DFFL Constitution 2023

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The DFFL Constitution

We the Owners of the Dover Fantasy Football League, in order to form a more perfect league,
establish justice, ensure fairness, promote a general code of ethics, and secure the blessings of
liberty to ourselves and our friends, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Dover
Fantasy Football League.

Article I. League Structure

Section 1: Ownership
i. The Dover Fantasy Football League will consist of ten (10) teams.
a. An owner will remain in the league until he/she decides to retire or a vote to
remove an owner for disciplinary reasons is upheld.
b. Any owner wishing to retire from the league will provide ample notice to the
commissioner, so an adequate replacement can be found.
c. Owners who wish to gain entry into the Dover Fantasy Football League will be
placed on a waitlist until an ownership vacancy becomes available.
d. If an ownership vacancy does become available, any person on the wait list who
wishes to become an owner in the Dover Fantasy Football League may make a
presentation to the existing owners. Current owners will vote on all aspiring
owners to determine who will take over the vacant ownership spot.
1. Should a tie in the voting process exist, the decision shall be settled by the
commissioner (See Article I Section 4, Point iii.).

Section 2: League Fees

i. League fees shall be determined each year by a plurality of the league members
and will include a five-dollar contribution to the “league pot” to purchase name
plates, and food/drink at league get togethers.
ii. Owners will be allowed to rollover payment from any winnings into the next
season’s league fee.

Section 3: League Hierarchy

i. A commissioner shall oversee the day-to-day actions of the league.
a. The commissioner responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
1. Promoting a fun experience for owners involved in the Dover Fantasy
Football League.
2. Fostering a sense of competition and rivalry, while maintaining civility.
3. Hosting a live draft party and offering a playoff get together during the
fantasy playoffs.
4. Entering live draft results into the system.
5. Making owner approved changes to the league settings.
6. Sending out weekly updates in a timely fashion.
7. Assisting owners with roster moves, including Free Agent add/drops and
Substitutions, if asked, and publicly documented in the group chat.
8. Maintaining the league website
9. Interpret and clarify rules for owners who have complaints or
misunderstandings of the constitution.
10. Determine if owners are in violation of the constitution and enforce
consequences if necessary.

Section 4: League Wide Decisions

i. If the commissioner requests a league wide decision, the question will be put to a
a. Examples of league wide decisions include but are not limited to: new
owners, trades, draft date, league fees, etc.
ii. Owners will cast his/her vote in secrecy via an online ballot collector such as
Google Forms.
iii. In the event that a vote results in a tie, a revote will be held. Should another tie
occur, the commissioner will determine what is best for the league.

Section 5: Payment of Spoils

i. The payouts in the league will be structured in the following ratio:
1st place 70%
2nd place 20%
Winner of losers 10%
Article II. Code of Ethics
Section 1: A Gentleman’s Game
i. All active members of the League are expected to conduct themselves in a manner
consistent with that of a Gentleman. This code of ethics, includes but is not limited
to avoiding the following practices:
a. Roster Dumping: Dropping players in an attempt to allow other owners to
pick them up.
b. Collusive Transactions: Occurs when one team makes moves to benefit
another team, without trying to improve his/her own team. Common
examples of collusion include but are not limited to:
1. Selling players for monetary gain.
2. Blatantly one-sided trades. (See Article IV., Section 2, Point iii. Trades)
c. Tanking: Occurs when an owner intentionally loses to give other teams wins.
d. Controlling multiple teams: Occurs when owners log on to other team’s
accounts and make roster moves. The lone exception is when an owner
publicly requests the commissioner make a roster move for his/her team in
the group chat. This will note the time and any transaction adding said
player after that will be negated by the commissioner.
e. Bringing in a ringer: This occurs when an owner hires, or by other means,
has another person drafting and/or running his or her team.
f. Setting an illegal line up. I.e. players out on bye, out for injuries with more
than 24 hours notice prior to the game.

Section 2: Punishment
i. Should a manager be caught breaking any of the rules laid out in this constitution,
he or she shall be at the mercy of the Commissioner. The Commissioner will
determine an appropriate punishment for the crime committed.
ii. In the event that the current Commissioner violates the constitution, the league
will vote on an appropriate punishment.

Article III. The Draft

Section 1: Draft Date

i. The draft shall occur on a mutually agreed upon date between the start of
preseason and the start of the NFL regular season, barring extenuating
ii. Once the draft date has been set, any owner who experiences a conflict must report
the conflict 72 hours prior to the draft, or the draft will go on as scheduled.
iii. The Draft shall be hosted in person and all owners should make every reasonable
attempt to attend.

Section 2: Draft Order

i. The order of the draft will be determined by a rubber duck race, wherein each
owner will have a rubber duck released in the river. The order that the ducks cross
the finish line will be the order that owners pick players.
ii. The winner of the league may propose a new method for determining the order of
the draft. In order for this method to replace the current method, six (6) of the ten
(10) league owners must approve of the change. (See Article I, Section 4, Point i.)

Section 3: Structure of the Draft

i. The draft will consist of sixteen rounds.
ii. The draft will operate in snake fashion, where draft order reverses each round.
iii. Each owner will have 90 seconds per pick. Exceptions at the discretion of the
iv. When drafting, players must draft the minimum number of players for each
position and may not exceed the maximum number of players at each position.
(See Article IV, Section 1. Roster Construction)
v. After the draft has concluded, the remaining players will be immediately set to
waivers. (See Article IV, Section 2, Point ii. Waivers.)

Article IV. Rosters and Transactions

Section 1: Roster Construction
i. Each team’s roster must abide by the following minimums and maximums for each
Positi Minim Maxim
on um um
QB 1 4
RB 2 8
WR 2 8
Flex 1 11
TE 1 4
D/ST 1 4
Bench N/A 8
IR N/A 1

Section 2: Substitutions, Waivers, and Free Agents

i. Substitutions
a. Each individual player on an owner’s roster will lock just before kickoff of that
player’s game.
b. Once a player is locked in, the owner may not make a roster change.
c. Should an owner need assistance with substitutions, he/she may request that the
commissioner make the roster move for him/her publicly in the group chat to
document the move.
ii. Waivers are awarded based on the FAAB system
a. Owners are given $100 of FAAB to start the season.
b. Waiver claims are awarded to the highest bidder each day.
c. In the event of a tied bid, the waiver claim will go to the player who is higher on
the waiver order list.
d. The order of the waiver list is initially set after the draft in reverse order of the
first-round picks.
e. If a team successfully claims a player off of waivers, he or she is moved to last in
waiver priority.
iii. Trades
a. Owners may engage in an exchange of players to improve his or her team.
b. The deadline for owners to complete trades will be set for 12:00pm on the
Wednesday between weeks 12 and 13.
c. Trading may occur from the end of the draft, until the trade deadline.
d. It is expected that owners follow the code of ethics during trades and will not
engage in any collusive trades. (See Article II, Section 1: A Gentleman’s Game, point
ii. sub point b.)
Article V. The Season
Section 1: Divisions, Schedule and Playoffs
i. The league will consist of one division with two groups.
a. Groups will be determined by the contestants of the Brian Bowl from the
previous year.
b. The previous Brian Bowl contestants will alternate selecting group mates,
starting with the winner of the Brian Bowl.
ii. Each team’s schedule will consist of fourteen regular season matchups that coincide
with weeks 1 through 14 of the NFL schedule.
a. Each team will play one home and one away matchup against owners in the
same group, and one game against each member of the opposite group with a
randomized 14th game against someone from the opposite group.
b. The schedule for the regular season will be determined by an online random
schedule generator.
iii. Playoffs will consist of a three round, single elimination tournament that coincides
with week 15 through week 17 of the NFL.
iv. The two teams who did not qualify for playoffs will take part in The Onion Bowl.
(See Article VIII. The Onion Bowl)

Article VI. Scoring

Section 1: Team score
i. The team with the most points in a given matchup will win.
ii. Should two teams end with the same point value at the end of the week it will result
in a tie, with no tie breaker in the regular season. Should a tie exist in the playoffs, tie
breaking scenarios will proceed with the following priority:
a. Head-to-head record in the regular season.
b. Aggregate score of head-to-head matchups.
c. Highest bench points.
Section 2: Player scoring

Passing Yards 0.04 per Sack 1

Touchdown 4 Interception 2
Interception -2 Fumble 2
(INT) Recovery
2pt Passing 2 Safety 2
Sacks -0.5 2-point Return 2
1 Point Safety 1
Receiving 0.1 per Touchdown 6
Yards yard
Reception 0.5 per 0 Points Against 5
Receivi Touchdown 6 Defense/Sp 1-6 Points 4
ng (TD) ecial Teams Against
Lost Fumble -2 7-13 Points 3
2pt Receiving 2 14-17 Points 2
Conversion Against
18-21 Points 1
Rushing Yards 0.1 per 22-27 Points 0
yard Against
Touchdown 6 28-34 Points -1
Rushi (TD) Against
ng Lost Fumble -2 35-45 Points -3
2pt Rushing 2 46+ Points -5
Conversion Against

i. ESPN may correct a player’s stats up until Wednesday of the following week.
ex: A pass is determined to be backwards, and therefore counts as a run.
ii. New scoring methods must be officially proposed to and voted on by the league
during the offseason, with the majority vote winning. (See Article I, Section 4, Point i.),

Article VII. The Brian Bowl

i. The Brian Bowl will take place during Week 17 of the NFL season.
ii. The Brian Trophy will be awarded to the winner of The Brian Bowl.
iii. It is the responsibility of the previous winner to get The Brian Trophy to the next
winner (or the commissioner) in a timely fashion.
iv. The commissioner is responsible for purchasing the nameplate for the trophy.
a. The nameplate will have the following dimensions: 0.5” x 2.75”
b. The name plate shall include the name of the team that won the trophy, owner
name and the year the trophy was won.
v. The Brian will remain in the possession of the winning owner until the next Brian
Bowl is decided.

Article VIII. The Onion

i. The Onion Bowl shall take place during weeks 15 through 17 of the NFL season.
ii. The team that loses two (2) out of the three (3) games in The Onion Bowl will be
branded The Onion.
a. The commissioner is responsible for purchasing the nameplate for the trophy.
b. The nameplate will have the following dimensions: 0.5” x 2.75”
c. The name plate shall include the name of the team that holds the trophy, and
the year the trophy was earned.
Article IX. Amendments & Ratification
Section 1: Amendments
i. In order to amend a current article, section or subsection a vote must be put to the
owners of the DFFL during the offseason.
ii. A majority vote will lead to approval of the amendment.
iii. In the event of a tie, there will be a revote. A second tie will result in the
Commissioner determining what is best for the league and present their findings to
the owners.
Section 2: Ratification
i. This constitution shall be ratified when a majority of votes to ratify are yay.
ii. Any owner who does not agree to ratify may explain which Articles, sections or
subsections are concerning, and present his/her suggestions for improvement.
Should the league reject the suggestions, the owner may need to reconsider
ownership in the DFFL.

I hereby vote to ratify this, the Constitution of the Dover Fantasy Football League in the
following way:

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