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The Crown belongs to The Lady; the Patrones of Portugal

as thanks for giving birth for the Divine principle known as Christ
In return the King swore to protected the source of all life
what granted him the gifts to keep his oath.
So it is that today we find our
souvereignty lost
Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Portugal's first sovereign was King Afonso I of Portugal also called Afonso Henriques, nicknamed
the Conqueror by the Portuguese, and El-Bortukali in Arabic ‫ ابن الرَّنك‬or ‫" ابن ال َر ْنق‬.

In 1139 Afonso Henriques won a decisive victory at the Battle of Ourique and in 1147 he conquered
Santarém and Lisbon from the Moors, with help from men on their way to the Holy Land for
the Second Crusade.

"God has given us to achieve victory over our enemies" and Afonso Henriques called all good man.

In 1319 the Order of Christ was recognized by Pope John XXII on condition that the Holy See could
also appoint knights. The originally purely spiritual order gradually became more secular.

In the 1450s, the Order of Christ became associated with the crown of Portugal; mentioned in several
papal bulls confirmed with the most important effect; the Law of the Padroado, through which the
kings of Portugal assumed the role of protectors of missionary action.

In 1646 a gesture of deep devotion and again as thanks for Portugal's independence, the King
decided to designate Virgin Mary called the Nossa Senhora da Conceição as Patroness of the
Kingdom and crowned her at the courts as Queen of Portugal.

In 1646, King John IV proclaimed Mary, in her conception as the Immaculate Conception
the 'Immaculata' became the Patroness of Portugal by royal decree of the House of Braganza.

In 1854 the "Ineffabilis Deus" defines the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin
Mary without sin.

From that day forward, no other King or Queen used the Portuguese crown again.
Portugal as the Marian country par excellence, became the “Land of Santa Maria” with deep
devotion of the people to the Immaculate Conception.

Portugal Kings where the Queens Crown's first defender.

She is the rose with five petals of the Braganças,
as are the five corners of the coat of arms of Portugal.

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza


Forword ............................................................................................................................ 9
Judgement or Judgment—Which is Correct?...................................................................... 10
The Phoenicians .............................................................................................................. 11
The Phoenician Alphabet....................................................................................................................................... 13
The Church of Phoenicia ........................................................................................................................................ 14

The ancient practice of Marry-ing the Land ..................................................................... 15

Ireland - Scotland .................................................................................................................................................. 17

Hope of Scots. Saint Columba, Iona and Scotland. .......................................................... 17

St Margaret of Antioch ................................................................................................... 18
King David I, son of Queen Margaret .................................................................................................................... 20
Saint Andrews ....................................................................................................................................................... 21

The Hebraization of English ............................................................................................. 23

Portugal ......................................................................................................................... 25
Oath First King Don Afonso ............................................................................................. 27
Infante D. Henrique appointed Administrator of the Order of Christ .................................................................... 29
The Courts of Lamego ........................................................................................................................................... 32
ACTS FROM THE LAMEGO CUTS ..................................................................................................................... 32

Portugal's Crown belongs to the Immaculate Conception ................................................ 37

Queen and Patroness of Portugal; the “Land of Sancta Maria” ........................................................................... 39
The Portuguese Military Order of our Lady the immaculate conception of vila Vicosa ................................... 40

Portugals history is integrated as a Monarchy with the Crown on her blue-white flag ..... 45
Portugal's Symbol on the flag is integrated as a Monarchy by discovering the Sea Route................................... 46
Royal line, murdered Kings "Let no Let no one therefore, infringe this gift"................................................... 48
Csnonum De Ius Rex Canons of Sovereign ...................................................................................................... 49

The Question each of you musk ask him- / her- self: "is there an injured party"?.............. 50
The Question each judge must ask him-/her-self is: "is there an injured party"? ............................................. 50

1822 Portugal's first United Kingdom Constitution .......................................................... 51

Portugal ......................................................................................................................... 51
Constitution of September 23, 1822. .............................................................................................................. 52
Title first. Of the personal rights and obligations of the Portuguese. ............................................................. 53
Title II. Of the Portuguese nation, of its territory, of its religion, of its government and of the dynasty. ........ 54
Title III. Of the Legislative Power, or of the Cortes. ....................................................................................... 56

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Title IV. Of the executive power, or of the king. ............................................................................................. 68

Title V. Judicial power. ................................................................................................................................... 74
Title VI. Of the administrative and economic government of the provinces. .................................................. 78
1822 Portugal First Constitution other source ...................................................................................................... 81

1822 Timeline ................................................................................................................110

1822 Portugal First Constitution: Free Rights for all Portuguese ......................................113
Title first. Of the personal rights and obligations of the Portuguese. ........................................................... 114
The King who Declared Independence from Himself…. The Life & Times of Pedro I ..................................... 116
Miquel de Braganza ............................................................................................................................................ 117

Timeline … What articles explain what really happened to understand more? ................119
Pedro's Family in Law and Austria's emperor's minister was Metternich

Franz II (I) Metternich System the conclusion of the ‘world peace’ with Napoleon. .........119
Metternich was the architect of the Vienna Treaty and the secret treaty of Verona. ...................................... 119
War of the Brothers / Miguelite Wars 1828-1834 .............................................................................................. 125
When King John VI died his heir Don Pedro, the Emperor of Brazil, refused the crown ..................................... 125
When his father Dom João died, by the way, of arsenic poisoning in 1826, ...................................................... 125

The Duarte Nino (Miguel family line excluded for Life) as "De Jure King" ........................126
King Carlos fortold .........................................................................................................129
1908 The murder of King Carlos I and his heir Philipe ......................................................130
1910 ..............................................................................................................................136
Portuguese King Manuel II Living in Exile ............................................................................................................ 136
PT: Halfsister of King Manuel II: Maria Pia of Braganza ..................................................................................... 136
Ending the reign of Dom Manuel II ..................................................................................................................... 138
Portugal's natianal archive ................................................................................................................................. 140
PT: LEGAL STATUS Documentação pública CUSTODIAL HISTORY .................................................................. 141
PT: Missing history: 1860 to 1901 ................................................................................................................. 144
1930-01-11 Ending the life of Dom Manuel II ..................................................................................................... 145

Miguel family line excluded for Life …. and Duarte Pio de Braganza is his grandson? .....147
The seperation of Power and Monarch: a traitor as vasal King ......................................................................... 160

Lawful heir House of Braganca: Dona Maria Pia birthright denied ..................................161
Stealing and denying Dona Maria birthrights ..................................................................................................... 166
Maria Pia Decreto ........................................................................................................................................ 167
1959-06-15 letters to Dona Maria Pia written by General Humberto Delgado 15-06-1959 ............................... 168
Dona Maria Pia issues a Sovereign Act No.III, Modification of the Monarchic Costittution ............................... 175

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1966 Salazar's opinion confirmed ................................................................................................................. 180

1987 Portugal's lawful Royal House Abdication - Successor cerimony .............................181

1.2.5 D. Official abdication documentsby HRH Dona Maria Pia ....................................................................... 182
1992 Death CertificateDona Maria Pia ............................................................................................................... 183

 ....................................................................... 183

Portugal Royal House successor Dom Rosario; Duke de Braganza ..................................................................... 184
Official court letters sent to (excluded Miquel family line) Dom Duarte Pio di Braganca ................................... 186

Court Orders to Fake Duke Dom Pio di Braganca ............................................................191

1994 Official Vatican recognition; real Royal House de Braganza ...................................................................... 196
Dom Rosario Poidimani recognition ............................................................................................................. 197

Sar Dom Rosario: First Defender of Family vallues under Natural Law ............................198
Registration of the Royal House in the official Gazette of the Republic of Portugal .........199
2022-08-23 Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by 30-09-2022 ................211
1 .1 The Royal LIne King Carlos .......................................................................................215
1.1.1 Attached a Record of Birth of D. Carlos, found in the Parliament History Archive. .................................... 215
1.1.6 Death Certificate ...................................................................................................................................... 219
Recognistion of King Carlos who gave her the name after his mother: Maria Pia .............................................. 224
Confirmation by, declaration of King Dom Carlos ......................................................................................... 226
Confirmation by, declaration of the King Dom Carlos; page 1/2 ................................................................... 230
Transcript of the original declaration by Dom Carlos the King 1/2 ............................................................... 232
Certification Del Acta No 64069 - 1/2 .......................................................................................................... 234
Certification Del Acta No 64071 - 1/2 .......................................................................................................... 236
1983 Fernando Soares book: Maria Pia ........................................................................................................ 238
Letter Don Manuell II .......................................................................................................................................... 240

1.2. The Royal LIne Maira Pia ........................................................................................243

Dona Maria Pia, daughter of King Dom Carlos testemony Conde de Romanoes ................................................ 245
1939 The baptism of D. Maria Pia Diocesis Madrid Alcala ................................................................................. 248
Testimony of A Goicoechea present and witness of Dona Maria Pia baptism .............................................. 249
Testimony Archbishop of Alcala Madrid ....................................................................................................... 251
Testimony Angeles Esteban Goiocoechea de Faquer .................................................................................... 255
Testimony Don Antonio Munoz Sanches Chief Archivist Alcala Parish Madrid ............................................. 257
1958 The baptism of D. Maria Pia LisboaCertidao Baptismo Maria Pia Lisboa ................................... 268
1975 Baptism Testimony A Goicoechea Madrid .......................................................................................... 270
1984 Baptism Testimony Madrid.................................................................................................................. 271

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Testimony ............................................................................................................................................................ 272

1939 272
Testimony Spanish Royal House: Jaimy de Borbon ....................................................................................... 273
1941 Spanish Concil in Rome ........................................................................................................................ 275
1941 Consul of Spain .................................................................................................................................... 276
1945 Consul Portuguese Republic ................................................................................................................ 277
1945Consul of Spain ..................................................................................................................................... 278
1945 Consul of Portugal ............................................................................................................................... 279
1958 Supremo Tribunal Apostolica ............................................................................................................... 280
1962 Nacional independente ....................................................................................................................... 281
1966 Solicitor Jean Louis Tixier Vignancour .................................................................................................. 282
1970 Vittoria Emanuella ............................................................................................................................... 283
1971 Parish of the St Theresa Rome ............................................................................................................. 284
The prince Alfonso Jaime de Borbon ............................................................................................................ 285
1982 289
1982 Duarte Nuno judicial charge to the Court of Rota in Rome, for dynastic issues ..................................... 289
1972 The Court sentence of Rota in Rome declaring D. Maria Pia as the rightful duchess ................................ 311
1982 Tribunal Eclesia Madrid .............................................................................................................................. 312
1992 Decretum Roma Rota Duarte - Braganza ................................................................................................... 333
1982 Duarte Nuno judicial charge to the Court of Rota in Rome, for dynastic issues ..................................... 333
Titles 337
Royal Military Order of our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Vila Vicosa ............................................ 340
Certificado 1/3 ............................................................................................................................................. 344
Commission Internationale Ordres de Chevalerie 1/3 .................................................................................. 347
Dona Maria Pia fight for her birthrights under the Salazarist dictatorship. ....................................................... 353
1966 Salazar's opinion confirmed ................................................................................................................. 354
Maria Pia Decreto ............................................................................................................................................... 355
Scanned images: letter to Dona Maria Pia by General Humberto Delgado 15-06-1959 ............................... 356
Dona Maria Pia issues a Sovereign Act No.III, Modification of the Monarchic Costitution ................................ 363
D. Official abdication documents by HRH Dona Maria Pia ................................................................................. 368
Documents confirming the blood relationship between Dona Maria Pia and Dom Rosario ......................... 385
D. Maria Pia designates D. Rosário the Power of Attorney ................................................................................. 387
Notarial D. Maria Pia designates D. Rosário Power of Attorney 0/9 ............................................................ 393
Dona Maria Pia daughter delare sher mother Maria Pia sound of mind ........................................................... 403
Official Abdication Ceremony pictures ......................................................................................................... 404
1992 Death CertificateDona Maria Pia ............................................................................................................... 405

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

NewPaper anouncement Dona Maria Pia testament: successor Dom Rosario Poidimani.................................. 407
Atto di Precetto ................................................................................................................................................... 408

1 The Royal LIne Don Rosario .........................................................................................413

1.3.1 Birth Certificate (CERT NASCIMENTO TRAD PT) ....................................................................................... 413
1.3.3 D. Rosario titles Incoperate ........................................................................................................................ 417
Papal recognition ......................................................................................................................................... 418
Recognition Russian Church; Prior de Kiev ................................................................................................... 421
Congratulations............................................................................................................................................ 423
1.3.8 The document where D. Maria Pia co-opted D. Rosário to be her successor .......................................... 427

Court San Marino...........................................................................................................433

Confirmed by Court of San Marino, confirmed by Court of Urbino and the Republic of Italy ............................. 446
Acceptance of official sentence Court of SanMarino by the Republic of Rumania ............................................. 462
Acceptance of official sentence Court of SanMarino by the Republic of Rumania Confirmation Court of
Rumania Italian language ............................................................................................................................ 464
Acceptance of official sentence Court of SanMarino by the Republic of Rumania Confirmation Court of
Rumania Italian language ............................................................................................................................ 466
Pact of Paris ........................................................................................................................................................ 470

False Claim on the Trone: Duarte versus Braganza.........................................................472

1982 Duarte Nuno judicial charge to the Court of Rota in Rome, for dynastic issues ..................................... 492
1992 Duarte Nuno Judicial charge 10 years later; again ............................................................................... 513
Roman Rota Sentence: notification to Duarte Pio .............................................................................................. 517 Roman Rota Sentence: Intimation to return Brabanza property ............................................................ 518

Ill-Legal .........................................................................................................................523
Court Orders San Marino ...............................................................................................534
Court Orders Tribunal Bucareste ......................................................................................................................... 551
Court Orders against the false Duke ................................................................................................................... 560
Dom Rosario Stato Civile .............................................................................................................................. 571
Court sentences Durte Pio Publicly announced ............................................................................................ 572
To Dom Duarte Pio di Braganca .......................................................................................................................... 573

2022-08-23 Pope instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank ................577
Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30 .....577
2022-09-12 Reaction to the Vatican by Royal House Braganca........................................580
2022-09-12 Royal Decree English ....................................................................................583
2023-03-30 Vatican joint statement of the dicasteries on the "Doctrine of Discovery" .....585

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

2023-04-03 Benjamin Fulford reaction............................................................................588

2023-04-07 Royal Announcement ...................................................................................589
2023-04-07 Royal Comunicado .......................................................................................591
2023-05-23 Royal Decree Sovereign Proclamation and publication of facts .....................593
Portugal Flag explained .................................................................................................615
The red shield ...................................................................................................................................................... 616

File:Flag of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves (1815-1825)..........616
To note Dom Duarte-Pio de Braganza ............................................................................617
Usurpet: a person who usurps (= takes control of) position of power, without having the right: ..................... 618

No Rights Reserved, .......................................................................................................619

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza


01-11-2023 Don't believe what I say but research yourself and let the truth be known (total 621) 9
Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

We’re in a Mind War.Your mind. My mind.

But more importantly, the collective mind of society at large ask what is true?

If we are indeed watching the unfolding of the greatest story ever told, what better way than to share
facts, officially sent letters with a composition of researched events what happened at that time to
get a better understanding.

Judgement or Judgment—Which is Correct?

You don’t need a judgeship to have an opinion on how to spell certain words.

Judgement or judgment—which spelling is the correct one?

All judges should base their decisions on sound evidence. Let’s examine some facts!

Both judgment and judgement appear in print.

Let’s start with some old and new examples of judgement.

In 1797, author Samuel Johnson used judgement to define other terms in his English dictionary.

For example, prejudice is “judgement formed beforehand without examination.”

We want the truth

Can you handle the truth?
What are you going to do with this truth?

True and original documents and proof of facts

Sent Royal Decrees
with other events happened at that time

Please let the Truth be free to be told, be examined

to become Free

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

The Phoenicians
Who were the Phoenicians? Where did they come from? Where did they live? With whom did they

Ephraim Stern addresses these questions in his article “Phoenicia and Its Special Relationship with
Israel,” published in the November/December 2017 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review.
He explores the rise and fall of the Phoenician empire.

The Bible records that the Phoenicians had a close relationship with the Israelites: Their royalty
married each other; they traded with each other; and, significantly, they never went to war with each
other. Stern writes, “The Phoenicians were the nearest people to the ancient Israelites in every

From their earliest days in Byblos, the Phoenicians developed a unique and memorable society around
their sea trade and valuable cedar wood. They founded cities at Sidon and Tyre, then spread up and
down the coast of what would come to be known as Lebanon creating cities at Beirut, Arwad, and
other locations. Inland they went high into the Lebanon Mountains and down the eastern side into
the Bekaa Valley, where Zahlé and other cities grew.

Phoenicia also extended across the sea to many colonies such as Carthage in North Africa, Ikosim
(Algiers) in Algeria, Tingis (Tangier) in Morocco, Gadir (Cadiz) in Spain, as well as colonies in Sardinia,
Corsica, Malta, Sicily, Crete, Santorini, Rhodes, Cyprus and many other locations.

During this time the Phoenicians were largely independent and self-reliant.
When the neighboring Hebrews were taken away to Babylon in captivity, the Phoenicians simply paid
tribute in gold to Babylon — then continued to live in their own cities and went about their business.

One of the few areas in which the people of Phoenicia caught the attention of Rome was in their
strong foundation of law. There were three great schools of law during the Roman period — at Rome,
Constantinople and Beirut.

Driven by their desire for trade and the acquisition of such commodities as silver from Spain, gold
from Africa, and tin from the Scilly Isles, the Phoenicians sailed far and wide, even beyond the
Mediterranean's traditional safe limits of the Pillars of Hercules and into the Atlantic. They were
credited with many important nautical inventions and firmly established a reputation as the greatest
mariners in the ancient world.

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Phoenician ships were represented in the art of their neighbours, and their seamanship is praised
above all other by such ancient writers as Homer and Herodotus. If any nation could claim to be the
masters of the seas, it was the Phoenicians. According to Herodotus, the Phoenicians managed to
circumnavigate Africa in a voyage in c. 600 BCE sponsored by the Egyptian pharaoh Necho.

The Phoenicians did not have the compass or any other navigational instrument, and so they relied on
natural features on coastlines, the stars toreach their destination.
The Greek name for Pole Star of the Ursa Minor constellation was actually Phoenike or 'Phoenician'.

The Phoenicians were not limited to the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, they also sailed down the
Red Sea and possibly the Indian Ocean too. The book of I Kings in the Bible describes a Phoenician
expedition during the 10th century BCE to a new land called Ophir in order to acquire gold, silver,
ivory, and gems. The location of Ophir is not known but is variously considered to be in the Sudan,
Somalia, Yemen, or even an island in the Indian Ocean. The ships of this fleet were built at Eziongeber
on the Red Sea coast and funded by King Solomon.

Travelling between settlements, usually located on rocky peninsulas, was much easier by sea,
especially when carrying such cumbersome cargo as cedar wood logs for which the Phoenicians were
famed. It was thanks to the very same wood the Phoenicians were never short of the necessary raw
materials to build their ships. The Phoenicians also preferred the security of small islets just off the
coast, the classic example being the great city of Tyre, so that ships were the most practical means of

This independence was reduced in 332 BC when Alexander the Great arrived with his army and placed
mainland Phoenicia under Greek control. It plummeted further when Rome destroyed Carthage in 146
BC, ending the overseas “safety valve” of the Phoenicians.

Alexander the Great, who took it after a seven-month siege in 332. He completely destroyed the
mainland portion of the town and used its rubble to build an immense build an immense causeway to
gain access to the island section. After the town’s capture, 10,000 inhabitants were put to death, and
30,000 were sold into slavery. Alexander’s causeway converted the island into a peninsula.

Tyre was subsequently under the influence of Ptolemaic Egypt and in 200 became part of the
Hellenistic Seleucid kingdom.
It came under Roman rule in 64 BCE and was renowned in Roman times for its textiles and for a
purple dye extracted from sea snails of the genus Murex (the dye was said to be worth more than its
weight in gold, and purple cloth became a symbol of wealth and of royalty). By the 2nd century CE it
had a sizable Christian community. Tyre was under Muslim rule from 638 to 1124, when it fell to the
Crusaders, and until the 13th century it was a principal town of the kingdom of Jerusalem.

The people of Phoenicia, which we know today as Lebanon, lived for more than a thousand years as
free and independent Phoenicians, the ancient people whose name was given to this land. After the
conquest by Alexander the Great in 332 BC, their homeland took on new life as Greek-dominated

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

The Phoenician Alphabet

The Phoenicians lived along the Mediterranean coast in what is now Lebanon. They inhabited a
number of different city-states, the most famous of which were Tyre, Byblos, and Sidon. These
Phoenician places were often in conflict with each other for domination of the region. Because of this
lack of cooperation, the Phoenicians were conquered and forced to pay tribute to the virtually every
empire in the region, including the Egyptians, Hittites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, and Greeks.

When the Phoenicians created their new alphabet, they worked from symbols that were already in
use among the Semitic-speaking peoples of Canaan and Mesopotamia. As early as 3000 BC, the
Sumerians and the Egyptians had already invented writing systems based on symbols. These early
scripts were primarily used by merchants and traders to record contracts, receipts, and lists of goods.

o The Phoenician city of Tyre - A rich history of industry, mythology and conflict
o 2,700-year-old Phoenician Shipwreck Discovered in Maltese Waters
o Treasure trove of ancient Phoenician artifacts uncovered in Lebanon

The merchants and traders of Phoenicia wanted something that would not be too difficult to learn
and would be quick and easy to use. Unfortunately, both the Egyptian and Sumerian writing systems
did not meet these criteria very well.

The Phoenicians realized that most words were made up of only a small number of simple sounds.
They found that these sounds could be represented in only 22 symbols and their various
combinations. In their newly created alphabet, the Phoenicians used symbols or letters only for
consonants, although their spoken language did contain vowel sounds.
The modern Hebrew and Arabic alphabets, which were directly influenced by the Phoenician one, still
do not contain symbols for vowels.

The Phoenicians spread their alphabet through their vast trading network that stretched throughout
the entire Mediterranean region. The Greeks adopted it and by the 8th century BC had added vowels.
Later, the Romans also used a version of this same alphabet that is virtually identical to the one used
today in the English-speaking world.

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

The Church of Phoenicia

As we learn from Acts. Christianity reached the cities of Phoenicia at a very early period. When Paul
was converted, there were already Christians At Damascus (Acts x. 2, 12f., 19) ; for Christians in Tyre
see xxi. 4. for Ptolemais see xxi. 7. for Sidon1 xxvii. 2, and in general xi. 19.
Between the churches of Jerusalem and Antioch the cardinal question of the Gentile Christians was
debated; it was the church of Antioch which took the most decided step forward in the history of the
gospel; and as early as the second century it gave further expression12

Delving into the history of the Canaan-Phoenicians, Karim El Koussa searches for the true identity of
the Christian savior and challenges conventional thinking about his origins.

Phoenician Christians are the First Apostolic Converts outside the Jews

Jesus Christ started his ministry among Jews and they were the first to accept his message and
Christian faith. Among the earliest record of this conversion appears in Matthew 15:21.

Mattew 15:21 Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. 22 A Canaanite
woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, "Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me!
My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly." 23 Jesus did not answer a word. So his
disciples came to him and urged him, "Send her away, for she keeps crying out after us." 24 He
answered, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel." 25 The woman came and knelt before him.
"Lord, help me!" she said. 26 He replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the
dogs." 27 "Yes it is, Lord," she said. "Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table."
28 Then Jesus said to her, "Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted." And her
daughter was healed at that moment.

Originally, the disciples started their evangelism by proclaiming the gospel to Jews as this New
Testament record indicates:

"Acts 11:19 Now they which were scattered abroad upon the persecution that arose about
Stephen travelled as far as Phenice, and Cyprus, and Antioch, preaching the word to none but
unto the Jews only."

However, this initial drive was changes and the whole world became target for the gospel. The New
Testament record details how the change came about. The Phoenician Christian community of
Phoenician cities was a way station for the Apostles as they went on their journeys of evangelism by
land and sea to the North.

Saint Paul when traveling from Rome to Jerusalem, after his third trip of evangelism, stopped at
Rhodes. After that he took a boat to Tyre where he found a considerable Christian community: (Acts
The meeting of St. Paul with the Christian community of Tyre took place in the year 58 A.D. This goes
to prove that Christianity had established its roots in this Phoenican metropolis at the beginnings of
the Apostolic age.

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

The ancient practice of Marry-ing the Land

Posted on February 21, 2016 by Sharon Blackie:Reigniting the divine feminine through Celtic stories and traditions…

The native pre-Christian mythology of the Celtic Phoenician nations which stretch along the Western
Atlantic seaboard of Europe is highly woman-centred.
In our oldest stories, the creative, generative essence of the universe was female, women represented
the spiritual and moral axis of the world, and the power of men was predominantly social.

In Ireland in particular, the Dinnseanchas — the ancient stories and lore of place, the foundation-
stones both of personal and communal identity, and of moral obligations to the land and the tribe —
tell us how so many major features of the landscape came to be named after women

Feminine Authority of the Otherworld

Almost all Irish rivers, for example, bear the names of Otherworldly women. Ancient Irish literature is
filled with stories of powerful women who were incarnations of Sovereignty, the goddess of the land
who was its guardian and protector. Sovereignty was the spirit of the Earth itself, the anima mundi, a
deeply ecological force. She’s been treated badly over the centuries, this old goddess of Sovereignty.

She began to lose her power when stories from the ancient oral tradition of the Celts were committed
to paper by Christian monks; their written words formed the new and only permitted truth. A goddess
could not be tolerated in this brave new world: theirs was the only god.

These powerful, complicated divine women who carried with them all the authority and the fertile
and creative power of the land in all its ambiguity and complexity, were reinvented as saints. And if
the qualities they embodied in their specific incarnations didn’t fit the new image of what a good
woman should be, they were remodelled as promiscuous, pseudo-historical queens.

By the seventeenth century, when a woman could no longer be accepted in any significant position of
influence, all that remained of the story of the powerful goddess of Sovereignty were the dreamlike
visions or poets about weak, melancholy maiden, romanticised and unreal.

When the King married the Goddess of the Land

In the days when our native traditions predominated, the power of Sovereignty — the power of
women — was also the power to determine who should rule the land. In the old myths, Sovereignty’s
power was paramount. If the power she bestowed was abused, then we invited disaster.

During the reign of a king favoured by the goddess, the land was fertile and prosperous, and the tribe
was victorious in war. But if the king didn’t match up to her expectations, he didn’t last long. What
she expected was that the king, through his example, would cherish the land and its people.

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So it was that the ancient rites of kingship in Ireland included a ceremonial marriage, the banais ríghi,
between the king and the goddess of the land lasted into the sixteenth century.

In this sacred marriage, the king swore to uphold and protect the land and his people, and to be true
to both; in return Sovereignty, the source of life, granted him the gifts which would help him to keep
his oath. But the source of life must be respected. While there is mutual respect between the two
partners – between the goddess and the king, between the land and the people, between nature and
culture, between feminine and masculine – then all is in harmony and life is filled with abundance.
But when the contract is broken, the fertile land becomes the Wasteland.

Reclaiming the mythical woman of the past

And so it is that today we find ourselves in an ailing world, cut off from our roots. So we find ourselves
in a Wasteland of unbelonging; in the throes of a worldwide environmental crisis of our own making
which threatens the existence of so many species on this planet.

The key is there, in the mythologies that are indigenous to native lands playing a unique and critical
role in the wellbeing of the Earth and survival of its inhabitants.
Those stories tell us, women were the guardians of the natural world, the heart of the land. She is the
guardian and protector of the land, the bearer of wisdom, the root of spiritual and moral authority for
the tribe.
The stories tell us that the land was shaped by inspirational women leaders.

The ancient Irish Phoenicain Celts and Culdee priests of Iona both wore a white dress, and followed
God Io (Jehovah or Yahweh). Their teachings and property descended from father to son.

The priesthood of Iona were the first people who introduced Christianity into Ireland and the West.

The divine Virgin (parthenos) known in the ancient East mysteries by such names Core or Kore. The
meaning of the name Kore or Core is virgin, or virgo.
The ancient Gnostics said that Kore, the Virgin, gave birth to the divine principle known as the Christ.
She is known by the names of the Virgin of the World, the Kore Kosmou or Virgin of the Kosmos.

This mythology is connected to the priesthood and the legends of the Virgin and Fertility with names
such as Erin known as the ancient Triple Goddess of Ireland, and the Tuatha Dé Dannan means
followers of the feminine, divine, or dannan meaning Lady patron Saint together with Columba.

Fifteen hundred years ago, a young woman in north-west Ireland had a vision and prophesied that the
infant in her womb would grow into “a son of such flower that he shall be reckoned as one of the
prophets. He is destined by God to lead innumerable souls to the heavenly kingdom.”
Throughout 2021, we have been commemorating the anniversary of the birth of that child: Columba.

Columba founded several monasteries

Around 563 AD Columba and his twelve companions crossed to Dunaverty near Southend, Argyll, in
Kintyre before settling in Iona in Scotland, then part of the Ulster kingdom of Dál Riata

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Ireland - Scotland
The Alphabet and its Legacy
The alphabet employed by the Phoenicians was the inheritor of a long tradition of alphabetic writing
and was itself adapted for use throughout the Mediterranean basin by numerous populations
speaking many languages. The present contribution traces the origins of the alphabet in Sinai and the
Levant before discussing different alphabetic standardizations in Ugarit and Phoenician Tyre. The
complex adaptation of the latter for representation of the Greek language is described in detail, then
some brief attention is given to likely—Etruscan and other Italic alphabets—and possible (Iberian and
Berber) descendants of the Phoenician alphabet. Finally, it is stressed that current research does not
view the Phoenician and other alphabets as inherently simpler, more easily learned, or more
democratic than other writing systems. The Phoenician alphabet remains, nevertheless, an impressive
technological development worthy, especially by virtue of its generative power, of detailed study
ranging from paleographic and orthographic specifications to social and political contextualization.

That Columba was a titan of the early Irish and British church is beyond argument. Medieval Scots
hailed him as “spes Scotorum” – “hope of Scots”. The Irish were so in awe of him that they made him
one of their three patron saints. Powerful English kings sought spiritual support from his immediate
successors. Columba is remembered as a missionary, miracle-worker, king-maker and, above all, as the
founder of an enormously influential monastery on Iona.

Catholic pilgrims have again returned to Iona, the coastal island where St. Columba launched the
evangelization of Scotland more than 1,400 years ago.
“Iona has played a crucial part in Scottish history, where kings were crowned, married, and buried,
and where pilgrims brought their petitions for centuries,”
Today anno 2022, it maintains this status as a key historical monument in Scottish history to pray
The latest pilgrimage to Iona began June 11 at St. Columba’s Cathedral in the west coast town of
Oban, where Bishop Brian McGee of Argyll and the Isles celebrated a 6 a.m. Mass for the pilgrimage.

Hope of Scots. Saint Columba, Iona and Scotland.

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St Margaret of Antioch
The Latin name "Marina", which in English means "of the sea" or "maritime", was translated into Greek with
the name "Margaret", which in English translates to "pearl".

The Greek Marina came from Antioch, Antioch in Pisidia (as opposed to Antioch of Syria). Margaret
the Virgin, known as Margaret of Antioch in the West, as Saint Marina the Great Martyr is a
patroness of pregnant women, servant maids, and against diabolical infestations.

During the reign (284–305) of the Roman emperor Diocletian, Margaret allegedly refused marriage
with the prefect Olybrius at Antioch and was consequently beheaded after undergoing extravagant
trials and tortures. Her designation as patron saint of expectant mothers (particularly in difficult
labour) and her emblem, a dragon, are based on one of her trials: Satan, disguised as a dragon.
The original meaning of the Greek word martys was “witness”
Since the most striking witness that Christians could bear to their faith was to die rather than deny it,
the word soon began to be used in reference to one who was not only a witness but specifically a
witness unto death. In any event, they were ordered to prove their abandonment of Christianity by
offering sacrifices to the Roman gods; when they refused to do so, they were executed.
The Church of St Margaret, Westminster Abbey is in the grounds of Westminster Abbey on
Parliament Square, London, England.[1] is dedicated to Margaret of Antioch,[2 A former Rector of St
Margaret's, Hensley Henson, reported a mediaeval tradition that the church was as old
as Westminster Abbey, owing its origins to the same royal saint, and that "The two churches,
conventual and parochial, have stood side by side for more than eight centuries.
In July 1189, the Abbot and Convent of Westminster received a grant from Pope Clement III which
confirmed that St Margaret's Church was outside the jurisdiction of the Bishop of London.
In 1222, the Abbey and its property was declared not only to be outside the diocese of London but
also exempt from the authority of the Archbishop of Canterbury.In 1972 redefined.
The Church of St Margaret of Scotland, also known as St Margarets Catholic Church, is named after
11th-century English Saxon princess who became Queen of Scotland when she married Malcolm III[3],_Twickenham
Margaret’s Hope; the city was first recorded in the 11th century, with the marriage of Malcolm III,
King of Scots, and Saint Margaret at the church in Dunfermline. The ceremony was performed
by Fothad, the last Celtic bishop of St Andrews..
It had been said that "a nation is what its women make its men"; certainly Scotland and its king
became a new creation under the all-pervading wisdom and charity of Margaret.
The king, her husband, was unable to read; but she inspired him with so much interest in all her
pursuits, that he often looked into her prayer-books, and the rest of her little library; In that rude age,
it was often impossible for the poor to obtain justice in their disputes between man and man. The
queen employed commissioners to travel over the country, and observe which of those unhappy
captives were subjected to the severest treatment. When her commissioners had made their report,
she sent them down again with money, to purchase the freedom of her suffering countrymen.
But greatest miracle of all she taught her earthly-minded warrior husband not only to respect
spiritual things but to seek after them. " She taught him not only how to fast and pray, but, what
must have been a more difficult lesson, humble, self-effacing charity towards Christ in the person of
the poor. The whole court and kingdom must have marvelled as they saw the proud warrior kneel
down and wash the feet of the poor folks that Margaret attended every day:

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In Dunfermline, she erected a noble abbey church in honour of the Most Holy Trinity: elsewhere she
rebuilt the decayed churches of the once glorious Celtic church; the desecrated church of Iona was
rebuilt and Bishop Fothad's church at St. Andrews.
Chalices and other vessels of pure gold given to the church of the Most Holy Trinity in Dunfermline,
and on the queen's orders, a outstanding gift was "a cross of priceless value bearing the figure of Our
Saviour, which she had caused to be covered with the purest gold and silver studded with gems,"
which adorned the Rood Altar in Dunfermline.
The court witnessed a revival of the artistry and craftsmanship in which the old Celtic monasteries
had formerly been so proficient; the moribund native tradition of art was re-invigorated by new
craftsmen and new ideas from the continent.

Trade and commerce with foreign countries were greatly encouraged by the new queen; we read of
new kinds of cloth of various colours (possibly tartan)
A Benedictine monk of the name of Turgot, who was afterwards prior of Durham, became finally
bishop of St. Andrews. With him she concerted her plans for making her high position
advantageous to the people of Scotland.

As a result of Malcolm's wars against Norman William, the country was full of English serfs; theirs
was a particularly cruel fate and Margaret strove gallantly to lighten the tragedy of their lives and,
when possible, to ransom them and send them home. For the pilgrims, who even at that time flocked
to venerate the relics of the Apostle at St. Andrews, she erected hostels on the north and south shores
of the Firth of Forth, and between these hostels, at the place where the great railway bridge now
spans the river, she instituted a free ferry service.9 She very literally strove to do good to all men, and
in order that all her subjects, no matter how poor, might have easy access to her, she is traditionally
believed to have made a habit of holding courts in the open fields. There still exists, on the North
Queensferry Road near Dunfermline, an old stone in the form of a seat, called by the local people St.
Margaret's Stone because it was one of the queen's seats of judgement.
Queen St Margaret was a great benefactor to the church of St. Andrew's: who became the
metropolitan see of Scotland.

As his Queen consort, Margaret established a new church dedicated to the Holy Trinity, which evolved
into an Abbey was firmly established as a prosperous royal mausoleum for the Scottish Crown.
Dunfermline Abbey would play a major role in the general romanisation of religion throughout the
kingdom. At the peak of its power the abbey controlled four burghs, three courts of regality and a
large portfolio of lands from Moray in the north down into Berwickshire. Dunfermline Palace was also
connected to the abbey and the first known documentation of the Auld Alliance was signed there on
23 October 1295.

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King David I, son of Queen Margaret

Queen Margaret died at Edinburgh Castle in Edinburgh, Scotland 16 november 1093, merely days
after receiving the news of her husband and son's deaths in battle.
In the space of three short November days Scotland had lost a vigorous and capable king and the
queen, his wise counsellor. In the annals of Dunfermline are many references to offerings made at St.
Margaret's Shrine. In 1315 King Robert the Bruce gave gifts to the Abbey to maintain a wax candle to
burn before the shrine "constantly and forever.

King David1 is the son of Queen Margaret and King Malcolm

Located in Edinburgh, Scotland; founded in 1128 by King David I, for the Canons Regular of St.
Augustine, probably brought from St. Andrews.
The foundation is said to have been an act of thanksgiving for the kings miraculous escape from the
horns of a hart, whilst hunting near Edinburgh on Holy Cross day. In the church was preserved, in a
golden reliquary, the fragment of the True Cross brought by David's mother, St. Margaret,
from Waltham Abbey, and known thereafter as the Black Rood of Scotland.
At the battle of Neville's Cross, in 1346, this precious relic fell into the hands of the English, and was
placed in Durham Cathedral, whence it disappeared at the Reformation.
Twice during the fourteenth century the abbey suffered from the invasion of English kings: the army
of Edward II plundered it in 1322, and it was burnt in 1305 by Richard II, but soon restored.

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Saint Andrews
David I or Dauíd mac Maíl Choluim (Modern: Daibhidh I mac [Mhaoil] Chaluim;[1] c. 1084 – 24 May
1153) was a Prince of the Cumbrians from 1113 to 1124 and later King of Scotland from 1124 to
1153. King David, the youngest son of Queen Margaret, built and endowed the abbey of Holy Rood,
or Holy Cross, at Edinburgh. Davids pioneering role as the instrument of diocesan reorganisation and
defender of the Scottish church's independence from claims of overlordship by the Archbishop of
York and the Archbishop of Canterbury.

St Andrew has been celebrated in Scotland for over one thousand years, with feasts being held in his
honour as far back as the year 1000 AD. However, it wasn’t until 1320, when Scotland’s independence
was declared with the signing of The Declaration of Arbroath, that he officially became Scotland’s
patron saint. Since then St Andrew has become an integral part of Scottish society.
The flag of Scotland is the saltire, also known as St Andrew’s Cross, and the ancient town of St
Andrews was named due to its claim of being the final resting place of St Andrew.

Since the 11th century the bishopric of St Andrews functioned as a de facto archbishopric. The title
of "Archbishop" is accorded in Scottish and Irish sources to Bishop Giric[85] and Bishop Fothad II.[86].
The problem was that this archepiscopal status had not been cleared with the papacy, opening the
way for English archbishops to claim overlordship of the whole Scottish church. The title of
"Archbishop" is accorded in Scottish and Irish sources to Bishop Giric[85] and Bishop Fothad II.[86]

David ordered Bishop John of Glasgow to travel to the Apostolic See in order to secure a pallium
which would elevate the bishopric of St Andrews to an archbishopric with jurisdiction over
Glasgow.[88] David I exercised little power in the 1120s, and was "king of Scots in little more than
name".[40] However, he was at the court of Henry in 1126 and in early 1127,[42] and returned to
Henry's court in 1130, serving as a judge at Woodstock for the treason trial of Geoffrey de Clinton.

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In 1320, the Declaration of Arbroath was signed by the community of the realm of Scotland and
sent to the Pope affirming Scottish independence from England.
Neither Edward nor the Pope recognised Robert de Bruce as king of Scots. Robert de bruce was the
4the Grandchild of King DavidI son of King Malcolm III of Scotland & Queen Margaret of Wessex

The Pope issued letters in November 1319 summoning the King and four Scottish bishops to attend
the papal court. Their refusal to obey the summons led to their excommunication.
The Declaration Arbroath was part of their diplomatic counter-offensive. A separate letter was sent
by the King, and by the bishop of St Andrews, but those letters have been long lost …

National Records of Scotland, formerly called the National Archives of Scotland [NAS] and, before that,
NRS the Scottish Record Office [SRO]
HM General Register House, Edinburgh EH1 3YY (Tel: +44-131-535-1314)

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The Hebraization of English

The Hebraization of English (or Hebraicization)[1][2] is the use of the Hebrew alphabet to
write English.
Because Hebrew uses an abjad, it can render English words in multiple ways. There are many uses for
hebraization, which serve as a useful tool for Israeli learners of English by indicating the
pronunciation of unfamiliar letters.

Gematria is the practice of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase by reading it as
a number, or sometimes by using an alphanumerical cipher. The letters of the alphabets involved
have standard numerical values, but a word can yield several values if a cipher is used.
Gematria is often used in Rabbinic literature. The numerological value of the letters that constitute
the word HaSatan is three hundred and sixty four: Heh has a value of five, sin has a value of three
hundred, tet has a value of nine, and nun has a value of fifty. Three hundred and sixty-four days of the
solar year, which is three hundred and sixty-five days long, Satan has license to prosecute. and so it
was said that the Satan had authority to prosecute Israel for 364 days before his reign ended on the
Day of Atonement.

Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement') is the holiest day in Judaism and Samaritanism.[2][3][4]
It occurs annually on the 10th of Tishrei,[5] corresponding to a date in September or early October.
On this day, God decides the fate of people in the coming year. People confess their own and
communal sins the Day of Judgment will be the day the atonement is executed .

Hebraization of English

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Before Roman occupation in the 2nd century, Lisbon was home to Phoenicians and Celtic tribes.

Phoenicia was an ancient civilization composed of independent city-states located along the coast of
the Mediterranean Sea stretching through what is now Syria, Lebanon and northern Israel.

In its time Phoenicia was known as the land Canaan referenced in the Hebrew Scriptures to which
Moses led the Israelites from Egypt and which Joshua then conquered

The city-states of Phoenicia flourished through maritime trade between c. 1500-322 BCE when the
major cities were conquered by Alexander the Great and, after his death, the region became a
battleground in the fight between his generals for succession and empire.

Carthage was an important Phoenicians colony in north-west Africa and it became a major civilization
in the 7th century B.C.The Phoenicians were reputed for their ship building, navigation, industry,
agriculture and government. Their maritime trade facilitated the economic, political and cultural
foundation of classical western civilization. For many thousand years, Phoenicians had a flourishing
business in the sea.

The Phoenicians were among the world's greatest explorers, but they kept many of their voyages
secret to avoid revealing their discoveries.

Lisbon is the official capital of Portugal. The city is located along the Atlantic Coast on the northern
bank of the Tagus River. The city sits on seven hills, and it prides in a 2.8 million metropolitan
population to become the largest city in the country. …. Sydyk or the just man, who is the patriarch
Noah, was the father of the seven Cabiri, who were the builders of the first ship or the ship Argo:

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According to Legend, Lisbon was founded by the ancient Greek warrior Odysseus, who is said to have
settled there after being enchanted by the region.

Ulysses (or Ulisses, in Portuguese) is the Latin name for Odysseus. Odysseus is the leading figure in
the epic poem Odyssey, attributed to Homer. He was the king of Ithaca, son of Laertes and Anticlea,
husband of Penelope, and father of Telemachos.

Famous for his courage, intelligence, and leadership, Ulysses is one of the great heroes of Greek
mythology. Homer portrayed Ulysses as a man of outstanding wisdom, eloquence, resourcefulness
and courage. His oratory skills, bravery and fighting skills were crucial to ensure the Greek victory in
the Trojan War.
After fighting the war against the city of Troy, Ulysses started his journey home. His sailing journey
was obstructed by the sea god Poseidon. During his journey home he had many incredible
adventures, facing various monsters, enchanters, and dangers. His intelligence helped him to
survive the numerous difficulties he faced during his long journey back home. After ten years of
wandering, he finally reached home.

Phoenicia was attacked by foreigners like Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians and Greeks.

Alexander the Great was convinced that he would not be able to take Tyre without a navy. His
previous victory at Issus and other Phoenician city states of Byblos, Arwad and Sidon meant that the
fleets of these cities, came under his banner. This immediately gave him command of a fleet of 80
ships. 120 war galleys were sent by the king of Cyprus, who had heard of his victories and wished to
join. With the arrival of another 23 ships from the Greek city states of Ionia, Alexander had 223
galleys under his command, giving him command of the sea.

After defeating the Phoenicians Alexander the Great massacred the whole city of Tyre and this was
the last day of the Phoenicia in the history. Ending the Phoenician Civilization and ushering in the
Hellenistic Age.

The Phoenicians greatest contribution to the modern civilization is their alphabets.

The present English alphabets have been derived from Phoenicians alphabets.

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Oath First King Don Afonso

The Romans established the city as one of the most significant cities in the Iberian Peninsular after
renaming it, Felicitas Julia.
In 714AD, North African Moors occupied the city, fortified it and renamed it Lissabona.

The Moors were eventually driven out after 400 years by Christian fighters.

In 1095 Henri de Bourgogne received the county of Portugal, between Douro and Minho, of its
stepfather Alphonse VI, king of Leon and Castile after Christ had appeared to him to free the people
God so much love. Henri won the famous battle of Ourique in July 25, 1139 and was proclaimed king
on the battlefield.

This title was confirmed by the Cortes united in Lamego, in 1139 or 1143, which, according to
tradition, gave in the country the laws which regulated the succession to throne and fixed,
according to the text, the laws of nobility and the laws of justice.

This letter was written in Coimbra on the 29th of

October 1152 and to be read in the archives of the Royal Monastery of Alcobaça

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Written: Now, it is in Thy hands to give to me and to my men the strength to destroy in Thy Name
these blasphemers.”
Having said these words, I fell asleep over the book, and I began to dream that I saw an old man
coming to my tent. He told me, “Afonso, have confidence, because you will conquer and destroy those
infidel kings, you will smash their power and the Lord will appear to you.”

“I do not appear to you in this way to increase your faith, but to strengthen your heart for this
conflict, and to establish the beginning of your Reign on a firm rock. Confide, Afonso, because not
only will you win this battle, but all the others where you fight against the enemies of My Cross. You
will find your people joyful and fortified for the combat, and they will ask you to enter into battle with
the title of King.

"I am the Founder and Destroyer of kingdoms and empires, and I desire - in you and in your
descendents - to found for Myself an Empire, by which means My name will be known in far-off
And so that your descendents know Who gave them the Kingdom, you should place on your coat of
arms the price with which I redeemed the human race [the Cross and the five wounds] as well as that
by which I was sold by the Jews [the 30 coins], and it will be for Me a holy Kingdom, pure in faith and
loved by Me.”

As I heard these things, I prostrated myself on the ground and adored Him, saying, “By what merit, O
Lord, dost Thou show me such great mercy? Place Thy benign gaze, then, on the successors that Thou
hast promised me and safeguard the Portuguese people. And if it happens that Thou hast planned to
send them some chastisement, let if fall on me … and free this people whom I love like an only son.

Pope Clemente V´s Vox Clamantis bull in 1312 decreed the abolishment of the Order of the Temple
and all of its assets to be handed in to Hospitallers across all Christian territories.
By not accepting this order, King Dinis, however, provisionally annexes all Templar assets to his Crown
and skilfully initiates diligences with the Holy See to create a new religious militia, claiming the need
to defend Portugal from Islam close from bordering North Africa and the Andaluz region.
After four years of negotiation, King Dinis is granted permission to found the new military religious
order. On March 19th of 1319, through Pope John XXII´s bull, the Ordo Militae Jesu Christi, or Military
Order of Our Lord Jesus Christ, is instituted and with it King Dinis incorporates the Knights Templar,
their assets and privileges from the now extinct Order of the Temple. .
1417, King John I receives the nomination by the Holy See for his son - Infante D. Henrique - to be
governor and keeper of the Order of Christ.

The Order of Christ was founded in 1317 by King Denis as the successor of the Order of the Temple,
which was dissolved in 1312.
The new order received the same statutes and management of the goods and vassals of this order.
In 1319 the Order of Christ was recognized by Pope John XXII on condition that the Holy See could also
appoint knights. The originally purely spiritual order gradually became more secular.
The grandmasterhood was united under John III by pope Hadrian VI (1522-'23) with the Portuguese
crown. [3] Both crosses were charged with another, white, cross for difference with the imperial arms
of Portugal. This last was a red cross on a white field because Portugal was since 1179 de jure a
vassal of the Holy See.
1854.pdf at DuckDuckGo

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Infante D. Henrique appointed Administrator of the Order of Christ

The Order of Christ, the ancient military order of the Crusades that had been extinguished in the 14th
century. The Infante D. Henrique was the administrator of its goods and resources.

In the 1450s, the Order of Christ became associated with the crown of Portugal, which several papal
bulls confirmed with the most important effect: Law of the Padroado, through which the kings of
Portugal assumed the role of patrons and protectors of missionary action and the organization of the
Catholic Church in the your domains.
Among other examples, it was the kings who chose the bishops of the new dioceses that were created
in Africa, Brazil and Asia. This protagonism in religious affairs came, therefore, from the fact that the
kings of Portugal were simultaneously administrators of the Order of Christ, in perpetuity.

In their dual capacity as kings of Portugal and as ‘perpetual governors and administrators’of the
Order of Christ, Dom Manuel and his successors had the right of patronage over all ecclesiastical
posts, offices, benefices and livings in the overseas territories confided to the Padroado.

The Papal Bull Inter Caetera 1493 granted to the Real Royal House of Portugal
Mentioned: We trust in him from whom empires and governments and all good things proceed, that
with the Lord's Guidance pursue this holy and praiseworthy undertaking, to the happiness and glory
of all Christindom. ….Let no one, therefore, infringe, or with rash boldness contravene, this our
recommendation, exhortation, requisition, gift, grant, assignment, constitution, deputation, decree,
mandate, prohibition, and will

Furthermore, under penalty of excommunication late sententie to be incurred ipso facto, should
anyone thus contravene, we strictly forbid all persons of whatsoever rank, even imperial and royal, or
of whatsoever estate, degree, order, or condition, to dare without your special permit or that of your
aforesaid heirs and successors, to go for the purpose of trade or any other reason to the islands or
mainlands . . . apostolic constitutions and ordinances and other decrees whatsoever to the contrary

Let no one therefore, infringe, or with rash boldness contravene,

this our recommendation, exhortation, requisition, gift, grant, assignment,
constitution, deputation, decree, mandate, prohibition, and will.
Should anyone presume to attempt this, be it known to him that he will incur
the wrath of Almighty God and of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul.

The Supreme Order of Christ is the highest order of knighthood awarded by the Pope.
As part of the re-structuring of papal honours by Pope Pius X, the Order of Christ was made the
senior-most Papal honour.
Traditionally it was awarded to senior Catholic Heads of State, but may be awarded to anyone as a

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personal gift of the Holy Father.

The usage of the Supreme Order of Christ was restricted under the pontificate of Pope Paul VI in his
1966 Bull Equestres Ordinis, to Catholic Heads of State to whom it might be given only to
commemorate very special occasions at which the Pope himself was present.
It is now rarely awarded. The last public award was made by Pope John Paul II in 1987 to Frà Angelo
de Mojana, 77th Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.
With the death of King Baudouin of the Belgians in 1993 there are no living members of the Order of
Christ who were awarded the order publicly.
However, there may be members who were awarded the order privately. There are no official records.
It also appears that a version of the order continues to be awarded by a church jursidiction distinct
from the Vatican under the heading of Florentine-Roman.

Portuguese Controversy

The Portuguese Crown has also laid claim to the right to award the Order of Christ.
However, the Papacy stated that the right of the Portuguese monarchs to award the Order had been
granted by a Pope in the Bull Ad ea ex quibus issued in Avignonin 1319.
While the Bull in itself does not explicitly grant to the Pope the right to issue the Order, successive
popes since Pope John XXII have done so. For many years the Portuguese monarchy disputed the right
of the Papacy to award the Order, and in one famous case arrested someone for wearing the Papal
The position of the Crown of Portugal was, that the only legitimate fons honorum was the Crown.
However, this is disputed by the Papacy. (José Vicente de Bragança, The Military Order of Christ and
the Papal Croce di Cristo.)

Tomar, 18/08/2023
Since the 15th of August, visitors to the Convent of Christ can now enjoy the Manueline Window and
the full western façade of the Manueline Nave because the scaffolding has already been taken down.
Additionally, the Main Cloister's tiny balcony has been reopened.

However, access to some small areas, such as the north façade of Charola and Terreiro and a portion
of the Cloisters of Hospedaria and Santa Bárbara, is restricted due to ongoing conservation and
restoration work on this monument. These restrictions don't stop people from visiting the sites.

For details look at the window of Conventocristo

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Conventocristo tied

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The Courts of Lamego

" These are the laws of the inheritance of our Kingdom...: they are good, they arejust, we want
them to be valid for us, and for our descendants, who come later"
As Luís Reis Torgal wrote, "the acts of the courts of Lamego are a document clearly forged with an
evident nationalist intention. It shows the 'election' of the king, D. Afonso Henriques,

 by representatives of the clergy,

 the nobility and the people, and, even more important,
 a law of succession law appears formalized, which does not exist in our Ordinances.

In that law the following points were highlighted: women had the right of succession and could not
marry foreigners or, in case they did so, lo, her husband could never reign in Portugal, because it was
considered a sacred principle that the country should never be ruled by “strangers”.

According to this document, the aforementioned courts would have taken place in Lamego,
presumably in 1143. People's attorneys would have been present at them, which - among other
reasons - proves the apocryphal nature of the document, given that neither in the courts of Coimbra
in 1211 there were representatives of the municipalities.

After . the «election» of D. Afonso Henrique, made by the representative of the three states, there is
the concern of immediately making «laws of inheritance and succession of the Kingdom». In the
principles considered for these laws, it seems to be noted the influence of the Allegationsof 1580.

We transcribe from the Portuguese version that Friar António Brandão makes the most enlightening
part of the «acts»: «Viva o Senhor Rei Dom Afonso (...) These are the inheritance laws of our
Kingdom, and Alberto Cancelário do Lord King to all, and they said: they are good, they are just, we
want them to be worth it for us, and for our descendants, who will come afterwards».

In this way, «a document» was presented which was, so to speak, textual proof that, on the one
hand, D. Catarina could legitimately have been queen of Portugal and Filipe II would have no
legitimacy to be so. As has been said, it was evident that the document was apocryphal and Friar
António Brandão, the most upstanding historian of the Lusitanian Monarchy , was well aware of this,
as can be inferred from his words. But, in any case, it was of great national utility and, therefore,
during the Restoration, there was no hesitation in relation to its validity.
It was used as a fundamental law of the kingdom to prove the legitimacy of D. João IV. And the fact
is that his legitimization did not stop there - until the victory of liberalism in 1820 the «acts of the
courts of Lamego» were regarded as a succession law and in 1828 they were again invoked to prove
the legitimacy of D. Miguel. "


In name of the saint, and undivided Trinity Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who is undivided, and
inseparable. Me, Dom Afonso son of Count D. Henry, and the Queen Dona Teresa grandson of the
great D. Afonso, Emperor of the Spains, that there is little by divine piety I was sublimated to King
dignity. Since God has given us some quiet, and with your favor we achieve victory for our Moors,
enemies, and for this reason we are more discouraged, because it will not happen afterwards we
lack time, we call on Cortes, all of whom follow: the Archbishop of Braga, the Bishop of Viseu, the
Bishop of Porto, the Bishop of Coimbra, the Bishop of Lamego, and the people of our Court who will
be named below, and the prosecutors of good people each for their Cities,

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it is convenient to know Coimbra, Guimarães, Lamego, Viseu, Barcelos, Porto, Trancoso, Chaves,
Castelo Real, Vouzela, Paredes Old,Seia, Covilhã, Monte Maior, Esgueira, Vila de Rei, and by the Lord
King Lourenço Viegas there is also a large crowd of monks, and clergy.

We got together in Lamego at the Church of Santa Maria de Almacave. And the King sat on the
throne Real without the Royal insignia, and rising Lourenço Viegas procurator of the King said:

“ Made you gather King D here. Afonso, whom you raised in Campo de Ourique, so that see the
letters of the Holy Father, and say if you want him to be King. ”

They said all: “ We want him to be King. ”

AND said the prosecutor: “ If that is your will, give him the Royal badge. ”

AND everyone said: “ Demos in the name of God. ”

AND the Archbishop of Braga arose, and took from the Abbot of Lorvão a great golden crown full of
precious stones that outside the Goths Kings, and the had given to the Monastery, and they put it in
the head of the King, and the Lord King with the naked sword in his hand, with which he entered the
battle said:

- “ Blessed be God who helped me, with this sword I delivered you, and I overcame our enemies, and
you made me King and your companion, and for you made me, let us do laws by which our land is
governed in peace. ”

They said all: “ We want Lord King, and we are happy to make laws, which are more you want,
because we all with our sons and daughters, grandchildren and granddaughters are your warrant. ”

Called soon the Lord King the Bishops, the nobles, and the procurators, and said among themselves,
let us first make laws of the inheritance and succession of the Kingdom, and did these that follow.

Alive Mr. King Dom Afonso, and possess the Kingdom. If you have male children live and have the
Kingdom, so that it is not necessary to make them become Kings of new. In this way they will
happen. By death of the father he will inherit the son, then the grandson, then the son of the
grandson, and finally the children of the children, in all the centuries forever.

If the King's first son to die in his father's life, the second will be King, and this if the third dies, and if
the third, the fourth, and the more who follow this way.

If the King dies without children, if he has a brother, he will possess the Kingdom in his life, but when
he dies he will not be his son King, without first doing so Bishops, prosecutors, and nobles of the
King's Court. If they do it King will be King and if they don't elect him, he won't reign.

Said then Lourenço Viegas Attorney of the King, to the other prosecutors: “ The King says, if you
want daughters to enter the Kingdom inheritance, and if you want make laws when it comes to
them? ”

AND after they had changed for many hours, they came to conclude, and said: “ The daughters of
Senhor Rei are also of his descent, and so we want that succeed in the Kingdom, and that laws ” be
made on it, and Bishops and nobles made the laws in this form.

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If the King of Portugal has no male child, and has a daughter, she will be the Queen so much that the
King dies; however it will be this way, it will not marry if not with Portuguese noble, and this one will
not be called King, if not after he has the Queen son man. And when it is in the Cortes, or public
records, the Queen's husband will go from left, and the Crown of the Kingdom will not put on your

Dure this law forever, that the King's first daughter never marry except Portuguese, lest the Kingdom
come to strangers, and marry a foreign Prince inherit in the same case; because we never want our
Kingdom to come out of our hands of the Portuguese, who made us King with their value without
help from others, showing in this your fortress, and shedding your blood.

These are the laws of inheritance of our Kingdom, and read them Alberto Cancheler of the Lord King
to all, and they said, good are, fair are, we want them to be worth for us, and for our descendants,
who later come.

AND said the Attorney of Mr. King.

– “ Mr. Rei says. Do you want to do laws of nobility, and justice? ”

AND answered everyone: “ So we want it, do it in the name of God ”, and they did these.

All the descendants of the Royal Blood, and their children and grandchildren are very noble. The who
are not descendants of Moors or Jewish infidels, being Portuguese to free the person of the King or
his tassel, or some son, or son-in-law in war are noble. If it happens that any captive of those we
take from the infidels, die for not wanting to make your infidelity, and persevere in the law of Christ,
your children are noble. What in war kill the opposing King, or his son, and winning your tassel is
noble. All those who are from our Court, and have ancient nobility, always remain in it. All those who
found themselves in the great battle of the Field of Ourique, be like nobles, and call yourself my
vassals like that they as their descendants.

The nobles flee the battle if they strike a woman with a sword, or spear, if do not release the King, or
his son, or his tassel with all his strength in battle, if they give false testimony, if they do not speak
truth to the Kings, if speak ill of the Queen or her daughters, if they go to the Moors, if they steal the
other people's things, if they blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, if they want to kill the King, do not be
noble, neither they nor your children forever.

These they are the laws of the nobility, and the Chancellor of the King, Alberto, read them all. AND
replied: “ good are, fair are, we want them to be worth for us, and for our descendants who come
after us. ”

All those of the Kingdom of Portugal obey the King and the Alcaides of the places that there are in
the name of the King, and they will be governed by these laws of justice.
O man if understood in theft, for the first, and second time the basement naked in a public place,
where everyone is seen stealing, put on the forehead of such a thief a sign with a hot iron, and if not
so, and to be understood again in theft, die, in case, but they will not kill you without King's warrant.

THE woman commit adultery to her husband with another man, and her own husband report her to
justice, being the credit witnesses, be burned after they let him know to the King and burn the
adulterous man with she. However, if the husband does not want to be burned, the accomplice is not
burned; but be free; because it is not justice that she lives, and that they kill him.

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If someone killing a man to anyone, die for the case. If someone forces noble virgin, die, and all your
farm is the reviled maiden. If she doesn't be noble, marry both, whether man is noble or not.

When someone by force to take someone else's farm, go give the owner his quarrel to justice, that
will make your farm returned to you.

O man who draws blood from others with moldy iron, or without it, who finds stone, or some stick,
the mayor will make you return the damage and make you pay ten maravedis.

O to injure Agoazil, mayor, bearer of the king, or the doorman, if the hurt, or signal him with hot
iron, when not 50 marevedis, and return the damage.

These are the laws of justice and nobility, and the Chancellor of the King, Alberto, read them
everyone, and said: “Good are, fair are, we want them to be worth for us, and for all our
descendants who later come”

AND said the King's Attorney, Lourenço Viegas: “ You want the King our lord to go to the King of Leo
Courts, or give him tribute, or to someone else except the Pope who confirmed in the Kingdom? ”

AND everyone got up, and having their naked swords set up, they said: “ We are free, our King is
free, our hands will set us free, sir that he consents, dies, and if he is King, he does not reign, but
loses the landlord. ”

AND the lord King rose again with the crown on his head, and a naked sword in his hand spoke to
everyone: “ You know very well how many battles I have made for your freedom, you are of this
good witnesses, and it is also my arm, and sword; if anyone thing to consent, die for the same case,
and if you are my son, or grandson, do not reine ”: and everyone said: “ good word, die if it is such
that it consents in someone else's domain, do not reign ”; and the King again:

- “ So do it, etc.

Source: "Portuguese translation from Minutes of the Lamego Courts, according to the frei lesson
Bernardo de Brito - friar António Brandão ", in Eduardo Freitas da Coast ( org. ), Collection of
Portuguese Constitutional Texts, Lisbon, Political Documentation Editions ( « Archivum » ), 1955,
pages 31-34.
Luís Kings Torgal, Political Ideology and State Theory in Restoration, Vol. I, Coimbra, General Library
of the University, 1981, pgs. 231-233;
See document in Latin and Portuguese at
or to
See the Constitution of 1822.

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Portugal's Crown belongs to the Immaculate Conception

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Mary's privilege ... was the result of God's grace

The Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary is so important in the spiritual tradition of the
Portuguese soul that Mother's Day was celebrated for centuries on December 8th.

It is curious, as even the territory is connected by the Sanctuary of Sameiro to the north and that of
Vila Viçosa to the south. However, the identification goes further.

The national uprising of 1640, gave the throne to the Duke of Bragance Dom João IV who was
crowned King of Portugal on December 15, 1640, following the Restoration movement.

Again the Lamego's laws were restored by the Cortès, January 26, 1641, and were, in principle,
govern the Portugal until the beginning of the 19th century.

In 1646, John IV proclaimed Mary, in her conception as the Immaculate Conception

(the 'Immaculata'), the Patroness of Portugal by royal decree of the House of Braganza.

The doctrine had appeared in the Middle Ages and had been fiercely debated in the 15th and 16th
centuries, but a bull issued in 1616 by Pope Paul V finally "[forbade] anyone to teach or preach a
contrary opinion.

Three years later, in 1649, the iconography of the Immaculata was established by Francisco Pacheco
(1564-1654), a Spanish artistic advisor to the Inquisition, based on Revelation XII:1.[12]

1854 Ineffabilis Deus (Latin for 'Ineffable God') is an apostolic constitution by Pope Pius IX.[3]
It defines the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary without sin.

The document was promulgated on December 8, 1854,[4] the date of the annual Solemnity of the
Immaculate Conception, and followed from a positive response to the encyclical Ubi primum.

1868 The bull "Ineffabilis" in four languages; or, The Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed
Virgin Mary defined: with an introduction and a dissertation on the art of illuminating with some
account of the project undertaken by Monsieur L'Abb Sire . . . ,

In a gesture of deep devotion and again as thanks for Portugal's independence, he decided to
designate Nossa Senhora da Conceição as Patroness of the Kingdom and crown her at the courts of
1646, as Queen of Portugal.

From that day forward, no other King or Queen used the Portuguese crown again.

Descendant of the first Duke of Bragança, Dom Afonso, (son of Dom João I and the only daughter of
the Holy Constable),

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Queen and Patroness of Portugal; the “Land of Sancta Maria”

The Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary is so important in the spiritual tradition of the
Portuguese soul that Mother's Day was celebrated for centuries on December 8th. It is curious, as
even the territory is connected by the Sanctuary of Sameiro to the north and that of Vila Viçosa to the
south. However, the identification goes further. Dom João IV was crowned King of Portugal on
December 15, 1640, following the Restoration movement. In a gesture of deep devotion and again as
thanks for Portugal's independence, he decided to designate Nossa Senhora da Conceição as
Patroness of the Kingdom and crown her at the courts of 1646, as Queen of Portugal. From that day
forward, no other King or Queen used the Portuguese crown again. Descendant of the first Duke of
Bragança, Dom Afonso, (son of Dom João I and the only daughter of the Holy Constable),

In the creation of the Royal Order of Vila Viçosa, underlies the conception of Portugal as the Marian
country par excellence, the “Land of Santa Maria” and the deep devotion of the people to the
Immaculate Conception. In it, he found support and protection for the difficult moments of loss of
sovereignty and around her he united in prayers of hope for the freedom and independence of the
Kingdom. She is the rose with five petals of the Braganças, as are the five corners of the coat of arms
of Portugal.

It was the last Royal Order to be created, the first being São Miguel da Ala.

Miquel, the Prince of Angels, was the first Patron Saint of Portugal and in this duo lies the oldest
tradition of Cavalry, where Our Lady is the highest Lady and São Miguel the ideal of the Knight.

Both establish the symbolic balance between Our Lady's independence and absolute freedom of
conscience; and the defense of justice and the right to the truth of São Miguel.

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The Portuguese Military Order of our Lady the immaculate conception of vila Vicosa
The Royal Military Order of Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Vila Viçosa clearly distances itself from the
honorary distinction, the record of uninteresting functionality that characterized it while it was used
fraudulently by an illegitimate claimant to head the Royal House of Bragança.

It remained untouched by the Republic, which had no way of appropriating it as it did for most of the
other Royal Orders, as it belonged to the Royal House of Bragança.It suffered, however, the
apocryphal management of the branch of the forever banished family, which used it as a piece of

In 1985, the Permanent International Commission for the Studies of the Orders of Chivalry, confirmed
Dona Maria Pia of Saxe-Coburgo and Bragança as Grand Master of the Royal Military Order of Nossa
Senhora da Conceição of Vila Viçosa.

The document shown below contains the report of the Executive Committee of the International
Commission of the Orders of Chivalry, which removes the leadership from Duarte Pio and hands it
over without reservation to HRH Dona Maria Pia.

Her successor is HRH Dom Rosário Poidimani of Saxe-Coburg and Bragança, the current Grand Master
of the Order who removes the leadership from Duarte Pio and hands it over unreservedly to HRH
Dona Maria Pia.

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Historical framework

The spirituality of the Portuguese people is linked with History, in connection with Nossa Senhora da
It began in the cradle, when D. Afonso Henriques celebrated in his honor a pontifical of thanksgiving,
at the time of the conquest of Lisbon. Later, D. Nuno Álvares Pereira founded the Church of Nossa
Senhora do Castelo in Vila Viçosa, in the same location where the Sanctuary is located today, offering
him the image of Our Lady, which he had acquired in England.
It was the recognition of the mystical intervention of force that allowed the people to withstand the
siege of Lisbon in 1384, elect King Dom João I in 1385 (on April 6th, curiously on the same day that the
previous year he had won the Battle of Atoleiros) and obtain the final victory on the 15th of August of
the same year in the Battle of Aljubarrota, under the command of D. Nuno Álvares Pereira by the
way, San Nuno de Santa Maria.
The same unshakable faith led Infante Dom Henrique to build the Church of Santa Maria de Belém,
where the monks of the Royal Military Order of Christ provided assistance to those involved in the
adventure of Portuguese navigation and which was later replaced by the Jerónimos Monastery.

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Without forgetting Sagres, where it is assumed that it was also D. Henrique who had the Church of
Santa Maria built, strategically located on the promontory, in order to see the Atlantic-Mediterranean
axis of maritime navigation (currently dedicated to Nossa Senhora da Graça)..

The Royal Military Order of Nossa Senhora da Conceição de Vila Viçosa, or abbreviated Ordem de Vila
Viçosa or Ordem de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, was created on February 6, 1818 by Royal Decree of
King Dom João VI of Portugal (also Emperor of Brazil , under the title of Dom João I of Brazil), on the
day he was acclaimed to the throne of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves, in the
city of Rio de Janeiro.

More than his coronation, he intended to celebrate the end of the French invasions and thank Nossa
Senhora da Conceição for his intervention in obtaining independence from Portugal.

On September 10, 1819, it acquired its Statutes, through the Permit in which Dom João created the
degrees and insignia.
The headquarters of the Order was fixed in Vila Viçosa, connected to the Royal Chapel, where the
feast of Nossa Senhora da Conceição would take place every year on the 8th of December.

Honoring tradition, the Order of Vila Viçosa's mission is to conceive, develop and support projects that
promote independence, autonomy, freedom and sovereignty.

From the individual to the collective level, in the relearning of self-sufficiency, as a way of generating
consistent results, which lead to the independence of Portugal and the Portuguese People.

At the right moments, Knights appear willing to place themselves at the service of their fellow man, in
defense of Universal Rights, which override any and all temporal power, in search of a reunion with
Portuguese culture and identity.

The Order of Nossa Senhora da Conceição was once exclusive to nobles.
However, true nobility comes from the heart and transcends social classes. As Squires of the Order,
those who demonstrate purity of heart and an unshakable will to embrace the noble mission that the
Order proposes will be accepted. In between the Squires, those who, having already rendered service,
prove to have the necessary determination, capacity and commitment to be formed in the relevant
knowledge and armed Knights will be chosen.

The degrees are organized as follows: Squire, Knight, Commander, Grand Cross
Royal Grand Cross (Exclusive to the Grand Master, the Head of the Royal House of Bragança.)

Insignia: The insignia is assigned to all grades, with variations for each grade. It was designed in 1818
by Jean-Baptiste Debret and consists of a medallion with a crowned star, in the center of which are
inscribed the letters AM, surrounded by a circle which reads “Patroness of the Kingdom”. It has the
band with a light blue wide center bar and two narrow white side bar

Cloak: The white mantle, edged in blue, bears the Order's insignia embroidered on the left side. It is
used from the attribution of the degree of Chivalry and the moment the oath is taken.
No other order overlaps with it, so the insignia can be used on the mantle of another Order, in case
you belong to more than one.

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Freedom of conscience
The Order of Vila Viçosa is independent of all powers, from the political to the ecclesiastical.
It is a lay Order and does not require religious worship, in order to safeguard absolute freedom of

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The document shown below contains the report of the Executive Committee of the International
Commission of the Orders of Chivalry, which removes the leadership from Duarte Pio and hands it
over without reservation to HRH Dona Maria Pia.

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Portugals history is integrated as a Monarchy with the Crown on her blue-white flag

The blue and white flag of Portugal was always referred to in

reports presented by the media as the flag of the monarchy, without understanding exactly why.
In fact, as any averagely educated person knows, the flag of Portugal has undergone profound
modifications, alterations and mutations, since the 1920s after the murder of King D. Carlos and his
son D. Luís, in a cowardly and vile act, instigated, planned and executed by Carbonária, in 1908.

“The National flag is the identity of a race, the soul of a people, translated into color.
 White symbolizes innocence, unanimous candor, virgin purity. In blue there is sky and sea,
immensity, infinite goodness, simple joy.
 The background of the Portuguese soul, seen with the eyes, is blue and white.
 From this nostalgic background, of clear harmony, of naive lyricism, stands out, study it well,
the magnanimous coat of arms: in a field of heroism... burning red, seven strong,
impregnable castles, five sacred and religious corners, and around, in a bucolic embrace, two
branches of laurel and olive trees. It is the martial and rural shield of a Christian people of
farmers, who, sowing, praying and fighting, organized a homeland.
 The crown, which was the shield's harmonious closure, became a sinister stain more than two
centuries ago. Dawn gusts wiped it out yesterday forever. The noble standard is without
blemish. Let us glorify the shield, crown it again with an epic diadem of stars: stars of blood
and stars of gold, stars that sing and shine. Just replace the infamous blur with a circle of
immortal stars”.

In fact, by abandoning the blue and white, we abandoned the sea where the sky is mirrored,
innocence and openness to the spirit, to pay attention above all to land and blood. We stopped
looking and scrutinizing the horizon and pursued the ever-dreaming flights beyond to settle for the
safety of solid ground and the empty cumulativeness of the past.
We ceased to be an eminently maritime nation to, little by little, transfigure ourselves into a farce of a
pseudo-continental nation.
We left the Atlantic to settle in Europe, where civilization arrived every day, from Paris, with steam, as
Eça would say, a more ironic way of saying what Pessoa also found when he said that we had begun
to transfigure ourselves in French with liberalism to become completely with the Republic. What is
still our drama today, that is the original sin of the Republic, to have been implanted against Portugal,
without having taken into account the most fertile and perennial national traditions, as recent history
amply demonstrates and proves.

That is why it seems legitimate to advocate and defend the return to the blue and white flag of
Portugal, not only for simple aesthetic reasons, which would not be little, but, above all, symbolic.

We know very well how, advocating today the return to the blue and white flag of Portugal, given the
mental fog in which we find ourselves submerged, seems nothing less than reckless, not to mention
completely absurd. However, identifying the blue and white flag with the “monarchy”, as is commonly
stated, although, in fact, what is intended to be said is “royalty” and not “monarchy”, then any and
all possible dialogue is skewed, a bias that who is far from innocent.

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Portugal's Symbol on the flag is integrated as a Monarchy by discovering the Sea Route
The Lusitano/Portuguese Nation discovering the sea route to two thirds of the world.
Of course, navigation was not the only area of success for Portugal. The Cantino planisphere or
Cantino world map is the earliest surviving map showing Portuguese discoveries in the east and

Throughout its many millennia of civilization, the Lusitanian/Portuguese People generated a society
founded on popular sovereignty and the creation of solutions, with the Roman invasions having
interrupted this sovereignty for a millennium, but even so, it was the most difficult and slowest
invasion that Rome ever performed.

A Roman general “justified” the defeat of Rome for 200 consecutive years in Lusitania, as follows:
“The Lusitanian People do not govern themselves nor allow themselves to be governed”.

In reality, the facts point to a very different conclusion.

People incapable of governing itself could never build an Unitied Kingdom for two centuries.
The Lusitanians governed themselves very effectively (as their defensive success proves), but any
general educated in absolute hierarchical verticality would be incapable of perceiving the horizontal
Popular Sovereignty that characterized the Lusitanian People and Nation.

Three characteristics distinguished the Lusitanians from other Peoples:

1. 1st – A society structured by Popular Sovereignty.
2. 2nd – An extraordinary education that generated the ability to create and apply the most
effective solutions, which gave them a disproportionate defensive and resolving capacity for
any and all problems they might face.
3. 3rd – A spirituality founded on self-knowledge and externally celebrated by the victory of
Light over darkness at the Winter Solstice. This spirituality was taken by sea and land to other
Peoples who, in turn and throughout history, made massive pilgrimages to the land of the
spirituality of their ancestors... these pilgrimages are taught as invasions (when there are no
credible reports of the inevitable clashes that would be generated if these mass
displacements were really invasions).

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Both the social organization and the spirituality of the Lusitano/ Portuguese people were structured in
a natural code of 9 Values, simultaneously Rights and Duties.

During the time that this People was sovereign, these Values were always present in their conduct,
both in pre-Roman times and from the foundation of Portugal in the 12th century to the entry of the
Inquisition in the 16th century.

The inquisition, in a few decades, devastated Portugal and its people, making them lose their identity
and then handing them over to Castilian rule.

In 60 years, the Lusitanian/Portuguese defeated Castile and regained sovereignty, but their Identity,
which comprised all the knowledge and methodology of education, social organization and
spirituality, had perished in the fires of the Inquisition. The disastrous effect was with the
documentation of their ancient knowledge destroyed and the guardians of that knowledge (Military
Order of the Knights of NSJ Christ) sentenced to life imprisonment. (they were required to lay down
their weapons, retire to their monasteries and live in cloister until the end of the its days).

This false identity replace the most sacred pillar of its ancestors: Archangel Michael, from whom the
Lusitanian/Portuguese had received their Identity.
Without this Identity and without the qualities generated by it, Portugal was never Portugal again
and only when we honor the Archangel Michael and our wisest ancestors will we return to being the
Kingdom of Light that our ancestors dreamed of and founded.

The other sacred pillars of the Lusitano/Portuguese Foundation were:

4. The God of Light and Good who inspired them to discover the 9 values that generate Human
5. The Popular Sovereignty that, whenever applied, only strengthened this People and Nation.
6. The methodology and contents of an Education that generates high Discernment and the
Capacity to Create Solutions.

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Royal line, murdered Kings "Let no Let no one therefore, infringe this gift"

The Royal House of Portugal has been and is governed by Dynasty of Bragança in the following way:




 DOM JOÃO V, FROM 1706;

 DOM JOSÉ, FROM 1750;

 Dona MARIA I, FROM 1777;

 DOM JOÃO VI, FROM 1826; Murdered; poisoned

 DOM MIGUEL FROM 1828, whose descendant branch has been perpetually excluded from the
pretension to the throne of Portugal, as provided by article 98 of the Monarchic Constitution of
1838, in force on October 5th, 1910, which textually recites: "The collateral line of the ex-infant
Dom Miguel and all his descendants are perpetually excluded from the succession";

 Dona MARIA II, FROM 1834;



 DOM CARLOS FROM 1889; 1908 Murdered; shot

DOM Filipe FROM 1908; 1908 Murdered; shot;

 DOM MANUEL II FROM 1908; living in exile Murdered; poisoned

 Dona MARIA PIA, FROM 1932, DECEASED; Living in exile

 DOM ROSARIO, FROM 1987; Living in exile , latest and actual representative of the Dynasty,
Legitimate and Constitutional line, who assumes, by the means of "Deliberation" issued with own
Royal Decree No. XV, on May 06th, 1995, to supervene the death of HRH Dona Maria Pia Saxon
Coburg of Bragança, "integrally, definitely and irrevocably", with full, total and absolute
independence from whatsoever Authority and Power, all the Rights of the Chivalric Orders,
heraldic property and the Crown of the Royal House of Portugal, as well as Titles, Qualifications,
Honours, Deals, Prerogatives and Powers, also special", without any limitation and / or
exception, as clearly provided in "Public Acts" and "Special Procures" reported chronologically by
said Royal Decree No. XV.

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Csnonum De Ius Rex Canons of Sovereign

Article 11 -

Sovereign Canon 5459 A Sovereign is an 8th Century CE word first defined by Sacré Loi (“Sacred Law”)
to describe one anointed by God as having supreme, independent authority to rule a political region
known as a Realm.

Canon 5460 The word Sovereign is derived from the combination of two (2) ancient Latin words sover
meaning “savior” and regno meaning “to rule, reign; to be supreme lord”. Hence a Sovereign literally
means by its original etymology “to rule and reign as a savior”.

Canon 5461 By the very definition and meaning of Sovereign, any man or woman appointed to such
high office by sacred oath is obligated to three (3) ancient and primary tasks being Protect the Realm,
Protect the Law and Protect the People:
(i) To Protect and Defend the Realm is the first obligation of the Sovereign as a legally defined entity,
defined territory, possessing its own personality and rights; and
(ii) To Protect and Defend the Law of the Realm is the second obligation of the Sovereign to ensure
Rule of Law, Justice and Equality prevail; and
(iii) To Protect, Defend and Educate the People (Subjects) of the Realm is the third sacred obligation of
the Sovereign.

Canon 5462 To hide the origin of the word Sovereign as coming from the Franks and Sacré Loi
(Anglaise (Old French) for “Sacred Law”), the Latin word sover meaning “one who rescues or protects
another from harm” was corrupted to “soter”.

Canon 5463 By definition, the mind of all men and women is Absolute Sovereign over their body
through a True Trust granted through Divine Right of Use by Divine Trust.
Therefore, no person, entity, spirit or force may abrogate, nor interpose themselves into or above
such a sacred and inviolable covenant.

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The Question each of you musk ask him- / her- self: "is there an injured party"?
As the successor of the former sovereign: Maria Pia of Braganza - daughter of Portugal's murdered
King Carlos I, Dom Rosario is entitled to all the rights which are formerly given to him who belongs to
the Kings of Portugal Royal House of Braganza.
As a consequence of this prerogative it is the legal ubiquity of the King, the eye of the law that he is
always present in his courts though he cannot personally distribute justice.

Lawfull Notice to Justice

To the Supreme Courts as "an Agency of the sovereign created by him directly or indirectly under his
authority (case Isbill v Stovall) for the purpose of hearing and determining issues of Law and fact
regarding legal rights and alleged violations thereof I am informing you off.

The Question each judge must ask him-/her-self is: "is there an injured party"?

It is the duty of the Justice to act on DeJure; a condition in which there is a total compliance with
allrequirement of law, rigth, legitimate, by right and just title.
In this sense it is the contrary of de facto. It may also be contracted with degratia in which case it
means "as a matter of right", as degratia means "by grace or favor". Again it may be contrasted with
deaequitate; here meaning "by law" as the latter means "by equity".

The real agenda is simple; it is enslavement of the people by the creation of a false sense of
obligation. that obligation is false because the private Banking system by design, always creates more
debt than money with which to repay that debt. Private Central Banking is a Religion, a set of
arbitrary rules created to benefit the private Priesthood bankers.
Their lust is for power and control the fates of nations.

It only works as long as people believe that this is the way life is supposed to be.
Behind all these wars, all these assasinations and the hundeds of millions horrible deaths lies a single
policy of dictatorship who allow rulers to rule only on the condition that the people remain enslaved.

Failing that any ruler will be killed, their nation invaded with their private banks taken over.
As night follws the day; there will be poverty, hopelessness until the Earth itself is sacrificed to
Mammon in flames.

Reffering to the first duke of Portugal: "I am Duke the Braganza, sovereign, holding the highest
executive power and instructions given to me by my ancestor Afonso Henrique :"I command my
descendents who will ever succeed me, that in honor of the Cross and the five wounds of Jesus Christ,
they place on their shield the five shields in the shape of the cross, and on them, the 30 coins.
And that they take as their seal the serpent of Moses, which is the figure of Christ. This should be the
trophy [the coat of arms] of our Kingdom. And if someone should intend the contrary, let him be
cursed by the Lord and tormented in Hell with Judas, the traitor", defendor of souvereignty itself
remains with the people, by whom and for who all government exist and acts" informing you

Unalienable Rights are the Inherent, Sovereign, Natural Rights that existed before the creation of the
State, and which, being antecedent to and above the state and what can never be taken away,
dismissed, altered, or liened upon by the State, subject only to the Due Process of the Common Law.

Nor can any Unalienable Right be Fundamentally remove, whether mistakenly by contract through
non-disclosure, which is fraud and unenforceable in Law, or knowingly by renunciation, which is
contrary to Natural Law

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1822 Portugal's first United Kingdom Constitution

The same Lamego Laws established the The first Portuguese Constitution and was adopted on
September 23, 1822 by the Cortes extraordinary, united on the initiative of provisional government
from the insurrectionary movement that had burst Porto on August 24, 1820. https://mjp.univ-

Portugals First Constitution of September 23, 1822.

The first Constitution Portuguese was adopted on September 23, 1822 by the Cortes extraordinary,
united on the initiative of provisional government from the insurrectionary movement that had burst
Porto on August 24, 1820. The country was until then ruled according to the antiques Lamego laws,
established by the Cortes of 1143, and placed, after the recovery of independence, by Cortes at the
base of the legal order Portuguese, January 26, 1641.


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Constitution of September 23, 1822.

Title first. Of the personal rights and obligations of the Portuguese .

Title II. Of the Portuguese Nation, Territory, Religion, Government, and Dynasty .
Title III. Of the Legislative Power, or of the Cortes .
Title IV. Of the executive power, or of the king .
Title V. Judicial power .
Title VI. Of the administrative and economic government of the provinces .
The first Portuguese Constitution was adopted on September 23, 1822, by the extraordinary Cortes,
assembled on the initiative of the provisional government resulting from the insurrectional movement
which had broken out in Porto on August 24, 1820. Until then, the country was governed according to
the ancient laws of Lamego , established by the Cortes of 1143, and placed, after the restoration of
independence, by the Cortes at the base of the Portuguese legal order, on January 26, 1641.
The Portuguese royal family - the Braganzas - had left Portugal at the time of the invasion of the
country by Franco-Spanish troops, formally applying the Treaty of Fontainebleau of October 27, 1807,
which divided Portugal into three principalities (Lusitania , Portugal and Algarve) placed under the
protectorate of Spain.
In fact, it was a question of integrating Portugal into the imperial system of Bonaparte. But the troops
commanded by Junot were beaten by Wellington and, King John VI remaining in Brazil, Portugal was
subjected to a true English protectorate (Marshal Beresford), arousing a national movement in favor
of a constitutional regime.
This movement is part of the revolutionary response that shakes the reactionary regimes of
southern Europe in 1820. The insurgents of Cadiz force Ferdinand VII to restore the Constitution of
1812 (March 7, 1820); this same Spanish Constitution was established in Naples (July 7) and inspired
the popular movement of November 11, which demanded its application in Portugal. The Portuguese
Cortes are thus convened according to the Spanish model, for January 6, 1821.

King John VI then returned from Brazil and initially accepted the Constitution drafted by the Cortes,
but, against a background of family quarrel with his eldest son Pierre, who proclaimed the
independence of Brazil on October 12, 1822; and especially with his wife, who refuses to take an
oath to the Constitution, and his youngest son Miguel, who calls on May 29, 1823, for an
insurrection against the government and the restoration of the old regime.

The Cortes then declare themselves powerless and separate on June 2, and the king promises a new

The promise was kept after the king's John death (March 10, 1826) by his son Pedro, who granted
a constitutional charter on April 29, 1826.

The Constitution of 1822 acquired in Portugal a mythical character, like the Constitution of the year
I in France and the Constitution of 1812 in Spain, and gave birth to a Septembrist movement, which
obtained the restoration of the Constitution of 1822, by a decree from September 10, 1836, until the
drafting of a new version (April 4, 1838), in force for a brief period, until the insurrection of January
19, 1842 which restored the charter of 1826.

Source: Collection des constitutions, by Dufau, Duvergier and Guadet, tome V, 1823.
The spelling has been modernized.

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In the name of the Most Holy and Indivisible Trinity,

The General Cortes, extraordinary and constituent of the Portuguese nation, intimately convinced
that the public misfortunes which have oppressed it and still oppress it, have their source in the
contempt for the rights of the citizen and in the forgetting of the fundamental laws of the monarchy
; and considering that the re-establishment of these extensive and reformed laws can alone procure
the prosperity of this nation, and prevent it from falling back into the abyss from which the heroic
virtue of its children has saved it, decree the political constitution which follows, in order to ensure the
rights of each and the general good of all Portuguese people.

Title first.
Of the personal rights and obligations of the Portuguese.

First article. The political constitution of the Portuguese nation assures the freedom, security and
property of all Portuguese people.

Section 2. Freedom consists in the faculty which belongs to each one to do all that the law does not
prohibit, and not to be obliged to do what it does not order. The preservation of this freedom depends
on the exact observance of the laws.

Section 3. Personal security consists in the protection which the government owes to all for the
preservation of their individual rights.

Section 4. No individual may be arrested without first being charged with a crime, according to the
forms designated in Articles 194, 195 and 201.

Section 5. The domicile of every Portuguese is for him an asylum. No bailiff (official) can enter it,
except with a written order from the competent authority, except in the cases and according to the
forms established by law.

Section 6. Property is the sacred and inviolable right that every Portuguese has to dispose of all his
goods according to his will and according to the laws. If, in some circumstance of public and urgent
necessity, it becomes indispensable that he be deprived of this right, he must first be compensated in
the manner which will be determined by the laws.

Section 7. The free manifestation of thought is one of the most precious rights of man; any
Portuguese may therefore, without being subject to prior censorship, express his opinions on all sorts
of matters, except to answer for the abuse of this freedom in the cases and in the manner determined
by law.

Section 8. The Cortes will establish a special court to protect the freedom of the press, and to repress
its abuses according to the provision of article 168. As for the abuse that can be made of freedom in
religious matters, the censorship of published articles on dogma and morals is reserved for the
bishops, and the government will lend them aid for the punishment of the guilty.

Section 9. The law is equal for all; therefore, the privileges of the bar in civil or criminal trials should
not be tolerated, nor should special commissions. This provision does not include trials which, by their
nature, belong to particular judges; the laws will designate this classification.

Section 10. No law, and especially no penal law, will be established without absolute necessity.

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Section 11. Any punishment should be proportionate to the offence, and none should extend beyond
the culprit. Torture, confiscation of property, infamy, the whip, the pillory, the mark of hot iron, and
all other cruel and infamous punishments are abolished.

Section 12. All Portuguese can be admitted to public office without any distinction except that of their
talents and their virtues.

Section 13. Public employments are the property of no one, and their number will be strictly limited
according to necessity; those who will occupy them, will take, before their entry into office, the oath
to observe the constitution, to be faithful to the government, and to fulfill their duties exactly.

Section 14. All public employees shall be strictly responsible for their wrongdoings, faults and abuses,
in accordance with the constitution and the law.

Section 15. Every Portuguese has the right to be rewarded for important services rendered to the
country in the cases and in the manner determined by the laws.

Section 16. Any Portuguese person may present in writing to the Cortes and to the executive power
claims, complaints, or petitions which must be examined.

Section 17. Every Portuguese person also has the right to denounce any infraction of the Constitution,
and to request from the competent authority that the responsibility of the person who is guilty of the
infraction has its effect.

Section 18. The secrecy of the letters is inviolable. The postal administration is strictly responsible for
any violation of this law.

Section 19. Every Portuguese must be just: his first duties are to respect religion, to love his country,
to defend it with arms in hand, when called upon by the law, to obey the constitution and the laws, to
respect the public authorities, and to contribute to the expenses of the State.

Title II. Of the Portuguese nation, of its territory, of its religion, of its government and of the

Section 20. The Portuguese nation is made up of the union of all the Portuguese of the two

Its territory is made up of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarve, and includes:

 1° In Europe, the Kingdom of Portugal, made up of the provinces of Minho, Trazlos-Montes, Beira,
Extremadura, Alentejo, and the Kingdom of Algarve , and the adjacent islands, Madeira, Porto-
Santo and the Azores;
 2° In America, the kingdom of Brazil, which is composed of the provinces of Parà and Rio-Negro,
Maranhao, Pianhi, Rio grande do norte, Cearà, Parahiba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia and
Sergippe, Minas-Geraes, Espirito-Santo , Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santa-Catherina, Rio Grande do
Sul, Goyazes, Matto-grosso, and the islands of Fernando de Noronha, Trinidade and all the other
adjacent ones.
 3° In West Africa, Bissào, Cacheo, in the Côte-d'Or, the fortress Sào Joào Baptista de Judà, Angola,
Benguella and its dependencies, Cabinda and Molembo, the islands of Cabo-Verde, and those of

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S.-Thomè , Principle and its dependencies;

On the eastern coast, Mosambique, Rio de Senna, Sofalla, Inhambane, Quelimane,
and the islands of Cabo Delgado,
 4° In Asia, Salzete, Bardez, Goa, and its dependencies, Damào and Diù, establishments at Macao,
and the islands of Solor and Timor.
A more suitable division of this territory will be made.

Section 21. The following are Portuguese citizens:

1. 1° The sons of Portuguese fathers, born in the kingdom, or those who, being born abroad, have
elected domicile in the kingdom; however, they do not need this establishment of domicile, if the
father was in a foreign country in the service of the nation;
2. 2. Illegitimate sons of Portuguese mothers born in the United Kingdom, or who, having been born
in a foreign country, have fixed their domicile in the Kingdom. But if they have been recognized or
legitimized by a foreign father, if they were born in the United Kingdom, one will observe with
regard to them what will be determined hereafter in paragraph 4, and if they were born in a
foreign country , as prescribed by paragraph 5;
3. 3° Foundlings anywhere in the United Kingdom whose fathers are unknown;
4. 4° The sons of the foreign father born in the United Kingdom, and who will have obtained their
domicile there provided that at their majority they will declare, by deed registered in the registers
of the municipality (camara) of their domicile, that they have the will to be Portuguese citizens;
5. 5° Foreigners who have obtained letters of naturalization;
6. 6° Any adult foreigner who has fixed his domicile in the United Kingdom may obtain these letters
of naturalization if he has married a Portuguese woman, or if he has acquired in the Kingdom any
establishment consisting of buildings, capital, agriculture, commerce, industry, or if he has
introduced or exercised any useful commerce or industry there, or if he has rendered important
services to the nation;
The sons of a Portuguese father who have lost their citizenship status, if they are adults and
domiciled in the United Kingdom, may obtain letters of naturalization without further conditions;
7. 7° The slaves when they have obtained their freedom.

Section 22. Citizenship is lost:

1° By naturalization in a foreign country;
2. By the acceptance, without the permission of the government, of an employment, pension or
decoration, from any foreign government whatever.

Section 23. The exercise of political rights as citizens is suspended:

1° By physical or moral incapacity;
2° By a judgment which condemns to prison or exile, for the duration of the sentence.

Section 24. The religion of the Portuguese nation is the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman
religion; however, foreigners are allowed the particular exercise of their particular worship.

Section 25. Sovereignty resides essentially in the nation; but it cannot be exercised otherwise than by
its legally elected representatives. No individual or corporation may exercise public authority which
does not emanate from the nation.

Section 26. The nation is free and independent, and cannot be owned by anyone; it is to it alone that
it belongs to make, by means of its deputies to the Cortes, its constitution or fundamental law,
independent of the sanction of the king.

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Section 27. This Constitution, once made by these extraordinary and constituent Cortes, cannot be
reformed or modified until after the term of four years, from its publication, and as for the articles
whose execution depends on the regulatory laws, from also of the publication of these laws; these
reforms and modifications will be made as follows:
After this first period, the desired reform or modification can be proposed to the Cortes. The proposal
will be read three times, eight days apart, and if it is admitted for discussion, and two-thirds of the
deputies agree on the necessity, it will be converted into a decree, which will order the electors to
deputies of the following legislature to give them in their mandates special powers to operate the
modification or reform requested, by undertaking to recognize it as constitutional in the event that it
is approved.

The legislature which will be charged with this mandate, will discuss the proposal again; which, after
having been approved by two-thirds, shall immediately be deemed constitutional, and included in the
Constitution. It will be presented to the king (article 109, 1°) to have it published and executed
throughout the monarchy.

Section 28. The government of the Portuguese nation is the hereditary constitutional monarchy, with
fundamental laws that regulate the exercise of the three political powers.

Section 29. These powers are the legislative, the executive and the judiciary. The first resides in the
Cortes, subject to the king's sanction (art. 187). The second resides in the king and his ministers, who
exercise it under his authority. The third lies in the judges.

Each of these powers is so independent that neither can assume the attributions of the other.

Section 30. The reigning dynasty is that of the most serene house of Braganza. Our current king is
Lord Dom Juan VI.

Title III. Of the Legislative Power, or of the Cortes.

First chapter. From the election of deputies to the Cortes.

Section 31. The Portuguese nation is represented by its Cortes, that is to say by the assembly of
deputies which it elects itself, having regard to the population of Portuguese territory.

Section 32. In the election of deputies, the Portuguese enjoying the exercise of the rights of citizenship
have a vote (art. 21); domiciled or resident for at least one year in the municipality (concelho) where
the election is to take place.

The following are excepted:

1. 1° Minors under the age of twenty-five, while admitting, however, married people aged
twenty; military officers of the same age, bachelors of law, and clerics holding holy orders;
2. 2° The sons of famine who will be under the authority and in the house of their fathers (which will
be regulated by a law);
3. 3° The servants: under this denomination are not included the stewards, nor the heads of the plow
(abegoens) who live separated from their masters;
4. 4° Vagrants, that is to say people without a known job, trade or means of living;
5. 5° The regulars, except those of the military orders and the secularized;

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6. 6° Those who, in the future, at the age of twenty-five years, will not be able to read and write, if
they are less than seventeen years old at the time of the publication of the constitution.

Section 33. The following are not eligible:

1. 1° Those who have no vote (art. 32 et seq.);

2. 2° Those who do not have sufficient income to exist either from buildings, a trade, an industry or
3. 3° Those who have made a declaration of bankruptcy, as long as they have not proved their good
4. 4° The Secretaries and Councilors of State;
5. 5. Those who occupy offices in the king's household;
6. 6° Foreigners, even though they have letters of naturalization.

Section 34. Are not eligible:

1. 1° Those who are not native, or do not have a continuous and current residence of at least five
years in the province where the election will be held;
2. 2° The bishops in their dioceses;
3. 3° The parish priests in their parishes;
4. 4. The magistrates in the districts where they exercise jurisdiction, either individually or
collectively; which does not include my members of the supreme tribunal of justice (art. 181), nor
the authorities whose jurisdiction extends over the whole kingdom, and who are not among those
who are specifically designated as excluded;
5. 5° Are not eligible, the heads of corps of the army or of militias, by the soldiers subjected to their

Section 35. The deputies of a legislature can be re-elected for the following ones.

Section 36. The elections will be made by electoral divisions. Each division will be formed so that it
provides three to six deputies. The number will be regulated at the rate of one deputy per thirty
thousand free inhabitants. It would nevertheless be possible for a division to be stronger or less than
fifteen thousand; in this case, that of the divisions which had from seventy-five to one hundred and
five thousand would provide three deputies; from one hundred five thousand to one hundred and
thirty-five thousand, four; from a hundred and thirty-five thousand to a hundred and sixty-five
thousand, five; from sixty-five thousand to one hundred and ninety-five thousand, six deputies.

Section 37. From the provision of the preceding article are excepted:

1. 1° The kingdom of Angola and Benguella;

2. 2° The islands of Cabo Verde, Bissao and Cacheu;
3. 3° The islands of Saint-Thomé, Principe and its dependencies;
4. 4° Mosambique and its dependencies;
5. 5° The States of Goa;
6. 6° The establishments of Macao, Timor and Solor. Each of these districts will form a division, and
will furnish at least one deputy, whatever the number of its free inhabitants.
The city of Lisbon and its territory will provide a single electoral division although the number of
their inhabitants exceeds that of one hundred and ninety-five thousand.
The islands of the Azores will form three electoral divisions, according to that which they have
today into three districts (comarcas), and each of these divisions will furnish at least two deputies.

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As for Brazil, the number of divisions of each province and of the deputies that it must appoint will
be regulated by law, always preserving the base of thirty thousand inhabitants for each deputy.

Section 38. Each electoral division will elect its deputies with the ability to choose them from across
the province. If someone is elected in more than one division, preference will be given to the election
made by the place of residence. If the deputy does not reside in any of them, preference will be given
to the place of birth; if he is not from or resides in any of them, the one where he has obtained the
most votes will prevail; in case of a tie, fate will decide. The draw will be made in the preparatory
junta (art. 61) of the Cortes. The respective alternates will be called for the other division(s) (art. 72).

Section 39. A substitute will be elected for each deputy.

Section 40. Anyone who has been elected deputy can only be exempted from his duties for a
legitimate reason which he will have justified before the Cortes; if any one is re-elected at the next
election, he shall be free to excuse himself from this service, but he may not, during the two years of
the legislature for which he has excused himself, accept any employment from the government,
except the case where it would belong to him by rank of seniority or in turn, in his profession.

Section 41.Each legislature will last two years; consequently the election will take place of two years

Section 42. The election will be made directly by the citizens in electoral assemblies, by the plurality of
votes collected in a secret ballot, proceeding as follows.

Section 43. There will be in each parish a register-book initialed by the president of the municipality,
in which the parish priest will write himself, or will have written in alphabetical order, the names,
residences and professions of all the parishioners who will have a voice in the election. These
registration books will be checked by the municipality and published two months before the meeting
of the electoral assemblies, so that illegal entries can be identified and corrected.

Section 44. The municipality of each commune will designate, in a suitable time and in advance, the
number of electoral assemblies which will take place in its district, according to the population and
the distance of the places, whether it is appropriate to unite several parishes in a single assembly, or
that it is necessary to divide a parish into several assemblies so that each of them does not include
less than two thousand inhabitants, nor more than six thousand.

Section 45. The commune which will have less than two thousand inhabitants will however form an
assembly if it has one thousand; and if it has less, it will unite with the commune of the smallest
population which will be contiguous to it. If the two joined together do not contain a thousand
inhabitants, they will join another or others, and the most central will be the chief town. The general
administrator of the district is the civil servant who will have to convene these assemblies.

In the overseas provinces, a law will modify this provision for the convenience of the inhabitants.

Section 46. The municipality will also designate the churches in which each assembly must meet, as
well as the parishes, streets or other places of a parish which must form part of this assembly, so that
no one is allowed to vote in any assembly other than the his. These designations will be registered by
the secretary of the municipality (escrivao), in an election book which must remain in each
municipality, and which the president must have initialed.

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Section 47. In the communes where several assemblies will be formed, the president of the
municipality will preside over that which will meet in the chief town of the commune, and if there is
more than one assembly, he will preside over that which the municipality designates for him. The
others will be chaired by current members of the municipality (vereadores), and if there are not
enough of them, some of those from previous years will be added to them; the municipality will then
proceed to draw lots, the purpose of which will be to designate to each the meeting that he will have
to preside.

In the city of Lisbon, as long as there will not be sufficient elective members in the municipality for
these presidencies, they will be replaced by district magistrates and councilors from the royal courts
(dezembargadores da relaçao) distributed by the municipality; but these presidents, as soon as the
assemblies are called together in the manner hereinafter indicated (art. 53), will propose to them, in
agreement with the parish priests, persons of public trust, to replace them in their ordinary functions,
and at the instant they will withdraw from office (meza).

Section 48. The priests of the churches where these meetings will take place, will sit with the
presidents at the office of the election. When a parish is divided into several assemblies, the parish
priest will designate priests to attend them. The parish priests or priests will sit to the right of the

Section 49. The meetings will be public, and their opening will be announced beforehand by the sound
of the bells. No one will enter it with weapons. No one will have precedence or seat, except the
president, the parish priest or the assistant priest.

Section 50. In each assembly, the register book or books will be on the desk; but when a parish forms
several assemblies, there will be authentic lists of all the inhabitants who compose them, copied from
the registration book. There will also be a notebook initialed by the president on which the minutes
(automatic) of the election will be written.

Section 51. The electoral assemblies in Portugal and the Algarve will meet on the first Sunday of
August of the second year of the legislature; in the adjacent islands, the first Sunday in April; in Brazil,
in Angola, the first Sunday of August of the previous year; in the islands of Cabo Verde the first
Sunday of November also of the previous year, in the islands of S.-Thomè and Principe, Mosambique,
Goa and Macao, the first Sunday of November, two years before.

Section 52. On the day fixed by the preceding article, and at the appointed hour, the inhabitants of
each commune who have a vote in the elections, will meet in the designated churches with the
bulletins or will be registered the names and professions of the people they want. appoint to the
deputies. These ballot papers must contain the number of the deputies which is allotted to this
electoral division, and as many others to supplement them; on the reverse will be designated the
parishes and the communes of the electors; and if these are military, they must also declare the corps
to which they belong. All this will be announced by posters, which the municipalities will put up in due
time, and in advance.

Section 53. As soon as the assembly is assembled at the place, day and hour determined, a Mass of
the Holy Spirit will be celebrated, after which the parish priest or the assistant priest will make a short
speech analogous to the occasion, and will read the present chapter of the elections. Then the
president, in agreement with the parish priest or the priest, will propose to the citizens present two
persons of public trust as scrutineers, and two others as secretaries of the election; and in Lisbon, one
for president, another for secretary, and three others to replace them if necessary.

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The assembly will admit or reject them, by any sign whatsoever, such as raising the right hand. If
someone is not accepted, we will renew the proposal and the vote as many times as necessary. The
scrutineers and the elected secretaries will take place next to the president and the parish priest. This
election will be immediately written in the notebook (art. 50), and published by one of the secretaries.

Section 54. The president and the other members of the office will put their ballots in a ballot box,
and then all the citizens present will approach the office one by one, and after it has been ensured
that their names are registered in the registration book, and that the identity of the person will have
been checked by the reverse of the ballots, the voters will give them
to be deposited in the ballot box, without unfolding them. One of the secretaries will cross out the
names of those who have given their ballots in the book.

Section 55. After all the votes have been taken, the president will cause the number of ballots to be
counted, published and recorded in the minutes. One of the scrutineers will read aloud each of these
ballots, and the inscriptions placed on the reverse, canceling the votes given to persons excluded by
article 35. As the scrutineer reads, each of the secretaries will write down on a list the names of those
on whom the votes were cast, and the number of votes that each will have obtained; which will be
done in such a way that the last number of each name indicates the totality of the votes which it will
have obtained; and as these numbers are written, they will publish them aloud.

Section 56.When the reading of the ballots is finished, and the scrutineers and secretaries have
checked the conformity of the lists drawn up by the latter, one of the latter will publish in the
assembly the names of the candidates, and the number of votes that each will have obtained. The
names of the candidates will be entered immediately in the minutes and in alphabetical order, and in
full the number of votes for each. The minutes will be signed by all the members of the office; ballots
will be publicly burned.

Section 57. The members of the office will appoint two of them, so that in the days designated below,
they will present a copy of the minutes to the junta, which will meet in the premises of the
municipality (caza da camara), s there are several assemblies in the commune, or to that which will
meet in the chief town of the electoral division, if there is only one assembly. This expedition will be
delivered by one of the secretaries, signed by all the members of the office, closed and sealed. Then
the assembly will be considered dissolved; the notebooks and lists will be kept in the archives of the
municipality, always giving them as much publicity as possible.

Section 58. In the election report it will be declared "that the citizens forming the assembly give to the
deputies who will be elected in the junta of the chief town of the electoral division to each and
everyone jointly, the fullest powers, so that, united in Cortes with those of the other divisions of the
entire Portuguese monarchy, they may, as representatives of the nation, do all that will be suitable
for the general good, and fulfill their functions in accordance with the rules that the constitution
prescribes, without being able to modify or alter any of its articles; that their grantors undertake to
execute and to hold as valid all that they will decree, in accordance with the constitution. »

Section 59. If, at sunset, all the electors had not voted, the president would have the ballot papers
and the lists kept in a safe with three keys, which will be entrusted to three members of the office
chosen by lot: this safe will be kept under the key of the church, and the following day deposited on
the office of the election where it will be opened in the presence of the assembly.

Section 60. If the president, after having collected all the ballots, foresees that their counting cannot
be finished on the following Monday, he will propose, in agreement with the parish priest, to the
citizens present, as in article 53, scrutineers and secretaries to form another office. A part of the

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ballots will be passed to this office, which it will verify in the same way, and at the same time as the
first office where the four lists will finally meet, after which the formalities prescribed by article 56 will
be completed.

Section 61. If there must be more than one electoral assembly in the commune, the carriers of the
election minutes (article 57) will meet on the following Sunday, and on the adjacent islands and
overseas, in the one designated below (article 74), at the time indicated in the posters, in a public
meeting, in the premises of the municipality, with its president and the parish priest who attended the
previous assembly with him. Two scrutineers and two secretaries will then be elected from among
themselves, and, on opening the minutes, the president will have them read aloud and the secretaries
will write the names on two lists as they go; after that all the formalities of articles 55 and 56 will be

Section 62. The members of the office will successively elect two of them, who, on the day hereinafter
designated (art. 63), must present the dispatch of this report to the junta of the chief town of the
electoral division. With regard to this expedition, the dissolution of the junta, the custody and
publicity of the notebook and the lists, we shall observe what is prescribed in article 57.

Section 63. The third Sunday in August; and in the adjacent islands and overseas, in that fixed in
article 74, the carriers of the expeditions will meet in public meeting in the premises of the
municipality of the chief town) of the electoral division, with the president of the same municipality
and the parish priest who attended the previous assembly with him: there, they will proceed to the
election of scrutineers and secretaries; and, after having observed what is required by articles 61 and
55, and counted the votes, will be elected deputies as well as substitutes those who will obtain
absolute plurality, that is to say those whose names will have united more than half votes on the
ballots. Those who have obtained the most votes will have precedence, and their names will be
transcribed in that order, on the minutes. In case of sharing, fate will decide. We will then observe all
that is prescribed in article 56, without the lists being burned.

Section 64. If there are not enough persons who have obtained absolute plurality to fill the number of
deputies and substitutes, a list will be made which will contain three times the number of those who
are missing; on this list will be entered the names of those who will have the most votes, with the
declaration of the number that each has obtained. This list will be read aloud, and inserted in the
minutes, immediately after, the junta will be supposed to be dissolved.

Section 65. The president will cause the list to be published immediately, and after having had as
many documents drawn from it by a notary as there are communes in the electoral division, and
having signed them, and having them collated by the secretary of the municipality, he will send them
to the municipalities of the said communes. The presidents of these will immediately send copies
made by the secretaries, and, signed by them, to the presidents of electoral assemblies, to have them
recorded in the notebooks mentioned in article 50, and to give them the greatest publicity. .

Section 66. At the same time, the municipalities will convene by posters (art. 52), the inhabitants of
the municipality, for a new meeting of the assemblies, by announcing that it will be made on the third
Sunday after that in which the junta of the capital of the electoral division, and to the adjacent islands
and overseas, on the day designated below (article 74), 2° that the number of deputies who must be
entered on their ballot must be chosen from among the names contained in the list which was sent by
the junta, which will be transcribed in the posters, as well as the number of those to be elected.

Section 67. In this second meeting of electoral assemblies, all that has been prescribed by articles 54,
55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62 and 63 will be observed; of course that the members of the office will remain

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the same as in the first assemblies; that the lists sent from the chief town of the electoral division will
be kept in the archives of the municipalities, and that during the counting of the votes in the new
junta of the chief town of the division, those who will obtain the most of votes, although they did not
obtain absolute plurality; in the event of a tie, a draw will be made as in article 63. In the absence or
in the event of impediment of some of the members of the office, others will be elected in the same
way as was done at the first time.

Section 68. Then the junta will be supposed to be dissolved. The election book will be kept in the
archives of the municipality, after having given it all possible publicity.

Section 69. It will be stated in the minutes of this election that it has been established by the minutes
sent from all the assemblies of the electoral division, that their inhabitants grant to the deputies
presently elected, the powers declared in article 58, of which the content will be transcribed in the
same minutes.

Section 70. After this operation, the assembly will attend a solemn Te Deum, sung in the main
church; those of the deputies who will be present will go there in the middle of a procession formed
by the members of the office.

Section 71. A copy of the minutes of the election will be given to each deputy, and another made by a
notary and collated by the secretary of the municipality will be sent to the permanent deputation.

Section 72. The doubts that will arise in the electoral assemblies will be decided without recourse, by
a commission of five members elected at the same time, and by the manner in which the formation of
the bureau is proceeded with.

Section 73. In the electoral assemblies, one will be able to treat only of the objects relating to the
elections, and one will consider as null all which would be done contrary to this provision.

Section 74. In the adjacent islands and overseas, the provisions of this chapter will be observed with
the following modifications
: the province will designate, and it will be as close as possible.

Chapter II. Of the meeting of the Cortes.

Section 75. Before November 15, the deputies will present themselves to the permanent deputation,
which will enter in a register their names and those of the electoral divisions which elected them.

Section 76. On November 15, the deputies will meet in a preparatory junta in the Salle des Cortes; the
functions of president will be filled by that of the permanent deputation and those of scrutineers and
secretaries by those whom it will choose among its members. We shall proceed immediately to the
examination of the powers of the deputies, and, for that, we shall appoint a commission of five
members, and another of three to verify the powers of the five.

Section 77. Until November 20, the preparatory junta will hold one or more sessions to verify the
legitimacy of the powers and the elections; and it will pronounce definitively on the questions which
may arise on this occasion.

Section 78. On November 20, the preparatory junta will elect among the deputies, by secret ballot,
and by absolute plurality of votes, to remain in office for the first month, a president and a vice-
president, and, by relative plurality, four secretaries. Then, the deputies will all go to the cathedral

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church to attend a solemn mass of the Holy Spirit, at the end of which the celebrant will receive the
oath of the president, who will say: "I swear to maintain the catholic, apostolic and Roman; to keep
and cause to be kept the political constitution of the Portuguese monarchy, decreed by the
extraordinary and constituent Cortes of 1821, and to fulfill well and faithfully the duties of deputy to
the Cortes, in accordance with the constitution. The vice-president and the deputies will take the
same oath in these terms: “I swear so. »

Section 79. After the religious solemnity, the deputies will return to the hall of the Cortes, where the
president will declare that they are constituted; then he will appoint a deputation composed of twelve
deputies, two of whom will be taken from among the secretaries, to announce to the king that the
Cortes have been constituted, and to find out if he wishes to be present at their opening. If the king is
absent from the capital, this communication will be made to him in writing, and the king will reply in
the same manner.

Section 80. On the first of December of each year, the President, with the deputies who will be in
Lisbon, capital of the United Kingdom, will open, without delay, the first session of the Cortes, and the
permanent deputation will cease its functions. The king will attend if he wishes; he will enter the room
without guards, and will only be accompanied by the persons designated by the internal regulations
of the Cortes. The king will make a speech analogous to the solemnity, and the president will answer
it. If the king does not appear, the ministers will appear, and one of them will read the king's speech,
after which he will deliver it to the president. The same formalities will be observed for the closing of
the Cortes.

Section 81. In the second year of each legislature, there will be no preparatory junta, nor oath (art.
76, 77, 78), and the deputies meeting on November 20, under the presidency of the last president of
the last session will elect new president, vice-president and secretaries, and, after having attended a
Mass of the Holy Spirit, they will proceed as in the first year.

Section 82. When two-thirds of the deputies deem it suitable, the Cortes may be transferred from the
capital of the kingdom to another place. If, during their meetings, there occurs an invasion of
enemies, the plague, or other very urgent reason, the permanent deputation can order this transfer,
and take all other measures which will then have to be submitted to the approval of the Cortes.

Section 83. Each of the two sessions of the legislature will last three consecutive months, and the
Cortes may prolong them by one month only in the following cases:
1. If the king requests it;
2° If there is a just reason approved by two-thirds of the deputies present.

Section 84. When a deputy has a permanent legitimate impediment to attend the sittings, his
substitute will be called, according to the order in which his name is entered on the lists, and this
order is determined by the plurality of votes.

The credentials of the substitutes, as well as those of the deputies who do not appear on the fixed
day, will be examined by a commission of the Cortes and the president will receive the oath of each

Section 85. The first substitute of each of the overseas electoral divisions will come to Lisbon with his
deputation, unless there is another substitute of the same division residing in Portugal; in this case, it
will be the latter who will replace the missing deputy. If some of the Deputies are re-elected, there will
immediately come as many substitutes as there are Deputies re-elected, decreasing those who reside
in Portugal.

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Section 86. If an invasion by the enemy or a blockade prevents the deputies of a province from
presenting themselves to the Cortes, the preceding deputies will replace them until their arrival.

Section 87. The sessions will be public; it can only be kept secret if the Cortes have deemed it
necessary by complying with their internal regulations; which cannot take place when a law is

Section 88. The king cannot attend the meetings of the Cortes, except those of the opening and the
closing. The Cortes cannot deliberate in his presence. When the ministers present themselves in the
name of the king, or are called by the Cortes to propose or explain some matter, they may attend the
discussion and speak, in accordance with the internal regulations of the Cortes, but they may never be
present. when we vote.

Section 89. The Minister of War, in the first session after the opening of the Cortes, will inform them
of the number of troops which are cantoned in the capital, and within a radius of twelve leagues, as
well as of the positions which they occupy, to let the Cortes order what they deem appropriate.

Section 90. On all things relating to the government and the internal order of the Cortes, their
regulations will be observed; where appropriate changes can be made.

Chapter III. Deputies to the Cortes.

Section 91. Each deputy is the agent and the representative of the whole nation, and not only of the
territorial division which elected him.

Section 92. The deputies are not permitted to protest against the decisions of the Cortes; but they will
be able to have their vote inserted in the minutes without justifying it.

Section 93. The deputies are inviolable for their opinions expressed to the Cortes, and can never be
responsible for them.

Section 94. If a deputy is prosecuted criminally, the Cortes will decide on the report made by the judge
before the arrest, if the trial should be suspended, and if the deputy should continue the exercise of
his functions.

Section 95. From the day on which the deputies present themselves to the permanent deputation
until the closing of the Cortes, they will enjoy a pecuniary subsidy fixed by them, during the second
year of the preceding legislature; they will also have an allowance for travel expenses, outward and
return journeys, and a subsidy will also be granted to deputies from overseas (not including those
from adjacent islands), for the duration of the interval between sessions. Those who are established
in Portugal are excepted. These subsidies and allowances will be paid by the national treasury.

Section 96. No deputy, from the day when his election shall have been recorded in the permanent
deputation, until the end of the legislature, may accept or solicit for himself, or for others, pensions or
decorations. It will be the same with the offices on the appointment of the king, unless they belong to
him by right of seniority, or in his turn by role in the career which he follows.

Section 97. The deputies, during the sessions of the Cortes, may not exercise their ecclesiastical, civil
or military employments.

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Section 98. If in an extraordinary circumstance on which public safety or the good of the State
depends, it is essential that some of the deputies leave the Cortes to be employed elsewhere, the
Cortes may authorize them to do so, if two-thirds of the votes are of this opinion.

Chapter IV. Of the powers of the Cortes.

Section 99. The attributions of the Cortes are:

1. 1° to make the laws, to interpret them, to derogate from them;

2. 2° to see to the observance of the constitution and the laws, and in general to the good of the
Portuguese nation.

Section 100. The Cortes have the right independently of the royal sanction:

1. 1° To receive the oath of the king, of the royal prince, and of the regency or of the regent;
2. 2. To recognize the prince royal as successor to the crown, and to approve the plan of his
3. 3° To appoint the guardian of the minor king;
4. 4° To elect the regency or the regent, and to fix the limits of their authority;
5. 5° To resolve the difficulties which may arise in the order of succession to the crown;
6. 6. To approve, before their ratification, treaties of offensive or defensive alliance, of subsidies and
of commerce;
7. 7° To fix each year, on the proposal or the report of the government, the forces of ground and sea,
as well in time of peace as in time of war;
8. 8. To allow or prevent the admission of foreign land and sea forces into the kingdom or its ports;
9. 9. To fix taxes and public expenditures annually, to apportion the direct contribution among the
districts of the administrative councils, to examine the use of public funds and the accounts of
receipts and expenditures;
10.10° To authorize the government to make loans, after a reasoned report, except in urgent cases;
11.11° To determine the most suitable means for the payment of the public debt;
12.12° To regulate the administration of the national goods, and to decree their alienation in case of
13.13° To create or suppress public employments and offices, and to fix their salaries;
14.14° To determine the inscription, the weight, the value, the title, the type and the denomination of
the currencies;
15.15° To make effective the responsibility of ministers and other public employees;
16.16° To order what concerns the internal regime of the Cortes.

Section 101. The law is the will of the citizens, declared unanimously or by the plurality of the votes of
the representatives gathered in Cortes, after a public discussion.

The law binds all citizens regardless of their acceptance.

Section 102. The direct initiative of laws belongs exclusively to the representatives of the nation
assembled in Cortes; however, the ministers may make proposals, which, after having been examined
by a commission of the Cortes, may be converted into bills.

Section 103. Every bill will be read a first and a second time eight days apart. At the second reading,
the Cortes will decide whether it should be admitted to discussion. If they order it, the project will be
printed and distributed to the deputies, and eight days later, the date on which the discussion will
begin will be indicated; the discussion will last one or more sessions, until the project seems

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sufficiently examined. Then the Cortes will decide whether there is cause to vote; if they decide in the
affirmative, we will proceed immediately: each proposal will be accepted or rejected by absolute
plurality of votes.

Section 104. In an emergency case, declared as such by two thirds of the deputies present, the
discussion may begin on the same day the project is presented and even close; but then the law will
be considered provisional.

Section 105. If a project is not admitted to discussion, or put to the vote, or if having been admitted, it
is rejected, it can no longer be proposed in the same session.

Section 106. If the project is adopted, it will be drawn up twice in the form of a law and read in the
Cortes; the two originals signed by the president and two secretaries will be presented to the king by
a deputation of five members appointed by the president. If the king is not in the capital, the law will
be presented to him by the minister of the department it concerns.

Section 107. To the king belongs the sanction of the laws; he gives it by means of the following
formula, signed by his own hand: "I sanction, and be published as law." »

If the King, after hearing the Council of State, finds that there are reasons for the law to be rejected or
modified, he may suspend the sanction by this formula: “Evening sent to the Cortes. by setting out
after his signature, the reasons he had for refusing his sanction. These reasons will be presented to
the Cortes, printed and discussed. If the Cortes decide that the law should nevertheless be published
as it was drafted, it will again be presented to the king, who will immediately give it his sanction. If
the reasons given are found to be correct, the law will be rejected or modified, and the same subject
can no longer be dealt with in the same session.

Section 108. The king will have to give or refuse his sanction within the space of a month. As for the
provisional laws made in urgent circumstances (104) the Cortes will fix the time within which he will
have to sanction them.

If the close of the Cortes arrives before the expiration of the period within which the king must give
his sanction, this period extends until the first eight days of the following session.

Section 109. The following are independent of royal assent:

1. 1° The present constitution, and the modifications that may be made to it in the future (article 27);
2. 2° All the laws and all other provisions of the current extraordinary-constituent Cortes.
3. 3° Decisions concerning the objects indicated in article 100.

Section 110. After the law has been assented to, the king will cause it to be published with the
following formula:

Dom N... (the king's name), by the grace of God and the Constitution of the Monarchy, King of the
United Kingdom of Portugal, brazil and the algarve, within and beyond the seas, in africa, etc. I let all
my subjects know that the Cortes have decreed and that I have sanctioned the following law (here the
text of the law). Consequently, I order all the authorities to whom the knowledge and the execution of
this law will belong, that they execute it and cause it to be executed completely. The Secretary of
State for the Affairs of (the name of the respective department) shall cause it to be printed, published
and circulated.

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The same minister will counter-sign the law, have it sealed with the seal of the State, and have one of
the originals kept in the archives of the kingdom. The other original (article 106) after having been
signed by the king, and counter-signed by the minister will be kept in the archives of the Cortes.

Laws which are not subject to sanction will be published with the same formula, with the words: I
have sanctioned deleted .

Section 111. If the king, within the time fixed by articles 107 and 108, does not give his sanction to the
law, he will be deemed to have given it, and the law will be published. Nevertheless, if the king
refuses to sign it, the Cortes will have it published; but then it will be signed by the minister
responsible for carrying it out.

Section 112. The regency or the regent of the kingdom shall have, over the sanction and publication
of the laws, the authority which the Cortes will attribute to them, it shall never be more extensive
than that which is granted to the king.

Section 113. The repeal of laws takes place with the same formalities.

Chapter V. This the permanent deputation, and of the meeting of the extraordinary Cortes.

Section 114. The Cortes before the close of each session, will elect seven of their members; namely
three from the provinces of Europe, three from those overseas, and the seventh will be chosen by lot
between a deputy from Europe and a deputy from overseas. They will likewise elect two substitutes,
one from Europe and one from overseas; each one of them will replace the deputies of his country
who would be prevented.

These seven deputies will form a junta called the permanent deputation of the Cortes, which will
reside in the capital until the opening of the Cortes the following year.

The deputation shall elect each month from among its members a president, who may not be elected
twice in succession, and a secretary, who may be re-elected at will.

Section 115. The powers of this deputation consist:

1. 1° in bringing about the meeting of electoral assemblies in the event that the authorities neglect
to convene them;
2. 2° to prepare the meeting of the Cortes (Articles 59 and following);
3. 3° to convene the extraordinary Cortes in the cases set out in Article 116, after having received
from the government information it deems necessary;
4. 4° to see to the observation of the constitution and the laws in order to instruct the next Cortes of
the offenses which it will have observed;
5. (5) to order what is prescribed by section 70;
6. 6° to facilitate the installation of the provisional regency in the case of article 141.

Section 116. The permanent deputation will convene the extraordinary Cortes on a fixed day in the
following cases:

1. 1° when the throne is vacant;

2. 2° when the king asks to abdicate;
3. 3° when the king is unable to govern (article 142);

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4. 4° when serious and urgent matters arise, or circumstances dangerous to the State, according to
the opinion of the permanent deputation or of the king who, in this case, will inform the
deputation so that it sends the orders required.

Section 117. The extraordinary Cortes concern themselves only with the business for which they are
summoned, and they separate when it is finished; but if, before having finished it, the first of
December arrives, the ordinary Cortes will continue to occupy themselves with it. The permanent
deputation continues its functions during the duration of the extraordinary Cortes.

Title IV. Of the executive power, or of the king.

First chapter. Of the authority, the oath and the inviolability of the king.

Section 118. The king's authority emanates from the nation; and it is indivisible and inalienable.

Section 119. Its power consists in general in executing the laws, issuing the decrees, instructions and
regulations necessary for this object, and in watching over all that relates to the internal and external
security of the State, in conformity with the constitution.

These decrees, instructions and regulations will be published in the name of the king.

Section 120. In addition to this power, he mainly has the following attributions:

1. 1° To sanction and promulgate laws (arts. 7 and 111);

2. 2° To freely appoint and dismiss his ministers;
3. 3° To appoint the magistrates on the presentation of the Council of State made according to the
4. 4° To appoint, according to the laws, to all other non-elective civil and military posts;
5. 5° To appoint to all the bishoprics on a triple presentation of the Council of State; to appoint to all
the ecclesiastical benefices of the royal patronage, parish priests or not after a competition and a
public examination before the diocesan prelates;
6. 6° To appoint the commanders of the armed forces on land and at sea, and to employ them in the
most suitable manner. However, if the freedom of the nation and the constitutional system are in
danger, the Cortes may make these appointments;
In times of peace, there will be no commander-in-chief of armies, nor of fleets.
7. 7. To appoint ambassadors and other diplomatic agents, after having heard the Council of State
and the consuls without taking its advice;
8. 8. To direct diplomatic and commercial relations with foreign nations;
9. 9. To grant exclusive privileges for the good of industry, and letters of naturalization, in conformity
with the laws;
10.10° To grant, in accordance with the laws, titles, honors and distinctions, in reward for services
rendered. As for the pecuniary rewards which, for the same reasons, he will deem necessary to
confer, he will only be able to do so with the approval of the Cortes; and, for that, he will make
them present, in the first session of each year, a reasoned statement;
11.11° To pardon or reduce the penalties of the guilty, by conforming to the laws;
12.12° To admit or reject the decrees of councils, papal bulls and all other ecclesiastical constitutions,
with the consent of the Cortes, in the case where the provisions which they contain are
general; and after having heard the Council of State, if these bulls dealt with particular affairs
which were not contentious; for in that case they should be submitted to the supreme tribunal of

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13.13° To declare war and make peace, giving an account to the Cortes of the motives which have
determined it;
14.14° To make treaties of offensive and defensive alliance, of subsidies and of commerce, except
with the approval of the Cortes (art. 180);
15.15° To decree the use of the funds intended by the Cortes for the various branches of the

Section 121. The King may not:

1. 1° Prevent the election of deputies, oppose the meeting of the Cortes, prorogue them, dissolve
them, or protest against their decisions;
2. 2° To impose tributes, contributions or any other collection of money;
3. 3° Suspend the judges, in the cases provided for by art. 187;
4. 4° To have a citizen arrested, except 1° when the security of the State requires it; in this case, the
arrested individual will be delivered within forty-eight hours to the competent judge; 2° when the
Cortes have suspended judicial forms (art. 201);
5. 5° Alienate any portion of Portuguese territory;
6. 6° To command the armed force.

Section 122. The king cannot, without the consent of the Cortes:

1. 1° Abdicate the crown;

2. 2° Leaving the Kingdom of Portugal and the Algarve; if he does he is deemed to have abdicated. It
will be the same if, after leaving the kingdom with the permission of the Cortes, he exceeds it as to
time and place, and if, after being recalled by them, he does not return to the kingdom;
This provision will be applicable to the successor to the crown and if he does not submit to it, he
will be deemed to have renounced the right to succeed to it.
3. 3. Make loans in the name of the nation.

Section 123. Before being crowned, the king will take the following oath before the president of the
Cortes, in the presence of this assembly: “I swear to maintain the Catholic, apostolic and Roman
religion; to be loyal to the Portuguese nation; to observe and cause to be observed the Political
Constitution decreed by the Extraordinary and Constituent Cortes of 1821, and the laws of the nation,
and to work for the general good as far as I can. »

Section 124. The person of the king is inviolable; he is not subject to any responsibility. The King has
the title of Most Faithful Majesty.

Chapter II. Of the royal family and its endowment.

Section 125. The heir apparent to the crown will bear the title of prince royal, his eldest son that of
prince of Beira and the other sons of the king and of the prince royal, the title of infant.

These titles cannot extend to other people.

Section 126. The royal prince, the prince of Beira and the infants cannot command the armed force.
The infants will not fill any effective employment of public administration, except those of councilors
of State. As for the offices given by the king, they can fill them, except those of minister, ambassador
and president or judge of the courts of justice.

Section 127. The heir apparent to the crown will be recognized by the first Cortes who will meet after
his birth. When he has reached the age of fourteen, he will take, before the Cortes, and between the

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hands of the President, the oath to maintain the Catholic, Apostolic and Roman religion, to maintain
the Political Constitution of the Portuguese nation, and to to be faithful to the laws and to the king.

Section 128. At the beginning of each reign, the Cortes will assign to the king and the royal family an
annual endowment analogous to his high dignity. This endowment cannot be changed during the
same reign.

Section 129. The Cortes will assign, if necessary, annual pensions to the princes, infants and infantes,
as soon as they have reached the age of seven, and to the queen dowager.

Section 130. When the infantes marry, the Cortes will fix their dowry; and this dowry, once paid, the
annual pension will cease. Infants who marry will continue to receive their pensions as long as they
reside in the kingdom; but if they are going to reside elsewhere, they will be paid, once and for all,
such sum as the Cortes advise.

Section 131. All its sums will be the responsibility of the national treasury, which will pay them into
the hands of the administrator appointed by the king. It will be this administrator who will exercise or
against whom all the active and passive actions of the royal house will be directed.

Section 132. The Cortes will designate the palaces and lands they deem suitable for the habitation
and pleasures of the king and his family.

Chapter III. From succession to the crown.

Section 133. Succession to the crown of the United Kingdom will follow the regular order of
primogeniture and representation between the legitimate descendants of the current king, Lord Dom
Juan VI, always preferring the anterior line to the posterior ones; in the same line, the nearest degree
to the farthest; in the same degree, the masculine sex to the feminine; in the same sex, the oldest
person to the youngest; consequently:

1. Children born of a legitimate marriage succeed alone to the crown;

2. 2. The son of the prince royal, in the event that his father should die without having succeeded to
the crown, is preferred to his uncles, and immediately succeeds his grandfather by right of
3. 3° The nearest line cannot succeed until the reigning one is extinguished.

Section 134. If the descending line of the lord Dom Juan is extinct, that of the lines of the house of
Braganza will be called, which must be preferred, according to the rule established in the preceding
article. If all these lines are extinguished, the Cortes will call to the throne the person whom they
judge most suitable for the nation; and from that moment the succession will be settled according to
the order established by article 133.

Section 135. No foreigner will be able to succeed to the crown of the United Kingdom.

Section 136. If the heir to the Portuguese crown succeeds to a foreign crown, or if the heir to the
latter succeeds to the other, he cannot combine one with the other; he will choose the one he wants,
and if he opts for the foreign throne, he will be deemed to have renounced the Portuguese throne.

Section 137. When the crown fell to a woman, she could only marry a Portuguese, and with the prior
approval of the Cortes. Her husband will have no part in the government and will only be called king
when he has a son or a daughter of the queen.

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Section 138. If the successor to the crown is struck with a known and perpetual incapacity to govern,
the Cortes will declare him incapable of succeeding.

Chapter IV. Of the minority of the successor to the crown and of the impediment of the king.

Section 139. The king will be a minor until the age of eighteen, and will not be able to reign before
that age.

Section 140. In the event that the throne should become vacant during the minority of the successor,
if the Cortes are assembled, they will immediately elect a regency composed of three or five natural
citizens of the kingdom, from among whom they will designate the president.

If the Cortes are not assembled, they will be summoned extraordinarily to appoint the regency.

Section 141. Until this regency is appointed, the kingdom will be governed by a provisional regency of
five members which will consist of the queen mother, two members of the permanent deputation,
and two councilors of state; they will be the oldest according to the order of their appointment to the
deputation and to the Council of State.

If there is no queen mother, the eldest of the late king's brothers will be a member of the regency and
if there are no king's brothers, the third councilor of state by rank of seniority .

This regency will be presided over by the queen or by the king's brother; and if there is none, by the
oldest member of the permanent deputation. In the event of the death of a reigning queen, her
husband will preside over the regency.

Section 142. The provisions of the two preceding articles will extend to the case where the king,
because of a physical or moral incapacity, would find himself unable to govern. The permanent
delegation, after taking all the necessary information, will declare this incapacity provisionally.

If the king's incapacity exceeds the term of two years, and his immediate successor is of age, the
Cortes may appoint him regent instead of regency.

Section 143. Both regency as well as the regent will take an oath according to the formula of article
123, adding to it the oath to be faithful to the king; the permanent regency or the regent will further
add to it that as soon as the king has come of age or the impediment has ceased, they will hand over
to him the government of the kingdom .

The permanent regency and the regent will take the oath before the Cortes, and the provisional
regency before the permanent deputation.

Section 144. The permanent regency will exercise the royal authority by following the regulations
which will be made by the Cortes, and it will take care with the greatest care of the good education of
the minor prince.

Section 145. The provisional regency will expedite only those affairs which do not suffer from delay,
and will not dismiss or appoint any public functionary, except by interim.

Section 146. The acts of the regency will be published in the name of the king.

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Section 147. The guardianship of the minor king will belong to the person designated by the late king
in his will; if there is no provision, the queen mother will be guardian as long as she remains a
widow. Failing this, the tutor will be appointed by the Cortes; in the first and third case, the tutor
must be a natural of the kingdom. The minor king's immediate successor
can never be his tutor.

Section 148. The successor to the crown, during his minority, cannot marry without the consent of the

Chapter V. Ministers Secretaries of State.

Section 149. There will be six departments in the ministry to which the Cortes can make the changes
they deem fit. These departments are:
Interior, Justice, Finance, War, Navy and Foreign Affairs.

The Cortes will determine by regulation the affairs which will belong to each ministry.

Section 150. Foreigners, even when they have received citizenship letters, cannot be ministers.

Section 151. The ministers are responsible towards the Cortes:

1. 1° for the non-observance of the laws;

2. 2° abuse of the power entrusted to them;
3. 3° acts detrimental to the freedom, security or property of citizens;
4. 4° the dissipation or misuse of public funds.

Section 152. To make effective the responsibility of the ministers, the Cortes will declare by a decree
that there is cause for accusation. After this decree, the minister will be immediately suspended from
his duties, and the documents relating to the trial will be sent to the competent court, in accordance
with article 181.

Section 153. All the decrees and all the orders of the king, the regent or the regency will be signed by
the minister of the competent department; orders not bearing the Minister's signature will not be

Chapter VI. From the Council of State.

Section 154. There will be a Council of State, composed of thirteen citizens chosen from among the
persons most distinguished by their knowledge and their virtues; six of the councilors will be from the
provinces of Europe, six from those overseas, and the thirteenth will be drawn by lot between a
citizen of Europe and an overseas citizen.

Section 155.

The following cannot be Councilors of State:

1° those who are under the age of thirty-five;
2° foreigners, even naturalized ones;
3° the deputies to the Cortes during their deputation. If a deputy obtains his resignation, he cannot be
a councilor of state during the legislature to which he belonged.

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Section 156. The election of the Councilors of State will take place as follows: the Cortes will elect by
plurality of votes eighteen European citizens; a list of their names will be formed, divided into six
series, each of three names, so that the names of the citizens who have had the greatest number of
votes occupy the first rank of each series, the
second rank will be occupied by those who will follow, and the third by those who have had the
fewest votes. Another list of eighteen overseas citizens will be compiled. Then the lot will decide if the
thirteenth adviser will be from Europe or overseas, and then a new series of three names will be
formed, which will be inserted in the respective list of Europe or overseas. The two lists will be
presented to the king who will choose an adviser from each series.

Section 157. The state councilors will remain in office for four years; then one will present to the king
new lists in which can be proposed those of the advisers who will have finished their service.

Section 158. Before taking possession of their places, the councilors of state shall take an oath to the
king to maintain the Catholic, apostolic, and Roman religion, to observe the constitution and the laws,
to be faithful to the king, and to advise only what they will believe useful for the good of the nation.

Section 159. The King will take the advice of the Council of State in important matters, especially
when it is a question of giving or refusing his sanction to the laws, of declaring war, or of making
peace and treaties.

Section 160. It is up to the council to propose to the king candidates for the bishoprics, and for the
places of the magistracy (article 120, al. 3 and 5).

Section 161. The councilors of state are responsible for the proposals that they would make to the
king, and which would be contrary to the laws, as well as for the councils opposed to these same
laws, and manifestly ill-intentioned.

Section 162. Councilors of State may not be dismissed without having been judged by the competent

When there is a vacant place in the Council of State, the first Cortes to be assembled will present
three persons to the king, in accordance with article 156.

Chapter VII. Of military strength.

Section 163. There will be a national, permanent military force composed of the number of troops
and ships that the Cortes determine.

Section 164. Military force is essentially obedient; it must never meet to deliberate or make
resolutions. Its purpose is to maintain the interior and exterior security of the kingdom, under the
orders of the government, to which it belongs to employ it as it deems fit.

Section 165. In addition, there will be militia corps in each province. These bodies are not to do
continual service, but only when circumstances require. They cannot be employed in the kingdom of
Portugal and the Algarve, in time of peace, outside their provinces, without the permission of the

The establishment and organization of these bodies will be regulated by a special ordinance.

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Section 166. Officers of the Army and Navy may only be removed from their ranks by judgment of the
competent court.

Title V. Judicial power.

First chapter. Judges and courts of law.

Section 167. Judicial power belongs exclusively to judges. Neither the Cortes nor the king may, under
any circumstances, exercise it, nor evoke a pending cause, nor call into question a judged trial, nor
dispense with the forms of procedure prescribed by law.

Section 168. There shall be jurors in criminal and civil cases, in such cases and in such manner as the
codes shall determine.

The knowledge of the offenses committed by the abuse of the press belongs, from this moment, to
the jurors.

Section 169. The jurors will be elected directly by the people; and for this, a list will be formed in each
district of a determined number of persons who have the qualities required by law.

Section 170. There will be, in each of the districts, designated by the law of the division of the
territory, a lettered judge of first instance, who will judge the law in the cases where there will be
jurors and the fact and the law in those where there will not be. there will be no jurors.

In Lisbon and in the other large cities, there will be a number of educated judges, proportionate to the

Section 171. The districts will be subdivided into other districts and in all these there will be judges
elected directly by the citizens, at the same time and in the same way as the members of the
municipalities. The attributions of these judges are:

1. 1° To judge, without appeal, the civil causes of small importance designated by the law, and the
criminal causes designated by the law, when the offenses are light. Of all these cases, they will
render their judgment verbally after having heard the parties, and will have the result recorded in
a public document;
2. 2° To fulfill the office of conciliator, in accordance with art. 185;
3. 3° To watch over the safety of the inhabitants of the district, and the preservation of public order,
by conforming to the regulations which will be given to them.

Section 172. To be able to occupy the post of educated judge, independently of the other conditions
required by law, it is necessary:

1. 1° to be a Portuguese citizen;
2. 2° to be twenty-five years old;
(5) have completed studies for a bachelor's degree in law.

Section 173. All literate judges will be perpetual as soon as the codes have been published and the
jurors established.

Section 174. No lettered judge may be deprived of the exercise of his functions except by a judgment,
because of an offense, or after his retirement for a reasoned cause, in accordance with the law.

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Section 175. The learned judges of first instance shall be changed simultaneously, every three years,
from one district to another, as the law shall order.

Section 176. The promotion of judges will follow the order of seniority of service, with the restrictions
that the law will determine.

Section 177. The educated judges of first instance will hear, in their districts:

1. 1° contentious cases which will not be excepted;

2. 2° cases of voluntary jurisdiction, which hitherto could be judged by all the authorities, in the cases
and according to which the law will order it.

Section 178. The learned judges of first instance will decide without appeal the civil cases up to the
value designated by the law. In those which exceed this value, the appeal of their judgments and
other decisions will be brought to the corresponding court, which will judge in the last resort. In
criminal cases, an appeal shall be admitted from the judgments of first instance, in the cases and
according to the forms prescribed by law.

Section 179. Decisions of jurors may be appealed to the competent court; but only to cause the case
to be reviewed by the same jury or by another, in the cases and according to the form expressly
declared by law; in offenses against the freedom of the press, the appeal will be brought to the
special court established for this purpose.

Section 180. To judge the causes in second and last authority, one will establish, in the united
kingdom, the courts necessary for the convenience of the inhabitants and the good administration of

Section 181. There will be, in Lisbon, a supreme tribunal of justice, composed of learned judges
appointed by the king, in accordance with article 120.

The attributions of this tribunal will be:

1. 1° To hear errors of which are accused, in the exercise of their functions, of the judges of this same
tribunal and those of the provincial tribunals, the ministers, the councilors of State, the diplomatic
ministers and the regents of the kingdom: but as for these last four classes, the Cortes must
declare beforehand that there is cause for accusation, according to article 152;
2. 2° To know any doubts about the competence of the jurisdictions which could exist between the
provincial courts of Portugal and of the adjacent islands. Those which may take place between the
overseas courts will be decided by the supreme court of justice on which these courts will depend.
3. 3° To submit to the king, with a statement of the reasons, the doubts he may have, as well as
those which will have been exposed to him by other authorities, on the understanding of any law,
to cause the declaration of the Cortes ;
4. 4° To grant or refuse the revision.

The supreme court of justice will not judge on the revision, but it will be the competent court; when
the latter court has ruled that there is nullity or injustice in the judgment which the supreme court has
granted the revision, the latter will then make effective the responsibility of the judges, in the case
where, according to the law, it must be required .

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Section 182. The concession of revision will take place, for the judgments rendered by the courts, only
in cases where the nullity or the injustice would be notorious; in civil cases, when the value exceeds
that fixed by law, in criminal cases, in more serious cases than those designated by it.

It is only the judgments of judges of law that can be requested for revision, but never the decisions of
judges of fact.

All litigants without exception, as well as the king's prosecutor (promotor da justiça) may request
revision within the time limit determined by law.

Section 183. Overseas, review will be dealt with in the courts designated by law.

Section 184. In civil cases and in criminal ones instituted civilly, the parties are permitted to appoint
referees to settle them.

Section 185. The elective judges shall render conciliatory judgments in cases, and in the manner
prescribed by law.

Chapter II. Of the administration of justice.

Section 186. All the magistrates, and all the officers of justice will be responsible for the abuses of the
capacity, and the errors which they can commit in the exercise of their functions.

Any citizen, even one who is not immediately interested in it, can accuse them of connivance or
bribery; if he is interested, he may accuse them of any wrongdoing to which the law imposes a
penalty, except the infraction of the forms of procedure.

Section 187. When complaints are brought to the king against a judge, he may suspend him from his
functions, after having heard him, and taken the necessary information, and the opinion of the
council of state; the result of this information will immediately be given to the competent court so
that the trial can be heard and the case decided.

Section 188. The court to which the documents of the trial are submitted, from which it appears that
the lower judge has committed
violations of the laws on the forms of the procedure, may condemn him to costs or other pecuniary
penalties up to the sum determined by law, or have him reprimanded in court, or out of court. For
serious offenses or errors referred to in art. 186, he will have him judged by the competent tribunal.

Section 189. For offenses which do not belong to the functions of judge, there will only be place for
suspension when the judge is warned of a crime which deserves capital punishment, or that which
immediately precedes it, or when he is arrested, even under bail.

Section 190. All magistrates and judicial officers will be assigned adequate salaries.

Section 191. The interrogation of witnesses, and all other acts of civil procedure will be public, those
of criminal procedure will be after the statement of prevention.

Section 192. Citizens accused of crimes to which the law imposes a lesser penalty of six months'
imprisonment or exile from the province where they are domiciled, will not be arrested, and will
defend themselves in freedom.

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Section 193. If they are accused of crimes which carry a greater penalty than that of the preceding
article, the arrest cannot take place without first having proceeded summarily to ascertain the
existence of the crime and the identity of the offender. .

It must also be preceded by an arrest warrant signed by the legitimate authority, and in legal form,
which will be shown to the accused during his arrest; if he disobeys this mandate, or if he resists, he
will be punished according to the law.

Section 194. Can only be arrested without these formalities:

1. 1° Those who are caught in flagrante delicto; in this case, everyone has the right to arrest
them; they will be brought immediately before the judge;
2. 2° Those against whom there are indications 1° of burglary or theft with violence on any
individual; 2° domestic flight;
3. 3° murder; 4° crimes relating to state security in the cases expressed by articles 121, al. 4 and 201.

Section 195. These provisions on informal arrest do not exclude exceptions which will be established
by military orders as being necessary for the discipline and recruitment of the army.

The same will take place in cases which are not purely criminal, and for which the law orders the
arrest of an individual for having disobeyed the orders of justice, or for not having fulfilled any duty
within the prescribed time. .

Section 196. In all cases, the judge will give the arrested individual, within twenty-four hours of his
entry into prison, a note signed by him in which will be listed the cause of the arrest, the name of the
accuser or witnesses, if any.

Section 197. If the accused, before being taken to prison, or after entering it, gives bail before the
judge, he shall be immediately released, except in cases where the law forbids bail.

Section 198. Prisons will be safe, clean and well ventilated, so that they serve the safety of detainees,
not to torture them. There will be different rooms in which the detainees will be separated according
to their qualities and the nature of their crimes; special care must be taken of those who, simply
detained, are not yet condemned. However, the judge is permitted, when necessary for the discovery
of the truth, to put the prisoner incommunicado in a clean and convenient place, for the time
determined by law.

Section 199. Prisons must absolutely be visited at the times fixed by law. All detainees must be
present for the visit.

Section 200. The judge and the janitor who fail in the preceding provisions, relative to the prison of
criminals, will be punished in the manner ordered by the laws.

Section 201. In cases of declared rebellion, or invasion of enemies, if the security of the State required
that we suspend some of the forms on the arrest of delinquents, we could only do so by a decree of
the Cortes rendered for a determined time.

In this case, after the fixed time, the government will send to the Cortes a list of the arrests it has had
made, setting out the reasons justifying them: the ministers and other authorities will be responsible
for the abuse they have made of this power beyond what public safety required.

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Title VI. Of the administrative and economic government of the provinces.

First chapter. From the general administrator and the board of directors.

Section 202. There will be in each district a general administrator named by the king, after
consultation with the Council of State; the law will designate the districts, and will fix the duration of
the functions of the administrator.

Section 203. The general administrator will be assisted, in the exercise of his functions, by an
administrative council. This council will be composed of as many members as there are municipalities
in the district: but the populous towns will provide the number of members designated by law. The
election of the councilors will take place every year at the same time, and in the same way as that of
the members of the municipalities.

Section 204. The council will pronounce in the matters of its competence. The execution of its
decisions, as well as of the orders of the government, will belong exclusively to the general
administrator; in urgent cases which require a prompt solution, the administrator may decide and
execute, but afterwards he will inform the council.

Section 205. All objects of public administration will be within the competence of the general
administrator and the council.

They will know of these objects by way of recourse, inspection, consultation or report, as the laws will
order it. By way of recourse, they will know of all the objects which are of the competence of the
municipalities; by Inspection, of the execution of all administrative laws; by consultation with the
government, or report to the directorates-general of all other administrative affairs.

By directorates-general, we mean all those that will be created by the laws to deal with particular
objects of administration and all other administrative directorates of general interest established by
the government, even when their attributions would be limited to a single district.

Section 206. It will also be up to the general administrator and the council to allocate between the
communes of the district the direct contribution (art. 217), and the contingents of recruits.

Section 207. The law will explicitly designate the attributions of the general administrators, and of
the boards of directors, the forms of their acts, the number, the duties and salaries of their employees
and all that will be suitable for the greatest utility that can be derived from them. this institution.

Chapter II. Municipalities (camaras).

Section 208. The economic and municipal government of the communes will belong to the
municipalities, which will exercise it according to the laws.

Section 209. There will be municipalities in all places where it is convenient for the public good; their
districts will be established by the law which will determine the division of the territory.

Section 210. The municipalities will be composed of the number of members (vereadores) designated
by law, a procurator (pocurador) and a secretary (escrivao). The members and the procurator will be
elected annually, directly, by the relative plurality of votes, by secret ballot, and in public assembly of
all the inhabitants of the commune, who will have a vote in the election of the deputies to the Cortes.

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However, the sons of families, and individuals who cannot write at the age fixed by the constitution,
may also vote in this election.

As for the soldiers who would be part of the army or the militias, they will not be able to vote when
they are gathered outside their commune; which does not apply to retired officers.

The member who obtains the most votes will be president of the municipality; in the event of a
division, fate will decide.

The members and the municipal prosecutor will have alternates elected at the same time and in the
same manner.

Section 211. The secretary will be appointed by the municipality; he will have a sufficient salary, and
will remain in office as long as he does not commit faults, or that he has no moral or physical

Section 212. To be a member of the municipality or a prosecutor, one must enjoy the right of
citizenship, be twenty-five years of age, have resided at least two years in the municipality, have
honest means of subsistence, and have no employment incompatible with municipal functions. Those
who have served one year can only be re-elected after a one-year interval.

Section 213. The attributions of the municipalities will be:

1. 1° To issue municipal ordinances;

2. 2° To protect agriculture, commerce, industry, public health, and in general, to procure all the
conveniences of the commune;
3. 3. To establish fairs and markets in the most suitable places, with the approval of the council of
the district;
4. 4. To supervise the primary schools and other educational establishments which are paid for from
the public purse, and likewise the hospitals, foundling homes, and other charitable establishments,
conforming to the laws;
5. 5° To supervise the particular works of the communes, the repair of public works, and to
encourage the planting of trees in the fallow lands, and in those which belong to the commune;
6. 6° To distribute the direct contribution among the inhabitants of the commune (article 217), and
to supervise the collection and the sending of the national revenues;
7. 7° To collect and spend the revenues of the commune as well as the extraordinary contributions,
which, in the absence of other revenues, they may impose on the inhabitants, according to the
laws so order.

In all the cases mentioned above, recourse will be had to the competent authority.

Section 214. The Cortes will decree or confirm the direct contributions annually, on the presentation
of the budget made by the Minister of Finance (art. 216). If the Cortes) do not decree or confirm the
taxes, the taxpayers will no longer be obliged to pay them.

Section 215. Contributions will be commensurate with public expenditure.

Section 216. The Minister of Finance, after having received from the other ministers the specific
budgets of their departments, will present, every year to the Cortes, at the beginning of the session, a
general budget of all the public expenditures for the following year, and another of the amount of all

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public contributions and revenues, and the account of the receipts and expenditures of the national
treasury during the preceding year.

Section 217. The Cortes will distribute the direct contributions between the districts of the
administrative councils according to the income of each. The administrator and his council will fix the
quota of each commune of their district, and the municipality will divide that which will be assigned
to the commune between all the inhabitants and the non-resident owners, in proportion to the
incomes of each.

No person, no corporation shall be exempted from these contributions.

Section 218. In each district designated by law, there shall be a Comptroller of Finances, appointed by
the King, on the proposal of the Council of State, who shall be responsible for prosecuting and
supervising the payment of public revenues, and who shall remain directly responsible for them to the
national treasure.

Section 219. The municipalities must send to the comptroller annually certified statements of the
distribution of all direct taxes; communicate to him the choice that they will have made of tax
collectors and treasurers, and provide him with all the explanations that he will ask of them either to
know the sum of the public revenues of the commune, or to know the state of their collection. This
same duty will extend to those who administer customs or other tax revenue offices.

Section 220. All national revenues shall enter into the national treasury, except those which, by
delegation or by law, shall be paid to other treasurers. The treasurer will not be credited with any
payment that is not made on an order signed by the Minister Secretary of State for Finance, and in
which the object of the expense and the law authorizing it are not stated.

Section 221. The account of the entry and exit of the national treasury, as well as that of the receipts
and expenditure of each and every one of the public revenues, will be returned and controlled in the
chamber of accounts of the treasury, which will be organized by special regulations.

Section 222. The general account of receipts and expenditure for each year, as soon as it is approved
by the Cortes, will be printed and published; what will also take place for the accounts which the
ministers secretaries of state will return of all the expenses made in their department.

Section 223. The government is responsible for supervising the collection of contributions, in
accordance with the laws.

Section 224. The law will designate the authorities to whom will belong the power to judge and
enforce decisions in matters of finance, the forms of the process, the number, the salaries, and the
duties of the employees in the distribution, supervision and collection of public revenues.

Section 225. The constitution recognizes public debt. The Cortes will grant the necessary funds for its
payment as it is liquidated. These funds will be administered separately from other public revenues.

Chapter III. Establishments of public instruction and charity.

Section 226. There will be in all the places of the kingdom where it will be considered suitable, schools
sufficiently equipped, in which one will teach to the Portuguese youth of the two sexes, to read, to
write, the calculation and the catechism of the religious and civil duties.

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Section 227. The existing establishments of public instruction will receive new regulations, and others
will be created, if it will be convenient for the teaching of sciences and arts.

Section 228. Every citizen has the faculty of forming an establishment of public instruction, except to
answer for the abuse which he would make of this freedom, in the cases and in the manner
determined by the law.

Section 229. The Cortes and the government will take special care of the foundation, preservation
and increase of houses of charity (cazas de mizericordia) and civil and military hospitals and especially
those intended for invalid soldiers and sailors; the same will apply to the hospices for foundlings,
pawnshops (montes pios), and other charitable establishments, as well as to the civilization of the

Jean Pierre Maury Doctor in political science (Paris II), Bachelor of Arts (Montpellier), Law degree
(Montpellier), geographical address: gate F113; building F1; 52, avenue de Villeneuve, Perpignan
postal address: 66860 Perpignan cedex : email :
Teachings: Constitutional law (DEUG 1), French political life (Bachelor LMD, level 1), European
institutions (LMD license, level 2), Constitutional law (LMD license, level 3), Public security policies
(LMD license, level 3)

1822 Portugal First Constitution other source

CONSTITUTION OF 1822 D. João by the Grace of God and by the Constitution of the Monarchy,
King of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves on this side and beyond the sea in
Africa, etc. I make known to all my subjects that the General Extraordinary and Constituent Cortes
have decreed, and I have accepted, and sworn to the following POLITICAL CONSTITUTION OF THE
Gathered in Lisbon in 1821 •

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• Title I: The individual rights and duties of the Portuguese
• Title II: Of the Portuguese Nation, and its territory, religion, government and dynasty
• Title III: The Legislative Power or the Courts
• Title IV: Of the Executive Power of the King
• Title V: Judicial Power
• Title VI: Administrative and economic government

IN THE NAME OF THE HOLY AND INDIVISIBLE TRINITY The Extraordinary and Constituent General
Cortes of the Portuguese Nation, intimately convinced that the public misfortunes, that have
oppressed it so much and still oppress it, had their origin in the contempt for the citizen's rights, and
in the forgetfulness of the fundamental laws of the Monarchy; and having also considered, that only
through the re-establishment of these laws, expanded and reformed, can the prosperity of the same
Nation be achieved, and to ensure that it does not fall back into the abyss, from which the heroic
virtue of its children saved it. ; decree the following Political Constitution, in order to ensure the rights
of each one, and the general good of all Portuguese.


ARTICLE 1 The political Constitution of the Portuguese Nation aims to maintain the freedom,
security, and property of all Portuguese.
ARTICLE 2 Freedom consists in not being obliged to do what the law does not command, nor to
refrain from doing what it does not forbid. The conservation of this freedom depends on the exact
observance of the laws.

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ARTICLE 3 Personal security is the protection that the Government must give to everyone, in order
to preserve their personal rights.
ARTICLE 4 No one shall be arrested without charge, except in the cases and in the manner stated in
article 203, et seq. The law will designate the penalties with which they must be punished, not only
for the judge who orders an arbitrary arrest and the officials who execute it, but also for the person
who has requested it.
ARTICLE 5 Every Portuguese's house is an asylum for him. No public official may enter it without a
written order from the competent Authority, except in cases and in the manner determined by law.
ARTICLE 6 Property is a sacred and inviolable right, which any Portuguese has, to dispose of all their
assets at will, according to the laws. When, for some reason of public and urgent need, it is necessary
that he be deprived of this right, he will first be compensated, in the manner established by the laws.
ARTICLE 7 The free communication of thoughts is one of man's most precious rights. All Portuguese
can therefore, without depending on prior censorship, express their opinions on any matter, provided
that they have to answer for the abuse of this freedom in the cases, and in the way that the law
ARTICLE 8 The Courts will appoint a Special Court, to protect the freedom of the press, and to restrain
the crimes resulting from its abuse, in accordance with the provision of art. 177 and 189. As for the
abuse that can be made of this freedom in religious matters, the Bishops are safe from censorship of
published writings on dogma and morals, and the Government will help the Bishops themselves to
punish the guilty. In Brazil there will also be a Special Court like the one in Portugal.
ARTICLE 9 The law is the same for everyone. Therefore, privileges of the forum should not be tolerated
in civil or criminal cases, nor special commissions. This provision does not include causes, which by
their nature belong to particular judgments, in accordance to the laws.
ARTICLE 10 No law, let alone a penal one, will be established without absolute necessity.
ARTICLE 11 The entire penalty must be proportionate to the crime; and none will pass from the person
of the delinquent. Torture, confiscation of goods, infamy, scourging, holding and trading, branding
with a hot iron, and all other cruel or infamous punishments are abolished.
ARTICLE 12 All Portuguese can be admitted to public office, without any distinction other than that of
their talents and virtues.
ARTICLE 13 Public offices are not the property of any person. Their number will be strictly restricted to
what is necessary. The people who will serve them shall first swear to observe the Constitution and
the laws; be faithful to the Government; and well fulfill its obligations.
ARTICLE 14 All public employees will be strictly responsible for errors of office and abuse of power, in
accordance to the Constitution and the law.
ARTICLE 15 All Portuguese have the right to be remunerated for important services done to their
homeland, in the cases and in the way that the laws determine.
ARTICLE 16 Any Portuguese may submit in writing to the Cortes and to the executive power
complaints, claims, or petitions, which must be examined.
ARTICLE 17 All Portuguese have the right to expose any violation of the Constitution, and to request
the effective responsibility of the offender before the competent Authority.
ARTICLE 18 The secret of the letters is inviolable. The Postal Administration is strictly responsible for
any infringement of this article.
ARTICLE 19 All Portuguese must be fair. Its main duties are to venerate Religion; love their country;

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defend it with arms, when called upon by law; obey the Constitution and the laws; respect public
Authorities; and to contribute to state expenses.

SINGLE CHAPTER ARTICLE 20 The Portuguese Nation is the union of all Portuguese from both
hemispheres. Its territory forms the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves, and
comprises: I. In Europe, the kingdom of Portugal, which comprises the provinces of Minho, Trásos-
Montes, Beira, Estremadura, Alentejo, and the kingdom of Algarve, and the adjacent islands,
Madeira, Porto Santo, and Azores: II. In America, the kingdom of Brazil, which is made up of the
Provinces of Pará and Rio Negro, Maranhão, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Paraíba,
Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia and Sergipe, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, S. Paulo, Santa
Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Goiás, Mato Grosso, and the Islands of Fernando de Noronha, Trindade,
and the others that are adjacent to that kingdom: III. In West Africa, Bissau and Cacheu; on the Costa
de Mina, the fort of S. João Baptista de Ajudá, Angola, Benguela and its dependencies, Cabinda and
Molembo, the Cape Verde Islands, and those of S. Tomé and Príncipe and its dependencies: on the
eastern coast, Mozambique, Rio de Sena, Sofala, Inhambane, Quelimane, and the Cabo Delgado
Islands: IV. In Asia, Salsete, Bardez, Goa, Daman, Diu, and establishments in Macau and the islands of
Solor and Timor. The Nation does not waive its right to any portion of territory not covered by this
article. The territory of the United Kingdom shall be conveniently divided.
ARTICLE 21 All Portuguese are citizens, and enjoy this quality: I. Children of a Portuguese father born
in the United Kingdom; or who, having been born in a foreign country, came to establish a domicile in
the same kingdom: however, the need for this domicile ceases, if the father was in the foreign country
in the service of the Nation: II. The illegitimate children of a Portuguese mother born in the United
Kingdom; or who, having been born in a foreign country, came to establish a domicile in the same
kingdom. However, if they are recognized or legitimized by a foreign father, and were born in the
United Kingdom, the provisions of paragraph V below will apply to them; and having been born in a
foreign country, what is set out in paragraph VI: III. Those exposed anywhere in the United Kingdom,
whose parents ignore each other: IV. Slaves who obtain a letter of manumission: V. Children of a
foreign father, who are born and take up residence in the United Kingdom; provided that, having
reached the age of majority, they declare, by means of a signed term in the books of the Chamber of
their domicile, that they wish to be Portuguese citizens: VI Foreigners who obtain a letter of
ARTICLE 22 Any foreigner, who is of legal age and establishes residence in the United Kingdom, may
obtain a letter of naturalization, having married a Portuguese woman, or having acquired in the same
kingdom an establishment in cash capital, real estate, agriculture, commerce, or industry; introduced,
or exercised, some commerce, or useful industry; or rendered to the Nation relevant services.
The children of a Portuguese father who has lost the status of citizen, if they are of legal age and
domiciled in the United Kingdom, may obtain a naturalization letter without depending on any other
ARTICLE 23 Loses the status of Portuguese citizen: I. Who naturalizes in a foreign country; II. Who
without Government license accepts employment, pension, or is awarded a decoration from any
foreign Government.
ARTICLE 24 The exercise of political rights is suspended: I. Due to physical or moral incapacity: II. By a

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sentence that condemns to imprisonment or exile, while the effects of the conviction last.
ARTICLE 25 The Religion of the Portuguese Nation is the Roman Catholic Apostolic. However,
foreigners are allowed the private exercise of their respective cults.
ARTICLE 26 Sovereignty resides essentially in the Nation. However, it can only be exercised by its
legally elected representatives. No individual or corporation exercises public authority, which is not
derived from the same Nation.
ARTICLE 27 The Nation is free and independent, and cannot be owned by anyone. It has exclusive
jurisdiction to make its Constitution, or Basic Law, written by it Deputies together in Cortes, without
dependence on the King's sanction.
ARTICLE 28 The Constitution, once made by the present extraordinary and constituent Cortes, can
only be reformed or altered after four years have passed since its publication; and as for the articles,
the execution of which depends on regulatory laws, counted from the publication of these laws. These
reforms and alterations will be carried out as follows: After the said four years have passed, a reform
or alteration can be proposed at the Cortes. The proposal will be read three times at intervals of eight
days, and if it is admitted to discussion, and the two-thirds of the Members present agree on its need,
it will be reduced to a decree, in which the voters of the Members for the following legislature are
ordered to grant them in the proxy the special capacity to make the intended change or reform, being
obliged to recognize it as constitutional in case it is approved. The legislature that has provided itself
the aforementioned proxies will discuss the proposal again; and if passed by the two-thirds, it will be
considered a constitutional law; included in the Constitution; and presented to the King, in
accordance to art. 109, for him to have it published and executed throughout the Monarchy.
ARTICLE 29 The Government of the Portuguese Nation is the constitutional hereditary Monarchy, with
fundamental laws that regulate the exercise of the three political powers.
ARTICLE 30 These powers are legislative, executive and judicial. The first resides in the Cortes,
depending on the King's sanction (art. 110, 111 and 112.) The second resides in the King and in the
Secretaries of State, who exercise it under the authority of the same King. The third is in the Judges.
Each one of these powers is so independent, that one cannot arrogate to itself the assignments of the
ARTICLE 31 o The reigning dynasty is that of the serene house of Bragança. Our current King is D. João

ARTICLE 32 The Portuguese Nation is represented in the Cortes, that is, in the Assembly of Deputies,
which the same Nation elects for this purpose with respect to the population of the entire Portuguese
ARTICLE 33 In the election of the Deputies, the Portuguese who are exercising their rights as citizens
(art. 21, 22, 23 and 24), having domicile, or at least one year of residence, in the municipality where
the election is held, have the vote. The domicile of the military of the first line and those of the
armada is understood to be in the municipality where the corps they belong to have their permanent
headquarters The following are excluded from this provision: I. Minors under twenty-five; among
whom, however, married couples who are twenty years old are not included; military officers of the
same age; graduated bachelors; and clerics of holy orders; II. Family-children, who are in the power

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and company of their parents, unless they serve public offices; III. Servants; this denomination does
not include foremen and carters, who live in a separate house from their masters; IV. The vagrants,
that is, those who have no job, trade, or a known way of life; V. Regulars, which do not include those
of the Military Orders, nor those of the secular; VI. Those who in the future, upon reaching the age of
twenty-five, cannot read and write, if they are less than seventeen when the Constitution is published.
ARTICLE 34 Are absolutely ineligible: I. Those who cannot vote (art. 33); II. Those who do not have
enough income to support themselves, coming from properties, commerce, industry, or employment;
III. Those who declared bankruptcy, until they are proven to be in good faith; IV. The Secretaries and
State Advisors; V. Those who serve in Royal House jobs; VI. Foreigners, provided they have a letter of
naturalization: VII. Freedmen born in a foreign country.
ARTICLE 35 The following are respectively ineligible: I. Those who have not been born or have a
continuous and current residence, for at least five years, in the province where the election is held; II.
Bishops in their dioceses; III. The parish priests in their parishes; IV. The Magistrates in the districts
where they individually or collectively exercise their jurisdiction; which does not comprehend,
however, the members of the Supreme Court of Justice (art. 191), nor other Authorities whose
jurisdiction extends to the whole kingdom, if they are not one of those specifically prohibited; V.
Finally, the commanders of the corps of the first and second line cannot be elected by their military
ARTICLE 36 The Deputies of one legislature can be re-elected to the next.
ARTICLE 37 Elections will be held by electoral divisions. Each division shall be formed in such a way
that three to six Deputies correspond to it, the number of which shall be regulated at the rate of one
for every thirty thousand free inhabitants: however, each division may admit the increase or decrease
of fifteen thousand, in such a way that the division , which has between 75 000 and 105 000, will give
three Deputies; between 105000 and 135000 will give four; between 135 000 and 165 000 will give
five; between 165 000 and 195 000 will give six Deputies.
ARTICLE 38 The provision of the preceding article has the following exceptions: I. The city of Lisbon
and its territory will form a single division, provided that the number of its inhabitants exceeds 195
000: II. The Azores Islands will form three divisions, according to their current distribution in counties,
and each one of them will give at least two Deputies; III. Regarding Brazil, the law will decide how
many divisions should correspond to each province, and how many Deputies to each division,
regulating their number at the rate of one for every thirty thousand free inhabitants; IV. In what
regards 1st the kingdom of Angola and Benguela; 2nd to the Cape Verde Islands with Bissau and
Cacheu; 3rd S. Tomé and Príncipe and its dependencies; 4th to Mozambique and its dependencies; 5th
to the states of Goa; 6th to the establishments of Macau, Solor and Timor, each of these districts will
form a division and will give at least one Deputy, whatever the number of its free inhabitants is.

ARTICLE 39 Each electoral division will elect their corresponding Deputies, with freedom to choose
them throughout the province. If one of them is elected in many divisions, shall prevail the election in
his residence division; if he does not reside in one of them, shall prevail the election in his birth
division; if in none he has a place of birth nor residence, shall prevail the one where he attained more
votes; in case of a tie decide the lot. This tie will be broken at the Preparatory Board of Cortes (art.
77). The corresponding substitutes will be called by the other division or divisions (art. 86).
ARTICLE 40 A substitute will be elected for each Deputy.

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ARTICLE 41 Each legislature will last two years. The election will therefore take place in alternate
ARTICLE 42 The election will be made directly by the citizens gathered in electoral assemblies, to the
plurality of votes cast in secret ballot; which will be done in the following way:
ARTICLE 43 In each parish there will be an enrolment book signed by the Mayor, where the parish
priest will write or make write in alphabetical order the names, addresses, and occupations of all the
local residents who have a vote in the election. These enrolments will be verified by the City Council
and published two months prior to the meeting of the electoral assemblies, so that any illegalities can
be noticed and corrected.
ARTICLE 44 The City Council of each municipality will designate, with a suitable anticipation, how
many primary assemblies in its district are convenient, according to the settlement and the distance
between the locations; whether it is necessary to bring together many parishes in a single assembly,
or to divide a parish into many assemblies; provided that none of these will correspond to less than
two thousand inhabitants, nor more than six thousand. Overseas, if it is too uncomfortable for some
rural parishes to come together in a single assembly, due to their great distance, a single assembly
can be formed in each one of them, since it does not reach 2,000 inhabitants.
ARTICLE 45 If any municipality does not reach two thousand inhabitants, it will nevertheless form an
assembly if it has a thousand; and not having them, it will join the adjacent municipality with the
smallest population. If they do not reach a thousand inhabitants together, they will join another or
others; the most central will be considered the head. This meeting will be designated by the
respective General Manager (art. 212). In the overseas provinces, the law will modify the present
provision, as the comfort of the populations requires. ARTICLE 46 The City Council will also designate
the churches where each assembly shall meet and the parishes or streets and places of a parish, that
belong to each one; being understood that no one will be allowed to vote in a different assembly. The
City Hall Clerk will enter these designations in an election book, which will be there, signed by the
ARTICLE 47 In the municipalities where many assemblies are formed, the Mayor will preside over the
one that meets at the head of the municipality; and if more than one is meeting there, over the one
designated by the City Council. The others will be presided by the effective Councillors; and if these
are not enough, by the previous years’ councillors; the City Council will distribute both by luck. In the
municipalities where the effective Councillors and those from previous years do not complete the
number of Presidents required, the City Council will appoint the remaining. In the City of Lisbon, while
there are not enough elected councillors, this lack will be supplied by the ministers of the
neighbourhoods and by the judges of appeal, distributed by the City Council. However, these
Presidents, meeting the assemblies in the form stated below (Article 53), will propose to them, in
agreement with the Parish Priests, two people of public trust, one to take their place, the other for
one of the two Secretaries (Article 53), and after registering this election, will leave the electoral
ARTICLE 48 Together with the Presidents, the Parish Priests of the churches where the meetings are
held will be present at the election bureau. When a parish is divided into many assemblies, the Parish
Priest will appoint priests to assist them. The Parish Priests or priests will take their seats at the right
of the President.
ARTICLE 49 The electoral assemblies will be public, their opening being previously announced by the

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bells ringing. No one will enter there armed. No one will have precedence of seat, except the
President, the Parish Priest or the assistant priest. ARTICLE 50 The enrolment book or books will be
present at each assembly. When a parish forms many assemblies, there will be authentic lists of the
residents who form them, copied from the enrolment book. There will also be a book autographed by
the President, where the election record is written.
ARTICLE 51 The primary assemblies in Portugal and in the Algarve will meet on the first Sunday of
August of the second year of the legislature; in the Adjacent Islands, on the first Sunday of April; in
Brazil and Angola, on the first Sunday of August of the previous year; in the islands of Cabo Verde on
the first Sunday of November, also of the previous year; in the Islands of S. Tomé and Príncipe,
Mozambique, Goa and Macau, on the first Sunday of November two years earlier.
ARTICLE 52 On the day predefined by the preceding article, at the determined time, the residents of
each municipality who have a vote in the elections will meet in the designated churches, bringing the
lists where they have written the names and occupations of the people in whom they will vote for
Deputies. Each of these lists must contain the number of Deputies who are responsible for that
electoral division, and as many others to replace them. On the reverse side of them, shall be stated
the municipalities and parishes of the voters, and being these Military of the first or second line, also
the corps they belong to. All this will be announced by public notices, which the City Councils will have
posted in advance.
ARTICLE 53 Once the assembly has gathered at the specified place, day and time, shall be celebrated
a Mass of the Holy Spirit, at the end of which the Parish Priest, or the assistant priest, will make a
brief speech similar to the object, and will read the present chapter of the elections. Then, the
President in agreement with the Parish Priest or the assistant priest, will propose to the citizens
present two persons of public trust for Tellers, two for Election Secretaries, and in Lisbon one for
President and another for Secretary, under the terms of article 47. He will propose three more to take
turns with any of these. The assembly will approve or disapprove them through some sign, such as
raising the right hands; if any of them is not approved, the proposal and the vote will be renewed as
many times as necessary. The elected Tellers and Secretaries will take their seats beside the President
and the Parish Priest. This election will be immediately written in the book and published by one of
the Secretaries.
ARTICLE 54 After that, the President and the electoral bureau will cast their lists in an urn. Soon, all
the citizens present will approach the table one by one; and their names being written in the
enrolment book, they will deliver the lists, that will be thrown in the urn without unfolding, after
confronting the inscriptions placed on the reverse side with the people who present them. One of the
Secretaries will download the names of those who deliver them into the book.

ARTICLE 55 Once the voting is over, the President will order the counting, publishing, and writing
down of the number of lists in the record. Then one of the Tellers will read aloud each one of them, as
well as the inscriptions placed on the reverse side (article 52), crossing off from the lists the votes cast
for the persons prohibited in numbers II, III, IV and V of article 35. As the Teller reads, each of the
Secretaries will write in their list the names of those voted and the number of votes that each one
gets; which they will do by the successive numbers of the natural numbering, so that the last number
of each name will show the totality of the votes he has obtained; and as they write these numbers,

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they will publish them aloud.

ARTICLE 56 After reading the lists, and verifying the conformity of both the arrays by the Tellers and
Secretaries, one of them will publish in the assembly the names of all who were voted to the
assembly, and the number of votes that each one had. The names of the voted will be immediately
written by alphabetical order, and the number of votes of each one in full. The report will be signed by
all the electoral bureau and the lists will be publicly burned.
ARTICLE 57 The electoral bureau will immediately appoint two from among themselves, to present in
the days declared below (articles 61 and 63), a copy of the report to the Board that shall meet at the
City Hall, if there are many primary assemblies; or at the one that will meet at the head of the
electoral division, if there is only one. The referred copy will be taken by one of the Secretaries, signed
by all the electoral bureau, closed and sealed. The assembly will then be dissolved. The books and lists
will be kept in the City Hall archive, giving them the greatest publicity.
ARTICLE 58 it will be stated in the election record that the citizens who form that assembly grant to
each and every Deputy elected at the Board of the head of the electoral division, ample powers so
that, gathered at the Cortes with those of the other divisions of the entire Portuguese Monarchy, they
may, as representatives of the Nation, do whatever is conducive to its general good, and fulfill their
functions in conformity, and within the limits prescribed by the Constitution, without being able to
derogate or alter any of its articles; and that the grantors shall comply and regard as valid all that the
said Deputies do in this way, in accordance to the same Constitution.
ARTICLE 59 If the voting is not finished at sunset, the President will order the lists and arrays to be
placed in a safe with three keys, which will be distributed randomly to three members of the electoral
bureau. This safe will be kept under lock and key in the same church, and the next day it will be
presented at the electoral bureau, and there it will be opened in the presence of the assembly.
ARTICLE 60 After having delivered all the lists, if the President foresees that their counting cannot be
concluded until the following Monday, he will propose to the citizens present, in agreement with the
Parish Priest, Tellers and Secretaries for another electoral bureau as in article 53. A part of the lists
will pass to this one, and it shall perform simultaneously the same as the previous, where the four lists
will finally be gathered, and proceed as provided for in article 56.
ARTICLE 61 When there is more than one primary assembly in the municipality, the holders of copies
of the election records (article 57) will meet on the following Sunday, and Overseas when declared
below (article 74), at the time indicated in the notices, in a public meeting at the City Hall, with its
President and the Parish Priest who attended the previous assembly with him. They will then elect
from among themselves two Tellers and two Secretaries and opening the reports, the President will
have them read aloud, and the Secretaries will write the names in two lists. Thereafter, the provisions
of Articles 55 and 56 will be practiced. In the Lisbon division, the present Board ceases, and only the
one determined in article 63, which will be formed by the bearers of the lists of the primary
assemblies, takes place.
ARTICLE 62 The electoral bureau will successively elect two from among themselves, who on the day
stated below (article 63) will present a copy of this record to the Board of the head of the electoral
division. Regarding this copy, the dissolution of the Board and the keeping and publicity of the book
and the lists, the same will be done as provided for in article 57.
ARTICLE 63 On the third Sunday of August, and in the Adjacent and Overseas Islands on the one
declared below (article 74), the holders of copies of the records of the entire division will gather with

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the President of the same City Council and the Parish Priest who attended the previous assembly with
him, in a public meeting at the City Hall of the head of the division they belong to. They will
immediately proceed to elect Tellers and Secretaries; the same shall apply as provided for in articles
61 and 55. As the teller; and once the votes have been counted, those who obtain absolute plurality
will be elected Deputies, either ordinary or substitutes, that is, those whose names are written on
more than half of the lists. Among them, ordinary deputies will be those who have more votes, and
substitutes will be those who immediately follow them; and in that order their names will be written
on the record. In case of a tie, luck will decide. Afterwards, further practices will be performed, as it is
provided for in article 56, being understood that the relationships must be maintained, as established
in article 62.
ARTICLE 64 If not enough people obtain absolute plurality to complete the number of Deputies and
substitutes, a list will be made, containing three times the missing number, consisting of the names of
those who have more votes, with a declaration of the number that each one had. This list will be read
aloud, and copied in the record. Once this is done, the Board will be dissolved.
ARTICLE 65 The President will immediately publish the referred list, and having taken as many copies
of it by a Notary as there are councils of the electoral division, signed by him and checked by the Clerk
of the City Council, he will send them to the City Halls of that municipality. The Presidents of these will
immediately send copies taken by their Clerks and signed by both, to the Presidents who were on the
primary assemblies, to have them immediately registered in the books mentioned in article 50 and to
give them the greatest publicity.
ARTICLE 66 At the same time, the City Councils will convene the residents of the municipality, through
public notices (Article 52), for a new meeting of the primary assemblies, announcing: 1st - that this
will be held on the third Sunday after the one when the board of the electoral division head convened
and in the Adjacent Islands and Overseas when it is stated below (article 74); 2nd - the number of
ordinary and substitute Deputies not elected yet; 3rd - that the voters will form their lists completing
the number from among the names included in the list sent from the board, which will be transcribed
in the notices.
ARTICLE 67 In this second meeting of the primary assemblies, everything will be done as provided for
in articles 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62 and 63. ; with declaration: 1st - that the electoral bureau
members will be the same of the first meeting; 2nd that the reports coming from the head of the
electoral division will be kept in the archives of the City Halls; 3rd - that once the votes have been
calculated in a new board of the division head, the elected ordinary and substitute Deputies will be
those who obtain more votes (article 63) when they do not obtain absolute plurality; in case of a tie
decide the lot. In the absence or impediment of any of the members of the electoral bureau, another
one will be elected, as in the first time.

ARTICLE 68 Then the Board will be dissolved. The election book will be kept at the City Hall archives
after it has been given the greatest publicity.
ARTICLE 69 In the record of this election, it will be stated that in the records sent from all the primary
assemblies of the electoral division, the residents will grant the powers declared in article 58 to the
Deputies now elected, the content of which will be transcribed in the same record.
ARTICLE 70 When this act is concluded, the assembly will attend a solemn Te Deum, sung in the main
church, with the participation of the electoral bureau and the Deputies who might be present.

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ARTICLE 71 A copy of the election record will be delivered to each Deputy and another will be
forwarded to the Permanent Deputation (Article 117), taken by a Notary and checked by the City
Council Clerk.
ARTICLE 72 Doubts that arise during the primary assemblies will be decided verbally and without
appeal, by a committee of five members, elected on the occasion, and in the same way the electoral
bureau is formed (Article 53). However, this committee will not deal with doubts concerning the
eligibility of the voted persons, except in the terms of article 55; because that knowledge belongs to
the Preparatory Board of the Cortes (Article 77).
ARTICLE 73 In the electoral assemblies, only objects relating to elections can be dealt with. Anything
done against this provision will be null and void. ARTICLE 74 In the Adjacent Islands and Overseas, the
provisions of this chapter will be observed with the following modifications:
I – In the Adjacent Islands, the meeting of the Board of the head of the electoral division (article 63)
will take place on the first Sunday after the arrival of the bearers of the electoral records of the entire
division. For the second ballot, the primary assemblies will meet on the third Sunday after copies have
been received from the Division Head Board (Article 65); the Boards of the municipality, on the
Sunday following the referred third Sunday; the division heads on the first Sunday after the arrival of
the holders of the election records of the whole division;
II – Overseas, the Boards of the municipalities, the division heads, and in the second ballot the
primary assemblies and the Boards of municipalities and of the head of division, will meet on the
Sunday designated by the superior civil authority of the province, and it will be as soon as possible;
III – The meetings for the second scrutiny in Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique and Macau, do not
depend on the vote of the inhabitants of the remote places of each of these divisions; voting only
those who are present within such a time that the completion of the elections will not be considerably


ARTICLE 75 Before the fifteenth of November, the Deputies will present themselves to the Permanent
Deputation, who will have their names written in a register book, with a declaration of the electoral
divisions to which they belong to.
ARTICLE 76 On the 15th of November, the Deputies will meet in the first preparatory Board in the
Cortes room, with the Permanent Deputation serving as President, and those appointed by it from
among its members as Tellers and Secretaries. The proxies will then be verified, appointing a
committee of five Deputies to examine them, and another of three to examine those of the said five.
ARTICLE 77 o Until the 20th of November, the Preparatory Board will continue to meet one or more
times, to verify the legitimacy of the powers of attorney and the qualities of those elected; definitively
resolving any doubts, which about this move.
ARTICLE 78 o On the 20th of November, the same Board will elect from among the Deputies, by secret
ballot, the absolute plurality of votes, to serve in the first month, a President and a Vice-President,
and the relative plurality four Secretaries. Immediately everyone will go to the cathedral church to
attend a solemn Mass of the Holy Spirit; and at the end of it the celebrant will grant the following
oath to the President, who, putting his right hand on the book of the holy Gospels, will say: I swear to
maintain the Roman Catholic Religion; guard and enforce the political Constitution of the Portuguese
Monarchy, which the extraordinary and constituent Courts decreed in 1821; and to fulfill well and

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faithfully the duties of a Deputy in Cortes, in accordance with the same Constitution. The Vice-
President and Deputies shall take the same oath,
ARTICLE 79 o Once the religious ceremony is over, the Deputies will go to the Courts room, where the
President will declare that they are installed. He will soon appoint a Deputation composed of twelve
Deputies, two of whom are Secretaries, to inform the King of the aforementioned installation, and to
know if he will attend the opening of the Cortes. If the King is out of the place of the Courts, this
participation will be made in writing, and the King will respond in the same way.
ARTICLE 80 o On the first day of December of each year, the President with the Deputies who are
present in Lisbon, capital of the United Kingdom, will inevitably open the first session of Cortes. At this
time, the permanent Deputation will cease to function. The King will personally assist if he wishes,
entering the room unguarded, accompanied only by the people who determine the regiment of the
internal government of the Courts. He will make a speech suited to the solemnity, to which the
President must respond as to fulfill. If he does not attend, the Secretaries of State will go on his
behalf, and one of them will recite the said speech, and deliver it to the President. The same must be
observed when the Courts are closed.
ARTICLE 81 o In the second year of each legislature, there will be no Preparatory Board or oath
(Articles 76, 77 and 78), and the Deputies, meeting on the 20th of November in the Cortes Room,
serving as President of the last year , will proceed to elect a new President, Vice-President and
Secretaries; and having attended the Mass of the Holy Spirit, they will proceed in everything else as in
the first year.
ARTICLE 82 o Courts with just cause, approved by the two thirds of the Deputies, may move from the
capital of this kingdom to any other place. If, during the intervals between the two sessions of the
Cortes, an invasion by enemies, pestilence, or any other very urgent cause occurs, the Permanent
Deputation may determine the referred transfer, and take any other measures it deems convenient,
which will be subject to the approval of the Cortes.
ARTICLE 83 o Each of the two sessions of the legislature will last for three consecutive months, and
can only be extended for one more: I – If the King so requests; II – If there is just cause approved by
the two thirds of the Deputies present.
ARTICLE 84 o The one who is elected Deputy shall not be excused except for a legitimate and
permanent impediment, justified before the Courts. If someone is re-elected in the immediate
election, he will be free to apologize; but he will not be able, during the two years of the legislature
for which he has excused himself, to accept any employment from the Government, unless the latter
competes with him for seniority or scale in the career of his profession.

ARTICLE 85 o The justification of impediments of Deputies residing overseas will be made before the
Board of the head of the respective electoral division, if it is still in session; and if not, before the
Preparatory Board (Article 77) or before the Cortes. Respective division is understood to mean the one
in which the Deputy whose excuse is in question was elected; and being elected in many, whichever
prevails, according to article 39. ARTICLE 86 o When a Deputy is excused, the Authority that excuses
him will immediately call his substitute according to the order of plurality of votes (Article 63).
ARTICLE 87 o With the Deputies of each of the electoral divisions of Overseas, the first substitute will

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soon come to Lisbon, unless one resides in Portugal and Algarve; in which case he will enter in place
of the missing Deputy. If some effective Deputies are re-elected, as many replacements as are re-
elected will soon come, discounting those residing in Portugal and Algarve.
ARTICLE 88 o The proxies of the substitutes, as well as those of the Deputies who did not present
themselves on the appointed day, will be verified in Cortes by a commission, and thus, to some as to
others the President will grant the oath.
ARTICLE 89 o If the Deputies of any province are unable to present themselves in the Cortes,
prevented by enemy invasion or blockade, the previous Deputies will continue to serve in their place,
until the impediments appear.
ARTICLE 90 o The sessions will be public; and there can only be a secret session when the Courts, in
accordance with their internal regulations, deem it necessary; which will never take place in the case
of a discussion of law. ARTICLE 91 o The King is not permitted to attend the Cortes, except at their
opening and conclusion. They will not be able to deliberate in his presence. However, if the Secretaries
of State go on behalf of the King, or called by the Courts, to propose or explain some business, they
will be able to attend the discussion, and speak therein in accordance with the regiment of the Courts;
but they will never be present for the vote.
ARTICLE 92 o The Secretary of State for War Affairs, in the first session after the Cortes has been
opened, will inform them of the number of troops, which are stationed in the capital, and in the
distance of twelve leagues around; as well as the positions they occupy, so that the Courts can
determine what suits them.
ARTICLE 93 o Regarding everything related to the government, and the internal order of the Courts,
its regiment will be observed, in which the appropriate changes can be made for the future.


ARTICLE 94 o Each Deputy is a prosecutor and representative for the entire Nation, and not just for
the division that elected him.
ARTICLE 95 o Deputies are not allowed to protest against the decisions of the Courts; but they may
have their vote declared in the minutes without giving reasons.
ARTICLE 96 o Deputies are inviolable for the opinions they express in the Courts, and they will never
be responsible for them.
ARTICLE 97 o If any Deputy is pronounced, the Judge, suspending all further proceedings, will report
to the Courts, which will decide whether the process should continue, and whether or not the Deputy
is suspended in the exercise of his functions.
ARTICLE 98 o From the day on which the Deputies present themselves to the permanent Deputation,
until the day on which the sessions end, they will receive a pecuniary allowance, levied by the Cortes
in the second year of the preceding legislature. In addition, compensation will be awarded for the
costs of coming and going. Those from Overseas (among which those from the Adjacent Islands are
not understood) will sign another subsidy for the time between the sessions of the Courts: which is
not understood by those established in Portugal and Algarve. These subsidies and indemnities will be
paid by the public treasury.
ARTICLE 99 o No Member from the day on which his election appears in the permanent Deputation
until the end of the legislature may accept or request any pension or decoration for himself or for
others. The same will be understood of the jobs provided by the King, unless they compete for

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seniority or scale in the career of his profession.

ARTICLE 100 o The Deputies, during the time of the sessions of the Cortes, will be inhibited from the
exercise of their ecclesiastical, civil and military jobs. During the intervals between the sessions, the
King may not use them outside the kingdom of Portugal and Algarve; they will not even exercise their
jobs, when this makes it impossible for them to meet in the event of convening extraordinary Courts;
ARTICLE 101 o If, by some extraordinary case, on which public security or the good of the State
depend, it is essential that any of the Deputies leave the Courts for another occupation, they may
determine this, with the agreement of their thirds of the votes.


ARTICLE 102 o Belongs to the Courts: I. Make laws, interpret them, and revoke them: II. To promote
the observance of the Constitution and the laws, and in general the good of the Portuguese Nation.
ARTICLE 103 o It is incumbent upon the Courts, without depending on the Royal sanction, the
following attributions:
I. Take an oath to the King, the Prince Royal, and the Regency or Regent:
II. Recognize the Prince Royal as the Crown's successor, and approve his education plan:
III. Appoint tutor to King Minor:
IV. To elect the Regency or Regent (arts. 148 and 150), and mark the limits of their authority:
V. Resolve any doubts that may arise about the succession to the Crown: SAW. Approve offensive or
defensive alliance, subsidy, and trade treaties before they are ratified:
VII. To fix every year on a proposal or information from the Government the land and sea forces, as
well as the ordinary ones in time of peace, as well as the extraordinary ones in time of war:
VIII. Granting or denying entry of foreign forces from land or sea into the kingdom or its ports:
IX. Annually fix taxes and public expenditures; distribute the direct contribution among the districts of
the Administrative Boards (art. 228); to supervise the use of public revenues, and the accounts of their
income and expenditure:
X. Authorize the Government to take out loans. Their conditions will be presented to you, except in
urgent cases: XI. Establish the appropriate means for the payment of public debt:
XII. Regulate the administration of national assets, and decree their alienation in case of need:
XIII. Create or suppress public jobs and offices, and establish their salaries:
XIV. Determine the inscription, weight, value, law, type, and denomination of the coins:
XV. To verify the responsibility of the Secretaries of State, and of the most public employees:
XVI. Regulate what concerns the internal regime of the Cortes.


ARTICLE 104 o Law is the will of citizens declared by the unanimity or plurality of the votes of their
representatives together in Cortes, preceding public discussion. The law obliges citizens without
dependence on its acceptance.
ARTICLE 105 o The direct initiative of the laws only belongs to the representatives of the Nation
together in Cortes. However, the Secretaries of State may make proposals, which, after being
examined by a commission of the Courts, may be converted into bills of law.

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ARTICLE 106 o Any bill will be read first and second time with an interval of eight days. At the second
reading, the Cortes will decide whether to discuss: in this case, the necessary copies will be printed
and distributed to the Deputies, and after eight days, the one in which the discussion will start will be
signed. This will last for one or more sessions, until the project appears to have been sufficiently
examined. The Courts will immediately decide whether a vote takes place: once it has been decided, it
proceeds. Each proposition is understood to have won absolute plurality of votes.
ARTICLE 107 o In an urgent case, as declared by the two thirds of the Members present, the discussion
may start, or even end, on the same day on which the project is presented; but the law will then be
regarded as provisional.
ARTICLE 108 o If a bill is not allowed for discussion or voting, or, if accepted, is rejected, it cannot be
proposed again in the same session of the legislature.
ARTICLE 109 o If the project is approved, it will be reduced to law, which, after being read in the
Cortes, and signed by the President and two Secretaries, will be presented to the King in duplicate by
a Deputation of five of its members, appointed by the President. If the King is outside the capital, the
law will be presented to him by the Secretary of State of the respective division.
ARTICLE 110 o It belongs to the King to give sanction to the law: which he will do by the following
signed formula in his hand: I sanction, and it is published as law. If the King, having heard the Council
of State, understands that there are reasons for the law to be suppressed or altered, he may suspend
the sanction by the following formula: Return to the Cortes, exposing the aforementioned reasons
under his signature. These will be presented to the Courts, and, printed, they will be discussed. If,
however, the law passes as it was, it will be presented again to the King, who will immediately give it
the sanction. If the above reasons are met, the law will be suppressed or amended, and it cannot be
dealt with again in the same session of the legislature.
ARTICLE 111 o The King shall give or suspend the sanction within one month. As for provisional laws
made in urgent cases (art. 107), the Courts will determine the period within which they must be
sanctioned. If the Courts close before the expiry of that period, it will last until the first eight days of
the next session of the legislature. ARTICLE 112 o Do not depend on Royal sanction: I. The present
Constitution, and the changes made to it for the future (article 28): II. All laws, or any other provisions
of these extraordinary and constituent Courts: III. Decisions concerning the objects dealt with in art.
ARTICLE 113 o Once the law is sanctioned, the King will order it to be published in the following
formula: «Dom F.. by the grace of God and by the Constitution of the Monarchy, King of the United
Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves below and beyond the sea in Africa, etc. . I make known
to all my subjects, that the Courts have decreed, and I have sanctioned the following law (here the
text of it). Therefore I order all the Authorities, to whom the knowledge and execution of the said law
pertains, to comply and execute it as fully as it is contained therein. The Secretary of State for the
affairs of... (that of the respective division) have it printed, published, and run.» The said Secretary
will endorse the law, and have it sealed with the State seal, and keep one of the originals in the Torre
do Tombo archive; the other (Article 109), after being signed by the King and endorsed by the
Secretary, will be kept in the archives of the Cortes. The independent laws of sanction will be
published with this formula, the words: and I have sanctioned deleted.
ARTICLE 114 o If the King, within the time limits established in articles 110 and 111, does not sanction
the law, it will be understood that he has given it, and the law will be published. If he refuses to sign

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it, the Cortes will order it to be published in his name, and it must be signed by the person who has
executive power.
ARTICLE 115 o The Regency, or Regent of the Realm, will have the authority that the Courts designate
over the sanction and publication of laws, which will not be greater than that granted to the King.
ARTICLE 116 o The provisions on the formation of laws will be observed in the same way as for their
MEETING OF COURTS. ARTICLE 117 o The Cortes, before closing each of their sessions of the
legislature, will elect seven from among their members, namely, three from the provinces of Europe,
three from the Overseas, and the seventh drawn between one from Europe and another from
Overseas. They will also elect two substitutes from among the European and overseas Deputies, each
of whom will respectively serve in the absence of any of the Deputies. From these seven Deputies, a
Board will be formed, entitled Permanent Deputation of the Courts, which will reside in the capital
until the next opening of the ordinary Courts. The Deputation shall elect each month from among its
members a President, who may not be reelected in successive months, and a Secretary, who may be
successively reelected. If some provinces of the United Kingdom lose their right to be represented in
Cortes, they will provide these on the way to form a permanent Deputation, without, however,
changing the number of their members.
ARTICLE 118 o Belongs to this Deputation: I – To promote the meeting of the electoral assemblies in
the event of any negligence; II – Prepare the meeting of the Cortes (articles 75 and following); III –
Convene the Courts extraordinarily in the cases stated in article 119; IV – To monitor the observance
of the Constitution and the laws, in order to instruct the future Courts of the infractions that it has
noticed; if the Government has the information it deems necessary for this purpose; V – Provide for
the transfer of the Courts in the case of article 82; VI – Promote the installation of the provisional
Regency in the cases of article 149.
ARTICLE 119 o The permanent Deputation shall convene the Cortes extraordinarily for a specific day,
when any of the following cases occur: I – If the Crown wanders; II – If the King wants to abdicate it;
III – If he is unable to govern (article 150); IV – If any arduous and urgent business occurs, or
circumstances dangerous to the State, according to the opinion of the Permanent Deputation, or of
the King, who in this case will communicate it to the same Deputation, for it to issue the necessary
ARTICLE 120 o Once the extraordinary Courts have met, they will deal solely with the object for which
they were convened; they will separate as soon as they have completed it; and if the fifteenth of
November arrives before that, further knowledge of the same object will be added to the new Cortes.
During the meeting of the extraordinary Courts, the permanent Deputation will continue in its


ARTICLE 121 o The King's authority comes from the Nation, and is indivisible and inalienable.
ARTICLE 122 o This authority generally consists in enforcing the laws; to issue the decrees,
instructions, and regulations suitable for this purpose; and provide for everything that concerns the
internal and external security of the State, in the form of the Constitution. Said decrees, instructions,
and regulations shall be passed in the name of the King.

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ARTICLE 123 o In particular, the following powers belong to the King:

I. Enact and promulgate laws (arts. 110 and 113):
II. Freely appoint and dismiss Secretaries of State:
III. Appoint the Magistrates, following a proposal from the Council of State made in accordance with
the law:
IV. Provide according to law all other civilian jobs that are not elective, as well as the military:
V. To present to the bishoprics, preceding the triple proposal of the Council of State. To present for the
ecclesiastical benefits of the Royal Patronage cured or not cured, preceding a public contest and
examination before the diocesan Prelates: SAW. To appoint the commanders of the armed forces of
land and sea, and to employ them as they see fit for the public service: But when the liberty of the
Nation and the constitutional system are endangered, the Courts may make these appointments. In
peacetime there will be no commander-in-chief of the army or the navy:
VII. Appoint Ambassadors and other diplomatic agents, after hearing the Council of State; and the
Consuls without dependence on hearing him: VIII. Direct political and trade negotiations with foreign
IX. Grant letters of naturalization, and exclusive privileges in favor of the industry, in accordance with
the laws: X. Grant titles, honors, and distinctions in reward for service, in accordance with the law. As
for pecuniary remuneration, which for the same reason it deems they should be conferred, it will only
do so with the prior approval of the Courts; making them to this end present at the first session of
each year a motivated list:
XI. Pardon or lessen penalties for offenders in accordance with the laws:
XII. To grant or deny its consent to the decrees of Councils, pontifical letters, and any other
ecclesiastical constitutions; preceding approval by the Courts, if they contain general provisions; and
hearing the Council of State, if they deal with matters of private interest, which are not contentious;
because when they are, it will refer them to the knowledge and decision of the Supreme Court of
XIII. Declare war, and make peace; giving the Courts an account of the reasons he had for this:
XIV. To make offensive or defensive alliances, subsidies, and trade treaties, depending on the
approval of the Courts (art. 103 no. vi):
XV. Decree the application of the income destined by the Courts to the different branches of the public
ARTICLE 124 o The King cannot: I. Prevent the elections of Deputies; to oppose the meeting of the
Cortes; extend them, dissolve them, or protest against their decisions: II. Imposing taxes,
contributions, or feints: III. Suspend Magistrates, except under the terms of art. 197: IV. Arrest any
citizen, except: 1.0 when required by the security of the State, and the prisoner must then be delivered
within forty-eight hours to the competent judge: 2.0 when the Courts have suspended judicial
formalities (art. 211): V. Alienate any portion of Portuguese territory: SAW. Command armed force.
ARTICLE 125 o The King cannot, without the consent of the Courts: I. Abdicate the Crown: II. Leave the
kingdom of Portugal and Algarve; and if he does, it will be understood that he abdicates it; as well as
if, having left the Courts with permission, to exceed as to time or place, and not to return to the
kingdom being called. The present provision is applicable to the successor of the Crown, who, in
contravention of it, will be understood to waive the right to succeed in the same Crown: Take a loan
on behalf of the Nation.

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ARTICLE 126 o The King, before being acclaimed, shall swear before the Courts in the hands of their
President the following oath: I swear to uphold the Roman Catholic Apostolic Religion; to be faithful
to the Portuguese Nation; observe and enforce the political Constitution decreed by the extraordinary
and constituent Courts of 1821, and the laws of the same Nation; and provide for her general good,
as much as I can.
ARTICLE 127 o The person of the King is inviolable, and he is not subject to any liability. The King has
the treatment of Most Faithful Majesty.


ARTICLE 128 o There will be in the kingdom of Brazil a delegation of executive power, in charge of a
Regency, which will reside in the most convenient place that the law designates. Some provinces may
become independent from it, and immediately subject to the Government of Portugal.
ARTICLE 129 o The Regency of Brazil will be composed of five members, one of whom will be the
President, and of three Secretaries; appointed by the King, after hearing the Council of State. Princes
and Infants (Article 133) cannot be members of the Regency. ARTICLE 130 o One of the Secretaries
will handle the affairs of the kingdom and farm; another of justice and ecclesiastics; another of war
and navy. Each one will have a vote in his division: the President will only have it in the event of a tie.
The expedient will be done in the name of the King. Each Secretary will endorse the decrees, orders,
and other diplomas belonging to his division.
ARTICLE 131 o Thus the members of the Regency, like the Secretaries, will be responsible to the King.
In case of prevarication of any Secretary, the Regency will suspend him, and will provisionally provide
his place, immediately reporting to the King. The same will be done when, in another way, the
Secretary's post becomes vacant.
ARTICLE 132 o The Regency may not:
I – Present to bishoprics; however, he will propose to the King a list of the three most suitable
persons, and endorsed by the respective Secretary;
II – Provide seats for the Supreme Court of Justice, and for the Presidents of Relations;
III – Provide the rank of Brigadier and those superior to him; as well as any posts in the armada;
IV – Appoint the Ambassadors and more diplomatic agents, and the Consuls;
V – Make political or commercial treaties with foreigners;
VI – Declare offensive war, and make peace;
VII – Grant titles, even as a reward for services; or any other favor, the application of which is not
determined by law;
VIII – Grant or deny consent to the decrees of councils, pontifical letters, and any other ecclesiastical
constitutions, which contain general provisions.


ARTICLE 133 o The King's son, heir presumptive to the Crown, will have the title of Prince Royal; his
eldest son will have that of Príncipe da Beira; the other children of the King and Príncipe Real will have
the one of Infantes. These titles cannot be extended to other people.
ARTICLE 134 o Princes and Infants cannot command armed force. The Infantes will not serve any
elective employment in public administration, except that of Councilor of State. As for the jobs
provided by the King, they can serve them, with the exception of those of Secretary of State,
Ambassador, and President or Minister of the courts of justice.

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ARTICLE 135 o The heir presumptive to the Crown will be recognized as such in the first Cortes, which
meet after his birth. On completing fourteen years of age, he shall swear in Cortes into the hands of
the President the oath to uphold the Roman Catholic Religion; to observe the political Constitution of
the Portuguese Nation; and to be obedient to the laws and the King.
ARTICLE 136 o The Courts, at the beginning of each reign, will assign to the King and the Royal Family
an annual grant, corresponding to the decorum of their high dignity. This endowment cannot be
altered during that reign. ARTICLE 137 o The Cortes will sign alimony, if necessary, to Princes, Infants,
and Infantas from the age of seven, and to the Queen as soon as she is widowed.
ARTICLE 138 o When the Infantas are to be married, the Cortes will sign their dowry for them, and
with the delivery of it, food will cease. Infants who marry will continue to receive their food as long as
they reside in the kingdom; if they are going to reside outside of it, the amount determined by the
Courts will be handed over to them once and for all.
ARTICLE 139 o The endowment, food, and dowries, dealt with in the three preceding articles, will be
paid by the public treasury, and delivered to a Butler appointed by the King, with whom all active and
passive actions concerning the interests of the Royal House can be dealt with. .
ARTICLE 140 o The Courts will designate the palaces and lands they deem suitable for housing and
recreation for the King and his family.


ARTICLE 141 o The succession to the Crown of the United Kingdom will follow the regular order of
birthright, and representation, among the legitimate descendants of the current King, D. João VI,
always preferring the previous line to the later ones; in the same line the degree nearest to the most
remote; in the same degree the masculine sex to the feminine; in the same sex the oldest person to
the youngest. Therefore:
I – Only children born from a legitimate marriage succeed;
II – If the heir presumptive to the Crown dies before having succeeded in it, his son prefers by right of
representation to the uncle with whom he competes;
III – Once the succession is rooted in a line, while it lasts, the immediate one does not enter.
ARTICLE 142 o Once the lines of the descendants of D. João VI are extinguished, the one of the
descending lines of the house of Bragança will be called, which must be preferred according to the
rule established in article 141. Once all these lines are extinguished, the Courts will call to the throne
the person they deem to be best suited to the good of the Nation; and since then the succession will
continue to be regulated by the order established in the same article 141.
ARTICLE 143 o No foreigner can succeed the Crown of the United Kingdom.
ARTICLE 144 o If the heir of the Portuguese Crown succeeds in a foreign crown, or if the heir of this
one succeeds in that one, he cannot accumulate one with another; but he will prefer whichever he
will; and opting for the foreign one, it will be understood that he renounces the Portuguese one. This
disposition is also understood with the King who succeeds in a foreign crown.
ARTICLE 145 o If the succession of the Crown falls into a female, she cannot marry other than a
Portuguese, prior to the approval of the Courts. The husband will have no part in the Government,
and will only be called King after he has a son or daughter by the Queen. ARTICLE 146 o If the
successor to the Crown is notoriously and perpetually incapable of ruling, the Courts will declare him

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ARTICLE 147 o The Crown's successor is a minor, and cannot reign until he is eighteen years old.
ARTICLE 148 o If during the minority the Crown wanders, the Cortes, being reunited, will immediately
elect a Regency, composed of three or five natural citizens of this kingdom, of which the one
designated by the same Courts will be President. If they are not gathered, they will be immediately
convened extraordinarily to elect the said Regency.
ARTICLE 149 o As long as this Regency is not elected, a provisional Regency will govern the kingdom,
composed of five persons, who will be the Queen Mother, two members of the permanent
Deputation, and two Councilors of State, named one like the other by the priority of their
appointment. If there is no Queen Mother, the eldest brother of the late King will take her place, and
in her absence, the third Councilor of State. This Regency will be presided over by the Queen; in want
of it by the King's brother; and if not, by the oldest member of the permanent Deputation. If the
reigning Queen dies, her husband will be President of the Regency.
ARTICLE 150 o The provision of the two preceding articles will extend to the case, in which the King,
for some physical or moral reason, is unable to govern; the Permanent Deputation must immediately
collect the necessary information on this impossibility, and provisionally declare that it exists. If this
impediment of the King lasts more than two years, and the immediate successor is of legal age, the
Courts may appoint him Regent in place of the Regency.
ARTICLE 151 o Thus, the permanent and provisional Regency as well as the Regent, if any, will take
the oath declared in article 126; adding the clause of allegiance to the King. To the oath of the
Regency remains, it must be added, that he will surrender the Government, as soon as the successor
to the Crown reaches the age of majority, or the impediment of the King ceases. This last clause of
surrendering the Government, ceasing the impediment of the King, will also be added to the oath of
the Regent; as well as that of the provisional Regency will be added that of handing over the
Government to the permanent Regency. The permanent Regent and the Regent shall take the oath
before the Courts; the provisional Regency before the permanent Deputation.
ARTICLE 152 o The permanent Regency will exercise the Royal authority in accordance with the
regiment given by the Cortes, focusing very especially on the good education of the Prince Minor.
ARTICLE 153 o The Provisional Regency will only dispatch the business, which does not allow for
delay; and may not appoint or remove public servants except on an interim basis.
ARTICLE 154 o The acts of either Regency will be issued in the name of the King.

ARTICLE 155 o During the minority of the Crown's successor, whoever the father has named him in his
will will be his guardian; failing that, the Queen Mother until she remarries; lacking this, the Courts
will appoint him. In the first and third cases, the guardian must be a native of the kingdom. His
immediate successor can never be the tutor of the Minor King.
ARTICLE 156 o The Crown's successor during his minority cannot contract marriage without the
consent of the Courts.


ARTICLE 157 o The Courts will designate by regulation the affairs of the Kingdom, Justice, Finance,

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War, Navy, and Foreigners. The Cortes will designate by regulation the business belonging to each
one of the Secretariats, and they will be able to make the variations in them that the time requires.
ARTICLE 158 o Naturalized foreigners cannot be Secretaries of State. ARTICLE 159 o The Secretaries of
State will be responsible to the Courts: I – Due to the lack of observance of the laws; II – For the abuse
of the power entrusted to them; III – For what they work against the liberty, security, or property of
citizens; IV – For any dissipation or misuse of public goods. This responsibility, which no verbal or
written order of the King will excuse them, will be regulated by a particular law.
ARTICLE 160 o In order to make the responsibility of the Secretaries of State effective, a decree of the
Courts will proceed, declaring that the formation of guilt takes place. With this, the Secretary will
soon be suspended; and documents relating to the fault will be sent to the competent court (Article
ARTICLE 161 o All decrees or other determinations of the King, Regent, or Regency, of whatever
nature they may be, will be signed by the respective Secretary of State, without which they will not be
carried out.


ARTICLE 162 o There will be a Council of State composed of thirteen citizens, chosen from among the
most distinguished people for their knowledge and virtues, namely six from the provinces of Europe;
six from Overseas, and the thirteenth from Europe or Overseas, how to decide luck. If some provinces
of the United Kingdom lose the right to be represented in Cortes, they will provide these as to how in
this case the Council of State should be formed, being able to reduce the number of its members,
provided that they do not remain less than eight.
ARTICLE 163 o The following cannot be Councilors of State: I – Those who are not thirty-five years old;
II – Foreigners after being naturalized; III – The Deputies of the Cortes as long as they are; and if they
are excused they cannot be proposed during that legislature.
ARTICLE 164 o The election of Councilors of State will be carried out in the following manner: the
Courts will elect eighteen European citizens with an absolute plurality of votes, to form a list of six
groups, in each of which the six with the highest number of votes occupy the first place; the second
the six that follow them; and the remaining six the third. In the same way, another list of eighteen
overseas citizens will be formed. Then it will be decided by lot, whether the thirteenth Councilor will
be European or overseas; and a new group of European or overseas citizens will be formed, which will
be added to the respective list. These two lists will be proposed to the King, to choose a Counselor
from each suit.
ARTICLE 165 o The Councilors of State will serve four years, after which new lists will be proposed to
the King, and those who have just served may enter them.
ARTICLE 166 o Before taking office, they will swear into the hands of the King an oath to maintain the
Roman Catholic Apostolic Religion; observe the Constitution and laws; be faithful to the King; and to
advise it according to their consciences, attending only to the good of the Nation.
ARTICLE 167 o The King will hear the Council of State in serious matters, and particularly in giving or
withholding the sanction of laws; declare war or peace; and make treaties.
ARTICLE 168 o It belongs to the Council to propose to the King persons for the posts of the magistracy
and for the bishoprics (Article 123, paragraphs III and V).
ARTICLE 169 o Councilors of State are responsible for the proposals they make against the laws, and

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for the advice that is opposed to them or that are manifestly malicious.
ARTICLE 170 o Councilors of State will only be removed by a decision of the competent court. If there
is a vacancy in the Council of State, the Cortes as soon as they meet will propose to the King a suit in
accordance with Article 164.


ARTICLE 171 o There will be a permanent military force, national, and composed of the number of
troops and vessels that the Courts determine. Its destiny is to maintain the internal and external
security of the kingdom, subject to the Government, which is solely responsible for using it as it sees
ARTICLE 172 o The entire military force is essentially obedient, and must never come together to
deliberate or make resolutions.
ARTICLE 173 o In addition to the aforementioned force, there will be militia corps in each province.
These corps must not serve continuously, but only when necessary; nor can they in the kingdom of
Portugal and Algarve be employed in time of peace outside their respective provinces without the
permission of the Cortes. The formation of these bodies will be regulated by a particular ordinance.
ARTICLE 174 o National Guards will be created, composed of all citizens that the law does not except:
they will be subject exclusively to civil authorities: their officers will be elective and temporary: they
cannot be employed without permission from the Courts outside their districts. In everything else a
special law will regulate their formation and service.
ARTICLE 175 o Army and navy officers may only be deprived of their ranks by a judgment rendered in
a competent court.


ARTICLE 176 o Judicial power belongs exclusively to Judges. Neither the Courts nor the King will be
able to exercise it in any case. They cannot therefore invoke pending cases; order to open the ends;
nor to dispense in the forms of procedure prescribed by law.
ARTICLE 177 o There will be Fact Judges in both criminal and civil cases, in the cases and in the
manner determined by the codes. The crimes of abuse of freedom of the press will now come to the
attention of these Judges.
ARTICLE 178 o The de facto judges will be directly elected by the people, and in each district a list will
be formed of a certain number of people who have the legal qualities.
ARTICLE 179 o There will be in each of the districts, designated by the law of the division of the
territory, a literate judge of first instance, who will judge the law in cases where there are de facto
judges, and the fact and law in those where there are none. In Lisbon, and in other populous cities,
there will be as many literate judges of first instance as necessary,
ARTICLE 180 o Said districts will be subdivided into others; and in all of them there will be elective
Judges, who will be directly elected by the citizens, at the same time, and in the same way as the
Councilors of the Chambers are elected.
ARTICLE 181 o The duties of the Elective Judges are:
I – To judge without appeal civil cases of minor importance designated by law, and criminal cases in
which they are minor crimes, which will also be declared by law. In all these cases, they will proceed
verbally, hearing the parties, and having the result reduced to public notice;
II – Exercise the conciliation judgments mentioned in article 195;

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III – To take care of the safety of the residents of the district, and the conservation of public order,
according to the regime given to them.
ARTICLE 182 o To be able to occupy the position of literate Judge, in addition to the other
requirements determined by law, it is required:
I – Being a Portuguese citizen;
II – Be twenty-five years old;
III – Be trained in law.
ARTICLE 183 o All literate Judges will be perpetual once the codes have been published and the de
facto Judges established.
ARTICLE 184 o No one shall be deprived of this office except by a sentence rendered on account of a
crime, or by being retired with a proven cause and in accordance with the law.
ARTICLE 185 o The literate judges of first instance shall be transferred every three years
promiscuously from one place to another, as the law determines.
ARTICLE 186 o Promotion of the magistracy shall follow the rule of seniority in the service, with
restrictions, and in the manner determined by law.
ARTICLE 187 o The literate judges of first instance will know in their districts: I – Of contentious
causes, which are not excepted; II – Of voluntary jurisdiction business, of which until now any
Authority knew, in the cases, and in the way that the laws determine.
ARTICLE 188 o The literate judges of first instance will decide civil cases without appeal, up to the
amount determined by law. In cases that exceed this amount, their sentences and other decisions will
be appealed to the competent Court, which will decide in the last instance. In criminal cases, appeals
by the same Judges will also be admitted in the cases, and in the way that the law determines.
ARTICLE 189 o The decisions of the de facto judges may be appealed to the competent Court, only for
the purpose of taking new knowledge and decision in the same or different council of de facto judges
in the cases, and in the way that the law expressly declares. In the case of crimes of abuse of freedom
of the press, an appeal will be made to the Special Court (Article 8) for the same purpose.
ARTICLE 190 o In order to adjudicate cases in the second and last instance, there shall be such
relations in the United Kingdom as are necessary for the comfort of the peoples, and the good
administration of justice. ARTICLE 191 o There will be a Supreme Court of Justice in Lisbon, composed
of literate judges, appointed by the King, in accordance with article 123. Its attributions are as
follows: I – To be aware of the errors of office, of which its Ministers, Affairs, Secretaries and
Councilors of State, Diplomatic Ministers, and the Regents of the Kingdom have been accused. As for
these four last classes, the Courts will previously declare, if the formation of fault takes place,
proceeding in accordance with article 160; II – To know about the doubts about jurisdictional
competence, which increase between the Relations of Portugal and Algarve; III – To propose to the
King, with his opinion, any doubts, which he has or are represented by any Authorities, about the
intelligence of any law, in order to follow the convenient declaration of the Courts; IV – Grant or deny
the magazine. The Supreme Court of Justice will not judge the magazine, but the competent Court of
Justice; however, having declared the nullity or injustice of the sentence, of which the review was
granted, he will make effective the responsibility of the Judges in the cases in which by law it must
take place.
ARTICLE 192 o The granting of the magazine only takes place in the sentences pronounced in the
Relations when they contain nullity or notorious injustice; in civil cases, when its value exceeds the

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amount determined by law; in criminal cases in the most serious cases, which the law also designates.
It is only possible to request a review of the sentences of the Judges of law, and never of the decisions
of the Judges of fact. Any of the litigants, and even the Prosecutor, may request the search, within the
time specified by law.
ARTICLE 193 o In Brazil there will also be a Supreme Court of Justice in the place where you live the
Regency of that kingdom, and will have the same attributions as that of Portugal, as long as they are
applicable. As for the Portuguese territory of Africa and Asia, the conflicts of jurisdiction that move in
the Relations; the granting of searches, and the responsibility of the Judges in this case; and the
functions of the court protecting the freedom of the press (Article 8), shall be dealt with in the same
territory, in the court and in the manner designated by law.
ARTICLE 194 o In civil cases and in civilly brought penalties, the parties are allowed to appoint
arbitrators to decide them.
ARTICLE 195 o There will be conciliation judges, in the cases, and in the way that the law determines,
exercised by the elective judges (article 181.°).


ARTICLE 196 o All Magistrates and bailiffs will be responsible for the abuse of power, and for the
mistakes they make in the exercise of their jobs. Any citizen, even if not particularly interested, may
accuse them of bribery, bribery, or collusion; if he is interested, he may accuse them of any
malfeasance for which a penalty is imposed by law, provided that such malfeasance does not consist
in infringing the law relating to the order of the proceedings.
ARTICLE 197 o The King, presenting a complaint against a Magistrate, may suspend him, prior to his
hearing, necessary information, and consultation of the Council of State. The information will then be
sent to the competent court to form the case, and give the final decision.
ARTICLE 198 o The Court of Appeal, to which some cases are referred, in which the lower judge is
known to have committed an infringement of the laws on the order of the process, will condemn him
in costs or other pecuniary penalties, up to the amount that the law determines; or will have you
reprimanded inside or outside the Relationship. As for more serious crimes and errors dealt with in
Article 196, it will order you to form fault.
ARTICLE 199 o In crimes that do not belong to the office of Judge, suspension will only result when he
is pronounced for a crime that deserves capital or immediate punishment, or when he is imprisoned,
still on bail.
ARTICLE 200 o All Magistrates and bailiffs will be given sufficient wages. ARTICLE 201 o The cross-
examination of witnesses and all other acts of the civil process will be public; those in the criminal
process will be after the indictment.
ARTICLE 202 o Citizens accused of a crime to which the law imposes a penalty, which does not exceed
imprisonment for six months, or exile outside the province where they are domiciled, will not be
arrested, and will be released.
ARTICLE 203 o Being defendants of a crime that deserves a greater penalty than those of the
preceding article, the arrest cannot be verified without precedent formed guilt, that is, summary
information on the existence of the crime, and on the verification of the delinquent. It must also
precede a warrant signed by the legitimate Authority, and dressed in the legal forms, which will be
shown to the defendant at the time of arrest. If the defendant disobeys this order, or resists, he will

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be punished according to the law.

ARTICLE 204 o They can only be arrested without precedent formed guilt: I – Those found in flagrante
delicto; in this case any person may arrest them, and they will be brought immediately before the
Judge; II – Those indicted 1st of theft with burglary, or with violence done to the person; 2nd for
domestic theft; 3rd murder; 4. of crimes related to the security of the State in the cases declared in
articles 124, no. IV, and 211.°.
ARTICLE 205 o The provisions of imprisonment prior to the formation of guilt do not exclude
exceptions, which military ordinances establish as necessary for the discipline and recruitment of the
army. This also extends to cases, which are not purely criminal, and in which the law nevertheless
determines the arrest of a person, for disobeying the orders of Justice, or for not fulfilling an
obligation within a certain period.
ARTICLE 206 o In all cases the Judge within twenty-four hours, counts of entry into prison, he shall
have a note given to the defendant, signed by him, in which he declares the reason for the arrest, and
the names of the accuser and of the witnesses, if any.
ARTICLE 207 o If the defendant, before being taken to jail or after being in it, gives bail before the
guilty judge, he will be immediately released, not being a crime for those where the law forbids bail.
ARTICLE 208 o The jails will be safe, clean, and well ventilated; so that they serve for security and not
for the torment of the prisoners. In them there will be several houses, in which the prisoners are
separated, according to their qualities and the nature of their crimes; special consideration should be
given to those who are in simple custody and not yet sentenced. However, the judge is allowed, when
necessary for the investigation of the truth, to have the prisoner incommunicado in a comfortable and
suitable place, for the time that the law determines.
ARTICLE 209 o The jails must be visited at times determined by law. No prisoner will fail to be
presented on these visits.
ARTICLE 210 o The judge and the jailer, who infringe the provisions of this chapter concerning the
imprisonment of delinquents, will be punished with the penalties that the laws declare.
ARTICLE 211 o In cases of open rebellion or invasion by enemies, if State security requires that some
of the aforementioned formalities relating to the arrest of delinquents be waived for a certain time,
this can only be done by a special decree of the Courts. In this case, at the end of the aforementioned
period, the Government will send the Court a list of the arrests it has ordered, setting out the reasons
that justify them; and so the Secretaries of State, like any other Authorities, will be responsible for the
abuse they have made of power, beyond what public safety requires.


ARTICLE 212 o There shall be in each district a General Administrator, appointed by the King, in
consultation with the Council of State. The law will designate the districts and the duration of their
ARTICLE 213 o The General Administrator will be assisted in the exercise of his functions by an
Administrative Board. This Board shall be composed of as many members as there are Chambers in
the district; but populous cities, which have only one Chamber, will correspond to as many members
as the law designates. Their election will take place every year in time, and by the way in which the
officers of the Chambers are elected.

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ARTICLE 214 o The Board will meet every year in March and September in the most capable and
central place in the district. In extraordinary cases, the Government may order them to meet more
often. Each of the meetings will last only fifteen days, which may be extended by the Board for as
long as necessary, if the flow of business so requires. AR
TICLE 215 o The Board has a decisive vote on matters within its competence. The execution of these
decisions, as well as that of the Government's orders, belongs exclusively to the General
Administrator. In urgent cases, which require a prompt resolution, the Administrator may decide and
execute, then reporting to the Board.
ARTICLE 216 o The General Administrator and the Board are responsible for all public administration
objects. They will be made aware of them through appeal, inspection, consultation, or information, as
the law determines. By way of appeal, they will know about all the objects that fall within the
competence of the Chambers; by self-inspection, of the execution of all administrative laws; by
consultation with the Government, or information to the General Directions, of all other
administration businesses. General Directorates are understood to be those created by the laws to
deal with private administration objects; as well as any administrative Directorates of general
interest, ordered by the Government, even if their object or plan is limited to a single district. It also
belongs to the General Administrator and the Board to distribute the direct contribution to the district
councils (Article 228) and the recruits' contingents.
ARTICLE 217 o The law will explicitly designate the powers of General Managers and Boards of
Directors; the formulas of their acts; the number, duties and salaries of its officers; and everything
that suits the best performance of this institution.

ARTICLE 218 o The economic and municipal government of the municipalities will reside in the
Chambers, which will exercise it in accordance with the laws.
ARTICLE 219 o There will be Chambers in all peoples, where it suits the public good. Their districts will
be established by the law, which marks the division of the territory.
ARTICLE 220 o The Chambers will be composed of the number of Councilors that the law designates,
of a Prosecutor, and of a Clerk. The Councilors and 90 Prosecutors will be elected annually by direct
form, to the relative plurality of votes cast in secret ballot and public assembly. Residents of the
municipality who have a vote for the Deputies of Cortes can vote in these elections, except
1st - First-line Military, not including those born in the municipality, nor retired persons; 2nd - those of
the second line when they are gathered outside the respective municipalities.

However, the children-families referred to in article 33, no. II, are not excluded from voting, if they are
over twenty-five years of age; nor citizens, who do not know how to read and write, under the terms
of the same article, no. VI. The Councilor who obtains the most votes will be President of the
Chamber, and in the event of a tie, the lot will be decided. The Councilors and Attorney will have
substitutes, elected in the same act and in the same way.
ARTICLE 221 o The Clerk will be appointed by the Chamber, will have sufficient salary, and will serve
as long as he is not proved to be in error of office or incapacity, both moral and physical.
ARTICLE 222 o For the positions of Councilor and Attorney, only citizens who are exercising their rights

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can be chosen; being over twenty-five years of age; having resided at least two years in the district of
the municipality; not lacking means of honest subsistence; and being unemployed from employment
incompatible with said positions. Those who serve one year will not be reelected the next.

ARTICLE 223 o The Chambers have the following powers:

I – To make postures or municipal laws;
II - Promoting agriculture, commerce, industry, public health, and generally all the amenities of the
municipality; III – Establish fairs and markets in the most convenient places, with the approval of the
District Administration Board;
IV - To take care of elementary schools, and other educational establishments that are paid for by
public income, as well as hospitals, homes for the exposed, and other charitable establishments, with
the exceptions and in the form that the laws determine;
V – Dealing with the private works of the municipalities and the repair of public ones; and promote
the planting of trees in common lands, and in the lands of the councils;
V – Divide the direct contribution among the residents of the municipality (article 228), and supervise
the collection and remittance of national income;
VII – To charge and spend the county's income, as well as the feints, which in the absence of them,
they may impose on the residents in the way that the laws determine. In the exercise of these powers,
an appeal will be made to the competent Authority (Article 216)


ARTICLE 224 o It is incumbent upon the Courts to establish, or annually confirm, direct contributions,
in view of the budgets and balances presented to them by the Secretary for the affairs of the treasury
(article 227). In the absence of said establishment or confirmation, the obligation to pay them ceases.
ARTICLE 225 o No person or corporation may be exempt from direct contributions.
ARTICLE 226 o Contributions will be proportionate to public expenditure.
ARTICLE 227 o The Secretary for Finance Affairs, having received from the other Secretaries the
budgets relating to the expenses of their departments, will present each year to the Cortes, as soon as
they are gathered, a general budget of all public expenses for the future year; another of the
importance of all contributions and public revenues; and the previous year's public treasury revenue
and expenditure account.
ARTICLE 228 o The Cortes will distribute the direct contribution among the districts of the Boards of
Administration, according to the income of each one. The Board Administrator will distribute the
quota assigned to him among the councils of his district; and the Chamber will distribute the amount
allocated to the council among all the residents in proportion to the income they and the people
residing abroad have there.
ARTICLE 229 o In each district, as designated by law, there will be a Farm Accountant, appointed by
the King on a proposal from the Council of State, who will be responsible for promoting and
supervising the collection of all public revenues, and will be directly responsible for it to the public
treasury. .
ARTICLE 230 o The Chambers must annually send the Accountant certificates of the entries of all
direct taxes; to inform you of their choice of Exactors and Treasurers; and give him whatever
explanations he asks, that is, to know the importance of public rents in the municipality, or to know
the state of its collection. This same obligation extends to all those who manage customs or other tax

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collection houses.
ARTICLE 231 o All national income will enter the public treasury, except those that by law or by the
competent authority are ordered to be paid in other treasuries. The Treasurer-Major will not take into
account any payment that is not made by decree signed by the Secretary for the affairs of the farm, in
which the object of the expense is declared, and the law that authorizes it.
ARTICLE 232 o The account of the entry and exit of the public treasury, as well as the revenue and
expenditure of each national income, will be taken and supervised at the treasury accountants, which
will be regulated by a special regiment.
ARTICLE 233 o The general account of income and expenditure for each year, as soon as it has been
approved by the Cortes, will be published by the press. The same will be done with the accounts that
the Secretaries of State give of the expenses incurred in their offices.
ARTICLE 234 o The Government is responsible for overseeing the collection of contributions in
accordance with the laws.
ARTICLE 235 o The law will designate the Authorities, to whom the power to judge and execute in
matters of national treasury will belong; the form of the process; and the number, wages, and
obligations of employees in the distribution, inspection, and collection of public revenues.
ARTICLE 236 o The Constitution recognizes public debt. The Courts will allocate the funds necessary
for its payment as it goes into liquidation. These funds will be managed separately from any other
public income.


ARTICLE 237 o In all parts of the kingdom, where appropriate, there will be schools sufficiently
equipped, in which Portuguese youth of both sexes will be taught to read, write, and count, and the
catechism of religious and civil obligations.
ARTICLE 238 o The current public education establishments will be regulated again, and others will be
created where appropriate, for the teaching of science and arts.
ARTICLE 239 o Every citizen is free to open classes for public education, as long as he has to answer
for the abuse of this freedom in the cases, and in the way that the law determines.
ARTICLE 240 o The Courts and the Government will take particular care of the foundation,
conservation, and expansion of houses of mercy and civil and military hospitals, especially those
intended for disabled soldiers and sailors; as well as exposition circles, pious hills, civilization of the
Indians, and any other charitable establishments. Lisbon, Paço das Cortes on 23 September 1822.

In Portuguese the 1822 Portugal Constitution

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1822 Timeline
In 1808, Portugal was faced with the impending Napoleonic invasion to integrate Portugal into the
imperial system of Bonaparte.
Forced to flee in a strategic retreat, Queen Maria I of Portugal and Prince Regent John transferred
the Portuguese royal court from Lisbon to the Portuguese colony of Brazil; totaling nearly 10,000
people. The embarkment took place on the 27th, but due to weather conditions, the ships were only
able to depart on the 29 November. The Braganza royal family departed for Brazil just days before
Napoleonic forces invaded Lisbon on 1 December 1807.

On coins and publications the achievement was surrounded by a garland of olive and laurel.

The Braganzas crossed the Atlantic and a royal decree changed the status of Brazil from a Portuguese
colony into kingdom alongside Portugal.
Since the transfer of the Portuguese court to Brazil in 1808, colonial rule had de facto ended.
On 16 December 1815, Prince Regent John, the future king John VI, raised Brazil to the status of a
kingdom, making his mother, Maria I, the reigning queen, the first monarch of Brazil.
The United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves was formed
With the death of his mother Maria I on 20 March 1816, John assumed the throne as Dom John VI, he
was acclaimed as King on 6 February 1818, with grand festivities.
For thirteen years, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, functioned as the capital of the Kingdom of Portugal in what
some historians call a metropolitan reversal (i.e., a colony exercising governance over the entirety of
an empire). The period in which the court was located in Rio brought significant changes to the city
and its residents, and can be interpreted through several perspectives.
It had profound impacts on Brazilian society, economics, infrastructure, and politics. The transfer of
the king and the royal court "represented the first step toward Brazilian independence, since the king
immediately opened the ports of Brazil to foreign shipping and turned the colonial capital into the
seat of government."

The Portuguese crown remained in Brazil from 1808 until the Liberal Revolution of 1820 led to the
return of John VI of Portugal on 26 April 1821.

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The "Holy Alliance"liberal regime dealt the final blow to the Portuguese Inquisition that obliged John
VI and the royal family to return to Portugal on 25 April 1821; otherwise he risked loss of his
Portuguese throne.

The São Bento Palace ("Saint Benedict's Palace") in Lisbon is the seat of the Assembly of the
Portuguese Republic, the parliament of Portugal.

Originally constructed in 1598, São Bento has served as the seat of Portugal's parliament since 1834,
when the former monastery of the Benedictine Order was dissolved after the Liberal Wars.

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The Constituent Cortes of 1820, formal title The General and Extraordinary Cortes of the Portuguese
Nation, or the Cortes Constituintes Vintistas, was the first modern Portuguese parliament. Created
after the Liberal Revolution of 1820 to prepare a constitution for Portugal and its overseas
territories,[1] it used a different system from the traditional General Cortes for choosing
representatives, and the three traditional feudal estates (Clergy, Nobility, and Commoners) no longer
sat separately. The Cortes sat between January 24, 1821 and November 4, 1822 at the Palácio das
Necessidades in Lisbon. The work of the Constitutional Cortes culminated in the approval of
the Portuguese Constitution of 1822.

In September 1821, the Côrtes, with only a portion of the Brazilian delegates present, voted to abolish
the Kingdom of Brazil and the royal agencies in Rio de Janeiro and to make all the provinces
subordinate directly to Lisbon.
Portugal sent troops to Brazil and placed all Brazilian units under Portuguese command.

The eldest son and heir of King John VI, Pedro I, remained in Brazil
Influenced by the Rio de Janeiro Municipal Senate was not able to return to Portugal during the Dia
do Fico (9 January 1822). Dom Pedro started to rule frugally by cutting his own salary, centralizing
scattered government offices, and selling off most of the royal horses and mules.
He issued decrees that eliminated the royal salt tax to spur output of hides and dried beef, forbade
arbitrary seizure of private property, required a judge's warrant for arrests of freemen, and banned
secret trials, torture, and other indignities.
He also sent elected deputies to the Côrtes in Portugal. However, slaves continued to be bought and
sold and disciplined with force, despite his assertion that their blood was the same color as his.

In January 1822, tension between Portuguese troops and the Luso-Brazilians (Brazilians born in
Portugal) turned violent when Pedro accepted petitions from Brazilian towns begging him to refuse
the Côrtes's order to return to Lisbon. Responding to their pressure and to the argument that his
departure and the dismantling of the central government would trigger separatist movements, he
vowed to stay. Dom Pedro "dismissed" the Portuguese commanding general and ordered him to
remove his soldiers across the bay to Niteroi, where they awaited transport to Portugal.
Pedro formed a new government headed by José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva of São Paulo. This
former royal official and professor of science at Coimbra was crucial to the subsequent direction of
events and is regarded as one of the formative figures of Brazilian nationalism, indeed, as the
patriarch of independence. The atmosphere was so charged that Dom Pedro sought assurances of
asylum on a British ship in case he lost the looming confrontation; he also sent his family to safety out
of the city. In the following days, the Portuguese commander delayed embarcation, hoping that
expected reinforcements would arrive. However, the reinforcements that arrived off Rio de Janeiro on
March 5, 1822, were not allowed to land. Instead, they were given supplies for the voyage back to
Portugal. This round had been won without bloodshed.

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1822 Portugal First Constitution: Free Rights for all Portuguese

n arlos Matias Pereira, a draft decree on the extinction of the Patriarchal was drafted, presented at
the next session held on the 15th of November.
As a temporary solution, the Cortes ordered all payments to the Patriarchal to be suspended on
January 4. On August 19th 1822 , the chargé d'affaires of Portugal in Rome, Carlos Matias Pereira,
was tasked with asking the Holy See to suppress the Patriarchal Church and restore the former
archbishopric. (not to find in Portugal's library): Constitution NOT RECEIVED

It includes documentation relating to thirteen organic sections Record not reviewed

King John VI returned to Portugal and accepted the Constitution drafted by the Cortes .The first
Portuguese Constitution was adopted on September 23, 1822 united on the initiative of provisional
government from the insurrectionary movement that had burst Porto on August 24, 1820.
Constitution of 1822 and dissolved the Cortes, thus reversing the Liberal Revolution of 1820.

King Joao, Queen Charlotta Dom Pedro Dom Miquel

King John VI accepted the first Constitution but had a family quarrel with

 his eldest son Pierre, who proclaimed the independence of Brazil on October 12, 1822;
 with his wife, who refuses to take an oath to the Constitution
 his youngest son Miguel, who calls on May 29, 1823, for an insurrection against the government
and the restoration of the old regime.
The Constitution of 1822 became a mythical character,

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Title first. Of the personal rights and obligations of the Portuguese.

1. The political constitution of the Portuguese nation assures the freedom, security and property of
all Portuguese people.

2. Freedom consists in the faculty which belongs to each one to do all that the law does not prohibit,
and not to be obliged to do what it does not order. The preservation of this freedom depends on
the exact observance of the laws.

3. Personal security consists in the protection which the government owes to all for the preservation
of their individual rights.

Title II. The Portuguese nation, its territory, its religion, its government and the dynasty.

Article 20 The Portuguese nation consists of the meeting of all Portuguese of the two hemispheres. Its
territory is made up of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and Algarve, and includes :
1 ° In Europe, the kingdom of Portugal, composed of provinces from Minho, Trazlos-Montes, Beira,
Extremadura, Alentejo, and of the kingdom from Algarve, and adjacent islands, Madeira, Porto-Santo
and the Azores ;
2 ° In America, the kingdom of Brazil, which is composed from the provinces of Parà and Rio-Negro,
Maranhao, Pianhi, Rio big do norte, Cearà, Parahiba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia and Sergippe,
Minas-Geraes, Espirito-Santo, Rio de Janeiro, Sâo Paulo, Santa-Catherina, Rio grande do Sul, Goyazes,
Matto-grosso, and islands Fernando de Noronha, Trinidad and all other adjacent ones.
3 ° In West Africa, Bissào, Cacheo, in the Golden Coast, the fortress Sào Joào Baptista de Judà,
Angola, Benguella and dependencies, Cabinda and Molembo, the islands of Cabo-Verde, and those of
S.-Thomè, Principle and its dependencies ; On the East coast Africa, Mosambique, Rio de Senna,
Sofalla, Inhambane, Quelimane, and the islands of Cabo Delgado,
4 ° In Asia, Salzete, Bardez, Goa, and its dependencies, Damào and Diù, establishments in Macào, and
the islands from Solor and Timor. A more suitable division of this territory will be made.

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While at that King John VI in Portugal accepting the Constitution drafted by Portagal Cortes

Title first. Of the personal rights and obligations of the Portuguese .

Title II. Of the Portuguese Nation, Territory, Religion, Government, and Dynasty .

Title III. Of the Legislative Power, or of the Cortes .

Title IV. Of the executive power, or of the king .

Title V. Judicial power .

Title VI. Of the administrative and economic government of the provinces .

 his eldest son Pedro, proclaimed the independence of Brazil on October 12, 1822
 his (Spanish) wife, refuses to take an oath to the Constitution

The Cortes then declare themselves powerless and separate on June 2, and king John promises a new
constitution…. the country was until then ruled according to the antiques Lamego laws, established by
the Cortes of 1143 …

The General Cortes, extraordinary and constituent of the Portuguese nation, intimately convinced
that the public misfortunes which have oppressed it and still oppress it, have their source in the
contempt for the rights of the citizen and in the forgetting of the fundamental laws of the monarchy
and considering that the re-establishment of these extensive and reformed laws can alone procure
the prosperity of this nation, and prevent it from falling back into the abyss from which the heroic
virtue of its children has saved it, decree the political constitution which follows, in order to ensure the
rights of each and the general good of all Portuguese people.

Jean Pierre Maury Doctor in political science (Paris II), Bachelor of Arts (Montpellier), Law degree
(Montpellier), geographical address: gate F113; building F1; 52, avenue de Villeneuve, Perpignan
postal address: 66860 Perpignan cedex : email :
Teachings: Constitutional law (DEUG 1), French political life (Bachelor LMD, level 1), European
institutions (LMD license, level 2), Constitutional law (LMD license, level 3), Public security policies
(LMD license, level 3) Source: Collection des constitutions, by Dufau, Duvergier and Guadet, tome V,
1823. The spelling has been modernized.
The Constitution of 1822 acquired in Portugal a mythical characterand gave birth to a Septembrist
movement, which obtained the restoration of the Constitution of 1822, by a decree from September
10, 1836, until the drafting of a new version (April 4, 1838), in force for a brief period, until the
insurrection of January 19, 1842 which restored the charter of 1826.

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The King who Declared Independence from Himself…. The Life & Times of Pedro I

The outbreak of the Liberal Revolution of 1820 in Lisbon compelled Pedro I's father to return to
Portugal in April 1821, leaving Pedro to rule Brazil as regent. He had to deal with challenges from
revolutionaries and insubordination by Portuguese troops, all of which he subdued.
The Portuguese government's threat to revoke the political autonomy that Brazil had enjoyed since
1808 was met with widespread discontent in Brazil.

Having proclaimed independence of the Kingdom of Brazil from Portugal in 1822, Pedro I, son of John
VI, was acclaimed the first emperor of Brazil on 12 October 1822 to write a new constitution (1826)
The prince was acclaimed Emperor Dom Pedro I on his 24th birthday, which coincided with the
inauguration of the Empire of Brazil on 12 October. He was crowned on 1 December in what is today
known as the Old Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro.

Pedro's parents had an unhappy marriage. Pedro's mother, Doña Carlota Joaquina, was the daughter
of King Don Charles IV of Spain who was an ambitious woman and always sought to advance Spain's
interests …. even to the detriment of Portugal's She went as far as to plot his overthrow in league
with dissatisfied Portuguese nobles.
In late November 1807, when Pedro was nine, the royal family escaped from Portugal as an invading
French army sent by Napoleon approached Lisbon. The early experiences of betrayal, coldness and
neglect had a great impact on Pedro's character.

King John his marriage was conflictual.

His youngest son D. Miguel's was twenty years old when he took part in the famous conspiracy
plotted who placed himself at the head of the May 27, 1823 counter-revolution, known as the
Vilafrancada. The Infante Dom Miguel and his mother Queen Dona Carlota wanted to achieve the
abdication of the King Dom João VI, who wanted to maintain the 1822 Constitution. The revolt of
Regiment 18, which, gathered with hordes of people, went to Bemposta to acclaim the absolute king,
so Dom João VI decided to take charge of the absolutist movement, and, leaving for Vila Franca,
returned from there in triumph.

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Miguel had been the agent of this counter-revolution, with his mother who had inspired it. But the
determining cause was certainly the moral pressure from the Holy Alliance, which had sent a French
army to destroy the Constitution in Spain, and would also destroyed it in Portugal, if necessary.
Infante Dom Miguel was appointed commander in chief of the army, but the betrayal of his father
always followed him, subject to his mother's diabolical machinations. The Queen could not tolerate
that her husband treated the liberals kindly, promised a constitution, and kept ministers in power like
Palmela and Pamplona, who seemed willing to fulfill this promise. A deafening agitation reigned at

D. Miguel gathered the troops and had the ministers and other important people arrested, keeping
his father the king incommunicado in the Palace of Bemposta, and letting the people know that a
conspiracy had been discovered, that the Masons intended to assassinate his father, and that he
proposed to defend him and save his life.
The foreign diplomatic corps, recognizing that the sovereign was in prison for his son, went to the
Palace of Bemposta and advised Dom João VI to go aboard the English ship Windsor-Castle, which the
sovereign did on May 9, under the pretext of a trip to Caxias. From aboard, he sent Dom Miguel, to
Vienna, after having dismissed him from his post as commander in chief of the army.

Miquel de Braganza

On May 29, 1823 Miguel, the youngest son of King John calls, for an insurrection against the
government and the restoration of Portugals old regime!!!
Miguel was an avowed conservative and admirer of Prince Metternich, who had referred to the
liberal revolutions in the 1820s as unrealistic and without any historical roots:Miguel was 20 years old
when he first challenged the liberal institutions established after the 1820 revolution, which may have
been part of a wider strategy by the queen.
Prince Miguel was always influenced by his mother; and two months later, on April 30, 1824, as
Commander-in-Chief of the Army he gathered his troops and ordered them to arrest ministers and
other important people under pretext that a masonic conspiracy to assassinate the king existed, and
placed his father in protective custody and incommunicado at Bemposta, where Miguel could "defend
and secure his life".
The Abrilada, as this was to be known, worried many of the foreign powers.
The foreign diplomatic corp (and in particular Marshal Beresford), realizing that the king was a
prisoner of his son, traveled to Bemposta and was able to ferry the king away and on board a British
warship, the Windsor Castle. On board, the king summoned his son, whom he dismissed as
Commander-in-Chief of the Army, and immediately exiling him to Vienna

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Since the coup d'etát on 3 June 1823 the Portuguese King John VI had already abolished the
Constitution 1822

When his son Pedro forced to declare independence, and his other son Miguel (later Dom Miguel I
of Portugal) led a rebellion that sought to depose him, King John lost Brazil.

In the last years of his reign King John's (Joao) policies led to far-reaching economic changes,
beginning with the opening of the ports and the abolition of the Portuguese commercial monopolies,
with the United Kingdom being the great beneficiary.

Under British pressure, Portugal eventually agreed to recognize Brazil's independence in 1825, thus
allowing the new country to establish diplomatic ties with other European powers.
The first act of recognition was materialized in Letters Patent issued on May 13, 1825,
The new conductor of Brazil was only 23 years old when Dom João returned to Portugal. The
Lusitanian Assembly wanted to promote the return of the prince and the recolonization of Brazil.
Several measures by the Cortes de Lisboa sought to diminish the power of the Prince Regent and thus
end Brazil's autonomy.
The first act of recognition was materialized in Letters Patent issued on May 13, 1825, by which the
Portuguese King "voluntarily ceded and transferred the sovereignty" over Brazil to his son, the
Brazilian Emperor, and thus recognized, as a result of this concession, Brazil as an "Independent
Empire, separate from the Kingdoms of Portugal and Algarves".

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Timeline … What articles explain what really happened to understand more?

During the same period King John's mother dies, he was looking for a wife for his son Dom Pedro,
Prince Royal of Portugal. After a year of seeking King John finally secured an alliance with one of
Europe's most powerful royal houses, the Austrian Habsburgs.

Dom Pedro married Archduchess Maria Leopoldina of Austria, daughter of Emperor Francis I, in 1817.
Having proclaimed independence of the Kingdom of Brazil from Portugal in 1822 Dom Pedro I was
acclaimed the first emperor of Brazil on 12 October 1822 to write a new constitution (1826)

Pedro's Family in Law and Austria's emperor's minister was Metternich considered the alliance
"an advantageous pact between Europe and the New World,"
The Congress of Vienna (1815) was the climax of Metternich’s work of reconstruction. He had precise
ideas about the basis for a new order in Europe

Franz II (I) and the Metternich System

The image of Franz I as an amiable ruler was also propagated through art, as is shown by the
painting Emperor Franz II (I) entering Vienna on 16 June 1814 after the Treaty of Paris executed in
1828–1832 by Johann Peter Krafft for the central hall of the Imperial Chancellery Wing
(Reichskanzleitrakt) of the Hofburg: it shows the ‘good Emperor’ following the conclusion of the
‘world peace’ with Napoleon.

The ‘Metternich System’ – the expression with which the period is closely linked on account of the
dominant role played in it by the State Chancellor – was based on the suppression of all endeavours of
a democratic, liberal or national nature and was maintained through censorship, the police state and
a network of informers

The liberal regime dealt the final blow to the Portuguese Inquisition when in 1821 the Constituent
General Cortes decreed its extinction.

Upon the death of Pius VII in 1823, another contentious and politically charged conclave sought a
candidate who would be favorable to the Austrians, that is, the Emperor of Austria, formerly Emperor
of the Holy Roman Empire before it was dissolved during the Napoleonic Wars .

On August 27, 1823, a courier from Rome brought word to Metternich of the death of Pope Pius VII a
week before. The news, though long expected, was nonetheless unwelcome, as Pius had in general
been a most satisfactory pope from the Austrian standpoint. Now the cardinals would meet in
conclave to elect his successor, and Metternich was convinced that their choice was “of the greatest
significance for the tranquility of Europe and the interests of our Court.”

Metternich was the architect of the Vienna Treaty and the secret treaty of Verona.

On March 13, 1825, Leo XII published his Encyclical "Quo Graviora" condemning the Society called
Freemasonry, as well as all other Secret Societies

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Congress of Verona, it developed, was the RATIFICATION of Article Six of the Congress of Vienna,
which was in short, a promise to prevent or destroy Popular Governments wherever found, and to re-
establish monarchy where it had been set aside.
The Holy Alliance of 1815 with its Secret Treaty of Verona of 1822 was a massive conspiracy against
the government and people of the United States as established by George Washington.
Congress of Verona, it developed, was the RATIFICATION of Article Six of the Congress of Vienna,
which was in short, a promise to prevent or destroy Popular Governments wherever found, and to re-
establish monarchy where it had been set aside.

The secret Treaty of Verona, Italy, furthered the conspiracy, which in turn was countered by the
Monroe Doctrine of 1823. The final touch was the Jesuit General’s Secret Plan at Chieri, Italy in 1825

Jewish rights at the congresses of Vienna and Aix la Chappelle 1818

I. The Congress of Vienna 1
II. The Congress of Aix-La-Chapelle 50 Appendix A. Wilhelm von Humboldt on the Principles of Jewish
Emancipatory Legislation Regarding the Draft of a New System of Legis- lation for the Jews, July 17,
1809, by Wilhelm von Humboldt 71

The Paris Treaty 1814 was signed by Portugal: In article 3, it was said "especially the treaties signed in Badajoz
and Madrid in 1801, are null and void.
The Portuguese Kingdom became a Republic with its President Head CEO of the corporation Portugal.

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ARTICLE 4. The situation of Spain and Portugal unite unhappily all the circumstances to which this
treaty has particular reference. "This is the so-called Monroe Doctrine. The threat under the secret
treaty of Verona to suppress popular government in the American republics is the basis of the Monroe
This secret treaty of Verona sets forth clearly the conflict between monarchial government and
popular government, and the government of the few as against the government of the many."
Congress of Verona developed the RATIFICATION of Article Six of the Congress of Vienna, which was in short,
a promise to prevent or destroy Popular Governments wherever found

Ex-Catholic Italy and ex-Catholic France are next in this rule or ruin policy.
In Protestant Denmark, Sweden and Holland, the same process of working from within, is being
pursued as it is in this country and Canada.

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Pope Leo XII was afraid of the masonic penetration in public school teaching and seemed to foresee
the devastation that the "One School" would rapidly inflict upon both the Church and society at large.

Leo XII, in summing up the harm caused by clandestine sects, so evident in works written by their
members, wrote: "They have dared publish works on Religion and Affairs of State, they have exposed
their contempt for authority, their hatred of Sovereignty, their attacks against the Divinity of Jesus
Christ and the very existence of God: They openly vaunt their materialism as well as their codes and
statutes which explain their plans and efforts in order to overthrow the legitimate Heads of State and
completely destroy the Church."What is definitely ascertained is that those different sects, despite the
diversity of their names, are all united and linked by the similarity of their infamous

Thus speaking, Pope Leo XII, considered he was accomplishing his duty as Supreme Pontiff and he
wrote further, this page, which thoroughly throws light on our actual situation:"Let us use the words
of our predecessor, Pope Clement XIII, in his Encyclical Letter of September 14, 1758, addressed to all
Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops and Bishops of the Catholic Church, in which he said:
'I entreat you to become penetrated of the Strength of the Spirit of God, His Intelligence and His
Virtue, in order to escape being likened to the mute dogs who, unable to bark, leave Our flocks
exposed to the voracity of beasts roaming the fields.
Let nothing stop Us, in the fulfillment of Our duty which enjoins Us to suffer all kinds of combats for
the Glory of God and the salvation of souls. Let Us constantly keep before Our eyes the picture of HIM
who, during HIS lifetime, was also exposed to the opposition of sinners. If we allow ourselves to be
shaken by the audacity of evildoers it will be the end of eposcopal strength, the end also of the
sublime and divine authority of the Church: moreover, let us abandon even the thought of being
Christians if we have reached the point of trembling before the threats or the traps laid for us by
Leo XII ends this magnificent Encyclical anathematizing Freemasons and writing:
"Those men are like those to whom, according to Saint John, the Apostle, hospitality and greetings
should be denied. (Second Epistle of St. John, V. 10). They are the same men whom our Fathers,
without hesitation, termed the first-born of the devil."
Pope Leo sudden death, that occurred on February 10th, 1829 after a short illness, particularly struck
the publicwith the true cause of Pope Leo XII's mysterious death.'s_death_the_twist_to_a_longs

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When monarchs all over Europe were getting deposed at best and beheaded at worst, Dom João, the
peaceful dullard, kept his crown, and he did it by being the only European monarch in history to move
the capitol of his kingdom to a different continent.
This man, who hated change so much his servants had to repair holes in his pants while he slept,
moved the capital of Portugal from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro.

That’s how Dom João VI found himself living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil trying to establish court in a
colony that had almost no roads between cities, no universities, no printing presses, and no trade
with anyone but Portugal.
Of course, the total lack of development in Brazil was intentional to keep the colony submissive and
easily controlled. No Portuguese monarch ever anticipated having to live in this place where doctor,
dentist, and barber was a single, mostly self-taught profession.

But it all changed under Dom João. He allowed roads, universities, and newspapers to flourish in
Brazil. In exchange for escorting the court across the Atlantic, Brazilians ports were opened to the
British and trade expanded. Academics, artists, and merchants flooded Brazil.

As king finally back in Portugal, João conceded Brazilian independence in 1822 after a bloodless
revolution led by the son he left behind in Rio to run the colony. His son’s betrayal probably didn’t
bother him too much.
At that point his wife had tried to overthrow him a few times so he was surely used to betrayal by
immediate family. When he died in 1826, many suspected arsenic poisoning possibly ordered by his
wife. (She really hated him.)

On 4 March 1826, King John returned from the Hieronymites Monastery where he had lunched and
retired to Bemposta Palace feeling poorly. He was racked for several days by symptoms including
vomiting and convulsions. He appeared to be getting better, but by way of prudence designated his
daughter Infanta Isabel Maria as regent.
King John died at approximately 5 a.m. 10 March 1826 and was succeeded by his son Dom Pedro,
who abdicated on his daughter, giving her as bride to the infant Dom Miguel, at the same time
granting the country a Constitutional Charter 1826

Teodoro Ferreira de Aguiar soon came back to Brazil after the death of Dom João VI, but he returned
to Portugal as offi cial in charge of the businesses of the Brazilian court 7 .
However, he committed suicide in that country, after his arrival 7 .
Strangely, three other Dom João VI closest collaborators also died in suspicious circumstances7 :
Minister Lacerda, general- physician baron of Alvaiazare (Manoel Vieira da Silva) and the cook of His
Majesty, Caetano.

Thus, Dom João VI death occurred in conditions that led to the regicide hypothesis, at a moment of
the most disturbed of Portugal. Some authorships of this presumed crime was a hypothesis: the
radical absolutists with involvement of the wife and son of the monarch,

Dona Carlota Joaquina and Dom Miguel (in exile, in Austria)

or the radical liberals (under the influence of the masonry)

However, the fi nding of arsenic in high doses in the visceras of the monarch points out the poisoning as the
basic cause of the death. Although, the several risk factors, familiar or of the life stile, provide strong support for
the hypothesis that Dom VI’s João death has atherosclerosis at least as a death facilitator factor.

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Pedro was recognized as the legitimate heir as King Dom Pedro IV. Doctors could not definitively
determine a cause of death, but it was suspected that John had been poisoned. His body was
embalmed and buried in the mausoleum of the Kings of Portugal, the Royal Pantheon of the House of
Braganza, in the Monastery of São Vicente de Fora.[61]
After King John VI death (March 10, 1826) .
The promise to rewrite the Constitution was kept by his son Pedro, Pedro who granted a
constitutional charter on April 29, 1826.

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After the death of King John VI of Portugal in 1826, the Braganzas were divided

1. the Brazilian branch, with its chief King John VI’s eldest son, Emperor Pedro I of Brazil,
2. the Constitutional branch, with chief Emperor Pedro I’s eldest daughter, Queen Maria II of
3. the Miguelist branch, with its chief King John VI’s second eldest son and seventh child, King Miguel
I of Portugal.

War of the Brothers / Miguelite Wars 1828-1834

When King John VI died his heir Don Pedro, the Emperor of Brazil, refused the crown so as not to
slight Brazil. Instead, he submitted a new Constitutional Charter and abdicated in favor of his
underage daughter, Dona Maria. She was to marry her uncle, Prince Miguel, who would act as
The charter was opposed by some as too liberal, and when Miguel returned from exile he declared
himself absolute monarch.
Civil War between supporters of Miguel and Dona Maria followed, with Pedro abdicating as emperor
to come over and act as regent to his daughter; their side won in 1834, and Miquel was banned from

When his father Dom João died, by the way, of arsenic poisoning in 1826, Dom Pedro, with the idea of
calming the situation in the meantime, proposed that Miguel his younger brother, marry his daughter
Dona Maria, with the condition that he swear the Constitutional Charter.
D. Miguel pretends to accept the "agreement"…. but he treacherously convenes the Cortes in 1828, in
which he proclaims himself king of Portugal and thus installs an Absolutist Regime. IIb. Miguel I (1802
– 1866), (Portuguese: “o Absolutista”) or “the Traditionalist” (Portuguese: “o Tradicionalista”),
usurper of the Portuguese throne, regent of Portugal from February 1828 and self-proclaimed king
from July 1828 to 1834, though his royal title was not recognized everywhere.

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The Duarte Nino (Miguel family line excluded for Life) as "De Jure King"

In 1831 Dom Pedro abdicated in Brazil, returned to Europe, and initiated a civil war.

Michael lost Porto, but the struggle was protracted; he was finally forced by foreign intervention to
leave Lisbon and surrendered at Évora-Monte on May 26, 1834 (source: Encyclopaedia Britannica).

In December 1834 the Portuguese Cortes banished Miguel and all his descendants from Portugal
upon pain of immediate death. The Constitution of 1838 (article 98) categorically excluded the
collateral Miguelist line from the throne
IIb. Miguel I (1802 – 1866), (Portuguese: “o Absolutista”) or “the Traditionalist” (Portuguese: “o
Tradicionalista”), usurper of the Portuguese throne, regent of Portugal from February 1828 and self-
proclaimed king from July 1828 to 1834, though his royal title was not recognized everywhere.

The Concession of Evoramonte, was a document signed between the Constitutionalists and
the Miguelites, that ended the period of civil war (1828–1834) in the Kingdom of Portugal.[1] The
Concession was initially composed of nine articles, with four more added the following day:

 Article 5 - An annual pension of 60 contos de réis (12 000l.) was granted to Dom Miguel in
deference of his royal ancestry; and he was allowed to dispose of his personal property, restoring
however any jewels and other articles belonging to the Crown or private individuals.[3]
 Article 6 - Dom Miguel could leave the Kingdom in a warship of the Allied Powers, which would be
ready in any port he desired, being assured of total safety to him and his followers.[3]
 Article 7 - Dom Miguel was permanently banned from the kingdom (and all its colonial
possessions), a measure to be enforced within a fortnight.[4]
 Article 8 - All troops loyal to Dom Miguel were to deliver their weapons on a depot indicated to
 Article 9 - All the Regiments Corps loyal to Dom Miguel should peacefully disband themselves.[4]

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 Article 1 - all authorities who were still recognizing the government of Dom Miguel, that they
should submit to the Government of Queen Maria II.[4]
 Article 2 - The tenor of the previous article would extend to all ecclesiastical, civil and military
authorities of the colonial possessions of the Monarchy.[4]
 Article 3 - Dom Miguel should leave Évora on 30 May,embarkation for exile would take place.[4]
 Article 4 - On 31 May, the troops of Dom Miguel would deposit their weapons in Évora

In December 1834 the Portuguese Cortes banished Miguel and all his descendants from Portugal
upon pain of immediate death.
Article 98 of the Constitution of 1838 excluded the collateral Miguelist line from the throne. The
1834 ban remained in effect until revoked in May 1950.
Migue lived for a time as a destitute refugee in Rome, in apartments provided by Pope Gregory XVI,
who also gave him a small monthly allowance
Since the coup d'etát on 3 June 1823the Portuguese King John VI had already abolished the
Constitution of 1822 and dissolved the Cortes, thus reversing the Liberal Revolution of 1820.
From 1822 to 1825 the Portuguese Government engaged in heavy diplomatic efforts to avoid the
recognition of Brazil's independence by the European Powers, invoking the principles of the Congress
of Vienna and subsequent European alliances.
Under British pressure, Portugal eventually agreed to recognize Brazil's independence in 1825, thus
allowing the new country to establish diplomatic ties with other European powers.

D. Miguel, full name Miguel Maria do Patrocínio João Carlos Francisco de Assis Xavier de Paula Pedro
de Alcântara António Rafael Gabriel Joaquim José Gonzaga Evaristo, born at Queluz Palace on
October 26, 1802, died in Germany on November 14, 1866, was the third son of Dom João VI ) and
Dona Carlota Joaquina Bourbon.

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Miguel de Bragança married Dona Adelaide of Loewenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg, and had seven

children as descendants. However, he left as descendants six daughters (infanta Maria das Neves of
Braganza, infanta Maria Teresa of Braganza, infanta Maria José of Braganza, infanta Aldegundes of
Braganza, infanta Maria Ana of Braganza, infanta Maria Antónia of Braganza) and one son Miguel

Dom Miguel leaves for Austria in exile, taking the throne again, Dom Pedro IV, who will soon die,
being succeeded by his daughter Dom Maria I.

Miguel de Bragança, whom the legitimists call Miguel II, born in Heubach on September 19, 1853.

Duarte Nuno de Bragança (Duarte Pio's father), was born in Seebenstein, Austria, on September 23,
1907 - dying in Ferragudo, Lagoa, December 23, 1976, He was a Miguel Januário de Bragança and a
pretender to the throne of Portugal. He was the son of Miguel Januário de Bragança and Maria
Teresa de Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg.

However, everyone deliberately and treacherously ignored the fact that the last Portuguese monarch,
King Dom Manuel II, was still alive at the time of these claims.

'Miguelistas' continue to maintain over the rights to the Throne of Portugal and the fraudulent use of
the Orders linked to them.

Miguel de Braganza 'abdicated' (of a fictitious kingdom and duchy), in 1919 in favor of his foreign-
born son, Duarte Nuño.

All what was needed to complete the plan was for the nuisance to pass away.

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King Carlos fortold

What the false dukes and miguelistas did not count on, was that Princess Maria Pia de Braganza
Saxe-Coburg-Gotta, the natural daughter of King Dom Carlos, -protected on behalf of her father, by
King Don Alfonso XIII, of Spain, would come to claim her dynastic rights and defend them until her
death (Documentation: Francisco Benitez Aguilar, Yfo, C+C OMNSCVV).

By 1908 Portugal opponents felt strong enough….

The original plans called for the seizure of the Minstry of the Interior, which would place all telegraph
and telephone facilities in their hands. With these communication outlets under control, a Republic
could be proclaimed throughout the nation without the necessity of open warfare and bloody

It was a novel idea, but it failed to take into account the loyalty of the Portuguese armed forces to the
government and so it failed to materialize.

The conspiracy was discovered shortly before a group of men poured a volley of bullets into the
carriage containing the royal family. One bullet struck the king in the nape of the neck and passed out
through his throat, cutting his carotid artery. Another one hit him in the shoulder.
Crown Prince Luis Philipe immediately drew his own revolver but was struck by two bullets before he
could fire.
Carlos died instantly from the wound in his throat, while Luis Filipe lived for about twenty minutest.
Manuel received a bullet wound in his right arm.

History is unappealable. The assassination of King Carlos of Portugal and his son, Prince Luis Felipe, in
1908, is still covered by interested shadows that, little by little, are being uncovered, such as the
usurpation that the 'Miguelistas' continue to maintain over the rights to the Throne of Portugal, the
Duchy of Braganza and the fraudulent use of the Orders linked to them.

But this Braganza branch continued to fraudulently use the titles abroad and waited for the moment
of revenge that was perpetrated with the regicide.

In May 1907, the Portuguese miguelistas held a meeting in Vienna with Miguel de Braganza,
descendant of the usupator of the Portuguese Crown and expelled from the Kingdom and stripped,
together with his descendants, of all succession rights, to discuss the 'serious events that were about
to take place'. These 'events' took place in February 1908.

Although Miguel hastened to offer his condolences through the Portuguese Ambassador in Vienna to
the widow Queen Amelia, in private letters he already proclaimed himself king. His sister, Maria de
las Nieves had been sending money for the support of the miguelistas in the interior of Portugal for
some time and her personal correspondence and the letters crossed with her brother Miguel and
other personages of the moment are of great interest.

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1908 The murder of King Carlos I and his heir Philipe

Dom Carlos I , known as the Diplomat, the Martyr and the Oceanographer , was the King of
Portugal from 1889 until his assassination with his heir, Luís Filipe, Prince Royal of Portugal.on 1
february 1908. Done by assassins sympathetic to Republican interests and aided by elements within
the Portuguese Carbonária; an Italian masonic lodge.

The king died immediately, his heir Luís Filipe mortally wounded, died twenty minutes later. Several
days later,the younger son,
 Prince Manuel, was proclaimed king of Portugal.
 Maria Pia of Saxe-Coburg and Braganza[8][9] the illegitimate daughter of King Carlos I of
Portugal with Maria Amélia Laredó e Murça, at that time a baby, was brought to Spain.

King Carlos I legitimized Maria Pia through a royal decree and placed her in the line of succession with
the same rights and honours as the legitimately-born princes of Portugal; however,
 no "undisputed evidence "was presented to demonstrate this
 yes undisputed evidence is proven but never allowed …
The events (1908-1930) that led to the usurpation of the rights to the Throne of Portugal and the
noble titles attached to it.
The Survived Royal House of Portual

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The connection of the Miguelist branch with the Spanish Carlists allows to know all that
documentation, that in honor to Mrs. Maria Pia de Braganza, legitimate heiress of the Throne of
Portugal and of the Constitutional Line that she bequeathed to Don Rosario Poidimani, XXII Duke of
Braganza, I publish now. Francisco Benítez Aguilar, Yfo. C+COMNSCVV.

Images: 1.- Miguel de Braganza, usurper self-proclaimed 'king'.

2.- Fragment of autograph letter of Miguel de Braganza after the assassination of his distant cousin
King Dom Carlos, where he quotes Queen Amelia, Maria Pia and Don Manuel.

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3.- Father and son, assassinated in an attack.

4 .- The little king Don Manuel II, died in strange circumstances in his exile in England.

5.- Fragment of letter where the treatment of 'king' is 'slipped' after the Magnicide.

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The documents show that Miguel de Braganza pretended to take the Portuguese throne after the
assassination of his distant cousin, King Dom Carlos I and his son, Prince Luis Felipe, curiously
prophesied in his meeting with a delegation of his supporters, in May 1907, in his palace in Vienna.
Miguel de Braganza, even knowing that the Throne fell to King Dom Manuel II, continued abroad
illegitimately using the title of Duke of Braganza and considering himself 'king'. He kept these titles
during the life of Dom Manuel II, who died in strange circumstances of a sudden illness in his youth.

Miguel de Braganza 'abdicated' (of a fictitious kingdom and duchy), in 1919 in favor of his foreign-
born son, Duarte Nuño. All what was needed to complete the plan was for the nuisance to pass away.

What the false dukes and miguelistas did not count on, was that Princess Maria Pia de Braganza
Saxe-Coburg-Gotta, the natural daughter of King Dom Carlos, -protected on behalf of her father, by
King Don Alfonso XIII, of Spain, would come to claim her dynastic rights and defend them until her
death (Documentation: Francisco Benitez Aguilar, Yfo, C+C OMNSCVV).

The events (1908-1930) that led to the usurpation of the rights to the Throne of Portugal and the
noble titles attached to it, especially that of the Duchy of Bragança, cannot please all. But silence is
the worst of betrayals, when documentation is there that can help both sides to change their radical
positions to seek mutual recognition of rights for which they claim to work: the welfare of the

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Portuguese King Manuel II Living in Exile

Manuel II[2] ascending the throne after the assassination of his father, King Carlos I, and his elder
brother, Luís Filipe, the Prince Royal. His reign ended with the fall of the monarchy during the 5
October 1910 revolution, and Manuel lived the rest of his life
in exile in Twickenham, Middlesex, England.

PT: Halfsister of King Manuel II: Maria Pia of Braganza

Maria Pia of Braganza halfsister of Dom Manuell II, was taken by her mother and grandparents
to Madrid, Spain. The baptism was registered and recorded that her father was "D. Carlos de
Sassonia-Coburgo y Savoya de la Casa de Braganza de Portugal".
This clearly refers to King Carlos I of Portugal, who at the time was married to another woman,
Princess Amélie of Orléans. The original baptismal registers of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary
of Mount Carmel and Saint Aloysius were destroyed during the Spanish Civil War …
her claim was not accepted,
She was not allowed to enter the country, and or to restore the KINGDOM Ask yourself why?!

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The Alta Vendita; printed in English in 1885 and discovered in Italian earlier and ordered published in
1859 by Pope Pius IX. Notice they want to complete it within a century. The plan involved infiltrating
the Catholic priesthood and hierarchy.

The Alta Vendita is a lodge of the Carbonari,[3] who supposedly wrote the document.
The king died immediately, his heir Luís Filipe mortally wounded, died twenty minutes later.

The House of Braganza, which had ruled Portugal since 1640, provided the country with more rulers,
fourteen, for a longer period of time than any of her other dynasties. Manuel II was the last member
of that family to occupy the ancient throne. He was only eighteen years old when he suddenly found
himself king following the murder of his father and older brother in February 1908. Manuel ruled two
and onehalf years before the Republican revolution removed him from power in October 1910.

Several days later,the younger son,

 Prince Manuel, was proclaimed king of Portugal.
 Maria Pia of Saxe-Coburg and Braganza the llegitimate daughter of King Carlos I of Portugal
with Maria Amélia Laredó e Murça, at that time a baby, was brought to Spain.

King Carlos I legitimized Maria Pia through a royal decree and placed her in the line of succession with
the same rights and honours as the legitimately-born princes of Portugal; however, "NO" undisputed
evidence "was presented to demonstrate this?!

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Maria Pia of Braganza halfsister of Dom Manuell II, was directly taken by her mother and
grandparents to the Royal Family of Spain in Madrid.
Maria Pia's baptism was registered and recorded that her father was: "D. Carlos de Sassonia-
Coburgo y Savoya de la Casa de Braganza de Portugal".

Ending the reign of Dom Manuel II

Dom Manuel II[2] (15 November 1889 – 2 July 1932), "the Patriot" (Portuguese: "o Patriota") or "the
Unfortunate" ("o Desaventurado"), was the last King of Portugal, ascending the throne after the
assassination of his father, King Carlos I, and his elder brother, Luís Filipe; the Prince Royal.

By some ironic twist of fate the last Braganza to rule in Portugal— Dom Manuel II— was born on
November 15, 1889, the very same day that King Carlos received word from his Minister of Foreign
Affairs that the monarchy had been overthrown in Brazil.
The following day, while he attended the Church of Sao Domingos celebrating a Te Deum in praise of
his infant son, he heard the news from Brazil confirmed. On December 7, 1889 the Brazilian vessel
Alaeoas arrived in the Tagus River from Rio de Janeiro with the dethroned Pedro II and his wife.

When Manuel became king in 1908, Portugal was beset by severe political and financial difficulties,
caused by corruption in the government, exploitation of Portuguese resources by foreign speculators,
and excessive spending on the part of the royal family. Portuguese King Manuel II

Manuel II[2] ascending the throne after the assassination of his father, King Carlos I and his elder
brother, Luís Filipe, the Prince Royal.
Family tree

Religion had always been a dominant factor in Manuel’s life. He had been reared in strict conformity
with the teachings of the Roman Catholic faith and in his coronation oath he swore to faithfully
uphold it.
Manuel regarded himself as a true Christian who had been ordained by God to govern Portugal. He
was fully convinced that one day he would have to answer to that Supreme Being for his actions. It
was not the fact that the king himself observed his Christian faith so sincerely that worried his most
ardent critics, but the religious infleuences that surrounded him.

There was a constant dread that the piousness of Queen Amelia, known herself to be a devout
follower of the Church, might force her son king Manuell II to undertake some repressive or
reactionary stance. The queen was regarded by some in Portugal as a dangerous woman, intolerant
enough to restore the rule of the Jesuits if given the chance, with all the attending horrors of an
inquisition. This was, of course, an exaggeration, but it served the king's enemies very well.

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On April 29, 1908, amid archaic pomp and ceremony, Manuel formally opened the first Cortes of his
reign. He swore to respect and uphold the Constitution and made an appeal to the loyalty of his
subjects, calling for a union between the Portuguese people and their king.
His days were occupied with audiences, desk work and the necessary recreation for his health.
This routine rarely allowed him to retire to his bed chamber before two or three o'clock in the
morning. A visitor once found him engrossed in a report on Colonial banks and asked him if it was a
duty. "No" was his reply, "it interests me"

With the help of the Carbonaria. the Republicans during the early stages of the revolution severed
nearly all telephone and telegraph communications between the capital and the provinces. The
railroad tracks were sabotaged likewise, interrupting train service throughout the country.

3 October 1910 , The separation of the Church and State was also arbitrarily decreed by the
provisional government. The Royal House of Braganza were the first defenders of Faith (since the first
King) who gave the crown to honor the Lady of the Imaculate Conception, the mother of Christ.
That is why no King ever put the Crown on his head.

3 and 4 October 1910, the Republic was proclaimed at 9 o'clock a.m of the next day from the balcony
of the Lisbon City Hall in Lisbon, and a provisional government change the national symbols as
the national anthem and the flag.

The 5 October 1910 revolution was the overthrow of the centuries-old Portuguese monarchy and its
replacement by the First Portuguese Republic. It was the result of a coup d'état organized by
the Portuguese Republican Party.

8 October 1910 The Kingdom and religious orders were expelled and their property confiscated.

King Manuel's reign ended with the fall of the monarchy during the 5 October 1910 revolution.

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Portugal's natianal archive

with the Men's asylum of the "Vintem Preventivo".
The Museum also used the space of the library and the church of the former residence of the Jesuits.

In this way the aim was to avoid the dispersion of the estate of the extinct institutions with the
objective of promoting popular education, materialized in the organization of the musem & the
library: promoting the "complete, exact and documented history" of the activity of the
congregations and their influence in Portugal.
These principles appeard in the report prepared by Dr. Julio Dantas, which preced Decree No. 3410 of
September 28, 1917. In 1912 November 29, the lease contract was made between the Minister of
Commerce and the Commission of the Congretations


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Em cumprimento do disposto na Lei da Extinção, os cartórios do Conselho Geral e das inquisições
foram depositados na Biblioteca Pública de Lisboa, onde estiveram até 1823. Ficaram depois
guardados no armazém que servira para o expediente da censura dos livros, da Mesa do Desembargo
do Paço, mas ainda sob custódia da Biblioteca Pública. Após várias diligências do visconde de
Santarém, guarda-mor da Torre do Tombo, para obter autorização da transferência da
documentação dos referidos cartórios, em 1824, foi ordenado que passassem para a Torre do Tombo,
o que aconteceu no ano seguinte pela ordem de 27 de Junho de 1825 do Ministério do Reino. Os
cartórios do Conselho Geral e da Inquisição de Lisboa foram então incorporados, os das inquisições de
Coimbra e de Évora, por seu turno, só dariam entrada na Torre do Tombo em 1836.
No âmbito do Projecto Inquisição de Lisboa on-line, ao abrigo do protocolo de cooperação
estabelecido entre a REN - Redes Energéticas Nacionais SGP, S.A. e o Estado Português, através da
Direcção-Geral de Arquivos (DGARQ), que decorreu de 2007 a 2010, os registos descritivos de todo o
subfundo Inquisição de Lisboa passaram a estar disponíveis online.
O mau estado de conservação de um conjunto de documentos não permitiu que se completassem
alguns registos descritivos, impedindo a reprodução em formato digital antes da intervenção do
serviço de restauro estar concluída. Não tem sido possível recuperar todos os documentos pelo seu
avançado estado de degradação.

In compliance with the provisions of the extinction law, the registers of the General councis and of the
inquisitions where deposited in the public library of Lisbon, where they remainde until 1823.
They were then kept in the warehouse that had served as the expedient for the censorship of books,
of the Mesa Do Desembargo do Paco, but still under the Custody of the Public Library.
After several attempts by the Viscount of Santarém, keeper of the Torre Do Tombo, to obtain
authorization to transfer the documentation from the before mentions registries, in 1824 they were
ordered to be transferred to the Torre Do Tombo, which happened the following year by order of June
27, 1825 from the Ministry of the Kingdom.
The registries of the General Councel and the Lisbon Inquisition where then incorporated, while those
of the Coimbra and Evora inquistions would be transferred to the Torre do Tombo in 1836.
Within the Scope of the online Lisbon Inquisition Project, under the coöperation protocol established
between Ren - Redes Energéticas Nacionais SGP S.A. and the Portuguese State through the
directorate general of archives (DGARQ), which ran from 2007 to 2010, the descriptive records of the
entire Lisbon Inquisition Sub-Fund are now available online.

The poor state of conservation of a set of documents did not allow the completion of some
descriptive records, preventing the reproduction in digital format before the intervention of the
restoration service was completed.

It has not been possible to recover all the documents due to their advanced state of degradation.

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00004 Registo de Portarias do Governo aos lentes - Volume IV 1866-02-03/1887-12-03

Decretos; Portarias; cópias de actas; regulamentos, podendo-se dar como exemplo documentação
sobre o Conselho de Administração e de Aperfeiçoamento (Conselho Escolar); informações; mapas,
podendo-se dar como exemplo documentação sobre o mapa estatístico das aulas diurnas; instruções
regulamentares; ordens de pagamento; notas de despesa; convites; programas de exposições,
podendo-se dar como exemplo documentação sobre a exposição internacional de belas artes de
Munique de 1883; relações, podendo-se dar como exemplo documentação sobre objectos; livros,
podendo-se dar como exemplo documentação sobre o livro de instruções e modelos para o processo
das contas dos estabelecimentos e repartições dependentes do Ministério do Reino, referente à
portaria de 30 de Maio de 1885, ou ainda instruções para o processo das folhas dos vencimentos dos
docentes e demais funcionários das diversas repartições e estabelecimentos dependentes do
Ministério do Reino, da portaria de 30 de Novembro de 1886; declarações; recortes de jornais,
podendo-se dar como exemplo recortes do “Diário Popular”.

Decrees; Orders; copies of minutes; regulations, with an example being documentation on the Board
of Administration and Improvement (School Council); information; maps, with an example being
documentation on the statistical map of the day classes; regulatory instructions; payment orders;
expenditure notes; invitations; exhibition programmes, with an example being documentation on the
Munich International Fine Arts Exhibition of 1883; lists, with an example being documentation on
objects; books, as an example we can give documentation on the book of instructions and models for
the process of accounts of the establishments and dependencies of the Ministry of the Kingdom,
referring to the ordinance of 30 May 1885, or even instructions for the process of the teachers' salary
sheets and other employees of the several dependencies and establishments of the Ministry of the
Kingdom, from the ordinance of 30 November 1886; declarations; newspaper clippings, we can give
as an example clippings from the "Diário Popular".

What can possible missing?

the cordon was being prepared almost at the same time as the International Sanitary Conference in
Rome in May–June 1885
By the time the sixth of the International Sanitary Conferences opened in Rome in 1885, the dawn of
the bacteriological age……………Ships transport unripe cholera germ from cholera localities, but the
germ must, in order to multiply and become infectious, first be brought again to land, where its
development depends on the topographical and temporal disposition. ……… 44

Missing: Epidemic Containment Policy in Portugal the 1855 Cordon Sanitair?

Missing: the unification of the Glob e by disease?

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Email: University of Evora

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00015 Livro de Actas 1900-01-10/1906-04-18

It begins with the minutes of the session of installation of the Higher Council of National Monuments.
Appended, it is informed that the sessions of 2 May, 6 June, 4 July and 21 November 1906 are
missing; concerns about the conservation of national monuments; classification of national
monuments; regulations; deliberations; restorations.

 00016 Livro de Actas 1900-06-07/1907-10-16

It begins with Minute Nº 1, with no reference to numbering when it ends. Concerns about national
monuments; list of national monuments; classification of national monuments; demolition of the door
of the arch in the city of Viseu; works, with an example being documentation about the Lisbon Town
Hall; budgets; projects, with an example being documentation about the installation of the civil prison
in Tomar; monuments requiring works.

 Ordinances 30-05-1885 & 30-11-1886

The current Penal Code of Portugal (Portuguese: Código Penal Português) was promulgated in 1982
and came into force on 1 January 1983 after the adoption of the Portuguese Constitution of
1976.[1] The new Penal Code replaced the old one of 1886 after the end of the authoritarian regime of
the Estado Novo in 1974 and the restoration of democratic laws in Portugal.

1. Penal Code of 1837 - never came into force, because of the establishment of the Constitution
of 1837;
2. Penal Code of 1852 - it suffered major reforms throughout its history, including the
abolishment of the death penalty for civil crimes in 1867;
3. Penal Code of 1886. Missing?

Penal Code:

PT: Missing history: 1860 to 1901

Where is the Ordinance (da Portaria) 30 May 1885, what happened in 1885?
Where is the Oridinance (da Portaria))30 November 1886, what happened in 1886? Penal code missing?

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1930-01-11 Ending the life of Dom Manuel II

The King's position was this, that he place himself entirely at the disposal of Portugal. If his country
wished him to return he would at once do so without any reference to difficulties or dangers that the
course would involve. On January 11, 1930, while in Italy, he paid a visit to Pope Pius XI.
Upon his arrival at the Vatican he was received by various highranking ecclesiastics and members of
the Papal Court. Manuel presented the pontiff with the first volume of his catalogue.

The exiled Portuguese monarch died suddenly in his bedroom at Fulwell Park on Saturday, July 2,
1932. He had complained of a sore throat that morning and paid a visit to Dr. Milsom Rees, a
laryngologist in London shortly before noon. Upon the specialist's advice he returned home and
retired to bed about one o'clock. He had a light lunch and was preparing to drink a second cup of
coffee when he was seized with an attack of breathlessness about 1:40.
Although medical aid was summoned, the former king expired before It arrived. Death was attributed
to suffocation following an attack of "acute oedema of the glottis,'"' a swelling of the narrow opening
at the upper end of the larynx.

When he died suddenly in the summer of 1932, he was only forty-two.

His death was suspicious because he tennised the day before. The Portuguese government, at that
time led by António Oliveira de Salazar, authorized his burial in Lisbon, after a state funeral. The
proponents of the republic, particularly the Republican Party, found ways to take advantage of the
situation.[5] The Republican Party presented itself as the only one.

Although he had never officially abdicated his throne, after 1919 he took no active interest in
regaining it …. (then wonder why he was then murdered? ) … A campaign by the late king's friends
had begun immediately following his death to have the body returned to Lisbon for entombment in
the royal Pantheon at Saint Vincent's Church among the other members of the House of Braganza.
Oliveira Salazar founded, with the of sale of his London estate and from the proceeds of his remaining
personal possessions and those of the House of Braganza: the Foundation of the House of Braganza.

The Last Kings

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After the strange and sudden death of King Dom Manuel II of Portugal (1889-1932), Duarte Nuno de
Bragança was recognized by some monarchical organizations as head of the Portuguese Royal House

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Miguel family line excluded for Life …. and Duarte Pio de Braganza is his grandson?
Lei do Banimento 1834: The Portuguese Cortes banished Miguel I+ and all his descendants from
forever excluded from Portugal upon pain of immediate death.
Article 98 of the Constitution of 1838 excluded the collateral Miguelist line from the throne.

But when Manuel died in July 1932 Duarte (Miquel grandchild) became the recognized successor by
Salazar. Actually, during the period of republican government presided by Salazar, the dictator
confiscated the property of the Royal family of Saxon Coburg Gotha and Bragança , turned that into a
foundation, to the guidance of which was called a representative of the very same collateral line the
one excluded perpetually from the succession to the throne, and who was not a Saxon Coburg Gotha
and Bragança. The 1834 ban still in effect was revoked in May 1950 by Salazar….

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In 1942, Duarte Nuno married Maria Francisca de Orléans e Bragança in Brazil, great-granddaughter
of Dom Pedro II, last Emperor of Brazil (1825-1891), and granddaughter of the last imperial princess,
Dona Isabel de Bragança and the imperial prince consort, Dom Luís Gastão de Orléans, Count d'Eu.

Through this marriage, the two branches of the family were supposedly "united". The couple had
three children:
 Duarte Pio de Bragança (Bern, May 15, 1945-), pretender to the title of Duke of Bragança.

 Miguel Rafael de Bragança (Bern, December 3, 1946-), pretender to the titles of Infante of
Portugal and Duke of Viseu. Between 2000 and 2006, he was the 7th President of the Directive
Council of the Assembly of the Portuguese Knights of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta

 Henrique Nuno de Bragança (Bern, November 6, 1949 - February 14, 2017), pretender to the titles
of Infante of Portugal and Duke of Coimbra.

After the 25th April 1974, by force of revolutionary impulses, with the spoliations and
nationalizations, Duarte Nuno was forced to abandon his residence and moved to the house of one of
his sisters in Lisbon, until his death on December 23rd, 1976 in the Algarve, and is buried in the Church
of the Convent of Agostinhos in Vila Viçosa.

Actions are being repeatedly filed with the Attorney General's Office presenting detailed accusations
of falsification of nationality of Duarte Nuno and his son Duarte Pio de Bragança, and where alleged
inconsistencies were revealed in the transcriptions of the baptismal certificates of these two
descendants of the pretender Miguel Januário de Bragança.

This denunciation was also presently presented to the Institute of Registration and Notary Affairs, to
the Central Registry Office and to some jurists and journalists in order to alert the public opinion for
the exposed denunciation; free of dangerous Masonic and republican protectionism!

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After the death of King D. Manuel II in 1932, the question arose of who should succeed him as head of
the Portuguese Royal House, since he had no children.

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Hastily supporters of the Miguelist branch, expelled in 1834 by the law of banishment, hastened to
cheer Duarte Nuno Egídio, later from Bragança as he adopted the surname of his wife after their
marriage in 1942, the Brazilian Maria Francisca de Orléans e Bragança.

Gathered in 1932 in a tavern in Santarém and certainly already well soaked in alcohol, they acclaimed
the one they would come to call “el Rei Duarte II”, starting the longest historical mockery in Portugal.
The arguments invoked for the succession legitimacy of Duarte Nuno in 1932 were based on the
following fallacies:

1) That Duarte Nuno was the closest relative of original Portuguese nationality to D. Manuel II
2) That D. Manuel II would have signed a Pact, called Pact of Dover where in its point nº2 that in
case of lack of succession to D. Manuel II and his uncle D. Afonso the right to the throne of
Portugal would belong to Duarte Nuno.
3) That the Miguelite line was the legitimate successor to the throne of Portugal

However overall these fallacies are easily dismantled:

Firstly, Duarte Nuno was not even related to King D. Manuel II, in reality there was a distant degree
of kinship of cousins in the 10th degree, but by law the kingship is lost to the 4th degree.
Then, Duarte Nuno was the 10th son of the second marriage of Miguel II, who in turn was the 4th son
of the former Infante Miguel I banished from Portugal in 1834 and all the children of these gentlemen
claimed rights they did not have to the throne.

Not to mention the legitimate Duchess of Bragança, D. Maria Pia, half sister of D. Manuel II
legitimized by King D. Carlos I as his daughter and later by sentence of the Rota Roma para Casas
Ex. reigning and by ordinary court. Briefly, Duarte Nuno had 36 cousins and six aunts in front of him in
the succession, and in front of all these people was D. Maria Pia the daughter of D. Carlos I.

On top of all this, Duarte Nuno at the time of 1932 did not have Portuguese nationality, he later
applied for nationality through a person, violating the code in force in 1941, claiming to be the son of
Portuguese parents, which was false, requesting an original nationality that he it was awarded
against the law, that is, with favors.
As this nationality was highly doubtful and could be called into question, to guarantee things better,
in 1961 he again took nationalization also by proxy in breach of the law, this time claiming that he
had resided in Portugal for x years which would obviously be a naturalization and not the invoked
original nationality that he needed so much to usurp the title of Duke of Bragança and head of the
Portuguese Royal House.

The fallacies in these 2 nationalities are so many and so scandalous that they have given rise to a
process where the annulment of the original 1941 nationality has already been achieved by order of
the central registers in 2013 and a request for annulment of the 2nd nationality, naturalization, is
pending, but one hand Invisible makes things not work...

The second fallacy about the famous Dover pact, now historians including supporters of the Miguelist
cause are unanimous in stating that D. Manuel II did not sign anything, that he was furious when
presented with a text that was not the one previously agreed upon and left the meeting.
The grandfather of the false Duke of Bragança Duarte Pio, Miguel II then had “The pact” published in
the press as if it had been signed without noticing that he was putting the rope around his neck with
what he published particularly in points 3 and 4 where it says :

They are returned to Mr. D. Miguel and his family the rights of the Portuguese.
4º Are returned to Mr. D. Miguel, his family and his supporters, as regards his honors and
titles, under the sole clause that this restitution does not impose charges on the public

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Now, it is Duarte Pio's own grandfather who publicly acknowledges that he does not have any
Portuguese nationality, much less Portuguese titles of nobility thanks to the application of the
banishment law of 1834.

Another proof of the non-existence of the Dover Pact is the fact that years later there was a second
attempt to reach an agreement in the so-called Pact of Paris, which sent the resolutions to be taken
to certain courts and forced the Miguelistas to pay homage to King Manuel II. This pact was
denounced by Duarte Pio's aunt, Aldegundes. Therefore, if the first existed, there was no need to
make the second, which ended up being denounced by Duarte Pio's aunt.

Finally we come to the 3rd fallacy which is that of legitimacy invoked by Duarte Nuno in 1932 whose
completely hallucinated supporters even released books, one of them “El Rei D. Duarte II” where they
treated him as King of Portugal this despite living in a republic.

Since 1834 with the law of banishment that hung over the former. Infante D. Miguel I the law of
banishment that clearly stated; The ex. Infante D. Miguel and all his descendants lose their
Portuguese rights, that is, they become stateless persons and are perpetually excluded from the use
of Portuguese titles of nobility and from the succession of the throne of Portugal.

How could Duarte Nuno and how could Duarte Pio, who is a descendant of Miguel I, invoke a
legitimacy that the law itself denied him and so forcefully denies?

But to make things worse in 1910, after the establishment of the republic, the law of proscription was
enacted, which reinforces and revalidates the validity of the law of banishment and extends the
exclusion of treading Portuguese soil to members of the Royal Family deposed in 1910.

This law would be revoked by Salazar in 1950 with regard to the ban on entering the country,
allowing Duarte Nuno and his family to enter Portugal 3 years later. Duarte Nuno, meanwhile, had
married and had children, but obviously the republic could not grant him titles of nobility that they
neither possessed nor had the right to possess. Since D. Manuel did not return any to them either,
they are false nobles.

However, as already mentioned, Duarte Nuno married and had children and with that he launched a
few more fallacies, which we present below:

1) ) With the marriage of Duarte Nuno Egídio and the (Brazilian) Princess Francisca Orleães and
Bragança, great-great-granddaughter of D. Pedro I of Brazil, 4th of Portugal, the old family
quarrel was resolved and the two branches were once again unified.

2) 2) That Queen D. Amélia would have been godmother to the eldest son of the Duarte Pio couple,
thus recognizing the legitimacy of Duarte Nuno and Duarte Pio.

3) 3) The name of Duarte Pio with which he appears in books as Dom Duarte Pio João Miguel Gabriel
Rafael de Bragança.

4) 4) The supposed birth of Duarte Pio in the Portuguese legation in Switzerland where they claimed
that they had collected soil from the 4 corners of Portugal and it had been placed under the bed
where the birth took place so that Duarte Pio could be born even on Portuguese soil.Regarding the
fourth fallacy, we must first emphasize that Duarte Pio's mother was a Brazilian princess,
completely foreign to the succession of the throne and with a degree of kingship very far removed
from the last King of Portugal D. Manuel II with other family members of her family, more close to
D. Manuel II if there was any legitimacy from this Brazilian branch, which was not the case.
It should be added that by the laws of the Portuguese nobility, the woman assumes the condition
of her husband, that is, if the husband were noble and she noble, both would be noble, if he were

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noble and she commoner, she would become noble, but the case was the opposite. is that Duarte
Nuno was not only not a nobleman, but also considered a high treason for being a descendant of
his ex. Infante Miguel I, that is, when she married Duarte Nuno, the Brazilian princess ceased to be
a princess and became just a commoner covered by the law of banishment and the law of
proscription when she took on the condition of her husband through marriage.

5) 5) The fifth fallacy, where Duarte Pio invokes in several interviews that Queen D. Amélia would
have been his godmother by proxy. It so happens that Duarte Pio was born more or less on the day
that D. Amélia arrives in Portugal for a visit where she spent almost 2 months. Also more or less on
the day of the Queen's arrival, Alfredo Pimenta, a fervent supporter of the Miguelista cause,
prepared a long letter known as "Letter to Queen D. Amélia" in which he asked the Queen for
express support of Duarte Nuno, who had just had a bud, Duarte Pio, this letter is sent to be
delivered by interposed persons. In the estate of Alfredo Pimenta that is in Guimarães, there are
several letters that clearly say that no one dared to deliver Alfredo Pimenta's letter to Queen D.
Amélia, who was a woman of fiber who had an aversion to the Miguelistas and that's why no one
dared to do so .
Now, in a blog dedicated to Duarte Pio de Bragança, where he talks about royal christenings, there
appears a photo of the day of Duarte Pio de Bragança's christening, very wrinkled with the
wrinkles typical of a newborn, that is, he was not even a month old when he was christened, if the
queen was in Portugal for two months and nobody faced her to broach the subject, how could she
have been godmother to Duarte Pio, who was baptized in Switzerland halfway through the
queen's stay in Portugal? By proxy...?????
Just think today how long it takes to make, register, recognize, send a power of attorney from
Portugal to Switzerland. Let's go back 7 decades and we will see the complete impossibility, since
the queen despised them.
Therefore, if the Queen's name appears as godmother, it is because there are very daring people
who falsely claimed to be on her behalf, because of a power of attorney signed by her... we pay to
see her!
Based on this fallacy and that of falsely impersonating the head of the Portuguese Royal House,
Duarte Pio lays his hands on the assets of the 2 widowed queens D. Amélia and D. Augusta Vitória
which he has been blatantly alienating, not complying at all with the original statutes of the D.
Manuel II Foundation.
6) 6) The sixth fallacy is the pompous name and 50 meters with which Duarte Pio appears
everywhere. In reality, your name is just Duarte Pio de Bragança, he was born Pius and later
translated to Pio, that is, he uses his mother's surname, but not his father's, which was Egídio,
Bragança only after his marriage.

7) 7) Finally the 7 fallacy, the birth in the Portuguese legation with the land under the bed. Firstly, I
remind you that at the time of his birth, the banning and proscription laws were in force, which
made these gentlemen stateless, which is why even if the said lady had given birth in the
Portuguese legation, that would not make Duarte Pio Portuguese, so much so that he obtains
nationality only in 1961 when the father's nationality was first falsified. But there is a document
from the central registers that says that the same – he was not born in any embassy, much less in
Portugal before stating that he was born in Berna-

The fallacies continued as follows:

8) Fallacy in the course of Eng. Agronomist

9) Duarte Pio's military heroism overseas
10) Support for freedom and the April revolution
11) The recognition of Duarte Pio by the Sócrates government

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8) About the eighth fallacy in the various books that talk about Duarte Pio, they suggest that he has a
degree in Eng. Agronomics and even to cultivate this idea he has already given several interviews with
the air of a farmer on top of a tractor. When in reality he had many difficulties in secondary school to
the point that the Ministry of Education changed general rules that ended up affecting all students,
but which were intended to make his life easier.

As for agronomy, it is supposed to have taken one or two courses in the first year of the course, but
not more than that.

It appears that he actually has the national defense course, which is a 7-month course reserved for
people, as it says on the Institute's website, "Being a holder of a degree or higher degree, without
prejudice to, by decision of the Director of the IDN , candidates whose professional curriculum is
recognized as attesting the ability to attend are admitted;” We already know that Duarte Pio does
not have a higher education, so it is assumed that he was admitted by decision of the director with
the professional curriculum of “Rei Faz de conta.”

9) The ninth fallacy is military heroism, in fact at first the state did not want him in the military, but he
wanted to go so much that he had to take a private helicopter pilot's license and later presenting
himself with the same ended up being incorporated and sent to Africa. He wrecked 2 or 3 helicopters
in botched landings, was put in a room with secretarial stuff so he wouldn't be annoying and then
sent to the Air Force library in Monsanto where he was caught stealing books he had to pay for.

10) The tenth fallacy is the support for freedom, now Duarte Pio and his father were landlords of the
headquarters of the PIDE DGS the political police of the regime responsible for the death of General
Humberto Delgado, Duarte Pio and his father were close friends of Barbiéri Cardoso in fact the first
cousin of Duarte Pio, Francisco Van Uden cultivated this friendship to the point of hiring the son of
Barbiéri Cardoso to take over the management of his company Pescatur, in the Azores in the 1990s.

11) The eleventh fallacy is the alleged recognition of the Sócrates government by Duarte Pio as Duke
of Bragança.

In reality it was certainly prepared in exchange for something (José Sócrates is criminally indicted for
liking something a lot...), a document on MNE letterhead saying that the Portuguese state recognized
Mr. Duarte Pio as King, now there are 2 types from forgery to so-called document forgery, for
example forgery of a banknote and forgery of document content where it is made on state letterhead
but its content, violating the law, is false, this is precisely what happened in the case of “ recognition”
of Duarte Pio where Minister Luís Amado had to say that the document in question prepared in the
consulate of the former Minister Freitas do Amaral, had no political approval, that is, it had no
value! The employees involved in this operation are the target of criminal proceedings,

In fact, pursuant to Article 288 of the Constitution and the application of the 1910 law on titles of
nobility reinforced by the Judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice of 12-18-1990, reference no. :

I – The reference and use of Portuguese titles of nobility is only allowed when the interested
parties prove that they were in possession and use of the title before October 5, 1910 and
that the due fees were paid;

II – This right can only be proven by certificates extracted from documents or records of the
State Secretariats, the National Archives or other public archives or notaries existing before
October 5, 1910.»

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For the reasons set out above and the fact that Duarte Pio was born in 1945, he could neve claim to
be Duke of Bragança and head of the Portuguese Royal House.

For this he would have to have ex Sovereign / Royal House status. Reigning and being in exile.

Not only did Duarte Pio not have one, because his great-grandfather Miguel I signed an Addendum to
the Evoramonte convention, which is a debellatio/acceptance of defeat with total loss of rights for
himself and descendants and because later this loss was reinforced with the law of banishment, as
Duarte Pio swore allegiance to the military service, that is, he swore allegiance to the Constitution of
the Republic where the article prohibiting the monarchy is found.

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza,1655,1005_39749-3_41100--

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Duarte Nuno Fernando Maria Miguel Gabriel Rafael Francisco Xavier Raimundo António (1907 –
1976) was born at Seebenstein Castle in Austria-Hungary, the son of Miguel, Duke of Braganza and of
his second wife, Princess Maria Theresa of Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg the claimant to the
throne of Portugal who opposed his cousins, the reigning line of the House of Braganza-Saxe-Coburg
and Gotha descended from Queen Maria II and banished by Maria II for rebellion.

In spite of this, with the permission of Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria, Portuguese soil had been
placed under the bed where he was born, so that Duarte Nuno and his siblings could claim to have
been born on Portuguese soil in order to comply with the Portuguese law of succession.

His Son: Duarte Pio was born on 15 May 1945 in Bern, Switzerland.
Duarte Nuno went in 1942 to Brazil with his sister, the Princess Filipa. While there he met and became
engaged to the Princess Maria Francisca of Orleans-Braganza, a descendant of the Brazilian imperial
family. On October 4, 1942 a civil service united them in marriage at the Portuguese Embassy in Rio
de Janeiro.

He returened, as he knew for sure (as he personally confirmed in 1966), that they were of no danger
for him. In fact back Dom Duarte was forbidden to identify himself as heir to the Crown or even as a
representative of the Royal House of Portugal..

The religious ceremony occurred the following day at the Cathedral of Petropolis, conducted by the
Bishop of Rio. The bride was a grand daughter 16 of Brazil's last Emperor, Dom Pedro II.
Duarte's marriage with a member of the Brazilian House of Braganza strengthened his claims to the
throne of Portugal. Duarte and his wife, who died in 1970, had three sons to continue the family
heritage: Prince Duarte-Joao (Born May 14, 1945), Prince Miguel, and Prince Henrique, all born in
Switzerland before the Braganzas returned to Portugal in 1950.

The dispute dates back to 1828 when Duarte Pio's great-grandfather was said to have usurped the
throne as King Miguel I, starting the Liberal Wars.
Miguel's forces were defeated in 1834 by the forces led by his own brother. Miguel I was exiled and
his niece, Queen Maria II, was restored to her throne.


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The seperation of Power and Monarch: a traitor as vasal King

António Salazar was appointed Minister of Finance of the Portuguese Republic and he became
Portugal's fascist leader and dictator but losing popularity, he decided to allow the descendants of
Dom Miguel to return to Portugal.

Dom Duarte-Pio de Braganza was born on 15 May 1945 in Bern, Switzerland.

He returened, as he knew for sure (as he personally confirmed in 1966), that they were of no danger
for him. In fact back Dom Duarte was forbidden to identify himself as heir to the Crown or even as a
representative of the Royal House of Portugal..
According to the Law of Banishment (Lei do Banimento) of 1834, Miguel I and all his descendants
were forever excluded from the succession to the throne. This exclusion was reinforced four years
later with the approval of the Constitution of 1838, which had a similar provision.

However, the Constitutional Charter of 1826 was reinstated in 1842; this constitution (which was in
place until 1910 when the monarchy was overthrown) did not bar Miguel's descendants from
ascending the throne.[13] Finally, the Law of Banishment of 1834 was repealed in 1950.

The dispute dates back to 1828 when Duarte Pio's great-grandfather was said to have usurped the
throne as King Miguel I, starting the Liberal Wars. Miguel's forces were defeated in 1834 by the forces
led by his own brother. Miguel I was exiled and his niece, Queen Maria II, was restored to her throne.

According to the Law of Banishment (Lei do Banimento) of 1834, Miguel I and all his descendants
were forever excluded from the succession to the throne.
Portuguese monarchists do not recognise him as pretender to the throne or as Duke of Braganza.

1999: The Pope visit Bilderberg meeting in Sintra with Duarte

Pío false Duke de Bragança [76] living in Sintra

Duarte II is regarded by his supporters as the "De Jure King" of Portugal….is he?
That act had got an exclusive political value, as far as no one of the legitimate heirs to the Crown
would ever had valued any act of the Salazar regime!

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Lawful heir House of Braganca: Dona Maria Pia birthright denied

Daughter of HRH Dom Carlos de Saxonia Coburgo e Savoy of the house of Bragança de Portugal and
Dona Maria Amélia de Loredó e Murça, or HRH Dona Maria Pia de Saxe-Coburgo e Bragança was
born in Lisbon, in the parish of Sagrado Coração de Jesus, on the 13th March 1907.
By the will of her father, King Dom Carlos I, she was baptized in the parish of Madrid-Alcalá in Spain,
after he recognized her, the day after her birth, as his much loved daughter.
In full use of her constitutional rights, he awarded her the title of Infanta of Portugal, gave her the
names of her mother, Maria and Pia and granted her the right to call herself with her name. In the
same letter, signed at Palácio das Necessidades, she expressly granted him the honors, prerogatives,
prominence, obligations and advantages of the Infantes of the House of Bragança in Portugal.
The original letter signed by King Dom Carlos I, with the great seal of his coat of arms, was
transcribed into the baptism register book of the same parish in Madrid-Alcalá, with the testimony of
A. Goicoechea, Minister of King Alfonso XIII of Spain and Governor of the Bank of Spain, who attended
the christening of the little Infanta of Portugal.

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Until the brutal murder of her father and half-brother Dom Luís Filipe, Dona Maria Pia lived between
Portugal and Spain. On October 5, 1910, the Republic was established and shortly afterwards the
“Law of Proscription” was enacted, directed at the deposed dynasty of Bragança, up to the 4th
degree. Prevented from stepping on homeland soil, the Infanta lived under the protection of the Royal
House of Spain until she got married.
In 1925, at the age of 18, she married Francesco Javier Bilbao y Batista in Paris. Coming from a
wealthy Cuban family, Francesco died in November 1935, leaving her a widow with a 3-year-old
daughter. Born in 1932, her daughter Fátima Francisca Xaviera Iris Bilbao from Saxe-Coburgo and
Bragança, would eventually die unmarried in 1982.
Due to the scourge of the Spanish Civil War, Dona Maria Pia moved to Rome, where in 1939 she
married General Giuseppe Manilo Blais. From this happy union, their second daughter was born in
1946. Maria da Glória Cristina Amélia Valéria Antónia Blais of Saxe-Coburgo and Bragança married
the Spanish sculptor, Miguel Ortiz y Berrocal, with whom she had two children: Carlos Miguel
Berrocal of Saxe-Coburgo and Bragança (1976) and Beltrão José Berrocal of Saxe-Coburgo and
Bragança (1976) Coburg and Bragança (1978).
Two years after the death of General Blais, in 1985 and at the age of 78, Dona Maria Pia married
António João da Costa Amado-Noivo. She spent the last years of her life in Verona, where she died on
May 6, 1995.
She was born and died as the daughter of King D. Carlos I, as attested by her baptism and death
certificates. Both the Spanish and Italian governments, countries where she lived, accepted and
recognized her affiliation and Portugal should have done so long ago. Despite being born as a result
of an extra-marital relationship, the recognition of King Dom Carlos as Infanta of Portugal, placed her
in third place in the line of succession to the throne, preceded only by her two brothers, Dom Luís
Filipe and Dom Manuel de Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and Braganza.
After the bloody assassination of the King and Crown Prince, whose brutality was surpassed only by
the execution of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and his family, the Throne was briefly occupied by HRH King
Dom Manuel II. Deposed by the republican revolution of 1910, he was forced into exile in London,
where he died under unclear circumstances, leaving no descendants. It would then be his sister, Dona
Maria Pia, the legitimate Duchess of Bragança.
Dona Maria Pia of Saxe-Coburgo and Bragança never abdicated her status as a sovereign member of
royalty. King Alfonso XIII of Spain himself advises her, in an affectionate tone and illustrative of the
affection and familiarity between them, not to forget her rights as Infanta de Bragança, in a letter
dated 8 August 1939.
Her son, Dom Jaime de Bourbón, uncle of the current King of Spain, confirms that he has known her
since she was a child, in a signed declaration where he refers to her as the natural daughter of King
Dom Carlos, for whom her father nurtured a deep friendship and esteem. The trust would be
reciprocal, since it was to Dom Alfonso that Dom Carlos entrusted the protection of the Infanta.
Besides, Dom Jaime refers to it as SAR, which would be enough to dispel any doubt.
Salazar revoked the banning law in 1950, just to enable Duarte Nuno to enter the country. He
safeguarded the support, at the time valuable, of the absolutist monarchists, guaranteeing that the
gray figure, coming from a branch banished for treason, would be the most incapable of leading any
movement to restore the monarchy.

In addition to not having any right to head the Royal House, due to the unequivocal loss of dynastic
rights, he would have to be subsidized by the regime, in a dependency that would not allow any

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pretension. At the same time, everything was done to keep Dona Maria Pia away, despite the repeal
of the law, which until then prevented her from entering Portugal. Mário Soares confirms this
strategy in his book “Portugal Amordaçado”: “Evicted by Salazar, bitterly opposed by the monarchists
of the regime, he sympathetically followed Delgado’s candidacy, which he had decided to support.”
More than political sympathy, the friendship between Dona Maria Pia and General Humberto
Delgado led her to support him, as well as his secretary, during the difficult exile that culminated in
1965, with the tragic death of both. A hard blow for the Duchess of Bragança, both in personal terms
and in the fading of the dream of a fairer and freer system for Portugal. The misery, hunger and
tuberculosis she had faced when she managed to enter the country, awakened in her an awareness of
her mission, at an age when she could understand it with maturity and responsibility. She did not
hesitate, therefore, to support the candidacy of General H. Delgado, which ended up costing her a
new impediment to enter Portugal.

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He met Mário Soares in 1963, who was introduced to him in Paris by the writer Maria Lamas, who
was in exile. He later visited her in Cannes and ended up becoming her lawyer. He then had access to
the documents which, in his own words, left him in no doubt as to his affiliation. It proves that Dona
Maria Pia is Dom Manuel's half-sister and that she was recognized by the Vatican as the daughter of
King Dom Carlos. Later, they ended up falling out. Dona Maria Pia had an impetuous personality and
a practical sense that made her lose her temper.
Still shielded by the regime, Duarte Nuno resorted, in 1972, to the stratagem that would allow him to
keep a title that did not belong to him. He filed a lawsuit at the Rota Roma Court to remove the name
of the father, King Dom Carlos I, from the baptism certificate of Dona Maria Pia and that she be
declared the daughter of an incognito father.

The Court produced a first sentence, in which it declared that Duarte Nuno had no right to bring such
an action, due to lack of legal grounds, even if a very remote blood link was admitted. The sentence
was handed down in 1982 and Duarte Pio replaced his father, who died in 1976, with the right to file
an appeal. It did not, and the same court produced a second sentence in 1992, in which it declared
the validity of Dona Maria Pia's baptismal certificate, emphasizing that it "is valid in all its force,
consistent and permanent".
The Portuguese monarchy is apostolic Roman Catholic, which is why Duarte Nuno resorted to an
ecclesiastical court for his infamous claim. His son, therefore, would have to have complied with the
decision of the very same court, to which his father recognized the legitimacy of the decision. It
wasn't just him who didn't, since the government of the Republic chose to also maintain a farce,
which served his interests and purposes.
Dona Maria Pia waited eighty-five years for the unequivocally right that her father gave her at birth
to be recognized. She never gave up. Her daughter, witness to the struggle her mother endured her
whole life, chose not to subject herself to the same fate and Dona Maria Pia decides to ensure the
existence of a legitimate leadership for the Royal House of Bragança.
In 1987, he abdicated by co-option in HRH Dom Rosário Poidimani, the friend in whom he trusted and
in whom he recognized the necessary qualities to deliver the quest of his entire life. In it, he saw
enough strength to face the usurpers supported by the Salazar regime, who came through a
revolution unscathed and who managed to maneuver to remain even more comfortable in the system
that followed. A continuity link, certainly, of those that allow keeping everything the same in the
shadows, despite the different appearance.
Dona Maria Pia, the true Duchess of Bragança, was someone far ahead of her time. Active,
passionate, impulsive, very determined and with an above average cultural background, she spoke
several languages, published articles in newspapers and wrote some books. She had a vibrant,
charming personality, the opposite of the gray and dull figure that the Portuguese got used to
associating with the image of the Royal House. At the very least, they would have deserved to know
her better. Now that time has passed, may the Portuguese people finally know the truth to which they
were always entitled!

Dona Maria Pia's claim was not accepted

She was not allowed to enter the country, not allowed to visither fathers grave and not allowed to
restore the KINGDOM Ask yourself why?!

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Since 1932 with the tactic support of the dictator Salazar, the Portuguese were deceived about the
Portuguese Royal House.
Despite all the evidence presented, the Portuguese press pretends to ignore the reality and continues
to give coverage to the lie more than 85 years old that Mr. Duarte Pio de Bragança is the Duke of
Bragança, which in no way corresponds to the truth.

The traditional press is falling into disrepute with public opinion, where the Internet is to research the
truth with the facts documented.

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Stealing and denying Dona Maria birthrights

From her birth Dona Maria Pia got the support and sympathy from His Majesty, Alfonso XIII, King of
Spain to fight for her birthrights. Under the Salazarist dictatorship Dona Maria Pia Fights for her
birthrights and has fraternal correspondence with the Duke of Segovia, the uncle of His Majesty,
Juan Carlos, King of Spain; Mario Soares, ex-president of the Republic of Portugal, and other
important persons of political and public life worldwide..
She supports the National Independence Movements, the Portuguese National Liberation Front, and
the Portuguese Revolutionary Junta, led by Gen. Humberto Delgado, who wrote, "firstly, Your
Excellency, I wish to thank you for your dedicated assistance to both myself and my family".

Supportin the revolution of the Carnations Dona Maria Pia as a frequent exchange of letters with
Generale Francisco Franco, Caudillo di Spagna, and Felipe Polo Martinez_Valdes, secretary of the
Chief of State

The PIDE (Portuguese Secret Police) places Her Royal Highness, Dona Maria Pia, under arrest.
Uprising by The Portuguese National Liberation Front, which publicly announces its strong opposition
to the violent behaviour used by the PIDE against Dona Maria Pia, Duchess of Braganca, who, despite
her Royal title, has adhered to the Portuguese opposition party since 1958.

Dom Duarte Nuno, a representative of the Usurpatory line, returns from exile following a salazarist
decree in his favour, and asks the Apostolic Tribunal SACRA ROMANA ROTA to cancel the name of HM
the King Dom Carlos I, her rightful father, from the certificate of Baptism of the Princess.

The Apostolic Tribunal SACRA ROMANA ROTA declares the request illegitimate and confirms the
complete validity of the act of Baptism and the paternity of Donna Maria Pia.
Dona Maria Pia claims her birthright and is deprived of her name by the republican judiciary.

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Maria Pia Decreto

Dona Maria Pia issues a Sovereign Act No.III, Modification of the Monarchic Costittution

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1959-06-15 letters to Dona Maria Pia written by General Humberto Delgado 15-06-1959

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1960-02-06 Letter to Dona Maria Pia written by General Humberto Delgado 06-02-1960

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1961-09-06 Letter to Dona Maria Pia written by General Humberto Delgado page 1/ 2

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1961 letter to Dona Maria Pia written by General Humberto Delgado 06-06-1961 page 2 / 2

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1961 letters to Dona Maria Pia written by General Humberto Delgado 27-11-1961

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1962 Letter to Dona Maria Pia written by General Humberto Delgado


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1962 letter to Dona Maria Pia written by General Humberto Delgado 16-07-1962

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Dona Maria Pia issues a Sovereign Act No.III, Modification of the Monarchic Costittution
Scanned images of the Souvereign Act No. III of 1985 modification of the Monarchic Constitution
handwritten by HRH Dona Maria Pia 1/5

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Scanned images of the Souvereign Act No. III of 1985 modification of the Monarchic Constitution
handwritten by HRH Dona Maria Pia 2/5

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Scanned images of the Souvereign Act No. III of 1985 modification of the Monarchic Constitution
handwritten by HRH Dona Maria Pia 3/5

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Scanned images of the Souvereign Act No. III of 1985 modification of the Monarchic Constitution
handwritten by HRH Dona Maria Pia 4/5

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Scanned images of the Souvereign Act No. III of 1985 modification of the Monarchic Constitution
handwritten by HRH Dona Maria Pia 5/5

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1966 Salazar's opinion confirmed

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1987 Portugal's lawful Royal House Abdication - Successor cerimony

1987 Dona Maria Pia official Abdication Ceremony pictures to Dom Rosario

Some of the potographs taken during the official abdication ceremony which took place in Portugal
April 1987 what was fully covered by the official Portuguese television.

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1.2.5 D. Official abdication documentsby HRH Dona Maria Pia

Having come to an advanced age, in full possession of my capacities, practically blind, totally deprived
of the support of my descent, betrayed by a few monarchists who do not respect either the tradition
of the House of Braganza or the Constitution of the Monarchy, a victim of the continuous apathy of
republican governments, from Salazar down to Mario Soares,

I have decided:
To transmit by the present deed all my rights as Head of the House of Bragança to Dom Rosario
Poidimani, a prince and an enterprising businessman, who has deserved it well through the great love
and sincere devotion he has demonstrated towards my beloved fatherland, Portugal.

I Abdicate
In favour of the aforesaid person, with all the rights and honours owed to the new head of the House
of Braganza.

I retain the incontrovertible right to receive fifty per cent of all the goods and chattels, properties,
lands, palaces and town estates, as well as the jewels, works of art, tapestries, etc., etc., from the
entire entailed estate of the ancient ducal house of Braganza to which I am entitled, until today, in
their totality.

I retain the grand masterhood of all the knightly orders of which I am, by right and through the
acknowledgement of the international commission of chivalry, the present Grand-Master in my life. It
is obvious that, during my lifetime, I shall accept all propositions of admittance in the Orders
formulated by Dom Rosario Poidimani, 22nd head of the Royal House who, as such, shall be entitled
to such priority. At my death, the grand masterhood of the Knightly Orders will pass to Dom Rosario.

I retain for myself, moreover, the nobiliary titles of

1. Duke and Duchess of Oporto
2. Duke and Duchess of Beja
3. Duke and Duchess of Coimbra
4. Count and Countess of Neiva
5. Count and Countess of Penafiel
6. Count and Countess of Arraiolos

and to my death I shall retain the title of ' Duchesse douairière de Bragance.

In Faith, Fidelissima,

Maria Pia, the Duchess of Braganza.

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1992 Death CertificateDona Maria Pia

Dona Maria Pia dies in Verona in 1995 as Maria Pia of Saxony Coburgo Gotha and Bragança, Royal
Princess of Portugal and XXI Duchess of Bragança, loved and respected by all who knew her.

Dom Rosario Poidimani

 in the etml

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Portugal Royal House successor Dom Rosario; Duke de Braganza

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Official court letters sent to (excluded Miquel family line) Dom Duarte Pio di Braganca

H.R.H. Dom Rosario Poidimani, prince of Saxon, Coburg of Bragança, Duke of Bragança, Head of the
Royal House of Portugal, Constitutional line, electively domiciled in Vicenza, Contrà Canove Nuove 1,
in legal office of Ricardo Agostini, Advocate, who legally represents and defends him by a mandate,
together with Dr. Roberto Cavallaro, in his quality as a Counsellor Minister for Legal affairs of the
Head of the Royal House

Considering that
By sentence no. 7793/95 Rep. no. 463 issued on December 19th, 1995, furnished by Executive form on
July 10th, 1996, immediately intend to grant the execution of the above mentioned sentence, being
notified together with this present act.

Have already said all this, immediately, by the means of the procurator undersigned

to Dom Duarte Pio di Bragança, Lord of Santar, domiciled in 2 CP-S Pedro - Sintra (Portugal) to obey
to what is contained and recognised in Arbitration commendation pronounced by the Republic of San
Marino, on July 18th, 1995, for the controversy between H.R.H. the Prince Dom Rosario Poidimani and
the advocate Gian Marco Marcucci; recognised by the Counsellor Magistrate Director of the
Magistrate's Court of District of Urbino, Dr. Gioacchino Sassi who also declared it executive on
December 29th, 1995, and enforced it by the executive form on July 10th, 1996, in consequence of
which to suspend from now and for all times to come himself of the use and usurpation of the title of
Duke of Bragança, for himself and his own successors, as well as to use directly or indirectly the Arms
of the Royal House of Portugal, any title, predicate, honour, privilege, prerogative due solely to
legitimate and constitutional line of the Royal House.

He has to avoid forever in absolute way, the use, or if he already uses, to immediately cease using,
decorating him self with all the figures, emblems, pieces, enamels, ornaments, distinctions of honour
belonging exclusively to Royal House of Bragança, and to her Head of the name and the Arms Dom
Rosario, the only and legitimate XXII Duke of Bragança.

Furthermore, he has to cease qualifying himself, publicly or privately, written or spoken, as legitimate
or even as representative of the Royal House of Bragança, of its Constitutional line, and if called with
the title, to impede being addressed as, and take diligent part in impeding persons, really or by
suggestions, to be confused in whatever way between his figure and the one of the legitimate Duke of
Bragança, for the titles that actually are arrogated and not legally owned.

Furthermore he has to avoid conferring whatever title of noble order, title of honour, under whatever
form released, which can be in whatsoever way brought back to the titles of the Chivalric Orders,
patrimony of the Royal House, and especially the one of Our lady of conception of Vila Viçosa, the
Noble Dames of Saint Isabelle and the one of St. Michael's Wing, because the same qualifies or not as
Grand Master of the Orders, even if reconstituted under the form of an association.

Furthermore, the intimated is noticed not to release any interviews to whatever journal, or to
whatever television or radio network, using the name of Head of Royal House of Portugal, if not in
form of exclusively private subject.

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He has to rectify, wherever in the world, if existing, reciprocal reports brought to existence between
the intimated and subjects who have "bona fide" believed that they were dealing with authentic Duke
of Bragança.

Reconfirming the concept of inviolability of the name of House of Bragança, should you not obey
within the period of ten days upon notification of present act, a call to intervention by competent
Authorities in national as well as international seats will be provided, for all the rights in instants of
civil, penal and administrative fields in order that execution in favour of H.R.H. Dom Rosario
Poidimani, Princ of Saxon Coburg of Bragança, Duke of Bragança, Head of the Royal House of
Portugal, Constitutional line, are obliged.

Attached: 1 Arbitration commendation pronounced by the Republic of San Marino, on July 18th, 1995,
for the controversy between H.R.H. the Prince Dom Rosario Poidimani and the advocate Gian Marco
Marcucci; 2)Declaration of execution of before said Commendation, issued by the Counsellor
Magistrate Director of the Magistrate's Court of District of Urbino, Dr. Gioacchino Sassi who also
declared it executive on December 29th, 1995.

In Vicenza, April 15th, 1997.

Advocate Riccardo Agostini
Counsellor Minister for Legal affairs of the Head of the Royal House

In my quality as in acts, I hereby delegate to represent me and to defend me in present procedure, in

all phases and grades, including the appeal, the advocate Riccardo Agostini of the Bar of Vicenza
together with Counsellor Minister for Legal Affairs Dr. Roberto Cavallaro in representation, conferring
them the most extensive power of Low, including that of calling in case the third, also for a
guarantee, to renounce the acts and accept renunciations, to propose oppositions and disputes and
to resist to them in any state or grade, to nominate substitutes in processes, fixing the domicile at the
Legal office of the same in Vicenza, Contrà Canove Nuove 1.

(Rubber stamp of the Royal House) and signature

The Signature is Authentic
Advocate Riccardo Agostini


Relation of notification
At instances as in acts, I, the undersigned Legal Officer of the Court of Vicenza, have notified this very
act to:

Dom Duarte Pio di Bragança, Gentleman of Santar, domiciled at 2CP-S Pedro - Sintra Portugal
And included hereto delivering a copy by the means of postal service with recommended cover and
bill of return.

Vicenza, April 16th, 1997.

(Rubber stamp and signature)
(end of the transcription)

to see the scanned original in Italian language, please follow this link.

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Scanned images of the genuine "Act of precept" in favor of HRH Dom Rosario, against Dom Duarte
delivered by a recommended letter.

Considering that
By sentence no. 7793/95 Rep. no. 463 issued on December 19th, 1995, furnished by Executive form on
July 10th, 1996, immediately intend to grant the execution of the above mentioned sentence, being
notified together with this present act.

Have already said all this, immediately, by the means of the procurator undersigned

to Dom Duarte Pio di Bragança, Lord of Santar, domiciled in 2 CP-S Pedro - Sintra (Portugal) to obey
to what is contained and recognised in Arbitration commendation pronounced by the Republic of San
Marino, on July 18th, 1995, for the controversy between H.R.H. the Prince Dom Rosario Poidimani and
the advocate Gian Marco Marcucci; recognised by the Counsellor Magistrate Director of the
Magistrate's Court of District of Urbino, Dr. Gioacchino Sassi who also declared it executive on
December 29th, 1995, and enforced it by the executive form on July 10th, 1996, in consequence of
which to suspend from now and for all times to come himself of the use and usurpation of the title of
Duke of Bragança, for himself and his own successors, as well as to use directly or indirectly the Arms
of the Royal House of Portugal, any title, predicate, honour, privilege, prerogative due solely to
legitimate and constitutional line of the Royal House.

He has to avoid forever in absolute way, the use, or if he already uses, to immediately cease using,
decorating him self with all the figures, emblems, pieces, enamels, ornaments, distinctions of honour
belonging exclusively to Royal House of Bragança, and to her Head of the name and the Arms Dom
Rosario, the only and legitimate XXII Duke of Bragança.

Furthermore, he has to cease qualifying himself, publicly or privately, written or spoken, as legitimate
or even as representative of the Royal House of Bragança, of its Constitutional line, and if called with
the title, to impede being addressed as, and take diligent part in impeding persons, really or by
suggestions, to be confused in whatever way between his figure and the one of the legitimate Duke of
Bragança, for the titles that actually are arrogated and not legally owned.

Furthermore he has to avoid conferring whatever title of noble order, title of honour, under whatever
form released, which can be in whatsoever way brought back to the titles of the Chivalric Orders,
patrimony of the Royal House, and especially the one of Our lady of conception of Vila Viçosa, the
Noble Dames of Saint Isabelle and the one of St. Michael's Wing, because the same qualifies or not as
Grand Master of the Orders, even if reconstituted under the form of an association.

Furthermore, the intimated is noticed not to release any interviews to whatever journal, or to
whatever television or radio network, using the name of Head of Royal House of Portugal, if not in
form of exclusively private subject.

He has to rectify, wherever in the world, if existing, reciprocal reports brought to existence between
the intimated and subjects who have "bona fide" believed that they were dealing with authentic Duke
of Bragança.

Reconfirming the concept of inviolability of the name of House of Bragança, should you not obey
within the period of ten days upon notification of present act, a call to intervention by competent
Authorities in national as well as international seats will be provided, for all the rights in instants of
civil, penal and administrative fields in order that execution in favour of H.R.H. Dom Rosario

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Poidimani, Princ of Saxon Coburg of Bragança, Duke of Bragança, Head of the Royal House of
Portugal, Constitutional line, are obliged.

Attached: 1 Arbitration commendation pronounced by the Republic of San Marino, on July 18th, 1995,
for the controversy between H.R.H. the Prince Dom Rosario Poidimani and the advocate Gian Marco
Marcucci; 2)Declaration of execution of before said Commendation, issued by the Counsellor
Magistrate Director of the Magistrate's Court of District of Urbino, Dr. Gioacchino Sassi who also
declared it executive on December 29th, 1995.

In Vicenza, April 15th, 1997.

Advocate Riccardo Agostini
Counsellor Minister for Legal affairs of the Head of the Royal House

In my quality as in acts, I hereby delegate to represent me and to defend me in present procedure, in

all phases and grades, including the appeal, the advocate Riccardo Agostini of the Bar of Vicenza
together with Counsellor Minister for Legal Affairs Dr. Roberto Cavallaro in representation, conferring
them the most extensive power of Low, including that of calling in case the third, also for a
guarantee, to renounce the acts and accept renunciations, to propose oppositions and disputes and
to resist to them in any state or grade, to nominate substitutes in processes, fixing the domicile at the
Legal office of the same in Vicenza, Contrà Canove Nuove 1.

(Rubber stamp of the Royal House) and signature

The Signature is Authentic
Advocate Riccardo Agostini


Relation of notification
At instances as in acts, I, the undersigned Legal Officer of the Court of Vicenza, have notified this very
act to:

Dom Duarte Pio di Bragança, Gentleman of Santar, domiciled at 2CP-S Pedro - Sintra Portugal
And included hereto delivering a copy by the means of postal service with recommended cover and
bill of return.

Vicenza, April 16th, 1997.

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Court Orders to Fake Duke Dom Pio di Braganca

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The Bull Inter Caetera gave all rights to the Legate of King Alfonso and to the Order of Christ as of
Prince Henry was governor and now Dom Rosario is.

1994: Recognizing and Congratulating to the Legal Heir of Dona Maria Pia: Dom Rosario Duke de

1999: The Pople visit Bilderberg meeting in Sintra with Duarte Pío false Duke de Bragança [76]

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1994 Official Vatican recognition; real Royal House de Braganza

The Pope recognize S.A.R. Dom Rosario Duke de Braganza

And the Popel meet Duarte Pio at the Bilderber meeting in Sintra.

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Dom Rosario Poidimani recognition

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Sar Dom Rosario: First Defender of Family vallues under Natural Law
ARTICLE 20 The Portuguese Nation is the union of all Portuguese from both hemispheres. Its territory
forms the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves, and comprises:

 In Europe, the kingdom of Portugal, which comprises the provinces of Minho, Trásos-Montes, Beira,
Estremadura, Alentejo, and the kingdom of Algarve, and theadjacent islands, Madeira, Porto Santo,
and Azores:
 II. In America, the kingdom of Brazil, which is made up of the Provinces of Pará and Rio Negro,
Maranhão, Piauí, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia and Sergipe,
Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, S. Paulo, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Goiás,
Mato Grosso, and the Islands of Fernando de Noronha, Trindade, and the others that are adjacent
to that kingdom:
 III. In West Africa, Bissau and Cacheu; on the Costa de Mina, the fort of S. João Baptista de Ajudá,
Angola, Benguela and its dependencies, Cabinda and Molembo, the Cape Verde Islands, and those
of S. Tomé and Príncipe and its dependencies: on the eastern coast, Mozambique, Rio de Sena,
Sofala, Inhambane, Quelimane, and the Cabo Delgado Islands:
 IV. In Asia, Salsete, Bardez, Goa, Daman, Diu, and establishments in Macau and the islands of Solor
and Timor. The Nation does not waive its right to any portion of territory not covered by this article.
The territory of the United Kingdom shall be conveniently divided.

ARTICLE 21 All Portuguese are citizens, and enjoy this quality:

 I. Children of a Portuguese father born in the United Kingdom; or who, having been born in a
foreign country, came to establish a domicile in the same kingdom: however, the need for this
domicile ceases, if the father was in the foreign country in the service of the Nation:
 II. The illegitimate children of a Portuguese mother born in the United Kingdom; or who, having
been born in a foreign country, came to establish a domicile in the same kingdom. However, if they
are recognized or legitimized by a foreign father, and were born in the United Kingdom, the
provisions of paragraph V below will apply to them; and having been born in a foreign country,
what is set out in paragraph VI
 III. Those exposed anywhere in the United Kingdom, whose parents ignore each other:
 IV. Slaves who obtain a letter of manumission:
 V. Children of a foreign father, who are born and take up residence in the United Kingdom; provided
that, having reached the age of majority, they declare, by means of a signed term in the books of
the Chamber of their domicile, that they wish to be Portuguese citizens:

art 123 In particular, the following powers belong to the king: I. Enact and promulgate laws (art110
and 113) = is connecting to Art. 191 judicial power

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Registration of the Royal House in the official Gazette of the Republic of Portugal
Scanned images of the official Registration of the Royal House of Portugal in the Portuguese Republic
Gazette "Diario da Republica", No. 291, third series of December 18th 1992

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2022-08-23 Pope instruct Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by 30-09-2022
The Pope: "no one considered his property to be what belonged to him"
An important speech from April 11, 2021 shows that the Pope is full blow behind the ideas of The Great Reset
and is actively promoting them. For example, in that speech he said: The Acts of the Apostles says that "no one
considered his property to be what belonged to him, but among them everything was common" and this "is not
communism, With other words: "You will own nothing and you will be happy about it”

More Vatican Anouncements

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Jesus Christ teached us to stand for all what is Good, Right and Just to act and have faith.

Alien forces around the world have employed methods to literally kill their souvereign Kings or leaders
to take over Government, and by doing so, be able to steal the identity of the governed people .

In law, an alien is any person (including an organization) who is not a citizen or a national of a specific
country, synonymous with foreign national. Derived from the Latin alienus, which in turn is derived
from the Oscan mancupatis, (a proto-Etruscan tribe), meaning a slave, a stranger, a foreigner, or
someone not related by blood.

With the mission to "save the world" Christofer Columbus got the right by Papal Bull to conquest the
World. With that a very special posistion was given to the Crown Portugal, active still today.

The age of reason, sometimes called the age of discretion, is the age at which children attain the use
of reason and begin to have moral responsibility.

In simple terms, a juridic person is an artificial construct under canon law that allows a group of
persons or things to function and be treated under canon law as a single unit.
The 1917 Code of Canon Law referred to all juridic persons as "moral persons" while the 1983 Code of
Canon Law uses the term "moral person" solely to designate the Apostolic See and the Catholic
Church itself.

Kennedy gives a more thorough definition: "A juridic person […] is an artificial person, distinct from all
natural persons or material goods, constituted by competent ecclesiastical authority for an apostolic
purpose, with a capacity for continuous existence and with canonical rights and duties like those of a
natural person […] conferred upon it by law or by the authority which constitutes it and to which it is
also accountable under canon law.

The ultimate source of canon law is God, Whose will is manifested either by the very nature of things
(natural Divine law), or by Revelation (positive Divine law). Both are contained in the Scriptures and in
Tradition. Positive Divine law cannot contradict natural law; it rather confirms it and renders it more
definite. The Church accepts and considers both as sovereign binding laws which it can interpret but
can not modify. On this positive Divine law depend the essential principles of the Church's

Again, the Church, endowed by its Founder with legislative power, makes laws in conformity with
natural and Divine law.

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1."A Workman is worthy of his hire." Exodus 20:15; Lev.19:13; Matt, 10:10; Luke 10:7; II Tim. 2:6
("It is against equity for freemen not to have the free disposal of their own property");
2."All are equal under the law." Exodus 21:23-25; Lev, 24:17-21; Deut, 1:17, 19:21; Matt. 22:36-40; Luke 10:17; Col. 3:25
("No one is above the Law"; "Commerce, by the law of nations, ought to be common and not be converted into a
monopoly of the private gain of few.");
3."In commerce, truth is sovereign." Exodus 20:16; Psalm 117:2; John 8:32; IICor.13:8
("To lie is to go against the mind." : Oriental proverb: "Of all that is good, sublimity is supreme.");
4."Truth is expressed in the form of an affidavit." Lev.5:4-5; Lev. 6:3-5; Lev.19:11-13; Num.30:2; Matt. 5:33; James 5:12.
5."An unrebuted affidavit stands as truth in commerce." 1Pet. 1:25; Heb.6:13-15.
(''He who does not deny, admits.");
6."An unrebutted affidavit becomes judgment in commerce. " Heb.6:16-17.
(Any proceeding in court, tribunal or arbitration forum consists of a contest of "duel" of commercial affidavits wherein the
remaining points not rebutted in the end stands as truth of the matters to which the judgement of law is applied.)
7."A matter must be expressed to be resolved." Heb 4:16; Phil 4:5; Eph 6:19-21,
("He who fails to assert his rights has none.");
8."He who leaves the field of battle first (does not respond to the Affidavit) loses by default." Job: Matt 10:22 ("He who does
not repel a wrong when he can, occasions it.");
9."Sacrifice is the measure of credibility." Acts 7, life/death of Stephen. ("He who bears the burden ought to derive the
benefit.") One who is not damaged, put at risk, or willing to swear an oath on his commercial liability, for the truth of his
statements and the legitimacy of his actions has no basis to assert charges or claims and forfeits all credibility and right to
10. "A lien or claim can be satisfied only through (a) rebuttal by counter affidavit point by point;
(b) resolution by a jury; or (c) payment or performance of the claim." Gen.2-3; Matt 4; Revelation. ("If the plaintiff fails to
prove his case, the defendant is absolved.");

Because Truth is souvereign in commerce and everyone is responsible for propagating the truth in all their speaking, writing
and acting, all commercial processes function by affidavits, certified under oath to be "true, correct, not misleading and
complete, " on each affiant`s commercial liability regarding all matters stated and likewise demanded.

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1 .1 The Royal LIne King Carlos

The Napoleonic Code instituted a registration of birth/death in the early 19th Century. Nevertheless,
in Portugal it was made by the parishes.

Royals had the Baptism Certificate and the church kept the archive.

King D. Carlos has no birth certificate, only the baptism; the same for D. Maria Pia

Cicil Registry Code - 18 February 1011 (a few months before the Constitution of the Portuguese
Republic) after the work of the Civil Registry Association, an assumed masonic organisation.

1.1.1 Attached a Record of Birth of D. Carlos, found in the Parliament History Archive.
Royals had the Baptism Certificate and the church kept the archive.

King D. Carlos has no birth certificate, only the baptism;

Cicil Registry Code - 18 February 1011 (a few months before the Constitution of the Portuguese
Republic) after the work of the Civil Registry Association, an assumed masonic organisation.

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1.1.6 Death Certificate

Murder of King CarlosR

Murder of Eldes Son Louis Philippe

Poisioning Youngest Son Manuell

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 According to the Political Constitution of the Portuguese Monarchy of 1838, chapter III,
articles 96 - 100, the succession to the Chiefship of the Name and Arms of the Royal House of
Portugal follows the order of succession to the Crown of Portugal and the Algarves.
 Following the death of Dom Manuel II, the immediate successor to the Crown of Portugal
became his stepsister, HRH Dona Maria Pia de Saxon Coburg Bragança , who was baptised to
the will of her Father, HM the King Dom Carlos I in the parish of Acalà in Madrid , who
attributed, to his beloved daughter, all the honours, privileges, and rights of the Infants of
Portugal. The ones of Royal Princess by birth.

In those dark years for Portugal, an individual named António Salazar was appointed Minister of
Finance of the Portuguese Republic. A few years later, he became Portugal's fascist leader and
dictator. During World War II he showned his character, giving support to both sides of the conflict.
After the war, even though Portugal was in serious financial difficulties, Salazar did not accept the
Marshall Plan, fearing that the truth about Democracy, being far from reality in his country, could be
discovered. Losing popularity, he decided to allow the descendants of Dom Miguel , at that time living
in Switzerland, to return to Portugal.

He did so, as he knew for sure (as he personally confirmed in 1966), that they were of no danger for
him; in fact back in 1962, Dom Duarte was forbidden to identify himself as heir to the Crown or even
as a representative of the Royal House of Portugal.
At the same time, HRH Dona Maria Pia strongly supported the Anti Fascist and deliberation

Therefore, historically and legally, there are no doubts about the legitimacy of the Constitutional line
Saxon Coburg Gotha of Bragança ( which is strange to the encroaching line of Bragança Orléans ).
Not so politically, on the contrary, a massacre of the legitimacy and history is witnessed. Actually,
during the period of republican government presided by Salazar, the dictator, the property of the
Royal family of Saxon Coburg Gotha and Bragança , have been constituted into a foundation, to the
guidance of which was called a representative of the very same collateral line the one excluded
perpetually from the succession to the throne, and who was not a Saxon Coburg Gotha and Bragança.
That act had got an exclusive political value, as far as no one of the legitimate heirs to the Crown
would ever had valued any act of the Salazar regime.

Being aware of HRH Dona Maria Pia's growing popularity, the Secretary General of the High Council
of the State of the Republic of Portugal, although the Republican authorities were not competent to
amend or abrogate the Monarchic Constitution nor it is in their powers to amend Constitutional
Succession to the Crown of the Monarchy, declared that "after the death of Dom Manuel II, the last
reigning King of Portugal, the representation of the House of Bragança was taken over by Dom
Duarte Nuno de Bragança", even if a representative of the collateral line of ex-infant Dom Miguel,
Dom Duarte Nuno, as well as his son Dom Duarte Pio, were EXCLUDED BY THE CONSTITUTION from
the succession to the Chiefship of the House.

Referring to the above declaration, Dom Duarte Nuno has instigated proceedings at the Apostolic
Tribunal SACRA ROMANA ROTA against HRH Dona Maria Pia, seeking removal of the name of HM
King Carlos I, from the baptismal certificates , as being her father.

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Although the case named "Duarte versus Bragança", was open for almost ten years (1972 - 1982) the
plaintiff failed to prove in Court that he, Dom Duarte Nuno, was a member of the Royal House of
Portugal. The Tribunal passed a Negative judgement , and the Portuguese Ambassador to the Holy
See attested the verdict.

It is hardly worthwhile to remember how the claimed Pact of Paris (the will to recognise the
legitimacy of the descendants of Dom Miguel which is supposed to be manifested by HM Dom
Manuel before his death) is just a vulgar mystification, for which, in fact, nobody could cause any
proper document, because of a simple fact that it does not exist

However, the authenticity of the particulars concerning HRH Dona Maria Pia's parentage , baptism as
recorded in baptismal records , and the authenticity of the Royal Decree "Documento Unico", under
the great seal of the State of the Kingdom of Portugal, whereby HM the King Dom Carlos I legitimises
his daughter, gives her the names Maria Pia, after his mother, and conferes upon her "ALL HONOURS,
OF THE HOUSE OF BRAGANÇA OF PORTUGAL", were not under any dispute.

Dona Maria Pia, XXI Duchess of Bragança , after having executed the documents of blood
relationship , has undersigned, in 1987, a solemn Act of Abdication in favour of HRH Dom
Rosario, who became the legitimate XXII Duke of Bragança, instantly recognised by the Holy Roman
Church with which the Royal House is maintaining close relations.

The constitutional line of the Royal House, while representing a Crown never weakened, maintains "in
pectore et in potentia" all the characteristics proper to the Sovereigns, which includes the execution
of the "jus majestatis, jus imperii, jus gladii, jus honorum".

The very last reigning King of Portugal, HM Dom Manuel, as well as HRH Dona Maria Pia and at the
end HRH Dom Rosario, have never renounced to the legitimate claim to the Portuguese Crown,
perpetuating in time of conflict of Constitutional legitimacy in the Country, accepting the fact, that it
has to be Portuguese people who have to pronounce the institutional form. According to the
principles of the International Public Law, the subjectivity to the International Law, and equalization
in all to a Head of the State, is recognised to the person of HRH Dom Rosario, to whom also the
Vienna Convention of 1961 and 1963 is applicable.

Various legal organs of the States have expressed themselves in this sense, specifically and properly
referring to HRH Dom Rosario as the actual Duke of Bragança.
The Royal House is holding part of the International Institute for Diplomatic Relations founded in 1977
by Dom Rosario and cofounders, diplomatic and consular representatives of 39 Countries.Correio da
Manhã (Portugal), 20 December, 1982 (page 1 and 16)

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Recognistion of King Carlos who gave her the name after his mother: Maria Pia

Declaration by Jaime de Borbon

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Confirmation by, declaration of King Dom Carlos

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Confirmation by, declaration of King Dom Carlos; page 2/4

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Confirmation by, declaration of King Dom Carlos; page 3/4

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Confirmation by, declaration of King Dom Carlos; page 4/4

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Confirmation by, declaration of the King Dom Carlos; page 1/2

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Confirmation by, declaration of the King Dom Carlos; page 2/2

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Transcript of the original declaration by Dom Carlos the King 1/2

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Transcript of the original declaration by Dom Carlos the King 2 /2

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Certification Del Acta No 64069 - 1/2

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Certification Del Acta No 64069 - 2/2

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Certification Del Acta No 64071 - 1/2

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Certification Del Acta No 64071 - 2/2

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1983 Fernando Soares book: Maria Pia

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Letter Don Manuell II

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Maria Pia
1.2. The Royal LIne Maira Pia

 Dona Maria Pia, daughter of King Dom Carlos.

 Certificates of Baptism
 Fights for her birthrights under the Salazarist dictatorship.
 Supports the National Independence Movements, the Portuguese National Liberation Front, and
the Portuguese Revolutionary Junta, led by Gen. Humberto Delgado, who wrote, "firstly, Your
Excellency, I wish to thank you for your dedicated assistance to both myself and my family".

 The PIDE (Portuguese Secret Police) places Her Royal Highness, Dona Maria Pia, under arrest.
Uprising by The Portuguese National Liberation Front, which publicly announces its strong
opposition to the violent behaviour used by the PIDE against Dona Maria Pia, Duchess of
Braganca, who, despite her Royal title, has adhered to the Portuguese opposition party since 1958.
 Support and sympathy for the Princess from His Majesty, Alfonso XIII, King of Spain.

 Fraternal correspondence with the Duke of Segovia, uncle of His Majesty, Juan Carlos, King of
Spain; Mario Soares, ex-president of the Republic of Portugal, and other important persons of
political and public life worldwide.
 Frequent exchange of letters with Generale Francisco Franco, Caudillo di Spagna, and Felipe Polo
Martinez_Valdes, secretary of the Chief of State
 Supports the revolution of the Carnations.
 Dona Maria Pia returns to Portugal.
 Dom Duarte Nuno, a representative of the Usurpatory line, returns from exile following a
salazarist decree in his favour, and asks the Apostolic Tribunal SACRA ROMANA ROTA to cancel the
name of HM the King Dom Carlos I, her rightful father, from the certificate of Baptism of the
 The Apostolic Tribunal SACRA ROMANA ROTA declares the request illegitimate and confirms the
complete validity of the act of Baptism and the paternity of Donna Maria Pia.

 Dona Maria Pia claims her birthright and is deprived of her name by the republican judiciary.
 Dona Maria Pia issues a Sovereign Act No.III, Modification of the Monarchic Costittution
 Dona Maria Pia recognizes blood relation with HRH Dom Rosario
 Recourse to the European Commission of Human Rights.
 Abdication in favour of Dom Rosario.
 Dona Maria Pia dies in Verona in 1995 as Maria Pia of Saxony Coburgo Gotha and Bragança, Royal
Princess of Portugal and XXI Duchess of Bragança, loved and respected by all who knew her.
 Legal issues
 Photo galery

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

The Napoleonic Code instituted a registration of birth/death in the early 19th Century. Nevertheless,
in Portugal it was made by the parishes.
Royals had the Baptism Certificate and the church kept the archive.

King D. Carlos has no birth certificate, only the baptism;

the same for D. Maria Pia (the photo is attached to this message).

Cicil Registry Code - 18 February 1011 (a few months before the Constitution of the Portuguese
Republic) after the work of the Civil Registry Association, an assumed masonic organisation.

Attached a Record of Birth of D. Carlos, found in the Parliament History Archive.

baptismal registers of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel and Saint Aloysius
Don Antonio Goicoechea y Cusculluela, a member of the Spanish parliament and the Governor of the
Bank of Portugal, who had reportedly been present at the baptism

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Dona Maria Pia, daughter of King Dom Carlos testemony Conde de Romanoes

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Conde de Romanoes 2 / 3

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Conde de Romanoes 2 / 3

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1939 The baptism of D. Maria Pia Diocesis Madrid Alcala

Royals had the Baptism Certificate and the church kept the archive.

King D. Carlos has no birth certificate, only the baptism; the same for D. Maria Pia

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Testimony of A Goicoechea present and witness of Dona Maria Pia baptism

The testimony of A. Goicoechea, who was present at D. Maria Pia baptism, with
reference to the document signed and sealed by King D. Carlos, the day after she was
born. He testifies that the document was attached to the baptism certificate at the
Parish of Madrid on that day and had the recognition of the King of D. Maria Pia as his
daughter, conceding her all the titles and honours as Infant of Portugal (the word
means a princess that has elder brothers ahead of her on the succession line to the

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Testimony Archbishop of Alcala Madrid

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Archbishop of Alcala Madrid 2 / 4

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Archbishop of Alcala Madrid 3 / 4

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Archbishop of Alcala Madrid 4/ 4

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Testimony Angeles Esteban Goiocoechea de Faquer

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Angeles Esteban Goiocoechea de Faguer 2 / 2

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Testimony Don Antonio Munoz Sanches Chief Archivist Alcala Parish Madrid

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Don Antonio Munoz Sanches Chief Archivist Alcala Parish, Madrid 1 / 2

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Don Antonio Munoz Sanches Chief archivist Alcala Parish Madrid 1 /9

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Don Antonio Munoz Sanches Chief archivist Alcala Parish Madrid 2 /9

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Don Antonio Munoz Sanches Chief archivist Alcala Parish Madrid3 /9

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Don Antonio Munoz Sanches Chief archivist Alcala Parish Madrid4 /9

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Don Antonio Munoz Sanches Chief archivist Alcala Parish Madrid 5/9

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Don Antonio Munoz Sanches Chief archivist Alcala Parish Madrid 6/9

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Don Antonio Munoz Sanches Chief archivist Alcala Parish Madrid 7/9

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Don Antonio Munoz Sanches Chief archivist Alcala Parish Madrid 8/9

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Don Antonio Munoz Sanches Chief archivist Alcala Parish Madrid 9/9

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1958 The baptism of D. Maria Pia LisboaCertidao Baptismo Maria Pia Lisboa
Attached is a Baptism certificate of D. Maria Pia, issued by the Parish in Lisbon where
she was born, declaring her daughter of King D. Carlos I.

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1975 Baptism Testimony A Goicoechea Madrid

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1984 Baptism Testimony Madrid

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Testimony Spanish Royal House: Jaimy de Borbon

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1941 Spanish Concil in Rome

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1941 Consul of Spain

Scanned images of the official document, certificates and affidavits undaubtable confirming the
identity of Dona Maria Pia as Royal Princess of Saxon Coburgo Gotha de Braganca and her title
of XXI Duchess of Braganca

personal attestaion by the Consul of Spain, Rome,21/04/1941

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1945 Consul Portuguese Republic

Personal attestation by the concul of Portuguese Republic in Rome 01-03-1945

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1945Consul of Spain

personal attestaion by the Consul of Spain, Rome,25/09/1945

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1945 Consul of Portugal

Letter of Protection issued by Consule of Portugal in Milan, 21/05/1945

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1958 Supremo Tribunal Apostolica

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1962 Nacional independente

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1966 Solicitor Jean Louis Tixier Vignancour

solicitor Jean Louis Tixier Vignancour

Affidavit about the visit of the President Salazar. August 1, 1966

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1970 Vittoria Emanuella

Vittoria Emanuella de D. 23-04-1970

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1971 Parish of the St Theresa Rome

Parish of the St.Theresa, Rome

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The prince Alfonso Jaime de Borbon

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The prince Alfonso Jaime de Borbon 31-01-1967

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The prince Alfonso Jaime de Borbon 19-03-1971

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Duarte Nuno judicial charge to the Court of Rota in Rome, for dynastic issues
Duarte Nuno judicial charge to the Court of Rota in Rome, for dynastic issues in Europe, asking the
removal of the paternity of D. Carlos from the birth certificate of D. Maria Pia.

This Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 01/21

 The Court decided he could not make such request;

 Duarte Nuno appealed;
 The same Court issued another sentence in 1992 (10 years later) -

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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1972 The Court sentence of Rota in Rome declaring D. Maria Pia as the rightful duchess

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1982 Tribunal Eclesia Madrid

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1992 Decretum Roma Rota Duarte - Braganza

1982 Duarte Nuno judicial charge to the Court of Rota in Rome, for dynastic issues
Duarte Nuno judicial charge to the Court of Rota in Rome, for dynastic issues in Europe, asking the
removal of the paternity of D. Carlos from the birth certificate of D. Maria Pia.

This Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 01/21

 The Court decided he could not make such request;

 Duarte Nuno appealed;
 The same Court issued another sentence in 1992 (10 years later) -

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1. Duque e Duquesa do Porto
2. Duque e Duquesa de Beja
3. Duque e Duquesa de Coimbra
4. Conde e Condessa de Neiva
5. Conde e Condessa de Penafiel
6. Conde e Condessa de Arraiolos

1. Real Ordem Militar de São Bento de Aviz

Originally founded in 1162 by King D.Afonso Henriques. Originally religious, the great domain of the
Order passed to the Crown, after the death of the Grand Master Dom Jorge, natural son of King João
II, who was confirmed by Pope Julius III, with a Papal Bull published in Rome, on January 4th, 1551.
Ranks and dignities (from the Edict of July 28th, 1832):

 Categories and Dignities (Decree -28/07/1832):

 Grand Master: who will always be the Head of the Royal House of Portugal;
 Grand Commander: who will always be the presumptive heir to the Crown;
 Grand Officials: the Mace Bearer, the Flag Bearer and the Grand Chancellor;
 Grand Crosses: In the future, there will be 50 and will receive the title of Excellence
 Commanders: : In the future there will be 150;

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 Officers: : In the future there will be 200;

 Knights: unlimited number

2. Real Ordem Militar de São Tiago da Espada

Founded in Castile in 1070, it was later recognized by Pope Alexander III in 1175 and confirmed in
1198 by Pope Innocent III. At the request of King D. Dinis, this Order was released from dependence
on the Order of S. Tiago of Castile under which it had been placed by the Bull of Pope Nicholas IV
dated September 17, 1288 and became executive on May 15, 1290.
Under the reign of Dom Luís I, this Order was again reorganized, on October 31, 1862, and was
renamed 'Ancient Noble and Illustrious Order of São Tiago dos Méritos Científicos, Letras e Artes.
Ranks and dignities (from the Edict of July 28th, 1832):

 Categories and Dignities (Decree 07/28/1832):

 Grand Master: who will always be the Head of the Royal House of Portugal;
 Grand Commander: who will always be the presumptive heir to the Crown;
 Grand Officials: the Mace Bearer, the Flag Bearer and the Grand Chancellor;
 Grand Crosses: In the future, there will be 50 and will receive the title of Excellence
 Commanders: : In the future there will be 150;
 Officers: : In the future there will be 200;
 Knights: unlimited number

3. Real Ordem Militar de Nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo

After the Order of Knights of the Temple was dissolved by the Bull of Clemente V dated January 1312,
the Order was called 'Army of Our Lord Jesus Christ' through the Decree dated August 14, 1318 by the
King of Portugal Dom Dinis.
Categories and Dignities:

 Grand Master: who will always be the Head of the Royal House of Portugal;
 Grand Commander: who will always be the presumptive heir to the Crown;
 Grand Crosses: In the future, there will be 50 and will receive the title of Excellence
 Commanders: : In the future there will be 150;
 Riders: unlimited number;

4. Real Ordem Militar da Torre da Espada

Founded by King Dom Afonso V in 1459, shortly after the Order was extinguished. Under the regency
of Dom Pedro, Duke of Bragança, this Order was reformed with a decree dated July 28, 1832 and
Decree dated August 18, 1833 with the name 'Ancient Noble and Illustrious Order of the Tower and
Sword of Valor, Loyalty and Merit.
Ranks and dignities (from the Edict of July 28th, 1832):

 Categories and dignities (Decree 07/28/1832):

 Grand Master: who will always be the Head of the Royal House of Portugal;
 Grand Commander: who will always be the presumptive heir to the Crown;
 Grand Officials: the Mace Bearer, the Flag Bearer and the Grand Chancellor;
 Grand Crosses: In the future, there will be 50 and will receive the title of Excellence
 Commanders: : In the future there will be 150;
 Officers: : In the future there will be 200;
 Knights: unlimited number

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Royal Military Order of our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Vila Vicosa
In the creation of the Royal Order of Vila Viçosa, underlies the conception of Portugal as the Marian
country par excellence, the “Land of Santa Maria” and the deep devotion of the people to the
Immaculate Conception. In it, he found support and protection for the difficult moments of loss of
sovereignty and around her he united in prayers of hope for the freedom and independence of the
Kingdom. She is the rose with five petals of the Braganças, as are the five corners of the coat of arms
of Portugal.

It was the last Royal Order to be created, the first being São Miguel da Ala. The Prince of Angels was
the first Patron Saint of Portugal and in this duo lies the oldest tradition of Cavalry, where Our Lady is
the highest Lady and São Miguel the ideal of the Knight. Both establish the symbolic balance between
Our Lady's independence and absolute freedom of conscience; and the defense of justice and the right
to the truth of São Miguel.

Restructuring for the Present Time

The Orders of Cavalry are now reborn, maintaining the original principles, although with an updated
reformulation, which follows the evolution of time and dispenses with old regulations that are

The Royal Military Order of Nossa Senhora da Conceição in Vila Viçosa clearly distances itself from the
honorary distinction, the record of uninteresting functionality that characterized it while it was used
fraudulently by an illegitimate claimant to head the Royal House of Bragança. It remained untouched
by the Republic, which had no way of appropriating it as it did for most of the other Royal Orders, as
it belonged to the Royal House of Bragança. It suffered, however, the apocryphal management of the
branch of the forever banished family, which used it as a piece of decoration.

In 1985, the Permanent International Commission for the Studies of the Orders of Chivalry, confirmed
Dona Maria Pia of Saxe-Coburgo and Bragança as Grand Master of the Royal Military Order of Nossa
Senhora da Conceição of Vila Viçosa. The documents contains the report of the Executive Committee
of the International Commission of the Orders of Chivalry, which removes the leadership from Duarte
Pio and hands it over without reservation to HRH Dona Maria Pia.

His successor is HRH Dom Rosário Poidimani of Saxe-Coburgo and Bragança, the current Grand
Master of the Order HRH Dom Rosário Poidimani of Saxe-Coburgo and Bragança

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Recognition of the Rights of Grandmastership of the Royal Military Order of our Lady of the Immaculate
Conception of Vila Vicosa 1/3

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Recognition of the Rights of Grandmastership of the Royal Military Order of our Lady of the Immaculate
Conception of Vila Vicosa 2/3

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Recognition of the Rights of Grandmastership of the Royal Military Order of our Lady of the Immaculate
Conception of Vila Vicosa 2/3

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Certificado 1/3

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Certificado 2/3

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Certificado 3/3

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Commission Internationale Ordres de Chevalerie 1/3

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Commission Internationale Ordres de Chevalerie 2/3

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Commission Internationale Ordres de Chevalerie 3/3

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Dona Maria Pia fight for her birthrights under the Salazarist dictatorship.

From her birth Dona Maria Pia got the support and sympathy from His Majesty, Alfonso XIII, King of

The PIDE (Portuguese Secret Police) places Her Royal Highness, Dona Maria Pia, under arrest.
Uprising by The Portuguese National Liberation Front, which publicly announces its strong opposition
to the violent behaviour used by the PIDE against Dona Maria Pia, Duchess of Braganca, who, despite
her Royal title, has adhered to the Portuguese opposition party since 1958.

Supports the National Independence Movements, the Portuguese National Liberation Front, and the
Portuguese Revolutionary Junta, led by Gen. Humberto Delgado, who wrote, "firstly, Your Excellency, I
wish to thank you for your dedicated assistance to both myself and my family".

Dona Maria Pia Fights for her birthrights under the Salazarist dictatorship.
and has fraternal correspondence with the Duke of Segovia, the uncle of His Majesty,
Juan Carlos, King of Spain; Mario Soares, ex-president of the Republic of Portugal, and other
important persons of political and public life worldwide.

Frequent exchange of letters with Generale Francisco Franco, Caudillo di Spagna, and Felipe Polo
Martinez_Valdes, secretary of the Chief of State

Supports the revolution of the Carnations.

Dona Maria Pia returns to Portugal.

Dom Duarte Nuno, a representative of the Usurpatory line, returns from exile following a salazarist
decree in his favour, and asks the Apostolic Tribunal SACRA ROMANA ROTA to cancel the name of HM
the King Dom Carlos I, her rightful father, from the certificate of Baptism of the Princess.

The Apostolic Tribunal SACRA ROMANA ROTA declares the request illegitimate and confirms the
complete validity of the act of Baptism and the paternity of Donna Maria Pia.

Dona Maria Pia claims her birthright and is deprived of her name by the republican judiciary.

Dona Maria Pia issues a Sovereign Act No.III, Modification of the Monarchic Costittution

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1966 Salazar's opinion confirmed

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Maria Pia Decreto

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Scanned images: letter to Dona Maria Pia by General Humberto Delgado 15-06-1959

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of some of the letters to Dona Maria Pia written by General Humberto Delgado

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of some of the letters to Dona Maria Pia written by General Humberto Delgado


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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of some of the letters to Dona Maria Pia written by General Humberto Delgado

06-09-1961 page 1/ 2

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Scanned images of some of the letters to Dona Maria Pia written by General Humberto Delgado

06-06-1961 page 2 / 2

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Scanned images of some of the letters to Dona Maria Pia written by General Humberto Delgado


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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of some of the letters to Dona Maria Pia written by General Humberto Delgado


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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Dona Maria Pia issues a Sovereign Act No.III, Modification of the Monarchic Costitution
Scanned images of the Souvereign Act No. III of 1985 modification of the Monarchic Constitution handwritten
by HRH Dona Maria Pia 1/5

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Scanned images of the Souvereign Act No. III of 1985 modification of the Monarchic Constitution handwritten
by HRH Dona Maria Pia 2/5

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of the Souvereign Act No. III of 1985 modification of the Monarchic Constitution handwritten
by HRH Dona Maria Pia 3/5

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of the Souvereign Act No. III of 1985 modification of the Monarchic Constitution handwritten
by HRH Dona Maria Pia 4/5

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Scanned images of the Souvereign Act No. III of 1985 modification of the Monarchic Constitution handwritten
by HRH Dona Maria Pia 5/5

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

D. Official abdication documents by HRH Dona Maria Pia

Having come to an advanced age, in full possession of my capacities, practically blind, totally deprived
of the support of my descent, betrayed by a few monarchists who do not respect either the tradition
of the House of Braganza or the Constitution of the Monarchy, a victim of the continuous apathy of
republican governments, from Salazar down to Mario Soares,

I have decided:
To transmit by the present deed all my rights as Head of the House of Bragança to Dom Rosario
Poidimani, a prince and an enterprising businessman, who has deserved it well through the great love
and sincere devotion he has demonstrated towards my beloved fatherland, Portugal.

I Abdicate
In favour of the aforesaid person, with all the rights and honours owed to the new head of the House
of Braganza.

I retain the incontrovertible right to receive fifty per cent of all the goods and chattels, properties,
lands, palaces and town estates, as well as the jewels, works of art, tapestries, etc., etc., from the
entire entailed estate of the ancient ducal house of Braganza to which I am entitled, until today, in
their totality.

I retain the grand masterhood of all the knightly orders of which I am, by right and through the
acknowledgement of the international commission of chivalry, the present Grand-Master in my life. It
is obvious that, during my lifetime, I shall accept all propositions of admittance in the Orders
formulated by Dom Rosario Poidimani, 22nd head of the Royal House who, as such, shall be entitled
to such priority. At my death, the grand masterhood of the Knightly Orders will pass to Dom Rosario.

I retain for myself, moreover, the nobiliary titles of

1. Duke and Duchess of Oporto
2. Duke and Duchess of Beja
3. Duke and Duchess of Coimbra
4. Count and Countess of Neiva
5. Count and Countess of Penafiel
6. Count and Countess of Arraiolos

and to my death I shall retain the title of ' Duchesse douairière de Bragance.

In Faith, Fidelissima,

Maria Pia, the Duchess of Braganza.

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Scanned images official abdication document, handwritten by HRH Dona Maria Pia 1/6
allegato "A" all 'atto n. 69.786 di Repertario e n. 4.029 di Raccolta

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Scanned images official abdication document, handwritten by HRH Dona Maria Pia 2/6

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Scanned images official abdication document, handwritten by HRH Dona Maria Pia 3/6

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Scanned images official abdication document, handwritten by HRH Dona Maria Pia 4/6

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Scanned images official abdication document, handwritten by HRH Dona Maria Pia 5/6

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Scanned images official abdication document, handwritten by HRH Dona Maria Pia 6/6

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Scanned image official avail, by a Public Notary in Lisbon, Portugal of handwritten

abdication documents of HRH Dona Maria Pia in favor of HRH Dom Rosario 1/4

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned image official avail, by a Public Notary in Lisbon, Portugal of handwritten

abdication documents of HRH Dona Maria Pia in favor of HRH Dom Rosario 2/4

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned image official avail, by a Public Notary in Lisbon, Portugal of handwritten

abdication documents of HRH Dona Maria Pia in favor of HRH Dom Rosario 3/4

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned image official avail, by a Public Notary in Lisbon, Portugal of handwritten

abdication documents of HRH Dona Maria Pia in favor of HRH Dom Rosario 4/4

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned image officicial avail, by a Public Notary in Vicenza Italy of handwritten

abdication documents of HRH Dona Maria Pia in favor of HRH Dom Rosaria 1/5

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned image officicial avail, by a Public Notary in Vicenza Italy of handwritten

abdication documents of HRH Dona Maria Pia in favor of HRH Dom Rosaria 2/5

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned image officicial avail, by a Public Notary in Vicenza Italy of handwritten

abdication documents of HRH Dona Maria Pia in favor of HRH Dom Rosaria 3/5

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned image officicial avail, by a Public Notary in Vicenza Italy of handwritten

abdication documents of HRH Dona Maria Pia in favor of HRH Dom Rosaria 4/5

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned image officicial avail, by a Public Notary in Vicenza Italy of handwritten

abdication documents of HRH Dona Maria Pia in favor of HRH Dom Rosaria 5/5

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Some of the photographs taken during the official abdication ceremony which took place
in Portugal, in April 1987 and was fully covered by the official Portuguese Television

The moment of abdication of HRH Dona Maria Pia transfer all of the rights and duties to
HRH Dom Rosario.

The moment of acceptance of all the rights and duties, and a first word addressing the
Portuguese people by HRH Dom Rosario

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Documents confirming the blood relationship between Dona Maria Pia and Dom Rosario

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Documents confirming the blood relationship between Dona Maria Pia and Dom Rosario 2/2

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D. Maria Pia designates D. Rosário the Power of Attorney

Scanned images of the official letters of Power of Attorney by Dona Maria Pia in favor of Dom Rosario

Power of Attorney 1/6

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Power of Attorney 2/6

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Power of Attorney 3/6

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Power of Attorney 4/6

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Power of Attorney 5/6

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Power of Attorney 6/6

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Notarial D. Maria Pia designates D. Rosário Power of Attorney 0/9

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Notarial D. Maria Pia designates D. Rosário Power of Attorney 1/9

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Notarial D. Maria Pia designates D. Rosário Power of Attorney 2/9

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Notarial D. Maria Pia designates D. Rosário Power of Attorney 3/9

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Notarial D. Maria Pia designates D. Rosário Power of Attorney 4/9


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Notarial D. Maria Pia designates D. Rosário Power of Attorney 5/9

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Notarial D. Maria Pia designates D. Rosário Power of Attorney 6/9

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Notarial D. Maria Pia designates D. Rosário Power of Attorney 7/9

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Notarial D. Maria Pia designates D. Rosário Power of Attorney 8/9

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Notarial D. Maria Pia designates D. Rosário Power of Attorney 9/9

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Dona Maria Pia daughter delare sher mother Maria Pia sound of mind

D. Cristina declares her mother is of sound mind and able to take responsibility for her

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Official Abdication Ceremony pictures

Some of the potographs taken during the official abdication ceremony which took place in Portugal April 1987
what was fully covered by the official Portuguese television.

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1992 Death CertificateDona Maria Pia

Dona Maria Pia dies in Verona in 1995 as Maria Pia of Saxony Coburgo Gotha and Bragança, Royal
Princess of Portugal and XXI Duchess of Bragança, loved and respected by all who knew her.

Dona de Maria Pia; duquesa de Braganca

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

NewPaper anouncement Dona Maria Pia testament: successor Dom Rosario Poidimani

Jornal da Costa do Sol (Portugal), August 25, 1988

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Atto di Precetto

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1 The Royal LIne Don Rosario

1.3.1 Birth Certificate (CERT NASCIMENTO TRAD PT)

-------- Messaggio inoltrato --------

Data: Martedì, 20 Luglio 2021, 00:35PM +02:00
Oggetto: Re: Richiesta mio Certificato di Nascita.

Gentile Sig. Poidimani,

Le invio quanto da Lei richiesto e una copia di certificato di nascita internazionale con
la relativa traduzione.

Codiali saluti

L'Ufficiale dello Stato Civile

Graziella Lopizzo

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1.3.3 D. Rosario titles Incoperate


I, the undersigned, Alessandra Balsamo, translator, residing in Lisbon, Praça Antonio Sardinha 10, r/c
Dtº - 1170-028 LISBOA, VAT No. 200856367, pursuant to Article 91(2) of the Portuguese Companies
Code, do hereby swear on my honour to faithfully execute the duties entrusted to me.

Lisbon, 21 July 2021

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Papal recognition

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Apostolic benediction of HRH Dom Rosario by HH the Pope John Paul II

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Letter from the secretary of the state of Vatican, 04/06/1994.

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Recognition Russian Church; Prior de Kiev

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Parish of St. Anna, Vatican, Father Falcioni 02/03/1988

Parish of St. Anna, Vatican, Father Falcioni 02/03/1988

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Saint Saturday 1989

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Saint Saturday 1989

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Parish of St. Anna, Vatican, Father Falcioni

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1.3.8 The document where D. Maria Pia co-opted D. Rosário to be her successor


Eu abaixo-assinado, Alessandra Balsamo, tradutora residente em Lisboa, na Praça Antonio Sardinha

10, r/c Dtº - 1170-028 LISBOA, NIF 200856367, nos termos do nº 2 do art. 91 do C.P.P. comprometo-

me, por minha honra, a desempenhar fielmente as funções que me são confiadas.

Lisboa, 21 de julho 2021

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Court San Marino

Scanned images of English transcription; the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County
Court of Urbino and the Republic of Italy: Page 1/13

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of English transcription; the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County
Court of Urbino and the Republic of Italy: Page 2/13

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of English transcription; the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County
Court of Urbino and the Republic of Italy: Page 3/13

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Scanned images of English transcription; the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County
Court of Urbino and the Republic of Italy: Page 4/13

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Scanned images of English transcription; the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County
Court of Urbino and the Republic of Italy: Page 5/13

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Scanned images of English transcription; the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County
Court of Urbino and the Republic of Italy: Page 6/13

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Scanned images of English transcription; the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County
Court of Urbino and the Republic of Italy: Page 7/13

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Scanned images of English transcription; the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County
Court of Urbino and the Republic of Italy: Page 8/13

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Scanned images of English transcription; the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County
Court of Urbino and the Republic of Italy: Page 9/13

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Scanned images of English transcription; the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County
Court of Urbino and the Republic of Italy: Page 10/13

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Scanned images of English transcription; the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County
Court of Urbino and the Republic of Italy: Page 11/13

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Scanned images of English transcription; the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County
Court of Urbino and the Republic of Italy: Page 12/13

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Scanned images of English transcription; the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County
Court of Urbino and the Republic of Italy: Page 13/13

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Confirmed by Court of San Marino, confirmed by Court of Urbino and the Republic of Italy

Scanned images of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County Court of Urbino and
the Republic of Italy: Page 1/16

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County Court of Urbino and
the Republic of Italy: Page 2/16

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Scanned images of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County Court of Urbino and
the Republic of Italy: Page 3/16

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Scanned images of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County Court of Urbino and
the Republic of Italy: Page 4/16

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Scanned images of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County Court of Urbino and
the Republic of Italy: Page 5/16

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Scanned images of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County Court of Urbino and
the Republic of Italy: Page 6/16

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Scanned images of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County Court of Urbino and
the Republic of Italy: Page 7/16

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Scanned images of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County Court of Urbino and
the Republic of Italy: Page 8/16

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Scanned images of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County Court of Urbino and
the Republic of Italy: Page 9/16

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Scanned images of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County Court of Urbino and
the Republic of Italy: Page 10/16

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Scanned images of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County Court of Urbino and
the Republic of Italy: Page 11/16

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Scanned images of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County Court of Urbino and
the Republic of Italy: Page 12/16

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Scanned images of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County Court of Urbino and
the Republic of Italy: Page 13/16

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Scanned images of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County Court of Urbino and
the Republic of Italy: Page 14/16

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Scanned images of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County Court of Urbino and
the Republic of Italy: Page 15/16

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, confirmed by County Court of Urbino and
the Republic of Italy: Page 16/16

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Acceptance of official sentence Court of SanMarino by the Republic of Rumania

Scanned images of the acceptance of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, by the Republic of
Rumania; In Rumanian languages: page 1/2

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of the acceptance of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, by the Republic of
Rumania; In Rumanian languages: page 2/2

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Acceptance of official sentence Court of SanMarino by the Republic of Rumania

Confirmation Court of Rumania Italian language

Scanned images of the acceptance of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, by the Republic of
Rumania; In Italian transcription: page 1/2

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of the acceptance of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, by the Republic of
Rumania; In Italian transcription: page 2/2

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Acceptance of official sentence Court of SanMarino by the Republic of Rumania

Confirmation Court of Rumania Italian language

Scanned images of the acceptance of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, by the Republic of
Rumania; In English transcription: page 1/4

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of the acceptance of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, by the Republic of
Rumania; In English transcription: page 2/4

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of the acceptance of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, by the Republic of
Rumania; In English transcription: page 3/4

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of the acceptance of the official sentence by the Court in San Marino, by the Republic of
Rumania; In English transcription: page 4/4

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Pact of Paris

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

False Claim on the trone: Duarte

False Claim on the Trone: Duarte versus Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

False Claim on the trone: Duarte 2/20

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False Claim on the trone: Duarte 3/20

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False Claim on the trone: Duarte 4/20

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False Claim on the trone: Duarte 5/20

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False Claim on the trone: Duarte 6/20

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False Claim on the trone: Duarte 7/20

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False Claim on the trone: Duarte 8/20

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False Claim on the trone: Duarte 09/20

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False Claim on the trone: Duarte 10/20

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False Claim on the trone: Duarte 11/20

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False Claim on the trone: Duarte 12/20

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False Claim on the trone: Duarte 13/20

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False Claim on the trone: Duarte 14/20

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False Claim on the trone: Duarte 15/20

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False Claim on the trone: Duarte 16/20

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False Claim on the trone: Duarte 17/20

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False Claim on the trone: Duarte 18/20

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False Claim on the trone: Duarte 19/20

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False Claim on the trone: Duarte 20/20

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Duarte Nuno judicial charge to the Court of Rota in Rome, for dynastic issues
Duarte Nuno judicial charge to the Court of Rota in Rome, for dynastic issues in Europe, asking the
removal of the paternity of D. Carlos from the birth certificate of D. Maria Pia.

This Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 01/21

 The Court decided he could not make such request;

 Duarte Nuno appealed;
 The same Court issued another sentence in 1992 (10 years later) -

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 02 /21

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 03/21

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 04 /21

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 05 /21

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 06/21

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 07/21

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 08/21

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 09/21

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 10/21

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 11/21

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 12/21

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 13/21

01-11-2023 Don't believe what I say but research yourself and let the truth be known (total 621) 504
Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 14/21

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 15/21

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 16/21

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 17/21

01-11-2023 Don't believe what I say but research yourself and let the truth be known (total 621) 508
Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 18/21

01-11-2023 Don't believe what I say but research yourself and let the truth be known (total 621) 509
Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 19/21

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 20/21

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1982 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 21/21

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1992 Duarte Nuno Judicial charge 10 years later; again

Duarte Nuno judicial charge to the Court of Rota in Rome, for dynastic issues in Europe, asking the
removal of the paternity of D. Carlos from the birth certificate of D. Maria Pia.

The same Court issued another sentence in 1992 (10 years later) - 01/04

01-11-2023 Don't believe what I say but research yourself and let the truth be known (total 621) 513
Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1992 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate.02/04

01-11-2023 Don't believe what I say but research yourself and let the truth be known (total 621) 514
Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1992 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 03/04

01-11-2023 Don't believe what I say but research yourself and let the truth be known (total 621) 515
Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

1992 Sentence by Romana Rota was about the request of Duarte Nuno, asking the removal of the
name of King D. Carlos from D. Maria Pia's Birth Certificate. 04/04

01-11-2023 Don't believe what I say but research yourself and let the truth be known (total 621) 516
Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Roman Rota Sentence: notification to Duarte Pio

Secred Romana Rota Court notification to Duarte Pio; Court decision in 1992.

01-11-2023 Don't believe what I say but research yourself and let the truth be known (total 621) 517
Portugal's Royal House de Braganza Roman Rota Sentence: Intimation to return Brabanza property

The intimation sent to Duarte Pio, to return the Braganza property, following the
c f M ' ………… P v to di Precetto 1/05

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Atto di Precetto 2/05

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Atto di Precetto 3/05

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Atto di Precetto 4/05

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Atto di Precetto 5./05

Court Sentence Duarte Pio also received an intimation to hand over all the property of the Braganza's,
but he never did,

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza


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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

01-11-2023 Don't believe what I say but research yourself and let the truth be known (total 621) 529
Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

01-11-2023 Don't believe what I say but research yourself and let the truth be known (total 621) 530
Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

01-11-2023 Don't believe what I say but research yourself and let the truth be known (total 621) 531
Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of the genuine "Act of precept" in favor of HRH Dom Rosario, against Dom Duarte
delivered by a recommended letter.
to see the scanned original in Italian language, please follow this link.

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Act of Precept
Court Orders San Marino

Court Orders San Marino 1/17

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Court Orders San Marino 2/17

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Court Orders San Marino 3/17

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Court Orders San Marino 4/17

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Court Orders San Marino 5/17

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Court Orders San Marino 6/17

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Court Orders San Marino 7/17

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Court Orders San Marino 8/17

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Court Orders San Marino 9/17

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Court Orders San Marino 10/17

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Court Orders San Marino 11/17

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Court Orders San Marino 12/17

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Court Orders San Marino 13/17

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Court Orders San Marino 14/17

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Court Orders San Marino 15/17

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Court Orders San Marino 16/17

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Court Orders San Marino 17/17

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Court Orders Tribunal Bucareste

Court Orders Tribunal Bucareste 1/9

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Court Orders Tribunal Bucareste 2/9

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Court Orders Tribunal Bucareste 3/9

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Court Orders Tribunal Bucareste 4/9

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Court Orders Tribunal Bucareste 5/9

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Court Orders Tribunal Bucareste 6/9

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Court Orders Tribunal Bucareste 7/9

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Court Orders Tribunal Bucareste 8/9

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Court Orders Tribunal Bucareste 9/9

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Court Orders against the false Duke

Court Orders against the false Duke 1/7

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Court Orders against the false Duke 2/7

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Court Orders against the false Duke 3/7

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Court Orders against the false Duke 4/7

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Court Orders against the false Duke 5/7

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Court Orders against the false Duke 6/7

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Court Orders against the false Duke 7/7

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of the genuine "Act of precept" in favor of HRH Dom Rosario, against Dom Duarte
delivered by a recommended letter.

01-11-2023 Don't believe what I say but research yourself and let the truth be known (total 621) 567
Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of the genuine "Act of precept" in favor of HRH Dom Rosario, against Dom Duarte
delivered by a recommended letter. 2/4

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of the genuine "Act of precept" in favor of HRH Dom Rosario, against Dom Duarte
delivered by a recommended letter. 3/4

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Scanned images of the genuine "Act of precept" in favor of HRH Dom Rosario, against Dom Duarte
delivered by a recommended letter 4/4

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Dom Rosario Stato Civile

Declaration alive City Hall

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Court sentences Durte Pio Publicly announced

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

To Dom Duarte Pio di Braganca

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

(end of the transcription)

to see the scanned original in Italian language, please follow this link.

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Illegal use of title


Collateral "Usurpatory" line excluded from the succession by the Monarchic Constitution of 1838
Dom Miquel > Dom Miquel II > Dom Duarte Nuno > Dom Duarte Pio
Whilst recognizing the exalted lineage: NONE of the status and prerogatives of Royal Highness,
Infante of Portugal, Duke of Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

2022-08-23 Pope instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank

Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30

Link to Vatican

Link to news article:


01-11-2023 Don't believe what I say but research yourself and let the truth be known (total 621) 577
Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Don't forget that we are resolute defenders of Portugal's most enduring values

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

2022-09-12 Reaction to the Vatican by Royal House Braganca

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

2022-09-12 Royal Decree English

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

2023-03-30 Vatican joint statement of the dicasteries on the "Doctrine of Discovery"

The answer from the Vatican to the Royal Decree from the Royal House of Portugal

Joint Statement of the Dicasteries for Culture and

Education and for Promoting Integral Human
Development on the “Doctrine of Discovery”, 30.03.2023

1. In fidelity to the mandate received from Christ, the Catholic Church strives to promote
universal fraternity and respect for the dignity of every human being.

2. For this reason, in the course of history the Popes have condemned acts of violence,
oppression, social injustice and slavery, including those committed against indigenous
peoples. There have also been numerous examples of bishops, priests, women and men
religious and lay faithful who gave their lives in defense of the dignity of those peoples.

3. At the same time, respect for the facts of history demands an acknowledgement of the
human weakness and failings of Christ’s disciples in every generation. Many Christians have
committed evil acts against indigenous peoples for which recent Popes have asked
forgiveness on numerous occasions.

4. In our own day, a renewed dialogue with indigenous peoples, especially with those who
profess the Catholic Faith, has helped the Church to understand better their values and
cultures. With their help, the Church has acquired a greater awareness of their sufferings,
past and present, due to the expropriation of their lands, which they consider a sacred gift
from God and their ancestors, as well as the policies of forced assimilation, promoted by the
governmental authorities of the time, intended to eliminate their indigenous cultures. As
Pope Francis has emphasized, their sufferings constitute a powerful summons to abandon
the colonizing mentality and to walk with them side by side, in mutual respect and dialogue,
recognizing the rights and cultural values of all individuals and peoples. In this regard, the
Church is committed to accompany indigenous peoples and to foster efforts aimed at
promoting reconciliation and healing.

5. It is in this context of listening to indigenous peoples that the Church has heard the
importance of addressing the concept referred to as the “doctrine of discovery.” The legal
concept of “discovery” was debated by colonial powers from the sixteenth century onward
and found particular expression in the nineteenth century jurisprudence of courts in several
countries, according to which the discovery of lands by settlers granted an exclusive right to
extinguish, either by purchase or conquest, the title to or possession of those lands by
indigenous peoples. Certain scholars have argued that the basis of the aforementioned
“doctrine” is to be found in several papal documents, such as the Bulls Dum
Diversas (1452), Romanus Pontifex (1455) and Inter Caetera (1493).

6. The “doctrine of discovery” is not part of the teaching of the Catholic Church. Historical
research clearly demonstrates that the papal documents in question, written in a specific
historical period and linked to political questions, have never been considered expressions of
the Catholic faith. At the same time, the Church acknowledges that these papal bulls did not

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

adequately reflect the equal dignity and rights of indigenous peoples. The Church is also
aware that the contents of these documents were manipulated for political purposes by
competing colonial powers in order to justify immoral acts against indigenous peoples that
were carried out, at times, without opposition from ecclesiastical authorities. It is only just to
recognize these errors, acknowledge the terrible effects of the assimilation policies and the
pain experienced by indigenous peoples, and ask for pardon. Furthermore, Pope Francis has
urged: “Never again can the Christian community allow itself to be infected by the idea that
one culture is superior to others, or that it is legitimate to employ ways of coercing others.”

7. In no uncertain terms, the Church’s magisterium upholds the respect due to every human
being. The Catholic Church therefore repudiates those concepts that fail to recognize the
inherent human rights of indigenous peoples, including what has become known as the legal
and political “doctrine of discovery”.

8. Numerous and repeated statements by the Church and the Popes uphold the rights of
indigenous peoples. For example, in the 1537 Bull Sublimis Deus, Pope Paul III wrote, “We
define and declare [ ... ] that [, .. ] the said Indians and all other people who may later be
discovered by Christians, are by no means to be deprived of their liberty or the possession of
their property, even though they be outside the Christian faith; and that they may and
should, freely and legitimately, enjoy their liberty and possession of their property; nor
should they be in any way enslaved; should the contrary happen, it shall be null and have no

9. More recently, the Church’s solidarity with indigenous peoples has given rise to the Holy
See’s strong support for the principles contained in the United Nations Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The implementation of those principles would improve the
living conditions and help protect the rights of indigenous peoples as well as facilitate their
development in a way that respects their identity, language and culture.

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2023-04-03 Benjamin Fulford reaction

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2023-04-07 Royal Announcement

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2023-04-07 Royal Comunicado

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2023-05-23 Royal Decree Sovereign Proclamation and publication of facts

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Portugal Flag explained

 According to the flag-designing committee,

red symbolised all of the blood lost by people fighting for Portugal to become a republic and
green symbolised hope for the future.

 As idealistic as that explanation was, it wasn’t enough to win over everybody. A lot of people liked
the old white and blue flag, despite its associations with the monarchy.

 Aside from familiarity, blue was also associated with Our Lady of the Conception who was
crowned Queen and Patroness of Portugal by King John IV. Portugal is still a religious country even
to this day, and so removing any religious symbolism was going to be a difficult task.

 There was another, maybe even bigger, reason that many people were opposed to the new
colours and that was because the red and green were the colours of the Portuguese Republican
Party. Portugal was becoming a republic, yes, but that didn’t mean that the Portuguese
Republican Party should get any free advertising.

 Despite these concerns, the flag’s design was accepted. Interestingly, the flag isn’t evenly split:
there’s a lot more red (blood) than green (hope) which is very typical of the Portuguese outlook.

 The armillary sphere (also known as a spherical astrolabe, armilla, or armil) is an astronomical
device that was used to navigate the oceans during the Age of Discoveries or Age of Exploration.
 The Portuguese sailors weren’t the first to use this device: the Knights Templar used it before
them. Henry the Navigator, one of the most famous people from the Age of Discoveries, was
actually the Grand Master of the Order of Christ and it’s likely that he introduced it.
 The Age of Discoveries was Portugal’s golden era, a time when they were prosperous and
forward-looking, and the flag’s designers felt it was important to have some reminder of this
period within the flag.

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The red shield

In the centre of the flag there’s a red shield, which sits on top of the yellow armillary sphere. This
shield has been part of pretty much every previous version of the Portuguese flag, with the exception
of the flag under the reign of Afonso I.

The shield isn’t completely red, of course. There’s quite a lot going on.

There are 7 yellow castles on top of the red section, and a white interior with 5 smaller blue shields.
On each of the blue shields, there are 5 white dots.

 The shield itself represents past Portuguese victories.

 The 7 castles is believed to represent the 7 castles that the Portuguese took back from the
Moors, although this is only speculation.

 The 5 smaller blue shields represent the 5 Moorish kings who were killed by the first King of
Portugal, Afonso I. These kings ruled the Seville, Badajoz, Elvas, Évora, and Beja tarifas during
the Moorish period.

 The 5 white dots within each blue shield represent the 5 wounds of Christ.

Where is the Crown ?

File:Flag of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil, and the Algarves (1815-1825)

Queen Maria II was the first to introduce colour to the white background in 1830 on which the code of
arms is mounted. She used blue that represented royalty, and white. Currently, this flag is used by
Portuguese monarchists mentioned on the right.

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To note Dom Duarte-Pio de Braganza

Dom Duarte-Pio de Braganza is the product of this dynastic story. He assumes today the rights of his
house to the throne of Portugal and hardly suffers from contestation. This Capetian, father of three
children, is the head of the Fundacao da Casa de Braganca which manages all the administrative and
real estate of the royal house. It was created in November 1933 at the request of the prime minister
Antonio Oliveira de Salazar and head of the’Estado Novo. This Francoism with Portuguese sauce has
made contact with the Bragances and will not stop promising him a hypothetical crown.

«My family's property was confiscated in 1834 and when we were allowed to return to Portugal
[1953-ndlr], Salazar did not want to give us back what belonged to my family, to the dynasty. So he
created this foundation, and at the same time provided a house for my father [Dom Duarte II Nuno-
ndlr] in Sao Marcos, near Coimbra» explains Prince Dom Duarte-Pio who takes care to respect the
rules of social distancing.

Part of his life that he approaches with emotion. « A moment of camaraderie and fraternal
spirituality which taught him discipline and values » specifies Dom Duarte-Pio. Between 1968 and
1971, it was integrated into the air force in Angola. It was in Africa that he began his political career
and opposed the settlers by being on an opposition list.

My father m’a always raised to be at the disposal of Portugal, regardless of the post» affirms the
pretender to the throne, always as much courted by ministers and deputies. But at a good distance,
his interventions in the political debate are scrutinized and analyzed by the media. If we estimate at
30%, the number of Portuguese favorable to the return of the king, the republic remains solid and
does not’ intends to reopen the way to a referendum on the question.

USURPER | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

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Portugal's Royal House de Braganza

Usurper: meaning a person who usurps (= takes control of) something, especially a position of power,
without having the right: Power was seized by a brutal usurper
The Greeks had their own conception of what usurpers were, calling them tyrants.[4] In the ancient
Greek usage, a tyrant (tyrannos/τύραννος in Greek) was an individual who rose to power via
unconstitutional or illegitimate means, usually not being an heir to an existing throne.[5] Such
individuals were perceived negatively by political philosophers such
as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.[6][7]
Usurpers often try to legitimize their position by claiming to be a descendant of a ruler that they may
or may not be related to. According to Herodotus, this was done by someone
impersonating Smerdis in order to seize the throne of Cyrus the Great after his death.[8]
The concept of usurpation played a huge role in the governance of monarchies, often carrying disdain
to those who have been accused of it.[9] Lengthy advice was given to potential and actual usurpers by
the political philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli in his book The Prince.[10][11] Methods discussed were
pertinent to the establishment of a more secure principality for the ruler, which Machiavelli stated
would require evil to be done at some point. [12] USURPER | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionar

The Question each of us must ask him-/her-self is: "is there an injured party"?

In the end, usurpers accumulate power by taking it from the other State institutions, either by
minimizing the role of the legislative power, or undermining the independence of the judiciary

What does this mean for Portugal?

What does this mean for Europe?

What does this mean for the World?

For you and me?!

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No Rights Reserved,
My research is performed and my work written with my own free will.

My only intent is to bring others people research - articles together with Portugal's Royal
house of Braganza posted official documents in a timeline perspective to get a deeper
understanding about the the previously unknown and / or kept secret history of Portugal,
Scotland, the Netherlands, Israel, Lebanon, the United States of America and the rest of the
world as they relate to each other.

so that others may freely build upon, enhance and reuse the works for any purposes without
restriction under copyright or database law to get the truth on the table.

I thank you for sharing this document to bring awareness and understanding to break free
and claim our rights as souvereign men and women.

God bless you


Agatha Christie 2Q

The free manifestation of thought is one of the most precious rights of man; any Portuguese may
therefore, without being subject to prior censorship, express his opinions on all sorts of matters,
except to answer for the abuse of this freedom in the cases and in the manner determined by law.
1822 United Portugal Kingdom constitution Section 7.

Let the Truth be known

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200 Years ago, in 1822 we were declared free
Where are we now?


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