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Is it difficult to learn to play a musical instrument ?

Is it difficult to learn another language ?
Is hard to learn to ride a bike ?
Is it easy to travel around your city?
Is is easy to learn to swim ?
 Dễ + Lý do/ chi tiết
- It’s very/ quite/ really simple to…

hard/ challenging
- It’s not really difficult to …
Is it easy to travel around your city?
--> Yes, it’s very easy to travel around my city. You can catch a bus, take a taxi or
hire a motorbike to get around the city. However, the traffic is not always good, it
gets crazy during rush hour.
 Khó + Lý do/ chi tiết ( Nêu ra cái khó nhất để làm dài câu)
- It’s quite/ very/ really difficult/ hard/ challenging
- It’s not really easy/ simple to ….
Is it easy to learn to swim ?
--> No, it’s very difficult, especially for people who are afraid of water like me. I
think the hardest part is to learn to breathe underwater, which took me nearly two
weeks to learn.
 Ban đầu khó + lúc sau dễ hơn
- It’s always quite difficult at the beginning when you try something new … is
not an exception.
--> At first,….
--> But after a while, thing begin to get a bit easier.
Is it difficult to learn to play a musical instrument?
--> I think it’s always quite difficult at the beginning when you try something new.
Learning to play a musical instrument is not an exception. Take learning to play the
guitar, as an example. At first your finger can hurt a lot, but after a while, things
begins to get a bit easier.
 take + time + for sb/sth + to
It took three months for me to be completed.
 take + sb + time + to
It took us three hours to get there.
 Take … as an example: Lấy làm ví dụ.
Take Hoi An as an example.
Is is difficult to learn another language ?
- Yes, it’s quite difficult because you have to memorise new words, sentence
structures, grammatical points, etc. I think pronunciation is the hardest part for the
beginners who want to learn a foreign language.
Is it hard to learn to ride a bike?
- It’s always quite difficult when you try something new. And learning to ride a bike
is not an exception. At first, you can fall off your bike several time, but after a while,
things begin to get a it easier.
What do you dislike about your parties ?
What don’t you like about your job ?
What do you dislike about eating in restaurants ?
What do you dislike about living in big city ?
What don’t you like about listening to live music ?
 Nói thẳng + lý do/ chi tiết
I don’t really like/love …
What do you dislike about your parties ?
Well, I don’t really like going to parties where there’s loud music and too much
drinking. People talk a lot and even behave weirdly when they get drunk.
 Nói vòng + Lý do/chi tiết
Well, generally speaking I love X, but sometimes …
Well, generally speaking, I love X, but the only thing I don’t really like about X
is ….
Well, there are a few things that I don’t really love about X.
First,/Firstly,/The first thing is …
Second,/Secondly,/The second thing is …
What do you dislike about eating in restaurant ?
Generally speaking, I love eating in restaurants. The only thing that I don’t like about
some restaurants here is that they don’t take cards. It means that I have to pay by cash,
and it’s really hard to me to calculate my spending at the ed of the month.
 It’s hard/ difficult/ easy (for sb/sth) to
It was really hard for her to forget him

What don’t you like about your job ?

I love my job, but sometimes it’s really stressful. Sometimes, I have to work overtime,
which make me really exhausted, but apart from that, I’m fine.
What do you dislike about living in big city ?
There are a few things that I don’t really love about living in a large city. First, the air
is seriously polluted, and I always have to put on a face mask whenever I go out. The
second thing is the traffic
What don’t you like about listening to live music ?
Generally speaking, I love live music, but the only thing I don’t like about some live
music concerts is that they are too noisy, and the crowd often shout and even cream. I
can’t really enjoy the music.


Mức độ thường xuyên + Ly do/Chi tiết:

How often do you go out with friends ?
We just meet once a week at the weekend when none of us have to work. We usually
go out for the dinner or go to see a movie

Rất thường Thường xuyên/Khá Thỉnh thoảng Hiếm khi/ Hầu Không
xuyên thường xuyên như không bao giờ

- always - usually/ often/ - sometimes/ - rarely, - never

- all the time regularly/frequently occasionally seldom
- every day/ - quite often/ quite - once or - hardly ever
almost every day regularly/ quite twice a week - almost never
morning/ all day frequently - Not often - once in a
- five days a - 2 or 3 times a - don’t blue moon
week/ 28 days a week usually
month - every 2
- very often/ very months
frequently a lot - every now
and then

Always > usually/normally > often > sometimes > occasionally > hardly ever > never

How often do you make telephone calls ?

I have to call my clients every day to confirm the products they ordered. I also call my
parent very often, I’s say every two days, because I miss them so much.
 Call (V) sb: gọi cho ai đó
My brother called me from Spain last night
 Call (n) : cuộc gọi
I made a call to friend in London
 Contact (n): sự liên lạc, keep contact
I don’t have much contact with my uncle
How often do you watch programme or read article about wild animals ?
I love watching programmes about wildlife and their habitat, so I often watching
programmes likes Discovery, Planet Earth about prey and predator. I hardly ever read
article about Wildlife because it’s much more interesting to watch to watch the ram
like about documentaries than read articles.

How often do you sing now?

Well, to be honest when I’m alone, I sing a lot because it makes me feel comfortable
and relaxed and temporarily forget on the worry that I had that time but when I was
my friends are other people I’m too shy to sing.


How has your hometown changed in recent years?
How has education changed in the past ten years?
How have shops changed in your town in the last five years ?
How have TV shows in your country changed over the years ?
In what ways have families in your country changed in recent years ?

-> Nói về sự thay đổi thì t nên nhắc đến QUÁ KHỨ và HIỆN TẠI
- Several years go/ … years ago Now / Today
- A decade/ a few decade ago These day/ Nowadays/ recently
- Not so long ago

 In recent year --> in recent times/ over the past few years/ decade/ Since I was a
Thay đổi nhiều + sự thay đổi
It has changed a lot
It has changed a great deal.
It has changed quite a bit.
It has changed significantly
Thay đổi ít/ hầu như không + Sự thay đổi
How has the hometown changed in recent years ?
I had to say that my hotel has become changed a lot I mean that in a few decade ago
the main streets were very narrow and general mainly tall building But now they got a
lot of central like shopping malls and high rise building have been constructed and
also the main streets have become much wider.

How have shops changed in the last five years ?

In the last year at my town there haven’t change much I mean that the most of them
are still quite smart and family run and the only thing I think is a change is like they
didn’t take debit card or red card payment And so I had to pay by cash But recently
some shop I mean that they had been started taking my card .

How has education changed in the past 10 years ?

I have to say that education has changed quite a lot in the in the past ten years ago I
mean that fear a few decades ago and student mainly studied for textbook And so they
had to go to school mmm and because e-learning was not as popular as it.In recent
years and you know that we some student like me have decided to study online
instead of traditional classes because it’s much easier for me to it is much easier for
them to the access online material for their learning need.

How have TV shows in your country changed over the years ?

I had to say that TV shows in my country had changed a lot you know that a few
years ago TV shows were mostly locally I mean that they are not many international
TV programmes. But in recent years international TV show are more we have
dominated in our and television screens. I think is because of the globalization and the
implosion are western culture.

In what ways have families in your country changed in recent years ?

I have to say that families in my country has changed a lot. A few decades ago
traditionally fathers are the role of the family Breadwinner while mother stayed at
home and took childcare responsibilities but however nowadays men are deciding to
stay at home and take care of their children while their wives go to work

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