28 Healthy Eating Tips To Lose Weight

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28 healthy eating tips to lose weight

1. More home-cooked food, less eating out.

2. More fresh fruit as snacks.

3. More fresh vegetables as snacks and with meals.

4. More beans as sides or in stews.

5. More dense chewy bread, less refined white breads and bread snacks.

6. More fish, skinless chicken/turkey, less red meat.

7. Smaller servings of red meat, larger servings of vegetables.

8. Eating low fat dairy foods.

9. Adding less fat in the form of butter, mayo, sour cream, to the food on your plate.

10. Eat in a calm and relaxed atmosphere.

11. Don’t over-eat

12. Chew all of your food thoroughly

13. Drink at least 8 cups of purified water every day.

14. Do not consume large amounts of liquid right before, during, or after any meal

15. Do not eat fruit and meat together.

16. Allow your digestive system some rest time

17. Include raw(uncooked) vegetables with each meal

18. Eat spicy! It helps cleanse the body and it increases your metabolism.

19. Never Skip your Breakfast

20. Order Smaller Portions

21. Space out Your Meals

22. Enjoy Your Food

23. Choose Broiled or Grilled over Fried

24. Choose Lean Meat and Green Salads

25. Beware of Sauces and Condiments

26. Choose Lighter Desserts

27. Switch to Olive Oil

28. Create Variety in Food

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