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Literature as Data Summaries

Initial Wondering (List it here):

How can I make my students feel seen in the classroom?

Does your wondering pass the litmus test? Complete the checklist below to confirm.

� Is it specific?

� Is it focused on student learning?

� Is it a real question (question whose answer is not known)?

� Is it a question about which you are passionate?

� Is it a “how can I” wondering? (What impact might it have on your students?)

� Is it free of judgmental language?

� Is it focused on your own practice?

� Is it a dichotomous (yes/no) question?

� Is it clear and concise?

� Is it doable?
APA Citation: Levett-Jones, T., Lathlean, J., Higgins, I., & McMillan, M. (2009). Staff–student relationships and their impact on nursing
students’ belongingness and learning. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 65(2), 316-324.
Notes about Key Quotes & Ideas Actions or Impact on Actions in the Classrooms
(Think of 3 or more ideas)

1. “The need to belong is universal and pervasive”  Having positive relationships in the classroom.
 Make students feel as though they belong.
2. “Staff-student relationships… were the most important  Address and acknowledge every student to promote
influence on students’ self of belonging and learning” equity.
3. “People deprived of belongingness are more likely to
experience diminished self-esteem”

How does this article relate to equity in the classroom?

This article relates to equity in the classroom because the article discusses how teachers should have good relationships with their
students in order to promote equity in the classroom. By having positive relationships, all students are able to feel a sense of
belonging, which makes learning fair and equitable for the entire class.

APA Citation: Hutchinson, L. (2003, April 12). Educational environment. The BMJ.
Notes about Key Quotes & Ideas Actions or Impact on Actions in the Classrooms
(Think of 3 or more ideas)

1. “A teacher’s role in motivation should not be  Create a positive classroom environment for students.
underestimated”  Motivate students through the relationship you have with
2. “Learners are motivated through inclusion and  Ensure that all students are provided for in their ideal
consultation” type of environment.
3. “The relevance of learning is closely linked to motivation”

How does this article relate to equity in the classroom?

This article relates to equity in the classroom because it discusses the different parts of a classroom environment and how they
affect the learner. This relates back to equity because if all students are in an environment which they feel comfortable in, then it
makes it equitable for them and therefore a good classroom all around.

APA Citation: Buckner, M. M. (2015, June 3). Feeling valued matters: An examination of instructor confirmation and ... Taylor &
Francis Online.
Notes about Key Quotes & Ideas Actions or Impact on Actions in the Classrooms
(Think of 3 or more ideas)

1. “Instructor misbehaviors may incite negative student  Reflect positive behaviors so that students mimic those.
behaviors”  Communicate with students positively and in a respectful
manner to make students feel valued.
2. “The process by which instructors communicate to  Classroom procedures can affect how the classroom is
students that they are valuable, significant individuals” perceived by students, so ensure that all procedures are
3. “Classroom justice describes perceptions of fairness
related to classroom outcomes or procedures.”
How does this article relate to equity in the classroom?

This article relates to equity in the classroom because it discusses how important it is for students to feel valued. Feeling valued is
directly connected to equity because if everyone in the classroom feels as though they are valued, then you will have an extremely
equitable classroom. It’s important to make students feel as though they are individuals so that they feel as though they are a
person just like the teacher, rather than feeling like they are less than teachers.

APA Citation: Author links open overlay panelSANDRA HORNE MARTIN, & AbstractThis study concerns the design of
classroom environments and the impact of these environments on the practice of teachers. It involves data gathered from
primary and secondary schools. (2002, June 16). The classroom environment and its effects on the practice of teachers.
Journal of Environmental Psychology.
Notes about Key Quotes & Ideas Actions or Impact on Actions in the Classrooms
(Think of 3 or more ideas)

1. “The design of classroom environments and the impact  The classroom environment is an essential part of being
of these environments on the practice of teachers” a teacher since it reflects the type of teacher you are,
which is why you should have positive features in your
2. “The extent to which teachers feel they have control over classroom.
the features of their classroom”  Maintaining a good classroom environment is essential
for not only the teachers, but students as well.
3. “Environmental competence is an important constituent
 Control of the classroom environment does not always
of the skilled teacher.”
have to be focused on the teacher, but it can be student-
centered as well.

How does this article relate to equity in the classroom?

This article relates to equity in the classroom because the classroom environment plays a large role in equity in the classroom. If a
classroom is not welcoming or engaging, then it is not equitable. This is why it is important to ensure that the classroom
environment provides equity for all students, no matter how diverse a classroom may be.
APA Citation: Johnson, D. (2016, November 30). The role of teachers in motivating students to learn. BU Journal of Graduate
Studies in Education.
Notes about Key Quotes & Ideas Actions or Impact on Actions in the Classrooms
(Think of 3 or more ideas)

1. “Many factors motivate students to learn. These factors  Become aware of both intrinsic and extrinsic motivating
may be intrinsic or extrinsic.” factors for students.
 If you make a task more desirable to students, they will
2. “Students’ learning can increase because of their own feel more motivated to complete it.
innate desires to perform or accomplish a task.”  Including ideas that relate back to students will keep
them engaged and motivated in the activity.
3. “Teachers play a vital role in creating an environment
that supports students’ learning.”

How does this article relate to equity in the classroom?

This article relates back to equity in the classroom because by ensuring that all students are motivated, this allows for more equity.
Since all students are being catered to with both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, they will feel as though their wants and needs
are being met. In addition to that, if a student’s interest is mentioned in class, it will make them feel as though they are seen in the
classroom and therefore, more equity is provided.

Citing a Journal Article Cheat Sheet:

Last Name, First Initial. (year). Title (only first word capitalized). Journal Name, volume(issue#), pages.

Last Name, First Initial., Last name, First Initial. (year)

What are several themes you found across your literature summaries?

Across all of my literature summaries, I found the common theme that positivity within the classroom is essential. Whether it is
positive relationships, a positive classroom environment, etc., this impacts the classroom in a big way. I have observed many
classrooms with negative teachers, or teachers that will scold students rather than help them to succeed. After reading these
articles, I have realized how important it is to build students up, help them feel motivated and engaged in the classroom, provide
more opportunities for students, and provide a comfortable classroom environment.

What are some of your ideas for how to utilize what you learned from your literature in your classroom? How will this promote
equity for your students?

After reading these articles, there are many ideas which I would like to utilize and implement within my classroom. One of these
ideas includes building positive relationships with students. Building student-teacher relationships doesn’t mean building a
relationship solely based on classroom experiences, but you can get to know the students on a deeper level as well. This is
important because you should want to make students feel valued and cared for, and you can do this by actually caring about them
as a person. This idea will promote equity for my students because

How have you revised your wondering after the literature data collection? Why or Why not? If a new wondering, add it here.

After the literature data collection, I have revised my wondering from, “How can I make my students feel seen in the classroom?” to
“How can I make my students feel valued in the classroom?”. I made this revision because I felt as though the word “valued”
encompassed more of the articles that I read, and feeling valued even encompasses the idea of feeling seen. I wanted to have an
overarching question that was more vague so that I could find multiple ways to answer it, and multiple ways to solve it within the

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