Ethical Dilemma's Faced by Robotics

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Ethical Dilemma’s Faced by Robotics

Williane Villaruel
Reindhie Dela Torre
Shane Reyes
Joana Joy Barloso

First of all, we would like to express our deepest appreciation to our Science
Technolgy and Society teacher, Mrs. Charose Alegre and to our dean ______ who
gave us the opportunity to do research regarding on the topic “Ethical Dilemma’s
Faced by Robotics”. This topic helps us more to better understand the effects of
robotics in our everyday lives. We were also able to improve our research skills as
well as developed camaraderie given this topic

Secondly, we would like to thank our families and friends who helped us in
making this report by giving us time to do research and analyze the topic thoroughly.
This would not be possible without their support.

We would also like to thank each and one of us in this group who gave their
best efforts and shared their knowledge. This research would not be finalized and
successfully be completed without the group’s cooperation.

Thank you and best regards,

Williane Villaruel
Reindhie Dela Torre
Joana Joy Barloso
Shane Patrick Reyes
(Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English 1)

November 13, 2023

Table of contents

Chapter I : Statement of the problem

Chapter II : Review of Related Issues
Chapter III : Research Methodology
Chapter IV : Data Analysis
Chapter V : Conclusion
Chapter I

Nowadays, robotics plays a vital role in our lives. In a fast-paced world, we

need technology that will keep up with our needs. We use robots to handle hard and
dangerous jobs. Our manufacturing industry is well known in using robots or
machines to produce more products to meet the needs of many consumers. In
logistics industry, robots were used to make shipping, handling and quality control
faster so that it will maximize the time efficiency of product distribution or deliveries.
At home, we also use simple machines such as our appliances to help make our
lives easier and comfortable. For travel, it is much convenient for us to go to one
place to another. Auto-makers like Tesla, Ford, BMW etc. continues to develop cars
that don’t need humans to drive in it. For healthcare use, robots help us to provide
assistance in surgeries and help us in recoveries.

It is indeed that robots helped us in various ways that humans encounter

difficulties in coping up once this type of technologies were lost. However, we all
know that these machines were invented by humans and could also encounter
errors. There were also people who continue to create machines that are less
controlled by humans. With the technology continuously evolving, shall we rely on
its efficiency without affecting us? Will it keep us from harm? Does it need to have
rules same with humans? Does it have the ability to determine what is right and
wrong? Will robotics replace humans?

With this in mind, this study shows the issues faced by robotics in terms of
ethical standards and how will humans find a way to develop its structure based on
legal and moral values.
Chapter II

Review of Related Issues

On 25 January 1979, Robert Williams (USA) was struck in the head and killed
by the arm of a 1-ton production-line robot in a Ford Motor Company casting plant in
Flat Rock, Michigan, USA, becoming the first fatal casualty of a robot. The robot was
part of a parts-retrieval system that moved material from one part of the factory to
another; when the robot began running slowly, Williams reportedly climbed into the
storage rack to retrieve parts manually when he was struck in the head and killed
instantly. Robots pose a significant work-place risk,

Safety – Robots can cause harm to humans. They can present potential danger to
humans if they malfunction due to inadequate safety measures during their design. It
is the responsibility of robot manufacturers to make sure that their products are safe
to use. There are countries that created rules and regulations to prevent injury

 The European Parliament creating laws holding robots responsible, and

regulate developers/scientists
 The United States courts have ruled that the actions of robots need to be
strictly defined, holding the developers accountable

Emotional component / sentience –“‘We have,’ in the words of J. Storrs Hall (2001),
‘never considered ourselves to have ‘moral’ duties to our machines, or them to us.’
the robotics industry is implementing more complex and intelligent robots nearing
what was once thought of as a science fiction.

Autonomy (partial and full)




YouTube (Tech Might) : Uses of Robots : Robots in Daily Life

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