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How AI won’t be able to replace human being

Submitted to:
Nushrat Ara
Institute of Modern Languages
University of Dhaka

Submitted by:
Farjana Islam Riya
Roll: 093-014
Course: Use of Technology in ELT
Department: ESOL
Institute of Modern Languages
University of Dhaka
In today’s rapidly advancing technological era, the prowess of Artificial intelligence (A.I) often
seems limitless. It has the capabilities to work within shorten period of time with exact accuracy.
However, the belief that A.I can replace human beings is a misconceived notion. There are
several inherent qualities and complexities of human experience such as – emotions, empathy,
creativity, moral judgement, physical interaction, holistic problem solving and many more that
A.I cannot emulate.
Humans can feel and express emotions; for example – they celebrate to express joy, mourn in
sorrow, comfort in distress. On the contrary, AI cannot truly empathize emotions. It lacks
capabilities to grapes the depth of human sentiment.
Moreover, human creativity emerges from past experiences, emotions, thoughts, cultural
influences. They expressed creativity in arts, science, literature and in many more fields over
time. A.I can recreate or mimic existing patterns but cannot create genuine knowledge.
A.I is programmed to follow a set of guidelines. They cannot require the nuanced understanding
of cultural, situational and personal factors in complex environment that they are not
programmed for. Besides, human physical interactions are intricate and filled with emotions that
A.I cannot process in it. They can only solve tasks but they are not as adaptive as human beings.
Again, human approach to problem solving is a combination of logic, intuition and even gut
feelings. A.I on the other hand, relies wholly on data-driven Logic.
The marvels of A.I have and will continue to enhance various facets of our lives. However, the
essence of what makes us human such as the above mentioned qualities – remains unparalleled.
So, A.I should be viewed as tool for augment human capabilities not replace them.

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