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Humanities homework

School: Saint Josephine Bilingual School

Teacher: Alejandro Fernández Monge

Student: María Guadalupe Alfaro Rodríguez

Section: 8-1
Chapter 1

Tom and his friends

This story begins with Aunt Polly looking for her son Tom since he had escaped but in
the end she manages to catch him and she saw that he was stealing an apple and told
him that this apple was not for him, Aunt Polly reveals that Tom is the son of her sister
who died so she adopted him. Aunt Polly knew that tomorrow was Saturday and that
indicates that Tom would not have school so Aunt Polly wanted to put Tom to work, that
Saturday Aunt Polly put Tom to paint the fence so Tom was going to start painting it
when his Joe’s friend came and laughed at Tom for working on a day off and told him
that he was going to go to the river but Tom came up with a plan, Tom told Joe that he
could go to the river as many times as he wanted. He wanted to but painting the fence
was something unique that could only be done once, Joe apologized to Tom and told
him that he wanted to paint the fence and he also gave Tom an apple and then more
friends got together to paint the fence and Tom got many things that everyone gave
him, Tom was very smart. One Monday Tom did not want to go to school but his aunt
Polly forced him to go, near the school he met his friend Huckleberry he had no mother
and his father drank a lot so he lived on the streets sometimes it was dirty and not He
had a lot of clothes but he didn’t care, Tom asked Huck what was that he had with him
and Huck replied that it was a dead cat that he was going to put in a grave at midnight
because that would make all the ghosts come out of his house. Grave, Tom asked
Huck if that was true and Huck said he didn’t know why it was someone who told him,
Huck asked Tom if he was afraid of ghosts and Tom said no he also told him that He
will meow at his window at eleven o’clock to accompany him to the graveyard. After
talking with Huck Tom arrived late for class and the teacher was angry with him, a new
girl with blue eyes and yellow hair arrived in the classroom with whom Tom fell in love,
Tom said that he had gone to talk to Huck and he The teacher got even angrier, he took
his stick and hit Tom, he also told him to sit with the girls and Tom sat next to the new
girl, Tom showed her his drawing skills and when she asked him that if he could draw
her Tom did it and she was amazed, she also told Tom that her name was Becky
Thatcher, then Tom felt a hand on his head it was the teacher who put him back with
the boys.

Chapter 2

In the graveyard

That night Tom waited for Huck’s meow to go to the graveyard and when he heard it
Tom left his house to go with Huck to the graveyard, when they arrived they put the cat
in one and hid under some trees and waited for something will happen also Huck saw
that there was a new grave in the graveyard and Tom said that it was of a man named
Hoss Williams who had died last week. Suddenly the boys saw 3 dark figures moving
through the graveyard and the boys were afraid that they would see them, they
believed they were, those figures moved close to where the boys were but they saw
that these figures were not ghosts but that there were 3 men: Muff Potter, Injun Joe and
Doctor Robinson, they were grave robbers, Huck told Tom that his father had told him
that Doctor Robinson was taking the bodies because he wanted to investigate them but
Tom silenced Huck because they could be listened. The three men stopped in front of
Williams’s grave and Muff and Joe began digging to remove the body and when they
finished Joe told the doctor that he should pay him for doing that but he didn’t want to
pay him and Joe got angry and attacked the doctor and when the doctor threw Joe to
the floor Muff defended him but the doctor also attacked Muff so Joe grabbed the knife
and quickly stabbed the doctor in the back and the doctor was left lying dead on the
floor, when Muff woke up Joe made him believe that he had been the one who killed
the doctor so Joe told him to escape and he would fix all this, Joe put the knife near the
doctor’s body and also escaped. The next day the sheriff found the dead body of the
doctor and Muff’s knife in the graveyard, that night Muff came for his knife but the
sheriff was there and took him to St Petersburg jail and Muff was going to be there for
four weeks waiting his trial. Tom and Huck could not forget everything they had seen
that night in the graveyard, they were both unhappy and afraid, they wanted to help
Muff because he was not to blame for the doctor’s death but rather Joe, they were both
afraid of Joe because he is a killer so they did not ask to say anything about what they
saw that night in the graveyard.

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