Christian Ethics Lecture Four

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 Kapenya  (M.A)  
• Is  not  isolated  from  other  aspects  of  life.  It  is  
involved  in  our  relationship  with  other  people,  and  
with  our  political,  business,  religious  and  
recreational  activities.  
• Is  a  biological  factor  of  sex  drive  is  a  physically  based  
need  and  is  oriented  towards  pleasure  and  the  
release  of  tensions,  and  is  ultimately  towards  
• Many  people  treat  man-­‐woman  relationships  as  a  
game.    In  a  game  you  avoid  commitment.    
• Romance  love  is  attracted  to  features  found  in  the  
other  and  the  desire  to  posses  that  person  for  one’s  
The  Christian  understanding  of  sexuality  and  
marriage  represents  a  difficulty  ideal.  It  calls  for  
chastity  and  fidelity  within  marriage.  Romance  
must  mature  into  deeper  and  more  meaningful  
love.  Sex  has  more  meaning  than  the  satisfaction  of  
a  biological  urge.  The  security  of  marriage  is  more  
satisfying  than  the  uncertainties  of  romance.  
Marriage  is  liberating  not  restricting.    
A. Sex  is  part  of  our  God  given  nature.  It  is  good  and  
unifies  the  marriage  union.    
B. Sexuality  is  done  in  the  confines  of  marriage.  
C. Sexuality  is  good,  not  evil.  Damage  power  struggle  
between  man  and  woman,  violation  of  human  by  
other  humans,  and  the  jealousies,  frustrations  and  
D. Sexual  intercourse  is  best  understood  as  a  
relationship  rather  than  as  something  that  two  
people  do.  (see  Gen  4:1)  
E. Sex  drives  need  to  be  regulated  in  order  to  limit  
danger.  Promiscuous  sexual  encounters.  
“The  very  first  description  of  
the  nature  of  marriage  in  the  
Bible,  as  consisting  of  
leaving,  cleaving  and  
becoming  one  flesh  (Gen  
2:24),  reveals  the  Biblical  
understanding  of  marriage  as  
a  covenant  relationship.”    
-­‐  Samuele  Bacchiocchi  
A. It  completes  the  image  of  God.  
B. Need  in  procreations  
C. Satisfies  human  needs;  Social,  physical,  mental    
D. Provides  a  supportive  structure  for  the  birth  
and  nurturing  of  children.  
E. Provides  the  setting  for  the  fullest  possible  
development  each  partner  in  self  giving  and  
affords  the  deepest  sense  of  security  and  
acceptance  possible  in  human  society.  
— Homosexuality  –  Genesis  19:1-­‐11  and  Romans  1:16-­‐32  
— Cohabiting  –  Romans  1  
— Incest-­‐  Leviticus  18:8-­‐18  
— Polygamy-­‐  Jude  1:7  
— Sex  parties-­‐    Galatians  5:19-­‐21  
— Premarital  sex-­‐  1  Corinthians  6:18-­‐20  
— Masturbation-­‐  1  Thessalonians  4:3-­‐5  

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