and drank for more than a dozen hours, Xie Puti
left when the sun was setting on the horizon.

Xie Puti left, and the next morning, Emperor Duanren paid a
visit to Southern Hill Estate along with his son, Duan Wuhen.
In front of Huang Xiaolong, Emperor Duarenn’s mannerism
was one of respect. This time, Emperor Duanren’s visit was
to bring news of Deities Templar’s infiltration into the
kingdoms under the Duanren Empire’s rule.

Two hours later, Emperor Duanren and Duan Wuhen left the
Southern Hill Estate.

Whereas his younger sister Huang Min wasn’t within the

Imperial City, and thus she was unable to make a trip to
Southern Hill Estate temporarily. However, receiving the
news of Huang Xiaolong’s return, both she and Guo Tai
rushed back almost immediately.

At first, Huang Xiaolong wanted to migrate the Huang

Family to the Bedlam Lands, but thought better of it at the
moment. After all, the Bedlam Lands was more chaotic than
Duaren Empire, the forces at work more complicated and
more dangerous. Furthermore, Huang Xiaolong and Emperor
Duanren were allies, and of course, there were the Xie and
Guo Families as well.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong had to curb Deities Templar from

rooting deeper into the Duaren Empire’s forces.

After arranging tasks to Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu, Huang

Xiaolong brought up Chen Tianqi.

It was Zhao Shu who answered, “According to the news this

subordinate received, Domain Chief Chen Tianqi has arrived
in Wind Snow Continent.”

“Oh, he’s here in Wind Snow Continent.” Huang Xiaolong’s

eyes narrowed into slits.

“Yes, Sovereign.” Zhang Fu stepped forward, affirming the

news. “Domain Chief Chen Tianqi did not come alone, there
are a dozen or more guards with him, this subordinate
estimates that he would probably arrive at Duanren Imperial
City in half a month’s time.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded; half a month? This was good, he

had wanted to meet this Chen Tianqi at least once.

A short while later, Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu left and went
about their tasks.

Huang Xiaolong entered the Xumi Temple and swallowed a

Ghost King Dan, beginning his closed-door practice. Two
days later, he finished refining the third Ghost King Dan,
enhancing his space law comprehension as well as his battle
qi reserve.

From the third Ghost King Dan, Huang Xiaolong went on to

the fourth, the fifth and sixth. Huang Xiaolong kept on in the
same manner up to the tenth Ghost King Dan. He was
striving to break through the Saint realm at the earliest.

After absorbing the tenth Ghost King Dan, Huang Xiaolong

exited the Xumi Temple and called Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu
over, asking them about the latest news on Chen Tianqi.
According to their previous conversation, with Chen Tianqi’s
group’s speed, they had probably arrived in the Imperial
City, yet things had been calm and peaceful.

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu exchanged a look.

“Sovereign, according to this subordinate’s investigation,

Chen Tianqi headed to the Origin Forest instead of coming
here after arriving in Wind Snow Continent.” Zhao Shu said.

“They went to the Origin Forest?” Huang Xiaolong was

baffled, “What is Chen Tianqi doing in the Origin Forest?”
The Origin Forest was one of the most dangerous places in
Martial Spirit World. Legend has it that the human race of
Martial Spirit World, the demonic beasts, and the millions of
races all originated from the Origin Forest.

The Origin Forest was one of the ancient forests existing in

the Martial Spirit World. Even before the continents were
separated into the three main continents: Wind Snow
Continent, Starcloud Continent, and Ten Directions
Continent, the Origin Forest was already in existence.

Zhang Fu answered, “That… this subordinate also doesn’t


Huang Xiaolong grew somber, “Investigate.” For Chen Tianqi

to head to Origin Forest with such a big group, there had to
be a reason. Still, a tiny part of Huang Xiaolong was relieved
knowing that Chen Tianqi was not in the Imperial City. He
definitely preferred to have advanced into the Saint realm
before coming face to face with Chen Tianqi.

As long as he broke through to Saint realm, with Zhao Shu,

Zhang Fu, and the loyal group of Elders’ support in the
Asura’s Gate, there was a good chance for Huang Xiaolong
to come out on top against Chen Tianqi for the Sovereign

Moments later, Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were excused. But

just as Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu left Huang Xiaolong’s yard,
his parents, Huang Peng and Su Yan, and his younger
brother, Huang Xiaohai came over.

“Long’er, a little later, Min’er and Guo Tai will bring Xiaofan
here.” Su Yan said happily.

Guo Xiaofan was none other than Huang Min’s son.

Huang Xiaolong smiled widely when he heard that, “Really?
Then I should prepare a big gift for the little guy.” Huang
Xiaolong originally planned to return to his practice, so that
he could seize every moment in order to break through to
Saint realm faster, but it seems that he needed to adjust his
schedule. He wanted to see Huang Min and her son too,
from what his mother said, Huang Min’s son Xiaofan was
very lovable.

Around one hour later, Huang Min and Guo Tai appeared in
the Southern Hill Estate with little Guo Xiaofan. Seeing his
chubby dumpling nephew Guo Xiaofan, speaking in his
tender baby voice, Huang Xiaolong couldn’t resist picking
him and giving him a big kiss.

Huang Xiaolong was very generous in gifts for his little

nephew, other than Geocentric Buddha Elixir, there were
many thousand-year-old elixirs, even using his true essence
to help Guo Xiaofan open up all the meridians in his body.

When dinner time came that night, merry laughter sounded

endlessly through the manor. The family dinner lasted a
little over an hour, and when it ended, Huang Xiaolong
returned to his own courtyard. Standing in his yard, he
looked at the shining moon in the clear night sky, inevitably
thinking about Li Lu.

Ao Baixue’s dying words played many times in Huang

Xiaolong’s head since then.

Deities Templar’s Holy Maiden?

In the days he returned to Southern Hill Estate, from Zhao

Shu and Zhang Fu’s mouth he found out that the status of a
Holy Maiden was very high within the Deities Templar
hierarchy, with authority surpassing most Elders. A
successor candidate to inherit the Temple Preceptor’s

Huang Xiaolong sighed heavily inside.

He wondered how Li Lu was really faring? What was it with

the Holy Maiden position… an unease had been growing in
his heart in recent days.

Just like that, Huang Xiaolong spent the hour standing in the
yard before he pulled himself together, entered the Xumi
Temple, swallowed a Ghost King Dan and continued

As Huang Xiaolong entered closed-door practice for the

second time in the short time frame, the message about
Huang Xiaolong killing Deities Templar’s Elder Ao Baixue
finally hit every corner of Duanren Empire like a hurricane.

Deities Templar’s Elder Ao Baixue was killed by Huang


This news shook the top and bottom of Duaren Empire’s


Xie Manor.

Xie Puti was cultivating a battle skill in his yard when one of
his subordinates ran in flustered, reporting this news to him.
When Xie Puti heard the news, he was stupefied on the spot,
“Huang Xiaolong killed Deities Templar’s Elder Ao Baixue?!”

“He alone killed a Saint realm expert?!!”

The big sword in Xie Puti’s hand fell, stabbing his own left
foot. Xie Puti screamed in pain as he jumped around in the
yard holding one foot.
Chapter 346: Tearing Into Saint Realm

Bearing a similar reaction to Xie Puti was Emperor Duanren.

Deep inside a secret chamber within the palace grounds,
Emperor Duaren was stupefied on the spot getting the

“Killed a Saint realm!!”

Saint realm!

A Saint realm warrior’s life force was extremely resilient, to

actually kill a Saint realm warrior was an arduous toil. Close
to two thousand years since Emperor Duanren built his
empire, he had yet to hear of fallen a Saint realm expert.
But now, it happened!

After the shock subsided, gratification washed over Emperor

Duanrenㅡglad that he had chosen to stand on Huang
Xiaolong’s side at that time. If not, at this time…!

What truly terrified Emperor Duanren was Huang Xiaolong’s

meager age! Estimating the speed of Huang Xiaolong’s
cultivation speed, didn’t that mean that within a hundred
years’ time, he could kill even high-level Saint realm

Within the Guo Manor, a film of sweat appeared on Ancestor

Guo’s forehead when he received the message, mumbling
repeatedly, “Fortunately, fortunately…” Fortunately, he
saved the marriage alliance with the Huang Family!

Guo Family’s Patriarch, Guo Shiwen laughed, “Ancestor, this

is excellent news! With Xiaolong’s cultivation speed, in a
hundred years, he would probably be Martial Spirit World’s
unrivaled force!”
Guo Chen too was overjoyed, but his face sank in the next
moment, snapping at Guo Shiwen, “Xiaolong? Is Xiaolong a
name you can call? Remember to greet him as Senior Huang
in the future!”

Reasonably, after Guo Tai, as his nephew, married Huang

Min, Guo Shiwen could be considered as half an Elder to
Huang Xiaolong, thus he wasn’t at fault for calling Huang
Xiaolong by name.

Being admonished by the Ancestor, Guo Shiwen was

dumbstruck, quickly nodding profusely, “Yes, yes, it is as
Ancestor says!”

Only then did Guo Chen’s expression loosen, a beaming

smile appeared on his face, “Where’s Min’er?” The Min’er in
his mouth of course referred to Huang Min.

Guo Shiwen hurried to reply, “Min’er and Guo Tai brought

Xiaofan to Southern Hill Estate.”

Guo Chen’s smiled widened, “Right, right, that’s the way it

should be. Let Min’er visit Southern Hill Estate more. Also,
whatever request Min’er and Guo Tai have in the future, you
must agree.”

Guo Shiwen stiffened.

“Other than that, they can enter the Guo Manor’s treasure
room without needing permission, and they can come see
me anytime they want!” Guo Chen added.

Guo Shiwen was totally flabbergasted. Even as Guo Family’s

Patriarch, it wasn’t easy for him to have an audience with
Ancestor unless something major happened that he needed
to report to Guo Chen. But, Huang Min and Guo Tai could
see Guo Chen anytime they want?!
Furthermore, Guo Family’s treasure vault, again even as the
Guo Family’s Patriarch, he still needed prior permission from
Guo Chen before being allowed in, however, Huang Min and
Guo Tai were free to enter as they please…

Located several hundred miles outside of Spring Faun’s

Imperial City was a grandiose palace-like structure where
the Fabled Scimitar Sect built their headquarters.

In the main throne seat of the Fabled Scimitar Sect

headquarter’s great hall sat a middle-aged man with striking
red hair that exuded a fierce aura and thick brows like
blades, the Fabled Scimitar’s Sect’s Sovereign, Jun Wuxin.

At this time, a young man clad in a blue robe was standing

respectfully in the great hall. This young man was none
other than Huo Ping who had his Qi Sea destroyed by Huang
Xiaolong. However, the atmosphere around his was far
stronger than before, seemingly his Qi Sea mended, both
legs, and all ten fingers fully recovered.

“Master, this Huang Xiaolong destroyed my Qi Sea in public,

broke my ten fingers and both legs, showing that he doesn’t
put our Fabled Scimitar Sect and Spring Faun Empire in his
eyes. This hatred, Master absolutely must avenge disciple,
ah!” Huo Ping stepped forward, pleading to his Master. At
the mention of Huang Xiaolong’s name, the hatred burned
in Huo Ping’s eyes.

Jun Wuxin answered with a soft ‘en’. He went on, his voice
sounding like the toll of a heavy bell, “Don’t worry, I already
sent a group of Xiantian Tenth Orders there, as long as
Huang Xiaolong leaves Southern Hill Estate without Zhao
Shu or Zhang Fu’s protection, he will surely die.”
At this time, Jun Wuxin and Huo Ping still didn’t know about
the matter of Huang Xiaolong killing Ao Baixue.

Hearing his Master say so, Huo Ping was ecstatic, quickly
thanking his Master: “Thank you, Master!”

Just as Huo Ping’s words sounded, Jun Wuxin’s eldest

disciple Zhou Qing was seen entering the great hall in a
haste, after saluting to Jun Wuxin, he reported: “Master,
disciple has just received news, saying that not long ago
Deities Templar’s Elder Ao Baixue died in Huang Xiaolong’s

“What?!” Jun Wuxin was astonished.

Huo Ping received an even greater blow, blurting out,

“Impossible, impossible! That Huang Xiaolong has just
broken through Xiantian a few years ago, he’s not even
twenty-three yet!”

Not even twenty-three yet!

Jun Wuxin too found it hard to believe, looking at his eldest

disciple Zhou Qing, “Are you sure this message is true?!”

“True, in more ways than one!” Zhou Qing confirmed.

“Not possible, how can that Huang Xiaolong break into Saint
realm in just a mere few years!” Huo Ping screamed.

Relying on pure talent cannot guarantee one can break

through Saint realm, there was also luck and fortune.

Zhou Qing clarified: “Huang Xiaolong has not broken

through to Saint realm.”
“He did not break through Saint realm?!” This point jarred
Jun Wuxin.

Huo Ping burst out laughing obnoxiously hearing this,

“Didn’t I say it, how could he enter Saint realm, that news
must be fake!”

Obviously, Huo Ping misunderstood Zhou Qing’s meaning,

which indirectly influenced Jun Wuxin. Jun Wuxin too relaxed

Zhou Qing went on, “At the moment, Huang Xiaolong is still
a peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order, but, that Deities Templar
Elder Ao Baixue indeed died in Huang Xiaolong’s hands.”

“What?!” Jun Wuxin jumped from his seat, the expression on

his face turned ugly as he stared at his eldest disciple Zhou
Qing, “You’re saying that Huang Xiaolong killed a Saint
realm expert based on his peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order

Zhou Qing answered with a dignified expression, nodding,

“That’s right, Master.”

This was the most terrifying of all.

In the record of Martial Spirit World’s history, there had

never been an incident where a Xiantian warrior could kill a
Saint realm expert, but now, Huang Xiaolong shattered this
code set in stone since the ancient era.

Huo Ping’s eyes widened exaggeratedly.

“Master, in my opinion, Junior Brother’s matter should end

here.” Zhou Qing approached closer to Jun Wuxin,
persuading cautiously. It was not wise to provoke this kind of
Jun Wuxin hesitated a second before speaking, “Pass my
order, recall the group that was sent out.”

“Master…?!” Huo Ping wanted to plead, but Jun Wuxin shook

his head saying, “Don’t think too much, even if we do not do
anything, Deities Templar will not leave him be.”

While these events were transpiring, Huang Xiaolong was

inside the Godly Mt. Xumi, swallowing a Ghost King Dan and
preparing to attack the Saint realm barrier, not knowing that
the news about him killing Ao Baixue caused a storm in
every corner of Martial Spirit World.

The passage of time flowed. Two months passed in a blink.

In the Xumi Temple, other than refining Ghost King Dans,

Huang Xiaolong absorbed Geocentric Buddha Elixir,
practiced the Godly Xumi Art, the Asura Tactics, and Body
Metamorphose Scripture.

Two months passed, Huang Xiaolong consumed close to

forty pieces of Ghost King Dan, deepening his
comprehension of the space law. His battle qi cultivation
also greatly increased in these two months of refining the
Ghost King Dans.

Huang Xiaolong felt that he was ready to step into the Saint
realm at any time, only a thin film barrier stood between
him and the Saint realm, as long as he pierced through this
thin film barrier, he would be leaving the mundane realm
behind, beginning his journey to supreme achievement,
Saint realm!

His days were spent in the same routine in the Xumi Temple,
practice and more practice.
A little over a month came and went.

Sitting cross-legged in the Ten Buddha Formation, a golden

halo enshrouded Huang Xiaolong’s body, creating a
spherical layer that resonated with the Buddhism energy
within the Ten Buddha Formation. A powerful energy surged
restlessly from Huang Xiaolong’s body, as if it could break
out any second.

The Saint power accumulating in Huang Xiaolong grew

stronger as times went by.
Chapter 347: You Broke Through Half-Saint?

Black and blue twin dragons swirled in the air above Huang
Xiaolong, the dragon might emanating from his body grew
stronger and more intense as time passed and seemingly
faint echoes of dragon roars could be heard.

Simultaneously, in the upper part of Huang Xiaolong’s Qi

Sea, powerful energies, the sacred golden Buddha
luminescence and the dark fiendish glow, rolled and fused,
creating tears in space.

Time ticked by, when all of a sudden, a crack appeared in

the top section of Huang Xiaolong’s Qi Sea. But it was a
minuscule crack, very unstable, real one second and fading
the next.

One day passed.

This tiny, minuscule crack gradually grew bigger, reaching

the size of a thumb and growing more stable as well. The
aureate glow of the Buddha luminescence and the
Archdemon’s dark energy swirled, penetrating into the
opening and blending as one with the growing fissure.

Two days went by.

The fissure continued to enlarge, reaching the size of an

adult’s arm at the end of the two months’ time.

The aura emanating from Huang Xiaolong’s body amplified,

the contrasting Buddha luminescence and devil glow surged
in a neverending manner. The dragon might more than
doubled, its oppressive pressure was overwhelming.

Another month passed.

By now, the fissure in Huang Xiaolong’s Qi Sea reached half
a meter wide and one zhang tall, emitting both devil aura
and Buddha luminescence.

Days passed. In the blink of an eye, two more months went

by. The space rift was now one meter wide, surpassing one
zhang in height, the surging devil aura and Buddha
luminescence grew ever more compelling.

The dragon roars echoing from Huang Xiaolong’s body grew

more frequent and clear, the Saint power accumulating
inside his body began filling the entire temple hall when
Huang Xiaolong suddenly shook. The robe he was wearing
was blasted into pieces as a ray of Saint light shot out from
his Qi Sea straight to the core of his soul. Enshrouded by the
Saint light, his soul trembled, undergoing a baptism and

A long time later, the bright light cocooning Huang Xiaolong

dissipated, the dark devil aura and Buddha luminescence
also vanished from the temple hall, but opening his eyes,
both lights were present in the deep end of his eyes in the
form of a golden Buddha statue and an Archdemon statue!
A vigorous Saint power bubbled forth!

‘I finally broke through to the Saint realm!’ Huang Xiaolong

stood up, unable to hide the mad delight he felt, a
reverberating dragon roar rang from his mouth. The black
and blue twin dragons followed, roaring endlessly.

Saint realm! A realm that was considered as a genuine


Once one broke into the Saint realm, their identity, position,
and status would take a great leap, furthermore, their
lifespan would increase significantly, stretching past the
limit of a millennium. Moreover, in the future, as Huang
Xiaolong would continue to break through to higher realms,
his lifespan would become longer proportionately, two
thousand years, three thousand years, and more!

It took a while for Huang Xiaolong to calm down enough to

check the internal situation of his body.

First of all, his Qi Sea. That rift above his Qi Sea was his
Saint realm space formed from his comprehension of the
space law, and what surprised Huang Xiaolong was that his
Saint realm space differed from Zhao Chen’s and Ao
Baixue’s, whose Saint realm spaces were both were of
singular color. His Saint realm space was a fusion two
colors―gold and black!

Multiple streams of gold and black lights glimmered around

his Saint realm space, Buddha luminescence and devil aura
flickering in and out, sending Huang Xiaolong into a daze.

“This?!” He remembered Zhao Shu mention in the past that

only one type of energy could exist within a Saint realm
warrior’s Saint realm space, but him, his Saint realm space
had two? Did a mutation happen to his Saint realm space
like it did with his martial spirits?

‘It seems I need to ask both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu when I
go out why it’s like this…’ Huang Xiaolong muttered to
himself and then moved on to check other changes in his

Huang Xiaolong’s internal organs and other parts looked as

if they were soaked in the spring of life, vivid vitality was
effervescent from his meridians, veins, even his skin and
hair. Moreover, Huang Xiaolong noticed that his flesh and
muscles were tougher than ever before, every cell
contained terrifying power.
At the very end, Huang Xiaolong scanned his soul, where
one of the most significant transformations took place. In
the past, his soul sea was merely a vast ocean but now, five
new mainlandsㅡmetal, wood, water, fire, and earth
appeared above his soul sea-five elements mainland.

From the five elements mainland, five elements aura

resonated with each other, swirling, forming a protective

Dauntless confidence rose from Huang Xiaolong’s heart that

if he were to battle Zhao Chen once more, just by the raw
strength of his two arms, he was capable of tearing Zhao
Chen into halves. This feeling was born out of the
confidence in his own strength.

Huang Xiaolong was very satisfied looking at his beautifully

chiseled muscles that were close to perfection, yet did not
lack in softness.

En, Huang Xiaolong nodded with appreciation, after

breaking into Saint realm his ‘baggage’ below seemed to
have increased a size bigger.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong took out a light azure

robe from the Asura Ring and put it on. Just as he was about
to do so, he caught sight of the nameless fire tree, which
also grew a little bit taller.

Huang Xiaolong was stunned. Could it be that while he was

in the midst of breaking through the Saint realm, the Saint
power released from his body was beneficial to this
nameless fire tree?
Pondering, Huang Xiaolong lifted a hand and sucked a red
fruit off a branch, swallowing it down. A stream of warm
energy spread inside Huang Xiaolong’s body, comfortable
and delicious to boot. After swallowing the red fruit, Huang
Xiaolong discovered that the energy inside the fruit was
more abundant than the time he first discovered them at
the Broken Tiger Rift. The difference was obvious.

Half an hour later, Huang Xiaolong exited the Godly Mt.


When he walked into the grand hall, his parents, Huang

Peng and Su Yan, younger brother Huang Xiaohai, as well as
both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were there. His sister Huang
Min and brother-in-law Gui Tai had already returned to the
Guo Manor together with the little one, Guo Xiaofan.

“What are you all talking about, being so lively?” Huang

Xiaolong asked, smiling.

“Long’er, you’re out from practice!” Seeing Huang Xiaolong

appeared, joy filled Su Yan’s face as she stood, so did
everyone else.

“Young Lord!” Both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu stepped forward

in their salute.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, took a seat as among the chairs.

“Long’er, did you really kill that Deities Templar Elder Ao

Baixue?” Everyone was seated, Huang Peng couldn’t resist
his curiosity any longer, asking Huang Xiaolong. This matter
had spread far and wide, not only in Duaren Empire, but
nearly all the empires on the Wind Snow Continent were
discussing this subject. To say that every inch of land on
Wind Snow Continent was talking about this was far from an
Hearing Huang Peng ask the crucial question, all eyes in the
hall turned to Huang Xiaolong. All of them knew that when
Huang Xiaolong first returned, there was giant ghost Feng
Yang by his side, perhaps Huang Xiaolong and Feng Yang
killed Ao Baixue together?

Looking at the expressions around him, Huang Xiaolong

smiled, “I killed him.” Huang Xiaolong’s words clearly
confirmed the rumors flying outside.

Huang Xiaohai interjected with enthusiastic excitement, “Big

bro, now all the empires on Wind Snow Continent are talking
about this, you’ve already become the most legendary
figure to come out of the Wind Snow Continent! Even
surpassing our Emperor Duanren!”

Most legendary figure? Huang Xiaolong chuckled hearing

this term.

“Long’er, the rumors outside say you’re already a peak late-

Xiantian Tenth Order?” Su Yan asked. Although she was
Huang Xiaolong’s mother, like everyone else, she found it
hard to believe that Huang Xiaolong had reached such
heights in cultivation.

Due to the uniqueness of Huang Xiaolong’s cultivation

technique, concealing the traces of his aura, not even Zhao
Shu, and Zhang Fu could determine Huang Xiaolong’s actual

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “I just broke through


Broke through!

Huang Peng, Su Yan, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu blanked with

shock, and then joy descended.
“Young Lord, you’re now a half-Saint?” Zhao Shu tried to
determine with expectations in his voice.

An order above peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order was half-

Saint realm.

Huang Xiaolong smiled bitterly inside, before everyone’s

eyes, Huang Xiaolong stopped concealing his aura. The
released power surged out like a tsunami, shaking the
Chapter 348: Beast God Scepter

Huang Xiaolong’s aura spread out like the waves of an

endless sea, rolling and splashing, drowning everything.

Everyone in the grand hall choked at the whelming

pressure. Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were both shocked, they
swiftly projected their own battle qi out to cast a protective
barrier over Huang Peng, Su Yan, and the others to keep
them from being affected too much.

“Saint realm!” At the same time, Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu

blurted out in unison.

Saint realm!

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu’s exclamation echoed in Huang

Peng, Su Yan, Huang Xiaohai, and the others’ ears, sending
a shiver down their backs. Eyes widened a second later
staring at Huang Xiaolong as their mind registered the
meaning of those two words.

Sain-, Saint realm?!!!

The whelming pressure merely lasted a second before it

receded faster than the evening tide, converged inside
Huang Xiaolong’s body. The atmosphere returned to its
previous serenity, causing everyone to feel like that split
second pressure they experienced was nothing but an

The instant Huang Xiaolong converged his aura, in Guo

Manor’s secret chamber, Guo Chen suddenly opened his
eyes. In a flicker he appeared high above the Guo Manor, his
alert eyes scanning all directions.
“Strange, I definitely felt a Saint realm warrior’s aura just
now, how did it disappear without a trace?” Guo Chen
muttered to himself. “That aura absolutely doesn’t belong to
Duanren or that several old fellas. Could it be that some
other unknown Saint realm expert has arrived in Duanren
Imperial City?”

The same time Guo Chen was exploring the situation above
the Guo Manor, above the Duanren Imperial Palace,
Emperor Duanren was performing precisely the same
actions, scanning the area with his spiritual sense, but just
like Guo Chen, it was fruitless. In the end, Emperor Duanren
flew back into the palace feeling puzzled.

When Guo Chen landed back in Guo Manor, Guo Shiwen

approached carefully and asked due to Ancestor’s strange
actions, “Ancestor, just now you…?”

Guo Chen explained, “Just now, I felt a Saint realm expert’s

energy fluctuation, close to the Southern Hill Estate’s
direction, but just as I came out, it vanished.”

In the Southern Hill Estate’s direction? Guo Shiwen was

taken aback, then a thought struck his mind. Without
thinking, he blurted out, “Ancestor, could it be that Senior
Huang broke through the Saint realm?”

Guo Chen was stumped for the briefest second before

shaking his head with a soft chuckle, “Absolutely not
possible, it is too difficult to break into the Saint realm, I
know from experience. As heaven-defying as Huang
Xiaolong’s talent is, there’s no way he could advance into
the Saint realm so fast.”

Guo Shiwen pondered his Ancestor’s words; the Ancestor

had cultivated for several hundred years, only managing to
break through to Saint realm a few years ago after many
hardships. Indeed, no matter how gifted Huang Xiaolong
was, breaking into the Saint realm at this speed was a

“Ancestor, in your opinion, according to Senior Huang’s

cultivation speed, how long will it take him to step into the
Saint realm?” Guo Shiwen asked.

Guo Chen thought for a moment, answering: “Within five

years’ time, he probably could.” In Guo Chen’s mind, Huang
Xiaolong needed at least five years’ time to reach that

At this time, in the Southern Hill Estate’s grand hall, Zhao

Shu and Zhang Fu were smiling ear to ear, taking a step
forward to kneel down on single knee. Saluting towards
Huang Xiaolong, their sonorous voices rang:
“Congratulations Young Lord on advancing to the Saint

Their Sovereign had broken into the Saint realm! This would
greatly increase the Sovereign’s chances in fighting for the
Asura’s Gate position later, therefore, both of them were
extremely happy.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, smiling, “Rise.” Advancing to the

Saint realm also put Huang Xiaolong in a good mood.

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu stood up.

By this point, Huang Peng, Su Yan, Huang Xiaohai, and the

orders finally recovered from their shock, each was happy
and excited, with Huang Peng declaring to the Southern Hill
Estate to hold a celebration feast for three days and three
Huang Xiaolong smiled, consenting to his father’s
enthusiasm. He told Zhao Shu to reward the estate’s
servants, slaves, and guards of Houtian strength a thousand
gold coins each, and the Xiantian realm warriors fifty
thousand gold coins each, on top of a three-day celebration

Still, Huang Xiaolong cautioned Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu not

to disclose the fact that he had broken into the Saint realm.
At this point in time, Huang Xiaolong preferred not to
expose his strength to preying forces outside.

In the next few days, other than refining Ghost King Dans
and Geocentric Buddha Elixir, practicing the Godly Xumi Art,
Asura Tactics, and the Body Metamorphose Scripture to
stabilize his new realm. He also allocated time to practice
the Eminent Holiness Halberd Sutra.

The exalted Eminent Holiness was the strongest Saint King’s

Junior Brother back in the day. Not to mention that this
Eminent Holiness Halberd Sutra was a powerful skill, this
was something Huang Xiaolong experienced when battling
Zhao Chen.

The Eminent Holiness Halberd Sutra contained a total of

nine moves, and even Huang Xiaolong felt strained to
display the last three moves before. Now, trying again after
entering the Saint realm was much easier.

On this particular day, Huang Xiaolong stood in the middle

of his yard, holding a scepter in his hand, fiddling with it
back and forth. This scepter was one of the items he took
from the grass huts in the Eminent Holiness’ hidden space

In fact, Huang Xiaolong would occasionally take the scepter

out to study, hoping to find some clues from it. The feeling
that this scepter held secrets persisted inside him. It was
just that he had yet to get any results.

He tried many ways so far, including dripping blood on it,

trying to refine the scepter, but there wasn’t the slightest

Huang Xiaolong’s gaze was fixed on the beast head carving

decorating the top of the scepter when Zhang Fu walked in,
wanting to report his findings on the Origins Forest when he
caught sight of the beast scepter in Huang Xiaolong’s hand.
Zhang Fu’s actions halted due to shock, eyes widened,
“This? Beast God Scepter?!”

Huang Xiaolong turned around, looking at Zhang Fu: “Beast

God Scepter?”

Zhang Fu approached to get a closer look at the scepter in

Huang Xiaolong’s hand, requesting permission, “Sovereign,
may I have a look?”

Huang Xiaolong passed the beast-ornamented scepter to

Zhang Fu.

Zhang Fu’s hand trembled a little when he reached out to

receive the scepter. Studying the scepter carefully, the more
he looked the more excited he became, his mouth mumbled
incessantly, “It’s really the Beast God Scepter! Really,

Huang Xiaolong didn’t expect Zhang Fu to recognize this

scepter, but he did not rush him, he believed that Zhang Fu
would explain to him in a while.

A short while later, Zhang Fu calmed down, returning the

scepter to Huang Xiaolong with both hands respectfully,
while inquiring with care, “Sovereign, may I ask where you
found this God Beast Scepter?”

Huang Xiaolong took back the scepter, answering Zhang Fu

frankly, “I found this scepter at the bottom of Broken Tiger
Rift in the dwelling left behind by the Eminent Holiness from
the ancient era, but I don’t know the origin of this scepter.”

Eminent Holiness? Evidently, Zhang Fu had not heard of

Eminent Holiness’s name. He said, “Sovereign, this scepter
is very likely the legendary Beast God Scepter, holding the
highest authority in the Beastmen race. It was said that in
ancient times, a Beast God emerged from the Beastmen
race, subjugating hundreds of the Beastmen tribes. Not only
did this Beast God create a Beastmen empire, he led the
Beastmen to unify the Ten Directions Continent.”

“Unified the Ten Directions Continent!” Huang Xiaolong was


In the ancient times, there were strong experts everywhere,

to unify the Ten Directions Continent was a hundred times
harder than unifying the current Wind Snow Continent, yet
this Beast God actually succeeded!

Reverence shone from Zhang Fu’s eyes as he went on, “Yes,

at that time, the Beastmen race led by the Beast God was
extremely powerful, so much that the six ancient kings of
the human race led by the Saint King had to tread carefully
when facing the Beast God. But later, the Beast God
disappeared without a reason, and this Beast God Scepter
was the scepter held by the Beast God during that time. Not
only does it represent the highest authority in the Beastmen
race, it is also the symbol of supreme power on the Ten
Directions Continent.”
Huang Xiaolong looked at the scepter in his hand with

Zhang Fu added, “There is another myth linked to this,

anyone who can find the Beast God Scepter and grasp it’s
secret, they will be able to comprehend the Beast God’s

Huang Xiaolong’s brows scrunched together, to comprehend

this Beast God’s Power was easier said than done. These
days, he tried many different methods that garnered no
reaction at all from the scepter.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong’s expression, Zhang Fu said,

“Sovereign, on the Ten Directions Continent, there is a place
called Beast God Shrine, a monument left behind by the
Beast God and a place that only the Beast God Scepter can
open. In the future, Sovereign can make a trip to the Beast
God Shrine, perhaps at that time there will be an
opportunity, allowing Sovereign to comprehend the Beast
God Scepter.”
Chapter 349: Ruins Of The
Ancient Dragon Clan
Chapter 349: Ruins of the Ancient Dragon Clan

Beast God Shrine!

Only the Beast God Scepter could open it!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes shone with expectation, it seems

that he really needed to make a trip to the Ten Directions
Continent in the near future…

Zhang Fu continued speaking, “Right, Sovereign, you told

me to investigate Domain Chief Chen Tianqi’s motive in
heading to the Origin Forest, this subordinate has found

“Oh, you found his intention?” Huang Xiaolong refocused his

attention to the present, putting away the Beast God
Scepter as he asked Zhang Fu.

“Yes, Domain Chief Chen Tianqi is heading there because a

ruin belonging to the ancient Dragon Clan has surfaced in
the Origins Forest.” Zhang Fu answered.

“Ancient Dragon Clan’s ruins!” Huang Xiaolong was


Ancient Dragon Clan! The strongest clan in the Martial Spirit


Despite that, several tens of thousands of years ago, they

disappeared from the Martial Spirit World. But now, their
ruins actually resurfaced to the world.

Zhang Fu nodded his head, “That’s right, an ancient Dragon

Clan’s ruin, but no one knows the exact location,
information came back confirming for sure that it is
somewhere in the Origins Forest. By now, Wind Snow
Continent’s experts from different empires have got wind of
the information too, and everyone is rushing over to the
Origin Forest. Other than the Wind Snow Continent, experts
from the other two continents, Starcloud Continent, and Ten
Directions are also speeding to enter the Origin Forest.”

Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help recalling the two middle-aged

men he ran into when he ventured into the Ghost Domain,
the Earth Dragon egg he ‘won’ after defeating the two men.
Could it be, that Earth Dragon egg came from the same
ancient Dragon Clan ruin in the Origin Forest?!

The more he thought about it, the more certain he was that
his conclusion was right.

“Sovereign, then do we…?” Zhang Fu inquired, meaning to

ask Huang Xiaolong if they will be heading to Origins Forest

“Go, of course we must go.” Huang Xiaolong said.

He possessed the twin black and blue dragon martial spirits,

and he had absorbed an Earth Dragon egg. Compared to
others, his chances of locating the Ancient Dragon Clan’s
ruin were much higher, he absolutely had to go.

He had just advanced to the Saint realm, following the

normal route, taking Geocentric Buddha Elixir night and day,
practicing the Godly Xumi Art and Asura Tactics daily, it
would take him ten years, maybe even twenty years to
reach Second Order Saint realm.
However, if he managed to get another dragon egg, then it
was a different story altogether. Not to mention, there would
definitely be more than one dragon egg in the Ancient
Dragon Ruin.

The Earth Dragon egg that Huang Xiaolong absorbed last

time, the true dragon essence inside was scant. The Earth
Dragons ranked bottom rung on the Dragon Clan’s
hierarchy. If he could find a golden dragon’s dragon egg, the
amount of true dragon essence would be several times,
even several hundred times more abundant compared to
the Earth Dragon egg.

At this point, Zhao Shu entered the yard from outside to

report, “Sovereign, Duan Ren is here, he would like to see

Duan Ren is here? In the next moment, Huang Xiaolong

already guessed Duan Ren’s reason for coming to see him,
without a doubt, he also received news about the Origin

“Let’s go, let us go meet him.” Huang Xiaolong said.

The three of them arrived at the grand hall a moment later.

Waiting in the grand hall, other than Duan Ren, were Duan
Wuhen and two old men clad in golden battle gear.

Huang Xiaolong had seen these two old men before inside
the Duanren Institute, both were part of the five Honorable
Saint Masters, guardians of Duanren Institute.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu

arrived, the four people in the hall stood up.
“Young Noble Huang, Mister Zhao.” Duan Ren took a few
steps forward in greeting. Duan Wuhen and the two old men
behind followed Duan Ren, greeting respectfully.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, indicating everyone to take a seat,

doing the same himself.

“Young Noble Huang, have you heard about the Ancient

Dragon Clan ruins in the Origin Forest?” Once seated,
Emperor Duanren broached the subject with a frank and
honest stance.

Indeed, Emperor Duanren made this visit for this sole


Huang Xiaolong smiled, “I have just found out a moment

ago, and was just planning to make a trip over to the Origin

Emperor Duanren’s face lit up at Huang Xiaolong’s answer,

laughing he said, “Before coming here, I was thinking about
joining forces with Young Noble Huang and Mister Zhao, we
were also planning to head to the Origin Forest.”

“Good.” Huang Xiaolong nodded in agreement.

Earlier, when Huang Xiaolong guessed Emperor Duanren’s

purpose for meeting him, he already made a decision. Thus,
when Duan Ren spoke of the matter frankly, Huang Xiaolong
agreed to an alliance with no deliberation.

After all, this time there would be empire level experts from
all three continents, when it came down to a fight, it was kill
or be killed. As such, it was always good to have more
strength and power.
Subsequently, both mentioned some terms in regards to the

When facing enemies, both sides would join hands to deal

with the enemy, advancing and retreating in the same
breath. Treasures belonged to whoever found them.

When all was agreed upon, Huang Xiaolong said, “Since

things are settled, everyone should get ready to depart in
two hours towards the Origin Forest.”

“Agreed.” Emperor Duanren stood up, bid farewell to Huang

Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu, leaving the Southern Hill
Estate back to Duanren Palace with Duan Wuhen and the
two old men behind him to prepare the necessary things
and assembled in Southern Hill Estate in two hours’ time.

After Emperor Duanren left, Huang Xiaolong went to see his

parents, informing them that he would head to the Origins

Hearing that their son wanted to leave again, both parents’

faces were filled with sadness.

“Long’er, you must be very careful heading to the Origin

Forest.” Su Yan’s eyes were red as she implored Huang

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “I will. Mother, rest assured,

nothing will happen, your son is now a Saint realm expert.”

Listening to her son, Su Yan wiped away her tears with a

smile, “It’s just that, my heart feels uneasy.” This unease
inevitably made her worried.

She looked over to Zhao Shu, “Mister Zhao, I leave Young

Lord’s safety in your hands.”
Zhao Shu took a step forward, respectfully saying, “Please
rest assured, Madame.”

Two hours later, Duan Ren’s group of three returned to

Southern Hill Estate to convene with Huang Xiaolong. Sent
off with Huang Peng and Su Yan’s teary faces, Huang
Xiaolong and his group made their way out of Duanren
Imperial City.

This time, Duan Ren brought the same two old men,
whereas Huang Xiaolong only brought Zhao Shu and giant
ghost Feng Yang. Zhang Fu, Yu Ming, and the rest remained
in Southern Hill Estate to protect everyone’s safety.

Initially, Duan Ren wanted to bring his son Duan Wuhen

along, however, considering Duan Wuhen’s strength, he
could only scrape the thought.

All six people in the group were Saint realm experts, rushing
all the way at fast speed, in half a month’s time, they cut
through Spring Faun Empire, entering High Sun Empire’s
demesne. As long as they passed through High Sun Empire,
they would arrive at the Origin Forest.

Night, hazy moonlight shone down the foggy darkness. Their

vision only went as far as the five fingers with their arms
extended out.

The six people stopped in a barren hill slope in High Sun


“Why don’t we rest here for the night and continue

tomorrow?” Huang Xiaolong suggested.

Emperor Duanren has no opinion, hence all six people

landed on the small hill peak. Initiating the true essence fire
in his dantian, with a wave of his hand, a spark of flame fell
on the ground. Huang Xiaolong already built fire for the
night, stunning Emperor Duanren and the others as Huang
Xiaolong’s true essence fire need not rely on wood to burn.
When the fire fell on the ground, it burned with great
brightness, lighting the peak like it was daylight.

Zhao Shu had seen too many unbelievable things in the

years he stayed with Huang Xiaolong, now, not many things
related to Huang Xiaolong could surprise him as they did
before. But Duan Ren and the other two old men were

Exchanging glances amongst themselves, they saw their

own shock mirrored in each other’s eyes.

Everyone gathered around the fire to rest for the night.
Chapter 350: I’Ll Take
Them All
Chapter 350: I’ll Take Them All

When Duan Ren sat down, he couldn’t resist casting a quick

glance at Feng Yang behind Huang Xiaolong, his large body
hidden wholly under a large black hooded cloak. The days
they had been traveling, Feng Yang did not utter a word, but
there was a sui generis atmosphere coming from Feng Yang
that made Duan Ren feel slightly uncomfortable. This
atmosphere was something innate, which made Dua Ren
wonder about the background of Huang Xiaolong’s

However, Huang Xiaolong did not say anything and it wasn’t

Duan Ren’s place to ask. Like Duan Ren, the two old
guardians of Duanren Institute were also curious about Feng
Yang’s identity, but regardless of the many possibilities that
crossed the three people’s minds, they never would have
imagined that Feng Yang was actually an otherworldly
creature—a ghost.

In the Martial Spirit World’s long history, only the Ghost King
of that era was able to subjugate ghosts.

The night passed in silence, without any words.

The morning sun rose from the eastern horizon, its bright
rays dispersing the morning fog. What shocked Duan Ren
was that the true essence fire burned throughout the night
without requiring any burning fuel, unchanging. When
everyone stood up, preparing to continue their journey for
the day, Huang Xiaolong retrieved the true essence fire with
a casual hand flick, keeping it back in his dantian.

This bizarre scene once again caused Duan Ren and the two
old men’s eyes to go round in wonder.

Duan Ren looked at Huang Xiaolong, the sword-shaped

brows and bright clear eyes, the face that was slightly too
charming, he increasingly felt that he couldn’t see through
the youth in front of him.

“Let’s go.” Huang Xiaolong said after retrieving the true

essence fire into his body, he was the first to fly off.

Only then did Duan Ren recover from his gaffe. The rest
quickly caught up to Huang Xiaolong.

The group continued to accumulate miles at high speed.

Five days later, the group arrived at the northernmost point

of High Sun Empire, the Rising Sun City. It was a day with
harsh sun and strong wind.

Huang Xiaolong stood some distance from the Rising Sun

City’s gates, observing the endless line of carts and horse
carriages, then he said solemnly, “We’ll enter the city for a
short break, we should take this chance to understand the
Origin Forest’s current situation.”

“Very well.” Duan Ren agreed. He was thinking along the

same line. They already reached the Rising Sun City, there
was no hurry to rush into the Origin Forest blindly. Hence,
the group made their way into the Rising Sun City.

Although the Rising Sun City wasn’t High Sun Empire’s

imperial city, it was one of the empire’s bigger cities. With
its strategic location being close to the Origin Forest, its
prosperity and liveliness didn’t lose out to Duanren Imperial
City in any way.

Huang Xiaolong also noticed that Xiantian realm warriors

were a common sight here, one could even see high-level
Xiantian realm warriors here and there.

For some kingdoms, Xiantian realm warriors were the pillars

of strength, but here, Xiantian warriors weren’t worth much,
to the point that the majority of the shopkeepers here were
Xiantian realm warriors. Zhao Shu, Duan Ren, and the rest
were also surprised seeing so many Xiantian realm warriors.

In Duanren Imperial City, there was a probability of one in

ten thousand people for a Xiantian to appear, in this Rising
Sun City however, the ratio was closer to one Xiantian realm
warrior in a hundred people.

The group walked the streets, following the flow. A while

later, they stopped in front of a building called Smooth
Voyage Inn.

The layout and ornamentation of Smooth Voyage Inn were

glorious and impressive to the extent that the Unforgettable
Intoxication Restaurant in Duanren Imperial City seemed
paltry in comparison. The Smooth Voyage Inn’s business
was booming, with an endless stream of patrons walking in
and out of the establishment, each clad in various styles of
clothing. Judging from the looks, most of the warriors had
rushed over for the same reason as them—the Ancient
Dragon Clan’s ruin in Origin Forest.

Huang Xiaolong and his group stepped into the inn.

For information gathering, eating places like this that

gathered all kinds of people were the best. Huang Xiaolong
scanned the ground floor, nearly all of the over a hundred
tables arranged were occupied. At this point, a lil server
came up to welcome Huang Xiaolong’s group.

His main purpose was to collect information, so instead of

going up to the first or second floor, Huang Xiaolong simply
picked an empty table on the ground floor.

Taking a seat, Huang Xiaolong asked the lil server, “What’s

the best wine you have here?”

No matter where Huang Xiaolong went, he rarely lacked

good wine.

The lil server grinned, “Young Noble, our highest quality

wine is the Origin Wine, brewed from a hundred kinds of
herbs and fruits collected from the Origin Forest, but the
price isn’t low, every jug is two hundred thousand gold

“Oh~, two hundred thousand gold coins?” Huang Xiaolong

was astonished. The most expensive wine Huang Xiaolong
tasted was the Sapidity Wine in Duanren Institute that only
cost him ten thousand gold coins a jug. He didn’t expect this
Origin Wine to cost so many times more.

The lil server added, “Young Noble, other than the Origin
Wine, we also have Dragon Tiger Wine, the Monkey Wine is
also very good, only several hundred gold coins.” The lil
server thought that the Origin Wine was too expensive for
Huang Xiaolong from his astonishment, thus he
recommended other cheaper wines. He had seen too many
of the same reactions from guests upon hearing the Origin
Wine’s price.

After all, people who were willing to pay two hundred

thousand gold coins for a jug of wine were few and far
Huang Xiaolong didn’t mind the lil server’s
misunderstanding, saying, “Firstly, bring five jugs of Origin
Wine and a table of your best dishes.”

Firstly, bring five jugs! The lil server looked dumbfounded,

“Young Noble, are you sure you want to order Origin Wine?”
Five jugs, that was a million gold coins!

Huang Xiaolong nodded. He took out a spatial ring, opened

the restrictions on it and placed it on the table, allowing the
lil server to clearly see the piles upon piles of mountain high
gold coins in the space inside. This spatial ring once
belonged to Blood Dragon City’s Li Li before it became
Huang Xiaolong’s property after killing her.

Looking at the numerous mountain high gold coins inside

the spatial ring, the lil server trembled, unsure if it was from
fright or excitement. In the next second, the lil server’s
attitude turned a hundred and eighty degrees, nodding
profusely, displaying his utmost respect, telling Huang
Xiaolong to wait for a moment while he scurried off in a jiffy
to have the orders prepared.

Very soon, the lil server returned with five jugs of Origin
Wine and served a table full of fragrant dishes. After serving
the wine and dishes, the lil server did not leave, instead, he
waited close to Huang Xiaolong in a complaisant manner, in
case Huang Xiaolong had more orders.

One of the two Duanren Institute’s Honorable Saint Masters

unsealed a random jug, filling out five wine bowls for
everyone. Five because giant ghost Feng Yang remained
standing loyally behind Huang Xiaolong.

Grabbing one of the wine bowls, Huang Xiaolong raised it,

“Brother Duan Ren, please.”
Duan Ren quickly raised his wine bowl, “Young Noble Huang,
Mister Zhao, please.” Duan Ren clinked his bowl with Huang
Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and the two companions before gulping
a mouthful of wine.

The liquid eased down the throat with fiery smoothness,

primal, pristine, mellowing into a warm gentleness akin to
being transported from one era to the next, everchanging,
leaving one in reverie and longing for another taste.

The lil server watched Huang Xiaolong, his nerves strung


Huang Xiaolong nodded happily, “Not bad.”

This Origin Wine was a grade higher than Duanren

Institute’s Sapidity Wine. Hearing Huang Xiaolong’s
compliment, the lil server breathed in relief inwardly.

“How many jugs of this wine do you have left?” Huang

Xiaolong asked the lil server.

The lil server blanked for a moment, “There are still five
hundred and thirty-two jugs in the cellar.”

Huang Xiaolong said, “I’ll take them all.”

“All, all of them?” The lil server stammered.

“I cannot?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

“No, no, can, of course you can!” The lil server replied
hastily, even though this kind of thing had never happened
in the inn, it was just the same. There was no rule saying
that guests cannot buy all of them. The lil server excused
himself and quickly ran off.
Huang Xiaolong laughed, explaining to Duan Ren and the
rest, “Other than practice, I don’t have many hobbies except
for good wine.”

Those at the table chuckled cordially.

Moments later, the lil server returned, but this time, he

wasn’t alone. The lil server was a step behind a tubby
middle-aged man. Apparently, this middle-aged man was
the inn owner.

Huang Xiaolong action of wanting to buy all the remaining

Origin Wine naturally alerted him.
Chapter 351: Guarantee
That You Can’T Stop
Heaping Praises
Chapter 351: Guarantee That You Can’t Stop Heaping

As the inn owner approached Huang Xiaolong’s table, the lil

server explained, “Owner, this is the Young Noble who
intends to buy all the remaining Origin Wine.”

The inn owner was full of smiles speaking to Huang

Xiaolong, “I heard that Young Noble wants to buy all the
remaining Origin Wine. Honestly, our inn has no rule saying
that guests cannot buy all of them, but considering the
guests coming in later, can I offer Young Noble five hundred
jugs?” The inn owner was extremely cordial.

Five hundred jugs? Huang Xiaolong nodded, “You can.” It

wasn’t like he absolutely had to buy all the wine.

The inn owner’s tension left his body seeing Huang Xiaolong
agreeing so readily. Then, Huang Xiaolong paid one hundred
million gold coins to the inn owner. The latter left to prepare
the Origin Wine for Huang Xiaolong after receiving payment,
requesting Huang Xiaolong to wait momentarily.

Huang Xiaolong and the rest continued to talk and drink

while paying attention to the discussions happening around
them as the inn owner left to make preparation.
“We don’t even know if this rumored Ancient Dragon ruin is
real, it has already been half a year yet there hasn’t been
anyone who found its location.”

“It’s probably real, but whether real or fake, it has nothing

to do with us, we’re just here to add some liveliness.”

“That’s right, even if we’re lucky enough to get a dragon

egg, we probably won’t live long enough.”

Several people at a table nearby talked amongst

themselves. At the same time, at another table, someone
else spoke: “I heard that Deities Templar also sent someone
here this time!”

“Who says there’s only Deities Templar, even Starcloud

Continent’s Asura’s Gate Sovereign Chen Tianqi is here, as
well as Ten Directions Continent’s Beastmen King, Lu

Asura’s Gate Sovereign Chen Tianqi? Huang Xiaolong’s

brows furrowed. This Chen Tianqi actually dared to proclaim
himself as Asura’s Gate’s Sovereign, since people were
recounting the matter as if it was fact, then it there was no
doubt about it.

Whereas Zhao Shu issued a disdainful snort hearing that


“Mister Zhao, you’re…?” Noticing the change in Zhao Shu’s

face, Duan Ren inquired.

“It’s nothing.” Zhao Shu shook his head.

At this time, the inn owner returned. However, there was a

bearded thin man following behind him. The inn owner
stood in front of Huang Xiaolong with a chagrined face,
“Young Noble, my apologies, that, Origin Wine, we can only
sell ten jugs to you.”

“Ten jugs?” Huang Xiaolong maintained a calm expression,

waiting for the inn owner to continue.

The inn owner went on, “Just now, our Rising Sun City’s
Castellan Manor’s Steward Chen bought the rest of the
Origin Wine, therefore, therefore…” words spoke until this
point, the meaning was clearer than daylight. He pointed to
the thin bearded man behind him, introducing, “This is our
Castellan Manor’s Steward Chen.”

That Steward Chen nodded with a slight uppity attitude,

“Our Castellan’s original intent was to buy all the remaining
Origin Wine, however, in order to give face to the inn owner,
we acquiesced to give ten jugs to you.”

Listening to what he said, it sounded as if the inn owner did

not ‘plead’ for Huang Xiaolong, he wouldn’t be able to buy
even one jug. Emperor Duanren, Zhao Shu, and everyone at
the table were frowning.

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong sounded apathetic.

That Steward Chen chuckled in a menacing manner, “Brat,

let me tell you, this time, the reason our Castellan bought all
the Origin Wine is to treat several Deities Templar’s Elders
at the Castellan Manor.” An undisguised complacent
expression plastered on Steward Chen’s face. In his opinion,
Huang Xiaolong would be pissing in his pants at the mention
of Deities Templar.

Obviously, being chosen to host Deities Templar’s Elders at

the Castellan Manor was a glory, something countless sects
and renowned families could only dream of.
While Steward Chen reveled in his ‘importance’, Huang
Xiaolong instructed Feng Yang, who stood behind him: “Kill!”

“Yes, Owner.” Giant ghost Feng Yang acknowledged with


Before Steward Chen understood what was happening, Feng

Yang’s silhouette arrived in front of him in a speedy blur.
Then, five fingers shaped into claws that grabbed the crown
of Steward Chen’s head.

Steward Chen was merely a Xiantian Tenth Order warrior,

sorely lacking against an opponent like Feng Yang. Before
Feng Yang, Steward Chen could barely muster the thought
to resist, he was locked in place by Feng Yang’s hand in an

Feng Yang’s fingers pierced right into Steward Chen’s skull

easily and started sucking. Right in front the inn owner’s
terrified eyes, Steward Chen was sucked dry like a deflated

A few seconds later, Feng Yang returned standing on the

same spot behind Huang Xiaolong, without any ripples of
emotion in his eyes.

Steward Chen’s stiff corpse crashed to the floor without


Other guests exclaimed noticing the incident at Huang

Xiaolong’s table, causing a small ruckus in the inn. Still,
Rising Sun City was located at a close distance to the Origin
Forest, killings and fights took place on a daily basis, thus,
the incident did not cause more than startled hustle.

Emperor Duanren and the two Duanren Institute’s old man

stared in shock at Feng Yang standing still behind Huang
Xiaolong. The intense ghost aura that broke out from Feng
Yang’s body the instant he moved was clearly felt by the
three of them.

A Saint realm ghost?!

The three people exchanged a look amongst them. Until this

moment, Duan Ren still found it hard to believe, because he
couldn’t comprehend how Huang Xiaolong could subjugate a
ghost creature, moreover, one that had advanced into the
Saint realm.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the inn owner impassively, “If I

remember correctly, I am the one who bought the remaining
Origin Wine first.”

The inn owner was jolted back to reality at Huang Xiaolong’s

voice, his throat felt itchy and dry as he hastened to answer
Huang Xiaolong, “Yes, it was Young Noble who bought

“So, what about now?” The gaze in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes


Beads of sweat trickled down from the inn owner’s forehead.

He blurted out, “They belong to Young Noble, all of them!”

“Go bring the five hundred jugs that I bought, now.” Huang
Xiaolong reproached, no longer in the same amiable manner
he showed earlier.

“Yes, yes, Young Noble, please wait a moment.” The inn

owner quickly ran off, he had seen it just now, that tall giant
man behind the Young Noble was most likely a Saint realm
Merely a slave was a Saint realm expert?! The more he
thought about it, the more frightened the inn owner

Watching the inn owner run away, Huang Xiaolong sneered.

Deities Templar?

After only a few breaths’ time, the inn owner returned with
the five hundred jugs of Origin Wine that Huang Xiaolong
had paid for.

On another side, on the main seat of the Rising Sun City

Castellan Manor’s hall sat an alluring woman clad in a pastel
green dress. She was none other than Li Lu’s Master, Li

In the seat below her sat Yao Family’s Old Ancestor, Yao
Shan and next to him was Yao Fei. Other than them, there
were three other old men wearing Deities Templar’s Elder

All six people were seated, but Rising Sun City’s Castellan,
Wang Cong, dared not sit. He was bowing and smiling
eagerly as he stood in the hall.

Wang Cong faced Li Molin with a flattering smile, “ Elder Li,

and all Elders, our Rising Sun City’s Origin Wine is absolutely
superior, I guarantee that Elders won’t be able to stop
heaping praises after tasting it.”

However, Li Molin did not show much of an interest,

“Really?” She pointed at the last chair at the end of the hall,
“You sit too.”
“Yes, thank you Elder Li.” Wang Cong was overjoyed,
moving swiftly to the chair at the end and sat down.

But, at this time, a Castellan Manor guard ran into the hall
looking flustered. Wang Cong’s brows tightened as he
snapped at the guard in a low, restrained voice, “What
happened? Where’s the Origin Wine I ordered you to get?”
This was one of the guards who followed Steward Chen out
to the Smooth Voyage Inn.

The guard dropped to his knees in apprehension, wailing

bitterly, “Castellan, Steward Chen was killed, and the Origin
Wine we ordered was all forcefully bought away by someone

“What?!” Wang Cong jumped up from his chair, nerves

stretched taut.
Chapter 352: Huang Xiaolong!

The news was unexpected to Li Molin and the others in the

hall, there were people who dared to kill the Rising Sun City
Castellan’s steward inside the city area itself.

However, with the news of the Ancient Dragon Clan ruin

spreading out, many outsiders gathered in Rising Sun City
before entering the Origin Forest, thus it wasn’t strange to
have one or two reckless daredevils amongst them.

Wang Cong looked extremely gloomy as he stared at the

guard who ran back to report, “What exactly happened?
Start from the beginning.” His manor’s steward was killed
within the Rising Sun City, moreover, a group of Deities
Templar’s Elders were watching right now, this matter was
making him lose great face.

That guard dared not conceal any details, truthfully spilling

everything out.

Initially, Li Molin and the Deities Templar Elders weren’t so

bothered with what happened, but when the guard
mentioned that Steward Chen specifically informed the
other party that this Origin Wine was for Deities Templar
Elders’ entertainment, yet he still killed that Steward Chen
and then proceeded to buy all the remaining Origin Wine, Li
Molin’s face didn’t look very good.

By the time that guard finished recounting what happened,

Li Molin harrumphed coldly. The hall temperature plunged

Wang Cong and the guard shivered involuntarily at the

sudden frigid air inside the hall.
A cold snicker came from Yao Fei at this moment, “There are
actually people that dared not to put Deities Templar in their
eyes? It seems our Deities Templar is still lacking in prestige,
it needs to be enhanced a little bit more.”

Yao Shan spoke in agreement, “It’s also good this way,

taking this chance where there are many experts gathered
here in Rising Sun City from different regions. Kill one to
deter a hundred. Let’s see if there’s anyone who dares to
look down on our Deities Templar in the future!”

Li Molin nodded her head, “Yao Shan, Yao Fei, the five of you
make a trip to that Smooth Voyage Inn. Remember,
regardless of identity, whoever that person is, kill without

Yao Shan, Yao Fei, and the other three Deities Templar Elders
all stood up, acknowledging Li Molin’s order respectfully.

“Please rest assured, Elder Li, after killing those ignorant

people, we will hang their corpses above the Rising Sun city
gates for a full month. Let all those experts passing by
knows the consequences of offending Deities Templar!” Yao
Fei stated, his voice filled with righteousness.

Li Molin nodded her head in satisfaction, “Go.”

Yao Shan and the four excused themselves and retreated

from the hall. Guided by Wang Cong and his subordinates,
the five Deities Templar Elders marched toward the Smooth
Voyage Inn.

Smooth Voyage Inn.

Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Duan Ren, and the two Duanren
Institute Honorable Saint Masters continued raising their
wine bowls, enjoying their drinks in the same placid manner.

Early on, Huang Xiaolong had the inn owner remove

Steward Chen’s corpse, as to not affect his drinking mood.

“Young Lord, I wonder who Deities Templar sent over this

time.” As the drinking continues, Zhao Shu wondered.

Huang Xiaolong replied, “We’ll know in a while.”

It was not possible for Deities Templar to keep quiet and

swallow down what took place earlier, perhaps right at this
moment they were already making a beeline from the Rising
City Castelan Manor towards Smooth Voyage Inn.

The initially full and lively ground floor was now mostly
empty and quiet, the other customers were afraid that
disaster would befall upon them by association, so the
majority of guests had paid and ran for their lives. Only a
handful of people stayed to maintain their reputation and to
watch a good show.

Huang Xiaolong did not wait long, very soon a loud

commotion outside signaled the arrival of Deities Templar’s

“The people from Castellan Manor are here!”

“They are Deities Templar Elders! There are actually five of


The crowd on the street was shocked. Every Deities Templar

Elder was a Saint realm expert. Five Saint realm experts
showed up!
Hiding in a corner, all the color drained from the inn owner’s
face when he heard someone shouting that five Deities
Templar Elders came. If they directed their wrath at him,
even dying a hundred times over wouldn’t be enough.

Hearing the commotion noises outside, Huang Xiaolong said

to the people at the table, “Deities Templar is really
generous, sending five Saint realm experts at once. It seems
we can only finish our wine later.”

Just as Huang Xiaolong finished speaking, the inn’s main

entrance was blasted off. Castellan’s Manor guards stormed
inside in an instant, encircling the perimeter so tightly that
even a fly couldn’t maneuver through the gaps. Yao Fei and
his group strolled into the inn leisurely, accompanied by the

Strolling into the inn, Yao Fei’s eyes scanned around. When
he sighted Huang Xiaolong’s table, his expression changed,
exclaiming aloud: “Huang Xiaolong!”

Yao Shan also noticed Huang Xiaolong’s group, and Duan

Ren being among them: “Duan Ren!”

The crowd was stirred once again with Yao Fei’s voice
echoing in the air.

“Huang Xiaolong? Could it be the same Huang Xiaolong who

killed Deities Templar’s Elder Ao Baixue?!”

Experts from all over waiting to watch a good show were

stunned knowing Huang Xiaolong’s identity. Following the
angle of Yao Fei’s eyes, everyone’s gazes fell on Huang

Sensing the many gazes falling on him, Huang Xiaolong was

amazed, it seems he was quite famous? Even this far in
High Sun Empire there were people who had heard his

Huang Xiaolong slowly stood up from his seat. Zhao Shu,

Duan Ren, and the others followed, whereas Yao Fei,
retreated a step back out of reflex seeing Huang Xiaolong
standing up.

Seeing this little action, Huang Xiaolong laughed, “Yao Fei,

didn’t you want to kill me this whole time? Come on, make
your move. Don’t tell me you forgot that year in Duanren
Institute when I forced you to eat a big barrel of shit!”

That year in Duanren Institute, Yao Fei kidnapped Huang

Xiaolong’s parents. Enraged, Huang Xiaolong made Yao Fei
swallow a barrelful of feces when he found him. At the end,
if it weren’t for Li Molin, Yao Shan, and the rest appearing,
Yao Fei wouldn’t have lived past that day.

Eat shit? Shocked eyes from the crowd were focused on Yao

An Elder of Deities Templar was forced to eat a barrel of shit

by Huang Xiaolong?! All the experts had weird expressions
on their faces looking at Yao Fei.

Whereas Yao Fei was extremely sullen, glowering at Huang

Xiaolong, killing intent erupted in his eyes. How could he
forget what happened that year, ever since that time
onward, Yao Fei’s hate toward Huang Xiaolong reached an
unprecedented intensity.

In these few years, every time he remembered the scene of

being forced to eat shit in front of the Duanren Institute’s
students, he so dearly wished that Huang Xiaolong was right
in front of him so he could tear him into pieces.
Spidery red veins appeared in Yao Fei’s eyes, turning red.
His eyes never strayed from Huang Xiaolong as he gritted
his teeth.

Huang Xiaolong remained impassive. Noticing the Deities

Templar Elder robe on Yao Fei, he said, “It seems you have
broken through to Saint realm. How about this, Yao Fei, I’ll
stand here, allowing you to attack. As long as you can make
me retreat half a step, I will let you go.”

At the same time, Zhao Shu, Duan Ren, and the other two
Saint realm warriors had each locked onto a Deities Templar
Elder opponent.

Huang Xiaolong’s words shocked the crowd agape once


Many of the experts present felt that Huang Xiaolong’s

behavior was too audacious, even though half a year ago
there was a rumor saying that Huang Xiaolong killed Deities
Templar Elder, Ao Baixue, he was merely a peak late-
Xiantian Tenth Order. Strong as he was, it was impossible for
Huang Xiaolong to stand still and take a Saint realm expert’s
attack without so much as retreating half a step!

Yao Fei’s face became gloomier than before, his fists were
tightly clenched with green veins jumping out.

“What’s the matter? You lack the guts to attack?” Huang

Xiaolong taunted.

Yao Fei’s temper flared. Roaring angrily, the energy around

him escalated, releasing his Saint power with no restraint.
Yao Fei’s martial spirit materialized above him, a gigantic
silhouette shrouded in darkness, the Dark Malevolent
Sovereign, the king of darkness.
Yao Fei wasted no time and soul transformed immediately, a
wild black fire cloaked his body.

“Huang Xiaolong, that year you were just a measly Xiantian

Second Order, I don’t believe that your strength would be
stronger than me today!” Yao Fei hollered.

When Yao Fei was forced to eat shit, he was already a peak
late-Xiantian Tenth Order, while Huang Xiaolong was a mere
Xiantian Second Order. That year, he could have squashed
Huang Xiaolong to death anytime, and now, several years
later, he refused to believe that Huang Xiaolong could be
stronger than him!

Although he had just broken through to the Saint realm not

long ago, his strength was comparable to a late-First Order
Saint realm.

Yao Fei’s silhouette vanished in a flicker, crossing the short

distance between Huang Xiaolong and him. His fist struck
out faster than quicksilver.

A monstrous devil energy sprung forth as Huang Xiaolong

transformed into the Asura Physique. At the same time, a
golden ray of light whirled endlessly around Huang
Xiaolong’s body.
Chapter 353: Not One Of
Them Leaves
Chapter 353: Not One of Them Leaves

A loud boom rendered the air…

Yao Fei’s punch hit Huang Xiaolong’s chest accurately, right

above the heart! The crowd was dumbfounded seeing
Huang Xiaolong remaining still as if he really planned to use
his flesh to withstand Yao Fei’s full force attack.

Including Yao Fei himself. He didn’t expect Huang Xiaolong

to really stand still and receive his strongest attack head-on
merely relying on his body’s defense.

But in the next moment, everyone’s eyes nearly fell out of

their sockets. Huang Xiaolong, who took Yao Fei’s full force
punch on the chest, remained standing, stable as a

Yao Shan, the three Deities Templar Elders, Wang Cong, and
those around were agape, astounded. The inn owner’s
breathing became short-winded.

Catching the shock flitting passed Yao Fei’s eyes, Huang

Xiaolong sneered, “Surprised? Although I was just a Xiantian
Second Order a few years ago, sorry to disappoint, but my
strength now indeed surpasses yours.” A powerful surge of
energy surged from Huang Xiaolong’s chest, sending Yao Fei
tumbling back , flying to a corner.
“Fei’er!” Yao Shan cried out, but just as he was about to
catch Yao Fei from falling, a violent power locked onto him.
Alarmed, Yao Shan immediately countered with his palm
striking out. The collision forced Yao Shan back several

After he regained balance, Yao Shan glared furiously at Zhao

Shu. it was none other than Zhao Shu who hindered him
from helping Yao Fei just now.

At this point, Yao Fei was sent flying out the doorway,
crashing onto the street outside, the pavement shattered
and zig-zag lines crawled the street due to the strong
impact. Yao Fei’s Deities Templar Elder robe was dyed red
with the blood from his mouth, the majestic black flames
shrouding his body faded to a dull color.

Huang Xiaolong sneered watching Yao Fei crash on the

street outside. Lifting his foot, Huang Xiaolong slowly walked
toward Yao Fei.

When he killed Ao Baixue, he was still a peak late-Xiantian

Tenth Order, now that he had broken through to Saint realm,
even a Second Order Saint realm would be harried to injure
him, what more an infant Saint realm warrior such as Yao
Fei? In short, to kill a newly broken through Saint realm
warrior like Yao Fei, Huang Xiaolong need not even summon
his martial spirits.

However, at this time, an angry roar came from Yao Shan as

he lunged forward to attack Huang Xiaolong. But, the
moment he moved, Zhao Shu was already blocking in front
of his path, deflecting Yao Shan’s attack away from Huang

A battle ensued between the three Deities Templar Elders

and Duan Ren’s group.
Destructive energy rippled inside the inn, spreading out to
nearby restaurants and shops, their structures were
pulverized into sand and dust, and pieces of street
pavement flipped into the air.

Experts watching from the sidelines that dodged too slow

had only one ending—their bodies exploded, turning into
blood-rain splattering down on the streets. High-level
Xiantian realm warriors were no exception.

Although high-level Xiantian realm warriors’ fleshly bodies

were powerful, in front of Saint realm experts, they were
nothing but paper tiger.

Yao Fei struggled to stand up with awkward movements.

Watching Huang Xiaolong gradually coming closer to him,
the hatred in Yao Fei’s eyes grew more intense, an enraged
roar rang harsh, “Why?! Why! I don’t believe, I refuse to

The dark black flames around his body became vivid once
more, shrouding the immediate proximity, expanding to a
larger area like they wanted to swallow Huang Xiaolong
whole into the darkness.

Despite that, when the dark black flames got close to Huang
Xiaolong, they seemed to meet with an invisible barrier and
were forced to circumvent him.

Huang Xiaolong continued to approach Yao Fei, the look in

his eyes icy. In a quick flash, the Eminent Holiness Halberd
appeared in Huang Xiaolong’s palm, thrusting out at Yao Fei
and raising layers of waves that overwhelmed the dark
black flames, sending them back towards their owner.

In the next second, halberd shadows overcast the sky,

falling down like a brilliant meteor shower. Before anyone
could see what happened, the Eminent Holiness Halberd
had pierced through Yao Fei’s torso.

“Fei’er!” Seeing Huang Xiaolong’s had halberd pierced

through Yao Fei’s chest, Yao Shan was both anxious and
angry. Unfortunately, in that split second of distraction,
Zhao Shu landed a punch on him, sending Yao Shan flying in
the opposite direction.

Despite being the Yao Family’s Ancestor and having

advanced into the Saint realm for many years, cultivating
until the Sixth Order Saint realm, how could Yao Shan be
Zhao Shu’s opponent? Hence, he ended up just like Yao Fei,
defeated in a few breaths’ time.

Huang Xiaolong did not immediately pull out the Eminent

Holiness Halberd after it pierced through Yao Fei’s torso. His
left wrist twisted the halberd’s long handle and the Eminent
Holiness Halberd rotated at high speed, like a drill, grinding
Yao Fei’s internal organs into pieces.

The Eminent Holiness Halberd kept rotating, Yao Fei felt

excruciating pain exploding in every part of his body, raw
anguished howls rose from his throat. The Rising Sun
Castellan, Wang Cong, turned white as a sheet watching Yao
Fei’s tragic situation, cold sweat soaked through his robe.

The surrounding experts felt cold shivers in their hearts

watching Yao Fei’s miserable appearance. Looking at Huang
Xiaolong, there was only fear and horror in their eyes.

After shattering Yao Fei’s internal organs, Huang Xiaolong

pulled out the Eminent Holiness Halberd and Yao Fei
stumbled backward, out of balance. A large hole could be
seen in his chest, yet Yao Fei was still moving. He glared at
Huang Xiaolong as he steadied his feet, his bloodshot eyes
screaming for murder, his hatred took over any fear of

Yao Fei’s hand reached up, wiping away the blood flowing
from his mouth, grinning in a disturbing manner, “Huang
Xiaolong, you think you can save Li Lu by killing me? I know
you planned to rescue Li Lu during the Deities Templar’s
next disciple selection, but let me tell you, you can never
save Li Lu as long as you live, never ever!” Yao Fei’s face
was distorted with menace.

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong remained unmoved.

Yao Fei sneered, regardless of Huang Xiaolong’s reaction,

“To tell you the truth, Li Lu is already our Deities Templar’s
Holy Maiden, the successor to the Temple Preceptor’s

A tiny frown appeared on Huang Xiaolong’s eyebrows, Ao

Baixue uttered the very same words before. This was also
the very thing that had been worrying him in recent days.

‘Li Lu probably already has…?!’

Huang Xiaolong strode toward Yao Fei, stopping ten meters

away from him with the Eminent Holiness Halberd readied in
his hand as his frigid voice sounded: “Last words?”

Yao Fei snickered, “Be arrogant and audacious all you want
now, when the time comes, you will still kneel before Deities
Templar, begging for mercy. No one who goes against
Deities Templar has a good ending!”

Huang Xiaolong didn’t speak another word. He leaped up,

the Eminent Holiness Halberd in his hand thrust out, aimed
accurately between Yao Fei’s eyebrows.
A blinding black light flashed in front of Yao Fei and a half-
meter wide, one-meter tall black-colored space appeared in
front of him, acting as a shield. This was Yao Fei’s Saint
realm space.

But to Yao Fei’s aghast, the long halberd in Huang Xiaolong’s

hand pierced right through his Saint realm space in the blink
of an eye, straight to his temple.

Huang Xiaolong exerted a little more force in his right hand,

propelling the Eminent Holiness Halberd deeper into Yao
Fei’s brain, then directed the true essence fire along the
halberd to enter Yao Fei’s consciousness and incinerate his

Yao Fei stiffened wholly, his eyes grew dull as the light left
his pupils.

“Fei’er!” Yao Shan’s heart-wrenching cry reverberated in the


Yao Fei carried all of Yao Family’s hope. With much difficulty,
Yao Fei finally broke into the Saint realm. Watching Yao Fei’s
lifeless body tumbling down, it was akin to watching the Yao
Family’s future collapse right in front of his eyes.

The crowd was stupefied witnessing Yao Fei’s death.

“Go!” At this time, one of the Deities Templar Elder fighting

with Duan Ren’s group shouted to his comrades. Things had
gone too far beyond their expectation, and if they didn’t
leave now, it might be too late to leave later.

“Keep them here, not one of them leaves!” Huang Xiaolong

But exactly at this moment, a green ray of light arrived,
tearing through space, landing right in front of Huang

“Young Lord, careful!” Zhao Shu dashed in front of Huang

Xiaolong, forcefully blocking the green ray of light.

Then, another burst of blinding light appeared on the scene.

When it disappeared, a beautiful woman entered their sight
ㅡLi Molin.

When Li Molin arrived, her face was terribly grim seeing Yao
Fei’s body lying close by.
Chapter 354: Heavenly
Treasure Resurface In The
Chapter 354: Heavenly Treasure Resurface In the World

Li Molin retrieved her gaze from Yao Fei’s body, her cold
eyes turning to Huang Xiaolong, spitting each word clearly,
“Huang, Xiao, Long!!” Monstrous killing intent soared to the
sky, a terrifying energy wave whirled around Li Molin,
forming a violent tempest.

Out of nowhere, nine gigantic tails fanned out behind Li

Molin, waving gently in the air. In the next moment, they
spun sharply toward Huang Xiaolong, aiming to kill. But
before Li Molin’s nine gigantic tails could reach Huang
Xiaolong, Zhao Shu appeared between them in a flicker, his
powerful fist punching at Li Molin’s nine tails. A fierce storm
of fist imprints successfully blocked her attack.

“Get lost!” A chilling light glinted from Li Molin’s eyes.

Zhao Shu issued a disdainful sneer, “Smelly b*tch, the one

that should get lost is you.”

Smelly b*tch?! Li Molin’s actions lagged for a moment, then

she went berserk! Zhao Shu actually called her smelly
b*itch just now?! Smelly b*tch!!

Li Molin was enraged. An enormous nine-tailed fox appeared

above her head and she soul transformed in an instant. Nine
different colored dots emerged at the tip of her eyebrows,
matching her colorful nine tails, both of her hands
transformed into fox claws.

“Die—!!” Li Molin’s claw slammed down on Zhao Shu.

Zhao Shu scoffed. Summoning his martial spirit, he soul

transformed and dove into battle against Li Molin.

Li Molin was a powerful character. With her arrival, and

joining the battle against Zhao Shu, it greatly elevated the
immense pressure on Yao Shan and the three Deities
Templar Elders.

Duan Ren’s opponent was Yao Shan, while Huang Xiaolong,

giant ghost Feng Yang, and the other two Duanren Institute
Honorable Saint Masters fought with the three Deities
Templar Elders.

The weakest among the three Deities Templar Elder was a

Second Order Saint realm, which was Huang Xiaolong and
Feng Yang’s target.

At one point, that Elder sent Feng Yang staggering back with
a powerful punch, then immediately turned his attention to
Huang Xiaolong. Looking at Huang Xiaolong, he spoke
coldly, “Huang Xiaolong, you indeed surprised me, to be
able to kill a Saint realm warrior while being a measly

Huang Xiaolong showed no expression at the compliment.

Watching Huang Xiaolong’s indifferent expression, not

putting him in his eyes, anger rose from his heart, “Huang
Xiaolong, I refuse to believe that a small Xiantian like you is
my, a Second Order Saint realm expert’s opponent!”
Even though Huang Xiaolong had killed Yao Fei in front of
them, he did not display his Saint realm power in public,
therefore this Deities Templar Elder and the crowd still
assumed that Huang Xiaolong was just a Xiantian realm
warrior. Regardless, no one would believe that Huang
Xiaolong, who was still a peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order
warrior half a year ago, could break through to Saint realm
just half a year later.

“Really?” Huang Xiaolong shrugged.

“Come and die!” The Deities Templar Elder hollered, aiming

a killer punch at Huang Xiaolong. He closed the distance
between them in a blink.

At this precise moment, Huang Xiaolong acted, but he did

not dodge. His momentum broke out like a wild horse,
sweeping out in four directions, no longer concealed. The
sudden outbreak of scary momentum attracted the
attention of the people around.

Even that Deities Templar Elder looked dumbfounded.

“Saint, Saint realm!” He gawked at Huang Xiaolong, his lips

opened and closed but no more words came.

“Saint realm!” The surrounding experts exclaimed as if a

dynamite fell in their midst. Shock, incredulity, and disbelief
took over the crowd.

Duan Ren, who was battling Yao Shan, also looked over, the
shock on his face the same as others; Huang Xiaolong
actually broke into the Saint realm! He was with Huang
Xiaolong the entire journey from Duanren Empire, but he
was in the dark about Huang Xiaolong’s current strength.
This revelation was definitely a shocker for the Yao Family’s
Ancestor, Yao Shan. This… was he still human?! Half a year
ago still a peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order, and then six
months later, Saint Realm?!

Not even Li Molin could disguise the shock in her eyes, but
she recovered quickly, hardening her determination to
exterminate Huang Xiaolong.

Before the eyes that were looking at him with shock,

surprise, and disbelief, Huang Xiaolong attacked. His fist
flew toward the Deities Templar Elder. Jolted by the sudden
sense of danger, the Elder reacted by reflex, lifting his arm
to block.

Bang! A loud collision resounded, that Elder felt his arm

giving out for a split second and he was forced back several
steps. When he managed to steady himself, there was an
ugly look on his face.

“You!” Just as he wanted to speak, the figure in front of him

shifted. Huang Xiaolong followed with another attack,
golden fist imprints bloomed in the air, some intangible,
some solid, profound and mysterious.

“This is… Great Void Divine Fist?!” Though shocked, the

Elder countered with a fist as well.

“Great Void Divine Fist!”

“The Great Void Divine World’s Great Void Divine Fist?

Huang Xiaolong actually knows this battle skill!”

Another commotion swept through the crowd. With the news

of the Ancient Dragon Clan ruin in the Origin Forest, experts
from different parts of the three continents had rushed over,
including some Saint realm experts among them, thus it
wasn’t strange for some to have heard of the Great Void
Divine Fist.

After the Great Void Divine Fist punched out, Huang

Xiaolong’s fist stretched out in a palm, launching another
attack. A palm imprint whistled through space and golden
rings extended out in layers, emitting a mysterious power.
The experts watching in the distance sensed the changes in
the air, as if the surrounding space became stagnant.

“What technique is this?!” A Saint realm expert from Ten

Directions Continent exclaimed.

“It… it looks like the God Binding Palm?” Another person

spoke yet dared not be sure.

“God Binding Palm?” Some were baffled, obviously many

haven’t heard of this God Binding Palm.

“The God Binding Palm is the Heavenly Treasure God

Binding Ring’s heritage skill!” The earlier warrior explained.
At the mention of the God Binding Ring, he couldn’t contain
the lilt of excitement in his voice.

“God Binding Ring? The same God Binding Ring on the

Heavenly Treasure List, ranked sixth?!” Someone suddenly

“That’s right, it’s the sixth ranked Heavenly Treasure, God

Binding Ring!” The voice rang clearly, spreading far.

Each Heavenly Treasure possessed incredible power,

especially the top ten Heavenly Treasures that contained
mysterious earth-shattering power. Now, Huang Xiaolong
displayed the heritage skill God Binding Palm from the
Heavenly Treasure God Binding Ring, how could the crowd
control their excitement and awe!
From Li Molin’s expression, it was clear that she was also

At this time, Huang Xiaolong pointed a finger and gray fog

appeared out of nowhere, shrill shrieks of unknown
creatures rang out as a finger imprint broke through space.

“Absolute Soul Finger!!” Another person blurted out,


“Absolute Soul Finger? Ranked fourth on the Heavenly

Treasure List, Absolute Soul Pearl’s heritage skill?!”

“Yes, the Absolute Soul Pearl!”

Another great shock rippled through the crowd. Most people

stared aghast at Huang Xiaolong, the legendary Heavenly
Treasures actually resurfaced! Heavenly Treasures ranked
within the top ten, and not just one, but two! Moreover, both
of them appeared on Huang Xiaolong’s body!

The Deities Templar Elder was struck by Huang Xiaolong’s

Absolute Soul Finger, having a hole pierced in his chest. It
was said that the Absolute Soul Finger could even penetrate
through hell itself.

Listening to the exaggerated exclamations around him, that

Deities Templar Elder was confounded, temporarily
forgetting the sharp pain in his chest.

Giant ghost Feng Yang seized the opportunity to close in on

the Elder. Ghost aura broke out rumbling from his body and
the three-pronged blood spear appeared, glowing red in his
hand, flying toward the Elder at breaking wind speed.
Catching the sound of breaking wind, the Deities Templar
Elder awakened from his shock.
“Retreat!” Li Molin’s voice rang in the high air. At the same
time, countless green rays of light were seen aiming at
Huang Xiaolong, Duan Ren, and the others, forcing them to

Li Molin’s silhouette disappeared in the blink of an eye,

followed by Yao Shan and the three Elders.

Huang Xiaolong did not expect Li Molin and the Deities

Templar group to successfully break away.

“No need to chase.” When Zhao Shu made a move to

pursue, Huang Xiaolong stopped him. Looking around at the
disturbed crowd, he said, “Let’s leave this place first.”

Zhao Shu and the rest nodded.

Without another word, Huang Xiaolong’s group flew away,

disappearing from the crowd’s sight in a less than a second.
Of course, Huang Xiaolong did not forget to take Yao Fei’s
spatial ring before leaving.
Chapter 355: Poison Corpse Scarabs

Rising Sun City’s Castellan, Wang Cong, had half his life
flown away seeing Li Molin and the Deities Templar Elders
escape. If they were gone, what about him? Even Yao Fei
was not enough for Huang Xiaolong to ‘play’ with. If Huang
Xiaolong wanted to kill him, blowing a few breaths was
sufficient to reap his life…

Fortunately, however, it seemed like Huang Xiaolong had

forgotten about him and left.

Wang Cong breathed in relief watching Huang Xiaolong,

Zhao Shu, and the rest of the group fly away, his knees
buckled as if he continuously ran a hundred thousand li,
panting heavily. Only at this moment did he realize that the
back of his robe was soaked by cold sweat, as for the wet
patch at his crotch, the source was undetermined.

The surrounding crowd watched as Huang Xiaolong’s group

left, dumbstruck. A long time later, noises filled the air
again, one higher than the other.

Astounded! Amazed!

Half-Saints in general needed to accumulate more than a

dozen years of cultivation to advance to the Saint realm,
whereas Huang Xiaolong, from peak late-Xiantian Tenth
Order to Saint realm, it was a mere six months!

The legendary top ten Heavenly Treasures resurfaced—the

God Binding Ring and Absolute Soul Pearl! The crucial point
was, Huang Xiaolong possessed both Heavenly Treasures.

The awe, astonishment, and excitement lasted a long time.

Before sundown, the news spread to every corner of Rising
Sun City and traveled out of the city walls with terrifying
speed. In just a few days’ time, every person in the High
Sun Empire knew that Huang Xiaolong had broken into the
Saint realm, as well as the fact that he possessed two
Heavenly Treasures, the God Binding Ring and Absolute Soul

Huang Xiaolong was the hottest discussion topic for both

warriors and commoners. Barely any word exchange could
be completed without the two words—Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s name rang louder than any Emperor on

the Wind Snow Continent.

Two days later, in the north side of the Origin Forest, on one
of the many hill peaks. Space distorted, several figures
emerged out of nowhere. This group was none other than Li
Molin, Yao Shan, and the three Deities Templar Elders.

Li Molin stood in the air, staring in one direction with frigid

cold eyes. The incident in Rising Sun City had spread out.
For the past two days, everyone talked of Huang Xiaolong
and Deities Templar.

Of course, when discussing Huang Xiaolong, there were only

positive compliments, whereas when talking about Deities
Templar, harsh words cut deep. Such as, Deities Templar
was only so-so, even their Elders were killed, and in the end,
they ran away with their tails between their legs.

Ran away with their tails between their legs! Every time Li
Molin heard this phrase, uncontrollable killing intent would
erupt in her heart.
Huang Xiaolong! If it weren’t because of that Huang
Xiaolong, Deities Templar would not turn into a joke!

“When will Elder Zhou and the others arrive?” Seconds later,
Li Molin spoke. After what happened at Rising Sun City, Li
Molin sent a message back to Deities Templar to send more
experts to Origin Forest. The Temple Preceptor placed great
importance on this matter, sending ten Elders over.

Yao Shan quickly replied, “Probably another two days until

Elder Zhou Chang will be able to arrive at the Origin Forest.”

Hearing that, Li Molin’s expression turned slightly better.

“Any news about the Ancient Dragon Clan ruins’ location?”

Li Molin asked another Elder.

That Deities Templar Elder shook his head, “Not yet.”

Li Molin’s brows creased into furrows.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Duan Ren,

and the others were flying over the south side of the Origin
Forest. After leaving Rising Sun City, Huang Xiaolong’s
group decided to venture into the Origin Forest.

These two days, they had been searching for the Ancient
Dragon Clan’s ruins’ location, but like other experts before
them, there was not much of a result.

Two days passed and Duan Ren had come to terms with the
fact that Huang Xiaolong had advanced to the Saint realm.
He watched Huang Xiaolong’s back, recalling that split
second early Saint realm aura that he sensed back in
Duanren Imperial City. At that time, he was able to
determine that it came from the Southern Hill Estate’s
direction, but he did not make the link to Huang Xiaolong.
However, he could confirm now that it was Huang Xiaolong,
without a doubt.

While flying, Huang Xiaolong tried to sense the reaction of

the black and blue martial spirits inside him, but the lack of
any reaction from them since he entered the Origin Forest
disappointed him.

After the incident at Rising Sun City, Huang Xiaolong felt

that he still wasn’t strong enough, he could handle First and
Second Order Saint realm experts, but not a Third Order
Saint realm. That was why he wanted to find the Ancient
Dragon Clan ruins as soon as possible, it would allow him to
enhance his strength even more.

He killed Ao Baixue first and later Yao Fei, Deities Templar

would definitely not spare him.

As for revealing the existence of the God Binding Ring and

Absolute Soul Pearl, Huang Xiaolong wasn’t concerned.
Relying on the level of strength he had shown, he believed
that there were only so many people who would dare to take
advantage of him.

As Huang Xiaolong’s group flew across the Origin Forest in

search of the Ancient Dragon Clan ruins, from some
distance away came woeful screams, similar to the last
struggle before impending death.

The group’s actions stopped, exchanging glances among


“Head over and have a look.” Huang Xiaolong said in a

grave tone. Humans couldn’t help but be curious about
things unknown.
Zhao Shu, Duan Ren, and everyone else nodded in
agreement. Thus the group headed in the direction of the

Very soon, Huang Xiaolong’s group arrived at the scene.

Seeing the scene before them, they, including Huang
Xiaolong, drew a sharp intake of breath.

Several hundred meters up ahead, more than a dozen

people were entirely submerged in a giant swarm of black
beetles, being eaten alive! Parts of their arms and legs were
bitten off cleanly, leaving only white bones., others were
already showing the empty eye sockets in their skulls. The
scene was eerie and devastating.

“What exactly are these things?!” One of the Duanren

Institute’s Saint realms blurted the question, the slight
tremor in his voice unmistakable, pointing toward those
carnivorous black beetles feasting on the dozen people.

From afar, the place where the dozen people stood was like
an island with the black beetles swarming in from every
direction, covering the ground in a black mass of shiny
critters, tens of thousands, millions, a terrifying and
appalling sight.

Duan Ren shook his head, he had never come across this
black scarabs before.

“These are probably Poison Corpse Scarabs from the ancient

times.” It was Zhao Shu who spoke.

Ancient times, Poison Corpse Scarabs!

The rest of Huang Xiaolong’s group was stunned.

Zhao Shu went on, “These Poison Corpse Scarabs carry
corpse poison all over their bodies, it only needs to bite you
once and you will feel your entire body going numb.
Furthermore, this kind of corpse poison could permeate into
one’s Qi Sea, denying the victim the use of battle qi. These
Poison Corpse Scarabs’ armor is extremely hard and difficult
to break, the terrifying thing is, they do not fear even high-
level Saint warriors’ battle flame.”

“Doesn’t that mean that these Poison Corpse Scarabs are

nearly invincible?” The other Duanren Institute Saint realm
warrior exclaimed.

Zhao Shu shook his head, “It’s very difficult, unless you
have some godly weapon that could hack them into halves.
There was once a high-level Saint realm expert who was
delusional enough to think of exterminating these Poison
Corpse Scarabs relying on his strength, but in the end, he
turned into food for these Poison Corpse Scarabs.”

“High-level Saint realm expert turned into food for the

Poison Corpse Scarabs!” Duan Ren was flabbergasted. The
rest didn’t look so good either.

In the short time that Zhao Shu spoke, several people in

front stopped struggling and fell to the ground, leaving only
the ‘zhi zhi’ noises coming from their flesh being eaten by
the scarabs.

Suddenly, the swarm of Poison Corpse Beetles was stirred,

turning around and moving in Huang Xiaolong’s direction.

Zhao Shu ashen, “Damn, they detected us, quickly run!”

But just when everyone turned around, preparing to flee,

Huang Xiaolong’s hands clenched into a fist, and the
surrounding space was locked, barricading the Poison
Corpse Scarabs. This was space manipulation.

In the process of breaking into the Saint realm, Huang

Xiaolong had his own comprehension of the space law.

Yet Zhao Shu urged anxiously, “Young Lord, we must leave

at once, space manipulation cannot stop these scarabs!”

Sure enough, just as Zhao Shu’s last word fell, from the
scarabs’ bodies, thick fumes of corpse poison were released
and they broke free from Huang Xiaolong’s space
Chapter 356: Subduing
The Poison Corpse Scarabs
Chapter 356: Subduing the Poison Corpse Scarabs

Watching the Poison Corpse Scarabs break free so easily

from his space imprisonment, Huang Xiaolong was
genuinely shocked.

Even if it hadn’t been long since he broke into the Saint

realm, in terms of space manipulation power, Huang
Xiaolong could rival a Second Order Saint realm. But now,
he actually failed to restrain those little critters in front of

While Huang Xiaolong was in shock, one of the Poison

Corpse Scarabs managed to reach within ten meters from
him, wings spread out underneath its shell, leaping straight
at Huang Xiaolong’s face.

With the Poison Corpse Scarab in the air, Huang Xiaolong

could clearly see its blood-stained mouth along with rows of
tiny razor sharp teeth, emanating a strong stench of rotting

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed, in a flash, the Blades of

Asura already appeared in his hands. Without any
hesitation, the blades slashed out with a ‘dang!’ Plummeting
to the ground, the Poison Corpse Scarab let out shrill hissing

Its head was severed from its body, falling to the ground.
Even its body was split into two by Huang Xiaolong’s blades,
both body parts were still rolling around on the ground,
giving everyone present the impression of dying but not

“Young Lord, careful!” Zhao Shu acted swiftly, blocking in

front of Huang Xiaolong while striking a palm at another
Poison Corpse Scarab that was flying toward Huang

Struck by Zhao Shu, that Poison Corpse Scarab tumbled

back several hundred meters, inserted into the ground, but
moments later, it climbed back out in one piece, unharmed.
Zhao Shu was a Tenth Order Saint realm, the power
contained in his attack could shatter a small hill, yet it failed
to blast a single Poison Corpse Scarab to its death!

Watching this scene, Duan Ren and the rest felt their scalp

Giant ghost Feng Yang also stepped around, slapping away

several Poison Corpse Scarabs that were closing in on the
group. But one of the Poison Corpse Scarabs succeeded in
sinking its teeth in Feng Yang’s arm.

To Zhao Shu and the others’ surprise, Feng Yang showed no

signs of paralysis or full body numbness after being bitten.
Zhao Shu was stunned for a moment and then understood,
giant ghost Feng Yang was a dark creature, a ghost, the
Poison Corpse Scarab poison had no effect on him.

“Young Lord, quickly leave!” Zhao Shu became anxious

watching more and more scarabs moving in their direction.
Feng Yang had nothing to be afraid of, but that didn’t mean
they were just as brave.

In that brief moment, another dozen Poison Corpse Scarabs

leaped toward Huang Xiaolong.
But this time, Huang Xiaolong did not use the blades in his
hands. True essence energy rumbled in his dantian and two
bright sparks of true essence fire hovered above his palms.
With a wave, the true essence fire coated the several Poison
Corpse Scarabs coming at him. Almost instantly, shrill
hissing noises rang out as they fell to the ground, wriggling
in excruciating pain.

Another burst of hissing noises and everything went silent in

the next second. The dozen Poison Corpse Scarab went
deathly still.

Zhao Shu’s eyes widened to the size of a fist, dumbfounded.

Duan Ren and the two Duanren Institute Saint Masters wore
similar expression on their faces.

‘Didn’t Mister Zhao say just now that these Poison Corpse
Scarabs aren’t afraid of high-level Saint warrior’s battle
flame?’ This was the first thought running through Duan
Ren’s mind. At this moment, he was targeted by a Poison
Corpse Scarab, panicked, Duan Ren ignited his battle flame
and threw it at the beetles, however, he saw that the Poison
Corpse Scarab flew through his battle flame as if it was
nothing, still coming straight at him.

Watching that Poison Corpse Scarab bare its teeth, Duan

Ren jumped away hastily to dodge. Even so, cold sweat
drenched his back. At this point, Duan Ren realized that
Huang Xiaolong’s common looking true essence fire was not
as simple as he had imagined.

Huang Xiaolong was ecstatic seeing that his true essence

fire was effective against the Poison Corpse Scarabs. He
threw out more true essence fire into the swarm of scarabs,
endless shrieks and shrills filled the air as they turned into a
sea of fire.
In mere moments, the large swarm of scarabs actually
retreated in fear, fleeing like the sea at low tide.

Zhao Shu, Duan Ren, and the others sighed in relief noticing
that the Poison Corpse Scarabs were actually running away,
but a light glinted in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. In a leap, he
blocked their path of retreat.

Zhao Shu was stumped watching Huang Xiaolong’s action,

‘Does Sovereign want to incinerate all these Poison Corpse

Although Huang Xiaolong’s true essence fire was effective

against them, he would still need one or two hours if he
really wanted to exterminate the entire colony. Moreover, a
moment of carelessness would result in being bitten and the
consequences were unimaginable.

Just when Zhao Shu and the others thought that Huang
Xiaolong wanted to completely exterminate the scarabs, a
light glimmered in Huang Xiaolong’s hand as a golden
pagoda appeared.

This golden pagoda was the Linglong Treasure Pagoda.

Before the dumbfounded faces of Zhao Shu, Duan Ren, and

the two Honorable Saint Masters, Huang Xiaolong made the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda hover in midair and infused his
battle qi into it to activate the Thousand Demon Engulfing
Destruction Array. Immediately, one after another, the
Poison Corpse Scarabs were sucked into the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Shu wasn’t as surprised as Duan

Ren and the two Saint realm experts.
Soon, all the remaining Poison Corpse Scarabs were all
sucked into the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and the pagoda
returned once more to Huang Xiaolong’s hand.

When all was done, Duan Ren recovered from his shock,
“This is the, the Linglong Treasure Pagoda?!” Duan Ren
inquired, hoping for confirmation.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “That’s right, it’s the Linglong

Treasure Pagoda.”

It was really the Linglong Treasure Pagoda! Getting Huang

Xiaolong’s affirmation, Duan Ren inhaled sharply—Linglong
Treasure Pagoda, ranked ninth on the Heavenly Treasure

Two days ago, Huang Xiaolong displayed the God Binding

Palm and Absolute Soul Finger, confirming that he
possessed the God Binding Ring and Absolute Soul Pearl,
and now, there was another Heavenly Treasure, the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda!

Duan Ren gulped down heavily watching Huang Xiaolong.

Reaching this point, they already didn’t know how to
describe their feelings, whether it was astonishment, envy,
or truthfully, a little bit of jealousy?

Duan Ren approached Huang Xiaolong with a bitter smile on

his face, “Young Noble Huang, how many Heavenly
Treasures do you really have on you? Please don’t tell me
you have all thirty-two of them!”

In that case, he would truly be invincible!

Huang Xiaolong absorbed the Linglong Treasure Pagoda

back into his body and laughed lightly at Duan Ren’s words,
“Not many, just a few.”
Just a few! Duan Ren and the rest were rendered
speechless. If they knew that one of those ‘few’ that Huang
Xiaolong possessed was actually the Godly Mt. Xumi, how
would they react…

“Let’s go.” Huang Xiaolong spoke, changing the topic.

Everyone nodded in agreement and flew away from the


Huang Xiaolong definitely had his own plan for confining

those Poison Corpse Scarabs inside the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda instead of destroying them. Those little scarabs
weren’t afraid of a high-level Saint realm expert’s battle
flame and they were hard to kill, if one was careless, even
high-level Saint realm warriors could end up losing their
lives to those little ones. If Huang Xiaolong could find a way
to control them, those Poison Corpse Scarabs could prove to
be a great assistance.

Others might not have a method to subdue the Poison

Corpse Scarabs, but Huang Xiaolong was different. He
practiced the Ancient Puppetry Art, therefore he was
confident that he could control those little scarabs.

Thus, in the coming days, Huang Xiaolong continued

searching for the Ancient Dragon Clan ruins while testing
how to control the swarm of Poison Corpse Scarabs. With his
current spiritual force, Huang Xiaolong was able to control
fifty to sixty of the scarabs on a daily basis.

Five days passed and Huang Xiaolong already had close to

four hundred Poison Corpse Scarabs under his control.
Releasing three to four hundred Poison Corpse Scarabs
against his enemies was already a terrifying scene.
On this day, Huang Xiaolong’s group stopped to rest on a
mountain peak, when suddenly the black and blue dragon
martial spirits in Huang Xiaolong’s body shook.
Chapter 357: The Ancient
Dragon Clan Ruins, Found!
Chapter 357: The Ancient Dragon Clan Ruins, Found!

Sensing the black and blue dragon martial spirits’ reaction

inside his body, Huang Xiaolong’s heart leaped with joy!

The Ancient Dragon Clan ruins were nearby!

Zhao Shu noticed Huang Xiaolong’s reaction and inquired,

“Young Lord, you’re…?”

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “The Ancient Dragon Clan ruins

should be somewhere in the vicinity!”

In the vicinity! When Duan Ren and the others heard that,
their actions lagged momentarily before being taken over by
delight. They knew that unless Huang Xiaolong was sure, he
wouldn’t have spoken it out loud.

“Let’s go!” Huang Xiaolong swiftly leaped to the air, flying in

the direction sensed by the twin dragon martial spirits’
perception. Zhao Shu, Duan Ren, and the other two Saint
realm experts hurried to follow Huang Xiaolong.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong’s group arrived at a


Standing at the top of the ravine, looking down, one could

see a sea of thick fog. From beneath the fog, here and there,
strange looking plants could be seen growing up the ravine
“Young Noble Huang, the Ancient Dragon Clan ruins are at
the bottom of this ravine?” Duan Ren peeked below, asking
out of curiosity. This ravine didn’t look very tall, at most two
to three hundred meters deep, the surroundings were
serene and quiet.

“It’s very likely that the ruins are below.” Huang Xiaolong
nodded. Without another word, he leaped off the edge,
letting his body fall to the ravine bottom. Zhao Shu and the
others followed, leaping off the ravine.

The ravine indeed wasn’t tall. About three hundred meters

down, their feet touched the ground.

The ravine bottom was a vibrant green grassland, a small

river about ten zhang long weaved through the green
grassland, flowing down to another part of the ravine. The
water was clean and clear and the shallow riverbed was
visible. The river was surrounded by clusters of small
wildflowers, plants, and trees, everything entered their eyes
with a single glance.

Doubt surfaced in everyone’s eyes. ‘The Ancient Dragon

Clan ruins are here?’ Each person extended their spiritual
sense to the surrounding, detecting nothing relevant to the
Ancient Dragon Clan ruins.

While the others were baffled looking around, Huang

Xiaolong walked to the small riverside.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong’s actions, Duan Ren also came to

the small riverside. In fact, they used their spiritual sense to
check the river earlier was well and did not find anything
out of the ordinary. The river was shallow and the clear
waters revealed everything below at a simple glance, fish
and small shrimps swimming inside and water plants
flowing with the current.
In an abrupt action, Huang Xiaolong’s palm struck the water
surface, a tall dazzling beam of light shone from the water
surface. At the same time, a majestic dragon might soared,
as if it descended from the ancient times, enveloping
everyone present.

Shock was an understatement. When the bright light

disappeared, everyone saw a black hole the size of two
adults materializing above the small river. The sudden
appearance of the black hole once again took everyone by
surprise, but while everyone was immersed in their shock,
the black hole slowly grew smaller.

“We’re going in!” Huang Xiaolong barked, waking everyone,

at the same time, he was the first one to jump into the black
hole’s space. Zhao Shu and Feng Yang followed a step
behind without hesitation. Duan Ren and the two other Saint
realm experts exchanged a look before jumping in as well.

Moments after all six of them jumped into the black hole, it
grew smaller and then vanished. The surroundings returned
to their previous tranquility.

However, not long after Huang Xiaolong’s group

disappeared into the black hole, a group of people appeared
on top of the ravine. If Zhao Shu was here, he would
definitely be shocked, because this group of people was
none other than Asura’s Gate Domain Chief Chen Tianqi and
a group of subordinates.

Clad in an ink-black brocade robe, Chen Tianqi, who had

faint black patterns at the tail-end on his eye, spoke, “You
said that the dragon might came from below the ravine?”

One of the men behind Chen Tianqi, Domain Leader Gu

Wen, stepped up saying, “That’s right, Sovereign. This
subordinate was in the vicinity at that time, thus felt it
clearly, that dragon might indeed come from below the

Chen Tianqi nodded, “I hope it’s not a mistake this time.”

It had been half a year since they entered this Origin Forest,
it could be said they had searched every inch of soil, there
were a few times when they thought they found the Ancient
Dragon Clan ruins, only to discover that it was not real in
the end.

“We’re going down.” Chen Tianqi said, diving off the ravine
edge. The group of Asura Domain Leaders followed suit at
once. Chen Tianqi’s group landed at the ravine bottom,
unable to hide the disappointment from their faces after
looking around. Judging from appearances, it seemed that
this place couldn’t be the entrance to Ancient Dragon Clan
ruins either.

When all the Domain Leaders looked disappointed, Chen

Tianqi was staring at the space above the small river,
sensitive to the weak ripples of spatial distortions that were
different from the surroundings. Obviously, a Saint realm
expert had just manipulated space around here. Chen Tianqi
focused his spiritual sense around the area of the space
ripples. As an afterthought, he suddenly released a punch to
the same spot above the small river.

Just like it happened to Huang Xiaolong before, a bright

dazzling light shone up thousands of zhang above the water
surface as a majestic momentum of dragon might pierced
the sky, then, the same black hole appeared in front of Chen
Tianqi’s group.

Watching a black hole appear above the small river, the

other Domain Leaders were stunned, and then delighted.
Could this be…?! But, in the next moment, the black hole
started to shrink.

“Everyone quick, enter!” Chen Tianqi shouted, taking the

lead by jumping into the black hole. The rest awoke from
their daze, quickly leaping into the black hole one by one.

In two breaths’ time, the black hole vanished.

Not long after Chen Tianqi disappeared, several groups of

people rushed over from a few different directions. Clearly,
they were attracted by the dragon might aura released from
the black hole earlier.

When these people arrived, each of them jumped down,

landing in the ravine bottom. Like Chen Tianqi did earlier,
they noticed the peculiar space ripples above the small
river, thus more and more people entered through the black

All in all, more than ten groups from different forces made it
in. And within these groups, Li Molin and the Deities Templar
experts were amongst them.

As for Huang Xiaolong’s group, after jumping into the black

hole space, their bodies spun around uncontrollably for a
time before falling onto a flat surface plain.

Around the flat plain was an endless stretch of mountains.

The first thing that attracted Huang Xiaolong’s attention
was the trees in the mountains, they were extremely big,
towering trees.

At the edge of the plain was a large city, resembling a

colossal dragon resting on the plain, emanating an
overwhelming dragon might that filled the entire space.
“Dragon City!” Zhao Shu blurted out.

Duan Ren and others were baffled, “Dragon City?”

It was rumored that in the ancient times, the Dragon Clan

built a Dragon City and clan members lived in this Dragon
City. The Dragon City’s fame was parallel to the Ghost City
that appeared not too long ago. In fact, it was even more
famous than the Ghost King’s Ghost City.

In the ancient times, the human race had six great ancient
kings, with the Saint King standing at the top, but that
merely represented the human race. The leader of the
Dragon Clan in ancient times, the Dragon Emperor, was
mighty and powerful, even the Saint King dared not
challenge his prestige.

“Go!” Huang Xiaolong flew forward, heading towards the

Dragon City at the edge of the plain at breakneck speed.
Zhao Shu and the rest followed closely behind.

It didn’t take long for Huang Xiaolong to reach the Dragon

City’s gates. Ancient cities such as the Dragon City and
Ghost City were protected with layers upon layers of arrays
and bans, one could only enter safely through the main city

However, just as Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Duan Ren, and

the rest were about to pass through the city gates, the
Dragon City gates shone brightly, revealing a giant bone
dragon in front of their path, blocking their way. A horrifying
death aura enveloped the group.

Looking at this hundred zhang long ancient bone dragon,

everyone’s expressions tightened.
After a Dragon warrior’s death, some Dragon Clan experts
would use secret art to refine them into an undead bone
dragon to guard some important places of the Dragon Clan.
And this undead dragon in front of them was exuding a
terrifying atmosphere, an undead bone dragon that had
reached peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm.

How horrifying a peak late-Tenth Order Sain realm undead

bone dragon could be, Zhao Shu knew very well.
Chapter 358: Dragon Blood Crystal

Huang Xiaolong was stunned at the sudden emergence of

the undead bone dragon. He didn’t expect merely the city
gates to contain an undead bone dragon guardian.

While everyone was still shocked and confused, the peak

late-Tenth Order Sain realm undead bone dragon’s claw
extended, stepping down towards Huang Xiaolong at
unimaginable speed. If Huang Xiaolong was stepped on, as
strong as his physical defense was, he would still turn in a
flat meat paste.

“Young Lord!” Zhao Shu was terrified, without hesitation he

struck his palm at the undead bone dragon, but it was
evident that Zhao Shu was a step too late. The undead bone
dragon’s claw was right above Huang Xiaolong.

Watching as Huang Xiaolong was about to be turned into

meat paste, a blinding light flashed and Huang Xiaolong
disappeared from the spot.

Space concealment!

A loud boom resounded when the undead bone dragon’s

claw slammed into the ground where Huang Xiaolong stood
earlier. Violent tremors shook the ground, raising a curtain
of sand and dust.

A long buzzing noise drummed in everyone’s ears.

Almost at the same time, Zhao Shu’s attack landed on the

bone dragon’s leg and another ‘boom’ rang out. The bone
dragon was knocked back a dozen meters, then steadied
Yet it was enough to cause Duan Ren to inhale sharply, for
Zhao Shu’s powerful attack did nothing but knock the bone
dragon back. It wasn’t injured in the least!

Huang Xiaolong reappeared on the side, staring at the bone

dragon with a tiny frown on his brows. They couldn’t be
delayed here, when he opened the black hole space
entrance just now, that strong dragon might aura must have
attracted the attention of closeby experts, there would
definitely be quite a number of experts following behind
them. Therefore, he had to step into Dragon City before
anyone else arrived.

What to do?! Forced entry was out of the question.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes shone as he searches for a method,

it seems there was no other choice but to use the Godly Mt.

Just when Zhao Shu, Duan Ren, and the others wanted to
attack the bone dragon together, an aureate light flashed,
blinding their eyes. Opening them again, they found
themselves inside a spacious hall.

Zhao Shu and Feng Yang already entered the Godly Mt.
Xumi before, thus they weren’t surprised at the sudden
change of environment, but Duan Ren’s group of three were
alarmed and baffled.

“This is..?!” Duan Ren asked in shock.

Huang Xiaolong did not answer, shrinking the Godly Mt.

Xumi to the size of a speck of dust and floated with the
wind, very quickly passing through the bone dragon,
entering Dragon City.
Duan Ren watched as they passed right under the bone
dragon without receiving any attack from it, his heart
quickened. What is this? To be able to escape the detection
of a peak late- Tenth Order Saint realm bone dragon?! To
Duan Ren, this was an impossible feat to begin with.

While the three were wallowing in bewilderment, Huang

Xiaolong brought everyone into the Dragon City. In the air
space above the Dragon City, a blinding light flashed again,
everyone was out of the spacious hall and Huang Xiaolong
returned the Godly Mt. Xumi into his body.

“Young Noble Huang, just now, that…?” Unable to restrain

the gnawing curiosity in his heart, Duan Ren asked aloud.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, saying, “Brother Duan Ren,

it’s better we focus on searching for the Dragon Clan’s

Duan Ren was taken aback at the rejection, then he

understood Huang Xiaolong’s underlying meaning.

At this time, Zhao Shu looked at Duan Ren and the other
two Saint realm experts with a dignified expression, “The
matter just now, I hope the three of you will keep it to
yourselves, don’t mention it to anyone.” Although the three
of them were unable to link the place just now to Godly Mt.
Xumi, it didn’t mean that they couldn’t in the future. Zhao
Shu didn’t want the matter about Huang Xiaolong
possessing the Godly Mt. Xumi to be leaked out.

At the very least, not at this time!

The God Binding Ring, Absolute Soul Pearl, and Linglong

Treasure Pagoda couldn’t be compared to the Godly Mt.
Xumi. If Huang Xiaolong possessing the Godly Mt. Xumi was
leaked out, it would bring a horde of endless troubles.
Seeing Zhao Shu’s grave expression, Duan Ren and the rest
nodded solemnly, “Mister Zhao, rest assured, we will not
breathe a word out about what happened earlier.”

Zhao Shu nodded.

“Let’s go, we must find the Dragon Clan’s treasures as fast

as possible!” Huang Xiaolong said and flew off. This was the
most crucial of all. Huang Xiaolong believed that Duan Ren
wouldn’t say anything about what happened, that was one
of the reasons he used the Godly Mt. Xumi without much

Not long after Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Duan Ren, and
the rest passed through the Dragon City gates, Chen
Tianqi’s group of Asura’s Gate experts arrived in front of the
city gates. Just like what happened to Huang Xiaolong’s
group, when Chen Tianqi and his subordinates were about to
pass through the gates, the same peak-late-Tenth Order
Sain realm undead bone dragon blocked their path.

Huang Xiaolong possessed the Godly Mt. Xumi, allowing him

to pass through the gates undetected, but Chen Tianqi’s
group wasn’t so lucky. One of the Asura’s Gate Domain
Leaders was pierced by the bone dragon’s giant tail when
he was too slow in dodging, right through his chest, and
then flung away by the bone dragon.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong’s group was flying at high

speed across the Dragon City, trying sense any unique
energy fluctuations of the Dragon Clan’s treasures,
however, ever since they entered the Ancient Dragon Clan’s
ruins, the black and blue dragon martial spirits in Huang
Xiaolong’s body quieted once more, as if they were
suppressed by something.
More than an hour later, Huang Xiaolong’s group had yet to
have any harvest.

The Dragon City was several times bigger than the Ghost
City, even with Huang Xiaolong’s group’s speed, they still
needed a few days to cover every corner of the city. Such
method of blind searching was no different than trying to
find a needle in the vast sea. Not only that, there was the
increasing pressure of more and more experts entering the
city as time went on, breaking past the undead bone
dragon’s defenses.

One hour later, Huang Xiaolong stopped, suggesting in a

grave voice, “It’s better if everyone split up and search.”
That way, chances of finding something was greater.

“Agreed.” Duan Ren nodded, no objection.

Thus, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and giant ghost Feng Yang
went in one group, while Duan Ren grouped with the other
two Duanren Institute Honorable Saint Masters, and

Still, another hour passed without any harvest. Huang

Xiaolong’s group of three split once again, each to rely on
their own luck.

Not long after separating from Zhao Shu and Feng Yang,
Huang Xiaolong stopped above a palace building. This
building was triangle-shaped, reaching up to a hundred
zhang tall, with a large area at the ground, close to several
thousand square feet. It was much larger compared to the
other buildings that Huang Xiaolong had seen so far in the
Dragon City.

Looking at this particular building, Huang Xiaolong landed

on the main entrance below in a flicker. Despite the twin
dragons inside his body being quiet, Huang Xiaolong had
previously refined an Earth Dragon egg, thus he was quite
familiar with the dragon aura, as long as he was within a
certain distance, he could sense it.

This triangular building had that same aura, and it was very

The problem was, the door was tightly shut.

He checked the door using the Eye of Hell, and after

confirming that there were no traps placed on the door,
Huang Xiaolong struck the door open and entered. The
moment Huang Xiaolong entered the hall, a powerful dragon
aura washed over him, yet it was different from the Earth
Dragon egg that Huang Xiaolong had previously refined.

‘This is?!” Huang Xiaolong’s eyes widened, greatly

astounded looking at the four crystal pillars in the hall.

Numerous pieces of blood-red rubies in different sizes

formed jutting out on the surface of these four pillars, some
small, others big. The small ones were about the size of a
fist, whereas the larges ones reached half a meter wide.

“Dragon Blood Crystals?!” Huang Xiaolong exclaimed.

When Dragon experts cultivated by breathing in dragon qi,

under years of accumulation, the place where they sat
would give birth to these Dragon Blood Crystals, containing
a Dragon expert’s true essence and dragon qi. It was a true
treasure for cultivators! Although a piece of Dragon Blood
Crystal couldn’t be compared to a dragon egg, the number
of Dragon Blood Crystals stuck on these four pillars was
probably close to a thousand!

Close to a thousand pieces of Dragon Blood Crystals!
Chapter 359: Dragon Palace

Huang Xiaolong stared lovingly at the thousand pieces of

Dragon Blood Crystal on the four crystal pillars, he was
elated, this trip truly was not in vain!

Even if he could not find any dragon eggs or other Dragon

Clan treasures after this, just this loot of Dragon Blood
Crystal was enough to help Huang Xiaolong enhance his
strength a great deal! Moreover, just like the dragon egg,
these Dragon Blood Crystal had the wondrous effect of
improving his flesh further.

The last time Huang Xiaolong refined the Earth Dragon egg,
his physical defense and strength soared. After he absorbed
these thousand Dragon Blood Crystals, he could only
imagine the horrifying extent that his flesh and strength
would rise to.

Just thinking about it made Huang Xiaolong’s breath

quicken. In a flicker, he appeared next to one of the crystal
pillars. Each crystal pillar was about a hundred zhang tall,
Huang Xiaolong resembled a grain of sand standing next to
such a colossal crystal pillar.

Now, he had to think of a way to remove the Dragon Blood

Crystals from the pillars. It would take far too long to do it
one by one, especially with the many experts trailing behind
him entering the Dragon City and finding this place, just like
him. Hence, Huang Xiaolong did not have much time.

Pondering for a moment, Huang Xiaolong them leaped up

with the Blades of Asura in his hands. With a few waves of
his hands, the hundred zhang crystal pillar was cut into ten
sections, each section ten zhang long. With this, Huang
Xiaolong transferred everything into the Asura Ring.
He decided to collect all four pillars first, he would take his
time to separate them from the pillar after leaving the
Dragon City. In a short time, the remaining three crystal
pillars were also slashed into ten by Huang Xiaolong and
kept into the Asura Ring.

When all was done, Huang Xiaolong was secretly relieved.

However, he did not immediately leave, instead, he walked
towards the golden throne seat in the middle of the great

A golden throne with the height of ten zhang, carved in an

intricate five-clawed golden dragon. When Huang Xiaolong
was dealing with the four crystal pillars, he sensed a strong
dragon breath from this golden throne, stronger than the
four crystal pillars!

A very powerful aura!

Huang Xiaolong walked closer to the throne seat, but what

baffled him was, whether on the throne or around it, there
was nothing that could be considered a Dragon Clan
treasure, prompting Huang Xiaolong to open his Eye of Hell.
When the Eye of Hell’s red glow shone on the golden throne
seat, Huang Xiaolong was stupefied. Hidden underneath the
five-clawed golden dragon throne was the entrance to
another space!

That overpowering dragon breath came from there. This!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes lit up bright as he carefully checked

the golden dragon throne. If there was an independent
space, one had to use a spatial transfer array to enter.

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong’s gaze fell on the golden

dragon throne itself, his fingers trailing along the places that
might trigger the spatial array’s activation. Just when Huang
Xiaolong’s finger touched the dragon pearl in the five-
clawed golden dragon’s mouth, rays of golden light burst
out from underneath the dragon throne. A sudden suction
force enveloped Huang Xiaolong, and in a blink, the view
changed before his eyes, arriving above a large sea.

Looking at the sea below his feet, Huang Xiaolong hesitated

a second before diving in, heading to the bottom. Several
hundred meters below the water surface, Huang Xiaolong
saw an underwater crystal palace that was built from a
material unknown to him. The crystal palace occupied a ten-
mile radius of land.

It didn’t take him long to reach the crystal palace entrance.

“Dragon Palace.” Huang Xiaolong raised his head, reading

the words on the sign hanging above the palace gates,
inscribed with the words ‘Dragon Palace’.

“This, could it be the place where one of the Dragon Clan’s

strong experts cultivated?” Huang Xiaolong was surprised.

He had read many ancient manuscripts, it was recorded that

only the Dragon Clan’s elders’ palace was eligible to be
called Dragon Palace, while the Dragon Emperor’s palace
was named Imperial Dragon Palace.

Recovering from his shock, Huang Xiaolong grinned with

glee. He didn’t expect to run into a powerful Dragon Clan
Elder’s cultivation space.

In the ancient times, every Dragon Clan Elder was a God

Realm Master, their status was undeniably high, not to
mention authority. Since this was a Dragon Clan Elder’s
personal cultivation space, then there had to be a lot of
good stuff inside!
Excitement surged in his heart as he flew into the Dragon
Palace, arriving at the main hall.

In the middle of the main hall was a pill furnace, the surface
of the furnace cover was carved with five golden dragons
facing the pentagon corners of the furnace. In the ancient
times, most masters would have their personal pill furnace
for refining pills. Last time, Huang Xiaolong also found a
black pill furnace in Eminent Holiness’s dwelling place.

Huang Xiaolong circled the golden dragon furnace, stopping

at the other side where a jade cupboard was placed. On top
of the cupboard, a dozen jade bottles were neatly arranged.
Each bottle was individually marked.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes strayed toward one of the bottles,

exclaiming in surprised: “Sky Dragon Pill!” The name
marked at the bottom of this bottle was actually Sky Dragon

According to legend, the Sky Dragon Pill was a unique divine

grade pellet belonging to the Dragon Clan. Swallowing a Sky
Dragon Pill could not only enhance a person’s cultivation, it
also enabled a person to possess the power of a Sky
Dragon, raising one’s physical power by leaps and bounds.

Huang Xiaolong swallowed nervously, his eyes shifted to the

bottle beside it. On the second bottle, it was marked: Divine
Dragon Pill.

“Divine Dragon Pill!” Huang Xiaolong was shocked once


Divine Dragon Pill was a grade higher divine pellet

compared to Sky Dragon Pill, if there were enough Divine
Dragon Pills taken, the human body could evolve
continuously, comparable to having a Dragon Clan expert’s
terrifying defense power and strength.

Water Fire Dragon Pill, Reverse Dragon Pill, Golden Jadesea

Dragon Pill, Dragon Buddha Pill, Blazing Gold Dragon Pill…

Glancing down at the subsequent markings, each jade

bottle contained a legendary Dragon Clan pellet that was
said to have been lost for many millenniums. Reading the
names one after another, even Huang Xiaolong felt his
heartbeat quicken.

These little bottles lined up in this cupboard, any of them

appearing outside was enough to cause a bloody storm.
Without a shred of hesitation, Huang Xiaolong put all of the
bottles into the Asura Ring. The last item Huang Xiaolong
found in the jade cupboard was a pill refining secret art
called Gold Dragon Pill Refinement Tactic.

Gold Dragon Pill Refinement Tactic!

In the Martial Spirit World, whether it was pill refinement or

weapon refinement methods, both were extremely scarce.
Each and every one was a treasure in itself, especially the
higher ranked skills, hence, judging from another aspect,
this little manuscript was a more valuable treasure than the
pellets Huang Xiaolong collected.

Because those pellets would be gone once taken, but with

this pill refinement method, as long as he managed to
gather the ingredients, he could definitely refine those
pellets. The manuscript also entered the Asura Ring.

Next, Huang Xiaolong searched other places around the

palace, but what stumped him was that other than those
pellets and the pill refinement manuscript, there was
nothing else.
After confirming that the place was really empty, Huang
Xiaolong took the golden dragon pill furnace away and
exited the Dragon Palace, back to the initial hall with the
dragon throne seat.

“I wonder how Zhao Shu, Duan Ren, and the rest are
faring…” Huang Xiaolong thought. He leaped up, continuing
to search for other treasures.

While Huang Xiaolong was treasure hunting, Chen Tianqi, Li

Molin, and the other groups of experts finally broke through
the undead bone dragon’s defenses and entered the Dragon

Stepping into the Dragon City, Chen Tianqi led his Asura’s
Gate subordinates and started to search for treasures. Some
time later, they came to the same triangle-shaped building
where Huang Xiaolong found the Dragon Blood Crystals.
Chapter 360: Great Dragon Saber

Chen Tianqi dashed into the hall in a quick flash, his sharp
eyes scanning around the spacious hall and finally falling on
the four spots where the four crystal pillars used to be
before they were taken by Huang Xiaolong.

Although Huang Xiaolong cut through the edges of the four

crystal pillars, there were still obvious clues left behind,
especially on the ground. The other Asura’s Gate Domain
Leaders also noticed the little signs of the four missing
pillars in the hall.

Domain Leader Gu Wen went up to check, stating in a sure

tone, “There used to four pillars on these positions here, but
they were taken away by someone, and it only happened
not too long ago.”

Another Domain Leader laughed with mocking sarcasm,

“Not even leaving the pillars alone, what kind of fool does

His other comrades also chuckled in contempt. Except for

Chen Tianqi. His sharp eyes continued to scan the length of
the hall. In a flicker, his hand reached the golden dragon
throne, circling around the throne seat, searching. Without
warning, Chen Tianqi’s hand thumped on the golden dragon
bead, crepuscular rays of light brightened the hall and a
powerful rebound energy surged out, repelling everything in
its proximity.

Chen Tianqi was shocked, hasty in his retreat, but even so,
he was sent flying back by this energy, slamming into one
side of the wall in a loud crash.
“Sovereign!” Gu Wen and the others’ expressions tightened,
hurrying to help Chen Tianqi up. When Chen Tianqi got to
his feet with assistance, ‘puff!’ a large amount of blood
spurted out from his mouth.

“Sovereign, how are you?!!” Gu Wen asked anxiously.

Chen Tianqi waved his hand, indicating that he was alright.

Taking a medicinal pellet and swallowed it down, ruddiness
gradually returned to his face as he ran his battle qi to heal.

“Sovereign, that throne seat?!” One of his subordinates

failed to hold back his curiosity.

Chen Tianqi answered solemnly, “There’s probably a ban left

behind by a God Realm master.” Luckily he managed to
dodge when he did, otherwise, he would have fared worse
than this much injury.

“A ban left behind by a God Realm Master!” The group of

Asura’s Gate Domain Leaders was horrified.

“Let’s go!” Chen Tianqi gave his order and exited the hall.
Although he clearly felt there was some secret related to
that throne, that God Realm master’s ban was too strong,
definitely not something they could break past.

His subordinates followed from behind and the group sped


“Sovereign, rumors say that Huang Xiaolong is also here in

the Origin Forest.” Gu Wen followed right behind Chen
Tianqi, muttering in a soft voice.

Chen Tianqi nodded. Although they mainly moved around

the Origin Forest, they had heard about what took place in
the Rising Sun City.
“Looks like that Huang Xiaolong really has the Asura Ring, if
not, Lord Left Custodian wouldn’t be ensuring his safety by
being at his side.” Another Domain Leader interjected.

“This Huang Xiaolong’ growth is too scary, if we do not kill

him as soon as possible, in another few years’ time, it would
be even more difficult to exterminate him.” Another Domain
Leader added.

A sharp light glinted in Chen Tianqi’s eyes. Nevertheless,

when things in the Origin Forest were settled, he had to
make a trip to the Duanren Empire. True indeed, Huang
Xiaolong must not be allowed to grow further!

“For now, there’s no need to bother about Huang Xiaolong.

The crucial thing now is to quickly find the Dragon Tomb.”
Chen Tianqi said, “Deities Templar’s people are also here, Li
Molin’s group is definitely aiming for the Dragon Tomb as
well, we absolutely must not let them get ahead of us.”

“Yes, Sovereign!” The Domain Leaders complied in unison.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong arrived at another palace

building on the north side. His feet landed on one of the
roofs as he surveyed the area. This place also emanated a
strong dragon aura. Not wasting time, Huang Xiaolong’s
figure flickered, entering the palace building.

The first thing the jumped into Huang Xiaolong’s sight was
the big saber placed in the hall, a Great Dragon Saber!

The body of the Great Dragon Saber was engraved with a

blood dragon, emanating an intense killing aura, it was
evident that this Great Dragon Saber had drunk a lot of
blood from formidable experts in its heyday. Huang Xiaolong
could feel the rippling killing aura where he stood.
Huang Xiaolong approached, but when his right hand
reached out to grab the Great Dragon Saber, his arm sank
at the weight of the saber. He actually failed to lift the saber
up and this realization stunned him. He was now a Saint
realm expert, a grasp of his hand through space could
crumble or lift an entire small mountain, yet he failed in
lifting up this Great Dragon Saber!

What steel or ore was this Great Dragon Saber made of for it
to be so incredibly heavy?!

“Rise!” Huang Xiaolong pushed the battle qi from his Qi Sea,

bright light shrouded his arm as he made a second attempt
to lift the saber. Still, he barely managed to lift it a few
inches off the table, but even so, it was a strenuous effort
akin to a three-year-old toddler trying to lift a giant brick.

Staring at the Great Dragon Saber in his hand, Huang

Xiaolong mustered his strength and slashed out. A blood
dragon was seen flying out and saber shadows blazed,
carrying a whelming killing aura that swept out in all four
directions like tidal waves. The palace walls crumbled
without resistance, collapsing into ruins.

Huang Xiaolong gulped nervously looking at the damage

done by the Great Dragon Saber.

‘Isn’t the power of this Great Dragon Saber a little too

scary?’ Flipping the great saber in his hand, Huang Xiaolong
grew fonder the more he looked at it.

Although both the Blades of Asura and the Eminent Holiness

Halberd were powerful weapons, it was still big guys like this
Great Dragon Saber that appeared more heroic.

Staring at the engraved blood dragon on the saber body, a

thought flashed in his mind and he pricked his finger,
dripping a drop of blood right onto the blood dragon’s
mouth and ran his battle qi to refine the Great Dragon
Saber. Instantly, the blood red glow from the Great Dragon
Saber pierced the sky as a monstrous aura of killing and
slaughter rushed into Huang Xiaolong’s body, crashing into
his consciousness.

Huang Xiaolong was startled and quickly willed himself to

focus, running the Soul Mandate to slowly refine the
rampant energy in his consciousness. When the killing aura
was fully absorbed, he was able to breathe in relief.

Just as he did, a scene appeared in Huang Xiaolong

consciousness, showing a Dragon Clan master, holding the
same Great Dragon Saber in his hands as he leaped to the
sky. One slash, countless saber lights surged forth in
multiple layers. In just one slash, the vast ocean was split in

Then, this Dragon Clan master spun the saber around,

sending multiple saber lights out, mountains crumbled in its

One move after another, until the scene vanished from

Huang Xiaolong’s consciousness. But it took Huang Xiaolong
a long time to recover from what he had just witnessed.

What he had just seen was the heritage battle skill he had
received after refining the Great Dragon Saber, the Great
Dragon Saber Formula!

The Asura Sword Skill encompassed slaughter, it was bloody

and peculiar; the Eminent Holiness Halberd Sutra
emphasized directness, straightforwardness, fearlessness,
and righteous courage; and the sole rule for the Great
Dragon Formula was dominance! Dominance that destroyed
everything that stood in one’s way!
There was a total of six moves.

Still, when Huang Xiaolong was about to put the Great

Dragon Saber away, his ears caught sounds of whistling
wind, there were at least three people flying in his direction
at high speed. Most likely the ruckus that he made earlier
when testing out the Great Dragon Saber alerted people in
the vicinity.

In the blink of an eye, three people landed in front of Huang


The three people were dressed very differently, the only

common point was that all three were clad in beast skin
clothing, exposing muscular bare arms, exuding a faint but
palpable atmosphere of demonic energy.

Beastmen experts! Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed to slits.

This was the first time Huang Xiaolong ran into Saint realm
Beastmen experts, moreover, these three seemed quite
formidable, one was peak late-First Order Saint realm, while
the other two were early-Second Order Saint realm.

When the three experts landed, without exception, all their

eyes fell on the Great Dragon Saber in Huang Xiaolong’s
hand, shining with greed.

“This, is probably the Dragon Clan’s Great Dragon Saber?!”

One of them spoke, voice trembling with excitement.

“Great Dragon Saber? Could it be that Great Dragon Saber

refined by Blood Dragon Elder?” Another exclaimed in

“It must be, see that blood dragon on the saber? It was said
that Blood Dragon Elder was someone with heavy killing
aura. Experts that died under his Great Dragon Saber
numbered in the hundreds of thousands!” The first person
spoke again. Confirming the saber in Huang Xiaolong’s
hand, their eyes grew ever more feverish.
Chapter 361: Dragon Tomb

“Haha, it seems our luck is quite good, finding such a great

Dragon Clan treasure sword just as we enter the Dragon
City, the Great Dragon Saber!” The first Beastman expert
laughed heartily. The way he saw it, this Great Dragon Saber
belonged to them without a doubt.

A First Order Saint realm like Huang Xiaolong couldn’t cause

much of a ripple.

However, just as his words finished, a shadow flickered past

his eyes. In the next moment, he saw the human in front of
him fly up and the Great Dragon Saber swinging down.
Layers upon layers of saber light rays swirled out as a blood
dragon enlarged in his pupils.

All three of them were alarmed.

“Cloud Reversing Sword!” One of them reacted in a split

second, the long sword in his hand slashing upward,
releasing a powerful wave of sword lights that transformed
into a sword cloud, flying towards Huang Xiaolong.

Yet, they saw the countless saber lights shattering the sword
cloud without so much as reducing their speed, arriving
above their heads.

Boom! A thunderous crashed rendered the air and the

ground quaked.

The Great Dragon Saber’s thousands of saber lights

embedded into the ground, flipping over the sturdy tiles of
the Dragon City. A thousand zhang long line on the ground
marked where the saber struck, the blood dragon’s roar
echoed in the air.
When the dust settled, the person who claimed they were
lucky to find a great treasure sword not long after entering
the Dragon City was dismembered into several parts from
head to toe by the wave of saber lights!

Internal organs, brain matter, and body fluids splattered

onto the ground, he was so dead that he couldn’t die a
second time. The other two people, who barely dodged in
time, fared slightly better, but they still suffered from the
Great Dragon Saber’s sphere of attack. Both of their bodies
were blasted meters away and were marked with appalling
blood-stained cuts all over their, their clothes shredded.

Huang Xiaolong looked at them with an icy gaze, making his

second attack. The Great Dragon Saber in his hand swung
around, thrusting out sharply combined with the true
essence from his dantian.

Dragon’s Pride Battering the Heavens!

The Great Dragon Saber emitted a resplendent blood-red

glow and saber lights exploded out akin to countless tiny
blood dragons. A horrifying aura of slaughter enshrouded
heaven and earth.

Before the two remaining people could get to their feet,

they were enveloped by the blood-red glow coming from the
Great Dragon Saber. Tiny blood dragons pierced through
their flesh, lingering for a moment before roaring skyward.

Huang Xiaolong returned to the ground as the tiny blood

dragons and blood-red glow vanished.

Two bodies could be seen sprawled on the ground in a large

pool of blood. Huang Xiaolong stopped beside one of the
“You, you, who are you?!” One of them panted, struggling to
speak, his voice barely audible. Even so, his eyes never left
Huang Xiaolong’s face, they were filled with bottomless

“Huang Xiaolong.” Huang Xiaolong answered coldly.

“Huang Xiaolong!” The name sounded like a thunderbolt in

their minds and their faces turned paler than they already

In recent days, Huang Xiaolong’s name had spread far

throughout the Wind Snow Continent. Though both of them
hailed from the Ten Directions Continent, the time they
spent around the Origin Forest wasn’t short, thus they were
familiar with Huang Xiaolong’s name.

Huang Xiaolong looked at both people with impassive eyes.

Initially, he would need to exert more time and effort if he
was to deal with these three people, but thanks to their
carelessness, underestimating him, they were caught off
guard. On top of that, Huang Xiaolong noticed before, his
true essence energy was far more powerful than his battle

Without another word, Huang Xiaolong once again raised

the Great Dragon Saber.

“We’re Ten Directions Continent’s Berserk Lion Hall, Berserk

Lion King’s subordinates, you cannot kill us!” One of them
blurted out anxiously as he watched Huang Xiaolong raise
the Great Dragon Saber.

“Berserk Lion King?” Huang Xiaolong repeated.

“Yes, Berserk Lion King! Our Berserk Lion King is the

strongest amongst the top ten Beastmen experts!” The
other person saw hope, quickly ‘informing’ Huang Xiaolong.
But while he was still explaining, the Great Dragon Saber fell
on him, cleaving that person into two. Infused with true
essence fire, in a matter of seconds, his soul was
incinerated to nothing.

All color drained the from last person’s face. The Great
Dragon Saber twirled in Huang Xiaolong’s hand, reaping the
last person’s life.

From the beginning, Huang Xiaolong did not plan to let any
of them leave. Whatever Berserk Lion Hall was already
forgotten by Huang Xiaolong. The three died and the
Berserk Lion Hall wouldn’t be able to find anything on him
even if they were to investigate.

Huang Xiaolong collected all three bodies and their spatial

rings before releasing a spark of true essence fire to the
ground, burning away all evidence and traces.

When everything was erased, no clues to be found, Huang

Xiaolong left the scene.

Not long after Huang Xiaolong left, several groups of people

arrived at the scene, and among them was Deities Templar’s
group. Looking at the great thousand zhang mark,
everyone’s hearts palpitated.

“What a terrifying saber aura!” Yao Shan stooped down,

exclaiming in awe as the studied the fissure.

“This Dragon City’s ground is extremely hard, to be able to

cut through the ground to this extent, the other side must
possess some kind of godly weapon.” Beside Li Molin, a tall
middle-aged man with dark skin stated.
This middle-aged man was none other than the
reinforcement sent by Deities Templar, Elder Zhou Zheng.
Zhou Zhang was undeniably strong, on par with Li Molin,
and this position in Deities Templar was no lower than Li

Li Molin spoke, “I think we better focus on searching for the

Dragon Tomb, we must hurry, it is imperative that Temple
Preceptor breaks through to God Realm. With the Dragon
Pearl, it is twice the result at half the effort!”

Zhou Zhang and the rest nodded in agreement, each

looking solemn: “Agreed.”

Whereas Huang Xiaolong kept flying eastward after leaving

the place. Just when he flew past a square, suddenly, the
black and blue twin dragon martial spirits inside his body
stirred, almost violently. The reaction was far more intense
than the time he discovered the black hole entrance to this
secret space above the small river.

Huang Xiaolong looked around the square before him,

greatly surprised. Ever since he entered the Dragon City,
the twin dragons had been inactive, with no signs of moving
at all. Now, however, they were violently stirring!

‘What is happening?!’ While shocked, Huang Xiaolong’s feet

landed on the square.

The square area wasn’t big, covering a few miles at most.

Around the square were many erect stone columns of the
same size, the only difference was the shape of the dragon
engraved on each of their surfaces. Some were five-clawed
golden dragons, some were hybrid dragons, wind dragons,
some blood dragons, and others fire dragons.
On the surface, one couldn’t tell if there was anything
unique about this place, but the strong reaction of the black
and blue dragons inside his body couldn’t be mistaken.
There had to be something hidden in this square.

Huang Xiaolong scanned around carefully. In the end he

even used the Eye of Hell, but he still failed to notice
anything special about this square. At last, Huang Xiaolong’s
eyes fell on the stone stele at a corner of the square. It
looked common and ordinary, as if there was nothing unique
about it, but when Huang Xiaolong studied it carefully, he
felt that the stone stele was slightly out of place with the
rest of the square.

In a flicker, Huang Xiaolong arrived in front of the stone

stele. Up close, Huang Xiaolong noticed at the bottom
corner of the stele two small characters inscribed on the
surface in ancient text. Luckily, Huang Xiaolong could
recognize quite a lot of Dragon Clan text from all the
research he did back in Cosmic Star Academy and Duanren

Huang Xiaolong read it softly: “Dragon Tomb!”

Dragon Tomb!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes widened. This square was where the

Dragon Tomb was located?!

Dragon Tomb, the burial grounds of the Dragon Clan’s

experts! Thinking of this, strong-willed as Huang Xiaolong
was, he still couldn’t help trembling.

This Dragon Tomb was not something that the Dragon

Palace could compare with. Every inch of a dragon’s body
was a treasure. Inside the Dragon Tomb were actual dragon
corpses, as long as he could get even one Dragon Clan
expert’s body, its value would far exceed the Earth Dragon
egg or the divine grade pellets.
Chapter 362: Entering The
Dragon Tomb
Chapter 362: Entering the Dragon Tomb

Huang Xiaolong looked at the stone stele, doing his best to

suppress the swelling excitement in his heart. He found the
location of the Dragon Tomb, but the question now was how
to get in.

Huang Xiaolong studied the stone stele up and down, his

intuition told him that the stone stele was the key to
opening the entrance to the Dragon Tomb. However, on this
stone stele, other than two tiny characters ‘Dragon Tomb’ at
the bottom, there were no other signs or writings. He
couldn’t even figure out what material the stone stele was
made of, as it was warm to the touch, smooth, and

To Huang Xiaolong, this stone stele felt as if it was alive, it

was a very strange feeling.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong’s gaze once again fell

onto the two small characters at the bottom of the stone
stele. An idea struck him, summoning the Blades of Asura to
cut a small wound on his index finger. A bright red drop of
blood fell from Huang Xiaolong’s finger onto the two
engraved characters.

The drop of blood vanished without a trace the instant it

touched the stone stele and dazzling rays of light burst out
from the two ‘Dragon Tomb’ characters, the stone stele
trembled slightly. Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong’s excitement
bubbled forth, squeezing another drop of blood onto the
stone stele.

The light from the stone stele grew brighter as it shook

more vigorously.

As Huang Xiaolong fed more and more blood to the two

words, the stone stele became glaringly bright, shaking
even more violently. When Huang Xiaolong dropped more
than twenty drops onto the stone stele, a loud dragon roar
resounded. Crepuscular rays of light shone out from the
stone stele, enshrouding Huang Xiaolong in a continuous
rotation. Then, in a flash of light, the scene before his eyes
changed as he was transported to a mountain range.

In the mountain range before him stood a huge towering


Huang Xiaolong couldn’t find words to describe exactly how

big this tomb was. Standing before this awe-inspiring sight,
one would feel dwarfed in more than one way. Huang
Xiaolong was astounded as he looked at the Dragon Tomb.
Three to four hundred zhang above the ground, white clouds
circled the top, obscuring the real height from prying eyes.

Then, Huang Xiaolong noticed that those white clouds were

actually condensed from long accumulated dragon aura!

After a Dragon Clan expert’s demise, the dragon essence

within its body would be dispersed to the surroundings.
Evidently, this thick dragon aura was dragon essence that
dispersed outward from these experts’ bodies. Still, to be
able to condense this level of dragon aura, one could
imagine the terrifying extent of dragon essence in the
Huang Xiaolong’s heart moved, this was dragon aura
accumulated for centuries long, ah, if he could absorb it, to
what extent could his cultivation enhance?! However, at the
moment he didn’t have the luxury to stay here and refine
the dragon aura clouds.

Huang Xiaolong called out the Linglong Treasure Pagoda,

leaping as high as he could while activating the Thousand
Demons Engulfing Destruction Array inside the Thousand
Beast Cauldron. Instantly, like a whale gulping water, the
dragon aura white clouds circling the Dragon Tomb’s peak
flowed into the Linglong Treasure Pagoda-like galloping

Despite exerting his full effort to push the Thousand Beast

Cauldron, the amount of dragon aura accumulated over
centuries was too much for Huang Xiaolong to transfer
everything into the cauldron in a short time. It took a whole
hour before he managed to absorb the abundant dragon
aura into the Thousand Beast Cauldron. When the last
strand of dragon aura disappeared into the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda, Huang Xiaolong breathed in relief;
suppressing the ecstasy inside, he quickly returned the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda into his body.

When all was done, his attention turned toward the Dragon
Tomb’s entrance. Since he had collected all the dragon aura,
next would be exploring the Dragon Tomb. However,
forbidden places such as tombs, most of them were heavily
guarded with bans, thus Huang Xiaolong did not rush in.
Opening the Eye of Hell, he cautiously examined the Dragon
Tomb’s entrance.

When Huang Xiaolong advanced to Saint realm, his spiritual

force increased by leaps and bounds. Combined with the
Eye of Hell, as long as he was careful enough, he could see
through most curses and spells in place. Through the Eye of
Hell, Huang Xiaolong indeed found a certain ban placed at
the entrance, and this ban actually covered every angle of
the Dragon Tomb entrance, making it harder to break in!

A frown wrinkled Huang Xiaolong’s brows, then he

summoned the Godly Mt. Xumi, appearing in the Xumi
Temple in a flash. To break this level of ban relying on his
current strength was impossible, his only reliance was the
Godly Mt. Xumi at this point.

He activated the Ten Buddha Formation, shrinking the Godly

Mt. Xumi to the size of fine dust and floated toward the
Dragon Tomb entrance. With the Godly Mt. Xumi, Huang
Xiaolong passed through safely without any suspense.

The moment the Godly Mt. Xumi reached the other side of
the entrance, majestic waves of true dragon essence energy
submerged the little golden mountain, as if it dove into a
vast ocean of dragon essence energy.

Huang Xiaolong was dumbfounded.

Although separated by the Godly Mt. Xumi, he still felt the

terrifying wave of true dragon essence. Inside this Dragon
Tomb, the dragon essence was too abundant, moreover, it
felt like it had a consciousness, to be able to initiate an
attack on its own!

If it weren’t for Huang Xiaolong possessing the Godly Mt.

Xumi and advancing into the Saint realm, he would
definitely be injured the instant he tried to rush in through
the entrance by force.

Cautiously, Huang Xiaolong guided the Godly Mt.Xumi to fly

forward, weaving through the ocean of true dragon essence
toward its source.
This Dragon Tomb was like a small world, although he
already guessed that this Dragon Tomb is big, it wasn’t until
he entered that he realized that it was many times bigger
than he had imagined. Flying forward, the Godly Mt. Xumi
was like a tiny boat floating in an endless sea.

While Huang Xiaolong moved closer to the source of true

dragon essence, outside, in the Dragon City, Li Molin, Yao
Shan, and the rest arrived at the same square where Huang
Xiaolong found the stone stele to enter the Dragon Tomb.

“Dragon Tomb!” Li Molin stared joyfully at the two words at

the bottom of the stone stele, her eyes sparkling with joy.

“Dragon Tomb, haha, so the Dragon Tomb is actually here!”

Yao Shan laughed aloud. The other Deities Templar experts
also showed an anticipative smile.

Dragon Tomb! Tomb of the Dragon Clan experts, they finally

found it!

“According to ancient records, in order to open the Dragon

Tomb, one only needs to use the blood of Saint realm
experts and above.” Zhou Zheng said.

“Let me try.” Li Molin stepped up, cutting a wound on her

finger, letting her blood fall onto the stone stele. Almost
immediately, a bright light burst forth from the stone stele.

A short while later, Li Molin’s group was transported to the

entrance of Dragon Tomb, arriving at the same place where
Huang Xiaolong was before.

At this time, inside the Dragon Tomb, Huang Xiaolong

persistently maneuvered the Godly Mt. Xumi through the
ocean of true dragon essence, getting closer to the source.
An hour later, Huang Xiaolong arrived before a towering
dragon palace.

The dragon palace Huang Xiaolong found earlier was

already huge, yet compared to the one in front of him, it
was trivial. This was the source of the overwhelming true
dragon essence ocean inside the Dragon Tomb.

Huang Xiaolong stopped before the entrance.

“Dragon God Palace!” Reading out the three words above

the huge dragon palace.

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Huang Xiaolong

once again used the Eye of Hell to scan the surrounding
before carefully moving forward with the Godly Mt. Xumi,
entering the Dragon God Palace.

Inside, the scene that welcomed Huang Xiaolong blew his

mind away.

Inside the majestic great hall of the Dragon God Palace,

huge altars lined up, and above every altar was a
crystallized ice statues. Inside these crystal statues were
divine dragons!

Each and every divine dragon was extremely life-like! These

divine dragons were not sculptures, but actual corpses of
genuine Dragon Clan experts left behind!
Chapter 363: Dragon Pearl

Staring at the twenty-something Dragon Clan experts’

bodies in crystal statues, Huang Xiaolong’s breathing grew

Dragon Clan! These were all real dragons, ah!

In the past, when he was on Earth, the dragon was a

mystical totem of Huaxia Country. In the hearts of its
people, dragons held an insurmountable status.

It was a long time before Huang Xiaolong managed to calm

down a little, his sight falling onto the center altar in the
great hall. The center altar was much bigger compared to
the others, yet on that center altar, there was a single fist-
sized pearl hovering above it. The vigorous true dragon
essence outside originated from this little pearl.

Looking unblinkingly at this pearl, a lightning thought struck

Huang Xiaolong, “This, could it be the legendary Dragon

Dragon Pearl! The Dragon Clan’s greatest treasure!

Only the Dragon Emperor could possess the Dragon Pearl,

moreover, there was only one Dragon Pearl!

This Dragon Pearl was more valuable than any amount of

dragon eggs, Dragon Blood Crystals, and Divine Dragon
Pills, even these real dragon experts’ bodies! Otherwise, it
wouldn’t be called ‘treasure of the Dragon Clan’.

Maneuvering the Godly Mt. Xumi, Huang Xiaolong

approached the Dragon Pearl.
The Dragon Pearl emitted a faint golden halo. Inside, there
seemed to be the shadow of a divine dragon, but it was too
hazy to determine. When the Godly Mt. Xumi was in front of
the Dragon Pearl, the golden halo emitted from the Dragon
Pearl shone into the Xumi Temple, enveloping Huang
Xiaolong. He felt as if he was bathing in dragon essence
fluid, from outside to inside, from soul to flesh, an
indescribably comfortable feeling filled Huang Xiaolong,
making him moan.

At this point, the black and blue dragon martial spirits inside
Huang Xiaolong stirred, flying out of Huang Xiaolong’s body,
hovering above the Dragon Pearl. Influenced by the black
and blue dragon’s atmosphere, the Dragon Pearl’s
brightness increased, issuing long humming noises, and
actually flew towards the black and blue dragons, circling
the air together.

While the Dragon Pearl flew around the black and blue
dragons, Huang Xiaolong noticed the dragon scales on both
of them becoming shinier, the horn on their head grew
longer, and the dragon might emitted from them became

At this point, Huang Xiaolong tried recalling the twin dragon

martial spirits back into his body. He watched as the black
and blue dragons flew back towards him and the Dragon
Pearl followed, stopping in front of Huang Xiaolong. The
Dragon Pearl gave Huang Xiaolong a familiar intimate
feeling, akin to reuniting with a long-lost family.

“From now on, follow me.” Huang Xiaolong spoke.

A soft hum came from the Dragon Pearl, moving up and

down as if nodding.
The Dragon Pearl was the Dragon Clan’s great treasure,
Huang Xiaolong did not find it strange that it had
intelligence. A treasure of this grade, unless it willingly
followed someone, even a God Realm master would be
helpless trying to take it away by force.

Watching the Dragon Pearl move up and down, Huang

Xiaolong’s heart leaped with joy. He extended a palm out,
and the Dragon Pearl flew onto Huang Xiaolong’s palm.
Even as he looked at the Dragon Pearl in his palm, Huang
Xiaolong could hardly rein in the elation he was feeling.

In the end, he put the Dragon Pearl away into the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda, he would refine it after going out. Huang
Xiaolong then shifted his attention onto the crystal statue
on the center altar, since the Dragon Pearl was on the same
altar, then without a doubt, this was the body of the Dragon

This particular crystal statue sealed the body of a five-

clawed golden dragon corpse, the Dragon Emperor’s body.
Although the Dragon Emperor was dead, Huang Xiaolong
was still able to feel the vestige of its majestic momentum
when it was alive.

Calming down the messy thoughts in his head, a suction

force came from both his hands, planning to take the
Dragon Emperor’s body into the Godly Mt. Xumi. But Huang
Xiaolong was flabbergasted, the crystal statue didn’t move
one inch. At that time when Huang Xiaolong took the Great
Dragon Saber, though it was as heavy as a mountain, he
still managed to lift it up, but he didn’t even shake this ice
statue. Giving Huang Xiaolong a feeling akin to an ant trying
to move a great boulder.
Taking a deep breath, Huang Xiaolong initiated the true
essence energy from his dantian and a suction force once
again came from both of his hands. Finally, the giant crystal
statue moved, but then again, it merely moved. To Huang
Xiaolong, it was like he was carrying a mountain.

At this time, a thought struck Huang Xiaolong, quickly

removing all the sixty over grade one spirit stones from the
spatial ring he got from Ao Baixue. He placed ten grade one
spirit stones inside the Ten Buddha Formation in one go.

The Ten Buddha Formation broke out in a resplendent light,

strands of Buddhism energy surged into Huang Xiaolong’s

He made another attempt, the powerful suction force once

again coming from his palms, but this time, the crystal
statue was instantly lifted in the air and transferred into the
Xumi Temple, placed at one side.

After the crystal statue went into the Xumi Temple, Huang
Xiaolong felt as if all the energy in his body was drained
empty, falling to his butt in the Ten Buddha Formation,
panting heavily out of breath.

Huang Xiaolong quickly swallowed a pellet and executed

Instant Recovery to replenish his energy. Having recovered,
his attention shifted onto another altar. He had taken the
Dragon Emperor’s corpse, so his next target was the Dragon
King’s corpse and the Elders.

A powerful suction force once again surged out from Huang

Xiaolong’s hands, the crystal statue on the left side flew up
a little and was immediately transferred to the Xumi Temple
by Huang Xiaolong.
The first crystal statue on the left was a Tuo Dragon. In the
Dragon Clan, the Tuo Dragon had a very high status,
otherwise it wouldn’t be placed so close to the Dragon

Staring at the two large crystal statue of the Dragon

Emperor and the Tuo Dragon inside the Xumi Temple, Huang
Xiaolong was severely out of breath. Transferring these two
crystal statues into the Xumi Temple was more exhausting
than battling a high-level Saint realm expert.

Huang Xiaolong swallowed another pellet and executed

Instant Recovery to recover as fast as possible. Huang
Xiaolong once again wanted to draw Buddhism energy from
the Ten Buddha Formation, but the ten grade one spirits
stones crumbled, all the spiritual energy within depleted.

Ignoring the ache in his heart, Huang Xiaolong removed

another ten grade one spirits stones and placed them at the
center of the Ten Buddha Formation, providing a new wave
of Buddhism energy into his body.

Huang Xiaolong moved on to the second altar on the left,

lifting the crystal statue to the air and transferring it into the
Xumi Temple. The second left dragon was a Buddha Dragon.
Like the Tuo Dragon, the Buddha Dragon had a very high
standing within the Dragon Clan.

After successfully transferring this Buddha Dragon into the

Xumi Temple, Huang Xiaolong was emptied out once more.
Going through the same recovery process, Huang Xiaolong
started on the fourth crystal statue.

The fourth, the fifth, the sixth!

Gradually, the number of dragon crystal statues inside the

Xumi Temple grew in number.
When Huang Xiaolong was about to start on the twelfth
crystal statue, from afar, whistling wind sounded from the
entrance direction, causing his heart to tighten.

It seems there were already people who managed to break

through the ban placed at the Dragon Tomb entrance, fast
approaching the Dragon God Palace. Judging from the noise,
it was quite a large number of people, moreover, each one
was no weaker than himself.

Huang Xiaolong swiftly threw all the remaining grade one

spirit stones to the center of Ten Buddha Formation,
Buddhism energy broke out in angry waves. He quickly
moved the twelfth crystal statue into Xumi Temple. Before
he could start on the thirteenth crystal statue, the front area
of Dragon God Palace shone in a dazzling bright light as a
dozen people appeared.

“Li Molin!” Huang Xiaolong noticed that Li Molin was

amongst the people who arrived.
Chapter 364: All Sides Snatching

Seeing Li Molin’s group, Huang Xiaolong’s nerves stretched

taut, quickly converging all the Buddhism energy flowing
out from the Godly Mt. Xumi, once again shrinking down to
dust particle and naturally falling to the floor.

Although Huang Xiaolong had previously maneuvered the

Godly Mt. Xumi past the detection of peak late-Tenth Order
Saint realm undead bone dragon guardian, the bone dragon
was a ‘dead’ entity at its core, whereas Li Molin and her
group were genuine Tenth Order Saint realm in the flesh. If
Huang Xiaolong was found, there was only death at the end
of the tunnel!

Li Molin and the rest ran into the hall, eyes shining staring at
the remaining twelve crystal statues on the altars, but when
they spotted the dozen empty altars on the left, everyone
was stunned.

“Why is this? Could it be there was someone else that came

in faster than us and took away the other twelve primordial
divine dragons?!” Yao Shan blurted.

“Not only that, the legendary Dragon Pearl is also gone!”

Another Deities Templar Elder pointed out.

Li Molin’s eyes turned cold, scanning around the great hall

like a hawk, her icy voice sounded: “The entire way coming
in here, we did not see anyone, that person should still be
inside here. Everyone search carefully, dig that person out!
The Temple Preceptor has ordered, we absolutely must get
the Dragon Pearl!”

Yao Shan and the rest complied in unison, separated and

went to search in different directions, looking at every nook
and cranny. Whereas Zhou Zheng, who stood beside Li
Molin, two lines of flames appeared in the depth of his eyes,
fine golden light beams shot out from his eyes, sweeping
over the entire great hall.

Watching this, Huang Xiaolong’s nerves tightened another

notch, he knew that man was displaying a kind of skill that
could penetrate others’ concealment battle skill ability.

Moments later, Zhou Zheng moved as if he detected

something, his feet moving slowly in the Godly Mt. Xumi’s
direction. Seeing his actions, Li Molin followed closely
behind him.

One step… two steps…! Both of them were getting closer to

where Huang Xiaolong was.

Huang Xiaolong’s breathing became chaotic.

Both of them stopped three meters from Huang Xiaolong, it

was at this precise moment that sounds of breaking wind
came from the Dragon God Palace’s entrance as another
group of people burst into the hall.

“Asura’s Gate!” Huang Xiaolong noted the way these group

dressed, uttering in surprise. His gaze shifted onto the tall
man in the middle, wearing an ink black robe. The corners of
his eyes were dotted with faint black patterns.

Chen Tianqi?! Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed. So this was

Asura’s Gate Domain Chief, his Senior Brother Chen Tianqi?

However, instead of worrying, Huang Xiaolong was ecstatic

instead with Asura’s Gate group arrival. Sure enough, Chen
Tianqi’s arrival attracted Li Molin’s group’s attention,
creating a rivalry.
Deities Templar and Asura’s Gate began snatching the
remaining twelve crystal sculptures of primordial ancient
divine dragons. Not long after Chen Tianqi’s group burst into
the hall, the Beastmen Clan from Ten Directions Continent
also arrived, joining the fray without hesitation.

Seizing the opportunity within the chaos, Huang Xiaolong

carefully maneuvered the Godly Mt. Xumi toward the exit,
leaving the Dragon God Palace, flying all the way until the
Dragon Tomb’s entrance, however, Huang Xiaolong did not
immediately leave. This true dragon essence was good stuff,
of course he couldn’t let it go to waste.

He activated the Thousand Demon Engulfing Destruction

Array inside the Thousand Beast Cauldron, sucking in all the
true dragon essence in the air into the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda. The space within the Linglong Treasure Pagoda was
limitless, therefore Huang Xiaolong placed this true dragon
essence at a different place than the dragon aura clouds he
sucked in earlier.

After a while, deciding it was enough, Huang Xiaolong

stopped, put away the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and exited
the Dragon Tomb. When he came out, he appeared at the
same square with the stone stele.

Huang Xiaolong was secretly relieved as he looked at the

twelve primordial divine dragon corpses sealed inside the
crystal statues in the Xumi Temple, a gush of excitement
washing over him. This trip to the Origin Forest was the
biggest harvest of his life. Especially getting the Dragon
Clan’s greatest treasure, the Dragon Pearl.

In a flicker, Huang Xiaolong disappeared from the Dragon

City square, summoning Zhao Shu, giant ghost Feng Yang,
Duan Ren, and the rest using a transmission talisman. He
found Dragon Blood Crystals, Divine Dragon Pills, primordial
ancient divine dragons’ corpses, and the Dragon Pearl. It
was time to leave.

He knew there would be many more treasures around the

Dragon City, but Huang Xiaolong was content.

A short while later, Zhao Shu and Feng Yang regrouped with
Huang Xiaolong. When he saw their excited faces, Huang
Xiaolong surmised that both found some good things as
well. Yet, Duan Ren’s group still hadn’t shown themselves
after a long time.

Huang Xiaolong frowned, they might have come across

some trouble, otherwise, they wouldn’t simply ignore his

“Most likely, something happened on Duan Ren’s side.”

Zhao Shu was the first to say it out.

Huang Xiaolong nodded. Then, the transmission talisman in

Huang Xiaolong’s palm shook, his spiritual sense swept over
it, receiving the call for help from Duan Ren’s side.

“They’re in trouble, let’s go!” Huang Xiaolong urged. Huang

Xiaolong flew in front, leading Zhao Shu and Feng Yang to
Duan Ren’s location.

Huang Xiaolong flew at his fastest speed, and very soon, the
three of them sensed strong fluctuations up ahead. Clearly,
there were Saint realm experts battling. Feeling the strong
energy fluctuations, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Feng
Yang increased their speed.

A brief moment later, Huang Xiaolong saw Duan Ren

fighting with a middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe.
The dragon on the middle-aged man’s robe was a green
dragon, a powerful atmosphere surging from him,
overwhelming Duan Ren’s. In their fight, Duan Ren fell at a
great disadvantage, Huang Xiaolong could tell that the other
side wasn’t in a hurry to kill Duan Ren, or he wouldn’t have
lasted this long.

Huang Xiaolong was stunned, who was this middle-aged

man? He eyes surveyed the surroundings, noticing that
some distance away five people were sieging the two
Duanren Institute’s Honorable Saint Masters. That five
people surprised Huang Xiaolong, for he recognized them,
they were Blood Dragon City’s disciples who entered the
Ghost City. At that time, Blood Dragon City, Imperial Saber
City, and Green Ghost City all sent disciples to explore the
Ghost King’s cultivation cave.

That’s right, amongst the five people encircling the two

Duanren Institute Saint experts were Blood Dragon City’s Li
Qiuping and Wang Lin. Seeing the two of them, a thought
flashed in Huang Xiaolong’s mind; Blood Dragon City’s
Castellan, Silver Dragon Ao Gu? One of Bedlam Lands’ top
ten experts!

“You go save Duan Ren.” Huang Xiaolong said to Zhao Shu.

“Yes, Young Lord.” Zhao Shu acknowledged Huang

Xiaolong’s order, disappearing in a flicker, moving to attack
Silver Dragon Ao Gu. Huang Xiaolong did not waste time
himself, attacking Li Qiuping and Wang Lin together with
Feng Yang.

Silver Dragon Ao Gu started to feel boring playing with Duan

Ren and was about to kill him off when a powerful energy
came tearing toward him. Alarmed, Ao Gu struck an attack
to the back without any hesitation. In the collision, he was
forced back several meters.

Almost at the same time, Li Qiuping and Wang Lin were also
forced back by Huang Xiaolong and Feng Yang.

Silver Dragon Ao Gu looked dignified, questioning Zhao Shu:

Who are you?” From that attack just now, this person rivaled
him in strength.

Li Qiuping retreated to Silver Dragon Ao Gu’s side,

respectfully saying, “Master, that kid is Huang Xiaolong.”

“Huang Xiaolong!” Silver Dragon Ao Gu followed Li Qiuping’s

line of sight, glancing at Huang Xiaolong. He was stunned,
the incident in Rising Sun City about Huang Xiaolong killing
Deities Templar’s Elder Yao Fei was a hot topic, even Silver
Dragon Ao Gu had inevitably heard of it.
Chapter 365: Refining The
Dragon Pearl
Chapter 365: Refining the Dragon Pearl

Silver Dragon Ao Gu observed Huang Xiaolong from head to

toe with interest.

Ever since the incident at Rising Sun City, all forces and
families’ hottest topic of discussion was Huang Xiaolong—
the Martial Spirit World’s most awe-inspiring talent in
history, no matter who it was, they would show some

Silver Dragon Ao Gu was no exception.

Until this moment, Silver Dragon Ao Gu still didn’t know that

his most favored female disciple, Li Li, was killed by Huang
Xiaolong. If he knew, he probably wouldn’t be admiring
Huang Xiaolong as he was doing now.

“Brother Duan Ren, what happened just now?” Huang

Xiaolong asked Duan Ren.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Feng Yang arriving

just in time, Duan Ren was greatly relieved inside his heart.

The cusp of the matter was that Duan Ren found a Dragon
Clan weapon and ran into Silver Dragon Ao Gu after that,
who wanted to snatch it from Duan Ren’s hands, thus both
sides started to fight.

“Let’s go.” Huang Xiaolong said after he heard what

Since Duan Ren was alright, Huang Xiaolong preferred to
avoid a frontal confrontation with Silver Dragon Ao Gu at
this instant. Although he didn’t know Ao Gu’s true strength,
with his standing as one of Bedlam Lands’ top ten experts, it
would take quite an effort for Zhao Shu to defeat him.
Moreover, if Blood Dragon City’s people were here, then
people from Sin City, Imperial Saber City, and Green Ghost
City would be close by as well.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t want to waste time here, if people

from Sin City rushed over, it would be much harder for him
to leave at that time. The most urgent matter right now was
to leave the Dragon City as soon as possible and find a safe
place to refine the Dragon Pearl, Dragon Blood Crystals, and
the twelve primordial divine dragon corpses.

About Huang Xiaolong wanting to leave, Duan Ren and the

two other Saint realm experts had no objection.

But Li Qiuping, who was standing next to Silver Dragon Ao

Gu snapped, “Presumptuous! Huang Xiaolong, who allowed
you to leave?!” He took a step forward, planning to block
Huang Xiaolong’s group’s path.

However, Silver Dragon Ao Gu raised a hand to stop Li

Qiuping saying, “Let them leave.”

Li Qiuping was stunned, “Master, this..?!”

Silver Dragon Ao Gu didn’t say another word, watching the

several leaving silhouettes.

“Master, then the Dragon Blood Blade, are we letting it go

just like this?” Wang Lin was reluctant.

The weapon Duan Ren found was called Dragon Blood

Blade. Though it couldn’t compare to the Great Dragon
Saber that Huang Xiaolong found, it was still a divine grade

Silver Dragon Ao Gu snapped, “Then, what should be done?

Are you confident you can keep them here?” Even Deities
Templar’s Elder Li Molin needed to flee in the battle from
Rising Sun City, although he, Silver Dragon Ao Gu, had yet
to test his mettle against Li Molin before, he knew his
strength was not much higher than Li Molin’s.

Li Qiuping and Wang Lin hung their heads down, not daring
to utter another word.

“Let’s go, there should be a lot more weapons left behind by

the Dragon Clan Elders, search for the remaining others.”
Silver Dragon Ao Gu spoke with finality in his voice and
disappeared from view in a flicker.

Li Qiuping and the others quickly followed.

Leaving the scene, Huang Xiaolong’s group headed straight

to the space exit. In a blink, they were transferred back to
the same tranquil ravine bottom. In a few quick leaps up the
ravine walls, Huang Xiaolong and his group reached the top
of the ravine.

From there, they rushed out from the Origin Forest, leaving
its sphere in just a few days’ time. Leaving behind the Origin
Forest, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Duan Ren, and the others
sped all the way back to Duanren Empire.

Due to the fact that they didn’t take many breaks along the
way, in half a month’s time, the six of them stepped into
Duanren Imperial City.

The moment Huang Xiaolong returned to the Southern Hill

Estate, he told his family to bring only the necessities and
led them out of Duanren Imperial City.

Now, Huang Xiaolong’s plan was to find a place that would

allow him time to refine the Dragon Pearl, Dragon Blood
Crystals, and the other things. Staying in Duanren Imperial
City wasn’t safe anymore.

In the Rising Sun City’s battle, Huang Xiaolong had exposed

himself to possess the God Binding Ring and Absolute Soul
Pearl, although most mediocre forces wouldn’t be brave
enough to take advantage of him, there was still a one in a
million chance. Not to mention, once the Ancient Dragon
Clan ruins expedition in the Origin Forest ended, Deities
Templar would definitely come looking for trouble with him,
and the chances of them using his family to threaten him
were pretty high. It wasn’t totally safe even with Zhao Shu
and Zhang Fu around, therefore Huang Xiaolong decided to
move his family away from Duanren Imperial City first.

As for where to go, Huang Xiaolong already figured it out—

the bottom of the Broken Tiger Rift.

The bottom of the Broken Tiger Rift, with the extreme cold
wind natural barrier, was temporarily the safest place.
Furthermore, there was the Eminent Holiness’ secret
cultivation cave below the cold lake.

The beauty of Eminent Holiness’s cultivation cave was like a

Promise Land, it was a good place for his family to live and
cultivate. Of course, this arrangement was temporary. When
Huang Xiaolong felt that his strength was sufficient to rival
Deities Templar, he would move his family back to Duanren
Imperial City.

As a precaution, Huang Xiaolong even brought his younger

sister Huang Min, brother-in-law Guo Tai, and nephew Guo
Xiaofan together.
Two weeks later, Huang Xiaolong brought his family to the
bottom of the Broken Tiger Rift, entering the Eminent
Holiness’ cultivation cave space through the cold lake.

Everyone exclaimed in awe looking at the beautiful scenery

of Eminent Holiness’ cultivation cave. The little guy Guo
Xiaofan’s little hands clapped merrily, obvious he also liked
the place very much.

The spiritual energy in the space was just as rich, even

though all the herbs and elixirs were taken away by Huang
Xiaolong previously. In a way, for Huang Peng, Su Yan, and
the others, cultivating here would be more beneficial than in
Duanren Imperial City’s Southern Hill Estate.

Still, there were only a few grass huts inside the Eminent
Holiness’ cultivation space, so Huang Xiaolong tasked Yu
Ming, Fei Hou, Haotian, and the others to build more huts
and simple rooms. Huang Xiaolong already had the
necessary materials readied. Before leaving Duanren
Imperial City, Huang Xiaolong had Yu Ming, Fei Hou, and
some servants buy good quality wood.

Other than his family, Huang Xiaolong also brought Zhao

Shu, Zhang Fu, Yu Ming, Fei Hou, Haotian, and several
guards and maidservants. These guards and maidservants
were the same ones that followed his parents, Huang Peng
and Su Yan, from the Huang Clan Manor to Duanren Imperial
City and were absolutely loyal.

Very soon, the new huts were ready.

But Huang Xiaolong did not enter closed-door practice

immediately, taking out a portion of the true dragon
essence from the Linglong Treasure Pagoda and dividing it
to everyone there for their cultivation. This true dragon
essence greatly benefited the human physical body.
Then Huang Xiaolong took out a hundred pieces of Dragon
Blood Crystal, distributing them to his parents, Zhao Shu,
Zhang Fu, and the rest.

It was one month after arriving in Eminent Holiness’

cultivation space that Huang Xiaolong entered the Xumi
Temple to begin his closed-door practice.

In the Xumi Temple, Huang Xiaolong took out the Dragon

Clan’s great treasure, the Dragon Pearl. The Dragon Pearl
hovered in front of Huang Xiaolong, emitting the same soft
golden halo that enveloped him in a comfortable light.

Inside the Dragon Pearl, that shadow of the divine dragon

was hazy as ever.

Repressing the excitement in his heart, Huang Xiaolong

dropped a drop of blood on the Dragon Pearl’s surface. The
bright red drop was instantly absorbed into the Dragon
Pearl, the golden halo becoming a notch brighter.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong ran the true essence energy

from his dantian, infusing it into the Dragon Pearl as he
began refining it.

Time flowed, days passed.

Not even Huang Xiaolong knew how many days passed

when the vague dragon shadow inside the Dragon Pearl
seemed to come alive. A long humming noise came from
the Dragon Pearl as it floated over to Huang Xiaolong.
Chapter 366: Three Years Later

The Dragon Pearl flew towards Huang Xiaolong, circling

around him while releasing rings of golden light that went
into Huang Xiaolong’s body like a never-ending tide of
golden waves.

Huang Xiaolong bathed in the golden halo, it felt extremely

warm and comfortable, akin to an infant inside the mother’s

The battle qi inside Huang Xiaolong’s Qi Sea continued to

multiply, the true essence energy within his dantian grew

Time flowed as the Dragon Pearl rotated around Huang

Xiaolong, gradually enhancing the dragon aura inside his
body. The Dragon Pearl moved closer and closer to Huang

A few days later, the light coming from the Dragon Pearl
soared sky high and it flew straight into the center of Huang
Xiaolong’s eyebrows. In that instant, a tsunami of true
dragon essence that had been restrained for hundreds of
centuries broke out, rushing to every part of Huang
Xiaolong’s veins and meridians, spilling into his Qi Sea, even
into his dantian.

Huang Xiaolong shook, his whole body ballooned due to the

sudden influx of vigorous true dragon essence inside his
body. The warm comfortable feeling was replaced by
excruciating pain, as if he would blow into pieces at any
moment. Frightened, Huang Xiaolong frantically ran the
Asura Tactics and the Body Metamorphosis Scripture, crazily
absorbing the terrifying amount of true dragon essence.
The Dragon Pearl was hailed as the Dragon Clan’s greatest
treasure, a possession of the Dragon Emperor for
generations, absorbing true dragon essence belonging to
the Dragon Emperor for hundreds of thousands of years,
one could imagine the horrifying extent of true dragon
essence contained within the fist-sized Dragon Pearl.

Huang Xiaolong crazily absorbed the true dragon essence

released into his body, but it was still too much, far
exceeding his capacity. Fine threads of blood started
seeping out from Huang Xiaolong’s pores, a sign that his
body was stretched to the limit, hardly able to hold this
large amount of true dragon essence released by the
Dragon Pearl.

If this situation continued, there was only one ending for

Huang Xiaolong—blasting to pieces! Sensing more and more
true dragon essence accumulating in his body, Huang
Xiaolong became anxious yet helpless at the same time.

Two days went by and Huang Xiaolong’s body doubled in

size, from afar it gave an unsettling eerie feeling. One could
only imagine the torturous pain when the body suddenly
expanded more than twice its size. If it weren’t for Huang
Xiaolong’s physical toughness, he would have exploded long
before. Even so, he could barely last much longer.

Seven days later, a thunderous bang rang out, Huang

Xiaolong exploded, blood and pieces of meat rained down in
the Xumi Temple. Seconds before he exploded, the black
and blue dragon flew out from his body, roaring skyward,
intertwining with the Dragon Pearl. Rings of golden glow
continued rippling out from the Dragon Pearl, filling the
Xumi Temple and the entire Godly Mt. Xumi space.
Although Huang Xiaolong’s body exploded, his soul was
intact. He felt as if he arrived in a golden ocean, floating

One month, two months, one year passed!

Huang Xiaolong’s pieces of flesh and blood gradually

gathered, albeit slowly. While on the outside, Zhao Shu,
Zhang Fu, Yu Ming, and the others were feeling anxious.

“Sovereign has been in closed-door practice for more than a

year, why hasn’t he come out yet?” Zhao Shu’s brows were
tightly scrunched together.

“There’s barely a month left until the Deities Templar

disciple selection day.” Zhang Fu’s brows were also locked
together, “Did something happen to Sovereign while in
closed-door practice?”

Huang Xiaolong planned to rescue Li Lu during the Deities

Templar disciple selection event, all of them were aware of

“Sovereign is inside the Godly Mt. Xumi, we have no way of

going in.” Yu Ming said.

“We can only wait for Sovereign to come out.” Zhao Shu
stated gravely.

All they could do now was wait. But, in this period of

waiting, another year passed. A year had gone by from the
time of the Deities Templar’s disciple selection.

Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the rest became even more
anxious, including Huang Peng and Su Yan. Although Huang
Xiaolong went into closed-door practice, he had never once
been away for so long.
Inside the Xumi Temple, Huang Xiaolong’s exploded body
parts continued to cohere, finally returning to a whole
Huang Xiaolong. A faint golden glow glimmered from his
body, similar to the golden halo emitted by the Dragon

When Huang Xiaolong’s body returned to completion, the

Dragon Pearl once again flew into his body between his
brows. True dragon essence once again spread to every inch
of Huang Xiaolong’s body. However, this time, all the true
dragon essence was instantly absorbed by Huang Xiaolong,
refined, becoming part of him. The ballooning did not
happen this time.

Huang Xiaolong’s body suspended in the air. The black and

blue dragon martial spirits hovered above him, absorbing
the true dragon essence that lingered in the Xumi Temple, in
the last two years, the black and blue dragons had grown to
a length of two hundred zhang, their body thickness had
more than doubled.

Another half a year passed in the same manner, when it was

getting close to the third year of his closed-door practice,
Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes. An overwhelming
momentum gushed out from his entire being at that

With Huang Xiaolong’s body as the center, monstrous

energy waves swept out akin to a primordial divine dragon
awakening from its long slumber!

Slowly floating to the floor, Huang Xiaolong looked at his

hands and his new body that was rebuilt by the Dragon
Pearl and true dragon essence, a body that had no flaw. This
current body was much more perfect than his previous one,
comparable to the ancient Dragon Emperor’s physique!
His current body was rebuilt by the Dragon Pearl and true
dragon essence, thus the strength and defense far exceed
his old body many times over. Huang Xiaolong had a feeling
that even average divine grade weapons couldn’t inflict
damage on him.

Even so, that wasn’t the most important. Huang Xiaolong

discovered that he actually broke through to peak late- Third
Order Saint realm! The true dragon essence inside the
Dragon Pearl actually helped him to break through until
peak late-Third Order Saint realm!

Huang Xiaolong was dumbstruck, finding it hard to believe.

Although he didn’t know how long he had been in closed-
door practice, he estimated it wouldn’t be longer than ten
years. There were some Saint realm experts that couldn’t
advance from First Order Saint realm To Third Order Saint
realm even in three hundred years, not to mention peak
late-Third Order Saint realm.

Also, it seems like the Dragon Pearl integrated perfectly with

his body?!

He noticed a new golden symbol between his brows, this

golden symbol probably appeared due to the Dragon Pearl.
The Dragon Clan’s ancient language, the single word—
Dragon! The symbol was extremely tiny, unless one was
searching for it, it wasn’t noticeable at all.

Standing in the Xumi Temple, Huang Xiaolong was like an

immovable Mt. Tai.

During the ancient era, some powerful ancient Gods would

have a mysterious rune on their forehead when their
strength reached a certain strength.
Feeling the potent energy in his body, Huang Xiaolong
gradually calmed down. Removing a blue robe from the
Asura Ring, got dressed and exited the Xumi Temple.

Being so long in a closed-door practice, his parents, Zhao

Shu, and the rest was probably anxious by now.

“It’s Young Lord!” Just as Huang Xiaolong appeared, Zhao

Shu and Zhang Fu were the first ones to detect his
presence, exclaiming out in joy.

Within seconds after Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu’s voices

sounded, silhouettes moved, Huang Peng, Su Yan, Huang
Xiaohai, Huang Min, and everyone else ran over from
wherever they were.

“Long’er, you’re out!” Su Yan walked up, crying out in


Huang Xiaolong smiled at his mother, nodding. Then he

turned to Zhao Shu, “How long was I in closed-door

“Replying to Young Lord, it’s been close to three years.”

Zhao Shu replied respectfully.

Three years? Huang Xiaolong nodded, good, three years

wasn’t considered too long.
Chapter 367: Asura Order

Hearing Zhao Shu’s answer, Huang Xiaolong was relieved,

but then remembering the Deities Templar’s disciple
selection matter, he felt slightly depressed having missed it.
It seems like he needed to think of another method to
rescue Li Lu.

But then again, this wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Deities Templar probably already guessed that he’d appear

in the disciple selection to do something and made
preparation in advance, just waiting for him to fall into their
well-laid trap. If he had shown up, not only would he be
unable to bring Li Lu out, he could even lose himself in the

“Xiaolong, did something happen this time during your

closed-door practice?” Huang Peng asked.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “Yes, something unexpected

happened, but it’s alright now.” Recalling the scene of his
body exploding due to the excessive amount of true dragon
essence, Huang Xiaolong still felt palpitations. If it weren’t
for his advancement into the Saint realm, being immortal
unless the soul was destroyed, he’d be dead now.
Fortunately, the black and blue dragon martial spirits
guarded the Dragon Pearl at that time.

“Let’s go inside and talk.” Looking at the expressions around

him, Huang Xiaolong could tell that everyone had a lot of
questions, thus persuaded with a smile.

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong and everyone else were

seated in the hall, talking.
Due to worrying about Huang Xiaolong, the atmosphere in
the Eminent Holiness space had been heavy and tense, but
now that Huang Xiaolong appeared in front of everyone, it
was like a ray of sunlight sweeping away the dark clouds,
returning to its previous cheer and laughter.

“Uncle, Uncle!” At this time, nephew Guo Xiaofan reached

Huang Xiaolong’s side, his childish voice saying, “My
Mommy says you’re the most powerful person in this world,
can you teach me?”

Three years passed, the little guy was already five years old
and was so much taller, but still as cute and lovable.

Huang Xiaolong grinned hearing the little one, “Teach you?

What do you want to learn?”

Guo Xiaofan’s head tilted to the side, saying, “I want to

learn how to fly.”

This answer brought a bout of laughter from everyone


Huang Xiaolong agreed: “Good, then Uncle will teach you

how to fly.”

Little Guo Xiaofan bloomed hearing Huang Xiaolong’s

promise, hands clapping excitedly shouting great, and then
ran to Huang Min and Guo Tai, telling him that Uncle
promised to teach him.

Watching Guo Xiaofan, Huang Xiaolong was reminded of his

own childhood. At that time, his grandfather, Huang Qide,
was extremely partial to his Eldest Uncle’s son, Huang Wei.
After two decades, it seemed like another lifetime.
Then Huang Xiaolong asked Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu about
the situation outside, as well as news about the Ancient
Dragon Clan ruins in the Origin Forest.

In the past three years, Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu both

ventured out of the Broken Tiger Rift twice, therefore they
had some idea about the situation outside.

Zhao Shu reported to Huang Xiaolong about the Origin

Forest Ancient Dragon Clan matter, where Deities Templar
and other forces fought for the primordial divine dragon
corpses. In the end, Deities Templar snatched three, Chen
Tianqi won one, the Beastmen Clan and Demonic Beasts
experts from Ten Directions Continent managed to snatch
two each. Three corpses went to the Bedlam Lands, and the
last one was taken by a mysterious person.

“Also, Young Lord, currently, Deities Templar has taken

control of nine kingdoms under Duanren Empire!” Zhang Fu

“Deities Templar took control over nine Duanren Empire’s

kingdoms?!” Huang Xiaolong was genuinely shocked at this
piece of information. This situation put the Duanren Empire
in a precarious position!

Zhang Fu also wore a solemn expression on his face,

continuing: “Yes, if it weren’t for the Wind Snow Continent
alliance covenant signed between Duanren Empire, Grand
Dawn Empire, Goryeo Empire and six other empires,
deterring Deities Templar, they would have already attacked
to conquer Duanren Imperial City!”

Huang Xiaolong’s brows furrowed deeply. Although Deities

Templar acted with caution, not daring to launch large scale
attack, it was still only a matter of time.
“What about the Luo Tong Kingdom?” Huang Xiaolong
suddenly asked.

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu exchanged a look, hesitating. Both

knew Huang Xiaolong and Luo Tong Kingdom’s Prince Lu Kai
has a good friendship.

“Speak.” Noticing the small exchange between Zhao Shu

and Zhang Fu, an ominous feeling filled Huang Xiaolong’s

“Replying to Young Lord, the Luo Tong Kingdom has fallen

into Deities Templar’s control, and Prince Lu Kai… was
executed by Li Molin.” Zhao Shu hesitated in between,
before uttering the truth.

“What?!!” Huang Xiaolong abruptly rose from his seat, a

terrifying murderous aura broke out from his body, his eyes
turning scarlet.

Lu Kai… dead?! Killed by Li Molin!

“Li Molin!!” Huang Xiaolong gritted his teeth, biting on every


Everyone stared astonished at Huang Xiaolong’s

momentum, including Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu.

Sovereign, he?”

“Young Lord, you…?!” Zhang Fu asked, flabbergasted.

Huang Xiaolong converged his atmosphere, nodding as he

did, “This time’s closed-door practice, I’ve broken through to
Third Order Saint realm.”
“Third Order Saint realm!” Everyone exclaimed in disbelief
almost at the same time, eyes focused on Huang Xiaolong.

This, how could this be possible! Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu felt
it the most.

Before Huang Xiaolong went into closed-door practice,

Huang Xiaolong had just advanced to Saint realm, but now,
he had already reached Third Order Saint realm?!

Pondering the matter, Huang Xiaolong did not conceal from

the people present: “I’ve gotten the Dragon Pearl.” When
Huang Xiaolong returned from the Origin Forest, he did not
mention to anyone anything about the Dragon Pearl, thus
everyone was still in the dark about this.

“Dragon Pearl, that legendary Dragon Clan’s greatest

treasure, the Dragon Pearl!” Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu jumped
from their seats at Huang Xiaolong’s words, their eyes
widened to the size of an infant’s fist and their mouths
agape. Huang Peng, Su Yan, and the others might not realize
the significance of the Dragon Pearl, but Zhao Shu and
Zhang Fu did.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong did not feel strange seeing these

two people’s reaction.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “I was in closed-door practice to

refine the Dragon Pearl. A small accident happened in the
middle, that’s why it took so long, but I have fully refined
the Dragon Pearl.”

Not merely refined, it basically became part of his body!

Huang Xiaolong could clearly sense the Dragon Pearl

between his brows releasing true dragon essence every
second at all time, his strength continued to rise every
moment, growing stronger until the true dragon essence
inside the Dragon Pearl depleted.

At this point, the dumbstruck Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu

recovered from their gaffe, kneeling down on a single knee
in excitement, lauding: “Congratulations, Young Lord, in
getting the Dragon Clan’s great treasure! Sovereign is
invincible throughout!”

“Congratulations, Young Lord, in getting the Dragon Clan’s

great treasure! Sovereign is invincible throughout!” Yu Ming,
Fei Hou, and Haotian quickly follow suit, kneeling down in

Huang Xiaolong smiled helplessly at them, telling them to


When the five of them stood up, Huang Xiaolong inquired

about Chen Tianqi.

“Replying to Young Lord, one year ago, Chen Tianqi has

announced to all forces that he is succeeding the Sovereign
position for the Asura’ Gate. On that day, he invited many
forces’ experts and clans to the ceremony!” Zhao Shu
answered without concealing the truth.

Huang Xiaolong snorted coldly hearing Zhao Shu’s reply,

“Succeeding the Asura’s Gate Sovereign position?” Then he
turned to Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu, “Left Custodian Zhao,
Right Custodian Zhang.”

“Subordinate present!” Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu both shook,

taking a step forward with respect.

“Relay the Asura Order, let the Elders, Domain Leaders, and
disciples know that I have the Asura Ring, I am the rightful
successor to the Asura’s Gate Sovereign position. Anyone
submitting to Chen Tianqi will be treated as Asura’s Gate
traitor and will be punished according to our Asura’s Gate
regulations!” Huang Xiaolong stated in a sonorous voice.

Before, Huang Xiaolong was still weak, having no option but

to conceal his identity as Asura’s Gate Sovereign. But things
were different now, he had advanced to peak late-Third
Order Saint realm and was strong enough to battle Chen
Tianqi alone, which was why he had no qualms in revealing
the fact that he was the rightful successor for the Asura’s
Gate Sovereign position.

“Subordinate will comply!” Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu felt their

blood boil with excitement at Huang Xiaolong’s order,
acknowledging the command with the utmost respect.
Chapter 368: Peace Emperor World

The Asura Order appeared, raising a storm!

Both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu felt excitement coursing

through their veins, they had long been waiting for this day!

Huang Xiaolong turned around. Seeing the confounded

expressions on his parents and siblings’ faces, he told them
a short version of the story relating him and Asura’s Gate.
Many years had passed since Huang Xiaolong found the
Asura Ring, but he had never mentioned it to his family. All
these years, Huang Peng, Su Yan, Huang Min, and Huang
Xiaohai never knew Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, Yu Ming, Haotian,
and Fei Hou’s real identities.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong’s explanation, everyone felt like all

the puzzle pieces fell into place.

“Then, Long’er, you want to go to Starcloud

Continent?”After hearing her son’s explanation, Su Yan

Huang Xiaolong nodded: “Yes, Mother.”

Asura’s Gate headquarters was located on Starcloud

Continent, to reclaim the Sovereign position, Huang
Xiaolong had to go to the Starcloud Continent!

Huang Xiaolong already had sufficient strength to fight for

it, and win!

“When are you leaving?” Su Yan asked again.

“Ten days later.” Huang Xiaolong answered with solemnity

in his tone. He knew that his mother was disheartened,
which was why he stayed a few more days before departing.

For the next ten days in the Eminent Holiness’ cultivation

space, Huang Xiaolong practiced at night to stabilize his
recent breakthrough and enhance his battle qi cultivation,
while during the day, he would spend time with his family,
talking or guiding their cultivation, including Fei Hou,
Haotian, and others.

In the days after Huang Peng, Su Yan, and Huang Min

refined the true dragon essence and Divine Dragon Pills, all
three of them finally broke into the Xiantian realm other
than Huang Xiaohai.

Haotian, who was Luo Tong Kingdom’s sole Marshal, reached

late-Xiantian Third Order. Whereas Yu Ming was now a half-
Saint realm expert, his breakthrough to Saint realm would
depend on his fortune.

Ten days passed by quickly.

Huang Xiaolong departed from the Eminent Holiness’ space.

On this journey to the Starcloud Continent, only Zhao Shu
and Zhang Fu accompanied him. Although the Eminent
Holiness’ cave was at the bottom of the cold lake beneath
the Broken Tiger Rift, Huang Xiaolong still left Yu Ming, giant
ghost Feng Yang, and the others as a precaution, just in

Before leaving, Huang Xiaolong gave Yu Ming one hundred

Ghost King Dans. He himself refined these Ghost King Dans,
spurring his comprehension of space law to break into the
Saint realm. Huang Xiaolong only used a small number of
them, leaving quite a lot in the ring. Yu Ming followed him
for many years, so Huang Xiaolong hoped that he could
advance into the Saint realm too.
Receiving Huang Xiaolong’s Ghost King Dan, Yu Ming knelt
down in gratitude, thanking Huang Xiaolong with tears
streaming down his face, refusing to get up for a long time.

After being sent off by everyone’s reluctant gazes, the three

of them, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu left the
Eminent Holiness’ cultivation space, flying all the way up to
the high peak of the Broken Tiger Rift.

Winter was coming and gusts of cold winds blew strongly.

Standing at the peak of the Broken Tiger Rift, their robes
fluttered in the cold wind.

“Sovereign, are we heading to Starcloud Continent right

away?” Zhang Fu asked.

Huang Xiaolong wore a somber expression, “To the Luo Tong

Kingdom first!”

Lu Kai was his good brother. Although Huang Xiaolong still

couldn’t annihilate Deities Templar at this moment, he
could, however, collect some interest.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong’s intention to go to the Luo Tong

Kingdom, both instantly understood his meaning.

A sharp light glinted in Huang Xiaolong’s pupils and he flew

off the peak with Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu following from
behind in the Luo Tong Kingdom’s direction.

Just as Huang Xiaolong’s group of three was heading toward

the Luo Tong Kingdom, a huge storm descended on the
Starcloud Continent and Wind Snow Continent. Ten days
ago, after receiving Huang Xiaolong’s order, Zhao Shu and
Zhang Fu had issued the Asura Order to all of Asura’s Gate
Elders, Domain Leaders, and disciples.
Once the Asura Order was out, it sent shock waves through
the forces in all directions.

“Huang Xiaolong is actually the previous Asura’s Gate

Sovereign’s closed-door disciple! He even possesses the
Asura Ring!”

“Asura’s Gate previous Sovereign, Ren Wokuang has been

missing for more than eighty years, who knows if this is true
or false. But since the Asura Order was announced by the
Left and Right Custodians, it is most likely true!”

“One year ago, Asura’s Gate Sovereign Chen Tianqi

announced to the world that he is Asura’s Gate Sovereign,
succeeding the position, now there’s a good show waiting
for us!”

“I heard that Chen Tianqi has formed an alliance with

Bedlam Lands’ Sin City, even if Huang Xiaolong has the Left
and Right Custodians’ support, I fear that wanting to snatch
back the Asura’s Gate position won’t be so easy!”

Similar discussions were happening everywhere.

Although Huang Xiaolong disappeared from the public for

three years in closed-door practice, his name rang louder
than it ever had before. Following the ending of the Ancient
Dragon Clan ruins expedition in the Origin Forest, after
returning to their respective forces, Huang Xiaolong’s name
even spread to the Ten Directions Continent.

This time, with the Asura Order out on Huang Xiaolong’s

orders, it shook the various forces. The attention placed on
Huang Xiaolong exceeded any one person. Making their way
to the Luo Tong Kingdom, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and
Zhang Fu also heard this news.
“Sin City’s Castellan?” Huang Xiaolong heard that Chen
Tianqi allied with the Sin City’s Castellan, a light flickered in
his eyes. If Sin City’s Castellan really interfered in this
matter, then it would pose some difficulties in taking back
the Asura’s Gate.

Then, Huang Xiaolong recalled that when he was in the City

of Myriad Gods, Zhao Chen was against him from the
beginning. At that time, Huang Xiaolong did not understand
why, because there was no feud between them. But now he
knew, Chen Tianqi was behind it.

“How much do you both know about Sin City?” Huang

Xiaolong asked Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu.

Zhao Shu hesitated for a moment before saying, “Sovereign,

Sin City’s Castellan, Zhao Yi, is not someone of our Martial
Spirit World!”

Both Huang Xiaolong and Zhang Fu were stunned.

“Not someone of our Martial Spirit World?!” Huang Xiaolong

exclaimed in surprise.

Zhao Shu nodded, “Zhao Yi comes from the Peace Emperor

World’s Zhao Clan.”

“Peace Emperor World, Zhao Clan!” Zhang Fu sounded

shocked, evidently, he had heard of this Peace Emperor
World’s Zhao Clan.

Huang Xiaolong turned to Zhang Fu.

“Comparing this Zhao Clan and Deities Templar, who is

stronger?” A moment later, Huang Xiaolong asked gravely.
Zhao Shu shook his head, “I don’t know. No one knows
Deities Templar’s real strength, and no one knows Zhao
Clan’s real strength either. In fact, Sovereign, I am also a
member of Peace Emperor World’s Zhao Clan.”

“You’re also a member of the Zhao Clan?!” This piece of

information genuinely shocked Huang Xiaolong. Zhang Fu
looked flabbergasted at Zhao Shu. Judging from his reaction,
this was his first time hearing that Zhao Shu was a member
of Peace Emperor World’s Zhao Clan.

Zhao Shu nodded, “That year, I was being chased by

enemies, it was Sovereign who saved me. After that, I
stayed at Asura’s Gate. Even though I am a Zhao clan
member, the Zhao Clan has over a hundred branches, me
and Zhao Yi belong to different branches of the clan.”

Peace Emperor World’s Zhao Clan had existed for ten

thousand years, it’s branches expanded all over, it wasn’t
strange for the clan to have over a hundred branches.
Chapter 369: Cancel Your Tryout Eligibility!

Hearing Zhao Shu say that he and Zhao Yi were from

different branches of the Zhao Clan, Huang Xiaolong
nodded, asking, “Do you know what Zhao Yi’s strength is

Zhao Shu shook his head, “It has been close to a thousand
years since this subordinate last saw Zhao Yi, thus I have no
idea. But, Zhao Yi’s talent is very high, his martial spirit is a
Nine-headed Hydra. In our Peace Emperor World, he was
known as one of the dazzling geniuses.”

“A Nine-headed Hydra!” Both Huang Xiaolong and Zhang Fu

were astounded.

Nine-headed Hydra, the legendary mythical animal of the

underworld, ranked top amongst grade fourteen martial
spirits! Rumour has it, people that had Nine-headed Hydra
would possess an unfathomable power.

“Yes, a Nine-headed Hydra!” Zhao Shu affirmed with a

dignified expression: “All those years ago, Zhao Yi broke into
the Xiantian realm within ten years and stepped into the
Saint realm in less than thirty years. If he hasn’t broken
through to God Realm by now, he probably isn’t far from it!”

Breaking into Saint realm after merely thirty years of

cultivation! Huang Xiaolong’s face became somber. ‘This
Zhao Yi is actually so terrifying.’

Although Huang Xiaolong cultivated for no more than

twenty odd years, he was different. These years, he had
many fortuitous adventures. If it weren’t for of the Godly Mt.
Xumi, it would have been impossible for Huang Xiaolong to
break through to Xiantian Tenth Order. Without those Ghost
King Dans, Huang Xiaolong could hardly touch the edge of
the Saint realm.

Nevertheless, it mattered not if that Zhao Yi was interfering

in Asura’s Gate matters, he was making this trip to
Starcloud Continent! Determination shone in Huang
Xiaolong’s eyes.

This time, he absolutely had to win back the Asura’s Gate

Sovereign position and have the entire sect under his sole

A few days later, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu

passed the Luo Tong Kingdom’s border. From there, the
three flew straight to the Luo Tong Royal City, arriving a few
hours later. Luo Tong Royal City was as busy as it always
had been, prosperous and busy, with people shuttling along
the streets.

Strolling along the streets of Luo Tong Royal City, Huang

Xiaolong sighed inwardly watching the commoners going
about their days. The city was the same, but the familiar
face was no more.

Subconsciously, Huang Xiaolong’s feet brought him to the

Delicious Restaurant. After the building was destroyed in the
battle between Huang Xiaolong and Ao Baixue, the Delicious
Restaurant was rebuilt, the signboard still looked new.

The fragrance of Snow Moon Wine wafted out from the

premise. Huang Xiaolong knew, his good brother Lu Kai
loved this Delicious Restaurant’s Snow Wind Wine the most.

The last time he was here, saving Lu Kai from the

punishment square, then having a drink with Lu Kai here,
those scenes were still fresh in his mind.
Lifting a foot, Huang Xiaolong walked in. Since he was
already here in Luo Tong Royal City, he was in no hurry to

Just as Huang Xiaolong’s group of three walked into the

premise, they ran into the restaurant’s boss. Seeing Huang
Xiaolong, the restaurant boss’ face paled considerably:
“Huang, Young Noble Huang!” Quickly ushering Huang
Xiaolong up to the first floor, whispering in a barely audible
voice, “Young Noble Huang, the current Luo Tong Kingdom
has issued an arrest order with heavy rewards for your
capture. I heard the Luo Tong Palace is filled with Deities
Templar’s experts, all lying in wait for you!”

Huang Xiaolong exchanged a look with Zhao Shu and Zhang

Fu, and then turned back toward the restaurant boss with a
faint smile, “Heavy rewards for my capture? I wonder, how
much is my head worth?”

The restaurant boss said, “Anyone who saw you, as long as

they informed the palace, they could get one hundred
million gold coins, ten thousand Grade Five Spirit Dan, and
be appointed an official position!”

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “I worth so little?”

The restaurant boss became more anxious watching Huang

Xiaolong’s nonchalance, still in the mood to laugh, “Young
Noble Huang, in this little one’s opinion, Young Noble should
quickly leave Luo Tong Kingdom. Although you are very
strong, this time, Deities Templar…”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, interrupting the restaurant

boss, “How much Snow Moon Wine is left? Go bring
everything to me, also, prepare a table of good dishes.”
Saying this, Huang Xiaolong turned around and walked to a
corner table with Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu.
The restaurant boss shook his head, sighing at Huang
Xiaolong’s response. He could only go prepare Huang
Xiaolong’s order.

After taking a seat, Huang Xiaolong took a look around.

Today, the restaurant’s first floor was a little empty, merely
three to four tables were taken, with only about a dozen or
so customers.

At this point, Huang Xiaolong overheard the discussion

going on at one of the tables.

“I heard the palace is selecting guards, opening registration

today, as long as you’re a Houtian Eighth Order and above,
you’re qualified. How about we go and try together?”

“Forget it, although a palace guard’s benefits are good, I still

want to live a few more years. Who knows when that Young
Noble Divine Dragon will return, don’t mention Houtian
Eighth Order, even if you’re Xiantian Eighth Order, it’s
nothing in front of Young Noble Divine Dragon!”

“Speaking about that, Prince Lu Kai died miserably, he was

hung at the Royal City gates under the scorching sun for
three days and three nights, then beaten to a pulp by those
people, splashed with salt water, bones broken and tendons
dug out. Only after half a month of torture did he breathe
his last breath!”

“Prince Lu Kai indeed died wrongfully, but those Deities

Templar people are too vicious. Even if they wanted to lure
Young Noble Divine Dragon out, it wasn’t necessary to do
what they did!”

Both men shook their heads.

The gaze in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes became frigid, a
monstrous momentum of slaughter aura burst out from his
body, taking the shape of a hell skull, hovering around him,
giving a bone-chilling feeling.

Beaten, splashed with salt water!

Bones broken, tendons dug out! Hung at the city gates

under the scorching sun for three days and three nights!

The killing intent in Huang Xiaolong’s heart erupted with

brutal violence. He could imagine the inhumane pain Lu Kai
had to endure being tortured by those Deities Templar scum
before dying.

Deep remorse filled Huang Xiaolong’s heart, if he brought Lu

Kai to Duanren Imperial City at that time, he wouldn’t fall to
such end.

He himself was to be blamed! Warm tears pooled at the

edges of Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

Sensing the terrifying murderous intent surging out from

Huang Xiaolong’s body, everyone on the first floor was
startled, turning their heads towards the source.

“He… looks like Young Noble Divine Dragon?!”

“Seems like it’s him, a few years ago, he rescued Prince Lu

Kai from the punishment square, I caught a glimpse of him
from afar!”

Two people among the customers were astonished when

they saw Huang Xiaolong’s face.

At this point, Huang Xiaolong turned around, a purple

character ‘soul’ emerged in both his pupils for an instant. A
powerful spiritual force enveloped the entire first floor, ‘soul’
characters flew out one after another, entering the
consciousness of everyone present between their brows.

After Huang Xiaolong broke through to Saint realm, his

spiritual force had reached another degree altogether, both
the Ancient Puppetry Art and Soul Mandate advanced to the
fifth stage. Displaying both together, not only he could take
control over others, he could now remove certain parts of a
person’s memories.

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu knew that Huang Xiaolong was

erasing the memories of the people around, but even so,
witnessing it with their own eyes still amazed them. Erasing
a person’s memories, this was an ability possessed by the
ancient masters!

Something even a peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm

couldn’t do, but their Sovereign could.

In just seconds, Huang Xiaolong erased the memories of

himself from the minds of the other customers on the first

Right at this moment, the restaurant’s boss brought the

wine and dishes up to Huang Xiaolong’s table.

Finding out that Lu Kai suffered so much in the hands of

Deities Templar, Huang Xiaolong lost the mood to drink, but
he kept all the Snow Moon Wine into the Asura Ring, paid for
the food and wine, and left the restaurant with Zhao Shu
and Zhang Fu, heading straight to the Luo Tong Palace.

It didn’t take the three of them long to reach the palace.

In the large square in front of the Luo Tong Palace, a palace

guard selection was taking place. A lot of Luo Tong
Kingdom’s experts came to try their luck.

“Quite lively.” Huang Xiaolong scanned the square, the

sarcasm in his voice unmistakable. He continued to walk
straight to the palace’s main doors.

“Stop there!” At this time, a palace guard saw them, barking

out loud: “Are your dog eyes blind? Where do you think
you’re going? The palace guard selection is over there, go
and line up, if not, cancel your tryout eligibility!”
Chapter 370: Swear
Allegiance To Deities
Chapter 370: Swear Allegiance to Deities Templar?

“Cancel our tryout eligibility?” Huang Xiaolong was

stumped, while Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu smiled as they
exchanged a helpless smile.

The palace guard became angry seeing the people he just

reprimanded laughing instead of being afraid; these people
actually dared to ignore him? He was a small squad leader
of the palace guards! Even big families’ Elders greet him
with courtesy when seeing him.

He walked up to Huang Xiaolong: “What is your name?

Punk, which family do you belong to? Roll over there for me
now!” A finger pointed to a square corner, “Stand there for
one hour, and then you can go line up to register your

The palace guard ordered, cool and domineering. Because

he did not purposely restrain his voice, it attracted the
attention of many other people that came to register, palace
guards and families’ disciples alike looked over at their


Stand for one hour?

Huang Xiaolong looked at the domineering palace guard,
unable to decide if he should laugh or be angry.

“And if I don’t stand there for one hour?” Huang Xiaolong

asked, a faint smile tugged the corners of his lips.

That small squad leader’s expression turned brooding dark,

“Are you sure?”

Huang Xiaolong nodded: “I’m very sure.”

With other palace guards and families’ disciples watching,

the small squad leader’s anger soared to its peak, a small
disciple that came to register actually dared to challenge his
authority in public?

“You can scram now, your tryout registration eligibility is

rescinded!” He shouted at Huang Xiaolong, “And call the
Elder of your family here, I want to see which family actually
brought up a stupid and ignorant disciple like you!”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, he was too lazy to bother

with this person; he continued walking toward the palace
doors with Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu.

Watching this, the small squad leader’s face turned maroon

beet-red with rage, his hand drew the cutlass hanging at his
waist in quick action, “Punk, trespassing into the palace
grounds, you’re seeking death!” Infusing the cutlass with
battle qi, the small squad leader leaped forward, wanting to
slash Huang Xiaolong’s back. As a small squad leader, he
did possess some strength, being a Houtian Tenth Order.
Battle qi broke out as he slashed right at Huang Xiaolong’

Sensing his attack’s success, the small squad leader

breathed in relief. He originally thought that Huang Xiaolong
had some strength, to dare come make trouble at the
palace, perhaps there might even be some problems in
taking care of him, but it was easier than he had imagined.

“So, you’re nothing more than an embroidered pillow, nice

to see but of no use!” The small squad leader laughed
aloud. However, just as the first note of laughter sounded,
the cutlass’ energy that slashed into Huang Xiaolong

Seeing his attack being rebound, the small squad leader

was frightened, leaping back hastily to dodge it. The attack
energy flew past his face, millimetres away from his skin.
Even so, his back dampened from cold sweat.

He glared at Huang Xiaolong, veiling his embarrassment

with anger, “They want to trespass into the palace grounds,
everyone attack, kill them!”

The surrounding palace guards recovered from their shock,

unsheathing the swords and blades in their hands and
aimed attacks at Huang Xiaolong’s group of three.

At this point, Huang Xiaolong looked over, his eyes icy. Since
they chose this, then the blame was not on him. Raising
both his hands, his palms struck out.

Before many pairs of horrified eyes, fiendish Asura qi

flooded out, transforming into an underworld evil dragon.
The evil dragon merely hovered in the air, but all the guards
were thrown back. When these palace guards fell to the
ground, their bodies were black, twitching, and wailing in

Huang Xiaolong’s Saint realm Asura qi was more terrifying

than it used to be, not even a Fourth Order Saint realm
expert could resist his Asura Qi, what more these measly
palace guards.

Initially, those families’ disciples that came to register for

the palace guards tryout were gloating inside watching
Huang Xiaolong as he dared to anger a small squad leader,
but just when they thought that Huang Xiaolong was dead
for sure, the result shocked everyone, they were rooted
blankly on the spot.

Dread filled their eyes as they looked at Huang Xiaolong.

At the same time, inside the Luo Tong Kingdom Palace’s

great hall, laughter and music filled the air, it was an
extremely festive atmosphere.

In the great hall, a group of palace maids was playing

musical instruments and dancing, swaying their hips and
twisting their naked bellies.

On the King’s throne sat an old man with a ruddy, glowing

face, and silvery white hair, looking quite dignified. At this
moment, he was staring fixedly at the dancers’ exposed
bellies, a twinkle flitting across his eyes from time to time.

This old man was none other than Deities Templar’s Great
Elder, Gě Gé.

There were a total of nine Great Elders in Deities Templar,

each one was a Tenth Order Saint realm and above,
possessing strength parallel with their status. And below the
throne, sat ten Deities Templar Elders.

Killing Lu Kai three years ago, other than Ao Baixue being

part of the reason, Deities Templar also wanted to lure
Huang Xiaolong out, even sending Gě Gé and ten Elders to a
small kingdom such as Luo Tong Kingdom, lying in wait for
Huang Xiaolong to appear.

Amongst the ten Deities Templar Elders within the hall, Yao
Shan was one of them.

His most brilliant descendent, Yao Fei, had been killed by

Huang Xiaolong, thus Yao Shan requested to be one of the
Elders watching over Luo Tong Kingdom. He wanted to
severe Huang Xiaolong’s head from his shoulders with his
own hands, it was the only way the hatred in his heart could
be pacified.

“Everyone, please.” Gě Gé raised his wine cup, toasting the


Yao Shan and the other Elders followed, raising their wine
cups for a toast, downing it all in one gulp.

Gě Gé placed his wine cup down, smacking his lips and

grinning, “This Snow Moon Wine, I really like it.”

This sentence brought murmurs of assent from the Elders


Yao Shan spoke, “We’ve been waiting here for three years, I
didn’t expect Huang Xiaolong, that punk, to hide for three
years, too cowardly to show up. No one knows where he’s
hiding at.”

An Elder, Jiang Shi, that was sitting beside Yao Shan

chuckled, “He’s afraid of our Deities Templar, however, if he
actually succeeded the Asura’s Gate Sovereign position, it
would quite troublesome to our Deities Templar.”

Gě Gé laughed with dismissive tone, “No need to worry, he

won’t succeed Asura’s Gate Sovereign position, that Chen
Tianqi joined hands with Bedlam Lands’ Sin City Castellan,
Zhao Yi, and not long ago, our Temple Preceptor has sent
Elder Li Molin over to the Asura’s Gate headquarters. A
heaven’s net has been set up, just waiting for Huang
Xiaolong to jump in. The instant he dares to appear, he’s

Exactly at this moment, a powerful energy fluctuation came

from the palace doors outside. Everyone was surprised and
exchanged looks among themselves.

“There are people who dare to cause trouble in Luo Tong

Palace?” Jiang Shi said.

“Could it be Huang Xiaolong? He’s finally here!” Yao Shan

blurted as the thought flashed through his mind.

Expressions tightened at the possibility.

Gě Gé stood up from the throne seat, sneering coldly,

“Huang Xiaolong? Better still if it’s him! We’ve been waiting
for this day for three years. Come, let’s us go welcome
Martial Spirit World’s most dazzling monstrous genius of all

Everyone got on their feet, flying out from the hall, heading
straight to the palace’s main doors.

At the same time, at the palace’s main doors, Huang

Xiaolong stood with his hands behind his back, looking at
the palace great hall structure with a taunting smile,
“Eleven Saint realm experts? Deities Templar really puts me
on a high pedestal.”

A bright light flickered, Gě Gé and the ten Elders appeared

in the space above the palace’s main doors. The moment
those eleven Saint realm experts appeared, a suffocating
pressure enveloped the whole square. Before some of the
palace guards and families’ disciples could react, their
bodies exploded from the pressure, and the rest fled in

“You’re Huang Xiaolong?” Gě Gé scrutinized Huang Xiaolong

from head to toe upon arrival.

“Correct.” Huang Xiaolong replied calmly.

“Huang Xiaolong, I didn’t expect you to really dare to show

up here!” Yao Shan sneered, “Today’s your end! Let me see
if you can still flee this time!”

Gě Gé signaled the ten Elders with his eyes, and they all
spread out, encircling Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang

Gě Gé stared at Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu, saying, “Both of

you are probably Asura’s Gate Left and Right Custodians.
Truth be told, there is no advantage for you to risk your life
for Huang Xiaolong. If you’re willing to swear allegiance to
Deities Templar, we will definitely treat you justly.”
Chapter 371: Poison Corpse Scarabs’ Battle Might

Swear allegiance to Deities Templar?

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu showed indifference at Gě Gé’s

attempt to lure them.

Watching their reaction, Yao Shan harrumphed, “Our Temple

Preceptor said that it is not easy for you to have cultivated
until this level, thus he was gracious enough to give you a
chance. Know your place and be grateful! Otherwise, your
endings will be the same as Huang Xiaolong’s, death!”

Zhao Shu mocked disdainfully as he looked at Yao Shan,

“Die? Base on your capability?”

Yao Shan was just an insignificant Sixth Order Saint realm in

Zhao Shu’s eyes. That time in Rising Sun City, if it weren’t
gor Li Molin and Yao Shan running fast enough, Yao Shan
would have definitely died under his palm.

Yao Shan turned red seeing the mocking disdain in Zhao

Shu’s eyes, “You…!”But Yao Shan knew, going one on one,
he wasn’t Zhao Shu’s opponent.

Gě Gé interjected at this point, “Huang Xiaolong, if you hand

over the God Binding Ring and the Absolute Soul Pearl, I can
consider letting you die more comfortably. Do you know how
that Lu Kai died? We skinned him and dug his tendons,
allowing him to die only after half a month of torture.”

A sharp glint flickered in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, pools of

black fiendish qi surged in their depths.

“Therefore, in a little while, I won’t let you die so

comfortably!” Huang Xiaolong’s voice bore frigid coldness.
Gě Gé laughed obnoxiously, “Is that so? Huang Xiaolong, ah,
Huang Xiaolong. Your death is near, yet your mouth remains
so stubborn! Do you think that relying on Zhao Shu and
Zhang Fu, only two persons, that they can still protect you
now?” Gě Gé signaled the Elders with his eyes again as he
said this, his own momentum rose sharply as a giant of a
bear materialized above him. This was Gě Gé’s martial

Gě Gé soul transformed immediately, both his hands

became twice as big, looking like paws, slamming down on
Zhang Fu.

At the same time, Deities Templar Elder Jiang Shi and the
other four Elders aimed their attacks at Zhao Shu.

Gě Gé and Zhang Fu’s strengths were at similar levels.

Although Jiang Shi and the other Elders’ strength wasn’t at
peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm, they were still a
formidable group, consisting of an early Tenth Order Saint
realm, and a mid-Tenth Order Saint realm. Five Elders
together was enough to suppress Zhao Shu.

This was decided long ago.

The remaining five Elders, including Yao Shan, exposed

smug expressions, encircling Huang Xiaolong in the middle.

“Huang Xiaolong, without Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu, killing

you is nothing more than a flip of palm for me!” Yao Shan
sneered, “Guarding here for many years, it was only to kill
you with my own hands!” His palms were straight like
blades, chopping down on Huang Xiaolong.

“Mountain Breaking Palm!” The power of his palm carried a

momentum that could split mountains with one strike!
Ruthlessness exploded in Yao Shan’s eyes.

The other four Elders did not move, standing at the side,
watching Yao Shan attack. In their opinion, Yao Shan’s Sixth
Order Saint realm strength was more than sufficient to kill
Huang Xiaolong, saying it was as easy as snapping his
fingers was no exaggeration. They need not do anything.

However, just as Yao Shan’s palm struck out, Huang

Xiaolong’s silhouette vanished into thin air, when he
reappeared, he was high above the square. Watching the
five people below, a snicker sounded from Huang Xiaolong.
Then, with a wave of his hands, countless black beetles flew
straight at Yao Shan and the four Deities Templar Elders.

Looking at the large number of black beetles, Yao Shan

laughed out loud, assuming they were just average
poisonous black beetles, “Huang Xiaolong, don’t tell me you
don’t know, poisonous creatures are useless against us
Saint realm experts!”

A Saint realm expert’s physique was extremely tough and

immune to average poisons.

The four other Deities Templar Elders were also laughing at

the side. Just like Yao Shan, none of them paid any attention
to those poisonous black beetles. When those black beetles
reached in front of them, the five Deities Templar Elders
merely flicked their sleeves, sending a battle flame to burn
away those insects.

But what happened next shocked them. Those black beetles

actually flew passed their battle flames, baring their sharp
teeth at them.

“This, what is happening?!” One of the Elders was flustered,

slamming both his palms at the black beetles coming at
him, but in the next moment, he noticed that the black
beetles that were slapped away crawled back up almost
instantly and continued to attack.

The five Elders’ faces became grim.

Watching their reaction, a cold smirk tugged at Huang

Xiaolong’s mouth, these black beetles were the Poison
Corpse Scarabs that he tamed from the Origin Forest. How
terrible these Poison Corpse Scarabs could be, he had
experienced it for himself.

Which was why Huang Xiaolong exerted extra effort using

Ancient Puppetry Art and Soul Mandate to control the Poison
Corpse Scarabs after returning from the Origin Forest. Until
today, the number of Poison Corpse Scarabs that Huang
Xiaolong could control had reached ten thousand.

“What damn things are these?!” Yao Shan’s angry voice

rang out. Those black beetles actually did not fear his battle
flame, and didn’t die no matter how he attacked them!

Gě Gé, Jiang Shi, and other Deities Templar Elders noticed

the situation on Yao Shan’s side and looked over.

Suddenly, one of the Deities Templar Elders felt a sharp pain

in his arm. Checking the spot, he saw a black beetle on his
arm with its poisonous pinchers stuck deep into his flesh.

Before he could react, a numbing paralysis rapidly spread

through his whole body. In the next moment, he noticed that
he was actually unable to gather his battle qi!

Unable to gather battle qi!

Whole body numb, unable to move!

His eyes widened in shock. In the blink of an eye, one Poison
Corpse Scarab after another landed on the Elder’s body—
arms, thighs, waist, chest, head, even drilling into his ears
and nostrils.

“Save me, quick, save me!” He screamed in horror at Gě Gé

and Yao Shan as despair crept up his eyes.

Yao Shan, Gě Gé, and the others were greatly alarmed as

they watched the black beetles cover the Deities Templar
Elder entirely, eating off his flesh at terrifying speed.

“Save me you all!!” That Elder screamed again, voice shrill

with fear. He struggled, wanting to run, to reach out for
help, but everything was futile.

No more than a dozen breaths later, the Poison Corpse

Scarabs did their work on the Elder, leaving behind the
white bones of a skeleton. Seeing this result, Yao Shan and
the others drew in cold breaths, the hair on their necks
standing on ends.

Those black beetles were so horrifying! That Elder was a

Fifth Order Saint realm expert!

But, the nightmare had yet to end. When all the flesh was
gone, they saw those black beetles opening their little
mouths, sucking. Even the Elder’s soul failed to survive, torn
into hundreds of pieces into the black beetles’ mouths.

Yao Shan and all the Deities Templar Elders could no longer
hide the terror in their eyes.

“These… are ancient Poison Corpse Scarabs!!” Suddenly,

Jiang Shi, who was attacking Zhao Shu, blurted out loud.

“Poison Corpse Scarabs!” Gě Gé’s voice trembled.

Everyone’s faces were ashen.

“Poison Corpse Scarabs, it’s actually those abhorrent

creatures!” A Deities Templar Elder’s legs were shaking,
“How can these Poison Corpse Scarabs still exist in this
world? Weren’t they extinct hundred thousand years ago?!”

They had heard of those infamous ghastly insects, Poison

Corpse Scarabs.

Still in shock with the emergence of the Poison Corpse

Scarabs, another Elder was bitten and met with a similar
end as the first Elder.

A series of tragic screams rang in the air.

The impact was too much for Yao Shao and the remaining
Elders to accept, nearly pissing in their pants. Now, in their
eyes, those little black critters were simply life reaping
death gods.

“Attack their heads, as long as their heads are severed,

these Poison Corpse Scarabs will die!” Jiang Shi shouted

Hearing Jiang Shi’s words, all the Elders hastily took out
their weapons, but very soon they discovered that the
Poison Corpse Scarabs’ defenses far exceeded their
imagination. Average weapons couldn’t even leave a
scratch mark on them.

Divine weapons?

The number of divine weapons in the Martial Spirit World

could be calculated, for they were even scarcer than the
number of Saint realm experts. Even as Deities Templar
Elders, Yao Shan, and the others did not have any divine or
godly weapons in their possession.

They were petrified. Death and despair spread over the

Chapter 372: Yao Shan’S
Chapter 372: Yao Shan’s Death

In a short span of time, three Deities Templar Elders had

died, eaten by the Poison Corpse Scarabs, even their souls
became food in those Poison Corpse Scarabs’ stomachs.

Things went awry, far beyond Gě Gé, Jiang Shi, Yao Shan,
and every Deities Templar Elders’ expectations.

Don’t mention killing Huang Xiaolong, at this moment, Yao

Shan and the Elders couldn’t even touch a hair of his. Before
those Poison Corpse Scarabs, they had no chance to attack
Huang Xiaolong at all.

Initially, there were five Deities Templar Elders surrounding

Huang Xiaolong, but now, with three dead, only Yao Shan
and another Elder remained. More and more Poison Corpse
Scarabs shifted their sights on these two.

Yao Shan was forced to dodge left and right, he was

extremely miserable. What enraged Yao Shan further was
Huang Xiaolong, who was standing at the side with the
Blades of Asura in his hands, occasionally sending an attack
or two in his direction.

Tempest of Hell!

Tears of Asura!

Wrath of the Nether King!

Asura Sword Skills moves were executed one after another,
Huang Xiaolong practically treated Yao Shan as target
practice. A living target practice like Yao Shan, a Sixth Order
Saint realm expert, was extremely hard to find.

Huang Xiaolong attacked again and again, expanding his

insight into the Asura Sword Skills. Ever since he stepped
into the Saint realm, Huang Xiaolong spent less time
practicing his sword skills, displaying these moves again
made Huang Xiaolong realise that the power of Asura Sword
Skills was stronger than he imagined.

Combined with his space law comprehension, every attack

contained insurmountable Asura qi, the sky turned dark as if
hell took over. Cold hellish tempest, tears from the cries of
an Asura, the Nether King’s wrath, wails of countless evil
spirits from hell.

As seconds passed, Huang Xiaolong entered a selfless state

of enlightenment.

It felt as if he merged with heaven and earth, he himself

was the embodiment of hell. From afar, others could only
see Huang Xiaolong being wholly shrouded in rolling black
Asura qi.

Yao Shan dodged another Poison Corpse Scarab and looked

up to the sky. At this moment, Huang Xiaolong was the
embodiment of an Asura in Yao Shan’s eyes. Unimaginable
fear snaked into his heart, if he knew that Huang Xiaolong
had an army of Poison Corpse Scarabs under his control,
even if someone beat him to death, he wouldn’t have
requested the Temple Preceptor’s permission to come to the
Luo Tong Kingdom.

“Elder Gě Gé, we should retreat!” Dodging another Poison

Corpse Scarab, Yao Shan shouted, his tone carried a hint of
whining: “I, really cannot hold on much longer!”

Yao Shan was really hanging by a thread, several times he

was nearly bitten by a Poison Corpse Scarab.

Just as Yao Shan’s voice ended, the other Elder issued a

miserable scream. Yao Shan turned over to look and saw the
Elder being submerged under the countless Poison Corpse
Scarabs, just the sight made his knees go weak, nearly
stumbling to the ground.

“Retreat!” At this point, Gě Gé’s order sounded.

Gě Gé’s voice sounded like nature’s lullaby in Yao Shan’s

ears. Without any hesitation, he leaped into the air, wanting
to flee from the nightmare. The same held true for Jiang Shi
and the rest as well.

Yet, just as Yao Shan leaped up, the bright sky turned into
absolute darkness, they were hardly able to see their own
five fingers as a monstrous ghostly energy broke out like
giant waves.

Yao Shan was shocked, then he saw evil spirits pouncing

after him.

“This, what is happening?!” Yao Shan was petrified and

angry at the same time, with a wave of his palm he
shattered the evil spirits that blocked his path.

Seeing that his attack was effective, Yao Shan breathed in

relief; fortunately those evil spirits weren’t as scary as the
Poison Corpse Scarabs.

“This is probably some kind of ghost array, everyone quickly

break out and leave!” Gě Gé’s voice rang out.
However, just as Gě Gé reminded the Elders, a sharp pain
came from one of Yao Shan’s arms, then his body started
feeling numb and heavy.

This is?! Yao Shan was stricken with terror as the corner of
his eye caught sight of a swarm of Poison Corpse Scarabs
swarming at him.

“Save me, Elder Gě Gé, you all, save me!!” Yao Shan cried
out in desperation, but what answered him was the shrieks
of countless evil spirits.

Seeing that no one coming to his aid, Yao Shan was

angered, “Gě Gé, Jiang Shi, you bastards, all of you will die
miserably!” Yao Shan started cursing since he was going to
die anyway, he has no scruples speaking his mind.

Gě Gé, Jiang Shi, and the other Deities Templar Elders were
angered and enraged hearing Yao Shan curse at them, but
at the moment they had no time to be bothered with him.

This ghost array was one that Huang Xiaolong laid out using
the Supreme Ghost Flag.

Huang Xiaolong already expected those Deities Templar

Elders would try to run, so the instant those people moved
to run, Huang Xiaolong took out the Supreme Ghost Flag,
instantaneously arranging the Sea of Devils and Ghosts

Huang Xiaolong watched Yao Shan jump and curse within

the array and a thought struck him, then he recalled all the
Poison Corpse Scarabs out from the array.

Yao Shan, who was cursing to his heart’s content, suddenly

noticed the Poison Corpse Scarabs that were swarming
toward him receded, leaving him confounded, ‘What’s
happening?’ Then joy washed over him, could it be that
Huang Xiaolong didn’t plan to kill him so fast?

Yet, in a split second, Yao Shan was engulfed by countless

evil spirits, drowning in them. Yao Shan’s miserable wails
echoed endlessly in the array.

Barely a moment passed and Yao Shan was torn and

swallowed by those evil spirits, his soul was sucked into the
flag by Huang Xiaolong, erasing his consciousness using the
ghost aura inside the Supreme Ghost Flag.

After dealing with Yao Shan’s soul, Huang Xiaolong turned to

Gě Gé and the rest. By this point, Gě Gé had broken out
from the ghost array, tearing the space and fleeing with
Jiang Shi and the other Elders. Despite that, Zhao Shu and
Zhang Fu managed to intercept two of the Deities Templar

Those two met the same fate as Yao Shan, their flesh and
bones tore apart and swallowed by evil spirits, whereas their
souls were sucked into the Supreme Ghost Flag with their
consciousness erased, becoming one of the Supreme Ghost
Flag’s ghost spirits.

Huang Xiaolong retrieved the Supreme Ghost Flag.

“Sovereign, should we give chase?” Zhao Shu came to

stand behind Huang Xiaolong inquiring.

Huang Xiaolong looked toward the direction Gě Gé fled and

shook his head, saying, “No need.” From the beginning,
killing Gě Gé wasn’t his main goal, after all, Gě Gé was a
peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm expert.

Although Gě Gé, Jiang Shi, and two other Elders escaped, he

managed to kill seven Deities Templar’s Elders, it was quite
a harvest.

But then again, this was merely interest!

Thinking of Lu Kai, Huang Xiaolong looked skyward,

muttering to no one in particular, “Don’t worry bro, there
will be a day when I annihilate Deities Templar by the roots
and kill Li Molin with my hands to avenge you!”

Huang Xiaolong put the spatial rings he collected from the

seven Deities Templar Elders away. Facing Zhao Shu and
Zhang Fu he said, “Let’s go.” All three people left the Luo
Tong Kingdom.

Huang Xiaolong believed that word of this battle in Luo Tong

Royal City would spread like wildfire across Wind Snow
Continent, Star Cloud Continent, and even Ten Directions
Continent, just like the battle at Rising Sun City.

A long time after Huang Xiaolong’s group and Gě Gé’s group

left, the lucky families’ disciples that survived gradually
approached the palace grounds. They were all shocked to
see the collapsed and ruined palace buildings due to the
battle shockwaves. There was no Luo Tong Palace anymore.
And there was a huge hole in the square ground that filled
them with apprehension.

Not long after leaving the Luo Tong Royal City, Huang
Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu left Luo Tong Kingdom’s
territory altogether.

“Sovereign, Gě Gé and those people ran away, the matter

about you controlling Poison Corpse Scarabs would spread
throughout the entire Martial Spirit World in a short span of
time.” On the way, Zhao Shu spoke.
Huang Xiaolong saw through Zhao Shu’s worries, “It’s fine, it
might a good thing.” With the matter spreading out, there
would be fewer people who dared to harbor ulterior motives
toward him.

After all, Huang Xiaolong had Poison Corpse Scarabs that

could even kill high-level Saint realm warriors.

On the other hand, Gě Gé, Jiang Shi, and the two Elders fled
with all their might, flying at high speed for several hours.
Only after determining that Huang Xiaolong did not pursue
them did they dare to stop to rest on a barren hill, panting
the lives out of them.
Chapter 373: Deities Templar Temple Preceptor, Ying Tian

Finally stopping down to rest, Gě Gé and the other three

Deities Templar Elders’ expressions were extremely ugly.
Neither of the four uttered a word for a long time.

“Elder Gě Gé, what do we do now?” A short while later, Jiang

Shi spoke, breaking the heavy silence.

Gě Gé looked at the sky, sighing a little helplessly, “Let us

return to Deities Templar first.” It was inevitable that they
would receive punishment from the Temple Preceptor once
they returned.

“I didn’t expect Huang Xiaolong, that punk, to be able to

control something like Poison Corpse Scarabs!” Jiang Shi’s
brows wrinkled, “It will be very difficult to kill him in the

Gě Gé nodded in agreement, a light flickered in his eyes,

“How did that kid do it?” referring to Huang Xiaolong’s
ability to control those Poison Corpse Scarabs.

Jiang Shi shook his head, “It should be some kind of

cultivation technique. In the ancient times, the Ghost King
could control hundreds of thousands of evil spirits, but I’ve
never heard of a cultivation technique that could be used to
control ancient poisonous creatures such as Poison Corpse

“Could it be Ten Directions Continent’s Beast Taming Art?”

Another Deities Templar Elder made a guess.

The Beastmen on Ten Directions Continent had a kind of

Beast Taming Art that allowed them to control demonic
Gě Gé rejected the idea, shaking his head, “It’s probably
not, the Beast Taming Art would enable a person to control
two demonic beasts at most. Let it be for now, we should
rush back to the temple and report this matter to the
Temple Preceptor, with Temple Preceptor’s Divination Art, he
would definitely be able to determine the cause!”

Jiang Shi and the other two Elders agreed.

Without further delay, the four disappeared from the barren

hill in a flicker, flying at breaking speed continuously. Ten
days later, they left the Wind Snow Continent, arriving at
the edge of a vast sea.

Fierce gales formed a natural barricade around the edge,

black streams of energy floated in the air, dissipating and
then gathering once more, emitting an aura of death.

This was one of Martial Spirit World’s biggest forbidden

lands, the Death Sea Gorge. Deities Templar headquarters
was actually located above the Death Sea Gorge.

From the Dead Sea Gorge, Gě Gé, Jiang Shi, and the two
Elders flew in an erratic pattern, with turns and twists, for
several hours before arriving on an island.

This island was a large irregular sphere, like a piece of land

hovering above the Death Sea Gorge.

On the island, ancient trees towered in the sky, strange

looking demonic beasts could be spotted flying around the
island, exuding a coercion that seemed to come from an
ancient era.

When Gě Gé, Jiang Shi, and the two Elders saw these
strange looking demonic beasts, there was fear in their
eyes. Even Gě Gé, a peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm
showed fear before these demonic beasts, one could guess
the extent of their terror.

The four people cautiously approach the island, landing on

its ground. Reaching the island, the group of four walked
through the thick forest, reaching the peak of a mountain an
hour later. On this mountain peak was a grand looking

The four people headed straight to the highest peak, by

foot. On this island, even with these four people’s identities,
they could only walk. Halfway up, the four ran into a
handsome young man dressed in a golden brocade robe, he
had a pair of sharp pointy ears and ice blue eyes.

The young man was surprised running into Gě Gé’s group,

“Gě Gé, weren’t you supposed to be guarding the Luo Tong
Kingdom? What brings you back?”

Gě Gé’s face turned slightly red.

Jiang Shi and the two Elders stepped up in greeting,

“Greeting Elder Liu Yang.”

This young man was one of Deities Templar’s Great Elders,

Liu Yang. Moreover, among the ten Great Elders, Liu Yang
ranked above Gě Gé.

Liu Yang nodded slightly at the three people.

Gě Gé hesitated before saying, “Huang Xiaolong appeared.”

“Huang Xiaolong!” Liu Yang looked at the four people,

asking, “Where’s his head?” Clearly, he thought that the
four returned to bring Huang Xiaolong’s head.
No words could describe what the four were feeling at this
moment, hence, no one answered.

Noticing the weird expressions on the four faces, Liu Yang

pointed, “Jiang Shi, speak, what happened? What happened
to Yao Shan and the rest?”

Jiang shi dared not hide the truth, answering honestly,

“Elder Yao Shan and the others are all dead.”

“What?!” Liu Yang was taken aback. Only the four people in
front of him, including Gě Gé, managed to return, the rest
died! Seven Saint realm experts died!

Jiang Shi added, “That Huang Xiaolong controls poisonous

ancient insects, the Poison Corpse Scarabs!”

“Poison Corpse Scarabs!” Liu Yang’s face grew grave.

Jiang Shi continued with a somber expression, “Yes, and it

was no less than ten thousand of them. Elder Yao Shan and
the others were killed by these Poison Corpse Scarabs. If
weren’t because we were quick, most likely we too would
have…” Recalling the scene of the Elders being eaten
empty, Jiang Shi felt a chill ran down his back.

Liu Yang was astounded. More than ten thousand Poison

Corpse Scarabs!

“This matter must be reported to the Temple Preceptor as

soon as possible!” Liu Yang stated with a dignified face.

Gě Gé nodded.

A while later, several people stood in a grand hall on the

main peak. On the master seat in the grand hall sat a young
man, who was shrouded entirely in a black fog. Black fog
rumbled endlessly, exuding an intense deathly aura, as if
the person inside was a messenger of death.

Due to the black fog, the young man’s face was obscured,
the only discernible trait was that the silhouette belonged to
a young man. A beautiful young woman with a cold
temperament stood beside the black fog, clad in a pure
white dress. This cold young woman was none other than Li

More than a decade had passed, the naive pureness and

mischievous light had totally vanished from her face,
leaving only cold aloofness.

“You’re saying that Huang Xiaolong has controlled ten

thousand Poison Corpse Scarabs?” Within the black fog, an
ethereal voice sounded after hearing what was reported.
The voice seemed able to penetrate deep into one’s soul.

“Yes, Preceptor.” Gě Gé quickly replied, kneeling down at

the same time, “Please mete out this subordinate’s
punishment, Preceptor.”

The young man shrouded in the black fog was the

mysterious Deities Templar Temple Preceptor, Ying Tian!

Jiang Shi and the two Elders also knelt down in

apprehension, requesting for punishment.

At this point, an overwhelming power surged from the black

fog. Before this power, neither Gě Gé, Jiang Shi, nor the rest
had the strength to resist. In an instant, four figures were
thrown out of the hall. Even so, all four of them swiftly got to
their knees again with blood trickling down the corners of
their mouths.

A suffocating silence descended in the grand hall.

Sweat rolled down Gě Gé and the three Elders’ foreheads.

“Leave.” The voice sounded again from the black fog.

“Our gratitude to Preceptor for sparing our lives.” The four

people’s eyes lit up, quickly giving their thanks before
retreating from the hall.

From the beginning, Li Lu stood without speaking a word,

impassive. Even when she heard Huang Xiaolong’s name,
there was no sign of recognition, as if it was nothing but a
name, someone unrelated to her.

After Gě Gé’s group left the grand hall, Temple Preceptor

Ying Tian spoke, “Liu Yang.”

In the grand gall, Liu Yang shook before complying,

“Subordinate’s present!”

“Lead six Elders, make a trip to Starcloud Continent’s

Asura’s Gate headquarters in Center Oblast, bring fifteen
sets of Divine Dragon Armor over.” Temple Preceptor Ying
Tian ordered. “Tell Li Molin to pay attention Huang
Xiaolong’s actions at all times.”

During the trip to the Ancient Dragon Clan ruins in the

Origin Forest, Deities Templar managed to snatch three
primordial divine dragon corpses, using the dragon scales
and skin to refine more than a dozen sets of Divine Dragon
Armor. The Divine Dragon Armor’s defense was adamant, it
was impossible for average godly weapons to penetrate
through their defenses.

“Yes, Preceptor!” Liu Yang complied respectfully, with those

Divine Dragon Armors, they would have no fear of the
Poison Corpse Scarabs.
“If Huang Xiaolong appears in Starcloud Continent’s Center
Oblast, all of you must exert all efforts to kill him and bring
back his head to me.” A sharp glint flickered in Ying Tian’s
eyes, “Otherwise, all of you have no need to return!”

A chill spread all the way to Liu Yang’s core.
Chapter 374: Passing
Through The Blessed
Buddha Empire
Chapter 374: Passing Through the Blessed Buddha Empire

Carrying out the Temple Preceptor’s order, Liu Yang brought

fifteen sets of Divine Dragon Armor and six Deities Templar
Elders and headed toward Starcloud Continent’s Asura’s
Gate headquarters.

By this time, the battle in Luo Tong Royal City had reached
Duanren Empire, spreading to neighboring empires. It was
like a tornado that kept growing bigger, reaching every
corner of Wind Snow Continent.

Once again Wind Snow Continent was shocked.

Huang Xiaolong, who had been missing for three years,

reappeared once again. This time, he actually killed seven
Saint realm Deities Templar Elders in one go!

When the news spread, the impact was no less than a

heaven punishment falling down on Wind Snow Continent.

In Rising Sun City’s battle, Huang Xiaolong killed Deities

Templar Elder Yao Fei, his name resounded throughout the
Snow Wind Continent, whereas now, it was seven Saint
realm experts! Seven Deities Templar Elders!

In the main streets and small alleys of Wind Snow Continent,

everyone was talking about this.
Inside the Delicious Restaurant in Luo Tong Kingdom.

“All of you didn’t see the scene that day, Young Noble Divine
Dragon just waved his hands, then sou, sou, sou! Deities
Templar Elders fell one by one!” A certain family’s disciple
recounted what happened to everyone around him, hands
moving enthusiastically, spit flying everywhere, he was
high-strung on excitement, as if those Deities Templar
Elders were killed by him instead.

This particular family disciple was registering to try out for

palace guard selection on that day and was fortunate
enough to survive the battle’s shock waves. Pausing here,
the disciple gulped down a cup of Snow Moon Wine. A sense
of complacency sprung in his heart watching the
surrounding crowd looking at him with anticipation.

“What happened after that?” A person couldn’t resist


“Afterwards, those Deities Templar Elders were pissed

scared, how would they dare to fight anymore, all of them
ran away with their tails between their legs!” This disciple
ended it with boisterous laughter, saliva flying everywhere,
landing on the crowd’s faces and clothes.

“What about after that?” The same person clamored.

“After that, it’s finished!” That disciple shrugged his

shoulders in reply.

Scenes such as this one in Delicious Restaurant were

replayed in many places throughout Wind Snow Continent’s
kingdoms and empires.

“That Huang Xiaolong is able to control more than a ten

thousand Poison Corpse Scarabs? Isn’t that too heaven-
defying? He already has the God Binding Ring, and Absolute
Soul Pearl, now he even has an army of ancient Poison
Corpse Scarabs!”

“When Huang Xiaolong takes over the Asura’s Gate

Sovereign position, fully controlling the Asura’s Gate, there
will be a good show waiting for us when he goes against
Deities Templar! Who knows which side will end up

“Hard to say, Deities Templar’s strength is not something we

can imagine. Moreover, there’s rumors saying that Deities
Templar’s Temple Preceptor has broken through to the God

Some were stunned, some gloating, some waited with

anticipation at the incoming good show.

Of course, as the rumor mill churned, things reached new

heights of exaggeration; some said that Huang Xiaolong had
control over a million Poison Corpse Scarabs, and the
numbers continued to grow, another rumor had Huang
Xiaolong possessing millions of evil dragons.

Huang Xiaolong heard these ridiculously exaggerated

rumors as he traveled past, and shook his head with a
helpless smile.

However, those who used to think that Huang Xiaolong

didn’t stand a chance against Deities Templar began to
change their opinion, and no longer thought that Huang
Xiaolong was merely an egg knocking on hard rock.

Leaving the Luo Tong Kingdom, Huang Xiaolong slowed

down his speed, taking the time to practice as he journeyed
to the Starcloud Continent.
Before this, he only managed to control ten of black ancient
puppets on the third level altar of the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda, so on this journey, Huang Xiaolong took the time to
brand the remaining nine black puppets. Relying on his
current level of spiritual force, Huang Xiaolong could already
control all nineteen black puppets. Amongst these nineteen
black puppets, the most powerful puppet was of late-Tenth
Order Saint realm strength.

On the way, Huang Xiaolong placed two of the strongest

black puppet at his side, he couldn’t let Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu
or himself to act personally every time something
happened. Two ancient Saint realm puppets were sufficient
to resolve most problems.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong had opened the fourth

and fifth layers of the Linglong Treasure Pagoda. On the
fourth layer were actually countless pellets, most of them
were grade ten, heaven grade, and there was also a large
amount of divine grade. But they were low grade divine
pellets and didn’t have much effect for Huang Xiaolong.

What truly amazed him were the mountains of spirit stones

on the fifth layer of the Linglong Treasure Pagoda! Grade
three, grade two, and piles of grade one spirit stones!

The grade three and two spirit stones weren’t of much use
to him, but grade one spirit stones were a different matter
altogether. The last time he was in the Dragon Tomb, to
move the twelve crystal statues of the primordial divine
dragons into the Godly Mt. Xumi, he had exhausted all of his
grade one spirit stones as energy source for the Ten Buddha
Formation. Grade one spirit stones were something that he
greatly lacked.
After a quick scan using his spiritual force, the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda fifth layer contained around three hundred
pieces of grade one spirit stone, enough to last him a long

‘Too bad there are no heaven grade spirit stones.’ Huang

Xiaolong lamented a little inwardly.

After he experienced using grade one spirit stones to

activate the Ten Buddha Formation, Huang Xiaolong noticed
that it couldn’t really display the formation’s full strength, if
there were heaven grade spirits stones, he believed that the
Ten Buddha Formation would be more powerful. Huang
Xiaolong had a piece of heaven grade spirit stone but he
had used it already.

After opening the fifth layer of the Linglong Treasure Pagoda,

Huang Xiaolong wanted to open the sixth layer as well, only
to find out that his current strength was insufficient to break
the seal placed for the sixth layer, thus he could only put
the matter aside for now.

Night blanketed the earth in quiet darkness.

Huang Xiaolong’s group of three stopped to rest in the

wilderness, a small fire burning bright. Sitting close to the
burning fire, Huang Xiaolong took out the Ghost King ring
that he obtained from the Ghost King’s cultivation cave.

Under the fire’s glow, the ring glimmered with a dark violet
light, the two evil dragons carving on the ring appeared
nefarious and sinister.

These days, Huang Xiaolong had been searching the space

inside the ring using his spiritual sense, but despite many
attempts, he hadn’t yet found the legendary Ghost King
Inside the Ghost King’s ring, other than those Ghost King
Dans, there was only that blood ocean. All along, Huang
Xiaolong’s intuition told him that the blood ocean was not so
simple, it must be concealing some secret within its depths.
He had tried various methods, but still failed to explore the
bottom of the blood ocean.

Fiddling with the Ghost King ring for some time, Huang
Xiaolong put it away once again, leaving the secret to be
explored later.

“Sovereign, not far ahead is Blessed Buddha City, should we

stay a little longer there?” Zhao Shu spoke.

Huang Xiaolong nodded somberly, “Yes, we’ll stay for a few

days in the Blessed Buddha City.”

That year, if it weren’t because of the Blessed Buddha Token

Shi Fantian gave him, Huang Xiaolong wouldn’t have been
able to enter the Blessed Buddha Cavern, and subsequently,
he wouldn’t have been able to find the Godly Mt. Xumi. It
was because he found the Godly Mt. Xumi that Huang
Xiaolong’s strength rose at rapid speed, otherwise, not to
mention breaking through to Saint realm, most likely he
wouldn’t even be able to reach Xiantian Tenth Order.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong had always felt indebted toward

Shi Fantian. Since he was passing through, it was only polite
to pay Shi Fantian a visit.

Thinking of Shi Fantian, Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help

remembering the conversation with Xie Puti about Wind
Snow Continent’s number one beauty, Shi Xiaofei. Shi
Xiaofei was Shi Fantian’s daughter.

‘I wonder if the Shi Xiaofei that Xie Puti mentioned is really

as stunning as that guy claimed.’ Huang Xiaolong secretly
laughed, it would be nice if Xie Puti was here now.

The darkness slowly receded as the morning light emerged

on the horizon.

Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu got up, flying

towards the Blessed Buddha City.
Chapter 375: Soft Tofu

Half an hour later, Huang Xiaolong’s group of three arrived

at Blessed Buddha City.

Several years earlier, Huang Xiaolong came to the Blessed

Buddha Empire to look for the Godly Mt. Xumi, but he didn’t
have the opportunity to see the Blessed Buddha Imperial

Just as he stepped into Blessed Buddha City, Huang

Xiaolong instantly felt the rich Buddhism energy in the air.
This Buddhism energy did not originate from the people, it
was naturally formed by years of Buddhism energy

Rows of shops lined the streets, but nearly all of them were
related to Buddhism in one way or another, some sold
Buddha statues, some Buddha religion-related items, and
others battle skills based on Buddhism energy. Of course
those battle skills were common low grade.

The grades of battle skills couldn’t enter Huang Xiaolong’s

eyes, however, due to curiosity, he entered a random skill
shop with Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu, flipping over some battle
skill manuals.

It was close to noon after a few hours strolling around the

city. When they walked by a big restaurant called Buddhist
House, the three of them went inside the premise.

Huang Xiaolong had already tasted Luo Tong Kingdom’s

Snow Moon Wine, Duanren Empire’s Sapidity Wine, and
Rising Sun City’s Origin Wine, but he had yet to sample the
wine made by Buddhists.
A fragrant aroma teased their noses the moment they
walked into the restaurant. It was different from any wine
Huang Xiaolong had smelled before, purely based on this
fragrance alone, one could already be sure that the wine
sold here in this Buddhist House was going to be good.

Due to the two large ancient puppets trailing behind Huang

Xiaolong, they immediately attracted the crowd’s attention
when they appeared inside, curious whispers and gazes
were inevitable.

Although both puppets converged their Saint realm aura,

the four-meter height and sturdy physique alone put enough
pressure over the other customers inside.

“Are those the Beastmen from the Ten Directions

Continent?” A person stared at the two large silhouettes
behind Huang Xiaolong, somewhat awed.

“No, Beastmen have some similarities with the Demonic

Beast race, clearly these two people aren’t Beastmen.” The
person same table as he stated.

“It’s hard to imagine there would be someone so tall in this

world.” A customer was shocked.

Huang Xiaolong merely smiled and shook these comments

away as he, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu found a table close to
the window and sat down. The two giant puppets stood
behind Huang Xiaolong.

Moments later, the restaurant waiter approached Huang

Xiaolong’s table, “What would several Lords like to order?”

Huang Xiaolong spoke: “A table of dishes, your best ones;

first bring three jugs of your restaurant best wine.”
“First bring three jugs?” The waiter was stunned.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t say another word seeing the waiter’s

reaction, placing an opened spatial ring on the table without
another word. Inside the ring, gold coins piled mountain
high, nearly blinding the waiter with their sparkle. Huang
Xiaolong encountered the same situation too many times.

Sure enough, once the waiter saw the glittering mountains

of gold inside the spatial ring, his legs shook as if he was on
the verge of pissing himself. No another word of nonsense,
the waiter excused himself and sped away to bring Huang
Xiaolong’s order. It didn’t take long for the waiter to return
with a tray full of their best dishes and three jugs of their
best wine.

This wine followed the name of the restaurant and was

called Buddhist House.

Huang Xiaolong broke open the seal, banging wine bowls

with Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu. Sliding down, the deep smoky
fragrance of the wine teased their taste buds, spicy yet
mellow, carrying a quiet serene aftertaste that made people
yearn for it.

“This wine is not bad.” Huang Xiaolong praised. Although it

didn’t compare to Rising Sun City’s Origin Wine, it was good
wine nonetheless.

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu nodded their heads in agreement,

the three chatted as they drank.

At some point, a large pot-bellied man entered, with four

guards following behind him. What tickled Huang Xiaolong’s
funny bone were this pot-bellied man’s features—small
beady eyes, big nose, wide mouth, and thin brows that
resembled a woman’s. Not to mention that huge pot-belly
probably could hold a big water barrel.

After entering the premise, the pot-bellied man picked a

table and sat. However, his beady eyes swiftly scanned
around and when he spotted the two giant puppets behind
Huang Xiaolong, the pair of small beady eyes lit up as he
saw some great treasure.

The fatty man stood up and walked toward Huang

Xiaolong’s table.

Huang Xiaolong noticed the fatty walking toward him with

beady eyes staring fixedly at the two giant puppets behind
him and was puzzled; did this chubby man recognize the
puppets behind him?

Those giant puppets from the Linglong Treasure Pagoda

were refined from the Ancient Golden Giant Tribe, the
people who had the keen sight to recognize them were
scarce in number.

Even Zhao Shu and Zhang Shu were baffled by the man’s

In a few strides, the fatty reached in front of Huang

Xiaolong, “Brother, are these two your guards?” he asked, a
finger pointed at the two giant puppets.

Huang Xiaolong was stumped, then he nodded, “That’s

right.” he couldn’t figure out the intention of this question.

The fatty laughed, “I wonder if this brother would be willing

to sell these two guards, I want to buy them.”

This sent Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu in a

Huang Xiaolong looked at the fatty’s small eyes that
narrowed into fine lines as he smiled, feeling amused, he
asked, “Are you sure you want to buy?”

Many thoughts passed through Huang Xiaolong’s mind when

he saw the fatty walking over to him, but he didn’t expect
the man to have his eyes set on his giant puppets.

“That’s right.” The fatty man chuckled.

“Why do you want to by these two guards of mine?” Huang

Xiaolong asked. He was really curious why this fatty wanted
to buy his giant puppets, the other side was merely a
Houtian Eighth Order, therefore it was impossible for him to
see that the two giant puppets behind him had the strength
of Tenth Order Saint realm experts. If he could see it, he
wouldn’t dare to be having such thoughts.

The fatty man smiled, “Because these two guards of your

look so cool!”

So cool!

Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu could no longer

hold in their laughter. Still, one had to admit, two four-meter
tall giant puppets indeed looked really cool standing there.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head in laughter, “You cannot

afford these two giant guards of mine.” What Huang
Xiaolong said was a fact. A Saint realm expert, not even an
empire could afford to buy, not to mention a Tenth Order
Saint realm.

However, it seemed like the fatty failed to understand

Huang Xiaolong’s meaning, his sonorous voice offered: “One
million, how about it?”
One million!

The customers around turned over, eyes wide with surprise.

One million, even in Blessed Buddha Empire’s Blessed

Buddha Imperial City, it was a large number.

Seeing the reaction of people around him, fatty showed a

complacent look.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head.

Watching Huang Xiaolong’s reaction, the fatty man stunned,

adding: “What I meant was one million for one, two for two

Huang Xiaolong was still shaking his head in refusal, if it

weren’t because this fatty had no malicious intent, he would
have sent him away early on.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong still refused him, disappointment

flashed in his eyes, just as the fatty was about to turn back
and return to his table, a voice sounded out of nowhere,
“Being tall doesn’t mean things, who knows, maybe these
guards only good on the surface, but have no strength.
Bringing out guards like this, one can only pretend to be
cool for a short time, if a real fight breaks out, perhaps they
are nothing but soft tofu and die in one strike!” The voice
was full of sarcasm. Without a doubt, the soft tofu being
referred to was Huang Xiaolong’s two giant puppets.

Huang Xiaolong and everyone else looked over, the person

who spoke was a young man dressed in luxurious brocade
robe, heavily greased hair, and a pale white face.

“It’s Chen Family’s eldest young master, Chen Luoguang!”

Someone blurted.
Hearing this, most of the customers’ faces tightened,
obviously this Chen Family’s Eldest Young Master had quite
a reputation in Blessed Buddha City.
Chapter 376: Still Soft Tofu?

Chen Luoguang? Watching the surrounding customers’

reaction, Huang Xiaolong guessed that this so-called Chen
Luoguang’s status wasn’t low.

Chen Family? Suddenly, something flashed in Huang

Xiaolong’s mind, this Chen Luoguang was most likely the
same Chen Family’s disciple. Chen Family, one of Blessed
Buddha Empire’s super families, parallel with the Yao and
Xie Families in Duanren Empire.

That year, when Huang Xiaolong was here in search of the

Godly Mt. Xumi, during the Blessed Buddha Altar’s baptism
with Buddhism energy, he came across a Chen Family
disciple, Chen Dingyuan.

At that time, Chen Dingyuan was jealous of Huang Xiaolong

being chosen by the Blessed Buddha Altar and sneakily shot
poisonous needles at Huang Xiaolong in the dark, but failed.
Later, after Huang Xiaolong found the Godly Mt. Xumi, he
paid a visit to the Chen Mansion and killed Chen Dingyuan
before leaving the Blessed Buddha Empire.

“Who is Chen Dingyuan to you?” Huang Xiaolong looked at

Chen Luoguang, asking out of nowhere.

Chen Luoguang dazed for a moment, he didn’t expect the

young man would ask this question.

“Cheng Dingyuan is my younger brother.” Chen Luoguang

added, “Since you know my younger brother, to give him
face, I will give you a chance.”

Judging from his attitude, it seemed he thought Huang

Xiaolong and Cheng Dingyuan was an associate of his

Huang Xiaolong revealed a little smile hearing that, “What


Chen Luoguang said, “What I hate most is others pretending

to be cool in front of me!” In his eyes, Huang Xiaolong’s
purpose in bringing two such giant guards outside with him
was nothing more than showing off. Watching others
showing off in front of him only soured his good mood. He
proudly pointed a finger at one of the guards behind him
saying, “As long as the two guards behind you can accept
one attack from my guard, I will let you go.”

Huang Xiaolong shrugged shoulders nonchalantly, “What if

my guards receive your guard’s one palm unharmed?”

Chen Luoguang couldn’t resist exposing a smirk at Huang

Xiaolong’s question, he looked over to the back at his guard,
“This kid just said that his two soft tofu guards can easily
take your attack.”

The guards around Chen Luoguang chuckled sinisterly.

The guard Chen Luoguang selected earlier stepped out from

the group, looking at Huang Xiaolong with a haughty
expression. An abrupt surge of energy erupted from his
body, enveloping the restaurant, alarming the customer

“Such a terrifying aura, a Xiantian Tenth Order expert?!”

Inside the restaurant, a high-level Xiantian expert exclaimed
out loud.

“Xiantian Tenth Order expert!” The rest was astonished by

this revelation.
The fatty that intended to buy Huang Xiaolong’s two giant
puppets was so astonished that he hastily moved far away
from Huang Xiaolong, seeking safety at the side in case
disaster befell fish of the same pond, angering Chen

Listening to the surprised exclamations coming from all

around, Chen Luoguang’s ego ballooned. In this trip to the
Blessed Buddha City with the family’s Elders, they had
arranged six high-level Xiantian realm experts at his side as
guards, amongst them were two Xiantian Tenth Order

What a Xiantian Tenth Order expert represented, he and

everyone present were well aware of.

Chen Luoguang spoke, “That’s right, Xiantian Tenth Order

expert, moreover, he’s a mid-Xiantian Tenth Order.”
Responding to the crowd’s awed reaction.

“Mid-Xiantian Tenth Order!” Another wave of exhilarating

gasps sounded.

Chen Luoguang looked at Huang Xiaolong, “How about it?

Do you still think that your two soft tofu guards can take one
palm from my guard? I’ve already said early on, born
stalwart doesn’t mean anything.”

Huang Xiaolong was too lazy to bother with so much

nonsense, he signaled one of the giant puppets with a look.
The giant puppet stepped forward to face the Chen
Luoguang’s guard.

Seeing this, Chen Luoguang snickered, “Kid, I would advise

you let both of your guards attack together, otherwise it
would be too late for regret later.”
The giant puppet came to a stand in front of Chen
Luoguang’s guard, yet Chen Luoguang’s guard stood
condescendingly hugging his arms, “Well, I’ll let you make
the first move.”

The instant his voice ended, the giant puppet raised its
hand, slamming down the guard’s head, and Chen
Luoguang’s guard looked like he was dumbfounded,
standing there without dodging.

The giant puppet’s attack connected in one strike. In the

blink of an eye, a tragic scream rendered the air.

The crowd inhaled sharply at the scene before them, Chen

Luoguang’s Xiantian Tenth Order guard was driven into the
ground with a single palm! From the neck down, the guard’s
body was inserted into the ground.

As for the guard’s head, it exploded from the impact, blood,

bones and gray matter splattered in the air, staining Chen
Luoguang’s face.

A mere palm killed a mid-Xiantian Tenth Order!

The crowd’s eyes nearly fell from their sockets looking at

the giant puppet.

Things indeed happened as Chen Luoguang predicted, dead

with a single palm! However, the positions between the two
sides shifted.

A heavy silence filled the restaurant, to the point that

dripping water sounded louder than one’s heartbeat.

Eyes filled with fear and worship looked at the giant puppet.
Able to kill a mid-Xiantian Tenth Order with just a slap, half-
Saint expert?! Only half-Saint experts, the existence closest
to the revered Saint realm had that ability!

Of course, no one dared to imagine that the giant puppet

had Saint realm strength. In the entire Blessed Buddha
Empire, the number of Saint realm experts could be counted
on one hand. Even so, half-Saint experts were a strong
deterring force.

At this point, a drop of blood rolled down Chen Luoguang’s

face across his eyes lid, down to the corner of his mouth.
Raising a hand to wipe the warm liquid away, staring at his
hand, other than red blood, there was some sticky gray
matter sticking to his finger, nausea rose up in Chen

Looking at the wrinkly white sticky stuff, Chen Luoguang

didn’t react at first, it was a second later did it strike him;

“Ah—!” The color drained from Chen Luoguang’s face as he

jumped back, screaming at the top of his lungs as if
someone hammered his buttocks with a steel hammer.

As he jumped away, Chen Luoguang frantically wiped his

face, with a swipe, pieces of the same white sticky stuff
smudged his hands, making him scream again and again.

He was fastidious toward personal hygiene. From childhood

until now, he had never encountered anything like this.

Watching Chen Luoguang jumping around shrieking like a

woman, Huang Xiaolong sneered and got up. Zhao Shu and
Zhang Fu followed.

Huang Xiaolong walked up to Chen Luoguang.

Chen Luoguang was still screaming. When he saw Huang
Xiaolong approaching, he stopped jumping and started to
retreat in panic, “You, what do you want to do?” Looking the
part of a frightened little girl and not some suave young

“Is my guard still soft tofu?” Huang Xiaolong asked, his

expression deadpan.

“No, no, he’s not!” Chen Luoguang frantically waved his


One of Chen Luoguang’s Xiantian realm guards stepped in

between Chen Luoguang and Huang Xiaolong, shielding
Chen Luoguang and saying, “This brother, our Young Lord is
Chen Family’s successor, this time we came to the Blessed
Buddha City with our Patriarch and two Grand Elders. Our
Patriarch and both Grand Elders are Saint realm experts, at
the moment they’re guests at Tai Gan Prince Palace. How
about we end this matter at this point?”

The guard’s words sounded polite, but the underlying threat

to Huang Xiaolong was clear as day. In short, if something
happened to their Young Lord, their Patriarch and two Grand
Elders were in this Blessed Buddha City, Huang Xiaolong
wouldn’t be able to escape.

Huang Xiaolong sneered coldly at the guard’s threat.

One of the giant puppets took a large stride forward, one

palm slammed forth, striking the guard’s chest. It was too
quick for him to defend and the guard’s body flew out, when
the guard fell to the street outside, his chest was blasted
open, no longer breathing.

Chen Luoguang turned even paler watching this,

stammering, “Brother, for my younger brother’s sake, don’t,
don’t kill me.”

Hearing the other side bringing up Chen Dingyuan, Huang

Xiaolong sneered; this Chen Luoguang really thought that
he is friends with that Chen Dingyuan.
Chapter 377: Blessed Buddha Temple

“For your younger brother Chen Dingyuan’s sake?” Huang

Xiaolong taunted.

“Yes, yes, yes.” Chen Luoguang saw a ray of hope, nodded

his head with vigor.

“Do you know how your younger brother Chen Dingyuan

died?” Huang Xiaolong’s cold voice sounded in Chen
Luoguang’s ear.

Chen Luoguang blanked, perhaps due to fear, he missed the

meaning of Huang Xiaolong’s words, “How did my younger
brother die?” A second later his face ashen, staring at
Huang Xiaolong, could it be…?!

“You!” The word flew out his mouth.

That year, his younger brother Chen Dingyuan was

assassinated in a Chen Mansion’s small courtyard. All these
years, the Chen Family had been searching for the killer, but
until now, they hadn’t found any clues.

Now, this black-haired young man in front of him was…?!

Huang Xiaolong didn’t speak, giving the giant puppet a kill

order. The ancient puppets were controlled by Huang
Xiaolong through the soul mark he branded in their
consciousness, with simply a thought, he could pass his
order to the giant puppets.

Before the fearful eyes of Chen Luoguang, the two giant

puppets moved forward, their hands raised and slammed
down, burying Chen Luoguang feet first through the floor,
ending the same way the first guard did. From the neck
down, Chen Luoguang’s body was drilled into the ground,
while his head exploded to pieces.

The remaining four of Chen Luoguang’s guards were

terrified, wanting to flee, but the two giant puppets struck a
punch across space, striking all of them down to the ground.

The people around witnessed seven people being killed one

by one, yet no one dared to utter a single word nor move.

“Let’s go.” Huang Xiaolong said to Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu.

Both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu complied in unison. Huang

Xiaolong walked out of the restaurant with Zhao Shu and
Zhang Fu following behind. Everyone moved away, giving
Huang Xiaolong a wide berth.

However, as Huang Xiaolong was passing by the fatty, he

teased, “Does this brother still want to buy my two guards?”

The fatty nearly jumped out of his skin hearing that, his
knees went weak, immediately falling down, looking like he
was about to cry, “No no no, I don’t want, not right, brother,
I mean Senior, I was wrong.”

Huang Xiaolong was merely teasing, seeing the fatty was

about to burst his liver in fear, he chuckled softly. Not
making things difficult for the fatty, the three of them left
the restaurant.

The fatty watched the three people leave until their figures
disappeared from view, sighing in relief seeing that Huang
Xiaolong did not make things difficult for him. It was as if
something was breathing cold air down his neck the entire
“Lucky, lucky.” He panted, but no one knew what he was
lucky about.

Some time after Huang Xiaolong left, the initially dead silent
restaurant suddenly exploded in a furor.

The atmosphere in the whole restaurant was boiling.

Chen Family’s Eldest Young Master was killed! For Blessed

Buddha Empire, this was definitely a shocking news!

“Chen Luoguang is the recognized next-in-line successor of

the Chen Family, but he was killed on this trip, I wonder how
the Chen Family will retaliate!”

“How else will they retaliate? Chen Family’s Patriarch will

definitely be livid, screaming for that black-haired young
man’s life to avenge his son! But, did that black-haired
young man mean that he also killed Chen Dingyuan?!”

“Who knows what this black-haired young man’s identity is,

he actually has the guts to kill Chen Luoguang!”

Frenzied discussion took place in every corner.

On the other hand, after leaving the restaurant, Huang

Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu walked along the streets,
what happened in the restaurant was already forgotten. His
main purpose in stopping in Blessed Buddha City was to pay
Shi Fantian a visit.

The three strolled idly. Noticing the people on the streets

hurrying toward a certain direction, Huang Xiaolong’s
curiosity was stoked. Was there a lively event in that
direction? He simply stopped a random person on the street,
asking what was happening in front.
That young man was slightly surprised at Huang Xiaolong’s
question, his eyes strayed to the two giant figures behind
the black-haired young man, he couldn’t help taking another
look, “Doesn’t this brother know that today is Blessed
Buddha’s Birthday?”

“Blessed Buddha’s Birthday?” Huang Xiaolong repeated.

In Blessed Buddha Empire, there was only one person could

be called Blessed Buddha and that person was the founder
of Blessed Buddha Empire, the previous emperor of the
Blessed Buddha Empire.

“That’s right, ah, Blessed Buddha’s Birthday, a lot of people

would head to the Blessed Buddha Temple to pray and burn
joss sticks to the Blessed Buddha Emperor.” That young
man answered. “Apart from that, every year during Blessed
Buddha’s Birthday, Princess Shi Xiaofei would go to Blessed
Buddha Temple.” Talking about Shi Xiaofei, the young man
exposed a look of admiration.

“Shi Xiaofei.” Huang Xiaolong was surprised.

That young man looked at Huang Xiaolong with an

understanding smile, “Bro, why don’t you join me? Let’s go
there and have a look, I think you probably haven’t seen our
Princess before, right? During last year’s Blessed Buddha
Birthday, I caught a glimpse from far away, after coming
back, I couldn’t sleep well for a whole month.”

Huang Xiaolong was speechless, “That Shi Xiaofei is really

that beautiful?”

Couldn’t sleep well for one whole month, wasn’t this

bragging a little too much?
Seeing Huang Xiaolong’s reaction, his eyes widened in a
fierce glare, “You don’t believe?” In the next second, a
reminiscence look took over the young man’s face:
“Beautiful! Absolutely too beautiful! If Princess Shi Xiaofei is
willing to say a sentence to me, just one sentence, I’m
willing to have my lifespan shortened ten years.” The young
man’s expression resembled someone who suddenly
roasted drumstick in the middle of a desert, saliva drooling
from his mouth.

Huang Xiaolong laughed watching the young man’s

unabashed expression, “Let’s go then, I also want to have a

Being baptized by Buddhism energy the last time he was

here, according to Shi Fantian’s words, Huang Xiaolong
could be considered as one of Blessed Buddha Emperor’s
disciples. Since it was so, he should make the trip to burn
some joss sticks for this Blessed Buddha Emperor.

The young man came out from his fantasy hearing that
Huang Xiaolong was interested to go, laughing in good
humor, the young man was delighted: “That’s great.” And
the young man pulled Huang Xiaolong’s hand, “Bro, we
must reach there quickly to pick a good spot.”

Pick a good spot?

Huang Xiaolong laughed helplessly, “Are there a lot of

people in Blessed Buddha Temple today?

The young man said, “Of course, there’s a lot of people,

many women, and even more men. The men usually go for
Princess Shi Xiaofei, if we don’t hurry to find a good spot,
not to mention Princess Shi Xiaofei, we probably won’t even
get to see the backside of her maids .”
Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu laughed at the
young man’s words.

“Still, all the maids beside Princess Shi Xiaofei are great
beauties, it’s not too bad if we managed to see the butts of
her maids.” The young man added.

Huang Xiaolong grinned.

Just as Huang Xiaolong was heading toward Blessed Buddha

Temple, in Tai Gan Prince Palace, Chen Family’s Patriarch,
Chen Chen, and two Grand Elders were talking, laughing
amiably with their host when he spotted a flustered Chen
Family guard running into the hall.

“Patriarch, it’s bad!” Chen Chen and the two Gand Elders
instantly looked grim. Before Chen Chen could ask, the
guard blurted, “Somebody just reported, Eldest Young Lord
was killed!”

“What?!” Chen Chen and the two Grand Elders jumped to

their feet, dark clouds brewing on their faces.

Even Prince Tai Gan was dumbfounded. Someone actually

dared to kill Chen Family’s Eldest Young Lord?! Moreover,
they were in the Blessed Buddha City.

“It was at Buddhist House restaurant, even now, Eldest

Young Lord’s body is still there.” That Chen Family guard
Chapter 378: To The
Blessed Buddha Temple
Chapter 378: To the Blessed Buddha Temple

“The Buddhist House!” A sharp glint flickered in Chen

Chen’s eyes, excusing himself to Prince Tai Gan, “Your
Highness, we’ll excuse ourselves first.”

That Prince Tai Gan spoke, “Something like this actually

happened, Patriarch Chen, this Prince will go with you, I also
want to see who is so daring to commit murder in broad
daylight inside Blessed Buddha City!” With a brush of his
sleeves, a powerful surge of energy distorted space around
him. No doubt, this Prince Tai Gan was also an expert.

“I am much indebted to Your Highness!” Chen Chen cupped

his fist respectfully before turning around to the Chen Family
guard: “Lead the way!”

Then, with both Grand Elders and Prince Tai Gan, Chen Chen
marched out from the Tai Gan Prince Palace to Buddhist
House restaurant with fierce momentum, scaring the
pedestrians on the streets.

Because Prince Tai Gan was with them, more than a hundred
prince palace guards were trailing behind them, emitting a
whelming chilling pressure.

“It’s Prince Tai Gan!”

“I wonder who it is that alerted Prince Tai Gan!”

“Which short-sighted bastard is that? Let’s go and have a

Whispers and exclamations of morbid curiosity sounded in

the streets.

Prince Tai Gan was Emperor Shi Fantian’s younger brother,

he held power and high status in Blessed Buddha Empire.

Very soon, Chen Chen and his bevy of experts arrived at the
Buddhist House. The prince palace guards spread out,
encircling its perimeter in swift, well-trained actions as Chen
Chen and the others entered the premise.

The air carried a thick scent of blood, blowing over their

faces upon entering the restaurant. Chen Chen scanned
around and his eyes instantly turned scarlet, a rolling
murderous aura broke out from Chen Chen’s body.

“Guang’er!” Chen Chen rushed to Chen Luoguang’s corpse,

teardrops wetting the floor. Although Chen Luoguang’s head
exploded, Chen Chen could still recognize his son’s body in
a single glance.

Seeing his son’s corpse, missing the head, Chen Chen was
bitter, enraged, and filled with intense hatred. Heart-
wrenching pain and a cocktail of negative emotions
sweltered his heart.

The two Chen Family’s Grand Elders were stunned and

angered coming upon Chen Luoguang’s headless corpse,
body half buried in the ground.

Even Prince Tai Gan was shocked at the scene.

Chen Chen exerted tremendous effort to suppress the killing

intent in his heart from blowing up. His eyes cold like sharp
knives, he questioned: “How many people does the other
side have?”

At this time a Chen Family Elder came forward, “I

questioned the owner, the other side has five in a group, but
only that person’s two guards attacked. Still, Eldest Young
Master was killed with a single palm, according to what the
owner said, those guards were probably peak half-Saint

“Peak half-Saint experts?” The look in Chen Chen’s eyes

grew colder, each word was spoken through gritted teeth,
“No matter who they are, I want them dead! Even if they
are Saint realm experts, they must die, die—!” Green veins
under his the skin of his hands popped up.

Both Chen Family Grand Elders did not say anything, like
what their Patriarch stated, no matter who the other side
was, they must die!

“Did you find out where they have gone?” Chen Chen’s
frigid voice sounded.

That Chen Family Elder replied, “We investigated, they went

in the direction of the Blessed Buddha Temple, today is
Blessed Buddha’s Birthday, that is where those people are

“Blessed Buddha Temple!” Killing intent surged in Chen

Chen’s eyes, looking at his son’s corpse, he softly uttered an
oath, “Guang’er, don’t worry, in a while Father will bring
their heads as offerings on your altar.” He turned back to
the Chen Family Elder, “Order people to bring back Young
Master and the bodies here.”

“Yes, Patriarch.” The Elder complied respectfully.

Hence, Chen Chen’s large assemblage departed from the
Buddhist House restaurant to the Blessed Buddha Temple
full of righteous momentum.

On the other side of the city, the young man was leading
Huang Xiaolong to the Blessed Buddha Temple.

On the way, Huang Xiaolong found out the young man

family name was Wang, named Wang Dong, a disciple of
Blessed Buddha Empire’s Wang Family. Of course, the Wang
Family couldn’t be compared to the Chen Family.

Wang Dong asked: “Bro, which family are you from?”

Huang Xiaolong: “Huang Family.”

A trace of doubt flashed in Wang Dong’s eyes, “Huang

Family?” Clearly, in his knowledge, there was no family
surnamed Huang in the Blessed Buddha Empire, but he
didn’t pursue the matter. Laughing, he asked, “Bro Huang,
where did you find these two guards? Frankly speaking, they
look really cool.”

Huang Xiaolong grinned at Wang Dong’s compliment,

jokingly said, “Really? I used to bring them out to woo girls.”

Wang Dong chuckled with understanding, giving Huang

Xiaolong a thumbs up sign, “Skillful, who knows, when we
arrive at the Blessed Buddha Temple, Princess Shi Xiaofei
would be attracted to you because of your two guards,
perhaps she would give an extra look in our direction.”

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “Who says not.”

Just like this, the group proceeded to the Blessed Buddha

Temple. Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu followed behind Huang
Xiaolong, it had been a long time since they saw the
Sovereign so happy.

A short while later, the group arrived at the Blessed Buddha


The Blessed Buddha Temple was built on a large piece of

land. Looking at the temple from afar, various sizes of
temple structures weaved like layers of waves. In front of
the entrance to the temple was a large square that could
hold five to six thousand people, but even so, the square felt
small and crowded due to the mass of people.

Men and women, the various styles and colors were a

dizzying sight.

There were a total of eight entrances to the temple, each

wide enough to accommodate ten people entering and
exiting at once.

Above the center of the entrance, were three characters

inscribed in ancient text: Blessed Buddha Temple. On the
wall surfaces were paintings of ancient Buddha statues and
scenes depicting activities related to Buddhism. Even before
Huang Xiaolong stepped inside the temple, he could feel the
buoyant marrow of Buddhism. Smoke from joss sticks and
incense curled in the air.

“Bro, hurry, to the Blessed Buddha Hall!” Wang Dong led

Huang Xiaolong, weaving through the lively square, entering
Blessed Buddha Temple as he explained, “Princes Shi Xiaofei
comes to Blessed Buddha Temple mainly to pray to the
Blessed Buddha statue in the Blessed Buddha Hall. So, we
must hurry there to get a spot with a good view.”

Huang Xiaolong smiled helplessly at Wang Dong’s sense of

Yet Huang Xiaolong noticed that the men were all moving in
the same direction as Wang Dong in the same hurried
footsteps, towards the Blessed Buddha Hall. They passed
through corridors after corridors led by Wang Dong, finally
reaching the Blessed Buddha Hall.

However, by the time Huang Xiaolong’s group arrived, there

was a sea of people, squeezing in the small square in front
of the Blessed Buddha Hall, trying to enter.

Disappointment shadowed Wang Dong’s face, “We’re late,

we won’t even catch a glimpse of Shi Xiaofei’s maids’

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “Don’t worry.” When he said that,

the two giant puppets behind him moved to the front,
opening a path through the sea of people for Huang
Xiaolong. Wang Dong was delighted seeing the tightly
squeezed crowd moving away, opening a path as the two
guards moved forth.

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong’s group entered the Blessed

Buddha Hall, straight to the front row. As per Wang Dong’s
reasoning, grabbing a good spot, at that time not only could
they see Shi Xiaofei’s butt and her face, even her breasts
could be seen!

Obviously, the spot Huang Xiaolong’s group was at could

enjoy a full view. Wang Dong’s heart bloomed fully as he
stood in the spot of his dreams, the smile hanging on his
face was like a sunflower in bloom, brilliant and smug.

However, the doors to the Blessed Buddha Temple were

tightly closed, causing a frown on Huang Xiaolong’ brows.
He mainly wanted to worship the Blessed Buddha statue
coming to this Blessed Buddha Temple, as for Princess Shi
Xiaofei and what-not, he wasn’t really interested.
Noticing Huang Xiaolong’s expression, Wang Dong
explained, “Because Princess Shi Xiaofei will come to
worship the Blessed Buddha statue every year, the temple
allows her to enter first, when she is done with praying and
offering joss sticks, only then will others be allowed in.”

So, that was the reason.

Then, a commotion swept through the crowd.

“Princess Shi Xiaofei is here!”

Princess Shi Xiaofei’s arrival triggered the hormones of the

crowd into overdrive, excited gasps and exclamation
undulated in the square.
Chapter 379: Looks Impressive But Has No Substance…

Hearing the ruckus outside, Wang Dong couldn’t help being

affected by the excitement, his neck was craned long as a
giraffe trying to see the situation outside.

Seeing his reaction, Huang Xiaolong was speechless at his


“She’s here, she’s here!” Suddenly, Wang Dong’s sprightly

voice sounded.

Huang Xiaolong looked over, in direction locked on by the

sea of energetic men, a young woman in white was walking

Her eyes resembled clear sparkling water, milky white skin,

hair twisted into a simple knot that was secured with a
simple jasper hairpin of dragon and phoenix, the white dress
narrowed at the waist, showing off her slim figure. A beauty
untouched by the mundane world, akin to a celestial maiden
that came out of a painting.

This was Shi Xiaofei!

Blessed Buddha Empire’s number one beauty, also Wind

Snow Continent’s greatest beauty!

Huang Xiaolong was stupefied for a moment, for Shi

Xiaofei’s features bore some resemblance to Li Lu.

Shi Xiaofei walked across the square towards the Blessed

Buddha Hall with six demure maids behind her.

The noisy, frenzied Blessed Buddha Hall square quieted

down abruptly.
From afar, Shi Xiaofei was a flawless beauty, like a goddess
in a painting, upon closer observation, her beauty was even
more breathtaking, enough to steal one’s soul, and feel
ashamed of their own imperfection.

All blooming flowers lost their brilliance before her.

Everyone was so quiet that Huang Xiaolong had the illusion

of hearing the hearts of families’ disciples racing badump
badump loudly, even Huang Xiaolong did not imagine that a
woman could be this beautiful. Although Li Lu was pretty,
she still lost half a point to this Shi Xiaofei.

Perhaps due to Huang Xiaolong’s giant puppets towering

over others, much taller than anyone present and extremely
eye-catching amongst the sea of people, they inevitably
drew Shi Xiaofei’s eyes.

A faint light rippled in her clear eyes at what she saw.

It was as if Wang Dong was struck by lightning, eyes

sluggish and out of focus, muttering to himself, “Stunning,
too beautiful!” He was actually drooling.

Due to the quiet surroundings, Wang Dong’s voice sounded

unexpectedly loud, instantly drawing everyone’s attention
to him.

Huang Xiaolong smiled a bitter, helpless smile. Although he

had experienced many things, and wasn’t someone with
thin-skin, at this moment, however, he dearly wished for a
hole to open under him so he could drill inside.

Watching the saliva drooling out of Wang Dong’s mouth and

the undisguised perverted look, a hint of disgust flickered in
Shi Xiaofei’s eyes. She had seen too many of those kinds of
family disciples, and it was also the kind that she loathed
the most, her dislike also included Huang Xiaolong who was
standing beside Wang Dong.

Although the giant puppet guards behind Huang Xiaolong

were very eye-catching, cool, mighty, and Huang Xiaolong
himself was a handsome young man, unfortunately, they
only looked impressive but lacked substance. They were
questionable characters of average skills at most, those
kind of disciples that stirred trouble everywhere were the
kind that Shi Xiaofei looked down on the most.

In that split second, Shi Xiaofei formed her impression of

Wang Dong and Huang Xiaolong.

The flash of disgust in Shi Xiaofei’s eyes disappeared quickly

but Huang Xiaolong still caught it, he shook his head
inwardly, it seems this time he was grouped together with
Wang Dong, losing marks in Shi Xiaofei’s book.

However, it didn’t matter to Huang Xiaolong whether he left

a good impression on Shi Xiaofei, he didn’t plan to have any
connection with her from the beginning.

Just when Shi Xiaofei was about to open the Blessed Buddha
Hall door to begin the prayers, a loud commotion sounded
from outside. Voices clamoring, screams and cries, all
reverberated at once.

“What is happening?” Shi Xiaofei turned around, a tiny

frown formed on her delicate brows, someone dared to
cause trouble here in the Blessed Buddha Temple? The
families disciples’ throats itched at Shi Xiaofei’s expression.

Even a small frown was mesmerizing enough to move

people’s hearts.
“Let’s go out and see what’s happening.” Shi Xiaofei said to
her maids, stepping away from the Blessed Buddha Hall

Seeing this, all the families disciples quickly followed suit.

Huang Xiaolong saw that Wang Dong’s gaze was fixed on

Shi Xiaofei’s back figure, the target seemed to be Shi
Xiaofei’s butt? He couldn’t decide whether he should be
angry or laugh at Wang Dong. Dropping a knock on Wang
Dong’s head, he said, “Still looking? Come on, let’s go.”

Only then did Wang Dong wake up from his bloop.

At this time, at the front main entrance of the Blessed

Buddha Temple, Prince Tai Gan waved his hand at the prince
palace guards he brought over, “Seal every entrance and
exit of the temple.”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

The prince palace guards separated, each moving to block

all exits.

Chen Chen stared at the Blessed Buddha Temple’s entrance,

then turned to the Chen Family Elder, “Are you sure, that
they are inside this Blessed Buddha Temple right now?”

The Blessed Buddha Temple was built to worship the

Blessed Buddha Emperor, without confirming that those
people were inside, there would be repercussions if he
rushed in recklessly searching and attacking.

That Chen Family Elder nodded, “Replying to Patriarch, the

other side is inside the Blessed Buddha Hall!”
At this time, Shi Xiaofei appeared at the entrance leading to
the Blessed Buddha Hall, with a large group of families’
disciple trailing behind her.

Spotting Shi Xiaofei, Prince Tai Gan went forward in greeting:


Chen Chen followed right after Prince Tai Gan, greeting

Princess in a respectful manner. Chen Chen was a Saint
realm expert and also Chen Family’s Patriarch at the same
time, which exempted him from having to kneel in salute.

“Royal Uncle, what happened?” Seeing the temple

surrounded by the prince palace guards, Shi Xiaofei couldn’t
help asking.

Shi Tai Gan explained, “It’s like this, earlier, Chen Family’s
Eldest Young Master was murdered in the Buddhist House
restaurant, we found out that the killer is here in the
Blessed Buddha Temple now.”

“Chen Family’s Eldest Young Master was murdered!” Shi

Xiaofei’s eyes widened in shock. The families’ disciples were
aghast hearing the news.

Chen Family’s Eldest Young Master was murdered! This

definitely was news that would cause a huge wave in the
Blessed Buddha Empire!

Exactly at this point, Wang Dong and Huang Xiaolong

passed through the Blessed Buddha Hall’s doorway.

All of a sudden, someone shouted, “That’s him, he’s the one

who killed Chen Family’s Eldest Young Master Chen
Luoguang!” That person pointed his finger.
Shi Xiaofei and everyone’s gazes followed the direction of
the finger.

When Shi Xiaofei saw Huang Xiaolong, surprise flashed in

her eyes, “Him?!” Then she shook her head secretly, sure
enough, looks impressive but has no substance,
questionable character of average skill. A person that didn’t
realize the severity of killing Chen Family’s Eldest Young
Master, didn’t he know that it would bring disastrous
consequences to his family? Which family did this guy come

A combination of thoughts sped past Shi Xiaofei’s mind in

an instant.

A sharp gleam burst in Chen Chen’s eyes, asking the person

who spoke earlier, “It’s that punk?” The killing intent in his
heart erupted.

This person was none other than the Buddhist House

restaurant waiter, brought over by Chen Chen.

The Buddhist House restaurant waiter nodded assuredly,

“No mistake, that’s him and his two guards, it cannot be
wrong!” It was too easy to recognize the two giant guards
behind Huang Xiaolong, which was why the waiter was able
to point Huang Xiaolong out immediately, extremely

Wang Dong was served a severe jolt from the remnants of

his daze, staring at Huang Xiaolong, his tongue twisted into
a knot, “Br—bro, you, you killed Chen Family’s Eldest Young

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “What do you think?”

Wang Dong’s legs went weak, nearly fainting on the spot
hearing Huang Xiaolong’s retort. At the same time, all the
families’ disciples in close proximity moved away hastily in
fear of being convicted by association.

While everyone was running away from Huang Xiaolong,

Chen Chen bellowed, his palms striking out at Huang
Xiaolong: “Die! Infinite Sea Palm!” Boundless palm power
shattered space, raising an insurmountable great wave,
crashing down on Huang Xiaolong.

Wang Dong was right beside Huang Xiaolong, right in the

sphere of attack. When Wang Dong saw the tidal wave
overcasting the sky, his face paled, legs shaking

Chen Family’s Patriarch, Chen Chen’s Infinite Sea Palm was

a high-grade Heaven rank battle skill, it contained enough
power to shatter a mountain. This was common knowledge
for the subjects of Blessed Buddha Empire. And Patriarch
Chen Chen broke through the Saint realm more than a
hundred years ago, he was a Fourth Order Saint realm
Chapter 380: I Know Who He Is!

Shi Xiaofei was astonished that Chen Chen would attack

himself, moreover, using the high-grade Heaven rank battle
skill that made him famous in the first attack. Not even she
could take the attack head-on with her current strength.

She shook her head in secret watching Huang Xiaolong, this

handsome looking young man, almost perfect judging by
appearance was bound to die regardless. However, these
kinds of family disciples ended up the same way sooner or
later for provoking people that they couldn’t afford to

Similar thoughts were running through the minds of the

surrounding crowd, everyone was absolutely sure in their
hearts that this black-haired young man would die!

Schadenfreude light shone from those disciples’ eyes.

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu looked at the overpowering wave

about to submerge them and were about to act, planning to
kill Chen Chen with a single strike when Huang Xiaolong’s
impassive voice sounded: “Both of you don’t need to

No need to attack! Hearing Huang Xiaolong’s order, Zhao

Shu and Zhang Fu halted their action.

Chen Chen’s Infinite Sea Palm was getting closer and closer
to Huang Xiaolong. In between, Huang Xiaolong raised his
head, looking at Chen Chen, at that moment, Chen Chen
and Huang Xiaolong’s eyes met.

What surprised Chen Chen was that from Huang Xiaolong’s

eyes, what he saw was not fear, desperation, or panic, but
indifferent calmness!

Yes, indifferent calmness! Laced deep within the calmness

was a hint of disdain.

Disdain, it was as if those eyes were saying that Chen Chen

overestimated himself!

After a brief second of surprise, the anger in Chen Chen

burned ever more furiously, pushing his Saint power to the

His Infinite Sea Palm finally landed on Huang Xiaolong’s

chest. When the palm landed, in the sky above the Blessed
Buddha Temple square, the blast of countless waves
crashing against the bed of rocks echoed for a long time.

Watching this, the families’ disciples around shook their

heads while the corners of their mouths curved up in a faint

“When I saw that kid being so calm, I thought he must be an

expert, a tiger pretending to be a pig, it seems I was
cheated, it was nothing more than a polished appearance!”

“What do they call this? This is called pretentious prick,

didn’t you see that Princess Shi Xiaofei is also here? Perhaps
someone wants to attract the beauty’s eye, purposely
putting on an act!”

“But this price is too high for a second of showing off.

Patriarch Chen’s Infinite Sea Palm, other than our Emperor,
the number of people who can take a hit from it doesn’t
exceed three!”

Contempt and ridicule rained down on Huang Xiaolong.

Shi Xiaofei shook her head.

In the beginning, she had thought this black-haired young

man would be able to at least react, try blocking by raising
his arm or something. But now, being struck by Chen Chen’s
Infinite Sea Palm, it was too late for any reaction.

Then, shocked exclamations undulated in the square.

Baffled, Shi Xiaofei raised her head and her eyes grew wider
and wider every second as she stood there, dumbfounded.

The fear-stricken Wang Dong stared stupefied at Huang

Xiaolong’s back, mumbling to himself: “He, he took it?!”

Ignoring the crowd, Huang Xiaolong looked coldly at Chen

Chen, then at the palm print Chen Chen made on his chest,
speaking with a voice that was just as cold as his eyes,
“Infinite Sea Palm? High-grade Heaven rank battle skill?
Patriarch Chen, your Infinite Sea Palm is only this much?” He
stood there, like an everlasting mountain.

Huang Xiaolong’s physique toughness was enhanced to a

scary level when he advanced to Saint realm, and later,
when he refined the Dragon Pearl, his body was rebuilt by
the Dragon Pearl and true dragon essence, making it even
more terrifying. It could be said without any exaggeration
that Huang Xiaolong’s physique would shock even the
ancient Dragon Emperor.

Chen Chen stared at Huang Xiaolong with disbelief, looking

at his own palm, “No, impossible. How can this be!”

He was a late-Fourth Order Saint realm! Even a Fifth Order

Saint realm expert would be gravely injured being struck by
his Infinite Sea Palm! But this black-haired young man, how
could it be…!
Huang Xiaolong sneered, “In this world, there is nothing that
is impossible!” The tiny symbol at the center of Huang
Xiaolong’s brows from the Dragon Pearl glimmered, Chen
Chen immediately felt as if he was drowning an
overwhelming dragon might that originated from the
primordial era.

“How about you also take a hit from me!” Huang Xiaolong’s
voice cut through the Chen Chen’s mind, a fist punched out.

A glaring golden light burst out from Huang Xiaolong’s fist,

so bright that the crowd could barely see that an enormous
golden dragon flew out accompanying Huang Xiaolong’s

Terrified, Chen Chen punched out to block Huang Xiaolong’s

attack. Their fists collided in a split second.


The crowd heard a clear sound of bones breaking, then they

saw Chen Chen’s right arm that he used to block Huang
Xiaolong’s punch actually twisted to the back! The entire
arm bones pierced out of Chen Chen’s back.

An excruciating howl escaped Chen Chen’s throat, being

pushed back forcefully, more than a dozen zhang.

“Patriarch!” The two Chen Family Grand Elder were

astounded, waking up from their inaction, both rushed to
Chen Chen’s side. The problem was, the appalling sight of
Chen Chen’s arm made them draw a sharp intake of breath.

Chen Chen was a late-Fourth Order Saint realm expert, the

tough physique of a Saint realm expert was undeniable,
their bones were comparable to ten thousand years old hard
iron, yet it was shattered with one punch! The entire arm
was crippled!

Could a human possess such terrible force?!

Chen Chen steadied himself, there was fear in his eyes as

he looked at Huang Xiaolong at this moment. Others might
not have understood, but he felt it deep in his soul the real
extent of Huang Xiaolong’s strength.

Just now, Huang Xiaolong did not use any battle qi, all of it
was solely the power of his physique! However, even an
ancient mythical beast couldn’t have that kind of raw, brute

“Who are you?! You’re not someone from the Blessed

Buddha Empire!” Chen Chen couldn’t stop himself from
exclaiming, his voice awkward as if he had just sung a
thousand songs.

If there was such an expert in the Blessed Buddha Empire, it

was impossible that he didn’t know about it.

Huang Xiaolong’s face remained indifferent, “I’ve never said

that I am from the Blessed Buddha Empire.” Huang Xiaolong
slowly approached Chen Chen as he speak, “That’s right, I
killed your son. Also, your other son, Cheng Dingyuan was
also killed by me.”

Chen Chen staggered listening to Huang Xiaolong’s

confession, his second son was assassinated a few years
ago, all this time he had been trying to find the killer, but he
never would have thought that it would be this black-haired
young man!

Because the Buddhist House waiter did not mention this

matter to Chen Chen, he was left in the dark about his
second son also being killed by Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong continued to narrow the distance between

them, while Chen Chen and the two Grand Elders actually
retreated subconsciously. The families’ disciples that
ridiculed Huang Xiaolong with courage earlier retreat far
back with apprehension.

Shi Xiaofei’s attention was stuck on Huang Xiaolong, great

waves hit her heart; who was this young man? Who was this
young man?

By this point, Prince Tai Gan, who came with Chen Chen and
the two elders, also retreated to one side, trying not to
stand out and draw Huang Xiaolong’s attention. Although he
wasn’t weak, he was a lot worse compared to Chen Chen.

Chen Chen continued to step back, but the eyes of the

families’ disciples and prince palace guards were like tens of
thousands of silver needles stabbing into his body. Never in
his entire life had he endured such humiliation!

Anger accumulated in Chen Chen’s heart with every step

back that he took, being pushed past the breaking point, the
exasperated Chen Chen roared with fury: “I’m going to kill
you!” Battle qi broke out from Chen Chen’s body at full
force, and a great Peng Bird materialized above him, soul
transforming without wasting any time.

Seeing this, both Chen Family Grand Elders also summoned

their martial spirit and soul transformed.

Both Chen Family Grand Elders were also Fourth Order Saint
realm, one was peak late-Fourth Order Saint realm, and the
other was mid-Fourth Order Saint realm.
Huang Xiaolong sneered watching them, he turned to Zhao
Shu and Zhang Fu: “No need to interfere.”

His words left the crowd dumbstruck.

Was this black-haired young man planning to fight one

against three?! He might be powerful, but could he fight
against three at the same time?

Before the crowd’s shocked eyes, Asura qi surged from

Huang Xiaolong’s body, piercing the sky, both black and
blue dragons flew out from his body, overwhelming the four
directions of the Blessed Buddha City with overpowering
dragon might.

“I know who he is, he is Young Noble Divine Dragon!!” A

family’s disciple shrieked at the top of his lungs, fearing that
no one would hear him.
Chapter 381: He Is Young Noble Divine Dragon

That family disciple’s loud shout was like a large boulder

splashing into the sea, raising thousand layers of waves
through the crowd.

“Young Noble Divine Dragon! Young Noble Divine Dragon

Huang Xiaolong?!”

“He is that Young Noble Divine Dragon Huang Xiaolong?!”

“That’s right, according to rumors, Young Noble Divine

Dragon Huang Xiaolong’s martial spirit was a pair of twin, a
black and a blue, primordial divine dragons. The one and
only unique blue dragon in the Martial Spirit World!”

The whole Blessed Buddha Temple square was in an uproar.

Surprise, shock, and excitement flickered passed the crowd

as they stared in adoration at the black and blue dragons
hovering above Huang Xiaolong’s head.

The black and blue twin dragons were like two majestic
divine mountains as they hovered in the sky, the dragon
might radiating from their bodies seemed to envelop
everything under the heavens in an oppressive pressure.

“Young Noble Divine Dragon, he is Young Noble Divine

Dragon!” Shi Xiaofei watched Huang Xiaolong, an unknown
sparkle lit her eyes as she muttered to herself. Young Noble
Divine Dragon Huang Xiaolong’s fame had spread to every
corner of the Wind Snow Continent. As Blessed Buddha
Empire’s Princess, although she rarely left the Blessed
Buddha Palace, Huang Xiaolong’s name was familiar to her.
In recent days, the most talked about topic among the
Blessed Buddha Palace maids and palace guards was one
and the same, this Young Noble Divine Dragon. Including the
imperial consorts, noble ladies, and her mother, the
Empress of the Blessed Buddha Empire, eulogized Huang
Xiaolong often.

According to the stories passed between the palace maids,

consorts, and noble ladies, this Young Noble Divine Dragon
was the incarnation of the Dragon God, a reincarnated God,
undefeated, a living legend!

Capable of killing Deities Templar Elder Ao Baixue when he

was just a peak late-Xiantian Tenth Order!

Half a year later, he broke through to Saint realm!

In this Martial Spirit World, no one dared to oppose Deities

Templar, except for him, Young Noble Divine Dragon!

Not long ago, he executed seven Deities Templar Elders in

the Luo Tong Kingdom!

Every time those palace maids, palace guards, consorts,

and nobles talked about Young Noble Divine Dragon, their
eyes shone with veneration, adoration, and worship.

Shi Xiaofei continued to stare at Huang Xiaolong’s face

without blinking, she herself did not notice that, at this
moment, there was no one else in her eyes except for
Huang Xiaolong.

“Princess.” One of Shi Xiaofei’s maids called out, but Shi

Xiaofei did not react. The maid called several more times
before Shi Xiaofei heard someone calling her, “What is it?”
The palace maid said, “Princess, we should move to the
back, they are about to fight.” Huang Xiaolong, Chen Chen,
and the two Chen Family Grand Elders battling, one could
imagine the destructive impact they would create to the
surrounding, practically the entire square would be
destroyed. Even though Shi Xiaofei was also a Saint realm
warrior, she could hardly bear the shockwaves from these
four people’s battle.

Only now did Shi Xiaofei notice that everyone in the square
had retreated out of the area, this made her face heat up
with embarrassment, slightly red. What was wrong with her
just now?

Immediately, Shi Xiaofei and her maids retreated from the

square, leaving four people in the temple square. Huang
Xiaolong instructed Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu not to interfere
in the battle, so both of them and the two giant puppets
retreated to the edge like everyone else.

Chen Chen and the two Grand Elders were confounded as

they stared wide-eyed at the black and blue twin dragons
above Huang Xiaolong. This black-haired young man was
the individual hailed as the most monstrous talent the
Martial Spirit World had ever seen, Young Noble Divine
Dragon, Huang Xiaolong?!

Realizing it was Huang Xiaolong, the three people that were

about to attack together stopped abruptly, the fear in their
eyes was clear to see. They heard that, in Luo Tong
Kingdom, seven Deities Templar Elders died under Huang
Xiaolong’s Poison Corpse Scarabs!

Huang Xiaolong controlled a small army of Poison Corpse

Scarabs that was capable of killing high-level Saint realm
Attack? Didn’t that mean dying faster? Asking themselves if
they could deal with the Poison Corpse Scarabs was

Watching the three people’s indecisive expressions

changing rapidly one after another, Huang Xiaolong needn’t
guess, for he already knew what they were wary of, “Rest
assured, when we battle, I will not use the Poison Corpse
Scarabs.” Next, Huang Xiaolong soul transformed with the
twin dragon martial spirits, disappearing from sight in a
flicker. Before one could blink, Huang Xiaolong appeared
right in front of them, both hands gripped into fists,
punching out.

Powerful fists shattered space, intangible and surreal,

distorting the surrounding space with an ethereal force. This
attack was directed at all three people.

“Great Void Divine Fist!” Chen Chen’s face tightened,

countering swiftly with his Infinite Sea Palm. The other two
Grand Elders were alarmed, acting half a beat slower than
Chen Chen, but still displayed their full force.

Rumble! The earth trembled.

The people who had retreated out of the Blessed Buddha

Temple square felt as if their eardrums were about to
explode, minds dizzied. Looking over, they saw Chen Chen
and the two Grand Elders being forced back.

“Absolute Soul Finger!” The fist changed to finger, a finger

pointed out from both hands, sending out rolling gray fog
and shrill shrieks of unknown creatures. Finger imprints
pierced through the void, rendering the enemies
defenseless against it.
Chen Chen’s party of three kept dodging around, extremely

“Earthen Buddha Palm!” Huang Xiaolong’s attack changed

once more, from finger to palm. Dazzling Buddha
luminescence covered the square in grand momentum,
shadows of Buddha statues reflected in light prisms.

The glorious scene shook everyone to the core. To their

knowledge, there didn’t seem to be any Buddhism battle
skill with that kind of power in the Blessed Buddha Empire.

“Asura Demon Claw!” Fingers curled, forming into claws,

black demonic Asura claws overcast the sky, blanketing the
bright sky in sudden darkness.

Feeling the eerie and chilling aura coming from the

countless Asura demon claws, the crowd retreated further
back in haste.

“God Binding Palm!” Huang Xiaolong resorted to another

palm attack. Striking both palms forward, aureate rings
expanded in layers. Wherever they passed, everything
stood still.

Starting from the Great Void Divine Fist, Huang Xiaolong

executed a chain of powerful attack, each of them was a
high-grade Heaven rank battle skill that others could only
dream of, moreover, Huang Xiaolong displayed them after
he soul transformed, pushing the attack power to another
level altogether. Merely judging from power, Huang Xiaolong
had far surpassed Chen Chen and the two Grand Elders.

Regardless whether there were three of them, Huang

Xiaolong still overpowered them.
The three men were reduced to punching bags, repeatedly
retreating and dodging. Chen Chen’s shoulder was hit with
the Absolute Soul Finger, one of the Grand Elders was struck
with the Earthen Buddha Palm, while the last one was
clawed by the Asura Demon Claw.

From afar, the crowd shivered watching Huang Xiaolong

making mincemeat of three Saint realm experts, fearful yet
the fanaticism was just as fervent.

Three Saint realm experts’ joint efforts couldn’t defeat a

single Huang Xiaolong?! If they weren’t mistaken, Huang
Xiaolong broke through to Saint realm no more than a few
years ago. So, what was his real strength now?

This was too scary! Huang Xiaolong’s monstrous talent was

too terrifying to gauge, rendering everyone at a loss for

“So handsome! If Young Noble Divine Dragon could look my

way just one time, I’m willing to shorten ten years of my
life!” A noble family’s young miss said, her sparkling eyes
staring at Huang Xiaolong.

This applied the same Wang Dong logic when he claimed

that if Princess Shi Xiaofei was willing to say a sentence to
him, he was willing to shave off ten years of his life.

“If Young Noble Divine Dragon is willing to give me a kiss,

I’m willing to do away with twenty years!”

“If Young Noble Divine Dragon would be willing to kiss me

twice, I’m willing to die for him!”

“Relying on your face, you think you can capture Young

Noble Divine Dragon’s interest?”
Amongst the crowd, the families’ young misses fought tit for
tat, and the atmosphere became noisy again.

A booming blast rang out high above the square, pulling the
crowd’s attention. Looking up, the Chen Family’s men were
slammed to the ground by Huang Xiaolong. The entire
square quaked visibly as three bodies hit the ground.

Gently floating down, Huang Xiaolong slowly approached

them. Chen Chen and the Grand Elders despaired, their
fighting spirit crushed. Yet, at this time, several whelming
auras were rushing to the Blessed Buddha Temple from a
distance at rapid speed.

Huang Xiaolong and everyone else looked over.

“It’s the Emperor, the Emperor is here!” Loud exclamations

rang outside the square.

Coming closer, the crowd could make out that the person at
the front wore dragon robe and had a clean fair-skinned face
—Shi Fantian.
Chapter 382: Junior Brother!

“Our Great Emperor is here! The Chen Family is part of our

Blessed Buddha Empire, every generation has always been
loyal to our Blessed Buddha Empire, the Emperor is
definitely here to help the Chen Family!”

“There’s a good show to see now! Unless Young Noble

Divine Dragon brings out his Poison Corpse Scarabs, he
definitely isn’t our Great Emperor’s opponent!”

The families’ disciples discussed loudly as if they found their


Chen Chen and the two Chen Family Grand Elders

brightened watching Shi Fantian and the Saint realm
guardians of the Blessed Buddha Empire arrive at the scene.
A blinding light flashed, when it disappeared, Shi Fantian
and Blessed Buddha Empire’s six top expert guardians were
standing in the square.

“Greetings, Great Emperor!” Prince Tai Gan, the prince

palace guards, and the many families’ disciples around the
square all knelt down in salute.

“All rise.” Shi Fantian spoke. With Shi Fantian’s permission,

everyone rose to a stand.

“Royal Father.” Shi Xiaofei approached, curtseying in salute.

Shi Fantian nodded at his daughter while smiling faintly

before stepping toward Huang Xiaolong.

The four corners of the square became deadly quiet,

watching Shi Fantian walking toward Huang Xiaolong, one
step after another.
Shi Xiaofei became nervous seeing this, not knowing why,
she was worried for Huang Xiaolong.

However, Chen Chen and both Grand Elders climbed up

awkwardly from the ground, staggering until they arrived in
front of Shi Fantian.

“Emperor, you must seek justice for us.” Chen Chen pleaded
without losing decorum.

Shi Fantian nodded on the surface, whereas a bitter smile

emerged inside. Before the watchful eyes of the crowd, Shi
Fantian stopped three meters from Huang Xiaolong.
Standing still, Shi Fantian and Huang Xiaolong faced each
other in silence.

While everyone watching grew more nervous by the minute,

thinking that a battle was about to break out between Shi
Fantian and Huang Xiaolong, suddenly they heard Shi
Fantian’s low laughter, “Junior Brother, it’s only been a few
years since we’ve last seen each other, I didn’t imagine, ah,
that your current strength has almost caught up to me.”

When Huang Xiaolong was in the Blessed Buddha Empire

that year, when he was chosen by the Blessed Buddha Altar
to receive the Buddhism energy baptism and given one
chance to meet with Shi Fantian, he was merely a Xiantian
Third Order.

But now, not even a decade later, the three Chen Family’s
Saint realm warriors join efforts still failed to defeat Huang

Shi Fantian lamented in his heart.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Shi Fantian, a smile also bloomed

on his face, “Senior Brother, it’s been several years since
we’ve met, I hope you’ve been well.”

Both grinned widely at each other just like reunited long lost

Junior Brother? Senior Brother? The people around

anticipating a battle to break out stood woodenly, stupefied.

Including Shi Xiaofei, she was looking dazed and confused.

Although she was Shi Fantian’s daughter, she didn’t know
that her father had met Huang Xiaolong years ago and that
Huang Xiaolong was actually Shi Fantian’s Junior Brother.

Shi Fantian glanced at Chen Chen’s group of three, saying to

Huang Xiaolong, “Junior Brother, give me face, let the
matter end here, how about it?” On the way here, he was
informed of the conflict between Huang Xiaolong and the
Chen Family.

Huang Xiaolong glanced in Chen Chen’s direction, that

simple action made Chen Chen and both Grand Elders
hearts tighten with unease.

Huang Xiaolong nodded. Since it was Shi Fantian who spoke

on their behalf, it wouldn’t be good if he did things too
forcefully. After all, it wasn’t as if he and the Chen Family
had an immortal blood feud. His little conflict with the Chen
Family was trivial compared to the one with Deities Templar.

Seeing this, all three Chen Family’s men secretly breathed in


“Patriarch Chen, shall we let the matter rest here?” Shi

Fantian’s heart relaxed slightly seeing Huang Xiaolong
nodding in agreement, and he looked over at Chen Chen.
“We will obey Your Majesty’s command.” Chen Chen
answered respectfully. From the moment he found out the
other side was Huang Xiaolong, regret set in. However,
Huang Xiaolong already attacked at that time. Forced at the
edge of the blade, they couldn’t do anything but battle.
Now, with Shi Fantian mediating for them, this was the best
outcome Chen Chen could hope for.

Shi Fantian nodded, satisfied with Chen Chen’s answer. He

turned back to Huang Xiaolong, a smile on his face, “Junior
Brother, this time, no matter what, you must stay a few
days here so I can perform my duty as a host.”

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “I’m curious if the wine at your

Blessed Buddha Palace tastes good.”

Shi Fantian was stumped for a brief second and then broke
into a jovial laughter, “I can guarantee that it will taste
better than the wine at the Buddhist House!”

Huang Xiaolong chuckled, “Since you said so, I will stay for a
few days.”

Both men laughed.

There was mirth in Shi Xiaofei’s eyes observing Huang

Xiaolong talking amiably with her father. At this time, noises
of saliva being swallowed came from all around. Curious,
Huang Xiaolong looked around the crowd and saw all the
young men were staring dazedly at Shi Xiaofei’s slightly
smiling face.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Shi Xiaofei, her smile was indeed

a poetry, mirthful eyes that resembled the luminous moon,
able to mesmerize all living beings.
Shi Fantian was still smiling, making a gesture of
introduction to Huang Xiaolong, “Junior Brother, come, let
me introduce you, this is my daughter, Xiaofei.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded at Shi Xiaofei, saying, “I know.”

Shi Xiaofei approached Huang Xiaolong and Shi Fantian with

her head lowered, greeting: “Young Noble Huang.” A voice
like an oriole song, clear and moving, as if something was
tickling coquettishly at the hearts of people who heard it.

Logically, as Shi Fantian’s Junior Brother, Shi Xiaofei should

refer Huang Xiaolong as Martial Uncle, yet she did not.
Instead, she chose to call him Young Noble Huang. Others
might not have noticed this little difference, but Shi Fantian

Shi Fantian shot a meaningful glance at his daughter. He

only had one daughter, and this daughter of this had very
high standards. Over many years, she had only ignored
those so-called talented geniuses of big families. Finally,
someone she seemed to ‘acknowledge’ had appeared.

But, this was ideal in Shi Fantian’s view, only a monstrous

genius like Huang Xiaolong was worthy of his daughter.
Although he had heard rumors linking Huang Xiaolong to
Deities Templar’s Holy Maiden, it was common in Martial
Spirit World for men to have three wives and four
concubines 1, especially a man of Huang Xiaolong’s caliber.

Huang Xiaolong introduced Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu to Shi

Fantian in return.

Shi Fantian cupped his hands in greeting, “I didn’t know it

was Senior Zhao Shu and Senior Zhang Fu, I have long
heard both Seniors’ names.” In the recent period, as Huang
Xiaolong being the rightful successor to Asura’s Gate spread
throughout Wind Snow Continent, the Left and Right
Custodians’ names, Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu, were noted by
many forces on the continent.

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu both returned the greeting, neither

of them were pretentious characters.

Subsequently, Shi Fantian invited Huang Xiaolong, Zhao

Shu, and Zhang Fu to the Blessed Buddha Palace. Huang
Xiaolong went inside the Blessed Buddha Temple to worship
the Blessed Buddha statue before they depart to the palace.

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong, Shi Fantian, and the others

disappeared from the crowd’s view.

Around the square, the families’ disciples woke up from their

shock a long time after Huang Xiaolong, Shi Fantian, Shi
Xiaofei, and others left the square.

“Young Noble Divine Dragon is actually our Great Emperor’s

Junior Brother?! What is this?!”

“Right, does anyone remember that time when the Blessed

Buddha Altar chose someone?”

“You’re saying that the person the Blessed Buddha Altar

chose last time was Young Noble Divine Dragon?”

The crowd broke out in an uproar.

Like a hurricane, the news about Young Noble Divine Dragon

being in the Blessed Buddha Empire spread, and the whole
city boiled up.

In Martial Spirit World, the strong was respected, a powerful

talented genius such as Huang Xiaolong was an existence
idolized by countless families’ disciple.
Shi Fantian led Huang Xiaolong’s group to the Blessed
Buddha Palace. Just as they arrived at the entrance, an
alluring woman clad in phoenix robes, with her hair
decorated with the phoenix headcrown, was seen waiting
with anticipation. Behind her was a group of consorts,
palace maids, and guards.

No doubt, this alluring woman was Shi Xiaofei’s mother, the

Empress of the Blessed Buddha Empire, Lin Mengle.

Seeing her, a smile formed on Shi Fantian’s face as he said

to Huang Xiaolong, “It seems you’re more popular than me,
when I return from hunting trips, I don’t have so many
people waiting to welcome me.”

It was clear that, while Shi Fantian and Huang Xiaolong were
on their way to the palace, Blessed Buddha Empire’s
Empress received news of his visit, thus gathered the
consorts, maids, and guards here early on to wait for them.
Of course, the person everyone was anticipating was Huang
Xiaolong, the legendary genius of Martial Spirit World.

1. Polygamy
Chapter 383: Deities
Templar’S Forces
Chapter 383: Deities Templar’s Forces

Exactly like what Shi Fantian said, the moment his sentence
ended, Empress Lin Mengle and the group of consorts, maid,
and guards’ gazes roamed over Huang Xiaolong from top to

Shi Fantian didn’t have a lot of consorts, but they still

numbered no less than eighty people, each a beauty in their
own charm. Being stared at by more than eighty beautiful
ladies at once, Huang Xiaolong felt uncomfortable
goosebumps tingling all over his body and could only smile
bitterly in his heart.

It seems like his reputation has grown a little too big? Huang
Xiaolong thought of those movie stars and pop idols on
earth, could these consorts of Shi Fantian be considered as
his fans…?

At this point, Empress Lin Mengle strolled gracefully over,

performing a half curtsey to Shi Fantian, “We welcome the
Emperor’s return.”

After the Empress saluted, the consorts, maids, and guards

at her back followed suit in salute.

Shi Fantian signaled them to stand, and when the Empress

came to his side, Shi Fantian teased with a youthful grin on
his face, “I say, Lil’ Meng, the person you’re all waiting to
welcome probably isn’t me.”
Blessed Buddha Empress Lin Mengle revealed a faint smile,
“Emperor must be joking.”

Shi Fantian chuckled, saying, “Come, let me introduce you

all, this is the person all of you have been talking about
night and day in the recent period, Young Noble Divine
Dragon, Huang Xiaolong.”

Empress Lin Mengle’s eyes sparkled, smiling at Huang

Xiaolong, “Young Noble Huang.”

Huang Xiaolong dared not overstate himself, quickly

greeted, “Sister-in-law.” 1

Lin Mengle was slightly stunned hearing Huang Xiaolong call

her sister-in-law.

Shi Fantian laughed at the side, explaining, “Xiaolong is my

Junior Brother.”

“Junior Brother?” Lin Mengle and the group of consorts were

bewildered. Although they were informed that the Emperor
would be returning to the Blessed Buddha Palace with Young
Noble Divine Dragon Huang Xiaolong, none of them were
aware that Huang Xiaolong was Shi Fantian’s Junior Brother.

After a momentary lapse of manners, Empress Lin Mengle

recovered quickly, the smile returning to her face,
“Emperor, you should have told us earlier that Young Noble
Divine Dragon is your Junior Brother.”

Shi Fantian laughed instead of being angry, “It’s not too late
to say it now, let us go in first and talk.” He warmly made a
‘please’ gesture to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong and Shi Fantian walked in together, while

Lin Mengle followed half a step behind Shi Fantian’s side.
Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu trailed behind Huang Xiaolong,
entering the Blessed Buddha Palace.

Shi Fantian had ordered people to prepare a feast in the

palace’s center hall early on, when they arrived at the
center hall, he led Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu
to the table.

According to Shi Fantian’s instructions, Huang Xiaolong was

seated next to Shi Fantian on one side while Lin Mengle on
his left, then it was Shi Xiaofei and the other consorts. On
the other side, next to Huang Xiaolong, were Zhao Shu,
Zhang Fu, and the other Blessed Buddha Empire’s Saint
realm experts.

When everyone was seated, Shi Fantian raised his cup at

Huang Xiaolong for a toast, “Junior Brother, taste this
Blessed Buddha Wine, this is my own recipe that I taught
people below to brew.”

Huang Xiaolong was beaming, raising his cup, “Really?”

Their wine cups clinked, and both downed their wine in one
go. Sliding down the throat, the first notes were a little sour,
but a sought-after sourness. The next layer was spicy. An
addictive spiciness which smoothed into a hint of dry
tartness, yet it filled the drinker with a sweet sensation.

It was as if looking at the morning sunrise from afar, a new

hopeful dawn laced with complex emotions at the lingering
shadows at its feet.

Shi Fantian stared fixedly at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Shi Fantian, complimenting:

“Excellent wine.” This Blessed Buddha Wine was indeed
several times better than that Buddhist House restaurant’s
Hearing Huang Xiaolong praising the wine he created, Shi
Fantian beamed, looking jubilant, as if his cultivation just
had a breakthrough.

The feast proceeded in a merry mood.

Shi Fantian called out, “Junior Brother, in the Luo Tong

Kingdom battle, you killed seven Deities Templar Elders,
even their Grand Elder Gě Gé ran away in panic, I was very
much surprised when I heard the news.”

Cups paused midair as eyes around the table turned to

Huang Xiaolong. Especially Shi Xiaofei’s gaze, never leaving
Huang Xiaolong for a long time. Despite having heard the
events recounted many times over, there were too many
versions, she would very much like to hear Huang Xiaolong’

Huang Xiaolong said, “I was lucky enough to tame some

Poison Corpse Scarabs, otherwise it would be us three
fleeing for our lives.”

Everyone laughed.

Shi Fantian continued, “These Poison Corpse Scarabs are

poisonous creatures that existed in the ancient times, even
in the past, the mere mention of their name terrified people,
and they have disappeared for more than several hundred
millenniums. I’ve never imagined that you could tame these
Poison Corpse Scarabs.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “Three years ago, I, Zhao Shu, and

some other people were in the Origin Forest in search of the
Ancient Dragon Clan ruin. We found these Poison Corpse
Scarabs at the Origin Forest.”
The fact that he found those Poison Corpse Scarabs at the
Origin Forest wasn’t worth concealing, moreover, Huang
Xiaolong wasn’t afraid of Deities Templar finding out.

“Origin Forest.” Shi Fantian was astonished.

Every expert inside Martial Spirit World’s empires was trying

to figure out where Huang Xiaolong ‘picked up’ these Poison
Corpse Scarabs, Shi Fantian didn’t expect that it would be
the Origin Forest. But Shi Fantian quickly realized that it was
only in a place like the Origin Forest that ancient poisonous
insects like these could still exist.

Shi Fantian went on, “I didn’t expect Junior Brother to find

these Poison Corpse Scarabs in the Origin Forest. These
years, I have been in seclusion, comprehending a unique
technique, thus I missed the Ancient Dragon Clan ruins
opportunity. By the time I came out, the space tunnel
leading was sealed again, not even Saint realm experts
could break it by force.”

The space entrance to the Ancient Dragon Clan ruin closed

up not long after Huang Xiaolong left the Origin Forest,
Huang Xiaolong knew of this from the rumors circulating

Idle conversations progressed in a lively atmosphere, and

the topic gradually shifted to Deities Templar.

Sighing, Shi Fantian said, “Deities Templar is getting more

rampant. In the last few years, their force of influence
expanded at rapid speed, taking control in the shadows of a
lot of imperial forces. Those that refused to submit had their
families and clans annihilated down to the root. Still, it won’t
be so easy if they want to encroach my Blessed Buddha
Empire.” A sharp glint shone in Shi Fantian’s eyes as he said
this, a split second hostility broke out from his body.
In terms of strength, the Blessed Buddha Empire ranked
third amongst the seventeen empires in Wind Snow
Continent, whereas comparing individual strength, Shi
Fantian’s strength was in the continent’s top three.
Furthermore, the kingdoms under the Blessed Buddha
Empire were extremely loyal, making it one of the hardest
empires for Deities Templar to weasel their ways in.

The topic brought a heaviness to the feast.

Shi Fantian continued, “I heard there are already nine

kingdoms under Duanren Empire that have been taken over
by Deities Templar, I’m afraid that in three to four years’
time, Deities Templar will go ahead and attack Duanren
Imperial City.”

Shi Fantian was aware of Emperor Duanren and Huang

Xiaolong’s relationship.

Huang Xiaolong frowned, he had to admit that if the

situation continued to progress in a similar trend, it was only
a matter of time until Deities Templar would attack Duanren
Imperial City. Of course, Huang Xiaolong didn’t wish to see
this happen.

Pushing aside his relationship with Emperor Duanren, there

were Xie Puti’s Xie Family, and his younger sister’s in-laws,
the Guo Family, residing in Duanren Imperial City.

Shi Fantian broke Huang Xiaolong’s thoughts with a laugh,

“However, Junior Brother has killed nine of their Elders to
date, hampering the speed of their expansion.”

Huang Xiaolong first killed Deities Templar’s Ao Baixue, Yao

Fei, then Yao Shan, and the rest played a significant role in
slowing down Deities Templar’s forces expansion, causing
those kingdoms and forces that submitted to them to waver.
The feast lasted deep into the night before everyone retired
for the night.

A full moon night.

Standing in the yard of the residence that Shi Fantian

arranged for him, Huang Xiaolong stared at the distant sky,
the moonlight reflecting in his eyes.

Deities Templar’s forces had expanded too fast in the last

few years. Relying on his individual strength, it was nearly
impossible for him to fight against this mammoth, therefore,
this journey to the Starcloud Continent, regardless of
anything, he had to successfully retrieve the Asura’s Gate
Sovereign position and take full control of Asura’s Gate.

1. A term used to refer brother’s wife, both in brotherhood

and family
Chapter 384: Twelve
Forms Of The Dragon God
Chapter 384: Twelve Forms of the Dragon God

Although Huang Xiaolong lacked the capability to oppose

the mammoth called Deities Templar in terms of overall
strength, he would find ways to curb their forces’ expansion.
A sharp glint flickered in his eyes and he summoned Zhao
Shu and Zhang Fu.

“Sovereign, what orders do you have for your

subordinates?” Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu respectfully asked
when they stood in front of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s voice was somber, “Relay my order, any

family, kingdom, or sects on Wind Snow Continent and
Starcloud Continent that submitted to Deities Templar is my
enemy. I, Huang Xiaolong, am bound to annihilate them!” At
the end, killing intent exploded in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

Once this news spread out, those forces harboring thoughts

of submitting to Deities Templar would need to think twice
and more before doing so.

If Huang Xiaolong had said this in the past, these families’

Patriarchs, sects, and kingdoms would have treated it as
passing wind, however, after the incident in Luo Tong
Kingdom, where Huang Xiaolong killed seven Deities
Templar Elders, no one would dare claim that Huang
Xiaolong was overreaching.
“Yes, Sovereign!” Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu complied in

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, sending Zhao Shu and

Zhang Fu out.

There were many Asura’s Gate disciples on the Wind Snow

Continent itself, Huang Xiaolong believed that his
declaration would spread to the ears of these forces soon.

After Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu retreated, Huang Xiaolong

entered the Xumi Temple.

Inside the Xumi Temple, the twelve primordial divine dragon

corpses were still sealed inside the crystal pillars, lined up at
one side of the temple hall.

Huang Xiaolong observed these twelve primordial divine

dragons, each of them was different. Every time Huang
Xiaolong observed their postures, he would gain some
insight into a skill.

Lined up in a row, these twelve primordial divine dragons’

postures revealed a Dragon Clan unique skill. This was
Huang Xiaolong’s conclusion after studying these twelve
crystal dragon statues for so long, which was why Huang
Xiaolong was in no hurry to refine them. It wouldn’t be too
late to do so after he learned the hidden skill.

Moreover, in one of the old records that he read in Duanren

Institute, it was mentioned that the energy force contained
within primordial divine dragons’ true dragon essence and
dragon blood was too huge and violent, warriors below the
God Realm wanting to refine them should prepare and first
take Dragon God Grass.
The Dragon God Grass could calm the energy contained
inside the primordial divine dragon’s true dragon essence
and blood, greatly reducing the risk during the process. It
also noted that the effect was even better with the Dragon
God Grass.

Thus, Huang Xiaolong had decided to wait until he procured

some Dragon God Grass. This was one of the tasks he gave
Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu, to search for Dragon God Grass’

After observing the twelve dragons’ postures for a while,

Huang Xiaolong closed his eyes, the postures of the twelve
dragons flashed repeatedly in his mind. The images
overlapped and changed in sequence.

With his eyes still closed, Huang Xiaolong began to move,

both hands formed into claws, flexing out. From claws, they
turned to palms, pressing down. Huang Xiaolong’s hands
moved and changed with fluidity and flow, filling the large
hall with looming claw imprints, palm imprints, and fist
imprints. As his movements picked up speed, faint echoes of
dragon roars reverberated throughout the hall.

Several hours later, Huang Xiaolong was still practicing with

his eyes closed, yet the dragon echoes within the temple
hall grew more sonorous. Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong opened
his eyes. With a shake of his arms, two dragon shadows flew

These two dragon shadows mimicked the fire dragon and

ice dragon sealed inside the crystal statues. The instant the
fire and ice dragons appeared, the overbearing momentum
of dragon might filled the entire space.

A brief moment later, both dragons turned into strands of

dragon qi, returning to Huang Xiaolong’s body.
Huang Xiaolong was elated. The short moment of insight
earlier enhanced his battle qi and true essence energy
worth months of cultivation. This set of Dragon Clan’s
unique skill could actually enhance one’s battle qi strength?

Pondering for a moment, Huang Xiaolong decided to name

this skill Twelve Forms of the Dragon God.

‘Pity, the remaining twelve crystal statues were looted by

Deities Templar, Ten Directions Continent, and the Bedlam
Lands.’ Huang Xiaolong lamented a little in his heart. The
complete set of this unique skill was contained in all twenty-
four primordial divine dragon corpses. No doubt, its power
would magnify if he could learn the complete set.

He continued to observe and practice for a while, and then

sat down to meditate, swallowing a Sky Dragon Pill.

His cultivation had been progressing steadily in recent days,

and there was a feeling that he was close to breaking into
Fourth Order Saint realm.

Breaking into Fourth Order Saint realm meant that he was a

mid-level Saint realm expert, it was a dividing line. Once
Huang Xiaolong crossed over the line, his strength would
take another great leap forward. One of Huang Xiaolong’s
aim was to break through to Fourth Order Saint realm before
arriving at Asura’s Gate headquarters. This would add to his
chances of fighting for the Asura’s Gate Sovereign position.

When Huang Xiaolong had fully refined the Sky Dragon Pill,
he exited the Godly Mt. Xumi. Outside was already bright,
and the palace buildings reflected the dazzling morning
sunlight, shining like a golden dome.

Huang Xiaolong admired the sunrise, quiet, beautiful, and

magnificent. If time was to stop at this moment, Huang
Xiaolong wouldn’t mind. However, this feeling lasted no
more than a fleeting thought, for he knew that it was not

At this time, one of the giant puppets came to inform Huang

Xiaolong that Princess Shi Xiaofei was here to visit.

“Let her in.” Huang Xiaolong instructed, but he was baffled,

why was this Shi Xiaofei coming to see him?

It didn’t take long for the giant puppet to return with Shi
Xiaofei behind it.

Today, Shi Xiaofei wore a pastel green long dress, her small
cherry lips looked moist and tender. She had exquisite
features, a natural beauty even without any makeup. Her
mirthful eyes hinted at shyness, one couldn’t help but be
moved seeing her.

Huang Xiaolong was stunned momentarily at Shi Xiaofei’s

appearance. When Shi Xiaofei stood in front of him, a soft
scent teased Huang Xiaolong’s senses, waking him up.

Huang Xiaolong laughed at himself, it seems like his

temperament was not strong enough?

“What matter does Princess have to look for me?” Huang

Xiaolong took the initiated to ask.

Shi Xiaofei looked at Huang Xiaolong, the corners of her lips

lifted up slightly, “Does it mean that I cannot look for you if
there are no matters?”

Huang Xiaolong choked a little, shook his head saying, “Not

“Why don’t you just call me Xiaofei?” Shi Xiaofei hesitated a
little before speaking.

Xiafei? Huang Xiaolong nodded, he was Shi Fantian’s Junior

Brother, there was nothing wrong in referring Shi Xiaofei by
her given name.

Shi Xiaofei’s eyes brightened seeing Huang Xiaolong’s

agreement, “Big brother Xiaolong, are you going to
Starcloud Continent?”

Big brother Xiaolong? 1 Huang Xiaolong blanked for a

moment, but he still nodded, “Yes, no matter what, this time
I must win the Asura’s gate Sovereign position.” Rumors
about this had been flying for months, thus there was
nothing to be concealed.

“Can you bring me along?”Shi Xiaofei asked.

“Bring you along?” Huang Xiaolong was taken by surprise.

“Up until now I have never stepped out of the Blessed

Buddha Empire, I also want to go to Starcloud Continent to
have a look.”

Huang Xiaolong disagreed, “No.” The journey he was

making to Starcloud Continent was littered with danger, if
something unexpected happened to Shi Xiaofei, how should
he account to his Senior Brother Shi Fantian?

“You’re afraid that I will be a burden?” Shi Xiaofei

persuaded, “I’m already a Saint realm expert, I can protect

Huang Xiaolong was adamant, speaking with a finality in his

tone, “Don’t bring up this matter anymore.”
Shi Xiaofei pouted, looking extremely lovable and hard to
refuse, but despite that, Huang Xiaolong did not change his
decision. Watching Shi Xiaofei’s angelic angry expression,
Huang Xiaolong laughed inside, thinking of Xie Puti. If that
guy knew that he had just rejected Shi Xiaofei, it was
unknown know how long that guy would cry ‘unjust’, hitting
his chest.

1. This is Big brother is different from blood siblings. Though

the words are the same, it’s a more intimate way of calling
someone non-blood related, even more so between opposite
Chapter 385: Small Child

The passage of time flowed like water and Huang Xiaolong

had stayed in the Blessed Buddha Palace for three days.

During the day, Huang Xiaolong exchanged cultivation

pointers with Shi Fantian, while at night, he continued to
observe the twelve primordial divine dragons, practicing the
Twelve Forms of the Dragon God. At the end, he would
swallow a Sky Dragon Pill, Water Fire Dragon Essence Pill,
Dragon Buddha Pill, and other divine grade pellets while

That time when Huang Xiaolong was in the Ancient Dragon

Clan ruins, in an Elder Dragon Palace he found more than
ten bottles of Divine Dragon Pills, each bottle containing a
dozen pellets. Therefore, he still had some left after giving
some to his family, Zhao Shu, and others.

Huang Xiaolong’s strength grew with each passing day, and

he continued to absorb true dragon essence emitted by the
Dragon Pearl in his forehead.

Every time Huang Xiaolong practiced, the small symbol on

his forehead would glimmer with a vivid halo.

Three days passed.

Outside the Blessed Buddha Palace doors, Shi Fantian,

Empress Lin Mengle, Shi Xiaofei, and a group of princes and
imperial grandsons gathered to bid farewell to Huang
Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu.

Huang Xiaolong took out a jade bottle from the Asura Ring,
giving it to Shi Fantian, “Senior Brother, for these days of
hospitality, this Junior Brother has nothing good to give in
return, here are ten Golden Jadesea Dragon Pills, take it.”

“The legendary Dragon Clan’s divine grade pellets, Golden

Jadesea Dragon Pills!” Shi Fantian gasped with shock staring
at the small bottle in Huang Xiaolong’s hand. Empress Lin
Mengle and Shi Xiaofei had the same astonished
expressions on their faces.

Shi Fantian shook his head after recovering from his shock,
“No, Junior Brother, this is too valuable, I cannot accept it!”

These Golden Jadesea Dragon Pill were rare divine grade

pellets, each one was a priceless treasure.

Huang Xiaolong persuaded, “I found them in the Ancient

Dragon Clan ruin, I still have a lot with me, take them.”

Still have a lot? Shi Fantian’s mind went blank for a second,
then he relented, “Alright then, Senior Brother will gratefully
accept them.” Taking the bottle, he carefully put them away.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes fell on Shi Xiaofei. After a brief

thought, he took out two fist-sized red ruby-like things in
front of everyone, giving them to Shi Xiaofei.

Shi Fantian thought they were just some normal red-colored

rubies, but taking a closer look, his eyes widened, blurting
out before he could stop himself, “Dragon Blood Crystals?!”

This sudden exclamation and the two ‘red rubies’ stunned

Empress Lin Mengle and Shi Xiaofei.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “Yes, they are Dragon Blood

Crystals.” In the Ancient Dragon Clan ruin, Huang Xiaolong
looted close to a thousand big and small pieces of Blood
Dragon Crystal. Deducting the ones he gave to his family,
Zhao Shu, and the rest, he still had about eight hundred
pieces inside the Asura Ring.

Moments later, Shi Xiaofei held the Dragon Blood Crystals

that Huang Xiaolong gave in her hands. Looking at Huang
Xiaolong she said, “Thank you, Big brother Xiaolong.”

That gaze really made Huang Xiaolong uncomfortable all

over. In the end, Huang Xiaolong also gave two pieces of
Dragon Blood Crystal to Empress Lin Mengle, making her so
happy that she was smiling from ear to ear nonstop.

“Junior Brother, all these are too much.” As the Emperor of

Blessed Buddha Empire, Shi Fantian had many treasures,
yet receiving so many valuable items from Huang Xiaolong
at once, Golden Jadesea Pills and Dragon Blood Crystals,
made him feel slightly embarrassed.

Huang Xiaolong grinned, “The one hundred jugs of Blessed

Buddha Wine you gave me are just as valuable.”

Shi Fantian chuckled hearing that, “Then, after you won the
Asura’s Gate Sovereign position, I will give you another
hundred jugs. At that time, us brothers will drink to our
hearts’ content!”

Huang Xiaolong concurred, “Deal!” He cupped his hands at

Shi Fantian, then turned around and left with Zhao Shu,
Zhang Fu, and the two giant puppets following behind, very
quickly disappeared from their sight.

Shi Fantian retrieved his gaze and turned around. Seeing

that his daughter was still looking in the direction Huang
Xiaolong left, he teased, “The person has already left, are
you still looking?”
Shi Xiaofei realized her gaffe, and noticing the look in her
father’s eyes, her small cheeks blushed, “Who said I was
looking?” She fled inside the palace after throwing that

Shi Fantian and Lin Mengle shared a laugh at the expense of

their daughter.

Two days later, Huang Xiaolong’s group crossed the border

out of Blessed Buddha Empire’s territory, reaching an area
of rocky mountains.

Zhao Shu spoke, “Sovereign, not far ahead are the Demonic
Beasts Forest and Dead Sea Gorge, should we cross the
Demonic Beasts Forest to reach Starcloud Continent or go
through the Dead Sea Gorge?”

Similar to the Origin Forest, the Demonic Beasts Forest a

forest of ancient times, and a point between the Starcloud
Continent and Wind Snow Continent, like the Dead Sea

Huang Xiaolong had two routes to choose from, whether

traveling through the Demonic Beasts Forest or the Dead
Sea Gorge, to reach Starcloud Continent.

“Go through the Demonic Beasts Forest.” Huang Xiaolong


High-level demonic beasts roamed rampant in the Demonic

Beasts Forest, but other than sea creatures, there were also
space cracks in the Dead Sea Gorge. If they were somehow
careless and got sucked into a space crack, who knows how
long it would take before they could get out, wasting time
that he didn’t have. This was exactly what happened to Yu
Ming the last time he went back to Starcloud Continent,
delaying six years’ time after getting trapped inside a space

it was one of the main reasons that Huang Xiaolong chose

to go through the Demonic Beasts Forest.

Thus, Huang Xiaolong’s group flew in the Demonic Beasts

Forest’s direction.

Night gradually blanketed the earth in darkness.

Several hours later, Huang Xiaolong and the others finally

made it to the edge of the Demonic Beasts Forest.

Looking at the sky, Huang Xiaolong said, “Let’s rest here for
the night and continue tomorrow.”

The Demonic Beasts Forest, Origin Forest, and Dead Sea

Gorge were infamous places in Martial Spirit World,
especially at night, when the demonic beasts were most
active. Although Huang Xiaolong had confidence in his
strength, to avoid unnecessary trouble, he decided to travel
during daytime.

This Demonic Beasts Forest wasn’t lacking in Saint realm

level demonic beasts.

Having decided, Huang Xiaolong’s group built a fire for the

night at a large empty space close to the forest’s edge.

The fire might attract some demonic beasts at night, but

since they were at the edge, it was mostly low levels
demonic beasts. Huang Xiaolong wasn’t worried.

The few of them sat around the fire.

From the Asura Ring, Huang Xiaolong took out three jugs of
the Blessed Buddha Wine that Shi Fantian gave him, for
himself, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu, while the two giant
puppets went hunting for Tyrant Boars under Huang
Xiaolong’s order. This Tyrant Boar was a low-level demonic
beast, but its meat was sweet and delicious, an excellent
accompaniment to their wine.

Huang Xiaolong deftly skinned two Tyrant Boars, sprinkled

some spices, and placed them to roast over the fire. Before
long, the tantalizing fragrance of roast Tyrant Boar meat
permeated the air.

The three people tore big chunks of meat and gulped down
great wine with abandon.

Oil from the meat fell to the soil.

Zhao Shu laughed happily, “Following Sovereign is really a

joy for our taste buds.”

Zhang Fu agreed, “That is so!”

Huang Xiaolong laughed.

Yet, at this moment, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang

Fu’s laughter stopped abruptly as they caught the sound of
rapid whistling wind heading in their direction. Judging from
the speed, it was a Saint realm expert, no doubt.

Moments later, a small figure appeared before the three of


Huang Xiaolong was taken aback seeing a figure that looked

like a seven to eight-year-old small child!
In a fast flicker, the small child was already next to Huang
Xiaolong, close to the fire.

So fast! Huang Xiaolong noted inwardly.

“Big brother, can you give me a piece of meat?” The small

child stared fixedly at the piece of meat warming over the
fire ever since he arrived, the greedy look on his face as he
kept swallowing his saliva.

Huang Xiaolong was stunned at first, but he reacted quickly,

tearing a large piece of meat, “Here.”

The small child’s face beamed, taking the meat from Huang
Xiaolong, “Thank you, Big brother.”
Chapter 386: Kill To Silence

The small child took the large piece of Tyrant Boar meat that
Huang Xiaolong gave him and started ravishing it with
fervor. In just a few bites, the big portion of meat all went
into the small child’s stomach.

Huang Xiaolong was struck speechless, exchanging a look

with Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu, confirming the thoughts he
had earlier.

Regardless of how talented, how much of a genius a human

could be, they wouldn’t be able to reach the Saint realm at
the age of seven or eight. Then, there was only one
explanation for this, this small child was a Saint realm
demonic beast that had evolved into human form!

When demonic beasts’ cultivation reached the Saint realm,

they were able to change shape, looking like humans.

While these thoughts ran through Huang Xiaolong’s mind,

the small child was licking his lips, muttering: “Delicious!
Delicious!” Then his eyes strayed to the remaining pieces of
Tyrant Boar meat placed near the fire, looking at Huang
Xiaolong with a covetous expression, “Big brother, can you
give me another piece?”

Huang Xiaolong grinned, “If you like it, you can have all of
it.” Huang Xiaolong said, pointing at the roast meat lined up
beside the fire.

The small child’s eyes sparkled, “Really?”

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “Really.”

“Thank you, Big brother!” After saying his thanks, the child
couldn’t wait, his short arms quickly reached out to grab the
roast meat, totally unafraid of getting burned, then he
started tearing large chunks of meat with his teeth merrily.

Watching the small child, Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help

thinking about the little violet monkey.

‘That little guy, I wonder how is it now?’ Huang Xiaolong

thought to himself.

That year, Huang Xiaolong was a participant in the Duanren

Imperial City Battle, ever since he left the Luo Tong Kingdom
he had not seen the little violet monkey anymore. At that
time, Huang Xiaolong had yet to advance to the Xiantian
realm, while that little monkey was merely a Houtian Tenth

So many years passed, that little guy should have broken

through to high-level Xiantian realm, right? Huang Xiaolong
knew better than anyone else the terrifying speed with
which the little guy’s strength grew, since it was capable of
eating and refining demonic beast cores.

So many years of not seeing the little guy, Huang Xiaolong

was really starting to miss him.

That year, if it weren’t for the little violet monkey, he

wouldn’t have stumbled on the opportunity to get the Asura
Tactics and the Blades of Asura. His life would have taken a
totally different path.

The Asura Tactics and Asura Ring—in a way, the little violet
monkey led Huang Xiaolong to them.

“Delicious, so delicious!” The child’s voice brought Huang

Xiaolong out of his reverie. Looking at the small child, he
saw that his little mouth was smeared with oil from the
meat, smacking his lips with every bite as if he was eating
the most delicious gourmet in the world.

Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu couldn’t resist

laughing at the child’s antics.

A short while later, the child dealt with all the roast meat
like a passing storm.

When the child appeared, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and

Zhang Fu merely ate half of a Tyrant Boar, which meant that
the child alone ate one and a half boars by himself. Even
with one and a half Tyrant Boar in his stomach, the child’s
stomach remained just the same.

Rubbing the oil stain around his mouth, the child licked his
fingers as if he was barely sated. Looking at Huang
Xiaolong, he asked, “Big brother, did you cook that Tyrant
Boar?” Dark obsidian pupils seemed to sparkle in the night.

Huang Xiaolong nodded: “That’s right.”

The child said, “My father and mother used to roast meat for
me too, but it doesn’t taste good at all. This roast Tyrant
Boar you made is the best roast meat I’ve ever eaten.”

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “Then where are your father and


The cheerfulness was gone from his face in an instant, eyes

turned red-rimmed with tears close to spilling at the edge,
“My father and mother were killed by bad guys. Those
people are evil, after killing my father and mother, they
even chopped off their heads.”
All three of them, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu
were aghast. Although they didn’t know the strength of the
child’s parents, judging from the child’s own strength, his
parents would at least be high-level Saint realm experts.

Who, actually dares to hunt high-level Saint realm demonic


High-level Saint realm demonic beasts were extremely

resilient, and they were much stronger than human warriors
of the same cultivation. Even for experts like Zhao Shu and
Zhang Fu, unless deemed necessary, neither would disturb
a high-level Saint realm demonic beast.

The small child continued, “My father and mother blocked

all the bad guys, telling me to run, that’s why I could run
away.” The child looked crestfallen and pitiful.

At this time, a sneer suddenly sounded, “Little guy, so you

ran over here!”

When the child heard that voice, his little face turned pale,
fear evident in his eyes.

Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu were also

shocked. Their uninvited guest was definitely very strong. At
least, no weaker than Zhao Shu or Zhang Fu, otherwise they
couldn’t have approached without either of them noticing.

Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu all stood up,

several shadows flickered and five people appeared before

Five people, two amongst them wore blue robes with the
pattern of a white phoenix sewn at the cuffs of their sleeves,
whereas the remaining three people were clad in black
robes, marked with a red cloud at their chest.
It was obvious that the five people were from two different

But Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were surprised noticing their

attires, nearly blurting out in unison, “White Phoenix House
and Distinct Void Door!”

White Phoenix House and Distinct Void Door?

Huang Xiaolong observed the five people; the two men in

blue robes should be from White Phoenix House while the
three men in black robes were undoubtedly from the
Distinct Void Door.

The five people gave Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu an extra

glance for making out their identities so easily.

“These warriors’ eyesight is really good, able to recognize

our White Phoenix House and Distinct Void Door.” One of the
old men from Distinct Void Door chuckled in praise, as he
did so, a violet glint shone from his eyes.

By this time, the child was already hiding behind Huang

Xiaolong, glaring at the five arrivals with anger, he pointed
at them and said to Huang Xiaolong, “Big brother, it’s them,
they killed my father and mother.” Probably because Huang
Xiaolong gave him some roast meat, he felt that Huang
Xiaolong was his closest kin at this moment.

“Several warriors, this is our White Phoenix House and

Distinct Void Door’s matter, it’s best if you do not interfere.”
One of the White Phoenix House middle-aged men warned.

Clearly, they could see that Huang Xiaolong’s group of three

weren’t simple characters, especially Zhao Shu and Zhang
Fu, which was why they did not attack the instant they
Both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu looked at Huang Xiaolong.

Noticing their actions, the five people also shifted their

attention onto Huang Xiaolong, a little surprised that the
one making the decision wasn’t Zhao Shu or Zhang Fu.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at the five people, “This child, you

cannot take away.”

Neither one of the five people expected Huang Xiaolong to

say that.

It was obvious to them that Huang Xiaolong was not related

to the kid they wanted to capture, and since they had made
their intentions known, these people should look at White
Phoenix House and Distinct Void Door’s face and give the
kid to them without being nosy, but Huang Xiaolong chose
to interfere!

“Have you consider it well?” The Distinct Void Door old

man’s eyes narrowed dangerously.

“What I have decided would not change.” Huang Xiaolong

was taciturn.

The other White Phoenix House middle-aged man shook his

head in pity, “For someone irrelevant, offending our White
Phoenix House and Distinct Void Door, honestly speaking,
such a decision is truly stupid.”

The five people spread out, encircling Huang Xiaolong, Zhao

Shu, Zhang Fu, and the child in the middle.

“If you let it be, you could have left,” Trapping Huang
Xiaolong’s group, the Distinct Void Door old man mocked,
“But now, it’s too late for you to regret. We can only kill to
silence you!”
Chapter 387: Blood River War Chariot

“Attack!” The Distinct Void Door old man bellowed and was
the first one to act. His figure flickered, a fist formed as he
aimed a punch at Zhao Shu, whereas another White Phoenix
House middle-aged man attacked Zhang Fu.

From their actions, it was clear that this Distinct Void Door
old man and that White Phoenix House middle-aged man
were of the highest strength among the five, choosing to
deal with Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu.

From the remaining three people, an old man from the

Distinct Void Door took on both giant puppets, and the last
Distinct Void Door man lunged toward Huang Xiaolong. The
last member of the five, another middle-aged man of the
White Phoenix House rushed forth to grab the little child.

The old man from Distinct Void Door attacked Huang

Xiaolong, a large fist imprint shrouded in blazing black flame
was merely inches away from striking Huang Xiaolong’s

“This is the Fiend Black Flame Fist! Sovereign, be careful!”

Spotting the bright black flame wrapped around the Distinct
Void Door old man’s fist, Zhao Shu tensed, cautioning
Huang Xiaolong.

“Fiend Black Flame Fist?” Huang Xiaolong was slightly


In that second of perplexity, the Fiend Black Flame Fist

landed on Huang Xiaolong’s chest, drawing a satisfied cold
sneer from the old man; after being hit by his Fiend Black
Flame Fist, even if this kid didn’t die, he would barely have a
life left!
These years, the number of Saint realm experts that died
under his Fiend Black Flame Fist was more than the fingers
on his hands could count.

Struck by the old man’s Fiend Black Flame Fist, Huang

Xiaolong’s body trembled from the impact, crashing through
the bonfire behind him and falling on the ground a dozen
meters away.

Both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were ashen.

Although they were aware how tough Huang Xiaolong’s

physique was, it didn’t mean that Huang Xiaolong was
forever invulnerable to injuries. On top of that, both of them
were hindered by Distinct Void Door and White Phoenix
House’s men; neither one was able to help Huang Xiaolong.

The old man that sent Huang Xiaolong flying with a Fiend
Black Flame Fist snickered, “We’ve already told you early on
how stupid this decision of yours is, but it’s useless to regret
it now.”

Yet, at this moment, Huang Xiaolong, who was lying on the

ground, climbed to his feet, hands brushing away the sand
on his robe before his cold gaze fell on the old man, “Is that

“You’re not injured?!” The Distinct Void Door old man stared
at Huang Xiaolong with incredulity. He was hit by his Fiend
Black Flame Fist but was unharmed!

“What do you think?” Huang Xiaolong scoffed at the old

man. In the beginning, when he was struck by the old man’s
Fiend Black Flame Fist on the chest, a black fist print
emerged on Huang Xiaolong’s chest. Around the black fist
print, wisps of fiendish black fire rippled on the surface of
his skin, but, with a thought, a golden fire danced wildly out
of Huang Xiaolong’s body, cleanly swallowing all the black

With a shake, Huang Xiaolong blasted his robe into pieces,

revealing strong bare arms and a firm torso. A majestic
atmosphere of dragon might flooded out like turbulent

Huang Xiaolong’s hair flew up, defying gravity, while his

eyes turned fiery-red like glowing blood. Dense Asura qi
rumbled in Huang Xiaolong’s proximity, forming a hellish

That Distinct Void Door old man felt a slight apprehension

sensing the vast momentum of dragon might and the eerie
Asura qi coming from Huang Xiaolong’s body, his face
whitened a little, “ This is…?!”

“Elder He, don’t rush to kill that kid, capture him first!” The
other old man battling Zhao Shu noticed the strange
phenomenon over at Huang Xiaolong’s area and shouted to
his companion.

That young man was actually fine after being punched with
the Fiend Black Flame Fist!

Elder He instantly understood the underlying meaning of the

Grand Elder’s words after hearing his shout; first capture the
kid, it’s not too late to kill the kid after digging out the
secret of how he did that.

“Peak late-Third Order Saint realm.” That Distinct Void Door

Elder He stared at Huang Xiaolong, moving with rapid
speed. His silhouette flickered, launching another attack at
Huang Xiaolong.
“Let’s see if you can take a hit from my Crimson Demon
Palm too!” This time, Elder He no longer used a fist, but a
palm attack.

A glaring red glow brightened one side of the forest edge as

the palm shot out, even the silvery moonlight seemed to
turn red because of it.

Accompanying the red light, sounds of demons weeping

echoed in the night. Shattering through space, the palm
crossed the distance, hitting Huang Xiaolong in the chest.

Both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu felt their hearts about to burst
watching Huang Xiaolong receiving another attack.

The Fiend Black Flame Fist was a taboo skill of evil cults, yet
compared to this Crimson Demon Palm, its power was more
than a degree lower.

Huang Xiaolong’s body trembled again, staggering out of

balance, retreating more than a dozen steps, but this time,
he did not fall to the ground. Moreover, that Elder He saw it
clearly this time, the instant the Crimson Demon Palm
struck Huang Xiaolong, its effect was instantly incinerated
by the golden-colored fire from Huang Xiaolong’s body. Not
even a palm print could be seen on his body.

“What kind of flame is this?” He was taken aback. He knew

how powerful his Crimson Demon Palm was, not even the
battle flame of a high-level Saint realm expert could resolve
the effects of his Crimson Demon Palm so effortlessly.
Moreover, the young man was just a peak late-Third Order
Saint realm, not even a mid-level Saint realm expert.

The golden fire was, of course, Huang Xiaolong’s true

essence fire from his dantian!
Seeing that Huang Xiaolong’s true essence fire could resolve
the Crimson Demon Palm’s effect, Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu
breathed out in relief. At the same time, they were elated,
the superiority of their Sovereign’s true essence fire far
exceeded their imagination.

Huang Xiaolong steadied himself and slowly walked over to

the old man, “What other evil skills do you have?” Having
experienced the old man’s two consecutive attacks, Huang
Xiaolong gained a better grasp of his strength.

This Distinct Void Door Elder He was an early Fifth Order

Saint realm expert. Now, Huang Xiaolong found out that his
new true dragon essence physique was strong enough to
withstand attacks from Fifth Order Saint realm without
injuries! Meaning that only late-Fifth Order Saint realm or
higher could inflict injury on his body!

This body rebuilt by the Dragon Pearl and true dragon

essence was truly amazing! Huang Xiaolong was inwardly
delighted. Despite that, in terms of battle qi cultivation,
Huang Xiaolong was still worse compared to an early Fifth
Order Saint realm expert.

A Fifth Order Saint realm was nothing like the Blessed

Buddha Empire’s Chen Family Patriarch Chen Chen’s level.

Elder He calmed down instead watching Huang Xiaolong

approach. His black robe started fluttering without the wind
as a blood red war chariot emerged above him.

The war chariot’s surface was carved with intricate black

demonic symbols, with blood splattered all over its body.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed: “Blood River War Chariot!”

Blood River War Chariot! A weapon type martial spirit, an
extremely rare kind, for it was also considered as a type of
necro-martial spirit at the same time.

Some unique martial spirits possessed the natures of two

different types of martial spirits. Those kinds of martial
spirits were highly graded, for example, this Blood River War
Chariot was a top grade twelve martial spirit.

“Correct, Blood River War Chariot!” There were obvious

complacency and a hint of surprise in the Distinct Void Door
Elder’s voice seeing that Huang Xiaolong recognized his
martial spirit in one glance. He soul transformed without
another word.

After Elder He soul transformed, a blood red armor

protected his body, bloody red energy rippled above it as
the black symbols glimmered in an evil light.

However, when he was about to attack, he saw Huang

Xiaolong waving both of his hands, and a cloud of black-
colored things flew at him.

What was this? He was startled at first, but forced himself to

calm down and found out that those black things were black

Beetles? Seeing clearly what they were, Elder He snorted

with disdain; this kid must have been scared stupid to use a
bunch of beetles against a mid-level Saint realm expert.
Running his battle qi, Elder He slammed a Crimson Demon
Palm down on the beetles.

Blinding crimson light flashed, but in the next moment,

Elder He saw those black beetles ignore his Crimson Demon
Palm attack, closing in on him in seconds.
A moment of shock passed and his face grew ugly, “This,
are these Poison Corpse Scarabs?!”

“Poison Corpse Scarabs!” The other men from Distinct Void

Door and White Phoenix House heard his exclamation and
looked over to confirm it with their own eyes.

“He’s, he’s the Asura’s Gate Sovereign, Huang Xiaolong!”
Chapter 388: Poison Corpse Scarabs’ Evolution

Distinct Void Door Elder He retreated in panic.

Poison Corpse Scarabs! It was actually those damnable

Poison Corpse Scarabs!

The Poison Corpse Scarabs resurfaced! Ever since the news

about Huang Xiaolong killing seven Deities Templar Elders in
the Luo Tong Kingdom battle spread, the Poison Corpse
Scarabs had turned into an existence that made experts
from all corners of the Martial Spirit World pale at the mere
mention of their name.

However, when Distinct Void Door Elder He jumped back to

avoid the Poison Corpse Scarabs, Huang Xiaolong’s
silhouette appeared above him in a flicker, holding a great
long sword in his hands that did not escape Elder He’s eye.
There was an eye-catching blood red dragon inscribed on
the great sword’s blade, vivid and life-like as if one’s soul
would be sucked away by looking at it.

“That is?!” Elder He was hit by another ripple of


This was the treasure sword that Huang Xiaolong got from
the Ancient Dragon Clan ruins, the Great Dragon Saber.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes glinted in menacing light staring at

the old man below. His hands swung, and the Great Dragon
Saber slashed down. Myriad rays of saber energy shot out
like a torrent, emitting a lust for blood as they transformed
into many tiny blood-red dragons that froze the air.

“Crimson Demon Palm!” That Distinct Void Door Elder He

struck both palms skyward.
A thunderous explosion rendered the air.

Elder He’s body shook, but the impact force was too large,
his body was sent flying as blood spewed violently from his
mouth. By the time he crashed to the ground, nearly every
part of his body bore cut wounds from the numerous rays of
saber energy. Each cut was like a bone deep furrow, with
blood spurting out nonstop, adding to the gruesome sight.

Elder He’s four companions looked over after hearing the his
miserable screams, and what they saw appalled them. What
horrifying saber qi! Able to pierce through the Crimson
Demon Palm as if it was nothing but fragile paper!

Just when Elder He turned his body, trying to get on his feet,
a swarm of Poison Corpse Scarabs arrived. A pin-prick pain
came from his thigh, and a numbing paralysis started to
spread to other parts of his body. He was immediately
terrified, for he couldn’t gather even a strand of battle qi!

Just like the rumors described the seven Deities Templar

Elders’ condition before their death.

“No, don’t, Huang Xiaolong!” Just as he wanted to beg for

mercy, he was submerged beneath the swarm of black
Poison Corpse Scarabs. After that, only echoes of tragic
screams could be heard.

Under the other four peoples’ eyes, the Poison Corpse

Scarabs cleaned off that Distinct Void Door Elder at
frightening speed. Even while battling Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu,
and the two giant puppets, the four from Distinct Void Door
and White Phoenix House were unable to conceal the fear in
their eyes as they watched one of their companions being
reduced to white bones, his tragic screams still echoing in
their ears.
Huang Xiaolong returned to the ground, his eyes observing
the Poison Corpse Scarabs. He noticed that their outer shell
seemed to have grown darker, their elytron reflected an icy
cold light, and each scarab seemed sturdier.

“What is this?” Huang Xiaolong was puzzled. ‘Don’t tell me

that these Poison Corpse Scarabs are capable of evolving.’
These changes took place after they ate the seven Deities
Templar Elders in Luo Tong Kingdom…

Ever since that time, Huang Xiaolong left them inside the
Linglong Treasure Pagoda and did not check on them. Only
now, after calling them out, did he detect the difference.

‘What can these Poison Corpse Scarabs do after evolving?’

Huang Xiaolong wondered.

By this point, Distinct Void Door Elder He’s soul was torn in
many different pieces, swallowed by the swarm of Poison
Corpse Scarabs, and Huang Xiaolong gave orders for them
to attack one of the White Phoenix House experts.

That White Phoenix House expert was about to get his

hands on the child when he caught a glimpse of the Poison
Corpse Scarabs coming at him. He instantly paled, and
couldn’t be bothered with the child anymore.

“Elder Feng, let us retreat!” He moved away in panic, urging

his companion.

“Retreat!” The other expert battling Zhang Fu gritted his

teeth and shouted.

Nearly at the same time, the Distinct Void Door old man that
was battling Zhao Shu made the same retreat command.
The Distinct Void Door man blocking both giant puppets was
secretly relieved to hear that. He leaped back, preparing to
escape with the other three.

But Huang Xiaolong sneered coldly as he watched them,

appearing in front of that Distinct Void Door man in a flicker,
hindering his path. The Great Dragon Saber swung out,
sending out a wave of saber energy and violent slaughter qi
that distorted space. The Distinct Void Door Elder counter-
attacked, but was forced back to the original spot.

Huang Xiaolong’s raised his right palm and struck out,

aureate rings expanded through the air, layer upon layer.
The space around the White Phoenix House Elder tasked to
capture the child stagnated. His movements restricted in
mid air.

Just as all his actions were restrained, the pursuing Poison

Corpse Scarabs caught up. In the blink of an eye, the Poison
Corpse Scarabs covered the man’s entire back. Moments
later, all that remained from the White Phoenix House Elder
was a white skeleton, plummeting to the ground.

The skeleton shattered into pieces as it hit the ground.

The other Distinct Void Door Elder forced back by Huang

Xiaolong with the Great Dragon Saber was drained of all
color as he watched the White Phoenix House expert being
scraped clean by the Poison Corpse Scarabs.

He looked around, the other White Phoenix House Elder

Feng had run far away, the other Distinct Void Door old man
too had fled. Discounting the two dead ones, only he

Seconds later, he was surrounded by Poison Corpse Scarabs

from all directions. Scared and angry, he bellowed while
executing attack after attack with both hands—palms and
fists struck out frantically.

“Scram! Don’t come near me!” The fear in his voice was

Those Poison Corpse Scarabs climbed back up again after

being slapped away, relentlessly attacking the Distinct Void
Door Elder. All of his palm and fist attacks were futile
against the Poison Corpse Scarabs, causing the Elder to fall
into even more despair, but there was still Huang Xiaolong
guarding at the side. Every time he tried to make a run for
it, he would be forced back to the same position with one
swing from the greatsword in Huang Xiaolong’s hands.

Death inched closer and closer to him. It didn’t take long for
him to end up like his two companions before him, a white
skeleton. Only then did Huang Xiaolong keet the little black
critters away.

Huang Xiaolong noticed that after the last time in Luo Tong
Kingdom, not only were the Poison Corpse Scarabs studier,
darker, and glossier, their speed and defense increased a
significant level too.

This finding boosted Huang Xiaolong’s mood.

Previously, even though their defense was astonishing,

some godly weapons could still penetrate through their
defense, chopping off their heads, thus killing them!
However, if these Poison Corpse Scarabs could evolve
without limit, with their speed and defense both enhanced,
not even divine grade weapons could harm them. At that
time, they would be truly terrifying.

Huang Xiaolong collected the Distinct Void Door and White

Phoenix House experts’ spatial rings, as for what was inside,
he would check them later.

“Sovereign, two of them ran away.” Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu

returned to Huang Xiaolong’s side and said with an
apologetic tone.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Currently, the Poison Corpse Scarabs’ speed was still a tad

too slow, once their speed evolved to the level of a peak
late-Tenth Order Saint realm, not a single high-level Saint
realm would be able to escape at that time.

Huang Xiaolong turned to look at the small child.

“Big brother, thank you for saving me, you’re amazing!” He

came to Huang Xiaolong’s side, eyes shining with worship.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and patted the child’s head, saying,

“We’re leaving, what about you?”

“Big brother, I have no place to go, can you let me go with

you?” He looked pitifully at Huang Xiaolong, short fingers
twisting the edge of Huang Xiaolong’s trousers.

“Follow me?” Huang Xiaolong was surprised. But looking at

the child’s obsidian black eyes and the pleading in them, he
thought for a moment, nodding: “Fine.”

Although a child traveling with them was slightly

inconvenient, the child’s strength wasn’t weak, he was a
late-Second Order Saint realm and couldn’t really be
considered a burden. Later, after he settled the matters of
Asura’s Gate, he would think of a placement for the child.
Chapter 389: Cosmos God Cult

The child cheered happily, jumping up when Huang Xiaolong

agreed. Huang Xiaolong laughed watching his reaction.

“Let’s leave this place.” Huang Xiaolong said to Zhao Shu

and Zhang Fu.

Both complied respectfully.

Thus, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu left the

place, bringing the child with them. Flying for more than two
hours, they chose to stop at a quiet glen.

Entering the narrow path, it actually led to a scenic spot.

Huang Xiaolong liked it and deciding to rest there until dawn
before picking up their journey again.

They built a bonfire for the second time that night, and
Huang Xiaolong instructed the two giant puppets to hunt a
few Tyrant Boars.

The small group of four sat around the bonfire.

Huang Xiaolong asked the child for his name, and the child
said that he was called Lil’ Tian. That was what his father
and mother called him.

“Lil’ Tian, what is your original form?” Huang Xiaolong

decided to ask the question after thinking for a while. He
was wondering what Lil’ Tian’s true from was, that could
cause the White Phoenix House and Distinct Void Door to
send five Saint realm experts to capture him.

It was obvious that Lil’ Tian was not a common demonic

beast. Both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu also turned to Lil’ Tian.
Lil’ Tian shook his head, “I don’t know myself.”

“Don’t know?” All three people felt stunned.

“That right, ah, Big brother. My father and mother have

never told me, and they alway said to never ever easily
revert to my true form in front of others.”

Huang Xiaolong was speechless, but he said, “That’s the

reason why you did not revert to your true form when you
fought with the White Phoenix House expert earlier?”

Saint realm level demonic beasts could transform into

human shape, however, when fighting enemies, reverting
back to their true form greatly enhanced their battle
strength and advantage. Furthermore, demonic beasts’
innate abilities could only be used in their true forms.

Lil’ Tian nodded his little head with a serious expression,

“Yes, my father and mother said that I cannot easily show
my true form to others, that’s why I can’t revert so easily.”

Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu exchanged a look, and

smiled in bitter silence.

“Then, can you change into your true form and let me see?”
Huang Xiaolong asked with just as serious an expression.

Lil’ Tian tilted his head to one side, thinking, “Big brother is
a good person, although father and mother said not to show
others my true form in front of other people, I can let Big
brother see.” Finished saying that, Lil’ Tian stood up and
flew up. A powerful demonic aura surged out from his little
body and a blinding light flashed for a quick instant.

Before the dumbfounded expressions on Zhao Shu, Zhang

Fu, and Huang Xiaolong’s faces, an enormous demonic
beast close to a hundred zhang in length materialized in
front of them.

This enormous demonic beast’s head looked like a marten,

but its tail resembled a dragon’s tail. It had no feet, but it
had a huge pair of fiery red wings, a great contrast to the
striking yellow portion on its body. On its stomach, one
could see black horizontal stripes.

“This is, Heaven Devouring Beast?!”

“He’s actually a Heaven Devouring Beast!”

Both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were dumbfounded.

Huang Xiaolong was no exception. Lil’ Tian’s true form was

actually one of ancient ferocious beasts, the Heaven
Devouring Beast!

In the ancient era, there existed some ferocious beasts that

had powerful bloodlines comparable to the Dragon and
Phoenix Clans, such as this Heaven Devouring Beast!

One should not forget that this Heaven Devouring Beast

ranked quite high amongst other ferocious beasts of ancient
times. The Heaven Devouring Beast was the Dragon Clan’s
sworn enemy, it was recorded in ancient manuscripts that
the Heaven Devouring Beasts hunted dragons as food,
many dragon were swallowed alive by the Heaven
Devouring Beasts.

The Heaven Devouring Beast had one heaven-defying

innate ability—Devour! An ability that could devour and
refine even dragons, one could imagine the terrifying extent
of this ability.
A short while later, Lil’ Tian changed back into human form,
back to the same small child.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the cute and innocent face of a

child, if he didn’t see it with his own eyes, who would
believe that this small child in front of him, barely ten years
old, was the descendant of a famous fierce beast of ancient
times, the Heaven Devouring Beast!

“Big brother, you’re saying that my true form is a Heaven

Devouring Beast?” Lil’ Tian asked.

He heard it loud and clear when Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu

blurted out in shock.

Huang Xiaolong recovered from his surprised, nodding his

head, “Yes.”

“Are Heaven Devouring Beast powerful?” Lil’ Tian looked at

Huang Xiaolong full of anticipation.

Huang Xiaolong chuckled, “Very powerful.”

Lil’ Tian was still in the early stages of growth. When he

became an adult, awakening his bloodline and receiving his
bloodline heritage, at that time, he would be very powerful.

Displaying his devour ability at that time, hardly anyone

could escape. It could be seen from the speed of dragons in
the ancient time, but didn’t some of them end up being food
for the Heaven Devouring Beast?

“Really?” Li’ Tian beamed hearing Huang Xiaolong say he

would be very powerful. Two little fists clenched tightly, “I
want to be powerful like Big brother, and kill all of them!”
Lil’ Tian’s eyes exposed deep hatred. The ‘they’ he referred
to was, of course, the Distinct Void Door and White Phoenix

The few of them returned to sit around the bonfire, with

Huang Xiaolong inquiring about the Distinct Void Door and
White Phoenix House from Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu.
Although he guessed that both of them were part of the
bigger forces on Starcloud Continent, he knew next to
nothing about them.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong’s enquiry, both Zhao Shu and

Zhang Fu honestly explained to Huang Xiaolong what they
knew about the Distinct Void Door and White Phoenix
House. From what Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu said, the
Starcloud Continent was much larger than Wind Snow
Continent. On the Wind Snow Continent, there were
seventeen empires and the territories were divided by the
strength of the empires.

Starcloud Continent differed, it was divided by oblast


Starcloud Continent possessed a vast large area, divided by

over one thousand one hundred oblasts. A ninth of these
oblasts were governed by twelve super forces of Starcloud

The White Phoenix House and Distinct Void Door were both
amongst the twelve super forces. Within the twelve super
forces on Starcloud Continent, Asura’s Gate ranked third,
the Distinct Void Door was fourth, whereas the White
Phoenix House was fifth.

Huang Xiaolong was slightly surprised hearing that Distinct

Void Door was ranked fourth, right after the Asura’s Gate,
for he didn’t expect the Distinct Void Door forces to be so
strong. With Distinct Void Door and White Phoenix House
allying against the Asura’s Gate, Huang Xiaolong could
foresee some trouble on the horizon.

Still, if they did not come and provoke Huang Xiaolong in the
future, he could naturally coexist with them in peace.
However, if they took the same stance as Deities Templar,
Huang Xiaolong would completely erase them from the
Starcloud Continent. A dangerous glint flickered in Huang
Xiaolong’s eyes.

“What is the strongest force on Starcloud Continent?”

Huang Xiaolong asked in a somber tone.

“It’s Cosmos God Cult.” Zhao Shu answered.

Cosmos God Cult, the chief of the twelve super forces on

Starcloud Continent! Arrogant enough to use the word ‘God’
in their name!

Subsequently, Zhang Fu added, “The Cosmos God Cult

Leader is Starcloud Continent’s number one expert. This is
something acknowledged by everyone in general. Although
the Old Sovereign was indeed very powerful, he was still
ranked second on the Starcloud Continent, and Old
Sovereign had exchanged moves with the Cosmos God Cult

“What happened later?” Huang Xiaolong already half-

guessed the result, but despite that, he couldn’t resist
asking the question.

“The Old Sovereign lost.” Zhang Fu replied. “However,

Sovereign said that it was because his Asura Tactics only
reached the ninth stage at that time, if he advanced to the
tenth stage, he was certain that he could defeat Cosmos
God Cult Leader.”
Chapter 390: Asura Sword
Skill, The Eighth Move
Chapter 390: Asura Sword Skill, the Eighth Move

‘The tenth stage of the Asura Tactics.’ Huang Xiaolong

muttered to himself after hearing Zhang Fu’s explanation. ‘If
Master claimed he could’ve defeated the Cosmos God Cult
Leader if he had practiced to the tenth stage of the Asura
Tactics, it seems a vast difference exists between the ninth
stage and the tenth stage.’

Huang Xiaolong further inquired about the other twelve

super forces and the delicate balance on Starcloud
Continent from Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu. For example, the
current Asura’s Gate had more than forty Domain Leaders!
And Elders numbered over thirty!

Both Domain Leaders and Elders held the same status in

Asura’s Gate, the only difference was their area of authority,
the Elders monitored the internal situation, while Domain
Leaders governed external issues.

The night passed in peace. Gradually, the sky grew brighter

with the sun peeking on the horizon.

Huang Xiaolong, who was sitting in a meditative position,

opened his eyes. Scanning around, he saw that Lil’ Tian was
sleeping soundly leaning against a tree trunk, he could hear
the little guy sleep talking, “Delicious, delicious!”

It seems that even in his dreams the little guy could see
Huang Xiaolong roasting Tyrant Boar meat for him. Saliva
flowed from the corner of his mouth, wetting a small patch
on his chest.

Huang Xiaolong smiled watching him, this little guy was

really adorable. But Huang Xiaolong did not wake Lil’ Tian
up, letting him rest more. Instead, he took out the Asura
Sword Skill’s diagram from the Asura Ring.

He hadn’t practiced any subsequent moves of the Asura

Sword Skill since he advanced to the Saint realm. He should
pick it back up now.

Huang Xiaolong studied the diagram depicting the Asura

Sword Skill’s Eighth Move: Mountain of Knives, Sea of Fire!

Huang Xiaolong studied the diagram in detail and there was

a line of words below the eighth diagram, a warning that
one had to break through to the Saint realm,
comprehending the space law before they could practice
this eighth move. This caution was irrelevant to Huang
Xiaolong, since he was already a Saint realm expert. Closing
his eyes, Huang Xiaolong simulated the movements of the
eighth move in his mind.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong leaped into the air,

exiting the glen. The Blades of Asura were already in his
hands, swinging out. Multiple frigid blade lights shot out,
rotating at high speed while assembling in the shape of a
mountain. At the same time, in the middle of this blade
mountain, blade lights continued to spin, spitting Asura fire
in the air. These Asura flames landed at the edge of the
blade mountain, forming a sea of fire.

This was the Asura Sword Skill’s Eighth Move: Mountain of

Knives, Sea of Fire!
But this was Huang Xiaolong first attempt, and he had yet to
comprehend the essence of the move, therefore, he was
unable to display the true momentum of Mountain of Knives,
Sea of Fire. Once one grasped the true intent of this move
and reached major completion, with a wave of the blades,
through space manipulation, one could form a Mountain of
Knives and Sea of Fire that encompassed ten thousand
miles, according to their will!

it was an unpredictable attack that made it hard for the

enemies to defend or counter against.

After the first attempt, Huang Xiaolong closed his eyes,

recalling and reflecting before making the next attempt.

Again and again, steadily, that blade mountain grew taller,

while the sea of fire expanded farther out. At will, it could
appear anywhere within several miles radius from Huang
Xiaolong, anytime.

Huang Xiaolong practiced for more than two hours before

stopping. Almost immediately, a voice sounded.

“Big brother, what sword skill is that, it’s so beautiful.”

Huang Xiaolong looked over, Lil’ Tian was awake, squatting

close at the glen entrance and watching him practice.
Huang Xiaolong laughed with a slight bitterness: beautiful?
This was his first time hearing someone praise his Asura
Sword Skill as beautiful.

“This is the Asura Sword Skill.” Huang Xiaolong said with a


“That move Sovereign practiced just now should be the

eighth move, Mountain of Knives, Sea of Fire, right?” Zhang
Fu asked.
Huang Xiaolong nodded: “Yes.” As the Left and Right
Custodians of Asura’s Gate, Huang Xiaolong wasn’t
surprised that Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu had knowledge about
the Asura Sword Skill. He wasn’t worried about others
watching him practice either, the prerequisite requirement
for practicing the Asura Sword Skill was the Asura Tactics.
Even if someone tried to emulate the moves, it would only
look similar, but would be unable to display the real power
of these moves.

Huang Xiaolong returned to the ground as the Blades of

Asura returned to the sides of his arms. Laughing at Lil’ Tian
he said, “Little guy, did you dream of roast Tyrant Boar last

Lil’ Tian scratched his head, his tender face showed


Huang Xiaolong teased, “Should we continue having roast

meat tonight?”

Lil’ Tian cheered hearing that, “Great, great, Big brother,

you’re so nice!”

His response brought a laugh from the other three people. A

while later, the four of them departed from the glen, going
on their way.

The sun shone brightly, mottled sunlight decorated the

forest ground through the foliage gaps.

Very quickly, three days passed.

In these three days, Huang Xiaolong’s group traveled during

the day and rested at night, drinking wine and feasting on
roast meat. After a good meal, Huang Xiaolong entered the
Xumi Temple to observe the twelve primordial divine dragon
statues to practice the Twelve Forms of the Dragon God.

Huang Xiaolong’s comprehension of the Twelve Forms of the

Dragon God increased significantly in the last three days.
Now, in every attack, Huang Xiaolong’s dragon qi was able
to form four divine dragons.

Ice, fire, azure, and the white dragon!

When Huang Xiaolong could form twelve divine dragons in

each attack, this Twelve Forms of the Dragon God would be
considered to have achieved major completion.

It was a mystery whether it was due to the Dragon Pearl

integrated into Huang Xiaolong’s body or because of his
new body was rebuilt by the Dragon Pearl and true dragon
essence, but Huang Xiaolong noticed that everything went
smoothly while practicing the Twelve Forms of the Dragon
God, giving him the illusion that this Twelve Forms of the
Dragon God was specially tailored for him.

In general, the Dragon Clan’s cultivation techniques and

skills could only be practiced by the dragon race, but it was
different for Huang Xiaolong. In fact, when practicing, he felt
as if he was the reincarnation of the Ancient Dragon God.

Both of his hands moved around, and four divine dragons

formed from dragon qi—ice, fire, azure, and the white
dragon swam around the Xumi Temple, roaring and
attacking. The spacious temple hall was submerged in a
powerful dragon might.

Only two hours later did Huang Xiaolong finally stop. When
he did, he swallowed a Dragon Buddha Pill and sat down to
meditate while refining the pellet.
Practicing in the Xumi Temple, Huang Xiaolong also noticed
that taking the Dragon Buddha Pill inside the Ten Buddha
Formation was more effective than taking other pellets, like
the Sky Dragon Pill or Golden Jadesea Dragon Pill.

Very soon, one hour passed. Huang Xiaolong was done

refining the medicinal properties of the Dragon Buddha Pill.

‘At this speed, after one more month or so, I can break
through to Fourth Order Saint realm.’ Huang Xiaolong
estimated. His cultivation was already at the farthest point
of peak late-Third Order Saint realm.

Huang Xiaolong stood up, taking out that Golden Dragon Pill
Refinement Tactic.

Ever since he got the tactic from the Ancient Dragon Clan
ruins, he didn’t look at it even once. These days of traveling,
Huang Xiaolong understood from Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu
that pill refinement was a crucial ability for a Saint realm
expert, the reason being that after reaching the Saint realm,
it was much more difficult to enhance one’s strength. One of
the shortest and easiest methods was pill refinement.

Divine grade spirit pellets played a huge role in a Saint

realm expert’s cultivation. However, no one would place
divine grade spirit pellets at auction houses, that was why
Saint realm experts were forced to refine it themselves.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t know what this Gold Dragon Pill

Refinement Tactic manual was made of, but it remained
sturdy through millenniums, showing no signs of damage,
yellowing, or erosion by the passage of time.

Huang Xiaolong went through the first to the last pages in a

few quick glances, but there were only a dozen pages. It
didn’t take long for Huang Xiaolong to finish reading it.
Huang Xiaolong was dumbfounded when he finished.
Chapter 391: Arriving At
Starcloud Continent
Chapter 391: Arriving at Starcloud Continent

Huang Xiaolong was genuinely shocked, because this Gold

Dragon Pill Refinement Tactic recorded all Dragon Clan’s
divine spirit pellet refining methods and recipes. Not only
that, the manual also recorded the Ancient Dragon Clan’s
nine different refining tactics in detail.

There were distinctions between high and low level pill

refinement tactics—low, intermediate, high, and advanced,
four levels in total. The four levels were further divided into
common, middle, and pinnacle.

Among the nine tactics of pill refinement recorded, six of

them were middle grade advanced level tactics, and the
remaining three were pinnacle grade advanced level tactics.

In the current Martial Spirit World, the highest pill

refinement tactic was middle grade advanced level.
Pinnacle grade advanced level tactics were lost tens of
thousands of years ago, yet this Gold Dragon Pill Refinement
manual had three of them recorded inside!

Three pinnacle grade advanced level pill refinement tactics!

Huang Xiaolong inhaled deeply. Disregarding the priceless
pinnacle grade advanced level pill refinement tactics, a
middle grade advanced level pill refinement tactic was
worth more than a high-grade Heaven rank battle skill or
cultivation technique.
It took Huang Xiaolong some time to calm down his rapidly
beating heart. When he got this manual from the Ancient
Dragon Clan ruins, he put it aside, assuming that it probably
contained the Dragon Clan’s ordinary pill refinement tactics,
never did he imagine that it would be the Dragon Clan’s
highest level pill refinement tactics, moreover, it contained
nine tactics!

As long as he learned all nine tactics, Huang Xiaolong

believed that there would be no pill in the Martial Spirit
World that he wouldn’t be able to refine. Now, it was crucial
for Huang Xiaolong to practice, familiarize himself with them
and master these nine tactics. Despite having a plan, Huang
Xiaolong needed to have sufficient materials for him to
practice and familiarize himself with these nine pill
refinement tactics.

In Huang Xiaolong’s Asura Ring, there were many valuable

herbs and elixirs, all more than ten thousand years old and
above, such as Seven-color Spirit Mushroom, Nine Leaves
Grass, or World Fire Fruit. Each of them were ingredients
that others could only dream of, but using these as practice
materials was too much of a waste.

Even someone wealthy, like Huang Xiaolong, was reluctant

to do so. Thus, he could only wait until they exited the
Demonic Beasts Forest and procure a batch of necessary
materials when they arrived at Starcloud Continent.

Although he couldn’t practice refining immediately, he could

still study them.

Huang Xiaolong opened the Golden Dragon Pill Refinement

Tactic again, beginning from the very first page, rereading
everything. The first time, he was browsing over them in a
quick glance, but this time, Huang Xiaolong read every word
and every line carefully and studiously.

The first page recorded the first of the Dragon Clan’s middle
grade advanced level tactic, named Dragons Weaving
through the Clouds. According to the manual, after one
mastered this tactic, performing it during pill refinement
would cause the dragon qi to turn into multiple divine

From cover to cover, Huang Xiaolong read the instructions

ten times, committing them to his memory. When that was
done, Huang Xiaolong exited the Godly Mt. Xumi. By this
time, it was already morning.

The group continued on their way.

The Demonic Beasts Forest encompassed an enormous land

area, equivalent to a demonic beasts empire.

Moreover, Huang Xiaolong’s group traveled during the day

and rested at night to cultivate, which slowed down their
speed. It took them more than twenty days to cross the
entire Demonic Beasts Forest. The entire way, Huang
Xiaolong’s group avoided the center region of Demonic
Beasts Forest as much as possible, hence saving them from
unnecessary troubles.

Still, there were some unavoidable troubles when they

stopped to rest at night, demonic beasts that weren’t afraid
of death charged over to attack Huang Xiaolong’s group. No
doubt, these demonic beasts were easily dealt with that
there was never a lack of meat supply every night.

Every time these demonic beasts attacked, Lil’ Tian looked

as if fragrant barbecued meat was waving at him, and would
be the first one rushing forward. Without exception, those
demonic beasts died with a single punch to the head.

Most of those demonic beasts merely had Xiantian level

strength, how could they resist Lil’ Tian’s fist. The single
punch not only shattered their skull, it even blasted the
beast core in their heads.

“This is Starcloud Continent?” Out from the Demonic Beasts

Forest, standing on a hill peak, Huang Xiaolong looked up
ahead, where a huge city stood some distance away.

“Yes, Sovereign. This is Starcloud Continent.” Zhao Shu

answered as he took out a map. Checking the map, he said,
“We’ve just cut across the Demonic Beasts Forest from the
south border, so according the location on the map, that city
in front should be one of the cities in the South Oblast.”

“South Oblast?” Huang Xiaolong repeated.

“Yes, Sovereign. Our current location is in the South Oblast,

under the White Phoenix House’s sphere of influence.” Zhao
Shu replied.

Huang Xiaolong nodded. White Phoenix House.

“Let’s go.” Huang Xiaolong said, pointing towards the

looming city up ahead. He wanted to procure some
materials to start practicing his pill refinement.

Moreover, they had been eating nothing but roast meat

these days, the spices he stocked inside the Asura Ring
were about to be finish, he didn’t wish to end up with just
wine the next time, that would greatly reduce his
Although this South Oblast was said to be under the White
Phoenix House’s jurisdiction, Huang Xiaolong didn’t mind it
too much. Hearing Huang Xiaolong say that he wanted to
enter the city, neither Zhao Shu nor Zhang Fu objected.
Having decided, the several people headed toward the city.

A short while later, they stood close to the city gates.

“Great Prosperous City.” Huang Xiaolong read the sign hung

above the city gates.

“Sovereign, this Great Prosperous City is the main city of

South Oblast, the person controlling things is White Phoenix
House’s Grand Elder, named Yang Qing.” Zhang Fu briefly
explained to Huang Xiaolong.

An oblast city was equivalent to an empire’s imperial city,

the capital city.

The Starcloud Continent encompassed a vast land area, if it

were some other cities, Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu probably
wouldn’t have much information, but this Great Prosperous
City was an oblast city, therefore both of them knew some
surface information.

“Oh, White Phoenix House’s Grand Elder, Yang Qing? How is

this Yang Qing’s strength?” Huang Xiaolong asked as he
walked toward Great Prosperous City.

“This Yang Qing is quite strong, at least a mid-late Tenth

Order Saint realm.” Zhang Fu and Zhao Shu followed Huang
Xiaolong from behind.

“Big brother, there’s a lot of people here!” Entering the city,

Lil’ Tian, who had been keeping close to Huang Xiaolong,
exclaimed out loud, his eyes shining as he looked left and
right at the sea of people moving along the streets.
This was his first time leaving the Demonic Beasts Forest
and also the first time he entered a human city. Seeing so
many humans present at once was a novelty to him.

Huang Xiaolong laughed at his words, “How about we go eat

something good later?”

Lil’ Tian clapped his hands merrily, “Ah, I want to go, I want
to go!” At the mention of food, Lil’ Tian was over the moon.
Despite his small appearance, Lil’ Tian was a gourmand.

“Let’s go, then.” Huang Xiaolong chuckled. But Huang

Xiaolong decided to first head to the market selling pill
refinement ingredients trading market.

After asking around about the pill refinement market, Huang

Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and Lil’ Tian made their way
over there.
Chapter 392: Aowu Shop

Very soon, Huang Xiaolong’s group arrived at South Oblast

City’s pill refinement ingredients market.

Spirit pellets were very important in all of Martial Spirit


This South Oblast City’s pill refinement ingredients market

was huge and bustling, beyond Huang Xiaolong’s

Just as Huang Xiaolong’s group stepped into the pill

refinement ingredients market, a young man in common
robes scurried over to them. This young man had a pair of
shifty eyes and a mouse-like crafty face, quite funny overall.

When the young man reached Huang Xiaolong, he smiled

widely, “Several guests, are you looking for pill refinement
ingredients? Our Aowu Shop is the biggest shop in the entire
South Oblast City, no matter what ingredients you want to
buy, you can get them from our shop!”

“Oh, is that so?” Huang Xiaolong didn’t look interested in

the least. It was apparent that this young man was sent
over by this s0-called Aowu Shop to lure customers at the
trading market entrance. Loitering around the entrance,
there were several young men performing the same task.
Clearly, these young men were sent by other shops.

That crafty looking young man grinned widely, “Yes, that’s

right. The pill refinement ingredients sold at our Aowu Shop
are the cheapest, but also most reasonable, not only that,
our pill refinement ingredients are of best grade and quality
By this time, the other young men showed signs of
approaching Huang Xiaolong’s group, but the young man
looked over with a fierce glare in their direction, and their
movements halted abruptly. It was evident they were a little
afraid of him.

Still, a young man of a slightly dwarfed stature among the

group walked over. Stopping in front of Huang Xiaolong he
said, “This Brother, don’t be deceived by this Iron-Skinned
Dog, the Aowu Shop has always been tyrannical in doing
business, forced selling and buying is something common in
their shop.”

The young man that was referred to as ‘Iron-Skinned Dog’

narrowed his eyes maliciously hearing the short young
man’s claim, “Brother Tu, please don’t fart nonsense here!
Which eyes of yours saw our Aowu Shop behaving
tyrannically?” Then he turned toward Huang Xiaolong,
“Brother, please don’t listen to this shorty’s words, he just
can’t accept that our Aowu Shop has better business than
them, deliberately slandering our shop’s reputation in front
of several guests, this is defamation!”

Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu exchanged a look.

Huang Xiaolong already had a conclusion.

“I trust this friend over here, the prices at their Aowu Shop
are the cheapest and also the most reasonable.” Huang
Xiaolong stated to the short young man with a slight smile
while pointing at the crafty-looking young man.

The crafty young man who was called Iron-Skinned Dog 1

laughed out loud, “This Brother is wise!”

Whereas the short young man became anxious, just as he

was about to speak, wanting to persuade Huang Xiaolong,
Huang Xiaolong stopped him. At the same time, he casually
threw a spatial ring to the short young man.

The short young man was bewildered, unable to figure out

Huang Xiaolong’s intention.

Huang Xiaolong simply said, “Your reward.”

“My reward?!” That short young was stunned.

One spatial ring cost a lot of gold coins, although he also

received big tips before, he had yet to have customers tip
him with spatial rings. Customers that came to purchase pill
refinement ingredients would, at most, give him a few
hundred gold coins, whereas a spatial ring, even the
smallest space inside needed several hundred thousand
gold coins.

The ‘Iron-Skinned Dog’ young man saw Huang Xiaolong

casually throwing out a spatial ring to the short young man,
and after a flash of surprise, a tiny spark of green shone in
the depths.

“Lead the way.” Huang Xiaolong said to the ‘Iron-Skinned

Dog’ young man.

That young man recovered from his daze, bowing and

smiling in flattery, “Young Noble, this way, this way!” His
attitude took a great change, more complaisant. In his eyes,
Huang Xiaolong had ballooned into a big fat sheep. A super
big fat sheep.

Huang Xiaolong’s group then left, following the ‘Iron-

Skinned Dog’ young man to the aforementioned Aowu Shop.

The short young man was still holding the spatial ring in a
daze long after Huang Xiaolong was nearly out of sight. He
recovered just in time to see the several figures disappear.
Sighing as he shook his head, he could only pray for that
group of people to come out unscathed.

The other young men tasked to accost customers at the

entrance approached the shorty.

“Tsk, tsk, Bro Tu, you’ve reaped a good one this time!”

“If I knew earlier that I could get a spatial ring, even at the
risk of offending that Iron-Skinned Dog, I would have still
come over!”

“Just this spatial ring is enough to support your whole life!”

These young men looked at the shorty with envious eyes. All
of them were the lowest of family disciples, limited by their
talent, unable to breakthrough to Xiantian realm. Therefore,
the value of one spatial ring was indeed enough to support
their entire life.

“Bro Tu, why don’t you open that spatial ring and look, who
knows, there might be something good inside.” One of the
young men urged.

The shorty only thought of it after hearing that suggestion,

thus opened the spatial ring.

At that moment, his eyeballs nearly protruded out from their

sockets staring inside, the young men close to him also saw
the things inside, and each froze with disbelief on their

Inside the spatial ring was a mountain of gold coins!

Gold coins stacked upon each other, hundreds, thousands of

layers, as tall as a mountain!
At the same time, that ‘Iron-Skinned Dog’ young man led
Huang Xiaolong in the direction of Aowu Shop, grinning the
entire way, “Young Noble, may I know what kind ingredient
variety you are looking for?”

Variety referred to the pill refinement ingredient’s quality.

For example, a normal Second Grade Battle Qi Pill would use
ingredients of different ages, thus the final grade and effect
would be different.

“Does your Aowu Shop have ingredients over a thousand

years old?” Huang Xiaolong’s tone was casual.

Huang Xiaolong’s question made the ‘Iron-Skinned Dog’

young man’s eyes light up, “Young Noble, honest truth, in
this South Oblast City, only our Aowu Shop has pill
refinement ingredients above a thousand years.”

“Is that So? But are you really selling them at a cheap
price?” Huang Xiaolong drawled.

The ‘Iron-Skinned Dog’ young man beamed, “Absolutely

cheap, please be assured.”

Huang Xiaolong sneered coldly in his heart ar those words,

he really wanted to open his eyes and see how ‘cheap’ they
were. In fact, Huang Xiaolong knew that what the shorty
said was probably the truth, this Aowu Shop often did
business using coercion.”

However, Huang Xiaolong had always been someone

unafraid of trouble.

As the ‘Iron-Skinned Dog’ young man led Huang Xiaolong’s

group to the said Aowu Shop, he consistently blew about
how great and wonderful their shop was.
A short while later, they reached the Aowu Shop.

Merely judging from the shop’s front, this Aowu Shop indeed
looked grand for a shop, just like what the ‘Iron-Skinned
Dog’ young man said, the Aowu Shop was big.

Inside the main hall, an old man in his sixties that seemed
to be the supervisor instantly brightened seeing the ‘Iron-
Skinned Dog’ young man bringing Huang Xiaolong into the
shop. He hurried over to welcome the guests.

When the ‘Iron-Skinned Dog’ young man entered the hall,

he bowed low in respect, greeting the old man, “Supervisor
Lin.” Then, he blinked at the old man without anyone
noticing. Seeing that, as if understanding a secret signal,
Supervisor Lin’s eyes shone brighter as he looked toward
Huang Xiaolong’s group.

‘Iron-Skinned Dog’s meaning was loud and clear to

Supervisor Lin: This is a group of big fat sheep.

After that, ‘Iron-Skinned Dog’ turned to Huang Xiaolong,

“Young Noble, this is our Aowu Shop’s Supervisor Lin,
whatever you want to buy, please tell our Supervisor Lin.”

Supervisor Lin smiled cordially at Huang Xiaolong, “What

kind of ingredients is Young Noble looking for? Our Aowu
Shop has almost everything! Out Aowu Shop, other than pill
refinement ingredients, also sells spirit pellet, pill furnaces,
even pill refinement tactics.” That look, that demeanor, it
was overly warm and friendly.


The city’s name is Great Prosperous City, also referred to as

South Oblast City, as it’s the representative City for the
South Oblast region.
1. A nickname
Chapter 393: The Age
Definitely Can’T Be Wrong
Chapter 393: The Age Definitely Can’t Be Wrong

“Oh, you even sell pill refinement tactics here?” Huang

Xiaolong’s interest was piqued. Although pill refinement
tactics were rare, some bigger shops did indeed sell them.
Of course, these pill refinement tactics were usually low
level, ordinary ones.

Noticing that Huang Xiaolong’s interest was piqued,

Supervisor Lin smiled warmly, “Of course, not only do we
have the low grade pill refinement tactics, we can even offer
intermediate pill refinement tactics.”

Huang Xiaolong was slightly disappointed, low and

intermediate pill refinement tactics were of no use to him,
but if they had high level pill refinement tactics, he wouldn’t
mind buying them, hence, Huang Xiaolong did not asked
anymore questions.

But he took out a piece of paper from the Asura Ring,

handing it to Supervisor Lin, “This is the list of ingredients
that I want to buy.”

Supervisor Lin took the piece of paper. With a glance, he

saw that the piece of paper was full of words, line after line.
It listed more than a hundred types of pill refinement

Moreover, every item, Huang Xiaolong wanted one hundred

of them.
This greatly shocked Supervisor Lin. Many ingredients listed
by Huang Xiaolong were rare, even if the requirements were
merely one-hundred-years-old, the total of these this could
cost up to ten million!

Ten million!

This was still Supervisor Lin’s conservative estimation.

It wasn’t like he hadn’t done transactions worth ten million

and above, but still, it was only a once or twice.

Recovering from his shock, Supervisor Lin’s heart was

blooming in all colors, he didn’t expect this black-haired
young man to be a super, extra large fat sheep.

Huang Xiaolong spoke at this time, “The items that I want,

does your Aowu Shop have them?”

Supervisor Lin concealed his excitement with a wide smile,

reassuring Huang Xiaolong, “This Brother, please rest
assured. These things that you want, we definitely have
them in our Aowu Shop, may I know which variety you

“Select the best variety you have in your shop for me.”
Huang Xiaolong said.

The smile on Supervisor Lin’s face stretched from ear to ear,

“No problem.” But then he paused slightly here, “It’s just
that our shop requires customers to pay a certain amount of
deposit before the transaction is concluded. This is a rule.
So, little Brother…?”

Huang Xiaolong’s face was impassive: “How much?”

Supervisor Lin chuckled, “Not much, one hundred

Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu exchanged a look,

sneering coldly in their heart, they had never heard of any
pill refinement ingredients shop to practice taking deposit
from customers, furthermore, it was a one hundred
thousand gold coins deposit!

It was obvious that this Aowu Shop had quite the big

However, Huang Xiaolong did not refuse. Maintaining the

same impassive expression, he answered, “Sure.” With a
wave of his hand, one hundred thousand gold coins flew out,
sparkling gold coins rained down in a pile on the hall floor.

Supervisor Lin’s eyes reflected golden light, his hand made

a swift wave, transferring the one hundred thousand gold
coins into his spatial ring. “Little Brother, please wait a
moment. I will go tell people to prepare the ingredients on
your list.” He left instructions to Iron-Skinned Dog to serve
Huang Xiaolong before turning around and disappearing into
the back hall.

Under Iron-Skinned Dogs enthusiastic care, Huang Xiaolong,

Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu were seated down, but Lil’ Tian was
an active one, roaming around the shop, touching here and
looking there.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong had a seven or eight year old

child with him, Iron-Skinned Dog couldn’t help but be
curious, “Young Noble, this little one is your brother?”

“He can be considered so.” Huang Xiaolong nodded.

This made Iron-Skinned Dog observe Lil’ Tian a little more,
however, he couldn’t find any resemblance between Lil’ Tian
and Huang Xiaolong. Moreover, that little kid’s clothes were
neither here nor there, with bare feet, he was no different
than a wild child from the forest. But Huang Xiaolong didn’t
look like someone that would kidnap small children.
According to his opinion, someone that could easily tip a
spatial ring, their status must be high, it was impossible for
someone like that to be trading children.

Furthermore, he could see that the little kid genuinely liked

Huang Xiaolong and willingly followed him. Iron-Skinned
Dogs brain churned extra hard as possibilities ran through
his mind.

Of course, no matter how he guessed, he never would have

thought that this seven or eight year old child was actually a
human-shaped Saint realm demonic beast.

Iron-Skinned Dog continued to make idle small talk as

Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu made themselves
at home, savoring tea.

The amount of ingredients that Huang Xiaolong wanted to

buy was a lot, the Aowu Shop would need some time to
prepare them and Huang Xiaolong was in no hurry.

A little more than one hour later.

Supervisor Lin emerged from the back hall with a dozen

people following behind him, their hands laden with pill
refinement ingredients.

In the hall, the group of people arranged the ingredients in a

corner, turned around and went to the back hall again,
bringing out more ingredients.
This group of people went back and forth more than ten
times, nearly filling the hall to the brim with ingredients.

When it was done, Supervisor Lin approached Huang

Xiaolong with a big smile, “Little Brother, the pill refinement
ingredients that you wanted are all here.” He said while
pointing at the large pile of ingredients.

Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu all stood up and

walked over. With a quick glance over the materials, Huang
Xiaolong sneered inwardly. Even though it was just a quick
glance, Huang Xiaolong was clear that the ages of these
ingredients were inconsistent. Some were two to three
hundred years old, and mixed within were those of forty to
fifty years old. Not to mention, his requirement for each
type of ingredient was one hundred, but in this pile, none
fulfilled the stated quantity, there were, at most, only eighty
to ninety for each pill refinement ingredient.

But Huang Xiaolong deliberately questioned, “Supervisor

Lin, this are your shop’s best quality pill refinement

The smile never left Supervisor’s face, “That’s right, these

are our shop’s best quality pill refinement ingredients.” He
walked over to a particular ingredient called Wind Bison
Blossom and picked up a stalk, explaining patiently, “Little
Brother, see, this Wind Bison Blossom is over three hundred
years. Not that I’m blowing my own trumpet, but a Wind
Bison Blossom that is over three hundred years old, only our
shop has such ingredients in stock.”

Hearing that, Huang Xiaolong couldn’t resist a cold snicker

in his heart, this Supervisor Lin was practically lying without
feeling shame, that Wind Bison Blossom that he was holding
was slightly over a hundred years old at most. How could
Huang Xiaolong not tell?

Huang Xiaolong took the Wind Bison Blossom from

Supervisor Lin’s hands, looking as if he was checking the
stalk of flower very seriously. After a while, Huang Xiaolong
said, “Supervisor Lin, are you sure that this Wind Bison
Blossom is over three hundred years? From what I see, at
most, it’s only a hundred and fifty years old.”

A trace a embarrassment flickered past Supervisor Lin’s face

listening to Huang Xiaolong’s comment, surprised that the
young man could determine that the Wind Bison Blossom
was one hundred and fifty at most, realizing that Huang
Xiaolong was someone experienced.

In fact, Huang Xiaolong was right. That Wind Bison Blossom

was a little over one hundred and forty years, definitely not
the above three hundred years he had just exaggerated.

However, knowing was one thing, admitting was another.

Supervisor Lin laughed, “Little Brother, your judgement is

erroneous. Our Aowu Shop’s ingredients are verified by
South Oblast City’s best appraiser, the age definitely can’t
be wrong. Look here if you don’t believe me.” He pointed at
a piece of paper from the spot where he picked up the Wind
Bison Blossom earlier.

Huang Xiaolong glanced at the piece of paper stating that

the Wind Bison Blossom was above three hundred years old.
Other than the age of the ingredient, there was a line of
words: Archaic Peak Appraiser Firm.
Chapter 394: It’S The
Chapter 394: It’s the Fairest

“Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm.” Huang Xiaolong read the

name under his breath.

Supervisor Lin maintained a cordial smile on his face,

“That’s the one, Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm. This Archaic
Peak Appraisal Firm is our South Oblast City’s largest
appraisal firm. All of our Aowu Shop’s pill refinement
ingredients have gone through strict appraisal from Archaic
Peak Appraisal Firm’s appraisers, which is why there is
absolutely no error in the age and quality of the

Another silent sneer sounded in Huang Xiaolong’s heart,


It was a fact that this Wind Bison Blossom stalk didn’t

exceed a hundred and fifty years, but this so-called Archaic
Peak Appraisal Firm verified it as double the number of
years,there could be only one explanation—this Archaic
Peak Appraisal Firm was not a good thing either.

In the pill refinement ingredient trading market, in order to

make a little more profit, some shops would cooperate with
appraisal firms to deceive buyers by raising the ages of
ingredients. In fact, this kind of practice was more common
than not.
However, daring to bluff a one hundred fifty year pill
refinement ingredient as a three hundred year one like this
Aowu Shop was rare. The difference between a one hundred
and fifty-year-old ingredient and a three-hundred-year-old
was ten times the price.

Ten times!

Clearly, this Aowu Shop had quite the large appetite!

Huang Xiaolong returned the stalk of Wind Bison Blossom to

Supervisor Lin, commenting without missing a beat, “It
seems your relationship with Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm is
very good.”

Supervisor Lin took the stalk, his expression blanked for a

second at Huang Xiaolong’s comment, but he quickly
covered it with a harmless chuckle, “What Little brother said
is correct, our Aowu Shop does have a good relationship
with Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm. Because of our frequent
business liaison, it’s normal for our relationship to be good.”

Huang Xiaolong merely nodded, showing no interest to

pursue the topic further.

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu stood behind Huang Xiaolong,

neither of them spoke. Both of them could tell with a glance
that these ingredients’ ages differed, not to mention, the
quantity was greatly shortchanged.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong walked over to a pile of

ingredients that looked like black sand, saying, “Supervisor
Lin, this Black Water Sand, I requested for one hundred of
them, meaning one hundred catties, are there a hundred
catties here?”
With Huang Xiaolong’s sharp eyes, a single glance and he
could determine that there were only eighty catties at most.
Black Water Sand was an ingredient used to refine grade ten
spirit pellets, so the price was quite high. The regular
market price was around five thousand gold coins for one
catty, a difference of twenty catties was equivalent to one
hundred thousand gold coins!

Supervisor Lin approached smiling, “Little Brother, rest

assured, our Aowu Shop looks heavily on conducting honest
transactions, there are definitely one hundred catties of
Black Water Sand in here. If Little Brother is still doubtful, I
will order my people to weigh it in front of you.” Finished
saying this, his eyes signaled towards Iron-Skinned Dog to
bring the scale over.

Iron-Skinned Dog responded, hurried off to bring the scale at

a corner of the hall, and placed the pile of Black Water Sand
on it. When the pile of Black Water Sand was put on the
scale, it indicated the number one hundred and two,
representing a hundred and two catties.

Supervisor Lin grinned at Huang Xiaolong, “Little Brother,

see, I was right, our Aowu Shop is really an honest shop. You
can see for yourself, this Black Water Sand not only has one
hundred catties, there are even two extra catties. Since
Little Brother is a big customer, take it as these two catties
as a little token, free of charge for Little Brother.”

Watching Supervisor Lin ‘declare’ things in such a pompous

manner, Huang Xiaolong snorted with disdain inside. That
scale must have been fixed long ago, but he did not burst
Supervisor Lin’s bubble yet.

Huang Xiaolong continued, stopping in front of a grade nine

spirit pellet ingredient that was soft pink in color. Although
these ingredients, whether it was judging from color or
shape, closely resembled Redblood Buds, Huang Xiaolong
could still tell that they were definitely not Redblood Buds.

These petals in front of him were slightly darker in color. It

was actually another kind of pill refinement ingredient called
Big Red Flower, and this Big Red Flower was merely an
ingredient used for grade three spirit pellets, with a price
that was fifty to sixty times cheaper compared to Redblood

Of course, if Huang Xiaolong were to use these Big Red

Flowers to refine a grade nine spirit pellet, there would only
be one result—failure!

However, that Supervisor Lin ‘kindly’ explained, “Little

Brother, I’m sure that you didn’t know this, these Redblood
Buds are something that our shop cultivated in a secret
place filled with abundant spiritual energy, using a special
nurturing method. That’s why the color is a bit darker than
normal, but using these special Redblood Buds cultivated by
us to refine your pills, the effect would be much better.”

“Is that so?” Listening to the other side’s ‘confident’

explanation, Huang Xiaolong once again let the matter drop.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong pointed at several different

ingredients with problems, however, each of them was
tactfully explained by Supervisor Lin.

It could be said that each answer was foolproof.

That Supervisor Lin maintained a cordial smile on his face

the whole time. Regardless of Huang Xiaolong’s questions,
he would answer patiently.
A short while later Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu
were again seated.

“Supervisor Lin, please calculate the total amount of money

needed for these ingredients.” Seating down, Huang
Xiaolong said.

Hearing this, Supervisor Lin’s face beamed with happiness,

this was the sentence he was waiting for the entire time! He
swiftly waved his hand, and a steward looking old man in his
fifties appeared in the hall.

“Assis this Little Brother in calculating the price of these

ingredients. Remember, calculate correctly, with accuracy,
so that this Little Brother knows that our Aowu Shop is the
most honest shop around.” As Supervisor Lin spoke, his
eyes signaled the old man.

That steward-like middle-aged man complied respectfully,

“Yes, Supervisor Lin.” He then walked toward the Wind Bison
Blossom, saying, “Three hundred year Wind Bison Blossom,
ten stalks, each stalk thirty-five thousand and three hundred
gold coins. One-hundred-year-old, sixty stalks, every stalk is
five thousand one hundred sixty gold coins.”

The old steward calculated them one by one. Very quickly,

he calculated the total for the hundred stalks of Wind Bison
Blossom, amounting to eight hundred and ninety-nine
thousand six hundred gold coins.

Huang Xiaolong sneered at the amount, the market price for

a three hundred years Wind Bison Blossom was thirty
thousand gold coins, whereas this Aowu Shop added
another five thousand three hundred on top market price.
Same for others of different ages, all of them were priced
one to two thousand gold coins higher than the norm.
But, if only it stopped there… Those Wind Bison Blossom
that claimed to be three hundred years were nothing more
than a hundred and fifty years, whereas those claimed to be
one hundred years were only fifty to sixty years old. Those
hundred stalks of Wind Bison Blossom, at actual market
price, would only be worth approximately three hundred
thousand gold coins.

However this Aowu Shop stated eight hundred ninety-nine

thousand six hundred!

More than double the price!

Yet, Huang Xiaolong did not interrupt the old man, allowing
him to proceed on.

Supervisor Lin furtively observed Huang Xiaolong’s

expression as he listened to his subordinate’s tabulation.
Seeing that Huang Xiaolong was calm as usual, he finally

A while later, the hundred over pill refinement ingredients

that Huang Xiaolong listed were summed up, thirty-one
million, six hundred and fifty-six thousand, and three
hundred gold coins.

Supervisor Lin chuckled good-naturedly, “Little Brother,

since you’re our esteemed guest, buying so many
ingredients at once, I can bend the rule a little for you,
discounting the odd ends, thirty-one million, six hundred-
fifty thousand! Again, deducting the one hundred thousand
deposit earlier, you only need to pay thirty-one million, five
hundred fifty thousand.” Supervisor Lin said looked
generous as he said so. In his opinion, Huang Xiaolong
would definitely feel grateful to him for discounting the odd
six thousand three hundred gold coins.
Chapter 395: Why, Why So
Fragile To Beating?
Chapter 395: Why, Why So Fragile to Beating?

Listening to Supervisor Lin’s ‘generous act’ of discounting

six thousand three hundred gold coins, a faint smile
emerged on Huang Xiaolong’s lips, “How could I accept

Supervisor Lin chuckled sheepishly, “It’s something I should


Huang Xiaolong laughed, “Good, help me pack all these pill

refinement ingredients into my spatial ring.” He removed an
empty spatial and gave it to Supervisor Lin as he said that.

This spatial ring was taken off Yao Fei when Huang Xiaolong
killed him. Supervisor Lin received the spatial ring from
Huang Xiaolong and opened it. The instant the ring opened,
his eyes widened.

This spatial ring, just the space inside was close to three to
four hundred cubic meters, if he was to calculate the
volume, how big was that? Once, he saw one their Aowu
Shop Elders spatial rings, but the space inside was barely
half the size of Huang Xiaolong’s spatial.

Getting over his shock, a trace of regret wound around

Supervisor Lin’s heart, if he had known earlier, he would
have signaled his subordinate to hike the price up a little
more. Such a super big fat sheep, if he didn’t make it bleed
a little bit more, who knows when the next super fat sheep
would visit their shop.

However, it was too late for regrets and Supervisor Lin

recovered fairly quickly. He handed the spatial ring to Iron-
Skinned Dog, who was standing at the side, so that he could
transfer all the pill refinement ingredients that Huang
Xiaolong bought into the ring.

Of course, if he knew that Huang Xiaolong obtained this

spatial ring after killing a Deities Templar Elder, he would
probably be terrified enough to throw the spatial ring back
to Huang Xiaolong, lacking the courage to even hold the
ring. His thoughts of bleeding a super fat sheep a little more
would definitely vanish.

Moments later, Iron-Skinned Dog had placed all of the

ingredients into the spatial ring, handing the ring back
respectfully to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong took the spatial ring and kept it away into
the Asura Ring.

Huang Xiaolong stood up. Suddenly, he hit his forehead,

saying, “I forgot to bring it when I came here. I only have
that one hundred thousand gold coins deposit that I gave
you earlier.” At this point, Huang Xiaolong showed a
remorseful expression looking at Supervisor Lin, “This,
Supervisor Lin, this is really awkward. How about this, let
me go back first, I will send my people here with the
balance later.”

Supervisor Lin was thunderstruck, then a frown wrinkled his

forehead, “Little Brother, this way isn’t right.” Pausing
momentarily, he shifted his gaze to Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu.
“What about your two subordinates if they brought money
with them?”
Once Huang Xiaolong was allowed to go back, no ghosts
would believe that he would send people back with money.
Even if Supervisor Lin was a pig, this point was obvious to

Huang Xiaolong looked over at Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu, “Do
you have money on you?”

Zhao Shu shook his head, saying, “Sovereign, your

subordinate doesn’t carry much money with me, only a few
hundred gold coins.”

Zhang Fu also shook his head, emulating Zhao Shu word by


Huang Xiaolong said, “Take out those few hundred gold

coins you have, give it to Supervisor Lin first.” He then
turned to Supervisor Lin, “Supervisor Lin, I’m really sorry,
my two subordinates only have so much on them. Why don’t
you take them as deposit? Later, I will send people with the
money.” Finished saying that, Huang Xiaolong prepared to
leave with Zhao Shu and the rest.

Supervisor Lin’s body flickered, blocking their path. Looking

at the few hundred gold coins in front of him, anger rose
from his heart; a few hundred gold coins, were they trying to
send a beggar away?

The usual smile hanging on his face disappeared, his face

sank, gloomy and cold, “Since there’s no way, kindly leave
all the ingredients here. Whenever you bring the money,
you can take them away.”

By this point, the guards around the Aowu Shop already

noticed something wasn’t right, closing around the hall in a
circle, blocking the exit.
Watching calmly, Huang Xiaolong replied, “Pill refinement
Ingredients? What ingredients?”

A cold glint flashed in Supervisor Lin’s eyes at those words,

sneering at Huang Xiaolong, “Punk, why do I feel like you
deliberately come to our Aowu Shop looking for trouble?” At
this stage, even a fool could see that Huang Xiaolong had
no intention of paying from the beginning.

A faint smile appeared on Huang Xiaolong’s face, shrugging

nonchalantly, “If you want to think that way, it’s also

A wicked chuckle came from Supervisor Lin’s mouth, “Our

Aowu Shop has been in business for more than a hundred
years, there has never been anyone blind enough that
dared to come here looking for trouble. I’m giving you one
last chance, take out all the pill refinement ingredients and
leave all the things on your body as well as your spatial ring,
then you can scram from here obediently after that.”

Huang Xiaolong was very calm, “If not?”

Iron-Skinned Dog interjected, “Kid, why don’t you ask

around who our Aowu Shop’s boss is. Let me tell you, our
boss is South Oblast City Castellan Manor’s Chief Steward,
Mister Luo Yun!”

‘So it’s like that! The big boss behind this Aowu Shop is the
Castellan Manor’s Chief Steward!’ Huang Xiaolong sneered.
For a city of this magnitude, like South Oblast, a Chief
Steward in the Castellan Manor was indeed a backing with
high status, identity, and power. From a certain point angle,
this person’s power was only below the Castellan.

Iron-Skinned Dog added, “When we started business, there

were several blind people came in trying to make trouble,
do you know how they ended up? Their dog legs were
broken by us, the tendons after their hands and feet cut off,
and their Qi Sea wasted. If it weren’t for Lord Duke pleading
for them, they would’ve died long ago!”

A flurry of footsteps thundered in the hall as shadows

moved around the shop. The Aowu Shop guards had the
shop fully encircled, not even a fly could get out. There were
about sixty of them.

Seeing this, Supervisor Lin’s confidence increased. He could

see that Huang Xiaolong should be someone with high
status, but then again, so what, this was the South Oblast
City, those that had the guts to come in and make trouble in
the Aowu Shop deserved death!

Huang Xiaolong took a quick glance around, these Aowu

Shop guards around the hall were all Xiantian realm experts,
but most of them were low-level and mid-level Xiantian. As
for high-level, there were only three people.

In this situation, Lil’ Tian’s obsidian black eyes twinkled as

he looked left and right, inquiring from Huang Xiaolong, “Big
brother, what are they doing?”

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “They want to fight us.”

Hearing that, Lil’ Tian clapped his hands shouting, “Great,

great, ah! I love fighting the most.” A delighted Lil’ Tian
didn’t wait for another word from Huang Xiaolong, his little
hands waved and a fist flew out, aiming at Supervisor Lin.

Supervisor Lin’s anger erupted seeing a small child actually

dared to attack him, “Little wild bastard, you’re courting
death!” With battle qi surging from his body, Supervisor Lin
punched out.
Being able to take up the position of Aowu Shop’s
Supervisor, Supervisor Lin was no weak chicken, he was a
late-Xiantian Eighth Order.

Just when Iron-Skinned Dog and the guards thought that the
insolent little punk was going to die, blasted to bloody
pieces, a ‘kacha’ sound of breaking bone sounded in their
ears. Supervisor Lin’s tragic screams rendered the hall.
Then, Lil’ Tian’s small hands struck again, landing a punch
on his chest.

Before the shocked faces of these Aowu Shop members,

their Supervisor Lin was thrown out, crashing into one of the
giant stone pillars in the hall. The whole hall shook as the
stone pillar cracked.

Supervisor Lin’s body slid down against the stone pillar, his
entire chest caved in, coming out the other end. His heart
had stopped beating, yet his eyes were wide with shock and

The spacious hall instantly became deadly silent. Still, the

rapid beating hearts of the Aowu Shop members were very

The silence was broken by Lil’ Tian’s voice, “Ei, aren’t we

fighting? Why, why so fragile to beating?” In the next
moment, he turned to Iron-Skinned Dog, “Your turn now.”
Chapter 396: Big Event

Iron-Skinned Dog and the guards witnessed their Supervisor

Lin’s concave, distorted chest, all they could feel was frigid
air filling their lungs.

Lil’ Tian’s voice sounded at this moment. When Iron-Skinned

Dog looked over and saw a little finger pointed straight at
him, he almost pissed himself from fright.

Their Supervisor Lin was a late-Xiantian Eighth Order expert,

even their Supervisor Lin that weighed two hundred catties
couldn’t withstand a punch from the little kid, he, a measly
Xiantian Second Order, a thin stature of skin and bones,
could probably not take even half the damage from that
small fist.

His face whitened visibly, staggering backward as he waved

both hands: “No, no, not me!” Despite that, from the first
sound he uttered, Lil’ Tian had swung his small fist out,
attacking without mercy.

A miserable shrill scream came from Iron-Skinned Dog

mouth as Lil’ Tian’s small fist punched into his chest. Iron-
Skinned Dog was sent crashing toward the doorway, rolling
out to the opposite side of the street.

Out on the street, a curious crowd has started to gather.

The commotion made by Lil’ Tian punching Supervisor Lin

had attracted some people in the surrounding shops. Some
of these curious passersby were just about to move closer
to the Aowu Shop’s entrance to check out what was going
on inside when Iron-Skinned Dog volleyed through the
doors, scaring the pedestrians.
Iron-Skinned Dog’s appearance sent a cold shiver down
their spines. There was barely anything left of Iron-Skinned
Dog’s torso, except for flesh, bones, and internal organs
blasted to bloody pieces, with blood flowing from his
orifices. A grotesque way to die.

“This is Aowu Shop’s Iron-Skinned Dog?! Someone actually

killed him!”

“Who was it, so reckless as to kill someone from the Aowu


Although everyone in the crowd exclaimed in shock and

apprehension, inside, each was waving their fists in the air,
shouting ‘great’.

All these years, relying on their backing inside the Castellan

Manor, people from the Aowu Shop had acted tyrannical and
forceful, snatching customers from other shops nearby, but
scrupulous of the Castellan Manor’s power, they endured
everything in silence.

Now, there was someone that dared to make trouble in the

Aowu Shop, killing these bastards, of course they would be
rejoicing in secret.

While the crowd was still talking about Iron-Skinned Dog,

another loud scream rang out from inside the Aowu Shop
hall as another human silhouette shot out. The crowd
quickly jumped away in alarm.

This time, the human projectile that flew out was a stalwart
middle-aged man. His condition was the same as Iron-
Skinned Dog’s, his torso was blasted to pieces by someone’s

“It’s Aowu Shop’s Captain Guard, Liu Wei!”

“But Liu Wei’s a Xiantian Ninth Order expert!”

The crowd was stirred up. At this time, another person was
sent flying out from the Aowu Shop.

In the Aowu Shop’s hall, Lil’ Tian’s small fist swung

tirelessly, merely using one punch to deal with each person.
Without exception, all the guards encircling the Aowu Shop
were sent flying. Some guards’ bodies were flipped upward,
human-shaped holes appeared on the Aowu Shop’s hall roof
one after another.

Soon, the hall originally surrounded by Aowu Shop guards

from all directions dwindled down to less than half, the
remaining twenty over people were finally jarred awake.
Staring at Lil’ Tian’s bare little feet and that pair of cute,
innocent eyes, in the guards’ eyes it was no different than a
devil from hell.

None of the guards could remember who was the first one
to scream aloud, to run. In the blink of an eye, the
remaining guards rushed to be the first one out from the
shop, through the front entrance and back door.

However, just as these guards tried to run for it, giant

silhouettes blocked their path. The two giant silhouettes
were none other than the giant puppets. Two giant puppets
divided the path, one blocked the front entrance while the
other blocked the back hall door.

“Scram!” One of the fleeing guards saw a giant ‘man’

blocking his escape route and became anxious, angered,
panicked, and flustered all in one, the guard raised his palm
and attacked the giant puppet all of a sudden.

However, the giant puppet struck its palm out at the same
time, slapping the left side of the guard’s face. A scream
ensued as the man was sent flying back to the hall, crashing
to the floor. The guard’s left face squished to the right side,
head twisted back with the front facing the same direction
as his arse.

In fact, when the giant puppet appeared and blocked the

escape route, just like the first guard, there were many who
wanted to eliminate the hindrance with a punch, but now
they were so scared that their legs weakened. Looking at
the giant silhouette, extreme fear showed in their eyes.

They finally realized that this four-meter giant man was

more lethal that little kid.

“Didn’t you guys want to fight? Why are you running away?”
When the fleeing guards were forced back to the hall, Lil’
Tian’s tender voice questioned.

Instead, Lil’ Tian’s innocent and tender voice caused the

guards’ trembling to worsen. That voice was akin to a siren’s
song that came from the abyss of hell.

Turning around, the guards saw the small body approaching.

Seeing those people looking at him, Lil’ Tian waved his small
fist without another word. Moments later, the screamings
inside the Aowu Shop resumed.

But the undulated screams ended quickly this time, leaving

an apprehensive silence in the air.

Huang Xiaolong looked inside and outside the hall at the

bodies lying around in charming disorder in different
postures, then he shook his head. Today, he considered
himself learned, that guy Lil’ Tian was more brutal than him.

At this time, Lil’ Tian was clapping his small hands happily,
that expression was exactly like a complacent child that had
just won a big fight.

“Big brother, these people are too weak, it’s no fun at all.”
Lil’ Tian came beside Huang Xiaolong, dissatisfaction in his

Huang Xiaolong was rendered speechless, “There will be

more fights later, with opponents stronger than these
people.” So many Aowu Shop’s guards killed and taking
away pill refinement ingredients worth millions of gold coins,
that Castellan Manor Chief Steward, Luo-whatever-Yun
definitely wouldn’t be able to swallow this loss.

Hence, a fight would definitely come later.

“Really?” Lil’ Tian’s eyes lit up.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, laughing, “But now, we’re going to

drink wine and eat meat . Eat some good things, we can
fight after our bellies are full.”

“Good, good, ah!” Hearing there will be wine, meat, and

good food, Lil’ Tian clapped enthusiastically. Frankly
speaking, after fighting, he indeed felt a little hungry.

“Let’s go.” Huang Xiaolong said to Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu.

Both complied with respect.

With that, Huang Xiaolong’s group walked out from the

Aowu Shop through the front entrance.

The people around were considering moving closer, to peek

inside and see what was happening due to the sudden
quietness, but they all ran away in panic after seeing Huang
Xiaolong and several others coming out.
Ignoring the crowd’s fearful inquisitive gazes, Huang
Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and others strode away from
the Aowu Shop.

It didn’t take them long to reach the main trading market


At the trading market’s main entrance, the short young

man, Tu Xiong, who Huang Xiaolong tipped a spatial ring
before, was still there.

When Tu Xiong spotted Huang Xiaolong, he quickly ran up to

Huang Xiaolong, courteously saluting before saying, “Young
Noble, that spatial ring is too valuable.” His hand moved,
taking out the spatial ring he planned to return to Huang

Huang Xiaolong raised his hand, stopping Tu Xiong, “I have

never taken back the things I gave out.” The tone of his
voice leaves no room for refusal.

Tu Xiong was stunned. In the end, he kept the spatial ring


“Young Noble, did you manage to buy any pill refinement

materials in the Aowu Shop?” Tu Xiong inquired cautiously.

Huang Xiaolong nodded with a smile, “Yes, I got some.”

Ti Xiong hesitated for a second before saying, “Young Noble,

the pill refinement ingredients that the Aowu Shop sells
have issues with the verified ages, moreover, the price they
offer is much higher than normal market prices.”

Base on the young man’s kind intentions, Huang Xiaolong

laughed, “I know.”Leaving that answer, he left the pill
refinement trading market with Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, Lil’
Tian, and the two giant puppets.

Tu Xiong stood in the same place, watching Huang

Xiaolong’s group until they disappeared from view.

At this time, someone ran out from the inner part of the
trading market, looking flustered and out of breath, crying
to Tu Xiong and the other young men, “Big event, big event!
Just now, Iron-Skinned Dog and all of Aowu Shop’s guards
were all killed! Including Aowu Shop’s Supervisor Lin!”
Chapter 397: Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm

Iron-Skinned Dog! All of Aowu Shop’s guards! Including

Aowu Shop’s Supervisor Lin!

All killed!

Tu Xiong and the group of young men were shocked.

Could it be…?! A thought struck Tu Xiong’s mind, looking

once more in the direction Huang Xiaolong disappeared.

“Who was it? Who actually dared to kill all of Aowu Shop’s
guards?” Tu Xiong asked to verify his suspicion.

“Rumors say that a black-haired young man went to the

Aowu Shop to buy pill refinement ingredients and there was
a seven or eight-year-old small child with him that killed
those people!” That person who ran out said.

“A, a seven or eight-year-old child?!” One of the young men

exclaimed, “Impossible, right? The Aowu Shop’s guards are
all Xiantian realm experts!”

The other young men also showed disbelieving expressions.

A seven, eight-year-old small child could kill Xiantian

In their eyes, this was nothing but fantasy.

That young man that ran out with the news said, “Don’t say
you don’t believe, I myself cannot believe, but there are
witnesses. It really was a small kid that killed all those
guards, furthermore, he used one punch! That small kid
killed those Xiantian guards with one punch!”
The young men looked at each other, finding it harder to
believe such a tale.

A seven to eight-year-old killed a Xiantian realm expert with

just one punch? That was just ludicrous!

By this time, Huang Xiaolong’s group arrived at a long food

street after leaving the pill refinement trading market.

In this South Oblast City, there was a unique street where

shops offered a variety of food and snacks, whereas big and
small restaurants lined the street side by side.

Entering the Food Street, various tantalizing scents teased

the senses of passersby. Lil’ Tian’s eyes were sparkling like
stars in the night sky.

“Big brother, I want that one!” Lil’ Tian cried out, a small
finger pointed at a small shop not far away that was selling
a snack that looked like some kind of bird’s egg. Just that its
size was bigger than normal bird eggs.

The few of them walked towards that stall.

“What kind of eggs are these?” Huang Xiaolong asked the

elderly in front of the stall.

The elderly introduced enthusiastically, “These eggs are

from a kind of bird called greenwind bird, we marinate it in
our own special way, it’s a little salty, but it’s delicious. One
for one silver coin only.”

One gold coin was equivalent to one hundred silver coin.

Thus, one silver coin was considered very cheap.

Huang Xiaolong took out a dozen gold coins saying, “Then

we’ll take all of them.”
Although there were quite a lot of these bird eggs, they
would only cost three to four gold coins at most. When the
elderly old man wanted to return the extra gold coins back
to Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong stopped him, telling the
elderly to keep them. Then, Huang Xiaolong looked at Lil’
Tian, indicating that he can start eating.

Hearing the word ‘eat’, Lil’ Tian couldn’t wait to wolf down
the eggs, stuffing his mouth full as incomprehensible noises
sounded: “Del-mm-ss, mm-li-cious!”

Huang Xiaolong laughed watching Lil’ Tian. He turned to

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu, “We should also try one.” Picking
one of the eggs, Huang Xiaolong took a bite, and indeed, it
was savory, as some liquid oozed out in between, the
texture wasn’t bad either, reminding him of tea leaf eggs
back on Earth.

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu each took one egg, nodding in

agreement that it tasted good. As high-level Saint realm
experts, as well as Asura’s gate Left and Right Custodians,
Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu’s identities and standing were
different, hence, they had never tasted these commoner
snacks. Taking a bite, both felt that it was quite good, a
distinctive flavor compared to the usual big restaurants.

The elderly at the stall was genuinely frightened watching

Lil’ Tian stuffing more than thirty greenwind bird eggs into
that small mouth, urging Lil’ Tian, “Little brother, eat slowly,
eat slowly, don’t choke!”

To that elderly, he couldn’t afford to be responsible if that

eight-year-old kid choked and died due to stuffing himself
with more than thirty greenwind bird eggs. Though the
incident of someone dying from choking on food had yet to
happen on Food Street, then again, who could guarantee
that it would never happen.

Huang Xiaolong saw through the elderly commoner’s worry

and laughed, reassuring him, “Elder, no need to worry, my
younger brother looks small, but he’s very strong. He can
even eat ten Tyrant Boar in one go with no problem.”

Ten Tyrant Boars? The stall elderly was stunned, it was

obvious that he didn’t believe Huang Xiaolong’s words. Two
to three hundred strong adult men could hardly finish ten
Tyrant Boars, what more a little kid?

Yet, a brief moment later, before the elder’s shock-widened

eyes, Lil’ Tian swept clean close to four hundred greenewind
bird eggs in a single breath. One couldn’t tell that there
were four hundred eggs inside his little stomach, not to
mention the not-yet-satisfied look on Lil’ Tian’s face.

After that stall, Huang Xiaolong’s group strolled leisurely

along the Food Street while sampling food and snacks that
took their fancy. In every stall, the owners’ jaw dropped
aghast witnessing Lil’ Tian’s capacity.

While Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and Lil’ Tian
were enjoying these unique street foods, the upper levels of
South Oblast City exploded in a storm.

“Aowu Shop, including that Supervisor Lin, fifty-eight

Xiantian realm guards were all killed!”

“The attacker was actually an eight-year-old kid!”

The news spread quicker than wildfire, shaking the forces

dwelling in South Oblast City.
Castellan Manor, in a hall on the south side of the
compound, more than a dozen middle-aged men paced
back and forth in anxiety, exchanging words in fearful

The people present in this hall were all Elders of the Aowu

“What should we do? Lord Chief Steward is in still closed-

door practice, who knows when he will come out?”

“That person not only took away millions worth of pill

refinement ingredients, he even dared to kill all of our Aowu
Shop guards! This is simply a slap in our face! Blatant
provocation! Regardless of who they are, they cannot be
allowed to leave South Oblast City alive!”

“That’s right, if they leave, where would that put our Aowu
Shop’s face!”

The Elders agreed unanimously on one point: no matter who

it was, regardless of their identity, they must end that
person’s life!

While everyone was still in heated discussions, a young man

in a blue robe walked into the hall. Seeing that young man,
everyone in the room quieted down.

“Elder Chen, when will Lord Chief Steward come out from his
closed-door practice?” One of the Elders inquired as he took
a step forward.

This young man was Castellan Manor Chief Steward Lio

Yun’s disciple, Chen Ding, also one of Aowu Shop’s Elder.

Chen Ding scanned the hall, saying, “This time, Master is in

closed-door practice to breakthrough to Second Order Saint
realm, he should be out in another five to six hours. The
matters regarding Supervisor Lin and the guards being
killed, we need to wait until Master comes out before
making a decision.”

Everyone exchanged glances, none of them voiced any


Chen Ding went on to say, “Elders please rest assured, I’ve

already sent people out to investigate those people’s
whereabouts, right now, they’re having a good time eating
and drinking on Food Street. Within a few hours, they would
still be in South Oblast City.”

At this time, Huang Xiaolong’s group was inside a big

restaurant called Good Taste Restaurant, seated at a table
laden with their best dishes and wine, eating while waiting
for Chief Steward Luo Yun to arrive.

Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu were baffled, four

to five hours had passed, but they had yet to see anyone
from the Aowu Shop making any movements.

“Sovereign, that Luo Yun still hasn’t acted until now, could
they be afraid?” Zhang Fu guessed.

“We just need to ask to know what’s taking them so long.”

Huang Xiaolong extended his hand out, grasping at empty
space, in the blink of an eye, a young man was caught in his

This young man was the tail Luo Yun’s disciple, Chen Ding,
sent to spy on Huang Xiaolong’s group. Needless to say, this
young man shadowing them did not go unnoticed by Huang
Coerced by Huang Xiaolong, the young man quickly spilled
the beans on the reason.

“In closed-door practice to breakthrough to Second Order

Saint realm…” Huang Xiaolong scoffed; so, this was the

“Then, Sovereign, are we heading straight to South Oblast

City’s Castellan Manor?” Zhao Shu inquired.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “No need.” Huang Xiaolong

was confident that Luo Yun would come look for them on his
own, saving them a trip to the Castellan Manor.

“We’re going to the Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm.” Huang

Xiaolong’s tone sounded cold as he spoke, “Coincidentally, I
have a few items that I wanted to let the Archaic Peak
Appraisal Firm appraise.”

After all, all of Aowu Shop’s pill refinement ingredients were

appraised and verified by this Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm.
Chapter 398: Having Something Appraised

Hence, after their appetite was satiated, Huang Xiaolong’s

group left the restaurant and asked for directions towards
the Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm.

The Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm was one of South Oblast

City’s largest appraisal firms, from pill refinement
ingredients to paintings, books, battle skills and cultivation
techniques, amongst other items.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong’s group reached one of

the most prosperous streets in the city: Poland Street.

The Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm was located on this Poland

Street, at the most strategic position. Arriving at Poland
Street, they headed straight to the Archaic Peak Appraisal

This Poland Street was just as bustling as Food Street, with a

small difference. The pedestrians moving in and out of Food
Street were mostly commoners, whereas, on Poland Street,
luxurious brocade robes filled the streets, lavish jewelry
sparkled and gleamed in the sunlight, evidence of their high
status, they were either nobles or disciples of big families.

The environment on Food Street was loud and noisy. While

there were a lot of people on Poland Street, the level of
noise was more controlled.

A moment later, Huang Xiaolong’s group stood in front of

the Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm building. The facade of the
Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm was big and spacious, with a
grand decor that exuded a quiet elegance and nobility.
Judging from appearance, it was even more impressive than
the Aowu Shop.
Inside, the hall decorations were on a grander scale
compared to the facade, exuding the elegance of upper

One of the staff members spotted Huang Xiaolong’s group.

Approaching with agile steps, he politely asked, “May I know
if the several guests came to have treasures appraised or to
buy treasures?”

“Appraise treasure.” Huang Xiaolong replied.

“Several guests, please come with me.” Hearing Huang

Xiaolong’s reply, the staff led Huang Xiaolong to a seat at a
corner, saying, “Our owner is currently helping Castellan
Manor’s Miss Yang appraise a treasure, kindly wait for a
moment.” The staff turned and left after saying this.

When Huang Xiaolong’s group entered the hall, the others

inside took a quick glance and no longer bothered with

Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and Lil’ Tian sat down,
observing the activities in the hall. In the center of the hall
was a group of young people, three men and two women, all
draped in expensive brocade robes and dresses. Clearly,
amongst the two women, one of them was the
aforementioned South Oblast City Castellan Manor’s Miss

Placed on the table before them were a jade item, an

ancient bottle, a short blade, and a short stalk of an inky
violet plant.

On the other side of the table sat a portly middle-aged man

that grew two long thin mustaches, coupled with a pair of
small beady eyes. He was the owner of the Archaic Peak
Appraisal Firm, Gu Feng.
The name of this appraisal firm was taken off Gu Feng’s own

At this time, the Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm’s owner was

holding something like a magnifying glass, carefully
observing the short blade on the table. That short blade was
half the length of an adult’s arm, the blade body glowed
with a greenish red light and was inscribed with the pattern
of a demonic beast head. Underneath the light, the demonic
beast head pattern reflected a light yellow light.

A short while later, the Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm boss

looked towards a fair-skinned, round-faced woman clad in
purple, “Congratulations, Miss Yang, this short blade is most
likely the legendary Luna Beast Blade! Several thousand
years ago, this Luna Beast Blade was the heritage treasure
of the Luna Beast Tribe. It was said that under the
moonlight, this blade can display a magical power!”

Yang Ying’s face did not show much joy at these words,
instead, she looked prideful and arrogant, “Is that so? Then
according to Boss Gu Feng’s opinion, how much would this
Luna Beast Blade fetch in an auction?”

Gu Feng smiled, “If this Luna Beast Blade is taken to the

auction house, it can fetch at least fifty million gold coins!”

The young man seated beside Yang Ying, Lin Wu, laughed as
he said, “Congratulations, Miss Yang.” The other three
quickly followed, relaying their ‘heartfelt’ congratulations.

Yang Ying nodded, exposing a nonchalant smile, “Just fifty

million, it’s nothing much.” The underlying meaning was,
she wasn’t concerned with a mere fifty million gold coins.

Subsequently, the Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm owner

continued to assess the jade item and the bottle on the
table. When it came to that small stalk plant, the expression
of Gu Feng’s face turned serious. A second later, he
exclaimed, “This is likely the plant they call king of a
thousand herbs, Nine Leaves Purple Grass! Moreover, this is
a stalk that is over a thousand-year-old!”

The three young men and the young woman gasped with
surprise hearing Gu Feng’s evaluation.

King of a Thousand Herbs, Nine Leaves Purple Grass! A rare

panacea, no matter how grave one’s injuries were,
swallowing this Nine Leaves Purple Grass would heal all

Yang Ying’s expression remained calm as if she already

knew, “Boss Gu Feng’s eyesight is really good. Indeed, this
is the King of Thousand Herb, Nine Leaves Purple Grass. My
main purpose here this time is to request Boss Gu Feng to
help me determine the actual age of this Nine Leaves Purple

Gu Feng was astonished, then begin carefully checking the

small plant. A brief moment later, he said, “This Nine Leaves
Purple Grass should be one thousand three hundred years.”

Lil’ Tian’s voice rang in the hall at this point, “Big brother,
that herb look really tasty.” At the end, he even swallowed
visibly, eyes stared fixedly at that small stalk of herb at the
center of the hall that was emitting an alluring soft glow.

Lil’ Tian’s voice was too abrupt and crude, attracting

everyone’s attention in the hall.

Yang Ying’s willow brows furrowed slightly, disgust flitted in

her eyes, “Where does this savage kid come from, rude and
ignorant of etiquette!”
Lil’ Tian’s feet were bare, and even though his clothes were
decent, they were made with the common material,
resembling one of the poor commoner kids. For nobles and
big families’ disciples like Yang Ying, they despised these
lowly commoners the most.

Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu’s clothes barely


The young man beside Yang Ying, Lin Wu, glared at Lil’ Tian,
“Tasty? Little thing, this kind of rare elixir is not something
lowly commoners like you can afford to eat. Able to breathe
the same air in the presence of this elixir is worth your ten
lifetimes of luck! Let me tell you, a hundred of your lives
cannot even compare with one leaf from this Nine Leaves
Purple Grass!”

Lin Wu puffed up his chest arrogantly, staring at Huang

Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and Lil’ Tian.

Huang Xiaolong was calm as ever, “Really?”

Another young man from the group, Qin Guo spoke this
time, “Didn’t you say just now that you want to appraise
some treasure? Since we’re done with ours, it’s your turn.
Come, take out those so-called treasures you have on you
and let Boss Gu Feng evaluate them, who knows, there
might really be something good!” The word ‘treasure’ was
heavily emphasized by Qin Gui, laced with obvious ridicule.

It was obvious that, in his eyes, the treasures in Huang

Xiaolong’s possession were nothing but rubbish.

A dangerous glint flickered in Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu’s eyes

hearing the young man’s words. Both of them were about to
stand up, but Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, indicating
both to relax. Huang Xiaolong did not speak and did not get
up. He remained seated at the same place while taking out
two herbs from the Asura Ring that he collected years back
in the Eminent Holiness cultivation cave, placing them on
the table in front of him.

The moment these two herbs were brought out, it filled the
entire spacious hall with spiritual energy. The fragrance from
this side of the hall totally overpowered that stalk of Nine
Leaves Purple Grass from the other side.

Everyone present in the hall was stunned, staring at the two

stalk of herbs on the table in front of Huang Xiaolong. One
of them was actually a Nine Leaves Purple Grass, but that
Nine Leaves Purple Grass’s color was more brilliant, bigger
in size, even exuding layers of purple halo!

Beside the Nine Leaves Purple Grass was a human-shaped

ginseng, wholly blood-red in color, it was as if they could see
translucent blood flowing within, emitting glimmering soft

After a brief moment of daze, fervid greed crept up their


That Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm boss, Gu Feng, reached

Huang Xiaolong’s table in less than ten steps, his eyes
never moving away from the two elixirs on the table, “This,
this is a ten-thousand-year-old Nine Leaves Purple Grass,
and this is a Human-shaped Purpleblood Ginseng!” His voice
quivered, hardly believing what was in front of him.
Chapter 399: Whatever Request?

“Ten thousand year old Nine Leaves Purple Grass!”

“Human-shaped Purpleblood Ginseng!”

A thunderclap boomed in Yang Ying, Qin Guo, Lin Wu, and

the rest of the group’s brains, the previous ridicule and
contempt vanished completely. Their eyes stared hotly at
the two herbs placed on the table in front of Huang

These were the ultimate elixirs! The Nine Leaves Purple

Grass they had was dog shit in comparison!

A ten thousand year old Nine Leaves Purple Grass,

swallowing it could not only greatly enhance one’s
cultivation, that was something that could even mend a
broken Qi Sea.

And that Human-shaped Purpleblood Ginseng. It was said

that swallowing a Human-shaped Purpleblood Ginseng could
recondition the physical body, expand one’s Qi Sea,
meridians, veins, and strengthen the internal organs, even
prolonging one’s lifespan.

Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm’s boss, Gu Feng, was quivering

with excitement, his hands trembling as he carefully, very
carefully, held the Nine Leaves Purple Grass in one hand
while the other hand held his magnifying glass, observing
Huang Xiaolong’s Nine Leaves Purple Grass in great detail.
The more he observed, the heavier his breathing became,
the longer he held the elixir, the astonishment on his face
deepened a notch.
That was because the longer he observed the Nine Leaves
Purple Grass, the more he realized that it was actually much
older than he imagined.

Upon reaching ten thousand years, the Nine Leaves Purple

Grass would emit a purple halo, that was the main reason
why Gu Feng exclaimed that Huang Xiaolong’s Nine Leaves
Purple Grass was ten thousand years old at first sight.

But now, after careful evaluation, he discovered that this

Nine Leaves Purple Grass was not ten thousand years, but
thirty thousand years old!

No, more accurately, it was closer to forty thousand years! A

Nine Leaves Purple Grass that was close to forty thousand

Gu Feng felt the weight of the Nine Leaves Purple Grass in

his hands growing heavier by the second. He knew very well
the implications of a forty thousand year old Nine Leaves
Purple Grass, selling off his Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm that
had been in business for over a hundred years, including all
the treasures inside, he still couldn’t afford to buy this forty
thousand year old Nine Leaves Purple Grass.

At this time, Yang Ying’s group of five approached Gu Feng.

Noticing the expression on his face, each of them could see
that this Nine Leaves Purple Grass was probably more than
a ‘simple’ ten thousand years old.

Then, Gu Feng delicately picked up the Human-shaped

Purpleblood Ginseng, with careful actions he examined the
herb. The result roused another great wave of shock in his
heart, this Human-shaped Purpleblood Ginseng too was
close to forty thousand years old.

Priceless treasures! Both were priceless treasures, ah!

A quick flash of greed flickered in Gu Feng’s eyes, but he
concealed it well, reverting to an amiable appearance
without missing a beat as he returned the Human-shaped
Purpleblood Ginseng to the table in front of Huang Xiaolong.
A brilliant smile hung on Gu Feng’s face as he asked Huang
Xiaolong, “May I ask this Brother, where did you find this
Nine Leaves Purple Grass and Human-shaped Purpleblood
Ginseng? I have no other intention, merely asking.”

Even though Gu Feng skillfully concealed the greedy glint in

his eyes, it did not escape Huang Xiaolong notice. Sneering
in his heart, he simply made an excuse, “These Nine Leaves
Purple Grass and Human-shaped Purpleblood Ginseng, I
found them recently in the Demonic Beasts Forest. Initially, I
planned to hunt for a few leopards inside the Demonic
Beasts Forest, but who knew I would fall down a ravine and
find these Nine Leaves Purple Grass and Human-shaped
Purpleblood Ginseng.”

Gu Feng nodded, “Brother managed to profit from a

disaster, it’s Heaven’s blessing.”

Envy birthed in Yang Ying, Lin Wu, Qin Guo, and the other
two’s heart listening to Huang Xiaolong’s story; they really
couldn’t understand why this common-dressed small family
disciple could run into such great dog shit luck, to be able to
find such panacea!

Huang Xiaolong noted everyone’s expressions, “Although I

searched through many books and managed to find out they
were Nine Leaves Purple Grass and Human-shaped
Purpleblood Ginseng, I’m sorely lacking, unable to
determine the age, that’s why I came over here, to have
their ages appraised.”
Unable to determine the age? No wonder, if this young man
knew that this was a ten thousand year old elixir, who would
dare to expose it in broad daylight.

A thought formed in Gu Feng’s mind as he listened to Huang

Xiaolong’s explanation, chuckling with glee as he informed
Huang Xiaolong, “According to my evaluation just now, this
Nine Leaves Purple Grass is around fifteen thousand years
old, whereas the Human-shaped Purpleblood Ginseng is a
little lower, eleven thousand years old.

“Fifteen thousand years! Eleven thousand years!” Huang

Xiaolong acted shocked and surprised, “I didn’t expect both
the Nine Leaves Purple Grass and Human-shaped
Purpleblood Ginseng to both be over ten thousand years!”

Huang Xiaolong secretly sneered, he knew the other side

was aware, from many years of experience in appraising
items, that his two elixirs were well close to forty thousand
years, but this Gu Feng actually deceived him with eyes
wide opened, bringing the age down to a little over ten
thousand years.

For a rare elixir like the Nine Leaves Purple Grass, a ten
thousand years stalk fetched a certain price, a twenty
thousand years one had a different price level, and a thirty
thousand years one had an even higher price, with every
increase of ten thousand years, the price more than

There was a hundred times the price difference between a

ten thousand year old Nine Leaves Purple Grass and a forty
thousand year old Nine Leaves Purple Grass. Huang
Xiaolong could already guess what this Gu Feng’s next move
would be.
Sure enough, Gu Feng went on to advise, “Brother, these
kinds of rare herbs are priceless, if Brother walks around
carrying them on you, it would attract unwanted attention,
leading to catastrophe. Wouldn’t it be better to sell both of
them to us, what do you think?”

“Oh, what price is Boss Gu willing to offer?” Huang Xiaolong

asked with interest.

Gu Feng grinned, “Generally, elixirs like this Nine Leaves

Purple Grass above a thousand years old are sold for fifty
million gold coins. For ten thousand years and above, it’s
ten times the price, five hundred million, as for that Human-
shaped Purpleblood Ginseng is also worth five hundred
million, therefore one billion in total. However, if Brother is
willing to sell both of them to me, I’m willing to add another
one hundred million on top, making it one billion one
hundred million gold coins!”

Add one hundred million on top! Gu Feng said it with a

magnanimous flare.

One billion one hundred million, even for some of South

Oblast City’s bigger families, it was considered a shocking
amount of wealth!

Gu Feng was confident that the other side would be

tempted. When he got his hands on the two elixirs, he could
sell them off for one hundred billion or more!

“One billion one hundred million!” Huang Xiaolong was over

the top ‘flabbergasted’: “So much?!”

Watching Huang Xiaolong’s expression of euphoric surprise,

Gu Feng nodded with surety, “That’s right, once Brother has
one billion in hand, you can buy anything you desire. No
matter how you spend them, you won’t see the bottom of
it.” He signaled the closest subordinate to him, “Go, take
out one billion one hundred million gold coins over for this

He didn’t bother to ask if Huang Xiaolong agreed to sell it to

him, his hands already reached out to grab the Nine Leaves
Purple Grass and Human-shaped Purpleblood Ginseng off
the table after instructing his subordinate.

But, before he could reach them, Huang Xiaolong already

returned both elixirs into the Asura Ring with a casual wave,
saying to Gu Feng, “Boss Gu, I came to have the age
verified. At the moment, I have no intention to sell them.”
Finished saying this, Huang Xiaolong stood up, Zhao Shu,
Zhang Fu, and Lil’ Tian followed, heading out the door.

Gu Feng blanked for a brief moment, then his face became


Whereas watching Huang Xiaolong being ready to leave,

Yang Ying, Lin Wu, and the rest acted in haste, their arms
raised to block Huang Xiaolong’s path.

Yang Ying was the first to speak, “Which family are you
from? How about this, I’ll let my Father give you a Viscount
position, enough for you to enjoy a lifetime of wealth and
glory, on top of that, you can make three requests for
whatever you want as long as it is within my capability.”

A Castellan for main cities, like the South Oblast City, had
the authority to appoint the nobility rank of Viscount to

Huang Xiaolong sneered coldly; it seems these people really

thought he was some South Oblast City’s small family

“Whatever request?” Huang Xiaolong stared at the other

party, eyes moving up and down, from the high bosom
down to the feet. A wicked grin emerged on his face, “What
about this, if you can strip naked on the spot, I can consider
selling the Nine Leaves Purple Grass and Human-shaped
Purpleblood Ginseng to you.”

Everyone present lagged.

Strip naked on the spot?

Seconds elapsed before Yang Ying understood the meaning

of Huang Xiaolong’s words. Her almond-shaped eyes
erupted with killing intent: “Damn lowly commoner, what
did you say?!”
Chapter 400: Hurry, Notify
The Castellan
Chapter 400: Hurry, Notify the Castellan

Yang Ying, as the noblest daughter of a city, the City

Castellan’s daughter, was the subject of admiration from
numerous families’ disciples of South Oblast City. How
distinguished her status was that even other cities’
Castellans in the South Oblast region showed courtesy when
meeting her.

But now, a measly small family disciple dared to snide her,

‘requesting’ her to strip naked in public!

Lin Wu and Qin Guo awoke from their shock at this point.

“You cad, how dare you taunt Miss Yang!” Lin Wu snarled.

“You deserve to die a thousand deaths! Which family’s

disciple are you!” Qin Guo joined in with an angry bellow.

The loud ruckus inside the hall alerted the Castellan Manor
guards waiting outside, the group of thirty or so guards
hurried into the building.

As the Castellan’s daughter, Yang Ying was accompanied by

a large group of Castellan Manor guards everywhere she

“Which family?” Huang Xiaolong was unconcerned with the

rush of guards into the hall, “Huang Family.”
Huang Family? Lin Wu, Qin Guo, and the others quickly
searched through their memories, but in the whole South
Oblast City, there was no family with the surname Huang,
cementing their belief that this young man was a disciple of
a small and inconsequential family. But then again, within
the walls of South Oblast City, even if one was a disciple of a
prominent family, no family would be willing to protect a
mediocre disciple after he offended Yang Ying.

Lil’ Tian, however, perked his ears with interest after he

noticed the group of guards rushing into the hall, his little
face shone, “Big brother, are we having another fight?”

Huang Xiaolong laughed hearing Lil’ Tian’s question, “That’s


Lil’ Tian whooped with joy, “Really? I love fighting the most!”

Lin Wu scoffed with contempt, “Love fighting? Little bastard,

this is not your usual little children’s fight where you fool
around.” He naturally assumed the ‘fighting’ Lil’ Tian
referred to was nothing more than children getting rough for
a piece of candy.

“I hate people calling me little bastard!” Lil’ Tian’s eyes

turned red all of a sudden. A ferocious light gleamed in
them. The next thing everyone saw was Lil’ Tian aiming a
punch at Lin Wu.

Lin Wu snorted watching this, he didn’t really put an eight-

year-old kid in his eyes as he attacked dismissively at Lil’
Tian. But in the next moment, Lin Wu’s expression changed
as horror filled his eyes. When their fists connected, Lin Qu
realized too late that the small fist contained an
overwhelming power, instantly shattering the protective
barrier of his battle qi.
Lil’ Tian’s fist bulled straight at Lin Wu’s chest.

A scream rang out in the hall as Lin Wu’s body flew off
without resistance, crashing into a wall, leaving a large hole
behind while he rolled all the way to the back area.

Gu Feng, who was watching while planning how to get the

Nine Leaves Purple Grass and Human-shaped Purpleblood
Ginseng off Huang Xiaolong, was alarmed that Lin Wu ended
up being disadvantaged.

The expressions on Yang Ying, the rest of the group, as well

as the Castellan Manor’s guards mirrored Gu Feng’s.

Although Lin Wu’s cultivation hadn’t reached high-level

Xiantian realm, he was still a mid-level Xiantian realm
expert at late-Sixth Order Xiantian, yet he was sent flying by
a mere eight-year-old kid with a single punch!

Similar to the situation in Aowu shop a few hours before, the

spacious hall filled with people turned deathly quiet.

“Miss, Young Noble Lin is dead!” One of the Castellan Manor

guards that went to check Lin’s condition, came to Yang
Ying’s side and reported.

Dead! Yang Ying’s beautiful eyes widened.

The Lin Family was one of South Oblast City’s super families,
and Lin Wu, as one of the Lin Family’s main branch
descendants, was just killed!

On another side of the city, in the south side residence main

hall, an old man in red robes sat in the main seat. This old
man was none other than the Chief Steward of South Oblast
City’s Castellan Manor, Luo Yun, the one behind Aowu Shop.
All the Elders of the Aowu Shop were present, seated on
both sides of the hall.

“So, what all of you are saying is that a little child killed all
of our Aowu Shop’s fifty over Xiantian realm guards?!” Luo
Yun’s face darkened. He didn’t expect to receive such bad
news upon coming out from closed-door practice.

“Yes, that is so, Master.” Chen Ding stood up from his seat,
answering his Master.

Deep furrows creased Luo Yun’s forehead, “A small child?

Are you sure that it was a small child that attacked them?”

“Yes, an Elder from Autumn Shadow witnessed it.” Chen

Ding affirmed.

A certain light flickered in Luo Yun’s eyes as he pondered

aloud, “A small eight-year-old kid actually has the strength
to kill high-level Xiantian realm experts? There are three
possibilities; one, this child is actually a devil race expert,
due to practicing a certain kind of devil race cultivation
technique, whether it was his stature or appearance, they
look like a child’s. The second possibility is that person is
dwarf race expert.” Luo Yun’s voice paused here, scanning
the faces before him, “The third possibility is that child is
actually a demonic beast that has evolved into human

“Demonic beast that has evolved into human form?!”

“A Saint level demonic beast!”

Astonished gasps echoed in the hall.

Chen Ding was dumbfounded, “Master, that, that’s not

possible right? Could it be that all six of them are demonic

The rest of the Elders were also bewildered, thinking that

the possibility was too low.

In general, demonic beasts rarely ventuventured cities

dense with human population, because once they were
found out, they would be hunted by all human experts.

Furthermore, if the other side was really formed from

demonic beasts that had evolved, shouldn’t they keep a low
profile instead of making trouble in such blatant manner
within the city area in broad daylight? After all, South Oblast
City wasn’t just any city, there were many Saint realm
experts stationed there.

Luo Yun sounded grim, “Indeed, the possibility of Saint level

demonic beasts is very low, then, it is most likely they are
devil race experts.” His tone changed suddenly, “Where are
they now?”

Chen Ding answered, “The spy we sent to keep an eye on

them just sent a message back a while ago, those people
are currently at the Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm.”

“Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm?” One of the Elders present

jumped up from his seat in anxiety, blurting out: “Miss Yang
Ying went to the Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm this morning,
wanting to have some items appraised.”

“What?!” The expressions of everyone in the hall darkened.

“Quick, hurry, report to the Castellan!” Luo Yun hastened his

disciple Chen Ding, realizing the situation could go in the
wrong direction.
“Yes, Master!” Chen Ding complied, leaving the hall in swift

“All of you, follow me to the Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm

immediately!” Subsequently, Luo Yun barked an order to the
present Aowu Shop Elders.

The Elders bowed slightly in compliance.

Luo Yun promptly gathered all of Aowu Shop’s Elders and

departed towards the Archaic Peak Appraisal in grand
momentum, leaving a trail of dust behind them.

At the same time, inside the Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm’s

hall, Lil’ Tian’s small fists were swinging around
energetically. With each swing, there would be a South
Oblast City Castellan Manor’s guard sent flying out of the

Before the horrified faces of Yang Ying, Gu Feng, and the

others, soon, not one guard remained standing. They were
either thrown out from the building, or flung to a corner of
the hall, on the street, or rolled all the way to the back area.

A suffocating silence shrouded the hall.

In the midst of this silence, Huang Xiaolong retraced his

steps, back to the same place he sat earlier, and sat down.
Then, he pointed a finger at the Archaic Peak Appraisal
Firm’s boss, Gu Feng: “You, come over here.”

Gu Feng’s heart nearly jumped out of his chest, with

quivering legs he somehow managed to walk over to where
Huang Xiaolong was.

Huang Xiaolong once again took out the same Nine Leaves
Purple Grass and the Human-shaped Purplebood Ginseng,
placing them on the table in plain view. “Boss Gu, this Nine
Leaves Purple Grass and Human-shaped Purpleblood
Ginseng that you examined earlier, are you sure now that
they are really ten thousand years old?”

Huang Xiaolong’s gaze was like daggers looking at Gu Feng.

Gu Feng was tongue-tied with fear, “It’s, it’s slightly over ten
thousand years.”

A sharp glint flashed across Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, even at

this point, this Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm’s boss still dared
to deceive him without batting an eye.

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong’s snicker was absent of mirth,

“Did you think that I don’t know that these Nine Leaves
Purple Grass and Human-shaped Purpleblood Ginseng are
close to forty thousand years old?”
Chapter 401: Mister Luo Yun!

As those words drummed into Gu Feng’s ears, his legs grew

soft and buckled down.

“Young Noble, I, I, I made a momentarily mistake, it’s, it’s

actually close to forty thousand years!” Gu Feng quivered.

“A momentary mistake?” Huang Xiaolong sneered.

Exactly at this moment, the sound of sharp whistling wind

came from outside the hall. In a flicker, a group of people
led by an old man in red robes and a head full of gray hair
appeared in front of everyone in the hall.

“Mister Luo Yun!” The look of despair, fear, and

hopelessness on Gu Feng’s face vanished like the sun
coming out behind the clouds the moment he saw the old

Gu Feng felt like he had just run a lap around death’s door.

Needless to say, Luo Yun was a Xiantian realm expert.

Luo Yun was secretly relieved seeing that Yang Ying was
unharmed when he arrived, “Miss, are you alright?”

“I’m fine.” Yang Ying’s heart calmed down as if she found

her pillar of strength.

Gu Feng, who was kneeling in front of Huang Xiaolong,

turned over in Luo Yun’s direction. Then he swiftly getting up
to his feet, seeking safety at Luo Yun’s side, “Mister Luo, you
must save me.”

The Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm and Aowu Shop had always
maintained a good business cooperation. In these hundred
years, it was only due to Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm’s
assistance that Aowu Shop was able to amass its amazing

Luo Yun nodded at him before turning to Huang Xiaolong’s

group. But when he noticed the two giant puppets among
the group, he paused for a second, revealing a
contemplative expression.

In this short span of time, sounds of rushing wind continued

to echo as Aowu Shop’s line-up of Elders arrived one after

This scene made Yang Ying and Gu Feng’s worries disappear


Yang Ying said to Luo Yun, “Mister Luo Yun, just now this
lowly commoner insulted me with vulgar words, help me cut
off his tongue as punishment!” Those beautiful eyes shone
with anger as her finger pointed at Huang Xiaolong.

Luo Yun and all Aowu Shop Elders’ attention focused on

Huang Xiaolong. However, as if having Huang Xiaolong’s
tongue cut off wasn’t enough to vent Yang Ying’s anger, she
added another sentence in a sharp voice: “Then dig out his

Despite that, Luo Yun looked as if he didn’t hear Yang Ying’s

words, the contemplative expression remained on his face.

“Mister Luo Yun!” Noticing that her words seemed to fell on

deaf ears, Yang Ying increased her voice another notch.

This time, Luo Yun was pulled out from his thoughts.

Still, Luo Yun did not act upon Yang Ying’s request
immediately. Organizing his thoughts, he said to Yang Ying,
“Miss, I have already sent people to inform the Castellan. He
will be arriving shortly, let us wait for the Castellan to decide
on this matter.”

Yang Ying was stunned, half thinking that her ears must
have heard wrong. As South Oblast City Castellan Manor’s
Chief Steward, Luo Yun had always acted decisively and
ruthlessly. In the past, if something similar to today’s events
happened, Luo Yun would’ve made a move by now,
annihilating the other side down to the very last one! But
this time, Luo Yun dared not act?!

Dare not act?

But, before Yang Ying could speak again, Huang Xiaolong’s

voice sounded: “Kill them!”

The two giant puppets behind Huang Xiaolong moved. One

cornered Luo Yun, while the other faced the entire group of
Aowu Shop Elders.

Luo Yun was greatly shocked, the speed of the giant puppet
was way faster than his reaction speed. The giant puppet
had already raised its palm, striking Luo Yun’s chest.

“Spirit Ape Steps!” At the very last moment, Luo Yun was
jolted to his senses. His body spun away, agile like a spirit
ape, exerting all his effort to dodge the attack. At the same
time, Luo Yun’s palm aimed at the giant puppet’s torso.

“Demon King Shaking Heaven Palm!”

The palm attack howled in the air, exuding a whelming

demonic aura.

The Spirit Ape Steps was a movement technique that Luo

Yun found in an ancient cultivation cave, a unique technique
belonging to a God Realm master.

However, just as Luo Yun executed the beginning of his

Spirit Ape Steps, a tyrannical power surged toward him as
the giant puppet’s palm struck his chest. Simultaneously,
Luo Yun’s palm landed on the giant puppet’s torso.

Two resounding blasts rang out in the air, followed by a

tragic wail. The present people saw the mighty Castellan
Manor Chief Steward Luo Yun fall from the air, akin to a
broken kite, whereas the giant puppet merely wavered
slightly, retreating two steps.

Yang Ying, the Archaic Peak Appraisal Firm’s Boss Gu Feng,

and the others around watched as Luo Yun’s body flew
passed them, crashing into the opposite side of the street.
Luo Yun’s entire chest sunk in a gruesome manner as blood
spurted out from his mouth uncontrollably.

Another scream resounded in the hall as another human

figure was sent flying. From his robe, it was clear that
person was one of Aowu Shop’s Elder. The strongest
amongst these Aowu Shop Elder was merely peak late-
Xiantian Tenth Order, how could they resist against a Tenth
Order Saint realm puppet’s attack?

In front of Yang Ying, Gu Feng, and everyone’s horrified

eyes, these Aowu Shop Elders that rushed over were swiftly
dealt with by the two giant puppets in a few breaths’ time.

Once again, the spacious hall fell into a restless silence.

A raspy voice broke the silence, coming from Luo Yun as he

struggled to stand up, his eyes staring fixedly at the two
giant puppets with undisguisable fear.
“Mid-level Saint realm?!” His voice was shaky. That hit he
took from the giant puppet definitely contained the power of
a mid-level Saint realm expert.

He had spent the last few hundred years practicing the

Spirit Ape Steps and enhancing his physical body’s defense.
By now, it was much stronger than average experts on the
same level, comparable to Second Order Saint realm’s
physical toughness. Only Fourth Order Saint realm experts
were capable of injuring him to this extent.

Fourth Order Saint realm! Yang Ying, Gu Feng, and the rest
felt their minds hum staring at the giant puppets,

In the next moment, a question struck them. If these two

giants were that black-haired young man’s guards, then that
black-haired young man…?!

Huang Xiaolong stood up at this time, approaching Luo Yun

in slow unhurried stride. When he passed Yang Ying and Gu
Feng, both of them stiffened in fear, not even a hair dared to

“Who are you really?” Seeing Huang Xiaolong coming at

him, Luo Yun staggered back.

“Who I am is not important.” Huang Xiaolong shook his

head. At the end of that sentence, he raised a finger. The
Absolute Soul Finger shrouded with true essence fire burned
a hole through the center of Luo Yun’s eyebrows.

Luo Yun’s eyes widened as if he never imagined that Huang

Xiaolong would kill him, more precisely, would be able to kill
Vitality slipped away form Luo Yun’s body and he tumbled
down heavily.

With a casual wave, Huang Xiaolong kept Luo Yun’s body

and his spatial ring into the Linglong Treasure Pagoda.
Knowing that the Poison Corpse Scarabs could evolve, he
planned to put Luo Yun’s Saint realm corpse to good use.

Huang Xiaolong turned around, his attention on Yang Ying

and Gu Feng.

“No, don’t kill me!” Yang Ying’s delicate face turned pallid,
shaking her head as she pleaded in fear.

Huang Xiaolong raised a finger again, the force instantly

penetrated Gu Feng’s temple. Blood splattered all over Yang
Ying’s face. Watching Gu Feng’s body falling in her direction,
her shrill scream rendered the hall.

“Let’s go.” Huang Xiaolong said to Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and
Lil’ Tian.

Go? Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were baffled. They assumed

that Huang Xiaolong’s initial plan was to lure South Oblast
City’s Castellan, Yang Liang, and the person behind him,
Yang Qing over, then kill both of them once and for all. Why
did Sovereign change his mind all of a sudden?

Despite their doubt, neither asked anything, merely

complied with respect.

In a flicker, Huang Xiaolong’s group disappeared from view.

Not long after they left, the space in the Archaic Peak
Appraisal Firm rippled violently as several dark silhouettes
emerged from the void.
The new arrival was Yang Liang, and the backing behind
him, White Phoenix House’s Grand Elder Yang Qing.

“Ying’er!” The first thing Yang Liang saw was Yang Ying’s
blood-drenched face, sending him into a fright. He reached
Yang Ying’s side in an instant.

Whereas Yang Qing and several others spread out their

spiritual sense, searching every inch of space in the

By now, Huang Xiaolong’s group had already left South

Oblast City. A few hours after that, the group appeared
above a small mountain range.
Chapter 402: Arriving At
The Center Oblast
Chapter 402: Arriving At the Center Oblast

The group slowly descended on a mountain peak.

“Both of you find it strange that I did not take the chance to
kill Yang Liang and Yang Qing?” Huang Xiaolong noticed the
puzzled look on Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu’s face, guessing the
doubt they have.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong speak, both Zhao Shu and Zhang

Fu nodded.

Huang Xiaolong summarized in a simple sentence: “Our

main enemy is Deities Templar.”

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu both were stunned at first and then
nodded, understanding Huang Xiaolong’s meaning.

“But, Sovereign, after this incident, Deities Templar and

Chen Tianqi would be aware of our movements very soon,
knowing that we’ve arrived at Starcloud Continent.” Zhao
Shu cautioned.

“I have never intended to cover our tracks.” Huang Xiaolong

added, “I wanted to use this opportunity let Deities Templar
and Chen Tianqi know that I have arrived at Starcloud
Continent!” A sharp glint burst in the depth of Huang
Xiaolong’s pupils as he said this.

Chen Tianqi!
Deities Templar!

He must kill Chen Tianqi! And Li Molin must die as well!

“Tonight, we’ll rest here.” Huang Xiaolong said looking at

the darkening sky.

Zha Shu and Zhang Fu nodded.

Lil’ Tian chimed in, “Big brother, I’m going to hunt some
Tyrant Boars!”

Huang Xiaolong smiled hearing Lil’ Tian’s words, nodded:

“Good.” Huang Xiaolong wasn’t worried about Lil’ Tian’s
safety with his strength.

Tyrant Boars were Martial Spirit World’s lowest level

demonic beasts, and were also the most common demonic
beast. In most mountainous or forested areas, there would
always be Tyrant Boars roaming around.

Huang Xiaolong had just built a fire, but Lil’ Tian was already
back, carrying a few Tyrant Boars; one in each hand and two
more on his shoulders.

Watching this scene, all three people laughed.

Soon, the aroma of roasted Tyrant Boar meat wafted in the


After dealing with the Tyrant Boar meat, Huang Xiaolong

went into the Xumi Temple, observing the twelve crystal
primordial divine dragon statues and practicing the Twelve
Forms of the Dragon God.

At every moment, Huang Xiaolong’s body continued to

absorb the true dragon essence released by the Dragon
Pearl. True dragon essence could not only enhance one’s
battle qi cultivation, it also strengthened their soul.

Hence, although Huang Xiaolong did not practice the

Ancient Puppetry Art and Soul Mandate as much as he did in
the past, his spiritual force continued to grow stronger every
second of each passing day.

After one hour of observing the twelve crystal statues,

Huang Xiaolong closed his eyes. The images of twelve
primordial divine dragons emerged in his mind, constantly
changing, and his hands mimicked their movements.

A punch, a palm, a claw… True dragon qi turned into

shadows of real dragons in the Xumi Temple.

Huang Xiaolong, who was immersed in practicing the Twelve

Forms of the Dragon God, felt an abrupt change in his Qi

“This is..?!” Huang Xiaolong stopped what he was doing,

feeling dumbstruck. This was a sign that he was about to
breakthrough to Fourth Order Saint realm!

Huang Xiaolong quickly sat down cross-legged in the center

of the Ten Buddha Formation, simultaneously running the
Asura Tactics and the Body Metamorphose Scripture to calm
down the vigorous surging battle qi in his Qi Sea.

Saint Realm battle qi galloped in Huang Xiaolong’s

meridians in brute force, causing sharp pain in every part of
his body. Accompanying this sharp pain was the excruciating
torture originating from his soul, as if there were tens of
thousands of needles stabbing at his soul all at once.

Huang Xiaolong was afraid, but he held fast to his will,

diverting the flow of his Saint Realm battle qi to break the
Fourth Order Saint Realm barrier.

Half an hour went by.

Huang Xiaolong was entirely shrouded in a mist of true

dragon qi, and his silhouette could hardly be seen inside.
From time to time, a dazzling black light glimmered in the

The black and blue twin dragons hovered above Huang

Xiaolong’s head, emitting brilliant halos of black and blue.

He didn’t know how much time had passed when a crisp

noise sounded from inside his body. His body shook as three
different intense lights of gold, black, and ember-red flew
skyward. Terrifying waves of energy crashed out again and

Gradually, these energy shockwaves dispersed and the true

dragon qi returned to Huang Xiaolong’s body. A distinctive
glint shone in Huang Xiaolong’s pupils as he opened his
eyes. Sensing the abundant surging power flowing inside his
body, Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and punched the air.

Like a raging hurricane, the howling wind seemed

neverending, followed by a thunderous boom some distance
ahead. The power of Huang Xiaolong’s punch tore a hole in
the fabric of space!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes twinkled with delight seeing this

result. Just from this little test, he discovered that his
strength increased at least five to six fold after breaking
through to Fourth Order Saint realm.

Now, purely relying on the strength of his physical body,

Huang Xiaolong was confident that he had sufficient power
to kill an early Fifth Order Saint realm expert.
At the same time, Huang Xiaolong noticed that after he
broke through to Fourth Order Saint realm, the true essence
energy inside his dantian underwent a transformation.

In the past, Huang Xiaolong’s true essence energy swirled

above his dantian space, whereas now, it separated. No, it
grouped into seven clouds. Although they seemed smaller,
he clearly felt that the energy and power contained in these
seven small true essence clouds were undoubtedly more
lethal than before.

After checking the new changes in his body, Huang Xiaolong

exited the Xumi Temple in a satisfied mood.

Outside, the sky was clear and bright, with the sun hanging
right above their heads. It was already midday.

“Sovereign, you’re out!” Seeing Huang Xiaolong emerging,

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu greeted.

Detecting the worry on their faces, Huang Xiaolong asked,

“How long was I in closed-door practice this time?”

Zhang Fu replied: “Sovereign, this time, it has been eleven


“Eleven days?!” Huang Xiaolong was dumbfounded. He

assumed that it would be seven days, at most, but he
actually took eleven days.

“Sovereign, you, you broke through?!” Suddenly, Zhao Shu

looked at Huang Xiaolong with a stupefied expression.

After it was pointed out by Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu also noticed

that there was something different about Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong smiled sheepishly and nodded, “Yeah.”

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were overjoyed. Getting down on a
single knee, both congratulated in unison: “Congratulations
to Sovereign for breaking into the Fourth Order Saint

Fourth Order Saint realm! Once one stepped into Fourth

Order Saint realm, they were mid-level Saint realm experts,
both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu knew very well what this

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “Come, stand up.”

Only then did the two of them rise to their feet.

At this time Lil’ Tian ran over to Huang Xiaolong’s side,

saying, “Big brother, you’re out! Great, tonight we can eat
Tyrant Boar meat!”

Huang Xiaolong chuckled, “Tonight, we’ll roast ten of them!”

“Ten!!” Lil’ Tian’s eyes sparkled like stars at Huang

Xiaolong’s words.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong’s group left the place,

continuing on their way.

Several days later, they left the South Oblast territory.

The Asura’s Gate headquarters was located in the Central

Oblast of Starcloud Continent. To reach the Central Oblast,
Huang Xiaolong’s group had to travel through twenty cities
across the South Oblast. With their speed, they would need
two months to reach the Central Oblast.
Even though Starcloud Continent wasn’t filled with roaming
demonic beasts, Huang Xiaolong’s group still maintained
the same routine of traveling during the day while stopping
to rest or cultivate at night.

One month later, Huang Xiaolong finally stabilized his recent

breakthrough. During this one month, Huang Xiaolong had
fully subjugated all thirty thousand Poison Corpse Scarabs
from the Origin Forest.

Two months passed by.

In the air above a certain sea region located in the Central

Oblast, lights flickered and the silhouettes of Huang
Xiaolong, Lil’ Tian, and the rest appeared.

After a two month journey from the South Oblast, Huang

Xiaolong’s group finally reached the Central Oblast territory.

This part of the sea was on the east side of the Central
Oblast, named Peach Blossom Sea. The islands in this sea
were filled with flowering peach blossoms, pink petals were
carried out to the sea all year long, that was how the sea
was named Peach Blossom Sea.

“Sovereign, one of our Asura’s Gate branches is on one of

the islands in front, but the person in charge of this branch
is Chen Tianqi’s confidante, Wang Gang.” Zhao Shu said.
Chapter 403: None Of You
Can Escape!
Chapter 403: None of You Can Escape!

“Wang Gang.” Huang Xiaolong repeated the name in a

sneer, “It’s already been two months. Chen Tianqi and
Deities Templar must feel anxious waiting for us, it’s time to
let them know that we’ve arrived in Central Oblast!”

“Let’s go!”

Huang Xiaolong and the rest flew in the direction Zhao Shu
indicated earlier. The Asura’s Gate branch was on the Buji
Island, located on the south side of the Peach Blossom Sea,
in fact, it was close to where Huang Xiaolong had appeared
earlier. Thus, in less than half an hour, they already spotted
the Buji Island from a distance away.

Standing in the air above the Buji Island, Huang Xiaolong

could see that the island had a large land area with a
towering city erected in the center of the island. Although it
could hardly compare to an imperial city, it greatly dwarfed
any kingdom’s royal city.

“Let’s go down.” Huang Xiaolong said. Leading the group,

he gently floated down to the island.

Entering Buji City, the first thing Huang Xiaolong noticed

was that this Buji City was bigger and more prosperous than
he had imagined, no less than the imperial cities.
People bustling with activity could be found everywhere, it
was extremely lively.

Zhao Shu spoke, “Sovereign, this Peach Blossom Sea is

resource-rich, from sea beasts to ore mines, spirit herbs,
and elixirs, amongst others. Buji City is one of the main
trading hubs, that’s why it’s so busy.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

On both sides of the street, peach blossom trees were

planted at intermittent distances, and at this time of the
year, they bloomed gloriously. The peach blossoms added a
soothing element to the flurry of activity around.

‘If Li Lu was here, she’d like this Buji City.’ The thought
flickered in Huang Xiaolong’s mind, he knew that Li Lu liked
peach blossoms.

Peach blossoms in the spring were clean and romantic.

At this time, in Buji City’s Castellan Manor.

Wang Gang, who had a smaller build than the average men,
was listening to his subordinate steward reporting Buji City’s
current annual revenue. When the steward was finished with
his report, Wang Gang asked, “Recently, has any individual
that is out of the ordinary enter Buji City?”

The steward shook his head, replying that there were none.

Wang Gang waved his hand at the subordinate, excusing


“Master, is that Huang Xiaolong really as frightening as the

rumors claim to be?” A young man who has been present
the entire time at the side couldn’t resist asking. This young
man was Wang Gang’s eldest disciple, Deng Tong.

Wang Gang gave his eldest disciple a quick glance, saying, “

I know that you are very talented and had a fortuitous
adventure in the past, among the younger generation, you
have yet to meet anyone that could be your opponent.
However, there is a Heaven beyond the Heaven, mountains
beyond mountains. Keep in mind Master’s words, never
underestimate anyone.”

Deng Tong possessed a grade thirteen martial spirit, and by

some fortuitous adventure, swallowed some ancient divine
grade spirit pellets and elixirs and obtained a unique
cultivation technique left behind by an ancient God Tribe
master, enabling him to break through to Saint realm in a
short hundred years of cultivation. In the Central Oblast and
the surrounding oblasts, he had never met a worthy
opponent amongst the younger generation.

Deng Tong was unwilling, “Master, in my opinion, this Huang

Xiaolong is nothing but a little lucky. If I could get Heavenly
Treasures like the God Binding Ring and the Absolute Soul
Pearl like him, my cultivation speed would not be slower
than his, maybe even faster. Moreover, it’s unknown what
kind of dog shit luck he ran into, to be able to subjugate a
bunch of Poison Corpse Scarabs, that’s about the only thing
that other people fear. He has no real strength of his own.”

Wang Gang shook his head in silence at Deng Tong’s words.

He understood that this youth had always been a proud and
hot-blooded individual.

“Master, two months ago, that Huang Xiaolong was already

in the South Oblast, but he has yet to appear here in the
Central Oblast even after two months, he’s probably afraid
to show up!” Deng Tong continued, “Who knows, maybe he
got wind that Deities Templar’s Grand Elder Liu Yang
brought over Divine Dragon Armors and we no longer fear
those Poison Corpse Scarabs, that’s why he dares not show
up now!”

Wang Gang’s voice was solemn, “According to Huang

Xiaolong’s character, it’s probably not the case. If he hasn’t
shown up until now, he was most likely delayed by some
matters. The point is, we must be careful and act with

Deng Tong snorted with disdain, “Master, you’re worrying

too much. Other than our Asura’s Gate experts in Central
Oblast, there are Deities Templar’s Elders and also Grand
Elder Liu Yang. If Huang Xiaolong dared to show up, he’d
basically be presenting his life on a platter!”

Wang Gang shook his head, “If Huang Xiaolong is so easy to

kill, then Deities Templar wouldn’t have suffered time and
again in his hand.”

Deng Tong blamed, “Master, you’re magnifying others’

might and putting ours down. That Huang Xiaolong is
nothing but a fledgling, too naive. Does he really think that
simply getting the Asura Ring makes the Asura’s Gate
Sovereign? Domain Chief Chen Tianqi has a well thought out
plan. Grasping the Sovereign position in his hand and allying
with Deities Templar, sooner or later we will crush all other
forces and conquer Starcloud Continent!”

“That so-called Cosmos God Cult will be dust under our

Asura’s Gate’s glorious reign!” Deng Tong’s sonorous voice
echoed in the hall.

At this precise moment, a soft snicker sounded in the hall,

startling the master-disciple pair.
“Who is it?!” Deng Tong snapped in anger, his momentum
rapidly rose.

Before the two people’s alarmed eyes, space rippled as a

black-haired young man, two middle-aged men, and a small
child about seven to eight appeared in front of Wang Gang
and Deng Tong.

“Who are you people? Recklessly trespassing into Buji City’s

Castellan Manor!” Deng Tong shouted, his hands readied to

But Wang Gang stopped him: “Wait!” He stood up with a

surprised expression.

Deng Tong might not have recognized these uninvited

guests, but as an Asura’s Gate Domain Leader, how could
Wang Gang not recognize Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu?

Wang Gang’s gaze moved away from Zhao Shu and Zhang
Fu to the black-haired young man in front. Without a doubt,
this black-haired young man could only be one person—
Huang Xiaolong!

“So it’s Left Custodian Zhao Shu and Right Custodian Zhang
Fu.” Wang Gang suppressed the surprise in his heart,
cupping his hands in salute toward Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu.
His attitude could be considered as courteous, but then
again, it was only courtesy, there was no hint of respect in
his demeanor.

Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu! Deng Tong’s heart missed a beat

hearing their names. In a split second, his sight fell on
Huang Xiaolong.

“Wang Gang, you’re getting more presumptuous! Why

aren’t you kneeling in salute seeing the Sovereign?!” Zhao
Shu and Zhang Fu rebuked Wang Gang.

Wang Gang grinned nonchalantly, sarcasm in his voice,

“Sovereign? Left Custodian Zhao, Right Custodian Zhang, I
think old age has turned both of you muddle-headed.
Domain Chief Chen Tianqi has succeeded the Sovereign
position, and Sovereign Chen is the true Sovereign of
Asura’s Gate. This is acknowledged by everyone in the sect,
you want me to kneel in salute to an outsider? I, Wang
Gang, am incapable of doing so.”

As Wang Gang was saying all these, he secretly crushed a

transmission jade. Successfully doing so, he felt relieved
and more assured, as long as Sovereign Chen received the
message he sent, the experts of Asura’s Gate and Deities
Templar would rush over to aid him.

A strong killing intent burst in Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu’s

eyes hearing Wang gang’s words. This Wang Gang dared to
call them old and confused?

“When the Old Sovereign was still around, he had declared

that regardless of who it is, the person who has the Asura
Ring will succeed the Sovereign position!” Zhao Shu
continued icily, “Chen Tianqi dared to self-proclaim as
Sovereign. Following the Asura’s Gate rules, those with
malicious intentions, trying to usurp the Sovereign’s
position, will be treated as Asura’s Gate traitors and given
the death penalty without exception! Accomplices receive
the same punishment! Wang Gang, if you submit to the
Sovereign now, I can speak on your behalf, exempting your
death sentence!”

Unless there was no other option, Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu

didn’t wish for Huang Xiaolong to kill people who submitted
under Chen Tianqi, such as Wang Gang, otherwise, the
Asura’s Gate would lose more than a dozen Saint realm
experts, weakening the sect’s overall strength. At that time,
even if Huang Xiaolong managed to take over the Asura’
Gate, the sect would be kicked out from its status as one of
the twelve super forces on Starcloud Continent.

Huang Xiaolong had yet to utter a word. In fact, Huang

Xiaolong, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and Lil’ Tian had arrived
much earlier than the time they were detected, and were
concealed in the dark. Thus, they heard clearly the dialogue
between Wang Gang and Deng Tong.

“Exempt our death penalty?” It was Deng Tong. Sneering, he

went on, “That is what we should say to you. To tell you the
truth, my Master has already informed Sovereign Chen
moments ago. At this very second, Sovereign Chen and
Deities Templar’s experts probably have this place
surrounded! None of you can escape!”
Chapter 404: You’Re
Finally Here!
Chapter 404: You’re Finally Here!

Deng Tong wasn’t spouting empty threats, for Peach

Blossom Sea wasn’t far from the Asura’ Gate headquarters.

Once Chen Tianqi received the message sent by Wang

Gang, rushing over with Deities Templar experts would
require almost no time at all.

Despite that, Deng Tong saw the corners of Huang

Xiaolong’s mouth curve up in a mocking smile while
exchanging a look with Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu.

At the time when Huang Xiaolong broke through to Fourth

Order Saint realm, his insights into the binding power of the
God Binding Ring deepened. Before he ‘appeared’ in front of
Wang Gang and Deng Tong, he ‘binded’ the surrounding
space, blocking all connections to the outside world. Thus,
he wasn’t in the least worried about Chen Tianqi finding out
anything at all.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Deng Tong as he slowly strode

over to him.

Despite his previous arrogance, Deng Tong inexplicably

moved back watching Huang Xiaolong coming towards him.
He had loudly dismissed Huang Xiaolong’s strength as
weak, not putting him in his eyes, yet coming face to face
with Huang Xiaolong in person, fear reared its head in Deng
Tong’s heart.
“Summon your martial spirit.” Huang Xiaolong commanded
with a cold expression.

Deng Tong blanked.

“You only have one chance.” Huang Xiaolong stated.

An abrupt holler sounded from Deng Tong, his momentum

surged like an angry flood as a giant whale materialized
above his head. It was Deng Tong’s martial spirit, Deep Sea
Giant Whale. The Deep Sea Giant Whale was a peculiar
beast of the desolate era, a top grade thirteen martial spirit.

Deng Tong wasted no time in soul transforming the moment

his martial spirit appeared, instantly affecting the airflow in
the entire hall, causing it to turn viscous like water, even
emitting a slight salty-fishy smell of the sea.

It was as if everyone in the hall was transported into the

deep sea.

This was the Deep Sea Giant Whale’s innate ability,

naturalizing a foreign environment to become its territory.
When the surrounding environment was naturalized, it
significantly enhanced Deng Tong’s strength, at the same
time, it weakened the opponent’s strength.

“Huang Xiaolong, do you have the guts to fight me relying

on your own strength?!” The desire for battle was ablaze in
Deng Tong’s eyes: “Without using those Poison Corpse
Scarabs or any Heavenly Treasures heritage skills!”

Huang Xiaolong simply replied: “Make your move.” Not even

summoning his martial spirits.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong didn’t even summon his martial

spirits, a naked face-slapping humiliation in his eyes, fury
burned in Deng Tong.

“Great Sea Devour!” He bellowed, his jaws wide opened as

if he was about to swallow Huang Xiaolong whole. A
powerful devouring force pulled everything toward Deng

Despite that, Deng Tong saw Huang Xiaolong standing

steady under his powerful suction force, not to mention
Huang Xiaolong himself, not even the edge of his robe
fluttered in the slightest.

Deng Tong was taken aback.

While Deng Tong was immersed in his shock, Huang

Xiaolong made his move, his right hand clenched into a fist.
Just a simple, crude punch accurately hit Deng Tong’s face.

Sounds of breaking bones resounded in the air. In the next

second, Deng Tong’s entire person was hurtled into the air,
knocking down a stone pillar in the hall and went on to slam
into a wall behind it. Rubble from the wall fell to the floor.

Deng Tong struggled to get up. Everyone could see clearly

that the right side of his face was ruined, eye crooked,
mouth moved to a peculiar angle, and his entire neck was
twisted to the left side in an irrevocable damage.

Huang Xiaolong approach with a deadpan expression.

When Huang Xiaolong was in the Blessed Buddha Empire

some time ago, he had yet to advance to Fourth Order Saint
realm, but even the Chen Family’s top three Fourth Order
Saint realms together weren’t Huang Xiaolong’s opponents,
whereas it hadn’t even been a decade since this Deng Tong
stepped into Saint realm, how could he be Huang Xiaolong’s
“Mad Bear Palm!” A violent surging current aimed at Huang
Xiaolong from behind. Watching his eldest disciple fall at a
disadvantage, Wang Gang could no longer stand still and
snuck an attack on Huang Xiaolong from the back.

Just as Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were about to assist, Huang

Xiaolong spun back, countering Wang Gang with a palm. A
golden light lit up the hall as Buddhism energy filled the air.

Bang! A loud explosion resounded, next came Wang Gang’s

painful wail as he flew out, just like his disciple moments
earlier, crashing heavily to the floor. Tremors ran through
the ground from the impact.

Wang Gang was by no means weak, but then again, he was

merely an early Fifth Order Saint realm. If it was the Huang
Xiaolong who had yet to advance to Fourth Order Saint
realm, in order to defeat Wang Gang, he’d need to exert a
little more effort, but for the current Huang Xiaolong, it was
an easy thing.

Crashing to the floor, Wang Gang spewed blood again and


“Master!” Deng Tong cried out in disbelief. His Master was a

Fifth Order Saint realm expert, yet his Master failed to
withstand one palm strike from Huang Xiaolong? Moreover,
Huang Xiaolong did not even call out his martial spirits, and
did not soul transform. Just his physical toughness reached
this horrifying extent!

At this moment, Deng Tong finally understood that the real

Huang Xiaolong was even scarier than the rumors.

Huang Xiaolong’s cold gaze fell on Wang Gang, “Wang

Gang, considering the contributions you made to Asura’s
Gate for the last several hundred years, I’m giving you
another chance, submit to me now and I will spare your

Wang Gang smiled through his misery, “Huang Xiaolong, say

no more. I am only loyal to Sovereign Chen, I will never
submit to you, the other Domain Leaders are the same, all
of us are loyal and will only serve under Sovereign Chen.
You want to be Asura’s Gate Sovereign? Impossible!”

On Wang Gang’s last syllable, Huang Xiaolong raised a

finger, the Absolute Soul Finger penetrated a hole through
Wang Gang’s head through his brows.

Blood spurted out like a fountain to the floor. Wang Gang’s

eyes widened in shock before his eyes dimmed, tumbling

Perhaps Wang Gang assumed that Huang Xiaolong wouldn’t

kill him so easily.

Deng Tong stared stupidly at the corpse of his Master, Wang


A Fifth Order Saint realm died just like that?! Ended…?!

He looked at Huang Xiaolong, the fear in his eyes

heightened. For the first time in his life, he felt the horror of

Especially when Huang Xiaolong looked straight at him.

“Huang Xiaolong, don’t kill me, I, I can submit to you!” Deng

Tong blurted out the only thing he could think of.

“Submit to me?” Huang Xiaolong sneered, “Weren’t you

boasting earlier that your dear Sovereign Chen has
everything well planned and all the forces on Starcloud
Continent would be conquered by him sooner or later? Why
are you betraying your Sovereign Chen so willingly now?”

Deng Tong didn’t know how to answer. He realized that

Huang Xiaolong heard everything that was said between his
master and him.

Huang Xiaolong raised his hand again.

Deng Tong’s pupils shrank with fear and his silhouette

flickered, wanting to escape, however, the moment he
moved, Huang Xiaolong’s finger imprint pierced through his

Looking at the two corpses, Huang Xiaolong transferred

them into the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, to be devoured by
the Poison Corpse Scarabs so that they could continue
evolving. Cleaning up the scene slightly, together with Zhao
Shu, Zhang Fu, and Lil’ Tian, the four of them disappeared
from the building.

Leaving Buji City, Huang Xiaolong did not head to the

Asura’s Gate headquarters immediately, instead, they
visited another branch.

Night slowly took over the sky.

On the south side of Central Oblast, undulated mountains

shaped the earth, resembling a phoenix. When night
arrived, those mountains glimmered faintly. This was the
Heavenly Sky Phoenix Mountain. Asura’s Gate headquarters
was located on the highest peak of this Heavenly Sky
Phoenix Mountain.

At this hour, in the great hall of Asura’s Gate headquarters,

Chen Tianqi, clad in an ink-black robe, was sitting on the
majestic throne. The faint black patterns at the corners of
his eyes seemed to throb with an eerie black light.

Ever since Huang Xiaolong appeared in Starcloud

Continent’s South Oblast, Chen Tianqi had ordered all the
Domain Leaders to report to him every day at this hour the
situation in their branch. But, just now, Peach Blossom Sea’s
Wang Gang and Harmony Valley’s Lin Gun did not report to

Which meant there was problem: both of them met with


“Huang Xiaolong, you’re finally here!” Chen Tianqi muttered

to himself, his body shrouded in a silvery white light as an
intense warring thirst burst out.

He had been waiting for a long time for this day to arrive.

“Go, inform Deities Templar’s Senior Liu Yang and Senior Li

Molin that Huang Xiaolong is here!” Chen Tianqi instructed
one of his Domain Leader subordinates below the dais.
Chapter 405: We Have
Been Waiting A Long Time
For You
Chapter 405: We Have Been Waiting A Long Time for You

“Huang Xiaolong?!” That Domain Leader was surprised, but

saluted smartly and then retreated from the great hall in a
hurry to notify Deities Templar’s Liu Yang and Li Molin.

Chen Tianqi pondered for a moment and decided to recall all

Domain Leaders from the branches to assemble at to the
headquarters. When that was done, Chen Tianqi snickered,
“Huang Xiaolong, I wonder which stage of the Asura Tactics
you are at. I hope you won’t disappoint me.”

In a flicker, Chen Tianqi’s figure disappeared from the great

hall, leaving on the quiet, serene hall.

At the same time, in a mountain forest on the northern side

of the Central Oblast, a small bonfire crackled merrily, a
wonderful aroma of roast meat weaved between wine
fragrance suffused the air.

“Sovereign, those Domain Leaders are extremely loyal to

Chen Tianqi, it seems that making them submit will be
difficult!” Beside the bonfire, Zhang Fu commented.

Both Domain Leaders of Peach Blossom Sea and Harmony

Valley were so.
“If they do not submit, then kill all of them!” A strong
bloodlust glinted in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu exchanged a look.

“Sovereign, if things continue that way, our Asura’s Gate’s

strength would diminish greatly, I’m afraid…” Zhao Shu
hesitated to go on.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu saying, “I

know what you’re concerned about, but don’t worry, after I
take over Asura’s Gate, I have ways to enhance Asura’s
Gate overall strength, making it stronger than ever!”

Both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were perplexed, neither had

any knowledge to the ‘ways’ Huang Xiaolong mentioned.
Both of them were aware that Huang Xiaolong had a lot of
divine grade spirit pellets, and definitely not lacking in high-
grade Heaven rank cultivation techniques, but despite that,
to nurture a Saint realm expert for a force couldn’t purely
rely on just spirit pellets and cultivation techniques.

It needed the long-term accumulation of a force’s resources.

Although doubtful, they did not pursue the matter.

“Sovereign, on top of that, this subordinate is worried about

the Elders at the headquarters. This subordinate has been
trying to get in touch with the Elders at the headquarters
but received no reply. Not one.” Zhao Shu looked concerned,
“Could something have happened to the Elders at the

Zhang Fu also wore a worried look, “These headquarters

Elders have always resisted Chen Tianqi, but now that Chen
Tianqi has allied himself with Deities Templar, sweeping
away the obstacles that these Elders were…!” the words
trailed off here at the worst possibility.
All of Asura’s Gate headquarters Elders eliminated!

Working in cahoots with Deities Templar, Chen Tianqi was

definitely capable of doing that.

Huang Xiaolong’s voice was somber, “Perhaps not, I think

Chen Tianqi most likely has all the resisting Elders locked up

Zhao Shu sighed heavily, “I hope so.”

Zhang Fu felt the same heaviness. If the group of Elder was

annihilated by Chen Tianqi and Deities Templar, and Huang
Xiaolong was now killing off Asura’s Gate Saint realm
experts one by one, it was inevitable that the Asura’s Gate
would be kicked out from the ranking of the twelve super

The night passed without any more words and light

gradually replaced the dark sky.

Huang Xiaolong exited the Godly Xumi Temple.

These days, he had been practicing the nine different

Golden Dragon Pill Refinement Tactics with diligence. After a
two months’ effort, Huang Xiaolong mastered the first
Dragon Clan pill refinement tactic. It was an advanced grade
tactic, Dragon Weaving through the Clouds.

Practicing pill refinement tactics was similar to cultivating, it

took into consideration one’s comprehension ability. In
general, for someone to familiarize themselves and further
master a pill refinement tactic, it would take years, even
decades, but Huang Xiaolong managed to do it in two
months’ time.
Reappearing in the outside world, the first thing Huang
Xiaolong saw was Lil’ Tian dozing on top of a big boulder, his
snores sounded at a regular rhythm as saliva drooled from
his mouth.

This scene brought a smile to Huang Xiaolong’s face. This

little guy’s presence brought liveliness to their otherwise
dull journey.

Being cautioned by Huang Xiaolong, the little guy no longer

went looking for fights everywhere, and was more well-
behaved, for Huang Xiaolong scared him, saying that if he
didn’t listen, there wouldn’t be any more roast Tyrant Boar

Evidently, nothing could beat roast Tyrant Boar in the little

guy’s eyes.

A short while later, Lil’ Tian woke up, rubbing his eyes.
Spotting Huang Xiaolong, he asked, “Big brother, can I fight

Huang Xiaolong smiled, “You can when I say you can.”

The next question that came out from the little guy’s mouth
was if there’s roast Tyrant Boar for dinner?

This had become a habit. Every morning, when Lil’ Tian

woke up, the first question he would ask was if he could
fight today, and the second question was: is there roast
Tyrant Boar for dinner?

When Huang Xiaolong confirmed that there would be roast

meat for dinner, the little guy would jump into the air,
clapping his hands in delight.
The group left the spot moments later, continuing on their
way towards Asura’s Gate third branch.

Huang Xiaolong intended to subjugate the Domain Leaders.

Those who refused would be killed, weakening Chen Tianqi’s
forces at the same time. Then, he would head to the
headquarters for the final confrontation with Chen Tianqi.

However, they arrived at the third branch only to discover

that the Domain Leader of this branch was absent. In fact,
all the disciples were nowhere to be seen as well.

“Looks like Chen Tianqi already knows that we’ve arrived in

Central Oblast.” Huang Xiaolong sneered.

“What should we do next, Sovereign?” Zhao Shu inquired.

“Head straight to the headquarters.” Huang Xiaolong stated

in a cold voice.

“Sovereign, Deities Templar forged sets of Divine Dragon

Armor, I’m afraid that the Poison Corpse Scarabs…” Zhang
Fu hesitated. Huang Xiaolong’s biggest trump card were
those Poison Corpse Scarabs, with those Divine Dragon
Armors forged by Deities Templar, rushing recklessly to the
headquarters just relying on their strength, they would be
powerless against Chen Tianqi and the Deities Templar.

“Don’t worry, I have my plan.” A light flashed in his eyes.

“Let’s go.”

Thus, following Huang Xiaolong’s order, the group headed

straight to the Asura’s Gate headquarters. In half a day’s
time, they reached the Heavenly Sky Phoenix Mountain.
It was dusk by the time the four of them stepped on the
Heavenly Sky Phoenix Mountain. The scenery on Heavenly
Sky Phoenix Mountain at this time of the day as the fiery
ember sunset glow fell on earth added a touch of tranquil

Yet, underneath this tranquility, Huang Xiaolong detected a

surging killing intent.

“It seems like Chen Tianqi has been waiting for us for a long
time.” Huang Xiaolong said coldly, in a flicker, he, Zhao Shu,
Zhang Fu, and Lil’ Tian flew towards the great hall of Asura’s
Gate. Moments later, they descended on the square in front
of the great hall. The square in front of the Asura’s Gate
great hall was large enough to accommodate ten thousand

At the sides of the square, there were statues of Asuras with

grim expressions, holding wicked looking spears, blades,
and swords, emitting a frigid aura of death and slaughter.

Just as Huang Xiaolong and the others’ feet landed on the

ground, an obnoxious laughter reverberated in the square.

“Huang Xiaolong, we’ve been waiting a long time for you!”

Several silhouettes flew out from the central great hall and
stood some distance in front of Huang Xiaolong.

These people were none other than Chen Tianqi and a group
of Asura’s Gate Domain Leaders. It did not end there
though, space rippled as more people emerged from the
void, Li Molin, and the rest of Deities Templar group of

The experts on Deities Templar’s side seemed armed to the

teeth with a full set of deep red armor, the torso area of
each armor was inscribed with a divine dragon symbol.
Dragon spikes formed defensive barriers on both arms and
legs. Li Molin and the Deities Templar Elders exuded a faint
coercive dragon might with the armor on them. Those deep
red spiky armors that the fifteen of them were wearing were
the fabled Divine Dragon Armors that Deities Templar forged
from the Dragon corpses.

Li Molin and the fourteen Elders spread out, encircling

Huang Xiaolong’s group and blocking all of Huang
Xiaolong’s escape routes.

“Huang Xiaolong, I didn’t expect you to really have the guts

to come!” Li Molin looked at Huang Xiaolong, her icy gaze
matched her coldness in her voice.
Chapter 406: Can Evolve?

Huang Xiaolong’s face remained his usual calm, “Oh, why

wouldn’t I dare to come?”

Huang Xiaolong’s reply made the killing intent in Li Molin’s

eyes even stronger. She smiled, yet it didn’t reach her cold
gaze, “Huang Xiaolong, do you really think just because you
subjugated some Poison Corpse Scarabs that you’re
invincible between this heaven and earth? We have the
Divine Dragon Armor, those Poison Corpse Scarabs of yours
are useless against us!”

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong retorted with nonchalance.

“Huang Xiaolong, hand over the God Binding Ring and

Absolute Soul Pearl.” Liu Yang, who was standing beside Li
Molin, interjected coldly, “Don’t even think that you can run,
the space in this whole area has been locked down by us
using Golden Silkworm Thread, if you obediently hand over
the God Binding Ring and Absolute Soul Pearl, we can
consider letting you die more comfortably!”

Golden Silkworm Thread was a rare spiritual item that could

cut off space connection. Although a Saint realm expert
could manipulate space, if space was entirely locked even
they couldn’t escape.

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu’s faces tightened—Golden Silkworm


Neither one of them expected Deities Templar to have such

a thing.

Both of them were aware of how terrifying Golden Silkworm

Thread was, the legendary Golden Silkworm Thread
produced every ten thousand years. It was tough enough to
flay the flesh of a Saint realm expert. The Golden Silkworm
Thread’s sharpness was evident.

However, Huang Xiaolong blatantly ignored Liu Yang,

shifting his attention onto Chen Tianqi’s group, revealing the
Asura Ring on his finger.

The moment the Asura Ring emerged, it reflected a cold

glint in the setting sunlight, exuding an inviolable
mysterious power.

“Asura Ring!” The group of Domain Leaders behind Chen

Tianqi paled slightly looking at the Asura Ring, yet there was
an indescribable excitement in their eyes at the same time.

The Asura Ring was the highest symbol of the Asura’s Gate.

Huang Xiaolong snapped, “Seeing the Asura Ring is like

seeing the Sovereign, kneel down!” Huang Xiaolong’s voice
carried a power that jarred their minds.

The group of Domain Leaders behind Chen Tianqi shook.

Their knees bent slightly, about to kneel down in salute
when Chen Tianqi’s loud bellow brought them back to their

Chen Tianqi faced Huang Xiaolong with a sarcastic sneer,

“Huang Xiaolong, do you reckon that with a mere Asura
Ring, you really are the Asura’s Gate Sovereign? Truly
ridiculous! I succeeded the Sovereign position based on the
unanimous vote of all Domain Leaders, thus I am the rightful
Sovereign. Huang Xiaolong, since you’re my Master’s
disciple, that means you’re also my Asura’s Gate disciple.
Seeing this Sovereign, why aren’t you kneeling down in
While saying this, Chen Tianqi looked at Zhao Shu and
Zhang Fu, ordering in a stern tone, “Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu,
before this Sovereign why aren’t you kneeling down in
salute? You two know very well that those not kneeling
when seeing the Sovereign will be dealt with as traitors!”

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu’s expression sank. It never occurred

to them Chen Tianqi would reverse black to white, turning
the tables on them, claiming them to be traitors instead!

One of the Domain Leaders, Gu Wen, behind Chen Tianqi

stepped forward with a sneer, “Huang Xiaolong, Peach
Blossom Sea, and Harmony Valley’s Domain Leaders were
killed by you, right? As an Asura’s Gate disciple, killing
brothers of the same sect, do you know your crime? Kneel
down and seek mercy from Sovereign Chen!”

Huang Xiaolong’s expression became grim, “Since that’s

your choice, then all of you can go to hell!”

Chen Tianqi burst out in a rancorous laughter: “Audacious!

Huang Xiaolong, do you think that you’re a God Realm

Gu Wen and the rest of Domain Leaders laughed out loud.

Although Huang Xiaolong had the Poison Corpse Scarabs,

the Deities Templar’s experts had the Divine Dragon Armors,
therefore, in Chen Tianqi’s and the Asura’s Gate Domain
Leaders’ view, Huang Xiaolong’s Poison Corpse Scarabs had
lost their lethality.

At this time, Lil’ Tian’s voice sounded, “Big brother, can I

fight later?”

Huang Xiaolong was stunned, then a brilliant smile

appeared on his face, “You can. Later, when you fight, hit as
hard as you can.”

Lil’ Tian was ecstatic receiving Huang Xiaolong’s permission

and seriously nodded his little head, “Alright, I will use all
my energy as if someone is robbing milk from me!”

Huang Xiaolong chuckled.

Then, Li Molin’s low bellow sounded, her figure flickered into

a blur. When she appeared, there was a long azure sword in
her hand, pointed straight at Huang Xiaolong.

The azure longsword emitted a curtain of azure glow, sharp

sword intent bursting out in all four directions. There was no
doubt that this azure longsword was a godly weapon.

This time, Deities Templar made a conviction to kill Huang

Xiaolong at all costs. That was why, not only did they take
out the rare spiritual Golden Silkworm Thread, but all fifteen
Deities Templar’s Elders present were also equipped with a
godly weapon like Li Molin’s.

Almost at the same time, Li Molin attacked Huang Xiaolong.

Liu Yang and the rest of Deities Templar Elders also acted,
launching their attacks toward Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu,
and Zhang Fu’s direction.

A cold sneer flashed across Chen Tianqi’s face watching

things unfold.

This was something agreed beforehand between him and

Deities Templar, they would resolve Huang Xiaolong and his
group. But, of course, he also promised Deities Templar a lot
of good things.

Because Deities Templar also had plans to expand to

Starcloud Continent.
Asura’s Gate cooperating with Deities Templar was
beneficial to Deities Templar’s foundation on Starcloud

Just when Li Molin’s attack was about to reach Huang

Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong and Lil’ Tian suddenly
disappeared from view. While a black cloud materialized in
the air out of nowhere.

“Poison Corpse Scarabs!” One of the Deities Templars’ face

ashen, exclaiming out loud.

Everyone was instantly alerted.

“Why are there so many Poison Corpse Scarabs! Didn’t the

message say that there were only ten thousand?!” Liu Yang
stared at the large black cloud formed by the Poison Corpse
Scarabs in shock.

According to their information, the number of Poison Corpse

Scarabs that Huang Xiaolong subjugated was no more than
ten thousand. But the black swarm of Poison Corpse Scarabs
was not just twenty thousand, it was at least thirty

The number also frightened Li Molin, but a cold sneer soon

sounded from her, “it doesn’t matter how many there are,
we are wearing the Divine Dragon Armors and have godly
weapons in our hands! To kill these Poison Corpse Scarabs
will be effortless!” She waved the azure longsword in her
hand to the cloud of Poison Corpse Scarabs to demonstrate
to everyone.

Zhenggg—! A crisp sound rang.

However, in the next second, Li Molin’s face warped

unpleasantly, for those Poison Corpse Scarabs cut by her
azure longsword did not split in two!

‘What is happening?! These Poison Corpse Scarabs’

toughness actually reached such a terrifying extent, not
even a godly weapon can kill them?!’

Liu Yang and the others looked just as grim, having the
same results as Li Molin.

Li Molin swung out her azure longsword once more, and an

azure curtain of sword intent slashed across space, sending
more than a dozen Poison Corpse Scarabs tumbling back in
the air. Yet, moments later, those insects beat their wings
and flew up again, continuing to attack.


“How are these Poison Corpse Scarabs’ defenses to

horrifying?!” Li Molin shrieked.

Only at this moment did Huang Xiaolong and Lil’ Tian’s

silhouettes appear again.

Huang Xiaolong looked around, sneering, “I forgot to tell

you, these Poison Corpse Scarabs can actually evolve.” In
the last months, in order to push the Poison Corpse Scarabs’
evolution, he even took out some Dragon Blood Crystals he
collected from the Ancient Dragon Clan ruins to feed them.

Huang Xiaolong noticed that after swallowing those Dragon

Blood Crystals, their evolution was faster compared to
purely eating Saint realm experts’ corpses by several times.

In the end, Huang Xiaolong even took out Divine Dragon

Pills to feed these Poison Corpse Scarabs. In the last several
months, they had scourged more than three hundred pieces
of Huang Xiaolong’s Dragon Blood Crystals and one hundred
Divine Dragon pellets.

“They can evolve!!” Li Molin, Liu Yang, and everyone who

heard it turned sickly white.

Including Chen Tianqi and the Asura’s Gate group of Domain

Leaders. It never occurred to them that these Poison Corpse
Scarabs could evolve, and their defense could be raised to
this terrifying level!
Chapter 407: Sovereign’S
Divine Might!
Chapter 407: Sovereign’s Divine Might!

Huang Xiaolong ignored the shock on the faces of the

Deities Templar experts. His figure flickered, appearing in
front of Chen Tianqi, and slowly walked towards him alone.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong’s sudden appearance in front of

them, Chen Tianqi and his group were startled and
subconsciously took a step back.

“Huang Xiaolong, what do you want to do?” Chen Tianqi

blurted out.

Huang Xiaolong snorted disdainfully at Chen Tianqi’s words,

“What I want to do?” Noticing Chen Tianqi alarmed
expression, he snickered, “Don’t worry, against you all, I
need not need to use Poison Corpse Scarabs.”

Detecting the taste of ridicule in Huang Xiaolong’s tone,

Chen Tianqi and the Asura’s Gate Domain Leaders were
angered, half from embarrassment. Before they could say
anything, a bright light flashed as a pair of gleaming black
blades appeared in Huang Xiaolong’s hands.

“The Blades of Asura!” Chen Tianqi stared fixedly at the

blades in Huang Xiaolong’s hands. Ever since his Master,
Ren Wokuang, disappeared more than five decades ago,
Chen Tianqi had been looking for these Blades of Asura.
These blades had always been the godly weapons of his
That year, when Ren Wokuang accepted him as a disciple,
Ren Wokuang once displayed the Asura Sword Skill in front
of Chen Tianqi. The domineering aura, bloodthirst, and
tyranny of the Blades of Asura was deeply imprinted into his
mind. He saw himself conquering heroes of the world with
the Blades of Asura in his hands.

“Correct, the Blades of Asura.” The feverish desire in Chen

Tianqi’s eyes did not escape Huang Xiaolong’s notice. His
voice was bone-chilling cold, “Chen Tianqi, you coveted the
Sovereign’s position and contradicted Master’s will! Today, I
shall use these Blades of Asura to rid the sect of the
treacherous disciple that you are! You should have no regret
dying under the Blades of Asura!”

Chen Tianqi retorted without losing momentum, “Let me die

under the Blades of Asura? What conceited words! Huang
Xiaolong, without the Poison Corpse Scarabs, do you think
that you are my opponent?” The atmosphere around Chen
Tianqi surged, above his head emerged a figure that exuded
a pure holy aura, with twelve wings at its back, while one
hand held a pointed sharp spear.

This was Chen Tianqi’s top grade thirteen martial spirit, the
Twelve Winged War Angel! The angel with the highest battle
prowess among its kind!

Chen Tianqi wasted no time in soul transforming the instant

his martial spirit emerged.

After soul transforming, Chen Tianqi’s hair and eyebrows

glittered in soft gold, a golden angelic armor fitted his body
as rings of golden halo emerged from his body one after

A surge of bright luminance expanded around Chen Tianqi,

filling the entire Asura Square with a bright holy aura,
cleansing away everything that was dark and cold.

Chen Tianqi pushed his momentum to the fullest, his cold

eyes looked at Huang Xiaolong, “Huang Xiaolong, you and I
battle one on one, dare you come to accept your death?”
Without waiting for an answer, Chen Tianqi leaped high up
to the sky.

Huang Xiaolong’s frigid voice matched the look in his eyes,

“Why wouldn’t I dare!” His silhouette followed and
disappeared in the blink of an eye.

A gust of hell tempest rolled out, howling cries of

underworld creatures reverberated in the air.

Since Huang Xiaolong broke through Fourth Order Saint

realm, the attack power of his Asura Sword Skill increased
significantly; the first move, Tempest of Hell, truly felt as if it
was a disastrous tornado that originated from hell,
destroying everything, killing everything.

Chen Tianqi stabbed out the long spear in his hand.

“Battle Flames of the World!” A torrent of spear images

rained down, accompanied by platinum flames burning
through space. A volley of exploding air resounded as the
spear images fell sharply in Huang Xiaolong’s direction,
colliding with the wind vortices.

Huang Xiaolong was slightly surprised watching the

opponent’s flames actually withstand the attacks from the
Tempest of Hell.

“Sovereign, those are angelic flames, you must be careful!”

Zhao Shu’s cautioned words sounded from the ground
Angel’s flame!

Angelic flames were among the most powerful flames of the

light element. They were said to be to be able to incinerate
all darkness, all negativity and cold gloom.

“Huang Xiaolong, how’s the taste of my angelic flame?”

Chen Tianqi’s smug snicker sounded in Huang Xiaolong’s
ears, “I forgot to tell you, coincidentally, my angelic flame is
the very bane to your Asura qi!”

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong was still as nonchalant, Asura

qi continued to surge out from Huang Xiaolong’s body,
transforming into the Asura Physique. In the next moment,
the black and blue twin dragons flew out and he instantly
soul transformed.

After Huang Xiaolong soul transformed, the Blades of Asura

in his hands swung out once again.

Countless blade lights turned into lightning dragons,

weaving in the air like great tidal waves, submerging Chen

The fourth move of the Asura Sword Skill: State of Abundant


Chen Tianqi was startled for a second, but very quickly he

raised the sharp spear in his hand.

“The Avenue of Brightness!”

With a thrust, spear shadows cascaded in layers, forming a

dazzling ray of holy brightness. The power of light surged
forth, rolling like a tsunami as if nothing could halt its divine
The Tempest of Hell continued to collide with the holy light
and was actually split by the bright beam. In the places
where the bright beam passed, even the Tempest of Hell

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed, he didn’t expect Chen

Tianqi’s bright luminance to be so powerful. Not to mention,
Chen Tianqi was a peak late-Fifth Order Saint realm, just a
mere thin line separated him and the Sixth Order Saint

Watching the Tempest of Hell disperse before his bright

luminance power, Chen Tianqi’s long spear continued
forward towards Huang Xiaolong, a smug smile on his face,
“Huang Xiaolong, this is the extent of your Asura Sword
Skill? Haha, it is only so-so!”

At this time, the Domain Leaders watching from below

cheered seeing the might of their Sovereign Chen.

“Sovereign is mighty!” Domain Leader Gu Wen grinned,

“Huang Xiaolong is nothing but a traitor, yet he dreamed of
being the Sovereign? That’s nothing but a laughable
daydream! I say he won’t last ten moves from our

“Ten moves?” Another Domain Leader snickered, “Our

Sovereign has yet to battle seriously, if Sovereign really
battle, that Huang Xiaolong can’t even last three moves!”

The group of Domain Leaders echoed one another, lauding

their Sovereign’s prowess with obnoxious laughter.

Initially, they were a little worried, but now, watching Chen

Tiangqi’s bright luminance power suppressed Huang
Xiaolong’s Asura’s qi, they finally relaxed.
Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu brows creased deeply. Despite that,
they understood this was the decisive battle between Huang
Xiaolong and Chen Tianqi, not something they could
interfere in.

However, watching the group of Domain Leaders making fun

of Huang Xiaolong, Lil’ Tian couldn’t hold back, he eyed the
group in anger: “I want to beat up all of you!” His small fists
swung out, exerting the strength he used to suck milk from
mother’s breast, striking at one of the Asura’s Gate Domain

Seeing this, that Domain Leader was angered being

provoked by a little kid, “Little imp, you’re courting death!”
His palm struck outward, wanting to kill Lil’ Tian with one
strike, obviously Lil’ Tian wasn’t worth much of an effort in
his eyes.

But in the next moment, that Domain Leader’s face

tightened, just when he wanted to dodge, he was struck in
the chest by Lil’ Tian full power fist. A tragic wail sounded as
he was sent flying.

Up in the air, Huang Xiaolong looked at Chen Tianqi’s smug

face, a sneer curved up at the corner of Huang Xiaolong’s
mouth. In truth, he did not use any real effort, the first two
moves were merely warm up.

“Wrath of the Nether King!”

The Blades of Asura in Huang Xiaolong’s hand swung out


Two glaring blade lights shot out, reaching Chen Tianqi in

the blink of an eye, causing Chen Tianqi to be flustered. A
holy bright luminance burst out from his body: “Angel’s
Almighty Barrier!” The holy power surged out frantically
around Chen Tianqi, forming a sturdy bright shield around

Huang Xiaolong’s Wrath of Nether King crashed directly on

the barrier, causing a ripple on the shield’s surface. The
bright shield quivered but remained intact.

Watching this, Chen Tianqi felt even more confident, “Huang

Xiaolong, you only have these moves? Why don’t you show
everything you’ve got? Otherwise, you might not have the
chance to counter later!”

“Flower of the Other Shore!”

Two blooms of dark flowers suddenly materialized out of thin

air, slamming into the holy shield, causing it to shake more
Chapter 408: Definitely
Has Given Birth Before
Chapter 408: Definitely has Given Birth Before

After the Flower of Other Shore, a strange crimson eyeball

appeared in front of Chen Tianqi.

The eerie crimson eyeball spun at high speed in the air, and
Chen Tianqi felt his mind gradually succumb to a bout of

“Eye of Reincarnation!” Chen Tianqi was genuinely shocked.

As Ren Wokuang’s disciple, following beside his Master for

over two hundred years, it could be said that he knew the
moves of the Asura Sword Skill like the back of his hand.
The Eye of Reincarnation’s form of attack was extremely
peculiar, not only could it attack one spiritually, it could also
attack the enemy physically.

Suddenly, a loud crack rang out. Chen Tianqi’s face sank

instantly, this cracking was the sound of his almighty barrier
breaking. His eyes widened in alarm as a sharp blade light
slashed across space at him. He swung out the long angel
battle spear in his hand, sending out myriad angel flames.

At the same time, his figure flickered into a blur, but it was
still a step too late.

The sharp blade light slashed through the wall of angel

flames, slitting Chen Tianqi’s throat. Blood trickled down.
Chen Tianqi staggered. When he steadied himself, he was
both scared and angry feeling the injury across his neck. If it
weren’t for his protective almighty barrier, that blade light
earlier would have caused him grave injury.

At the same time, a soft holy glow shone around Chen

Tianqi’s neck, healing his injury at rapid speed. Not only was
the bright luminance power the bane of all powers of
darkness, it was also the world’s best healing power.

When the injury around his neck healed, Chen Tianqi raised
his head to look at Huang Xiaolong, the flames of war
burned strong in his eyes. The battle angel spear in his hand
once again pointed at Huang Xiaolong.

“Hell Splitting Spear!”

A beam of holy power shot out akin to a volcano’s eruption,

like a sharp blade that slashed through the void, a cannon of
bright luminance power was launched straight at Huang

“Mountain of Knives, Sea of Fire!”

A mountain of knives was formed, bombarding Chen Tianqi

from all angles, while Asura qi formed a sea of fire
surrounding the sharp mountain.



Thunderous collisions echoed from the sky above. Huang

Xiaolong and Chen Tianqi’s silhouettes continued to flicker
at rapid speed in the high air, one dark and one bright.
Huang Xiaolong was entirely shrouded in the flames of
underworld Asura, like an Asura Sovereign, whereas Chen
Tianqi was the epitome of holy brightness, covered in
platinum colored fire, an archangel from heaven.

The black and white silhouettes continued to attack and

counter, in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen moves
had been exchanged. Repeated powerful collisions distorted
space, cracking and almost shattering it.

One after another, black holes appeared in the sky as space

cracks spread further.

Both Huang Xiaolong and Chen Tianqi lost themselves in the

battle, moving purely based on instinct.

Whereas below, on the Asura Square, Li Molin and Liu Yang

were caught in frustration and anger because they found
out that the evolved Poison Corpse Scarabs not only had
terrifying defense, even their speed was alarming.

This vastly differed from the informations they had gathered


At first, they thought that relying on the Divine Dragon

Armor and the godly weapons in their hands, they could
easily exterminate these Poison Corpse Scarabs without
much effort. But they found out that things had gone too far
out from their estimation.

The Poison Corpse Scarabs’ resilience far exceeded their

imagination. Only after exerting the effort of nine bulls and
two tigers did they manage to kill a few. On top of that, the
number of Poison Corpse Scarabs Huang Xiaolong controlled
was more than thirty thousand, compared to their total
number, what they managed to kill could be totally ignored.
The second wave of Poison Corpse Scarabs attacked just
when they barely managed to repel the first wave.

One after another in an endless tide, neverending.

“Damn it!” Li Molin’s temper flared, unable to contain the

rage inside her.

Although the Divine Dragon Armor protected them from

being bitten by the Poison Corpse Scarabs, it still didn’t
cover every part of their body. They could cover their arms,
chest, and legs, but their eyes, noses, and mouths were

The Divine Dragon Armor couldn’t be made covering the

eyes, nose, and mouth, for that would be suffocating the
wearer! After short moment of initial attack, these Poison
Corpse Scarabs mainly tried to drill into their eyes, noses,
and mouths!

Just as Li Molin let out a curse, one of the Deities Templar

Elder screamed. Li Molin, Liu Yang, and the rest looked over
at the Elder.

What they saw was the left eye of that Elder, a Poison
Corpse Scarab was eating his left eyeball! In an instant, that
Deities Templar Elder was numb from head to toe, unable to
initiate the slightest amount of battle qi from Qi Sea. In the
blink on an eye, that Elder’s left eyeball was gone,
swallowed by the Poison Corpse Scarab.

“No, no, don’t!” The Elder gave a heart-wrenching howl.

Even so, another Poison Corpse Scarab landed on that
Elder’s right eye.

When both Poison Corpse Scarabs cleaned the Elder’s

eyeballs, they wriggled into his body through the empty eye
sockets. The endless screams from that Deities Templar
Elder sent hair-raising goosebumps down everyone’s necks.

This was Li Molin’s first time witnessing Poison Corpse

Scarabs eating human flesh. Even with her steel nerves,
watching what was going on in front of her, she couldn’t
stop the disgust and nausea from rising up her throat.

“Kill Huang Xiaolong!” Trying to suppress the urge to retch,

Li Molin roared at the group of Elders.

These Poison Corpse Scarabs were controlled by Huang

Xiaolong. As long as they killed him, dealing with these
Poison Corpse Scarabs would be much easier. Not to
mention, their main task this time was none other than
killing Huang Xiaolong.

However, each Deities Templar Elder was tightly surrounded

by endless circles of Poison Corpse Scarabs, giving them no
chance to approach or attack Huang Xiaolong.

The Domain Leader that fought with Lil’ Tian caught a

glimpse Poison Corpse Scarabs drilling into the Deities
Templar Elder’s empty eye socket. Hearing the shrill shrieks
coming from that Elder, his face became ashen.

The other Asura Domain Leaders also turned pale at the


The rumors about Poison Corpse Scarabs were terrifying, yet

in their eyes, those were just rumors. But now, they were
seeing it with their own eyes.

Seeing them fall at a disadvantage, Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu

did not stay idle, adding an assault or two from the side,
catching the Deities Templar Elders at their mistake.
What enraged Li Molin further was that Zhao Shu and Zhang
Fu seemed to target her and Liu Yang the most. Whether it
was intentional or not, Zhang Fu’s attack always centered
around her voluptuous breasts and rotund arse, nearly
causing her to go crazy with rage.

On top of everything, the sarcastic comments from Zhao

Shu’s mouth seemed to run forever.

“Zhang Fu, why are you only aiming at people’s big butts?
Just look at that size, you know that she has given birth
already, what’s so nice to attack there?” Zhao Shu taunted.

Given birth? Li Molin’s eyes burned with rage, at the same

time, her gaze turned frigid cold. She had never been
touched by any man, but this Zhao Shu actually said that
she had given birth to a child?!

“I’m going to skin the two of you!” Li Molin furious roar

resounded. She actually ignored the swarm of Poison Corpse
Scarabs, the Azure Wind Sword in her hand slashed at Zhao
Shu without a care.

Zhao Shu jumped away in alarm, deflecting Li Molin’s attack

with a wave of his sword while saying, “Smelly bitch, even if
I guessed correctly, you needn’t be so excited!”

Guessed correctly? Li Molin could only scream in anger and

continued attacking Zhao Shu akin to a lioness in heat,
swinging the longsword in her hand at Zhao Shu again and

“Careful!” Just when Li Molin was bend on attacking Zhao

Shu, Liu Yang shouted out as more than a dozen Poison
Corpse Scarabs flew toward Li Molin.

The sudden attack jolted Li Molin to her senses.
Chapter 409: Sovereign Chen Won!

The Azure Wind longsword in Li Molin’s hand swung out at

full force, a crisp phoenix cry echoed and a dazzling azure
sword light burst into the air as an azure phoenix shadow
flew out.

Li Molin’s figure jumped in haste.

Dang! Metal clashing noises rang out endlessly. Under the

azure phoenix’s attack, those Poison Corpse Scarabs were
sent flying out, but even so, Li Molin felt cold sweat dampen
her back.

The picture of Poison Corpse Scarabs drilling into her cherry

mouth, down her throat, gnawing at her flesh, covering her
chest, not to mention scurrying down her navel, between
her legs and her butt…. Li Molin couldn’t help quivering
from the inside.

Her face turned a shade paler.

However, a second later, those dozen Poison Corpse

Scarabs flew toward Li Molin once again. As if her scent
attracted the other Poison Corpse Scarabs, more and more
started to move towards Li Molin.

At a moment like this, Li Molin had no time to deal with

Zhao Shu. The Azure Wind longsword in her hand swung
out, sending the wave of Poison Corpse Scarabs away. Not
far from Li Molin, another shrill scream came from a Deities
Templar Elder.

Turning over to look, Li Molin saw that Elder’s mouth was

filled with wriggling Poison Corpse Scarabs fighting to get in.
Distress screams continued to gurgle out from that Deities
Templar’s mouth, but his voice sounded muffled and hoarse
due to his airway being filled with black critters.

Watching this scene, Li Molin felt her stomach turning.

Finally unable to hold it in any longer, the sea beast meat
she ate for the last few days was vomited out with a loud

Noticing her condition, Liu Yang swung his blades, blasting

away some Poison Corpse Scarabs coming at him, seizing
the small window, he leaped to Li Molin’s side.

“Elder Li, are you alright?” Liu Yang asked anxiously.

Li Molin merely shook her head.

Zhao Shu’s voice sounded again at this time, “Wah, you got
pregnant so fast?” His eyes moved down to Li Molin’s
stomach, “Your stomach doesn’t look like you’re pregnant,

Li Molin raised her head, catching Zhao Shu’s eye

movement nearly made her vomit blood.

“You!” She glowered at Zhao Shu with fury.

But the surrounding Poison Corpse Scarabs closed in on her

and Liu Yang.

Liu Yang slashed his blade around frantically, keeping them

away while he urged Li Molin, “Elder Li, there’s no end to
this, let’s retreat first!” The Poison Corpse Scarabs’ ability to
evolve already made their task of killing Huang Xiaolong

Resisting in this manner, in the end, they would only end up

as food for the Poison Corpse Scarabs.
Of course Li Molin was aware of this, but…! She was
unwilling! This time, not only were they equipped with the
Divine Dragon Armors, they even held godly weapons in
their hands and even used the golden silk, yet, with all
these, they still failed to kill Huang Xiaolong?!

This failure would spread to all corners of Starcloud

Continent, even to the entire Martial Spirit World, greatly
damaging Deities Templar’s prominence! Returning this
time, their punishment would be extremely heavy.

Recalling Deities Templar’s punishment, Li Molin trembled


“Elder Li, let us return first and report the situation clearly, I
believe that Temple Preceptor would lighten our
punishment!” Liu Yang said as if he could read Li Molin’s
deepest thoughts.

Li Molin still hesitated.

A scream brought the two of them back to the present

situation. Looking over, they witnessed another Deities
Templar Elder being bitten by a Poison Corpse Scarab. It’s
needless to describe what his ending was.

“Retreat!” In the end, Li Molin roared unwillingly.

“Withdraw!” Liu Yang repeated her order to the Deities

Templar Elders.

Both of them disappeared in a flicker, and one after another,

Deities Templar Elders followed, escaping for their lives.

In an instant, not one Deities Templar Elder remained in the

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu did not expect the Deities Templar
group to turn and flee in such decisive manner, but it was
already too late for them to chase. Moreover, both knew
that relying only on the two of them, they couldn’t hinder Li
Molin’s group from fleeing.

On the Asura Square, the corpses of three Deities Templar

Elders quickly left nothing but white bones after the Poison
Corpse Scarabs were done.

All the Asura’s Gate Domain Leaders became ashen at the

scene. Never had they imagined that things would develop
in this manner. With the Deities Templar’s Elders gone, then
those Poison Corpse Scarabs would be coming at them…!
The Deities Templar Elders were each equipped with Divine
Dragon Armor, but in the end, they fled miserably. They, on
the other hand, had nothing even resembling the Divine
Dragon Armors.

Imagining the horrifying scene of their bodies being covered

entirely in those black critters, a cold chill spread in the
hearts of those Asura’s Gate Domain Leaders.

Although death was a daily occurrence in their eyes after

being baptized by numerous bloody battles and killings, the
hair at the back of their necks raised at the thought of dying
under the Poison Corpse Scarabs.

Fortunately, the swarm of Poison Corpse Scarabs merely

encircled them, without attacking. Still, watching the
undulating black waves of Poison Corpse Scarabs baring
pinchers and teeth at them, Gu Wen and the rest felt
goosebumps on their skin.

Forceful shockwaves from the collisions above traveled

Everyone looked up, Huang Xiaolong and Chen Tianqi’s
battle seemed to have reached the climax, however, Huang
Xiaolong seemed more unyielding and stronger as time
wore on, whereas Chen Tianqi grew flustered and shocked.

For Huang Xiaolong, in the twenty-odd years since he

arrived in this Martial Spirit World, he had never been able
to fight to his heart’s content as much as he did today. If he
were to use one word to describe what he was feeling right
now, it would be—thrilling!

Huang Xiaolong was just an early Fourth Order Saint realm,

and comparing battle qi strength, he was slightly at a
disadvantage against Chen Tianqi, despite that, his
physique body was extremely tough. Chen Tianqi soon
realized that Huang Xiaolong’s physique actually rivaled his
peak late-Fifth Order Saint realm’s toughness!

What stunned him even more was that inside Huang

Xiaolong’s body, other than battle qi, there was another
type of energy that surpassed the strength of his battle qi.

This foreign energy in Chen Tianqi’s eyes was Huang

Xiaolong’s true essence energy.

Nearly pushing Chen Tianqi over the brink was Huang

Xiaolong’s martial spirit ability that could heal his injuries
and replenish his battle qi! Meaning that his battle qi would
never be exhausted.

His bright luminance could heal injuries, but not replenished

his battle qi. If this fight dragged on for too long, the one
ending up losing the battle would be him!

Suddenly, a ruthless glint flashed in Chen Tianqi’s eyes. The

platinum sphere around him expanded as a terrifying
amount of light element power exploded from his body,
causing Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu watching below to go pale.

This is…?!

“Radiant World Destruction!” Chen Tianqi’s sharp voice

sounded. It looked as if his body turned into a giant
radiating sun. Then, this radiant sun suddenly exploded,
releasing an abundant bright luminance energy everywhere,
crashing, spinning. Under the destructive power, the
surrounding space cracked and shattered.

Before Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the group of Domain

Leaders’ eyes, Huang Xiaolong was pulled into the center of
this destructive power. After a long, long time, the
frightening energy dispersed, and everything returned to its
prior calm.

Chen Tianqi appeared, looking extremely pale, his body

wobbled unsteadily.

This move, Radiant World Destruction, was a terrifying all-

out attack. The downside was, after using this move, his
battle qi and spiritual force would be overdrawn, and it
would take Chen Tianqi at least half a year of healing before
he could recover to his peak form.

Seeing the space on Huang Xiaolong’s side shatter, Chen

Tianqi believed that Huang Xiaolong was annihilated. Unable
to sense Huang Xiaolong’s presence around, he broke out in
a hearty laughter, his voice hoarse, “Huang Xiaolong, you
were claimed to be Martial Spirit World’s most talented
genius ever, in the end, you still died in my hands!”

He had used the same move to kill a Sixth Order Saint realm
in the past, thus Chen Tianqi did not doubt for one second
that Huang Xiaolong was dead.
The Domain Leaders bloomed into wide smiles at this result.

“Sovereign Chen won!” Gu Wen laughed loudly.
Chapter 410: Such A Nice Fragrance!

“Sovereign Chen won!”

“Our Sovereign Chen won!”

Exuberant cheers erupted from the Asura’s Gate Domain

Leaders, whereas Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu’s figures flickered,
appearing where Huang Xiaolong was before, immediately
searching for traces of Huang Xiaolong using their spiritual
senses. Neither of them believed that Huang Xiaolong would
be killed just like that.

More accurately, they did not believe that Huang Xiaolong

would be killed!

Chen Tianqi snorted coldly at their reaction, “There’s no

need to waste your effort to search, I can tell you straight,
that Radiant World Destruction move of mine has killed an
early Sixth Order Saint realm before this! I don’t believe that
Huang Xiaolong has an immortal body, that a Fourth Order
Saint realm is stronger than a Sixth Order Saint realm!”

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu’s faces were ashen at his words. A
Sixth Order Saint realm died under Chen Tianqi’s Radiant
World Destruction?! Yet, they could see that Chen Tianqi
wasn’t bluffing.

Did that mean… that Sovereign was really dead?!

They had witnessed too many miracles happening on Huang

Xiaolong’s body when they were with him, but still, Huang
Xiaolong was no God, moreover, even God Realm masters in
the ancient times had fallen.
“Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu!” Chen Tianqi barked, “Now Huang
Xiaolong is dead, I am the true Asura’s Gate Sovereign,
kneel down and pay the proper salute to a Sovereign!”

“No, Big brother won’t die! Big brother is not dead!” At this
point, Lil’ Tian’s angry voice resounded, his face overtaken
by grief. Then, Lil’ Tian suddenly struck a punch out at Chen

Watching Lil’ Tian, Chen Tianqi thrust the angel spear in his
hand toward him, a bright luminance energy beam shot out,
hitting Lil’ Tian until he staggered back.

“Little one, if you want to die I can fulfill your wish.” Chen
Tianqi’s tone was filled with sarcasm, and the angel spear in
his hand poised to strike Lil’ Tian again.

Suddenly, a sharp light flashed in front of his eyes, the

speed was nearly too quick for Chen Tianqi to react. His face
paled, for the angel spear in his hand couldn’t make a
counter in time.

“Angel’s Almighty Shield!” A surge of bright holy power

burst out from Chen Tianqi’s body, however, before the
shield could fully form, that sharp light already arrived,
slitting across his throat.

His half raised spear halted in midair, feeling a coldness at

his throat, a slight pain. His other hand reached up to touch
his throat, blood was spurting like a gurgling spring.

A light flickered and a silhouette appeared in front of him.

“Huang Xiaolong!” Chen Tianqi stared at the figure in front

of him. Huang Xiaolong actually did not die after taking a hit
from his Radiant World Destruction?!
Below, on the Asura Square, the exuberant cheers from the
Domain Leaders halted abruptly, all staring in Huang
Xiaolong’s direction, watching their Sovereign Chen have his
throat slit by someone else.

“What, are you very disappointed that I didn’t die?” Huang

Xiaolong cooked coldly at Chen Tianqi.

Huang Xiaolong had to admit that Chen Tianqi’s Radiant

World Destruction was formidable. If he was really hit, tough
as his physique was, he would still be gravely injured to the
point of losing his life, but Huang Xiaolong had the Godly Mt.

The number one treasure on the Heavenly Treasure List,

Godly Mt. Xumi!

At the most critical moment, Huang Xiaolong entered the

Godly Mt. Xumi, and borrowing the power from the Ten
Buddha Formation, he withstood Chen Tianqi’s Radiant
World Destruction.

“Impossible!” Chen Tianqi roared with anger through gritted

teeth. He refused to believe that Huang Xiaolong was able
to live under his Radiant World Destruction attack!
Practically unharmed at that!

Huang Xiaolong sneered; in a flicker, his hands once again

gripped the Blades of Asura.

Chen Tianqi was startled, but he managed to react quickly,

the battle angel spear stabbed toward Huang Xiaolong.

“Angel’s Kingdom!”

As the spear raised, holy power burst out from it,

transforming into an angel silhouette, spinning around,
dispersing and restraining Huang Xiaolong’s attack.

Huang Xiaolong’s body shook, a shocked Chen Tianqi and a

group of astonished Domain Leaders saw strands of true
dragon energy flowing out from Huang Xiaolong’s body,
turning into divine dragons.

Ice, fire, winged, white, black, and Buddha; six divine

dragons, six brilliant lights filled the sky.

The angel formed from Chen Tianqi’s brigh tluminance

power was immediately broken by the six dragons, its power

Huang Xiaolong continued forth, the Blades of Asura in his

hands slashed out, slitting Chen Tianqi’s throat a second

Earlier, Huang Xiaolong saw it clearly, although his blades

successfully slit Chen Tianqi’s throat, his healing power
gradually spread around his throat, dispersing the Asura qi
from the blades, fully healing the injury. Thus, Huang
Xiaolong would not allow Chen Tianqi to heal a second time.

This time, Huang Xiaolong beheaded Chen Tianqi. This slash

totally separated Chen Tianqi’s head from his shoulders,
throwing it high up in the air.

Watching Chen Tianqi’s separated body, a sneer emerged

on his face, he wanted to see how Chen Tianqi can recover
this time!

Both Chen Tianqi’s head and body plummeted to the Asura

square from high up, his head rolled shakily towards the
Domain Leaders’ feet.

“Sovereign Chen!” They exclaimed in unison.

Just as one of the Domain Leaders wanted to step forward to
pick up Chen Tianqi’s head, the Poison Corpse Scarabs
attacked him. Before the horrified faces of the other Domain
Leaders, in barely a few breaths’ time, that man’s body was
entirely submerged in the mass of Poison Corpse Scarabs,
gnawed to the bones.

Every one of them inhaled sharply, no one dared to take

another step forward.

Huang Xiaolong flew back to the Asura Square, walking

slowly toward Chen Tianqi’s head with a frigid cold gaze.

A Saint realm warrior could remain alive as long as their soul

was intact, and although Chen Tianqi’s head was cut off, he
did not die, his head and body slowly moved toward each
other, trying to combine again.

Huang Xiaolong did not speak, the Blades of Asura in his

hands waved again, the true essence fire imbued within the
attack pierced straight through Chen Tianqi’s eyebrows. A
loud scream sounded as Chen Tianqi’s head bounced
skyward from the impact. A moment later, Chen Tianqi’s
scream grew weak.

“Curious, aren’t you, why I didn’t die under your Radiant

World Destruction attack?” Huang Xiaolong looked at Chen
Tianqi’s eyes, his vitality dissipating rapidly, desperately
hanging onto his last breath. Huang Xiaolong sniggered.

Chen Tianqi both eyes stared intensely at Huang Xiaolong’s

face. Up until this moment, he couldn’t understand how
Huang Xiaolong withstood his most powerful attack, the
Radiant World Destruction.

“Because of the Godly Mt. Xumi.” Huang Xiaolong soft voice

drawled in a whisper.
Chen Tianqi’s eyes widened in surprise, shock, and
astonishment, relying on his last feeble breath, Chen
Tianqi’s words came out in short gasps, “Xu, God, you
posses the Godly Mt. Xumi?!” Before getting an answer from
Huang Xiaolong, his consciousness fell forever into

Looking at the dead Chen Tianqi, a relief spread through

Huang Xiaolong as he secretly breathed out; finally, Chen
Tianqi was dead!

Chen Tianqi was his biggest obstacle in taking full control

over the Asura’s Gate. Once Chen Tianqi was dead, the rest
of the matter would be easier.

Huang Xiaolong’s expression remained impassive. He kept

away Chen Tianqi’s corpse inside the Linglong Treasure with
a hand wave, as food for the Poison Corpse Scarabs.

Then, Huang Xiaolong came beside Lil’ Tian, that attack

from Chen Tianqi earlier had gravely injured the little guy.

“Big brother!” Seeing Huang Xiaolong, Lil’ Tian cried out

happily. He was overjoyed that his Big brother was alive, he
didn’t want to think about the future days without roast
Tyrant Boar meat.

Huang Xiaolong smiled, “Little one, swallow this Nine Leaves

Purple Grass.” He said as he took out a Nine Leaves Purple
Grass from the Asura Ring.

“Such a nice fragrance!” Lil’ Tian’s eyes lit up immediately

as he sniffed the fragrant scent, little hands reached out and
stuff the elixir into his mouth.

Huang Xiaolong smiled helplessly at Lil’ Tian’s antics. This

tens of thousands of years old rare herb was eaten like a

Only after this did Huang Xiaolong turn around, looking at

the group of Asura’s Gate Domain Leaders.
Chapter 411: Taking
Control Of Asura’S Gate
Chapter 411: Taking Control of Asura’s Gate

Watching Huang Xiaolong walking towards them, the

Domain Leaders’ hearts jumped, the fear inside their hearts
was obvious through their eyes…

Huang Xiaolong continued to stride slowly to the group of

Domain Leaders; one step at a time…

A heavy pressure enveloped the several Domain Leaders,

forcing them back unconsciously.

Suddenly, one of the Domain Leaders fell to his knees in

salute, lauding, “Subordinate greets the Sovereign,
Sovereign is invincible throughout!”

The rest of them were stunned, each stared stupidly at the

one kneeling down.

After a brief moment of hesitation, another two Domain

Leaders followed and knelt in salute toward Huang Xiaolong:
“Subordinate greets the Sovereign, Sovereign is invincible

More and more Domain Leaders followed the trend of things,

saluting to Huang Xiaolong. Although they were loyal to
Chen Tianqi before, after all, humans were afraid of death at
their core. Not to mention, Huang Xiaolong already killed
Chen Tianqi, there was no need for them to throw their lives
away for a dead Chen Tianqi.
The most crucial point of all was that Huang Xiaolong
possessed the Asura Ring and cultivated the Asura Sword
Skill. In accordance with Asura’s Gate rules, he was the
rightful successor to the Sovereign position.

Every one of the Asura’s Gate Domain Leaders was on their

knees paying respects, including Chen Tianqi’s most loyal
confidante, Gu Wen!

Gu Wen’s silhouette knelt down amongst the other Domain

Leaders, with proper etiquette and respect that left no
space for criticism, but Huang Xiaolong’s sudden attack sent
Gu Wen flying out.

This abrupt action scared the other Domain Leaders.

“Huang Xiaolong, you!” Gu Wen climbed from the ground,

glowering at Huang Xiaolong, shocked and furious at the
same time.

“Huang Xiaolong?” Huang Xiaolong satirized, “You think I

don’t know what you’re trying to scheme in your heart?
Kneeling down to me was just an act, fake loyalty. In your
heart, you’re plotting how to defer to Deities Templar,
spying for them in the dark and scheming how to kill me?”

Huang Xiaolong’s spiritual force had improved

tremendously, both the Ancient Puppetry Art and Soul
Mandate had reached the fifth level. As long as the other
side’s spiritual force was weaker than his, Huang Xiaolong
could read the other’s thoughts.

Gu Wen’s face flushed a deep red hearing Huang Xiaolong’s

words. Showing anger, Gu Wen shouted, “Huang Xiaolong,
this is just an excuse for you, you know that I am Sovereign
Chen’s confidante, that’s why you are using such an excuse
to kill me!” Then he turned around to the rest Domain
Leaders, trying to incite a furor, “Everyone, you’ve seen it
for yourselves, even if we submit to Huang Xiaolong
sincerely, he will still kill us! It would be better to fight him
for a way out, the chances might even be bigger than this!”

Indeed, another three Domain Leaders stood up from the

group after being ‘persuaded’ by Gu Wen, glaring at Huang
Xiaolong with furious eyes.

“Huang Xiaolong, you try to kill our brothers using a flimsy

excuse, you’re not worthy to be our Asura’s Gate

“That’s right, you’re not worthy!”

“We’ll fight you!” All three of them started to attack Huang

Xiaolong with vicious moves.

Just when Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were about to act, Huang
Xiaolong’s figure shot forward at rapid speed, and six arms
emerged from his back. All six arms struck out with the
Godly Xumi Art at the same time.

Struck by the Godly Xumi Art, all three Domain Leaders

wailed painfully as their bodies were thrown back, crashing
down at a corner of the Asura Square.

Watching six arms materializing from Huang Xiaolong’s

back, all the Domain Leaders were stunned.

What kind of battle skill was this?!

Huang Xiaolong told Chen Tianqi about the Godly Mt. Xumi
before he died, however, he blocked the outside space.
Because of that, he and Chen Tianqi were the only ones who
knew the contents of the short conversation. None of the
Asura’s Gate Domain Leaders had any idea about the Godly
Mt. Xumi…

At this point, Gu Wen suddenly leaped up, wanting to flee at

the fastest speed, but Huang Xiaolong had expected this
from the beginning. Thus, when Gu Wen leaped into the air,
an Asura Demon Claw slammed down on him, accompanied
by ten thousand howling evil spirits, striking down at Gu
Wen’s back and sending him down to the ground.

Huang Xiaolong walked over to Gu Wen, stopping right in

front of him, but he did not kill him. Instead, he sealed Gu
Wen’s Sea Qi, then a palm strike sent Asura Qi into Gu
Wen’s body.

Chen Tianqi had the bright luminance energy and wasn’t

afraid of the Asura qi’s corrosive effect entering his body,
but this Gu Wen wasn’t so lucky. Almost instantly, a
desperate cry came from Gu Wen, trashing and rolling on
the ground as Asura Qi spread to every part of his body, the
feeling was worse than a million ants gnawing on his flesh.
Strong as his will was, he couldn’t withstand this extent of

“Huang, Huang Xiaolong, kill me, me, kill me!” Gu Wen

pleaded in a broken voice. With his Qi Sea sealed, he was
powerless to blow himself up, he couldn’t die even if he
wanted to.

“Kill you?” Huang Xiaolong sneered, “You admit that you did
think about conspiring with Deities Templar?”

This time, Gu Wen nodded with any hesitation, “I admit, I

admit, kill me, kill me!” His face was distorted with
excruciating pain. The three Domain Leaders that attacked
Huang Xiaolong based on Gu Wen’s instigation looked ugly
at his confession.
“Kill you?” Huang Xiaolong’s cold voice sounded, “Since you
ask for it, I shall fulfill your wish.”

A sense of deep relief washed over Gu Wen hearing Huang

Xiaolong’s reply. To the current him, death was the best

In the next moment, numerous Poison Corpse Scarabs

landed on Gu Wen’s body, more and more, covering his
entire body. Fear crept up his face and screams more
horrible than before tore through his throat.

The remaining Domain Leaders grew paler by the second

watching everything unfold, even the way they looked at
Huang Xiaolong changed.

In their eyes, Huang Xiaolong was an Asura that broke out

from hell. At first, they thought that Huang Xiaolong would
bestow Gu Wen with a quick, merciful death, but he…

It didn’t take long, Gu Wen’s cries subsided and completely

stopped, while Huang Xiaolong looked over at the rest of the
Domain Leaders.

Not daring to face Huang Xiaolong, all of them had their

heads lowered.

“I’m a person that deals with reward and punishment

clearly, those that contributed merits to Asura’s Gate will be
rewarded! Whereas those who betrayed Asura’s Gate will
end up just like him!” Huang Xiaolong’s cold voice
reverberated in the square, a finger pointed at Gu Wen’s

The Domain Leaders continued keeping their heads down.

“Where did Chen Tianqi detain the Elders?” Huang Xiaolong

“Replying to Sovereign, Chen Tianqi had all the Elders

locked up behind the mountain’s sea prison!” One of the
Domain Leaders stepped forward, reporting to Huang
Xiaolong with a respectful manner.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Then, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the Domain Leaders led the
way, releasing all of the Asura’s Gate Elders that were
imprisoned at the back mountain’s sea prison.

Despite that, by the time Huang Xiaolong brought these

Elders out, many of them were inflicted with unimaginable
tortures by Chen Tianqi and Deities Templar, so much that
hardly a fully intact person remained; some had their
tongues cut out, others had their eyeballs dug out, not to
mention their Qi Seas and meridians wasted.

Seeing the tragic state of these Elders, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu,
and Huang Xiaolong all burned with wrath.

“Li Molin, you stinky bitch, there will be a day when I get my
hands on you, I’ll have you raped and then killed, killed and
raped again!” Zhang Fu’s straightforward character couldn’t
hold and roared at the top of his lungs. The extent of his
fury was obvious to all.

Huang Xiaolong took out the many ten thousand years old
elixirs from the Asura Ring, feeding them to the Elders one
by one, helping them heal their injuries. Even so, the
several Elders that had their tongues cut off and eyeballs
dug out were unlucky, those body parts could not regrow.
On the other hand, the message about the battle on the
Asura Square, about Deities Templar miserably fleeing with
Li Molin amongst them and Chen Tianqi being killed by
Huang Xiaolong, spread like a hurricane to every part of
Starcloud Continent.

It didn’t take long to travel to Snow Wind Continent, Ten

Directions Continent, or to the experts of the Bedlam Lands.

Another great tremor struck the Martial Spirit World.

“Huang Xiaolong killed Chen Tianqi with his own hands? His
strength actually reached that extent, that’s too terrifying,
right?! Chen Tianqi was a peak late-Fifth Order Saint realm!”

“Those Poison Corpse Scarabs can actually evolve!”

“Huang Xiaolong has taken over the Asura’s Gate, he’s the
recognized Sovereign, this will be a big headache to Deities
Templar, I wonder what will Deities Templar do next!”
Chapter 412: Grand Martial Exchange

The passage of time flowed quickly.

Five days had passed since the battle on the Asura Square.
In these five days, Huang Xiaolong healed all the injuries
which could be healed on the Asura’s Gate Elders.

In the great Asura Hall.

Huang Xiaolong sat in the throne seat at the center of the

great hall while the Domain Leaders and Elders stood in two
rows before him, whereas Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu stood
beside the throne on the left and right side.

“Greet the Sovereign!” Zhao Shu’s sonorous voice rang

clear in the great hall.

Subsequently, the Asura’s Gate Domain Leaders and Elders

knelt down, performing a ceremonious salutation toward
Huang Xiaolong: “Greeting the Sovereign, Sovereign is
invincible throughout!”

Both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu performed the same salute

with utmost respect, however, they bowed deeply instead of

Huang Xiaolong looked at them for a brief second and then

signaled everyone to rise.

When everyone was on their feet, Huang Xiaolong scanned

the group of Domain Leaders assembled before him, “All of
you, lower the barrier to your consciousness, I will brand a
spiritual mark in your soul sea.”

All the Domain Leaders’ faces ashen instantly.

“Spiritual mark!”

Naturally, these Domain Leaders had heard of spiritual

marks, but they did not expect Huang Xiaolong to have
learned the method of spiritual branding.

Each of the Domain Leaders’ expressions entered Huang

Xiaolong’s eyes, a cold sneer sounded inwardly; no doubt,
he wouldn’t believe that these Domain Leaders were able to
be absolutely loyal to him in such a short time, however,
once a spiritual mark was branded in their soul sea, things
would a different turn altogether.

These Domain Leaders would not dare to have any

treacherous intentions. This was a must, for Huang Xiaolong
had to have the Asura’s Gate fully under his control.

Huang Xiaolong watched the Domain Leaders coldly, as long

as one of them dared to speak up in objection, he would
execute that person on the spot without hesitation.

A heavy silence enveloped the great hall to the point that

each of them could hear their own breathing drawing loudly
in their own ears.

“I’m willing to open my soul sea for Sovereign to brand a

spiritual mark!” After struggling and contemplating the
matter internally, finally one of the Domain Leaders knelt
down once again in submission.

Seeing that there was a first person, one by one, the other
Domain Leaders knelt down, showing their willingness to let
Huang Xiaolong brand their soul seas. It goes without saying
that every one of the Domain Leaders was aware of the fact
that resistance would only lead to death, just like Gu Wen.
Whether they were truly willing or otherwise, all the Domain
Leaders opened their soul seas and Huang Xiaolong
proceeded to brand a spiritual mark in each of them easily;
when all was done, Huang Xiaolong finally felt relief.

Needless to say, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the Asura’s Gate
Elders were not subjected to the same requirement of
having a soul mark branded in their soul seas. Huang
Xiaolong was well aware of Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu’s
absolute loyalty, and despite the cruel torture that these
Asura’s Gate Elders were subjected to by Chen Tianqi and
Deities Templar, none of them turned to the other side, their
loyalty toward Asura’s Gate was clear for all to see.

Next, Huang Xiaolong requested Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu to

announce some of the changes to the sect rules he had
made. Some of the rules were abolished by Huang Xiaolong,
for example; the hailing of ‘Sovereign is invincible
throughout’ every time the disciples greeted him.

Huang Xiaolong also made some new rules, one of them

being, upper authorities or disciples that betrayed the
Asura’s Gate would end up as Poison Corpse Scarabs’ food.

After Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu read out Huang Xiaolong’s

new edict, Huang Xiaolong inquired about the Asura’s Gate
overall situation, and also had the Domain Leaders and
Elders report the events happening in the territories and
branches under their jurisdiction. When all Domain Leaders
and Elders were finished with their reports, Huang Xiaolong
gained a better understanding the distribution of the
Asura’s Gate forces and territories.

Currently, the territories under the Asura’s Gate’s

governance numbered at thirty-six oblasts, including the
Central Oblast. There were seven branch divisions in the
Central Oblast, while the thirty-five branches in the outer
oblasts were each governed by a Domain Leader.

The Asura’s Gate’s great hall was built on the peak of the
Heavenly Sky Phoenix Mountain. Around the other peaks,
there were thirty side halls, such as the Medicine Pellet Hall,
Punishment Hall, Technique Inheritance Hall, Martial
Sparring Hall, and so on. These thirty-two halls were under
the Elders’ supervision.

This was the rough map of Asura’s Gate authority


But, from the Domain Leaders’ reports, Huang Xiaolong

realized that within the thirty-six oblasts under Asura’s Gate
control, there were numerous big and small family and sect
forces, and not all of their hearts were absolutely sincere
and loyal towards the Asura’s Gate.

There was a complex web of connections tying the bigger

family forces with the Cosmos God Cult, Distinct Void Door,
and White Phoenix House amongst the other twelve super
forces on Starcloud Continent, which in a way encouraged
the attitude of not placing much importance on the Asura’s

Some of those big families even cooperated with the

Cosmos God Cult, Distinct Void Door, and White Phoenix
House to suppress the Asura’s Gate branch authority,
especially in these few decades of Huang Xiaolong’s Master,
Ren Wokuang’s disappearance. Lately, there were even
signs of rebelling against the Asura’s Gate branch from
those big families.

A total of fifteen big families spearheaded this resistance.

By the time the Domain Leaders finished their reports, a
frosty expression hung on Huang Xiaolong’s face.

Zhao Shu spoke at this point, “Sovereign, the Cosmos God

Cult’s Sovereign, and the Old Sovereign always bore an old
grudge and the relationship between us has never been
good. Ever since the news of Old Sovereign’s disappearance
spread out, the Cosmos God Cult has been suppressing our
Asura’s Gate more and more over the years. This is the
main reason why these big families dare to act so blatantly.
In fact, our Asura’s Gate used to rule over fifty-two oblasts,
but ever since the Old Sovereign went missing…” Zhao
Shu’s voice trailed off at this point.

The unspoken meaning hung clear in the air.

The Asura’s Gate initially had fifty-two oblasts on Starcloud

Continent, but now only thirty-six oblasts remained under
their governance! These ‘missing’ sixteen oblasts without
exception all fell into Cosmos God Cult’s hands.

A sharp gleam flickered across Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

Zhang Fu added, “Sovereign, there is another matter this

subordinate wishes to report to Sovereign.”

“Speak.” Huang Xiaolong stated.

Zhang Fu continued respectfully, “On our Starcloud

Continent, every hundredth year, there is a Grand Martial
Exchange. So far, this Grand Martial Exchange has taken
place thirteen times. This is an event held together by the
twelve super forces of Starcloud Continent.”

“Oh, Grand Martial Exchange?” Huang Xiaolong’s interest

was stoked as he looked at Zhang Fu.
“Yes, it is so, Sovereign. Every year of the Grand Martial
Exchange, all the twelve super forces’ Sovereigns,
Patriarchs, and Cult Leaders would reshuffle the ranking
within the twelve forces, this subordinate is worried that this
time around, the Cosmos God Cult Leader would take this
opportunity to harm Sovereign.” Zhang Fu said full of worry.

Zhao Shu’s expression mirrored Zhang Fu, “The

participation of all twelve forces is compulsory. Moreover, in
the Grand Martial Exchange, the participants are not
allowed to use outside aid.” This was Zhao Shu’s main

Not permitted to use outside aid meant that Huang

Xiaolong’s wouldn’t be able to use the Poison Corpse
Scarabs. Only relying on his own strength, he wasn’t the
Cosmos God Cult Leader’s opponent.

Not to mention, apart from the Cosmos God Cult’s Leader, if

the Distinct Void Door Sovereign or the White Phoenix House
Lord wanted to kill Huang Xiaolong, it would as easy as
snapping their fingers.

Huang Xiaolong frowned, “How long till the coming Grand

Martial Exchange?”

“It has been eighty-seven years from the last Grand Martial
Exchange.” Zhao Shu answered.

Meaning there were still thirteen years until the next Grand
Martial Exchange!

Thirteen years! The frown on Huang Xiaolong’s forehead

grew deeper.

This Grand Martial Exchange really jumped out of nowhere.

Thirteen years, the time was too tight!
For Saint realm experts, thirteen years was nothing but the
blink of an eye.

At the moment, Huang Xiaolong was merely a Fourth Order

Saint realm, wanting to step into Tenth Order and above
Saint realm in a short thirteen years was nothing more than
a fool’s daydream.

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, dismissing the people from

the great hall.

The night descended quietly.

Standing underneath the silvery moonlight, Huang Xiaolong

was pondering a way to reach beyond the Tenth Order Saint
realm within thirteen years’ time. In the end, he could only
place his hopes on the twelve primordial divine dragon

If he could refine those twelve primordial divine dragons,

perhaps he would have a good chance at success in
advancing beyond Tenth Order Saint realm.
Chapter 413: Won’T Dare
To Make A Move On Our Qi
Chapter 413: Won’t Dare to Make a Move on Our Qi Family

But, to refine the twelve primordial divine dragon bodies, he

had to first find God Dragon Grass.

If he refined them without the God Dragon Grass and

dragon essence crystals to reduce the violent energy, not
only would he be risking his own life, the effect achieved
would be the lowest. It would reach, at most, only two-
tenths overall.

If that was the case, even if he successfully refined all

twelve primordial divine dragons, the highest Huang
Xiaolong could reach was Seventh Order Saint realm.

‘God Dragon Grass!’ Huang Xiaolong uttered under his

breath. Finding God Dragon Grass became the most crucial
matter, it had to be done at all costs!

Then, a thought struck Huang Xiaolong, both Chen Tianqi

and the Domain Leaders were also at the Ancient Dragon
Clan ruins, perhaps they were able to find a stalk or two of
God Dragon Grass?

Huang Xiaolong swiftly took out Chen Tianqi’s spatial ring; in

the past few days, he had been occupied with healing the
injuries of the Asura’s Gate Elders and had yet to find the
time to check Chen Tianqi’s spatial ring.
When Huang Xiaolong opened Chen Tianqi’s spatial ring, his
eyes rounded in astonishment.

Countless medicinal pellets piled high up in one corner, and

there was an ice crystal pillar that loomed over the space.
Inside that crystal ice pillar was the body of a primordial
divine dragon!

Primordial divine dragon!

Huang Xiaolong became ecstatic after a brief moment of

astonishment. He didn’t expect that the one primordial
divine dragon body snatched by Chen Tianqi hadn’t been
refined yet, and was wholly well preserved.

“This is great!” Huang Xiaolong let out a joyful laughter.

With the addition of this primordial divine dragon body, by

the time he managed to collect enough God Dragon Grass,
his chances of breaking into Tenth Order Saint realm
increased significantly.

Moreover, with the addition of another primordial divine

dragon body, his Twelve Forms of the Dragon God could be
upgraded to Thirteen Forms of the Dragon God, greatly
enhancing its attack power.

Huang Xiaolong managed to calm his emotions moments

later, quickly scanning the other corners of the spatial ring.
Other than the primordial divine dragon sealed in the ice
crystal pillar, Chen Tianqi’s spatial ring contained numerous
medicinal pellets, from heaven grade to divine grade. Most
of them were heaven grade, then holy grade, and some
divine grade. Still, the highest divine grade pellet was a mid-
divine grade pellet.
Other than medicinal pellets that were piled high up like
small hills, Huang Xiaolong also found a lot of herbs, ranging
from one thousand to nine thousand years old; he also saw
two battle skill techniques, one was the Angel’s Spear and
the other was called Bright Luminance Tactic.

Both of these techniques were useless to Huang Xiaolong,

but could be left for disciples or Huang Family’s younger
generation that possessed a light element martial spirit.

Huang Xiaolong then moved on to check the three spatial

rings of the dead Deities Templar Elders, however, this time,
Huang Xiaolong was disappointed. Inside these three Deities
Templar Elders’ spatial rings, other than some spirit pellets
and elixirs, there were only some technique manuals, not a
single God Dragon Grass could be found.

After confirming that Chen Tianqi and the three Deities

Templar Elders’ spatial had no God Dragon Grass, Huang
Xiaolong transferred the ice crystal primordial divine dragon
from Chen Tianqi’s spatial ring into the Xumi Temple and
began to comprehend the new Thirteen Forms of the Dragon

Huang Xiaolong spent the whole night in comprehension. He

immediately noticed that with the additional primordial
divine dragon, the attack power increased greatly.

The night passed quietly.

The next morning, Huang Xiaolong summoned Zhao Shu

and Zhang Fu and instructed them to pass down an order to
all Asura’s Gate disciples, telling them to exert all their
efforts in searching for God Dragon Grass. Those who
managed to find news about the God Dragon Grass would
be rewarded with ten thousand heaven grade spirit pellets
and ten billion gold coins.
Ten thousand heaven grade spirit pellets!

Just for the news!

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were both stupefied with shock, but
despite that, neither of them dared to question Huang
Xiaolong’s reason, both complying respectfully.

“Sovereign, those fifteen big families, do we need to…?”

Zhang Fu ventured cautiously, the underlying question was
to know if Huang Xiaolong wanted to deal with those fifteen
big families that worked in cahoots with Cosmos God Cult,
Distinct Void Door, White Phoenix House, and other forces,
dishonoring the sovereignty of the Asura’s Gate.

Huang Xiaolong thought for a moment then shook his head,

“No need, let them jump a while longer.”

For the current Huang Xiaolong, the most crucial task at

hand was to find God Dragon Grass and strive to enhance
his strength to the God Realm. As long as he could
breakthrough to God Realm, when the time came for the
Grand Martial Exchange, Huang Xiaolong would have the
means for self-protection relying on his own strength.

When Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu heard Huang Xiaolong’s

decision of not confronting the fifteen big families, both
were genuinely surprised. They had assumed that Huang
Xiaolong would act.

“Leave for now.” Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, signaling

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu to retreat.

Both have not choice but to do as ordered.

When the two left, Huang Xiaolong continued to shut

himself in closed-door practice.
Every day, he swallowed a Divine Dragon Pill and a drop of
Geocentric Buddha Elixir without missing a day, putting his
efforts in practicing the Godly Xumi Art, Asura Tactics, and
the Thirteen Forms of the Dragon God.

One month came and went quickly.

After this one month practice, Huang Xiaolong saw

improvement in his Godly Xumi Art, Asura Tactics, and
Thirteen Forms of the Dragon God. The most obvious result
was the Thirteen Forms of the Dragon God, Huang Xiaolong
had wholly comprehended it and no longer needed to
observe the thirteen postures of the primordial divine
dragons sealed inside the crystal statues. In this one month,
Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi cultivation also reached peak
early-Fourth Order Saint realm.

Although more than a month had passed since the Asura

Square battle, the news about Chen Tianqi being killed by
Huang Xiaolong only gained more momentum, it was
repeatedly talked about on Starcloud Continent.

After all, with Huang Xiaolong at the helm of Asura’s Gate, it

could possibly change the power structure on Starcloud
continent. Huang Xiaolong’s name was tied with too many
legendary miracles.

In the thirty-six oblasts under the Asura’s Gate governance,

those big families that held treacherous intentions toward
the Asura’s Gate naturally felt ill at ease knowing that
Huang Xiaolong had gained full control of Asura’s Gate as
the Sovereign, and assumed that Huang Xiaolong would be
pointing a sword towards them next.

However, one month passed without waves or ripples, there

were no movements coming from Huang Xiaolong’s side. All
fifteen big families were secretly relieved.
The Enigma Oblast was the largest amongst the thirty-six
oblasts controlled by the Asura’s Gate. Further down from
the Enigma Oblast was the Treasure Oblast which belonged
to the Cosmos God Cult’s forces.

Due to this close distance between the Enigma Oblast and

the Treasure Oblast, Cosmos God Cult disciples entering and
exiting the Enigma Oblast was a norm. Relying on their
Cosmos God Cult background, these disciples did not put
the Qi Family, one of the fifteen big families in the Enigma
Oblast, in their eyes.

The Qi Family’s residence was located on the wealthiest

street in the Enigma Oblast City.

At this time, inside the Qi Family Residence hall, the Qi

Family’s Patriarch, Qi Lei, was seated in the main hall
together with all the family’s Elders.

“There has been no action from Huang Xiaolong’s side so

far, what is everyone’s opinion?” Qi Lei asked, his eyebrows
furrowed deeply. Qi Lei’s voice was deep and sonorous.
Although his words were simple and calm, they bore a lofty

“Patriarch, I think that this Huang Xiaolong is circumspect in

his actions, knowing that we have the Cosmos God Cult at
our back. That’s why he dared not make a move on us until
now.” One of the Qi Family Elders laughed.

“That must be it; this Huang Xiaolong has offended Deities

Templar. Just Deities Templar alone is enough to tie up all of
his efforts, of course he wouldn’t want to offend the Cosmos
God Cult at this time.” Another Elder echoed the same
sentiment, “At least this Huang Xiaolong has some self-
Qi Lei nodded his head in agreement, “After thirteen years,
at the Grand Martial Exchange, Huang Xiaolong will be dead
for sure!”

“Unless Huang Xiaolong decides to submit to Cosmos God

Cult and be their dog. Perhaps then, the Cult Leader would
spare his worthless life!” Another Qi Family Elder snickered.

This statement drew laughters from Qi Lei and the present


Qi Lei added, “With Huang Xiaolong’s death at the Grand

Martial Exchange, our Qi Family will take the initiative to
attack the Enigma Oblast’s Castellan Manor. At that time,
the Enigma Oblast will our Qi Family’s paradise! And all
Asura’s Gate disciples in the Enigma Oblast will be our Qi
Family’s slaves!”
Chapter 414: An Asura
From Hell?
Chapter 414: An Asura from Hell?

Ever since the Asura Square battle, Huang Xiaolong’s side

had not taken any action. The Qi Family formed such
opinions, and the other fourteen big families came to similar
conclusions, thinking that Huang Xiaolong was apprehensive
toward the backing forces behind them, such as the Distinct
Void Door, White Phoenix House, and others.

On this particular morning, Huang Xiaolong was practicing

the Asura Sword Skill’s eight move: Mountain of Knives, Sea
of Fire at the back of the Heavenly Sky Phoenix mountain
when Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu rushed over with faces full of
delight to report to Huang Xiaolong.

“Sovereign, we found the God Dragon Grass!” Zhao Shu

exclaimed in buoyant mood to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong trembled slightly and his eyes lit up.

“According to the disciple’s report, Treasure Oblast Qin

Family’s Patriarch also entered the Ancient Dragon Clan
ruins that year and collected eight stalks of God Dragon
Grass!” Zhang Fu interjected with a laugh.

“Eight stalks of God Dragon Grass!” Huang Xiaolong was


Eight stalk God Dragon Grass! It was just enough for him to
refine one primordial divine dragon body!
The amount of dragon essence contained in one primordial
divine dragon was overwhelmingly abundant, so much that
it was impossible for one single stalk of God Dragon Grass
to have any effect in smoothing the violent surging energy
during refinement; according to the old manuscript record, it
stated that one needed at least seven to eight stalks of God
Dragon Grass.

“Reward that disciple heavily!” Huang Xiaolong said to Zhao

Shu and Zhang Fu with a big smile on his face.

Both acknowledged Huang Xiaolong’s order with respect.

“However, Sovereign, the Treasure Oblast is Cosmos God

Cult’s territory.” Zhao Shu highlighted his concern,
“Furthermore, that Qin Family’s Patriarch would not
necessarily be willing to part with that eight stalks God
Dragon Grass.”

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand nonchalantly, the smile

never left his face, “It’s fine.” Since there was God Dragon
Grass in the Qin Family Patriarch’s hand, things would be
easy to deal with.

Although God Dragon Grass was also a very rare herb, its
biggest role was to reduce the violent energy from a
primordial divine dragon’s blood and essence. Holding those
eight stalks of God Dragon Grass would not bring much
benefit to the Qin Family’s Patriarch.

As long as Huang Xiaolong could take out something

tempting enough in exchange, he believed that the other
party would definitely be willing to exchange them with the
God Dragon Grass.

“Right, Sovereign, this subordinate has another matter to

report.” Zhang Fu suddenly remembered a matter.
“Oh, what is it?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

Zhang Fu continued respectfully, “Snow Wind Continent’s

Blessed Buddha Emperor sent a messenger over to tell us
that not long after we left Blessed Buddha Empire, Princess
Shi Xiaofei followed behind us and came to the Starcloud

“Shi Xiaofei is here in Starcloud Continent…?!” Huang

Xiaolong was dumbfounded by the news.

At that time, Shi Xiaofei wanted Huang Xiaolong to bring her

over to Starcloud Continent, but he refused. He didn’t
expect this girl to have the spunk to sneakily trail behind

“The Blessed Buddha Emperor said that Shi Xiaofei would

send news back every two to three days since she left
Blessed Buddha Empire, however, from ten days ago, they
have lost contact with Princess Shi Xiaofei.” Zhao Shu

Huang Xiaolong’s brows creased into deep furrows, “Ten

days?” It seems like Shi Xiaofei might have met with some

“Do we know the last place Shi Xiaofei was at before losing
contact with the Blessed Buddha Empire?” Huang Xiaolong
grasped the most crucial point.

“According to the Blessed Buddha Emperor, she was at the

Treasure Oblast!”

“Treasure Oblast!” Huang Xiaolong was slightly stunned,

wasn’t this too much of a coincidence?
“The Blessed Buddha Emperor needed to guard the Blessed
Buddha Empire and unable to leave the Snow Wind
Continent, thus he requested Sovereign’s help to find
Princess Shi Xiaofei’s whereabouts.” Zhang Fu said.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

The Blessed Buddha Emperor, Shi Fantian, was his Senior

Brother, moreover, Shi Xiaofei could be considered missing
because of him, and it was in Starcloud Continent. Whether
it was reason or relationship, it was only right that he help
find Shi Xiaofei.

“Send word back to Senior Brother Shi Fantian, tell him not
to worry about this matter.” Huang Xiaolong’s voice grew

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu complied.

“I will head to Treasure Oblast right after this, in my

absence, the Asura’s Gate matters would need to trouble
both of you to handle.” Huang Xiaolong added.

Both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were surprised that Huang

Xiaolong planned to head to Treasure Oblast in such hurry,
without bringing either of them. Zhang Fu quickly requested
to go with Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “I alone am enough. If all

three of us are gone, who’s going to take care of matters at
the headquarters? Don’t forget, the more people, the bigger
the target, the easier it is to draw Cosmos God Cult’s

Hearing Huang Xiaolong’s argument, the two old men

reluctantly conceded. Huang Xiaolong tasked them with
handling various matters before Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu

After both of them left, Huang Xiaolong thought of

something. His figure disappeared in a flicker towards the
north side of Heavenly Sky Phoenix Mountain. Located here,
on this northern side, was Asura’s Gate treasure trove.

For the past month, Huang Xiaolong had been busy with his
cultivation, practicing the Thirteen Forms of the Dragon
God, the Godly Xumi Art, and Asura Tactics, and had yet to
have the time to visit the Asura’s Gate treasure trove. He
remembered that his Master Ren Wokuang stated in the
Asura Tactics cultivation technique that he left a ‘treasure’
for him inside the treasure trove, something that would aid
his Asura Tactics cultivation.

Before he departed toward the Treasure Oblast, Huang

Xiaolong wanted to see what his this so-called treasure that
his Master Ren Wokuang left for him inside the Asura’s Gate
treasure trove.

“Greeting the Sovereign!” The moment Huang Xiaolong

appeared, the two Asura’s Gate Elders guarding the treasure
trove appeared, greeting Huang Xiaolong with respect.

“No need for so much ceremony, stand up.” Huang Xiaolong

said, indicating to both Elders to stand up.

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, excusing both Elders as he

walked towards the treasure trove’s elaborate entrance.

The Asura’s Gate treasure trove entrance was a hundred

meters tall and thirty meters wide. At first glance, one could
hardly determine the material used to construct this door
that looked dull and dark. It was daytime at the moment,
the sun was shining bright and warm, but despite that,
when one got closer to the door, a cold feeling enveloped
them, a frigid air that seemed to penetrate deep into one’s

Huang Xiaolong was astounded; even though this much cold

was nothing to a Fourth Order Saint realm like him, if it were
those Xiantian realm warriors, they probably couldn’t
approach the door.

Standing right in front of the big door, Huang Xiaolong still

couldn’t figure out what material was used to construct it.
He scanned around, and finally, his sight fell onto a palm
imprint on the left side of the door.

Huang Xiaolong placed his right palm right into the imprint
on the door, running the Asura Tactics. Asura qi surged forth
from his palm, and instantly, the entire large framed door
burst out in a dazzling light that seemed to reach the sky as
the door slowly opened.

The door to the Asura’s Gate treasure trove could only be

opened using Asura qi, which was why Huang Xiaolong
wasn’t worried that item Master Ren Wokuang left for him
would fall into Chen Tianqi’s hand.

One step into the treasure trove, a whelming aura

submerged Huang Xiaolong, alarming him. Looking around,
Huang Xiaolong saw an altar in the middle of a spacious
hall, and on that altar was a heavily chained strange
creature that resembled a human, yet was not! Mysterious
talisman symbols ran along those thick iron chains,
glimmering occasionally.

Two short horns grew on the forehead of this strange

creature. Its arms, legs, body, and other parts were covered
with a layer of scales; its eyes seemed to glow scarlet red,
and all ten fingers were like claws that were dyed with fresh

Occasionally, black mists would float out from its body.

“This is… Hell Asura?!” A thought clapped through Huang

Xiaolong’s brain, both his eyes protruded in shock.

Hell Asura?!

The Asura’s Gate treasure trove actually had a sealed real-

life Hell Asura inside!

Words couldn’t describe the shock Huang Xiaolong felt. On

top of that, he could sense the raw energy emitting from
this Asura, powerful, violent. Its strength had, at the very
least, exceeded Tenth Order Saint realm.

“What is this? How did Master find this Hell Asura?” Huang
Xiaolong mumbled a little incoherently to himself.

Or, did this mean that his Master had crossed over to Asura
Plane in Hell before this?!
Chapter 415: Refining The
Asura Bloodline
Chapter 415: Refining the Asura Bloodline

Ren Wokuang actually crossed over to the Asura Plane in


Only that could explain how the Hell Asura would be sealed
here in the Asura’s Gate treasure trove.

The Asura chained on the altar had noticed Huang

Xiaolong’s presence in the hall and a violent emotion
exploded in its scarlet eyes. A menacing deep roar came
from its throat, instantly flooding the entire hall with an
incredible murderous aura.

The Asuras in Hell were born for war and battle. The thirst
for blood was a natural part of their core, hence, the fierce
murderous energy surrounding it was part of its being, not
solely directed at Huang Xiaolong.

Even though the Asura was chained and sealed to the altar
using mysterious talisman symbols by his Master Ren
Wokuang, the brutal and murderous aura it exuded still
awed Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong scanned around the altar. His sight finally

fell on the altar’s left corner where a line of minuscule
ancient characters was inscribed. With the first glance,
Huang Xiaolong had already determined that this line of text
was left behind by his Master, Ren Wokuang. The text stated
that if he could refine the Hell Asura, thereby possessing the
Hell Asura’s bloodline, his practice of the Asura Tactics
would enhance by leaps and bounds with only half the
effort, progressing at unimaginable speed.

The message also explained the method of refining the

Asura Bloodline, as well as the way to seal an Asura.

Reading carefully from beginning to end, Huang Xiaolong’s

gaze once again turned to the chained Asura; with a soft tap
of his foot, he leaped up onto the altar.

Watching as Huang Xiaolong approached, deep growls

sounded continuously from its throat, its arms and legs
struggled under the sealing chains noisily. However, Huang
Xiaolong noticed that the more the Asura struggled, the
more the chains tightened around it.

Huang Xiaolong relaxed a little more after seeing this. He

then ran the Asura Tactics according to the method stated
by Ren Wokuang on the altar. Ten fingers bent into claws
that pierced into the Asura’s chest, driving straight to the
heart. A powerful suction force came from Huang Xiaolong’s
palm and he watched as strands of dark red mist-like energy
molded into a pillar and flew towards him.

Huang Xiaolong quickly sat down in a meditative pose,

absorbing all the dark red energy into his body, slowly
refining it, guiding it into his blood.

The Asura’s struggles grew ever more zealous, furious

growls echoed in the hall as the brutal aura it emitted

Time trickled by and half a day passed.

Gradually, the Asura’s struggles weakened and stopped, its

body slowly drying up. At that moment, Huang Xiaolong’s
body was enshrouded in a dark red mist while meditating on
the altar. His body began to exude the same brutal,
murderous aura, similar to the Asura. The vague ethereal
aura began to condense, becoming denser around Huang

Daylight slowly receded.

From time to time, scales similar to the Asura would appear

on Huang Xiaolong’s body, and even two short horns
vaguely manifested on his forehead.

Three had days passed in the same manner when Huang

Xiaolong suddenly opened his eyes. In the depths of his
eyes, vigorous Asura qi surged and rumbled, akin to an
angry sea; the dark red energy mist shrouding his body was
sucked into his body all at once until nothing was left.

Huang Xiaolong got to his feet moments later.

To his delight, refining the Asura bloodline not only made

the Asura qi inside his body become more pure, it even
allowed him to advance to mid-Fourth Order Saint realm.

“This is…?!” While Huang Xiaolong was caught in his

delight, he suddenly noticed something else and was
shocked when he caught sight of the Asura scale armor on
his body. His hand swiftly reached up to touch his forehead
and was shocked to discover that two short horns were
protruding out!

His Master did not mention that his outer appearance would
resemble an Asura after he refined the Asura bloodline
according to the methods left on the altar.

‘What do I do now?! Please don’t tell me that I will have to

keep this hellish Asura appearance forever!’
Judging from a human’s aesthetic point of view, the features
of an Asura were too hideous to describe, a monster that
was neither mammal nor reptile!

What to do?! Huang Xiaolong attempted everything he

could think of, trying to revert his looks back to his original
form. After several hours that felt like an eternity, he finally
found a way to manipulate his Asura-like appearance.

His outward physical appearance of an Asura was due to the

Asura bloodline inside Huang Xiaolong’s blood, thus he
merely needed to suppress the Asura bloodline in his blood.
Moreover, suppressing the Asura bloodline didn’t affect his
Asura Tactics cultivation, allowing him to continue enjoying
the benefits of the bloodline at the same time.

Equivalently, if he wanted to change to the Asura

appearance, all he needed to do was release the
suppression on his bloodline.

Finding the solution to his unexpected ‘new look’, Huang

Xiaolong heaved in great relief. The chained Asura that was
refined by him had lost all vitality and essence, leaving a
dried corpse on the altar.

“Refining one Asura could enhance my Asura Tactics

cultivation speed. I wonder, if I refined more of them, could
it further expedite my progress?” Huang Xiaolong toyed with
the idea.

If that was the case, he had to find an opportunity later to

go to Hell’s Asura Plane.

An Asura’s bloodline contained an innate Asura qi, so

refining the Asura bloodline would aid Huang Xiaolong’s
future breakthroughs in the Asura Tactics, this was more
effective than swallowing a hundred Divine Dragon Pellets.
Hell consisted of three planes—the Asura Plane, the Ghost
Plane, and Souls Plane.

However, all three of them were higher planes. If Huang

Xiaolong wanted to head to the Asura Plane, he had to at
least break through to God Realm, because only after
breaking into God Realm would one have the ability to pass
through space and time.

Nevertheless, if Huang Xiaolong managed to practice the

Asura Tactics until the tenth stage, he could open a door to
Hell that would connect him straight to the Asura Plane. The
tenth stage seemed far and unattainable, otherwise his
Master wouldn’t have been stuck at the ninth stage.

Huang Xiaolong pulled himself out from his musings and

looked around the treasure trove. In fact, the treasure trove
was only so big, just the altar had taken close to half of the
entire space, with the rest of the hall being separated into a
few rooms.

Huang Xiaolong leaped off the altar, landing right in front of

the first room. Blood red crystal ores were piled to the
ceiling in the first room. Appearance wise, they resembled
the Dragon Blood Crystals that Huang Xiaolong had, but
these crystal ores glowed a deeper and more sinister blood

What kind of crystal ores were these? Huang Xiaolong was

astonished, for he felt that those red crystals contained an
energy that exceeded the Dragon Blood Crystals! It was
even purer! The energy inside emitted a faint Hellish aura,
which was greatly beneficial to Huang Xiaolong’s Asura
Tactics cultivation.

“Hell Royal Blood Stone!” Huang Xiaolong spotted several

small characters on the wall. Again, it was his Master Ren
Wokuang’s inscription.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes widened further; these were high

grade energy stones used in Hell?

Hell was a higher plane. Even the lowest grade of energy

stones condensed from that kind of rich environment, in a
lower bound world like Martial Spirit World, were treasures
that could throw the world into a storm.

A feverish look emerged in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. With

these Hell Royal Blood Stones on top of his Asura bloodline,
he believed that his Asura Tactics would be able to break
through without bottlenecks.

Huang Xiaolong transferred all the Hell Royal Blood Stones

into the Asura Ring and then moved on to the rest of the
rooms. In these rooms were some spirit pellets, rare elixirs,
and some battle skills and cultivation techniques from other
sects that his Master Ren Wokuang had collected over the
years. From the lowest grade to Heaven grade, there were
at least a thousand of them!

Still, the two things weighing heavily on Huang Xiaolong

now were the God Dragon Grass and Shi Xiaofei’s safety.
These various battle skills and cultivation techniques from
different sources had to wait until he returned.

Huang Xiaolong flew out from the Asura’s Gate treasure

trove and closed the heavy doors again. He dallied no
further, leaving the Heavenly Sky Phoenix Mountain and
heading in the direction of the Treasure Oblast.
Chapter 416: A Hero
Wants To Save The
Beautiful Damsel In
Chapter 416: A Hero Wants to Save the Beautiful
Damsel in Distress?

Huang Xiaolong flew at breakneck speed the entire way

without stopping for rest.

On the way to the Treasure Oblast, Huang Xiaolong’s mind

wandered. No doubt, those Hell Royal Blood Stones were
items his Master collected from Hell, which further
reinforced his strong hunch that his Master had been to Hell
more than once!

This took place while his Master’s Asura Tactics had yet to
reach the tenth stage. What did that mean? His Master Ren
Wokuang had stepped into the legendary God Realm!

A God Realm master! Then his Master must still be alive!

It was only that he might not be in the Martial Spirit World

anymore, perhaps he had crossed over to Hell or other
worlds close to the Martial Spirit World, such as the Peace
Emperor World, Jade Sword World, or Infinite God World!

It also occurred to Huang Xiaolong that if his Master could

break into God Realm, then, as the number one strongest
person on Starcloud Continent, the Cosmos God Cult’s
Leader was most likely a God Realm master too.

Although Huang Xiaolong was a mid-Fourth Order Saint

realm, a God Realm master still remained a higher existence
that he could only look up to.

In the Grand Martial Exchange thirteen years later, even if

they changed the rules permitting outside support, such as
the Poison Corpse Scarabs, Huang Xiaolong would most
assuredly end up dead in the hands of the Cosmos God Cult
Leader’s hands!

Even if he managed to break through to Tenth Order Saint

realm by then, the Cosmos God Cult Leader could squash
him like an insignificant insect! Unless he somehow reached
late-Tenth Order Saint realm, or peak late-Tenth Order Saint

God Realm! An existence that rivaled God! A light gleamed

in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

He had to practice harder and strive to improve his

strength! Regardless, he must first break through to Tenth
Order Saint realm to have any chance.

When night descended, Huang Xiaolong decided to rest in a

rocky mountain area. He found a hidden cave and entered
it, then he took out a Hell Royal Blood Stone. Running the
Asura Tactics, he began to refine the underworld energy
contained inside the red glowing stone.

Its effect hit Huang Xiaolong almost instantly, akin to a

beast in slumber being awakened. Boiling blood scorched
his veins, rumbling incessantly!
Huang Xiaolong’s body shook as if he was burning in a sea
of heavenly flames, unbearable pain invaded every part of
his body.

For a second, Huang Xiaolong thought that he had turned

into gray ash. The incredible energy from the Hell Royal
Blood Stone ran rampant like unbridled waves, akin to the
vast power of the stars in space, rushing into his body,
crashing everything in its the path.

Huang Xiaolong quickly willed himself to remain conscious,

enduring the excruciating pain again and again as he did his
best to refine this underworld energy.

Blood-colored fog started to fill the cave, weaving in the air.

The night passed.

In the midst of it, a blood-colored beam shot out from Huang

Xiaolong’s body, piercing sky high. A loud blast ensued as
the cave collapsed due to the sudden outburst of blood-
colored glow from Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s figure emerged in midair, a dark red glow

spiraled around his body as he stood in the air, resembling
an Asura King from Hell, peering at the crumbling mountain
peak below.

‘With the Asura bloodline, practicing the Asura Tactics is

indeed much faster!’ Huang Xiaolong was pleasantly
surprised. The result of one night’s practice was comparable
to a full month’s practice in the past. According to this
speed, his Asura Tactics could advance to the sixth stage
very soon.

Huang Xiaolong noticed that after refining a piece of Hell

Royal Blood Stone, the Asura qi inside him became purer;
the purer his Asura qi was, the more potent his powers
would be.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette disappeared

from the rocky mountains, speedily making his way to the
Treasure Oblast. Huang Xiaolong’s days continued in this
matter, traveling during daytime and practicing during the

As Huang Xiaolong’s Asura Tactics continued to progress, it

was the same with his Body Metamorphose Scripture.
Although his Body Metamorphose Scripture had reached the
perfection state, the true essence energy in his dantian
could evolve endlessly.

As days went by, Huang Xiaolong’s Godly Xumi Art was

improving every day.The current Huang Xiaolong could form
over eight hundred arms when displaying the Godly Xumi
Art. Taking into consideration the most average battle skills,
once executed simultaneously using over eight hundred
hands, the destructive power could probably flip the
heavens over.

However, these eight hundred hands still hovered in their

intangible form, and had yet to condensed into real entities.
Once they did, no one in Martial Spirit World would be able
to withstand a single attack from Huang Xiaolong.

Six days later, Huang Xiaolong stood on a mountain peak,

peering down on a magnificent city built on wide plains that
spanned thousands of miles in all directions.

‘Up ahead is the Enigma Oblast, and slightly further up

would be the Treasure Oblast.’ Huang Xiaolong muttered to
himself, leaping down from the peak towards the Enigma
Oblast’s direction.

The Enigma City was the largest city inside the Enigma
Oblast, and also one of the most important cities marking
the territorial influence between Asura’s Gate and Cosmos
God Cult.

Huang Xiaolong decided to stay two nights in Enigma City,

since Treasure Oblast was just a stone’s throw away, there
was no hurry.

Having no deep understanding of the current situation

inside the Treasure Oblast, Huang Xiaolong wanted to
inquire some information about it from the Enigma Oblast’s
Domain Leader. Other than that, this was Huang Xiaolong’s
first time visiting a city under Asura’s Gate governance, so
he wanted to use this opportunity to understand the general
situation of these cities.

Huang Xiaolong strode up to the city gates leading to

Enigma City, blending in with the crowd of various
pedestrians that were heading into the city.

The Enigma City was just as bustling and prosperous as

South Oblast City, the first city that Huang Xiaolong
experienced when he first arrived on Starcloud Continent. It
was filled with horses and carriages that stretched like a
dragon’s body and a lively atmosphere, with busy stores
lining both sides of the streets.

Watching the booming state and the flurry of activity around

him, a sense of pride emerged in Huang Xiaolong’s heart;
this was a city in his territory. As the Asura’s Gate
Sovereign, he was basically an Emperor here in the Enigma
Back on Earth, Huang Xiaolong never imagined that one day
he would be controlling a few thousand cities like an
Emperor of ancient times.

Huang Xiaolong was in no rush to reach the Enigma City’s

Castellan Manor, his feet followed where his heart felt like
going. However, as Huang Xiaolong strolled along the
streets, he noted that there were quite a lot of people
donning the Cosmos God Cult’s disciple robe, all bearing
arrogance in their expressions and acting uppity everywhere
they went, as if these Cosmos God Cult disciples were the
real owners of the Enigma City.

Another thing that Huang Xiaolong noticed was, whenever

there were both Cosmos God Cult disciples and Asura’s Gate
disciples passing on the same street, the Asura’s Gate
disciples would try to avoid the former from far away, some
even with apprehension in their eyes when they saw any
Cosmos God Cult disciples.

This made Huang Xiaolong frown. All of a sudden, a

commotion up ahead caught Huang Xiaolong’s attention.

“Let’s go watch, there’s a good show! I heard that some

Cosmos God Cult disciples fancy the Auspicious Scepter
Restaurant owner’s daughter, Yang Le’er, forcing her to
accompany them drinking and even fondling Yang Le’er
breasts. I don’t know from where, but an Asura’s Gate
disciple that isn’t afraid of death jumped out, wanting to
enact a ‘hero saving the beauty’ heroic deed! Now, he’s
beaten to a pulp, looking like a pig!”

“Those breasts of Yang Le’er definitely feel very good, did

that Cosmos God Cult disciple manage to succeed?”

“Come, let us go look!”

Several people in front talked excitedly, nearly bursting with

A cold light glinted in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes listening in on

their conversation, and he followed the group of several
men toward the Auspicious Scepter Restaurant.

They arrived quickly, for it wasn’t far.

Upon arrival, he saw that quite a large crowd had gathered

around the restaurant, all bearing a look of anticipation on
their faces, fingers pointing up and down.

Huang Xiaolong made his way in, the crowd only felt an
invisible power pushing them away to create a path.

Inside the restaurant, six Cosmos God Cult disciples were

sitting around a table with smug faces. In front of them,
lying face down on the floor, was an Asura’s Gate disciple
that was swollen and bruised all over. Blood caked on his
face and mouth. Obviously, he suffered a cruel beating.

A Cosmos God Cult disciple named Liu Guowei gloated

watching the Asura’s Gate disciple on the floor, a cold
snicker sounded, “Want to be the hero saving the beauty?
You have no self-knowledge at all! Obediently crawl over
here and lick clean your several daddys’ toes, then bark like
the mongrel that you are. When we’re satisfied with your
performance, we’ll consider letting you go, otherwise, I’ll
cripple your dog legs!”
Chapter 417: Why Are You Here Only Now?!

The Asura’s Gate disciple, Deng Cong, was glaring at the

band of Cosmos God Cult disciples with hatred burning in his
eyes, his voice sounded like a snarl, “Kill me if you got the
guts, you want me to lick your dog legs clean, I spit on you!”
Spit and blood splattered on the several Cosmos God Cult

Caught off guard for a second, several Cosmos God Cult

disciples were stained with blood spit, courtesy of Deng

The Cosmos God Cult disciple named Liu Guowei jumped to

his feet in a fit if anger, “Your mother, you really think that I
dare not take your life?! Let me tell you, even if I kill you
right here in this Enigma Oblast, your Enigma Oblast’s
Domain Leader won’t even have the guts to fart in front of
us!” Liu Guowei’s hand moved, ready to kill the Asura’s
Gate disciple named Deng Cong with a lethal strike.

But Liu Guowei’s action was stopped by another Cosmos

God Cult disciple, “It’s too merciful just killing him like this,
didn’t he fantasize about being a hero, saving a damsel in
distress? We should crush the ‘bird eggs’ between his legs,
so that he can never touch a woman in his life, then destroy
his Qi Sea, isn’t that better?! Wishing he could die, but he

“That’s true! On top of that, let’s strip that Yang Le’er naked
in front of him, let him watch how us brothers milk Yang
Le’er’s big breasts!” Another Cosmos God Cult disciple
shouted as he pointed a finger at the green-clad girl
standing at the side.
This suggestion brought a bout of lascivious laughter from
the rest.

The girl had delicate features, bestowed with a pair of

flirtatious fox-eyes, moist and clear, extremely charming.
Especially the pair on her chest, big, perky, and upright,
something the layer of clothes failed to hide.

This girl was Auspicious Scepter Restaurant owner’s

daughter, Yang Le’er.

Crystal tears hung at the edges of Yang Le’er eyes, looking

pitifully adorable even as she fumed with anger: “You dare!”

Liu Guowei whooped wickedly, “Whether we dare or not, let

us show it to you with our actions!” His hand reached out
toward Yang Le’er as he said those words, roughly pulling
her toward himself, while his other hand reached up,
wanting to tear off the girl’s clothing on the spot.

Not one person from the crowd stepped up to stop these

Cosmos God Cult disciples. They were widening their bright
eyes as to not miss anything instead, waiting with
anticipation for Liu Guowei’s action.

However, all of a sudden, Liu Guowei felt a sharp pain in his

hands. When his head turned to look, a black-haired young
man was standing behind him without him knowing. At this
point, that young man’s hand bound both of his in an iron

“Let go!” Liu Guowei was frightened and angered, shouting

out loud.

Huang Xiaolong harrumphed coldly, with a slight shake of

his hand, he threw the person to the air, channeling a small
amount of internal force and sounds of breaking bones were

Lui Guowei’s anguish scream rang as his whole body was

flung away, shattering tables and chairs as he crashed to
the floor.

“My hands!” Liu Guowei screamed.

The crowd quickly looked over in his direction, noticing that

both of his hands were totally crushed as they hung limply
at his sides, they couldn’t be lifted anymore.

The rest of the Cosmos God Cult disciples were dumbstruck,

but quickly snapped to their senses.

“Hehe, here comes another busybody!” Cosmos God Cult

disciple Hu Guang stared coldly at Huang Xiaolong
accompanied by a sarcastic snicker, “Lil’ punk, do you know
the consequences of injuring one of our Cosmos God Cult

Huang Xiaolong shrugged, unconcerned, “Oh, I’m curious

what the consequences are.”

Hu Guang’s voice grew icy, “You will end up a hundred times

worse than he is!” A finger pointed at the Deng Cong,
“Furthermore, no one will be able to save you!”

Among the six Cosmos God Cult disciples, Liu Guowei was
the weakest, merely a Xiantian Second Order, whereas Hu
Guang was a Xiantian Seventh Order, therefore, Huang
Xiaolong was no more than a puny speck of dust in his eyes.

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong was unperturbed.

Asura’s Gate disciple Deng Cong managed to get to his feet
from the ground, speaking to Huang Xiaolong, “This brother,
quickly run, flee as far as you can.”

“Run?” Hu Guang’s disdainful snort sounded, “Today, not

one of you can escape!” The five Cosmos God Cult disciples
immediately spread out, encircling Huang Xiaolong and
Deng Cong in the middle.

Hu Guang strutted confidently toward Huang Xiaolong. His

fingers bent into claws and lunged straight at Huang
Xiaolong’s torso.

“Ultimate White Bone Claws!”

The flesh on his hands shrunk, drying up in the blink of an

eye. They looked just like white bones that clawed out from
a grave, emitting a stench of a rotten corpse. One could tell
at one glance that this was an extremely vicious poison

Watching Hu Guang, Huang Xiaolong simply raised his hand

and pointed a finger at the space.

Huang Xiaolong’s demeanor triggered a savage spark in Hu

Guang; this little bastard is seeking death! He cultivated this
Ultimate White Bone Claws technique by absorbing death
aura that accumulated and turned into a potent corpse
poison. Even a Xiantian Eighth Order warrior would be
wishing for death if they were corroded by this poison, but
they would only be rotting to their death.

But, in the next moment, his face tightened, for an

incredible power that made his soul shake washed over him
from that finger, shattering his Ultimate White Bone Claw’s
death aura as if it didn’t even exist, piercing straight into his
An indescribable pain made Hu Guang scream his throat
hoarse. His body staggered feebly back, but his fearful eyes
never left Huang Xiaolong’s face, as a frigid cold energy
invaded every single part of his body from his palms.

Hu Guang turned his palms toward himself and looked at

the two bloody holes, which had a strange black mist
dancing around them. One could even hear faint heart-
chilling howls as the black mist weaved on the surface of his

Everything that happened entered the other four Cosmos

God Cult disciples’ eyes. They each looked less arrogant and
a little pale, for Hu Guang’s strength was the strongest
amongst them.

“You, who are you?!” Hu Guang demanded in anger staring

at Huang Xiaolong, while running his battle qi, trying to
expel the frigid qi out from his body. But he noticed that the
frigid energy only grew more tyrannical.

Huang Xiaolong strolled toward Hu Guang, causing Hu

Guang to retreat in a flustered manner.

“Kill him!”

Hearing Hu Guang’s order, the other four pounced on Huang

Xiaolong, attacking all at once.

When the four people’s attacks were about to hit Huang

Xiaolong, a glaring light shone from his body, repelling all
four away. The four people felt as if they collided with a
mountain. They were thrown backwards from the impact
force and flew out of the restaurant through the windows in
four different corners.
The spectating crowd retreated hastily in fright. Ignoring
them, Huang Xiaolong continued toward Hu Guang.

Hu Guang’s larynx moved nervously, his eyes still on Huang

Xiaolong the entire time. He tried to bolster his own courage
by saying, “My father is a Cosmos God Cult Elder, and my
Master is the Treasure Oblast’s Castellan, you dare…!”

Before Hu Guang could finish his grand sounding threat,

Huang Xiaolong struck a palm out across the distance
between them, striking accurately at Hu Guang’s Qi Sea,
sending him flying backward.

Blood spewed uncontrollably out of Hu Guang’s mouth,

dyeing the chairs and tables in close proximity red.

Asura’s Gate disciple Deng Cong and the spectators were

aghast, aghast that Hu Guang’s father was a Cosmos God
Cult Elder, aghast that the Treasure Oblast Castellan was his

And this black-haired young man still dared to injure Hu

Guang so heavily despite knowing all this!

Huang Xiaolong was still as impassive looking at Hu Guang.

He didn’t intend for that palm strike to kill Hu Guang, merely
destroying his Qi Sea. To cultivators, having their Qi Sea
destroyed and ending as a useless garbage was way more
painful than death.

It was deathly quiet when a burst of footsteps burst into the


“It’s the Asura’s Gate Enforcement disciples!”

The crowd cried out, quickly giving way.

Huang Xiaolong’s face sank a little. These Asura’s Gate
Enforcement disciples’ arrival was so timely, just earlier, one
couldn’t even see their shadows, but now they arrived in

By this time, about a hundred Asura’s Gate Enforcement

disciples had rushed into the restaurant.

The leader of the Enforcement squad, Qi Wu, entered the

restaurant and his face paled spotting Hu Guang in a pool of
blood. In a few quick steps, he reached Hu Guang’s side,
saying as he helped Hu Guang up, “Young Noble Hu, are you
alright?!” Panic was obvious in Qi Wu’s expression, it was
clear that both of them were acquaintances, moreover, this
Qi Wu seemed to know Hu Guang’s identity.

Hu Guang stood up, and at Qi Wu’s question, his temper

exploded; his palm struck and a raw five finger palm print
colored Qi Wu’s cheek. Hu Guang’s roar reverberated in the
entire restaurant, “His mother, what were you doing arriving
only at this time!” That demeanor and tone were no
different than ‘whipping’ his own subordinate.
Chapter 418: Breaching
Entry Into The Castellan
Chapter 418: Breaching Entry Into the Castellan Manor

The Asura’s Gate Law Enforcement Squad Leader Qi Wu

bent his waist at an even lower angle, cowardly and panic-
stricken instead of raging with anger after suffering a slap
from Hu Guang in public, “Young Noble Hu’s teachings are
right! This small one deserve to die!”

Huang Xiaolong watched everything with cold eyes.

An Asura’s Gate Law Enforcement Squad Leader actually

referred to himself as ‘small one’ before a Cosmos God Cult
disciple! He not only wasn’t angry being slapped in front of
a crowd, he was still trying to curry favor while looking

As the Asura’s Gate Sovereign, watching this happening

right in front of him, flames of wrath burned stronger in
Huang Xiaolong’s heart with each passing second.

At this point in time, Hu Guang pointed a finger at Huang

Xiaolong while yelling at that Asura’s Gate Law Enforcement
Squad Leader Qi Wu, “Capture that little imp, keep his life!”
Huang Xiaolong destroyed his Qi Sea, he absolutely would
not let Huang Xiaolong die so easily!

Qi Wu accepted Hu Guang’s command in a servile manner

before turning to look at Huang Xiaolong coldly, “Little punk,
how dare you act so boldly as to harm people in this Enigma
City, disregarding the Enigma City’s regulations. All Asura’s
Gate disciples listen up, capture this punk and throw him
into the dungeon!”

The surrounding hundred over Asura’s Gate disciples

acknowledged loudly, but just when they were about to
move, a loud voice sounded.

“Wait!” Asura’s Gate disciple Deng Cong clamored furiously,

“Qi Wu, as an Asura’s Gate Law Enforcement Squad Leader,
how dare you conspire with a Cosmos God Cult disciple!
Cosmos God Cult disciples come looking for trouble in
Enigma City, hurting innocent people, but you closed your
eyes, pretending not to see. Now, as Asura’s Gate Law
Enforcement Squad Leader, you’re actually listening to
orders from a Cosmos God Cult disciple? Qi Wu, do you
know your crime?!”

Qi Wu’s derided gaze fell upon Deng Cong, “So it’s you,
Deng Cong! Hmph, Cosmos God Cult disciples causing
troubles in Enigma City? I see no such thing!”

Deng Cong could only fume in silent anger at Qi Wu’s


Qi Wu added, “From what I see, you’re in cahoots with this

punk. As an Asura’s Gate disciple, you knowingly break the
law, you deserve a heavier punishment! People, arrest him
as well, throw them into the dungeon together!”

Deng Cong was beside himself with anger: “Qi Wu! You’re
trying to frame me!” There seemed to be a private grudge
between Deng Cong and Qi Wu.

Qi Wu merely sneered. Without another word, he waved his

hand and the large group of Asura’s Gate disciples
responded by tightening their encirclement around Huang
Xiaolong and Deng Cong.

Huang Xiaolong scanned his surroundings. He, the

Sovereign of Asura’s Gate, was about to be captured by his
own Asura’s Gate Law Enforcement Squad for

An abrupt laughter sprung from Huang Xiaolong.

A laughter derived from an indescribable anger!

Before anyone could react, Huang Xiaolong’s palms struck

out. A brilliant light soared to the sky as numerous palm
imprints appeared in the air, each palm imprint striking an
Asura’s Gate enforcement disciple, sending them flying
several meters away.

Eyes widened with shock watching dozens of Asura’s Gate

enforcement disciples’ flying out; to become an Asura’s
Gate enforcement disciple, it was prerequisite to have at
least Xiantian realm strength. More than a hundred Xiantian
realm disciples were sent flying in just one move! The
strength Huang Xiaolong exposed made the crowd’s hearts

Neglecting the shocked expressions around him, Huang

Xiaolong didn’t spare a second look at those Asura’s Gate
enforcement disciples, fixing his attention on one person—
the Law Enforcement Squad Leader, Qi Wu.

Qi Wu retrieved his bewildered eyes from the rest of the

enforcement disciples. A foreboding unease snaked through
his heart as he felt Huang Xiaolong’ gaze fix on his person,
for he caught the flicker of killing intent in Huang Xiaolong’s
“I’m an Asura’s Gate Law Enforcement Squad Leader!” Qi
Wu wobbled back even as he yelled out his identity, “This is
Enigma City, you dare attack and injure Asura’s Gate

Huang Xiaolong’s hand reached out and made a grasping

gesture in the empty air, Qi Wu immediately felt the space
around him squeeze and contract, and in the next second,
his entire person flew toward Huang Xiaolong. Huang
Xiaolong’s right hand was choking Qi Wu’s throat as he
looked at him with frigid eyes, “You’re aware that this is
Enigma City? You realize that you’re an Asura’s Gate Law
Enforcement Squad Leader?!”

Qi Wu’s face turned beet-red, his mouth opened and closed,

yet was unable to utter a single sound. Dread filled his eyes
as he begged for mercy through them.

“As an Asura’s Gate Law Enforcement Squad Leader, not

only did you not aid your sect brothers, you also listened to
commands from a Cosmos God Cult disciple? Damn you
lot!” Huang Xiaolong’s icy voice stabbed into Qi Wu’s soul.
Huang Xiaolong exerted slight pressure in his fingers,
directly crushing Qi Wu’s throat to his death.

Releasing his hold, Qi Wu’s lifeless body fell limply to the


Everyone looked at Huang Xiaolong with disbelief. This

young man killed the Asura’s Gate Law Enforcement Squad
Leader like it was nothing!

Deng Cong looked no better staring at Huang Xiaolong,

hesitation and puzzlement flickered across his face.

Then, Huang Xiaolong looked at Hu Guang.

All of Hu Guang’s previous arrogance vanished into thin air,
extreme terror penetrated every cell in his body as the
pressure of impending death suffocated him.

“Don’t worry, I’ll temporarily let you live.” Noticing the

horror reflected in the other side’s pupils, Huang Xiaolong

Hu Guang stiffened.

Huang Xiaolong straightened his palm like a sword. With a

wave, a screeching scream came from Hu Guang, both of
his hands were hacked off by Huang Xiaolong and he passed
out from the severe pain.

The crowd was deathly quiet as Hu Guang’s scream still

echoed in their ears.

“You’re called Deng Cong?” Huang Xiaolong’s voice broke

the heavy silence.

Deng Cong snapped back to his senses, quickly answering:


Huang Xiaolong nodded, “I’ve remembered it.” Leaving a

baffled and confused Deng Cong, he left the restaurant,
walking in the direction of Enigma City’s Castellan Manor.

Some time after Huang Xiaolong disappeared from view, an

uproar erupted at the restaurant.

Very soon, Huang Xiaolong appeared in Enigma City

Castellan Manor’s main hall, an unfathomable cold smile
tilted up the corners of Huang Xiaolong’s mouth looking at
the two imposing stone lion statues at the Castellan Manor

“What are you here for? Don’t you know that this is the
Castellan’s manor?” Just as Huang Xiaolong was about to
step into the manor grounds, two Asura’s Gate disciples that
were standing guard at the entrance blocked his path,
barking fiercely.

“I know.” Huang Xiaolong’s patience was fraying. Before

more disciples could approach, an overwhelming power
threw them off balance. Silhouettes tumbled in the air.

Huang Xiaolong walked into the Enigma City Castellan’s

residence manor.

“Insolent! Who are you? Breaching entry into the Castellan’s

Manor!” More guards noticed Huang Xiaolong’s presence;
there was actually someone who dared to trespass into the
Castellan Manor! The guards leaped up, each aiming an
attack at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and pointed at the void.

Almost instantly, all these manor guards were sent reeling
away without any shred of resistance.

While this was taking place outside, the Enigma City’s

Castellan, Wang Dingzhi, who was also an Asura’s Gate
Domain Leader, was sitting in the main hall, contemplating
his cultivation progress. His cultivation had been stuck
without any progress in recent years, causing him to
become irritated and anxious.

“Castellan, it’s bad!” Suddenly, the manor’s steward ran in

looking flustered and terrified.
“Look at you, losing your calm, what is it?!” This steward
running in screaming while he was troubled by the lack of
progress in his cultivation upset Wang Dingzhi.

The steward was startled by Wang Dingzhi’s outburst, but

he still soldiered on, reporting, “Castellan, a young man
breached into the manor, and he has already injured more
than a hundred manor guards!”

Wang Dingzhi’s temper flared sky high hearing this, “Truly

seeking death! So brazen to run rampant in my manor!”
Wang Dingzhi jumped to his feet, but when he was about to
take the first step out to see who was the audacious person
that dared to breach his Castellan Manor, his foot paused
midair while his sight could barely shift away from the main
hall entrance.

A stalwart figure stood at the door.

The steward looked over and blurted, “Castellan, it’s this

little imp trespassing into the manor, injuring over a
hundred guards!” The steward’s finger pointed confidently
to the figure standing at the door.

When the steward just finished his ‘report’, Wang Dingzhi’s

legs gave out. His quickly knelt on both knees in salute,
“Asura’s Gate disciple Wang Dingzhi greets the Sovereign!”
Wang Dingzhi couldn’t help the tremor in his voice.

Sovereign?! The word sounded like a thunderclap in the

steward’s brain, for an instant, he couldn’t even tell where
north or south was.

The ‘trespasser’ was none other than Huang Xiaolong. He

entered the main hall looking at Wang Dingzhi, the
temperature in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes dropped a few
Chapter 419: Surrender
The Murderer
Chapter 419: Surrender the Murderer

Huang Xiaolong did not utter a word as he walked to the

main seat and sat down.

One could even hear a needle drop in the heavy silence.

Huang Xiaolong sat down silently and did nothing to indicate

to Wang Dingzhi that he could stand, thus Wang Dingzhi
remained in a kneeling posture without daring to move an
inch. The menacing cold air from Huang Xiaolong caused
the temperature in the hall to plummet drastically.

However, Wang Dingzhi was sweating profusely, while that

manor steward stood blankly at the side, as if the word
‘Sovereign’ that came out from Wang Dingzhi’s mouth
scared his soul into oblivion.

Within seconds, sounds of rustling wind came from many

different directions into the main hall. No doubt, these
noises were the manor guards rushing over, ready to
encircle the trespasser.

Huang Xiaolong breaking into the Castellan Manor and

injuring over a hundred manor guards had alerted the
hidden experts within the manor grounds.

Hearing the sharp wind noises arriving one after another,

Wang Dingzhi grew more anxious, however, Huang Xiaolong
had yet to permit him to stand. He dared not stand on his
own accord to order these manor guards to retreat.

Huang Xiaolong silently sat in the hall. In that short

moment, a group of manor guards had broken through the
doors and rushed into the main hall.

The manor guards who broke into the main hall in a rush
were stupefied seeing their Castellan kneeling on the floor.

“Castellan, are you alright?” One of the manor guards

arrived swiftly to Wang Dingzhi’s side, inquiring with
concern. In his view, their Castellan was subdued by the
black-haired young man and was forced to kneel in

The guards snapped back to their senses, bellowing as they

simultaneously attacked Huang Xiaolong.

Reaching this point, Wang Dingzhi could no longer remain

kneeling and hollered out in anger: “Impudent! Damn the lot
of you, get the hell out of here this instant!” Jumping
anxiously to his feet, he released a powerful wave of energy.

All the manor guards were forced back awkwardly by the

powerful wave of energy from Wang Dingzhi.

The manor guard and steward closest to Wang Dingzhi were

the most miserable, receiving the highest colliding impact,
their bodies were sent flying out of the main hall. Both of
them fainted before they hit the floor.

The manor guards struck by Wang Dingzhi struggled up

from the floor. Confusion, apprehension, and bewilderment
clearly showed on their faces, not knowing what they did
wrong. It was beyond their understanding that the person
that attacked them would be their own Lord Castellan.
In the next moment, they witnessed Wang Dingzhi quickly
getting down to his knees again before Huang Xiaolong,
“They are not aware of Sovereign’s identity and
inadvertently offended Sovereign, please have mercy and
spare their lives!”

A crisp clap resounded in the minds of these manor guards,

shock written all over their faces as their pupils shifted
towards the black-haired young man sitting in the most
conspicuous seat in the main hall.


Their Asura’s Gate Sovereign?!

Huang Xiaolong merely glanced at Wang Dingzhi from the

corner of his eyes, speaking in a low drawl, “I ran into
something very interesting on the first day I arrived in
Enigma City.”

Something very interesting? Wang Dingzhi’s heart tightened


Huang Xiaolong continued in the same slow drawl, “Several

Cosmos God Cult disciples were harassing a young woman
in the Auspicious Scepter Restaurant. One of our Asura’s
Gate disciples tried to stop them, but was pounded until he
was gravely injured by those Cosmos God Cult disciples. On
top of that, our disciple was humiliated in public, he was told
to lick the toes of these Cosmos God Cult disciples. When
our Asura’s Gata Enforcement Squad arrived, not only did
they not help their own sect brother, but hid and watched
behind the scenes.”

Sweat was falling down Wang Dingzhi’s forehead like

monsoon rain.
Huang Xiaolong’s voice echoed softly in the hall, “What
made it even more interesting was, after those Cosmos God
Cult disciples were taught a lesson by me, the Asura’s Gate
Enforcement Squad disciples actually ran out like loyal dogs,
taking orders from the Cosmos God Cult disciples in an
attempt to capture me and the other Asura’s Gate disciple,
wanting to throw us into the dungeon!”

By this point, Wang Dingzhi had lost all colors from his face
as if all of his blood were drained away. At this moment, he
finally understood the reason for Huang Xiaolong’s anger,
why the murderous aura coming from Huang Xiaolong was
so ferocious.

A sect’s Sovereign was nearly thrown into the dungeon by

his own sect’s disciples!

Wang Dingzhi’s tongue was twisted into knots, not knowing

what to say.

“Wang Dingzhi!” Huang Xiaolong suddenly snapped.

A cold shiver ran down Wang Dingzhi’s body: “Sovereign.”

“Does Enigma City belong to the Asura’s Gate or to the

Cosmos God Cult?!” Huang Xiaolong barked the question at
Wang Dingzhi.

“Enigma City belongs to our Asura’s Gate.” Wang Dingzhi

answered fearfully, his heart was trembling inside.

“Then you tell me, why does a Cosmos God Cult disciple
dare to order our Asura’s Gate Enforcement Squad before
the public crowd, right under our noses, in Enigma City?
Beating up our Asura’s Gate disciples, humiliating our
Asura’s Gate disciples?!” Huang Xiaolong questioned
Terrifying Asura qi surged around Huang Xiaolong,
enveloping the Castellan Manor main hall in a suffocating
slaughter aura.

Fear paralyzed all the servants, maids, and guards on the

manor grounds, feeling an immense pressure enveloping

Wang Dingzhi was still on his knees, holding his breath as

his face turned increasingly paler.

While this was happening in Enigma City’s Castellan Manor,

in the neighboring Treasure Oblast’s Castellan Manor,
Castellan Peng Zhuang had just received the message that
his disciple Hu Guang was injured in Enigma City to the
extent that his Qi Sea was destroyed and both hands hacked
off. In a fit of anger, he turned the tables and chairs beside
him into dust with a slam.

“Relay my order, tell the Qi Family’s Patriarch, Qi Lei, to

search the entire Enigma City! I don’t care how, he must
find that bastard for me! If he escaped, I will uproot his Qi
Family!” Peng Zhuang’s roar thundered through the manor.

“Yes, Castellan!” The Cosmos God Cult disciple quickly

complied and ran out as if he was fleeing for his life.

On another side of the Enigma City, inside the Qi Family’s

hall, more than a dozen people were lying on the floor.
Amongst these dozen people, one of them was the very
same Cosmos God Cult disciple who had his Qi Sea
destroyed and both hands hacked off by Huang Xiaolong, Hu
Guang, and the Asura’s Gate Enforcement Squad Leader, Qi

The Qi Family had always been closely connected to the

Cosmos God Cult, or better phrased, they were Cosmos God
Cult’s dog inside Enigma City. Now that a Cosmos God Cult
Elder’s son, Hu Guang, had both of his hands and his Qi Sea
crippled inside the Enigma City, Qi Lei’s face was warped
with anger, and at the same time, with fear.

Asura’s Gate Enforcement Squad Leader, Qi Wu, was a

direct descendant of the Qi Family’s main branch, someone
that Qi Lei arranged into the Asura’s Gate by pulling some
strings. Qi Wu was a good talent and was one of the
disciples that the Qi Family was focused on nurturing. He
didn’t expect Qi Wu to end up getting killed by someone like

“Sovereign!” A Qi Family Elder burst into the hall looking

flustered, reporting to Qi Lei, “Just now, Treasure Oblast’s
Lord Castellan sent someone over with an order, we must
search the entire Enigma City to find that murderer, if not, if

“If not what?” Qi Lei asked.

“If that person escaped, Treasure City’s Castellan said that

he would annihilate Qi Family!” That Elder did not dare to
conceal the matter, telling Qi Lei what was said.

Immediately, Qi Lei’s and the other Elders’ faces turned


Annihilate the Qi Family!

From these words, they already knew the extent of Treasure

City Castellan’s ire! Not to mention, Hu Guang’s father had
yet to know about this matter, if he knew, one could
imagine the consequences.

Qi Lei knew that Treasure City’s Castellan was someone who

kept to his word, if the Qi Family really failed to capture that
murderer, they would face annihilation.

“Have we found where the killer went?” Qi Lei asked.

One of the present Elder answered, “We received word

moments ago, that person went into the Castellan Manor.”

“The Castellan Manor?” This information was unexpected.

“Patriarch, what do we do now?” Another Qi Family Elder

inquired Qi Lei.

A ruthless gleam flickered in Qi Lei’s eyes, “To the Castellan

Manor, now! Force Wang Dingzhi to surrender that killer to
us, otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude!”

Although he didn’t know what relation that person had with

Wang Dingzhi, at this moment, Qi Lei wasn’t in a position to
be concerned about this point. Regardless of that person’s
identity, he must capture him, or the consequences of
Treasure City Castellan’s wrath was not something that their
Qi Family could afford!
Chapter 420: What Are You Considered As?

Make Wang Dingzhi surrender the killer?

That Qi Family Elder was stunned for a moment before

vowing solemnly, “Patriarch, rest assured, Wang Dingzhi
might be bold, but not enough to cover for the criminal that
harmed Young Noble Hu Guang! I’ll head to the Castellan
Manor immediately and will surely drag that murderer
back!” The Elder executed a brisk salute toward Qi Lei
before turning around to leave the hall, bringing with him a
group of Qi Family guards, and headed toward the Castellan

Inside the Enigma City Castellan Manor’s main hall, Wang

Dingzhi was still on his knees.

Huang Xiaolong watched the kneeling Wang Dingzhi quietly,

a small part of Huang Xiaolong understood that the whole
matter couldn’t be blamed on Wang Dingzhi alone.

Since his Master, Ren Wokuang, disappeared several

decades ago, most of Asura’s gate matters were handled by
Chen Tianqi. Chen Tianqi endured and gave way because he
did not want an open confrontation with the Cosmos God
Cult. Due to that, the territory under the Asura’s Gate’s
governance was swallowed by the Cosmos God Cult through
the years From the original fifty-two oblasts from its heyday,
it was reduced to only thirty-six oblasts.

For this reason, the Cosmos God Cult disciples dared

behaved in such brazen manner in territories under the
Asura’s Gate’s governance!

And for this reason, the Asura’s Gate disciples showed

fearful looks when facing Cosmos God Cult disciples.
In that short span of time, the manor guards sent flying by
Wang Dingzhi earlier quickly knelt down in salute. Like Wang
Dingzhi, all of them held their breaths as fear filled their
hearts—fear toward Huang Xiaolong.

Their Asura’s Gate’s new Sovereign, Huang Xiaolong!

Young Noble Divine Dragon!

Young Noble Divine Dragon’s glorious deeds and fierce

reputation had spread throughout Starcloud Continent.

There were also those Poison Corpse Scarabs that had

become a nightmare in many experts’ hearts.

Just moments ago, they actually had the guts to attack their
Asura’s Gate Sovereign? Finally, they understood the bitter
reality. The Castellan striking them was in fact for their own
good. Otherwise, if their mighty Sovereign released those
Poison Corpse Scarabs… Remembering the details of how
people died under the Poison Corpse Scarabs in the rumors,
those guards shivered by reflex.

A manor guard suddenly ran into the hall and saluted Huang
Xiaolong on his knees, reporting, “Reporting to Sovereign,
the Qi Family’s Elder Qi Tian led many Qi Family experts
over. They’re waiting outside, requesting to see the

“Qi Family’s Elder…” Huang Xiaolong turned to Wang

Dingzhi, “Was that Enforcement Squad Leader Qi Wu a
disciple of the Qi Family?” That Qi Wu carried the surname
Qi, the connection was easy to make.

“That is so, Sovereign. That Qi Wu is indeed a Qi Family’s

disciple, he’s the current Qi Family Patriarch Qi Lei’s
nephew.” Wang Dingzhi honestly revealed everything. Of
course, this whole time, the sweat running down his face
had yet to stop.

“Qi Family Patriarch, Qi Lei’s nephew?” Huang Xiaolong

snorted, “Other than Qi Wu, how many more Qi Family’s
disciples are inside Asura’s Gate?”

Wang Dingzhi answered: “About ten or so. These Qi Family

disciples were arranged into the sect through Qi Lei’s
connections. This subordinate failed terribly in governing the
Enigma City and is willing to accept any punishment
Sovereign will mete out!” Wang Dingzhi knocked his head
against the hard floor with a loud boom, not daring to lift his
head to face Huang Xiaolong.

Wang Dingzhi was aware that Qi Lei used his connections to

arrange some Qi Family disciples into Asura’s Gate, just that
the Qi Family had a strong influence inside Enigma City. As
long as Qi Lei did not act too unscrupulously, crossing the
line, Wang Dingzhi would close one eye to his dark deeds.

Huang Xiaolong’s voice was cold as ever, “Your crime will be

judged after this!” Then he turned to the manor guard that
came in to report, “Lead that Qi Tian and the group of Qi
Family’s people in here.”

“Yes, Sovereign.” The manor guard acknowledged

respectfully, saluted to Huang Xiaolong and exited the hall.

When that manor guard left, Huang Xiaolong finally allowed

Wang Dingzhi and the other manor guards to rise to their
feet. He ordered the manor guards to retreat, leaving only
Wang Dingzhi with him in the main hall.

“You, sit.” Huang Xiaolong pointed at one of the seats

further down to Wang Dingzhi.
Truth be told, in Huang Xiaolong’s presence, Wang Dingzhi
as a Domain Leader was not qualified to sit, but he dared
not disobey Huang Xiaolong’s order. Therefore, after saying
his thanks, Wang Dingzhi sat down gingerly on the chair
Huang Xiaolong pointed at. Even so, only half of Wang
Dingzhi’s butt actually rested on the seat.

Barely a few seconds after Wang Dingzhi sat down, Qi

Family’s Elder, Qi Tian, swaggered into the hall with a group
of Qi Family’s experts in tow. However, these people were a
little surprised seeing the pieces of broken doors lying
around, as if a fight took place here moments before they

Along with his surprise, Qi Tian strode into the hall with his
eyes scanning the surroundings. He immediately noticed the
young man sitting at the center of the hall and Wang
Dingzhi. Qi Tian narrowed his eyes at the scene.

According to the description given by the Qi Family

disciples, that black-haired young man sitting in the center
of the hall was most likely the sinner who destroyed the
Cosmos God Cult disciple, Young Noble Hu Guang’s Qi Sea
and cut off his arms. But what was this young man’s identity
that gave him the qualification to sit equally with Castellan
Wang Dingzhi? On top of that, Wang Dingzhi actually sat in
the lower position chair.

Qi Tian’s eyes flickered as these thoughts sped through his

mind, whereas on the surface, he stopped in front of Wang
Dingzhi and cupped his hands in greeting, “Castellan
Wang.” Despite Qi Family’s strong influence, Wang Dingzhi
was still the official Castellan of the Enigma City. In front of
Wang Dingzhi, he dared not act discourteously.
Wang Dingzhi put on an indifferent face, nodding slightly,
“What matters do you have?”

Hearing Wang Dingzhi speak in a straightforward manner, Qi

Tian also did not beat around the bush. He pointed at Huang
Xiaolong, “Castellan Wang, this person injured Cosmos God
Cult disciple Hu Guang earlier today at the Auspicious
Scepter Restaurant. Not only has he destroyed Young Noble
Hu Guang’s Qi Sea, he also cut off both of Young Noble Hu
Guang’s arms. I implore Castellan Wang to hand over this
person to me, so I can bring him back to the Qi Mansion.”

Wang Dingzhi glanced sideways at Huang Xiaolong, yet he

couldn’t read anything from Huang Xiaolong’s stoic face.

Wang Dingzhi looked coldly at Qi Tian, “What if I refuse?”

Qi Tian’s face sank, and no longer bothered to put up any

pretense of courtesy. A mocking scoff sounded as his tone
was laced with a mildly veiled threat, “Castellan Wang, have
you thought of the consequences? I’m not afraid to tell you
frankly, that Young Noble Hu he injured is none other than
Treasure City Castellan’s disciple and also Cosmos God Cult
Elder Hu’s only son! Later, when Treasure City’s Castellan
and Elder Hu come seeking an account and find out that you
actually protected the criminal, hehe…!”

At the end, Qi Tian placed his threat on the table.

Wang Dingzhi fumed with fury inside his heart, this Qi Tian
was just an average Qi Family Elder, but now, this person
was taking a dump right on his head; coming to show his
‘prowess’ in the Castellan Manor, his territory? All these
years of adhering to Chen Tianqi’s orders, he had been
enduring, which indirectly allowed Qi Family’s arrogance to
fester to this degree!
Wang Dingzhi suddenly struck his palm out.

Although Qi Tian held the status of an Elder in the Qi Family,

he was only a peak half-Saint, how could he withstand a
palm from Wang Dingzhi? In a split second, his body flew
back from the force, making an arch in the air across the

“Elder Qi Tian!” The experts that came with Qi Tian cried out
in shock, rushing hastily to his side.

Qi Tian wobbled unsteadily trying to stand up, staring

fixedly at Wang Dingzhi. A rapid vicious glint flickered past
his pupils; Wang Dingzhi actually attacked and injured him?!

Despite the unwillingness and anger in his heart, Qi Tian

knew he wasn’t Wang Dingzhi’s opponent, therefore, he

Qi Tian glared at Wang Dingzhi, his cold voice sounded,

“Wang Dingzhi, I hope you won’t regret this!” He signaled
the experts around him, preparing to leave.

“Who said you can leave?” When Qi Tian and the Qi Family
experts turned to leave, Huang Xiaolong, who had been
sitting quietly watching the entire time, finally spoke.

Qi Tian’s foot paused halfway and turned back around,

glowering at Huang Xiaolong, “Brat, what did you say? This
father can come and leave whenever he wants to, do I need
your permission? What thing are you to control me?!”

His heart was still boiling with anger taking that attack from
Wang Dingzhi.

What thing are you? Hearing Qi Tian insult their Sovereign

as ‘what thing’, Wang Dingzhi’s temper flared up. He stood
up, but when he was about to act, he saw countless
demonic claws shredding the space, slashing at Qi Tian and
the experts with him.
Chapter 421: Still Considered Tactful

Countless demonic claws carrying incredible destructive

power submerged Qi Tian and the group of Qi Family
experts. Their faces became ashen facing that sudden
attack that appeared out of nowhere.

Qi Tian wanted to dodge, but to his horror, he found that

even with his peak half-Saint strength, he was powerless to
move an inch.

Howls from thousands of demons pierced their eardrums as

if they fell into the deepest Asura hell.

In a sudden boom, numerous shrieks of agony seemed to

sound in unison as all Qi Family’s experts were flung to the
air. Blood splattered to every corner of the big hall.

The cries and screams died down, followed by an eerie


A while later, Qi Tian struggled to get off the floor. Looking

around him, he saw that all the experts that followed him
from the Qi Mansion were dead. These people that
accompanied him were all core members and high-level
experts of the Qi Family, all possessing the strength of high-
level Xiantian realm. In short, these people were the core
strength of the Qi Family, but now, they were all dead.

Over a hundred Qi Family core members and high-level

guards were all dead! Thinking of the huge loss, Qi Tian
wanted to cry, but no tears would come. His heart was filled
with rage, grief, and unprecedented fear.

All dead!

However, he knew that the reason he was still breathing

was because the other side deliberately let him live,
otherwise the would never have the chance to get up at this

Qi Tian’s stared fixedly at Huang Xiaolong with hate-filled

eyes, screaming, “Who-are-you?! No matter who you are,
you murdered so many of my Qi Family disciples and
guards, you can only die! Our Qi Family will definitely
destroy you, destroy your nine generations!” At the end of
it, Qi Tian was roaring the words out at the top of his lungs.
His voice sounded scratchy and hoarse, his face distorted
with rage.

“Kill my nine generations?” Huang Xiaolong repeated the

words devoid of any emotions. He had heard Deities
Templar utter this line many times over.

Wang Dingzhi turned toward Huang Xiaolong, respectfully

saying, “Sovereign, this subordinate has more than a
hundred ways to torture this Qi Tian until he begs for

Sovereign? Catching the term that Wang Dingzhi used to

refer to Huang Xiaolong was like being struck by tribulation
lightning directly on the head, Qi Tian blanked fully for a
second, and then his eyes widened in shock.


“Asura-Asura’s Gate Sov-Sovereign?!”

Qi Tian stammered, his vigor and momentum earlier, his

killing intent toward Huang Xiaoling, his fury, all
disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only terror.
Huang Xiaolong looked impassively at Qi Tian, “A hundred
ways? No need to trouble ourselves, it has been some days
since my Poison Corpse Scarabs ate.”

“Poison Corpse Scarabs?!” Hearing this name, Qi Tian’s

knees went weak, the whites of his eyes rolled back and

Huang Xiaolong waved his hands, releasing a large swarm

of Poison Corpse Scarabs. All fell above the bodies of these
Qi Family disciples and guards. Before Wang Dingzhi’s non-
stop twitching eyelids, a short while later, The Poison Corpse
Scarabs had gnawed clean the corpses on the floor.

Huang Xiaolong retrieved the Poison Corpse Scarabs, stating

coldly, “Since Qi Lei wants to capture me so badly, I should
go meet him.”

Wang Dingzhi’s throat felt dry, detecting the unmistakable

killing intent in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. He could already
imagine the news he would be receiving a few hours later—
the Qi Family is forever erased from the Martial Spirit World!

Less than five minutes later, Wang Dingzhi led Huang

Xiaolong to the Qi Mansion. However, Huang Xiaolong did
not request for a lot of people. Other than himself and Wang
Dingzhi, there were no more than a dozen Asura’s Gate
disciples with them.

Although Huang Xiaolong did not bring many Asura’s Gate

disciples on this trip, there was Wang Dingzhi. With the City
Castellan’s face amongst the group, it was enough to shock
the experts loitering around Enigma City.

“Isn’t that Castellan Wang?!”

“Who is that black-haired young man beside him?!”

“Seems like Castellan Wang is heading to the Qi Family’s

Passersby on the streets whispered amongst themselves,

others scurried far away, giving a wide berth to Wang
Dingzhi’s group.

Within the Qi Mansion’s main hall, Qi Lei and the present Qi

Family Elders were waiting for news from Qi Tian.

“Why isn’t Elder Qi Tian back yet after so long?” One of the
Qi Family Elder couldn’t resist saying out loud, “Could
something have happened?”

Another Elder balked, “What can happen, give that Wang

Dingzhi leopard guts and he still wouldn’t dare not surrender
the criminal to us. If he has tact, he would hand over that
criminal to Elder Qi Tian obediently, then this matter will be
resolved, otherwise, hehe…”

“If that Wang Dingzhi dared to shelter the criminal, I say,

our Qi Family can launch an attack and seize the Enigma
City’s Castellan Manor in one fell swoop, conquering the
Enigma Oblast. The Enigma Oblast and Treasure Oblast are
adjacent lands, with the Cosmos God Cult as our backing,
the people in the Asura’s Gate headquarters wouldn’t dare
do anything to us.” A Qi Family Elder put forth his thoughts.

Just as his words ended, one of the Qi Family’s stewards

entered the hall in hasty steps, reporting to Qi Lei,
“Reporting to Patriarch, Wang Dingzhi is on the way to our
Qi Mansion right at this moment.”

This message came too suddenly for everyone in the main

Qi Lei was slightly stunned, “Wang Dingzhi is heading to our
Qi Mansion?” Weighing the matter in his head, he asked,
“Just Wang Dingzhi alone?”

The Qi Family steward promptly answered, “No, apart from

Wang Dingzhi, there are about ten Asura’s Gate disciples.
Right, there’s also a black-haired young man with them. It
seems that young man is the one that injured Young Noble
Hu Guang.”

Qi Lei blanked for a moment, then his face bloomed into a

wide smile facing the Qi Family Elders, “It seems this Wang
Dingzhi still has some tact, personally bringing that criminal
over to our Qi Family.”

In Qi Lei’s opinion, Wang Dingzhi was ‘presenting’ the

criminal right up to their doorstep.

The Qi Family Elders’ echoed in the main hall.

“Young Noble Hu Guang is Treasure City Castellan’s most

cherished disciple, also the only son of Cosmos God Cult’s
Elder Hu. Intrepid as Wang Dingzhi may be, he wouldn’t
dare to protect that criminal.” One of the Elder laughed

Qi Lei stood up with a wide smile hanging on his face, “Since

Wang Dingzhi is smart enough to send the criminal over
personally, we shouldn’t be a rude host. Come, let us go
welcome this Wang Dingzhi.”

Hearing Qi Lei’s words, the Qi Family Elders stood up from

their seats, following behind Qi Lei as he exited the hall.

The moment Qi Lei stepped out of the hall, he spotted Wang

Dingzhi with a dozen Asura’s Gate disciples walking into the
compound, and beside Wang Dingzhi was a black-haired
young man.

Qi Lei was well aware, this black-haired young man was that

Qi Lei greeted Wang Dingzhi with an affable laugh,

“Castellan Wang, you have troubled yourself, bringing the
criminal to us personally.”

Wang Dingzhi blanked momentarily at Qi Lei’s words;

bringing the criminal over? A bout of speechlessness
washed over him, he immediately understood that this Qi
Lei assumed that the reason he came over was to hand over
the criminal to the Qi Family.

Huang Xiaolong sneered inwardly at Qi Lei’s assumption.

Receiving no response from Wang Dingzhi, Qi Lei excused

him, assuming that Wang Dingzhi felt it was beneath his
status being made to send the criminal over himself, thus
he was too embarrassed to return his greeting.

“What about our Elder Qi Tian, where is he?” Qi Lei’s eyes

casually scanned over the group and did not see Qi Tian’s

“Qi Tian?” A chilling smile tugged at the corners of Huang

Xiaolong’s mouth, “He won’t appear ever again.”

Won’t appear ever again? Qi Lei and the Qi Family Elders

zoomed onto Huang Xiaolong in less than a second.

“Kid, what did you say? What do you mean!” Qi Lei’s

expression darkened.
Huang Xiaolong glanced indifferently at Qi Lei, “When the
lot of you arrive in hell, you can ask Qi Tian yourselves.”

Qi Lei’s eyes narrowed menacingly as he turned back to

Wang Dingzhi, “Wang Dingzhi, did you kill Qi Tian and those
with him?!” In Qi Lei’s eye, only Wang Dingzhi had the
strength to kill Qi Tian and Qi Family’s experts.

Wang Dingzhi sneered in reply.

How could Qi Lei not understand watching Wang Dingzhi’s

response, his expression turned cold in an instant, “Wang
Dingzhi, I initially planned to let you live a few more
comfortable years, at least until the Cosmos God Cult
Leader kills Huang Xiaolong at the Grand Martial Exchange,
but since you’re looking for an early death, I shall fulfill your
Chapter 422: I Will Take Revenge!

The Qi Family Elders spread out, blocking all escape routes

the instant Qi Lei tore off all pretense.

A Qi Family Elder shouted angrily, “Kill Wang Dingzhi first,

then all Asura’s Gate male disciples in Enigma City. Capture
the remaining female disciples as playthings for our Qi
Family’s disciples!”

“That’s right, if these Asura’s Gate female disciples dare to

resist, strip them naked and parade them around the city for
three days! Then kill them!” Another Qi Family Elder

Clearly, these Elders were truly enraged by the fact that

Wang Dingzhi dared to kill their Qi Family’s Elder Qi Tian and
so many core disciples and high-level guards.

Fighting one on one, they were not Wang Dingzhi’s

opponents, but their Qi Family had four Saint realm experts.
Four Saint realm experts attacking together, they could
absolutely kill Wang Dingzhi!

Qi Lei let out a loud bellow, his momentum rose to the peak
as he summoned his martial spirit, an enormous eagle. The
eagle was entirely black, emitting layers of black halo.

Qi Lei immediately soul transformed and lunged toward

Wang Dingzhi in attack.

The other three main Saint realm experts of the Qi Family

followed suit, soul transforming, and joined Qi Lei in
attacking Wang Dingzhi.
Judging from Qi Lei’s actions, it seems that he intended for
the Elders to handle Huang Xiaolong and the Asura’s Gate
disciples. However, just as Qi Lei and the Qi Family’s other
three Saint realms experts leaped toward Wang Dingzhi, a
powerful surge of energy suddenly spiraled from the ground.

Alarmed, the four of them saw four palm imprints piercing

space, arriving in front of them in the blink of an eye.

When the four raised their hands in defense, the imposing

palm imprints vanished from sight, yet Qi Lei and the three
Qi Family’s Saint realm experts’ bodies quivered for an
instant, then, like withered leaves blown away by the wind,
four figures were sent flying out.

A resounding boom was heard, the four people plummeted

to the ground through the Qi Family’s main hall roof.

The other Elders that prepared to attack Huang Xiaolong

remained frozen on the spot, staring dumbly at their
Patriarch, their family’s four Saint realm experts. Not one
person utter a sound.

At this moment, perhaps due to feeling too full or because

he was frightened, one of the Qi Elders farted big time. The
stench and loud noise came too sudden, snapping the rest
of the Elders back to their senses.

However, they weren’t in the mood to find out what made

that particular Elder release such a big stinky fart as they
hurried to Qi Lei and the three Saint realm experts’ side.


“Grand Elder Qu Yunhai!”

The group of Qi Family Elders clamored in panic, everyone
was confused and in disarray.

Moments later, the four of them were helped up from the


“It was you!” Qi Lei stood up, fearful eyes staring at Huang
Xiaolong. The person who attacked and injured that earlier
was Huang Xiaolong.

One move!

That young man merely used one move! This black-haired

young man they disregarded only used one move!

Huang Xiaolong stepped out, slowly walking in Qi Lei’s


Only now did Qi Lei and the Elders notice that Wang Dingzhi
followed behind the black-haired young man with a
respectful demeanor; no, Wang Dingzhi was exactly like a
flattering slave!

Everyone one on the Qi Family’s side was dumbfounded.

“Who are you?!” Qi Lei shouted, “Behind our Qi Family is the

Cosmos God Cult! We’re Cosmos God Cult’s people, what do
you want to do?!”

Although they were dumbfounded with Wang Dingzhi’s

fawning slave behavior, neither Qi Lei nor the Elders linked
the black-haired young man to Huang Xiaolong.

Subconsciously, they rejected the idea; how could the

Asura’s Gate Sovereign suddenly leave the headquarters,
and how could that person appear in their Enigma City?
Huang Xiaolong chuckled coldly, “Of course I know that your
Qi Family is a dog reared by the Cosmos God Cult.

The Qi Family was Cosmos God Cult’s dog!

Huang Xiaolong’s blunt statement made Qi Lei and the Qi

Family Elders look ugly. Although the Qi Family was
influential in Enigma City, to the extent of being able to
suppress the City Castellan, at the end of the day, they were
just a dog kept by the Cosmos God Cult!

They wanted to deny, but it was a plain fact.

Qi Lei collected himself fairly quickly, saying coldly, “Even if

our Qi Family is nothing but Cosmos God Cult’s dog, we’re
still a dog that has its use. If you kill us, the Cosmos God
Cult will not let you go, you’d better think twice!”

Huang Xiaolong didn’t bother with Qi Lei further, he turned

to Wang Dingzhi, saying, “Pass my order down, all Asura’s
Gate disciples are to block all exits in Enigma City, not one
Qi Family disciple is allowed to leave the city.”

“Yes, Sovereign!” Wang Dingzhi was surprised but he

complied with Huang Xiaolong’s order.

“Sovereign?!” Qi Lei and everyone else caught Wang

Dingzhi’s salute to Huang Xiaolong, and similar to Qi Tian’s
reaction, after a brief moment of blankness, all of them
were struck with fear.

The black-haired young man’s identity was glaringly clear,

there was only one person that Wang Dingzhi could refer to
as Sovereign.

The Asura’s Gate Sovereign!

After giving Wang Dingzhi an order, Huang Xiaolong walked
straight into the Qi Mansion’s main hall.

Qi Lei couldn’t maintain his calm facade any longer,

staggering back in panic.

Huang Xiaolong pointed a finger in the air, the Absolute Soul

Finger instantly pierced through Qi Lei’s brows.

Qi Lei tumbled down, dead before he hit the floor.

The Qi Family’s Elders turned sickly pale watching this.

Out of nowhere, one of the Qi Family’s Elder leaped to the

sky, trying to make an escape. Huang Xiaolong waved his
right hand and a golden round ring flew out at rapid speed,
catching up to the Elder in no time at all. In a bright flash of
light, that golden ring locked the surrounding space. That
Elder was ‘pinned’ to the air, unable to move at all.

This golden ring was the Heavenly Treasure number nine,

the God Binding Ring.

Every Heavenly Treasure had its own magical effect. As

Huang Xiaolong’s strength continued to rise, the uses and
prowess of these Heavenly Treasures were discovered by
him, displaying them one after another.

Huang Xiaolong blasted the Qi Family Elder into pieces with

a Great Void Divine Fist after pinning him in place with the
God Binding Ring; with fluid movements, he took out the
Supreme Ghost Flag and absorbed that Qi Family Elder’s
soul into the flag, turning him into one of the ghost spirits.

The other two Saint realm warriors planned to run as well,

but witnessing that Elder’s end scared their movements to
an abrupt halt.
“Young Noble Divine Dragon, we’re willing to betray Cosmos
God Cult and swear fealty to Asura’s Gate!” One of the two
Saint realm experts fell to his knees in fear, anxiously
pleading Huang Xiaolong: “Don’t kill us!”

The other Saint realm expert reacted, quickly falling to his

knees and begging for mercy as well. In a split second, all
the Qi Family Elders knelt down like tumbling trees,
kowtowing incessantly for their lives to be spared.

A light flickered in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, his initial plan

was to uproot this Qi Family, annihilate every Qi Family
disciple in Enigma City. But now, looking at these Qi Family
Elders, he had a change of plans.

Enigma City was extremely crucial as the border adjacent to

Cosmos God Cult’s territory, it would be best to have more
Saint realm experts assisting Wang Dingzhi in guarding the
Enigma City.

“Open the barrier to your soul sea!” Huang Xiaolong


“Open our soul sea barrier?!” The Qi Family experts were


In the end, these Qi Family experts could only listen like

well-behaved children, letting down the barrier to their soul
seas, enabling Huang Xiaolong to brand their

While this was taking place outside, in a secret chamber

deep within the Qi Mansion compound, other than his
destroyed Qi Sea, most of Hu Guang’s injuries were
suppressed after taking the Qi Family’s elixirs that they had
treasured for many years.
Staring at his own two blunt arms, Hu Guang couldn’t
repress the anger taking over his heart.

“I will take revenge! I want to hack that little bastard into a

thousand pieces! I will let him taste pain a thousand times,
no, a million times worse than mine!”
Chapter 423: Arriving In
Treasure City
Chapter 423: Arriving in Treasure City

Hu Guang was obsessed with revenge. He was devising

plans to have his Master and father to send out Cosmos God
Cult’s high-level experts once he got back, dismembering
that bastard into a thousand pieces, when a sudden loud
noise from outside interrupted his thoughts.

Hu Guang returned to the present and saw a Qi Family

guard walk into the room.

“What’s happening outside?” Hu Guang snapped at the


That Qi Family guard quickly answered, “This small one

heard from one of the stewards that Wang Dingzhi has
personally escorted the criminal that hurt Young Noble, as
for the loud noises coming from outside, this small one was
just going to check.”

“Wang Dingzhi personally escorted the criminal over?” Hu

Guang’s eyes lit up and let out a braying laugh, “Good,
good! I initially planned to request Master to send experts
over here to exterminate that Wang Dingzhi, but since he’s
so diplomatic, then this Young Master shall spare his life this
one time!” He ordered the guard, “Come with me, we’re
going to see what’s happening outside.”

Hence, Hu Guang exited the underground secret chamber

with the Qi Family guard, heading to the main hall. However,
Hu Guang was only halfway there when he saw Wang
Dingzhi and two Qi Family’s Saint realm Elders walking in his

Hu Guang thought nothing of it and walked straight up to

Wang Dingzhi, “Castellan Wang, I heard that you personally
escorted that criminal over, good, very good! When I return
to the Cosmos God Cult headquarters tomorrow, I will inform
Father of your merit.” That tone, as if he was praising his
subordinate on a job well done.

Hu Guang’s father, Hu Chen wasn’t some simple Cosmos

God Cult Elder. Elder Hu Chen was an Enforcement Elder
and held high status and a significant level of authority in
the sect. Even taking the entire Starcloud Continent into
consideration, Elder Hu had quite a reputation, something
that a person like Wang Dingzhi couldn’t compare to.

Wang Dingzhi’s expression turned frosty at Hu Guang’s

‘praise’. His hand reached out, clutching Hu Guang’s throat
and lifting him in the air, returning to the main hall in that

In fact, Wang Dingzhi and the two Qi Family Saint realm

Elders were on their way to carry out Huang Xiaolong’s
order—to bring Hu Guang, who was hiding in recuperation in
the underground secret chamber, to the main hall. Pity that
Hu Guang had yet to realize his situation, acting arrogantly
in front of Wang Dingzhi.

Hu Guang stared with disbelief at Wang Dingzhi’s hand

clutching his neck. Wang Dingzhi actually dared to insult
him in this way! Hu Guang’s enraged roar rang out: “Wang
Dingzhi, what do you think you’re doing?! How dare you
treat me this way! You’re so dead, release me! Quickly,
release me this instant!” Hu Guang tried to break free, but
to no avail. His Qi Sea was damaged and he was physically
handicapped, what qualifications did he have to struggle?

The guard accompanying Hu Guang was rooted to the spot

as he watched Wang Dingzhi lift Hu Guang up in the air with
one hand, squeezing his throat.

It didn’t take long for the three people to return to the main
hall with Hu Guang in hand.

Entering the hall, Wang Dingzhi threw Hu Guang down on

one side and saluted Huang Xiaolong respectfully,
“Sovereign, I’ve brought Hu Guang.” With that, he stepped
to the side, with the two Qi Family Saint realm Elders
standing behind him.

Hu Guang clutched at his neck, hawking endlessly. Raising

his head, the image of Huang Xiaolong sitting on Qi Family’s
Patriarch seat entered his eyes while the Qi Family Elders
stood respectfully in two lines.

Sovereign? At this time, Hu Guang remembered that Wang

Dingzhi called Huang Xiaolong Sovereign… A cold shiver
traveled down his back and his eyes widened in shock
staring at Huang Xiaolong.

A split second of shock later, Hu Guang screamed at the

group of Qi Family Elders, “You bunch of no good dog slaves,
how dare you betray the Cosmos God Cult, damn you all!
The Cosmos God Cult will annihilate you lot of dog slaves,
kill, kill all of you!” Hu Guang’s voice came out grating and
hoarse, overwrought with emotions.

Hu Guang was no fool, how could he not understand looking

at the scene before him? Those Qi Family Elders had already
sided with Huang Xiaolong.
The Qi Family Elders grimaced after being pointed at the
nose and called dog slaves, especially the two Saint realm

One of them took a step forward, saluting respectfully at

Huang Xiaolong and ventured with caution, “Sovereign, this
Hu Guang is so arrogant, this subordinate suggests to
cripple both his legs as well!”

Listening to that Qi Family Saint realm expert, the other Qi

Family Elders also stepped forward, each providing
suggestions on how to punish Hu Guang.

After all, they had submitted to Huang Xiaolong and were

branded with his soul mark, they no longer cared about
Cosmos God Cult’s future retaliation.

Hu Guang watched dumbly as these Elders, who used to

show him respect, flattering him in a complaisant manner to
the point of licking his butt if he asked, all just to get on his
good side, actually suggested to Huang Xiaolong to break
his legs, cut off his tongue, dig out his eyes, and all kinds of
inhuman tortures. Hu Guang exploded with rage, waving his
arm around, “A group of damn dog slaves, I’ll kill you all!”

He lunged forward, raising a leg at one of the Qi Family

Elders. That Elder didn’t even bother to move, a thin
protective barrier of battle qi appeared in front of him. Hu
Guang was rebounded, stumbling back again and again.

Listening to the Qi Family Elders’ suggestions, Huang

Xiaolong nodded: “Allowed.”

Hu Guang just managed get to his feet when he heard

Huang Xiaolong giving them permission and he passed out
on the spot. If he was subjected to each and every
punishment suggested by the Qi Family Elders, by the end
of it, it would be worse than death.

Half a day later, the Qi Family was received under the

Asura’s Gate, and the two Qi Family Saint realm experts
were appointed as Enigma City’s Deputy Domain Leaders
under Wang Dingzhi’s governance.

Later, Huang Xiaolong left many tasks to the three of them

before leaving Enigma City, continuing his journey to
Treasure City.

As for Hu Guang, he was eventually tortured to death by the

group of Qi Family Elders.

Before leaving, Huang Xiaolong gave Wang Dingzhi a strict

order: all Cosmos God Cult disciples in Enigma City that
don’t yield to Asura’s Gate are to be killed!

Kill all of them!

An order that dyed Enigma City red with blood.

After so many years, acting arrogant in Enigma City had

become a habit of the Cosmos God Cult disciples, thus when
they saw the usually cowardly Asura’s Gate disciples dare to
attack them, those Cosmos God Cult retaliated with their
usual arrogance. Other than a small number that yielded to
the Asura’s Gate, the rest were all killed.

Whereas many Asura’s Gate disciples harbored great hatred

toward these Cosmos God Cult disciples for a long time,
therefore, when these disciples attacked the Cosmos God
Cult disciples, none of them showed any mercy.

Huang Xiaolong arrived in Treasure City after half a day’s

Due to Huang Xiaolong’s instructions to Wang Dingzhi to
lock down Enigma City, it was half a day later when Treasure
City’s Castellan, Peng Zhuang, received the message that
Hu Guang and all Cosmos God Cult disciples in Enigma City
were killed.

“Hateful! Despicable!!” Peng Zhuang’s resounding roar

thundered through the manor, violent energy blasted in the
air, destroying everything around.

Treasure City Castellan Manor’s experts hid as far as they

could, not daring to come close to Peng Zhuang.

Some time passed before Peng Zhuang calmed slightly, yet

his eyes were blood-red crimson, “Huang Xiaolong, I vow to
kill you or I’ll kill myself!”

By this time, Peng Zhuang already knew that Huang

Xiaolong was in Enigma City, moreover, he was the person
that injured his disciple, Hu Guang.

“Castellan.” The manor steward Tan An approached Peng

Zhuang warily, reporting, “Huang Xiaolong is in Enigma City,
suddenly dealing with our Cosmos God Cult disciple, would
he come and make trouble in Treasure City next?”

Peng Zhuang grew somber, eyebrows scrunched together in

thought; what Tan An’s implying was, will Huang Xiaolong be
acting against Treasure City next?

“In my opinion, mad as that Huang Xiaolong might be, he

wouldn’t dare to touch our Treasure City.” One of the
Castellan Manor’s experts, Li Feng, stood out and stated,
“Unless Huang Xiaolong wants to start a war with the
Cosmos God Cult.”
Peng Zhuang contemplated Li Feng’s words and nodded in

Enigma City was within the Asura’s Gate territory, no one

could find fault with Huang Xiaolong, after all, it was their
Cosmos God Cult disciples acting like a host in other
people’s home. They only had themselves to blame for their

On the other hand, Treasure City was under Cosmos God

Cult’s governance, if Huang Xiaolong dared to run rampant
here, it would be a different matter altogether.
Chapter 424: Qin Family

Peng Zhuang too thought that Huang Xiaolong would not act
recklessly in Treasure City, but still, for caution’s sake, he
took out the transmission jade slip and reported the matter
to Cosmos God Cult headquarters, requesting for expert
reinforcements together with the message.

However, he was cursed with a splitting headache

remembering Hu Guang’s father, Hu Chen.

Until now, Hu Chen had yet to know about Hu Guang’s

death. Hu Guang was his only son, he was spoiled and
pampered to the heavens, one could only imagine the
severe consequences of Hu Chen’s wrath after finding out
about his son’s tragic death in Enigma City.

Peng Zhuang sighed heavily in his heart. After all, Hu Guang

was also his most cherished disciple, he was talented and
had a good chance of advancing to Saint realm. He placed
great hopes on this disciple, but he didn’t expect Hu Guang
to die in Huang Xiaolong’s hands.

Huang Xiaolong! The more Peng Zhuang thought about it,

the hotter his anger burned.

Huang Xiaolong was well aware that Hu Guang was his

disciple and Hu Chen’s son, yet he still killed Hu Guang! It
was evident that Huang Xiaolong did not put the Cosmos
God Cult in his eyes!

Steward Tan An’s voice once again broke Peng Zhuang’s

thoughts, “Castellan, this Huang Xiaolong is too audacious,
how dare he kill Young Noble Hu Guang! He is challenging
Cosmos God Cult’s prestige!”
“Exactly, we cannot allow Huang Xiaolong and Asura’s Gate
to grow too bold, that’s too risky for our Cosmos God Cult!”
Li Feng chimed in.

Peng Zhuang shook his head, “I understand the logic of your

words, it’s just that Leader is absent at the moment.”

“Leader is absent?!” Tan An and the manor experts present

were stunned.

Peng Zhuang nodded, “Leader has some very important

matters and went to Peace Emperor World a few days ago.
Otherwise, do you think Huang Xiaolong could take over the
Asura’s Gate so easily? However, Leader was informed
about Huang Xiaolong, Leader would definitely make it back
in time before the Grand Martial Exchange.”

Tan An, Li Feng, and the present experts exchanged a silent

look among themselves.

While Peng Zhuang was wrecking his head on how to break

the news of Hu Guang’s death to Hu Chen, Huang Xiaolong
was strolling the streets of Treasure City without aim,
blending into the hive of activity around him.

Night gradually took over the sky.

The flurry of activity in Treasure City continued into the

night, bright lanterns lit up shop fronts, small stalls, and
entire streets.

Huang Xiaolong inquired around for the Qin Family’s

residence and headed to his destination without dallying

The Qin Family could be considered as one of the more

renowned families inside Treasure City, hence it was easy to
inquire the location of their residence. A short while later,
Huang Xiaolong appeared in front of the Qin Family’s doors
and informed the disciples on guard duty at the entrance
the purpose of his visit.

“You’re looking for our Patriarch?” The Qin Family disciple

scrutinized Huang Xiaolong up and down doubtfully before
saying, “This warrior, please wait a moment, I will report
inside.” The guard turned around and ran inside.

In fact, with Huang Xiaolong’s strength, he could walk into

the Qin Family’s residence without alerting anyone, but
Huang Xiaolong’s purpose was to buy the eight stalks
Dragon God Grass from the Qin Family Patriarch, a request
to the other side.

Qin Residence’s main hall.

Qin Guoan and Qin Family Elders were gathered in the main
hall in solemn ambiance, each person was solemn, with
eyebrows furrowed at varying degrees. Clearly, the Qin
Family was facing some troublesome matters at the

From outside, a Qin Family disciple entered the hall,

reporting, “Reporting to Patriarch, there’s a black-haired
young man outside requests to meet with Patriarch.”

“A black-haired young man?” It was out of the blue for Qin

Guoan, he asked the disciple, “Is he a disciple from families
inside the city?”

That Qin Family disciple shook his head, “Not someone from
the city, and his attire was very common.”

“I won’t see him, tell him to leave!” Qin Guoan ordered with
annoyance climbing up his face, Qin Family’s matters
weighed heavily on his mind at the moment.

“Yes, Patriarch.” The disciple complied respectfully and

quickly left the main hall.

A Qin Family Elder muttered, “What do these commoners

take our Qin Family for? They think they can see our
Patriarch whenever they want?!”

Qin Guoan sighed dully, “Ancestor’s injuries can only be

healed using the legendary Nine Leaves Purple Grass, but a
rare herb like the Nine Leaves Purple Grass is one in a
million, where are we supposed to go look for it?”

The present Qin Family Elders fell into silence.

In the meanwhile, the disciple was at the doors, informing

Huang Xiaolong, “Our Patriarch declined to see you, just

Huang Xiaolong remained calm hearing these words. At his

current strength, within the radius of ten li, no movements
could escape his spiritual sense, therefore Huang Xiaolong
knew what took place at the residence main hall as if he
was there.

“Make another trip, tell your family Patriarch that the Nine
Leaves Purple Grass that he wants, I have it.” Huang
Xiaolong said to the Qin Family disciple.

“Nine Leaves Purple Grass?” The Qin Family disciple had

never heard of Nine Leaves Purple Grass. He shook his
head, refusing Huang Xiaolong’s request, “Go, I’ve already
said that our Patriarch won’t see you.” Since the Patriarch
already stated he won’t see him, if he ran in again, he’d be
scolded for sure.
Huang Xiaolong wasn’t upset by the Qin Family disciple,
understanding his difficulty. Thinking slightly, he took out
two spirit pellets, the refreshing fragrance of medicinal
herbs instantly spread in the air, “If you’re willing to go in
and report once more, these two grade ten spirit pellets are

The sudden fragrance immediately attracted the attention

of other Qin Family disciples, their eyes shone with feverish

“Ten, grade ten spirit pellets!” That Qin Family disciple’s

tongue was in knots.

Grade ten spirit pellets, ah! The legendary grade ten spirit

Inside the Qin Family, only Elders could enjoy this quality of
spirit pellets!

The disciple’s swallowed visibly, looking at Huang Xiaolong

with doubt and suspicion, “These two grade ten spirit
pellets, really, will you really give them to me?!”

Huang Xiaolong chuckled, “Of course.” Huang Xiaolong’s

finger gently flicked the two spirit pellets, sending them
over to the Qin Family disciple. Inside his Asura Ring, grade
ten spirit pellets were the lowest grade.

Grasping the two grade ten spirit pellets in his hands, the
disciple felt like he was dreaming, and he stood there in a
daze for a long time. When he finally came to his senses,
Huang Xiaolong’s stature looked bigger in their eyes.

“This Lord, please wait here for a moment while I go in to

inform the Patriarch.” The disciple’s demeanor turned
extremely respectful. To him, someone who could casually
take out two grade ten spirit pellets to reward others for
some miscellaneous task was no simple person. Even a fool
could figure this out.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong nod, the disciple turned around and

ran into the residence again.

Inside the Qin Residence main hall, Qin Guoan was still
racking his brain, thinking about the Nine Leaves Purple
Grass, when he saw the same disciple enter the main hall
again, he snapped angrily: “Who told you to come in?!”

Although that disciple was a main branch descendant, the

Patriarch unlading such a big temper on him still terrified
him nonetheless. However, for the sake of two grade ten
spirit pellets, he braved the storm, “Reporting to Patriarch,
the Lord just now said that he has the Nine Leaves Purple
Grass that Patriarch wants.” The disciple could hear his
heartbeat pounding in his ears waiting for a reply.

“Nine Leaves Purple Grass!” This was out of Qin Guoan and
the Elders’ expectation.

“How did that person know we need Nine Leaves Purple

Grass?!” An Elder exclaimed in doubt.

“Could it be someone from the Jiang Family? Deliberately

sending someone over to make fun of us?!” Another Qin
Family Elder voiced his thoughts, it was none other than the
Jiang Family Ancestor that injured their Ancestor.

A decisive light flickered in Qin Guoan’s eyes as he ordered:

“Go, bring him in!” If that person was really sent over by the
Jiang Family to make fun of them, he would not show mercy!
Moments later, that disciple returned to lead Huang
Xiaolong into the residence, straight to the Qin Residence
main hall.
Chapter 425: Golden
Pavilion Chamber Of
Chapter 425: Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce

Just as Huang Xiaolong’s figure appeared in the hall, Qin

Guoan and all Qin Family Elders’ eyes zoomed in on him,
however, no one from the Qin Family’s side stood up in a
warm welcome, they each wore an indifferent expression on
their faces.

An elixir like the Nine Leaves Purple Grass was hard to come
by in a thousand years, even someone such as their
Treasure City Castellan hardly had something like it in his
possession. From the Qin Family’s expressions, it was
obvious they did not believe that this black-haired young
man in front of them had the Nine Leaves Purple Grass.

“You have the Nine Leaves Purple Grass?” Qin Guoan went
straight to the point, tone condescending and filled with

Huang Xiaolong scanned the faces around him, taking no

offense from Qin Guoan’s manner, he replied calmly,

A disdained snort sounded from one of the Qin Elders, “Brat,

do you know what place this is? If you fail to take out a Nine
Leaves Purple Grass later, I’ll end you with a slap!”
Huang Xiaolong retorted, “If I can take out a Nine Leaves
Purple Grass, then will you commit suicide with a single

That Qin Family Elder was quick to anger, “You! Insolent!”

The Elder carried a preconception that Huang Xiaolong, in
fact, didn’t have the Nine Leaves Purple Grass, and came to
Qin Residence to rouse trouble. To him, Huang Xiaolong’s
retort only proved his thoughts.

“Mad Dragon Bears No Regret!” The Qin Family Elder

attacked Huang Xiaolong with a palm strike. However, there
was no mad dragon, only gusts of strong wind.

Qin Guoan and the rest watched from their seats with no
intention to stop the Elder. They too wanted to see how
much skill the other side had, to come into their territory
causing trouble!

However, the Qin Family Elder suddenly turned ashen when

his palm force was inches from Huang Xiaolong, a whelming
power much stronger than his own swept over him.

Bang! A loud explosion resounded and the Qin Family Elder

was blasted off his seat, leaving behind a pile of wood dust
that used to be a chair. The robe on his body was shredded
into many long stripes that hung down from his shoulder,
not much different in appearance compared to a street

Qin Guoan and all the present Qin Family Elders jumped to
their feet with a dumbstruck expression on their faces: what

No one in the hall saw Huang Xiaolong retaliate, neither did

they feel any energy ripples from Huang Xiaolong’s body,
but their Qin Family Elder was struck like a broken kite?!
Although that particular Qin Family Elder wasn’t the
strongest, he ranked amongst the top in strength.

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong pointed a finger at the

void, the power of his finger pierced a hole through the main
hall’s stone pillar, then the back wall, through the courtyard
wall, and finally the imitation mountain in the garden.

Qin Guoan, as well as the Elders, stared at the straight line

of finger-sized holes that was straighter than a brush, their
knees went weak. As a peak half-Saint himself, Qin Guoan
honestly admitted that he couldn’t do that.

Which led to the next question… this black-haired young

man was a Saint realm expert?!

A Saint realm expert! Qin Guoan began to feel afraid.

It was clear now that the black-haired young man wasn’t

someone sent by the Jiang Family to disturb them. The Jiang
Family couldn’t afford to hire a Saint realm expert to deal
with them.

“Sen-Senior, j-just now Guoan and the Elders were impolite,

we humbly beg Senior to forgive us!” Qin Guoan forced
himself to approached Huang Xiaolong despite his crying
heart, apologizing with the utmost respect.

The remaining Qin Family Elders also bowed low, asking for
forgiveness, their foreheads nearly touching the floor.

Seeing e no signs of anger on Huang Xiaolong’s face, Qin

Guoan invited Huang Xiaolong to sit on his Patriarch seat.
Huang Xiaolong did not refuse, he walked straight to the
main seat and sat down.
This made Qin Guoan feel a tiny bit better, but he and the
Elders all stood on their feet, no one dared to sit.

Huang Xiaolong went straight to business after taking a

seat, taking out a Nine Leaves Purple Grass. Immediately,
the scent of fragrant elixir filled the entire Qin Residence
main hall.

“Nine, Nine Leaves Purple Grass!” Qin Guoan shivered as he

stared at the little green plant in Huang Xiaolong’s hand.
The Elders’ expressions mirrored Qin Guoan’s.

Despite witnessing the black-haired young man’s possible

Saint realm strength, a small portion of doubt still lingered
in Qin Guoan’s and the Elders’ hearts about Huang Xiaolong
actually having a Nine Leaves Purple Grass.

“Right, Nine Leaves Purple Grass, moreover, its close to

forty thousand years in age.” Huang Xiaolong clarified, “No
matter how heavy the injuries are, as long as there’s one
breath left, this small plant can fully heal all injuries.”

Close to forty thousand years! The people in the hall were

wide-eyed with shock.

A Nine Leaves Purple Grass close to forty thousand years! A

thousand year old Nine eaves Purple Grass was already hard
to come by for a such a rare elixir, what was the concept of
a forty thousand year old Nine Leaves Purple Grass?!

Heavy breathing rose and fell in the hall. Yet, no one dared
to harbor any dishonest thoughts.

“Senior, this Nine Leaves Purple Grass…?” A brief moment

later, Qin Guoan collected himself, inquiring cautiously; their
Ancestor was gravely injured, Huang Xiaolong appearing
with a Nine Leaves Purple Grass couldn’t be a mere
coincidence, and definitely not something given free to the
Qin Family.

“I heard that you have eight stalks Dragon God Grass in

your hands.” Huang Xiaolong was frank in stating his

Realization hit Qin Guoan, but in the next second, his

expression became complicated. Although a Nine Leaves
Purple Grass was extremely rare, it slightly paled in value
compared to eight stalks of Dragon God Grass.

The minuscule change in Qin Guoan’s face did not go

unnoticed by Huang Xiaolong. Knowing the other side’s
thought, he added, “How about this, I’ll use eight herb stalks
close to forty thousand years that are in the same grade as
Nine Leaves Purple Grass in exchange for the eight stalks
Dragon God Grass in your hand.”

“Eight, eight stalks of forty thousand year old elixirs of the

same grade as Nine Leaves Purple Grass?!” Qin Guoan and
the Qin Family Elders’ voice rose an octave higher in

Rare elixirs like the Nine Leaves Purple Grass close to forty
thousand years, this young man actually had eight stalks!

Before many pairs of astounded eyes, Huang Xiaolong took

out another seven different herbs from the Asura Ring.

The Qin Residence main hall was filled with a prism of

resplendent colors, Qin Guoan and the Elders felt as if they
had fallen into a sea of spiritual energy. Breathing in the rich
aroma of these elixirs, they almost couldn’t resist moaning
out in pleasure.
The Qin Family member’s eyes were glued to the eight
stalks elixirs, unable to move away even an inch.

“How about now?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

Only then did these people returned to the present.

“Senior, these, these are too much!” Qin Guoan waved his
hand repeatedly in answer.

Dragon God Grass might be valuable, but eight stalks rare

elixirs the same grade as Nine Leaves Purple Grass
definitely far exceeded the value of eight stalks Dragon God

Huang Xiaolong didn’t mind, “Never mind, coincidentally I

need Dragon God Grass now, therefore, in my eyes, Dragon
God Grass is worth more than Nine Leaves Purple Grass.”

Huang Xiaolong simply laid the truth out. To the current him,
Dragon God Grass was essential. Only with them could he
refine the primordial divine dragon body and enhance his
own strength in the shortest time possible.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong’s words, Qin Guoan did not refuse

further, but he gave Huang Xiaolong another news, “Senior,
a few days ago, Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce’s
President came and bought four stalks if Dragon God Grass
from me, because of that, I only have four stalks

“What?!” Huang Xiaolong frowned, Golden Pavilion Chamber

of Commerce?! He heard that this Golden Pavilion Chamber
of Commerce was one of four top trading firms on Starcloud
In the end, Huang Xiaolong exchanged the Nine Leaves
Purple Grass and three other elixirs for four stalks Dragon
God Grass with Qin Guoan. A short while later, Qin Guoan
and the Elders respectfully saw out Huang Xiaolong until the
Qin Residence doors.

“Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce.” Huang Xiaolong

muttered under his breath.

Nonetheless, he had to get the remaining four stalks.

But before paying a visit to the Golden Pavilion Chamber of

Commerce, Huang Xiaolong first flew off in the direction of
Treasure City’s Castellan Manor.

Shi Xiaofei went missing in Treasure City. With her strength,

the only person strong enough to do any harm to her could
only be another Saint realm. Huang Xiaolong had a distinct
feeling that this matter was connected to Treasure City’s
Castellan Manor.
Chapter 426: Shi Xiaofei’S
Chapter 426: Shi Xiaofei’s Whereabouts

Treasure City, Castellan Manor’s back garden.

Steward Tan An and a Castellan Manor Saint realm expert, Li

Feng, were lounging at inside the stone pavilion, enjoying
wine in leisure.

“I wonder what important matters Cult Leader has that he

needed to make a trip to Peace Emperor World and could
not return on a short notice.” Tan An said while his fingers
nursed the wine cup in a toast.

Li Feng too raised his wine cup. Two cups clinked and both
men threw their heads back, gulping the wine down. Li Feng
shook his head, “Cult Leader’s matter is not something
slaves like us can assume.” There were worship and
reverence in his voice.

“Then let Huang Xiaolong live a few more years of

arrogance.” Tan An simply said, then his tone changed,
“That woman, is she really Shi Xiaofei? Snow Wind
Continent Blessed Buddha Empire’s Princess?”

Li Feng nodded, “It shouldn’t be wrong. That Shi Xiaofei is

Snow Wind Continent’s number one beauty, truly a beauty
that stirs people’s hearts. The Young Lord can’t be blamed
for falling for her.”
Tan An said, “Forget about the Young Lord, even I feel hot
just thinking of her face, that slight smile and every little
action is so enticing. If I can dual cultivate with such a
woman for a night, I’m be willing to do it even if my
cultivation regresses.”

Li Feng laughed heartily, “Alright, since the Young Lord has

taken an interest in that woman, we shouldn’t delude

Tan An nodded his head, acknowledging a fact.

Right at this time, a cold harrumph sounded from the void.

The noise came too suddenly, alarming both Tan An and Li

“Who is it?!” Both men jumped to their feet.

Tan An and Li Feng barely got to their feet when a black-

haired young man appeared, strolling out from the
darkness. With every step the black-haired young man took,
the dark red energy shrouding his body seemed to grow a
shade darker.

A horrifying murderous aura of slaughter wove a net around

the entire manor back garden.

The look in Tan An and Li Feng’s eyes grew dignified.

What a strong momentum!

This young man’s strength was definitely above both of


Still, both of them composed themselves a moment later

remembering where they were—the Castellan Manor. This
calmed both men considerably.
“This friend, what matters do you have trespassing into the
Castellan Manor at this late hour?” Tan An questioned, his
tone bore a hint of hostility.

The black-haired young man was none other than Huang


“What matters?” Huang Xiaolong sneered, “Where is Shi

Xiaofei?” At first, he only had a hunch that the fact Shi
Xiaofei went missing was related to Treasure City’s Castellan
Manor, but he didn’t expect to run right into Tan An and Li
Feng’s conversation. Shi Xiaofei really fell into Cosmos God
Cult’s hand.

Tan An and Li Feng were taken aback by Huang Xiaolong’s


Li Feng laughed, trying to lighten up the tension, “So this

friend is an expert from the Blessed Buddha Empire, in that
case, I’ll happily oblige the truth. In fact, our Young Lord and
Princess Shi Xiaofei have mutual feelings toward each other
and are already betrothed to each other. The wedding is
coming soon, at that time, we will send someone to inform
the Blessed Buddha Empire.”

Huang Xiaolong looked at both men, a cold laugh came from

his throat; in the conversation earlier, it was clearly the
Cosmos God Cult’s Young Lord that was interested in Shi
Xiaofei, but now, this man actually dared to claim that both
people were in love with each other? Betrothed to each
other? That was even more ridiculous to the ears.

The Cosmos God Cult decided on the wedding in a one-sided

manner, only informing the Blessed Buddha Empire close to
the wedding day? By that time, the rice would already be
cooked 1, the Blessed Buddha Empire wouldn’t be in a
position to refuse or retaliate.
From another aspect, it could be said that the Blessed
Buddha Empire carried little importance in the Cosmos God
Cult’s eyes. They did this knowing full well who Shi Xiaofei

“How do you want to die?” The look in Huang Xiaolong’s

eyes sharpened.

One of the points Huang Xiaolong heard from these men’s

conversation was that the Cosmos God Cult Leader went to
the Peace Emperor World, and since their biggest honcho
was not around, Huang Xiaolong needn’t have qualms in
dealing with them!

How do you want to die? Anger rose in Tan An and Li Feng’s

heart. Both of them were Saint realm experts, not to
mention they were at the Treasure City’s Castellan Manor,
how dare this young man act so insolent?

Tan An snickered, “What a big tone! Do you think you’re

Huang Xiaolong?!”

The moment Tan An finished his question, a swarm of

buzzing black beetles flew toward the men, casting over the

The two men were stunned, these were…?!

Poison Corpse Scarabs?! The name flashed in their minds at

almost the same time, and their faces lost all colors in an

Even though neither of them had actually seen a real Poison

Corpse Scarab, these black beetles that were flying right at
them looked exactly like the recently famed Poison Corpse
Huang Xiaolong?!

Two pairs of eyes were fixed on Huang Xiaolong, filled with

horror. Just as the name flashed in their minds, both let out
a shout and struck their palms out at the black cloud of
Poison Corpse Scarabs.

Two Saint realm experts attacking at full force, the impact

was enough to split mountains.

Contrary to their expectations, when they struck to repel the

Poison Corpse Scarabs, a golden ring appeared above their
heads, shining down a bright light that enshrouded them

Tan An and Li Feng felt as if space solidified, their bodies

unable to move a millimeter.

“God Binding Ring!” Glancing at the golden ring above

them, Tan An exclaimed aloud. Before another word could
come from Tan An’s mouth, a sharp pain in his arm drew his
attention. When his gaze shifted toward his arm, Tan An saw
a Poison Corpse Scarab crawling around. Just like the rumors
described the process, it didn’t take long for Tan An to feel
numb all over his body, unable to gather any battle qi in his
Qi Sea. Tan An turned deadly pale.

Almost at the same time, Li Feng was also bitten by a Poison

Corpse Scarab.

Huang Xiaolong retrieved the God Binding Ring and

released from their binding. Tan An and Li Feng plummeted
to the ground.

The ground shook from the impact.

“Huang Xiaolong, you, what do you want?” Crashed to the
ground, Tan An could no longer conceal the great terror from
his face, reiterating, “This is the Treasure City’s Castellan

Huang Xiaolong scoffed, “I know that this is Treasure City’s

Castellan Manor.” Retrieving the swarm of Poison Corpse
Scarabs, he walked toward Tan An and Li Feng.

Watching Huang Xiaolong call away the Poison Corpse

Scarabs, both men looked slightly better, thinking that
Huang Xiaolong still had qualms with them being inside the
Castellan Manor. He wouldn’t really dare to commit murder

While both of were thinking of ways to delay for more time

until Cosmos God Cult experts realized what was going on
and hurry over, they saw Huang Xiaolong’s pupils suddenly
turn violet as two ‘soul’ characters flew out from his eyes
straight into Tan An and Li Feng’s pupils.

A bright violet light flashed in their eyes and disappeared,

leaving two dull, dispirited looking men.

The violet light in Huang Xiaolong’s pupils intensified. It was

only half an hour later when they returned to normal Huang
Xiaolong was worse for wear, but Tan An and Li Feng
appeared normal as they were, not dull and dispirited.

“You, what did you do to us just now?!” Li Feng demanded

as he glared at Huang Xiaolong. All he could remember was
a flash of violet light in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, then
nothing, as if he lost consciousness.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the two men, chuckling as he

brought the Poison Corpse Scarabs out again. Soon, blood-
curdling screams echoed in the back garden. This time,
Huang Xiaolong absorbed Tan An and Li Feng’s souls into
the Supreme Ghost Flag, turning the men’s soul into ghost
spirits for the flag instead of food for the Poison Corpse

Earlier, Huang Xiaolong used the Ancient Puppetry Art and

Soul Mandate to control the two men’s souls, scouring
through their minds for information. However, with Huang
Xiaolong’s current level of spiritual force, he could only
manage a very small portion of memories, such as
everything that happened in the recent two year’s time.

From Tan An and Li Feng’s most recent memories, Huang

Xiaolong found out that Shi Xiaofei and two of her maid that
followed her to Starcloud Continent were all captured and
brought to the Cosmos God Cult headquarters by Cosmos
God Cult’s Young Lord, Xie Hui.

“Xie Hui.” Huang Xiaolong’s eyes glinted with a cold light,

disappearing into the night’s darkness in a flicker.

Because Huang Xiaolong blocked the space around the back

garden using the God Binding Ring, the commotion that
happened in the back garden went unnoticed by Peng
Zhuang and everyone else in the manor.

Next morning, when Peng Zhuang strode into the hall, he

ordered one of the maids, “Go call Steward Tan An here.”
Since last night, there was a strong feeling of unease that
wouldn’t go away no matter what, thus Peng Zhuang
planned to have Tan An make a trip to the Cosmos God Cult

1. Signed, sealed, and delivered
Chapter 427: Congratulations, Young Lord

The maid respectfully complied, turning away in search of

Steward Tan An.

Peng Zhuang sat and waited calmly in the main hall.

Before long, that maid returned.

“Where’s Tan An?” Seeing the maid returned but no signs of

Tan An, Peng Zhuang demanded.

The maid answered respectfully, “Replying to Castellan,

Steward Tan An is not in, no one knows where he is.”

Peng Zhuang’s brows wrinkled furrowed; not in? Cannot be,

ah, if Tan An had matters that required him to leave the
Castellan Manor, he would definitely come tell him in
person. The more Peng Zhuang thought about it, the more
things didn’t seem right, and took out the transmission jade

However, a while passed but there was no reply from Tan An

through the transmission jade slip.

The strong unease in Peng Zhuang grew, he hurried to his

feet and moved swiftly to Tan An’s courtyard.

“Did Steward Tan An tell any of you where he was going?”

Reaching Tan An’s courtyard, Peng Zhuang interrogated Tan
An’s personal maid in the courtyard.

Tan An’s personal maid shook her head, “Replying to

Castellan, no, he didn’t. Oh right, last night, Lord Li Feng
came looking for Lord Steward.”

“Li Feng.” Peng Zhuang was surprised.

“Yes, then both lords went over to the back garden stone
pavilion to have a drink, and haven’t returned since then.”
Tan An’s personal maid answered.

Hearing that, Peng Zhuang headed to the Manor’s back

garden in quick steps. When he arrived, the collapsed stone
pavilion and beams, lopsided and uprooted trees in the
surroundings entered his eyes. Scanning the wreckage in
the garden, a chill snaked across Peng Zhuang’s heart.

Needless to say, the damage in the garden was caused by a


Yet, last night, no one in the Castellan Manor felt any energy
fluctuations that indicated there was a fight. Not one tiny
noise was heard?!

Peng Zhuang quickly took out the transmission jade slip

again to contact Li Feng, but just like he thought, there was
no response from Li Feng either. His face became gloomy;
one as stupid as a Tyrant Boar using its arse to think could
figure out something happened to Tan An and Li Feng!

“Relay my order, lockdown Treasure City, report any

suspicious person immediately!” Peng Zhuang looked over
and roared at one of the guards.

That guard had never seen the Castellan so furious, his face
was ashen at the receiving end of Peng Zhuang’s roar. The
guard immediately saluted and ran off to carry out the

At this point, Huang Xiaolong was already several thousand

miles away from Treasure City, flying at rapid speed, leaving
only a blurry streak of light where he passed. Despite his
breakneck speed, Huang Xiaolong movements were
Anxious for Shi Xiaofei’s safety, Huang Xiaolong couldn’t
care less about alarming the surrounding experts as he sped
past cities without hiding his presence.

Huang Xiaolong’s action inevitably attracted some Saint

realm experts’ attention from these cities, some of them
even tried to stop Huang Xiaolong by blocking in front of his
way, however, once they noticed Huang Xiaolong’s
terrifying speed, these path blockers ran far away to dodge,

In time, Huang Xiaolong grew ever closer to Cosmos God

Cult’s headquarters.

However, Cosmos God Cult’s power was far reaching, just

the number of oblasts under their territory exceeded two
hundred, ten times the land area compared to Asura’s Gate.
On top of that, Cosmos God Cult’s headquarters was located
right at the center of its territories. Hence, rushing all the
way from Treasure City to Cosmos God Cult headquarters,
Huang Xiaolong had to travel across eleven oblasts between
the two points.

Huang Xiaolong continued to fly madly at breakneck speed

as his heart grew more agitated. He was the reason Shi
Xiaofei traveled to Starcloud Continent, if something really
happened to her, Huang Xiaolong would regret it for his
entire life. How would he face Senior Brother Shi Fantian

“Xie Hui!” An icy glint flickered in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes,

the murderous aura around him strengthening.

If anything happened to Shi Xiaofei, he would start a

massacre! He will turn Cosmos God Cult’s headquarters into
a river of blood!
He had no reason to be scrupulous about it since the
Cosmos God Cult Leader himself was not here in Martial
Spirit World.

“Xie Chao, I hope your son hasn’t committed the biggest

mistake of his life, otherwise…!” The enmity deepened in
Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, if that Xie Hui really tainted Shi
Xiaofei’s chastity, he would gladly turn Xie Hui and all the
Cosmos God Cult Elders into nutrition for the Poison Corpse

After all, thirteen years later at the Grand Martial Exchange,

Huang Xiaolong would be battling Xie Chao. At that time,
Xie Chao definitely wouldn’t spare him, therefore, Huang
Xiaolong’s actions weren’t restrained by future

Ten days later, Huang Xiaolong stopped on a mountain peak

in the wilderness and immediately swallowed a Divine
Dragon Pellet and initiated his martial spirit ability Instant
Recovery to replenish his depleted Saint force. He continued
rushing onward right after recovering.

In these ten days, he did not stop at all, even at night, he

continued on at whirlwind speed.

Xie Hui had taken Shi Xiaofei away from the Treasure City
thirteen days prior to Huang Xiaolong’s pursue to the
Cosmos God Cult headquarters. According to Huang
Xiaolong’s estimation, going at full speed as he was now, he
should be able to reach the Cosmos God Cult headquarters
about the same time as Xie Hui’s group.

Another two days passed.

Huang Xiaolong was currently standing in the air, looking

down at an island below.
“This is the Eternal Pure Sea.” Huang Xiaolong took out the
Starcloud Continent map, checking the area around him and
muttering to himself, “A little further up is the Lingwu Oblast

And the Cosmos God Cult headquarters was located inside

the Lingwu Oblast.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the sky, the moon was already

high up. Silvery moonlight sprinkled onto the dark earth
below as if all the world’s ugliness were concealed away.

“I should be there by tomorrow morning.” Huang Xiaolong

muttered another sentence.


With a flicker, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette disappeared from

the spot.

The Lingwu Oblast was the largest oblast on Starcloud

Continent and also the most prosperous of all, hence, it was
also the most well-known oblast. Especially since it was the
place where Cosmos God Cult had their headquarters.

On the east side of Lingwu Oblast, there was a large span of

wide plains named Holy Plains. There was an old legend
connected to these Holy Plains, during the ancient times, a
God once descended in that place. When the God
descended, he witnessed the war between two countries on
this plateau, blood soaked the earth red, turning into a river,
thus the God acted and ended the war.

Ever since then, no forces dared to commit slaughter on

that plain. From that time onward, that place was called
Holy Plains, a holy land for the human race, beastmen,
demonic beast, and others.
The Cosmos God Cult headquarters was built right on the
Holy Plains, a majestic towering city called Cosmos God City.

The Cosmos God City was bustling at all times, with people
constantly moving in and out. Bright lights lit the streets as
a flurry of transactions conducted all around.

Inside the Cosmos God City’s Castellan Manor, jubilant

laughter rang through the halls.

On the main seat sat a young man clad in a robe made of

white gold thread. There was a faint mysterious rune on the
young man’s forehead, a little similar to Huang Xiaolong’s
‘Dragon’ symbol manifested by the Dragon Pearl. This
young man was Cosmos God Cult’s Young Lord, Xie Hui.

Different than most sects, big families, and empires, the

Cosmos God Cult Leader, Xie Chao, only had one son, Xie
Hui! No one knew what Xie Hui’s martial spirit was nor his
real strength, for the people that did know were all dead
under his sword!

Xie Hui had never been defeated! Because of that, Xie Hui
had a renowned nickname on Starcloud Continent, the
Undefeated War God.

On both sides of the hall sat many Cosmos God Cult


“Congratulations, Young Lord, on your big wedding day

tomorrow.” A white-haired old man sitting closest to Xie Hui
raised his wine cup in a toast, “Only a beauty like Shi Xiaofei
deserves to be Young Lord’s companion, ah!”

This white-haired man was one of Cosmos God Cult’s

Enforcement Elders, Chen Xiaofeng.
Another Enforcement Elder joined in, “That Shi Xiaofei being
able to marry the Young Lord is due to her several lifetimes’
worth of good karma, it’s her great fortune that our Young
Lord has chosen her!”

Everyone in the hall let out merry laughter.
Chapter 428: Not Even
Qualified To Carry His
Chapter 428: Not Even Qualified to Carry His Shoes?

Xie Hui sat on the main seat, listening to the flatteries

coming from the Enforcement Elders’ mouths. He smiled
faintly and nodded his head while raising his wine cup in a
toasting gesture. No one knew what was going on inside this
Young Lord’s mind.

Chen Xiaofeng went on, “Rumors say that Shi Xiaofei has an
innate born Buddha Physique, once Young Lord coupled with
her, Young Lord’s cultivation would definitely grow by leaps
and bounds!”

Another round of bootlicking ensued, filling the spacious hall

with laughter and cheers.

“Have all the guests been notified?” Xie Hui asked while
placing his wine cup down.

“As early as half a month ago, we have sent out invitations

to all the renowned experts, but it happened on such short
notice, so the Distinct Void Door and White Phoenix House’s
Sovereigns can’t make it.” Chen Xiaofeng answered, “They
only sent some Elders over.”

Xie Hui nodded, “It’s fine.” Then, he asked another question,

“Does Shi Fantian know?”
Chen Xiaofeng replied, “He does, but that old wrinkly-skin
flew into a rage and had the Cosmos God Cult messenger
disciples we sent all killed!”

“Shi Fantian, that old fogey, doesn’t know what’s good for
him!” Another Enforcer barked, “He should be thankful that
our Young Lord took an interest in his daughter, how dare he
kill our Cosmos God Cult disciples!”

Xie Hui gently waved his hand at the people below, “We’re
in the wrong in this matter for setting the wedding without
consulting the elders, Shi Fantian is an empire’s Emperor on
Snow Wind Continent, it’s only natural he’s upset.”

Chen Xiaofeng and the rest quickly nodded in agreement

with Xie Hui and the clamors about Shi Fantian stopped
immediately. When all was said and done, Shi Fantian would
be the Young Lord’ father-in-law.

“Any movements on the Asura’s Gate side?” In an abrupt

change of topic, Xie Hui inquired another question.

He Zhi was the one who answered, “After the Enigma City
matter, Asura’s Gate didn’t have any other movement, but
the Qi Family’s Patriarch was killed by Huang Xiaolong,
whereas the remaining members were taken under the
Asura’s Gate. Half of the fourteen big families hastened to
submit under the Asura’s Gate as if hot water scalded their

A cold gleam flickered passed Xie Hui’s eyes.

“Young Lord, that Huang Xiaolong actually dared to

slaughter close to ten thousand of our Cosmos God Cult
disciples!” A one-eyed old man sitting further down from He
Zhi spoke up, “Such impertinence!! The Cosmos God Cult
doesn’t exist in his eyes!”
This one-eyed old man was none other than Hu Chen, one of
Cosmos God Cult’s Enforcement Elders and also Hu Guang’s

“That’s right, Young Lord. If we do not respond in kind, all

the experts on Starcloud Continent would think that the
Cosmos God Cult is afraid of Huang Xiaolong!” A Legacy Hall
Elder, Sun Luyu stated.

Chen Xiaofeng and the others around echoed the same

sentiment, suddenly the entire hall was filled with angry
clamors. Xie Hui gently pressed his hand in the air, calming
the group of people.

“Father is in Peace Emperor World, he won’t be able to

return for a short while.” Xie Hui continued with an
impassive expression, “Let Huang Xiaolong live a few more
days for now, when Father returns for the Grand Martial
Exchange and conquers Starcloud Continent, Huang
Xiaolong and the Asura’s Gate will be on the top of the kill

Conquer Starcloud Continent!

Chen Xiaofeng and everyone were genuinely shocked by

this revelation.

“Young Lord, has Lord Leader…?!” He Zhi ventured with


Xie Hui nodded, “Correct, Father has broken through God


Chen Xiaofeng, He Zhi, and everyone else showed an

astounded expression on their faces, then it turned into
euphoria as they rushed to their feet, conveying their
An hour later, the party dispersed for the night. Xie Hui too
returned to his own residence courtyard.

His residence courtyard was brightly lit even though it was

deep into the night, exuding a festive ambiance. In the
middle of the room was an extra large bed, where a
beautiful young woman sat in a waiting posture. This
peerless beauty was Shi Xiaofei.

Watching Xie Hui walk into the room, Shi Xiaofei stood up
angrily with her eyes glaring at Xie Hui. Even Shi Xiaofei’s
angry expression was a sight to behold.

“What did you do to Xiaorou and Xiaoyue?” Shi Xiaofei


Xiaorou and Xiaoyue were the two maids that accompanied

her from the Blessed Buddha Empire. Both girls followed Shi
Xiaofei since her childhood days, thus their relationship was
very good.

Facing Shi Xiaofei that looked like she wanted to swallow

him whole, Xie Hui maintained a suave appearance, “Don’t
worry, they’re fine. However, if you do not cooperate
tomorrow, I cannot guarantee what will happen to them
tomorrow night.”

“You… despicable!” Shi Xiaofei gnashed each word through

gritted teeth.

Xie Hui took no offense, a tiny grin emerged on his face

instead, “Thank you very much for your compliment. I will
show you just how despicable I can be.”

Shi Xiaofei was heaving with anger from Xie Hui’s words, her
chest moving up and down. Xie Hui didn’t bother to conceal
his gaze as he stared at Shi Xiaofei’s bosom.
Noticing his eye level, Shi Xiaofei’s hands flew to cover her
bosom, spewing fire from her eyes, “Xie Hui, don’t even
dream of touching a hair on my body!”

Xie Hui retorted, “Do you think you have any hopes of

Shi Xiaofei’s face flushed red with anger. From the time she
was captured, the other side fed her something unknown to
her that hindered her from initiating a shred of battle qi
from her Qi Sea.

The current her was vulnerable even facing the lowest of

Cosmos God Cult disciple, powerless to resist, not to
mention going against someone like Xie Hui.

Shi Xiaofei resorted to glowering at Xie Hui with an icy gaze,

“To tell you the truth, I already have someone I like.”

This drew a frown from Xie Hui.

“Compared to him, you’re not even qualified to carry his

shoes!” Shi Xiaofei added with a vengeance.

Xie Hui broke into a unruly laughter instead of getting

angry, “I, the Young Lord of Cosmos God Cult, am not even
qualified to carry his shoes?” It sounded like the world’s
funniest joke in Xie Hui’s ears.

Indeed, if one were to compare identities, relying on his

status as the Cosmos God Cult’s Young Lord, not only on
Starcloud Continent, but even in the entire Martial Spirit
World, no more than three people could rival him.

Regardless of that, the woman he set his eyes on, Shi

Xiaofei, was saying it to his face that he, the Undefeated
War God Xie Hui, wasn’t qualified to carry that person’s

If any of the Cosmos God Cult Elders like Chen Xiaofeng

were here, watching Xie Hui’s wanton laughter, they would
know that Xie Hui was truly angered at this moment. There
weren’t many things or people that could truly anger their
Young Lord.

“I’m really curious, who is this person that has captured the
heart of Snow Wind Continent’s number one beauty?!” His
laughter died abruptly, a blizzard cold aura seemed to come
from Xie Hui’s body.

Shi Xiaofei’s momentum matched Xie Hui’s, “He will come

save me tomorrow, you will know at that time.”

“Good.” Xie Hui did not press the matter further, “I shall
wait and see the identity of this person whose shoes I don’t
even qualify to carry!” Murderous intent flitted in Xie Hui’s
eyes, “Tomorrow, if he dares to come, I shall fight him
personally right in front of you, dig his heart out and feed it
to the dogs!”

“You!” Shi Xiaofei choked with anger.

“But, I won’t let him die so easily.” A wicked sneer hung on

Xie Hui’s mouth, “Tomorrow night, I’ll make him kneel here,
in this room, and watch how I press you under my body, at
my mercy; let him hear your sultry moans in pleasure. Still,
he’s blessed to be able to see your enticing naked body
before he dies.”

Shi Xiaofei’s eyes turned scarlet, her chest heaved up and

down, her hands raised high wanting to slap the person in
front of her.
Xie Hui reached out, grasping her wrist, then pulled it to his
nose and took a whiff of her intoxicating scent, laughing as
he said, “I didn’t expect that even your hand smells so

Shi Xiaofei was rendered into speechless anger and


“Fret not, my dear, I won’t touch you tonight. I will save that
beautiful moment for tomorrow night.” Xie Hui turned
around and left in a good mood, leaving the sound of his
laughter echoing in the room.

Warm tears rolled down Shi Xiaofei’s cheeks watching the

receding silhouette.

Tomorrow, will he really come save her?

Although she wished he would come, would he really appear

tomorrow? Perhaps he didn’t even know that she had been
captured, having no idea at all that tomorrow…
Chapter 429: Frontal Assault

The night passed without incident.

Early next day, radiant sunlight blessed a lively Cosmos God

City, for today was Cosmos God Cult’s Young Lord’s big
wedding day. This was sensational news for the entire
Starcloud Continent, even the whole Martial Spirit World.

Colorful lanterns lined the streets of Cosmos God City, the

air buoyant with a contagious festive atmosphere. People
from all big and small sects, renowned families, and forces
came to send their well wishes.

Cosmos God City’s south entrance was more than a dozen

zhang wide, yet today it felt crowded.

The area around the Cosmos God City’s Castellan Manor

was even more packed, various shapes of luxurious
carriages and imposing looking mounts were moving in and
out, bedazzling the eyes.

“Mid-divine grade spirit pellets, ten pellets~!”

“Twelve hundred years old Evergreen Jade Heart Grass,

three stalks~!”

“Sky Dragon Crystal, two pieces~!”

Cosmos God Cult Elder Lin Xiao was reading out the
congratulatory gifts sent by guests that came for the
wedding banquet. Any one of these gifts was enough to
cause a sensation by themselves.

This lowest grade of spirit pellets that the guests brought

was low-divine grade. In this grand reception, one would be
too embarrassed to take out a holy grade spirit pellet,
whereas elixirs were only those above one thousand years
old, while crystals and ores consisted of the rarest kinds.

Once these gifts were opened and listed down by the

Cosmos God Cult, the gifts were casually thrown into the
yard allocated for safekeeping.

Those spirit pellets, rare elixirs, and crystal ores may be

treasures in others’ eyes, but for the Cosmos God Cult’s
Young Lord Xie Hui, they were only common goods.

Only items on par with high-grade divine spirit pellets were

qualified to enter Cosmos God Cult’s treasure chamber.

Right at this moment, Elder Lin Xiao suddenly announced in

a high-pitched voice, “The Distinct Void Door, high-grade
divine spirit pellet, Dragon Tiger Great Rejuvenating Pellet,
one piece~~!”

This stirred the crowd’s excitement, people craned their

necks trying to get a looks at a high-grade divine spirit

That was a high-grade divine spirit pellet!

No wonder the Distinct Void Door was one of the twelve

super forces, just a congratulatory gift they gave out was a
high-grade divine spirit pellet!

Time flows fast, soon it was close to high noon. All the
experts from other sects and big families trickled in, filling
the many banquet seats arranged in the inner and outer
hall. The inner hall was limited to Saint realm experts,
hardly any Tenth Order Xiantian realm warriors could be
seen in this hall.
As for those Seventh and Eighth Order Xiantian disciples of
big families who weren’t qualified to pass through the
Cosmos God City Castellan Manor’s doors, they could only
‘join’ the banquet from restaurants across the street,
stretching their necks for a glimpse into the Castellan
Manor, at the important guests entering the manor premise.

“I heard the Cosmos God Cult Leader has broken through to

God Realm! I wonder if that is true?!”

“I’m guessing it’s true, this comes from Xie Hui’s lips, he
wouldn’t dare to use this matter as a joke!”

Inside the inner hall, Saint realm experts from different

forces whispered cautiously amongst themselves, each bore
a different expression.

Just last night, Xie Hui mentioned that his father had
advanced into the God Realm, and today, the news had
reached the ears of these big families and forces. The
impact of this news far surpassed Xie Hu’s wedding day.

The strength of a single God Realm master was enough to

break the current power balance on Starcloud Continent.
Each big forces and families showed varied reactions
hearing the news.

Certain big families decided to seize the opportunity before

the end of Xie Hui’s wedding to announce their submission
to the Cosmos God Cult. The way these families see it, since
the Cosmos God Cult’s Leader had broken through to God
Realm, conquering the Starcloud Continent was inevitable
sooner or later, only a matter of time. Getting onboard early
beats latecomers.

“In Enigma City, close to ten thousand Cosmos God Cult

disciples died after Huang Xiaolong gave the kill order, did
you hear about this?”

“Yes, we’ve heard about it. Cosmos God Cult Enforcement

Elder Hu Chen’s only son, Hu Guang also died in Enigma
City, I also heard that Hu Guang died miserably.”

“There’s a good show waiting for us. That Huang Xiaolong

has been acting too arrogant, does he really think he’s
invincible? To actually give the order to slaughter ten
thousand Cosmos God Cult disciples. Mark my words, Huang
Xiaolong and Asura’s Gate’s days are numbered!”’

Almost all the experts present were talking about the recent
incident in Enigma City.

“For Shi Xiaofei to be able to marry Cosmos God Cult’s

Young Lord, Shi Fantian must be beaming from ear to ear
since the Blessed Buddha Empire on Snow Wind Continent is
able to climb up this tall branch!”

“Still, you can’t deny the fact that Shi Xiaofei is indeed a
beauty, it would be good fortune if I can have a daughter
like her.”

The topics around the banquet shifted quick as the wind,

changing to Shi Xiaofei and the Blessed Buddha Empire.

While this was happening, on the main street leading out of

the city, at the southern city gates, space rippled gently and
Huang Xiaolong’s figure appeared from the void. He was
delayed for a few hours due to a sudden enlightenment last
night while pondering the Thirteen Forms of the Dragon

Huang Xiaolong tilted his head slightly, looking at the sky. It

was nearly noon, with sunlight pouring strongly down the
By the time he reached the Cosmos God City’s Castellan
Manor, watching the endless parade of experts from various
families and sect, doubt surfaced in his mind. He finally
realized that it was Cosmos God Cult’s Young Lord Xie Hui’s
big wedding day today by picking up the bits of
conversation from the people around.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes sharpened dangerously in an instant.

He didn’t expect to arrive right on Xie Hui’s wedding day!

The killing intent from Huang Xiaolong’s body swept out like
a thousand zhang giant blizzard, the experts passing close
to him were alarmed, retreating as if their lives were in

The strong killing intent from Huang Xiaolong attracted the

attention of Cosmos God Cult disciples guarding the
southern city gates.

“Which sect or family are you from? Do you have an

invitation on you?” Several Cosmos God Cult disciples
approached, questioning Huang Xiaolong.

Xie Hui suddenly issued an order late last night, only those
who had an invitation on them could enter the city,
therefore, today, any experts that wished to enter the
Cosmos God City must first show the invitation.

However, it was as if Huang Xiaolong did not hear those

disciples, walking straight toward the southern city gates.

Watching Huang Xiaolong’s actions, the several Cosmos God

Cult disciples faces turned grim.

“Stop right there!” One of the disciples reached out to stop

Huang Xiaolong, shouting, “Kiddo, if you refuse to take out
your invitation, don’t blame me…!”
That disciple’s sentence was cut off here as a surge of
powerful energy rushed toward him. Before he could react,
he was swept under the overwhelming energy and was
blown several meters out, crashing into the Cosmos God
City’s hard walls.

Everyone on the crowded passage was stunned.

The experts that came to congratulate were looking at

Huang Xiaolong with astonished expressions, were they
mistaken? There was actually someone who dared to stir
trouble in Cosmos God City on the Young Lord’s wedding

The surrounding Cosmos God Cult disciples snapped to their

senses a second later, all shouting furiously at Huang
Xiaolong as they spread out to encircle him.

Huang Xiaolong continued walking into the city as if he did

not see these people.

The Cosmos God Cult disciples launched a flurry of attacks,

however, whether it was their attacks or themselves,
anything that got within ten zhang radius of Huang Xiaolong
was all repelled without exception.

By the time Huang Xiaolong passed through the south side

city gates, the three to four hundred Cosmos God Cult
disciples stationed there were lying in puddles of blood.

The experts that were planning to enter the city were scared
off, hiding far away for safety while watching Huang
Xiaolong’s back in horror.

Huang Xiaolong entered the city, ignoring the terrified looks

cast on him and headed straight to the Cosmos God Cult’s
Castellan Manor.
Huang Xiaolong’s initial plan was to sneak into the Cosmos
God City and rescue Shi Xiaofei on the low, but he didn’t
expect the wedding day would be held today. Moreover, it
was already noon, he was running out of time. Thus Huang
Xiaolong decided to act outrageously this once—frontal
Chapter 430: Notify The Young Lord

Huang Xiaolong was getting closer to the Cosmos God City’s

Castellan Manor.

However, the incident outside the southern city gates

alerted the Cosmos God Cult disciples. More and more
Cosmos God Cult disciples gathered from all directions,
circling around Huang Xiaolong.

Originally, the city was filled with a festive atmosphere,

carriages lined the streets as people hurried around, but the
murderous aura exuded by the Cosmos God Cult disciples as
they all rushed toward one direction had startled everyone.
In the blink of an eye, the streets were empty of people.

Sensing powerful energies targeting him from all directions,

Huang Xiaolong remained stoic, his feet did not falter at all
as they continued to walk in the Castellan Manor’s direction.

Cosmos God City Castellan Manor.

“What? Someone breached the southern city gates and

killed more than three hundred of our disciples stationed
there?!” Chen Xiaofeng stared at the disciple who came to
report in disbelief.

There actually existed someone so audacious as to come to

Cosmos God City and kill the Cosmos God Cult’s disciples!

This was the first time something like this happened since
the Cosmos God Cult was formed several thousand years

Chen Xiaofeng, as one of Cosmos God Cult’s Enforcement

Elders, was responsible for maintaining order in Cosmos God
City, which was why the guard disciple came to report to
Chen Xiaofeng firsthand when this incident happened.

“That is so, Lord Enforcer, should we inform the Young Lord

about this matter?” The guard disciple weakly suggested.

Chen Xiaofeng waved his hand dismissively saying, “Such a

small thing, no need to report to the Young Lord, it will only
dampen his mood.” Then, a cold gleam flickered in his eyes,
“Someone actually dared to come to my Cosmos God City,
killing my Cosmos God Cult disciples! This is clearly seeking
death, but don’t kill him immediately. Capture him alive and
find the names of his family and sect, I want all of his nine
generations annihilated!”

“Yes, Lord Enforcer!” The guard disciple acknowledged with

utmost respect.

However, the other side dared to kill in their territory, he

must have some skill; Chen Xiaofeng thought for a moment
and ordered two Saint realm subordinates to go check out
the situation.

“Remember, capture that person alive!” Chen Xiaofeng

instructed his two Saint realm subordinates, adding coldly,
“You know what the consequences of letting that person
escape are!”

“Please rest assured, Lord Enforcer!” Both Saint realm

experts assured Chen Xiaofeng.

Chen Xiaofeng waved them away.

Both men saluted at Chen Xiaofeng and disappeared in a

flicker from the spot.
At this point, the Cosmos God Cult disciples that rushed
over had Huang Xiaolong tightly surrounded. On the ground,
in the air, they formed a black sea of silhouettes.

As the Cosmos God Cult headquarters city, one could easily

assemble one million disciples if not two million with one
order. Not to mention, the disciples that were allowed to
stay inside the city were all Xiantian realm experts and

One million Xiantian realm experts!

One could easily judge the extent of Cosmos God Cult’s


Huang Xiaolong stared coldly at the sea of Cosmos God Cult

disciples blocking his path, but he continued to march

Suddenly, a Cosmos God Cult disciple leaped up, swinging

his big sword down on Huang Xiaolong. With the first
initiative taken, more and more Cosmos God Cult disciples
followed, each one of them using their most powerful attack
on Huang Xiaolong.

Watching them, Huang Xiaolong pushed his Qi Sea. Battle qi

surged in his veins as Asura qi shrouded the outside of his
body. When those Cosmos God Cult disciples neared him,
the Asura qi around Huang Xiaolong whirled out like a flash
flood, like an irresistible force, all the disciples were sent
tumbling in the air.

In a split second, numerous Cosmos God Cult disciples

crashed into the building structures around, bricks and wood
shattered, crumbling to the ground.
Huang Xiaolong moved on, leaving behind rows of streets
dyed in crimson red blood.

The colorful lanterns that were hung along the streets were
all ruined. With Huang Xialong as the center, everything
within a thousand zhang radius was all destroyed.

Tens of thousands Cosmos God Cult disciples—dead!

In the middle of a bright sunny day, a sudden gust of cold

wind blew.

Huang Xiaolong showed no emotions as he continued

toward the Castellan Manor. However, he didn’t get very far
before another wave of Cosmos God Cult disciples had him
surrounded once more.

Another storm of blood rain fell on the streets.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong lost count of how many waves

of Cosmos God Cult disciples he had annihilated. Against
those disciples, Huang Xiaolong did not hold back.

In the decades after his Master Ren Wokuang had

disappeared, the Cosmos God Cult had been consistently
swallowing the Asura’s Gate territory, the number of Asura’s
Gate disciples that died in the hands of the Cosmos God
Cult reached ten million, if not more!

Step by step, Huang Xiaolong marched on, getting closer

and closer to the Cosmos God City’s Castellan Manor. The
Asura qi shrouding him grew denser, his eyes were already
a deep scarlet, the concentrated slaughter aura coiling
around Huang Xiaolong began to form black snowflakes!

Under the bright shining sun, black snowflakes were falling

from the sky; no matter what, this scene was eerie and

“Raging Inferno Glorious Spear!”

“Wind God Kick!”

At one point, as Huang Xiaolong was moving closer to the

Castellan Manor, a rain of spear images flew right at him,
piercing through space, followed by countless shadows of a
leg that formed into a fierce gale. Both powerful attacks
aimed to do severe injuries to Huang Xiaolong.

From some distance away, two figures could be seen

arriving at breakneck speed.

Saint realm experts. Looking at the two figures, Huang

Xiaolong struck out both palms, sending a myriad of palm
imprints that shattered the spear and leg images. In the
next second, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette disappeared from
the ground, and when he appeared again, he was already in
front of the two Saint realm experts.

Huang Xiaolong held the Eminent Holiness Halberd in his

hands. With one frontal thrust, it pierced straight through
one of the Saint realm’s heart, then it was retrieved, and
with another swing, the Eminent Holiness Halberd
penetrated the second Saint realm expert’s chest.

Everything happened so fast that neither one of the two

Cosmos God Cult Saint realm experts had time to react.

Huang Xiaolong pulled the halberd back, letting the two

bodies plummet to the ground. The street pavements
cracked like spider web lines.

“You, who are you?!” One of them asked, obvious fear in his
Huang Xiaolong did not answer. The Absolute Soul Finger
bearing the true essence fire penetrated both men’s
temples and they slumped to the ground with wide shocked

Huang Xiaolong put their bodies into the Linglong Treasure

Pagoda as food for the Poison Corpse Scarabs and went on
his way.

At this time, a commotion spread in the inner and outer hall

of the Castellan Manor.

Earlier, when Huang Xiaolong breached the southern gate,

killing over three hundred Cosmos God Cult disciples, these
experts were kept in the dark, but as more and more
Cosmos God Cult disciples were killed, because of the
powerful energy fluctuations that felt ever closer to the
Castellan Manor, those experts finally noticed that
something was wrong.

In the shortest time, those experts found out the shocking

news that someone broke into the Cosmos God City, killing
their Cosmos God Cult disciples along the way.

“Foolhardy! He dares to cause trouble here in Cosmos God


“This person’s dead for sure! But for him to breach Cosmos
God City, he must have something up his sleeves!”

“So what if he has something up his sleeves? Can he fight

all the Cosmos God Cult experts relying on him alone? I’m
curious which family’s disciple he is. Having such a mad
disciple is the catastrophe of that family!”

Those experts stated their opinion in an unrestrained

manner, whereas experts from the Distinct Void Door, White
Phoenix House, and others were secretly gloating in their
hearts. On the big wedding day of the Cosmos God Cult’s
Young Lord, someone broke into the Cosmos God City, killing
numerous Cosmos God Cult disciples…? No matter the
result, Cosmos God Cult’s reputation would suffer because
of this.

“What?! The Saint realms I sent are both dead?!” Chen

Xiaofeng was angered and shocked listening to the latest
report. Among the two Saint realm experts he sent, one was
a Fourth Order Saint realm, while the other was a peak late-
Third Order Saint realm. He didn’t expect that both would be
killed barely a few minutes after leaving the Castellan

Chen Xiaofeng’s eyes shifted, then he hastened away in the

direction of Xie Hui’s residence courtyard. This matter had
escalated to a level where the Young Lord had to be notified.
Chapter 431: It’S The
Young Lord!
Chapter 431: It’s The Young Lord!

When Chen Xiaofeng reached Xie Hui’s residence courtyard,

he saw several maids helping Xie Hui into a bright red
brocade groom robe. Seeing this, Chen Xiaofeng’s mouth
opened a closed a few times, hesitant to bring the matter

“Speak, what is it?” Xie Hui spoke first.

Chen Xiaofeng hurried forward to report, “Someone

breached into the city through the southern city gates,
along the way he has killed a large number of our disciples.
I’ve sent two Saint realm experts over to deal with the
trespasser, but both…!” his words trailed off awkwardly.

Yet Xie Hui looked calm, checking his appearance before the
mirror as he questioned, “How do I look in this outfit?”

Chen Xiaofeng was slightly disconcerted as he looked at Xie

Hui clad in a bright red brocade groom robe, coupled with
Xie Hui’s good looks, he indeed looked dashing. However,
Chen Xiaofeng did not expect the Young Lord to suddenly
ask such a question, leaving him stumped.

Xie Hui turned to the maid beside him, asking, “How is the
Young Lady’s preparation coming along?”

“Replying to Young Lord, we’ve have attired the Young

Lady.” The maid answered with respect and decorum.
Xie Hui nodded, “Go, being the Young Lady to the front hall
for the ceremony.” Waving away the maid with his hand.

The several maids complied respectfully and retreated from


“Let’s go.” Xie Hui strode out toward the front hall with Chen
Xiaofeng behind him.

On the way, Chen Xiaofeng couldn’t resist asking, “Young

Lord, then that person, what do we…?”

Xie Hui merely waved his hand saying, “No need to rush,
we’ll talk after my wedding ceremony ends.” After the
ceremony was performed, then he and Shi Xiaofei would be
true husband and wife.

This trespasser was probably the person Shi Xiaofei

mentioned before; the one whose shoes he, Xie Hui, wasn’t
even qualified to carry! A sharp glint flitted in the depth of
Xie Hui’s eyes.

Recalling the tone and words Shi Xiaofei used when

speaking to him last night, an intense murderous aura
leaked from Xie Hui’s body.

Whereas Chen Xiaofeng could only acquiesce, the Young

Lord had expressly said so. However, the sudden burst of
killing intent from Xie Hui’s body baffled him.

Although that person breached the southern city gates and

killed numerous Cosmos God Cult disciples, the strong
killing intent coming from the Young Lord’s body gave Chen
Xiaofeng the illusion that there was a deep personal grudge
between them, akin to arch enemies.
“Thinking about it, it’s been quite a long time since i last
battled.” Xie Hui said out of nowhere.

Chen Xiaofeng was stunned for a second; did this mean that
the Young Lord wanted to deal with this matter personally?!

A while later, Xie Hui, Chen Xiaofeng, and the rest of the
Cosmos God Cult experts assembled at the front hall, the
boisterous inner and outer halls gradually quieted down at
their arrival. These guests from afar all stood up to greet
and congratulate Xie Hui.

Xie Hui smiled and nodded in return.

Not long after Xie Hui and the Cosmos God Cult Elders
arrived at the front hall, Shi Xiaofei appeared in the front
hall dressed in a striking red bridal gown. No one could see
the tears simmering in her lucid eyes under the red veil
covering her face.

Outside the Cosmos God City’s Castellan Manor.

Huang Xiaolong marched steadily under the sultry sun,

enshrouded by a dense Asura qi as if he was the
embodiment of an Asura from the abyss of the netherworld,
sending palpable fear into people’s hearts. He lost the
interest to count how many Cosmos God Cult disciples he
killed along the way.

The Cosmos God Cult disciples in the Castellan Manor’s

proximity watched tensely at Huang Xiaolong’s approaching
figure, a figure of darkness that contrasted with the
radiantly shining sun.

The path where Huang Xiaolong passed transformed into a

river of blood, leaving Cosmos God Cult disciples corpses
piled high in the streets of Cosmos God City.
As Huang Xiaolong neared the Castellan Manor, the experts
within the inner and outer hall sensed the terrifying
murderous aura pouring out from Huang Xiaolong’s body.

At this time, a big family’s Patriarch inside the inner hall, Gu

Lingbo, stood up and said, “Young Lord, this death seeking
fool dares to come and stir trouble in Cosmos God City! I
shall go out my with family Elders and capture him, to be
judged by Young Lord!”

Ever since he heard the news of Cosmos God Cult Leader

Xie Chao’s breakthrough to God Realm, this Gu Family
Patriarch, Gu Lingbo, had decided to submit under the
Cosmos God Cult and the situation now was a heaven sent
opportunity for the Gu Family to perform and exhibit their

Just as Gu Lingbo’s voice fell, several other Patriarchs and

Sovereigns stood up saying similar words, each claiming
they were willing to capture this trespasser on behalf of
Cosmos God Cult and await Young Lord Xie Hui’s judgment.

“Then I shall give my thanks in advance to all.” Xie Hui

smiled and said.

“Young Lord is too polite!” Gu Lingbo, as well as the other

Patriarchs, and Sovereigns quickly replied, then they all left
the inner hall in light steps, as if walking on cloud nine.

When Gu Lingbo and a dozen other experts were outside the

Castellan Manor, they immediately detected Huang
Xiaolong’s figure, shrouded in a dense fog of Asura qi.
Coincidentally, Huang Xiaolong just arrived at the Castellan

Gu Lingbo let out a cold snicker spotting Huang Xiaolong.

Without spouting any nonsense, he grabbed the chance to
attack first before anyone else. Clenching his fist, Gu Lingbo
struck a powerful punch at Huang Xiaolong’s chest.

Huang Xiaolong watched the opponent with frosty eyes.

When the opponent was close enough, Huang Xiaolong
raised his fist and punched out, meeting the opponent’s fist

Gu Lingbo let out a cold sneer seeing this, the essence of his
cultivation technique was hard and unyielding, having a
powerful physique was vitality. Although he was only a peak
late-Fourth Order Saint realm, average Saint realm Fifth
Order experts wouldn’t dare to take a punch from him.

Above all, he had determined that Huang Xiaolong was just

a mid-Fourth Order Saint realm. This was the main reason
that he dared to be the first one facing Huang Xiaolong.

In a split second, Gu Lingbo’s face stiffened, his eyes

widened fearfully looking at Huang Xiaolong, but it was too
late for him to retreat and a loud ‘boom’ rang out.
Accompanying this blast was the sounds of shattered bones.

In front of a group of shocked Patriarchs and Sovereigns, Gu

Lingbo let out a ringing shriek of pain, his body rebounded
back into the Castellan Manor, ramming over hundreds of
Cosmos God Cult disciples before finally crashing into an
imitation stone mountain.

After sending the Gu Family Patriarch flying with a single

punch, Huang Xiaolong leaped high into the air and a giant
saber appeared in his hand. The very same great saber that
he got from the Ancient Dragon Clan ruins.

Ignoring the astonished looks around him, Huang Xiaolong

bellowed as the giant saber in his hand heavily slashed
down from high up.
“Dragon Splitting the World!”

A larger than life saber light pierced through space with a

blood-red dragon chasing behind it, exuding a suffocating
bloodlust aura.

The sudden burst of murderous aura spread all the way to

the Manor’s front hall, where Xie Hui was about to perform
the wedding ceremony. All the experts within the manor
turned their gazes toward the source of the bloodthirsty
aura, catching a shocking sight of the giant saber light and
a blood-red dragon.

The saber light finally struck!

The entire Cosmos God City Castellan Manor trembled,

strong tremors shook the ground.

One after another, expert flew up into the air and saw a
giant saber mark cut through the length of the Castellan
Manor from front to back, splitting the manor below them
into two halves. The sections next to the saber mark were
destroyed by the powerful saber energy, crumbling into
ruins. Stinging saber energy continued to vibrate in the air
around the deep saber mark.

Gaping at the result, everyone inhaled sharply.

The power contained in one slash was so terrifying!

At this point, Shi Xiaofei already discarded the red cover

from her head, staring at the silhouette high in the air. A
tear rolled down her cheek. ‘He’s here, he really is here! He
really came to save me!’

While everyone was still aghast at the damage done by a

single saber cut, a figure flew up, a well-aimed fist struck
out at Huang Xiaolong in a sneak attack. A flurry of fists
drowned out Huang Xiaolong’s figure.

The sudden turn of events astounded the crowd of experts.

“It’s the Young Lord!” An expert of the Cosmos God Cult


The person who attacked Huang Xiaolong was the Cosmos

God Cult’s Young Lord, Xie Hui!
Chapter 432: Death God’S
Sinister Technique
Chapter 432: Death God’s Sinister Technique

Even experts from the Distinct Void Door, White Phoenix

House, and other eight super forces were astonished, the
Cosmos God Cult Young Lord, Xie Hui, was actually dealing
with this trespasser himself!

Xie Hui, someone who was hailed as the Undefeated War

God, the number one person amongst the younger
generation on Starcloud Continent, hadn’t been involved in
a battle for many years.

No one imagined that he would be battling on this day!

High up in the sky, Huang Xiaolong’s tensed slightly

watching the sudden torrent of fists imprints coming at him.
As if by reflex, his fists swung out, countering with the Great
Void Divine Fist. However, at this precise moment, the
attacker’s figure already appeared in front of Huang

‘So fast!’

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed in a dignified manner, and

the Great Dragon Saber in his hands made a swift horizontal
cut in both attack and defense.


The attacker’s fist collided with the Great Dragon Saber, and
a tyrannical force traveled up the saber to Huang Xiaolong’s
body, making him stagger back more than one step. High in
the air, Huang Xiaolong skidded several hundred meters
back before he managed to disperse the opposing force.

Even so, his hands still felt numb from the earlier collision,
in fact, he nearly lost his grip on the Great Dragon Saber in
that collision!

The exclamations below entered Huang Xiaolong’s ears. His

eyes narrowed to slits observing the young man on the
other side, clad in a red brocade groom robe; the Cosmos
God Cult’s Young Lord!

Below, witnessing Xie Hui repelling the enemy in a single

strike, everyone’s subconsciously tensed bodies loosened
with relief.

“A measly Fourth Order Saint realm dares to run rampant in

the Cosmos God City!” Chen Xiaofeng glowered at Huang
Xiaolong’s silhouette from the ground, issuing a disdainful
snicker, “I thought it would be at least a peak late-Tenth
Order Saint realm.”

He Zhi added, “It has been a while since the Young Lord last
showed his strength. Now that the Young Lord is taking
matters into his own hands, it is that little punk’s luck to be
able to die under Young Lord’s hand.”

“Young Lord’s prowess is unrivaled, dealing with a mere

Fourth Order Saint realm, that’s just like squashing an ant.”
Hu Chen added a complaisant line in a hearty laughter.

Because none of these experts that attended today’s

wedding banquet had ever seen Huang Xiaolong before,
none of them were able to identify the trespasser as the
Huang Xiaolong.
Xie Hui stood high in the sky with his hands behind his back,
listening to the loud murmurs below. He spared an
indifferent glance in Huang Xiaolong’s direction saying,
“Last night, Shi Xiaofei mentioned thw she has someone she
likes. She said that I don’t even qualify to carry that other
person’s shoes, but from what I can see, this ‘person’ is only
so-so.” The was obvious contempt and ridicule in his voice.

Huang Xiaolong’s brows scrunched together…

‘Someone she likes…? Me?!’

However, this was not the right time to ponder this matter.
Huang Xiaolong spread his spiritual sense, instantly finding
Shi Xiaofei in the manor below, dressed in a bright red
wedding gown. Shi Xiaofei had been staring unblinkingly in
Huang Xiaolong’s direction from the moment he collided
with Xie Hui. Their eyes met across the distance.

“In a little while, I will dig out your heart, and feed it to the
dogs!” Xie Hui’s angry voice sounded. At first, he had
assumed the person Shi Xiaofei mentioned would at least be
a Seventh Order Saint realm, but seeing Huang Xiaolong’s
strength, he totally relaxed.

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong’s expression remained icy

even though he was immensely relieved after confirming
that Shi Xiaofei was safe. He could tell that Shi Xiaofei had
yet to lose her chastity, otherwise he really wouldn’t be able
to face his Senior Brother Shi Fantian.

In that split second, Xie Hui’s right hand shaped into claws
and swiped at Huang Xiaolong’s chest dangerously fast,
precisely aiming at his heart.

A grayish claw imprint shred through space, fast and sharp.

Xie Hui’s speed was extremely fast, close to the point that
Huang Xiaolong was barely able to capture his movements.
Just when Xue Hui’s claw-hand was inches away from his
heart, Huang Xiaolong executed a tumultuous dodge,
narrowly escaping Xie Hui’s claw imprint.

Despite that, the chest area of Huang Xiaolong’s robe was

torn to pieces, and five inch-long claw marks lined the skin
on his chest, right above his heart. Blood oozed out from the
ghastly wounds.

Xie Hui stopped attacking after drawing blood, a cold smile

appeared on his face, “Not bad, your reaction speed
deserves some compliment, to be able to dodge my Heart
Penetrating Claw. However, that was just warm up.” As his
words ended, a darker gray light shrouded Xie Hui’s hands,
growing more intense as both his hands diffused a
frightening death aura.

Yet, there were signs of vitality weaving amongst the death

aura, in delicate films of green energy threads.

Death aura and vitality were contradictory forces at their

core, unable to coexist, yet both energies appeared together
around Xie Hui’s hands.

“Death God Sinister Technique!” A Distinct Void Door Elder

on the ground blurted. The other experts around him on the
ground paled, showing similar shocked faces hearing that.

“Death God Sinister Technique? The same Death God

Sinister Technique that was lost tens of thousands of years
ago?!” A ruckus swept through the crowd of experts.

During the ancient times, one of the six ancient kings, the
Ghost King had two illustrious subordinates, and one of
them was referred to as ‘Death God’.
Although this Death God wasn’t on par with the six ancient
kings, his strength was not to be scoffed at as one of the top
masters of his time. The cultivation technique he practiced
was called Death God Sinister Technique!

“Right, it’s the Death God Sinister Technique!” Xie Hui’s

voice sounded from above, confirming what the Distinct
Void Door Elder blurted out.

A few years ago, inside the Ghost City that only appeared
once in a thousand years, Xie Hui was there too. Although
he failed to find the Ghost King Sutra, he left the Ghost City
with the Death God Sinister Technique.

In these recent years, he secretly practiced this Death God

Sinister Technique away from prying eyes in the Cosmos
God Cult’s Holy Land, finally achieving success with the

Today was a great opportunity to display this technique, a

show of power to deter all four directions.

Xie Hui coldly faced Huang Xiaolong. In a split second, he

lunged toward him with both hands bent into claws, ready to

“Death God’s Boneless Claw!”

A deluge of death aura churned like thick clouds dancing in

the sky, shaping into numerous death god avatars waving
their sharp claws, issuing menacing growls and eerie
whimpers, trapping Huang Xiaolong in a circle with no way

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes grew icy looking at these death god

avatars encircling him, then, at this moment, he triggered
the Asura Physique transformation. Behind him, majestic
ebony demonic wings appeared.

From the time Huang Xiaolong refined the Asura bloodline,

the power of his Asura Tactics was magnified, and its effect
raised the Wings of Demon to another degree.

When the ebony black wings spread out, demonic runes

glimmered in a golden hue.

Huang Xiaolong’s actions were lightning fast, swinging the

great saber in his hands.

“Dragons Stirring the Heavens!”

A flood of blood-red dragons swam out with heaven flipping

momentum, entangling and colliding with the death god

Up in high air, attacks and retaliation, two different kinds of

lights flashed endlessly. Thunderous blasts were heard one
after another.

Thick death aura and suffocating slaughter energy

continued to collide, forming waves of shockwaves that hit
the Castellan Manor and the surrounding area like an energy

With each powerful collision, Huang Xiaolong’s body shook a

little, staggering back repeatedly. Although the Great
Dragon Saber was the ancient Dragon Clan’s treasure
weapon, and a powerful one at that, Huang Xiaolong’s own
battle qi’s strength lost to the opponent. The gap between
them was clear as day. Therefore, it was a struggle for the
blood dragon’s slaughter energy to duel against the death
god aura.
Xie Hui sneered, “Your saber skills are not bad, but what a
pity, you cannot draw the saber’s full ability.” On the
surface, Xie Hui spoke these words, but inwardly, he was
shocked. One must know that he was a peak late-Sixth
Order Saint realm, half-step at the edge of breaking into
Seventh Order Saint realm, whereas the other side was a
trivial mid-Fourth Order Saint realm.

From his initial attack, he thought he could easily injure

someone of this cultivation level.

‘However, this ends here!’

Xie Hui jumped forward, death aura spiraled around his

body like neverending angry waves. The tiny talisman
symbol on his forehead glimmered as his momentum rose
higher and higher, as if he turned into a god of death.

The experts below watched Xie Hui with apprehension.

‘It seems like I must summon my martial spirits!’ Watching

Xie Hui’s rising momentum, Huang Xiaolong thought to
Chapter 433: Godly Xumi Art!

Unencumbered by his worries about Shi Xiaofei’s safety,

Huang Xiaolong wanted to battle this Cosmos God Cult
Young Lord. He currently didn’t want to use the Poison
Corpse Scarabs.

Under the many watchful eyes below, one blue and one
black dragon flew out of his body, issuing roars that
distorted space.

Looking at the black and blue dragon martial spirits high

above, everybody almost shivered simultaneously.

“Twin dragon martial spirits! Huang Xiaolong!”

“Asura’s Gate Sovereign!”

Everyone exclaimed with eyes on the verge of falling out of

their sockets, especially the group of Patriarchs and
Sovereigns that came out together with Gu Lingbo in order
to apprehend the trespasser. Their faces became ashen and
cold sweat soaked through the back of their robes.

That trespasser was actually the Asura’s Gate Sovereign!

Remembering the rumors about those legendary Poison

Corpse Scarabs, these Patriarchs and Sovereigns turned a
few shades whiter. There people’s thoughts couldn’t escape
the group of Cosmos God Cult experts around, but even so,
there wasn’t much difference in their reactions.

Despite people like Chen Xiaofeng reproaching Huang

Xiaolong with audacity time and again, yelling to annihilate
the Asura’s Gate, when the time came to really face Huang
Xiaolong, none was able to disguise the trepidations
squeezing their hearts.

Only Cosmos God Cult’s Enforcement Elder Hu Chen was

staring fixedly at Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette with a vicious
glint in his one eye.

Up in the high sky, Xie Hui, who was in the midst of building
his momentum, was also shocked watching the young man
summon his twin dragon martial spirits. ‘Huang Xiaolong,
the opponent is actually Huang Xiaolong!’

“I wondered who could it be that dared to act with such

unbridled arrogance in my Cosmos God City, killing my sect
disciple in my territory, so it was you, Huang Xiaolong!” Xie
Hui’s gaze became sharper and colder, “But, Huang
Xiaolong, did you convince yourself that you’re capable of
resisting the Cosmos God Cult just by manipulating a few
Poison Corpse Scarabs?!”

In that short span of time, Huang Xiaolong had soul

transformed, fusing with both black and blue twin dragon
martial spirits. Iridescent dragon scales glimmered in the
sunlight covered Huang Xiaolong entirely. On his back were
life-like tattoos of a black and a blue dragon heads, exuding
an indomitable dragon might.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the other side with impassive

eyes, devoid of any emotions, “You talk too much
nonsense.” As the last syllable fell, Huang Xiaolong had
swung his fist, imbued with killing intent.

Fist imprints seemed to overcast the sky, ethereal one

moment, yet tangible the next.

The Great Void Divine Fist!

Huang Xiaolong half expected Xie Hui to counter with a fist
attack, but Xie Hui actually retreated. Both of his hands
signaled, commanding: “Prepare the Corpseless Poison

Instantly, Chen Xiaofeng and the rest of Cosmos God Cult

experts moved, appearing high in the air, encircling Huang
Xiaolong in the middle. At the same time, they released a
greenish gold powder from their hands that flew through the
air in Huang Xiaolong’s direction.

On the ground below, experts from the Distinct Void Door,

White Phoenix House, and others were agape in horror
staring at the floating greenish gold powder; Corpseless
Poison Powder?!

The world’s most savage poison!

A Saint realm expert’s physique was extremely tough, able

to ignore most poisons, but there were some exceptions. A
Saint realm expert’s body wasn’t immune to every kind of
poison in the world, such as this Corpseless Poison Powder!

The Corpseless Poison Powder’s infamous reputation went

back all the way to the ancient times. Once an expert was
stained with the poison, without an antidote, all of his flesh
would turn into pus water within ten breaths of time, leaving
only the bones.

It did not end there, the Corpseless Poison Powder would

continue to erode the bones, causing agonizing pain to the
victim, making them feel like they would be better off dead.

Even a Saint realm expert, if they did not immediately

distribute Saint force to expel the poison from their bodies,
they would not fare any better than others.
The experts below immediately retreated a safe distance
away, a very big safe distance away, afraid that even one
speck of Corpseless Poison Powder would touch them.

This Corpseless Poison Powder was one of Xie Hui’s harvests

from the Ghost City. Not only that, Xie Hui also obtained its
refinement method.

“Huang Xiaolong, you have the Poison Corpse Scarabs, and I

have Corpseless Poison Powder, let’s see if your insects are
better or if my Corpseless Poison Powder is!” Xie Hui let out
a lofty laughter.

Once Huang Xiaolong was poisoned by the Corpseless

Poison Powder, no matter how strong or powerful he was
rumored to be, he was bound to die!

‘So what if he has Poison Corpse Scarabs?!’

The greenish-gold substance filled the air, blocking off all of

Huang Xiaolong’s escape routes as it floated closer and
closer to at rapid speed Huang Xiaolong, as if it was alive. In
the blink of an eye, that greenish gold powder arrived in
front of Huang Xiaolong.

Looking at the sea of poison powder, Huang Xiaolong didn’t

show any signs of panic. With a flick of his wrist, a stalk of
jasper-colored lotus appeared in his hand. A ten thousand
years old Jasper Lotus.

Huang Xiaolong swallowed it without delay. The Jasper Lotus

was a panacea for ten thousand kinds of poison, as
terrorizing as that Corpseless Poison Powder was, it could
only be suppressed by the Jasper Lotus like an obedient
Just as Huang Xiaolong swallowed the Jasper Lotus,
countless specks of powder landed on his body.

Seeing this, Xie Hui and the Cosmos God Cult experts
secretly breathed out in relief.

Although they had no idea what Huang Xiaolong had just

swallowed, the Corpseless Poison Powder’s toxicity was not
so easily solved, otherwise people in the ancient times
wouldn’t have been frightened by the mere mention of its

Yet, before their breath of relief were fully exhaled, Huang

Xiaolong acted. With a wave of his hand, countless Poison
Corpse Scarabs flew out, forming into groups of black
clouds, separating and attacking in multiple directions.

“Poison Corpse Scarabs!” Chen Xiaofeng’s face was ashen,

waving his flustered hands, trying to fend off the cloud of
Poison Corpse Scarabs coming at him.

In a flicker, Huang Xiaolong reached Shi Xiaofei’s side.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong, Shi Xiaofei felt like she endured a

tremendous amount of grief, and tears rolled down her
cheeks as she ran toward Huang Xiaolong, hugging him
tightly. Very tightly.

Huang Xiaolong felt Shi Xiaofei’s two soft spots ram against
his chest, causing him to freeze on the spot in an awkward
manner. He didn’t expect Shi Xiaofei to embrace him before
a crowd like this.

“It’s alright now.” Huang Xiaolong comforted.

“En.” Shi Xiaofei softly hummed a reply, her breath caressed

like a flower petal. Her face was slightly red as she released
Huang Xiaolong.

“Kill this pair of shameless paramours!” High in the air, Xie

Hui was furious watching Shi Xiaofei run into Huang
Xiaolong’s arms and hugging him in front of a crowd! There
were experts from Distinct Void Door and White Phoenix
House amongst others.

Although his and Shi Xiaofei’s wedding ceremony was

temporarily delayed by Huang Xiaolong, in his heart, Shi
Xiaofei was already his woman. His woman dared to
embrace another man in front of so many people!

Both of them be damned!

All in all, the Cosmos God Cult had slightly over a hundred
Saint realm experts present, those being hindered by the
Poison Corpse Scarabs were only a small twenty people,
including Xie Hui and Chen Xiaofeng. Hearing Xie Hui’s
order, the remaining Saint realm experts acted swiftly,
furiously launching attacks toward Huang Xiaolong and Shi

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes grew cold watching the ranks of

Cosmos God Cult experts aiming at them both. In the blink
of an eye, hundreds of arms erupted from Huang Xiaolong’s
back, slamming down on the attackers.

Fireworks of golden showers, Buddha statues, fist, and

finger imprints filled the sky.

The Great Void Divine Fist, Earthen Buddha Palm, Absolute

Soul Finger, God Binding Palm, and Asura Demon Claw
rendered the space.

A chain of booming sounds of explosions echoed in the air.

The Distinct Void Door, White House Phoenix, and the other
experts drew in sharp cold breaths witnessing this result,
their gaze then shifted onto Huang Xiaolong, disbelief
written all over their faces.

Close to a hundred Cosmos God Cult Saint realms were all

sent flying by Huang Xiaolong!

What kind of concept was this?!

Regardless of the fact that those Cosmos God Cult Saint

realm experts were only early and mid-level, still, this was
too scary!

They stared dumbstruck at the several hundred arms

fanned out behind Huang Xiaolong.

What battle skill was this?

“Godly Xumi Art!” While everyone present was still

immersed in shock, Xie Hui’s sharp voice resounded. Xie Hui
gawked at the hundreds of arms behind Huang Xiaolong’s
back, flabbergasted.

Godly Xumi Art!

The most powerful battle skill in the world!

Everyone forgot to breathe as their attention once again fell

on Huang Xiaolong.
Chapter 434: Death God’S
Chapter 434: Death God’s Sword

Hearing Xie Hui’s sudden exclamation, Huang Xiaolong

chose to ignore the confoundment around him. The several
hundred arms moved, launching the second wave of attack
right into the midst of the gathered Cosmos God Cult

Once again the sky was filled with fist imprints and dazzling
lights in all four directions, drowning out the Castellan
Manor below.

The Cosmos God Cult disciples watched wide-eyed with

shock, panic and despair, as these fist imprints were falling
towards them, wanting to flee.

However, not even the Cosmos God Cult Saint realm experts
were able to escape the first wave of Huang Xiaolong’s
attack, what could these disciples do?

“Huang Xiaolong, you dare!” From high up came Xie Hui’s

raging roar.

But it was too late. Before his sentence ended, the countless
fist imprints landed, blasting those disciples into the air
without exception.

A shower of blood rain splattered on the earth.

“Huang Xiaolong, I’m going to kill you!” Xie Hui roared,

Chen Xiaofeng and the remaining Cosmos God Cult experts’
eyes turned scarlet.

Those Cosmos God Cult disciples were all core disciples,

each possessed a talent higher than the others, and in fact,
many of them could be considered rare geniuses that
appeared once in a thousand years. They were seedlings
that the Cosmos God Cult spent abundant resources and
effort to cultivate through the years, the majority of them
were Ninth and Tenth Order Xiantian, some half-Saint, even
a few peak half-Saints.

But now, all of them… all their efforts!

Several thousands of Cosmos God Cult’s most brilliant, most

talented core disciples were actually killed by Huang

Xie Hui took out a gray longsword. On the blade of the

longsword were inscribed rows of black runes, while on the
sword hilt was a black skull.

The moment this gray longsword emerged, death aura

churned and spread out, covering the entire manor’s
airspace. Under the dense veil of death aura, everyone felt
as if they fell into a stark world of Death.

“It’s, the Death God’s Sword!”

“Death God’s Sword!” Another commotion swept over the

spectating experts.

The Death God’s Sword was the weapon belonging to Ghost

King’s subordinate, Death God’s weapon. According to
legend, this Death God’s longsword was made using
numerous Saint realm experts’ bones and materials from
the Divine World, and submerged in hell’s yellow springs for
a thousand years before it was fully completed.
On the day of completion, the sky darkened over a hundred
thousand miles radius, covered by the gray death aura, and
sounds of weeping ghosts could be heard.

The bones of God Realm masters and Saint realm experts

that died under this longsword were tantamount to a high

Gripping the Death God’s Sword in his hand, Xie Hui was
shaking with anger. He let out a bellow and swung the
sword, countless sword lights shot straight at the swarm of
Poison Corpse Scarabs that were about to attack him.
Colliding with the torrent of sword lights, dead Poison
Corpse Scarabs plummeted to the ground.

One strike, more than a dozen Poison Corpse Scarabs were


After repelling a wave of Poison Corpse Scarabs, Xie Hui

turned around, facing Huang Xiaolong and made a slash
with the longsword.

“Die—!” At this point, Xie Hui’s eyes had completely turned

a muddy gray, the same gray of the death aura surging out
from his body like tidal waves.

Xie Hui’s condition slightly astonished Huang Xiaolong, and

he did not counter Xie Hui’s attack head on like he usually
did. He grabbed Shi Xiaofei beside him, dodging the
longsword attack in a flicker. The sword cut into the ground,
opening a deep fissure that spewed a large amount of death

The experts from other sects retreated further back still.

What they had seen so far today had repeatedly shattered
their perception.
First, it was the ancient Death God Sinister Cultivation,
followed by the legendary Godly Xumi Art that was lost for
tens of thousands of years, the fabled most powerful battle
skill in the world. Now, the longsword that weaved death,
once belonging to the Death God had appeared.

Whether it was Xie Hui or Huang Xiaolong, both had given

unprecedented shock to these experts. Still, the biggest
shock came from Huang Xiaolong.

The Godly Xumi Art had resurfaced in the world once more,
very soon this news would spread to every corner of Martial
Spirit World faster than wildfire.

“Xiaolong, please save Xiaorou and Xiaoyue!” After Huang

Xiaolong dodged the Death God’s Sword attack from Xie
Hui, Shi Xiaofei suddenly pleaded anxiously.

Huang Xiaolong nodded in silence, he knew the Xiaorou and

Xiaoyue Shi Xiaofei mentioned were her two maids. That
time when he was passing by the Blessed Buddha Empire
and stayed there for a few days, he God seen the few close
maids of Shi Xiaofei.

Thus, in a matter of seconds, Huang Xiaolong’s spiritual

sense found the place where the two maids were being held
inside the Castellan Manor.

Both maids were imprisoned in one of the halls.

“Death God’s Hell!” A sharp cold voice pierced their

eardrums, Huang Xiaolong raised his head and saw Xie Hui
swinging the Death God’s longsword once more. This time,
the gray death energy formed countless shadows of death
god dominating everything, enacting the name of Death
God’s Hell, and doubled the power of the previous sword
Hugging Shi Xiaofei close to him, Huang Xiaolong and Shi
Xiaofei both disappeared into the void using Space
Concealment, avoiding Xie Hui’s attack. When they
emerged from the void, it was where the two maids were
being held captive.

Huang Xiaolong flicked his finger, easily snapping off the

chains winding around the two maids, yet Xie Hui’s attacks
pursued relentlessly from behind.

Bringing three women with him, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette

flickered into the void, barely avoiding Xie Hui’s sword.

It was obvious to Huang Xiaolong that the death aura

released by the Death God’s Sword was too overbearing. At
Xie Hui’s current strength, he wasn’t fully capable of
controlling and use it well, or else he’d have a harder time
dodging those lethal strikes.

Huang Xiaolong waved his hands, retrieving all the Poison

Corpse Scarabs, and vanished from the spot along with the
three women.

“Xie Hui, we’ll meet again. At that time, I’ll take your dog
life!” Huang Xiaolong’s frigid voice floated from the void as
he disappeared.

Gray death mist was flowing out of Xie Hui’s eyes. Watching
Huang Xiaolong disappear, he let out an ear-splitting furious
roar. The Death God’s Sword swung madly without aim,
venting his fury. Multiple sword lights laden with heavy
death aura shot out in a frenzied manner, and some Cosmos
God Cult disciples on the ground who were too slow to
dodge died as these sword lights pierced through their
Disciples that died under the Death God’s Sword lights
instantly turned into dried corpses that emitted death aura
from head to toe.

“Young Lord!” Chen Xiaofeng, He Zhi, and some of the

Elders hurried toward Xie Hui, trying to restrain him from
inflicting more damage.

“Young Lord, how’s your condition?” Chen Xiaofeng asked

with concern when Xie Hui seemed calmer.

Xie Hui looked at Chen Xiaofeng and the group of Elders, the
death aura in his eyes gradually subsided. The death aura
within the Death God’s Sword was too heavy, too
overbearing, he still couldn’t fully control it at his current
strength level, if he wasn’t forced by Huang Xiaolong, he
wouldn’t have taken the longsword out. Just now, due to the
rebound from the death aura causing internal qi deviation,
he nearly fell into a state of complete amok.

“I am fine.” Xie Hui inhaled deeply, putting away the Death

God’s Sword. In a rapid flicker, he appeared on the ground
below. Seeing the thousands of Cosmos God Cult core
disciples’ bodies littered all around him, Xie Hui’s fists
clenched tightly. The crisp sounds of gnashing teeth could
be heard.

“Huang Xiaolong, I’ll kill you, rue the days that I don’t!”
Cosmos God Cult Enforcement Elder Hu Chen cried out in
anguish and ire, thick murderous aura burst out from his
one eye. Amongst the many Cosmos God Cult core disciples
that Huang Xiaolong killed were more than a dozen of his
personal disciples.

Before, his only son died a tragic death in Enigma City, and
now, his dozens of personal disciples also died under Huang
Xiaolong’s hand.
The experts from other forces, the Distinct Void Door, and
White Phoenix House exchanged glances in silence.

No one imagined Cosmos God Cult Young Lord’s big wedding

day to end this way, but things had already happened, the
guests were disinclined to stay any longer and it wasn’t
necessary to do so.

Experts gradually approached Xie Hui and Chen Xiaofeng to

bid farewell.

Watching those experts leave without a second thought, Xie

Hui and experts of the Cosmos God Cult didn’t look too
good. Although the experts from the Distinct Void Door,
White Phoenix House, and the top forces didn’t show it on
the surface, the gloating in their eyes was obvious to Xie Hui
and the Cosmos God Cult Elders.

“Young Lord, give the order, attack the Asura’s Gate

headquarters! Exterminate Huang Xiaolong and wipe out all
Asura’s Gate disciples!” Hu Chen’s voice was filled with
deep hatred: “If we do not exterminate Asura’s Gate, we’ll
turn into the world’s laughing stock!”

Huang Xiaolong had gone to the point of massacring more

than ten thousand Cosmos God Cult core disciples in their
headquarters’ Cosmos God City, if the Cosmos God Cult did
not retaliate, they would indeed be treated as laughing
Chapter 435: Golden
Pavilion Chamber Of
Commerce Headquarters
Chapter 435: Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce

“Yes, Young Lord, give the order, exterminate the Asura’s

Gate!” Chen Xiaofeng took a step forward, “The hatred in
our hearts cannot be quelled unless Huang Xiaolong dies!”

Among the tens of thousands of Cosmos God Cult disciples

that Huang Xiaolong massacred, his personal disciples were
there too. Those qualified to be received as Chen Xiaofeng’s
personal disciples undeniably possessed remarkable talent.

But all those people were now dead!

All the upper ranks of Cosmos God Cult Elders felt their
hearts bleeding.

He Zhi and the Elders also stepped forward, imploring Xie

Hui to give the order—annihilate the Asura’s Gate!

A light flickered in Xie Hui’s eyes, seemingly tempted, but

he took a deep breath instead, and spoke solemnly, “I will
have someone get in touch with Lord Father!” Although he’d
like nothing more than to disassemble Huang Xiaolong with
his bare hands and gnaw on his bones, attacking the Asura’s
Gate headquarters was no simple matter.
The Asura’s Gate’s strength and forces might have dwindled
significantly over the years, but there was Huang Xiaolong
at its helm now. Huang Xiaolong was an existence that no
one dared to underestimate.

If the Cosmos God Cult really waged war with the Asura’s
Gate, even if the Cosmos God Cult could finally annihilate
the Asura’s Gate, they would have to pay a heavy price and
suffer a huge drop in strength. At that time, other super
forces like Distinct Void Door and White Phoenix House
would swoop in and reap a fisherman’s benefits with no
effort at all.

Therefore, the order must come from his father.

Slightly over an hour later, Xie Hui received a reply from his
father. Xie Chao’s message was: Everyone was to wait until
he returns.

Chen Xiaofeng, He Zhi, Hu Chen, and everyone else couldn’t

wait to tear Huang Xiaolong from limb to limb, but they
could only suppress the hatred and anger in their hearts
after receiving the Leader’s instructions.

“Enforcer Chen, Enforcer Hu.” Xie Hui spoke coldly, “Relay

the order, Asura’s Gate disciples and those families that
submitted under the Asura’s Gate, as long as they dare to
appear in my Cosmos God Cult’s territories, slaughter them
all without mercy!”

Although his father had ordered not to attack the Asura’s

Gate, this order of his did not contradict with his father’s

“Yes, Young Lord!” Chen Xiaofeng and the Enforcement

Elders acknowledged with enthusiasm and respect.
At this time, Huang Xiaolong and the three women appeared
on a stark hill at the northern border of the Lingwu Oblast.
Only some small aboriginal tribes resided in the area. After
making sure that the Cosmos God Cult did not send any
pursuers, Huang Xiaolong’s group stopped to rest in this
hilly region.

“You’ve suffered in recent days.” Stepping on the ground,

Huang Xiaolong said, looking at Shi Xiaofei.

Shi Xiaofei’s eyes became red-rimmed all of a sudden,

sobbing as she dove into Huang Xiaolong’s arms.

Huang Xiaolong was stupefied on the spot.

Xiaorou and Xiaoyue stood blankly watching the scene

playing in front of them.

Both girls were aware if their Princess’s aloof attitude

towards men. Despite knowing full well that the Princess’s
main purpose in coming all the way to Starcloud Continent
this time was because of Huang Xiaolong, after watching the
scene in front of them, their brains were a tad slow in trying
to process the meaning of it.

The Princess took the initiative to embrace a man!

Right in front of them!

Huang Xiaolong grew increasingly awkward under the stares

coming from Xiaorou and Xiaoyue, he lightly patted Shi
Xiaofei’s shoulder saying, “Alright now, there are people

Shi Xiaofei immediately realized her gaffe, remembering

that Xiaorou and Xiaoyue were standing at the side. She
quickly released Huang Xiaolong and retreated in a flustered
manner as a bright red blush crept up her face.

The atmosphere inevitably turned strange and awkward.

“Young Noble Huang, Xie Hui forced Princess and us to

swallow a kind of grayish medicinal pellet after capturing us,
and after that, we were unable to gather any battle qi at all.
That Xie Hui said that if we are not given the antidote within
one month’s time, we’d never recover for the rest of our
lives!” At one point, the maid Xiaorou spoke, breaking the
awkward silence.

“That’s true, Young Noble Huang, if there’s no antidote, then

Princess…!” Xiaoyue said with a worried expression that
shadowed her small face.

Gray-colored pellets? Huang Xiaolong’s brows creased

hearing this, then he took out three Jasper Lotus from the
Asura Ring. The air was immediately infused with a
refreshing herbal fragrance similar to a pellet.

“This is a Jasper Lotus, it can solve ten thousand kinds of

poison. First take this and see if it can expel the poison in
your body.” Huang Xiaolong explained.

“Jasper Lotus!” Shi Xiaofei’s eyes were round with

amazement and delight. Xiaorou and Xiaoyue might not
know the value of the Jasper Lotus, but Shi Xiaofei did.

Huang Xiaolong nodded with a slight encouraging smile,

“Swallow this first, then meditate. I will be on the lookout.”
With that, he passed three stalks of Jasper Lotus to the three

Taking the Jasper Lotus in her hand, Shi Xiaofei gazed

intently at Huang Xiaolong, the adoration swimming on her
eyes made Huang Xiaolong want to flee for safety. He
avoided Shi Xiaofei’s eyes and went to stand guard at the
side, acting as a lookout for the three women.

Huang Xiaolong’s reaction made Shi Xiaofei chuckle softly,

like a thousand petals blooming gloriously. Only then did she
sat down in a meditative posture with her two maids, took
the Jasper Lotus and began running their cultivation
techniques to eliminate the poison.

A heavy sigh escaped Huang Xiaolong’s heart hearing Shi

Xiaofei’s tiny chuckle.

At first, when Huang Xiaolong heard Cosmos God Cult Young

Lord Xie Hui say that Shi Xiaofei had someone she liked, and
that person was himself, he still carried some doubt.
However, just now, from the way Shi Xiaofei was gazing at
him, the enamoured feelings she held for him were obvious
to him.

At a time like this, Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help but think of

Li Lu. There was a distinct feeling that he and Li Lu would
come face to face soon, however, there was a foreboding
anxiety attached to this feeling.

Could it be due to Li Lu’s current identity? Huang Xiaolong

contemplated. By now, Huang Xiaolong no longer had any
doubts that Li Lu was the elected Deities Templar Holy

“Deities Templar’s Holy Maiden…” Huang Xiaolong muttered

under his breath.

Two hours passed quietly.

After taking the Jasper Lotus, faint gray mists floated out
from Shi Xiaofei, Xiaorou, and Xiaoyue’s bodies. Huang
Xiaolong, who had been keeping an eye on the three
people’s conditions, finally relaxed when he saw this scene.
He knew that the gray mist was the poison being expelled
from their bodies.

Admittedly, he was a little worried in the beginning that the

Jasper Lotus wouldn’t work. If it came to that, Huang
Xiaolong would have to make another trip back to Cosmos
God City…

A short while later, there was no more grayish mist coming

out from the three women’s bodies. When the three stood
up, ruddiness returned to their faces, not only had all the
poison been expelled, but even their cultivation rose slightly.

“How is it?” Huang Xiaolong walked over, asking Shi Xiaofei.

Shi Xiaofei smiled happily, nodding her head, “All the poison
has been expelled.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded: “Let’s leave this place first.”

Huang Xiaolong believed that very soon all two hundred

oblasts under Cosmos God Cult’s governance would impose
martial law, which was why he had to bring all three women
out of Cosmos God Cult’s sphere of influence as soon as

The three women nodded at Huang Xiaolong’s words.

In a rapid flicker, all four people disappeared from the hilly


In less than a day, news of the Cosmos God City battle

spread throughout the Starcloud Continent, like an extra
large bomb that shook the entire continent.
“On the Cosmos God Cult Young Lord’s big wedding day,
Huang Xiaolong single-handedly broke into the Cosmos God
City and massacred over ten thousand of Cosmos God Cult’s

“Huang Xiaolong actually cultivates the Godly Xumi Art! The

number one battle skill has once again resurfaced in the

“Several Cosmos God Cult Elders were struck flying by

Huang Xiaolong’s Godly Xumi Art!”

Each and every detail was spread by word of mouth at

amazing speed!

Shock, amazement, idolization to the point of fanaticism,

and fear. The entire Starcloud Continent, or more
accurately, the entire Martial Spirit World was in an uproar!

In comparison to Huang Xiaolong’s Godly Xumi Art, rarely

anyone bothered to speak of Xie Hui’s Death God Sinister
Technique or his Death God’s Sword.

Half a month later, several hundred kilometers outside of

Cosmos God City, Huang Xiaolong’s group of four appeared.

“Birchleaf City.” Huang Xiaolong examined the large city

outside the city gates.

Birchleaf City was the place where the headquarters of one

of the four Starcloud Continent’s biggest firms was located,
the Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce’s headquarters.

Coming all this way, Huang Xiaolong’s only purpose was the
four stalks of Dragon God Grass.
Chapter 436: Our President Is Not In

The Cosmos God City battle made Huang Xiaolong realize

that his own strength was still too inadequate.

If there were no Poison Corpse Scarabs hindering the group

of Cosmos God Cult Elders and high-level Saint realm
experts, just a single Elder like Chen Xiaofeng could easily
kill him.

Additionally, the Godly Xumi Art drained a terrifying amount

of battle qi. At his current battle qi level, after exerting
strenuous effort, he could barely execute the Godly Xumi Art
twice. This was also why, after displaying the Godly Xumi
Art twice, Huang Xiaolong left in a hurry with Shi Xiaofei and
her two maids in tow.

In this trip to the Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce,

Huang Xiaolong was adamant to get his hands on the four
remaining Dragon God Grass, no matter what.

After he gathered all eight stalks, Huang Xiaolong could

refine one primordial divine dragon body, enhancing his
strength to another level.

Huang Xiaolong merely stopped for a brief moment before

his lifted his foot and strode into Birchleaf City. Shi Xiaofei
and her two maids followed closely behind.

Even though the three women were curious why Huang

Xiaolong came to Birchleaf City, Shi Xiaofei did not voice
any objections. She was happy enough as long as she could
remain with Huang Xiaolong and not be sent back to the
Blessed Buddha Empire.
Entering Birchleaf City, Huang Xiaolong asked around for the
Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce’s headquarters
location, heading straight there without dallying.

“Big brother Huang, is there something you want to buy

going to the Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce?” On
the way, Shi Xiaofei casually asked.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “I want to buy a few stalks of

Dragon God Grass, I heard that the Golden Pavilion
Chamber of Commerce has some.”

“You want to buy Dragon God Grass?!” Shi Xiao Fei eyes

“That’s right, what’s the matter?” Shi Xiao Fei exaggerated

reaction roused Huang Xiaolong’s curiosity.

“There are a few inside our Blessed Buddha Empire’s

treasure chamber!” Shi Xiaofei revealed without holding

Huang Xiaolong’s steps halted abruptly, a quiver of

excitement shot through his body as he asked in disbelief,
“Your Blessed Buddha Empire’s treasure chamber has
Dragon God Grass?!”

Shi Xiaofei nodded heavily as if to emphasize the fact that

she didn’t lie, “We have, ah. I am not sure how many we
have, but definitely no less than ten!”

“Ten!” Huang Xiaolong’s breathing constricted a little.

Ten stalks of Dragon God Grass! Inwardly, he couldn’t help

letting out loud wanton laugh!
He didn’t expect the Dragon God Grass that he had been
searching for high and low for was quietly lying inside the
Blessed Buddha Empire’s treasure chamber.

At least ten stalks, adding the four stalks that he was going
to get from the Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce, he
could refine two primordial divine dragons!

Two! Huang Xiaolong’s larynx moved as he swallowed,

nervous with excitement.

“Big brother Huang, is that Dragon God Grass very

important to you?” Noticing the joy on Huang Xiaolong’s
face, Shi Xiaofei felt happy as well.

Huang Xiaolong calmed himself down, nodding seriously,

“Yes, very important.”

Before the time for Grand Martial Exchange arrived, whether

Huang Xiaolong could exceed Tenth Order Saint realm
depended on finding enough Dragon God Grass.

Therefore, Dragon God Grass was crucial to Huang Xiaolong!

Huang Xiaolong was in an excellent mood after knowing

there were ten stalks of Dragon God Grass in the Blessed
Buddha Empire’s treasure chamber. At the same time, he
was a little annoyed with himself. If he had known earlier, he
would have tried to inquire some information from his Senior
Brother Shi Fantian when he was passing by the Blessed
Buddha Empire.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong, Shi Xiaofei, Xiaorou,

and Xiaoyue reached the Golden Pavilion Chamber of
Commerce headquarters building.
The Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce was one of four
Starcloud Continent’s biggest trading firms, with branches in
every oblast all over the continent. Including the thirty-six
oblasts under Asura’s Gate governance, there were many of
its branches. The four biggest trading firms might not be at
par with the continent’s twelve super forces, but their actual
forces did not fall far from the twelve super forces.

Its headquarters was located on Birchleaf City’s most

expensive street, occupying a large land area. There were
eight sections to their main door, each section was five to
six meters in length, the whole place was lavishly

People moved in and out in an endless stream.

When Huang Xiaolong’s group walked in, many people

looked over and suddenly, it raised a commotion.

This reaction brought a helpless bitter smile to Huang

Xiaolong’s face. Of course, he realized this commotion was
due to Shi Xiaofei. With her alluring beauty, no matter
where she went, she would be the center of attention.

With lightning speed, an employee had hurried over to

Huang Xiaolong’s group. Perhaps it was due to the presence
of a great beauty like Shi Xiaofei, but the employee was
extremely courteous.

“May I ask what items the several Young Ladies are looking
to purchase, or selling perhaps?” The employee gave his
best smile to Shi Xiaofei, his eyes never leaving her. As for
Huang Xiaolong, he was totally ignored and sidelined.

Shi Xiaofei was slightly irritated by the way the employee

was staring at her, however, in front of Huang Xiaolong she
was too embarrassed to throw any temper, hence, she
looked at Huang Xiaolong silently.

“I would like to see your President.” Huang Xiaolong said.

The employee was stunned, he only noticed Huang

Xiaolong’s presence at this moment.

Want to see the President?! He scrutinized Huang Xiaolong

from head to toe.

“This brother, our President is not in, may I know what

matters you have with our President?” The employee asked,
not concealing the disdain in his eyes.

Want to see the President?

How could their Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce’s

President be someone that anyone could request to meet?
Even Elders from the twelve super forces wanting to meet
their President depended on whether their President is
willing or not.

Huang Xiaolong caught the disdain in the employee’s eyes,

but he did not say anything in that regard. He merely took
out a jade bottle from the Asura Ring and took the pellet
out. Instantly, a medicinal scent wafted in the air, filling the
reception lobby with its fragrance, rejuvenating the soul and
mind, at the same time shocking the people nearby.

Everyone in the reception lobby was shocked, turning their

attention over to Huang Xiaolong’s direction.

“This is a top-grade divine spirit pellet, Golden Jadesea

Dragon Pill.” Huang Xiaolong placed the round pellet on the
table, then asked, “Now, can I see your President?”
That employee’s knees grew soft in an instant. Top-grade
divine spirit pellet!

Hearing Huang Xiaolong’s question, the employee

remembered where he was. When he looked at Huang
Xiaolong again, the disdain in his eyes had vanished to god
knows where.

“Young Noble, please wait a moment, I shall go and report to

our steward immediately!” The employee said with all due

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong nod, the employee swiftly turned

and ran inside.

After the employee left, the feverish gazes from the people
in the reception lobby were fixed on the small pellet that
Huang Xiaolong placed on the table akin to a pack of hungry
wolves staring at a piece of succulent meat.

“Top-grade divine spirit pellet, maybe it’s a fake?!” A big

family’s disciple mocked in a loud voice.

“Who knows for sure, it’s not like something of this nature
didn’t happen before, claiming a Profound Gold Pill as
Golden Origin Pill. In the end, that swindler was beaten half
dead by the Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce’s
Elder!” Another person chimed in. “Although that person
kept his life, both his hands were chopped off by that Elder!”

Noises of discussions hummed in the lobby.

At this time, a middle-aged pot-bellied man, dressed to the

nines with sparkling gold and shining jewels walked over to
Huang Xiaolong, stopping in front of him, “This brother, I
have some knowledge regarding medicinal pellets, with one
look I can tell whether it is genuine or fake, may I take a
look at this Golden Jadesea Dragon Pill?” Finished saying
that, his hand reached out to pick up the round pellet on the
table without waiting for a reply from Huang Xiaolong.

However, before the pot-bellied man’s hand even touched

it, his hand was suddenly pinched in place by another hand.

That middle-aged man’s face tightened, he was a peak late-

Xiantian Tenth Order, yet his hand was easily locked in place
by the black-haired young man.

“You cannot.” Huang Xiaolong replied with a frosty voice.

Then he exerted a tiny amount of pressure, sounds of
breaking bones came from the middle-aged man’s hand.
With a flick, the middle-aged man was thrown back,
staggering backward again and again, nearly crashing into a
stone pillar in the corner of the lobby.

He flushed with anger: “You!” Despite that, he dared not

approach Huang Xiaolong a second time.

The people in the lobby were secretly surprised. Many of

them recognized the pot-bellied middle-aged man as an
Elder of Birchleaf City’s Su Family, they also knew his
strength, yet the young man actually crushed the bones of
someone like that effortlessly.
Chapter 437: Our President Invites Thee

Initially, many people in the reception lobby were aiming for

that Golden Jadesea Dragon Pill, but watching Huang
Xiaolong display a small portion of his strength, those
individuals suppressed the greed that sprung in their hearts.

“What is going on?” All of a sudden, a dignified voice

boomed in the lobby, attracting everyone’s attention.
Turning their heads to look at the source, the employee that
ran off earlier to report was walking out from the inner hall
with two men in front of him.

Leading in front was a middle-aged man clad in a large

brocade green robe, thick brows, big face, and brilliant
shrewd eyes.

The pot-bellied man whose hand was crushed by Huang

Xiaolong, Su Family’s Elder Su Ming, hastened toward this
middle-aged man with a look of deference, and flattery,
“Elder Zhang.”

This newly arrived person was the Golden Pavilion Chamber

of Commerce’s Elder, Zhang Jingfeng.

When the employee ran to report to the steward, the

steward felt this matter was above his authority, and
brought the matter to Elder Zhang Jingfeng instead.

The people around the reception lobby also greeted Elder

Zhang with a respectful demeanor.

As an Elder of the Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce,

Zhang Jingfeng oversaw the transactions made in the
headquarters, and thus held an esteemed status within the
ranks of Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce. Even the
Birchleaf Castellan was polite and courteous toward Elder

Zhang Jingfeng nodded his head, returning the greeting

from the people in the lobby.

The Su Family Elder Su Ming seized this small gap saying,

“Elder Zhang, this punk brought out some unknown low-
grade medicinal pellet and claimed it’s a top-grade divine
Golden Jadesea Dragon Pill. I know a little about medicinal
pellets, out of the kindness of my heart I wanted to help him
distinguish the pellet, but I didn’t imagine that this punk
would suddenly sneak an attack on me, crushing the bones
of my hand!”

He positioned himself as the kind victim and Huang

Xiaolong became the villain that attacked indiscriminately.

“Oh…” Elder Zhang looked over at Huang Xiaolong.

“It’s evident he’s feeling guilty, that’s why he dared not let
me take a look. That medicinal pellet is surely a fake!” Su
Ming emphasized, his eyes glowered at Huang Xiaolong,
filled with grudging hate.

Zhang Jingfeng lightly nodded, no changes can be seen in

his expression as he approached Huang Xiaolong and Shi

In a few quick steps, Zhang Jingfeng reached in front of

Huang Xiaolog’s group. After a mere glance at the Golden
Jadesea Dragon Pill placed on the table, a golden light
flashed in Elder Zhang’s eyes.

Although he had yet to examine it closely, relying on his

many years of experience and eyesight, this spirit pellet was
undoubtedly a top quality divine grade spirit pellet.
However, Zhang Jingfeng glanced at Huang Xiaolong’s
group. All four sat there, and from their demeanor it was
obvious that none of them had any intention of standing up.
This slightly annoyed Zhang Jingfeng. After all, his status
necessitated even the Birchleaf City’s Castellan to stand up
and greet him.

“This guest is saying this is the legendary Golden Jadesea

Dragon Pill?” Zhang Jingfeng spoke, of course he did not
show his dissatisfaction on the surface.

“Yes.” Huang Xiaolong was nonchalant.

“May I examine it?” Zhang Jingfeng asked.

“Yes.” Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Zhang Jingfeng pointed at the pellet and it gently fell into

his palm. The moment the Golden Jadesea Dragon Pill
landed on his palm, his hand sank a little from the weight,
this startled him.

It was said that one of the ingredients needed to refine a

Golden Jadesea Dragon Pill was Golden Jade Sand, thus after
successful refinement, one small pellet of Golden Jadesea
Dragon Pill would weigh a thousand catties.

This made Zhang Jingfeng take a second look at the small

pellet, inspecting it seriously. The more he saw, the more
surprised he became, for the medicinal properties of this
Golden Jadesea Dragon Pill in his hand were extremely well
preserved. All the preservations of top-grade divine spirit
pellets he had examined in the past were sorely lacking in

Su Ming and the people around the lobby held their breaths
as they focused intently on Zhang Jingfeng’s every move.
Detecting the changes in Zhang Jingfeng’s expression,
ripples of shock crossed these people’s hearts. Did this
mean that it was really a top-grade divine spirit pellet?!

Then, a light glimmered from Zhang Jingfeng’s palm, his

battle qi ambled along the medicinal pellet’s vein, entering
its core, instantly, multiple dark jade green lights shone out
from its core, issuing faint echoes of dragon roars.

Watching this, Su Ming and everyone present were taken


Moments later, Zhang Jingfeng retrieved his battle qi, the

dark green lights vanished, as did the faint dragon roars.

“This medicinal pellet is indeed a genuine Golden Jadesea

Dragon Pill.” Zhang Jingfeng announced the result of his

The people in the reception lobby had their eyes rounded

the size of a fist, fixing their eyes on the Golden Jadesea
Dragon Pill.

Zhang Jingfeng placed the pellet back to the table once

again, in front of Huang Xiaolong.

“May I ask how this brother is planning to sell this Golden

Jadesea Dragon Pill?” Zhang Jingfeng inquired, his tone
mellowed down.

“Are you the Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce’s

President?” Huang Xiaolong asked in return.

Zhang Jingfeng was stumped, and his expression turned

unsightly. The meaning of Huang Xiaolong’s words was loud
and clear, he would only speak to the Golden Pavilion
Chamber of Commerce’s President and no one else.
“Although the Golden Jadesea Dragon Pill is the Dragon
Clan’s legendary divine spirit pellet, I am still more than
sufficient to handle the value of this transaction.” Zhang
Jingfeng said, his tone slightly hardened.

Zhang Jingfeng’s meaning was clear as well, this Golden

Jadesea Dragon Pill was indeed valuable, but not enough to
disturb their Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce’s
President. In short, Huang Xiaolong was still far from
qualified to meet their President based on one Golden
Jadesea Dragon Pill.

Su Family’s Elder Su was gloating on the side watching the

even play out.

Huang Xiaolong’s expression remained nonchalant, and he

didn’t miss the meaning behind Zhang Jingfeng’s words.

Before the gloating eyes of Su Ming and other individuals in

the lobby, a dazzling light glowed from Huang Xiaolong’s
hand, and another burst of fragrance suffused the air.

Everyone in the hall, including Su Ming, was surprised

seeing another spirit pellet in Huang Xiaolong’s hand.

“This is a Water Fire Dragon Pill, top-grade divine spirit

pellet.” Huang Xiaolong’s voice rang in the lobby.

Then, another spirit pellet appeared in Huang Xiaolong’s


“This is a Reverse Dragon Pill, top-grade divine spirit pellet.”

“This is a Divine Dragon Pill, top-grade divine spirit pellet.”

In front of the dumbstruck Su Ming and the rest, Huang

Xiaolong successively took out nine spirit pellets. Without
exception, all of them were top-grade divine spirit pellets,
lined up on the table in a straight line.

The medicinal fragrance coming from these pellets

assaulted the nose, the entire lobby was transformed into
an ocean of spirit pellet fragrance.

Even as an Elder of the Golden Pavilion Chamber of

Commerce Elder, Zhang Jingfeng couldn’t help inhaling a
sharp breath.

These were ten top-grade divine spirit pellets!

It was a heaven and earth difference between one pellet

and ten pellets.

If the remaining nine pellets were also genuine top-grade

divine spirit pellets, then…!

Zhang Jingfen’s hand reached out and began to examine the

spirit pellets one by one, and by the end of it, his hands
were visibly trembling.

Although Zhang Jingfeng did not announce his result like the
first time, it was obvious to everyone from his expression
that the remaining nine spirit pellets were, without a doubt,
top-grade divine spirit pellets.

“How is it? Can I see your President now?” Huang Xiaolong


Huang Xiaolong’s voice pulled everyone back to the

present, the way Zhang Jingfeng looked at Huang Xiaolong
completely took a hundred and eighty degrees turn.

“I have to trouble Young Noble to wait here for a moment, I

shall notify the President immediately!” Zhang Jingfeng said,
his demeanor was much more polite and respectful.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Seeing that, Zhang Jingfeng turned around and left.

After Zhang Jingfeng left, the way others around looked at

Huang Xiaolong brewed something within, everyone was
guessing Huang Xiaolong’s group’s identities. Not even the
big families in Birchleaf City could casually take out ten top-
grade divine spirit pellet in one breath.

One such example was the Su Family.

Hiding amongst the people, Su Ming became more honest,

traces of fear flashed in his eyes as he cautiously sneaked
glances at Huang Xiaolong.

A short while later Zhang Jingfeng emerged from the inner

hall, respectfully informing Huang Xiaolong, “Young Noble,
our President invites thee in.”

Huang Xiaolong once again nodded, retrieved all the spirit

pellets on the table with a simple motion, and followed
Zhang Jingfeng together with Shi Xiaofei and her two maids
into the inner hall.

Watching Huang Xiaolong’s group disappear from view, the

people in the lobby broke out in a ruckus.

“I wonder who that person is, just like that he could take out
ten top-grade divine spirit pellets!”

“Perhaps he belongs to some hidden family that hasn’t

appeared in a thousand years, he might even be an Elder!”
Huang Xiaolong’s group of four followed Zhang Jingfeng,
ignoring the loud ruckus outside, passing through the
Phoenix Hall and arriving at an elegant courtyard.
Chapter 438: Thank You For Your Hospitality

Just as Huang Xiaolong’s group of four entered the elegant

courtyard, they heard laughter coming from inside the hall.
Huang Xiaolong was slightly surprised, judging from the
sounds of laughter, there were two individuals in the hall.

One of them was probably the Golden Pavilion Chamber of

Commerce’s President. Did that mean the President was
seeing to another guest at the moment? Still, someone that
was seen to personally by the President, that other person
inside must be of high status.

Lead by Zheng Jingfeng, the four of them entered the hall.

Stepping into the hall, Huang Xiaolong’s attention

immediately focused on the two middle-aged men sitting in
the upper section of the hall, one of the men was clad in an
eye-catching red brocade robe with a red ruby pendant
hanging down from his waist belt. The ruby reflected a
vibrant and vivid red hue that left no doubt about its value
as a rare quality jewel. This particular middle-aged man was
most likely the President of the Golden Pavilion Chamber of
Commerce, Zhu Wuji.

The other man was clad in black from head to toe except for
the patch of embroidered flowing red clouds on his chest
that seemed to glimmer like stardust.

Someone from the Distinct Void Door?

When he was making his way to Starcloud Continent,

cutting across the Demonic Beasts Forest where Huang
Xiaolong rescued Lil’ Tian, he had killed several Distinct Void
Door and White Phoenix House Elders in the process. Thus it
wasn’t strange that Huang Xiaolong could recognize the
Distinct Void Door sect robes in a single glance.

While Huang Xiaolong was studying both men, the same

was true in reverse, both men were also observing Huang

A person that was able to easily take out ten high-grade

divine spirit pellets roused Zhu Wuji and the other man’s

Both Zhu Wuji and the man searched their own memories,
but neither of them had any information about such a black-
haired young man. However, their eyes lit up brightly when
their gazes fell on Shi Xiaofei, especially the middle-aged
man clad in full black. His feverish eyes did not move away
from Shi Xiaofei’s body.

Detecting the reaction of the man beside him, Zhu Wuji

inwardly shook his head with a trace of helplessness, he
knew that the black-robed man did not have many interests,
his only vice was women.

“President, it is this Young Noble who wishes to see

you.”Zhang Jingfeng led the group of four into the hall and
reported to Zhu Wuji with deference.

“How should I greet this little brother?” Zhu Wuji spoke,

directing his words at Huang Xiaolong, “And what matters
do you have with me?” Despite the seemingly amiable tone,
neither Zhu Wuji nor the black-robed man stood up, neither
did they invite Huang Xiaolong and his party to sit down.

Huang Xiaolong skipped past Zhu Wuji’s questions and

asked a question instead: “I heard from Treasure City’s Qin
Family Patriarch that President Zhu bought four stalks of
Dragon God Grass from him.”
“Dragon God Grass?” Zhu Wuji and the black-robed man sat
a little straighter. Clearly, Huang Xiaolong’s purpose was a
little unexpected for both men.

Zhu Wuji shot a quick glance in the black-robed man’s

direction before saying to Huang Xiaolong, “Correct, I indeed
bought four stalks Dragon God Grass from Treasure City’s
Qin Family Patriarch. But, just moments ago, they were
bought by Deputy Sovereign Shao using one hundred pieces
of high-grade divine spirit pellets.”

Huang Xiaolong glanced over at the black-robed man, a tiny

frown formed on his forehead. He didn’t imagine such
coincidence would occur, the four stalks Dragon God Grass
fell into this black-robed man’s hand just one step ahead of

“Where were my manners, allow me to make an

introduction, this is Distinct Void Door’s Deputy Sovereign
Shao Dongjian.” Zhu Wuji smiled widely pointing at the
black-robed man next to him.

The Distinct Void Door’s Deputy Sovereign Shao Dongjian!

Huang Xiaolong was slightly stunned hearing that despite

knowing that the black-robed man was someone from the
Distinct Void Door, the Deputy Sovereign at that.

Hearing Zhu Wuji introduce him as such, Shao Dongjiang

couldn’t help feeling proud and complacent, and it showed
on his face.

“You want the Dragon God Grass? It’s open for negotiation.”
Shao Dongjian spoke with a smiling face, “Let’s do it this
way, as long as you can take out twenty top grade divine
spirit pellets, I’ll reluctantly part with them.”
Huang Xiaolong sneered in his heart hearing that. ‘Twenty
pieces of top grade divine spirit pellets!’

What a shrewd business acumen!

This Shao Dongjian spent one hundred high-grade divine

spirit pellets to buy the four stalks of Dragon God Grass; one
hundred high-grade divine spirit pellets was tantamount to a
mere five or six top-grade divine spirit pellets at most.

Yet he was asking for twenty of them!

Zhu Wuji was speechless as well, but he did not voice a


Seeing Huang Xiaolong merely looking at him with an aloof

expression, an irritation rose within Shao Dongjian. Not even
Zhu Wuji, the Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce’s
President dared to look at him in the eye in such a brazen
manner. He let out a cold snort, “What, can’t afford it? Oh
right, my price of twenty top grade spirit pellets is only in
exchange for one stalk of Dragon God Grass, if you want all
four, you must take out eighty pieces of top-grade divine
spirit pellets!”

Eighty pieces!

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong calmed down, becoming even

more detached looking at Shao Dongjian.

Shao Dongjian snickered sounded lewd to the ears, “Of

course, if you cannot afford eighty pieces of top-grade
divine spirit pellets, there’s is another method. Give me that
woman as a maid, as long as she serves me well, making
me happy and satisfied, I might even consider giving you
the four Dragon God Grass stalks for free!”
Served him well! Happy and satisfied!

Insinuating Shi Xiaofei to serve him in bed!

Of course, after the deed was done, whether he was

‘satisfied’ enough to give the four stalks Dragon God Grass
was another matter.

Shi Xiaofei and her two maids were instantly angered by the
vulgar words and prepared to attack.

Huang Xiaolong raised a hand, stopping them. Then he

turned to look at Shao Dongjiang, the frost in his gaze
piercingly cold, “I hope the next time we meet, you can still
utter these words.” In Huang Xiaolong’s view, this Shao
Dongjian was already a dead man. But, Huang Xiaolong
preferred not to act here.

Huang Xiaolong looked over at Zhu Wuji, “President Zhu,

many thanks for your hospitality today!”

Although Zhu Wuji merely sat and watched quietly on the

side as if holding a neutral stance, in truth, his actions
leaned towards Shao Dongjian. They were in Golden Pavilion
Chamber of Commerce headquarters after all, as the host,
he should speak a few words to pacify the situation.

“Let’s go.” Huang Xiaolong turned and left with the three
women following closely behind.

“Stop right there!” Shao Dongjian was about to jump to his

feet in anger, a young fledgling dared to threaten him.

Zhu Wuji was quicker than him, waving a hand at Shao

Dongjian, blocking him: “Wait!”

Shao Dongjian looked at Zhu Wuji with a baffled expression.

Zhu Wuji explained, “Brother Shao, there’s no rush to teach
the little guy a lesson.” This was the Golden Pavilion
Chamber of Commerce headquarters, if a fight broke out
here, it would be a stain on the chamber’s reputation.

Only then did Shao Dongjian calm down, nodding in

agreement, “Fine, let’s wait till they’re out of the city. I’ll let
the brat live a little longer.”

Zhu Wuji’s eyes bore ill-will as he watched Huang Xiaolong’s

receding figure. How could he miss the threat laced within
Huang Xiaolong’s parting words, hmph, was he, Zhu Wuji,
someone so easily intimidated?

“However, Brother Shao, it seems that kid’s background is

not so simple.” Zhu Wuji said solemnly.

Able to take out ten top-grade divine spirit pellets, the

identity of such a person was never simple. Additionally,
even knowing both his and Shao Dongjian’s identities, the
fact that he still dared utter such thinly veiled threat made
him contemplate deeper.

However, Shao Dongjian laughed instead, “Brother Zhu,

when did your guts become so small? Would my Distinct
Void Door be afraid of a no-name tenderfoot?”

Indeed, there weren’t many people that Shao Dongjian

would be afraid of. So what if the other side’s identity was
not simple?

Furthermore, he had seen the Cosmos God Cult and White

Phoenix House’s Young Lords, clearly, the black-haired
young man earlier was neither.

Suddenly, all gloom was gone from Zhu Wuji’s face, “Brother
Shao, the ten top-grade divine spirit pellets on that kid,
could you make a concession and sell them to our Golden
Pavilion Chamber of Commerce?”

Huang Xiaolong did not conceal his breath earlier, with

these two old foxes’ keen sight, both could determine that
Huang Xiaolong was only a Fourth Order Saint realm.

In Zhu Wuji’s opinion, with Shao Dongjian on the offense,

that kid wouldn’t be able to escape.

Shao Dongjian laughed heartily, “That, would not be a

Chapter 439: Back To The
Golden Pavilion Chamber
Of Commerce
Chapter 439: Back To The Golden Pavilion Chamber of
Commerce Headquarters

“Big brother Huang, that Shao Dongjiang, we…?” After

coming out from the Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce
headquarters, Shi Xiaofei couldn’t resist saying.

“Don’t worry, he won’t live past tomorrow!” Huang Xiaolong

already knew what Shi Xiaofei wanted to say, and reassured
her. “Let’s leave Birchleaf City for now.”

Shi Xiaofei nodded at Huang Xiaolong’s suggestion, she

understood the reason why Huang Xiaolong wanted to leave
Birchleaf City, it was to lure the other side to come after

Hence, the four of them did not linger in the city, exiting
Birchleaf City without so much as another glance

When Shao Dongjian received the message that Huang

Xiaolong’s group had gone out of the city, a beaming smile
emerged on his face, “I didn’t expect this little brat to be in
such a hurry to die.” He had thought that Huang Xiaolong
might stay inside Birchlead City for a few days, he didn’t
imagine that their group would exit the city immediately
after leaving the Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce.

Zhu Wuji laughed sordidly as he said, “I shall wish Brother

Shao to obtain double happiness, both women and spirit

Shao Dongjian liked what he heard very much, “Many

thanks, the other women were a little lacking but they’re
still rare beauties. This trip to Birchleaf City, I have truly
reaped a bountiful harvest!” With that, his figure flickered
into a blur, vanishing from the Golden Pavilion Chamber of
Commerce headquarters.

Leaving the commerce chamber building, Shao Dongjian

exited the city and flew off at breakneck speed toward the
direction Huang Xiaolong’s group departed in.

It didn’t take him long to catch up to Huang Xiaolong’s

group of four.

Spotting them, Shao Dongjian sped up and floated

elegantly, landing right in front of Huang Xiaolong’s group
with his hands clasped behind his back, using his back to
face Huang Xiaolong, emulating the style of a great expert.

“Little punk, leaving so fast?”Shao Dongjian chuckled with

undisguised malicious intent as he slowly turned around,
looking at Huang Xiaolong and Shi Xiaofei.

But, just as his words left his mouth, out of nowhere a surge
of powerful ghost aura engulfed Shao Dongjian from all
directions, accompanied by endless ghost howls.

Shao Dongjian was startled, watching a pack of evil spirits

tearing toward him.
‘What the f*ck is happening?!’ Then a possibility flashed in
Shao Dongjian’s mind. ‘This, an array formation?!’

Quickly gathering his battle qi, Shao Dongjian’s hands

struck forward, sending out multiple dark green palm
imprints, piercing through the air, blasting all the evil spirits
that came howling at him into smoke.

“Little punk, I didn’t expect you to carry some spirit tool that
could arrange an instant array formation!” Shao Dongjian’s
laughter grew pernicious, “All the better, after killing you,
this array spirit tool shall belong to me!”His ten fingers bent
into claws, slashing at Huang Xiaolong.

Dark green claw imprints pierced through space, reaching

Huang Xiaolong in the blink of an eye.

Before Shao Dongjian’s attack struck, dense ghost aura

sprung forth around Huang Xiaolong, transforming into
countless evil spirits that blocked Shao Dongjian’s attack. At
the same time, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette disappeared
into the array formation.

Standing outside the array formation, Huang Xiaolong

watched Shao Dongjian being besieged by countless evil
spirits with frigid eyes.

This period of time, the Supreme Ghost Flag had swallowed

a large number of Saint realm experts’ souls, turning them
into evil spirits inside the flag, greatly enhancing its
strength. The ghost aura emitted could turn into evil spirits
that possessed the strength equivalent to First Order Saint

Although those First Order Saint realm ghosts couldn’t

possibly kill Shao Dongjian, who was a Tenth Order Saint
realm expert, it was enough to trap him down for some

Huang Xiaolong already included in his calculation that Shao

Dongjian would rush after them, and prepared the Supreme
Ghost Flag in advance.

“You punk, you’d better let me out this instant, otherwise,

when I destroy this array formation, don’t even dream of
begging for a quick death!” From inside the array, Shao
Dongjian’s shout reverberated as his hand slammed down,
once again shattering another batch of ghosts that flew
toward him.

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong sneered. With a slight hand

wave, numerous Poison Corpse Scarabs flew into the array
formation, straight at Shao Dongjian.

Huang Xiaolong quietly dared this Shao Dongjian to pull out

a Divine Dragon Armor.

Inside the array formation, Shao Dongjian had just scattered

a batch of ghost and prepared to search for the formation
eye so he could break out from the array when countless
black insects came flying at him. Reacting on reflex, Shao
Dongjian struck his palm out. He assumed that the black
insects were also creatures created by the array formation
and didn’t think much about it.

In the next second, he noticed that after being hit by the

power of his palm, those black insects remained unharmed
other than staggering back some distance, swiftly flying
toward him again.

Shao Dongjian frowned, striking out both palms at the

incoming insects a second time, even increasing the power
of his attack to a fourth of his strength, but to his horror,
those black insects still remained intact!

“This, impossible!” He was shocked. What in damnation

were these things?!

Not even a Fourth Order Saint realm demonic beast could

withstand a strike from his palm, that strike just now would
be enough to shatter its bones and blast a huge hole in its
flesh, rearranging the beast’s internal organs. Yet, these
little black insects were actually unharmed!

Then a thought struck his mind; ‘Could it be?!’

“Poison Corpse Scarabs!” There was a tiny tremor in Shao

Dongjian’s voice.

It could only be those infamous Poison Corpse Scarabs that

could withstand a fourth of his attack power.

“That’s right, Poison Corpse Scarabs!” At this precise

moment, Huang Xiaolong’s bone-chilling voice sounded
from outside the array formation.

Initially, Shao Dongjian was wishfully hoping that he

guessed wrongly, but Huang Xiaolong’s words totally
shattered the last shred of hope he had.

“You’re Huang Xiaolong!” Shao Dongjian struck out both

palms, barely avoiding the latest wave of attack from the
swarm of Poison Corpse Scarabs, one could trace the hint of
fear in his voice.

Huang Xiaolong!

Asura’s Gate Sovereign!

Finally, fear crept up Shao Dongjian’s face. Never would he
have imagined that he would be provoking this fiend.

On the outside, Huang Xiaolong did not speak again, coldly

watching the situation inside.

“So this Brother is Asura’s Gate Sovereign.” In an abrupt

turn, Shao Dongjian changed his tone, laughed as he
expressed goodwill, “There were some misunderstandings
earlier, I hope Brother can overlook the matter. As the
saying goes, an exchange of blows may lead to friendship. If
Brother is still interested in the four stalks of Dragon God
Grass, take it as a gift from me.”

No reply came from Huang Xiaolong, however, the attacks

from the Poison Corpse Scarabs intensified.

Compared to the time of the Asura Square battle, the

current Poison Corpse Scarabs, in terms of speed, defense,
and attack, far exceeded their previous state. Huang
Xiaolong believed that Shao Dongjian wouldn’t be able to
endure much longer.

At that time in the Asura Square, Li Molin and the other

Deities Templar Elders held godly weapons and wore Divine
Dragon Armors, yet still failed and ran with their tails
between their legs at the end, forget a mere Shao Dongjian.

Sure enough, just like Huang Xiaolong predicted, Shao

Dongjian was having a hard time trying to avoid being bitten
and dodging the Poison Corpse Scarabs that attacked from
everywhere, he was nearly bitten by them a few times. The
goodwill he showed to Huang Xiaolong earlier were quickly
replaced by mouthful of foul curses.

“Little mongrel, kill me and the Distinct Void Door would find
out in no time, the Distinct Void Door won’t let you go!”
“Quickly let me out!” Shao Dongjian shouted at the top of
his lungs.

Huang Xiaolong remained silent, ignoring him.

A short while later, without any suspense, Shao Dongjian

that was trapped inside the Sea of Devils and Ghosts Array
became nourishment for the Poison Corpse Scarabs, slowly
biting and gnawing their way through his flesh. Struggle,
fear, pain, agony, and his screams made all three women
watching ashen.

Although all three women felt that Shao Dongjian deserved

to die, they couldn’t help feeling that the method was too
cruel, to the point of being gruesome.

After the Poison Corpse Scarabs did their work on Shao

Dongjian, Huang Xiaolong used the Supreme Ghost Flag to
swallow his soul, turning him into an evil ghost, and then
recalled all the Poison Corpse Scarabs.

Huang Xiaolong opened Shao Dongjian’s spatial ring. The

inside was filled with gold coins, spirit pellets, elixirs, and
quite a number of grade one spirit stones. As the Deputy
Sovereign of Distinct Void Door, his wealth was not
something an average Deities Templar Elder like Yao Fei
could compare to.

Among a pile of herbs and elixirs, Huang Xiaolong found the

four stalks of Dragon God Grass.

Finally, he got the four stalks of Dragon God Grass!

“Big brother Huang, are we going to the Asura’s Gate

headquarters next?” Shi Xiaofei asked.
“No,” Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “Back to Golden
Pavilion Chamber of Commerce!”

At this time, inside the Golden Pavilion Chamber of

Commerce headquarters inner hall, Zhu Wuji was sipping
tea while waiting for Shao Dongjian’s return.
Chapter 440: Where’S
Shao Dongjian?
Chapter 440: Where’s Shao Dongjian?

Zhu Wuji didn’t have many interests, but tea was one of
them. In fact, it could be said that hardly a day passed by
without him enjoying a cup of tea.

Raising the teacup in front of him, Zhu Wuji leisurely took a

small sip and closed his eyes in enjoyment, immersing in
the flavor. The fragrant tea flowed onto his taste buds,
making him crave more.

His tea was brewed from special tea leaves aged more than
a thousand years, not only could it boost spirit clarity, but
drinking regularly could even strengthen his internal organs.

Zhang Jingfeng stood not far away, hesitating several times.

Zhu Wuji spared a glance in his direction, saying, “If you

have something to say, say it.”

Zhang Jingfeng hesitated before speaking, “President, it has

been quite a while since Deputy Sovereign went out, could
something… an accident has happened? Should we go and
have a look?”

Zhu Wuji laughed hearing Zhang Jingfeng’s words, “I’m very

clear of Shao Dongjian’s strength, to deal with a Fourth
Order Saint realm only requires moving a finger, what could
happen? I like tea, he likes women. I’d say he’s probably
waging ‘war’ with that three young women right now!”
Zhang Jingfeng loosened up, “It is this subordinate that
thought too much, but frankly speaking, Deputy Sovereign
Shao is truly lucky, ah, one against three at the same time.”

Zhu Wuji chuckled, “That also depends on the quality of

goods, there aren’t many that could enter Shao Dongjian’s

“Is that so?” Just when their laughter rang out, a cold voice
cut through their laughter. The voice appeared too sudden,
startling both men.


Under the vigilant eyes of Zhu Wuji and Zhang Jingfeng, four
silhouettes gradually appeared in front of them—Huang
Xiaolong, Shi Xiaofei, Xiaorou, and Xiaoyue.

“It’s you!” Zhu Wuji stared at Huang Xiaolong, unable to

conceal his shock, “You didn’t die?!”

Did Shao Dongjian change his mind, and did not kill this
brat? Zhu Wuji was confused and bewildered.

“It seems like President Zhu is very surprised that I’m

alive?” Huang Xiaolong sneered.

Zhu Wuji placed his teacup on the table as he looked at

Huang Xiaolong, “It was out of my expectations that Shao
Dongjian would spare your life instead of killing you.”

Other than this reason, Zhu Wuji couldn’t think of any other

To say that a Fourth Order Saint realm escaped from a Tenth

Order Saint realm’s pursue was absurd. Therefore, the most
sound explanation for this was that Shao Dongjian was wary
of this young man’s identity, sparing his life.

“Where’s Shao Dongjian?” Zhu Wuji questioned.

“Shao Dongjian spared me?” Hearing Zhu Wuji’s conjecture

made Huang Xiaolong freeze for a second, and then he
shook his head, flashing a cold smile at Zhu Wuji, “You want
to know where Shao Dongjian is? You’ll know in a bit.”

“In a bit?” There was doubt in Zhu Wuji’s eyes, failing to

understand the meaning behind Huang Xiaolong’s words.

Foregoing further pretense, a light flickered and the Eminent

Holiness Halberd had pierced through the center of Zhang
Jingfeng’s eyebrows. The halberd rotated, drilling a hole
right through the skull, coming out from the back of his

Blood spurted all over the floor as Huang Xiaolong pulled

out the halberd.

Zhang Jingfeng’s eyes widened with disbelief, staring at

Huang Xiaolong until the final moments when he tumbled to
the floor. Zhang Jingfeng might be an Elder of the Golden
Pavilion Chamber of Commerce, but his strength was only at
early Fourth Order Saint realm. For Huang Xiaolong, these
were just enemies ripe for picking.

Watching his subordinate fall lifeless to the floor, Zhu Wuji

finally reacted. He didn’t expect Huang Xiaolong to attack
so suddenly, not to mention killing his subordinate right in
front of him. Even more unimaginable was the fact that a
Fourth Order Saint realm young man could slay an early
Fourth Order Saint realm Zhang Jingfeng in less time than it
took to breathe.
“You!” Zhu Wuji flew to his feet, enraged: “You, actually
dared to kill him!”

“So what if I did?” Huang Xiaolong retorted with a deadpan


Zhu Wuji was pushed beyond anger, laughing instead:

“Good, good! You punk, I don’t give a f*ck who you are, I
don’t want to know why Shao Dongjian spared your life,
today you must die!” He was truly maddened.

Letting the words echoed in the air, Zhu Wuji aimed a killer
punch at Huang Xiaolong.

“Boundless Golden Dawn Fist!”

Golden light exploded in the hall, fist imprints spun with

infinite changes.

This Zhu Wuji was actually a notch stronger than Shao


But, before his fist could land on Huang Xiaolong, a deluge

of ghost aura soared to the sky, enveloping the entire inner
hall. Malicious evil spirits rumbled like a tsunami, blocking
Zhu Wuji’s punch. In that split second, Huang Xiaolong
disappeared from sight.

Just like what happened to Shao Dongjian earlier, Zhu Wuji

was shocked and stunned: “Array formation!”

Next, his vision was filled with little black insects that flew
toward him. Like Shao Dongjian, Zhu Wuji did not place any
significance on these little black insects. Punches shot out,
but after several punches, Zhu Wuji’s face finally turned
“Could these be…?!”

“You, you’re Huang Xiaolong?!” Zhu Wuji blurted.

Huang Xiaolong snorted in reply, no further sounds came

from him.

A chill snaked up Zhu Wuji’s heart, silence meant


At this point, the Poison Corpse Scarabs made another wave

of attack. Watching the Poison Corpse Scarabs, Zhu Wuji felt
a chill spread all over his body, quickly striking his fists out
to repel those black critters.

It was as if a hammer slammed into his head. By now, how

could he not know these little black insects were those
terrifying Poison Corpse Scarabs!

Then, Shao Dongjian!

“You killed Shao Dongjian!” Zhu Wuji couldn’t help blurting


A small part of him refused to accept Shao Dongjian was


“Didn’t I say just now, you’ll know in a little bit.” Huang

Xiaolong’s cold voice sounded.

Zhu Wuji lost all color from his face and started shaking.

Half an hour later.

Without suspense, the Poison Corpse Scarabs swarmed all

over Zhu Wuji, stripping every piece of meat and his soul
ended up being swallowed by the Supreme Ghost Flag,
turning into an evil spirit.
In fact, at the very end, Zhu Wuji pleaded Huang Xiaolong,
as long as Huang Xiaolong spared him, he would submit
under him. Unfortunately, at his current spiritual force level,
he was unable to brand a soul imprint in Zhu Wuji’s soul
sea, making Zhu Wuji a constant risk that couldn’t be fully
controlled. In the end, Huang Xiaolong could only feed him
to the Poison Corpse Scarabs as nourishment, albeit

After ‘cleaning up’ Zhu Wuji and Zhang Jingfeng, Huang

Xiaolong and the three women disappeared from the scene.

Due to Huang Xiaolong’s precaution measure, using the God

Binding Ring to lock the space around the inner hall, what
took place did not alert anyone from the Golden Pavilion
Chamber of Commerce in the lobby outside. Everything
proceeded as normal.

Shao Dongjian and Zhao Wuji weren’t any average Saint

realm experts; Shao Dongjian was a late-Tenth Order Saint
realm, while Zhu Wuji was slightly stronger, closer to a peak
late-Tenth Order Saint realm.

Their corpses were definitely not something that average

mid and high-level Saint realm experts could compare.

Nourished by such quality corpses, the Poison Corpse

Scarabs evolved again, their shells were more lustrous, akin
to a black ruby, and the feelers on their heads grew
stronger and sharper.

The Supreme Ghost Flag’s power was also boosted with the
addition of two strong souls.

Huang Xiaolong and the three women left Birchleaf City

once more, this time heading back to the Asura’s Gate
headquarters. Huang Xiaolong’s plan was to return to the
Asura’s Gate headquarters first, refine one primordial divine
dragon, and after that, he would send Shi Xiaofei and her
maids back to the Blessed Buddha Empire.

Having some Dragon God Grass in hand, he wasn’t as

rushed on the journey back. Huang Xiaolong and the three
women covered grounds during the day and stopped to rest
at night, while Huang Xiaolong would cultivate the Godly
Xumi Art, Asura Tactics, Ancient Puppetry Art, and Soul

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong continued to familiarize

himself with the nine tactics of pill refinement recorded
inside the Golden Dragon Pill Refinement Tactic.

Killing Shao Dongjian and Zhu Wuji provided Huang Xiaolong

with a lot of ingredients from their spatial rings, thus Huang
Xiaolong was definitely not lacking.

The Divine Dragon Pill, Golden Jadesea Pill, and other divine
grade spirit pellets he had gotten from the Ancient Dragon
Clan’s ruins were running out, he had to grasp the Dragon
Clan’s all nine pill refinement tactics. At that point, as long
as he had the ingredients, he could definitely refine them.
Chapter 441: Look At The
Chapter 441: Look at the Stars

Huang Xiaolong, Shi Xiaofei, and her two maids made their
way back to Asura’s Gate headquarters, traveling during the
day, resting and cultivating at night. Inevitably, Huang
Xiaolong exposed his excellent meat roasting skills before
the three women, and without exception, all three were

Even Shi Xiaofei had her noble lady demeanor swept aside,
picking up roast meat with her bare hands and tearing meat
off straight from the bone with oil glistening on her lips.
Despite that, her actions did nothing to lessen her beauty,
in fact, at the end of each meal, the way she sucked on her
fingers would conjure some ambiguous fantasies in others.

Ever since the first night she tasted Huang Xiaolong’s roast
meat, every evening when they stopped to rest for the
night, Shi Xiaofei would swing Huang Xiaolong’s arms,
acting spoiled for roast meat.

Her actions were almost a copy of Lil’ Tian in the early days.
The lovely, cute, and untainted expressions on her face held
a charm that was hard to say no to.

It took Huang Xiaolong’s group a little more than one month

to arrive at the Asura’s Gate headquarters. When they
walked through the gates, Huang Xiaolong let out an
obvious breath of relief. The daily responsibility of a cook
was no easy life, ah… especially playing cook for Snow Wind
Continent’s number one beauty.

Just as Huang Xiaolong returned to the Asura’s Gate

headquarters, Lil’ Tian came looking for him in his courtyard
with tears streaming down his little face, clamoring why it
took Huang Xiaolong so long to come back, was he planning
to throw Lil’ Tian away?!

Huang Xiaolong nearly sweated bullets.

Lil’ Tian didn’t know when Huang Xiaolong left the Asura’s
Gate headquarters, thus he was left there. If Lil’ Tian knew
that Huang Xiaolong was going to Treasure City, he’d have
insisted on tagging along.

“Big brother, tonight you roast some meat for me, alright?”
Lil’ Tian was pulling Huang Xiaolong’s arm and used his pair
of innocent obsidian black eyes to look at Huang Xiaolong
with a hint of pleading.

Feeling a headache, Huang Xiaolong reluctantly nodded in


On the same night Huang Xiaolong returned to the Asura’s

Gate, his cook responsibility continued.

Around the campfire in the Asura Square, seven people

gathered—Huang Xiaolong, Shi Xiaofei’s group of three, Lil’
Tian, Zhao Shu, and Zhang Fu. The aromatic scent of roast
meat tickled their nostrils.

“Sovereign, after you rescued Miss Shi, that Xie Hui reacted
like a rabid dog and issued a top-down order: all Asura’s
Gate disciples, families, and forces that submitted to Asura’s
Gate within the Cosmos God Cult’s territories were
slaughtered clean!” Zhao Shu informed Huang Xiaolong.
Huang Xiaolong nodded. He already heard about this

The upside of this was the fact that the Asura’s Gate didn’t
have many disciples within the Cosmos God Cult territories.
This was something that Huang Xiaolong couldn’t stop even
if he wanted to.

“After Sovereign beheaded Enigma City’s Qi Family

Patriarch, among the fourteen families, ten of them had
sworn allegiance to our Asura’s Gate.” Zhang Fu added and
named the four remaining families that remained on the

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong asked Zhao Shu and Zhang

Shu about the Asura’s Gate current situation and the latest
happenings in the Martial Spirit World.

Both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu reported what they knew.

Ever since the Asura Square battle, Deities Templar had

been keeping a low profile, nothing out of ordinary was seen
from their side. On the surface, they seemed to be

While the three of them were discussing these matters, Lil’

Tian was happily gnawing on a roast Tyrant Boar leg while
smacking his lips. These days, during Huang Xiaolong’s
absence, the little guy had ‘suffered’ greatly.

Tonight, he must eat his fill, to compensate the recent days’


Compared to Lil’ Tian, Shi Xiaofei and her two maids’ eating
mannerisms were more civilized and easy on the eyes.
Though occupied with the Tyrant Boar meat in her hands,
Shi Xiaofei’s eyes weren’t idle, from time to time she would
sneak a furtive glances at Huang Xiaolong. Under the
campfire glow, Huang Xiaolong’s good looks seemed to
exude a certain inexplicable charm.

The little party ended several hours later and everyone

dispersed for the night.

However, when Huang Xiaolong barely stepped into his

courtyard, Shi Xiaofei paid him a visit.

“Big brother Huang, can you accompany me to look at the

stars?” Shi Xiaofei came over with a request.

“Look at stars?” Huang Xiaolong looked at Shi Xiaofei with a

dumb expression on his face.

Shi Xiaofei grew shy under Huang Xiaolong’s stare, a faint

blush colored her cheeks. Fortunately, it was dark and
wasn’t noticeable despite the moonlight. She nodded at
Huang Xiaolong, “When I was young, Mother used to
accompany me to look at stars a lot, tonight I suddenly feel
like looking at the stars… Big brother Huang, can you
accompany me?”

Looking at that face full of anticipation, in the end, Huang

Xiaolong nodded. He was already back at the Asura’s Gate
headquarters, practice could wait one night.

He reached out and held Shi Xiaofei’s small hand, leaped up

to the roof of his courtyard and sat down.

Shi Xiaofei’s heartbeat accelerated, sounding like war drums

in her ears when Huang Xiaolong held her hand.
Sitting down on the roof, Huang Xiaolong looked up at the
vast night sky and saw that it was littered with stars.
Glittering brightly in the dark, they seemed to relax the
heart and mind.

He remembered that in his past life on Earth, when he was

little, he often looked at the stars just like this.

This Martial Spirit World’s sky was just as relaxing as the

one on Earth.

Shi Xiaofei sat down beside Huang Xiaolong, her heartbeat

gradually calmed down as she watched Huang Xiaolong
quietly looking at the stars. Following Huang Xiaolong’s
gaze, she looked at the night sky, muttering to herself: “So

Huang Xiaolong was pulled out of his reverie by her voice.

From the side, Shi Xiaofei’s enraptured expression as she
stared at the night sky was truly alluring; small bulbous
nose and dainty mouth, her fragrant body scent teased
Huang Xiaolong’s nose.

“Your Mother must love you a lot.” Huang Xiaolong focused

his attention as he said.

Shi Xiaofei looked over at Huang Xiaolong, flashing him a

brilliant smile that struck him at the core, “True, my Mother
loves me very much, but my Father is so hateful, always
forcing me to practice since I was little!”

Huang Xiaolong chuckled softly hearing her words, “That’s

because your Father loves you too.”

Martial Spirit World was a place where the strong preyed

upon the weak, Shi Fantian forced his daughter to cultivate
so she could have the capability to protect herself.
Shi Xiaofei nodded: “I know.” But her small face looked
crestfallen, “Big brother Huang, am I useless?”

Huang Xiaolong was taken aback by the question, but

quickly understood that she was referring to herself being
captured by Xie Hui.

“No.” Huang Xiaolong replied, “Your talent is good. With

your aptitude, there’s only a handful of people considered
more talented than you. You haven’t cultivated for long, but
already broke through to Saint realm, it’s an amazing

Huang Xiaolong wasn’t uttering sweet words, in the whole

Martial Spirit World, there was an uncountable number of
big sects and super families genius disciples that failed to
advance into Saint realm despite cultivating for over a
thousand year.

Shi Xiaofei looked straight at Huang Xiaolong, her beautiful

eyes misty, as her voice sounded soft, “Thank you, Big
brother Huang. I… can I lean on you for a while… ?”

The look in Shi Xiaofei’s eyes was similar to how Li Lu looked

at Huang Xiaolong the year she left, too similar.

“En.” Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Getting Huang Xiaolong’s permission, Shi Xiaofei slowly

leaned closer, putting her head on Huang Xiaolong’s
shoulder, taking in the masculine scent coming from Huang
Xiaolong’s body. Her breathing quickened, blushing quietly
in the dark.

Both sat in silence like this, staring at the velvet night sky.
Some time later, Huang Xiaolong turned over to look at Shi
Xiaofei, only to find the girl had fallen asleep leaning on his

The sleeping beauty’s eyelashes fluttered like dancing

butterflies, her skin smooth and flawless, akin to a painting.

Reluctant to wake her, he let her sleep, leaning on him.

The night gradually faded.

Shi Xiaofei woke up when the morning sunlight fell on her

face. When she came to her senses, a small scream
escaped her mouth, as if she couldn’t believe that she
actually fell asleep leaning on Huang Xiaolong’s shoulder.

“Big brother Huang, I…” Shi Xiaofei blushed with

embarrassment, feeling awkward.

“It’s fine.” Huang Xiaolong teased, “Being able to become a

pillow for a beauty like you is many men’s lifelong fantasy.”

This only made Shi Xiaofei’s little face turn redder.
Chapter 442: Refining A Primordial Divine Dragon

After he was done looking at the stars with Shi Xiaofei,

Huang Xiaolong went looking for Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu for
matters that needed to be handled before starting his
closed-door cultivation.

This time, he was going to refine a primordial divine dragon

and he honestly had no idea how long it would take. Thus,
he cautioned Shi Xiaofei and her two maids as well as Lil’
Tian not to venture out of the Asura’s Gate headquarters if

Hearing that Huang Xiaolong was about to go into closed-

door cultivation for an indefinite time, Lil’ Tian sulked,
pouting his mouth. He was extremely reluctant, for he
wouldn’t be able to eat delicious roast meat for a very long

Watching Lil’ Tian’s reaction, Huang Xiaolong laughed, “You

must also put in effort to practice, when Big brother comes
out and you show improvement in your cultivation, I will
roast a hundred Tyrant Boars for you!”

“One hundred!” Lil’ Tian’s eyes sparkled like jewels. He

nodded heavily, “Don’t worry, Big Brother, I will definitely
practice hard!”

After saying what he needed, Huang Xiaolong disappeared

into the Xumi Temple in a flicker, staring at the thirteen
primordial divine dragons.

Contemplating for a moment as he looked at the thirteen

primordial divine dragon bodies, Huang Xiaolong decided
that the first one he would refine would be the fire dragon.
Amongst the thirteen primordial divine dragons, the fire
dragon was considered the weakest, the violent energy
contained in its true dragon and blood essence would be
less, making it slightly easier to refine.

Once he decided, Huang Xiaolong sat crossed-legged in the

center of the Ten Buddha Formation, taking out all the grade
one spirit stones from Shao Dongjian and Zhu Wuji’s spatial
rings. He piled them up at the center and initiated the array

Adding the grade one spirit stones from both spatial rings,
there were close to a thousand of them, sufficient to keep
the Ten Buddha Formation running for several days.

With the Ten Buddha Formation as support, it would reduce

the difficulties that Huang Xiaolong would encounter while
refining the fire dragon.

Almost immediately, a rich Buddhism energy burst forth

from the Ten Buddha Formation. Huang Xiaolong swiftly
swallowed all eight stalks of Dragon God Grass, ran the
Asura Tactics, opened his mouth at the fire dragon and
inhaled through his mouth. Multiple threads of red true
dragon and blood essence floated out from the fire dragon
toward Huang Xiaolong, drilling into his body.

The instant the fire dragon’s essences entered Huang

Xiaolong’s body, alarming pools of energy began to roar
through every part of his body like layers of angry waves.

The sudden explosion of violent energy made Huang

Xiaolong tremble. This fire dragon’s true essence was akin
to ten thousand years of geocentric magma, incinerating
everything in its path.

Scorching hot! To the point that Huang Xiaolong felt like his
soul was burning, that was the only thing he was able to

Still, Huang Xiaolong’s body was tempered and rebuilt by

the Dragon Pearl and true dragon essence, that’s why hot as
the fire dragon’s true essence was, it could not melt Huang
Xiaolong’s body.

If it was any other Fourth Order Saint realm instead of

Huang Xiaolong, before one breath’s time was up, that
person would already turn into a pile of ash, not even a
single strand of hair would remain.

Even so, looking from some distance away, Huang Xiaolong

looked like a man dunked in molten fire. The surface of his
body was spewing strands of fiery-red light, his hair,
eyebrows, every part of him seemed to be on fire, turning
into a burning ember.

Fire-red smoke spiraled out from his nostrils and ear holes.

Fortunately, the eight stalks Dragon God Grass that Huang

Xiaolong swallowed earlier mellowed the violent energy
contained within the fire dragon’s true essence, otherwise
he would experience a greater pain.

Huang Xiaolong continued to endure the excruciating pain

inside his body, pushing himself to run the Asura Tactics
cycle after cycle, refining the true essence energy from the
fire dragon.

One day passed.

Two days passed.

Half a month passed. The layer of burning embers
enveloping Huang Xiaolong not only did not reduce, it
actually grew slightly stronger. By now, the surface of Huang
Xiaolong’s skin was like a crystal, gleaming brightly.

One month passed, yet that bedazzling ember red grew

more intense, whereas Huang Xiaolong seemed to turn into
a fire crystal statue.

Half a year passed.

The luminous light that engulfed Huang Xiaolong lit up the

entire Xumi Temple. Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette could no
longer be seen.

Suddenly, one day, in this sea of radiant ember red, a fiery

red shadow appeared, becoming clearer by the second. In
the end, that shadow turned into a fire dragon.

Huang Xiaolong’s consciousness slowly blurred into

haziness, falling into a deep sleep where he dreamt that he
turned into a real primordial divine fire dragon, leaping
joyfully in a sea of fire.

Mottled lights appeared in his vision, gradually growing

bigger and bigger. When the small dots of lights combined,
filling his entire world with glorious bright light, Huang
Xiaolong woke up! Opening his eyes, an enthralling vision of
vivid red filled his sight, forming a flow of fire right in front
of him.

Huang Xiaolong moved his hands and a fire dragon danced

according to his hand movements.

Such pure fire essence energy!

The current Huang Xiaolong was able to detect the purest
fire element energy that was concealed in the deepest layer
of space around him. This was something he had never felt
before. Then, he quickly scanned the situation inside his Qi

Inside his Qi Sea, his battle qi surged with vigor, roaring with
momentum. If in the past, his Qi Sea was akin to a big river,
and now it had evolved into a sea.

Fifth Order Saint realm!

Huang Xiaolong broke through from mid-Fourth Order Saint

realm to Fifth Order Saint realm, on top of that, his
cultivation was at peak early-Fifth Order Saint realm!

The peak of early-Fifth Order Saint realm!

Entering the mid-levels of Sain realm, every small

advancement represented a whole different level of

In the Xiantian realm, it required an onerous battle for a

Xiantian Fourth Order warrior to win over a Xiantian Fifth
Order, in fact, it could be surmised as unrealizable unless it
was a genius like Huang Xiaolong possessing superb talent
twin martial spirits.

When it came to Saint realm level strength distinction, the

gap in strength was even more prominent.

One could hardly gauge how much Huang Xiaolong’s

strength had enhanced compared to before he went into
closed-door practice.

“Xie Hui!” Huang Xiaolong was confident that, at his current

strength, he’d be able to face against a peak late-Sixth
Order Saint realm Xie Hui in battle.

Checking the changes in his body, Huang Xiaolong noticed

that after refining the primordial divine fire dragon, his
spiritual force soared at least six to seven times more
powerful than before. Whereas his physique, his veins and
meridians were much tougher, comparable to a primordial
divine dragon tendon.

After gaining an understanding of the changes in his body,

Huang Xiaolong exited the Xumi Temple.

Next would be sending Shi Xiaofei and her maids back to

the Blessed Buddha Empire.

‘I wonder how many stalks of Dragon God Grass there are

inside the Blessed Buddha Empire’s treasure chamber.’
Huang Xiaolong mused to himself, if there were sixteen
stalks, he could refine another two primordial divine

At that point, Huang Xiaolong’s strength would double, even

triple. If he ran into Xie Hui again, he could easily flatten
that punk into mincemeat!

Although Dragon God Grass was valuable, if Huang Xiaolong

made a request, Shi Fantian would surely give it this Junior
Brother, Huang Xiaolong wasn’t worried about this point at

Everyone was happy seeing Huang Xiaolong coming out of

closed-door practice.

The moment Lil’ Tian saw Huang Xiaolong, he dashed up

and wound himself around Huang Xiaolong’s leg, declaring,
“Big brother, I practiced very hard in these seven months.”
The little guy immediately released his aura after saying

The result slightly shocked Huang Xiaolong. Before he went

into closed-door practice, Lil’ Tian’s cultivation was at peak
late-Third Order Saint realm, and now he was already a
Fourth Order. Only now did Huang Xiaolong realize that Lil’s
Tian’s cultivation talent was similar to the little violet
monkey, similarly scary.

“Good, tonight I’ll roast one hundred Tyrant Boars just for
you!” Huang Xiaolong laughed. How could he not
understand that the little guy was reminding him of his
promise before entering closed-door practice, that one
hundred roast Tyrant Boars.

As expected, Lil’ Tian’s face brightened immediately after

hearing what Huang Xiaolong said, jumping up and down in

Watching his childlike antics, Shi Xiaofei and the others

laughed, influenced by the little guy’s good mood.

That night passed merrily, filled with the scent of good

meat, good wine, and great company.

When morning came the next day, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and
a group of Asura’s Gate experts bid farewell to Huang
Xiaolong, Shi Xiaofei, and her two maids as they made their
way back to the Blessed Buddha Empire.
Chapter 443: Back To
Blessed Buddha Empire
Chapter 443: Back to Blessed Buddha Empire

One month after the group departed from the Asura’s Gate
headquarters, Huang Xiaolong and Shi Xiaofei’s group of
four finally reached the outer edge of the Demonic Beasts

Cutting across the Demonic Beasts Forest would save them

a lot of traveling time back to the Blessed Buddha Empire.
However, while making their way across the Demonic
Beasts Forest, the group encountered some small problems.

The demonic beasts residing in the forest seemed more

irritated and violent than before, on top of that, those
demonic beasts were actively roaming around instead of
staying in their own territories. Huang Xiaolong’s group had
made every effort to pass those demonic beasts in a
roundabout way, doing their best not to alert them. Despite
that, they still ran into quite a few herds of demonic beasts.

Fortunately, those demonic beast herds were the more

common demonic beasts, and most of them only had
Xiantian level strength, very few consisted of Saint realm
level. Though their numbers were high, it didn’t pose any
big problems for Huang Xiaolong’s party.

It’s just that those small skirmishes delayed their progress.

To cross the Demonic Beasts Forest, the four actually spent
more than a month’s time, whereas the last time Huang
Xiaolong was with Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu, it merely took
them twenty days or so.

When the group left the Demonic Beast Forest behind, maid
Xiaorou patted her chest as she breathed in relief, “Those
demonic beasts, why did they suddenly go crazy? I wonder
what the reason is.”

Maid Xiaoyue agreed: “Luckily, Young Noble Huang is with

us this time, otherwise we wouldn’t have made it through
the forest.”

On the way, they actually ran into Saint realm level demonic
beasts thrice, moreover, the strongest was equivalent to a
Third Order Saint realm expert.

Shi Xiaofei imagined their inhumane, brutal ending if they

were captured by those demonic beasts if it weren’t for
Huang Xiaolong, fear clenched her heart.

In the past, Shi Xiaofei had never ventured out of the

Blessed Buddha Empire. Feeling prideful of her strength, she
had believed that her strength was considered top tier even
among the world’s genius experts. However, recent
experiences proved how narrow-minded she had been, akin
to a frog viewing the vast sky from the bottom of a well.

Traversing across the Demonic Beasts Forest this time

around cemented her resolve to enhance her strength,
putting more effort into her cultivation.

Three days later, the four people finally arrived at the

Blessed Buddha Empire’s imperial city.

Entering the Blessed Buddha Imperial City, looking at the

familiar surroundings around her, Shi Xiaofei’s exquisite face
smiled widely, sending all the passersby into a daze.
Shi Xiaofei rarely stepped out of the palace on normal days,
and although she would make a trip to the Blessed Buddha
Temple annually, not many people knew what the empire’s
princess looked like.

Shi Xiaofei’s beauty naturally triggered the lustful hearts of

the many big families’ disciples in the crowd.

“Miss, this one is called Zhu Wuneng1 2. A member of Zhu

Family’s main descendant disciple.” A young man with
passable good looks approached Shi Xiaofei with two guards
following behind him. Closing the jade fan in his hand with a
dramatic snap, he introduced himself in a flamboyant
manner to Shi Xiaofei.

“Zhu Wuneng?” Shi Xiaofei instantly broke into a giggle,

clear crisp peals of laughter akin to pearls falling into a jade
bowl, it was music to the ears.

Zhu Wuneng? Huang Xiaolong shook his head inwardly, this

name… truly made people think the wrong way, a man
could say anything except the fact that he’s ‘incapable’.

The young man’s name reminded Huang Xiaolong of the

Golden Pavilion Chamber of Commerce’s President, Zhu
Wuji. There was only a single character difference between
these two people’s name.

Zhu Wuneng and the nearby disciples looked like they lost
their souls watching Shi Xiaofei laugh.

“So, it’s Young Noble Zhu, may I know what matter Young
Noble Zhu has?” Shi Xiaofei stopped laughing and asked.

She had heard of the Zhu Family, they could be considered

as one of the more established families in the Blessed
Buddha imperial city.
Hearing Shi Xiaofei’s voice, Zhu Wuneng came back to his
senses, putting on an amiable smiling face, he inquired,
“May I ask where Miss is headed to? Have you perhaps
eaten? This one knows a good place called First Dream
Restaurant, their wine and dishes are pretty excellent and
would like to invite three Misses to partake a meal.”

Three Misses. Directly sidelining Huang Xiaolong as non-


Zhu Wuneng’s meaning and intention were clear as day, he

was only inviting the three young ladies.

But Shi Xiaofei’s lips curved into a smile, a slender finger

pointed at Huang Xiaolong, “Young Noble Zhu, it’s truly
unfortunate. This Young Noble Huang has extended his
invitation to us prior, we’re going to the Buddhist House.”

Only then did Zhu Wuneng spare a glance at Huang

Xiaolong. He had always been confident in his looks, but
when he looked at Huang Xiaolong, he couldn’t help
comparing himself to him. Worse was, he actually found
himself looking like a pig head next to Huang Xiaolong.

“This brother.” Zhu Wuneng took an intimidating step

toward Huang Xiaolong, but just as he was about to say
more, Huang Xiaolong raised a finger and pointed toward a
stone statue not far away on the street. Instantly, that stone
statue was blasted to dust, scattering on the street.

That huge stone statue was as tall as two adult men, made
of an extremely durable granite stone.

Zhu Wuneng stared dumbly at the curtain of dust floating

down to the ground, the only remains from that huge stone
statue, his face paled, then became ashen.
The statue made out of granite stone, even if the Zhu
Family’s Grand Elder exerted full force in a palm strike, he
still wouldn’t be able to shatter it into dust powder!

Not to mention, the young man merely used one finger!

The disciples gathered round almost peed in their pants.

“Let’s go.” Huang Xiaolong said to the three young women.

To save himself from these troublesome family disciples,

Huang Xiaolong decided to show a little bit of his strength
as deterrence.

Long after the four had left, Zhu Wuneng was still rooted in
the same spot.

“Young Noble.” One of the guards with him approached

closer, calling out to him.

Zhu Wuneng came back to his senses, and immediately felt

the sticky dampness on is back.

Two hours later.

Huang Xiaolong, Shi Xiaofei, Xiaorou, and Xiaoyue arrived at

the Blessed Buddha Palace.

Huang Xiaolong’s arrival caused the palace atmosphere to

boil up. It hadn’t been long since the last time Huang
Xiaolong was passing through the Blessed Buddha Empire,
however, Huang Xiaolong’s reputation and prestige
nowadays superseded that time by far.

Repelling Li Molin and a group of Deities Templar Elders in

the Asura Square battle, succeeding the Asura’s Gate
Sovereign position, on top of everything was the Cosmos
God City battle where Huang Xiaolong single-handedly
broke into the city and fought one against many Cosmos
God Cult’s experts, the news had even spread to Snow Wind
Continent’s seventeen empires.

Due to this, Huang Xiaolong became the ideal husband

candidate for all the young girls on Snow Wind Continent,
just like how Shi Xiaofei was countless young geniuses’
subject of desire.

Toward the arrival of this Junior Brother, Shi Fantian was

truly elated. The moment he spotted Huang Xiaolong, Shi
Fantian walked up and heavily patted Huang Xiaolong’s
shoulder, “Kiddo, you did good!”

In the entire Martial Spirit World, being able to receive such

high praise from the Blessed Buddha Empire’s Emperor,
perhaps Huang Xiaolong was the only one!

“This baby daughter of mine has truly troubled you in recent

days!” Shi Fantian stated.

“Father!” Hearing her father’s words, Shi Xiaofei

immediately pouted her lips and sulked.

Shi Fantian broke out in laughter at her reaction, “Look at

you, look at you, I haven’t said anything yet, but you’re
already sulking. It seems I should leave you to Junior Brother

Shi Fantian’s words were laced with double innuendos, Shi

Xiaofei’s face turned apple red as she snuck a furtive glance
over at Huang Xiaolong.

Shi Fantian ordered for a banquet to be prepared, inviting

Huang Xiaolong. During the banquet, the disciple brothers
talked and laughed in merriment.
After three rounds of wine, Huang Xiaolong put his cup
down, saying, “Senior Brother, this time, other than sending
Xiaofei back to the Blessed Buddha Empire, I have a
request, hope I can get something from Senior Brother.”

Shi Fantian also put his wine cup down, smiling, “Why are
you acting like a stranger, what do you need, just tell me.”

“I heard from Xiaofei that you have some Dragon God Grass
inside the Blessed Buddha treasure chamber.” Huang
Xiaolong said in a straightforward manner.

“You want Dragon God Grass?” Shi Fantian was surprised.

Huang Xiaolong’s heart dropped noticing Shi Fantian’s

expression, he hoped that something like what happened
with the Qin Family, that someone bought it or it was given
away to others didn’t happen.

Shi Fantian went on, “I didn’t know Junior Brother needs

Dragon God Grass, indeed there is some inside my Blessed
Buddha treasure chamber, but not much is left, only
seventeen stalks remained. These years, I have used some
to refine some medicinal pellets. If I knew earlier, I would
have saved them up.” He already indicated people to go to
the treasure chamber to fetch all seventeen stalks of
Dragon God Grass for Huang Xiaolong as he was saying

Seventeen stalks! Huang Xiaolong’s heart nearly jumped

out with joy, repeatedly saying his thanks to Shi Fantian.

Shi Fantian beamed, “Didn’t I say, you and I need not be so

courteous.” In a playful tone, he added, “If you really want
to thank me, gifting me a few more Divine Dragon Pills
would be wonderful.”
1. Zhu surname: means pearl, but the intonation is close to
Zhū, which means pig.

2. Wuneng: means incapable/powerless, in general, but the

word is also used to describe impotence (incapable)
Chapter 444: Poison Dragon Valley

Hearing that his Senior Brother Shi Fantian wanted some

Divine Dragon Pills, Huang Xiaolong took out the remaining
twenty Divine Dragon Pill, Water Fire Pill, Reverse Dragon Pill
and others from the Asura Ring without a word and gave
them to his Senior Brother despite knowing that he was just

If his Senior Brother could take out all the Dragon God Grass
from the treasure chamber because of him, he couldn’t be
stingy in reciprocating, isn’t that so?

Shi Fantian and the Blessed Buddha Empire experts stared

stupidly at the twenty over pieces of divine grade spirit
pellets, mouths agape.

“Junior Brother, this…!” Shi Fantian felt embarrassed.

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, smiling as he said, “Didn’t

Senior Brother just say that between us there’s no need for
so much courtesy?”

Shi Fantian relaxed, “Fine then, Senior Brother will accept

them.” Shi Fantian said. No longer refusing, he put away the
twenty pieces of pellets.

A short while later, the person that Shi Fantian instructed to

bring the seventeen stalks of Dragon God Grass from the
treasure chamber returned, lining them up before Huang
Xiaolong. Huang Xiaolong was almost beside himself staring
at the seventeen stalks of Dragon God Grass. Moments
later, he put all of them away in the Asura Ring.

Seventeen stalks Dragon God Grass! It was enough for him

to refine two primordial divine dragons! Huang Xiaolong
inhaled deeply to calm himself.

The banquet lasted until wee hours of the night before

everyone dispersed.

Standing at the center of the palace residence courtyard Shi

Fantian arranged for him, a sudden mood hit Huang
Xiaolong and he began to practice the martial arts he
learned in his previous life in the yard, from Ethereal Palm to
Vanquishing Devil Fist.

This was the imperial palace after all, as a newly arrived

guest, Huang Xiaolong wasn’t thick enough to enter a long
period of closed-door practice to refine the primordial divine
dragons. With the seventeen stalks Dragon God Grass in
hand, Huang Xiaolong didn’t feel so anxious that he couldn’t
wait a day or two.

After he had completed one round all the martial arts he

learned in his past life, Huang Xiaolong took out a piece of
Hell Royal Blood Stone and ran the Asura Tactics to absorb
the bountiful high quality energy inside.

These days, Huang Xiaolong’s Asura Tactics improved at

amazing speed, he had entered the sixth stage and began
comprehending the edges of mid-sixth stage.

Once Huang Xiaolong’s Asura Tactics advanced to the

seventh stage, changes would happen to the Asura battle qi
in his body. This transformation included his Asura Physique
and Wings of Demon.

The night passed in quiet solitude.

The next morning, the sun was shining bright and brilliant as
Huang Xiaolong come out from his room.
Just as Huang Xiaolong stepped out, Shi Xiaofei was already
walking into his yard, inquiring if Huang Xiaolong had time
to take a stroll in the streets.

“Stroll the streets?” Huang Xiaolong looked at Shi Xiaofei

with a blank expression.

Shi Xiaofei’s head lowered to hide her face, “I have taken a

stroll around the city for more than ten years.”

“More than ten years?” Huang Xiaolong was rendered

speechless. Wasn’t his Senior Brother too strict with his
daughter?! No wonder when he was traveling to Starcloud
Continent Shi Xiaofei wanted to follow and have a look.

“En.” In the end, he nodded. He was planning to go out.

Initially, Shi Xiaofei was afraid that Huang Xiaolong wouldn’t

agree, but seeing that Huang Xiaolong actually agreed, her
face bloomed into a radiant smile, even tiptoeing forward to
plant a kiss on his cheek.

Before Huang Xiaolong could react, a blushing Shi Xiaofei

ran far away, her voice floating to his ears, “Big brother
Huang, thank you! I’m going to get ready!”

Watching a flustered Shi Xiaofei running away, Huang

Xiaolong came to his senses. Shaking his head, his fingers
traced the spot Shi Xiaofei kissed, a lingering scent that
belonged to her remained.

This made Huang Xiaolong think of Li Lu.

A while later, a ready Shi Xiaofei returned with Xiaorou and

Xiaoyue, standing in front of Huang Xiaolong.
Shi Xiaofei changed into a pastel green long dress, and
although she didn’t apply much rouge, her natural beauty
was mesmerizing enough that one would be unwilling to
move their gaze away.

“Big brother Huang, let’s go.” Seeing Huang Xiaolong was

looking at her a little dazedly, Shi Xiaofei urged.

“Oh.” Huang Xiaolong snapped back to his senses. A

helpless feeling rose within, ancient wisdom teaches that
beautiful women are the root of troubles. This was indeed
true, a woman being too beautiful might not necessarily be
a good thing.

Huang Xiaolong could predict the situation on the streets

later, there were bound to be basketfuls of miscellaneous

As expected, when the four of them were walking in the

streets, some self-assuming big family disciples that had
utmost confidence in their outstanding good looks inevitably
approached them to build some rapport. Our Young Noble
Divine Dragon Huang Xiaolong could only take on the role of
a cavalier.

By the end of the day, Huang Xiaolong had lost count of the
number of times he ‘exposed’ strength in order to deter
those ‘outlandishly handsome’ big family disciples.

Of course, it didn’t mean that everyone was deterred by

Huang Xiaolong’s show of force the first time around. For
instance, a Wu Family disciple named Wu Zhengyi.

Wu Zhengyi sneered as he looked at Huang Xiaolong with

condescending eyes, “Yo brat, a measly slave, your Miss still
hasn’t said anything, why are you putting on airs in front of
Xiaorou and Xiaoyue were clutching their mouths
exaggeratedly watching Wu Zhengyi, their gazes baffled Wu

Shi Xiaofei frowned, and a trace of anger flickered past her

face. Huang Xiaolong had yet to act, but her palm had
struck Wu Zhengyi across space, sending him flying into
high air with a dozen somersaults before falling to the

“Big brother Huang, I…” Shi Xiaofei faced Huang Xiaolong. It

made her heart uncomfortable that Huang Xiaolong was
scolded because he was protecting her.

“It’s fine.” Huang Xiaolong shook his head, a faint smile

tugged at the corner of his lips.

In the Blessed Buddha Palace, hearing his subordinate’s

report, Shi Fantian looked over at Li Mengle, “This is the first
time our baby daughter actually hit someone because of a

Li Mengle smiled, “Wasn’t I the same in the past?”

Shi Fantian sighed softly.

“But we don’t know how Junior Brother Huang feels about

our Xiaofei.” Li Mengle said.

Shi Fantian wasn’t worried about this, “This is a matter

between two people, there’s nothing much we can do, but I
can tell, Junior Brother has a good impression on our baby
daughter. Didn’t we begin from good impressions as well?”

“That Deities Templar, what are they doing now?” Li Mengle

suddenly changed the subject.
“They have been keeping a low profile.” Shi Fantian said,
but this calm made the unease in Shi Fantian’s heart grow
stronger, it was akin to the calm before the storm.

He had a feeling, when the shit storm hits, it would come

fast and hard, pulling the entire Snow Wind Continent into it,
the Blessed Buddha Empire as well.

The day passed fairly quickly.

The sunset at dusk, reflecting the last of the day’s rays held
an inexplicable beauty.

After a day of cavalier duty, Huang Xiaolong finally returned

to his courtyard in the Blessed Buddha Palace. Getting news
of his return, Shi Fantian personally came over to invite
Huang Xiaolong for dinner.

Seeing Shi Fantian come in person, Huang Xiaolong didn’t

feel good refusing.

During the banquet, Shi Fantian suddenly said, “That Wu

Zhengyi, I’ve already informed the Wu Family Patriarch to
take care of him.”

Huang Xiaolong waved his hands, saying it was no big deal.

“Junior Brother, are you still in need of Dragon God Grass?”

Shi Fantian suddenly jumped to another topic.

Catching the underlying meaning of Shi Fantian’s words,

Huang Xiaolong was delighted, “Does Senior Brother know
where I can find more Dragon God Grass?”

Shi Fantian chuckled, “That’s right. Several hundred years

ago, I went to the Ten Directions Continent, the Dragon God
Grass in my Blessed Buddha treasure chamber was
collected from a place called Poison Dragon Valley when I
was on Ten Directions Continent. Though I did not enter the
deeper parts of the Poison Dragon Valley, I think there
should be some inside.”

This was great news for Huang Xiaolong. He didn’t expect

Shi Fantian’s Dragon God Grass to come from the Ten
Directions Continent’s Poison Dragon Valley.

“But, the air in Poison Dragon Valley is heavy with poison,

the more powerful poison can render even a high-level Saint
realm expert helpless. Not to mention, the land is fertile,
with numerous poisonous insects and beasts, some of them
possess great strength.” Shi Fantian asked again, “Does
Junior Brother really want to go?”’
Chapter 445: Refining Another Primordial Divine Dragon

Huang Xiaolong understood that his Senior Brother was

persuading him for his own good, however, if the Ten
Directions Continent had the Dragon God Grass that he
needed, Huang Xiaolong was determined to make the trip.

He faced Shi Fantian saying, “This Dragon God Grass is very

important to me, therefore this trip to the Ten Directions
Continent is inevitable.”

Detecting the conviction in Huang Xiaolong’s voice, Shi

Fantian didn’t try to persuade him further. Subsequently, Shi
Fantian recounted his experience when he ventured into the
Poison Dragon Valley so that Huang Xiaolong would have a
minimum understanding of the place.

Huang Xiaolong quietly took note of everything his Senior

Brother said.

At first, he had planned to stay in the Blessed Buddha

Empire to refine two primordial divine dragons, but knowing
that there was Dragon God Grass on the Ten Directions
Continent, Huang Xiaolong changed his plan.

After staying for two more days in the Blessed Buddha

Palace, Huang Xiaolong departed for the Ten Directions

When he left, Shi Xiaofei walked with him until ten thousand
li outside the Blessed Buddha Imperial City.

As he turned to leave, Shi Xiaofei suddenly hugged him,

vowing: “Big brother Huang, I will practice hard!” Then she
turned around and left.
Huang Xiaolong caught a glimpse of the reluctance and
sadness in her eyes.

It was quite some time later when Huang Xiaolong turned

around and flew into the air, moving further away from the
Blessed Buddha Imperial City.

Before going to the Ten Directions Continent, Huang

Xiaolong decided to make a small detour toward the secret
space at the bottom of the Broken Tiger Rift to see his

It had been a long time since he left the secret space and
Huang Xiaolong wondered if his parents and siblings were
doing well. Apart from that, he planned to refine two more
primordial divine dragons in the Eminent Holiness secret

Flying the entire way, Huang Xiaolong reached the Eminent

Holiness secret space five days later.

Huang Xiaolong’s return instantly brought a burst of cheer

and liveliness in the Eminent Holiness space, sounds of
laughter filled the air.

In little over a year since Huang Xiaolong left, everyone had

improved greatly.

His younger brother Huang Xiaohai was already a Second

Order Xiantian, Fei Hou had entered the Third Order Xiantian
realm and was a peak early-Third Order Xiantian realm
expert, whereas Marshal Houtian had reached the Fourth
Order Xiantian realm.

After taking the hundred over Ghost King Dans bestowed by

Huang Xiaolong, Yu Ming’s current strength had the reached
the boundary limit of peak-half Saint. Although he had yet to
break through to Saint realm, it was only a matter of time.

His parents, Huang Peng and Su Yan, looked more and more
youthful with the spirit pellets and elixirs given by Huang
Xiaolong. Though both of their cultivations stagnated at
peak late-Tenth Order Xiantian realm, an average First Order
Saint realm expert wasn’t their opponent.

His sister Huang Min and Guo Tai both advanced one order,
whereas his nephew, Guo Xiaofan, had grown a lot taller. At
seven years old, the little guy’s martial spirit was awakened
and he began to cultivate battle qi.

What surprised Huang Xiaolong was that Guo Xiaofan’s

martial spirit was a superb talent martial spirit, although
being only a first-rank grade eleven martial spirit. With
Huang Xiaolong’s guidance, Guo Xiaofan had a good chance
of breaking into the Saint realm.

After spending ten carefree and relaxing days with the

family, Huang Xiaolong once again went into closed-door
practice to refine the primordial divine dragons.

This time, Huang Xiaolong planned to refine the primordial

divine water dragon.

Like the fire dragon, the water dragon ranked at the bottom
amongst the thirteen primordial divine dragons that Huang
Xiaolong had, which made the refining process easier.

He sat cross-legged at the center of the Ten Buddha

Formation after swallowing eight stalks Dragon God Grass.
Breathing in, Huang Xiaolong opened his mouth and began
sucking the faint blue water element true dragon essence as
it slowly floated out from the primordial divine water dragon
corpse, assimilating into Huang Xiaolong’s body.
At first contact, an overwhelming energy rushed into every
corner of Huang Xiaolong’s body, extremely cold! This was
Huang Xiaolong’s first sensation, subsequently, the coolness
turned colder and colder, akin to pieces of thousand year
old ice that couldn’t be melted.

As time passed, Huang Xiaolong’s skin, hair, eyebrows, his

entire body turned blue.

Just when Huang Xiaolong felt like he could no longer

endure the cold, a warm energy emerged from inside his
body. This warm energy source came from the primordial
divine fire dragon true essence he had refined.

The warm energy spread, reducing the coldness inside his

body, bringing an indescribably comfortable feeling.

Blue-colored light and fiery-red glow continued to blend with

each other. The whole Xumi Temple shone brightly with the
blue and red lights enveloping Huang Xiaolong, his figure
could no longer be seen.

Similar to the time when he refined the fire dragon, Huang

Xiaolong had a long dream. In the dream, he turned into a
primordial divine water dragon.

Time flowed by… Huang Xiaolong gradually woke up at one


Crystal blue light shone in his pupils as he opened his eyes,

the space around was suddenly filled with droplets of water
that turned into a small blue ocean.

Those droplets were the purest water element energy

hidden in nature.
With a wave of his hand, the blue droplets gathered and
turned into a blue water dragon, swimming in the blue
ocean. When Huang Xiaolong’s hand stopped, the water
dragon disintegrated and disappeared.

After refining the water dragon, Huang Xiaolong discovered

that water and fire actually complemented each other, like
the balance between yin and yang. His dragon essence
body was once again enhanced, although still remaining
extremely soft.

Huang Xiaolong ran his battle qi and actually tried

stretching his body, extending more than a hundred meters!
No matter which part or which direction, he was able to
extend his body to a certain limit.

This was something he couldn’t do before!

It also definitely wasn’t something a Tenth Order Saint realm

expert could do! Huang Xiaolong hadn’t imagined that there
would be such a benefit after refining the primordial divine
water dragon.

Other than that, his battle qi broke through to Sixth Order

Saint realm, a great difference from a Fifth Order Saint
realm. His true essence and spiritual force also improved

Huang Xiaolong sat down again at the center of the Ten

Buddha Formation a short while later, planning to continue
refining the second primordial divine dragon.

The next one Huang Xiaolong picked was the black dragon.

Among the thirteen primordial divine dragons, the black

dragon was ranked middle in terms of strength. He chose
the black dragon next because one of his martial spirits was
the black dragon.

He believed that refining the primordial divine black dragon

would bring great benefits to his black dragon martial spirit.
To refine this black dragon, Huang Xiaolong swallowed all
the remaining nine stalks of Dragon God Grass at one go.

The passage of time flowed by.

Multiple strands of black dragon true essence entered

Huang Xiaolong’s body. What surprised Huang Xiaolong this
time was the fact that there wasn’t any pain, instead, he
was engulfed in an endless darkness.

One year and two months passed.

In the Eminent Holiness secret space, Huang Peng, Su Yan,

and the others waited patiently for Huang Xiaolong to exit
his closed-door practice. Before entering his seclusion,
Huang Xiaolong told them that he would probably be in
seclusion for fourteen months this time. Now, it was already
fourteen months.

As Huang Peng, Su Yan, and the rest waited for Huang

Xiaolong to come out, a sudden big tremor came from the
Eminent Holiness’ space entrance.

Everyone’s face tightened.

“What is happening?!” Huang Peng questioned.

“Patriarch Huang, let me go have a look.” Yu Ming stated

respectfully. In a quick flicker, he disappeared, but very
soon, he returned, laden with bloody wounds.
“Yu Ming (Master)!” Huang Peng, Fei Hou, and everyone
were shocked as they hastened to Yu Ming’s side.

“Patriarch Huang, it’s not good. This Eminent Holiness secret

space has been discovered by others, these people are from
Snow Dragon City!” Yu Ming heaved heavily, vomiting a
mouthful of blood after barely uttering the last word.
Chapter 446: My Big Uncle Is Young Noble Divine Dragon!

“Snow Dragon City!” Everyone paled hearing that name.

One of the Bedlam Lands’ top ten forces, Snow Dragon City!

While everyone had yet to recover from their shock, an

arrogant voice drummed into their ears, “I never imagined
that a wonderful secret space like this would be hidden
under the Broken Tiger Rift!”

In the next second, a middle-aged man clad in luxurious

silver brocade robes appeared in front of them with four old
men following closely behind him. Judging from their
demeanor, the four old men were probably his personal

This middle-aged man was none other than Silver Dragon

Ao Gu’s eldest disciple, Han Qing. The four old men behind
Han Qing were Snow Dragon City’s four enforcers.

Strolling into the Eminent Holiness secret space, Han Qing’s

eyes scanned around, nodding in appreciation as he
praised, “Really a good piece of paradise. Looks like this
secret space is a remnant from the ancient times, excellent,

“Since it’s a space that dates back to the ancient times,

then the good things inside here should be aplenty.”

Han Qing was filled with excitement inside after confirming

the space’s value. Only then did he look over at Huang
Peng’s group of people.

“Looks like it has been quite a while since you lot have
discovered this ancient secret space, take out all the
treasures you’ve found.” Han Qing drawled, an obvious
threat in his tone. He wasn’t worried at all that the bunch of
people would escape.

With his keen eyes, he easily determined that the strongest

one in this bunch was the four-meter giant concealed under
that big black cloak, the second strongest would be the man
he had wounded just now.

The rest were early and mid Xiantian realm that weren’t
worth mentioning. He could exterminate them with a simple
wave of his hand.

Huang Peng took a step forward, saying, “This Brother, this

one is Huang Peng.”

But, Huang Peng’s sentence’s barely ended when Han Qing

suddenly struck Huang Peng with a palm, sending Huang
Peng flying to the back. Huang Peng crashed into one of the
straw huts, blood spurting out from his mouth.



Frightened exclamations sounded as faces paled.

Han Qing issued a cold snort, “What do I care if you’re

Huang Peng or not, I asked you about treasures, and I’m
asking for the last time. Take out all the treasures you found
here, if not, I won’t be polite! At that time, with every
countdown I make, I will kill one person!”

Huang Peng was helped to a stand, feeling as if every organ

in his body was shattered.
“En, not dead?” Han Qing was slightly surprised seeing that
Huang Peng was still alive after taking a hit from his palm. A
Xiantian warrior that was struck with the aftershock of his
palm strike couldn’t keep his life, yet this guy who wasn’t
even a Saint realm was still breathing after taking a direct
palm strike from him!

Despite the minuscule amount of strength he used in that

palm strike, the fact that the man didn’t die was enough to
surprise Han Qing.

“Good, good!” Han Qing looked at Huang Peng with brilliant

light shining in his eyes, “Still alive! It seems you must have
eaten a lot of good treasures, or perhaps some divine grade
spirit pellets which toughened your physique to this extent!”


Divine grade spirit pellet!

Han Qing’s gaze was fixed on Huang Peng at this moment,

“Speak, and take out all the treasures you’ve got from
here!” He ordered as he walked toward Huang Peng.

From these people’s earlier reactions, it seemed like this

Huang Peng was this group’s pillar.

“Feng Yang! Attack!” Suddenly, Huang Peng shouted a


In the next moment, Han Qing saw the four-meter tall giant
hidden underneath a big black cloak moving to attack him.
Unknowingly, the giant was gripping a three-pronged spear.

Han Qing was stunned for a split second, but his reaction
was quick. A long sword appeared in his hand, slashing out
and colliding with the big three-pronged spear. His hand
numbed from the impact and was forced staggering back.

“Saint realm ghost creature!”

The five in Han Qing’s group blurted out in shock, feeling

the vibrant ghost aura bursting from the giant.

A resounding roar came from Feng Yang as he dashed at

Han Qing with a second attack.

“So, it’s a Saint realm ghost.” Han Qing snorted. In his eyes,
the giant was powerful, but it wasn’t that strong, merely a
First Order Saint realm.

“Go, exterminate this ghost thing!” Han Qing said to one of

the old man behind him.

“Yes, Eldest Young Master!” The old man acknowledged. The

old man lightly extended a palm out, dispersing Feng Yang’s
attack without much effort, then he punched out across
space, accurately hitting Feng Yang and sending him
somersaulting back in the air.

This old man was a Third Order Saint realm expert.

The giant ghost Feng Yang evolved to a sturdy physique

from an intangible ghost creature when it broke through to
Saint realm, rivaling a Second Order Saint realm warrior, but
it was still weak against a Third Order Sain realm expert.

Feng Yang crashed, but climbed back up. His eyes turned a
glowing scarlet red, breathing out visible puffs of black air
as he lunged toward the old man, but within seconds, he
was once again overpowered by the old man. Its body was
sent flying further away than before.
This time, the old man used his full force. His palm strike
crushed Feng Yang’s ribs, causing him to fall down and be
unable to stand back up again for a long time.

Han Qing chuckled sinisterly, striding toward Huang Peng

and the others.

“Spit it out, where are the treasures? Take everything out!

I’m a person with limited patience, if you lot still do not give
me what I want, I will start slaughtering!” Han Qing sneered.

“Stop there!” Guo Xiaofan suddenly jumped out, a finger

pointed at Han Qing, “My Big Uncle is Young Noble Divine
Dragon Huang Xiaolong, all you bag eggs, if you dare to
harm a hair on us, my Big Uncle will not spare any of you!”

“Young Noble Divine Dragon Huang Xiaolong!” Han Qing and

the four old men were astounded.

But recovering from his shock, Han Qing exploded in

laughter as if he had just heard the funniest joke in the
world, “Little guy, you’ve got guts, you even dare to lie to
my face!” He pointed at Huang Peng, “Why don’t you say
he’s Huang Xiaolong’s old man?!” His voice was filled with
obvious disdain and contempt.

It was clear that he didn’t believe a single word of Guo


“You’ve said it right, he is our Sovereign’s father!” Yu Ming’s

cold voice sounded, “I am the Asura’s Gate’s Elder, Yu Ming.
Our Sovereign is in closed-door practice now, once he
comes out, you’re all dead!”

“Closed-door practice?” Han Qing continued to laugh in an

unbridled manner, “Why don’t you say that Young Noble
Divine Dragon is taking a nap!”
The five people cracked-up nastily.

Han Qing made another sudden attack, striking one of the

Huang Family guards. When the guard fell to the ground,
only a lifeless body remained.

“Huang Hua!” Huang Peng cried out in dismal.

Although Huang Hua was a guard, he was also Huang Peng’s

childhood companion. After several decades passed, they
became close like real brothers.

“Speak, where are the treasures? Still so stubborn, the next

one I will kill is him!” Han Qing pointed a finger at Guo Tai.

Everyone was ashen.

“You’re not allowed to hurt my father!” Guo Xiaofan little

body blocked in front of Guo Tai.

Guo Tai was so terrified of his son’s actions that he carried

the little guy behind him into Huang Min’s arms as he
moved himself to the front, protecting both mother and son.

“What a wonderful display of father and son affection!” Han

Qing sneered. He glanced over at Huang Peng, “Still not
talking? Since it is so, then I shall…!” He lifted a palm up.

“Wait!” Huang Peng shouted.

Han Qing’s action stopped.

“I really am, Young Noble Divine Dragon Huang Xiaolong’s

father!” Huang Peng emphasized.

Han Qing’s face became ashen with anger hearing Huang

Peng’s words. Without another word, his palm struck out at
Guo Tai: “DIE!” He was truly angered, he wanted to
slaughter every one of these fools.

He didn’t believe that he wouldn’t be able to find the

treasures once he killed off everyone here.

Right as Han Qing’s palm energy was about to hit Guo Tai’s
torso, a sudden light flashed in the air. A figure appeared in
out of nowhere, and with a casual wave of his hand, Han
Qing’s attack dispersed without any trace or sound.


“Sovereign!” Huang Peng, Yu Ming, and the other cried out

in joy seeing that familiar silhouette.
Chapter 447: The Elf Forest

The person who appeared was, of course, Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong should have exited his closed-door

practiced a few days earlier, however, the black dragon’s
true essence was more copious than he expected compared
to both the fire and water dragons, which was why he was
slightly late.

Huang Xiaolong looked around and saw the Huang Family’s

guard, Huang Hua, lying in a pool of blood, his expression
instantly darkened.

“Big Uncle, you finally came out!” Guo Xiaofan ran to Huang
Xiaolong’s side, issuing a quick complaint: “These bad eggs,
they want to kill us!”

Huang Xiaolong’s gaze was frosty, falling on Han Qing and

the four old men.

Han Qing’s group of five looked at Huang Xiaolong warily.

‘Sovereign? Is this black-haired young man really…?’

“How do I refer to this warrior? This one is Snow Dragon

City’s Han Qing, the eldest disciple under Silver Dragon Ao
Gu.” Han Qing said. Although his introduction was polite, the
proudness in his voice when highlighting his identity was
hard to hide.

Huang Xiaolong replied emotionlessly, “Even if Silver

Dragon Ao Gu comes here personally today, he still won’t be
able to save any of you!”

Han Qing and the four old men’s face became gloomy.
“Punk, you really think you’re Huang Xiaolong!” Han Qing’s
anger rose, a finger pointed at Huang Xiaolong’s nose,
“What qualifies you to speak my Master’s great name?” Not
wasting time, Han Qing summoned his martial spirit.

Han Qing’s martial spirit was an enormous wolf of silver-

colored fur with three black stripes running down its
forehead, the wolf tribe’s King, the Silver Wolf King. Han
Qing immediately soul transformed the instant his martial
spirit emerged, both hands shaped into claws, striking at
Huang Xiaolong at rapid speed.

Just as Han Qing’s claws were a narrow distance away from

slashing him, Huang Xiaolong countered with the Asura
Demon Claw. Ghost aura surged out in a brutal manner as
countless wailing demonic spirits flew out, shaking one’s
soul. Han Qing didn’t even have the time to react and was
already struck by the Asura Demon Claw, flying out like a

Despite Han Qing’s strength, he was only a Second Order

Saint realm. Against Huang Xiaolong, how was he to resist?

Forget not the killing intent already rising in Huang

Xiaolong’s heart. In that attack just now, he didn’t hold

When Han Qing fell to the ground, everyone could see that
his chest was blasted open, bones, flesh, and organs
shattered, covered in blood.

The four Snow Dragon City enforcers inhaled sharply looking

at the grave wound on Han Qing’s chest, their expressions

As a Second Order Saint realm, Han Qing’s physique was

comparable to a Third Order Saint realm, sturdier than most.
Yet, one strike from Huang Xiaolong turned Han Qing’s chest
into this!

Not even a Seventh Order Saint realm expert was capable of

doing this kind of damage!

“Now, it’s your turn!” Huang Xiaolong’s cold gaze turned

toward the four old men.

That declaration instantly shook the four Snow Dragon City

enforcers back to the present.

Without a shred of hesitation, all four of them leaped up,

dashing toward the exit, wanting to flee. The strength
Huang Xiaolong had shown vanquished any thoughts of
resistance in them.

However, after barely taking flight, the four old men saw the
world being filled with golden Buddha statues, shining
golden palm imprints falling down on them. Terrified, the
four of them were forced back to the initial spots.

Huang Xiaolong’s figure disappeared in a flicker, but a palm

imprint shot out, smashing on their bodies at the same time
and sent them plunging out.

In a split second, the Eminent Holiness space returned to its

tranquil atmosphere.

“Big Uncle is so amazing! Big Uncle is so powerful!” Guo

Xiaofan cheered, clapping his hands.

His actions brought a smile to everyone’s faces.

Huang Xiaolong too couldn’t resist a smile on his face

watching the little guy’s antics. He collected all five corpses
and placed them into the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, as food
for the Poison Corpse Scarabs.

As for their souls, naturally they were given to the Supreme

Ghost Flag.

“This place is no longer safe. Yu Ming and everyone, go pack

up, we’ll leave in a short while.” Huang Xiaolong ordered.

Since the place was found by people from Snow Dragon

City, Huang Xiaolong wouldn’t place his parents and family
here, he had to look for another place.

“Yes, Sovereign!” Yu Ming, Fei Hou, Haotian, and others


“Big Uncle, then where are we going next?” Guo Xiaofan


Huang Xiaolong sounded grim, “To the Asura’s Gate

headquarters.” Regardless of the places that Huang
Xiaolong could think of, the Asura’s Gate headquarters was
the safest bet.

“Go to the Asura’s Gate headquarters?!” Huang Peng and Su

Yan were the most shocked.

The Asura’s Gate headquarters was located on Starcloud

Continent, did that mean they were going to the Starcloud

“Great, great, let’s go to the Asura’s Gate headquarters!”

Guo Xiaofan agreed with thunderous handclaps, “Big Uncle,
everyone says you’re the Asura’s Gate Sovereign, do you
have a lot, a lot of subordinates?” Guo Xiaofan’s stretched
his arms wide open to emphasize the meaning of his ‘a lot,
a lot.’
Huang Xiaolong smiled, “That’s right, Big Uncle has a lot, a
lot of subordinates. If Xiaofan works hard and become
strong when you grow up, then you will also have a lot, a lot
of subordinates!”

The little guy was ecstatic hearing this.

No one had any misgivings about Huang Xiaolong’s plan to

bring them to the Asura’s Gate headquarters.

Huang Xiaolong had planned to head straight to the Ten

Directions Continent after his closed-door practice ended,
but looking at the current circumstances, he could only
make a trip back to the headquarters before heading out
again to the Ten Directions Continent by himself.

After all, his parents and everyone’s safety was far more
important than Dragon God Grass.

A decision reached, Huang Xiaolong escorted his parents

and family through the Bedlam Lands and Demonic Beasts
Forest, finally reaching the Starcloud Continent. The group
did not dally, heading straight to the Asura’s Gate
headquarters in the Central Oblast.

Though there were some small problems along the way,

with Huang Xiaolong there, those problems were easily
settled by him.

Huang Xiaolong’s cultivation had reached the peak of late-

Sixth Order Saint realm after refining the primordial divine
black dragon, only a paper thin barrier stood between him
and his breakthrough to the Seventh Order.

Relying on his current strength, battling one on one, a peak

late-Seventh Order Saint realm was no longer Huang
Xiaolong’s opponent.
Two months later, the group finally reached the Asura’s Gate

Arriving at the Asura’s Gate, Huang Xiaolong dutifully made

the necessary arrangements for their living, accompanied
them for a full day tour around the headquarters ground,
and guided Guo Xiaofan’s practice. In a blink, three days
had passed before Huang Xiaolong departed for the Ten
Directions Continent.

Relatively speaking, Starcloud Continent was closer to the

Ten Directions Continent in distance. However, that was in a
relative manner.

As usual, Huang Xiaolong traveled during the day and

cultivated during the night. By the time he arrived, it was
two months later.

In the Martial Spirit World, Starcloud Continent had more

land area compared to Snow Wind Continent, but Ten
Directions Continent was much bigger than Starcloud

Snow Wind Continent and Starcloud Continent were mostly

occupied by humans, whereas on Ten Directions Continent,
there were the demonic beasts and beastmen!

Other than the demonic beasts and beastmen, there were

dwarves, elves, tree people tribe, sea tribes, and more than
a dozen other races. Though there were also humans living
on the Ten Directions Continent, their numbers were a paltry

“Up in front should be the Elf Forest.” Huang Xiaolong

muttered, looking at the map and the seemingly endless
green forest.
This Ten Directions Continent map was something he
requested Zhao Shu to prepare before his trip. The map was
very detailed, each region and tribes on the Ten Directions
Continent were clearly marked.

According to the map, the Poison Dragon Valley fell under

the beastmen’s territory.

Huang Xiaolong once found a Beast God Scepter in the

Eminent Holiness secret space, and on this trip to the Ten
Directions Continent, he intended to have a look at the
Beast God Shrine. The Poison Dragon Valley being in the
beastmen’s sphere of influence made things more
convenient for him.

However, before that, to reach the beastmen’s territory,

Huang Xiaolong needed to pass through the Elves Forest,
the Dwarf Mountain, and the Stellar Thunder Ravine.

In a flicker, Huang Xiaolong entered the Elf Forest.
Chapter 448: Magus

Very quickly, Huang Xiaolong entered the boundary of the

Elf Forest. He shuttled through the forest cautiously despite
having confidence in his strength, for the elf race was
extremely hostile toward humans, beastmen, and even the
demonic beasts. There were rumors that said that any
human race that stepped into the Elf Forest would be
besieged by the elves.

Dense canopies covered the Elf Forest, roots as thick as a

human thigh coiled and weaved, linking to even thicker tree
trunks. However, the trees here weren’t tall, averaging ten
meters in height.

Sparse sunlight sneaked in through the gaps between the

dense canopy, leaving mottled light patterns on the forest

Moving through the forest, Huang Xiaolong had his spiritual

sense spread out at all times, vigilant toward any
movements in close proximity.

Two hours later, it was getting close to noon. The harsh sun
was high up in the sky, but the temperature remained cool
within the forest.

Huang Xiaolong picked a random tree, landing on one of the

top branches with a frown on his face. Ever since he entered
the Elf Forest until now, the forest surrounding had been too
quiet, abnormally quiet actually.

Furthermore, the entire way, Huang Xiaolong didn’t even

come across a single elf.

Was he discovered? Huang Xiaolong thought to himself.

All of a sudden, sounds of howling wind came from all
directions. Huang Xiaolong’s eyes looked around and
detected human-shaped shadows flickering in and out,
forming a tight encirclement around the big tree he was
standing on.

These ‘people’ bore a resemblance to humans, yet there

were obvious dissimilarities; long pointed ears, irises the
color of sapphire or emerald, and a tail at their back that
was neither long nor short.

‘These people are probably the elf race that lives inside this
Elf Forest.’ Huang Xiaolong thought.

As expected, the elf race was born with beautiful features.

The men were good-looking, while the women bewitching,
exuding a natural allure that was pure and clean.

What made Huang Xiaolong nearly have a nosebleed was

the fact that those female elves’ attires were a little too
open-minded. Each of those female elves wore a layer of
thin material akin to wings, only covering the important
parts and leaving the long legs and luscious hips exposed.
Even the concealed parts were vaguely discernible through
the thin wing-like material.

Faced with this situation, any man’s imagination would

inevitably run wild.

“That Thunder Human King is really relentless, look, he sent

more people here!” One of the beautiful female elves stood
out from the encirclement, glaring coldly at Huang Xiaolong.

‘Thunder Human King? What thing is that?’

A small furrow creased Huang Xiaolong’s forehead, it seems

like the other side somehow mistook him for this so-called
Thunder Human King’s lackey.

“Go, capture this kid and bring him to the Land of Life first.
Let the Elders decide his fate!” The gorgeous female elf

“Yes, Miss Lina!” Two male elves acknowledged in a

respectful manner and flew toward Huang Xiaolong. The
weapons in their hands posed to attack.

Neither one of those male elves was weak at all,

comparable to Seventh Order Xiantian realm human
warriors. But, this level of strength was far from sufficient to
capture Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t need to move, a blue light sparkled in

his eyes. The space in front of him were filled with numerous
blue water droplets, turning into two water dragons. In a
split second, the two water dragons slammed both male
elves, sending them staggering back.

The two water dragons did not disperse after attacking the
male elves, they returned to Huang Xiaolong’s side,
hovering behind him as they viewed the elves.

After he entered peak late-Sixth Order Saint realm, Huang

Xiaolong could manipulate the water element in the space
around him like it was part of his body. With a simple
thought, he would be able to gather the water element into
any shape he desired to attack the enemy.

Nevertheless, a strong spiritual force was required for this.

Without a strong spiritual force, those two water dragons
would disintegrate in a matter of seconds.

One move from Huang Xiaolong had deterred this group of

The elves were stunned looking at the two water dragons at
Huang Xiaolong’s back, including the female elf that spoke
in the beginning.

“You, you’re a magus?” The female elf Lina asked after

overcoming her shock.

“Magus?” The term slightly baffled Huang Xiaolong. He had

heard Zhao Shu mention in the past that the humans on Ten
Directions Continent practiced magic, thus were referred to
as magus.

“I didn’t expect Thunder Human King to send a high level

expert water element magus.” The female elf Lina sneered,
“I have over a thousand people here, let’s see how many
times you can cast your magic.”

“Everyone, attack together!”

At the sound of Lina’s command, the surrounding elves

moved swiftly, throwing their attacks at Huang Xiaolong.
Bows and arrows appeared in their hands, raining down
sharp arrows on him.

Watching the wave of arrows, Huang Xiaolong’s expression

remained taciturn. The two water dragons behind him grew
several times bigger, each reaching a hundred zhang in

Then, both water dragons simultaneously swung their giant

tails, sweeping off the torrent of arrows and countless elves,
bouncing off like raindrops.

A dozen breaths later, the thousand over elves were either

hung upside down on tree branches, lying on the mud, or
stuck to a tree trunk, leaving only Lina standing alone.
Lina stared flabbergasted at the thousand over elves around
her in various pitiful poses, ‘They, they actually… just like

What kind of magic was this?! She stared at the two water
dragons behind Huang Xiaolong. She had never heard of
anyone possessing this level of magic.

“You, you’re a Saint Magus!” Lina’s voice trembled slightly.

A Saint Magus! This represented the handful of the most

powerful human race experts on the Ten Directions

With a gentle flick of his fingers, the two water dragons

dispersed into nothing, Huang Xiaolong shook his head
saying, “I am not a Saint Magus.”

The Saint Magi on the Ten Directions Continent

comprehended the law of space, their magic powers were
comparable to the Saint realm battle qi cultivated on the
Snow Wind and Starcloud Continents.

This was an information that Huang Xiaolong had read

before. However, Lina sighed in great relief hearing Huang
Xiaolong refute that he was a Saint Magus.

“Also, I’m not sent by what’s-his-name Thunder Human

King, I’m only passing by the Elf Forest.” Huang Xiaolong

The elf race lived inside the Elf Forest, staying away from
worldly affairs, and because of this, Huang Xiaolong had a
somewhat good impression of the elf races. Therefore, his
attacks so far merely incapacitated those elves instead of
taking their lives.l
“Passing by the Elf Forest?” It was clear that Lina didn’t
believe Huang Xiaolong’s words, strong disdain colored her
sapphire blue eyes, “Who would believe this kind of lies, it’s
not like we’ve not experienced the human race’s

Huang Xiaolong shrugged his shoulders in reply, “It doesn’t

matter whether you believe or not, pass the message to
your Elders or Queen, don’t come bother me, otherwise I
won’t be polite like I was just now!”

“Hmph! What a big tone you have!” Just as Huang

Xiaolong’s voice fell, a harrumphed sounded in the far
distant. Three figures flew in their direction at rapid speed,
reaching Huang Xiaolong in the blink of an eye.

When the female elf Lina saw the three people, joy bloomed
on her face as she hurried to greet them, “Lina greets the
three Elders.”

All three Elder elves nodded their heads at Lina.

“Young man, don’t assume that knowing a little water magic

makes you invincible in the world.” Amongst the three
elves, the tallest elf snapped, “If you can defeat him, I’ll
allow you to leave this place!”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “No need, all three of you
can come together.”

Huang Xiaolong could tell with a glance that although those

three elves weren’t weak, the strongest was tantamount to
a human Seventh Order Saint realm, and the weakest was
only a Fourth Order Saint realm.

Even with the three of them attacking together, Huang

Xiaolong was confident he could easily defeat them.
Huang Xiaolong’s words had truly angered the three Elf
Chapter 449: Dwarf Race

“Audacious!” A short thin Elf Elder shouted and was the first
to attack.

He dashed forward in a flicker. With a twist of his wrist

numerous large icicles appeared, locking the space around
Huang Xiaolong and all of his escape routes. There was no
place to run and no place to dodge.

What the elf race hated the most was being looked down

But before the Elf Elder could make another move, Huang
Xiaolong’s palms slammed forwards. Multiple golden
spheres enlarged outward. Wherever those golden spheres
passed, all the large icicles froze in mid air.

The many elves’ eyes nearly fell out of their sockets

watching this.

“This, what is this? Is this space magic?” Lina muttered

dumbly to herself.

Huang Xiaolong flicked his wrists and the large icicles

pinned in midair spun around, aiming towards the short thin
elf Elder. This sudden reversal caused the Elf Elder to panic.

A chain of loud blasts rang out in the air.

Under the rain of icicles that were sharp as swords, the

short thin Elf Elder was forced back in a sorry state, falling
through the layers of thick canopy as he plummeted to the
In an instant, a deadly silence enveloped the surrounding

The other two Elf Elders reacted a beat later, both shocked
and furious at the same time, however, when they were
about to attack, a silhouette appeared on the horizon.

“Stop!” A gentle voice floated over but it doesn’t reduce the

deterrence it contained in the least.

That person reached the place where Huang Xiaolong was

very quickly—it was a female elf. Another alluring creature
that exuded an aloof elegance.

“Grand Elder!” The two Elf Elders were surprised seeing the
person who arrived and hastily saluted.

The female elf was the elf race’s Grand Elder, Celine.

Seeing this person, Lina too hastened to salute.

Celine excused the rest of the elves and turned over to

Huang Xiaolong, “Young Noble, our Queen would like to see
you, this way please.”

These words were like a thunderclap in the elves’ ears. Their

noble Queen wanted to see this human?!

Huang Xiaolong declined the invitation, shaking his head as

he replied, “No need.”

Eyeballs fell carpeting the forest ground.

This human actually declined their Queen’s invitation, was

there something wrong with their hearing?!

Even Celine was unable to conceal her surprise looking at

Huang Xiaolong. One must know, even the two most
powerful human race kings on the Ten Directions Continent
would be honored by their Queen’s invitation.

This human in front of her was really ‘unique’ to actually

decline their Queen’s invitation.

“I shall take my leave.” Huang Xiaolong said and turned

around to leave without so much as a look.

“Insolent!” Huang Xiaolong’s attitude once again angered

the two Elf Elders. In anger, both moved to block right in
front of Huang Xiaolong’s path. A mere human actually
refused their Queen’s invitation, this was beyond insolence!

“Enough!” When the two Elders were about to persuade

using force, the Elf Grand Elder Celine spoke, “Let him

Both Elf Elders froze; let him leave?!

In the end, both of them had no choice but to move away

from the human’s path.

Huang Xiaolong shot a cold glance at the two elders before

flying away.

A light flashed in Celine’s eyes watching Huang Xiaolong’s

disappearing figure. A moment later, she ordered Lina to
take care of the injured elves and returned to report to the

It didn’t take Celine long to reach the Land of Life, reporting

the matter to the Queen in precise detail.

The Elf Queen, who was standing beside the Sacred Spring,
also showed surprise when she heard that Huang Xiaolong
declined her invitation.
“Celine, what is your opinion on this young human?” The Elf
Queen Kelly asked.

Celine was stumped. She thought for a moment before

choosing the words carefully, “This young human is quite
strong and has a good foundation in water element magic
comprehension, but if he were to battle one on one against
the Thunder Human King, he would not be his opponent.
Even if there are two of him, it still wouldn’t be enough to
contend with the Thunder Human King!” Celine emphasized
again at the end.

Elf Queen Kelly looked at the Tree of Life that was as tall as
the sky not far in front of her, sighing heavily, “Seeing his
water element magic was not bad, I wanted him to take a
look and see if he has a way to cure the Tree of Life.”

The Tree of Life was the elf race’s sacred tree, and also the
source of existence that the elf race relied on. In the recent
couple of years, the Elf Queen Kelly faintly felt that the Tree
of Life’s vitality had been seeping away, weakening. She
had tried many methods but still failed to rejuvenate the
Tree of Life.

If this condition persisted, in no more than half a year’s

time, the Tree of Life would wither. If the Tree of Life
withered, then they, the entire elf race that relied on the
Tree of Life, as well as all the flora, would wither as well.
When it came to that, the Elf Forest would be no more.

The elf race that had lived on this land for countless
generations, where should they go, where could they go?!

Celine looked at the Tree of Life, her eyes held the same
worry in them, but she shook her head, “That young human,
although he has quite a good grasp of water element magic,
it is not enough to save the Tree of Life. Unless he knows the
long-lost magic spell of Life Restoration, only then would he
have a slim chance. It’s impossible that young man has the
capability to perform such a magic spell.”

This was also the main reason why she allowed the young
human to leave after meeting him.

Both elves fell into a heavy silence.

“Your Majesty, why don’t we reveal the matter and request

aid from other experts…” Celine suggested.

The Elf Queen Kelly shook her head, “We’ll discuss again

Too many things would be affected by this matter. Unless

she really had no other way, she didn’t want to expose this
matter. At the moment, only the two of them were aware of
the Tree of Life’s condition.

Whereas Huang Xiaolong traveled northwards, coming out

of the Elf Forest half a day later. Perhaps it was the Elf
Queen’s command, but Huang Xiaolong didn’t meet with
further disturbances or attacks from the elves anymore.

“Up ahead is the Dwarven City.” Huang Xiaolong stood on a

hill peak, looking down at a stoned-colored city in the short
distance. Without further dallying, Huang Xiaolong headed
towards the Dwarven City.

A short while later, he arrived at the city gates. Above the

city gates, Dwarven City’s name was carved on stone,
exuding a faint vicissitudes atmosphere. It seems like this
Dwarven City had been here for a long time.

Although the dwarf and elf races could be said to be

adjacent neighbors, there was a distinct difference between
them—the dwarf race was very friendly towards the human
race. This was also the main reason why Huang Xiaolong
dared to swagger into the city openly.

Inside the city, Huang Xiaolong noted that the streets were
quite busy. Dwarves slightly over a meter tall were hurrying
to their destinations. Other than dwarves, Huang Xiaolong
saw a lot of humans, beastmen, even elves and demonic
beast races.

The entire Dwarven City was built from earthstone,

including the shops on the streets. Compared to Snow Wind
and Starcloud Continents, this Dwarven City was basically a
rural market.

Huang Xiaolong also noted that nearly every shop here sold
and produced weapons, or would be related to weapons. It
was said that, from their ancestor’s time, dwarves made
their living by forging weapons, it looks like it was true.

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong saw the people on the streets all

heading in a similar direction. Feeling curious, he stopped a
passing dwarf and inquired.

The young male dwarf replied, “This brother must have just
arrived in our city right? Our dwarf race holds a weapon
forging competition every ten years, and today is the semi-
final of the competition.”

Weapon forging competition? Huang Xiaolong had never

heard of this.
Chapter 450: Stellar Thunder Canyon

“Bro, where are you from?” The dwarf race young man
casually asked.

Huang Xiaolong turned his attention back to the young man,

answering: “The Elf Forest.”

“The Elf Forest!” The young dwarf was shocked, even his
footsteps halted as the stared wide-eyed at Huang Xiaolong
before managing a sentence, “Bro, you really know how to

Joke? A helpless smile emerged in Huang Xiaolong’s heart,

what’s there to joke about? He did indeed come out from
the Elf Forest just now.

“Bro, you really walked out of the Elf Forest?” Noticing the
expression on Huang Xiaolong’s face, the young dwarf
exclaimed with a face filled with disbelief.

Huang Xiaolong assuredly nodded.

The young dwarf took a second look at the human race

young man from top to bottom.

“Bro, I really couldn’t tell that you were able to survive the
Elf Forest, ah!” Then, the young dwarf lowered his voice in a
secretive manner, whispering a question, “Were you ‘poke-
poke’ by those elves?”

“Poke-poke?” Huang Xiaolong sweated at the term.

The young dwarf nodded seriously, “Up until now, there

hasn’t been a human that managed to come out alive from
the Elf Forest, all of them were ‘poke-poke’ by those elves,
turning into fertilizers for the Elf Forest.” Finished saying
this, the young dwarf nudged Huang Xiaolong with a
sheepish grin, “Bro, how did you manage to escape from the
Elf Forest?”

He was really interested in this point.

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “I defeated the elf race’s Elder,

they were probably afraid of me, that’s why they let me
leave peacefully.”

The young dwarf was dumbstruck for a moment before

exploding in a loud laugh, “Bro, I must say you’re really
interesting.” Clearly, he thought that Huang Xiaolong was

Just like that, the two of them chatted as they walked.

Somewhere in between, the young dwarf introduced

himself, his name was Eric and Huang Xiaolong had no
intention of concealing his identity, giving his real name,
Huang Xiaolong.

Evidently, Eric had never heard of Huang Xiaolong’s fame,

he didn’t show any exaggerated reaction when he heard his

Although Huang Xiaolong’s reputation had even spread to

the Ten Directions Continent, it didn’t mean that every being
on the Ten Directions Continent knew of him like they did on
Snow Wind and Starcloud Continents.

Initially, Eric wanted to drag Huang Xiaolong with him to

watch the weapon forging competition, but Huang Xiaolong
wasn’t interested in this area, thus shook his head and
With that, Huang Xiaolong left the Dwarven City.

Young dwarf Eric and Huang Xiaolong got along well. When
Huang Xiaolong was leaving, Eric insisted that Huang
Xiaolong look for him the next time he visits the Dwarven
City, promising to treat Huang Xiaolong to the dwarf race’s
special brewed wine.

Huang Xiaolong replied good-naturedly that he definitely

would the next time he comes to the Dwarven City!

Leaving the Dwarven City, Huang Xiaolong continued

towards the Stellar Thunder Canyon. Passing through the
Stellar Thunder Canyon, he would reach the beastmen
tribes’ sphere of influence.

Different from the Elf Forest and Dwarf Mountain, the Stellar
Thunder Canyon was one of Ten Directions Continent’s
perilous lands that spanned over a hundred li.

When night descended, the air above the canyon would be

filled with natural-formed lightning. Not even Saint realm
experts could escape grave injuries coming in contact with
the lightning inside the canyon.

At times, even during the day, streaks of lightning charged

through the canyon.

No doubt, there were other routes that could allow travelers

to detour away from the canyon to enter the demonic
beasts tribe’s territory, however, it would add at least half a
month worth of journey.

It was high noon when Huang Xiaolong reached the Stellar

Thunder Canyon, the scorching sun shone with a
vengeance, there were clear skies on the horizon with nary
a cloud in sight.
‘I probably won’t run into it…’ Huang Xiaolong comforted

The Stellar Thunder Canyon was a mere hundred li, with

Huang Xiaolong’s speed, it was a matter of a dozen breaths’

A dozen breaths!

Still, taking precaution, Huang Xiaolong changed into the

Asura Physique, spreading out the Wings of Demon at his
back, and even summoned both the blue and black twin
dragons and soul transformed.

Leaping into the air, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette instantly

turned into a streak of light, zooming into the Stellar
Thunder Canyon like quicksilver.

Fierce howling wind rushed past his ears, tree shrubs and
flowers blurred to his back into nothing.

In the briefest time, Huang Xiaolong was halfway through

the hundred li canyon, reaching its center.

At this time, a sudden change took place. Rumbling dark

clouds that spanned a thousand li suddenly appeared in the
sky that was clear just moments ago, loud thunders clapped
as scary streaks of lightning zig-zagged down the canyon
like berserk snakes, growing ever more intense and

A tremendous pressure of destructive power plunged into

the canyon from high up.

Staring stupidly at the abrupt change of weather, Huang

Xiaolong couldn’t resist letting out a swear: “Damnit…!”
The thing you least want to happen will usually come a-

The destructive power continued to press down on the

canyon, leaving Huang Xiaolong hanging in between, no
path forward and no retreat to his back.

Hit by a sudden eureka moment, Huang Xiaolong bellowed

and flew straight up. As his feet touched the top of the
canyon ground, multiple streaks of lightning containing vast
destructive power barged down on Huang Xiaolong.

Clenching his fists, Huang Xiaolong punched at the incoming

lines of lightning.

Zi—! A resounding blast rang out.

Huang Xiaolong staggered back more than once, numbness

spread throughout his body while the boulders and trees
around were pulverized into dust.

A deep shock reverberated in Huang Xiaolong’s heart, the

power of nature was truly terrifying. If he hadn’t refined the
three primordial divine dragons, not forgetting his current
physique was rebuilt by true dragon essence and the
Dragon Pearl, in that collision just now, he would have
suffered severe injuries if not even die.

Despite the fact, it lit up the battle desire in him.

This time, a dozen bolts of lightning aimed at Huang

Xiaolong at once. Determination flickered in Huang
Xiaolong’s eyes. Clenching his fists tightly, he punched out
like he did earlier.

Glaring light exploded, hot air spiraled into tornadoes.

Akin to an ancient war deity, Huang Xiaolong repelled wave
after wave of lightning even as the lightning grew more
intense and overbearing, it only spurred Huang Xiaolong to
fight harder.

At some point, Huang Xiaolong discovered that every time

he repelled a wave of lightning, it actually helped temper his
physique, making his body stronger.

Several hundred li away, a group beastmen surpassing

hundreds in number stood on a peak. Looking at the violent
ribbons of lightning above the Stellar Thunder Canyon, each
of their faces paled.

“Luckily we listened to Budessi’s advice and took the longer

route, if not, we would be crossing the canyon right now.
We’d perish without leaving so much as a single piece of
bone!” Beastman Amier exclaimed with trepidation.

“Hey, everyone look!!” One of the beastmen named

Anthony shouted, pointing to a spot above the canyon.

All the beastmen looked where Anthony pointed. The

lightning was far denser there compared to other places in
the canyon. Moreover, they seemed to spot a blurry figure
moving around … fighting against the lightning?!!

A shiver ran down everyone’s spines.

“This, this can’t be real, right?!” Amier nervously swallowed.

“Definitely not, how is it possible? It cannot be real, how can

a human withstand the lightning here!” One of them shook
his head, “We’re too far, nothing can be confirmed.”

All around, everyone nodded in agreement.

Furthermore, even the several Grand Elders of their
beastmen tribes dared not use their physical bodies to
wrestle with the canyon’s lightning.

Watching a little while longer, the group left, shaking their

heads and continuing on their way.

Above the Stellar Thunder Canyon, Huang Xiaolong let out a

loud bellow after shattering a streak of lightning,
“Excellent!” It was indeed thrilling for him. In the beginning,
his body was totally numb after being struck by this
lightning, pain shooting through his nerves, but now, the
numbness and pain disappeared, leaving only a very
comfortable sensation.

Those lightning strikes felt as if they were massaging him

instead, a pure enjoyment.

Roughly an hour later, the lightning clouds scattered. The

sky above Stellar Thunder Canyon reverted to the calm
clear sky from before.

Watching the lightning clouds vanish, there was

disappointment in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. He didn’t expect
the lightning phenomenon to end so fast.
Chapter 451: This Roast Meat Is Not Bad

Huang Xiaolong was about to leave when the dispersing

thunderclouds started to gather again. This time it was more
violent, lightning lit up the sky as it streaked down like an
angry python with jaws wide opened.

Compared to the previous lightning storm, this was another

level on its own. Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong was delighted

As if it had accumulated enough power, dozens of frenzied

lightning strikes scorched the air, flying toward him.

Huang Xiaolong dashed to the air with both fists punched


Boom! Their collision caused a thunderous explosion in the


“Haha, refreshing!” An exhilarated laughter came from

Huang Xiaolong, eager for more.

Time continued to flow by.

Huang Xiaolong had lost count of the number of times he

shattered the lightning streaks that targeted him, he knew
that every time they scattered, the thunderclouds gathered
again many times over. Daylight quickly turned into night.

At nightfall, the thunder and lightning that boomed and

flashed in the canyon were several times more powerful
than during the day, ribbons of lightning were now thick as
pythons, exuding savagery and brutalness. The menacing
destructive aura could be felt even outside of the canyon
area, giving the nearby experts strong palpitations as they
detoured away from the canyon.

The night passed quickly, and soon sunrise was peeking out
from the horizon.

After clashing with the thunder for one night and one day,
Huang Xiaolong wasn’t the least bit tired, in fact, he was
brimming with energy like a fierce lion.

After an entire day and night of warring against the

lightning, Huang Xiaolong noticed that there were tiny
threads of pure lightning energy inside his dantian that
continuously tempered his primal dragon physique.

Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong felt the Dragon Pearl on his brow

tremble slightly.

‘This …?!’

Several lightning streaks were aiming for Huang Xiaolong at

this point, but in a bright flash of light, all the lightning was
absorbed by the Dragon Pearl, which was then refined into a
pure lightning energy that integrated into Huang Xiaolong’s
primal dragon physique.

Huang Xiaolong was genuinely shocked.

‘What is happening here?!’

In a daze, another wave of a dozen lightning strikes came at

him, and just like before, all of the lightning was swallowed
by the Dragon Pearl, converted into pure lightning energy
and integrated into Huang Xiaolong’s body.

From shock, Huang Xiaolong became dumbfounded.

However, he immediately noticed that the lightning energy
was much purer after it was converted by the Dragon Pearl,
easier for him to absorb and the effect was several times

Huang Xiaolong was overjoyed realizing the benefits, he

didn’t expect there to be such a usage to the Dragon Pearl!
Although he had refined the Dragon Pearl and it was part of
his body, this whole time, Huang Xiaolong did not feel like
he truly fused with the Dragon Pearl. He remained ignorant
in many aspects and uses of the Dragon Pearl.

While Huang Xiaolong was caught in a daze, the number of

lightning streaks around him increased, also becoming
thicker. The Dragon Pearl continued to absorb all those
lightning streaks, and the lightning energy it sent into
Huang Xiaolong’s body became stronger. Feeling this
change, Huang Xiaolong swiftly sat down in meditation
pose, refining the lighting energy in his dantian and Qi Sea.

Despite that, the amount of lightning energy amassed in his

dantian and Qi Sea increased rapidly. As time went on, that
energy turned into multiple strands of light blue energy,
drilling into his internal organs, meridian channels, skin,
flesh, and blood.

From the outside, it looked as if Huang Xiaolong was

shrouded in a glowing lightning cocoon. At the same time,
his body exuded a dark red Asura qi, blending into the
lightning akin to a lightning hellstorm.

The sky above the Stellar Thunder Canyon become more

turbulent, the size of lightning was bigger, zig-zagging
between dense thunderclouds that had now extended ten li
outside the canyon area. The many experts that detoured
away from the Stellar Thunder Canyon watched with
apprehension the strange phenomenon taking place from

The thunderclouds lasted for half a month.

Ever since the Stellar Thunder Canyon existed, such strange

phenomenon had never happened before.

In general, the thunderclouds above the Stellar Thunder

Canyon would scatter after an hour and wouldn’t appear
again for another ten hours or so. This time, however, the
thunderclouds lasted for a whole two weeks without

The strange phenomenon alerted the dwarf race Patriarch

and the group of Elders.

After all, the dwarves’ territory was right beside the Stellar
Thunder Canyon. If the thunderclouds did not scatter and
continued to spread, sooner or later they would reach the
Dwarven Mountain. For the dwarf race, this was a race
annihilation level catastrophe.

“What is it? It’s as if there’s something triggering the

thunderclouds!” After days of observation, the dwarf race
Patriarch Blyan formed a conclusion. But it made the furrow
on his brows deeper.

The dwarf Elders were shocked hearing Patriarch Blyan’s


“Patriarch, this, it’s not possible, right?” An Elder exclaimed

in astonishment.

Blyan did not answer, fixing his gaze on the thunderclouds

hovering above the Stellar Thunder Canyon.
The situation remained unchanged for the next three days.

Then, all of a sudden on the fourth day, the ominous

thunderclouds that seemed to fix themselves above the
Stellar Thunder Canyon rapidly scattered without any sign
or sound. The sky was clear again, with blue sky and radiant
sun for a thousand li, nary a cloud in sight.

“It’s gone!” Experts that had been gathering around the

Stellar Thunder Canyon were bewildered. Even with the
thunderclouds gone, none of them dared to approach the

Several hours later, Huang Xiaolong, who had been

meditating on the ground, stopped running the Asura Tactics
and stood up. In the short half a month of practice, his
battle qi cultivation had enhanced one order up. But the real
surprise happened with the true essence in his dantian; the
pure lightning energy actually formed multiple fist-sized
thunderballs in his dantian.

Those thunderballs hovered in the top section of his dantian,

and each of them contained a terrifying amount of
destructive power.

His primal dragon physique was also sturdier than before.

What baffled Huang Xiaolong at this moment was he fact

that the Dragon Pearl between his brows was quiet again,
just like before. He tried making it move, but no reaction
came from the Dragon Pearl.

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong noticed that the faint

dragon shadow he has seen inside the Dragon Pearl seemed
to be clearer.
Seeing that the Dragon Pearl gave no reaction whatsoever
no matter what he did, Huang Xiaolong could only give up.
He flew into the air, leaving the canyon.

It didn’t take him long to pass the remaining length of the

canyon. An hour later, Huang Xiaolong reached the edge of
a forest.

By this time, it was already dark.

Huang Xiaolong decided to rest here for the night and

continue on his way tomorrow. He got a crackling fire going
in no time, with several wild games roasting merrily. Sitting
close to the fire, he took out the Ten Directions Continent
map while waiting for the meat to cook.

On the map, it indicated the forest he was in was called

Roaming Souls Grove.

Crossing this Roaming Souls Grove, he would arrive at one

of the more well-known cities in the beastmen territories,
the Hundred Tiger City.

Very soon, the aroma of roast meat wafted in the air, and
Huang Xiaolong put the map away. When he was about to
dig in, a surprised exclamation sounded not far from him:
“Wah, such a nice smell! What meat is that!”

Then, a flurry of footsteps thundered through the bushes as

several hundred beastmen rushed toward Huang Xiaolong’s

This large herd of several hundred beastmen was the very

same group that were watching Huang Xiaolong battle the
frenzy lightning in the Stellar Thunder Canyon from afar but
felt it was an impossible feat for anyone.
Although Huang Xiaolong spent close to half a month in the
canyon, these two parties ran into each other because the
beastmen group took the longer detour route.

In a matter of seconds, hundreds of beastmen appeared in

front of Huang Xiaolong.

When the beastmen got a good look at Huang Xiaolong’s

face, they were all slightly surprised seeing that it was
actually a human.

Rarely would they come across human in the beastmen

territory. Although beastmen bore no hatred toward humans
like the elves did, in their eyes ‘human’ was synonymous to
puny and cowardly. That was why beastmen tribes in
general had always looked down upon humans.

“Hehe, I didn’t expect to run into a little weak human here!”

Beastman Anton cackled.

The surrounding beastmen joined him in laughter.

Anton approached Huang Xiaolong saying, “Human, the

meat you roast seems pretty good, good thing we’re hungry
now. The ones you have here are not enough, go prepare
one for each of us!”

Their number was around three hundred and fifty beastmen,

which meant that Huang Xiaolong was expected to roast
more than three hundred and fifty games.
Chapter 452: And If I
Chapter 452: And If I Don’t?

Hearing the ‘order’, Huang Xiaolong looked at beastman

Anton with interest, “And if I don’t?”

“You don’t want to?” Anton laughed, “Try it if you think your
head is harder than this tree!” Anton’s arm shot out,
punching the tree closest to them that had a trunk thicker
than an adult’s thigh.

In a split second, the tree trunk exploded and broke out in

the middle as wood splinters flying everywhere.

Anton pulled his arm back in exceedingly arrogant

demeanor, “How about that, is your head harder than this
tree?” breaking into a bout of wicked laughter.

Lofty laughter sounded from all around.

Anton stopped laughing, his eyes glared menacingly at

Huang Xiaolong, “Puny human, get off your ass immediately
if you’re smart and get one roast going for every one of us,
if not, hehe, my fist will greet your feeble skull, shattering it
into smithereens!”

Huang Xiaolong smiled shaking his head.

Even the Stellar Thunder Canyon lightning felt like a

relaxing massage on his body, but this beastman wanted to
shatter his skull to smithereens?
Now, if a Sixth Order Saint realm’s punch at full force landed
on Huang Xiaolong’s body, he would feel nothing more than
a ticklish scratch.

Anton watched Huang Xiaolong continuing to sit there with

no intention of getting up, moreover shaking his head with a
mocking smile. Anger rapidly rose in his heart; a puny
human actually dared to ignore him?!

In great anger, Anton raised an arm, wanting to shatter this

puny human’s head, but before he could do so, he saw the
puny human lift a finger and lightly tapped in the air. The
long stretch of big trees in front of them tumbled one by one
as if endless, all the way further than their eyes could see.

Anton’s mouth was agape, his fist froze in the air while the
rest of his body stiffened on the spot, staring dumbly at the
endless line of tumbled trees.

His several hundred comrades’ laughter halted abruptly,

stuck in their throats. The only noise around came from the
crackle and sizzle of fire as oil dripped down from the
fragrant roast meat.

Huang Xiaolong opened his mouth, tearing a generous bite

of meat, “It does taste good.”

His voice was like a string that pulled all the beastmen’s
attention back. Gawking at Huang Xiaolong, their eyes now
held trepidation, reverence, and a hint of worship.

Compared to other races, beastmen had a fervid reverence

toward strength and worshipped the strong.

Huang Xiaolong took another ravenous bite, he wasn’t sure

why the practice in the Stellar Thunder Canyon made him
crave roast meat as if he hadn’t eaten it for many years.
“Is your head harder than these trees?” Huang Xiaolong

Anton’s face turned pasty, falling to his knees without a

second thought, his forehead kissing the forest floor as he
kowtowed repeatedly in front of Huang Xiaolong, “Honorable
Lord, Anton was rude and has offended you just now, please
have mercy on Anton this one time!”

Anton’s comrades also knelt down, showing proper respect.

Huang Xiaolong took a quick glance at the surrounding

beastmen, “Stand up.” If he was really angered earlier, none
of these beastmen would have the chance to stand

Anton beamed with joy, respectfully complying to Huang

Xiaolong’s words, as did the other beastmen, retreating to
stand at the side.

“Who’s the head?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

At Huang Xiaolong’s question, beastmen Amier walked out

from the large herd of people, stopping not far from Huang
Xiaolong and introducing himself, “Lord, my name is Amier,
the tribe’s small captain.”

“Sit.” Huang Xiaolong pointed to a nearby spot.

Amier was slightly overwhelmed by Huang Xiaolong’s

attention. Flustered, he waved and shook his head, “No no
no, Lord, standing is fine for me.”

“If I say sit, then sit.” Huang Xiaolong stated.

At Huang Xiaolong’s domineering attitude, Amier said his

thanks and sat down as if there were needles pricking his

“No need to be so nervous, I just have some questions.”

Huang Xiaolong said.

“Yes, Lord.” Even so, Amier couldn’t stop his body’s minute

Beastmen were innately born with burly physiques, the

shorter beastmen still exceed two meters tall, whereas the
taller ones reached two and a half meters.

Solely based on physical advantage, humans indeed looks

weak and puny next to beastmen. Moreover, the overall
human race’s strength on the Ten Directions Continent was
negligible, thus one could hardly blame the beastmen for
looking down on the human race.

However, Huang Xiaolong could tell, this herd of beastmen

was among the lower rung in beastmen hierarchy.

Beastmen were made up of many tribes, and the more

powerful amongst them were the Lion Tribe, Tiger Tribe, Wolf
Tribe, Snake Tribe, Fox Tribe, Behemoth Tribe, then it was the
Cattle Tribe, Violent Horse Tribe, Goat Tribe, and the
Hundred Bird Tribe.

These were the ten most powerful beast tribes.

This group of beastmen in front of him was not from any of

those ten beastmen tribes.

“The Hundred Tiger City is a little further up?” Huang

Xiaolong spoke.

“That’s right, Lord, less than a hundred li after crossing the

Roaming Souls Grove is the Hundred Tiger City.” Amier
respectfully replied.

Huang Xiaolong asked the next question, “Does the Hundred

Tiger City belong to the Tiger Tribe?”

Amier answered ‘yes’, the Hundred Tiger City belonged to

the Tiger Tribe. The Tiger Tribe had twenty-five cities under
their control and this Hundred Tiger City was only one of
them. However, the Hundred Tiger City was a strategically
important city.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

The Tiger Tribe was amongst the ten strongest beastmen

tribes, their forces couldn’t be underestimated, this point
was clear from the twenty-five cities under their control.

Then, Huang Xiaolong asked about the Hundred Tiger City’s

Castellan and general questions about the Tiger Tribe. In the
end, Amier was merely a captain of a lower rank in a small
tribe, the things he knew were very limited.

Talking about the Hundred Tiger City’s Castellan, Amier’s

face shone with idolization, “Our Hundred Tiger City
Castellan is Lord Goodman, one of the top ten experts of the
Tiger Tribe! I heard from our Family Head that Lord
Goodman can flatten a mountain with a single punch!”

Flatten a mountain with a single punch.

Huang Xiaolong chuckled in secret, anyone could do this

effortlessly once they stepped into the Saint realm.
Additionally, beastmen were known for their herculean
strength, thus such a feat was not strange at all.

After asking everything he wanted to know, Huang Xiaolong

fell into deep contemplation.
From Amier’s answers, although the beastmen tribes were
powerful on the Ten Directions Continent, there were
numerous internal struggles. For instance, the Lion Tribe and
Tiger Tribe were always at war.

At the same time, from Amier’s words, he once again

confirmed that the Beast God was all the beastmen tribes’
sacred faith. Within the beastmen race, whoever dared to
desecrate the Beast God, disrespect the Beast God, would
be treated as the entire beastmen race’s sinner!

The legendary Beast God Scepter represented the Beast


For the last ten thousand years, the beastmen tribes

believed that whoever got the Beast God Scepter would be
the Beast God’s reincarnation, that person would once again
lead the beastmen to conquer the Ten Direction Continent,
capturing the glory of the past.

In that short time, Huang Xiaolong reached a decision.

Since the Beast God Scepter was said to hold such power,
passing by the Hundred Tiger City, he wanted to see if the
Beast God Scepter really was as honored by the beastmen
as they claimed.

“Lord,” Seeing Huang Xiaolong become silent in

contemplation, Amier called cautiously, “Are you going to
the Hundred Tiger City? Coincidentally, all of us here are
from the Hundred Tiger City, could we travel with Lord?”

Inside the Roaming Souls Grove, there was a kind of strange

soul beings that had a tendency to devour their prey’s blood
and flesh while alive. If they could travel along with an
expert like Huang Xiaolong, their chances of getting out of
the Roaming Souls Grove would increase greatly.
Huang Xiaolong knew what Amier was thinking about in a
glance, but he still nodded in agreement.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong agree to have the band travel with

him nearly made him jump with joy. He, Anton, and the rest
quickly saluted in thanks.

The night passed peacefully. At daybreak, glorious sunlight

began to light up the land.

However, the Roaming Souls Grove remained cold and dark.

The radiant sun couldn’t penetrate into this gloomy and

dark piece of land.

Huang Xiaolong stood up, saying: “Let’s move!”

“Yes, Lord!”

Huang Xiaolong walked at the front of the group as they

entered deeper into the Roaming Souls Grove. In truth, the
grove was not big, at most half a day was enough for the
group to cut through.
Chapter 453: Beast God Sacrificial Rite

Huang Xiaolong and the beastmen had traveled for half an

hour into the unearthly atmosphere of the grove.

As they reached deeper into the forest grove, the air grew
increasingly colder, with faint echoes of undulating shrill
cries of unknown creatures playing with their hearing.

Although Amier and the large group of beastmen kept close

to Huang Xiaolong, those eerie cries brought goosebumps to
the burly beastmen.

“Malignant spirits!”

“Those are malignant spirits!”

Suddenly, one of the beastmen screamed in fear.

Everyone quickly looked around and saw several strange

creatures that were part transparent part opaque shaped
like human soul and glowing green eyes pounced on their
group with bared fangs.

Just when Amier and the beastmen were about to attack in

panic, Huang Xiaolong was a step ahead of them; with a
simple wave of his wrist, bright flames flickered past, and in
an instant, those ghastly spirits were incinerated into
plumes of mist,

The beastmen were dumbstruck watching this scene.

Those wandering spirits were hard to kill, having no real

body made of flesh and blood, the spirits weren’t afraid of
any swords or knives. The Patriarch of their tribe was once
besieged by two wandering spirits and a few hours of back-
breaking battle ensued before their Patriarch was able to kill
those wandering spirits and leave the grove, whereas this
young human expert merely struck out a light palm and
several wandering spirits were vanquished!

“Let’s move on.” Huang Xiaolong said and continued


Amier and the rest hurried after Huang Xiaolong.

A short while later, they ran into another group of

wandering spirits, and this time Huang Xiaolong’s action
was even more exaggerated, or lack of action. He didn’t
even raise his hand, merely with a single glance, those
lunging wandering spirits burned in midair, leaving a small
cluster of mist.

Half a day later, when they made it out of the Roaming

Souls Grove, the way Amier and the rest of the beastmen
looked at Huang Xiaolong changed in an earth-shattering
manner. If it was awe before, now it was feverish reverence,
showing utmost respect toward Huang Xiaolong.

One hour later, the group reached Hundred Tiger City.

At first glance, the Hundred Tiger City could be described

with one word, huge, even rivaling some of Snow Wind
Continent’s imperial cities.

People, or beastmen to be exact, were seen coming and

going in every direction, a sign of the city’s prosperity.

But Huang Xiaolong’s large group drew odd stares from all
around, it wasn’t every day that the beastmen saw a puny
human walking in front of a group of several hundred
beastmen that were showing deference. The surrounding
beastmen were unable to shift their gaze away from this
strange scene.

“Hehe, isn’t this Amier?” At this time, a team of a dozen

beastmen walked up to Amier’s group from the front. The
one who spoke was a young cat-like beastmen reaching two
and a half meters tall.

“Amier, I see your life has really gone to the dogs!” The
young beastman snickered, “As a powerful beastmen, how
can you follow behind a puny human, not to mention that
loathful fawning expression on your face, worse than the
worst dog slave!”

The several beastmen behind the young beastman laughed


“Insolent!” Amier strode out in anger, and struck a punch at

the young beastman: “Collins, how dare you disrespect the

Collins didn’t expect that Amier would attack him all of a

sudden. Though startled, he still managed to raise an arm
up in defense, but he failed to muster enough strength to
block the attack. Staggering back, Collins felt a throbbing
pain in his arm.

“How dare you!” Collins yelled, “Amier, have you gone


Both Collins and Amier had exchanged tit-for-tat many times

in the past, but Amier had never been brave enough to get
physical with him, after all, his big brother was the tribe’s
chief captain.

Today, for an insignificant human, Amier actually attacked

Amier glared coldly at him, “Collins, get on your knees now
and beg the Lord for forgiveness!”

Collins was dumbfounded as he stared at Amier in disbelief.

Amier wanted him to kneel down and beg for forgiveness…

from a human?!

“You’re crazy, you’ve gone f*cking nuts!” Collins yelled at

the top of his lungs. He waved his arm at the beastmen that
came with him: “We’re leaving!” Amier’s crazed look
frightened Collins, and he didn’t want to stay there any

Seeing that Collins wanted to leave as if nothing happened,

Amier moved forward, wanting to block Collins’ path but
Huang Xiaolong’s voice sounded in his ears.

“Forget it.”

Only then did Amier relented, bowing respectfully to Huang

Xiaolong: “Yes, Lord!”

Just as things seemed to calm down, a beastman ran

through the crowd straight at Amier, “Brother Amier, it’s not
good, Sis Rihanna was taken away by people from the Tiger

“Taken away by the Tiger Tribe!” Amier’s face became


Rihanna was his fiancee, both her and Amier were childhood
sweethearts. Losing their families at an early age, Amier
and Rihanna relied on each other.

Even Anton and the rest paled slightly.

“Kerner, this, explain what exactly happened!” Amier urged
with a hint of desperation in his voice.

Beastman Kerner was piqued, “Just now, the Tiger Tribe’s

Julio came over claiming that Sis Rihanna was chosen for
this year’s Beast God Sacrificial Rite, that’s why he brought
a group of people over and took Sis Rihanna away!”

“Beast God Sacrificial Rite!” Amier was enraged: “Fu** his

mother’s fart! It isn’t our Hundred Tiger City’s turn to offer a
sacrifice this year for the Beast God rite. This Julio is
snatching powerless woman off the streets in broad

Beast God Sacrificial Rite? Huang Xiaolong’s interest was

stoked and asked out, “Explain to me, what is going on?”

At Huang Xiaolong’s question, Amier briefly explained the

situation to Huang Xiaolong with respect despite the anxiety
in his heart.

From thousands of years ago, the Beast God’s tribes would

perform a Beast God Sacrificial Rite every year, and the
sacrifice would be a young virgin from those tribes.

The Lion Tribe, Tiger Tribe, Wolf Tribe, and the remaining top
ten tribes would pick a young virgin from the cities under
their governance. Those young virgins were sent to the
Beast God Shrine to be offered as a sacrifice during the rite.

And the young virgin sacrifice for this year had been
decided half a month ago, Rihanna’s name wasn’t on the

Moreover, it wasn’t Hundred Tiger City’s turn this year to

offer the sacrifice.
Now, this Tiger Tribe’s Julio taking Rihanna was clearly
because he coveted Rihanna for her beauty, the matter of
being a sacrifice was nothing but an excuse. Julio was no
stranger to this kind of despicable acts, countless good
young women were sullied in Julio’s hands every year.

The problem was, this Julio was a pure-blood descendant of

the Tiger Tribe, his father was Hundred Tiger City Guard’s
chief captain. Powerless commoners like them could only

“Lord, please save Rihanna!” All of a sudden, Amier turned

to Huang Xiaolong, falling on his knees begging, “As long as
Lord can save Rihanna, Amier is willing to do anything the
Lord orders! Lord, please, please save Rihanna!”

Amier had no other way and placed his hopes on Huang

Xiaolong. He realized all too well, relying on his own power,
he had no chance in hell to rescue his fiancee.

Watching Amier, Anton and the beastmen from the same

team all got down on their knees, their plead was evident
even though no words were spoken.

“All of you get up and talk.” Huang Xiaolong already decided

in his heart. “Lead the way.” Of course, Amier wasn’t the
main reason he decided to interfere in this matter.

Obtaining Huang Xiaolong’s promise to help, Amier

kowtowed many times in gratitude before jumping to his
feet and leading Huang Xiaolong to Julio’s residence.

In a large residence compound on the north side of Hundred

Tiger City, clad in a cotton jacket, a virile Julio was staring at
the tied-up Rihanna with undisguised lust.
The tight coarse rope that bound Rihanna also accentuated
her curves, the proud peaks on her chest looked as if they
were about to burst out from the seams, inciting a reaction
from Julio’s manhood.

Julio slowly approached Rihanna until he was mere inches

from her face. His hand reached up, pinching her face in
place as an evil smile crept up his face, “Your face is not
bad.” Taking a sniff of her scent, “Ahh, the scent of a virgin
is really fascinating!”

Rihanna’s delicate face flushed with anger, “Julio, how dare

you take advantage of the Beast God Sacrificial Rite to
snatch women off the streets! There’ll be a day the Great
Lord Beast God will punish you!”

Julio laughed at Rihanna’s words, “In this Hundred Tiger

City, I, Julio, am Lord Beast God! Since you like punishments
so much, then I shall take care punishing you on the bed
right now!” With that, he carried Rihanna and headed to the
big bed inside the inner chamber.
Chapter 454: Lowly Human

“Release me! Let go of me!” Rihanna fought like an angry

wildcat, struggling to break free with all her might.

Rihanna’s fierce attacks stirred the aggressiveness hidden

deep within Julio’s bloodline, his wanton laughter rang even
louder as he hit Rihanna’s perky butt, “Not bad, really pert
and firm, I like it! Worry not, in a little while I’ll make you
feel as if you’ve gone to heaven. At that time, you’ll be
begging me to punish you more!” Lascivious laughter rang
again in the air.

Stepping into the inner chamber, Julio threw Rihanna onto

the big bed, but he just took off his pants when loud ruckus
came from outside, followed by a chain of blood-curdling

Julio’s actions froze; ‘What is happening? Is there actually

someone that dares to make a ruckus in my residence?!’

A fire burned in Julio’s heart for having his good time

interrupted. Pulling his pants up again, he stormed out of
the room to see what was going on outside. Another abrupt
wail sounded and a black silhouette flew at him.

Alarmed at the ambush, Julio’s arms struck the person,

sending him flying in another direction. When the black
silhouette crashed on the floor, Julio noticed that it was
actually his inner chamber’s personal guard.

Seconds later, two people walked in from outside.

This shocked Julio, for one of them was a black-haired young

human with a beastman following respectfully behind.
Julio vaguely remembers this beastman, a minuscule tribe’s
small-time captain, as for his name, Julio couldn’t recall that
much. But he knew that this beastman was Rihanna’s

Amier followed Huang Xiaolong, breaking through Julio’s

residence all the way into the inner chamber. Spotting the
bounded Rihanna on the large bed, he was angry, shocked,
and happy at the same time.

“Rihanna, are you alright?!” He reached Rihanna’s side in a

few quick steps, his hands were already ripping the ropes off

Watching Amier breaking into his residence, his inner

chamber at that, and ignoring his presence the whole time,
ire shot up to his head. His right fist shot out, aiming to blast
Amier’s head.

“Get the f*ck away, bastard!” Julio bellowed.

Hearing the sound of piercing air, Amier turned around in

alarm, but it was already too late to dodge, he was rooted to
the spot watching Julio’s tyrannical fist enlarge in his pupils.

Then, Julio’s fist stopped half an inch away from Amier’s

skull. All the noise in the surroundings died abruptly, one by
one, people’s gazes traveled up two slender fingers that
held Julio’s fist in place.

Julio was stunned, but he was even madder, the one who
stopped his fist was that black-haired young man.

“You lowly human! Do you know who I am? Do you dare

offend me, Julio?! Offend me and not even your Thunder
Human King or Ice Human King can save your dog life!” Julio
glared furiously at Huang Xiaolong, jabbing a finger to his
face, “Get on your knees now, after three kowtows and nine
worships, leave one of your arms, I can consider sparing
your dog life!”

On the Ten Directions Continent, humans were weak and

lowly, beastmen had always looked down on humans.
Belonging to one of the top ten beastmen tribes, and a main
descendant of the Tiger Tribe, Julio was beyond angry after
being blocked by a puny human.

This was akin to country bumpkin offending an empire’s

imperial descendant.

“Three kowtows and nine worships?” Huang Xiaolong’s

expression was extremely cold, his two fingers exerted a
little more pressure, instantly shattering every bone in
Julio’s fist.

Sounds of breaking bones resounded in the yard,

accompanied by horrible screams from Julio.

“Detestable human! I will pin your body to the ground and

let ten thousand Giant Beast Horses ram you!” Julio roared,
red blood vessels erupted in his eyes as he glowered at
Huang Xiaolong as if he so wished to tear Huang Xiaolong
apart right then and there.

A human dared crush his bones!

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong added more pressure in his

two fingers. Julio’s arm was twisted at a ninety-degree angle
and a series of breaking sounds filled the air, making the
hair on Amier and Rihanna stand on ends.

Julio was about to faint from the excruciating pain running

through his every nerve.
Outer appearance wise, one couldn’t see anything wrong
with his arm, however, all the bones in his arm were
crushed, shattered into pieces.

“You, I’m going to kill you, you lowly piece of shit!” Julio
lifted his left hand in a sudden move, striking at Huang
Xiaolong’s chest.

But his left hand barely moved an inch when two fingers on
Huang Xiaolong’s left hand pinned it in place. Just like what
happened to his right hand, the melodious rhyme of bones
breaking sounded once more.

After crushing both of Julio’s arms, Huang Xiaolong’s arms

flicked, throwing Julio out rolling off to a corner.

“Who is so daring, trespassing into my, Bobby’s, residence!”

At this time, a dignified roar reverberated in the air,
thunderous footsteps stormed into the yard, sending
tremors through the ground.

This was the sound of a large army surrounding the


Amier and Rihanna’s faces lost all color: Bobby!

Hundred Tiger City’s city guards chief captain!

Even the Patriarch of Amier’s tribe needed to salute Bobby

when he saw him, showing a demeanor lower than slaves,
whereas in Amier’s world, Bobby was an existence far out of
his reach.

Numerous Tiger Tribe city guards stormed into the yard, a

middle-aged man in large sleeveless leather vest strode in.
He had big eyes, coarse thick eyebrows, and was almost
two point seven meters in height. From head to toe, the
middle-aged man exuded a fierce aura, especially his eyes.

“Father save me!” Seeing the burly Tiger Tribe middle-aged

man, Julio struggled up from the floor and ran to the man’s
side. His eyes glowed with a vicious light as he pointed at
Huang Xiaolong, “This damn vermin, he shattered the bones
in my arms just now! Father, you must not let this vermin

However, Julio’s words barely left his mouth when his

father’s palm struck across his face. The force made him
twirl a few rounds on the spot.

Julio was stupefied.

“Trash!” Bobby cursed through gritted teeth.

Frightened by his father’s anger, Julio lowered his head and

shrunk to the back, where one of the Tiger Tribe guards took
care of his injuries.

Bobby’s sharp eyes swept over Amier and Rihanna for a

brief moment and both of them immediately felt as if they
had lost all strength, their legs softened, nearly kneeling

“Young man, do you know the consequences of your

actions?” Bobby’s eyes finally stopped on Huang Xiaolong,
his voice extremely cold, “This is a first time that a human
dared to swagger into my residence and act so brazen!”

“Consequences? I really don’t know.” Huang Xiaolong looked

aloof as if he doesn’t care, “Even if I knew, so what?”

Bobby grinned without mirth, “Able to stay so calm even

after seeing me, I have to say, you’re quite brave. Still, what
a pity, you won’t be able to see tomorrow’s sunrise.”

Human race’s Saint realm experts could be counted on one

hand, and he has seen them all. Bobby didn’t believe that
this black-haired young man was more powerful than him!

At the drop of his voice, Bobby’s figure blurred as he dashed

up, his fist roaring toward Huang Xiaolong. The surreal
image of a tiger head emerged, shrouding Bobby’s fist.

“Tiger Fist!”

“Sky Soaring Tiger Glory!”

The power of a peak half-Saint was released without holding


Under Bobby’s fist, airflow and space seemed distorted.

Watching as Bobby’s fist was about to strike Huang

Xiaolong, Amier’s face was ash-gray. He couldn’t bear to
watch the scene of Huang Xiaolong being shattered into
meat paste and closed his eyes.

It was common knowledge to everyone living in Hundred

Tiger City that Bobby, the Hundred Tiger City’s city guards
chief captain was a peak half-Saint. As strong as Huang
Xiaolong may be, in Amier’s eyes, it still couldn’t rival a
peak half-Saint like Bobby.

Bloodlust and excitement glowed in Julio’s red eyes seeing

his father attacking, there was just a tiny shred of regret
that he couldn’t end that human with his own hands.

When everyone was expectantly waiting for Huang Xiaolong

to die under Bobby’s fist, Huang Xiaolong lifted his palm.
With just gentle finger flick, the tiger shadow on Bobby’s fist
crumbled and disappeared in a blink. The distorted space
revert to normal.

Most shocking of all was the fact that Bobby’s fist was
pinned in midair by Huang Xiaolong’s two fingers, just like
what happened to Julio earlier. It felt like a deja-vu.
Chapter 455: Liege Lord Beast God

Moments ago, there was a fierce hurricane, yet in the blink

of an eye, everything turned calm and peaceful.

Bobby stared dumbly at his fist that was pinned by Huang

Xiaolong’s two fingers; was this really his fist that could kill
a thousand strong cattle in one punch?!

“Tiger Fist? Sky Soaring Tiger Glory?” Huang Xiaolong’s

snicker carried obvious contempt, “I say, this looks more like
Cat Fist, Sky Soaring Cat Glory is more apt.” Huang Xiaolong
added pressure in his two fingers.

Ka ka! Sounds of breaking bones resounded in the yard.

As his bones shattered, acute pain spread. Even with

Bobby’s strong will, a scream escaped his throat.

Huang Xiaolong’s wrist then turned, wringing Bobby’s arm

like a rag cloth, crushing the bones in his arm. Bobby
screamed louder, even louder than his son Julio’s screams.

Julio stared dumbstruck at this scene. Amier was in a daze,

all the Tiger Tribe’s city guards in the compound were all in
a daze.

Bobby’s reaction was the same as his son Julio. Driven by

intolerable pain, Bobby launched an attack at Huang
Xiaolong with his left fist. However, his left fist was also
stopped in midair by Huang Xiaolong just like his right fist.
Inch by inch, Bobby’s left arm bones were broken by Huang

Bobby’s reaction due to the pain was excessively dramatic.

His mouth opened in a long oval-shaped, eyes half
protruded out from their sockets, and his nose crooked to
the side. This face was too ridiculous and funny.

Unfortunately, neither Julio nor the city guards were in the

mood to laugh.

“You, you lot, take this scum dog’s life, quickly kill this damn
dog!” Julio yelled at the surrounding city guards a moment

Julio’s yell prompted the dazed city guards into action, but
before they could attack, Huang Xiaolong waved a palm and
the air froze. The city guards noticed to their astonishment
that they couldn’t move.

Space manipulation?!

With another flick of Huang Xiaolong’s finger, Bobby flew

away like a piece of withered leaf. A suction force then came
from Huang Xiaolong’s palm, dragging Julio in front of him.

“Scum dog?” Huang Xiaolong sneered was frigid, his fingers

shaped into claws that pierced into Julio’s chest, crushing a
rib bone inside his body.

Julio’s blood-curdling wails sounded like a pig being

slaughtered. This pain was beyond what he felt when his
arm bones were crushed.

Huang Xiaolong continued; another pinch, another rib bone


Very soon, all of Julio’s rib bones were crushed by Huang

Xiaolong one by one, at the end, Julio fainted into oblivion
from the torturous pain.
The city guards were paralyzed with fear, rooted to the spot
as they stared at Huang Xiaolong with fearful eyes.

Everyone, including Amier, was terrified. Was this really the

same polite young man full of smiles sitting beside the
bonfire last evening?

Seeing that Julio had fainted, Huang Xiaolong lifted a foot

and kicked Julio’s limp body. Julio’s body made an arch over
the air, coincidentally falling beside Bobby’s body. With that
simple kick, Huang Xiaolong had shattered all Julio’s internal
organs, Qi Sea, meridians, and his vitality.

Bobby grieved looking at his son’s corpse, there was anger,

but also fear. When Huang Xiaolong approached, Bobby
retreated backward subconsciously.

“You, what do you want?!” The Hundred Tiger City’s city

guards’ chief captain stammered.

“Go tell Goodman to come and see me.” Huang Xiaolong’s

face was grim.

Goodman, Hundred Tiger City’s Castellan.

“Go.” Finished saying this, Huang Xiaolong turned around

and left.

Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette nearly disappeared before

Amier snapped back to his sense, he grabbed his fiancee
Rihanna and hastened after Huang Xiaolong, leaving the
place as if their lives depended on it.

One hour later.

Inside the Hundred Tiger City’s Castellan Manor, Goodman’s

face was grim looking at Bobby’s crippled arms and Julio’s
corpse laid on the floor.

A monstrous murderous intent and wrath were brewing in

him, increasingly intense, drowning the entire Hundred Tiger
City Castellan Manor in a suffocating atmosphere.

A human swaggered in his Hundred Tiger City, injuring his

chief guard captain! And on top of that, killed a pure
bloodline descendant of his Tiger Tribe!

“He said that I should go see him?” Goodman’s voice soft

question was steep with danger.

“That is so, Lord Goodman,” Bobby answered respectfully.

“What do you think?” Goodman asked.

Bobby answered, “Without a doubt, that human is a Saint

realm expert. However, I recognize all the Saint realm
experts on our Ten Directions Continent, so he must be
someone from the Snow Wind Continent or the Starcloud
Continent, perhaps even the Bedlam Lands!”

A cold snort came from Goodman, “It seems like our Tiger
Tribe has been quiet for too long, any stray dog or wild cat
coming over from the Snow Wind or Starcloud Continents
dares to be so presumptuous in front of us Tiger Tribe! Fine,
my days have been idle as of late, I’ll use this human’s
blood as an offering to my knife!” Goodman had already
disappeared from the hall in a flicker when his last word

A moment later, Goodman was out of Hundred Tiger City,

flying straight toward a hill one hundred li from the city.

At this time, on the hilltop one hundred li outside of Hundred

Tiger City, Huang Xiaolong stood straight-backed. He had
released his aura, trusting that Castellan Goodman was
capable of finding him.

As expected, it didn’t take long for sounds of wind rushing

at rapid speed to enter his ears.

The person continued in Huang Xiaolong’s direction, a

powerful hostile energy aimed at his back.

“Tiger God Fist!”

An enormous shadow of a tiger head came roaring, a sharp

energy that tore through space aimed at him.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t even bother to look, he whirled

around and his fist countered the attacker head on.

A resounding boom rendered the air.

The shockwaves spread out like a tornado, the trees and soil
were blasted up in the air, shaking the entire small hill.

Huang Xiaolong staggered a few steps back, quickly

steadying himself, whereas the attacker was repelled,
landing more than a dozen meters away.

Shock was written all over Goodman’s face looking at Huang

Xiaolong. Just now, this young human actually took his full
power punch and they resulted in a tie!

He was an early Eighth Order Saint realm expert!

Goodman became solemn after getting over his shock.

“This warrior’s strength is not bad, no wonder you dare to

run rampant in my Tiger Tribe’s territory, killing my Tiger
Tribe descendants!” Goodman stared down at Huang
Xiaolong coldly, “But, no matter who you are, daring to kill
my Tiger Tribe descendants has only one result, death!”
Goodman raised his head, letting out a thunderous roar. A
circle of golden red flames cloaked around his body.

At the same time, Goodman’s body began to transform, his

flesh rippled and muscles grew. One by one, tiger stripes
emerged on on his skin, including his face, and tiger spikes
grew out on his arms and legs. A long tiger tail grew from
his tailbone.

Although beastmen couldn’t summon martial spirit and soul

transform like the cultivators from Snow Wind and Starcloud
Continents, those with a strong, pure bloodline, could revert
to their beast forms.

After reverting to beast form, their power and strength

multiplied, rivaling the human experts’ soul transformation.

After the beast transformation, Goodman’s tiger aura

became more prominent and domineering as he narrowed
the distance to Huang Xiaolong.

In the last moment, before he was about to pounce on the

young human, a scepter appeared in Huang Xiaolong’s
hand. The top of the scepter had a carving of a mythical
beast’s head, its eyes redder than blood, exuding an old
indisputable presence. In front of this ancient mythical
beast’s might, Goodman felt a terrifying oppression that
came from the deepest part of his soul.

Goodman’s face contorted with fear and disbelief, his eyes

were fixed on the scepter in Huang Xiaolong’s hand, shaking
from head to toes, “This, this is the Beast God Scepter!”

“That’s right, this is Beast God Scepter!” Huang Xiaolong

Beast God Scepter!

The true Beast God Scepter!

Goodman flushed with excitement as he prostrated, more

precisely, he was hugging the great earth: “Tiger Tribe’s
Goodman greets Liege Lord Beast God!”

Huang Xiaolong was bewildered hearing Goodman refer to

him as ‘Liege Lord Beast God’, but a moment later he
remembered the legend saying that whoever had the Beast
God Scepter was the chosen successor, the next Beast God.

It seemed to Huang Xiaolong that he had underestimated

the venerable status that the Beast God held in beastmen’s
minds. Just now, Goodman, who was going all out wanting
to kill him, prostrated before him in the blink of an eye after
seeing the Beast God Scepter, instant deification.
Chapter 456: Unqualified

In fact, what Huang Xiaolong didn’t know was that the Beast
God Scepter contained a shred of the Beast God’s aura,
moreover, that year when the Beast God forged the Beast
God Scepter, he included many ancient beasts’ bloodlines
within, the kind of oppressive nature this had on the
beastmen’s souls was so great that no beastman could
muster any will to resist in front of the scepter.

This was the main reason why Goodman’s demeanor was so

respectful and prostrating with such reverence.

“On your feet.” A moment later Huang Xiaolong permitted.

“Yes, Liege Lord Beast God.” Only then did Goodman rise to
his feet, but he still kept his head lowered in apprehension—
he, he actually had the guts to attack the Liege Lord!

According to the tribe laws, this was punishable by death!

Huang Xiaolong knew what Goodman was worried about

with a single glance.

“You’re not at fault for not knowing.” Huang Xiaolong said,

“I’m just passing by Hundred Tiger City. Tomorrow, you’ll go
to the Sacred Tiger City with me.”

Sacred Tiger City, like its name, was the Tiger Tribe’s sacred
city, acting as the Tiger Tribe’s headquarters.

On this trip, Huang Xiaolong’s purpose was to meet the

Tiger Tribe’s Patriarch. He decided to first subjugate the
Tiger Tribe and then the rest of the beastmen tribes.
Strength wise, the Tiger Tribe was far lacking compared to
the Asura’s Gate, however, adding on the Lion Tribe, Wolf
Tribe, and the rest of the beastmen forces, it was a force
more formidable than the Cosmos God Cult!

“Yes, my Liege Lord Beast God!” Hearing that Huang

Xiaolong did not blame him, Goodman’s heart started
beating with joy and he hurriedly acknowledged Huang
Xiaolong’s order.

“Let’s go back to the city.” Huang Xiaolong spoke.

Hence, Huang Xiaolong and Goodman made their way back

to the city, to the Hundred Tiger City’s Castellan Manor.

At this time, right inside the Castellan Manor, Bobby was

waiting to welcome Goodman’s return. Yet no matter how he
waited, he failed to see Goodman through the doors, the
unease in his heart grew.

The manor steward noticed Bobby’s growing anxiety as he

paced back and forth and said, “Captain Bobby, with Lord
Goodman’s strength, even if the other side was the Thunder
Human King or the Ice Human King, they would still not be
Lord Goodman’s opponents. Therefore, fret not, maybe Lord
Goodman has killed that human and is on his way back!”

Bobby nodded silently.

Barely a breath time passed after the manor steward spoke

those words and their Castellan was seen striding through
the doors.

Both Bobby and the manor steward were about to greet

Goodman, but in that instant, they saw their Lord Castellan
Goodman turn around and bend respectfully at the waist,
gesturing courteously, “Liege Lord, please!”
Liege Lord, please?! Both men were dumbfounded.

Then, a black-haired young man was seen walking in.

Due to Huang Xiaolong wishing to keep the matter about

him having the Beast God Scepter a secret temporarily, he
only allowed Goodman to refer to him as Liege Lord in front
of others.

“It’s, it’s you!” Seeing Huang Xiaolong, Bobby blurted out,

anger and fear in his voice.

“Insolent!” Goodman’s backhand flew to Bobby’s cheek,

sending him flying off to a corner of the hall. Falling to the
floor, there was no breath left in him, dying with his eyes
wide open as if he did not expect Goodman to suddenly
attack him. Moreover, it was a no mercy one-hit kill.

The sudden turn of event was beyond the manor steward’s

imagination, never did he imagine that the good Castellan
would one day kill his own city guard chief captain.

Not only was Bobby the chief captain, he was the High
Priest’s disciple. The Tiger Tribe’s High Priest possessed
great clout in the Tiger Tribe.

Glancing at Bobby’s corpse from the corner of his eyes,

Huang Xiaolong walked into the main hall and took the main
seat without a speaking a word.

Whereas Goodman dared not sit down himself, standing

straight on Huang Xiaolong’s left.

This picture caused great waves in the manor steward’s

‘A human garnered this extent of respect from the
Castellan?! Who exactly is this human?’

“Leave us.” Huang Xiaolong said, taking a glance at the

manor steward.

Huang Xiaolong’s voice woke the steward from his private

musings, but he didn’t move. Instead, he turned toward
Castellan Goodman.

Sadly, the steward’s inaction brought Goodman’s ire on him,

“Didn’t you hear what Liege Lord said?! Liege Lord told you
to get out, roll out this instant! Remember, Liege Lord’s
words are my words!”

The steward had never seen their Castellan throw this heavy
a temper. Scared out of his wits, the steward quickly
withdrew from the hall.

After the steward left, Huang Xiaolong inquired about the

Tiger Tribe’s current situation and background from

Goodman, as one of Tiger Tribe’s top ten ranking experts

and the Castellan of the Hundred Tiger City, the things he
was privy to were on a different level to a small captain of a
minuscule tribe branch like Amier.

From Goodman’s mouth, Huang Xiaolong found out that the

Tiger Tribe Patriarch, Chuck, was a peak late-Tenth Order
Saint realm expert. Among all the beastmen tribe experts,
Chuck ranked second amongst the top ten experts.

In the whole of Tiger Tribe, including Chuck, there were a

total of twenty-six Saint realm experts.
The beastmen tribes’ number one spot was held by the Lion
Tribe’s Patriarch, Daniel, and the Lion Tribe currently had
twenty-nine Saint realm experts. Their overall strength was
slightly stronger than the Tiger Tribe.

On the other hand, the Wolf, Snake, Fox, and Beamon Tribes’
overall strengths were lower than the Tiger Tribe’s, each of
them had about twenty-three to twenty-four Saint realm
experts. Lower down were the Cattle Tribe, Violent Horse
Tribe, Ram Tribe, and Hundred Bird Tribe, their Saint realm
experts numbered around twenty.

As for the remaining tribes, the average ones had at least

four Saint realm experts while the weaker tribes had two
Saint realm experts in general.

Night came.

In the courtyard arranged by Goodman, Huang Xiaolong

took some time to practice the Asura Sword Skill.

The Asura Sword Skill consisted of a total of eighteen

moves, and Huang Xiaolong merely practiced it until the
eighth move. Despite that, he was not in a rush to practice
the remaining more powerful ten moves, but repeatedly
went through and studied the first eight moves again, to
gain new insights and comprehension.

From the Asura Sword Skill, Huang Xiaolong moved on to

the Godly Xumi Art, then the Thirteen Moves of the Dragon
God. By now, Huang Xiaolong no longer needed to observe
the primordial divine dragon postures to practice the
Thirteen Moves of the Dragon God. Therefore, he could
refine all remaining ten primordial divine dragons and it
wouldn’t hinder his progress at all.
The night passed in solitude, slowly making way for the
break of dawn.

Huang Xiaolong came out from his arranged courtyard in

the morning and saw that Goodman was already waiting
respectfully for him outside.

“Liege Lord Beast God!” Goodman saluted with utmost


Huang Xiaolong nodded, “Let’s go.”

Both flew to the sky, leaving the Hundred Tiger City at rapid
speed, heading toward Sacred Tiger City.

They did not rest on the way, speeding the whole journey.
Three days later, Huang Xiaolong and Goodman arrived at
the Sacred Tiger City. Huang Xiaolong was fine, but
Goodman nearly heaved his lungs out following Huang
Xiaolong’s breakneck speed and no break traveling.

When they arrived at the Sacred Tiger City, Goodman had

squeezed out every ounce of energy in his cells, he was
dead tired like a lazy pig, nearly collapsing to slumber right
in front of the Sacred Tiger City gates.

Goodman was truly exhausted. Following behind Huang

Xiaolong for the entire three days’ journey, he grew fearful.
Three days of full speed flight, yet Huang Xiaolong remained
looking dandy, Goodman even suspected that not only did
Huang Xiaolong not spend much battle qi, it actually
increased significantly.

After they entered the city, Huang Xiaolong told Goodman

to lead him directly to the Sacred Tiger City’s Castellan
One hour later, the two of them stood in front of the grand
entrance to the Castellan Manor.

“Ah, it’s Lord Goodman!” Several Tiger Tribe experts spotted

Goodman at the entrance, in a fawning manner, each one of
them hastened their steps to greet Goodman.

Goodman nodded, “Retreat to your duties, I’m here to see

the Patriarch.” With that, he walked in, leading Huang

However, one of the experts lifted his arm blocking Huang

Xiaolong’s path while another faced Goodman with a
difficult expression, cautiously saying, “Lord Goodman,
this… is not appropriate!” Pointing at Huang Xiaolong, he
continued: “You know, a human is unqualified to enter the
Sacred City Manor.”
Chapter 457: Rebellion &
Chapter 457: Rebellion & Usurpation


This word caused Goodman to jump up in anger, a crisp

sound rang as Goodman’s heavy palm connected to the
Tiger Tribe guard’s face, sending his body flying out in an
arch. When the guard landed on the ground, the right side
of his face was swollen like an extra large pig head.

“Scram for me!” Goodman snapped sharply, exuding a

whelming murderous aura.

The several Tiger Tribe guards were frightened, their faces

became white with horror and they scurried off as fast as
their legs could carry them.

The Tiger Tribe guard that was slapped by Goodman climbed

to his feet from the ground. Toward Goodman he could only
fume with anger inside, but when his gaze fell on Huang
Xiaolong, the viciousness in his eyes was ill-disguised.

If it wasn’t because of this lowly human, his face wouldn’t

be swollen like a pig head as it was now.

But Goodman turned to face Huang Xiaolong at this point

with fear and reverence, “They have disrespected Liege
Lord, I hope Liege Lord would be lenient and spare them!”

Liege Lord?!
The surrounding guards were wide-eyed with shock, staring
at Huang Xiaolong with astonishment.

Just now, their Tiger Tribe expert Goodman referred to a

human as… Liege Lord?!

“Let’s go.” Huang Xiaolong said to Goodman.

“Yes, Liege Lord, please!” Goodman respectfully shifted his

body a little to the side, following after Huang Xiaolong as
both entered the Sacred Tiger Manor.

Another great wave of shock crashed in those Tiger Tribe

guards’ hearts watching Goodman’s brown-nosing attitude
towards the human.

The half swollen pig-faced guard who was glowering at

Huang Xiaolong venomously, instantly became ashen
watching this scene.

Unqualified? If someone who had a person with Goodman’s

status refer him as Liege Lord wasn’t qualified to enter the
Sacred Tiger Manor, didn’t that mean that Goodman himself
wasn’t even qualified to stand in front of the Sacred Tiger

No wonder Goodman was angered.

Walking into the Sacred Tiger Manor, Huang Xiaolong and

Goodman headed straight to the front hall.

Passing through the corridors, the maids and guards would

salute respectfully seeing Goodman. Inevitably, Huang
Xiaolong’s presence raised confusion and doubt in them.
However, none of them dared to come up and hinder their
A short while later, both of them arrived at the front hall.

Arriving at the front hall, Goodman ushered Huang Xiaolong

to the main seat. One must know, the front hall’s main seat
was the Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck’s throne. As the Liege
Lord Beast God of the beastmen tribe, Goodman didn’t think
there was anything wrong with Huang Xiaolong occupying
the Tiger Tribe’s throne.

“Liege Lord Beast God, I shall go inform the Patriarch, and

bring the him over.” Goodman said.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Goodman saluted before he turned around and left. But, just

as he was about to step out from the front hall, an old fellow
dressed in a fine brocade robe entered the front hall from
outside, coincidentally running into Goodman.

This old fellow was the Sacred Tiger Manor’s chief steward,
Ellington. Not only was Ellington the Sacred Tiger Manor’s
chief steward, he was also one of Tiger Tribe’s top ten
experts, with strength parallel to Goodman.

However, saying that the two people’s relationship wasn’t

harmonious was putting it mildly.

Ellington was slightly surprised running into Goodman in the

Sacred Tiger Manor’s front hall. He was about to speak when
he caught sight of a black-haired young man sitting on the
Patriarch’s throne seat. This instantly enraged Ellington.

“This damn thing! Get off from there this instant!” Ellington
already attacked Huang Xiaolong as he shouted.

Almost at the same time that Ellington attacked, a figure

flickered, appearing between Ellington and Huang Xiaolong,
dispersing Ellington’s attack with a wave of his hand.

Their bodies trembled from the impact, separating from

each other simultaneously.

“Goodman!” Ellington glowered at him, “What is the

meaning of this? How dare you hinder me? What is this
damn human doing here?! Sitting on our Tiger Tribe
Patriarch’s throne!”

Goodman’s expression was aloof, “I will explain this matter

to the Patriarch, there’s no need for you to trouble yourself.”

Ellington’s anger soared, fire burning in his eyes, “What

you’re saying is, you are the one who brought this human
into the Sacred Tiger Manor? Moreover, it was also you who
allowed him to sit on the Patriarch’s throne! Goodman,
you’re getting more audacious! How dare you rebel,
planning an usurpation!”

Ellington instantly capped Goodman with the crime of

usurpation. In any tribe, this warranted a death penalty!

“People, come!” Ellington’s angry roar echoed in the front


In the blink of an eye, all the nearby guards rushed into the
front hall.

“Goodman is planning to usurp the Patriarch! Capture him!

As for that human, kill him on the spot!” Ellington pointed at
Goodman and Huang Xiaolong.

The guards exchanged glances amongst themselves, but no

one dared to step up to apprehend Goodman.
Disregarding two of Goodman’s identities as a Tiger Tribe’s
ranked expert and Hundred Tiger City’s Castellan, Goodman
was also an Elder of the Tiger Tribe. Even given a hundred
guts, they still wouldn’t dare to offend Goodman unless it
was the Patriarch who gave the command.

Furthermore, Goodman and Ellington’s discord was no big

secret. As small-time guards, none of them wanted to be
pulled into the rivalry between them.

Although the Tiger Tribe guards dared not act against

Goodman, they were still angered seeing Huang Xiaolong
sitting on the Patriarch’s throne. The throne seat was their
Tiger Tribe’s sacred position, only their Tiger Tribe’s
Patriarch was qualified to sit on the throne. Now, there was
actually a human sitting on it, this was blasphemy! A stain!

All the guards focused their attacks on Huang Xiaolong


Seeing this, Goodman wanted to stop them, but was

entangled by Ellington.

In that split second, Ellington saw the young human sitting

on the throne lift his palm, and with turn of his wrist,
glowing aureate rings flashed through the air. All the guards’
actions were halted.

Ellington was astounded. He could tell that this move wasn’t

a Saint realm expert’s space manipulation, but a kind of
battle skill.

Huang Xiaolong used the God Binding Palm to keep the

Tiger Tribe’s guards in place, then he clenched his fist and
sent a Great Void Divine Fist at Ellington. Alarmed, Ellington
raised his arm in panic to defend against Huang Xiaolong’s
sudden attack.
A booming collision shook the front hall, fierce energy
shockwaves forced Ellington to stagger to the edge of the
front hall.

Falling at such a disadvantage against a human was great

humiliation in Ellington’s eyes.

“Who dares to cause trouble in my Sacred Tiger Manor!” An

angry, majestic voice suddenly rang out in the front hall.
From a distance away, a figure with overwhelming power
was seen whistling through the air at rapid speed.

A second later, that figure landed in the front hall, tremors

rippled across the ground as if a heavy mountain had
dropped on it.

This person was none other than the Tiger Tribe’s Patriarch,
Chuck, a peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm expert!

As soon as Chuck arrived, a suffocating pressure washed

over Huang Xiaolong.

“Patriarch!” Both Goodman and Ellington hurried forward to

greet Chuck’s arrival.

Chuck nodded, “What is happening here?” His gazed were

directed at the many guards that were frozen in place.

“Patriarch, this human was brought inside the Sacred Tiger

Manor by Goodman. When I just arrived in the front hall, I
saw this human sitting on the throne.” Before Goodman
could speak, Ellington seized the chance to speak first: “I
was about to behead this human as punishment, but
Goodman tried to stop me instead!”

“Is that right?” Chuck looked at Goodman, a sharp glint in

his eyes.
If Goodman failed to give him a satisfactory explanation for
this. Even taking into consideration all of Goodman’s merits
to the tribe these years, he would not hesitate to take it to
himself to kill these two on the spot!

Goodman did not say anything by way of explanation, he

merely turned toward Huang Xiaolong.

This small action doubled, tripled the killing intent in

Chuck’s heart.

At this point in time, Chuck saw the young human take out a
cane-like scepter. From the scepter, he could feel an
immense coercive pressure that struck at the core of his
soul, originating from days of old.

Ellington too felt the same immense pressure.

Taking out the Beast God Scepter, Huang Xiaolong stabbed

it into the floor.

The whole Sacred Tiger Manor trembled. With the Beast God
Scepter as the epicenter, deep fissures lined the ground
surface in all directions and continued to extend further out.
One after another, images of mythical beasts flew out from
the Beast God Scepter.
Chapter 458: I Object!

The images of the ancient mythical beasts roared skyward,

enveloping the entire manor space with terrifying pressure.

Chuck, Ellington, Goodman, and the guards nearby felt

unprecedented fear from their souls.

“Beast, Beast God Scepter!!!” A tremor could be heard in

Chuck’s voice, both his legs gave out, falling into a kneel on
both knees.

A thunderclap boomed in Ellington’s mind, falling to his

knees and shivering from head to toe.

The Beast God’s Scepter!

The legendary, supreme sacrament of their beastmen


When he subjugated Goodman, Huang Xiaolong found out

from Goodman’s mouth that the Beast God Scepter
contained a coercive pressure that affected on their souls.
That stoked his curiosity to study the Beast God Scepter.

Later, he discovered that inside the mythical beast head

carving on the beast God Scepter, there were actually
sealed souls of ancient beasts. As long as he pierced
through the seal around the mythical beast head carving,
those ancient beasts’ souls would fly out. At that time, the
bloodline contained inside the Beast God Scepter would be
stimulated to the fullest!

When both the ancient beast souls and bloodline inside the
Beast God Scepter were stimulated, its repressive power
over the beastmen was absolute.
Huang Xiaolong watched with detachment at the people
kneeling down before him; Chuck, Ellington, and Goodman.
Then, he slowly walked toward the three people, stopping
right in front of Ellington. Without a word, Huang Xiaolong
raised the Beast God Scepter in his hand and stabbed into
Ellington’s chest. Just like the collision with mountain at
rapid speed, Ellington’s body rebounded back in screaming

Even so, Ellington hastily postured himself in a kneeling

posture, not bothering to wipe away the blood flowing from
his mouth, kowtowing to Huang Xiaolong, “Mercy, Liege
Lord Beast God!” Fear seeped into his voice as he cried for

As the second strongest person amongst the beastmen

present, Chuck’s heart trembled, yet he dared not move nor

“What did you say just now? Rebellion and usurpation?”

Huang Xiaolong questioned coldly.

“I didn’t know it was Liege Lord Beast God!” Ellington

wailed, “I deserve to die, I deserve to die!” He persistently
knocked his head against the hard floor, “Please, I beg Liege
Lord Beast God to show mercy on me once!”

Huang Xiaolong snorted in reply and turned to Chuck.

Chuck’s heart tightened nervously.

Step by step, Huang Xiaolong moved closer to Chuck,

stopping in front of him. The Beast God Scepter in Huang
Xiaolong’s hand was glowing softly, the eyes of the mythical
beast head carving were shining a scarlet red.

Beads of sweat trickled down Chuck’s forehead.

“Rise.” Huang Xiaolong finally said.

The tensed atmosphere in the front hall immediately


Both Chuck and Ellington felt like they had just survived the
greatest ordeal of their lives. Only after saying thanks in
gratitude did they dare to stand up.

The three lined up in an orderly manner on one side.

Looking at the group of Tiger Tribe guards, a flash of purple

shone in Huang Xiaolong’s pupils, multiple purple lights
shining from the character ‘soul’ entered those guards’
consciousnesses through the center of their eyebrows.

“I just erased their memory of today’s event, order them to

retreat.” Huang Xiaolong said to Chuck. For now, he didn’t
wish for too many people to know his identity, which was
why Huang Xiaolong erased the Tiger Tribe guards’

Chuck, Ellington, and Goodman were shocked.

Erased memories! This was something that very few God

Realm masters could do!

“Yes, Liege Lord Beast God!” Chuck recovered the fastest

among the three, acknowledging Huang Xiaolong’s order
respectfully. He sent the guards away, strictly stressing that
without his expressed order, no one was allowed to come
close to the front hall.

After all the guards left the front hall, the three beastmen
remaining stood quietly, no one dared to utter a sound.
Huang Xiaolong pointed at the throne seat at the center,
“Can I sit now?”

Chuck and Ellington nearly jumped out of their skins at that


“Liege Lord Beast God, sit, please sit, please sit!” Chuck and
Ellington started to speak in a loop.

Finally, Huang Xiaolong sat down.

“Chuck, pass the order, all Tiger Tribe’s Saint realm experts
are to converge in the Sacred Tiger City.” Huang Xiaolong
ordered, once he reined in those Tiger Tribe’s Saint realm
experts, the Tiger Tribe would be under his control.

“As you ordered, Liege Lord!” Chuck complied, bowing

slightly in salute.

Chuck immediately carried out the task, sending orders to

all Tiger Tribe’s Saint realm experts to assemble in Sacred
Tiger Manor as soon as possible. Moreover, the last one to
arrive would be subjected to the tribe law punishment.

With just one order from Chuck, all the Tiger Tribe’s Saint
realm experts made haste, speeding to the Sacred Tiger

One of the Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts was just

displaying the prowess of his ‘tiger whip’ when he received
the order, and his ‘tiger whip’ instantly shrunk and deflated.

Three days later, all the Tiger Tribe’s Saint realm experts
had rushed over. The last one to arrive was the Tiger Tribe’s
High Priest, Leibert.
When the Tiger Tribe’s Saint realm experts had assembled,
Chuck called everyone into the front hall.

The floor that cracked three days earlier under Huang

Xiaolong’s Beast God Scepter had already been repaired, no
clues could be seen of the damages it suffered just days

What confused those Saint realm experts was that today,

their Tiger Tribe Patriarch did not sit on the throne like he
always did, but on a newly added seat down from the

In silence, everyone exchanged a doubtful look amongst


What is happening here?

Also, why did their Patriarch had them assemble in such a


An awkward silence filled the air, though many were

doubtful and surprised, no one asked.

“Patriarch, I have something to report.” A moment later,

taking the first seat on the left, High Priest Leibert stood up
and said, breaking the silence. “Some days ago, a human
trespassed into my disciple Bobby’s residence, even
breaking both of my disciple’s arms. Who knew that after
the matter, Goodman actually sided with the human and
killed my disciple!”

“Goodman favored outsiders, joining hands with them to kill

my disciple. I implore Patriarch to mete out punishment to
Goodman according to the tribe law!”
Leibert’s eyes looked at Goodman, filled with intense hatred
as he said this.

Bobby was his proudest disciple and had hopes of

advancing into the Saint realm.

This news stirred the present Saint realm experts, those who
were loggerheads with Goodman had gloating expressions
on their faces.

When everyone thought that Goodman would receive

punishment without a doubt, Chuck waved his hand, “I’m
aware of this matter, we’ll discuss this matter in the future.
Leibert, I have stated in my order, gathering all of you here,
whoever arrived last would receive punishment.”

This was like a bolt out of the blue.

Discuss in the future? But everyone could tell from the

Patriarch’s tone that Goodman wouldn’t be punished!

Goodman was pardoned, but Leibert was to be punished!

Just because he was the last one to arrive.

“Patriarch, you…!” Leibert looked at Chuck in disbelief, even

wondering if he had heard wrongly just now.

Chuck continued, “Considering the many merits you have

contributed to the Tiger Tribe, after the meeting, you’ll be
imprisoned in the poison dungeon for one year.”

Poison dungeon!

Everyone drew in a cold breath.

The poison dungeon was the Tiger Tribe’s most terrifying

prison. Inside it lived various different kinds of poisonous
worms and insects. After being bitten by those poisonous
insects, one wouldn’t die, but the pain was excruciating.

Leibert was shocked and angry, “Patriarch, I object!”

“Object?” A cold voice interjected from outside, then

everyone saw a young human walking into the hall.

The group of Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts was stunned.

“Insolent! Who allowed you to enter into the Sacred Tiger

Manor!” Seeing a human entering the hall, a Tiger Tribe
Saint realm expert bellowed, but right when he was about to
attack, the corner of his eye saw the Patriarch, Ellington,
and Goodman rise to their feet respectfully and hurried
before this young human. “Liege Lord!”

Liege Lord?!

Everyone was dumbstruck.
Chapter 459: I Support Leibert!

Huang Xiaolong walked to the Tiger Tribe throne and sat


At that moment, the Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts realized

that today, their Patriarch’s throne seat was reserved for
this human.

After he sat down, Huang Xiaolong scanned the Tiger Tribe


Without Huang Xiaolong’s expressed permission, Chuck

dared not sit, and seeing their Patriarch standing, the Tiger
Tribe Saint realm experts dared not sit either.

Finally, Huang Xiaolong’ gaze fell on the Tiger Tribe High

Priest, Leibert, saying, “I’m the one who killed your

The sudden admittance was a shock to everyone.

Leibert looked at Chuck and then at Goodman. Then he

sneered facing Chuck, “So, it’s like this; Goodman aided a
human outsider to kill my disciple, but not only you did not
punish him, you even tried to imprison me instead! So you
and Goodman have surrendered to a human!”

Leibert turned towards the assembled Tiger Tribe Saint

realm experts, “Everyone, you all have seen it with your
own eyes, Chuck betrayed our Tiger Tribe, surrendering
under a human, he is no longer qualified to be our Tiger
Tribe’s Patriarch! I suggest the removal of Chuck from his
Patriarch position, and the imprisonment of Chuck,
Goodman, and Ellington on the crime of treason!”
According to the Tiger Tribe’s law, if more than sixty percent
of tribe experts agreed, they could remove the Patriarch
from his position.

As the Tiger Tribe’s High Priest, Leibert had a significant

amount of influence within the tribe, only second to Chuck.
He had many supporters amongst the tribe’s experts which
were also the main reason why he dared to as such at this

As expected, barely a moment after Leibert spoke, a Tiger

Tribe Saint realm expert, Parson, stepped forward, “That’s
right! Chuck, as our Tiger Tribe Patriarch, actually humbled
himself to a human, this is a sin of betrayal to our Tiger
Tribe, deserving death! He’s not qualified to be our Tiger
Tribe’s Patriarch, I suggest that Chuck be removed and have
Leibert lead our tribe as the Patriarch from now on!”

“I second that, strength wise Leibert is as strong as Chuck.

In recent years, Leibert has annihilated the Devil Scorpion
Tribe and had the Sky Ant Tribe surrender under our Tiger
Tribe, all these are meritorious deeds for our Tiger Tribe. In
my opinion, only Leibert is qualified to be our Patriarch!”
Another Saint realm expert Dunham stated.

All in all, there were twelve people agreeing.

A feeling of proud complacency swirled in Leibert’s heart,

throwing a provocative look toward Chuck.

He had twelve people’s votes, thirteen including himself. If

he had sixteen people on his side, that would surpass the
required sixty percent, he merely needed three more votes.

The remaining Saint realm experts exchanged looks

amongst themselves.
In fact, those Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts had been
Chuck’s avid supporters, however, now that Chuck allied
himself under a human, it greatly disappointed them. Not to
mention the uncomfortable feeling in their hearts.

For in their eyes, a human’s status was at the lowest rung,

yet their Patriarch actually served under a human now!

“Patriarch, you, really surrendered to this human?” A Saint

realm expert named Bass that has always stood by Chuck

“Correct.” Chuck calmly answered.

Bass was extremely disappointed hearing the answer.

“Chuck, then I am sorry. I support Leibert as our Tiger Tribe’s

Patriarch!” Bass stated, his reference to Chuck has already

Inward;y, Leibert was somersaulting with joy as he glanced

at Chuck, now, he only needed two more people to support
him, then he would the Tiger Tribe’s new Patriarch.

“I also support Leibert!” Another Saint realm expert


Only one more!

The smile on Leibert’s face has begun to bloom yet Chuck

remained unperturbed by the situation and the smile on
Leibert’s face.

“I’ll also support Leibert!” Another Tiger Tribe Saint realm

expert declared.
The smile on Leibert bloomed, turning into a hearty laugh, “I
thank everyone! Please rest assured, after taking the
Patriarch position, I will strive to make our Tiger Tribe the
beastmen’s first tribe!” He proclaimed with beaming

He then turned to Chuck with a cold snicker, “I have sixteen

people supporting me, meaning that I am the new Patriarch!
Chuck, you actually submitted to a human that colluded
with Goodman to kill my disciple, your punishment shall be
imprisonment in the Poison Dungeon for one hundred

One hundred years!

Everyone had an unnatural expression on their faces.

One year inside the Poison Dungeon was already a living

nightmare, compared to the excruciating torture of being
imprisoned there for a hundred years, death was a better
option by far. Leibert was retaliating against Chuck for
wanting to imprison him in the Poison Dungeon for a year.

Huang Xiaolong watched the whole farce calmly without

interjecting a word the entire time.

After stating Chuck, Goodman, and Ellington’s punishment,

Leibert’s sharp gaze was fixed on Huang Xiaolong. “Punk,
how dare you kill my disciple! On top of that, a lowly human
is so brazen as to sit on our Tiger Tribe’s throne! But, don’t
worry, I won’t let you die so easily, I will throw you into the
Poison Dungeon, for all eternity till the day you wish for

“Guards, capture this lowly human for me!”

“Yes, Patriarch!” Immediately, Parson and Dunham who
were standing beside Leibert acknowledged loudly and
leaped forward, wanting to capture Huang Xiaolong.
However, just as the two of them acted, three silhouettes
moved to block in front of them.

This stunned everyone.

“Chuck, what are you three trying to do?!” Leibert glared

angrily, “At this stage, you still refuse to yield?!”

The three who blocked Parson and Dunham were none other
than Chuck, Goodman, and Ellington.

Chuck looked coldly at Leibert, “Leibert, you will regret this

in a little while!”

Leibert laughed in anger, “Regret? You say I will regret?

Chuck, if the three of you insist to go against me, then don’t
blame me if I order for your immediate execution as

A murderous aura flowed from Leibert’s body.

Everyone could clearly tell that if Chuck, Goodman, and

Ellington continued to hinder him, Leibert would not hesitate
to give out the ‘execution on the spot’ order.

“The three of you retreat.” Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong who

has been keeping silence the entire time spoke.

The three complied and retreated to the side.

This drew everyone’s attention on Huang Xiaolong.

Leibert sneered watching this, he really wanted to see what

this lowly human would do next; kneel down in front of him
and beg for mercy? Or try to escape?

But in the next moment, a light flashed in the human’s hand

and a cane-like scepter appeared in his palm. This scepter
actually made him feel a sliver of fear deep in his soul.

This is…?!

Huang Xiaolong took out the Beast God Scepter and imbued
it with battle qi. Just like three days ago, he stabbed the
scepter into the floor, releasing a powerful energy
shockwave in all directions. Countless images of ancient
mythical beasts flew out, the whole Beast God Scepter was
glimmering in a red glow.

Fear filled Leibert, Parson, Dunham, and the rest of the Saint
realm experts.

“Beast, Beast God Scepter!”

A voice exclaimed, and in a split second, those Saint realm

experts were on their knees.

The Beast God Scepter!

Liebert felt something exploded in his mind, barely able to

think straight.

This human actually possessed their beastmen’s holy

sacrament, then, that means—Beast God! Their beastmen
tribes’ Beast God!

Leibert’s face was drained of all color, trembling.

By this point, all the Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts finally
understood why Chuck, Ellington, and Goodman submitted
to this human. Why Goodman would kill Leibert’s disciple,
why Chuck punished Leibert instead!

It wasn’t because those three were out of their minds.
Chapter 460: Beastmen Tribes Congregation

All the Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts that supported Leiber
earlier turned paler by the second, large beads of sweat
flowed down their foreheads, especially the two who
listened to Leibert’s instruction to capture Huang Xiaolong,
Parson, and Dunham.

Irreversible regret hit them too late as they recalled the

words Chuck said to Leibert just moments ago: You will
regret this!

Huang Xiaolong continued to channel battle qi into the

Beast God Scepter, pushing the power of the scepter to the
fullest. The coercive pressure felt by the Tiger Tribe Saint
realm experts increased greatly, as if an insurmountable
mountain crushed on their bodies.

The pressure continued, and right when it felt like they

couldn’t bear even a second more, Huang Xiaolong finally
stopped infusing the Beast God Scepter with his battle qi.
The immense pressure exuded by the scepter instantly
vanished from the front hall.

All the Saint realm experts heaved and panted breathlessly,

an inch from collapsing.

Huang Xiaolong slowly approached Leibert.

Leibert’s face was pale green, drained of blood. There was

only unspeakable fear imprisoning his body.

Huang Xiaolong raised the Beast God Scepter and stabbed

the other end into Leibert’s chest, exactly as Ellington’s
experience three days prior. Leibert flew out without any
resistance after he was struck on the chest by the scepter.
Witnessing this scene, the others shivered from the core.

“Beast, Liege Lord Beast God, have mercy!” Leibert pleaded

many times over.

Huang Xiaolong approached him again and Leibert was

struck again with the scepter on the chest.

A loud blast resounded and hearts clenched with

apprehension while Leibert’s body was sent flying again.

Huang Xiaolong approached, meting another strike. This

time, Leibert couldn’t get up anymore.

The Beast God Scepter held a portion of the previous Beast

God’s power, a light stroke on a beastman’s body was
enough to inflict a grave injury on them, not to mention
those three strikes from Huang Xiaolong were doled out with
a heavy hand.

As the Tiger Tribe’s High Priest, his strength rivaled Chuck as

the second strongest person within the ranks of Tiger Tribe,
but despite that, before Huang Xiaolong, he failed to muster
even a shred of resistance.

It short, to Huang Xiaolong, Leibert was no different than a

weak Xiantian realm warrior.

The gazes directed at Huang Xiaolong from around the hall

were anything but simple fear.

Huang Xiaolong’s expression didn’t change much, “Leibert’s

High Priest position will be removed, then he shall be
imprisoned in the Poison Dungeon for three years! After
three years, further decisions will be made if he repents!”
Hearing his life being decided, Leibert struggled to get to his
feet, bowing respectfully to Huang Xiaolong, “This one thank
the Liege Lord Beast God for sparing this one’s life!” To
Leibert, Huang Xiaolong’s willingness to spare his life was
the biggest exoneration.

He dared not bear any complaints in his heart.

“I do not wish a word of what happened today to get out!”

Huang Xiaolong scanned the group of Tiger Tribe Saint realm
experts, whoever dared to leak a word out, the result would
be death by the Beast God Scepter! Murderous intent
surged in the air.

Chuck and the others quickly complied feeling the whelming

murderous aura coming from Huang Xiaolong.

It was clear to everyone that Huang Xiaolong did not wish

for his Beast God identity to be exposed at this time.

Ordering the guards to bring Leibert away, Huang Xiaolong

once again sat on the throne seat in the hall while the Tiger
Tribe experts were still on their knees.

“Stand up.” The permission finally came.

Feeling like their lives were pardoned, the experts stood up

respectfully after giving their thanks.

“Sit.” Huang Xiaolong commanded.

At Huang Xiaolong’s command, everyone took a seat.

Organizing his thoughts, Huang Xiaolong said, “I need

Dragon God Grass, who among you has Dragon God Grass
or know of its whereabouts?”
With these Saint realms experts under his command, Huang
Xiaolong wasn’t in a hurry to control the whole Tiger Tribe.
For him, the most crucial was still to enhance his own

“Liege Lord needs Dragon God Grass?” Chuck stood up

hearing that, venturing with caution, “This little one has
three stalks of Dragon God Grass.” With that said, Chuck
took out all three Dragon God Grass from his spatial ring,
offering them up with both hands to Huang Xiaolong.

From the other Saint realm experts, another three people

stood up, respectfully offering up the Dragon God Grass in
their possession.

In total, Huang Xiaolong collected ten stalks.

Ten stalks, this would allow Huang Xiaolong to refine

another primordial divine dragon!

Huang Xiaolong was happy, he didn’t expect that a casual

question without harboring much hope would really result in
people with Dragon God Grass appearing!

“Wonderful, wonderful!” Putting away the ten stalks Dragon

God Grass, Huang Xiaolong was in a generous mood, “I’m a
person that’s fair in punishment and reward, Chuck, these
three Dragon Blood Crystals are yours!” Huang Xiaolong
said as he took out three pieces of Dragon Blood Crystals.

Everyone was flabbergasted looking at the three pieces of

lustrous ruby red crystal falling into Chuck’s hands.

Dragon Blood Crystal! Heated gazes filled the hall.

Dragon Blood Crystals contained the Dragon Clan’s blood

essence and true dragon essence, one could imagine the
benefits for beastmen in their cultivation!

“No no no, Liege Lord, how could I receive your Dragon

Blood Crystals!” Chuck shook his head and waved his hand
to decline after regaining his senses.

“Keep it!” Huang Xiaolong waved his hand with irrefutable


Seeing this, Chuck no longer refuse. Giving his thanks to

Huang Xiaolong, Chuck put away the three pieces of Dragon
Blood Crystals.

Huang Xiaolong also rewarded the other three people

according to the number of Dragon God Grass given.

All three were delighted, giving their thanks profusely.

“Liege Lord Beast God, this subordinate knows a place that

has Dragon God Grass.” Ellington stood up to report.

“Are you referring to Poison Dragon Valley?” Huang Xiaolong


Ellington answered with respect, “Yes, Liege Lord Beast

God.” Then Ellington continued to describe the situation
inside the Poison Dragon Valley. Similar to Shi Fantian’s
description, he mainly emphasized the various and many
poisonous insects and creatures, thus its danger.

Other Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts that had knowledge of

the Poison Dragon Valley also shared their experiences with
Huang Xiaolong.

From them, Huang Xiaolong also understood the Tiger

Tribe’s position amongst other beastmen tribes.
It was half a day later when Huang Xiaolong excused
everyone from the front hall, leaving only Chuck, setting
him to some tasks. In the end, he informed Chuck that he
would enter closed-door practice for some time, and without
his expressed permission, no one was allowed to disturb

Chuck heeded each of Huang Xiaolong’s orders to the letter.

With things settled, Huang Xiaolong began his closed-door

practiced in a secluded courtyard on the manor grounds.

Sitting cross-legged in the center of the Ten Buddha

Formation in the Xumi Temple, Huang Xiaolong swallowed
eight stalks of Dragon God Grass in one go.

This time, Huang Xiaolong planned to refine the white


Like the black dragon, the white dragon’s strength ranked in

the middle amongst the thirteen primordial divine dragon
corpses that Huang Xiaolong had. The black dragon
controlled the power of darkness while the white dragon
ruled the element of light.

When darkness and light blend with each other, like fire and
water, it would bring unimaginable benefits to Huang
Xiaolong’s enlightenment in cultivation.

Half a year passed by.

Compared to the Tiger Tribe’s usual demeanor, this half a

year, their behavior seemed reined in, even with other
tribes’ provocations, the Tiger Tribe took a step back
instead. This made the other tribes feel that something was
In the Lion Tribe’s headquarters in Alpha Lion City’s
Castellan Manor, the Lion Tribe’s reigning Patriarch, Andrew,
was pacing back and forth with a stern, contemplative
expression on his face. His actions halted all of a sudden,
speaking to his steward, Andy, “Andy, how do you see the
Tiger Tribe’s behavior for the last six months?”

“This subordinate is also very much baffled. However, this

subordinate thinks that this matter is very likely related to
the assembly of all Tiger Tribe’s Saint realm experts that
Chuck summoned half a year ago.” Andy continued in a
solemn voice, “This subordinate also found out that Chuck
sentenced Leibert to three years of imprisonment inside the
Poison Dungeon!”

Andrew sneered, “Regardless of what Chuck and the Tiger

Tribe are plotting, our plans remain unchanged, the
Beastmen Tribes Congregation shall take place in two
months’ time.”

Andy reported, “The Wolf Tribe, Snake Tribe, and the Fox
Tribe have agreed to ally with us, this time in the Beastmen
Tribes Congregation, Patriarch will definitely be elected as
the new Beast God, uniting all the beastmen, with glorious
deeds that will be passed on for generations!”

Andrew showed a satisfied smile and nodded.

At this time, inside the Xumi Temple, the white dragon’s

essence rushed into Huang Xiaolong’s body. He finally broke
through to Seventh Order Saint realm.

Another month passed. Huang Xiaolong had fully refined

and absorbed the blood and true dragon essence of the
white dragon.
Chapter 461: Entering The
Poison Dragon Valley
Chapter 461: Entering the Poison Dragon Valley

He exited the Xumi Temple after fully refining the primordial

divine white dragon, consolidating his new breakthrough
powers and reaching the peak of early-Seventh Order Saint

Before this, though Huang Xiaolong was a peak late-Sixth

Order Saint realm expert, the thin line between a Sixth
Order and a Seventh Order Saint realm in fact represented a
monumental gap of strength. Advancing into the Seventh
Order Saint realm meant that one was a high-level Saint
realm expert.

The difference in his strength, compared to before, was like

the distance between heaven and earth.

It could be said that if Huang Xiaolong were to battle the

Cosmos God Cult Young Lord Xie Hui at this point, he could
easily roll Xie Hui between his thumb and forefinger like a

Huang Xiaolong’s dantian seemed to have transformed too;

the many thunderballs hovering in the upper part of his
dantian dissolved and merged with the others, leaving just
ten of them now.

The true essence energy contained inside each of these

thunderballs was a terrifying hundred times stronger.
In the midst of all these good news, the Tiger Tribe Patriarch
Chuck sought Huang Xiaolong the moment he exited,
reporting, “Liege Lord Beast God, in another month, our
beastmen tribes’ congregation will take place. This little one
received information that in this time’s tribes congregation,
the Lion Tribe’s Andrew has rallied support from the Wolf
Tribe, Snake Tribe, and Fox Tribe with the aim of electing a
new Beast God during the tribes’ congregation!”

“Oh…” A light flitted in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, this was a

little unexpected.

“Furthermore, the message also said that Andrew managed

to contact the Deities Templar and received their aid, that
means that in the coming tribes’ congregation, there would
a lot of Deities Templar experts present to support Andrew
on that day!” Patriarch Chuck added.

Deities Templar! The look in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes

sharpened at the mentioned of Deities Templar, “Is that so?”

This Deities Templar truly resembled a stubborn lingering

spirit that refused to move on, regardless of where he went,
he would run into them!

“Will Deities Templar’s Li Molin and Liu Yang be there?”

Huang Xiaolong asked.

Noticing the sudden change of atmosphere around Huang

Xiaolong, Chuck felt strange, but he didn’t forget his place,
replying respectfully he said, “That is so, Liege Lord Beast
God, it was said that this time, the Deities Templar’s Li
Molin, Liu Yang, and some others will come, but how many
experts they will send in total, this little one doesn’t know
for now.”
Li Molin! A cold sneer raised at the corner of Huang
Xiaolong’s mouth.

That wretched woman was lucky enough to escape the last

few times, this time, he would make sure she wouldn’t be
able to return!

Then, Huang Xiaolong asked Chuck more questions related

to the beast tribes congregation.

The annual beast tribes congregation was held at the square

in front of the Beast God Shrine.

During the congregation, there would be a sparring

competition between the disciples of each tribe. For a long
time, the number one place had always been taken by
disciples from the Lion Tribe, with the Tiger Tribe taking
second place after the Lion Tribe, Wolf Tribe third, the Snake
Tribe at fourth place, and at the fifth place the Fox Tribe.

After hearing Chuck’s report, Huang Xiaolong excused him.

There was still one month’s time until the beastmen tribes
congregation, and traveling from the Sacred Tiger City to
the Beast God Shrine would take ten days. There were
twenty days till them, therefore Huang Xiaolong decided to
first make the trip to Poison Dragon Valley.

Since even the Tiger Tribe’s Saint realm experts said that
there was Dragon God Grass within the Poison Dragon
Valley, then he shouldn’t return empty-handed. However, he
decided to proceed alone instead of bringing Chuck or the

The next morning, Huang Xiaolong left the Sacred Tiger City,
flying at breakneck speed in the Poison Dragon Valley’s
The Poison Dragon Valley was relatively close to the Sacred
Tiger City, so after one day of travel, Huang Xiaolong
reached his destination.

Like the Demonic Beasts Forest on the Snow Wind

Continent, the Poison Dragon Valley was a land that had
existed since long ago, a perilous land to the beastmen, yet
also a eutopia of poison. Here, one could find almost all of
Martial Spirit World’s most toxic beings.

Standing in front of the path leading into the valley, he

could see intertwining green mists flowing out.

Taking a deep breath, Huang Xiaolong’s figure blurred in a

flicker, entering the Poison Dragon Valley.

The moment Huang Xiaolong flew inside, his body was

shrouded by poisonous green mist, but even though that
faint green mist was highly toxic, it bore no danger to Saint
realm experts. He didn’t even bother to erect a battle qi
barrier to protect himself, flying deeper into the valley at
increased speed.

The Poison Dragon Valley was relatively smaller in

comparison to the Demonic Beast Forest at half its size, and
yet it was bigger than any empire’s territory on Snow Wind

Three days later, Huang Xiaolong stopped at a forest area in

the Poison Dragon Valley.

The poisonous mist in this area was colored red, purple,

golden, black, a combination of several colors akin to a
gorgeous rainbow instead of the common green mist he
came across before.
Huang Xiaolong knew that the more vivid and colorful the
poisonous mist was, the higher its lethality. Observing the
sea of colorful poisonous mist in front of him, he actually felt
a trace of danger.

This pool of poison mist could affect even Saint realm


Although he had refined four primordial divine dragons and

his True Dragon Physique reached the limit of being
perverse, he still took precaution by swallowing a Jasper
Lotus and ran his Asura qi to create a vigor barrier of Asura
qi before flying into the forest area.

The instant he entered the colorful sea of poison mist, he

felt its horrifying corrosive power as the mist tangled around
him. It actually corroded the surface of his Asura qi vigor

As the Asura qi vigor barrier continued to thin, he had no

other choice but to run his Asura qi to maintain the
protective barrier. However, one hour later, Huang Xiaolong
noticed that his battle qi was being depleted at a rapid
speed, taking more than what he needed to battle an Eighth
Order Saint realm expert.

Two hours later, Huang Xiaolong needed to use his martial

spirit’s Instant Recovery to replenish his exhausted battle qi.

Just as Huang Xiaolong was about to come out from the

colorful sea of poison mist, something with strong malicious
intent attacked him out of nowhere. Huang Xiaolong’s palm
struck out in defense. Borrowing the collision force, he
leaped far away to the side.

The enormous creature was sent flying by Huang Xiaolong’s

palm, knocking off rows of trees and bushes as it crashed
heavily to the ground.

Checking out his attacker, it turned out to be a colorful

striped giant python. This giant python was over twenty
zhang in length, thick as a water barrel with a blood crown
protruding in its forehead.

“Bloodcrown Poison Python!” With a glance, Huang Xiaolong

recognized what beast it was.

Among pythons, only a rare few were poisonous, but the

Bloodcrown Poison Python below him was highly toxic. There
were rumors that a Saint realm expert bitten by Bloodcrown
Poison Python had his entire arm corroded in the blink of an

Huang Xiaolong flew down and walked toward the

Bloodcrown Poison Python, his counter-attack just now
actually killed it. The Bloodcrown Poison Python in front of
him had reached Saint realm, and although it was only First
Order Saint realm, the beast core inside its body was good
stuff. Carrying the beast core on him would repel many of
the surrounding poisons.

He easily slit the python’s head, removed the beast core

and swiftly left the spot.

As expected, Huang Xiaolong noticed that after carrying the

Bloodcrown Poison Python’s beast core, the poisonous mist
around avoided him, forming a clear ten-meter radius
around his body.

Moments later, he was out from the forest area, arriving

before an undulating mountainous region.

These mountains before him were colored in shades of dark

purple, an indication of the toxicity level that caused even
the soil to change color.

Huang Xiaolong flew forward with caution.

Two days later, Huang Xiaolong suddenly stopped on a small

hilltop detecting a familiar scent somewhere ahead. ‘This
is… a dragon’s smell?!’

After refining four primordial divine dragons, he was

extremely sensitive toward the smell that was even mildly
related to dragons.

Could it be the Dragon God Grass?! Huang Xiaolong was

delighted at the thought.
Chapter 462: Running Into
The Lion Tribe
Chapter 462: Running Into the Lion Tribe

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong sped off in one direction,

tracing the dragon scent. A short while later, he reached the
bottom of a cliff.

Indeed, there was Dragon God Grass! Huang Xiaolong’s

eyes lit up.

Looking up on the cliff wall, around a hundred zhang high,

there were three little plants protruding out, shaped like
majestic primordial divine dragons.

Huang Xiaolong leaped up, his hand reaching out to grasp

the three stalks of Dragon God Grass, but exactly at this
moment, a figure rushed at him at breakneck speed as wind
howled behind him. The figure punched at Huang Xiaolong
with undisguised killing intent.

The fist force struck out like surging layers of tsunami,

containing the power to destroy everything in its path.

Alarmed at the sudden ambush, Huang Xiaolong had no

time to collect the Dragon God Grass at this moment, his
body swiftly whirled around and countered the attack with
his palm.

A booming blast rendered the air and gravel crumbled down

from the cliff wall.

Huang Xiaolong landed gently on the ground from mid air.

“Ei!” The attacker was surprised that Huang Xiaolong was
able to take a hit from him head on, then another two
figures were seen speeding towards them.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed, these three people were

clearly part of one group. Moreover, judging from their
dressing and appearance, all three were members of the
Lion Tribe. On top of that, all three were Saint realm experts.

Two of the three were high-level Saint realm experts, while

the youngest one was slightly weaker, a Fifth Order Saint

The youngest one walked over, scrutinizing Huang Xiaolong

from top to bottom, “Human race?” He pointed toward the
three stalks Dragon God Grass on the cliff wall and said to
Huang Xiaolong, “I want those three stalks of Dragon God
Grass. You can leave, I won’t kill you!” the condescending
tone was irrefutable.

In that single exchange just now, although Huang Xiaolong

was quick, it wasn’t enough for that Lion Tribe expert to pay
any attention to him.

“And if I don’t leave?” Huang Xiaolong retorted.

The young one revealed a malicious smile, “Do you think

you can fight the three of us? Let me tell you, I’m the Lion
Tribe’s Little Patriarch, and these two are Elders of my tribe.
Both of them are Eighth Order Saint realm experts.”

Huang Xiaolong’s expression remained unperturbed.

The truth was, Huang Xiaolong had more or less guessed

the young beastman’s identity to be the Lion Tribe’s Jesse,
whereas the two Elders, one of them should be Reid and the
other Chris.
A few days ago, before entering the Poison Dragon Valley,
Huang Xiaolong had inquired about the Lion Tribe’s situation
from the Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck, including the other ten
main beastmen tribes, especially their Saint realm experts.
He committed this information to his memory.

The Lion Tribe’s Little Patriarch Jesse went on, “If you
entered this Poison Dragon Valley for Dragon God Grass,
then you can get out now, not only are these three Dragon
God Grass stalks mine, but all the Dragon God Grass inside
this Poison Dragon Valley is mine!” he declared with arms
around his chest.

Huang Xiaolong snickered at his words, “That means you

have a lot of Dragon God Grass? Now, take out all the
Dragon God Grass and hand it over!”

Evidently this Lion Tribe’s Little Patriarch was also aiming for
the Dragon God Grass coming to the Poison Dragon Valley.
He probably managed to collect quite a few of them.

All three beastmen were stunned and their faces were ugly
with anger.

“What did you say just now?!” Jesse’s face was grim, killing
intent exploded in his eyes.

“I’m taking all the Dragon God Grass inside this Poison
Dragon Valley!” Huang Xiaolong continued calmly, “Also,
take out all the Dragon God Grass you have on you and

“Punk, you’re seeking death!” Jesse’s eyes sparked fire,

then he turned to the two Elders behind him, Reid and Chris,
“Kill this lowly human scum!”
Reid and Chris nodded. Without a word, both leaped forth,
attacking Huang Xiaolong simultaneously.

Huang Xiaolong snorted, aiming a Great Divine Void Fist with

his left hand and an Asura Demon Claw with his right hand—
attacking with both hands at once.

Loud collision sounds boomed.

Both Reid and Chris’s bodies were forced back, and even
Huang Xiaolong staggered a few steps back.

“You!” Both Reid and Chris looked at Huang Xiaolong with

shock on their faces. With their strength at Eighth Order
Saint realm, Huang Xiaolong’s Seventh Order Saint realm
cultivation could hardly be hidden, but now, a Seventh
Order Saint realm actually fended off their attacks.

Lion Tribe Little Patriarch Jesse’s eyes also widened in shock.

Watching their faces, a cynical smile flashed across Huang

Xiaolong’s face as his figure vanished from view. When he
appeared again, Reid and Chris were within an arm’s length,
startling them both. Just when they thought that the human
was going to attack, a vertical eye split open at the center
of his forehead. A glaring red light flickered and the two felt
their mind being hit, feeling dizzy and confused.

The next thing they knew, a sharp momentum struck them

squarely on the chest, blasting them backward.

Retrieving his hands, Huang Xiaolong watched the two

figures with stoic face.

Although these two Lion Tribe Elders were Eighth Order

Saint realm, they were only early Eight Order. At Huang
Xiaolong’s current strength, defeating these two required
almost no effort at all.

After he was done dealing with the two Elders, he turned his
attention to the little Little Patriarch, Jesse.

Jesse watched Huang Xiaolong approach warily, recovering

his senses as fear crept up his eyes, shouting as he moved
back, “You, if you dare to…!”

Huang Xiaolong kicked out, sending Jesse flying back

several hundred meters, crashing into the cliff wall. Sliding
down the cliff wall, Jesse was bending over and clutching his
stomach. A loud groan sounded as blood spurted out from
his mouth. That kick from Huang Xiaolong was hard enough
to shatter his gallbladder.

Huang Xiaolong slowly walked over to the wall cliff.

“No, don’t, I can give all the Dragon God Grass I have to
you!” Jesse blurted in fear, hands waving madly as he took
out all the Dragon God Grass from his spatial ring.

Five stalks in total!

A suction force came from Huang Xiaolong’s palm, wrapping

around the Dragon God Grass stalks and putting them away
into the Asura Ring.

“I’ll scram immediately, I don’t want any Dragon God Grass

here in Poison Dragon Valley, I don’t want any!” Jesse
stumbled and fell as he scrambled to his feet to flee. Reid
and Chris also struggled to their feet, trailing behind Jesse,
disappearing in less than a second.

Huang Xiaolong watched the three sorry figures fleeing, but

he didn’t pursue.
When the three figures disappeared from view, he leaped up
the cliff wall again, collecting the three stalks of Dragon God

He received five stalks Dragon God Grass from the Lion

Tribe’s Little Patriarch, Jesse, and adding the three stalks
from the wall cliff, he had a total of eight Dragon God Gras
stalks. Huang Xiaolong still had some Dragon God Grass
from before, so he could refine another primordial divine

But he was not in a hurry to leave, instead he proceed

deeper, continuing the search.

Jesse and the two Elders ran as fast as they could in panic,
and when they were sure that the human did not chase
after them, the three of them stopped on a random peak.
Jesse’s fingers dug into his palm as he glared in Huang
Xiaolong’s direction, his eyes filled with rage and hatred:
“Lowest of scum dog! There will come a day when I’ll let you
die without an intact corpse!”

“Little Patriarch, in just a few more days, the annual tribes’

congregation will take place, and at that time the Patriarch
will definitely be elected as the new Beast God, ruling over
all beastmen tribes!” Reid added, “Even if we have to dig
three feet under, we’ll dig that punk out!”

“Human race!” Jesse’s eyes were tinged scarlet, “When

Father rules over the beastmen, the first one I’ll destroy will
be none other than the human race!”

“Little Patriarch, shall we return to Alpha Lion City for now?”

Chris suggested.
Jesse was unwilling to leave just like that, but he knew that
the three of them weren’t Huang Xiaolong’s opponents. In
the end, he nodded with reluctance.

“Go!” The three flew away.

Very quickly ten days passed.

In ten days’ time, Huang Xiaolong practically flipped the

Poison Dragon Valley over, finding more than twenty stalks
of Dragon God Grass. Bearing good harvest, Huang Xiaolong
left the Poison Dragon Valley.

On the way, Huang Xiaolong killed numerous poisonous

Saint realm creatures, which turned into the Poison Corpse
Scarabs’ nourishment, triggering another transformation.
The Sea of Devils and Ghosts Array was more powerful with
the addition of these souls.

When Huang Xiaolong made it back to the Sacred Tiger City,

here were ten days left to the beastmen tribes
Chapter 463: Scram For Me Now!

Back in the Sacred Tiger City’s Castellan Manor, the Tiger

Tribe’s Patriarch Chuck and the Elders were already waiting
for Huang Xiaolong.

“Liege Lord Beast God!” Seeing Huang Xiaolong return,

Chuck and the Elders stepped forward and saluted.

“Rise.” Huang Xiaolong said, scanning the group of people.

Chuck and the Elders complied respectfully before getting

up to their feet.

“Let’s go, to the Beast God Shrine!” Huang Xiaolong did not
tarry, commanding everyone to depart.

From the Poison Dragon Valley, he collected a total of thirty-

six stalks of Dragon God Grass, enough for him to refine four
primordial divine dragons. But now wasn’t the right moment
for him to go into closed-door practice with the beastmen
congregation around the corner and that Lion Tribe’s Andrew
eyeing the Beast God position.

Not wasting a moment, with Chuck leading the group of

Elders, Huang Xiaolong’s group departed for the Beast God

In the past, every year when it was time to head to the

Beast God Shrine, other than the Saint realm experts, some
disciples would be selected to follow and participate in the
anual sparring competition. But this time, Huang Xiaolong
had ordered the contrary, thus only the Tiger Tribe Saint
realm experts and Huang Xiaolong himself were included in
this trip.
Nine days passed by quickly.

Darkness covered the sky as the sun was setting in the dusk

At a large open space in the forest, Huang Xiaolong and the

group of Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts sat around the
bonfire, aromatic meat roasting over the fire.

In order to prevent Li Molin’s Deities Templar group from

recognizing him, Huang Xiaolong used the true essence
energy to change his facial features. At the moment, his jaw
line was sharp, eyebrows thick like swords, looking closer to
thirty years old, exuding the mature charm of a slightly
older man. His physique was more robust and muscular.

Chuck and the rest of Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts stared
in awe and astonishment as Huang Xiaolong’s face changed
right before their eyes bit by bit.

Gathered around the bonfire, watching the crackling meat

roasting over the flames and smelling the aroma
permeating the air, those Tiger Tribe experts swallowed
their saliva greedily.

However, they could only look, Huang Xiaolong hadn’t

moved and they dared not move before he did.

By nature, beastmen liked meat. In the few days of travel,

after tasting Huang Xiaolong’s roast meat, they realized that
all the meat they had eaten before was simply dog shit.

Finally, Huang Xiaolong moved; he sliced off a piece of meat

and put it into his mouth, chewing leisurely. More than ten
pairs of eyes watched him with drooling saliva.
“Dig in.” Watching the expressions of the Tiger Tribe
experts, a smile appeared on his face.

“Many thanks, Liege Lord!” Chuck and the experts

brightened, said their thanks and started fighting among
themselves for meat.

Nonetheless, no matter how they fought among themselves

for meat, no one dared to touch the piece of Tyrant Boar
meat that Huang Xiaolong cut off.

Chuck and the others wolfed down the meat in moments.

“What beast meat is this? So delicious!”

“Smells nice!” Suddenly, from some distance away, a voice

exclaimed, followed by rustling wind flying in their direction.
From the sound of it, there was quite a number of people.

In the blink of an eye, more than thirty people appeared in

front of the Tiger Tribe group. Facing each other, both the
new arrivals and the Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts were

“Hehe, it’s Patriarch Chuck!” A middle-aged man walked out

from the group of new arrivals, smiling at Chuck. It was just
that this person’s smile gave a sinister feeling. Not to
mention the cold eyes tinged with ever-present malice that
made other wary.

“So it’s Patriarch Danny!” Even though Chuck spoke, he

remained seated instead of getting up, and his greeting
sounded lukewarm at best.

This middle-aged man, Danny, was the Snake Tribe’s

Huang Xiaolong had more or less guessed this group’s origin
when they arrived. The Snake Tribe emitted a peculiar
cloying musky odor that nauseated people. They also had
easily identifiable fine stripe marks at the corners of their
eyes and forehead that resembled snakeskin.

Despite Chuck’s lukewarm greeting, Danny brought his

group and approached the bonfire. Only when he was near
did he notice that there was a human sitting beside Chuck
and was stunned for a second.

Since when did the Tiger Tribe start cooperating with

humans? Though doubtful, Danny didn’t pay it too much

Coming close to the bonfire, he noticed that all the sitting

spots were occupied, with no space to squeeze in. With
barely any hesitation in his steps, he walked towards Huang
Xiaolong, saying, “Kid, scram aside!” His leg extended out
to kick Huang Xiaolong.

Before Danny’s leg make contact, all the Tiger Tribe’s Saint
realm experts jumped to their feet in anger, their wide eyes
spitting fire at Danny, including Chuck, as if they’d tear
Danny apart and swallow him whole.

The dramatic reaction gave Danny a fright.

For a mere human, the Tiger Tribe’s reaction was this


The Tiger Tribe group’s reaction also startled the other

Snake Tribe members, so much that every one of them,
including Danny, looked at Chuck and the Tiger Tribe’s
experts with shocked eyes.
“Patriarch Chuck, it’s only a mere human.” Danny chuckled
as if making a joke, “There’s no need for such a big reaction,
right?” Still, he awkwardly lowered his leg that was about to
kick Huang Xiaolong.

“Danny, scram off this instant or don’t blame me for being

rude!” Chuck snapped in a stern cold voice.

Danny’s expression turned ugly in an instant, he was the

Snake Tribe’s Patriarch, one of top ten strongest experts of
the beastmen tribes, yet this Chuck snapped at him in front
of the two tribes’ experts!

Even using the word scram!

“Chuck, do you really think I’m afraid of you?” A cold light

glinted in Danny’s eyes, “Come, come, come, let us play a
little!” he shouted, feeling anger rising in his heart.

Chuck chuckled at Danny’s challenge, leaping up with

soaring momentum as his fist aimed a punch at Danny.

Danny didn’t expect that Chuck, as the Tiger Tribe’s

Patriarch, would attack without hesitation. Slightly flustered,
his hand clawed out in a counter. Strands of dark green light
formed into a giant green snake.

A tiger and a snake collided.

Danny wobbled, staggering more than a dozen steps back

before steadying himself, while Chuck landed back on the
same spot he was in before he attacked.

When Danny regained his balance, he stared gloomily at

Chuck. Although he was one of the beastmen’s top ten
experts, compared to the second ranked Chuck, he was still
slightly weaker.
“Good!” Danny sneered, “Chuck, I hope you can still be this
arrogant two days later at the tribe congregation! Our
grudge today, I’ve remembered it!”

“Kiddo, I’ll play you to death at that time!” Danny made an

abrupt turn, his sinister eyes preying on Huang Xiaolong.

“We’re leaving!” Danny waved his arm, signaling his group

to leave.

Chuck snorted through his nose, but just when he and the
Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts wanted to stop Danny from
leaving, Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, “Forget it.”

Hearing this, Chuck and the rest stopped.

“Liege Lord Beast God, this…!” Chuck was reluctant.

“There will be many opportunities later. I’m looking forward

to the tribe congregation two days later, to see how this
Danny will play me to death.” Huang Xiaolong said, a sharp
gleam shone in his eyes.

Chuck and the Tiger Tribe’s Saint realm experts complied.

“We should continue.” Huang Xiaolong sat down again, and

the little barbeque party continued.

Several hundred li away from where Huang Xiaolong’s group

was, Danny and the Snake Tribe’s people stopped.

Danny suddenly punched out at a hill in front of him,

flattening it to nothing to vent his anger.

The others with him watched with apprehension.

“Patriarch, that Tiger Tribe’s Patriarch Chuck actually fought

with you because of a lowly human.” The Snake Tribe’s High
Priest David spoke with care, “There’s something strange
about this.”

Danny laughed coldly, “So what if it’s strange? I don’t give a

damn who that human is, two days later, after dealing with
the Tiger Tribe in the tribe congregation, I’ll let that kid taste
the pleasure of being devoured by a thousand snakes!”
Imagining the scene, Danny let out a long evil cackle.

“Patriarch, Patriarch Andrew has arrived at the Beast God

Shrine.” One of the Snake Tribe Elder stepped forward to

“Good, let us hurry over to meet up with the Lion Tribe, Wolf
Tribe, and Fox Tribe!” Danny flew out, disappearing from the
spot with the group of Snake Tribe experts.
Chapter 464: New Beast God?

Two days passed by very quickly.

Morning arrived with the sun rising on the horizon.

The Beast God Shrine radiated a mysterious aura beneath

the brilliant sunlight, shrouded in an air of ancient regality.

The square in front of the Beast God Shrine that could

accommodate over ten thousand in number was currently
filled with disciples from the many beastmen tribes.

Standing in the center of the square were the Lion Tribe,

Wolf Tribe, Snake Tribe, Fox Tribe, and all the top ten tribes
that had arrived. All but the Tiger Tribe.

A large area was fenced up at the center as the sparring

competition venue for the disciples.

At the moment, the enormous square was buzzing with

excitement, disciples and Elders of different tribes were
either whispering or discussing a similar topic.

“Rumors say that this time a new Beast God will be


“I wonder who our new Beast God will be! But whoever it is,
it has nothing to do with our Insect Tribe.”

The noises of discussion on the square grew louder.

The Lion Tribe’s Patriarch Andrew was seated on a chair with

his eyes closed in meditation posture, as if the discussions
around had nothing to do with him.
As the noises in the square reached a peak, they halted
abruptly. From every corner of the square, heads turned
toward the entrance, watching Chuck and a group of Tiger
Tribe Saint realm experts as they made their way to the
square center. What surprised them was the human walking
beside Chuck!

Andrew, who seemed to be meditating, opened his eyes, a

sharp light glinted as his piercing gaze focused on Chuck.

Sensing something, Chuck looked over. Two rivals’ gazes

collided in mid air, creating an invisible surging energy that
exuded a silent pressure over the square. The slightly
weaker Patriarchs and Elders quickly retreated away, failing
to withstand the pressure.

A mere second later, Chuck and Andrew retrieved their


The people in the square immediately breathed out in relief.

Andrew turned to his steward, Andy, signaling with a look.

Andy nodded in acknowledgment and walked over to the
Tiger Tribe group. Stopping in front of Chuck, Andy raised an
arm to block Chuck’s path, speaking in a voice that was
neither too loud or soft, “Patriarch Chuck, today is our
beastmen tribes’ congregation but you actually brought a
human here, what is the meaning of this? Your action is a
desecration of the Beast God!”

“Desecration of the Beast God?” Chuck sneered coldly, and

in a split second, his hand clenched into a fist and shot out
at Andy. Startled, Andy raised an arm to block the attack,
but the force still forced him backward, landing him in quite
an awkward appearance.

“You—!” Andy was both frightened and angered.

“Who stipulated that humans cannot join our beastmen
tribes’ congregation?” Chuck sneered, “Liege Lord Beast
God has never made this rule, perhaps you made it up?

Andy’s face flushed a deep red, but the words were stuck in
his throat, not knowing how to reply.

As Chuck stated, there was no rule that forbid human from

joining the beastmen tribes’ congregation. It was just that
there had never been any humans that participated before
this, therefore everyone inevitably formed a misconception
that humans were not allowed to be present.

Ignoring Andy, Chuck led Huang Xiaolong and the group of

Tiger Tribe experts toward the square center. Arranging for
another chair to be added, Chuck, Huang Xiaolong, and all
the Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts sat down.

Andy retreated back to Andrew’s side. Andrew didn’t speak,

maintaining a stoic face as if nothing happened just now.

Sitting far away, the Snake Tribe’s Patriarch’s took a quick

glance at Huang Xiaolong with cold eyes.

With the Tiger Tribe’s arrival, all the tribes had arrived
before the Beast God Shrine.

Andrew commanded to Lion Tribe High Priest, Phil, who was

beside him, “Begin.”

During the tribes’ congregation, disciples from each tribe

would participate in the sparring competition, and the next
year’s tribe congregation would be hosted by the winner’s
tribe. Last year, the first place winner came from the Lion
Tribe, therefore this year’s congregation was hosted by the
Lion Tribe.
The Lion Tribe’s High Priest Phil stood up, complying with
Andrew’s order as he made a respectful bow before walking
to the center of the square, then he spoke in a sonorous
voice, “Today is our beastmen tribes’ congregation, and
according to the usual events, the congregation should
begin with the disciples’ sparring competition. However, this
year, the disciple sparring competition will be pushed back.”

Pushed back!

A commotion spread throughout the large crowd as if they

could already guess what was about to take place.

As expected, the Lion Tribe’s High Priest went on, “More

than ten thousand years ago, our glorious Liege Lord Beast
God led the beastmen tribes in conquering this Ten
Directions Continent, all other races surrendered under his
rule. But after Liege Lord Beast God disappeared, we fought
amongst ourselves, internal conflicts and discord arose,
never seeming to cease, resulting in the decline of our
beastmen tribes’ power. If we continue down this path, us
beastmen will be suppressed by the demonic beast clans, or
worse, swallowed by them!”

“Therefore, we beastmen tribes must come together and

elect a new Beast God, so the new Liege Lord Beast God can
lead us to become stronger again, to prosper, conquering
the Ten Directions Continent once again, to recover our past
glory and might!”

The Lion Tribe’s High Priest was righteous in his words,

stirring the crowd’s emotions.

“A new Beast God?” An ironic snicker sounded from the

Tiger Tribe’s direction, from Chuck. “Pray tell who this new
Beast God is going to be. Let me guess, will it be your Lion
Tribe’s Patriarch? Your words flowed much better than a

In an instant, the crowd quieted.

High Priest Phil coughed lightly to ease the sudden awkward

atmosphere, “Suggesting to elect a new Beast God this
time, of course, depends on one’s capability. Regardless
whether it is in the Martial Spirit World or other worlds,
strength is the fundamental qualification. Therefore, our
new Liege Lord Beast God would be selected based on the
strongest one amongst us!”

The strongest one amongst us!

The beastmen’s number one strongest expert was none

other than the Lion Tribe’s Patriarch, Andrew.

It was evident from High Priest Phil’s words that no

candidate was more befitting than their Lion Tribe’s
Patriarch Andrew as the new Liege Lord Beast God!

Chuck snickered, he was about to speak again before

hearing Huang Xiaolong’s voice in his ear, stopping his next

“I strongly nominate my Lion Tribe Patriarch Andrew as the

new Beast God, only our Patriarch is capable of leading us to
a stronger force, reproducing our beastmen ancestor’s
glory!” High Priest Phil lauded.

Some in the crowd were moved by his words.

The Beamon1 Tribe, Cattle Tribe, Violent Horse Tribe, Goat

Tribe, and Hundred Bird Tribe’s Patriarch each had a tiny
frown on their faces.
“I also agree with Patriarch Andrew as our beastmen tribes’
new Beast God!” The Snake Tribe Patriarch Danny spoke up
at this point, “Only a strong person like Andrew is capable of
leading us as the beastmen’s new Beast God!”

“I also nominate Patriarch Andrew!” The Wolf Tribe’s

Patriarch, Hayden, also spoke.

Subsequently, the Fox Tribe’s Patriarch, Grace, echoed the

same tune.

Andrew stood up, greeting Danny, Hayden, and Grace with a

cupped fist and then turned to face the crowd. “If there’s
anyone here that thinks his strength is stronger than me, I
gladly accept the challenge; if I am defeated, I shall yield
the Beast God position to the winner!”

“Yield the Beast God position?” The Tiger Tribe Patriarch

Chuck rose to his feet, a satirical smile hanging on his lips,
“What a joke! Who are you to yield the Beast God position?
Andrew, are you implying that you’re already the new Beast
God now?”

Andrew ignored all Chuck’s words, calm as ever, “Chuck, are

you issuing a challenge?”

Chuck’s eyes lingered over the crowd as he said, “I don’t

object to electing a new Beast God, however, it should
adhere to our long standing rule—whoever has the Beast
God Scepter, that person will be our beastmen tribes’ new
Beast God!”

“Right, all in accordance to our ancestor’s rule, whoever has

the Beast God Scepter, that person will be our Beast God!”
The Beamon Tribe Patriarch Clay agreed.
“That’s right! Andrew, if you can take out the Beast God
Scepter, we have no objections with you taking over the
Beast God position, otherwise, don’t fart around here!” The
Violent Horse Patriarch Charles snorted, not leaving any

With someone spearheading the objection, the smaller tribe

Patriarchs echoed their support.

1. Beak animal? I imagined it to be something like this aka

Chapter 465: I Don’T Kill A
Nameless Face
Chapter 465: I Don’t Kill A Nameless Face

Andrew’s darkened gaze fell on the Beamon Tribe’s

Patriarch, Clay, and the Violent Horse Tribe’s Patriarch,
Charles. Repressing the rising killing intent in his heart,
Andrew’s grim voice rang in the square, “I’m well aware that
according to our orthodox beastmen tribes’ rule, only the
one possessing the Beast God Scepter would be
acknowledged as the Beast God, nevertheless, the Beast
God Scepter has been missing for thousands of years.
Should we continue to decline due to internal discord and
conflict as we wait without hope for the Beast God Scepter
to appear?!”

Everyone was silent.

Andrew pushed harder, “We’re using this way to elect a new

Beast God, as it is the fairest method within the limited
options we have! Of course, whoever comes forward with
the Beast God Scepter in the future, I will yield the Beast
God position to him accordingly!”

Beamon Tribe Patriarch couldn’t resist issuing a disdainful

snort, “Beautiful words, if the Beast God Scepter never
appears, does that mean that you, Andrew, will be
occupying the Beast God position forever? It must have
taken you some time to come up with this wonderful
“Correct, the Beast God Scepter has been missing for so
long, who knows when and where it will appear!” The
Violent Horse Tribe Charles added, “Were you planning to
monopolize the Beast God position forever?”

A light flickered in Andrew’s eyes, “Then, Patriarch Clay and

Patriarch Charles, do you have a better method?”

Neither spoke this time.

Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck looked at Huang Xiaolong from

the corner of his eye, Huang Xiaolong shook his head,
indicating that there was no hurry.

It was at this time that a series of sharp whistling wind

sounds were heard in the sky above. More than a dozen
figures arrived, exuding terrifying momentum that spread
around the square like great waves.

The beastmen crowd below tensed up in an instant, staring

at the group of over sixty intruders that were all Saint realm

Moreover, the majority of them were high-level Saint realm


“Deities Templar!”

“They’re people from the Deities Templar!”

Shock swept through the beastmen crowd.

Huang Xiaolong inwardly sneered, he didn’t expect that

Deities Templar would send over sixty Saint realm experts
here, moreover, most of them were high-level Saint realm
It was clear from this alone the importance that Deities
Templar had placed upon this new Beast God selection!

And the one leading at the front was Li Molin!

It had been three years since the battle on the Asura

Square, and appearance wise, Li Molin didn’t seem to have
changed at all compared to three years ago. Yet Huang
Xiaolong keenly felt that Li Molin’s breath seemed more

Beside Li Molin was Liu Yang.

Seeing Li Molin and the Deities Templar’s group of experts

arrive, the Lion Tribe Patriarch Andrew and the Lion Tribe
experts stepped forward in greeting, hands cupped
accompanied by bright smiles, “Elder Li!”

The Snake Tribe Patriarch Danny and the others in the

agreed alliance swiftly followed behind in a complaisant

Li Molin nodded slightly. The large group followed Li Molin to

the square center and sat down in an obvious assuming

“Initially, our Deities Templar did not plan to interfere in the

beastmen tribes’ matter, but we don’t have the heart to see
you lot continue to crumble from the inside, fighting
amongst each other.” Li Molin drawled, “Our Deities Templar
believes that Patriarch Andrew, after being elected as the
new Beast God, is capable of leading the beastmen tribes’
to the peak of your most glorious historical day, conquering
the Ten Directions Continent once more!”

Li Molin’s words were plain and direct in support of Andrew

as the new Beast God!
Of course, her words were also laced with threats; whoever
dared to object, indirectly meant going against the Deities
Templar, they would become Deities Templar’s enemies!

A heavy silence filled the square, no one dared to utter a


The Beamon Tribe and Violent Horse Tribe Patriarchs that

were protesting strongly earlier turned mute. After all, not
everyone was willing to offend a behemoth force such as
the Deities Templar.

Andrew smiled at Li Molin, “Many thanks to Deities Templar,

and many thanks to Elder Li. Please rest assured Elder Li,
once I’m elected as the beastmen tribes’ Beast God, I shan’t
disappoint the Deities Templar!”

This sentence was an outright display of loyalty toward

Deities Templar!

The underlying meaning rang loud and clear to everyone


Anger burned in the Beamon Tribe Patriarch Clay and Violent

Horse Tribe Patriarch Charles’ eyes.

Li Molin replied to Andrew with a smile on her face,

“Patriarch Andrew can also rest assured, our Temple
Preceptor has spoken, our Deities Templar will aid the
beastmen tribes in conquering the Ten Directions Continent,
bringing back the beastmen tribes’ eminence of old days!”

“I hope Elder Li can bring back a word to the Temple

Preceptor. I, Andrew, am very much grateful and indebted to
the Temple Preceptor’s support!”
Li Molin nodded, “Good, then begin the Beast God Sacrificial

After the Beast God Sacrificial Rite was performed, Andrew

would be the uncontended new Beast God!

“Prepare the sacrificial altar!” Andrew waved his arm and


The beastmen watched as the Lion Tribe disciples prepared

the sacrificial altar item by item, but no one said anything.

A short while later, the sacrificial altar was ready.

Just as Andrew prepared to place incense joss stick as

worship in the Beast God Shrine, a clear voice rang: “Wait!”

It came too sudden that everyone’s action paused abruptly.

Turning towards to source of the voice, they found that ‘it’

was none other than the human that arrived with the Tiger

For a second, everyone was stumped.

What is this human planning to do?

Li Molin looked at Huang Xiaolong, a little surprised. She

didn’t know why this human gave her a familiar feeling, but
searching through her memories, she couldn’t recall where
she had seen him before.

Caught in the center of attention, Huang Xiaolong stood up

and walked toward the square center.

Andrew frowned with displeasure, signaling a Lion Tribe

Elder close to him. Receiving Andrew’s order, that Elder
marched toward Huang Xiaolong with hostility, raising an
arm to block Huang Xiaolong’s path, “Little brat, don’t think
that just because Chuck brought you here we won’t dare to
kill you. No matter who it is, daring to interrupt the Beast
God Sacrificial Rite, the punishment is death—!” The Elder’s
surging battle qi was locked on Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong flashed a smile, then his fist already struck

the Lion Tribe Elder. Before he could react, Huang Xiaolong’s
fist blasted a hole in his chest, flesh and blood splattered
and pieces of internal organs were littered on the ground.

The Elder’s blood-curdling scream shook the air and his

body was thrown out of the square area.

Sharp intakes of breath could be heard from all around.

Most people recognized that Lion Tribe Elder, a late Sixth

Order Saint realm, but his strength rivaled a Seventh Order
Saint realm. Yet, this human blasted a hole in the Elder’s
chest with just one punch!


Everyone looked at Huang Xiaolong with fear in their eyes,

that right hand was comparable to a godly weapon!

A human’s physique could actually be invulnerable to this

extent! This shocked even Chuck and the Tiger Tribe Saint
realm experts. Including Li Molin and the experts from
Deities Templar.

Andrew regained his composure fairly quickly, his eyes

narrowed dangerously as he walked over to Huang Xiaolong.

Li Molin remained sitting where she was with no intention to

interfere. Despite this human’s sturdy physique, she could
see that he was merely a Seventh Order Saint realm. A
measly Seventh Order Saint realm was incapable of causing
any big waves in her eyes.

Stopping in front of Huang Xiaolong, the aura of a lion king

flooded out from Andrew’s body, forming dark yellow
strands of energy visible to the naked eye that soared to the
sky. His robe fluttered without wind.

“I don’t kill a nameless face.” Andrew stated loftily, “Speak

your name!”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head at Andrew, “Not necessary.

For someone who’s going to die, is there a need to know?”
What Huang Xiaolong loathed the most was Deities Templar,
and this Andrew actually sought to cooperate with them, he
was already a dead man in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

Andrew laughed in spite of his anger. Then, he suddenly

attacked, striking a palm at Huang Xiaolong. The energy
contained in that palm formed a shadow of a lion head that
seemed to leap at Huang Xiaolong.

Before one could blink, the attack landed on Huang

Xiaolong’s chest.
Chapter 466: Protect The
Liege Lord Beast God
Chapter 466: Protect the Liege Lord Beast God

Andrew’s palm heavily struck Huang Xiaolong’s chest, rising

shock in everyone’s hearts; it ends so fast? One move kill?
But then the crowd quickly realized that something wasn’t
right, for Andrew’s palm actually penetrated the human’s
chest. It was nothing more than an afterimage!

When Andrew’s palm shot through Huang Xiaolong’s chest,

the afterimage scattered.

Surprise was evident in Andrew’s eyes as he retrieved his

hand. However, Huang Xiaolong appeared again on the
same spot as if he hadn’t moved an inch.

This scene shocked the crowd, while Li Molin’s eyes

narrowed in a dignified manner. In her eyes, it wasn’t
because that human did not move but his speed was too
quick, so fast that it looked like he did not move on the

From the moment he vanished and reappeared, there wasn’t

a single fluctuation in space, showing that his mastery over
space had reached a terrifying level.

Andrew’s face warped grimly.

As the number one expert standing above all beastmen,

how would he reign over all beastmen tribes if he failed to
kill a mere Seventh Order Saint realm little human brat?
Andrew let out an angry roar, a yellow energy rolled out like
raging waves from his body, the color growing more intense
and vivid with every second, becoming a dark yellow. At the
same time, Andrew’s physical body changed. Muscles and
flesh rippled under his skin, bulging under his robe, a head
of golden hair, with his face and mouth protruding out as
lion whiskers shot out from the sides of his lips.

The aura of a lion king overcast the heaven.

Beast transformation!

After the beast transformation, Andrew’s momentum more

than doubled, causing the furrows on Li Molin’s brows
deepen even more. The transformed Andrew gave her a
sense of foreboding danger.

The rest of Deities Templar experts also lost the relaxed

expressions on their faces.

“Die—!” Andrew bellowed, attacking Huang Xiaolong with

both palms. The dark yellow energy whirled like it could
swallow heaven and earth, a larger than life lion head
flickered in and out in the surging yellow energy whirlpool.
The roar of a lion king shook the air miles away.

Numerous minuscule space cracks spread out.

Some distance away, the Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck and the
Saint realm experts jumped to their feet, wanting to rush to
Huang Xiaolong’s aid, but an indifferent voice sounded in
their ears: “No need!”

Before many astounded faces, a light flashed in Huang

Xiaolong’s hand and a beast head rod appeared in
everyone’s sight. The eyes of the beast head were a bright
crimson. Imbued with Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi, countless
beast images flew out from the rod. In an instant, an
overwhelming pressure descended on the beastmen in the
square, repressing their souls and will.

Every beastman in the square was terrified, trembling where

they stood.

The fanatic Lion Tribe Patriarch Andrew that was on the

verge of hammering the human into meat paste suddenly
froze. The fear on his face mirrored the other beastmen as
he stared fearfully at the many beast images in the air like
he was witnessing the world’s most terrifying object.

The sudden turn of situation baffled Li Molin and the Deities

Templar’s experts; ‘What is happening here?!’

Up until this point, they had yet to figure out the meaning of
that beast headed rod in that human’s hand.

Ignoring everything else, Huang Xiaolong slowly walked

towards Andrew, step by step.

From the Deities Templar experts’ perspective, Andrew

suddenly knelt down before Huang Xiaolong with an
expression of absolute terror. Stopping in front of Andrew,
Huang Xiaolong channeled more battle qi into the rod and
the other end poked hard at Andrew’s torso.

A resounding blast rang in the square, followed by Andrew’s

miserable scream as he flew out without any resistance.

Blood of golden red color splattered on the square from the

air, conspicuous under the radiant rays of sunlight.

Andrew struggled to get up, but Huang Xiaolong was in front

of him, the rod struck another time, just like how the Tiger
Tribe Castellan Manor’s steward Ellington was punished

Andrew, the beastmen tribes’ number one expert, knelt on

his knees again and again as he was struck repeatedly by a
human. By the third strike, Li Molin finally regained her
reason, realizing that there was something very wrong with
Andrew’s behavior.

She and the many Deities Templar’s experts rose to their


“Could it be…?!” Li Molin’s focused on the beast headed rod

in the brat’s hand, a sharp excitement flickered in her eyes.

“Beast, Beast God Scepter!” The Snake Tribe Patriarch

Danny stammered in a quivering voice. Although his voice
wasn’t loud, it was loud enough in the silent square, even
the Deities Templar experts caught every word.

Beast God Scepter!

Although Li Molin guessed as much, she still shook a little

hearing an affirmation to it! Liu Yang and the rest of the
Deities Templar experts were also stunned by the revelation.

The Beast God Scepter!

The Beast God Scepter that disappeared for more than ten
thousand years had resurfaced once more!


Huang Xiaolong ignored the reactions coming from the

Deities Templar’s side as he stood in front of Andrew with a
stoic expression, staring at him.
“Liege, Liege Lord Beast God, have mercy!” Andrew’s
intermittent voice sounded, barely breathing and filled with
inexplicable terror as he struggled to his knees, pleading
Huang Xiaolong, “Andrew has always been loyal and
devoted to the beastmen tribes, my innocence can be
witnessed by all! I have unknowingly offended Liege Lord
earlier, please spare this small one, this small one is willing
to lead the Lion Tribe to serve under the Liege Lord Beast

“Loyal and devoted?” Huang Xiaolong sneered, “Conspiring

with the Deities Templar, not only has the Lion Tribe
surrendered to Deities Templar, you even wanted the entire
beastmen tribes to be Deities Templar’s servants, you
deserve to be beheaded for this!” The Beast God Scepter
was lifted up without hesitation, thrusting down.

However, this time it wasn’t the torso but between the


The Beast God Scepter shone with a menacing crimson

glow, exuding a death aura.

The tip of Beast God Scepter enlarged in Andrew’s pupils,

despair filled his eyes, yet he dared not show the slightest
resistance, unwillingness, or hate.

Watching the Beast God Scepter about to end Andrew’s life,

Li Molin shot Liu Yang beside her a look. Complying with her
wishes, Liu Yang flew out, sneaking an attack on Huang
Xiaolong from the back.

However, at the same time Liu Yang leaped out, another

person also acted, aiming a palm strike at Liu Yang,
dispersing Liu Yang’s attack on Huang Xiaolong.
In this split second window, the Beast God Scepter in Huang
Xiaolong’s hand met its target.

Ka-cha! The sound of shattered bones rang. Andrew’s body

was seen flying out, a big bloody hole in the middle of his
brows, red and white pieces of flesh littered on the square.

Lying in a pool of his own blood, Andrew’s body twitched,

still alive.

On the other side, Liu Yang was taken aback by the sudden
attack and glared at the attacker, the Tiger Tribe Patriarch,

“Protect the Liege Lord Beast God!” Chuck commanded.

The large group of Tiger Tribe Saint realm experts shot out,
glowering at the group of Deities Templar experts as they
stood behind Huang Xiaolong. Subsequently, experts from
the Beamon Tribe, Violent Horse Tribe, Ram Tribe, Hundred
Bird Tribe gathered behind Huang Xiaolong after the Tiger
Tribe. Moments later, the Wolf Tribe, Snake Tribe, and Fox
Tribe also hurried to show their support behind Huang
Xiaolong. Witnessing their momentum, the smaller
beastmen tribes hastened to secure a place. Including the
remaining experts from the Lion Tribe.

More than a thousand beastmen experts locked onto Deities

Templar’s group with an air of hostility.

The intense pressure made Li Molin, Liu Yang, and all Deities
Templar’s experts’ nerves stretch tautly.

Li Molin never imagined that a mere Beast God Scepter

would have such a deterring power over the beastmen
tribes, even the Lion Tribe experts viewed them as enemies
to be swallowed alive.
She didn’t doubt one bit that if the human kid commanded
it, those beastmen experts gathered would tear each and
every one of them alive.

After momentarily losing her composure, Li Molin flashed a

brilliant smile in Huang Xiaolong’s direction “I didn’t expect
this warrior to possess the Beast God Scepter, us Deities
Templar congratulate this warrior!”

Huang Xiaolong remained stoic. He wanted to see what this

Li Molin was playing at.

“Just now, we were merely curious about the Beast God

Scepter in this warrior’s hand, we only wanted to have a
look and had no other intention.” Li Molin continued with a
smiling face, “I hope this warrior does not mind it.” She was
referring to the matter of Liu Yang attacking him from the
Chapter 467: Have All Of
Them Remain Here
Chapter 467: Have All of Them Remain Here Forever!

“You lot’s curiosity is really morbid.” Huang Xiaolong’s

words were filled with sarcasm.

Li Molin giggled, “Our Deities Templar has always hoped that

the beastmen tribes could unite, becoming stronger, and
bring back the splendor of their past glory. Now that this
warrior found the Beast God Scepter, and you are fated to
unite the beastmen tribes, our Deities Templar is happy for
the entire beastman race.”

Huang Xiaolong sneered inwardly listening to Li Molin’s

display of ‘goodwill.’

Deities Templar hoped that the beastmen tribes could unite,

become stronger?

Hoping the beastmen tribes would submit under Deities

Templar was the real truth.

“Since this warrior possesses the Beast God Scepter, then

we shall take our leave first. We shall return later with
congratulatory gifts.” Li Molin looked over at Liu Yang, “Let
us leave.” Finished saying that, she turned to leave with Liu
Yang and the experts from Deities Templar.
The Beast God Scepter resurface in the world, the person
they betted on, lion king Andrew, was no different than a
dead man. Li Molin knew that with all these staggering
changes, it was impossible for the Deities Templar to control
the beastmen tribes.

Therefore, she acted decisively, first return to report the

situation to the Temple Preceptor and await his decision.

“Not so fast!” Just as Li Molin and the large group of Deities

Templar experts prepared to leave, Huang Xiaolong spoke:
“Make sure none of them leaves this place!”

“Yes, Liege Lord Beast God!”

The beastmen present acknowledged his command, their

voices rumbled in the square, shaking the heavens.

In the blink of an eye, several thousand experts lunged

forward, attacking with zeal.

All Deities Templar experts’ faces tightened.

A volley of blasts sounded, forcing Li Molin and the sixty-

plus experts back to their original spot.

“This warrior, what is the meaning of this?!” Li Molin’s face

distorted with anger, her eyes glared fiercely at Huang
Xiaolong. Up to this point, she still hadn’t realized that she
was facing an old friend, Huang Xiaolong.

“Meaning?” A faint satirical smile flitted past Huang

Xiaolong’s face, “ There’s no other meaning; today, I’m
succeeding the Beast God’s position, in a little while we
need to perform the Beast God Sacrificial Rite, thus are in
need of some sacrificial offerings. I want to use your heads
as my offerings!”
Use the over sixty Deities Templar experts’ heads as
sacrificial offerings!

This offering was earth-shaking!

“What do you lot say, is it good if we use their heads as

offerings?!” Huang Xiaolong scanned the numerous faces of
the beastmen experts.

“Good! Great! Liege Lord Beast God is mighty!”

“Liege Lord Beast God mighty!”

Hearing those words, the beastmen experts felt their blood

boil with excitement, hollering their agreement, the sound
of their voices pierced the sky. Animalistic instinct for blood
shone from their eyes. Truth be told, the majority of the
beastmen felt antagonistic toward these Deities Templar
experts from the moment they appeared. Huang Xiaolong’s
call instantly stimulated the ferociousness embedded deep
within their bloodlines.

Just the mere thought of using over sixty Deities Templar

experts as their sacrificial offerings to the Beast God made
their hearts race! Only a Beast God of this caliber was
qualified to be their beastmen’s Liege Lord!

Li Molin, Liu Yang, and all the Deities Templar experts paled
slightly looking at the layers of beastmen experts
encirclement around them on the square.

Taking some time, Li Molin made an effort to compose

herself. Her eyes spit fire glaring at Huang Xiaolong, “I truly
admire your courage, but do you really think you can keep
all of us here?”
Despite having thousands of beastmen experts surrounding
them, Li Molin was confident in her strength. If she wanted
to flee, she had a high chance making it out of there.

“Although you might be the new Beast God, do not assume

that after uniting the beastmen tribes you can do as you like
in the Martial Spirit World. If you dare to kill even one of our
Deities Templar people today…!” Li Molin left her threat
hang in the air for a second, “At that time, our Deities
Templar’s experts will come out in full force to annihilate
every single beastman tribe!” The taste of threat intensified
at the end.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “Li Molin, you escaped the
several times before, do you really think you’ll be able to
escape this time as well?”

Several times before? Li Molin frowned at those words,

confusion in her eyes as she stared intently at Huang

Did they know each other from before?

“On this day, not only will I use your head as offering for the
Beast God Sacrificial Rite, I will also use your head to
worship my brother, Lu Kai!” Huang Xiaolong’s cold voice
reverberated in the square.

“Lu Kai?” An image flashed in Li Molin’s mind, that measly

insignificant Luo Tong Kingdom Prince Lu Kai?

“You, you’re Huang Xiaolong!” Li Molin blurted the name

before she could stop herself.

“Huang Xiaolong!” Both the Deities Templar and the

beastmen experts’ attention focused on Huang Xiaolong.
Before the crowd’s intense focus, Huang Xiaolong’s facial
features and body slowly changed, reverting to his original

“That’s right, it’s me!” Huang Xiaolong’s expression was

grim and cold facing Li Molin.

Watching Huang Xiaolong’s features reverting back to his

original face, the Deities Templar experts subconsciously
shifted to the back in fear, whereas the beastmen grew
more fanatic, feverish, worshipping, and reverent looking at
Huang Xiaolong.

So their Beast God was actually the stalwart persona whose

name had spread throughout all three continents, hailed as
the Young Noble Divine Dragon, Huang Xiaolong!

Present in the square were experts of each beastmen tribes,

they were no stranger to Huang Xiaolong’s ‘Young Noble
Divine Dragon’ reputation.

“Liege Lord Beast God’s might spans through the ages!”

The Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck lauded.

“Liege Lord Beast God’s might spans through the ages!”

Following Chuck’s lead, all the beastmen experts lauded the

same words at the top of their lungs, the terrifying sound
waves crashed against Li Molin’s heart. She suddenly leaped
into the air, obviously seizing the chance to escape alone.

Unfortunately, Huang Xiaolong had locked onto her every

moment from the beginning, the second Li Molin moved, his
arm made a waving motion releasing a swarm of Poison
Corpse Scarabs baring their razor sharp teeth at Li Molin.
After that Asura Square battle, his Poison Corpse Scarabs
had continued to evolve, their speed reached a horrifying
level, being able to catch up to Li Molin in a mere instant.

“Poison Corpse Scarabs!” Li Molin exclaimed.

In the last battle at the Asura’s Gate headquarters, Li Molin

tasted the terror of the Poison Corpse Scarabs, watching
with her own eyes as several Deities Templar Elders were
gnawed alive by those critters. That battle left a deep fear
that penetrated into her soul toward the Poison Corpse

The Divine Dragon Armor immediately on Li Molin, the same

azure longsword tightly gripped in her hands, slashing out
with mad ferocity.

The Deities Templar experts below regained their senses,

quickly joining in the attack toward the Poison Corpse

Huang Xiaolong waved his arm again, and the Devils and
Ghosts Flag was laid out instantly. An endless tide of ghost
auras submerged Li Molin and the other Deities Templar
experts. Evil ghosts and devils came howling baring their
fangs as they entangled the living prey inside the array.

The experts made frenzied attacks with their palms, fear

deeply etched on their faces.

“Attack!” Huang Xiaolong commanded the beastmen


All the beastmen experts complied with anticipation on their

faces, rushing to attack with vigor.
The Devils and Ghosts Flag was no longer the Supreme
Ghost Flag it once was, with the additional of twenty Saint
realm souls, the evil spirits within now had the strength of a
Third Order Saint realm expert.

Powerful as those Deities Templar experts may be, in a short

time, they would be hard pressed to break out from that Sea
of Ghosts and Devils Array.

On top of being trapped in the array, with the Poison Corpse

Scarabs and thousands of beastmen experts attacking, very
soon, close to half of the sixty over Deities Templar experts
had fallen.

Li Molin and Liu Yang watched helplessly as the experts they

brought died, one by one, under the beastmen experts’
attacks, then were turned into nourishment for the Poison
Corpse Scarabs, their faces lost all color, shackled with fear.

Lo Molin’s senses ebbed away, replaced by the aura of

impending death that seized her heart.

Two hours later, from the sixty plus high-level experts, only
a small dozen remained. Li Molin knew very well, if nothing
was done, sooner or later all of them would end up as food
for those Poison Corpse Scarabs, including herself!

Thinking of those little black things crawling all over her

body, eating her flesh little by little, that sight was enough
to make her lose strength, quivering.

“Huang Xiaolong, I’m Li Lu’s Master!” Li Molin’s shrill shriek

cuts the air, “If Li Lu finds out that you killed me, she will
definitely kill you to avenge me!”

Huang Xiaolong’s brows creased slightly.

Li Molin tried again, “Let me go, I can speak good words for
you once I return to Deities Templar, I can even tell you the
latest news about Li Lu!”

Then, the Great Dragon Saber appeared in Huang Xiaolong’s

hand, slashing down…
Chapter 468: Huang
Xiaolong Is The Beast God
Chapter 468: Huang Xiaolong Is the Beast God

A strong bloodthirst gushed out from a crimson blood

dragon, shooting straight at Li Molin.

Flustered and alarmed, Li Molin waved the longsword in her

hand and multiple sword rays flew out, forming a great
protective barrier. A thunderous bang rang in the air, ripples
of shockwaves warped space as the large blood dragon
rammed against the protective barrier.

“Today, you must die!” Huang Xiaolong’s frigid voice was


Even if Li Lu was here today, Huang Xiaolong was resolved

to reap Li Molin’s life on the spot! Not only Li Molin, he was
determined to slaughter all Deities Templar’s people!

All of them must die!

Half an hour passed. Inside the Devils and Ghosts Flag, a

sole Li Molin remained, shrouded in thick death aura.

“Huang Xiaolong, I’ll not spare you even if I turn into a

ghost!” knowing that her life would end here, Li Molin
screamed, her face distorting with resentment, “Also, our
Temple Preceptor has taken a liking to Li Lu a long time ago,
Li Lu and our Temple Preceptor find each other congenial,
you will never have any chance with Li Lu, not ever!”
“Li Lu will kill you to avenge me! She’ll slaughter your entire

“Annihilate all your Asura’s Gate disciples!”

“Everything you have!”

Li Molin shouted in a deranged manner, her eyes shining

with a manic light.

The Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck landed a palm strike on Li

Molin’s back at this point. Li Molin stumbled forward, right
into the swarm of Poison Corpse Scarabs. Excited, the
Poison Corpse Scarabs rushed up, some about to start from
Li Molin’s eyes.

However Huang Xiaolong did not allow the Poison Corpse

Scarabs to touch Li Molin, instead, he retrieved them and
the Devils and Ghosts Flag. As he approached Li Molin, the
Blades of Asura appeared in his hands.

“Huang Xiaolong, you…!” Barely a few words in, the Blades

of Asura in Huang Xiaolong’s hands swung down, and Li
Molin’s head flew to the sky. Her voice abruptly cut off.

Blood rained down where Li Molin was.

Looking at Li Molin’s corpse with a cold expression, he

transferred the headless body into the Linglong Treasure
Pagoda as food for the Poison Corpse Scarabs.

“Liege Lord Beast God is mighty!”

The beastmen experts’ voices thundered in the square.

Huang Xiaolong collected all the Deities Templar experts’

spatial rings into his Asura Ring. Looking at the beastmen
experts around, his raised an arm to calm the excited crowd
as his powerful voice resonated, “Begin the Beast God
Sacrificial Rite!”

Another sonorous reply came from the beastmen experts,

complying with Huang Xiaolong’s command and collecting Li
Molin and other Deities Templar experts’ heads. More than
sixty human heads were placed on the sacrificial altar.

When Huang Xiaolong ordered the Poison Corpse Scarabs to

kill Liu Yang and the Deities Templar experts, he made them
leave the heads intact.

When all the heads were lined on the sacrificial altar, Huang
Xiaolong proceeded step by step according to the beastmen
sacrificial rite, lasting over an hour before the ceremony was

“Salute the Liege Lord Beast God!” Tiger Tribe Patriarch

Chuck took lead. The Beast God Sacrificial Rite was
completed, therefore Huang Xiaolong was, beyond any
doubt, the new beastmen tribes’ Beast God.

In a blink, the mass of beastmen experts fell to their knees

in worship, each of them showing reverence, worship, and
great ardor.

Huang Xiaolong briefly scanned over the mass of prostrating

silhouettes before telling them to rise.

“Bring forth Andrew!” Huang Xiaolong ordered.

Although Huang Xiaolong pierced the Beast God Scepter

through Andrew’s forehead, shattering a large hole in his
skull, Andrew was still alive.
Two Lion Tribe Elders half carried half dragged Andrew
before Huang Xiaolong.

Everyone watched quietly, waiting for Huang Xiaolong to

speak. “Andrew conspired with Deities Templar, luring the
beastmen tribes to submit under another, according to the
beastmen tribes’ law, what is the penalty for this?!”

“Death by a thousand swords piercing the heart!” Tiger

Tribe Patriarch Chuck stepped forward in reply.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, battle qi gathered around his palm,

forming into sharp swords. With a flick, the sword energy
pierced into Andrew’s heart. Andrew let out a hoarse, blood-
curdling scream as the sword energy pierced through his
chest, coming out from his back.

Just like this, the sword energy repeatedly pierced through

Andrew’s heart ten thousand times before stopping.

The heart was the body’s most essential organ, regardless if

one was a Saint realm expert or a God Realm master, the
heart was still considered a weakness. Ten thousand times
pierced by a sword, one could hardly imagine the torment.

After the punishment was dealt with, Huang Xiaolong took

out the Devils and Ghosts Flag, allowing it to swallow
Andrew’s soul.

The beastmen experts felt a chill in their hearts witnessing

the cruel punishment that Andrew subjected to, and in the
end, not even his soul was spared, being swallowed into a
wicked flag.

Feeling worse than anyone present was the Snake Tribe’s

Patriarch, Danny.
A few days earlier, he actually said that that he would ‘play’
Huang Xiaolong to death! Even declaring out in the open
that he would let Huang Xiaolong taste the pleasure of
being bitten by ten thousand snakes.

“Danny!” Huang Xiaolong’s voice boomed like a thunderclap

in Danny’s brain.

A violent shiver ran down Danny’s back as he walked

forward a few steps before kneeling on his knees, “Liege
Lord Beast God, have mercy ah! This small one wasn’t
aware of Liege Lord’s identity, please spare my life!”

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you.” Huang Xiaolong drawled, not

showing any emotion on his face, “Upon returning to the
Snake Tribe, enter the Thousand Snake Cave. Come out
after you’ve been bitten ten thousand times!”

The words Danny spurted after leaving that night, Huang

Xiaolong heard every word clearly with his spiritual sense.

Danny turned deathly pale, yet he dared not raise the

slightest objection, kowtowing in gratitude toward Huang
Xiaolong for sparing his life.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong held a small discussion on

the spot, re-establishing certain rules as well as assigning
some tasks to the many beastmen Patriarchs.

Several hours later, Huang Xiaolong excused all the tribes

back to their territories. One of the tasks Huang Xiaolong
gave them was to spread the word of what took place in the
beastmen tribes congregation to the outside.

Huang Xiaolong would hang Li Molin and all the Deities

Templar experts’ heads upon the Sacred Tiger City’s gates.
He was curious to see if the Deities Templar would be
sending people to come collect their heads.

If they dared not, then Deities Templar would be reduced to

nothing but Martial Spirit World’s biggest laughing stock!

If Deities Templar really sent someone over to collect those

heads… Huang Xiaolong sneered, he would make sure that
the heads of the people that came would decorate the
Sacred Tiger City walls together.

Huang Xiaolong returned to the Sacred Tiger City with the

group of Tiger Tribe experts, bringing the heads with him. As
for the rumored Beast God heritage within the Beast God
Shrine, Huang Xiaolong planned to return after refining the
primordial divine dragons with the Dragon God Grass he

After all, he was now the Beast God that united the
beastmen tribes and could enter the Beast God Shrine any

While Huang Xiaolong and the Tiger Tribe experts were back
in the Sacred Tiger City, hanging the heads along the city
walls, the whole Martial Spirit World was driven into a

“What?! The Beast God Scepter has resurfaced! Huang

Xiaolong has the Beast God Scepter and became the
beastmen tribes’ Beast God!”

“Huang Xiaolong is reigning over the beastmen tribes!”

“Deities Templar’s Li Molin and more than sixty experts were

all killed by Huang Xiaolong! Their heads are hanging on top
of the Sacred Tiger City walls at this very moment!”
Akin to an enormous meteor crashing into its soil, the whole
Martial Spirit World was shaken, forces big and small found
it hard to believe it, they were shocked and dumbfounded
by the news!

Trepidation gradually spread among the experts and

disciples of Cosmos God Cult, every family and forces that
was at odds with Huang Xiaolong fell into a foreboding

When Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the Asura’s Gate experts
and disciples heard the news, excited cheers sounded in
every corner of the Asura’s Gate, brimming with

On the Snow Wind Continent, within the palace walls of the

Blessed Buddha Empire, Shi Fantian’s hearty laughter
echoed through the corridors hearing the news. “I didn’t
expect, ah, that Junior Brother got the Beast God Scepter!
Uniting the beastmen tribes! The next time I see Junior
Brother, it seems I also need to greet him respectfully as
Lord Beast God!”

How powerful the united beastmen tribes were, anyone

could imagine it even using their toes. Without a doubt, in
the Martial Spirit World, they were the strongest force! In
front of the united beastmen tribes, the Cosmos God Cult
was nothing but a smelly fart!

Shi Xiaofei was cultivating in her yard when her maid

Xiaorou ran in flushed with giddy excitement. Baffled why
Xiaorou was acting this way, before Shi Xiaofei could ask,
Xiaorou blurted out, “Princess, Young Noble Huang, he, he’s
now the beastmen tribes’ Beast God!”
Chapter 469: If You Can Defeat Me

Beast God!

Shi Xiaofei’s big eyes widened, the astonished expression on

her face remained for a long time.

Somewhere near the Dead Sea Gorge, on the Deities

Templar’s unique floating island, the Temple Preceptor, Ying
Tian, sat enshrouded in a rolling black mist that actually
blurred the lines of space, as if his entire being integrated
with the surrounding space.

Below the dais, many Deities Templar experts were

kneeling, too scared to move an inch, afraid that their
breathing was too loud.

A heavy silence submerged the hall, and only the occasional

‘di-ta, di-ta’ noise of sweat falling to the floor can be heard.

In the dead quiet hall, a low laughter suddenly sounded

from within the black mist. Ying Tian’s low laughter grew
louder, veering toward manic, harsh to the ears. Every note
hammered at the hearts of those kneeling Deities Templar

Those familiar with Temple Preceptor Ying Tian knew that at

this moment, he was beyond enraged!

More than sixty Saint realm experts! Furthermore, the

majority of them were high-level Saint realm experts! All
dead! Even for a hegemony force like Deities Templar, a
huge loss like this hurt to the bones!

On top of everything, that Li Molin and sixty other heads

were still hanging above the Sacred Tiger City’s gates,
should he or should he not send people to collect them?

The whole Martial Spirit World was looking at Deities

Templar like a joke!

The experts in the hall lowered their heads even further, not
daring to lift them.

A while later, Ying Tian’s laughter stopped as abruptly as it

started, looking coldly at the group of people below him.

“Who’s going to the Sacred Tiger City?” Ying Tian spoke.

No one made a move, no one said anything.

A malevolent black light burst in Ying Tian’s eyes, intense

murderous aura turned the hall’s atmosphere into a sinking
dead swamp.

The trembling figures of the experts kneeling before become

even more visible.

Just when those experts felt death inching closer, the

suffocating killing intent vanished as if it was never there.

“All of you, leave.” Ying Tian spoke, his voice laced with a
trace of coldness, helplessness, anger, and venomous hate.

The experts swiftly complied and fled the hall. Once outside,
each of them was washed with feelings of survival.

When all the experts had left, a figure walked out from the
back of the hall—Li Lu.

“You make a trip to Starcloud Continent.” Ying Tian said, a

sharp light glinted in his eyes.
“Yes.” Li Lu complied respectfully and retreated from the

One month passed by in a blink.

In the end, Deities Templar did not send anyone to retrieve

the heads hanging above the city wall, turning Deities
Templar into an after-dinner joke. After the Beast God Shrine
battle, Deities Templar’s prestigious reputation was
shattered. Even the forces and families in small kingdoms
like the Luo Tong Kingdom that submitted under Deities
Templar rebelled one by one.

Submit to Deities Templar meant offending Huang Xiaolong!

Who, at this time, in the whole Martial Spirit World dared to

offend Huang Xiaolong?

This one month, Huang Xiaolong waited in the Sacred Tiger

City, practicing the Godly Xumi Art, Asura Tactics, Body
Metamorphose Scripture, Asura Asura Sword Skill, Absolute
Soul Finger, Asura Demon Claw and others, going through
all of his battle skills.

That time in the Ancient Dragon Clan ruins, the beastmen

tribes managed to snatch two primordial divine dragon
corpses, both falling into the hands of the Lion Tribe, which
explained why the Lion Tribe’s Young Patriarch Jesse was
searching for Dragon God Grass in the Poison Dragon Valley.

With him holding the helm, the Lion Tribe obediently offered
up both primordial divine dragon corpses with smiling faces.

After refining four primordial divine dragons, Huang

Xiaolong had nine left, adding two more brought it up to

Eleven primordial divine dragons, if he could find enough

Dragon God Grass, it could definitely help Huang Xiaolong
breakthrough to Tenth Order Saint realm, even reaching
peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm.

Not to mention, the addition of two more primordial divine

dragons would elevate his self-created skill to Fifteen Moves
of the Dragon God.

Studying the additional primordial divine dragons for one

month, enabled Huang Xiaolong to gain new insights,
smoothly incorporating them into the Thirteen Moves of the
Dragon God.

One month passed, yet Deities Templar did not send anyone
to collect Li Molin and the others’ heads. Bored, Huang
Xiaolong didn’t bother to wait anymore. All the heads turned
into more nourishment for the Poison Corpse Scarabs.
Reminding the Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck to keep an eye on
Deities Templar’s movements, Huang Xiaolong began his
closed-door practice.

This time, Huang Xiaolong decided to refine the earth

dragon originally wind dragon, wood dragon, the five-clawed
golden dragon as well as the Buddha dragon.

Prior to this, Huang Xiaolong had refined the water dragon

and fire dragon. Adding the earth dragon, wood dragon, and
the five-clawed dragon, his five elements could be
considered complete. Comprehending the five elements was
essential to enhancing his strength to another level.

Huang Xiaolong’s Godly Xumi Art was by origin a Buddhist

World battle skill, refining the buddha dragon would bring
unimaginable benefits in this aspect.
The first one would be the earth dragon.

The passage of time flowed, and one year went by.

In this one year’s time, the entire Martial Spirit World

seemed have folded within itself, shy and quiet.

Since the Beast God Shrine battle, Deities Templar became

the total opposite of its previous flamboyant self.

Even the Cosmos God Cult on the Starcloud Continent

quieted down and behaved, all the way to the Bedlam
Lands, where killings were an everyday occurrence, toned
down. The entire Martial Spirit World’s weather seemed to
center around a certain person.

Huang Xiaolong!

In this one year, every force, sect, and family in the thirty-
six Oblasts under the Asura’s Gate governance declared
their willingness to submit under the Asura’s Gate, including
those that were swaying between other forces such as the
Distinct Void Door, White Phoenix House, Cosmos God Cult,
and other twelve super forces.

Finally, this sudden calm and quiet provided Emperor

Duanren with much-needed breathing space from the noose
that Deities Templar roped around his neck.

Two years swiftly passed.

After refining the earth dragon, Huang Xiaolong continued

with the wood dragon, and now he was refining the five-
clawed golden dragon. At the moment, looking from the
side, Huang Xiaolong looked like he was cocooned inside a
golden dragon.
The five-clawed golden dragon was known as the Dragon
Clan’s royal blood, the highest existence amongst the
fifteen primordial divine dragons Huang Xiaolong had.

Two years and eight months passed.

Huang Xiaolong sat cross-legged at the center of the Ten

Buddha Formation, the spacious hall lit brightly with a
gentle luminescence coming from the various golden
Buddha images and shadows of primordial divine dragons
hovering behind Huang Xiaolong.

From the outside, Huang Xiaolong looked as if he was

coated with a layer of golden paint.

Then, without warning, his body shook violently for a second

as a low crisp breaking sound was heard from inside his
body, brilliant light shining through.

A terrifying force swept to every corner of the Xumi Temple.

It was a long time before the energy dissipated. The brilliant

light dispersed, as did the shadows of Buddha statues and

Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes, a series of crackings rang

in the hall with a little stretch.

Two years and eight months, he finally refined the earth

dragon, wood dragon, five-clawed golden dragon, and
buddha dragon. All thirty-six stalks Dragon God Grass were
used up.

Directing his spiritual sense internally to check his body’s

condition, the veins running through his body were akin to
primordial divine dragons hovering within his flesh. His
physique was twenty times sturdier than before, the battle
qi in his Qi Sea was a roaring golden color, while the ten
thunderballs in his dantian turned into ten gold cores that
were twenty times bigger.

Ninth Order Saint realm!

Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi actually broke through to the

Ninth Order Saint realm!

Despite only being an early Ninth Order, Huang Xiaolong felt

as if he was overlooking the world, invincible throughout!
This was confidence born from distinct real power! His
physical body surpassed any godly weapon!

Huang Xiaolong took out the Great Dragon Saber and cut it
against his own skin, but it merely left a white line on his

He inhaled deeply, exiting the Xumi Temple a short while


Just as he exited, he summoned Tiger Tribe’s Patriarch

Chuck over. Seeing Chuck arriving, Huang Xiaolong said, “I
will not use the Poison Corpse Scarabs, no battle qi, no
battle skills, if you can defeat me, I shall reward you with
one hundred pieces of Dragon Blood Crystal!”

“One hundred pieces Dragon Blood Crystal!” Chuck was

stunned at first before excitement took over.
Chapter 470: Nine Dragons Temple

“Liege Lord, is what you’ve said, for real?!” Swaying

between joy and disbelief, Chuck asked for affirmation.

If he defeated the Liege Lord he’d get a hundred pieces

Dragon Blood Crystals!

He knew very well that before entering closed-door practice

more than two years ago, Liege Lord Beast God was only a
Seventh Order Saint realm, but regardless how much one
could enhance their strength during closed-door practice,
Liege Lord Beast God should, at most, be a mid-Seventh
Order Saint realm.

“For real.” Huang Xiaolong replied with a serious face.

Moments later, both appeared above a peak in a mountain

range several hundred li outside of Sacred Tiger City.

Two figures stood on opposite sides in silence.

Huang Xiaolong made the first move, both hands formed

into claws as he flew toward Chuck.

In that instant, the five elements power— water, fire, earth,

wood, and metal erupted like a volcano, violent tremors
shook the mountain range below as if the entire mountain
was about to crumble into dust under Huang Xiaolong’s

Chuck was genuinely alarmed by Huang Xiaolong’s

momentum, quickly countering with a Sacred Tiger Fist.

The tempestuous collision was ear-splitting, scary

shockwaves blasted outward onto the boulders and cliffs,
pulverizing everything into dust.

After the impact, Huang Xiaolong and Chuck retreated back

more than a hundred meters from each other. In that one
exchange, Chuck felt a numbing sensation on both hands,
the expression on his face showed his shock. Amongst the
beastmen, other than the previous Lion Tribe Patriarch
Andrew, he could confidently claim that he had the
strongest physique, but now he was forced back by Huang
Xiaolong to the point of feeling numb! Moreover, there was
a slight tingling pain!

“Haha, come, let’s continue!” Huang Xiaolong laughed

eagerly, waving his fist this time. The frightening speed
caused great friction against space, causing a sharp
scratching sound against the wind that traveled several li.

Even before Huang Xiaolong’s fist arrived, Chuck already

felt a prickling danger, the overwhelming destructive power
enveloped him as his face went pale. Lacking the
confidence to take the hit head-on, he steered to the side
with force. Still, he dodged Huang Xiaolong’s powerful fist.

Chuck looked over and was aghast to discover that in the

place he stood in just now, space looked as if it sunk in,
imprinted with a giant fist.

Space was something intangible to begin with, how could

someone’s fist be imprinted in space? What mind-blowing
concept was this!

Before Chuck could compose himself, another powerful tide

of energy rolled toward him, startling him. Huang Xiaolong
flickered into a blur, launching another attack, aiming a
palm at Chuck. Panicked, Chuck’s palm shot out to block the
Blow for blow, the two exchanged more than a dozen

After a dozen exchanges, Chuck’s shock deepened, and a

foreboding fear sprouted in his heart, for he noted that
Huang Xiaolong’s physique was sturdier than even his own,
probably more terrifying than an ancient mythical beast.
Just now, he landed a full force punch on Huang Xiaolong’s
chest, but he merely staggered several steps back, without
even a scratch on him. What depressed Chuck above all was
that his own hand actually felt pain down to the bones.

He highly doubted that ancient mythical beasts’ flesh was

tougher than this!

In total, Huang Xiaolong had refined eight primordial divine

dragons, his True Dragon Physique now surpassed the
Dragon Clan’s five-clawed Golden Dragon Emperor during
the ancient times.

Despite being a peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm expert

and possessing strong physique due to his origins, Chuck
still fell short compared to ancient dragons, not to mention
against the five-clawed golden dragon.

One hour later, Chuck had resorted to beast transformation.

After the beast transformation, Chuck’s defense rose to

another level, adding his advantage as a peak late-Tenth
Order Saint realm strength with Huang Xiaolong not using
any battle skills, he was finally able to slightly suppress
Huang Xiaolong.

Every punch and palm strike from Huang Xiaolong jarred his
bones so badly that Chuck felt like his bones were falling
Yet Huang Xiaolong’s movements became more fluid and
natural as time passed, even growing stronger as he

“Liege Lord, stop, stop, I’m not fighting anymore, not

fighting!” Two hours later, Chuck wailed in dismay, shaking
his head and waving his hands. He frightenedly stared at
Huang Xiaolong.

He really dared not continue to fight further, otherwise, his

set of tiger skeleton would really be disassembled by Huang

Hearing Chuck’s pitiful wails begging for mercy, Huang

Xiaolong finally stopped, laughing, “It’s gratifying!” It had
been quite some time since he last enjoyed a fight this

His body sung with joy, feeling comfortable from head to


After refining eight primordial divine dragons, there was

some true dragon essence residue that wasn’t fully
absorbed into his body, pooling inside different parts of his
body. This fight helped him absorb that essence residue

Seeing Huang Xiaolong agreeing to stop, Chuck heaved a

great sigh of relief. He was exhausted and drained, lying like
a dead corpse on the ground, wishing he could just sleep for
a few hundred years like this.

Watching Chuck, Huang Xiaolong took out a ten thousand

year Purpleblood Human-shaped Ginseng: “Swallow this.”

Chuck looked over numbly, spotting the purple colored

ginseng in Huang Xiaolong’ s hand that emitted a fragrant
scent. His senses were instantly stimulated, all his lethargy

“This is… Purpleblood Human-shaped Ginseng above ten

thousand years old?!” Chuck asked, his larynx contracted a
few times.

“More accurately, close to forty thousand years.” Huang

Xiaolong corrected.

Chuck quivered, “Liege Lord, this!”

“It’s fine, swallow it.” Huang Xiaolong more or less guessed

what Chuck was about to say.

“Yes, Liege Lord!” Chuck complied, swallowing the purple

ginseng down. Warm energy immediately flowed to every
part of his body, warm and comfortable.

“Come on, let’s head back.” Huang Xiaolong said.

Pulling himself out from the warm comfort, Chuck quickly

stood up. It didn’t take long for both of them to reach the
manor’s main hall.

Sitting down, Huang Xiaolong asked Chuck about the

situation of the beastmen tribes over the last three years.

Chuck reported everything to Huang Xiaolong, and when his

report was done, Chuck asked Huang Xiaolong, “I found that
Lion Tribe’s Young Patriarch Jesse, he’s currently hiding in
the demonic beast clans’ Nine Dragons Temple. Because the
Nine Dragons Temple is not weak, this small one dared not
act recklessly.”

That year, during the beastmen tribes’ congregation, the

Young Patriarch Jesse at that time did not participate. Later,
he received news of his father’s death and that Huang
Xiaolong was the same human he ran into in the Poison
Dragon Valley. Terrified, he fled, taking countless priceless
treasures that the Lion Tribe had collected over thousands of
years to the Nine Dragons Temple, requesting for their

Receiving many treasures from Jesse, the Nine Dragons

Temple promised to ensure his safety.

“Hiding in the Nine Dragons Temple.” Huang Xiaolong

nodded, his expression calm that one couldn’t read what he
was thinking.

However, this Lion Tribe Young Patriarch was a trouble that

had to be uprooted.

“Have you fought with the Nine Dragons Temple Master

before?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

“I did, Liege Lord. This small one made a trip to the Nine
Dragons Temple two years ago, requesting them to hand
Jesse over, but the Temple Master said that Jesse is one of
their Hall Masters, and even if Liege Lord went, they
wouldn’t hand Jesse over” Chuck reported.

“Oh, is that so?” Since they said so, then he would

personally make a trip to this Nine Dragons Temple.

The demonic beasts clans on the Ten Directions Continent

stood at par with the beastmen tribes, and their strongest
forces were the three temples.

The Nine Dragons Temple, Violent Lion Temple, and Ape

Deity Temple. Amongst the three temples, the Nine Dragons
Temple ranked above the other two, it was the leader of
millions of demonic beasts, thus the arrogant attitude.
“Any movements from the Deities Templar’s side?” Huang
Xiaolong asked another question.

“There have been no actions from the Deities Templar side

in the recent three years.” Chuck added respectfully, “But
the Elf Queen suddenly extended an open invitation to all
forces’ experts to their elf race’s holy land.”

“Oh, do you know why?” His curiosity was aroused.
Chapter 471: Entering The
Dwarven City Again
Chapter 471: Entering the Dwarven City Again

“Rumors say that it is related to the elf race’s sacred tree. A

problem occurred with the Tree of Life, that it started to
wither, and whoever can heal the Tree of Life, the Elf Queen
has promised ten Life Crystals as reward.” Chuck elaborated

“Ten Life Crystals!” Huang Xiaolong was astounded. He

knew very well how valuable Life Crystals were.

On some occasions, something called life dew would form

on the surface of the Tree of Life’s vibrant leaves, and as
time passed, life dew drops pooled together, forming a
fountain of life. Every thousand years, the fountain of life
would produce one Life Crystals

This Life Crystal contained nature’s purest water element

life energy. Any average mortal that was fortunate enough
to take a Life Crystal could drastically improve their body’s
vitality, even if the person was a hundred years old and only
had one breath remain. Swallowing one Life Crystal could
extend his life for a few more years.

Whereas for cultivators, other than improving the vitality in

their bodies, it could also enhance one’s cultivation. Even in
the eyes of a peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm experts, it
was a rare treasure.
“I’ll make a trip to the Elf Forest later.” Huang Xiaolong said
after contemplating the matter.

“Liege Lord wants to go?” Chuck was surprised with Huang

Xiaolong’s unexpected decision, saying, “From the message
I received, many experts already tried, yet no one has been
able to cure the Tree of Life.”

“I’m just going to take a look, curing or not is irrelevant.”

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong asked about the Cosmos God

Cult and the Asura’s Gate situation. By the time Chuck was
excused, several hours had passed.

After Chuck left, Huang Xiaolong’s figure blurred, leaving the

Sacred Tiger City like a whistling wind, heading towards the
Elf Forest’s direction.

Heading to the Elf Forest, Huang Xiaolong did not plan to

take any beastmen experts with him, journeying alone.

One day later, Huang Xiaolong reached the Hundred Tiger

City. However, he did not stop, speeding past the city and
arriving at the Roaming Souls Grove several hours later,
deep in the night.

Gusts of freezing wind blew out nonstop from the eerie dark
grove. The temperature dropped inhumanely cold, with
greenish snow drifting to the ground.

In fact, Huang Xiaolong was curious how this cold yin energy
inside the Roaming Souls Grove came to be. When night fell,
even a high-level Saint realm expert would think twice
about making their way through the grove, nonetheless,
Huang Xiaolong’s courage was bigger than most. He flew
straight into the curtain of falling green snow, entering the
Roaming Souls Grove in the deep of the night.
He flew on without reducing his speed.

He quickly noticed that the green snowflakes formed from

cold yin energy actually stuck to his skin! Moreover, once
stuck, it was quite the trouble to shake them off, and as
those green snowflakes gathered more and more, the cold
yin energy seeped into his body, accumulating faster as
time wore on to corrode even a Saint realm expert’s vitality!

Then again, although the green snow may threaten other

Saint realm experts, it wasn’t an issue for Huang Xiaolong at
all. Gathering the true essence energy in his dantian, true
essence fire appeared above his skin and the green
snowflakes were immediately turned into mist.

On the way, all he wandering malevolent souls he came

across were dealt with in one stroke. Three hours later,
Huang Xiaolong exited the Roaming Souls Grove.

Passing through the Roaming Souls Grove, Huang Xiaolong

reached the Stellar Thunder Canyon.

Unfortunately, history had a habit of repeating itself. The

clear night sky turned turbulent a short while after he
entered the canyon. Fierce wind started howling and ribbons
of lightning illuminated the dark sky as they struck down.

Huang Xiaolong was dumbfounded staring at the sky.

Was the lightning in this Stellar Thunder Canyon specifically

against him?! Last time, the sky was clear for a thousand li,
and this time it was the same, yet the weather acted up
almost immediately after he entered the canyon.

Out of nowhere, a streak of lightning bolted down directly at

him, as if he was targeted. Huang Xiaolong did not dodge,
neither did he counter or defend. Instead, he allowed the
lightning to fall on him.

“Nice!” Huang Xiaolong exclaimed as a numbing sensation

spread over his body.

The last time he passed through Stellar Thunder Canyon,

this lightning was capable of injuring him, but this time,
being zapped felt more like a comfortable massage.

Since there was a free nature massage, Huang Xiaolong

wouldn’t decline it. He chose to fly straight up into the dark
clouds filled with brewing lightning, shuttling through them,
letting the snakes of lightning hit his body, faster, fiercer,
and more brutal.

The numbing sensation grew more intense, and he actually

felt like laughing out loud while being bombarded by the

Because sometimes the lightning would hit more sensitive

areas, such as his nipples, or his lower part. When the
lightning ‘brushed’ his lower part, the ticklish feeling made
him want to laugh.

Of course, if others found out that it merely gave Huang

Xiaolong a tickle when such lightning struck his lower part,
it would probably frighten them to their deaths. No high-
level Saint realm experts dared to expose themselves to the
terrifying lightning in Stellar Thunder Canyon. The stalwart
prowess of his lower part was beyond imagination.

Huang Xiaolong stayed about an hour in the Stellar Thunder

Canyon. Seeing that the clouds and lightning showed no
signs of dissipating, having enjoyed enough of nature’s
massage, he flew out from the canyon.
A short while later, he reached the dwarves’ Dwarven City.
The hustle and bustle scenes of the city were similar to the
last time he was here.

“Brother Huang!” Not long after entering Dwarven City, as

he was strolling in the streets, a voice sounded behind him.

Turning around to look, it was the young dwarf he met the

last he here, Eric.

Although three years had passed, Eric recognized Huang

Xiaolong in a single glance.

“Brother Huang, it’s really you!” Eric was delighted seeing

Huang Xiaolong, and it showed on his face akin to a reunion
of old friends. He reached Huang Xiaolong’s side in a few
quick steps, patting Huang Xiaolong on the shoulder.

But, with Eric’s stature of little more than a meter, even

extending his arm, he merely reached Huang Xiaolong’s
upper arm.

Seeing who it was, Huang Xiaolong flashed a wide smile,

“I’m just passing through the Dwarven City, I didn’t expect
to run into you, Eric.” Eric and he were on the same

Hearing that Huang Xiaolong still remembered his name,

Eric was very happy, “Come, Brother Huang, let me treat
you our dwarf race’s specialty wine!” As Eric said so, he
pulled Huang Xiaolong by the hand without waiting for an
answer, to a restaurant located in the city center.

Though Huang Xiaolong smiled helplessly, he did not refuse

Eric’s invitation.
After all, so many experts had tried but couldn’t cure the
elves’ Tree of Life, he was in no hurry to rush over.

Eric led Huang Xiaolong to a big building structure while

introducing, “This is the biggest restaurant in our Dwarven
City, called Hero Restaurant.”

Huang Xiaolong listened with a smile. The biggest

restaurant in the Dwarven City, in his eyes, resembled a
slightly larger earthen house. Inside the restaurant, the
tables and chairs were made out of stone.

They picked a corner table and sat down. Eric took it upon
himself and ordered a table full of dishes and two jugs of
their best wine.

“Brother Huang, where are you planning to go passing

through our Dwarven City this time?” Eric asked as he
opened a jug of wine, releasing a fragrant scent in the air
while pouring Huang Xiaolong and himself a full bowl.

“To the Elf Forest.” Huang Xiaolong answered frankly.

Eric was stunned for a moment before laughing, “I heard

there’s a problem with the elves’ Tree of Life. Is bro planning
to cure the Tree of Life? Our Patriarch also went and tried
half a month ago, but unfortunately he returned without

Huang Xiaolong merely laughed, not answering Eric’s

inquiry. Lifting up the wine bowl, the two of them clinked
and down everything in one gulp.

The dwarf race’s wine invoked a peculiar taste; pure like

nature, fleeting but at the same time leaving a fragrant
spicy trail.
“Eric, so you’re here!” All of a sudden, a dozen dwarves
rushed into the restaurant, exuding a fiercely hostile air as
they stomped toward Eric and Huang Xiaolong’s table.

Eric frowned slightly seeing the person.
Chapter 472: You Stay Here

“Franz, what are you trying to do?” Eric snapped.

The several dwarves behind Franz spread out in a semi-

circle, blocking all retreat routes as Franz grinned at Eric
with humor that didn’t quite reach his eyes, “What I want to
do? Eric, two months ago your old man borrowed five
thousand gold coins from us to buy mining materials,
today’s the due date. The son bears the father’s debt, if you
cannot cough up the coins today, don’t even think of
walking out of this restaurant!”

Eric’s face scrunched up in anger.

He did not hear a word of this matter from his father, but
judging from the current situation, it was probably true.
Even for the likes of Franz, he would not cook up such a
blatant lie.

Despite half guessing the genuineness of the claim, five

thousand gold coins were no small sum, the wealth he had
on him amounted to a little more than two hundred gold

“How much in total?” Huang Xiaolong interjected at this


His voice drew everyone’s attention to himself.

“Brother Huang, this…!” Just as Eric opened his mouth to

object, Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, assuring him: “It’s
fine.” For him, coins were mere numbers.

Disregarding other sources, just the gold coins found in over

sixty spatial rings from Li Molin and the other Deities
Templar experts from three years ago were enough to drown
the entire Dwarven City when piled together.

Franz’s eyes rolled over Huang Xiaolong from top to bottom,

laughing as he said, “Skinny human punk, I almost couldn’t
tell that you’re someone loaded. That time, Eric’s old man
borrowed five thousand from us, based on one-tenth
monthly interest, counting to date, the sum is six thousand
gold coins!”

“What did you say?! One-tenth interest monthly!” Eric

jumped to his feet in anger, “Franz, why don’t you just go
rob?!” He had never heard of such ridiculously high interest

Franz flashed an evil smirk, “This was agreed upon when

your old man put his name on the paper.”

Eric wanted to argue further but was stopped by Huang

Xiaolong’s extended arm. A finger pointed to an empty
space between them and gold coins drifted into a neat pile.
Shimmering golden light filled Franz’s vision.

The sudden pile of gold coins shocked everyone watching.

Seconds ticked, and a short while later, Franz regained his

senses, ordering one of his men to count the gold.

“Boss, it’s exactly six thousand gold coins.” The man

reported to Franz after he was done with counting.

Franz turned to Huang Xiaolong with a beaming smile, “My

apologies, I was hasty and run off my mouth, it’s not one-
tenth interest but one-fifth, a thousand gold monthly
interest, so the total is seven thousand gold coins. There’s
still one thousand more!”
Eric was genuinely enraged this time, taking a step forward.

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong looked at the dwarf Franz with
indifferent eyes. Clearly, this Franz took his generosity for
granted, his little-crooked mind spun quickly, hiking the
price up another thousand on the spot. For him to be able to
give out illegal loans inside the Dwarven City, this Franz
probably had quite the backing, otherwise he wouldn’t have
the guts to do this.

Franz laughed, “Yes, of course, if you do not have the

remaining one thousand, you can pledge it against that ring
on your finger,” pointing at the Asura Ring on Huang
Xiaolong’s left hand ring finger. Although he had no idea
what kind of ring it was, his experienced eyes still
determined that it was very valuable, definitely worth more
than one thousand gold coins.

Huang Xiaolong found it ironic that a street thug actually

dared to covet his Asura Ring.

“Are you sure you want this ring?” Huang Xiaolong smiled.

Franz nodded confidently: “Sure.”

Huang Xiaolong raised his arm, his finger lightly tapping on

the ten centimeters thick stone table surface. In everyone’s
eyes, a clear finger-sized hole appeared through the hard
stone table.

Franz and his lackeys stared stupidly at that small finger-

sized hole, unconsciously drawing in a cold breath. When
their gazes focused on Huang Xiaolong again, the shred of
arrogance had vanished, replaced with fear.

“How about this, if you can pierce a hole like I did on this
table, I’ll give you this ring.” Huang Xiaolong offered.
“Misunderstanding, it’s a misunderstanding, I made a
mistake, the interest is only one-tenth!” Franz frantically
waved his hands with an awkward smile on his face. Not
waiting for a reply, he signaled the men to collect the
money on the floor. He couldn’t wait to flee the scene.

“Not so fast!” Huang Xiaolong drawled.

Franz and his lackeys stiffened on the spot.

“Brother, your intention…?” Franz asked cautiously.

“Loan slip.” Huang Xiaolong reminded.

Only then did Franz remember. With swift movements, he

took out the loan slip and placed it on the table courteously
before turning around and fleeing the restaurant.

Picking up the piece of paper, he passed it to Eric.

Eric looked at Huang Xiaolong, filled with gratitude, “Brother

Huang, I..!”

“Don’t worry about it, save the words.” Huang Xiaolong

smiled, “Several thousand gold coins is nothing much for

Eric put away the slip, saying, “Brother Huang, are you a
high-level Xiantian realm expert?” In Eric’s eyes, only high-
level Xiantian realm experts had the power to pierce a hole
through the thick stone table.

The tables in this Hero Restaurant were custom-made using

the dwarf race’s highest quality mineral rock, they were so
hard that average weapons couldn’t even leave scratch
marks on their surface.
Huang Xiaolong merely smiled instead of answering.

Eric, who has been observing Huang Xiaolong’s reaction,

thought that it was acquiescence in silence. He sighed,
“With Brother’s strength, amongst the human, race you
must have quite a high status, right?”

On the Ten Directions Continent, a high-level Xiantian realm

expert was sufficient to hold an Elder position in the bigger
human race clans.

Not knowing how to answer, Huang Xiaolong continued to

keep silent.

“Cheers.” Huang Xiaolong raised his wine bowl.

Two bowls made a soft clink sound, wine flowed and words
were exchanged. Huang Xiaolong found out that Eric was
obsessed with weapon forging and had a great talent for it.
In fact, there were similarities between weapon forging and
refining medicinal pellets. Certain techniques used in
refining medicine were applicable to weapon forging as well.
In the past few years, Huang Xiaolong had been practicing
the Gold Dragon Pill Refinement Tactic and know it well like
the back of his hand.

Hence, Huang Xiaolong’s opinion on weapon forging greatly

benefitted Eric.

When both walked out of the restaurant, it was three hours


Eric insisted to send Huang Xiaolong off till the city gates,
and when they parted, Huang Xiaolong gifted Eric with ten
thousand gold coins. During their talk, Huang Xiaolong knew
that Eric had a dream to open his own weapon forging shop.
This sum of ten thousand gold coins was enough to open a
big weapon forging shop.

Eric refused to take it at first, but in the end, he kept it,

promising Huang Xiaolong that he would return this ten
thousand gold coins and the previous six thousand once his
business took off.

Huang Xiaolong smiled, not minding it.

With Eric watching from the city gates, Huang Xiaolong left
the Dwarven City, heading off in the Elf Forest’s direction.

It didn’t take Huang Xiaolong long to leave the dwarf

territory, arriving at the edge of the Elf Forest. Just as he
entered the forest, his path was blocked by two exquisite
female elves.

“State your purpose!” Two pretty female elves sounded lofty

and terse when questioning.

Huang Xiaolong then told them his purpose.

The two pretty female elves gave Huang Xiaolong a look

over with slight contempt, one of them spoke, “Nowadays,
all kinds of wild cats and stray dogs can use healing our Tree
of Life as an excuse to enter the Elf Forest while harboring
ill-intent in their hearts!”

“Forget it, the Queen has ordered, anyone who comes to

heal the Tree of Life must be treated with courtesy.” The
other one said, turning to Huang Xiaolong, “Follow us, don’t
get lost.”

The elf race had always carried a hostile attitude toward

humans. Seeing that Huang Xiaolong was of the human
race, neither of them bothered to show basic courtesy.
The truth was, there had been many who claimed to came
to heal the Tree of Life, yet upon entering their holy land,
countless attempts were made to steal the life water from
the fountain of life.

Although life water couldn’t compare to Life Crystals, it was

still a priceless treasure nevertheless.

A tiny frown etched on Huang Xiaolong’s brows at both

female elves’ attitude, however, he did not say anything.

Half an hour later, the two female elves led Huang Xiaolong
to a cluster of bamboo huts. One of them pointed to one of
the small bamboo huts saying, “You stay there. Tomorrow,
someone will come guide you into the holy land. I hope you
don’t run around when healing the Tree of Life. If anything
unfortunate happened, don’t blame us!”

Finishing their words, both elves turned their backs and left,
no longer bothering themselves with the human.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the cluster of temporarily erected

bamboo huts, the small bamboo hut assigned to him was
about five to six square meters. This obvious biased
treatment was proof that they took him as someone who
came to Elf Forest to ‘play’ or someone harboring other

If the person was someone of status and identity, their

treatment would be different. At the very least, they
wouldn’t be living here!
Chapter 473: Elf Grand
Elder’S Welcome
Chapter 473: Elf Grand Elder’s Welcome

“This Brother, what’s your name?” Just as the two female

elves left, a voice sounded behind Huang Xiaolong.

Turning around, Huang Xiaolong was surprised, for the

person greeting him was a young man. He didn’t expect to
meet another human here.

“My surname is Huang.” Huang Xiaolong casually replied,

then walked into his little bamboo hut.

That young man followed Huang Xiaolong into his bamboo

hut, a grin on his face, “This one is Zhu Yu, from the
Vermillion City, a disciple of the Zhu family.”

On Ten Directions Continent, there were about a dozen

human governed cities. And this Vermillion City was one of
them, under the Zhu Family’s control. A human force that
was capable of governing a city, it was proof of their

“Oh, do you have matters with me?” Huang Xiaolong

remained indifferent after Zhu Yu’s introduction.

Instead, it was Zhu Yu who was taken aback, not expecting

the other side to show indifference upon hearing of his

“Hehe, nothing special, I merely wanted to befriend this

brother. If you are free this evening, we could go take a look
around outside together.” Zhu Yu added with a smile, “Apart
from me, there’s the Sun Family’s Sun Hong and the Qiu
Family’s Qiu Xinshi.”

The Sun and Qiu Families were considered forces of

equivalent status as Zhu Family.

“Not interested,” came Huang Xiaolong’s blunt reply. He

understood the underlying meaning of the other side’s ‘look

His place was the Elf Forest, taking a look around was proof
of hidden intentions. Not to mention, they were strangers,
an ‘open invitation’ on a first meeting to join them should be
treated warily. In such situations, these people most likely
were just looking for a scapegoat, to carry the blackpot for
them if anything happened.

Zhu Yu’s face didn’t look that good at Huang Xiaolong’s

blunt refusal, “Since it’s like that, I shall not bother this
brother. If brother visits Vermillion City in the future I
definitely will show brother a host’s hospitality.” Throwing an
ill-disguised threat, Zhu Yu flicked his sleeves and stormed
out of the bamboo hut.

“Wait!” Huang Xiaolong suddenly said.

Zhu Yu made an agile turn, a bright smile on his face, “Did

brother have a change of mind? This is the right attitude,
the wise know how the current flows.”

Huang Xiaolong ignored Zhu Yu, lifting his arm with a finger
pointed at Zhu Yu’s shoulder, piercing a hole right through
it. Zhu Yu screamed as his body made a beautiful arch in the
“I won’t kill you this time, now scram!” Huang Xiaolong
warned coldly. Though he would rather not get entangled
with these small characters, he wasn’t someone any small
characters could threaten as they wished.

Zhu Yu scrambled to his feet from the ground, eyes filled

with fear. He didn’t expect this person who just arrived
today to be so strong, he himself was a Xiantian Second
Order expert.

Up on his feet, Zhu Yu didn’t utter a word, hurrying back to

his own hut. When Huang Xiaolong couldn’t see him
anymore, viciousness flashed in his eyes, vowing inwardly,
“Punk, pray you don’t ever show up in my Vermillion City!”

Huang Xiaolong threw the incident out of his mind, sitting

cross-legged in the hut and entering meditation.

Night gradually descended.

The Elf Forest under the blanket of darkness exuded a

mysterious aura of natural beauty. The mottled silvery
moonlight reflected by the night canopy resembled the
rippling water on a calm lake, blurring the lines between
reality and illusion.

Gazing at the soft moon hanging high in the night sky,

Huang Xiaolong thought of his family. It had been several
years since he arrived on the Ten Directions Continent, the
long absence made him long for them. When the things
here were done, he planned to first make a trip back to the
Asura’s Gate headquarters to reunite with his family.

The Life Crystals from the fountain of life were, in fact,

useless to Huang Xiaolong. But that was not the case for his
parents and siblings, it would bring abundant benefits to
them. They were the main reason why he made this detour
to the Elf Forest this time.

If he could heal the Tree of Life, the ten pieces of Life Crystal
would help extend his parents’ lifespans since they had yet
to breakthrough to Xiantian realm. His main concern was to
find ways that would extend his parent’s lives until he broke
through to peak late-Tenth Order God Realm, forming the
Godhead. Hopefully, at that time, he would have a way to
help his parents breakthrough to Xiantian realm.

Huang Xiaolong spread out his spiritual sense, everything

within ten thousand li radius was reflected clearly in his

After refining eight primordial divine dragons, his spiritual

sense was enhanced by leaps and bounds as he broke
through Ninth Order Saint realm. Now, his Soul Mandate and
Ancient Puppetry Art had reached the eighth level.

The night passed in peace; moonlight slowly faded with the

rising sun.

Brilliant morning sunlight shone down on the Elf Forest,

exuding a vivid aura of vitality. The refreshing fresh air
made one feel alive.

Shortly after the sun rose, a group of elves arrived at the

cluster of bamboo huts to lead Huang Xiaolong and the
others to the holy Land of Life.

“It’s you!” An astonished voice exclaimed just as Huang

Xiaolong walked out from his bamboo hut.

Looking over at the source, the leader of the group was

none other than the female elf he met three years ago,
named Lina. Although Huang Xiaolong didn’t know what
status this Lina had within the ranks of the elves, he
guessed that it wasn’t low, at least high enough for her to
lead a thousand elves to encircle him last time.

“Miss Lina, what’s the problem?” A male elf approached

Lina’s side inquiring while shooting Huang Xiaolong a
suspicious glance with traces of hostility in his eyes.

“It’s nothing.” Female elf Lina recovered from her shock,

quickly covering her gaffe: “Let’s go.”

Three years ago, even their Elder Julio wasn’t this young
man’s opponent, forget the elves behind her right now.

And the male elf beside her was one of Elder Julio’s

Led by Lina, the twenty over people in the bamboo huts

were escorted into the elf race’s holy land, waiting at the
periphery area.

“Everyone, kindly wait here while I inform our Elders,” Lina

spoke politely while looking at Huang Xiaolong before she
turned and left.

A trace of doubt flickered in that Elder Julio’s disciple’s eyes

noticing Lina’s strange action. He shot a sideways glance at
Huang Xiaolong, wondering why their captain was so polite
to this group of people. Was the reason related to this young

Zhu Yu hung at the back of the group, staring at Huang

Xiaolong like a venomous snake locked on a prey. Beside
Zhu Yu were two young men, probably Sun Hong and Qiu
Xinshi that he spoke of yesterday. Both were also staring at
Huang Xiaolong’s back with similar hostility.
On the other side, Lina entered a tall tree tower inside the
holy land, informing Elder Julio that she had brought the
group of people over. After a slight hesitation, she added,
“Elder, that young human from three years ago is also

“Young human from three years ago?” For a moment, Elder

Julio was confused, wondering who Lina was referring to.

Then, all of a sudden his face tensed, “You, you’re talking

about that black-haired young man?!”

Huang Xiaolong naturally left a deep impression on Elder

Julio. Three years ago, he was repelled by Huang Xiaolong.
‘Sent flying’ would be more accurate.

“Yes,” Lina confirmed.

Something flickered in Elder Julio’s eyes before he calmed

down, “I’m going to notify the Grand Elder.” He left the room
in swift steps.

When Elder Julio went to report the matter to Grand Elder

Celine, the Elf Queen Kelly was present as well. Both of
them were surprised, for Huang Xiaolong also left a deep
impression on them.

“Celine, you go greet him.” Elf Queen Kelly said in a serious


“Yes, Your Majesty.” Grand Elder Celine complied, leaving

with Elder Julio to receive Huang Xiaolong together with

Coming out with another group of elves in tow, the Grand

Elder spotted Huang Xiaolong amongst the waiting group
and walked straight toward him.
The surrounding elves were stunned seeing their Grand
Elder present, each quickly kneeling down in salute.

Zhu Yu and the others waiting were also shocked. Even if

their families’ Patriarchs were here in person, the elves’
Grand Elder Celine wouldn’t come to welcome them unless
it was the human kings, Thunder Human King and Ice
Human King.

Before everyone’s eyes, Grand Elder Celine stopped in front

of Huang Xiaolong, smiling as she said, “I didn’t imagine
that Young Noble would visit the Elf Forest again, we were
lacking in our hospitality, we hope that Young Noble won’t
put it to heart.”

The two female elves that led Huang Xiaolong to the

bamboo huts watched with mouths agape.

Zhu Yu and the rest bore similar expressions.
Chapter 474: ‘Little Worm’

Zhu Yu’s face was ash gray from the shock. Although he
wasn’t clear of Huang Xiaolong’s identity, being greeted by
the elves’ Grand Elder Celine was sufficient to tell Zhu Yu
that Huang Xiaolong was not someone he could afford to

Putting himself aside, not even his Zhu Family’s Patriarch

could afford to offend him!

Among the group of shocked faces, Huang Xiaolong’s

expression remained calm and unaffected.

Several tens of thousands of years ago, the beastmen

reigned over the Ten Directions Continent. All other races,
from demonic beasts, elves, dwarves, Golden Giants to the
skeleton tribes were vassals, submitted under the Beast

The Beast God was Ten Direction Continent’s God!

Whether it was the beast king or the elf queen, both were
subjects of the Beast God, his servants. And Huang Xiaolong
was now the new Beast God, it wouldn’t be deemed too
much even if Elf Queen Kelly were to greet him in person.

But then again, the Elf Queen Kelly and Grand Elder Celine
didn’t know that he was the new Beast God.

“Young Noble, this way please!” Another wave of shock

coursed through everyone present, Grand Elder Celine’s
courteous attitude far surpassed their imagination, to the
point she even used the word ‘please.’

Huang Xiaolong’s face remained stolid as he nodded.

Before everyone’s shocked expressions, Huang Xiaolong
followed behind Grand Elder Celine, disappearing from their

The elves’ Grand Elder Celine carefully led Huang Xiaolong

to the center of their holy land.

Huang Xiaolong’s keen senses felt the fluctuations of vitality

in the air grow stronger as they moved closer to the center
of the holy land. The strong life energy in the area seemed
to originate from that one massive tree.

The Tree of Life!

Huang Xiaolong studied the towering massive tree in the

distance. Spiritual life energy was pouring out in abundance,
yet he had an indistinctive feeling from the trunk of the tree,
its spiritual life energy was rapidly seeping away.

At this rate, according to Huang Xiaolong’s estimation, in no

more than ten years, the Tree of Life would wither

No wonder the Elf Queen was willing to use ten pieces of

Life Crystal to attract so many experts over as a reward for
healing the Tree of Life.

Not far from the Tree of Life, there was a hall. At this time,
six people were sitting on the stage in the hall. Judging from
the looks of it, all six were the elves’ honored guests.

All six exuded the strong aura of Saint realm experts.

Huang Xiaolong’s swept across these six people’s faces, two

of them belonged to the demonic beasts clan, one from the
Golden Giant race, someone from the Green Demon tribe,
and the remaining two were experts from the sea tribe with
an air of nobility around them.

On Ten Directions Continent, other than the beastmen tribes

and demonic beasts clan, the other strong force was the sea

When they saw Grand Elder Celine lead Huang Xiaolong

toward the hall, all six of them couldn’t help looking at
Huang Xiaolong, each showing a different expression.

Grand Elder Celine escorted Huang Xiaolong to a seat on

the left side. However, just as Huang Xiaolong was about to
sit, a voice sounded, “Kiddo, who are you, what’s your
identity and background? Do you think you’re qualified to sit
with us here?”

Huang Xiaolong glanced at the person who spoke, it was

one of the middle-aged men from the demonic beasts clan,
clad in a deep purple brocade robe embroidered with a sea

Grand Elder Celine’s face tightened at the baseless

provocation, afraid that Huang Xiaolong might be angered,
giving rise to an awkward situation, she hurried an
introduction to Huang Xiaolong, “Young Noble, this one is
Nine Dragons Temple’s Sixth Hall Master.”

‘Oh, so it’s the Nine Dragons Temple. Sixth Hall Master, Ao


A cold sneer sounded in Huang Xiaolong’s heart, taking a

second look at the other five people. Although these five
people did not say anything, the look in their eyes spoke
volumes of disdain and scorn. Clearly, these five people held
a similar opinion as Ao Shen that a young man of the human
race was not qualified to be seated with them.
“So, it’s a little worm from the Nine Dragons Temple.” Huang
Xiaolong retorted, sneering at Ao Shen.

The Nine Dragons Temple’s nine hall masters were originally

sea dragons. Despite being looked upon as one of the
Dragon Clan’s descendants, their bloodline wasn’t pure
enough, especially when compared to someone like Huang
Xiaolong who had refined eight primordial divine dragons
and fused with the Dragon Pearl. Therefore, they could only
be considered worms crawling on the ground.

This Nine Dragons Temple knew very well that the ex-Lion
Tribe Young Patriarch Jesse was wanted by the beastmen
tribes, but the Nine Dragons Temple openly declared that
Jesse was under their protection. This was tantamount to
slapping the beastmen tribes’ face, not putting the new
Beast God Huang Xiaolong in their eyes!

He had planned to make a trip to the Nine Dragons Temple a

few days later, after the things here were settled, but he
didn’t expect to run into someone from the Nine Dragons
Temple here.

Worm?! It was like someone cast a spell over the hall, one
could hear the drop of a needle.

Everyone who heard Huang Xiaolong’s words watched with

intrigue while the five other people started to gloat. From
their perspective, a young’un from the human race only had
one predictable end provoking the Nine Dragons Temple’s
Sixth Hall Master, Ao Shen.

Grand Elder Celine was dumbstruck looking at Huang

Xiaolong. Didn’t she just tell him that this middle-aged man
was the Nine Dragons Temple’s Sixth Hall Master? But this
young human actually treated her words as passing wind?
Even their Elf Queen treated the Nine Dragons Temple with

Ao Shen was stunned, despite quickly regaining his senses,

he still wore an obvious expression of disbelief from what he
heard. The other side… what did he just say? Little worm?!

Ao Shen jumped to his feet, killing intent soared sky high,

laced with surging beastly aura.

“Death seeking punk!” Ao Shen’s eyes narrowed, about to


“Sixth Hall Master, cease your anger!” Grand Elder Celine

cried out anxiously. “This Young Noble is an honored guest
invited by our Queen, please give our Queen face and don’t
take offense.”

She was aware that this Nine Dragons Temple Sixth Hall
Master had always admired their Queen, which was why she
used the Queen’s name. Just like she expected, hearing that
he was invited by the Elf Queen, the monstrous killing intent
was gradually repressed.

Ao Shen pointed at Huang Xiaolong, his eyes like a violent

undercurrent beneath a calm surface, “Fine, I shall give face
to the Elf Queen. If this kid crawls around the hall like a
worm, and kneels until this whole thing ends, I will spare his

Since Huang Xiaolong wasn’t qualified to sit with them, he

should just kneel.

Celine turned to Huang Xiaolong with a troubled expression,

“Young Noble, this, you…?”
Yes, the strength Huang Xiaolong displayed three years ago
indeed surprised her, but nonetheless, in Celine’s eyes, this
young man was not Ao Shen’s opponent. For a peak late-
Ninth Order Saint realm Ao Shen, killing Huang Xiaolong
would be an easy matter.

However, Huang Xiaolong shook his head smilingly at Ao

Shen, “Giving face to the Elf Queen, if you crawl out from
the hall like the little worm that you are, I shall consent to
spare your life.”

Shock could not describe the look on everyone’s faces

staring at Huang Xiaolong.

“You! Even if the Elf Queen pleads on your behalf, you must
die!!” Snapping back to his senses, Ao Shen let out an angry
roar, his body disappearing in a blur. In the blink of an eye,
he appeared in front of Huang Xiaolong, slamming out a
hard fist.

Grand Elder Celine face became ashen, it was already too

late for her stop Ao Shen, she could only watch from the
side as Ao Shen’s fist came in contact with Huang Xiaolong’s

A muffled blast rang.

Celine closed her eyes, unwilling to watch Huang Xiaolong’s

lifeless limp body crash to the ground.

However, she was baffled the next moment. It grew quiet

after the initial muffled collision, no miserable screams, no
heavy thump of a body thrown to the ground.

Moreover, the hall was filled with an eerie silence that could
be felt even with her eyes closed.
‘What happened?’ Bafflement and curiosity rolled into one,
and she opened her eyes. Her jaw dropped in astonishment
and incredulity at the scene in front of her eyes.

Huang Xiaolong ignored the agape expressions around. His

head was lowered, looking at Ao Shen’s fist on his chest
with a stoic face, “This is your strength, worm? Are you
trying to scratch an itch for me?”
Chapter 475: Let Me Try

Scratch an itch?!

A strange expression emerged on everyone’s faces at that

phrase, whereas Ao Shen had an ugly grimace of anger.

In the next moment, Huang Xiaolong raised an arm and

landed a punch on Ao Shen’s chest. A low muffled sound
was heard, followed by a series of crackling noises.

Ao Shen let out a miserable wail, his body flew out from the
impact, crashing into a large stone pillar in the hall. The
stone pillar cracked, crumbling down on Ao Shen’s body as
it rolled to a corner, covering him in layers of rubble and

The hall once again fell into heavy silence looking at the pile
of stone rubble. Everyone secretly drew in cold breaths.

One punch! Ao Shen was sent crashing into a stone pillar

with one punch?!

The Nine Dragons Temple’s Sixth Hall Master Ao Shen! A

peak late-Ninth Order Saint realm order Ao Shen who had
the sturdy physique of a sea dragon was actually sent flying
in a single punch!

Grand Elder Celine felt her heart palpitate watching the

scene. Her body trembled, but only she knew whether it was
from excitement or fear. Her legs weakened slightly,
pressing together.

Not even their Elf Queen could do this! Although their

Queen was a Tenth Order Saint realm, Ao Shen’s battle
prowess could rival their Queen’s strength due to his sea
dragon physique.

While the rest were stunned, Huang Xiaolong walked toward

Ao Shen. When he was in close proximity to Ao Shen, Huang
Xiaolong stamped his foot on the ground, lifting the layers of
rubble and dust to reveal Ao Shen’s sorry figure beneath.
Piece by piece, the rubble flew back, and seconds later, the
rubble disappeared and the shattered stone pillar stood in
its original place as if it was never destroyed.

This unbelievable scene sent another great wave in Grand

Elder Celine and others’ heart, so much that they could
almost feel their glutes quivering.

For to their knowledge, not even an earth element magus

could do this. Restoring rubble to its prior state.

Ao Shen, who was sprawled on the ground, bounced up

together with the rubble when Huang Xiaolong stamped his
foot. The rubble was restored into a stone pillar, but Ao
Shen’s body plummeted heavily to the ground.

Ao Shen let out another pitiful scream.

“Are you dead? If you aren’t dead yet, then roll over here!”
Huang Xiaolong glared at the lump on the floor, his cold
voice commanded.

Ao Shen struggled up from the ground as fast as he could.

Indescribable fear filled his eyes as he faced Huang
Xiaolong. There was actually a human that possessed such
perverse physique in this world!

He had always been proud of his sea dragon body’s

defense, but today he found out that the physique he had
always been proud of was nothing more than a paper tiger
in front of this person.

“Do you want to crawl out of this hall like the worm that you
are, or would you rather die now?” Huang Xiaolong
generously provided options to Ao Shen.

An ugly expression took over Ao Shen’s face.

Crawl out of the hall like a worm?! He, the Sixth Hall Master
of the Nine Dragons Temple was reduced to crawling out of
this hall in such a humiliating manner! He stared at Huang
Xiaolong, and a cold shiver snaked across his heart meeting
Huang Xiaolong’s sharp gaze. From the young man’s eyes,
Ao Shen was absolutely sure that he will do as he said, if he
refused to crawl out of the hall, the young man would not
hesitate at all to kill him!

In front of the elf race’s Grand Elder, and the other experts,
Ao Shen’s knees buckled, lowering his body as he imitated a
worm’s movement and crawled out of the hall.

The others merely watched in silence as Ao Shen of Nine

Dragons Temple slowly made his way out of the hall like a
worm. There was no surprise in their eyes. Only fear was
present, fear of Huang Xiaolong.

Ao Shen crossed the length inch by inch, foot by foot,

feeling a thousand times worse than having swords and
blades slashing his body. When he made it out of the hall,
he got to his feet. Enduring the humiliation, he faced Huang
Xiaolong: “I want to know, who are you?”

Knowing very well the anger, hate, and the killing intent
that must be surging in Ao Shen’s heart, Huang Xiaolong
was unperturbed, “Who I am, you’ll know very soon when I
pay a visit to your Nine Dragons Temple in a couple of

Ao Shen was stunned, he clearly did not expect this answer.

“Good, us nine brothers will await his brother’s arrival in the

Nine Dragons Temple.” Suppressing the killing intent in his
heart, Ao Shen turned around and left, disappearing from
view in seconds.

It took some time for the rest to adjust their mood watching
Ao Shen’s sorry figure leaving.

Huang Xiaolong turned to the seat assigned by Celine

earlier, and pointed to it, asking, “Am I qualified to sit here

“Yes, yes, yes, yes!” The remaining five people hastened to

‘reassure’ Huang Xiaolong, bobbing their heads up and

Huang Xiaolong sat down without a word, but when the five
people lowered their butts hesitantly, Huang Xiaolong
spoke, “Do you think you’re qualified to sit with me?”

Huang Xiaolong’s question rendered the hall into a deathly

silence. The five people that were about to sit paused, their
butts hovering a few inches from the chairs.

The expressions on their faces weren’t very good. After all,

the five of them were highly respected high-level Saint
realm experts, Patriarchs of their families, renowned
existences on the Ten Directions Continent, but now, a
young human was questioning their qualifications to sit
down with him? They were not qualified to sit next to a
human brat?
Despite the grimace on their faces, none dared to lower
their butts on the seats, and definitely no one wanted to be
the first one to raise an objection.

“Hehe, what Senior said is right, we don’t have the right to

sit with you.” One of the sea tribe men spoke. But the smile
on his face looked worse than crying, extremely forced.

He straightened his body. The female sea tribe member

beside him followed his lead and stood up.

Seeing this, the remaining three hurried out of their

awkward positions.

“Senior, just now I…” Grand Elder Celine was ill at ease
recalling her attitude earlier, wanting to explain.

“It’s nothing.” Huang Xiaolong waved his hand, waving the

matter away.

“The Queen arrives~!” At this time, a loud cry announced

the arrival of Elf Queen Kelly. Detecting the ruckus on this
side, Elf Queen Kelly had rushed over.

Huang Xiaolong was too shy to remain sitting when the Elf
Queen arrived, thus stood up. After all, the current
beastmen tribes did not rule over the Ten Directions
Continent as they did in the past, and the elves were not the
Beast God’s subjects.

Elf Queen Kelly already knew what took place in the hall
before she arrived. She walked straight to Huang Xiaolong,
greeting him as ‘Senior’ with utmost respect.

This was Huang Xiaolong’s first time meeting the Elf Queen.
Even he couldn’t resist praising the Elf Queen’s beauty
inwardly, natural, noble, with a faint mother nature’s smile
hanging on her lips at all times. Unique, even comparable to
Shi Xiaofei.

The atmosphere eased and everyone took a seat.

With the Elf Queen’s presence as the host, Huang Xiaolong

wasn’t so thick-skinned to continue making things difficult
for the other five people.

The Elf Queen greeted everyone with some perfunctory

polite words before bringing up the matter of healing the
Tree of Life, anxiety shadowing her brows.

The five people shook their heads, they had seen the Tree of
Life’s condition but none of them had a method to save the

Elf Queen Kelly was crestfallen with the disappointing


“Let me have a try.” Huang Xiaolong interjected.

His words immediately drew everyone’s attention. Without

elaborating further, Huang Xiaolong stood up and walked
over to the Tree of Life.

Elf Queen Kelly, Grand Elder Celine, and the five people
hurried behind Huang Xiaolong, exiting the hall.

Standing in front of the Tree of Life, he slapped his palm

onto the tree trunk. A boundless water element energy
gathered in the air from all directions, whirling faster and

At one point, a pearl of ice blue liquid formed in the high sky.
“This is pure concentration of water element, water
essence?!” Elf Queen Kelly was overjoyed.

Astonished faces stared at the small ice blue water pearl.

The pure concentration of water element, water essence. In

ancient times, only God Realm water element magi could
grasp this power.
Chapter 476: Entering The
Beast God Shrine
Chapter 476: Entering the Beast God Shrine

Before the group of stunned Saint realm experts, including

the Elf Queen Kelly, numerous drops of water essence fell
from high altitude. It was like a soft and light drizzle which
roared into a monsoon rain a short moment later.

Under the water essence’s cleansing, the Tree of Life was

provided with rejuvenating moisture. A soft halo shrouded
the massive tree as its foliage, branches, and trunk
reflected light like a crystal.

The Elf Queen Kelly and the other experts were drenched in
the water essence rain too as they stood close to the Tree of
Life. To their joy, they noticed that under the water essence
rain, the old scars on their skin actually started healing with
a speed visible to the naked eye. Scabs grew and fell,
revealing smooth youthful skin, supple and tender, aglow
with a jade-like luster.

Internally, their own life energy was nourished, brimming

vitality filled every part of their bodies.

The rain went on for an hour before Huang Xiaolong finally

stopped, a little short of breath. Popping a medicinal pellet
into his mouth, he quietly initiated Instant Recovery to
replenish his depleted battle qi.

To Elf Queen Kelly’s pleasant surprise, she immediately

detected that the life force had stopped seeping out of the
Tree of Life. Their race’s sacred tree was overflowing with
life energy once more. Moreover, its life energy was even
more vibrant and faster than ever before.

“On behalf of our elf race, I offer our deepest gratitude to

Young Noble for his grace.” Elf Queen Kelly said to Huang
Xiaolong, a happy and sincere smile on her face, showing
her heartfelt joy and gratitude.

Huang Xiaolong reciprocated her smile, “Just a helping

hand, moreover, I did it for the ten Life Crystals!”

Laughter rang out near the Tree of Life.

The Elf Queen invited everyone back to the hall and they all
took their previous seats. After everyone was seated, the Elf
Queen sent someone to bring the promised ten pieces of
Life Crystal, handing them over to Huang Xiaolong herself
with both hands.

Looking at the ten Life Crystals in the Elf Queen’s hands,

twinkling like stars and emitting a captivating abundant life
energy, Huang Xiaolong suppressed the delight in his heart
and received the Life Crystals.

The Tree of Life was cured and the Elf Queen immediately
ordered a celebratory banquet. Huang Xiaolong agreed out
of politeness, while the five experts also stayed to join in.

The banquet lasted several hours, until dusk. The evening

sun disappearing on the horizon just as Huang Xiaolong
decided to take his leave, but Elf Queen Kelly was one step
ahead of him, “It’s late, I’ve made lodging arrangements for
the night. We have troubled Young Noble today, curing the
Tree of Life must have exhausted Young Noble’s battle qi,
please rest here tonight!”
The guests were stunned at the Elf Queen’s insistence.

Grand Elder Celine was shocked the most as she looked at

their noble Queen with wide eyes. Their Queen had never,
ever, invited any young man to stay overnight!

Five people shot envious looks in Huang Xiaolong’s


How many experts on the Ten Directions Continent admired

the Elf Queen, but all failed to win the beauty’s heart. One
example was Nine Dragons Temple’s Ao Shen.

But now, the Elf Queen herself had spoken of her wishes for
Huang Xiaolong to stay for the night! Anyone with a little bit
brain could see that the Elf Queen held a favorable
impression toward Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong had a stunned expression on his face as he

looked at Elf Queen Kelly. Two pairs of eyes met in midair,
causing her heart to throb.

“Pardon me, I still have matters to attend to, and shall take
my leave.” Huang Xiaolong contemplated the invitation for
a moment and refused decisively in the end.

The hall floor was nearly carpeted with fallen eyeballs due
to shock. Grand Elder Celine especially never imagined that
Huang Xiaolong would decline their Queen’s invitation.

Quickly concealing the disappointment in her eyes, Elf

Queen Kelly braved a faint smile, “Since it is so, I will send
Young Noble out. The elf race will always welcome Young
Noble to the Elf Forest.”

The Elf Queen could represent the entire elf race, her open
doors to Huang Xiaolong meant that the entire elf race’s
doors were open to him. The meaning of her words so clear
that it triggered another bout of envious looks that bordered

At the end of the banquet, the other five guests bid their
farewells and dispersed.

Huang Xiaolong also bid his farewell and the Elf Queen
insisted to send him out. On the way out, neither of them
spoke, which made the atmosphere weird and ambiguous.

When both of them were out of the Elf Forest, Elf Queen
Kelly finally spoke, “Young Noble, are you really going to the
Nine Dragons Temple?”

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

“Nine Dragons Temple’s Great Hall Master Ao Kun is very

strong, recognized as the strongest person on the Ten
Directions Continent. He’s said to practice an ancient
Dragon Clan battle skill, the Dragon Killing Art. Be extra
careful when you’re facing him.” Elf Queen Kelly advised.

“I know.” Huang Xiaolong said. He vanished from view

moments later under the blanket of darkness.

Elf Queen Kelly stayed in the same spot for a long time
before retrieving her gaze, returning to the Elf Forest

After leaving the Elf Forest, Huang Xiaolong made his way
back to the Sacred Tiger City. In the Castellan Manor, he
refined one piece of Life Crystal.

What disappointed Huang Xiaolong was the fact that his

cultivation practically did not budge an inch after refining
the Life Crystal. Although Life Crystals were rare treasures,
to someone like Huang Xiaolong who had refined eight
primordial divine dragons, possessing a perverse physique
like the True Dragon Physique, the effects were negligible.

‘Looks like it won’t be possible to break through to Tenth

Order Saint realm in a short time.’ Huang Xiaolong thought
to himself. After stepping into high-level Saint realm at
Seventh Order, every small order breakthrough required
several times more energy; to break through to Tenth Order
Saint realm from Ninth Order where he was now, he’d
probably need to refine three primordial divine dragons.

Inexplicably, Huang Xiaolong thought of the Beast God


Huang Xiaolong decided to first stop by the Beast God

Shrine before heading to Nine Dragons Temple to see if he
could inherit the Beast God’s heritage, absorbing the Beast
God’s power would greatly increase his strength. He had
confidence in his current strength, but he didn’t have a full
grasp of victory against Nine Dragons Temple’s Great Hall
Master Ao Kun. After all, Ao Kun was hailed as Ten Directions
Continent’s strongest person.

The next morning, Huang Xiaolong left Sacred Tiger City,

making his second visit to the Beast God Shrine.

Four days later, Huang Xiaolong stood at the square in front

of the Beast God Shrine, taking in the sight of the Shrine.
Shrouded in a halo of mystery beneath the dazzling
sunlight, it gave off an everlasting, ancient, and powerful
aura. The Beast God Shrine stood proud and brilliant,
creating a breathtaking scene.

Compared to the previous rowdiness during the beastmen

tribes congregation, the surroundings were quiet, and under
the quietness was a whelming silent pressure.
Huang Xiaolong walked toward the shrine, one step at a

The Beast God Shrine was a towering structure that

encompassed several li of land. Above its massive entrance
was the symbol of a mythical beast that was exactly the
same as the mythical beast head on the Beast God Scepter.

A thought struck Huang Xiaolong and he took out the Beast

God Scepter, holding it in his hand, yet the grand entrance
remained closed without the slightest reaction.

Pondering the issue, Huang Xiaolong channeled his battle qi

into the Beast God Scepter, fully activating the seal inside
the scepter and projecting all the mythical beast bloodlines
contained within. In that split second, all the mythical
beasts symbols above the massive shrine entrance burst
out in dazzling light.

At that moment, the tightly closed entrance slowly opened

by itself. After a while, the dazzling light dimmed and

Holding the Beast God Scepter in his hand, Huang Xiaolong

stepped through the entrance, which closed itself behind
him after he walked deeper into the shrine. Looking at the
interior of the Shrine, its space was filled with large statues
of different mythical beasts.

Those mythical beast statues looked like they were placed

according to a certain array, and with a quick scan around,
he calculated an even number of three hundred statues. Not
one more, not one less.

While looking at the statues, Huang Xiaolong arrived at the

center of the hall.
At the center of the hall was a diagram of an array, bearing
some similarities to the Ten Buddha Formation at the center
of the Xumi Temple. The only difference was that Buddhism
seals were used in the Ten Buddha Formation, whereas the
symbols on this array were most likely ancient beastmen

Huang Xiaolong stood at the center of the array as he

channeled his battle qi into the Beast God Scepter to
stimulate the bloodline power contained within. When he did
so, a powerful energy burst up from beneath the array.
Chapter 477: Beast God Heritage

Huang Xiaolong was genuinely alarmed. The energy gushing

up from below the array formation was far more powerful
and turbulent than the energy coursing through his body
when refining the primordial divine dragons!

Was this… the Beast God’s power?!

Huang Xiaolong discovered that this overwhelming energy

actually integrated perfectly with the bloodline power of the
Beast God Scepter. At this point, the Beast God Scepter flew
out of his hand, hovering high up in the shrine center,
emitting a faint ruby luster that shrouded Huang Xiaolong

In the next second, the many mythical beast statues placed

in the hall also burst out in a dazzling light, spewing out
whorls of energy from their mouths that looked like spheres,
a total of three hundred of them.

These energy spheres then landed on Huang Xiaolong’s

body. Their scorching heat burned him as if they wanted to
melt his body to nothing! While this was happening, the
powerful Beast God power gushing out from the array drilled
madly into his body as well.

Throwing hesitation out of his mind, he quickly sat down

cross-legged, running the Asura Tactics faster than ever
before, cycle after cycle, refining and absorbing the Beast
God energy gushing from the array and the energy spheres
from three hundred mythical beast statues.

Even so, both of those energies were too ferocious. Despite

his freakish True Dragon Physique, he felt his body
expanding, stretching out. Pain shot through his nerves. If it
wasn’t for his True Dragon Physique and experience from
refining eight primordial divine dragons, the very instant
both energies touched his body, he would have exploded
and died!

Time trickled by, a day passed.

Finally, the tearing pain gradually subsided. As he ran the

Asura Tactics at a manic speed, the Beast God power and
the mythical beast’s energy spheres continued to fuse with
every part of Huang Xiaolong’s body. He then noticed the
change in his Qi Sea; his battle qi began to transform,
influenced by the Beast God’s power, and his True Dragon
Physique was being tempered, becoming tougher. The same
was happening to the true essence in his dantian.

Two days passed

Huang Xiaolong felt like he was bathing under the warm

sunshine, enveloped in the eternal brightness.

Half a month passed.

A faint ruby red glow enshrouded Huang Xiaolong, the same

faint ruby red glow emitted by the Beast God Scepter.
Behind Huang Xiaolong emerged, one after another,
shadows of mythical beasts.

In the beginning, it was only a dozen or so, but the shadows

increased as time passed, reaching an even three hundred.
Together with these shadows, some images and memories
appeared in Huang Xiaolong’s mind.

By the time one month had passed, the mythical beast

shadows behind Huang Xiaolong had grown more vivid and
real, the Beast God aura exuding from his body was more
powerful, spreading out in every direction.
On this day, the dazzling light from the array dissipated all
of a sudden, followed by the three hundred energy spheres
from the mythical beast statues’ mouths. The faint ruby red
light from the Beast God Scepter high above the hall also
dimmed, retreating back into the scepter as it slowly

Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes and stretched out his right
arm to catch the Beast God Scepter. Only at this moment
did he feel a true bloodline connection with the Beast God
Scepter, truly becoming a part of him, of one body.

He put the Beast God Scepter away, allowing it to submerge

under his skin. With a thought, a ruby red light exploded
from his body as shadows of mythical beasts flew out from
within him, proof that Huang Xiaolong and the Beast God
Scepter had merged together, that he had received the
previous generation Beast God’s heritage from refining the
Beast God power, becoming a bona fide beastmen tribes’
Beast God!

It could be said that for the current Huang Xiaolong, merely

relying upon the Beast God power residing in him, even
without the Beast God Scepter itself, it was sufficient to
deter all beastmen tribes’ experts. Moreover, the pressure
from the Beast God power in his body was much stronger
than the Beast God Scepter.

He slowly checked his internal condition.

Receiving the Beast God heritage and refining the Beast

God power actually propelled his cultivation to rise all the
way to late-Ninth Order Saint realm! Between shock then
delight, he focused on the latter.

Initially, he didn’t have full confidence in being able to

defeat the Nine Dragons Temple’s Ao Kun, now however, his
confidence was overflowing! As long as that Ao Kun had yet
to breakthrough to God Realm, Huang Xiaolong had
absolute certainty that he could defeat him relying on his
own strength!

His purpose in going to the Nine Dragons Temple wasn’t as

simple as ‘requesting’ them to hand over the Lion Tribe’s
Jesse. Huang Xiaolong wanted to subjugate the Nine
Dragons Temple!

With the Nine Dragons Temple under his control, taking over
the remaining two temples would be more or less effortless.
Subduing the demonic beast clans’ three main forces
inevitably meant that he had the whole lot of them under
his command. Adding the beastmen tribes’ forces, he was
one step closer to conquering the entire Ten Directions

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, Huang Xiaolong then

exited the Beast God Shrine.

Catching a last look at the ever mysterious and ancient

Beast God Shrine, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette flickered into
a blur, disappearing from sight.

‘It’s been more than a month, the Nine Dragons Temple is

probably annoyed from all the waiting.’ Huang Xiaolong
smirked inwardly as his figure whistled through at
breakneck speed toward the demonic beast clans’ territory.

However, the human race territory stood between the

beastmen tribes and demonic beast clans. Therefore, to
reach Nine Dragons Temple, Huang Xiaolong had to pass
through the human race lands.

Two days later, he arrived at the first human territory on the

Ten Directions Continent.
The sunlight was slightly hazy as Huang Xiaolong stood
before the city gates of a human governed city, staring at
the city name written in ancient characters: Vermillion City.

“Vermillion City.” Huang Xiaolong was dumbfounded and

speechless for a second. Recalling the young man Zhu Yu he
met more than a month ago in the Elf Forest, he was none
other than the Zhu Family’s disciple. The same Zhu Family
that ruled this Vermillion City.

He laughed self-mockingly wondering if he’d run into that

Zhu Family’s disciple, Zhu Yu? Throwing the random
thoughts at the back of his mind, Huang Xiaolong walked
toward the city gates following the crowd.

The Vermillion City, although slightly subpar in comparison

to certain imperial cities on Snow Wind Continent, was still
grander than royal cities on a kingdom level. The streets
were packed with people hurrying about, from humans,
dwarves, to those from the demonic beasts clans, sea
tribes, and even beastmen could be spotted.

This was Huang Xiaolong’s first visit to a human governed

city on the Ten Directions Continent, there was novelty in
everything he saw in the Vermillion City.

But he also noticed an obvious attitude amongst the

humans. When a human came across a beastmen or
demonic beast clan member, they would hasten to give way
just like how commoners would give way to the nobles
deemed more superior than themselves.

This made Huang Xiaolong’s heart feel uncomfortable.

Although he had taken the position as the new Beast God,

at his core, Huang Xiaolong was of the human race.
While he was minding his own business walking along the
street, a commotion happened not far in front of him. Other
pedestrians exclaimed in fright, quickly running to the sides,
giving way.

Huang Xiaolong looked over, watching several demonic

beast young men in peculiar robes riding on a Flaming Beast
and dashing through the street in his direction, raising a trail
of dust behind them. In the blink of an eye, they were thirty
meters away from Huang Xiaolong.

At this point, all other pedestrians, especially of the human

race, had fled to the sides of the street, leaving one sole
figure at the center of the street.

The leading demonic beast young man had no idea if the

human standing still on the street was dazed due to shock
or fear, but a sinister grin emerged on his face. Exerting
more pressure on the mount beneath him, the Flaming
Beast let out a roar and charged at Huang Xiaolong even

The Flaming Beast ridden by the several young men was

gigantic, four meters in height on thick-muscled legs.
Moreover, the Flaming Beast mount had reached the
Xiantian realm. An average Xiantian realm expert would
either die or be crippled if they managed to survive a
collision with this meat tank.

Huang Xiaolong sneered watching everything. When the

mount was ten meters away from him, a fierce tempest
rose, blowing the several young men and the Flaming Beast
off the street, whirling them to the air before plummeting to
the ground from a ten-meter height.

Strong trembles shook the street from the crash and zig-
zagged crack lines appeared on the street’s surface.
A short while later, the several demonic beast young men
crawled out from underneath the Flaming Beast’s corpse. All
of them covered in dust from head to toe, caught between
anger and fear looking at Huang Xiaolong.
Chapter 478: I Will Make You Regret This

Vermillion City’s Castellan Manor.

The main hall inside the Castellan Manor was filled with
festive cheers. On the main host’s seat sat a suave looking
young man, and this young man’s every action spoke of the
upper-class nobility.

One could detect lightning fluctuations around this young

man, thin threads of lightning flashed at random. He was
the Thunder Human King’s son, Lei Hua.

In the seat a little further down from Lei Hua was the
Vermillion City’s Castellan, Zhu Family’s Patriarch, Zhu
Mingcan. Other than Zhu Mingcan, the Zhu Family’s Elders
were all present without exception.

Raising the cup of tea in front of him, Lei Hua slowly took a
sip before speaking, “Young Noble Zhou doesn’t have many
hobbies, but he likes women a lot… especially human race
women. How’s the preparation for the one hundred beautiful
women that I requested?”

The ‘Young Noble Zhou’ that Lei Hua spoke of was the Ape
Deity Temple Master’s son, also a descendant of the Sacred
Ape Clan, Zhou Yuchu.

A few days earlier, he finally got the chance to make a

connection with this Young Noble Zhou, accompanying him
or sightseeing in the human territories. They were passing
by Vermillion City yesterday.

Zhu Mingcan showed a respectful demeanor, smiling as he

said, “Rest assured, Young Noble Lei, I have already picked
out those one hundred beauties and arranged for people to
send them to the place where Young Noble Zhou is staying.
Each of them was strictly reminded to serve Young Noble
Zhou well at night.”

Lei Hua was pleased with Zhu Mingcan’s performance,

nodding his head. At this time, a Zhu Family female disciple
clad in billowy purple dress came over to change the tea.
Her features weren't bad, so Lei Hua pointed at her, saying,
“Later, send her over too.”

The female disciple became ashen hearing that,

immediately falling to her knees begging: “Young Noble Lei,
please don’t ah!”

One of the Zhu Family Elders present also pulled his face,
for that female disciple was his youngest daughter.

“Insolent! Young Noble Lei selected you to serve Young

Noble Zhou, what happens tonight is your honor and
blessing!” Watching her actions, Zhu Mingcan jumped to his
feet and scolded. He then ordered, “Come, drag her out and
arrange for her to be sent to Young Noble Zhou’s manor

“Yes, Patriarch!”

Immediately two Zhu Family guards marched forward,

dragging the female disciple out. Her father, that Zhu Family
Elder remained in his seat, too afraid to speak up.

Lei Hua was very pleased with the Zhu Family’s Patriarch
sensible action, nodding slightly.

Flustered footsteps running into the hall broke the

atmosphere as one of Zhu Family’s Elders, Zhu Ping,
appeared in panic.
“Zhu Ping, what is it? All disheveled and flustered!” Zhu
Mingcan snapped.

Elder Zhu Ping knelt on his knees, blurting out in a hurry,

“Young Noble Lei, Patriarch, it’s bad! Young Noble Zhou’s
both arms were twisted broken by someone in the street!”

“What?!” Everyone in the hall looked ashen.

Lei Hua was already on his feet, hollering at the top of his
lungs: “What happened?!”

After much effort, he finally found a chance hard to come by

to build a connection with the Ape Deity Temple Master’s
son, Zhou Yuchu, but now Zhou Yuchu was actually wounded
in the human territories, both of his arms twisted broken!

The Ape Deity Temple’s Master, Zhu A, was an existence

that even his father, the Thunder Human King needed to
relent to! If the Ape Deity Temple Master rained his wrath on
them, not even his father could protect him at that time!
More likely than not, the whole human race on the Ten
Directions Continent would pay a heavy price due to this!

The Zhu Family Elder, Zhu Ping, quickly recounted what

happened frightfully.

Hearing that a young human blocked Zhou Yuchu’s path in

the street, moreover killing Zhou Yuchu’s Flaming Beast
mount and subsequently breaking Zhou Yuchu’s arms, Lei
Hua’s heart plummeted to the bottomless abyss.

At first, he had fervently hoped that the person who injured

Zhou Yuchu was not of the human race. In that was a slim
chance that his father could cover for him a little.
“Go find out! Investigate which family that young man
belongs to! Go find out and annihilate every member of that
family, immediately, right now, this instant!!” Blood vessels
turned Lei Hua’s eyes red. He roared at Zhu Mingcan, “Cut
down all their heads, bring them before Zhou Yuchu as an

“Understood, Young Noble Lei!” Zhu Mingcan’s heart flipped

over like a bellied-up fish.

“Wait!” Lei Hua fixed a deadly glare at Zhu Mingcan, “This

matter, if you fail to complete it well, I will annihilate your
Zhu Family, do you understand?!”

Zhu Mingcan and the Zhu Family’s Elders felt cold sweat
pouring down their backs, complying in panic as the dread
of death descended down the entire Castellan Manor.

“Pass the order down, close down all the city exits. Go
gather all the Xiantian realm family disciples and follow me
over there, capture that young man!” Lei Hua barked out
orders in frigid voice, a sky-piercing killing intent exploded
in his eyes.

In the blink of an eye, Lei Hua, Zhu Mingcan, and a mass of

Zhu Family’s experts rushed out from the manor, stomping
toward the street pointed out by Elder Zhu Ping.

Zhu Yu was part of the Zhu Family’s main branch

descendants. He was a Second Order Xiantian realm, and
thus he was part of the group of experts following behind Lei
Hua and Zhu Mingcan.

“When we capture that young man, do not kill him, leave his
dog life for Young Noble Zhou and the Ape Deity Temple to
handle the matter themselves!” On the way, Lei Hua
reminded Zhu Mingcan and the rest. Hopefully with this, he
could appease Young Noble Zhou and the Ape Deity
Temple’s anger.

“Rest assured, Young Noble Lei.” Zhu Mingcan continued, “At

that time, I will surely make that kid understand the
meaning of hell!”

At the same time, in another part of the city, Huang

Xiaolong twisted both Zhou Yuchu’s arms past the breaking
point and then sent him flying up into the air with a kick.
That kick accurately shattered his beast core.

A miserable scream escaped Zhou Yuchu’s mouth, lying on

the street and spurting mouthfuls of blood. As he tried to
get up, the look in his eyes was vicious and resentful, locked
on Huang Xiaolong, “You will regret this! In a while, I will
make you regret this, regret that you came into this world!”

“Is that so?” There were no changes to Huang Xiaolong’s

expression except for that tiny smirk tilting the corners of
his mouth as he moved closer to Zhou Yuchu.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong approaching, all the false bravado

left Zhou Yuchu, his legs sliding backward in retreat.

“Kill him, I want you all to kill him—!” He bellowed.

Zhou Yuchu’s personal bodyguards once again pounced on

Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong casually waved his hand and the several

demonic beast bodyguards exploded, blood and flesh
splattered all over the street.
“You, do you know who I am? I am the demonic beast clan’s
Ape Deity Temple Master’s son, you lowly human scum
actually dared to cripple my arms and shatter my beast
core!” Zhou Yuchu roared at Huang Xiaolong, “Let me tell
you, not even your human race’s Thunder Human King
dares to fart in front of me! You’re dead, you’re absolutely
dead! I’ll annihilate your entire family, I will rape all the
women in your family!”

Zhou Yuchu snarled in madness.

He was the Ape Deity Temple Master’s most doted son, of

noble status. Everywhere he went he was layered with
flattery and praise, but today, a lowly human had the guts
to break his arms and shatter his Qi Sea!

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong’s expression turned cold,

sending Zhou Yuchu to the air with another kick, and
another kick knocked him into a series of walls, destroying
several buildings.

With a deadpan face, Huang Xiaolong walked toward Zhou

Yuchu. It was at this time that numerous noises of whistling
wind rang in the sky. Huang Xiaolong stopped and looked

The arrivals were none other than Lei Hua, Zhu Mingcan,
and the Zhu Family experts.

“Young Noble Zhou!” When Lei Hua arrived, he immediately

found Zhou Yuchu buried underneath a pile of rubble.
Turning deadly pale, the first thing Lei Hua did was to fly to
Zhou Yuchu’s side, trying to dig him out from the pile of
rubble in a clumsy manner.

Zhu Mincan and the Zhu Family experts were also ashen at
Zhou Yuchu’s sorry state.
However, amongst the group of Zhu Family disciples, one of
them, Zhu Yu, felt his knees buckle when he caught sight of
that figure standing tall at the center of the street, nearly
fainting into oblivion.
Chapter 479: Don’T
Accidentally Kill Him
Chapter 479: Don’t Accidentally Kill Him

Just moments ago on the way here, Zhu Yu was thinking of

how to show a good performance in front of the Patriarch
and Young Noble Lei when he caught the offender.

But the moment he spotted Huang Xiaolong’s figure

standing in the middle of the street, he felt that the area
was a super minefield, his feet heavy as if they’ve turned to
lead. No matter how he tried, they refused to move an inch

“Zhu Yu, are you alright?” His cousin brother beside him,
Zhu Guangliang, asked with concern noticing Zhu Yu’s
strange demeanor.

“I, I, am fine.” Zhu Yu tried his best to maintain a calm

facade, but a tsunami was crashing in his heart. Despite
having no idea what that black-haired young man’s identity
was up until this very moment, in the trip he made to the Elf
Forest some time ago, the scene where the elves’ Grand
Elder Celine personally came out to greet this young man
replayed in Zhu Yu’s mind.

On that day, after this young man was escorted into the
elves’ holy land, Zhu Yu saw the Nine Dragons Temple’s
Sixth Hall Master Ao Shen leaving in a disheveled state, the
reason unknown.
Despite the reason being unknown for the Nine Dragons
Temple’s Sixth Hall Master’s sudden departure, Zhu Yu had a
feeling that it was related to that black-haired young man.

Zhu Guangliang observed his cousin a little. Although he felt

that something was strange with Zhu Yu, he didn’t dwell on

By this time, Lei Hua managed to rescue Zhou Yuchu out

from the pile of rubble. Feeling that there was still a breath
left in Zhou Yuchu, Lei Hua felt like a great burden was lifted
off his chest. ‘Thank goodness, he’s still alive!’ If Zhou Yuchu
died, even if he had one hundred heads, he would not be
able to pacify the Ape Deity Temple Master’s anger.

Under Lei Hua and Zhu Mingcan’s frantic rescue efforts,

Zhou Yuchu finally regained consciousness. Opening his
eyes, he looked around him and tried to stand up. At last,
Zhou Yuchu’s cutting gaze fell on Lei Hua.

No words were spoken, Zhou Yuchu lifted his leg and sent a
merciless kick at Lei Hua. Unprepared, Lei Hua tumbled and
rolled a dozen meters, screaming all the way.

The Zhu Family experts watched with dazed eyes,

flabbergasted. Who was Lei Hua? Their Thunder Human
King’s son!

Zhou Yuchu crossed the dozen meters between them,

standing in front of Lei Hua with scarlet eyes. His legs struck
out at Lei Hua in a flurry of frenzy kicking, stomping, and
bashing, while Lei Hua’s screams echoed in the street. None
of the surrounding Zhu Family experts dared to persuade
Young Noble Zhou Yuchu otherwise.

“Your mother, do you know this daddy’s arms are crippled,

beast core shattered! It’s you, it’s all your fault, you son of a
b*tch!” Zhou Yuchu’s angry bellow thundered in the air,
venting all the frustration and anger he had toward Huang
Xiaolong on Lei Hua’s body.

If it wasn’t for Lei Hua inviting him to sightsee in the human

territory, his arms and beast core would not be in this
situation now⸺crippled!

Lei Hua endured the torrent of attacks, trying his best to

protect his head and his face, but never once did he try to
counter or dodge.

Huang Xiaolong watched everything with a stoic expression.

A while later, Zhou Yuchu was tired from all the kicking and
finally stopped. “Get the f*ck up!” As the last spurt, Zhou
Yuchu sent a kick right at Lei Hua’s crotch.

The last kick was unexpected, Lei Hua’s hands clutched his
crotch in pain, mouth agape soundlessly. One could see his
face turning a slight purple due to the pain, however, he
gritted his teeth and slowly climbed to his feet.

“It’s that punk!” Zhou Yuchu ‘pointed’ at Huang Xiaolong,

barking at Lei Hua: “You know what to do, remember, I want
him alive.”

Forcing an ugly smile on his face, Lei Hua acknowledged

respectfully, “Rest assured, Young Noble Zhou, I’ve already
ordered people to investigate this punk’s background, as
long as he’s one of Vermillion City’s family disciple, I will
make sure that tonight all the women in his family are sent
to Young Noble!”

Only then did Zhou Yuchu look slightly better.

Seeing this, Lei Hua turned around. Deep viciousness glinted
in Lei Hua’s eyes, staring at Huang Xiaolong. If it weren’t
because of this damn punk, today he wouldn’t be kicked by
Zhou Yuchu in public. That last kick from Zhou Yuchu
contained great anger, one could imagine how heavy that
kick was.

Even now, the sides of his upper thighs were twitching with

Lei Hua slowly walked over to Huang Xiaolong, strong killing

intent stirred fierce winds, sand and dust flying in the air.

“Do you know who I am?” Lei Hua coldly glowered at Huang

Huang Xiaolong’s calm voice sounded: “I know.”

Lei Hua was stunned but quickly recovered. He was the

Thunder Human King’s son. As a member of the human
race, it was granted that the other side knew who his

“You’re a dog.” Huang Xiaolong added.


Monstrous killing intent exploded in Lei Hua’s heart, his

palm struck at Huang Xiaolong’s chest: “Die, die, die!”
Countless streaks of lightning accompanied his palm strike,
transforming into lightning snakes.

“Rapid Lightning Hand!”

Rapid Lightning Hand was his father’s ultimate skill.

Amongst so many sons, the Thunder Human King only
taught this battle skill to Lei Hua.
The lightning snakes’ movements locked all escape routes,
bringing with them the lightning’s power of destruction.

The momentum terrified the surrounding Zhu Family

experts, every one of them retreated in a hurry. They never
imagined that Lei Hua would take care of the black-haired
young man himself, it was obvious that he was beyond

In an instant, Huang Xiaolong’s figure was drowned in

numerous lightning snakes, drilling into his body.

“Don’t accidentally kill him!” Zhou Yuchu cautioned, anxious

that Lei Hua would go overboard, killing that punk in anger.

A thunderous blast sounded when Lei Hua’s palm struck

Huang Xiaolong’s chest. The lightning snakes drilled even
more frantically into Huang Xiaolong’s body.

“Great, Young Noble Lei is mighty!” Zhou Mingcan was the

first to cry out.

On cue, the Zhu Family experts began to offer their praises,

as if trying to outdo one another.

“Half-Saint? Rapid Lightning Hand? The Thunder Human

King’s son is this kind of wastrel.” Huang Xiaolong stood
there, immovable like Mt. Tai, smirking at the other side with

Lei Hua was wide-eyed with shock staring at Huang


Before Lei Hua could react, overwhelming power

fluctuations flooded out from Huang Xiaolong like angry
tidal waves. Lei Hua felt as if a great ancient mountain
slammed into him, his body flew out like a withered leaf,
landing hard like a dead dog on the street.

A deathly silence descended over the street.

All the Zhu Family experts that were cheering and praising
Lei Hua shut up abruptly, their words stuck in their throats,
rooted where they stood. Everyone was staring dumbly at
Lei Hua’s body, not knowing if he was alive or dead.

Huang Xiaolong walked over to Zhou Yuchu.

The Ape Deity Temple Master’s son lost all the color on his
face. Finally, there was a thread of fear in his eyes facing
Huang Xiaolong.

“You, you dare!” Zhou Yuchu staggered.

Huang Xiaolong lifted a finger up and pointed lightly, the

Absolute Soul Finger pierced through Zhou Yuchu’s forehead
with no suspense.

The disbelieving look on Zhou Yuchu was his dying

expression; a lowly human race dared to kill him?! His throat
moved, but before any sound came, his body tumbled down.

A thunderclap rumbled in Zhu Mingcan and the Zhu Family

Elders’ minds watching Zhou Yuchu’s body fall, like an
apocalypse. Zhou Yuchu was dead!

The Ape Deity Temple Master’s son—was dead!

On the other end of the street, Lei Hua struggled to his feet,
just in time to catch a glimpse of Zhou Yuchu’s corpse
tumbling down. Lei Hua directly fainted.
Huang Xiaolong took the time to scan the people around
and spotted Zhu Yu hiding at the back of the Zhu Family’s
disciples, “Zhu Yu, right? We meet again.”

All the focused suddenly turned to Zhu Yu.

The intense stares made Zhu Yu unable to catch his breath.

“You’re the Zhu Family’s Patriarch?” Huang Xiaolong looked

away from Zhu Yu to Zhu Mingcan.

Zhou Mingcan stiffened, nodding woodenly.

“When the Ape Deity Temple’s people come, tell them that I
will pay a visit to their temple in ten days’ time. If Zhou
Yunpeng wants to avenge his son, wait for me at the Ape
Deity Temple.” Huang Xiaolong had disappeared in a flash
before his last word fell.

Zhou Yunpeng, Ape Deity Temple’s Master.

After he took over the Nine Dragons Temple, naturally, he

would need to make a trip to the Ape Deity Temple, and
Violent Lion Temple. These two were forces that he needed
to take in as well.

Leaving Vermillion City, Huang Xiaolong flew, speeding

toward the Nine Dragons Temple.

It didn’t take long for the news of Ape Deity Temple Master’s
son, Zhou Yuchu, being killed to spread everywhere,
shocking all forces of the Ten Directions Continent.

“The Ape Deity Temple Master’s son was killed. In order to

appease the Temple Master’s fury, the Thunder Human King
ordered the Zhu Family’s annihilation! The Zhu Family’s
heads, from top to bottom, were sent to the Ape Deity

Five days later, Huang Xiaolong arrived at the edge of the

Nine Dragons Temple territory.
Chapter 480: Submit

Reaching the edge of the Nine Dragons Temple territory,

Huang Xiaolong flew straight toward the Nine Dragons
Temple without stopping.

The Nine Dragons Temple was acknowledged as the

demonic beast clans’ top force, with their influence
spanning an expansive land area equivalent to six-tenths of
the beastmen’s. Even so, with Huang Xiaolong’s current
speed, he reached the Nine Dragons City in a day’s travel.

The city nestled itself in nature, undulating mountains

surrounding it in all four directions. The city was practically
weaved into the mountains, and the Nine Dragons Temple
was located right at the center of the city.

Towering structures monopolized the buildings inside the

Nine Dragons City, its city walls were double the height of
the Sacred Tiger City’s and wider than normal city gates
entrance, enough to allow a hundred people standing side
by side to pass at the same time.

With just the first step inside the Nine Dragons City, Huang
Xiaolong was nearly overwhelmed by the strong demonic qi
unique to the demonic beasts. Looking up at the sky above
the Nine Dragons City, the demonic qi actually formed thick
clouds above it!

In fact, the Nine Dragons City existed since ancient times

and many demonic beast experts stayed in the city,
therefore it wasn’t strange that thick demonic qi clouds
hovered above the city from the long accumulation period of
several tens of thousands of years. They neither reduced
nor easily dissipated.
The demonic beast clans on the Ten Directions Continent
originated from humans copulating with demonic beasts
that had taken human form in the ancient era and they grew
through generations of reproduction.

Therefore, the demonic beast clans possessed the outer

appearance of a human but the terrifying defense of a
demonic beast, exuding strong demonic qi.

These demonic beast clans cultivated beast cores inside

their bodies, unlike humans that formed a Qi Sea. Moreover,
they had a unique beast taming art that enabled demonic
beast expert with a powerful spiritual sense to control two to
three demonic beasts at the same level as them. This was
what made others wary of the demonic beast clans.

Entering the Nine Dragons City, Huang Xiaolong leisurely

strolled on the streets. He noticed that the pedestrians
around were mostly demonic beast experts, with an
occasional beastmen or sea tribe member passing by.

Even rarer were humans, and those people only came to the
city with business.

At this time, inside the Nine Dragons Temple.

Nine people were sitting in the great hall, one of them was
none other than Ao Kun, who fled away in a sorry state after
being defeated by Huang Xiaolong in the Elf Forest. Sitting
in the main seat was a stalwart young man with an
imposing aura, clad in a deep mulberry-purple brocade robe.
Even with him simply sitting there, he gave others a feeling
that he was overlooking the world.
This young man was one other than the Nine Dragons
Temple Master, Ao Kun, the demonic beast clans’ strongest
expert and also the Ten Directions Continent’s number one

No one knew exactly how strong Ao Kun was. What the

public knew was that five hundred years ago, the
beastmen’s Lion Tribe Patriarch Andrew, Tiger Tribe Patriarch
Chuck, and Snake Tribe Patriarch Danny lost three against
one, easily defeated by Ao Kun!

Since then, no one had seen Ao Kun battle again in the last
five hundred years.

“More than a month has passed, that brat still hasn’t shown
up!” Ao Shen grumbled, his temper flaring.

“Sixth brother, you think that brat will really dare to come?”
Sitting in the seat closer to the center, ranked fifth amongst
the nine brothers, Ao Feng, taunted. “Only those with big
muscles with no brains like you believe that he'll show up!”

“What did you say?!” Ao Shen leaped to his feet in anger.

“Enough.” Ao Kun sitting at the top spoke with an air of

nonchalance, “Stop bickering.”

Only then did Ao Shen let out a snort and returned to his

“Attack few days ago, the Ape Deity Temple Master’s son
was killed, how do you all see this matter?” Ao Kun asked.

“Big brother, you’re saying that the person who killed the
Ape Deity Temple Master’s son and the person who defeated
Sixth brother are one and the same?” Second Bro Ao Sen
tested inquired.
Ao Kun nodded, “It's a possibility.”

“But, I cannot figure it out, when did such a freaky younger

generation appear in our Martial Spirit World?” Third bro Ao
Bi exclaimed: “He defeated Sixth bro in ten moves!”

That day, being forced to leave the Elf Forest and run back
to Nine Dragons Temple was the most humiliating matter for
Ao Shen. To the others, he claimed that Huang Xiaolong
defeated him with ten strokes, but Ao Kun and the rest
weren’t aware that Ao Shen was actually defeated in a
single move!

Even so, Ao Kun and the rest were still shocked, because
they knew that Ao Shen was a peak late-Ninth Order Saint
realm expert.

Defeating Ao Shen in ten moves! Only Ao Kun had this kind

of strength! If their Second Brother Ao Sen used his full force
from the beginning, he could barely manage to do so.

“Perhaps he’s not someone from our Martial Spirit World.”

Ao Kun stated his thoughts after pondering the matter in his

“Not from our Martial Spirit World!” The eight others were
stunned at this possibility.

Ao Kun explained, “Our Martial Spirit World is just one tiny,

tiny dot in the vast galaxy. Peace Emperor World, Glory
World, Everlasting World, any one of these worlds is
stronger, a hundred times more powerful than us. There,
experts are as common as the clouds. Zhao Yi, the Castellan
of the strongest city within the Bedlam Lands, Sin City, is
someone from the Peace Emperor World.”
“Sin City’s Castellan, Zhao Yi, originates from the Peace
Emperor World?!” Waves of shock swept through the

Ao Kun went on, “To list the people who I’m wary of in the
Martial Spirit World, they would be Deities Templar’s Temple
Preceptor, the Cosmos God Cult Leader, and lastly, Sin
City’s Castellan.”

“Big brother, if the person who killed the Ape Deity Temple
Master’s son is the same young man who defeated Sixth
brother...Vermillion City is not that far from our Nine
Dragons Temple, that young man’s next destination is most
likely our Nine Dragons Temple.” Seventh brother Ao Yi said.

Ao Kun nodded in agreement, “Based on that person’s

speed, without hindrance, he’d reach our Nine Dragons City

Second brother Ao Sen spoke, “Regardless which world’s

expert he is, if he dares to show up, the Nine Dragons
Temple will be his burial place!”

Ao Kun waved his hand, “Don’t shout ‘kill’ and ‘death’ every
time you open your mouth to speak, if he’s willing to submit
under Nine Dragons Temple, we can consider giving him the
position of Supreme Enforcer Elder.”

Third Brother laughed, “It’s still Big brother with the better
mind, our Nine Dragons Temple would be adding on another
expert, we'll absolutely be able to suppress the Violent Lion
Temple and Ape Deity Temple till they can’t breathe!”

Ninth brother Ao Kuang interjected, “But he killed the Ape

Deity Temple Master’s son, if he submits under our Nine
Dragons Temple, the Ape Deity Temple Master would surely
come over to ask for him!”
Ao Kun was unperturbed, “A mere Ape Deity Temple, I dare
Zhou Yunpeng to come make a ruckus in our Nine Dragons

“That’s right, we don’t even put the beastmen tribes in our

eyes, forget about mere Ape Deity Temple.” Eighth brother
Ao Dong exclaimed proudly.

Ao Kun then asked, “How’s that Lion Tribe Young Patriarch

Jesse doing?”

“Now, only our Nine Dragons Temple dares to protect him,

he has nowhere else he can turn to, of course he’s more
than loyal and devoted to our Nine Dragons Temple. His
hatred toward the beastmen tribes grows every day to the
point of killing every beastman he comes across. All in all,
the number of beastmen that died in his hand has reached
eight hundred if not a thousand!” Second brother Ao Sen

Sixth brother Ao Shen sat there quietly without uttering a

word. There were several times where he wanted to speak,
to confess that he was actually defeated in one move, yet
the words would not come.

At this point, Huang Xiaolong had reached the Nine Dragons


In front of Nine Dragons Temple was a large square, and

above the square were sculptures of nine large sea dragons,
emitting a faint formless pressure.

Observing the nine sea dragon sculptures, Huang Xiaolong

could see that each of them was created from each hall
master’s own demonic qi, which explained the invisible
pressure coming from them. Average Saint realm experts
would not be able to get too close to the nine dragon
sculptures. Huang Xiaolong slowly walked toward the Nine
Dragons Temple entrance.

“Stop right there!” Just as the demonic beast experts

guarding the main entrance yelled at Huang Xiaolong, trying
to stop him, Huang Xiaolong blew a breath at them. Those
guards instantly exploded, wind scattered their blood and
flesh over the square.

At his current strength, a breath of air converted from his

dantian’s true essence was more terrifying than any
destructive lightning’s power. Not even mid-level Saint
realm experts could defend against it, not to mention these
guards, who were only high-level Xiantian.

Ao Kun and his brothers were still discussing matters related

to Huang Xiaolong when they heard the tragic wails coming
from the entrance. Stunned, all discussions halted abruptly.
My Bookmarks














size minus size normal size plus

Chapter 481: You Used Ten Moves

Chapter 481: You Used Ten Moves

A panicked disciple ran into the hall at this time, but before
that disciple could say a word, Ao Kun already snapped at
him, “What is happening outside?”
“Reporting to Temple Master, a young human came to make
trouble outside, Guard Yan and the others were all killed by
him!” The demonic beast disciple blurted everything

A young human!

Ao Kun and his eight brothers immediately knew that the

young man who defeated Ao Shen had arrived, they just
never expected him so soon.

“How dare he! The second brother, Ao Sen, stood up in fury,

hollering, “Killing our Nine Dragons Temple’s guards the
moment he arrives, this is blatantly not putting us in his
eyes! Even if he’s willing to submit to our Nine Dragons
Temple, we must still let him suffer!”

“Right, otherwise any bumpkin can run to our Nine Dragons

Temple’s door, kill some of our guards, then quickly submit
under us after being caught, won’t that just turn our Nine
Dragons Temple into a joke?” Third bro Ao Bi shouted.

“I say, after we capture the little punk, it will be possible for

him to submit to our Nine Dragons Temple, but only if he
kowtows every three steps from the Nine Dragons City gates
all the way to our Nine Dragons Temple.” Seventh brother
Ao Yi snickered.

“Enough, let us all go out and see.” Ao Kun stood up with an

insipid expression, “It has been a few years since I’ve made
a move. A lot of people in the Martial Spirit World are
curious about my strength.”

Second brother Ao Sen laughed, “In fact, Big bro, you need
not do anything, I alone am enough to capture that little
Ao Kun waved his hand, “I’ll deal with that kid personally, all
of you just watch, no need to interfere.”

Ao Sen and the rest exchanged a look amongst themselves,

complying with Ao Kun’s order.

The nine brothers did not ask that demonic beast disciple
how Huang Xiaolong killed the guards. With Ao Kun leading
the group at the front and Ao Sen and the rest behind him,
they walked out of the main hall.

When the nine brothers marched out, a sharp aura surged

from them, whirling up to the air above the Nine Dragons
Temple. The weather changed as multiple purple-colored
energy vortices rose to the sky.

This sudden burst of power instantly alarmed the experts

residing in the Nine Dragons City, who craned their necks in
the Nine Dragons Temple’s direction.

“What’s going on?! What big matter was able to bring out all
of Nine Dragons Temple’s masters!”

“We haven’t see the Temple Master show his strength in a

long time, what happened that it has even alerted the
Temple Master? Did something big happen to the Nine
Dragons Temple?!”

“All nine masters showing up together! Go, go, go! Let’s

hurry to the Nine Dragons Temple and see!”

In a short span of time, tempted by their own morbid

curiosity, countless demonic beast experts within the city
rushed to the Nine Dragons Temple from all directions.

Outside the Nine Dragons Temple. Huang Xiaolong was
heavily encircled by layers of demonic beast guards. A
person walked out from the encirclement, clad in fine
brocade robes, seemingly an Elder of Nine Dragons Temple,
who was glowering at Huang Xiaolong, “A measly human
race punk dares to kill in our Nine Dragons Temple?! I say,
you’ve been living too comfortably!”

“Merciless Heartless Sword Burial Strike!”

Out of nowhere, a large demon sword appeared in his hand

and stabbed straight at Huang Xiaolong. Numerous sword
rays shot out, filled with a cold heartless and merciless aura,
forming a sword burial mound as if it wanted to bury all
living beings in the world within.

This demonic beast clan expert was a Fifth Order Saint

realm expert. Whether it was his rank amongst the Nine
Dragons Temple experts or the Nine Dragons City experts on
a whole, his strength was generally recognized to be in the
upper tier.

The instant he attacked, gasps of surprise sounded from the

spectating crowd.

“Merciless Heartless Sword Burial Strike? This is Merciless

Demon Saint’s ultimate skill from one thousand years ago!
Wow, Elder Chen succeeded in practicing this skill!”

“Rumors say that the Merciless Demon Saint has taken the
lives of countless high experts with this one move!”

“Look! That human brat is standing still! He’s dead for


While the crowd whispered among themselves, Huang

Xiaolong’s mouth opened wide as if he was yawning, gently
blowing air from his mouth. The sharp, lethal sword energies
aimed at him shattered in midair. The merciless atmosphere
vanished with the sword energies like they never appeared
at all.

That Nine Dragons Temple Elder Chen’s pupils dilated in fear

like he had just seen his worst nightmare. In the next
second, his body shook and a tragic wail rang out as his
body was thrown into the air.

Ao Kun and his eight brothers had just stepped out from the
main hall when Elder Chen flew over their heads, crashing
down on the main hall’s floor.

The whispers were cut short by gasps of shock, followed by

dead silence.

A moment after the dead silence, all the spectating demonic

beast experts sucked in a cold breath and retreated a few
steps back by reflex, distancing themselves from Huang

The many rows of Nine Dragons Temple guard that encircled

Huang Xiaolong were shivering as they too subconsciously

At this point, the experts that rushed over for a good show
arrived from different directions.

“What happened? Why so quiet? Who’s that human kid?

Don’t tell me this is the death-seeking kid that came to
make trouble in the Nine Dragons Temple?” One of the
demonic experts that had just arrived at the square spotted
Huang Xiaolong’s figure at the center, asking no one in
His voice immediately made all the experts turn their focus
on him. Staring at him, that look, that momentum made the
hair on his back rise.

“Nine Dragons Temple, the nine hall masters!” Someone

from the crowd shouted.

Once again, the crowd’s attention shifted, watching Ao Kun’s

group of nine as they slowly walked out of the main hall.

Monstrous demonic qi enveloped everyone present.

“Greetings, Nine Hall Masters!” The surrounding Nine

Dragons Temple guards saluted respectfully on their knees.
The surrounding experts also saluted.

“Stand up.” Ao Kun spoke, his steps continuing toward

Huang Xiaolong.

The nine hall masters stopped several meters away from

Huang Xiaolong.

When Ao Kun and Huang Xiaolong looked eye to eye, the

invisible pressure released from their bodies caused the
crowd of experts to palpitate.

“My sixth brother said that you defeated him in ten moves.”
After a moment of silent exchange, Ao Kun broke the tense

Ten moves!

The demonic beast experts were stunned hearing that and

sucked in another cold breath as they looked at Huang
Xiaolong with fear in their eyes. Especially the expert that
branded Huang Xiaolong as the ‘death seeking kid that
came to cause trouble in the Nine Dragons Temple’, he
nearly had a seizure after hearing Ao Kun’s words.

Who didn’t know that the Nine Dragons Temple’s Sixth Hall
Master Ao Shen is a peak late-Ninth Order Saint realm
expert?! In the entire demonic beast clan experts, the
number of people capable of winning over him could be
counted on two hands.

But, the young human in front of them did that in just ten

Huang Xiaolong glanced at Ao Shen standing behind Ao Kun;

ten moves? Not seeing the need to clarify anything, he
smiled faintly, “You can say so.”

Seeing Huang Xiaolong’s faint smile, Ao Shen felt his face

burning. He was further surprised that the young man was
willing to acknowledge ‘the truth’.

“Then, if you can withstand ten moves from me and not

lose, I will let you leave.” Ao Kun stated with a calm

Thick silence followed, but no one present thought that Ao

Kun was bluffing.

From five hundred years ago, Ao Kun was already

recognized as the demonic beast clans’ number one expert.
His strength could only be described as unfathomable.

Even if Huang Xiaolong defeated Ao Shen in ten moves,

whether he could withstand ten moves from Ao Kun was
another matter.

“Oh,” Huang Xiaolong calmly asked, “What if I fail to

withstand ten moves from you?”
Ao Kun said matter-of-factly, “If you fail to do so, you will
kowtow every three steps from the Nine Dragons City gates
to our Nine Dragons Temple. The Ape Deity Temple Master’s
son was killed by you, right? Don’t worry, after you submit
to our Nine Dragons Temple, we will definitely protect you.”
Chapter 482: Second Hall
Master’S Deific Prowess
Chapter 482: Second Hall Master’s Deific Prowess

Hearing this, Huang Xiaolong laughed while shaking his

head, “I have a different suggestion.”

“Suggestion?” Ao Kun was lost for a second. Curious, he

permitted, “Speak.”

“Let’s do it like this, all nine of you attack together, if you

can defeat me, I’ll walk the entire way from the Nine
Dragons City gates to the Nine Dragons Temple, one kowtow
every three steps. However, if all nine of you attack
together but are defeated by me instead, then all nine of
you shall do the same walk, one kowtow every three steps
from the city gates to this Nine Dragons Temple, and submit
to me.” Huang Xiaolong continued in an aloof manner,
“Don’t worry, after you submit to me, I can guide your
practice, even bestow you with elixirs!”


“This kid actually wants all nine hall masters to attack


“What arrogance! He’s insane!”

The instant Huang Xiaolong finished talking, the crowd

broke out in an indignant uproar at the human’s arrogance.
Even Ao Kun, who hadn’t felt anger for the last five hundred
years, couldn’t help feeling anger at this moment.
A juggernaut of demonic qi flooded out from Ao Kun, akin to
awakened ten thousand years old magma, erupting to the
sky. Demonic qi pooled high above the Nine Dragons
Temple, gathering into a sea of purple clouds, rumbling,
rolling. The wind howled, as if the prestige of a great ancient
demon emperor was provoked. Wrath ensued!

Ao Sen and the rest were also angered to their limit.

“Big brother, against this little punk, it’s not necessary to do

it yourself.” Second brother Ao Sen leaped out, yelling in
fury, “I alone am enough to defeat this brat easily!”

“Damn brat, go die, eat one punch from me!”

“Tyrannical Heaven’s Vast Sea of Dire Land Fist [1]!”

Ao Sen punched out at Huang Xiaolong, using a killing move

with the first attack. The demonic qi from his body surged
out like tidal waves. With the air of dominance, fist shadows
layered on top of each other like endless waves rushing
forward, ever-changing. The scene in everyone’s eyes
changed, like an eternity passing without leaving any

Sharp killing intent shone in Ao Sen’s eyes, he had never

been this furious in his entire life.

A human told him and his brothers to attack at together? He

refused to believe that the other side was that powerful. He
felt like Ao Shen had been exaggerating this punk’s strength
too much.

One of the things Ao Shen mentioned since he returned

from the Elf Forest was this human’s strong physique, no
weaker compared to theirs. Of course he didn’t believe that.
How could a human’s flesh and bones compare to their
bodies? They were sea dragons! The bloodline of ancient
Dragon Clan was running through their veins!

“Die, die, die!!”

Ao Sen’s fist force reached Huang Xiaolong almost instantly.

Although Ao Sen’s strength couldn’t compare to Ao Kun, he

was still a peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm expert. In the
whole demonic beast clans, his strength ranked in the top
five. In his anger, he didn’t hold back at all in this attack.
The entire square’s space was locked by the power of Ao
Sen’s fist as it punched a hole in space.

The Nine Dragons Temple guards began to cheer

enthusiastically witnessing their Second Hall Master’s god-
like prowess.

“Second Hall Master’s deific might, kill this little bastard!”

“Kill the punk!”

Under the exuberant cheers around him, Ao Sen’s fist hit

Huang Xiaolong squarely on the chest. A resounding blast
shook the square.

Watching this, all the demonic beast experts shook their

heads in mocking snickers. Just moments ago, this punk was
urging all nine hall masters to attack together, but now,
merely the Second Hall Master easily dealt with him.

Ao Kun watched everything quietly. Although he felt

something strange when Ao Sen’s fist struck Huang
Xiaolong, he secretly breathed out in relief.

Among the many present, only Ao Shen wasn’t so optimistic

about Ao Sen’s attack. Instead, his expression was graver
than before.

“Perhaps Ao Shen did not inform you when he returned that

his full force punch felt like scratching an itch for me?”
Huang Xiaolong’s voice cut through the echoes of mocking

In a split second, all sounds of laughter ceased. Eyes

widened to the size of a fist in shock and disbelief watching
the scene in front of them.

Scratching an itch? Ao Sen looked at his right fist, the ugly

expression on his face was similar to Ao Shen’s a month

Huang Xiaolong raised his arm. Not using any battle skills,
he threw just a simple and crude punch straight at Ao Sen’s
chest in return. The speed was too quick for Ao Sen to react.

Ao Sen’s ending was also the same as Ao Shen’s. A blood-

curdling scream rang out as his body flew back from the
force, knocking into the arch of Nine Dragons Temple’s
doorway. The door exploded, while Ao Sen’s body rolled on
the floor, finally stopping at a corner.

“I forgot to tell you, truth is, I only used one move to defeat
your sixth brother.” Huang Xiaolong stated coldly.

Dead silence!

It was like the world ended! A gust of wind blew, carrying

sand from the ground.

Everyone stared at the Ao Sen’s body in a corner of the Nine

Dragons Temple—his throat was spasming and legs were
twitching so much that even his lower part seemed to be
twitching too.
One move?!

The crowd felt as if their hearts stopped beating.

Ao Sen, their Nine Dragons Temple’s Second Master, a peak

late-Tenth Order Saint realm expert was defeated in one

Ao Bi, Ao Kuang, and the others turned several shades paler

from fright. Even Ao Shen, who was aware of Huang
Xiaolong’s power felt his knees buckle.

Not even Ao Kun was able to conceal the shock in his heart.
In all honesty to himself, he admitted that he couldn’t
defeat the second ranked Ao Sen with one move. He looked
over at sixth brother Ao Shen, a burning fury in his heart.
This damn sixth brother actually claimed that the other
party defeated him with ten moves!

Ao Shen looked away guiltily, afraid to confront Ao Kun’s


Ao Kun took a deep breath and faced Huang Xiaolong once

again, speaking slowly, “I admit that I have underestimated
you earlier, you are indeed very strong. Fine! Today, us nine
brothers will come together; if you’re defeated by us nine
brothers, you will submit to our Nine Dragons Temple, I
would give you the rank of Second Hall Master.” This young
human might be strong, but with all nine brothers
cooperating, Ao Kun was still confident that they had a high
chance of defeating Huang Xiaolong.

Second Hall Master! Second only under him.

But no one raised a word of objection.

Ao Sen managed to climb out from a pile of stone rubble. Ao
Kun waved his hand and a pellet flew out toward Ao Sen.
“Swallow it.”

Ao Sen did not hesitate after hearing Ao Kun’s command. He

opened his mouth and threw the pellet in. The injuries on his
body healed with a speed visible to the naked eye, strong
demonic qi started fluctuating strongly around him again.

“Beast form!” Ao Kun bellowed, fully releasing his demonic

qi, the ancient sea dragon bloodline in him came alive.
Initially in human form, Ao Kun’s physical appearance began
to change rapidly, from human appearance to a giant green
sea dragon.

All eight of them followed, from Ao Sen, Ao Bi, Ao Shen, to

Ao Kuang, all connected to the ancient sea dragon within
them, transforming into sea dragons.

Nine sea dragons, fusing from the neck down to the tails,
forming a large sea dragon array. Overwhelming demonic qi
shot toward the sky, covering the entire square, forcing all
spectating demonic beast experts to retreat far back.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the nine sea dragons in their true

forms, unperturbed and aloof, “If the nine of you jointly
attack, what happens when you lose to me?”

“If the nine of us still lose, then we will recognize you as our
Master.” The green sea dragon transformed from Ao Kun
opened its mouth and spoke in the human language.

“Good!” Huang Xiaolong’s figure shot up in a blur. At the

same time, the black and blue twin dragons materialized,
shaking the heavens with their roars. A vast might
originating from the ancient Dragon Clan spread far and
wide, enveloping the experts below, causing them to have
difficulties breathing.

“Twin dragons martial spirits!”

“He, could he be Huang Xiaolong?! Young Noble Divine

Dragon Huang Xiaolong!”

“Right, that must be him! He’s Young Noble Divine Dragon,

Huang Xiaolong, the beastmen tribes’ Beast God!!”

The crowd was genuinely shocked watching Huang Xiaolong

summon the black and blue twin dragons.

Ao Kun and his eight brothers were equally stunned, this

person was actually the beastmen tribes’ new Beast God,
Young Noble Divine Dragon Huang Xiaolong?!

But… didn’t the rumors say that Huang Xiaolong was only a
Seventh Order Saint realm? How did his strength become so
horrible?! Ao Kun struggled to deny this. It was because of
the rumors claiming that the beastmen tribes’ new Beast
God was a Seventh Order Saint realm expert that he did not
link these two together.

[1] Tyrannical Heaven’s Vast Sea of Dire Land Fist-Imagine a

giant fist imprint with the wrath of heaven striking down,
leaving a barren dead land the size of a vast sea…
Chapter 483: Will Annihilate All Beastmen Tribes

While Ao Kun and his brothers were still immersed in their

shock, the soul transformed Huang Xiaolong disappeared
from sight. In a flicker, he reached Ao Kun’s side while
gripping the Great Dragon Saber in his hands and slashed

Piercing rays of slaughter energy burst out in frenzied

madness, trailing behind an enormous roaring blood dragon,
rushing straight at Ao Kuang.

Watching the enormous blood dragon, Ao Kuang paled,

becoming stiff with fear.

The blood dragon was the tool spirit sealed within the Great
Dragon Saber, refined from an ancient blood dragon’s soul,
and possessed the coercive aura of an ancient blood
dragon. Before this immense pressure that cut at his soul,
Ao Kuang trembled from the core of his being.


The blood dragon slammed into Ao Kuang, knocking him

into the air as a tragic scream ensued. His sea dragon body
shattered countless buildings before crashing to the ground
several li away, sending great tremors through the earth.

Huang Xiaolong could easily tell that among the nine

brothers, this Ao Kuang was the weakest link, only
possessing a mid-Ninth Order Saint realm strength,
therefore Huang Xiaolong targeted him first. As long as one
of the nine was incapacitated, a weakness would appear in
this Nine Sea Dragons Array that the brothers laid out,
significantly reducing its power. Dealing with Ao Kun and the
rest would be much easier.
“Ninth brother!” Ao Sen and the brothers cried out.

Huang Xiaolong twirled the Great Dragon Saber in his

hands, an outbreak of a thousand sabers rays shot through
space, creating turbulent waves, ripping out a giant black
hole with pure brute force.

The shower of sword energy instantly swallowed Ao Yi.

Caught in a whorl of sword energy, Ao Yi’s body was
instantly filled with cuts and slashes. After a short moment
of anguished screams that seemed to last for a long time,
Ao Yi plummeted to the square floor, the luminous scales on
his sea dragon body were hacked and cut. The gory wounds
were bone-deep, making others turn their heads away.

Ao Kun and his brothers cried out in agitation.

Being enraged after seeing his brothers being wounded one

after another, Ao Kun bellowed, “Sea Dragon Mutilation

Immediately, the seven remaining sea dragons formed a

loop. With a slight tremble like a released bow, angry waves
roared forth, overcasting the sky, creating multiple space
cracks. Raging waves like razor-sharp blades slashed down
at Huang Xiaolong simultaneously.

Huang Xiaolong remained indifferent, the Great Dragon

Saber in his hand made a vertical cut.

“Blood Dragon Swallowing the Sun!”

A massive blood dragon flew out and a horrifying suction

force came from its wide opened jaws, swallowing the
countless blade waves. In the end, the blood dragon
exploded in the air and disappeared.
Huang Xiaolong leaped up in a flicker, his left hand aimed a
Great Divine Void Fist toward the center of the Sea Dragon
Mutilation Array formed by the seven sea dragons. The
brute impact shook the seven sea dragons, forcing them to
separate from each other, thus breaking the array.

On the ground, more and more demonic beast experts

gathered in the distance to spectate this great battle only
seen in a millennium, shocking them to the core.

Huang Xiaolong, the beastmen tribes’ new Beast God, one

person against the Nine Masters of Nine Dragons Temple!
Moreover, he even held the upper hand!

Once this news spread out, it would shake the entire Martial
Spirit World.

In the previous Asura Square Battle and Beast God Shrine

Battle, despite killing Li Molin and other Deities Templar’s
experts, sending great waves of shock through the Martial
Spirit World, Huang Xiaolong did not rely solely on his own
strength, but instead he relied on the Poison Corpse
Scarabs. Hence, everyone’s fear of Huang Xiaolong was in
actual fact a fear of the swarm of Poison Corpse Scarabs
that he controlled.

But this battle was different. When the crowd of demonic

beast experts looked at Huang Xiaolong now, the shock,
fear, and awe they felt was due to Huang Xiaolong’s own

A volley of booming blasts thundered high in the sky.

Burst after burst of destructive energy shockwaves

destroyed the large areas below into ruins; buildings were
flattened to the ground, streets disappeared.
As time passed, the nine Ao brothers were picked and dealt
with one by one by Huang Xiaolong. One hour later, only Ao
Kun remained capable of battle.

A shadow was cast over Ao Kun’s grim face. Despite

reevaluating Huang Xiaolong’s strength, he never imagined
that Huang Xiaolong’s strength was beyond his estimation,
and this was not the most astonishing point. What blew his
mind was that Huang Xiaolong had yet to even break
through to Tenth Order Saint realm. This young man was
merely a late-Ninth Order Saint realm! If he was already
able to display this level of strength at late-Ninth Order
Saint realm, how terrifying would Huang Xiaolong be once
he stepped into Tenth Order Saint realm? Did that mean that
he could even fight at the same level with a God Realm

These five hundred years, he cultivated with painstaking

effort, yet he still failed to comprehend the laws of time,
unable to pierce through that barrier into the God Realm.

Ao Kun’s thick powerful tail came sweeping toward Huang

Xiaolong. Choosing not to use the Great Dragon Saber,
Huang Xiaolong simply struck a palm at Ao Kun’s tail.

Bang! An ear-splitting collision rang, and Ao Kun’s massive

body was sent tumbling a few li away before he managed to
regain his balance. Fury erupted in his heart. He genuinely
could not understand how, as one of the human race, Huang
Xiaolong was able to cultivate his physique to such an
extent, even more terrifying and stronger than his, a real
sea dragon’s.

If he only knew before the bet started that Huang Xiaolong’s

current True Dragon Physique was reconstructed by the
Dragon Clan’s ultimate treasure, the Dragon Pearl, and on
top of that he had refined eight primordial divine dragons,
Ao Kun would have turned tail instead of betting with him.

Huang Xiaolong did not pursue relentlessly after striking Ao

Kun away, he stood in place, looking at Ao Kun with an aloof

Eight out of nine were taken care of, only Ao Kun remained.
Judging from this, it was obvious to everyone that the
outcome was already set in stone. Then again, Huang
Xiaolong was aware that it wasn't so easy to make Ten
Directions Continent’s number one expert admit defeat and
surrender to him.

That being said, one of Huang Xiaolong’s best virtues was

his patience.

Half an hour passed.

Ao Kun had reverted to his human form from his true sea
dragon body during battle. Glaring saber cuts and slashes,
fist prints, palm prints, and bloodstains decorated his body
all over.

Still, the desire for battle was burning fervently in his eyes.

Suddenly, Ao Kun let out a thunderous roar, lunging at

Huang Xiaolong, just as he got close enough to Huang
Xiaolong, before he could do anything else, Huang Xiaolong
sent him flying back with a palm strike, crashing into the
crumbled ruins below.

Gravel ricocheted in all directions, raising a veil of dust. It

didn’t take Ao Kun long to get to his feet, lunging toward
Huang Xiaolong again.
Huang Xiaolong raised both his fists, competing in crude
raw strength with Ao Kun’s double fists.

A loud boom rang out and Ao Kun felt both his fists quiver
from the collision, his flesh cracked and blood seeped out,
trickling along his arms.

In the distance, the demonic beast experts watched the

battle in quiet palpitation.

Ao Kun fell repeatedly, but he stood back up every time,

that unyielding will made everyone watching lament in their

Another half an hour passed. Once again, Ao Kun was sent

flying with a punch, this time however, Huang Xiaolong’s
figure flickered, arriving beside Ao Kun, and dealt him
another heavy punch. Ao Kun was buried deep in the ground
from the neck up.

The square was quiet again. This time, Ao Kun had lost the
strength to continue fighting.

A few thousand li outside of Nine Dragons City stood a small

scale city called Great Thousand City. One of Nine Dragons
Temple’s Great Thousand Hall’s central branches was set
inside this Great Thousand City. And this Great Thousand
Hall’s Leader was none other than the escaped Lion Tribe’s
Young Patriarch, Jesse.

Jesse licked the blood dripping from his hand as he looked at

the dozen beastmen corpses sprawled before him.

“Hall Leader, if we continue killing beastmen at this rate,

once the beastmen tribes find out, I’m afraid…” A demonic
beast expert beside Jesse couldn’t resist speaking up.

“Afraid of what!” Jesse sneered, “You think that Huang

Xiaolong dares to come to our Nine Dragons Temple? If he
dares, he’s dead for sure!”

“That’s right, that Huang Xiaolong is merely relying on some

Poison Corpse Scarabs! If he is to fight with his own
strength, the youngest of our nine hall masters, Hall Master
Ao Kuang could easily squash that him just using a thumb!”
Another demonic beast expert nearby laughed mockingly.

“Our Nine Dragons Temple will be joining hands with the

Violent Lion Temple and Ape Deity Temple to exterminate all
beastmen tribes, conquering the whole Ten Directions
Continent!” Jesse said.
Chapter 484: Just Huang Xiaolong Alone?

But Jesse’s proclamation had just left his mouth when the
Great Thousand Hall’s Deputy ran inside in panic, barely
able to string a full sentence as he heaved more air out than
breathing in, “Hall, Hall, Leader, I, I, just received news, say–
saying that Huang, Xiaolong, he came to our Nine Dragons

“Huang Xiaolong went to the Nine Dragons City?!” Jesse was

stunned for a second, then he pursued, “How many people
did the beastmen tribe send?”

“Only Huang Xiaolong alone.” The Deputy replied.

Jesse burst out laughing hearing that answer: “Only him

alone? I didn’t expect, ah, that Huang Xiaolong is so mad,
showing up like a lone soldier in the Nine Dragons City! This
time, he’s absolutely dead!”

“Right, even if he has those Poison Corpse Scarabs, he’s

dead! Our nine hall masters have the ancient sea dragon
bloodline, Poison Corpse Scarabs can’t harm them!” A
demonic beast expert standing behind Jesse mocked,
obvious disdain in his voice.

“Go, we’re rushing back to the Nine Dragons Temple right

now, let's watch how that Huang Xiaolong’s going to die!”
Jesse laughed out loud as he sped out from the hall.

The Great Thousand Hall’s experts trailed behind Jesse,

heading to the Nine Dragons City.

Although that Deputy knew that Huang Xiaolong was in the

Nine Dragons City at the moment, he did not know that
Huang Xiaolong was fighting one against the nine Ao

Jesse’s large group flew at rapid speed, getting closer to the

Nine Dragons City as time passed.

“Imagining Huang Xiaolong kneeling on the ground,

screaming tragically, really makes me look forward to
seeing the real scene!” On the way over to Nine Dragons
City, Jesse laughed as he said.

A short while later, Jesse and the Great Thousand Hall’s

group reached the city. However, the instant Jesse entered
the city, he picked up on the strange atmosphere within the
Nine Dragons City but didn’t pay too much attention to it.
The group flew in a conspicuous manner all the way to the
Nine Dragons Temple.

Not long after Jesse flew in the Nine Dragons Temple’s

direction, he saw the destroyed buildings spanning into a
large area of ruins. The experts behind him were stunned.

“These buildings all were destroyed by Huang Xiaolong?”

One of them blurted the question everyone was thinking in
their minds.

“There are no energy fluctuations anymore, looks like the

fight has ended. That Huang Xiaolong was probably
beheaded by our Temple Master!” Another expert spoke.

Jesse nodded in agreement, “What a pity, I wasn't able to

watch the Temple Master kill Huang Xiaolong. Let’s go, if we
hurry we might be able to see Huang Xiaolong’s corpse.”

“The Beast God Scepter must be on his body, once he’s

dead, the Beast God Scepter would definitely fall in our
Temple Master’s hands. With the Beast God Scepter in our
Temple Master’s possession, he'll become the new Beast
God, conquering the entire beastmen race!”

“Correct, once we conquer the beastmen tribes, conquering

the Ten Directions Continent will only be a matter of time!”

Enthusiastic words flew back and forth within Jesse’s group

as they flew, and the Nine Dragons Temple came into sight
moments later.

The first thing they saw was the mass of experts

surrounding the Nine Dragons Temple’s perimeter. Because
there were so many demonic beast experts crowding the
area, Jesse and his group were unable to get a clear view of
what was happening inside.

Jesse snickered at the situation, “Even in death, that Huang

Xiaolong is still able to attract so many experts’ attention, it
can be considered his blessing!”

Jesse did not bother to lower his voice at all, thus many
experts close by heard his words clearly. All of them turned
to look at Jesse with a weird expression on their faces.

Despite detecting the oddness in the people’s gaze, Jesse

was too big-hearted to mind these miscellaneous things.
Working with his subordinates to separate the crowd, they
moved further in, all the way to the front, their eyes actively
searching for Huang Xiaolong’s corpse.

In the next second, Jesse stiffened on the spot. His eyes

were fixed on the figure standing at the center of the Nine
Dragons Temple square. That figure stood tall like an
everlasting divine mountain, regardless of the fierce howling
winds or the grinding of blasting sand.

That figure was so familiar!

Moreover, littered around that standing figure were nine
other sorry figures—the Nine Dragons Temple’s Nine Hall

Their Nine Dragons Temple’s Nine Hall Masters actually laid

undone! Furthermore, their Ten Directions Continent’s
number one expert, the strongest person, the Temple
Master of the Nine Dragons Temple lay crumpled at Huang
Xiaolong’s feet.

Jesse’s mind blanked from the shock. The wide smiles on the
experts behind him froze on their faces, changing to
disbelief in the next second, then despair gradually set in.

Only now did they realized why the city’s atmosphere felt
strange when they entered earlier. Why wasn’t there any
laughter, or any other noises?

While Jesse and the newly arrived group were still in a daze,
Huang Xiaolong suddenly looked over in their direction.
Jesse shook, feeling as if he was pinned in place. His face
became deathly pale.

Huang Xiaolong raised a hand, fingers slightly bend and a

terrifying suction force emerged from his palm. Caught
unprepared, Jesse stumbled forward, rolling all the way to
Huang Xiaolong’s feet.

“Beast, Liege Lord Beast God!” Jessi lifted his head, looking
at Huang Xiaolong with eyes brimming with fear.

“You think that by hiding in the Nine Dragons Temple and

having their protection, I won’t be able to kill you?” The look
in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes was chilling.

“Liege Lord Beast God, please have mercy, ah!” Jesse

repeatedly knocked his forehead against the ground,
causing a dent on the square floor.

Huang Xiaolong pointed a finger at Jesse’s head, the force of

it pierced a hole through his skull. Jesse slanted to the side
stiffly, crumpling to the floor without another word.

“The ones that I, Huang Xiaolong, want to kill, even the Nine
Dragons Temple won’t be able to protect you.” He snorted,
throwing a last glance at Jesse’s lifeless corpse.

If Huang Xiaolong said this before his battle with the Nine
Dragons Temple masters, the surrounding demonic beast
experts would have laughed as if they heard the biggest
joke, but now, no one dared to laugh.

With a wave, Huang Xiaolong collected Jesse’s corpse into

the Linglong Treasure Pagoda as nourishment for the Poison
Corpse Scarabs.

A long time later, Ao Shen and the others struggled to their

feet, led by Ao Kun. The nine brothers respectfully knelt
before Huang Xiaolong, greeting him as Liege Lord Beast

The nine Ao brothers showed with their action their

submission to Huang Xiaolong!

The Nine Dragons Temple guards and Elders followed suit,

kneeling to Huang Xiaolong.

“Greetings, Liege Lord Beast God!” Voices resounded in the


But, watching this magnificent scene, the expressions of

those of the sea tribe, Violent Lion Tribe, and Ape Deity Tribe
members that stayed in the Nine Dragons City didn’t look so
The Nine Dragons Temple submitting to Huang Xiaolong
meant that more than half of the Ten Directions Continent
forces submitted under Huang Xiaolong; then Huang
Xiaolong’s next move would be…! Thinking of what Huang
Xiaolong’s next move would probably be, unease gnawed at
their hearts.

“Pass down my order! Lock down the Nine Dragons City,

within one month, only entry is allowed, leaving is
forbidden!” Huang Xiaolong scanned the crowd and issued
an order.

At the moment, he preferred to keep the matter about the

Nine Dragons Temple submitting to him hidden, otherwise it
would be troublesome if the Violent Lion Temple and Ape
Deity Temple cooperated.

One month later, after he took over both the Violent Lion
Temple and Ape Deity Temple, the result would already be
set. Even if news leaked after that, it was of no significant
by that point of time.

“As per Liege Lord Beast God’s order!” The nine Ao brothers
led by Ao Kun answered respectfully. Orders were quickly
relayed down to all city gates.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the ruined buildings and

unrecognizable streets around him. Earth element essence
energy rumbled beneath his feet like racing waves,
spreading out in all four directions. The places where the
earth element essence energy passed by were restored to
their previous appearance.

The nine Ao brothers and the spectating experts watched

the inexplicable scene before their eyes with agape
expressions. Huang Xiaolong was once again shattering
their knowledge.
In a few breaths’ time, the buildings and streets destroyed
by Huang Xiaolong and the nine Ao brothers stood tall, just
like before.

“This is a Human-shaped Purpleblood Ginseng older than

thousand years, swallow it.” Then, Huang Xiaolong took out
the Human-shaped Purpleblood Ginseng from the Asura
Ring, giving it to the nine Ao brothers.

Staring dumbly at the Human-shaped Purpleblood Ginseng

that was close to forty thousand years in Huang Xiaolong’s
hand, Ao Kun and his brothers felt shivers down their

With the aid of the Human-shaped Purpleblood Ginseng, Ao

Kun’s injuries were fully healed within three days’ time.

On the fourth day…

“Go, to the Violent Lion Temple!” Huang Xiaolong gathered

Ao Kun, Ao Sen, and others as well as the Nine Dragons
Temple’s Saint realm experts in one place, and instructed.

This time, on his journey to the Violent Lion Temple, he

decided to bring along the Nine Dragons Temple’s experts.
Chapter 485: Captured For
Temple Master’S Pleasure
Chapter 485: Captured For Temple Master’s Pleasure

Huang Xiaolong led Ao Kun and the group of Nine Dragons

Temple experts flying out of Nine Dragons City in a grand
manner. Their destination: Violent Lion Temple.

The Violent Lion Temple was located not far away from the
Nine Dragons City. With their group’s speed, they could
reach the Violent Lion Temple in three days’ time.


Three days later.

Violent Lion City.

The Violent Lion Temple stood proudly at the centermost

location of the Violent Lion City. Looking down from an
altitude, the Violent Lion Temple resembled a ferocious giant
lion, spanning over several hundred li of land.

The ferocious lion’s mouth was the Violent Lion Temple’s


At this time, over a hundred people assembled at the square

behind the temple, the majority of them clad in black robes
with an overbearing momentum surrounding them. Each
one was a Saint realm expert, and the weakest amongst
them was a late-Sixth Order Saint realm expert.
On each person’s black robe was embroidered the pattern of
a majestic flame lion.

Standing in front of the group was a tall and brawny middle-

aged man, his bare arms exposed under the sunlight were
twice the size of an average man’s. A crimson cape hung
from his shoulders, exuding a potent aura that surpassed
anyone present.

The middle-aged man suddenly raised an arm and his palm

struck down on an empty area some distance ahead. A fiery
crimson palm imprint rumbled forth, piercing a hole in the
fabric of space, forming a space tunnel.

“Congratulations to Temple Master for achieving major

completion in Crimson Sky Lion Emperor’s Palm!” A demonic
beast expert standing behind the brawny middle-aged man
took a step forward, lauding words of praise and

The middle-aged man was Violent Lion Temple’s Master, Lei


The other demonic beast experts seized the chance, each of

them rushing forward to speak good words, while Lei Ge
observed the damage made by the attack and nodded in

This Crimson Sky Lion Emperor’s Palm was left behind by a

lion Beast Saint ten thousand years ago, and it was hailed
as one of the demonic beast clans’ highest techniques. He
had stumbled upon it by chance around a hundred years

After a hundred years of bitter practice, he finally achieved

major completion of the technique.
The Nine Dragons Temple had nine hall masters, but the
Violent Lion Temple only had one, and it was precisely this
Lei Ge. Standing behind Lei Ge were his subordinates, his
one hundred and eight generals retinue, with the weakest
having the strength of a late-Sixth Order Saint realm, and
the strongest demonic beast general within this retinue
being a peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm.

Whereas Lei Ge himself was widely recognized as the

second person on the Ten Directions Continent, just below
Ao Kun.

“I dare say, our Temple Master’s strength has far surpassed

Ao Kun’s!”

“Rightly so, our Temple Master is the real number one

expert of all demonic beast clans. If that Ao Kun had the
guts to do battle with our Temple Master now, he would lose
for sure!”

Lei Ge’s retinue broke out in fervent discussions.

Lei Ge laughed, “Then I shall send out a letter of challenge

next month, a battle with Ao Kun!” A burning desire for
battle shone in his eyes.

That time when he stumbled into the abode left behind by

that Senior, not only did he find the Crimson Sky Lion
Emperor’s Palm, there was even a number of divine grade
spirit pellets. In the last hundred years, he had been
cultivating while swallowing those divine grade spirit pellets.
Believing that his current strength had surpassed Ao Kun, a
trace of unwillingness emerged in his heart toward the
current expert ranking.

“At that time, Temple Master will surely be victorious!” The

group of general retinue cheered.
“Temple Master, these are ten human race beauties that I
specifically selected, you see…” At this time, an old man
with steward appearance came over, leading ten young

Lei Ge’s eyes did a quick sweep over the ten young women,
nodding his head: “Fairly good.”

He spent his last hundred years in dullness in order to

achieve major completion in the Crimson Sky Lion
Emperor’s Palm, of course he would find some pleasure in
women to relieve some dullness. However, Lei Ge felt that
demonic beast clan females lacked flavor, and he personally
favored beautiful human women more.

“Rumors say that the first beauty on the Snow Wind

Continent, Shi Xiaofei, is three points more beautiful than
the Elf Queen, how about… we make a trip to the Snow
Wind Continent to capture that Shi Xiaofei for Temple
Master’s pleasure?” One of the higher ranked generals
stepped forward and suggested.

“This doesn’t sound very good. I heard that Shi Xiaofei is

Huang Xiaolong’s woman. Several years ago, the Cosmos
God Cult’s Young Lord Xie Hui captured that Shi Xiaofei, then
Huang Xiaolong killed his way to the Cosmos God City,
slaughtering numerous Cosmos God Cult’s genius
disciples!” Another high rank generals stated.

“Only our Temple Master is qualified to enjoy a beautiful

woman like Shi Xiaofei. How can that Huang Xiaolong
compare to our Temple Master! He’s just a brat acting
arrogant by relying on a few Poison Corpse Scarabs! Based
on real individual strength, he doesn’t even compare to one-
millionth of Temple Master’s power!” Another person
“The Cosmos God Cult is afraid of Huang Xiaolong, but we,
Violent Lion Temple are not afraid! There’s a rumor
circulating outside that the beastmen’s Lion Tribe Young
Patriarch ran away and betrayed the beastmen, seeking
allegiance under the Nine Dragons Temple. Such a long time
has passed, but that so-called Beast God Huang Xiaolong
didn’t even dare to let out a fart about this matter!”

The group of generals clamored to upstage each other.

Lei Ge raised his hand, signaling everyone to quiet down.

“Wait until I sent out the letter of challenge. After I defeat Ao

Kun, I will personally make a trip to Snow Wind Continent, I
also want to see if that Shi Xiaofei is really as beautiful as
the rumors claim she is.” Lei Ge said.

If that Shi Xiaofei was truly as alluring as the rumors

claimed, he would bring her back here. Coincidentally, the
Violent Lion Temple Mistress’ position was unoccupied.

“Next month? There's no need.” A heartbeat after Lei Ge

spoke, an icy-cold voice sounded. The appearance of this
voice was too abrupt, startling everyone on the square.

“Who?!” A demonic beast general under Lei Gei shouted,

leaping up into the sky, his hand made a grasping motion as
if trying to capture something.

His feet barely left the ground when an overpowering giant

hand emerged from the void, casting a shadow over the sky,
descending down on the general. With no way to dodge,
fear took over the general as he countered with his palm in
panic. But the power of his palm waa shattered in an

A resounding boom rang in the square.

The ground shook violently. When things calmed down,
there was a human-shaped hole in the square, with the
demonic beast expert at the bottom of it, unmoving.

The others sucked in a cold breath, alarmed and shocked.

This demonic beast general under Lei Ge ranked third
amongst the one hundred and eight, an early Ninth Order
Saint realm.Yet, he was defeated in the blink of an eye.

Lei Gei’s eyes narrowed watching this.

Space above the square rippled as more than a hundred

people appeared in the air, exuding monstrous demonic qi
that wholly overpowered Lei Ge and his generals.

“It’s the Nine Dragons Temple!” One of the Violent Lion

Temple’s demonic beast generals shouted.

Weapons were quickly drawn in the face of a great enemy.

“Ao Kun!” Lei Ge fixed his eyes on Ao Kun’s silhouette up in

the air. An intense desire for battle skyrocketed from Lei
Ge’s body as he yelled, “Ao Kun, what is your Nine Dragons
Temple trying to do breaking into my Violent Lion Temple?
Also, you gravely wounded my general the moment you
arrived, what is the meaning of this?!”

Actually, it was Huang Xiaolong who wounded the demonic

beast general earlier, but Lei Ge believed that only Ao Kun
was capable of wounding his general in one hit.

“No special meaning to it.” Came Ao Kun’s nonchalant


Lei Ge flew up from the square, “I’ve just decided to issue a

letter of challenge to you, but since you’re already here
today, the timing is perfect. There's no need to wait till next
month.” Finished saying that, demonic qi gushed out from
Lei Ge’s body as he wasted no time to strike a punch at Ao

Cutting wind chased Lei Ge’s fist, shining like a dazzling

golden sun, its great force roaring toward Ao Kun like layers
of angry waves.

Right at this moment, the same giant hand from before

appeared again, slamming into Lei Ge’s hurricane fist. Space
split and heavens shook as two opposing energies collided,
causing all others to retreat swiftly in fright.

Lei Ge only felt a terrifying aura envelop him. To his surprise,

he was unable to resist, staggering back a hundred meters.
His shocked eyes searched in the direction where the giant
hand appeared, and it actually led him to a young human
standing beside Ao Kun!

Just now, the one who wounded his subordinate was also
this human? It wasn’t Ao Kun!

Because Ao Kun brought more than a hundred people, Lei

Ge neglected the presence of the young human beside Ao

But now, he had noticed him!
Chapter 486: Give You Double Reward

The Violent Lion Temple generals were extremely shocked.

The skinny young man beside Ao Kun actually forced back
their revered invincible Temple Master!

Lei Ge’s expression changed again and again before

bursting into laughter, “Ao Kun, this is the expert that your
Nine Dragons Temple hired?”

In Lei Ge’s eyes, Huang Xiaolong was merely a subordinate

hired by Ao Kun.

“Young man, what did Ao Kun give you that tempted you to
serve the Nine Dragons Temple?” Lei Ge then added, “How
about you join my Violent Lion Temple? I can give you
double the reward!”

Ao Kun and the Nine Dragons Temple experts had odd

expressions on their faces. Especially Ao Kun. The corner of
his lips twitched.

“All of you retreat.” Huang Xiaolong interrupted everyone

thoughts at this moment.

Retreat? Lei Ge was bewildered, trying to figure out the

meaning of Huang Xiaolong’s words. But in the next
moment, he saw Ao Kun and all the experts from the Nine
Dragons Temple comply respectfully: “Yes, Master!”

Ao Kun and the Nine Dragons Temple experts retreated

behind Huang Xiaolong, in the distance.

The eyes of Lei Gei and the present Violent Lion Temple
experts were protruding from their sockets from

Just now, what did those Nine Dragons Temple experts call
that young human? Master?!

Ao Kun, as the acknowledged Ten Directions Continent’s

strongest expert, actually recognized a human youth as his
Master?! Lei Ge and the rest found it hard to believe.

Huang Xiaolong walked toward Lei Ge slowly, the expression

on his face cold like a brewing blizzard, “Lei Ge, today you
only have to two options; one, submit to me like Ao Kun,
two, choose death.”

Huang Xiaolong’s voice reverberated through the whole

Violent Lion Temple and even the men guarding in every
corner of the temple heard each word clearly, stunning
them silly.

Raucous laughter sounded from Lei Ge’s mouth after

hearing Huang Xiaolong’s words. His deep, sonorous voice
thundered high in the air as he fixed a glare at Huang
Xiaolong with a dangerous glint in his eyes, “Little kiddo, I
don’t know why Ao Kun and his lackeys submitted to you,
but even so, relying on these Nine Dragons Temple experts,
do you think you can withstand my entire Violent Lion
Temple's Retaliation?”

At that point, all Violent Lion Temple’s experts emerged from

every corner of the temple, crowding the square in a tight
encirclement. There were tens of thousands of people,
including a large group of early and mid-level Saint realm

Other than the one hundred and eight generals, there was
another elite group named Guardian Vajra under Lei Ge’s
command, consisting solely of Saint realm experts.
All these years, Lei Ge had been accumulating his forces
secretly, and today, the Violent Lion Temple’s overall
strength had exceeded the Nine Dragons Temple.

Watching Huang Xiaolong and Ao Kun’s group cut being off

from any possibilities of escape, Lei Ge smirked, “Ao Kun,
what do you think? My Violent Lion Temple’s strength is not
bad, right? All these years I’ve been slowly expanding my
forces, all for the purpose of annihilating your Nine Dragons
Temple one day and rule over the entire demonic beast

Ao Kun’s gaze swept over the mass of Violent Lion Temple

experts, a cold sneer rising at the corner of his mouth. No
hints of panic or fear could be detected.

“Kill them for me!” Lei Ge roared suddenly, issuing the kill

Immediately, Violent Lion Temple’s experts rushed toward

Huang Xiaolong, Ao Kun, and the Nine Dragons Temple
experts in crazed madness.

Huang Xiaolong’s narrowed his eyes, slightly veiling the

coldness in his eyes. With a wave of his hand, the Devils and
Ghosts Flag flew shot up high into the sky, growing bigger
as it did so. After reaching a hundred zhang tall, it secured
itself directly into the fabric of space.

Intense ghost aura flooded out, turning into one evil spirit
after another.

Ghost aura pierced the sky. The whole Violent Lion Temple
was shaken by the flood of monstrous ghost aura.

This sudden scene made Lei Ge and the Violent Lion Temple
experts’ faces tighten.
Each evil spirits formed from that ghost aura actually
possessed Saint realm strength. Moreover, they didn't
merely possess the strength of early-level Saint realm, but
the strength of Fifth to Sixth Order Saint realm!

Before this odious evil spirits army, the tens of thousands of

Violent Lion Temple experts that were rushing forward
looked like rotten wood, being instantly pulverized into
smithereens without any power to resist.

“Retreat, quickly retreat!” Lei Ge anxiously bellowed.

In fact, even without Lei Ge’s order, the Violent Lion Temple
experts had dispersed in all directions like headless
chickens, screaming in fear. Whether it be those who ran
first or those who ran last, all of them were turned into
nourishment for the evil spirits.

The great evil spirits army spread out several hundred li in

every direction, crushing everything in its path before

Some Violent Lion Temple experts that managed to survive

breathed out in relief seeing this, feeling the damp robe
sticking to their backs.

When the great evil spirits army stopped, it had surrounded

the whole Violent Lion Temple.

“You, you’re Huang Xiaolong?!” Lei Ge blurted the question

out in shock, staring at Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s Poison Corpse Scarabs were terrifying,

however, his Devils and Ghosts Flag also caused those who
heard of it to turn deathly pale. It finally struck Lei Ge who
this young human in front of him was!
“Huang Xiaolong!”

“He’s Huang Xiaolong!”

Hearing that, all Violent Lion Temple generals and experts

became ashen.

Despite their discussion full of bravado earlier, not putting

Huang Xiaolong in their eyes, at the crucial moment when
Huang Xiaolong was in front of them, the fear in their hearts
was irresistible.

Huang Xiaolong did not say anything. He waved his hand,

sending out a huge swarm of Poison Corpse Scarabs.

Watching those Poison Corpse Scarabs flying toward them,

Lei Ge’s general retinue and other experts became whiter
than corpses.

Half an hour later.

Apart from Lei Ge, the entirety of the Violent Lion Temple
experts and Lei Ge’s generals were bitten by Poison Corpse
Scarabs. However, Huang Xiaolong kept their lives. These
experts merely lost the strength to resist.

Ao Kun and the group of Nine Dragons Temple expert

witnessed Huang Xiaolong crush the Violent Lion Temple
without losing a single soldier or waste much effort in a
mere half an hour, beads of sweat rolled down their
foreheads like a storm.

The nine Ao brothers rejoiced inwardly, extremely glad they

decided to adhere to the bet they made with Huang
Xiaolong, willingly submit to him. Otherwise, their ending
would be too miserable to describe.
“Huang Xiaolong, you’re merely relying on those Poison
Corpse Scarabs and the Devils and Ghosts Flag, I refuse to
accept this defeat! If you are somewhat capable, come and
fight me fair and square with your own strength!” Lei Ge
repelled a cluster of Poison Corpse Scarabs with a punch,
roaring in fury at Huang Xiaolong with red glowing eyes.

Ao Kun was the first to shake his head when he heard Lei Ge
challenge Huang Xiaolong. If he knew that the nine brothers
still lost to Huang Xiaolong in a nine against one battle,
perhaps Lei Ge wouldn't be feeling so upright and confident.

With a casual wave of his hand, Huang Xiaolong retrieved all

the Poison Corpse Scarabs and disappeared in a flicker. He
appeared in front of Lei Ge, flicking out an elixir at him,
“This is a ten-thousand-year-old Spirit Clearing Thistle,
swallow it, recover your battle qi.”

Ten-thousand-year-old Spirit Clearing Thistle!

Lei Ge’s arm reached out to catch the elixir while looking at
Huang Xiaolong with obvious doubt, but he still swallowed it
down in the end. Instantly, his depleted battle qi that was
used to deal with the Poison Corpse Scarabs was
replenished in the shortest time.

Lei Ge wasted no time to trigger his beast transform,

awaking the ancient divine lion bloodline in his body,
transforming into a giant flame lion and charged at Huang

A chain of collisions thundered in the air, but it merely

lasted a few minutes before everything quieted down.

Similar to Ao Kun’s situation before, Lei Ge plummeted to

the ground with a punch from Huang Xiaolong, head and
neck buried in the ground, no longer able to move.
One hour later, more than half of the Violent Lion Temple’s
one hundred and eight generals chose to submit to Huang
Xiaolong, leaving a few stubborn ones. Huang Xiaolong
decisively moved them into the Linglong Treasure Pagoda,
letting the Poison Corpse Scarabs deal with them.

Whereas Lei Ge chose to submit in the end.

After Lei Ge and the rest of the Violent Lion Temple experts
chose to submit, Huang Xiaolong ordered them to release
their soul barriers. All of them were branded with a soul
imprint. At this point, both the Nine Dragons Temple and
Violent Lion Temple was fully under Huang Xiaolong’s

Thus, only the Ape Deity Temple remained.

The same method was used to prevent news about the

Violent Lion Temple battle from leaking out, the entire
Violent Lion City was in lockdown.

Three days later, Lei Ge and everyone’s wounds healed and

Huang Xiaolong led Nine Dragons Temple and Violent Lion
Temple’s experts to the Ape Deity Temple.

But, what surprised Huang Xiaolong was, when they arrived

in Ape Deity Temple, the Temple Master Zhou Yunpeng
wasn’t around! Capturing the Ape Deity Temple’s second in
command for questioning, he spilled everything in a
stammering voice, “Our Temple Master received news that a
Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey appeared in the Mystic
Elephant Peak’s proximity. Two days ago, our Temple Master
departed to the Mystic Elephant Peak to capture that Violet
Spirit Devourer Monkey and refine its spirit devourer
Chapter 487: Seeing The
Violet Spirit Devourer
Monkey Again
Chapter 487: Seeing the Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey

Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey!

A minuscule quiver ran through Huang Xiaolong’s body.

In between heaven and earth, the Violet Spirit Devourer

Monkeys were extremely scarce in number. Few could be
found throughout the ages, but now, one actually appeared
on the Mystic Elephant Peak! Therefore, this Violet Spirit
Devourer Monkey was definitely the one that was separated
from Huang Xiaolong so many years ago!

Hearing this information, Huang Xiaolong became anxious.

He lifted the Ape Deity Temple Deputy and questioned him
thoroughly, then ordered Ao Kun and Lei Ge to handle the
remaining matters before he dashed out of the Ape Deity
Temple at breakneck speed in the direction of the Mystic
Elephant Peak.

The demonic beast clans considered the Mystic Elephant

Peak as their sacred land. According to an old legend, it was
where the ancient Beast Emperor cultivated, a beast
Emperor that reigned over all demonic beast clans. In later
years, the Beast Emperor was subjugated by the Beast God,
becoming the strongest general under the Beast God.
Worried about the Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey’s safety,
Huang Xiaolong took out the Great Dragon Saber,
channeling true essence energy into the saber, accelerating
forward on the saber.

The Great Dragon Saber shuttled past the clouds at rapid

speed, sceneries and cities became blurred lines behind
Huang Xiaolong, disappearing behind him.

Some keen Saint realm experts felt the terrifying power

from afar flying above them a second later. Looking up to
the sky in trepidation, they only caught the tail end of a red
streak of light. It was so fast that it was gone before they
could even react.

Leaving behind a trail of agape, flabbergasted experts!

Huang Xiaolong eventually narrowed the distance to the

Mystic Elephant Peak.

The truth is, even for a peak late-Tenth Order like Ao Kun
flying at full speed, he would still need at least three days to
reach the Mystic Elephant Peak. However, flying on the
Great Dragon Saber with true essence as energy source,
Huang Xiaolong merely used one day’s time to reach the
Mystic Elephant Peak.

From the distance, Huang Xiaolong looked at the tall

mountain that resembled a giant elephant and knew at a
glance that this was the Mystic Elephant Peak. Then, he took
out the treasure map he had been keeping for years.

When he was younger, before he broke through the Xiantian

realm, on the journey to the Luo Tong Royal City, he and Fei
Hou picked up a treasure map by chance. The place drawn
on this map was the very same Mystic Elephant Peak in
front of Huang Xiaolong!
Contemplating for a moment, Huang Xiaolong headed
toward the Windless Tunnel indicated on the map. It wasn’t
by coincidence that the Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey
appeared in this area. When Huang Xiaolong got his hands
on the map and researched it, the little violet monkey knew
about it. Very likely, the little guy had come for a little
treasure hunt.

‘I wonder how the little guy is doing...’ He thought to

himself. Doing a quick calculation, he and the little monkey
had been separated for twenty years!

Back when they separated, Huang Xiaolong had just broken

through to Xiantian realm, and now he was close to late-
Ninth Order Saint realm.

‘That little guy should also have advanced into Saint realm!’
Thoughts kept running through his mind. The Violet Spirit
Devourer Monkey had the ancient spirit Devourer bloodline,
it was capable of Devourer all beings and refine all things.
Its cultivation talent could be considered heaven-defying, it
wasn't anything strange for it to have broken through to the
Saint realm.

However, as heaven-defying as the little guy’s cultivation

speed might be, it wouldn’t be the current Ape Deity Temple
Master’s opponent at this stage. If it was really found by the
Ape Deity Temple Master, Zhou Yunpeng, it would be dead
for sure!

The more Huang Xiaolong thought about this possibility, the

more agitated he became.

The true essence energy surged frenzily from his dantian,

propelling the Great Dragon Saber under his feet a second
faster. He had to find the little guy before Zhou Yunpeng!
Speeding even further, the Great Dragon Saber left a long
streak of blood-red glow in the air.

On the northernmost part of the Mystic Elephant Peak, there

was an obscure cave named Windless Tunnel.

Currently, inside the Windless Tunnel, powerful quakes

repeatedly shook the walls as destructive energies
fluctuated from within.

“Hahaha, what an unexpected windfall, not only did I

manage to capture the rare ancient species Violet Spirit
Devourer Monkey, there’s also Senior Ape Deity Emperor’s
cultivation cave! Even the Heavens are helping me!” The
Ape Deity Temple Master Zhou Yunpeng laughed wantonly.

The origin of that Beast Emperor in the ancient times was a

Copper Arm Ape Deity, also the Ape Deity Temple’s first
Temple Master. It was later referred to as the Ape Deity
Emperor. This Windless Tunnel was the place that the Ape
Deity Emperor used when he cultivated.

Zhou Yunpeng was battling a sixteen, seventeen-year-old

looking young man, with distinctive good looks and
overwhelming demonic qi surging from his body.

Zhou Yunpeng repelled the young man with a palm attack,

and his laughter sounded again, “Little punk, even if you’re
a rare Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey, your strength is still a
little too weak. In short, you’re not my opponent, if I wanted
to kill you it’s would be as easy as snapping my fingers. If
you willingly submit to me, becoming my pet mount, I can
spare your life after refining the spirit Devourer bloodline in
your body!”

“You want me to submit to you? You think you’re qualified?”

The young man sneered, “If I die, my Big brother will
avenge me!”

“Big brother?” Zhou Yunpeng continued laughing, “Since it’s

like that, I’ll kill you and refine your spirit Devourer
bloodline, let’s see then what your dog-fart Big brother can
do to me!”

With a quiver, the young man transformed into a giant

monkey covered in lustrous purple hair and the bluest
pupils. Both arms swung out to attack Zhou Yunpeng.

“Reckless idiot!” Zhou Yunpeng countered with a similar

attack, resulting in a booming collision. The transformed
giant monkey was thrown far back, slamming against the
tunnel wall, reverting to its human form.

Zhou Yunpeng sneered, approaching the young man with a

slow gait, “After I refine your spirit Devourer bloodline and
get Ape Deity Emperor’s cultivation technique and divine
pellets, within a hundred year’s time I can definitely
breakthrough to the God Realm, conquering the Ten
Directions Continent and becoming the hegemon of one
direction. At that time, whoever is unwilling will die,
whoever dares not to submit, annihilate!

Another burst of mad laughter rang in the tunnel.

Zhou Yunpeng stopped within inches of that young man,

raising his right palm, striking down on the young man’s
skull without mercy: “Die—!”

At this critical moment, a shower of saber energy pierced

through space, flying toward Zhou Yunpeng. There was also
a great blood dragon ready to tear Zhou Yunpeng apart.

Zhou Yunpeng was greatly startled, swiftly leaping back

while his palm changed the direction of attack with a wrist
turn, slapping onto the blood dragon.

Another great quake ran through the tunnel.

Looking over at the source of ambush, a black-haired young

human came into Zhou Yunpeng’s field of view.

Huang Xiaolong’s attention, on the other hand, was focused

on the young man looking about fifteen to sixteen years old.
Although he had never seen the little violet monkey’s
human form, he could tell that it was him with a single

That aura, those eyes, everything was so familiar.

The younger man slowly got up from the ground, his eyes
were also fixed on Huang Xiaolong with an indescribable
excitement on his face. He stammered a little due to
excitement, “Bi-Big brother!” His eyes immediately turned

Huang Xiaolong was stunned at first hearing what the young

man called him, then his face bloomed into a smile, “Little
guy, twenty years of separation, you’ve grown so big now!”
By now, Huang Xiaolong no longer had any doubt that it was
the Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey that he knew.

Huang Xiaolong’s smile widened, it was a happy smile that

came from his heart.

Reborn in this Martial Spirit World, if it weren’t for the little

violet monkey, Huang Xiaolong wouldn’t have gotten the
Asura Tactics and Asura Ring, and would definitely not have
the achievements he had today.

Seeing the little violet monkey again, Huang Xiaolong felt

like a reunion with a long lost loved one. It was that kind of
joy, that kind of happiness.

“Big brother, careful!” Suddenly, the Violet Spirit Devourer

Monkey cried out.

A violent force struck Huang Xiaolong from the back, and it

was too late for him to dodge. Zhou Yunpeng’s palm struck
Huang Xiaolong’s back accurately.

“Haha, little brat, this is your so-called brother? I’ll kill him
first, then refine your spirit Devourer bloodline!” Watching
his palm strike Huang Xiaolong as planned, Zhou Yunpeng
became complacent once more, laughing with abandon.
Even Ao Kun would suffer grave injuries if he was hit with
this palm unprepared.

But in the next second, Zhou Yunpeng’s laughter abruptly

Chapter 488: Ape Deity Herculean Strength Scripture

Zhou Yunpeng stared at Huang Xiaolong’s back in disbelief;

this young man didn’t budge an inch!

The Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey was dumbfounded as he

stood there.

Huang Xiaolong slowly turned around, facing Zhou Yunpeng

with cold eyes. In a split second, he threw a punch at Zhou

Taken by surprise, Zhou Yunpeng barely managed to counter

with his hand.

Kacha—the sound of breaking bones was heard.

Zhou Yunpeng screamed as his body heavily slammed into

the tunnel wall, creating a human-shaped imprint. Dust and
gravel fell due to the huge impact.

Another great wave of shock crashed the Violet Spirit

Devourer Monkey’s heart. He remembered that back when
he got separated from Huang Xiaolong, their strengths were
at similar levels. But now, Huang Xiaolong’s strength had
grown to such a monstrous degree!

He had a grasp of Zhou Yunpeng’s strength from their

earlier exchange and also knew that Zhou Yunpeng was the
Ape Deity Temple’s Master, a peak late-Tenth Order Saint
realm expert. Amongst the many notable demonic beast
clan experts, Zhou Yunpeng had always ranked within the
top five.

Yet, before Huang Xiaolong, Zhou Yunpeng was so

vulnerable, barely able to take a hit!
“You, who are you?!” Zhou Yunpeng had just vomited a big
mouthful of blood before struggling to his feet. Every pore
on his body screamed wariness and danger. Watching
Huang Xiaolong, Zhou Yunpeng felt unprecedented fear like
he had never felt before.

Even against demonic beast clans’ number one expert, Ao

Kun, Zhou Yunpeng still had the confidence to battle, yet in
front of this young human, a feeling of powerlessness
actually surfaced in his heart.

“In the recent days, haven’t you been clamoring to avenge

your son?” Huang Xiaolong sneered.

“You’re the one who killed Chu’er?” Zhou Yunpeng’s eyes

widened in shock. His son, Zhou Yuchu, was killed in the
human territory Vermillion City. When he received the news
of his son’s death, he was furious, immediately giving out a
top to bottom order to all the members of the Ape Deity
Temple that they must find the human who killed his son
even if they had to search the entire Martial Spirit World! He
wanted to tear that human into a million pieces with his own

Initially, he wanted to make a trip to Vermillion City, to

slaughter every human in Vermillion City, making them die
with his son. But the sudden appearance of a Violet Spirit
Devourer Monkey around the Mystic Elephant Peak made
him change his plans and come here.

Huang Xiaolong strode over to Zhou Yunpeng, “Any last

words? Speak.”

According to Huang Xiaolong’s original plan, if Zhou

Yunpeng was willing to submit, he would spare his life, but
now, Zhou Yunpeng had to die! If it weren’t because he
rushed over, the Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey would have
died under Zhou Yunpeng’s palm.

Watching Huang Xiaolong coming closer, Zhou Yunpeng’s

face turned a few shades paler.

Instead of answering Huang Xiaolong, a powerful demonic qi

exploded from Zhou Yunpeng’s body as he transformed into
a giant ape with scarlet red eyes and massive arms. The
giant ape crazily swung its arms at Huang Xiaolong in

“Ape Deity Heart Blasting Punch!”

“Great Ape Shattering Mountain!”

Zhou Yunpeng roared. Demonic qi shrouded both arms,

piercing space. Even before the force of his fists arrived, the
entire mountain tunnel started shaking vigorously as if it
was about to collapse anytime.

Huang Xiaolong sneered watching Zhou Yunpeng’s action

and showed no intention to dodge. The true essence in his
dantian roared, Huang Xiaolong struck a Great Void Ape
Deity Fist, smashing the enemy.

With a blast akin to rumbling thunder, Zhou Yunpeng’s body

quivered. Just like the previous exchange, Zhou Yunpeng
was sent flying back, slamming into the tunnel wall,
embedded several feet in. The giant ape was bleeding from
its seven orifices, its powerful arms flopped limply as its
bones were already shattered.

Huang Xiaolong stepped closer, not waiting for Zhou

Yunpeng to get up a second time. He aimed another punch
at Zhou Yunpeng’s chest, burying him deeper into the wall.
Zhou Yunpeng’s chest had collapsed from Huang Xiaolong’s
tyrannical force, blasting his heart was into unrecognizable
meat pieces.

Zhou Yunpeng’s vitality was seeping away.

“You, who are you exactly?” The question came out in

intermittent breaths, but he insisted to know. He could not
figure out which young human possessed such terrifying

“Huang Xiaolong.” Huang Xiaolong said his name in a cold

voice. At that, he raised a finger. The Absolute Soul Finger
pierced through Zhou Yunpeng’s head through the center of
his forehead.

Zhou Yunpeng’s eyes protruded from their sockets, fixed on

the young man’s silhouette in front of him. Huang Xiaolong
remained stoic. With a simple wave of his hand, Zhou
Yunpeng’s corpse was moved into the Linglong Treasure

The Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey was still in shock, rooted

in the same spot. The things that happened had yet to
register in his mind.

“Little guy, how are your wounds, nothing serious right?”

Huang Xiaolong approached him, voice filled with concern.

The Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey regained his senses. The

Ape Deity Temple Master had already been killed by Huang

“Big brother, I’m alright.” He shook his head, a warm feeling

spread in his heart. Despite being heavily injured by Zhou
Yunpeng, he was confident that his injuries would fully heal
in two months’ time.
The truth was, he was still in shock, and unable to calm
down. He possessed the spirit devouring bloodline, which
contributed to his heaven-defying cultivation speed, but
even so, he was merely a Fifth Order Saint realm expert. He
really couldn’t understand how Huang Xiaolong practiced to
leave him so far behind.

Huang Xiaolong took out a bloom of Nine-coloured Snow

Lotus, saying, “This is a Nine-coloured Snow Lotus, a healing
herb. Swallow this down and start healing.”

“Nine-coloured Snow Lotus!” The Violet Spirit Devourer

Monkey was stunned. He was about to decline when Huang
Xiaolong waved a hand to stop him, insisting that he should
swallow it immediately. Once again, his heart was filled with
warmth. In the end, he nodded and swallowed the elixir.

A few hours later, the Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey’s

injuries fully healed.

After the little guy recovered, Huang Xiaolong sat down

beside him, asking him about his experiences in the past
twenty years.

That year, after being separated from the Huang Family on

their way to the Duanren Empire, he headed north, arriving
in the Demonic Beasts Forest. He cultivated in the Demonic
Beasts Forest until he broke through to Saint realm, and had
to leave because he offended a high-level Saint realm
demonic beast in the forest. Leaving the Demonic Beasts
Forest, the little guy made his way to the Bedlam Lands.
When he was there, he once killed a Sin City disciple, and
finally he came to the Ten Directions Continent.

A few days ago, he was passing by the Mystic Elephant Peak

area when he remembered the treasure map that Huang
Xiaolong had gotten a long time ago. Intrigued, he started
searching around for the Windless Tunnel to see if he could
find the treasure.

When he finally found the Windless Tunnel, he ran into Zhou

Yunpeng. If it weren’t for Huang Xiaolong arriving at that
critical moment, the ending would be different…

Although the little guy recounted his experiences simply,

Huang Xiaolong could imagine the rough life he had been
living for the past twenty years. If it wasn’t because he
didn't have any choice, he wouldn’t have left the Demonic
Beasts Forest. Huang Xiaolong could imagine the scene of
the little guy being hunted by that high-level Saint realm
demonic beast in the Demonic Beasts Forest.

And in the Bedlam Lands, he was forced to flee for his life
after killing a Sin City disciple, running all the way here to
Ten Directions Continent.

Feeling as if there was not a place in the world for him, this
kind of sourness and aching, Huang Xiaolong had
experienced it.

“Why didn’t you come look for me?” Huang Xiaolong asked.
These years, killing Deities Templar Elders, taking over the
Asura’s Gate, the little guy surely heard news of him and
knew of his whereabouts.

The Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey scratched his head,

feeling awkward and embarrassed, “I provoked big trouble
outside, so…”

Huang Xiaolong immediately understood this little guy

didn’t want to implicate him.

“Sillyhead.” Huang Xiaolong added, “From now on, there’s

Big brother with you, no one can make you hide anymore!”
Indeed, with Huang Xiaolong’s status and strength, no one
could force the little guy to hide for his life anymore.

“Big brother!” The Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey looked at

Huang Xiaolong, extremely touched.

“Let’s go and see what good stuff there is inside the Ape
Deity Emperor’s cultivation cave.” Huang Xiaolong stood up,
laughing as he said that.

The Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey quickly followed.

A short while later, the two of them found a cultivation

technique left behind by the Ape Deity Emperor named Ape
Deity Herculean Strength Scripture. Huang Xiaolong already
had the Godly Xumi Art and Asura Tactics, thus this Ape
Deity Herculean Strength Scripture was useless to Huang
Xiaolong. It went to the little guy.

Other than the Ape Deity Herculean Strength Scripture, they

also found many Ape Deity pellets, cultivation techniques
and battle skills, and herbs aged above thousand-year-old.
Huang Xiaolong swept everything clean.
Chapter 489: Assembling
In Nine Dragons City
Chapter 489: Assembling in Nine Dragons City

Half a day later, Huang Xiaolong and the Violet Spirit

Devourer Monkey both left Mystic Elephant Peak, heading to
the Ape Deity Temple.

When Huang Xiaolong returned to the Ape Deity Temple, he

summoned Ao Kun and Lei Ge to ‘gather’ the Ape Deity
Deputy, its Elders, and Hall Masters in the great hall.

Inside the great hall, all of them were made to lower the
barrier to their soul seas and were branded with a soul

Those who refused, unwilling to submit, were all moved

inside the Linglong Treasure Pagoda as extra nourishment
for the Poison Corpse Scarabs.

By the end of the day, Huang Xiaolong had taken full control
of the Ape Deity Temple. With the three temples; Nine
Dragons Temple, Violent Lion Temple, and Ape Deity Temple
under his control, it could be said that Huang Xiaolong
controlled nine-tenths of the whole demonic beast clan
forces. However, Zhou Yunpeng was killed by Huang
Xiaolong, leaving the Ape Deity Temple bereft of a leader.

After pondering over the matter, Huang Xiaolong inquired

the Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey’s opinion and later made
him the Ape Deity Temple’s Master.
Although the Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey was only a Fifth
Order Saint realm, given a hundred years to grow, his
strength would definitely surpass Ao Kun’s.

The next morning, Huang Xiaolong sat on the main seat in

the great hall. All three temples’ Temple Masters were
summoned to the great hall.

Three great demonic beast experts assembled, filling the

great hall with surging demonic qi. In the air above the Ape
Deity Temple, abundant demonic qi formed thick rolling

Huang Xiaolong thought for a moment before speaking, “Ao

Kun, Lei Ge, tell your subordinates to spread the news that
the Nine Dragons Temple, Violent Lion Temple, and Ape
Deity Temple have submitted to me to all corners of the Ten
Directions Continent, to the whole Martial Spirit World.”

Since he had taken control of all three temples, it was time

to let the whole Martial Spirit World be aware of this.

“Yes, Liege Lord Beast God!” Ao Kun and Lei Ge both

answered with utmost respect.

“Another thing, in one month’s time, I want to hold a

merging ceremony between the beastmen tribes and the
demonic beast clans. Arrange for invitations to be sent to all
the Ten Directions Continent’s experts, all the clans’
Patriarchs and their deputies, the Grand Elders and all Saint
realm experts to witness the ceremony!” Huang Xiaolong’s
sonorous voice reverberated in the great hall. This was the
main reason why Huang Xiaolong wanted Ao Kun and the
rest to spread the news about the three temples submitting
to him.
Of course, the unspoken intention of inviting these experts
over was to make them submit to him as well. And Huang
Xiaolong trusted that those Patriarchs and experts that
received invitations would understand the implied meaning
as well.

At that time, the unwilling absentees, or those who attended

but refused to submit, would be killed in the cradle to clear
away unnecessary future annoyances. This was a world
where the weak were prey for the strong. What Huang
Xiaolong wanted was the total unification of the Ten
Directions Continent’s forces under him.

“Yes, Liege Lord Beast God!” Ao Kun complied, immediately

understanding Huang Xiaolong’s intention.

Orders continued to flow from Huang Xiaolong’s mouth,

passing down the ranks as preparations were being made.

Although with the merging of the beastmen tribes and

demonic beast clans he had taken control of seven to eight-
tenths of the Ten Directions Continent’s forces, he still
needed to proceed with caution. Who’s to say that Deities
Templar wouldn't send people over to disrupt the merging
ceremony, even inciting those Patriarchs to join hands with
them to oppose Huang Xiaolong.

“What?! The Nine Dragons Temple, Violent Lion Temple, and

Ape Deity Temple have submitted to Huang Xiaolong?!”

“All three temples submitted to Huang Xiaolong, that means

he rules over the demonic beast clans, ah!”

“Huang Xiaolong has taken over the beastmen tribes and

demonic beast clans, even without the Asura’s Gate, it's
Martial Spirit World’s most powerful force! That so-called
beastmen tribes and demonic beast clans merging
ceremony that he wants to hold, inviting all the experts on
the Ten Directions Continent to witness, it’s so obvious he
wants all of us to submit to him as well!”

“What should we do?! What can we do?!”

“Huang Xiaolong has conquered the Ten Directions

Continent, that means he will be targeting our Cosmos God
Cult next!”

After Ao Kun and Lei Ge ordered their subordinates to

spread the news about the three temples submitting to
Huang Xiaolong, the entire Martial Spirit World was in an
uproar. Big and small forces alike were struck by a
thunderbolt out of the blue.

The reaction to this news was even bigger than the time
when Huang Xiaolong became the beastmen tribes’ new
Beast God, even more astounding.

In an instant, the entire Martial Spirit World was awash with

dread, unease, fear, despair, and a little delight mingled
with happiness.

When the Cosmos God Cult on Starcloud Continent received

the news, apprehension shrouded the sect from top to
bottom, doubt began to emerge.

A similar atmosphere also descended upon the floating

island of Deities Templar in the vicinity of the Dead Sea

Ever since the battle at the Beast God Shrine, where Li Molin
and sixty other Deities Templar’s experts were killed by
Huang Xiaolong, Deities Templar had been amassing their
forces in secret, aiming to annihilate Huang Xiaolong and his
aides in one fell swoop. But now, unrest began to sprout
from within.

Even the demonic beast clans on Ten Directions Continent

had submitted to Huang Xiaolong, if he succeeded in
conquering the Ten Directions Continent, then Deities
Templar would have no place of existence in the Martial
Spirit World!

The floating island above the Dead Sea Gorge.

In the central main hall, the Temple Preceptor, Ying Tian,

shrouded in a rumbling black mist was staring coldly at the
group of Deities Templar experts below the dais.

“This time, what are your thoughts on Huang Xiaolong

holding the merging ceremony between the beastmen tribes
and demonic beast clans?” Ying Tian spoke in a cold
indifferent voice that didn't disclose his emotions.

“Temple Preceptor, Huang Xiaolong planned this merging

ceremony, inviting all clans and races Patriarchs and other
experts. His main purpose is to have those forces submit to
him. We absolutely must not allow this merging ceremony to
complete successfully, if not, it would mean that Huang
Xiaolong had conquered the Ten Directions Continent! He
will definitely be targeting us next!” One of the Grand Elders
stepped forward.

“That’s right, we absolutely must not allow this merging

ceremony to be a success!” Other Grand Elders echoed the
same words.

Ying Tian waved an arm to silence the hall. Speaking in a

somber voice, he said, “Luo Wei, send someone to get in
touch with the Cosmos God Cult, Distinct Void Door, White
Phoenix House, and also Sin City.”
He knew that these forces wished to see Huang Xiaolong fail
the merging ceremony just as much as he did.

“Yes, Temple Preceptor!” Deities Templar Grand Elder Luo

Wei took another step forward to acknowledge the task
given to him.

“Yang Yue, you arrange for people to communicate with the

various Patriarchs on Ten Directions Continent.” Ying Tian
issued another order.

“Yes, Temple Preceptor.”

A few days later, in the Elf Forest, underneath the tree of

Life, Elf Queen Kelly was looking at the festive red invitation
in her hand. This bright red invitation was sent over under
Huang Xiaolong’s order by people from the Nine Dragons

“Your Majesty, are we really going to attend that merging

ceremony?” The elves’ Grand Elder Celine couldn’t resist

Elf Queen Kelly sighed with heavy lament, “What else can
we do?”

Celine was at a loss for words. She understood what the

Queen meant; absence meant that the entire elf race would
be annihilated, whereas their presence there meant that the
elves would be losing their freedom, becoming a
subservient force to the beastmen.

Elf Queen Kelly stared at the Tree of Life in front of her, and
Huang Xiaolong’s face flashed in her mind, ‘I wonder how
he’s doing now?’ she thought to herself.
She had sent people to inquire news about that black-haired
young man, but so far there had been no news. Of course,
Elf Queen Kelly still didn't know Huang Xiaolong’s identity.

“Tell the Elders to prepare, we’ll depart tomorrow to the

Nine Dragons City.” Elf Queen Kelly looked over, instructing

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Similar conversations like the one between Grand Elder

Celine and Elf Queen Kelly took place in the dwarf race,
Golden Giant race, Green Devil tribe, and many other big
and small forces and tribes that received the same festive
red invitation. All of them made preparations to depart to
the Nine Dragons City.

The passage of time flows, and very soon more than twenty
days had passed.

Only two days were left until the beastmen tribes and
demonic beast clans’ merging ceremony.

By this time, the majority of invited parties on the Ten

Directions Continent had arrived in Nine Dragons City.

In an instant, one could find experts in every corner of the

already bustling streets.
Chapter 490: Running Into Old Acquaintances

Chapter 490: Running Into Old Acquaintances

Close to noon, the scorching sun was merciless. The great

land was parched, as if every drop of moisture had been
sucked out of it by the cruel sun.

In the main street, before the Nine Dragons City gates, a

dozen unicorn mounts appeared. Billowy purple flames
danced around these unicorns’ hoofs.

Unicorns were the most popular mounts for imperial families

in the Martial Spirit World, known for their speed and
durability for long distance travel. However, even unicorns
were segregated between high and low rank.

In general, unicorns with Xiantian realm strength would

have yellow flames around their hoofs, only those that have
reached Xiantian Tenth Order, close to breaking into Saint
realm would have purple flames.

Where a Saint realm unicorn’s flames would enhance from

purple flames to black flames.

And these dozen unicorns had obviously reached Xiantian

Tenth Order, carrying a group of humans. One of them was
none other than Lei Hua, the Thunder Human King’s son
whom Huang Xiaolong had met in Vermillion City.

Lei Hua was walking behind a tall and burly middle-aged

man with big eyes and bushy brows who exuded an air of
authority and power. The middle-aged man was one of two
Ten Directions Continent’s human race kings, Thunder
Human King!
The Thunder Human King, as one of two human race kings
on Ten Directions Continent, naturally had an invitation sent
out to him. However, the Thunder Human King and Ice
Human King had always been at odds with each other,
hence, each came with a group of subordinates.

Standing behind the Thunder Human King was his group of

subordinate experts, however, despite having a dozen of
people, only seven of them were Saint realm experts, while
the rest were peak half-Saints.

In fact, the human forces on Ten Directions Continent were

extremely weak, these seven Saint realm experts were all
the Saint realm expert subordinates under the Thunder
Human King.

Lei Hua and the human race experts were slightly

overwhelmed looking at the towering city in front of their

They couldn't even describe how much grander and bigger

the Nine Dragons City was compared to their Thunder City.
Monstrous demonic qi surged quietly in the air, creating a
silent pressure that felt like a great boulder in these
humans’ hearts.

“Let’s go, enter the city.” Thunder Human King snapped in a

gruff voice. The unicorn mount beneath him immediately
trotted toward the city gates with Lei Hua and the rest
quickly chasing up.

Upon entering Nine Dragons City, the prosperous bustling

streets awakened another bout of rueful feelings.

“Young Lord, this merging ceremony between the beastmen

tribes and the demonic beast clans attracted so many
people’s attention, maybe that kid will also be here!” A
Saint realm expert whispered to Lei Hua.

The kid he mentioned was none other than Huang Xiaolong.

The instant Lei Hua thought of Huang Xiaolong, murder

exploded in his eyes. “It’s best if it’s like that, if I really run
into that punk, I will crush his balls under my feet!”

The last time in Vermillion City, the Ape Deity Temple’s Zhou
Yunchu vented his frustration on Lei Hua after his arms were
crippled and beast core shattered by Huang Xiaolong, nearly
causing irreparable damage to his lower part. Although it
wasn’t crushed, it was fundamentally injured, not daring to
touch women in recent days.

Then, Zhou Yuchu was killed, causing the wrath of the Ape
Deity Temple’s Master, Zhou Yunpeng, to befall on him. If it
weren’t because his father personally went to plead for
mercy on his behalf, bringing the entire Zhu Family’s several
thousands of severed heads as an apology, he would have
died under Zhou Yunpeng’s hand as a companion in death
for that Zhou Yuchu.

All this happened because of that damned kid!

When the Thunder Human King’s group passed by a place

called Sun Moon Restaurant, the group stopped.

“Let’s eat something inside and rest for a little while.”

Thunder Human King said.

Lei Hua and the group of guards answered respectfully.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong, who had been in closed-door
practice inside the Xumi Temple, finally exited.

From the Windless Tunnel in the Mystic Elephant Peak,

Huang Xiaolong collected a lot of high-grade divine spirit
pellets refined by the Ape Deity, Ape Deity Herculean

In recent days, he had been swallowing these pellets while

cultivating. Those Ape Deity Herculean Pellets’ were refined
by the Ape Deity Emperor using many precious herbs and
elixirs belonging to the demonic beast clans in the ancient
times, one of the ingredients being the beast core of a God
Realm demonic beast master, containing abundant demonic
essence energy.

The demonic essence energy belonging to a God Realm

demonic beast master! This was a treasure the current
demonic beast experts could only fantasize about in their
dreams. Most likely, just a thin strand of the energy could
bring unimaginable benefits to a Saint realm demonic beast

In fact, a human like Huang Xiaolong wasn’t supposed to be

able to refine the demonic essence energy inside the Ape
Deity Herculean Pellet, but Huang Xiaolong’s True Dragon
Physique could be considered as a dragon’s body. Therefore,
there were no issues for him to refine those Ape Deity
Herculean Pellets.

Taking the pellets while cultivating helped Huang Xiaolong

increase his strength by a good margin, inching him closer
to peak late-Ninth Order Saint realm.

Not only did those Ape Deity Herculean Pellet contain the
demonic essence energy of a God Realm demonic beast,
there was also the insight into the time law, which paved
Huang Xiaolong’s foundation before his breakthrough to God

Exiting from closed-door practice, Huang Xiaolong

summoned Ao Kun, Lei Ge, the Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck,
Snake Tribe Patriarch Danny, and other to see him.

Receiving Huang Xiaolong command for the beastmen

tribes and demonic beast clans’ merging ceremony, Chuck
and the other Patriarchs had led their subordinates over to
the Nine Dragons City early on.

When everyone had assembled, Huang Xiaolong inquired

the recent news and situation around the Nine Dragons City.
Tomorrow was the day of the ceremony, Huang Xiaolong
needed to ensure that everything was foolproof.

Ao Kun, Lei Ge, Chuck, and the rest each took turns,
reporting to Huang Xiaolong the area they were in charge of.

“Any movements over at the Deities Templar’s side?” A

sudden feeling made Huang Xiaolong ask the question.

“This subordinate discovered that Deities Templar has been

in contact with the Cosmos God Cut, Distinct Void Door,
White Phoenix House, and also Sin City.” Ao Kun replied,
“However, we don’t have any details about their plans.’

Huang Xiaolong nodded, unperturbed. “Deities Templar,

Cosmos God Cult, Distinct Void Door, White Phoenix House,
and Sin City’s experts have probably snuck into Nine
Dragons City by now. Order all three temples’ disciples and
hall masters to pay more attention. If someone causes
trouble inside the Nine Dragons City, regardless of who they
are, encircle and kill them. Make sure they’re dead!”
Deities Templar joining hands with Cosmos God Cult and the
rest was something within Huang Xiaolong’s expectations,
thus he wasn't surprised in the least.

“Yes, Liege Lord Beast Bod!” Ao Kun and everyone present

replied in unison.

“Are there any Patriarchs who received an invitation and did

not come?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

“All of them are here.” It was Lei Ge who answered.

Huang Xiaolong was surprised at this, all of them actually


“You all also need to pay attention to these Patriarchs, if any

of them is discovered to be communicating with any of the
Deities Templar’s side forces, there's no need to report to
me, capture all of them immediately!” Huang Xiaolong

Another loud murmur of assent rang in the hall.

In the end, Huang Xiaolong instructed a number of tasks to

them before excusing them.

After everyone left, Huang Xiaolong stood up and decided to

take a walk outside and have a drink while inspecting the
city’s situation.

Before leaving, Huang Xiaolong called the Violet Spirit

Devourer Monkey. Hearing Huang Xiaolong saying that they
should go out and have some drinks, he was of course

“Big brother, I heard rumors saying that Sun Moon

Restaurant’s Sun Moon Wine is the demonic beast clans’
holy wine, its fragrant scent can be smelled from ten li
away.” The Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey’s lips were
smacking as he said this.

Huang Xiaolong laughed watching him, “Is that so, then let’s
go. Us brothers haven’t seen each other for twenty years,
we’ll drink our fill today!”

Both of them left the Nine Dragons Temple, walking toward

the Sun Moon Restaurant.

A short while later, they arrived at the destination: Sun

Moon Restaurant.

The ground floor was full when Huang Xiaolong and the
Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey entered. Judging from the
looks of it, their business was booming.

“Come on, up to the first floor.” Huang Xiaolong said, and

both went up.

There were some empty tables and less clients on the first
floor. Taking a glance scan around, Huang Xiaolong was
stumped to find some old acquaintances. On the first floor,
at a table close to the window, sat Elf Queen Kelly and
Grand Elder Celine.

Whereas in another corner sat an acquaintance he met in

Vermillion City, Thunder Human King’s son, Lei Hua.
Chapter 491: Let You Live A Few More Days

Chapter 491: Let You Live A Few More Days

Lei Hua was sitting beside his father, Thunder Human King.
Just as he filled his father’s wine cup, the corner of his eye
caught a glimpse of Huang Xiaolong. His action paused for a
second from surprise before flying to his feet with killing
intent raging in his heart.

“You little punk, I didn’t expect you to really dare to run all
the way here to Nine Dragons City to see some liveliness!”
Lei Hua laughed out loud in a manic manner, his eyes had
turned scarlet at the sight of Huang Xiaolong, akin to a
berserk lion running amok.

In that split second, everyone on the first floor turned to

look at Huang Xiaolong. Thunder Human King and his group
of subordinates were the first who looked over.

“Father, that’s the punk who killed Zhou Yuchu!” Lei Hua
was quick to point out Huang Xiaolong to the Thunder
Human King.

“Oh!” A streak of light flashed deep within Thunder Human

King’s pupils. The incident related to Zhou Yuchu’s murder,
incurring Zhou Yunpeng’s wrath that required him to go
apologize to him, kneeling before Zhou Yunpeng in front of
all the Ape Deity Temple experts as to keep his son’s life had
greatly made him lose face and dignity.

All of it was because of this punk!

Other experts dining on the first floor were stunned at the

revelation. All of them knew about the Ape Deity Temple
Master’ son, Zhou Yuchu, who was killed in Vermillion City,
but it had never crossed their minds that the murderer
would be a young human like the one before them.

By now, Elf Queen Kelly and Grand Elder Celine had also
seen Huang Xiaolong. Seeing Huang Xiaolong, Elf Queen
Kelly’s expression was filled with pleasant surprise. Her
alluring eyes sparkled seemingly holding a thousand
unspoken words.

Without needing the Thunder Human King to speak, his

subordinates jumped to their feet, spreading out to encircle
Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong raised an arm to stop the Violet Spirit

Devourer Monkey that was impatient to start fighting.

“So, you guys want to fight here?” Huang Xiaolong looked at

Thunder Human King and Lei Hua with indifference.

The Thunder Human King frowned. This was the Nine

Dragons City after all, and the Nine Dragons Temple had
clearly decreed that anyone who dared to stir trouble or
fight inside the city would be put to death regardless of their

Although he, Thunder Human King, stood at the top of the

human race on the Ten Directions Continent, in front of the
Nine Dragons Temple he was nothing more than a fart. He
wasn’t reckless to the point of ignoring the Nine Dragons
Temple’s clear order.

“Father, we mustn’t let this punk go!” Lei Hua urged his
father anxiously.

Thunder Human King waved his hand, recalling his

subordinates, “Don’t worry, he won’t be able to run!” He
looked at Huang Xiaolong, “Punk, I’ll let you live a few more

Once the beastmen tribes and demonic beast clans’

merging ceremony concluded, the kid would need to leave
the Nine Dragons City and they would deal with him then!
The Thunder Human King was swift to decide and concoct a

Hearing that these people dared to threaten Huang

Xiaolong, the Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey was greatly
angered, his momentum surged, laced with thick killing
intent. Demonic qi swept the first floor of the restaurant like
a hurricane.

“Fifth Order Saint realm!”

Everyone who felt it was dumbfounded.

Still, Huang Xiaolong raised his hand, stopping the Violet

Spirit Devourer Monkey a second time. His gaze shifted
coldly between the Thunder Human King and Lei Hua, “Let
me live a few more days? Then I shall wait and see.”

In Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, these two were nothing but

jumping clowns.

“Young Noble,” Elf Queen Kelly led Grand Elder Celine and
some of the elves’ Elders, walking over with a faint smile on
her face as she called out to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong could only smile in return, nodding his head

in greeting.

“Young Noble healed the Tree of Life. After parting in the Elf
Forest, I didn’t expect to run into Young Noble here. Would
Young Noble like to sit with us?” Elf Queen Kelly took the
initiative to invite Huang Xiaolong.

Waves of shock were hitting the hearts of the experts

around, staring at Huang Xiaolong in astonishment. Some
time ago, there was a rumor saying that the Tree of Life was
cured. Once again, they did not expect that person to be
this young man

Who exactly was this young man?! He even had a Fifth

Order Saint realm demonic beast expert with him!

Those present tried to guess Huang Xiaolong’s identity.

Both the Thunder Human King and Lei Hua were also
surprised hearing that this young man was the one who
cured the Tree of Life, but even so, the Elf Queen’s initiative
to invite Huang Xiaolong made the father and son’s
expressions turn grim.

Seeing the Elf Queen taking the initiative to invite him,

Huang Xiaolong contemplated for a moment, but still shook
his head, “Many thanks for the Elf Queen’s kindness, but as
I haven’t seen this good brother of mine for many years, it
might be inconvenient as us brothers would like to share a
few drinks in private. We’ve made a reservation for a private
room on the second floor.”

He could see that the Elf Queen extended an invitation to

him out of kindness, intending to protect him, indirectly
telling the Thunder Human King that Huang Xiaolong was in
good terms with the elf race. This way, the Thunder Human
King would need to think twice before making a move on

However, when did Huang Xiaolong ever rely on a woman

for protection?
Elf Queen Kelly couldn’t conceal the disappointment in her
eyes at Huang Xiaolong’s refusal. Before, in the Elf Forest,
Huang Xiaolong already refused her once. She believed that
Huang Xiaolong was aware of her feelings. For the first time
in her life, she began to doubt her own charm.

The surrounding patrons’ jaws fell agape when hey heard

Huang Xiaolong turning down an invitation from the Elf

However, the Elf Queen recovered swiftly from her

disappointment. Taking a glance at the human form Violet
Spirit Devourer Monkey beside Huang Xiaolong, she smiled
and asked, “It is Kelly who was inconsiderate. May I ask how
many days Young Noble plans to stay in Nine Dragons City?”

Huang Xiaolong answered: “Most likely around two months.”

For the beastmen tribes and demonic beast clans’ merging

ceremony, Huang Xiaolong needed some time to overlook
the various aspects of integration and clear out the Deities
Templar’s hidden forces on Ten Directions Continent. Thus,
he estimated that he would need to stay for two months at

Hearing Huang Xiaolong says that he would be staying in

Nine Dragons City for two months’ time, a bubble of joy
filled the Elf Queen.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong spoke a little while more with

Elf Queen Kelly before moving up to the second floor with
the Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey.

Watching the two people disappear up the second floor, the

first floor broke out in a flurry of discussions, whereas a
hesitant light flickered in Thunder Human King’s eyes
following Huang Xiaolong’s disappearing silhouette.
“Lord, it seems like this kid is not so simple. Should we send
someone to investigate his background?” A high-level Saint
realm expert sitting beside Thunder Human King spoke.

The Sun Moon Restaurant’s private rooms on the second

floor were reserved for important guests. Moreover, not just
anyone could go up. The basic condition was that one had
to possess a card specially issued by the restaurant. Just
this point alone proved that the two young men’s identities
weren’t simple.

“So what if it’s not simple?” Lei Hua interjected with a cold
sneer, “Would we be afraid of him? Just a little white-faced
lamb that has a tad bit of relationship with the Elf Queen.
What can the Elf Queen do after we kill him?”

But Thunder Human King ordered in a solemn voice,

“Investigate that demonic beast expert beside him.” A Fifth
Order Saint realm demonic beast expert following beside a
young human was strange in his eyes.

But then again, he wouldn't put a mere Fifth Order Saint

realm in his eyes.

“Yes, Lord.” The same subordinate beside the Thunder

Human King acknowledged.

“But Father, if that punk really plans to stay in Nine Dragons

City for two months, that would pose a small problem.”

It wasn’t convenient for them to deal with Huang Xiaolong

within the city.

Thunder Human King reassured his son, “Don’t worry, I’m

familiar with one of the Nine Dragons City’s small guard
captains, we can let the small guard captain frame some
crime on that kid and expel him out of the city.”
“Father is wise!” Lei Hua grinned, “Arrogant as that punk is, I
bet he dares not offend the Nine Dragons Temple.”

At this time, in one of the private rooms on the second floor,

the brothers ordered a table full of dishes, and wine cups
clinked nonstop. Neither placed any importance on that
Thunder Human King.

“Big brother, do you think Sister Li Lu will come to the Nine

Dragons City?” The Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey suddenly

He was aware of certain things between Huang Xiaolong

and Li Lu.
Chapter 492: He’S Lord
Beast God?!!
Chapter 492: He’s Lord Beast God?!!

Li Lu!

Hearing that name made Huang Xiaolong tremble slightly.

Putting down the wine cup in his hand, his mood mellowed
down, “I don’t know.” He answered in a restrained voice.

The Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey noticed Huang Xiaolong’s

low mood and quickly consoled him, “Big brother, Sister Li
Lu must have some difficulties.”

Huang Xiaolong sighed heavily looking up at the ceiling,

“Let’s not talk about this. Come, cheers!”

Two wine cups clinked.

It was three hours later when the two of them emerged from
the second-floor private room to leave the restaurant. At
that point, the Thunder Human King’s and the Elf Queen’s
groups had already left, something for which Huang
Xiaolong was a little thankful, especially for the Elf Queen’s
departure. How could he not see that the Elf Queen
harbored feelings for him, it was just that Huang Xiaolong
did not wish to have any emotional attachments at this
point in time.

Inexplicably, he thought of the two girls: Li Lu and Shi

Leaving the restaurant, the two brothers did not
immediately head back to the Nine Dragons Temple but
strolled around the Nine Dragons City until daylight was
replaced by the night sky before returning.

Separating at one of the corridors, Huang Xiaolong went

back to his courtyard.

Moonlight spilled over the yard like drifting snow.

Huang Xiaolong stood alone in the yard, hands at his back.

Many thoughts visited his mind, such as the Deities Templar,
its Temple Preceptor, Li Lu, the Cosmos God Cult, Shi
Xiaofei, his parents and siblings, the Asura’s Gate amongst
many other things.

It was extremely quiet deep in the night, but Huang

Xiaolong sensed the surging undercurrent of unease and
hidden murderous intent.

The night passed in peace, giving way to the rising sun at

the break of dawn.

The Nine Dragons City began to rustle in the dull morning

sky before the sun broke through the horizon.

Countless experts from Ten Directions Continent flocked to

the Nine Dragons Square right in front of the Nine Dragons
Temple. The merging ceremony of the beastmen tribes and
demonic beast clans was being held at the new Nine
Dragons Square.

Compared to the previous month, the Nine Dragons Square

had expanded five to six times its original size, able to
accommodate more than a hundred thousand people. All
the buildings that previously lined the square’s perimeter
were demolished.
“The Green Devil Tribe has arrived!”

“The Sea Clan has arrived!”

“The Elf Race has arrived!”

“Thunder Human King has arrived!”

Each respected patriarch arrived at the square leading a

group of experts from their families. A Nine Dragons Temple
Elder in charge of welcoming the guests announced the
arrival of the guests with his sonorous voice, reverberating
throughout the Nine Dragons Square.

The square’s perimeter was lined with experts from the Nine
Dragons Temple, Violent Lion Temple, Ape Deity Temple, the
beastmen’s Tiger Tribe, Lion Tribe, Snake Tribe, Fox Tribe,
Wolf Tribe, and other tribes’ experts as well. Merely the
number of Saint realm expert exceeded a thousand, not to
mention the combination of both sides’ half-Saint and peak
half-Saint experts.

The momentum was heaven shaking.

All the invited guests that arrived felt trepidation at the

number of beastmen tribes and demonic beast clans Sain
realm experts. Fear rose in their hearts and the pressure

Those experts dared not move or wander around after being

led to their respective places on the square.

Lei Hua stood beside his father, he Thunder Human King,

taking in the surrounding scenery. His throat became dry
just by looking at the number of experts from other races.
Only at this moment did he realize how weak and
insignificant their human race was.
Before the beastmen tribes and demonic beast clans, the
gap of existence was akin to ants at the feet of an elephant.

Lei Hua felt as such, and the Thunder Human King and other
human race experts felt it even more.

Furthermore, Thunder Human King noticed these gathered

beastmen and demonic experts were those below Ninth
Order Saint realm. Their experts of Ninth Order Saint realm
and above had yet to appear.

His breath seemed stuck in his chest.

The elves were arranged at a spot not far from the humans.
The Grand Elder stood behind Elf Queen Kelly, whispering,
“Your Majesty, the beastmen, and demonic beast clans’
experts have actually reached such a terrifying number!”
She did her best to reduce the volume of her voice to the
tiniest and there was even a slight quiver.

Elf Queen Kelly scanned the experts belonging to the

merging ceremony and nodded with minuscule movement
in agreement to what Celine had said. She too wore a
dignified expression on her face. Before today, it was
already common knowledge on Ten Directions Continent
that the beastmen tribes and demonic beast clans were the
most powerful hegemonies, but exactly how powerful, no
one was able to say for sure.

Moreover, in the past, these two hegemonies were separate

entities. Now that they were merging into one power, the
horrifying extent of their forces could be seen from today’s

These two parties merging was definitely a power that could

flatten the entire Ten Directions Continent!
She always assumed that the elves were weak, but now…!
Kelly’s gaze fell on the several Elders behind her, secretly
shaking her head.

A short while later, more and more invited guests arrived

into the square, around fifty to sixty tribes were present.
The crowd grew larger, but the square was still oddly quiet
despite the sheer number of people in the square, not the
least bit rowdy.

All conversations and discussions were done in low

whispers, not one party dared to put on an act.

A little more than an hour later, all parties that received an

invitation had arrived.

At this time, inside the Nine Dragons Temple’s great hall sat
Ao Kun, Ao Shen, Lei Ge, Chuck, Danny, and other hall
masters and tribe patriarchs.

A moment later, the Nine Dragons Elder responsible for

greeting the guests walked in, stopping at a respectful
distance from Ao Kun as he reported, “Temple Master, all the
guests have arrived and are waiting outside.”

“I know.” Ao Kun waved his hand, unhurried to say the least,

“Liege Lord Beast God is resting in the inner hall, let them

The Nine Dragons Elder acknowledged and retreated from

the great hall.

Half an hour later.

The heat from the sun was beginning to prickle their skin,
the many races, tribes, and clans waiting in the square
began to lose patience. Still, no one dared to voice their
dissatisfaction out in the open, or clamor.

Another half an hour passed in the same manner, getting

closer to midday.

Just as annoyance started to leak out from the guests,

suddenly, one of the Nine Dragons Temple’s Elder shouted
at the top of his lungs: “The Liege Lord Beast God has

The buzzing annoyance was nipped in the bud, the entire

square fell into an abrupt silence as everyone looked over to
the Nine Dragons Temple main entrance.

Before many watchful eyes, a black-haired young man

walked out from the Nine Dragons Temple main entrance.
Following behind the black-haired young man were the Nine
Dragons Temple’s Hall Master Ao Kun, Ao Shen, Tiger Tribe’s
Patriarch Chuck, and the other patriarchs.

The sight was a shock to everyone on the square, all their

full attention fell onto the black-haired young man.

This black-haired young man’s identity was evident!

Elf Queen Kelly, Grand Elder Celine, and the few Elf Elders
that once fought Huang Xiaolong in the past felt as if the
ground were pulled under their feet the moment they saw
the black-haired young man’s face. Each of them was
looking at Huang Xiaolong with shock and disbelief written
all over their faces.

“It’s, it’s, it-it’s him!”

“He’s the new Beast God! He’s actually the Lord Beast
God!” Elf Queen Kelly muttered incoherently to herself, not
knowing where to put her hands.

Whereas the Thunder Human King father and son duo and
their subordinates that surrounded Huang Xiaolong in the
restaurant felt their faces freeze. After getting over the
initial shock, the gravity of thing dawned on them, filling
their hearts with extreme fear.

“He, he, is the Lord Beast God?!” Lei Hua’s eyes were a twin
abyss of terror, and his face was deathly pale.

In Thunder Human King’s mind reverberated the single

sentence he said to Huang Xiaolong yesterday in the
restaurant, ‘I’ll let you live a few more days!’

Let him be damned, he actually told the Lord Beast God that
he’ll allow him to live a few more days!

Five more people in the crowd recognized Huang Xiaolong.

That time, the five experts together with the Nine Dragons
Temple’s Sixth Hall Master Ao Shen felt that Huang Xiaolong
was not qualified to sit with them. Their minds were also

When Huang Xiaolong, Ao Kun, and the others walked out

from the main entrance, an imposing aura gushed out like
waves on an open sea, spreading to all four directions,
making the experts on the square feel as if their breaths

Coming to a stop in front of the square, Ao Kun and the rest

spread out in a line behind Huang Xiaolong.
Chapter 493: The Tribes
And Clans Join Hands
Chapter 493: The Tribes and Clans Join Hands

Huang Xiaolong stood tall at the front of the Nine Dragons

Square, his sharp eyes scanning the various patriarchs and
experts waiting in the square.

Those patriarchs and experts felt like Huang Xiaolong’s gaze

contained insurmountable coercive pressure, causing them
to lack the courage to meet his direct gaze.

“I am the beastmen tribes’ Beast God, Huang Xiaolong.

Today, we come together here to witness the grand merging
ceremony between the beastmen tribes and demonic beast
clans. I shall take this opportunity to thank everyone who
came from afar.” Huang Xiaolong spoke. Although his voice
was not loud, each person present at the square heard him
loud and clear.

After clarifying his identity with a simple sentence, Huang

Xiaolong turned to Ao Kun: “Place the offering altar to
worship High Lord Beast God and High Lord Ape Deity

“Yes, Liege Lord Beast God!” Ao Kun respectfully answered.

He immediately ordered a group of Nine Dragons Temple
Elders to bring out the prepared worship altar and offerings.

Placed above the worship altar were two statues created in

the image of the beastmen tribes’ ancient Beast God and
the demonic beast clans’ Ape Deity Emperor.
When everything was arranged, Huang Xiaolong lit some
joss sticks and personally stepped up to place them into the
prepared urn on the worship altar.

Next was Nine Dragons Temple’s Ao Kun reciting the mighty

and glorious deeds of Lord Beast God and Ape Deity
Emperor during the ancient times. When Ao Kun was done,
the Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck highlighted some important
aspects after the integration between the beastmen tribes
and demonic beast clans.

In the integration between the two, the beastmen would

rake the upper order of precedence, whereby the demonic
beast clans were given a secondary role. In the future, the
demonic beast clans would be a side branch a the beastmen
tribes, named Beast Temple, with Ao Kun, Lei Ge, and the
Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey as its Three Grand Temple
Masters of equal authority.

The Beast Temple would consist of three main halls, namely,

the Nine Dragons Hall, Violent Lion Hall, and Ape Deity Hall.
The original sub-branches would be governed by appointed

When the sea tribe, human race, and the Green Devil Tribe’s
Patriarchs head that the demonic beast clans were reduced
to being subservient to the beastmen, none of them had a
good expression on their faces.

Although Huang Xiaolong did not say things bluntly, from

these arrangements, his meaning was clear as day for
everyone to see.

The demonic beast clans would merely be a side branch to

the beastmen. Later, the sea tribes, the human race, Green
Devil Tribe, and others, once they submitted and swore
allegiance, they too would end up as one the beastmen’s
side branches.

Furthermore, they had to obey the new Beast God, Huang

Xiaolong’s orders and wishes.

As expected, after Chuck finished reading his part, Ao Kun

spoke, “In ancient times, the magnanimous Liege Lord Beast
God united our Ten Directions Continent, bringing an era of
prosperity. All tribes and clans lived in harmony with each
other, without any conflict, war, nor killing amongst our own
brethren, without slavery between tribes and clans.
However, ever since our first Lord Beast God disappeared,
we crumbled from the inside and went our separate ways,
fighting amongst ourselves, raising havoc on the Ten
Directions Continent. In order to reduce these meaningless
infightings, to stop them altogether, our new Liege Lord
Beast God invited everyone here today not only to witness
this historic moment of merging ceremony but also to come
to an agreement with all the patriarchs here in regards to

The instant Ao Kun stopped, the square went into an uproar.

Despite most people present already have expected this
outcome, hearing it with their own ears still triggered a big

Even though everyone showed unease, with low biting

discussions all around, no one stepped forward with outright
objections nor did any party declare their allegiance to
Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong stood where he was, looking at the crowd

unperturbed and unhurried.

“Huang Xiaolong, wanting us to submit to you is not

impossible…” Suddenly, a crisp voice rang clear in the

Everyone turned to look, it was the sea tribes’ Emperor

Vander. The Sea Emperor’s status in the sea tribes was
tantamount to the Beast God in the beastmen tribes.

Hearing the sea tribe’s imperial clan daring to utter Huang

Xiaolong’s name directly stunned the experts around,
whereas the beastmen and demonic beast experts were
enraged at that person’s audacity.

Huang Xiaolong raised an arm to stop the beastmen and

demonic beast experts from making a move.

“Continue.” Huang Xiaolong looked at the Sea Emperor

Vander with a stoic expression.

“In the ancient era, the Beast God’s strength deterred all
directions, his might was recognized as the number one on
the Ten Directions Continent. He once fought and defeated
all the patriarchs in a siege, finally conquering them, which
led him to conquer the Ten Directions Continent.” The sea
tribe’s Emperor Vander fixed his gaze on Huang Xiaolong,
“Every patriarch present here will besiege you, if you can
defeat us relying on your own strength, without using the
Poison Corpse Scarabs or other external factors, then my
sea tribe shall be the first to submit to you!”

Once the Sea Emperor finished speaking, the square

erupted with surprised gasps from every corner of the
square. Sea Emperor Vander was inciting all the patriarchs
to attack Huang Xiaolong together!

The majority of the patriarchs present were Saint realm

experts, moreover, most of them were Tenth Order Saint
Even if the currently acknowledged number one expert on
the Ten Directions Continent, Ao Kun, was besieged by these
patriarchs, there would only be one ending—death!

Unless Huang Xiaolong broke through to God Realm!

Only a God Realm master was capable of defeating so many

Saint realm patriarchs in a besiegement.

“Vander, you’re being presumptuous!” Aoi Kun, Lei Ge,

Chuck, and the rest felt provoked, shouting angrily at

Although Ao Kun and the rest knew of Huang Xiaolong’s

strength, at the same time they felt that it was impossible
for Huang Xiaolong to defeat so many Patriarchs ganging to
attack him.

However, Huang Xiaolong lifted a hand to stop Ao Kun and

the others, signaling them to retreat.

Sea Emperor Vander ignored Ao Kun, Lei Ge, and the others’
killing intent directed at him as he calmly faced Huang
Xiaolong, “How about it? Huang Xiaolong, are you afraid? If
you think that you don’t have this strength, then tell
everyone here that you lack the strength, say it loudly! Say
it clearly! Also, you must swear that you will never invade
each of our tribes!”


The murderous aura rippling from Ao Kun, Lei Ge, Chuck,

and the others intensified after seeing Vander dare to force
Huang Xiaolong to make an oath in public. Monstrous
demonic qi pierced the sky, the suffocating momentum
birthed fear in the hearts of present experts.
“That’s right! Huang Xiaolong, if you don’t have this much
capability, then scram for this father! Your mother, what do
you think you are? Acting like you’re the ancient Beast God,
wanting to unify the Ten Directions Continent, you think
you’re qualified to be compared to the ancient Beast God?
You’re not qualified!” A grating voice interjected, shaking
everyone’s eardrums.

Searching for the owner of the voice, it led the present

experts to the Green Devil Tribe’s Patriarch, Mai Xiu.

At this point, the beastmen tribes and demonic beast clans

no longer bothered to hide their killing intent.

If it weren’t for Huang Xiaolong not giving the order, they

would have dashed up and tore both Vander and Mai Xiu
into a million pieces.

Huang Xiaolong was still as calm as ever watching these

two people, the sea Emperor Vnder and Green Devil Tribe’s
Mai Xiu. These two people dared to act so blatantly, there
had to be someone who gave them courage.

Without a doubt, Deities Templar, Cosmos God Cult, and Sin

City were behind them!

After Mai Xiu, another patriarch jumped out, scolding and

yelling. It was the Skeleton Tribe’s Patriarch.

Subsequently, one after another, six more patriarchs sang

the same tune as Vander and Mai Xiu.

In the end, there were nineteen people.

“Good.” Huang Xiaolong spoke calmly, “I accept your

challenge. Is there any other patriarch that wants to come
In fact, he could have commanded the beastmen and
demonic beast experts to deal with these people, subduing
them by force, and kill those who refused to submit. There
was no need to accept this so-called challenge. But Huang
Xiaolong had something else planned.

He wanted to use this chance to show his real strength.

‘This Sea Emperor and those in cahoots with him probably

think I'm merely a Seventh Order Saint realm.’ Huang
Xiaolong smirked.

Huang Xiaolong’s agreement to accept their challenge

stumped Sea Emperor Vander and the eighteen other
patriarchs. This wasn't part of their plan.

There were several patriarchs who remained silent,

watching and waiting to see how things progressed, but
when they heard Huang Xiaolong accepting the challenge,
they were tempted and stood up.

From their perspective, with so many of them cooperating,

there would only be one end for Huang Xiaolong—defeat!

If Huang Xiaolong lost, their tribes wouldn't be controlled by

him. Therefore, more and more patriarchs stood up.

“Father, is our human race joining as well?” Amongst the

mass crowd, Lei Hua asked Thunder Human King.

The Thunder Human King hesitated. In the end, he stood up

with a grim expression.
Chapter 494: A Wastrel Like You

Adding the Thunder Human King into the fray, the final
count of patriarchs that stood up to challenge Huang
Xiaolong reached forty-six.

Forty-six patriarchs! The weakest of them was a mid-Ninth

Order Saint realm!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes took a quick look around with a

reticent face, “Are there any more people that want to come

Sea Emperor Vander sneered at Huang Xiaolong’s question,

“Huang Xiaolong, so many of us patriarchs joining to battle
you, fists and swords have no eyes, what if we accidentally
kill you?”

If Huang Xiaolong was killed, it would lead to the beastmen

and demonic beast clans’ crazy retaliation. No one there
would be able to escape, including himself, Sea Emperor
Vander. This was his qualm.

Huang Xiaolong announced “Beastmen tribes and demonic

beast clans, hear my words! If I fall, none of you are allowed
to attack!”

“Yes, Liege Lord Beast God!” All the beastmen tribes and
demonic beast clan experts could only adhere to Huang
Xiaolong’s command.

Sea Emperor Vander secretly whooped with glee in his heart

after hearing that, ‘Huang Xiaolong, if you die this time, you
have no one to blame but yourself!’
With forty-six patriarchs on their side combining forces
against Huang Xiaolong, he refused to believe that Huang
Xiaolong could survive this!

‘He’s dead for sure!’

A glint flickered in his eyes. Once Huang Xiaolong was dead,

he had to grab the Heavenly Treasure Godly Mt. Xumi, God
Binding Ring, and Absolute Soul Pearl from his body at the
fastest speed.

The most important of all was the Beast God Scepter!

He absolutely had to get his hands on the Beast God

Scepter! As long as he successfully acquired the Beast God
Scepter then he would become the new Beast God! At that
time, he could conquer all four directions, unifying the Ten
Directions Continent!

Imagining the Ten Directions Continent united under him,

standing at the summit above everyone else, with hundreds
and thousands of experts answering to him with one
summon, a laughter escaped his mouth unknowingly.

Huang Xiaolong shot a glance at Sea Emperor Vander as he

slowly moved to the center of the square.

At this time, the experts in the square had emptied out a

large empty area at the center.

Sea Emperor Vander and the Green Devil Tribe’s Patriarch

Mai Xiu were the first two experts to step into the ring,
followed by the remaining forty-four people, encircling
Huang Xiaolong. Whereas the other experts and patriarchs
who did not join the besiegement, they retreated far back.
Amongst the crowd, Elf Queen Kelly had a worried
expression on her face watching the forty-six patriarchs
surround Huang Xiaolong. She didn’t expect Huang Xiaolong
to behave so recklessly, accepting an open challenge from
all the patriarchs!

“Your Majesty, this time I’m afraid the Lord Beast God is…!”
Elf Grand Elder Celine hesitatingly said.

Elf Queen Kelly sighed heavily in her heart, but even if she
wanted to help it was too late.

The entire square fell into silence.

Sea Emperor Vander and the other patriarchs released their

full power, intense energy flooded out from their bodies,
solidifying the airflow.

In a split second, Sea Emperor Vander lunged forward and

was the first to attack. A scepter appeared in his hand, very
much resembling Huang Xiaolong’s Beast God Scepter, but
it had a mermaid knob at the top instead.

That was the sea tribe’s sacred scepter, the Sea Emperor’s
scepter that was passed down through the generations to
the next Sea Emperor. It was forged by the first Sea
Emperor using his own divine power and countless amounts
of innate cold steel from the divine sea.

“Go die!” Sea Emperor Vander did not disguise the killing
intent in his eyes, for he knew that if Huang Xiaolong did not
die this time, he himself would be dead!

Huang Xiaolong would not spare him! Therefore, Vander did

not hold back.
Multiple blinding ice-blue spheres flew out from Sea
Emperor Vander’s sacred scepter, emitting a vast and
endless aura. Wherever they passed, everything in their
path turned into icicles, forming a large sea of blue ice.

Sealed inside the Beast God Scepter was the ancient Beast
God’s power whereas Sea Emperor Vander’s sacred scepter
contained the ancient Sea God’s power.

And those blue icicles were the first Sea Emperor’s divine
god power. Even a Tenth Order Saint realm expert could not
escape from turning into ice from merely touching that blue

The other patriarchs that were eager to attack retreated

swiftly seeing the terrifying blue ice.

In an instant, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette disappeared,

submerged in the ice blue sea. Before everyone’s eyes, he
turned into a crystallized ice statue.

Sea Emperor Vander saw that his first attack succeeded and
an unexpected pleasant surprise overtook him, mocking
Huang Xiaolong, “Huang Xiaolong, without those Poison
Corpse Scarabs, I can easily abuse you, squash you to
death! How can a wastrel like you unify the Ten Directions
Continent!” His attack never ceased for a moment. The
sacred scepter in his hand poised to strike the ice sculpture
that was Huang Xiaolong.

As long as the sacred scepter struck, Huang Xiaolong would

shatter into pieces of ice. At that time, not even a God
Realm master could save him.

Watching Sea Emperor Vander’s scepter about to strike

Huang Xiaolong, everyone held their breaths. Elf Queen
Kelly felt her heart jumping to her throat, whereas Ao Kun,
Lei Ge, Chuck, and the rest clenched their fists tightly, their
nerves stretched to the limit.

Just as Sea Emperor Vander’s scepter was an inch from

Huang Xiaolong’s chest, a hand pierced out from the ice
sculpture, grasping the Sea Emperor’s scepter inside a

Sea Emperor Vander felt as if the sacred scepter in his hand

were pressed under a mountain. A whelming force pinned
his hand in a place where it couldn’t move the slightest bit
forward nor could he retrieve the scepter. Vander’s proud
smirk was replaced with an ashen face.

‘How is this possible?!’

In the next second, a loud boom sounded as the ice

sculpture shattered, revealing an unharmed Huang

“You, you’re not afraid of the Sea God’s power?!” Sea

Emperor Vander blurted out in shock.

He once fought a late-Tenth Order Saint realm expert and

one of the enemy's arms was frozen by the Sea God power.
He used an entire day to expel every last strand of the Sea
God power from his body.

But Huang Xiaolong merely took a split second?

Huang Xiaolong looked coldly before him. Then, in the next

moment, Sea Emperor Vander saw a multitude of arms
emerge from Huang Xiaolong’s back like an open fan, not
more and no less, exactly one thousand arms!

One thousand arms attacked Vander at the same time!

A net of palms, fists, fingers, devils, ghost, golden Buddhas
and other attacks loomed over the square.

Sea Emperor Vander’s eyes widened in terror as the aura of

death drowned his senses.

“Sea God’s Protection!” Vander bellowed. The Sea

Emperor’s Sacred Scepter exploded in a ten thousand zhang
light, sending multiple strands of ice blue light into his body
that transformed into a protective barrier. Numerous tiny
ancient symbols could be seen circulating around the
protective barrier like an eternal wave.

By this time, countless attacks bombarded the barrier.

Boom! Boom! Boom! A series of thunderous blasts

resounded in the air.

The protective barrier around Sea Emperor Vander’s body

dimmed at rapid speed and shattered into smithereens. At
that moment, Sea Emperor Vander’s body was struck back,
crashing on the edge of the square. The glorious yellow
emperor robe on him burst into pieces, making him look
worse than a beggar.

The four corners of the square fell into an abrupt silence.

Gasps of cold air followed as a feeling of terror filled the


Although Sea Emperor Vander was not at the same level as

the continent’s number one expert, Ao Kun, he was one of
the top three experts. Not to mention the fact that it had
long been said that the Sea God’s Protection could only be
broken by a God Realm Master. Yet they had just witnessed
Huang Xiaolong shattering it into dust!
In one move!

“Your Majesty Sea Emperor!” From afar, the sea tribes’

experts rushed to Vander’s side as they exclaimed in fear,
wanting to save their emperor immediately.

However, just as those sea tribe experts made a move, Ao

Kun, Lei Ge, and some of the beastmen and demonic beast
clans’ experts blocked the path right in front of them.

“Roll back to your place!”

The sea tribe experts were forced back without mercy.

“Who dares to move?” Ao Kun yelled.

The sea tribe experts had ugly expressions on their faces

being hindered, but none dared to step forward after that.

At the center of the square, Huang Xiaolong disappeared in

a flicker, appearing before the Green Devil Tribe’s Patriarch
Mai Xiu. Seeing Huang Xiaolong appearing suddenly in front
of him, Mai Xiu’s pupils shrank in fear.

“Green Devil Nefarious Poison Liquefying Technique!”

Absolutely horrified, Mai Xiu went berserk. A glaring green

light glimmered around his body as it contorted violently
before turning into a pool of green liquid.
Chapter 495: Green Devil Nefarious Poison Liquefying

“It’s the Green Devil Nefarious Poison Liquefying


“The Green Devil Patriarch actually succeeded in cultivating

this technique!”

The surrounding experts paled at the sight of this, including

Patriarch Chuck and Ao Kun.

Green Devil Nefarious Poison Liquefying Technique! This was

the Green Devil Tribe’s top most unique skill, also the
pinnacle of poison skills in the whole Martial Spirit World!

Success in cultivating this skill allowed a person to

transform their whole body into poisonous liquid of extreme
toxicity. The slightest contact with this poisonous liquid
would corrode a peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm expert’s
body into nothing! Furthermore, after turning into a liquid
existence, the cultivator wasn't subjected to any damage
from physical attacks such as fists or palms, nor could any
godly weapons kill them.

It was close to being invincible!

It was said that, during the ancient times, the Beast God
battled for one day and one night with the Green Devil
Tribe’s ancestor who succeeded in cultivating this Green
Devil Nefarious Poison Liquefying Technique. In the end, due
to battle qi exhaustion, the Green Devil Tribe’s Patriarch was
unable to maintain his liquid form and was forced to revert
to his original body, which enabled the first Beast God to
defeat him.
However, in the following thousands of years, ever since the
Green Devil Tribe’s first Patriarch succeeded in cultivating
this Green Devil Nefarious Poison Liquefying Technique,
there had been no other Green Devil Tribe patriarch that
was able to do so.

No one thought that Mai Xiu would be able to do so!

After tens of thousands of years, the Green Devil Nefarious

Poison Liquefying Technique once again resurfaced!

“Liege Lord Beast God, be careful!” Ao Kun shouted a


At this point, the pool of liquid that Mai Xiu turned into was
trying to wind itself around Huang Xiaolong. Wherever the
poison liquid traveled, the space itself actually sizzled with
green fumes—this poison could even corrode space! The
toxicity was beyond anyone’s imagination.

Just as everyone was watching with bated breaths as the

green poison liquid was closing in on Huang Xiaolong, mere
millimeters from his body, he raised a palm and gently
waved forward.

“God Binding Palm!” Multiple golden rings expanded out

from Huang Xiaolong’s palm, halting the poison liquid’s
movement. It was pinned in place in midair.

Next, a soft kindle of true essence fire danced in his palm

before it flew out, stretching into a thin film of flames as it
wrapped itself around the pool of floating poisonous liquid.

“Hahaha, Huang Xiaolong, you think this measly fire of

yours can harm me?” A triumphant laughter came from the
pool of poison liquid that is Mai Xiu, “I’ve been enduring
ever since I’ve successfully cultivated the Green Devil
Nefarious Poison Liquefying Technique, all of it just for

“I am the real number one expert on Ten Directions


“After I kill you, I'll get the Beast God Scepter and fuse with
the Beast God power, then I can be unrivaled under the

Mai Xiu’s words reverberated in all corners of the square.

Huang Xiaolong flashed a satirical sneer as he watched the

true essence fire finally wrap up the pool of poison liquid.

Mai Xiu’s triumphant laughter stopped abruptly, choking in

his throat as if he had just seen the most terrifying thing.

“No, no-not possible! What f*cking thing is this! How is this

possible?!” His horrified shrieks rang sharp, continuing for
some time.

This inexplicable turn of events baffled everyone present as

they watched in astonishment the scene in front of them.

Wrapped in a layer of flames, the pool of poison that was

Mai Xiu began to struggle violently as muffled pops sounded
again and again. Strands of green energy mist evaporated,
dispersing in the air.

The pool of green poisonous liquid continued to shrink in

size, accompanied by Mai Xiu’s non-stop howling of pain,
raising goosebumps down the experts’ backs hearing it.

“Huang Xiaolong, I, I beg you, spare me, my Green Devil

Tribe is willing to submit to you!” Mai Xiu begged for mercy
in between anguish howls of pain.
Huang Xiaolong was not moved. Ignoring Mai Xiu’s
pleadings, he increased the energy channeled into the true
essence fire from his dantian. True essence flames danced
merrily as they continued to tease at the pool of poisonous

“Don’t kill me!” Mai Xiu wailed.

“Patriarch!” The Green Devil Tribe’s experts were looking

pale and anxious like ants on a hot pan, but just as they
took one step forward, Ao Kun and a group of beastmen and
demonic beast experts forced them to retreat.

“Why aren’t you all attacking!” Mai Xiu shouted at the other
patriarchs, “Everyone attack together, kill Huang Xiaolong
and you’ll have a ray of hope, otherwise, no one can escape
if Huang Xiaolong kills us off one by one!”

The shocked patriarchs woke up from their shock at Mai

Xiu’s reminder. Each of them drew their weapons resolutely,
displaying their most powerful move in attacking Huang

Huang Xiaolong remained unperturbed and did not dodge as

he watched forty-four Saint realm patriarchs gang up on him
at once, and he continued to rotate the energy from his
dantian at an even faster speed.

In that short window of time, the forty-four patriarchs’

attacks were about to hit Huang Xiaolong.

A myriad of shadows of swords, sabers, fists, and palms

struck Huang Xiaolong.

Zheng! Sharp clankings rippled in the air. Those sword and

saber attacks sounded like they struck against the most
adamant divine steel, issuing crisp echoes of collision with
random fire sparks bursting here and there.

Then, in the eyes of the spectating crowd some distance

away, those forty-four patriarchs were sent back flying. The
weapons in their hands were knocked off, either flung high
into the sky or stabbed into the ground. Some even flew into
the crowd.

Poof! The weaker patriarchs vomited blood when they

crashed to the ground.

The entire time, Huang Xiaolong stood on the same spot,

unmoving. On his exposed skin, there was nothing more
other than several white marks. They didn’t even pierce
through his skin!

The experts’ mouths dried up, feeling as if their larynges

were stuck to the roof of their mouths. Calm as they were,
the shock was evident in these people’s eyes.

‘Is this still...human?’

To withstand a few dozen high-level Saint realm experts’

most powerful attacks at the same time, yet remain

Not to mention, they didn’t even draw a drop of blood out of

Huang Xiaolong!

Huang Xiaolong did not show the slightest emotion as his

right hand made a gripping motion, and Mai Xiu’s blood-
curdling scream shook the square. When the screams
stopped, the true essence fire had evaporated every last
drop of the green poisonous liquid.
That year when Huang Xiaolong broke through to Saint
realm, his true essence fire became powerful enough to
incinerate even Poison Corpse Scarabs. Through the years,
his true essence fire had evolved and enhanced many times
over, and despite the extreme toxicity of the Green Devil
Nefarious Poison Liquefying Technique, it still couldn't
withstand the burning from Huang Xiaolong’s true essence

Having dealt with the Green Devil Tribe Patriarch, Huang

Xiaolong’s next target was the Skeleton Tribe Patriarch. This
time, he had to kill a few people to create deterrence. And
these several people were none other than those that were
in collusion with Deities Templar, Cosmos God Cult, and Sin
City to induce other tribes and clan patriarchs to besiege
him; a total of nine people, including Sea Emperor Vander
and Green Devil Tribe Patriarch Mai Xiu.

Hence, regardless of how desperately the Green Devil

Tribe’s Patriarch begged, he was destined to die!

The Skeleton Tribe Patriarch turned deathly pale watching

Huang Xiaolong draw closer to him step by step. After
subconsciously retreating a step, he suddenly lunged

“Devil Burial Tomb!”

Surging death aura gushed out from the Skeleton Patriarch,

transforming into an enormous coffin behind him that shot
forward, slamming into Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong snorted with disdain as a thousand arms

fanned out like a peacock’s tail from his back.

“Great Void Divine Fist!”

One thousand arms! One thousand Great Void Divine Fists!


A thunderous boom sent violent quakes through the square.

The enormous coffin was like a bubble pulled into a

hurricane, exploding in an instant. The thousand Great Void
Divine Fists pummeled onto the Skeleton Tribe Patriarch,
blasting him into pieces.

With a wave of his hand, Huang Xiaolong gathered those

flying blood and flesh pieces, and even the soul, sending
them into the Linglong Treasure Pagoda to be swallowed by
the Poison Corpse Scarabs and Devils and Ghosts Flag.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong picked off the remaining six

one by one using only one move. When all was done, Huang
Xiaolong walked toward Sea Emperor Vander, who was lying
at the edge of the square. Earlier, although Huang Xiaolong
had shattered his Sea God Protection barrier, he had yet to
kill him. He merely left him unconscious.

Coming to a stop beside Sea Emperor Vander, Huang

Xiaolong aimed a finger between his brows. The force
pierced a finger-sized hole through Vander’s forehead,
instantly waking the unconscious man. Seeing Huang
Xiaolong the moment he opened his eyes, there was fury
and fear in his eyes, but despite that, Vander still
threatened with false bravado: “Huang Xiaolong, us forty-six
patriarchs joining hands will definitely kill you!”

Immediately after his roar, he felt that the atmosphere

around him was a little odd. His eyes rolled around to survey
the surroundings and what he saw left him in a daze. Lying
scattered on the ground, just like him, were the other
patriarchs, each in a unique posture. Only, not even one of
them was actually standing.

Sea Emperor Vander’s mouth opened and closed, but no

words would come, as if there was something stuck in his
Chapter 496: Deities
Templar’S Li Lu Appears
Chapter 496: Deities Templar’s Li Lu Appears

A light glimmered in Huang Xiaolong’s hands, revealing the

Blades of Asura.

Sea Emperor Vander felt the monstrous killing intent

vibrating from Huang Xiaolong and fear instantly took over
him. Forced into a desperate corner, Sea Emperor Vander
raised his head toward the sky shouting, “Deities Templar’s
Holy Maiden, why aren’t you coming to save me?!”

Deities Templar’s Holy Maiden?!

Huang Xiaolong and the crowd were stunned.

Precisely at this moment, two sharp sword energies—one

black and one white, pierced through space, reaching Huang
Xiaolong’s back in the blink of an eye.

Huang Xiaolong was startled but it did not delay his

reaction. The Blades of Asura in his hands swung out
decisively with a turn of his wrists.

Zheng! The shrill noises of metal colliding sounded more

than once.

Huang Xiaolong staggered as he fended off the sneak

attack, and was shocked to feel numbness traveling up his
arms. Looking at the source of the attack, he saw a woman
dressed in pure black. Her face obscured under a thin veil.
The woman exuded a kind of high noble atmosphere,
majestic, inviolable, as well as extreme coldness.

Despite the other side’s face being covered with a veil,

Huang Xiaolong recognized who this woman was in a single
glance—Li Lu!

But when their eyes met in midair, all he saw was an abyss
of coldness. When she looked at him, it was no different
than looking at a stranger… as if they did not recognize
each other at all.

While Huang Xiaolong was observing Li Lu, the surrounding

space fluctuated as silhouettes emerged from the void
behind her. Deities Templar’s experts, Cosmos God Cult’s
experts, and of course, experts from Sin City.

There were no signs of Distinct Void Door or the White

Phoenix House.

A quick count gave him exactly three hundred people, not

too many nor too little. Moreover, all of them were high-
level Saint realm experts, the weaker ones were also at
Seventh Order Saint realm.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed into thin slits. The fact that
Deities Templar, Cosmos God Cult, and Sin City were willing
to send three hundred high-level Saint realm experts was
more than he expected.

‘Three hundred?’ Huang Xiaolong sneered inside. Three

hundred high-level Saint realm experts sounded scary,
however, before the beastmen tribes and demonic beast
clans, this number was still far from enough to fill the gaps
between their teeth.
When Sea Emperor Vander saw the experts from Deities
Templar, Cosmos God Cult, and Sin City show themselves, it
was like he grasped the last hope at life, quickly climbing up
to his feet and running to the Holy Maiden side.

Huang Xiaolong did not make any move to end Sea Emperor
Vander, he merely watched the experts from Deities
Templar’s side quietly.

“Holy Maiden, you’re all finally here!” Sea Emperor Vander

wiped away the cold sweat running down his forehead, a
beaming smile on his face.

Li Lu looked at Huang Xiaolong with the same cold

indifferent eyes, “Huang Xiaolong, kneel down now, lead the
beastmen tribes and demonic beast clans to submit under
Deities Templar as our dog. Deities Templar can consider
wiping off old grudges and start again with a clean slate, if
not, die!”

Huang Xiaolong frowned.

The reason for his frown wasn’t Li Lu’s words, but because
despite the great disparity between both sides, Li Lu still
uttered such words to make him submit! What was Li Lu
relying on to have this confidence?! Even if all the sea
tribe’s experts and Green Devil Tribe’s experts joined their
side, they were still far from being able to defeat the
beastmen and demonic beast experts here.

Just as doubt rose in Huang Xiaolong, a muffled noise was

heard. Turning to look, a beastmen tribe expert suddenly fell
to the ground, then in the next moment, the same muffled
noise came from different locations in the square. It started
with one, then it spread to a few, increasing in number. In
just a few short moments, more than half of the experts
belonging to the beastmen tribes and demonic beast clans
laid unconscious on the floor.

In the end, only the high-level Saint realm experts remained


Even though Ao Kun, Chuck, and the rest persevered and

managed to stand, the greenish tinge on their faces was
evident, including the minuscule swaying of their bodies.

Huang Xiaolong’s face tightened suddenly, for he himself

felt a little dizzy.

Li Lu smirked at Huang Xiaolong’s change of expression,

“Huang Xiaolong, let me enlighten you. The joss sticks you
used for worship earlier contained a unique ancient poison
called One Day Scatter!”

“One Day Scatter!” Not only Ao Kun and Chuck, everyone’s

faces became ashen hearing the name.

A poisonous fragrance such as this One Day Scatter was

colorless and odorless. When mixed into other things and
triggered by heat, in and range if ten li, as long as a person
took a whiff of it, within one day’s time their body would feel
soft and weak, unable to direct even the smallest amount of
battle qi.

Li Lu continued to look at Huang Xiaolong, “Now, kneel

down and submit, Huang Xiaolong, we can still spare your
life, otherwise…” She waved her hand, letting her actions
portray her meaning.

Two sword lights glinted and vanished in the air. Some

distance away, a demonic beast expert screamed, falling
into a puddle of his own blood.
Fury burned in Ao Kun and Lei Ge’s eyes as well as those
who still managed to remain on their feet.

Sea Emperor Vander, who was standing beside Li Lu, burst

out laughing, “Huang Xiaolong, never did you imagine that
you'd fall to this level one day, right? Be obedient and kneel,
become Deities Templar’s dog and perhaps you might have
a chance to live! Let me tell you, us sea tribe, Green Devil
Tribe, and in fact all the nine tribes had taken the antidote
beforehand. At this moment, in our eyes, you lot are nothing
but pigs waiting to be slaughter!”

A sharp light glinted in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

“Don’t even think of using the Poison Corpse Scarabs or

Devils and Ghosts Flag! After being poisoned with the One
Day Scatter, you won't be able to channel even a strand of
battle qi!” An expert of Sin City snorted.

To summon both the Devils and Ghosts Flag and the Poison
Corpse Scarabs required battle qi.

Huang Xiaolong watched as beastmen and demonic beast

high-level experts began to fall. In the end, there were only
Ao Kun, Lei Ge, Chuck, and other Tenth Order Saint realm
experts left standing, albeit by sheer will.

Killing intent erupted inside Huang Xiaolong, surging madly.

He didn’t expect Deities Templar to find something as rare
as One Day Scatter. This One Day Scatter Poison could only
be solved by a particular flower called Awaken Today.
Therefore, even if Huang Xiaolong had the Jasper Lotus and
other rare elixirs aged thousands of years old, it was useless
at this moment.

Was there really nothing he could do but wait helplessly for

death to come?!
In the current situation, Sea Emperor Vander was brave
enough to approach Huang Xiaolong, striking a palm at his
chest. One palm sent Huang Xiaolong flying back without
any resistance. Vander’s mocking laughter rang in the
square, “Immediately kneel down before the Holy Maiden!’

Huang Xiaolong crashed heavily to the ground.

In that split second, the Dragon Pearl between his brows

slightly trembled. The vague dragon shadow inside the
Dragon Pearl opened its jaw, absorbing all the force coming
from Sea Emperor Vander’s palm attack. Next, a faint cloudy
green vapor from his body was also absorbed by the dragon

Huang Xiaolong immediately felt the weakness in his limbs

and body disappearing at rapid speed, furthermore, he was
able to channel his battle qi!

‘This is...?!’ Huang Xiaolong was both shocked and

delighted. He didn’t expect the dragon shadow inside the
Dragon Pearl to actually have the ability to swallow the One
Day Scatter!

One of the Deities Templar’s Elders walked over to Huang

Xiaolong, a frigid look in his eyes as he aimed a kick right at
Huang Xiaolong’s face.

A sharp light glinted before his foot came in contact. In the

next moment, a shower of blood fell on the square and that
Deities Templar Elder was seen clutching his neck with both
hands, but his eyes were staring at Huang Xiaolong with
disbelief. Huang Xiaolong gave a disdainful snort, blasting
the Elder’s heart into pieces with one palm before putting
his corpse away into the Linglong Treasure Pagoda for the
Poison Corpse Scarabs and Devils and Ghosts Flag.
Gripping the Blades of Asura in his hands, Huang Xiaolong
slowly got up.

The unexpected turn of event left everyone greatly


Li Lu’s eyes narrowed in a dignified manner, “You, are not

affected?!” Without another word, the black and white
swords hovering behind her accelerated in Huang Xiaolong’s
direction. It was so fast that it exceeded Huang Xiaolong’s
ability to react.

Turning the Blades of Asura in his hands to block, he was

still a second too late. The twin black and white swords
stabbed into Huang Xiaolong’s chest.

Blood bloomed red on Huang Xiaolong’s robes.

Those black and white swords were Li Lu’s martial spirits.

Huang Xiaolong had refined eight primordial divine dragons

and even possessed the True Dragon Physique that was
tougher than any godly weapon. Even if he stood still,
allowing Ao Kun to strike him with full force, he would not be
able to hurt Huang Xiaolong at all. But now, Li Lu’s black
and white sword martial spirits pierced through Huang
Xiaolong’s True Dragon Physique!
Chapter 497: Kill Huang Xiaolong!

The black and white swords flew away immediately after

piercing through Huang Xiaolong’s chest, turning into two
trails of light that flew straight at Huang Xiaolong’s
forehead. Their speed was faster than before by several

As the two swords were mere inches from penetrating

Huang Xiaolong’s forehead, the Dragon Pearl between
Huang Xiaolong’s brows released a brief bright glimmer,
accompanied by a mysterious force flooding out.

Both black and white swords were repelled away with a

crisp zheng!

Li Lu’s eyes widened in surprise, quickly retrieving both

swords into her body while staring intently at the spot
between Huang Xiaolong’s eyebrows. In Deities Templar’s
information about Huang Xiaolong, none of it mentioned
that symbol on his forehead.

She remembered her other Master saying that her Life and
Death Yin Yang Sword could kill any expert below God Realm
upon success! But now it was actually repelled by a small
symbol on Huang Xiaolong’s forehead.

Her gaze moved downward to Huang Xiaolong’s chest where

her black and white swords stabbed earlier, only to discover
that blood had stopped flowing. In fact, the wound had
already healed, as good as new! Uncertainty flitted in her
eyes. After being wounded by her Yin Yang sword qi, no one
could extract it other than a God Realm master. But Huang
Xiaolong once again shattered her confidence!
“Seems like you won’t be submitting to Deities Templar!” Li
Lu slowly walked toward Huang Xiaolong, each step elegant.
A contrast to her cold voice, “Since it’s like that, I will kill
you to avenge my Master!”

The black and white twin swords shot out again, flying
straight at Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

His figure vanished from the spot in a blur, letting the

swords pierce through an afterimage. When Huang Xiaolong
appeared again, he was behind Li Lu with the Blades of
Asura swinging down.

“Eye of Reincarnation!”

A giant glowing red eyeball formed, spewing out countless

saber lights aimed at Li Lu’s back. But within one zhang
radius around Li Lu’s body, two kinds of energy flowed out
from her body, one black and one white, vibrating at a high
frequency to repel the Eye of Reincarnation’s countless
saber lights.

Huang Xiaolong did not dally, quickly leaping away, the

Wings of Demon spread out from his back. At the same
time, Huang Xiaolong summoned the black and blue twin
dragons, but he did not soul transformed, instead he sent
the twin dragons into the midst of Deities Templar’s experts
with a casual wave of his hand. The black and blue twin
dragons weaved their bodies through the group of experts,
pulverizing more than a dozen people into mincemeat.

“All Deities Templar, Cosmos God Cult, and Sin City’s experts
attack together, kill Huang Xiaolong!” Li Lu snapped an
order, adding, “Also, sea tribe, Green Devil Tribe, and the
rest, finish off the beastmen and demonic beast clans! All
the others that refused to submit, kill them all the same!”
When the other patriarchs and experts heard this, their
faces turned whiter than paper.

Whoever unwilling to submit, kill all!

The majority of Ten Directions Continent’s Saint realm

experts were gathered here. Killing all of them would leave
only those few Saint realm experts. It would result in a Ten
Directions Continent almost emptied of experts, it was very

“Yes, Holy Maiden!” Sea Emperor Vander complied with a

huge smirk on his face as he took large strides toward Ao
Kun, Lei Ge, Chuck, and the rest.

Huang Xiaolong might have resolved the One Day Scatter

poison in his body, but Ao Kun and the others were still pigs
waiting to be slaughtered, with no power to resist at all.

Sea Emperor Vander and a group of experts stopped in front

the beastmen and demonic beast clan experts with a cold
sneer on their faces as they drew their weapons.

“Die!!” Sea Emperor Vander licked his lips in anticipation,

not holding back as he sent a full force punch at Ao Kun.

The sea tribe and Green Devil Tribe’s experts also began
attacking, but their actions were interrupted by a loud
dragon roar.

Several primordial divine dragons emerged out of nowhere,

diving into the midst of the sea tribe and Green Devil Tribe,
scattering the experts off in panic.

“Fifteen Moves of the Dragon God!”

“The First Move, A Weyr of Dragons Swimming in the Sea!”

“The Second Move, Dragon God Flipping the Sea!”

“The Third Move, Sky Dragon Shattering Mountains!”

Huang Xiaolong stood high in the air, attacking the experts

from Deities Templar, sea tribe, and all the opposing side’s
experts. One move after another from the Fifteen Moves of
Dragon God were executed.

The sky was filled with shadows of primordial divine

dragons. Oppressive dragon might had the entire square
locked down.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong seized the small window

to throw Ao Kun, Lei Ge, Chuck, and all beastmen and
demonic clans experts into the Godly Mt. Xumi with a wave
of his hand.

Under the bombardment from the Fifteen Moves of Dragon

God, the experts from Deities Templar, sea tribe, and the
other opposing tribes were forced to retreat in
embarrassment. Those slightly weaker exploded into pieces
with one punch from Huang Xiaolong.

A silhouette leaped up from the ground— it was Li Lu! Her

eyes shone with monstrous killing intent. Huang Xiaolong’s
growth had far exceeded her assumption, not to mention
the fact that his every move was so brutal!

“Great Yin Yang Slash!” She shouted. A black and white

sword shot out, separating itself into hundreds, thousands of
sword energies that formed a sword tomb in the shape of a
black and white wheel, spinning toward Huang Xiaolong.

Everything in its path was cut, including space.

Turbulent space currents leaked out from the many space

Huang Xiaolong watched with cold eyes, swinging the

Blades of Asura in his hands. Countless saber lights formed
into two wind vortices, colliding with the black and white

Even the Heavens shook from the collision, stray sword and
saber lights flew off in all directions. The sea tribe and
Green Devil Tribe experts below that did not manage to
dodge in time were split and pierced through by these two
people’s attacks, splashing a large area of bright red on the

Huang Xiaolong snorted at the result. A thousand arms

fanned out from his back, hitting out punches from high air.

A thousand Great Void Divine Fists whistled past the wind.

Li Lu’s expression changed looking at the extent of damage

on the ground. She summoned the black and white swords
back to her, hovering in front of her in the shape of a cross.
With a slight push forward, the crossed swords exploded in a
blinding light brighter than the sun.

Huang Xiaolong’s torrent of Great Void Divine Fists fell into

the crossed-swords.

Shockwaves exploded, the crossed-swords were shaking


Every punch that landed forced the crossed-swords back a

few meters, but regardless of the attacks, it did not
disintegrate, stubbornly maintaining its crossed pattern.
A short while later, Li Lu was forced back to the ground,
looking a few shades whiter. Despite withstanding one
attack from Huang Xiaolong’s Godly Xumi Art, her Life and
Death Yin Yang qi was forced into chaos. Most of her internal
organs were jumbled up.

“Godly Xumi Art!” Seeing a thousand arms, Li Lu was unable

to disguise the trepidation in her eyes.

This Godly Xumi Art was hailed as Martial Spirit World’s

strongest battle skill, its power was actually this strong!
However, this stoked her desire to battle even more.

A myriad of black and white sword energies burst out from

her body.

After forcing Li Lu back to the ground with the Godly Xumi

Art, Huang Xiaolong waved his arms, inserting the Devils
and Ghosts Flag into the void right above the square center.
Ghost aura rumbled out like tidal waves, turning into
countless evil spirits, casting darkness over the entire Nine
Dragons Square as they attacked experts from the Deities
Templar’s side.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong also brought out the

Poison Corpse Scarabs, overrunning the earth.

The Deities Templar experts trapped inside the Devil and

Ghost Flag array became pale watching the large swarm of
Poison Corpse Scarabs covering the sky above them. They
began to attack the array formation with madness, hoping
to break out as soon as possible.

The one thousand arms at Huang Xiaolong’s back slammed

down again, killing dozens of experts from the opposing
tribes. Their souls were immediately swallowed by the
Devils and Ghosts Flag, becoming one of the many evil
spirits within.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong once again channeled

his true essence energy, making possible a third Godly Xumi
Art attack, leaving another area tainted with blood.

With Huang Xiaolong’s perverse true Dragon Physique’s

attack power, an early Tenth Order or mid-Tenth Order could
only withstand one hit from Huang Xiaolong.

He struck again with the Godly Xumi Art. Based on Huang

Xiaolong’s current strength of battle qi and true essence
fire, he was able to supply enough battle qi to execute the
Godly Xumi Art two times in a row.

Watching their comrades exploding into mincemeat, those

experts trapped inside the Devils and Ghosts Flag lost all

Inside the large array, Li Lu’s eyes were spitting fire, she did
not expect things to develop in this way. She was sure that
Huang Xiaolong was poisoned by the One Day Scatter, but
why, how did he become alright in less than a breath’s

“Separating Yin Yang World!” Li Lu leaped up from the

ground again, and the black and white swords flew out from
her body, creating a barrier of sword energy that separated
the world into white and black. A small crack opened on the
Devils and Ghosts Flag.
Chapter 498: Unifying The Ten Directions Continent

“Everyone, break out with me!” Li Lu shouted and was the

first to fly toward the opening. The other Deities Templar
experts were overjoyed, swiftly rushing toward the tear in
the array to escape for their lives.

A sharp glint flickered in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes as they

narrowed. Not missing a beat, he extended both arms and
clapped his palms together. A myriad of golden rings flew
out, casting over the entire square. The Deities Templar
experts that were trying to escape through the small tear in
the array were shocked to find the space around them
become solid, locking all their movements.

“Storm of Thousand Beasts!” One of the experts let out a

sudden bellow. His body shook violently, illuminated with a
golden light as he accelerated forward like a thousand
beasts stampeding, raising turbulent waves in the locked

Yet, it failed to unyoke the shackles placed on his immediate


Executing the God Binding Palm at his current strength, it

could even hold a peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm in

The Blades of Asura in Huang Xiaolong’s hands swung out,

shooting out an expanse of flying blade lights that rained
down like an angry thunderstorm.

Sounds of weeping and howling reverberated in the air—the

second move of Asura Sword Skill, Tears of Asura!
The group of Deities Templar experts were stupefied with
fear as they watched the falling blade lights. In the blink of
an eye, many of them were pierced through by the razor-
sharp raindrops, they had their heads, torso, and even legs
pierced. Anguished screams rang without end.

Huang Xiaolong opened his mouth and closed it like he was

inhaling and exhaling deeply.

Gusts of tempestuous wind originating from the power of a

dragon blew out. The experts rushing to escape exploded
when the ferocious wind whipped across their bodies.

“Breeze of Heaven!”

A shout sounded behind Huang Xiaolong, and at the same

time a piercing sword energy slashed at his back. Huang
Xiaolong spun around to see a cluster of light element sword
qi forming a giant gale that almost reached him.

The attacker was none other than the first person who
escaped the array, Li Lu.

Huang Xiaolong retaliated without hesitation, his saber

slashed frontward with a turn of the wrist.

“State of Abundant Lightning!”

A stretch of lightning sky collided with the enemy's light

element gale.

Then something unexpected happened! Li Lu’s figure broke

through the sky of lightning and the sea of light element
sword qi, stabbing a sword into Huang Xiaolong’s chest.

Taken by surprise, Huang Xiaolong responded with an

Absolute Soul Finger.
Zheng! A loud crisp sound rang.

Li Lu was forced back, but she twirled around and her hand
was already slashing out a second attack.

Her attacks were all lightning fast, each one was lethal,
aimed at vital points of the body. In a split second, the two
had exchanged more than a dozen moves before

Huang Xiaolong let out a thunderous roar that traveled

several thousand li.

Numerous shadows arrived with the wind howling behind

them. These were beastmen tribes and demonic beast clans
experts around the Nine Dragons City. Although a large part
of the beastmen and demonic beast experts were arranged
at the Nine Dragons Square, there was still a significant
force of Saint realm experts scattered in various points of
the city, about two-tenths combined.

Other than these experts, one mustn’t forget the

innumerable disciples of both beastmen tribes and demonic
beast clans.

Watching the experts scattered around the Nine Dragons

City rushing over, her delicate face tightened. In that critical
situation, she decisively gave up on killing Huang Xiaolong.
The black and white swords zoomed downwards, targeting
the Devils and Ghosts Flag.

“Chasm of the Light Sword!”

The black and white twin swords spun rapidly like a drill,
forming an enormous dual coloured sword column that
penetrated the thick death aura from the Devils and Ghosts
Flag. A large hole appeared in the array, instantly allowing
the trapped Deities Templar experts to escape.

The look in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes grew chilling cold. With a

flick of his wrist, the Blades of Asura were replaced with the
Eminent Holiness Halberd, slicing down on Li Lu with
whelming momentum.

“Halberd Galaxy!”

Halberd images appeared, filling the sky like stars on a

starry night, glittering with a captivating light as they
reached in front of Li Lu.

Li Lu was stunned for a brief second. Then both of her palms

pushed out as if there was something in front of her.

“Yin Yang Boundary Diagram!”

Black and white qi spewed out, shaping into a mysterious

diagram that stood erect in space. Tails of halberd images
crashed onto the black and white diagram, causing it to
shake vigorously, yet it held firm without dissipating.

By this time, the outer beastmen and demonic beast clans

experts finally arrived at the square.

“KILL—!” Li Lu’s eyes burst with a black and white sword

light. Several of the newly arrived experts were slaughtered,
pierced through by the dual-colored sword energy.

The glint in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes was laced with a brutal

light. A thousand arms fanned out at his back, the Godly
Xumi Art struck out with the Earthen Buddha Palm in full

Golden Buddha statues overcast the sky.

Li Lu veered away, dodging the volley of palm attacks. The
black and white sword continued to spin behind her, with
the surging energy forming layer upon layer of protective
sword barriers.

“Life and Death Grand Sword Barrier.”

The sword barrier was shattered, but new ones formed

almost immediately. Some of the Deities Templar’s experts
dodged too late and their bodies exploded after being hit by
Huang Xiaolong’s Earthen Buddha Palm.

“All beastmen and demonic beast clans disciples listen up,

exert full force to kill those people inside the array!” Huang
Xiaolong hollered an order to the experts that arrived.

“Yes, Liege Lord Beast God!”

Already in a miserable and sorry state inside the array due

to the evil spirits inside the Devils and Ghosts Flag and
Poison Corpse Scarabs, the group of Deities Templar,
Cosmos God Cult, and Sin City experts crumbled when they
heard about the addition of newly arrived beastmen and
demonic beast clans experts.

“I will make one last attempt to tear the Devils and Ghosts
Array, I hope each of you seizes this chance well!” Then, Li
Lu’s voice sounded.

Subsequently, the Deities Templar, Cosmos God Cult, and

Sin City’s experts trapped inside the array saw an enormous
sword column slamming down, smashing all the evil spirits
around them. The sword column smashed a large opening in
the array, several meters in diameter.

Beyond themselves with joy, the experts from the three

parties fought to be one step faster in escaping the array.
However, barely a few seconds later, a terrifying saber
energy pierced through space, revealing a raging crimson
blood dragon coming at them with jaws wide open. The
array opening was instantly enveloped by a suffocating
slaughter qi.

Some experts that had just escaped through the opening

were grinded by the saber energy.

“Go!” Li Lu yelled and her silhouette blurred and

disappeared in a flicker of sword light, leaving the scene.
The Deities Templar, Cosmos God Cult, and Sin City experts
that managed to escape from the array followed her lead
and fled, vanishing from sight in the briefest time.

Huang Xiaolong split open a few of the runners with a swing

of his saber, but he did not pursue. The Great Dragon Saber
in his hand waved out again and again at the experts still
trapped inside the array.

The tens of thousands of beastmen and demonic beast

clans disciples charged into the array like a tsunami,
attacking with determined ferocity under Huang Xiaolong’s

One hour later, all the experts inside the array were killed,
whereas more than half of the Sea Tribe and Green Devil
Tribe died in the one-sided massacre. The remaining ones
managed to keep their lives by begging Huang Xiaolong,
submitting to him.

As for Sea Emperor Vander, he was split into several

hundred pieces by the Great Dragon Saber in Huang
Xiaolong’s hand.

Watching Vander’s tragic end, the Sea Tribe and Green Devil
Tribe experts that submitted to Huang Xiaolong felt a
chilling shiver down to their core.

When all was done, Huang Xiaolong retrieved the Devils and
Ghosts Flag, as well as the swarm of Poison Corpse Scarabs.
In one of the Deities Templar Elders’ spatial ring, he found
the antidote for the One Day Scatter poison, the Awake
Today Flower. Releasing Ao Kun, Lei Ge, the elves and the
others from the Godly Mt. Xumi, he detoxified their poison.

The elves, dwarves, giants, tree people all willingly

submitted to Huang Xiaolong after their poison was lifted.
Other than the Elf Queen and the elf race experts, all other
tribes and clans had their soul seas branded with a soul

Despite their dissatisfaction, those experts felt toward being

branded, none of them openly objected.

On this day, Huang Xiaolong unified the Ten Directions


Daylight slowly dimmed and darkness rose to cover the


Huang Xiaolong was standing inside the inner hall of the

Nine Dragons Temple, staring at the silvery moon, thinking
of the day’s battle with Li Lu. Li Lu’s strength had actually
grown to such extent!

Even now Huang Xiaolong found it hard to believe!

He possessed twin dragon martial spirits and encountered

one fortuitous adventure after another, not to mention the
eight primordial divine dragons he had refined to reach his
current level, late-Ninth Order Saint realm. But it was
exceedingly obvious in his eyes that Li Lu had already
advanced to Tenth Order Saint realm! Even though it was
just early Tenth Order Saint realm, her battle power was a
hundred times stronger than an average peak late-Tenth
Order Saint realm expert!

‘In the last decade, what exactly happened to Li Lu? How did
her strength increase?!’

Huang Xiaolong’s brows were tightly scrunched together;

one point he was sure of was that Li Lu’s body remained
untouched. Still a virgin. Other than that, she must be
somehow controlled by someone else, having part of her
memory erased. Otherwise, she would absolutely recognize

Today, with every move Li Lu made to take Huang

Xiaolong’s life, she was looking at him like a total stranger.
In her eyes, she really didn't know him, it was not an act.
Chapter 499: Return To
Asuras Gate!
Chapter 499: Return to Asuras Gate!

Chapter 499: Return to Asura’s Gate!

The one who erased Li Lu’s memories was undoubtedly

Deities Templar’s Temple Preceptor, Ying Tian!

Huang Xiaolong’s body emitted frigid killing intent, a layer

of frosty ice covered the floor.

At this time, three people, Ao Kun, Lei Ge, and Chuck

entered the inner hall. Sensing the killing intent from Huang
Xiaolong’s body, they held their breaths, not daring to
breathe in fear of disturbing Huang Xiaolong as they
carefully and cautiously stopped a few steps behind him,
saluting respectfully, “Liege Lord Beast God.”

Huang Xiaolong merely grunted a reply but he converged

his killing intent.

“Speak, how many people have we lost in this battle?”

Huang Xiaolong asked.

Ao Kun took a step forward, answering respectfully, “Our

beastmen tribes and demonic beast clans lost a total of
sixteen Saint realm experts. Peak half-Saint and half-Saint
experts as much as one thousand two hundred people, and
over fifty-four thousand normal disciples!”

A tiny frown etched on Huang Xiaolong’s forehead, losing

one thousand two hundred peak half-Saint and half-Saint
disciples was a bigger number than he expected, on top of
that, over fifty-four thousand disciples!

These disciples were killed after Li Lu and Deities Templar,

Cosmos God Cult, and Sin City’s Elders broke out of the

“What about the other tribes and clans?” Huang Xiaolong


“The Sea Tribe has thirty-five Saint realm experts that died
under Liege Lord’s hand, seventeen people from the Green
Devil Tribe, Skeleton Tribe has a total of sixteen, and five
Saint realm experts from the Heart Eating Devils.” Lei Gei
also stepped after reporting the death toll from each tribe in
detail to Huang Xiaolong.

The nine tribes that colluded with Deities Templar, including

the Sea Tribe, lost about one hundred and seventy Saint
realm experts. Huang Xiaolong also killed some from other
tribes that were induced by these nine tribes, killing slightly
over ninety Saint realm experts.

Huang Xiaolong nodded slightly at the end of their report.

Despite the high number of deaths overall, it was still within
Huang Xiaolong’s range of acceptance.

Although the Sea Tribe, Green Devil Tribe, Skeleton Tribe,

and six other tribes colluded with Deities Templar, it was
illogical for Huang Xiaolong to kill all of their Saint realm
experts. That would greatly weaken the overall strength of
his forces after unifying the Ten Directions Continent.

From the tabulations, Huang Xiaolong had exterminated

close to one-third of the nine colluding tribes’ Saint realm
experts. Whereas the thirty-seven tribes and clans that were
induced to rebel lost two-tenths under Huang Xiaolong’s

This time, among the three hundred high-level Saint realm

experts from Deities Templar, Cosmos God Cult, and Sin
City, including Li Lu, only a small number escaped, no more
than thirty people. In short, they had lost more than two
hundred and seventy top experts to Huang Xiaolong!

In this expedition, Deities Templar, Cosmos God Cult, and

Sin City suffered insurmountable damage!

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong discussed with Ao Kun, Lei

Ge, and Chuck about the laws and regulations for the newly
unified Ten Directions Continent. Of course, ‘discussion’
meant Huang Xiaolong’s decisions.

After defining the foundation of law, Huang Xiaolong elected

new Patriarchs for the Sea Tribe, Green Devil Tribe, and the
others whose patriarch had fallen. It was to be announced
the next day.

In the end, Huang Xiaolong suddenly asked a question,

“Which of you know of any cultivation techniques that can
control a person’s soul?” Huang Xiaolong did not conceal his
suspicions about Li Lu’s condition to the three of them.

The three exchanged a quiet glance amongst themselves.

“Liege Lord, to this one’s knowledge, in the old days there

was a technique called Soul Seize Red Dust Reversal where
one would implant a soul seize seed inside someone’s soul
to control them. Moreover, this technique could erase part
of the seeded person’s memory.” Chuck spoke after
spending a short while searching his mind.
“Wicked ancient cultivation technique, Soul Seize Red Dust
Reversal Technique!” A gleam flickered in his eyes, “How do
you break this technique?”

“The only way to break this technique is to kill the person

who cast it, then the soul seize seed controlling the victim’s
mind will naturally disappear. However, the lost memory
would not return.” Chuck respectfully answered.

This made the frown on Huang Xiaolong’s brows deepened.

Kill Deities Templar’s Preceptor Ying Tian? Deities Templar

Preceptor Ying Tian was most likely someone who had
broken through to God Realm, killing him was easier said
than done!

Moreover, if Li Lu’s lost memories couldn't be recovered,

would they forever be strangers then?

Although the Ancient Puppetry Art and Soul Mandate he

practiced could also erase part of other people’s memories,
there was no mention of being able to restore them.

“Also, from what I know, after practicing this Soul Seize Red
Dust Reversal Technique, it is taboo for the cultivator to
have any intimate relationship with women.” Chuck added,
“If they break the taboo, then their accumulated Soul Seize
Red Dust Reversal qi would dissipate, greatly damaging
their cultivation, so much that it would be difficult for them
to have any cultivation breakthrough in the future!”

Huang Xiaolong was dazed for a moment.

‘What’s this? If what Chuck said is true, then that Temple

Preceptor Ying Tian is not much different from an eunuch!
Even if he has a good package below, it cannot be used.’
“Do you guys know if there’s any technique that can restore
someone’s memories?” Recovering from his momentary
gaffe, Huang Xiaolong asked.

This time, all three of them shook their heads and were
excused a moment later, leaving Huang Xiaolong alone in

Admittedly, he had thought himself unrivaled below God

Realm, but today after fighting Li Lu, he realized that his
own strength was weak in comparison.

If he soul transformed with both the black and blue dragon,

he was confident in defeating Li Lu. However, below the God
Realm there would only be more powerful geniuses even
stronger than Li Lu.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong must still strive to enhance his

strength. If he could break through to Tenth Order Saint
realm, he could easily defeat experts on Li Lu’s level.

“Tenth Order Saint realm…” Huang Xiaolong muttered the

words to himself.

At the moment, there were still seven primordial divine

dragons inside the Xumi Temple. But… there was no more
Dragon God Grass!

In the coming days, regardless of the methods, he had to

find enough Dragon God Grass in order to break through to
Tenth Order Saint realm in the shortest time possible.

Just as Huang Xiaolong was thinking of finding more Dragon

God Grass, the Dragon Pearl on his forehead shook slightly,
a warm flow of energy spread throughout Huang Xiaolong’s
Surprised, Huang Xiaolong quickly directed his spiritual
force internally to find the vague dragon shadow inside the
Dragon Pearl glimmering with a soft golden light, as if it was
about to come alive. But it did not show any response when
he tried to communicate with it through his consciousness.

Since Huang Xiaolong advanced to Ninth Order Saint realm,

the Dragon Pearl had stopped spewing true dragon essence
into his body, as if all the true dragon essence had been
absorbed by him.

Staring at the dragon shadow which had grown more solid

over the years, his instincts told him that it would revive
very soon, and that would be the time when he and the
Dragon Pearl fully assimilate as one.

The night passed slowly.

Light gradually cut through the blanket of darkness as the

sun rose steadily on the horizon.

Early morning, Huang Xiaolong summoned all tribes and

clans’ experts to the Nine Dragons Temple. Ao Kun recited
the new laws as well as the names of the new patriarchs of
the Sea Tribe, Green Devil Tribe, and the others.

When Huang Xiaolong stood up to announce the Ten

Directions Continent as one unified entity, all the experts
knelt down, lauding, “Liege Lord Beast God’s supreme glory!
Ruling Ten Directions Continent for thousands of autumns in
generations to come!”

“Good. Now, all of you prepare to depart to Starcloud

Continent with me!” Huang Xiaolong announced.

Depart to Starcloud Continent!

Return to Asura’s Gate!

Initially, Huang Xiaolong planned to use two months time to

reorganize the many tribes and tasks in Ten Directions
Continent. However, he suddenly had a change of mind last

The matter about him unifying the Ten Directions Continent

would spread out very quickly in the Martial Spirit World.
Amidst the unrest and chaos, it was very likely that the
Cosmos God Cult would be up to their tricks once again,
trying to provoke the Distinct Void Door, White Phoenix
House, and the other twelve super forces to confront him!

Which was why Huang Xiaolong wanted to return to the

Asura’s Gate before he Cosmos God Cult, Distinct Void Door,
White Phoenix House, and others reached an alliance,
clearing these obstacles one by one and subjugate them!

If he waited for these forces to come together before taking

action, it would be a hundred times more difficult.


Red Dust / Mortal Dust (红尘 hóngchén) (微末凡尘 wēimò

fánchén)Meaning: worldy affairs; the world of mortals
(Buddhist term emphasizing the transience and
insignificance of this world)
Chapter 500: Firstly,
Annihilate Asura’S Gate
Chapter 500: Firstly, Annihilate Asura’s Gate

To Starcloud Continent?!

All the tribes and clans’ experts were taken by surprise by

Huang Xiaolong’s command, but none of them had the
courage to object, only complying with obedience.

In the next second, Huang Xiaolong brought out the Godly

Mt. Xumi, transferring everyone inside. Making this trip back
to the Asura’s Gate, Huang Xiaolong preferred to have his
movements unnoticed.

With his current strength, going nonstop at his fastest

speed, he only needed thirty days at most to reach the
Asura’s Gate headquarters. For this journey, other than
Saint realm experts, he did not include any other disciples.
Just these Saint realm experts easily exceeded three
thousand in number.

More than three thousand Saint realm experts!

This horrifying force was enough to flatten the whole

Starcloud Continent!

One day later, the news about Huang Xiaolong unifying the
Ten Directions Continent spread like wildfire through the
whole Martial Spirit World. Once again, the Martial Spirit
World was shaken to the core.
“Huang Xiaolong actually succeeded in unifying the Ten
Directions Continent?!”

“I heard that Deities Templar, Cosmos God Cult, and Sin City
colluded to stop the merging ceremony, sending out three
hundred high-level Saint realm experts in total. They even
managed to persuade the sea tribe and Green Devil Tribe,
even employing low despicable means, using the rare
ancient poison One Day Scatter. Still, Deities Templar’s Holy
Maiden was beaten back by Huang Xiaolong, being forced to
flee miserably! You know, no more than thirty people
managed to escape!”

“Now that Huang Xiaolong has unified the Ten Directions

Continent, Deities Templar’s days are about to come to an

Starcloud Continent, Cosmos God Cult’s headquarters.

Within the Cosmos God City, Xie Hui’s face was extremely
grim. Never before had he bore such an ugly expression on
his face.

A group of Cosmos God Cult experts stood silently in front of

Xie Hui, heads down to their chests. No one dared to utter a

In the last expedition to Ten Directions Continent, Cosmos

God Cult sent one hundred high-level Saint realm experts,
together with Deities Templar and Sin City. In the end, not
only had they failed to stop Huang Xiaolong, instead, all the
experts they sent out died in Huang Xiaolong’s hand!

Three factions’ three hundred high-level Saint realm experts

went, but only a handful of Deities Templar and Sin City’s
experts escaped. Not a single one of their Cosmos God Cult
experts survived.

When he first heard the news, Xie Hui as the Young Lord of
Cosmos God Cult, fainted on the spot! Fainted into total

Now he was conscious. But every second, the thought of

those one hundred high-level Saint realm experts made his
heart feel like it was being sliced with a frigid cold knife.

One hundred high-level Saint realm experts, ah!

Despite the Cosmos God Cult being the first sect amongst
the twelve super forces on Starcloud Continent, taking all
their headquarters and branches’ Saint realm experts into
calculation, it merely had slightly over three hundred!

Amongst them, one hundred and ten were high-level Saint

realm experts!

“Have the Distinct Void Door, White Phoenix House, Nine

Yang Valley, and the other invited super forces arrived?” A
moment later, Xie Hui spoke, breaking the heavy silence.

Law Enforcer Chen Xiaofeng took a step forward, “Replying

to Young Lord, the Distinct Void Door and White Phoenix
House experts are estimated to arrive in Cosmos God City
late in the afternoon. But Nine Yang Valley can only make it
here tomorrow!”

Xie Hui nodded with a muted expression. Fortunately, he

made contingency preparations in case of the worst
outcome, while on the other hand cooperating with Deities
Templar and Sin City to hinder Huang Xiaolong’s plan of
unifying the Ten Directions Continent. When he sent out the
one hundred high-level experts, he also sent out invitations
to Distinct Void Door, White Phoenix House, and six other
super forces’ experts to discuss forming an alliance to deal
with Huang Xiaolong.

“Huang-Xiao-Long!” Xie Hui’s frenzy murderous aura rose

sky high.

“Young Lord, now that Huang Xiaolong has unified the Ten
Directions Continent, everyone in the Martial Spirit World is
wary and feels threatened. The Distinct Void Door, White
Phoenix House, and the other eight super forces definitely
will agree to ally with our Cosmos God Cult.” Law Enforcer
Hu Chen reassured. “But, are we really going to annihilate
the Asura’s Gate after the alliance comes to be?!”

Xie Hui confirmed, “That’s right. With us nine super forces

allied together, the first thing we must do before Huang
Xiaolong rushes back is to annihilate the Asura’s Gate like
crushing dry weed and smashing rotten wood, weakening
Huang Xiaolong’s forces!”

“Then, what should we do about that Huang Family?” Law

Enforcer Chen Xiaofeng asked.

“The Huang Family?” A cruel light gleamed in Xie Hui’s eyes,

“Don’t kill them first, capture them alive. I have a million
ways to make them hover between life and death until
Huang Xiaolong makes it back to the Asura’s Gate. It will be
my pleasure to torture the Huang Family in front of Huang

After all, he and Huang Xiaolong already formed a grudge,

one of them must die for the other to live, thus he cared not
for any consequences that would further enrage Huang
Law Enforcer Hu Chen laughed wickedly and said, “Young
Lord, I heard that Huang Xialong’s mother and sister are
both beauties, after we’ve caught them, I hope Young Lord
could pass them to this subordinate. This subordinate will
ensure that the three thousand Enforcement Hall disciples
take turns to treat them both very well every single day!”

Xie Hui understood the underlying meaning of Hu Chen’s

words and his mood lightened, “Fine, at that time I’ll allow
your three thousand Enforcement Hall disciples to take good
care of them! But, watch it! They cannot die early!”

Hu Chen chuckled, “Rest assured, Young Lord! Although the

Enforcement Hall’s three thousand disciples are all robust
and energetic, they know how to control themselves. What’s
more, our Enforcement Hall has a special secret drug that’s
guaranteed to make them torn between heaven and hell,
and will not die no matter what!”

Xie Hui laughed agreeably, “Very good then. Huang

Xiaolong has just unified the Ten Directions Continent, to
organize everything properly would require some time, and
rushing back to Starcloud Continent will take at least one
month’s time. Us nine super forces should come to an
alliance agreement tomorrow, and attack the Asura’s Gate
the day after. In five days time, we will stand upon the ruins
of the Asura’s Gate headquarters!”

While Xie Hui and the Cosmos God Cult experts were
conspiring on how to attack the Asura’s Gate headquarters
and capture the Huang Family, Huang Xiaolong was rushing
back to the Asura’s Gate headquarters with the beastmen
tribes and demonic beasts clans’ experts.

Time flowed by, and three days passed soon enough.

When the sky darkened, Huang Xiaolong stopped to rest on
a random mountain peak. The true essence energy in his
dantian was churning as he breathed out a mouth of foul qi.
According to his speed, he would most likely be arriving at
the Asura’s Gate headquarters by the morrow at noon.

After resting for a while, Huang Xiaolong flew up again,

continuing his journey like a bright shooting star in the night
sky, disappearing without a trace.

Slowly, the black veil receded, welcoming the dawn of a new


Under the morning sunlight, the earth began to warm up.

“Dali City.” Huang Xiaolong landed not far away from the
entrance into a city. This Dali City was one of the cities
under Distinct Void Door’s governance. Passing three oblasts
after this Dali City was the Asura’s Gate territory.

“They say that this time the Cosmos God Cult has already
made an alliance with Distinct Void Door, White Phoenix
House, and six other super forces to attack the Asura’s Gate
in another two days. They’re trying to wrap everything up
before Huang Xiaolong rushes back!”

“Nine super forces allied together, the Asura’s Gate is going

to be up in smokes for sure!”

“Although Huang Xiaolong has conquered and unified the

Ten Directions Continent, with the Cosmos God Cult and the
nine super forces’ might combined, it’s more than enough to
oppose Huang Xiaolong!”

“Who knows if the Bedlam Lands’ Sin City would blend in at

the last minute as well. The Snow Dragon City, Imperial
Saber City, Green Ghost City might also join the alliance
with the Cosmos God Cult to besiege Huang Xiaolong!”

Stopping here, Huang Xiaolong had planned to rest in Dali

City for some time before rushing again, however, hearing
these discussions in passing from the group of young family
disciples, a feeling of urgency emerged, as well as anger. In
a flicker, his figure disappeared from the spot without
anyone noticing.

Half a day later, when the sun was positioned at highest

during noon.

Above the Asura’s Gate headquarters, there was a

noticeable spatial fluctuation as a figure emerged from the
void. This person was Huang Xiaolong who just made it

The moment the spatial fluctuations appeared, Zhao Shu

and Zhang Fu both felt it. They both dashed out from where
they were, and seeing that it was Huang Xiaolong, joy
appeared on their faces as they quickly stepped up in
salute, “Sovereign, you’ve returned!”

Huang Xiaolong couldn’t resist showing a smile after seeing

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu: “I’ve returned.”

At this point, the Huang Family and the Heaven Devouring

Beast, Lil’ Tian, all ran out from the hall. Upon seeing Huang
Xiaolong, each of them broke out into a wide smile.


“Big brother!”
Chapter 501: This Way Is Much Better

“Father, Mother!” Seeing his parents, Huang Xiaolong

walked up to them. A warm feeling filled his heart.

“It’s good you’ve returned safely, it’s good!” His Father

Huang Peng gave Huang Xiaolong’s shoulder a squeeze,
repeating in a glad voice. In the blink of an eye, it had been
four and a half years since Huang Xiaolong went to the Ten
Directions Continent.

Huang Xiaolong looked at his parents, Huang Peng and Su

Yan. Even though there weren’t any obvious differences to
their appearances compared to the time he left, Huang
Xiaolong could clearly feel that their vitality had dwindled

In fact, counting the years, his parents were almost sixty in


Thinking about his parents returning to the earth after

passing a hundred in age, melancholy hit Huang Xiaolong.
No matter what, he had to think of a way that would allow
his parents to breakthrough to Xiantian, increasing their

Surrounded by the lively chatting and laughter, Huang

Xiaolong suppressed the sadness in his heart, walking into
the Asura’s Gate main hall accompanied by everyone.

Everyone found a seat after entering the main hall, and

Huang Xiaolong inquired about their well-being and progress
for the last four and a half years.

“Big Uncle, I heard other people say that you’re now Ten
Directions Continent’s Lord Beast God. That you have many,
many, many powerful subordinates, so awesome!” Guo
Xiaofan, who was sitting beside Huang Xiaolong’s sister,
Huang Min, jumped out of his seat and blurted.

Four and a half years passed, almost five. Guo Xiaofan was
now ten years old. The little guy had grown a lot taller, his
facial features also changed quite a bit, but one could still
easily tell that he would become a handsome young man in
a few years’ time.

Hearing that, Huang Xiaolong chuckled, “It is awesome.”

“I also want to be Lord Beast God!” Guo Xiaofan exclaimed.

When Guo Xiaofan said that, everyone was stunned.

“Xiaofan, watch your words!” Huang Min reprimanded,

“Quickly apologize to Big Uncle!”

But Huang Xiaolong waved his hand with nonchalance, “It’s

alright, he’s still a kid, a child’s words carry no harm.”
Saying this, he looked at his nephew Guo Xiaofan, “If you
want to be Lord Beast God, then you must cultivate hard.
When you’re as powerful as Big Uncle, then Big Uncle will
pass the Lord Beast God position to you.”

Huang Xiaolong wasn’t coaxing a child nor was he joking, he

was sure that he would not be staying in the Martial Spirit
World for long. The Divine World was one of the places he
planned to visit, and the Lord Beast God position had to be
passed to someone else.

His nephew Guo Xiaofan had good talent, possessing a

superb talent martial spirit and was a worthwhile candidate
to nurture. He could definitely take over Huang Xiaolong’s
Beast God position.
Of course, only time could tell how Guo Xiaofan would grow
up to be.

Everyone present was genuinely astounded that Huang

Xiaolong had plans to pass on the Beast God position to Guo

“Big brother, you, this…!” Huang Min and Guo Tai didn't
know what to say.

Huang Xiaolong smiled faintly, no longer speaking of it.

Changing the subject, he said, “This time, I brought back
some good things for you all.” With a flick of his wrist, a
bright light flashed, revealing nine dazzling star-like stone

The moment the crystals appeared, it filled the hall with

vivid vitality, surprising everyone present.

Huang Xiaolong grinned, “These are the Ten Directions

Continent elf race’s Life Crystals. Swallowing this can not
only can improve your cultivation, but also your body’s

“Life Crystal!” A near unison exclamation sounded in the


Huang Xiaolong nodded, then distributed one each to his

parents, siblings, and the others. He aided them in refining
the life energy contained in the Life Crystals.

Huang Peng and Su Yan felt it the most, as if they had

become twenty years younger. The joy on their faces was

“Sovereign, this time, you returned alone?” At one point,

Zhao Shu asked.
Instead of answering, Huang Xiaolong waved his hand,
releasing all the Ten Directions Continent experts from the
Godly Mt. Xumi.

Watching a large number of Saint realm experts from Ten

Directions Continent suddenly filling the hall, Zhao Shu,
Zhang Fu, and everyone else was dumbfounded. Zhao Shu
and Zhang Fu’s eyes were widened as their spiritual sense
swept over the large crowd.

More than three thousand Saint realm experts!

One must know, the current Asura’s Gate only had several
dozens Saint realm experts, barely reaching a hundred!

More than three thousand Saint realm experts, what

concept was that! It was enough to destroy the Asura’s Gate
a hundred times, a thousand times over!

After releasing the Ten Directions Continent’s Saint realm

experts, Huang Xiaolong introduced his parents, Zhao Shu,
Zhang Fu, and the rest to Ao Kun, Lei Ge, Chuck, Elf Queen
Kelly, and the other patriarchs.

“You are, that year’s little monkey?” When it came to the

Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey, Huang Peng and Su Yan’s
eyes widened in surprise.

The Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey nodded bashfully.

“You’ve grown so big now!” Both elders were very happy to

see the little guy again. That year, when the little monkey
got separated from the group in that incident, both elders
were sad for a long time.

After finishing a bout of introduction, the large crowd of Ten

Directions Continent Saint realm experts greeted Huang
Peng, Su Yan, and the others.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong spoke, “On my way

back, passing by Dali City, I came by some news saying that
Cosmos God Cult, Distinct Void Door, Nine Yang Valley, and
six other super forces formed an alliance, wanting to
annihilate the Asura’s Gate!”

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu both wore dignified expression.

“Cosmos God Cult, Distinct Void Door, and the seven other
super forces kept a tight lid on the news of their alliance. We
only received wind of it not long ago and were about to
report to Sovereign.” Zhao Shu said.

“The Brilliant Sword Sect and Supreme Harmony School

have submitted to Deities Templar,” Zhang Fu added, “If it
weren’t because of that, both of them would probably join
the Cosmos God Cult alliance too!”

There were twelve super forces on Starcloud Continent; the

Brilliant Sword Sect and Supreme Harmony School were at
the bottom rung, but despite being ranked as the two
weakest amongst the twelve, their forces couldn't be
underestimated. If they joined the Cosmos God Cult alliance,
the alliance would grow into eleven super forces alliance.
The magnitude of the problem would have greatly

Huang Xiaolong nodded, no one noticed the sharp glint in

his eyes.

“Sovereign, what shall we do now?” Zhao Shu inquired.

“Pass down my order, all oblast branch disciples are to

withdraw back to the Asura’s Gate headquarters, defend the
Central Oblast!” Huang Xiaolong thought for a moment and

The Asura’s Gate disciples were scattered across thirty-six

oblasts, spreading themselves thin, this was a weak point
that could become a disadvantage.

“Yes, Sovereign!” Zhao Shu respectfully complied. He

quickly relayed the order to all branches to have all disciples
and Leaders withdraw back to the headquarters.

Of course, the order was made under Zhao Shu’s name. At

this point, Huang Xiaolong preferred not to let the Cosmos
God Cult and its alliance know that he was back to the
Asura’s Gate, in case he scared off the other side.

Orders continued to come from Huang Xiaolong.

Deep into the night, the surroundings were extremely quiet.

Beneath the hazy moonlight, Huang Xiaolong took out the

Starcloud Continent map, studying it carefully, finally
locking onto a place called Great Rift River Point Valley.

If the Cosmos God Cult alliance wanted to attack the Asura’s

Gate, after departing from the Cosmos God City, this Great
Rift River Point Valley was a place they had to pass through.

The Great Rift River Point Valley consisted of treacherous

terrain, if they prepared an ambush there, catching the
enemy unaware, they could easily massacre the enemy.

Huang Xiaolong sneered.

The Cosmos God Cult gathered a nine super forces alliance,

of course Huang Xiaolong wouldn’t sit and wait idly at the
Asura’s Gate for them to come and attack.
On the same night itself, Huang Xiaolong summoned Zhao
Shu and Zhang Fu, informing both them and his parents of
his plan. Under the cover of the dark night, he led the Ten
Directions Continent experts, heading out to Great Rift River
Point Valley.

With Huang Xiaolong’s speed, he could reach the

destination in two days, just one step ahead before the
Cosmos God Cult and the alliance reached the spot.

Huang Xiaolong’s figure shuttled in the darkness like a


Inside the Cosmos God City, when Xie Hui heard that Zhao
Shu ordered all the Asura’s Gate disciples to withdraw back
to the Central Oblast, he snickered while speaking to Chen
Xiaofeng, “This Zhao Shu is stupid to the extreme, does he
think that simply by having all Asura’s Gate disciples retreat
into the Central Oblast he would be able to block the attack
from our nine super forces alliance? What a joke! This way
it’s much better, having them all in one place will make
easier for us to kill them all. At that time, we’ll encircle the
whole Central Oblast, not one Asura’s Gate disciple can
Chapter 502: Who Dares
To Act Recklessly, Seeking
Chapter 502: Who Dares to Act Recklessly, Seeking Death!

Law Enforcer Chen Xiaofeng joined in Xie Hui’s laughter,

“What Young Lord said is right, this Zhao Shu’s order for all
Asura’s Gate disciples to withdraw back to the Central
Oblast territory has instead helped us save a lot of time,
otherwise going around oblast by oblast to exterminate their
disciples would be very troublesome and time consuming.”

“Still, Huang Xiaolong might’ve heard about our nine super

forces alliance by now.” Law Enforcer Elder Hu Chen

Xie Hui snickered, “It’s better that he finds out! He’s far
away on the Ten Directions Continent so it’s useless even if
he finds out, he has no way to stop the destruction of the
Asura’s Gate!”

“Then, Young Lord, will we be using the nine super force

alliance’s power and start attacking the Asura’s Gate
tomorrow?” Hu Chen asked.

“There's no hurry.” Xie Hui waved his hand. “The Asura’s

Gate is already a piece of meat on the cutting board, at our
mercy. Tomorrow, we’ll hold a pre-celebration feast for the
nine super force alliance to relax ourselves a little and
discuss how to divide the Asura’s Gate thirty-six oblasts
once we’ve annihilated them. We’ll gather the disciples the
day after tomorrow to begin our attack on the Asura’s

If things were to be divided fair and square amongst the

nine super forces, each force would be getting four oblasts.
However, Xie Hui was unwilling for things to be divided in
such manner.

The passage of time flowed as another day passes by.

In the end, after long deliberation, the nine super forces

alliance finally reached an agreement on how the to divvy
up the Asura’s Gate thirty-six oblasts as well as the
treasures in its treasure trove and other resources.

On the third day, the nine super forces organized their

disciples, departing from Cosmos God City, heading straight
toward the Asura’s Gate headquarters.

The Cosmos God Cult had truly exerted its full force of
experts, the number of their Xiantian realm disciples
reached ten million!

On top of that, the Distinct Void Door, White Phoenix House,

and the other super forces assembled all their Saint realm
experts. Some brought five million Xiantian realm disciples,
some six million, and others four million!

The number of Xiantian realm disciples that the nine super

forces alliance brought together exceeded an earth-
shattering sixty-three million!

More than sixty-three million Xiantian realm disciples! This

number was enough to frighten any prominent force in the
Martial Spirit World.
The nine forces alliance’s expedition cast a huge shadow
over the world wherever they trampled past.

A massive army of sixty-three million Xiantian realm

disciples, just their breaths alone could form a great cyclone
that span for miles, raising a thick curtain of sand and dust,
resembling an impending doomsday.

Two days later.

The alliance’s massive army reached a place called Large

Central Plains, where Xie Hui gave the order to rest.

“What’s the place in front?” Xie Hui asked.

“Replying to Young Lord, three hundred li up ahead is the

Great Rift River Point Valley.” Chen Xiaofeng replied.

“Oh, Great Rift River Point Valley,” Xie Hui gave a small
chuckle, “I heard that the River Point inside this Great Rift
River Point Valley has a kind of delicious fish called River
Point Fish.”

Hu Chen smiled widely, “Once we reach there, we’ll tell the

disciples to catch some so Young Lord can have a taste.”

Xie Hui nodded.

One hour later, the massive army departed, reaching the

Great Rift River Point Valley in no time.

Just when Xie Hui was about to lead the army to enter the
valley, Chen Xiaofeng suddenly spoke, “Young Lord, the
terrain of the Great Rift River Point Valley is dangerous, we
must prioritize safety first. This subordinate suggests
sending ten thousand disciples to pass through the valley,
to scout the terrain.”
When Xie Hui heard this, he and the experts from other
forces laughed aloud.

The Distinct Void Door’s Sovereign, Liu Zhiding said, “Law

Enforcer Chen, you’re too cautious. Our nine super forces
alliance shall kill even Gods if Gods block our path, kill
Buddhas if Buddhas block our path! Even if an early God
Ream master comes across us, they would need to give way
to the side. Who would dare to act recklessly, seeking death
as to ambush us? That’s no different than digging their own

But then again, the Distinct Void Door Sovereign’s words

were no exaggeration.

With the nine super forces combining their strengths,

including the families and sects under their allegiance, they
had over one thousand two hundred Saint realm experts
amongst them. Adding the massive army of sixty-three
million Xiantian realm disciples, even if a God Realm Master
appeared, they had no need for fear.

Xie Hui lifted an arm and waved gallantly, “March on!”

Riding on his mount, Xie Hui, Distinct Void Door Sovereign
Liu Zhiding, and White Phoenix House’s experts led the
massive army into the Great Rift River Point Valley.

High above, hidden in the void, a cold smirk appeared on

Huang Xiaolong’s face as he watched the situation below,
looking at the nine super forces alliance army entering the
Great Rift River Point Valley.

About one day prior, he had reached this Great Rift River
Point Valley.

However, even he had to admit that an army of sixty-three

million was a little too much, one-fourth of its number
already filled the entire valley from one end to the other.

Just when Xie Hui was about to exit the Great Rift River Point
Valley, the bright sun shining above suddenly dimmed,
which made Xie Hui and the others look up curiously, seeing
a giant flag that had appeared in midair. In the blink of an
eye, a raging ghost aura gushed out like a broken dam,
covering all four directions. Before anyone could react, the
entire Great Rift River Point Valley was trapped inside an

“There’s an ambush!” Xie Hui yelled. Yet, a part of him

refused to believe that there really would be someone who
dared to lay an ambush on the Great army of the nine super
forces alliance!

Recovering quickly after a momentary shock, the Distinct

Void Door Sovereign Liu Zhiding actually laughed, “I didn’t
expect, ah! There really are people who aren't afraid of
death, daring to ambush us.”

Experts of the Distinct Void Door, White Phoenix House, and

others echoed his laughter. Evidently, none of them put this
ambush attempt in their eyes. Having more than a thousand
Saint realm experts and over sixty million Xiantian realm
disciples on their side, why would they need to sweat such a
measly ambush?

However, in the next second, they saw the surging ghost

aura turn into evil spirits and devils, exuding monstrous

“These, these are Saint realm ghost creatures?!” Faces


“Attack!” A cold voice rang in the void above, followed by a

tide of fists, cutting palms, saber energies and more raining
down in a torrent from above, submerging the valley below.

The nine super forces alliance’s disciples were drowned

under these fists, palms, and saber attacks. Bodies were
exploding left and right, some disciples were split into
halves by the sword qi.

Some Distinct Void Door, White Phoenix House, and others

of the Elder rank were also sent flying due to delayed

“It’s Huang Xiaolong!” Xie Hui blurted out in anger.

“That’s his Devils and Ghosts Flag!” A cold quiver ran down
Distinct Void Door Sovereign Liu Zhiding’s body, staring in
shock at the giant flag hovering above. He finally guessed
what that thing in the sky was.

When the experts heard Xie Hui and Liu Zhiding’s words,
many of them turned a deathly shade of white. Barely a
second after their voices sounded, countless black spots
emerged on the horizon, whistling through the air in their

“Poi-Poison Corpse Scarabs!” Terrified voices sounded like

undulating waves.

“Damn it, why would Huang Xiaolong appear here?!”

“Isn’t he supposed to be on the Ten Directions Continent?!”

Xie Hui was raging at the top of his lungs.

High up in the void, a quick smirk flickered across Huang

Xiaolong’s face before returning to his usual stoic face. He
ordered the Ten Direction Continent experts to continue
attacking while a thousand arms fanned out behind him.
Aiming at the alliance’s group of Elders below in the Great
Rift River Point Valley, Huang Xiaolong sent down a
thousand Great Void Divine Fists.


The earth and mountains shook, screams and wails weaving

in and out of the air.

Panicked and caught unprepared, in an instant, close to a

hundred Elders from the Cosmos God Cult, Distinct Void
Door, White Phoenix House, and other super forces
exploded from being hit by Huang Xiaolong’s volley of Great
Void Divine Fists

Everything happened according to Huang Xiaolong’s plan,

using the Devils and Ghosts Flag to support the Ten
Directions Continent experts as they mainly attacked the
alliance’s disciples, whereas the Poison Corpse Scarabs
aided Huang Xiaolong in attacking the Elders.

After one full power Godly Xumi Art combined with the Great
Void Divine Fist, Huang Xiaolong made another Godly Xumi
Art attack with the Absolute Soul Finger. The Cosmos God
Cult and Distinct Void Door lost a dozen Saint realm Elders
from his attack, having their foreheads pierced through.
Chapter 503: Half A Step God Realm

When Huang Xiaolong was preparing the third Godly Xumi

Art attack, fully concentrating on Fifteen Moves of the
Dragon God, a loud bellow sounded from the Great Rift
Valley below: “Nine Yang Palm!”

A ginormous fire palm shot up from the ground surface,

tearing the ghost aura from the Devils and Ghosts Flag into
two parts, and flew straight at Huang Xiaolong. The fire
palm imprint emitted a prism of nine glaring colors, causing
a sharp pain in the Ten Directions Continent experts’ eyes.

Scorching heat rolled toward Huang Xiaolong’s group with a

might that could incinerate the sky and clouds. The experts
around him felt as if they had fallen into a sea of flaming
fire, and for a moment, everyone panicked.

“Liege Lord Beast God, look out!” Ao Kun cried out a


The fire-palm continued to tear through the thick layer of

ghost aura, looming over Huang Xiaolong.

“The Ninth Move, Dragon God in the Clouds!”

Huang Xiaolong kept a stoic face. The true essence energy

in his dantian was churning madly as the thousand arms
behind him aimed and struck at the fire palm coming at

A majestic dragon’s roar reverberated between heaven and

earth. A water dragon, fire dragon, black dragon, white
dragon—a total of nine divine dragons flew out.

True dragon essence energy surged violently in the air.


The nine divine dragons collided with the ginormous fire

palm, both sides dissipated following a booming explosion.
An earth-shattering quake ran throughout the valley.

All the Ten Directions Continent experts were swept away by

the aftershock, even the evil spirits, and the array nearly

A figure escaped from the lower part of the fire palm

through a torn hole, it was a middle-aged man clad in bright
crimson brocade robe embroidered with nine radiant suns.

Nine Yang Valley’s Lord, Chi Jiuyang!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed, looking dignified.

The Cosmos God Cult Leader, Xie Chao, was recognized as

Starcloud Continent’s strongest expert, whereas Huang
Xiaolong’s Master Ren Wokuang was second and this Chi
Jiuyang was relegated to the third position, just under his

Zhao Shu once mentioned in passing that in Starcloud

Continent, his Master was only wary of the Cosmos God Cult
Leader Xie Chao and this Chi Jiuyang.

This Chi Jiuyang had always been a mystery and hasn’t

appeared in public for the last several hundred years, but at
this very moment, Huang Xiaolong knew for sure that this
Chi Jiuyang’s strength had surpassed the level of peak late-
Tenth Order Saint realm.

Half a step to God Realm!

That’s right, this Chi Jiuyang had touched the edge of the
time law. He was the expert that was the closest to the God
Realm that Huang Xiaolong had ever met!

Chi Jiuyang scrutinized Huang Xiaolong with a cold eye,

“Indeed, you’re very gifted, a higher talent compared to
your Master in his time, but the current you is still not my
match, I advise you to surrender obediently for your own
good!” Despite his deadpan expression on the surface, great
waves of shock were crashing his heart.

Huang Xiaolong actually withstood his Nine Yang Palm just

now! Someone who hadn’t even broken through to Tenth
Order Saint realm!

Huang Xiaolong gave an obvious cold snort, but he did not

speak a word. His silhouette disappeared in a flicker,
arriving in front of Chi Jiuyang. The Godly Xumi Art was
pushed to the limit, and in a split second, the one thousand
arms behind him attacked simultaneously.

“The Tenth Move, Dragon Piercing The World!”

Nine divine dragons flew out roaring as they entangled each

other to form a giant dragon pillar, striking at Chi Jiuyang’s
chest with a momentum that could pierce through a world.

Chi Jiuyang’s pupils shrunk as he shouted: “Time Freeze!”

A scintillating flaming light burst out from his body,

accompanied by a flowing mysterious energy. The dragon
pillar formed from ten divine dragons actually slowed down
as it neared Chi Jiuyang.

Chi Jiuyang raised his fist and landed a heavy blow on the
dragon pillar, immediately disintegrating it. However, he
was pushed back several steps from the impact force.
Huang Xiaolong did not continue with subsequent attacks
after that. He retreated and rapped an order to the Ten
Directions Continent’s experts: “Withdraw!” He submerged
into the void in an instant, vanishing from view. The experts
from Ten Directions Continent were quick to follow. Even the
Devils and Ghosts Flag and Poison Corpse Scarabs
disappeared without a trace.

Barely a beat after Huang Xiaolong vanished into the void,

Chi Jiuyang’s palm imprint already slammed down on the
spot where Huang Xiaolong just stood, leaving a great palm
print in space itself, with plumes of flames licking the air in
all directions.

Several figures flew to Chi Jiuyang’s side, piercing through

the air. Watching the spot where Huang Xiaolong
disappeared, all of them were grim-faced.

An unknown emotion flitted past Chi Jiuyang’s eyes, he

didn’t expect Huang Xiaolong to attack so suddenly at that
point, and definitely did not expect him to leave so

“Make a count, how many people did our Nine Yang Valley
lost?” Chi Jiuyang turned and order a Nine Yang Valley Grand
Elder behind him.

The Nine Yang Valley Grand Elder acknowledged respectfully

and flew off, returning a short while later to report,
“Reporting to Valley Lord, we’ve lost six Elder, over five
hundred half-Saint disciples, and one million one hundred
thousand Xiantian realm disciples.”

Six Elders!

More than five hundred half-Saints disciples!

More than a million Xiantian realm disciples!

The muscles on Chi Jiuyang’s face twitched.

For a battle that lasted no more than a few breath’s time,

Nine Yang Valley actually lost so many disciples!

In fact, Cosmos God Cult’s Xie Hui and the others’

expressions were worse than the Nine Yang Valley’s Lord.
Compared to the Nine Yang Valley, the damage they had
taken far exceeded the Nine Yang Valley’s!

The nine super forces alliance lost close to a hundred Saint

realm experts!

Approximately ten thousand half-Saints disciples!

And more than a million Xiantian realm disciples!

“Huang Xiaolong, I swear I’ll destroy your Asura’s Gate or

my surname isn’t Xie!” When Xie Hui was informed that
eleven Cosmos God Cult Elders died in the ambush, an
uncontrollable wrath erupted in his heart, his eyes turned a
scarlet red.

“Young Lord, are we marching forward, or…?” A Cosmos God

Cult Elder inquired cautiously.

Before, the nine super forces agreed to ally together to

annihilate the Asura’s Gate solely depending on the fact
that Huang Xiaolong had yet to make it back to the Asura’s
Gate. But now, Huang Xiaolong had returned. Moreover, he
returned with all the Ten Directions Continent’s experts in

Should they proceed with their plans?

Xie Hui’s palm flew across the Elder’s face hearing that,
sending the Elder tumbling in the air as he shouted, “A few
days ago, weren’t you the one who said that Huang
Xiaolong is still on the Ten Directions Continent? Why, why
would he appear here now!”

The group of Cosmos God Cult Elders was as silent as

cicadas in cold weather.

Half an hour later, several thousand li away from the valley,

above a low mountain range, ripples spread across space
followed by the emergence of Huang Xiaolong and the many
Ten Directions Continent experts.

“Liege Lord Beast God, what’s our next step?” Beastmen

Tiger Tribe Patriarch Chuck stepped forward and inquired.

Huang Xiaolong scanned the mountain range below and his

mouth raised in a cold sneer, “We’ll rest here, and wait for
our prey to come to us!” Huang Xiaolong believed that the
super nine forces alliance would not be willing to back out
just like that, especially when his ambush killed so many of
their people.

Thus, Huang Xiaolong and the Ten Directions Continent

experts swallowed healing pellets and sat down to readjust
their condition, lying in wait for the nine super forces
alliance’s massive army.

As he expected, five hours later, the alliance’s army entered

the mountain range where Huang Xiaolong waited. He and
the Ten Directions Continent experts converged their
breaths, preparing to launch another ambush.

Same as the previous ambush, after a dozen breaths’ of

attacking, Huang Xiaolong once again called for a retreat.
With the Godly Mt. Xumi in his hand, not even a half-step
God Realm expert like Chi Jiuyang could stop Huang
Xiaolong from leaving.

One day passed quickly.

In a single day, the nine super forces alliance suffered nine

ambushes from Huang Xiaolong, and despite being on high
alert and vigilant, they lost another four hundred Saint
realm experts in Huang Xiaolong and the Ten Directions
Continent experts’ attack.

They lost eighty thousand more half-Saints and ten million

Xiantian realm disciples!

All in a day’s effort, the alliance army's originally high

morale was reduced to trembling fear, their morale in

“My Burning Heaven Gate is withdrawing from the alliance!”

The Burning Heaven Gate’s Sovereign, Song Kun, part of the
nine super forces alliance, was truly frightened by Huang
Xiaolong’s rate of killing and finally announced his intention
to withdraw from the alliance.
Chapter 504: Terrorized By
The Killings
Chapter 504: Terrorized By the Killings

Chapter 504: Terrorized By the Killings

“What, withdraw from the alliance?” Cosmos God Cult Young

Lord Xie Hui’s expression sank hearing the Burning Heaven
Gate’s Sovereign Rong Kun saying that he wanted to
withdraw from the alliance.

“My Strong Sword Sect also wishes to withdraw from the

alliance!” Before Xie Hui could receive an answer, the
Strong Sword Sect’s Leader Yang Jing spoke.

Xie Hui’s expression worsened.

Whereas the other super forces’ Sovereigns also spoke of

their intention to withdraw from the alliance. By now, they
understood clearly that despite their nine super forces’
alliance, their power was still a far cry from defeating Huang

Huang Xiaolong came and went like a phantom,

undetectable, they had no way of preventing him from
sneaking an ambush on them. If things continued the way
they were, their people would all die from Huang Xiaolong’s
ambush before they even arrived at the Asura’s Gate

Was there even a point to the alliance if this was the end
With Burning Heaven Gate, Strong Sword Sect, and others
announcing their withdrawal from the alliance, only the
Cosmos God Cult, Nine Yang Valley, Distinct Void Door, and
White Phoenix Sect remained in the alliance at the end.

Xie Hui made an effort to suppress the anger in his heart,

sneering coldly as he half-glowered at Burning Heaven
Gate’s Sovereign Rong Kun and those who withdrew from
the alliance, “Do you think that Huang Xiaolong won’t kill
you now just because you withdrew from the alliance?”

Burning Heaven Gate Sovereign Rong Kun was unaffected

by Xie Hui’s taunt, “There's no need for Young Lord Xie to
worry about this matter!” With that said, he turned around
and waved a hand in the Burning Heaven Gate disciples’
direction, commanding, “We’re leaving!” The disciples of the
Burning Heaven Gate separated themselves from the
massive army and left.

In truth, there was no deep blood grudge between the

Burning Heaven Gate and Huang Xiaolong, there was a high
chance that Huang Xiaolong would receive them if they
were to submit to him. From Rong Kun’s perspective, that
would be a much favorable outcome than having Huang
Xiaolong destroy the Burning Heaven Gate.

Watching this, the Strong Sword Sect’s Leader, Yang Jing,

also swiftly led his Strong Sword Sect disciples away from
the army. Those who had announced their withdrawal
followed suit.

Xie Hui watched the Burning Heaven Gate, Strong Sword

Sect, and the others leave with killing intent surging in his
eyes, feeling an impulse to execute these traitors on the
spot, but he reined himself in.
For this would only increase his losses and neither would he
gain anything. It would even benefit Huang Xiaolong in the

“My Nine Yang Valley wishes to withdraw from the alliance

as well.” After the five super forces left, Chi Jiuyang, the
Nine Yang Valley Lord spoke.

Xie Hui’s face paled slightly. ‘The Nine Yang Valley also
wants to withdraw from the alliance?!’

“Senior Jiuyang, you… this…” Xie Hui wanted to persuade


“No need to say more.” Chi Jiuyang shook his head. “Huang
Xiaolong has already grown, becoming a trend. Other than a
God Realm Master, no one can kill him.” Throwing that
sentence to Xie Hui, he turned around and led the Nine Yang
Valley’s disciples away.

Distinct Void Door and White Phoenix House’s experts

exchanged a look amongst themselves in silence.

Even a half- step God Realm expert like Chi Jiuyang had
withdrawn from the alliance, what was left of their trump
card against Huang Xiaolong?

Without any surprise, Distinct Void Door and White Phoenix

House also stated their withdrawal from the alliance and left
just as quickly.

Xie Hui stood rooted to the spot, watching the Distinct Void
Door and White Phoenix House’s leaving silhouettes, his
eyes were slightly unfocused. His mind was totally blank like
a piece of white paper. Despite the blazing sun above, Xie
Hui only felt darkness and gloom.
“Young Lord, what shall we do now?” A long time later, Law
Enforcer Cheng Xiaofeng approached Xie Hui, inquiring very

Xie Hui turned around to face Chen Xiaofeng. There was an

emptiness in his eyes, akin to a fool, and he did not speak a

“Young Lord, are you alright?” Law Enforcer Hu Chen was

frightened by this side of Xie Hui. Xie Hui’s expression also
shocked the rest of Cosmos God Cult’s experts.

Xie Hui took a deep breath, the light slowly returned to his
eyes. Surprisingly, he was no longer angry or throwing his
temper around. His manner was extremely calm, “Elder Qi.”

“Here.” One of Cosmos God Cult’s Law Enforcer Elder

stepped forward.

“You take the Cosmos God Cult disciples and return to

Cosmos God City.” Xie Hui ordered.

“Back to Cosmos God City?” No one expected to hear this.

Ignoring the reactions around him, Xie Hui continued, “If

Huang Xiaolong surrounds the Cosmos God City, you can
pretend to submit to him, do not resist, understand?”

Everyone was stunned again.

“Yes, Young Lord!” Elder Qi complied with respect.

Xie Hui waved him away.

Elder Qi left, leading the massive numbers of Cosmos God

Cult disciples back to Cosmos God City.
After Elder Qi left, Xie Hui turned to look at the one hundred
and twenty-six Cosmos God Cult’s remaining Elders with an
inexplicable feeling in his heart.

These were the very last of Cosmos God Cult’s Saint realm
experts! A great sorrow filled his heart.

A few years back, he imagined how his father would

subjugate the Nine Yang Valley, Distinct Void Door, White
Phoenix House, and other super forces with an irresistible
domineering might in the Grand Martial Exchange once he
returned from the Peace Emperor World, unifying the
Starcloud Continent under the Cosmos God Cult.

Yet, at this moment, he was forced to the point of fleeing for

his life with his tail between his legs!

A while later, Xie Hui repressed all irrelevant thoughts and

focused his mind. He had plan carefully or he really would
end up dying in Huang Xiaolong’s hand. He could imagine
that once Huang Xiaolong found out that the nine super
forces alliance had dissolved, his first reaction would be
chasing after his life.

One hour later, above a certain mountain range.

“The nine super force alliance dissolved?” Huang Xiaolong

looked at Ao Kun who was reporting to him with a slight

“Thar is so, Liege Lord Beast God. Just one hour ago, the
nine super forces alliance has dissolved and separated.
From the news I received, Xie Hui ordered the Cosmos God
Cult Elder Qi Dong to lead their disciples back to Cosmos
God City. But he and the Law Enforcers, as well as other
Elders, did not return to the city. This subordinate has yet to
find out where he went.” Ao Kun answered.
Huang Xiaolong was delighted, this was a good piece of
news, ah. He didn’t expect the nine super forces alliance to
be dissolved so easily. This made it easier for him to
subjugate those nine super forces later.

“Looks like the Cosmos God Cult and the others were
terrorized by Big brother’s killing.” The Violet Spirit Devourer
Monkey, Huang Xiaoyong grinned.

Some days prior, when Huang Peng and Su Yan saw the
Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey again, both decided to adopt
him as their son and gave him a name, Huang Xiaoyong.

Those who heard Huang Xiaoyong’s words laughed.

“Liege Lord Beast God, for our next move, should we first kill
Xie Hui?” Lei Ge spoke.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “First kill Xie Hui!”

Not returning to Cosmos God Cult was proof that Xie Hui had

Huang Xiaolong could even guess that he would be heading

to Peace Emperor World to look for his father, Xie Chao.
That’s why Huang Xiaolong aimed to kill Xie Hui first and
foremost, he definitely couldn't let him escape.

Half an hour later, above a certain part of a valley, Huang

Xiaolong had just crushed the windpipe of Cosmos God Cult
Law Enforcer Hu Chen, but he was frowning. This Xie Hui
was too slippery, using Hu Chen, Chen Xiaofeng, and this
group of Elders as bait while he himself ran off in another

One day later, Ao Kun, Huang Xiaoyong, Chuck, and Lei Ge,
who separated to pursue Xie Hui, reported that they failed
to capture him. In the end, Huang Xiaolong gave up on the
pursue, recalling all of them back.

After all, it wasn’t much of a big deal that Xie Hui escaped.
One Xie Hui couldn't raise much trouble. When the time
came, all Huang Xiaolong needed to do was make a trip to
Peace Emperor World and kill him there.

After ordering everyone to gather, Huang Xiaolong did not

return to the Asura’s Gate headquarters, instead, he led the
Ten Directions Continent experts forward to the Distinct Void
Door. The Distinct Void Door was his first subjugation target.

The sudden disbandment of the nine super forces alliance

very quickly spread across Starcloud Continent and the rest
of the Martial Spirit World, leaving many dumbstruck. Many
Martial Spirit World experts and forces were waiting to
watch a good show, waiting for the Asura’s Gate to be
annihilated by the alliance, but not even two days later the
alliance actually crumbled!

They were terrorized by Huang Xiaolong’s killings, who had

returned earlier than predicted!

While the Martial Spirit World was in a brouhaha, without

any surprises, Distinct Void Door, White Phoenix House, Nine
Yang Valley, Burning Heaven Gate, and the Strong Sword
Sect submitted to Huang Xiaolong one by one. Even the
Cosmos God City became Huang Xiaolong’s property.
Chapter 505: Unifying Starcloud Continent

Chapter 505: Unifying Starcloud Continent

Asura’s Gate headquarters.

Huang Xiaolong sat on the throne seat in the main hall, and
in front of him on both sides were experts of Starcloud
Continent and Ten Directions Continent; Asura’s Gate, Nine
Yang Valley, Distinct Void Door, White Phoenix House, and
the rest on the left, whereas Ao Kun, Lei Ge, Chuck, and
those from Ten Directions Continent stood on his right.

More than four thousand Saint realm experts were present!

Looking at the people gathered before him, Huang Xiaolong

was in a perplexed mood, sighing at the sight of the force in
his hand yet feeling proud at the same time.

This force was enough to flatten the entire Martial Spirit


If this was ten years ago, he dared not believe that there
would be a day when he could break through to Ninth Order
Saint realm, that there would be a day when he would hold
such a powerful force in his hands!

Twenty years ago, Huang Xiaolong was merely an average

Huang Clan Manor disciple, a low-level insignificant family.
Whereas now, he had more than four thousand Saint realm
experts at his beck and call! And too many half-Saints and
Xiantian realm disciples to mention.

Huang Peng and Su Yan both indirectly felt the same

feelings as their son. More than twenty years ago, when
Huang Xiaolong’s martial spirit had just awakened, he was
determined as an average grade seven martial spirit.
Neither of them had imagined that their son would rise to
the pinnacle of the Martial Spirit World.

With all the Saint realm experts presents, Huang Xiaolong

began to organize the Asura’s Gate, Nine Yang Valley,
Distinct Void Door, and other Starcloud Continent forces.
The subjugated forces became the Asura’s Gate branches
and their Sovereigns and Leaders were designated as
Branch Master.

When the reorganization was done, Huang Xiaolong ordered

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu to recite the new Asura’s Gate rules
that he had established.

Hearing one of the new rules of the Asura’s Gate that Huang
Xiaolong created that required all Branch Masters to
respectfully salute Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu, the corner of
the Nine Yang Valley Branch Master Chi Jiuyang’s mouth

He, a half-step God Realm, actually needed to respectfully

salute Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu, these two peak late-Tenth
Order Saint realm? In the end, he merely sighed inwardly, a
thousand words buried unspoken in his heart.

Now, he was just someone branded with Huang Xiaolong’s

soul mark. Before Huang Xiaolong, he was merely a servant!
What rights did a servant have to negotiate with the

As Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu recited the rules Huang Xiaolong

established, the facial expressions on Chi Jiuyang, Liu
Zhiding, and the other Branch Masters did not escape
Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.
When Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu completed their tasks, Huang
Xiaolong spoke: “Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu.”

“Your subordinate is here!” Both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu

answered in unison, taking a step forward.

“Bring the Nine Yang Valley, Distinct Void Door, White

Phoenix House, Strong Sword Sect, and all the nine forces’
experts to the Brilliant Sword Sect and Supreme Harmony
School! Capture and bring their Sovereigns to the Asura’s
Gate, those who resist, kill them all!” Huang Xiaolong

Nine out of eleven of Starcloud Continent’s super forces had

already surrendered to Huang Xiaolong, leaving only the
Brilliant Sword Sect and Supreme Harmony School. Only by
subjugating the Brilliant Sword Sect and Supreme Harmony
School could Huang Xiaolong be considered as truly having
unified the Starcloud Continent. Of course, with the Asura’s
Gate’s current momentum, it was not necessary for Huang
Xiaolong to make a trip personally to take over the Brilliant
Sword Sect and Supreme Harmony School.

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu complied with a respectful


As an afterthought, Huang Xiaolong gave both of them one

thousand Poison Corpse Scarabs each to ensure that
everything went without a hitch.

Day gradually darkened into a silent night.

Huang Xiaolong stood alone in the Asura’s Gate inner yard,

in contemplation.

With the addition of the Nine Yang Valley and the other
super forces under him, the strength of his forces was
enough to annihilate Deities Templar. But, Huang Xiaolong
still had one nagging concern about Temple Preceptor Ying
Tian’s cultivation level.

If Huang Xiaolong exerted his full effort to attack using the

Godly Xumi Art, he could battle to a draw with the half-step
God Realm Chi Jiuyang. However, against a true genuine
God Realm Master, he didn't have even one ounce of

According to Chi Jiuyang’s words, the difference between a

God Realm and half-step God Realm was like heaven and

A God Realm Master killing a half-step God Realm expert

was akin to a Saint realm expert killing a half-Saint expert,
as easy as killing an ant on the ground.

Even if it was just a God Realm Master that had just broken
through, Chi Jiuyang still wouldn't be able to take a single

“Dragon God Grass.” Huang Xiaolong muttered to himself,

arriving at the same conclusion again.

During the day, other than giving orders to attack the

Brilliant Sword Sect and Supreme Harmony School, Huang
Xiaolong also tasked the many branches to send their
disciples out to search for Dragon God Grass.

Whoever found Dragon God Grass or provided feasible

information would be heavily rewarded! Thus, Huang
Xiaolong continued to cultivate, swallowing the Ape Deity
Herculean Strength Pellets while he waited for news of
Dragon God Grass.

Half a month passed by.

Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the rest did not disappoint Huang
Xiaolong, successfully capturing the Brilliant Sword Sect and
Supreme Harmony School’s Sovereigns, as well as all the
experts from both forces, bringing them back to the Asura’s
Gate headquarters.

In the midst of subjugating these two forces, Deities

Templar’s experts jumped out, trying to hinder Zhao Shu
and Zhang Fu, but with Chi Jiuyang, Liu Zhiding, and the
other Branch Masters with them, Deities Templar’s
hindrance was dealt with akin to crushing dry weeds and
smashing rotten wood.

Despite being brought as captives, the Brilliant Sword Sect

and Supreme Harmony School’s Sovereigns did not
surrender to Huang Xiaolong.

The Brilliant Sword Sect’s Sovereign glared coldly at Huang

Xiaolong, saying, “Huang Xiaolong, don’t feel too
complacent. In our Temple Preceptor’s eyes, you’re nothing
but an ant! If he wants to kill you, a single finger would be
sufficient to squash you.”

Supreme Harmony School’s Sovereign echoed, “Our Deities

Templar Temple Preceptor did not kill you only because he
felt disdained to do it himself.”

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong sneered; summoning the

Poison Corpse Scarabs and had them devour both of
sovereigns down to the bones right in front of the Brilliant
Sword Sect and Supreme Harmony School’s experts.

The two forces’ experts watched as the Poison Corpse

Scarabs devoured their Sovereigns. The tragic screams that
were begging for mercy sent chills deep into their hearts,
their faces drained of all color.
Huang Xiaolong did not put away the Poison Corpse Scarabs
after they were done with the two Sovereigns but allowed
them to hover above the group of Brilliant Sword Sect and
Supreme Harmony School experts.

Other than that, Huang Xiaolong did nothing else. Not a

word was said.

“I, I’m willing to submit!” Brilliant Sword Sect’s Deputy

Sovereign stammered, stepping out in a kneeling position.
Following that, several Elders from the Brilliant Sword Sect
and Supreme Harmony School also showed their willingness
to submit to Huang Xiaolong.

Witnessing this, the reluctant ones were swayed,

surrendering with the rest and Huang Xiaolong marked all of
them with a soul imprint.

With this, Huang Xiaolong was fully in control of all the

notable forces, unifying the Starcloud Continent!

Then, Huang Xiaolong commanded the Ten Directions

Continent Saint realm Elders to lead more than half of the
experts back to the Ten Directions Continent, leaving no less
than five hundred Saint realm experts in the Asura’s Gate

As things moved, another two days passed.

On this day, when Huang Xiaolong was practicing the Asura

Sword Skill and Fifteen Moves of the Dragon God, Zhao Shu
and Zhang Fu ran in to report with beaming expressions,
“Sovereign, there’s news of Dragon God Grass!”

Hearing this, a sliver of excitement shot through his body.

“There’s an old man who claims back when he entered the
Ancient Dragon Clan ruins he collected nineteen stalks
Dragon God Grass! He’s in Asura City at this very moment!”
Zhao Shu laughed.

“Good!” Huang Xiaolong also laughed heartily.

Nineteen stalks!

This was truly the greatest news! With these nineteen stalks
of Dragon God Grass, he had full confidence in breaking
through to Tenth Order Saint realm!

“Come, we’re heading to the Asura City right now!” Huang

Xiaolong laughed and was the first one to fly out of the main
hall. Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu followed behind him.

The three of them headed to Asura City.

Asura City was situated at the foot of the mountain. After

not even ten breaths of time, Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu,
and Zhang Fu arrived at their destination.
Chapter 506: Changes In
The Dragon Pearl
Chapter 506: Changes in the Dragon Pearl

After reaching the Asura City, Huang Xiaolong’s group of

three went straight to the Asura City’s Castellan Manor to
meet the old man who had nineteen stalks of Dragon God

The other party’s facial features were ordinary so to speak,

he had a slightly thin built, the kind of person that no one
would notice if thrown into a crowd.

Yet, this extremely ordinary looking old man gave Huang

Xiaolong an inexplicable sense of danger. This feeling was
similar to being targeted by a venomous viper. The old
man’s body contained a power that caused Huang Xiaolong
to feel intimidated.

Just as Huang Xiaolong observed the old man, the old man
was also observing Huang Xiaolong.

“Not bad, truly a talent hard to see in a thousand years,

you’re Huang Xiaolong?” The old man nodded.

“This one is Huang Xiaolong.” Huang Xiaolong said.

The old man did not waste time with nonsense, a light
flashed in his hand as he took out the stalks of Dragon God
Grass. Not one more, and not one less—nineteen stalks.

Instantly, the main hall was filled with a thick dragon qi.
“This Dragon God Grass is of no use to me, but still, I cannot
give them to you for free.” The old man said, “I know that
you’ve found Eminent Holiness’ cultivation space and the
Ghost King’s ring. I only want two things, one is the Seven
Desires Magic Art Painting, and the other is the Ghost King
Dan inside the Ghost King’s ring.”

Seven Desires Magic Art Painting!

Ghost King Dan!

Huang Xiaolong was stunned!

When he heard the old man speak of the Eminent Holiness

space and the Ghost King’s ring, he immediately assumed
the old man wanted the Eminent Holiness Halberd Sutra and
the Ghost King Ring, but the two items that the old man
requested were out of Huang Xiaolong’s expectations.

A light glimmered in Huang Xiaolong’s hand, a sixteen-

sectioned painting of beauties appeared in front of
everyone. Each of these beauties exuded a unique
characteristic, cold and aloof, soft and gentle, bewitching,
pure and untainted, but each one was a peerless beauty, as
vivid as if they were alive. They were drawn naked without a
thread covering their bodies, invoking desires in the heart of
anyone who saw them.

This was the Seven Desires Magic Art Painting.

Ever since Huang Xiaolong took this from the Eminent

Holiness secret space, it had stayed quietly inside the Asura
Ring, mostly forgotten by him. Today, if it weren’t for this old
man speaking about it, Huang Xiaolong would have
completely forgotten about its existence.
When the old man saw the Seven Desires Magic Art
Painting, his body quivered with excitement, “Seven Desires
Magic Art Painting, it really is the Seven Desires Magic Art
Painting!” Unable to help himself, his hand reached out to
caress the Painting, tracing the alluring outlines of the
beauties’ curves, just like he was touching a real-life

Moreover, the thing that made Huang Xiaolong, Zhao Shu,

and Zhang Fu speechless was that this old man actually had
saliva drooling from the corner of his mouth! That
demeanor, that expression was the epitome of a lustful old
devil, a contradiction from his overbearing momentum in
the beginning.

Next, Huang Xiaolong removed the remaining Ghost King

Dan he had from the Ghost King Ring. To him, both of these
items were now useless. Despite knowing that the Seven
Desires Magic Art Painting was definitely a very high-grade
demonic art, there was no heartache.

Carefully putting away the Seven Desires Magic Art Painting

and the Ghost King Dan, the old man passed the nineteen
stalks of Dragon God Grass to Huang Xiaolong.

It was obvious that the old man was in an excellent mood

after obtaining the things he was after. He was beaming.
Huang Xiaolong seemed more pleasing to his eyes, “In the
ancient times, the Seven Desires Magic Art Painting was our
devil sect’s supreme cultivation technique. With this Seven
Desires Magic Art Painting, my cultivation can reach a
higher peak, breaking into another level very soon. These
here are ten Deranged Devil Pellets, take it as a token from
me. Free of charge.”
“Deranged Devil Pellets!” Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were
stunned staring at the thumb-sized, glossy smooth, pure
black pellets in his hand, emitting a strange odor, that was
quite unpleasant.

The Deranged Devil Pellet was known to be the ultimate

drug of the devil sects in the ancient times. According to the
information passed down, taking one Deranged Devil Pellet
could rapidly enhance one’s strength by several times in
times of emergency, moreover, after the drug’s effect
dissipated, it wouldn't leave any adverse effects on the user.

Huang Xiaolong was inwardly surprised, staring at the old


‘Deranged Devil Pellets? From his words, this old man is

clearly someone from the devil sect!’

However, Huang Xiaolong did not refuse. His spiritual sense

did a quick scan over the Deranged Devil Pellets, and after
confirming that there was nothing wrong with them, he put
them away into his Asura Ring.

A light of appreciation flashed past the old man’s eyes

feeling Huang Xiaolong checking the Deranged Devil Pellet
with his spiritual sense, saying, “I’m called Du Dashan, if
you ever come to Peace Emperor World in the future, you
can come look for me at the Hidden Mirage Devil Sect.”

Peace Emperor World, Hidden Mirage Devil Sect!

With that, the old man’s figure blurred in a flicker, turning

into a wisp of green mist that blended into space,

“This old man actually comes from the Peace Emperor

World’s Hidden Mirage Devil Sect!” Zhao Shu spoke with a
solemn expression.

Huang Xiaolong turned to Zhao Shu, waiting for him to


Zhao Shu quickly explained, “Sovereign, in Peace Emperor

World, the Hidden Mirage Devil Sect is quite powerful, its
one of the handful top forces. Even our Zhao Family in Peace
Emperor World cannot afford to offend the Hidden Mirage
Devil Sect.”

Frankly speaking, Huang Xiaolong was a little, just a little

astonished hearing Zhao Shu’s words.

Zhao Shu was one of the Peace Emperor World Zhao

Family’s disciples, thus he had some understanding of the
forces there.

Hidden Mirage Devil Sect, one of the top super forces in

Peace Emperor World, one that even the Zhao Family would
need to think a twice before offending.

‘On the other hand, what status does this old man, Du
Dashan, have in the Hidden Mirage Devil Sect?’ But Huang
Xiaolong was not interested to delve too deeply into the
matter, his attention was solely focused on the nineteen
stalks of Dragon God Grass in his hand with anticipation and
excitement. With these stalks of Dragon God grass, he could
refine another two primordial divine dragons.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong returned to the Asura’s Gate

headquarters with Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu. Leaving a list of
tasks to them and the Elders, and informing his parents that
he would be in closed-door practice for some time, he dove
into the Xumi Temple to begin refining the next primordial
divine dragon.
This time, Huang Xiaolong chose the hump dragon and bone
dragon. The hump dragon and bone dragon were ranked
high in the dragon hierarchy, comparable to the Buddha
Dragon, only weaker than the five-clawed golden dragon.

Taking his place at the center of the Ten Buddha Formation

and heaping enough grade one spirit stones in the middle,
Huang Xiaolong swallowed down the Dragon God Grass and
ran the Asura Tactics. He opened his mouth and inhaled
deeply in the direction of the Tuo dragon. In an instant,
strands of true dragon essence energy floated toward
Huang Xiaolong, drilling into his body.

At first contact, Huang Xiaolong shook violently for a bare

second before calming down.

Before this, Huang Xiaolong had refined a total of eight

primordial divine dragons; the water dragon, fire dragon,
earth dragon, wood dragon, gold dragon (metal), Buddha
dragon, black dragon, and the white dragon. Making his True
Dragon Physique more formidable than the ancient Dragon
God’s body. Now, when refining the Tuo dragon, his body
didn't react as intensely as it did during the first time.

Now, his True Dragon Physique was akin to a divine

mountain, regardless of how violent the true dragon
essence energy swirled and crashed inside him, it could
hardly bother Huang Xiaolong.

Half a year passed.

Huang Xiaolong had fully refined the Tuo dragon in this short
duration, helping his cultivation grow to peak late-Ninth
Order, another step closer to Tenth Order Saint realm.
Huang Xiaolong opened his mouth and inhaled, continuing
to refine the bone dragon.
But, not long after Huang Xiaolong began refining the bone
dragon’s true dragon blood essence, the Dragon Pearl in his
forehead shook violently. A bright light shone, spreading to
ten thousand zhang. The vague dragon shadow inside the
Dragon Pearl flickered nonstop, shifting between reality and

Gradually, the dragon shadow grew clearer still, becoming a

real solid entity with flesh and bones. This primordial divine
dragon that had been sealed for who knows how long inside
the Dragon Pearl had finally resurrected!

The primordial divine dragon opened its eyes, causing

intense ripples in space as it opened its mouth and inhaled.
The bone dragon’s true dragon blood essence swirled into
the Dragon Pearl at a terrifying speed, right into the
dragon’s mouth.
Chapter 507: Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi

Huang Xiaolong’s body shook, immediately noticing that

something was not right.

‘This is….?!’ His spiritual sense observed the Dragon Pearl,

watching as the shadow of a dragon inside the pearl was
growing corporeal! Resurrected!

A thousand zhang long five-clawed golden dragon, hovering

inside the Dragon Pearl space resembling an imposing
ancient mountain. The bone dragon’s blood essence was
like a flood of rapid currents that found an opening as it
whirled out of control to the five-clawed golden dragon’s

Huang Xiaolong was feeling extremely antsy as he tried to

manipulate the Dragon Pearl to reduce the speed of the
bone dragon’s blood essence flowing into it, but to his
dismay, it was futile. The Dragon Pearl was out of his

The Dragon Pearl seemed to have merged into one entity

with the five-clawed golden dragon, and would only act
according to the five-clawed golden dragon’s will.

Very soon, Huang Xiaolong noticed something else. The

bone dragon’s blood essence absorbed by the five-clawed
golden dragon through its mouth then diffused out through
its pores, permeating every corner of Huang Xiaolong’s

It seemed like the five-clawed golden dragon was refining

the true dragon blood essence before being absorbed by
Huang Xiaolong, in exchange for a purer and more potent
Huang Xiaolong stopped resisting and began to absorb the
refined true dragon blood essence as fast as he could. A
comfortable and pleasant feeling spread through Huang
Xiaolong, from his body deep into his soul. A brief moment
later, loud crackling noises sounded inside his body.

To his delight and surprise, the barrier to Tenth Order Saint

realm finally shattered! The Saint realm power roared in his
meridians and veins, moving vibrantly as his Qi Sea
continued to spew out abundant vigorous battle qi like an
eternal spring that would never dry.

One hour passed by the time the bone dragon’s true dragon
blood essence abruptly stopped flowing into the Dragon
Pearl. Huang Xiaolong was stunned, especially when he saw
that it was because all the true dragon blood essence was
already absorbed by the five-clawed golden dragon!

In merely one hour!

At Huang Xiaolong’s current strength, refining the bone

dragon at his normal speed would need half a year’s time,
but in just one hour, the five-clawed golden dragon inside
the Dragon Pearl had absorbed all the bone dragon’s true
dragon blood essences!

Another thing that Huang Xiaolong noticed was the fact that
the benefits he received this time were much more
compared to refining the true dragon blood essence by
himself, despite the majority of it going to the five-clawed
golden dragon.

What made Huang Xiaolong speechless was that the five-

clawed golden dragon’s open mouth actually shifted toward
the primordial divine nether dragon beside the bone dragon
and started inhaling its true dragon blood essence.
True dragon blood essence from the primordial divine nether
dragon was outpouring frantically, straight toward the five-
clawed golden dragon.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyeballs almost fell out of their sockets.

‘This is true, right? What the…!’

The Dragon God Grass that he had taken was only enough
for him to refine two primordial divine dragons. If he
continued to refine another one, would he suffer a backlash
from this?

But Huang Xiaolong was not given any option or time, for
the upgraded true dragon blood essence was already
diffusing from the five-clawed golden dragon’s body,
entering his, and it contained a more potent energy than
the bone dragon’s true dragon blood essence.

Quickly running the Asura Tactics, Huang Xiaolong began

refining the true dragon blood essence diffused from the
five-clawed golden dragon. In just a few breaths’ time, he
immediately discovered that it did not pose any problem at
all despite having no Dragon God Grass. Refining the
improved true dragon blood essence brought him no
adverse effects, and had even better results.

Next was the devil dragon, followed by the true dragon, sky
dragon, and ice dragon.

All the remaining primordial divine dragons were refined by

the five-clawed golden dragon and Huang Xiaolong, one
after another.

Huang Xiaolong’s strength soared with rapid speed; early

Tenth Order Saint realm, the peak of early Tenth Order, mid,
peak mid-Tenth Order, and gradually slowed as he broke
through peak mid-Tenth Order Saint realm.
Huang Xiaolong continued to run the Asura Tactics until he
completed more than a dozen cycles before stopping, then
he opened his eyes. Lightly breathing out, space jittered as
if a strong squall blew past it.

Before Huang Xiaolong could react, a coruscating light

flashed in front of him, revealing a vapory giant dragon. This
giant dragon was the very same five-clawed golden dragon
within the Dragon Pearl.

Neither of them made a sound. Huang Xiaolong carefully

observed the huge dragon scales on its body, the horns that
looked like they could tear a hole in the firmament, its bright
crimson dragon eyes that were shining like blood. Huang
Xiaolong reacted a moment later, jumping to his feet.

“Little guy, fret not, I bear no ill-will.” The giant five-clawed

golden dragon enjoyed Huang Xiaolong’s reaction with mirth
in its eyes, speaking in the human tongue to reassure
Huang Xiaolong. “I am Ao Taiyi, the Martial Spirit World’s
first generation Dragon Emperor. My body was destroyed by
an enemy, and my soul was heavily injured. Under those
circumstances, I ordered the Dragon Elders to seal my soul
inside the Dragon Pearl with supreme power, borrowing the
dragon qi inside the Dragon Pearl to nourish my soul. More
than sixty thousand years have passed, and my soul has
finally recovered.”

Huang Xiaolong was dumbfounded.

‘Ao Taiyi? Martial Spirit World’s first generation Dragon


Disregarding Huang Xiaolong’s reaction, Dragon Emperor Ao

Taiyi continued, “Fortunately, you have been refining these
primordial divine dragons’ true dragon blood essence that
helped me rebuild my physical body.”
Huang Xiaolong was dazed by what the first generation
Dragon Emperor was saying. The true dragon blood
essences he had been refining?

“Although I was sealed inside the Dragon Pearl, I’m also the
Dragon Pearl’s second form. I’m the Dragon Pearl, and the
Dragon Pearl is me. However, you already refined the
Dragon Pearl, therefore, putting it in another way, the
current me is considered as an avatar of you.” Dragon
Emperor Ao Taiyi said.

“You’re my avatar?!” Huang Xiaolong was again,

dumbfounded. But he did not sense any blood connection
with this Dragon Emperor Taiyi.

Dragon Emperor Taiyi nodded, “That’s right, I know the

doubt in your heart, but the truth is, you have yet to truly
refine the Dragon Pearl.”

“Have yet truly refined it?” Huang Xiaolong took a small


“Yes. This Dragon Pearl is a heritage treasure of our Dragon

Clan, if you want to truly refine it, you must first possess


Wouldn't that mean that he must first reach the Highgod

Realm?! Huang Xiaolong inhaled sharply at the enormity of
the matter. At present, Huang Xiaolong felt that the Highgod
Realm was too remote a goal, he hadn’t even touched the
edge of the God Realm. Highgod Realm, the level above God

Subsequently, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi imparted

information related to the Dragon Clan and about himself to
Huang Xiaolong.

From Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi, Huang Xiaolong came to

know that the Dragon Pearl had already merged with him
despite not having truly been refined. It could no longer be
separated from Huang Xiaolong. If he was killed or died,
then the Dragon Pearl would no longer exist. Dragon
Emperor Ao Taiyi sealed inside the Dragon Pearl would also

Although Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi had rebuilt a new body,

which enabled him to move outside of the Dragon Pearl
within a thousand zhang radius, the other side of the coin
also meant that he couldn't be separated from Huang
Xiaolong more than a thousand zhang.

Unless Huang Xiaolong could undo the seal on the Dragon

Pearl, granting true freedom to Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi.

However, the seal was placed by the combined efforts of a

group of Dragon Clan Elders, thus undoing the seal was
easier said than done. At the very least, Huang Xiaolong
would need to reach the Highgod Realm to have any hope.

In between, Huang Xiaolong took the chance to ask Dragon

Emperor Ao Taiyi some questions, resolving the doubts he
had; such as why was Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi was able to
refine one primordial divine dragon in approximately one
hour’s time, about the true dragon blood essence inside the
Dragon Pearl, and why did he not suffer a backlash despite
the absence of Dragon God Grass.

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi chuckled, “My new body is like a

vast sea, whereas one primordial divine dragon is a little
brook, that’s why it doesn’t affect me regardless of how fast
I refine them. Moreover, the Dragon Pearl is capable of
purifying all energy.”
Huang Xiaolong’s eyes lit up hearing that. He understood
what Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi was telling him, a being’s
body was like a container. The stronger one’s body is, the
bigger the container; then their refinement speed could also
be faster.

And, the Dragon Pearl could actually purify all and any kind
of energy?!
Chapter 508: Destination: Dead Sea Gorge

“Meaning to say, any form of energy devoured by you would

also be absorbed by me through the Dragon Pearl? And I
would not incur any adverse side effects?” Huang Xiaolong’s
breathing quickened; if this was true, it was too heaven-

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi chuckled watching Huang

Xiaolong’s expression, knowing his thoughts. Ao Taiyi said,
“You can put it like that.”

Can put it like that? Huang Xiaolong dazed for a second,

immediately noticing an underlying meaning to Dragon
Emperor Ao Taiyi’s words.

“Our ancient Dragon Clan was hailed the Lord of All Beasts,
and the Dragon Pearl is the most precious heritage treasure
of our clan. Although it can purify all energy, it is limited to
energy originating from beasts!” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi

Huang Xiaolong was slightly disappointed, but at the same

time, he was greatly relieved.

That was better. According to what Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi

said, he could be like the Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey,
capable of swallowing and refining demonic beast cores!

Refine demonic beast cores! And without any side effects! A

wave of excitement washed over Huang Xiaolong.

A short while later, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi returned to the

Dragon Pearl space. Though he could leave the Dragon Pearl
with no restrictions to his movements within a thousand
zhang radius from Huang Xiaolong, he could not leave for
too a long a time.

Huang Xiaolong stayed inside the Xumi Temple, practicing

his Fifteen Moves of the Dragon God to familiarize himself
with the new level of strength before exiting to the world

Huang Peng, Su Yan, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu were all surprised

seeing Huang Xiaolong out from his closed-door practice so
soon, for he had informed them beforehand that he would
take at least one year this time, but it was only a little past
six months.

Did something happen?

“Long’er, is everything alright?” Su Yan motherly side rose

to the surface, feeling concerned.

Seeing the concerned expression on his mother’s face,

warmth filled his heart. Shaking his head while smiling, he
assured her, “I’m alright.”

By this time, those who heard about Huang Xiaolong exiting

his closed-door practice raced over to the main hall, from
his younger sister Huang Min, his little nephew Guo Xiaofan,
the Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey Huang Xiaoyong, Heaven
Devouring Beast Lil’ Tian, and others.

But, one person Huang Xiaolong did not expect to see was—
Shi Xiaofei! Shi Xiaofei entered the main hall, behind his
sister Huang Min.

As Shi Xiaofei walked in, her beautiful eyes met Huang

Xiaolong’s gaze. Her gaze held bashful amorous feelings.
Neither of them spoke, but that did not hinder an
ambiguous atmosphere from spreading in the hall with them
at the center.

The last time he saw Shi Xiaofei was a few years ago.
Seeing her again, Huang Xiaolong could only say that she
was even more beautiful. There was a pure aura around her
that transcended mortal women, making anyone who saw
her unable to look away. That delicate face devoid of any
makeup increased one’s affection the more they looked at

The way Huang Xiaolong stared at her in front of so many

people made Shi Xiaofei’s little face turn red.

Huang Xiaolong recovered swiftly, looking around the hall,

covering up his gaffe with a small flick of his sleeve and said
with a laugh, “Tonight we shall eat roast meat! Great, big
roast meat!” Not only had he broken through to Tenth Order
Saint realm in this time’s closed-door cultivation, he even
reached peak mid-Tenth Order Saint realm. Undeniably, he
was in a wonderful mood.

Even more wonderful was knowing that the Dragon Pearl

could purify any form of demonic beast energy. To the
current Huang Xiaolong, achieving God Realm was no longer
an out of reach goal.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong mention roast meat, the main hall

was filled with ecstatic cheers. Especially the Heaven
Devouring Beast, Lil’ Tian, the little guy was practically
jumping up, hollering in a very loud voice. Even Shi Xiaofei
was no exception, clapping her hands in delight.

This was a beautiful sight to behold. Even a person with an

iron will such as Huang Xiaolong couldn't help being
After Huang Xiaolong gave the command, the Asura’s Gate
disciples brought back one hundred fat and tender Tyrant
Boars with efficient speed.

The sun was setting on the eastern horizon when Huang

Xiaolong began to work.

With his strength, roasting one hundred Tyrant Boars or a

single Tyrant Boar made very little difference.

Soon, the unique aroma of roast Tyrant Boar meat

permeated the entire Asura Square.

Night settled in. Everyone was sitting around the bonfire,

cheerful voices and bouts of laughter could be heard from

Huang Peng, Su Yan, and the others sat on Huang Xiaolog’s

left side, whereas Shi Xiaofei kept close to Huang Xiaolong’s
side on his right. Under the inevitable circumstances, Shi
Xiaofei’s sweet virgin fragrance would drift into Huang
Xiaolong’s nose, carried by the breeze.

Huang Xiaolong was gratified. There was good wine,

delicious meat, and a beauty at his side. There was nothing
he lacked; how many people longed for this kind of life!

In the past, when he was on Earth, this was the kind of life
he dreamed of.

Probably influenced by the atmosphere, the mood struck

Huang Xiaolong and he grabbed a piece of roast meat with
his hand, just like Lil’ Tian, and chowed down, eating

The night slowly passed, and the party lasted until the
With these people’s cultivation, they could go without sleep
for several days straight. Hence, one night was nothing.

The party dispersed with the first light of dawn, leaving the
place for Shi Xiaofei and Huang Xiaolong alone.

Before Su Yan turned away, she shot a clear, meaningful

look at Huang Xiaolong. Inside, he was sweating profusely.
Of course, he understood what his mother’s look meant,
nothing more than wanting a grandchild.

Shi Xiaofei also caught the look Su Yan shot to Huang

Xiaolong, and a tinge of red colored her cheeks.

After everyone left, Huang Xiaolong spoke first, “How have

you been these years?” His tone sounded slightly pompous.

Shi Xiaofei spoke softly, “My days were good, how about
yours?” Her voice was like a lark singing, clear and moving,
making one want to listen to it again and again.

Huang Xiaolong recounted his adventures after leaving

Starcloud Continent and upon arriving on the Ten Directions
Continent to Shi Xiaofei.

As Shi Xiaofei listened to him narrating about killing the

Deities Templar’s Li Molin at the Beast God Shrine Square,
becoming the new Lord Beast God, battling one on nine
against the Ao Brothers, taking over the Nine Dragons
Temple, her eyes shone brighter with admiration.

In return, Shi Xiaofei talked about some of the things she

experienced in the past few years. Against Huang Xiaolong’s
experiences, hers sounded dull in comparison.

These years, Shi Xiaofei focused solely on increasing her

strength. Sometimes she would travel from the Blessed
Buddha Empire to the Demonic Beasts Forest, hunting
demonic beasts as training to increase her battle capability.

Hearing Shi Xiaofei’s experiences, he reached out and held

her hands in his. Her small hands were petite and soft as if
there were no bones in them, smooth, supple, and fragrant.

Having her hand suddenly grasped by Huang Xiaolong, Shi

Xiaofei quivered, her face flushed a deep red, yet she did
not pull her hand away.

He, of course, knew why Shi Xiaofei was cultivating so hard

these few years.

“Silly fool.” Huang Xiaolong observed Shi Xiaofei’s beautiful

face that could cause the downfall of an empire,
emphasizing, “In the future, you don’t need to work so hard,
you won’t become a burden to me.” Gently pulling Shi
Xiaofei into his embrace, he added, “I will protect you,
forever and always.”

Shi Xiaofei’s body stiffened, then gradually loosened,

embracing Huang Xiaolong in return with tears rolling down
her cheeks. These were tears of happiness.

Forever and always!

This was Huang Xiaolong’s commitment to her, her beloved

man’s commitment to her!

A while later, Shi Xiaofei’s soft voice sounded, “Big brother

Long, I know about Sister Li Lu, you definitely must rescue
Sister Li Lu out from there.”

“We’ll talk about this later.”

Li Lu!
A glint flickered across Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. It was time
to totally annihilate Deities Templar! Huang Xiaolong was
confident that his current strength was enough to fight
Temple Preceptor Ying Tian.

The next day, Huang Xiaolong had Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu
gather all the experts and departed to the Dead Sea Gorge.

While Huang Xiaolong was in closed-door practice, Zhao Shu

and Zhang Fu located the Deities Templar’s headquarters
inside the Dead Sea Gorge.
Chapter 509: Half-Step God Realm Demonic Beasts

Two days later, Huang Xiaolong and his group arrived at the
edge of the Dead Sea Gorge.

A large group of people stood in the air, with Huang

Xiaolong at the front and Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the other
experts behind Huang Xiaolong. For this trip, Huang
Xiaolong only bought one thousand Saint realm experts with

One thousand Saint realm experts, moreover, all of them

were high-level Saint realm, it was a sufficient force to
uproot Deities Templar once and for all.

Everyone observed the surrounding deathly silence, coupled

with the strange atmosphere, the lifeless Dead Sea Gorge.
They looked solemn, increasing their vigilance. Space
fluctuated erratically here, and even a high-level Saint realm
expert needed to focus when crossing it. A small, careless
mistake would result in one getting caught in an
unpredictable space crack or swallowed by a space vortex.

Stopping briefly, Huang Xiaolong decided to transfer all the

experts into the Godly Mt. Xumi in order to carry them
forward with ease.

After he settled all the experts into the Godly Mt. Xumi,
Huang Xiaolong swept away the black-colored energy
hovering above the sea surface in front of him. With
lightning speed, he dove into the thick layers of black fog.

Huang Xiaolong’s figure flew at breakneck speed inside the

thick black fog. With his current strength surpassing a half-
step God Realm, he had nothing to fear when facing a space
crack or space vortex.
As Huang Xiaolong was shuttling through the black fog,
space around him shook and actually collapsed. It crumbled
down like a wall of bricks, revealing a space vortex several
hundred square meters wide. A terrifying pulling force
instantly enveloped Huang Xiaolong.

Just as the force was about to drag Huang Xiaolong into the
vortex, a minuscule quiver ran through his body. Fifteen
primordial divine dragons flew out, shattering the pulling
force from the vortex in less than a second.

Feeling the weakening of the pulling force, Huang Xiaolong

swiftly leaped away, leaving the area affected by the
vortex’s pulling force.

Even though Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu managed to find out

that Deities Templar’s headquarters was located in the Dead
Sea Gorge, they did not have the exact position nor
information of the situation there. Hence, Huang Xiaolong
needed to search for it.

Half a day later, Huang Xiaolong stopped on an island

located on the north side of the Dead Sea Gorge. After half a
day of searching, Huang Xiaolong narrowed the location
down to an area of several hundred thousand li in the
northern part of the Dead Sea Gorge.

A vertical slit opened on Huang Xiaolong’s forehead. Using

the Eye of Hell, he surveyed the surroundings; he had a
feeling that Deities Templar’s headquarters was close by in
this sea region.

Huang Xiaolong’s figure disappeared in a flicker moments

later as he continued flying northbound.

Half an hour later, he suddenly stopped midair. His eyes

narrowed dangerously as he looked up ahead, flying at
reduced speed. It didn’t take long before he came across an
enormous island.

On the island, ancient towering trees touched the sky and

long mountain range peaks undulated like a wave. On top of
that, a group of odd looking flying demonic beasts was
frolicking above the island.

The auras coming from these odd looking demonic beasts

were extremely strong, alarming Huang Xiaolong. He could
see that each one of these odd looking demonic beasts
possessed the strength of half-step God Realm!

Sixteen creatures in total! Sixteen half-step God Realm

demonic beasts!

“Sword Tiger Blackdragon, Two-faced Ghostape, Purplewing

Fire Phoenix, all these demonic beasts are ancient species!”
At this point, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi’s exclamation
sounded from the Dragon Pearl.

A light flickered in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. No doubt, this

was Deities Templar’s headquarters.

However, it never occurred to Huang Xiaolong that Ying Tian

would have such a generous hand as to use sixteen half-
step God Realm ancient species demonic beasts patrolling
the island’s airspace.

With these sixteen half-step God Realm ancient species

demonic beasts guarding the island, it was practically an
impregnable fort. Not other super force would be able to
take half a step onto the island.

However, it was truly unfortunate, because today they were

facing Huang Xiaolong.
“Sixteen half-step God Realm beast cores would be enough
for you to break into late-Tenth Order Saint realm!” Dragon
Emperor Ao Taiyi was exhilarated at the unexpected
windfall, urging, “Little guy, quickly attack, we mustn’t let
any of them escape!”

The amount of demonic essence energy in the ancient

demonic beast species’ beast cores was twice as much as
the average demonic beasts of the same level. These
sixteen ancient species demonic beasts in front of Huang
Xiaolong, if he could capture all of them and refine their
cores, it would definitely help Huang Xiaolong’s strength rise
another level.

Huang Xiaolong initiated Phantom Shadow, his figure

reached one of the demonic beasts, the Sword Tiger
Blackdragon, in a flicker. Before the Sword Tiger
Blackdragon could react, Huang Xiaolong’s fist landed on its
body, sending it to the ground below.

A loud rumbling sound came from the ground and even the
enormous island quaked from the impact.

A powerful suction force came from Huang Xiaolong,

sucking the Sword Tiger Blackdragon into the Dragon Pearl,
leaving it to Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi.


The other ancient species demonic beasts reacted, letting

out thunderous roars and attacking Huang Xiaolong.

Monstrous demonic energy enveloped heaven and earth as

if it wanted to perforate the space around Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong easily dodged the attack, blurring away in a

flash to reappear above the Two-faced Ghostape. His palm
slapped on its back and another tragic scream rang out as it
too was sent crashing to the ground by Huang Xiaolong.

With a casual turn of a wrist, the Two-faced Ghostape was

thrown to Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi inside the Dragon Pearl.

More than sixty thousand years ago, before Dragon Emperor

Ao Taiyi’s body was destroyed, his strength far exceeded the
God Realm. But despite his current weakened state
compared to his peak, handling these half-step God Realm
beasts was an easy matter.

After only about a dozen breaths’ time, half of the demonic

beast was thrown into the Dragon Pearl by Huang Xiaolong,
suppressed by Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi. Huang Xiaolong
practically dealt with one of them with each passing
breath’s time.

After advancing into peak mid-Tenth Order Saint realm, his

strength, battle qi, and True Dragon Physique were
enhanced at least ten-fold. The current him could easily
defeat a half-step God Realm without resorting to the Godly
Xumi Art.

All of a sudden, an angry bellow rang in the high air. In the

blink of an eye, several human figures flew to the air from
different locations on the island, surrounding Huang

The unusual quakes finally alerted the Deities Templar’s


Watching these people’s arrival, Huang Xiaolong snorted

coldly. In the blink of an eye, he brought Zhao Shu, Zhang
Fu, and the experts out from the Godly Mt. Xumi, having
them deal with the Deities Templar’s experts while he
continued dealing with the remaining demonic beasts.
The Deities Templar’s experts rushed toward Huang
Xiaolong, preparing to attack the intruder, but the sudden
appearance Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the many experts
caused panic and confusion. The situation quickly flipped on
the Deities Templar experts, causing them to run for their
lives like headless chickens.

Before Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and one thousand Saint realm
experts, the Deities Templar’s side retreated time and again,
receiving a one-sided beating.

Before long, blood dyed the island’s soil red. The bloody
odor overlapped with the salty scent of the sea.

Huang Xiaolong acted swiftly and fast, it didn’t take him

long to capture the remaining ancient species demonic
beasts and throw them to Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi, bound
and suppressed within the Dragon Pearl. Whereas the
Deities Templar’s experts became ashen as they watched
Huang Xiaolong easily capture the ancient species demonic
beasts one by one.

Those were all half-step God Realm ancient species demonic

beasts ah! If Huang Xiaolong was capable of dealing with
those ancient species demonic beasts so easily, then his
current level of strength…?!

When all was done, Huang Xiaolong’s figure flew down to

the island, heading towards the biggest building. But just as
he arrived above the main hall building, a dozen human
silhouettes shot out from the building below at rapid speed,
blocking Huang Xiaolong’s path.

These people were all Deities Templar’s Grand Elders. All of

them were peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm experts, on
par with Li Molin.
“Huang Xiaolong, it’s you!” The dozen people immediately
recognized Huang Xiaolong.

“You really have guts, actually daring to come to our Deities

Templar’s headquarters!” One of the Grand Elders snarled.

Just as that Grand Elder’s voice fell, he was greeted by a

Great Void Divine Fist from Huang Xiaolong. His body
exploded right then and there. Before the rest of the dozen
Grand Elders could let out a word, forget reacting, the dozen
of them died with a single punch from Huang Xiaolong’s fist.

Huang Xiaolong took out the Devils and Ghost Flag and the
Poison Corpses Scarabs, allowing them to feast on the flesh
and souls of the dead Deities Templar Grand Elders. All of
these were top grade nourishment; waste not, want not.

Huang Xiaolong floated down lightly, landing in front of the

main hall entrance.
Chapter 510: Young Noble Absolute Kill

The main entrance to that building was a hundred zhang tall

and had a width of thirty zhang. It was built from an
unknown material that was black as ink, reflecting a black
glow beneath the sun’s rays. Huang Xiaolong could feel a
frigid coldness coming from it even though he was standing
more than ten meters away.

This frigid coldness stemmed from the soul.

An aureate burst of light enveloped Huang Xiaolong and

vast Buddhism energy spread throughout his body,
dispersing the coldness. He raised an arm, slamming a
powerful punch at the black gates, banging them opened.
What surprised Huang Xiaolong was that the doors were not
damaged in the slightest after a blow from his fist. In fact,
not even a mark could be seen on their surface.

“Little Huang kid, no need to stare at it, this Deities

Templar’s doors are made of materials from the Divine
World. Only high-level God Realm and above can damage
it.” While Huang Xiaolong was immersed in his surprise, he
heard Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi’s voice.

“High-level God Realm!” Huang Xiaolong was stunned, his

breathing quickened slightly. He didn’t expect this Deities
Templar’s Preceptor would possess this kind of high-grade
material. If such a material was used to make a divine armor
instead, wouldn't that mean…?!

As if knowing Huang Xiaolong’s thoughts, Dragon Emperor

Ao Taiyi assured him, “Little Huang kid, don’t worry, it’s not
that easy to forge a divine armor. In order to forge a divine
armor, the prerequisite condition is possessing a divine
flame. Secondly, to forge a divine armor, one must have
knowledge of the Divine World’s array formation talisman
symbols for it to be possible. Not all of our clan’s Star Realm
ancestors were lucky enough to possess a divine armor.”

Divine flame!

Divine World’s array formation talisman symbols!

Huang Xiaolong received another shock, however, knowing

that Temple Preceptor Ying Tian couldn't possibly have
forged a divine armor from this material, he felt immensely

After barely taking a few steps into the Deities Templar

center hall, two piercing sword rays shot out from the depth
of its hall, targeting Huang Xiaolong. Both swords were
aimed at his eyes.

Huang Xiaolong’s reflexes reacted before him, raising an

arm up in defense.

When both swords stabbed at his palm, a long vibrating

‘zheng!’ of metal crashing resounded, followed by an
exclamation of surprise from the inner part of the hall.

Obviously, the attacker was surprised that Huang Xiaolong

was able to block the swords so easily.

Deep in the center all, space distorted as two silhouettes

emerged from the void.

One of them was a middle-aged man clad in Deities

Templar’s brocade robes, with mile-long eyebrows falling
down the sides of his face. However, the style of his brocade
robe differed from the Elders and Grand Elders. There was a
small diagram on the chest of his robe, formed from a
mysterious talisman!
Whereas the other one was a handsome looking young man
wearing a blue star-robe. On the blue star-robe, clusters of
stars gathered, depicting the vast galaxy and its esoteric
profundity. The young man’s gaze was strangely soft and
feminine. He was carrying a sword at his back, an ancient

As the young man walked toward him, Huang Xiaolong felt

an invisible coercive sword energy locking onto him,
stabbing at his soul like it wanted to perforate it.

This was sword intent! Only when one’s cultivation of the

sword reached a certain threshold could sword intent be
formed! There was no doubt that this young man was a
genuine sword master!

Both men came to a stop about thirty meters from Huang

Xiaolong. Inwardly, the young man was secretly astonished
watching Huang Xiaolong’s calm demeanor, no signs of
being affected by his sword intent at all.

“Brother Mo Jie, I didn’t expect such a young expert to

appear in your Martial Spirit World!” The young man
laughingly said to the Deities Templar middle-aged man, “It
seems like I didn’t make this trip in vain!” His words were
spoken in a relaxed tone, perfunctory, not really putting
Huang Xiaolong in his eyes.

The middle-aged man smiled in reply, “Who doesn’t know

that you, Young Noble Absolute Kill, are our Black Tortoise
Galaxy’s genius that deterred ten thousand worlds.
Everyone has lost count of the number of geniuses that died
under your Absolute Kill Sword, this is merely a peak mid-
Tenth Order Saint realm, who knows if he can even last until
your third move!” He pointed a finger at Huang Xiaolong,
“This punk here is called Huang Xiaolong, you probably
know his Master, Ren Wokuang.”

“Oh, so it’s Ren Wokuang’s disciple.” At the mentioned of

Ren Wokuang, Young Noble Absolute Kill’s interest toward
Huang Xiaolong increased a little.

Huang Xiaolong merely watched the two men with a stoic


Black Tortoise Galaxy?

Young Noble Absolute Kill?

That middle-aged man should be Deities Templar’s only

Great Grand Elder.

This Deities Templar’s Great Grand Elder was just as

mysterious as Temple Preceptor Ying Tian. From what Huang
Xiaolong heard before this, no one had seen his true face,
yet his strength was said to be terrifying and unfathomable.

Huang Xiaolong could see that this Deities Templar Great

Grand Elder Mo Jie’s strength was infinitely close to breaking
into God Realm, a peak half-step God Realm.

Even amongst half-step God Realm experts, there was a

distinction between strong and weak. This Mo Jie, compared
to Nine Yang Valley Branch Master Chi Jiuyang, was many
times stronger. And definitely much stronger than those
ancient species demonic beasts that Huang Xiaolong dealt
with outside.

As for that Young Noble Absolute Kill, his strength was

certainly no weaker than Mo Jie.
“Since you’re Ren Wokuang’s disciple, tell me how many
moves of the Asura Sword Skill have you mastered.” Young
Noble Absolute Kill, Su Tang, went on, “My Absolute Kill
Sword does not unsheath easily, as long as you can take
three hits from me, I will allow you to leave this place.”

Huang Xiaolong sniggered coldly in retort, “If you can take

three moves from me, then I won’t take your life.”

Young Noble Absolute Kill Su Tang was dazed for a moment

staring Huang Xiaolong before bursting into laughter,
“Wonderful, so brazen! Just like me! You’re called Huang
Xiaolong, right? I’ll leave your corpse intact!” At the drop of
the last word, the ancient sword at his back flew out from its

Like the call of all phoenixes, a crisp, clear hum rang out.
Sharp sword light appeared, carrying world-splitting
momentum accompanied by frightening sword intent that
pierced the nine heavens, dispersing the sea of clouds.

Several thousand li in the far distance, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu,

and the other experts were all shaken by the sight of the
sky-piercing sword intent. Including Chi Jiuyang, who felt it
even more, causing his heart to palpitate.

“What a terrifying sword intent!” A film of sweat appeared

on Chi Jiuyang’s forehead. He most likely wouldn't be able to
take even one hit. One swing of that sword and he’d be split
into halves.

Inside the Deities Templar’s center hall, a rain of sword light

flew toward Huang Xiaolong like it was deadly set on
destroying everything in its path. Not even a God Realm
master’s tough physique was a match for it.
Myriad sword light pierced through Huang Xiaolong’s body
in an instant, however, it was merely his afterimage.

When the Absolute Kill sword chopped down where Huang

Xiaolong stood, its terrifying sword qi pierced deep into the
ground, cutting the hard floor like it was tofu.

Young Noble Absolute Kill was secretly stunned that Huang

Xiaolong was able to dodge his spontaneous attack, but he
harrumphed coldly. A silver glow shone from his eyes as the
Absolute Kill Sword rotated upward, raining down sword qi
to every corner of the spacious hall.

“Absolute Killings in One Direction!” Sword qi pierced

through every inch of space in the hall.

High up inside the hall, a series of metal collision noises

rang ‘dang! dang! Dang!’ forcing Huang Xiaolong to reveal
himself and his position, enmeshed by numerous sword qi
rays. Those sword qi rays then took the shape of sea
dragon, rotating at rapid speed accompanied by lightning’s
destructive power, sweeping out to all corners of the hall.

The sword qi of the Absolute Kill in One Directions move was

transformed into a different attack.

“Heart Demons Killing Sword!”

The Absolute Kill Sword returned to Young Noble Absolute

Kill Su Tang’s hand, and he thrust the sword straight at
Huang Xiaolong.

Heart demons existed in every human since they possessed

their own desires, their own obsessions. This Heart Demons
Killing Sword was intended to kill the demon in one’s heart.
It was as if Su Tang became one with the sword in his hand,
his entire being was the Absolute Kill Sword. Space cracked
and shattered where they passed.

Something resonated deep inside Huang Xiaolong’s heart

and his mind became disoriented.

Just when Huang Xiaolong was disoriented, Su Yang’s Heart

Demon Killing Sword qi stabbed into Huang Xiaolong’s
Chapter 511: Soul Binding Needle!

Chapter 511: Soul Binding Needle!

The instant the other side’s Absolute Kill Sword pierced into
his flesh, Huang Xiaolong felt a tearing pain travel up from
his heart! This kind of tearing pain was something that
Huang Xiaolong hadn't felt in a long time, ever since his
physique was reformed into the True Dragon Physique by
the Dragon Pearl!

In the nick of time, he pointed forward with both index

fingers, the Absolute Soul Finger roared out in attack,
straight at the enemy’s forehead. Young Noble Su Tang
withdrew by leaping back, his figure flickering in and out
between real and illusory, successfully avoiding Huang
Xiaolong’s Absolute Soul Finger.

Huang Xiaolong stole a quick glance at his chest and saw

that blood was flowing out. Red blood tinged with a hint of
golden as if Huang Xiaolong’s blood was an ancient
primordial dragon’s blood.

Young Noble Absolute Kill leaped back, pulling his sword out.
Shock was written all over his face as he stared at Huang
Xiaolong, “You actually did not die?!”

Although the Heart Demons Killing Sword did stab into

Huang Xiaolong’s chest where his heart was, Young Noble
Su Tang was clear that the stab merely pierced through
Huang Xiaolong’s flesh, without cutting into his heart.

It was nothing but a flesh wound!

The instant his sword pierced through Huang Xiaolong’s

skin, Young Noble Absolute Kill felt his hands numbed from
the impact.

“How can this be?!” Young Noble Absolute Kill Su Tang

muttered in bewilderment, mostly to himself.

His Absolute Kill Sword was a divine weapon. A treasure he

stumbled upon in a fortuitous encounter more than a
decade ago in an ancient land. His current strength
combined with a full force strike from the Absolute Kill
Sword could easily split apart a peak half-step God Realm
warrior’s physique, splitting the victim’s heart open.

But now…?!

Did this mean that Huang Xiaolong’s flesh was even more
powerful than an early God Realm master’s half-God Body?!

In that brief moment, these thoughts raced past Su Tang’s

mind. His eyes saw the wound on Huang Xiaolong’s chest
healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. The wound had
fully closed!

When Deities Templar’s Great Grand Elder Mo Jie saw that

Huang Xiaolong ultimately remained unharmed after being
stabbed by Young Noble Absolute Kill’s sword, he could
barely conceal the astonishment in his eyes. He was well
aware of Young Noble Absolute Kill’s strength. In retrospect,
if he was the one who received that attack just now, he
would have been gravely injured.

On the other hand, Huang Xiaolong ignored the shocked

expressions on these two men’s faces. His cold gaze fell on
Young Noble Absolute Kill Su Tang, “Your three moves are
done, it’s my turn to attack now!” Huang Xiaolong’s figure
had already disappeared from sight before the last word
could be heard.
Inwardly, Young Noble Absolute Kill was screaming ‘Shit!’
However, he was trapped by a sudden torrent of saber lights
that filled his proximity. Some saber lights transformed into
an angry thunderstorm, some transformed into lightning
flood dragons that covered the floor, while others into
blooming petals spinning in the air.

Young Noble Absolute Kill felt cornered. There was nowhere

to run, and nowhere to hide.

“Lifeline Amidst Plight!” He hollered in rage, propelling his

body forwards, once again becoming one with the Absolute
Kill Sword. Countless sword qi rays appeared from all
directions, violent, sharp, emitting monstrous killing intent.

Sword qi collided with saber lights.

Huang Xiaolong replied with a cold snort, delving into

another attack. The Asura Blades in his hands made a slash,
flying saber lights rotated at high speed, forming a blood
red eyeball, and some of them elongated into numerous

Su Tang was befuddled for a moment, but he recovered

fairly quickly. However, the chains formed of saber lights
enlarged in his pupils as they locked the space around him,
imprisoning him in a small spherical space.

“Absolute Kill Sword Barrier!” Sword qi hummed as it

vibrated at high speed, coming out from Su Tang’s body to
form a sword qi protective barrier around him.

Yet, at this time, Huang Xiaolong’s ten fingers bent like

claws, swiping at Su Tang. The Asura Demon Claw shredded
space, landing on the sword qi protective barrier with a
boom. The barrier shook violently and shattered into pieces.
The saber light chain snaked up Su Tang’s limbs and body,
binding him like a dumpling.

A shrill shriek rendered the air as Su Tang plummeted to the

floor from high above. The bone-deep saber wounds were
obvious to the eyes, as if his body could, at any time, fall
apart into several pieces.

“You!” Su Tang stared fixedly at Huang Xiaolong, then

erupted in a sudden laughter, “I didn’t imagine that you
could combine several of Asura Sword Skills and execute
them at the same time, multiplying their attack power! A
small little Martial Spirit World actually nurtured such a
genius. Fine, I lost. You’re called Huang Xiaolong, right? If
you want to kill me, then kill, I won’t retaliate.” Su Tang
struggled to his feet, swaying unsteadily on his feet.

Huang Xiaolong’s instincts were screaming danger all of a

sudden and he did not hesitate, initiating his innate martial
spirit ability, Space Concealment. In the split second after
Huang Xiaolong vanished into thin air, a stack of black
needles whistled through the spot he stood barely a second
ago, piercing into the stone pillars in the hall.

Underneath the daylight, these needles reflected a faint

green glow, a clear indication they were laced with toxic

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong exited the space pocket

with the same aloof expression on his face, looking at the
Deities Templar’s Great Grand Elder Mo Jie. Those poisonous
black needles came from Mo Jie’s sneak attack.

Great Grand Elder Mo Jie was surprised that Huang Xiaolong

actually dodged his poisonous needles, however, he
concealed it behind a cold laugh, “Huang Xiaolong, count
yourself lucky for dodging my poison needles. Regardless,
since you dare to walk into our Deities Templar
headquarters, then don’t dream of ever escaping. Here is
where your bones will lie!” Finished saying that, he
disappeared in a puff of smoke, undetectable.

When Mo Jie appeared again, he was behind Huang

Xiaolong, aiming his two fists at Huang Xiaolong’s back.

Huang Xiaolong spun around, clenching both hands into

fists, slamming them into the two fists coming at him.

Bang! A loud collision echoed in the hall, shockwaves

exploded, shattering the floor tiles into fragments. The
center hall building swayed like it was about to topple.

Mo Jie was forced back from the collision, wobbling more

than thirty meters before he managed to steady himself.
Both of his hands throbbed with numbness. He was beyond
shocked, only now did it dawn on him the terror of Huang
Xiaolong’s physique.

He failed to fathom how a human being could train their

physique to such an extent!

Yet, he laughed widely in the next moment. A brilliant smile

bloomed on his face, “Huang Xiaolong, you’ve been hit by
my Ten Points Poison Devil Scorpion Fist! My Ten Points
Poison Devil Scorpion Fist comes from absorbing the world’s
most toxic scorpion, the Purple Scorpion King’s poison, for
cultivation. Once struck by my fist the contains the Purple
Scorpion King’s poison, only a God Realm master’s half-True
Godforce will be able to dispel the poison from your body.
Now, you’re dead for sure!” As Mo Jie was boasting about
this, he even waved his fists around complacently in front of
Huang Xiaolong.
The skin on Mo Jie’s fists was inky black, looking like
aubergines. Bulky green veins protruded to the surface,
resembling lines of poisonous scorpions. Even the air around
his fists turned an inky black from contamination. This was
clear proof of its acute toxicity.

Huang Xiaolong looked at his own two fists. Strands of black

energy could be seen swirling on his skin, moving up along
the length of his arms, wiggling their way to his heart.

Mo Jie let out another burst of triumphant laughter watching

Huang Xiaolong’s reaction.

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong sneered when a dark red

energy flowed out from his body. In an instant, that inky
black mist wiggling up his arms was incinerated with a snap.

“You!” Great Grand Elder Mo Jie’s wide smile froze stiffly on

his face.

The dark red energy flow was a form of Huang Xiaolong’s

true essence fire.

Deities Templar Great Grand Elder Mo Jie once again

transformed into a vapor of smoke, disappearing from view
and re-emerging above Huang Xiaolong’s head.

“Soul Binding Needle!”

He was holding numerous black needles in his hands,

pinning them down on Huang Xiaolong from above.

Huang Xiaolong had his guard up the whole time. In an

instant, a layer of black scales emerged from his skin and
two pointed horns grew on his forehead. Strands of dark red
energy swirled close to his body. Instead of summoning the
twin dragon martial spirits, Huang Xiaolong released the
suppression on his Asura bloodline, transforming into the
Asura Physique.

When those black needles were inches from the crown of his
head, Huang Xiaolong blocked with his arms. The black
needles that hit Huang Xiaolong’s arms were repelled

At this precise moment, a piercing sharp sword qi exploded

into a resplendent light. With a mad slash, it aimed a
horizontal cut across Huang Xiaolong’s throat.

“One Sword Cleaving the Heavens!”

The attack came from the gravely injured Young Noble

Absolute Kill, Su Tang.
Chapter 512: Star Sword Sect

Young Noble Absolute Kill’s eyes were scarlet, filled with

violent killing intent.

“My One Sword Cleaving the Heavens can even split a

divine stone in half, I want to see if it still can’t chop your
head off!” His crazed voice shrieked. But his body suddenly
disappeared, leaving only horrifying sword qi.

Zheng! A loud noise of metal clashing rang out as the sword

qi met Huang Xiaolong’s throat like striking against an iron
wall. A burst of fire sparked due to friction, then the sword qi
died out. However, the actual Absolute Kill Sword appeared
with a swift horizontal cut across Huang Xiaolong’s throat,
giving anyone under those circumstances no time to react.

For this attack, Young Noble Su Tang exerted every shred of

power left in him, his spirit, his soul, his will. This was an
attack driven by intense killing intent. The most powerful
attack belonging to a peak half-step God Realm master.

A sure-kill sword attack! And it was many times stronger

than the previous Heart Demons Killing Sword.

The moment after Young Noble Absolute Kill felt his sword
make contact with Huang Xiaolong’s throat, he leaped ten
meters back looking slightly pale, panting hard as he stared
at Huang Xiaolong. This one full force attack took everything
out of him.

The saber wounds Huang Xiaolong left on his body split

open once again, with more blood flowing out, dyeing his
body and tattered robe red. Despite that, he wasn’t the
least bit concerned with all these, his eyes were fixed on
Huang Xiaolong’s throat, refusing to blink until he confirmed
the result with his own eyes.

A sword slash appeared on Huang Xiaolong’s throat. From

that sword slash, a thin cut mark ran across his skin. Blood
gurgled out endlessly along the cut.

Watching this, Young Noble Absolute Kill breathed in heavy

relief, the joy on his face evident. In the next moment
however, he saw spots of blue light rise from Huang
Xiaolong’s feet to his head. Surrounded by these spots of
blue light, the sword slashed and cut on Huang Xiaolong’s
throat began to heal at horrifying speed.

Innate martial spirit ability, Instant Recovery!

“No, impossible!” Young Noble Absolute Kill’s face was

blood-drained, falling into denial as he shook his head
vehemently, giving birth to hopelessness and despair inside

Even this failed to injure the other party?!

Was he still human?! That was a monster that wouldn't feel

pain being beaten, and couldn't be killed!

Horror! This was the first time in his life when Su Tang felt

In recent years, the number of half-step God Realm experts

that died in his hands exceeded a few dozens, if not a
hundred. That included peak half-step God Realm experts,
but now, he was rendered helpless by a mere peak mid-
Tenth Order Saint realm human, leaving a trauma in his

“God Destroying Palm!”

A cold harrumph broke the brief moment of silence. Great
Grand Elder Mo Jie made another attempt to kill Huang
Xiaolong by slamming his palm down on Huang Xiaolong’s
head. The size of his palm enlarged to a tremendous size as
if it could cover the heavens. Before the palm arrived, the
tile floor beneath Huang Xiaolong’s feet cracked, and even
the earth shook.

Mo Jie may be fast, but Huang Xiaolong was much faster. His
figure vanished in an instant. Before Mo Jie could react,
Huang Xiaolong was already right above his head, slapping
down an Asura Demon Claw down at the back of Mo Jie’s

When the noise of impact subsided, Great Grand Elder Mo

Jie was lying face-down on the floor. Huang Xiaolong’s figure
flickered into a blur, appearing in front of Young Noble
Absolute Kill, Su Tang.

Su Tang’s face contorted with fear.

“Wait!” He shouted, but the Absolute Kill Sword made a

sudden thrust at Huang Xiaolong. Still, his movements were
too slow.

Shaping his left hand into a claw, Huang Xiaolong’s Asura

Demon Claw pierced right through Mo Jie’s chest, coming
out from his back. With a wave, Su Tang’s body was sent
flying, only Huang Xiaolong’s hand maintained the same
angle, holding something bloody in his palm—Su Tang’s
beating heart.

With a little pressure, Su Tang’s heart exploded into pieces.

Su Tang fell to a corner of the center hall with blood spurting

madly from his mouth, and eyes widened with unwillingness
staring at Huang Xiaolong.
“Huang Xiaolong, I’m a core disciple of the Star Sword Sect.
This time, I came over to the Martial Spirit World because of
Mo Jie’ invitation, there was no intention of becoming
enemies with you!” Su Tang blurted out: “You cannot kill

Unfortunately, just as Su Tang shouted, the Blade of Asura in

Huang Xiaolong’s hand cut down from the top of Su Tang’s
head. A horrifying saber light split Su Tang’s body into
halves from his nose down to his crotch.

Su Tang’s voice died instantaneously as he stared at his

lower body. Then, his body halves separated, falling in
opposite directions. Blood splattered all over the floor.

Huang Xiaolong did not bother to take a second look, taking

out the Ghosts and Devils Flag and summoning the Poison
Corpse Scarabs.

These were a half-step God Realm experts’ flesh and soul,

and precious resources shouldn’t be left in vain. Before
these two banes, not even Su Tang’s soul could escape his
fate of becoming nourishment for the Devils and Ghosts
Flag and the Poison Corpse Scarabs.

“Huang Xiaolong, the Star Sword Sect will not spare you!”
The last words Su Tang shouted before his true death,
echoing in the spacious hall.

Huang Xiaolong was unperturbed.

‘Star Sword Sect?’

When he was just a small Xiantian realm warrior, he didn’t

even put the Deities Templar in his eyes. At the time, if a
flood comes, he’ll cover it with soil, if soldiers come, the
general will battle.
After dealing with Su Tang’s corpse, Huang Xiaolong turned
around, ordering the Poison Corpse Scarabs and the Devils
and Ghosts Flag to start on Great Grand Elder Mo Jie.

After the two corpses were handled, Huang Xiaolong put

away their spatial rings. With the Eye of Hell, he looked
deeper into the hall.

A dozen breaths later, Huang Xiaolong closed the Eye of

Hell. He was frowning in wonder, for Deities Templar’s
Temple Preceptor Ying Tian was actually not around. And Li
Lu was nowhere to be seen either.

Did that Ying Tian somehow predict that he would attack

Deities Templar and escaped in advance?

No, Huang Xiaolong shook his head. His plan of attacking

Deities Templar had no way of being leaked, Deities Templar
couldn’t have gotten wind on it. Ying Tian probably did not
know. If he did, he probably would have taken some
precautionary measures, and Huang Xiaolong definitely
won't be able to reach here so easily.

Huang Xiaolong flew into the inner hall, scanning the

surrounding with his spiritual sense and combing every inch
carefully. Even so, he failed to detect any signs of Ying Tian
and Li Lu.

“It seems like Ying Tian really isn't here!” Admittedly, Huang
Xiaolong was disappointed. He had thought that he’d be
able to uproot Deities Templar in one fell swoop this time
around. He wouldn't be able to feel at ease for a day unless
Ying Tian was dead.

Although he failed to find Ying Tian, Huang Xiaolong ran into

quite a few Deities Templar’s experts hidden inside the inner
hall, and those people were easily dealt with.
Other than peak half-step God Realm, Huang Xiaolong cared
not for other warriors. After making checking the center hall
and inner hall one last time, Huang Xiaolong flew out of the

Outside, screams of killing and slaughter rendered the air,

blood flowed into a river. The island ground was dyed red by
the Deities Templar disciples’ blood, even the ancient trees
and the green shrubs turned blood red.

Everywhere on the island were Deities Templar’s terrified

disciples. The group of high-level Xiantian realm disciples
was more than hundred thousands in number, yet within an
hour’s time, half of them were done in by Zhao Shu, Zhang
Fu, and the rest of Asura’s Gate experts. Whereas Saint
realm experts, there were only two hundred or so remaining.

Huang Xiaolong stood high in the air above. A simple punch

from him, through the distance space, directly blasted a
Saint realm expert into pieces.

Three hours later, all of Deities Templar’s disciples, including

Saint realm experts were annihilated.

The blood-curdling screams stopped, leaving an eerily silent


“Clean up.” Huang Xiaolong said to Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu.

Suddenly, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi shouted a warning in his

mind: “Look out!”

Before Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi could finish his words, a

hand emerged from the void above. A hand resembling
white lustrous jade underneath the sun rays, reflecting an
alluring glow. A single finger lightly pointed at Huang
Xiaolong’s chest.
Huang Xiaolong’s body shuddered, falling down into a deep
Chapter 513: Firmament Jade Emperor Heavenly Physique?


“Liege Lord Beast God!”

Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the experts under Huang Xiaolong
reacted, crying out as they flew to his side from many
different directions.

Deep at the bottom of the pit, Huang Xiaolong gradually

recovered his ability to move. With a minuscule shake, he
shook the soil off his body and flew out.

Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the others were astounded looking
at the large hole on Huang Xiaolong’s torso. Blood flowed
rapidly, dyeing a red blossom on his robe.

Everyone sucked in a cold breath watching his wound, for

they knew how horrifying Huang Xiaolong’s physique was,
yet it was pierced through by a finger!

At this time, several enraged Ten Directions Continent

experts began attacking that jade-like finger.

The jade finger merely moved slightly and it reflected a

horrifying white-jade glow underneath the sunlight, the
several Ten Directions Continent experts’ bodies exploded
before they even got close to it.

This scene was a blow to everyone on Huang Xiaolong’s


“All of you withdraw!” Huang Xiaolong barked a command at

Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and those who prepared to attack.
Huang Xiaolong was sure that the other party was a God
Realm Master! Only a God Realm Master could have such a
terrifying power in just one finger, if Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, or
the others went up, they would only be dying vain.

Receiving Huang Xiaolong’s stern order, Zhao Shu and all

those who prepared to dash forward in attack halted their
movements and retreated to the side, complying with the

Huang Xiaolong initiated Instant Recovery, accelerating the

healing of the wound on his torso.

A surprised exclamation sounded from the sky above.

Obviously, the other side did not expect Huang Xiaolong to
recover so quickly after taking a hit from his finger.

Huang Xiaolong tilted his head, looking at the void above

with cold eyes, both of his hands struck with the Asura
Demon Claw skyward. In a radius of several li, the cries of
demons’ laments filled the land.

The other side still used one finger, lightly tapping at the
Asura Demon Claws, instantly shattering them midway.
Space quivered violently as a silhouette enshrouded in
rolling black fog appeared in the vision of everyone on the

Black fog surged in silence, exuding a strong death aura.

From afar, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the other Saint realm
experts felt hard to breathe despite the distance from the
black fog.

“Ying Tian!” Huang Xiaolong stared at the other side coldly.

No doubt, this young man shrouded in an always-present
black fog was the Deities Templar’s Temple Preceptor, Ying
Ying Tian stood with his hands clasped at his back, looking
at Huang Xiaolong with an expressionless face, “I didn’t
expect you to have already killed your way inside in the
short time I’ve been away, but it’s fine like this, saves me
from making a trip.”

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong’s nonchalant calmness

matched Ying Tian’s expressionless face. Black and blue
twin dragon martial spirits flew out from Huang Xiaolong’s
body, emitting the aura of an ancient Dragon God, the
majestic might of a dragon enveloped the entire island. He
soul transformed in a blink.

Thick dragon scales surfaced on Huang Xiaolong’s skin like a

godly armor, his chest, his arms, and legs. Long sharp
spikes lined the length of his legs, reflected the sunlight with
a chilling glint. A tattoo-like image of the black and blue
dragon heads appeared on Huang Xiaolong’s back.

His irises seemed to turn a dark golden color, sans of any


At the same time, Huang Xiaolong triggered the Asura

bloodline in him and a dark red energy flowed just above
the layer of thick dragon scales. The combined auras of an
ancient Dragon God and a Hell Asura gave everyone
palpitations, unable to restrain themselves from prostrating
in awe. Even Temple Preceptor Ying Tian’s eyes narrowed in
a dignified manner.

A Huang Xiaolong that had soul transformed with the twin

dragons martial spirits and released the suppression on his
Asura bloodline actually gave him a sense of danger.

A sense of danger birthed from his heart!

However, Ying Tian remained motionless with his hands at
his back, looking at Huang Xiaolong with the same
expressionless face, “I admit that I have underestimated
you in the past, allowing you to grow to this extent in a
mere few years’ time. But, it has come to an end.” His
momentum rose, his brocade robe started fluttering without

What surprised Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the watching Saint
realm experts was the fact that Ying Tian transformed,
looking like a suet white-jade, emitting the same lustrous
glow of jade.

“Little Huang brat, you need to be careful, this is the

Firmament Jade Emperor Heavenly Physique!” Dragon
Emperor Ao Taiyi’s reminder sounded in Huang Xiaolong’s

“Firmament Jade Emperor Heavenly Physique?” Huang

Xiaolong blanked.

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi nodded as he explained, “The

universe is vast, filled with countless geniuses. Some of
these geniuses are born with innate heavenly physiques,
and the Firmament Jade Emperor Heavenly Physique is one
of them, possessing formidable defense. This kid has
awakened the power of the Firmament Jade Emperor
Heavenly Physique.”

Huang Xiaolong frowned. In short, this Ying Tian had a very

strong defense.

It goes without saying that a God Realm master possessed

the powerful physique of a half-God Body, that level of
defense was already horrifying, close to immortal. Now,
Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi was saying that the other side had
a unique physique called Firmament Jade Emperor Heavenly
physique? It seemed like wanting to kill the other party
would pose some difficulties.

It was at this point that Temple Preceptor Ying Tian attacked.

“Heaven’s Tribulation Finger!” His chilling voice rang out as

his made a pointing gesture at Huang Xiaolong. When his
fingers moved, puffs of gray clouds shrouded the slender
suet white-jade finger. Clouds rolled in the sky, with dark
purple lightning streaking in their midst, arriving in close
proximity to Huang Xiaolong’s chest in a split second.

Huang Xiaolong’s heart tightened!

‘So fast!’

He keenly felt the boundless destructive power contained in

this Heaven’s Tribulation Finger. If this finger attack hit him,
he would end up much worse than the previous time.

Huang Xiaolong immediately retreated into a space pocket,

and at the same time, he used Phantom Shadow. The Blades
of Asura were already in his hands, swinging out the moves
of the Asura Sword Skill.

A myriad saber lights transformed into a fierce tempest,

angry rainstorm, lightning flood dragons, a thousand
blossoms, winding chains, a mountain of knives and sea of

Although Huang Xiaolong had yet to practice the latter ten

moves of the Asura Sword Skill, he succeeded in combining
and mastering the first eight moves. Every singular move he
cast contained the power of the other seven moves.

And every move respectively differed from each other.

The tempest tore everything in its path, the rainstorm
submerged everything beneath it, the lightning flood
dragons destroying everything in their path, the red eyeball
confused the enemy, while the chains shackled the enemy
in place.

In a mere breath’s time, the two of them had attacked and

countered more than a dozen moves.

Horrifying shockwaves blasted everywhere, scaring the

experts watching below to retreat even further away. The
ancient towering trees on the island exploded in splinters,
disappearing as dust. Mountain peaks were sliced and
crumbled by saber qi one after another, cutting deep
fissures in the mountain range.

In Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the Saint realm experts’ view,
they only saw two spheres of light colliding with each other
again and again in high altitude, even the half-step God
realm Chi Jiuyang couldn't clearly see the moves made by
the two people above.

“Is this the strength of a God Realm master?” Chi Jiuyang

stared fixedly at the black sphere of light representing
Temple Preceptor Ying Tian, dumbstruck with awe. But what
flabbergasted him the most was Huang Xiaolong’s strength.

If this was in the past, someone telling him that a peak mid-
Tenth Order Saint realm warrior could have battle strength
on par with a God Realm master, he definitely would not
believe it.

But now!

Everyone on the ground held their breaths, their fingers

digging into their palms.
Then, Ying Tian and Huang Xiaolong separated after a
powerful collision, standing at opposite ends.

Temple Preceptor Ying Tian still looked deadpan as he

looked at Huang Xiaolong, however, inwardly, he was
extremely shocked. Despite holding the upper hand in the
short exchange just now, one mustn’t forget that he was a
God Realm master that possessed the Firmament Jade
Emperor Heavenly Physique. He actually couldn't defeat a
mere peak mid-Tenth Orde Saint realm within a hundred

After soul transformation, whether it was strength, speed, or

defense, Huang Xiaolong wasn't any weaker than him!

“Very good!” Temple Preceptor Ying Tian observed Huang

Xiaolong, “Your body’s toughness really surprised me. Since
it is so, I shall give you the honor of dying under my Soul
Seize Red Dust Reversal Technique.” With that said, a
mysterious force bubbled forth internally from Ying Tian’s

Huang Xiaolong’s pupils shrunk watching this; ‘Finally, he’s

going to use the Soul Seize Red Dust Reversal Technique.’
Chapter 514: Ying Tian'S
Chapter 514: Ying Tian's Death

The Soul Seize Red Dust Reversal Technique was considered

as one of the more sinister and powerful evil techniques in
the ancient times!

Huang Xiaolong had previously asked Dragon Emperor Ao

Taiyi, and even him only had high praises for this Soul Seize
Red Dust Reversal Technique. In his explanation, when the
cultivation of this Soul Seize Red Dust Reversal Technique
reached perfect completion, it could even reverse time and
space, causing the time and space of an area to flow in
reverse, or forcefully speed up an opponent. Just from these
two points, one could imagine the horror of this Soul Seize
Red Dust Reversal Technique.

Temple Preceptor Ying Tian lifted his arms up, his flat palms
glimmering a lustrous glow as his palms waved down, soft
and gentle. Yet, what baffled those watching was that his
palms seemingly contained no energy, as if they ‘floated’

But Huang Xiaolong noticeably went a shade paler sensing

the space around his spiraling in disorder, followed by an
invisible palm force slamming down on him. Left with no
time to think, his innate martial spirit abilities, Space
Concealment and Phantom Shadow, were used
simultaneously. Just as Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette flickered
away, the formless palm force brushed past the place he
was in a split second ago.
Huang Xiaolong immediately saw the space where he stood
earlier being severely distorted, like a piece of paper twisted
into dust.

“Hiding? Let’s see how many times you can hide!” Seeing
that Huang Xiaolong dodged his attack, Ying Tian snorted
with malice. His palms opened wide to the sides, fingers
bent into claws. Clouds of pale violet gaseous energy
spurted from his fingers, growing bigger and spreading,
causing space within a hundred li to turn upside down.
Space distorted as the energy spiraled like a vortex.

Ying Tian’s aim was to force Huang Xiaolong into a corner,

until he had nowhere to run and no place to hide.

It was at this moment that golden rings spread out and

expanded several li in front of Ying Tian, following by a
dozen palm imprints at their trail.

Within a hundred li radius, the unstable, reversed and

chaotic spiraling space gradually slowed down to a stop as
the golden circles passed through.

Temple Preceptor Ying Tian’s narrowed his eyes to slits,

“This is, the God Binding Palm!?”

“Correct, God Binding Palm.” Huang Xiaolong emerged into

view, confirming with a cold voice. The God Binding Palm’s
binding force was far stronger than he had hoped, to be able
to stop the other side’s reversal force! Huang Xiaolong was
inwardly delighted.

Temple Preceptor Ying Tian let out a cold harrumph. Turning

around, a whelming pulling force dragged Huang Xiaolong
toward himself.
On the other end, Huang Xiaolong felt dizzy all of a sudden,
and a tearing pain like his soul was about to fly out of his

‘Is this the Soul Seized Red Dust Reversal Technique?!’

Huang Xiaolong quickly forced himself to focus, protecting

his mind, when from the depth of his consciousness, an
intense dark purple light shone. The Soul Seize force from
Ying Tian was cut off by this dark purple light. Huang
Xiaolong immediately returned to normal.

It was the Absolute Soul Pearl!

That dark purple light just now was emitted by the fourth-
ranked Heavenly Treasure, the Absolute Soul Pearl.

It did not occur to Ying Tian that his soul Seize power would
be cut off suddenly. His body swayed, nearly suffering a

“The Eleventh move, Dragon Astounding the Fiendgod!”

In a flicker, Huang Xiaolong crossed the distance, appearing

in front of Temple Preceptor Ying Tian, both palms striking
out. Dragon qi transformed into eleven primordial divine
dragons, water dragon, fire dragon, golden dragon, Buddha
dragon, and others. Their claws pierced into Ying Tian’s

Temple Preceptor Ying Tian merely snorted, his arms

extended out and lightly swiped in front of him. With soft
waving and throwing gestures, the eleven primordial divine
dragons formed from dragon qi were flung far away.

All eleven primordial divine dragons crashed into the far

mountain range on the island, turning the peaks into
flatlands. A violent quake spread across the whole island
with signs of it splitting from the center.

Huang Xiaolong was inwardly taken aback.

This Soul Seize Red Dust Reversal Technique was indeed

formidable, able to dispel the eleventh move of his Dragon
God attack, redirecting the energy to another place. This
move resembled the Taiji Fist on Earth in his past life, using
softness to overcome hardness, borrowing the power of
others to deflect their attack. But this was much more
powerful than the Taiji Fist many times over.

Regaining his senses after overcoming his shock, a

thousand arms fanned out from Huang Xiaolong’s back.

“The Twelfth Move, Dragon God Killing God!”

One thousand arms attacked simultaneously, each arm

forming twelve divine dragons, a total of twelve thousand
divine dragons flew out. Dragon roars thundered endlessly,
filled with vast and boundless dragon might.

Huang Xiaolong watched on coldly. He was waiting to see

how Ying Tian would take this attack.

In the far distance, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the rest stared
dumbly at the sky filled with flying divine dragons.

Deities Templar Temple Preceptor Ying Tian’s face tightened,

leaping backward in retreat. At the same time, his body
burst out with a unique magnificent light, both hands
waving in a certain rhythm. Countless divine dragons were
thrown out of the way, resulting in a series of loud crashes
coming from the island surface.
The island below shook nonstop and parts of its land begin
to crumble.

Whereas high above, Ying Tian was subsequently forced

back again and again.

A cold snicker sounded from Huang Xiaolong as he narrowed

the distance between them, once again appearing in front of
Ying Tian. The Blades of Asura in his hands swung out
without hesitation.

Ying Tian raised his right arm with the palm facing forward.
At the center of his right palm, a golden talisman symbol
suddenly shone as he slapped the palm down.

“Deity-Splitting Dao Canon Seal!”

A golden giant palm imprint howled through the air, with the
golden talisman symbol at the center resembling the one in
Ying Tian’s palm, burning with a glaring light.

The saber lights exploded and shattered.

When the saber lights exploded, the minuscule golden

symbol on Huang Xiaolong’s forehead made by the Dragon
Pearl shone brightly, and a five-clawed golden dragon flew
out from the Dragon Pearl. The five-clawed golden dragon
transformed into a flash of golden light, piercing a hole
through Ying Tian’s body in the blink of an eye. As it came
out on the other side, its sharp claws slammed against Ying
Tian’s back.

Ying Tian’s half-God Body exploded, and the five-clawed

golden dragon returned to the Dragon Pearl in Huang
Xiaolong’s forehead.
The sudden turn of events was out of everyone’s

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were so stunned that they forgot to


Huang Xiaolong was still staring at the spot where Ying

Tian’s body exploded from the five-clawed golden dragon’s
attack on his back.

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi was Huang Xiaolong’s real hidden

trump card. This was also the main reason for Huang
Xiaolong’s confidence in attacking the Deities Templar
headquarters, the confidence to kill Deities Templar’s
Temple Preceptor that had broke through to God Realm.

Although Temple Preceptor Ying Tian possessed the

Firmament Jade Emperor Heavenly Physique and a God
Realm cultivation, which gave him a half-God Body, before
Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi it was no different than a slightly
sturdy wood plank.

Ying Tian’s exploded body began to ripple and the pieces of

flesh began re-merging at rapid speed.

Watching this, Huang Xiaolong directed a spark of true

essence fire to his palm as he walked toward Ying Tian,
slapping the fire onto the moving flesh.

Blood-curdling screams from Ying Tian rendered the air, the

messy glob of flesh quivered violently, sending out lumps of
suet white-jade glow to the sky, seemingly making a last
desperate struggle. However, after being injured by Dragon
Emperor Ao Taiyi, and having a body in pieces that had yet
to integrate, how could he possibly defend against Huang
Xiaolong’s true essence fire?
Muffled sounds of explosion rang out one after another, and
gradually, the agonized screams of Temple Preceptor Ying
Tian became weak whimpers.

“Where’s Li Lu?” Huang Xiaolong questioned coldly, “Tell me

Li Lu’s whereabouts and I can allow you to die more

Ying Tian spat sharply, “I’m the Ying Family’s top genius,
already a God Realm warrior, possessing a half-God Body, I
cannot die! A measly Saint realm like you cannot possibly
kill me!!”

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong pushed the force in his dantian
to the limit. A thousand arms at his back struck Temple
Preceptor Ying Tian. One thousand Earthen Buddha Palms
shrouded in true essence fire once again blasted Ying Tian’s
body into pieces.

One hour later, under the continuous attacks of Huang

Xiaolong’s true essence fire, Ying Tian’s tragic screams
finally subsided.

Deities Templar’s Temple Preceptor Ying Tian—dead!

The moment Temple Preceptor Ying Tian died, Huang

Xiaolong breathed out in relief. Fortunately, there was
Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi with him, otherwise he really might
not have been able to kill the Deities Templar’s Temple

At Huang Xiaolong’s current strength level, using the Godly

Xumi Art, he could, at most, defeat the other party, but
taking his life was not possible.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong had finally killed Deities

Templar’s strongest expert, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the
others were overjoyed, quickly flying to Huang Xiaolong’s
Chapter 515: Black Tortoise Galaxy

“Sovereign is mighty!”

“Lord Beast God is mighty!”

Reaching Huang Xiaolong’s side, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and

those of beastmen and demonic beasts experts knelt on the
ground and sang his praises.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, gesturing for everyone to get up.

“Ten in a team, everyone scatter and search for any

survivors. If anyone is found alive, kill!” Zhao Shu, Zhang
Fu, and everyone acknowledged the order respectfully,
heading off in different directions in groups of ten, combing
every corner of the island.

Slightly over an hour later, all the experts assembled once

again before Huang Xiaolong to report their findings. After a
detailed search by Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the others
experts, they indeed found some Deities Templar disciples
hidden in obscure spots. All were killed after being found.

Huang Xiaolong stared at the floating island below, a

thousand arms appeared from his back.

“The Fifteenth Move, Unrivaled Myriad Dragons!”

Each one of the thousand arms launched an attack of fifteen

divine dragons, from the five elements of water, fire, wind,
wood, and golden dragons to the Buddha dragon, followed
by the black, white, hump, bone, nether, devil, true, and ice
One thousand arms, amounting to fifteen thousand divine
dragons flexing their powerful claws and smashing them
onto the island below. Zhao Shu and the rest witnessed the
enormous island in front of them quake, with cracks and
fissure lining its the surface, crumbling into pieces and
plummeting down. Finally, the whole island disappeared,
submerged to the bottom of the sea.

The experts sucked in a cold breath of air watching this

scene. Collapsing an enormous island with a single attack!
This kind of strength was probably on par with a God Realm

In truth, the reason why Huang Xiaolong was able to shatter

the island with a single punch was due to the battle earlier
with Temple Preceptor Ying Tian. The aftershock of their
battle had rendered the island on the verge of collapse,
therefore Huang Xiaolong’s last attack was able to break up
the island entirely.

“We’re leaving!” Huang Xiaolong waved an arm signaling to

the others while watching the Deities Templar island and
headquarters’ ruins plummet to the bottom of the sea, then
they left the place.

With Ying Tian dead and the Deities Templar headquarters

destroyed, the next step was to uproot all Deities Templar’s
branches. These branches did not pose any real danger, but
if they rallied up together, it was still quite a force.

Hence, Huang Xiaolong was determined to eradicate all

troubles at the roots.

Deities Templar’s disciples, not one must remain!

Subsequently, departing from the Dead Sea Gorge, Huang

Xiaolong did not return to the Starcloud Continent, instead,
he led the experts over to the Snow Wind Continent to pay a
visit to every Deities Templar branch. More than nine-tenths
of them were located on Snow Wind Continent.

“Old Dragon, what’s that about Black Tortoise Galaxy?” On

the way, Huang Xiaolong asked Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi.

“You don't know about the Black Tortoise Galaxy?” It was

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi who was surprised instead.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, “I have never left Martial Spirit


“No wonder, but some of your subordinates should know.”

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi said, “Since you’ve asked, then let
me explain about this Black Tortoise Galaxy to you. You
already know that other than this Martial Spirit World, there
are many other world surfaces such as Peace Emperor
World, Dragonsnake World, Undefeated King World, Ice
World, and Luo He World.

“This, I’m aware.” Huang Xiaolong said.

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi nodded, “These are world surfaces

in close proximity to Martial Spirit World, and our Martial
Spirit World, Peace Emperor World, and Dragonsnake World
are in fact located within the Black Tortoise Galaxy. World
surfaces such as this Martial Spirit or Peace Emperor, the
Black Tortoise Galaxy has more than ten thousand of them.”

“What? More than ten thousand?!” Huang Xiaolong was

genuinely shocked, and it showed on his face, feeling that
the enormity of things was too incredible.


Extremely dumbfounded!
Huang Xiaolong swallowed with difficulty, his throat dry.

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi laughed at his reaction, “What, did

I frighten you? This is actually very normal. Anyone who
heard about this for the first time would react the same
way, including me when I first came to know about it. In
fact, the Azure Dragon Galaxy next to us is many times
bigger. Our Black Tortoise Galaxy has approximately one
hundred and twenty-three thousand such world surfaces,
whereas the Azure Dragon Galaxy has more than one
hundred and ninety-one thousand world surfaces!”

Azure Dragon Galaxy, one hundred and ninety-one


Once again, Huang Xiaolong was stunned agape. It took him

a moment to recover.

“Are there many galaxies like the Black Tortoise Galaxy and
Azure Dragon Galaxy?” Huang Xiaolong asked after
regaining his senses.

“That’s right, below the Divine World surfaces, there are

countless galaxies like these.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi
said. Our Black Tortoise Galaxy is under the Divine World’s
Vientiane Area's governance. The Vientiane Divine Surface
controls four galaxies in total, including our Black Tortoise
Galaxy. The others are called Azure Dragon Galaxy, White
Tiger Galaxy, and Vermillion Bird Galaxy.”

Black Tortoise, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Vermillion Bird!

The four big galaxies!

Divine World’s Vientiane Divine Surface!

Huang Xiaolong could hardly contain the excitement in his

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong realized that he had been

looking at the sky from the bottom of a well in the past. He
had thought that there were, at most, a hundred or so world
surfaces like the Martial Spirit World, or perhaps two
hundred. But now he knew better, and even he found his
past assumptions simply ridiculous and unbelievably naive.

More than one hundred and twenty-three thousand! And

that was merely in one Black Tortoise Galaxy! A light shone
in the depth of his pupils, ‘It seems like after I unify the
Martial Spirit World, I'm leaving this world surfaces.’

Amongst the vast galaxy, Martial Spirit World was

equivalent to a countryside.

“In the Divine World, how many divine surfaces are there
that are similar to the Vientiane Divine Surface?” Huang
Xiaolong’s curiosity showed.

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi shook his head, “I’ve never been to

the Divine World, so don’t ask me this. But I guess it’s not a
small number.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

“Then do you know anything about the Star Sword Sect and
that Ying Family?” Recalling something from earlier, Huang
Xiaolong asked. That Young Noble Absolute Kill, Su Tang,
shouted out loud that he was from the Star Sword Sect,
while Deities Templar’s Temple Preceptor Ying Tian claimed
that he was from a certain Ying Family.

“I’ve heard a little about Star Sword Sect, it’s an old sect of
our Black Tortoise Galaxy that goes back more than ten
thousand years, therefore they're quite well-known in the
Black Tortoise Galaxy. There are quite a few masters in their
ranks, but no Highgod Realm warriors.” Dragon Emperor Ao
Taiyi went on, “As for that Ying Family, I don’t know, I've
never heard of it. It's probably a new family that rose to
power in the recent ten thousand years or so.”

Huang Xiaolong frowned, he didn’t expect the Star Sword

Sect to actually have such a long heritage, exceeding ten
thousand years. Even if all the past ancestors of the Star
Sword Sect took one wife each, after several thousands of
years of reproduction, one couldn't even count the number
of generations since then!

While it was possible that the Ying Family was a new rising
family, just a mere Ying Tian was already a God Realm
master, one could imagine the powerful force that this
family possessed.

As if knowing his thoughts, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi said,

“You don’t need to underestimate yourself, I’ve reigned over
an ancient era and have come across countless geniuses in
the Black Tortoise Galaxy, but I've yet to see one with a
talent like yours. I believe that in another few hundred years
there will be a place for you amongst the ranks of Black
Tortoise Galaxy’s top masters!”

Huang Xiaolong nodded in silence. It was just that a few

hundred years seemed a little too long.

One day later, the group arrived at Snow Wind Continent.

However, just as they arrived on the Snow Wind Continent,

Huang Xiaolong’s group heard a piece of news saying that
the many branches of Deities Templar had assembled
together to attack the Duanren Empire.
Huang Xiaolong and his group were stunned hearing it, then
he grinned at Zhao Shu and the others, “Even with Ying
Tian’s death, these Deities Templar branches are still in the
mood to attack the Duanren Empire.”

“Come, we’re heading to the Duanren Empire!”
Chapter 516: Someone
The Likes Of You Is
Capable Of Killing Our
Temple Preceptor?
Chapter 516: Someone the Likes of You Is Capable of Killing
Our Temple Preceptor?

With a single command, Huang Xiaolong led the grand

parade of Saint realm experts, rushing all the way to the
Duanren Empire. Among the one thousand Saint realm
experts that he brought to Deities Templar headquarters, a
little more than ninety people had fallen in battle. Over nine
hundred Saint realm experts remained.

While Huang Xiaolong rushed over with Zhao Shu and the
others, on the other side, the Deities Templar branch forces’
great army was getting closer to the Duanren Imperial City.

The Deities Templar branches managed to amass a great

army exceeding forty million, the weaker ones were peak
late-Houtian Tenth Order, and over two million Xiantian
realm experts. Those Houtian warriors and the early and
mid-levels Xiantian realm experts were disciples of big
families and large sects from different kingdoms on Snow
Wind Continent that submitted to Deities Templar.

Even if the Duanren Empire possessed a great army of its

own, before the Deities Templar’s massive army of forty
million, they were nothing but vulnerable.
“Elder Zhang, in half a day’s time our Deities Templar great
army will be able to suppress the Duanren Imperial City.”
One of the branch leaders reported to Zhang Jingfan.

Zhang Jingfan was one of Deities Templar’s Grand Elders,

responsible for overlooking all matters related to the Deities
Templar branches one the Snow Wind Continent.

Zhang Jingfan nodded, “Pass down the order, full force

ahead. Within three hours’ time, suppress Duanren Imperial
City and kill all who resist!”

Another branch leader hesitated before saying, “Elder

Zhang, Huang Xiaolong made it clear before that the
Blessed Buddha Imperial City and Duanren Imperial City are
both under his protection, us attacking like this, would it
anger Huang Xiaolong? Moreover, the headquarters hasn’t
relayed any orders to attack, shouldn’t we wait for a
directive from the headquarters before acting?”

The same year when Huang Xiaolong announced that he

was the beastmen tribes’ new Beast God, he indeed did
declare to the world that the Blessed Buddha Imperial City
and Duanren Imperial City were under his protection.

Zhang Jingfan shot a cutting glance at the branch leader,

reprimanding him coldly, “All Deities Templar’s branches are
overseen by me! If I say attack, that means attack! Whoever
dares to doubt my command will suffer the death penalty!”

The branch leader’s heart shuddered with fear, lowering his

head to show submission, he no longer dared to utter
another syllable.

Zhang Jingfan then scanned the branch leaders around him,

emphasizing, “Let me enlighten you lot, our Temple
Preceptor has already broken through to God Realm, he is
now a God Realm master! Before our Temple Preceptor, that
Huang Xiaolong is just a bigger fly, a slap from our Temple
Preceptor would easily kill him. So what if we attack the
Duanren Imperial City? After we’ve taken down the Duanren
Imperial City, our army will march north to destroy the
Blessed Buddha Empire!”

“A mere Huang Xiaolong, he really thinks our Deities

Templar is afraid of him!”

“When our Temple Preceptor appears, he’ll die like an ant!”

Their Deities Templar Temple Preceptor was a God Realm

master!? When the branch leaders heard this, all of them
were ecstatic. The shadow of worry looming over their
hearts vanished into nothing, totally reassured.

“After we kill Huang Xiaolong, the Asura’s Gate, the

beastmen tribes, demonic beast clans, none of those
unwilling to submit will be spared!”

“That’s right, at that time, the Asura’s Gate, beastmen

tribes, and demonic beast clans, all of Huang Xiaolong’s
confidantes will turn into our Deities Templar’s slaves. Also,
we cannot let the members of the Huang Family die too

These branch leaders became more engrossed in their

verbal exchange, laced with chuckles and laughter here and
there, creating a lively atmosphere.

Under Zhang Jingfan’s command, three hours later, the

Deities Templar’s great army had finally arrived at the
Duanren Imperial City. The millions of disciples surrounded
the perimeter of the city in a tight encirclement.
On the top of Duanren Imperial City’s walls, Emperor
Duanren, the Guo Family’s Ancestor, Guo Chen, the Xie
Family’s Ancestor, and the city’s Saint realm experts wore
ugly expressions on their faces looking at the tight
encirclement around the Duanren Imperial City by the
Deities Templar army.

Including Emperor Duanren himself, the number of Saint

realm experts guarding the imperial city was only thirteen.
Whereas the Deities Templar had thirty-five branches, and
each branch leader was a Saint realm expert. On top of that,
there was also the Deities Templar Grand Elder Zhang
Jingfan which tallied up the enemy’s Saint realm experts to


Emperor Duanren took a deep breath, glaring at Zhang

Jingfan on the other side, his sonorous voice extremely
solemn, “Elder Zhang, are you not afraid of incurring Lord
Beast God’s wrath by having the Deities Templar branches
attack the Duanren Imperial City?”

Zhang Jingfan smirked disdainfully, “Lord Beast God? What

dogfart Beast God! Don’t worry, after I destroy your
Duanren Empire, the next one will be Huang Xiaolong. Our
Temple Preceptor has already broken into the God Realm!
Squashing an insignificant Huang Xiaolong, just one palm
slap is more than enough. Duan Ren, if you surrender and
submit to me now, becoming one of our Deities Templar’s
dogs, I can spare your lives, if not, DIE!”


“Die!” “Die!”
The millions of Deities Templar disciples hollered, waving
their arms in their air. The waves of their voices shook the
sky, one could even hear it from miles away.

“Is that so?” As these Deities Templar disciples waved their

arms roaring to battle, a cold voice traveled from the
horizon to their ears. Though it wasn’t loud, it covered the
army’s booming shouts, as if the voice contained a magical
power that inspired fear and awe in their minds.

Everyone heard the voice clearly.

The Deities Templar disciples suddenly quieted down to an

eerie silence.

Zhang Jingfan was stunned for a moment.

“Who’s that seeking death, acting so brazen as to

deliberately muddle in others’ matters!” Zhang Jingfan
snapped, “Roll out here for me!”

Just as his words ended, he spotted a black-haired young

man clad in brocade robe that reflected light like the stars
flying over from the distant horizon. The black-haired young
man’s speed was seemingly slow, but in fact it was
horrifyingly fast.

On the black-haired young man’s star-like brocade robe

were embroidered dense diagrams of mythical beasts, not
too many nor too little. Exactly three hundred of them.

“Lord Beast God!” When Emperor Duanren and the Guo

Family’s Ancestor, Guo Chen, saw the black-haired young
man, neither of them could conceal the joy from their faces.
Of course, there was also disbelief.
On Zhang Jingfan’s side, however, there was an opposite
reaction: “Huang Xiaolong!”

The black-haired young man was none other than Huang


In a what seemed like a simple few steps, Huang Xiaolong

had reached the space in front of them.

“We respectfully welcome the Lord Beast God!” Emperor

Duanren, Ancestor Guo Chen, and the rest of the Duanren
Imperial City’s Saint realm experts knelt in salute.

Although Emperor Duanren was the ruler of an empire, he

still needed to refer to Huang Xiaolong as Lord Beast God
with respect when he saw him, as did Ancestor Guo and the

Huang Xiaolong smiled, “Everyone, please stand up.”

When everyone was on their feet, Huang Xiaolong spoke

“Brother Duan Ren, just call me Brother Huang like you did
in the past.”

Emperor Duanren, Ancestor Guo, and others felt overly

flattered, insisting they dare not do so.

Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong decided against saying

anything more. He turned around, looking at Zhang Jingfan
with a deadpan expression that showed neither anger nor
joy, “Earlier, you said that your Temple Preceptor can kill me
with a single slap?”

After the initial shock, Zhang Jingfan had now calmed down
and regained his composure. Answering with a mocking
sneer, he said, “That’s right. Huang Xiaolong, our Temple
Preceptor has advanced to God Realm, killing you is no
different than killing a stupid Tyrant Boar. We have an army
of several million here, do you think you can stem a raging
tide based on your strength alone?”

Huang Xiaolong shook his head, “Who said that I’m alone?”
Then, with a wave of his hand, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the
remaining nine hundred plus experts came out from the
Godly Mt. Xumi.

In order to travel at a faster speed, he carried them inside

the Godly Mt. Xumi.

Watching more than nine hundred people suddenly appear

behind Huang Xiaolong, everyone on Zhang Jingfan’s side
became ashen.

All— ALL of them were Saint realm experts!

More than nine hundred Saint realm experts!

Huang Xiaolong looked at Zhang Jingfan with the same

expression, “I’ll tell you the truth, Ying Tian has already
been killed by me. If you choose to blow yourself up now,
perhaps you might die more comfortably.”

Deities Templar’s Temple Preceptor was dead?!

Emperor Duan Ren, Guo Chen, and the rest exchanged

silent glances among themselves.

Because Huang Xiaolong made a clean work out of Deities

Templar’s headquarters and did not order for the news to be
spread out, the forces of the Martial Spirit World were still in
the dark about Deities Templar’s headquarters’ destruction.

Zhang Jingfan burst out laughing for a while at Huang

Xiaolong’s words, as if he had just heard the world’s biggest
joke, “Huang Xiaolong, you're really skilled at bullshitting,
you’re telling me that someone the likes of you is capable of
killing our Temple Preceptor?”

Even the Deities Templar’s branch leaders couldn’t resist

laughing out loud.
Chapter 517: One Gentle Palm Strike

You’re really skilled at bullshitting?!

When Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the other Saint realm
experts heard those words, rage erupted inside them.

Huang Xiaolong raised an arm to stop them from attacking,

saying, “All of you go deal with the Deities Templar disciples,
kill everyone who resists!”

Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the Saint realm experts

immediately understood Huang Xiaolong’s meaning. Leave
no survivors among the genuine Deities Templar disciples!
As for those families and sects belonging to different
kingdoms that surrendered to Deities Templar, the ones who
hindered them were to be killed, while the obedient ones
were to stand at the side, safe!

The Saint realm experts complied and flew forward. No

formation was employed, nor any tactics. Those nine
hundred Saint realm experts merely stood in a straight line
along the city walls and simultaneously struck out with
powerful palm or fist attacks at the Deities Templar

In the blink of an eye, a bloodbath commenced. Blood

splattered in every direction as tragic screams shook the air.

Despite the army being a massive forty million in number,

only two million of them were Xiantian realm warriors.

Zhao Shu’s group of nine hundred over Saint realm experts

began their attack, and in mere seconds, tens of thousands
of these Xiantian realm warriors turned into blood mist.
Therefore, two million Xiantian realm warriors were far too
lacking to fill the gaps between the teeth of Zhao Shu’s
group of Saint realm experts.

As for the Houtian warriors, although their number seemed

terrifying, the attacks they landed on Zhao Shu’s group of
Saint realm experts couldn't even be considered as
scratching an itch, barely passing for a soft breeze. Still, a
gust of breeze created by forty million Houtian warriors was
not to be sneezed at, at least it made Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu,
and the rest feel cool.

Zhang Jingfan was enraged and agitated as he watched the

Deities Templar’s massive army turn into a pathetic mess by
Huang Xiaolong’s over nine hundred Saint realm experts.
Just as he and the branch leaders prepared to attack Zhao
Shu’s group, Huang Xiaolong beat them to it, blocking right
in front of Zhang Jingfan and the branch leaders.

He lightly tapped a palm toward the group of Deities

Templar branch leaders, akin to a lover’s gentle spank on
the derriere, however, it was enough to drench the group of
branch leaders in horror. Before they could even fart, all of
them simultaneously exploded.

Blood splattered onto Zhang Jingfan’s face and body from

every direction. He could still feel the warmth from the
blood which colored his hands red.

In the distance, on top of the city walls, Emperor Duanren,

Ancestor Guo Chen, and others watched with their jaws
dropped to their chests, big enough to stuff in a whole fist.

Just a gentle palm!

All thirty-five Deities Templar branch leaders blew up to their

deaths simultaneously?!
Ssshhhhh—! The sound of them sucking in a breath of cold
air can be heard.

Emperor Duanren remembered the last time they went to

Origin Forest with Huang Xiaolong to explore the Ancient
Dragon Clan ruins, when Huang Xiaolong had just broken
through to Saint realm. How long had it been? Now he could
kill thirty-five Saint realm experts with a gentle palm attack?
Not to mention the fact that there were five high-level Saint
realm experts in that group!

The Deities Templar disciples below the city walls that were
crying for their mothers while being bombarded by Zhao
Shu’s group saw Huang Xiaolong kill thirty-five Saint realm
experts with a casual palm and were scared till they pissed
their pants, their butt cheeks quivered like jelly.

Huang Xiaolong ignored these reactions, his eyes focused

coldly on Zhang Jiangfan. Raising his arm again, a sharp
Asura qi drilled out from his pointed finger into Zhang
Jingfan’s Qi Sea, sealing his battle qi. Without any battle qi
support, Zhang Jingfan plummeted to the ground, rolling
around as he cried out in pain.

It didn’t take long for his screams of pain to turn into an

endless plea for mercy.

“I said it, didn’t I? If you chose to blow yourself up earlier,

you would have died without so much pain.” Huang
Xiaolong reminded with a cold expression.

The disciples belonging to big families and sects from

smaller kingdoms quickly fell to their knees for mercy. They
too had thought that Huang Xiaolong’s claim of having killed
Deities Templar’s Temple Preceptor Ying Tian was nothing
but a fart, but now that they had seen Huang Xiaolong’s
horrifying strength with their own eyes, killing thirty-five
Saint realm experts with a single palm, half of their doubts
were vanquished.

Since the Temple Preceptor had died, it wasn’t worth it for

them to continue offending Huang Xiaolong.

Things went smoother than Huang Xiaolong expected, and

soon, those disciples from various families and sects quickly
surrender, completely giving up any thoughts of resistance.
As for the genuine Deities Templar disciples, Zhao Shu,
Zhang Fu, and the other Saint realm experts did not show a
shred of mercy, all were killed, not one left.

As for Zhang Jingfan, he was tortured by Huang Xiaolong

until he was half dead before Huang Xiaolong summoned
the Poison Corpse Scarabs and Devils and Ghosts Flag.
Zhang Jingfan’s flesh was gnawed away bit by bit by the
Poison Corpse Scarabs.

The entire process took place right in front of those

remaining family and sect disciples, stamping irremovable
fear into their souls.

A long while later, Emperor Duanren finally regained his

senses, ordering the Duanren army to clean up the
battlefield while he went up to Huang Xiaolong, inviting him
to the city.

Huang Xiaolong did not decline, heading to the Duanren

Palace with Zhao Shu and the other Saint realm experts. He
ordered the submitted families and sect disciples to wait
outside the imperial city for his orders and decision.


Duanren Palace.
Emperor Duanren held a big banquet, inviting Huang
Xiaolong to the main seat of honor, showing utmost respect,
whereas he himself sat in a lower position.

Toasts were made with cups held high, and the banquet’s
atmosphere soon turned lively.

“It has been a few years since I haven’t seen Puti.” Huang
Xiaolong said to the Xie Family’s Ancestor who was sitting
beside Emperor Duanren with a slight smile, “By any
chance, is he in the imperial city now?”

Xie Family’s Ancestor sprung to his feet, replying with

respectfully, “Xie Puti is in the Xie Manor now, if Lord Beast
God wants to see him, I’ll immediately have him come over
to pay his respects!”

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand casually, “No need, Puti

and I are good friends. Let’s do it like this, I’ll come pay a
visit to Xie Manor tomorrow.”

Good friends!

Envy reared its head in Emperor Duanren’s heart. With

Huang Xiaolong’s current identity and status, who did not
envy the person lucky enough to be called his good friend.

The Xie Family’s Ancestor was elated, agreeing repeatedly.

Then, Huang Xiaolong turned to Guo Chen, the Guo Family’s

Ancestor, “In a few days, I’ll send Huang Min, Guo Tai, and
the little one back to the imperial city.”

Now that Deities Templar became history, Huang Xiaolong

had more or less unified the whole Martial Spirit World, and
consequently, his family no longer needed to hide away.
When the Guo Family’s Ancestor Guo Chen heard that, he
quickly stood up in delight, thanking Huang Xiaolong.

Watching the happy expression on Guo Chen’s face,

Emperor Duanren was slightly sour. If he knew earlier, he
too would become in-laws with the Huang Family all those
years ago. If Huang Xiaolong’s younger brother, Huang
Xiaohai, was willing, he could pick any one of his daughters
for marriage, or even all of them if he wanted.

Of course, he wouldn’t dare to think of looping in Huang


Quietly, the night passed.

Next morning, Huang Xiaolong headed to the Xie Manor on

his own. When he arrived at the Xie Manor’s entrance, the
Xie Family’s Ancestor, Xie Family Elders, and Xie Puti were
already waiting to welcome Huang Xiaolong.

When they saw Huang Xiaolong, those elders quickly knelt

in salute. Huang Xiaolong could only sigh helplessly inside,
quickly telling everyone to rise. Then he walked over to Xie
Puti’s side, slapping his friend’s shoulder with a big grin,
“Not bad, you’ve become even more handsome in the years
I've been away.”

Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti probably had not met for
almost a decade. Ten years passed, and the once youthful
arrogance on Xie Puti’s face was now replaced by a mature

Xie Puti was really happy meeting Huang Xiaolong again.

Laughingly, he said, “Nonetheless, I still aren’t as handsome
as you ah, you kid even hooked away our Snow Wind
Continent’s number one beauty.”
Both of them burst out laughing.

“Let’s go in!” The two of them walked into the Xie Manor
with the Xie Family Ancestor and Elders trailing behind
them. Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong politely sent the elders
away. Then both of them headed to Xie Puti’s yard,
bottoming out hundreds of wine jugs with zeal as they

They talked about many things, from the year when the two
of them fought for the Duanren Imperial City Battle first
place, to the days they spent in the Duanren Institute.

“That Cui Li is married now, to a Lu Family disciple from

Spring Faun Empire.” Xie Puti said.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, his mind flashed back to the time

when he participated in the Duanren Imperial City Battle,
that young woman clad in a green dress that tried to seduce
him. But he said nothing out loud.

“How about we take a stroll around the Duanren Institute?”

Xie Puti suddenly suggested.

Huang Xiaolong was dazed for a moment, then he nodded

his head in agreement. He too felt like seeing if there were
any changes to the Duanren Institute.
Chapter 518: Demon Sword Hall

Hence, Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti left the Xie Manor,
walking in the direction of the Duanren Institute. It didn’t
take long for the two of them long to reach the institute.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the institute’s entrance. In his

eyes, it was as if nothing had changed, everything gave the
same sense of familiarity, just as he remembered them to

The two of them walked through the entrance, casually

strolling along the corridors.

“I really cannot figure out how you cultivate. Even the

Deities Templar’s Temple Preceptor was done in by you!” Xie
Puti sighed with many conflicting emotions.

By now, the news of Temple Preceptor Ying Tian’s death had

spread, raising another great wave of shock through the
Martial Spirit World. But then again, the Deities Templar
headquarters’ destruction was an open secret.

Huang Xiaolong laughed, “In cultivation, other than talent,

one’s luck is also very important.” Undeniably, luck played a
big role in Huang Xiaolong’s road of cultivation, helping him
achieve the strength he had today. If it weren’t for the many
fortuitous encounters he had over the years, it would have
been impossible for him to breakthrough to peak mid-Tenth
Order Saint realm. Who knows if he would have stepped into
Saint realm at this point at all?

Xie Puti too laughed, “If only I had half of your luck.” He
himself possessed a grade thirteen superb talent martial
spirit, and although it could hardly stand on par with Huang
Xiaolong’s talent, it wasn’t worse by far. Despite that, he
was only a mid-Ninth Order Xiantian realm.

Huang Xiaolong faintly smiled as a reply.

Both men took a stroll around the institute’s perimeter.

Two hours later, just as Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti were
ready to leave Duanren Institute, suddenly, a panicked
figure could be seen running in their direction. From that
person’s wobbly movements, it seemed like that person was

And there were five people chasing behind him.

Usually, Huang Xiaolong wouldn’t be bothered by these

matters, but when he saw the wounded person’s face, he
was a little surprised.

“Chen Cheng!” Huang Xiaolong called out.

Huang Xiaolong enrolled into Duaren Institute by

participating in Duanren Empire’s Imperial City Battle
through Luo Tong Kingdom’s Cosmic Star Academy. To his
knowledge, other than him, there was only one other person
who that went the same route, and that was Chen Cheng.

On the first day, when Huang Xiaolong came to report in at

the Duanren Institute, he ran into Chen Cheng. Later on,
because there were too many things happening, he did not
pay much attention to Chen Cheng. He didn’t expect to
meet him again today.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong’s voice, Chen Cheng raised his

head. When he saw Huang Xiaolong’s face, there were
shock and disbelief in his eyes, “Huang-Xiao-…!” But his
voice faltered, not knowing how he should address Huang

Should he call him by his name, Huang Xiaolong? Lord Beast

God? Or Asura’s Gate Sovereign?

However, Huang Xiaolong already took a medicinal pellet

out, cutting off his words, “This is a Water Fire Essence
Pellet, good for healing, quickly swallow it down.”

Chen Cheng was touched, his hands trembling when he

received the Water Fire Essence Pellet! Even though he was
ignorant of the pellets’ grade, he believed that it would not
be lower than a grade ten pellet.

He did not immediately swallow the healing pellet, instead,

Chen Cheng looked at Huang Xiaolong, for this pellet was
too valuable.

Huang Xiaolong nodded encouragingly as if knowing his

thoughts, smiled as he said, “This kind of pellets, I have
many, they are not useful to me.” This level of saint grade
medicinal pellet, he truly did not attach much value to
them, they weren't much difference from garbage to him.

However, it wasn’t because Huang Xiaolong was unwilling to

spend a divine grade spirit pellet on Chen Cheng, it was just
that Chen Cheng’s cultivation was too low. His body and
meridians were too fragile to withstand the medicinal effects
of a divine grade pellet.

Hearing this, Chen Cheng no longer hesitated, immediately

swallowing the pellet. Huang Xiaolong clapped a palm onto
Chen Cheng’s body, channeling a strand of his saint power
to assist Chen Cheng in refining the pellet before turning
over to look at the five people pursuing Chen Cheng.
The five people caught up, stopping a few meters away
from Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti, their eyes rolling over
them before yelling, “We’re from Demon Sword Hall, I advise
you two to better not stick your noses into other people’s
affairs. Leave now, or else, hehe…!”

Demon Sword Hall? Huang Xiaolong turned to Xie Puti.

Xie Puti explained, “Demon Sword Hall was established by

Young Noble Demon Sword.”

Huang Xiaolong immediately understood.

Huang Xiaolong was aware of the Duanren Empire’s famous

five Young Nobles during that time; Young Noble Heartless
Yao Fei, Young Noble Wuhen, Duan Wuhen, Young Noble
Demon Sword, as for the other one, Huang Xiaolong couldn't

“Since you already know we’re from Demon Sword Hall,

know your place and scram right now.” One of the five
pursuers snickered, “I will count to three, and after that, you
won’t be able to leave even if you want to.”

“One!” “Two!” That person barked: “Three!”

When he counted to three and saw the two men on the

other side still standing there, a cold sneer appeared on his
face as he looked over to his four comrades, “Move, cripple
these two!”

The other four people pounced on Huang Xiaolong and Xie


Huang Xiaolong shook his head, there was mirth concealed

in his eyes. He barely made any move, a light flickered in his
eyes and the four attackers were thrown back like they had
received a heavy blow. Tremors ran through the earth as
four bodies crashed to the ground.

Xie Puti, who was ready to retaliate, was stupefied for a

second before a helpless smile hung on his face.

The person who seemed to be the leader of the five was

baffled watching the other four others fly back for no
apparent reason.

The passing Duanren Institute students heard the

commotion on this side and a crowd began to gather.

“It’s those people from Demon Sword Hall!”

“Am I seeing things? There are people who dare to beat up

the Demon Sword Hall’s people!”

Not so low whispers from the surrounding Duanren Institute

students could be heard.

Heartless Young Noble Yao Fei was killed by Huang Xiaolong,

while Young Noble Wuhen had been cultivating inside the
Duanrean Palace. In the current Duanren Institute, Young
Noble Demon Sword’s Demon Sword Hall inevitably became
the hegemony power.

In the eyes of all Duanren Institute students, Demon Sword

Hall was an existence that couldn't be offended. It was bad
luck to whoever offended them, it may even implicate their

The man turned over, glaring venomously at Huang

Xiaolong and Xie Puti, “Good, just you wait!” With that, that
man wanted to leave to call for reinforcement.

Huang Xiaolong was indifferent: “Come here.”

To the man’s horror, he actually discovered that his body
was moving backwards out of his control, all the way until
he was right in front of Huang Xiaolong.

“Go back and tell Young Noble Demon Sword to come see
me.” Huang Xiaolong said.

All the gathered students were stunned when they heard

Huang Xiaolong ordering Young Noble Demon Sword to
come see him.

“Has this kid gone crazy? He actually ordered Young Noble

Demon Sword to come see him? Who does he think he is!”

“It has been many years since Young Noble Demon Sword
battled, do you think we have the chance to see him fight? I
heard someone say that Young Noble Demon Sword is
already a half-Saint!”

Huang Xiaolong’s words raised another round of buzzing

whispers from the students all around. The last man from
Demon Sword Hall was furious, but before he could curse
out he caught the look in Huang Xiaolong’ eyes. The sharp
piercing gaze akin to staring at the tip of a blade sent a
bone biting chill in his heart. All the words he was about to
say were swallowed back down.

With a light tap on the Demon Sword Hall disciple’s body,

Huang Xiaolong sent him out in a beautiful arc across the
sky, vanishing from everyone’s sight.

Although Xie Puti’s reputation in Duanren Institute was not

small, he rarely appeared on the institute grounds, which
was why only a small number of students could recognize
him. As for Huang Xiaolong, it had been more than a decade
since he last stepped into the Duanren Institute, people who
knew him were even less. Even in the past, not many of the
students had seen Huang Xiaolong.

That Demon Sword Hall disciple fell hard on the ground.

Repressing the fury in his heart, he scrambled away in panic
back to the Demon Sword Hall. The instant he got back to
Demon Sword Hall, he headed straight toward the yard
where Young Noble Demon Sword was cultivating.
Chapter 519: Unifying The
Martial Spirit World
Chapter 519: Unifying the Martial Spirit World

When the Demon Sword Hall disciple reached the courtyard

where Young Noble Demon Sword usually cultivated, he
finally saw Young Noble Demon Sword appearing after the
guard reported the disciple’s arrival.

“What is it?” Young Noble Demon Sword noted the flustered

expression on the disciple’s face and a frown wrinkled his
forehead as he questioned.

The Demon Sword Hall disciple immediately knelt down and

briefly recounted the events.

“He wants me to go over to him?” Young Noble Demon

Sword was dazed.

The Demon Sword Hall disciple confirmed, “Yes, that person

even said that there would be consequences if you don’t
go!” Clearly, the last part was deliberately added by the
disciple himself.

Frost glazed over Young Noble Demon Sword’s eyes, “Very

good, it seems like I’ve been quiescent for too long that
people have started to forget this Young Noble Demon
Sword’s demonic sword!” As he was saying this, he felt the
sword in his left hand, adding, “It’s been many years since
you drank blood. Today, I’ll let you drink your fill!” His figure
disappeared from the hall in a flicker, bringing the Demon
Sword Hall disciple with him.
“Lead the way!”

Under the Demon Sword Hall disciple’s guide, Young Noble

Demon Sword and a group of Demon Sword Hall’s elites
made their way to the place where Huang Xiaolong and Xie
Puti were in a grand manner.

“It’s Young Noble Demon Sword! Young Noble Demon Sword

has arrived!”

“That’s Young Noble Demon Sword’s demonic sword, they

say that Young Noble Demon Sword’s demonic sword must
taste blood once unsheathed before returning to its sheath!”

The Duanren Institute’s students were clamoring in


Even though Young Noble Demon Sword had yet to arrive,

the students could see from afar a black sword formed from
black demonic qi pointing toward the sky, releasing prickling
sharp sword qi in all directions.

Huang Xiaolong was nonchalant.

As the crowd of students worked up a racket at among

themselves, the team of people from Demon Sword Hall
entered their line of sight.

Young Noble Demon Sword was clad in a fine black brocade

robe with a blood-red cape hanging down his shoulders. At
the corners of his eyes, there was a line of black demonic
symbols that added a sternness to his face.

Well, one had to admit that this Young Noble Demon Sword
was good-looking. The moment he appeared, it drew fanatic
screams and shrieks from the female students in the crowd.
Hearing the screams and shrieks from the female students
below, and feeling the awe and feverish reverence from the
male students’ eyes, Young Noble Demon Sword slightly
puffed up his chest. The sword qi around him vibrated with
even more vigor.

“Young Noble, it’s those two reckless death-seeking

students!” The same Demon Sword Hall disciple pointed at
Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti.

Young Noble Demon Sword looked over in the direction

pointed. He, of course, recognized Xie Puti and he was
stunned seeing him here,. But when he saw the black-haired
young man standing beside Xie Puti, his heart quivered
involuntarily. His pupils shrank, reflecting the fear in his
heart, as if he just laid eyes on the world’s most horrifying

That disciple and the Demon Sword Hall elites were

confused noticing Young Noble Demon Sword’s odd

Before a crowd of Duanren Institute students, a visibly

trembling Young Noble Demon Sword walked toward Huang
Xiaolong with laden footsteps, kneeling down in front of him:
“Mo Jian salutes Lord Beast God!”

Mo Jian was Young Noble Demon Sword’s real name.

In an instant, it was as if all sound was sucked out from the

atmosphere. Quiet, so quiet that one could probably hear
the gentle sound of a withered leaf floating to the ground.

All around were dumbstruck faces staring stupidly at Young

Noble Demon Sword on his knees in front of the black-haired
young man.
What did Young Noble Demon Sword say just now? Beast,
Lord, Lord Beast God?!

Lord Beast God!

All eyes zoomed onto Huang Xiaolong. They were filled with
shock mixed with surprise, disbelief, excitement, and awe.
Whereas that Demon Sword Hall disciple fell on his butt, his
mind blanked instantly, unable to determine the directions
of north, south, east or west.

Fifteen minutes later, under the respectful escort of Young

Noble Demon Sword and the fervent gazes from the
Duanren Institute students, Huang Xiaolong left the institute
with Xie Puit and Chen Cheng.

After recognizing Huang Xiaolong, Young Noble Demon

Sword dared not even let out a fart in Huang Xiaolong’s
presence, and after knowing that Chen Cheng was an old
acquaintance of Huang Xiaolong from the Luo Tong
Kingdom, he personally apologized to Chen Cheng several

Stepping out from the Duanren Institute, Huang Xiaolong

asked Chen Cheng how he had been all these years snd his
circumstances. Chen Cheng answered each question

In the end, Huang Xiaolong gave Chen Cheng a hundred

pieces of saint grade spirit pellets, and as an afterthought,
he sent Chen Cheng into an apprenticeship under one of his
Saint realm subordinates. That could be considered as a
form of care for Chen Cheng.

Chen Cheng was thrilled and extremely grateful.

Later, Huang Xiaolong and Xie Puti did not return to the Xie
Manor after bidding farewell to Chen Cheng, both of them
detoured to the Southern Hill Manor instead.

The Southern Hill Manor was the place Huang Xiaolong

purchased to settle down in the Duanren Imperial City in
earlier years. It had been empty ever since he took the
Huang Family away.

Pushing the front doors open, Xie Puti smiled, “Although you
haven’t been back all these years, this Southern Hill Manor
is still very well kept, every ten days or so I had some Xie
Manor servants come over to tidy up the place.”

Huang Xiaolong replied, “Many thanks.”

Xie Puti smiled in reply, “Is there a need to be so courteous

between us?”

Huang Xiaolong too smiled.

Entering the Southern Hill Manor, looking at the once

familiar sceneries, Huang Xiaolong’s heart was once again
filled with melancholy.

A while later, when Xie Puti was about to take his leave back
to the Xie Manor, Huang Xiaolong gave him a spatial ring. A
spatial ring he got after killing one of the Deities Templar’s
Grand Elders.

Inside the spatial ring, other than the numerous gold coins
that were piled mountain high, there were just as many
saint grade spirit pellets, thousand-year-old herbs, and even
quite a large amount of divine grade spirit pellets.

When Xie Puti looked inside the spatial ring, he was scared
stiff on the spot for a very long time.
“This…” Xie Puti looked at Huang Xiaolong, about to decline
for it was too valuable.

Huang Xiaolong merely waved his hand casually, returning

Xie Puti’s words to him, “Is there s need to be so courteous
between us?”

Thus Xie Puti could only put the things away a little

Huang Xiaolong sent Xie Puti out and then summoned Zhao
Shu, Zhang Fu, and the other Saint realm experts over to
organize the various families and sects from different
kingdoms that submitted in this time’s battle. The entire
process took a day.

When the reorganization was done, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu,

and the Saint realm experts each led a number of disciples
out in different directions to continue cleaning up the
remnants of Deities Templar’s forces in Snow Wind
Continent. He himself headed alone to the Bedlam Lands to
subjugate the forces over there.

One month passed by quickly. The Sin City, City of Myriad

Gods, Snow Dragon City, and the rest of the major cities in
Bedlam Lands had surrendered to Huang Xiaolong. With the
ten major cities falling into Huang Xiaolong’s hands, the rest
had no option but to follow in surrendering.

In a mere one month’s time, the Bedlam Lands was united

under one person.

In fact, the process of unifying the Bedlam Lands went

smoother than Huang Xiaolong imagined, barely coming
across any significant level of resistance. After all, even
Deities Templar’s headquarters and its Temple Preceptor
were annihilated by Huang Xiaolong, everyone knew without
having to say it out loud: those who refuse to surrender,
there was only death awaiting.

By the time Huang Xiaolong finished unifying the Bedlam

Lands, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the rest had rounded up
the remnant Deities Templar forces, clearing them off from
the Snow Wind Continent, while the many kingdoms and
empires announced their submission.

With this, the whole Martial Spirit World was unified under
Huang Xiaolong!

Ever since the Martial Spirit World come into existence until
now, no one could say for sure the number of years, there
had never been any single person succeeding in uniting the
whole Martial Spirit World. But Huang Xiaolong succeeded.

Three months later, Huang Xiaolong and all the Huang

Family members moved back into the Duanren Imperial
City’s Southern Hill Manor in a joyous and harmonious

At one point, Huang Xiaolong went to see his parents,

Huang Peng and Su Yan, to know their wishes and both
elders said that they would like to return to the Luo Tong
Kingdom, to live out their old days where the Huang Clan
Manor used to be.

Knowing that, Huang Xiaolong summoned Zhao Shu and

Zhang Fu, giving each of them one million gold coins each
and one year’s time to rebuild the Huang Clan Manor. He
decided to make a trip back with his family once the
construction was done.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong also had Zhao Shu and
Zhang Fu inquire about any news of Li Lu.
After integrating and reorganizing the various forces in the
Martial Spirit World, as well as giving out a long list of tasks,
Huang Xiaolong entered closed-door practice to refine the
sixteen beast cores of the half-God Realm ancient species
demonic beasts that he killed on the Deities Templar island
as preparation to break through into the God Realm.
Chapter 520: Black Warrior Institute

This time, Huang Xiaolong’s closed-door practice merely

lasted three short days. Three days’ time with the Dragon
Pearl assisting him to fully refine and absorb the sixteen
beast cores of the half-step God Realm ancient species
demonic beasts, propelling Huang Xiaolong to late-Tenth
Order Saint realm!

Despite the seemingly thin dividing line between peak mid-

Tenth Order Saint realm and late-Tenth Order Saint realm,
after crossing that line, Huang Xiaolong’s strength definitely
increased more than two-fold.

Moreover, the true essence whirling inside his dantian was

more concentrated within the ten energy balls, looking like
they were each nurturing a divine dragon within them,
overturning sky and breathing out mist inside the little
sphere space.

Of course, Huang Xiaolong’s True Dragon Physique had

become even stronger, and even more heaven-defying. Yet
Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi shook his head, “Although your
body was rebuilt by the Dragon Pearl, you do not have a
suitable body tempering technique, which is preventing you
from bringing out this physique’s potential and power!”

A suitable body tempering technique?! Huang Xiaolong


“I know you have the Linglong Treasure Pagoda, but the

Golden Linglong Body is not suited to your True Dragon
Physique.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi continued, “There’s not
much use even if you cultivated the Golden Linglong Body.”
“I’ll teach you one of our Dragon Clan’s body tempering
techniques called Treasure Dragon Protective Shield Art.”
Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi said. Almost instantly, new
information of a body tempering technique appeared in
Huang Xiaolong’s mind, the Treasure Dragon Protective
Shield Art.

In the next half month, other than practicing his norm of

Godly Xumi Art, Asura Tactics, the Body Metamorphose
Scripture, this Treasure Dragon Protective Shield Art was the
one he spent time on the most.

In the early days of practicing this Treasure Dragon

Protective Shield Art, he had yet to feel anything special,
however, half a month later, the results were obvious. After
half a month, every time Huang Xiaolong began circulating
the Treasure Dragon Protective Shield Art, the meridians
inside his body resembled primordial divine dragons coming
to life. These meridians, his five viscera and six bowels
actually formed an indistinct formation diagram inside his

Within the formation diagram, dragon essence qi surged in

abundance like a neverending energy vortex.

In the short span of half a month, Huang Xiaolong’s True

Dragon Physique had doubled in power and strength.

Huang Xiaolong was ecstatic, if the current him were to fight

Deities Templar Preceptor Ying Tian, he had full confidence
in defeating Ying Tian even without resorting to the Godly
Xumi Art. And if he did, he could easily take Ying Tian’s life
without any help from Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi.

He then asked Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi about that indistinct

formation diagram inside him, but who knew that the
answer he received would be, “I’m not very clear about this.
In fact, I have never practiced this Treasure Dragon
Protective Shield Art.”

Huang Xiaolong’s eyeballs nearly fell out of their sockets,

“You did not practice this technique?”

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi retorted, “What’s so strange about

that? I’ve already practiced another Dragon Clan’s top-
ranked body tempering technique, therefore there was no
need for me to practice another one. Still, I have to say, this
Treasure Dragon Protective Shield Art is very difficult to
practice, I didn’t expect you to actually succeed!”

Huang Xiaolong was rendered speechless.

He felt like the Dragon Emperor deliberately gave him this

difficult to practice Treasure Dragon Protective Shield Art
and giving it to him also indirectly exposed the fact that
Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi did not harbor any big
expectations of success.

However, according to the information in his mind, reaching

the minor completion stage required the cultivator to
integrate as one with the formation diagram. Although the
formation diagram did appear inside his body, it was
indistinct and unstable. At the longest it could only last a
few minutes, after that it'd vanish.

Another month passed.

In this month, Huang Xiaolong had begun to practice the

ninth and tenth moves of the Asura Sword Skill.

Asura Sword Skill Ninth Move: Wind Blades Volutions!

When displayed, this Asura Sword Skill ninth move would

send out spiraling wind blades in waves and tides, with the
wind blades growing more powerful at the later stages of
the attack. Reaching the major completion stage, one
display of the attack could create ten thousand wind blades,
without beginning or end, stripping the enemy off every last
shred of their courage.

Whereas the tenth move of the Asura Sword Skill was called
Asura Breaking Imprisonment. This attack created countless
rays of Asura blade qi bursting upward from the earth,
making it difficult to defend against. Moreover, it borrowed
the vast potent energy of the earth, allowing one to kill
enemies of greater strength.

One month later, Huang Xiaolong left the Southern Hill

Estate alone, once again returning to the Ghost Domain in
the Bedlam Lands. Reaching the Ghost Domain, Huang
Xiaolong traveled to the deepest area, slaughtering half-
step God Realm ghost creatures one after another.

Those that could be tamed were tamed, and those that

couldn’t be tamed, Huang Xiaolong resorted to the Blood
Deed Pact to refine the half-step God Realm ghost creatures’

Three months quickly passed.

Huang Xiaolong had subjugated more than fifty peak late-

Tenth Order Saint realm ghost creatures and he actually
managed to tame six half-step God Realm ghost creatures!
Not to mention the five half-step God Realm ghost
creatures’ souls that he already refined.

Inwardly, Huang Xiaolong was genuinely shocked that so

many half-step God Realm ghost creatures existed deep
inside the Ghost Domain. One has to know that scouring the
entire Martial Spirit World, you wouldn't be able to find even
a handful of half-step God Realm human masters.
The truth that Huang Xiaolong did not know was that many
of the human masters had fallen in the ancient Great
Fiendgod War, which led to humanity's current weak forces.
Moreover, these ghost creatures were not involved in the
Great Fiendgod War.

The five half-step God Realm ghost creatures’ souls that he

had refined raised Huang Xiaolong’s cultivation by a
satisfactory margin.

Nonetheless, although half-step God Realm ghost creatures

did exist in the deeper parts of the Ghost Domain, there
were none at the God Realm level. Slightly disappointed,
Huang Xiaolong had literally searched every corner of the
Ghost Domain only to find two peak half-step God Realm
ghost creatures.

These two peak half-step God Realm ghost creatures

refused to submit, and thus were refined by Huang

On this particular day, he had just subjugated a peak late-

Tenth Order Saint realm ghost creature when he received a
message from Zhao Shu through the communication

“Eh, there’s news of Li Lu?” Huang Xiaolong immediately

rushed back to the Southern Hill Estate.

The moment he stepped through the Southern Hill Estate’s

doors, he already summoned Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu both
to report their findings in the main hall.

“Sovereign, according to our investigation, Miss Li Lu is

most likely in Black Warrior Institute.” Zhao Shu reported.

Black Warrior Institute? Huang Xiaolong was puzzled.

Following an introduction from Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu,
Huang Xiaolong got to know that within the Black Tortoise
Galaxy, the most famous learning institute was the Black
Warrior Institute!

The Black Warrior Institute was the place where geniuses

from over one hundred and twenty world surfaces of the
Black Tortoise Galaxy gathered. Not to mention the fact that
it was one of the few recognized top powers within the

“How does one enroll into this Black Warrior Institute?”

Huang Xiaolong asked in a solemn tone.

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu exchanged a glance. It was Zhang

Fu who answered, “The Black Warrior Institute only conducts
admission once every two hundred years, and each time
they will only accept one hundred candidates. Any genius
from the Black Tortoise Galaxy world surfaces that does not
exceed two hundred years of age is eligible to register and
participate in the selection process.”

Huang Xiaolong was flabbergasted, accepting only one

hundred disciples every two hundred years?! In this vast
Black Tortoise Galaxy of over one hundred and twenty
thousand world surfaces… on average, there was only one
successful candidate for every one thousand three hundred
world surfaces?! This elimination rate was too devastating.

“Then, when will the Black Warrior Institute’s next open

enrollment be?” Huang Xiaolong asked.

“According to the information this subordinate found, it will

be held three years later.” Zhao Shu answered.

Three years later? Huang Xiaolong’s eyebrows

unconsciously furrowed into a frown. In that case, how did Li
Lu enter the Black Warrior Institute? Weren't only Black
Warrior Institute disciples allowed to enter its premises?
Chapter 521: Black Warrior Institutes Top Ten

As if sensing Huang Xiaolong’s doubts, Zhao Shu took it

upon himself to explain, “Other than the disciple admission
selection once every two hundred years, there is another
method to be admitted inside the Black Warrior Institute
without going through the selection process. Every Grand
Elder, Vice Institute Principal, and Institute Principal has
special rights that allow them to directly recruit a disciple.”

Direct recruitment! Huang Xiaolong’s interest was stirred.

“However, there are billions of so-called geniuses in the

Black Tortoise Galaxy, it is harder than imagined to catch
the eye of a Black Warrior Institute Grand Elder, more so for
the Vice Institute Principal and Institute Principal.” Zhang Fu

Huang Xiaolong lowered his head in contemplation. He has

no doubts that Li Lu caught the eye of a Black Warrior
Institute Grand Elder, Vice Institute Principal, or the
Principal, hence was directly brought in as a Black Warrior
Institute disciple.

Huang Xiaolong suddenly remembered Li Molin saying that

Li Lu possessed a unique physique. It seems that Li Lu’s
innate talent was far beyond what he estimated, otherwise
it wouldn't be able to explain how the top fellows from the
Black Warrior Institute recruited her directly.

Was this the reason why Li Lu’s strength was so formidable

the last time they met?

Huang Xiaolong asked Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu many more

questions about the Black Warrior Institute. Both of them
told Huang Xiaolong all they knew.
The Black Warrior Institute had existed for more than thirty
million years!

When Huang Xiaolong heard Zhao Shu say that the Black
Warrior Institute was established more than thirty million
years ago by a master sword cultivator, he was astounded.
He had assumed, in the beginning, that the Black Warrior
Institute was at most several million years old, however, its
long foundation was beyond his imagination.

Even so, what Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu knew about the
institute was extremely limited to things like the current
principal, Grand Elders, such and so on.

They were aware that in every disciple selection process,

the institute would send the registered participants to a
place call Deepwood Star to hunt for demonic beasts,
loitering demons, and other monsters as a process of
elimination. The first one hundred participants with the
highest scores would pass the test.

In general, those who managed to enter top one hundred

were Ninth Order, Tenth Order Saint realm experts and

It took a while for Huang Xiaolong to recover from this

shock. Saint realm Ninth Order, Tenth Order, and above?!

Following the Black Warrior Institute’s rules of not accepting

those over two hundred years of age, didn't that mean that
all these geniuses managed to break through all the way to
Ninth Order Saint realm, Tenth Order Saint realm, and
above, in less than two hundred years?

If that was true, in the whole Martial Spirit World surface,

other than Huang Xiaolong, there was no other genius that
would fit that requirement.
In the Martial Spirit World, if one managed to step into the
Saint realm within three hundred years of cultivation, they
would already be considered a genius among geniuses, and
even those were few in number. Forget about breaking
through all the way into the Ninth or Tenth Order in less than
two hundred years of cultivation!

Duan Ren, for example, the legendary emperor of Snow

Wind Continent, had spent more than one thousand years
cultivating, but he had yet to reach the Eight Order Saint
realm, much less Ninth Order or Tenth Order.

Putting it in the crudest manner, before the geniuses inside

the vast Black Tortoise Galaxy, Duan Ren was poop, even
less than the mud beneath one’s feet.

Moments later, Huang Xiaolong excused Zhao Shu and

Zhang Fu.

“Honestly, you need not belittle yourself.” At some point,

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi’s voice sounded, “There are more
than a hundred and twenty thousand world surfaces in the
Black Tortoise Galaxy, filled with great talents and
monstrous geniuses, but you can definitely be placed in the
top ten within the last ten million years of history.”

Placed in the top ten within the last ten million years of
history! This was Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi’s evaluation of
Huang Xiaolong. If these words were to spread in the Black
Tortoise Galaxy, it would cause a great uproar.

In ten million years of history, top ten! What did that

concept encompass?!

Not even the current Black Warrior Institute’s Principal could

claim the same! One must know, the Black Warrior Institute
changed its Principal every fifty to sixty thousand years.
Including the current Institute Principal, there had been over
five hundred generations of principals. And every appointed
Institute Principal was the cream of the crop, outstanding
geniuses that overshadowed their generation of top
geniuses. Not even the current Black Warrior Institute
Principal would dare to claim that he could garner a top ten
spot amongst the over five hundred predecessors!

Much less the other prominent forces in the Black Tortoise


Each genius from sects or big families that were recognized

as prominent forces in the Black Tortoise Galaxy has
astonishing talents.

Huang Xiaolong shook his head after hearing Dragon

Emperor Ao Taiyi’s evaluation, obviously dissatisfied with
the evaluation received.

‘Only top ten?’

If it was only top ten within the Black Tortoise Galaxy, then
what about the Azure Dragon Galaxy? What about the White
Tiger Galaxy, and also the Vermillion Bird Galaxy? With the
four big galaxies, where would he be placed? Ranked forty?

Then leaving these four big galaxies to the countless

galaxies governed by other Divine World Surfaces?

The Dragon Emperor smiled a little helplessly seeing Huang

Xiaolong shaking his head, “You brat! Do you think the
number one spot is as simple as sunbathing? Not even the
first Black Warrior Institute Principal dared to say that he
was the number one person, above all!”

Huang Xiaolong smiled sheepishly, asking, “What are your

thoughts about the Black Warrior Institute?”
Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi instantly understood the meaning
of Huang Xiaolong’s words.

“The Black Warrior Institute has existed for more than thirty
million years, its accumulated resources are terrifying,
cultivating there would be beneficial to you. The divine
grade spirit pellets and divine rank techniques are
countless, moreover, if you become of Black Warrior
Institute disciple, this identity itself would create a lot of
convenience in moving around the Black Tortoise Galaxy.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded in agreement, those were facts.

What Huang Xiaolong was keen on was the identity of a

Black Warrior Institute disciple. He killed Star Sword Sect’s
Young Noble Absolute Kill, and the Ying Family’s Ying Tian,
sooner or later these two parties would find out that this
matter was done by him. If he had the identity of a Black
Warrior Institute disciple, at least on the surface, neither the
Star Sword Sect nor the Ying Family would dare deal with
him blatantly.

“Say, what ranking could I get if I register to participate in

the selection?” Huang Xiaolong asked casually, more of out

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi replied, “Relying on your current

strength, you definitely can easily pass the test, but it might
be a little difficult to get the first place. Top three is most

“Top three?” Huang Xiaolong was surprised. He half

expected the old dragon to say that he could get the top
spot, but… only top three?

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi chuckled, “Yes, your talent is

heaven-defying, but your period of cultivation is a little too
short, less than thirty years, whereas some of the
participating geniuses have spent close to two hundred
years of their lives in cultivation, their foundation is deeper
than you think. Some might even have advanced into the
God Realm. These geniuses’ God Realm strength is
definitely not a level that Deities Templar’s Ying Tian can
compare with.”

Huang Xiaolong fell silent.

“But then again, geniuses that cultivated for no more than

two hundred years and yet are able to advance into God
Realm are definitely less than three.” Dragon Emperor
added, “The year when I registered for the test, I
coincidentally ran into two monstrous geniuses that broke
through into the God Realm.”

Huang Xiaolong was stunned. The meaning of his words was

that Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi was also a disciple of the
Black Warrior Institute?!

“Indeed, I’m also one of Black Warrior Institute’s disciples.

That year, I took the second place.” Dragon Emperor Ao
Taiyi’s reminiscence was laced with a taste of bragging

Participating in the Black Warrior Institute selection test,

being able to stand out from billions of people, snatching
the second spot, indeed it was something to feel proud

“Who took first place?” Huang Xiaolong couldn’t resist

asking. Even Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi only managed to
snatch the second place, it made him morbidly curious
about the first place scorer.

“A genius disciple from the Jiang Family.” Dragon Emperor

Ao Taiyi recalled, “The Jiang Family is one of Black Tortoise
Galaxy’s prominent forces.”

As for what that Jiang Family disciple was called, Dragon

Emperor Ao Taiyi did not mention.
Chapter 522: Leaving The
Martial Spirit World
Chapter 522: Leaving the Martial Spirit World

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi did not share the name of the

person who took first place that year and Huang Xiaolong
chose not to pursue the topic further.

Still, there were three years left until the next Black Warrior
Institute enrolment selection, giving Huang Xiaolong ample
time, hence he decided to stay and cultivate in the Martial
Spirit World for the time being. He aimed to break through
to peak late-Tenth Order Sain realm before the time arrived
for the Institute’s disciple selection.

In this time’s selection process, his aim was not the top
three spots, but the first place!

First place!

The rewards for the first place, second place, and third place
were of a different magnitude altogether. Furthermore, the
first place would provide Huang Xiaolong with certain
prerogatives in the institute.

This was an additional reward given by the Black Warrior

Institute to the first place holder in every disciple selection.

Since he had already turned the Ghost Domain upside down,

for his next training, Huang Xiaolong chose the Origin
Forest. He had subjugated the Poison Corpse Scarabs inside
the Origin Forest, and the Ancient Dragon Clan ruins were
also found in the Origin Forest. A place that existed since
the ancient times, he believed there would surely be half-
step God Realm demonic beasts lurking in the deeper parts
of the forest.

Three months later, deep inside the Origin Forest.

An enormous crocodile approximately six hundred meters in

length, and several meters thick plummeted to the ground
from high altitude. There was a large gaping hole in the
middle of its skull, nary a sign of life could be detected from

Huang Xiaolong floated down from midair, his feet touching

the ground in front of the lifeless giant crocodile. A light flick
from the Blades of Asura in his hand, digging a beast core
out with ease.

This was a giant crocodile covered in thick golden scales,

hence its name, Golden Scaled Croc, a demonic beast that
retained its ancestral bloodline with the strength of a peak
half-step God Realm.

After taking out its beast core, Huang Xiaolong sat down
cross-legged to refine the beast core on the spot.

One hour later, he stood up, having completely refined the

energy inside the beast core.

During these three months spent inside the Origin Forest, he

killed seven half-step God Realm as well as two peak half-
step God Realm demonic beasts. At this point, Huang
Xiaolong was too lazy to be bothered with those peak late-
Tenth Order Saint realm beasts. Only beast cores from half-
step God Realm and above could bring some small amount
of benefit to him.
In these several months of cultivating the Treasure Dragon
Protective Shield Art, his True Dragon Physique was visibly
strengthened, speeding up his demonic energy absorption
rate. His rate of purifying the demonic energy through the
Dragon Pearl also saw drastic improvements.

In the past, refining a half-step God Realm beast core would

take him three to four hours, but now he could do it within
one hour.

Looking at the Golden Scaled Croc corpse lying in front of

him, Huang Xiaolong released the Poison Corpse Scarabs
from the Linglong Treasure Pagoda. These little critters had
been continuously transforming and evolving at rapid speed
in recent days due to the abundant supply of half-step God
Realm demonic beast corpses. Each small Poison Corpse
Scarab’s strength was now on par with a Tenth Order Saint
realm warrior.

Several tens of thousands of Tenth Order Saint realm level

warriors could easily kill a peak half-step God Realm master.

Days passed and now it was Huang Xiaolong’s fourth month

in the Origin Forest, stopping above a waterfall in a certain
deep area of the forest.

By now, it was safe to say that nearly all half-step God

Realm and above demonic beasts had been killed by Huang
Xiaolong, refined and absorbed, turning into part of his
strength. Therefore, staying any longer here would be

With that thought in mind, his silhouette flickered into a

blur, making his way out from the Origin Forest.

Just as he appeared back in the Southern Hill Estate, Zhao

Shu and Zhang Fu came to report about the completion of
the Huang Clan Manor’s reconstruction.

“The Huang Clan Manor is ready?” Huang Xiaolong was

pleasantly surprised.

When he gave the task to rebuild the Huang Clan Manor to

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu, the deadline was one year, but
merely ten months had passed since then.

Huang Peng and Su Yan were overwhelmed with joy when

the news reached their ears and they were ready to move
back to the Huang Clan Manor on that very day. Watching
his parents’ jubilant and enthusiastic expressions, Huang
Xiaolong was utterly powerless, hence, gathering his
parents and siblings, they departed to the new Huang Clan
Manor on the same day.

This time, each of them rode on a peak late-Tenth Order

Saint realm level demonic beast, reducing the traveling time
they needed to reach the Huang Clan Manor in the Luo Tong

Everyone wore stupefied expressions as they jumped off the

backs of their mounts to the ground staring at the new
Huang Clan Manor that looked more like an imperial palace
with its layers upon layer of buildings, blossoming flowers
and sounds of singing birds….

It took a moment for them to recover from the shocking

sight before proceeding to enter through the main doors.

The Huang Clan Manor’s main entrance was over fifty

meters tall, wide enough to accommodate two horse
carriages passing through them at the same time,
resembling the imperial city gates in splendor.

The group continued to walk in along the corridors.

Along the way, lush shrubs and trees adorned the
structures, fragrant flowers danced in the gentle breeze,
gurgling water flowed endlessly from the rock mountain.
The garden pavilion pillars were decorated with life-like
carvings inlaid with precious gemstones, yet it still exuded a
trace of warmth amidst the magnificence.

The old parts of the Huang Clan Manor weren’t demolished,

instead, they were repaired and re-decorated to look as
good as new.

Huang Xiaolong nodded his head, very satisfied with the

results. Of course, Huang Peng, Su Yan, and the others liked
the new environment very much too.

“You have done well.” Huang Xiaolong turned over, praising

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu who were following at the back.

Both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were finally able to breathe in

relief after hearing Huang Xiaolong’s compliment. In these
ten months, they had literally squeezed out every idea and
effort possible to rebuild this Huang Clan Manor. Even upon
completion, they were still worried that the Sovereign or the
Huang Family might find it less than satisfactory.

With the manor readied, the next order of things would be

selecting the guards and maids. Other than the few guards
and maids who followed the Huang Family from way back,
the newly selected ones were all Martial Spirit World’s Tenth
Order Saint realm experts and above, placed in every corner
to ensure the safety of the Huang Clan Manor. All in all,
Huang Xiaolong picked three hundred Tenth Order Saint
realm experts, not too much, and not too little.

He would leave the Martial Spirit World in the coming days,

therefore the Huang Clan Manor’s defense needed to be up
to par.
Lastly, Huang Xiaolong placed the Ghosts and Devils Flag
above the Huang Clan Manor’s airspace, enveloping the
entire Huang Clan Manor and the mountain behind it into
the array formation, releasing the numerous peak late-Tenth
Order Saint realm ghost creatures that he subjugated in the
Ghost Domain to guard the formation flag in the center.

Later, with these many peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm

ghost creatures and the three hundred experts of Tenth
Order and above guarding the place, they had the chance of
holding the fort even if the enemy was a God Realm master.

Although the Ghost and Devils Flag was placed in the

airspace above the Huang Clan Manor, it integrated into the
surrounding space, and thus, if not triggered by any ghostly
energy, everything in he Huang Clan Manor as well as the
back mountain appeared just like any other place. Not even
a God Realm master could tell any difference.

With everything in place, Huang Xiaolong held a grand

banquet, inviting experts from all four corners of the Martial
Spirit World.

The two months following that were mostly spent with his
family, passing peaceful days in cheer and laughter.


The bright moon hung brilliantly in the dark sky.

Huang Xiaolong stood on a mountain peak at the back of

the Huang Clan Manor, seemingly looking at the rolling
waves in the distance. Shi Xiaofei stood beside him, quietly
watching him.

She already knew that the man in front of her had decided
to leave the Martial Spirit World in the morning. She too
spent the last two months in the Huang Clan Manor, and it
was the happiest two months of her life.

“Big brother Huang, have you really decided to participate

in the Black Warrior Institute disciple selection?” More time
passed before Shi Xiaofei finally spoke.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, his hand reached out to hold Shi

Xiaofei’s petite hand, grasping it firmly.

Although there were still two years left before the Black
Warrior Institute was open for registration, he felt that
continuing to stay in Martial Spirit World had no way of
helping him advance to peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm
before then.

According to his rough estimation, for him to break through

to peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm, he would need to
refine at least one hundred half-step God Realm beast cores.

No doubt, he Martial Spirit World did not have that many

half-step God Realm demonic beasts.

Consequently, he could only bring forth the day of

Chapter 523: Central Starfield

“Big brother Huang, will you return?” Shi Xiaofei’s beautiful

eyes gazed sadly at Huang Xiaolong, already teary and red-

Huang Xiaolong’s fingers lovingly caressed Shi Xiaofei’s soft,

long hair, coaxing in low whispers, “Silly girl, of course I will
return. After becoming a Black Warrior Institute’s inner
disciple, I will definitely return.”

According to Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi, as long as he

stepped into the God Realm, he would be qualified to
become a Black Warrior Institute’s inner disciple. The
institute did not restrict the freedom of an inner disciple. At
that time, Huang Xiaolong would be free to come back to
the Martial Spirit World. With his cultivation speed, it
shouldn’t take him long to achieve it.

Shi Xiaofei let out a giggle, which turned into peals of

laughter hearing Huang Xiaolong’s promise that he would
return once he became a Black Warrior Institute’s inner
disciple. Her laughing face was soul-stirring.

Huang Xiaolong suddenly reached out, pulling Shi Xiaofei

into his embrace, causing her to blush all the way to her
ears. In Huang Xiaolong’s embrace, she felt safe, warm, and

“You must work hard too, you have an innate Buddha

Physique, if you can awaken the internal Buddhism energy,
then your cultivation will soar, improving by leaps and
bounds. Who knows, maybe you’ll reach the Highgod Realm
even faster than me.” Huang Xiaolong teased.
Shi Xiaofei was born with an innate Buddha Physique,
moreover, it was the strongest kind amongst the known
Buddha Physiques, called Pure Luminance Enlightened
Buddha Physique. He knew this because Dragon Emperor Ao
Taiyi told him.

At the moment, however, Shi Xiaofei had yet to awaken her

internal Buddhism energy, thus unable to display the
potential of her Buddha Physique. Once she awakened it
later, her cultivation speed would be horrifying.

Nevertheless, awakening the internal Buddhism energy

could only rely on the person herself, Huang Xiaolong
couldn’t help even if he wanted to.

“Big brother Huang, I definitely will.” Shi Xiaofei tilted her

head up to look at Huang Xiaolong, determination shining in
her beautiful eyes.

Night gradually gave way to daylight.

The rising sun’s brilliance was reflected on the sea surface

as waves after waves washed up on the shore.

When morning came, Huang Xiaolong and Shi Xiaofei made

their way back to the Huang Clan Manor.

By this hour, everyone had gathered in the Huang Clan

Manor’s new main hall in a gloomy atmosphere, knowing
that Huang Xiaolong would be leaving the Martial Spirit

Seeing the two of them walking in, everyone stood up.

Huang Xiaolong signaled everyone to sit as he began

reminding them one by one what they should take note of
after he left the Martial Spirit World.
In the future, the Starcloud Continent would be overseen by
Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu, the Ten Directions Continent would
be taken care of by the Violet Spirit Devourer Monkey Huang
Xiaoyong, as for the Snow Wind Continent, Huang Xiaolong
assigned it to his future father-in-law, the Blessed Buddha
Emperor, Shi Fantian. Lastly, the Bedlam Lands would be
looked after by one of the demonic beast subordinates of
his, a peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm.

Huang Xiaolong instructed each one of them with great



Three hours later, before the Huang Clan Manor’s grand

front entrance, Huang Xiaolong glanced at the faces of his
parents, younger brother Huang Xiaohao, younger sister
Huang Min, Shi Xiaofei, the Heaven Swallowing Beast Lil’
Tian, Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the rest. He then turned
around and leaped to the sky, disappearing from everyone’s

Su Yan watched Huang Xiaolong’s shadow disappear in a

flash from her eyes and tears started falling from her teary
eyes. This scene reminded her of the time from more than
twenty years ago when Huang Xiaolong was just a small
child, leaving the Huang Clan Manor.

In the blink of an eye, more than two decades had passed.

“Alright, let’s go back.” Huang Peng hugged his wife’s

shoulder in a consoling manner, sounding a little somber
himself, “Don’t worry, nothing will happen to Long’er. Didn’t
he promise that he’ll return once he becomes an inner
disciple of the Black Warrior Institute.”

In these years, never once did their son disappoint them.

Su Yan nodded.

At this point, Huang Xiaolong had reached the sky’s highest

point. Under his feet were the Martial Spirit World’s seas and
mountains spanning to the horizon. The initial transmission
array built in the Martial Spirit World was destroyed in the
Great Fiendgod War, which was why Huang Xiaolong had to
rely on his own strength to leave, tearing through the
Martial Spirit World’s natural barrier and chaotic space layer
to reach the outer space.

Huang Xiaolong continued to tear through space as he flew

higher up, the vigor qi around him easily tore apart the
natural barrier in the higher atmosphere. Just like this,
Huang Xiaolong continued to fly higher and higher, reaching
the chaotic space layer.

In the chaotic space layer, natural-formed lightning ran

rampant, fire, and blacksand filled his sight.

Regardless of their strength, early-level Saint realm experts

or mid-level Saint realm experts, no one would look lightly
on these lethal natural-formed streaks of lightning and
blacksand, but Huang Xiaolong was nonchalant,
unperturbed as these streaks of lightning, fire, and
blacksand hit his body. Instead, he used this chance to
temper his True Dragon Physique.

Very soon, he reached the center of the chaotic space layer.

“Little Huang brat, this chaotic space layer contains both

the time and space laws. Although it's a little chaotic, if you
can stay here in the center to cultivate, it would bring great
benefits to you when you’re breaking into the God Realm.”
Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi said.
Hearing this, Huang Xiaolong did not hesitate at all, sitting
cross-legged on the spot. As expected, in mere moments,
Huang Xiaolong already sensed the time and space laws
contained within the chaos.

Huang Xiaolong remained like this for an entire month,

comprehending traces of the time and space laws.

In the chaotic space layer, the flow of energy was extremely

violent. It could easily tear apart an average high-level Saint
realm expert’s body, but when these violent flows brushed
past Huang Xiaolong, he remained still.

One month later, Huang Xiaolong stood up.

Judging based on appearance alone, Huang Xiaolong looked

no different from one month before, but only he knew that
his comprehension toward the time and space laws had
increased several folds, which also enhanced his attack

“Really not too bad, your comprehensive ability is stronger

than I expected.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi generously gave
a word of praise, “With your talent and comprehensive
ability, you will definitely be able to break through to God
Realm within ten years’ time.”

“Ten years is too long.” Huang Xiaolong remarked.

“Ten years is still too long?” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi was

rendered speechless. “In the top ten thousand of the Black
Tortoise Galaxy’s monstrous geniuses, they could cultivate
from Xiantian to peak half-step God Realm in less than a
hundred years, however, from peak half-step God Realm to
God Realm, they spent much more than a hundred years!”
“You’re only a late-Tenth Order Saint realm now, being able
to break through into the God Realm within ten years, this
speed is absolutely first in the entire Black Warrior

Late-Tenth Order Saint realm, peak late-Tenth Order Saint

realm, half-step God Realm, peak half-step God Realm, only
after that would one arrive at the God Realm!

In ten years’ time at that! This speed could indeed be hailed

as number one in the whole black Tortoise Galaxy.

In his time, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi took close to two

decades to climb from peak half-step God Realm to God

Huang Xiaolong gave a sheepish smile, but not a sound

came from him. Moments later, he began to tear through
the chaotic space layer, continuously moving up until all of a
sudden his body trembled, feeling light like a load was taken
off his body. Scanning around, all he could see around him
was a vast space filled with stars, infinite.

Silent, spacious and empty, faraway, primeval.

This was Huang Xiaolong’s first impression of this vast,

boundless space.

Lowering his eyes to look at the Martial Spirit World below

him, he breathed in deeply. There was a feeling of novelty,
leaving the Martial Spirit World for the first time. He felt a
little excitement as well as uncertainty.

A short moment later, Huang Xiaolong managed to calm

down his emotions.
Looking around at the vast space, he thought ‘Where shall I
go next?’ He posed this question to Dragon Emperor Ao

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi thought for a moment before

speaking, “Head to the Central Starfield.”

“Central Starfield?” Huang Xiaolong was dazed for a


“Right, the Central Starfield. The Black Warrior Institute

holds its registrations every time in the Central Starfield.
Flying at your current full speed, it will still take you slightly
over a year to reach that place. Moreover, the Central
Starfield has many shops, when you arrive there you can
straight away buy half-step God Realm beast cores to refine
so you can breakthrough to peak late-Tenth Order Saint
realm.” Dragon Ao Taiyi revealed.
Chapter 524: Three Thousand Unique Physiques

“What, more than a year!?”

Hearing Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi say that reaching that so-

called Central Starfield would require more than a year’s
time while flying at full speed, he was flabbergasted. At his
current strength, going at full speed, he was way faster than
any First Order God Realm warrior.

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi snorted, “What’s so strange about

this? The galaxy is so vast, not even a Highgod Realm
master could say for sure how big it is. A duration of a little
more than one year is still due to its close distance to the
Martial Spirit World, if the Martial Spirit World was located
on the edge in some remote position of the Black Tortoise
Galaxy, who knows if you could even arrive at Central
Starfield in three years’ time.”

This made Huang Xiaolong feel a little down. More than a

year’s time!

Spending more than a year’s time to rush all the way there?
There were a little over two years left until the deadline for
the registration, Huang Xiaolong was unwilling to waste half
of that time in that way.

“Actually, flying across the galaxy is a good training for you.

While flying in the boundless space, you can take advantage
of the abundant galaxy force to temper your True Dragon
Physique further. Moreover, there exists a type of lightning
energy in the galaxy, absorbing this energy would cleanse
your soul force.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi added.

“This lightning energy can cleanse the soul?” Huang

Xiaolong was stunned. Even some of the most precious
divine grade spirit pellets were unable to cleanse the soul.

When humans were born, their soul and body alike had
impurities, and these impurities affected a person’s
cultivation path. For a cultivator, the clarity of their soul
determined their cultivation achievements.

A person with high soul clarity would assuredly reap better

results in their cultivation path, for such person was more
likely to enter into an enlightenment state during
cultivation. Hence, their results would far exceed several
hundred times, even a thousand times those of cultivators
that had not experienced any enlightenment.

“That’s right. This lightning energy can cleanse the soul.”

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi continued, “This lightning energy is
hidden deep within space, it's definitely not something an
average person is capable of absorbing, and only a certain
group of people that possess top unique physiques are able
to absorb and refine it.”

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes showed obvious doubt.

Only those that possess top unique physiques? Could it be

that he too possessed a unique physique?

As if knowing the doubt swirling in Huang Xiaolong’s mind,

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi explained, “Every part of your True
Dragon Physique was built by the Dragon Pearl and true
dragon essence. Among the three thousand unique
physiques under the heavens, the top one hundred unique
physiques can be considered as pinnacle unique physiques
among the three thousand. And amongst these three
thousand unique physiques, the True Dragon Physique is
ranked fourth place!”

Huang Xiaolong was agape with shock.

He had no idea that his True Dragon Physique was actually a
unique physique, moreover, one that was ranked fourth!


“What did you expect? Otherwise, would I ever say that your
talent can enter top ten in the last ten million years of the
Black Tortoise Galaxy?” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi chided.
“Still, a person’s own talent and comprehension ability are
crucial as well. In the past, I’ve come across a true freak of a
genius. He doesn’t have any of the listed three thousand
unique physiques, but his comprehension ability was
extremely scary, regardless what kind of cultivation
techniques or battle skills they threw at him, he merely
needed to look at them once to learn them.”

“Learned them at a glance?” Huang Xiaolong was


Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi nodded, “Correct, that’s why his

cultivation speed was extremely terrifying, he merely used
one hundred and ten years to break through to God Realm.”

Huang Xiaolong felt humbled, it seemed like his knowledge

of this vast galaxy was too shallow.

“Those three thousand unique physiques, what are the top

three ones?” He couldn’t resist asking, he was curious which
three kinds of unique physiques were able to rank higher
than his True Dragon Physique.

But Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi sounded hesitant, “This… you

will know once you reached the Central Starfield. There is no
use knowing about it now, but your True Dragon Physique
was achieved under special circumstances, there are slight
differences to the known innate True Dragon Physique. The
potential of your physique is hidden, so even a Highgod
Realm master would not be able see that you have the True
Dragon Physique.”

Huang Xiaolong choked, he didn’t expect the Old Dragon to

suddenly withhold information about the top three unique
physiques, hanging his appetite. But knowing that his True
Dragon Physique could be hidden from the Highgod Realm
masters’ scrutiny comforted him.

To Huang Xiaolong, it was best that no one found out that he

had the True Dragon Physique.

“But your True Dragon Physique is probably stronger than

the innate True Dragon Physique.” Emperor Ao Taiyi
suddenly added.

“Meaning?” Huang Xiaolong was intrigued.

“That's because your True Dragon Physique was built by the

Dragon Pearl. Even though the Dragon Pearl is our Dragon
Clan’s heritage treasure, honestly, even I am not clear about
its true origin. I only know that the Dragon Pearl is a
treasure amongst treasure from the Divine World’s Dragon
God Surface. Furthermore, an innate True Dragon Physique
cannot transform or evolve any further, but I noticed that
your True Dragon Physique can continuously evolve.”
Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi explained.

The Dragon Pearl was actually a treasure among treasures

from the Divine World’s Dragon God Surface!

Just as Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi said, after swallowing and

refining fifteen primordial divine dragons, his True Dragon
Physique had indeed grown stronger. He even had an
indistinct feeling that, following this path, his True Dragon
Physique could evolve even further, stronger, more
If Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi did not mention this to him, he
would have naturally assumed that all of this was normal.
Yet, this was great news.

If he continued to change, to evolve, wouldn't that mean

that Huang Xiaolong’s unique True Dragon Physique was a
freak monstrosity that surpassed the number one unique

Huang Xiaolong suppressed the sudden surge of


A while later, under Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi’s guidance,

Huang Xiaolong ran his battle qi, shooting across the vast
galaxy toward the Central Starfield.

Flying at full speed in outer space, Huang Xiaolong

immediately felt an invisible resistance, this was what
Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi called astral force. The resistance
from this astral force gave Huang Xiaolong a feeling as if he
was trying his hardest to swim against the deep currents in
a river.

Huang Xiaolong began running the Asura Tactics inside his

body, allowing this astral force to temper his True Dragon
Physique, just like how the river water washed away the dirt
on his body.

Speeding forward, Huang Xiaolong tried the method given

by Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi to sense the lightning energy
hidden deep within the galaxy space.

Indeed, before long, Huang Xiaolong vaguely sensed the

lightning energy. Minuscule, weak, almost negligible and far
between, roughly a few fine silk threads of lightning in ten
thousand li of space. Each thread was approximately the
length of a finger.
Despite the scarcity of this tiny lightning silk, after
absorbing and refining it the entire way, Huang Xiaolong felt
a clear difference in the clarity of his soul.

The result was even more evident after half a year.

If, before this, Huang Xiaolong’s soul resembled a piece of

white paper covered in dust, then now, a large part of this
dust had been blown away. The white paper that used to
appear gray had now turned grayish-white.

Half a year of flying had greatly polished the potential of

Huang Xiaolong’s True Dragon Physique, at the same time
strengthening the effect of his battle qi and true essence
energy. At this point, Huang Xiaolong transformed into the
Asura Physique, spreading out his Wings of Demon, and
continued flying at breakneck speed in space. Passing world
surfaces one after another, uninhabited stars appeared time
and again, slowly becoming a scene left behind by Huang

After eight months, Huang Xiaolong slowed down,

descending on an uninhabited star up ahead.
Chapter 525: Innate Spiritual Embryo

Originally, Huang Xiaolong had thought that this planet was

uninhabited, which spurred his decision to make a rest stop
here, but the moment his feet touched the land, he
immediately sensed a peculiarity.

“There’s something odd about this planet,” Dragon Emperor

Ao Taiyi affirmed.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

He did not expect Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi to have the

same feeling. Since Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi confirmed his
suspicion, then there was definitely something not right with
this planet.

“With your current speed, we’ll be able to reach the Central

Starfield in four months, there’s ample time.” Dragon
Emperor Ao Taiyi said, “Let’s explore this planet first.’”

Huang Xiaolong had exactly the same intention. Thus, he

moved forward with his feet hovering close to the surface.

As he moved forward, Huang Xiaolong only saw sand and

stones on the ground around him. Sand and stones of a dull
black color, there wasn't a hint of green vitality to be found.
Even its airspace was a gloomy gray with an endless
sandstorm covering a large area.

“Every shred of this planet’s life energy, even the time and
space laws in the chaotic layer, feels like it was extracted by
something.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi spoke “Because of
this, the planet feels dead, without a hint of life. I truly
cannot detect any shred of the time and space laws.”
Huang Xiaolong asked, “Could there be some great master
cultivating an evil technique here, extracting this planet’s
vitality as well as its time and space laws?”

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi shook his head, “Not possible. No

one can extract the time and space laws, including Highgod
realm masters. Not to mention the fact that some planets
hold a terrifying amount of life energy, even if a Highgod
Realm master tried to extract a planet’s life energy, he
would barely be able to extract half of it in ten thousand

Huang Xiaolong did not say anything. Instead, he opened

his Eye of Hell, looking deep into the ground, noticing some
strands of greenish energy underneath.

Those green energy strands contained abundant life energy.

“Underground?” When Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi heard

Huang Xiaolong mention the green energy beneath the
earth, he was dazed for a second before a shiver ran down
his body: “Could it be…?! Quick, go down below!”

“Go down?” Huang Xiaolong smiled a little helplessly.

Despite having refined fifteen primordial divine dragons,
which enabled him to control the water, ground, metal, fire,
and wood elements in his surroundings, he could, at most,
only enter about a hundred zhang underground. If he went
any deeper than that, he couldn't do anything.

The reason was his lack of strength.

“I’ll take you.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi said, immediately

rushing out from the Dragon Pearl. His five-clawed divine
golden dragon body wound the space around Huang
Xiaolong. With a twist, he carried Huang Xiaolong into the
ground in an instant, moving deeper and deeper inside.
A brief moment later, both of them reached five hundred
meters underground, where Huang Xiaolong saw the green
threads of energy. When Huang Xiaolong and Dragon
Emperor Ao Taiyi arrived underground, these green energy
strands floated close around them.

Huang Xiaolong inhaled, breathing in some of the green

energy into his body. His body trembled, feeling
unbelievably refreshed. The Asura battle qi inside his body
felt much purer in an instant. What Huang Xiaolong found
hard to believe was the fact that these green energy strands
actually contained the time and space laws!

Close to him, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi was ecstatic, “Come,

let’s check out in front.” Not waiting for a reply, he wrapped
around Huang Xiaolong and flew forward.

The further they went, the denser the green energy grew,
exuding a more buoyant life energy.

Looking around, Huang Xiaolong noticed that the dull sand

and stones were no longer in sight. Instead, they had
entered a pale green space, similar to a space opened by
Highgod Realm masters.

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi continued to fly forward while

carrying Huang Xiaolong for about an hour before they
finally stopped.

Huang Xiaolong looked up ahead, immediately spotting a

large green, jade-like stone hovering not far from them. It
was a jade green rhombus shaped column, reaching two
adult men’s height combined. The green jade column was
almost a clear translucent green, just like a crystal. Inside
the jade stone were bubbles of green liquid that constantly
moved, vaguely forming the shape of a human.
“It really is a spiritual embryo bred by nature!” Dragon
Emperor Ao Taiyi exclaimed with an excited face.

Huang Xiaolong had never seen this old dragon become so

excited since his resurrection. He turned back toward the
bubbles of green liquid inside the jade stone, ‘Is this stuff so

Spiritual embryo?

Despite his suspicions, Huang Xiaolong keenly felt that

refining the green liquid inside this jade stone would surely
help him breakthrough to peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm.

Even reaching half-step God Realm!

By this time, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi and Huang Xiaolong

were standing right in front of the green jade stone column,
while Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi circled the column again and
again, muttering incessantly, “Peerless treasure ah, peerless

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi probably repeated these few words

about a hundred times, making Huang Xiaolong feel as if his
ears grew calluses from it.

“I say, Old Dragon, is this stuff so great?” Huang Xiaolong

couldn’t resist asking out loud.

Although he was quite sure that this thing here could help
him advance to half-step God Realm, he couldn’t empathize
with the Old Dragon’s exaggerated excitement to the point
of being unable to differentiate north from south.

Huang Xiaolong’s voice gradually calmed Dragon Emperor

Ao Taiyi’s surging emotions, but it was still evident that his
excitement had yet to dissipate, “Little Huang brat, this is
because you have no idea how precious this thing is. Let me
tell you, just this green jade stone on the outside is more
valuable than any divine grade spirit stone.”

“What, more valuable than divine grade spirit stone?!”

Huang Xiaolong was dumbfounded, finding it hard to
believe. To his knowledge, beneath the Divine World, the
highest grade of spirit stone was none other than divine
grade spirit stone. In the whole Black Tortoise Galaxy, divine
grade spirit stones were considered a precious commodity.

One of the reason was their scarcity in the entire Black

Tortoise Galaxy. Even the super forces in the Black Tortoise
Galaxy would feel reluctant to use the divine grade spirit
stones in their possession, for the time it took for a piece of
divine grade spirit stone to form required several tens of
thousands of years. Once one was used, there would one
piece less in the entire Black Tortoise Galaxy.

Yet, the Old Dragon claimed that this green jade stone far
exceeded any divine grade spirit stones’ value.

Huang Xiaolong’s breathing quickened visibly.

“Ha, did I frighten you?” Sensing the changes in Huang

Xiaolong, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi laughed, “And the green
liquid inside this jade stone is not as simple as you think.
That green liquid is a ten thousand times more valuable
than the jade stone.”

“Ten thousand times!!” Huang Xiaolong felt lightheaded all

of a sudden.

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi added, “This green liquid is most

likely formed from all the life energy on this planet,
compressed into this concentrated form. Can you imagine
the profuse amount of energy? I need not say more. What’s
truly rare is the time and space laws held within this green
liquid, giving birth to spiritual intelligence!”

Formed from an entire planet’s life energy!

Furthermore, containing an entire planet’s time and space


A feverish gleam burned in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

“This green liquid already possesses a blurry spiritual

intelligence, see, its close to forming a human shape. In
another decade or so, it would break out from the stone,
becoming a real living body!” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi
exclaimed. “This is the legendary innate spiritual embryo,
I’ve only read about it in some ancient records, that every
innate spiritual embryo’s birth is world-shaking. Once it
breaks out from the jade stone, it is already a God Realm

A God Realm master the moment it is born!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes widened in shock, wasn't that a tad

too scary?
Chapter 526: Arriving In
The Central Starfield
Chapter 526: Arriving In the Central Starfield

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi was extremely satisfied looking at

Huang Xiaolong’s shocked face, chuckling as he said,
“Frightened already? This innate spiritual embryo is a very
rare existence, it's hard to come across one in a million
years, and it takes that long to nurture one. Legend has it
that one galaxy will only be able to breed one in every
million years!”

Huang Xiaolong’s widened eyes became even wider,

“Meaning to say, this innate spiritual embryo in front of us is
the only one in a million years? But this embryo has been
nurtured here for close to one million years, why hasn’t
anyone found it?”

Lastly, Huang Xiaolong spoke the doubt in his mind.

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyilet out another complacent chuckle,

“You think that such precious thing can be found by just
anyone? Heaven-defying treasures such as this innate
spiritual embryo, don’t even dream of it if you don’t have
heaven-defying luck! This is because lady luck is smiling
upon you!”

Huang Xiaolong was rendered speechless, “Then, shall take

this innate spiritual embryo away?”

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyinodded, “En, take it away now, I

can sense that there’s someone coming closer to this
planet, move quickly!”

Huang Xiaolong was surprised at the revelation. But he was

well aware that Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi’s spiritual sense
was many times more powerful than his, if the Old Dragon
said that there was someone coming, it was a fact that
there was someone coming.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong moved to collect the innate

spiritual embryo.

Initially, it would be difficult for Huang Xiaolong to take

away the innate spiritual embryo, for its had formed its own
awareness and intelligence, however, with Dragon Emperor
Ao Taiyi’s help, everything went smoothly.

With Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi’s assistance, It didn’t take

Huang Xiaolong too much time to seal the innate spiritual
embryo together with the rhombus jade stone column into
the Godly Mt. Xumi, placing it at the center of the Ten
Buddha Formation. They wanted to borrow the energy from
the Ten Buddha Formation to suppress its resistance and
continue nurturing the innate spiritual embryo.

When that was done, Huang Xiaolong looked at the walls

around, there were pieces of green spirit stones attached to
the surface of the walls. Many of those spirit stones were
saint grade, some even reached divine grade.

Of course Huang Xiaolong would not waste such precious

items that were just lying in front of him, moving quickly to
collect them with care.

“Go!” Huang Xiaolong and Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi flew out

from deep underground to the airspace above the planet.
Only at this moment did Huang Xiaolong’s spiritual sense
feel someone moving in their direction at rapid speed.
There were six people in total.

The one leading the group was a young man of peak half-
step God Realm cultivation, whereas the other five people
were elders. All five were God Realm masters, but only First
Order God Realm.

Huang Xiaolong was quick to conceal his aura and hid in a

space pocket.

“Young Lord, was there really a treasure born here?” One of

the five old men asked.

Jiang Shaoze nodded, “This is the result of my deduction

from researching countless ancient records. It’s on this
planet. This planet is dull and dim, basically one cannot tell
that there is a planet here unless they are close enough,” he
paused here before continuing, looking at the dark soil, “Not
a breath of life can be felt from this planet, this is most
likely the consequence of having all of its life energy
swallowed by some innate treasure.”

The five old men exchanged some glances amongst


“Young Lord is able to find such an innate treasure, it will

surely be able to assist Young Lord in advancing into the
God Realm. In the Black Warrior Institute disciple selection,
Young Lord can absolutely snatch the first place!”

Jiang Shaoze said, “At first, I wasn't so confident in getting

the first place, but now, I have full confidence that I will be
able to defeat Gudu Leng, coming up above everyone else
in this time’s Black Warrior Institute selection!”

A powerful aura surged out from the young man’s body.

Above his head, one could actually see thunderclouds
rumbling, taking many different shapes.

Huang Xiaolong fixed his gaze on that group of

thunderclouds. He could tell that there’s something strange
to this hovering thunderstorm, and at the same time, he
wondered what kind of cultivation technique this young man

“This is the Jiang Family’s Grand Immortal Lightning

Technique.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi’s voice sounded.

“The Jiang Family? This young man is a Jiang Family

disciple?” Huang Xiaolong blinked twice.

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi went on, “The Grand Immortal

Lightning Technique is the Jiang Family’s supreme cultivation
technique, possessing a terrifying destructive power. Only
the core members of the Jiang Family are allowed to practice
this technique. No doubt, this young man is a Jiang Family
disciple, one with high status within the family at that. When
one reaches a certain achievement in the technique, their
internal body will generate this Grand Immortal Lightning.
This young man is your top rival in the coming Black Warrior
Institute selection.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded in agreement.

It was obvious that this Jiang Family young man was very
strong despite the fact that the aura he projected belonged
to a peak half-step God Realm. In fact, this young man was
more powerful than the five old men behind him. Once this
young man advanced into the God Realm, his strength
would only be more terrifying.

Even so, Huang Xiaolong wasn’t so perturbed by this Jiang

Family young man. If this young man really did break
through into the God Realm before the Black Warrior
Institute selection deadline, Huang Xiaolong was still
confident in defeating him with ease.

Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette moved, flying away from the

dim planet.

“Once this Jiang Family disciple finds out that the innate
spiritual embryo has already been taken away by someone
else, he’ll surely go berserk.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi
grinned wickedly.

“If you say it like this, it makes me feel abash.” Huang

Xiaolong smiled sheepishly. The other party had searched
through several years of ancient records and deductions
before getting here, but he actually snatched it away by
merely passing by. It gave the impression of reaping the
fruits of other people’s toil.

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi laughed, “Then why don’t you yield

the innate spiritual embryo to that Jiang Family disciple?” Of
course, it was meant as a joke.

Very soon, Huang Xiaolong was already far away from that
planet, once again flying at breakneck speed, continuing his

When Huang Xiaolong mentioned that he wanted to find a

safe place to refine the innate spiritual embryo, Dragon
Emperor Ao Taiyi disagreed, “No, if you refine this innate
spiritual embryo now, your strength will undeniably soar,
but you will only be able to reach peak half-step God Realm
at most. Now, there’s only a fifty-fifty chance of breaking
into the God Realm.”

“In my opinion, it would be best if you wait until you’re a

peak half-step God realm before refining this innate spiritual
embryo. At that time, not only can you step into the God
Realm, there’s a high chance you can advance all the way
to the late-First Order God Realm. This way, you would be
able to use the embryo to its fullest potential.”

Huang Xiaolong was amazed, while Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi

went on, “Peak half-step God Realm experts not only need
to comprehend the time and space laws, when they are
about to breakthrough they need an incredibly large amount
of energy to support them, and the energy contained in this
innate spiritual embryo can support you, supplying the
energy needed for your breakthrough into the God Realm.”

Subsequently, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi explained to Huang

Xiaolong the uses of an innate spiritual embryo. The uses of
an innate spiritual embryo, bred and nurtured for a million
years, we're naturally not so simple.

Four months later, under Huang Xiaolong full speed flying

effort, he finally reached the Central Starfield.

The Central Starfield itself was a vast collection of planets,

belonging to many world surfaces. Following Dragon
Emperor Ao Taiyi’s instructions, Huang Xiaolong traveled in
the direction of the Cloudsea Mainland at the center.

The Black Warrior Institute’s selection registration was held

on this Cloudsea Mainland.

Another month passed when Huang Xiaolong finally arrived

at the Cloudsea Mainland.

Surveying the environment around him, Huang Xiaolong

noted that the pillows of clouds high above were actually
baby blue in color. This surprised Huang Xiaolong, for these
clouds were not formed from waters vapor, but formed from
spiritual energy.
He felt the ground shake when his feet touched the ground.
Lowering his head to check, he noticed that even the sand
and dust on the ground contained noticeable amounts of
spiritual energy. Each one of these grains gave Huang
Xiaolong the same feeling as a low-level spirit pellet.

Mere dust and sand on the ground contained spiritual

energy comparable to a low-grade spirit pellet, one could
imagine how rich the spiritual energy on this Cloudsea
Mainland was.

“This Cloudsea Mainland is, in fact, an entire world surface,

ten thousand times bigger than the Martial Spirit World.”
Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi added, “In the entire Cloudsea
Mainland, there are ten thousand spiritual energy gathering
formations. Numerous masters come together to lay out
these formations during the desolate era. The Cloudsea
Mainland is not only the Black Warrior Institute’s registration
place, it is also the entire Black Tortoise Galaxy’s trading
center. All super forces and big families in the Black Tortoise
Galaxy have a storefront here on the Cloudsea Mainland.”
Chapter 527: Exchanging Currency

Ten thousand times!

When Huang Xiaolong heard from Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi

that the Cloudsea Mainland was ten thousand times bigger
than Martial Spirit World, he was genuinely dumbfounded.
How big was ten thousand times bigger? Huang Xiaolong
found it hard to imagine.

Another thing that stuck in his mind was the fact that this
Cloudsea Mainland actually had ten thousand spiritual
energy gathering formations! No wonder even a small sand
particle contained spiritual energy comparable to a low-
grade spirit pellet.

But, didn't they need divine grade spirit stones as the core
to lay out spiritual energy gathering formations? Merely the
smallest scale spiritual energy gathering formation would
require a hundred pieces of divine grade spirit stones. Ten
thousand formations, how many divine grade spirit stones
would that consume...?

If someone took away these ten thousand formations, just

the amount of divine grade spirit stones was enough to
make his wealth rival an entire galaxy.

“Take away these spiritual energy gathering formations?”

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi ‘heard’ Huang Xiaolong’s thoughts
and laughed, “These spiritual energy gathering formations
have already been integrated with the entire Cloudsea
Mainland by masters from desolate era using a secret
technique. Even if an army of Highgod Realm masters
comes, they wouldn't be able to take away a single part of
these spiritual energy gathering formations.”
As Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi explained, Huang Xiaolong flew
toward the biggest looking city up ahead. From afar, Huang
Xiaolong opened the Eye of Hell to check out the
surroundings. Cities were everywhere on the mainland like
mushrooms after rain, experts could be seen arriving from
different directions, befitting the image of a prosperous and
lively city.

Occasionally, Huang Xiaolong spotted patrol squads wearing

pure golden armor. The weakest among the patrol squad
guards was a Tenth Order Saint realm, while some of the
squad captains’ strength even reached peak half-step God
Realm! Comfortingly, God Realm masters were a rarer sight.
Along the way, he only glimpsed upon one or two.

Shortly, Huang Xiaolong reached the enormous city he saw


A dense wave of spiritual energy washed over him the

moment he passed through the city gates. The density of
spiritual energy inside the city was a few times higher than
the outer areas.

Everything seemed more spacious here. The city streets

were more than twice the width of imperial city streets back
on Martial Spirit World, rows and rows of shops lined the
streets, and each shop front was twenty to thirty meters
wide. The biggest shop Huang Xiaolong saw was sixty
meters wide. The traffic was quite heavy, with people and
carriages hurrying to their destinations, yet the city did not
feel crowded.

These carriages were pulled by beasts that were rarely seen

in the galaxy, not to mention each one of these beasts’
strength rivaled a high-level Saint realm expert, while the
carriages themselves were made from some rare ores, with
precious crystals mounted on the carriage body.

Of course, Huang Xiaolong had a purpose entering the city—

beast cores.

But transactions in the Black Tortoise Galaxy were based on

a common currency called Xuanwu currency, which turned
the mountains of gold coins from Martial Spirit World into
useless scrap metal in the Cloudsea Mainland. Therefore,
Huang Xiaolong must first search for a trading firm to
exchange for some Xuanwu currency.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong walked into a seemingly

large firm’s shop.

“May I ask if Young Noble is planning to purchase or sell

things?” Seeing Huang Xiaolong walked in, a young shop
employee approached, inquiring Huang Xiaolong in a polite

“I have some spirit stones that I want to exchange to

Xuanwu coins.”

The young shop furtively gave Huang Xiaolong a once over

before smilingly saying, “May I know how many grade one
spirit stones Young Noble has? Our Only One Firm only
accepts grade one spirit stones.”

Although all grades of spirit stones could be used in refining

pellets, forging weapons, and cultivation, to Saint realm
experts and above, only grade one spirit stones were of
practical use. Which was why some larger firms only
accepted grade one spirit stones.

A bright light flashed from Huang Xiaolong’s hand as a piece

of spirit stone appeared in the middle of his palm. This piece
spirit stone was one of many saint grade spirit stones that
he harvested off the rock walls after taking away the innate
spiritual embryo.

The instant this piece of saint grade spirit stone appeared,

its immediate surroundings lit up in resplendent light,
causing the spiritual energy to ripple buoyantly.

The young man’s eyes felt pain from the piercing glare and
dared not look directly at Huang Xiaolong’s palm. However,
the other people in the shop did, with shocked expressions.

“That’s a saint grade spirit stone!”

“Also, its quality is closer to a divine grade spirit stone!”

The shop was buzzing with the gasps and whispers of the

Recovering his senses, the shop employee felt a lump in his

throat as he stared at Huang Xiaolong wide-eyed with
shock. Never did he imagined that this black-haired young
man in front of him would take out a saint grade spirit stone
to exchange for Xuanwu coins.

In general, everyone treated this grade of spirit stones like

precious treasures, not even the wealthy big families would
take them out to exchange for Xuanwu coins.

“This Young Noble, kindly wait here for a moment, I’ll go in

and inform our Elder immediately.” The shop employee said,
his demeanor extremely courteous. Only then did he turn
around, searching for the firm’s Elder in hurried steps.

The shop employee’s reaction was within Huang Xiaolong’s

Huang Xiaolong didn’t need to wait long before the same
shop young man appeared again, following behind a middle-
aged man clad in a fine fire-red brocade robe. Other than his
slightly rounded figure, one would notice his spirited clear
eyes. This middle-aged man was a mid-First Order God

When the middle-aged man saw Huang Xiaolong, a fleeting

surprise flickered unnoticeably in his eyes.

“This one is Jiang Shangfeng, the Only One Firm’s Elder. I

heard from my subordinate that this Young Noble has a saint
grade spirit stone for exchange?” The middle-aged man
politely stopped in front of Huang Xiaolong, speaking with
an amiable smile on his face. His palm courteously indicated
Huang Xiaolong to the private room beside the open hall.

Huang Xiaolong proceeded without a word, and both people

sat face to face moments later inside the private room.

Huang Xiaolong went straight to the point, “Yes, I have a

few pieces of saint grade spirit stone that I want to
exchange for Xuanwu coins.”

A few pieces! Jiang Shangfeng eyes brightened. At first,

when he heard the shop employee’s report, he had assumed
that there was only one piece. Jiang Shangfang did not
expect this young man to actually have a few pieces!

With that said, Huang Xiaolong took out five pieces of saint
grade spirit stones with a turn of his palm. Five pieces of
saint grade spirit stones were sufficient for him to buy a
hundred half-step God Realm beast cores with some money
left over to tide him over a short period.

As for the remaining hundred over pieces of saint grade

spirit stones and a few divine grade spirit stones, he would
have to gradually exchange them over a period of time.
Exchanging too many at once would inevitably attract
unwanted attention.

Jiang Shangfang stared at the five pieces of saint grade

spirit stones laid out before him. A hand reached out to pick
one up, his eyes brightened even more as he checked them
carefully from every angle, “It is indeed a saint grade spirit
stone, close to transforming into a divine grade spirit

After Jiang Shangfang checked all five spirit stones with

care, he exhaled deeply to calm himself. Looking over at
Huang Xiaolong, the smile on his face was blinding,
“According to the market price, one piece of this grade of
spirit stone which is infinitely close to divine grade spirit
stone is four hundred and fifty thousand, deducting one-
tenth processing fees, it amounts to four hundred and five
thousand. I’m willing to give Young Noble four hundred and
ten for each piece, five pieces come up to two million fifty
thousand. What does this Young Noble think?”

Four hundred ten for one piece? Huang Xiaolong was

secretly astonished. Didn’t the Old Dragon say this quality
of spirit stone generally fetch about two hundred seventy,
two hundred thousand? Did the price go up?

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong did not waste time

negotiating with the other side, agreeing to transact at four
hundred and ten thousand per piece.

Because the Only One Firm did not offer beast cores, Huang
Xiaolong exited the shop after receiving two million fifty
thousand from them and came to a shop called Windstorm.
This Windstrom shop specifically catered to buying and
selling demonic beasts, and beast cores.
Entering the Windstorm Shop, Huang Xiaolong decisively
bought one hundred half-step God Realm beast cores. An
average half-step God Realm demonic beast’ core was two
thousand Xuanwu coins each, whereas ancient species
demonic beast’ cores were priced at five thousand Xuanwu
coins each. One hundred pieces of half-step God Realm
demonic beast core ate up three hundred and sixty
thousand Xuanwu coins.

After he took care of the beast cores supply, Huang Xiaolong

went searching for some books related to the Black Tortoise
Galaxy and a detailed map.

In regards to the Black Tortoise Galaxy, despite learning

some things from Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi, it was only the
tip of the iceberg. To Huang Xiaolong, that extent of
knowledge was still too shallow. That was why he wanted to
learn more about the Black Tortoise Galaxy through these
Chapter 528: Black Warrior City

Having bought one hundred beast cores, relevant books,

and some miscellaneous items, Huang Xiaolong found an
inn, directly rented one of the yards and went into closed-
door practice.

There was still slightly over a year’s time left until the Black
Warrior Institute’s assessment. Huang Xiaolong was in no
rush, planning to first advance to peak late-Tenth Order
Saint realm.

Sitting cross-legged in the Xumi Temple, Huang Xiaolong

chose to refine the normal half-step God Realm beast cores

The first, second, third, fourth piece…

Huang Xiaolong refined five beast cores in each batch.

Multiple threads of pure, refined demonic essence energy

diffused endlessly from the Dragon Pearl, which was then
absorbed and refined by Huang Xiaolong, becoming part of
his battle qi.

Every time he was finished with a batch of five beast cores,

Huang Xiaolong would stop, then spend some time
practicing the Ancient Puppetry Art and Soul Mandate.

According to Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi’s explanation, the

higher one rose through the realms, the more evident the
importance of one’s soul force became. Despite the recent
improvement in Huang Xiaolong’s soul force, it was sorely
lagging behind his battle qi cultivation. Hence, he needed to
exert extra effort in bringing up his soul force.
The first day on the Cloudsea Mainland passed peacefully.

In closed-door practice, Huang Xiaolong refined another

batch of five beast cores, then proceeded to practice the
Ancient Puppetry Art and Soul Mandate. The process was
repeated day in day out until the sixteenth day. At the count
of his eightieth beast core, Huang Xiaolong finally advanced
to peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm.

By the twentieth day, Huang Xiaolong had refined the

remaining twenty beast cores, however, after advancing to
peak late-Tenth Order Saint realm, he noticed that the
remaining half-step God Realm beast cores’ benefits had
greatly reduced for him. The last twenty pieces merely
consolidated his advance to peak late-Tenth Order Saint

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong returned to the same

Windstorm shop and bought another eighty peak half-step
God Realm beast cores.

Walking out from the Windstorm Shop, he looked bitterly at

the eighty pieces of peak half-step God Realm beast cores.
The Xuanwu coins he had gotten from exchanging the five
pieces of saint grade spirit stones had almost bottomed out.
At the moment, the amount of Xuanwu coins remaining in
his Asura Ring did not exceed thirty thousand.

Thirty thousand, just barely enough for him to settle the inn
payment for one month’s stay. For the first time since
leaving the Martial Spirit World, Huang Xiaolong felt short of
money. It had been many years since last felt this feeling of

“It seems like we’ll have to resort to doing our old

business.” Huang Xiaolong smiled mockingly to himself.
The old business was none other than robbing and killing. In
the past, when he killed all those Deities Templar Elders, the
gold coins in their spatial rings could drown cities.

With that thought in mind, Huang Xiaolong returned to the

inn, resuming his routine practice. This time around, he
merely used ten days to refine all eighty beast cores. Yet,
after refining these eighty beast cores, it did not produce
the results he had imagined. Initially, he thought that
refining close to two hundred pieces of half-step God Realm
beast cores would help him breakthrough to half-step God
Realm. However, now it dawned on him, even if he refined
another five hundred pieces of these beast cores, he still
wouldn't be able to advance.

“As your True Dragon Physique gets stronger, your

meridians and Qi Sea’s capability to hold battle qi would
also grow, thus the amount of energy you need becomes
greater.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi added, “Following my
estimation, for you to breakthrough to half-step God Realm,
another six hundred pieces of half-step God Realm beast
cores would be needed.”

Six hundred pieces! Huang Xiaolong’s face was scrunched

up in a bitter smile.

If he needed six hundred beast cores to reach half-step God

Realm, then how many would he need to arrive at peak half-
step God Realm? Two thousand God Realm beast cores? Or
perhaps three thousand beast cores? The crucial problem
was, even the bigger firms on the Cloudsea Mainland did not
sell God Realm beast cores, they only appeared occasionally
in some auction houses.

“Now you finally understand why I advised you to keep the

innate spiritual embryo until you have advanced to peak
half-step God Realm before using it. Based on the
frightening amount of energy your True Dragon Physique
can absorb, without a treasure equivalent to the innate
spiritual embryo, it would be impossible for you to break
through to God Realm!” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi said. “If
you failed to break through on your first attempt, your
second attempt would be much, much harder!”

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Indeed, attempting to break through to God Realm was no

laughing matter. If there was one-tenth of a chance the first
time, there wouldn't even be half of that on the second

Which was why the majority of peak half-step God Realm

experts would wait and accumulate. Some had accumulated
close to a thousand years and still dared not make the

Huang Xiaolong spent the next two days in the city.

In these two days, he would spend the day cultivating his

battle qi in his yard, and at times when the mood struck
him, he would take a stroll around the city, returning at
nightfall to read the books he purchased.

Two days later, Huang Xiaolong had finished reading the

books he bought, bringing his perspective on the current
forces in the Black Tortoise Galaxy as well as some common
knowledge about other world surfaces to a higher level.

At this point, the Black Tortoise Galaxy had as much as

twenty-three super forces! And over two thousand first rank
At galactic level, a power that had a Highgod Realm master
could enter the ranks of super forces. In short, the Black
Tortoise Galaxy had a total of twenty-three forces backed by
Highgod Realm masters. On the other hand, powers that
had Tenth Order God Realm masters and above were
qualified to be acknowledged as first rank forces.

At the same time, from these books, Huang Xiaolong came

to know the names of the current top ten thousand world
surfaces in Black Tortoise Galaxy. This ranking was based on
the overall comprehensive force of a world surface.

Inside this list of ten thousand world surfaces, there was no

Martial Spirit World. In other words, the strength of everyone
in Martial Spirit World combined couldn't even enter a list
ten thousand names long in the eyes of the Black Tortoise

This made Huang Xiaolong a little depressed, was the

Martial Spirit World that weak?

However, Huang Xiaolong found Peace Emperor World’s

name inside the list, in the group of one thousand one
hundred something. Amongst one hundred and twenty-three
thousand world surfaces in the Black Tortoise Galaxy, able
to be listed at slightly past a thousand, one could imagine
how strong the Peace Emperor World actually was!

“Truth be told, around a hundred thousand years ago, our

Martial Spirit World was ranked somewhere in the thirties in
the entire Black Tortoise Galaxy. But all the Highgod and
God Realm masters have fallen during the Great Fiendgod
War, causing the Martial Spirit World to fall out from the ten
thousand rankings.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi lamented.
“Little brat Huang, I hope that when the top ten thousand
rankings reshuffle the next time, you can put Martial Spirit
World’s name on the list once more!”

Every ten thousand years, the ranking list would be


“Don’t you worry.” Huang Xiaolong nodded assuredly.

There were only two hundred years left to the next ranking
reshuffling, but Huang Xiaolong was confident he could
bring the Martial Spirit World all the way up to top one

After staying for another two days in the city, Huang

Xiaolong left the city and headed toward the Black Warrior

The Black Warrior City was the only city built by the Black
Warrior Institute on the Cloudsea Mainland, the place where
participants registered for the disciple selection assessment.

Although there was a still a year’s time until the

assessment, early registration was allowed.

One month later, Huang Xiaolong arrived at the Black

Warrior City.

Before arriving, he had prepared himself at the possible

enormity of Black Warrior City, yet when he arrived, he still
couldn’t help feeling awestruck.

Even he couldn't tell how high the city walls were, rising all
the way into the clouds! The rest of the walls had seemingly
no end.
“Awestruck? Heh, I had more or less the same expression
when I first saw it myself. This Black Warrior City is slightly
bigger than the Martial Spirit World.” Dragon Emperor Ao
Taiyi said.

‘Bigger than Martial Spirit World?!’ Huang Xiaolong was

deeply astonished.

A city bigger than a world surface!

“Go on, to the registration place. After registering, go sell off

a piece of divine grade spirit stone to an auction house and
buy some beast cores.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi went on,
“Before the assessment day arrives, you can advance to
half-step God Realm.”
Chapter 529: Tortoise Boundarys Apparition

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

After auctioning a piece of divine grade spirit stone, it would

definitely be sufficient to supply him with enough peak half-
step God Realm beast cores until he reached half-step God

Despite the fact that auctioning a divine grade spirit stone

would attract attraction and cause a stir, Huang Xiaolong
couldn't be bothered at the moment. Well, he would just
‘change’ into another face before heading to the auction

Huang Xiaolong proceeded to enter the Black Warrior City.

Sadly, to enter Black Warrior City, each person was required
to pay one thousand Xuanwu coins. Generally speaking, one
need not give any Xuanwu coins to enter most cities other
than the cities built by the twenty-three super forces. But
then again, the Black Warrior City did set the highest fee of
all. Although one thousand Xuanwu coins wasn’t much to
Huang Xiaolong, to any average Tenth Order Saint realm
expert it was akin to a piece of their flesh.

Walking into the city, Huang Xiaolong headed towards the

registration area for the Black Warrior Institute. The
registration area was located at the Central District of the
Black Warrior City, at a place called the Hall of Heroes.

Three days later, Huang Xiaolong walked into the Hall of


Even though the Hall of Heroes was a ‘hall’ by name, its

land area was larger than an imperial city on the Martial
Spirit World many times over. By the time Huang Xiaolong
reached the doors, the front portion was packed with people
bustling about.

With less than a year remaining to the day of assessment,

the registration of participants was already opened, hence,
top talents and family geniuses from all over Black Tortoise
Galaxy had made their way over to process their

Crossing over the Hall of Heroes’ front door threshold, a

large square came into sight, but something at a corner of
the square caught Huang Xiaolong’s attention. A crowd was
hovering over something interesting.

“That’s the ten thousand year Tortoise Boundary,” Dragon

Emperor Ao Taiyi explained. “A formation carved by a
primeval great master that can test your aptitude and

Test one’s aptitude and strength! Huang Xiaolong was


“How about it, want to give it a try?” Dragon Emperor Ao

Taiyi enticed.

Huang Xiaolong was tempted.

He very much wanted to know where his talent and strength

stood. But, if he was tested in public, wouldn’t that expose
his talent and strength to everyone?

As if knowing Huang Xiaolong’s worry, Dragon Emperor Ao

Taiyi laughed, “During the test, you can suppress half the
aura inside you, moreover, your True Dragon Physique has a
hidden nature. You can totally hide your true strength during
the test, and then regauge your talent and strength based
on the result.”
Huang Xiaolong nodded. This was also considered a way.

“This ten thousand year Tortoise Boundary is meant to help

participants gauge their chances of passing the Black
Warrior Institute’s assessment before they register.” Dragon
Emperor Ao Taiyi went on, “In general, they have a hope of
passing the assessment if they get 1000 points and above.”

As Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi explained, Huang Xiaolong

already reached the crowd of people, joining the queue.
Since he was already here, the registration could wait a
while. However, the family disciples that wanted to test
themselves were a staggering number, just in front of
Huang Xiaolong were five to six hundred people.

As the test results were announced one after another, the

surroundings erupted with either mocking sneers or
exclamations of surprise. Of course, jealous and envious
stares were thrown in from time to time.

“Talent-892, strength-983!”

“983, the strength is very close to 1000. There’s hope in

passing the assessment, which family does he belong to?”

“Seems like someone from the Iro World’s Luo Family!”

When a young man in azure robes walked out from the test
altar, it raised a commotion among the spectating crowd. In
ten thousand people who took the test, only a scarce few
were able to exceed 900. Whenever a disciple’s test result
was close to 1000, it would draw exclamations and jealous
stares from the crowd.

That Luo Family disciple left the square under a multitude of

envious stares with his head held high and chest puffed up
toward the Hall of Heroes registration location.
Huang Xiaolong was excited. Although the Iro World’s Luo
Family wasn’t one of Black Tortoise Galaxy’s twenty-three
super forces, it was however, one of the first rank forces.
The Luo Family, together with the Yi Family, controlled more
than nine-tenths of the Iro World’s forces.

In the ten thousand planets ranking, it was placed close to a


“Talent-923, strength-1056!”

“That is also a disciple from the Iro World’s Yi Family!”

Subsequently, the crowd broke out in another wave of shock

and jealousy.

This Yi Family disciple’s talent and strength were slightly

stronger than the previous Luo Family disciple. However, the
next two hundred over tests did not produce another
participant with strength surpassing 900.

Two hours later, it was finally Huang Xiaolong’s turn.

Huang Xiaolong walked up to the test altar. In front of the

test altar, something resembling a one-meter tall bath
barrel was hovering. Looking at it , he knew this was the ten
thousand year Tortoise Boundary.

Before stepping in, Huang Xiaolong completely hid his True

Dragon Physique, then following what the previous tester
did, he lifted a palm, pressing it against the ten thousand
year Tortoise Boundary, channeling his Asura qi into it.

Instantly, the ten thousand year Tortoise Boundary lit up like

a sun, exploding in a profound aureate light that soared sky
high. The airflow in the square became turbulent, ripples
traveled across space, and the ground shook like a severe

The noisy crowd around the test altar abruptly died down
into a buzzing silence as everyone stared wide-eyed and
agape at the ten thousand year Tortoise Boundary.

Disciples that came to register in the Hall of Heroes and at

the square immediately felt the turbulent airflow within ten
thousand li radius.

“This, this, what is the matter?!”

“It’s the test altar!”

At that moment, all experts and disciples from different

corners of the square looked toward the test altar while
geniuses and experts inside the Hall of Heroes rushed out
from the hall. All of them had their eyes fixed on the ten
thousand year Tortoise Boundary from all directions, looking
toward the test altar with dumbfounded expressions.

“This, which super force does this genius disciple belong

to?! To be able to trigger the ten thousand year Tortoise
Boundary to release this thousand zhang light!”

“The ten thousand year Tortoise Boundary hasn’t displayed

this level of manifestation for a very long time!”

“A freak genius! A peerless genius! This must be one!”

The Hall of Heroes’ square was in an uproar.

But, in the next second, they saw a shadow of a mythical

golden tortoise projecting from the ten thousand year
Tortoise Boundary, growing larger as it rose to the sky,
reaching a gargantuan size.
“Heavens! The Tortoise Boundary’s spirit apparition! This is
the tortoise spirit inside the ten thousand year Tortoise
Boundary, god knows how many years it’s been since it last
appeared, only when a genuine genius surfaces in the world
will it show itself!”

Suddenly, the gargantuan golden tortoise raised its head

toward the nine heaves, letting out a resounding roar that
reverberated through millions of miles.

In the airspace above the Black Warrior City, silhouettes

appeared one after another. Clearly, all experts in the Black
Warrior City were alerted by the booming shockwaves.

In the northern airspace of the Black Warrior City, an old

man clad in a light blue brocade robe with a black tortoise
pattern on his chest was looking in the Hall of Heroes’
direction with a solemn expression, muttering to himself,
“This is the ten thousand year Tortoise Boundary spirit’s
roar. Finally, a genius that can shock the world has appeared
in the Black Tortoise Galaxy.” His silhouette disappeared
from the spot in a flicker, rushing toward the Hall of Heroes.

So did experts from all corners of the Black Warrior City.

Everyone wanted to take a glimpse at the monster of a

genius who caused the ten thousand year Tortoise Boundary
spirit to appear.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong felt utter helplessness as he

stared at the tortoise spirit in the sky. He didn’t expect to
trigger such an exaggerated reaction despite having his
True Dragon Physique hidden. It would be hard to remain
anonymous after causing such a conspicuous a scene.

At the same thing, the bath barrel-like ten thousand year

Tortoise Boundary started to spin. As it spun, both sides of
the test altar that indicated talent and strength revealed the
Chapter 530: Test Result

All eyes focused intently on the talent and strength figures

on the test altar. Before their eyes, the thousand year
Tortoise Boundary had barely begun to spin, but the
numbers for talent and strength test shot up like a rocket.

The green and red lights representing talent and strength

surpassed 1000 points in the blink of an eye.

Eyes protruded witnessing this.

“1000, it actually exceeded 1000 points in less than a

breath’s time!”

“1100, 1200, 1300!”

Sounds of exclamation rose and fell from different corners of

the square.

When the red and green lights surpassed the 1000 mark, it
continued to climb rapidly all the way to 1300!!!

“1300, now it’s already 1400!”

“1500, it’s already 1500!”

The crowd’s breathing quickened as if their hearts about to

jump out from their chests. Both talent and strength
exceeded the 1500 mark!

In general, strength over 1200 held a seven-tenths passing

chance in the Black Warrior Institute’s assessment, and at
1300 it would increase to eight-tenths. Then, what did 1500
It meant that if there were no mishaps during the
assessment, that person was bound breeze through the
assessment. In short, that person would be one of the Black
Warrior Institute’s disciples!

The pairs of eyes fixed on Huang Xiaolong from all corners

of the square changed. Becoming a disciple of the Black
Warrior Institute was the dream pursued by numerous
aspiring family geniuses and disciples from the Black
Tortoise Galaxy.

“1700, 1800!”

“I, are my eyes deceiving me, it actually reached 1800!”

After a brief silence, someone suddenly shouted.


Both talent and strength passed the 1800 mark!

Even the most steady person could no longer conceal the

astonishment in their eyes.

1800! Their minds failed to wrap around the enormity that

those numbers represent. To their knowledge, among the
numerous family disciples that came to register for the
institute's assessment until now, there hadn’t been any one
genius that produced a result as high as 1800. Forget 1800,
not a single person received even 1500 points.

Yet the green and red lights on the test altar were still
climbing, and they didn't seem like they were about to stop!

The crowd grew nervous as they watched the lights

continue moving up, hands subconsciously clenched into
fists. Their hearts stuck in their throats.
“It’s already 1900, oh God, it broke past 1900!”

“It won’t breach the 2000 mark… right? In the last Black
Warrior Institute’s assessment, the disciple who got the first
place only tested slightly above 2300.”

As the numbers in the green and red lights rose above 1900,
everyone’s hearts tightened, watching both numbers climb
closer and closer to 2000.

The previous old man in light blue brocade robe with a black
tortoise diagram on his chest had been watching for some
time in the airspace above. He too was staring at the
numbers indicated by the green light and red lights.

“Can it pass 2000?” He muttered to himself. If the black-

haired young man below could pass the 2000 mark, then in
this time’s assessment, he was guaranteed a spot within the
top ten.




Everyone at the square could hear their own heartbeats

drumming in their ears. All of a sudden, the green and red
lights suddenly released an even more dazzling light as both
numbers broke past the 2000 mark.

The crowd stared dumbly at the lights. In an instant, the

silent square broke out in an unprecedented uproarious
shock, mixed with excitement, jealousy, and awe.

Even so, the green and red lights continued to rise, but at a
slower speed. A while later, both lights had reached 2100.
At this point, Huang Xiaolong began to suppress his battle
qi, prompting the red colored light indicating strength to halt
at 2132. However, the green light representing talent kept
rising, finally stopping at 2256.

Huang Xiaolong did not expect his talent result to still reach
such a high number even after hiding his True Dragon

“This is the talent level represented by the twin dragon

martial spirits and Asura bloodline in your body.” Dragon
Emperor Ao Taiyi’s voice sounded.

This explanation made things clear for Huang Xiaolong, but

he did not expect the twin dragon martial spirits and Asura
bloodline’s talent to be so high.

“Your talent is indeed shocking, if you did not hide your True
Dragon Physique, I believe your talent could definitely rise
to 4000.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi added, “4000, what a
monster ah! Furthermore, you suppressed a third of your
strength, otherwise, it could absolutely go higher than 3000

During his time, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi too had tested his
aptitude and strength on the altar, and his result was similar
to Huang Xiaolong’s. The person who took the first place in
the same batch as Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi’s assessment,
his talent merely broke 2500. As for strength, it was around

Huang Xiaolong stepped out of the test altar before a

myriad of astonished, reverential, and even some flattering
gazes. The crowd subconsciously opened a path for Huang
Huang Xiaolong left the square area calmly, walking into the
Hall of Heroes to the registration point.

Everyone in the crowd had their gazes fixed on the black-

haired young man’s back as if rooted to the spot.

In a certain far corner of the square, the Jiang Family

disciple, Jiang Shaoze, and the five old men behind him also
witnessed the entirety of Huang Xiaolong’s test.

“Young Lord, I didn’t expect this black-haired young man’s

talent and strength to be so strong. With his strength, he
has a high chance gaining a top ten spot in this time’s
assessment.” One of the old men commented.

Jiang Shaoze nodded in agreement, “Both his talent and

strength are good, but even so, he’s not my opponent.” He
did not pay too much attention to Huang Xiaolong’s
existence, and the expression on his face made an abrupt
change, slightly twisted with hate, “Abominable, that
precious treasure was taken by someone else. If I ever find
out who it was, I’ll make sure he dies horribly.”

He had searched through countless old records, using

several decades’ time before finally deducing the innate
treasure’s location. But he arrived only to discover that
someone else was a step ahead of him, robbing him of his

“Even without that treasure, before the day of the

assessment arrives, I’m still able to break through to God
Realm!” Jiang Shaoze gnashed his teeth, “Gudu Leng, I will
definitely defeat you! The first place belongs to me!”

“Young Lord, say, do you want to go and test as well?”

Another old man inquired.
Jiang Shaoze nodded, “Might as well, I’m curious as well
where my talent and strength stands.”

By this time, Huang Xiaolong had arrived at the registration

area inside the Hall of Heroes. The person in charge of the
registration counter was a Black Warrior Institute’s inner
disciple, also a First Order God Realm. He had seen Huang
Xiaolong’s aptitude test earlier, so when Huang Xiaolong
approached to register his name, the inner disciple’s
manners exuded goodwill, and he was extremely courteous.
A world apart from his cold face toward the other
participants that came to register.

This was because a monstrous talent like Huang Xiaolong

had a high chance of becoming part of the institute’s elite
disciples. Still, that didn't lower the steep registration fees
of ten thousand Xuanwu coins. After paying the required ten
thousand Xuanwu coins, he received a palm-sized badge
and a small booklet.

With pairs of eyes on him, Huang Xiaolong left the Hall of


After leaving, Huang Xiaolong came to a secluded corner,

making changes to his facial features and physical stature
before walking toward the Black Warrior City’s auction
house. Next, he planned on auctioning a piece of divine
grade spirit stone to buy enough peak half-step God Realm
beast cores.
Chapter 531: Are You Sure Youre Not Auctioning?

Several hours later, Huang Xiaolong appeared outside the

auction house.

This particular auction house in the Black Warrior City was

opened by the Black Warrior Institute and was also one of
the few biggest auction houses in the Black Tortoise Galaxy.

“May I know what this Young Noble is planning to auction?”

The auction house employee that approached Huang
Xiaolong was a pretty maiden in a long flowing green dress
with a pleasing sweet smile.

Huang Xiaolong stated his purpose: “I want to auction a

spirit stone.”

“A single spirit stone?” The young maiden blanked for a

second and giggled, “Is Young Noble joking? Does Young
Noble know the rules of our auction house? Our auction
house only holds one auction annually, and in every auction,
we only offer one hundred items. Our auction house will
definitely not merely auction a single spirit stone.”

Items auctioned by the Black Warrior Auction House had a

minimum value of one million Xuanwu coins. Such was the
standard requirement. The Black Warrior Auction House
declined to auction anything outside of this requirement. For
example, the saint grade spirit stones that Huang Xiaolong
sold off previously at a price of a little above four hundred

This was also the main reason why the auction house
employee said that they would not auction one piece of
spirit stone. But then again, the bigger forces or families
would not take out a precious item such as divine grade
spirit stones for auction, thus this possibility did not cross
her mind at all.

Hearing the other side decisively state that they will not
auction a single spirit stone, Huang Xiaolong merely smiled,
“Are you sure you’re not auctioning?”

The pretty maiden’s delicate brows slightly creased, weren't

her words clear enough for this young man? Why did some
people lack tact? Thus she firmly stated once again: “That’s
right, we do-not-auction.”

Just as her last word sounded, a light flashed in Huang

Xiaolong’s hands, like a miniature sun explosion, lightning
up the whole hall in a glaring light. A powerful wave shook
the airflow and space in the hall, instantly attracting the
gazes of other people around as they keenly felt the sudden
richness of spiritual energy.

This is…?!

In the next second, their eyes zoomed toward the piece of

spirit stone in Huang Xiaolong’s hand.

“Divine grade spirit stone?!”

“Heavens, that’s a divine grade spirit stone!”

In a split second, someone determined the grade of the

spirit stone in Huang Xiaolong’s hand.

The auction house young maiden felt tears swimming in her

eyes from the spirit stone’s bright glare, her dainty cherry
blossom lips were agape exaggeratedly in shock.

Huang Xiaolong eyed her as a faint smile tilted the corner of

his lips, “Since the Black Warrior Auction House does not
auction divine grade spirit stones, then I shall go to another
auction house.” With that said, he turned around, putting
away the spirit stone in his hand and preparing to leave.

The Black Warrior Auction House was not the sole auction
house in the Cloudsea Mainland.

The pretty auction house employee recovered from her

shock at this point. Anxiously watching the young man turn
to leave, she blurted out: “No no no! Young Noble, our
auction house will auction it, we will, we will! Please, Young
Noble, wait for a moment. I’ll go look for the supervisor.” In
a moment of desperation, she grabbed Huang Xiaolong and

Seeing this, Huang Xiaolong smiled and took a seat. “Fine,

then.” In fact, he was just putting on a show of pretending
to leave.

Inwardly relieved after seeing that Huang Xiaolong was

willing to stay, she quickly left in search for the auction
house supervisor.

It didn’t take long for the female auction house employee to

return with several people. Walking in front of the group was
a middle-aged man clad in a pale yellow robe with a black
tortoise pattern embroidered on his chest. Behind him were
several old men in light red robes. The young maiden was at
the very end of the group.

“Young Noble, this is our Supervisor, Ke Can.” Arriving in

front of Huang Xiaolong, the young maiden walked up,
introducing the middle-aged man to Huang Xiaolong.
“Supervisor, this is the Young Noble who would like to
auction a piece of divine grade spirit stone.”
The middle-aged man, Ke Can, faced Huang Xiaolong with a
beaming smile, speaking in a polite tone, “I heard that this
brother wants to auction a piece of divine grade spirit stone,
may I have a look at it?”

“Sure.” Huang Xiaolong answered, taking out a piece of

divine grade spirit stone.

The several old men in light red robes walked up and began
assessing the divine grade spirit stone. The longer they
looked, the more ecstatic and excited the expression on
their faces grew.

It was some time later before the several old men calmed
down, ending their appraisal.

“Supervisor Ke, this spirit stone has indeed reached the

standard of divine grade, moreover, the spiritual energy
inside is as abundant as the sea, definitely one of the finest
among divine grade spirit stones, hard to find in a hundred
thousand years. We estimate the value to be sixty million!”
One of them spoke.

Finest among divine grade spirit stones, a rarity hard to find

in a hundred thousand years, estimated value to be sixty

The other experts that came to put their items up for

auction were astounded, their eyes grew feverish as they
fixed their gazes on the spirit stone, hating the fact they
were unable to swallow it into their bellies right that instant.

Ka Can was over the moon hearing the appraisal. ‘Finest

among divine grade!’ It had been more than thirty thousand
years since the Black Warrior Auction House last put up this
quality of spirit stone for auction.
Subsequently, Ke Can guided Huang Xiaolong through some
of the auction house rules while putting the divine grade
spirit stone away for safekeeping inside the Black Warrior
Auction House treasure chamber. It would only be taken out
half a month later, on the day of the auction. He also gave
Huang Xiaolong a jade token as proof of the transaction.

Half an hour later, Huang Xiaolong walked out from the

auction house.

He was assured leaving the item with the Black Warrior

Auction House. With the Black Warrior Institute’s standing
and reputation, at the very least, he was confident that they
wouldn't embezzle his piece of spirit stone.

Leaving the auction house, Huang Xiaolong went to a

trading firm. The several thousand Xuanwu coins left inside
his Asura Ring weren't even enough to buy him a few jugs of
wine, which was why he needed to exchange for some quick
Xuanwu coins.

He used three pieces of saint grade spirit stones to

exchange for slightly over a million Xuanwu coins. It should
be enough to last him a few days.

Then, he went around looking for an inn in close distance to

the Black Warrior Auction House, renting a yard as he
cultivated while waiting for the auction day’s arrival.

In less than half a day, the news that the Black Warrior
Auction House would be putting up a fine quality divine
grade spirit stone for auction spread in all directions,
sending the entire Cloudsea Mainland into a furor of
excitement as experts rushed into the Black Warrior City.
Other than that, Huang Xiaolong’s aptitude test in the Hall
of Heroes also raised a small ripple.
“Did you hear, several days ago some guy tested his
aptitude, his strength reached 2132, and his talent was
even higher, reaching 2256. I asked around, that guy’s
name is Huang Xiaolong.”

“Huang Xiaolong? There doesn’t seem to be any super

forces or first rank forces in the Black Tortoise Galaxy with
the surname Huang. I wonder which world surface this small
Huang Family is from, to come out with such a dazzling

“Also, Jiang Family’s Young Lord also tested that day, his
strength was 2368, whereas talent is 2321, even higher
than that Huang Xiaolong. Another super genius has come
out of the Jiang Family!”

On this day, while Huang Xiaolong was having a drink at the

inn, these discussions fell into his ear.

‘Jiang Shaoze?’ Huang Xiaolong was reminded of the Jiang

Family disciple from the dim planet where he took away the
innate spiritual embryo. It seems like that Jiang Family
disciple was this Jiang Shaoze.

‘Strength 2368? Not too bad.’ Huang Xiaolong thought to


If this Jiang Shaoze broke through to God Realm, his

strength would most likely to exceed 3000.

Half a month passed by quickly, getting closer to the

auction day.

Huang Xiaolong left the inn, heading toward the auction

house. By the time he arrived, the doors of the auction
house were already crowded with people, hardly anyone

In truth, the usual annual auction did not garner so much

attention, however, ever since the news about the fine
quality divine grade spirit stone spread out, it drew twice as
many people over.

Huang Xiaolong moved toward the honored guests'


“This Young Noble, my apologies, this entrance is only for

guests that hold our auction house’s special issued card.”
When he was a few steps away from passing through the
entrance, two pretty auction house’s female disciples
politely stopped Huang Xiaolong.
Chapter 532: Divine Artifact

After being blocked, Huang Xiaolong did not show any

anger. Smiling faintly, he took out the jade token that Ke
Can had given him the other day, waving it in front of them,
“Can I go in now?”

According to auction house rules, the owners of an auction

item were allowed to enter through the honored guest
pathway, they were all treated the same.

The two beauties stared at the jade token in Huang

Xiaolong’s hand and were dazed for a moment before
respectfully making way for him to pass through.

Huang Xiaolong passed through, coming out the other side,

where another beautiful young woman came up to lead him
to a private room. Sitting in the private room, looking at the
extravagant decorations, he sighed a small lament in his
heart. Just the decorations in this private room alone
probably cost a few million, even a simple chair in the
private room was made out of heaven grade spirit stone.

Not long ago in Martial Spirit World, Huang Xiaolong couldn’t

even find a piece of heaven grade spirit stone, but now, the
Black Warrior auction house actually turned such a big piece
of heaven grade spirit stone into a chair, and placed it here!

The other decorations in the room were also made from rare
stones and ores.

Sitting comfortably on the chair, looking through a glass

window, he had a view of the entire auction house hall. The
auction house’s spacious hall could fit over ten thousand
people, each of them having enough space to sit. Peering
down from the private room, it was a mass of black.
Huang Xiaolong didn’t have to wait long, as the auction
began shortly afterwards.

“Top divine grade spirit pellet, Immortal Phoenix Pellet, one

hundred pieces, the bidding price starts at one million five
hundred thousand!”

One hundred pieces of Immortal Phoenix Pellet, this was the

auction house’s starting item. A magical pellet from the
Phoenix Clan with miraculous benefits. Taking it could not
only temper one’s physical body, it also brought clarity to
the soul, and if one was gravely injured, all wounds could be
healed almost instantly.

After the Immortal Phoenix Pellet, the second item was a

lump of divine ore from the Divine World, five meters thick,
the bidding price set at one million.

Although a divine ore was invaluable, it was difficult to

refine. Not only did it required a Highgod Realm master’s
divine fire, it also required knowledge of the Divine World’s
talisman symbols as well as transforming it into an inscribed

Huang Xiaolong did not expect a lump of Divine World’s ore

to be worth so much, which inexplicably made him
remember the doors at the destroyed Deities Templar’s
headquarters. Those doors were also made out of Divine
World’s ore.

‘En, the next time I return, I should go retrieve those doors.’

Huang Xiaolong made a mental note.

Soon, more than fifty items had breezed through the auction
stage, most of them were rare items. However, the price
grew increasingly high as these items passed, even Huang
Xiaolong was smacking his lips at the thought of it. From the
fiftieth item onwards, all the bidding prices started from ten
million and above. Most of all, Huang Xiaolong’s divine
grade spirit stone was actually one of the few finale items of
the auction.

Sitting in the private room, Huang Xiaolong heard the

undulating cries of the bidding war, feeling a little
depressed. At first, he had thought that after auctioning that
piece of divine grade spirit stone, his wealth would be
equivalent to a small local tyrant. However, looking down at
the expressionless faces of those disciples below as they
cried out millions, the few millions he was about to receive
seemed like a drop in the vast sea.

Several hours later, only the last three items remained.

“Our next item is a divine artifact!”

The moment the preceding auctioneer’s voice rang, the

crowd stirred with excitement. Only a weapon forged with
divine fire by a God in the Divine World had the right to be
called a divine artifact!

A genuine true God! Not what they call Highgod Realm

masters within the galaxy.

Huang Xiaolong too was stunned.

“How can a divine artifact appear in the lower world?”

Huang Xiaolong couldn’t resist asking Dragon Emperor Ao

“I’m not very clear myself, but most of these weapons are
left behind from the desolate era.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi
said, “Although a divine artifact is powerful, only a Highgod
Realm master could somewhat display its power.”
Huang Xiaolong nodded.

By this point, the auctioneer had announced the bidding

price at forty-five million. And the bidding began.

However, due to the fact only Highgod Realm masters could

display the divine artifact’s power, there weren’t many
bidders. In the end, it was won by one of the super forces,
the Zhu Family, using fifty-two million.

“Next, is a divine grade spirit stone.”

“This spiritual energy contained in this divine grade spirit

stone is as abundant as the sea, vibrant and endless. One of
the finest amongst its grade. It can supply twice as much
energy to large formations, increasing the effect two-fold.”

“The bidding starts at sixty million.”

The auction hall broke out in a great uproar. A divine artifact

may be a rare treasure, but it could only be used by a
Highgod Realm master, however, this piece of fine quality
divine grade spirit stone was a different matter altogether. It
could be used to power formations, used to arrange a
spiritual energy gathering formation, refine pellets,
cultivation, and most important of all, it could be used by

When the auctioneer announced the start of the bidding,

everyone in the hall went crazy.

Before a flabbergasted Huang Xiaolong, the price soared to

seventy million in the blink of an eye!

“Seventy-one million!

“Seventy-three million!”
The price continued to go up.

Inside the private room, it was as if Huang Xiaolong saw the

sky raining down Xuanwu coins right in front of him. In the
end, that piece of divine grade spirit stone was auctioned at
a high price of eighty-three million!

Eighty-three million!

Inside his Asura Ring, he had five more similar spirit stones,
adding the one that was just sold off, that was close to five
hundred million?!

Five hundred million Xuanwu coins, even some of the

smaller families that had been accumulating their wealth for
ten thousand years couldn’t take out this figure.

“The last item we’re going to auction is a treasure map. This

treasure map was left behind by the All Origins Sect.”

No one expected the final item to be a treasure map,

including Huang Xiaolong.

“All Origins Sect?” Huang Xiaolong was baffled.

“This All Origins Sect was one of our Black Tortoise Galaxy’s
super forces, but it was destroyed a little over ten thousand
years ago.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi said.

Huang Xiaolong was bewildered, he didn’t expect the All

Origins Sect to be a super force, but how did the sect fell? It
wasn’t that easy for a super force to perish completely.

“The reason why the All Origins Sect perished has always
been a mystery.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi shook his head,
“According to some rumors, all of the All Origins Sect’s
Highgod Realm and God Realm Masters were all killed in a
single night. At that time, this news shocked the entire Black
Tortoise Galaxy, Azure Dragon Galaxy, White Tiger Galaxy,
and the Vermillion Bird Galaxy.”

Who had such power to be able to kill all of the All Origins
Sect’s Highgod and God Realm masters?! Huang Xiaolong
was left reeling at the thought.

At this point, the auction house Supervisor Ke Can made his

way over to Huang Xiaolong’s private room to hand over the
profits from the auctioning of the divine grade spirit stone.

The auction house itself deducted slightly more than a

million as processing fees, and Huang Xiaolong pocketed
over eighty-one million.

Eighty-one million was a huge sum.

With eighty-one million in his hand, Huang Xiaolong felt

much more secure.

In the end, the treasure map was bought by another super

force, the Chen Family, with two hundred million.

After the auction ended, the auction house Supervisor Ke

Can invite Huang Xiaolong to his residence, but Huang
Xiaolong rejected the other side’s intentions. He was
headed to the big trading firm dealing in demonic beasts,
purchasing all the peak half-step God Realm beast cores in
their shop, coming up to slightly over nine hundred cores.

Nine hundred peak half-step God Realm beast cores cost

Huang Xiaolong forty million. Even though he was never a
stingy person, it still made his heart bleed.
Chapter 533: Day Of
Assessment Approaching
Chapter 533: Day of Assessment Approaching

After buying the peak half-step God Realm beast cores,

Huang Xiaolong rented a courtyard in one of the Black
Warrior City’s inns, immersing himself in cultivation. Now,
there were barely ten months left until the assessment day.
Thus, Huang Xiaolong limited himself to ten beast cores a
day, while the rest of the time was spent on cultivating his
battle qi, the Ancient Puppetry Art, and Soul Mandate.

He also went out from time to time for a stroll and dip in
some occasional wine. The days were leisurely and
comfortable, contributing to his dwindling wealth.

The small courtyard he rented wasn’t large, but it still cost

more than a thousand Xuanwu coins daily. A bottle of
slightly better wine cost at least another thousand Xuanwu

In the beginning, he had wanted to buy his own courtyard in

the Black Warrior City, but he was shocked after asking
about the price. The cheapest courtyard cost three to four
hundred million! On top of that, only Black Warrior
Institute’s elite disciples and above were permitted to
purchase a residence. As for others, they wouldn't be given
the time of the day even if they offered hundreds of

“Forget Black Warrior City, even courtyards in small cities on

the Cloudsea Mainland would cost you at least one hundred
million.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi emphasized, “The
Cloudsea Mainland is the entire Black Tortoise Galaxy’s
trading center, every inch of land is worth more than gold.
Only some big families or super forces’ disciples or Elders
can afford to own a place.”

A regretful sigh sounded from Huang Xiaolong. No matter

where one goes, the difference between the rich and poor
still exists.

“After you break into the God Realm and become a Black
Warrior Institute’s inner disciple, with that identity you can
look to buy a place in one of the smaller cities of the
Cloudsea Mainland.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi persuaded.

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Even a common courtyard in the Cloudsea Continent’s

smaller cities wasn't something that everyone could buy,
the identity of the buyer was a prerequisite. That wouldn't
be an issue if Huang Xiaolong was able to become an inner
disciple of the Black Warrior Institute.

At that time, he could even bring the Huang Family over to

the Cloudsea Mainland. This was an absolutely safe place.

No one would dare to fight openly or commit murder on the

Cloudsea Mainland, otherwise they would become the whole
galaxy’s common enemy. Even core disciples of super forces
would think twice before acting recklessly.

The passage of time flowed by, and very soon, two months
had passed.

By the time Huang Xiaolong had refined six hundred beast

cores, he finally advanced to half-step God Realm. His
strength once again increased by leaps and bound. If during
the test Huang Xiaolong’s true strength was 3000, then his
current strength would increase to 4000. A thousand points
difference may not seem much, but his actual strength
definitely more than doubled.

Inside the yard, Huang Xiaolong ended his practice for the
day and opened his eyes as he breathed out turbid qi from
his mouth, “My Asura Tactics has reached the ninth stage,
according to this speed, when I break through to God Realm,
my Asura Tactics will also enter the tenth stage!”

The legendary tenth stage! Huang Xiaolong was looking

forward to it with anticipation.

A stage even his Master, Ren Wokuang, had yet to achieve.

As long as Huang Xiaolong achieved the tenth stage, he

would be able to open the Door of Hell, allowing him to
travel freely to hell and back. Just like the Divine World, Hell
was an upper level world surface. The better resources from
Hell would provide Huang Xiaolong an edge that other Black
Warrior Institute geniuses couldn't compare with.

He did not leave Black Warrior City after he advanced to

half-step God Realm. Instead, he continued to refine the
remaining beast cores.

A little more than a month passed. Huang Xiaolong spent his

time refining the remaining three hundred over peak half-
step God Realm beast cores, solidifying his half-step God
Realm foundation. During this period, his strength continued
to grow every day. However, it was far from peak half-step
God Realm.

“At this rate, I’d have to refine one thousand more God
Realm beast cores to see any results.” Huang Xiaolong’s
mood turned dismal.
A thousand God Realm beast cores, where was he going to
find that many?!

At most, the auction houses might hold ten or so God Realm

beast cores for auction. Not to mention the fact that an
average God Realm beast core would fetch a price of four to
five hundred thousand each.

A thousand God Realm beast cores, he wouldn't be able to

afford them even if he sold the five remaining divine grade
spirit stones inside his ring.

“Actually, you need not think so much at this point.” Dragon

Emperor Ao Taiyi ’s voice sounded. “Your current strength is
sufficient to secure a spot in the Black Warrior Institute.
Moreover, for the assessment, the Black Warrior Institute
would transfer the participants to the Deepwood Star to
hunt for demonic beasts, monsters, and demons as part of
the elimination process to select the best one hundred. On
the Deepwood Star, there are a lot of God Realm demonic
beasts and demons.”

“A lot of God Realm demonic beasts and demons!” Huang

Xiaolong’s eyes lit up.

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi chuckled, “Right, these demonic

beasts and demons’ are generally not very strong, at most
they’re early or mid-First Order God Realm, without any late-
First Order God Realms, suitable for your training."

“That Deepwood Star should have at least one thousand

God Realm demonic beasts and demons, right?” Huang
Xiaolong wanted to be certain.

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi was rendered speechless, “You

think God Realm demonic beasts and demons are littered all
over the place? All the demonic beasts and demons on the
Deepwood Star are reared by the Black Warrior Institute in
hundreds of thousands of years. Although it does have a lot
of God Realm demonic beasts and demons, there would, at
most, only have several hundred. Those late-First Order God
Realm and Second Order God Realm would be captured by
the Black Warrior Institute’s experts.”

Captured? Then Huang Xiaolong immediately understood

the institute’s intentions.

Among the participants in the assessment, the stronger

candidates’ strength would be on a similar level to early or
mid-First Order God Realm demonic beasts. If there were
Second Order God Realm demonic beasts inside, they
needn’t bother with an assessment. It would be a one-sided

“But, there is still half a year more to the assessment,”

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi advised, “In this half year period,
continue to refine peak half-step God Realm beast cores,
increase your strength as much as you can. This way, when
the time comes, it will be easier for you to kill those mid-
First Order God Realm demonic beasts.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded.

Hence, in the days after, Huang Xiaolong used the

remaining thirty million to buy over seven hundred peak
half-step God Realm beast cores, continuing the refinement,
his occasional strolls, and his love for wine.

As days turned into weeks, which turned into months, half a

year was gone in a blink.

Inside the Xumi Temple, Huang Xiaolong was sitting cross-

legged beside the Ten Buddha Formation. As he breathed in
and out, dragon qi swirled around his body in the ethereal
shape of a dragon.

In recent days, his Treasure Dragon Protective Shield Art had

reached minor completion and the formation diagram that
appeared inside his body had fully integrated with his True
Dragon Physique. The diagram formation had also changed
since then, from the vague lines to picturesque mountains
and flowing streams, accompanied by lush trees and grass.
All of these were formed by dragon qi.

Several hours later, Huang Xiaolong’s cultivation ended for

the day. When he exited the Xumi Temple, the outside world
was already deep into the night.

The vast sky was a stretch of midnight blue.

“Tomorrow is the assessment day.” Huang Xiaolong

whispered while looking at the sky.

The Black Warrior Institute seemed to attach great

importance to this term’s assessment. Not only did they
increase the reward for the first place, the rewards for
second place all the way to the tenth place were all

By the end of the registration period, among the number of

people who tested their aptitude, there was a total of
twenty-five people who scored 2000 point and above for
strength! In the past, twelve to thirteen people were the
norm, but this year it was actually twice as much.

The highest scorer in terms of strength, reaching well over

3100, was a young man named Gudu Leng. He was also the
only person scoring above 3000 points. When his results
were determined, it raised great waves in Cloudsea
Mainland. That was because in the million years of pre-
assessment tests, not once did any genius score above
3000 points. Rumor has it, the news even stunned the Black
Warrior Institute’s Principal.

“Is this the reason why the Black Warrior Institute suddenly
increased the rewards?” The corner of Huang Xiaolong’s lip
curled up in a hint of a smile. Tomorrow, he would be able to
see this Gudu Leng guy.

A worthy opponent only made things more interesting.
Chapter 534: First Encounter With Gudu Leng

Night gradually gave way to dawn as the sun spread its

sunshine over the land.

Huang Xiaolong, who has been standing in the yard,

suddenly quivered, shaking the morning dew drops off his
body. He turned around and walked out of the yard, heading
toward the Hall of Heroes’ square.

The new disciple assessment’s transmission array was in

the square itself. Due to the close distance between the inn
he lived in and the Hall of Heroes, Huang Xiaolong arrived
within minutes.

By the time Huang Xiaolong arrived, the square was already

packed with a large crowd. Numerous geniuses from
different world surface gathered on the Hall of Heroes

“That kid should be that Huang Xiaolong.”

When Huang Xiaolong appeared in the square, quite a few

people recognized his face. There would be many people
paying attention to those like Huang Xiaolong who scored
above 2000 points in strength.

Moments after he arrived, the square broke out in a big


“It’s Gudu Leng! The one who scored 3156 points, Gudu

“So unexpected, such a monstrous genius came from the

Gudu Family this time!”
Huang Xiaolong looked over, following the crowd’s gaze to a
young man clad in the blackest brocade robe under an eye-
catching silver cloak stepping onto the square, firm and
steady. His pupils an obsidian black that seemed to have a
magical allure, a glance and one would be pulled in

This was the sole genius in the hundred thousands years of

the Black Warrior Institute’s assessment that scored above
3000 points, shocking an entire galaxy, Gudu Leng!

A light flickered in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes.

Gudu Leng, the person was like his name—cold. Despite the
large space between Huang Xiaolong and Gudu Leng, he felt
the wisps of coldness emitting from the other young man.

‘Very pure dark element force.’ Huang Xiaolong thought

inwardly. From a general point of view, the dark element
was always considered evil, but Gudu Leng’s dark element
felt pure instead.

“If I’m not wrong, he cultivates the Underworld Blackfrost

Technique,” Dragon Emperor Taiyi said. “Legend has it, the
Underworld Blackfrost Technique was a cultivation technique
created by one of the Kings of Hell that wasn't passed to
outsiders, no one knows how the Gudu ancestor got his
hands on it. However, the number of people in the Gudu
Family that successfully cultivated this technique does not
exceed three in the last ten thousand years.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded as he listened.

Underworld Blackfrost Technique? His Asura Tactics was also

a cultivation legacy from Hell.
“Jiang Shaoze is here! Rumors say that Jiang Shaoze has
broken through to God Realm!”

“When he tested earlier, he hadn’t broken through yet, I

wonder what is his strength score would be now?”

The crowd waiting in the square broke out in another small

commotion. Huang Xiaolong looked over and saw the same
Jiang Family young man he saw when he collected the
innate spiritual embryo.

Huang Xiaolong half expected him to break through to God


Jiang Shaoze cut through the noisy crowd, heading straight

towards Gudu Leng. Stopping in front of Gudu Leng, Jiang
Shaoze declared, “Gudu Leng, don’t assume that you’ll
place first in the assessment, I will definitely defeat you.”

Gudu Leng glanced at Jiang Shaoze with a stoic face, “I’ll be


Jiang Shaoze snorted grumpily and walked away.

“Xu Shaoqing! Wang Biaoyuan!”

Someone exclaimed, stirring the crowd.

Huang Xiaolong too looked over and saw a pair of a young

man and woman walking in holding hands. The woman was
attired in a green dress and had cute and lovely features,
with two prominent dimples, whereas the young man beside
her was clad in a simple two-piece blue tunic and pants with
an ancient looking sword hanging from his waist. His
handsome face exuded a domineering aura.
“These two are not simple, the girl’s body is the Veluriya
Hundred Soft Physique and the young man's physique is
called Indestructible Vajra Physique.” Dragon Emperor Ao
Taiyi’s voice sounded. “If you run into these two people
later, be a little more careful.”

Although surprised, Huang Xiaolong nodded nonetheless.

In the past nine months, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi had

described some of the three thousand unique physiques and
some of their potential to him. Both the Veluriya Hundred
Soft Physique and Indestructible Vajra Physique ranked
within the top one hundred among three thousand.

Both of these unique physiques were formidable, but then

again, hey couldn't be compared with Huang Xiaolong’s True
Dragon Physique. Both types of physiques ranked after the
top thirties. Still, he could see that these two people were
strong opponents, both of them had advanced into the God

Geniuses arrived one after another. Every time someone

who scored 2000 points and above appeared, the crowd
went into a frenzy mode.

Somewhere hidden in the deep void above Black Warrior

City, stood two middle-aged men clad in robes representing
the Black Warrior Institute. However, their robes were
golden in color, including the tortoise pattern on their
chests, proof of their high status, identity, and authority.
Despite the flashy golden color of their robes, it was not
vulgar to the eyes.

“That Gudu Leng is indeed a once in a million years rare

talent, I heard that the Institute Principal wanted to take him
as a personal disciple but was declined.” Su Haodong said.
“No doubt the first place this time is none other than Gudu
Leng.” Li Zhiqun then chuckled, “But those Jiang Shaoze, Xu
Shaoqing, Wang Biaoyuan, Li Mingxuan, Jiang Wei, Zhu
Haixiang, Yang Shiqi, He Xiu and Su Meiyi are also not bad.”

Su Haodong nodded in agreement, “With Gudu Leng in the

first place, the second and third place holders would most
likely be Jiang Shaoze, Wang Biaoyuan, Xu Shaoqing in the
fourth place, with Li Mingxuan and the rest taking fifth to
tenth places.”

These ten people were the most promising candidates to

sweep the top ten places in the eyes of those two middle-
aged men. In fact, not only these two middle-aged men,
most of the big forces were optimistic about these ten

“I heard there is one named Huang Xiaolong, his talent and

strength aren’t too bad.” Li Zhiqun suddenly said. “I wonder
which world surface’s small family he comes from.”

Su Haodong agreed, “The fact that a small world surface

could nurture a genius of 2000 points of strength is truly
rare. This Huang Xiaolong is very likely to enter the top

“Able to secure a place within the top thirty is considered

quite good.”

While the two continued with their small talk, the square
below went abruptly quiet as the Elder overseeing this
time’s assessment walked out from the Hall of Heroes.

“I believe everyone here is very clear in regards to the new

disciple selection assessment,” Black Warrior Institute’s
Elder Zhang Tianchuan scanned the family disciples in the
square and around the square’s perimeter, “therefore I
won’t bother repeating the rules. Instead, I will announce
the rewards for the top ten places.”

“First place reward, ten million Xuanwu coins, one thousand

pieces of Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellets, one
thousand pieces of saint grade spirit stones, and one divine
rank battle skill.”

When Elder Zhang Tianchuan’s voice spoke the last word,

the entire square buzzed with excitement and shock.
Although there were rumors flying around earlier saying that
the first place rewards was increased, no one was able to
guess the extent of the increase. But now, even disciples
from prominent big forces were tempted after hearing the

Huang Xiaolong also did not imagine the first place reward
to be so lucrative. Ten million Xuanwu coins was a tempting
amount even for disciples from big forces. However, what
really caught Huang Xiaolong’s interest was the one
thousand Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellets and that
divine rank battle skill.

He had heard of the Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellets

from Dragon Emperor Taiyi. Taking one could not only help
enhance his strength and temper his body, it could even
cleanse his soul. Moreover, a divine rank battle skill from the
Black Warrior Institute was not something like a heaven rank
battle skill from the Martial Spirit World could compare to.
They were on totally different levels.

A fleeting light flickered in Gudu Leng’s eyes when he heard

the first place rewards, clearly, it sparked his interest. As did
Jiang Shaoze, Wang Biaoyuan, Xu Shaoqing, and the rest.

Subsequently, Elder Zhang Tianchuan continued with the

rewards for the second to the fourth places. Although the
rewards were higher than the norm, it was a lot less
compared to the first place rewards. Still, it was sufficient to
spur these hot-blooded youngsters, roaring to go.

Zhang Tianchuan proceeded to start the transmission array

after announcing the rewards. In the airspace above the
square, a large black hole appeared, covering at least half of
the square area. The participants would be sent to the
Deepwood Star through this black hole.

“Assessment begin!” Zhang Tianchuan declared.

In the blink of an eye, the sky was filled with silhouettes

leaping from the ground, drilling into the black hole.
Chapter 535: Hunting God Realm Demonic Beasts

The first person to pass through the black hole was Gudu
Leng, followed by Jiang Shaoze, Wang Biaoyuan, then the
rest also made their way through.

Several breaths' time later, Huang Xiaolong made his move.

However, the actual passageway through the black hole was
limited, moving at the same time as Huang Xiaolong were
tens of thousands of other genius disciples.

Huang Xiaolong snorted. A burst of Asura qi was released

from his body, hitting those disciples who were trying to
squeeze into the black hole at the same time as him. From
high above, several disciples dropped to the ground like
dead locusts.

Huang Xiaolong pretended not to hear the angry shouts

coming from below, flying straight into the black hole.
Feeling like the universe flipped over, he fell out on the
other side of the black hole.

Looking around, Huang Xiaolong saw that he appeared in a

stone forest, with demonic beasts roars echoing endlessly in
the distance.

The assessment deadline given was ten days. In these ten

days, their results would be tallied according to the number
of demonic beasts, monsters, and demons they killed.

Killing one early Tenth Order Saint realm brought 1 point,

mid-stage would garner 5 points, while a late-Tenth Order
Saint realm reaped 30 points. A peak-late Tenth Order Saint
realm was 80 points, half-step God Realm was a high 300
points, and a peak half-step God Realm was 800 points.
Then, the point gap widened further; an early First Order
God Realm was 10,000 points, mid-First Order God Realm
gave 50,000 points, and a late-First Order God Realm was a
whopping 300,000 points!

Suddenly, a strange hair-raising shriek rang out, a multi-

colored giant scorpion leaped onto Huang Xiaolong. Its
enormous tail raised, with the poisonous stinger aimed at
his throat.

Huang Xiaolong recognized this multi-colored scorpion, its

poison was extremely toxic. Once stung, its poison could
even corrode a peak half-step God Realm’s tough physique.

Huang Xiaolong scoffed looking at the multi-colored

scorpion, grabbing its enormous tail with one hand almost
immediately. Huang Xiaolong’s hand slightly shook and the
giant scorpion’s body turned red. Barely half a second later,
fire sparks shot out from its body, incinerating the scorpion
from inside out, turning it into gray ash, scattered in the air.

After killing the multi-colored giant scorpion, Huang

Xiaolong noticed that the palm-sized token he received
during the registration flowed softly, as a thin golden line
emerged on its surface. The dim token looked a little
brighter than before.

When a hint of Huang Xiaolong’s consciousness submerged

into the token, certain messages appeared in his mind.

[Huang Xiaolong, 300 points. Rank 957]

This was Huang Xiaolong’s current score and ranking. Which

meant the multi-colored giant scorpion he had just killed
was a half-step God Realm, hence 300 points. But, what he
didn’t expect was that a several breaths’ delay in entering
would affect his ranking so severely.
Other than information about his points and ranking, there
was another list that appeared in his mind. This list was a
roll of the top one hundred ranking board and their points.

First place, Gudu Leng-9,538 points.

Second place, Jiang Shaoze-7,694 points.

Third place, Wang Biaoyuan-7,562 points.

This was the current top three’s name and points on the

Gudu Leng was merely a few breaths’ time faster than

Huang Xiaolong, but in the brief few breaths’ time, he had
already accumulated more than 9,500 points! Huang
Xiaolong was a little taken aback, but he wasn’t perturbed.

The assessment period was ten days, up to the very last

day, the top ten places’ were subject to changes.

“Still, one shouldn’t lax too much.” Huang Xiaolong advised

himself. Though the assessment had just begun, it wouldn't
do if he fell too far behind.

Huang Xiaolong opened his Eye of Hell and everything

within a hundred thousand li entered in sight. None could

“En, God Realm?” Huang Xiaolong was surprised.

Fifty thousand li from where he stood, a giant black bear

tightened its palm, instantly crushing two genius disciples
into pieces. Then, its wide mouth inhaled, sucking in a
dozen other disciples closeby into its mouth, becoming food
that filled its belly.
This black bear was an early First Order God Realm!

This made Huang Xiaolong excited instead of turning around

and flee.

Oh, boy! The sun was shining on his first God Realm beast

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes sparkled brightly, releasing the

Asura bloodline in his body and spreading out the Wings of
Demon on his back. His figure disappeared from the stone
forest almost instantaneously. A short while later, he
appeared in the air above the black bear.

At this time, the black bear just caught another disciple,

flinging the meal into its mouth, issuing loud crunching
noises as it chewed the struggling disciple. A muffled blood-
curdling scream could be heard before the disciple went
totally quiet.

The remaining disciples in proximity stared wide-eyed in

fear, their faces white as a sheet. All of them belonged to
the same family, banding together as they passed through
the black hole. Never did they imagine that they would drop
right in front of a God Realm demonic beast. To these Saint
realms and half-step God Realm disciples, a God Realm
demonic beast was a terrifying nightmare in real life.

“It has been two hundred years since I tasted human flesh,
this time, I must eat my fill!” The black bear’s pupils
gleamed with bloodthirst as he turned towards the
remaining disciples.

The shadow of death loomed over these disciples. Before a

God Realm demonic beast, they lacked the ability to escape.
As the black bear’s paws slammed down, a violent tremor
ran through the ground.
It was at this point that Huang Xiaolong’s figure flickered,
entering the black bear’s vision. His sudden appearance
also dumbfounded the petrified disciples.

“Half-step God Realm?” The black bear took a glance at the

human blocking its path and its lips curled back into a grin,
“Heh, a death-seeking human.” Its paw swung forward,
slapping down on Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong looked ahead with a frosty gaze, blocking

the attack with a finger. The black bear’s huge palm was
pinned in midair.

The frightened Saint realm disciples watched flabbergasted

at this sudden reversal; the attack was stopped? The black
bear’s huge palm was still locked in the same position,
unable to advance an inch forward. Moreover, that young
man merely used one finger!

Shock was evident on the black bear’s face.

Huang Xiaolong’s expression remained cold as a blinding

light soared skyward from his finger. True essence fire lurked
within the finger force, burning a hole right through the
bear‘s paw. An abrupt force knocked the black bear off its

When the black bear was knocked back, Huang Xiaolong’s

silhouette flickered in pursue. His palm was sharp as a knife
as it slit across its throat. A hair-raising wail echoed in the
air even as the black bear’s head flew into the sky.

Huang Xiaolong’s right hand curled slightly and a powerful

force sucked a black ball of light out from the black bear’s
head, falling into his right palm. The small black ball of light
shook violently as it struggled and screamed, trying to
escape. The little black ball of light was none other than the
black bear’s soul.

Huang Xiaolong exerted more pressure and the black bear’s

soul quickly stopped struggling, even its separated head
and body stopped moving. He walked over to the black
bear’s body, removing a fist-sized yellow beast core from its
body in less than a second.

His first God Realm demonic beast core! Huang Xiaolong put
the beast core into the Asura Ring, and as for the black
bear’s body, he threw it into the Linglong Treasure Pagoda,
letting the Poison Corpse Scarabs deal with it.

Until Huang Xiaolong left their sight, the surviving Saint

realm disciples barely regained their senses, each of them
was agape with astonishment.

Killing a God Realm demonic beast in two moves?! On top of

that, it didn't even seem like the other side had gone all out.

“Who, who is this person?! Gudu Leng? No, he’s not Gudu

“Scary, too scary! His strength is definitely more terrifying

than Gudu Leng!”

Recovering from their traumatic shock, the surviving

disciples began to guess Huang Xiaolong’s identity. Due to
the Asura bloodline, his body was covered with a layer of
Asura scales, unless it was someone familiar with Huang
Xiaolong, no one could recognize him.

Three hours later and a few million miles away, a tiger-

shaped demonic beast plummeted a long way down to the
Huang Xiaolong’s right palm was like a sharp knife as it
slashed across its body, removing the beast core within.
This was Huang Xiaolong’s sixteenth God Realm demonic

Even as he was putting the beast core away into the Asura
Ring, Huang Xiaolong was frowning. He had already killed
sixteen God Realm demonic beasts, but his ranking was still
outside the top one hundred, unable to inch into the ranks
of the top one hundred.

Killing one God Realm demonic beast would reap a lot of

points, but they were less in number. He needed to spend
time looking for them.
Chapter 536: Changes To The Top Ten Ranking

‘This calls for a change of strategy.’ Huang Xiaolong thought

to himself.

If things were to progress in this direction, even if he killed

all the God Realm demonic beasts, monsters, and demons
on the Deepwood Star, he still wouldn't be able to clinch
that first place.

According to what Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi said, the

number of God Realm demonic beasts, monsters, and
demons on the Deepwood Star did not exceed one
thousand. How many points could one thousand bring?
Thirty to forty million points at most.

Even now, Gudu Leng’s points had broken past ten million!

Sitting firmly in the first place on the top one hundred

board, Gudu Leng’s points had reached a staggering

Second place Jiang Shaoze and third place Wang Biaoyuan

were in the eight million range. Gudu Leng had successfully
left everyone in the dust.

After pondering the matter for a moment, the Blades of

Asura emerged in his hand. Aiming the blades to the front,
both blades slashed out. In an instant, howling windstorm
appeared, carrying countless blade lights spinning forward.
Gale after gale of fierce wind, wave after wave of blade
lights, each more powerful than its predecessor.

Asura Sword Skill Ninth Move: Wind Blades Volutions!

All the Tenth Order Saint realm demonic beasts, half-step
God Realm demonic beast, even peak half-step demonic
beast within the thousand li area in front turned into
blossoms of blood mist.

A while later, the violent wind and blade lights dissipated.

Blooms of blood mist rained down from the sky like a

monsoon rain, dyeing the soil red, forming red lines of
winding streams.

One move killing more than three hundred demonic beasts

in the proximity. In an instant, Huang Xiaolong’s token
became brighter, and his points increased by several tens of
thousand. This was equivalent to Huang Xiaolong killing two
to three God Realm demonic beasts.

Huang Xiaolong’s consciousness scanned the message

inside the token, he had risen six ranks in an instant!

With a wave of his hand, the hundreds of falling beast cores

were swept into the Asura Ring. He then disappeared in a
flicker, appearing a thousand li away, and slashed out the
Blades of Asura in another wide area attack.

Countless blade lights transformed into chains, spanning out

a thousand li. All the demonic beasts within a thousand li
radius felt space around them grow solid, impeding their
movements. They were looking for the cause, only to
discover that they were shackled down by miles of black
chains winding around their bodies.

Fear overtook these demonic beasts, just as they wanted to

break out, the Blades of Asura in Huang Xiaolong’s hands
pulled back with a jerk. Instantly, these demonic beasts’
bodies were shredded into ribbons, blasting into clouds of
blood mist.
Bloodmist scattered with the wind, some fell splattering
down to the ground, painting another thousand li of land in

Huang Xiaolong made a twisting motion with his hand,

collecting another batch of hundreds of demonic beast cores
into the Asura Ring.

His ranking rose once more.

Huang Xiaolong disappeared in a flicker, appearing a

thousand li away, waving the blades in his hands again.

Asura Sword Skill, Fourth Move: State of Abundant


Streaks of lightning struck down like heaven’s wrath, turning

into lightning flood dragons rampaging in the forest below,
sending countless beast cores flying into the sky.

Just like this, Huang Xiaolong made continuous attack with

the Blades of Asura. At the end of every move, the points in
his token would increase by several thousand or more,
pushing him up the ranks, closer toward the top one
hundred list.

While Huang Xiaolong tirelessly attacked using the Asura

Sword Skill moves and collecting beast cores, in the square
in front of the Hall of Heroes, experts from different forces
stared intently at the giant crystal spar hovering in the sky.

On the crystal spar surface were the names of the top one
hundred and their scores. The score numbers kept flickering
as they changed, with an occasional change to the name
35.62 million! Such an astounding number was Gudu Leng’s
latest score!

Staring at the scoreboard, various levels of discussions took

place between these experts.

“It has only been three hours, but this Gudu Leng’s score
actually reached 35.62 million. What a freak! If things go on
like this, his score definitely will reach 200 million by the
end of the day! In the last assessment, the first place only
scored 130 million on the first day!”

“It seems like the first place belongs to none other than
Gudu Leng!”

Experts from various forces were whelmed as they

continued to stare at the scoreboard.

Concealed in the deep void, the two middle-aged men

wearing the Black Warrior Institute’s golden robes, Su
Haodong, and Li Zhiqun, nodded with a satisfactory smile at
Gudu Leng’s score.

“I’m really envious of Old Man Gudu ah, such a genius has
come out from the Gudu Family!” Li Zhiqun lamented.

Su Haodong laughed, “That younger generation disciple of

your family, Li Mingxuan is not bad either, he’s sitting firmly
in the sixth place.”

At the moment, the scoreboard showed Li Mingxuan, at

sixth place-23.29 million points. This Liu Mingxuan was one
of Li Zhiquan family’s younger generation.

Li Zhiquan laughed heartily, “Still too lacking compared to

that Gudu Leng.” Despite saying so, he wore an expression
of pride as he added, “Looks like the top ten ranking is just
like how we predicted.”

The top four names on the scoreboard at this point were

exactly how they had predicted; Gudu Leng, Jiang Shaoze,
Wang Biaoyuan, and Xu Shaoqing.

Su Haodong nodded, “It seems like the first of the top ten is
none other than Gudu Leng.”

Although there was the possibility of changes in the top ten

names, in their judgment however, this possibility was too
small. Gudu Leng and the other nine had pulled their scores
too far away from the rest to catch up.

Between the eleventh place and tenth place, the score was
less by half, which greatly diminished any chances of
crossing that gap. Moreover, as times passed, the top ten
would only pull their scores further away from the rest.

Time flowed. The end of the first day arrived very quickly.

Huang Xiaolong was sitting cross-legged on a high mountain

peak. After a day of slaughter, he finally broke into the top
twenty. Currently, his score hovered over 90 million, ranked

This was the result of Huang Xiaolong not wanting to draw

too much attention, resting to refine beast cores every now
and then between the slaughter. If he had gone all out, he’d
have entered the top ten by now.

“Gudu Leng, 260.954 million!” The moment Huang Xiaolong

checked the token with his consciousness, the first thing
he’d take note of was Gudu Leng’s latest score. When Gudu
Leng broke past the 200 million mark, his name shone even
brighter on the scoreboard.
At the second place was still Jiang Shaoze, the third place
also remained the same person, Wang Biaoyuan, and in the
fourth place was still Xu Shaoqing. These three individuals’
scores had all surpassed 180 million points.

From the fifth to tenth place were Jiang Wei, Li Mingxuan, He

Xiu, Yang Shiqi, Su Meiyi, and Zhu Haixiang.

Zhu Haixiang at the tenth place had over 160 million points.

“Tomorrow, I can change to another location.” Huang

Xiaolong muttered as the scanned the boundless stone
forest. By tomorrow, he would be able to kill all the demonic
beasts in this area.

And Huang Xiaolong decided to enter the top tenth

tomorrow. He had ample time, therefore he wasn’t anxious.
Swallowing a divine grade spirit pellet, Huang Xiaolong
initiated Instant Recovery. It didn’t take long for his depleted
battle qi to become vibrant again. Huang Xiaolong stood up
looking at the rays of sunlight from the edge of the horizon.
Today was going to be another bright sunny day.

In front of the Hall of Heroes, the gathered experts were still

paying close attention to the scoreboard.

Today was the second day. The sun was already high up in
the sky, harsh sunlight heating the land.

The top ten names remained the same as day one.

It was at this time that those experts that had been staring
that the scoreboard noticed the name position shift. This…?!
Everyone was taken by surprise.

Only when there were changes to the top ten name list
would there be a shift in position.
“Look, the tenth place Zhu Haixiang has fallen to the
eleventh place!”

“Tenth place, Huang Xiaolong, 223.42 million!” Someone

Chapter 537: Second Day
Of Assessment
Chapter 537: Second Day of Assessment

Tenth place, Huang Xiaolong!

Looking at the name that suddenly burst into the top ten
ranks, everyone in the square was sent into a daze.

Due to Huang Xiaolong’s low ranking at the beginning, his

existence was inconspicuous. Despite his later efforts, his
ranking climbed at a gradual pace over time, escaping
everyone’s attention, even when he finally inched his way
up to the twelfth place. Thus, when Huang Xiaolong’s name
suddenly burst into the top ten ranks, it was an abrupt
shock for everyone.

“Who is this Huang Xiaolong?” Some amongst the crowd

questioned. A small disturbance waved through the square.
The majority present had never heard of the name, yet
there were individuals aware of Huang Xiaolong.

“During the talent test, his strength seemed to exceed 2200

points.” Someone in the crowd said. This little piece of
information instantly passed through the square like a
hurricane. Movements in the top ten rankings were like
rocking the boat.

In one area of the square, members of the Zhu Family were

staring intently at the scoreboard as their family’s disciple,
Zhu Haixiang, fell out of the top ten rankings. This
unexpected turn greatly upset them.
“Strength exceeding 2200 points? Who knows if he just ran
into some dogshit luck! How can this level of strength enter
the top ten?” One of the Zhu Family disciples scoffed with

“That’s right, it’s just a fluke that he managed to squeeze

into the top ten. In my opinion, he can stay there for even a
few minutes, he’ll be kicked down by our Big Bro Zhu
Haixing very soon!” Another Zhu Family disciple arrogantly

“But, being able to stay a few minutes there and catch a few
minutes of the limelight is worth several generations of his
ancestors’ good karma.” Another Zhu Family disciple chimed
in, snickering. His words made the group of Zhu Family
disciples burst out in wanton laughter.

Toward Huang Xiaolong’s sudden breakout into the top ten,

the many experts watching had differing opinions. However,
the majority felt it was just a stroke of luck, that he won’t be
able to remain long in the ranks and would very soon be
kicked down by Zhu Haixiang.

After all, Zhu Haixiang’s strength during the aptitude test

scored higher than Huang Xiaolong’s.

Deep in the void, Li Zhiqun was dazed for a moment at the

sudden emergence of Huang Xiaolong’s name in the top ten
ranks. He turned toward Su Haodong asking, “This Huang
Xiaolong, what do you think?”

Su Haodong shook his head, “What can I think? He would

only last a brief moment there, Zhu Haixiang will catch up
quickly, kicking him down. However, this Huang Xiaolong
actually managed to enter the top ten, it seems he held
back a little during the aptitude test.”
Li Zhiqun nodded in agreement, “We assumed earlier that
this Huang Xiaolong could enter the top thirty, now it seems
he could be in the top twenty.”

An unknown character from a little-known family of a small

world surface, being able to enter the top twenty ranks
could be considered quite excellent. One must know, the
number of talented geniuses that registered for the
assessment this time around reached a staggering eighty
million people.

Being one of the top twenty from a mass of eighty million

disciples, or even top one hundred, passing the Black
Warrior Institute’s assessment was already a genius
amongst geniuses.

Of course, Gudu Leng and the others on the Deepwood Star

also noticed the shift in the top ten rankings. Toward the
sudden appearance of an unknown Huang Xiaolong, they
too were slightly surprised, for none of them had ever heard
of this name prior to this.

Gudu Leng was merely a little surprised in passing and did

not put the matter in his mind as he continued hunting. He
didn't even put characters like Jiang Shaoze or Wang
Biaoyuan in his eyes, what’s to say about an unknown
disciple of a nameless family?

Jiang Shaoze, Wang Biaoyuan, and the others also did not
pay much attention to this small ripple.

However, one hour later, Huang Xiaolong’s name remained

on the top ten list and wasn’t kicked out of the top ten by
Zhu Haixiang in a matter of minutes, like everyone
expected. Not only did Huang Xiaolong not drop out of the
tenth place, the score gap between him and Zhu Haixiang
grew increasingly bigger. When he first surpassed Zhu
Haixiang, the difference between their scores was a mere
60,000 points, but now, as the first hour passed, Huang
Xiaolong had pulled away by more than 10 million points.

On the Hall of Heroes square, the Zhu Family disciples that

had been clamoring about the fact that Huang Xiaolong
entering the top ten rankings was a fluke, having some
dogshit luck, and it was only going to last a few minutes
until ‘Big Bro Zhu Haixiang’ kicked him down, had long
swallowed their words. Huang Xiaolong’s glittering name on
the scoreboard’s top ten was the biggest slap on their faces.

The two words ‘Huang Xiaolong’ were so glaring in their


“It’s just some ten millions points, there are more than five
days left, Big Bro Zhu Haixiang can absolutely snatch the
spot back from Huang Xiaolong!” A Zhu Family disciple said,
but even so, his words faltered at the end, losing

Two more hours passed, and the points between Huang

Xiaolong and Zhu Haixiang widened further to 22.32 million
points. The Zhu Family disciples had gone totally quiet.
Experts who did not look favorably on Huang Xiaolong’s
chances were dumbfounded.

Huang Xiaolong actually held firm to the tenth place!

Moreover, his progress was dogging on the heels of the

ninth place, Su Meiyi, with just a little over 7 million points

High up in the deep void, both Su Haodong and Li Zhiqun

were just as astonished. Both of them could obviously see
their shock mirrored on each other’s face, neither of them
expected Huang Xiaolong to able to hold on to the tenth
place for so long. This time, both men reserved their

In a valley on the Deepwood Star, a young man clad in a

striking red brocade robe was waving the sharp sword in his
hand. A torrent of sword energy flew out, piercing into the
cliff wall in front of him, instantly followed by the screeching
wail of a demonic beast.

This young man was none other than that Zhu Family’s
disciple, Zhu Haixiang.

An intense murderous aura shrouded Zhu Haixiang, and his

eyes glinted with danger. He was actually kicked out of the
top ten out by an unknown brat named Huang Xiaolong! On
top of that, more than two hours had passed, and not only
had he failed to recapture his spot, the points difference
between them grew wider still.

“Huang Xiaolong!!” He spat the name coldly, the sharp

sword in his hand hummed with bloodthirst, “Pray that you
don’t run into me.”

If they did, Huang Xiaolong would be a dead man! He

refused to believe that a disciple from an unknown family
was stronger than him. He, who was recognized as the Zhu
Family’s rare genius in a hundred thousand years.

The institute’s assessment scoring was based on the

number of demonic beasts, monsters, and demons killed to
determine their ranks. Therefore, a high ranking was not
equivalent to higher strength. However, the Deepwood Star
was a very big planet, even if they stayed here for a
hundred years, he and Huang Xiaolong might not run into
each other.
Zhu Haixiang leaped into the air, the sharp sword in his
hand changed into a fire phoenix, hovering around his body.
Moments later, he disappeared from the valley in a flicker.

At the same time, on a stretch of plains, an alluring young

woman dressed in an open collar gown was frowning. On
the scoreboard, Huang Xiaolong’s points were getting closer
to hers, raising a strong sense of danger in her.

“Mmm, looks like I need to use my ultimate skill.” Su Meiyi

muttered to herself. In the next moment, the two colorful
jade bangles on her wrist suddenly shot out. All the demonic
beasts in their path exploded to their deaths.

The jade bangles made a curve in the air, falling back onto
her wrist.

But it made her gloomier still; even after using her biggest
skill, Huang Xiaolong continued to narrow the gap between
their points.

Two hours later, Huang Xiaolong overtook her. Thoroughly

overtaking her position!

When the second day ended, Huang Xiaolong had left her
behind by 10 million points, firmly sitting onto the ninth

The silence of the night was occasionally broken by demonic

beast roars.

Huang Xiaolong shuttled under the night sky, leaving the

stone forest area and arriving at a different mountain range.
For the third day, Huang Xiaolong aimed to move up two
ranks, just two ranks were sufficient.
Chapter 538: Third Day Of
Chapter 538: Third Day of Assessment

The third day of assessment.

On the Hall of Heroes square, the crowd seemed to be

staring at the scoreboard even more intensely, extremely
unwilling to accept what was before them.

Not only had that Huang Xiaolong kid entered the top ten
ranks, he was securely sitting in the ninth place!

The original ninth place holder, Su Meiyi, was relegated to

the tenth place. Moreover, Huang Xiaolong had pulled his
score by 20 million points away from Su Meiyi. By noon on
the third day, Huang Xiaolong drew closer to the eighth
place Yang Shiqi with a mere few million points difference
between them. Judging from the look of things, surpassing
Yang Shiqi was only a matter of time.

On the square, the unbridled mocking disdain toward Huang

Xiaolong from yesterday had completely vanished.

“Which small world surface’s family did this Huang Xiaolong

popped out from? Aren't his strength and talent a little too

“Say, which rank do you think Huang Xiaolong can climb to

by the last day?!”

As the mocking jeers died down, a feeling of amazement

Due to Huang Xiaolong suddenly bursting into the top ten
scene, then climbing up to the ninth place, he became the
most focused person on the scoreboard after Gudu Leng.
Everyone was trying to guess the same thing, what ranking
could Huang Xiaolong get at the end of the assessment?

By now, all of them were sure that Huang Xiaolong must

have held back during the aptitude test, but by how much,
that was the question.

“I’d say Huang Xiaolong can most probably reach the fifth

“Fifth? Not possible, my guess is the seventh place.”

Everyone was busy making their own guesses.

In the void above, as both Su Haodong and Li Zhiqun

watched Huang Xiaolong’s points eating away the gap
between him and the eighth place Yang Shiqi, both of them
were reluctant to accept this fact.

Li Zhiqun shook his head with a bitter smile on his face,

“This Huang Xiaolong really surprises me, I did not expect
him to be capable of rising to the eighth spot.”

Su Haodong sounded solemn, “This Huang Xiaolong has a

high chance of taking the fourth place by the last day.”

First place, Gudu Leng. Second, Jiang Shaoze. Third, Wang

Biaoyuan. As strong as Huang Xiaolong’s talent and strength
might be, the top three places would remain unchanged;
Gudu Leng, Jiang Shaoze, and Wang Biaoyuan.

Li Zhiqun nodded, he was of the same opinion. It was very

unlikely, even impossible, for Huang Xiaolong to breach into
the top three, “What a pity, if this was a different time, this
Huang Xiaolong might have been able to enter the top
three, but there is Gudu Leng this time.”

On the Deepwood Star, Huang Xiaolong retrieved the Blades

of Asura as he watched the pack of demonic wolves in the
distance. His hands formed into claws, striking out.

“Fifteenth Move of the Dragon God!”

Vigorous dragon qi turned into fifteen different natured

dragons; water, fire, wood, metal, wind, Buddha, black,
white, hump, bone, nether, devil, true, sky, and ice.

Dragon roars reverberated in the sky, clouds rolled and the

wind howled.

The wolf pack exploded as fifteen dragons weaved in their

midst, leaving beast cores floating in midair one after
another. Then, the Dragon Pearl shone in a brilliant light as
Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi opened his mouth and inhaled all
the beast cores into his body. Strands of pure demonic
essence energy seeped out from his body and transferred
into Huang Xiaolong’s to be absorbed and refined by him.

Now, Huang Xiaolong’s True Dragon Physique had grown

powerful enough to absorb the energy inside several
hundred Tenth Order Saint realm, half-step God Realm, and
peak half-step God Realm beast cores in a few breath’s
time. Hence, he no longer needed to go into closed-door
cultivation to do so. All the beast cores would be refined by
the Dragon Pearl immediately after the kill. In the two days
he was hunting on the Deepwood Star, his strength was
growing at a slow but steady pace.

When Huang Xiaolong was still a peak mid-Tenth Order Saint

realm, he was able to stand against Deities Templar’s
Temple Preceptor Ying Tian. With his current strength now,
he only needed one move to deal with any early First Order
God Realm demonic beasts.

It was a bit more troublesome to deal with mid-First Order

God Realm demonic beasts, but still, it would only take
three moves at most.

After a little more than two days, the number of First Order
God Realm demonic beasts that died under Huang
Xiaolong’s hand came up to one hundred and sixty-three.
Among them, eight were mid-First Order God Realm. Until
now, he had yet to come across a late-First Order God
Realm demonic beast.

Just as Huang Xiaolong landed the final strike on a mid-First

Order God Realm demonic beast, changes took place on the
scoreboard once more.

Eighth place, Huang Xiaolong, 687.039 million.

The initial eighth place holder was relegated to the ninth


“Already number eight.” Huang Xiaolong muttered to


At the moment, the seventh place He Xiu had just passed

700 million points, just slightly over a million points higher
than Huang Xiaolong. To him, catching up on a million points
gap was very easy.

After thinking for a while, Huang Xiaolong took out over one
hundred and sixty beast cores from the Asura Ring. These
beast cores were of various colors, floating around Huang
Xiaolong in the air, emitting a soft glow. He tried controlling
these beast cores with his consciousness, making them
rotate at high speed, raising a frightening wind cyclone.
The wind cyclone continued to expand, growing bigger. All
the demonic beasts in the proximity were pulled into the
wind cyclone. Inside the wind cyclone, these demonic
beasts’ bodies were pierced through by the spinning beast
cores, killing several at one go.

In this way, Huang Xiaolong flew forward.

Beast cores continued to rotate around Huang Xiaolong at

high speed, expanding even bigger in size. All the demonic
beasts in his path were swallowed into the wind cyclone.

“What is that?!” In the air above a mountain range, several

disciples belonging to the same family watched dumbstruck
at the giant wind cyclone moving in their direction. Seeing
the wind cyclone swallowing demonic beasts into it one
after another, with even peak half-step God Realms being
killed, these disciples’ faces became ashen.

Recovering from their shock, these family disciples quickly

descended to the ground surface, hiding inside a cave.

The last disciple barely made it into the cave when they saw
the scary wind cyclone blow straight at the mountain over
them. The entire cave trembled violently as if the world was
collapsing. It wasn’t until the cyclone was long gone before
they dared to exit the safety of the cave, but that did not
make it any better discovering that all the demonic beasts
in the area had disappeared.

“So scary, how is there such a character in this time’s

assessment?!” Recalling the scene earlier, the disciple’s
heart palpitated.

They could vaguely make out the shadow of a person inside

the wind cyclone.
“Who was it really? Gudu Leng? Jiang Shaoze or Wang
Biaoyuan?!” Each disciple was still bewildered by what they
had just witnessed.

“Jiang Shaoze and Wang Biaoyuan probably don’t have this

level of strength, that person is likely to be Gudu Leng!” One
of the disciples stated after a while.

As everyone continued to pay close attention to the

scoreboard, the sky gradually darkened. By the evening
sunset at dusk, Huang Xiaolong had inched up to the
seventh place, and He Xiu dropped to the eighth place.

Yang Shiqi and Su Meiyi remained at ninth and tenth places

consecutively, whereas Zhu Haixiang who was kicked off the
top ten ranks by Huang Xiaolong remained on the eleventh

Looking at the night sky, Huang Xiaolong descended on one

of the mountain peaks, breathing out a mouthful of turbid qi
and shaking his limbs to loosen his muscles. In the last three
days, if not killing demonic beast he would refine beast
cores. Feeling dull from the tedious repetitions, he decided
to relax a little.

His current score had surpassed He Xiu’s by more than

twenty million, it wasn't a gap that He Xiu could narrow in a
short period.

On the peak, Huang Xiaolong built a bonfire and placed the

meat of a tiger-like demonic beast over it. Then, he took a
gulp of Duanren Empire’s Sapidity Wine. ‘Ah, excellent

In the blink of an eye, it had been over two years since he

left the Martial Spirit World. To be honest, he indeed missed
the days spent there.
A short while later, the aromatic fragrance of meat
permeated the air. The tiger-shaped demonic beast meat
that Huang Xiaolong was roasting belonged to a mid-First
Order God Realm demonic beast, its meat was a hundred
times more fragrant than the Tyrant Boar meat.

Reaching out to tear off a piece of meat and biting into it,
his mouth was filled with a fragrant, tender, and juicy meat
with excellent texture.

If, by chance, the experts on the Hall of Heroes square knew

that Huang Xiaolong was enjoying himself with roast meat
and good wine during the assessment, it was a wonder what
kind of expressions would they make.

“So fragrant, what is it? Roast meat? Wine?” A bemused

tone of voice rang in the dark. Next, a large group of family
disciples rushed in Huang Xiaolong’s direction, two hundred
people more or less.

“Haha, are my eyes seeing right? Someone is actually

roasting meat and drinking wine here?” When the group of
people saw Huang Xiaolong, they couldn't resist laughing.
“Which family's disciple does this kid belongs to, if his
elders knew what this kid is doing right now, they’d be
angered to their deaths!”
Chapter 539: Fourth Place Already!

Huang Xiaolong ignored the group of family disciples after a

cursory glance, nonchalantly feasting on roast meat and

Excellent meat paired with excellent wine.

Huang Xiaolong was probably the only person extravagant

enough to use a mid-First Order God Realm demonic beast’s
meat for barbecue. His profligate use of resources even
surpassed that of large families’ disciples.

These disciples descended on the peak where Huang

Xiaolong was, approaching him.

“Half-step God Realm?” Upon closer observation, one of the

disciples let out a laugh sensing Huang Xiaolong’s
cultivation realm, “A mere half-step God Realm dares to
build a bonfire here, alone, roasting meat? Perhaps he’s a

His words brought a bout of loud laughter from his


A half-step God Realm roasting meat over a bonfire would

attract numerous demonic beasts prowling in the area. This
was literally a suicidal action.

Huang Xiaolong took a sip of his wine, shooting a glance at

the person who spoke just now, his expression stoic,
“Seeing that I’m still in a good mood, you can still make it if
you scram right now.”

“Scram?!” After a moment of daze, the disciple laughed in

contrary to his fury, “Punk, have you thought of the
consequence of the words you just uttered?”

“What consequences?” Huang Xiaolong pulled off a piece of

the tiger leg and bit a large chunk off, sending meat juices
splattering to the ground.

“Courting death!” That disciple’s anger boiled over seeing

that Huang Xiaolong dared not to put him in his eyes.
Letting out an angry roar, he struck a punch at Huang

“Heaven’s Violent Slaughtering Tempest Fist!” Fist force

whistled through the wind, raising violent currents. A faint
majestic power could be felt from the attack.

Huang Xiaolong slightly tilted his head up, blowing out a

gust of wind from his mouth.

The uprising of a violent tempest dissipated, the powerful

force from the fist dispersed, and that family disciple was
howling tragically as he was sent flying back, exploding into
pieces in a high arc.

Everything went deathly quiet. The rest of the family

disciples froze, blanking for a moment before looking like all
the blood was drained out of them.

That family disciple that blew up was a peak half-step God

Realm, someone infinitely close to breaking into the God
Realm. He was the strongest one amongst them, but he
died from a simple blow!

When the remaining disciples regained their senses, all of

them subconsciously retreated a step.

“You, who are you?!” One of family disciple stammered.

Huang Xiaolong took another sip of wine, answering
nonchalantly, “Huang Xiaolong.”

“Huang Xiaolong!”

“You’re that seventh place Huang Xiaolong!”

All two hundred faces grew a shade paler if that was


If this was three days ago, maybe most of them wouldn't

have heard of Huang Xiaolong’s name, but now, among the
eighty million disciples going through the same assessment,
who didn't know of Huang Xiaolong?

“So, it’s Brother Huang.” A family disciple stepped out with

some false bravado, offering an amiable smile with
cautiously as he said, “It was us who have offended earlier,
hope Brother Huang can be forgiving, we’ll take our leave
immediately!” Despite having over two hundred people in
numbers, if Huang Xiaolong wanted to kill them, it’d be like
a predator toying with its prey.

Killing a peak half-step God Realm merely took a breath

from his mouth, killing them all wouldn't need more than
two hundred blows of breath, this was what was going
through that disciple’s mind.

What this disciple didn’t know was that if Huang Xiaolong

wanted to annihilate all of them, he could do it in one
breath. Killing one or killing two hundred bore no difference
to him.

“Roll away!” Huang Xiaolong no longer paid them any

When the Saint realm experts within the group heard the
phrase, it was akin to heavens’ amnesty. Everyone secretly
breathed out in relief as they turned around, about to leave,

“Wait!” Huang Xiaolong’s voice sounded.

Hearts tightened nervously, all their actions frozen and

faces turned a deathly shade of gray. Did this Huang
Xiaolong change his mind?

“Remove all the spatial rings on your bodies before leaving.”

Huang Xiaolong’s voice sounded once again.

Did they dare to utter any objections? All they could do was
remove all the spatial rings on them with the fastest speed,
handing them over to Huang Xiaolong before fleeing for
their lives.

Just as these disciples were fleeing for their lives, a loud

bang resounded. Looking at the source, one of the disciples
ran into a high mountain wall in front of him in haste and did
not pay attention to his front, resulting in a full-frontal

“My head’s spinning!” Crashing into the mountain wall, the

disciple became dizzy and plummeted to the ground. One
had to admit, this family disciple’s head was quite sturdy.
These mountain walls on the Deepwood Star were
extremely hard, average swords or knives could hardly
leave any scratch marks on their surface.

Huang Xiaolong blanked momentarily watching that disciple,

then was speechless, before shaking his head with a faint
At this time on the Hall of Heroes square, the different
forces’ experts stirred, many of them had noticed that
Huang Xiaolong’s score hadn’t moved for the last two hours.

The two people in the void above also noticed this matter
and exchanged a look between them.

“Could this Huang Xiaolong have run into a late-First Order

God Realm demonic beast?” Su Haodong made a

In general, and all the past assessments, late-First Order

God Realm demonic beasts were not included. However, this
time, because of Gudu Leng, the Black Warrior Institute
deliberately ‘released’ two late-First Order God Realms on
the Deepwood Star.

Li Zhiqun’s brows creased into deep furrows. If, by chance,

Huang Xiaolong really did run into a late-First Order God
Realm demonic beast, it would be troublesome. There had
been no changes in his points for some time, he was most
likely gravely injured by the late-First Order God Realm
demonic beast, rendering him into a coma. If this was truly
the case, forget fourth place, he wouldn't be able to hold on
to the tenth place.

Huang Xiaolong’s ‘quietness’ was also noticed by the He

Family disciples. As Huang Xiaolong remained still while He
Xiu’s points, who was kicked down to the eighth position,
kept climbing up, seemingly about to overtake Huang
Xiaolong very soon, the He Family disciples burst out in

“That Huang Xiaolong was so fierce in the beginning, but do

you see now, he can’t do it anymore.” One of the He Family
disciple mocked.
“I’ll say, he can’t do it anymore, he most likely went soft.” In
the distance, the Zhu Family disciples who held a grudge
toward Huang Xiaolong chimed in.

The other families’ disciples snickered at the side, shaking

their heads.

But then again, if they were to know that Huang Xiaolong

was leisurely treating himself with meat and wine on the
Deepwood Star, these people would be angered into

On Deepwood Star, Huang Xiaolong finally stood up two

hours later, stretching his waist and arms lazily. Well fed and
watered, it was time to get back to work.

Huang Xiaolong appeared in the sky in a flicker. Taking out

roughly two hundred beast cores from the Asura Ring, he
repeated what he did during the day. He used his
consciousness to control these beast cores to rotate around
him at high speed, creating a fierce wind cyclone, and
marched onward. Everywhere the wind cyclone passed
through, no demonic beast was left behind.

During the day, Huang Xiaolong had noticed that using his
consciousness to control these beast cores actually
enhanced his soul force by a great margin.

On the Hall of Heroes square, before the eyes of the He

Family disciples, just as He Xiu was about to catch up to
Huang Xiaolong’s score, with merely several hundred points
difference, Huang Xiaolong’s points shot up and continued
to increase at a frightening speed.

The crowd was left reeling at the sudden turn, especially

when the sixth place Li Mingxuan was overtaken by Huang
Xiaolong, and soon after, his points surpassed the fifth place
Jiang Wei.

Huang Xiaolong’s points continued to shoot up like a

nightmare, dogging on Xu Shaoqing’s heels.

Gasps of shock and astonishment grew increasingly loud on

the square as time passed by. And those He Family disciples
that were laughing at Huang Xiaolong being fierce in the
beginning and going soft at the end felt like their heads
were hammered, there was nothing but a white blank space
in their minds.

Didn't this look like he got even fiercer? But, wasn't this a bit
too savage?

On the Deepwood Star, the eighty million disciples felt their

minds humming as they watched Huang Xiaolong climbing
up the top ten ranks like a devil.

At this time, the positions in the top ten ranks shifted again.

“Fourth place, Huang Xiaolong’s in the fourth place now!” A

disciple’s shrill shriek cut across the square.
Chapter 540: The Battle For First Place

Looking at the floating crystal scoreboard in the air above

the square, both present experts and family disciples were

Not too long ago, they had just claimed with surety that this
Huang Xiaolong could reach the seventh place, or sixth at
most, highest at the fifth place. Yet, before the day ended,
Huang Xiaolong shot up the scoreboard using a terrifying
speed all the way until the fourth place.

On the Deepwood Star, a black-robed Gudu Leng was

standing in the air above a vast icefield.

“En?!” The moment his consciousness submerged into the

assessment token, he was a little surprised to find the
permanent figure in the fourth place, Xu Shaoqing,
relegated to fifth place, whereas the current fourth place
was Huang Xiaolong!

Huang Xiaolong?!

He repeated the name and a glimmer of recognition flashed

in his mind. The fella that kicked Zhu Haixiang out from the
top ten rankings.

At that time, he didn’t pay much attention to the matter.

Later on, as he focused on killing demonic beasts, monsters,
and demons, Gudu Leng did not have spare the time to
check the scoreboard. Never had he imagined that in a
short two days, this Huang Xiaolong actually climbed all the
way up to the fourth place!

“Things are getting interesting.” Gudu Leng said softly to

himself, mildly intrigued. Then again, it was merely a mild
interest, worth less than the briefest second of his attention.

In another location on the Deepwood Star, clad in a blue

two-piece blue tunic, Wang Biaoyuan didn’t look too happy
as he watched the changes in the rankings. His fiancée, Xu
Shaoqing, was actually kicked down to the fifth place by an
unknown background character named Huang Xiaolong! On
top of that, this Huang Xiaolong gave him a sense of crisis.

His current points were slightly over 963 million, and Huang
Xiaolong had over 892 million points.

Although 70 million was seemingly a big gap, with Huang

Xiaolong’s speed in picking up points, overtaking him was
only a matter of time.

In another location, Jiang Shaoze too was looking at the

scoreboard’s changes with a sullen face. A part of him
strongly refused to believe that Huang Xiaolong actually
managed to reach the fourth place. During Huang
Xiaolong’s aptitude test, he was present, and ‘saw’
everything clear more than anyone.

The third day ended, blanketing many people’s indignant

disbelief with darkness.

On the fourth day, Huang Xiaolong’s points continued to

soar, akin to sails under the full blast wind, securing his hold
on the fourth place. On the fifth day, however, his points did
not move up like everyone expected. Instead, it rose
steadily, maintaining an approximate gap of 70 million from
Wang Biaoyun at all times.

This situation was deemed favorable to Wang Biaoyuan and

Jiang Shaoze as both unknowingly breathed out in relief.
Huang Xiaolong’s score maintained the steady speed of
increment on the sixth day as well.
Seeing this, Wang Biaoyuan and Jiang Shaoze both finally
relaxed. To them, the previous spurt was Huang Xiaolong’s

At the end of the sixth day, Gudu Leng checked the

scoreboard again. When he saw the result, he shook his
head, “Still at number four? I thought that the competition
this time wouldn't be as dull, but in the end I’m still

In the Hall of Heroes’ square, the Jiang and Wang Families

felt as if a great burden was taken off their chests, allowing
them to finally breathe with ease.

But just when everyone thought that Huang Xiaolong was at

his limit and wouldn't be able to rise further up the ranks, a
certain family disciple’s eyes bulged out with shock, filled to
the brim with disbelief as he stared at the scoreboard:
“Huang Xiaolong, he, he, he…!”

His reaction baffled everyone and drew everyone’s attention

toward the fourth place on the scoreboard at the same time.
What they saw was Huang Xiaolong’s points that had been
rising steadily in the last two days suddenly shoot up with
unprecedented speed, narrowing a large gap toward Wang
Biaoyuan with every breath’s time.

“This...?!” No one knew how to react.

Even the two middle-aged men concealed in the deep void,

Su Haodong and Li Zhiqun, looked tense with surprise.

On the Deepwood Star, deep ripples of shock ran through

Wang Biaoyuan even as his hand swung frenzily in
slaughter, yet he still failed to widen the gap between their
50 million!

40 million!

“10 million, it’s only 10 million now!” A spectating disciple

on the Hall of Heroes square exclaimed in a high-pitched

From 10 million, the gap grew smaller and smaller, 9 million,

8 million... 1 million!

Wengg! Suddenly, the scoreboard beamed brightly, the

whole crystal stone visibly quivered. Only when the names
in the top three rankings changed would the crystal stone
behave in this manner, releasing a resplendent light.

When the light gradually dimmed, becoming less glaring to

the eyes, everyone saw that Wang Biaoyuan’s name had
dropped from third place to the fourth.

On the third place, Huang Xiaolong!

These two words, Huang Xiaolong, were so piercing in the

eyes of the Wang Family!

The 70 million gap at the beginning between Huang

Xiaolong and Wang Biaoyuan, was overtaken in a short two
hours’ time.

While everyone was still immersed in the astonishment of

Huang Xiaolong entering top three ranks, the person himself
continued to slaughter, accumulating more and more points,
slowly but surely closing in on Jiang Shaoze.

Regaining their senses, the crowd in the square stared

without blinking as Huang Xiaolong’s points inched closer to
Jiang Shaoze, growing more nervous by the second as if
their hearts were displaced, stuck in their throats.

Some time later, without any suspense, the crystal stone

once again breaking out in a resplendent glow, shaking
stronger than the first time. When the scoreboard returned
to normal, the second-ranked Jiang Shaoze had fallen to the
third place.

Second place, Huang Xiaolong!

The entire square was abnormally quiet to the point where a

pin drop sounded like thunder.

Not one person was able to foresee this result.

A disciple of unknown background named Huang Xiaolong

actually killed his way up to second place! Seven days ago,
how many people had heard of Huang Xiaolong?

As time passed, more and more experts appeared in the

square. The news about Huang Xiaolong snatching the
second place had spread out, alerting the experts in every
corner of the Black Warrior City.

Even after Huang Xiaolong overtook the second place, his

points did not stop rising. In fact, they seemed to climb even
faster, as if they were targeting Gudu Leng, slowly

“This, this Huang Xiaolong, is he planning to fight for the

first place?!” Almost everyone in the square noticed this
situation, and a family disciple couldn’t restrain himself,
shouting out loud.

First place?!
Watching this, they felt as if something pricked their hearts.

Gudu Leng, when he took the aptitude test, his strength

passed the 3000 points mark. In the last ten million years,
he was the only person who achieved this result, to the
point of alerting even the Black Warrior Institute’s Principal.

If Huang Xiaolong won the first place...?! Imagining this

possibility, the myriad expressions in the crowd were a rich
variation. Did that mean Huang Xiaolong’s talent was higher
than Gudu Leng’s?

Huang Xiaolong’s sudden jump to the second place did not

go unnoticed by Gudu Leng. He watched the speed of
Huang Xiaolong’s rising points with anticipation.

“It’s getting more interesting now.” He leaped up, an

obscure light flitted across his pupils, forming two black
vortices in the depths of his obsidian black pupils. Black
ripples of energy spread to the surrounding space, vibrating
in a radius of several li. All the demonic beasts within the
radius stopped moving. Their bodies disintegrated into fine
black particles, scattering in the air.

Back in the square, the crowd watched as Gudu Leng’s

points also soared with horrifying speed.

At times, Gudu Leng’s points would increase by fifty to sixty

thousand, while Huang Xiaolong collected half of that, other
times, Huang Xiaolong’s score would jump ten, twenty
thousand whereas Gudu Leng only managed six to seven

Staring tightly at these two people’s points fighting tit-for-

tat, their eyes were bedazzled by the constant glimmer of
points change.
One hour, two hours, three hours. One day passed, these
two people’s points continued to increase at shocking
speed; you chase, I rush, fighting neck to neck. The
flickering lights of points became a norm.

The crowd watched with their breaths held in as the eighth

day ended.

And the sun rose on the ninth day.

Although Gudu Leng’s mad rush of points seemed scary, the

crowd gradually realized that Huang Xiaolong was actually
pulling closer. Initially, when Huang Xiaolong first snatched
the second place, his points were a huge 300 million behind
Gudu Leng. At the beginning of the ninth day, however, the
difference was only 30 million.

On the Deepwood Star, Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette was

shifting rapidly, his palms straight like knives, instantly
slitting the neck of a mid-First Order God Realm demonic

This was his five hundred and sixty-third God Realm

demonic beast.
Chapter 541: Query

Five hundred and sixty-three God Realm demonic beasts!

If the family disciples watching outside knew about this,

they would probably be scared stiff on the spot.

How many God Realm demonic beast existed on the

Deepwood Star? Probably half of them were killed by Huang

“But, this is still not enough.” Huang Xiaolong muttered to

himself as he put away the demonic beast’s core.

These five hundred and sixty-three pieces of beast core

were insufficient for him to advance to peak half-step God
Realm. He estimated he’d need at least another thousand
beast cores.

‘Looks like I need to figure out another way after leaving this
place.’ Huang Xiaolong felt somewhat depressed. At the
same time, his consciousness submerged into the token.

Thirty million?

‘En, I’ll be able to surpass that amount today.’

Huang Xiaolong leaped up, swinging the Blades of Asura in

his hands. Multiple blade lights gathered into a ferocious
wind cyclone, carrying a skyful of beast cores rotating at
high speed.

From the beginning, Huang Xiaolong had only used his

Blades of Asura to attack, combined with his Wings of
Demon. Up until now, he had yet to summon the twin
dragon martial spirits and soul transform.
Neither did he use the Godly Xumi Art.

Even so, it was sufficient for Huang Xiaolong to win the first

When the curtain was about to fall on day nine, the

scoreboard exploded in a bright light, rivaling the sun,
piercing ten thousand zhang to the heavens. The crystal
stone shook with vigor as the crowd watched with stupefied
expressions. The person who everyone acknowledged to be
this round of assessment’s number one was actually
relegated to second place!!

And the board leader was no longer Gudu Leng.

First place, Huang Xiaolong!

These two words at the very top of the scoreboard emitted a

blinding radiance.

The moment Huang Xiaolong took over the scoreboard, the

entire square quaked as the crowd erupted in a tremendous

“He really did it, he took first place!”

“What kind of a freak is this Huang Xiaolong exactly?!”

“Even Gudu Leng was overtaken by him!”

Concealed deep in the void, Li Zhiqun and Su Haodong both

wore astounded expressions.

“Maybe this is temporary? There is still a day’s time, Gudu

Leng could still snatch the top place back!” Su Haodong
said. But, would Gudu Leng truly have any hope of regaining
the top spot?
What he witnessed was Huang Xiaolong pulling further away
from Gudu Leng in a short time, widening the distance
between them.

Thirty thousand, one hundred thousand, one million!

One hour later, Gudu Leng’s points were already ten million
behind Huang Xiaolong, and the gap between them only
grew wider.

On the Cloudsea Mainland, within a certain space inside

Gudu City, the giant body of an old man sat atop an
immense altar. This old man’s eyes were completely cloudy
white, including his pupils.

The old man’s white-colored eyes glimmered with a golden

light, muttering to himself, “There’s actually someone that
could overtake Leng’er points! I’m curious to know which
unique physique this person possesses!”

This old man was none other than Gudu Leng’s family
ancestor, Gudu Batian.

Just like Gudu Batian, other super forces’ family ancestors

were guessing Huang Xiaolong’s real talent and strength.
On the other hand, Elder Zhang Tianchuan who was
overseeing this time’s assessment reported the matter on
the scene to the institute’s upper level with haste.

In general proceedings, an overseer like Zhang Tianchuan

was not required to make any reports until after the
assessment ended, but in this situation where Gudu Leng
was actually surpassed by another person for more than an
hour, and the difference only grew wider as time passed,
prompted him to do so.

Who was Gudu Leng?

A genius that even their Black Warrior Institute’s Principal
wanted to receive as a personal disciple, but now, there was
a possibility that someone that was even more of a
monstrous genius had appeared, what did this represent?

On the Black Warrior World surface, inside the Black Warrior

Institute compound, Institute Principal Feng Yang was
shocked listening to the report: “What?! Gudu Leng was

“It is so, Principal.” A Grand Elder affirmed. “This was

reported by Zhang Tianchuan moments ago, it is a kid name
Huang Xiaolong, but… according to them, during the
aptitude test, his strength was only within the 2000 points

Institute Principal Feng Yang gradually calmed down, a light

flickered in his eyes.

“Principal, this Huang Xiaolong, how do you see him?” That

Grand Elder hesitated.

“Monitor him.” Institute Principal Feng Yang spoke in a

solemn tone, “Send someone to investigate this Huang
Xiaolong’s background.”

“Yes, Principal.”

While various forces lingered in shock, on Deepwood Star,

Huang Xiaolong was standing above a vast expanse of sea,
slaughtering ghostly creatures.

The sea water was a pure black, with an endless number of

ghostly creatures emerging from the bottom of the sea.

Circulating the true essence energy in his dantian, the true

essence fire spread out from Huang Xiaolong’s body,
transforming the immediate several hundred li area around
him into a sea of fire.

Huang Xiaolong proceeded forward, and in his trail, all the

new ghost creatures that just emerged from the sea was
instantly burned to ashes, releasing their souls in the air.
Seeing this, he displayed the Blood Deed Pact, opened his
mouth and inhaled deeply. In less than a breath’s time,
numerous ghost creatures’ souls were sucked into Huang
Xiaolong’s body, directly refined.

As for the God Realm ghost creatures, Huang Xiaolong

captured and sealed their souls before throwing them into
the Linglong Treasure Pagoda.

By this point, Huang Xiaolong no longer bothered with the

points on the scoreboard. If there was a change in position,
the token would quiver as an indication, letting him know.

Back on the square, the various forces’ experts and disciples

continued to stare dumbly at the crystal stone in the air as
Huang Xiaolong’s points flew up again as if gaining a second
wind. Although Gudu Leng’s points were also shooting up in
a mad dash, it looked like a futile effort as the distance
widened. At one point, it passed 130 million points in

Jiang Shaoze in third place looked even more pitiful with

over 600 million points between him and Gudu Leng. It
would be more merciful not to mention Wang Biaoyuan.

Above the ghost sea, Huang Xiaolong had just killed a mid-
First Order God Realm, sealing its soul and putting it away
inside the Linglong Treasure Pagoda when the airspace on
the whole Deepwood Star shook like waves. In the blink of
an eye, all the disciples re-appeared on the Hall of Heroes
Ten days had passed.

The assessment finally came to an end, and all the surviving

students were sent out of the Deepwood Star.

Ten days ago, there were more than eighty million disciples,
but after coming out, an approximate of only fifty million
disciples remained, the others were turned into food for the
demonic beasts, monsters, and demons.

When Huang Xiaolong appeared, all eyes zoomed onto him,

whether it was disciples of the Black Warrior Institute or
other families’ disciples, participants or part of the
spectating crowd. All their attention fell on Huang Xiaolong’s

The look in their eyes was as if they were looking at a

terrifying monster. Envy, hate, jealousy, shock, fear, all
rolled into one.

At the end of the assessment, Huang Xiaolong’s final score

surpassed 3.5 billion points! This was a figure that made
people go crazy! A figure that conjured up a bloody picture,
a figure that made it hard to imagine or believe.

Killing a half-step God Realm demonic beasts brought 800

points, an early-First Order God Realm was 10,000 points,
and a mid-First Order God Realm was merely worth 50,000
points. How many half-step God Realm and peak half-step
God Realm demonic beasts did one have to kill in order to
reach that staggering figure?

The previous first place winner didn’t even reach 2 billion


Gudu Leng’s score was equally astonishing, but it paled in

comparison to Huang Xiaolong’s. Gudu Leng’s points slightly
exceeded 2.8 billion points.

Whereas Jiang Shaoze at third place collected over 1 billion


“You’re Huang Xiaolong?” At one point, Wang Biaoyuan

stood in front of Huang Xiaolong, in a slightly condescending

“Right.” Huang Xiaolong replied indifferently.

“If I’m not wrong, you’re just a half-step God Realm, right?
I’m very curious, a half-step God Realm like you, how did
you manage to accumulate more than 3.5 billion points?!”
Wang Biaoyuan questioned.

He ranking dropped to the fourth place. Failing to enter the

top three made his mood extremely bad.
Chapter 542: Anyone Else
Wants To Come Up?
Chapter 542: Anyone Else Wants to Come Up?

Many people in the square had the same query as Wang

Biaoyuan in their hearts.

The gazes watching Huang Xiaolong fluctuated slightly.

That's right ah, this Huang Xiaolong was just a half-step God
Realm. How did a half-step God Realm achieve 3.5 billion
points?! Strong as a half-step God Realm was, there was no
way their strength could reach such a terrifying point!

Jiang Shaoze, Xu Shaoqing, Jiang Wei, Li Mingxuan, He Xiu,

Yang Shiqi, Su Meiyi, Zhu Haixiang, and all other geniuses
that participated in the assessment had the same doubt and

In truth, even Gudu Leng found it hard to accept the result

just like that.

He himself was a God Realm ah, acknowledged as Gufu

Family’s strongest genius! His talent was highly praised by
their Gudu Family Ancestor.

Yet, he was actually defeated by a half-step God Realm


Huang Xiaolong’s expression remained aloof as he spoke,

“How I achieved 3.5 billion points is not something I need to
explain to you.” With that said, he turned around and
walked toward the new disciple gathering area.
“Courting death!” When Wang Biaoyuan saw Huang
Xiaolong turn around, ignoring him, fury exploded in his
eyes and he bellowed, “Immovable Wisdom King’s Godking
Fist![1]” Hurling a fist at Huang Xiaolong.

The air exploded from the sudden pressure.

Wang Biaoyuan’s punch gave the surrounding genius

disciples an illusion that the surrounding air was like a large
bubble about to pop.

Amidst shocked exclamations and gasps, everyone

backpedaled or fled sideways to safety.

“This is the Wang Family’s divine rank battle kill that is not
passed to outsiders, Immovable Wisdom King’s Godking

“It is said that when one cultivates this skill to a certain

stage, it can kill the enemy with just one punch. Moreover,
even in death, that person will not move, standing
immovable for ten thousand years!”

Shock filled the square.

Everyone’s attention was focused on Huang Xiaolong as

they watched Wang Biaoyuan’s Immovable Wisdom King’s
Godking Fist about to strike the young man’s back. Each of
them wanted to know how Huang Xiaolong would respond to
Wang Biaoyuan’s fist.

The Black Warrior Institute Elder Zhang Tianchuan was

about to step forward to break the fight when a voice
sounded in his ears, halting his action.

Before the fist was about to land, Huang Xiaolong suddenly

turned around, his right palm extended out, wrapping over
Wang Biaoyuan’s fist. The air blast sounds immediately died
down, the chaotic airflow returned to normal.

And the surroundings were dead quiet.

The spectating crowd was dumbfounded. ‘This… actually


Not far away, Gudu Leng’s pupils needled watching this, an

unnoticeable black light flitted passed, but inwardly, he was
shocked. In that split second, a myriad of possibilities ran
through his mind except for the result he was seeing.

Jiang Shaoze, Xu Shaoqing, and the rest were equally


With a slight push from Huang Xiaolong’s right hand, Wang

Biaoyuan felt his body involuntarily stagger backward, being
pushed dozens of meters back before he managed to regain
his balance. Wang Biaoyuan’s face flushed beet red with
fury as he stared at Huang Xiaolong: “You!”Without another
word, a golden light burst out from his body, preparing to
attack again.

“Others cannot interfere?” Huang Xiaolong remained stoic,

cold gaze fell on the nearby Wang Family disciples.

Wang Biaoyuan looked at the Wang Family disciples around,

barking, “This is a fight between me and him, no one is
allowed to interfere!” His body once again burst out in a
golden light as if a layer of golden qi enshrouded over his
skin. A palpitating energy surged violently from Wang
Biaoyuan’s body.

“Indestructible Vajra Physique!”

“Wang Biaoyuan has awakened his Indestructible Vajra
Physique potential when he advanced to God Realm. The
Indestructible Vajra Physique is very powerful, its defense is
even scarier. At Wang Biaoyuan’s current strength, even a
late-First Order God Realm cannot break past his defense!”

Seeing Wang Biaoyuan display his Indestructible Vajra

Physique, the square was astir with excitement.

When Wang Biaoyuan displayed his Indestructible Vajra

Physique, Gudu Leng’s cold expression was slightly tinged
with a hint of sullenness. Admittedly, a Wang Biaoyuan
applying the power of his Indestructible Vajra Physique was
a strong enemy.

Huang Xiaolong observed Wang Biaoyuan for a moment

with a calm demeanor. Since someone came knocking on
his doorstep, he might as well ‘reveal’ a small portion of his
strength, let the Black Warrior Institute have a good look.

Wang Biaoyuan attempted to attack him in public, yet no

one from the Black Warrior Institute tried to stop him. Huang
Xiaolong knew this was because the Black Warrior Institute
also wanted to know the level of his strength, or more
accurately said, they were suspicious of his 3.5 billion

By this point, Wang Biaoyuan had raised his momentum to

the peak.

“You’re not using the sword?” Huang Xiaolong’s gaze fell on

the ancient sword hanging around Wang Biaoyuan’s waist.
He could tell that this Wang Biaoyuan was a sword
cultivator, one with proficient skills.

Wang Biaoyuan’s eyes were frosty, “Against you, I don’t

need to use a sword.”
Huang Xiaolong shrugged his shoulders at Wang Biaoyuan’s
retort, since it is so, then he wouldn’t be polite.

“Nine-Nine Chained Punches! [2]” Wang Biaoyuan made a

sudden lunge forward, both fists struck out with a killing
intent. When his fists struck out, consecutive images of
golden fists flew out, moving up and down, left and right,
making it hard for anyone to predict their trajectory.

Huang Xiaolong harrumphed, dashing forward instead of

maneuvering to dodge the attack, extending both his fists.

“Doesn't this Huang Xiaolong know that Wang Biaoyuan’s

Indestructible Vajra Physique fists are as hard as a demi
divine artifact?! He still dares to fight head-on with Wang
Biaoyuan with his fists!”

“It seems like this Huang Xiaolong’s fists are about to be


Heads shook in pity as they watched.

A cold smirk crept up Wang Biaoyuan’s face watching Huang

Xiaolong trying to counter his attack in the same manner,
but a cruel light flickered in the depth of his eyes.

In a split second, four fists collided, and a thunderous

explosion trailed behind.

The smirk on Wang Biaoyuan’s face stiffened as his muscles

tensed, the cruel light in his eyes was replaced with an
unknown trepidation.

He looked at Huang Xiaolong, but just as he was about to

speak, a flood of horrifying power crashed against his whole
A sharp pain traveled from his fists, so strong that he
couldn’t resist letting out an anguished scream. Wang
Biaoyuan was sent flying back, repelled by the powerful

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed with aggression. In a

flicker, he appeared in the path of Wang Biaoyuan’s flying

“Stop!” Wang Biaoyuan’s scream brought the Wang Family

disciples and guards back to their senses. Four silhouettes
rushed out, attacking Huang Xiaolong.

“Scram!” Huang Xiaolong’s voice reverberated like thunder,

slapping a single palm at the four attackers. The four
people’s actions froze in midair for less than a second
before falling to the ground like meteors, crashing into the
square at an even faster speed.

Huang Xiaolong’s expression remained unchanged as he

added another palm strike on Wang Biaoyuan’s back.


Blood flew out like arrows. Wang Biaoyuan was sent flying
higher into the sky, his screams sounded weaker and further
away, disappearing into the layers of cloud.

Gently, Huang Xiaolong feet touched the square ground

once again, standing amidst a thick silence from all four

The crowd sucked in a cold breath looking at the four Wang

Family guards that were slapped to the ground by Huang
Xiaolong, lying on the ground with half a breath left.
These four Wang Family guards were all late-First Order God

Late-First Order God Realm!

Done in with a single palm!

Seconds later, Wang Biaoyuan’s scream was heard again

from the sky above, falling back down at high speed.

A booming crash resounded when his body hit the ground.

Spider line cracks zig-zagged on the square surface.

When everyone finally laid their eyes on Wang Biaoyuan, to

their horror, they discovered that little flesh remained on
Wang Biaoyuan’s Indestructible Vajra Physique arms, and
there was a glaring handprint that seemed to protrude
slightly on his chest all the way from his back.

The crowd was dumbfounded, was this the Indestructible

Vajra Physique that rivaled a demi divine artifact? If they did
not witness the fight from the beginning, they’d have
thought it was a paper tiger!

Gudu Leng looked at Wang Biaoyuan, lying there as if he

was going to faint into oblivion anytime, his face muscle
slightly twitched. Brutal, too damn brutal!

‘Is he still human?!’ His larynx shifted as he observed Huang


Huang Xiaolong’s eyes swept over Gudu Leng, Jiang Shaoze,

Xu Shaoqing, and the others. The message in his eyes to
them was clear—Is there anyone else that would like to
come up and question my strength?
1. Coined as The Immovable One, the Wisdom King is one of
the Five Wisdom Kings, the one that guards the center. The
Five Wisdom Kings guard the four directions and center,
protectors of the Five Wisdom Buddhas. (relates to his
Indestructible Vajra Physique) Pic & Source

2. Nine nine - a simple way of saying 9x9. In regards to the

attack move, it gives the impression of 81 consecutive
Chapter 543: About Thirty Years?

Detecting the provocation in Huang Xiaolong’s gaze, an

unpleasant expression shadowed Jiang Shaoze, Xu
Shaoqing, Zhu Haixiang, and other top geniuses’ faces, yet
no one dared to step out in contrary, including Gudu Leng.

Even Wang Biaoyuan, who activated the Indestructible Vajra

Physique, was turned into a mere paper tiger in front of this
person. If they walked out, wouldn't they be pummeled into
a pig head?!

The crowd fell into a prolonged heavy silence when an

abrupt angry shout cut across the square as a figure leaped
out from the Wang Family’s midst, attacking Huang
Xiaolong. A Wang Family master.

A Third Order God Realm warrior.

His action was too fast, it did not occur to anyone that a
Wang Family master would try to assassinate Huang


Just when that Wang Family master was about to slap his
palm down on Huang Xiaolong, a fleeting sword light glinted
and disappeared. The Wang Family expert howled in pain,
clutching his hand as he retreated, looking fearfully at Black
Warrior Institute's Elder Zhang Tianchuan.

It was Elder Zhang Tianchuan who attacked earlier.

Everyone could see that all five fingers of that Wang Family
master were cleanly cut off.
Zhang Tianchuan glared coldly at the Wang Family group,
emphasizing each word: “ This is Cloudsea Mainland, this is
Black Warrior City! This time, take severing your five fingers
as punishment, but next time, it will be your life!”

Huang Xiaolong had proven his strength.

Thus, he was the Black Warrior Institute’s first place holder

for this assessment. If Huang Xiaolong was killed in the
Black Warrior City, wouldn't that turn the entire Black
Warrior Institute into the century’s biggest joke?

A genius like Huang Xiaolong was a rare sight in a hundred

thousand years that would surely rise to become the Black
Warrior Institute’s precious treasure in the future, of course
the Black Warrior Institute needed to safeguard him. In fact,
crucial measures should be taken to safeguard him!

Clutching his wounded hand, that Wang Family master had

no choice but to swallow his anger, similarly of the other
Wang Family masters.

In this matter, they were at fault.

Both Huang Xiaolong and Wang Biaoyuan had determined

that no one was allowed to interfere, but the Wang Family
made a sneak attack after Wang Biaoyuan lost.

Zhang Tianchuan’s frosty gaze scanned the crowd before

turning toward Huang Xiaolong with a bedazzling smile,
“Junior brother Huang, are you alright?” That tone, that
manner, they completely floored the crowd.

Zhang Tianchuan was an Elder of Black Warrior Institute ah,

a person of high status in the whole Black Tortoise Galaxy,
did he need to show a new disciple so much courtesy? Then
again, recalling Huang Xiaolong’s terrifying talent and
strength, they could only accept it.

Relying on the talent and strength that Huang Xiaolong had

‘showed’, Elder Zhang Tianchuan’s courtesy and smile
became a natural matter of course.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Zhang Tianchuan’s dazzling smile

with a slight flattered feeling, politely answering, “Elder
Zhang, I’m unharmed.”

Zhang Tianchuan nodded with a big smile, but his sharp

eyes were fixed on Huang Xiaolong. That gaze sent
goosebumps down Huang Xiaolong’s neck.

Subsequently, Zhang Tianchuan officially announced the top

ten name list. As for the eleventh to the one hundredth
place, Zhang Tianchuan merely ordered someone else to
announce the rest of the list to the public.

After the top ten places were announced, it was the prize
giving ceremony.

Only the top ten places had any rewards. The prizes for the
second to the tenth place were given out by Elder Zhan
Tianchuan, but when it came to Huang Xiaolong’s turn, his
prize was given out by Grand Elder Bao Xinrui.

From this, the difference in treatment between the first,

second, third place and the rest was obvious.

On the stage, Huang Xiaolong received a spatial ring from

Grand Elder Bao Xinrui which contained ten million Xuanwu
coins, one thousand Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellet,
one thousand saint grade spirit stones, and one divine rank
battle skill.
When Huang Xiaolong received his reward from Grand Elder
Bao Xinrui, the Grand Elder observed the young man in front
of him, his old wrinkly face was full of smiles, nodding with
appreciation, “You, are very good.”

Very good!

This short statement drew envious and jealous glares from

the surrounding geniuses.

Bao Xinrui was recognized as the strongest person under

the Highgod Realm in the entire Black Tortoise Galaxy, never
had anyone heard him praising any juniors.

Then, before the envious and jealous gazes subside, Bao

Xinrui spoke again, “The Institute Principal wants to see you,
do you have time?”

Everyone was dazed, dumbfounded; the Institute Principal

wanted to see Huang Xiaolong?!

Even Huang Xiaolong did not expect the Black Warrior

Institute Principal would want to meet him. Still, it was good
news to him if the Black Warrior Institute Principal wanted to
see him, therefore he had no reason to refuse. Moreover, he
wasn’t so dumb as to refuse.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong agree, Bao Xinrui started the

square’s transmission array, disappearing before everyone’s
sight together with Huang Xiaolong.

After the two silhouettes disappeared vanishing from their

vision, a great commotion swept through the crowd.

“The Black Warrior Institute’s Principal wants to see Huang

Xiaolong, what do you think this is about?”
“Huang Xiaolong’s talent is astonishing, maybe the Institute
Principal wants to give him more rewards, or, who knows,
maybe he even wants to take Huang Xiaolong as his
personal disciple!”

“What? Take Huang Xiaolong as a personal disciple? Cannot

be, right? Doesn’t that mean that Huang Xiaolong reached
the sky in a single bound?”

The discussions in the square grew lively.

Some guessed that the Institute Principal was of a mind to

receive Huang Xiaolong as a personal disciple due to his
talent that was higher than Gudu Leng’s, but there were
those who disagreed with this view, for it had been more
than twenty thousand years since the Institute Principal last
took in a personal disciple.

Rumors circulated.

On the other side, following behind Bao Xinrui, Huang

Xiaolong saw a colorful blur enter his vision and he had
arrived in another enormous square.

Lining the perimeter of the square were building structures

that seemed to have no end, exuding an ancient aura of the
vicissitudes of time, aged by the passing of years.

“This is our Black Tortoise World surface’s North Star

Square.” Bao Xinrui explained. “If you want to go to the
Cloudsea Mainland in the future, you can be transported
directly into the Black Warrior City with the transmission
array on this North Star Square.”

This was the Black Tortoise World!

Huang Xiaolong inhaled deeply, taking in the rich spiritual
energy into his body. The spiritual energy here was very
pure, twice as pure as the spiritual energy in the Martial
Spirit World. Its purity level actually surprised Huang
Xiaolong! The purer the spiritual energy, the more
importance it had to a cultivator’s practice.

Bao Xinrui led Huang Xiaolong out from North Star Square,
flying toward the center region of the Black Tortoise World.

Following behind Bao Xinrui, Huang Xiaolong watched as

they flew over one city after another, palaces after palaces,
each one more prosperous than the one before. In some
places, Black Warrior Institute disciples could be seen laying
out array formations. In some mountainous areas, the earth
was excavated to build new cities.

While Bao Xinrui and Huang Xiaolong were on their way to

the center region of the Black Tortoise World, inside a large
city within the center region, Grand Elder Chan Yu was
reporting to Institute Principal Feng Yang, “Principal, we’ve
investigated Huang Xiaolong’s background, he’s a disciple
of our Black Tortoise Galaxy’s Martial Spirit World.”

The day before, when Huang Xiaolong’s points surpassed

Gudu Leng’s points, the Black Warrior Institute Principal
ordered people to investigate Huang Xiaolong’s background.
Based on the institute’s forces, investigating a person's
background was no difficult matter.

When the Institute Principal heard that Huang Xiaolong was

indeed a native of the Black Tortoise Galaxy, he breathed
out in relief. He had been worried that Huang Xiaolong
might be a disciple cultivated by other galaxies’ super
forces, but now these worries were vanquished.
“Martial Spirit World?” Black Warrior Institute Principal
mused over the said world surface, saying, “Since that
Great Fiendgod War, the Martial Spirit World’s overall
strength dropped rock bottom, falling out from the galaxy’s
top ten thousand world ranking. It’s unexpected that such a
talented young man would come out from there now.”

There were more than one hundred and twenty thousand

world surfaces in the entire Black Tortoise Galaxy, he
couldn't possibly remember all of them. However, he did
have some impression on the Martial Spirit World.

Grand Elder Chan Yu’s mouth moved as if he wanted to

speak but hesitated.

“What is it?” Institute Principal Feng Yang noticed his

strange manner and asked, “Is there a problem with Huang

Grand Elder Chan Yu’s did not carry the usual confidence as
he spoke, “That Huang Xiaolong was born in the Martial
Spirit World a little over thirty years ago.”

A little over thirty years? For a brief moment, Institute

Principal Feng Yang’s brain failed to make the connection,
but when he finally realized what Grand Elder Chan Yu was
trying to say, Feng Yang sucked in a sharp cold breath, “Yo-
you’re saying, that Huang Xiaolong, cultivating until up now
only took about thirty years?!”
Chapter 544: Apprenticeship

Watching the Institute Principal’s stunned and bewildered

expression, Grand Elder Chan Yu nodded in all seriousness,
“It is so, Principal, that Huang Xiaolong is merely thirty-
something years old!”

When he found out the result of the investigation, his

reaction was no less dramatic! This simply made the terms
like ‘monstrous genius’ or ‘peerless talent’ insufficient to
describe Huang Xiaolong.

Gudu Leng was hailed as Gudu Family’s strongest genius in

history, but Gudu Leng had spent more than one hundred
and fifty years in cultivation.

Whereas that Huang Xiaolong merely cultivated for

approximately thirty years or so! Given the same amount of
time, to what extent could Huang Xiaolong’s power grow?!

At the time Chan Yu received this information, even he,

someone who never uttered an uncouth word couldn’t help
spitting out, “I’ll be damned, what kind of freak is he?!”

This freak monster’s mother also had to be a horrifying lady

to actually give birth to such a super freaky unrivaled

The Black Warrior Institute Principal took a deep breath to

calm himself, recovering from his shock. Even so, the
glimmering light in his eyes belied the excitement in his

At first, he still had some nagging doubt, but now, he

absolutely had to receive Huang Xiaolong as his disciple! A
personal disciple! Whatever the price!
Afterwards, the Black Warrior Institute Principal Feng Yang
asked a few more questions related to Huang Xiaolong,
but… the more he asked, the more stunned he became.

Grand Elder Chan Yu conducted a detailed investigation on

Huang Xiaolong, ranging from the time Huang Xiaolong
started cultivating to how much time he took to step into
Saint realm, how long Huang Xiaolong spent to advance
from Saint realm to high-level Saint realm, etc.

The more Institute Principal Feng Yang heard, the more

engrossed he became, it was at this time that a disciple
came knocking to report that Grand Elder Bao Xinrui had
brought Huang Xiaolong over and were both waiting in the
outer hall.

Only then did Feng Yang curb his questions, hurrying the
disciple to bring Grand Elder Bao Xinrui and Huang Xiaolong

Huang Xiaolong respectfully walked behind Bao Xinrui into

the main hall. Inside, sitting in the head seat was a middle-
aged man in a golden brocade robe, with fair skin and eyes
profound like the galaxy, a deep vast aura could be felt from
his person. This man was likely the Black Warrior Institute’s
Principal. And beside the Institute Principal stood a black-
haired elder, perhaps a certain Grand Elder of the institute.

But Huang Xiaolong keenly sensed the moment he stepped

into the main hall that the way the Institute Principal and
the Grand Elder looked at him seemed a little… strange.
Similar to how Elder Zhang Tianchuan stared at him in the
Hall of Heroes square, it truly made him uncomfortable.

“Greetings, Principal.” Entering the main hall, Bao Xinrui

saluted to the middle-aged man.
Huang Xiaolong also hurried to perform a respectful salute.

The Black Warrior Institute Principal Feng Yang excused both

people’s greetings. He rose from his seat and approached
Huang Xiaolong with a radiant smile, “You’re Huang

The smile sent Huang Xiaolong into a momentary daze

before he replied, “Yes, Institute Principal.”

“Are you willing to worship me as your Master?” Next came

Institute Principal Feng Yang’s thunderclap question.

The spacious main hall went strangely quiet of all a sudden.

Grand Elder Bao Xinrui was dumbfounded on the spot,

Huang Xiaolong fared no better: This… this was too direct!

Only Grand Elder Chan Yu standing at the side did not feel

“You, are unwilling?” Failing to hear Huang Xiaolong’s

answer after waiting for some time, Institute Principal Feng
Yang became slightly anxious, half probing for an answer.

“No, Institute Principal, this, I…” This was so unexpected

that Huang Xiaolong didn't know how to answer.

In fact, on the way here, Huang Xiaolong had thought of this

possibility, but when the Black Warrior Institute Principal
Feng Yang broached the subject of receiving him as a
disciple in such direct manner, it still felt too sudden.

Then, Institute Principal broke out in laughter, “There are a

lot of benefits being my disciple, for example; you get one
hundred saint grade spirit stones as allowance, one hundred
Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellets, and moreover, you
can look at all the rare and precious techniques inside the
Black Warrior Treasury at any time. If you have any
cultivation problems, you can come ask me any time.”

Institute Principal Feng Yang listed a number of benefits that

made the Grand Elder dumbstruck at the side as he
listened. Why did it feel like the Principal was afraid that
Huang Xiaolong might refuse him?! That he was using these
benefits to bait Huang Xiaolong?!

Were his eyes deceiving him?

Hearing the things coming out from the Institute Principal’s

mouth, Huang Xiaolong felt a tad speechless, but he took a
deep breath, and performed a respectful bow toward Feng
Yang, saying: “Disciple Huang Xiaolong greets Master!”

Huang Xiaolong had given the matter a great deal of

thought before arriving, there were only benefits to
worshipping the Black Warrior Institute Principal as his

First of all, it was the cultivation resources. Just like what the
Institute Principal said, every month he would receive one
hundred saint grade spirit stones, one hundred Black
Warrior Greater Strength Pellets, and the most tempting of
all were the techniques inside the institute’s treasury that
were open to his perusal!

This was a resource that no other Black Warrior Institute

disciple could enjoy, not even if one climbed all the way to
the status of an elite disciple.

Huang Xiaolong was aware that only the Grand Elders, Vice-
Principal, and the Institute Principal had the authority to
enter the institute’s treasury as they wished. All these
benefits were good, but the most important of all was the
identity of the Black Warrior Institute Principal’s personal
disciple. An identity that would conveniently make things
easier for Huang Xiaolong when moving around in the Black
Tortoise Galaxy.

Previously in the Hall of Heroes square, he gravely wounded

Wang Biaoyuan, and Wang Biaoyuan was a top talent that
the Wang Family cultivated. In the coming days, the Wang
Family would definitely find ways to settle this score, but
with the identity of the Black Warrior Institute Principal’s
personal disciple, the Wang Family could only swallow this

In this assessment, Huang Xiaolong had shown great

promising talent, he believed there would definitely be big
families or super forces that would like to kill him in the
cradle. Thus, he had to borrow the Institute Principal’s
reputation to shield him.

Not to mention, the Star Sword Sect and the Ying Family
that he was worried about in the past were no longer an

When Institute Principal Feng Yang saw that Huang Xiaolong

was willing to worship him as Master, he laughed heartily in
happiness. He stepped forward, pulling Huang Xiaolong up,
“Excellent, excellent!” His laughter shook the hall.

Both Grand Elder Chan Yu and Bao Xinrui cupped their

hands, congratulating Principal Feng Yang: “Congratulations
Principal for receiving an outstanding disciple!” Both elderly
were sincerely happy that the Principal was able to receive
Huang Xiaolong as his personal disciple.

With Huang Xiaolong’s talent, it wasn’t hard to imagine that

in a few thousand years’ time there would be an additional
Highgod Realm master to Black Warrior Institute’s name.
What made Huang Xiaolong even rarer was the fact that he
did not belong to any super forces in the Black Tortoise
Galaxy. Such talent, such clean background was undeniably
many times more ideal than Gudu Leng.

Feng Yang couldn't stop smiling looking at Huang Xiaolong,

“You’re the fourth disciple Master has received. Master
doesn’t have many good things, so Master will give you this
Mulberry Sword[1]

as an apprenticeship present.” With that said, he took out a

wooden sword and gave it to Huang Xiaolong.

The wooden sword was neither long nor short, it was no

different from an ordinary wooden sword appearance-wise
but Huang Xiaolong knew that this wooden sword was
anything but.

Watching this on the side, both Grand Elder Chan Yu and

Bao Xinrui were stunned by the fact that the Principal was
willing to part with the wooden sword, gifting it to Huang
Xiaolong. This was the Principal’s most treasured sword, he
kept it by his side at all times for the last ten thousand
years, maybe even longer. He was reluctant to give it to his
eldest disciple, so neither of them expected the Principal to
give it to his newly received fourth disciple, Huang Xiaolong.

This was proof of how much the Principal cherished his

youngest disciple.

Huang Xiaolong received the Mulberry Sword, giving his

thanks, “Thank you, Master.”

After Huang Xiaolong took the Mulberry Sword, Feng Yang

joyfully went on, “This Mulberry Sword is imprinted with a
set of sword skills I created from enlightenment. After you
refine this Mulberry Sword, practice the Mulberry Sword
Technique!” Then, his head looked over at Grand Elder Chan
Yu, “Make an announcement to the galaxy, I’ve taken Huang
Xiaolong as my disciple, the ceremony will be held one
month later. All families’ Patriarchs and Sovereigns are
invited to bear witness!”

As the Black Warrior Institute’s Principal, him receiving a

disciple was a big event. The entire Black Tortoise Galaxy’s
big event, of course it couldn't be considered done with the
slapdash just now. The worship ceremony had to be
conducted on a grand scale.

1. Mulberry Sword (sāngmù jiàn) - The ‘sang’ refers to the

same Fusang tree (aka mulberry tree) of another
legend/novel where the three-legged crow perched on,
growing in a land where there are ten suns.
Chapter 545: You Already
Refined All Of Them?!
Chapter 545: You Already Refined All of Them?!

Very soon, news of the Black Warrior Institute’s Principal

receiving Huang Xiaolong as a personal disciple spread out,
sending great waves in the galaxy. At the same time, Huang
Xiaolong’s final score in the new disciple assessment was
also spread out.

Some were shocked, some felt envious, and others were


Of course, most people felt that Huang Xiaolong ascended

to great heights in a single bound, akin to a poor country
bumpkin that suddenly befriended the emperor of an

However, when the super forces’ ancestors found out that

Huang Xiaolong had merely cultivated for no more than
thirty years, their momentary daze turned into strong envy
toward the Black Warrior Institute Principal for receiving
such a heaven-defying ‘treasure.’

Whereas the Wang Family that was still harboring a grudge

against Huang Xiaolong could only give up on any ill

“Ancestor, are we really going to forget this matter?!” Within

a certain space, Wang Biaoyuan’s face displayed great
unwillingness. But, just as the words left his mouth, he was
sent flying by the Wang Family Ancestor with a sweep of

Holding the side of his face as he climbed up from the

ground, Wang Biaoyuan was stunned with disbelief as he
looked at his Ancestor. As far as his memories go, his
Ancestor had never hit him.

The Wang Family Ancestor’s eyes were cold glancing at him,

“The Wang Family’s face has been shamed by you! If you
have the ability, go defeat Huang Xiaolong fair and square.
Roll back to your place, and go into closed-door practice!”

About the same time the news of the Black Warrior Institute
Principal receiving Huang Xiaolong as a personal disciple
spread out, another piece of news also spread—Wang
Biaoyuan was beaten to a pulp by Huang Xiaolong in the
Hall of Heroes square, turning the Wang Family into a
laughing stock in the eyes of other prominent families.

A God Realm master, one that had the legendary

Indestructible Vajra Physique was beaten like a dog by a
half-step God Realm, if this wasn’t a joke, then what was?

The schadenfreude from the other families caused the Wang

Family Ancestors to lose a lot of face.

Wang Biaoyuan dared not make another sound seeing that

his Ancestor was really upset, squirming away as quickly as

“Huang Xiaolong!” Every time he recalled the scene of

himself being pummeled by Huang Xiaolong in the Hall of
Heroes’ square, Wang Biaoyuan’s eyes gleamed with
venomous vengeance. This matter, he would absolutely not
let this humiliation slide.
Defeat Huang Xiaolong fair and square? In that case, he will
defeat Huang Xiaolong fair and square!

New disciples were subjected to competition assessment

every three years, and at that time, new disciples were
allowed to challenge each other.

“Huang Xiaolong, three years later, I will defeat you in front

of the Black Warrior Institute Principal and the entire
institute’s disciples and Elders!” Wang Biaoyuan sneered, he
would let his Ancestor and the whole galaxy understand that
Huang Xiaolong was nothing before him!

A soft light flashed in his hands, revealing a treasure map.

This treasure map was something he got three months ago.

As long as he could find the pure metal essence indicated
on the map, within three years’ time, breaking into Second
Order God Realm or even mid or late-Second Order God
Realm was highly possible!

It was no wonder that Wang Biaoyuan had confidence in

defeating Huang Xiaolong. This pure metal essence was
comparable to the innate spiritual embryo treasure that
Huang Xiaolong found previously. On top of that, Wang
Biaoyuan’s Indestructible Vajra Physique was of the metal
element. After refining this pure metal essence, his
Indestructible Vajra Physique would be enhanced to an
unimaginable degree.

While everyone was immersed in the shocking news of the

Black Warrior Institute Principal receiving Huang Xiaolong as
a personal disciple, the star of the moment was cultivating
inside a large palace-like manor in the center region.

This manor belonged to the Institute Principal, a compound

spanning thousands of li, and the spiritual energy here was
several times denser and purer compared to other places.

Sitting cross-legged inside the Xumi Temple, Huang Xiaolong

took out the Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellets he was
rewarded, opened his mouth and swallowed a hundred
pellets in one go.

If Gudu Leng, Wang Biaoyuan, Jiang Shaoze and the others

saw this scene, they’d jump up in fright.

One of this Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellet contained

extremely potent energy, an average disciple required at
least one month to fully refine and absorb the effects of a
single pellet. Even geniuses of Gudu Leng and Jiang
Shaoze’s caliber only dared to take two or three pellets at
once, but Huang Xiaolong actually swallowed one hundred
pellets in one go!

The instant the one hundred Black Warrior Greater Strength

Pellets entered his body, Huang Xiaolong immediately felt
flows of pure cold energy gather into an energy tide, rushing
to every corner of his body.

Neither panicking nor hurrying, Huang Xiaolong ran the

Asura Tactics, steadily refining these tides of energy and
absorbing them.

Several hours later, he fully refined the effects of one

hundred Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellets. Stopping to
check his body’s condition, he immediately felt that his True
Dragon Physique had grown more powerful and his soul
grew noticeably stronger.

“You kid is a genuine strange creature that has never

existed before!” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi couldn’t resist
voicing out after seeing Huang Xiaolong refine one hundred
pellets in one sitting.
During his time, even he didn’t dare to swallow one hundred
Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellets at once, moreover,
refining them all in a mere five hours.

Even if one eats rice, it wouldn't digest so quickly. This kid

was literally treating the Black Warrior Greater Strength
Pellets as snacks!

“Old Dragon, what do you think about my Master’s

strength?” Huang Xiaolong asked. The ‘Master’ Huang
Xiaolong was referring to was, of course, the Black Warrior
Institute’s Principal.

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi slightly paused before answering,

“Very strong. Even at my peak strength, I may not be your
Master’s opponent!”

May not be? That means there was a fighting chance. Just
from this, one could imagine how strong Dragon Emperor Ao
Taiyi was in his time, after all, the Black Warrior Institute
Principal Feng Yang was the current strongest person in
Black Tortoise Galaxy.

One hour later, Huang Xiaolong continued swallowing one

hundred Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellets.

Like this, three days passed peacefully while Huang

Xiaolong finished refining all one thousand pellets that he
got from the first place reward.

One thousand Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellets refined

in just three days’ time!

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi was already numb being rendered

An average disciple refined one pellet every month, twelve
pellets in a year, taking a century to refine one thousand
and two hundred pellets, and two centuries’ time to refine
over three thousand pellets!

After he was done with the Black Warrior Greater Strength

Pellets, Huang Xiaolong began refining the six hundred and
eighty-nine God Realm beast cores that he harvested from
the Deepwood Star, starting from the lower early First Order
God Realm. This time as well he refined them in a batch of
one hundred.

After that, it was the souls of the ghost creatures he killed,

and this didn’t take long, for he only had a little over a
hundred of these sealed souls.

Despite having yet to reach peak half-step God Realm, his

strength took a great leap compared to the time before he
entered the Deepwood Star.

Exiting the manor, Huang Xiaolong decided to take a stroll

outside. There was still two weeks’ time before the grand
apprenticeship ceremony, taking advantage of this window,
he wanted to take a look at the Black Tortoise World.

As coincidence goes, he ran into Institute Principal Feng

Yang just as he was going out.

“Master.” Huang Xiaolong stepped forward in greeting.

Institute Principal Feng Yang’s face was filled with mirth as

he nodded, saying, “How are you progressing with refining
the Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellets? Although they’re
high-grade divine spirit pellets that can strengthen your
physical body and cleanse your soul, you still cannot
consume too many at once.”
It happened many times in the past where some new
disciples overestimated their talents and swallowed fifteen
pellets in one sitting. In the end, the potent energy was too
much for them, nearly causing their bodies to blow up and

Hearing this, both Huang Xiaolong and Dragon Emperor Ao

Taiyi had an awkward sheepish expression on their faces.

“What’s wrong?” Noticing the oddity on Huang Xiaolong’s

face, he asked with concern.

“Erm, those Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellets, I’ve

already finished refining them.” Huang Xiaolong’s brain
churned rapidly, and decided to answer honestly.

“What?! Y-You’re saying that one thousand Black Warrior

Greater Strength Pellets, all of them, you refined all of
them?! In fifteen days?!” Institute Principal Feng Yang looked
at his newly received personal disciple with a dumbfounded

“En, yes.” Huang Xiaolong nodded. Originally, he wanted to

say that those pellets were finished in three days, but
decided against it. After all, it might be too overwhelmingly
Chapter 546: Reckless Act

Watching Huang Xiaolong nod his head, Institute Principal

Feng Yang’s nerves twitched slightly despite his high shock

One thousand Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellets in

fifteen days! Thinking of this number, Feng Yang felt a bout
of dizziness.

It took Feng Yang a while to gradually calm down, his eyes

sparkling as he stared at Huang Xiaolong, this new disciple
of his. At this very moment, he finally realized the
monstrous level of his youngest disciple.

Feng Yang’s face beamed with happiness, chiding Huang

Xiaolong with humor, “You kid, thankfully my shock
tolerance is above average. If it was anyone else, you’d
have frightened to them death! However, with your
consumption speed, regardless which super forces in the
galaxy, I’m afraid they’d be reduced to beggars by you.”

As Feng Yang was saying this, he took out a spatial ring,

“There’s twenty thousand Black Warrior Greater Strength
Pellet inside here, I'll give you all of it.”

Accepting the spatial ring, Huang Xiaolong said, “Thank you,


Then, Feng Yang gave Huang Xiaolong’s body a quick check,

and after he made sure there was nothing wrong, he
breathed out in relief. Of course, Huang Xiaolong’s True
Dragon Physique was hidden deeply, not even Feng Yang
was able to see through it.
When Feng Yang heard that Huang Xiaolong was planning to
go out for a stroll, he said matter-of-factly, “I’ll tell Zhang
Tianchuan to bring you around.”

Huang Xiaolong hastily waved his hand, insisting that it

wasn't necessary. That would be too conspicuous, he
preferred not having other disciples pointing and whispering
about him the entire way.

Since Huang Xiaolong insisted that it was not necessary,

Feng Yang dropped the subject and told his disciple about
certain restricted areas of the Black Tortoise World,
reminding Huang Xiaolong to pay attention not to get close.
These areas were dangerous even for high-level God Realm

Huang Xiaolong committed them to memory one by one

before leaving the manor.

Watching Huang Xiaolong’s disappearing figure, Feng Yang

nodded to himself with a faint smile, this disciple’s talent far
surpassed his estimation. Being able to receive such as
disciple before he ascended to the Divine World gave him
immense gratification.

As for Huang Xiaolong, after leaving the manor, he casually

toured the city, taking in the sights.

The Black Tortoise World was roughly the same size as the
Cloudsea Mainland. And the whole Black Tortoise World was
the Black Warrior Institute. As the Black Tortoise Galaxy’s
top academic institute, as well as the top super force, it had
a strict hierarchy. New disciples like Huang Xiaolong who
had just passed the selection assessment merely held the
status of an institute’s outer disciple.
Above the outer disciples were the inner disciples, next
were the elite disciples. Going further up were the institute’s
Elders, Grand Elders, Institute Vice-Principal, and the
Institute Principal at the top.

Therefore, sidelining Huang Xiaolong’s identity as the

personal disciple of the Institute Principal, he was one of the
bottom rung outer disciples. In the Black Warrior Institute,
outer disciples had neither status nor identity.

Other than Huang Xiaolong’s batch of new disciples, there

were many more disciples from previous years that had yet
to be promoted as inner disciples, hence, the Black Warrior
Institute’s outer disciples had accumulated to a staggering
several hundred thousand in number.

Flying in the air, one of the things Huang Xiaolong noticed

the most was the large number of outer disciples in white

A while later, Huang Xiaolong made his way toward the

Supreme Harmony Hall.

Although Huang Xiaoling won the first place in the

assessment and had received the promised rewards, he had
yet to receive his outer disciple identity slip and robe. This
Hall of Supreme Harmony was the place where disciples
came to collect their identity token and robes, as well as the
place where tasks were given out.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong could see a grand building nestled

amongst a long mountain range from afar, built in the
middle of a mountain about a hundred zhang from the

A few minutes later, Huang Xiaolong descended in the open

square in front of the Supreme Harmony Hall. In the square,
other than outer disciples, a large number of inner disciples
were present, even some elite disciples could be seen flying
over some distance away.

Because Huang Xiaolong had yet to collect his outer disciple

robe, he was still wearing the Beast God robe he had on
long ago, hence, the moment he appeared in the square, his
presence was eye-catching.

Ignoring the stares directed at him, Huang Xiaolong calmly

walked into the Supreme Harmony Hall.

“He should be one of the new disciples that passed through

assessment, coming to collect his identity token and robe.”

“A disciple that has just passed through assessment is

acting so arrogant? He must have gotten used to being
arrogant outside, suffering from the illusion that he’s a
remarkable genius!”

“It seems this punk has to be taught a lesson, so that he’s

aware of reality, a half-step God Realm’s existence in the
Black Warrior Institute is nothing but mud under our feet!”

Some disciples immediately felt Huang Xiaolong unpleasant

to their eyes watching the indifferent aloof expression on his

In general, the new disciples that had passed through the

assessment would quiver with apprehension facing the old
disciples and inner disciples, careful and cautious, not
daring to even fart in front of them, which one of them
behaved like Huang Xiaolong, ignoring them as if they were

Almost immediately, an old-time outer disciple strode over

to Huang Xiaolong.
“It’s Senior brother Lin Sen! Senior Brother Lin Sen is close
to breaking into the God Realm. Within the outer disciples,
his strength ranked within top ten. Ha, this new disciple is in
for it!”

“Wait and see how this new disciple is going to cry for
mommy in a while!”

The surrounding disciples moved closer in anticipation of a

good show.

In the Black Warrior World, the Black Warrior Institute did

not restrict disciples at the same level from dueling as long
as no deaths occurred. This was also the main reason why
this Lin Sen dared to make a move on Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong was just about to step into the Supreme

Harmony Hall when a tall, brawny young man approached
him in a less than friendly manner. This young man’s arms
were muscular and thick. Stopping in front of Huang
Xiaolong, the young man raised his arm and swung a punch
at Huang Xiaolong without a single word.

The force exuded by the fist was powerful and compact.

Cutting through the air, it sounded like sharp friction
between metal.

In the last two weeks, Huang Xiaolong did take the time to
familiarize himself with Black Warrior Institute’s battle skills,
thus he recognized the battle skill this young man was
displaying: a battle skill named Dynamic Fist. This battle
skill was quite barbaric in nature. Upon reaching major
completion, one punch could easily crumble a great
mountain, snap steel kernel, and shatter a jade heart.

Huang Xiaolong stood still, waiting for the young man’s fist
to arrive in front of him. Then, he lifted his palm and
executed a swift strike. This palm strike opened a space rift,
air blasted from the force and the ground tremored.

Fear exploded in the old outer disciple Lin Sen’s eyes. He

instinctively wanted to retreat, yet to his dismay, he
discovered that he couldn’t move. He could only watch
wide-eyed as Huang Xiaolong’s palm hit his body.

Pa! A sharp crisp sound rang out.

Lin Sen was sent flying with a single palm strike from Huang
Xiaolong, his chest blasted open, crashing into a far corner
of the square like a dead dog. In the next second, Lin Sen’s
body rolled out of the square, falling down the hundred
zhang mountain height.

Lin Sen’s miserable screams echoed in the air. The gathered

disciples were stunned; this, really was this term’s new

Huang Xiaolong didn’t even spare a backward glance as he

entered the Supreme Harmony Hall. The disciples standing
at the entrance waiting to watch a good show retreated
rapidly like the tide, opening a wide berth for Huang

After he stepped into the hall, a dark red-haired young man

blocked Huang Xiaolong’s path with an arm, his expression
frosty, “Little punk, do you know who you just hit?”

The dark red-haired young man was dressed in a red

brocade robe, proof of his inner disciple status. A late-First
Order God Realm.

“Don’t know.” Huang Xiaolong remained indifferent, “Even if

I know, so what?”
The dark red-haired young man’s expression turned sullen
in an instant; a new disciple still dared to act so arrogantly
before an inner disciple!

That was literally a reckless act!
Chapter 547: The Grand Apprenticeship Ceremony

The garnet haired young man’s eyes were icy-cold glaring at

Huang Xiaolong, “Little punk, do you really think passing the
new disciple assessment means that no one dares to take
your life? Let me wake you up, every year, the number of
Black Warrior Institute outer disciples who lose their lives
outside performing various tasks isn't small.”

This was a naked threat.

There were fatal risks everytime the Black Warrior Institute’s

outer disciples went out to perform tasks, and in general,
the institute wouldn't employ resources to investigate the
cause of death of an outer disciple.

“Is that so?” Huang Xiaolong retorted with a cold sneer,

“Then, could it be that you don’t know that quite a number
of Black Warrior Institute’s inner disciples also lose their
lives while performing tasks outside.”

“You!” A sharp glint exploded in the garnet haired young

man’s eyes, murderous intent roared in his heart. But he
didn’t make any move, for inner disciples were forbidden
from attacking outer disciples. This was one of the Black
Warrior Institute’s strict rules which he dared not violate,
thus he forcefully suppressed the urge to kill the punk in
front of him.

“Little punk, in two months’ time, all new disciples are

required to perform a task outside, I’ll see how long you can
keep your arrogance.” The look in his eyes grew increasingly

The underlying meaning of his words was that two months

later when Huang Xiaolong went out to perform his task, he
would deal with Huang Xiaolong. However, the support
behind him had to be substantially powerful seeing that he
dared to say that in public.

Throwing that sentence to Huang Xiaolong, the garnet

haired young man snorted and walked away.

Huang Xiaolong did not stop him

“I can feel a flaming ice energy coming from this young

man, he's probably a Lin Family’s core disciple.” Dragon
Emperor Ao Taiyi added, “Only the core members of the Lin
Family who practiced their Lin Family’s secret technique, the
Flameice Cardinal Technique, can emit this kind of energy.”

The Lin Family was one of Black Tortoise Galaxy’s super

forces. In the past, perhaps Huang Xiaolong would have
spared some thoughts on the matter, but things were
different now.

‘Still, I must break through to God Realm at the earliest

possible.’ Huang Xiaolong thought to himself. At his current
strength, he was considered unrivaled against Second Order
God Realm and below, however, if he ran into an enemy
above Second Order God Realm, he would be caught in a
sticky situation. Regardless of time and place, one’s own
strength was the most crucial.

Of course, Huang Xiaolong wasn’t so naive as to assume

that the sole identity of a personal disciple of the Black
Warrior Institute’s Principal would enable him to walk
sideways in the galaxy.

A short while later, Huang Xiaolong received both his

disciple identity token and robe from the Supreme Harmony
Hall. Leaving the Supreme Harmony Hall, Huang Xiaolong
went straight back to Feng Yang’s manor instead of loitering
in the streets.

In the Black Warrior Institute, outer disciples were not

allocated their personal yard. Usually, four disciples shared
a room, which was an inconvenience for Huang Xiaolong to
cultivate. Therefore, for the time being, Huang Xiaolong
stuck to living in Feng Yang’s manor so he could cultivate
without disturbance.

He planned to move out once he was promoted to an inner

disciple, where each inner disciple was given their personal
courtyard. Even though his Master Feng Yang did not mind
it, Huang Xiaolong preferred being less dependent on his

After Huang Xiaolong walked into Feng Yang’s palace-like

manor, in the distance, an inner disciple came out from the
shadows with a shocked expression staring in the direction
where Huang Xiaolong’s silhouette disappeared. It was a
long time later before he recovered, quickly turning away.

Some time later, the same inner disciple arrived at a

courtyard, reporting to the garnet haired young man who
wanted to deal with Huang Xiaolong what he saw.

The garnet haired young man, Lin Jun, was stunned at what
he heard, “Are you sure that punk entered the Institute
Principal’s manor?!”

“Yes, Senior brother Lin Jun.” That inner disciple inquired,

“Do you think that could be…?!”

“Huang Xiaolong!” Lin Jun’s expression darkened; a new

disciple able to enter and leave the Institute Principal’s
manor as he pleased, even a blind person could discern this
new disciple’s identity.
No wonder a new disciple dared to show such arrogance!
Not even putting an inner disciple like him in his eyes!

“Senior brother Lin Jun, I think we should just forget about

this matter.” That inner disciple carefully persuaded.

A light flickered in Lin Jun’s eyes, he waved a hand at the

disciple saying, “You’re excused for now.”

That disciple acknowledged softly and backed out from the


Lin Jun remained where he was with his hands behind his
back. Forget about it? Unfortunately, his heart was unwilling
to let things slide!

As for Huang Xiaolong, after returning to Feng Yang’s manor,

he continued to cultivate by taking the Black Warrior
Greater Strength Pellets He planned to refine all twenty
thousand pellets that Feng Yang had given him earlier within
half a month, refining everything before the apprenticeship

To refine all twenty thousand pellets in half a month’s time,

on an average count, he’d need to refine over one thousand
three hundred pellets daily.

Sitting in a meditative pose inside the Xumi Temple, his

mouth opened and inhaled more than two hundred Black
Warrior Greater Strength Pellets into his body. Circulating
the Treasure Dragon Protective Shield Art, the formation
diagram inside his body appeared, releasing abundant
amount of true dragon essence energy.

Two hundred pellets’ medicinal energy rushed into the

diagram formation like a raging river and was instantly
disintegrated, becoming part of Huang Xiaolong’s body.
Huang Xiaolong had noticed this when he was refining the
first one thousand Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellet that
he received as reward. This Treasure Dragon Protective
Shield Art’s diagram formation was able to increase Huang
Xiaolong’s energy refining speed. This was the reason
Huang Xiaolong was confident that he could refine all
twenty thousand pellets in half a month’s time.

Still, Huang Xiaolong dared not refine too many at one time.

His True Dragon Physique had reached minor completion,

refining two hundred pellets at one time was already the
limit of what Huang Xiaolong could endure.

Time flowed.

Each time, Huang Xiaolong would refine the pellets in

batches of two hundred.

Half a month later, inside the Xumi Temple, Huang Xiaolong

opened his eyes, breathing out turbid qi from his mouth,
coming to a stand on his feet.

After half a month of tedious refining, he finally finished the

twenty thousand Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellets.
Twenty thousand pellets later, Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi,
true essence energy, and True Dragon Physique saw a great
leap in strength, even his soul gained a significant level of
clarity. If the news of Huang Xiaolong refining twenty
thousand Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellets was made
known, a large number of people would be frightened to

Feng Yang was struck dizzy when he found out that Huang
Xiaolong had refined all one thousand Black Warrior Greater
Strength Pellets in fifteen days, but now the number had
increased by twenty times…
Huang Xiaolong exited from the Xumi Temple. At this time,
the sun was rising on the horizon, but the whole Black
Tortoise World was already bustling, for today was the Black
Warrior Institute Principal’s apprenticeship grand ceremony.

The Black Tortoise Galaxy’s numerous masters arrived in the

Black Tortoise World through transmission arrays from
different parts of the galaxy.

The whole Black Tortoise World was in a convivial

atmosphere, every city was decked out in colorful lanterns
and streamers. Above the airspace of each city, flowers of
every color glowed brightly as they spun.

Group after group of Black Warrior Institute disciples lead

guests from every family toward the institute’s central
grand hall, where the apprenticeship ceremony would be

By the time Huang Xiaolong came out from the Xumi

Temple, Institute Principal Feng Yang was already in the
grand hall, greeting the guests that arrived from all over the
galaxy. Before that, he had instructed Elder Zhang
Tianchuan to wait for Huang Xiaolong to come out from
closed-door practice and lead him over to the grand hall.

On the way, Zhang Tianchuan explained in detail to Huang

Xiaolong the steps involved in the apprenticeship ceremony
and what he needed to pay attention to. The apprenticeship
ceremony involved many complicated steps, and Huang
Xiaolong committed each of them to memory.

When Zhang Tianchuan led Huang Xiaolong into the grand

hall, the many high expert guests present almost
immediately turned their attention toward him.
On this day, in the entire Black Tortoise Galaxy, Huang
Xiaolong was the center of attention, not only because he
was about to become the Black Warrior Institute Principal’s
personal disciple, but also due to the talent and strength he
displayed during the new disciple selection assessment that
had shocked everyone, including some super forces’
Ancestors that had gone into seclusion for many years.

That was why many Highgod Realm Ancestors were also

present at this grand apprenticeship ceremony, something
that had never happened in the past apprenticeship
ceremonies of the Institute Principal.
Chapter 548: Ancestor Gudu

Being the focus of so many high experts, any average

people would be so nervous that they might start walking
backward. However, Huang Xiaolong’s body quivered
slightly with a small burst of Buddhism energy as he walked
into the grand hall with a calm expression.

Noticing the Buddhism energy emitted from Huang

Xiaolong’s body, the many high experts present showed
various expressions.

There was still time before the apprenticeship ceremony

began when Huang Xiaolong arrived. Institute Principal Feng
Yang dragged his youngest disciple around the grand hall,
introducing him to various Ancestors and Patriarchs of
different super forces and families.

Other than Institute Principal Feng Yang, representatives

from the other twenty-one super forces from the Black
Tortoise Galaxy had arrived, which included both Ancestors
and Patriarchs.

Among the other twenty-one super forces, seventeen

Ancestors came to attend the ceremony. This scene made
the other experts present astonished, each of these
Ancestor level characters hardly ever appeared in public.

When the introduction came to the Gudu Family’s Ancestor,

Gudu Batian, he laughed heartily with Institute Principal
Feng Yang, “Feng Yang, this disciple of yours really makes
me envious. He has only cultivated for thirty years! I
estimate he’ll breakthrough to God Realm in ten years, in
that case, he only took forty years of cultivation to reach the
God Realm, this is shattering the entire Black Tortoise
Galaxy’s record ah!”
Some family Patriarchs, sect Sovereigns, and elders did not
know beforehand that Huang Xiaolong merely had thirty
years of cultivation experience. Hearing Ancestor Gudu
Batian talk about it now, great waves of shock swept
through the grand hall.

In the millions of years of the Black Tortoise Galaxy’s

history, the person who broke through into the God Realm in
the shortest time was one of Jiang Family’s Ancestors, Jiang
Shaohuang, achieving that feat in eighty years.

Whereas this Huang Xiaolong only needed forty years!

Just moments ago, these Patriarchs and Sect Sovereigns

assumed that Huang Xiaolong’s talent was higher than
Gudu Leng’s, but never did they imagine that Huang
Xiaolong’s talent was this monstrous!

Institute Principal Feng Yang joined in the laughter as he

said to Ancestor Gudu Batian, “Even though this disciple of
mine managed to reach half-step God Realm in thirty years
of cultivation, who really knows when he will reach peak
half-step God Realm. As for God Realm, it’s still too early to
say. It is Ancestor Gudu’s great-great-grandson Gudu Leng
that makes people envious. Rumors say that he has
comprehended the Gudu Family’s supreme secret
technique, the Solitary God's Infinitude up to the ninety-
ninth destruction layer!”

The guests who heard this were once again shocked.

Gudu Family’s Solitary God's Infinitude!

This was a supreme technique created by the Gudu Family’s

first Ancestor, with a total of three hundred layers.
According to rumors, at the one-hundredth layer, its power
was earth-shaking, enabling the cultivator to produce

Moreover, it was said that after achieving the hundredth

layer, even if one died, they could be reborn!

Rumor has it, other than the first Gudu Ancestor, no one
else was able to cultivate the secret technique until the one
hundredth layer. No one expected Gudu Leng to have
already reached the ninety-ninth step at his age!

With Gudu Leng’s talent, it was absolute that he would be

able to achieve the hundredth layer.

Ancestor Gudu Batian chuckled with satisfaction, “Leng’er

has only achieved the ninety-ninth layer so far, whether he
can reach the one hundredth layer is hard to say.” Then he
looked at Huang Xiaolong, “Little Huang kid, you must work
hard in the coming three years. Three years later, there will
be a new disciple assessment. My family’s Leng’er will be
challenging you at that time, he’s very sulky that you
snatched the first place this time.”

Huang Xiaolong saluted in a manner that was neither

haughty nor humble, answering, “Sure, three years later, I
will accept Brother Gudu Leng’s challenge.”

Feng Yang continued to introduce Huang Xiaolong to other

super forces’ Ancestors and Patriarchs, and to forces that
were in a good relationship with the Black Warrior Institute.

While this was going on, these Ancestors and Patriarchs

were extremely courteous. After the relevant guests had
been greeted, Feng Yang introduced Huang Xiaolong to his
three other disciples.
His eldest Senior-Apprentice Brother was named Liu Yun. He
had a gentle outward appearance, well-mannered, looking
no more than thirty-something in age. Definitely a good
looking man. The second disciple, Chen Yang, was taciturn
by nature. The third disciple was called Qi Wen, and was
also Huang Xiaolong’s Third Senior-Apprentice Sister, a
beauty with a pair of spirited eyes that seemed to speak.

Previously, all three of them were out to perform tasks and

had just returned. This was Huang Xiaolong’s first time
meeting them.

As the hour inched closer, Patriarchs, sect Sovereigns, and

other guests continued to arrive at the grand hall.

For the apprenticeship ceremony, Institute Principal Feng

Yang only invited the super forces as well as the first ranked
forces, so the guests who made their way here were the
super forces’ Ancestors, or the first ranked forces’ Patriarchs
and experts.

“Windland World, Lu Family’s Patriarch arrives,

congratulatory gift, a pair of Yin Yang Fish!”

“Nine Windings World, Wu Family’s Ancestor arrives,

congratulatory gift, a piece of Divine World’s Night Astral

The voice of the Black Warrior Institute Elder in charge of

receiving guests rang sonorously through the hall.

Huang Xiaolong’s heart skipped a beat every time he heard

the names of the gifts. These Patriarchs and Ancestors’
congratulatory gifts were each rare and precious treasure
even by the standard of large auction houses.

Two hours later, the apprenticeship ceremony began.

Due to Zhang Tianchuan’s detailed explanation earlier,
Huang Xiaolong managed to get through the apprenticeship
ceremony without making any mistakes. Everything went
well during the ceremony.

At the end of the ceremony, Huang Xiaolong respectfully

performed three kowtows to Feng Yang and greeted ‘Master’
as he served a cup of spiritual tea. Feng Yang was all smiles
as he received the cup of tea. Taking a sip from it, he said,
“Good, good, good disciple, quickly rise!”

He even personally stood up to help Huang Xiaolong up.

This little action was duly noted by all guests present with
shock in their eyes. Just from this, they could clearly see
how much the Institute Principal cherished Huang Xiaolong.

No one noticed the ray of jealousy flitting across the eyes of

Feng Yang’s second disciple.

With that, the apprentice ceremony came to an end. Feng

Yang invited all the guests to the banquet tables, where
Ancestors and Patriarchs raised their wine cups in endless
congratulatory toasts, lively chatter filled every corner of
the hall that lasted until dusk. Only then did the guests bid
farewell and took their leave from the Black Tortoise World.

Feng Yang and Huang Xiaolong returned to Feng Yang’s

manor, and excused his other three disciples back to their
own courtyards.

Arriving at the manor, Feng Yang called Huang Xiaolong to

his side, giving him a spatial ring, “These are the
congratulatory gifts from the Ancestors and Patriarchs that
came today.”

Congratulatory gifts from the Ancestors and Patriarchs!

Surprised, Huang Xiaolong looked at the spatial ring. Just as
he wanted to refuse, his Master threw his head back and
laughed, “Silly kid, keep it, as Master is giving them to you, I
do not lack these things.”

Huang Xiaolong could only obey.

Watching Huang Xiaolong put away the spatial ring, Feng

Yang added, “From what Ancestor Gudu said today in the
grand hall, it seems like he’s very confident that Gudu Leng
would be able to practice the Solitary God's Infinitude to the
hundredth layer within three years’ time. At that time, Gudu
Leng will definitely be a threat.” His voice contained concern
toward Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong reassured Feng Yang, “Master, rest assured,

your disciple will work hard to break through to God Realm
within these three years.”

Feng Yang nodded, “Other than Gudu Leng, you must also
be careful of that Wang Biaoyuan. I received news that the
kid found a piece of pure metal essence and he’s in closed-
door practice, refining it this very moment. Three years
later, he too will most likely challenge you.”

As for Huang Xiaolong’s reassurance that he will work hard

to break through to God Realm within three years, Feng
Yang did not pay it any attention. Although he
acknowledged Huang Xiaolong’s excellent talent, from his
perspective, breaking through from half-step God Realm to
peak half-step God Realm then to God Realm in just three
years was impossible.
Chapter 549: New Disciple Task

Huang Xiaolong did not expect that Wang Biaoyuan was

lucky enough to come across a piece of pure metal essence,
but despite knowing that, Huang Xiaolong threw the matter
to the back of his mind.

Institute Principal Feng Yang went on, “The twenty thousand

Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellets I gave you are
enough to last you one year, when you’ve finished them,
Master will give you more.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded yes, the image of obedience.

Following that, Feng Yang imparted some cultivation

knowledge to Huang Xiaolong. By the time Huang Xiaolong
returned to his yard, one hour had passed.

Watching Huang Xiaolong’s leaving silhouette, Feng Yang

smiled shaking his head, he was aware that this disciple of
his put neither Gudu Leng nor Wang Biaoyuan in his eyes.
Then again, given his disciple’s monstrous talent, this much
arrogance was nothing.

Back in his yard, Huang Xiaolong opened the seal on the

spatial ring containing today’s congratulatory gifts. Looking
into the spatial ring, Huang Xiaolong was instantly
dumbfounded. Every inch inside the ring was stuff to the
brim with precious treasures, lustrous precious divine
pellets, shining elixirs that were hundreds of thousands of
years old!

Huang Xiaolong was bedazzled at the sight, gulping

If the items inside the spatial ring were taken out to auction,
it’d be like striking it filthy rich overnight, becoming the
galaxy’s wealthiest nouveau riche.

His spiritual sense swept inside the space, a small cluster of

golden pellets in a corner caught his interest. Taking out one
of the golden pellets, a bright aureate light glowed from the
golden pellet as it sat quietly in his palm.

“This is an ancient Grandmist Desire Golden Pill!” Dragon

Emperor Ao Taiyi exclaimed in astonishment. “It’s good stuff
ah! Even during the ancient times, this Grandmist Desire
Golden Pill was hard to come by, one of these is several
times better than refining a God Realm beast core. I didn’t
expect there to be people who would be willing to take this

Grandmist Desire Golden Pill! Huang Xiaolong’s eyes

instantly brightened. He had heard of this Grandmist Desire
Golden Pills, where Gods of ancient times gathered
hundreds of one hundred thousand years old medicinal
herbs and refined them using innate fire.

He immediately entered the Xumi Temple, sitting in a cross-

legged position. His mouth opened and inhaled ten golden
pellets into his body. Muffled popping sounds could be heard
coming from the insides of Huang Xiaolong’s body.

A few hours later, Huang Xiaolong finally refined all ten

Grandmist Desire Golden Pills. His body felt lighter and
comfortable, something he did not feel when refining the
Black Warrior Greater Strength Pellets.

Inside the spatial ring, there was a little over thirty

Grandmist Desire Golden Pills. In one sitting, Huang
Xiaolong had refined thirty pellets, keeping the remaining
few for his family.
He spent the next one month inside the Xumi Temple, either
refining divine pellets or one hundred thousand years old
elixirs received from the congratulatory gifts. Although not
all the divine pellets were on par with the Grandmist Desire
Golden Pills, they were still rare and precious medicinal
pellets in the galaxy. In this one month, his strength rose
steadily, bringing him infinitely closer to peak half-step God
Realm. Signs of an imminent breakthrough became more
apparent as time passed.

In the course of one month, eldest Senior-Apprentice

Brother Liu Yun and Third-Apprentice Sister Qi Wen had
visited him a few times, and he was able to get along
amiably with both of them.

His Eldest Senior-Apprentice Brother Liu Yun had a gentle

personality, whereas Third Senior-Apprentice Sister was
generous and considerate, they both looked after this Junior
Apprentice-Brother in their own way. They appeared at his
doorstep every other week, offering cultivation advice to
Huang Xiaolong.

Both of them had been disciples of the Institute Principal for

more than twenty thousand years and were high experts of
Tenth Order God Realm and above. Thus, Huang Xiaolong
greatly benefited from their guidance.

However, never once did his Second Senior-Apprentice

Brother appeared.

On this day, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi was talking to Huang

Xiaolong, “Two months after passing the new disciple
selection assessment, there will be an outdoor task
delegated to all new disciples, and that’s tomorrow. You
should join together with the other new disciples.”
Huang Xiaolong nodded. As the Institute Principal’s personal
disciple, he could decline to participate in this new disciple
outdoor task, however, he preferred not to stand out due to
special treatment. Other than that, participating in the new
disciple task would be beneficial to his cultivation.

From his understanding, most new disciple tasks were

hunting demonic beasts, bandits, or ghostly creatures.
Making a short calculation in his head, Huang Xiaolong
estimated that he’d be able to advance to peak half-step
God Realm with another one hundred First Order God Realm
beast cores or a hundred souls of First Order God Realm
ghost creatures.

The night passed.

On the next morning, Huang Xiaolong went to inform the

Institute Principal before making his way out from the
manor, arriving at the Supreme Harmony Hall a short while

By the time Huang Xiaolong arrived, most of the new

disciples were already assembled at the square. With a
quick scan around, he quickly spotted both Gudu Leng and
Jiang Shaoze. Honestly, he was surprised seeing them both
here, for he never expected they too would participate in
this new disciple task. Based on these two people’s
identities, they needn’t participate if they weren't

As time passed, more and more new disciples arrived at the


“It’s Wang Biaoyuan!”

Someone suddenly shouted.

Huang Xiaolong’s gaze trailed behind the crowd’s, falling
onto a figure flying at breakneck speed from afar, whistling
through the wind, leaving a tail of golden flames behind
him. This person was none other than Wang Biaoyuan.

In seconds, Wang Biaoyuan already arrived in front of the

crowd of new disciples as he descended to the square.
When his feet touched the pavement, it felt like a thousand
catties of heavy metal falling down, one could feel the
ground shaking underneath their feet. As his feet touched
the ground, Wang Biaoyuan shot a cold gaze in Huang
Xiaolong’s direction before looking away without a word.

Huang Xiaolong noticed that Wang Biaoyuan’s temperament

could barely be considered as having grown more steady,
with his aura better controlled, different from the arrogant
tyrant exuding a sharp aura two months ago. It seems like
the other side’s strength had enhanced a large degree from
refining the pure metal essence.

This was also another person Huang Xiaolong did not expect
to show up and participate in the new disciple task.

In general, refining treasures such as the pure metal

essence was better done without interruptions in between
until it was fully refined. Stopping in between could greatly
reduce its benefits.

It didn’t take long for all the one hundred new disciples to
assemble. When all were present, Elder Zhang Tianchuan
finally appeared in front of them. He was overseeing this
round of new disciples tasks.

Standing at the front of the square, Zhang Tianchuan’s eyes

swept over these new faces, stopping a second longer on
Huang Xiaolong with a slight nod and faint smile.
“I’ll be overseeing this round’s new disciple task. Later on,
we’ll be heading to the Undead World to hunt ghost
creatures.” Zhang Tianchuan continued, “After we arrive in
the Undead World, everyone should pay attention to their
safety, the ghost creatures there are not the same as the
ones on the Deepwood Star. These ghost creatures in the
Undead World possess tremendous recovery power, making
it that much harder to kill them.”

Zhang Tianchuan reminded everyone things they needed to

pay attention to during the task. Of course, there were
rewards for any tasks taken, including this one. However,
only for the top three places.

Huang Xiaolong memorized everything Zhang Tianchuan

reminded them to take note of. Since Zhang Tianchuan took
the trouble to remind them, remembering it was better than
not knowing.

A short while later, Zhang Tianchuan led the group to the

transmission array on the North Star Square and started it
up. A flash of light appeared, and after feeling as if the
universe flipped upside down, they arrived at a bleak and
barren desert.

Surveying their surroundings, the barren desert seemed to

have no edge, dry sand skittered across the dunes. Above
the veil of sand, high in the sky, were pools of black energy
that emitted a foul rancid stench and death aura.

“This is the Undead World.” Zhang Tianchuan’s voice

sounded in everyone’s ears, “I hope all of you have
remembered what I’ve said. We’ll assemble at this
transmission array in one month’s time. Now, go and
perform your task accordingly!”
Just as Zhang Tianchuan’s voice fell, Gudu Leng, Wang
Biaoyuan, Jiang Shaoze, Xu Shaoqing, and the rest
disappeared from the scene in a flicker.
Chapter 550: Refining Innate Spiritual Embryo

As Gudu Leng, Wang Biaoyuan, and the others’ silhouettes

disappeared from the transmission array location, Huang
Xiaolong too made his move.

Huang Xiaolong was actually nonchalant about taking first

place on this new disciples’ task. For him, the most
important now was advancing to peak half-step God Realm.
With the innate spiritual embryo, as long as he could reach
peak half-step God Realm, breaking through to God Realm
was an easy matter.

Three days later, Huang Xiaolong hovered in the air above a

valley, a deep frown etched on his forehead.

In the last three days, the majority of the ghost creatures he

came across were either half-step God Realm or peak half-
step God Realm. The number of God Realm ghost creatures
were too low to meet Huang Xiaolong’s expectations. In
three days, he only managed to kill no more than twenty-

The average wasn’t even ten a day, which depressed Huang


If things continued to move at this rate, he’d be wasting ten

days before he could advance to peak half-step God Realm.

“Ten days.” Huang Xiaolong muttered.

The duration of the new disciples’ task was one month,

minus the ten days needed to achieve peak half-step God
Realm, only twenty days remained.
‘It seems I can only break through to God Realm when I
return.’ Refining the innate spiritual embryo to break
through to God Realm was not something that could be
done in ten days or half a month. Hence, he had no other
choice but to wait upon returning to the institute before
refining the innate spiritual embryo.

Ten days passed by in the blink of an eye.

Hands bent like claws, Huang Xiaolong crushed the God

Realm ghost creature attacking him. His mouth opened and
inhaled, swallowing the ghost creature’s soul into his body,
and ran the Blood Deed Pact to refine its soul.

Just as Huang Xiaolong finished refining the soul of his latest

kill, his body suddenly shuddered. A low crisp noise sounded
inside his body, followed by a surging current of energy
exploding in his body.

Joy flooded his heart—peak half-step God Realm! Finally, he

was at peak half-step God Realm!

A while later, Huang Xiaolong suppressed the joy in his

heart, taking out the new disciple task token. In the last ten
days, he did not pay any attention to the points recorded,
therefore he had no idea what was his current ranking was.

“Seventh place, 683.21 million points.” When a ray of his

consciousness submerged into the little token, a message
appeared in his mind.

‘Seventh place, still not too bad.’ Huang Xiaolong thought.

He had been focusing on hunting God Realm ghost

creatures, making moves occasionally when he came across
half-step and peak half-step God Realms. Even so, being
able to rank seventh place was better than he had
expected. His worst assumption was that someone might
have kicked him out of the top ten.

Currently, Gudu Leng reigned first place, however, this time

Wang Biaoyuan was holding firm at the second place,
whereas Jiang Shaoze was third.

Now that he had achieved his main objective of peak half-

step God Realm, it was time to go all out.

Huang Xiaolong leaped out, the true essence energy in his

dantian spun, creating a layer of true essence fire on the
surface of his skin that continued to expand, spreading out.
The true essence fire transformed his immediate
surroundings into a sea of fire, incinerating every ghost
creature caught in its vivid flames.

Against these ghost creatures, the most effective method

was his true essence fire, causing Huang Xiaolong to put
away his Asura Sword Skill or other battle skills for that

The passage of time flowed by, and half a month passed.

Huang Xiaolong, who was initially at the seventh place

began to catch up at rapid speed, like a déjà vu of the
disciple selection assessment, taking over the first place.
Gudu Leng fell to second place. Ten days prior, Gudu Leng,
Wang Biaoyuan, Jiang Shaoze, and the others were secretly
gleeful at Huang Xiaolong’s less than ideal ranking, no one
expected that within half a month, this person would pull
the same trick he did during the assessment, overtaking
them one by one until he stood at the top spot.

In the subsequent days, there was no suspense. Regardless

of how Gudu Leng tried to narrow the difference in points, it
only grew wider and further away until the allocated time of
one month passed and they were required to assemble at
the transmission array.

As expected, the first place once again went to Huang


When Zhang Tianchuan led the disciples back to the Black

Tortoise World through the transmission array, Wang
Biaoyuan and Jiang Shaoze didn’t look too good.

Wang Biaoyuan especially. He had followed the treasure

map and found the pure metal essence and had been in
closed-door practice for two months before this in order to
refine the pure metal essence and he greatly benefitted,
seeing a huge increase in his strength. Wang Biaoyuan’s
sole motivation in participating in the new disciples’ task
was to suppress Huang Xiaolong’s limelight a little, but who
knew that the points difference this time was even larger
than the last!

Zhang Tianchuan brought everyone back to the Supreme

Harmony Hall where he gave out the rewards for the top
three places.

Wang Biaoyuan watched with a gloomy expression as Huang

Xiaolong went up to receive the first place reward. ‘Punk,
enjoy this while it lasts! Wait till the next new disciple's
assessment, let’s see if you can still act this arrogant!’

While passing the rewards to Huang Xiaolong, Zhang

Tianchuan spoke some courteous and amiable words. Barely
half an hour later, Zhang Tianchuan dispersed the disciples
from the square.

Leaving the Supreme Harmony Hall, Huang Xiaolong made a

beeline back to his Master’s manor and dove inside the
Xumi Temple.
Inside the Xumi Temple, Huang Xiaolong was flushed with
excitement gazing at the innate spiritual embryo at the
center of the Ten Buddha Formation, his heart raced.

Finally, the time had come to refine this innate spiritual

embryo. Every day, he could only look but couldn't eat, his
heart had been itching, long waiting for this day to arrive.

“Little rascal, don’t forget, this innate spiritual embryo has

formed its own intelligence, you must be very careful when
you refine it later.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi’s voice
reminded Huang Xiaolong, “If you fail, its consciousness will
seize your body instead.”

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi was unable to help Huang Xiaolong

during refining, everything depended on Huang Xiaolong
himself. Hence, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi spoke to remind
him of the risk.

Huang Xiaolong nodded, calming his excitement and looking

dignified. Taking a deep breath to calm his emotions, he
approached the innate spiritual embryo, sitting cross-legged
across from it.

When his emotions were like the surface of a still lake,

Huang Xiaolong began to run the Asura Tactics, unsealing
the embryo’s energy bit by bit.

A brief moment passed and Huang Xiaolong opened his

mouth, inhaling deeply. In that immediate instant, the
terrifying amount of spiritual energy contained inside the
embryo rushed out like a tsunami into his body.

Even his True Dragon Physique trembled with the sudden

rush of energy from the innate spiritual embryo, causing
prickling pain all over, which shocked Huang Xiaolong.
Since he started to cultivate the Treasure Dragon Protective
Shield Art, forming that diagram formation within his body,
regardless of how many divine pellets or beast cores he
refined at one time, pain was the furthest thing.

Yet, this innate spiritual embryo’s spiritual energy was

actually pushing his True Dragon Physique close to the

Huang Xiaolong quickly focused, running the Asura Tactics

cycle after cycle as throbbing pain shot through him while
he continued to absorb the horrifying amount of spiritual

Again and again.

It was only several hours later that the pain eased. Despite
that, Huang Xiaolong dared not relax one second, nor make
any mistakes, for he keenly felt that the embryo’s
awareness resistance had been growing stronger, fiercer. If
it weren’t for Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi’s powerful seal, it
would have probably flown out from the jade stone.

One day later, not only did the embryo’s struggles not
lessen, it was even more violent. The fiercer it struggled, the
faster the violent spiritual energy flowed into Huang
Xiaolong, surpassing the Treasure Dragon Protective Shield
Art’s current absorbing capacity.

Cracks started to appear on Huang Xiaolong’s True Dragon

Chapter 551:
Breakthrough To God
Chapter 551: Breakthrough to God Realm

Bloody lines emerged on Huang Xiaolong’s skin akin

multiple blood dragons etched on his flesh, a ghastly sight
that would make anyone palpitate.

But, just as these dragon-like blood streaks emerged, a

myriad of golden light shone through the cracks of his skin
from the inside. Bit by bit, the red lines disappeared as his
body mended.

Before one could breathe in relief, in the next second, his

skin split once more. And so it repeated, crack, mend, crack,
mend, for three whole days!

Three days!

In these three days, the pain he experienced was akin to his

soul having bad cramps.

This hurt a million times more than the time his body
exploded and was rebuilt by the Dragon Pearl. One couldn't
imagine the excruciating pain of his body hanging on the
verge of blowing up every second, yet this damn torturous
pain repeated time and again with no end in sight.

At one point, when Huang Xiaolong felt like he could barely

endure another second, as if he’d lose his mind from the
pain, his overdrawn True Dragon Physique finally stopped
cracking. From then on, regardless of how fiercely the innate
spiritual embryo’s awareness struggled and resisted,
crashing its spiritual energy against Huang Xiaolong body,
his True Dragon Physique remained stable as a rock.

As the Treasure Dragon Protective Shield Art diagram

formation swallowed abundant spiritual energy, strands of
space and time laws were also absorbed by it, transferring
them to Huang Xiaolong.

Above Huang Xiaolong’s soul sea, gleaming lights filled

every corner. Time and space laws swayed like fine threads,
growing stronger and longer with each glimmer.

In the beginning, these time and space law thread were like
fine, delicate wool threads measuring two to three
centimeters, but as time passed, these time and space law
threads grew thicker, growing longer.

After half a year had passed, those time and space law
threads were thick as a red thread[1] and ten centimeters

Half a year refining the innate spiritual embryo brought

unimaginable transformations to Huang Xiaolong’s Qi Sea
and dantian.

The battle qi in Qi Sea was now a golden liquid of high

viscosity, vibrant and potent, even his Qi Sea seemed to
shake as if it was holding a bright sun that was about to
explode. And within the space of his dantian, ten glossy
beads formed from his true essence energy glittered, the
primordial divine dragon inside each bead looked like they
were about to break free from the bead.
The innate spiritual embryo’s resistance had stopped
altogether by now.

Suddenly, a rippling sound came from Huang Xiaolong’s

body as he sat motionless in a cross-legged position at the
center of the Xumi Temple, followed by dazzling crepuscular
rays. He quivered visibly, feeling as if the battle qi within his
Qi Sea had broken through a giant dam, rushing into a
mysterious meridian.

Simultaneously, the ten divine dragons inside the ten beads

within his dantian flew out, the beads disappeared.

On the outside, Huang Xiaolong’s True Dragon Physique

glowed like lustrous jade stone, refracting light.

God Realm!

After half a year of nonstop refinement of the innate

spiritual embryo’s spiritual energy, Huang Xiaolong finally
broke through from peak half-step God Realm to God Realm!

God Realm masters in the Black Tortoise Galaxy were like a

pseudo-deity existence! In the vast galaxy, below the God
Realm all were mortals. Regardless of world surface, in any
family or clan, a God Realm master had a high standing.

However, even after breaking into the God Realm, Huang

Xiaolong did not stop. Instead, suppressing the jubilance in
his heart, he continued to refine and absorb the spiritual

Eight months turned into nine months.

One year passed.

Not only did Huang Xiaolong solidify his recent breakthrough
to God Realm, his strength continued to rise, advancing
through the orders.

Early First Order God Realm, peak early First Order, mid-First
Order, peak mid-First Order!

Two years passed.

One day, the figure sitting in the middle of the Ten Buddha
Formation opened his eyes. This simple action was enough
to cause the airflow to rumble like thunder.

Huang Xiaolong stood up, his eyes shining brightly sensing

the tremendous power surging through him. Two years of
closed-door practice, not only had he succeeded to break
through to God Realm, he even advanced to peak late-First
Order God Realm. Just a little bit more and he could step
into Second Order God Realm!

In his initial estimation, after refining the innate spiritual

embryo, he would at most be able to reach late-First Order,
reaching peak late-First Order was an unexpected pleasant

Late and peak First-order couldn't be mentioned in the same

breath, for the gap in strength was incomparable.

His spiritual force delved into his own body, carefully noting
the condition of his body. Each vein and meridian resembled
a coiling primordial divine dragon, his viscera and six bowels
were like clear crystals, as if they had transformed from
flesh and blood to jadestone form. Honestly, this gave
Huang Xiaolong a fright.

Recovering quickly, he immediately noticed that his True

Dragon Physique’s defense and power had increased by at
least tenfold. If his True Dragon Physique was said to be
perversely strong prior to reaching God Realm, now it would
be a super perverse physique.

Huang Xiaolong believed that he could crumble an ancient

divine mountain with a mere punch.

Going further down into his dantian, Huang Xiaolong found

something new: there were strands of immortal spirit force
circulating within.

That’s right, immortal spirit force! His true essence had fully
evolved, turning into immortal spirit force!

Whereas in his soul sea, the threads of time and space had
grown thumb-sized thick, one meter in length each, adding
up to thirteen thousand, six hundred and fifty-two threads!

Thirteen thousand, six hundred and fifty-two threads!

Generally speaking, rare geniuses from super forces could

form about a hundred of these time and space law threads
in their soul sea, usually as thick as a red thread and no
more than a dozen centimeters long.

Second Order God Realm masters could accumulate up to

over one thousand, even a peak late-Second Order God
Realm barely had more than ten thousand time and space
law threads.

On the other hand, Huang Xiaolong hadn’t even advanced

to Second Order God Realm, yet he already formed more
than thirteen thousand time and space law threads!

If this matter was made known, people would be shocked to

their core!
The difference between a strong and weak God Realm
master, other than their physical attributes, battle skills, and
cultivation technique, the time and space law threads within
their soul sea also played a crucial role.

The more time and space threads they formed in their soul
sea, the more powerful their attack would be, and the
bigger the individual’s potential was.

“Zeze, thirteen thousand six hundred and fifty-two threads!”

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi’s envious voice sounded.
“Moreover, each one is thumb-sized thick and one meter
long. Little brat Huang, aren’t you too perverse? Even some
Third Order God Realm masters’ time and space threads
cannot compare to yours.”

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi was speaking the truth. Indeed,

the majority of Third Order God Realm masters’ time and
space law threads were severely lacking compared to Huang

Huang Xiaolong flashed a sheepish smile, “Really?”

“Realer than a pearl[2].” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi

subsequently added, “But, what ability did you get after
refining the innate spiritual embryo?”

Of course a peerless treasure such as the innate spiritual

embryo had other benefits other than simple enhancement
of cultivation and strength.

Huang Xiaolong became excitement being reminded of this,

his hand extended up like he was gathering something from
the void. Before the astonished Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi,
ample pure spiritual energy sprung vigorously from the void,
condensing into a piece of spirit stone!
Spirit stone!

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi went totally blank!

This! What was this? This little rascal could draw the
spiritual energy hidden in the deep void, condensing them
into spirit stones?!

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi felt like fainting, wishing he could

faint right there and then. ‘Isn’t this too much? Doesn’t this
mean this rascal’s future is radiant and gleaming with an
infinite amount of spirit stones that he’ll never see the
bottom of?!’

1. The red thread/string refers the Chinese God of

Matchmaking & Marriage, Yue Lao, that connected fated
couples through a red thread. So, assuming to secure two
people’s love life, the thread/string must be thick and
strong. Pic: Japanese anime ref Chinese ref:

2. A play on word between “zhen” (real) and “zhen zhu”

Chapter 552: Summoning
The Gates Of Hell
Chapter 552: Summoning The Gates of Hell

Yes, after refining the innate spiritual embryo, the ability

Huang Xiaolong obtained was transforming the pure
spiritual energy within the void into spirit stones!

Huang Xiaolong looked at the spirit stone hovering in the air.

His hand moved, a gentle force pulled the spirit stone to his
palm. Spiritual energy flowed with vigor, plentiful and
vibrant. However, Huang Xiaolong was still slightly
disappointed because the spirit stone in his hand was
merely a grade two spirit stone.

Although a grade two spirit stone was valuable in a small

world surface like the Martial Spirit World, in the Black
Tortoise Galaxy only grade one spirit stones and above had

“Sweat, I say little Huang rascal, you actually don’t know

contentment!” Sensing Huang Xiaolong’s thoughts, Dragon
Emperor Ao Taiyi fumed, “This is the first time you’re using
this ability and already you can condense a grade two spirit
stone. As this ability of yours continues to grow stronger
along with your strength, condensing a grade one spirit
stone is only a matter of time.”

The cloud of disappointment instantly vanished from Huang

Xiaolong’s face.
That’s right, that was just his first time testing this ability,
he easily condensed a grade two spirit stone from the void
just like that. As he practiced more in the future, this ability
would grow stronger. Condensing a grade one spirit stone
was only a matter of time.

Not restricted to grade one spirit stones, there was the

possibility of condensing saint grade, even divine grade
spirit stones, he’d be able to do it!

Huang Xiaolong once again extended his palm to the void,

instantly attracting abundant spiritual energy rushing
toward his palm, spiraling, condensing, becoming more
compact until a second spirit stone was formed.

This piece of spirit stone contained much ampler spiritual

energy than the first one, and the flow of spiritual energy
inside was much more stable. Despite that, it was still a
grade two spirit stone.

Adamant, he condensed one after another, tirelessly

gathering, tirelessly transforming.

Whorls of pure spiritual energy kept surging in the void,

being turned into spirit stones one after another.

One hour, two hours… three hours passed.

Huang Xiaolong swallowed a divine grade spirit pellet and

initiated his martial spirit ability Instant Recovery, rapidly
replenishing his depleted battle qi. Despite seemingly easy
for him to condense spiritual energy into spirit stone, the
amount of battle qi required in the process was a terrifying

If it weren’t for the fact that Huang Xiaolong had broken

through to peak late-First Order God Realm, this endless
creation of spirit stones would have probably devoured all
the battle qi in his Qi Sea in half an hour’s time.

Having recovered his battle qi, Huang Xiaolong continued to

condense more spirit stones.

Soon, the day had passed.

Huang Xiaolong’s speed of gathering and condensing

spiritual energy became faster. The first piece of spiritual
stone took him a dozen breaths’ time, but now, a day later,
he merely needed two to three breaths’ time to condense
one spirit stone as he grew apter and more familiar with
controlling the ability.

A day later, despite the spirit stones remaining grade two,

they upgraded from low to medium grade two spirit stones.
Though it was only a small improvement, Huang Xiaolong
was thrilled. At this rate, the day he’ll be able to condense
low grade one spirit stone was not far away.

Time flowed, taking away another half a month with it.

The spirits stones he condensed improved from low grade to

medium, and now they had reached high grade two spirit
stones. Not to mention, the time it took had greatly reduced
as well—one breath’s time. Huang Xiaolong merely needed
one breath’s time to churn out a piece of high grade two
spirit stone.

One month later.

The spirit stones’ quality continued to improve, reaching top

grade two spirit stones. Above top grade two spirit stone
was grade one spirit stone!
In this one month, every time Huang Xiaolong’s battle qi
was depleted, he would stop to recover, then start again the
moment his battle qi recovered. He noticed that through this
continuous cycle of depletion, the liquid form battle qi in his
Qi Sea actually increased. Moreover, he noticed that this
one month’s practice actually fine-tuned his control over
battle qi.

Two months passed.

Huang Xiaolong grasped at the void. In a flash, three spirit

stones fell from the air.

By now, within a breath’s time, he could condense three

spirit stones.

However, Huang Xiaolong’s brows furrowed deeply looking

at that three spirit stones. Two months had passed, but he
was still unable to condense grade one spirit stones.
Regardless of how much he tried to compact the spiritual
energy when gathering it, the highest grade he managed to
achieve until now was top second grade spirit stone.

“The fact that you can already condense top grade two
spirit stones in just two months is already admirable.”
Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi spoke, “As for grade one spirit
stones, it is not something that can be rushed, if it was that
easy, then it wouldn't be so valuable.”

Huang Xiaolong inhaled deeply, nodding at Dragon Emperor

Ao Taiyi’s words. Then he turned over, looking at the large
piece of jade stone that protected the innate spiritual
embryo previously. This was a material that surpassed
divine grade spirit stone in value.

An idea flashed through his mind as he looked at the huge

piece of jade stone. It was after refining the spiritual embryo
that he obtained this ability, perhaps this jade stone that
nurtured the embryo could help him condense grade one
spirit stones.

With that one mind, his spiritual force slowly submerged into
the jade stone, arriving at a grayish space, almost like

Huang Xiaolong quivered; that’s right, space!

It was space!

Spirit stones grade one and above all has an independent

space within!

As a God Realm master that was able to manipulate the

time and space laws, creating an independent space could
be done with a point of his finger.

Retrieving his spiritual force out from the jade stone, Huang
Xiaolong immediately tried it out, hand grasping at the air.
From the deep void, pure spiritual energy rushed out,
turning into a spirit stone in a bright flash.

This spirit stone was clearly different than the ones before.

The flowing spiritual energy contained inside the spirit stone

could be felt even on the outside, plentiful, vigorous, and
stable. Not so much as a hair strand of spiritual energy
leaked out as it hovered in midair. Like a clear crystal,
emitting an alluring light.

“Grade one spirit stone!” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi blurted

out in shock when he saw this latest spirit stone. Just
moments ago, he advised Huang Xiaolong that it couldn't be
rushed and in the next moment he already condensed a
grade one spirit stone.
Huang Xiaolong stretched open his palm, a force wrapped
around the spirit stone and flew into his palm. Turning the
spirit stone in his hand, he chuckled in a silly manner.
Finally, he succeeded in condensing a grade one spirit
stone. Even more delightful was that this grade one spirit
stone in his hand was close to a medium grade one.

Immersed in his joy, Huang Xiaolong tried another time.

After bright flashes, pieces of grade one spirit stone fell from

However, after two months passed, Huang Xiaolong noticed

that regardless of how he tried, the best he was able to
achieve was medium grade one spirit stone.

“It’s most likely related to the time and space law

manipulation that you refined.” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi
spoke after contemplating the matter, “The stronger your
comprehension in the two laws, the steadier the space you
create inside a spirit stone will be, hence the purer the
spiritual energy. Only then will the grade of spirit stone

Huang Xiaolong nodded in agreement.

For now, it seems he would have to wait until he broke

through to Second Order God Realm if he wanted to
condense a high grade one spirit stone. Finding the crux of
the problem, Huang Xiaolong finally stopped.

There were still five months to the outer disciple

assessment, thus Huang Xiaolong was in no hurry to exit.

“Oh right, my Asura Tactics has reached the tenth layer, I

can probably summon the Gates of Hell to cross over!”
Huang Xiaolong was instantly excited.
Hell, a high level upper world surface comparable to the
Divine World. Entering a place like that, absorbing the
spiritual energy from a high level surface for his cultivation
would bring unimaginable benefits to Huang Xiaolong.
Chapter 553: Stepping Into Hell

In that moment, Huang Xiaolong immediately the ran Asura

Tactics, attempting to summon the Gates of Hell according
to the secret method stated within the Asura Tactics.

Strands of black-red energy swirled around Huang Xiaolong

for a dozen minutes when all of a sudden, the space above
him warped, revealing the shadow of a dark black gate.

This dark black gate was three zhang tall and three zhang
wide. Wisps of black-red energy similar to the energy
around Huang Xiaolong flowed out from the gate and with it
an aura of desolate, bleak silence, deathly, frigid, sinister.

“What is this?!” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi was shocked.

“This is the Gate of Hell.” Huang Xiaolong explained in a

concise sentence.

When Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi found out that Huang

Xiaolong’s Asura Tactics could summon a gateway leading
to Hell upon reaching the tenth level, Dragon Emperor Ao
Taiyi was agape with awe.

Wasn’t this Asura Tactics breaking the natural order of

things, to be able to connect Hell with an inferior world

Was there such a perverse cultivation technique in this

universe? Probably, even the Divine World had never heard
of a technique of this nature.

One had to be aware, crossing over between an inferior and

higher world surface was equivalent to breaking the law of
the universe.
It took quite some time before Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi
recovered from his shock, his spiritual sense probed the
Gate of Hell that Huang Xiaolong summoned. As an
afterthought, he said, “Hell is a higher plane, its natural laws
are way more profound and vast compared to our inferior
world, and it's bound by much stronger gravity. Entering at
your current cultivation, it might be hard for you to adapt.
You need to pay attention to it.”

Huang Xiaolong was dazed for a second, he had not given

any thoughts to all these things.

Subsequently, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi brought up many

other possible issues that Huang Xiaolong may encounter
upon venturing into Hell. Although Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi
had never been to Hell, he used to be a Highgod Realm
master more than a hundred thousand years ago, his scope
of knowledge far exceeded Huang Xiaolong’s.

Huang Xiaolong listened attentively, committing everything

to memory.

One hour later, his silhouette flickered through the gateway.

The moment he passed through the gateway, an extreme

frigid Yin energy enveloped him, the piercing cold could be
felt deep into the bones.

Alarmed, Huang Xiaolong swiftly circulated his battle qi,

shrouding his body. Only then did he feel better.

Huang Xiaolong felt like he had crossed fifty to sixty

thousand li through the black space tunnel before he
suddenly felt lighter. The scene in front of him changed as
he stepped into an endless bleak world.
This world was barren, desolate, gloomy, and cold like all life
was sucked out of it.

Before Huang Xiaolong could register his surroundings, an

overwhelming pressure rushed toward him from all
directions. To Huang Xiaolong, it was like having an
insurmountable great mountain fall down on his back, so
heavy that he couldn’t even stand up straight. Both of his
feet were weighted down like they were shackled with a
million catties of weight, even lifting a foot was difficult. On
top of that, Huang Xiaolong discovered that he could hardly
breathe properly.

These feelings resembled a mortal being thrown into the

deep seabed.

‘This!’ Huang Xiaolong was astounded. Despite the fact that

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi had reminded him earlier that the
gravity force was greater than the inferior world surface
they were on, this pressure far exceeded Huang Xiaolong’s
estimation. It was more than ten thousand times stronger
than the Black Tortoise Galaxy.

For if it was only ten thousand times, based on Huang

Xiaolong’s current strength at peak late-First Order God
Realm, he wouldn’t be rendered to this state, failing to stand
up straight. Hence, he had no other option but to exert full
effort to circulate his battle qi to form a protective vigor
barrier to resist the pressure.

Once he was enshrouded within the protective vigor better,

Huang Xiaolong felt better and relaxed slightly, finally being
able to stand up straight. His eyes surveyed the
surroundings, but only sand and boulders entered his sight,
gusts of black wind emitting chilling air howled endlessly in
the air.
These black gales were a hundred times colder than the
Black Tortoise Galaxy’s frost tempest. If Huang Xiaolong
hadn’t broken through to God Realm, if he did not have the
True Dragon Physique, one brush of this black gale would
instantly turn him into an ice statue.

Although Huang Xiaolong had stepped into the God Realm

and possessed the True Dragon Physique, looking at this
black wind blowing past, he still felt chilly air drilling into his

“So, this is Hell?” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi’s curious voice

sounded before it turned into a lament, “A higher world
surface is truly different, the spiritual energy is so dense,
and such high quality!”

Huang Xiaolong nodded. He felt it too, the spiritual energy

in Hell was much purer and denser than he could describe in
comparison to the Black Tortoise Galaxy. Even the spiritual
energy in his Master’s manor seemed lacking in comparison,
in both density and quality. If the spiritual energy in the
Black Tortoise Galaxy was of second grade, then Hell’s
spiritual energy was definitely divine grade.

In short, the Black Tortoise Galaxy was inferior.

“This is probably one of the smaller surfaces in Hell.”

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi stated his opinion.

Hell’s most powerful forces were the Asura Plane, Ghost

Plane, and Souls Plane. Other than these three planes, there
were other planes. Just like the Vientiane Divine Surface that
governed the Black Tortoise Galaxy, it was just another
surface in the higher Divine World.

Hell and the Divine World were similar in terms of their

boundless horizons.
Huang Xiaolong spread out his spiritual sense only to
discover that his spiritual sense was met with strong
resistance, limiting him to a radius of thirty li. In the Black
Tortoise Galaxy, his spiritual sense could extend more than
a hundred thousand li in radius.

Then Huang Xiaolong tried to fly up and take a lot around.

To his dismay, however, he was unable to fly, his ability to
move in the air was lost.

‘This..?’ His eyes widened in disbelief.

“Hehe, dumbfounded right?” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi

laughed wickedly, “Didn’t I tell you? Hell is a higher world
surface, its laws are more profound than the world surfaces
below. Restrained by the natural laws here, my guess is that
you need to be at least a Highgod Realm to be able to
reluctantly fly.”

“Highgod Realm masters can only reluctantly fly?!” Huang

Xiaolong was stunned.

“That’s right. You’re a peak late-First Order God Realm

comparable to an average Third Order God Realm. In the
galaxies below, you can be considered an elite existence,
but here, in a higher world surface, you’re no different than
a Houtian warrior from the galaxies below.” Dragon Emperor
Ao Taiyi drew a clear picture for Huang Xiaolong.

A Houtian warrior! Not even a Xiantian realm expert’s level!

This damage was a little too big.

Then again, so what if he was a mere Houtian?

Determination shone in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes. When he
was reborn in the Martial Spirit World, didn’t he also start
from the Houtian level? Cultivating step by step to the top?
Even if he were to reach a higher world surface like Hell in
the future, Huang Xiaolong strongly believed he’d be able to
climb up to the top, becoming a powerful existence.

He inhaled deeply. Now, however, since he couldn’t fly,

there was only the most primitive method—walking. Huang
Xiaolong lifted his foot and took a step forward.

Displaying a movement skill, Huang Xiaolong’s speed wasn’t

terribly slow, crossing almost a hundred li one hour later.

Still, one hundred li away from the starting point, the

scenery did not change. Huang Xiaolong was still
surrounded by sand and dust, and nothing else. The whole
way, he didn’t even come across a plant, not to mention
another person.

“We’re probably in a desert area. At your speed, we may not

even get out of this desert in half a year’s time.” Dragon
Emperor Ao Taiyi said, “Forget about others, the purpose
you come here for is to borrow the spiritual energy in Hell to
cultivate. Cultivating here for a day is more beneficial than
cultivating a year in the Black Tortoise Galaxy!”

Huang Xiaolong reluctantly nodded.

At the moment, he needed to put up a protective vigor

barrier to protect himself from the pressure coming at him
from all around, rapidly depleting his battle qi. Base on his
current strength, he could stay here for three hours at most
and would need to return to the Black Tortoise Galaxy when
the time was up. Thus, every minute and every second was
extremely precious to Huang Xiaolong.

Having decided what to do, Huang Xiaolong laid out a

simple protection array around him, sitting down at the
center, and began running the Asura Tactics, absorbing
Hell’s spiritual energy.
Chapter 554: Advancing To
Second Order God Realm
Chapter 554: Advancing to Second Order God Realm

As Huang Xiaolong began to circulate the Asura Tactics,

spiritual energy in the proximity rushed toward him at rapid
speed. His body quivered from head to toe as the first
strand of spiritual energy drilled into his body, but quickly
calmed down.

After the first cycle of absorbing and refining, excitement

spread through Huang Xiaolong. This spiritual energy in Hell
was even purer than he had imagined, it could be said that
the spiritual energy he was absorbing now brought even
better result than the Grandmist Desire Golden Pills.
Moreover, he noticed that the spiritual energy here was
actually beneficial in tempering his True Dragon Physique.

The Treasure Dragon Protective Shield Art diagram

formation greedily absorbed this higher world surface
spiritual energy, then transferred it to Huang Xiaolong. At
the same time, his internal organs became increasingly

Two hours passed.

Huang Xiaolong stopped running his cultivation technique

and stood up. The result of cultivating here for two hours
surpassed his usual one month effort back in the Black
Tortoise Galaxy.
When his consciousness submerged into his body, he ‘saw’
that after absorbing the high grade spiritual energy there
were some changes to his dantian and the Asura Godforce
in his Qi Sea. Despite being minuscule, Huang Xiaolong still
noticed it. If he could cultivate in such environment for an
extensive period of time, his Asura Godforce could definitely

Huang Xiaolong took a deep breath as he felt an increase in

the whelming pressure coming from all directions.
Summoning the gateway quickly, he flew through the
passage, returning to the Black Tortoise Galaxy.

Back in the Black Tortoise Galaxy, Huang Xiaolong was

overcome with exhaustion, like he was about to collapse in
an instant. He quickly sat down in a meditative pose,
swallowed a healing pellet and initiated his Instant Recovery
ability to replenish his depleted battle qi.

This mediation took him a full day and night before he felt
his Godforce return to peak condition. Huang Xiaolong was
shocked. In the past, even after a desperate battle with
others where he overdrew all his battle qi, once he
employed the Instant Recovery martial spirit ability, it
required less than one hour to return to his peak form. But
this time, it actually took him a full day and night!

However, that did not prevent Huang Xiaolong from

summoning the Gate of Hell again the moment he
recovered, running over to the other side. Once again he fell
onto an endless stretch of sand. Looking around, Huang
Xiaolong determined it was the same location where he
cultivated previously.

Arriving, Huang Xiaolong did not start cultivating

immediately, but traveled forward for one hour before
stopping to cultivate.

Two hours later, he returned to the Black Tortoise Galaxy.

The process repeated, turning into a routine.

One month later.

In the entire month, every time Huang Xiaolong crossed

over to cultivate in Hell, he would only return to the Black
Tortoise Galaxy when his battle qi was exhausted to
recuperate, and then went back again to cultivate.

In the course of repeated crossings in that one month

period, Huang Xiaolong realized one phenomenon: the place
where he appeared next would always be the last location
he was in before he left. What frustrated Huang Xiaolong
was the fact that he was still stuck in the desert even after
one month. Perhaps, like what Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi
said, relying on his current speed, even if he traveled
nonstop for half a year, he still wouldn't be able to leave this
barren desert.

Thus, other than dry sand dunes, Huang Xiaolong did not
come across any other living things in Hell. Not even a

He was vexed.

“In fact, this might not be a bad thing.” Dragon Emperor Ao

Taiyi spoke, “At your current strength, it would be extremely
dangerous if you ran into any of Hell’s living beings.”

Huang Xiaolong nodded silently, he was well aware of this

fact. Although he had never seen another living being in
Hell, it was not hard to guess that Saint realm and God
Realm were the weakest existences.
After that time, Huang Xiaolong no longer tried to leave the
desert, focusing on absorbing the high grade spiritual
energy and cultivating.

In the blink of an eye, five months were gone.

And these five months of cultivation, the result was better

than what Huang Xiaolong had estimated. These five
months of cultivation in Hell were even more beneficial than
him cultivating in the Black Tortoise Galaxy for a decade or
more, consuming an infinite supply of Grandmist Desire
Golden Pills! After five months, just a day before the outer
disciples’ assessment, Huang Xiaolong finally advanced to
Second Order God Realm!

That’s right, Second Order God Realm!

Honestly, Huang Xiaolong had little to no chance of

advancing to Second Order God Realm before the outer
disciple assessment, but the benefits of cultivating in Hell’s
high quality spiritual energy environment were greater than
he imagined.

Watching Huang Xiaolong advancing to Second Order God

Realm, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi couldn’t resist sighing
dramatically, emphasizing the fact that Huang Xiaolong was
a freak more than ten times. Then his tone grew serious,
“Tomorrow’s the outer disciples assessment. If Gudu Leng,
Wang Biaoyuan, and those brats knew that you’re already a
Second Order God Realm, they’d probably be scared to silly
on the spot.”

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi’s words weren’t exactly an

exaggeration. Although the assessment had yet to begin, he
could already imagine the scene and the expressions on
Gudu Leng, Wang Biaoyuan, the other disciples, and
especially the Black Warrior Institute Principal Feng Yang
when they realized that Huang Xiaolong had reached
Second Order God Realm.

One must remember, three years ago when Huang Xiaolong

passed the new disciple assessment, he was merely a half-
step God Realm, not even a peak half-step God Realm. Yet,
three years later, he soared to Second Order God Realm!

Half-step God Realm, peak half-step God Realm, early First

Order God Realm, peak early First Order God Realm, mid-
First Order, peak mid-First Order, late-First Order, peak late-
First Order, and then one reached Second Order God Realm!

Even genius disciples belonging to other super forces could

hardly bulldoze from half-step God Realm to Second Order
God Realm given three hundred years’ time!

Huang Xiaolong chuckled listening to Dragon Emperor Ao

Taiyi’s act of woeful sighs. Following his current cultivation
speed, in another three years he could advance to Third
Order God Realm!

Within ten years, he could definitely break through to Fourth

Order God Realm!

Upon breaking through to Fourth Order God Realm, one was

considered a mid-level God Realm that had crossed over an
important dividing line. There were cultivators that were
stuck at this point their whole life, unable to break through
the barrier to mid-level God Realm. At that time, Huang
Xiaolong’s status and identity in the entire Black Tortoise
Galaxy would be elevated to another prestige. A mid-level
God Realm master, anywhere they went, super forces and
families included, would easily receive treatment equivalent
to an Elder.

Huang Xiaolong exited from the Xumi Temple.

Just as Huang Xiaolong walked out from his yard, he ran into
eldest Senior Apprentice-brother Liu Yun, who came
specifically to look for him.

“Fourth Junior-Apprentice brother, you finally came out.”

Seeing Huang Xiaolong exited his closed-door practice, Liu
Yun’s face showed a hint of joy when he smiled, “
Tomorrow’s the outer disciple assessment, if you still didn't
come out today, I’m afraid our venerable Master was going
to drag you out himself.”

Huang Xiaolong scratched his head sheepishly, chuckling a

little to hide his embarrassment.

“I know you like wine, so today I brought some good wine

over. Come, let us brothers have a good drink.” Senior
Apprentice -brother Liu Yun took a step and pulled Huang
Xiaolong to the garden at the back, opening a jug of wine
and drinking with Huang Xiaolong.

“I got news that both Gudu Leng and Wang Biaoyuan broke
through to Second Order God Realm. Most importantly, it
seems like Wang Biaoyuan has reached mid-Second Order
God Realm.” Senior Apprentice-brother Liu Yun added as he
observed Huang Xiaolong carefully, “He has let the word out
that he will defeat you on the assessment stage tomorrow.
Junior Apprentice-brother, you must be careful.”

Huang Xiaolong was moved by the concern in his Senior

Apprentice-brother Liu Yun’s eyes. He smiled reassuringly at
Liu Yun saying, “Senior Apprentice-brother can rest assured,
it won’t be easy for Gudu Leng, Wang Biaoyuan, or anyone
else who wants to defeat me tomorrow.”
Mid-Second Order God Realm? Even if they were a mid-Third
Order God Realm, he had the confidence to leave the
opponent with half a life in just one punch.
Chapter 555: A Spot
Within The Top Five Is
Already Not Bad
Chapter 555: A Spot Within the Top Five Is Already Not Bad

Looking at Huang Xiaolong’s confident expression, Liu Yun

added an afterthought, “After advancing to mid-Second
Order God Realm, Wang Biaoyuan’s Indestructible Vajra
Physique is at least ten times stronger than it was three
years ago.”

Due to Huang Xiaolong converging his aura, not even Liu

Yun was able to see through his real cultivation. Therefore,
despite knowing that Huang Xiaolong had amazing talent,
he didn't hold much confidence in Huang Xiaolong defeating
Wang Biaoyuan tomorrow.

In fact, not only Liu Yun, the whole of Black Warrior

Institute’s disciples, not a single person believed that Huang
Xiaolong would be able to snatch the top spot this time.
Nine-tenths of Black Warrior Institute’s disciples were
trading words back and forth, and most agreed that the
outer disciple assessment’s first place holder this time
would be either Gudu Leng or Wang Biaoyuan.

To this point, Liu Yun continued, “Moreover, not only has

Gudu Leng advanced to Second Order God Realm, I heard
he has cultivated the Gudu Family’s supreme secret
technique to the hundredth layer—reborn state, possessing
regeneration power! His strength is probably more
frightening than that Wang Biaoyuan’s!”
Huang Xiaolong nodded. During the time of his closed-door
practice, he had asked Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi about the
Gudu Family’s Solitary God's Infinitude, thus he was aware
of this technique formidable powers. Despite knowing that
Gudu Leng had successfully practiced the Solitary God's
Infinitude to the hundredth layer, Huang Xiaolong did not
place the matter in his heart.

Noticing the indifference on Huang Xiaolong’s face, Liu Yun

knew that Huang Xiaolong really did not mind Gudu Leng
and Wang Biaoyuan, but he could only shake his head in
secret. However, he did not say more to his Junior-
Apprentice brother.

Both of them continued to drink while Liu Yun talked about

matters related to cultivation. It was two hours later when
Liu Yun took his leave.

After Liu Yun left, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi said with a hint of
mirth, “Little rascal Huang, obviously not even a single
person believes that you’ll be able to take first place
tomorrow ah, even your eldest Senior Apprentice-brother
feels that you’re not Gudu Leng or Wang Bioyuan’s
opponent. You must perform well tomorrow.”

Huang Xiaolong grinned, “Three years ago I was just a half-

step God Realm, I cannot blame others if they don’t believe I
can win the first place.”

A quiet night passed.

Inside a certain manor in the Black Tortoise World, Wang

Biaoyuan’s stature flickered in unpredictable trajectories,
resembling an agile butterfly in midair.

Moments later, Wang Biaoyuan landed noiselessly on the

“Congratulations to Young Lord for reaching the ninth stage
of the Flower Butterfly Fantasy Maneuver movement
technique.” A similar Black Warrior Institute outer disciple
from the Wang Family stepped forward with a flattering
smile, “In tomorrow’s outer disciple assessment, the first
place will surely belong to Young Lord!”

Wang Biaoyuan nodded with satisfaction, confidence

surging from his body. Both of his fists tightly clenched as a
sharp glint flickered in his eyes, “Huang Xiaolong, just you
wait! The humiliation from three years ago, I’ll pay it back a
hundred times. Tomorrow, in the assessment arena, I want
you to kneel before me in front of everyone!”

Sensing the horrifying aura coming from Wang Biaoyuan’s

body, that Wang Family disciple was frightened, taking a
step back involuntarily.

“How are the things I ordered you to find out?” Wang

Biaoyuan converged the aura surging out from his body,
questioning the disciple.

That Wang Family disciple approached respectfully

reporting, “In these three years, Huang Xiaolong has been in
closed-door practice inside the Institute Principal’s Manor,
he has yet to take one step out. Therefore, this subordinate
is unable to find out the extent of his strength, however,
according to this subordinate’s judgment, regardless of how
they praise his heaven-defying talent and how bitterly he is
cultivating, he cannot be more than a peak half-step God

Wang Biaoyuan nodded in agreement.

“In this subordinate’s opinion, Young Lord defeating Huang

Xiaolong tomorrow will absolutely be an easy matter. This
time, Young Lord’s real opponent is Gudu Leng. From what
this subordinate found out, that Gudu Leng has advanced to
Second Order God Realm, moreover, his Solitary God's
Infinitude already reached the hundredth layer, definitely a
formidable adversary.” That Wang Family disciple added.

Wang Biaoyuan said, “That Gudu Leng really succeeded in

cultivating the Solitary God's Infinitude to the hundredth
layer, but, so what, I have the confidence to defeat him.”

At this time, the other outer disciples were also busy

sharpening their swords and knives in order to compete for
a chance to enter the top ten, top three, or even the first

Many outer disciples with hundred years of cultivation who

participated in the previous assessments were vying for the
same chance to be promoted to an inner disciple, and these
outer disciples’ strength rivaled some inner disciple

The night trickled by, giving way to the rising sun on the
horizon, brightening the dark sky as the Black Warrior
Institute began to hustle with an energetic buzz.

Although today was merely the outer disciples' assessment,

due to Huang Xiaolong’s status, as well as Gudu Leng, Wang
Biaoyuan, and the others, the outer disciple assessment this
time attracted the attention of many inner and elite
disciples. Even the institute’s Elders and Grand Elders
showed up.

Inside the inner hall of his yard, Huang Xiaolong, who was
meditating, opened his eyes. Looking at the sunlight coming
through the window, he stood up and walked out of the
inner hall. Just as Huang Xiaolong passed by the main hall,
he caught sight of the Institute Principal Feng Yang sitting in
the main hall.

Huang Xiaolong was stunned. Guessing that the Institute

Principal was waiting for him, he approached saluting
respectfully: “Master.”

Institute Principal Feng Yang nodded lightly with a smile on

his face, his eyes took in everything as he looked at Huang
Xiaolong, “I have heard about the situation with Gudu Leng
and Wang Biaoyuan, if you meet these two persons in the
outer disciple assessment today, there's no need force
yourself, it’s good enough if you can enter the top three.”

Huang Xiaolong smiled wryly in his heart. He didn’t expect

the Institute Principal waited for him here just to say this.
Looks like even his Master wasn’t so confident that he’d be
able to win the first place.

Top three? That meant third place.

Was this the highest expectation his Master had for him in
this outer disciple assessment?

“Yes, Master.” Huang Xiaolong replied.

Black Warrior Institute Principal Feng Yang nodded, “Go, be


Huang Xiaolong answered affirmatively again, saluted, and

left the manor, heading toward the assessment location.
The outer disciple assessment was not conducted in the
Supreme Harmony Hall but at the Hidden Dragon Arena. The
Hidden Dragon Arena wasn’t that far away from Supreme
Harmony Hall, it was built on the peak of a mountain several
thousand li away from the it.
It didn’t take Huang Xiaolong much time to reach the peak
where the Hidden Dragon Arena was located.

The mountain peak was lopped off by the Black Warrior

Institute’s experts using Godforce and the Hidden Dragon
Arena was built on the flat mountain surface. The large
arena was forged from an extremely hard rock kernel,
elevated half a meter from the ground, and was able to
accommodate a few tens of thousands of people, whereas
the area outside of the arena could take up to several
hundred thousand.

“It’s Huang Xiaolong!”

Huang Xiaolong’s arrival immediately stirred the crowd. The

disciples that had arrived earlier all turned to look at Huang

Ignoring these people’s gazes, Huang Xiaolong descended

beside the Hidden Dragon Arena.

“I wonder how high Huang Xiaolong’s strength is after three


“I’ll bet he’s a peak half-God Realm at most. Without great

fortune, there’s no way he can break through to God

“If it’s like this, I’m afraid he can only enter the top three.”

“Top three? It’s already considered not bad if he can enter

the top five.”

Similar mocking voices filled the arena.
Chapter 556: Challenging Huang Xiaolong

A minuscule frown creased Huang Xiaolong’s brows as these

words grew crude and brazen, but it quickly smoothed out
as he calmed down.

“Wang Biaoyuan is here!” Then, a loud shout came from the

sea of disciples.

“Rumors say that Wang Biaoyuan has broken through to

Second Order God Realm! Also, it’s not just early order, but
mid-Second Order God Realm!”

Under many people’s gazes, several figures were flying

toward the arena at rapid speed. At the front was none
other than Wang Biaoyuan. Compared to three years ago,
the domineering aura from Wang Biaoyuan’s body had
increased, and the same ancient sword hung from his waist.

Wang Biaoyuan descended gently to the ground, his eyes

scanned the crowd and very quickly found Huang Xiaolong,
who was standing beside the arena stage. The temperature
in his eyes dropped as he approached Huang Xiaolong.

“Huang Xiaolong, on the Hidden Dragon Arena stage, I will

not show mercy!” Coming to a stop right in front of Huang
Xiaolong, Wang Biaoyuan declared coldly. “Three years ago,
what you gave me, I will return it a hundredfold to you
today! I will trample on you ruthlessly!”

Huang Xiaolong’s expression was indifferent, “Is that so? I’ll

be waiting then.”

Seeing the indifference on Huang Xiaolong’s face, an

inexplicable fury surged in Wang Biaoyuan’s heart. Didn’t
this punk get any wind of his current strength? Moreover, he
didn't believe that Huang Xiaolong could break through to
God Realm in a mere three years.

Repressing the fury in his heart with effort, Wang Biaoyuan

issued a disdainful snort, “Little punk, just you wait, I’ll see
how long you can keep this arrogance.” Throwing this
sentence out, Wang Biaoyuan turned and walked away.

A short while later, Gudu Leng arrived, raising another

commotion through the crowd. However, when Gudu Leng
arrived, he did not say anything upon spotting Huang
Xiaolong, yet the burning desire for battle in his eyes was
felt by everyone present.

After Gudu Leng, it was Jiang Shaoze.

Jiang Shaoze was also one of the favored candidates for the
top five rankings for this term’s outer disciple assessment.

Unlike Gudu Leng and Wang Biaoyuan, Jiang Shaoze’s

strength did not soar and advance to Second Order God
Realm, however, at peak late-First Order God Realm, it was
only half a step away.

Soon, Xu Shaoqing and the others also reached the arena.

Roughly one hour later, when the assessment was about to

start, Elder Zhang Tianchuan appeared in the arena. He was
also the overseer for this term’s outer disciple assessment.

Zhang Tianchuan landed softly on the stage, his sharp eyes

sweeping across the gathered disciples before he briefly
explained the rules and rewards for this time’s assessment.

The Black Warrior Institute had more than a hundred

thousand outer disciples, thus not every outer disciple
would take part in the assessment. In every term of outer
disciple assessment, the Black Warrior Institute Elders would
select the top hundred strongest outer disciples to take part.
Only those one hundred outer disciples selected were
eligible to participate.

Of course, dissatisfied disciples could choose to challenge

any disciple within the selected one hundred. If the
challenger defeated the selected disciple, challengers could
take their spot, hence the eligibility to participate in the

“Gudu Leng, Wang Biaoyuan, Jiang Shaoze, Huang

Xiaolong…” Zhang Tianchuan read out this term’s one
hundred selected outer disciples name list.

Everyone could only guess if the Black Warrior Institute was

intentional in their name list, having Gudu Leng at first
place, Wang Biaoyuan second, third Jiang Shaoze, and
Huang Xiaolong at fourth place! As for the fifth place, it was
an outer disciple named Luo Kai.

Luo Kai was the champion in the disciple selection three

terms prior.

One hundred names didn’t take Zhang Tianchuan long to


“Does any disciple want to issue a challenge?” After he was

done reading the name list, Zhang Tianchuan looked around
the arena and asked. “You can issue your challenge now.” If
no disciple issued any challenges, then the one hundred
selected disciples would remain unchanged.

Seconds after Zhang Tianchuan’s voice fell, a disciple had

already stated his challenge.
“Liu Shicheng challenges Meng Ping.” A tall burly young
man leaped onto the Hidden Dragon Arena.

Then, a figure with a small stature floated down the arena

stage as well, the challenged outer disciple, Meng Ping.

After a customary salute at each other, both disciples began

their battle. But it didn’t take long for the challenger
disciple, Liu Shicheng to be defeated, falling off the arena
stage in a sorry state.

Many challenges took place after that. Some were

successful, but most disciples failed.

Slightly over an hour later, seeing that there were no more

disciples wanting to challenge, he spoke, “Now I shall read
out the selected top ten outer disciples for this

“Gudu Leng, Wang Biaoyuan, Jiang Shaoze, Huang Xiaolong,

Luo Kai, Long Junfei, Su Guo, Xu Shaoqing, Wu Xiaoshi, Yang

Zhang Tianchuan paused momentarily before asking,

“Within the hundred disciples, does anyone want to
challenge the top ten?” Again, if no challenge was issued,
the ranking would remain the same, with Huang Xiaolong at
fourth place.

Of course, not every disciple was eligible to challenge the

top ten, only those within the hundred names were eligible.

Zhang Tianchuan’s question was met with a silent arena.

“This one is Xie Ning, I wish to challenge Huang Xiaolong.”

Suddenly, a figure leaped out, landing on the arena stage. It
was a tall lean middle-aged man with a fair beardless face
and a small pair of eyes.

The arena crowd was stunned and then broke out in an


There was actually someone who wanted to challenge

Huang Xiaolong!

And it was the first place winner of the new disciple

selection assessment two terms prior, Xie Ning! Actually,
this Xie Ning was supposed to be one of the selected top
ten, but unfortunately, his name wasn’t on the final list.
Therefore, he could only challenge for a spot.

Still, this challenge was unexpected for everyone, a very

thrilling unforeseen event.

Huang Xiaolong won the new disciple selection three years

ago and was known for his monstrous talent. Judging based
on talent alone, he could be considered as the first person in
ten million years. On top of that, Huang Xiaolong held the
identity of being one of the Institute Principal’s disciples. As
such, in the last three years, he was a constant topic of
discussion for many.

Huang Xiaolong had kept a low profile in the last three

years, secluding himself in closed-door practice in the
Institute Principal’s manor, no one was able to determine his
real strength.

Although the majority of people assumed that Huang

Xiaolong could only reach peak half-step God Realm, a
scarce number felt that he might have broken through to
God Realm relying on his talent.
The crowd heated up as they looked forward to the
upcoming challenge battle. Their gazes fixed onto Huang
Xiaolong. Even Zhang Tianchuan couldn’t resist casting a
glance in Huang Xiaolong’s direction. Three years had
passed, he too was very curious about Huang Xiaolong’s
current strength.

Wang Biaoyuan, Gudu Leng, Jiang Shaoze, and the rest also
looked at Huang Xiaolong.

As if he didn’t notice the many strong gazes fixed on him,

with a calm face and little movement, everyone merely felt
a blur flash before their eyes and Huang Xiaolong was
already standing on the Hidden Dragon Arena stage, in front
of the challenger disciple Xie Ning.

Wang Biaoyuan, Gudu Leng, and many others’ eyes


‘So fast!’ This was the first thought that appeared in

everyone’s minds.

On the other hand, Zhang Tianchuan’s eyes lit up, he didn’t

expect Huang Xiaolong’s speed to have reached such an

The challenger disciple, Xie Ning, was taken aback seeing

Huang Xiaolong’s abrupt appearance in front of him, but
quickly calmed down. His eyes shone brightly staring at
Huang Xiaolong. Taking a deep breath, he said, “Huang
Xiaolong, please!” His own momentum soared the instant
he said the words.

Fierce winds blew, the Hidden Dragon Arena seemed to be a

world of brewing storms.
Xie Ning was the first place winner of the selection
assessment two terms past, there was no doubt that he was
a strong character, recognized by many outer disciples as
the first person under Second Order God Realm.
Chapter 557: A Sigh

Sensing the powerful momentum coming from Xie Ning, the

spectating crowd tensed up, including Jiang Shaoze, Luo Kai,
Long Fei Jun, Su Guo, Xu Shaoqing, Wu Xiaoshi, Yang Yue—
all the disciples listed into the top ten rankings, except for
Gudu Leng and Wang Biaoyuan, who remained indifferent.
Both geniuses managed to veil the shock in their hearts with
the indifferent expression on their faces, from Xie Ning’s
rising momentum, it was safe to say that his cultivation had
reached peak late-First Order God Realm.

“Peak late-First Order God Realm! Xie Ning has actually

advanced to the peak of late-First Order God Realm!”

“We’re in for a good show this time! You can just tell that
Huang Xiaolong isn’t Nie Ning’s opponent at all! If he’s
defeated by Xie Ning, he’s going to lose face big time. At
that time, he won’t even be inside the top ten ranks!”

Uninhibited opinions sounded loudly below the arena stage.

According to the challenge rules, if Huang Xiaolong lost to

Xie Ning, then Xie Ning would replace him within the top
ten. On top of that, Huang Xiaolong would not be allowed to
issue a challenge to other disciples in the top ten ranks. In
short, Huang Xiaolong would be barred from the top ten
ranks in this term’s assessment.

“Who can say for sure? Three years ago, the Wang Family’s
four First Order God Realm guards weren’t Huang Xiaolong’s
opponent despite their joint attack. Although Xie Ning is a
peak late-First Order God Realm, it’s not that easy to defeat
Huang Xiaolong.”
Still, the majority of outer disciples didn't think that Huang
Xiaolong held a high chance of winning over Xie Ning, those
of contrary opinion were extremely small in number.
Especially when four late-First Order God Realm Wang
Family guards ended in a sorry state with just one palm
strike from Huang Xiaolong in the Hall of Heroes square,
even when they had more people. This matter was no
secret, everyone in the arena had heard of it one way or
another. That spoke volumes about Huang Xiaolong’s
strength even then.

Huang Xiaolong, without a doubt, could only be stronger

than three years before.

“Huh, four great late-First Order God Realm join hands? Let
me tell you something, a few days ago when Xie Ning went
out to perform a task, he was besieged by six peak late-First
Order God Realm masters. Come, take a guess what
happened in the end. All six peak late-First Order God Realm
attackers died in Xie Ning’s hands!” At one point, an outer
disciple clamored in his sonorous voice, “It’s just that not
many people know about this matter. Xie Ning’s strength
absolutely qualifies him a spot in the top five.” The instant
this disciple’s voice sounded, the arena was astir.

Six peak late-First Order God Realm masters’ besiegement

ended with total annihilation in Xie Ning’s hands!

What kind of strength was this?! Even an average mid-

Second Order God Realm master couldn’t have done better.

In that instant, the low number of Huang Xiaolong’s

supporters was swayed. Huang Xiaolong was indeed very
strong three years ago, but no one knew how much his
strength had increased since then.
Could Huang Xiaolong win over Xie Ning? Could he kill six
peak late-First Order God Realm masters like Xie Ning did?

In the end, Huang Xiaolong’s cultivation time was too short,

not even forty years. No one would believe that someone
who had cultivated for a little over thirty years was capable
of killing six peak late-First Order God Realm masters at the
same time.

On the platform, Zhang Tianchuan was frowning after

sensing Xie Ning’s aura. Xie Ning’s strength had indeed
exceeded his estimation. His gaze shifted onto Huang
Xiaolong with a faint worry in it. He was confident in Huang
Xiaolong initially, but now, he too felt that Huang Xiaolong’s
chances were bleak.

At a corner of the arena, Wang Biaoyuan’s lips curved up

into a derisive sneer looking in Huang Xiaolong’s direction.
He was waiting to see how Huang Xiaolong would handle
the situation.

With each to their own thoughts, Xie Ning’s momentum

continued to rise, transforming the energy around him into
fearsome tempestuous wind. His eyes turned a glaring
crimson, as if there were two sparks of ferocious fire raging

“Sound of Striking Thunder Palm!” Xie Ning hollered,

sounding like an angry thunder from heavens. His body
propelled forward like a tornado, closing the distance to
Huang Xiaolong in an instant, with both palms poised to

He dared not underestimate Huang Xiaolong, therefore he

exerted full power in this attack. It was his ultimate winning
He wished to defeat Huang Xiaolong in a single move!

He wanted to crush Huang Xiaolong in the most devastating


He wanted the upper levels of the Black Warrior Institute to

know that the top ten outer disciples name list they had
compiled this time was a mistake. A great mistake! His
strength qualified him a spot within the top five. Him! Not
Huang Xiaolong, a punk that wasn’t even a peak half-step
God Realm three years ago.

Of course, his name, Xie Ning, would resound loud and clear
in the entire galaxy once he defeated Huang Xiaolong.

Although Huang Xiaolong was the Institute Principal’s

personal disciple, no one could find fault with his action, for
he would defeat Huang Xiaolong fair and square on the
arena stage. Not even the Institute Principal could say
anything. But his ultimate confidence lied in his Xie Family,
as one of the galaxy’s super forces.

Watching Xie Ning attack, the whole arena went into an

abrupt silence, holding in their breaths with eyes wide-open
as if they were afraid to miss any interesting detail.

Just when Xie Ning’s palms were about to land on Huang

Xiaolong’s torso, a sigh sounded from Huang Xiaolong. This
low, audible sigh seemed to originate from an ancient time,
as if myriad gods were sighing, a sigh that traveled from the
depths of hell, coming from the death god.

Everyone in the arena heard the low sigh clearly, but no one
was able to accurately describe this sigh. They only felt a
shudder to their core, as if enveloped by an uncomfortable
Those who stood close to the arena stage were trying to
calm their qi and blood that were seething violently.

On the stage, Xie Ning had the impression that he was

knocked back by a giant hand, unable to bite down the
scream coming out from his mouth. The fierce, tempestuous
wind around him shattered and dissipated as he tumbled
back in the air, several li away, slamming heavily on the
edge of the stage.

His crash shook the entire Hidden Dragon Arena stage.

Yet, the sound of that sigh was still reverberating in the air,
drumming in the crowd’s ears, clenching at their hearts,
shaking their souls.

It was a long time later before the sigh dissipated. By then,

weaker disciples in the arena had gone white as a sheet.

No one dared to make a sound and the arena fell into

deathly silence.

The feeble groan coming out from Xie Ning’s lips at the
edge of the stage sounded harsh to the ears. All eyes never
left Huang Xiaolong.

Jiang Shaoze, Luo Kai, Long Junfei, Su Guo, Xu Shaoqing, Wu

Xiaoshi, Yang Yue, and the rest of the hundred disciples were
staring at Huang Xiaolong with flabbergasted shock
stamped on their faces. Especially Jiang Shaoze, feeling his
limbs grow cold.

Three years ago, when Huang Xiaolong came out of

nowhere and snatched the first place in the new disciple
selection assessment, he was one of many that felt
unreconciled. Just moments ago, he was still thinking of a
way to test Huang Xiaolong’s strength.
But now!

A low sounding sigh defeated a peak late-First Order God

Realm Xie Ning! This was even more appalling than that
single palm strike defeating the four Wang Family masters.

No one made a sound, not even Gudu Leng or Wang

Biaoyuan. However, the look in their eyes clearly exposed
the great waves crashing in their hearts. Yes, they were a
little bit frightened.

On the platform, Zhang Tianchuan’s eyelids were twitching

in great momentum. He was just left dumbstruck. He could
tell, Huang Xiaolong’s mere sigh actually contained a
mysterious sound based battle skill, but even so, he couldn't
determine Huang Xiaolong’s real strength.

A masterpiece genius! These words emerged in his mind.

As usual, Huang Xiaolong ignored all the stunned

expressions directed his way. Retrieving his gaze from Xie
Ning’s body, he looked where the hundred disciples were
standing. “Anyone else wants to challenge?”

Being subjected to Huang Xiaolong’s gaze, the disciples

retreated a step by reflex so that Huang Xiaolong would not

Xie Ning was asking for it. They begged to differ.
Chapter 558: Allow Me To
Make The First Move?
Chapter 558: Allow Me to Make the First Move?

In the end, no one was brave enough to challenge Huang

Xiaolong again.

Huang Xiaolong’s place within the top ten ranks was set in

However, the fact that no one dared to challenge Huang

Xiaolong did not mean that no one dared to challenge the
other nine of the top ten disciples.

“Deng Lei wishes to challenge Yang Yue!”

A challenger disciple named Deng Lei stepped up to the

stage, challenging one of the top ten, Yang Yue. This new
challenge roused quite a reaction from the spectating crowd
of disciples, for Deng Lei had some reputation due to his
strength, despite being a late-First Order God Realm. Also,
he came in second after Xie Ning in the term before the
previous new disciple selection assessment.

Unexpected for everyone, Deng Lei too failed in his

challenge against Yang Yue.

Needless to say, although Yang Yue managed to fend off

Deng Lei, his win did not come as easy as Huang Xiaolong’s
did. His was a bitter battle over his challenger before
coming out on top.
After Deng Lei, many more challengers appeared for the top
ten ranking disciples in succession. Such as Long Junfei, Su
Guo, Xu Shaoqing, Wu Xiaoshi, and the rest. Xu Shaoqing’s
challenger succeeded, throwing Xu Shaoqing out of the top
ten ranks. She was replaced by a disciple named Fang Qun.
Though challenges were issued one after another, none
dared to point the spear at Gudu Leng or Wang Biaoyuan.

More than an hour later, the top ten name list was finally
determined. According to the rules, once the top ten were
determined, next came the battle for the first place.

These ten names weren’t named like it was previously done.

Instead, Gudu Leng, Wang Biaoyuan, Huang Xiaolong, and
the rest of the top ten who felt that they had the
qualifications to take the first place were to walk up the
stage and accept the challenge from the remaining nine

But, no one made a move after Zhang Tianchuan finished

speaking, surrounded by silence. Everyone knew that being
the first one to go up was a thankless job, having to accept
all nine people’s challenges.

A light flickered in Gudu Leng’s eyes just as he prepared to

go up the arena stage when a shadow flashed before his
eyes, landing on the stage center.

“Huang Xiaolong!”

Gasps were heard all around.

Yes, the first person who went up the Hidden Dragon Arena
stage was Huang Xiaolong. Watching that figure standing at
the center of the stage, most people were momentarily
stunned. Gudu Leng and Wang Biaoyuan both were no
No one expected Huang Xiaolong to act so decisively,
showing his edge—being the first person up, challenging all
nine others.

‘This punk thinks he’s number one just because he won over
Xie Ning!’ Wang Biaoyuan sneered inwardly, although it was
out of his and most people’s expectations that Huang
Xiaolong was able to defeat Xie Ning, that victory didn’t
mean anything in Wang Biaoyuan’s eyes. With his current
strength, he could easily crush a peak late-First Order God
Realm like Xie Ning to death with half a move.

The gap between a Second Order and a First Order were

poles apart.

Landing on the Hidden Dragon Arena stage while ignoring

the whispers and astounded expressions, Huang Xiaolong’s
swept over Gudu Leng and Wang Biaoyuan, speaking as if
he was talking about the fine weather, “I proclaim myself as
the first place holder, who wants to challenge me?”

The noisy crowd quieted at his words and the focus fell on
the nine remaining top ten rankers, especially Gudu Leng
and Wang Biaoyuan.

“How is it? No one dares to come up?” After a while, seeing

no one make any move, Huang Xiaolong casually ‘nudged’

A sharp glint exploded in Wang Biaoyuan’s eyes, but when

he was about to leap out, a silhouette had already landed in
front of Huang Xiaolong.

“Luo Kai!” When everyone saw the challenger’s face, the

crowd clamored.
Luo Kai—first place in the new disciple selection assessment
three terms ago, it was acknowledged that his strength
qualified him a spot within the top five, but the majority
secretly felt that only Gudu Leng and Wang Biaoyuan could
be Huang Xiaolong’s opponents.

Luo Kai going up to challenge Huang Xiaolong, wasn’t that

the same as seeking death?

Seeing that it was Luo Kai who came to challenge him,

Huang Xiaolong was also surprised.

Luo Kai remained calm despite the less than encouraging

words coming from below the stage, his eyes were ablaze
with fighting spirit as he said, “Huang Xiaolong, I admit you
are indeed very strong, even Xie Ning is not your opponent.
But today, I will fight you, and defeat you!” A powerful
momentum exploded from Luo Kai’s body, matching the
flames in his eyes.

As Luo Kai’s momentum rose, the entire stage seemed to

quake under pressure. This brought another wave of shock,

“Second Order God Realm!”

“Oh heavens, Luo Kai has actually broke through Second

Order God Realm!”

Shock, disbelief, and surprise filled the arena.

Those who had thought that Luo Kai was merely seeking
death in challenging Huang Xiaolong were forced to swallow
their words.

Upon reaching the God Realm, each small advance was

difficult. With each advance one’s strength would double,
and from peak late-First Order to Second Order it was much
more than a simple strength enhancement.

A peak late-First Order God Realm was still a First Order,

whereas a Second Order, even a mere early Second Order,
had left any First Order God Realm in the dust.

Huang Xiaolong was able to defeat the peak late-First Order

Xie Ning, but could he defeat the Second Order Luo Kai?

No one could say for sure.

Gudu Leng, Wang Biaoyuan, and the others were also

blindsided by Luo Kai, none of them expected that in this
outer disciples assessment there would be another Second
Order God Realm other than the two of them. This Luo Kai
really hid too deeply, pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes.
No wonder he dared to challenge Huang Xiaolong.

On the platform, surprise flickered in Zhang Tianchuan’s

eyes, this Luo Kai had broken through to Second Order!

Standing opposite of Luo Kai, Huang Xiaolong looked

unperturbed by the surge of momentum released by Luo
Kai. Second Order God Realm? No wonder he was so
confident, declaring that he would defeat Huang Xiaolong.

When Luo Kai’s aura rose to the peak, it stopped. Feeling

the changes in the surrounding disciples, he looked across
at Huang Xiaolong and said, “Huang Xiaolong, make your
move. To show my respect for the Institute Principal, I’ll let
you make the first move.” A hint of conceit flitted in his

To show my respect for the Institute Principal, I’ll let you

make the first move? The surrounding disciples gasped in
shock, then became excited! Luo Kai was arrogant, but they
liked it!

Some disciples even began to cheer Luo Kai on loudly.

“Are you sure you want to let me go first?” Huang Xiaolong

asked with a hint of ambiguous smile hanging on his lips.

“That’s right.” Luo Kai nodded with confidence.

The instant Luo Kai said so, Huang Xiaolong made his move.
In a flicker, he already narrowed the distance between him
and Luo Kai, then a fist punched out. No superfluous
movements, not even a tiny energy fluctuation was

Luo Kai was startled. In a panic, he raised his own fist to

meet Huang Xiaolong’s fist resulting in two fists collision. At
that precise moment, Luo Kai went deathly pale. His conceit,
pride, and arrogance from earlier were shattered by Huang
Xiaolong’s fist, giving birth to indescribable fear and horror.

A thunderous blast resounded, followed by a tragic wail as

the silhouette of a person was sent flying in the air,
slamming down below the Hidden Dragon Arena. A loud
thud was heard, raising a curtain of dust in the air.

The disciples cheering on Luo Kai stiffened, the excitement

vanished from their faces, replaced with bewilderment and

Did Luo Kai really broke through to Second Order God


A Second Order God Realm’s battle ended just like that?

It still ended with one move!

Gazes moved to the figure lying below the Hidden Dragon
Arena stage, unsure if Luo Kai was still alive or otherwise.
Sharps gasps could be heard, the disciples that were
cheering for Luo Kai moments ago were trembling

Both Gudu Leng and Wang Biaoyuan’s faces twitched.
Chapter 559: Wang
Biaoyuan'S True Strength!
Chapter 559: Wang Biaoyuan's True Strength!

The crowd was dumbstruck watching what transpired before

them—Luo Kai lost! Just like Xie Ning before him, he was
thoroughly defeated!

Yet Luo Kai’s arrogant declaration that he would defeat

Huang Xiaolong moments ago was still resonating in their
ears. On the platform, Zhang Tianchuan was experiencing
reverberating shock underneath his poised appearance.
Truth be told, he had thought that it would be an extremely
arduous fight if Huang Xiaolong wanted to win over a
Second Order God Realm Luo Kai even if he had the
slimmest possibility of success. Never had he imagined that
the arduous battle he assumed would take place was settled
in just one move!

Victory in one move!

The most crucial point was that Huang Xiaolong did not use
a shred of battle qi. Whether it was against Xie Ning or Luo
Kai just now, both battles were based on the power of his
physical flesh! This was what astounded everyone.

Merely relying on the toughness of his flesh, Huang Xiaolong

subdued a Second Order God Realm master, what horrifying
level had his strength reached?!

This had gone beyond the level of an outstanding monstrous

genius, it could be called super horrifyingly invincible
outstanding monstrous genius!

That’s right, invincible! That was the feeling Huang Xiaolong

gave Zhang Tianchuan—invincible. For one second there,
there was a fleeting feeling telling him that not even a late
Second Order God Realm would be Huang Xiaolong’s
opponent. Huang Xiaolong would still win!

No one uttered a sound.

No one dared to utter a sound.

Huang Xiaolong removed his gaze from Luo Kai’s body.

Initially, he hasn’t intended to be so heavy-handed toward
Luo Kai, but since this fellow said that he would defeat him,
even allowing him to make the first move, the contempt in
Luo Kai’s eyes slightly upset him.

What Huang Xiaolong hated most was this kind of people,

no real strength yet loved to put on a self-righteous
pretense. Not that one couldn't be a pretentious prick but be
smart in choosing the target.

Huang Xiaolong turned back toward the top ten group,

sweeping over Gudu Leng and Wang Biaoyuan, “Anyone else
would like to challenge?”

The crowd instantly regained their senses, gazes from all

around were obviously directed at both Gudu Leng and
Wang Biaoyuan. Needless to say, literally everyone was
thinking the same thing: only Gudu Leng and Wang
Biaoyuan could suppress Huang Xiaolong.

Sensing the pointed gazes on their bodies, Gudu Leng and

Wang Biaoyuan recovered from their shock, immediately
returning to their usual calmness. However, at this moment,
hesitation lurked within Gudu Leng and Wang Biaoyuan.
Obviously, neither one wanted to be Huang Xiaolong’s next

While an awkward silence hung in the air, Wang Biaoyuan

suddenly leaped onto the Hidden Dragon Arena, landing
opposite of Huang Xiaolong.

The silence was shattered as the crowd cheered with


Who hadn’t heard the news of Wang Biaoyuan’s

advancement to mid-Second Order God Realm? Before the
assessment, everyone had thought that the first place in
this time’s assessment belonged to Wang Biaoyuan, but
now, the question was, could Wang Biaoyuan defeat Huang
Xiaolong and snatch the first place?

The crowd fixed their gazes on the arena, giving the two
people on it their undivided attention, unblinking.

Huang Xiaolong looked at Wang Biaoyuan, speaking with a

calm face, “You’re not my opponent, you and Gudu Leng
both should come up together.”

The instant Huang Xiaolong’s words were spoken, the arena

broke into an uproar.

“What did Huang Xiaolong say?! He wants Wang Biaoyuan

and Gudu Leng to attack together? This… is madness!”

“He really thinks he’s invincible?”

The crowd’s first reaction was to clamor that Huang

Xiaolong was overestimating himself.

Rumors had been circulating that Wang Biaoyuan had

advanced to mid-Second Order God Realm, and his
Indestructible Vajra Physique was harder than a pseudo-
divine artifact. There was a little-known rumor that all the
peak late-Second Order God Realm masters of the Wang
Family weren’t his opponents. And Gudu Leng had not only
broken through to Second Order God Realm, he had also
cultivated he Gudu Family’s supreme secret technique, the
Solitary God’s Infinitude to the hundredth layer, generating
the power of rebirth. His real strength was unfathomable.

Against either one of them, Huang Xiaolong couldn't even

win for sure, but now he wanted both geniuses to attack him

On the platform, Zhang Tianchuan was frowning. Still, he

felt that Huang Xiaolong wasn’t a person that uttered
arrogant words without the strength to back it up. But, could
Huang Xiaolong really battle Gudu Leng and Wang Biaoyuan

Inwardly, Zhang Tianchuan shook his head.

While everyone was clamoring, Wang Biaoyuan’s fury

soared after a second of daze. Fury mingled with hate
erupted like a wrathful volcano.

“Huang Xiaolong, you!” His rage uncontainable, eyes red

with fury as he roared, “You think just because you defeated
a measly early Second Order God Realm, that the first place
is yours?! I’ll let you know now who’s the real outstanding
genius, who is this assessment’s first place holder!” By the
time his words were finished, the momentum coming from
his body had reached the peak, muffled air blasts could be
heard all around him.

Eye-piercing rays of aureate light shone from Wang

Biaoyuan’s body, causing pain in everyone’s eyes.
“This is, i-is, late-Second Order God Realm?!”

“Oh God, Wang Biaoyuan isn’t a mid-Second Order God

Realm, but a late-Second Order God Realm!”

In a matter of seconds, the crowd was stupefied by the

Wang Biaoyuan’s display of strength, babbling incoherently.

A late-Second Order God Realm! His true strength wasn’t

like the rumors said at all, a mid-Second Order God Realm,
but a late-Second Order! Wang Biaoyuan actually concealed
his true strength.

The crowd drowned in surprise and excitement. Even the

calm and collected Gudu Leng felt his eyelids spasms.
Zhang Tianchuan was nearly agape at the sudden
revelation. This time’s outer disciples assessment brought
too many surprises, each more shocking than the last.

In past assessments, one late-First Order God Realm disciple

emerging was already big news and would have definitely
been the first place winner without much suspense, but this
time, Wang Biaoyuan was actually a late-Second Order God

“Peerless genius! Wang Biaoyuan’s talent is truly awe-

inspiring. Didn’t he just break through to early First Order
God Realm three years ago? In three years he has climbed
all the way to late-Second Order! So terrifying!”

“That’s right, this is what you call an outstanding peerless

genius! It’s the end of the road for Huang Xiaolong! I don’t
believe he can defeat a late-Second Order God Realm Wang

Faces in the crowd flushed red with excitement, hands

punching the air, for they were witnessing a miracle. A
miracle no one thought possible, a miracle of shattering the
orders from early First Order God Realm to late-Second
Order God Realm within three years!

No one had ever boasted this level of cultivation speed!

Although Wang Biaoyuan was able to achieve this due to the

pure metal essence he found, it was still a miracle
regardless of the reason. A miracle!

From time immemorial, ever since the Black Warrior

Institute was established, thirty million years ago, never
once had a late-Second Order God Realm outer disciple
appeared in the assessment. But one had appeared now—
Wang Biaoyuan!

Wang Biaoyuan exuded full pressure from his body without

any intention of holding back, he wanted to jar everyone,
awe everyone. He wanted this ignorant punk Huang
Xiaolong to know how foolish, idiotic, and ludicrous his
words earlier were!

‘Everyone, be astounded by me, awed by me!’

A radiant golden armor protected Wang Biaoyuan’s body,

resembling a primordial war god. The Indestructible Vajra
Physique’s bloodline power had fully awakened, exuding a
sharp indestructible aura that could pierce a hole in the sky.

“Huang Xiaolong, if you kneel and beg for mercy now I can
still leave you some face, so that your loss won’t be too
unsightly.” Wang Biaoyuan glared coldly at Huang Xiaolong.

The crowd held their breaths.

Kneel and beg for mercy?! Leave you some face?!

This was blatant face-slapping in public.

Zhang Tianchuan’s brows were tightly scrunched together.

No matter what, Huang Xiaolong was still the Institute
Principal’s personal disciple, Wang Biaoyuan actually
wanted him to get on his knees and beg? Wang Biaoyuan
had forgotten himself, it seems. These super forces’
disciples needed to be given extra ‘care’ in the future.
Chapter 560: Still, Only One Move!

Unlike everyone else around him, Huang Xiaolong seemed

no different after Wang Biaoyuan’s display of power and
might. A minuscule difference that went undetected was the
iciness that glazed over his pupils when Wang Biaoyuan told
him to kneel and beg for mercy.

Kneel down and beg? Huang Xiaolong sneered: “One move.”

One move?

All the gathered disciples were baffled by this sentence that

came out from Huang Xiaolong’s mouth, but when it finally
dawned on them the meaning of Huang Xiaolong’s words,
the whole arena looked as if it was about to split into half
from the crowd’s reaction.

“One move? Is this Huang Xiaolong saying that he only

needs one move to defeat Wang Biaoyuan?!”

“Sweat, this is too brazen! Did he damage his brain

knocking against a door somewhere? Is he blind as well?
Didn't he see Wang Biaoyuan’s late-Second Order God
Realm strength right in front of him? He still thinks he can
win over Wang Biaoyuan?! It’s already the greatest miracle
if he can defeat Wang Biaoyuan, forget doing it in one

“That’s right, if he really can defeat Wang Biaoyuan in one

move, I’ll kill myself by slamming my head against this
Hidden Dragon Arena.”

When Huang Xiaolong said that Wang Biaoyuan wasn’t his

opponent in the beginning, and instead ‘suggested’ both
Wang Biaoyuan and Gudu Leng to join hands, the crowd was
already indignant with Huang Xiaolong’s arrogance. Huang
Xiaolong didn’t seem that pleasing to the eyes anymore.

And now, Huang Xiaolong’s exaggerated claim of defeating

Wang Biaoyuan in one move had completely drawn the
crowd’s anger. This caused them to be in an extremely bad

Some were enraged to the point of forgetting Huang

Xiaolong’s identity, shooting a ferocious glare at Huang
Xiaolong. Even those who had supported Huang Xiaolong in
the beginning felt that Huang Xiaolong’s arrogance had
gone over the limit.

Zhang Tianchuan didn’t even hide his disappointment,

shaking his head on the platform. Indeed, this Huang
Xiaolong was an outstanding peerless genius, a talent
worthy to be nurtured by their Black Warrior Institute, but
this little guy’s temperament needed a little bit more

Gudu Leng snorted in obvious contempt at Huang Xiaolong’s

words. Similar to everyone present, he too felt that Huang
Xiaolong’s pride had gone to his head. Did he think that
defeating both Xie Ning and Luo Kao, allowed him to
swagger without fetters? Did he take Wang Biaoyuan for the
likes of Xie Ning or Luo Kai?

Wang Biaoyuan was a true blue late-Second Order God


After breaking into Second Order God Realm, he understood

more than the other disciples here what a late-Second Order
God Realm meant. Even him, who successfully practiced the
Gudu Family’s Solitary God’s Infinitude until the hundredth
layer, possessing the reborn power, wasn’t confident in
being able to defeat Wang Biaoyuan. As for completing that
feat in one move, that was ludicrous, a joke, the words of a

After blanking out for a second, Wang Biaoyuan pointed a

finger at Huang Xiaolong and broke out in wanton laughter.
The laughter hid his indescribable fury. He wasn’t this
freaking mad even when Huang Xiaolong defeated him in
public three years ago.

“Good, good!” Wang Biaoyuan’s eyes were crimson like

blood, “Huang Xiaolong, if you can really defeat me in one
move, I shall kneel and beg for mercy before you!” Not
waiting a moment longer, Wang Biaoyuan’s figure flew out,
his fist aimed at Huang Xiaolong.

In the air, his figure flickered in an unpredictable manner,

leaving more than a dozen afterimages in different
locations, sometimes appearing, something swerving away.
From outside the stage, Wang Biaoyuan looked like an
illusory butterfly that contained a horrifying murderous
intent. An invisible energy rushed toward Huang Xiaolong.

“That is the Flower Butterfly Fantasy Maneuver movement


“Flower Butterfly Fantasy Maneuver movement technique?!

If I’m right, this skill was created by Venerable Fantasy a
hundred thousand years ago and has disappeared for more
than ten thousand years. It is said that this Flower Butterfly
Fantasy Maneuver movement technique is unpredictable,
one can hardly defend against it. Could Wang Biaoyuan
have found Venerable Fantasy’s immortal cave?!”

Those who heard this exclaimed in shock.

Just as the crowd exclaimed, the power in Wang Biaoyuan’s

fists exploded, striking at Huang Xiaolong.
“Immovable Wisdom King’s Godking Fist!”

Fists whistled through the air, each shrouded in a scary ball

of flames that rippled in space. At this point, Wang
Biaoyuan’s fists were no longer simple fists, more like
catastrophic meteors falling from the sky, carrying a tail of
scorching flames and a terrifying power of destruction,
exuding an aura that would kill God if a God blocks, kill
Buddha if Buddha blocks. Wang Biaoyuan’s only aim was to
blast Huang Xiaolong into a million pieces in one attack!

Zhang Tianchuan’s frown deepened as he watched from the

platform. Should he intervene? If this strike hit, although
Huang Xiaolong wouldn’t die, he’d suffer grave injuries. How
was he supposed to explain to the Institute Principal then?
Moreover, great harm was not allowed to fall on Huang

However, the rules prohibited anyone from interfering. As

the overseer of this round’s assessment, if he was the one
who broke the rules, then…?

While Zhang Tianchuan was caught in a dilemma, Wang

Biaoyuan’s fists were only meters away from Huang
Xiaolong. As he got nearer to Huang Xiaolong, a brutal light
flickered in Wang Biaoyuan’s eyes, ‘Huang Xiaolong, go DIE

Watching as Wang Biaoyuan’s fists were about to strike

Huang Xiaolong, suddenly a vast, overwhelming energy
surged out vigorously from Huang Xiaolong’s body. Before
this wave of energy, the sky trembled as if it was about to
collapse, the earth sinking in.

Everyone’s breaths were stuck in their chests, as if a great

mountain was pressing down on them. Their souls trembled,
an inexplicable intention to prostrate emerged in their
minds. Confusion, bewilderment, apprehension, all mixed
into one.

Wang Biaoyuan’s face tightened.

Gudu Leng’s face tightened.

So did Zhang Tianchuan’s expression.

A layer of black scale armor covered Huang Xiaolong’s body,

two horns protruded from his forehead, the Wings of Demon
spread majestically behind him as groups of blackish-red
energy covered the entire Hidden Dragon Arena stage.

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong moved. The Wings of

Demon flapped, revealing the profound golden hellish
symbols on their surface.

Wang Biaoyuan barely caught sight of a blurry black shadow

when two black fists grew bigger in his pupils. His eyes
widened in alarm, then, rumble! A sharp ear-splitting blast
resounded, as if heaven and earth split into two. His
Immovable Wisdom King’s Godking Fist collided with the two
black fists.

The high frequency stabbed at Wang Biaoyuan’s eardrums,

and before he could react, an overwhelming, tyrannical
power crashed against him like a giant tidal wave. At this
moment, he had a feeling that he was nothing more than a
pebble that fell into the vast sea.

That tyrannical power struck straight at his chest. His body

quivered badly, tumbling backwards. One moment he was
bouncing off clouds, and in the next moment, his body
slammed heavily on the ground. Wang Biaoyuan lost his
consciousness at that point, sinking into oblivion.
Huang Xiaolong landed gently back on the Hidden Dragon
Arena, yet the stage groaned in protest. With Huang
Xiaolong’s feet as the center, cracks spread out in all

Although the Hidden Dragon Arena stage was built from

extremely hard rock kernel, it had a limit of endurance, it
couldn't withstand the power of a Third Order God Realm.
Because, in regular outer disciples assessment, the
strongest would only possess the strength of a First Order
God Realm, hence, from the Black Warrior Institute
management’s perspective, no outer disciple could break
the Hidden Dragon Arena that could withstand close to a
Third Order God Realm master’s strength.

But now!


Watching these events taking place, their dumbfounded

brains were empty of anything else.

Wang Biaoyuan laid sprawled below the arena, his clothes

torn to rags that were drenched with his blood. His
Indestructible Vajra Physique had lost its use, his
indestructible iron fists that everyone idolized were mangled
to an unrecognizable degree. Even his bones seemed

Huang Xiaolong stood on the stage, akin to an ancient

overlord, exuding an irrefutable dragon might and the
chilling cold air of a death god.

“God-God, Second Order God Realm!” Gudu Leng

stammered incoherently, his tongue twisted into a knot and
his face was ash-gray.
This time, Huang Xiaolong no longer hid his aura.

Second Order God Realm!

Everyone froze: they couldn't believe, unable to believe, and

dared not believe.

On the platform, Zhang Tianchuan was trembling all over,

one he knew if it was because of excitement or shock.

One move, it was indeed one move!

Still, only one move!
Chapter 561: You Said Your Junior- Apprentice Brother Took
First Place?

Disciples that raged satirical remarks at Huang Xiaolong for

his vain arrogance now felt like a large piece of stinky tofu
was stuck in their throats. All their rage and unhappiness
transformed into fear, astonishment, and shock.

Some disciples with lower strength who stood close to the

arena stage, the same ones who made the most noise and
derisive remarks were now shaking uncontrollably.

If Wang Biaoyuan was a peerless genius for his

breakthrough to late-Second Order from First Order God
Realm within three years, then what was Huang Xiaolong,
who broke through to Second Order God Realm from half-
step God Realm?!

Compared to Huang Xiaolong, Wang Biaoyuan’s ‘genius’

was worse than dregs. Complicated feelings rose in the
hearts of disciples that were cheering excitedly for Wang
Biaoyuan earlier.

In three years ah, from half-step God Realm to Second Order

God Realm! Without drastic exaggeration, this had
surpassed all great predecessors and there would be no
other successors to this feat. No one present in the arena
had ever heard of any genius of Black Tortoise Galaxy
breaking through from half-step God Realm to Second Order
God Realm in a mere three years’ time. This speed was
enough to scare others out of their minds.

Moreover, Huang Xiaolong didn't seem like an average

Second Order God Realm, being able to defeat the higher
realm Wang Biaoyuan, who also possessed the fabled
Indestructible Vajra Physique, with one strike. One could
only imagine the terrifying extent that Huang Xiaolong’s
strength had reached!

A light tap from his feet cracked the Hidden Dragon Arena
stage, clear proof that Huang Xiaolong’s strength was at
least on par with a Third Order God Realm master! Who
could say for sure whether it was early Third Order, mid-
Third Order, or late Third Order God Realm!

Eventually, the attention once again returned to the

unconscious figure sprawled on the ground like a dead dog.
Suddenly, the thought of Wang Biaoyuan telling Huang
Xiaolong to kneel and beg for mercy felt so ironic. So naive,
so presumptuous!

Wang Biaoyuan was nothing more than a jumping clown

before Huang Xiaolong. For Huang Xiaolong, Wang Biaoyuan
was no different from Xie Ning and Luo Kai.

“Anyone else wants to challenge?” Huang Xiaolong stood on

the stage with his hands behind his back, his eyes sweeping
over the remaining eight top ten disciples, finally stopping
on Gudu Leng.

Following the direction of his gaze, all eyes whooshed onto

Gudu Leng.

Gudu Leng’s face twitched, he neither moved nor spoke a

word. Before the assessment began, he had assumed that
by breaking through to Second Order God Realm and having
practiced the Solitary God’s Infinitude technique to the
hundredth layer, defeating Huang Xiaolong was merely the
matter of a casual wave of his hand. In fact, he thought that
one finger was more than sufficient to flatten Huang
Xiaolong to the ground.
Similar to Wang Biaoyuan, Gudu Leng had naturally taken it
for granted that he himself was the ultimate first place
champion, whereas Huang Xiaolong wasn’t qualified to
compete with them.

But now…?!

To challenge or not? That was the question.

Even a late Second Order God Realm Wang Biaoyuan was

barely breathing after taking a hit from Huang Xiaolong. If
he went up, what could he do? In all honesty to himself, he
wasn’t that much stronger than Wang Biaoyuan.

If he challenged Huang Xiaolong, he most probably wouldn't

end up much better than the current Wang Biaoyuan, being
defeated in only one move!

Gudu Leng’s expression grew sullen as these thoughts sped

through his mind. In the end, he took a deep breath and
remained where he stood.

Watching Gudu Leng’s expression, it was clear to the crowd

that he had given up on the challenge. Some gasped, some
shook their heads, and others broke into a noisy commotion.

The disciples who supported Gudu Leng were greatly

disappointed. They had imagined the scene where Gudu
Leng defeated Huang Xiaolong, displaying overwhelming
strength, but a miracle did not occur. Gudu Leng didn’t even
have the guts to challenge!

Gudu Leng did not challenge, needless to say, Jiang Shaoze

and the rest were even less inclined to challenge. In the
end, without any suspense, Huang Xiaolong was declared
this term’s outer disciple assessment’s champion.
In the Institute Principal’s manor, Principal Feng Yang was
lounging in the main hall, savoring tea.

“I wonder how that kid did. Third, or fourth?” His soft voice
sounded in the hall, muttering to himself. Others might not
have known Wang Biaoyuan’s true strength, but he did.

Late Second Order God Realm!

He held high hopes for Huang Xiaolong, understanding what

a freak of a genius his fourth disciple was, however, as high
as his hopes were, and as talented as his disciple might be,
he wasn’t naive enough to believe that Huang Xiaolong was
a late-Second Order Wang Biaoyuan’s opponent.

As for Gudu Leng, with his Second Order God Realm

strength and him reaching the hundredth layer of the
Solitary God’s Infinitude, his strength wasn't any weaker
than Wang Biaoyuan’s. Hence, the reason why he told
Huang Xiaolong that striving for top three was good enough.

At this point, he saw his eldest disciple Liu Yun enter the
main hall in great haste.

His eldest disciple, Liu Yun, had always been calm and
steady, never had this disciple shown such a side in front of
him, stoking Insitute Principal Feng Yang’s curiosity.

“What is it? All hurried and flustered.” Feng Yang spoke.

“Master,” Liu Yun saw his Master just as he walked into the
main hall, quickly greeted Feng Yang. However, he had yet
to figure out how to inform his Master the details of this
time’s outer disciple assessment. Just moments ago, when
he heard the result, he was stunned on the spot before he
thought of informing his Master and hurried over.
Feng Yang frowned slightly at Liu Yun’s silence, “The result is

“Yes, Master, the top ten ranking result is out.” Liu Yun
respectfully answered.

Feng Yang shot a glance in Liu Yun’s direction, his voice a

little somber, “What did your Junior Apprentice-brother get?
Fourth place or fifth place?”

Liu Yun’s expression immediately became a little strange,

bracing himself with a deep breath, trying his best to speak
in the calmest tone he could muster, “Replying to Master,
Junior-Apprentice brother took first place!”

Feng Yang nodded sagely, yet to fully register the words.

“What?! First place? You said your Junior-Apprentice brother

took first place?” Moments later, Feng Yang finally reacted.
His hand halted in midair, holding the teacup as his head
jerked up with a disbelieving expression looking at Liu Yun.

Liu Yun nodded seriously, excitement shining in his eyes,

“That is so, Master. Fourth Junior-Apprentice brother came
out on top, moreover, he defeated Wang Biaoyuan with just
one move!”

Defeated Wang Biaoyuan with just one move! Late-Second

Order Wang Biaoyuan!

The cup in Feng Yang’s hands slipped, falling to the floor

with a loud thud, but it was totally ignored by Feng Yang and
Liu Yun. Feng Yang’s eyes widened as his brain buzzed.

“Fourth Junior-Apprentice brother not only broke through to

God Realm, he even advanced to Second Order God Realm.”
Liu Yun continued while quivering with excitement, “The
power of Fourth Junior-Apprentice brother’s one strike could
crack the Hidden Dragon Arena stage, comparable to a
Third Order God Realm!”

Cracked the Hidden Dragon Arena stage with one strike!

The buzzing in Feng Yang’s brain grew more intense.

“After Fourth Junior-Apprentice brother defeated Wang

Biaoyuan with one strike, it terrified Gudu Leng so much
that he dared not challenge.” Liu Yun continued excitedly.

What was said after that didn’t enter Feng Yang’s ears. To
him, the world had suddenly gone quiet. Moments later, all
of a sudden, Feng Yang exploded in thunderous laughter,
unbridled, to the point of forgetting oneself.

At this moment, Feng Yang felt he was so fortunate to

receive such a peerless genius as his disciple. Only at this
very moment did he realize, this fourth disciple’s talent far,
far exceeded what he had assumed. It was far more

This fourth disciple had given him a surprise, a great big


Half a day later, the outer disciples top one hundred

rankings were announced.

Huang Xiaolong defeating Wang Biaoyuan in one move,

terrifying Gudu Leng to the point of not daring to challenge
spread like a wild tempest, blowing to every corner of the
Black Tortoise Galaxy.

Ancestor level characters, and patriarchs of super forces,
first rank powers were all shocked!

Three years from half-step God Realm to Second Order God

Realm! Moreover, with strength comparable to a Third Order
God Realm! This had gone beyond the scope of imagination
of most people.

After Huang Xiaolong received the first place rewards and

returned to the manor, Feng Yang had stared at him for
what seemed like half a day. Causing goosebumps to crawl
out on Huang Xiaolong’s skin before he managed to find an
excuse, allowing him to make a run for it.
Chapter 562: Occupied By Another

Huang Xiaolong’s glorious win over a late Second Order God

Realm Wang Biaoyuan during the outer disciples'
assessment raised a great wave of shock throughout the
galaxy’s forces for almost a month before it eventually
calmed down.

In this one month’s time, Huang Xiaolong simply stayed

inside the Institute Principal’s manor to cultivate and did not
step out of the manor.

After advancing to Second Order God Realm, Huang

Xiaolong noticed that the time he could stay in Hell had
increased to roughly a day. When his battle qi depleted, the
recovery period was now reduced to slightly more than an
hour’s time. He was more than delighted at this discovery.

While he was still at peak late-First Order God Realm, he

could only stay for two to three hours, but now, his
cultivation time in Hell had increased seven to eightfold.
Before this, he needed one day and one night’s time to
recover his exhausted battle qi, but now it was reduced to a
mere hour.

This greatly increased the effectiveness and speed of Huang

Xiaolong’s cultivation.

Initially, Huang Xiaolong estimated that he’d need three

years to break through to Third Order God Realm, now
however, in at most two years, probably not even two years,
he could step into Third Order God Realm.

Days passed, approximately two months passed since the

outer disciples' assessment.
On this particular day, Huang Xiaolong ended his routine

‘I should have my own courtyard now.’ Huang Xiaolong

thought to himself.

Although the spiritual energy in his Master’s manor was

abundant, it was irrelevant to Huang Xiaolong, for the
spiritual energy in Hell was by far much purer and higher
grade. Most importantly, it wasn’t really convenient for him
to cultivate here on a long-term basis.

He didn't want to expose the secrets on his body at this

point, this included his Master Feng Yang. For instance, the
Dragon Pearl, Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi’s existence, or that
he could summon a gateway to Hell, entering a higher world
surface to cultivate at any time.

Hence, Huang Xiaolong decided to move out from his

Master’s manor.

Every Black Warrior Institute’s inner disciple could have

their individual courtyard. He was already a Second Order
God Realm and the first place winner in the outer disciple
assessment, he was more than qualified to be promoted to
an inner disciple.

In the Black Warrior Institute, before an outer disciple could

be promoted to an inner disciple, they needed to meet two
conditions; one, reach the God Realm in cultivation, and
two, being placed within the top thirty in the outer disciple

Having decided, Huang Xiaolong exited the Institute

Principal’s manor, once again heading toward the Supreme
Harmony Hall to collect his inner disciple robe and identity
The journey was a short one.

“It’s Huang Xiaolong!”

Huang Xiaolong’s appearance in the Supreme Harmony Hall

immediately caused a commotion among the disciples that
came to pick up and report tasks. Their eyes zoomed onto
Huang Xiaolong.

“Did this Huang Xiaolong really defeat Wang Biaoyuan with

a single move? I heard that Wang Biaoyuan’s a late Second
Order God Realm and those peak late-Second Order
geniuses aren’t his opponents!”

Outer disciples that did not watch the assessment voiced

their doubt and suspicion. Indeed, without witnessing the
event with one’s own eyes, merely hearing about it by word
of mouth, hardly anyone would believe. It wasn’t a secret
that Huang Xiaolong was just a half-step God Realm three
years ago.

“It’s most probably some exaggerated rumors, it is

unbelievable enough he defeated Wang Biaoyuan, saying
that he did it in one move is just too fake.”

Huang Xiaolong walked into the hall, ignoring all the noise
around him. He went to the side hall in charge of
distributing the inner disciple identity tokens and robes.

When the person in charge, Elder Su Fa, saw Huang

Xiaolong, he was overly polite. After Huang Xiaolong
returned the outer disciple identity token and robe, he
personally handed Huang Xiaolong his new inner disciple
identity token and robe. He even personally walked Huang
Xiaolong out from the side hall.
In the entire history of the inner disciples, Huang Xiaolong
was probably the only one to receive this level of courtesy.

After leaving the Supreme Harmony Hall, he did not

immediately head to his own courtyard, but returned to the
Institute Principal’s manor to inform his Master of this

At first, Institute Principal Feng Yang disagreed to let Huang

Xiaolong moving out. Even though Huang Xiaolong was
promoted to inner disciple and had his own courtyard, the
spiritual energy there couldn't compare to his manor. He
worried that it would have an adverse effect on Huang
Xiaolong’s cultivation.

However, seeing that Huang Xiaolong had decided, Feng

Yang no longer insisted.

“Fine then.” Institute Principal Feng Yang relented, “Still, you

can come here anytime to practice. If you encounter any
problems in cultivation, you can also come ask me at any

A warm feeling spread over in Huang Xiaolong’s heart. To

his knowledge, even the Eldest Senior Apprentice-brother
Liu Yun, Second Senior-Apprentice brother and Third-Senior
Apprentice-sister did not have the privilege to come over
and ask their Master for guidance at any time, much less
cultivate here.

“Yes, Master.” Huang Xiaolong respectfully complied.

Institute Principal Feng Yang’s mouth opened, wanting to

say more, but in the end, he merely said, “Good, if there’s
nothing else, you can go.”

Huang Xiaolong saluted properly and retreated out.

Leaving the manor, Huang Xiaolong made his way to the
Misty Rain Mountain Range, where all the inner disciple's
courtyard were located.

The Misty Rain Mountain Range was on the northern corner

of the Black Warrior World, a long distance away from the
Central Region. Based on Huang Xiaolong’s full speed of
flying, he used an entire day’s time to arrive at the
mountain range.

Standing in the air and looking down from afar, one could
see the peaks of the Misty Rain Mountain Range, which were
shrouded with ethereal pillows of mist that looked like soft

Orderly buildings lined the peaks of this Misty Rain Mountain

Range, close to twenty or thirty thousand in number.

At first, Huang Xiaolong thought that the number of inner

disciples would only be a few thousand despite the large
number of outer disciples, but he found out that the number
of Black Warrior Institute inner disciples was close to a
staggering twenty thousand people. It was a few days ago,
and it truly gave him a shock.

But he quickly figured it out, any one of the Black Warrior

Institute’s outer disciples was a talent. Though it may be
difficult for others to break through to God Realm, for them,
the difficulty was much lower.

Moreover, once one broke into the God Realm, their natural
lifespan increased exponentially, with years of
accumulation, it was nothing strange that there would be
twenty thousand inner disciples.

Huang Xiaolong’s cultivation courtyard was arranged on one

of the higher peaks, where the spiritual energy was denser
and ample. Thus, the cultivation courtyards located on the
peaks were the most ideal.

Generally, the cultivation courtyards of newly promoted

inner disciples would be arranged closer to the foothills, but
Huang Xiaolong was placed on a peak. Other than him
obtaining first place in the outer disciple assessment, he
also dipped in the Institute Principal’s light, receiving some
extra benefits.

In a flicker, Huang Xiaolong flew to one of the peaks,

reaching it in a few breaths’ time. There were a dozen
courtyards on the peak, and Huang Xiaolong found his quick

“Yard No.1” Huang Xiaolong glanced toward a courtyard

shrouded in dense spiritual energy and walked over. This
was the courtyard arranged for him, but when he reached
the door, a frown appeared on his brows.

Because he noticed that the array formation was activated,

showing that there was already someone living inside.

What is happening?!

Did he make a mistake?

He looked up, above the main door. Written in three big

ancient characters, it clearly stated that this was Yard No.1.
Was his yard occupied by another? Moreover, that person
was presumptuously cultivating inside!
Chapter 563: This Kid'S
Going To Be Crippled
Chapter 563: This Kid's Going To Be Crippled

Huang Xiaolong snorted coldly. He couldn't wait to see

which grand persona was inside, with the guts to take over
the courtyard arranged for him. Thinking of this, Huang
Xiaolong’s finger pointed at the void. Instantly, a powerful
energy shot out.

Rumble~! A thunderous rumble echoed in the air, sending a

rippling pattern across space.

This sudden roaring noise alerted the inner disciples

cultivating in the nearby courtyards, and all of them
emerged to see what was happening. Of course, it also
alerted the ‘great persona’ currently cultivating in Huang
Xiaolong’s Yard No.1.

The restriction array around Yard No. 1 glimmered open as a

disciple wearing the same inner disciple robe walked out. A
tall young man with red hair and charming features walked
out from the courtyard.

The moment this red-haired young man walked out, a sharp

glint flashed across his eyes, staring daggers at Huang

“Who is this kid? Looks like someone who has just been
promoted to inner disciple.”
“A fledgling that has just been promoted to inner disciple
dares to run all the way up to the mountain peak, moreover,
disturbing our cultivation. Such lawlessness, is he tired of
living already?

Noticing Huang Xiaolong, the inner disciples that came out

began taking turns to reproach Huang Xiaolong. The
atmosphere immediately became noisy.

The peaks of the Misty Rain Mountain Range were mostly

occupied by those outstanding geniuses amongst inner
disciples, their strength undoubtedly represented the crème
de la crème of the crop. In fact, the mountain peak areas
were written off as a restricted area to other inner disciples,
thus, no average inner disciple dared to step a foot in the
peak areas, afraid they would anger these top geniuses on a
rotten luck day and end up missing an arm or leg, or even

These top geniuses usually secluded themselves in closed-

door cultivation, one of the reasons why none of them went
to watch the outer disciple assessment a few days ago,
explaining the reason why none present could recognize
Huang Xiaolong.

The red-haired young man with devilish charm, Li Dufeng,

had been glaring coldly at Huang Xiaolong ever since he
walked out of the courtyard, “Little punk, you’re new here?
Don’t you know the rules of the Misty Rain Mountain Range?
Newly promoted disciples are not allowed to come up to the

“Misty Rain Mountain Range’s rules?” Huang Xiaolong

repeated with indifference. “I really don’t know. I only know
that the Black Warrior Institute does not have such rules in
place, also, this Yard No.1 was allocated to me by the
institute. Move out now and apologize, I will not pursue this

All the older inner disciples were left in a daze for a second
at his words.

No one expected that a new inner disciple would behave so

arrogantly, not only he demanding Li Dufeng to move out,
but even telling Li Dufeng to apologize? Did they hear right?

Li Dufeng was acknowledged as one of the top ten inner

disciples. Although he ranked at number tenth, his strength
left little doubt in everyone’s minds.

“Has this punk gone freaking mad? His brain growth

stunted? A newly promoted inner disciple wants Li Dufeng to
move out and apologize on top of that? Does he think that
courtyard really does belong to him just because of the little
family background behind him, or because the institute
arranged a mountain peak Yard No.1 to him?!”

“Among the inner disciples, which one doesn’t have some

family background? Within the ranks of inner disciples,
backgrounds are insignificant. Here, one talks with their
fists, the peaks on Misty Rain Mountain Range are occupied
by the strongest inner disciples.”

“A few days ago, didn’t they say that a kid from Gudu Family
was also arranged to a peak courtyard? But that Gudu
Family kid tactfully conceded that yard and went to cultivate
in one of the yards in the mid-mountain area.”

“This punk is dead for sure!” The surrounding disciples

watched coldly in undisguised mocking.

Li Dufeng looked at Huang Xiaolong, a sinister sounding

chuckle coming from his lips, “Little punk, it seems like your
backing’s quite big to have a mountain peak cultivation
courtyard arranged for you, but so what? I’m sure you’ve
heard, here in the Misty Rain Mountain Range, backgrounds
are useless, everything depends on the size of your fist.
Because of the fact that you’re a newly promoted inner
disciple who is ignorant about the rules, cripple your own
two arms and kneel, performing one hundred loud kowtows,
then you can roll to the foot of the mountain. In your entire
life, don’t even dream of stepping a foot on this peak

Cripple your own two arms!

Roll down to the foot of the mountain!

Huang Xiaolong’s expression remained the same, “Is that

so?” Then, his expression turned icy, “Initially, I could forget
about this matter if you just moved out and apologized, but
now you should cripple your own two arms, get on your
knees and kowtow a thousand times, then you can roll down
to the foot of the mountain, otherwise….” He did not
continue, however, the sharp gleam in his eyes said it all.

“What?! What did this punk say?! Did my ears deceive


“I think this punk has gone crazy!”

The surrounding inner disciples each had an uncanny

expression on their faces looking at Huang Xiaolong, as if
they were looking at an idiot.

Killing intent exploded in Li Dufeng’s eyes. A newly

promoted inner disciple had the guts to tell him to break his
own two hands, kowtow a thousand times, and then roll to
the foot of the mountain?!
“Little death seeking punk! You’re literally begging for
death!” Li Dufeng’s anger boiled over, “Even if I can’t kill
you, I’ll still turn you into a waste, a cripple that’s better off
dead than alive!” Li Dufeng shouted, his momentum rose to
the peak as his palm struck forward. The thousand li bright
sky suddenly turned dark and stormy.

Ferocious frigid wind emerged from the surrounding space.

Li Dufeng, among the top ten inner disciples ranking, ranked
tenth. A late-Third Order God Realm master!

That’s right, a late-Third Order God Realm. Compared to the

late-Second Order God Realm Wang Biaoyuan, Li Dufeng
was much stronger by far.

“DIE—!” Li Dufeng’s palm targeted Huang Xiaolong chest.

Before the full impact of the palm even neared, the

frightening gusts of frigid cold wind were stinging Huang
Xiaolong’s skin. The bushes, trees, and flowers nearby were
wrapped in a layer of ice in the blink of an eye.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed, his momentum rose to the

peak in an instant. This time, he did not hold back, the
Asura Physique was pushed to the limit, the Wings of
Demon spread out. At the same time, the black and blue
twin dragon martial spirits flew out from his body.

Huang Xiaolong soul transformed in a split second.

“How?! This is peak early-Second Order God Realm?!”

“No wonder this newbie is so proud, so he’s a peak early-

Second Order God Realm, but, so what? An idiot just the
same. What a pity this kid’s going to be wasted in a few
moments, otherwise, with his talent, as long as he knew
how to behave with his tail between his legs, who knows
what could happen in a few hundred years’ time? The inner
disciples’ top ten name list could have his name on it.”

When the surrounding disciples witnessed Huang Xiaolong’s

momentum, they were inwardly shocked, but their shock
turned into pity as they shook their heads, sighing heavily,
with eyes filled with sympathy.

In the next moment, a thousand arms emerged from Huang

Xiaolong’s back, scaring them silly.

“The Fifteenth Move, Unrivaled Myriad Dragons!”

All one thousand arms attacked simultaneously. Each of the

thousand arms had fifteen divine dragons flying out, one
thousand arms were equivalent to fifteen thousand divine

The majestic might of a dragon descended, shaking the


The dragon flow created by one thousand arms instantly

shattered Li Dufeng’s frigid palm attack like crushing rotten

Li Dufeng’s eyes widened in surprise, fear, and dismay as he

was drowned in the overwhelming force of fifteen thousand
divine dragons.

A booming blast resonated and Li Dufeng was seen being

smashed into the air, his robe exploded into fragments from
the force, and his hair was disheveled, slamming down
heavily on the ground some distance away like a dead dog.

The fifteen thousand divine dragons hovered in the air for

some time before dissipating. By that time, Huang Xiaolong
had dispersed the thousand arms at his back.
Not a sound could be heard on the mountain peak, all the
older inner disciples were stiffened on the spot. Their nerves
twitched unnaturally staring at Huang Xiaolong.

Ignoring these people, Huang Xiaolong stepped closer to Li

Chapter 564: Youre Definitely Going To Regret This!

Li Dufeng did not fall unconscious. Watching Huang Xiaolong

coming closer to him, his eyes revealed fear. Only he
understood how powerful Huang Xiaolong’s attack was!

Amongst the inner disciples, he had the same feeling from

two people!

“You!”Just as Li Dufeng wanted to speak, a gush of warm

blood spurted out from his mouth, splattered across the
ground, glaring to the eyes.

A few feet from Li Dufeng, Huang Xiaolong stopped, lifted a

foot and stomped on Li Dufeng. Instantly, sounds of bones
cracking rippled in the air, followed by Li Dufeng’s miserable

What did Li Dufeng say earlier? Telling Huang Xiaolong to

cripple his own two arms and perform a hundred kowtows?

“You little punk, do you know who I am? I’ll not let you go!”
Li Dufeng roared these words out at the top of his lungs, his
eyes filled with boiling rage. If looks could kill a person,
Huang Xiaolong would have died a hundred times over by

“Pardon me, I have no interest in knowing who you are.”

Came Huang Xiaolong’s indifferent reply, then he raised his
foot again, stomping down on the other hand. The sound of
breaking bones rang once again on the mountain peak.

This time, Huang Xiaolong secretly used a fraction of

internal force, nearly causing Li Dufeng to cry for his
“This brother, I’m Wang Chengsan, give me some face, let
the matter end here.” At this point, a young man that could
be considered handsome and a little feminine stepped
forward to persuade Huang Xiaolong.

This young man, Wang Chengsan, was strong. His strength

was above Li Dufeng’s, ranked sixth among the inner
disciples Great Ten.

“Give you face?” Huang Xiaolong turned around, a cold

smirk on his face, “Why should I give you face? Is your
reputation very big?” Huang Xiaolong did not forget that this
Wang Chengsan was the one who clamored the most,
inciting the other inner disciples. The same one who said
that Huang Xiaolong’s brain was damaged, that he was
crazy, that he was nothing but dregs before Li Dufeng.

Wang Chengsan was taken aback by Huang Xiaolong’s

reply, a deep flush quickly climbed up his face, clearly
showing his anger. He didn’t expect someone that had just
been promoted to an inner disciple to dare speak to him in
such manner, not leaving an ounce of face for him at all.

There had yet to be anyone among the inner disciples who

dared to speak to him this way, even those few people that
ranked above him would still give him some face.

Wang Chengsan’s knuckles turned white, looking at Huang

Xiaolong with a frosty gaze. The energy fluctuations around
him surged and rose higher, however, just as everyone
thought that Wang Chengsan would attack, his rising
momentum abruptly converged and retreated to the side as
if nothing happened.

Everyone around was baffled by the sudden change.

Wang Chengsan actually retreated?! He… didn't have the
guts to confront this newly promoted inner disciple?

Sensing the many eyes on him, Wang Chengsan’s fists

clenched even harder under his sleeves, feeling great
humiliation in his heart. He wished more than anything to
blast Huang Xiaolong into mincemeat with his fists, but he
wasn’t confident.

Although he too could defeat Li Dufeng, it was impossible

for him to defeat Li Dufeng in one move like Huang

Huang Xiaolong’s display of strength made him feel


Therefore, he would endure! Endure for now, and later in the

future, he would pay it back ten times, a hundred times to
vent this anger.

Huang Xiaolong didn’t expect this Wang Chengsan to

suddenly retreat, this made him take another look at the
person, not everyone had this temperament. In fact, he was
just thinking that he might as well deal with this person in
one go. But, Huang Xiaolong didn’t mind this missed
opportunity too much.

His attention returned to Li Dufeng, saying, “Now, after you

give a thousand kowtows, you can roll down the mountain.”

More than one disapproving frown appeared among the

surrounding inner disciples.

“Brother, aren’t you being too ruthless? You have already

broken Li Dufeng’s arms, and now you’re asking for a
thousand kowtows.” Another inner disciple couldn’t resist
speaking up.
This inner disciple’s name was Zeng Feng, ranked fifth
amongst the Great Ten. Those capable of having a courtyard
on the mountain peak were all elite inner disciples.

“Too ruthless?” Huang Xiaolong sneered, “When Li Dufeng

attacked, wanting to cripple my Qi Sea and break both of
my arms, why did you not come out and say it’s too
ruthless? If my strength was weaker than him, my Qi Sea
would have crippled by now and both of my arms broken.
I’ve only broken his arms, yet you feel like I’m ruthless?”

An unnatural flush colored Zeng Feng from his face to his

neck, but he knew that Huang Xiaolong was highlighting the
facts. If it weren’t for Huang Xiaolong’s strength dominating
over Li Dufeng, the crippled one would definitely be Huang
Xiaolong instead. However, they subconsciously felt like it
was Huang Xiaolong’s fault. A newly promoted inner disciple
with his attitude was too lawless.

In the end, Zeng Feng didn’t speak another word.

“Damn punk, you’re definitely going to regret this!” Li

Dufeng glowered viciously at Huang Xiaolong.

“I only know that if you don’t kowtow a thousand times and

then roll down to the foot of the mountain, you’ll definitely
regret it.” Huang Xiaolong’s tone was chilling.

Li Dufeng looked like he was about to spit fire from his eyes
while Huang Xiaolong merely looked at him with cold

The others looked on, this time, no one said a word.

A short while later, right in front of everyone, Li Dufeng

flipped his body up, then his heads lowered, touching the
ground in a kowtow. This scene was shocking to the other
inner disciples.

One loud thud after another was heard as Li Dufeng

kowtowed again and again. The entire time, his killing intent
was akin to a roaring wrathful volcano, but it did not erupt,
for he knew that with his current strength he had no power
to resist against Huang Xiaolong. The result of resistance
would only end up more tragic than it was now. At that time,
Huang Xiaolong would likely crush his Qi Sea, and even
cripple his legs as well.

He gritted his teeth and held everything in.

Huang Xiaolong spared a few glances at Li Dufeng. Ignoring

everyone else, he walked into Yard No.1. Although this Yard
No.1’s spiritual energy was lense dense compared to the
Institute Principal’s manor, its environment was several
times better than the cultivation courtyards located at the

Inside the courtyard, there was a cultivation room, a study

room, and a small front hall. At the center of the yard was
an unknown spiritual tree emitting a refreshing faint scent.
A whiff of it actually helped calm one’s mind and will.

Other than these, there was also a back garden, space for
planting some spiritual flowers and grass. After taking a tour
around Yard No.1, he was quite satisfied with the place.

Despite its compact size, around two hundred square

meters, it could be considered a haven. How many geniuses
dreamt of having such a cultivation courtyard in the Black
Warrior Institute yet never had it realized. More importantly,
there was the protective formation laid out by the institute
in each courtyard. During cultivation, after activating it, he
wouldn't need to worry about others coming to disturb him.
‘But, the array is a little weak, I must strive to strengthen it
in the next two days.’ Huang Xiaolong made a mental note.
Although he was not very skilled in array formations, he did
learn some from Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi in recent years, it
could be considered as having some superficial knowledge.
A little rearranging could increase the strength of the array

On the outside, the crowd of inner disciples also dispersed

after watching Huang Xiaolong stepping inside Yard No.1,
each one returning to their own cultivation courtyard.

Staying there any longer would only increase Li Dufeng’s

humiliation, who knew if Li Dufeng would direct his
resentment onto them instead.

No one wanted to get involved in endless troubles.

Some time later, Li Dufeng completed his one thousand

kowtows and stood up. Throwing a vicious look at Yard No.
1, he turned around and left.

As for Wang Chengsan, a piercing gleam flickered in his

eyes the instant he returned to his own yard, that new punk
made him lose face in public. He was greatly upset by this.

“I’ll take care of you once I have your background

investigated.” Killing intent flitted in his pupils.
Chapter 565: Buying A Manor

Huang Xiaolong watched with a sneer as the other inner

disciples, as well as Li Dufeng, left. He was sure that Li
Dufeng would not let this matter slide, however, this only
made things livelier.

Although he couldn't really kill the opponent within the

Black Warrior Institute grounds, next time it definitely
wouldn't be as simple as two broken arms.

The news that one of the inner disciples’ Great Ten, Li

Dufeng, was sent flying by Huang Xiaolong with a single
move, and on top of that had both arms broken by Huang
Xiaolong and gave a thousand kowtow at the end spread
like wildfire. Not only in the ranks of inner disciples, it
spread throughout the whole Black Warrior Institute, raising
waves of shock.

The impact of this news was larger than Huang Xiaolong

defeating Wang Biaoyuan in a single strike during the outer
disciple assessment, it was even more shocking, rousing the
hot blood of both inner and outer disciples.

After all, Wang Biaoyuan was merely a late-Second Order

God Realm. Who was Li Dufeng? A late-Third Order God
Realm master! Moreover, he wasn’t any average late-Third
Order inner disciple.

Huang Xiaolong, at early Second Order God Realm, defeated

a late-Third Order God Realm master in one move. This was
the shocking point. When the two outer disciples who
challenged Huang Xiaolong during the outer disciple
assessment, Xie Ning, and Luo Kai, heard this news, they
only felt their limbs go cold, half frightened to death.
Institute Principal Feng Yang, who was cultivating in his
manor, was stunned for half a day when he heard this piece
of news. Then, he erupted, laughing madly with happiness.
Being able to receive such a disciple, what more could he
ask for?

The Huang Xiaolong who could defeat a late-Second Order

God Realm Wang Biaoyuan in one move had made all those
super forces high experts’ eyeballs nearly pop out of their
sockets and their jaws fall to the floor. But now he truly felt
the extent of his fourth disciple’s genius.

Inside one of the cultivation courtyards at the mid-mountain

area, Gudu Leng stood with his hands behind his back. His
face a myriad of wonderful expressions. Of course he heard
about Huang Xiaolong defeating Li Dufeng. Recalling his
hesitation on challenging Huang Xiaolong during the outer
disciple assessment, the muscles on Gudu Leng’s face
involuntarily twitched.

This was the first time in his life feeling powerless and
frustrated. Not even when Huang Xiaolong took the first
place in the outer disciple assessment had he felt like this.

Originally, after being promoted to an inner disciple, he had

thought that he could defeat Huang Xiaolong during the
inner disciple assessment. However, this idea was now

In the past, he had always considered himself a monstrous

genius, no other person could rival his talent. But now, he
finally realized what a genuine monstrous genius was. His
talent before Huang Xiaolong was less than a fart.

A few days ago, when he was promoted to an inner disciple,

the institute also arranged a mountain peak cultivation
courtyard for him, however, he himself ‘tactfully’ conceded
it, moving to the mid-mountain area on his own accord.

He knew full well the extent of his strength. Perhaps after

another two hundred years of cultivation he would obtain
the qualification to move up to the peak.

Inside Yard No.1, Huang Xiaolong cared not how intense the
rumors outside were, talking about how he defeated Li
Dufeng with one strike. He cultivated wholeheartedly, and
also spared some time to strengthen the array around the

On this day, Huang Xiaolong ended his practice. Both hands

grabbed in front of him and pure spiritual energy from deep
in the void surged, gathered, and condensed, turning into
three pieces of spirit stones.

Spiritual energy continued to swirl around the spirit stones,

not dissipating, vibrant and dense—high grade one spirit
stones! Yes, high grade one spirit stones!

Before breaking into Second Order God Realm, no matter

what method he tried, he failed to condense high grade one
spirit stones. The highest he ever managed was mid grade
one spirit stone. After he stepped into Second Order God
Realm, the time and space laws inside his soul sea greatly
enhanced, enabling him to condense high grade spirit

Currently, the number of time and space law threads in

Huang Xiaolong’s soul sea had more than doubled, reaching
close to twenty-one thousand. Furthermore, each thread
was two meters long and twice the thickness of a thumb.

On average, a Second Order God Realm master had around

two thousand time and space treads in their soul sea. Huang
Xiaolong’s had exactly ten times their amount.
Consequently, Huang Xiaolong’s battle power was not as
simple as ten times stronger than them.

Even some more powerful late-Third Order God Realm

experts’ time and space law threads barely reached twenty
thousand, not to mention the fact that their length and
thickness couldn't be compared to Huang Xiaolong’s

Huang Xiaolong continued to gather more spiritual energy,

condensing it into high grade one spirit stones. Very quickly,
one hour passed. In front of Huang Xiaolong laid a pile of
spirits stones. In fact, there were ten thousand pieces in

According to the market price, one high grade spirit stone

could be exchanged for a little more than one thousand
Xuanwu coins. Therefore, ten thousand spirit stones brought
Huang Xiaolong’s new wealth close to ten million Xuanwu

With Huang Xiaolong’s condensing speed, twenty-four hours

in one day, he could condense more than two hundred
thousand pieces, bringing him more than two hundred

Two hundred million ah!

That time, when he auctioned a piece of high divine grade

spirit stone, it was only eighty-three million!

“Now, you kid can be considered as a bottomless,

inexhaustible spirit stone mountain,” Dragon Emperor Ao
Taiyi spoke. “If those old monsters found out that you have
such an ability, they’d be fighting all over themselves to
have their granddaughter marry you.”
Huang Xiaolong laughed, “Even if I didn't have this ability,
those old monsters are already fighting to have their
granddaughters marry me.” Although Huang Xiaolong was
joking with Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi, indeed there were
many top forces’ Ancestors and Patriarchs trying to have
their granddaughters or daughters linked with Huang
Xiaolong through marriage.

Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi couldn’t resist laughing, “A pity.

Your Master Feng Yang, that old man, doesn’t have a
daughter, otherwise he’d probably betroth his daughter to

Huang Xiaolong merely smiled.

“What are you planning to do with so many high grade one

spirit stones?” Dragon Emperor Ao Taiyi asked.

“Of course it’s for buying a manor.” Huang Xiaolong rolled

his eyes, explaining, “I decided to take a trip back to the
Martial Spirit World in a few days and bring my family over
to the Cloudsea Mainland.”

Only after bringing his family over to the Cloudsea Mainland

would they be safe enough. Only then would Huang
Xiaolong feel reassured.

A manor in the Cloudsea Mainland didn't come cheap, even

a manor in small cities required over a hundred million.

Since Huang Xiaolong was planning to migrate the Huang

Family over to the Cloudsea Mainland, he needed to
purchase a bigger manor. By his estimation, he needed to
prepare at least one billion Xuanwu coins.

One billion Xuanwu coins was a difficult sum to a lot of

people, even the young lords from some super forces might
not be able to take out this amount. To Huang Xiaolong,
however, it was a matter of five days’ time.

Five days, selling off his five days effort, he’d have one

In the subsequent five days, Huang Xiaolong tirelessly

gathered and condensed spiritual energy from the void,
turning them into spirit stones. Five days later, Huang
Xiaolong’s Asura Ring was filled to the brim with more than
a million high grade one spirit stones.

At the end of the fifth day, Huang Xiaolong exhaled heavily.

Five full days of condensing spirit stones had really tired him

‘It seems like we need to look for some materials to reforge

the Asura Ring.’ Huang Xiaolong thought to himself. The
space inside the Asura Ring seemed a little small now,
prompting Huang Xiaolong to reforge it in order to increase
the space within. Being a God Realm master with the ability
to manipulate the time and space laws to construct an
independent space, reforging a spatial ring wasn't a difficult

Just as Huang Xiaolong was about to step out from his yard
to head to the Cloudsea Mainland to buy a manor, a young
man appeared outside his courtyard.

“He Can is here to pay brother Huang Xiaolong a visit.” The

young man spoke loudly from outside.

He Can? Huang Xiaolong’s interest piqued.
Chapter 566: Leader Of
The Inner Disciples' Great
Chapter 566: Leader of the Inner Disciples' Great Ten

Huang Xiaolong didn’t exactly spend his days like a hermit

in seclusion, he took some time to understand the inner
disciples’ environment in the last few days. He was aware of
those top personas among the inner disciples.

This He Can was not only one of the Great Ten inner
disciples, he ranked at number three!

The third strongest inner disciple!

Those capable of being promoted to a Black Warrior Institute

inner disciple were all genius among geniuses, and the
Great Ten inner disciples were each more outstanding than
the other. As for the top three, they were the crème de la
crème of inner disciple hierarchy.

What purpose did this He Can have in paying him a visit?

Bearing doubt in his heart, Huang Xiaolong proceeded to
deactivate the array surrounding his courtyard and walked

“Brother Huang.” Seeing Huang Xiaolong emerging from

within, He Can greeted with a fist-palm salute.

Huang Xiaolong returned the etiquette in the same manner,

slanting his body aside, inviting He Can into his yard. Both
men took a seat in the front hall.

After taking a seat, He Can issued a laugh before speaking,

“I’ve just returned from outside today and heard about
Brother Huang defeating Li Dufeng with one move. That Li
Dufeng has always acted overbearing due to his family
background, so bullying the weaker inner disciples is a
norm. Brother Huang teaching Li Dufeng a lesson like that
makes an immense number of people feel gratified.”

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand saying, “A small matter.”

Both men went on trading a few polite sentences before He

Can revealed his purpose.

“However, Li Dufeng is someone who holds a grudge,

Brother Huang should pay more attention. That Jiang Bi is
his cousin brother. At the moment he’s outside performing a
task, but he’ll be back to the institute in half a year’s time.
At that time, Jiang Bi will definitely make trouble for you,
Brother Huang.” He Can advised.

Jiang Bi, leader of the inner disciples’ Great Ten!

According to rumors, this Jiang Bi had broken through to

Fourth Order God Realm. After the upcoming inner disciple
assessment, he would be promoted to the ranks of elite

A slight crease wrinkled Huang Xiaolong’s brows thinking of

this. Although he took the time to understand some of the
workings between inner disciples, he knew of Jiang Bi’s
strength but wasn’t aware that Jiang Bi and Li Dufeng were

He might be the Institute Principal’s personal disciple, but

there were still certain things that weren't convenient for his
Master to intervene in—such as the friendly competition
between inner disciples.

Just like how Huang Xiaolong broke Li Dufeng’s arms and

made him kowtow one thousand times, and even the Li
Family, as one of the super forces, did not make any noise.

A short while later, He Can left, but not before extending an

open invitation to Huang Xiaolong to his courtyard when he
had time. He Can’s cultivation courtyard was located
nearby, a few hundred meters away from Yard No.1.

A light flickered in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes as he watched He

Can’s leaving figure. On the surface, this He Can seemed to
come with goodwill, but reminding Huang Xiaolong about
Jiang Bi with a veiled intention of currying favor with him
where in fact just him discreetly sowing dispute. A smiling
tiger [1], the kind of people that hid a dagger in their
sleeves while smiling at you.

This kind of people was unsuited to be taken as a friend. On

the other hand, that was Jiang Bi indeed a problem.

“Half a year?”

If he could break through to Third Order God Realm, he need

not be wary of this Jiang Bi, however, to do so in half a
year’s time… it wasn’t an impossible feat, for he could cross
over and practicing in Hell at any time.

‘Forget it, I’ll handle it when the times comes.’ Huang

Xiaolong thought to himself. It’s not like he would be afraid
even if that Jiang Bi really was a Fourth Order God Realm.
More importantly right now was to purchase a manor.

Huang Xiaolong exited Yard No.1, activated the array and

flew off, leaving the Misty Rain Mountain Range. He flew
toward the North Star Square’s transmission array.

When Huang Xiaolong arrived at the North Star Square, it

was one day later.

It was a rule that every disciple that wanted to use the

transmission array had to pay a fee, unless it was an Elder
or higher rank, which were exempted from paying any fees.
Moreover, the transmission fee was a scary number. For
each usage of a single transmission, a disciple was charged
one million Xuanwu coins.

One million Xuanwu coins was a significant amount for any

super forces’ core disciples, but Huang Xiaolong, who was
rich and afforded to be extravagant at this point, he really
did not put this one million Xuanwu coins in his eyes.

After paying the one million Xuanwu coins transmission fee,

Huang Xiaolong arrived shortly in the Cloudsea Mainland, at
the Black Warrior City’s Supreme Harmony Square through
the North Star Square transmission array.

Of course, there was another method other than using the

transmission array. By flying through the galaxy, with Huang
Xiaolong’s speed, he could arrive in the Cloudsea Mainland
in one month.

Arriving at the Supreme Harmony Square on the Cloudsea

Mainland, Huang Xiaolong’s first stop was one of the largest
exchange firms, the Azure Sea Firm.

Because Huang Xiaolong was wearing the Black Warrior

Institute’s inner disciple robe, the moment he entered the
Azure Sea Firm’s building, he was warmly welcomed by the
firm supervisor himself.
Naturally, a Black Warrior Institute inner disciple held a high
status within the Black Warrior City. But then again, even if
one were to strip away Huang Xiaolong’s inner disciple
status, as a Second order God Realm master, he’d garner a
high standing regardless where he went.

Still, when Huang Xiaolong brought out over a million pieces

of high grade one spirit stones from the Asura Ring, it
terrified the firm supervisor to the point where he forgot to
breathe, his legs shaking unsteadily.

That was more than a million high grade spirit stones ah!

He had been a supervisor at this branch for more than two

thousand years, but this was his first time looking at so
many high grade spirit stones piled high up in front of him.
More than a million spirit stones piled up, that was a quite a
high mountain.

It was quite some time later before the firm supervisor

recovered from his shock. His throat was dry and his hands
were trembling as he calculated the mountain of high grade
spirit stones.

In the end, it came up to 1,213,621 pieces. Multiply that by

1400 Xuanwu coins for each spirit stone, giving Huang
Xiaolong more than 1.6 billion Xuanwu coins.

When Huang Xiaolong walked out from the firm, the firm
supervisor was literally prostrating before Huang Xiaolong,
extremely polite and flattering as he personally sent Huang
Xiaolong out.

Before Huang Xiaolong left, the firm supervisor gave Huang

Xiaolong a supreme guest card, only then did he find out
that Huang Xiaolong was looking for a property. He seized
the chance, enthusiastically giving several property
recommendations that belonged to their Azure Sea Firm.

Since there was a rule allowing only elite disciples and

higher to purchase a property within the Black Warrior City,
Huang Xiaolong could only search in other cities. The good
thing was that Huang Xiaolong didn't lack money. When he
got promoted later on to an elite disciple, he could buy
another property in the city itself.

A while later, Huang Xiaolong left the Black Warrior City,

flying toward to largest city closest to it, Changzhi City. He
arrived half an hour later and headed straight to the Azure
Sea Firm branch. But just as he stepped inside the hall, he
ran into some unexpected people.

Zhao Chen, Xie Hui!

That’s right, the son of Sin City’s Mayor in the Bedlams

Land, Zhao Yi’s son, Zhao Chen, and also Cosmos God Cult’s
Young Lord, Xie Hui!

“Huang Xiaolong!” Neither Zhao Chen nor Xie Hui imagined

that they would run into Huang Xiaolong here. A surprised
exclamation escaped their mouths.

That time, when Huang Xiaolong unified the whole Martial

Spirit World, Zhao Yi and his son Zhao Chen fled back to
Peace Emperor World.

Killing intent exploded in Zhao Chen and Xie Hui’s eyes,

regaining their senses.

In the Martial Spirit World, one was Sin City’s Young Lord,
whereas the other was Cosmos God Cult’s Young Lord, their
status allows them to call for wind and summon the rain,
whatever their hearts desired, but because of Huang
Xiaolong, they fled like mongrels out of the Martial Spirit

All of it was because of Huang Xiaolong!

1. A seemingly kind but inwardly a ruthless and cunning

Chapter 567: Returning To The Martial Spirit World

Zhao Chen and Xie Hui desired nothing more than to tear
Huang Xiaolong apart even in their dreams, to feast on his
flesh and drink his blood, but neither of them lost reason,
noticing the black tortoise emblem on the chest of Huang
Xiaolong’s robe. Both were dazed for a moment, the surging
killing intent emitted from their bodies immediately reduced
by half.

Although the Zhao and Xie Families weren’t among the

Black Tortoise Galaxy’s first rank forces, they were by no
means small or insignificant. At least, as a member of the
Zhao Family and a Xie Family disciple, both young men
could recognize the Black Warrior Institute’s uniform.

The Black Warrior Institute! Their hearts shuddered. Never

did they imagine that not only did Huang Xiaolong manage
to enter the Black Warrior Institute, he was even an inner

“Huang Xiaolong, you’re quite lucky ah, running into

unbelievable dogshit luck, becoming a Black Warrior
Institute inner disciple.” Zhao Chen spouted mocking words,
inwardly, his heart was raging with hate, jealousy, and
killing intent.

The news of Huang Xiaolong being received by the Black

Warrior Institute Principal as a personal disciple was only
made known to the super forces and first rank forces. Mid-
level forces like the Zhao and Xie Families were not included
in the loop.

Forget the younger generation like Zhao Chen and Xie Hui,
even the Patriarchs and Elders of these families were still in
the dark about the fact that the Black Warrior Institute’s
Principal had taken in a new disciple.

This situation could be portrayed by the old Huang Clan

Manor. As the head of Huang Clan Manor, it was impossible
for Huang Qide to know what took place in the Duanren
Empire, for there was a mammoth difference in their
identities. Huang Qide had no way of touching matters of
that level.

“But, so what if you’re a Black Warrior Institute’s inner

disciple?” Xie Hui sneered. “Can a Black Warrior Institute
inner disciple save the entire Martial Spirit World?”

Although seeing with their own eyes that Huang Xiaolong

was a Black Warrior Institute’s inner disciple, both Zhao
Chen and Xie Hui weren’t apprehensive in the least, even
knowing that Huang Xiaolong must be a God Realm master,
for they were in the Cloudsea Mainland, Changzhi City!

Even most Elders belonging to the super forces’ families

dared not deliberately attack in Changzhi City.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed dangerously all of a

sudden. An overwhelming pressure from killing intent froze
the surroundings, as if it was a thousand zhang ice cave,
causing Zhao Chen and Xie Hui’s faces to turn ash-gray.

“What did you say just now?!” Huang Xiaolong’s gaze was
sharp like knives.

“Hehe, you didn’t hear it clear enough? Huang Xiaolong, to

tell you the truth, the Ying Family has already found out that
you’re the one who killed Ying Tian. Two months ago,
they’ve sent experts to the Martial Spirit World, they might
have already arrived by now.” Zhao Chen selectively
ignored the dense killing aura from Huang Xiaolong,
regaining his composure after his initial shock, rubbing it to
Huang Xiaolong’s face with a wide sneer.

“Who knows, if you try to rush back to the Martial Spirit

World now, perhaps you can still collect your parents,
siblings, and subordinates’ bodies. If you dally here a few
more days, perhaps you won’t even be able to find their
bodies.” Xie Hui burst into manic laughter.

Huang Xiaolong’s face paled slightly, his hands tightly

clenched—Ying Family!

He did not expect the Ying Family to find out so quickly!

“Ah, I forgot to tell you, the reason why the Ying Family was
able to find out so quickly about Preceptor Ying Tian’s
murdered is courtesy of our Zhao Family. We informed
them.” Zhao Chen also burst out laughing, looking
extremely complacent and proud.

“You!” Huang Xiaolong’s eyes were red with fury, the energy
fluctuations around him became intense, suffocating,
soaring to the sky.

Before Huang Xiaolong’s terrifying aura, Zhao Chen and Xie

Hui felt increasingly difficult to breathe, akin to a little fish
that had left the water, dead at any moment. At this
moment, they finally felt the genuine terror of Huang
Xiaolong’s strength.

Both of their fathers were also God Realm masters, but it

was disheartening to note that Huang Xiaolong’s
momentum seemed far stronger than even their fathers’.
Was this Huang Xiaolong’s strength after breaking into the
God Realm?
“Little brother, resolve peacefully if there’s any
disagreement, this is Changzhi City.” At this point, a voice
sounded out of nowhere. Searching for the source, a middle-
aged man in a brocade robe was seen walking out from the
Azure Sea Firm’s back hall.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes narrowed to a slit at this middle-

aged man’s emergence. Despite not exposing any aura,
Huang Xiaolong could tell that this middle-aged man was
definitely a master. Most likely not weaker than the Black
Warrior Institute’s Elder Zhang Tianchuan.

After a second of hesitation, Huang Xiaolong converged his


Just like what the middle-aged man said, this was Changzhi
City, in the Cloudsea Mainland. He couldn't kill Zhao Chen
and Xie Hui. Even his Master Feng Yang couldn't be
exempted from this rule.

No fighting and no killing in the Cloudsea Mainland was a

rule set by the Black Tortoise Galaxy’s twenty-two super

“There’ll be a day when I will personally annihilate both the

Zhao and Xie Families.” Huang Xiaolong shot an icy glance
toward Zhao Chen and Xie Hui before turning around and
left the Azure Sea Firm.

He was no longer in the mood to purchase a property right

now. His heart was filled with anxiety, wishing so badly he
could be back in the Martial Spirit World in the next second.

As for Zhao Chen and Xie Hui, they would be dead for sure
in the future! Then again, Huang Xiaolong did not intend to
let them die comfortably.
Zhao Chen and Xie Hui watched as Huang Xiaolong
converged his aura, turned around and left the Azure Sea
Firm, feeling like they just survived an ordeal. Despite
knowing for sure that the Cloudsea Mainland banned
fighting and killing, who could really say that Huang
Xiaolong wouldn't run amok all of a sudden, adamant in
killing them regardless of the punishment.

After regaining their composure, both flew into rage from

shame. Just now, they nearly pissed their pants from Huang
Xiaolong’s threatening aura. ‘Damn this Huang Xiaolong!’

In fact, both of them came over to the Azure Sea Firm to

purchase something under the orders of their family elders,
but they never imagined that they would be running into
Huang Xiaolong just as they were about to leave.

After confirming that Huang Xiaolong was really gone, Zhao

Chen and Xie Hui left the Azure Sea Firm.

“I didn’t expect that dog Huang Xiaolong to break through

to the God Realm so fast!” In Zhao Chen’s eyes glimmered
with hate and jealousy.

Fleeing back to the Peace Emperor World from the Martial

Spirit World, Zhao Chen had come across many good
encounters, and under the Zhao Family Elders’ guidance, his
strength had increased by leaps and bounds. Yet, to date, he
had only reached Sixth Order Saint realm.

Of course Zhao Chen wasn’t aware that Huang Xiaolong had

already broken through to peak early-Second Order God
Realm and defeated a late-Third Order God Realm, being an
outstanding genius. He assumed that Huang Xiaolong had
just advanced to the God Realm recently, a First Order God
Xie Hui smirked, “If he rushes back, with his strength alone,
what can he do? This time, the Ying Family actually sent two
Fifth Order God Realm masters to the Martial Spirit World. In
front of a Fifth Order God Realm, he’s nothing but a measly
ant. Not only is he powerless to save the Martial Spirit
World, powerless to save his Huang Family and his
subordinates, he’ll even lose his own life!”

“It’s a pity we won’t be able to kill this dog personally.” Zhao

Chen sneered.

“Later, after the two masters of the Ying Family kill Xiaolong,
we’ll return to the Martial Spirit World and conquer it once
over.” A cold gleam flashed in Xie Hui’s eyes, “Those
treacherous bastards that betrayed us and submitted to
Huang Xiaolong, I’ll make them regret it a thousand times

“Go, we should head back!”

Zhao Chen and Xie Hui flew eastward after coming out from
Changzhi City.

Whereas Huang Xiaolong flew at breakneck speed the

moment he exited Changzhi City. He had to think of a way to
return to Martial Spirit World quickly, but the fastest method
was through a transmission array. However, Martial Spirit
World’s transmission array couldn't be used, he could only
be transported to the closest world surface.

Unfortunately, Huang Xiaolong was not familiar with the

Black Tortoise Galaxy’s transmission array locations, neither
did he know what the closest world surface to Martial Spirit
World was, where he could be transferred to.

“This...I also don’t know the current status of the Black

Tortoise Galaxy’s transmission arrays.” Dragon Emperor Ao
Taiyi said. “Now, you can only rush back to the Black Warrior
Institute and ask your Master, he should know.”
Chapter 568: Masters
From The Ying Family
Chapter 568: Masters From the Ying Family

‘Ask Master?’

Huang Xiaolong was extremely anxious on the entire way

back from the Cloudsea Mainland to his Master’s manor.
Even using the transmission array, it would still take a day
off Huang Xiaolong’s time, right when time was of the
essence. If he could make it back to the Martial Spirit World
even a day earlier, the chances of him intercepting the Ying
Family would increase a little bit more.

But Huang Xiaolong knew there was nothing he could do at

the moment but rush back to the institute to see his Master.

Furthermore, he didn't know how many masters the Ying

Family sent to the Martial Spirit World. Displaying all his
trump cards, his current strength could, at most, battle an
early Fourth Order God Realm. But the chances of winning
were very slim.

If the Ying Family sent masters higher than early Fourth

Order God Realm to the Martial Spirit World, then Huang
Xiaolong soldering back alone would be a futile effort in the
end. He’d be powerless against them.

However, just as Huang Xiaolong made it to the Black

Warrior City’s transmission Array to transfer back to the
Black Tortoise World, the transmission array before him
released a bright light as a man and a woman walked out.
“Eldest Senior-Apprentice brother, Third-Apprentice Sister!”
Huang Xiaolong was pleasantly surprised.

The two individuals that came out from the transmission

array were none other than his Eldest Senior-Apprentice
brother Liu Yun and Third Senior-Apprentice Sister Qi Wen.

“Fourth Junior-Apprentice brother!” They too did not expect

to run into Huang Xiaolong.

“Fourth Junior-Apprentice brother, where are you going?”

Noticing the anxiety on Huang Xiaolong’s face, Eldest
Senior-Apprentice brother Liu Yun inquired.

Liu Yun had heard about how Huang Xiaolong sent Li Dufeng
flying with one strike on the Misty Rain Mountain Range,
therefore Liu Yun’s gaze was slightly weird when he looked
at this youngest apprentice-brother of his. Before the outer
disciple assessment, he even tried to remind Huang
Xiaolong to watch out for Gudu Leng and Wang Biaoyuan.

The way Third-Apprentice Sister Qi Wen looked at Huang

Xiaolong was also a little strange. She had always thought
her own talent was shocking, but only now did she realize
that compared to this little Fourth Junior-Apprentice brother,
her level of talent seemed superficial.

Hearing his Eldest Senior-Apprentice brother asking, Huang

Xiaolong recounted the earlier event briefly to Liu Yun.

“I know about the Iron Radix World having a transmission

array. Let’s go, Junior Apprentice-brother, I and your Third
Senior-Apprentice sister will go to the Martial Spirit World
with you.” Hearing that Huang Xiaolong’s family was in
danger, he too became anxious, the words blurted out from
his mouth without hesitation.
Originally, in this trip to the Black Warrior City, he and Qi
Wen were planning to purchase something from the auction
house, however, they couldn't be bothered with that matter
right now.

Liu Yun words made Huang Xiaolong overjoyed. He didn’t

expect that his Eldest Senior-Apprentice brother was
someone well versed in the transmission arrays network,
moreover, with him and Third Senior-Apprentice sister
willing to accompany him back to Martial Spirit World, he no
longer worried about the Ying Family.

Despite not knowing his Eldest Senior-Apprentice brother

and Third Senior-Apprentice sister’s true strength, he knew
that both of them were Tenth Order God Realm and above.

Uptight about his family’s safety, Huang Xiaolong did not

refuse their offer. Immediately, all three of them stepped
into the transmission array and departed.

However, it was not a direct one-way transfer from the

Cloudsea Mainland to reach the Iron Radix World.
Transmission arrays, in simple terms, were just a Highgod
Realm master constructing a teleportation formation based
on their space law comprehension, but this was limited to a
certain distance.

Huang Xiaolong’s group of three departed from the Black

Warrior City, arriving in a place called the Cosmos World
surface. Upon arriving, the three of them did not rest,
immediately rushing for the next transmission out, reaching
a world surface called Guoer World.

The entire way, going through more than a dozen

transmission arrays, the three of them finally reached the
Iron Radix World. Flying from Iron Radix World to the Martial
Spirit World at their fastest speed, would only take a day’s
time, according to Liu Yun.

However, when Liu Yun and Qi Wen walked out from the Iron
Radix World’s transmission array, both of them had
flabbergasted expressions on their faces. Every time the
three of them used the transmission arrays, the lowest fee
required them to pay one million Xuanwu coins per person.
Hence, the lowest sum for each transfer for their group of
three was three million Xuanwu coins. With more than a
dozen transfers along the way, it racked up close to fifty
million Xuanwu coins!

Fifty million Xuanwu coins, even for Tenth Order God Realm
masters like Liu Yun and Qi Wen was no small change. But
Huang Xiaolong paid the fifty million Xuanwu coins without
so much as a frown.

Inwardly, Liu Yun and Qi Wen were worried about the

transmission fees at the beginning, for neither of them
carried that much money when they came out from the

At this moment, Huang Xiaolong’s wealth had blown them


Liu Yun and Qi Wen knew of the Martial Spirit World. To

them, it was even lesser than a remote countryside.

Ignorant of the thoughts running through his senior-

apprentices’ minds, Huang Xiaolong’s figure shot to the sky
the instant he stepped out from the transmission array,
desperate to find out the situation in the Martial Spirit

His mother, father, his sister and brother! And also, Shi
The familiar faces of his family revolved in his mind. Every
time he thought that the Ying Family’s masters had already
reached the Martial Spirit World crossed his mind, that they
may have already acted against the Huang Family, already
made a move on Shi Xiaofei, or worse yet, the entire Huang
Family and Shi Xiaofei already met with misfortune, Huang
Xiaolong became even more anxious, filled with unease, and
struck with heavy guilt.

If, by any chance, something really did happen to his

parents and the others, his conscience would never let him
be at ease for his entire life—because he was the one who
killed Ying Tian. He was the reason the Ying Family sent
high-level masters over to a small Martial Spirit World.

“Fourth Junior-Apprentice brother, don’t be so anxious. Uncle

and Auntie will be alright.” Watching Huang Xiaolong grew
more desperate and anxious by the second, Liu Yun spoke to
reassure him.

“That’s right, Fourth Junior-Apprentice brother.” Qi Wen also

tried to comfort Huang Xiaolong, “We’ve investigated about
that Ying Family earlier, a family from the Twin Celestial
World, which is located far from the Martial Spirit World.
Even if a mid-level God Realm master flies at full speed,
they would need at least two months to make it to the
Martial Spirit World. Therefore, those people from the Ying
Family very likely haven't arrived yet.”

“If the Ying Family wants to deal with the Martial Spirit
World, they would at most send a Fourth or Fifth Order God
Realm master.” Liu Yun analyzed solemnly. “Chances of
them sending over high-level God Realm masters is
This was Liu Yun’s conclusion, taking into consideration the
Ying Family and the Martial Spirit World’s situation.

Before sending people over to the Martial Spirit World, the

Ying Family had definitely gathered information regarding
the Martial Spirit World from the Zhao and Xie Families.
Currently, there was no God Realm expert in the Martial
Spirit World, simply sending two or three Second Order or
Third Order God Realm masters was more than sufficient to
take over the whole Martial Spirit World. Therefore, Liu Yun
judged that the masters sent out by the Ying Family
wouldn't exceed Fifth Order God Realm.

Listening to Liu Yun and Qi Wen’s words, Huang Xiaolong’s

anxious heart calmed down slightly. Only slightly.

Three people flew at their fastest speed toward the Martial

Spirit World.

While the three continuously narrowed the distance to the

Martial Spirit World, somewhere in the vast galaxy, there
were two more people flying at high speed in the same

Both men were clad in purple brocade robes, one old and
one young. The older man was fat, whereas the young man
was the opposite. It was undeniably a strange combination.

“The Martial World is right in front, we'll arrive in another

half a day.” The fat old man said, “If it were up to me, a
weak world surface like the Martial Spirit World is too
insignificant for the Patriarch to actually send us, the Ying
Family’s twin heroes. The Patriarch is being too cautious.”

The small lean young man said, “Once we've arrived, just
kill off all the members of the Huang Family first. After we
capture that Huang Xiaolong, we must enjoy the fruits of our
labor for a few days.”

For the past two months, they had been rushing the entire
journey. It was dull and boring, even their lower part seemed
to emit a stench.

The fat old man chuckled, “Rumors say that the so-called
Martial Spirit World’s number one beauty, Shi Xiaofei, is
even prettier than our Twin Celestial World’s Zhou Ying.
Indeed, we absolutely must reward ourselves and enjoy a
Chapter 569: Annihilate The Huang Clan Manor From Top To

“Zhou Ying, that cheap slut, if it weren’t for the protection of

the Fu Family, I’d have done her to death.” The lean young
man fumed, “Sooner or later, there’ll be a day when she has
to kneel before me and lick my toes!”

The fat old man changed the subject, “Let’s not talk about
Zhou Ying, that cheap slut. Then again, I didn’t expect that
kid Ying Tian to die in the hands of a kid that’s not even half-
step God Realm!”

“Otherwise the Patriarch wouldn’t have ordered us to

capture this Huang Xiaolong alive.” The lean young man
continued, “After capturing him, the Patriarch definitely
wants to force out the cultivation technique he uses of him,
as well as research the bloodline and potential in his body!”

This pair of Ying Family ‘twin heroes’ chit-chatted as they

continued to fly at high speed toward the Martial Spirit
World. Coincidentally, they were coming from the opposite
direction of Huang Xiaolong. One group was closing in on
the Martial Spirit World from the north side, while the other
was rushing back from the south direction.

In the boundless galaxy, the closer Huang Xiaolong got, the

stronger his unease grew.

After another short distance of flying, Huang Xiaolong

gritted his teeth and took out the Godly Mt. Xumi as well as
the remaining five divine grade spirit stones, placing them
at the center of the Ten Buddha Formation. The rest of the
way was made using the Godly Mt. Xumi. As for the person
in charge of activating the formation, it was Eldest Senior-
Apprentice brother Liu Yun.
Looking at the Godly Mt. Xumi and divine grade spirit
stones, Liu Yun and Qi Wen once again lamented in secret.
Space divine artifact like the Godly Mt. Xumi was extremely
rare in the whole Black Tortoise Galaxy.

However, with Liu Yun at the helm and divine grade spirit
stones as energy source, their speed was indeed much
faster than before. In the endless dark space, the Godly Mt.
Xumi sped past at high speed like an asteroid, aiming for
the Martial Spirit World.

Within the territories of the Duanren Empire in the Martial

Spirit World, it was another peaceful day at the Huang Clan
Manor. Over three hundred Saint realm experts were hidden
in the corners, protecting the safety of the Huang Clan

Inside Huang Clan Manor, laughter rippled as two figures

went tit-for-tat, trading fist for fist with each other in the air
above the front hall square. A sudden loud blast resounded
and the two figures separated from each other.

On one side was a man about thirty and the other side was
a youth no more than thirteen to fourteen years of age.

“Haha, Little Uncle, if you don’t put in more effort, in

another two years, you won’t be my opponent!” the youth

“Go ahead and act proud! I know you kid’s talent is better
than mine. You only know to come for sparring, wait till your
Big Uncle comes back, at that time, come look for me if you
dare.” The young man teased.

This youth and young man were none other than Huang
Xiaolong’s nephew, Guo Xiaofan, and younger brother,
Huang Xiaohai.
Six years had passed since Huang Xiaolong left the Martial
Spirit World, the little kid from that time had grown into a
fine young man.

Guo Xiaofan grinned sheepishly, “Forget this, sparring with

Big Uncle with my little strength, it’s basically self-seeking

Both men laughed.

Right at this time, two figures entered the Martial Spirit

World from the galaxy outside, passing through its chaotic
space layer, standing high in the sky above.

These two men were exactly the Ying Family’s ‘twin heroes’.

Peering at the mountains and rivers below, the fat old man
shook his head, “This Martial Spirit World’s scenery is not
bad, but the spiritual energy is too thin. In that year’s Great
Godfiend War, the Martial Spirit World suffered the most
damage, all of its God and Highgod Realm warriors have
fallen. Who knows how many hundreds of thousands of
years it will take to recover.”

The lean young man urged, “Come on, don’t just stand here
and look. Even if the Devil Surpreme’s grand army comes
again the next time, it has nothing to do with us. The people
above will hold the sky, let’s hurry and finish our task.”

Both men turned into a streak of light, disappearing in a

flicker. In the blink of an eye, they were standing in the air
above Snow Wind Continent.

“Find a Saint realm warrior for directions.”

The fat old man spread out his spiritual sense, and both
men disappeared from view, appearing above a tall
mountain peak. A palm pressed down lightly on the peak
and the entire mountain crumbled into countless dust
particles without a single sound.

Within that mountain peak, the Saint realm warrior

cultivating there was paralyzed with fear.

With a simple gesture, the Saint realm warrior felt his body
being pulled upwards without his control to the front of the
lean young man. A trace of purple flashed in the lean young
man’s pupils as a purple light beam pierced into the Saint
realm warrior’s forehead. The Saint realm warrior’s eyes lost
its brilliance, turning dazed as if his soul was stripped away.

“Which empire is this?”

“Spring Faun Empire.”

“Go, lead us to Luo Tong Kingdom’s Huang Clan Manor.”

That Saint realm warrior complied respectfully, flying in

front as he led the two toward Luo Tong Kingdom’s Huang
Clan Manor.

Spring Faun Empire was right beside the Duanren Empire. It

didn’t take them long to cross over to the Duanren Empire’s

Three hours later, the Ying Family’s twin heroes were

peering down at the Huang Clan Manor that rivaled an
imperial palace. The fat old man spoke first, “This Huang
Xiaolong really put a lot of thought and resources into this
place, to actually station over three hundred Saint realm
warriors to protect a small Huang Clan Manor.”

“Over three hundred Saint realm warriors might be able to

withstand a First Order God Realm,” the lean young man
snorted, “But in front of us, this is not enough.” As he said
that, his finger poke at the Huang Clan Manor in front, as if
he was poking at a bubble.

In an instant, the air high above rumbled loudly like a

thunderbolt on a clear day. Then, the earth shook vigorously
as if it would never stop, and a terrifying power of
destruction enveloped the Huang Clan Manor.

Everyone inside the Huang Clan Manor became ashen. What

was happening?!

In the sky high above, shadows appeared from numerous

corners as all the Saint realm guards of the Huang Clan
Manor revealed themselves. Dense, monstrous ghostly aura
spewed from the Devils and Ghosts Flag, turning into a
stream of evil spirits, covering the entire Huang Clan Manor.

“Eh? Array formation spiritual tool?” The fat old man was a
little surprised when he saw the flag hovering in the void,
before laughing happily, “What a pleasant surprise, I didn’t
expect the Martial Spirit World to have something like this.
Although its grade is a little low, it’s still a treasure that is
worth some Xuanwu coins.” His hand reached up, flicking
toward the flag.

A purple giant hand formed out of nowhere, and wherever

this giant purple hand passed, all the evil spirits from the
Devils and Ghosts Flag dissipated. The flag quivered, and in
a matter of moments, it was pulled out from the void by the
giant purple hand.

Streaks of light flew out from the Huang Clan Manor, it was
the members of the Huang Family.

The Saint realm warriors tasked with protecting the Huang

Clan Manor swiftly launched attacks toward the fat old man
and lean young man. Fists and palms covered the sky.

Watching the waves of fists and palm directed at them, the

lean young man snorted with contempt, “A bunch of ants
dare to attack us.” Like slapping away annoying flies, his
hand slapped away these attacks as if they were nothing.

Thunderous explosions rumbled. In the next moment, the

more than three hundred Saint realm warriors tasked with
guarding the Huang Clan Manor were sent flying all at once.
Some of them even exploded in midair.

In less than a breath’s time, over three hundred Saint realm

warriors were either dead or gravely injured. Defeated in the
most devastating manner.

Every member of the Huang Family paled at this scene.

“Who are you?” Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu stood in front of the
Huang Family, blocking in front of them, watching the fat old
man and lean young man with trepidation.

“Who are we?” The lean young man taunted, “Just so you
can die peacefully knowing who killed you, we can be
generous and tell you. We’re Elders of the Twin Celestial
World’s Ying Family. Huang Xiaolong killed our Ying Family’s
disciple, Ying Tian. Our purpose this time is to annihilate the
Huang Family from top to bottom.”

Deities Templar’s Preceptor, Ying Tian?

Their faces turned deathly pale, no one thought it would be

the Ying Family.

The fat old man suddenly slapped a palm down through the
void, sweeping away Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu who were
blocking in front of the Huang Family. Blood spurted
violently from Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu’s mouths as they
crashed heavily into the mountain behind the Huang Clan

“Left Custodian Zhao! Right Custodian Zhang!” All of the

Huang Family members cried out in alarm.
Chapter 570: We'Re Fifth
Order God Realm Masters
Chapter 570: We're Fifth Order God Realm Masters

The fat old man didn’t even spare a glance in Zhao Shu and
Zhang Fu’s direction after sweeping them away. He turned
toward the Huang Family’s ears: “Tell Huang Xiaolong to roll
out here!”

His curt voice rumbled like a furious thunder, shaking the

minds of every member of the Huang Family, causing
everyone to vomit blood from the penetrating shockwave.

“My Big Uncle is not here!” Amidst the group of people Guo
Xiaofan stepped out to the front with anger shining in his
eyes, “To tell you the truth, my Big Uncle is already a Black
Warrior Institute disciple, if you dare to kill us, Big Uncle will
never spare you!”

A Black Warrior Institute disciple! Both the fat old man and
lean young man were stunned, neither of them thought of
the possibility that Huang Xiaolong wouldn’t be in Martial
Spirit World.

“A Black Warrior Institute disciple?” The lean young man

snickered, “Little friend, you nearly frightened me to death
just now.” His words and tone filled with incessant mockery.

The fat old man also sneered with contempt, “So what if
he’s a Black Warrior Institute disciple? You think our Ying
Family would be afraid of a mere Black Warrior Institute
outer disciple?” Indeed, for the Ying Family, someone who
had just passed through the selection assessment was too
insignificant to be considered a threat.

The lean young man was scanning through the faces of the
Huang Family, but just as he lifted his hand preparing to kill
all of them once and for all, his eyes suddenly lit up. He
spotted Shi Xiaofei among the people below.

Noticing the pause in the lean young man’s actions, the fat
old man’s eyes followed his gaze. Seeing the object at the
other end, the fat old man’s eyes lit up as well.

“Little beauty, you’re the one they call the number one
beauty of the Martial Spirit World, Shi Xiaofei, right?” The
lean young man revealed a lecherous grin, “A real beauty
indeed. A few points higher than that cheap slut, Zhou Ying.
Hehe, still a virgin as well, what a pleasant surprise.” He
was smacking his lips at the end.

The fat old man joined in with a wicked cackle, a force from
his palm easily pulled Shi Xiaofei out from the group,
making her fly to the sky, where they were.

Shi Xiaofei went deathly pale. She tried to struggle free, but
to her dismay, she actually couldn’t move an inch as she
‘flew’ toward the two men.

Leaving Shi Xiaofei hovering in front of them, the fat old

man moved in closer to Shi Xiaofei, his nose scrunched up
as he made several exaggerated sniffs at the untainted
scent coming from her body. Drunk from her scent, the
wicked light in the fat old man’s eyes increased, and at the
same time, his lower male part had an instant reaction.


“Sister Xiaofei!”
Everyone below cried out in alarm.

The fat old man looked over at the Huang Family members.

“Hehe, go die!” A thick killing intent flashed across his eyes,

his right palm raised and slammed down at the crowd of
Huang Family.

When the palm attack was about to send everyone flying, a

sudden sword light flew from the void, immediately slicing
the fat old man’s palm imprint into two.

Everyone present was stunned for a moment.

In the next moment, three human silhouettes came

whistling through the wind from afar.

“Big brother Huang!”


When they saw who one of the three people was, every
Huang Family member was overjoyed, crying out his name.

The three people were none other than Huang Xiaolong, Liu
Yun, and Qi Wen who rushed all the way from the Cloudsea

The fat old man and lean young man both snapped around,
their eyes narrowed dangerously at the interruption.

A brief moment later, Huang Xiaolong’s group of three had

arrived at the Huang Clan Manor, stopping in front of

A Black Warrior Institute’s inner disciple? The fat old man

and his partner immediately noted the inner disciple robe on
Huang Xiaolong. Both of them were shocked inwardly and
exchanged a silent look.

If Huang Xiaolong was just an average Black Warrior

Institute outer disciple, the two of them would not have any
scruples, however, neither of them expected Huang
Xiaolong to be promoted to an inner disciple in such a short

Murdering a Black Warrior Institute inner disciple would be


Then the Ying Family twin heroes looked at Liu Yun and Qi
Wen. Because Liu Yun and Qi Wen did not wear their Black
Warrior Institute Grand Elder robes, the two men mistook Liu
Yun and Qi Wen for Huang Xiaolong’s associates. Moreover,
Liu Yun and Qi Wen hid their auras, a matter that the Ying
Family’s twin heroes overlooked.

In their assumption, the strength that the associates of a

newly promoted inner disciple like Huang Xiaolong had
wouldn’t be too high, most likely between Second or Third
Order God Realm.

Huang Xiaolong finally heaved a sigh of relief when he

arrived, seeing that all the Huang Family members were
alright. However, noting Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu lying
injured some distance away, unknown whether they were
dead or alive, as well as the many corpses of the Huang
Clan Manor’s Saint realm warrior guards, his expression
became frosty.

In the end, he was half a step late.

Pain filled his heart looking at the figure held captive

between the two men. There was a blood stain running
down from the corner of her mouth.
“Damn both of you!” Huang Xiaolong said through gritted
teeth, his icy yet furious eyes glaring at the two men. Each
word was slow and deliberate.

Feeling the intense killing intent coming from Huang

Xiaolong’s body, both men laughed instead.

“Huang Xiaolong, you think rushing back will allow you to

save your Huang Family?” The fat old man laughed loudly, “I
might not dare to kill you since you’re Black Warrior
Institute’s inner disciple, however, the Huang Family
members are not inner disciples of the Black Warrior

“It’s even better now that you’ve returned, I will kill them
one by one in front of you.” The lean young man chipped in,
“Now you can watch how your family dies in front of you.”

The fat old man added leisurely, “After that, we’ll slowly peel
off Shi Xiaofei’s clothes layer by layer. We’ll let her learn a
little of the wonderful skill of our lower parts. Don’t worry,
we guarantee to make sure your woman feel as if she’s
gone to heaven!”

Both men broke out laughing at their own joke, brazen and

The killing intent thickened in Huang Xiaolong’s eyes, but he

took a deep breath and turned to Liu Yun and Qi Wen, “I’ll
have to trouble Eldest Senior-Apprentice brother and Third-
Apprentice Sister to help. But, don’t kill them yet.”

Huang Xiaolong could tell that these two masters from the
Ying Family were Fourth Order God Realm or above. If he
was the one to fight, he was not confident that he’d be able
to save Shi Xiaofei, hence, he could only trouble his seniors.
“Fourth Junior-Apprentice brother, leave it to us.” Liu Yun
and Qi Wen beside him nodded. They did not act earlier
because they were waiting for Huang Xiaolong’s decision.

Qi Wen said to Liu Yun, “Eldest Senior-Apprentice brother,

you just stay put, I alone am enough.” Two mere Fifth Order
God Realm did not call for two Tenth Order God Realms to
deal with them.

The fat old man and the lean young man laughed even
harder hearing Qi Wen’s words, as if they just heard a funny

“Little chick, you probably don’t know our powerful

strength,” The lean young man was still laughing as he
spoke to Qi Wen, “Honestly telling you lot, we’re Fifth Order
God Realm masters!” As his last words fell, he fully released
his Fifth Order God Realm aura, followed by the fat old man.

“Fifth Order God Realm!” The Huang Family exclaimed in


“Big brother Huang, quickly run!” Shi Xiaofei disregards her

own safety, shouting out at Huang Xiaolong.

At this moment, Qi Wen made her move. Her extended hand

shone with a jade-like luster. In that instant, the complacent
laughter on the fat old man and lean young man’s faces
vanished, replaced by horror, despair, and disbelief.

“Y-you, you’re a high-level God Realm master!” Two voices

stammered almost simultaneously.

Qi Wen’s right palm made a gentle push forward.

Their clothes exploded into bits, blood gushed out
uncontrollably from their mouths. Then, in the next second,
two bodies plummeted to the ground like dead dogs,
slamming down heavily on the ground. Violent tremors
shook the earth, raising a thick curtain of sand and dust.

Qi Wen retrieved her palm, coldness suffused her delicate

face as she looked at her handiwork. Around her, Shi Xiaofei
and the Huang Family members were agape with shock.

‘Two, two Fifth Order God Realm masters were dealt with
just like that?’

Huang Xiaolong did not find this result surprising. Looking at

the two people that were ‘thrown’ down, a sharp gleam
flickered in his eyes. A suction force swirled from his palm,
drawing the two men’s limp bodies before him.

Their clothes had burst into pieces, exposing their full naked
bodies to the sunlight. Huang Xiaolong’s gaze was on their
lower parts. He suddenly lifted his leg, and in two quick
successive actions, landed a kick each on their lower body.
Chapter 571: Talked For An Entire Night?

Accompanying two people’s shrill shrieks were crackling

sounds similar to broken eggshells. The fat old man and the
lean young man both clutched their injured groin, and after
the first note, pain stole their voices away.

Eldest Senior-Apprentice brother Liu Yun and the other

males around tightened their legs by reflex.

But Huang Xiaolong was not done yet. Before they could
catch their breaths, Huang Xiaolong sent another kick,
aimed right at their stomachs. Another two distinctive but
miserable wolf howls rang in the mountain. This kick sent
the fat old man and the lean young man down like falling
meteors, landing with their heads buried in the ground.

Huang Xiaolong arrived on the ground in a flicker and

launched another bout of successive rapid kicks aimed at
their groins. This time it was no longer the sound of
breaking eggs, but that of their pelvic bones breaking.

Huang Xiaohai, Guo Xiaofan, and the others knew without

looking that these two people’s tool in the middle was
completely broken. However, both men were God Realm
masters, even if every bone in their bodies was broke by
Huang Xiaolong, they wouldn’t die, but the excruciating pain
was enough to make them hover between life and death.

With each hand grabbing them, Huang Xiaolong easily

pulled both of them out from their half-buried condition.

“Huang, Huang Xiaolong, w-we, we won't forget this!” The

fat old man glowered vicious hatred as he uttered the words
through gritted teeth. But, due to his pain, the words did not
come out clearly.
“You, kill us, kill us, Ying Family will def-definitely avenge
us!” The young man’s scarlet eyes were fixed on Huang
Xiaolong as if he wanted nothing more than to devour
Huang Xiaolong’s flesh and blood.

Huang Xiaolong’s expression remained unperturbed, “Is that

so?” Without waiting for another word from their mouths,
both of his fists punched out, striking their chests where the
Qi Sea was located. The Asura qi contained in the attack
instantly destroyed the two men’s Qi Seas.

Ear-splitting screams reverberated.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let the two of you die so easily.” Huang
Xiaolong’s icy voice sounded in their ears. He then sealed
both of their meridians and threw them into the Linglong
Treasure Pagoda. He would slowly torture them later.

For Huang Xiaolong, the most important thing now was to

heal the Huang Family’s injuries. Although their injuries were
caused by shockwaves and it heavily affected their
consciousness, with Huang Xiaolong, Liu Yun, and Qi Wen’s
aid, very soon their injuries stabilized.

Then Huang Xiaolong went to check on Zhao Shu and Zhang

Fu’s injuries. Both men were gravely injured, their breathing
barely discernible from the surface. Every second, it seemed
like there would not be another breath going in.

When Huang Xiaolong uprooted the Deities Templar, he

found quite a few sets of Divine Dragon armor, and he gave
both Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu each a set. If it weren’t for the
Divine Dragon Armor’s protection, it would have been
instant death for them.

Fortunately, inside Huang Xiaolong’s Asura Ring, there were

many hundred thousand year old elixirs that the super
forces’ Ancestors and first rank forces’ Patriarchs sent as
congratulatory gifts during the apprenticeship ceremony.
After a series of treatment and healing, Huang Xiaolong
barely managed to keep Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu alive.

Zhao Shu and Zhang Fu were very important to Huang

Xiaolong, just like family. Even if there was only the
slimmest hope, he would do everything to save both of

As for the three hundred Saint realm warriors guarding

Huang Clan Manor, a large number of them were dead,
leaving only about a dozen of them that survived due to

Huang Xiaolong ordered the rest of the guards to clean up

the place.

Night gradually descended.

After a day of fear, fright, and suspense, the Huang Clan

Manor regained most of its usual atmosphere by nightfall.
The heavy blood scent in the air had dissipated, and all
destroyed areas that could be repaired were repaired.

Huang Xiaolong was standing on the mountain peak behind

the Huang Clan Manor, looking outward at the great sea.
Bright moonlight shone down on him, elongating his shadow
on the ground. Recalling the situation during the day, he still
felt fearful. If he returned a step too late, his parents, sister,
brother, Shi Xiaofei, and the rest…!

The possibility of the worst outcome sent a cold shiver in

Huang Xiaolong’s heart. His hands clenched into tight fists—
Ying Family!
A day will come when he would personally uproot the Ying
Family! As well as Peace Emperor World’s Zhao and Xie

And this day wasn't too far away!

At this time, a soft rustle sounded behind him. Huang

Xiaolong turned around and saw Shi Xiaofei’s alluring face.
Six years had passed, but there weren’t many changes to
her face.

Two people looked at each other just like this, in silence,

crossing time and space. Everything around them seemed
to melt into the background.

Without warning, Shi Xiaofei lunged into Huang Xiaolong’s

arms, holding him tight as if she wanted to incorporate
these six years of longing and thoughts into this one

Huang Xiaolong’s arms wrapped around her shoulders, his

voice tender, “Have you been well in these six years?”

Have you been well?

Shi Xiaofei looked up, her big eyes widened in bewilderment

and then she broke out in laughter akin a hundred flowers in
bloom that would make even fishes forget how to swim.

Huang Xiaolong was reduced to a silly and dazed young

man watching her laugh.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong’s reaction, she flashed a sweet smile

at him. Huang Xiaolong’s dazed expression was so silly, but
it was much better than the fury he had shown during the
day when he shattered the two Ying Family masters’ balls
with a kick.
Recalling Huang Xiaolong’s valor as he carried out the act,
Shi Xiaofei blushed, dusting charm over her alluring

Huang Xiaolong suddenly lowered his head and his lips

pressed down on Shi Xiaofei’s dainty, cherry-red lips,
causing Shi Xiaofei to shiver and her mind to go totally
blank. Gently parting her lips, his tongue seized the opened
gap and snaked in to plunder. Shi Xiaofei stiffened for a few
moments before adapting, gradually responding to Huang
Xiaolong. Her breath grew heavy as time lengthened.

He had tasted excellent wine of a hundred thousand years,

yet it did not compare to the taste of her lips.

A long time later both of them finally separated.

Shi Xiaofei was slightly panting, her face so red that she
lowered her head, not daring to look at Huang Xiaolong.
That pitiful expression stirred Huang Xiaolong and he went
in for a second round. Shi Xiaofei let out a muffled scream of
surprise having her lips sealed once again.

When they separated for the second time, Huang Xiaolong

pulled Shi Xiaofei down to sit beside him, telling each other
the events that had taken place in the last six years.

When Shi Xiaofei heard that Huang Xiaolong won first place
in the new disciple selection assessment, how he was
received as the Black Warrior Institute Principal’s personal
disciple, how he once again gained the first place during
outer disciples’ assessment, she was extremely happy for
Huang Xiaolong.

Compared to Huang Xiaolong’s eventful six years, Shi

Xiaofei’s life was much simpler. During these six years,
other than the time spent cultivating, she spent most of the
time here in the Huang Clan Manor together with the Huang

Unknowingly, the night receded. On the horizon, the

morning sun was slowly rising, casting a fiery red glow on
the sea surface.

When Huang Xiaolong and Shi Xiaofei returned to the Huang

Clan Manor from the back mountain, they ran into Liu Yun
and Qi Wen.

“Fourth Junior-Apprentice brother, the two of you didn’t

come back for the entire night ah?” Liu Yun teased,
deliberately extending the words ‘entire night’ lacing with
double innuendo.

Shi Xiaofei made out the teasing tone in Liu Yun’s words,
and a bright red blush instantly colored her face.

Huang Xiaolong cleared his throat awkwardly saying, “We

were just talking at the back mountain.”

“You talked for an entire night?” Liu Yun laughed knowingly,

“I understand, I understand.”

Shi Xiaofei turned even redder still.

“Enough already, Eldest Senior-Apprentice brother, you’re

already old but still behave so flippantly. Fourth Junior-
Apprentice brother is not dirty-minded like you.” Qi Wen
shot a glare at Liu Yun before turning to Huang Xiaolong,
“Fourth Junior-Apprentice brother, do you want us to make a
trip over to the Twin Celestial World now and annihilate the
Ying Family?”

Although the Ying Family was not small, with both Liu Yun
and Qi Wen, uprooting a single Ying Family wouldn't be that
Chapter 572: Servants Are Not Allowed In Here

Huang Xiaolong shook his head hearing this, “Thank you

Third Senior-Apprentice Sister, it is not necessary for now.
When the time comes, I will annihilate the Ying Family

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong had decided, Qi Wen merely

nodded and did not insist.

Later that day, Huang Xiaolong ordered for all the Martial
Spirit World’s Saint realm experts to gather in the Huang
Clan Manor.

Moving to the Cloudsea Mainland this time, he was

uncertain how many years later he would return once again
to the Martial Spirit World, hence Huang Xiaolong decided
on a large scale migration.

From the beginning, Huang Xiaolong did not intend to force

anyone, bringing only those who were willing to follow him
over to the Cloudsea Mainland. As for those preferring to
stay, that was fine as well.

However, it would take some time for each and every

Martial Spirit World’s Saint realm experts to gather in the
Huang Clan Manor. The farthest away would require no less
than one month, which meant that Huang Xiaolong needed
to stay in the Martial Spirit World for at least that long to
settle things.

Going with the flow, Liu Yun and Qi Wen also stayed back,
planning to return together with Huang Xiaolong a month
later. After all, they had already missed this year’s Black
Warrior City annual auction, so they would have to wait for
the next auction to get the items they wanted.
In this one month’s time, Huang Xiaolong spent the day with
his family, chatting or guiding their cultivation, whereas, at
night, he would summon the Gates of Hell and cultivate in
Hell’s higher realm environment.

When free, Huang Xiaolong accompanied his Eldest Senior-

Apprentice brother and Third Senior-Apprentice Sister

A month later.

Huang Xiaolong, who was a peak early-Second Order God

Realm finally advanced to mid-Second Order God Realm. By
this time, all Saint realm experts in the Martial Spirit World
had assembled in the Huang Clan Manor after receiving
Huang Xiaolong’s summon.

Huang Xiaolong then told everyone about migrating to the

Cloudsea Mainland.

In the end, around two hundred people were willing to follow

Huang Xiaolong to the Cloudsea Mainland. As for the others,
Huang Xiaolong did not force them, allowing them to stay
behind in the Martial Spirit World.

When the preparations for the big migration were done,

Huang Xiaolong brought the Huang Family, Shi Xiaofei, and
her father, Blessed Buddha Emperor, the Duanren Emperor,
Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, the Guo Family’s Ancestor Guo Chen,
his good friend Xie Puti, and the others, and departed for
the Cloudsea Mainland.

When he once again stood in space, Huang Xiaolong turned

back to take a glance at the Martial Spirit World behind him
before flying off to the Iron Radix World with the rest.
Although only God Realm masters and above were capable
of traveling by flight in the vast galaxy, this problem was
easily resolved with Huang Xiaolong’s Godly Mt Xumi.

It didn’t take Huang Xiaolong’s group long to reach the Iron

Radix World. Spending a night to rest in the Iron Radix
World, they departed from the transmission array the next
morning, and were back in the Cloudsea Mainland some
time later.

When the Huang Family members stepped out from the

transmission array, their expressions were just like the time
when Huang Xiaolong first arrived, absolutely stunned.

Looking at the endless expanse of giant cities on the

Cloudsea Mainland, the stone pebbles that were like low-
grade spirit pellets strewn on the ground, the neverending
streams of extravagant carriages entering and leaving the
mainland, everyone was dumbstruck.

Even Shi Xiaofei couldn’t hide her shock from showing on

her face, but even so, her shocked expression was still

The Blessed Buddha Emperor, Duanren Emperor, and the

others watched as countless numbers of half-step God
Realm and peak half-step God Realm were flying past them
and humility rose in their hearts.

In the Martial Spirit World, they were one of the few pinnacle
existences, but here, they were the same as any other
country bumpkins.

Vividly aware of the contemptuous and ridiculing gazes

directed their way, the Blessed Buddha Emperor, Duanren
Emperor, and the others dared not raise their heads.
This did not escape Huang Xiaolong’s notice, however, he
did not say anything. This was a normal reaction, arriving in
a new unfamiliar place. Once everyone got used to the
environment, things would gradually improve.

Moreover, Huang Xiaolong was confident that with his help,

everyone would have successive breakthroughs. Although
he dared not guarantee that everyone would step into the
God Realm, reaching peak half-step God Realm within two to
three hundred years was not an issue.

As for his parents, Huang Peng and Su Yan, and the others
limited by their innate talent, unable to advance to the
Xiantian realm, it was no longer a cause for worry because
he had inquired the matter from his Master Feng Yang. His
Master could resolve this issue.

At that time, his parents and siblings would be able to have

a breakthrough to the Xiantian realm, adding years to their
lifespan. At least they would live beyond three hundred
years. As for the years after that, Huang Xiaolong would
think of another method to help his parents and the others
break through to the Saint realm.

Upon arrival, Huang Xiaolong led the group toward Changzhi

City. Now, the first thing he needed to do was buy a
property so his family could settle down.

He took into consideration the fact that Changzhi City was

closest to the Black Warrior City, thus made it convenient
for Huang Xiaolong to visit them at any time. He had
decided early on to purchase a property in Changzhi City.

Back when they arrived in the Cloudsea Mainland, Liu Yun

and Qi Wen had matters to attend to, so the two bade
farewell to Huang Xiaolong and headed to Black Warrior
City, separating from Huang Xiaolong’s group.
Reaching Changzhi City, Huang Xiaolong went straight to
the Azure Sea Firm with the Huang Family. However, when
Huang Xiaolong’s group stepped into the building’s main
hall, the other customers around that were at the firm to
purchase things immediately noticed them.

“Houtian? Xiantian?!”

“Are my eyes seeing this right? There are actually Houtian

and Xiantian ants appearing in Changzhi City!”

Huang Peng, Su Yan, Huang Xiaohai, and the others’

appearance raised a fuss in the hall.

“This Brother, my apologies, our Azure Sea Firm does not

permit customers to bring their Houtian and Xiantian realm
servants inside.” At one point, an Azure Sea Firm disciple in
charge of greeting guests approached Huang Xiaolong,
explaining in a polite manner.

If it weren’t for the Black Warrior Institute inner disciple robe

on Huang Xiaolong’s body, the disciple would have shooed
them away without saying a word, would he have reminded
Huang Xiaolong with such courtesy?

The Azure Sea Firm was one of Black Tortoise Galaxy’s

largest firms, how could they allow flies like Houtian and
Xiantian realms hanging around, lowering the status of their

Zhao Shu, Zhang Fu, and the rest were enraged hearing the
disciple’s words; this Azure Sea Firm’s disciple was clearly
looking down on them. The servants he talked about were
obviously Huang Peng, Su Yan, Huang Xiaohai, Guo Xiaofan,
and the others.
Huang Xiaolong raised his hand, stopping Zhao Shu and the
rest from taking any further action. The Cloudsea Mainland
was not Martial Spirit World, Huang Xiaolong was worried
they would attack due to impulse, not knowing the rules of
the Cloudsea Mainland.

“Are you sure?” Huang Xiaolong’s icy stare was fixed on the
Azure Sea Firm disciple.

The Azure Sea Firm disciple was greatly dissatisfied with the
nonchalant look on Huang Xiaolong’s face. Wasn't he just a
Black Warrior Institute inner disciple? He actually had the
guts to behave so arrogantly in front of their Azure Sea Firm!

Not to mention a mere Black Warrior Institute inner disciple,

even an elite disciple wouldn’t dare to behave insolently in
their Azure Sea Firm.

The disciple in charge of greeting pulled his face, “I’m very

sure, if you refuse to tell these servants to go out, I will
make sure they roll out of here!”

A mocking cold sneer emerged on Huang Xiaolong’s face as

he took out a purplish gold token, flinging it into the
disciple’s hand.

“Su-supreme guest card!” The disciple’s voice trembled, and

his face became ashen. His throat felt dry.

This Black Warrior Institute inner disciple actually had their

Azure Sea Firm’s highest supreme guest card, representing
their firm’s most honored guests!

“Call your supervisor out here!” Huang Xiaolong snapped.
Chapter 573: Divine Fort Residence

Huang Xiaolong’s words were like a thunder rumbling in the

disciple’s ears. Hearing that the honored guest, owner of the
highest supreme guest card, wanted to see their supervisor,
his legs gave out, nearly tumbling to the floor. His mouth
opened and closed like a fish out of water, trying to say
something, but after one look at Huang Xiaolong’s calm but
frosty expression, the disciple wisely kept his mouth shut
and went to look for the supervisor.

The initially noisy hall filled with people waiting to watch a

good show quieted down abruptly.

‘This black-haired young man holds the Azure Sea Firm’s

supreme guest card?!’ What an Azure Sea Firm supreme
guest card represented, everyone present in the hall was
extremely clear.

A short moment later, the same disciple returned, trailing

behind a seemingly middle-aged man. This middle-aged
man was someone that Huang Xiaolong recognized. Slightly
more than a month ago when he ran into Zhao Chen and Xie
Hui, it was this same middle-aged man that reminded him
about fighting in Changzhi City.

When the middle-aged man saw Huang Xiaolong, he was

clearly surprised. He too had an impression of Huang

“This one is Fang Qunzheng, this Azure Sea Firm branch’s

supervisor. The middle-aged man introduced himself as he
came to a stop in front of Huang Xiaolong, “Little brother,
we meet again. I didn’t expect that little brother would be
holding our firm’s supreme guest card.”
Fang Qunzheng was very polite and enthusiastic.

In all honesty, he inwardly doubted that the supreme guest

card actually belonged to Huang Xiaolong, because in order
to qualify for a supreme guest card, one had to make a one-
time transaction of 1.5 billion Xuanwu coins and above.
However, the Azure Sea Firm’s regulations stated that
regardless of who was holding a supreme guest card, they
were the firm’s honored guest and were to be treated as

Since the other side was polite, Huang Xiaolong did not put
on an arrogant front, cupping his fists and returning the

“How should I address little brother? What are you looking

to purchase from our firm?” Fang Qunzheng inquired with a
polite smile.

“I heard from Supervisor Meng Xia that you have a selection

of Changzhi City’s properties for sale, which is why I made
this trip.” In the next breath, Huang Xiaolong added, “But
after I had just stepped in, your firm’s disciple was making
noise, wanting to drive my family out.”

Meng Xia was the Azure Sea Firm’s supervisor in the Black
Warrior City, the one who gave Huang Xiaolong the supreme
guest card.

Hearing Huang Xiaolong’s words, Fang Qunzheng turned

around, looking at the disciple standing behind him with a
stern expression, barking: “What happened just now?!”

The disciple’s knees were knocking against each other, then

with a loud thud, his knees hit the floor hard, stammering
incoherently, “Supervisor Fang, I-I…!”
Despite still being in the dark about the events that had
taken place, judging from the disciple’s reaction, Fang
Qunzheng could guess to a certain degree what had
transpired. His voice hardened as he shouted at the disciple,
“Go pack your things right now, you no need to come here

The sentence was like a thunderbolt, burning the last shred

of the disciple’s hope. His body finally gave out and
collapsed on the floor.

This disciple's job of greeting customers in the Azure Sea

Firm was obtained through a complicated twist of
connections and calling favors. Ever since he got this
position, people around him had been looking at him with
different eyes, even the family’s elders seemed to place
great hopes on him, but now, all of these were gone!

Everything shattered!

“Drag him out!” Fang Qunzheng ordered the several firm

disciples closeby.

The several disciples respectfully complied, their feet moved

in quick steps over to the disciple in charge of the greetings
and dragged him out with force.

Fang Qunzheng turned over, facing Huang Xiaolong once

again with a friendly smile, “Brother, we will impose a
stricter training for these greeting disciples in the future, I
guarantee this kind of issue will never happen again.” His
voice paused slightly at this point, inquiring, “May I know
what kind of requirements does little brother have for this
property? We indeed have some properties for sale in
Changzhi City, but, even the cheapest amongst them
requires approximately five hundred million.”
Huang Xiaolong nodded, “The price is not an issue. I only
have one requirement for the property, the land area must
be big, the bigger the better!”

Huang Xiaolong brought more than two hundred people

from the Martial Spirit World here. The property’s area had
to be as large as it could be, above all else.

Fang Qunzheng was puzzled as he shot a sidelong glance at

Huang Xiaolong. ‘The price is not an issue?’

Although the young man in front of him held a supreme

guest card, Fang Qunzheng remained doubtful that he would
be able to take out one billion, or even eight hundred million
for that matter. On average, the bigger properties in
Changzhi City had a price tag of over one billion.

Nevertheless, he wouldn’t reveal anything but enthusiasm

despite his doubts as he introduced and explained several
properties that the firm had on hand to Huang Xiaolong.
Most of them were within one billion price range.

Noticing that the places Fang Qunzheng introduced to him

were all within the price range of one billion, a minuscule
frown wrinkled his brows. “Supervisor Fang, are these the
biggest properties you have?” It did not escape Huang
Xiaolong’s observation that this Fang Qunzhang was
deliberate in his action, highlighting those within one billion
price range, afraid that he wouldn't be able to afford if the
price was too high.

Detecting the trace of dissatisfaction in Huang Xiaolong’s

tone, Fang Qunzheng was dazed for a moment before
covering his gaffe with a smile, “Since brother insists, fine
then, let me introduce one particular property to brother,
located in the center of our Changzhi City. It is called Divine
Fort Residence, more than two thousand and three hundred
square meters. But the price is quite high, 2.536 billion
Xuanwu coins!”

2.536 billion!

The customers around the main lobby, most of them being

Elders of their families, sucked in a cold breath at the price.
Not even Elders of super forces and families could gather
this sum after selling everything and even pawning their

Whereas Huang Xiaolong merely flicked his sleeves and a

rain of sparkling light danced in the air. Endless muffled
thuds continued for quite some time as Xuanwu coins fell to
the floor like torrential rain.

Everyone’s eyes were bedazzled, feeling a bout of dizzy

spell lasting as long as the muffled thuds ringing on the

Looking toward the source, they saw that in the lobby

center twenty-six high piles of Xuanwu coins had appeared!

Every pile was exactly a hundred million!

A total of 2.6 billion!

Huang Xiaolong wrapped each pile of Xuanwu coins in an

independent space, preventing them from strewn all over
the lobby floor, merely filling the center space.

During the month that Huang Xiaolong spent in the Martial

Spirit World, whenever he was idle he would start
condensing spirit stones, and on the way back to the
Cloudsea Mainland, he had exchanged those spirits stones
to Xuanwu coins. Although the amount of Xuanwu coins
inside his Asura Ring wasn’t much, only a little over 3 billion,
it was enough for him to play with.

Like others in the lobby, Fang Qunzheng was staring at the

twenty-six piles of ‘gold mountains’ of Xuanwu coins in front
of him, sluggish with shock.

Before anyone could recover from their state of shock,

Huang Xiaolong spoke, “Supervisor Fang, here are 2.6 billion
Xuanwu coins, other than the 2.536 billion price of the
property, the remaining is for buying some good furniture.”

Fang Qunzheng made an effort to compose himself,

however, the remnants of shock were hanging on
stubbornly. As an Azure Sea Firm’s supervisor, his salary was
quite handsome, but it was still far from allowing him to take
out 2.6 billion. The current Changzhi City residence where
he was residing in cost no more than one billion.

A wry smile emerged on Fang Qunzheng’s face as he looked

at Huang Xiaolong, he didn’t expect himself to err in his
judgment. This young man in front of him truly had money.
In fact, he was a super-wealthy young man.

Subsequently, Fang Qunzheng’s enthusiasm shot up as he

helped Huang Xiaolong through the remaining sale contract
procedures for the Divine Fort Residence. When that was
done, he personally led Huang Xiaolong’s group to the said

When the group arrived, the Huang Family and everyone

else was stunned going around the layout of the residence,
including the Blessed Buddha Emperor and Duanren
Emperor. After seeing the Divine Fort Residence’s layout,
both of them inwardly felt that their Blessed Buddha
Imperial Palace and Duanren Imperial Palace were more like
an outhouse.
Huang Xiaolong was extremely satisfied with the place.

Inside the Divine Fort Residence, there was a pond, and its
water was one of the rare and precious treasures of the

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