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Taraya, Jianshe Mae B.


I have never joined a fun run in the past six years. That’s why I’m so glad that I've
been given a chance to participate in these fun run activities and I’m glad that I
managed to get up at 4:00 AM on a Saturday to join the Leyte Landing fun run 2022.
One of the things that’s challenging aside from running itself is really waking up
before dawn, and as much as I want to be the sporty type, unfortunately I’m not. The
call time was 5:00 a.m., and because there were so many participants, I needed to
meet my other classmates and our class representative to get my race number.

As the fun run started, many participants were eager to win the prizes. After running
for less than a kilometer, I stopped and started walking. I was clinging for dear life
because I was breathing heavily for precious air. I got tired fast. It was hard for me
because I was not physically active then. When we arrive at a sari-sari store, we buy
mineral water and rest for a minute. At that moment, I was just thinking, I hope we
can finish this run, but sad to say we can't, so we decided to return to the starting
point, so we just walked the rest of the way instead of running.

The fun run was tiring, but it gave me a sense of fulfillment and enjoyment after all.
Another positive aspect of fun runs is that they are usually organized for certain
causes, and we don’t usually get the chance to be a part of them. I’m so glad I got the
chance to join this fun run. What an experience! It was fun because this activity also
served as our bonding moment with my classmates to get to know each other.


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