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The strongest warrior

Once in a faraway kingdom stood a mighty king. The

king was beloved by all his people. But one day a
king from another kingdom name Stanford sent a
message saying how he would like to make a peace
treaty. The king as trusty as he is sent out with a
hand full of guards to talk to Stanford. But when the
king showed up, they realized it was a trap, but it
was too late. Stanford caught the king and his
guards. But when Stanford thought he had the king
the king revealed that he thought Stanford was going
to trap him, so he brought his strongest warrior, and
that warrior was name Hercules and Hercules
defeated Stanford and save the king. When the king
went back to his kingdom the king and the people
and a festal to celebrate the victory, they had over
Stanford but as little as they knew Stanford had a
weapon to destroy their kingdom.
One day Hercules was walking in the kingdom when
he stumbles on a young man being ambush buy
thugs. Hercules went over to the boy to save him.
But while Hercules was trying to save the boy one of
the thugs slipped by Hercules and was prepared to
kill the boy, but Hercules was abled to leap the boy
in time to save him as a resalted Hercules was
gravely injured in the process Hercules was bleeding
out, but the boy was able to yell out for help. The
thugs knew that the guard were coming now so they
ran immediately shortly after that. When the guards
show up the boy was out cold, and Hercules was on
the floor injured. The guards rushed the boy and
Hercules to the hospital three hours later the boy
wake up in a bright white and gold room the blanket
on him felt as soft as silk and there was a pitcher of
water on a bright blue glass table with a note saying,
“when you wake up drink a cup or two of water.”
After the boy drank some of the water, he searches
the room a little more than he relizared that he has
new clothes on the shirt was made of cotton and had
a picture of a dragon on the front and the pant were
made of cotton and they had a white and red stripe
on them. While the boy was admiring his new clothes
Hercules walk in and said “ahh good your up wake
how does you feel and what’s your name”. “My name
is Scott and am find wait what about you Hercules.”
“I’m find it takes more than that to keep me down,
but I have a question where are your parent and how
old are you Scott” “Am ten and my parent are dead.”
“am sorry for your lose if you want you can stay here
and be my appetited.” Wait really do that for me.”
Yes, I while but be warn I will not take it easy on you
okay. That’s okay with me I can’t believe I’m going to
be learning from Hercules. Yes, you are but first you
need to come to the castle there you will be given a
room and that way I can train you where I train when
I was your age. Two hours later Hercules and Scott
went to the castle where the king asks where
Hercules has been and who is that boy. Couple hours
later Hercules get done telling how Scott was being
attack and how Hercules was injured. After all that
the king tell Hercules too take two weeks to heal
and, in that time, Scott can learn his environment.
Hercules had to agree, and Scott was taking by the
king and was show the dizzily thing in the castle and
where he is going to stay. One-week later Hercules
showed Scott the training yard and introduced Scott
to Hercules rival his name is Ayden Hercules you
don’t need to introduce me I can do it myself. Sorry
Ayden it’s okay Hercules well so you are Hercules
student yes, my name is Scott well Scott I am happy
to see that Hercules finally has a student why is that
because Hercules here is sixty nine years old age is
catching up to him come on Ayden I have many years
to come yeah yeah Scott rember this just take it
easy on him okay. I will. Good. Well see you guys
later. Hey Scott let do some train wait you still have
a week left I’m fine let go okay. Five years later
Ayden and Scott were talking. Hey Ayden, how was
Hercules when was younger? Well Scott he wasn’t
nice to people like how he is with you years ago he
didn’t care about anything but his job he yells at
people in the castle and was a jerk but when he met
you, he change he apologize to everyone and help
them out thanks to you Hercules has grown into a
better hero. Thanks Ayden Hercules has helped me
to I used to be shy but now I’m bold and brave. It
been ten years since Hercules met Scott now Scott
is now as strong as Hercules now. Okay Scott let
have one more fight let see is the strongest now as
soon as the fight start one of the castles rushed in
and said Stanford army is coming Hercules said what
do you mean the guard told Hercules how Stanford
army was coming how the king sent his army to
meet Stanford army and how they needed Hercules.
Hercules told Scott to come with him and Scott
agree to go with. Hercules had terrible look on his
face Hercules told Scott to his room and there he
would find some gear but when Scott went into his
room Hercules locked the door to the room with
Scott in. I’m sorry but you are not ready for a fight
like this I’m sorry Scott. Wait Hercules you can’t like
you used to that injury ten years still hurt you please
let me fight. I’m sorry but I can’t lose a friend not on
my watch. So, Hercules travel to fight Stanford army.
while that was happening, Scott broke a piece of
wood and was able to pride the door and breaks it off
it hitches. Scott made his way to the castle armorer
and the castle horse stable. But the fight between
the Hercules and Stanford was about to start. It was
raining where the battle was taking place the ground
was all mud and the hole place was cover in fog.
Hercules was ready to fight so he told his army to
charge, and the war began. Two hour later Scott
made it to the fight when he did all he heard was
scream of pain and the sound of metal crashing. The
mud was now mix with blood making a ugly shade of
red. Scott was looking for Hercules but when Scott
saw him he was fighting Stanford Scott rushed to
help Hercules. While Scott was coming to help
Stanford ask Hercules how he like his new weapon
Hercules ask Stanford what he was taking about
Stanford told the armor and weapon was made of a
new materteral stronger than steel making his army
stronger than Hercules army Hercules told standard
it not the armor or weapon that make the knight it
their belief in their kingdom with Hercules charged
at Stanford but Stanford dodge and deliver a fatality
blow on Hercules. Scott saw and intermediate attack
Stanford but Stanford dodge them all. Scott stops
attacking to see Hercules and then Hercules told
Scott to keep the people their kingdom safe and with
Hercules dies. Scott heart broking turn and attack
Stanford so quicky Stanford couldn’t dodge them all
and was dealt couple fatality blows. Then Scott
walks up to the dying Stanford and deliver the final
blow. With Stanford death his army surrender to
Scott. The heart broking Scott took Hercules body to
the king after the battle and on that day the kingdom
lost a hero but gain a new one and that hero helped
that kingdom grow, and he taught the next
generation how to be hero to.

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