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Std. : VIII Sub.: Computer Topic: Ch 5 Creating Apps


● Explain the concept of apps
● List different types of apps
● Classify mobile apps
● List the common uses of apps
● Explain the advantage of using MIT App Inventor
● Start a new project
● Run the emulator
The term “app” is simply an abbreviation of the word ”application”. An app is a computer software that
allows a user to perform a specific function. We can accomplish multiple actions with the help of apps
including, painting, searching information, navigating, photo editing , playing games , watching videos, etc.
An application can function with the help of an operating system. Computer applications are often used on
desktop applications. However, the term app is generally used for applications that run on smartphones.
An app may or may not need an Internet connection to function.
A smartphone is basically a small computer with its own operating system. A smartphone app allows a user
to perform multiple functions similar to that of a desktop application; but with less memory and
computing power. User can provide their inputs using a touchscreen or keypad.
Apps often operate only with the compatible operating systems. The two major mobile operating systems
available today include Android and iOS. Android is an operating system developed by Google and is
available on a number of smartphones. iOS is developed by Apple and is available on iPhones. Types of
Applications are accessed using a number of devices, such desktops, smartphones, or tablets. Depending
on its compatibility with an operating system and the need of web access, an app could be one of the
following types.
Desktop Apps
A desktop app runs on a desktop computer or laptop and works with corresponding operating systems,
such as Windows, Mac, Linux, etc. A desktop app often may not require Internet access, once it is installed
on the computer. Examples of computer apps include MS Word, Paint, Notepad, etc. Web Apps
A web app requires Internet connection to function. It is often accessed using a web browser already
installed on your computer. A web app is basically an installed shortcut, which also acts as a bookmark for
a website. The user need not access the app store or play store to install a web app. Examples of a web
app include the apps for Flickr, LinkedIn , etc.
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Mobile Apps
A mobile app operates on a smartphone or tablet and is installed using an Internet connection. Once
installed, a mobile app appears as an icon and may or may not require the Internet to function. A mobile app
is installed on a smartphone and can be accessed directly. By contrast, a web app can only be accessed
through a web browser. A mobile app directly uses the memory and processing power of the device,
whereas a web app relies on the web browser to send and receive the data it requires.Examples of a mobile
app include the apps for Facebook, Twitter, etc along with various mobile game apps.
Classification of Mobile Apps
Mobile apps are built for various purposes and are classified into different categories based on the
compatibility to a platform, a mobile app could be a native app or a hybrid app.
Native app
A native app is generally developed to exclusively operate on a specific platform.A native app built for the
Android platform will not work on the iOS platform. Native apps are often created to target particular device
specifications, such as GPS, Cameras, Wi-Fi, etc. In case of native apps, app developers make use of software
languages, such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, and JQuery, to target one platform.
Hybrid app
A hybrid app can be used on multiple platforms. Hybrid apps provide cross-platform compatibility since a
portion of its functionality is sourced from a distant server. Software languages used in the development of a
hybrid app may include HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Mobile Javascript, etc. One popular example of a

hybrid app is the Candy Crush mobile game, which is compatible with multiple mobile platforms. Uses of

Common Apps
As the use of smartphones become more prevalent in today's society, the Internet provides a great avenue
to accomplish a wide variety of day-to-day tasks. These tasks often range from mundane duties to highly
specialized engagements over great distances.
The most common uses of apps fall under the following categories.
Integration of mobile apps has made learning significantly less laborious and also easily accessible.
● Use of apps, such as Byjus and Khan Academy, helps in better introduction of new concepts due to
increasing integration of visual and audio learning media.
● Outside the schools and colleges, online study resources such as Google classroom, make learning possible
over a great distance.
Social Networking
Internet has massively improved the efficiency of human communication.
● The app Whatsapp helps to communicate using instant messaging and sharing of images and videos over
the internet.
● The Facebook app allows its user to create personal profiles, share thoughts and information and play
● With Twitter, users are given the opportunity to broadcast their message over the internet. SGVP
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Many apps can provide free and easy access to various entertainment services that broadcast movies,
music, etc.

● Video streaming platforms, such as YouTube, allow us to watch entertaining videos and movies for
● Mobile apps, such as Google Play and Spotify, allow users to not only listen to their favourite music,
but also to upload their own music to the web.
● Apps such as BookMyShow, make it easier to view movies listed in the theatre


Today, every bank offers its own mobile app to their customers. With the help of a banking app, customers
can now easily access their bank account to view balance information, transfer funds and subscribe to
special schemes. Banking apps are also useful to set-up regular bill payments or order a cheque book,
along with other activities.

E-Commerce is a term used for business deals and commercial transactions that occur over the Internet.
Popular shopping portals such as, Flipkart and Amazon, offer their own mobile apps. These apps provide
access to an extensive catalogue of products.

MIT App Inventor

There are a number of online tools available that allow us to develop our own app. One such tool is the
MIT App Inventor. It is a free cloud-based app development tool that we can access using a web browser.

MIT App Inventor provides an online graphical interface. It allows us to integrate different components of
an app into a common layout with the use of a simple drag-and-drop method App inventor offers a visual
programming environment capable of handling the development of fully functional apps exclusive to
Android devices It handles the complex tasks of maintaining codes and handling component files to help us
bring various elements of an app together.

Let us start a new project in MIT App inventor that allows us to create our own app E-

Quiz. Starting a New Project

We can use the MIT App Inventor using a web browser and create and maintain our own collection of
projects. A user requires a Google account to use the MIT App Inventor service that can be accessed from
its home page.

To start a new project:

1. Go to A webpage appears informing us to sign-in using a Google account

2. Enter the required credentials for a Google account The Terms of Service page appears. 3. Click I
accept the terms of service! The MIT App Inventor dashboard appears in the Projects View.

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4. Click the Start new project button. The Create new App Inventor project pop-up appears.
5. In the Project name text box, enter the required name. For example, enter EQuiz.
(Create New App Inventor Project Pop-up)

6. Click OK. The App Inventor window appears in the Designer View.

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Once a new project is created, the necessary functionalities can now be added to build the user interface for
the app. Let us see how a project is displayed on a mobile screen.
Running the Emulator
Android emulator is a program designed to test an app created using the App Inventor. The emulator can be
viewed on a computer screen that displays the visual layout of the app being developed. Hence, an Android
emulator allows us to build an app and test the same in real-time with the help of an emulator. To view the
Android emulator on a desktop screen, it is required to install the program aiStarter. The given program
connects the web browser running the App Inventor to the
emulator. We can install the aiStarter program as a part of the App Inventor Setup package. Once installed,
we can start the emulator through the Windows menu or by using the desktop icon. To start the Android

1. From the desktop, click the Start icon The list of available programs appears. 2. Click aiStarter. A
command prompt window appears.
(Command Prompt Window)
3. In the web browser, from the App Inventor dashboard, click Connect.
4. From the drop-down menu, click Emulator. The Connecting message box appears. SGVP International School,

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(Connect Menu) (Connecting Message Box)

Once the process is finished, the emulator appears.

(Android Emulator)
● An app is a computer software that allows a user to perform specific functions. ● Depending
on its compatibility with an operating system and the need for web access, an app can be
categorized into one of the following types.
Desktop App
Web App
Mobile App
● Based on the compatibility to a platform, a mobile app could be a native app or a hybrid
app. ● The most common uses of apps fall under the following categories.
Social Networking
● MIT App Inventor is a free, cloud-based app development tool that we can access using a
web browser.
● We can use the MIT App Inventor using a web browser and create and maintain our own
collection of projects.
● Android emulator is a program designed to test an app created using the App Inventor.

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Q : A. Fill in the blanks.

1. A desktop app may often not require an_______________ access, once it is installed on the
2. A _____________ app is generally developed to exclusively operate on a specific platform.
3. Video______________ platforms, such as YouTube, allow us to watch entertaining videos.
4. MIT App Inventor provides an____________graphical interface.
5. We can install the___________program as a part of the App Inventor Setup package.
Q : B. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. The term "app" is simply an abbreviation of the word "application". _________ 2. A web app does
not require an Internet connection to function. _________ 3. Native apps provide cross-platform
compatibility. _________ 4. App Inventor offers a visual programming environment. _________ 5.
Once installed, we can start the Android emulator through the Windows Start menu. _________
Q : C. Name the following.
1. A type of phone that is basically a small computer _________ 2. A type of app where a portion the
app's functionality is sourced from a
distant web server. _________ 3. The account a user requires to use the MIT App Inventor service.
_________ 4. A tool that allows us to test apps in real-time. _________ 5. The program that helps to
connect with the Internet and use App Inventor. _________ Q : D. Answer the following in brief.
1. List the two major mobile operating systems available today.
2. What is a desktop app?
3. How is a native app different from a hybrid app?
4. List the uses of the Facebook app.
5. List the advantages of using the MIT App Inventor.

1. Sign-up for a Google account and access the MIT App Inventor website.
2. Create a new app project named, MyApp.
3. Run the Android emulator for MyApp.

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