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Rue awoke to her head pounding, and blood dried to her face. The smell of her own blood
made her nauseous. She carefully sat up, preparing for the worst. What she saw was indeed, the
worst, she was chained to a concreate wall with rusty chains. The chains hung loosely from her
wrists, just tight enough not come off. She was placed in a dark cell, the bars where mostly
rusted. So, there was a chance of escape. She moved closer to the bars, as far as her chains would
allow. She could see an old window and steps going up. She must have been underground then; it
would explain the coldness. Beside the stairs sat a cart with bloody knives and sharp objects laid
across it. She looked around franticly, she pulled her chains until it finally unlatched from the
wall. She kicked and punched the bars, doing no damage whatsoever. Her fists and feet where
now bloody and bruised. Tears streamed down her face, mixing with the dried blood. She
screamed and screamed, yet no one came to her rescue. She pulled and pushed the bars hoping
they would give out, crumble, anything; she was desperate. Rue’s shrieks for help became louder
and louder, as she got more frightened. She froze when she heard a creak at the steps.
A torn-up pair of work boots slowly made their way down the steps. There were blood stains all
over the boots, with each step they tracked mud behind them. The smell of rotting flesh flooded
the room as the unknown figure entered. His clothes where dirty and torn, his pants also had
blood on them. As the man’s face came into view Rue screamed. His face looked like it had been
burnt off, his crooked nose stuck out at an unnatural angle. Wrinkles covered his face along with
many moles. He smiled, and a tooth fell out. His teeth were yellow and black, almost as crooked
as his nose. Once the man reached the end of the steps he laughed. His laugh echoed in the
chamber, bouncing off the walls. His face was contorted into what Rue assumed to be a smile; he
found her fear fun. The man walked closer to the cage Rue was held in, he caressed the rusty bar
with an almost peaceful look on this face. Rue quickly backed up and pushed herself against the
wall. Trying to get as far away as possible.
The man said nothing, he just watched her. Rue curled up in the furthest corner and covered her
face. She tried to pretend this was all a dream, but in her heart, she knew it wasn’t. She held in
her tears, not letting him get the satisfaction he was waiting for. She heard him walk away, his
footsteps slowly disappearing. She waited until the creaking from the steps quit before she lifted
her head. She looked up slowly and cautiously, he was gone. All that was left was a rotted tooth
and some muddy footprints. She waited for what felt like hours, until she was sure he had left.
She stood up and ran over to the bars, banging on them and shaking them again and again.
Finally, one bar gave out, it broke in half and fell to the floor with a loud thud. Rue jumped back
in surprise and let out a sigh of relief. She held on to the surrounding bars for support, as she
struggled to climb through the narrow opening, she had made. The rusty bars creaked as she
crawled through them. Once she had made it all the way through, she pulled her chains through
too. She stood up and winced as she saw her scraped knee. Pieces of rust scattered through the
open wound; she limped over to the cart that was full of tools. She grabbed a pair of wire cutters
and used them to remove her chains. Once she got her hands free, she ran. She rushed over to the
stairs but before she could make it something sharp punctured her foot. She lifted her foot and
winced in pain; the man’s tooth was stuck in her foot. She carefully pulled the tooth out and
threw it across the room. She looked at her foot trying to examine the wound, she saw lots of
blood and tooth shards. She cursed under her breath and limped up the stairs. As she reached the
top of the stairs, she was greeted with the man looking down at her. He was smiling, enjoying her
pain, and suffering.
Without thinking Rue tried to run back down, she tripped and tumbled down the steps. She tried
to catch herself but ended up snapping her wrist. Her wrist popped loudly and was bent at an
unnatural angle. The bone was pushing against the skin, sticking out in the wrong direction. Rue
scrambled to her feet as she heard the man’s footsteps get closer. She ran over to the cart full of
tools and grabbed a scalpel. She held it in the direction of the man with one hand while the other
hand was holding the wall for support. Her vision went blurry, and her knees buckled, she hit the
floor with a thud. When she awoke, she was placed in a cell again, laying in a pool of her own
blood. Rue tried to stand but her body was far too weak to do so, she felt a burning sensation on
her back. She looked back and saw her shirt soaked in blood; her back was cut open. She let
herself collapse, mentally and physically exhausted. She looked up and saw the man staring
down at her. On his crooked face was a huge smile, his eyes sparkled with enjoyment. Rue heard
him enter the cell, his loud footsteps echoing in the chamber. She made the grave mistake of
looking back at him. He had the scalpel she previously held, he raised it up and stabbed her. Rue
screamed as the scalpel punctured her heart. She felt him remove it and continue to stab her, over
and over. Her vision got blurry and the last thing she saw was his spine-tingling smile.

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