Speaking Rubric

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Name: _ Date: Group:

Topic: Grade:

ASSESSMENT 4 = 2 points 3= 1 point 2 = 0.5 points 1 = 0 points

Holds the audience's attention Holds the audience's attention Holds minimal eye contact and No eye contact or descriptive
BODY LANGUAGE with the use of direct eye with eye contact, is not too does not use many descriptive gestures, is very nervous and
contact, confident, fluid nervous, but returns to their gestures, is mildly nervous while reads the entire report.
movements. Seldom looks at notes. reading mostly from their notes.
their notes.

Student uses a clear voice and Student uses a clear voice and Student’s voice is low and Student´s voice is barely
PRONUNCIATION precise pronunciation with no pronunciation but with some incorrectly pronounces most of understood and there are many
or little mistakes and shows a mistakes. Occasionally shows terms showing negativity towards pronunciation mistakes. Shows
positive feeling about the topic. positive feelings about the topic. the topic. no interest at all towards the
GRAMMAR Presentation has no spelling Presentation has no more than Presentation has five to eight Student´s presentation has more
mistakes orgrammatical errors. five spelling mistakes and/or spelling mistakes and/or than eight spelling mistakes
grammatical errors. grammatical errors. and/or grammatical errors.

ORGANISATIO Student presents information in Student presents the information Audience has difficulty following Audience cannot understand the
N a logical, interesting sequence in a logical sequence which the the presentation because the presentation because there is no
which the audience can follow. audience can follow. student jumps around the logical sequence of information.
TICs Student is creative and support Student is at ease and supports Student is uncomfortable with Student does not use any kind of
the presentation with visual the presentation with well- the presentation and supports Tics tools or visual aid to support
resources (genially, canva, power organized visual aid (videos, the presentation with poor and the presentation
point, etc) photos, etc) not attractive visual aid

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