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Revision # 2 for November

1)Complete the sentences with the correct tense.

1-Steve always 1)__________________(have) breakfast and then

2)_________________(go) running at the weekend.
2-Jack 3)____________________(work) on her Science project at the moment.
3-Pam bought tickets for the cinema this morning. She 4)________________(see) an
Italian film.
4-A: What 5)________________(you/do) last summer holidays?
B: I 6)___________(go) to Brazil and I 7)____________(have) a great time. I
8)___________(learn) a bit of Portuguese.
5- A: You never help me at home.
B: Yes, you’re right Mum, I 9)____________(help) you from now on.
6-A: What 10)__________Monica_________(do) at weekends?
B: She 11)________________(play) tennis and 12)_____________(have) lunch
with her friends.
7-I don’t know where I’m going to move, but I think I 13)_____________(move) to a
flat in Palermo.
8- A:14) ____________you ever______________(fly) a plane?
B: No, I 15)______________, but it must be amazing.
9-A:16)_________you____________(enjoy) St Patrick’s Day?
B: Oh, yes I love it. I 17)_______________(meet) my friends and have a lot of fun
with them..
10-A: I didn’t bring my pencil-box today.
B: Don’t worry. I 18)________________(lend) you a pen.
11-Steve 19)_______________(work) at IBM company for four years.
2)Complete the sentences with the best answer A,B or C

.1-Melissa and Paul …………………….to the Balloon festival last year.

A)don’t go B) didn’t go C) didn’t went
2-Steve has already bought the plane tickets. He……………… to Greece.
A) is going to travel B) will travel C) are going to travel
3-Stephen always……………….in the canteen.
A) study B) is studying C) studies
4-………………..Mary and Susan……………… Christmas presents now
A)are Mary and Susan buying B) is Mary and Susan buying C) are Mary and Susan
5- A:____________Peter_____________(be) to Europe yet?
A) Have been B) has been C) was
6-I think I……………….my job in the summer. I’m not very happy with it.
A) will change B) am going to change C) going to change
7-Monica loves…………………her own costumes for carnival.
A) play B) plays C) playing
8-………………Monica at home yesterday night?
A) were B) was C) is
3) Complete the sentences with the correct form of “Will” or “Be going to”

1-Mum: Your marks are very low. You need to study a lot.
Monica: Yes, Mum. I_____________(study) harder.
2-Pam__________(go) to the theatre with her friends next Saturday.
3-I______________(study) French next month. I paid for the course.
4- We’ve got the tickets for the football match. We_______________(see) Liverpool vs
5-I think I_____________(travel) to Paris on holiday.

4) Complete the dialogue with the missing question

Janet: 1)______________________________last weekend?

Paul: I went to the club in the morning and to the cinema with my friends.
Janet: 2)______________________________________?
Paul: Yes, I played rugby
Janet: 3)______________________________________?

Paul:. I saw the film called Bohemian Rapshody.

Janet: 4)______________________________________?
Paul: Yes, I always go to the cinema with my friends.
Janet: 5)______________________________________?
Paul: We had dinner after the movie.
Janet: 6)______________________________________?
Paul: I came back home at 2 am.

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