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A Quadrennial Cycle weightlifting program ( Chu Kỳ 4 năm) is designed for

a four-year training plan, commonly to align with major athletic events like
the Olympics. This long-term approach is beneficial for elite athletes to
peak at specific times. Here’s a general overview of how you might
structure a Quadrennial Cycle for weightlifting:
Phase 1: Foundational Base (Year 1) hypertrophy phase
• Building the Foundation: Focus on general strength, technique,
flexibility, and muscle building.
• Body Conditioning: Prepare the body for more intense phases in
the following years.
• Volume Focus: High-repetition, moderate-weight workouts.(6-
• Technical Emphasis: Mastering the basics of weightlifting
movements(bench press ,squat,ohp,pull ups,dips)
• Body Strength: Developing a strong foundation.
Phase 2: Strength Development (Year 2) strength phase
• Increasing Strength: Develop and improve maximal strength.
• Refine Technique: Continue perfecting form and technique.
• Transition to Heavier Lifts: Gradually introduce heavier weights.
• Moderate Volume: Decrease reps, increase weights.
• Strength Building: Focus on compound lifts to increase maximum
• Advanced Techniques: Practice more complex movements.
Phase 3: Performance Enhancement (Year 3) max effort+max
dynamic effort day
• Peak Performance Preparation: Aim to reach peak performance
• Fine-tuning Technique: Work on technical precision.
• Mental and Physical Conditioning: Prepare for competitions.
• Lower Volume, Higher Intensity: Focus on quality over quantity.
• Performance-Driven: Emphasize competition-style lifts.
• Peak Performance: Introduce max lifts, prepare for peak
Phase 4: Taper and Competition (Year 4) rest and relax
• Optimal Performance: Peak at the right time for major
competitions or events.
• Recovery and Rest: Reduce training to maintain peak form.
• Mental Preparation: Sharpen focus and readiness.
• Tapering: Decrease volume and intensity closer to the main event.
• Precision Training: Refine skills and technique.
• Recovery Focus: Ensure adequate rest and recovery.

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