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Weekly News

August 16 23 Ryan Yeomans

Avoiding Conflict with Customers How to deal with upset

When trying to avoid conflict with a customer make customer
sure you are trying your best to cooperate with the Your instincts may tell you to get defensive,
customer and, make a compromise with them let especially when you know the customer is wrong.
them know you will work it out. When you use a But remember, you’re there for customer support.
compromise as a conflict resolution strategy neither You need to help them resolve their issues and
party “wins” or gets everything that they want. diffuse tensions. They want to be heard. If you’re
However, it does often result in long-term conflict their first interaction, give them the floor and
resolution. Even if you didn’t do anything wrong, actively listen to what they have to say. the reason
apologize for the inconvenience and frustration the your customer is angry can change throughout their
customer is experiencing. Listen to the customer interaction with you and your team. Before
without interrupting to make sure you understand addressing your customer’s request, you must
their whole side. A positive attitude can help to de- understand their motivation.
escalate angry customers. No matter how frustrated
a customer, it’s more difficult to communicate in an
angry or disrespectful manner with an agent who is
caring, empathetic, and optimistic that they can
Dressing professionally
solve the problem. Also ensure that the customer Dressing professionally in the workplace is
knows that you appreciate their business and that important to look and feel business ready. In this
they took the time to make you aware of a problem. work environment you are required to wear a long
It’s common for multiple customers to experience sleeve button down shirt, a tie, khakis or slacks,
the same problem, so knowing that the issue exists with a matching pair of dress shoes. You are not
gives you an opportunity to proactively resolve it required to have a suit jacket, although it is
for other customers.

Safety in the Workplace

 Always be aware of your surroundings.
 Ensure you have the correct posture for
back and neck protection.
 Make sure you take regular breaks.
(When allowed)
 Always operate machines, tools and other
equipment properly.
 Always ensure emergency exits are clear
and accessible.
 Report hazards to your supervisor.

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