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Vol. 9(14), pp. 1044-1052, 8 April,

A 2015
DOI: 10.5897/AAJMR2015.7447 7
Article Number: FB993415232 24
ISSSN 1996-0808
8 Africaan Journaal of Microobiology R
Copyright © 20 015
Author(s) retain
n the copyrighht of this article

ull Length Research
h Paper

Effectt of pH
H and temper
t rature on the
e produ
uction and
y of Scchwannniomyc ces po rphus e
olymorp extrace
prooteases in fe
ermentation mmedium
Alexander França
F Sanntos1, Cleiton F. F. Melo
M Juniorr1, Dangely M. de Melo2, Antonio
y Lins F. M
Marrcio Barboosa Junior and Robe Fernandes1*
erta P. M. F
ment of Physio
ology, Univers
sidade Federral de Sergipee, São Cristóvvão, Sergipe - 49100-000, Brazil.
ment of Morphology, Univerrsidade Federral de Sergipe
e, São Cristóvvão, Sergipe - 49100-000,, Brazil.
eived 24 February, 2015; Accepte
ed 20 March, 201

Proteases area among th he most stud died enzymes s due to the great interesst with regarrd to their cle
eavage of
peptide bo onds in industrial applications. With the goa al of maxim mizing the a advantages of these
biocatalysts s, new producers of pro oteolytic enzzymes are be eing prospec cted from va arious micro ohabitats.
This study aimed to select
s a yeaast strain with
w high yie
eld of extracellular proteolytic enzzyme and
characterize the yield and activitty of theses s enzymes. Among the e 521 yeastt isolates te ested for
proteolytic activity on solid mediu um, 20 isola ates were se elected for the determination of prroteolytic
activity in liiquid medium
m. Enzymatic c assay was performed u using azocas sein as subs strate, and onne unit of
protease ac ctivity was defined
d as th
he amount of o enzyme ab ble to produ uce an increa ase in absorrbance of
0.001/min and
a expresse ed in U/mL. A yeast extrac cted from Jaabuticaba fruuit, identified
d as Schwann niomyces
polymorphu us through the
t analysis of its rDNAA sequence, showed the e highest pro oteolytic actiivity. The
optimal con nditions for protease pro oduction, wiith a maxim um value off 289.9 U.mL L-1, were pH 7.8, 28ºC
and 72 h of o fermentatio on. The activity of extraacellular pro
oteases conttained in the e culture sup pernatant
was subjec cted to enzymmatic charac cterization: the
t optimal p
pH was 8.0 a and the optimal tempera ature was
35ºC. There efore, among g the yeasts isolated fro ymorphus p
om tropical ffruits, S. poly presented the e highest
proteolytic enzyme actiivity under conditions
c off minimal ferrmentation, aat temperatu ure of 28ºC a and pH of

Key words: Proteolysis, fermentation,, biochemical characteriza

ation, tropical fruits.


e increasing body of know

The wledge abouut enzymes has
h est in industriial enzymes has increase
intere ed greatly with
motivated advances in enz zymology (Leee and Huan ng, the ggoal of maximmizing the addvantages of catalysis and d
08). With this developmen
nt of enzyme technology, the
t minimmizing the dissadvantages tto enable the
e use of thesee

Corresponding author.
a E-mail:

Auuthor(s) agree that

t this article remains permanently open access
a under th
he terms of the
e Creative Com
mmons Attribution License 4.0
Intternational Lice
Santos et al. 1045

catalysts on a large scale (Buchholz et al., 2012). rRNA gene (Gildemacher et al., 2006). These techniques
Enzymes like proteases, lipases and pectinases are one are rapid, simple and accurate, making them suitable for
of the most important biomolecules with a wide range of the rapid screening and identification of yeast isolates
industrial applications, having a great impact in the (Kurtzman and Fell, 1998; Lachance et al., 2000; González
production of textiles, detergents, food, processing of fruit et al., 2004; Fell et al., 2000).
drinks and alcoholic beverages (Gurung et al., 2013). Northeast Brazil presents a great diversity of tropical
Proteases, which catalyze the cleavage of peptide fruits that can harbor several species of yeast (Souza
bonds in proteins and peptides, are among the most Filho et al., 2002), representing an important micro-habitat
studied, encompassing a class of enzymes with multiple for a wide variety of yeast species due to the high sugar
applications in biology and various other fields. Microbial concentration and various pH values of the fruit (Lachance
proteases represent one of the three largest groups of et al., 1982). The main goal of this study was to select
industrial enzymes, corresponding to approximately 60% and identify yeast isolates from the surface of tropical
of the total sale of industrial enzymes worldwide (Rai and fruits that are able to secrete high amounts of proteases
Mukherjee, 2010). and to optimize the culture conditions for the production
Due to its wide application in industry, proteases form and activity of protease enzymes.
the most studied group of hydrolases, prompting the
exploration of new sources of these enzymes. The industrial
demand for proteolytic enzymes with appropriate speci- MATERIALS AND METHODS
ficities and stabilities with regard to pH, temperature, Source of organisms
metal ions, compatibility with such detergent compounds
as surfactants and organic solvents continues to stimulate For this work, we used yeast strains belonging to the bank of the
the search for new supply sources of these enzymes for Applied Microbiology Laboratory at Universidade Federal de
research. Proteases with high activity and stability in Sergipe, Sergipe, Brazil. The strains had been isolated from the
fruits mangaba (Hancornia speciosa Gom.), pitanga (Eugenia
certain ranges of pH and temperature are interesting for
uniflora L.), acerola (Malpighia punicifolia L.), umbu (Spondias
applications in bioengineering and biotechnology. In tuberosa Avr. Cam) and jabuticaba (Myciaria cauliflora Berg)
general, microbial proteases are extracellular in nature collected from the Sergipe State, Brazil.
and are secreted directly into the fermentation broth
during industrial production, thus simplifying the processing Protease activity selection on plates
of the enzyme compared to the proteases obtained from
plants and animals (Zavala et al., 2004; Lageiro et al., For the selection of yeast isolates showing the production of
2007). proteolytic enzymes, the different yeasts were grown on plates of
Yeasts are another attractive host strains for cell- milk-gelatin agar medium (5.0 g/L meat peptone, 3.0 g/L yeast
surface display systems due to their safety, ease of high- extract, 12.0 g/L agar, 10.0 g/L skim milk and 10.0 g/L gelatin
powder, pH adjusted to 7.2 with 1 M HCl) sterilized under conditions
cell density cultivation and the capability of eukaryotic of 121°C and 15 lb pressure for 15 min. The plates were incubated
proteins folding and glycosylation (Gai, 2007).These at 30°C ± 3°C for 48 h. The presence of the proteolytic activity was
properties make enzyme displayed yeast be of great indicated by formation of clear halos around the colony after the
value in biocatalytic process, especially in the industrial addition of 10% glacial acetic acid to the plates. The enzymatic
production using displaying yeast as whole-cell biocata- activity was measured according to the modified method of Price
lysts (Huang et al., 2012; Tanino, 2009). Yeasts are (1982) by the value of the precipitation zone (PZ). Therefore, the
enzyme activities were measured by dividing the diameter of the
abundant in habitats in which carbohydrates are present, colony by the diameter of the colony plus the precipitation zone.
such as fruits, flowers and tree bark (Kurtzman and Fell, The results were presented in code: the value 1 when PZ = 1.0 (no
1998). Yeast species have a great potential for the enzyme activity), value 2 when 0.63 <PZ <1.0 (moderate enzyme
production of microbial enzymes for industry, and these activity) and 3 when PZ value <0.63 (strong enzyme activity).
microrganisms offer an alternative source of these
enzymes. Production medium
The enzymes from these microrganisms are well
distributed in nature, making these microrganisms For protease production, 1 mL of each isolate selected for
preferable sources for bioprocess fermentation because extracellular protease activity on the solid medium was inoculated
they have a rapid growth rate and can be genetically into 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing 100 mL of liquid minimal
medium for fermentation (MMF), (20.0 g/L glucose, 7.5 g/L meat
constructed to produce enzymes with desired capabilities peptone and 4.5 g/L yeast extract, 0,1% gelatine powder, pH
or simply for enzyme overproduction (Lucena et al., adjusted to 7.2 with 1 M HCl) sterilized under conditions of 121°C,
2007). 15 lb pressure for 15 min. The incubation was performed in an
The use of specific yeast strains with high enzyme incubator with shaking at 150 rpm and a temperature 28°C for 72 h.
activity is an important factor in industrial production, and
the identification of yeasts with these characteristics is Estimation of total protein
based on various molecular techniques, including the
sequencing of D1/D2 domains of the 26S subunit of the The total protein determination was performed using the Bradford
1046 Afr. J. Microbiol. Res.

Method (1976), with bovine serum albumin (BSA) as the standard. based on the sequence of the conserved D1 and D2 domains of the
The standard curve was prepared from concentrations of 0-100 large subunit 26S rRNA gene (Lachance and Starmer, 1998;
µg.mL-1 of BSA stock solution (1 mg/ml). Kurtzman and Suzuki, 2010). The code yeast sequence was
analyzed using the ABI 3730 DNA Analyzer (Applied Biosystems),
with the BigDye® Terminator Cycle Sequencing v3.1 kit, as a
Enzymatic assay service provided by Centro de Estudos do Genoma Humano - USP,
São Paulo, Brazil. BLAST (Basic Alignment Search Tool Locus) and
The proteolytic activity in the culture supernatant was determined
nucleotide-nucleotide (BLASTn), which are available at the NCBI
using the method of Weckenmann and Martin (1984), with
website (, and was used for a
modifications. The reaction mixture contained 100 µL supernatant
comparison with the sequences deposited in GenBank. The matrix
and 1.0% azocasein (w/v) in 0.2 M Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.2)
of the sequence was determined by a similarity greater than or
containing 1.0 mM CaCl2. The reaction mixture was incubated in a
equal to 99%.
water bath at 37°C for 1 h and reaction was stopped by the addition
of 1.0 mL of 20% trichloroacetic acid (TCA). The solution was
centrifuged 23000 x g for 15 min at 4°C, and 200 μL of 3 M NaOH
was added to 1.0 mL of the supernatant (Dosoretz et al., 1990; RESULTS
Leighton et al., 1973; Porto et al., 1996). The absorbance was
spectrophotometrically (FEMTO 480) measured at 440 nm. One Screening for the enzymatic production of extracellular
unit of proteolytic activity was defined as the amount of enzyme
capable of producing an increase in absorbance of 0.001/ min and
proteases on solid medium
was expressed as U/mL. The specific activity was calculated by the
ratio between the total protease activity and total protein The screening was performed using the collection of
concentration (U/mL). The experiments were performed in triplicate. strains isolated from tropical fruits and was composed of
Enzymatic activity was presented as mean and standard deviation 521 isolates. Of these, several yeast isolates were
of three replicates. identified by their morphology and physiology as
belonging to the following genera: Candida, Cryptococcus,
The effects of pH and incubation temperature on protease Pichia, Rhodotorula, Schizosaccharomyces,
production Saccharomyces, Trichosporon, Geotrichum,
The yeast that was selected based on its high production of Pseudozyma, Leucosporidium, Kluyveromyces,
protease was propagated in the minimum liquid medium for Issatchenkia, Kloeckera, Myxozyma, Metschnikowia,
fermentation (MMF) at pH values ranging from 6.5 to 7.8 and Torulaspora, Zygosaccharomyces and Black Yeast.
temperatures between 26 to 35°C in an incubator with shaking at Through the production of extracellular proteases in
150 rpm. The production of protease by the yeast was determined plate containing milk-gelatin agar were halos of degra-
as described above.
dation that were detected and measured by testing PZ.
Out of 521 isolates, only 20 presented Pz classified as
The effects of pH and incubation temperature on protease moderate proteolytic activity (Table 1).

To determine the optimal incubation temperature, we evaluated the

activity of the enzyme at temperatures between 25 to 45°C in a Identification of the selected isolates
water bath for 1 h. To determine the optimal pH, the protease was
incubated at different pH values. Buffers used were: phosphate (pH The D1/D2 domains of the 26S subunit of the isolated
6.2 to 6.8) and Tris-HCl (pH 7.2 to 8.0) and reactions were 8Cb6 code yeast were sequenced. The nucleotide
incubated in a water bath at 37°C. The protease activity was sequence obtained was compared with sequences
determined as described above.
deposited in the GenBank database using the BLASTn
program 2.2.26 + (Altschul et al., 1997). According to the
Electrophoretic procedures results, the selected microrganism in this study showed
Electrophoresis was performed by SDS-PAGE (polyacrylamide gel 100% similarity with S. polymorphus (accession number
in sodium dodecyl sulfate) to identify the protease isoenzymes 319439558|FR774544.1).
produced by the selected strain. The analysis followed the method
of Laemmli (1970). The gel system consisted of a resolving gel
(12%) plus 1% (w/v) gelatin and a stacking gel (5%). The proteolytic Enzyme assay for extracellular proteolytic enzyme
activity was detected according to Li et al. (1997). Briefly, after
production into fermentation media
electrophoresis, the gel was washed twice in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH
9.0) containing 5% (v/v) Triton X-100 for 15 min at 4°C. The gel was
then incubated in 50 mM Tris-HCl (pH 9.0) for 12 hat 56°C to allow To analyze the production capacity of extracellular
the degradation of the gelatin. The gel was stained with 0.1% proteolytic enzymes in fermentation, 20 isolates were
Coomassie Brilliant Blue G250 (w/v) in 45% (v/v) methanol and selected and their production capacities of total protein
10% (v/v) acetic acid and destained by 30% (v/v) methanol and and proteolytic activities were measured. However,
10% (v/v) acetic acid. The band with proteolytic activity was
observed as a clear colorless area.
according to the results, the production of total proteins
was not correlated with proteolytic activity, because not
all isolates that produced high protein concentration also
Taxonomy of selected of yeast
showed high activity proteolytic (Table 2). The largest
The strain of yeast selected due to protease activity was identified production of proteolytic enzymes was observed in the
Santos et al. 1047

Table 1. Screening of yeast with extracellular proteolytic activity by Pz Method in plate containing solid medium Agar-gelatine-milk
under a temperature of 30ºC ± 3° C for 48 h.

Order Source substrate Precipitation zone Enzyme

Species Pz
code isolates (halo) (mm) activity
Candida valida R03 Umbu 10 0.75 2
Kloeckera apis R37 Acerola 05 0.75 2
Candida sergipensis R78 Acerola 02 0.83 2
Black yeast R474 Acerola 05 0.83 2
Cryptococcus humicolus R301 Pitanga 05 0.86 2
Cryptococcus yarrowii R354 Pitanga 05 0.87 2
Candida vartiovaarae R374 Pitanga 05 0.75 2
N.I 3C1-4 Jabuticaba 05 0.83 2
N.I 4Ab2 Jabuticaba 04 0.90 2
N.I 4Ab7 Jabuticaba 02 0.91 2
N.I 6Ca3 Jabuticaba 02 0.83 2
N.I 8Aa4 Jabuticaba 02 0.91 2
N.I 8Ab4 Jabuticaba 02 0.84 2
N.I 8Ab12 Jabuticaba 02 0.79 2
N.I 8Ab13 Jabuticaba 04 0.83 2
N.I 8Ca1 Jabuticaba 02 0.80 2
N.I 8Ca3-4 Jabuticaba 02 0.83 2
N.I 8Cb4 Jabuticaba 03 0.79 2
N.I 8Cb6 Jabuticaba 05 0.75 2
N.I 10Aa12 Jabuticaba 05 0.75 2
NI = Not identified. The results were presented in the code value 1 determining PZ=1.0 (No enzyme activity), value 2 when 0.63 <PZ<1,0
(moderate activity) e value 3 when PZ≤0,63 (strong enzymatic activity).

Table 2. Proteolytic activity of yeast isolates in minimal medium for fermentation (MMF) under a temperature of 28ºC
and pH 7.2 for 72 h.

Total protein Proteolytic activity Specific activity

Order code isolates Source substrate isolates
(µg.mL-¹) (U.mL-¹) (U.µg-¹)
R03 Umbu 11.7 4.77 ±4.80 0.41
R37 Acerola 10.4 8.0 ±2.50 0.77
R78 Acerola 49.4 ND ND
R301 Pitanga 71.7 5.3 ±2.39 0.10
R354 Pitanga 54.3 23.3 ±7.72 0.43
R374 Pitanga 124.5 4.8 ±4.22 0.04
R474 Acerola 65.7 16.6 ±1.98 0.25
3C1-4 Jabuticaba 17.2 8.30 ±1.21 0.48
4Ab2 Jabuticaba 37.2 ND ND
4Ab7 Jabuticaba - ND ND
6Ca3 Jabuticaba - 8.58 ±1.62 ND
8Aa4 Jabuticaba 181.9 76.1 ±3.18 0.42
8Ab4 Jabuticaba 158.0 77.2 ±5.46 0.49
8Ab12 Jabuticaba 3.7 6.86 ±3.23 1.85
8Ab13 Jabuticaba 21.6 15.6 ±3.72 0.73
8Ca1 Jabuticaba - 9.0 ±0.33 ND
8Ca3-4 Jabuticaba 10.5 2.1 ±3.63 0.20
8Cb4 Jabuticaba - 15.7 ±0.40 ND
8Cb6 Jabuticaba 139.0 257.4 ±9.4 1.85
10Aa12 Jabuticaba 58.6 ND ND
Total proteins concentration below 3.0 µg.mL ¹; ND = no proteolytic activity detected.
48 Afr. J.
J Microbiol. Res.

Figure 1. Influence of tempe

erature on the pproduction of exxtracellular
proteolytic en
nzymes by Schwwanniomyces p polymorphus witth minimal
medium for feermentation (MM
MF) at different ttemperatures fo
or 72 h.

Figure 2. Influe
ence of pH on the
t production o of extracellular proteolytic
enzymes by sp pecies S. polym
morphus in differrent pH of incubbation with
minimal medium for fermentation (MMF).

isollate extracted
d from jabuticaba with orrder code 8CCb6 with agitation (Fig
gure 1). Otheer temperaturres presentedd
andd was, therefoore, selected for enzyme characterizat
c ion low oor no producttion, with a temperature o of 28ºC being
andd species idenntification. ideal for growth an
nd the secrettion of proteo
olytic enzymes
in the
e fermentation
n media.

ects of te emperature and pH on protea ase Effec
ct of pH
oduction in th
he selected isolate
i S. po
Usingg the optimum m temperaturre of 28°C fo
or extracellula
Efffect of tempe
erature enzymme productio on, the optimmum pH for tthe maximum m
produuction of prote eolytic enzym
mes was foundd to be pH 7.88
Thee optimum temmperature forr the maximum production
n of after 72 h of inccubation with h shaking (Fiigure 2). The e
oteolytic enzy
ymes was 28 8°C after 72 h of incubatiion prote olytic activityy increased from pH 6.2 2, reaching a
Santos et al. 1049

Figure 3. Efffect of tempera ature on the activity of exttracellular

proteolytic en
nzymes produ uced by spe ecies Schwann niomyces
polymorphus in incubation. The optim um temperatu ure was
determined byy assay of pro otease activity in different in
temperatures in
n a water bath.

gure 4. Effect of
o pH on the activity
a of extraacellular proteolytic enzymes
oduced by spe ecies Schwann niomyces polymmorphus in inccubation. The
opttimum pH was determined
d by assay
a of proteasse activity in diffferent pHs on
incubation at 37° C in a water bath

peaak at pH 7.2 which was fo ollowed by a decrease at pH 40ºC with 229.9 a and 232.8 U/m mL, respective ely (Figure 3)).
7.5. Increase in pH value es above 7.8
7 resulted in Abovve this temperature, the enzymes m may denature e,
deccreased prote
eolytic activity. losing
g their catalyttic activity. Th
he enzymatic activity of the e
extraccellular prote
eases was alsso evaluated at pH values
Enzzymatic charracterization from 6.2 to 8.0. Very similarr activities w were observed d
betweeen pH 6.8 a and 8.0, with enzymatic a activity varying
e activity of the proteoly
The ytic enzymes in the cultu
ure from 142.4 to 155 5.0 U/mL, resp pectively (Fig
gure 4). These e
pernatant wa as evaluatedd regarding the optimu um data allow us to co onclude that tthe extracellu ular proteolytic
mperature. Reaction
R miixture was incubated in enzymmes remain active in en nvironments in which the e
mperatures beetween 25 and
a 45ºC and the optimu
um tempe erature is maaintained at a approximatelyy 37.5 ± 2.5°C C
activity was obs
served at tem
mperatures between 35 and
a and nnear-neutral ppH.
50 Afr. J.
J Microbiol. Res.

Figure 5. Polyacrylamide
P gel electrophore
esis (12%) con taining 1% gela
atine for determ
of the prote
eolytic activity off Schwanniomy yces polymorphu with proteolytic activity
us. The bands w
present app perars clear and colorless in thet gel. Line 1 and 2, supernatant from ferm mented;
Line 3, Moleecular marker.

Dettermination of the profiile of proteo

olytic enzym
mes isolatte with the highest prroduction of extracellula ar
from S. polymoorphus prote olytic activityy. To obtain optimal perfformance with h
respe ect to enzyme e production during the de evelopment of o
Thee use of SDS S-PAGE con ntaining gelatin to determine micro organisms, diifferent typess of media a are utilized to o
the profile of S.S polymorph hus extracelllular proteoly
ytic increa ase the amo ount of cells and also to increase the e
enzzyme activityy presented a protease profile of thrree produ uction of enzyymes of indu ustrial interestt (Brumano et e
welll-defined bannds between 45 and 60 kDa (Figure 5). al., 11993; Papag gianni and M Moo-Young 2 2002). In this s
Thee bands sug ggest the presence
p of at least thrree studyy, a medium w with minimum m requiremen nts for fermen n-
oteases in the e crude extra
act because the transpare ent tationn was used to o evaluate thhe potential o of the isolates
gel bands indicaate the enzym o proteases on
matic action of underr conditions similar to th heir natural h habitat. Unde er
the substrate in the gel. these e culture conditions, an isolate with h code 8Cb6 6
provid ded the larrgest activityy of proteolyytic enzymes
DIS The e use of yeasst strains withh high enzyme e activity is an
imporrtant factor in n the industriial production n of enzymes s,
This study des scribes the production of extracellu ular as th hey are resp ponsible for tthe transform mation of raw w
prooteases from isolates of yeasty extracteed from tropical materrials into pro oducts for u use in food, medicine or o
fruits. Through the method d described by Riffel and a pharm macology. T Therefore, the identification of yeas st
Braandelli (2002 2), we sele ected 20 off 521 isolatted strainns suitable fo or the ferme entation and production of o
miccroorganisms based on activity of PZ, P through the
t extraccellular enzyymes in certa ain industrial processes is
mation of clea ar halos in so olid culture meedium. Selectted critica
al (Fernánde ez-González et al., 2004). After the e
miccroorganisms demonstrate ed moderate e production of scree ening of extraacellular proteeolytic activityy, the identify
extracellular proteases. cationn of this straain was deterrmined by se equencing the e
After this selection, the isolates that showed exttra-
A conse erved D1/D2 region of the e large 26S rrDNA subunitt,
celllular proteolyttic activity we
ere subjected to fermentation as de escribed ((Fe ell et al., 2000
0; Lachance et al., 2000 0;
in nutrient bro oth for grow wth and the production of Kurtzzman and Su uzuki, 2010), with 100% similarity with h
prooteolytic enzy ymes (Porto et al., 1996 6; Alves et al.,
a orderr Saccharomycetales and d 100% simiilarity with S. S
20005). The efffectiveness of protease production in polym morphus. Thiss species wa as first reporte ed in 2010 by y
mentation me edium was determined by an enzym me Kurtzzman and Su uzuki (2010) in his work on the phylo o-
speectrophotome etric assay using
u azocassein. The da ata genettic analysis o of ascomycete es. Studies fo ocused on the e
obttained in this step were criitical for the screening
s of the
t chara acterization o of extracellu
ular proteolyttic enzymes
Santos et al. 1051

produced by this isolate which have not been reported to in the food industry (Rao et al., 1998). Focusing only on
date. the characteristics of the enzymes produced by incubation
The optimal growth conditions to protease activity and at different pH and temperatures, our results indicate
production of this isolate were determined. Temperature proteases belonging to the alkaline or neutral classes.
is one of the most important factors influencing the growth Thus, the number of proteases produced in fermentation
and survival of organisms, and temperatures of approxi- was determined by zymography and three proteases were
mately 30 to 40ºC are generally used in the cultivation of observed with apparent molecular weights between 45 -
fermenting microrganisms. The temperature is a critical 60 kDa.
parameter that influences relevant enzyme production
and requires control (Chaloupka, 1985). The amount of
total protein in the strains may rather demon-strate the Conclusions
ability to form zymogens, non-proteolytic enzymes or
enzymes that degrade other substrates, in addition to Therefore, it is possible to conclude from this study that
enzymes that hydrolyze protein substances. The largest S. polymorphus, extracted from jabuticaba, showed the
rates of enzyme production in this study occurred in the highest productivity of extracellular proteases among the
range of 28ºC. For the results presented for proteolytic yeast isolates used in this study. Optimum conditions to
activity in the media of the fermentation temperature of protease production in fermentation medium minimum
28ºC (Table 2), it may be noted that some of the isolates were 28ºC, pH 7.8 and 72 h of growth. Biochemical charac-
showed low rates of total protein production, but with terization of supernatant proteases showed that the
proteolytic activity, it was positive but without specific enzymes have optimum catalytic activity around 35°C
activity detection. However, the isolated 8Ab12 presented and pH 8.0.
low rate of total protein, and proteolytic activity, but a low
specific activity similar to the selected 8Cb6. However,
this work prioritize the selection of yeast that has the Conflict of interests
highest proteolytic enzymes production considering a
crucial factor in industrial production on a large scale and The authors did not declare any conflict of interest.
by the benefits considered in its specific activity. In similar
studies, it was reported that some species of Candida sp.
showed maximum proteolytic activity in a range of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
temperature close to 30°C (Chantawannakul et al., 2002; The author Alexander França Santos is thankful for the
Kanekar et al., 2002; Neves et al., 2006). Another opportunity granted by Universidade Federal de Sergipe
important factor is the pH of the fermentation culture (UFS), Aracaju, Brazil, and to Capes for providing the
medium. We found that the optimal range of enzyme master’s scholarship and Cleiton F. F. Melo Junior had a
production for the isolated strain was near pH 7.8, similar undergraduate scholarship from de program PIBIT/UFS.
to that of the medium, pH 7.2. The pH affects the
ionization of amino acids, which dictate the primary and
secondary structure of enzymes and, therefore, control REFERENCES
enzyme activity (Savitha et al., 2011). Proteases with
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alkaline proteases ranging in pH 6.0 to 12, showed beat Debaryomyces hansenii: purification and biochemical properties. Int.
around pH 8.0 with stability at temperatures above 75ºC, J. Food Microbiol. 98(2):167– 177.
Bradford MM (1976). A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation
while there was decrease of stability at 37°C. It is
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