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Faktor driver of social change

Eleven March University

1. Contact with other cultures
The physical relationship between two societieshas a tendency to cause reciprocal
influences. This means that each society in addition to affectingalso receives influence
from other communities. The spread of culture or influence from one region to another
can occur directly or indirectly. This process is called diffusion.
2. Advanced formal education system
Advanced formal education will certainly teach diversity of abilities, provide value, teach
scientific ways of thinking, and teach objective thinking. The goal is for these resulting
individuals to competewith the times.
3. The attitude of appreciating one's work and the desire to move forward
Appreciating the work of others is used as a driver of social change and may lead to
more and more new discoveries. The form of awards produced by others is not only in
the form of praise, but can be in the form of Nobel Prizes and other awards. For
example, in Indonesia to appreciate the work of the country's children's cinema films
thenns formed The Indonesian Film Festival.
4. Tolerance
Tolerance is the attitude of accepting actions that are considered deviant or different.
This attitude is very important to be instilled since childhood, especially in Indonesia
because in this country there are many differences. For example, differences in
religion, race, ethnicity, language, and customs.
5. The system of the layer of society that is bookeda
An open society makes it easier for social change. This means providing opportunities
for individuals or communities to move forward to make changes in accordance with
their own abilities.
6. Heterogeneous population
Residents who have diverse backgrounds will facilitate conflict or conflict. This conflict
is what willencouragesocial change.
7. Public dissatisfaction with certain areas of life
People who are dissatisfied with a certain life tend to experience changes compared to
people who are more quickly satisfied. Those who are quickly satisfied will tend to be
static and not move.
8. Forward orientation
A society that is oriented to the future must have prepared careful planning planning.
They already know exactly what to do because the planning is designed for the long
9. There is a value that man must strive to improve his life.
To improve his standard of living, every individual must always strive, work hard, and
optimistic so that his lifebecomes prosperous and changes in a better direction.

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