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Engineering An Empire: Egypt

Old Kingdom ~ Menes

1. What new capital city stayed dry during the flooding of the Nile?

2. Who was the first pharaoh of Egypt’s first dynasty, that united upper and lower Egypt?

3. Menes reign came to an end after 62 years. How did Menes die?

4. Egyptians did not need to worry about roads and wheels because of the Nile River. The river
___________ south to north and the Egyptians could use _____________ the from north to

5. What did the mud-brick structures, mastabas, act as for the Egyptians?

6. Of the 100 pyramids the Egyptians built, how many still stand today?

Old Kingdom ~ Djoser & Imhotep

7. What was revolutionary about was Djoser’s pyramid?

8. What role did women have in the labor force of the building of Djoser’s pyramid?

9. In the Northern tomb, Djoser’s mummified body would be laid to rest. What was the purpose
of the Southern tomb?

10. Djoser pushed Egypt’s southern boundary to this location, which became the nation’s border
through much of Egypt’s history.

11. How many steps did Djoser’s step-pyramid have?

12. How long did Djoser reign for?

Old Kingdom ~ Snefru

13. Who did Snefru marry to consolidate his claim to the throne? (Hint: I don’t need a name)

14. The Meydum pyramid’s core had 8 steps, which were filled in with packing stones, and it
was then enclosed with what material to give it its smooth sides?

15. How many of the 8 steps at Meydum still remain today?

16. The pyramid at Dashar had an angle change from 54 degrees to _____ degrees, making it an
awkward looking pyramid.

17. The awkward pyramid at Dashar is today known as the ________ Pyramid.
18. What are the three theories on how the Egyptians built the pyramids?

19. What is the name of the first true pyramid ever built?

Middle Kingdom ~ Sesostris II

20. Sesostris’ 3 objectives are to secure Egypt’s southern border, take control of trade routes in
Nubia and plunder as much Nubian ________ as his troops could carry.

21. The Nubians were renowned, even into the middle ages as expert __________.

22. Sesostris’ remnants of the super forts stood well into the 20th century, but what is the
problem with visiting them?

23. By the end of his reign Sesostris’ fort network stretched 200 miles into what present day
country? New Kingdom ~ Hatshepsut

24. By the 7th year of the joint reign of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III, Hatshepsut actually calls
herself _________.

25. Why does Hatshepsut change her gender?

26. How was Hatshepsut’s tomb different form all of the previous pharaohs?

27. Why was the unfinished obelisk at the quarry abandoned?

New Kingdom ~ Amenhoptep/Akhenanten

28. What did Amenhotep do to cause disruption for the Egyptian capital of Luxor?

29. Akhenanten began to take his religion more and more seriously and thus avoided any of the
responsibility of __________.

30. In what year was King Tutankhamun’s body found completely undisturbed? New Kingdom ~
Ramses II

31. Why was the Temple of Abu Simbel in danger of being destroyed?

32. How many children did Ramses have by the age of 21?

33. What kingdom did Ramses attack in Syria? What was the outcome of this war?

34. What was the name of Ramses most beloved queen?

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