October 3-10 Narrative Report - Allysa Danice Dela Cruz

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Name of Student: Allysa Danice Q. Dela Cruz

Date: October 3-10, 2023

Behind the Lens Odyssey: Navigating the Unseen Challenges of Film Production

A Week in the Life of a Production Manager


As I entered the ninth week of my internship, a succession of events that needed careful
planning, resourcefulness, and adjusting revealed the difficulties and the details of film
production. As the production manager, I was thrust into a fast-paced setting where I had to
coordinate with many teams and overcome unanticipated challenges. My responsibilities have
expanded to include location hunting, budgeting, and negotiating with important people. This
week, as we attempt to acknowledge our director's creative vision, we are studying alternatives in
place of our original hopes of locating the ideal tenement for our film shoot. The narrative gives
a detailed account of my experiences during this crucial week, highlighting the complex aspects
of my role and the teamwork that went into making sure everything worked out.

October 3, 2023

My work from home began with the crucial task of creating a call sheet for another location
scout at a tenement, where most of our film's scenes will take place. I coordinated with the
production design and sound teams to ensure the visitation went smoothly. I also reached out to
the tenement owner, briefing her on our agenda and to my fellow team members. Understanding
that we all came from different locations, I researched cost-effective travel options for the team.
Additionally, I requested a budget from our producer to cover their travel expenses and our
October 4, 2023

We embarked on our visit to Pag-asa Bliss, Quezon City, ensuring the safety and presence of our
entire team. I closely supported the production design and sound teams and initiated a discussion
about the script, as our sound recordist had not yet reviewed the screenplay. Upon our return, I
provided reimbursement to the team and created an expenses document for submission to our
producer. To ensure our film shoot's legalities, I drafted a request letter for the condominium's
administration office, with plans to visit them the following day.

October 5, 2023

To deliver the request letter to the administrative office, my assistant and I traveled back to
Pag-asa Bliss. Unfortunately, we found out that filming inside the tenement was prohibited. The
tenement's president, however, consented to send our request letter to the board of directors when
I was given the chance to speak with him. Knowing the importance of the setting to our director's
concept, we informed our producer of the update. I gathered the contact information for updates
later on. Despite the setback, we explored alternative lodging options near the location, leaving
no stone unturned. The awaiting game began, with fingers crossed for a positive response from
the administration.
October 6, 2023

On the sixth of October, I elaborated on the production management requirements, including

food catering, various services, drivers, and accommodation arrangements. I conducted online
research and delved into my personal network to develop critical connections to ensure the
viability of these recommendations. I also sent reminders to our crew, asking them to respond
quickly and submit the essential documents for the shoot.

October 7, 2023

Today began with disheartening news—our proposed shoot location at Pag-asa Bliss was denied.
In response, I diligently revised our request letter, emphasizing our willingness to compensate for
the standby area and parking space. The uncertainty looming over our location added to my
concerns. With an impending ocular on Monday, the urgency to secure a suitable location

October 9, 2023

The ocular of the camera department marked a critical step in our pre-production journey. An
unanticipated news unfolded at the tenement where the director, director of photography, and I
were meeting—the disapproval of our request letter. Undaunted, negotiations with the tenement's
owners began, spending the entire day in a series of meetings with unit owners, the secretary, and
the president. Regardless of the bad news, our director remained steadfast in his goal of
negotiating directly with the president, prompting an urgent meeting at his house after camera
testing and shot listing completed at 6 p.m.
Our late-night meetings focused on backup plans and other places that resembled the initial goal.
The day's challenges tested my coordination skills and emotional resilience, pushing me to
explore unconventional solutions.

October 10, 2023

The following day unfolded as a continuous quest for a suitable tenement location. Armed with a
long list of prospects, our focus shifted to places with established contacts. Starting our journey
at Benavidez Garden in Binondo, we encountered a beautiful location that, unfortunately, was
already occupied. Quick thinking prompted me to request images from other potential locations,
narrowing down our choices based on the director's preferences. Our final option led us to UP
Bliss at UP Diliman, presenting both challenges and potential solutions.

The day's fatigue culminated in an urgent meeting, strategizing our next move—Gapan City,
Nueva Ecija—for another round of location hunting. Physically and mentally drained, I
acknowledged the demanding nature of pre-production but recognized the value of our relentless

The ninth week of my internship was a watershed moment in my work as a production manager,
introducing me to the various challenges of film production. Unexpected obstacles, such as
denied shoot locations and last-minute negotiations, put not just my organizational skills to the
test, but also my ability to adapt and find creative solutions. This week has hit me with the
dynamic character of the film industry, where thorough planning often collides with the

The journey began with high hopes for Pag-asa Bliss as our primary shoot location. However, the
unexpected denial forced us to change swiftly and explore alternatives. The resilience of our
team was evident as we navigated through setbacks, revising documents, and engaging in
negotiations with tenement owners. The disheartening news was met with an immediate
response—an amended request letter emphasizing our flexibility and willingness to
accommodate the needs of the location.

My duties grew beyond what I had anticipated as we descended into the complexities of
production management. It became routine to arrange travel arrangements, engage with tenants,
and resolve unforeseen problems. The strain to find a good location for our shoot was increased
by the fact that each failure seemed to put our combined tenacity and resolve to the test.

The camera department's ocular signaled a crucial turning point when it unexpectedly rejected
our request letter. This setback pushed the limits of my coordination as we engaged in a string of
unsettling discussions. Late-night meetings and backup plan discussions were expected,
highlighting the need for strong emotional resilience in the face of uncertainties.

We experienced a range of emotions throughout the process of looking for the ideal tenement,
from disappointment over occupied places to excitement over potential options. The journey's
physical and emotional exhaustion were obvious, highlighting how difficult pre-production is.
Nevertheless, despite the difficulties, there was an acknowledgment of the worth of our persistent
pursuit—a monument to everyone involved's passion and dedication.

In conclusion, this week has been a learning experience crucible that has shaped not only my
production management abilities but also how I perceive the collaborative and erratic character
of the film business. I am thankful for the knowledge gained, the teamwork shown, and the
perseverance developed in the face of hardship as I reflect on the experience. This story serves as
a reminder that dedication and flexibility are just as important as careful planning in the world of
film production.

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