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Aspect of the Assignment: Financial Proposal and Graph

This aspect of the business looks at your service or product and how you believe it will develop,
gain profit, and include a breakeven point. You will need to include a clear graph and a
paragraph of around 300 words explaining the expectations.

You will need to assess your figures and, based on research, bring the projected breakeven and
profit over the coming months and years. Think carefully about how much money will need to
be invested before starting the project, how long you will be in production and preparation
(which will likely put you in a deficit), how much your product or service will cost, against the
other costs, and come up with a forecast. You will need to ask those who have more experience
in this area to make sure you are including everything. After you have this data, you will
produce an excel data sheet, then a graph (like the one below), followed by your explanation
paragraph. You will need to include the following terms in your graph:
- Target Sales
- Breakeven Point
- Product Sales
Make sure to include values on your graphs (hundreds/thousands, as well as your timeline)

Words that will be helpful for this section:

- Fluctuate, unstable
- Rise, rising, rose
- Increased, decreased, fell, plunged
- Rapidly, wildly, steadily, gradually
- Stable, peaked, bottomed off
The main objective for Coffee GoGo is to increase their revenues through producing a
plan to increase their visibility on social media and their website and increasing their sales both
locally and internationally. Based on previous business models by Freedom Enterprises, the rate
of profit can be predicted as follows in the graph.

Coff ee GoGo Financial Forecast

-20000 -22 -2
2 22 l-22 22 22 t-22 -2
2 23 23 r-23 r-23
ar Apr ay n- u g- p- c ov Dec n- b- a
M M J u J A u S e O N J a F e M Ap

Cost ($) Sales ($) Overall Profit/Loss

The initial injection of $10,000 in March 2022 will be used over the first three months in
order to prepare the theme, gain material, and edit content. As content is rolled out, starting in
May 2022, after Eid, and specific audiences targeted, the monthly expenditure of $1000 for
further content creation and outreach, will be outweighed by the predicted income from sales
and visitors. Over the course of the following six months, Coffee GoGo is expected to see a
steady rise in sales and connections, leading to the breakeven point between June and July
2022, following which the profits should rise well into 2023.
Income from sales are expected to fluctuate over time, with an increase around Eid,
with promotions, and then again in November for White Thursday and for January sales in
2023. There will be dips in the market in between this. During these times, Freedom Enterprises
aims to offset the natural down curve in sales by producing more video content on paying
platforms such as Youtube and Tiktok. This engagement will increase the popularity of the
brand and has been shown to increase sales during these down periods.

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