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Negotiators representing Hollywood actors are considering a new proposal that major studios described
as their ‘last, best and final offer’ to end a four-month-long strike, the SAG-AFTRA union said Saturday.
The alliance which represents Walt Disney, Netflix , and others presented its latest offer Saturday. REUTERS

WORLD to push Israel for Gaza ceasefire, Bibi dismisses Israel says exposed network of Hamas tunnels

Armed special police
Blinken reaffirms
forces prepare for an
operation at the commitment to Imperator Alexander III test launches the Bulava ballistic
Hamburg airport. AP missile from the White Sea, in this screenshot from a
Gaza aid, says no Russian Defence Ministry handout. Reuters
GERMANY one should be
forcibly displaced
Russia military says
GAZA,RAMALLAH test-fired ballistic
missile from new
Wellington:Policesaidthey NOVEMBER5
arrested a man and res-
cued a child at the centre USTOPdiplomatAntonyBlinken
of a suspected hostage made an unannounced visit to
standoff at Hamburg air-
port on Sunday, ending a
the occupied West Bank on
Sunday, where Palestinian nuclear submarine
crisis that had forced au- PresidentMahmoudAbbasurged
thorities to close the busy himtopersuadeIsraeltoagreeto

airhub.Aman,whopolice aceasefireasmorediedinastrike AGENCIES Cornerstone
said was suspected of car- on a refugee camp overnight. MOSCOW, NOVEMBER 5
rying a gun, and possibly A spokesman for the health
of Russia’s
explosives,droveavehicle ministry in the Hamas-run Gaza RUSSIA'SNEWnuclear-powered ● nuclear triad
through gates of the air- Strip said earlier on Sunday that submarineImperatorAlexander
port Saturday night, offi- Israeli military had struck the III carried out a successful test THE 12-METRE long
cers said. Police said the Maghazirefugeecampovernight, launch of the Bulava ballistic Bulava missile, which has
35-year-oldmanwaswith killing at least 47 people. missile, designed to carry nu- an estimated range of
hisfour-year-olddaughter In a separate attack, 21 clear warheads, the Russian de- around 8,000 km and can
andlikelyinvolvedin cus- Palestinians from one family, in- fence ministry said on Sunday. carry up to six nuclear
tody dispute. REUTERS cluding women and children, “Firing a ballistic missile is warheads, has become
were killed in Israeli strikes tar- the final element of state tests, the cornerstone in the
getingGazaovernight,thehealth after which a decision will be naval part of Russia's nu-
ministry said. Palestinians look for survivors under the rubble of a destroyed house in Gaza City. AP made to accept the cruiser into clear triad. The Imperator
CHINA “We demand that you stop the Navy,” the defence ministry Alexander III is one of the
OnBeijingvisit, them from committing these saidonTelegrammessagingapp. new Borei-class nuclear

Blinken, demanding an “imme-
diate ceasefire” from Israel.
DEATH, DESTRUCTION Gaza evacuations through Rafah President Vladimir Putin has
tain its nuclear deterrent to
submarines that carry 16
Bulava missiles each and
are intended to serve as
seeksdialogue ISRAEL PALESTINE

Shanghai: Australia’s
TOTAL DEAD halted after Israel hits ambulance counter what he calls growing
security threats, as ties between
Moscow and the West have hit
the core naval component
of the nation’s nuclear
forces in the coming
Prime Minister Anthony ianassistanceandresumptionof 1,400+ 9,700+ Al Ansari, spokesperson for new lows over the war Russia decades.
Albanese,startingthefirst essential services in Gaza and REUTERS Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign launched in Ukraine in 2022.
visit to China by a leader madeclearPalestiniansmustnot TOTAL INJURED CAIRO, NOVEMBER 5 Affairs in a briefing on Sunday. The intercontinental missile,
of his country in seven beforciblydisplaced,”spokesper- “We urge all parties, but es- launched from an underwater weapons, it said.
years, said Sunday it was son Matthew Miller said. 5,400+ 20,000+ EFFORTS WERE under way on pecially the occupation army to position in the White Sea off Putintookpartinaceremony
“in all our interests” to Israeli Prime Minister Sunday to resume evacuations make sure that there is safe Russia'snortherncoast,hitatar- in December setting the
have a bilateral relation- Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday of injured Gazans and foreign routes and that that the agree- get thousands of kilometres Imperator Alexander III afloat,
ship with dialogue and rejectedceasefirecallsuntilall240 vicinity of the Al-Quds Hospital nationals through the Rafah ment, as it was reached, is re- away on the Kamchatka penin- TASS state news agency said.
cooperation.Australiawill hostages captured by Hamas are in Gaza’s Tal Al-Hawa area. crossing to Egypt, suspended spected,” he added. sulaintheRussianFarEast,itsaid. The navy has three nuclear-
continue to work con- returned.“Therewillbenocease- Meanwhile, Israeli military since Saturday after a deadly at- The United Nations Secretary The ministry did not specify powered submarines of the
structivelywithChina,he fire without the return of the on Sunday said it has exposed a tack on an ambulance, Egyptian, Generalandaidagenciesworking when test took place. Borei class Borei class in service - one is
said in a speech to the an- hostages. This should be com- networkof Hamastunnels,com- US and Qatari officials said. in Gaza have condemned Israel's strategic-missile cruiser is completingtestsandthreemore
nual China International pletely removed from the lexi- mandcentresandrocketlaunch- One of the security sources Palestinians holding air strike on an ambulance on equipped with 16 Bulava mis- are under construction, the de-
Import Expo in Shanghai, con,” Netanyahu reiterated gov- ersbeneath andadjacent tohos- and the medical source said the Spanish passports wait to Friday, which the Israeli military siles and modern torpedo fence ministry said.
which was opened by ernment’slong-standingposition. pitals in northern Gaza. evacuations were suspended af- leave Gaza at the Rafah said, without showing evidence,
Premier Li Qiang. GazahealthofficialssaidIsraeli Hamas denies and has ac- ter an Israeli strike on Friday on crossing with Egypt. Reuters was carrying Hamas militants.
leader to visit China since
cused Israel of spreading lies.
During the media briefing,
Hagari presented videos, photo-
an ambulance in Gaza being
The Rafah crossing to Egypt's “The bombing of hospitals
The Health Ministry, a hospi-
tal director and the Palestinian
Red Crescent Society in the
Philippine radio anchor
ing and gathering details.
The Palestinian Red Crescent
graphs and audio recordings that
he said demonstrated Hamas'
Sinai peninsula is the only exit
point from Gaza not controlled
andthebombingof ambulances,
whicharepartof thisagreement
Hamas-controlled enclave have
said the Israeli strike targeted a gunned down during
Facebook livestream
saidtherewasalsointensebom- strategyofusinghospitalsascover by Israel. Aid trucks were still for ambulance convoys to move convoy of ambulances evacuat-
Opiumpoppy bardment, violent artillery ex- and preventing civilians from able to travel into the territory, patients out of harm’s way, cer- ing wounded people from the
supplydownby plosions, and air strikes in the leaving combat zones. REUTERS two of the sources said. tainly does not help,” said Majed besieged northern Gaza area.

95%afterban JIM GOMEZ JuanJumalon

Kabul: Opium poppy pro- Israel minister says dropping nukes on BRIEFLY MANILA, NOVEMBER 5 wasshotathis
WarwithHamasto Over100Britons radiostation.
Gaza an option, suspended indefinitely
duction in Afghanistan, A RADIO ANCHOR was fatally
previouslytheworld'stop shot by a man inside his south-
supplier, has plummeted costIsraelabove leftGaza,hopeful ern Philippine station Sunday in

since the Taliban banned

thecultivationofnarcotics DAN WILLIAMS
scandalised mainstream Israeli
broadcasters and was deemed
$50billion:Report ofmore,saysUK a brazen attack that was wit-
nessed by people watching the President Ferdinand Marcos
last year, a United Nations JERUSALEM, NOVEMBER 5 “objectionable” by a US official. ISRAEL’S WAR with Hamas in MORE THAN 100 Britons program live on Facebook. Jr condemned the shooting and
reportsaidSunday.TheUN Neither Eliyahu or his party the Gaza Strip will cost as have been evacuated from Thegunmangainedentryinto said he ordered the national po-
OfficeonDrugsandCrime PRIME MINISTER Benjamin leader are in the streamlined much as 200 billion shekels Gaza and the government the home-based radio station of lice to track down, arrest and
(UNODC)saidopiumculti- Netanyahu on Sunday disci- ministerial forum running the ($51 billion), the Calcalist fi- hopes more will be able to provincialnewsbroadcasterJuan prosecutethekillers.“Attackson
vation fell to just 26,700 plined a junior member of his Gaza war. nancial newspaper reported leave,DeputyPrimeMinister Jumalonbypretendingtobealis- journalists will not be tolerated
acres in 2023 from cabinet who appeared to voice Neither would they have in- Sunday, citing preliminary Oliver Dowden said on tener.Hethenshothimtwicedur- inourdemocracyandthosewho
575,755 acres last year, opennesstotheideaof Israelcar- side knowledge of Israel's nu- FinanceMinistryfigures.Itsaid Sunday, as he urged the re- ing a live morning broadcast in threatenthefreedomof thepress
slashing supply by 95% to rying out a nuclear strike on PM’s office says Heritage clear capabilities - which it does the estimate, equal to 10% of opening of the Rafah border Calamba town in Misamis willfacethefullconsequencesof
333tons.Thiswasputting Gaza, where the war with Minister Amihay Eliyahu not publicly acknowledge - or GDP,waspremisedonthewar between Gaza and Egypt. “It Occidental province, police said. their actions,” Marcos said.
pressureonfarmersinthe Hamas is inflicting a spiralling debarred from meetings. Wiki authority to activate them. lasting between eight to 12 isverydisappointingthatthe Theattackersnatchedthevic- National Union of Journalists
war-torn country, where Palestinian civilian toll. "Eliyahu's statements are not months;onitbeinglimitedto crossing was closed yester- tim’sgoldnecklacebeforefleeing of the Philippines, a press watch-
most people depend on Netanyahu's office issued a basedinreality.IsraelandtheIDF Gaza, without full participa- day," Dowden told the BBC. with a companion, who waited dog, said Jumalon was the 199th
agriculture and the value statement saying that the min- “until further notice”. (military) are operating in accor- tion by Lebanon's Hezbollah, “Weareengagingveryclosely outside Jumalon’s house, on- journalisttobekilledinthecoun-
of poppy exports at times ister concerned — Heritage Asked in a radio interview dancewiththehigheststandards Iran or Yemen; and on some and we're hopeful that the board a motorcycle, police said. try since 1986, when democracy
outstrippedthevalueofall Minister Amihay Eliyahu, from a abouta hypothetical nuclearop- of international law to avoid 350,000Israelisdraftedasmil- crossingwillreopenagainto- An investigation was under- returned after a “People Power”
formal exported goods, far-right party in the coalition tion, Eliyahu had replied: harminginnocents.Wewillcon- itary reservists returning to day enabling further UK na- way to identify the gunman and uprising toppled dictator
UNODC said. REUTERS government — had been sus- "That's one way." His remark tinue to do so until our victory," work soon. REUTERS tionals to leave.” REUTERS establish if the attack was work- Ferdinand Marcos, the father of
pended from cabinet meetings made headlines in Arab media, Netanyahu'sofficesaid. REUTERS related. the current president. AP


The new enemies of Argentina’s far right: Swifties and the BTS army
thelaunchofherErasTouroutside n’twininhercountry,”thegroup they want.” His campaign de- army was unleashed upon Ms. line to the BTS blowback has
NATALIEALCOBA North America. said in the statement. “As Taylor clined to comment. Villarruel after a series of her been a post in which she called
BUENOSAIRES,NOVEMBER5 “Milei=Trump,” said one post says, we have to be on the right TheSwifties’criticismofMilei tweets denigrating the K-pop herSTDpostpartof “funnychats”
from a group called Swifties side of history.” hasshiftedtheconversationtohis group resurfaced. In 2020, she from “a thousand years ago.”
JAVIER MILEI, a far-right libertar- Against Freedom Advances, The two-page missive was conservative social views and likened the name BTS to a sexu- Milei’s political base is partic-
ian economist, has stayed aloft in whichisthenameofMilei’sparty. viewed1.5milliontimesonX,the awayfromhisdrasticproposalsto allytransmitteddisease.Shealso ularlyreliantonyoungvoters.One
Argentina’s presidential cam- After Milei placed second in site formerly known as Twitter, reverseArgentina’seconomiccri- mockedthedyedpinkandgreen surveyof2,400peopleinOctober
paignonthewingsof youthvote. Argentina’s election last month, before it suspended the group’s sis, which include ditching the hair of some members. showed that nearly 27 percent of
Towintherunoffelectionthis sending him to a runoff on accountwithoutexplanation,the Argentine peso for US dollar and Thosetweetspromptedsuch his support came from people
month, he will need to hold on to November 19, a group of 10 group said. closingthecountry’scentralbank. a fierce response from BTS fans, ages 17 to 25, versus less than 9
that key demographic, pollsters Argentine fans of Ms. Swift cre- In the statement, it called But it isn’t just Swifties who accusing her of xenophobia, that percentforSergioMassa,thecen-
say. But now, a major hurdle atedthegroupandissuedanews Milei’s positions against legal are organizing against Milei. He a large BTS fan club in Argentina ter-left economy minister who
stands in his way: Swifties. release calling on fellow fans to abortion,hissupportfortheloos- and his running mate, Victoria felt compelled to try to calm opposesMileiintherunoff.People
SquadronsofArgentinefansof vote against Milei. eningofgunlawsandhispropos- NYT Villarruel, are also contending their fellow fans down. “The under 29 account for 27 percent
thepopstarTaylorSwifthavegot- They said they were inspired als to overhaul public education withcriticismfromlegionsofloyal message that BTS always trans- of all eligible voters in Argentina.
ten political. They have trained by Swift’s past efforts to confront andpublichealthcareas“adanger Macarena, 29, a member of fans of another musical jugger- mits is one of respect to oneself Ahead of Swift’s arrival, the
theironlinesightsonMileiandhis right-wing politicians in the to democracy.” a group calling on fans of naut, the K-pop band BTS. They and everyone else,” said a state- Buenos Aires Legislature voted
rising libertarian party, framing United States. Milei, in response, has Taylor Swift to vote against aresoactiveandorganisedonthe ment from the club, which has ThursdaytonameSwiftaguestof
them as a danger to Argentina, “Wecannotnotfightafterhav- shrugged off the Swifties. “I’m the Argentine presidential internet that they have become been viewed 1.9 million times, honor. The only officials to vote
whileSwiftherselfispreparingto ing heard and seen Taylor give not the far right,” he told a radio candidate (left) Javier Milei. known as the BTS Army. according to X. against the proposal were mem-
arrive in Argentina next week for everythingsothattherightdoes- station. “They can express what Last week, the fury of that Villarruel’s only reaction on- bers of Milei’s party. NYT



then, silence’: Nepal
quake survivors recall
Free ration for 5 more
moment of tragedy years, can’t let people
sleep hungry: Modi
Scheme has Admission of
benefited 80 cr distress, hunger,
people, he says now stop using
on campaign trail revdi term: Opp
Virat Kohli celebrates his century at Eden Gardens in Kolkata on Sunday. Chasing 327, South BHOPAL, NOVEMBER 5 MANOJ C G
A woman who lost her son, daughter-in-law and grandchild, Africa were bowled out for 83 runs. Partha Paul REPORTS,PAGE15 PM Narendra Modi in NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 5
in Jajarkot district on Sunday. AP UNDERLINING THAT 80 crore Madhya Pradesh’s Seoni
people have benefited from the district on Sunday. PTI PRIME MINISTER Narendra

‘Stuff of dreams’: B’day boy Kohli Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan
Anna Yojana, Prime
Minister Narendra Modi ment a day earlier in
Modi’s announcement Sunday
thatthefreerationschemeof the
Central government will be ex-

FOUR COUSINS, aged between

us. It was so sudden. Initially, I
hits 49th ton, equals Sachin record announced Sunday that
he has decided to extend
the free ration scheme
Durg in Chhattisgarh on
extending the scheme
beyond December —
tended by five more years has
the Opposition parties claiming
17 and 28, were sleeping in one heard cries for help from my He removed his helmet, raised Sunday — had taken their toll on for another five years so Modi said: “My family his decision is a tacit admission
room in Jajarkot district’s cousins, but eventually, that SANDIP G his arms, soaked in the magnifi- his body. Perhaps, scoring hun- that people “don’t go to 2023 members in Madhya that the economy is in distress
Khalanga village when the stopped,andIlostconsciousness. KOLKATA, NOVEMBER 5 cence of the moment for a fleet- dreds and scaling milestones sleep hungry”. MADHYA Pradesh support Modi andthat 80 crore Indiansare still
deadlyearthquakestruckthe re- When I woke up, I was at the ing second, closed his eyes and have long become routine so Addressingapollrally PRADESH for various reasons such facing hunger even after nine-
gion on Friday night. Only one of Jajarkot hospital, I don’t remem- THREE BALLS into the 48th over, gazedskywards,asthoughoffer- they don’t excite him as much as in Lakhnadon in Seoni as the Pradhan Mantri and-half years of BJP rule.
them,28-year-oldIsha,survived. ber being brought here (to Bheri themoment65,000pairsof eyes inga silentnote of prayer, waved they oncedid.Perhaps,themag- district of Madhya Pradesh — he Garib Kalyan Yojana and his The Opposition parties have
The roof of the room they were hospital). It is all hazy. People tell had waited for at the Eden his bat towards the dressing nitude of the feat was sinking in. had made a similar announce- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
sleeping in collapsed, and while me the roof fell on us,” Isha told Gardensfortheentiredayfinally room and slumped onto the For nine balls later, at the end of
Isha was rescued from the de- The Indian Express. arrived. With a back-foot punch, shoulders of his batting partner India’s innings, drenched in
bris, her cousins — Merina (25), She is a BA student at a col- Virat Kohli ran the run that Ravindra Jadeja. sweat, he shed emotions.
Urja (17), and Upasna (23) — lege in Kathmandu, around 500 equalled his tally of ODI hun- Perhaps, he was too tired for “To equal the record on my
were found dead.
km from Jajarkot. Isha and
Merina were visiting sisters Urja
dreds with his idol Sachin
the effervescent hundred cele-
brations that marked his bris-
birthday in front of such a huge
crowd;it’sthestuffofdreams,”he Delhi air severe, curbs back: No trucks,
classes go online, odd-even on table
at Bheri hospital in Nepalgunj and Upasna in Jajarkot for their For a man born for theatre, tling youth. The heat, humidity said, choking for the right word.
town, around 150 km from CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 the celebrations were sombre. and age — he turned 35 on CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

and highways; and the govern-

ment should consider bringing
scheme. These are among the

water report launched 5 yrs ago

BY UNNY SHAH SAYS YADAV, TRUCKS HEADED to Delhi will measures taken on Sunday as
MUSLIM NUMBERS not be allowed to enter unless Delhi’s air quality continued to

INFLATED IN BIHAR carrying essential commodities remain in the “severe” category.
Latest edition says Management Index’ report, the CASTE SURVEY such as milk and vegetables; GajendraYadav Also,schoolshavebeenasked

Problem first edition launched five years PAGE 7 thereshallbenoconstructionac- Delhi’s AQI was 454 on toholdonlineclassesforstudents
water scarcity a of data ago in June 2018 brought India’s tivity on projects such as roads Sunday. REPORTS,P4 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
water challenges into spotlight
‘national problem’ ● inadequacy and ranked states in terms of ef-
ficacy based on 28 parameters.
WATER is a scarce resource, The first edition provided data
HARIKISHAN SHARMA and efficient management for2015-16and2016-17,andthe
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 5 is critical. Much of its re- second edition launched in
sponsibility lies with states. August 2019 was for 2017-18.
NITI AAYOG, the government’s After launching a ‘one of its The report, publishedbyNITI
think tank, is learnt to have kind in the world’ water in- Aayog, was prepared in associa-
marked the reports on states dex five years ago, the NITI tion with three ministries —
progress on water management Aayog feels data may not Water Resources, Drinking
for 2018-19 and 2019-20 for “in- be fully adequate. Hence, a Water & Sanitation, and Rural
ternal use” after having publicly pause in releasing the re- Development.
released the previous editions. port publicly. In May this year, the NITI
Called the ‘Composite Water CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

‘We champion
circular economy...
dairy co-op can turn
into energy firm’

Nijjar probe
tainted, where
is proof: Indian
envoy’s swipe
at Trudeau
Indian High
to Canada
Sanjay Kumar


tions of a potential India link to
thekillingof Khalistanseparatist
Hardeep Singh Nijjar, Sanjay
Kumar Verma, India’s High
Commissioner to Canada, has
said the Canadian probe into the
by the public statements.
In an interview to Canadian
newspaper The Globe and Mail,
Verma, without naming
Canadian Prime Minister Justin
Trudeau who first alleged Indian
involvement in the killing, said
“no specific or relevant informa-
assist them in the investigation”.
“Where is the evidence?
Where is the conclusion of the
investigation? I would go a step
further and say now the investi-
gation has already been tainted.
A direction has come from
someone at a high level to say

Jaishankar speaks to Free ration for 5 more years, can’t let people sleep hungry: Modi
Iranian counterpart efforts during the Covid-19 pan-
fits of the Garib Kalyan Anna
Yojana, andourfamily members
which 5 kilogram of free food-
grains was provided to every
“Seoni is associated with the
sacrifice of Rani Durgavati, Raja
from the time of Lord Ram? Did
“In Madhya Pradesh,

on Gaza situation “I had a single thought in my

mind during the pandemic: The
whole world was facing such a
in Madhya Pradesh have also re-
ceived this free ration”.
“These people’s stoves never
person on top of their National
mentof foodgrainsatsubsidised
Shankar Shah, and the brave
tribal heroes and heroines who
defended our culture and de-
Ram to the status of
Purushottam Ram? Our tribal
society is so ancient, yet for
Congress is not contesting elec-
tions. It knows it cannot win. It is
merely competing the elections
Agreed to stay in touch," he said. big crisis, and yet, every individ- went cold, their mothers never rates. fended India,” Modi said. decades, the Congress did not togatherdonations.Therealbat-
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA On Saturday, Jaishankar had ual in my family was doing (his went without food, and their Eyes set on the crucial tribal “However, in the past few even utter the word ‘tribal’,” he tle is not for the Chief Minister’s
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 5 a phone conversation with or her) best to save lives. I was children never went to sleep vote in Madhya Pradesh, Modi decades, the Congress has lim- said. chair. The battle is about whose
Israeli Foreign Minister Eli determined not to step back and hungry. That’s why, despite this was speaking in Seoni district of ited the idea of India's freedom He said the BJP government son will lead the Congress in the
EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Minister S Cohen. continue fighting the pandemic. scheme set to complete in the Mahakoshal region. The BJP to the name of only one family. has honoured the legacy of var- future... Two prominent leaders
Jaishankar on Sunday spoke to Israel has been carrying out My first resolution was not to let December, I have resolved to has been focussing on tribal In their election manifesto, even ious tribal leaders, by celebrat- are working on setting the stage
his Iranian counterpart Hossein a massive military offensive in any poor household’s stove go provide free ration for the next seats by highlighting welfare in Madhya Pradesh, it only ing Janjatiya Diwas on the birth for their sons in the coming
Amir-Abdollahiananddiscussed Gaza following the unprece- cold.Ihaveseenpoorchildrengo five years,” he said. schemes, development pro- shows that one family. Has the anniversaryof BirsaMunda,con- days.Those who are concerned
the “grave” situation arising out dented and multi-pronged at- to sleep hungry, and that;s why The PMGKAY scheme was to grammes and celebrating tribal tribal society only arrived after struction of a memorial for Rani about their own children, can
of the Israel-Hamas conflict. tacks on Israeli cities by Hamas I stayed awake at night.” end this December. The Central icons by renaming educational the BJP government came into Durgavati in Jabalpur and nam- you tell me, will they ever think
In the phone conversation, militants on October 7. He said around “80 crore government had launched the institutions and railways sta- power? Hasn’t the tribal society ingtheBhopalrailwaystationaf- of yourchildrenanddaughters?”
Jaishankar conveyed to Amir- Hamas killed around 1,400 people have received the bene- scheme in April 2020 under tions. existed for hundreds of years, ter Gond tribal queen Rani Modi said.
Abdollahian the importance of people in Israel and kidnapped
preventingescalationof thecon- morethan220others.According
flict and the need for providing
humanitarian support in Gaza.
9,000 people have been killed in
● Admission of distress, hunger, now stop using revdi term: Opp ● Delhi air quality
"Spoke today with Iranian the Israeli attack. foundthemselvesinatrickysitu- much so that the government is Jairam Ramesh said the Prime essential commodities,” he said. There are certain commitments up to Class 5 till November 10. In
Foreign Minister Previously, Jaishankar had ation. Given that the scheme now being forced to extend the Minister’sannouncementmeans Recalling that Modi, as Chief which emanate out of the very fact,manyschoolshavedecidedto
@Amirabdolahian. Discussed discussed the situation in West touches the majority of Indians, PMGaribKalyanAnnaYojna,they economic distress is continuing. Minister of Gujarat, had “consis- factthatIndiaisawelfarestate.At suspendphysicalclassesforolder
the grave situation in West Asia Asia with Saudi Foreign Minister parties, especially the Congress, said. TheTrinamoolCongress,on “Thismeanspovertyandeco- tentlyopposedtheNationalFood least, on paper… seen through studentsaswell.
and the concern of the interna- Prince Faisal bin Farhan, his cannot oppose the programme the other hand, has approached nomicdistressarecontinuing,es- Security passed by Parliament in our Constitution and the way The 24-hour average AQI in
tional community," the external counterpart from the United despite the burden of Rs 2 lakh the Election Commission claim- peciallysincedemonetisationand September 2013,” Ramesh said things have functioned. Second, Delhi was recorded at 454 on
affairs minister posted on 'X'. Arab Emirates, Sheikh Abdullah crore it will have on the excheq- ing that the PM’s announcement the hasty rollout of GST… they “the PMGKY is nothing but the using the same logic, the PM Sunday,upfrom415adaybefore.
"Conveyedtheimportanceof bin Zayed Al Nahyan and with uer. The Congress too has made a inthemidstofelectioncampaigns talkaboutinflationrate…butthe NationalFoodSecurityAct(NFSA) should not deny that the hunger The measures taken on
preventing escalation and pro- Oman's Foreign Minister Badr raft of promises – which it calls infivestateswasaviolationofthe prices of essential commodities that already covered 80 crore index places India on a lower Sunday, on directions from the
viding humanitarian support. Albusaidi. guarantees– rangingfromsubsi- mode code of conduct. hasrisensomuchthatpeopleare Indians. This, of course, is not the pedestal.Becausethatwouldgen- Commission for Air Quality
diesongascylinders, monthlyfi- “The timing and stage of the not able to bear it, forcing the onlyexampleofaU-turndoneby erateakindof anomaly.If thereis Management, are part of the
nancial support to women heads announcement–ataBJPpollrally Prime Minister to extend the him. On MGNREGA too, which no hunger, what would you do? Graded Response Action Plan for
UP minor’s suicide: After offamilies,freepowerandhealth
insurance schemes.
– clearly shows that it is an at-
tempt by the party-in-power to
PMGKAY by five more years,” he
said. The Prime Minister’s “latest
pandemic, he was forced to shift
Denialof hungerindexandgoing
for this extension of ration don’t
of air pollution.

suspect’s arrest, admin

They are instead framing it as influence the electorate ahead of announcementisanindicationof his position.” goverywell.Imustalsoexpectthe The measures also include a
a virtual admission by the Prime theelectionsandtodefeattheidea the continuing high level of eco- SpeakingtoTheIndianExpress, Prime Minister, apart from stop- banonLightCommercialVehicles
Minister that his government’s of a level-playing field,” the TMC nomic distress and growing in- RJDMPManojKJhaaskedthePM ping the usage of the word free, registered outside Delhi, except

demolishes family shop economicpolicieshavepushedup

prices of essential commodities
and left the economy reeling. So
said in a complaint.
At a press meet in Bhopal,
Congress communication head
Indians incomes have not grown
to stop using the word “revdi”
should stop calling it free ration.
him saying many times,” he said.
for electric/CNG/BS-VI diesel ve-
medium and heavy goods vehi-
had on Friday issued a notice to cles registered in Delhi can no
MANISH SAHU the prime suspect’s family, longerruninthecity,exceptwhen
LUCKNOW, NOVEMBER 5 claiming that the land on which
their shop, a wooden shack, was
● Nijjar probe tainted, where is proof: Indian envoy’s swipe at Trudeau providing essential services.
The Commission for Air
A DAY after the prime suspect in built belongedtothestatePublic it,” Verma was quoted saying. you captured these conversa- concerned about my safety and Chandigarh, Mumbai and not be one-way streets. Quality Management has asked
acaseof abetmenttosuicideand Works Department. The family In September, Trudeau told tions,” he said. security.Iamconcernedaboutthe Bengaluru,andthattheseservices Speakingataninteractiveses- the Delhi and NCR state govern-
rapeof aminorgirlinLakhimpur was asked to vacate the land by his country’s Parliament: He also mentioned that New safety and security of my Consul would now be available only at sion at the Hindustan Times mentstoconsiderallowing50per
Kheri district was arrested, the 10 am on Sunday or face action. “Canadiansecurityagencieshave Delhi has made 26 requests to Generals,” Verma said. the Canadian High Commission LeadershipSummit,hesaid,“Ifeel centofstaffstrengthinpublic,pri-
administration on Sunday de- “The shop was demolished been actively pursuing credible Ottawa over the past 5-6 years to He said that despite the in Delhi. that there is room for diplomacy vateandmunicipalofficestowork
molished a shop belonging to after the deadline given to the allegations of a potential link be- extraditepeoplefromCanada,but strained relations between the On October 25, Delhi moved here.Iknowthatmycounterpart from home. State governments
the 19-year-old youth’s family family expired,” a senior official tween agents of the government is still waiting for any action on twocountries,Indiawouldliketo to reduce tensions between the in Canada has also expressed the mayalsoconsiderothermeasures
saying it was constructed on said. The deceased’s elder sister of India and the killing of a that front. expand business ties and return two countries by restoring visa same position. So, we have been such as closure of colleges and
government land. demanded stringent punish- Canadian citizen, Hardeep Singh Verma expressed concern tothenegotiatingtableonatrade servicesinsomecategories—en- in touch.” permittingvehiclestorunonodd-
The girl (17), who belonged ment for all the accused. Nijjar.” over the safety of Indian diplo- deal. tryvisa,businessvisa,medicalvisa “My hope certainly would be even basis, the Commission said.
to another community, was Earlier, the victim’s mother, Intheinterview,theIndianen- mats, including himself, some- In September, following a and conference visa. But tourist thatwefindaway…sovereignty, Therestrictionswereimposed
found hanging at her house on in her police complaint, had voy said conversations between thing External Affairs Minister S firestormoverTrudeau’sremarks, visas have still not been restored sensitivity–thesecannotbeone- even as there appeared to be no
November 2. Lakhimpur Kheri stated that the main accused diplomats are secure by law and Jaishankarhadalsoflaggedearlier. India suspended its visa services for Canadian citizens. way streets. They may have their respite from the toxic air over the
SP Ganesh Prasad Saha said the posted an explicit video of her cannotbeusedasevidenceinthe Verma has been repeatedly inCanadaandaskedOttawatore- On Saturday, commenting on concerns. I have never ever with next few days. While the Air
SHO of the area police station daughter on social media. court of law. threatened by Sikhs For Justice duce its diplomatic presence in the standoff between India and any country said that I am not QualityEarlyWarningSystemfor
was suspended for negligence. She along with her daughter “You are talking about illegal (SFJ) group and its leader India Canada,Jaishankarsaidbothsides willingtotalktothemabouttheir Delhi had earlier forecast some
Police are conducting raids to confronted the youth and his wiretaps and talking about evi- Gurpatwant Singh Pannun in the On October 20, Canada an- have been in touch and hoped a legitimateconcerns,”hesaid.“But respite after November 6, a fresh
nab the others named in the FIR family at their residence on dence. Conversations between wake of Nijjar’s death. nounced it had pulled out 41 waywouldbefoundtoresolvethe itcannotbethattheconversation forecast said that the AQI is ex-
— the 19-year-old’s father and November 1, but were instead twodiplomatsaresecurebyallin- “I feel that is hate speech and diplomats from India and halted row.Atthesametime,hesaidthat is completely dismissive of my pectedtoremainintheseverecat-
two brothers, the SP said. abusedandassaulted,shesaidin ternational law. Show me how an incitement to violence. I am its visa and consular services in “sovereigntyandsensitivity”can- concerns and my sensitivities.” egory for the next six days.
The victim’s family has al- the complaint.
legedthattheyouthblackmailed On Saturday, a protest by lo-
the girl using the explicit video
and forced her into a sexual re-
cals against the accused turned
violent as they pelted stones at
● Nepal quake survivors recall moment tragedy struck ●‘Stuff of dreams’: B’day boy Kohli
lationship. the shop and set wooden furni- vacations when tragedy struck. wholehousehascollapsed.Idon’t hits 49th ton, equals Sachin record
The district administration turelyingontheroadsideonfire. Friday night’s earthquake in
Nepal left 157 people dead and
AID FROM INDIA ARRIVES IN NEPAL know what we will do now.
Maybe we will rebuild it,” said “As a child you wish some- Tendulkar’s 49 consumed 452

Geologist murdered at
over 250 injured. Jajarkot and Kathmandu: An IAF C-130 Indiaareexpectedtoarrivein GaumiKamini(61),Hari’smother. thing like that happens, so I’m outings, one in almost nine in-
RukumWestwerethetwoworst- flightarrivedinNepalSunday the coming days. “Providing Shesustainedinjuriestoherback. very grateful to God that I’ve nings. Unlike Tendulkar, who
hitdistricts.Severaloftheinjured carryingthefirstconsignment emergency relief assistance A doctor at the Bheri hospital been blessed with these mo- laboured tohis 100th century,or

Bengaluru home: Police were brought to Bheri hospital.

of emergency relief material
including tents, blankets, tar-
to earthquake-affected areas
of Nepal. As a first responder,
India delivers medicines and
told The Indian Express 40 people
are being treated at the govern-
ments. So much love from the
fans as well. I’ll just continue to
try to help the team in any way
Kapil Dev, who clung for several
months for his record 432nd
wicket, Kohli’s wait was nonex-
gone missing eringattheemergencyward.And tial medicines and medical relief material. PM @naren- children.Somepeoplediedonthe possible,” he said, to the deafen- istent.
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE from her like Isha, he is also mourning the equipment, officials said. The dramodi's Neighbourhood way.Itisachallengetobringpeo- ing applause of the crowd. It was just at the start of the
BENGALURU, NOVEMBER 5 house. But we loss of a loved one. Tears trickle consignment worth Rs 10 First policy in action,” plefromthehillyterrain.Ittakesat The narrative thread could year that he cracked his 45th;
need to con- downhisinjuredfaceashethinks crore arrived in Nepalgunj. External Affairs Minister S least 5-6 hours. Most patients not have been more dramatic — only 20 innings later, he is on 49.
A 43-YEAR-OLD government firm it. We do of his sister, Rashmi, who died in Moreconsignmentsfrom Jaishankar said on X. PTI havesufferedseveretraumatothe Kohli scoring his 49th hundred Of them, 40 have ended up in
servant working with the not know the the earthquake. Both Dinesh and head, fractures in legs, ribs and on his birthday in front of the winning causes.
Karnataka Departmentof Mines motive,” a po- Rashmi were in the same room other parts,” said the doctor. most storied cricket ground in The numbers reveal how
and Geology was found mur- liceofficersaid. when it hit. rocks and mud. This made rescue afarmer,isalsoawaitingasurgery The earthquake, which struck the country. The wait for this outrageous Kohli has been, how
dered at her residence in south Prathima K S Prathima’s Many of those who died or moredifficult— ittook sixpeople scheduledforMonday.“Kismatki at11.47pm(localtime)Friday,was moment had begun long ago, al- incredible his batsmanship is in
Bengaluru on Sunday. husband was were injured were asleep at the topullAnamikaout. wajah se bach gaya. Saans nahi aa Nepal’sdeadliestsince2015,when most as early as Kohli missed a this format. As much as the
The victim has been identi- inShivamogga time. Anamika Shahi (15) was Her father Gopal Prakash rahi thi. Mujhe laga tha main marr two earthquakes measuring 7.8 hundred by 12 runs in Mumbai numbers, it could be said that no
fied as Prathima K S, a resident district when the incident took sleeping at her home in Jajarkot Shahi (39), who runs a small jaoonga(ItwasluckthatIsurvived. and7.3ontheRichterscalestruck three days ago. batsman has touched the soul of
of Doddakallasandra and a sen- place, police said. According to whensheheardwhatshethought eateryfromtheirhouseinRiman I couldn’t breathe and I thought I just a few weeks apart, killing On Saturday, when Kohli and this version other than Kohli.
ior geologist. The incident came an officer, an initial probe re- was a blast. “Then I can’t remem- village, is also injured. Heis in the would die),” he said. around 9,000 people. Friday’s 6.4 Cocameforpractice, afewthou- There are few who could con-
to light on Sunday morning vealed Prathima was in office till beranythingelse.Iwokeupatthe samewardasher.“Icouldonlysee Also at the hospital was 31- magnitude earthquake was fol- sands waited for a sighting of struct achase, fewwhocouldset
around8.30amwhentheneigh- 6 pm on Saturday and returned hospital,” she said. She will un- her hand before we rescued her. year-old Hari Prakash, who lowedby175aftershocks. himattheentrance,chantinghis up a target either. He could
bours informed the police about homeby8pm.Herdriversaidhe dergo a surgery Monday for in- She was under the rocks and rushed there from Shimla after Alocalactivistinvolvedinres- name, like a mantra. On match- switch roles with consummate
the incident. had dropped her off, said police. juries in her abdomen. She has mud,”Shahisaid.Theywereboth getting to know that his mother cueoperationssaidthatthenum- day, they flocked to the stadium ease. This innings was a classic
PolicefoundPrathimadeadon The murder took place between also fractured her ribs. Like airlifted to Nepalgunj. was injured in the earthquake. ber of deaths and injuries in the in the morning, wearing the example — he started off as the
the floor. “Her throat was slit and 8pmand8amonSunday.Police Anamika’shome,manyhousesin Withbandagesonhislegsand Hari is from Nepal, but works in quakewasmadeworsebythefact No.18 jersey and ‘Kohli masks’. aggressor, converted to an accu-
prima facie, no valuables have have filed a murder case. Jajarkot’shillyterrainarebuiltwith head,64-year-oldTikaRamRana, Shimla as a daily wager. “The that it took place at night. When he approached the land- mulator, and then reconverted
mark, they switched on the to the unshakeable pillar that
flashlightsof their smartphones, held the building together from
● NITI weighs discontinuing key water report launched five years ago which flickered like glow-
worms in the hazy evening.
He didn’t put on the de-
Aayog wrote to the Union Ministry ability below 1,000 cubic leased; and (ii) coverage of data Research by public or private stake- South Africa's run chase stroyer role at the Eden, not be-

EXPRESS EDUCATION of Jal Shakti, seeking the govern-

ment's perspective on the “use and
applicability” of the Index and
metre/capita/year is considered as
20, Gujarat tops the list “with con-
the statement reads.
ation of CWMI was that other chan-
holders concerned with water sec-
“It has also been directed to ob-
would be meagre, as they were
bowled out for 83 in 27 overs.
They couldn't even get past
India's powerplay score of 91.
cause he can’t, but because he
didn’t find the need to. He later
explained: “My job was to keep
the momentum going when I
Therehasbeennoresponsefromthe tinuous improvements year on year nels also need to be explored to un- the Ministry of Jal Shakti before de- The left-arm off spin of Ravindra got in. But after 10 overs, the ball
Ministry,evenasthethirdandfourth andiscloselyfollowedbyRajasthan, dertake the task of indexing rather cidingonthecontinuationofCWMI,” Jadeja, who ended with figures started gripping and the wicket
editionsareawaitingrelease,sources Andhra Pradesh and Madhya than only on CWMI. Views of the said the NITI Aayog communication of 5-33 in 9 overs, would blow started slowing down. My role
said. Pradesh” in terms of performance. Departments have been sought in senttotheMinistryonMay12,2023. the Proteas away. was to bat deep and till the end
When contacted, a NITI Aayog “It is encouraging to see that this regard,” the statement said. “It is therefore kindly requested Earlier in the day, only Kohli after the openers fell.”
spokespersonsaidtherewasanidea Rajasthanjumpedninepositionsup- The consultation mentioned in to share your views on use, applica- mattered. The world began and Therearefewstrokesthatare
to club the report for 2018-19 and wardfrom2017-18toFY2019-20,”the the spokesperson's response took bility,andwhethertheCWMIistobe ended with him. beyond his level of skill, but no
2019-20 with that of the next two latestunreleasedreportstates.Goa,it place on December 12, 2022, two continued anymore,” said the com- Kohli, as Kohli does, took the one has glamourised the craft of
years (2020-21 and 2021-22). It was said, has slipped from the fourth po- monthsafterthecombinedreportof munication, issued with the “ap- fans along with his journey. It’s running singles and twos as
also felt that the coverage should be sition in 2017-18 to tenth position in the third and fourth rounds of the proval of competent authority” in the gift of Kohli, as it was with Kohli has. A nudge here, a tap
extended to districts. Finally, on the 2019-20. Punjab too has seen a drop Index were ready. The meeting was NITI Aayog Tendulkar. He strikes such an in- there,therearefewbetterjudges
continuation of CWMI itself, there initsrankduringthisperiod. chaired by NITI Aayog member Emailssolicitingcommentsof Jal timate personal connect that his of thesingle,orquicker,hungrier
was a view that other channels also RespondingtoquestionsfromThe RameshChandandofficersof theJal Shakti Ministry and Rural inningsistheirstoo;hispainand runners between the wicket
needtobeexploredtoundertakethe Indian Express, a NITI Aayog Shakti Ministry where it was indeed Development Ministry did not elicit joy theirs too. The bond is some- than him. Even when he was tir-
task of indexing rather than bank spokespersonsaidworkonthethird “ideated” whether a combined re- a response. thing Kohli has acquired over 14 ing, even when the sweltering
only on CWMI, the spokesperson and fourth rounds of the index was portof CWMIrounds3.0,4.0,5.0and In June 2018, the NITI Aayog said years of sustained excellence, a humidity was sucking every
said. started in 2022, and attributed the 6.0 should be released together. the CWMI report was meant to fos- period wherein he defined and ounce of energy out of him, he
Thelatestreport,acopyof which delay to unavailability of updated However, five months later, the ter "a culture of evidence and data- redefined the art of batting in keptrunning.Youwouldseldom
has been seen by The Indian Express, data due to the Covid-19 pandemic. NITI Aayog sent letters to backedpolicy-decisionsforefficient this format, a span when he see him stroll for singles.
maps the performance of states for NITI Aayog also “ideated” whether Department of Water Resources, management of water resources” liftedthebarof greatnesshigher, En route to his hundred,
2018-19and2019-20,andpointsout the third and fourth rounds should River Development and Ganga andalsobringaboutcompetitiveand to an almost unscalable peak. Kohli unzipped several glorious
that water scarcity is a “national be clubbed with fifth and sixth RejuvenationandtheDepartmentof cooperative federalism among Whetherheisamasterof the strokes,includinganextracover-
problem”. The average annual per rounds meant to cover years 2021- DrinkingWaterandSanitation,both states. shortestformatcanbedisputed; drivetogetoff themarkandare-
capita water availability is expected 22 and 2022-23. of which come under the Jal Shakti In October, the United Nations whether he would equal gal straight drive off Kagiso
to reduce to 1,486 cubic meters per “NITIAayogalsocommencedthe Ministry, saying that the Member University — Institute for Tendulkar’s body of work in the Rabada, but he aptly completed
person per year by 2021 from 1,545 workfor3rd&4throundsofCWMIin (economistRameshChandandNITI Environment and Human Security longestformatisdoubtful.Butin his record-equalling 49th ton
cubic meters per person per year in 2022.However,duetoCovid-19,up- Aayog member) is of the view that (UNU-EHS), had warned that India the 50-over game, Kohli is King. with a single that fulfilled the
2011, according to the Jal Shakti dated2022datawasnotavailable.In “otherchannelsneedtobeexplored is close to reaching its groundwater The epithet King Kohli rests fit- purpose of the day. For the
Ministry. consultation with both the Ministry to undertake the task of indexing risk tipping point. Environmental tingly on his shoulders. 65,000-odd pairs of eyes that
Aspertheannualwateravailabil- ofJalShaktiandStateWaterResource rather than relying only on CWMI tippingpointsarecriticalthresholds Stats-trawling would bewil- watched the slice of history at
Contact for Advt. Booking: M/s Friends Publicity Service itynorms,theavailabilityvalueofless Departments, it was ideated that (i) and that the CWMI is not widely intheEarth'ssystems,beyondwhich der. Kohli’s haul of 49 hundreds the Eden as well as the millions
than 1,700 cubic meter/person/year a combined report of CWMI rounds usedorappliedinPlanning,Decision abrupt and often irreversible have arrived in only 277 innings. who soaked the moment on
(M): 9212665841, 9212008155 indicateswatershortage.Wateravail- 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 should be re- making, Policy Formulation or changes occur. That is one in six innings. smartphonesandtelevisionsets.
SpikeinaccidentsonYamuna Faridabad: 16-yr-old found dead on Rly tracks
Faridabad: A 16-year-old girl
was found dead on a railway
cide by jumping in front of a
itated after the train hit her.
SHO of GRP police station,

track in Faridabad, police said train.Thefamily,however,con- Faridabad, Rajpal said: “Her
Sunday. tested this and sought a probe. family said she was melan-
As per officials, the girl, a Police spokesperson Sube cholic for a few days leading up
class 10 student, went missing Singhsaidthepost-mortemre- to the incident. CCTVs showed
on November 3. Her body was port stated that it was a case of her going on rickshaw. She was
found on the same day, they suicideandthatshewasdecap- later found on the tracks.” ENS

THENUMBERof casesof roadac-

cidents on Yamuna Expressway
to 2022 even as there has been a
dip in the number of fatalities in
accident cases. According to data
accessed by The Indian Express, a
been reported till October this
year. Thus, on an average, more
than 34 accidents have taken
place every month on Yamuna
Expresswaythisyear.In2022,310 Onanaverage,morethan 34accidentshavetakenplaceeverymonth ontheExpressway.
accidents had taken place on
YEIDA data.
Meanwhile,thenumberoffa- INCIDENTS ACROSS 8 YEARS
■ No. of road accidents ■ No. of injured persons
a decrease. Till October this year,
atotalof80peoplewerereported ■ No. of fatal casualties Total injured cases
Total fatalities 1,033

way. Thus, on an average, eight




persons died due to injuries sus-








tal of 105 people died in 2022; 91


deaths took place until October,






putting the monthly average last


year at 9.1.
As per data, since 2016, the 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023*
numberof accidentcaseshasde- Source: YEIDA data *2023 figure until October
in 2023, for the first time in eight
years, accident cases have regis- Greater Noida last month, once beenabletocollectanysignificant 64 cameras are installed at the
tered an increase in comparison again raising questions about the evidence...Wearequestioningdif- YamunaExpressway.Wehaveor-
to the preceding year. This year, safety on the thoroughfare. ferent people and hope that we dered installation of 120 more
maximum number of accidents, Officialssaidtheaccidenttook willfindsomethingsoon,”saidan camerasatdifferentlocations.The
51, were reported in June while place at the 25th kilometre from official involved in the probe. new cameras will be installed by
July was the most fatal with 14 thezeropoint.“Thecarwasgoing Yamuna Expressway March 31. This is in line with the
people dying in Expressway-re- at a speed of 119 km/hr. There is IndustrialDevelopmentAuthority recommendation of IIT Roorkee,
lated accidents. nocameraandevenproperlights (YEIDA),whichmaintainstheex- whichhadsubmittedareportaf-
Most recently, eight people at the spot where this accident pressway, said officials have or- teradetailedstudyonthesafetyof
diedinanaccidentthattookplace took place. We are investigating dered an increase in the number theexpressway,”saidDrArunVir
inRabupuraPoliceStationareaof the matter but till date have not of cameras. “Currently, a total of Singh, CEO of YEIDA.

Arsh Dalla aide held Student ‘tied’ inside girls’

washroom, sexually harassed
for ‘making extortion EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
Friday and went to the library
where she studied for two hours.

calls’ to businessmen NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 5

A 20-YEAR-OLD student at a
“I was on the second floor when I
heard some noise inside the
washroom... I then saw two men
prominent university in the withagun-likeobject.Igotscared
JIGNASASINHA Canada- Capital was allegedly tied up in- and asked them what they were
NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER5 based side the girls’ washroom, threat- doing inside the washroom.
fugitive ened with a pistol, and sexually They…puttheguntomyhead…
THEDELHIPoliceSpecialCellhas Arshdeep harassed by two unknown men. Ipanickedandfellunconscious…”
arrested a key associate of Dalla The complainant has alleged readstheFIR.Thewomansaidshe
Canada-basedfugitiveArshdeep thatshesawtwomenarmedwith regained consciousness around
Dalla in Delhi for allegedly help- a pistol, who threatened her and 10.20 pm and found her limbs
ing the gangster in Canada by Peeta has already been tiedherlimbswithherownscarf. tied.Shesaidshecalledherfriends
making extortion calls to differ- booked under the Unlawful The Delhi Police Sunday said who took her to a hospital.
ent businessmen all across Activities(Prevention)Act(UAPA) theyhaveregisteredanFIRunder Seniorpoliceofficerssaid,“We
Northern India. for his alleged involvement with sectionsofmolestation,wrongful aretalkingtothewomanandher
SourcestoldTheIndianExpress the KTF. confinement,actendangeringlife, friends. We asked her about the
thattheaccused,ManpreetSingh The Delhi Police will now and Arms Act. No arrests have perpetrators but she hasn’t been
aliasPeeta,wasabusinessmanin question him about Dalla and his been made yet. able to provide us with any de-
thePhilippineswhohadtobede- armssmugglingandextortionac- The woman said she left for tails...An FIR has been lodged on
portedthisyearduetohisalleged tivities around Delhi. “We have her college around 6.30 pm on her complaint.”
illegalactivities.Peetawasfirstar- found he was smuggling arms
rested by the National and drugs at the behest of Dalla.
InvestigationAgencyandhasnow He was the main manager for
been arrested by the Special Cell. Dalla and often initiated “Dabba
Investigation found that Peeta Calls”tocommunicatewithDalla.
andhisassociateMandeepSingh InthePhilippines,hewasdealing
had gone to Manila, Philippines in real estate while working with
andwerecollectingfundsforthe Dalla” said another officer.
Khalistan Tiger Force (KTF), a Police explained that a dabba
banned terrorist organisation. call is made via two phones to
A special court had issued concealtheidentityofthereceiver
non-bailable arrest warrants (Dalla). For this, the person first
against them for their alleged in- callsthereceiverfromonephone
volvementinterroracts,extortion but then immediately takes an-
and funding terrorist organisa- other phone and calls a random
tions in India. number. The second phone’s
SourcessaidPeetawasmainly speaker is then connected to the
working as a “recruiter” for Dalla firstphoneviaBluetoothorother
ashewasluringmenfromaround meansandthereceivercantalkto
Punjab to join the KTF. “He was his associate via the second
also part of the extortion ring led phone.Policesaidsuchconversa-
by Dalla. They would make ran- tions can’t be tapped into.
domcallstobusinessmenandde- Last month, police had ar-
mandmoneyinthenameofDalla. rested two men who allegedly
Peeta threatened people that he worked for Dalla and killed
wouldgetthemkilledunlessthey Congress leader Baljinder Singh
gaveprotectionmoney.Hewould BalliathishomeinPunjab’sMoga.
send the recruits in India to BalliwasshotdeadonSeptember
threatentheirtargetsandfireout- 18th. Delhi Police arrested two
side their house,” said an officer. men on October 11th.

Severe Severe Severe Severe
FORECAST: November 6
Clearsky. Shallow/moderate
fog inthemorning.
423 458 476 437 AQIforecast:Likelyto
AQI AQI AQI AQI besevere
0 PM10 500 0 PM2.5 500 0 PM10 500 0 PM 2.5 500
At 6 pm MAX: 31 MIN: 15
0-50 Good 51-100 Satisfactory 101-200 Moderate 201-300 Poor 301-400 Very Poor 401-500 Severe 0.5°C abovenormal 0.3°Cbelownormal


AQI still in the severe zone, share of
Ghaziabad: A 20-year-old
man Sunday was arrested
after a video went viral on
social media in which he
farm fires in pollution spike increases
EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE Directorate of Education Sunday issued an advisory to shut
the man is seen respond-
ing to questions posed by
How the neighbouring states fared schools due to poor air quality in Delhi. Archive

a YouTuber. An FIR under A SLEW of measures to curb pol-

IPC sections including
153A and 295A was regis-
tered, police said. ENS
dex (AQI) crossed the 450-mark
Farm fires from neighbouring states is considered one of the factors behind the rise in pollution in the capital

Schools bank on
for the second time this season.
Sunday’s AQI was 454, as op- online classes after

Cup:Traffictobe proved to 415 on Saturday.
advisory by edu dept

regulatedtoday of farm fires in Punjab rose to

3,230 and to 109 in Haryana. tothispollutionandwearemostly

New Delhi: There will be Despite the increase in fires over EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE leaningtowardsmovingtoonline
traffic restrictions in parts the past few days, the figures are NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 5 teaching.Wehavenotyetsentout

of Delhi on Monday from still lower than those recorded any instructions to parents, as
12 noon till midnight for over the past few years between AS THE Directorate of Education Monday will be the first working
the Cricket World Cup September 15 and November 5. Sundayissuedanadvisorytoshut day after the weekend when the
match, Bangladesh vs Sri (see box) Sunday’s AQI was 454, a deterioration from 415 recorded on Saturday. Gajendra Yadav schools due to poor air quality in schooladministrationwillmeetto




Nov 5*

Lanka, at the Arun Jaitley According to the Decision Delhi,mostschoolsarenowlean- drawaproperplan.”

Stadium, officials said. Support System of the Indian ing towards conducting online On the other hand, few
TrafficPoliceissuedanad- Institute of Tropical Meteorology classes for students. schoolshaveinformedparentsto
visory on Sunday stating (IITM), the contribution of bio- HARYANA PERCENTAGE CONTRIBUTION OF PM 2.5 TO DELHI’S AIR (BIOMASS BURNING) “In view of the Air Quality not send their children to school.
that no vehicle would be massburninginDelhi’spollution (AQI) of Delhi breaching the ‘se- Minakshi Kushwaha,
40% 35.43%
allowed to be parked on wasaround20%onSunday.Ithas vere’ category (with 400+ AQI), it Principal, Birla Vidya Niketan,

Bahadurshah Zafar Marg, been above the 15% mark on all

35% is ordered that physical classes PushpVihar,said,“Parentsofstu-
30% 16.65%

JLN Marg and Ring Road days,barringthree,sinceOctober from Pre-School to Class V shall dents from Nursery to class IX


from Rajghatto the I.P. fly- 22 and it peaked on Friday with 25% further remain suspended upto have been informed that there
17.22% 15.98% 18.31%
over on Monday. PTI over 35%, coinciding with the 20% 25.23% 10/11/2023,” the DoE circular won’t be any physical classes un-

city’sworstrecordedairday,sofar 15% 19.69% 17.96% 9.81% stated. “For classes VI onwards, til Tuesday. We are following the
this season. 10.36% theheadsofschoolsshallhavethe DoE guideline of suspending
Delhi:Vendor 10%




Nov 5*

AccordingtoseniorDelhigov- 5% option either to call students for physical classes for class V until
moweddownby ernment officials, the combina- Oct 22 Oct 24 Oct 26 Oct 28 Oct 30 Nov 1 Nov 3 physical classes or conduct them November10.”Kushwahaadded,
tion of adverse weather condi- online, depending on the digital “Students of classes X, XI, XII will
hydrauliccrane tions and an increase in the input Source: ICAR *Fires on Nov 5 Source: Decision Support System for Air Quality Management in Delhi infrastructure & readiness of the be coming to school.”
of pollutants in the form of farm schooltoconductonlineclasses,” Meanwhile, in schools like
New Delhi: A man died af- fires means that the situation is the circular further said. Modern Public School, Shalimar
ter he was allegedly notexpectedtoimproveanytime beltfromHaryanatoBiharisideal poor category,” said an official. for at least the next six days. The hour. The speed may increase to Several schools The Indian Bagh, students until Class V have
mowed down by a hy- soon. “What Delhi needs right fortrappingpollutants.Ifyoulook Cities and towns such as windcomingfromthenorthwest around12kilometresperhouron Expressreachedouttostatedthat beenaskednottogotoschoolun-
draulic crane in northeast now is a spell of rain and strong attheothercitiesinthisarea,they Bhiwadi (413), Faridabad (450), direction will bring smoke and Tuesday, but the direction will be they would prefer moving to- til November 10; they continue
Delhi on Sunday, police winds. Because of Delhi’s geo- are facing a similar condition. Greater Noida (410), Gurgaon particulate matter with it from northwesterly.Thisisexpectedon wards online teaching, but are to function in physical mode for
said. The deceased has graphical position – with the What pushes it over the edge in (402), Noida (414) and Kaithal over Punjab and Haryana, on Wednesday as well, as per the amidst making a concrete work- classessixtotwelve. “Wesupport
beenidentifiedasAdil(22), Aravalli mountain range on one OctoberandNovemberisthedip (434)alsoremainedinthesevere Monday.Thespeed,however,will forecast. ing plan to implement it effec- the Delhi government’s decision
avendor,andhisbodyhas side, the Malwa and Deccan in temperature and calm winds, category. remain between 4 and 6 kilome- Thetemperature,meanwhile, tively from this week. toshutallschoolstokeepthestu-
been sent for post- plateaus a few hundred kilome- and to an extent the farm fires. According to the Air Quality tres per hour. The ideal wind is not expected to see much Jyoti Bose, Principal of dents safe,” said Principal Alka
mortem, they said. PTI tres to the South and the Even after the farm fires stop, the Early Warning System, the city speed for the dispersion of pollu- change and there is no chance of Springdales, Dhaula Kuan, said, Kapur. MCD schools have also
HimalayastotheNorth,theentire airwill mostly remaininthevery willremainintheseverecategory tants is around 10 kilometres per rain. “No student should be exposed shut physical classes till Class V.

Pet dog ‘injures’

woman; owner,
Three women to a bed, kin sleeping in verandah:
son booked Space crunch ails Gurgaon city’s sole civil hospital
healthcareinfrastructureaccom- burns unit,” he said. However, he
EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE AISWARYARAJ panied by 33 private hospitals. ishopefulthatanewfacility,work
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 5 GURGAON,NOVEMBER5 “The condition in Gurgaon Civil for which is underway, could re-
Hospitalisfarfromtheidealsetup, duce this burden to some extent.
A WOMAN was severely injured AT THE antepartum ward in itdoesnotevenreachaverage,”he “Itisenvisagedtohave32bedsin
after a Pitbull attacked her out- Gurgaon city’s sole civil hospital, said. the ICU in two wings, along with
side her house in the Swaroop 33-year-old Neelam is sharing a Gurgaon civil surgeon 100 beds, new OTs and labour
Nagar area of Delhi on Friday. bed with two heavily pregnant Virender Yadav said that 100 ad- rooms,”hesaid.Locatedjustafew
Delhi Police has booked a People at the public meet at Ramlila Maidan, Sunday. Express women. Earlier last week, missions are made every day feetawayfromthehospital,afive-
manandhissonforallegedlypro- Neelamgavebirthtoapremature while2,000OPDpatientsvisitthe story building is under construc-
voking their pet dog to bite her. baby at Sohna civil hospital from hospital.Thehospitalhasacardi- tion. However, the Civil Surgeon
According to the police, the
woman, Riya Devi, a doctor at a
local clinic, had objected to the
At ‘Samvidhan Bachao’ where she was referred to the
tion deteriorated. “The baby is in While Haryana has 71 civil hospitals in 22 districts, Gurgaon
ology department, three X-ray
machines, a dialysis unit, CT/MRI
scan arrangements, four opera-
said that the construction at the
100-bed facility, which started in
dog peeing and defecating out-
rally, call raised for anincubationroom...Atnight,Ilie
has three, including one each in Sohna & Pataudi. Express tion theatres, and a four-bed
makeshift ICU at the medical
At a meeting recently, at-
legedly unleashed it on her. As
per Devi’s complaint, she was
standing outside her house on
caste-based census, OPS othertwowomencanbeaccom-
modated as well,” she said, ges-
site side, has 20 beds. Adjacent to
this is the septic ward with six
ward apart from a cardiac ICU
Minister for State Rao Inderjit
Singh, discussions were held on
Friday afternoon when she saw packed with pregnant women, child. Two died earlier, and this beds. All three wards had at least pendency unit (HDU) with six velopmentprojects,includingthe
thePitbulldefecating.Shealsoal- EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE new mothers, and their kin. oneis very weak...Sohna hospital half-a-dozenbedsoccupiedbyat beds.Inthebasementof thehos- relocation of the Gurgaon Civil
legedshewaschasedandthedog NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 5 Cong leader Neelam'splightechoesthatof had better beds and wards, but least two women. pitalisthegeneralwarddoubling Hospital.Thegovernmenthospi-
bit her multiple times. Udit Raj at several other patients who are here we have better doctors and On the verandah, Deeksha’s up as the dengue ward. Though tal to be rebuilt in Civil Lines was
Avideoof theincidentshows ARALLYwasheldtodemandim- the event. compelled to share their modest machines,” said Neelam. mother-in-lawMamtasitswitha Gurgaonhasnotseenadrasticrise initiallyplannedtohave400beds
the woman standing outside a plementationof theOldPension Express hospitalbedswithotherwomen, Not far from Neelam is newborn girl. “I am out with my incasesthisseason,thewardwas buttheplanwaslaterchangedto
houseandthedognearher.After Scheme(OPS)andacastecensus, thanks to overcrowding and lack Chakarpur resident Shefali, shar- daughter’s three-day-old grand- seentightlypackedwithaccident accommodate 700 beds. Earlier
a while, it is seen jumping on her attheRamlilaMaidanonSunday. ofinfrastructureonthepremises. ing a bed with Anita whose daughter. She suffers from jaun- victims,denguepatientsandoth- this year, the plan saw another
and attacking her. Residents are Addressing the 'Samvidhan ees beggars, and most of them According to the health de- daughter recently gave birth to a dice and we had to let her soak in ers lodged together. round of revision. “This shows
thenseenrushingtohelpherand Bachao' (Save the Constitution) arenotgettingthemoneytosur- partment, the urban part of pair of twins. “I came with my the sunlight. Last night, I was Adoctoratthehospital,onthe poor planning. If they had con-
removing the dog. The owner is rally,CongressleaderUditRajsaid vive. Either this government or Gurgaon has 21 urban PHCs and daughter(whoisadmittedtothe squatting on the floor with the conditionofanonymity,admitted ductedproperstudies,theywould
laterseentakingthePitbullinside. lakhsofemployeeshadearlieror- theOPSwillstay,bothcannotco- a polyclinic apart from the civil labour room). The hospital is 18 child on my chest because my thattherewereinfrastructuralis- have known what was feasible,”
Theysaidshesufferedinjuries ganised rallies at the Ramlila exist," he was quoted as saying hospital. Earlier called the km from my home, and we can't daughter had to share the bed sues, including lack of beds, lim- said the former civil surgeon.
to her hands, legs, and face, and Maidan against the new pension in a statement by the organisers. Maternal and Child Health afford to go back and forth every withanotherwoman.Onanother ited facilities at the ICU, over- The blame game is of little
wastakentoanearbyhospitalfor scheme blaming the BJP-led Rajalsosaidthatin10yearsof Hospital, the premises started day,” said Shefali, who works as a bed,therewerethreewomenyes- crowdingandlimitedaccessibility comfort to women like Neelam,
treatment.Thepolicehaveregis- Centrefor“impoverishing”retired the BJP's rule at the Centre, Dalits functioning as a civil hospital in labourer.SaidAnita,“Iaskedthem terday.Ifoughtwiththenurses...” for people from across the city. whose mother and mother-in-
tered a case against the owner government employees. He also and Adivasis had lost gains they the last few years after, owing to (the hospital staff) that we have she said. “There is a massive problem of lawarehavingtosleepontheve-
underIPCSection289(negligent accused the Centre of having hadattainedsinceIndependence. infrastructures issues, the Civil twobabies,andweneedabedfor Compared to Panchkula, overcrowding here. Around 30 randah of the hospital as they
conductwithrespecttoanimals). robbedtheDalitandAdivasicom- “The government departments Lines hospital was demolished mydaughter,butwhenthisisthe which is the administrative hub deliveriestakeplaceinthishospi- don't have the means to travel
The woman and other resi- munities of benefits which they and PSUs are created by public and all services shifted to the stateof theentireward,whatcan of the state, the health care in tal every day. This becomes a from Sohna everyday to keep
dents alleged that the dog had hadaccruedsinceIndependence. money and they are being priva- Sector 10 institution. be done?” Gurgaonisfloundering,saidafor- problemwhenallwehaveare170 their daughter company.
previously attacked children. “Under the OPS, pensions tised,downsizedandsoldtocrony While Haryana has 71 civil On the other side of the first- mer civil surgeon, on the condi- beds. Also, though there are four “Sometimes, it gets very stuffy
Thepolicesaidtheyareprob- used to be in thousands of ru- capitalists. It has killed govern- hospitals in its 22 districts, floorgynaecologydepartmentisa tion of anonymity. With three operation theatres and four beds here as there is little ventilation
ing the allegations. pees but the new pension sys- ment jobs and the most affected Gurgaonhasthree,includingone post-operativewardwith13beds. hospitals, two CHCs and eight with ventilators, the facilities at andthesemanypeople,”shesaid,
(WITHPTIINPUTS) tem has made retired employ- are Dalits and Adivasis," he said. each in Sohna and Pataudi. Thepost-natalward,ontheoppo- PHCs, Panchkula has a robust theICUaresubpar,andthereisno pointing at the crowded ward.

An abode for fugitives to an architectural landmark: The story of Balban’s Tomb

Liddlesaidthat“individualscap- renovations nestled inside the lowing the ASI markers. Steep of the victims. The Dar- ul-
VIDHEESHA KUNTAMALLA tured as slaves during that par- park, one among which was the stepsleaddownfromittotheru- Amaantrulyembodieditsname,
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 5 ticular period then rose to be- tomb of Balban. ins…. The Sultan was buried in meaning “House of safety” pro-
come rulers,” giving the period “It’s a square building with this building, and I have visited viding protection for all who
BUILT IN the 13th century and its name. spacious rooms on either side… his tomb,” wrote Safvi. sought its shelter.
now renovated from ruins, the Liddle told The Indian Express itisthesameplacewherehisson Safvi cites Ibn Batuta, where “Balban’s tomb was one of
Tomb of Balban located inside that the tomb “is a very impor- Sher Khan, he had re- the first domes to be con-
Mehrauli’s Archaeological park tant structure as it shows us the Khan e ferred to this structed, but the dome was long
has served many purposes in its first use of the true arch con- Shaheed was structure, The destroyed” said author Sohail
lifetime: an abode for debtors struction in India” interred only Dar-ul- Hashmi, who also said that the
and fugitives, a slave-turned- Accordingtotheofficialweb- two years be- Amaan, as structure is no longer accessible
Sultan’s Tomb, and a landmark site of the Ministry of culture, fore him. “One of his to peopleasitis currently locked
in India’s architectural history. “Ghiyas-ud-din Balban, one of However, only acts of gen- and closed for visiting.
Ghiyas-ud-din Balban, a the most powerful slave sultans onegraveisex- erosity”. Safvi – who quotes Maulvi
Sultanof theMamluk(Slave)dy- after Iltumish, is buried within tant now” The struc- Zafar Hasan – wrote thatthe Sufi
nasty— the first of the Delhi the archaeological park, in a wrote author Rana Safvi in her ture served as a sanctuary for fakirs of Mehrauli and the dar-
Sultanate dynasties — ruled building once built by the Sultan book Where stones speak: debtors and fugitives, offering gah precincts of Qutub Sahab
from Delhi between 1266 AD to himself calledtheDar-ul-Amaan Delhi L-G had recently unveiled the tomb of Balban after renovation. Mustafa Naqvi/Delhi Karavan Historical Trails in Mehrauli, the refuge from debt collectors and abound them said this had oc-
1287 AD. (Haven of Safety)”. First City of Delhi. angry pursuers. curred because Balban was ex-
Balban was sold as a slave to “Unlike the corbelled arches “...from afar it looks very un- Even those who had com- tremely cruel, “his ascension to
the then ruler Iltumish in 1232 of Qutub Complex, the true which evenly distributes the came a common feature of the ing its architectural significance. attractive… To reach it, one has mitted murder could find solace the throne was marked by
CE, who later released him. archesof Balban'stombhavethe weight of the superstructure, Indo-Islamic architecture of A few weeks ago, Lieutenant to scramble down from the within its walls, as the Sultan bloodletting and this could be
HistorianandauthorSwapna keystone placed at the centre, From here on, True arches be- Delhi,”saidthewebsite,explain- GovernorVKSaxenaunveiledsix Jamali Kamali mosque by fol- would compensate the families thereasonhisafterlifeiscursed”.


2023 1,18,699
The largest victory margin in Telangana in 2018, when T Harish
Rao of BRS defeated Telangana Jana Samithi nominee in Siddipet.


In battle of his life,

ZORAMTHANGA,79 residential properties
Mizoram CM and MNF chief, (Rs 3.02 crore in 2018)
contesting from Aizawl East 1

Shivraj’s ace card divides

(including of spouse, CRIMINAL CASES: SLIM MARGINS:
dependents) None
(Rs 82.61 lakh in 2018) CM salary, rent
` 6.23 CRORE BA (Honours) from
As MP CM goes all in to convince voters and signal to his party’s leadership
including agricultural, DM College, affiliated to QUESTION PAPER LEAK SCAMS, KEY BJP
commercial and Manipur University that he will not go down without a fight, his campaign has an air of urgency CAMPAIGN AMMO AGAINST GEHLOT


‘BJP focusing on the JABALPUR, NOVEMBER 5

SADAR BAZAR in Jabalpur’s can-

backward classes … tonment area is barricaded on
tivity on a Friday night. On one

all OBC leaders told

side is a stage full of women
waiting to welcome Chief Party 25-35 35-45 46-55 56-65 66-75 76+
Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan BJP 6 19 46 48 8 2
for a roadshow in the locality.

to contest elections’
INC 9 24 37 19 8 0
Even before Shivraj makes
his way, women can be seen on BSP 0 1 0 0 0 0
balconies of nearby houses and Indep 0 0 3 0 0 0
LIZ MATHEW base he has built. There are 76+ 25-35
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 5 women from across communi-
2 15
BANDI SANJAY Kumar, 52, is a on the front row.
fiery critic of the ruling Bharat
Rashtra Samithi (BRS) in
Crowds grow manifold as the
“rath” — an improvised saffron- 66-75 230: 35-45
Telangana.Justafewmonthsaf- coloured tempo with no roof — 16 MLAs IN 44
ter replacing him with Union carrying the CM, his close aides, ASSEMBLY
Minister G Kishan Reddy as the localcandidateAshokRohani,and
state BJP president and giving securitypersonnelmakesitsway
56-65 46-55
himacentralorganisationalrole throughthenarrowlanetowards
asitsnationalgeneralsecretary, the stage. Shivraj quickly makes Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan at a public meeting in Jabalpur on Friday. PTI 67 86
the BJP leadership has now his way to the stage, showing no
broughtKumarbacktothestate, signs of fatigue 12 hours after he Source: ADR, Election Commission
fielding him from Karimnagar left Bhopal on yet another hectic leaders appear on both sides of Congress supporter Rahul Vishwakarma in Tanna tehsil,
for the Assembly polls. day of campaigning, gets gar- a smiling PM. In this backdrop, YadavinBarginearJabalpursays which comes under the
In an interview, Kumar dis- THE EXPRESS landed by women, and soon Shivraj’s campaign seems to Chouhanhascreatedawomen’s Junnardeo seat, says Chouhan
cusses the BJP’s prospects and
the fight against the BRS and
Congress. Excerpts:
speeds away.
Not the official CM face of the
BJP, Shivraj, who has been in
have an air of urgency. He is not
just touring his constituency
Budhni but hitting all corners of
support base with the Ladli
Behna scheme. From Bhopal to
the Mahakoshal region, Ladli
willbeCMagainbecauseof Ladli
Behna. “For poor people, it mat-
Gehlot confidant
How do you view the BJP’s
prospects in Telangana?
power for almost two decades, is
fighting the battle of his life.
Congress state president Kamal
the state with a vengeance.
Shivraj also has a dramatic
Behna is mentioned in every
conversation. While people
to their accounts. The woman of
the house can at least educate
her children. Sendit to men’s ac-
Mahesh Joshi left out
as Congress high
BJPwillwinthestate.Because Nathhassaidthat“theremustbe he goes. Many people are still a hint of sarcasm in the tone of counts and it will go into alco-
BJP is the only party that fights something wrong with Chouhan fond of him but jibes have also young men who see it as some- holism.” Suraj, ayoung man, dis-
electionswithavisionagainstthe Narendra Modi is the only that he hasn’t been projected by begun here and there as weary thingwomenaregettingforfree. agrees, wondering how long the
internal politics, their leaders are
faceof theBJP–beitinTelangana
tus) is our symbol too.
his party” as the CM face.
Party sources say Shivraj
leaves Bhopal each day at 9 am
voters do exhibit an element of
fatigue. Yet, he is the topic of ca-
sual conversations everywhere,
money to ladlis (women). There
are very few jobs. Pits have been
money will keep coming.
On the outskirts of Jabalpur
an animated discussion is about
command has its way
in Telangana have no trust in the and returns as late as 2.30 am as more than any Congress leader. dug for water connections but Chouhan. Hemant
Congress. The BRS is beset with The BJP under your hecrisscrossesthestateinawhirl- “Shivraj ghoshnaveer hain the pipes have not arrived and Vishwakarma, a local resident, HAMZA KHAN
corruption and appeasement of leadership took on the BRS. wind tour to reach out to voters (Shivraj is a champion of an- people are falling into the pits says the Ladli scheme is leading JAIPUR, NOVEMBER 5
onecommunity.TheCongresshad But since you were removed, andsignaltohispartythathewill nouncements),” says Anil Patel, each day. Where pipes have to a rise in state debt.
alsorobbedthenation.Sothepeo- there has been a talk that the not go down without a fight. a member of the OBC Lodhi come, there are no taps … In Despitepossiblystaringatthe THE CONGRESS has dropped
plehavenofaithineitherof these BJP wanted an understanding The BJP central leadership community from the Gotegaon some cases, women are not giv- end of his chief ministerial jour- Mahesh Joshi, a senior minister
parties. This makes the BJP the with BRS for the Lok Sabha hascentreditscampaignaround SC-reserved constituency close ing the money to their hus- ney, Chouhan is still being dis- in Ashok Gehlot’s Cabinet, in-
strongestplayer. polls. So you were removed. “collective leadership”, with to Narsinghpur. “Mark my bands,” says Narendra Verma of cussed on the streets like before. steadoptingforDistrictCongress
It is wrong to say that the BJP Prime Minister Narendra Modi words. The BJP will win but re- Silari village near Pipariya in Andattheheartof thoseconver- President (JaipurCity)R R Tiwari
What is the biggest challenge does not attack the BRS now. dominating the hoardings. place ‘mama (as Chouhan is Hoshangabad district. sations is the scheme that is al- as its candidate from Hawa
for the BJP? Prime Minister Narendra Modiji Smaller, smiling faces of several fondly called)’.” An elderly Mahendra ready part of his political legacy. Mahal Assembly constituency.
Itisthecomingtogetherof all has been attacking the BRS and Tiwari’s name figured in the
the parties against the BJP. The the family of Chief Minister K sixth list of 23 names declared
BRS and the Congress are to-
gether fighting against the BJP.
speeches in the state. Home In manifesto, Cong tries to outdo BJP: Farm loan bytheCongresslateonSaturday.
The party announced the re-
Joshi, a senior minister,
helped Ashok Gehlot during
the 2020 crisis . Facebook
waiver, better paddy price to free higher education
Senior leaders from the BRS are Minister Amit Shah has been at- maining 21 names on Sunday.
joining the Congress because of tacking the BRS and so is BJP na- DroppingJoshiindicatesthat
anunderstandingbetweenthem. tional president J P Naddaji. the high command had its way
free treatment up to Rs 5 lakh, and prevailed over CM Gehlot, Minister Shanti Dhariwal, and
Howwillyoucounterthe People said the party wanted JAYPRAKASH S NAIDU which was earlier Rs 50,000. who has had a say in most tick- RajasthanTourismDevelopment
allegationthattheBJP,BRSand to keep you away from the NARAYANPUR, NOVEMBER 5 Amongotherpromisesmade ets, with the party repeating a Corporation chairperson
AIMIMaretogetherandthatis state. But then it fielded you bytheCongressisfreeeducation majorityof itssittingMLAssofar. DharmendraRathore—cameinto
whyBRSandAIMIMleaders in a tough seat. Why? JUST TWO days before the first Chhattisgarh in government institutions from In September last year, Joshi was its crosshairs. The development
havenotbeenarrested? That is because the BJP has phaseof Assemblyelections,the Chief Minister kindergartentopost-graduation. one of three Gehlot camp lead- comes at a particularly bad time
ItiswrongtosaythatModijiis decidedtofocusontheOBC.That CongresstriedtooutdotheBJPin Bhupesh At present, free education is pro- ers who had led a boycott of the for Joshi, who has been battling
using ED or CBI against the isbecausetheBJPwantstomake Chhattisgarhbypromisingaloan Baghel vided up to Class 12, said Selja. Congress Legislature Party (CLP) personalsetbacks,includingraids
Opposition. They are independ- anOBCchiefminister.AlltheOBC waiver, better paddy prices, and releases the Electricitybillswillbewaived meeting that was apparently by the Enforcement Directorate
ent and going after corrupt lead- leadersinthestateBJPhavebeen freeeducationinitsmanifestore- Congress for those who consume up to called to empower the high ontopofficialsinhisPublicHealth
ers. The ED is not a party institu- askedtocontesttheelection.Our leased in Raipur on Sunday. manifesto in 200 units per month, she added. commandtopickanewCM,said EngineeringDepartmentoveran
tion. Rahul Gandhi keeps raising partydecidedtofieldalltheOBC Apart from the anti-incum- Raipur on Those consuming more than to have been Sachin Pilot. alleged scam.
it to mislead people and to hide leaders in the state. We would bency factor going against the Sunday. PTI 200 unitswill not have to pay for Joshi has been one of the The Pilot camp had also
thattheBRS,CongressandAIMIM havealmost50%of thetotalcan- BJP in the 2018 elections, the the first 200 units. prominent leaders of the Gehlot been gunning for the three
are together. In 2019, 12 of 19 didates from the OBC commu- promises of farm loan waivers On forest produce, an addi- camp. He was by his side during leaders and the move is ex-
Congress MLAs joined BRS. In nity. The Congress has fielded and higher paddy procurement ernment would procure 20 Rs500,whiletheBJPhaswomen tional Rs 10 per kg has been the 2020 political crisis, manag- pected to appease Pilot, who
2014, they fought together. In the only 19, the BRS list has 23. prices were credited for its vic- quintals of paddy from each from poor families cylinders at promised. The Congress has also ing tasks such as herding MLAs has often raised the issue of CLP
Rashtrapati elections to elect tory.In2018,theloanwaivercost farmer at Rs 3,200 per quintal, Rs 500. decided to add tivra to the MSP into hotels as the Chief Whip, boycott. With this move, the
Droupadi Murmu, Congress and Did the BJP change strategy the government Rs 9,500 crore slightly more than the Rs 3,100 Both the Congress and the list of forest produce. andwasakeyplayerwhohelped high command not only ap-
BRS voted against her. due to Congress’s OBC push? for 18.5 lakh farmers; both the promised by the BJP, while sell- BJP have promised Rs 10,000 to However, unlike the party's Gehlot stave off threats from peases Pilot but also wins back
It is not true. In fact, the OBC waiver and beneficiaries are ex- ers of tendu leaves would get Rs landless farmers and free med- 2018 manifesto, the Congress within the party and outside. some of its authority in the
You have been the face and leaders from the Congress are pected to be higher this time. 6,000 per sack compared to the ical treatment up to Rs 10 lakh hasnotpromisedaliquorban,an However, the rebellion by state, which has been on the
voice of the BJP in Telangana moving out. The Congress's Chhattisgarh BJP's promise of Rs 5,500. for the poor. The Congress has unfulfilledpromiseforwhichthe Gehlot loyalists last year angered decline for the past few years.
for some time. What led to FULLINTERVIEWON in-charge, Kumari Selja, said if Selja also said the party will gone a step further, promising BJP has attacked the ruling gov- the high command and three Dhariwal on Sunday, however,
the change of leadership? the party is re-elected, its gov- subsidise gas cylinder refills by families above the poverty line ernment. leaders — Joshi, fellow Cabinet retained his Kota North seat.

Left hanging, Cong MLA accused of assaulting Dalit engineer moves over to BJP
Malinga as its candidate from the BJP in that entire area will der the SC/ST (Prevention of In the last few months, Dalit took information about his
DEEP MUKHERJEE Bari. Till Sunday evening, surelyincreasebyseveraltimes,” Atrocities)Act.Aftertheincident, organisations across Rajasthan health from the doctors. These
JAIPUR, NOVEMBER 5 Congress had not announced its Shekhawatsaidatapressconfer- while the Rajasthan Police ar- have carried out a sustained pictures automatically describe
candidate from Bari. ence in Jaipur while inducting rested the other accused, the campaign against Malinga, urg- the jungle raj of Congress rule.”
FOR THE family members of 29- Malinga, a three-time MLA Malinga into the party fold. MLA was not arrested. He sur- ing the Congress not to give him After joining the BJP, Malinga
year-old Harshadhipati Valmiki, who has been undefeated from Relatives of Harshadhipati, rendered on May 11, 2022, after a ticket. The party appeared to said he left the Congress because
the newsof CongressMLA Girraj the seat since 2008, was in- who has been in Jaipur’s SMS meeting Chief Minister Ashok have heeded the call by holding he was being “harassed” by the
Singh Malinga joiningthe BJP on ducted into the BJP on Sunday in Hospital since last year, ex- Gehlot and proclaiming his in- off onfieldingMalingafromBari. party. “I was in the Congress for
Sunday and receiving a poll the presence of Union Jal Shakti pressed shocked at the news. nocence before the media. A day Sources said the case and the some time. I was harassed way
ticket came as a shock and dis- Minister Gajendra Singh “Several BJP leaders, includ- later, Malinga, who had been or- campaignbyDalitoutfitsagainst toomuchwithoutanyreason,”he
appointment. Shekhawat. ing Leader of the Opposition dered to be sent to judicial cus- the MLA was the reason behind told reporters, adding that he re-
On March 28 last year, “Girraj Singh Malinga ji, who (LoP) Rajendra Rathore, visited tody by a local court in Dholpur, the indecision. ceived no support from his party
Harshadhipati,anengineer with is a three-time MLA holding im- the hospital to meet my son and tested positive for Covid-19 and Back in 2022, the BJP had or government even though the
the power departmentwho was mense influence in eastern condemned the assault on him was admitted to a hospital. slammed the Congress and allegation against him is “fake”.
posted in Dholpur,was allegedly Rajasthan, is joining the BJP to- byMLAMalinga.Weareshocked Within a week of his arrest, he Malinga over the case. In April “TheBJPcampaignedagainst
assaulted by Malinga, who rep- day, despite a guarantee of a and disappointed to see the BJP Girraj Singh Malinga (left) with Union Minister Gajendra was also granted bail by the last year, Rajendra Rathore, after Malinga for a long time, the
resents Bari in the district. A ticketfromtheCongress.Malinga inducthimtoday.TheBJP,which Singh Shekhawat in Jaipur Friday. Hours later, he received Rajasthan High Court. visiting Harshadhipati at the leader accused of instigating an
chargesheet has yet to be filed in ji is an influential leader con- talks of bringing people on the the party ticket from his seat Bari in Dholpur district. Express While out on bail, Malinga hospital, tweeted: “Today, after attack on a government em-
thecaseandMalingaispresently nectedtotheground.Withhisin- margins of society to the fore- has shared the stage with reaching SMS Hospital, inquired ployee.Byinductinghim,theBJP
out on bail. fluence over all 36 kaum (com- front, is now inducting people Gehlot, met former Deputy CM aboutthewell-beingof Assistant has proved it can include a
The case of assault on munities), not only does he have who assault Dalits,” said the en- ken femur, in the assault.He told casteist slurs, and stood on his Sachin Pilot on his birthday, and Engineer (AEN) Harshadipati tainted person to fulfil its selfish
Harshadhipati was one of the aholdinDholpur,butalsoacross gineer’s father Mukesh Valmiki. TheIndianExpressearlierthisyear face during the assault. walked beside Congress leader Valmiki, who was the victim of needs, no matter how serious
reasons why the Congress was eastern Rajasthan. With him Harshadhipati suffered mul- thathehadsaidthatMalingahad The FIR, in which Malinga is Rahul Gandhi during the Bharat vandalism and hooliganism of theallegations…,”saidCongress
taking time to announce joiningthefamily,thestrengthof tiple fractures, including a bro- thrown a chair at him, hurled an accused, was registered un- Jodo Yatra. theCongressMLAfromBari,and leader Swarnim Chaturvedi.




Yadav, Muslim numbers inflated
in Bihar caste survey, says Shah OBC. We have given constitu-
SANTOSH SINGH tional validity to the OBC com-
PATNA, NOVEMBER 5 mission. Why did Lalu Prasad
(whowasaUnionministerinthe Prime Minister Narendra Modi addresses the people of
UNION HOME Minister Amit UPAgovernment)notgetitdone? Mizoram in a video message on Sunday. PTI
Shah on Sunday alleged that the WehavegivenquotasforOBCsin
population of Yadavs and extendingpetrol/gasagenciesal-

As campaign ends,
Muslims were inflated in the lotment. We have also given fi-
Bihar caste survey as part of the nancial assistance to backward
Grand Alliance government’s students at pre-matric and post-

PM sends message:
“appeasement politics”. matric levels,” Shah said.
Addressing a public meeting Taking a jibe at the
at Patahi in Muzaffarpur district, Opposition, Shah said Nitish
Rahul Gandhi at Kedarnath temple on Sunday. @INCIndia Shah also said the decision to would get nowhere with the IN-
conduct the caste survey was
taken while the BJP was part of Union Home Minister Amit Shah in Muzaffarpur, Sunday. ANI
drop the idea of becoming PM. BJP firm on creating
DIVINE CONNECTION the state government in alliance INDIA alliance did not even

tion season. PM Narendra Modi, while attacking Chhattisgarh
with Chief Minister Nitish
Kumar’s JD(U).
“They (the Grand Alliance)
Lalu Prasad,” Shah said.
According to the survey re-
On Friday, Shah had said in
Chhattisgarh that the BJP was
make you its convenor. Aap
kahin ke nahi rahenge (You will
not belong anywhere),” he said.
marvellous Mizoram
CM Bhupesh Baghel over the Mahadev app scam, recently al- have been trying to pass them- port, which was released last notopposedtotheideaof acaste He also told the gathering sities,” Modi said.
leged that the Congress government “did not even spare the selves off as champions of OBCs month,Yadavsconstitute14.3per census, but that it would not do thattheRam Temple in Ayodhya PRESS TRUST OF INDIA “Friends, the BJP is commit-
name Mahadev”. The Congress too hit back by raising the withthisreport.ButNitishKumar cent of Bihar’s population, and “politics of votes” on the issue. would be inaugurated on AIZAWL, NOVEMBER 5 ted to creating a marvellous
Mahakal issue and attacking the Shivraj Singh Chouhan gov- shouldrememberthatwhenthe Muslimsaccountfor17.7percent. He said such “decisions have to January 22, 2024. “On this day, Mizoram. I am sure that we will
ernment in Madhya Pradesh over the collapse of statues built decisiontoconductthecastesur- In1931,thelasttimethecountry’s be taken after careful thought” diyas will be lit in all temples of PRIME MINISTER Narendra get your support and blessings
toportraySaptarishisattheMahakaleshwartemple.Now,amid veywasmade,theBJPwaspartof census had data on castes that and at an “appropriate time”. the country to mark the occa- ModionSundayreleasedavideo to make it happen,” he added.
the hectic campaign schedule, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi the state government...The sur- were not part of the Scheduled In his speech in Muzaffarpur sion,” Shah said. message for the people of poll- Polling for the 40-seat
visitedKedarnathonSundayandhispartysharedphotographs vey inflated the numbers of Castes and Scheduled Tribes, the on Sunday, he said it was Prime He appealed to voters to bound Mizoram seeking their Mizoram assembly will be held
of himattendingtheeveningaartiatthefamousShivatemple. Muslims and Yadavs, while the number of Yadavs in Bihar was MinisterNarendraModiwhohad bring the BJP back to power in support and blessings to make onNovember7andvoteswillbe
number of EBCs (Extremely recorded at 12.7 per cent of the made sure the backward com- Biharinthe2025Assemblyelec- their homeland “marvellous”. counted on December 3.
Backward Classes) was deflated. population, and Muslims consti- munities got their due. “Our tion in order to get rid of the Addressingthepeo- The BJP is contesting
BREACH OF CODE It was done under pressure from tuted 14.7 per cent. Cabinet has 27 ministers from “jungleraj (misrule)” in thestate. pleof theNortheastern
state on the last day of
in 23 seats. In 2018, it
contested in 39 con-
OFTHE numerouscomplaintsof modelcodeof conductviola- the campaign, Modi in stituencies and won one
tion, lodged mostly by BJP and Congress leaders against each
Ram temple thevideomessage said
for the first time in the
against Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma and Congress leader
completion ernment has taken
DECISION state Assembly.
The PM was earlier
both the leaders on October 26. According to sources, the EC
hasreceivedtheirrepliesandwillsoondecideif theallegations
will start Ram ious infrastructure, in-
cluding railway, health
scheduled to visit the
state and hold a public
against them merit action. The Congress had filed a complaint
alleging Sarma had made communal remarks while speaking Rajya in India: and sports. meetinginMamitdistrict
Terming the people of onOctober30.Hisvisitwas,how-
about one of the party candidates in Chhattisgarh. The BJP had
complainedthatVadramadeafalsestatementaboutPM Modi Adityanath Mizoram like his family mem- ever,cancelledwithoutcitingany
bers, he said it has always been reason. “In the last nine years, I
when she said he donated only Rs 21 to a temple in Rajasthan. a great pleasure for him to inter- got the opportunity to visit the
actwiththestate'swarmpeople. Northeast 60 times. Large-scale
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA “We have worked in all pos- development and connectivity
SUKMA (CHHATTISGARH), siblewaystoreducethedistance works also reduced the physical
BJP denies Cong final list NOVEMBER 5 after forming the government at distance. The BJP brought the
the Centre in 2014. We gave country's capital Delhi to the
ticket to Raje out, filing of BJP LEADER and Uttar Pradesh
Chief MinisterYogiAditynathon
prime importance to fulfil your doorstep of the Northeast," he
aspirations, dreams and neces- said in the video message.
loyalist, former nominations Sunday said the construction of
Ram Temple in Ayodhya will be-
state unit chief to end today gin ‘Ram Rajya’ in the country,
where there will be no discrim- Rajasthan BJP expels
leader who gave call
ination on the basis of caste and
JAIPUR, NOVEMBER 5 JAIPUR, NOVEMBER 5 Addressing a rally in Konta in

THE BJP Sunday released its fifth THE CONGRESS on Sunday re-
list of candidates for the leased its final list of 21 candi-
accused the ruling Congress un-
der CM Bhupesh Baghel of en-
VHP workers carry the kalash containing akshat (rice) in Ayodhya on Sunday. @ShriRamTeerth
to ‘uproot gurdwaras’
Consecration rituals for Ram
November 25 Rajasthan dates for the November 25 couraging religious conversions.
Assembly elections, fielding Rajasthan Assembly polls. “The construction of Ram DEEP MUKHERJEE
among others, the presi- Monday is the last day to temple will be completed in JAIPUR, NOVEMBER 5
dent of its union for the file nominations for the January in Ayodhya. People of
ing ticket to Ashok
Parnami, former state
Assembly elections.
Cabinet Minister
Shanti Dhariwal has
Chhattisgarh should be more
happy than UP with this as
Chhattsigarh is the ‘nanihal’
temple begin with akshat pujan FACING ANGER from the Sikh
community as well as its Punjab
Dayma. File

president of the party

and a loyalist of former
been fielded from his
Kota North seat. In
(maternal place) of Lord Ram.
(Completion of ) Ram temple in
VHP workers to carry akshat to more than 5 lakh villages expelled its leader Sandeep
Dayma who had called for “up- membership for speaking
CM Vasundhara Raje. DECISION September last year, Ayodhyawillbethebeginningof “These representatives from brought to the new temple, our rooting”gurdwarasandmosques against its ideology. The letter
Upen Yadav, presi- 2023 Dhariwal was one of proclamation of Ram Rajya in MAULSHREE SETH 45prantsofVHPhaveleftforeach plan is to make it a maha utsav in Tijara Assembly constituency was signed by Onkar Singh
dent of the Rajasthan RAJASTHAN threeGehlotcamplead- the country,” he said. LUCKNOW, NOVEMBER 5 of their states carrying the pious (a grand ceremony) across the during an election rally there. Lakhawat, chief of the BJP’s state
Berozgar Ekikrut ers who had led a boy- “Ram Rajya means a rule kalashwithakshat...Theseakshat country...,” Sharma said. Dayma had made the re- disciplinary committee.
Mahasangh (RBEM), has been cott of the Congress Legislative where there will be no discrim- MARKING THE beginning of the invitations along with invites in Alongwiththeakshat,theaim marks Wednesday while cam- On Saturday, senior leader
fielded from the Shahpura seat. Party (CLP) meet which was ap- ination on the basis of caste and January 22 “Pran Pratishtha” their local language will be given istodistributeabout2crorepam- paigning for BJP’s Tijara candi- and former Punjab CM Captain
Upen Yadav has emerged as parently called to empower the religion.Benefitsof schemeswill (consecration)ceremonyof Ram to people in villages, cities across phletsinlocallanguagesasanin- date and sitting Alwar MP Balak Amarinder Singh called for
a youth leader after being at the high command to pick a new reach everyone, including the Lalla at the Ayodhya temple, ak- the country. They will request vite to the people, he added. Nath. He said: “Kis tarah se itni Dayma’s expulsion. His daugh-
forefront of various agitations. CM, said to have been Sachin poor, deprived and tribals. shat pujan was performed in a peopletojointhePranPratishtha TheTrust’ssecretaryChampat masjiden, kis tarah se gurdware ter Jai Inder Kaur, the state
TheBJPdroppedParnami,atwo- Pilot. The party high command Everyone gets security, facilities grand way on Sunday. ceremony of Ram Lalla on Rai said that they would also ap- yahan par banakar chhodh diye! Mahila Morcha president,
time MLA from Adarsh Nagar, was said to have been against and rights on resources. This is Over 200 VHP workers from January 22 from their respective pealtoeveryRamdevoteetolight Ye aage chalkar hamare liye na- Sunday filed a police complaint
andfieldedRaviNayyarfromthe Dhariwal's candidature. RamRajya,"Adityanathasserted. its45unitsacrossthecountrycol- homes, temples, maths etc and five lamps of mustard oil in the soor ban jayega. Isiliye hamara againsttheleaderinChandigarh.
constituency. Despite campaigns against The BJP leader accused the lected101brasskalash(urn),each later visit the newly constructed evening on the day of consecra- sabka dharam bhi banta hai ki is Punjab BJP chief Sunil Jakhar
The party has also dropped Minister Zahida Khan alleging Congressof puttinguphurdlesin carryingfivekilosof akshat,from Ram temple in Ayodhya,” said tion. People will also be asked to nasoor ko yahan se ukhad kar also condemned the remarks
another former Rajasthan state corruption by her, she retained the construction of Ram temple. theRamTemplesitefordistribu- VHP leader Sharad Sharma. gatherattheirlocaltemplesfrom fainkdenge,aurBabaBalakNathji Sunday,tweeting:“StateBJPUnit
BJP president Arun Chaturvedi theKamanseat.InChaksu,Sachin “The government here (in tion in over 5 lakh villages be- About 25 of these 101 kalash 11amto1pmonJanuary22,play ko bhari maton se jeetayenge (See has recommended exploring of
from the Civil Lines seat and Pilot camp leader Ved Prakash Chhattisgarh) is silent on activi- tween January 1 and January 15. will be distributed across Uttar shankha (conch), ring bells and how many mosques, gurdwaras all options to ensure no repeti-
fielded Gopal Sharma against Solanki has been retained. Of the ties like love jihad and religious The akshat pujan was per- Pradesh, the remaining will be chant “Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai have been built here! This will tion of such misconduct takes
state minister Pratap Singh 21,whilefourhavebeenretained, conversion. " formed at the temple site with taken to different states in the Ram” 108 times. become an ulcer for us in the fu- place as no apology would as-
Khachariyawas. From Shergarh, eight sitting MLAs have been Love jihad is a term used by over 500 kilos of whole rice country. “These representatives On November 9, 2019, the ture. That is why it’s our duty suage hurt and anger caused by
the party has fielded Babu Singh dropped by the Congress while the right wing to allege a con- mixed with turmeric and desi will further divide the 5 kilos ak- SupremeCourtpavedthewayfor that this ulcer be uprooted and this insensitive remark”.
Rathore while former MLA and theremainingnineseatsareheld spiracy by Muslim men to con- ghee, the Shri Ram shat to their subordinate units theconstructionofaRamtemple thrown out, and Baba Balak OnThursday,Daymaissuedan
another Raje loyalist Prahlad by Opposition MLAs. vert Hindu women by luring Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra for distribution in households in in Ayodhya. Its ruling mandated Nathji win by a huge majority).” apology video, besides visiting a
Gunjal will contest from his With the final list, the them into marriage. Trust said. villages and cities,” Sharma said. thataRamtemplebebuiltonthe The Election Commission gurdwara and providing service.
usual seat of Kota North. Congresshasdeclaredcandidates Konta is among the 20 seats The VHP workers, in yellow “Over 10 crore people from site where the Babri Masjid once had issued a notice to him. Butheendedupinvitingmoreflak
The party issued its final list for 199 seats, leaving Bharatpur that will go to polls in the first kurtas and saffron stoles, carried across the country will receive stood and that five acres be set On Sunday, the BJP sent the forsayinghehadmeantmadrasas
of three candidates late in the for ally RLD. The seat is held by phase in Chhattisgarh on akshat in brass urns and left the this akshat, which is an invite... aside for the construction of a Alwar leader a letter, expelling andnotgurdwaras. —INPUTS
night on Sunday. RLD MoS Subhash Garg. November 7. Ram Temple premises. The day Ram Lalla will be mosque in Ayodhya district. him from the party’s primary FROMENSCHANDIGARH

In Haryana, Kejriwal takes a dig at PM: Stop Happy he can be sarcastic: Siddaramaiah on
working for your friend and I’ll support you Kumaraswamy offer to support DKS as CM
them to jail. If a ‘dost’ runs this in the alleged Delhi excise policy CM for the next five years, spec-
SUKHBIR SIWACH country... then every child of this case and to record his statement EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE ulation on change in leadership
CHANDIGARH, NOVEMBER 5 county would oppose you'.” under the Prevention of Money BENGALURU, NOVEMBER 5 after he completes two and half
Kejriwal added: “The PM Laundering Act (PMLA). years in power have remained.
AAM AADMI Party (AAP) na- says he is fighting against the ReferringtotheEDsummons, KARNATAKA CHIEF Minister After a meeting last week
tional convener and Delhi Chief corruptandcorruption.Iwantto Kejriwal said: “They are saying Siddaramaiah on Sunday dis- with AICC leaders, a breakfast
Minister Arvind Kejriwal on tell Modi ji, ‘if you were fighting they would arrest Kejriwal. I missedas“sarcasm”JD(S)leader meeting was held on Saturday
SundayofferedtosupportPrime against corruption in reality, I wouldliketotellthemthatImay H D Kumaraswamy's offer to where Siddaramaiah,
Minister Narendra Modi if he wouldhavesupportedyouinthe bearrested,buthowwillyousup- support the Congress govern- Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah, JD(S) leader H D Kumaraswamy Shivakumar and other senior
stops doing “naukri (service)” of first place’.” press and stop my voice?” ment if Deputy Chief Minister D ministers of the state took part.
a dost (friend). Further attacking Modi, Kejriwal on Thursday did not K Shivakumar was made CM. Following the meeting, direc-
Addressing a party event in Kejriwalsaid,“Therearetalksthat Delhi CM and AAP national appear before the ED and wrote Respondingtomediaqueries you tomorrow itself.” tionship with NDA. Let them tions were issued to all party
Haryana's Rohtak, Kejriwal said: the PM has a friend. It’s said the convenor Arvind Kejriwal in to the central agency demand- at Mysuru, the CM said, “We are Subsequently, he lashed out at come out of NDA and then talk MLAs and ministers not to make
“I would like to make an offer to- PMworksonlyforthatfriendand Rohtak on Sunday. PTI ing the “recall” of its summons happy that Kumaraswamy can the Congress for trying to poach aboutextendingsupport,”hesaid. any comments on internal mat-
day. Pradhan Mantri ji, ‘You stop thisfriendisrunningthecountry to him, calling it “vague, moti- also be sarcastic.” JD(S) MLAs and said the state All these developments are ters of the party.
doing naukri of a ‘dost’, I and the andtakingalldecisions.Thissitu- vated and unsustainable in law”. OnSaturday,Kumaraswamy, government was “feeling inse- being seen in the context of Siddaramaiah on Sunday
entire Aam Aadmi Party would ation is extremely dangerous.” make a list. Then CBI is called. Apparently equating himself while attacking the Congress cure mere five months after Karnataka's leadership debate, alsoaccusedtheBJPof manufac-
support the BJP. Leave the friend- Accusing the current regime What was the fault of (AAP MP) with Bhagat Singh, Kejriwal said: overconfusionregardingchange coming to power”. which has ebbed and swelled turing a debate on change of
shipof‘dost’andstopworkingfor of filing false cases against the Sanjay Singh? He raised voice “Hewaseventuallysenttothegal- of leadership in the state, had Shivakumar hit back saying during the five months of the leadership in Karnataka. “Both
him and start working for 140 political opponents, Kejriwal against the PM in Parliament.” lows.But,evenafter100years,the said,“Willyou(Shivakumar)be- Kumaraswamy belonged to the Congress rule. Though BJPandJD(S)arefrustrated.They
crore people. Stop patronising said: “They see who speaks The ED had recently sum- ideas of Bhagat Singh resonate in come the CM? If so, all 19 JD(S) National Democratic Alliance Siddaramaiah reiterated re- hadthoughttheycouldformthe
thieves and corrupt, and send against Pradhan Mantri ji and moned Kejriwal for questioning every corner of the country.” MLAs would extend support to (NDA). “We don't have any rela- cently that he will remain the government together,” he said.



We know that no one ever seizes power
with the intention of relinquishing it.

Power vs Humanity

Self-serving leaders such as Netanyahu often hide
hubristic overreach under cloak of democratic sanction


Failureof USSecretaryof StateAntonyBlinken’sIsraelvisitshows By Vikram Singh Mehta
thatceasefireinMiddle Eastconflictremainsafraughtpursuit

HE US SECRETARY of State Antony Blinken’s second trip, over the weekend, THISHASNOTbeenaneasyarticletowrite,for judgement — that what he does is correct be- suchatragedy.Nooneknowswhatprompted
ithasbeentriggeredbyemotion.Thevisualsof cause he is PM — but also by a last ditch effort President Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine.
to the Middle East since the horrific Hamas terror attack on October 7 has
the humanitarian carnage over the past four toregainlostpoliticalground.Ifintheprocess, Perhaps to create “Imperia Rus”; perhaps to
turned out to be as unsuccessful as the first. If the last time, Blinken was try- weeks, ever since the Al Qassam brigades of the devil takes the hindmost, so be it. bolsterdomesticsupport.Eitherway,thecol-
ing to restrain Israel from a costly military offensive against Gaza, this time, Hamas butchered civilians in Israel, and then In a similar vein, and I want to make clear lateral consequence has been the death of
the top American diplomat sought to persuade, without much success, Israeli Prime theseverityoftheretaliatorybombingofGaza thatby“similar”Iamnotsuggesting“equiva- thousandsof innocentpeopleacrossborders.
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be mindful of the humanitarian catastrophe unfolding byIsraelthathaskilled,predictably,thousands lence”, the perpetrators of October 7 are also If one tracks back, the US invasion of Iraq was
in Gaza. At a meeting with Blinken in Jordan, several Arab foreign ministers pressed the of children has been searing. I write “pre- not representative of the will of the alsoacaseof hubristicoverreachbyPresident
US to prevail on Israel to bring the military offensive to a halt. At a joint press conference dictably” because 50 per cent of the 2.2 mil- Palestinians. I recently heard a conversation George W Bush. The invasion did not create a
lion people in Gaza are below the age of 18. between TV journalist Karan Thapar and stable “democratic” Iraq. Instead, it com-
on Saturday with Blinken, the Jordanian and Egyptian foreign ministers vented their frus-
There are historical and political explana- Italianjournalist,PaolaCaridi.Caridiistheau- pounded social, religious and internal differ-
trationwithIsrael.Jordan’sAymanSafadidemandedthattheUSmust“Stopthismadness.” tionsforthislatestroundofviolencebetween thor of the book Hamas: From Resistance to ences. Comparably, “the march of folly” in
Egypt’s Sameh Shoukry called for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire. But Israel and Palestine. Many experts have writ- Governmentandarecognisedauthorityonthe Afghanistan by leaders focused only on play-
Netanyahu, who had met Blinken last Friday, has publicly rejected the call for a ceasefire. ten about it and assigned blame. I do not in- movement. She explained that Hamas is not ing the “Great Game” brought about the ru-
This has made the US balancing act harder between its competing objectives — sup- tend to do that. I do not have comparable ex- anundifferentiatedentity.Itisacomplexand ination of this country.
port for Israel’s right to self-defence, the call to reduce civilian casualties in Israel’s Gaza pertise or interest. Also, my thoughts are spread out organisation with a political wing Former UK Prime Minister Winston
military operations, and retaining the support of moderate Arab nations for a regional
preoccupied by the brutality of what I have There are other examples of based in Gaza, West Bank and abroad, and a Churchillsaid,“Democracyistheworstformof
readandseen.Iamwrestlingtocometoterms leaders who took decisions militarywingpredominantlyinGaza.Themil- government—exceptforallthoseotherforms
rearrangement. Blinken affirmed the US position that a ceasefire at this juncture would with the corruption of morality by leaders itant brigades Al Qassam that carried out the that have been tried from time to time.” It is a
only help Hamas regroup and renew its attacks on Israel. At the same time, Blinken has who prima facie have lost the support of the
for self-serving purposes October7attackaresubsumedunderthemil- cynical comment but not without substance.
beenpressing Israelfor“humanitarianpauses”,aposition thatis unacceptableto boththe majority of the population that they claim to that led to adverse itary wing. In the past, the political wing set Democracy has the built-in check of electoral
ArabforeignministersandtoIsrael,whichdoesnotwanttolosethemomentuminitsmil- represent or act on behalf of. humanitarian consequences. the direction of Hamas’ policy and the mili- accountability.Butthathappensonlyevery4-
itary offensive against Hamas in Gaza. Meanwhile, the one US diplomatic success in get- Benjamin Netanyahu is an unpopular and Ukraine is currently caught tary wing determined the instruments of ac- 5 years. In the interim, leaders have consider-
polarising leader of Israel. His Likud party re- tion.Butsince 2017,thisconnectionhasfrayed able latitude to exercise power ostensibly for
ting Israel and Hamas to facilitate the evacuation of foreign and dual nationals from Gaza
ceived only 23.41 per cent of the votes polled in the vortex of such a and the Al Qassam brigades (which inciden- thepurposeof“nationalsecurity".Andtherein
is in danger of falling apart. The two sides are accusing the other of breaking the terms of in the national elections of November 2022. tragedy. No one knows what tally have no more than around 3,000 mem- liestherub.Nationalsecuritycanoftenbethe
the agreement. Moderate Arab states, who are not enamoured of the radical regional He leads the most ultra-right coalition that prompted President bers) have acquired greater autonomy of ac- promptforpoliciesthatarenarrowlyself-serv-
agenda propounded by Hamas and its Iranian backers, are under mounting popular pres- Israel has everhad.Members of that coalition tion.Inherview,andthatof otherexpertsshe ing and the cloak of democratic sanction to
Vladimir Putin to invade
sure to take a tougher stance against Israel or risk their own domestic political legitimacy. donotrecognisetherightofPalestinianstoany hasspokento,thepoliticalwingdidnotsanc- hide the consequences of such policies.
land in the Levant. They aggressively encour- Ukraine. Perhaps to create tion October 7 and, most likely, did not even The historian, Lord Acton, wrote in 1887,
It is no surprise, then, that the Arab leaders are not willing to publicly engage with a
major element of Blinken's mission to the Middle East — to look at the future of Gaza af- age citizens to settle in the West Bank. This ‘Imperia Rus’; perhaps to know it was to happen. I do notknow if she is “power tends to corrupt, and absolute power
ter the Israeli military offensive comes to an end. The US is hoping to mobilise the mod-
coalition has a majority of seats in the Israeli bolster domestic support. right, but I believe that this subset of Hamas corrupts absolutely” and “despotic power is
parliament, not because they polled a higher conceptualised and carried out the attack to alwaysaccompaniedbycorruptionof moral-
erate Arab states to construct a post-Hamas arrangement in Gaza. But none of the re- Either way, the collateral
percentage of votes than the Opposition, but safeguardtheirholdoverpower.Relationsbe- ity.” One could add that the longer a leader is
gion’s leaders want to engage in such a discussion amidst Israel’s military offensive that because of the peculiarities of the system of consequence has been the tween Israel and Arab nations, in particular inpower,thegreaterthelikelihoodof despot-
is producing massive casualties. According to the UN, the death toll has crossed 10,00 proportionalrepresentation.Ihavelittledoubt death of thousands of Israel and Saudi Arabia, have been on the ism. The past four weeks have brought into
andmorethan 2,000peoplearemissing.Meanwhile, Israelislosingsympathyaroundthe that the majority of Israeli citizens want re- innocent people across mend. This has posed an existential threat to stark relief the consequences of “immoral"
venge—almosteveryfamilyhasbeenaffected thebrigades.October7wascarriedouttodis- leadership. It has raised the question: Are
world, including in the United States and the West. Israel’s regional adversaries, includ-
borders. If one tracks back, rupttheprocess.Israelwouldinevitablyretal- power and humanity fundamentally incom-
ing Hezbollah in Lebanon, are taking full advantage of the war in Gaza to define the nar- the US invasion of Iraq was
I find it hard to believe they are supportive of iate and that would stay the hands of Arab patible? Clearly that would be tragic. The
rative and win new supporters.The ceasefire has become the precondition for any mean- the actions that have led to the killing of liter- also a case of hubristic governments from continuing the “normali- globalcommunitymusttightenthesanctions
ingful regional diplomacy, but the US is unable to deliver on that count, at least for now. allythousandsofinnocentyoungPalestinians. sation” talks. against breach of basic human principles.
overreach by President
NetanyahuhasbeenPMonandofffor17years. There are other examples of leaders who
Heisnowfacingtheendof hispoliticalcareer.
George W Bush. The took decisions for self-serving purposes that The writer is chairman and distinguished
HisdecisiontocarpetbombGazaisinfluenced invasion did not create a led to adverse humanitarian consequences. fellow, Centre for Social and Economic

THE SHAPE OF THE CITY by the conviction that “office” sanctifies his stable ‘democratic’ Iraq. Ukraine is currently caught in the vortex of Progress (CSEP)

Kozhikode’s City of Literature tag affirms culture’s

power to humanise. It is a necessary reminder


HE UNESCO CITY of Literature tag for Kozhikode affirms what has always
been an open secret: That one of culture’s great powers is its ability to assim-
ilateand humanise.Witha robustpublishingscene,over 500publiclibraries,
bookstores, and a long tradition of kolaya (veranda) gatherings — informal,
free-flowing discussions on politics and the arts — the city of Muhammad Basheer, M T Tackling antimicrobial resistance will require sustained global & local commitment
Vasudevan Nair, P Valsala and others has been at the forefront of India’s cultural move-
ments. But the tag also draws attention to the role that urban planning plays in leverag-
ing creativity as an integral part of a city’s developmental goals.
Kamini Walia
In a rapidly urbanising, deeply polarising world, access and representation are crucial
THEDELHIDECLARATIONduringIndia’sG20 found implications for low and middle-in- tential to strengthen AMR containment ef-
to make cities inclusive. In India after Independence, in cities that were as different as presidencysawacommitmenttostrengthen come countries with low investments in forts. Another area that requires attention is
Delhi and Mumbai, Allahabad and Chennai, Kolkata and Vadodara, urban planning laid the global health architecture by building healthcare infrastructure. promotion of responsible behaviour among
emphasis on keeping the community at the centre. But this idea of cities as repositories more resilient, equitable, sustainable and in- For the intent of the declaration to trans- citizens by educating people on the dangers
of cultures is beleaguered in New India, where homogenisation remains a driving im- clusivehealthsystemstoimplementtheOne lateintoimplementableaction,itwillrequire of overusing antibiotics. Involving academia
pulseandwhereshinyglass-and-chromebuildingsandgatedcommunitiesdeterminedly Health approach, enhance pandemic pre- concertedglobalandlocaleffort.Attheglobal andcivilsocietyorganisations(CSOs)inthese
mark their distance from the rest. For any migrant in an alien city, much of a heaving me- parednessandstrengthenexistinginfectious level, some key areas can be prioritised. First effortsisessential.Academiacanhelpunder-
diseases surveillance systems. would be to work with developing countries standtheenvironmentaldimensionsof AMR
tropolis remains prohibitively out of bounds. Yet, the only meaningful imagination of a
Anotherimportantpartof thisagreement tocreateregionalAMRactionplans.MostG20 better,developnewtechnologiesandprovide
brighter future comes from feeling at home in a space that is far from home. Brighter eco- was to prioritise tackling Antimicrobial countrieshavewell-developedNAPs.Buttheir training and education to healthcare profes-
nomic prospects, affordable housing, yes, but also embracing patches of green that al- Resistance (AMR) through research and de- efficacyvarieswithpolicy,planning,perform- sionals. CSOs can raise awareness and advo-
low a spot of rest or debate; book stores where one can browse even if one cannot buy; velopment (R&D), infection prevention and ance and patient and public engagement. cate for policy changes. Unlike TB and
a sturdy public transport network; a city centre dotted with museums, archives, theatres, control,aswellasantimicrobialstewardship Second, G20 countries should consider HIV/AIDSprograms,whereCSOengagement
but also other less inhibiting spaces where one can experience a tamasha or a lavani, a efforts within respective National Action championinganinternationalfundingmech- led to major advancement in increasing cov-
Plans (NAPs). A pledge to facilitate equitable anism that focuses on AMR R&D. erageof theprograms,littleCSOengagement
nagar sankirtan or a mushaira. A place that forges friendships, evokes ownership, that gal-
access to safe, effective and affordable vac- Third, efforts should be made to promote has been seen for AMR containment in India.
vanises and transforms in many different ways. cines, therapeutics, diagnostics and other patent reforms for fostering innovation and AMR may not be as palpable a pandemic
Therewasanothersuchplacethatoncegrewoutof theimaginationof auniversitythat medicalcountermeasures,especiallyinLow-
Another area that requires ensuring affordability in new antibiotics. as Covid-19, but with an annual death toll in
opened its arms to the world. Santiniketan, which recently earned a UNESCO World and Middle-Income Countries, Least attention is promotion of Dialogue among developing countries to ex- the same order of magnitude, it represents a
Heritagetag,andhometoRabindranathTagore’sbelovedVisva-Bharati,drewinpoetsand Developed Countries and Small Island responsible behaviour plore models like the Medicines Patent Pool clear and present danger. The same impetus,
philosophers, scientists and artists, dancers and musicians for the fertile ground it pro- Developing States was also undertaken. among citizens by educating will be useful. investment and prioritisation as Covid-19
A 2021 report by Lancet, documenting Atthelocallevel,countriesneedtopriori- needstobeappliedtoAMR.Indonesiahasde-
vided for creative exchanges. The plaque announcing the UNESCO tag has left Tagore’s
data from 204 countries, estimated that 4.95 people on the dangers of tise implementation of NAPs. India was one velopednationalsurveillanceplans,Australia
name out of it, but perhaps, in hindsight, that is not so remiss after all. A place that dis- million deaths were associated with bacter- overusing antibiotics, ofthefirstcountriestodevelopacomprehen- prioritised animal health and committed to
tances itself from the local populace, that closes in on itself, is not one where Tagore, an- ialAMR,and1.27milliondeathsweredirectly especially when not sive NAP on AMR (NAP-AMR) in 2017. It saw reducingantibioticuseinlivestock,Brazilhas
other migrant who had made it his home, would have felt at ease. attributed to bacterial AMR. The magnitude sub-optimal implementation because of the shown reduction in antibiotic use in humans
essential. Involving
is equal to that of diseases such as HIV and absence of leadership and resources. There and the UK and the US are investing in re-
malaria. Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia academia and civil society has been a special focus on surveillance and searchtodevelopnewdiagnostics,drugsand
had the highest death rates, signifying high organisations (CSOs) in research under the NAP-AMR, both for inno- vaccines.Indiahasalsotakenstepsintheright

Freeze Frame E P Unny susceptibility to AMR.

The rising levels of antimicrobial resist-
these efforts is essential.
Academia can help
vative affordable interventions and imple-
mentation, with emphasis on inter-sectoral
direction. By expanding the scope of existing
surveillance and monitoring networks, pro-
ance, driven by excessive antimicrobial use connections between human, animal, plant motingresponsiblebehaviouramongcitizens
threaten to compromise not only public- understand the healthandtheenvironment.Wemustexpand and encouraging collaboration among na-
health gains in the field of infectious diseases environmental dimensions the scope of existing monitoring networks, tions, India can lead the way in reducing the
but also jeopardises cancer treatment, trans- of AMR better, develop new currently limited to a few tertiary care hospi- burden of AMR.
plantsetc.G20countriesarehometoover60 tals,tounderstandtheextentof theproblem.
technologies and provide Government initiatives like Free Diagnostic The writer is senior scientist and
with17.89percentoftheglobalpopulation,is training and education to Services and Kayakalp, strict protocols under programme officer, AMR, Indian Council of
also a part of the coalition. It will have pro- healthcare professionals. Indian Public Health Standards have the po- Medical Research


PLO OFFENSIVE arenotlikelytobeinvitedtothenextconclave in Punjab. He alleged that Indian leaders had
of opposition parties in Calcutta which will encouragedandinstigatedtheMRDagitation
SYRIAN-BACKED REBELS OF the Palestine consider the question of launching a mass against the Pakistan government in the guise
LiberationOrganisationpressedtheir“finalof- movement to focus the government’s atten- of support for democracy.
fensive”todeposePLOchairmanYasserArafat tion on the price rise, unemployment and
But diehard supporters of the beleaguered
breakdownof lawandorder.Ameetingof rep-
resentatives of the political parties identified
guerrilla chief held fast to the hills and high- severalissueswhichcalledforaunitedaction. CHINA'S JOINING THE International Atomic
way interjections surrounding the two Energy Agency as a member last month has
that are Arafat’s last redoubt in West Asia.
PAKISTAN’S ALLEGATIONS generated an avoidable controversy involving
PAKISTAN FOREIGN MINISTER Sahibzada Available information suggests that India has
CALCUTTA ENCLAVE Yaqub Khan repeated Pakistan’s charge of
Indian interference in its internal affairs and
is not opposed to China becoming a perma-
THEBHARATIYAJANATAPartyandtheLokDal its denial that it was assisting militant groups nent member of the IAEA governing board.



“The Labour Party will have to make the case that its economic policies can
mitigate the worst excesses of globalisation that affect both workers and
professionals, as well as seeing off the snake-oil sales pitch of the populist
radical right.” — THE GUARDIAN

Construction of identities App for mother

The colonial-missionary establishment’s understanding of Bharat’s social
organisation in terms of ‘caste’ and ‘tribe’ laid the foundations for its contemporary interpretations
and child welfare
Poshan Tracker helps improve last-mile delivery
of nutritional services. It could be precursor for
targeted investments in women and child health
lected underperforming districts, and a
portal for reporting community engage-
ments on nutrition promotion. Further,
separate modules for AWCs in tribal and
border areas are also being developed.
THE SIDEBAR aboutdataqualityhavebeenidentifiedasa
by J Sai Deepak major hindrance to using nutrition moni-
Lindsay Jaacks, toringdataforinformednutritionalpolicies.
IN MY LAST article under this column (‘An Ananya Awasthi makers do not place a high value on data
anti-Dharmicmovement’,IE,September27), that are three to five years old. Novel ap-
inthebackdropof UdhayanidhiStalin’shate- THEROLLOUTOFthePoshanTrackerbythe proaches such as the Poshan Tracker may
filled statement calling for eradication of Government of India represents the largest be a solution, but the question is: Will the
Sanatan Dharma, I had promised to chart the mobilephonenutritionmonitoringsystem Poshan Tracker improve the accuracy and
anti-Dharmic origins and journey of the in the history of global health. Other exam- timelinessof nutritionmonitoringinIndia?
DravidianMovement.However,nodiscussion plesofapp-basednutritionmonitoringsys- With regards to accuracy, a 2015 evalu-
on the origins of the movement is complete temsfromaroundtheworldhavebeenlim- ation of a mobile phone app built into the
without a short primer on the early ethno- C R Sasikumar ited one-off pilots with little, if any, existingnationalgrowthmonitoringsystem
graphic work undertaken by Christian mis- integrationintonationalsystems.Forexam- in Indonesia found that the mobile phone
sionaries in 18th century southern Bharat. symptomaticof Europeancolonisationof the (2017), edited by Martin Farek, Dunkin Jalki, ple, UNICEF’s RapidSMS project in Malawi appimprovedtheaccuracyofgrowthmon-
Their work laid the foundation for the British world, is the obsession with race and ethnic- SufiyaPathanandPrakashShah.Thisanthol- or a small project in nine primary health itoring for children – particularly under-
colonial establishment’s understanding (es- ity that characterised the Christian European ogy draws significantly from the ideas and centres by university researchers in the weight – by 80 per cent, on average. In the
pecially in colonial Madras) of Bharat’s social coloniser’sapproachtocaste.Thisraceobses- scholarship of S N Balagangadhara, Professor Republic of Mauritius. context of the Poshan Tracker, the app au-
organisationthroughtheprismof“caste”and sion was then projected on to the varna-jati Emeritus at the Ghent University, Belgium In contrast, in India, within two years of tomatically calculates whether a child has
“tribe”. This contributed significantly to the complex. What this means is that the 2. Rethinking the Caste System, edited by the inception of the Poshan Tracker, there low height for age (“stunted”), low weight
creationandshapingofa“Dravidian”identity European coloniser applied his own ethno- Prakash Shah, Vol. 13 No. 1 (2023) of Oñati has been universal uptake -- nearly 1.3 mil- for height (“wasted”), or is underweight
onethnic,religiousandlinguisticlines,which centricworldviewtothefaithsystemsandso- Socio-legal Series lionAnganwadiworkershavedownloaded based on the WHO growth charts. Thus, it
wenthand-in-handwiththecolonialformu- cialorganisationofcolonisedsocietiesinstead 3. The Caste Connection: On the Sacred theappacrossallstatesandUnionterritories has significant potential to reduce errors in
lation of the Aryan Invasion Theory (AIT). of understanding them through the prism of FoundationsofSocialHierarchy(2015)byJakob and are using it every day for monitoring manualcalculationofthesenutritionalout-
Giventhenatureof thetopic,it’simportantto thelatter.Thisbecomesevidentwhenthecan- De Roover and Sarah Claerhout ICDSservices.CentraltothenewPoshan2.0 comes using field tables.
inform the readers of the material (non-ex- vasofcolonisationisexpandedbeyondBharat 4. Ethnography (Castes and Tribes) by Sir guidelines released by the Ministry of Moreover, the granularity of Poshan
haustive) I will be drawing from to present and one looks at the global experience of Athelstane Baines (1912) Women and Child Development, the Tracker data is key in addressing the huge
facts and to substantiate my views. For those European colonisation as a whole. The other 5. Colonial Ethnography and Theories of PoshanTrackerisacentralisedICT-enabled variability in malnutrition rates estimated
interested in understanding the colonial ori- way of putting this is that as long as Bharat’s CasteinLate-Nineteenth-CenturyIndia(2023) platform, developed to promote trans- through household-level surveys. The
ginsof the“castesystem”andtheroleplayed colonialexperienceissoughttobeunderstood by Chris Fuller, published in Berose parencyandaccountabilityofnutritionserv- Poshan Tracker makes beneficiary-wise
bymissionaries,Iwouldrecommendthesam- inisolation,itwillremainanincomplete,inac- Encyclopedie internationale des histoires de ice delivery to the last mile. data – that is observed on the ground, not
pleliterature,whichincludesbooks,doctoral curate and truncated picture. l'anthropologie, Paris Goingbythescaleofoperations,Poshan modelled by academics – available for de-
theses,andscholarlyarticles,attheendofthis The third problem, which is a corollary of 6. Ethnographic Inquiry in Colonial India: Tracker represents an unprecedented op- cision-makers for local and timely action.
article. It is important to clarify that although the second, is the formulation of “tribe” as a Herbert Risley, William Crooke, and the Study portunity to monitor progress in address- Also, considering timeliness, paper-
I may not agree with all the opinions of some categorytoexplainthosegroupswhichcould of Tribes and Castes by C J Fuller (2017), ing malnutrition in India. As per the latest basedreportingtypicallyrequiresmoretime
of theauthorscited,Iwillstilldrawfromtheir not be fit within the “mainstream caste sys- Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, data from the Poshan Tracker Dashboard, becausetheregistersneedtobetransported
factual content to the extent it is credible. tem”. In fact, drawing from their experience 23 (3). pp. 603-621 theheightandweightof72millionchildren toacentrallocation,enteredintoadatabase,
As we shall see, contemporary notions of with “aborigines” from colonised societies in 7. Castes of Mind: Colonialism and the under five years of age are being collected andthenaggregatedforanalysisandreport-
“caste” and “tribe” in popular discourse (in- othercontinents,the“tribalidentity”wasfor- Making of Modern India (2001) by Nicholas B. through the Poshan Tracker. If we compare ing.ThePoshanTrackeravoidsthis,enabling
cludingpolitical),academiaandtheStateap- mulatedbythecolonisertocatalogue“indige- Dirks,publishedbyPrincetonUniversityPress it against a total of 113 million, which is the real-timetransmissionofdatatolocal,state,
paratus in Bharat is significantly traceable to nous communities” (“adivasis”/”moolniva- 8. The Dravidian Idea in Missionary populationof childrenundertheageof 5as and national offices. In addition to faster
the application of the “caste” and “tribe” lens sis”)withthepresumptionthattheywerethe AccountsofSouthIndianReligion(2017)byWill per the UN Data Projections, this translates transmission of data to the government, in
to Hindu social organisation by the colonial- ethnically distinct original inhabitants who Sweetman in Religion and Modernity in India, into real-time monitoring of more than 50 termsofcareattheleveloftheAWC,itiseas-
missionaryestablishment.Whatdoesthisex- were conquered and marginalised by adher- published by Oxford University Press per cent of children in the country. iertoretrieveinformationaboutagivenchild
actly mean? Does this mean there was no ents of the mainstream caste system. This 9. Tribe in India: The Fallacy of a Colonial Moreover, 94 per cent of beneficiaries have from the Poshan Tracker app as compared
stratification in Bharatiya society prior to the shows that race was a relevant factor in two Category (1990) by Susana B C Devalle in been Aadhar verified. tobulkypaper-basedregisters,savingmore
advent of colonial rule? No. However, it does ways—first,todistinguishbetweencommu- Studies on Asia and Africa from Latin America, Inadditiontocapturingbeneficiarydata, time for nutritional promotion activities.
mean that there was an undeniable colonial nities/groups within the caste system; and edited by David N. Lorenzen thePoshanTrackerdashboardcapturesna- Finally,intheIndiancontext,itisimpor-
hand in the creation of “caste” and “tribe” (as second, to distinguish castes from tribes. 10. The Development of Aryan Invasion tional, state and district-level data on three tant to consider the fact that Anganwadi
weunderstandthemtoday)asdominantcat- Eachoftheseproblemscontinuestoafflict Theory in India: A Critique of Nineteenth- sets of indicators. First, the Anganwadi in- workers are overburdened, and extreme
aloguing categories of the Bharatiya society the contemporary approach to the study of Century Social Constructionism (2019) by frastructure including the number of caremustbetakentoensurethatthePoshan
by the colonial administrative apparatus on Europe’scolonisationof Bharatand,critically, Does this mean there was no Subrata Chattopadhyay Banerjee. This work Anganwadi centres built, with functional Tracker is routinely updated based on their
the basis of philology and ethnography pre- ourapproachtoBharat’shistory.Clearly,colo- stratification in Bharatiya wasprecededbyaPh.D.Thesisin2017bythe toilets or drinking water and whether they feedback to improve user-friendliness.
pared by Christian missionaries as well as re- nialityorcolonialconsciousnessisnotathing society prior to the advent of same author on the same subject havebeenopenforservicedelivery.Second, Ongoing skill-building and technical assis-
searchersappointedbytheBritishforthesaid of the past, but is a continuing state of mind colonial rule? No. However, 11. Aryans and British India (1997) by tracking the number of beneficiaries who tancewillalsobeneededtoensurethesus-
purpose. Such an approach to Bharat’s socie- andaffairs.Withthisasthecontext,inthenext ThomasRTrautmann,publishedbyUniversity received take-home rations (not raw ra- tainability of this new monitoring system.
talorganisationsuffered(andstillsuffers)from piece, I hope to address the following broad it does mean that there was of California Press tions) and hot cooked meals. And third, India's Poshan Tracker represents a
at least three layers of related problems. questions:One,whatwerethemotivationsof an undeniable colonial hand 12. The Aryan Debate (2005) by Thomas monitoring of nutritional outcomes. groundbreaking initiative in monitoring
First, the term caste came to be conflated the colonial-missionary combine in seeking in the creation of ‘caste’ and R Trautmann, published by Oxford ThePoshanTrackerisdesignedtoactas the nutritional status of women and chil-
with varna and jati when varna and jati to understand and document the ethnogra- University of Press; areal-timefeedbackloopforfrontlinefunc- dren on a large scale. Nevertheless, it's cru-
‘tribe’ (as we understand
themselves cannot be treated as all-purpose phy of Bharat? Two, how did they go about 13. Languages and Nations: The Dravidian tionariestopreventmalnutritionbyidenti- cialtounderstandthatdataservesasatool,
synonyms. Simply put, varna and jati are not this exercise? How much of a role did them today) as dominant Proof in Colonial Madras (2006) by Thomas R fying children who are faltering at an early not a goal in itself. Therefore, adequate in-
substitutes for each other, and caste is a poor European Christian theology and ethnocen- cataloguing categories of the Trautmann, published by University of stage, targeting beneficiaries facing acute vestments must be directed towards de-
and incorrect colonial approximation for trism play in framing the purpose and Bharatiya society by the California Press malnutrition, and monitoring the effective livering essential services when malnutri-
both.Thisproblemaroseprimarilyduetothe methodology of the exercise? And finally, 14.PoliticsandSocialConflictinSouthIndia: delivery of ICDS services. tion is detected in children or mothers. To
application of a Christian-European lens and whatwastheroleplayedbythe“native”inaid
colonial administrative The Non-Brahman Movement and Tamil The various modules available on the fulfil the objectives outlined in Poshan 2.0
language to concepts and terms that are of the exercise? Did the “native” understand apparatus on the basis of Separatism, 1916-1929 (1969) by Oxford Poshan tracker include — beneficiary reg- guidelines, the Poshan Tracker's data can
strictly untranslatable from Bharatiya lan- colonial intentions and evangelical motives? philology and ethnography University Press istration, daily tracking job aid module and thus catalyse tangible and actionable out-
guages such as Sanskrit to English. One such If yes, why did he continue to co-operate and prepared by Christian home visit scheduler for the anganwadi comes at the grassroots.
popular incorrect colonial approximation collaborate with the colonial exercise to the The writer is a commercial and worker, growth monitoring
that readers may be familiar with is that of detriment of Bharat?
missionaries as well as constitutional litigator who practises as a (height/weight) as per WHO Standards, Jaacks is the personal chair of
“Dharma” with “religion”. The recommended resources: researchers appointed by the counsel before the Supreme Court of India, the migration facility for beneficiaries who Global Health & Nutrition at the University
The second layer, which is perhaps more 1.WesternFoundationsoftheCasteSystem British for the said purpose. High Court of Delhi, the NCLAT and the CCI move to another Anganwadi centre within of Edinburgh and Awasthi is the
or outside the state, a dashboard for mon- director of Anuvaad, an accelerator
itoring key performance indicators of se- for science translation

Their own truths LETTERS TO THE EDITOR

Attempt to rewrite Constitution is choice between reality, historical negationism
PRODUCTIVITY TRAP hands of the Pakistan army, their reac-
tions have been dissimilar. While Imran
Satvik Varma THISREFERSTOthearticle,‘It’snotabout reliesonhischarismatogetthebetterof
thehours’(IE,November4).Theprocess the men in khaki, Nawaz is a more
THE INDIAN CONSTITUTION is the world’s andphilosopherinthis task.”Does thismake Constitution. In constitution-making, there independentjudges,ratherthantothetumult ofproductionrequiresskill,training,wel- shrewd operator and will use his con-
largest written constitution. Divided into 22 the Constitution inviolable? are hidden forces that must not be ignored, and conflict of the political process. If every fare, leadership and motivation, among tacts in the Arab world. He is more lib-
partswithseveralsub-chapters,itconsistsof12 Our Constitution has been described as viz., the spirit of persuasion, of accommoda- constitutionalquestionweretobedecidedby otherfactors.So,corporateleadersneed eralwhenitcomestoreligioninpolitics,
schedules and several appendices. It has sur- “too long, too rigid, and too prolix” and has tion, and of tolerance.” It is worth highlight- public political bargaining… the Constitution to invest their resources in research and while, Imran has a messianic approach.
vived the test of time in upholding the rule of also been critiqued for being written in ing that a total of 7,635 amendments were would be reduced to a battleground of com- development,andhumancapital.Onlyif Notwithstanding his views on Kashmir,
lawandkeepingintacttheunitywithinourdi- legalese, given the predominance of lawyer- tabled before the Constituent Assembly out peting factions, political passion and partisan they do that are the results bound to be Nawaz is a much better proposition in
versity. It is a living document in as much as it politicians in the Constituent Assembly. Is ofwhich2,473weremovedanddebateddur- spirit.” Do similar challenges confront us? rewarding — with respect to their busi- ourWesternneighbourhood—notonly
canbe,andhasbeenamendedseveraltimesto that enough for a relook? Ram Madhav, an ing the nearly three years it took to draft our B R Ambedkar, chairman of the Drafting nesses and nation-building. for the Pakistani army but also for the
adapttothechangingneedsofsociety.Theleg- RSS idealogue, recently wrote (‘A Living Constitution. During this time, many mem- Committee, in the final discussion before the Manish Mishra, Bhopal India-Pakistan equation.
islature,judiciaryandexecutiveallderivetheir Document’, IE, September 9 ) that “the saga bersdidnotyieldtotheruleofpartydiscipline adoption of the Constitution stated that he Shubhada H, via email
powers from it. In fact, our elected represen- of our Constitution, including the debates, is andwentbeyondbyraisingideologicalissues. would not enter into the merits of the THISREFERSTOthearticle,‘It’snotabout
Do we have the resilience today to replicate
all of the above?
the hours’ (IE, November 4). A Stanford
study showed that productivity begins
Does this make it worthy of worship? that “countries do not replace constitutions Nariman adds: “The life of a written who are called to work it, happen to be a bad tofallatabout50hoursperweekandaf- THIS REFERS TO the editorial, ‘Join the
On November, 25, 2021, the eve of atthedropof thehat.”Heiscorrect,although Constitution—likethelifeoflaw—isnotlogic lot.HoweverbadaConstitutionmaybe,itmay ter 55 hours, it plummets with no dis- dots’ (IE, November 4). Pinning the en-
Constitution Day, the speaker of Lok Sabha, he goes on to say that “a re-examination of (or draftsmanship) but experience.” The US turn out to be good if those who are called to cernible difference in output for those tire blame on the AAP government in
Om Birla, published a newspaper article various facets of the Constitution from time also has a written constitution, although not work it, happen to be a good lot.” Resultantly, who worked 70 versus 55 hours. In is- Delhi not only exonerates the central
where he commends the framers of our to time” may be required. Do our courts not as detailed as ours, which has lasted over 200 the“workingofaConstitutiondoesnotwholly sues of underemployment, the focus governmentbutalsomissesthebroader
Constitutionforhavingincorporated“thecar- do this regularly? years.Contrastingly,theoriginalconstitutionof dependuponthenatureof theConstitution.” mustbeonotherfactorssuchasmonot- picture of causes of air pollution and its
dinalvaluesof liberty,equality,fraternity,and As India strengthens its position globally Sri Lanka was much shorter than ours and Ambedkarfeltitis“thereforefutiletopassany ony, lack of autonomy at work, job-skill remedies.ManyCentreandstateexpert
justice” and lauds the timeless ideals en- and,giventhechangeswhichhavetakenplace lasted only 14 years. The US Supreme Court judgmentupontheConstitutionwithoutref- gap, low pay and non-supportive lead- committees were formed to tackle the
shrinedinourConstitutionwhichhavehelped domestically, we must look at and embrace laudsitsunprecedenteddeterminationtopre- erencetothepartwhichthepeopleandtheir ership.Also,womenalreadyputinmore problembuttheyfailedtomakeanydif-
us establish a social, economic and political newconstitutionalideas.Butthesecanbein- serveandprotectitswrittenconstitution.Itac- parties are likely to play.” than70workinghoursif weincludethe ference. The lack of understanding and
democracy.Henotesthat,asanation,wehave corporatedintotheexistingmanuscript.Why knowledgesthatthe“powerof‘judicialreview’ After all, our Constitution is a document unpaid work they do at home. politicalwillisevidentwhencontraryto
faced numerous challenges, but our the insistence to re-write it? has given the Court a crucial responsibility in for“we,thepeopleofIndia”.Forsomepeople, Y G Chouksey, Pune researchevidence,theUnionMinisterof
Constitution has helped us successfully sur- As noted jurist Fali Nariman states in his assuring individual rights, as well as in main- the Constitution is sacred. For others, it may State for Environment, Ashwini Kumar
mount these, that “our Constitution is a sa-
cred document and everyone should be fully
latest treatise, You Must Know Your
Constitution, “We will never be able to piece
convinced of their own version of truth. But
PAK POWER TUSSLE Choubey in August 2022 stated in
Parliament that there is no conclusive
committedtoitsideals.”TheSpeakerempha- togetheranewConstitutioninthepresentday new situations.” James Madison, who played atsomepoint,peoplehavetochoosebetween THIS REFERS TO the article, ‘Nawaz like data in India to establish a direct corre-
sises how the “Constitution lays down the andagesimplybecauseinnovativeideashow- a pivotal role in drafting the American reality and historical negationism. Imran’ (IE, November 4). Though both lation between health and air pollution.
road map for the process of nation-building” ever brilliant and howsoever encouragingly Constitution and served as the fourth Nawaz and Imran have suffered at the L R Murmu, New Delhi
and how he has “no doubt that the expressedinconsultationpapersandreports President, wrote, “Constitutional interpreta- The writer is a Senior Advocate in
Constitution of India will be our guide, friend of commissions, can never give us an ideal tion must be left to the reasoned judgment of New Delhi


BRIEFLY Maternity leave for women soldiers on par with officers 'CASH-FOR-QUERY'
Defence Minister approves proposal; will include personnel who are among the retained Agniveers Ethicspanelto
military, whether one is an offi-
cer or any other rank, will be
equally applicable.
So far, there were no women
Only those women soldiers,
sailors and air warriors will get
the benefits of the new proposal
who feature among the 25% of
180daysof maternityleave,with
a provision for extension of a
month of leave without pay in
exceptional cases and 30 days of
As per the ministry state-
ment, the decision is in line with
the defence minister’s vision of
inclusive participation of all
through two companies DEFENCE MINISTER Rajnath air warriors or sailors in the Agniveers inducted into the leave in the instance of a miscar- women in the Armed Forces, ir-
situated in an industrial Singh has approved a proposal Indian Air Force or Navy. Both three services on a merit-based riage or abortion. respective of their ranks.
area on outskirts of for extending the rules for ma- started inducting women in selection after completing their Women officers are eligible “The extension of leave rules
Nashik city on Sunday ternity, child care and child theirranksafterthegovernment four-year tenure. for 180 days of leave in case they will go a long way in dealing
evening, officials said. adoption leave for women sol- broughtintheAgnipathmilitary Thisisbecausethetermsand adopt a child below the age of withwomen-specificfamilyand
“Nothing can be said as of diers, sailors and air warriors in recruitment scheme last year. conditions of the Agnipath one year. social issues relevant to the
now if anyone is trapped the Armed Forces on a par with TheArmyhadstartedinduct- scheme state that they cannot Permanent commission Armed Forces,” it said, adding EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE
inside the factories lo- their officer counterparts. ing women in the ranks in just marry till they are serving the women officers are also eligible that the measure will improve NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 5
cated in the Shinde MIDC In a statement issued on one arm — the Corps of Military four-year term under the for 360 days of child care leave the work conditions of women
area situated on Shinde- Sunday, the defence ministry Police (CMP) — in 2019. Now scheme. while short service commission in the military and help them to THE LOK Sabha’s Ethics
Naigaon Road alongside said under the rules, the grant of women are getting inducted in Women officers in the three women officers are eligible for balance professional and family Committee, which is inquiring
the Nashik-Pune high- such leaves to all women in the the CMP as Agniveers. services currently are eligible for 180 days of leave. life better. intothecash-for-queryallegations
way”,afirebrigadeofficial levelled against TMC MP Mahua
said. Prima facie, the fire Moitra by BJP MP Nishikant
erupted in the chemical
paint and spread to the
IT ministry bans Dubey, will meet on November 7
for the “consideration and adop-
tion” of its draft report.
TMC MP Mahua Moitra, BJP
MP Nishikant Dubey

adjacent plant. The exact

reason behind the fire is
yet to be ascertained. PTI
Mahadev App; why Moitrahadinmultipleletters
to the panel’s chairman Vinod
Kumar Sonkar urged the panel
fake narrative remember I have
EXACT transcript of record in
Ethics Committee verbatim.

did it take so long,

tocallDarshanHiranandani,CEO Chairman’s cheap sordid irrele-
Youthdiesby of the Hiranandani Group, to de- vant questions, Opposition’s
pose and allow her to cross-ex- protests,myprotests-alltherein
asks CM Baghel
amine him as well as lawyer Jai official black and white.”
Marathaquota Anant Dehadrai.
Whenaskedif thecommittee
Given that the meeting has
been called to consider and
Pune: A 22-year-old man will call Hiranandani and allow adoptthedraftreportmeansthe
died by suicide for the ational. Now that app is banned, Moitra to cross-examine him, panel has finished its enquiry.
cause of reservation for ENS ECONOMIC BUREAU its operators in Dubai should be Sonkar told The Indian Express, Since the opposition members
the Maratha community, NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 5 arrested soon. Chhattisgarh “Let the committee meet on in the panel had backed Moitra
said police. The deceased Policewasthefirsttoissuealook November 7. Let’s see what hap- and walked out with her from
has been identified as THEMINISTRYof Electronicsand out circular against them (app pens…what the mandate of the the panel’s meeting last week,
SiddheshBarge,aresident InformationTechnology(MeitY) promoters). Even Chhattisgarh committee is.” Hirandani had in there is a possibility some of
of Chimbali in Pimpri has issued blocking orders Police wants to question them a sworn affidavit to the panel them will submit dissent notes.
against 22 illegal betting apps
and websites, including the
Mahadev online betting plat-
because the first FIR against
them was registered over here,”
said the CM.
MUMBAI HAZE claimedMoitraprovidedhimher
Parliament login and password
so that he could “post the ques-
In one of her letters to
Chairman Sonkar, Moitra had
said, “It is imperative that I am
where he worked. DCP form that has been at the centre Attacking the Congress gov- A thick layer of smog covers Mumbai city on Sunday noon. Amit Chakravarty tions” directly “on her behalf allowed to exercise my right to
SandipDoifodesaidanote of a major political storm in poll- ernment in Chhattisgarh, when required”. cross-examineShriHiranandani.
has been recovered in bound Chhattisgarh. Minister of State for Information Claiming that BJP was plan- Iwishtoplaceonrecordthatany
whichBargeissaidtohave The order was issued on the Technology Rajeev ■ A team of officials from ■ The Maharashtra health ■Anorderissuedbythe ning criminal cases against her, enquiry without the oral evi-
written that he was end- recommendations of the Chandrasekhar said the state the Union Ministry of department has started an departmentSunday instructed Moitra in a post on X said, dence of Shri Hiranandani will
inghislifeforthe“causeof Enforcement Directorate (ED), government had the powers to Environment, Forest and initiative to monitor air fortheimplementationof "Shaking in my skin to know BJP be incomplete, unfair and akin
Marathareservation”and followingitsinvestigationintoil- recommend shutting down of Climate Change will visit pollution-related illnesses sentinelsurveillanceforacute (is) planning criminal cases to holding a proverbial ‘kanga-
nobodyshouldbeheldre- legal betting app syndicate and the app but it did not exercise Mumbai soon to take stock. and ensure prompt treatment. airpollution-relatedillnesses. against me. Welcome them - roo court’ and that he too will
sponsible for it. ENS subsequent raids on Mahadev that option. “The Chhattisgarh only know that CBI and ED need need to be called to depose be-
Book in Chhattisgarh revealing government had all the power to to file FIR against Adani for Rs foretheCommitteebeforeitpre-
KARNATAKA the app’s unlawful operations, recommend shutting down the 13,0000 crore coal scam before pares its final report.”
the ministry issued a statement (Mahadev) website and app un- theyquestionhowmanypairsof The last meeting of the com-
on Sunday night.
Chhattisgarh Chief Minister
der Section 69A of the
Information Technology Act.
However, they did not do so and
Jet executives to ED: Firm sank shoes I have.”
Reiterating her charges
stormy scenes after Moitra, who
Bengaluru: A police head
Bhupesh Baghel was paid Rs 508
crore by a cash courier sent from
the United Arab Emirates by the
as Goyal was averse to change putbeforeheratthelastcommit-
“undignified”, Moitra, in another
give oral evidence, walked out
with Opposition members, ac-
cusing chairman Sonkar of put-
constablefromBengaluru promoters of the Mahadev app. years.Infact,thefirstandonlyre- distribution system (GDS) cost post on X, said, “Also BJP - before ting “undignified questions” be-
rural district and three So far, the ED has arrested four quest has been received from ED DEEPTIMAN TIWARY and the government's refusal on you push out women MPs with fore her.
othershavebeenarrested personsandmadeseizuresworth and it has been acted upon. NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 5 mergerofJetLiteLtd(JLL)withJIL.
in Odisha’s Kandhamal over Rs 450 crore in proceeds of Nothing prevented the “Every decision, no matter
onthechargesof possess-
ing marijuana and sent to
14-day judicial custody.
accused persons.
Chhattisgarh government from
making similar requests,”
Chandrasekhar said.
THE TOP management of Jet
Airways has squarely blamed
Naresh Goyalfor the airline's de-
how small, had to go to the
and the decision making was
5-yr extension for free
head constable Anand K,
Baghel said the Central govern-
Blocking orders and requests
made by various authorities to
mise. In their statement to the
Enforcement Directorate (ED), withthe centralagency's money
painfully slow. The Chairman of
the company was averse to ration: Numbers behind
food security scheme
attached to the Jigani po- menthas“finallywokenupfrom prohibit access to certain plat- the CEO and other top managers laundering probe into a Rs 6,000 change (he was still stuck in old
lice station, was investi- its sleep” and banned the forms are only known when the of the company said over-cen- crore alleged bank fraud com- aviation from the 1990s) and did
gating a drugs peddling Mahadev app. “I have been ask- Centre makes such information tralisation of powerbyGoyal,his mitted by Jet Airways India Ltd not listen to aviation experts. As
case and there was a ingthisformonthsastowhythis public. As per law, the requests obsessionwithobsoletesystems (JIL). Earlier this week, the such, what should have taken 6-
“procedural lapse” that app was not being banned. I had and orders are supposed to re- such as general sales agents agency filed a chargesheet 12monthstoimplementwasnot
led to his arrest. PTI evensaidthatmaybethegreedof main confidential. (GSA),ignoringadviceof topavi- against Goyal, his wife Anita, JIL donein18monthsorreallyuntilit FOOD SUBSIDY BUDGET
getting 28% GST has made the According to the ED, ation minds, his refusal to lose and various entities in the case. was too late,” he told ED. `
GUJARAT government not ban the app or Mahadev Book provides online controllingstakeinthecompany Statements by JIL’s top exec- Ravichandran Narayan, In this year’s budget, the government has
the BJP and app operators have platforms for illegal betting in and the involvement of his fam- utives are part of chargesheet. Senior VP, Finance, of JIL said in allocated just under ` 2 lakh crore on all food
2women,2kids made a deal,” he said. different live games such as ily were reasons that led to the In his statement to ED, Goyal his statement that bulk order of subsidies, a significant decline from previous years
endlives;1held, “I feel amazed that for
months the ED had been prob-
poker and other card games,
chance games, cricket, bad-
Jet ship sinking.
Goyal had been arrested by
has blamed Jet’s failure on high
wide-body aircraft with three
class configurations was one of Fiscal year Food subsidy
husbandbooked ing this app but still it was oper- minton, tennis and football. ED in September in connection navigation charges, high global the reasons JIL was grounded. 2020-21 ` 5,41,330 cr

Ahmedabad:A35-year-old 2021-22 ` 2,88,969 cr

woman, her two kids, and
her 55-year-old mother-
in-law allegedly died by
Man claiming to be Mahadev app Govt notifies next round 2022-23 (RE)
2023-24 (BE)
` 2,87,194 cr
` 1,97,350 cr
suicide by jumping into
Banaskantha Saturday.
kingpin says he paid Baghel aides of electoral bonds sale In a statement, the Finance
Source: Union Budget, *RE - Revised Estimate, *BE - Budget Estimate

Police have booked the moned in connection with the gotoDubaiandrunhis business. EXPRESS NEWS SERVICE Ministry said the EBs would be theNFSA.Withtheschemenear-
woman'shusbandandher JAYPRAKASH S NAIDU app, which was used to dupe ThevideowassharedbyBJP’s NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 5 sold at the 29 authorised ANJISHNUDAS ingitsexpiry,thegovernmenthas
father-in-lawforabetment NARAYANPUR, NOVEMBER 5 thousands. "Right now further official Twitter handle. branches of State Bank of India NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER5 againextendedit,thistimeforan-
tosuicideafteracomplaint investigationisgoingoninwhich Baghel issued a statement: ATATIMEwhenpollstofiveState in the 29th tranche under the other five years.
lodgedbyherbrother.The TWODAYSbeforethefirstphase a summon under Section 50 "As I said earlier, BJP wants to Assemblies are underway, the scheme. The bonds are valid for INTHEMIDSToftheelectionsea-
father-in-law was held of polling in Chhattisgarh, a man PMLA was issued to Shubham fight elections by using central UniongovernmentonNovember 15 calendar days from the date son, Prime Minister Narendra Scope of PMGKAY
Sunday. The deceased namedSubhamSoni,whoclaims Soni to tender his statement be- agencies like ED, IT etc. Just be- 4notifiedthenextroundofsaleof of issue. Modi has announced an exten- The PMGKAY covers two
have been identified as to be the owner of the Mahadev fore ED Raipur. He is stationed in fore elections, an ugly attempt is electoral bonds, from November “No payment shall be made sion of the Pradhan kinds of ration card

NayanaChauhan(35),son app, an online betting platform, Dubai.Ratherthanappearingbe- made to spoil my image. This is a 6 to November 20. to any payee political party if Mantri Garib Kalyan holdersundertheNFSA

Viram(5),daughterSapna has released a video claiming he fore ED to tender his statement, political attempt to defame the The Finance Ministry’s noti- the electoral bond is deposited AnnaYojana(PMGKAY) — for the Antyodaya
(8)andhermother-in-law gave Rs 508 crore to Chief he has sent an email containing popular Congress government fication came just two days after after expiry of the validity pe- free ration scheme for Anna Yojana (AAY) and
Kanuba (55). Nayana's MinisterBhupeshBaghel'saides. certain information, some of through ED's medium" He also the Supreme Court wrapped up riod. The electoral bond de- anotherfiveyears,while Priority Households
husband Naransinh and According to Saurabh Kumar which have been detailed in the asked the Election Commission its hearing of petitionschalleng- posited by an eligible political addressing rallies in ● (PHH).
father-in-law Gensinh are Pande,SpecialPublicProsecutor, video,” Pande said. to check the money allegedly ing the Electoral Bond Scheme, party in its account shall be Madhya Pradesh & The NFSA covers
the accused. ENS EnforcementDirectorate,Raipur, In the video Soni claims he cominginboxesbroughtbycen- 2018 and reserved its judgment credited on the same day,” the Chhattisgarh. about 20 crore families,
the man has already been sum- was "encouraged" by Baghel to tral agencies in special planes. on November 2. statement said. “Under the PMGKAY, free ra- or a total 81.35 crore beneficiar-
tionhasbeenprovidedtothepoor ies, who account for two-thirds
in the country for the past three of the population — 50% for ur-

Odia artist’s ‘kalash’ for Meet the Maharashtra man who proposed years. Even though the one-
ban and 75% for rural.
While the AAY households

Meri Maati Mera Desh the idea of bravehearts’ memorials to PM ing to an end, Modi’s commit-
ment is to extend it for the next
five years. For the next five years,
are entitled to 35 kg of food-
grains per month irrespective of
the number of family members,
Theyatraaimedtocollectsoil thestovesof80crorepeopleinmy thepriorityhouseholdsgetfood-
UDBHAV SETH and rice from over six lakh vil- names of bravehearts are in- countrywillkeepburning.Thisis grains depending on the num-
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 5 lages around the country in a DIVYA A scribed – including freedom Modi’s guarantee,” he said. ber of family members (each
single kalash. This would be NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 3 fighters, defence personnel, ThePMGKAYwasintroduced member 5 kg per month). The
A KALASH (POT) designed by an taken to Delhi for a culminating armedpoliceforcesandstatepo- in2020duringtheCovid-19pan- PMGKAY’s free ration was in ad-
Odia artist-lawyer has been se- function that required contribu- LAST YEAR, Ratnagiri-based lice who laid down their lives in demic to provide 5 kg free food- dition to this.
lected by the Prime Minister’s tions from artists like her. She Sadanand Bhagwat sent a let- the line of duty. grainstoeligiblerationcardhold-
Officefromaround2,000entries was required to hand paint 50 ter to the Prime Minister’s Shilaphalakams have been ers under the National Food
Allocations under
to be part of the ‘Meri Maati potsonthethemeof ‘MeriMaati, Office, urging him to set up erected near Amrit Sarovars, lo- Security Act, 2013 (NFSA). The PMGKAY
Mera Desh’ campaign. Prime Mera Desh’ over five days. Shaheed Jawan Smaraks — or cal schools and other prominent NFSA,introducedbytheUPAgov- Since the scheme was intro-
Minister Narendra Modi will Mohanty worked long hours martyrs' memorials — in locations. ernmentatthetime,entitledben- duced in 2020, the government
Tuesday offer the soil from this for the first three days — from 10 schools across the country to Bhagwat had requested eficiaries to receive subsidised has allocated 1,118 lakh metric
pot to the Amrit Kalash at am to 12:30 am — while the commemorate the sacrifices Defence Minister Rajnath Singh foodgrains (at Rs 3, Rs 2 and Rs 1 tonnes of foodgrains from its
Kartavya Path tomark the end of fourth and fifth days were re- made by Army jawans for the and Finance Minister Nirmala per kg of rice, wheat and coarse central procurement pool at a
the campaign to honour the served for installation of the nation. Sadanand Bhagwat had requested Defence Minister Rajnath Sitharaman to source a tank, a grains) through the Targeted cost of Rs 3.9 lakh crore.
country’s soldiers. artists’potsatKartavyaPath.She In his letter addressed to the Singh to source a tank for display purposes at the former’s canonandafighterjetfordisplay PublicDistributionSystem(TPDS). In January this year, the
SuryasnataMohantygotacall foundoutonTVthatherpotwas Prime Minister in January 2022, education institute purposes on the premises. The In late 2022, ahead of the PMGKAY was merged with the
from Delhi’s Lalit Kala Akademi a selected to put soil over the he had said it would be a fitting request was immediately con- Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh NFSA, providing all ration for
few weeks ago informing that 30 Amrit Kalash by PM Modi. “It legacy of the Azadi Ka Amrit sidered and recently, they re- Assemblypolls,thePMGKAYwas AAY and PHH families for free
artists had been selected to par- was a complete surprise. This Mahotsav, or 75th year of India’s ernment had announced an ini- memorialise Army martyrs. On ceived all the three exhibits, extended until December 2022 and eliminating the additional
ticipate in this leg of the Amrit may be the biggest and happiest independence. tiative to set up such memorials each Shilaphalakam, as these which have now been installed and then for another year until provisionsintroducedduringthe
Kalash Yatra. moment of my life.” she said. In August this year, the gov- in each village in the country to memorial walls are called, on the campus. December 2023, merging it with pandemic.


If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to

From Jogi to Baghel: A political history of Chhattisgarh

nexed to Bombay state. served for tribals. After delimitation, 29 seatsaged to make 13 of its MLAs join Congress. 2003 Assembly polls were won under the 2014 from Rajnandgaon.
SHYAMLAL YADAV As the literal meaning of Chhattisgarh is are reserved for them and 10 for Scheduled In the first Assembly polls held in 2003, leadership of Raman Singh, and he was By the 2018 Assembly polls, the tide was
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 5 thirty-six forts, some believe it consists of Castes. The state now has 33 districts. Congress was a divided lot. Vidya Charan sworn in as new CM. turning against Raman Singh. He had been
threedozenerstwhileprincelystates,mostly Shukla couldnotadjust withJogi andhadre- In the 2008 polls, his scheme of free dis- discredited among BJP workers for advanc-
IN ANSWER to a decades-old demand, the tribal states during the Kalchuri dynasty. Coronation of Ajit Jogi volted to join the Sharad Pawar-headed NCP. tribution of rice helped him. Also, though ing his family, had many enemies within the
mineral-rich state of Chhattisgarh was Asthenewstatewasbeingcreated,many In the polls, while NCP could win only one Vidya Charan Shukla had returned to BJP leadership, and was also facing anti-in-
carved out of Madhya Pradesh in November Chhattisgarh is born were active to take credit for it. Prominent seat, the 7.02 per cent votes it secured re- Congress (after briefly joining the BJP as cumbency after a 15-year run.
2000. In the two decades since, the state’s From 1956 to 2000, Madhya Pradesh had among them was Vidya Charan Shukla, son duced Congress to 37 seats. The BJP got the well), in the 2008 polls, Jogi’s camp within
politics has centered largely around its chief 14 Chief Ministers. Only four of these were of first Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Ravi majority with 50 seats. Congress allegedly managed to defeat many
Return of Congress, arrival of
ministers: Ajit Jogi, Raman Singh, and from the Chhattisgarh region — father-son Shankar Shukla. In May 1999, Vidya Charan Jogi could not digest this defeat, and news of hisopponentCongressleaders,andBJPre- Bhupesh Baghel
Bhupesh Baghel. duo Ravi Shankar Shukla-Shyama Charan had formed the Chhattisgarh Rajya Sangh- broke that he was trying to buy MLAs to get a tained its tally of 50 seats. After losing three consecutive Assembly
Shukla, Motilal Vora, and Naresh Chandra arsh Morcha. majority. This caused huge polls and the 2014 Lok Sabha polls, Congress
Before the creation of a Singh. Singh was the only one from a tribal When MP was divided, embarrassment to the party Naxal attack of 2013 was now preparing well. After Mahendra
new state community, and he sat on the CM chair for theCMof theundividedstate DECISION leadership. Though Jogi was While statehood for Chhattisgarh had Karma was killed, the party first appointed
partof theoldMadhyaPradeshasitwasprior
to November 1, 1956. Earlier called Central
only 12 days in 1969. Demands for a new
state of Chhattisgarh, and also Gondwana,
were being raised for decades.
was Digvijaya Singh. Out of
the 90 seats that had gone to
the new state, Congress had
2023 active in politics till almost his
death in May 2020 — some-
times with Congress, some-
generated hope of all-round development,
On May 25, 2013, a few months before
Charan Das Mahant as the state chief, and
then, within a few months, the OBC leader
Bhupesh Baghel was appointed in his place.
Province and Berar (with capital at Nagpur), Inthe1998LokSabhapolls,theBJPprom- 48 MLAs. After the new state
CHHATTISGARH times his own party Janta state polls, Maoists ambushed a convoy of For the 2018 polls, Congress devised a
thestatewasrenamed after theConstitution ised in its manifesto that it would “carve out was born, in a meeting of the VOTING ON NOV 7, 17 Congress Chhattisgarh — he Congress leaders in Bastar district. Twenty- new strategy, putting in place new leaders.
of Indiacameintoeffect.Later,followingrec- Uttaranchal (now Uttarakhand), Vananchal Congress legislature party in could never regain his clout. seven people were killed, including state The BJP’s struggles gave it more steam, and it
ommendations of the States Reorganisation (nowJharkhand),VidarbhaandChhattisgarh Raipur, Ajit Jogi was elected its leader. Congress chief Nand Kumar Patel, his son won the polls with a historic majority of 68
CommissionunderFazlAli,thenewMadhya as separate States.” On November 9, 2000, Jogi was sworn in Raman Singh’s era from 2003 Dinesh, senior Congress leader Mahendra seats. The BJP managed to win only 15 seats.
Pradesh was created by merging the pres- After the party came to power, Chhatti- as the first CM of Chhattisgarh. An IAS officer While the first BJP president of the new Karma and ex-MLA Uday Mudaliyar. Vidya Baghelwas swornin as CM onDecember
ent-day Chhattisgarh, Vindhya Pradesh, sgarh was created with 16 districts, 11 Lok who had served as collector of districts like state was prominent OBC leader Tarachand Charan was injured and died later. 17, 2018. His promises for farm-loan waiver
Bhopal, almost the entire Madhya Bharat, Sabha and five Rajya Sabha seats, and 90 Raipur, Indore and Sidhi, Jogi had joined the Sahu,aftertheJogi-engineereddefection,the The BJP won the subsequent polls with and best prices for crops to farmers worked
and a tehsil named Sironj of the Kota district Assembly seats. Nearly one-third of its popu- Congress in 1986 on the advice of then MP party top bosses were unhappy with him. 49 seats, and the Congress secured 39. In the in his favour. Now the state is again heading
of Rajasthan. The Marathi-speaking districts lationconsistedoftribals.Whenitwasfirstcre- CM Arjun Singh. After becoming the CM, he Thus,thenMinister of State at theCentre, meantime, Raman Singh established his son towards polls. The results will be crucial for
surrounding Nagpur and Amravati were an- ated, 34 of the 90 Assembly seats were re- engineered a defection in the BJP and man- Raman Sing, was sent to replace Sahu. The in politics, who won the Lok Sabha polls in the careers of both Baghel and Singh.


ONIONPRICESARESTILLHIGH Falling farm exports: concerns
While the effects of bans and restrictions on rice, wheat and sugar shipments are being felt in declining
PARTHA SARATHI BISWAS agri exports from India, imports are continuing unhindered. This is hurting farmers

DESPITEAvirtualbanonexportsandcre- onexportsof parboilednon-basmatiricetoo,

ation of a buffer stock, onion prices are CHART while basmati shipments were subjected to
still high. In most metro cities, the bulb minimum export price (MEP) curbs.
has touched the Rs 80/kg mark, with INDIA’S FARM EXPORTS AND IMPORTS ($ billion) In May 2022, the government moved
more escalation expected. A look at why sugar exports from the “free” to the “re-
repeated interventions by the govern- ■ Exports ■ Imports stricted” category, capping the quantity of
ment have failed to cool prices down. the sweetener that could go out. Since May





Harish Damodaran

What did the govt do? no fresh quotas for shipments being issued.






Congress Seva Dal workers protest


Inthepastfewmonths,theCentrehas Theeffectsof thesemeasurescanbeseen




taken repeated measures to control the against the soaring price of onions in table 1. In 2021-22, India exported an all-
price of onion. in Kolkata on Friday. PTI INDIA’S AGRICULTURAL exports have fallen time-high 7.24 mt of wheat valued at $2.1
In August, an export duty of 40 per 11.6% year-on-year in April-September. This billion. In 2022-23, exports of rice (non-bas-
cent was imposed to increase its avail- comesonthebackof theNarendraModigov- mati plus basmati) rose to a record 22.35 mt










Apr-Sep 22

Apr-Sep 23
ability in the domestic market. However, their rabi onion post March, after sowing ernment imposing bans/restrictions on the worth a whopping $11.1 billion. In the cur-
though the move throttled the export inDecember-January.Thisonion,withlow shipments of various commodities — from rent fiscal (April-September), wheat exports
pipeline, onion continued to report esca- moisturecontent,isamenableforstorage. wheat and rice to sugar — and global prices have plunged tonegligible levels, while non-
lation in pricesboth in the wholesaleand However, this year, this crop was ex- easing from their peaks scaled immediately Source: Department of Commerce. basmati rice posted a 15.9%year-on-yearde-
retail market. On October 28, the govern- tensively damaged due to unseasonal after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. cline. Sugar exports have more than halved,
ment imposed a Minimum Export Price rains and hailstorms in March. Trade es- According to department of commerce TABLE 1 after fetching $4.6 billion and $5.8 billion in
(MEP)of $800/tonne.This translatesinto timates say around 60 per cent of the data, exports of farm commodities, at $ 23.6 2021-22 and 2022-23 respectively.
Rs 67/kg as the base price of exports. In onion meant for storage was damaged, billioninApril-September2023,werebelow INDIA’S TOP AGRI EXPORT ITEMS ($ million) Concerns for farmers
effect, the small trickle of exports which and was offloaded by the farmers in $26.7 billion for April-September 2022.
wasonforBangladeshalsocametoahalt. April-May at throw away prices. Imports fell too, from $19.3 billion to $16.2 2021-22 2022-23 Apr-Sep 22 Apr-Sep 23 Declining international prices not only
This came even as the government The delayed monsoon delayed the billion, resultinginamarginaldipintheagri- Marine products 7772.36 8077.98 4119.63 3803.88 lower the cost competitiveness of the coun-
had effectively formed a buffer stock of 5 transplanting of the kharif crop in June, cultural trade surplus (exports minus im- Non-basmati rice 6133.63 6356.71 3199.18 2706.58 try’s agricultural exports, but also make its
lakh tonnes of onion with agencies like which was supposed to hit the market ports) from $7.4 billion in April-September farmers more vulnerable to imports. This is
National Cooperative Agricultural Mark- by October. Also the late kharif crop, 2022 to $7.2 billion in 2023. Sugar 4602.65 5770.83 2636.25 1302.06 being witnessed in cotton and edible oils.
eting Federation (NAFED) and the which is transplanted normally in The country’s farm exports touched all- Basmati rice 3537.49 4787.65 2278.35 2589.98 The benchmark global Cotlook ‘A’ Index
National Cooperative Consumer Feder- September, was delayed. Thus, at pres- time-highsof $50.2billionin2021-22(April- Spices 3896.03 3785.36 1926.90 1949.78 price for cotton is currently quoting at 91.80
ation (NCCF). ent, the only available onion in the mar- March) and $53.2 billion in 2022-23, revers- centsperpound,fromthehighof173.45cents
Buffalo meat 3303.78 3193.69 1636.10 1734.40
ket is the stored rabi crop. This severe ing a declining trend from 2013-14 to attained on May 5, 2022. The price crash has
Why are prices still rising? supply chain mismatch is the cause of 2020-21. The years 2021-22 and 2022-23 Raw cotton 2816.24 781.43 435.87 393.82 led to India’s cotton exports not only plum-
Lasalgaon’s wholesale market — the the present price rise. also saw record imports of $32.4 billion and TOTAL* 50240.21 53153.55 26736.48 23621.71 meting,from$2.8billionin2021-22to$781.4
largest onion market in the country and $35.7billionrespectively(chart).Thecurrent million in 2022-23, but also imports surging
thusthepricesetter—respondedtothese When will they stabilise? fiscal, in a sense, marks a return to normal TABLE 2 2.5 times from $559.6 million to $1.4 billion
moves but not to the extent the govern- At Lasalgaon’s market, the kharif with both exports and imports contracting. (table 2). This transformation from a net ex-
ment would have wanted to. Thus on
October 28, average traded price of the
onion has started arriving but its quan-
tity is too small to make a difference. On The impact of global prices INDIA’S TOP AGRI IMPORT ITEMS ($ million) portertonetimporterisreflectedintheprices
of kapas (raw un-ginned cotton): Rs 7,000-
bulb was Rs 4,800/quintal, which came an average, thearrivalof the new onionis India’s farm trade, especially exports, is 2021-22 2022-23 Apr-Sep 22 Apr-Sep 23 7,100 per quintal in Gujarat’s Rajkot market
down to Rs 3,650 on November 3. At the between 10-50 quintals while the old strongly correlated with world prices. now,asagainstRs9,000-9,100ayearagoand
Vegetable oils 18991.62 20837.70 11097.64 8508.76
retail end, onion prices continue to be stock continues to form the bulk. The UN Food and Agriculture Organiz- Rs 12,000-plus in May 2022.
high with most cities reporting the price “At present, most farmers are liqui- ation’s(FAO)FoodPriceIndex(FPI)rosefrom Fresh fruits 2460.33 2483.95 1236.66 1131.58 The value of India’s edible oil imports
range of Rs 70-80/kg. dating their oldstock. Thenewcrop is yet an average of 96.5 points in 2019-20 and Pulses 2228.95 1943.89 595.78 1265.23 morethandoubled from$9.7billionto$20.8
Latearrivalofthemonsoonandexten- to be harvested. The situation will im- 102.5 points in 2020-21 to 133 points in Spices 1299.38 1336.65 755.20 774.55 billion between 2019-20 and 2022-23. This
sive damage to the harvested crop earlier prove only towards the end of the month 2021-22 and 139.5 points in 2022-23. In the was primarily due to skyrocketing global
in the year is responsible for the high when arrivalswillimprove,”saida trader current fiscal (from April till October 2023), Cashew 1255.46 1805.67 1412.52 968.79 prices, particularly post the war in Ukraine.
prices. Farmers in Maharashtra harvest from the market. the FPI has averaged 123.2 points. Raw cotton 559.55 1438.69 1081.43 401.20 Prices have since collapsed, but imports of
India’sagriculturalexportsfellfrom$43.3 Natural rubber 1032.71 937.60 542.18 380.37 crude palm, soyabean and sunflower oil are
billion in 2013-14 to $35.6 billion in 2019-20 still coming in at a low 5.5% duty.
along with the FPI, and rose thereafter with TOTAL* 32422.30 35686.20 19311.21 16444.83 SoyabeanistradingatRs4,700-4,800per
your go-to institute for VAJIRAM & RAVI
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the index soaring to unprecedented levels in *Includes other items. Source: Department of Commerce. quintal in the mandis of Madhya Pradesh,
2022-23. compared with Rs 5,300-5,400 at this time
general studies preparation With world prices since coming down, last year. However, the Modi government’s
                thevalueof bothexportsandimportsof farm 30.7%, “a comfortable supply situation from InMay2022,thegovernmentbannedex- focus on controlling food inflation ahead of
 !"  !"  ! "! commodities are set to decline in 2023-24. a historical perspective”. ports of wheat. In September 2022, exports national elections – and privileging the in-
 #   #  "  This comes even as supply disruptions from of broken rice were prohibited and a 20% terestsof consumersoverproducers–means
the Russia-Ukraine war have eased.In itslat- The impact of export curbs dutyleviedonallwhite(non-parboiled)non- thatimportsof edibleoilandpulseswillcon-
       est supply and demand brief, the FAO has Easing global prices apart, a second rea- basmati grain shipments. In July 2023, ex- tinue unhindered, alongside restrictions on
   %$%'  %$%&  %$%& projected global ending cereal stocks for son for falling farm exports has to do with portsof whitenon-basmatiricewerebanned exports of cereals, sugar and even onion.
2023-24 at an all-time-high of 881.1 million government restrictions, in response to do- altogether. For farmers, that would be a double
tonnes (mt) and the stocks-to-use ratio at mestic availability and inflation concerns. In August 2023, a 20% duty was clamped whammy.

India starts process to adopt National Security Strategy: why this is significant
What is a National Security Strategy? economic security, food and energy secu- out a National Security Policy 2022-2026, Former Army chief GeneralNCVij (retd) military command theaterisation process
AMRITA NAYAK DUTTA A National Security Strategy document rity, information warfare, vulnerabilities in underlining its national security objectives had written in a paper in 2018 that the only forward.Withoutsuchawell-definedstrat-
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 5 outlines the country’s security objectives, India’s critical information infrastructure, and priority areas. political direction to the Armed Forces in egy, he had said, military reforms would be
and the ways to achieve them. as well as those associated with supply existenceistheRakshaMantri’soperational like “putting the cart before the horse”.
AFTER YEARS of deliberations in the mili- Updated periodically, it defines tradi- chains and environment. Why the efforts now? Directive of 2009. “It is now dated and
tary and strategic community, India has tional and non-traditional threats and op- ANationalSecurityStrategyforIndiahas hence needs to be revised,” he had written. Why did India never have a National
kickstarted the process of bringing in a portunities while introducing accountabil- Which countries have a National figured multiple times in military dis- Someexpertshavealsohighlightedthat Security Strategy?
National Security Strategy. ity for agencies tasked with the Security Strategy? courses and has long been major military reforms should ideally flow Former NSA Menon at the event last
(NSCS) is collating inputs from several
implementation of various responsibilities.
In a nutshell, a national security strategy
Most developed countries
EXPLAINED discussed in the strategic
community, but has failed to
from a national security strategy.
At an event last month, former National
month said that in the past, three attempts
were made to come out with a national se-
Centralministriesanddepartmentstostitch would guide the military as well as critical security infrastructure have a SECURITY see the light of day despite SecurityAdviserShivshankarMenonhadsaid curity strategy, but there was hesitation at
together the draft of the strategy before defenceandsecurityreforms,providingaho- National Security Strategy in three past attempts. that India needs a national security strategy the political level.
seeking the final cabinet approval for it. listicviewoftheoverallnationalsecurity,the place, updated from time to time. The US, Last week, top officials in the govern- and,intheinterim,awhitepaperondefence There have been varying views in the
The exact timeline of when the strategy threats, and the roadmap to address them. the UK and Russia have published national ment had told The Indian Express that given detailing its thinking on important issues. strategic community in the past over why
would be ready is yet to be known, even as The exact contoursof the strategy being security strategies. the complex nature of the various tradi- Lastyear,formerArmychief GeneralMM Indiahasnotbroughtoutanationalsecurity
multiple ministries have already sent their drafted are not known, but it will likely in- China also has such a strategy in place, tional and non-traditional threats, espe- Naravane (retd), while delivering a talk at strategy—from lack of a cohesive, whole-
inputs to the NSCS. clude the entire range of newer challenges called the Comprehensive National ciallywhenrisinggeopoliticaltensionshave the 4th General KV Krishna Rao Memorial of-government effort, to the government
This is the first time that India would and modern threats facing India, including Security, which is closely tied to its gover- givenwaytouncertainties,urgencywasfelt Lecture, said it was essential to draft a na- deliberately not making public its national
come out with such a strategy. non-traditional ones such as financial and nance structure. Pakistan, too, has brought to draft a national security strategy. tional security strategy before taking the security objectives.


Newsmakers in the Newsroom

Milk is a source of Jayen Mehta took over as annual turnover has crossed Nandini and Amul are
livelihood. These the Managing Director of Rs 55,000 crore mark registered under
(RCEP) countries have a Gujarat Cooperative Milk (in 2022-23). Amul is now the respective state
Marketing Federation expanding into commodities
surplus — New Zealand (which owns the Amul other than milk and even governments’
exports 95 per cent of brand) in January 2023. venturing outside India with Cooperative Societies
the total milk produced. A product of Institute of the aim to raise the turnover Act. Any change in the
Rural Management, Anand to Rs 1 lakh crore by 2025-26.
We are not stupid that (IRMA), Mehta is now in Amul is also expected to Multi-State Act does not
we will allow our farmers his 33rd year of service at play a key role in the impact us... There is good
to stay hungry because GCMMF. He takes over at a development of other cooperation between the
time when the cooperative’s cooperatives in the country
they have surplus two state federations

‘We champion circular economy... a dairy

UDIT MISRA: Last year, we saw a
substantial increase in the domestic
prices of milk. Why was that?
Will there be further rise in the
near future?

co-op can transform into an energy company’

If you look at long-term inflation of
milk, vis-a-vis the general inflation in
the country, milk has always been
slightly below the average inflation. Last
year was an aberration because the two
years prior to that were COVID years
when we couldn’t take any price in- Jayen Mehta, Managing Director of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation, on cooperation between cooperatives, why
crease. During the COVID period, hotels
and restaurants were closed and the pri- India should not support free trade for milk and Amul’s expansion plans. The session was moderated by Associate Editor Udit Misra
vate sector stopped collecting milk and
cooperatives got all the milk. During
shutdowns, we were operating at 130
per cent of our capacity because we
couldn’t say no to the farmers. We also
continued our supplies in the market
through the lockdowns. There was an
inventory buildup in India. We did not
reduce the price of the raw materials
and farmers continued to get the remu-
nerative price for the milk. There was an
overall inflation — feed, fodder cost and
general inflation — but we did not pass
it on to the consumers.
So, last year, when demand re-
bounded, you saw milk prices being in-
creased in India, not just by Amul, but
by every single player. In the last 10-12
months, there’s been no increase in
the prices.

UDIT MISRA: What is your view on the

amendments in the Multi-State
Cooperative Societies Act, 2002?
The government has formed a new
Ministry of Cooperation, and realises
that for the 1.4 billion people, 70 per cent
in rural areas — including landless and
small marginal sections of the society
and women — cooperatives are the best
tool for development. The new Ministry
has also created three new multi-state
cooperatives. One is on exports, second
is on organics and third is on seeds.
The Ministry of Cooperation identi-
fied the top cooperatives of the country
NCDC and National Cooperative Jayen Mehta (right), Managing Director of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation, with Udit Misra Abhinav Saha
Consumers’ Federation. Between the
seven of us, each is incubating new
multi-state cooperatives. we actually pay through the nose. Till into this business. When you treat a cow as a mother, obvi- milk and beverage segment. Mozzarella highest possible price, because we are
The objective is clear — the exports 1995, India was self-reliant in terms of It’s also our responsibility to keep the ously there are sentiments attached. cheese is another category. The govern- buying it from the owners. So, whenever
one will identify the international mar- edible oil. Somebody gave this magic farmers interested. So, we run entrepre- Economicsisnotimportantinthisregard, ment identifies certain categories that a cooperative enters anywhere, it will set
kets for export of all the products the co- mantra to the then government that neurship development programmes but I will share our solution to this. can help India get into a larger space the cat among the pigeons. At the end of
operatives make. cheaper oil from Malaysia could help us. and three-month courses where farm- We are now championing a circular globally, and because we have good the day, any farmer would welcome a
The structure of the primary agricul- Look at what has happened today — we ers can look at the successful models of economy. A cow gives milk for 300 days quantities of buffalo milk and buffalo, new institution coming to buy products.
tural cooperative societies is being are importing 90 per cent of our edible how these large farms are working, and in a year, that’s the lactation cycle. It mozzarella is very premium and this one Karnataka sells milk at a price which
strengthened through computerisation oil, all our oil seed cooperatives have we also support them by giving bulk gives dung every day. If we are able to category was identified. We are the is much cheaper than any other state. So,
and support. The vision is that in every closed, our local oil mills are under pres- milk-coolers right in their farm. pull that dung, which we’ve started do- largest manufacturers of cheese in the who is the government subsidising?
village if there is an active primary agri- sure and we are paying the price. So, ing, it becomes a source of biogas. That country, and now also the largest man- They’re subsidising the consumer, it’s
cultural cooperative society, it will har- there is nothing like cheap food. Europe, P VAIDYANATHAN IYER: If in the next biogas can light a chulha in a village ufacturer of mozzarella cheese, and this not a subsidy to the producer.
ness the collective might of all the pro- USA, Australia and New Zealand, all of five-seven years India will be a third of kitchen or we can purify it and run investment has been benefiting us.
ducers of different agricultural crops. If them are looking for a market. We are the total global market, why are we cars (compressed biogas, CBG). The SUKALP SHARMA: Amul was a pioneer
they have a requirement for seeds, they not just the largest producer of milk in reluctant to open trade? slurry left behind is a bio fertilizer that JATIN ANAND: India imports a bulk of but now other state cooperatives have
will buy certified seeds and the seeds the world, but also the largest consumer. India is one of the most open mar- can go into the field and replace chemi- its whey protein. Given the pace at also started diversifying into the
cooperative will give them certified No country will deprive its farmers of kets for dairy in the world. You can im- cal fertilizers. which the market is growing, will we larger FMCG space. Do you expect any
seeds. The same is happening in the their livelihood and depend on imports. port any brand of dairy product by pay- So, farmers get an income for the go- be able to become self-sufficient in friction with other dairy cooperatives
case of milk. Gujarat farmers are getting perhaps the ing a nominal duty of hardly 30 per cent. bar, and India’s fuel and fertilizer im- this sector? in different product categories, apart
same price or better price for milk than For skimmed milk powder there is a TRQ ports also reduce. It is a win-win situa- In 2018, I happened to be the in- from milk.
UDIT MISRA: If you could tell us about the New Zealand producers today, but (Tariff Rate Quota) in which you can im- tion and we are trying to strike at that. chargeManagingDirectorforAmulDairy, If the cooperatives work, why
recent reports of conflict between our consumers are getting milk at less port 10,000 tonne for just 15 per cent We have set up multiple plants of micro- which makes cheese and a lot of whey is shouldn’t we? If they expand, leverage
Amul and Nandini in Karnataka. than half the price compared to a cus- duty. So, India is open to import. There model to collect and store dung for local produced. We weren’t getting any price their brand name, why just domestic, let
Nandini and Amul are registered un- tomer in New Zealand. are countries which don’t even allow a usage. We are also setting up CNG for whey in those days. Whey powder is us go international.
der the respective state governments’ single kilo of import. Still, they want ac- pumps. Additionally, methane can be actually a very cheap commodity. Today, India liberalised its economy in 1991
Cooperative Societies Act and any RAKESH SINHA: Now that the farmers cess to our markets at zero duties. No broken down using solar energy or any wearesellingarangeof whey-basedhigh and with that came relicensing, the re-
change in the Multi-State Act does not have been pointing to the rising costs country will be insensitive to the de- other power into hydrogen. protein products online. moval of the borders. With delicensing,
impact either of us. We are owned by of feed and animal husbandry, how mands of its large number of producers So, a day will come when a dairy co- We took some time and have now what could happen is that Nestle could
our respective farmers and there is good are you managing your pricing? who depend on it for their livelihood. operative or a cooperative which han- launched high-protein lassi, where you technically set up a plant next to Amul
cooperation between these two state The nutrition of the cow is the basis The US has a 50 per cent import duty dles milk in a large volume can also get 15 gram of protein, compared to nor- dairy in Anand. We, as Amul, have gone
federations. Since 1998, Amul ice- on which the output and productivity on butter, Canada has 250 per cent, and transform into an energy company. mal 4 to 5 gram, in a 200 ml pack. We through this in a very painful way.
creams have been packed in Karnataka happens. We manufacture close to Bangladesh has 78 per cent. So, every also have high-protein shakes and are We are aligned to the changes that
in the plants owned by the Karnataka 10,000 tonnes of cattle feed every day country has a right to protect its market, AGGAM WALIA: Can you share Amul’s working on a product, which is milk are happening and are not vulnerable to
Milk Federation with Nandini, and are and this is sold at no profit-no loss busi- its farmers. To demand that because we experience with the PLI (Product with 30 gram protein. The key thing in all the shocks which can happen. Every
being sold there. During COVID, when ness to farmers. That is still one-third are such a big market, we should open Linked Incentive) scheme? Amul is India is the need for an awakening that single cooperative has coped with liber-
they had surplus milk, we also had sur- of the total feed cost. We give them the up our country with zero per cent im- one of the four companies to have each one of us requires one gram of alisation. We should be proud that the
plus milk, and we bought close to 5,000 high-protein stuff, but the cows also port duty, that’s not acceptable. received support for mozzarella protein per kg of body weight daily. cooperatives have made India the largest
tonnes of cheese from the Karnataka need to eat grass, dry fodder, water and cheese under this scheme — if you producer of milk in the world. And we
Federation because they had no other so on. This is the feed part. UNNI RAJEN SHANKER: How does could talk about this specific segment. ANIL SASI: Could you talk about the have a bonding amongst ourselves.
revenue. The conflict is largely in the There is also the breed part. We have the ban on cattle slaughter impact the The PLI scheme has been good and segregation of markets and how do
minds of a few politicians, if I may say several semen stations, sorted semen dairy sector and the farmers? we have been among the largest in- cooperatives decide how to serve the KAUNAIN SHERIFF M: In the last five
so. More importantly, the issue was technology to see that the breed and There are certain things linked to our vestors in the three categories available home market they started out with? I years, Amul has seen a significant
made-up and hyped. When Nandini productivity of the cows improve. There cultureandreligiousbeliefs,andwedon’t to us. We are doubling up on our ice- believe there has previously been a visibility in the dark chocolate
wants to set up a new plant, they will are veterinary services where you can believe in cow slaughter because cows cream manufacturing capacities. We are friction between NDDB and Amul over segment. How did this surge happen?
come to us. All our facilities, recipes, get a doctor within 30 minutes of call- have a very elevated status in our society. making new investments in the butter- markets, and now of course Amul’s (A decade ago) we experimented
products and insights are available to ing, in every single village of Gujarat. entry into Karnataka has been with dark chocolate. The darkest dark in
them free of cost. Together we have been These are the integrative services a announced in the run-up to the polls. those days was Bournville, which was 45
able to grow this country to this height cooperative provides, which keeps a If the cooperatives work, We have been selling milk in per cent dark, which they’ve increased
and keep the multinationals out. farmer interested in the business. Karnataka since 2015-16. So, Amul milk to 50 per cent. Our dark started with 55
why shouldn’t we diversify? entering into Karnataka was a media per cent. We entered this market with a
UDIT MISRA: Few years ago, there was RAKESH SINHA: Is there reluctance creation for just whipping up senti- slab of 150 gram for Rs 100, with elegant
opposition to India joining the among the children of dairy farmers If they expand, leverage ments in the period known to you. packing and zero marketing, only using
Regional Comprehensive Economic to continue in the trade? Practically, every state has some the power of social media. From 2015-
Partnership (RCEP). One of the things Post COVID, people realise it’s a very their brand name, why just presence of cooperatives. You also have 2016 to today, people have started talk-
being said was that India doesn’t want assured business. There is reverse mi- to look at what is the share of the coop- ing about it, and we have implemented
cheaper milk from New Zealand and gration because there is no problem in domestic, let us go interna- erative in the total milk production of suggestions to do 75 dark, 90, coffee
Australia. Does Amul welcome the
opening up of food milk trade?
selling milk. So, people are investing in it
and we are seeing the younger genera-
tional. We should be proud the state. Whenever an organised player
enters the market, cooperatives play the
flavour or orange flavour or sugar-free.
We have created a portfolio of more than
Milk is a source of livelihood. These
countries have a surplus — New Zealand
tion getting into it. They are interested
in increasing the cattle holding size.
that the cooperatives have role of a catalyst. We will have an extra
share. The private sector always wants
30 SKUs (stock-keeping unit) of dark
chocolate. We also started getting cocoa
exports 95 per cent of the total milk pro-
duced. We are not stupid that we will al-
With the economies of scale, you are
able to employ labour. With automation,
made India the largest pro- to buy at the lowest price and sell the fin-
ished goods for the highest price, keep-
from Peru, Venezuela, Tanzania and
Colombia, and launched a ‘single coun-
low our farmers to stay hungry because milking machines, and the different ducer of milk in the world ing the maximum profit for the share- try’ age of chocolates. Today, we are the
they have surplus. And it is not cheap tools available, it is not a drudgery like it holders and owners. We do exactly the largest manufactures of dark chocolates
milk. Anything that you think is cheap, used to be. So, people are coming back opposite. We buy the raw material at the in the country.

New Delhi: The combined market valuation of nine of the top-10
most valued firms surged Rs 97,463.46 crore last week, with
Reliance Industries emerging as the biggest gainer, amid an overall
positive trend in equities. PTI


‘Open up the foreign
USstealsamarchoverEurope exchange market freely,
and livelihoods of billions of peo-
ple around the world.
processed and is now a template
money will flow in’
MARK MOBIUS, veteran investor
Partners LLP, believes that India
needs to have a freer foreign ex-

NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER5 Fundamentallyitisourbeliefthat Thenthereareapairof sub-legis- change market in order to attract theglobaleconomyand
technologywithglobalimpactre- lations – the Digital Services Act overseas funds. If the Indian gov- marketsinthewakeof the
OVERTHElastdecade,Europehas quires global action,” Harris said (DSA)andtheDigitalMarketsAct ernment opens up the market tensionintheMiddleEast?
taken a decisive lead over the US justbeforetravellingtotheUnited (DMA) – that take off from the freely,theywouldhaveanincred- Youhavethreethingshappen-
ontechregulation,withoverarch- Kingdom for the summit on AI GDPR's overarching focus on the ible flow coming in, he says. ing now – the Middle East (con-
ing laws safeguarding online pri- safety. “Let us be clear when it individual’s right over her data. Speaking to GEORGE flict), Ukraine (-Russia war) and
vacy,curbingBigTechdominance comes to AI, America is a global TheDSAfocusedonissuessuchas MATHEW and HITESH VYAS on China.So,thesearethreebigdeals
and protecting its citizens from leader. It is American companies regulating hate speech, counter- the sidelines of Morningstar fortheUSinparticular.Now,what
harmful online content. that lead the world in AI innova- feitgoodsetc.whiletheDMAhas Investment Conference, Mobius, doesthatmean?Itmeansthatthe
British Prime Minister Rishi tion.ThisisAmericathatcancatal- defined a new category of "dom- who was earlier Executive US has got a lot of challenges in
Sunak’sshowpieceartificialintel- yseglobalactionandbuildglobal inant gatekeeper” platforms and ChairmanofTempletonEmerging front of it. A lot of people say this
ligence event that kicked off in consensus in a way that no other is focused on non competitive Markets Group, says his invest- can'tbegoodfortheUS.Butthat's
Bletchley Park on Wednesday countrycan.AndunderPresident practices and the abuse of domi- ment strategy aims at return on notthecasebecauseifyoulookat
sought to build on that lead, but The template for Harris’ guidance on tech regulation was the Joe Biden, it is America that will nance by these players. capital and earnings growth, and the stock prices of the military or
the United States seems to have freshly released White House Executive Order on AI. File continuetoleadonAI,”Harrissaid On AI, though, the tables may going by these two metrics, India itsindustryinAmerica,ithasgone
pulled one back, with Vice beforethesigningofMonday'sex- clearly be turning. Washington’s isverycheapintermsofvaluation. over the roof. All this spending
PresidentKamalaHarrisarticulat- ecutive order, clearly outlining executiveorderisadetailedblue- India is the place for long-term flows back into the US economy.
ing Washington’s plan to take a dominate. And in contrast to the the US had last October released Washington’sintenttotakealead print aimed at safeguarding growth, says Mobius, whose So even with high interest rates,
decisive lead on global AI regula- UK-led initiative, where the a Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights on AI regulation just ahead of the against threats posed by artificial emerging markets fund has a 20 the economy is doing fairly well.
tion, helped in large measure by BletchleyDeclarationsignedby28 – seen as a building block for UK-led safety summit. intelligence and seeks to exert percentallocationtoIndia.Edited THE EXPRESS Thesechallengescreateactivityon
an elaborate template that was signatories was the only major Monday’s executive order. After This assumes significance, oversightoversafetybenchmarks excerpts: a global basis.
unveiledjusttwodayspriortothe high-point, the US executive or- its Bill of Rights was released, given that over the last quarter that companies use to evaluate INTERVIEW If you take the situation in

Summit. Harris then went on to derisatthepointofbeingoffered Washingtonhadexten- century, the US Congress conversation bots such as WhatshouldtheIndian Israel,alotof moneywillbeflow-
elaborately flesh out the US plan asawell-calibratedtemplatethat sive engagement with has not managed to pass ChatGPT and Google Bard. governmentdotoattract ingintothatregiononbothsides.

forleadershipintheAIregulation couldworkasablueprintforevery the leading AI compa- any major regulation to Themoveisbeingseenasavi- moreforeigninvestmentsand If you take the situation in
space before a handpicked audi- othercountrylookingtoregulate nies, mostof which are rein in Big Tech compa- talfirststepbytheBidenadminis- speedupthegrowth?Doyou WITH Ukraine, the same thing. A lot of
ence, which included former AI, including the UK. American(withtheex- niesorsafeguardinternet tration in the process of regulat- haveanysuggestions? MARK MOBIUS moneyisgoingintoUkraine.Ifyou
British PM Theresa May, at the Harriswasemphaticinheras- ception of London- ● consumers, with the ex- ing rapidly-advancing AI First thing, free up the foreign FOUNDER OF MOBIUS CAPITAL
take what's happening in China,
American Embassy in London, sertion that there was “a moral, based Deep Mind, ception of just two side technology, which White House exchangemarket(freefloatofthe thereisawholerealignment,with
while she was there to attend ethical,andsocietaldutytomake whichisnowaGooglesubsidiary) legislations: one on child privacy deputy chief of staff Bruce Reed rupee).Forexample,allowpeople lots of spending taking place in-
Sunak’s Summit. sure that AI is adopted and ad- inabidtoevolveablueprintandto andtheotheronblockingtraffick- had described as a batch of re- totakemoneyinandbringmoney that and there is a reason why he cluding diversifying away from
ThetemplateforHarris’guid- vanced in a way that protects the establish a minimum baseline of ingcontentonthenet.Incontrast, forms that amounted to "the out, like in the US. This (India) is a hasopenedthissysteminGujarat China. So, all of this creates eco-
ance on tech regulation was the public from potential harm and responsible AI practices. “We in- theEUhasenforcedthelandmark strongest set of actions any gov- big economy. I know the Reserve (GIFT City). nomic activity.
freshly released White House ensures that everyone is able to tend that the actions we are tak- GDPR (General Data Protection ernment in the world has ever Bank of India (RBI) doesn't like to
ExecutiveOrderonAI,whichpro- enjoyitsbenefits”.Andtoaddress ing domestically will serve as a Regulation) since May 2018 that taken on AI safety, security, and lose control of the exchange rate DoyouthinktheIndian Doyouseeinterestratesand
posednewguardrailsonthemost predictable threats, such as algo- model for international action. is clearly focused on privacy and trust". butitissuchabigeconomythatit governmentistoocautiousin yieldsrisingintheUSand
advanced forms of the emerging rithmic discrimination, data pri- UnderstandingthatAIdeveloped requiresindividualstogiveexplicit FULLREPORTON can withstand these flows. Don't openingupandliberalizing othermarkets?
techwhereAmericancompanies vacy violations, and deep fakes, inonenationcanimpactthelives consent before their data can be be like China where they want to theforeignexchangemarket? I think the yields in America
controleverything.Ifyouopenthe Yes, too cautious. Let me give probably have reached the high-
door,moneywillflowin.Ifyoutry an example. You need to start eststage.Ofcourse,the(inflation)

Wipro, Tech M, FPI sell-off continues; `3,400 cr `1.74lakhcrore

to close the door, money will get
resident Indians) want to bring
manufacturing semiconductors
in India. Now, what does that re-
quire? That requires all kinds of
target of 2 per cent has not been
reached and so, it is unlikely they

LTIMindtree exiting pulled out in November FPIsbuyingIndianequities

money in but the government
tries to control it.
I guarantee you that if they
equipment and materials. These
Otherwise, it is very difficult to
nomic environment that I am
talking about, with a lot of activ-

low-value clients to Foreign Portfolio Investors’ (FPIs) selling spree continues

on rising interest rates and geopolitical tensions
`1,984crore: Novembersofar
manufacture semiconductors.
fabulous companies to come in.
ity, pushes up inflation, then the
Fed (US Federal Reserve) may

buoy margins `6,381crore: October

for individual investors.
I am a good example person-
Where are these companies? In
Taiwan, that allows these people
to come in.
growth, it has come down dra-
recently, Rohit Anand, CFO, InEquity: `92,560crore ally because my funds are differ- In order to establish a semi- matically, and that, of course,
SAMEER RANJAN BAKSHI TechM, “We have taken actions InDebtMarket: `37,485crore ent. Where are my personal in- conductorindustry,yourequirea means lower inflation.
BENGALURU, NOVEMBER 5 to reduce the exposure to non- vestments?IntheUS.Whycan'tI wholehostofsurroundingindus-
core areas of business. These ac- invest in India directly? I must go tries and allow these people to Indianmarketsareoneof the
FACING MARGIN headwinds, IT tions will, over time, help us im-
“Themaintriggerforthis throughtheUS.ImustbuyIndian comein.Lookatthelessonsfrom worst performersinAsiaafter
firms like Wipro, Tech Mahindra prove our financial performance
reversalinbondyieldsisthe fundsintheUSmarket.Ican'tbuy Taiwan.WhydidTaiwanbecome maybeSouthKoreainthelast
and LTIMindtree are reducing and enable long term sustain-
subtledovishcommentary Indian funds in India directly be- the major manufacturer of high- twoorthreeweeks.Whatdo
their exposure to low-value able growth.”
fromFedchiefJerome causeofforeignexchangecontrol. endsemiconductors?Thegovern- youthinkaboutthevaluation
clients in the Asia-Pacific region. Similarly, Thierry Delaporte,
Powellthat‘despiteelevated This is a problem and that's the mentsaid,wewanttogointothis intheIndianmarkets?Isit
Instead, these firms are concen- CEO, Wipro, also highlighted the
inflation,inflationary reason why the US gets all this field and we are going to open it moderateorstillovervalued?
trating on deals in the North company's strategy in the recent
expectationsremainwell money because it's a free float. up. I know a lot of people look at
America region.
Though this region is wit-
post-earnings call, “In our AP-
MEA (Asia Pacific Middle East
`14,767cr `24,548cr `3,412cr anchored.” VKVijayakumar
Chief Investment Strategist
India has 1.2 billion people.
Why can't they open the market
There will be a tax-free zone
ation measure, but we don't.
nessing a slowdown in tech and Africa) business, revenues September October Novembersofar Source: PTI completely? I think (Prime you want, and we will subsidise FULLINTERVIEWON
spending, it offers higher mar- for the quarter declined 0.5 per MinisterNarendra)Modirealises the manufacturing of the infra-
gins than other geographical ar- cent sequentially. Our goal in
eas, known in IT circles as RoW this region is absolutely to cap-
(Rest of the World).
“Tech Mahindra has busi-
nesses where margins are struc-
ture the rapidly digitising mar-
ket. For that, we are leveraging
our global scale and domain ex-
States capex up 50% in H1FY24 on low base REITs, InvITs
turally low (eg high presence in
low-margin RoW segment,
specifically APAC) or has con-
pertise to actually continue to
move our portfolio towards
higher value transformation
Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra,
Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil
set creation across the country to
boost economic growth and the
creation of jobs.
trillion in April-September FY24
asagainsta29per centdecline in
collect `18,658 crore
tractual structures with high
pass-through component. We
suspect such low or negligible
While Wipro's revenues
from APMEA region saw a mar-
state governments whose fi-
Telangana, Chattisgarh and
Jharkhand- reported Rs 2.57 tril-
ported a whopping 190 per cent
increase in annual capex in
the year-ago period, reflecting
trailing revenues vis-a-vis aggre-
gate target.
in April-September
margin business may be as high ginal decline, the same in- nances were reviewed surged by lioninH1FY24againstRs1.65tril- H1FY24, followed by Andhra Even as capex surged, the Karan Shetty, Co-Founder of
as 10 per cent of revenue,” ana- creased by a percent from 56percentonyearinthefirsthalf lion in the year-ago period. In Pradeshwith142%,Odisha(up87 states’revenuespendingwascon- PRESSTRUSTOFINDIA Claravest, a fractional ownership
lysts at Kotak Institutional Americas1 during the quarter. In ofthecurrentfinancialyearcom- H1FY24, the Centre provided per cent) and Uttar Pradesh (85 tained with about a 10 per cent NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER5 real estate investment platform,
Equities wrote. a recent interaction with FE, paredwithjusta2percentrisein around Rs 0.5 trillion in loans to per cent). However, Karnataka annual increase in H1FY24 com- attributed several factors for the
TechM’s share of revenue Wipro's CFO Aparna C Iyer said theyear-agoperiod.Thiswassup- these states. sawa32percentdeclineincapex paredwith15percentintheyear- STRONGDEMANDforinfrastruc- massive jump in fundraising
from RoW has fallen quarter-on- that the company is pivoting ported by capex loans from the Keeping in mind the fund during the period. ago period. ture investment, attractive re- through the route to favourable
quarter and as well as year-on- from low-value clients to defend Centre. crunchfacedbystates,theCentre These 18 states reported a 15 TheCentrehasraisedthecap- turns,andfavourablegovernment government policies, huge de-
year basis to 23.2 per cent in the margins. Excluding loans from the has increased the allocation for per cent growth in their tax rev- ital expenditure target by 37 per policies have pushed fund mobi- mand for investment in real es-
September quarter. In contrast, LTIMindtree has also raised Centre, the capex of these 18 big theSchemeforSpecialAssistance enuesinApril-September2024at cent on year to a whopping Rs 10 lization through listed REITs and tate, and the government's focus
its share of revenue from its revenue exposure to North statesrosebyarobust26percent to States for Capital Investments Rs 12.55 trillion, upon the 32 per trillion (including Rs 1.3 trillion InvITs to Rs 18,658 crore in the on urbanisation and infrastruc-
Americas has increased to 53.3 America by 2 per cent q-o-q in H1FY24 over the year-ago pe- to Rs 1.3 trillion in FY24 BE from centgrowthrecordedinthecorre- capex loans to states) for FY24 to April-September period of the ture development.
per cent in Q2 from 51.4 per cent while seeing a decline of 2.3 per riod. the Rs 0.8 trillion loans disbursed sponding period of the previous continue the public investment- current fiscal. Additionally,otherreasonsfor
in Q1. cent in RoW during the These states – Madhya totheminFY23.Theenhancedal- year. ledeconomicrecoverypost-pan- This came following a fund thesurgeinfundcollectioncould
During the post-earnings call September quarter. FE Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, West locationisaimedatspreadingas- Theborrowingsofthesestates demic. FE collection of Rs 2,596 crore be regular income provided by
through listed Infrastructure REITsandInvITsasthesetrustsare
Investment Trusts (InvITs) in the required to distribute 90 per cent
BRIEFLY Reliance returns to oil FMCG Ebitda margins going strong entire 2022-23, although the
amount mopped up through
of theirincometoinvestorsregu-

TataSteel indexation for KG gas, despite slow volume growth

listed Real Estate Investment
Trusts (REITs) was nil, data with
provides liquidity benefits as the
units trade on stock exchanges
and increased awareness and in-
seeksaidfor seeks buyers for 4 mmscmd VIVEAT SUSAN PINTO of India (Sebi) showed. vestor interest about the instru-
Goingforward,expertsbelieve ments,FerozeAzeez,DeputyCEO,
Netherlands JKM. MUMBAI, NOVEMBER 5 that trends seen in REITs and Anand Rathi Wealth, said.
"The consortium issued a no-
tice inviting offer dated October THERE IS an interesting trend
half of the year too.
Moreover, the government
New Delhi: After securing a 27, 2023 and invited offers from showing up within fast-moving "The fresh savings will con- Sebi have played an active role in
fundingintheUK,TataSteel RELIANCEINDUSTRIESLtdandits interested companies to offtake consumer goods (FMCG) com- tinuesimilarlyashashappenedin popularisingandpromotingREITs
is looking for a financial aid partnerbpplcofUKhavereverted gasfromthegasfieldsontheprice panies. While volume growth, thelastsixmonths,andtheinvest- and InvITs in India.
from the Netherlands gov- tooilindexationforpricingthegas basis specified in Request for especially, rural volume growth, mentswillcontinuetobetowards Of the Rs 18,658 crore invest-
ernment to execute its de- they produce from India's largest Proposal(RFP),commencingfrom has been sluggish, earnings be- InvITsasboththecentralgovern- ment, Rs 12,753 crore was in-
carbonization plans. In private-sectoroperatedfieldinKG December 1, 2023 at the delivery fore interest tax depreciation ment and the state governments vestedthroughInvITs,andthere-
October 2021, Tata Steel basin as they look to tap into the point located in Gadimoga, and amortisation (Ebitda) mar- continue to focus more on infra- maining Rs 5,905 crore via REITs.
completed the process of upsidefromthebuoyantoilmar- AndhraPradesh,"thetenderdoc- gins, which is a measure of prof- structure development," InvITs have been more popu-
separatingTataSteelUKand ket. Reliance and bp in a tender ument said. itability for companies, remains Himanshu Kohli, Co-founder of larthanREITsintermsoffundrais-
Tata Steel Netherlands as have sought bids from buyers for Itaskedbidderstoquoteapre- strong. This has been on account Client Associates, said. ing,duetoseveralfactorsasInvITs
two independent compa- 4 million standard cubic meters mium 'v' they are willing to pay of a moderation in commodity Ebitda margins have moved up to 28% . File Hence, the trends you have can invest in a wider range of as-
nies from Tata Steel Europe. per day of gas from KG-D6 block over and above 12.67 per cent of prices as well as strict cost-con- seen in REITs and InvITs will con- sets than REITs, including roads,
"In Netherlands, we will in Bay of Bengal starting dated Brent crude oil price. The trol measures initiated by firms. tinueinthesecondhalfoftheyear, highways, bridges, railways,
shortly be submitting the December 1, 2023. starting bid price for 'v' has been While companies claim they the September 2022 quarter to cent now, pointing to a wariness hesaid.AccordingtoSebidata,Rs powertransmissionlines,renew-
detailed decarbonization They want users to quote a kept at $1.08 per million British are investing in their brands to 7 per cent in the September of companies to sacrifice mar- 18,658 crore was collected able energy projects, and gas
proposal to the Dutch gov- price indexed to Brent crude oil thermal unit. shore up volume growth, the quarter this year, according to gins for growth, sector experts through these emerging invest- pipelines.
ernmentseekingregulatory price,accordingtothetenderdoc- At current Brent crude oil numbers tell a different story. Nielsen data sourced from the say. ment vehicles in the April- Besides, InvITs are exempt
and financial support," Tata ument.Thefirmhadinrecentpre- price,thestartingpricetranslates In the last one year, rural vol- industry. Ebitda margins have been September period of 2023-24. from paying income tax at the
Steel CEO & MD TV vious auctions, the last being in into a gas price of $11.8 per ume growth for the domestic Ebitda margins, on the other derived from an aggregrate of 13 ThiscomprisesRs12,753crore trust level, which makes them
Narendran said. PTI Maythisyear,soldgasindexedto mmBtu(12.67percentof$85plus FMCG market has inched up hand, have moved up from 26 FMCG companies, compiled by throughInvITsandtheremaining moreattractivetoinvestors,Azeez
international gas benchmark, $1.08). from a decline of 3.6 per cent in percentlastyeartonearly28per FE Research Bureau. FE Rs 5,905 crore via REITs. said.

OVER THE HEDGE by Michael Fry & T Lewis


ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20) LIBRA (Sep 24 - Oct 23)

May I advise you to You’re on the scent
keep a close watch of a new romantic
on your financial adventure.
dreams? Today's Unexpected
major planetary patterns will developments at work have
have an amazing range of not undermined your
consequences over the coming confidence. If your
weeks, but the impact on your professional or worldly
emotional and material ambitions have been dented, I
security seems to be greatest. suspect that the real cause lies
If competing for a prize, go elsewhere, perhaps in your
for broke. own refusal to take the lead.
TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21) SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 23)
Today’s planets Today’s lunar
push you forward alignments are
CALVIN & HOBBES by Bill Watterson with increasing
speed. Your chances
about the most
intriguing they’ve
for personal success are now been for a very long time. The
the best for a very long time news will be exciting, even for
indeed. Press on with those of you who are enjoying
established plans by all means, placid times. It’s all doubly
but avoid anything that may significant if you have big,
lead to confrontation or ambitious plans on the go.
ACROSS DOWN smacks of dishonesty. You choose.
1Managesinvestments(5) 1Ascrappysortof picture(7)
GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) SAGITTARIUS (Nov 24 - Dec 22)
4Getsoverlife’sburdens(7) 2Repairingaquilt?(9) You may imagine All the planetary
8Setfireto aFrenchman’sbed(3) 3Newbalesof fur(5) that you know what activity now taking
9Suchapersonmaynotusehis 4Visitorwhoraiseshis
is going on, but you place must be
tonguewhenspeaking(9) voice?(6) are probably harnessed and used
mistaken! Never have you to channel your noble, virtuous
10Thelateconverted intothe 5Booktransport foralotof been so likely to pick up the and selfless instincts. You have a
quick?(7) people(7) wrong end of the stick. Please clear choice whether to go all
11Boastingwithoutpublicityis well 6It’svery superiorto havelittle take proper advice in all legal, out for personal interest or to
done(5) money (3) foreign and travel matters, and realise that material security is,
13Bigracialissue?(6) 7Dischargefromtheartillery(5) that does mean double and in the grand scheme of things,
even treble checking. purely temporary.
15Prizesawardedfor zero
14Stillnot showingemotion(7)
MARVIN by Tom Armstrong CANCER (June 22 - July 23) CAPRICORN (Dec 23 - Jan 20)
18Woodusedwithhesitationfor 16Hehasastarroleif putintofresh Jupiter and Venus It’s a day of
padding(5) production(7) are as benevolent a significant
19Hastenedback withspeedtotell pair of planets as planetary
thetale(7) you could wish to configurations, but
21Madeaspeechwhenreleased(9) have watching over you. whether you are directly
18Classdiscipline(5) Generosity on your part will involved in dramatic events, or
23LetterusedinteachingGreek(3) 20Istakenabackwhen ringleader win friends and impress merely a passive observer, is
24Quickly knockbuttonoavail(7) diesperhaps(5) people, protecting you in the up to you. I take the view that
25Novelsupporterin theflesh 22Arecordgoesroundand present and gaining you firm the latter is more likely. In
perhaps(5) round(3) and loyal allies for the future. other words, you’ll be looking,
In other words, selflessness listening and learning.
and self-interest are the
Solutions Crossword5200Across: 1Presumable,8Excel,9Whistle,10Empanel,11 same thing. AQUARIUS (Jan 21- Feb 19)
Award,12Tuscan,14Lessee,17Reade,19Torrent,21Termini,22Outre,23Carpenters The approaching
Atelier,15Shelter,16Stride,18Auric,20Roost LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) lunar patterns are
With so much among the most
planetary activity striking to hit your
taking place today, sign for a good few months. If
you’d do well to you’re not knocked slightly off
take centre stage. Watch out course there’ll be something
JUMBLED WORDS DifficultyLevel3s for flying missiles and duck if wrong, for it means that you’re

Instructions anything comes in your not directly in tune with your

Givenbelowarefourjumbledwords.Solvethejumblestomakeproperwordsandmovethemto TosolveaSudokupuzzle, direction. Prepare for a shift in stars! You’ll be back in the
therespectivesquaresbelow.Selectthelettersintheshadedsquaresandjumblethemtoget everydigitfrom1to9 emotional gear and get in saddle by the end of the week.

theanswerforthegivenquip. touch with someone who is

mustappearineachofthe waiting to hear from you. PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
Naturehasalwayshad_____thaneducation.-Voltaire(4,5) nineverticalcolumns,in A helpful
eachoftheninehorizontal VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sep 23) relationship
BVEER COHENS rowsandineachofthe I am sure that you between the Sun
nineboxes. have been put out, and Mercury is only
pushed around and one of a series of benevolent
had your interests planetary alignments which is
MSWOR SAMFIS ignored, but then that’s all part causing you to think again.
DifficultyLevel of life’s rich tapestry. This is no There’ll probably be a
1s=Veryeasy;2s=Easy; time to complain about the major mystery to solve. The
3s=Medium;4s=Hard; world being unfair. Instead, it’s answers will come next
5s=VeryHard; the moment to reach out and month, so bide your time and
Answer: Nature has always had more force than education. - Voltaire 6s=Genius take control. wait your turn.

ITBP salutes its braveheart Head Constable
I Urmila, W/O Shri Satya Prakash
Ashok Kumar of 24th Battalion, who made Singh, R/O 22-D DDA Flats,
the supreme sacrifice in the line of duty on Mansarovar Park, Shahdara,
this day in J&K in 1991. Delhi -110032 have changed my
Resident of : Village: Nalapar, Dist.: Name from Urmila to Urmila
Singh vide Affidavit Number IN -
Head Constable Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh
DL89931162942582V dated
Ashok Kumar
31/10/ 2023 before Notary by
31/10/2023. 0050229903-1
I Mohammad Faisall S/o Mohammad
Usman R/o 5798, Kucha
Rehman, Ballimaran, Delhi-110006,
have changed my name to
“Mohammad Faisal” vide Affidavit IN-
DL90914468924716V at Delhi
I Naveen Bansal S/O, Mani Ram
Bansal R/o F-3/11, Ground Floor
Sector - 11 Rohini Delhi - 110085
have changed my name to
Naveen Kumar Bansal.

Tender No: 242,243,244/2023-24/SE/PHC/MVPA

JJm-Idukki-WSS to Nedumkandam-Supply and erection of Floating Pumphouse, WSS - to
Santhanpara-Clear Water Pumping Main, Sump cum pump house, GLSR in Santhanpara GP, A Builder-Buyer Agreement
CWSS to Idukki-Kanjikuzhi, Vazhathope-Construction of 2.5 Lakhs Litre capacity OH Tank executed betweenM/s Krish City
at Painavu EMD: Rs. 50000/- -500000/-, Tender fee: Rs. 5515-16540 Last Date for and Rajendra Kumar Agrawal for
sub m it t ing Te nde r :1 4 - 11 - 2 0 2 3 1 2 :0 4 :a m P ho ne : 0 4 8 5 2 8 3 5 6 3 7 aflat IRIS-14, FF Krish City Tapukra
Webs it e : w w w. kw a . ke r a la . g o v. in, w w w. e t e nde r s . ke r a la . g o v. in
Bhiwadi (Raj)has been lost. The
Superintending Engineer
PH Circle report of the same has lodgedat
KWA-JB-GL-6-1511-2023-24 Muvattupuzha Ankhir Police Station Faridabad
on 3 rd Nov.2023vide report
No.11.If found, kindly return the
same to R K Agrawal(M-
9871926863), E-35 Jalvidyut
Apartment, Faridabad.

U S based MNC expanding
offering Work From Home
opportunity training provided
whatsapp name city
background on 9820925521

Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation DELHI JUDICIAL SERVICE
City Engineer Department EXAMINATION-2023
Tender Notice No. EPC/NMMC/City Engineer/ 318/2023-24
Online Applications are invited from eligible candidates for Delhi Judicial
Name of work - Construction of Creek Bridge Connecting
Service Examination-2023.
Ghansoli - Airoli along Palm Beach Road at Ghansoli, Navi
Mumbai on EPC mode. GEN SC ST TOTAL Pay Scale
Estimated Cost (Rs.) :- 411,51,12,400/- Number of
Tender booklets will be available on e-tendering at Vacancies and at website of 34 05 14 53 Rs. 77840-136520
NMMC on dt. 06/11/2023. The tender is to be submitted online
at for any technical difficulties in the For eligibility criteria and other details, please refer to detailed advertisement
e-tendering process, please contact the help desk number on the website of High Court of Delhi i.e
given on this website. from 06.11.2023 onwards.
Tenderers are required to fill in the blank tender form
fee, EMD deposit and service fee online. All mentioned charges Registration of Online Applications
can be paid by debit card or net banking of any bank of the
Starting Date & Time: 07.11.2023 (1000 Hours)
bidder. The tenderer should note that the Blank tender form fee
Closing Date & Time: 22.11.2023 (1730 Hours)
will not be accepted in the NMMC Account department. Fixed
EMD is not acceptable. All further notifications, corrigendum etc. related to this advertisement, if
The right to accept or reject any tender is reserved by any, will be published ONLY on the official website of Delhi High Court.
the Hon'ble Commissioner of Navi Mumbai Municipal Sd/-
Corporation.   (Kanwaljeet Arora)
City Engineer Registrar General
    Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation

Live on Star Sports network
Icc World Cup 2023

Virat > Sachin

Fewer numbers of innings, better average, superior strike rate, more tons while chasing
Sachin:17/Virat:27 Sachin:9/Virat:10 Sachin:5/Virat:5 SACHIN: Tendulkar hit 9 hundreds in Sachin:15/Virat:11 AHUNDRED
Chasemaster Kohli leads the way given In 40 fewer innings in SA, Eng, NZ & Both have an equal number of big scores 1998 at the age of 25. Tendulkar remarkably played 149 One- SACHIN: 31 Jan 2007 to 2 Mar 2008
his brilliant record in run ch ases. In fact, Australia, Kohli has amassed one more but it will be Tendulkar's achievement VIRAT: Kohli hit 6 hundreds in both 2017 Day Internationals after turning 30. 36 innings; 1 year 2 months.
his average while chasing - 65.49 - is century. In Australia, he has hit 5 that stands out most, hitting his one and and 2018 at the age of 29 and 30. Between the age of 30 and 35 — Kohli’s VIRAT: 14 Aug 2019 to 10 Dec 2022
better than Tendulkar's 42.33. centuries while Tendulkar has one. only double century, the first ever in ODIs. age— he hit 8 of these 15 centuries. 25 innings; 3 years 4 months.

Icon equals idol

Kohli and Indian cricket’s unquestionable patriarch were much more than teammates
and their connection was far more personal than between any teacher and student

SANDEEP DWIVEDI Virat when, according to him, he felt like the

loneliest man in the world. In 2014, after a
after 49th disastrous tour to England, Kohli thought
he had forgotten batting. Kohli would call
AFTER HIS long emotional farewell at the
Wankhede Stadium on November 16,
ODI ton Tendulkar, the oracle with all batting so-
lutions. That would be the all-important
2013, Sachin Tendulkar was finally sitting
all by himself in the dressing room. The 277 first step towards complete healing and
launch of Kohli 2.0.
fans hadn’t left yet, the chants of Innings Till date, Tendulkar has been very re-
“Sacheeeen, Sacheeen” were still echoing luctant to speak about the inputs he gave
outside. During his final goodbye speech,
Tendulkar had been continuously taking
58. 48 to the troubled champion. Kohli has been
swigs from a water bottle to push down aboutthebattingtweakshe undertook af-
Now he was about to face another 93.63 ter interacting with Tendulkar. “I came
back from England and spoke to Sachin
tough test in self-restraint. What followed StrikeRate paaji …I told himthatIamworking onmy
was proof of a special spiritual bond that hip position. He made me realise the im-
Tendulkar shares with his successor and
themanwhoequalledhisrecordof 49ODI
70 portance of a big stride, a forward press
against fast bowlers as well. The moment
hundreds in front of a frenzied Eden Istarteddoingthatwithmyhipalignment,
Gardens crowd - Virat Kohli.
Inhisautobiography,PlayingitMyWay, 49 things started ironing out nicely.”
There have been ups and downs in
Tendulkar had spoken about the brief but 100s Kohli’s career after that but the hip posi-
solemn moment he had with Kohli on his tion, big stride, and forward press against
final day as an international cricketer. fast bowlers have stayed with him. On the
Seeing Tendulkar finally alone that day,
Kohli had walked up to him with tears in Sachin day he reached ODI cricket’s batting sum-
mit, Kohli was ticking all the boxes that
his eyes. In his hands were strands of afew
after 49th Tendulkar had listed long back. One knew
it was Kohli’s day when very early in the
good luck. They were given to him by his
late father and he had preserved them for
ODI ton innings, he drove South Africa’smost dan-
gerous pacer Kagiso Rabada through the
close to seven years.
Kohli wanted Tendulkar to keep them. 451 covers. Hip (check), stride (check), press
(check). All okay, the 49th was loading.
He would later say that it was the most Innings
valuable thing he possessed and he Handy advice
wanted to gift it to his inspiration. Kohli
touched his senior's feet and handed him
44.81 Tendulkaralsosharedwithhisheir-ap-
thethreads.Tendulkarrecallsthemoment of which was very handy in ODIs - a for-
in his book: “I was speechless. I held him
tight and said, 'Arre, tu yeh kya kar raha 86.18 mat where keeping the scoreboard tick-
ing, scoring singles and rotating strike are
hain? Tujhe yahan nahi, yahan hona hai.’ StrikeRate key. Tendulkar shared with Kohli a trade
(What are you doing touching my feet? secret. He asked him to not turn the bat as
You should be giving me a hug).” An over-
whelmed Tendulkar would nod his head
95 it was very risky. By placing that bat gen-
tly in line of the ball and allowing the pace
and ask Kohli to leave. “I would have burst to automatically take it to the third man
into tears if I had tried to say anything else.
It was a gesture I can never forget.” 49 region was a wiser way of taking a single.
Growing up, like the rest of India in the
Foryears,theoneTendulkar-Kohlimo- 100s 1990s,TendulkarwasKohli’sdie-hardhero
ment that hasstayed imprinted on the na- too. He would buy nibbles and cold drinks
Cup. Tendulkar on Kohli’s shoulders re- November 5, 2023: Kohli looks skyward on reaching his 49th
1 March 16, 2012: Tendulkar after scoring his 49th ODI hundred, his
and be glued to the television when his
mains the obvious cover picture of mod- hundred on Sunday, to be on par with Tendulkar. PTI 100th international ton, versus Bangladesh in Mirpur. Reuters ing a steep target, he couldn’t sleep. Kohli
ern-dayIndiancricket.Theframehasgrav- would lie in bed dreaming how he would
itas. It captures the passing of the baton, one day finish those tight India games.
India’s uncanny ability to produce cham- and even the one before that, Tendulkar’s a drink and celebrate. In one memorable Sincethosedaysof staringattheroof of
pion batsmen, and also celebrates the stature was too high to put an arm around To equal my hero’s record is something special for me. He is moment, Virat, Bhajji, Yuvraj went down his West Delhi home and thinking of
country's ancient guru-shishya tradition. him. Such has been his aura that many a perfection when it comes to batting. But I am never going to be as ontheir knees andsang:Tujhmerab dikhta reaching for the stars beyond it, Kohli has
But what happened away from public youngcricketerwouldspendtheirfirstfew good as him... I know the days where I have been watched him on TV, hai yaara mai kya karu (What to do, my come a long way. By scoring the 49th ODI
view, inside the dressing room, points to a hours in the Indian dressing room pinch- and just to get that appreciation from him means a lot to me.” friend, in you we see God himself).” hundred, he isnowon parwith Tendulkar.
much deeper attachment between two ing themselves - assuring themselves that Tendulkar had motivated severely-ill, Having reached the target in 277 innings
geniuses with more than 15 years of age they were actually in the presence of the VIRAT KOHLI, AFTER EQUALLING TENDULKAR’S ODI CENTURY COUNT butPlayerof theTournamentYuvrajSingh, - Tendulkar needed 452 outings - Kohli is
difference. The boy who lost his father man they worshipped. They would stand all through the World Cup. He was by expected to take the record to a height
early in life and Indian cricket’s unques- up when he would enter the dressing didn’t take much time to warm up to his dropped, inhibitions abandoned. It was in Harbhajan’s side during Monkeygate. And where it might not be humanly possible
tionable patriarch were much more than room, watching him prepare from a dis- NorthZoneseniorsBhajjiPaandYuviPa,he this atmosphere that three young men Kohli too had his reasons. Once during the to match.
teammates and their connection was far tanceandlookattheirpalmindisbelief af- too was on Paaji terms with Tendulkar. walkedintoTendulkar’sroomtopourtheir T20 World Cup in 2016, Kohli was batting But still crossing the Tendulkar mile-
more personal than between any teacher ter a handshake. In a matter of a few years, they would heartsout.Theywouldtelltheir Paaji,who when the Eden Gardens giant screen stone on his birthday didn’t seem like a
and student. Kohli’s initiation to Tendulkar’s circle form the core group that won the 2011 had stood by them through thick and thin, showed Tendulkar. Kohli bowed even as protégé being on par with his master or a
was comparatively easy. Around the time World Cup. On that magical April 2 night, what he meant to them. Tendulkar blushed. student turning out to be better than the
Guardian angel hemadehisdebutin2008,Tendulkarloved oncetheteamhadreachedtheteamhotel, Tendulkar writes in his book. “The Kohli had reached out to this friend teacher. It felt more like a devotee reach-
In his interviews, Tendulkar often calls spending evenings with Harbhajan Singh, the newly-crowned world champions party went on into the early hours of the a.k.a God when he faced his career’s ing an important shrine on an auspicious
Kohli his friend. But for Kohli’s generation, Yuvraj Singh and Zaheer Khan. Since Kohli would party till dawn. Guards were morning...Anyonecouldcomeinandhave gravest confidence crisis. It was the time day during his long pilgrimage.


Team India juggernaut looks unstoppable after putting SA through grinder
swift and magical. A couple of months ago, He would later dwell on the game-situa- you. Sharma introduced Jadeja as early as
SANDIP G even at the start of the tournament, no one No other Indian team has won tionsimulationduringthenets.“Wehadalot ninth over, and by the time he was into his
KOLKATA, NOVEMBER 5 expected India to be outright favourites. of practice sessions before the Asia Cup. In ninth over, he had five wickets to his name.
Therewerecracksandcrevices,doubtsabout eight games in a World Cup, let those sessions Shreyas and I invariably bat- Withtheballspinning—notasmuchasitdid
LIKE A screeching unstoppable truck speed- theformandfitnessof individuals,suspicion alone winning eight on the spin. ted together, because we knew we were Nos in daylight —Jadeja did Jadeja things. He
ing along an expressway, India is smashing of their combination. 3 and 4. In the middle I told him,‘This is the would land the ball on length within the
to smithereens every obstacle on their path Yet in the space of a month, they have partnership,thisisthepartnership.”Thiswas stumps and spin it either way, mix the pace,
to glory. South Africa was supposedly the emerged as the most rounded, ruthless, and stinctive, he would say during the presenta- thepartnership.Theyadded134runs,51runs shuffle the trajectories and points of release.
stiffest challenge yet, the second on the driven side. An unbreakable winning ma- tion. He departed, but Kohli and Gill sus- more than South Africa mustered. Ravindra Three of his wickets were bowleds; one was
pointstable,attack-mindedbatsmenandall- chine, functioning by an alignment of tained the momentum till the 10th over. Jadeja’slateblitzstormedIndiatoatotaltheir leg before the wicket.
bases covered bowling bunch, yet they were supremely-skilled cricketers at the peak of Keshav Maharaj produced a ripper made in opponent coach reckoned was “at least 70- Hisall-rounderperformancecouldgoun-
renderedutterlywretched,hopelesslyhope- their prowess, feeding off their own motiva- left-arm spinner’s heaven that castled Gill. 80 runs more than we had thought.” noticed and unsung, but Rohit would praise
less, so abysmally humiliated that it would tion as well as riding the rousing support of The ball had begun to rip, grip and turn. But him:“Jadejahasbeenreallygood.Bigmatch-
a freakish conjunction of stars to stop India’s the home crowd. no situation flusters them. A sense of inevitability winner. He keeps doing the job, goes under
march to lifting the World Cup. No other Indian team has won eight But so experienced is the batting, so deep The chase was over before it even began. theradarbuttodayisaclassiccaseof whathe
South Africa’s coachRob Walters wasat a games in a World Cup, let alone winning theirunderstandingof thegamesoprepared It’s now an inevitability — India’s seamers does - score late runs and take wickets.”
loss of words to capture the excellence of eightonthespin.NootherIndianteam,even are they with the plans that they know the running the top-order ragged, making them Thus, from top to bottom, there are
India. “What should I say? All I can say is that the 2011, blazed the aura of fear and halo of right responses. So Virat Kohli dropped the see sixes and sevens. match-winners.
this isahellof a team.Hell of a team.”Hewas intimidation than this team. Few other anchor, sucking the blood out of South This was a batting line-up that has Read aloud the margin of India’s wins —
asked whether the pitch that offered assis- Indian teams had a readymade answer to Africa’s resolve, drop by drop, leaving them stacked five 350-plus totals in the previous by six wickets, eight wickets, seven wickets,
tance for the spinners surprised them. He every tricky question thrown at them. Few lifeless. Shreyas Iyer played along, stifling his seven games. But here, they were ruthlessly sevenwickets,by four wickets,100runs,302
thought hard and replied: “The scoreboard other teams in this edition have made win- The Ravindra Jadeja box was ticked on attackingimpulses,butnotoutof fearbutre- dismembered. Just 10 balls into the game, runs, 300 runs and 243 runs. This is a team
says it all. There are no two ways about it." ning look so effortless, or executed their Sunday as he scored 29 off 15 and took treating only to leap longer and further. The Mohammed Siraj disarrayed the stumps of that is hitting higher notes with every game.
The scoreboard, an old-fashioned man- plans as clinically as the merry band of Rohit 5 for 33 at the Eden Gardens. Partha Paul earlystormweathered,hebecamethestorm the highest run-getter of the series, Quinton Like Walters admitted, “a hell of a team” or a
ual one, read: India 326 for 5; South Africa Sharma. himself, whipping fear and fury. de Kock. His captain and opening partner, screeching unstoppable truck speeding
83. A 243-run victory in what was perceived The punches India flung were so power- The first 34 balls yielded 11 runs. In the Temba Bavuma would not last long. Half an along an expressway.
as the biggest match of the tournament. ful that South Africa were knocked out sev- Ngidi and Marco Jansen. The Indian captain next 53 balls, he cracked 66 on a track where hour later, the match was effectively over,
Four weeks into the tournament, no box eral times in the Eden ring. But mercilessly, knew that the pitch would be difficult to bat Maharaj extracted staggering side-spin, with South Africa losing the top six for 59 BRIEF SCORES: India: 326 for 5 (Virat Kohli
remains to be ticked; no base required to be India pulled them again to feet and shower on after the new ball loses its sheen and the where the odd ball spat viciously. Kohli runs. 101 not out, Shreyas Iyer 77) beat South
covered, no force seemingly strong enough more blowson their already battered minds. spinners stride in. So Rohit threw caution to would play the selfless side-kick role. He bit There is no respite, or breathing space. Africa: 83 all out in 27.1 overs (Ravindra
tostopthem, nogroupdrivenenoughtostall First was Rohit, who launched an un- thewind,takingIndiato61runsinfiveovers. his ego, eschewed the big shots and calmly Threat comes in various forms. You endure Jadeja 5/33, Mohammed Shami 2/18,
them. Their transformation was ludicrously abashed assault on their new-ballpair, Lungi The onslaught was not preplanned but in- dragged them along. the seamers, the spinners would chasten Kuldeep Yadav 2/7) by 243 runs

Iyer’s skilled six, Maharaj’s salvo and quick reviews
Ind (Q) 8 8 0 0 16 2.456
SA (Q) 8 6 2 0 12 1.376
Aus 7 5 2 0 10 0.924
Eden Gardens’ plea: Ngidi troubles with a
Afg 7 4 3 0 8 -0.330 ‘Kohli ko bowling do’ yorker to Kohli
SL 7 2 5 0 4 -1.162 TheIndian Forthefirsttime
Ned 7 2 5 0 4 -1.398 bowlingattack inalongwhile,
Ban 7 1 6 0 2 -1.446 rippedthrough ViratKohliwasin
theformidable sometrouble
Eng 7 1 6 0 2 -1.504 SouthAfrican there.From
battinglineupon yorkers,in
withtheProteas particular.Firstit
SHORT TAKES losing7wickets wasLungiNgidiin
inside19oversinachaseof 326runs.So the40thover,
dominantwastheperformancethat withasurpriseyorkerthatKohlijust
Pulmonologist,air theEdenGardenscrowdemulated aboutdugout.ThenKagisoRabada
purifiers,sprinklers:WC theirWankhedecounterparts,
matchinDelhi theballtoKohli).Thechantstogive histrespassingfrontlegoutof the
Kohlitheballhavebeenthehottopicin dangerarea,andjammedhisbatinthe
New Delhi: Independent
thisWorldCupeversinceherolledhis path,andtheballrolledoff theinner
consultation with a
armsinthematchagainstBangladesh edge.Asanrelatedaside,thedearthof
pulmonologist, implementation
afterHardikPandya’sinjury. yorkersinmodern-daycricket isquitea
of water sprinklers around the
premises, installation of air
purifiers in the dressing rooms Virat vs Kagiso: The howbowlingyorkerstakesalotoutof
and match officials areas, and
hoping for the conditions to battle of bat and ball releaseabit,byextendingtheirarmas
improve – these are some of the Thefirst release.
mitigating actions taken by the exchanges
BCCI and ICC as toxic haze and
poor air quality continues to
Iyer’s highly-skillful
surround the Arun Jaitley Stadium
in New Delhi ahead of the World
hit on Shamsi
Cup fixture between Bangladesh match.Rabada Amost-gorgeous
and Sri Lanka here on Monday. probinghis andhighly-skilful
Both teams cancelled one outsidetheoff- sixfromShreyas
training session each this week, stump,mixinghis Iyerarrivedinthe
as air quality levels have stayed in length,temptinghimtodriveandKohli 28thover.Tabraiz
the ‘severe’ category for four waitingfortheripeballtodrive.Rabada Shamsihad
consecutive days. According to bowledoneslightlyfullerandKohli loopeditupona
the Union Government’s ‘early punch-droveimperiouslythrough length,and
warning system’, it is expected to extracover.Rabadaroaredbackwith a Shreyasstretchedwellforward,
stay that way up until Tuesday. As ballthatstraightenedaweebittobeat withoutleavinghiscrease,andlethis
of 9am, Delhi reported an Air hisoutsideedge.Healmosthadhim handsgothroughthelinewith
Quality Index (AQI) of 461 on choppedonthenextball.Rabadashook consummateease.Thestretchitself
Sunday. hisheadindespair,Kohlismiled isn’tnothingtogaspabout,butthe
While air quality can be an sheepishly. fluidityinthatbat-swingisn’tcommon.
external circumstance out of the Often,insuchpositions,wehaveseen
organisers’ control, the scheduling batsmanendupchippingtheballas
of a 50-over international cricket Shubman loses wicket Crowds outside Eden Garden line up with Virat Kohli cutouts ahead of the World Cup match. Partha Paul theyknowtheyaren’tquiteuptothe
match in the first week of pitchof theball.Orattimes,theylet go
November in New Delhi remains to old-school plans of thebottom-handandjustgowith
contentious. This is the fifth thetop-handtotrygetthatfluidity.Not
consecutive year that the AQI has
been rated as ‘severe’ for at least
After perfect batting start, Maharaj pegs Indians back Shreyas.Atleastthistime.Everything
syncedup gorgeously: fromthestretch
three days in the first week of Maharaj'splans In the build-up to the game, Australia It spun and gripped, some stopped at tothebatswing.
November. Preparations suggest areformat- captain turned commentator Ricky the batsmen, some didn’t bounce
the match will go on, the final call agnostic.Hetoo
Ponting, who spent half his afternoon much. If strike rotation was hard, Two reviews in quick
for which will have to be taken by observing the pitch, inferred that this finding fours was turning out to be
match officials and the umpires on classicalold-
is a new-ball wicket. Turned out to be harder. But the 91 runs in the first 10 succession for India
Monday itself. exactly that. For the first 10 overs, the overs meant there was a cushion for a
haveworkedin pitch seemed a batting beauty. No lull. Virat has just put on a cap and Ravindra Jadeja
“It’s not ideal, but we have no gets his second.
cricketforages.Shamikeepstheball ball misbehaved or threatened to sent his helmet in. It means two
choice. We have to play in the Jadeja wanted
up,givingitenoughtimeintheairto misbehave. But as soon as the spinner things - spinners from both ends and
condition in front of us,” said this to be
swing.Healsomakestheballpitchon Keshav Maharaj came on, and the Kohli isn't sweeping. Isn't sweeping
Bangladesh coach Chandika reviewed. Rohit
seam,helpingittocutinorgoaway new ball lost some of its gloss,the left-arm spinner Maharaj a good
Hathurusinghe in his pre-match Sharma was not
withoutlosingpace.Maharajhasthe pitch began to throw a few tantrums. ploy?
press conference, adding that they interested at
stockballthatbowlersof histribehave
have aimed to reduce players’ first sight, but
exposure to the toxic air, also after bowler's
keeping asthmatic players indoors.
When skipper Kusal Mendis
sideandalsogives itaheavytweak.It's
Iyer’s jailbreak four Jansen’s nightmarish start request, the
Indian skipper went upstairs! It was
was asked if they have requested to thetweakthatpullstheballback, Shreyas Iyer decided it was time he The usually accurate Marco Jansen had pitched in line, the impact was in
get the game moved out of the city, makesitbreaktowardstheoff-stump shifted through the gears. Against a nightmarish start. His second ball of line, and wickets were hitting.
team media manager Mahinda andalsogives itthatextrabouncethat spinners, he usually shimmies down the first over was a standard wide. But Dharmasena reversed his decision.
Halangoda protectively stepped in makesbatsmenuncomfortable. the track and lifts them straight down the next one was so wide that it Klaasen can't believe it. Soon,
to answer on his part, denying they Againstthebatsmeninclinedtoflick the ground. Here, he chose sophistry. screamed past the keeper and the leg- another successful review came
have made any requests, instead theballoff theirpads-mostIndians- He bent awkwardly and decided to slip. His ploy was clear. In a bid to from India and half of the South
having only been in touch with the thisisaperfectopeningmove. paddle Tabraiz Shamsi behind the correct his length, he ended up over- African side was back in the hut.
ICC to understand their measures ShubhamGilltriedthesamewith wicket. But the ball spun more than he correcting. The next ball was a wide on Shami wanted a Rassie van der
to deal with the pollution. “We Maharajandwasfoxed.Aswespeak thought and he ended up scooping it the off-side that crashed into the boots Dussen lbw to be reviewed
plan to go ahead as the ICC guides MaharajistryingthesameagainstVirat past the keeper. The connection was of the first slip. He would bowl one immediately, and so does KL Rahul,
us,” he said. KohliandShreyasIyer.Oh,thethrillof feeble, but Iyer had the jailbreak four more wide and concede one more four as both the players signal for the 'T'.
-NAMITKUMAR watchingaspinnerinpomp. he was looking for. in what turned out to be a 17-run over. Rohit reviews it and it's all three red.


India emerge champions after near-perfect week Stands full, crowd outside
stage in Ranchi, another close match was
follows action on screens
RANCHI,NOVEMBER5 edged 2-1 by Japan. And for the most part, it
seemedlikethiswasdestinedtobeacloseone VINAYAKK MOHANARANGAN
SAVITA PUNIA did not have much to do in the too. RANCHI, NOVEMBER 5
early part of the Asian Champions Trophy in Neha and Navneet Kaur, who have played
Ranchi.Itwouldnotbeanexaggerationtosay so much together in their careers from their AROUND 5 PM on Sunday, when Virat Kohli
shehadtoworkharderinthepre-tournament days in Haryana, combined to release Sangita was edging towards his 49th century in ODIs
press conference where she was bombarded Kumari down the right. India's leading at Eden Gardens in Kolkata, crores had tuned
with questions than in the first two matches goalscorer in the tournament (6) didn't make in to the official streaming platform for the
againstThailandandMalaysia.OnSunday,on amistake.ThesecondquartersawJapanfight WorldCup.Oneof thosemanycroresconcur-
the night of the final, the Indian captain came back before an even, end-to-end, sometimes rentviewswasfromateastallaboutakilome-
up with a massive performance as India de- scrappy third quarter. ter away from Marang Gomke Jaipal Singh
feated Japan to win the ACT title for the first Then came a dramatic final quarter. India AstroTurf Hockey Stadium in Ranchi. Three Outsidethestadiumwasagroundwith
time since 2016. extended their lead early as Deepika found youngmensatatthetable,watchingtheWorld screensputuptowhichfans were
Sangita Kumari (17'), Neha (46'), Deep Grace Ekka with a superb back-flick. Cup match. redirected. Vinayakk Mohanarangan
Lalremsiami (57') and Vandana Katariya (60') Deep – the player of the match – got the shot Thethreeof themhadcomejustaround2
werethescorersasIndiafinishedtheirassign- away on goal, Neha got the final touch. After pm to the stadium where the Jharkhand
ment in Ranchi with seven wins in seven Savita's save of the stroke, it was Lalremsiami Women's Asian Champions Trophy final was before the third-place match between China
matches. The Indian women’s team won seven out of seven games in the Asian Champions who scored from another PC rebound. After scheduled totakeplace... at 8.30 pm later that and Japan told its own story.
Ifyouarewonderinghowtheplauditsgoto Trophy and defeated Japan in the final on Sunday. Hockey India struggling most of the tournament with the day.Andyet,lookingatthelengthofthequeue Theatmospherewasamatterofhappiness
a goalkeeper in a match where the scoreline short corners, India picked the right night to that had formed six-and-a-half hours before fortheHockeyIndiapresidentandformerna-
reads 4-0, the final in front of packed stands step things up a notch. the match, they decided to take their place at tionalcaptainDilipTirkey.Hesays,"Isawout-
once again, was closer than that suggests. test early. A goal then, and it would have been wasspent.Anditisexactlyonthosefrontsthat "Sometimesthegirlsjustneedalittlebitof thebench,fornowwatchingthecricketmatch. sidethattherewasabigcrowdevenwherethe
Savita came up with multiple saves on the adifferentgame.Andwiththatstrokesavetoo, Savitadelivered.The33-year-olddoesn'twear a wake-up call. I didn't even show them the TheystillhadafewhoursbeforeIndiatookon giant screens have been set up. Excellent
night to keep her side in the lead, first in the she absolutely changed the game basically," herheartonthesleevebutsheputherstickup PCsfromthesemifinal,Ijusttoldthemitwas- Japan in the title clash. crowd, it’s a small stadium for hockey in
secondquarterwhenshewassharpfromase- Menezes said. and punched the air quietly, as she pointed to n'tjustgoodenough.Wewereallmakingmis- Afewmetresonesideof theteastallthere Ranchi. In the future, we have to think about
ries of Penalty Corners for Japan. Then came thedugout.Asiftotellhercoachthatthoseex- takes.Isaidtothem,'don'thavetoscoreallthe was a massive queue of people trying to get this too, for promoting and developing the
the big moment in the final quarter when Hard yards tra hours paid off on the night that mattered. time,butexecute'.Todayoneoftheplayersde- through Gate No 4, a line that extended to at game in the state of Jharkhand.”
Japan won a Penalty Stroke. With sufficient Onthefirstrestdayofthetournament,only "I know she is always ready," Schopman cidedthemselvesonavariation.That'swhere theveryleastakilometer. Afewmetresonthe All through the tournament, the stadium
timeleftinthematch,agoaltherewouldhave the Indian goalkeepers trained. But that was- said after the match. "Today she stepped up growth is in the tournament," Schopman otherside,outsideGateNo3therewasamas- inRanchiwasfullandthecrazeforhockeyhas
broughtJapaninthegame.ButtheIndiancap- n't new for Savita. As she had said then, they when we needed her. It's good for her, she is a added. sivecrowdwaiting,beingtoldthroughspeak- beenevident.ButonSunday,itwentupanotch
tainputoutherleftfootintimetopreventthe have always put in the hard yards especially goodgoalkeeper.NotthatIwanttoomanyballs Intheend,afterback-to-backtournaments ers by the security that the doors were now or two. In the end however, there were some
ball from going in. after the arrival of head coach Janneke ongoal,butshestoppedallof themanditwas inthespaceofamonth,Indiawouldhaveper- shut. Outside the hockey stadium, there was unfortunatescenesatoneofthestadiumgates.
India then hit Japan on the counter to add Schopman. The former Dutch star puts them good to see." haps liked to win the title more in Hangzhou anopengroundwithscreensputuptowhich With the pressure on the gates growing, the
gloss to the scoreline with two late goals. through the paces every chance she gets, and India and Japan had met each other twice (withOlympicqualificationontheline)given the fans were being redirected. securitypersonnelhadtoresorttoforcetodis-
JudeMenezes–theIndianOlympianwho training for quick reflexes to making back-to- already in the last month. First, in the bronze theoptiontopickone.ButSchopmanhasbeen Thestadiumwasalreadypackedtothelim- persethecrowd.Aneventfultournamentcer-
has spent a considerable time between the back saves and getting ready to deal with medalmatchattheAsianGameswhereIndia saying all week, "I know we are a good team," its in the stands that were open to the public. tainlyheadedtoadrama-filledendoutsidethe
post would say, "Savita kept them in the con- PenaltyStrokesishowmajorityof thesession bounced back after a heartbreaking defeat in and Savita Punia's side showed just that. Itwasfreeentry,sure,butthescenesonehour Astro Turf too.

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