Internet 4.11

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Opinion essay

Topic: Some say that the internet is making the world smaller
by bringing people together. To what extent do to you agree
that the internet is making it easier for people to
communicate with one another.
Read 4 samples and give them suitable marks:
8- 7- 6.5
Sample 1 Sample 2
Sample 3


In the present world, the advancement of technology such as the internet and online
communication has reduced the gap between different continents considerably. Hence, I
strongly agree with the view that the internet has made the world smaller / brought people
closer. I believe that the progress in the internet technology has made international
communication much easier than ever before.

To begin with, the method of talking with people is becoming much more efficient and
quicker due to the internet nowadays. For instance, the geographical barrier between
continents has reduced to a great extent because of the internet. A person from the USA
can easily chat with his loved ones in India due to the invention of technology. What’s
more, they can do this anytime and from anywhere with a few taps on their phone or
computer. In addition, there are many great social media platforms such as Facebook or
WhatsApp messenger through which one is able to make not only voice call but also real-
time face video chat. In other words, people do not feel apart from each other even if they
are living abroad. This is not possible without the internet technology.

Furthermore, the development of business has become quite/more flexible and

convenient not only for vendors but also for traders. This is possible because the internet
has provided a much faster route to communicate between customers and vendors. For
example, the trader can simply talk with his vendors for his business by using the
electronic mail or Skype. Better still, they do not have to travel or meet in person to close
a business deal. Thus, the internet saves time and money for both of them as they do not
need to spend on travel or accommodation expenses which they might have to incur if
they had met face to face.
Opinion essay
In conclusion, the internet has greatly reduced the communication barrier between the
people on the earth. This, in turn, has facilitated effective and efficient chat between not
only relatives who live thousands of miles apart but also businessmen. In fact, this
flexibility will be helpful for a nation to expand trade globally and thus boost the


There is no doubt that the internet has an immense influence on the people over the last
few years. Technological advancements also contribute a lot in widespread usage of this
technology. Some people argue that the internet provides fast, reliable and cheapest ways
of communications. Others state that people become isolated and disconnected because of
excessive use of the internet. I believe that the internet has undeniable benefits and it
helps people to link with each other.

The Internet provides different ways of communications, which are highly reliable and
adoptable. Before the advent of the internet, people used other media of communication
such as letters, phone calls etc. which cost them handsome amount and time. However,
the internet gradually changed the ways the people communicate. Nowadays, everyone
has mobile, laptop, tablet etc. and these devices are equipped with the internet that makes
them in touch with their peer group using social networking applications.

It is often seen that people are becoming unsocial due to the internet. They are relying
more on technology than their friends and relatives. They consider communicating over
the internet is sufficient and do not like to bother meeting each other. Sometimes
individuals living in same premises prefer to talk using cell phones and electronic gadgets
rather than talking directly.

Because of the internet we can talk and keep in touch with people which might have been
impossible otherwise. The professional and business communication greatly depends on
the internet and because of the widespread usages of the internet, we can stay in touch
with people we care.

To sum up, I believe that advantages of internet overweigh its disadvantages. The
Internet makes this world as a global village by removing the barrier of distance.
Economical ways of communication advocate people to talk more freely without
worrying about cost. According to a recent survey, about 70 percent of the world is using
the internet for communication. This survey justifies the importance of the internet in our
Opinion essay

In today’s world _ due to the advancement of technology new inventions are coming into
existence. It is true that ‘Necessity is a mother of invention’. _ Internet is just like a
wonder box, which contains every type of information. Besides it has also proved as a
very important tool to connect people with one another.

In today’s modernized era nobody has sufficient time to write letters to their loved ones.
Moreover it also takes longer to send or receive any information. But the Internet is the
easiest way to send messages to our loved ones. Communication can be either in the form
of e-mail or through text messages sent via internet to mobile phones. We can send and
receive messages straight way.

In other hand today’s young generation mostly prefers to do chatting through the Internet.
During such chatting we can write messages and get replies straight away. Moreover
voice chatting is going to be very popular day-by-day.

As it is a reality the advantages and disadvantages resemble two sides of one coin, which
usually runs parallel. So like other things internet also have some downsides, like causing
people health problems for example, poor eye-sight, back ache or migraines. Today’s
teenagers usually prefer to spend their time on the internet rather than to participating in
other physical activities, which causing them to have a weaker physical health.

To conclude, I would like to say that the Internet is one of the most modernized and most
successful tools, not only for communication, even to get most relevant information
regarding every field in a very short period of time.

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