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Model Research Action Plan

Your research needs to: What steps will you take to achieve these goals?
What will this look like?
Select a topic which
reflects Unit 1’s inquiry Step 1: Unit info screenshot
question (it is best to first
unpack key terms and
concepts from the
statement of inquiry)

Looking at these concepts, I am interested in the ethics (fairness) of international connections. For example, the activity we
did in class where I mapped the components found in my iPhone got me thinking about how there are unfair relationships
between consumption and resource extraction, specifically about extraction for minerals in places like the Democratic
Republic of the Congo.

Step 2: Google search

I searched for “unfair resource extractions” and was led to this UN document:

In the document, I learned of a case study involving conflict arising in Bougainville, Papua New Guinea due to copper
extraction. The document is very advanced and detailed so I conducted further resource searches for additional

I found the following:

I am therefore selecting the topic of resource extraction and conflict with a case study of Papua New Guinea. I am
specifically interested in how resources like copper for international markets fuel conflict in the Global South and LEDCs.

Step 3: Key terms and concept mapping

LEDCs, Global South, Economic Conflict, markets, consumption

Mind mapping the topic and key terms will help me make relationships between ideas and think about my research plan.

Ask research question Step 1: Developing criteria

I will watch and summarise video resources on how to ask good research questions to develop criteria for asking good
questions. I will also keep my key concepts in mind as well as the task instructions.

Step 2: Criteria

I watched “How to write a strong research question for research papers” on YouTube, by Smart Student. This helped me
make the following criteria:
A research question should be:

• Connect to preliminary research
• Focused (using a case study or specific example)
• Complex (not closed)
• Be carefully worded
• Use key terms and reflect the language of the assessment
• Revise!

Step 3: Initial attempt

What are the effects of consumption on natural resources and fairness?

Step 4: Teacher feedback and revision

I was told that I am using key terminology, but I am not focused enough, I have been asked to incorporate a case study to
narrow the scope of my question.

I was also told that it would be stronger if I identified what I meant by fairness and what types of consumption.

Step 5: Revised RQ

V2: How has the international copper resource extraction industry destabilised Papua New Guinea?

V3: How have unequal access to profits and local environment damage from international copper mining helped fuel Papua
New Guinea’s civil war?

Final Research Question:

How have unequal access to profits and local environmental damage from international copper mining helped fuel Papua
New Guinea’s civil war?

Step 6: Justification

The unit’s statement of inquiry is: Globalisation and consumption connect people, communities, and resources, but not
without consequences for human and natural environments.

My topic and question explore how international resource development and mining—used for consumer goods—impact
societies (often with dire consequences based on my preliminary research). In Papua, the environment and social
environment have been negatively impacted through nine years of civil war surrounding the Panguna copper mine in
Bougainville (United Nations Reporting).

This topic helps to explore themes of globalisation and fairness by highlighting the inequality of access to resources and the
negative impact of global development and consumption. Additionally, it highlights how I am connected through my
consumption to other people and environments.

*This is a “living” action plan. As you refine your process, you should update your action plan.

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