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सा ािहक िव े िदत पा म 2023-24


Subtopic of Chapter Peri Learning Outcomes
Month Week Name of Chapter
Management - concept,characteristics, After studying this chapter,learners
Part A objectives, and importance should be able to:
Principle Effectiveness and Efficiency. Describe the characteristics of
And Function Nature of Management management and its importance in an
of Management as Science, Art and organisation;
2nd, 3rd,
Management Profession Explain the nature of management as
June 4th & 19
Levels of Managements of management an art, science and profession;
Chapter -1 Management functions-planning, Explain the functions of management;
Nature and organizing, staffing, directing and and
Significance of controlling Appreciate the nature and importance
Management Coordination- concept and importance of coordination.

Principles of Management: The After studying this chapter, learners

Concept would be able to:
Nature of Principles of Management State the meaning, nature and
Significance of Principles of significance of principles of
Chapter - 2 Management management;
1st, 2nd,
Taylor’s Scientific Management 18 Explain Taylor’s principles and
3rd, 4th Principles of
Techniques of Scientific Management techniques of Scientific Management;
Management Principles of Scientific Management and
Fayol’s Principles of Management Explain Fayol’s principles of
Fayol Versus Taylor — A Comparison management.
After studying this chapter learners will
be able to:
Explain the meaning of business
Chapter - 3
Business Environment - Concept, environment;
5th &
Features 6 Discuss the importance of business
6th Business
Importance of Business Environment environment;
Dimensions of Business Environment Describe the various elements of
business environment; and

Planning- concept After studying this chapter, learners

features of planning will be able to:
importance of planning State the meaning of planning;
Chapter - 4 limitations of planning Describe the features and importance
1st, 2nd,
Planning process 14 of planning;
Planning Types of Plans Explain the limitations of planning;
Analyse the steps in the planning
process; and
Identity the different types of plans.
August Meaning and Importance. After going through this Chapter, the
Steps in the Process of Organising. student/ learner would be able to:
Structure of Organisation- Functional Understand the concept of organising
and Divisional as a structure and as a process.
4th, 5th Formal and Informal Organisation- Explain the importance of organising.
concept, merits, demerits Describe the steps in the process of
Chapter - 5 Delegation: Concept, elements and organising.
Organising importance Describe functional and divisional
Decentralisation - Concept and structures of organisation.
Importance. Explain the advantages, disadvantages
Difference between Delegation and and suitability of functional and
Decentralization. divisional structure.
1st, 2nd
Understand the concept of formal and
informal organization.
Meaning, Need and Importance of After going through this Chapter, the
Staffing. student/ learner would be able to:
Staffing as a part of Human Resource Understand the concept of organising
Management. as a structure and as a process.
Steps in Staffing Process. Understand the concept of staffing.
Recruitment- Meaning and Sources. Explain the importance of staffing.
Selection- Meaning and Process. Understand the specialised duties and
September Training and Development- Meaning activities performed by Human
and Need. Resource Management.
Chapter - 6 Methods of Training- On the Job Describe the steps in the process of
3rd, 4th,
Training and Off the Job Training 17 staffing.
Staffing Distinction between On the Job Understand the meaning of
Training and Off the Job Training recruitment.
Discuss the sources of recruitment.
Explain the merits and demerits of
internal and external sources of
Understand the meaning of selection.
Describe the steps involved in the
process of selection.
Understand the concept of training
and development.
Appreciate the importance of training
to the Organization and to the
Discuss the meaning of induction
training, vestibule training,
1st apprenticeship training and internship
Differentiate between training and
Differentiate between on the job and
off the job methods of training
Concept and importance After going through this chapter, the
Principles of Directing student/ learner would be able to:
Elements of Directing Discribe the concept of directing.
Supervision - concept, importance Discuss the importance of directing
Motivation - concept, importance, Describe the various elements of
Chapter - 7 Maslow’s need hierarchy theory, directing
2nd, 3rd,
Financial and non-financial incentives 15 Understand the concept of motivation.
4th, 5th
Directing Leadership - concept, styles - Devevelop an understanding of
authoritative, democratic and laissez Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.
faire Discuss the various financial and
Communication - concept, formal and non-financial incentives.
informal communication; barriers to Understand the concept of leadership.
effective communication, Improving Understand the various styles of
Going through this chapter the
Controlling-Meaning and Importance. student/ learner would be able to:
Chapter - 8 Relationship between Planning and Understand the concept of controlling.
1st & 2nd Controlling. 10 After Explain the importance of
controlling Steps in the Process of Control. controlling.
Describe the relationship between
planning and controlling.
November Meaning of Business Finance Di studying
After h thisi chapter,
h f
Financial Management - concept & will be able to:
3rd, objectives explain the meaning of business
4th Financial decisions finance;
Investment decisions describe financial management;
Factors affecting Capital explain the role of financial
PART-B Budgeting Decision management in our enterprise;
Business Financing Decision discuss objectives of financial
Financing Decision discuss objectives of financial
Finance & Factors Affecting Financing management and how they could be
Marketing Decisions achieved;
Dividend decisions 15 explain the meaning and importance of
Factors Affecting Dividend financial planning; state the meaning
Chapter-9 Decision of capital structure;
Financial Financial Planning- Concept , analyse the factors affecting the choice
1st, 2nd Management Importance, of an appropriate capital structure;
Capital Structure- Factors affecting the state meaning of fixed capital and
Choice of Capital Structure working capital; and
Fixed and Working Capital analyse the factors affecting the
Factors affecting the Requirement of requirement of fixed and working
Fixed Capital & Working Capital capital.
Marketing - concept, Features After studying this chapter, Learner
Marketing Management- concept should be able to:
Marketing Managemen Philosophies explain the meaning of ‘marketing’;
Functions Of Marketing distinguish between ‘ m a r k e t i n g ’ a
Marketing Mix n d ‘selling’;
list out important functions of
examine the role of marketing in the
December development of an economy in a firm,
to the society and to consumers;
explain the elements of marketing-mix;
classify products into different
analyse the factors affecting price of a
Chapter-10 product;
3rd, 4th 16
Marketing list out the types of channels of
distribution; and
explain the major tools of promotion,
viz. advertising, personal selling, sales
promotion and publicit

Consumer Protection- concept After studying this chapter, Learners
Importance of Consumer Protection will be able to:
Need for Consumer Protection state the importance of consumer
The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 protection;
Who is A Consumer? briefly explain legal framework for
Consumer Rights consumer protection in India;
2nd, 3rd Consumer Responsibilities 11 describe consumer rights in India;
January Consumer
Ways and Means of Consumer briefly describe the ways and means of
Protection consumer protection
Redressal Agencies Under The
Consumer Protection Act
Role of Consumer Organisations And
Project work,
4th, 5th
Revision & Tests

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