Allowable Deductions Enumerated in The Philippines Tax Code

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ALLOWABLE DEDUCTIONS (a) The amount of the credit in respect to the

ENUMERATED IN THE PHILIPPINES tax paid or incurred to any country shall not
TAX CODE exceed the same proportion of the tax
against which such credit is taken, which the
taxpayer's taxable income from sources
within such country under this Title bears to
1. Ordinary and Necessary Trade,
his entire taxable income for the same
Business or Professional Expenses
taxable year; and
a. In general – There shall be
allowed as deduction from gross (b) The total amount of the credit shall not
income all the ordinary and exceed the same proportion of the tax
necessary expenses paid or against which such credit is taken, which the
incurred during the taxable year taxpayer's taxable income from sources
in carrying on or which are without the Philippines taxable under this
directly attribute to, the Title bears to his entire taxable income for
development, management, the same taxable year.
operation and/or conduct of the
trade, business or exercise of a 5. Adjustments on Payment of Incurred
profession Taxes – If accrued taxes when paid
differ from the amounts claimed as
2. Expenses Allowable to Private
credits by the taxpayer, or if any tax
Educational Institutions – In addition paid is refunded in whole or in part,
to the expenses allowable deductions the taxpayer shall notify the
under this Chapter, a private Commissioner; who shall re-
educational institution, referred to determine the amount of the tax for
under Section 27 (B) of this code, the year or years affected, and the
may at its option elect either: (a) to amount of tax due upon such re-
deduct expenditures otherwise determination, if any, shall be paid
considered as capital outlays of by the taxpayer upon notice and
depreciable assets incurred during demand by the Commissioner, or the
the taxable year for the expansion of amount of tax overpaid, if any, shall
school facilities or (b) to deduct be credited or refunded to the
taxpayer. In the case of such a tax
allowance for depreciation thereof
incurred but not paid, the
under Subsection (F) hereof.
Commissioner as a condition
3. Optional Treatment of Interest precedent to the allowance of this
Expense – At the option of the credit may require the taxpayer to
taxpayer, interest incurred to acquire give a bond with sureties satisfactory
property used in trade business or to and to be approved by the
exercise of a profession may be Commissioner in such sum as he
allowed as a deduction or treated as a may require, conditioned upon the
capital expenditure. payment by the taxpayer of any
4. Limitations on Credit – The amount amount of tax found due upon any
of the credit taken under this Section such redetermination. The bond
shall be subject to each of the herein prescribed shall contain such
following limitations:
further conditions as the
Commissioner may require.

6. Year in Which Credit Taken – The

credits provided for in Subsection
(C) (3) of this Section may, at the
option of the taxpayer and
irrespective of the method of
accounting employed in keeping his
books, be taken in the year which the
taxes of the foreign country were
incurred, subject, however, to the
conditions prescribed in Subsection
(C)(5) of this Section. If the taxpayer
elects to take such credits in the year
in which the taxes of the foreign
country accrued, the credits for all
subsequent years shall be taken upon
the same basis and no portion of any
such taxes shall be allowed as a
deduction in the same or any
succeeding year.

7. Proof of Credits – The credits

provided in Subsection (C)(3) hereof
shall be allowed only if the taxpayer
establishes to the satisfaction of the
Commissioner the following:

(a) The total amount of income derived from

sources without the Philippines;

(b) The amount of income derived from each

country, the tax paid or incurred to which is
claimed as a credit under said paragraph,
such amount to be determined under rules
and regulations prescribed by the Secretary
of Finance; and

(c) All other information necessary for the

verification and computation of such credits.

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