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Name of Student: Allysa Danice Q. Dela Cruz

Date: September 25-October 2, 2023

The Journey of a Dreamer:

My Cinematic Internship Odyssey

September 25, 2023

As the sun set on another week of my internship, I found myself immersed in the world of
screenplay revisions. I collected all revised side scripts into one document, striving for perfection
in every detail. Later that day, our team called for a pre-production meeting via Zoom. It was an
occasion filled with hope and excitement, as we discussed the logistics of our upcoming shoot.

Our biggest triumph was the revelation that we would be shooting four different scenes in a
single location, thanks to our brilliant location manager. The prospect of bringing NLEX,
Dangwa, Sabungan, and Chroma to life in one place filled our hearts with gratitude and awe.

September 26, 2023

Returning to Manila, I found solace in the embrace of my loving parents. They had thoughtfully
gifted me a bounty of vegetables, ensuring that I could nourish my body and soul during this
demanding journey.

September 27, 2023

September 27 marked the day of our first virtual pre-production meeting with the entire crew of
the "My Dearest Darling" thesis film. The clock struck 8 PM, and I was entrusted with the
important role of taking meeting minutes. As we embarked on this shared voyage, we took the
time to get to know each other, delve deeper into the storyline, and finalize the shooting
locations. I also distributed the production timetable and provided reminders for upcoming tasks,
emphasizing the importance of staying on schedule.

September 28, 2023

Today marked the climax of our internship adventure as we embarked on the last day of shooting
for the “Happy Crush Series – Season 1”. The day began with an early 3 AM departure to San
Miguel, Bulacan, where we would be shooting multiple scenes in a single location. The first
scene took us to a sun-soaked highway, mimicking the NLEX, where I found myself inside a car,
assisting the director by monitoring the camera. Challenges continued to mount when
unexpected rain disrupted our next exterior shot, with the sun setting fast. In this moment, the
feeling of the impending end intensified, and some began to let their guard down. We made the
decision to pause briefly and set up the chroma key for the next sequence. This was my first real
encounter with chroma key compositing, a fascinating visual effects technique that would forever
enrich my cinematic knowledge.

After successfully setting up the chroma key and shooting the Sabungan scene, we finally paused
for a well-deserved dinner. It was during this meal that I had the opportunity to engage in a
heartwarming conversation with Maymay Entrata. The atmosphere was jubilant, the food
abundant, and our spirits were high. Although we gave our all to capture every sequence, one
scene remained unfinished due to overtime.
As we wrapped up the shoot, a surprise awaited our director on his birthday. I, too, was taken
aback, as we had been racing against time. We sang a heartfelt "Happy Birthday" and captured
the moment with a group picture. Our final scene took place in a mini Dangwa, and we all had
the chance to take home a bouquet of flowers. My heart was bursting with happiness and
emotion, as I cherished the symbolic beauty of those flowers - a representation of myself in this
incredible journey.

Amidst the fatigue, stress, and countless challenges, I took a moment to express my gratitude to
each and every member of the team, bidding them a good farewell. Their encouraging words
warmed my heart, dispelling my self-doubt. "You're still young and full of potential; you can be a
great director someday," they said. These words carried me through a wave of mixed emotions,
reaffirming my sense of purpose.

"When you become a director, please hire us and don't forget us," the utility team whispered in
earnest. Their unwavering support and care had been a constant source of strength throughout the
journey. Esteemed actors, veterans of the industry, also proclaimed this production to be among
their finest experiences. It dawned on me that I had found my place, even when I had felt alone
as a student from UPANG. The friendships forged with fellow interns from MAPUA and UP
Diliman were a testament to the bonds created in this series.

My heart was overflowing with gratitude when I arrived home at 3 AM the next morning.

September 29, 2023

I was privileged to accompany one of Director Carlo Catu's apprentices to the DGPI-FDCP Film
Pitch. With regard to My Dearest Darling thesis film, I supported the director and producer
unwaveringly. The event unfolded at the Acacia Hotel, Alabang, Muntinlupa City, and the clock
struck 1 PM.
The event attracted a constellation of prominent producers, including ABS CBN International,
GMA Production, Quantum Films, Viva Films, Solar, APP, and many more. Fifteen finalists
were granted three minutes each to pitch their stories, each presentation a unique and creative
gem. The experience was a masterclass in storytelling, leaving me enriched.

Following the pitches, a speed dating session commenced, with filmmakers being interviewed by
various producers and production companies. The abundance of fresh, innovative story concepts
was inspiring, and all participants were awarded grants and accolades. Students and emerging
filmmakers were among the list of participants.

As the day concluded, the FDCP: Philippine Film Industry Month Closing Ceremony
commenced, with a theme of cocktails. I changed into a fresh outfit to match the occasion. The
event included an award and recognition segment dedicated to the comedians of Filipino
Cinema. It was here that Director Carlo Catu asked me about my aspirations, igniting my
excitement about potential projects and opportunities in the industry. His generosity and
mentorship were deeply touching.
Other directors also expressed their belief in my future, encouraging me to pitch my own stories
and direct films someday. The day was a testament to the nurturing environment and endless
opportunities that this internship had provided.

September 30, 2023

My journey continued as I painstakingly updated the screenplay, creating yet another document
for collated side script revisions. To make the editor's job easier, I highlighted revised and
deleted sequences for their convenience while meticulously reviewing the script. To me, every
detail was important, and I made sure everything was perfect.

October 2, 2023

The final chapters of this internship saga were being written. I successfully completed all the
necessary documents, promptly sending them to production for the Happy Crush series. In My
Dearest Darling, I conscientiously reminded the crew of deadlines and our tightly packed
timetable. Working alongside my assistant production manager, I delegated tasks, including the
crucial responsibility of following up with the crew who had yet to submit their NDA and
Release forms.


As I look back on my eight-week internship journey, I am filled with gratitude, inspiration, and
newfound confidence. These weeks were a whirlwind of learning experiences, challenges, and
moments of pure joy. From the hustle and bustle of on-location shoots to the insights gained
during film pitch events and the mentorship of seasoned directors, this internship has been a
transformative experience. I leave with a heart full of appreciation for the friendships formed, the
lessons learned, and a deep sense of belonging in the world of film production. This journey has
not only shaped my career aspirations but also my personal growth, and I am eager to embrace
the opportunities that the future holds. As the final days of my internship approached, my heart
brimmed with gratitude and newfound purpose. The challenges had been immense, but they had
only served to enhance the vibrancy of this experience. I looked forward to the future with the
knowledge that I was a step closer to realizing my dream in the cinematic world.

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