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10 Tips to feel good easily and instantly

Many friends want to feel good instantly, especially when coming across some
unpleasant things. In fact, feeling good is very easy if you know some simple tips. Here I
list 18 tips to make you feel good instantly:
Tags: gratitude, feel good, meditation, creative visualization, feel good tips

1. Begin and end a day with gratitude

A new day is a new start of life. Begin a day with good feelings will certainly bring good
luck for us. If we can also end a day feeling good, we will certainly feel the satisfactions
this day bring to us.
Gratitude is an easy tip to help us beginning a new good day. Just thinking of what make
you feel grateful: a small helping from your workmates, a kiss or hug from your lover, a
praise from your boss or friends, a remainder from your parents and a pleasing life you
enjoy now and so on. You can make a gratitude list or just say “thank you” silently in
your heart.
2.Plan for the day in advance for the goal of experiencing joy
With a plan listed, we can know whether we are doing a right thing now or whether we
have missed some important things. It is not necessary to complete all the things in the
list, but it will certainly make you feel good to complete the most important things in the
Meditation is the best tip I have used when I come across unpleasant things and I find it
very effective. Meditation is very easy to describe, but to enter a good meditation state
needs some practice.
4.Creative visualization
Different from meditation, creative visualization will always need some pleasant
imagines in our mind. We can first use meditation to make us calm down and then use
creative visualization to bring good feelings to us.
5.Seek daily joy
It is easy to feel good every day because our life is full of small pleasures. Open our eyes
and pay attention to them will recreate a colorful world in front of us. Stay still and feel
the sound of laugh, the smell and beauty of flowers, and all the living animals and plants.
6.Decorate your work environment with pleasing plants if possible
This is a simple but effective tip. If possible, simple decoration will change the
atmosphere where we are working, and then our feelings are also changed.
7.Drink water
Drink water is not only the necessity of physical body, but also the needing of mind.
Some researches have proved that drinking water is helpful to feel good.
8.Smile to yourself and others
It is proven that smile is not only the action from the physical body, but also the
expression of feelings. It is lucky for us that active to smile will give ourselves great
internal supports to feel good.
9.Revive yourself
Sometimes it is not the bad feelings that make us feel bad, but our physical state. A noon
break or a selected rest period will revive ourselves and then the good feelings will come
10.Read a good book
We always take Book as our “soul food”. An interesting book will fill our mind with joy
and happiness which will drive away bad feelings. A good book is just like a good tutor
who will guide us from anger to calm, from depress to excited, from hate to love and
from sad to joy.

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