Chemical Thermodynamics: Chapter 6. Equilibrium Applications

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Chemical Thermodynamics

Chapter 6. Equilibrium Applications

Jorge Omar Gil Posada

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This modules covers applications of phase equilibrium mixtures, and it

corresponds to chapter 13 of our textbook Kevin Dahm.

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Aims and Objectives

This lecture is intended to:
explain why liquid-liquid equilibrium occurs
explain how calculate the compositions where LL, VLL, and SL
equilibrium occur

At the end of this lecture you should be able to:

identify di↵erent types of equilibrium situations of interest to chemical

conduct calculations in LL, VLL, and SL equilibrium situations

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Table of contents

1 Review

2 Henry’s Law Revisited

3 LLL Equilibrium

4 Solid Liquid Equilibrium (SLE)

5 LLL Equilibrium

6 References

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µ↵i = µi

fˆi ↵ = fˆi


fˆi V = fˆi L

yi ˆV ˆL
i P = xi i P

yi ˆV ˆL
i = xi i

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Van Deer Waals EOS

RT a RT am
P= ! P =
V b V2 V bm V2
27 R 2 Tc2 RTc
ai = ^ bi =
64 Pc 8 Pc
XX p X
a= xi xj (1 ij ) ai aj ^ b = b i xi
i j i
" #
P(V b) b 2a
Ln( ) = Ln +
" # Pm
P(V b) bi yk aik
Ln( ˆi ) = Ln + 2 k=1

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 6 / 138


Calculation of ˆV
i , three levels of rigour:
1 ˆV = ˆV ! fˆV = yi ˆV P: Most rigorous solution. i-j interactions
i i i i
2 ˆV = V ! fˆV = yi V P : Lewis fugacity rule. i-i interactions
i i i i
3 ˆV = 1 ! fˆV = yi P: Less rigorous solution (ideal gas). No
i i


fˆi V = fˆi L

yi ˆV
i P = xi i f i

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 7 / 138


fˆi V = fˆi L

yi ˆV
i P = xi i f i

Henry 0 s Law Ref . State : yi ˆV

i P = xi
i Hi

" #
V i (P Pisat )
Lewis/Randall Ref . State : yi ˆV
i P = xi
L sat sat
i Pi i exp

yi iP = xi iL Pisat where i = h i
V i (P Pisat )
sat exp
i RT

At low to mid P values: i ⇡ ˆV


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Redlich/Kister Expansion : = B + C (x1 x2 ) + D(x1 x2 )2 + ...
x1 x2 RT

x1 x2 RT I I
Inverse Expansion : = B + C (x1 x2 ) + D I (x1 x2 )2 + ...
" #
@(nG /RT )
Ln( i ) =
T ,P,nj

Ideal solution (Redlich Kister with B = C = D = ... = 0)

=0! i = 1.0
x1 x2 RT

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Henry’s Law Revisited

Henrys Law Constants for Various Gases in Water at 25o C

Gas Hi [bar]
Ar 35987.9
Br2 74686.8
H2 70381.1
N2 87365.0
O2 44253.9
H2 S 54991.8
CO 58487.0
CO2 1651.9
CH4 41675.8
C2 H2 1342.2
C2 H4 11522.0
C2 H6 30525.9

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Henry’s Law Revisited

Henrys Constants in [bar] of H2 , N2 , O2 , CO, and CO2 in Four Di↵erent

Liquids at 25o C

Substance H2 N2 O2 CO CO2
C6 H6 3657.4 2386.6 1554.9 1620.6 114.1
CS2 10865.9 6961.9 - 4907.3 469.0
CH3 OH 6425.0 4293.2 3179.4 3106.7 158.3
C3 H6 O 4373.4 2288.0 1478.9 1502.1 53.1

For multicomponents (solute i and solvent j):

Ln(Hi ) = xj Ln(Hi,j )

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Henry’s Law Revisited

" # 1
@Ln(Hi ) V
= i

" # 1
@Ln(Hi ) HV Hi
= i
@T RT 2

" # 1
@Ln(Hi ) Hi HV
@(1/T ) R Figure. (a) Henrys law constants for
N2 and O2 in H2 O vs. temperature.
(b) Natural logarithm of H vs. T 1 .
Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 12 / 138
Henry’s Law Revisited
To solve for equilibrium composition of the solute using Henrys law, we
again set the fugacity of the vapor equal to the fugacity of the liquid:

fˆi V = fˆi L

yi ˆV
i P = xi
i Hi

Consider a binary system of dissolved gas (solute) a in liquid (solvent) b.

Assume that the gas mixture is well represented by the ideal gas law.

fˆaV = fˆaL ! ya ˆV
a P = xa
a Ha ! ya P = xa Ha

" #
V b (P Pbsat )
fˆbV = fˆbL ! yb ˆV
b P = xb
L sat sat
b Pb b exp ! yb P = xb Pbsat

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Henry’s Law Revisited

ya P = xa Ha

yb P = xb Pbsat

P = xa Ha + xb Pbsat

xa Ha xa Ha
ya = =
P xa Ha + xb Pbsat

xb Pbsat xb Pbsat
yb = =
P xa Ha + xb Pbsat

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Henry’s Law Revisited

For high pressure and ideal liquid:

fˆaV = fˆaL ! ya ˆV
a P = xa
a Ha ! ya ˆV P
a P = xa Ha

But we have seen:

"Z 1
ref Vi
HiP = HiP exp dP
P ref RT
"Z 1
P ref Va
fˆaV = fˆaL ! ya ˆV
a P = x H
a a exp dP
P ref RT

Where normally P ref = 1 bar

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Henry’s Law Revisited

" #
V b (P Pbsat )
fˆbV = fˆbL ! yb ˆV
b P = xb
L sat sat
b Pb b exp
Since the vapor is mostly solute, we can apply the Lewis fugacity rule to
get: ˆV V
b = b = b so,
" #
V b (P Pb )
yb b P = xb Pbsat sat
b exp
"Z 1
ref Va
ya ˆV P
a P = xa Ha exp dP
P ref RT

Where normally P ref = 1 bar

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Henry’s Law Revisited

For high pressure and non ideal liquid:

fˆaV = fˆaL ! ya ˆV
a P = xa
a Ha

But we have seen:

"Z 1
ref Vi
HiP = HiP exp dP
P ref RT
"Z 1
H P ref Vi
fˆaV = fˆaL ! ya ˆV
a P = xa a Hi exp dP
P ref RT

Where normally P ref = 1 bar

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Henry’s Law Revisited

" #
V b (P Pbsat )
fˆbV = fˆbL ! yb ˆV
b P = xb
L sat sat
b Pb b exp
Since the vapor is mostly solute, we can apply the Lewis fugacity rule to
get: ˆV V
b = b = b so,
" #
V b (P Pb )
yb b P = xb bL Pbsat sat
b exp
"Z 1
H P ref Vi
ya ˆV
a P = xa a Hi exp dP
P ref RT

Where normally P ref = 1 bar

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Example 1

Find compositions in the liquid and vapor

phases at 25o C and 1 bar. Start with H2 O:

fˆwV = fˆwL

" #
V w (P Pwsat )
yw ˆV
w P = xw
L sat sat
w Pw w exp

" #
L sat sat exp V w (P Pwsat )
xw w Pw w RT
yw =

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Example 1

1 Pwsat (25o C ) = 3.166 kPa
2 low P, ideal gas phase ( ˆw = 1.0)
3 xw ⇡ 1.0
4 ideal solution ( L = 1.0)

xw Pwsat 1.0 ⇥ 3.166 kPa

yw = =
P 101.3 kPa

yw = 0.0312

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Example 1

Working with air:

fˆaV = fˆaL

" #
V a (P Pasat )
ya ˆV
a P = xa
L sat sat
a Pa a exp

xa Pasat
ya P = xa Pasat
! ya =
But Pasat at 25o C can not be found.
Tcair << 25o C , air is no longer a vapor but
a gas. We cannot use Raoult’s law!

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Example 1

From Raoults law:

yw = 0.0312 ! ya = 1 0.0312 = 0.9688

Reference state: Henry’s law:

fˆaV = fˆaL

"Z 1
H P ref Va
ya ˆV
a P = xa a Ha/w exp dP
P ref RT

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Example 1

"Z 1
H P ref Va
ya ˆV
a P = xa a Ha/w exp dP
P ref RT

1 Ha/w (25o C ) = 72950 kPa
2 ideal solution H = 1.0
3 ideal gas phase ˆV
a = 1.0

ya P
ya P = xa Ha/w ! xa =

0.9688 ⇥ 101.32 kPa 5

xa = = 1.35 ⇥ 10
72950 kPa
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Example 2

Example. Calculate the solubility of O2 from air in the atmosphere in

equilibrium with liquid H2 O at 25o C .

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Example 2

Example. Calculate the solubility of O2 from air in the atmosphere in

equilibrium with liquid H2 O at 25o C .

fˆoV = fˆoL
"Z 1
1 bar
yo ˆV
o P = xo
H 1 bar
o Ho/w exp dP
P ref RT

yo ˆV P
xo = H oP
o Ho/w

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Example 2

1 Low pressure: ˆo = 1.0
2 Liquid diluted in O2 : H = 1.0
3 Molar fraction of O2 in air: yo = 0.21
4 Oxygen in water: Ho/w = 44253.9 bar

yo ˆV P 0.21 ⇥ 1.0 ⇥ 1.0 bar

xo = H oP = = 4.75 ⇥ 10 6
o H o/w
1.0 ⇥ 44253.9 bar

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Henry’s Law Revisited

Homework: Determine the solubility of nitrogen in water at 300 bar and

25o C . Use:

1 5 m3
V N2 = 3.3 ⇥ 10
bar , 25
/H 2O
= 87365 bar

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LL Equilibrium

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LL Equilibrium

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LL Equilibrium

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LL Equilibrium

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LL Equilibrium

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LL Equilibrium

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LL Equilibrium

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LL Equilibrium

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LL Equilibrium

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LL Equilibrium

1 Any system at constant T and P, is at equilibrium if it exists in the

state that minimizes its Gibbs free energy.
2 Mixtures inside the dome are not stable and splits into two liquid
3 To find the composition of phases at equilibrium, we draw a
horizontal tie line as with VLE.
4 A miscible liquid mixture forms a single phase.
5 Miscibility Gap: region inside the dome (immiscible)

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LL Equilibrium
Example 1: You mix 80 g methanol plus 20 g cyclohexane at 295 K. Is
the resulting system stable? If not what is the composition (%w) and
amount (grams) of the resulting phases?

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LL Equilibrium

Example 1: You mix 80 g methanol plus 20 g cyclohexane at 295 K. Is

the resulting system stable? If not what is the composition (%w) and
amount (grams) of the resulting phases?
80 g
nm g
32.04 mol
xm = = 80 g 20 g
= 0.913
nm + nc g + g
32.04 mol 84.16 mol

20 g
nc g
84.16 mol
xc = = 80 g 20 g
= 0.087
nm + nc g + g
32.04 mol 84.16 mol

Or similarly:

xc = 1 xm = 1 0.913 = 0.087

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LL Equilibrium

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LL Equilibrium

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LL Equilibrium

Example 1: You mix 80 g methanol plus 20 g cyclohexane at 295 K. Is

the resulting system stable? If not what is the composition (%w) and
amount (grams) of the resulting phases?
80 g
nm g
32.04 mol
xm = = 80 g 20 g
= 0.913
nm + nc g + g
32.04 mol 84.16 mol

Stable, miscible phase.

100 g of single phase at 91.3%mol methanol (80%w methanol)

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LL Equilibrium

Example 2: You mix 60 g methanol plus 40 g cyclohexane at 295 K. Is

the resulting system stable? If not what is the composition (%w) and
amount (grams) of the resulting phases?
60 g
nm g
32.04 mol
xm = = 60 g 40 g
= 0.796
nm + nc g + g
32.04 mol 84.16 mol

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LL Equilibrium

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LL Equilibrium

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LL Equilibrium

Example 2: You mix 60 g methanol plus 40 g cyclohexane at 295 K. Is

the resulting system stable? If not what is the composition (%w) and
amount (grams) of the resulting phases?
60 g
nm g
32.04 mol
xm = = 60 g 40 g
= 0.796
nm + nc g + g
32.04 mol 84.16 mol

↵ = 0.1, x = 0.84)
Unstable, miscibility gap, two phases (xm m

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LL Equilibrium

Example 2: You mix 60 g methanol plus 40 g cyclohexane at 295 K. Is

the resulting system stable? If not what is the composition (%w) and
amount (grams) of the resulting phases?
60 g
nm g
32.04 mol
xm = = 60 g 40 g
= 0.796
nm + nc g + g
32.04 mol 84.16 mol

↵ = 0.1, x = 0.84)
Unstable, miscibility gap, two phases (xm m

DOF analysis: 2 equations (material balance), two unknowns (N ↵ , N )

Total mole balance: N = N ↵ + N
↵ ⇥ N↵ + x ⇥ N
Mole balance of methanol: xm ⇥ N = xm m

Therefore: N ↵ = 0.135 mol and N = 2.213 mol

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LL Equilibrium

Wi↵ = xi↵ ⇥ N ↵ ⇥ Mi
Methanol: Wm↵ = 0.1 ⇥ 0.135mol ⇥ 32.04 mol = 0.433g CH3 OH
Cyclohexane: Wc↵ = 0.9 ⇥ 0.135mol ⇥ 84.16 mol = 10.225g C6 H12
↵ = Wm↵ ↵
Commpositions in ↵ phase: wm Wm↵ +Wc↵ = 0.04 ! wc = 0.96
Total mass of ↵ phase: W ↵ = Wm↵ + Wc↵ = 10.68 g
Methanol: Wm = 0.84 ⇥ 2.213mol ⇥ 32.04 mol = 59.56g CH3 OH
Cyclohexane: Wc = 0.16 ⇥ 2.213mol ⇥ 84.16 mol = 29.79g C6 H12
Commpositions in phase: wm = = 0.667 ! wc = 0.333
Wm +Wc

Total mass of phase: W = Wm + Wc = 89.35 g

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LL Equilibrium

1 Liquid/Liquid Equilibrium (LLE) occurs because the mixture can

lower its overall Gibbs free energy by separating into two liquid phases
rather than one.
2 LLE is a weak function of pressure.
3 For the methanol/cyclohexane system
1 at 1 atm UCST = 318 K
2 at 1000 atm UCST = 340 K
4 Note 1000 atm is well outside of any typical operating system pressure
5 Considering UCST as independent of P is normally a reasonable
approximation for most practical purposes

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LL Equilibrium

We have said that LLE occurs because the mixture can lower its overall
Gibbs free energy by separating into two liquid phases rather than one.
Now remember that

G =H TS ^ H = U + PV

G = U + PV TS
For the methanol plus cyclohexane system at 310 K and 1 atm, the
following empirical data was found:

G (J/mol) U(J/mol) T S(J/mol) PV (J/mol)

-103 -2408 -2301 4

So the largest impact on the molar Gibbs free energy (G ) occurs through
the molar internal energy (U) and the entropic term ( T S).
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LL Equilibrium

G= H T S = ( U + P V) T S= U +P V T S

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LL Equilibrium

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LL Equilibrium

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LL Equilibrium

G = nG  n1 G 1 + n2 G 2

n1 G 1 + n2 G 2

G  x 1 G 1 + x2 G 2

G (x1 G 1 + x2 G 2 )  0

Remember : G =G (x1 G 1 + x2 G 2 ) ! G 0

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LL Equilibrium

GE = G G ID = G [x1 G 1 + x2 G 2 + RTx1 Ln(x1 ) + RTx2 Ln(x2 )]

GE = G (x1 G 1 + x2 G 2 ) RTx1 Ln(x1 ) RTx2 Ln(x2 )

G E + RTx1 Ln(x1 ) + RTx2 Ln(x2 ) = G (x1 G 1 + x2 G 2 )

But : G =G (x1 G 1 + x2 G 2 )

G E + RTx1 Ln(x1 ) + RTx2 Ln(x2 ) = G

G = G E + RTx1 Ln(x1 ) + RTx2 Ln(x2 )

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LL Equilibrium

G = G E + RTx1 Ln(x1 ) + RTx2 Ln(x2 )

Margules : = A21 x1 + A12 x2
x1 x2 RT

G = x1 x2 RT (A21 x1 + A12 x2 ) + RTx1 Ln(x1 ) + RTx2 Ln(x2 )

= x1 x2 (A21 x1 + A12 x2 ) + x1 Ln(x1 ) + x2 Ln(x2 )

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LL Equilibrium

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LL Equilibrium

@2 G
> 0 Then mixture is stable
T ,P
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LL Equilibrium
Stability Criterion for Liquid Mixtures.
@ G
> 0 Then mixture is stable
T ,P

Note that:
G =G xi G i RT xi Ln(xi )
i i
G = G RT xi Ln(xi ) ! G = G + RT xi Ln(xi )
i i

G = G E + RT [x1 Ln(x1 ) + x2 Ln(x2 )]

= + [x1 Ln(x1 ) + x2 Ln(x2 )]
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LL Equilibrium

@ ⇣ G⌘ @ ⇣GE ⌘ @
= + [x1 Ln(x1 ) + x2 Ln(x2 )]
@x1 RT @x1 RT @x1

h i! h i! " #
@ RT @ RT x1 (1 x1 )
= + +Ln(x1 )+ Ln(1 x1 )
@x1 @x1 x1 1 x1
T ,P T ,P
h i! h i!
@ RT @ RT
= + [Ln(x1 ) Ln(1 x1 )]
@x1 @x1
T ,P T ,P
h i! h i!
@ RT @
= + [Ln(x1 ) Ln(1 x1 )]
@x12 @x12 @x1
T ,P T ,P

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LL Equilibrium

h i! h i!
@ 2 RTG @ 2 RT 1
= +
@x12 @x12 x1 x 2
T ,P T ,P
@2 G
> 0 Then mixture is stable
T ,P
h i!
@ 2 RT 1
+ > 0 Then mixture is stable
@x12 x 1 x2
T ,P
@[Ln( 1 )] 1
Similarly : > mixture is stable
@x1 x1
T ,P

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LL Equilibrium

Binary Mixture Stability

h i!
@ 2 RT 1
+ >0
@x12 x1 x 2
T ,P
@[Ln( 1 )] 1
@x1 x1
T ,P

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LL Equilibrium

Example: Can the following excess molar Gibbs free energy models
predict a liquid/liquid phase split?
1 Ideal Solution
2 Porter’s Equation

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LL Equilibrium

Solution part 1. Intuition ! No!!

h E i!
@2RT 1
+ >0
@x12 x1 x2
T ,P

0+ >0
x1 x 2
For a mixture to occur x1 6= 0 and x2 6= 0, so the term x11x2 is always
greater than zero. Therefore, stable liquid phase (no miscibility gap)

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LL Equilibrium
Solution part 2.

= Ax1 x2 = Ax1 (1 x1 ) = A(x1 x12 )
h E i!
2 G
@ RT 1
+ >0
@x12 x1 x2
T ,P

@2 h i 1
A(x1 x12 ) + >0
@x12 T ,P x 1 x2
2A + >0
x1 x2
A< Then the mixture is stable
2x1 x2

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Modelling LL Equilibrium

fˆi ↵ = fˆi

xi↵ ↵ ↵
i fi = xi i fi

Since fi is the pure component fugacity evaluated at T

and P (in the liquid phase), then fi ↵ = fi = fi o , so:

↵ o o
xi↵ i fi = xi i fi ! xi↵ ↵
i = xi i

For a binary system:

x1↵ ↵
1 = x1 1

x2↵ ↵
2 = x2 2 ! (1 x1↵ ) ↵
2 = (1 x1 ) 2

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Modelling LL Equilibrium

Example 1. Consider the 1-butanol (1) plus water (2) system. The
parameters for this liquid mixture at 60o C using the two-parameter
Margules Model are A12 = 2.7576 and A21 = 1.3064. Determine whether
this system will split into two phases and if so, what will be the
composition of each phase.

x1↵ ↵
1 = x1 1 ! x1↵ = ↵

x2↵ ↵
2 = x2 2 ! (1 x1↵ ) ↵
2 = (1 x1 ) 2

Ln( 1 ) = x22 (A12 + 2[A21 A12 ]x1 )

Ln( 2 ) = x12 (A21 + 2[A12 A21 ]x2 )

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Modelling LL Equilibrium

x1↵ ↵
1 = x1 1

(1 x1↵ ) ↵
2 = (1 x1 ) 2

Ln( ↵
1) = (x2↵ )2 (A12 + 2[A21 A12 ]x1↵ )

Ln( 1) = (x2 )2 (A12 + 2[A21 A12 ]x1 )

Ln( ↵
2) = (x1↵ )2 (A21 + 2[A12 A21 ]x2↵ )

Ln( 2) = (x1 )2 (A21 + 2[A12 A21 ]x2 )

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Modelling LL Equilibrium

Since the activity coefficient expressions are in terms of the given

parameters and the composition of each phase, we have two unknowns
(x1↵ and x1 ) in the two equations.
Solving simultaneously, it can be found that:

x1↵ = 0.093

x1 = 0.645
As they are comprised from between 0 and 1, then miscibility gap exists.

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Modelling LL Equilibrium

Example 2. A limiting case of a binary LLE is that for which the

↵-phase is very dilute in species 1 and the -phase is very diluted in
species 2. In this event, to a good approximation:

↵-phase (dilute in 1): x1↵ ⇡ 0, ↵ = 1 ↵ ⇡ 1.0

1 1 , 2

-phase (dilute in 2): x2 ⇡ 0, = 1 ⇡ 1.0

2 2 , 1

x1↵ ↵
1 = x1 1 ! x1↵ 1 = x1 ⇥ 1.0 (1)

(1 x1↵ ) ↵
2 = (1 x1 ) 2 ! (1 x1↵ ) ⇥ 1.0 = (1 x1 ) 2 (2)

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Modelling LL Equilibrium

1 1
From (1) (2) : (1 x1↵ ) = (1 x1↵ 1 ) 2

1 1
x1↵ = 2
1 1
1 1 2

(1 1 1 x1
2 ) 1
From (1) : x1↵ 11 = x1 ! x1 = 1 1 and 1
1 =
1 1 2 x1↵

1 1 1 x1↵
From (2) : (1 x1↵ ) = (1 x1 ) 2 ! 2 =
1 x1

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Modelling LL Equilibrium
Example 3. The water (1) plus di-ethyl ether (2) system is almost
totally immiscible across all composition regions. At 307.3 K two liquid
phases exist. The water rich phase has a composition of x1↵ = 0.9889
while the ether rich phase has a composition of x1 = 0.0495. Estimate the
infinite dilution activity coefficients for this mixture at this temperature.

Aqueous (↵) phase: dilute in ether (2): x1↵ = 0.9889, ↵ = 1.0, ↵ = 1

1 2 2

Ether ( ) phase: dilute in water (1): x1 = 0.0495, = 1

1 1 , 2 = 1.0

x1↵ ↵
1 = x1 1 ! 0.9889 ⇥ 1.0 = 0.0495 ⇥ 1

1 1
(1 x1↵ ) ↵
2 = (1 x1 ) 2 ! 0.0111 ⇥ 2 = (1 0.0495) ⇥ 1.0

1 1
Solving 1 = 19.98 ^ 2 = 85.63

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 72 / 138

VLLE Equilibrium

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VLLE Equilibrium

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VLLE Equilibrium

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VLLE Equilibrium

fˆi V = fˆi ↵ = fˆi

RT Ln( i ) = Axj2

fˆ1V = fˆ1↵ ! y1 ˆV ↵
1 P = x1
↵ o
1 f1

h A (x ↵ )2 i
Low P : y1 P = x1↵ exp 2

h A (x ↵ )2 i
Low P : y2 P = x2↵ exp 1

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 76 / 138

Modelling VLLE Equilibrium

We have 3 phases (two liquid phases plus one vapor phase):

fˆi L1 = fˆi L2 = fˆi V

Therefore, for a binary mixture:

fˆ1L1 = fˆ1L2 = fˆ1V ! x1L1 L1 L1

1 f1 = x1L2 L2 L2
1 f1 = y1 ˆV
1 P

fˆ2L1 = fˆ2L2 = fˆ2V ! x2L1 L1 L1

2 f2 = x2L2 L2 L2
2 f2 = y2 ˆV
2 P

Notice we have six equations but only four are independent

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 77 / 138

Modelling VLLE Equilibrium

The two equations for the phase equilibrium between the two liquid phases

x1L1 L1 L1
1 f1 = x1L2 L2 L2
1 f1

x2L1 L1 L1
2 f2 = x2L2 L2 L2
2 f2

The pure component fugacities can be cancelled out since the pure
component fugacities are for the same component, so:

x1L1 L1
1 = x1L2 L2

x2L1 L1
2 = x2L2 L2
2 ! (1 x1L1 ) L1
2 = (1 x1L2 ) L2

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Modelling VLLE Equilibrium

For the VLE, we have a choice of equations. One approach is equating the
concentrated liquid phase with the vapor phase, per component. Assuming
L1 is rich in component 1 and L2 rich in component 2:

x1L1 L1 L1
1 f1 = y1 ˆV
1 P

x2L2 L2 L2
2 f2 = y2 ˆV
2 P ! (1 x1L2 ) L2 L2
2 f2 = (1 y1 ) ˆV
2 P

Notice the previous expressions can be rewritten as:

h V (P P sat ) i
x1L1 1L1 P1sat sat
1 exp 1 1
= y1 ˆV
1 P
h V (P P sat ) i
(1 x1L2 ) 2L2 P2sat sat
2 exp 2 2
= (1 y1 ) ˆV
2 P

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Modelling VLLE Equilibrium

At low to moderate pressures:

x1L1 L1 sat
1 P1 = y1 P

(1 x1L2 ) L2 sat
2 P2 = (1 y1 )P
Which in conjunction with:

x1L1 L1
1 = x1L2 L2

(1 x1L1 ) L1
2 = (1 x1L2 ) L2

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Modelling VLLE Equilibrium

Note we have 4 equations and 5 unknowns (x1L1 , x1L2 , y1 , T , and P). Note
i = i (xi ) and therefore, are not included.

We have 3 phases (⇡ = 3), for our binary mixture (C = 2), thus according
to the Gibbs phase rule:

f =C ⇡+2=2 3+2=1
We need to specify one degree of freedom. A typical approach might be to
specify the temperature where the VLEE occurs.

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 81 / 138

Modelling VLLE Equilibrium

VLLE at High P
" #
V 1 (P P1sat )
x1L1 L1 sat sat
1 P1 1 exp = y1 ˆV
1 P
" #
V 2 (P P2sat )
(1 x1L2 ) L2 sat sat
2 P2 2 exp = (1 y1 ) ˆV
2 P

x1L1 L1
1 = x1L2 L2

(1 x1L1 ) L1
2 = (1 x1L2 ) L2

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 82 / 138

Modelling VLLE Equilibrium

VLLE at Low to Moderate P

x1L1 L1 sat
1 P1 = y1 P

(1 x1L2 ) L2 sat
2 P2 = (1 y1 )P

x1L1 L1
1 = x1L2 L2

(1 x1L1 ) L1
2 = (1 x1L2 ) L2

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 83 / 138

Modelling VLLE Equilibrium

Example Use Porter’s equation (take A = 2.475 for this system) to

estimate the pressure and composition for the VLLE at 308 K for the
methanol (1) and Cyclohexane (2) system. Hint: consider low to mid P

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 84 / 138

Modelling VLLE Equilibrium
Example Use Porter’s equation (take A = 2.475 for this system) to
estimate the pressure and composition for the VLLE at 308 K for the
methanol (1) and Cyclohexane (2) system. Hint: consider low to mid P

Ln( i ) = Axj2 ! i = exp Axj2

⇥ ⇤
1 = exp A(1 x1 ) 2 ) ^ 2 = exp Ax12

Log10 Pisat [mmHg ] = A
T [o C ] + C

Substance A B C Pisat (at 308 K ) [bar ]

Methanol (1) 6.84130 1201.53 222.65 0.27
Cyclohexane (2) 7.89750 1474.08 229.13 0.1996

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 85 / 138

Modelling VLLE Equilibrium

Setting up the four equations for the VLLE already shown:

x1L1 L1 sat
1 P1 = y1 P

(1 x1L2 ) L2 sat
2 P2 = (1 y1 )P

x1L1 L1
1 = x1L2 L2

(1 x1L1 ) L1
2 = (1 x1L2 ) L2

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 86 / 138

Modelling VLLE Equilibrium

⇥ ⇤ ⇥ ⇤
x1L1 exp 2.475(1 x1L1 )2 = x1L2 exp 2.475(1 x1L2 )2

⇥ ⇤ ⇥ ⇤
(1 x1L1 ) exp 2.475(x1L1 )2 = (1 x1L2 ) exp 2.475(x1L2 )2

⇥ ⇤
x1L1 exp 2.475(1 x1L1 )2 ⇥ 0.27 bar = y1 P

⇥ ⇤
(1 x1L2 ) exp 2.475(x1L2 )2 ⇥ 0.1996 bar = (1 y1 )P

Solving: x1L1 = 0.166, x1L2 = 0.834, y1 = 0.579, P = 0.42 bar.

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Modelling VLLE Equilibrium

Immiscible Systems.

L1 rich in component 1 ! x1L1 ⇡ 1.0 (x2L1 ⇡ 0)

L2 rich in component 2 ! x2L2 ⇡ 1.0 (x1L2 ⇡ 0)

The simplification is that we do not need to model LLE since we assume
that each liquid phase only contains one of the components, second the
VLE which is (considering ideal gas phase):

x1L1 L1 sat
1 P1 = y1 ˆV sat
1 P ! 1 ⇥ 1 ⇥ P 1 = y1 P

(1 x1L2 ) L2 sat
2 P2 = (1 y1 ) ˆV
2 P ! (1 0) ⇥ 1 ⇥ P2sat = (1 y1 )P

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 88 / 138

Modelling VLLE Equilibrium

P1sat = y 1 P ! y1 =

P2sat = (1 y1 )P

P1sat + P2sat = P
Thus the system pressure for the VLLE for immiscible liquid systems is just
the sum of the of the vapor pressure of the pure components, while the
vapor phase mole fraction, is just the vapor pressure of one of the
components divided by the total pressure of the system.

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 89 / 138

Solid Liquid Equilibrium (SLE)

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 90 / 138

Solid Liquid Equilibrium (SLE)

fˆi S = fˆi L

zi i fi = xi i fi

S fi L
zi i L = xi i
zi i i = xi i

fi S
Where : i = L

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 91 / 138

Solid Liquid Equilibrium (SLE)

fi S fi S (T , P)
i = L = L
fi fi (T , P)
⇠ ⇠
fi S fi S (T , P) ⇠ (T⇠
fi S⇠ m , P) fi L (Tm , P)
i = L = L ⇥ S ⇥ L
⇠ ⇠ ⇠
fi fi (T , P) fi (Tm , P) f⇠i ⇠(T m , P)

Note that : fi S (Tm , P) = fi L (Tm , P)

fi S fi S (T , P) fi L (Tm , P)
i = L = L ⇥
fi fi (T , P) fi S (Tm , P)

fi S fi S (T , P) fi L (Tm , P)
i = L = S ⇥ L
fi fi (Tm , P) fi (T , P)

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 92 / 138

Solid Liquid Equilibrium (SLE)
The quantity i (ratio of pure component fugacities) can be determined
by evaluating the change in fugacity for the pure component i from its
melting point for the system temperature (at the system pressure) for both
liquid and solid phases separately. We have seen that:
⇣ nG R ⌘ nV R nH R X m
d = dP 2
dT + Ln( ˆi )dni

@ ⇣ nG R ⌘ nH R @ ⇣GR ⌘ HR
= ! =
@T RT P,n RT 2 @T RT P,n RT 2
⇣f ⌘
i i
Ln( i ) = Ln = ! Ln(fi ) = i + Ln(P)
" # " #
@Ln(fi ) @(G i /RT ) HR
= =
@T @T RT 2

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 93 / 138

Solid Liquid Equilibrium (SLE)

Ln( ˆi ) = i
⇣f ⌘ GR
Ln( i ) = Ln = i

Ln(fi ) Ln(P) = i

Ln(fi ) = i + Ln(P)
" # " # " #
@Ln(fi ) @(G i /RT ) @Ln(P)
= +
@T @T @T

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 94 / 138

Solid Liquid Equilibrium (SLE)

" # " #
@Ln(fi ) @(G R
i /RT )
= +0
@T @T
" #
@(G i /RT ) HRi
But : =
@T RT 2
" #
@Ln(fi ) HR
@T RT 2

d Ln(fi ) = dT
RT 2

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 95 / 138

Solid Liquid Equilibrium (SLE)
Ln(fi ) [T ] T
d Ln(fi ) = dT
Ln(fi ) [Tm ] Tm RT 2
From which:

" # Z
fi (T , P) T
Ln(fi ) [T , P] Ln(fi ) [Tm , P] = Ln = dT
fi (Tm , P) Tm RT 2
" Z #
fi (T , P) T
= exp dT
fi (Tm , P) Tm RT 2

fi S fi S (T , P) fi L (Tm , P)
i = L = S ⇥ L
fi fi (Tm , P) fi (T , P)
Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 96 / 138
Solid Liquid Equilibrium (SLE)

" Z #
fi S (T , P) T
H R,
= exp dT
fi S (Tm , P) Tm RT 2

" Z # "Z #
fi L (T , P) T
H R,
fi L (Tm , P) T
H R,
= exp dT ! = exp dT
fi L (Tm , P) Tm RT 2 fi L (T , P) Tm RT 2
" Z # "Z #
H R,
H R,
i = exp dT ⇥ exp dT
Tm RT 2 Tm RT 2
"Z #
H R,
H R,
i = exp 2

Where H R,
= H Si H IG R, L
i and H i = H Li H IG

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 97 / 138

Solid Liquid Equilibrium (SLE)

Noting that H fus

i (Tm ) = H i
H Si = H R,i
H R,

"Z #
T fus
H i (Tm )
i = exp 2
" Z T #
i = exp H fus
i (Tm ) 2
" #
S fus
fi H i (Tm ) T Tm
i = L = exp ⇥
fi RTm T

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 98 / 138

Solid Liquid Equilibrium (SLE)

Modelling Solid Liquid Equilibrium

fˆi S = fˆi L

zi i fi = xi i fi

S fi L
zi i L = xi i

fi S
zi iS i = xi iL Where : i = L
" #
fi S H fus
i (Tm ) T Tm
i = = exp ⇥
fi L RTm T

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 99 / 138

Solid Liquid Equilibrium (SLE)

Example. Model SLE phase behaviour for the Cu(1) plus Ni(2) system
by assuming an ideal solution for both the liquid and solid phases.

fˆi S = fˆi L

zi i i = xi i

z1 1 1 = x1 1

z2 2 2 = x2 2

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 100 / 138

Solid Liquid Equilibrium (SLE)

z1 1 1 = x1 1

(1 z1 ) 2 2 = (1 x1 ) 2

Ideal solution assumptions for both phases mean that:

1 = 1 =1 ^ 2 = 2 =1

z1 ⇥ 1.0 ⇥ 1 = x1 ⇥ 1.0 ! x1 = z1 1 (1)

(1 z1 ) ⇥ 1.0 ⇥ 2 = (1 x1 ) ⇥ 1.0 ! 2 z1 2 =1 x1 (2)

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 101 / 138

Solid Liquid Equilibrium (SLE)

(1) and (2) : 2 z1 2 =1 z1 1

2 1 = z1 ( 2 1)

2 1
z1 =
2 1
Gibbs phase rule, there are two components and two phases, so we must
specify two independent variables, usually T and P. Here P doesn’t appear
explicitly (but it is included in the activity coefficients).

1( 2 1)
x1 = z 1 1 =
2 1

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 102 / 138

Solid Liquid Equilibrium (SLE)

1( 2 1) 2 1
x1 = ^ z1 =
2 1 2 1

In order to calculate ’s we require H fus and melting point temperature.

Ni ! TmNi = 1728 K , H fus
Ni = 17500
Cu ! TmCu = 1356 K , H fus
Cu = 13000
" #
fi S H fus
i (Tm ) T Tm
i = = exp ⇥
fi L RTm T

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 103 / 138

Solid Liquid Equilibrium (SLE)

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LLL Equilibrium

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LLL Equilibrium

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LLL Equilibrium

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LLL Equilibrium

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 108 / 138

LLL Equilibrium

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 109 / 138

LLL Equilibrium

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 110 / 138

LLL Equilibrium

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 111 / 138

LLL Equilibrium

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 112 / 138

LLL Equilibrium

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 113 / 138

LLL Equilibrium

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 114 / 138

LLL Equilibrium

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 115 / 138

LLL Equilibrium

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 116 / 138

LLL Equilibrium

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 117 / 138

LLL Equilibrium

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 118 / 138

LLL Equilibrium

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 119 / 138

LLL Equilibrium

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 120 / 138

LLL Equilibrium

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LLL Equilibrium

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LLL Equilibrium

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LLL Equilibrium

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LLL Equilibrium

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LLL Equilibrium

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LLL Equilibrium

Example: It is desired to remove some of the acetone from a mixture that

contains 60 wt % acetone and 40 wt % water by extraction with methyl
isobutyl ketone (MIK). If 3 kg of MIK are contacted with 1 kg of the
acetone/water mixture, what will be the amounts and compositions of the
equilibrium phases?

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 127 / 138

LLL Equilibrium

Example: It is desired to remove some of the acetone from a mixture that

contains 60 wt % acetone and 40 wt % water by extraction with methyl
isobutyl ketone (MIK). If 3 kg of MIK are contacted with 1 kg of the
acetone/water mixture, what will be the amounts and compositions of the
equilibrium phases?
S(Acetone, MIK, Water): S1 (60, 0, 40), S2 (0, 100, 0)
S3 = 1.0 kg S1 (60% Acetone+40% Water) + 3kg S2 (100% MIK)
S3 = 3.0 kg MIK + 0.6 kg Acetone + 0.4 kg Water
⇣ ⌘
0.6 kg Acetone 3 kg MIK 0.4 kg H2 O
S3 (0.6+3+0.4)kg , 4.0 kg , 4.0 kg
S3 (15, 75, 10)

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 128 / 138

LLL Equilibrium

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LLL Equilibrium

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LLL Equilibrium

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LLL Equilibrium

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LLL Equilibrium

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 133 / 138

LLL Equilibrium

Mass balance: E1 + E2 = 4.0 kg ! E2 = 4.0 E1

Water balance: 0.045 ⇥ E2 + 0.84 ⇥ E1 = 0.4
Solving simultaneously: E1 = 0.28 ^ E2 = 3.72

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 134 / 138

LLL Equilibrium

E1 = 0.28 ^ E2 = 3.72

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 135 / 138

Question 1

Type Calculate Given

BUBLE P yi , P xi , T
DEW P xi , P yi , T
BUBLE T yi , T xi , P
DEW T xi , T yi , P
" #
V i (P Pisat )
fˆi V = fˆi L ! yi ˆV sat
i P = xi i P i
i exp

Or equivalently:

yi iP = xi i Pisat where i = h i
V i (P Pisat )
sat exp
i RT

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 136 / 138

Question 2

fˆi V = fˆi L
" #
V i (P Pisat )
yi ˆV
i P = xi
L sat sat
i i Pi exp

L yi ˆV
i = #
V i (P Pisat )
xi Pisat sat
i exp RT

yi P ˆV
L " i #
i = ⇥
xi Pisat V i (P Pisat )
sat exp
i RT

yi P ˆV
L i
i = sat ⇥ sat
xi P i i
Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 137 / 138

Dahm, Kevin D., and Donald P. Visco. Fundamentals of Chemical

Engineering Thermodynamics. Nelson Education. 2014.
Koretsky, Milo D. Engineering and chemical thermodynamics.
Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
J.M. Smith, H.C. Van Ness and M. M. Abbott. Introduction To
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.
Elliott, J. Richard, and Carl T. Lira. Introductory Chemical
Engineering Thermodynamics. Vol. 184. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice Hall PTR, 1999.
Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula. Atkins’ Physical Chemistry.
Sandler, Stanley I. Chemical, Biochemical, and Engineering
Thermodynamics. John Wiley & Sons, 2017.

Jorge Omar Gil Posada Chemical Thermodynamics 138 / 138

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