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Acceleration, Stopping And Backing

• The equation of motion of a ship moving in a straight line can be written as

• The resultant of the thrust, the thrust deduction and the resistance is the force F,
positive forward.
• When the ship is moving at a constant speed, the force F is zero.
• If F is not zero, the ship undergoes an acceleration given by:

• The time taken for the speed of the ship to change from V1 to V2 and the distance
traveled by the ship in this time are given by,
V2 V2
1 V
tˆ     X u   du s     X u   du
F V1

These equations can be used to study the acceleration and deceleration characteristics of a
ship, both when moving forward and going astern.
Stopping Manoeuvres
• The stopping characteristics of a ship in an emergency are determined
by “crash stop” manoeuvres.
• With the ship going ahead at full speed, the order is given to stop and
go full speed astern. The time it takes for the ship to stop and the
path it follows after the order is given are determined.
• The distance that the ship travels in its original direction of motion
before coming to stop is its head reach, the distance traveled by the
ship perpendicular to its original path is the side reach, and the
length of the actual path traveled is the track reach
• This is the crash stop astern manoeuvre. A similar manoeuvre carried
out with the ship going astern is the crash stop ahead manoeuvre
Free Running Models
• A free running model is a self-propelled model fitted with all appendages and
systems to control the propeller and the rudder.
• There are arrangements to measure the position of the model and its orientation
as a function of time, as well as the propeller rpm and the rudder angle.
• Free running models can be made to carry out all types of manoeuvres – turning
circle, zig-zag, reverse spiral etc and the results compared with established
• A large manoeuvring basin is however necessary.
• The difference in the Reynolds numbers of the ship and the model creates a
problem since the model operates at its self-propulsion point instead of the ship
self-propulsion point on the model.
• This problem is overcome by assisting the propulsion of the model through an air
propeller so that the model propeller has the same slip as the ship propeller
• It is also important to scale correctly the mass moment of inertia and the rate at
which the rudder is turned.
• Free running models provide only overall manoeuvring characteristics without
the identifying the individual factors that affect the manoeuvring qualities of a
• Free running models are also used to determine manoeuvring in shallow water
and in canals.
Captive Model tests:
• In captive model tests, the model is forced to follow a prescribed path and the
forces X and Y and the moment N are measured.
• By varying the model trajectory and orientation (drift angle), the various
hydrodynamic derivatives can be obtained and used with the equations of
motion to simulate various manoeuvres.
Straight line tests:
• In straight line tests, the model is towed at constant speed in a towing tank for
different values of the drift angle.
• From the measured values of X, Y and N, the hydrodynamic derivatives with
respect to the transverse velocity component v can be obtained.
• The propeller has an important influence on the measured values, and it is
necessary to tow the model with its propeller operating at the ship self-
propulsion point. The rudder is kept at zero angle.
• The same technique can be used to determine the control derivatives
Yδ & Nδ.

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