QCA Handout

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Definition Pros // Cons should be:
mutually exclusive
It is unobtrusive. exhaustive
Finding a
Quantitative content analysis is a It is relatively
representative sample reliable
research methodology used to inexpensive.
Determining Tips:
It can deal with current
analyze and quantify the content events and topics of
measurable units
Use a historical
of various forms of communication, Obtaining reliability in
present-day interest. approach
such as texts, images, videos, or It uses material that is
Defining terms
Use a comparative
relatively easy to obtain approach
audio. It involves systematically operationally
and work with. Offer operational
counting and categorizing specific Ensuring validity and definition for each
It yields data that can
elements or characteristics within utility in your findings action you want
be quantified.
the content to draw objective coded

conclusions and identify patterns or

trends. intercoding testing formula:

PA= A/n x 100

Decide what you want to find out and offer a
Quali vs Quanti
hypothesis--that is, an educated guess-about what
you expect to find.
key differences
Explain what you'll be investigating and tell why this 1. Quantitative content analysis focuses on
research is worth doing. numerical and statistical analysis, while qualitative
Offer an operational definition of the topic you'll be content analysis focuses on understanding meaning
studying. If you're studying violence, tell how you and context.
define it. 2. Quantitative content analysis is more objective
Explain your basis for selecting the sample you'll be and relies on systematic coding and counting, while
analyzing. qualitative content analysis is more interpretive and
Explain your unit of analysis. looks for patterns or themes.
Describe your classification system or system of 3. Quantitative content analysis requires larger
categories for coding your material. sample sizes for statistical significance, while
Determine your coding system. qualitative content analysis often works with smaller,
Test for intercoding reliability and make any more in-depth samples.
necessary adjustments, such as increased training 4. Quantitative content analysis emphasizes
and practice for the coders or an adjustment of the replicability and generalizability, while qualitative
operational definition and code guides. content analysis emphasizes the subjective
Using your coding system, analyze the sample you interpretation of the researcher.
have selected. 5. Quantitative content analysis generates
Present your findings using quantified data you've numerical data that can be analyzed statistically,
obtained from your content analysis. while qualitative content analysis generates
Interpret your results using your numerical data and descriptive data that provides a deep
other material relevant to your research understanding of the content.

prepared by: Nalyssa Resoles

February Newsletter

Themes Contact Me
This February, we will be If you have any questions about
working on your child's language your child, please feel free to
goals while we talk about the reach out to me. My contact
following themes: information is below:
Valentine's Day hello@reallygreatsite.com
Groundhog Day (123) 456-7890
Dental health www.reallygreatsite.com
President's Day

Here are some of the vocabulary
At Home words your child will be using in
Here are some helpful tips to therapy:
help your child improve their bow happiness
language skills at home: bouquet kindness
ics. burrow locket
Speak to them in clear
and simple language. cavity love
Read books together every check-up nation
day. companion penguins
Ask your child open-ended Cupid president
questions instead of dentist prediction
yes/no questions. feelings shortest
Limit the use of electron forecast vote
friendship weather

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